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Forwards Final Rept on Completion of Site Restoration Program,Per ASLB 820506 Order
Person / Time
Site: Bailly
Issue date: 11/17/1982
From: Shorb E
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8211230352
Download: ML20066H794 (7)



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^ NW9CD ?-i Nortaheen Indiane Pubilo Bervice Dompang Corporate Heedquarters l 5265 Hohmen Avenue l Hammond indena 46320 l Tel: 8535200 (219) v

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EUGEN E h4.SHORB 4,'5'c'N'oE*a'av77,'r"c't a November 17, 1982 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Northern Indiana Public Service Company Bailly Generating Station, Nuclear-l Docket No. 50-367 Site Restoration Plan

Dear Mr. Denton:

Pursuant to the May 6, 1982 Order of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Board) which terminated the proceeding on the application of Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) for the extension of Construction Permit No. CPPR-104 and required quarterly reports on the progress of NIPSCO's site restoration plan beginning June 1, 1982, and a report at the completion of the site restoration work attached herewith is NIPSCO's Final Report on Completion of Bailly N-1 Site Restora-tion Program, dated November 17, 1982.

Copies of this report are being sent to each of the individuals and organizations appearing on the service list as of May 6, l 1982, in the above-referenced proceeding.

l This Final Report with respect to its site restoration program l will complete NIPSCO's obligations under the Board's May 6, 1982 Order.

Yours very truly, EMS /dgg Attachment cc: Per Attached List 8211230352 821117 PDR ADOCK 050003g{


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0 Mr. Harold R. Denton Page 2 November 17, 1982 cc: Herbert Grossman, Esquire, Chairman Dr. Robert L. Holton Dr. Kenneth McCollom Docketing and Service Section Guy H. Cunningham, Esquire Stephen H. Lewis, Esquire Susan Sekuler, Esquire Robert J. Vollen, Esquire Edward W. Osann, Jr., Esquire Robert L. Graham, Esquire Mr. Mike Olszanski Mr. Clifford Mezo

< Mr. George Grabowski j Ms. Anna Grabowski Mr. M. David Lynch Mr. James R. Whitehouse 1

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NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY'S FINAL REPORT ON COMPLETION OF BAILLY N-1 SITE RESTORATION PLAN November 17, 1982 On May 6, 1982, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board entered an order in Docket No. 50-367 terminating the proceeding on the application of Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) for extension for Construction Permit No. CPPR-104 for the Bailly Generating Station, Nuclear-1 project (Bailly).

One of the conditions of that order required NIPSCO to send reports on the progress of the site restoration plan to each individual and organization on the service list as of May 6, 1982. The reports were to be sent on June 1, 1982, and the first day of each third month thereaf ter, and upon completion of site restoration. The required reports are to include "a detailed description of all site work done; a detailed description of all site work remaining to be done; an estimate of the percentage of completion of site restoration, together with the basis for the estimate; and, an estimated completion date for site restora-tion."

In accordance with the May 6, 1982 Order, NIPSCO sent reports dated June 1, 1982, and September 1, 1982, to each individual and organization on the service list as of May 6, 1982. The following is NIPSCO's final report on completion of the site restoration work, dated November 17, 1982.

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DESCRIPTION OF ALL WORK DONE As of November 17, 1982, all activities related to the site restoration work have been completed. The following is a descrip-tion of the work completed under the Site Restoration Plan.

i (A) The sump pumps have been removed from the excavation.

(B) The recording equipment has been removed from all groundwater observation wells located outside of the excavation and all wells have been capped.

5 (C) The meteorological tower and instrumentation building 4

have been removed by NIPSCO's Construction Department.

(D) The excavation for the nuclear plant has been completely backfilled to grade elevation by dredging two-thirds

(2/3) of the fill material from Lake Michigan and utilizing on-site material for the remaining fill material. Dredging began on August 13, 1982, and was completed on October 6, 1982. 218,606 cubic yards of fill were placed into the excavation by dredging.

i l Backfilling of the excavation to match existing grade with on-site materials was completed on November 12, 1982.

l (E) The H-piles in the excavation were cut off before backfilling was commenced.

l (F) Sheet piling within the excavation was abandoned in place and covered over as the excavation was filled.

...e (G) Well points within the excavation were abandoned in place and covered over as the excavation was filled.


DESCRIPTION OF ALL WORK REMAINING TO BE DONE All work related to the Bailly project Site Restoration Plan has been completed.


ESTIMATE OF THE PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION OF SITE RESTORATION AND THE BASIS THEREFOR As of this date, 100 percent of the site restoration work has been completed.


ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE FOR SITE RESTORATION Final site restoration work was completed on November 12, 1982.


MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS (A) The Board's Order of May 6, 1982, provided that on April 15, 1983, and at the completion of site restoration, NIPSCO give notice of, and arrange for, an inspection of the site at which time the parties may be present.

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4 In compliance with the spirit and intent of that Order, an interim sits inspection was conducted on October 18, 1982, while the site restoration work was in progress.

' The final site inspection was conducted on November 16, 1982, following the completion of all work related to site restora-tion. Persons attending those inspections are listed on Attachment "A". The two (2) site inspections fulfill NIPSCO's obligation under the Board's May 6, 1982 Order with respect to' site inspections. There will be no further site inspections.

(B) A copy of this report will be sent to the NRC Staff and all individuals and organizati.,as on the service list as of i May 6, 1982, in Docket No. 50-367 (Construction Permit Extension). There will be no further reports regarding Bailly Site Restoration.

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ATTACHMENT "A" PERSONS ATTENDING SITE RESTORATION INSPECTIONS Interim Inspection Held October 18, 1982 Name Affiliation M. D. Lynch U.S. NRC - NRR M. J. Oestmann U.S. NRC - Region III J. F. Norton U.S. NRC - Region III D. L. Kuhn NIPSCO R. J. Bohn ,

NIPSCO M. T. Maassel NIPSCO W. R. Elliott NIPSCO W. H. Eichhorn Attorney - NIPSCO R. J. Vollen Attorney - BPI C. Read Save the. Dunes Council H. Read Izaak Walton League J. Konik U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Detroit D. Wilcox NPS - IDNL M. Hardy U.S.G.S.

Final Inspection Held November 16, 1982 Name Affiliation M. Maassel NIPSCO W. H. Eichhorn Attorney - NIPSCO W. R. Elliott NIPSCO D. L. Kuhn NIPSCO J. Vollen BPI R. J. Vollen Attorney - BPI C. Bukro Chicago Tribune P. Pelke U.S. NRC C. Read Save the Dunes Council H. Read Izaak Walton League J. Eng Chesterton Tribune j C. Huagan Chicago Tribune i

D. A. Wilcox NPS - IDNL l


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