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Advises That Licensee Power Ascension Program Satisfies NRC Request for Formal Restart Program & Schedule W/Appropriate Hold Points.Further Review of Licensee Technical Justification for non-instrumented Transmitters Ongoing
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 02/23/1989
From: Marilyn Evans
To: Doerflein L
Shared Package
ML20235R314 List:
FOIA-88-519 NUDOCS 8903030269
Download: ML20235R354 (2)


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L F r.>ed t" tu: . t ar r v Duer f l es n. Pr oj ec t Eng: over . DAF

~ T he eugti: DaEld L anger. ' Ch j e 4 , BWPS, . CRS [-

From: Mi c hel e Evans. Oper a t i ons Engi neer ', - 8WRS, . DRS Gubject: PATP input for Pil gr i m Restar t. Readi ness Repor t .

Power Asc ens i on Test Procr am The August 27,il986. update to CAL.86-10 included ~ the. r equi r emen t for BECo to submi t ; a ' f or mal restar t program and schedule wi th appropriate hold points to the'NRC.for review and approval. The licensee submittee thes e - pr oposed Power / Ascension to NRC management on. October 15, -

-1987 per BECo Letter 87-163. BECo Letter.88-33, dated Febr ver y. 29, 1900 r esponded to the NRC request for. additiona) information. dated

' January 28, 1988. A Management Meeting was' held at NRC: R1 on Aprt118, 1988 to f ur ther discuss the' licensee's February 29, '988 response. .

During.the-Management Meeting,'three issues.were-identified as requiring 1 additional NRC review; the licensee's anal ysi s of the affect of plant modi f i cati ons on- the dynami c response of the' plant;,Rosemount transmitter " ringing" problems; and r evi ew of approved procecures TP87-114 and TP87-147. BECo Letter 88-117, dated August 4,.1988 responded tol the .Rosemount. trarsmi tter " Ringing" concerns. Inspectson Reports 50-293/88-14 and 50-293/88-27' document results of onsite inspections conducted regarding.the overall Power Ascension Program and these issues.

The NRC staff has concluded that the l icensee's Power ' Asc ensi on Pr ogr am satisfies the NRC's request for a formal restart program and schecule wi th -- appropr i at e hol d poi nt s. Issues identified during the Management Meeti ng have been adequatel y r esol ved with the exception of the Rosemount transmitter " ringing". issue. Further review of the licensee's technical justification for not instrumenting the transmi tter s to detect possibl e " ringing" problems during the Power Ascension Program is ongoing.

893$30269BM23 I g P

--519 PDR a C RE


Actioni Reference Date Remarks

1. " Final" Response to Senator Iterim Resp. of 8/21/87 Requires staff's-W.B. Golden - on manage- Management ment issues Assessment
2. Copy of " Final" Golden L. Zech ltr. of 5/21/87 response to Congressman Gerry Studds
3. Arrange 01/01A ED0 Memo of 7/27/87 Region to determine Commission brief, if Sniezek Memo to Reofonal if brief is required Adminis, of 8/27/87 nr.;essary
4. Comission Meeting T. Roberts (Acting Chair) ltr. to Congressman Studds of 6/19/87 L. Zech ltr. to Gov.

Dukakis of 6/25/87

5. Inform Congressman Markey Markey ltr of 7/31/86 of Comission Meeting
6. Public Meeting with J. Taylor 1tr to W. Golden After BEco W. Golden and Petitioners of 12/19/86. has completed T. Murley ltrs. to W. Golden actions for of 2/20/87 and 4/1/87 restart
7. Assessment of Restart W. Kane to W. Russell Need rest of BEco Readiness to Director 1tr. of 7/8/87 Restart Plan of NRR Need Diagnostic Team Inspection l

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