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Proposed Change to Rev 1 to Safety Evaluation 1959, Establishing Controlled Leak in RHR Sys Per Temporary Mod 86-20
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 06/13/1986
Shared Package
ML20204F710 List:
1959, 1959-R01, 1959-R1, NUDOCS 8608040299
Download: ML20204F753 (10)



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Safety Evaluation NED Proposed Change No.: [')$ Reo l SAFETY EVALUATION PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION Rev. No.

F"C . C# System Calc.

Group: No.: Name: No.: Date:

Initiator: Dept:

ge.o ~PEMS. Tl4 8&20 ARR M 269 6/Gl#6 M &a,.4  %.o Description of Proposed change, test or experiment:

EsLAhskm J rd a T e nm,-m r naoJiL ra h ca L.a A.1 l sea L h M ft si sAew - ne.,

j  % - 2.0.


The proposed change, test or experiment:

1. (4 Does Not ( ) Does increase the probability of occurrence or consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the FSAR.
2. ( W Does Not ( ) Does increase the possibility for accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the FSAR.
  • l
3. ( 4 Does Not ( ) Does decrease the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification.
c. . n ., r. . . . . . . _ . . . . .

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Cl unit be ennleellel bo 44 e4h;1 et naaoau0ni,u aro W j _ Rt4(f u d G _ at.ah aA:tcheune et,_,A. deAde _ h!ca rim 4 Lbrar ,M is nnt. eE,de/

h R u tt ts. m net 4 % em Liba toriknCC is smen ee,1tw,j 4n-h

_g gW_s chau fe Change

( ) Not Recomended (4 Recomende Date -M/.7,/At SE Performed by s

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3.M-A Rev. 2 8608040299 860616 Sheet 1 of 3 gDR ADOCK 05000293 PDR A6-1


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  • PW useby. dAuA vehe. louf not A en ihtf. Mt pq fim is sRll diachd h % g.M. sas. fox.

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A6-2 e

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Safety Evaluaticn No.: J4t* 1c)$7 Rea l SAFETY EVALUATION PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION Rev. No. Z A. APPROVAL (14) (v7 This proposed change does not involve a change in the Technical Specifications Ref.10CFR50.59(c).

(14) (v1 Thisproposedchange,testorexperimentdoes()doesnot(g involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR, Part 50.59(a)(2).

(15) (-r" This proposed change involves a change to the FSAR per 10CFR 50.71(e) and is reportable under 10CFR50.59(b).

(15) ( ) Comments:

(16) The safety evaluation basis and conclusion is:

( [ Approved () Not Approved F N a - Tela dzr/g (17)

Discipline Group Leader /D' ate Supporting Discipline Group Leader /Date B. REVIEW APPROVAL (18) ( ) Comments:

(19) U S8$A Group Leader /Date' N hl @


! (20) ( ) This proposed change involves an unreviewed safety question and a requests for authorization of this change must be filed with j

the Directorate of Licensing, NRC prior to implementation.

1 (20)"( d This proposed change does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

, (21) ORC Chairman b Date (,//C,/FC (21)

() U l (22) ORC Meeting Number F4 - Po

! cc:

! Exhibit 3.07-A Rev. 2 Sheet 2 of 3 A6-3 i



Date: I} N Safety Evaluation: Ik N Rev. No.: l Support a change List FSAR test, diagrams, and indices affected by this change and corresponding FSAR revision.

Affected FSAR Revision to affected FSAR Section isFinal shown on:

Preliminary Section O f/(y b Attachment 1 P1O Wktd W II Attachment 2 L. as Y Attachment 3 vvv.

Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 PRELIMINARY FSAR REVISION (to be completed at time of Safety Evaluation preparation).

niit tousu.

Prepared by ,W /Uate: InII ? o 6v Kev 1eweo oy:

O i i /

l Approved by: 2 /Date:

I FINAL FSAR REVISION (Prepared following operational turnover of related systems structures of components for use at PNPS). (1)

/Date: Reviewed by: /Date:

Prepartd by:

l l

Attach completed FSAR Change Request Form (Refer to NOP).


Exhibit 3.07-A Rev. 2.

Sheet 3 of 3 A6-4

E Safety Evaltation No.: 19 5


A. System Structure Component Failure and Consequence Analyses.

System Structure Component Failure Modes Effects of Failure Comnents 1.

bd ~




DESIGN SPECS PROCEDURES GUIDES STANDARDS CODE a.s A T S . 3.5. A M- 2 69 Res . 0 loc M So k I 3N0 $.7. l. 3 l 8.9. l.f ASINF8+ PV W I

B. For the proposed hardware change, identify the failure modes For thateachare likely for the components consistent with FSAR assumpti components. Especially show how the failure (s) affects the assigned safety basis (FSAR Text for each system) or plant safety functions FSAR Chapter 14 and Appendix G).

b -

Date_'l'5fd6 i Prepared by ~U U NOTE:

It is a requirement to include this work sheet with the Safety Evaluation.

Rev. 2 Exhibit 3.07-C A6-5 l

J SE bo.8 59 %, l.

. j -

SysrEM / qis.gge 6 FFEC.T 3 Co H M EMT5 ]l K M "##6! Moncs FAboM CoMPoNEUT f oSS of CedrfloLLE D LEAK "TH E M AG Miwte oF SEC CA t.c u t. A T1 oM H.167

/NveMTDAy DEC.REMINS gy. THE t.EAlt is SHAI.L Rev,o FgoM THE %ggeL W A.r1EIL d*MPAAEb To TMC Rx. \lessec LeVE.L. MAKA4E GR/rcTEb IW "THE VAL-vss bHO loot-12 g 19 B)

M16AC Af 11fC A$pllEAet>


Si 6, .S i>J6TE R Ei. WE MM WN M h,he M su Toe.v3 TO Rt>S w A rER. Witt . N c. g e A s t AS 'O l ' L BC LESS D AM Sit (88'**' 15 k 3

  • LEVE L DVE T o A Rsocy ep THc iA> ATIE A Abb s b To (ostgmscaigitup15 wm -rits Cournottet teAg es rA s LisNe b Wc Toltos vTr Li e su4 IMm.m. esaostae ts e s c.

'S A Kh4 E AI""* ""

ARov Mb -rne it SR- NE P40 t o ol- 3' MK VALVES IX

?O MP Discw . c t- Fok tsTrig4 Do.on .r we Coprnow 4 7aitvaan VAtVE- RWR. SPEC FicAvio43 T95TM PREfSORE.

d* WOMENT THE EST ABLt THNSF 4EAKAgE (AsAvaR A LEAK Age pt. ATE OF 0F A c o uvao,.ts b tw Ao TH'AT At.Locue, I l O @M W'R A ' 'OW WGR t] MbR I1 le t Fit. m STABtLleAto4 oF R4P-THc oE4RebArron 39SM ? RET S ORE ,'fET ep %,yg,g APPENb:x ,7 (I E-) LEAK A4r pAsT No%.* w I.o GPM WW N OPENA ro. o,. , m ,) m'ew. is tus rw Ta se aa-a T*H e e ewivAccur

  • wx ,o wE Ai P L EAk64E ALcosas; MML Eooh A4 es 3 ,, - ,x < y * -se .., tou,E A Nm a y 3.g 3, NT ga g oo g 3 og,,

Mo tooi 1.% . Sec C ALC.. N - 2.6 9 Re y, e

(. .

ATTACHMENT 7 Plan and Schedule Details Regarding Long Term Actions i

l l


Additional Details ,

Item C (Spurious Isolation) Reference (C), Page 1 According to the most current Long Term Program, the EPIC computer project implementation is scheduled for completion 3/31/87. That completion date is based on a September 1986 refueling outage. Approximately four months after return to power from the outage are required to complete system acceptance tests allowing for contingency.

Refueling Outage 7 is being rescheduled to commence in January, 1987. However, a firm start date and duration have not yet been established. EPIC completion will be scheduled (4) months after return to power from RFO #7.

Item C.6 Trend Surveillance History of 400 psig Valve interlock for reliability. Reference (B), Attachment (4), Page 6 of 6 The results of Surveillance Test 8.M.2-2.1.8 of Pressure Switches 263-52A and 52B for the RHR injection valve opening permissive have been compiled for the five year period ending in April, 1986. The switch has always actuated at a 100% rate. The incidence where recalibration was needed to restore the setpoint to within Technical Specification limit is 3 occurrences out of 40 (20 tests per switch) or a 92.7% calibr-tion reliability rate. The present calibration frequency is sufficient to assure proper setpoint; therefore, an increase in test frequency is not warranted.

The recommendation of the RHR Task Force Item C.6 has, therefore, been completed by this compilation and analysis.

Special Training Plan for Union and Management Operations Personnel Prior to Station Startup l

l Prior to the Union Operations Personnel resuming watch standing duties they will receive training as outlined in the following i schedule.

In addition, all Management Operations Personnel, including STA's, will receive the following training prior to station startup..

A7-1 l

r:1 1 I


8:00AM - 8:30AM Revised Training Schedule H. Balfour T. Sullivan 8:30AM - 9:00AM Management Changes / Current P. Mastrangelo Plant Status 9:00AM - 12:00PM Plant Modification Update t


- Complete review of "BEC0 R. Woodard.

! Response to NRC Cal 86-10" G. Sherman (includina all related Temocrary Procedures)

MSIV i RHR j Mode Switch

- Temporary Modifications D. Hughes 86-14, Change feedwater

, heater 105B outlet valve, M03480, from seal-in to jog 2

86-19, Diesel Generator "A" 1 Relaying Modification l 12:00AM-12:30PM Lunch
12:30PM - 4:30PM Significant Industry Events J. Klein
- SER 37 Premature Critical-ity Due to Control Rods Being Improperly Withdrawn SER 13 Control Rod Mis- J. Klein l operation i

j- -

SER 18 Diesel Generator D. Hughes Differential Relays Non Seismically Qualified a

l l

1 i

i f A7-2

( __ _

r Miscellaneous Events J. Klein R. Woodard

- Technical Specifications G. Sherman Amendment #94

- Current Memos Procedure Review

- 1.3.34 Conduct of Operations 2.1.1 Startup from Shutdown

- 2.1.16 N.P.O. Tour

- 2.2.22 R.C.I.C.

- 2.2.84 Reactor Recirculation System Panel 903 Left

- 2.4.21 Double ended break of 3" instrument air / nitrogen line in drywell

- 2.4.31 Reactor basin / spent fuel pool drain down i

l A7-3
