B15333, Notifies of Intent to Request Waiver of Experience Provisions of NUREG-1021,ES202,Section E.2 for Sk Walsh. Walsh Currently Enrolled in Facility Licensed Operator Initial Training Program for Purpose of Obtaining Sol

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Notifies of Intent to Request Waiver of Experience Provisions of NUREG-1021,ES202,Section E.2 for Sk Walsh. Walsh Currently Enrolled in Facility Licensed Operator Initial Training Program for Purpose of Obtaining Sol
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/1995
From: Martin D
To: Martin T
RTR-NUREG-1021 B15333, NUDOCS 9509050143
Download: ML20091Q015 (3)


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y g. 107 Selden Street, Berlin, CT 06037 '

Utilities System . sonne : uim ser*e come.or 4 P.O. Box 270  !

} Ilartford, CT 06141-0270 l (203) 665-5000 ,

August 24, 1995

[ Docket No. 50-423-i-

B15333 i 4

Re: 10CFR55 i

i~ Mr. Thomas T. Martin  ;


' Regional ~ Administrator, Region I

'U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Commission  :

475 Allendale Road i King of Prussia, PA 19406 l 1

Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3 I Operator Licenna Oualification Waiver Ranuant i The purpose of this letter is to notify the NRC Staff of Northeast Nuclear Energy Company's (NNECO) intent to request a waiver of the experience provisions'of NUREG 1021, ES202, Section E.2 for Mr.


Scott K. Walsh. Mr. Walsh is currently enrolled in the Millstone i Unit No. 3 Licensed Operator Initial Training (LOIT) Program for the purpose.of: obtaining a Senior Operator License at Millstone .

Unit No. 3. Mr. Walsh is currently a member of the Millstone Unit  ;

No. 3'cperator training staff. I l

The . NUREG 1021 experience provisions for which waivers will be  !

requested are the minimum of four years of responsible power plant experience described in E.2.a(1), and the minimum of one year of experience performing . licensed duties described in Section

.E.2.a(2). Mr. Walsh's experience, although extensive, does not include experience which is typically considered " responsible power plant experience" for the purposes of meeting the eligibility provisions. We believe, however, that his experience has prepared

-him'well to both satisfactorily complete the LOIT Program and to carry out the responsibilities of a Senior Operator License.

Mr. Walsh has over 14 years of experience at Millstone Unit No. 3 as an instrument and controls specialist, supervisor (foreman), and trainer. The following provides additional details of this experience:.


  • During Millstone' Unit No. 3 startup testing, Mr. Walsh advised ,

'the licensed operators of the' technical aspects and operations of-various instrument ~ systems including solid state protection and emergency diesel generator sequencing systems.

.* He'has become . an expert on the Millstone Unit No. 3 rod

. control system.

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4 Mr. Thomas T. Martin B15333/Page 2 August 24, 1995

  • He has provided instruction to Millstone Unit No. 3 licensed operators and license candidates on various instrument and l control systems.
  • He has provided technical assistance to line organizations on l many occasions. l
  • He is knowledgeable of the integration of instrument and control systems with plant operations and of plant and work control administrative requirements. This is evidenced by his work with licensed operators in the Millstone Unit No. 3 control room.

Regarding Mr. Walshe a education, he has an Associate of Science Degree in electrical engineering, and approximately 40 additional credits toward a Bachelor of Science degree. We believe that Mr.

- Walsh's experience, coupled with his more than three years of post high school education, meets the intent of the responsible power plant experience provisions contained within NUREG 1021.

Regarding the provision within NUREG 1021 that a candidate have one ,

year experience performing licensed duties at the facility for 7

which the senior operator license is sought, this provision applies '

to senior operator license candidates not having a four year degree

! in engineering, or the equivalent. Although Mr. Walsh has yet to receive his Bachelor of Science degree, Mr. Walsh expects to complete this by December 1996. We believe Mr. Walsh's progress i toward completion of his Bachelor of Science degree justifies consideration for waiver of this provision.

NNECO is providing this information at the request of NEC Region I

Staff, so that a preliminary evaluation of the appropriateness of j e the forthcoming waiver request can be conducted. Should you have ,

i additional questions regarding this, please contact Mr. Jeffrey F.

Smith, Manager, Operator Training, at (203) 437-2573.


D. B. Milled, Jr.

Senior Vice President cc: See Page 3 i


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Mr. Thomas T. Martin B15333/Page 3 August 24, 1995 cc: G. W. Meyer, Chief, BWR and PWR Section, DRS, Region I P. D. Swetland, Senior Resident Inspector, Millstone Unit Nos. 1, 2, and 3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 i

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