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Insp Rept 70-1100/97-02 on 971118-20.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Radwaste Storage,Radiation Protection & Mgt Controls
Person / Time
Site: 07001100
Issue date: 12/04/1997
From: Bellamy R, Kottan J
Shared Package
ML20198A978 List:
70-1100-97-02, 70-1100-97-2, NUDOCS 9801060154
Download: ML20198A996 (6)


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fieport No: 070 1100/97 02 License No: SNM 1067 Licensee: ABB Combustion Enaineerino incoroorated 2000 Dav Hill Road Windsor Connecticut 06095 0500 Facility: - Nuclear Fus; Facility inspection At: Windsor, Connecticu.t

' Inspection Dates: ' November 18 20.1997 gwl '- 7.-

. Inspector: \l k / I /t h 12 ' $ ' ' 3 J. Kottap, Health Physics Manager Date Decommissioning and Laboratory Branch D

APPROVED BY: , , h kl '

R. Bellamy, Chief d Decommissioning and Laboratory Branch Date

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i Announced inspection of the activities associated with the packaging, repackaging,  ;

evaluation, storage, handling and transportation of waste from prior operations for the purpose of SNM control. Areas reviewed included: radwaste storage, radiation protection, and management controls.

The licensee had in place effective programs f or radwast' storage /SNM control and radiation protection. Management controls provided a' fate oversight of program activities. No safety concerns or vio!ations of regul j .equirements were observed.

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a. insoection Scone The inspector reviewed the licensee's program for the storage of radioactive waste

- from previous operations

b. Observations and Findinot The inspector toured the site, including the locations where radioactive waste was stored. The inspector obseved access control and security, storage container access for inspection and ob servation for determining container integrity, stability of cetainers, protection from the environment, container posting and labeling, container integrity, and pr,ssess in limits. The inspector also reviewed the i lices.see's procedures a .J metho is for the accountability of U 235 in storage.

Based on the above observ, reviews, and discussions with the licensee the -

inspector determined that the licensee's radioactive waste was stored in a secure manner that would prevent unauthorized removal; the storage containers were protected from environmental elements; container integrity was intact with no signs  ;

of swelling, leakage, or deterioration; and the containers were clearly labeled. The licensee maintained a program for determining the amount of U 235 in storage at any one time, with the present amount being 814 grams. An annualinventory of ,

the material was conducted during March 1997 and a book inventory was conducted in September 1997.  !

Also the licensee stated that plans were underway to transfer the radioactive waste located in sea / land containers located in the woods area to Building 3 during the week of November 24,1997. The inspector stated that the licensee's efforts in this area were noteworthy in that the licensee was being nroactive in ensuring the integrity of these radioactive waste storage containers by moving them Indoors. -

c. Conclygigng The licensee was meeting alllicense requirements with respect to the storage of radioactive waste, including packaging, repackaging, evaluation, and handling for the purpose of SNM control.

No violations or safety concerns were identified in this area.


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  • i 4 l 2.0 BAplATlON PROTECTION


a. Insoection Scona  ;

I The inspector reviewed the licenseo's radiation protection program. This review l included training, procedures, exposure control, surveillance activities, and radiation i work permits (RWP).

b. Observation and Findinas The inspector reviewed licensee training procedures, student handouts, and I instructor guides for radiation worker, visitor, and abandoned area access for Building 3 training. Based on this review, the inspector noted that the training was appropriate so that workers would have an understanding of radiation protection as j lt relates to their work place and the specific jobs they might be required to perform  !

relative to the storage of the radwaste on site, including packaging and repackaging. The inspector also reviewed the licensee's RWP program in order to determine the control the licensee exercised over work activities. included in the review were RWPs related to the radwaste including packaging and repackaging.

The inspector noted that work activities such as repackaging the radwaste located in sea / land containers prior to trarder to Building 3 for storage as well routine '

inspections of Building 3 were cont.olleo through the use of RWPs.

Additionally, while touring the site and facility buildings, the inspector examined postings and warnings located throughout the buildings and at various locations on site. The postings, warnings, and labeling were appropriate. The licensee conducts '

periodic inspections, weekly, monthly, quarterly, of the site in order to verify that postings are correct and maintained and also to verify radwaste storage container integrity.

A review of 1996 external radiation exposure deta indicated that a total of 30 persons were monitored for external radiation exposure with a total exposure of 44 ,

person millirem, internal exposure data for 1996 indicated a total exposure of 220 person-millirem,

c. Conclusions Based on the above review, the inspector determined that the licensee had in place a radiation protection program commensurate for the scope of work taking place

. onsite and the potential hazards to employees. Postings and precautions were appropriate, and contamination and exposure control were good. The radiation-protection staff was knowledgeable and experienced, and the staff was familiar with the extent of the radiological hazards related to licensed activities.

No violations or safety issues were identified.

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a. Insnection Scong l

The inspector reviewed the programs the licensee had in place that provided for  ;

oversight of licensed activities, j


b. Observations and Findinca The inspector reviewed audits, annual reports and intu nal inspections for 1996 and 1997 to date. License condition 2.7 requires annualinspections by a person having no direct responsibility for the operation being inspected, and license condition 3.1.3 reteu ires that the Radiation Safety Officer prepare an annuai report. In addition, Procedure HPP 19, " Audit and Inspection Program", requires internal quarterly inspections. The inspector reviewed an audit conducted December 12-13,1990 by an outsido consultant. The audit was: conducted using an audit plan; was well documented; included management controls, internal exposure, external exposure, contamination control, instrumentation, training, ALARA, source inventory, and audit tvilow up items. The inspector noted that this eudit satisfied

'he requirements of license condition 2.7. Additionally, the inspector reviewed "1990 Evaluation (,i the Radiation Protection Program for the SNM 1067 License",

dated May 6,1997 which was prepared by the Radiation Safety Officer. This report covered various radiation protection areas including: offsite doses, internal exposure, and external exposure. This report satisfied the requirements of license condition 3.1.3. Lastly, the inspector reviewed the internal quarterly inspection for the fourth quarter of 1997. The inspector noted that the findings identified by this inspection were technically or administratively sound and would contribute to program imorovement.

c. Conclusions Based on the above reviews, the inspector determined there was effective oversight and assessment of licon.ed activities. The audits / inspections were of sufficient technical depth to assess radiation protection activities and probe for programmatic weaknesses. Audit findings were tracked and resolved in a timely manner.

Discussions with the licensee indicated that the next audit would be conducted in December 1997.

No violations or safety issues were identified.

4.0 EXIT M_1ElitLQ The inspector met with the licensee representatives at the conclusion of the inspection on November 20,1997. The inspector summarized the purpose, scope and findings of the inspection. The licensee acknowledged the inspection findings.




5.0 [8ARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licenspe Emoloveen N. Azzam, Site Remediation Services J. Blute, Site Remediation Services J. Conant, Site Remediation Services E. Hagelstein, Nuclear Material Management J. Limbert, Site Remediation Services (Radiation Safety Officer)

S. Masciulli, Radiological Services
