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Rev 1 to Response to NRC Bulletin 88-05 for Limerick Generating Station,Unit 2
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Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1989
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ML20248A016 List:
IEB-88-005, IEB-88-5, NUDOCS 8906080046
Download: ML20248A026 (115)


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I ; TABLE.0F CONTENTS d Paae 1.0. PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.0 EXECUTIVE


,                                                    . ................                                                                                                         3 3.0. SUMt%RY DESCRIPTION OF LGS UNIT 2 RESPONSE TO NRC BULLETIN 88-05 3.1 Documentation Review Activities . . . . . .                                                                                                                                  4 3.2 Testing Program Activities ........                                                                                                                                          4 3.3. Analysis Activities . . . . . .......                                                                                                                                       5 4.0 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . .                                                                                                                                            5 5.0 RESULTS i

5.1 Documentation Review . . ... ....... 6 5.2 Testing-General .. ............... 6 ) Canparison Testing ............ 7 j In-Situ Hardness Testing ..... .... 7 l f-)S '


(; Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Stress Analysis ............. 7 l l 5.3 Analysis 1 i General . ................ 7 ) Product Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 AISI Evaluation ............. 9 LGS Unit 2 Laborttory Testing Analysis .. 9 i LGS Unit 2 In-Situ Testing ....... . 10 LGS Unit 2 Chemical Analysis ....... 11  ; NUMARC Laboratory Testing ........ 11  ; PECo Pht. Lab (PML) & LTI Testing Compa ri son.= ... ............ 12 , LGS Un!t 2 St.ess Analysis ... ..... 13  !



S Carbon Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 13 Stainless Steel ................ 14


                                . . . . . ................                                                                                                                         15 i

8.0 TABLES ... . .. . ................ 16 I l (} L FIGURES . . . . .. . ................ 16 i APPENDICES . . . . . ....... ......... 17 .



[.7 RESPONSE TO NRC BULLETIN 88-05 FOR LGS UNIT 2 A 1.0 PURPOSE This report provides 3 complete response to the requirements set forth by NRC Bulletin 88-05 and Supplements 1 and 2 to the Bulletin. Bulletin 88-05 and subsequent supplements required I. holders of construction permits to review purchasing records to determine the presence of materials supplied by' Piping Supplies, Inc. (PSI), West Jersey Manufacturing Company (WJM) and Chews Landing Metal Manufacturing (CLM), and to provide assurance that the suspect materials meet the Code and specification requirements I or are suitable for their intended service or replace unsuitable materials. 2.0 EXECUTIVE


The NRC issued Bulletin 88-05 and subsequent supplements regarding the alleged falsification of material documentation by three piping material suppliers: West Jersey Manufacturing (WJM), Piping. Supplies Incorporated (PSI), and Chews Landing Metal Manufacturing (C W). The Bulletin required specific actions to be undertaken by utilities to resolve this issue.

   .q                    In an effort to aid the industry, NUMARC, through a consortitm of

(,/ thirty-three utilities, developed a generic industry wide program addressing the guidelines for documentation review, testing, and analysis. Phl1adelphia Electric Company (PECo), as a member utility, actively participated in the development and implementation of the guidelines established by nut %RC. The final NUMARC report

                         " Response to NRC Bulletin 88-05" was transmitted to the Commission for review and approval in Decerrber,1988.      Based on the NUfMRC guidelines, PECO developed a three-phase program to address the Bulletin for Limerick Generating Station (LGS), Unit 2.

During Phase 1 of the Program, PECo completed a review of the purchase records for LGS Unit 2 to determine the presence of material supplied by PSI /WJM/CLM. Secondary suppliers such as General Electric (GE) also reviewed their LGS Unit 2 purchase documents for WJM/ PSI /C W supplied materials. Upon review of the material documentation, PECo has concluded that suspect materials were furnished and installed at LGS Unit 2. Upon discovery of suspect materials, those components determined to be in the warehouse were imediately segregated and placed on hold. During Phase II of the Program, PECo, in conjunction with NUf%RC, developed and performed the testing phase of the 88-05 program. PECo tested the safety-related WJM/ PSI /CLM materials installed in LGS Unit 2 and used the results of the NUMARC and PECo testing (] programs to demonstrate that the materials meet Code requirements.


  ~f/~T'                                PECo contributed 47 flanges fran stock to the NUMARC laboratory progrm. For comparison purposes, PECo Metallurgy Lab (PML) and an independent testing laboratory (LTI) tested thirty-seven (37) flanges that were conmon to the NUMARC Laboratory Testing Progran.

During Phase III of the program, PECo evaluated and analyzed the results of. the tenslie, hardness and chemical tests. The conparison between NUMARC, PML, and LTI test data yielded a good correlation between:the results. Thus, PECo used the NUMARC-developed direct hardness nunber to tensile strength correlation to determine strength of carbon steel material installed at LGS Unit 2. PECo also used the Anerican Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) report on product testing to determine the acceptance of the variability in test results. -The analysis indicates that the test results for WJM/ PSI naterial are typical for pr oduct tests of SA-105 naterial. This report outilnes the PECo LGS Unit 2 88-05 Program, describes the test methods used for carbon steel and stainless steel and evaluates the results of these tests. The report provides the technical bases and rationale used by PECo to conclude that the WJM/ PSI /CLM naterials Installed at LGS Unit 2 neet Code requirements. 3.0 StNMARY DESCRIPTION OF LGS, UNIT 2, NRC BULLETIN 88-05 PROGRAM

    -                                   The Linerick Generating Station, Unit 2 NRC Bulletin 88-05

(_) Progran is a three-phase program which addresses the following: 1 Phase I: Documentation Review Phase II: Testing Phase III: Analysis of Test Results and Conclusions 3.1 DOCUMENTATION REVIEW ACTIVITIES I) Review of purchasing records for bulk noterial purchase of PSI /WJM/CLM manufactured / supplied piping materials. l 2) Review of piping subassercblies and ASME Section III In-line I camponents purchase specifications.

3) Review of skid nounted components purchase specifications.
4) Review by General Electric of the piping related purchase orders for LGS Unit 2.
5) Determine installation status (i.e., location) via review of l

N-5 packages for ASME Section 111 piping, spool Installation records and other installation documentation. 3.2 TESTING PRCGRAM ACTIVITIES

1) Develop site specific in-situ testing guidelines in
   \-                                         accordance with NUMARC developed guidelines.

L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


h. 2) Conduct hardness testing on the safety-related, installed b components.
3) Conduct chemical testing on representative material samples of heat numbers of components installed in LGS Unit 2.
4) For comparison purposes, conduct testing in-house (through PECo Metallurgy Lab) and through an independent testing lab (LTI) on 37 flanges conron to the nut %RC program.


1) Determine reliability of PECo test methods by developing and evaluating the correlation between PECo test data and NUMARC test 09.a.
2) Evaluate hare.<:< test results to screen non-conforming materials.
3) Evaluate chemical test results to determine chemical composition and acceptability of components.
4) Perform stress analysis to determine whether LGS Unit 2 Installed flanges meet Code pressure design rating or stress allowables established per NUMARC Generic Report.

4.0 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS The review of the data generated from the testing performed at LGS Unit 2 permits the following conclusions to be drawn *

1. The LGS Unit 2 In-situ hardness test results are above the ..

L 350 hardness value threshold established by the NUMARC D study.

2. With one exception, the chemistry of carbon steel materials tested meet the requirements of SA-105. The exception, a blind flange with heat Code 6X11375, has bee.n removed and replaced.
3. LGS Unit 2 stress analysis on installed WJM/ PSI /CLM flanges meet the Code pressure design rating and/or stress allowables established by the NUMARC generic report.
4. The thirteen stainless steel items received from WJM/ PSI /CLM art' installed at LGS Unit 2 were identifed as austenttic stainless steel using the Texas Nuclear Alloy Analyzer.
5. The LGS Unit 2 Equotlp hardness test results, chemical analysis, the stress analyses coupled with the technical reasoning provided in the NUMARC, demonstrate conclusively O that the material tested is acceptable ASME Code Material.

O b 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 DOCUMENTATION REVIEW In response to NRC Bulletin 88-05 and Supplements, PECo, identified the safety-related materials that were purchased from West Jersey Manufacturing (WJM), Piping Supplies Incorporated (PSI) and Chews landing Metal Manufacturing Company (CLM) for the Limerick Generating Station, (LGS) Unit 2. The search consisted of a detailed review of the following categories: a) Bulk Purchase of Suspect Material b) ASME Section III, ANSI B31.1.Q-11sted Systems, Piping Subassemblies and In-Line Components c) Skid Mounted Components and Secondary Suppliers d) GE Supplied Piping Subassemblies and Conponents The review of the first two categories indicated that 4076 Items were purchased for LGS Units 1 and 2 during the time frame established by the Bulletin. Upon discovery of the suspect components, those components determined to be in the warehouse were Ininediately segregated and placed on hold. Further investigation revealed that 312 carbon steel items and 13 stainless steel items were received from WJM/ PSI /CLM and installed in safety-reinted systems at LGS Unit 2. The 312 carbon steel and 13 stainless steel items were composed of 51 heats and 4 s- heats respectively. The review of the last two categories has identified no additional suspect materials that were purchased for LGS Unit 2. Table 1 includes the total scope of WJM, PSI & CU4 components at LGS Unit 2. Table 2 includes the installed items at LGS Unit 2. L The database was formatted in accordance with NUMARC established fleids. 5.2 TESTING The Bulletin and supplements required utilities to provide assuranre that PSI /WJM/CLM supplied materials meet the Code and specification requirements or are suitable for their intended service or replace unsultable materials. NUMARC developed an Industry-wide generic testing program and established guidelines for testing of carbon steel and stainless steel components. The guidelin3s established by NUi4 ARC and accepted by the NRC include the use of:

                     -     The Equotip Portable Hardness Tester to screen non-conforming carbon steel material Installed in the plant.                                            ,
                     -     Magnetic test for confirming austenitic stainless steel.

l") U

                                                 -    The Texas Nuclear Alloy Analyser (TNAA) to determine the correct mettalic alloy composition of stainless steel material s.

The NUMARC Program included comprehensive laboratory testing of PSI /WJM ltems contributed by the utilities; and in-situ testing of installed items. LGS Unit 2 contributed 47 stock flanges for the NUMARC Laboratory Testing. The chemistry test results from the NUf%RC Laboratory Testing for the LGS Unit 2 supplied material- are shown b on Table 3. The complete, Equotip harness, tensile and chemical test. results are given in Tables I and 2 of Appendix B. Comparison Test For comparison purposes, PEco Metallurgy Lab (PML) and an independent testing laboratory (LTI) conducted hardness, tensile and chemical teists on 37 flanges conron to the NUmRC Laboratory Test Program. The results of the PML and LTI test are included in Table 4. IN-Situ Hardness Test PECo tested the safety related WJM/ PSI /CLM carbon steel flanges installed at LGS Unit 2 with the Equotip Portable Hardness Tester. The results of the test are tabulated on Table 5. Chemical Analysis (q)- PECo also conducted chemical analyses on samples of stock material corresponding to heat ntsnbers of Installed flanges that fell below 396 L . Forty-six of the Installed flanges fell below . d 396 L . These40flangeswerecomposedofseventeen(17) heats. ThreeD heats,12432, d5G, and F70080 were not available from stock and samples were renoved from the installed flanges. Chemical analysis was also conducted on samples of material from heats that l fell above 396 L . Credit for previously tested samples from representative hhats was taken from LGS Unit 1 testing and tMMARC testing database. The results are provided on Table 6. 5.3 ANALYSIS The purpose of the various test programs was to confinn that the Installed materials met Code and to identify any items that may need to be replaced. The methods selected for in-situ testing were intended to screen out nonconforming material and verify that the specified materials were furnished. In-situ test values are not expected to match those on existing CMTRs. For ferritic steels, such as SA-105, the principal attribute Is strength, which can be evaluated by hardness testing. Generic laboratory chemical analysis of a large sample of the WJM/ PSI /CLM



                                         - carbon steel. material demonstrated that'the material furnished, except for some blind flanges, was within the expected range for the product test of the material. The principle elements, carbon and nanganese provide strength and they are~ controlled to facilitate weldabi1Ity. SI1 Icon,' phosphorus and sulfur are_also controlled.

l to facilitate weldability. The specific composition requirements

                                         ..of'ASME SA-105 have changed in various= editions, whereas the tensile requirement has remained the same. Thus, by demonstrating an' appropriate tenstle' strength through hardness testing,'an item satisfactorily tested and Inspected after welded Installation would be considered to meet Code.

For stainless steels, such as SA-182, the principal attrlbutes are sufficient corrosion resistance and weldability as Indicated by the' proper alloy content. The determination of alloy content using the Texas Nuclear Alloy Analyzer (TtAA)' is appropriate for-testing In-situ stainless steel items. Product Tests Tests of finished products produce different 'results than the original test upon which the CMTR was based. ASTM and ASME have.long recognized this and in same editions of some specifications have provided allowance for_ such differences. Allowances, tolerances or variations are to be expected and are based on test accuracy and upon metallurgical fundamentals. The alloying' elements in steel segregate within an Ingot as do


nonmetallic inclusions. This causes the composition to vary. 1 The strength will also vary due to the amount of work or size reduction given to the ingot and .due to the heat cycle. The heat cycle includes specific heat treatments such as normalizing a completed part, as well as heat cycles involved in extrusion, rolling and forging. Peak temperatures and cooling rates are very important and affect strength and hardness.


c An additional source of variation is that it is permissible to - test a _ specially forged blank rather than cut up and test a finished product. For SA-105 material which is not required to be heat treated,'one test blank may represent an entire heat of steel which could be 75 tons or more, many different Ingots, worked and forged to different diamt.ers (such as 1/2 to 24 inches), ratings (150 or 300 pound), and forms (blinds, slip-ons, weld necks). In addition to the inherent chemical segregation, the great differences in the amount of shaping and forming, temperature cycles, recrystallization and cooling rates often cause mechanical tests results of finished products to be different than original CMTR values, and could cause test results to be outside nominal specification values. The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has provided an evaluation of these , effects as discussed below. O

_g-AISI Evaluation The AISI published a study in 1974 which quantified the variances in chemical analyses and mechanical test results. The AISI study is entitled, "The Variation of Product Analysis and Tensile Properties Carbon Steel Plates and Wide Flanges Shapes". This paper indicates that shapes (in study SU 19) which are similar to SA-105 carbon steel forgings in the arrount of forming work, chemical composition and strength levels, will vary by 10 to 20% from CMTR values. Figures 33 and 37 in the AISI study document the magnitude of the product test variation, minus 6 ksi to 15 ksi and minus 2 ksi to minus 18 ksi, and also the frequency of occurrence. Figure 33, Line c, shows that approximately one-third of the values were found to be 7 ksi below the CMTR value Approximately 10 percent variance), and one-half percent of the values would be 14 ksi below CMTR value (approximately 20 percent variance). Line C in both Figures 33 and 37, excerpted from the AISI study, represent material similar to SA-105. Figure 33 represents the flange product test data corrpared to the official web tests (CMTR's). Figure 37 represents the web product tests compared to the official web test (CMTR's). From these test it is obvious, by comparing the two lines labeled c in each Figure, that webs and flanges in the same piece of steel do not compare to CMTR values in the same way. This is because the amount of work and cooling rates are different even within the q same piece of steel. V The application of a conservative allowance of variances in the laboratory data developed by the generic testing program makes it understandable that these matririals could all have been properly certified as Code material. This fact is important to a program designed to screen out deficient material and thereby confirm that material is in accordance with the specification to which it was certified. The Iraurtant feature of the AISI work is not the specific values for variation of the percentages of variant material, but rather the independent documentation of a real and conmonly recognized fact that product test results will be different than CMTR test results. It is readily seen that the NUMARC and LGS, Unit 2 mechanical test data exceed nominal values or are in a range similar to the variances documented by AISI. Analysis - LGS, Unit 2 Laboratory Testing Of the 43 SA-105 tests performed on LGS, Unit 2 material for inclusion in the NUMARC test program, 39 exceeded the SA-105 specification required minimum tensile strength of 70 ksi. The four tests shcwing tensile strengths below 70 ksi, had values of 68.4, 68.0, 69.6 and 66.3 ksi, respectively, which are consistent l with the anticipated variance for product testing. In addition, LO

Equotip laboratory testing yleided results in excess of L 364, D whereas, Ln 350 is the lower bound cut-off established in the


C NUfMRC test program. Table 3 lists the chemical data from the NUMARC laboratory tests for LGS, Unit 2 supplied carbon steel material. The complete results, Equotip hardness, tensile and chemical test A


results are given in Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix B. When laboratory Equotip hardness test results are converted to Brinell hardness (BHtO,17 of the flanges show a result less than 137 BHN, which is the mininun BHN required by SA-105 for CMTR's in lieu of tensile tests. Thirteen of these seventeen flanges showed tensile strengths over 70 ksi. However, this is consistent with the overall NUMARC test results which show that BHN conversions are conservatively low when compared to material with acceptable mechanical properties. In addition,.all but-three of the LGS, Unit 2 SA-105 flanges supplied for laboratory testing exhibited chemical properties meeting the latest requirements of SA-105. The three flanges, representing two heats, exhibited slightly low manganese contents of 0.30, 0.50 and 0.51 percent, respectively, which compares to the present SA-105 requirement of 0.60 percent minimum. The slightly low manganese content in the three flanges may be explained if the stock was procured to the pre 1974-edition of SA-105 which required 0.90 percent manganese maximtm but no minimtm. Thus, the manganese in these three flanges Is not a technical concern. Analysis - LGS Unit 2 In-Situ Testing Equotip hardness testing in the field yielded results similar to the NUMARC laboratory test program except that no values fell below L 350. The lowest value from the field Equotip hardness testingD was L 371. Figure 1 depicts the distribution of fleid D Equotlp hardness testing. The Equotip hardness distribution from fleid testing peaked at L 396-409 which compares to the NUMARC laboratory program peak o9 405 for laboratory and a peak of 417 for fleid hardness categories. The remainder of the LGS, Unit 2 Equotlp hardness distributions were also similar to the NUMARC program hardness distributions for both laboratory and fleid hardness categories. The field Equotip hardness data indicated that inconsistent test results were obtained for nine flanges. Test results wer a considered to be inconsistent when the difference between the highest and lowest L value exceeds 15 points. The L 15 range in hardness D D values Is a procedure imposed requirement and Is conservative when compared to the manufacturer's recommendation of a range of , LD 30. If the less conservative but fully acceptable L 30 range l recommendedbythemanufacturerisapplied,eightofthSnine flanges meet the criteria for valid tests. These eight tests are considered acceptable with a lowest Equotip hardness reading of Ln419 When this result is campared to the corresponding tensile strength of 74 ksi lt is clear that the eight flanges are acceptable. (} The remaining flange with heat Code 'GDFR' had a reading outside -

 \                              the L 30 range (i.e., Ln 32). This flange was considered D

acceptable based on NUMARC laboratory tests results on the sane heat.

Four stainless-steel flanges representing two heats from LGS, Unit 2 were included in the NUMARC laboratory testing program. The results are shown in Table 3A. As indicated in Table 3A, two LGS, Unit 2 flanges meet the mechanical and chemical property requirements of SA-182, F316L and two flanges meet the mechanical I and chemical property requirements of SA-182, F304L. The fleid l- testing using the TNAA shows the 13 flanges tested to be austenitic stainless steel. Analysis - LGS Unit 2 - Chemical Analysis The results of the laboratory chemical analysis on representative samples of materials corresponding to heat numbers of installed components at LGS Unit 2 is tabulated on Table 6. Chemical analysis was performed on samples of material corresponding to heat ntmbers of installed flanges that fell below 396 L

  • D Seventeen (17) heats of WJM/ PSI /CLM supplied carbon steel materials installed at LGS Unit 2 fell below 396 Ln . Three heats of those flanges that fell below 396 L nwere not Evallable from stock and samples were retroved from installed flanges. Chemical analysis was also Installed performed on twenty-two (22) heats of Installed flanges that tested above 396 L . Credit for previously tested D

material samples of representative heats was taken from LGS Unit I testing and NUMARC testing database. The results indicate that, with one exception, chemical composition of the samples meet the specification requirements or are within the acceptable variance for product testing. The exception noted is heat code 6X11375 which exhibited low carbon and manganese content, 0.07% and 0.26% respectively. This material is suspect per NRC Bulletin 88-05 requirements. Thus, the 3" diameter raised face blind flange with heat code 6X11375 is being retroved and replaced with one that meets SA-105 specification and Code requirements. Procurement doctments indicate that the two six inch diameter spectacle blind flanges with heat code 'F70080' were required to be SA-515 material. The chemistry of sample representing heat code 'F70080' meets the SA-515 material specification. Thus, with the exception of a blind flange with heat code

                                                               '6X11375', all other components tested rmet the chemical specification requirements.

Analysis - nut %RC Laboratory Testing The complete list results (Equotip hardness, tensile and chemical) from the NUMARC Laboratory testing of LGS Unit 2 is shown on Tables I and 2 of Appendix B. The SA-105 tensile test results exceed 70 ksi or are consistent with the anticipated variance for product testing. The tensile results histogram has a normal O' distribution with a mean at approximately 77 ksi, well above specification requirements. There are approximately 13 percent of the items with less than the normal strength and these are within the anticipated variance described in the Paragraph on AISI evaluation on page 9 of this report. A histogram of the same

f 1 Items' hardness values is also a bell shaped histogram but has a

   / ]' -                             broader distribution. A plot of these same laboratory tensile results and E.quotlp hardness expressed as BEN data shows that alnost all the hardness data points fall at or below the ASTM A370 BHN-tensile conversion correlation. Thus, . Indicating that this is a conservative' approach, and that a trore accurate correlation is required for this acceptance evaluation.

In fact, the Equotip manufacturer reconmends that product specific correlations be estabilshed in such cases. It is noted that there are many acceptable tensile values below the nominal acceptance criteria of 137 BHN. LGS, Unit 2 field tests were performed with Equotlp tests and the data converted to BHN. The conversion from Equotip to BHN ls an approximation, as are all hardness conversions. It is apparent that the Equotip-BHN-tenslie conversion approach is not well suited to this appilcation. The ASTM A370 BFN-tensile conversion is also an approximation. The double conversion / double approximation requires a nore direct approach. It should be noted that the lowest Equotip hardness measured at LGS, Unit 2 was greater than the lower hardness ntmbers measured in the NUMARC laboratory testing program, that is, L 371 for LGS, Unit 2 in-situ testing program as opposed to E 348 for the NUMRC test program. TheNUMARCtensilevaluescorEespondingtoL 350 and greater are considered acceptable; therefore, the LGS,DUnit 2 Items subject to Equotip testing also have acceptable strength. For austenttic stainless steel, laboratory chemical analysis verified the expected carbon, chrmium, nickel, trolybdenum, etc., composition for the specified materials. The principle concern for these materials is to have sufficient alloy. for corrosion resistance. Any metal which had sufficient alloy to be non-magnetic and which was also inspected after welding a stainless steel system would be substantially verified as being acceptable material. Analysis - PECo Meta 11uroy Lab (PML)/An Independent Testina Lab (LTI) Testing The comparison tests conducted by PML/LTI of the 37 conmon carbon steel flanges that were part of the NUMARC laboratory test program Indicate good correlation with the results of NUMARC laboratory test program, the LGS, Unit 2 fleid testing data, and between PML and LTI testing data. The PML Equotip hardness test data exceeded L 350 as did the NUMARC laboratory and LGS, Unit 2 hardness D tests. Good correlation was shown between actual Brinell hardness testing performed by PML and Brinell hardness values converted from actual Rockwell B hardness test performed by LTI. The tensile test performed by PML had uitinate tensile strength values greater than 63 ksi as was also the case in the NUMARC laboratory test program for LGS, Unit 2 Items. The results of the chemical analysis between PML and LTI revealed b comparable results for those elements analysed in conmon by the two groups, that is, carbon, manganese and silicon. Although , some differe.nce in the alloy content is noted, none are greater than would be expe':ted from testing at two or rore laboratories.

                                                                                                                         /                         .Both PML and LTI agree that three carbon' steel flanges have less
       -]                         than the 0.60 percent manganese required by the present SA-105 which is the same result obtained in the NUMARC specimens LIM-2-13, LIM-2-27 and LIM-2-28 (Table 3). The PML/LTI comparison tests provide a verification of the accuracy of the LGS, Unit 2 fleid testing and the NUMARC laboratory testing by showing good correlation of the results of tests on cormon items within the accuracy to be expected of the various test methods.

LGS Unit 2 - Stress Analysis for Installed Flanoes Stress Analysis was performed on all Installed flanges found to have Equotip hardness readings less than L 396 Analyses were based on line design pressure and temperat0re co.nditions. All flanges were found to meet the Code p' e sure design rating and/or stress allowables established in the .0%RC Generic l g Report. The Stress Analysis report is included as Appendix C. I


S Review of the data generated from the testing performed at LGS, Unit 2 In response to NRC Bulletin 88-05 permits the following conclusions to be drawn. Carbon Steel

1. The distribution of LGS, Unit 2, ileid Equotip hardness test results shows a bell-shaped curve very similar to the distribution curve generated by the NUMARC test program. It is concluded; therefore, that the test results and conclusions from the NUMARC test program are applicable to LGS, Unit 2 for SA-105.
2. The LGS, Unit 2, field Equotip hardness test distribution shows all Installed material to have an L nvalue greater than 350 (63 ksi uitimate tensile strength equTvalent). This is the threshold above which replacement or further Investigation of the material need not be considered based on a NUMARC test program findings. See Figure I for the distribution of the LGS, Unit 2, Equotip hardness test results.
3. The NUMARC laboratory tests on carbon steel treterial supplied by LGS, Unit 2 exceeded the lower bound values of 63 ksi ultimate tensile strength and the L 350 D Equotip hardness established by the NUMAPsC test progran. The chemistry of carbon steel materials met the requirements of SA-105, except for three flanges, representing two heats, l which were slightly low in manganese content. However, these three flanges rmt the pre-1974, SA-105 requirement of 0.90 rreximum manganese. Refer to Table 3 for the laboratory test results for carbon steel materials.
4. A comparison between the 37 comron flanges included in the

D- NUMARC laboratory test program and the PML/LTI comparison tests shows good correlation. No Equotip hardness values less than L 350 'and no ultimate tensile strengths less than 63 ksi wereDshown in the PML/LTI cortparison tests. The PML/LTI cortparison tests also revealed the same three carbon steel flanges with a slightly low manganese content to present SA-105 requirements. With one exception, a blind flange with heat code 6X11375, the chemical composition of heat codes of installed WJM/ PSI /CLM material at LGS Unit 2 meet the chemical composition requirements of SA-105 and SA-515 specifications. The flange. with heat code 6X11375 is being removed and replaced.

5. The LGS, Unit 2 field Equotip hardness test results, chemical analysis, the nub %RC laboratory test results and the PML/LTI comparison tests, coupled with the technical reasoning provided in the NUMARC report, derronstrate conclusively that the material tested is acceptable ASME Code material.
6. The generic stress analysis performed as part of the IU4 ARC program is appilcable to LGS, Unit 2. This generic stress analysis demonstrated that materials with an asstmed room temperature, ultimate tensile strength of 56 ksi were satisfactory. LGS Unit 2 stress analysis on installed (o) WJM/ PSI /CLM flanges meet the Code pressure design rating and/or stress allowables established by the nut %RC Generic Report.

Stainless Steel

1. The thirteen stainless steel items received from WJM/ PSI /ClJ4 and installed at LGS Unit 2 were identified as austenitic stainless steel using the Texas Nuclear Alloy Analyzer GNAA). The test results are given in Table 7. d
2. The laboratory testing of all stainless steel material received from LGS Unit 2 met the mechanical and chemical l propertles of SA-182 for the appropriate grade.

l l l O

7_-____. l-REFERENCES

1. NUMARC Report 88-01, " Response to NRC Bu11etin~88-05", October 1988, prepared by Bechtel Group, Inc., for EPRI.

2.. The Variation of Product Analysis and Tensile Properties Carbon Steel Plates and Wide Flanges Shape, AISI, September 1974.

3. Chemical Test Analysis Results, File No. TCW-019-01, Bechtel Power Corporation.
4. General Electric Report, DCN 236644.

5 PECo Metallurgical Laboratory Note No. 88-423-3, " Metallurgical Examination of Thirty-Seven (37) ASTM A105 Flanges and Fitting made by Piping Supplies, Inc., or West dersey Manufacturing Company" prepared by PECo Metallurgy Laboratory.

    .G SAT /vvg/03088902 O

i .. [}.' APPENDICES

                    ' APPENDIX A - Letter from Authorized Nuclear Inspector, Kemper Group, Ltinbermen's Mutual Casualty -Company to W. E. Mourer, Bechtel Western Power Corporation, dated November 9,:1988.

APPENDIX B - Bechtel Power Corporation, Final Report Revision 3

                                   " Response to NRC Bulletin 88-05".

b APPENDIX C - LGS Unit 2 - Stress Analysis for installed flanges with hardness less than 396 L D ~

                                                                        "#'S' "
  • O O i l

[]- LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TABLES. TABLE 1 - Stock and installed WJM/ PSI /CLM supplied materials at LGS' Unit 2 - Revislon 1 [ TABLE 2 - Installed.WJM/ PSI /CLM materials at LGS Unit 2 - Revision 1

                     ' TABLE 3   -   NUMARC Laboratory Testing of 43 carbon-steel PSI /WJM/CLM flanges from LGS Unit 2 - Revision 1 TABLE 3A -    NUMARC Laboratory testing of four (4) stainless steel PSI /WJM/CLM flanges frms LGS Unit 2 - Revision 1.
                      ' TABLE 4  -

PECo Metallurgy Lab (PML) and an independent testing lab (LTI) testing of 37 flanges comron to the NUMARC Laboratory testing. (Metallurgical Laboratory Note

              'n.                    No. 88-423-3) - Revision 1.

O M TABLE 5 - LGS Unit 2'In-situ hardness test results on installed WJM/ PSI /CLM flanges - Revision 1. TABLE 6 - Chemical analysis of installed WJM/ PSI /CLM flanges at LGS Unit 2 TABLE 7 - Stainless steel Texas Nuclear Alloy Analyzer results for 13 installed stainless steel components at LGS Unit 2. FIGURES FIGURE 1 - IN-SITU hardness test distribution. O --___m______m. _

6- ~ M L C 2 I S T P I N

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J S W G L F O T A E P S 1 O T C N N O S L E N O O I S A P I T M V O O E T C R 1 E L B A T O  : rl lI ! l l, r

source: , w MATERIAL CONTROL , NRC BULI.ETIN 88 DT. d May 4. 1989 dels T- V ff Total Scope 4143 Installed 324

                             -Sent to M&QS for Testing                   69 NRC Testing (NCR 13646)                    .4 Returned to vendor.                       15 Unit I'-                                    4 Transferred to Peach Bottom               40 Warehouse.                              3604-Unaccounted For                           83
                             -Total                                    4143 i

O i.. l. L i i i L o s



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m_ _ Fope 6 c' ;4 Mot. Lat. lic. E6-4:3-3 i 5 TABLE ND. 1

                                                     'AETM A3 09 Cnemical Composition T<ese2 s


      *'                                                                  (Cont.nucc)

PP.L TE c Meta';urcy Latao: story

           ~ LTI - LaDoratory "esting,                           nc.                                                ,

I l FCCc , ,.


P.v. l . n. .- S .p r -- - ~ .v. r t; p .u. ,- ,- n. ,a f .a.,. ,. n.. , &.. 10 0 . CAEBDl; CARBDl; r.At;GA1;rEr y.A);;A);tSE PHDSPHDRUS SULTUR S!L; CDl; ! E: L: CDf; I 20 D.27 0.20 3 . 3 E' ' 2.24 0.0~7 0.0 7 0.19 0.23 l 0.013 0.020 0.22 0.: 21 0.22 0.22 0.90 0.E7 0.22 '! 0.024 0. 0; 3 0.19 22 0.21 0.22 D.95 D.EE

0. 4 1.;2 0.013 -

0.0;3 0.19 4 23 0.24 0.25 0.35 0.2E I 0.20 1.12 1.08 0.015 0.025 0.30 24 0.18 25 0.24 0.2E 0.67 0.76 0.06;' O.006 0.21 0.37'l 0.019 0.017 0.30 0.:4 ! 26 0.23 0.36' O.99 0.91 C, . ,. .c. Ci .. e / j

                                                                               . 20           0.0.e.        0.0 ..-
o. . 1 0.r- . . . . -.
                        .e /-                             .-

0.92 0.021 0.025 0.20 0.21 25 0.30 0.22 0.92 0.26 0.25 0.20 1.05 1.03 0.009 C.015 ' 29 0.17 0.:3 0.99 0.92 0.021 0.017 0 . '. 4 M d 3D-21 0.25

0. 2 0.30 0.24 1.09 1.04 0.021 0.030 0.22 0.16 I' 0.22 0.19 0.42' O.50' O.022 0.022 22 0.25 0.29 0.0;E 0.;2 O.20 22 0.25 0.22 0.4;' O.50' O.029 0.C29 0.012 0.24 0. ;

24 0.29 0.2: 0.90 0.91 0.21 C.96 0.92 0.030 I C.0: 4 0.26 25 0.21 0.24 0.20 C . ~ '. 36 0.29 0.21 0.97 0.91 0.025 0.0:2 0.97 0.C2E 0.020 0.24 0.23 27 0.29 I 0.21 C.9E i ,

                          " Does not meet enemistry requiremer,tt.

7* %

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ' ra ce '. 7 cf ~4        <

Mt* . ' ~ A: . N: . BE-422-3 3- TABLE NO. 2 AETM A205 Har6ners ASTM A205 specification sns;2 de Hardness Tn e' Aardness by P-ine22 2 37 mi r,imun t o Ear dness B:: ne; 2 - 2 E T component Wss_.messured for - nErdness by' the Equotip Mo6el D Each 3000 up 1csd, . Es t dness-portable nardness. tester, Brine:2 using a Specimens RocuWe22 E, and HETdness kortwel: E converted to brine 12. 2 requirements .d:e fei2ed' the tenciJe or yield strength that na v n ed FTi: PML _ PECc Me ta12 ure..v Lab 0r etorv . LT3 - Laboratory Testing, Inc. TAELE O.r gAganggg ggggrag PML

                                                                                                                                                                                . \, A, e n.-
                                                                                                                                                                                ,                                                                                                       -.n.


                          . 4, NO.                                                    L VALUE

i l- 244,0 15E.0 156.0 E4.0 2 405.8 E . .e i.

                                                                                                                                                                                   ../.0                                            .,E.0                                            s e. .e ..n
                                                                   .:                                                                   .s.e.e.E                                                                                                                                                              E ., . -.
4 ., .. e . .- .o0.-c
                                                                                                                                                                                       .                                             ,cc.E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ...                                             s.cs.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     '50 0                    E'..'.

4 s .c . p

                                                                                                                                                 .                                 .s.c..9                                           .          5 5. . $                  .          .

E1.5 5 407.4 245.0 155.0 '. 4 7 . 0 ge..:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      . c. e. 9 c
                                                                                                                                        .ec      .c ..:                            . .:e . C,                                        .s4.;.0 252.0                   5D.1 7                                                                    3cE.4                                      139.0                                              150.7 E TTY                                        ,                       3F4.7-                                     136.0'                                             13E.0                                           244.0                   77.5 aD4.
                                                                   .e                                           t                        . .- / . ,c 4 0 ,c .                                            Ac?-.

20 I 3cc.;* 134.0' 13E.0 137.0 75.3

                                                                                                                                                                                    ;41.5                                              ~50.0                                          150.0                    7E.?
                                                              ; ~.                                              l                       405.0                                                                                                                                                                  o.c.:
                                                                                                                                                                                    . , 0.                     ,c                       .,E..:                                         .- c. e . c
                                                              .,.                                               I                                          .                                           .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .,,                      .s..,.
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                                                                                                                                                                                    ., .a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        . s . c,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . C,                                  r 126.0'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ;44.0                                         244.0                   7E.0 14                                                                       3 c 4. 0'                                                                                                                                                      t i

O e Ihf ee mensCTements Or, Component OrOsi-Sections.

                                                        Ine EquO;'p L YL2Ue reported Wh5 00tnined byloses;                                                                                                                                                                         15hing measurements IWO Sets Of E measurements, d e; e:i ne, Ine nienes: End DI.. se       .               .
  • O 48*

O e . sets

                                                       Ine L Converted !O Erinell number is En EYerEge Of One IWO                                                                                                                                                                                            TE!dneEs Of'L YE1UES OOthined Oy :De EquOtip Model D POrtErle                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .

tester. I l---__.__.___._____________ __ - - . _ - _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' - - - - - - - - - - ~ _ - - - _ _ , _ . _ _ _ ,

Met. LLL. hc. 6E-423-3 Pace E cf !4 TABLE NO. 2 AETM A105 Hardness

  ,es .


                                                                   ,, 4 . 5 ',,        122.0'.                            ,
                        .6     .r~. v.      .,7 .c . f, .          . 5.5               - .,. . C3
                                                                                       ..                         ..0                    . .


                                                                   .r.. .5             16:.0   .
                                                                                                                  .            0     Es.o.
                        '8                  29E.5                  139.0               143.0                      152.0              75.0
                                                                   ,:/.D      -         - ,e          :           .%..V
                                                                                                                           * ~        . / . .,
                        . .e                sod G
                                            ..                     .e                   J%a. w 20                  295.0'                 136.0'               142.0                     144.0              7E.0 40E.9                  145.5                151.3                     144.0               80.4

d 21 22 22 29E.4 408.9 13E.5 146.0 146.3 154.7 142.6 144.0 162.0 147.0 7E.0 77.8 76.0 14 295.5. 127.0 -

                                               . ,. . e            ,50.0                , C ,. . i                 , 5 t . C,             . .
                        .c 176.0              E9.1 1

26 44E.4 174.5 1E1.7 1 4 ,. vn . ,.

                                                                   . 5 % . c.            .6 .?


                                                                                                                        ..            E7..*
                        .7                                                                                                            E6.4 2E                  4 2.5                    .56.0               165.0                      159.0
                                                                               .                                    ' ' .0
                                                                                                                    .%'*.             ' E . *.
e. ,e re


                                                                   . .:.e . L,    ,      . 4 c. . n  v                               <

154.5 15E.0 lt5.0 E0.1 20 20.2 ... . ... E E . ~. 2e 4...:. . ,50.5

                                                                    .                    .t          ./             .:r.0                             :
                               .r.v.        .s c .. . . e.
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i.0 .-e. .c < ..c .!

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                                                                                                                     ..                                e
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                                                                                                                     .t.c.v            r*.c
                                                                                          . ../
                                                                                                                     * ; c. . e, t              :

2x I .o.  : *c .= . t .:. . /= .C # ...

                        .-                  **..,                   . t..o                                             .

16 4:7.E l f. 0 . 0 167.0 l *62.0

                                                                                                                      .                E5.4 I?                  40E.0                   *45.3
                                                                      .                   154.7             l        159.0             E2.5 l_                                           I Tne       actual Erinell and HRE values re:e taken fr:r a minimum Of
nree measurements en ::mponen: cross-se -ions.
                   Tne I.:;ue:.p ; vs'.ve r eper:ed was co .ained oy :skine measurements                                         twc sets cf 5 meas.remen.s, d e *. e t i n e. : ne t.i c. n e s :                           and       icwes:
                                                            ..                      $  .sP                  ..
                                     -    M       brd i
                  The L CLnver:ed :; Erinell n;mbe- is                                          E*,    Ever&Ce Of the : '.' O se*s
l. .Erdness I n Of L YElves cc:sined o.r : n e I.c.u c t i . Model D p;rta*1e
  %                  ttster.

l l l l l [ \ l L __

n q:, F e g e 5- cf '4

, ,                           Mes.-1.A.:.. Ic. . EE-421-2
              'g TABLE NO. 3
. 1:
                                                                                ': ensi".e ': est ' kesu2 :s to -
AF:M A2 05 Tat 0 e 2,' Mecnenical - keoci r emen* s -


                                                      ,r .r w.

I . REDUCT2 Ol; Y2 ELD'(.25i SPEC: MEl; TEl;SILE ELO10G AT3 01; - OT' AREA j

                                                   -1;U M E E R        STREl;OTH                  ETREl:0TH 70,000 psa                  30,000 ps) [              .2.05-             '       30.Oi L

l' Minimum M.; reimum Mi ni mun: Minimum Reaci r ec' .keceire6 i keouired -keccited 2 79,E55 pri 42,443 psi 27.51 .Sc.5%

2 73,5E5 psi 44,700 psi 31.Di 70.4i 3 80,428 psi 45,306 psi 25.01 52.61 4- 79,660 psi 43,312 psi 22.05 67.44 1

5 74,000 psi 45,000 ps! 22.54 64:.71 72,6E2 psi ' 4 0 ',0E2 ' psi '34.It 68.11 6' 76,421 psi 42,192 psi- 36.41 67. S t . 7 8 *69,369 psi. '22,505 ps'i ' '21.51 4 6 . E '. 9~' 76,942 psi- 43,456 psi '12.4i '27..'t 42,606 psi 34.3t 62 . 25 10 70,927 psi 45,306 psi 22.0t 7 2 . F '. 11 76,714 psi 74,734 psi 42,653. psi 32.0% 66.c5 12

      .f.3                                             '13             72,180       psi            3E,095 psi                  27.3%                      52.5%
                                                                       ~72,044 psi                 3E,559 psi                  21.21                      52.4%

24 60.Si 15 'f9,115 psi '22,842 psi 2C.51 26 '66,416 psi ' 2 5,0E7 psi ' 21.1 '. '~2.8%  ; l 4c,221 psi 21.44 (7.2% i 17 ED,154 psi

                                                        ~E             73,154       psi            3E,46c ps:                   2E.21                     54.01             !
                                                        .e el,.,ca es:

2 ,. 4 esi

                                                                                                                                . .: . 5 ,s               .: ..e4 20             7 2,566 .hsi                44,647 hsi                   27.0%                     EE . 05t           !

21 74,429 psi 29,465 ps:- 25.7% C2.2% I 22 ,72,476 psi 3E,232 esi 2 9 . 6 '. f2.0%  !

                                              '         23             7E,005       psi             4E,0E1 hsi                  30.75.-                   66.1%               !

24 71,716 psi 16,4E7 hsi 2;.65 60 61 I . 4 l 25 t> ,.,- .. =.o,c. --.

                                                                                                              ;,4                ..
                                                                                                                                      .. . y- .           t.. ,. . c. ,,

r--. . 26 !4,327 psi ' 50,000 ps.i 25.01 'l 4 6 . 2 '. 27 7c -.,.

                                                                         .          .,.u.
                                                                                                    ~ e , E s' :. "' I
                                                                                                      .        ..                ..~. . Cs                 :'.-..'.'w
7.0% 5';.Et LB Ei, f Ef . s2 4E529hsi 59.3's 71,E23 psi 40,951 psi 22.Et 35' l 4E.2E0 psi 27.01 55.3%

20 E2,7.'.2 psi 31  ?.c E'S ne r-- s,365

                                                                                                      -        -e.'           ' ' ..c . 'a 's .            ':...ct. .                  \

I? 'f5,714 psi ' 30, c1E hsi 30.Ct (G.5%

(,c3E 'si p '3s.0% 22.4(


                                                        ;4 j66,5;0.pri i   E4,fi". psi I
                                                                                             ,      4i,1:2 si                     2E.Ci                     SE.Ci E5,5C6 psi 46,152 psi           '

2c.05 57.41

                                                        }5 26         l
                                                                   . E2,3EE ps:                  45,6E4 :si                    27.01                      S E . Ei-          '

ED, - r - r-e .e ~7. r.i k,.e.: ...og e...ct . , 27 . , . t, I l

  • Under r.i nimen. specifi ca:icn r equir ements . .

_ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _

P6?e 2.0 cf ~4 " Mat. La t. . it . BE-42*-3 TABLE I;O. 4 m i

    '- '                                    Tsb2e of Portable Hardness Versus 1.aboratory Brine 22 Hardness BR:1; ELL HARDl;ESS                                   POPTABLE CO!;VERTED                                  HARDl;EES PECo       from the           LABORATORY               ABOYE (*)

SPECIMEI; EDUOT P BRII; ELL or BELOW (-) I;O . L VALUE HARDt;ESS ACTUAL BR;f; ELL 1 244.0 155.0 -24.0 2 137.0 14E.0 -12.0 3 260.5 155.E *- 4 . 7 4 153.0 158.3 - 5.3 5 145.0 155.0 -10.0 6 137.0 245.0 - E.0 7 139.0 150.7 -12.7 S

                                                 .oC.0                .%:- E . C.                  9 0        .rm. s.*

5 159.5 163.0 - 3.5 10 234.0 135.0 - 4.0

                                                 .4..c      .         . 50.0            _

6 .c-12 240.5 14E.3 - 7.5 13 141.5 143.5 - 2.0 14 136.0 144.0 - E.0

                                                                                                   . 5 .en.y
                                    .D           .Js,.D                . :.0                                        .
                                                 .      c.e2 w
                                                                       ....c,    v Jc . c.*    r . v.

17 152.5 163.0 -10.5 1E 139.0 141.0 - 4.0

                                    . .c         ...:/.c               .. ,...
c. 6 20 :36.0 142.0 -


                                                 .. % w.ce             .s....
                                                                                                     ..w c           *
                                    ." 4
                                                 .-. c.c   a    l 2 4 C . s.


                                                                                                    * .Cs t

i n 23 146.0 154.7 - E.7 i l

                                                                       ; 4 2 . e, e 4           .;i.0                                       -


                                                 . . ,s   .C              ::. 7                   .,../.                r
                                    .o           ;t 26            174.5                101.7                    -


                                                                                               - ./ . 9.
                                    ./           .D$.z,                   .
20. 7 2E '56.0
                                                  .                     1E9.0                  -13.0
                                    .n .e         .~....: , 0               4c. 0              .:.0 50            154.5                 15E.0                  - 3.5
                                    .s .,         . :JC, . es           .La.   :

l _sc..

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i j .

., ..t 0 ata.,i -

I. 1 .. c- .;...=g . L ,e . /

                                                                                                . . .s      w l

167.0 - ~ .0 i 36 .10.0 { 27 145.5 154.7 - 9.2 o\ , I u/ . TTi Tsiled 7 ens;le er Yield Streng:n

                                                                                 -                                                                                                          a I

j .-

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73 i i L.T.3. Lab heport t70-4E5C.3 V PEILADELPEIA ELECTRIC .COMPAN1' P.O. ( TS 271511- AN / 94 7 013 P69e -:-

                         'A.                                           SPECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS RESULTS - ASTM A-105 PHOSPHORUS               SULFL'E                E:L2 CON SERIAL e-    CARBON         MANGANCSE C . 0 5 0 7:.s):       0. : 5 n.c ):

0.00-1.25 EEDU;EED 0. 3 5 n.a x . 0. 0 4 0 n.c >. . . 0.20 1.21 0.019 0.015 0.30 1 0.29 0.20 1.19 0.017 C.014 2 0.31 0.El 0.035 0.019 0.22 3 0.0*3 0.009 0.23 4 0.21 1.24 0. 7 5 0.25 1.19 0.019 0.014 0.22 1.26 0.017 0.017 0.29 6 0.010 0.010 0.27 7 0.20 1.17 . 0.22 0.22 0.97 0.020 0.019 E 0.017 0.016 0.21 9 0.23 2.13 0.26 0.25 0.94 0.017 0.012 10 0.012 0.30 11 0.20 1.26 0.015 0.94 0.015 0.012 0.*3 12 0.23 0.01E 0.21 13 0.19 1.23 0.019 0.014 0,01E 0.26 14 0.20 1.16 0.013 0.25 ('/ C "-3 15 0.24 0.E3 0.022 i 0.030 0.C 2 0.26  : 16 0.16 1.30 0.27 i 17 0.23 1.11 0.020 0.013 C.029 C.C 5 0.30 1E 0.25 C.73 C.25 C.23 'O.21 C.024 0.01E 19 C.C27 C.23 20 0.20 1.24 0.0:7 C.22 0.22 0.E7 0.C13 0.010 21 0. 0* 3 C.23 22 C.22 0.EE C.024 3 . ., .; 0. 0. ,.: C....s.: r. s ,

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                             . PE!IADELPHIA ELECTRIC COKPANY                                       L.T.2             L t. b R e p o r t t72-4E50.3 fT                    ,

Page ' M P.O. &TS271511AN /.947013 El TENSILE TEST RESULTS - ' ASTM A-105

  1. 1l .'

TENSILC' YIELD - ( . 2 % ) REDUCTION SER:AL i STRENG"'H : STRENGTH' ELONGATION. OP AREA-REDU;EED 70,00D PSI 30,000 PSI - 2.' . 0 4 30.Di 1 7 9 ', E 5 5 . PSI 42,443 PSI. C'.5% 5 9 . L ri 31.0% ';0.4% 2 73,5ES' PSI 44,70E PSI. 3 80,426 PSI 45,306 PSI '25.04 E2.6% 4 .79,660-PSI 4 3,312 PSI 31.Di 67.44 5 .74,000 PSI 45,000 PSI 33.50 64.74 6 72,6E2 PSI 40,0E2 PSI 14.20 6E.31: 7 .76,421 PSI 42,192 PSI - 'E.4% 67.51 B: ',69,36c PSI '33,505 PSI ' ' 1. 5 tt 46.Et 9 76,942-PSI 43,456 PSI '13.4% '27.2% 10 70,c27 PSI 42,606' PSI 34.3% 61.21

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 .i t                                                                                          source:

[ 4 O NRc auERN BW yU g. HAR K SS TEST 1mTA .

                                                                                          'date; g,tl, fq BY EnT MEA                                                                 ,


$                  LE -    2          Pet ~ 124E                 414        8, 9
               . LSS      2           082 12432                  401       8, 9
-                  LSS    2           083 12432                  417        8, 9 LES     2           064 12432                 389 +      8, 9 LSS     2           005 14164                  436        10 I
               'LSS       2           006 14164                _430        IB
,                 LES     2           007 15533                  447       12 LSS     2           008 15533-                422        12 i                 LSS     2           009 1533                   441       12 LES     2           018 15533                 425        12
 .                LES     2           011   15533               446        12

.! LSS 2 012 1533 419 12 i LSS 2 813 15533 407 12 2- 014 16758 A82 15

,      O LSS      LES     2           015 16758                 423        15 LES     2           016 1608                   396       29 i

LSS 2 017 18N 429 29 , . LSS 2 018 1880 392 + 19 LP 2 819 21492 416 26, 27, 28 LES 2 B2B 21492 422 25, 27, 28 LSS  ? B21 2D92 609 25, 27, 28 LES 2 ft?R 2103 407 29 LSS 2 B23 EKA 389 + 29 LES 2 B24 Elia 414 29 LSS 2 625 2168 390 + 29 LES 2 025 2168 488 29 LES 2 B27 2168 395 + 29 LSS 2 B29 2168 422 29 LES 2 829 2160 407 29 LES 2 830 2168 416 29 LES 2 B31 2168 A85 29 LES 2 632 217538 445 31 LES 2 833 217538 414 31 LES 2 634 218516 436 34 LSS 2 835 218516 461- 34 LSS 2 836 2358 418 46

             . LSS      2          837 2578                    419       50 LSS      2          B38 2578                   397        58 LSS     2          239 2578                    419       50 hLSS           2          648 2578                   485        58 LSS     2          B41 2578                    429       58 LES      2          642 2578                   393        54 LSS      2          643 2578                    418       SB LSS      2         644 2793                    485        56 LSS      2          045 2793                    415       56


      /'I LBS   2  846 2793   398          5 V   LBS   2  847 2793   414           56 li
LBS 2 848 2793 489 56 l' LBS 2 849 2793 419 56 858 2793 LBS 2 483 56 L6S 2- 851 2793 399 5 LSS 2 852 2793 489 56 LDS 2 853 2793 411 56 j< LBS 2 854 2793 411 56 6 LBS 2 855 2793 399 56 '
. LDS 2 856 3793 485 56 LBS 2 857 2793 481 56 LBS 2 858 2793 413 5
LBS 2 859 2793 444 56 LGS 2 868 2793 487 56 l

LBS _2 861 2793 484 56 !' LBS 2 862 2793 481 5 LBS 2 863 2793 488 5 LBS 2 864 2793 418 56 LBS 2 865 2793 486 56 L LBS 2 866 2793 486 5 LBS 2 *!!7 9793 481 56 LGS 2 868 P793 404 56 LBS 2 869 2793 487 5 LSS 2 878 2793 404 56 F LBS 2 871 3991 483 64, 61

     \    LBS   2  872 3991   398 e         68, 61 LBS   2  873 3991   486           68,61 LGS   2  874 3991   395 e         68,61 LBS   2  875 44266  421           63 LBS   2  876 4 266  392 e         63 L6S   2  877 44266  483           63 LBS   2  878 44266  419           63 LBS   2  879 44266  413           63 LES   2  888 44266  385 e         63 LBS   2  881 44266  434           63 LBS   2  882 44266  485           63 L6S   2  883 44256  397           63 LSS   2  864 45285  424           64 LBS   2  885 45285  424           64 LGS   2  886 58816  422           69 LBS   2  887 58816  449           69 LES   2  888 58816  482           59 LBS   2  889 58816  412            69 L6S   2  898 58816  428           69 LBS  2  091 58816   444           69 LGS   2  892 58816  445           69 LBS  2  893- 58816 449            69 LBS   2  894 58816  413           59 LBS   2 895 58816   426           69 LBS   2  896 58816  444           59 LES  2  897 58816   432           69 LES   2  898 58816  421           69 LBS   2 899 58816   436           69 LSS   2  188 58816  458           69 LSS   2 181 535 %   438           73, 74, 75

g i 1.- [


LBS 2 182 . 53596 432 73, 74, 75


LBS 2 183 53596 444 73,74,75'

                   ~ LBS         184 535 %     424                73, 74, 75 LBS -   2. 185 53596     416                 73, 74, 75

}~ L6S 2 186 53596 -425 73, 74, 75 LSS 2 187 53596 485 73, 74, 75 l LBS 2 188 535 % 411 73, 74, 75 LBS 2 189 535 % 413 73, 74, 75 }. LBS 2 118 535 % 426 73, 74, 75 LBS 2 111 535 % 489 73, 74, 75 LBS 2 112 53596 484 73, 74, 75 ? L6S 2 113 53596 421 73, 74, 75 L6S 2 114 535 % 424 73,74,75 2 115' 53596 73, 74, 75 ( LBS . LBS- 2 116 53596-411 423 73, 74, 75


LBS 2 117 535 % 425 73,74,75 L LBS 2 118 53596 439 73,.74,75 LSS 2 119 53596 433 73, 74, 75 LBS 2 128 53596 424 73, 74, 75 LGS 2 121 53596 431 73, 74, 75 LBS 2 122 535 % 488 73, 74, 75 L6S 2 123 535 % 418 73, 74, 75 iSS 2 124 52596 4!! 73 74, 75 5 LBS 2 125 535 % 447 73,74,75 LBS 2 126 535 % 425 73, 74, 75

         ,           LBS     2   127 535 %     436                73, 74, 75 k- .

LBS 2 128 53596 428 73,74,75 LBS 2 129 535 % 418 73, 74, 75 LGS 2 138 535 % 415 73,74,75 L9S 2 131 535 % 447 73,74,75 L6S 2 132 53596 425 73,74,75 LBS 2 133 53596- 447 73,74,75 LBS 2 134 53596 429 73, 74, 75 LBS 2 135 535 % 425 73,74,75 LBS 2 136 53596 489 73, 74, 75 LSS 2 137 535 % 441 73, 74, 75 LBS 2 138 53596 418 73,74,75 LSS 2 139 535 % 423 73, 74, 75 LBS 2 148 58F 488 81 LBS 2 141 64C 483 87, 88 LBS 2 142 64C 415 87, 88 LBS 2 143 676914 489 95 LSS 2 144 676914 399 95 LBS 2 145 676914 - 487 95 LBS 2 146 6X11375 386 e 97 SEE 10TE (1) LBS 2 147 74278 464 98 LBS 2 148 74278 385 e 98 LBS 2 149 74278 382

  • 98 LBS 2 158 74278 383 e 98 LBS 2 151 74278 381
  • 98 p LBS 2 152 74278 384
  • M L6S 2 153 74278 371
  • 98 LBS 2 154 74278 389
  • 98 LBS 2 155 74278 376 e 98 L6S 2 156 74278 383 e  %

LBS 2 157 74278 371

  • 98

3- , .. C' j.

                                                                                               -I L                               LBS         2  158 74270   373 e  98 i       G                       LBS        2  159 74270'  377
  • 98 g O LBS ,2 168 74278 372
  • 98 p LBS 2 161 74270 375
  • 98 s LBS. 2 162 9271 412 107 h LBS 2 163 ' 9271 408 187

- LBS 2 164 9271 417 107 LBS 2 165 ?!71 409 187 i LBS - 2 166 9271. 397 107 9- < LBS- 2 167 9271 408 107 t LBS 2 168 9271 420 107 LBS 2 169 9271 397 107 LBS ' 2 178 9856 398 114 LBS 2 171 9856 483 114 1ES 2 172 A79 432 121 + LBS 2 173 MY-84 415 ~129

LBS 2 174 MZ84 487 132 LBS 2 175 MIB4 398 132 LBS 2 176 MI64 383 e 132 LBS 2 177 MZ84 389 e 132 3

LBS 2 178' MIB4 397 132 LBS 2 179 MZ84 483 132 LBS 2 180 MZ84 398

  • 132

, . LBS . 2. 181 @ l64 A88 132 LBS 2 182 BLN 393 a 139 LBS 2 183 BLN 389 e 139 ? es LB5 2 184 BLN 395 a 139 b LBS LBS 2 2 185 BLN 186 CFY 398 438 139 1% - ! LES 2 187 CFY 398 14 LBS 2 188 CFY 389e 1% , LBS 2 189 CFY 391 e 1% ) LBS 2 190 DN 381 e 149 f LBS 2 191 CND 426 151, 1 E 153, 154 LBS 2 192 CND 427 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 193 00 489 151,152,153,154 LBS 2 194 CND 488 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 195 CND 437 151, 1 2 , 153, 154 LBS 2 1% CND 425 151, 1 2 , 153, 154 LBS 2 197 CND 447 151, 1 2 , 153, 154 l' LBS 2 198 CND 428 151,152,153,154 LBS 2 199 CND 447 151, 1 2 , 153, 154 LBS 2 200 CND 489 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 201 CND 439 151,152,153,154 LBS 2 282 CND 488 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 283 CND 423 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 294 CND 416 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 285 CND 428 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 296 CND 424 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 287 CND 411 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 298 CND 436 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 299 CND 486 151, 1 2 , 153, 154 LBS 2 218 CND 411 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 211 CND 413 151, 152, 153, 154 LBS 2 212 CND 438 151,152,153,154 LBS 2 213 CND 427 151, 1 2 , 153, 154


1 g l L66 2 214 De 424 .151,152,153,154

         '.Q                  L65
L66 2

2 215 De .- 216 DG 434 415 ' 151, 152, 153, 154 151, 152, 153, 154


217 00

                   ~ ~ ' '
L66 2~ 428 151, 152, 153, 154 i

i L6S 2 218 DE . 489 151, 152, 153, 154 L66 2 219 COX 458 161 LBS . 2 220 COX 438 161 h L6S .2 221 COX 433 161 b L6S 2 222 CDX 444 161

      .1                      L6S       2   223. COX. 437       161 '

LBS 2 224 COX - 429- 161-L6S 2 .225 COX 436 161 r L6S 2 226 COX 432 161

     ,                        L6S       2   227 COX       458       161' 7                          L65       2   228 COX       434      161 s.

LBS 2 229 COX 439 161 L6S 2 238 COX 438 161 L6S 2 231 E1321. 391 e 166,167 L6S 2 232 E1321 389e 166,167 )' L6S 2 233 E1321 388 e ' 166,167 L6S 2 234 E1321 394 e 166,'167 l L6S 2 235 E1321 386 e 166, 167 LAS 2 236 E1321 394 e 166,167 LBS 2 237 ETPR 415 173,.174 LBS 2 238 ETPR 425 173,174

                            - L6S       2    239 ETPT     397       175-LBS       2   248 F78888    398e     179,188 LBS       2    241 F78888    413      179,188 LBS       2   242 BD8W      488      185
                             .L6S       2    243 6DBW      488      185 L6S      .2   244 6DDE      E7        191 LBS       2    245 6DDE      43       191 L6S       2    2% SDDE      476      191 LSS       2 '247 BDDE        4%       191 L6S       2   248 SDDE      436      191 L6S        2   249 6DDE      477      191 L6S       2   258 BDDE      475       191 L6S        2   251 6DDF      481      1%

LBS 2 252 BDDF %8 1% L6S 2 253 BDDF 487 196 LBS 2 254 6DDM 427 284 L6S 2 255 BDET 383e 216 LBS 2 256 GDET 487 216 LBS 2 257 BDFR 457 228 LBS 2 258 BDFR 484 228 LBS 2 259 6DFR 428 228 LBS 2 268 6DFR El 228 LBS 2 261 6DFR 453 228 L6S 2 262 SDFR E3 228 L6S . 2 263 6DFR 465 228 LBS 2 264 6DFR 433 228 2 265 BDFR 426 228 O LBS LBS 2 266 BDFR 458 228 LBS 2 267 SDFR 474 228 L6S 2 268 6DFR 44 228 L6S 2 269 6DFR 435 228 = - _- --__________ __ _- - _ _ _- s-_

y 5 I l

 . d j% .      LSS      2    270 bDFH     443         220                          :!

LSS - 2 271 BDFR 437 220 i

            . LSS       2    272 GDFR     461-        220 L6S      2    273 BDFR'    473         220 L6S      2    274 GDFR     448         228                           .4 L6S      2    275 SDFR     435         228                             l 228
' - LSS 2 276 GDFR 451 L66 2 277 BDFR 418 220

)' L6S 2- 278 GDFR 426 220 L6S 2 279 GDFR 437 220 LBS 2 288 SDFR 412 220

            ~ LBS       2    281 GDFR     489          220 LBS      2    282 SDFV     438         222 L6S     2    283 GDIB      432         223

(. LBS 2 284 BDKD 419 230 -f L6S 2 285 BDF.D 428 238 LBS '2 286 GDKD 441 238 LOS 2- 287 GDKD 427 238 LBS 2 2BG GDKD 438 238' LBS 2 289 GDK6 424 233,234 ! L6S .2 290 BDKG 418 233,'234

              . LSS      2    291 BDK6     445         233, 234 LBS     2    292 SDK6      433         233,234 L6S      2    293~ SDK6    435         233,234

, L6S 2; 294 BDK6 421 233,234 O 'es LBS a 2 ess sexe 296 BDK6 43' 436 233,234 233,234 ! L6S 2 297 GDK6 439 233,234 L6S 2 298 BDK6 427 233, 234 L6S 2 299 6DK6 436 233, 234 i L L6S 2 308 SDK6 423 233, 234 L6S 2 301 SDK6 418 233,234-

LBS 2 382 J56 388 e 242 L6S 2 383 J56 383 e 242 i LBS 2 304 OK4978 382a 257 LBS . 2 305 DK4978 392e 257 LBS 2 306 T3 399 266 LSS 2 387 T3 402 266 LBS 2 308 T3 413 266 L6S 2 309 T3 413 266 LOS 2 318 T684643 386 e 267 LBS 2 311 VP 417 273 L65 2 312 VP 428 273 I 46 BELOW 396L VALIE SEE NOTE (11 l

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   .                                                                    TABLE 6: CHEMICAL TEST RESULTS FROM LGS UNITS 1 & 2 NO NUMARC DATABASE FOR HEATS INSTALLED AT LGS UNIT 2


               . Item No.                                                                                      Heat No.                       C 0.07             0.26            0.010       0.03                   0.010 6X11375
     . N/

(( 2 1 74270 0.20 0.86 0.019 0.21 0.020 0.92 0.013 0.21 0.027 3 CHV 0.22 0.28 0.74 0.008- 0.19 0.020-4 BLN 0.87 0.006 0.21 0.018 5 GDET 0.27 1.13 0.012 0.24 0.021 6 45285 0.16 0.87 0.007 0.21 0.015 7 50816 0.31 0.18 1.11 '0.013 0.27 0.029 8 53596 0.027 0.32 0.84 0.011 0.20-9 58F 0.032 0.34 0.75 0.008 0.21

                                    .10 -                                                                      64C                                                                                             0.027 0.28             0.82            0.032         0.15
11. 676914 0.021 GDBW 0.29 0.95 0.013 0.23 12 0.026 GDDF 0.28 0.87 0.017 0.20 13 0.015 GDFV 0.28 0.96 0.015 0.24 14 0.21 0.016 T3 0.19' 1.12 0.010 15 0.012 AAZ84 0.29 0.68 0.016 0.21 16 0.015 0.33 0.74 0.012 0.20 17 CFY 0.016 0.21 0.80 0.009 0.18 18 OK4978 0.022 0.31 0.75 0.007 0.21 19 A79 0.017 COX 0.30 0.68 0.020 0.22
                                        '20 -                                                                                                                                                                   0.022 0.32             0.68            0.020            0.23 21                                                                GDDE                                                                                             0.029 GDDM                        0.28             0.93            0.012            0.24 22                                                                                                                                                                 0.019 GDKD                        0.32             0.91            0.013            0.22 23                                                                                                                                                                 0.019 GDKG                        0.25             0.87            0.008            0.28 24                                                                                                                                               0.24              0.021 25                                                                 VP                          0.30             0.75            0.013 1.13            0.015            0.23              0.007 26                                                                2358                        0.22 0.28              0.018
      '0                                      27.

28 12432 J5G 0.22 0.22 1.20 0.74 0.020 0.015 0.29 0.22 0.019 0.019 29 F70080 0.29 0.91 0.023 1.240 0.012 0.270 0.008 30 15533 0.180 1.240 0.010 0.270 0.016 31 1800 0.180 0.960 0.011 0.240 0.011 32 2160 0.200 0.230-0.240 1.11-1.28 0.12 .015 0.24 .28 .011 .016 . 33 217538 0.031 0.230 0.750 0.023 0.320 34 3991 0.210 0.018 AAY84 0.300 0.800 0.030 35 0.270 0.013 E1321 0.170 1.280 0.010 36 0.250 0.015 GDFR 0.270 0.970 0.016 37 0.270 0.013 T604843 0.220 0.860 0.017 Y 38 x 0.14-0.17 39 44266 0.270 .28 0.71-0.76 0.210 .280 0.82-1.13 0.007 .013 0.19-0.20 0.007 .013 40 CND 0.480 0.003 PAGC 0.013 1.210 0.028 41 0.32-0.36 0.005 42 320 0.029 .033 1.19-1.20 0.022 1.57-1.58 0.022 .023 0.56 0.019 43 CRT 0.013 .015 Notes: Itsns 1 - 26: Chemical Analysis from representative naterial samples of heat nunbers of installed flanges at LGS Unit 2. Itsns 27 - 29: Chemical Analysis on samples removed from installed flanges. Itens 30 - 43: Chemical results f rom LGS Unit I testing and/or NUMARC testing database. l [ ) MThe percentage of Phosphorus (P) and Sulphur (S) were not detennined. i SAT /vvg/03158907

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                                                , Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company e American Motrrists insurance Crmpany
                                                   ' American Manutcturers insurance Coropany e American Prot:ctirn insurcnce Company Long Crove. IL 60049 0C01
  • 312!540 2000
    .. (,fA)                                                                                           m. r3 (6 r; November 9, 1956 Mr. W. E. Houer                     --

Bechtel Western Power Co. t P.O. 3cx 3965 .' . i !' San. Francisco, CA 94119 i3

                                                                                                                 ~ ~ ~

Daar Mr. Mouer: On November 7, 1988 representatives from the Kemper Group Authorized Inspection Agency attended a presentation at your Pottstown, PA office to review Philadelphia Electri: Company's response to NRC Bulletin 88-05. The presentation was br.. sed upon the industry guideline established by NUMARC which consists cf material chemical analysis and Equotip

                                                                  *tatist.. cal analysis. The Kemper Group evaluated the resulta as presented to determinee if there was a basis to further question the suspect materdal or the existing material documentation.

It was cetermined the material documentation is representative of the materisl and there war, no reascn, based upon the tests performed, to further question the s:uspect mrterial. We believe, therefore, that the suspect material is in tomp1Lince with the ASME Code. O) If we can be of any further enststance in this matter please contact me at your convenience. Very truly yours, LUMBER.* INS MUWAL CASUALTY COMPANY Codes & Etandards Manager (312) 54C-2883 j cc: Bechtel Kemper Group j M. Iycr R. E. Mulse l H. LilDgh J. E. Ayotte

  ;                                                                      K. Stout                      R. V. Wielgoszinski A. Sidhu                      A. E. Callope R. Palaniswemy                K. W. Golosh H. Linsin11sigler D. Esekney F. Breismeistor O

e 3: ' q:. . [{ . i c 4 ys .- r fj-l f

                                                                                                                                            ' APPENDIX B BECHTEL POWER CORPORATION - FINAL REPORT, REVISION 3
                                                                                                                                                    " LIMERICK UNIT 2 RESPONSE TO NRC BULLETIN 88-05"
;       -()'-       -


        ..Q L-1 i-                        _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
             ;                                                                                                                                  JH647Y LIMERICK UNIT 2 RESPONSE TO NRC BULLETIN 88-05 Final Report Revision 3*

April 1989 Prepared for M. S. Iyer and A. Sidhu By M [, B.' D. Hackney


Approved ce A>> R. A. Manley Qff ' Manager v Materials and Quality Services Research and Development BECHTEL NATIONAL, INC. SAN FRANCISCO Job No. 18240-000 Tech. Report No. 8810-01 EV

                                                                                                                                 *Rev. 1 - Revised Table I
                                                                                                                                 *Rev. 2 - Revised p. 6 as noted
                                                                                                                                 *Rev. 3 - Revised Table I and added new Figure 1
                                                                                              ;tNo4'1Y         \

ABSTRACT Field test data from 312 SA-105 carbon steel flanges and 13 SA-182 stainless steel flanges supplied to Limerick, Unit 2 by the West Jersey Manufacturing Company, Piping Supplies, Inc.. or Chews Landing Metals Manuf acturing Company

                      'and which were subsequently installed have been evaluated. In addition, laboratory test data have been evaluated from 47 stock flanges, 43 carbon steel and-4 stainless steel, supplied from the same source (s) and which was included in the NUMARC industry wide generic test program. In addition, 37     of the same 43 carbon steel stock flanges that were factored into the NUMARC laboratory test program were tested for comparison purposes by the Philadelphia Electric Company Metallurgical Laboratory (PML) and an independent test laboratory (LTI). All of the data have been evaluated in a manner consistent with the technical reasoning and rationale used in the
  • industry wide NITAARC test program.

The field, NUMARC and comparison test data for carbon steel and stainless steel materials indicates that all installed items are acceptable and verifies that the correct ASME Code materials have been used. Carbon steel stock items should be Equotip hardness teste,d and those items showing an Lp value equal to or greater than 350 should be released for plant use. Stainless steel stock items should be given a chemical analysis including carbon content and those items having chemical properties meeting the appropriate grade of SA-182 should be released for plant use. O




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ABSTRACT ................................................................- i-CONTENTS ................................................................: ii-LIST:0F ILLUSTRATIONS ~................................................... iii



S ...................................,,............. 2

                                                                         .3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................,,,,,.,,,,,.                                                                3 4.0 DISCUSSION . .......:..................... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,                                                                 3 1

4 l l l

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                                         . Figure '1.. Distribution 'of Equotip Hardness Test Result s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9 TABLES Table I     _ Laboratory Test Results for LGS, Unit 2 Supplied Carbon Steel Materials...............................................-                        10'
                                        . Table II. Laboratory Test'Results for LGS, Unit.2 Supplied Stainless Steel'     Materials...............................................                    12
i. .

p i l'

                                                                                   -iii-1284m' l-Le______---_--_------                                          -
 #                                                                1.0-                                          INTRODUCTION
                  ..                                                                                            In response ~to NRC' Bulletin 88-05 and Supplements, Bechtel Construction

proceeded to identify all safety related materials that were purchased from West Jersey Manufacturing (WJM), Piping Supplies Incorporated.(PSI) and Chews Landing Metal Manufacturing Company (CLM) for the Limerick - Generating Station, (LGS) Unit 2. he search consisted of..a detailed review of all' document packages that were determined to have.the potential for purchase of material from these three manufacturers.- The' presence of any materials from the three sources was recorded. -In this manner', the'. total quantity of the materials, including heat codes or heat' numbers, was determined. Once.the material was identified, all ASME Section III and ANSI B31.1 systems were reviewed for the presence of WJM/ PSI /CLM supplied materials. As a separate but concurrent activity, all stock / warehouse material was reviewed and any WJM/ PSI /CLM supplied material was removed from stock and segregated. The results of these thorough searches . indicated that 312 carbon steel.and 13 stainless steel items'had been received from WJM/ PSI /CLM and installed. h e 312 carbon steel items were composed of 51 heats while the 13 stainless steel items came from 3 heats. Having identified and located all WJM/ PSI /CLM materials, the items were tested in accordance with the guidelines established by NUMARC for. field conditions. W e NUMARC program is an industry wide, cooperative one consisting of both field and laboratory testing and is designed to incorporate and evaluate data from multiple sources on a statistical basis in order to provide a consistent response to NRC Bulletin 88-05. d -h e testing performed at LGS, Unit 2 on WJM/ PSI /CLM materials.-consisted of Equotip hardness testing on carbon steels and a verification of alloy content using the Texas Nuclear Alloy Analyzer for stainless steel j items. He documentation and field testing was controlled and 1 integrat'ed into the quality program by means of Field Procedure ' 18240-2-FG-004. In-addition, LGS, Unit 2, contributed 47 flanges from stock to the laboratory testing portion of the NUMARC program. From these flanges, laboratory tests were conducted on 43 carbon steel flanges and on 4 stainless steel flanges. Also 37 carbon steel flanges common to the NUMARC laboratory test program were tested by PML/LTI for comparison purposes. W e number of heats represented in the NUMARC laboratory .i testing were 34 for carbon steel items and 2 for the stainless steel items. W e laboratory and comparison testing of the LGS, Unit 2 material consisted of tensile tests, hardness tests, and chemical analysis. The field test data was collected, compiled and submitted to Project Engineering for review. He laboratory test results performed on LGS, Unit 2 was also compiled and provides additional data for review. The comparison test results were also submitted and have been included in the overall evaluation. he purpose of this report is to evaluate the data from the field, laboratory and compirison testing and present the

          ,                                                                                               appropriate conclusions and recommendations.

1 1284m ) I




S pNoN7P 1 j J n Review of the data generated from the testing performed at LCS, Unit 2, 1 {} in response to NRC Bulletin 88-05 permits the following conclusions to be drawn. j 4 Carbon Steel

1. The distribution of LGS, Unit 2, field Equotip hardness test results shows a bell shaped curve very similar to the distribution curve generated by the NUMARC test program. It is concluded; therefore, that the test results and conclusions from the NUMARC test program are applicable to LGS, Unit 2 for SA-105.
2. Re LCS, Unit 2 field Equotip hardness test distribution shows all of the material with an Lp value greater than 350 (63 ksi ultimate tensile strength equivalent). h is is the threshold above which replacement or further investigation of the material need not be considered based on the NUMARC test program findings. See Figure 1 for the distribution of the LGS, Unit 2, Equotip hardness test results.
3. All of the NUMARC laboratory tests on carbon steel material supplied by LGS, Unit 2 exceeded the lower bound values of 63 ksi ultimate tensile strength and the Lp 350 Equotip hardness established by the NUMARC test program. He chemistry of carbon steel materials met the requirements of SA-105, except for three flanges, representing two heats, which were slightly low in
           /            )

manganese content. However, these three flanges met the pre-1974, O SA-105 requirement of 0.90 maximum manganese. Refer to Table I for the laboratory test results for carben steel materials.

4. A one on one comparison between the 37 common flanges included in the NUMARC laboratory test program and the PML/LTI comparison tests shows good correlation. No Equotip hardness values less than Lp 350 and no ultimate tensile strengths less than 63 ksi were shown in the PML/LTI comparison tests. h e PML/LTI comparison tests also revealed the same three carbon steel flanges with a slightly low manganese content to present SA-105 requirements.
5. ne LGS, Unit 2 field Equotip hardness test results, the NUMARC 3 laboratory test results and the PML/LTI comparison tests, coupled j with the technical reasoning provided in the NUMARC report, '

demonstrate conclusively that the material tested is acceptable ASME Code material.

6. h e generic stress analysis performed as part of the NUMARC program is applicable to LGS, Unit 2. his generic stress analysis demonstrated that materials with an assumed room temperature, ultimate tensile strength of 56 kai were satisfactory. Werefore, 1 no LGS, Unit 2 unique stress analysis is required. I l 1284m _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _
                                             .Stminless Stsal.
                                                                                                                /464'7V 1.

All' thirteen stainless steel items received from WJM/ PSI /CLM and installed were positively. identified as austenitic stainless steel

k. . using the Texas Nuclear Alloy Analyzer.
2. The laboratory testing of all stainless steel material received from LGS, Unit 2 met the mechanical and chemical properties of SA-182 for the appropriate grade. Refer to Table II for the laboratory test results for. stainless steel materials.

3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS-Based on'the conclusions reached above, the following recommendations are offered.

1. Carbon steel materials exhibiting a field Equotip hardne'ss ' test result greater than Lo 350 should be used as-is without furthe r testing, evaluation or analysis.
2. Those materials that were determined to be austenitic stainless steel by testing with the Texas Nuclear Alloy Analyzer should be used as-is without further testing, evaluation or analysis.



Any carbon steel stock / warehouse that were supplied by WJM/ PSI /CLM should be tested. Carbon steel materials showing an Equotip hardness test result greater than La 350 should be considered acceptable for use. Any stainless steel materials-in

      .A-                                            stock / warehouse that were supplied by WJM/ PSI /CLM should be given a V                                              full chemical analysis including carbon content and should' meet-the requirements,of SA-182 for'the. appropriate grade. Any stock material not meeting the requirements stated above can be further evaluated by chemical analysis or replication in the case of carbon steels or by magnetic tests in the case of stainless steels or the material can be discarded depending on which method appears to be the most desirable.

4.0 DISCUS SION i 4.1 General The purpose of the various test programs were to confirm that the


installed materials met Code and to identify any items that may need to be replaced. The methods selected for in-situ testing were intended to screen out nonconforming material and verify that the specified materials were furnished. It was not intended to recertify the material. In-situ test values are not expected to match those on .l existing CMTRs. ) i For ferritic steels, such as SA-105, the principal attribute is strength, which can be evaluated by hardness testing. Generic l laboratory chemical analysis of a large sample of the WJM/ PSI /CLM carbon i steel material demonstrated that the material furnished, except for some L O 1284m - _-_-_ - __-_---. ___- _ _ _

GNo47V blind flanges, was'within the expected range for the product test of the material. The principle elements, carbon and manganese, are to provide strength and are controlled to facilitate weldability. Silicon,

                                                    ' phosphorus and sulfur are also controlled to facilitate weldability.

Be specific composition requirements of ASME SA-105 have changed in

                                                    -various editions, whereas the tensile requirement has remained the same,   h us, by demonstrating an appropriate hardness, an item satisfactorily tested and inspected after welded installation should be considered to meet Code.

For stainless steels, such as SA-182, the principal attribute is sufficient corrosion resistance and weldability as indicated by the proper alloy content. The NUMARC test program indicates that determination of alloy content using the ' Texas Alloy Analyzer is appropriate for testing in-situ items; however, in order to be responsive to NRC Generic Letter 88-01, NUMARC is recommending that stock items be given a full chemical analysis including a determination of carbon content, at least for material that may be used in RPV coolant piping systems in order to confirm that the item is an IGSCC resistant material. 4.2 Product Tests Tests of finished products will almost always give different results than the original test updn which the CMTR has been based. ASTM and ASME have long recognized this and in some editions of some specifications have provided some allowance for such differences. Allowances, tolerances or variations are to be expected and are based on test accuracy and upon metallurgical fundamental.

  • The alloying elements in steel segregate within an ingot as do nonmetallic inclusions. This caases the composition to vary. The strength will also vary due to f.he amount of work or size reduction given~ to the ingot, billet or bloom, and due to the heat cycle. The heat cycle includes specific heat treatments such as normalizing a completed part, as well as heat cycles involved in extrusion, rolling and forging. Peak temperatures and cooling rates are very important and affect strength and hardness.

An additional source of variation is that it is permissible to test a specially forged blank rather than cut up and test a finished product. For SA-105 material which is not required to be heat treated, one test blank may represent an entire heat of steel which could be 75 tons or more, many different ingots, worked and forged to different diameters (such as 1/2 to 24 inches), ratings (150 or 300 pound), and forms (blinds, slip-ons, weld necks) . In addition to the inherent chemical segregation, the great differences in the amount of shaping and forming, temperature cycles, recrystallization and cooling rates often cause mechanical tests results of finished products to be different than original CMTR values, and could cause test results to be outside nominal specification values. The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has provided an evaluation of these effects as discussed below. O


1284m 1

l . ~4.3 AISI-Evaluation l-

        ,s ..                                                           The AISI published a study in 1974 which quantified the variances in j h ~ '

chemical analyses and mechanical test results. Le AISI study is entitled,'"The Variation of Product Analysis and Tensile Properties Carbon Steel Plates and Wide Flange Shapes". ' %is paper indicates that the shapes (in study SU 19) which are similar to SA-105 carbon steel. forgings in the amount of forming work (which varies widely within a single completed item), chemical composition and strength levels, will vary by 10 to 20% from CMTR values. Figures 33 and 37 in the AISI study document the magnitude of the product test variation, minus 6 kai to 15-kai and minus:2 ksi to minus 18 ksi, and also the frequency of

                                                                      - occurrence'. Figure 33, Line c, shows that approximately one-third of the values were found to be 7. ksi .below the CMIR value (approximately 10 percent variance), and one-half percent' of the values would be 14 kai below the CMTR value (approximately-20 percent variance). Line c in both Figures 33 and 37, excerpted from the AISI study, represent
                                                                     . material . similar to SA-105. Figure 33 represents the flange product   .

test data compared to the official web tests (CMTR's). Figure 37 represents the web product tests compared to the official web test (CMTR's). From these tests it is obvious, by comparing the two lines

                                                                     . labeled e in each Figure, that webs and flanges in the same piece of steel do not compare to CMTR values in the same way. h is is because
                                                                     . the amount of work and cooling rates are different even within the same piece of steel.

The application of a conservative allowance for variances in the laboratory data developed by the generic testing program makes it understandable that these materials could all have been properly

     '.                                                                certified as Code material. his fact is important to a program designed ~to screen out deficient. material and thereby confirm that in accordance with the specification to which it was certified.

The important feature of the AISI work is not the specific values for variation or the percentages of variant material, but rather the independent documentation of a real and comonly recognized fact that product test results will be different than CMTR test results. It is readily seen that the NUMARC and LGS, Unit 2 mechanical test data all exceed nominal values or are in a range similar to the variances documented by AISI. 4.4 Analysis - LGS, Unit 2 Testing of the 43 SA-105 tests performed on LGS, Unit 2 material for inclusion in the NUMARC test program 39 exceeded the SA-105 specification required minimum tensile strength of 70 ksi. h e four tests showing tensile strengths below 70 kai, had values of 68.4, 68.0, 6 9.6 and 66.3 ksi, respectively, all of which are consistent with the anticipated variance for produce testing. In addition, Equotip laboratory testing yielded results in excess of L 364, p whereas, LD 350 is the lower bound cut-off established in the NUMARC test program. Table I lists the laboratory test results for LGS, Unit 2 supplied carbon steel material. O 1284m - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _


            ,'                     Whrn Icboratory Equatip hardnacs test results are converted to Brinell hardness (BRN) 17 of the ' flanges show a result less than BHN 137 which is the minimum BHN required by SA-105 for CMTR's in lieu of tensile l].'

b tests. Thirteen of these seventeen flanges showed tensile- strengths over 70 ksi. However, this is consistent with the overall NUMARC test results which show that BHN conversions _ are conservatively low when compared to material with acceptable mechanical' properties. In addition, all but three of the LGS, Unit 2 SA-105 flanges supplied for laboratory testing exhibited chemical properties meeting the latest requirements of SA-105. The three flanges, representing two heats, exhibited slightly low manganese contents of 0.30, 0. 50 and 0. 51 percent, respectively, which compares to the present SA-105 requirement ot 0.60 percent minimum. The slightly low manganese content in the three flanges may be explained if the stock was. procured to the pre 1974-edition of SA-105 which required 0.90 percent manganese maximum with no minimum. The slightly low manganese in these three flanges is not a technical concern.- These data are also shown in Table I. Equotip hardness the field yielded results similar to the NUMARC laboratory test program except that no values fell below Lp 350. The lowest value from the field Equotip hardness testing was LD 364. Figure 1 depicts the distribution of field Equotip hardness testing. Note that the Equotip hardness distribution from field testing peaked at Lo 396-409 which compares to the NUMARC laboratory program peak of 405 for laboratory and a peak of 417 for field hardness categories. The remainder of the LGS, Unit 2 Equotip hardness distributions were also strikingly similar to the NUMARC program hardness distributions for both laboratory and field hardness categories rm with the one exception, as noted previously, that none of LGS, Unit 2 h field hardness values fell below La 350. The field Equotip hardness data indicated that inconsistent test results were obtained for nine flanges. Test results were said to be inconsistent when the difference between the highest and lowest Lp value exceeds 15 points. The Lp 15 range in hardness values is a procedure imposed requirement and is conservative when compared to the manufacturer's recommendation of a range of Lp 30. If the less conservative but fully acceptable Lp 30 range recommended by the manufacturer is applied, eight (8) of the flanges meet the criteria for valid tests. R ese eight tests are considered acceptable with a lowest Equotip hardness reading of LD 41 9. When this result is compared to the corresponding tensile strength of 74 ksi it is clear that all eight flanges are acceptable. The remaining flange had readings outside the Lp 30 range (i.e., Le 32). This flange was consid2 red acceptable based on NUMARC laboratory test results on the same heat. Four stainless steel flanges from LCS, Unit 2 were included in the NUMARC laboratory testing program. The results are shown in Table II. 1 As indicated in Table II, two LGS, Unit 2 flanges meet the mechanical

j. and chemical property requirements of SA-182, F316L and two flanges meet the mechanical and chemical property requirements of SA-182, F304L. The field testing using the TNAA is consistent with Table II and shows all 13 flanges tested to be austenitic stainless steel.

t 1284m _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - . . . _

L L<


4.5 Analysis - NUMARC Laboratory Testing f0h1[ j

      .f                         All SA-105 tensile test. results exceed 70 kai or are consistent witti the
                              ' anticipated variance fs- product testing. he tensile results histogram has a normal distribution with a mean at approximately 77 ksi, well.

l ': ' above specification requirements. here are' approximately 13 percent of the items with less than the nominal strength.and these are within the anticipated variance described in paragraph 4.3.' A histogram of the same items' hardness also a bell shape histogram but has a broader distribution because hardness testing has more variance than tensile testing. A plot of these same laboratory tensile results and ,' Equotip hardness expressed as BHN data- (from the Equotip manufacturer's. conversion table) shows that almost all the hardness data points fall at or below the ASTM A370 BHN-tensile conversion correlation, indicating that this is a conservative approach, and that a more accurate correlation is required for this acceptance evaluation. In fact . . the Equotip manufacturer recommends that product specific correlations be established in such cases. It is noted that there are many acceptable tensile values below the nominal acceptance criteria of 137 BHN. LGS, Unit 2 field tests were performed with Equotip tests and the data converted to BHN. The conversion from Equotip to BHN is an approximation, as are all hardness conversions. It is apparent that the Equotip-BHN-tensile conversion approach is not well suited to this application. h e ASTM A370 BHN-tensile conversion is also an approximation. he double conversion / double approximation requires a more direct approach. It should be noted that the lowest Equotip hardness measured at LGS, Unit 2 was greater than the lower hardness numbers measured in the NUMARC laboratory testing program, that is, L O V-364 for LGS, Unit 2 as opposed to L D 348 for the NUMARC test program. D he NUMARC tensile values corresponding to LD 350 and greater are considered acceptable; therefore, the LCS, Unit 2 items subject to Equotip testing also have acceptable strength. For austenitic stainless steel, laboratory chemical analyses verified the expected carbon, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, etc. composition for the specified materials. h e principle concern for these materials is to have sufficient alloy for corrosion resistance. Any metal which had sufficient alloy to be nonmagnetic, and which was also inspected after welding a stainless steel system would be substantially verified as being acceptable material. 4.6 Analysis - PML/LTI Testing The comparison tests conducted by PML/LTI of the 37 common carbon steel flanges that were part of the NUMARC laboratory test program indicates good correlation with the NUMARC laboratory test program, the LCS, Unit 2 field testing data and between PML and LTI. he PML Equotip hardness test data all exceeded Lp 350 as did the NUMARC laboratory and LCS, Unit 2 hardness tests and good correlation was rhown between actual Brinell hardness testing performed by PML and Brinell hardness values converted from actual Rockwell B hardness tests performed by LTI. All of the tensile tests performed by PML had ultimate tensile strength values greater than 63 kai as was also the case in the NUMARC laboratory test program for LCS, Unit 2 items. 1 1284m - _______- _-

p-- _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ , - - _ - - - - - - - -- - - - -------- - -- - - --------- - ----- - ------ hh 7

     .y The resalts of the chemical analysis between PML and LTI revealed c'                                                 comparable results for those elements analyzed in common by the two groups, that is, carbon, manganese and silicon. Although some
            '                                     dif ference in the alloy content is noted, none are greater than would be expected from testing at two or more laboratories. It is interesting that both PML and LTI agree that three carbon steel flanges have less than the 0.60 percent manganese required by the present SA-105 which is the same result obtained in the NUMARC laboratory test program, and were obtained on the same specimens. These specimens were PECO specimen No.s 19, 32 and 33 ' and NUMARC. specimens LIM-2-13, LIM-2-27 and LIM-2-2 8, respectively. The PML/LTI comparison tests provide a verification of L

the accuracy of the LGS, Unit 2 field testing and the NUMARC laboratory testing by showing good correlation of the results of tests on common items within the accuracy to be expected of the various test methods. References

1. Unpublished Final Report, NUMARC Response to NRC Bulletin 88-05, October.

1988, prepared by Bechtel Group, Inc. for EPRI.

2. The Variation of. Product Analysis and Tensile Properties Carbon Steel Plates and Wide Flanges Shape, AISI, September 1974.

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CALCULATION COVER SHEET (N . PROJECT m 2 ;o, uo. Ie4o o,3c,,c,,,S m & # SUBJECT AfMA 6 . h ib FILE NO. HasamW Tk 3 9(o L.% e, IS.t4o- ssos-NO. OF SHEETS 20 I e I Coua4- i 1 roc RECORD OF ISSUES NO. DESCRIPTION BY DATE CHKD DATE lAPPRD DATE Ab\ FrrtaL 3.sken. Y+/89 A yki Vs/87 mu sige ' ' A\ Final 22hm  % l89 AM %/n' m % /s n A A A A fe es:a o : tom. = 22 ruLaag I cever eGk , I ral.e. O '

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Re<ris:n 1 : Qer da NRc %d /c.utw u b}. cio, rea focau pop aa 9a. rap ,, m eio,,capetik yi. t ) SFP.20220. RLV 7/81 ED-1 RE V 5 (7/81)

L C,au M.lete.550s,hp ( FTEIS! AN ALYS!! FOh IN!7 alt.EP TLANoE! WITE EARDNE ! t.ESI TRAh SM t.D PEh LIMERIOK *orf PROJECT WoF1 REQt*E!? DATED Jann n 4 19ts Fage 1 13/29/68. DOC e336sb4 [ . 2.0 PURPOSE based on NRC bulictin No. El-05 dated May 6,19EE, the materia!! supplied by PipinF Supplie!.. p Incorporated (PSI) at Folsom, New Jerse) and West Arse) Manufacturing Company (WJM) at Williamstown, New Jersey contain false information in the use of the nuclear industry. The purpose of this evaluation is to cualify the componems supplied by PSI or WJM. scoped in the next section by following the pro coures provided it the be htel" Report on Generi: Analysis and Evaluation of Suspected Material Identified in NRC Bulietin El-OS* dated July .'),19E1 (Ref.0). 2.0 SCOPE All the evaluated flanges are identificc' on the isometries with the Limerick Project *OFF PROJECT WORK REQUEST

  • dated 11/09/E$ Document Contro: No. 235E54 (Ref.3). This evaluation is performed for all the installed Danges with hardness less than .'9f. LD per the requests from the project and the documentation in Reference 1) for the Limerick Unit ; only.

There are a total of fifty-two ($2) flanges in the scope of this analysis, in which forty-six (46) are made of carbon steel and six (6) are made of stainless steel. 3.0 D*ALUATION PROCEDURE AND CALCULATIONS In compliance with the re;auirements addressed in Bechte!'s Generi: Report (Ref.2L two C) evaluations are recuired to qualify the flanges with the suspected mater:als. These are (1) Pres-sure Desiro Eu.luations : TABLE B1 and TABLE C1 (Ref.2) are the basis of this evaluation for the blind flanFes and the other flanges, respe:tively. In case that it is not met, either of NC-3325 and Appendix XI of ASME Section 111 is used to cualify this flanpe; and (2) Mornent Leading Qualificatloc : TABLE C4 (Ref.2) and TABLE C6 (Ref.5) are the basis of this evalu-ation for the larf e bore and the small bore flanges, respectively. In case that the larEe bore does not meet the requirements, the given moments in TABLE C5 (Ref.:) will be the allowables for Normal. Upset, Emergency and Faulted conditions. The following is the detailed evaluatien pro:edures and calculations for this subject analysis. l S$NATUF.E l DATE Ormmvor i MW(W/M s Onecker [W,AL M if3' l




(1) Prettere Ikrien Evaluatiem (a) The. pressure-temperature rating tables. TABLES B1 & C1 (Ref.2) were generated

                                                         ' based on ANS! B16.5 Table 2. To cualify, the flante should be evaluated for the internal design pressure. All the required data, such as flange ID, pressure class, material, isometric no., system design pressure and temperature, tested yield strength ( assumed to be half of tensile strength based on field LD nut..ber ), etc.

are provided in TABLE 1.0. Using the system design temperature, the pressure class of the analyzed flange, and ' the calculated Sy value, the pressure from TABLE B1 or TABLE C1 (Ref.2) was derated and the adjusted maximum allowable pressure for suspectec mate ial was established. Since the tested Sy value is lower than 36.000 psi, the Maximum Allowable Pressure for Sy - 36,000 psi may be linearly interpolated for intermedi-ste Sy values. The adjusted maximum allowable pressure is obtained using the following ecuation : Adjusted Mcxsmum Allowable Pressure - ( Pressure From

                                                                                              ,   , (                        ( Fic ncs Tested Yseld StroncinQ (36.000)                                                                                       /

(b) Compare the adjusted maximum allowable pressure to the system design pressure. Acceptability is established when the system design pressure is equal to or less than the adjusted maximum allowable pressure. The results are given ir. the last column of TABLE 1.0. (c) If any of the 6ove ratios is greater than unity, the sub-section NC-3325 and the Appendix ?d of ASME Code, Section III,1971 Edition up to and in:luding 1972 Winter ;ddenda will be applied to qualify the blind flanges and the other flanges for the pressure design evaluations, respectively. The results are presented in the Nt column of TABLE 1.0A. I SIGNATUP.E DATE C.icinator i 6%~ yyy


k- Checker e/fg f g L,f c,p


Jim.ha.h_ m_m_. _ _ --mmmm. m___ - _ _ _ _m______.__..._.m_ __a._____i_.-._._._____mm . _ _ _ _-____u_ _a_____._____..m._____m.__.__.____-___-.____-______.-.__._____m___m______._____.--.._-__m.._.i

STRESS ANA1,Y5ts FOR tNSTAILED TLANoES WITH KARDNESs LEss Cait. Ncr.1824t.-S$0s, hev 4 Janvery 4.1Mw THAN see LD PER LDutER.!CK 'orr PROJECT WokK REQUES7* DATED 11/ss/as, doc esuas4 . F.e. s A V (2) Moment 1_endint Oustificatieri (a) Using the applicable data similar to those identified in Section 3.0.(1) and the connecting pipe schedule and size, determine the available ratio provided in TABLE C4 (Ref.2) or TABLE C6 ( Ref.5 ) for the material Sy - 20,000 psi. Since SIF value - 1.08 for large bore and SIF value - 1.3 for small bore have been . generically used in the project, the equivalent tested Sy should be the flange tested yield strength Sylinearly interpolated by a factor of (1.05/1.90) or (1.30/2.10), respectively. The RATIO is calculated as below . RATIO - ( Katso from T ABl.E C4 / C6. Sy - 20 t ss ) y [ (' 20.000 ) j l( deusaoiene l essec sy ) / in whi:h, Equivalent TestedyS - ( Tested yS ) x ( l.08 /1.90 ) for latte bore above 2 inches; . .. Equivalent Tested yS - ( Tested yS ) x ( l.30 / 2.10 ) for small bore 2 inches and below; o (b) Acceptability is the RATIO equals to or less than unity. The results are presented in TABLE 2.0. - - (c) If any of the above ratios is greater than unity, the Equations (12) for Level A, (13) for Level B , and (14) for Levels C and D based on TABLE 5 (Ref.2) will be applied to qualify those flange joints using the a:tual given moments in Reference

3. Levels A, B, C and D represent Normal, Upset, Emergency and Faulted ecndi-tions. The results are presented in the last column of TABLE 2.0A.

H sphs t cf Torsson L Eendsnp Moments ) ). p, , ( ( (Mcxamum

                                                    \                Allosed M oment ( TAELE C5 ) ) )

y [ f 2C.00C ) \ , ( ( T e eeee 3r j) A :eptability is the RATIO equals to or less than unity. The results are presented in the last column of TABLE 2.0A. l SIGNATURE \ DATE ori:irator i Wh I V+/l? .

                                                                            , Cne:ker Yftz/m6/ l 18??*

E_ -- _ _

I. Calc. Nc.te240 550s, hev t-STRESS ANALYS!$ FOR INSTALLED TLANCES WITH RARDNES! LEss Janwan 4,1965 TRAN 39e LD PER LIMERICK *Orr. PROJECT WORK REQtrES7* DATED Fase 4 11/29/64, DOC W235654 9-K L) 4.0 RESULTS AND SUMMARIES The followings are the results and the summaries of the above analyses : (1) Pmeure D-fir.n Fveit ntiem (a) From TABLE 1.0, the ratios for thirty-seven (37) out of forty-six (46) flanges with carbon steel material are less than unity. The ratios for nine (9) flanges exceed unity. The pressure ratings of all of these 9 flanges are 600 lbs, and the flange design pressure ranged from 1,115 psig to 1,325 psig. For these 9 flanges, the maximum RATIO in TABLE 1.0 is about 15.7% over the allowable. It recuires qualification by Appendix XI or NC-3325. They are: Guket Typ Isometnc No. PcNo _CuhetTyp loometne Nc. Pc No 4* WN 600 lbe S.S. 2* BT RT 600 lbs 5.5. 4 kngJom

Flautallic (6) 8031. EBB 2331 (1) SP-EBB 242 K37 4* WN 600 lbs S .S .

4' WN 600 lbs 5.S .

s. Ring Jomt 9 Eng Joint (7) 8031 EBB 233-1 (2) SC 1.EBC-205~1 4* WN 600 lbs S .5.

4* WN 600 lbs S.S. Ring Jomt If Eng Joint (3) SO 1-EBC-206-1 10 (8) 8031 EBB-233-1 4* WN 600 lbs S .5. 4* WN 600 lbs 5.5. Ring Jomt 17 kng Joint (4) 8031 EBC-206-1 Il (9) 8021 EBB 2 3-1 4* WN 600 lbs 5.5. N/A N/A N/A (s) 8031-EBC-:De-1 13 mas Jomt (10) The properties of ring joint gasket are obtained from ANSI Code B16.20 (Ref.9).


l l SIGNATURE I DATE l D~:;r.ncr1/6 m k VL/E9 cr.C:xer rz.-;m.-t i ue e O (/ , L l

h I ' Case he IF14( !S0!. he. .(- FTF.ESS AN ALYS!! FOk INFTALI.ED T1.ANGEs **!Tli HARDNESS LLsf Janwan 4,199G THAN see LD PER LDdERICK 'DFF PROJECT WORK REQUEST DATED I av f tt/29/as. DOC *:36s64 (b) The above nine (9) Danges are evaluated and the results are shown in T ABl.E 1.0 A Eight'(E) out of these 4 flanges are d' WN 60D lbs flanges. They are cualified per Appendix XI. One (1) out of them is 3* RF 600 lbs blind flange alsc. met the requirements of NC-33 5.

      . (:)    Momant 1_cadine Ounlifintion (a) Moment evaluations are shown in TABLE :.0. There are three (3) flanges w hose RATIOS are greater than unity. All of them are welding ne:L finnpes.

(b) For those three (3) flanFes, the actual moments at the flange joints are compared with the allowable moment provided in TABLE C5 (Ref.0). All the results ate presented in TABLE 2.DA and found to be acceptable, since the ratios of ( maxi- ' mum required S7 )/( tested Sy) are less than unity.


O There re a total of six (6) flante, of stainiess >eei materini ane fortr-sia tee) rianees of =arbon steel maternal in this subject scope. Only the installed DanFes of carbon steel material were l evaluated, since the stainless steel material has been accepted per NUMARC Generic Testing .. Program Response '(Ref.10). All of these evaluated Dar.ges which have been installed in field meet the Code requirements. The individual evaluations of these cualified Danges are listed in the following . (*) PD reCUrr DrC10M FY A1_1* AT!nNS Acceptance per Acceptance per Acceptance per Tota! Number of Accertance per Genenc Leport AEME NC :::t Arpenda x! Nt.' MAR (f.$.) Tianr= ( c 9c:.D ) __ i 8 6 52 37 1 The 'nar.imum ratio of (abnormal pressures) / (design pressure) for the installed .j Dantms' witnin this scope is about L20. The peak pressure for Level C sha!! not l exceed 1.5 af design pressure. Tne peak pressure for Level D shall not exceeo 2.0 J of design pressure. Therefore, the abnormal pressure are far below Code ~ allow +1e l StGNATURE f DATE ' h on .:n ter i cW WEf . C.c-hEr $ / / t? M U E ' ' .l f


  • DATED Fase e It/29/sa, DOC 93M864 -
                       .(2) MOMTNT I O ADWG Ol' Af ITIPATION Acceptance per         Accepithee per Tots! Nurnbe? of                 Acceptance per Gener.c haport                 TABLE C8             NUMAhC (s.s.)

Tiantes ( < 39cLD ) 43 3 6 52 A comparison of

  • Actual Moments in the Normal condition given by the Limerick project
  • v.s.
  • GENERIC moments assumed in TABLE C5 of the GENERIC report'
                             'has been made. It indicates that the basic assumed moments in the GENERIC-report (Ref.2) are adeounte and applicable to the Limerick Project. The assumptions for those moments are                                   .

(1) In determining the moment loads, piping stress is limited to 60% (or 100% for pressure rating of 900s and greater) of the thermal expansion allowable stress, S. - 1.553, plus assumed 3,000 psi for deadweight.

        ]                     C) Lending and torsional moments are assumed to be caual ir. magnitude. Each is assumed to be square root of 2 of resultant moment.

The results are presented in TABLE 4.0. All the RATIOS are less than unity except for two (2) flanges ( item no's 11 & 49 ) which are slightly over the GENERIC moments by 1% and 3%, respectively, in order to accept this small de'viation and to expand the acceptance from the Normal condition to the Upset, Emergency and Faulted conditions, TABLE 4.0A has been established. TABLE 4.0A is the analysis to use the actual moments in the Normal, Upset, Emergency and Faulted conditions from the project to check against the established allowable mornents based on Ecuations 12,13 and 14 The results in the last column of TABLE 4.0A show that they are lower than the allowables. This is concluded that the GENERIC moment allowables in the GENERIC report are adequate for the Liraerick Project. Therefore, the flanges with hardness less than 396 LD are found to be acceptable for this project. SIGNATURE l DATE h oricinator i W&w V4/E9 cnoner ocm ,m



  • THAN 396 LD PER LIMERICK "OFF PROJECT WORK REQUEST" DATED Cale. No.18240-SS05, Rev.1 May 9,1989 lh
 . (,) -   11/29/88, DOC #s36854 Pap 7


(1) Limerick Project " Piping Material & Instrument Piping Standard " Document No. 8031-P-300, Rev.35. (2) Bechtel" Report on Generic Analysis and Evaluation of Suspected Material Identified in NRC Bulletin 88-05" dated July 21,1988. (3) Limerick Project " OFF PROJECT WORK REQUEST " (OPWR) from A. Sidhu to M. Khlafallah, dated November 29,1988. Document Control No. 235854. (4) ASTM Material A370, TABLE 28, Approximate Hardness Conversion Number for Nonaustenitic Steels (Rockwell B to other Hardness Number). (5) Generic Analysis and Evaluation of Suspect Material Identified in NRC Bulletin No. 88-05 dated May 6,1988. Stress Staff Calculation No. SGGS-04, Rev.1. (6) ASME Code, Section III,1971 Edition up to and including 1972 Winter addenda, sub-section NC-3325. (7) ASME Code, Section III,1971 Edition up to and including 1972 Winter addenda, Appendix XI.


(8) ASME Code, Section III,1977 Edition up to and including 1979 Summer addenda, sub-section NC-3658. (9) ANSI B16.201973 Edition, Ring-Joint Gaskets and Grooves for Steel Pipe Flanges. (10) NUMARC GENERIC TESTING PROGRAM RESPONSE To NRC Bulletin 88-05, FINAL REPORT, October,1988. Section 5.: Stainless Steel and Low Alloy Steel. (11) Memorandum from Chuck Bradford to Distribution, dated 11/11/88. Subject : NRC Bulletin 88-05 Status and Final Report. (12) Telecopy of" Comments / Questions on Philadelphia Electric Company (PECo) Report, i Response to NRC Bulletin 88-05 for Limerick Generating Station (LGS), Unit 2, ik Dated March,1989." l SIONATURE DATE l Orloinator A&# A (NB9 Checker , MJg_)d Tja/d *l O f

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                                                   *'ine.1Bul'etin Reper: EE-05 Status &                   Dr.te      Neve ;;er ;,,

4 4 a. .EEE 4 Tre: O. Eredfcrd 4 1 8 3 Of ST Ingineerine C:g:ics E. M. G . F.e. r k" e v i t : (all v/c) E:llin At 45f 4/ .s rn s.;;;4 A. Lan =".": . gs .. E U S

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the r .:'M's and A A's. 1vad this. issue !av:re.hly v tn

l. k yhci(r le pensa was ganart.11y inverahla and19EE. ,

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COc;ES TD P..i. Jyer

                            . . . . . .           (Unit I ctly) 7..   ).nickerbocker (Unit 2 only)

Unit 1' C Unit 2 E s us>E CT. AIRC &!LLETi^l EE OE* ?%ESS b M AL YSI S POR !HS'1 L ' ED FL.LLI G, E S %./t=~kt ' .vARDMEE.5 L .SS THAM 400 Lo A E F E R ENCts @ C . Sc).D PORD it/ti /EE !5 ~7.=R

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AS HAv NG />Lt"- ^AIC SS R.EL.CtNG S <*. do o lD. ACTION REQUES~ED: O O Furn,sn Data, Information O Approval V @ Fe form Anaivsis/ Design / Calculation- O Other Inouts are: Final. Commitec or Greiirr.anary C Stuev anc Report

                   ' C Review anc Comment O Concurrence /Asreement                                    100TE.21 m:.II5 : YES                     /       NO REMARKS.

s G/s* forg WL $MG S S LN A LYS IS  ?!;CO FIC- TD FLLNCe C 1 iceantieo ea r, ra =.a cw su nc .

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4 . $,cu y [ F. G rd .7D Sv: @d Cnarse Numoer: Joe / W--O en =ee (en m- 57 g g Act,,,w Cece 2e oca7//

   /O 2$ A0Dro a                        de  -        C; ate.          "I      Asinotizec 15 w ;et) MH F.S                  O V .titten E esconne Rec'C:

YE$ / NO Other CCsu Dwe Dete: [b $* b (Frope : Approval Re:wif ec tc Ea tte: E UC;et) 10*.se E nri conta:t f r.esponse ai or sater pt. Te, econ itn Cate s,. t* '?!'

B Stchi und Stohlguss 2

     . Aclar et fonte racier                                                           (E-Modul 210 CXX) N/mm )

Steel and cast ateel , O w v 1 .,x .8 .c .0 m , , .c . 300 .

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117 SLS . 444 m 190 91.1 , 3M ne u.s 4M se2 31.4 370 mm 120 67.2 470 y- 1M . 91.8 , 372 87.9 4 72 -_2 195 92.1 s 121 197 22.5 374 .a 122 6Ls 474 378 -i 124 98.2 478 199 F2.8 378 125 geA 478 200 91.2

    - 380                                       126   70.5                    440  E..m           292     s t.5 322   --

128 71,1 482 204 S .8 364 129 71.7 464 205 H .2 3M 130 72.3 484 207 94.5 E 239 M.8 384 . 132 72.8 468 9L2 390 'd 133 73.8 490 211 382 2 134 74.1 482 213 DLE 364 ~i 136- 74.7 du p 215 9L8 394 2- 137 7 E.2

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A I7I 16.1.3 A ranse or hwense can propaty k spam6sd sah 16.1.4 knee hennem may k ,,,mrwe .t  % l propem s == mac ww when apsed upor harene.

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          ,o     M . kutir Atts a                 o,    ses o        Po srarf a.

L./ NOV 2 91988 5 o- A. eoion u o,,, CDPIESTO ...E. Iye: (Unit I only) E. Kn2 ckerbocke r (Uni t 2 only) Unit 1 O Unit 2 E SUEJECT. AIRC EWLLETid 88 05.' STRESS A N AL YS/ S MC !NSWUED FLMJ G E S'r H .LtL RDUESS LESS THAM .d G O lb ME8ERENCESf C E:co ro::o ///// /E2 l.strJ-S) FIU AL SE= PORT .OW=.D /o/2 2 : R't:pcNSE m Al#C kuuEnN 28 O. E NCLCSUR ES: ISOMEMICS \V 17H F L L d G C.S 1.DENTiFIGO (bY YCUQGd M M GCQ~ a s urv,~a vaaxucss resorm s <. oo Lo. - ACTION REQUESTED: C Furnish Data, information C Approval 7 2 Pederm Analysis / Design / Calculation- O other (d inputs are: Final. Commitee or Prenmanary O Stuoy ano Recort C Review atic Con'. ment C Concurrence /Apreement 10C1~F.21 AT?:.IES : YES V NO FEMARKS; . I i 0.R. Fort AA. STr E S S LN A l-Y.5 iS SPC~CWtC. TD FLLNG E S lOEMTIFIE D PC/4 ~rttc .M cLo Su s'.c ,


s c4 vt // N~ . GA O l P S.gnee: Date- lib SlS6

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        *none [2/d 2 '2 7 - 5 7 8 9                                                  Activity Cooe                                    2' 72 NO 7 / [

E OS Acerov N_ rf m

                                         >-          Date: // T        f_    Autnoozee (Evoget) MH P.S                                       OAO j_       Arnten Resoonse Reo'c;           YES /         NO                                     Otner Cestt
                       !O [Okl.f

Due Cate: (Prese: Acerovat Reevirec to Enceee Eve;e:I l- Aov'St Eng'r Contact if Response will be late? Fer Telecom with' 0 3tf j tee. 2 (1/8 8)

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            .                  .        TABLE l1.0A                 . . - PRESSURE. DESIGN' FOR .BLIND..FLANGES            .
                                                                                                                                         '(CARBON STEEL)


                 -INT. PRESSURE-                                                   1250      1250              1250                 1250                        1250 GASKET O.D.                                          4.75      4.75             4.75                  4.75                        4.75 i
                        -GASKET I.D.                                                  4          4                 4               3.75                       3.625 m=                     3          3                 3                             3                   3 y=                10000      10000         10000                   10000                       10000-C=                     6     6.625         6.625                        7.5                           8                           'l t=                0.875    1.0625              1.25                     1.5                    1.875 Ab=               0.808     2.416          2.416                   3.352                       5.544
                                                            .Sa=                 25000     25000          25000                   25000                       25000 Sb=               25000     25000          25000                   25000                       25000 l

c= 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 N= 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.500 0.563 bo= 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.250 0.281 d= 4.375- 4.375 4.375 4.250 4.220 b= 0.188 0.188- 0.188 0.250 0.265 hg= 0.813 1.125 1.125 1.625 1.890 Am= 1.525 1.525 1.525 1.711 1.754 H= 18791 18791 18791 17733 17481 Hp=- 19328 19328- 19328 25035 26364 Wal= 38119 38119 38119 42767 43844 Wm2= 25771 ~25771 25771 33379 35152 Sfo= 17993 15266 11030 11237 8361

    ?O'______Sfa=                                                                 8983-    14250         10296                   13658                       14761 Sf=               17993      15266         11030                   13658                       14761 1.5* Allowable                                                   N/A       N/A            20250                   N/A                        N/A                   6 Design 1.0* Allowable                                                   N/A       N/A            13500                   N/A                       N/A                      Temp.

1.0* Allowable N/A N/A 13500 N/A N 450 F _________________________________________________________/A ______________ MAXIMUM. RATIO = N/A N/A 0.817 N/A N/A (see Note) Note : The BLIND FLANGE identified as item (1) on page 4 is acceptable A since the RATIO < 1.0 (per the NRC requests in Reference 12). W l 1 Catc # I824o - SSos/ SIGNATURE DATE Orloinstor WI o , C/9/89 ' Checker JS/,27,/d r /a/s 7 jr


Q 10

j TABLE 1.0A : WN FLANGE EVALUATIONS FOR ITEMS (2) , (3) , (4 ) & (5) ON PAGE 4 p p, ........ _ PER REFERENCE (12) m...-------=----=-----===--- ____--------------- .....==---== 4_l

 '                 PIPE SIZE:                                     4.00 "              UNITS: IN, LBS & IN-LBS PIPE THICKNESS:                                       0.337 (SCH 80)

FLANGE TYPE: WELDING NECK W/ RING JOINT TYPE GASKET FLANGE RATING: 600 DESIGN PRESSURE: 1290 FLANGE MATERIAL: CARBON STEEL SA105 TUBE TURNS FLANGE PROPERTIES: BOLT CIRCLE: 8.500 FLANGE OD 0: 10.750 HUB DIA X: 6.000 GAP: 0.000 FLANGE THK Q: 1.500 HUB LENGTH Y: 4.000 Sa( Cold ) : 25000 R.F. DIA R: 6.188 BORE DIA J: 3.830 Sb ( Hot ) : 25000 FLANGE PROPERTIES PER ASME ARTICLE XI-3000 NOMENCLATURE: A= 10.750 90= 0.335 h= 1.998 B= 3.830 gl= 1.085 R= 1.250 C= 8.500 t= 1.500 GASKET INFORMATION: GASKET TYPE: RING JOINT STYLE GASKET - RING & GROOVE NO. R37 STAINLESS STEEL O.D.= 6.313 IF bO<.25 b= 0.055 IF bO>.25 b= 0.117 I.D.= 5.438 IF bO<.25 G= 5.813 IF bO>.25 G= 6.078 m= 6.500 w= 0.4.58 b= 0.055 y= 26000 b0= 0.055 G= 5.813 BOLT LOADS: Wm2= 25964 H= 34230 m Wm1= 50977 Am= 2.039 W= 67388 {) Hp= 16747 Ab= 3.352 Gasket M. m= 23643 FLANGE LOAD AND MOMENTS: Hd= 14862 hd= 1.793 Md= 26640 Hg= 16747 hg= 1.344 Mg= 22504 Ht= 19368 hte 1.839 Mt= 35625 Mp= 84769 SHAPE CONSTANTS FROM FIG. XI-3240 AND STRESS FORMULA FACTORS: K= 2.807 g1/g0= 3.239 alpha = 1.779 T= 1.254 h/ho= 1.763 beta = 2.038 Z= 1.291 F= 0.588 gamma = 1.419 Y= 1.994 V= 0.047 delta = 0.569 U= 2.192 f= 1.000 lamda= 1.988 ho= 1.133 e= 0.519 Pres. Moment M= 22133 d= 5.93 t= 1.500 Max. moment = 23643 STRESS CALCULATIONS: Ratio A Ratio B LONGITUDINAL HUB STRESS Sh= 13789 0.681 0.584 RADIAL FLANGE STRESS Sr= 10771 0.798 0.684 TANGENTIAL FLANGE STRESS St= 7053 0.522 0.448 Note: Ratio A = Sh/(1.5 of allowable stress, (1.5*15000*63/70) psi)

                              =   Sr (or St)/(1.0 of allowable                 stress, (15,000*63/70) psi)

Ratio B = Sh/(1.5 of allowable stress, (1.5*63000/4) psi)

                              =   Sr (or St)/(1.0 of allowable                 stress, (1.0*63000/4) psi)
   )                                                                                 (aQc.# I82-4-o - SS osk SIGNATURE - DATE Orlainator l  h           37P/M Checker JS:4g /A          t/n a>

Y N l - - - -

        -                                                 ~_                     __         _         . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


 . ,-                       PER REFERENCE (12)                                                                                            [

PIPE SIZE: 4.00 " UNITS: IN, LBS & IN-LBS PIPE THICKNESS: 0.337 (SCH 80) FLANGE TYPE: WELDING NECK W/ RING JOINT TYPE GASKET FLANGE RATING: 600 DESIGN PRESSURE: 1325 FLANGE MATERIAL: CARBON STEEL SA105 TUBE TURNS FLANGE PROPERTIES: BOLT CIRCLI: 8.500 FLANGE OD 0: 10.750 HUB DIA X: 6.000 GAP: 0.000 FLANGE THK Q: 1.500 HUB LENGTH Y: 4.000 Sa( Cold ) : 25000 R.F. DIA R: 6.188 BORE DIA J: 3.830 Sb Hot ) : 25000 _______________________________________________________( _________________ FLANGE PROPERTIES PER ASME ARTICLE XI-3000 NOMENCLATURE: A= 10.750 g0= 0.335 h= 1.998 B= 3.830 gl= 1.085 R= 1.250 C= 8.500 t= 1.500 GASKET INFORMATION: CASKET TYPE: RING JOINT STYLE GASKET - RING & GROOVE NO. R37 STAINLESS STEEL O.D.= 6.313 IF bO<.25 b= 0.055 IF bO>.25 b= 0.117 I.D.= 5.438 IF bO<.25 G= 5.813 IF bO>.25 G= 6.078 m= 6.500 w= 0.438 b= 0.055 y= 26000 b0= 0.055 G= 5.813 BOLT LOADS: Wm2= 25964 H= 35159 Wm1= 52360 Am= 2.094 W= (~)g (_ Hp= 17201 Ab= 3.352 Gasket M. m= 68080 23886 FLANGE LOAD AND MOMENTS: Hd= 15265 hd= 1.793 Md= 27363 Hg= 17201 hg= 1.344 Mg= 23114 Ht= 19893 ht= 1.839 Mt= 36591 ______________________________________________________________p= M 87068 SHAPE CONSTANTS FROM FIG. XI-3240 AND STRESS FORMULA FACTORS:


K= 2.807 g1/g0= 3.239 alpha = 1.779 T= 1.254 h/ho= 1.763 beta = 2.038 Z= 1.291 F= 0.588 gamma = 1.419 Y= 1.994 V= 0.047 delta = 0.569 U= 2.192 f= 1.000 lamda= 1.988 ho= 1.133 e= 0.519 Pres. Moment M= 22733 d= 5.93 t= 1.500 Max. moment = 23886 STRESS CALCULATIONS: Ratio A Ratio B IDNGITUDINAL HUB STRESS Sh= 13993 0.698 0.599 RADIAL FLANGE STRESS Sr= 10882 0.815 0.698 TANGENTIAL FLANGE STRESS St= 7126 0.533 0.457 Note: Ratio A = Sh/(1.5 of allowable stress, (1.5*15000*62.334/70 psi)

                            = Sr (or St)/(1.0 of allowable stress, (15,000*62.3/70) ps Ratio B = Sh/(1.5 of allowable stress, (1.5*62334/4) psi)
                            = Sr (or St)/(1.0 of allowable stress, 1.0*62334 i            ------------..................--....................(........./4)            .--------

psi) Cdc.

  • 18240 - SS0 5/[

l SIGNATURE DATE l orldnator m r/9/67 Checker eff/ftA f A Sh & ' (f' fay 4,l2

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