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Proposed Tech Specs Page to Remove Requirement to Demonstrate Load Shedding Feature of MCC XEB4-3 as Part of Surveillance Requirements & Until Plant Startup Subsequent to Next Refueling Outage
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/1998
Shared Package
ML20203J497 List:
NUDOCS 9803040172
Download: ML20203J521 (2)


i ATTACHMENT 3 to TXX 98050


l 9903040172 990225 PDR ADOCK 05000445 P PM ,

Attachment 3 to TXX 98050 Page 1 of 1-ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS


4) Simulating a loss of offsite power by itself, and:

a) Verifying deenergization of the emergency busses and load shedding from the emergency busses *, and I b) Verifying the diesel starts on the auto start signal, energizes the emergency busses with 3ervsnently connected loads uithin 10 seconds, energizes t1e 6uto connected shut-down loads through the load sequencer and operates for greater than or equal to 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the shutdown loads. After energization, the steady state voltage and frequency of the emergency busses shall be maintained at 6900 1 690 volts and 6011.2 Hz during this test.

5) Verifying that on a Safety Injection Actuation test signal, without loss of offsite power, the diesel generator starts on the auto start signal and operates on standby for greater than or equal to 5 minutes. The generator voltage and frequency shall be 6900 1 690 volts and 60 1 1.2 Hz within 10 seconds after the auto-start signal: the steady state generator voltage and frequency shall be maintained within these limits during this test:
6) Simulating a loss of offsite power in conjunction with a Safety Injection Actuation test signal, and:

a) Verifying deenergization of the emergency busses and load shedding from the emergency busses;* l b) Verifying the diesel starts on the auto start signal, energizes the emergency busses with permanently connected loads within 10 seconds, energizes the auto connected emergency (accident) loads through the load sequencer and operates for greater than or equal to 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the emergency loads. After energization, the steady state voltage and frequency of the emergency busses shall be maintained at 6900 t 690 volts and t0 1-1,2 Hz during this test; and c) Verifying that all automatic diesel generator trips, except engine overspeed and generator differential, are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage on the emergency bus concurrent with a Safety Injection Actuation signal.

7) Verifying the diesel generator operates for at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

During the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of this test, the diesel generator yvm mwenne m ygg 3 y 7377 y py-~3 m 3 y 3n3g h The testingcofctheticad1 shedding; feature lof;MCC"XEB4 3risinotcrequired;until?

thelstartupisubsequentto;1RFp61for4Unitmand 2RF043for2 Unite 2sordearlierdoutage otsutti.c,1entiduration;to;ptopedyl schedul_erandJperform: theite.sti 3/4 8 6

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