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Answer of Montaup Electric Co to Motion of Ui for Leave to Intervene & Petition to Allow Intervention out-of-time.* Requests Motion Be Denied on Basis of Late Filing.With Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/21/1999
From: Dignan T
CON-#199-19924 LT, NUDOCS 9901220047
Download: ML20199F764 (13)



IAN.21.1999 9:37AM F.0?Es & DAY  !;c 55.;5 p :. 35 f f 2h DOCXETED USNHC UNITED STATES OF AMERICA i


) ADJL' ~

In the Maner of ) '


North Atlantic Energy Service ) Docket No. 50443 l-7 Corporation, er al., ) (Licerse No. NPF-86)


(Seabrook Station, Unit No.1) )




Introduction ,

Under date of September 29,1998, North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation (NAESC) and Montaup Electric Company (Montaup) filed with this Commission a " License l

Transfer Application Requesting Consent for Transfer of Montaup Electric Company's Interest in Operating License NPF-86 f - Seabrook Station, Unit No.1 to Little Bay Power Corporation" (Application). The Application was for the transfer by Montaup of its 2.9%

interest' in Seabrook Station, Unit No.1 (Seabrook) to Little Bay Power Corporation (Little Bay), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bay Corp. Holdings, Ltd. which, through another wholly-owned subsidiary, Grot Bay Power Corporation, already is the owner of 12.1% of Seabroof.

' Application at 2. .

2Annlientbn at 1.

2:ee m et 9901220047 990121 PDf, ADOCK 05000443 0 PDR

JAN.21.1999 9:37AM E0?ES i GEAY NO,2345 p, 4/15 i

On December 14,1998, this Commission caused to be published in the Federal Register a

" Notice of Consideration of Transfer of Facility Operating License and Issuance of  ;

1 Conforming Amendment, and Opportunity for a Hearing" in the above captioned docket 8 l Inter alla, the notice provided an opportunity for hearing pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 2, Subpart M.

The notice further provided that Pedtions to Intervene and Requests for a hearing should be filed on or before Inmiary 4,1999

  • 1 I

Under date of January 11,1999, one week late, United 11biminating Company (UI) filed with the Secretary of the Commission a document styled: Motion of The United Ilbnninating Company for leave to Intervene and Pctition to Allow Intervention Out of-Time" (The Motion). In The Motion UI seeks to excuse its tardiness on the basis that it was "under the mistaken impression that it would have thirty days to file the intervention'd because prior to December 3,1998, the Commission's Regulations had so provided.' What UI apparently did not advise its counsel' of, was that on December 16,1998, NAESC (one of the applicants herein and the entity that operates Seabrook for the Joint Owners of the facility) faxed to every

'63 Fed. Reg. 68801 (Dec.14,1998).

d 63 Fed. Reg. at 68802.

' Motion at 10.

sid. at 8-10.

' Counsel submitting this answer is well acquainted with, and greatly respects, cour.sel acting for UI in this matter. 'We hrte no doubt that had UI disclosed to its counsel the existence of the correspondence described in the text immediately following, UI's counsel would have disclosed it in UI's filing. In short, no suggestion of imprope conduct on the part l

of counsel is intended by what follows.

21ssess.on f

--- ~ r-.. -- ~ e- -w w

JAN.21.1999 9:37AM E0?I5 & GEAY gg. m m:

.. :in: a Joint Owner, including Ui," a copy of the notice and a letter from Ted C. Feigenbaum, Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer of NAESC, addressed to the Chief Executives of the Joint Owners wherein Mr. Feigenbaum specifically stated: "The notice provides interested parties until January 4,1999 to request a hearing andfile a petition to intervene on the license transfer application."' A copy of this FAX is attsched hereto and marked "A." Thus, UI's "=istaken impression" was maintained not only through a regulatory change, and a boiiday season, but also despite a clear specific notice as to the frig date .

transmitted to its highest executive level by the operator of Seabrook - and, transmitted by FAX - a transmission not likely to be lost or overlooked in the holiday mail.

The Motion appears to be premised also on the theory that New England Power Company (NEP) already has accomplished its goal of obtaining a heating in this proceeding, i and UI argues in essence that its late intervention will not broaden the issues in the proceeding and that NEP cannot adequately represent UI's interests. UI supports the goals of conditiening i

the transfer as requested by NEP in its filing

  • and wants to add even more in the nature of l

requirements of cash reserves to be held by the proposed transferee and its affiliates." As seen below, both on the bases of its late filing and substantive lack of merit, The Motion should be denied.

'In fact, UI personnel got two copies of the Fax - one to Nathr uiel D. Woodson and ,

l one to James F. Crowe. See Anachment "A" at 1.


' Attachment "A" at 2 (emphasis supplied).

'* Motion of New England Power Companyfor Leave to intervcne, and Petitionfor i

Summary Relief or, in the Alternative, for a Hearing (hereafter "NEY Motion *).

" Motion at 7-8.

i 21esN6 ot

JAN.21.1999 9:TIAM EC?Ei ;' GiAY Z 1545  ? 5'15 Argument A. The Motion Should be Denied on the Basis ofits Late Filing. l There simply is no excuse for the late filing here involved, r :t is not a mistake made


by an unsophisticated p'2tative intervenor; this is tardiness by a regmted utility which not only had Federal Register whe, but also a fax notice sent it well before the deadline by the operator of Seabrook. It str&fus credulity to ask one to believe that the office of the CEO of a utility would simply ignore, or forget to look at, a fax from the chief officer of one of its generatic, racilities. Missing a Federal Register notice has frequently been held fatal to late intervention requests.12 It should be noted that UI alludes to attempts to settle its concerns concerning the transfer with the proposed transferee." It is not clear why it mentions these discussions in its discussion of the late-filing issue, but if the hope is to suggest that it was in11ed into a false sense of security by these discussions which contributed to missing the filing date, this argument avails UI nothing. The Commission has made clear that ongoing settlement discussions will not be heard as an excuse for late filing." In short, there is simply 2 Consolidated Edison Company of New York (Indian Point, Unit No. 2), LBP-82-1,15 NRC 37,40 (1982); South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. (Virgil C. Summer Station, Unit 1),

LBP-81-11,13 NRC 420,423 (1981); New England Power Co. (NEP, Units 1 and 2), LBP-78-18,7 NRC 932,933-34 (1978).


\ " Motion at 9.


" Commonwealth Edison Company (Braidwood Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2),

CLI-86-8,23 NRC 241,24445 (1986).

1188M6.01 l

JAR 21.1999 9:3EAM E0rES & GEAY ri u. mn m:  : , 1,:.

U na good cause bere for the lam filing which means that UI's showing on the other factors must 4

be extremely strong."

i 7

UI points out du' '.. will not broaden tie issues in the proceeding because "the issues 1

raised b; 'JI are st?%atially the same as those raised by NEP." However, thne are good and substantial reasons why NEP should not bc granted a hearing in this matter," and if that is

! the ruling, then there would be no hearing at all in . for UI's late filing. So the showing on a

j this factor is wholly contingent on NEP Seing successW in its effort and if it thils, so should I UI. .

i l j As to the other relevant factor, despite its admission that the issues it raises are ,

. \

i I "substantially the same" as those raised by NEP, UI insists that NEP cannot adequately represent it. And yet, UI tells us of no witness it will produce, or evidence it will adduce, that NEP cannot. We are left with vague suggestions that NEP has a different perspective on some l matters. This showing is weak indeed. The Motion should be denied on the basis oflate filing.

"E.g., Duke Power Co. (Petkins Nuclear Station Units 1. 2 and 3), ALAB-431,6 NRC 460, 462 (1977); Metropolitan Edison Company (Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2),

ALAB-384, 5 NRC 612, 615 (1977); Project Management Corp. (Clinch River Breeder l Reactor Plant), ALAB-364,4 NRC 383,389 (1976); Virginia Electric & Power Co. (North Anna Station, Units 1 and 2), ALAB-289,2 NRC 395,398 (1975).

    • Motion nt 11.

"See, Answer of Montaup Electric Company to Motion ofNew England Power Companyfor Leave to Intervene and Petitionfor Summary Relief Or, in the Alternative, for a Hearing (January 13,1999), passim; Answer of Little Bay Power Corporation to Motion of New England Power Companyfor Leave to Intervene and Petitionfor Summary Relief Or, In the Alternative, for a Hearing (January 13,1999), passim.

neousm _

MR 21.1999 9:36AM 20FES & GEA? n ;;45 p, gj;5 i

B. The Motion Should be Denied Because the Contentions it Makes Amount to an Attack on the Regulations or a Requestfor a Waiver of Same  ;

The recently adopted regulations creating the streamlined process for approval oflicense l

l transfers sets forth particularized requirements for all hearing requests and intervention petitions and the criteria under which this Commission will evaluate same ' Each such l

peuuun, uues utsu, usux, usanw so c.r.n. g c.tooc(t,).

"(2) Set forth the issues sought to be raised and (i) Demonstrate that such issues ne within the scope of the proceeding on the li ense transfer application,

! (ii) Demonstrate that such issues are relevant to the findmgs the NRC must make to grant the application for

license-tramfer, .

(iii) Provide a concise statement of the alleged facts or expert opinions which support the petitioner's position on the issues and on which the petitioner intends to rely at

! hearing, together with references to the specific sources and documents on which the petitioner intends to rely to support its position on the issues, and l

' (iv) Frovide sufficient information to show that a genuine dispute exists with the applicant on a material issue oi law l or fact;"

And 10 C.F.R. 6 2.1308(a) provides that in determining whether to grant a petition to intervene or hearing request, the Commission will consider, inter alia:


8810 C.F.R. Il 2.1306,2.1308.

I 2iess.ot 4-l'

JAN.21.1999 9:35AM E0?ES & GRAY 1;0,2g45 p, ;/15

" I

. . . whether the relief requested is within the Commission's authority,"" l and, "[w]hether the issues sought to be litigated are-(i) Within the scope of the proceeding; (ii) Relevant to the findings the Commission must make to act on i the application for license transfer; (iii) Appropriate for litigation in the proceeding; (iv) Adequately supported by the statements, allegations, and documentation required by i 2.1306(b)(2)(iii) and (iv). 2o The Motion does not even come close to meeting the requirements of the above-quoted regulations. There are vague statements to the effect that operating cost projections may be too low and decommissioning cost estimates may also be too low, and that, therefore the proposed transferec may not be able to meet its future obligations. However, there is no concise

( statement of the issues presented; there is no affidavit giving facts or expert opinion to support the generalizations of counsel in the pleading; and, what is left, is an attack on the Commission's regulations that allow prepayment to qualify a non-utility to own a nuclex power plant. The allegations concerning cost projections, without more, raise no issue for 1

litigation in NRC practice. UI seeks a de2ree of certainty that the law does not require. The l

Commission has made clear that a mere allegation that a cost estimate is uncertain creates no litigable issue unless it is accotopanied by allegations of fact, not surmise, that there is no i


! "10 C.F.R. I 2.1308(a)(3).

  • 10 C.F.R. I 2.1308(a)(4).

2inw.oi '



E0?ES ! GEAY S0.2545  ?. 10,'1E JAN.21.1999 9:39AM l

l reasonable assurance the costs will be paid; in short, reasonable assurance and not absolute certainty is the standard.22

. Finally, it should be noted that UI has not complied with the requirements of 10 C.F.R.

! i 2.1329, which sets out the niles for seeking a waiver of a rule or regulation in Subpart M l proceedings. So it is a little late for UI to find solace in that procedure.

l Conclusion l

The Motion should be denied.

By its attorneys, Thomas G. Dignan, Jr.

Ropes & Gray l

One International Place

! Boston, MA 02110-2624 l

(617) 951-7511 Dated: January 21,1999 t

j 2 Yankee Atomic Electric Company (Yankee Nuclear Power Station), CLI-96-7,43 NRC 235,245 (1996); Yankee Atomic Electric Com;any (Yankee Nuclear Power Station),

CLI-%-1,43 NRC 1,9 (1996).

21M.01 -S-

. 1

. _ . _ . _ . - ..-.. -- .. . . - . . ~ - . . - . - _. _


JAN.21.1999 9
39AM 10?ES ', GEAY  !?O. 2!45 ?. !!/15
8ent by
EUA EXEalTIVE OFF2CE 1 508 559 0185; 01/12/99 3:04PMjjeg[gs._,#703;Page 2/5 4 ,


.Adanne i


SEABROOK,NH 03874 603 474 9521 i Pimasa dativar the blisirtug pages ini Far N==ha-i NAME: Raaheemk Janne o-mm

. Nathanist D. Waadaan - United Illurninadng Company 203-499 3664

, John B. Kaarte-Northoest Utilities 860 665-3800

Kevin A.Kirby SasternUtilkies Auociates 50B-559-6125 James J. Kaene -ComfElectrie 305 291-3346 Jasses S. Robioeon - New England Electrio System 50s-389-2962 30seph O. Roy - MMWEC 413 583-8994 Anthony J. Maeselro - Hudson Light & Power Dept. 978-562-1389 Joseph M. Blain - Tacton Municipal Lighting PirA 508-823-693i Frederio C. Anderson - NH Eleotric C+.h, Inc, 603-536 as82 Frank W. Getrnan. Jr. . Gioat Bay Power Corporados 603 431 8877 cc: Druce D.Kenyon-Northeast Udlicies 860 465 3581 Jannes F. Cmwe - Unhed Dlumiesting Company 203-499 3664 1

FROM: Ted C.Feigenbeam TOTAL PAGES (Inchsding cover): 4 DATE: 12/16/98 Massage:

l If you do see receive all pages, please cell besk as soon as possible, l Verificatiose 603-773-7404(Bev slHoway) weamousnese)

M q U s@'la *d 22'r4 E44 5R3 m!1rmpe tm gg:pt 966T-9T-")30 l

6 esed isorsso a^rAnoaxa vns . ante cze ces rascesa enroties speateoen 1

JAN.21.1999 9:39AM E0?ES i GEAY ;0.2B45  ? 12/15 l Sent by: EUA EXECUTIVE orFICE 1 508 559 6125; 09/12/99 3:04PM; h W763;Page 3/5 e

North Adansac Energ Service Carporanen N.. orth P.o. s.

  • l Atlantic ' " ' * * * *

(603) 474-9621

, no Ncnbs t Udede. 87.e Deossaber 16,1998 NA #980535 l

l l

l To ChiefExacudves l

SentnookJohsOwners ,


Publication ofFederal Register Notice for the Linie Bay /Montaup Transfer of Control In the Desember 14, 1998 Federal Register, the NRC published nodce of the request for the l transfhr of Moussup Electric's ownership interest in Seabrook stadon to Little Bay Power Corperstlan.

l A copy of the notica is attached.

The notice prvvides interested pardes undl January 4,1999 to request a hesring and nie a pedilon m Intervene on the ilcante transfer application. Requests for hearing and petition to intervene l suust be iri accordance whh the NRC's new procedure for license tranrfer appliestiens, whish became

! offective on Doommber 3,1995. As an ahernative, the NRC will accept comments as the proposal action until January 13,1999.

Very nuly yours, l / ~

F TedC.Fel lenbaum Executiva VisePresident and Chief Nocieer Ofher l

l TCF:bes

Emelosurs asetsle?

a n

e soes f uorsmo sazznosxs vns - er,z cu cos ensee,e ..fosfe,  :,..,....

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.IAN.2L1333 3:33AM Ef 33 5 liA*: 2 ],5 ',3  ? ^; ;{

sent by: EUA EXECUTIVE OFFICE 1 500 559 6125; 01/12/99 3:04PM;)etFaa fr703;Page 4/5 Federal Ragtseer/Vol. 63. No. 239/ Monday. nemnber 14.1998 / Notices 88501 f u d== to mairiteln tofora section 70.24(a) of Etle 10 of the Code As previously mesttoned phyelelan and other personnel o(Federal Reguladans. "Crkicaltry adminimentve controls are also quellfled to handle rare =han Accident Requirernents." for the Raver provided to prevent opdmurs eme'Esnees, and to maintain Bend Scation (RBS). On June 11.1997 modermaan eenditions in the new fuel erreegaments for the transportetton of the NRC requesand that RB8L address the vault so that the wiu nabe centsmlrasted individhaals to treatment seven criteria pubhshed in Infonnstion ouvered with mist, the staN facHetas outside the aits boundary Notice S7-77. ' ns from the concludes het a khn pw h (e) of 10 CPR 70.24 exemps Requirements of Sect 70.24 af Title 0.98 will not be attained in the new fuel Part hem the requirernents 10 of the code of Federal Regulauens' storage racks and the susception to of h Di) of 10 CFR 70.34 for in order to continue with the saemption cruerton 3 is 6e.

or to be used in the reactor. proces. The pwpose of the criticauty_

(d) of 10 CFR 70.24 states that On August II.1988. 201 superseded mordtors required by 10 CFR 70.24 is to any who believes that there is is original May 15.1997 letter and ensure that AY a criticauty were to occur good amuse why he abould be grenad an requestad an esemption from the during the handung of ENM personnel effenprien 4cen allor partof10 CFR <rtticnitty accident reenttortrag would be alerted to that fact and would 70.24 must apply no the Comrnission for requirements edpulseed in to CFR tehe approprises action. The eseR hee mach en emunp6an and shall spectfy the 70.24(a) specifi the mies determined that it is estsamely unitkely reasons fbr the reuef requesud. contenninsincore tors (which are that mach an acedent could occur.The not in use) and unirradiated fuel while low probabstley of an snedverera g it La handled, used. or stored on site. crincalny cwusitutes good muu fw The cosandesion's technical staKlus In this retuust the licensee addnresed yenting an easm len to the evaluated the ity of an the arven criterie in above. The requirernene of I CPR 70.24(a)~

Enedvertent icy of the nucteer suel Comelssion's tecgical staf has reviewed the 1teensee's submitsel end IV at River Band Setion UtBS). and has determined that it is eartresuelv unitkely has deterrnined that, ezcept for Criteria 'Ihe Commlesion has determined that.

forauch an acddent sooccurIf the 1 and 3 discussed below, RBS meets the pursuant to 10 CFR 70.14.this licenses meets she following severs ble criteria. emmption is authortand by law. will not gdoes not metrict fuel nevement endanger itts or peoperty or the cornroon craterna:

1. Plantprocedures do not permit and storage of fuel anembtles that are defense end ascuruy, and is otherwise out of theer associased shipping cask to in the puhuc interest. Thersfore, the rnore than 3 EWR Net assernbhas to be 3 assernblies. However. Deasd on the in stormye or in tratesit between their Comion Mry p thelacan aseoenseed ehtpping cask and dry aterage elevatiert anct configuration of the arve an en n from the requtremente of where the assemtdies are placed befaru 19 CFR 4 fW die RP1 rack etone storage into the new or spent hael recks.
2. no k- of the fresh fuel Purvunns to 10 GR bl.32.she storage Tsche Abed with fuel of the the poseihitity of floodmgis highly Commhelon has tieterminedthat the ranstimum passnintble U-235 improbable. In addition, administraeve g ,

Mll not enrishment wad flooded with pure water controls are provided to restrict the fire- ,,,,gg g, ,,y ,,,,,,,,,,, ,g,,,,,

Schting practico employed in the fuel tempact (63 FR 83755)'

does not excsed 0.95. at a 95% but! ding to prevent low. density pretubility 95% conRdence level. g ,g, 3,if espumum snoderudenof fuelin rooderation condic!ons. Fire- usuance' the f> ash Asel senrage redra oceurs when 'ig foern is not permited in the I area and hose stations are equi For the Nuclear Ragsdaanry Camretsuan. j the fresh Aselseorage rocks we not Desed a Raekville. Marytaruf. des 2nd dgy flooded, the krefemettve carvuspending to with straight stream noeeles le ha that in the fuelbuildtag or ofDournbe ses.

this opdmum neederation does nos in the riew fust vault so that per F.Zisumereest esecaud, at e 9696 prototdttty. 95% storisig cardideocalevel, the array will not be covered with misc. AedatIhrerfor. Omco sfNucJeedtsector 4.The kne8Isetive of spent fuel storega Therefers. the stas concludes that any Wafon, resks Sued withfunt of dw w=dmusn arrey of fuel assemblies is storage or in lPR Dec. 38-33111 Fned 13-11-90: 5.45 am)

- - _- U. BSS enrichment end transit whee outside of their ===== tad susen coes insenes.e bwith pure weenr does net ing eask wtllte sedely subcetoest eerand 0.96. at a 95% probahnhty,95% du tooet advern modwenon condidems Sr asible. and the eneoption to itUCLEAR REGULATORY

~ ^^ level. Crnernen t re -


~ 5.The o(forms ofermetat Ahhoughthe RSS new fuelracks are nuclear osher than nusleer N haul, that see espred on site in any given desiped to meantatra k effective less seen is less than the quantity necessary than 0.95 when either dry or complemly Mados of Conalderaten et Approwelof fore ertneal mean.

flooded with wiser. the new fuei racks y,,,,,,, ,g p ,gggy og License 5.Rodantion required by cannot meet the 0.98 k effective limit and Issuenes of General DestyiCrtnsion 83.are under socident senditions oflow- Ansondinent, and for a provided in Aant storage and handling denstay scoderadon (e.g . foam W pewth Energy Serviam arm. solid. g,P,-- ' et. el areas to detect excessive red.meinn levala noncosnbuscsble.or mistb gasketed covers are and to taarters appropriate s.aSety The U.S. Nuclear Regulaeary segens. provided over the new fuel vault to prochade the encence af opelmum Commission (the Cnenmission) is 7.'fhe mesumuan nominal U-235 conssdertog the issuance of an order ennehmentis livnited to 5.0 wassht moderation media.When these covers me removed fbr fuel handitns. the fuel under 10 cirR 50 80 approving the pereens.

By leteer deced 15,1987.Eneergy is covered by a fire retardent manertal to transfer of the snimest held try Menesup req d ensure that the storage erray is not tiectric Co p[-86 As hemokin Feccitgeoeing e. ,. ,..ueste .r on d e ey o.n.ay mod t.on. twn.e No 4

PG48'd Z2Pl EM. DB9 Sol.trC2p3 UN SC:ki EIG6T-91-330 e esas esorsso earAnouxa vne .- esce sta coo rn.oe:e enie u e s useaves-w

j IAN.2}.1333 9:40AM ECfE3 $ 3EEY E 1343  ?  ;.L;5 i . .

01/12/99 3:05 Phi;Jetrea #763;Pege 5/5 Sent by: EUA EYECUTIVE OFFICE 1 508 559 6125; l


i. e.A" .

68002 Federal Reglemer/Vol 63. No, 239/ Monday. Decernber 14. legg/ Notices -


j sedan.Unic Na I (Subreak Scanen), eensent appucodon, are dieeusand enwndment outmuted under cover of a below. leser deed September 29. t998. from lossend in Rockingham County, New Hasnpehire. and sensidning tasuance af By Jeuary 4.1999. argy pereenwhose Nord Atlanac EnreEy Service e tenhnning amendruent under 10 CFR imerses may'he esected my the oration Whtch are evenable fbr Con =dmason s action on the opphcation pub tispeedon at the Commission's 30.00. PubHe OccunentRoom, the Celman Consent to the transfer may request a hearing and if notthe '

would euenerlaa t e Bey Power appHeent, may petiston forleave to Butiding. 2130 L Stress. NW the intervene in a hearing sedin Corporation (uttle Boy) to Commission's neden.

uests &g a ott the Washington, docurnent roomleensed DC and etthe at the local Reeter publis oienership inserest in the Monteup Electric heestag and petitions forleave to Public ubrary. Foundere Park. Exeter.

Stoesensw w held Comporty 9denes . Litus Boy to e trusrwene should be filed an accordance NH 03833.

wheny owned of with the Cornmisolon's rules of precuce Detec as Reenwelle. Maryland. ins 4th day l amt Easth in Subpert M. "Public W m .lege

Holdings. Led which Nodacation. Avenabtitty of Docurnants that she owne Great Bay For the Nuclear Rae alenary Comnuesten.
  • Power . en adstang owner of and Recurds. Hearing Regimests and Caes10.h on Llosnee

! the Seebreak $setton. North Adende Procedures for HQ' of 10 CPR Per Dimeeer Pheessareen seMmisemer Energy service Carperemon theseis Transfer Applkations. CW3** arm i

j licefued aparetar or the hellity, would 2. In particular,sucn requests with the requiremente est starth must becwW@n.

hmguin t remain es the Agent Ihr the 11 com IFRDec. 98-S3109 Flied 12-11 n 4d5 eel ty endwould in 1 2.1306, andshouM addams i JuintOwnersof sa2me ones neees consieue to have sec.)ustwo the considereHons conseined in 10 CFR

! 2.130stel. Untimely requets may be

! seaponsengity farthe ananagement.

i tion and menneenance of the denied. en provided in 10 CFR ,gg y m .gy 4 t.Steuan.The 16eenes would be 21308N, unlese good coues for failure MM18el0N I ==== dad for asiministrestve purponen to ta nie on ties is setebushed. In ninese che t .nsfer of Marsteup's addition. en untimely request should (Destaslen.eEkste4)

? ownership inserese m Little Bay. address the factare that the Cmnrnisstori Rio Algem Mintag Corporunon The prepneed warisfer does riot win aise consider. in reviewing j umirnely ueses, set forthin 10 CFR AamesviNuclearRegulatory Irrvolve a change anthe rights.

chlagellene, or interesas er the asher co- 2.130SN(I .

Cornmiselon I end peuttans seness af the Seabrook 5fetion. Rettuents a hee be saeved 88"8 N** ed #* of ' '*9""t g, i Pursuant to 10 CF1t 60.80,the for toeve tointervene we the tansfer of upon the pucent; the General II" E' M M i

CosumAmelon may Counsel 1 Nuclear Regulatory nes[ g "I,,

e Mennee or any rig thereunder, eher 'g"l5' *5*

l Commisuon Weehington.DC 20555; .g ,9,y notice en interseed persons.Such 4

swel se conikigent upon the and the Secremryof the r%metissiert. for a heartrig j U.S. Nuclear 5:esulatery Conweiseien.

. mission's tietermuaesion that the Weahington,DC 20155-0001, Attentierr suisuassy: Nottee le hereby given that i transfereeis quehsed to hold the tory

! Hamnes and that the tranehr is osheswlse Rulemekines and Adjudicottone Staff. In the U,s Nueleer rossived. by eensistent wkh applicable previslotts of accordance with 10 CFR 2.1313. Commission (NRC) l De Coromleston willteous a narice or leaer deems Ocember 33.1998, a request l 1sw,repdedans.and orders of the order grensng er denying a hearing from me A) gem corporetaan 4 e- ense r quest erintervensson petitten- (gua seamend l Separa seeuence of the ideense eresomeeru, the b, -~~- des 4pettagthe iseume for esqr hearing con (LC) 55 A4 af 5ource I

j wut hove smede firidines restutted by she that willbe held and destganting die Matertal Lamenac $UA-1119 for the Asemic EnerEy Aceof1964, es emended Presiding Omcar. A nedce granting a 1.tshon. Uesh. fosility. The lleense

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J N.21.1999 9:41AM 20FES & GEAY NO.2545  ?. 15/15 i DQ9HETED ,


, 5 JAN 2; p 1, Thomas G. Dignan, Jr., one of the attorneys for Montaup Electric Company, he '

l certify that on January 21,1999, I made service of the within document in G6formity with U.S.N.R.C. Regulations upon the following persons: g  :


Annette L. Vetti-Cook Lillian M. Cuoco, Esquire Secretary of the Commission Senior Nuclear Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Northeast Utilities Service Company Washington, DC 20555-001 P.O. Box 270 (Attn: Rulemalrings and Adjudications Hartford, CT 06141 l

Staff) FAX: (860) 665-5504 FAX: (301) 415-1101 David A. Repka, Esquire l Karen D. Cyr, Esquire Winston & Strawn l General Counsel 1400 L Street, N.W. )

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20005 Washington, DC 20555 FAX: (202) 371-5950 FAX: (301) 415-3086 Gerald Charnoff, Esquire Edward Berlin, Esquire Shaw, Pitman, Pous & Trowbridge l

Swidler Berlin Sherreff Friedman 2300 N Street, N.W.

l 3000 K Street N.W., Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20007 FAX: (202) 663-8007 l FAX: (202) 424-7643 Mr. Frank Getman, Jr.

John F. Sherman, Esquire Great Bay Power Corporation Associate General Counsel 20 International Drive, Suite 301 New England Power Company Portsmouth, NH 03801-6809 25 Research Drive (Mail Only)

Westborough, MA 01582 FAX: (508) 389-2463 Barton Z. Cowan, Esquire Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC 600 Grant Street,44th Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 FAX: (412) 565-6099 l __

i Tfiosas d.Dignan, Jr.

l I

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