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Discusses Seismic Design Values for Current Nuclear Power Plants as Taken from 641026 Summary Analysis.Pg&E Proposed to Design Bodega Head Nuclear Power Plant to Withstand 0.67g Earthquake W/Peaks Up to 1.0g
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon, San Onofre, Humboldt Bay, 05000000, Bodega Bay, 05000214
Issue date: 06/18/1971
From: Morrison W
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709240028
Download: ML20235B231 (28)


{{#Wiki_filter:- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ -. T UNITED STATES



                                                          ~ The following information is taken from the DRL Summary Analysis dated October- 26, 1964, pages 14-16. Pacific Gas and Electric Company
                                                          ' (Housner) recommended a 0.33g ground acceleration. - USC and GS recom-mended to 1.0g.

a ground response spectrum of 0.67g with peak accelerations up Even though the applicant strongly disagreed they proposed a design to withstand the 0.67g earthquake with peaks up to- 1.0g. Acceleration design values for other plants were: a.- Malibu U.3g b.. Diablo Canyon- 0.4g

c. San Onofre 0.5g
d. Humbolt' Bay 0.2g p

hbl(,'01 Wilbur M. Morrison Special Projects Branch Division of Reactor Standards 8709240020 851217 PDR FOIA - FIRESTG95-665 PDR

o June 18, 1971 Files SEISMIC DESIGN VALUES FOR CURRENT NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Bodega liead Nuclear- Power Plant - Docket No. 50-205 The following information is taken from the DRL Susumary Analysis dated October 26, 1964, pages 14-16. Pacific Gas and Electric Company Olousner) recommended a 0.33g ground acceleration. USC and CS recom-mended to 1.03 a Even ground response spectrum of 0.67g with peak accelerations up though the applicant strongly disagreed they proposed a design to withstand the 0.67g earthquake with peaks up to 1.0g. Acceleration design values for other plants were

a. Malibu 0.3g
b. Diablo Canyon 0.4g
c. San Onofre 0.5g
d. Humbolt Bay 0.2g l

1 Wilbur M. Morrison Special Projects Branch Division of Reactor Standards l l l l DRS:SPB OFFICE > .. g,. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ../. bf..tN ~.. l Morrison:1ro SURNAME > . . . . . . i mE > 6/18/71 1. .../ n,m ac.m ou...., o--,,, ..m mm . _ e -. ..


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to in. . . n, => ==no un reo" **** *ad am umaan this is a proposed ered Ier modega attok seta Ierta the J. F. > 11 seettlees of Febt and our consultants en the geologia 1sy11 Chief. Site-Reviron- entless fee the site. More detail eeuld be proglied as amatal trameh mesary la _,:n of these posittees. DEL If this draft is neceptable, a sussary peregraph ea ==1mstems raum m um c,aa te esses. TA49 a/27 /64

                                                                                                                                                              ,m= -a w,%w uns arma em von somexmu ==an          . .


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                                                                                                             'V' **A Boce64 Sf                                             YfWw I % rr                                      (

s la Apett, IM3 the Caumetttee seesteered the appliestten by postste Gee and Elect Company for eenstructica of a 1008 perf bettias ester reester plant at a site sa tedess Read meer Bodega say, Cattferala. At that time both the Stoff and the Cee-sittee empreeeed reservettens eeeeerslag safety problems assecteted with earth. i fault quakes because of the elese presistty of the reactor ette to the San Andreas 2.ene. However, in other safety respeets it was seestuded that the propeeed f acility eeutd be cometructed without undue risk to the health and safety of the public, although speetfie ertterte with roepeet to eartata deelse detstle temstmed to be werbod out.


ee. es et.d .ith th. e.rt,,u e oef.ty e.,e.t. are reiste. to the

    !           oe .s3er severity of ground settens Itkely to be emportemoed et the plant site and the criteria ubick etsht be applied in doetsn of the plaat to safedy withstand these settens. D e onesiderettens with respect to the ground settens tavolve not only il the severity of shaking, but oleo the possiblitty for substantial dif ferent a                                       I
      '          displeeement to the bedreek wederlytag the plan $ a large earthquake were centered slens the saa Andreas fault sene near the proposed site.

stace April 1963, the appiteemt has submitted further inforestion concerning th

        ;                                                                                                                        i geolesteal and estamelegical aspects of the ette and has propened criteria et the plant to restet earthquakes, as follows:                                                                     ,

j l

1. Amendment 3, submitted to June 1963 provides reports ref erenced ta the i j

prellataary Essards Summary soport eenseratag keeennatosance Eastaaertes j Geology, and Sette and Femadatione lavesttsattens. i f }

2. Amendment &, substttad ie August 1963 deoeribe eriteria for desisa of the t j This h t subsequently mes plant to restet vibratory ground settene.

emperseded by ht 6 submitted la March 1964 l l l l l l

( t

3. w h t 5, submitted in January 1964 ausmarises the appiteent's positten with respect to geology and seismology based on observations of excavations et the site and further emaninetten of the geology of the l general area. La this regard, the applicant eempleted escovetton of a pit 1&2 f eet la diameter, to e depth of 73 feet below mean lower low water, at the 4
                        ,         site of the proposed muelear plant (la add-October 1963). H e pit escavotion      l
                        .         was oised to secommdate the foundation etnseture for the reactor butiding         )
                   #I             and the bottom of the pit which penetrated the synarts.dierite bedrock, afforded en opportunity to observe the osedittees of the bedrock underlying the plant especially with roepeat to faulting. S e appiteent's geological consultants and geologists from the U. S. Geelegical Survey mede a detailed examination of the pit ubtle escevatten and shoring of the pit was being carried out.


                    .         4 Amendment 6, submitted in Mareb 1964, and whleh edpercedes Amendment 4,             i describes the applicant's position with respect to criteria for design of the plant to resist vibratory ground mottens resulting from an earthquake.

We have mot reached agreement with the applicant en the magnitude of vibratory ground motions that abould be applied mer en the adequacy of the ersteria proposed for resisting these mettens. S. Amendment 7. submitted in late March 1964, desertbes a eencept for design of the reactor plant to sa* Mate displacement along a fault discovered to the bedrock underlytag the plant. In considering the geolesteel setemolesteal and structural design lay 11estions in i

                   ,i     relattom ta earthquake hasards at this site the regulatory staff has obtained expert assistance in these fields from the U, S. Gestosteal Survey, U. S. Coast and Geodette Survey and from private essoultants.

I o e


                                                                                                                          ~     .. .   . _ , , - -

4 ( 3 l The W. 5. Geological servey has made a semprehemelve rectow of the geology of the alte 1 end has suhadtted three reporte deseribing the deta!!e of their review, the first l report omhedtted in May 1963 wee bened eyes a preliminary review of the tafemmetten i eestained in the applicatten and other Laforumties dich wee readily svettable to i them et that time, the sessed report (ft1837), enheitted la september 1963 une l hased es appeustustely etsht days of fleid work at and meer the ette and included 1 e more detailed reytow of the taformatten contained in the appliestion,ylaeloding notarial referenced thereta. The third USCs report (TEI.844), omhedtted la Deseher 1963 een based om a dotatted emantnettee of the escovettens at the of ta teeludius la particular the pit enesweted at the proposed leesties for the reester buildlag. This report described a f ault ebeerved in the bedmek underlytag

                                              ,               the plant and whieh extended teto the sedimente overlytet the bedroek. It ales'
                                             '                                                                                                          l considered the likeltheed of posenble movement along the fault to the event of           !

g r .e

                                           . i                    e of 19   sentered o g           dad,e.o f alte, beoed on ebeerwettees em potat Reyes pentasula where the bedroek and              i locettee with respect to the sem Andreas f ault are eletter to the eendittens at the Bodega site.

The applicant's ==ad===*= and the USGS reporte, dich beve been the subject of several diseaselens between the applicant and representatives of the Staff and l the Committee, reftest otpaffisant differences to the interpretattene of eartata f l observettees. These are mataly with respeet to the impliestions of the f ault discovered la the pit, i.e., (1) the likeltheed of displesoment alems the f ault ta the event of a large w " , " and the entend of M dieptooementi and (2) the relevamos of the movement aloeg emboldiery festte at laverness and tit. Whittemberg es QA Point toyeegto the probability of movement along the shaft f ault if a 1906 earth. 4 I


i ( 4 quake were oestered meer the propeeed reeeter ette. With respect to these implications, the applicar.t concludoes

1. "no evidence hos beer. found at say stage of the investigattee of any f ault evttlag the ground surface en the vietalty of the site."
2. ano evidence was found to indicate that bedrock fenit movements have escurred doce the everlying sedhnents were deposited on the quarts
  • dtortte."
3. "no movementa have securred on may f aalto cutting the reacter sine in j at least the past 40,000 years and probehty not for 100,000 or more years."
4. " Movements on subeldiary faults in the bedroek of the reacter are are not supected te coeur for a parted well beyond the lifetime of the plant.

Any movement that might possibly occur would be of each minor amounts4 to be

 "            seg113 tie."
5. "From the seismic hasard standpoint the quarts-diorite bedrock of Bedese Reed is as good as the rock that might be found at say site up or down the coast for many miles, and is suporter to most. Thesite is suitable for the proposed plant."

With respect to these coeclustens the applicant does met believe that the offsets in the sediments overlying the bedrock were generated directly by a sudden j movement en one of the fault planee la the shaf t f ault, but lastead was more 11kely due toaher causes such as siging er subsidence. However. It is their )1 Interpretation that if the offsets in the sediments were caused by movement on A the oef t f ault, then the last movement would have oceurred beforethe" upper" i


sediments were deposited, or in the range of 40.000 to 100,000 years er more. l l l l l 1 l l j

l ( 3 1 With record to the relevenee of the movement olens subeldiery feelte et l tavernese and Mt. Whittemberg, the applicent notes that the larger movemente sa potat gerespere described in the Celtfarate serthquehe Commiestee's report es temehtag a pre-saldag femit seg er beleg esoecleted with a pre mtettes bluff er 4 1 seerp, indloettes that earlier movemente had seeerred at the same plase la h recent enough post that seemet erroeten had not yet had clas to effsee the abyteme effects of these earlier movemente (page 36, Amendment 3). The appiteemt forther states that deteiled esaminetten prior to any escovettaa et the reester site istled to reveal any suggeottom that sevemente of this assure had eseurred la the l' resent gestesic past, either et the ette er anywhere else em Bedese Reed. , 1 Therefore, they eenclude that movemente en subsidiary faults in the Bedrook

         !       under the reacter ette areset to be espected, and esy pose 1ble movemente that                                                                              I l      might secur would be of such stoor amount es to be negligible (page 37, Amendment S).                                                                        j
 ,..n,                                                                                                                                                        ~~             i
         ;      presently, the U. S. Geelegical Survey to propertas e final report en the geology of the ette sumertains and thterpreting the geological information developed te dote which tecludes observettene of the pit and ehef t fenit elese Desedser 1963 as wohl se further teformatten esseersies the gemette relatidip of the shaf t feelt with the Sea Andress fault, and the estems df movement that essad be espected on the ehef t f ault if e 19M type earthqasks were centered meer the ette. A prettednery draf t of this report wee discussed with representatives of the Useg em April 16, 1964. m Usos peettien with respect to the legallestiene of the shaf t feelt, beoed on the reporte embedtted to data and the April 16, 1964
              ' dieeuselon is es follows:

1 l l l< ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


r. '


1. The W. 5. Gastosteal Survey le not in disagreensat with the applicant's
                                                                  !sterpretations regarding the age of the sodiesnts and the bedrock, seuwwer, the USGS does not agree that the offsets in the sediments overly 1mg the shaf t fault were des to alunytas or subeldence of the mediments. Instead, their laterpretattee of the evidence observed to            '

that the shaf t fanit la the sediments represamts "enty one episode of faulting, the last one sa the shaf t f ault." and Wt this could have ecourred emywhere free a f eo eenturide to more than 42,000 years, or possibly as toes as 260,000 to 400,000 years age.

2. maand on their ebeervattens of the sediments and bedreek during emeevetten of the pit and agala en March 18, 1964, when an offset porties of the lausedlerite dike described in TII-844 was observed in the bedrock along the shaf t fault, the USCS estimates the cumstative horisontal moyensat during the lifetime of the Shaf t fault to be "probably a stalmum of 24 deet." They further estimate that the Shalt fault "has had only one Israe movement, probably more than a foot and less than sin feet in the last 240,000 to 400,000 years."
3. The Oscs believes that the seelegte evidence at the site and on Potat Reyes Pentasm1s ledteates a sonette reistiseship between the shaft fault and the San Andreas. Based on the evidence ce Point Reyes Peninsula where fanittas eseurred alens subsidiary fam1ts during the 1906 earthquake and 1sterial displeoaments were sa the order of 2.3 feet at a distsace ece-parable to that of the reactor site from the San Andreas, but which dimintehed to "berely dieserneble" la the vietalty of Pelat Reyes about

l ( 4 7 De miles westerly from the see Andreas, the 153 holieves that displaeommets of obeet one to three feet could be expected in the shaft l fault at the roaster site (which is approximately 1000 ' feet frea.the commealy aceepted boundary of the San Andreas fault sene) if a 1906 type f earthquake were eastered la Sedese Bay. At a mile from the San Andreas the UBGB would tapect that pelative displeermont along a subsidiary I fanit would be en the order of a feet, and at a distaneo of two yr i i, y, three miles a displacement en the order of an inch er less would be the 1 f; p maai .e .s,ected. Amendments 6 and 7, which describe general criteria for desip of the propeeed reacter plant to resist vibratory ground estians and some displacement along the shaft faalt, are based on the applicast's senclusions la these roepects saetained in the Preliminary lissards Summary Anport including Appendiz Y, and in hht 5 ,

  • j to the PHSR. These amendments were discussed with representatives of the
                                                           ' ~

Coenittee and with the staff's sensultants en seismology and earthquake design j en April $,1964.

                                                                ;                     with respectnte Amendment 6 the applicant propeees to desip all critical plant        <

j h' 1 structures, equipment and systems se as to withstand a ground mottom with as f accelerstien of 0.33g without escedding appliemble desip werking stresses er igeirment of functions necessary for esetsiament and safe shutdoes. Perther the i i applicant propeees to shock the desip to assure that these Laportant items of

                                                              .          i the plant will he capable of withstanding a ground aseeleraties of 0.66g without l             tapairmant of functions necessary for eestainment sad safe shutdeen, i

3 { l The staff's conomitants la seimology de not agree with the applicant's estimate of ' I the anzimum credible ground metiens et the Beders site. Based on their smalyses I I I i { l 1 l I j i

I (

                       .                                                                                          of the maximon credible greemd settene from earthquakes et other leeatione it to their judgenset that the pd acceleretiene produced by e 1906 type earthquake sentered meer the ette would   3 1s the resse of abeus 0.7 se 1. 0 3 la the bedreek. In vlee of this adetoe the staff does not believe that the applicant's desten erstarte ao propeeed la Amendumet 6 would be adequate for preteettom of the health and safety of the pubite et the Bedess Site.

j The oppiteest's proposal contateed la ht 7 is bened on their eseeleetens

                                !  *(1) that as esvement to egected to essor steeg this (shaf t) fealt for a parted la emoees of the laisties of the plant, and (2) even if emeh sovement should esear s

1 it would est emmust' to more them a fraction of as seek." la this record the l l propeaal emetemplates e desip dich would "samble the remeter costalmeent i structure to withetend heriosatal movement alens the fenit of two teshes without l sustatales any damese er tapeirment of fumettoa," but eceld not esaure that no

                                   '    - samid eeenr er that G ie would be as teostreent of funetIsa fer diselecementa to the order of one feet er erester. Alas, thle proposal aseteglates that the 1

reacter eestatsoment structure would not be anchored to the bedrock se proposed is the FEBR, het lastead, would be situated se a met en top of the bedroek to the reacter pit emeevetten with the essutor space between the reacter bu11 dias and the wall of the pit

  • filled with a layer of esapressible meterial, of a type yet to
                              ,1   be selected."

i la wise of the juiseaset of the U. 3. Geelesteal survey eseeerains the megettede of movement that seutd eeoor alems the shaf t fenit from a large earthquebe sentered i mest Bedess need the staff dose met believe that the design propeast provideo I I edequeta seemrence f[e preteettee of the healthed esfoty of the puh11e et the propeeed ette. Further, the staff has sorteue reservettees se to the safety i i I


i e i '-- ------.____.___m-m_

l (


l j feasibility of providtag a euttable destsa to resist relative displacements of i the negattude that senti be expoeted at this site. T l m e are e sunber of additional aspests of the propeeal whteh would reptre a [ esasiderable amount of emplifiesties la order to be asseptable, even if the seament alens the f ault was only en the order of an inch or es. l

1. gecause of the wetsht of the reester and restatement building boogdeus.

At is not sleer that the layer of granular meterial, ensk as sand, dish . would form the met ever the bedrock open whteh this strwetare would rest, i would indeed allow freedom of lateral movement es sentenyteted. l !aformaties en this espect would seed to be developed by PO M ta f detait suffieteet to aoeure that the sweert is workable before the proposal oeuld be socepted. j

2. It is not clost that compressible meterial seitable for the propeeed usame is eva!!able, or has, in fact, been developed.
3. Simee the applicant's criteria for earthgmake design ( Amendment 6) is i predicated on the resetar butiding feendations being aushered to the bedrock, it is not clear ehether response of the building to the ground motions would be as depleted la Amendment 6, or whether the respamme 1

l epectrum would be amplif ted. Further, ao esasiderebbe has been given to the effeets of deformattee of the eesyreesible materiet to the annatus l l surroundles the reacter batiding en the buildles reopease. la this i respect it is easr understandles, bemed on diosassions with our structural esasultants, that deformation of froagible anterials la the yield range e t1y,, easillatione of the oestatammet streetare is irreversible. n i l l 4 1 I l

( ( I esmetas teneret peessures entfietamely intense to enspress the estertal teeld tend to leave en enmular void. The streetste would them he in eestaat with the meet 11stieg ground et the hese sely emi thte oeste poselbly aglify the tapet eseillations received by the equipment withis the bettdies, esposta117 to af teshs that meestly follow  ! the note earthquake shoek. Whethw this weld could develop due to ground eeeillations alene, in the absesse of displemenert alens the femit, would alas need to be esweetlasted. m >4l Y e

                                                                 .                                              j

A w m* *wut this-I f~ For coacurr).~e e-k O %/ rar as a. % .* '}' )

                                                                                                                                                                                                     %/]/h N 4 Ftwrn ABC.f3 (R.v. M5y 14. IM7)

MEMO ROUTE SUP - Nots and return. For siffiature. For in or ation. *. i I y my W i to (Nam. and unitj INITIALS REMARKS q [

                        ,                    Jed Fonshard, News 84tvise Br.                                                     Attaebed a PS E rolesse 4/21/64 =                                                   '+       I l                                                 vieles of Publie laJermaties,                              SQ                                                                                               "      4'       !

j ~n "FebE sending teshaisal team to A ,  ;

                                             .a - -                m ..,             s                                                                                                                                   ;

f = . -- m g4


TO (Nam. and unit) INTIALS ALMARKS h Robert Lewenstein, 114, M k I l i om l F. K. Pittman, DRD,IQ r - - l { l TO (Nam.end unit) INITMLS REMAAKS . .

                                                                                                                                                                                   ~                                         l l                                            J. D. Lyman, DFI, M                                                                                                              B     -

i;, . .' ~ n R. W. Smith, Comp 1. 1 .ogn8&N r=2 - 9

                                                                                                                                                                             ,c _ F4                      M                  ,
                         --                                                                                                                                                  pgO               -

y r raou (N. . And UnlQ REMARKS F N > j Rodney L. Southwick bU U ' Asst. to the Mgr. E ,i O, { for Public Information i SAN i PHONE 100. DAM /23/64 1 I

        ,                                                                                                  osE OTHER sept Fon ApoirloNAL REMARKS , .. _ ._, , , _ _ ,

GPO 4) 16 e 7FfA9 e 1

    ,%M! Ni;nclitin N                  '        i ame,tv     .n h 1;P NhMba                                                                            '*         4W HNNNN         ERN* NHNM>N4ffWP     bNNN N O
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  #                d'g          P.p. cad E. NEWO B          ZEAU                4, bg{                                                                    J
                  '                      245 M ARKEY STME ET SAN FRANCISCO 6. CAUP.

y ,,,, TELEPHONE SU 14211 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PG&E SENDING TECHNICAL TEAM TO ALASKA The Alaskan earthquake ef fects on soils, foundations and structures will undergo on-the-scene study this week by a team of technical experts from Pacific Gas and Electric Company. . C. C. Whelchel, vice president in charge of engineering for PG&E, 1: . .A announced today that PG&E's chief civil engineer, F. F. Mautz, and three of the , Company's scientific consultants will leave Wednesday, April 22, for Anchorage, Alaska. The team will inspect and study the region s soil and foundation con-ditions as well as the earthquake's ef fect on utility and other structures. 2 The consultants who will make the inspection trip have been retained by PG&E for some months to review the Company's plans and design for its proposed

       > '"               Bodega . Bay atomic power plant in Sonoma County. They are
                                      --Dr. George W. Housner, professor of applied mechanics and civil engineering at Colifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, and president of j

the Earthquake Engineering Research Institutei

                                      --Dr. Hugo Benioff, professor of seismology at Cal Tech and an outstanding                                          )

authority on earthquakes and their mechanisms; l

                             '        --E. C. Marliave of Sacramento, private consoltant in engineering geology and formerly chief engineering geologist for the California Department of Water Resources.
                                       "This field trip should not be taken as an indication of any connection between the Alaskan earthquake and the atomic power plant site at Bodega Head,"

thelchel stated. "They are ccmpletely unrelated. The fault on which the Alaskan j l quake occurred is hundreds of miles from the San Andreas Fault which crosses Bodega l Head well to the east of the plant site." . 4  ;


              '" E' c

( 2,.

                                                                                       " Sending this technical team to Alaska for on-site geological and seismological investigations emphasizes PG&E's determination to leave no stone unturned in obtaining knowledge and data which will assure the safe design of the Bodega atomic plant and other PG&E Utility structures," thelchel said, thelchel said that Benioff and Housner have advised PG&E that recent reports from Alaska indicate that " major damage to buildings in Anchorage resulted from a failure of the soft, saturated, glacially deposited soil which underwentL cas consolidation, slumping and sliding," thus permitting building foundations to drop
  • several feet in pisces.
                                                                           " Soft soil of this type is not found at our Bodega power plant site,"

thelchel declared.

                                                                                                              "On the contrary, the atomic plant foundation is solid granitic rock.

A properly designed structure built on this rock foundation at Bodega Head can withstand seismic action even greater than the recent Alaskan earthquake." umam 4 64 s&

                                                                                                                                                                 ,,  .,,.w.c.  = %.e - w*
                                                                                                                                               )b                                   '),f              -

m. , ' ,3 NEMO ROUTE SLIP \. __. St* **ltmuunis. For eencurrtock, r, action. ... rorm inc... m . u., u. inn N ot. . a r.iura. ro, .i,..iu, r, in,.rm.uon. r .. , . _w cu.,n. .nd som unu umAaKs s , , - Joe Feeshard, uses servise Br. Attashed are Bedess slips: 64 -Ab.;%. 4ac. l SFI, EQ ,,

1. 8.F. Skreatste 4/17/64 m j mr 1. s.F. h omme - 4/17/64 (3 slips) l 1,3sselv
                                       .r. :== -          ,                                                                                                                                                    j y                  - -

r TO (N.m. .nd unit) $NITIALS KMAAKS Robert Lowenstein, REB, 4 F. K. Pittman, BSD, Ebn TO (N.m. .nd unit) IHIDALS RcmAAKS J. D. Lyman, BrI, BQ  ; l E. W. Smith, Camp 1. Y,yTE&N i i l rROM (N4m.and unit) REMARKS R. L. Southwick Asst to the Mgr. for Public SAN

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l Atomic /e7/wTiereert to City? SI Gets in 3odega Plant Row By RUSS CONE potency of the S o n o m a San Francisco supervisors Board." But under PG&E's plan,'the rights of public decisionsi Prather said the u ti11ty through the d e m ocra tic. yesterday refused to butt out The Sonoman challenged planned to open 200 acres process. of of Sonoma County's prob- the supervisors

  • ability to headlands to tourists, retain-lem with the atomic power judge atomic safety factors Ruebel said the Bodega plant planned at Bodega Bay. upon which the Atomic En- ing 26 acres for the plant. Bay Chamber of Commerce Freshman Supervisor Leo ergy Commission must make Opponents of th e plant opposes the project.

stressed the danger that an PG1E Vice President C. C. McCarthy told veteran So- U-noma Supervisor E. J. Gul- ,I hope,, McCarthy re- earthquake might shatter the protective concrete vault and Whc!chel said "the risk is dotti any threat to San Fran- torted, "we have the general allow deadly radiation to very mmor, compared to the cisco gives this city the right intelligence to grasp the dan' sweep on winds into the Bay going risk we take every day in to protest. gers that are posed in this out to lunch." site." area. The hearing was continued Guidotti appeared before Attorney Peter Behr a Ma-

  • the supervisors' C o u n t y, Morrison confessed a lack of knowledge on the safety rin supervisor who app, eared State and National Affairs issues raised by opponents of on his own set forth a nine- until 2 p.m. May 19 at which committee to try to thwart a resolution by Jack Morrison Company the Pacific Gas and Electric page statement of fear, time only technical wit-project lie wants Behr began with the fear nesses will be heard. j which would place San Fran-merely to preserve the nat. that experts my be usurping i cisco on record against the ural setting of Bodega Head.

atomic plant. ! Sonoma County Planning Guidotti recited a Sonoma Director John IL Prather - resolution which called Mor- testified that neither county l rison's rnove " unwarranted nor State ever had plans to interference in the affairs of another county (and) as im- make a park of the headland,i plicdly questioning the com- the area not before open to 4 SF *~~~4 9d Nfd Wins / 7 69sedega De!ay . A hearing on San Fran. Yesterday's hearing w a s cisco's attitude toward the the first on a resolution by ence in the a!! airs of another PG&E's proposed a t o m i c Supervisor Jack Morrison to county." The Sonoma super. power plant at Eodega pot San Francisco on record, plant. visors hase endorsed the i Head was continueft yes. as opposing the Bodega IIcad) Supersisor Leo T. McCar- 1 terday u n til May 19, to nuclear plant. give u1i1it y ex pe rt s a Opposition centered on the ; thy replied that if an acci 7 chaJtee to study and report nearness of the nuclear reac.l dent resulted in release of; on the Alaskan earthquake. , tor to the San Andreas fault. j raau.ctive materials, thel prevaHia; winds would car-i sice C.president C. Whelchel, for engineer the utility's II*"I'l' that the and the claim installation - of conserva r; gem to San Franc ing, announced that the giant w uld . destroy a great natu-%, his is our business. . utdity will send a team of its h a, Lieuteract d, . hanmo. cxperts to Anchorage next ral TheWay site, area sai d Supervisor Govecaur Glenn week "for a first-hand analy-sis of the Alaskan quake.., {is 1000 fect from one of thelsition to t,:e oeter && of Mam world s greatest earthquake ' It would nu j

                                                  . Chairman Roger Boas, of                                                                         arthern t faults in a region of high the S u p e r v i s o r s' County,         Supervisor E. F. Guidotti California          coanur< rd risk [

State and National Affairs of Sonoma county told theithe serious nuclear r x t in t Committee, said he would event of an c. ,kc. h committee that the resolution! Anderson wrcte i.: 10 1 like to hear the verdict, af terf opposing the installation was lP.G. & E. Pres.dr.m' the study is completed, jan " unwarranted interferdil. Gerdes. _ - _ _ + - - ~ - - - " ' -

       -o .                                                                                                                                                           *f.

4 scw w Pauhng Urges Movm.g ng. Bedega Atom Plant BO ega-- Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling told a San Jose State the Center for Democ'ratic gg 'gg Institutions. He made these College audience yesterday general observations on other that the proposed Pacific Gas subjects: p p

                                & EIcetric Co. atomic reactor at Bodega Bay "should be at b e Picketing of ROTC units least 40 miles away from 15 "y students is a good idea fyl.a. O . .n.  {i s       12 San Andreas fault line."

b e ca u s e ROTC is out-moded." SACRAMENTO-(AP)-Lt '

  • Dr. Pauling, on the facult'y #' * * **"

of . California Institute 'of in ehis The smoking of cigarets, ' opinion, "is the No. 2 again asked the Pacific Gas Technology, appeared as a ' visiting scholar representing cause of premature aging.a . and Electric Co. to abandon

                                                                    e Project Plowshare--the                            its project to put a r.uclear suggested clearing of canals                           power plant on Bpdega Head.-

by use of atomic bombs . ' i should not be undertakers It would mar'the . North-unless we have a greatar ern California coastline and assurance that people, and risk serious nuclear accident those yet unborn, would not in the eventt cf an carth-be affected." l e The late author, Rachel quake, Andersom said yester. day in a 14ter to cenpany-Carson, "made a great con i i tribution to the world as an President Robert H. Gerdes. S authoress and humanitarian

  • Bodega Head is sitxated on ( '
                                                                 -if I had the right to do it ,                         an active fault line.

I'd certainly nominate her'  ! Anderson said his objec-

r. au n $s awarded ns to de Qrojed have the Nobel Prize for Chemis. hardened since he urged the i

try in 1954, and the Nobel Atom,1c hergy Commission Peace Prize in 1963. to withhold , permission for - its construction last August l . j s. I l l tw i L

4 y i e_.fsa-24J~ n,/

                                                          '               S** ** * a' ' h '2-                                                r., cetion.


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r o, . w.,o,.. wec.. ra... w., i4. inn N oi . .n d ... ., . r., in<.,,n.n n. TO (Name and unit) InfflAu ftLMARKS Joe Feuchard,11eus as.rvice Sr. Attac h _Dedest_gl 5 r . ., u DFI, BQ o^"

1. 8. F. Chronicle, 4/L5/64 2 hta_Rema PreasjkemocratJ/14/.64_{2 r~g

[EsteldPrice, REC,* 7-

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TO (Name and unit) INITIALS RLMARKS #~ Robert Eeuenstein, REG, BQ _A e. oAn r.c. cit = ,me,se ( y 10 (Name and antt) MTLES NLMARK5 J. D. Lyman,, BFI, BQ DATE lt. V. Smith, Comp 1. 1 ., SAN < F HO$A (Name and unit) etMARKS Rodney L. Southwick Aset. to c.he Mgr. for Public Information SAN Papsf no, DATE 4/15/64 , W5E OT HLR $4DL Fylt ADQlIlONAL RLMANK3 W l GOVERNMENT PRinttkG OFTICI IMJ-O 42200 7 k .

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4 3 , f h B o a 'P p D e s . e t- Yhhe/ p' Sdpemsors Tell SF

  • m Hands -

OH on A,-Plant b' "What," h"* g,2 asm k e d Superv l(Reerinf4 from vesserday's final editionf ** '"' * * * .,,,,- Sonoma Cmaity Supervisors 4g ggg ycsterday told their San Fran , Sonoma Answer

                                                                               , ;he Sonoma County resolution                       :the resolution "very, y e r y cisco own      counterparts business.             to, mirithea , J dNlared there is no " provision J'T                                                                       much" and said if the Sonoma County board vias " convinced A lengthy resolution passed on             . . . in law . . . for interference by one county in the affain of                        the plant would be dangerous, a 4 vote shortly before noon today called a proposed San                   another county in planning, zon.                       we'd. vote against it, wouldn't                                     .

ing and land use matters . . ." Francisco resolution opposing ,,$ter I in the day (after lunch) the Bodega Head nucicar. fueled It outlines the Sonoma County consideration of the PG&E pro- Supervisor Guidott! a'sked Su- v power plant " unwarranted in- pervisor Shaemaker if he'd like posal and points out that the terference in the affairs of an. - to change his vote, touching off 3 other county- county issued a permit for it; i J it adds that the state Pubhc a bitter exchange. The Sonoma County resolution "No, I would not think about says the resolution introduced Utilities Commiss!on has con-sidered the question and issued changing my vote " he returned. l by San Francisco Supervisor but said in Petaluma (where - a permit and that the "compa-

    %, O                     Jack Morrision should be with-              - tently advised" Ate:nic Energy                         he was once a ouncilman) an drawn or defeated.                                                                                   abskndon mess an "aye" vote
  • Commission will ultimately de- -

The Morrision resolution is to cide on the plant's safety. and "you can t.h it any way be considered by a supervisors' you like." 9' It concludes that the Morri- . committee in San Francisco son resolution is "a resolution Supervisor King repeated that  : Thursday and will go to the full the San Francisco supervisors of unwarranted interference in  :

                           , board next Monday.                                                                                   "have no busines butting in."

the affairs of another county -

                           ' S o n o m a County's                    strongly-{

and . . . a resolution impliedly Well, saki Supervisor Shoe. - worded resolution was preparod! questioning the competency of maker, he thought the board - by C o u n t y Counsel Richard the Board of Supervisors of the should also write to Sen. Clair Ramsey. Supervisor Chairman County of Sonoma Engle (D-Calif.) chiding him for

                                                                                                           . , . " and s

E. J. (Nin) Guidotti, who said state and federal agencies. asking for a study of the mat-he requested it added that if ter. there was more, time he wouk! it also is a resolution "u.n-pliedly superimpos:ng an as- No' said Supervisor Guidotti, drum up support from a!!' north- mmption by the Board of Su- Sen. Engle is a " sick man . . ." ern California supervisors, pervisors of the City and Coun' ar.d asked "how can you criti-

 . nwam                                                #                                                                          cize him?"                                                                        ,

S.F. Resolution Then Supervisor Shoemaker t* {ty of San Francisco of thetr; The Morrison resolution would wondered if the other supervi- ii place the City and County of lixtter judgment and greater Incompetency in t he planning,l sors went "to lunch and de-San Francisco on record oppos- cided to come back and put the ing de controversial plant pro. zoning and land use field as heat on me?" posed for the Sonoma County well as ir. the field of atomic No, said Supervisor Guidotti, coast location by Pacific Gas & energy "

                                                                                                                                 "you are a colleague . . ."

y* - Electric Co. The rc;ohti n finally resolves' "Well, that's news," said Su-It locates Bodega Head in Ma. that t!.e sarvisors believe the pervisor Shoemaker. 1 (j, rin County, a mistake pointed Morriso6 resolution should be . t withdawn, and if it is censid- "... And we wanted to give : cat in the Sonoma board's res" cred, "should be defeated." you an opportunity to vote with : olation and at one point during us instead of always being in today's discussion . called evi- the minority," concluded Mr. dence of a " stupid supervisor" ShoemaSr Argues Guidotti. by Mr. Guidotti. Supervisor Shoemaker argued Supervisor Shoemaker insist-Although his colleagues voiced 2,'>ength that the San Francis-ed again that the San Francisco resounding " ayes" for the res- to board "has the right" on "a board "has .every moral and i olution, Supervisor Leigh Sho - thousand reasons" to become legal right to speak," and Su . maker said he didn't think they interested in the Bodega issue, pervisor Guidotti insisted they should tell the San Francisco but failed to make any head- don't have a legal right, "only supervisors "they don't have way. a political right . . . and theds Supervisor Guidotti insisted the right" to considct the plant: -been too muen pohtics in this question. He abstained from the the San Francisco ur>ervisors situation already." voting. ' # (o " stick 1 With the last point Supervi-

     '#,r pl"have air noseno     in" legal and if right they did,             sor Shoemaker agreed.

i {3Luld o n"have o msomething a County to saySupervisors about the freeways in San Fran-

                                                                           'cisco. . .'
         ,     [

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Charles de Youns Thierlot, Editor and l'ublisher


George T. Carneren, Publisher 1925 to 1935 Fouruled 1865 by Charles and M. I1. de Young

                                            . .h .                        . '.

PAGC 40 Wednesday, April 15,1964 CCCCAA v 6

                                                                   . . . U8$                                                 O. S8f8                                     A~ 8"D Un der W.r.                            un., A, ttach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                , o  v.e .@. .r5h
                                                                                                                    ~j BOVOHG           ,/ -

a V{>OU ,- EDITOR: Well well. We see by our varer that sot!d rock h no longer the most desir. able site for a reactor, but  ;

     " , ~ g' ,.                                   ", .TIIE JOINT RESOLUTION which Senator Clair Engle, to everyone's great distress, was un-                                                                      th'.chik"less on                                         so daf-       .

commodate the " incredible

                       ~                       ' equal to introducing in the Senate on Mon. day di.                                                                      event of a horizontal motion "rects the Atomic Energy' Commission to delay                                                                                of me f*t "

Construction of the ' proposed ~ Pacific Gas & Elec- The . usage of the words

                                           .Mric Co.'s nuclear-power plant at Bodega Head.

b N on$e.t 1[aNg n$ r

n. The Senator's resolution speaks of his con- ", * " *N %, NI'Y; q; ,f j gern for the safety of the surrounding countryside Crescent City because they
                                            " from the " risks of an earthquake triggered atomic'                                                                     ' considered the potential ' e!.

holocaust." In most reports of Engle's mute and fects of an earthquake in

                                               .hcipless appearance on the Senate floor, however,                                                                                                             d
                                          - the main purpose of the resolution was overlooked-                                                                         t eh s                                chb) sin  uch $
   ,,gw                                                                                                                                                                 Bodega, where the annual
                                           It should not be missed by the public, the PG&E,                                                                          creeping displacement is in                                    ,
                                            . the AEC or the congressional Joint Atomic Energy                                                                         the order of two inches a Committee. Engle urges that the atomic reactor                                                                              3
                                                                                                                                                                     - {,yjme .t. eninthe1rN project should not be allowed to proceed until
                                         ' the AEC can certify, "with reasonable scientific                                                                            of :D or 30 feet, shou!d be .

considered " incredible." What '

                                              ' assurance, the geologic adequacy and scismic                                                                          this sort of language seems
                                          .' safety" of the site.                                                                                                     to mean is that those desiring
                                                                                                                                   .                                                                                                    ]
              '                                                                                                                                                       to construct reactors in du.                                      j
                                          , ' ' Th'e resolution goes on to quote the view of                                                                          blous locations simply refuse t cati                                                            l
                                        .: Dr. J. P. Eaton of the U. S. Geological Survey that                                                                                                                       b yBodega is'not'" adequately safe" for a nuclear fep g plant.                                                                                                                                       Sebas*M                                      '

I- , IN VIEW OF BODEGA'S location near the

                                           ' San Andreas Fault, and with the Alaskan reminder
                                       ~ bf"the seyerity of earthquake activity around the Pacific' basin, we say from the i;ottom of our heart to both the PG&E and the AEC: Do not make the irrevocable decision to ' proceed unless you are                                                                                                                                          j sure beyond doubt that this project is safe, that                                                                                                                                           '

there is n'ot a more than normal risk at this, as opposed to 'any other, site.

                                     .. .                It would be unthinkably reckless and irra-
                                          'tional to go ahead on a "Who knows?" basis. The sole warrant for going ahead must be on the basis
                                       ,' of safety "beyond the shadow of a doubt."

' ' . . . . . d

                    . ~ ,     '_.                          . . . ~ . _ _                        . . .                          .
    . ) .?
                                                                                      .x SalingerOpposes,!

l PG&E A-Plant s ' At Bodega Head . Pierre Salinger said today in what he thought are th'e main q Santa Rosa he opposed the pro- campaign issues in the Califor.l posed Bodega Head-Pacific Gas n ia senatorial election. T h e y; l & Electric Co. power plant. include: how to maintain the In answer to a question at ajstate's bcoming economy, .the breakfast meeting attended by civil rights issue, how to pro-about 100 supporters at Saddle tect Calfiornia's water interests,

                                   'n Sirloin East the Demccratic the problems of agriculture, and candidate for the U.S. Senate natural resources.

nomination said he opposes the Mr. Salinger said win or lose

                                  ' plant primarily ., grounds of he is home in California to stay earthquake hazard.                   and predicted the outcome will Mr. Salinger also di:, closed be decided in the next five and-l                                    that he has been invited to par- a-half weeks.

l ticipate in the Luther Burbank Rose Festival parade May 16 and has tentatively accepted. Presidential candidate Barry Goldwatcr p-eviously was in-4%. .. vited by the Santa Rosa Junior Chamber of Commerce and has agreed to appear. I Mr. Salinger, minus his fa- . L mous cigar, and nattily dressed t in a dark suit and pin strip tie, p ." &i

                                                                                                                                                                 -^          '

was warmly applauded when he'  := 2 arrived at 9:15 a.m.  !@c., U Ef The candidate cited his expe. EiEni r . rience as press secretary to the s W'

  • ru d.  !

late President John F. Kennedy mES 2 and the knowledge he has gained Ee*~ E,' , E in the past 3% years in the py L; G White House as among reasons C why he felt he would mrke a yh good U. S. senator. 2: :E u O

                                   ' Mr. . Salinger also outlined e


  • 2820 Tele 6raph Ave., Berkeley 5, California I l

lo715 5th East. So d a. California 1 o o

                 ,         UPERVGORS                                    ERR 80DEG9                                                                ;

gs before a committee of the San BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT 'l Board of Supervisors on a reso- Witnesses in favor of the resolution l pening the Bodegs installation vere Ray Ruebel, Secretary-Manager of the on April 16th and then continued Bodega Bay Chamber of Co=merce, Peter Behr, Phil Berry on behalf of the Sierra Club, and th. solution, introduced by Supervisor David Pesonen of the No. Cal. Assoc. to ison, is being considered by the Preserve Bodega Head and Earbor. tate and National Affairs Co~it- . Except for the Sierra Club spckesman, who argued that uniqu.e sc_e _nic values were. not red by Supervisor.. Roger Boas.

              %.,,..o....                                cther vitnesses leaned heavily on the thy and William Blake.                        safety question. A technical finding is                                                j hearings are concluded, the com-                                                                                                     g
           .11 refer the resolution to the full not necessary, they                  pointed out, The question I tich usually acts in accordance               is a simple one: Is such a inagerous faci-lity safer near to or far from a continental                                             {

cemmittee's recommendations. earthquake fault?" j NATIVE INTELLIGENCE THUXES IN SUSPENDERS i spot of the April 16th hearing Witnesses for PG&E included Guidotti; ing testimony by Sonoma County Sonema County Planning Director Prather; 3r E.J. ("Nin") Guidotti, who pre- Louis Ets-Hokin, a thrin County electrical l risolution frcm his board which contrater; and C.C. Welchel, Vice-preside the San Francisco Board of "un-for engineering of PG&E. The su= of Velchel's d interference in the affairs of testimeny was that his responsible cc:pany county (and) as impliedly questio- wouldn't dream of a project that was unsafe. competency of the Sonoma Board." Attendance by everyone for the continued , Supervisor Leo McCarthy politely hearing is velecze, Supervisor Boas has

           ,Guidotti that he was always vel-              asked that only expert testi=cny fr0: both San Francisco but that he happened sides be presented when the tearing resumes
           *cng and that any threat to San                 at 2 p.m., May 19th, in City Hall. This
o gives the city a right to pro- vill te an interesting hearing-*and its out-2idotti bristled
ensidered and asked himself if Mc-to judge come vill have encr cus tearing cn the final ccepetent outcome at Bodega Bay.

sty questions raised by the plant. Mark it en your cale ndar .******* ********* ope," McCarthy replied, "ve have the intelligence to grasp the dangers e posed in this site." g y ,p7jg jyg[yp - rthy referred to earlier testimeny At great perscnal sacrifice, Ser.atcr rvisor Peter Bohr of Marin County,  ; ivered an eloquent plea for elected Clair Engle has introduced a resciutics fcr 1 ntatives not to surrender their Cc gress to urge the AEC to withhold a cen- f

           .tives to " experts." The Bodega           -

structicn permit fer the Bodega ;rclect ersy, he noted, "is a classic ex- until it can assure absciute safety cf the l if the pecple vs. the en;erts." site. In view cf the conflicting expert testi-l

                     " LUCKY"                                                                                                                                  ]
           ,her PG&E vitness was Paul Golis,                3:ny gng the yingings of the U.S. Geolcgical                                                        I try of the Association fer the Le-               Survey, this vould a; pear tc be i:;casit2 e.                                                       l ent of Bodega Bay, and deve10;er of                    Tc11cving intredacticn cf the resolutien,                                                    I t Park. He shook his finger at the               Senater Ingle wretc :: the Association,                                                             !

and told them that they were lucky 27.eniing us en "a valiant fight." { ti h dn't lost his ten er- SenStcr Engle's fight, too, is a valiant kne and we salute him fer his ecurage and ]


( N & Af/ Q S & S E N S C._ San Francisco Chronicle's lead edi-

                                                                /NNE~ NOM M                 sen has again taken for April 15th'is a masterpiece of                   Lt. Oeverner Glenn Ander a couragecus stand, in centras- to mest other ense:                                            jelected representatives in State Ocver=ent -                                                     j
             .IN VIEW OF B00EGA's locatien near               the Governcr being a shining example-and                                                         i m Andreas Fault, and v1th the Alaskan f has written to FGLE President Gerdes urging ler cf the severity of earthquake                                                              "The                                                 f that the Bodega project be abanicted.                                                            l tty around the Pacific basin, we say                public is nov clearly aroused and deeply dis-the bottem of our heart to both the                 turbed by this ::.atter. .Xy mail attests to                                                     l and the AEC: De not =ake the irrevo- the resentr.ent. " he said.

decision to proceed unless you are "I ca=ot exaggerate the importance cf byend doubt that this project is safe, this matter to the entire future cf 2rthern i there is not a more tnan ne mal risk California," he vrete. "If this ;rc3ect ccL- . sis, as opposed to any other, site' tinues, the scars vill not be rastricted to it would be unthinkably rechless and ir* d head. 3nal to go ahead on a 'Who knovs?' basis'the scft centours cf Bo ega

            % warrant for geing ahead cust te on
                  .s of safety 'beycnd a shadow of a i

i I

f'T sis +,tgr No. 13*-pags 2( b s ~

                                                                                                                                                                 \                    r
                           /%-G.SW/f7S G9h?S .' NOU6 L M5/GN SC//6M6
                  '/ pogg has offerred the AEC a novel " shift
                  ' Tcapacity", design for the Bodega plant, to
                                                                                       ./Y68[ hOOO .-.*/ - g overcome objections raised by the fault                                                                                                                   j, .

found by the USGS through the reactor site. l

                            ' The proposal was contained in Amendment                                                                            to schedule, the                  f.

No. 7 to the company's hazards analysis, ni m4 3 i filed with the AEC on March 31st. i' qua 's nt" at Turk o i Althoughthecompnysaysthatmovement b on y on the " Shaft Fault is not considered {s p, g, _

                        " credible," it nevertheless must be designed              ,
                                                                                                                                                    ,7 ..a n Francisco          -

for* This is done by floating the reactor wa33, M5 ef 3 ,a Board of I t building on a foundation of sand and sur Directors and a legend unto umseyf

                  ~ rounding it with s'co=pressible material                             Last year's tenefit netted the Association *
                           'The new design is of monumental i=por.                      And it prompted Ralph Gleason of the tance. It is a concession that fault move.                 Chronicle to write:

meat at' the reactor site'is quite possible. We are reminded of PG&E's Chief Civil "It started out as a benefit for the. 3 Association to Preserve Bodega Head and ' Engineer's testimony at the PUC hearings:

                       "The one thing that will not change is the                Earbor and the audience that Ja==ed Earth-quake McGoon's was motivated as much by the fact that we are foundin6 the reactor                     desire to overthrow the PG&E's plans as it structure on solid rock and surrounding it .              vas by nostalgia for the Dawn Club and Lu with very heavy concrete structures."                     Watters.
                                                                                        "But the evening vaan't half over before
                     ' Y6#N(NTAk . hu/1//y //                                    it evolved into a mass turn-back of the The fairest description cf the two sides cl k, a one in-a-lifetime excursion into to the geological and seismological question 308talgia City and the chance once more to at BCaegc Read pi-w a,, m                  -* t occurs                *      ** E# '" ***O ""

in the new book, Earthouske Country b It couldn t have happened anywhere but Robert lacopi,

  • eased by - <cok
                                                                                  * "" #""U 8 ***

Company. It was a grand evening. Chaotic, loud, Professor Charles Richter, .n the book's. senti = ental, somewhat bawdy and packed with forward, says that **W '8 ' # '" #Y * *** long-standing gap. it "" vill he p to fill a There has really never been anything It is a thoroughgoing, luci ly written in Jazz like the Lu Vatters' mystique and , profusely illustrated volume c: a subject eM ne m e again in all m elihood. of interest to every citizen of the State. Sun ay night was,a late-life rerun and it, This is must rendinr. too, was unique. 5~. 6 /95 7*/7~/C/V,/ // 3ruce Bratton's ,'Goodtime Washboard 3" vill play the intermissions and unveil The Association is circulatir  ; a petition their new creation: " Don't Blame q &E, to the San Francisco Supervisors for pre- aj st e an Andreas ' Fault, sentation at the hearing on Supe visor Jack ,entatively the date is set for Sunday, Morrison's resciution. Signatur es are ay 31st. Mark the calendar for another restricted to citizens of the Ci u unf TSettable evening and watch f r further announcements, County of San Francisco and y vas a c{y and included with our last newslett to each recipient in the City. If you culd like ^ / 8-- D6 to circulate a patition, let us know. Cc=. pleted for=s must be returned ' May 15th, About 50 mestere braved the highways to e ttend the Ass 0ciation's annual meeting in f t he 2ciega Bay Grange Eall en April 16th. W T FORGE THI SAN FPE CISCO E PERVISCES attes ar.d Ray betel wn r.c=inated EEARING MAY 19t*,

                                             "  2 P 3 *,* 3 M EMIs"- (*      t #      b' #"#d f i" * % #                                       '



Bay moved that'th?' Executive Sec"r*e[tary""'N 2- v =fV P

                                                                            'new rinees. r.e .#.u The em.nction           m ressed 3
                                                                                                                                                 %. %.          nd No. Cal. Assoc. to Preserve odega                                                                                                     un9nimousiv.,

Head and Earbor, Inc. 2820 Telegraph Ave., Berk 8 ey 5, California

                                                                                                                                               ,u((pMh nwN umSm                                                           h.<                                               =
                                                                                        /                                                      Permit No. o,2

_Be rMeie v . Oel . i p, w 7_ e. c. w. . p w

                                                                            ,b:dg a m             . ( .- n m
                       ***.=es=a  o%.


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                                                -,5J% hw w<J '/hfc,y ,


                                                         .PGB.E .A Plari e,o,     -- -

At Bodega HeadI Pierre Salinger said today inlwhat he . thought are the main

                                                 ' Santa Rosa he oppored the pro ' campaign issues in the Cahfor-;
                                                 ; posed Bodega Head-Pacine Gas        n ia senatorial election. T h e y; I& Electric Co. power plant.

l include:- how to maintain the I in answer to a question at s; state's booming economy, thej l breakfast meeting attended by, civil rights issue, how to pro . about 100 supporters at Saddle;tect CalHornia's water interests,l-

                                                    'n Siricin East the Demccratic:the problems of agriculture, and candidate for the U.S. Senatejnaturalresources.                    ,l nomir.ation said he opposes the! Mr. Salinger said win or lose!
                                                  ' plant primarily on grounds of he is home in Cahfornia to stayi earthquake hazard.                land predicted the outcome will'
                                                   . Mr. Salinger also disclosed be decided in the next five and.'

that he has been invited to par.;a-half weeks. ticipate in the Luther Burbank; Rose Festivakparade May 16: and has tentatively accepted. Presidential candidate Barry l' Goldwater previously was in.l. . vited by the Santa Rosa Junior Chamber of Commerce and hasl' agreed tc appear. Mr. Salinger, minus his fa-l- a mous cigar, and nattDy dressed C- .' In a dark suit and pin-strip tie,! OP _. was warmly applauded when he 99 1 ; arrived at 9.15 a.m. p e .9 y[ The ci:ed his expe. n$p = rience as press secretary to the P* t) y late President John F. Kennedy . -lt.@N,,

                                                                                                                             ,7 i

and the knowledge he has gained com - -c in the past 3% years in the White House as among reasons P'$'

                                                                                                                       >     n L:     C p# .

why he felt he wo'4d make a 5@ 2 y u good U. S. senator.also cutlinedl: Mr. Salinger G l s

                                                                                                                                                  .l l


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                                                                                                                                                                               .......       .rm. w....6          %,.. s       ...,s...n.*n.-.


                                                                                                                         .4          .                         3..         .4,,, .y ur,.aer. ,. :af

we , .. , .,

                                                                                                               .                  UPEAWU OR.5                                                            EM 8CDEG8
s a n, =mee ,,.~ ..e sa. e.......,n. e,-...,....,,
                                                                                                                                                                                              .                 .. . . . ~ .

Scart of Su;.orvisers cr. a reso. .. nesses */ fav:r ' the res:,.c .:n

                                                                                                      ;csir,g the $ciega instaCaticn                                              vere Fay R.ebel, Ze:rnary.:Wer ' tne en A;ru 16th and tr.en :onnnueg                                           2:r.e;6 lay :ns .ter .' Ocr*.er:e, Pe ,er ler.r, PrG Berry ::: '.e . ;! cf the 5;erra 0;ar . and Z: tion, intror.2:et by 3;;eavisor tani Pes:ne: :" - .e 10. Cal . As s
  • c .

sc.. isen, is teir.g *:r.siierei ty the Preserve 2ciega Xeat a:6 Xartor. Late and Ustio*.4; Affai*s Oc==11* D:ept f:* the Sierra 0 0 s;oses .an, was g,7, ge. grget :a; g. y 3:,.;1.: yea, S ;erviser ?qer 3:as.

                                                                                                           ,,.       a.       . .                                                 aner Anesses Lenne? heavCy n tre
                                                                                                        .r./ a:4 'ainia: 2;aAe .

safet; ;Lesu::.. 4 te:rr.1:a; f.niar.; is neari .g: are .v.s ais:. Its :: -

                                                                                                      .O refer tr.e resca.n n *: tre fe;; ne; necessarv, iney ;cir. sed tat. Tr.e reesn:
                                                                                                       .cn sa;;y acts in a;::riance                                               is a si:p;e er.e: Is sa . a it. agers.s !st'
f ar 're: a ;c:; ir.e ta; c:.n..n tee 's.. r. e~.:.:.: , erd.aticas , ..c
                                                                                                            ..%           .m.          . .                                        uty safer ear..   . . . . . ase .a
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,. ear.3*;2?"*.*:"23
                                                                                                      ; s;ct cf the A;ru ;f tr hearing a     :nesses f.; ?~4I in:;2 dei G.ahn.4 a.g tesur. ny by Ect:c:a Oc;.::ty                                           So ::a *cwr.ty Pla: Lits 0! recur Prather;
                                                                                                      .r I.J           (Mr.* } Lidotti, vno pre
  • 1.cuis Its-h4r , a !2.ri:: ":c.ty eit:'*in; reschtion frc: his beart kni:h 'm* cca;ratst; and 0 :. M*1the;. Vue ;restien*

the Sar. Trancisec kari :" e er engineer.r.g :f ?;C. The sa:: c' We;;;.ei's

                                                                                                      $ :.nterferen:e er. the affa;rs of                                                                      .

tesneer.y was tr.a- resy :nGe at:;ar.y

                                                                                                      .     .nty (an?l as i:.;* ieQ q.esti&*                                      vog;in't 4:*es:- cf a ;":;e:* trat was 4. safe.

c: ;etency cf tr.e 5:n:::a 2 card.* Attendan;e by everycne f:" tr.e c:r. .nwe? 3.;erviser Lec 240ar*.hy p:;ite1Y hear;r.4 is we;;::e. 5 ;ervas: 3cas Lidotti ne was shays ve;- assed er.;y ex;er- tesur.:r, 'rc: tet 5ar. Trar:cis:S 'ogt ne 51;pened sides be presen et v't.or. the hearing rese es r.g arsi inat any thr+&* * !s . This

c gives the city a ryat .., ;ro. 4: ; p.g.,;:ay ;;n, e :ny XaM.

vin :e er. .-aerss-a.g nearing--and its oca

                                                                                                          .. ... trist*.ei and as ned it :6
r.paeres nascf :: ;eten* . M.g. -::e r.n c.::-:.s tearug :- ee f t:4; ca* t-e a . J:iegs 3Ay, si; ;;est; ns raisei Oy tne nant. Fare. ; : t yc .? ale ndar . *~*** *****
e," Marny replei. Ne r.sve it.e
                                                                                                        .r... niger.:. s gras; : inters e ;esei L. .nts site .                                                       I
                                                                                                                                                                                           'c,yg '*'.;- T 7 7"uf "h:'-.c/*           "                        <*a-,#q  '-

rnj referrei *: earMer testk:r.y ! rviser Peter 3ct.: c f :'t.rt- 0Lray , l , pea ;ers ui,37;;; sa:r.*ae , Seat:" g 3 7,c; . ,g er

                                                                                                     .vered an e;::.r ea.- ;;ea f i ele:ted b,,,,a ;;;,, ng                                                                                                                   -
                                                                                                       .unwes r.ct                             s are-ier,;ne ar                    b pm .                       .p      se 4.* - . -:11 a :
                                                                                                                                                         .ne mags                                           W.u s a, n,:;,.,a   _.e 1:1e> ;*Ge                     '
  • ves *c exper s .
                                                                                                         .                                                                         i s *. . .                           .

a ge.y ne ersy, he n: .ei, is a G4sn: ex- g,.,g .f 3,, sr. e.

ne *C. .:.;..;.e vs . tr.e e ;* e:rts . ' .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .ng ex;4 r*            est.-
                                                                                                                                                                                    ! > g; .ne-' ,toe, .4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .e . ;, 7 . ;,;;;pa;
                                                                                                     .ne r 23i: ". . ;r.e:s was ?aa SCy e. .                                                  j
                                                                                                                                                                                                           .,,3.;; , g;.37                          ;, ;;;;,, ;3: e .
                                                                                                                                                               - * .t.e                ; j...,7
                                                                                                       *       .' :.:e Asun4n                                                                                                                 e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . e 7e 4 4.*.

Of hdep 34:]ni,ie}.ti ;er '  : ,w , .w.;;; . , e s . . a .. .s . . e . a . ..e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ;3;            3. g . ,
                                                                                                          .us.                                                                      ,3m. , p .. ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .,n, g,             ,
                                                                                                     . .i * . 1 .r.e: ut-ner. .e re .a:47                        .f. , ,, g ;                 ,


                                                                                                             .                                                                                 .e             .. . .             g
                                                                                                                                                                                                       .-t     .h..       %*.          * -                  ;rl,J .47.1 it                                                                            - * ~ ~ -
                                                                                                                          /V/Q 5                                    Wh                  * . . * .                             . .              ~ ~ -

5^ (/,r' San Trancis:. M* 6 . A ^ **L 'l /NN'$ W ' . .u r e ..a* Lsit .: .r e r t' 6* -

                                                                                                        ':r A;r ; LP                           A         28t'TP ' 
r. err-a ;; as;e: .s a . ::., 7.J :

e nse ; .IJ 0 ;'^t r ~.r

  • n' * *
                                                                                                         -' ' *.;'         Of 3I!!*sA's k; *&t;                          38 U           e g: ,; ;g;. re e :." .* . s i knLress h.ut, t;;.                                     Jt kaanan                 ,      y;e n . ;e a , a s...:.:; e..r.Ge* *:.:.i N; ire s ;13..-                    ,-u 4 .rg. 3 f ear' 4aik                       ,3        rin,
                                                                                                     .e: .* .:.e se a r.                                                                                                                                                   5e MI *f        Ve II7           ..,g        .no ! .4ep 7-;,e ;' 's ht i + . .

gr:; .;,1 ".n s 31 * . Nii A. I* L *8*

                                                                                                       !.e 14 :-P                          # eaf * *
                                                                                                                                                                                         ; ':a;. 13 r.,: i k4U.
  • Lra d 51. '. ht e s *.s '
                                                                                                                                                  . we
  • ie -*M* f:ei , .h ;3 p t g,; ;.4 J.

s 4 3 -. de res t*.t".)-f T.e il i # ie :Lai:r . ,- to. .o * :;;. .a . g..a ge r '.it " >  ;.'";; rt& c.J 4

                                                                                                                                   ;;a '. .*                      82*     3 f.N# .                                                                                      * ^~
                                                                                                               ,A g;;g.


                                                                                                                                                                    ***. " M                 ..g     a.   .: n        .r e e r.*           *   ' .~. .r 3 :

ng;g is r.:; a r.:rs t *t.: *.e .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ..a'.                   .
13. g3 y; Get .ny ikI*' * ,", ;; rr, ;t, , n e
  • e reAta *.e i
                                                                                                      . , ,, , t e ,                            .4( ri h ..s 5 11MI                       ; ., ,q 3 , e g ;m , .,

AA ';;s s:f . J Jd . . > U4E

                                                                                                         ,. . , ai.e    *
                                                                                                                                      &d       '.T. a           '-
                                                                                                         ** r g.'              *?          3
  • j ant!.. *.s1 te 0*
                                                                                                               .s Cf safety                       ei- I A A "l i
  • I i


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1 i 1 a l

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I 7 b w ur - . .,ne ; _ PG G S,W/7: GRMS

  • NCyd L Mf/GN fWdW&

MLS ras iferres ;:.e AL: a r.cve; 's taf 21;a:ny" des;gr. 'ar tr.e 1:1ega ;;an , cvere::e ot,3: Mens ra. set by the falt . /f6g~ 6Cpd [f9 M

                                                                                          ':att by tae *J3*3 : rc.g: r.e rea: e s ;u .

7?.e ;rc;cas; vas ecsta; .ei 1. Annitest .f al; gas 4:::70:4? s::.etle, the "0 7 to tr.e a: pa:y's na:aris ana;ys;s, Assoc;au. . van h;.1 au se:: . ar. ..41 f11st with *he A;,0 GL ." arc. '1J  ; t "* art 4. ate 's Sene fit" at "'.r4 Altr.ougr. tte ic ;at;' says r:~e en*  ?.br*ty's 1= c 0147 street es the "Statt fa41," is t:t :: s;;. ore: This vi;l be ne : 1y ;M. ;.:11: a;; ear.

                                                                                         "tredible," it r.sverst.eless to des;gr.e?                                   at:e sy h Vaturs, fow:?er cf San ?ranciato f r.      Tale is icte ty f;cautg us reancr                                         "azz, =e. ser of tr.e Assc:iatica's 3:ard c*

thildir.g on a f:anianen sf aand ar.: s .r.  % rect:rs, and a leger.d acts t;sself reu.niing it viu a ec:;tessitie -a ert.t; kat year 's ter.ef.'? r.etted tr.e Associaticr.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            +. a e
                                                                                             .:.e new tes ;g , is f or.;:eca; -e                        .-. ..

d * * . ,., - .e .4 .ea..n ,u . ease r. - # the

                                                                                        . gee - .. is a :c cessist. ta- faat ::ve.

Otreti: e c vr ' M he t atare here:uie rea cr*s;y.,it e ascs0;u :w;:ssit.;e.

                                                                                                                                                                                  ": sura: '.e -- ~ h a s
  • E*, . * ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            . . ' t:0
                                                                                       ~:g:.neer's tesus:r/ at .e ?'[:ea".7,Y I

g,N e

                                                                                                                                                                           ',a~~       . '...'.'I.

7' f*

  • Hrve ~ ~ * '3H.s;a Eeat a:c
                                                                                       "!c.e     : .e n ir*- ..a,:*v.' ..* . .e . a 4 .e           .e .s'*tr.e             base ' . dca'"'s vas :.:u'va u;'s-I2** * .' 'i !ar*:
                                                                                             , ,,at ve are
                                                                                                                       . ai;r; ue nee.:.                                   g,, . n          . , n .. _V a': . * +. /. e stra: tare ca ss... v::4 a~- 4. e . .......

v;t rery nee y cu

                                                                                                                                                    . . . . . 1 .          ..La .y *:s a. e*
                                                                                                                                                                                                           'a +. -,o.~e  e Mk.  .s ene .a;;ar.s    as. it a ar.1.a 7,.,
                                                                                                                            .       3  7,,,,        ,,,e                   g,g         n, 3r ne euer.g ,as:~ 3.alf sur tet:n
                                                                                         %,MgauQudy" Tr.e fairest descr;;                                                           c.."c4,sL *s"*. *.         .e' ...a'
                                                                                                                               .r. cf ne
  • ec s *.ies
                                                                                                                                                                          ;g, .,,;g;, ; .,j g; ..                ='."e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ._     . *.=e "ex?ers      . . . . ?..'. **. .

ne pc;:41a1 a .: . . .ss:2.:gi:4. '

.a .a c .ca ::re to at 3 ;iega 7.ead yeMe"EneTr-a.e - ' - -s.ea nu j rs;;n use g ;iet us:::es. g

                                                                                      ; ne tev tocs, it-
  • a 'i . 2 "'. t 3 . . ,.y.e re p ut any'.'nen l'*e M:er
  • ace;;, 'm ,Ig erted,:/,,:5 *'*:::' a Sa . 7:10:is::
  • 2FS 7* ,

7: vas a tra:.4 evesag. Cha:- , k2d, Professor "haf *.es ' y*.er. \ ': us 1::4,s i sentimenu;, s :c. .at tavty att ;4:Aed with fareari, says vil. he. , ' *. IL.- a ':es:r;es f:r ever,0:e.. icq stand;:g ga; ,, *! tere tas ready never been a:yttir.g

                                                                                            ** s a utrowitsung, .,, .:. 7 vr'
  • ten, =

tr. ;&ss Lise ce * . Matters ' =yst4 e asi

                                                                                     ;r:fwsely iZ.stra*44 veh=e : , a sa:je:-                                            g,y, v;g ;,ny y, ggg;f a gi; ;;te;;tc:d, it ir.terest           u every : Mset :: *se 4ta e .                                 5#
                                                                                                                                                                         .. 4., .as 4. .-.           . .ias,a ;su-a' fe rara u? 1, I- -

19 auf **.i' * . .e . [ /* f& 7*f f f[t\/ , ll pg 37g g., , g v;N 5;ay %t ' t.te' in3 $0I'3 '"$

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ' g.g. .gg 'Sasht0&rd I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .:- t 14.r.eEI'*k "r. As4*:iati
  • is L.rrSa" .r ' & J e U * ;."- ue;r ne. :reat..

g- *%, g

                                                                                       , tr.e ia:. *rt c;r : 3 Gertis:rs I:r Ere ,                                     ,

gg. 3, jgg 4;gyegg - 73 4 , . " t ser.tatu at ce heark.; r e a*er" s;r .'a:4 .c.,gn.fe;.. .u ta e is set !:r Sa.isy, V rris :'s res;;.t.. I;(.sta S Lre gy  ;;st :arx t;.e :a;enar f:r ar.c ter Tee

  • r;:ui *.. ." .: e r.s . ' r e .
  • 7 kai ,;,;,..q
                                                                                                                                                                                          .g;;g g ;g :, ; g;,g rg, ,;, %                        f.g=.;.q:

l g,, , d4,. 5Thr. ;s:: a.*.1 a : *Jy 43 g,,,7,; ,; ; g,,g g ,3 ,

                                                                                                         .= :u.e ajar,
                                                                                                                   ..~ t r.eys.e ny n=

u npu.. .

                                                                                                                             .       c. . . .se                                     ,;p,ni;i,Q pry yfg
                                                                                            .r.aa .e a p e t. .
                                                                                   ;;e t e d '::* 4 * .S*. le re *. .r*.e ;
                                                                                                                               .et .s tr.;                  *.-               ~* .                                                       M W * *-

3'.' EW? .* L .tu 'M *H: .

                                                                                                                                                                    , .he ! .s ,a *3.~ .~.'.                     .. **[".n'.a*            Mn@ .
                                                                                  ..,.....g                                                                                                     74                 ~
                                                                                                  . . , ,...,.n..,..
                                                                                  . ... .. .. ......              ~. . . .
                                                                                                              . , 4 ;...- , . ..t...m.. . . . .
                                                                                                                                                                    ). n . ~_:.W, _.ii              r..,


                                                                                                                                                                                                 . . .a ;C ' c ,,;', - U'. :.. a.y..a ui
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -          ;n
T:'* ::*:.3,
                                                                                                                                             . e c.a      .                                                                                          a-       .

o?ega lay 2:: the Ixe:n .lve feiretary m- .....em

ra i.s s t.:

head at$ Eart: ,*!*6 f reie r" 3,3. ;ing t Hit !a;egra; . Ra. 2er..eley 8, ;a.. . r. .a

                                                                                               -n.. .. n.   . . ...m .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           " (, .sup     ,,,l G


                                                                                                                                                                                           ,                               ! w ;-

t P-j / *. - 'li.

r. V 3a J i t T

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