ST-HL-AE-1723, Forwards Summary of Addl Piping Lines That Meet Conditions for Elimination of Arbitrary Intermediate Breaks,Per 850813 Request.Requests Approval for Elimination of Listed Pipe Breaks Due to Design Change

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Forwards Summary of Addl Piping Lines That Meet Conditions for Elimination of Arbitrary Intermediate Breaks,Per 850813 Request.Requests Approval for Elimination of Listed Pipe Breaks Due to Design Change
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/28/1986
From: Wisenburg M
To: Noonan V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-#386-546 OL, ST-HL-AE-1723, NUDOCS 8609020038
Download: ML20212N904 (7)



The Light NE f Ilouston I.ighting & P<mer P.O. Ihn 1700 llouston. 'lcun i,001 (713) 228-921I

. . _ _ m__ _ _ __ _ _ _

August 28, 1986 ST-HL-AE-1723 File No.:G9.17/G9.10/Cll.1/

N3.8.4/N3.8.10 dr. Vincent S. Noonan; Project Director PWR Project Directorate #5 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

Washington, DC 20555 South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499 Elimination of Additional Arbitrary Intermediate Breaks


(1) HL&P letter to NRC, J. H. Goldberg to H. R. Denton, August 20, 1984, ST-HL-AE-lll5 (2) HL&P letter to NRC, M. R. Wisenburg to G. W. Knighton, March 8, 1985, ST-HL-AE-1202 (3) HL&P letter to NRC, M. R. Wisenburg to G. W. Knighton, June 11, 1985, ST-HL-AE-1275 (4) NRC letter to HL&P, T. M. Novak to J. H. Goldberg, August 13, 1985, ST-AE-HL-906B2 (5) Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of the South Texas Project, Units 1 & 2, NUREG-0781, Appendix G, April, 1986.

Dear Mr. Noonan:

llouston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P) had previously requested, in references (1) through (3), approval from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the elimination of arbitrary intermediate pipe breaks as a consideration in the design basis for the South Texas Project (STP).

Attachment B to reference (1) above provided a. summary of-the arbitrary intermediate breaks to be eliminated inside and outside Containment.

Additionally, information contained in references (1) through (3) above included the technical justification for the revised criteria supporting the elimination of the need to consider arbitrary intermediate breaks, provisions in the STP design which minimize stress corrosion cracking in high energy Wos882R81188b "

Ll/NRC/as 'A~~

doV7 W

i ST-HL-AE-1723 llouston Ughting & Power Company File No.:G9.17/G9.10/C11.1/


,Pags 2 lines, provisions for minimizing the effects of thermal and vibration piping fatigue, provisions in the STP design which minimizes steam / water hammer effects and the benefits that are derived from elimination of the need to postulate the subject arbitrary intermediate breaks.

The NRC has reviewed the above informaticn and in references (4) and (5) above, the staff found that there is a sufficient basis for concluding that an adequate level of safety exists to accept the proposed elimination of arbitrary intermediate breaks. However, these references also stated that should other piping lines that were not specifically identified in our submittals subsequently qualify for the conditions for elimination, then implementation of the proposed elimination of the arbitrary intermediate break criteria may be used provided that the additional piping lines are appropriately identified to the NRC staff. In accordance with the above requirement, Attachment A lists the additional piping lines that meet the conditions for elimination of arbitrary intermediate breaks. Attachment A includes piping lines that currently have intermediate breaks postulated based on stress or cumulative usage factor limits. The listing identifies piping t

systems by noting the line designator of the main run pipe. The elimination of arbitrary intermediate breaks also applies to the connected branch lines.

HL&P proposes to eliminate the need to postulate arbitrary intermediate breaks in these lines as the ongoing design process results in final stress analyses.

Consistent with the NRC review documented in References (4) and (5), HL&P is revising the commitment contained in reference (1) with respect to welded attachments. Rather than control the location of welded attachments with respect to srbitrary intermediate break locations, HL&P is appropriately considering the fatigue effects for Class 2 and 3 piping systems in accordance with paragraph NC/ND-3645 of the ASME Code.

In view of the need to make design changes that could affect pipe line size and line designator numbers for existing piping or result in additional piping, HL&P proposes to eliminate the need to postulate arbitrary intermediate breaks in any piping in:

o Systems identified in References (1) thru (3) ,

o Attachment A o Piping in any ASME Class 1, 2 or 3 systems meeting the conditions for elimination of arbitrary intermediate breaks without prior notification to the NRC.

HL&P accordingly requests haC approval for the elimination of all arbitrary intermediate breaks as discussed above that satisfy the elimination criteria. HL&P considers that these additional lines are appropriately identified herein as requested in the SER and no additional submittals are planned.

L1/NRC/as .

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ST-HL-AE-1723 Houston Lighting & Power Company File No.:G9.17/G9.10/C11.1/

N3.8.4/N3.8.10 Page 3 If you should have any questions on this matter, please contact Mr. M. E. Powell at (713) 993-1328. ,

very truly yours, C

M. R. Wikenburg %

Manager, Nuclear L ana .g ,



(A) Additional Arbitrary Intermediate Break Elimination Inside Containment Ll/NRC/as

Ifouston Lighting & Power Company ST-HL-AE-1723 File No.:C9.17/G9.10/C11.1/

N3.8.4/N3.8.10 ,

Page 4 cc:

liugh L. Thompson, Jr. , Director Brian E. Berwick, Esquire Division of PWR Licensing - A Assistant Attorney General for Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation the State of Texas U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 12548, Capitol Station Washington, DC 20555 Austin, TX 78711 Robert D. Martin Lanny A. Sinkin Regional Administrator, Region IV Christic Institute Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1324 North Capitol Street 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Washington, D.C. 20002 Arlington, TX 76011 Oreste R. Pirfo, Esquire N. Prasad Kadambi, Project Manager Hearing Attorney U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the Executive Legal Director 7920 Norfolk Avenue U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bothesda, MD 20814 Washington, DC 20555 Claude E. Johnson Charles Bechhoefer, Esquire Senior Resident Inspector /STP Chairman, Atomic Safety &

c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Licensing Board Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 910 Washington, DC 20:55 Bay City, TX 77414 Dr. James C. Lamb, III M.D. Schwarz, Jr. , Esquire 313 Woodhaven Road Baker & Botts Chapel 11111, NC 27514 One Shell Plaza -

llouston, TX 77002 Jude,e Frederick J. Shon Atomic Safety and Licensing Board J.R. Newman, Esquire U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Newman & lloltzinger, P.C. Washington, DC 20555 1615 L Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20036 Citizens for Equitable Utilities, Inc.

c/o Ms. Peggy Buchorn Director, Office of Inspection Route 1,. Box 1684 and Enforcement Brazoria, TX 77422 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Docketing & Service Section Office of the Secretary T.V. Shockley/R.L. Range U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Central Power & Light Company Washington, DC 20555 P.O. Box 2121 (3 Copies)

Corpus Christi, TX 78403 Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ll.L. Peterson/C. Pokorny U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission City of Austin 1717 11 Street

  • P.O. Box 1088 Washington, DC 20555 Austin, TX 78767 J.B. Poston/A vonRosenberg City Public Service Board P.O. Box 1771 San Antonio, TX 78296 L1/NRC/as Revised 5/22/86


.[A . i 0F 3 Page 1 of 3 3

ADDITIONAL ARBITRARY INTERMEDIATE BREAK ELIMINATION INSIDE CONTAINMENT Description Line Designator Reactor Coolant System o Pressurizer Surge Line 16-RC-1412-NSS o Loop 3 Drain to Reactor 2-RC-1321-BB1 Coolant Drain Tank o Loop 4 Drain to Reactor 2-RC-1418-bbl Coolant Drain Tank Chemical & Volume Control System o Normal Charging - Regenerative 4-RC-1126-BB1 Heat Exchange to Loop 1 4-CV-Ill8-bbl 4-CV-lll7-BB2 o Alternate Charging - Regenerative 4-RC-1323-bbl Heat Exchanger to Loop 3 4-CV-Il20-bbl 4-CV-1119-BB2 o Normal Letdown - Loop 3 to 4-RC-1320-BB1 Regenerative Heat Exchanger 4-CV-1001-BB1 4-CV-1002-bbl o Normal Letdown - Regenerative 4-CV-1003-BB2

! 3-CV-1005-BB2 Heat Exchanger to Containment

- Penetration '

2-CV-1005-BB2 3-CV-1004-BB2 2-CV-1004-BB2 3-CV-1003-BB2 2-CV-1003-BB2 2-CV-1006-KB2 2-CV-1007-KB2 2-CV-1008-KB2 4-CV-1006-KB2 4-CV-1009-KB2 Note: Main piping runs only are identified - AIB elimination also applies to branch connections.

i 7654N:0290N

! A ATTACHMENT hf'CfE 3 Page 2 of 3 ADDITIONAL ARBIlRARY INTERMEDIATE BREAK ELIMINATION INSIDE CONTAINMENT Line Designator Description Chemical & Volume Control System (Cont'd)

Excess Letdown - Loop 4 to 2-RC-1419-bbl o 2-CV-1141-BB1 Regenerative Heat Exchanger 2-CV-1142-BB2 Isolation Valve 2-CV-1234-BB2 t

o RCP Seal Injection Lines -

Loops 1 Through 4 Auxiliary Pressurizer 2-CV-1117-BB2 o

2-CV-1121-BB1 Spray Line 2-RC-1003-BB1 Safety Injection System Accumulator Injection 12-RC-1125-BB1 o

Line - Loop 1 12-SI-1125-BB1 12-SI-1124-BB2 12-SI-1123-KB2 8-RH-1108-BB1 10-RH-110B-BB1 6-51-1111-8B1 Accumulator Injection Line - 2-SI-1123-KB2

'o Loop 1 - Drain Line to RCDT o Accumulator 1A Instrumentation Piping (2")

Accumulator Injection Line - 12-RC-1221-BB1 o

12-51-1218-8B1 Loop 2 12-51-1217-BB2 12-SI-1216-KB2 8-RH-1208-BB1 10-RH-1208-BB1 6-S1-1211-881 Accumulator Injection Line - 2-SI-1216-KB1 o

Loop 2 - Drain Line to RCOT 7654N:0290N

k i ATTACHMENT Page 3 of .5

.. .- ST HL AE f ?23 PAGE .$) 0F 3 ADDITIONAL ARBITRARY INTERMEDIATE BREAK ELIMINATION INSIDE CONTAINMENT e Line Designator Description Safety Injection System'(Cont'd)

Accumulator Injection Line -- 12-RC-1322-BB1 o 12-51-1315-B81 Loop 3 12-51-1314-882


12-SI-1313-KB2 8-RH-1308-BB1 10-RH-1308-BB1 6-S1-1308-B81 i

Accumulator Injection Line - 2-SI-1313-KB2

< o Loop 3 - Drain Line to RCOT o Accumulator 1C Instrument

' Piping (2")

Auxiliary Feedwater System 4

o Auxiliary Feedwater Checkvalve 3-AF-1062-GA2 ~

> Bypass Line-SG1A 3-AF-1063-GA2


. 3-AF-1064-GA2

-SG1C 3-AF-1065-GA2

-SGl0 Feedwater System 1.5-FW-1072-GA2 o Feedwater Line Orains - SG1A 1.5-FW-1073-GA2

- SG1B

- SG1C 1.5-FW-1074-GA2

- SG1D 1.5-FW-1075-GA2 i

4 JI4 + ,


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