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Responds to Alab 850508 Order Re 850430 Petition to Reopen Record on Util Effluent Release Rept 1 & Applicant Answer to 850507 Petition.Aslb Notified That B Molholt Secured to Testify Re Health Consequences of Radiation Exposure
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/1985
From: Anthony R
CON-#285-068, CON-#285-68 NUDOCS 8505210002
Download: ML20127G197 (1)



oQ Occ w rwG r w % ct U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COW ISSION . . . ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD PHILA. ELEC. CO. Limerick Gen. Sta. Units 1. & 2. DOCEET No: 50-352,353b ANTHONY /F03 RESPONSE TO THE BOARD'S OR9ER OF 5/8/85 IN REPLY TO OUR PETITIOR OF 4/30/85 TO REOPEN THE RECORD ON PECO'S NO. 1. EFFLUENT RELEASE REPROT AND RESPONSE TO APPLICANT'S ANSWER TO OUR PETITION, 5/7/85 May, 14 , 1985 NDETE usNRC It appeared from the contents of the Board's order that the copies of our petition sent to members of the Board on the da g of g g pag g n, 4/30/85, had not been delivered. As a consequence we sent copies to replace these on 5/13/85 ,and we offer apologies to the Board for any4RooNveniance which has

  • 00CMEiiNG & SEFMl resulted . BRANCH At this time we notify the Bogrd that we have secured the services of an expert to testify on the health consequences of radiation exposure to the public at 900 feet from the plant as contrasted with PEco's basing of isola-tion set points on 2,300 feet as the nearest public exposure limit. It is not true as PEco asserts,that that we concede that our petition seeks only a change in methodology -for determining offsite releases. We seek,rather, to protect the health and safety of the public at the nearest approach to the plant from radiation poisoning released in the effluents. To prevent this injury we insist that PEco's plant limit its releases and set its setpoints for isolation at' a level which will guarantee this. In the course of this investigation it may appear that PECo will be required to make structural changes to accomplish the limiting of rRdioactive effluent,or it could be possible that the plant cannot presently be operated within the NRC limit on effluent.

Our expert is a geneticist and microbiologist, Dr. Bruce Eolholt, professor in the Department of Health Education of Temple University, Philadelphia. He will testify on the health effects of exposure to radiation from nuclear readtor effluents as related to levels, duration and distence from the release points.

We assert that our petition is timely. We could not have known of PECo's

, proposal to modify isolation set points until we were provided with its Semi-Annual Effluent Report. Contrary to PECo's opinion, there is no othe means available rg to protect our interests. We cannot rely on NRC for this.Our expert's testimony t') can provide an essential element to the record and protection of the public.

We do not believe tFat this petition will add significant delay since the lic-so ense for the plant is currently held up by emergency planning, water supply and f

  • safety evaluation.

g< We presume that the Board does not expect us,at this distance,to deliver i

  • in hand, so we are using the U.S. mail.

l SE cci NRC ASt3 steff Counsei, Docketing Reepectr 17 submitte

. ma.O H.Denton f NRR) PSCo,others on Serv. List ,

j, Box 186 Moylan, a. 19065