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Rev 1 to Procedure 83A0273, Support & Snubber Inservice Exam & Testing Program Plan,Vol 1
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 05/10/1985
Shared Package
ML20128J920 List:
83A0273, 83A273, NUDOCS 8505310066
Download: ML20128K008 (162)






Project Apphcation Copy No Assigned To 5536-245 APPROVALS .

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t FORM # NES 206 2 0


A anar er O_----: _- -- 3 162 NUCLEAR ENERGY SERVICES



1. Introduction 5
2. Program Plan Interval 5
3. Organization 5
4. Basis 6
5. Definitions 6
6. Program Plan Concept S
7. Supports Selected for Examination 10
8. Examination Boundaries 13
9. General Examination Requirements 16
10. General Examination Acceptance Criteria 17 f


1. Introduction 24
2. Examination Schedule 25
3. Piping and Equipment Support Table Nomenclature 27 Attachment 1 - Piping Support Table 27 Attachment 2 - Equipment Support Table 100 O


1. Introduction 130
2. Definitions 130
3. Piping and Equipment Snubber Table Nomenclature 133 Attachment 1 - Piping and Equipment Snubber Table 134 l

FORM # NES 205 2/80


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FORM # NES 205 2/80



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1. INTRODUCTION Q1 This document presents the Program Plans for Inservice Examination of Component Supports and for Inservice Examination and Testing of Snubbers at Unit 1 of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station in compliance with the requirements of 10CFR50.55a and Technical Specifications. These programs have been prepared to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Subsection IWF,1980 Edition through the Winter 1981 Addenda. Additionally, the program for Inservice Examination and Testing of Snubbers has been prepared in accordance with the augmented inservice inspection program presented in Shoreham's Plant Technical Specifications.
2. PROGRAM PLAN INTERVAL 10CFR50.55a(g) specifies that the ASME Examination Programs shall be initiated at the start of commercial operation of the facility. Further, the Program Plans must l conform to the requirements of the Code edition and addenda in effect no more than twelve (12) months prior to the issuance of the operating license.

These plans will be in effect for the first 120-month interval. It will be updated for each subsequent 120-month interval to conform to the edition of the Code and addenda in effect no more than twelve (12) months prior to the start of that interval.


The Support and Snubber Inservice Examination and Testing Program Plans are organized into three independent sections. Section I presents the program commitment basis, the conceptual framework and general examination acceptance criteria. The requirements of SecGon I apply to Sections 11 and III unless otherwise specified in these Sections. Section 11 deals specifically with the examination program for safety related equipment and piping support assemblies. Section til deals specifically with the examination and functional testing for all safety related snubber units.Section I,11 and III are formatted in a manner to aid program implementation.

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4. BASIS In addition to the reference Code edition and addenda, these Program Plans are prepared in compliance with paragraphs 3/4.7.5 of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, Plant Technical Specifications and component manufactures specifications where applicable.
5. DEFINITIONS The terms below, when used in Sections I, II, and III of these Program Plans are defined as follows:

Safety Related - This term is applied to the systems and components that perform a function that is needed for one or more of the following reasons:

A. Mitigate the consequences of an accident.

I I B. Shutdown the reactor to the cold shutdown condition.

l C. Maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition.

l l Examination - The element of inspection that involves the performance of visual observations and/or nondestructive inspections such as ultrasonic, radiographic, eddy current, liquid penetrant and magnetic particle methods. As used in these program plans, the term examination shall mean the visual VT-3 and VT-4 examinations as described in this document.

Functional Testing - The element of inspection that involves the testing of a component to determine if that component is capable of performing to its designed operating requirements. As used in these program plans, functional testing shall be performed oa snubber units.

Inspection Inarval - Ten calendar years of plant service.

Inspection Period - Three or four years of plant service. The sequence depends on the l l Inspection Program selected per IWA-2400.

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83A0273 m DOCUMENT NO.


'J Building Structure - The structure whose purpose is to support, house and protect safety related systems and components.

Support Assembly - An assembly comprised of structural elements designed to transmit loads from components and piping to the load carrying building or foundation structure. The term support applies to one element of that assembly.

Piping Supports - Elements whose primary function is to support the weight of and/or provide structural stability to system piping. These supports are attached either directly or indirectly to piping.

Equipment Supports - Elements whose primary function is to support the weight of and/or provide structural stability to equipment such as pumps, valves and heat exchangers. These supports are attached to components other than piping.

Integral Supports - Elements that are welded, cast, or forged integral with the building structure.

Non-Integral Supports - Elements that are bolted, pinned, or bear on the building

' structure.

Integral Attachments - Elements that are welded, cast, or forged integral with the pressure retaining component.

I l Non-Integral Attachments - Elements that are bolted, pinned, or bear on the pressure j retaining component.

Plate and Shell Type Supports - Supports which are fabricated from plate and shell elements such as vessel skirts and saddles, and are normally subjected to biaxial stress.

Linear Type Supports - Supports acting under essentially a single component of direct stress (tension and compression) along the axis of the support. Such elements may also be subjected to shear stress.

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l FORM # NES 205 2/80




V Component Standard Support Assembly - A support assembly consisting of one or more generally mass produced units usually referred to as catalog items.

Constant Load Type Support - A component standard support providing an essentially uniform supporting force throughout a specified vertical deflection.

Variable Spring Type Support - A component standard support which consists mainly of a coil spring that allows linear variation of load with respect to vertical displacement.

Snubber - A component standard support which is designed to arrest the motion of piping or components resulting from a seismic event or a system transient. Activation of the snubber is achieved by exceeding a threshold velocity or acceleration while allowing effectively free motion at less than threshold values.

l Hot Setting - The position where the travel indicator on a spring support or snubber l

l should be during system operating conditions.

@ Cold Setting - The position where the travel indicator on a spring support or snubber should be during system ambient conditions.

6. PROGRAM PLAN CONCEPT These program plans specify both; the ASME B&PV Code Section XI, Subsection IWF inservice examination requirements for Code Class 1, 2 and 3 support assemblies required to be constructed in accordance with Section til of the ASME Code and; the Shoreham Plant Technical Specification inservice examination and testing requirements for all nuclear safety related snobber units.

As used in these plans, supports are those structural elements that are designed to transmit loads from components and piping to the load carrying building or foundation structur e. The term support includes hangers which are generally considered to be those elements which carry the weight from above with the supporting members being mainly in tension. Likewise, the term includes elements which carry the weight from I I below with the supporting members being mainly in compression. The term also FORM s NES 205 2/80



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V includes snubbers and other devices used to provide structural stability during any of the specified operating conditions. However, the term supports does not encompass a structural element whose sole function is to carry dynamic loads caused by a postulated loss of pressure retaining integrity, such as pipe whip restraints.

For the purpose of these plans, support assemblies are divided as (a) piping support assemblies and equipment support assemblies (including piping and equipment snubber assemblies) subject to the inservice examination requirements of Code Subsection IWF and (b) piping and equipment snubber units subject to the requirements of Shoreham's Plant Technical Specifications.

The primary function of piping supports is to support the weight of and/or provide structural stability to system piping. Those supports are attached either directly or indirectly to the piping. Equipment supports are attached directly to components other than piping. Their primary function is to support the weight of and/or provide structural stability to the component.

The subtle difference between a snubber assembly and a snubber unit is that the snubber assembly encompasses all structural elements of the support, whereas, the snubber unit is only comprised of the snubber and its fasteners for attachment to the pipe / component and to its anchorage (i.e., clamp - snubber - beam attachment).

Examinations for piping and equipment support assemblies are scheduled as delineated in Section II of this document. Examinations and testing of snubber units are scheduled as delineated in Shoreham's Plant Technical Specifications. IWF examination of snubber assemblies will be scheduled to be performed coincident with Technical Specification examination and testing of snubber units when applicable.

7. SUPPORTS SELECTED FOR EXAMINATION Piping and equipment support assemblies selected for examination are the support assemblies of the piping and components that are required to be examined under IWB, IWC, and IWD during the first inspection interval. Thus, the following support l I assemblies are exempt from the program:

A FORM 8 NES 205 2/80

83A0273 aannrer h 10 162 PAGE OF NUCt. EAR ENERGY SERVICES

l. Class 1 Systems (Excluding Snubber Units):

A. Support assemblies for piping of 1 inch nominal pipe size and smaller, B. Support assemblies for components whose largest pipe connection does not exceed 1 inch nominal pipe size.

2. Class 2 Systems (Excluding Snubber Units):

A. Support assemblies for piping and component 3 tl~at are 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller, B. Support' assemblies for piping and components of systems (or portions of systems) other than RHR and ECCS that are not required to operate above a pressure of 275 psig or above a temperature of 200 F.

l l

3. Class 3 Systems (Excluding Snubber Units):

l A. Support assemblies for piping and components that are 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller, B. Support assemblies for piping and components of systems (or portions of systems) that are not required to support reactor residual heat l removal, containment heat removal, emergency core cooling, spent fuel pool cooling and are not required to operate above a pressure of 275 psig or above a temperature of 200 F.

C. Support assemblies which are encased in concrete or buried.

4. Snubber Units (Class 1,2 and 3)

A. None l I FORM #NES 205 2/80

33A0273 Amwres' b ' - 11 162

"" GE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY SERVICES In addition, for multiple components (i.e., tanks, pumps, heat exchangers) within a system of similar design, function and service, the support assemblies (except snubber units) of only one of the multiple components will be examined.

Table I-1 is provided to delineate the above support assembly selection / exemption 1

criteria used for each of the Class 1,2 or 3 systems at Shoreham.

I l

l l



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System 1"nps Support Support Energy -1"nps -4"nps LO. Energy Buried Bil X B21 X X X X X B31 X X Cll X X C41 X X X Ell X X X X X X E21 X X X X X E32 X X X X E41 X X X X X E51 X X X X Gil X G33 X X X X G41 X X M50 X X X N11 X X N23 X P21 X P41 X X X P42 X X R43 X X X X T23 X T24 X T41 X T46 X T47 X T48 X X60 X X l I FORM 8 NES 205 2/80

83A0273 m DOCUMENT NO.

11 NUCLEAR ENERGY SERVICES PAGE OF 9 8.- EXAMINATION BOUNDARIES The examination boundaries for support assemblies are defined as follows and as shown in Figure I-l through I-4:

1. The boundary of an integral support B connected to a building structure A is the surface of the building structure. For the purpose of examination, the welds attaching the support to the building structure shall be considered part of the support. (Figure I-1 and I-2)
2. The boundary of a non-integral support D connected to a building structure C is the surface of the building structures. For the purposes of examination, the anchors, bolts, nuts, and baseplate attaching the support to the building structure shall be considered part of the support. (Figures I-3 and I-4)
3. The boundary of an integral attachment W connected to a pressure retaining l > component X is the distance from the pressure retaining component as indicated in IWB, IWC, and IWD. -(Figure I-1 and I-3)
4. The boundary of a non-integral attachment Y connected to a pressure retaining component 2 is the contact surface between the component and the support.

(Figure I-2 and I-4)

! 5. Where the mechanical connection of a non-integral support is buried within the piping or component insulation, the support may extend from the surface of the piping or component insulation provided the support either carries the weight of l

the component or serves as a structural restraint in compression.


6. All integral and non-integral connections within the boundary governed by IWF rules and requirements are included.

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1 1




1 Support 8 with or without Intermediate integra) or non-integral connections Integral attachment (welded)

-y- /

Bullding g B ,5 5> B

<*/ l W X [,','nj,

structure . component integral support m IWF Support exam. boundarym m -

, r g IWB,1WC, LWD MGURE bl exam boundary Support B with or without intermediate Integral or non-integral connections Nonintegral attachment


sin'a"fe 4 an s e v z "li'"'

component r L Integral support m IWF Support exam. boundary m w

l l



MGUREb2 uO DORM e NES 205 2/30

DOCUMENT NO. 83A0273 my , g ,____



Support D with or without intermediate integral et non-integral connections

- Integral attachment


~ .

Pressure Building retalning structure W C D p# D \ X component


NonIntegral support m

lWF Support exam. boundert , .

r -

lWB,1WC, LWD exam. boundary I FJGURE 3 3 i

Support D with or without intermediate Integral or non-integral connections NonIntegral attachment

\ -

Pressure retalning D /p D f ,> Y Z *8""',"'

at uctu e LNonintegral. support


IWF Support exam. boundary l

l ,

FIGURE l-4 O I l

i FON s MS 205 240

83A0273 my DOCUMENT NO.


9. GENERAL EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS The examination requirements shall apply to the following category supports and support assemblies defined in Section XI Subsection IWF-1210 and as follows in tables I-2, I-3 and I-4 of this document section summarizes these requirements.

A. Plate and Shell Supports - Supports which are fabricated from plate and shell elements such as vessel skirts and saddles, and are normally subjected to a biaxial stress.

B. Linear Supports - Supports acting under essentially a single component of direct stress (tension or compression) along the axis of the support. Such elements may also be subjected to shear stress.

C. Component Standard Support Assembly - A support assembly consisting of one or more generally mass produced units usually referred to as catalog items.

The required examinations shall be visual examinations VT-3 and VT-4 as defined in Section XI, Subsection IWA-2213, IWA-2214 and below.

Visual Examination VT-3 A. The VT-3 visual examination shall be conducted to determine the general mechanical and structural conditions of components and their supports, such as the presence of loose parts, debris or abnormal corrosion products, wear, erosion, corrosion, and the loss of integrity at bolted or welded connections.

B. The VT-3 visual examination may require, as applicable, to determine structural integrity, the measurement of clearances, detection of physical displacement, structural adequacy of supporting elements, connections between load carrying structural members and tightness of botting.

C. For piping and equipment component supports the visual examination may be l l performed with or without optical aids to verify the structural integrity of the support.

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83A0273 m NT NO.

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11 162 17 PAGE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY SERVICES 9 D. Personnel performing VT-3 visual examinations shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirements of IWA-2300.

Visual Examination VT-4 A. The VT-4 visual examination shall be conducted to determine conditions relating to the operability of mechanical and hydraulic snubbers, component and supports spring loaded and constant weight hangers.

B. The VT-4 visual examination shall confirm fur.ctional adequacy, verification of setting, or freedom of motion. This examination may require (1) disassembly of components or devices and (2) operability tests.

C. Personnel performing VT-4 visual examinations shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirements of IWA-2300.

{ } 10. GENERAL EXAMINATION ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA A. Support conditions which are unacceptable for continued service shallinclude the following:

1. Deformation or structural degradation of fasteners, springs, clamps, or other support items.
2. Missing, detached, or loose support items.
3. Arc strikes, weld spatter, paint, scoring, roughness, or general corrosion on close tolerance or sliding surfaces.
4. Fluid loss beyond specified limits (hydraulic snubbers only).
5. Improper hot or cold positions of snubbers and spring supports.

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83A0273 m ,_


6. Misalignment of supports.
7. Lack of freedom of motion of sliding surfaces.
8. Cracked support assembly and attachment welds B. The following are examples of nonrelevant conditions:
1. Fabrication mark (e.g., from punching, layout, bending, rolling and machining).
2. Chipped or discolored paint.
3. Weld spatter on other than close tolerance machined or sliding surfaces.
4. Scratches and surface abrasion marks.

l k

5. Roughness or general corrosion which does not reduce the load bearing capacity of the support.


6. General conditions acceptable by the material design and/or construction

! specifications.

l C. Supports whose examinations reveal conditions as defined in (A) above, shall be 1

unacceptable for continued service until corrective measures have been taken.

Supports may be adjusted, replaced, or repaired to meet the acceptance criteria or have been demonstrated to meet functional requirements through testing or evaluation.

Acceptance by repair, replacement and evaluation or testing shall be per IWF-3122 with the addition of criteria on 10(D) below.

D. Supports or snubbers whose examination reveals conditions described in (A)4 (A)5 I and (A)6 above shall be unacceptable for service until the fluid levels, settings, or alignments are adjusted to the proper positions.

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o i

EXAMINATION CATEGORY F-A, PLATE AND SHELL TYPE SUPPORTS z 8s Examination Item Boundary Examination Acceptance Frequency of hl

n 9 No. Characteristics Examined Fig. No. Method Criteria Examination m  %

F1.10 Mechanical connections to pressure retaining components and building I-2,I-3,I-4 Visual, VT-3 10(A)l,10(A)2 Each inspection ) li structure.

interval (Note 1) $

h l 5i m

F1.20 Weld connections to building I-l & I-2 Visual, VT-3 10(A)3 Each inspection

  • structure interval (Note 1)

F1.30 Weld and mechanical connections I-1,I-2,I-3 Visual, VT-3 10(A)l,10(A)2 Each inspection at intermediate joints in & I-4 10(A)8 interval (Note 1) multiconnected integral and nonintegral supports.

, F 1.40 Component displacement setting of I-1, I-2, I-3 Visual, VT-3 10(A)l,10(A)2 Each inspection o guides and stops, misalignment & I-4 10(A)6 interval (Note 1) @

C F1.50 Freedom of movement of sliding I-1,I-2,1-3 Visual, VT-3 10(A)3,10(A)7 Each inspection  %

surfaces. & I-4 interval (Note 1) 2 o -4

> z M .O Note 1: For multiple components (i.e., pumps, heat exchangers, tanks) within a system of similar design, function and service, the support (excluding snubber units) of only one of those multiple components are to be examined. _ ,

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! TABLE I-3 d



Examination P'

Item Q Boundary Examination Acceptance Frequency of a No. Characteristics Examined Fig. No. Method Criteria Examination @%

w: '

gj F2.10 Mechanical connections to pressure I-2,I-3 Visual, VT-3 10(A)l,10(A)2 Each inspection retaining components and building & I-4 interval (Note 1) g' structure. l 3

m i

F2.20 Weld connections to building I-l & I-2 Visual VT-3

  • 10(A)3 Each inspection structure. interval (Note 1)

F2.30 Weld and mechanical connections at I-1, I-2, I-3 Visual, VT-3 10(A)l,10(A)2, Each inspection intermediate joints in & I-4 10(A)8 interval (Note 1) multiconnected integral and nonintegral supports.

F2.40 Component displacement setting of I-1, I-2, I-3 Visual, VT-3 10(A)l,10(A)2, Each inspection D guides and stops, misalignment of & I-4 10(A)6 interval (Note 1) S supports, assembly of support j ttems. m z

-4 F2.50 Freedom of movement of sliding I-1,I-2,I-3 Visual, VT-3 10(A)3,10(A)7 Each inspection A z surfaces. & I-4 interval (Note 1) S .O E$ 0 Note 1:

For multiple components (i.e., pumps, heat exchangers, tanks) within a system of similar design, function and g service, the supports (excluding snubber units) of only one of those multiple components are to be examined.  ? 3 E


l I




5 g TABLE I-4 d



Examination Item Boundary Examination Acceptance Frequency of hl9 m

No. Characteristics Examined Fig. No. Method Criteria Examination m  %

F3.10 Mechanical connections to pressure I-2, I-3 & I-4 Visual, VT-3 10(A)l,10(A)2 Each inspection g'y' retaining components and building interval (Note 1) m structure. gl m

F3.20 Weld connections to building I-l & I-2 Visual, VT-3 10(A)8 Each inspection

  • structure. interval (Note 1)

F3.30 Weld and mechanical connections at I-1,1-2,I-3 Visual, VT-3 10(A)l,10(A)2, Each inspection intermediate joints in & I-4 10(A)3 interval (Note 1) multiconnected integral and nonintegral supports.

F3.40 Component displacement setting of I-1, I-2, I-3 Visual, VT-3 10(A)l,10(A)2, Each inspection o guides and stops, misalignment of & I-4 10(A)6 interval (Note 1, @

supports, assembly of support 2) C items. M z

Freedom of motion of sliding I-1, I-2, I-3 Visual, VT-4 10(A)3,10(A)7 Each inspection  ;

  • F3.50 surfaces of spring type supports, & I-4 interval (Note 1, S .b constant load type supports, 2) hydraulic and mechanical type snubbers, w g o

? u b


, 2 G 2 see l" und g TABLE I-4


I EXAMINATION CATEGORY F-C, COMPONENTS STANDARD SUPPORTS z Examination g Item Boundary Examination Acceptance Frequency of a No. Characteristics Examined Fig. No. Method Criteria Examination @%

o F3.60 Fluid loss for hydraulic snubbers. 1-1,I-2,I-3 Visual, VT-4 10(A)4 Each inspection m

& I-4 interval (Note 1, $

2) y m

F3.70 Hot and cold settings for spring Visual, VT-4 Each inspection "

I-1,I-2,I-3 10(A)5 type supports and snubbers. & I-4 interval (Note 1, 2)-

Note 1: For multiple components (i.e., pumps, heat exchangers, tanks) within a system of similar design, function and service, the supports (excluding snubber units) only one of those multiple components are to be examined.

Note 2: Frequency of examination for snubber units will be per Shoreham Plant Technical Specifications. c E

m Z

m ~4 m .

N W s

3 a


33A0273 m '

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i l I FORM # NES 205 2/80




1. INTRODUCTION This section presents the Program Plan for Inservice Examination of ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Class 1,2 and 3 piping and equipment support assemblies at Unit 1 of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station in compliance with the requirements of 10CFR50.55a. This Program Plan has been prepared to the requirements of the ASME B&PV Code,Section XI, Subsection IWF, 1980 Edition through the Winter 1981 Addenda.
2. EXAMINATION SCHEDULE A. Examinations of the Piping and Equipment support assemblies, listed in Attachments 11-1 and II-2 of this section shall be scheduled per Section XI, subsection IWB, IWC and IWD for Inspection Program B.

B. For multiple components within a system of similar design, function and service (refer to Attachment II-2), the supports of only one of those multiple components are to be examined. However, when the results of examinations require corrective measures in accordance with the provisions of. IWF-3000, the component supports immediately adjacent to those requiring corrective actions j shall be examined. Also, the examinations shall be extended to include l additional supports equal in number and similar in type, design and function to l

those initially examined during the inspection.

C. When the additional examination of (B) above require corrective measures in accordance with the provisions of IWF-3000, the remaining component supports within the system of same type, design, function and service shall be examined.

D. Examination schedules for successive inspection intervals shall be per the requirements of IWF-2420.

I l l FORM #NES 205 2/80



Asswrer D r-: --


3. PIPING & EQUIPMENT SUPPORT TABLE NOMENCLATURE The following abbreviations have been used in the Piping Support (Attachment 11-1) and Equipment Support (Attachment 11-2) Examination Table.

Support Identification Line Identification PSA-Anchor SHP - Hi Press. Steam PSG-Guide SLP - Lo. Press Steam PSR-Restraint WR - Reactor Water PSS-Sliding Support WFP - Feedwater PSSH-Spring Support B - Borated Water PSSP-Snubber WD - Demin. Water PSST-Strut CRD - Control Rod Drive Water HA,B,C or D - Spring Support (G.E.) WS - Service Water RA,B,C or D - Rigid Strut (G.E.) RCL - Closed Loop Cooling Water I I SA,B,C or D - Snubber (G.E. Main Steam) K - Nuclear Boiler Instrument SSA or B - Snubber (G.E. Recirc) N - Nitrogen AI-Instrument Air l FC - Fuel Pool Cooling Water

! Support Type Component Identification P&S - Plate & Sheli C - Compressor LIN - Linear E - Heat Exchanger CSS - Component Standard Support ENG -Engine FL - Filter l

[ P - Pump TK - Tank TU - Turbine

WC - Chiller Unit l

I l I l

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aanaror M - -

11 NUCLEAR ENERGY SERVICES PAGE 26 OF 162 C Support Location The following indicates which building and/or area within a building contains the support.

1 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 8'-40', Column C-2 to C-12 2 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 8'-40', Column C-12 to C-11 3 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 8'-40', Column C-Il to C-10 4 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 8'-40', Column C-10 to C-8 5 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 8"-40', Column C-8 to C-6


6 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 8'-40', Column C-6 to C05 7 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 8'-40', Column C-5 to C-4 8 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 8'-40', Column C-4 to C-2 9 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 40'-63', West Side 10 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 40'-63', East Side 11 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 63'-78', West Side l

12 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 63'-78', East Side 13 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 78'-112', West Side 14 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 78'-112', East Side 15 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 112'-150', West Side 16 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL. 112'-150', East Side j 17 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL.150' up West Side

( 18 - Reactor Building Secondary, EL.150' up East Side l 19 - Reactor Building Primary - Suppression Pool 20 - Reactor Building Primary - Drywell l 21 - Turbine Building and Main Steam Tunnel 23 - Control Building 24 - Yard and Screenwell l

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O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 28 of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat.

Remarks i

B21-HA 1 BZ-25G-4 24.0"-S H P-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C B21-HB 1 BZ-25G-Il 24.0"-SHP-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C '

B21-HC 1 BZ-25G-17 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-HD 1 BZ-25G-23 24.0"-SHP-4 1 NS004 20 CSS F-C B21-RA 1 BZ-25G-3 24.0"-SH P-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C B21-RB 1 BZ-25G-10 24.0"-SH P-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C

, B21-RC 1 BZ-25G-16 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C

B21-RD 1 BZ-25G-22 24.0"-SH P-4 1 NS004 20 CSS F-C ,

B21-SA 1 BZ-25G-7 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C B21-SB 1 BZ-25G-14 24.0"-SHP-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C B21-SC 1 BZ-25G-20 24.0"-SHP-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-SD 1 BZ-25G-26 24.0"-SH P-4 1 NS004 20 CSS F-C B21-HA 2 BZ-25G-5 24.0"-S H P-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C B21-HB 2 BZ-25G-12 24.0"-SHP-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C B21-HC 2 BZ-25G-18 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-HD 2 BZ-25G-24 24.0"-SH P-4 1 NS004 20 CSS F-C B21-RA 2 BZ-25G-3 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C B21-RB 2 BZ-25G-10 24.0"-SH P-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C B21-RC 2 BZ-25G-16 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-RD 2 BZ-25G-22 24.0"-SH P-4 1 NS004 20 CSS F-C B21-SA 2 BZ-25G-8 24.0"-SH P-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C B21-SB 2 BZ-25G-12 24.0"-S HP-2 1 NS002 20 -CSS F-C B21-SC 2 BZ-25G-18 24.0"-S H P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-SD 2 BZ-25G-27 24.0"-SH P-4 1 NS004 20 CSS F-C B21-HA 3 BZ-25G-6 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C 1

O .

O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273- .' R E V. l' Page 29 of 162 SYSTEM:~ Nuclear Boiler (B21)


' Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat.

Remarks B21-HB 3 BZ-25G-13 24.0"-SHP-2 1 NS002 20 CSS- F-C B21-HC 3 BZ-25G-19 24.0"-SHP 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-HD 3 BZ-25G-25 24.0"-SHP-4 1 NS004 20 CSS F-C B21-SA 3 BZ-25G-8 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C B21-SB 3 BZ-25G-12 24.0"-SH P-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C B21-SC 3 BZ-25G-18 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-SD 3 BZ-25G-27 24.0"-SH P-4 1 NS004 20 CSS F-C B21-SA 4 ' BZ-25G-9 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C B21-SB 4 BZ-25G-15 24.0"-SH P-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C B21-SC 4 BZ-25G-21 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-SD 4 BZ-25G-23 24.0"-SHP-4 i NS004 20 CSS F-C B21-SA 5 BZ-25G-9 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 20 CSS F-C B21-SB 5 BZ-25G-15 24.0"-SH P-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C B21-SC 5 BZ-25G-21 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-SD 5 ' BZ-25G-28 24.0"-SHP-4 1 NS004 20 CSS F-C B21-SB 8 BZ-25G-33 24.0"-SH P-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C B21-SC 8 ' BZ-25G-34 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-SB 9 BZ-25G-33 24.0"-SHP-2 1 NS002 20 CSS F-C B21-SC 9 BZ-25G-34 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 401 B21-PSSH 401 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 20- CSS F-C B21-PSSH 402 B21-PSSH 402 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 403 B21-PSSH 403 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 404 B21-PSSH 404- 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 405 B21-PSSH 405 12.0"-WFP-7 1 IC-173 20 CSS F-C

L DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 ' - REV.1 Page 30 of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)  ;


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

j Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type- Cat.

Remarks B21-PSSH 408 B21-PSSH 408 20.0"-WFP-2 1 IC-173 14 CSS. F-C B21-PSSH 409 B21-PSSH 409 12.0"-WF P-5 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSF 410 'B21-PSSH 410 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C -

B21-PSSH '+11 B21-PSSH 411 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 412 B21-PSSH 412 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 413 B21-PSSH 413 12.0"-WFP-6 1 _ IC-176 .20 CSS F-C

! B21-PS5H 520 621-PSSH 520 18.0"-WFP-17 1 IC-175 13- CSS. F-C B21-PSSH 521 B21-PSSil521 20.0"-WFP-1 1 IC-175 13 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 525 BZ-30C-14 18.0"-WFP-30 1 IC-173 20 CSS F-C l B21-PSSH 526 BZ-30C-15 18.0"-WFP-29 1 IC-175 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 539 BZ-60B-84 2.0"-SHP-35 1 P2573 13 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 541 BZ-25G-35 2.0"-SHP-5 1 P25B9 20 CSS F-C '

{ B21-PSR 542 BZ-25G-36 2.0"-SHP-6 1 P25C0 20 CSS F-C

, B21-PSR 544 BZ-25G-38 2.0"-S HP-5 1 P25C1 20 P&S F-A B21-PSA 548 BZ-25G-46 2.0"-SHP-5 1- P25C1 20 P&S F-A I

B21-PSSP 584 BZ-30C-24 '20.0"-WFP-22 1- IC-175 13 CSS F-C i B21-PSSP 586 BZ-M C-25 20.0"-WFP-2 1 IC-173 14 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 781 dZ-25G-35 2.0"-SH P-5 i P25B9 20 CSS F-C

, B21-PSSP 801 BZ-30C-8 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 20 CSS- F-C

, B21-PSSP 802A BZ-30C-8 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 802B BZ-30C-8 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 20 CSS F-C

! B21-PSSP 803 BZ-30C-8 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 20' CSS F-C

, B21-PSSP 804 BZ-30C-9 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 20 CSS F-C  !

B21-PSSP 805 BZ-30C-10 12.0"-WFP-8 i IC-174 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 806 BZ-30C-Il 12.0"-WFP-8 1- IC-174 20 CSS F-C 4

d O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 'REV.1 Page 31 of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21) i REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-29A,C;FM-32A

, ASME Ref.

! Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

4 Ident. Dwg.~ No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat.

j Remarks I

B21-PSSP 807 BZ-30C-13 18.0"-WFP-30 1 IC-173 20 CSS- F-C B21-PSSP 808 BZ-30C-12 18.0"-WFP-30 1 IC-173 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 809 BZ-30C-3 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 810A BZ-30C-3 12.0"-WFP-5 ' 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 810B BZ-30C-3 12.0"-WFP-5 . 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 811 BZ-30C-3. 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 812 BZ-30C-4 12.0"-WF P-5 .. 1 IC-176 20. CSS F-C i B21-PSSP 813 BZ-30C-5 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 814 . BZ-30C-5 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 815 BZ-30C-6 18.0"-WFP-29 1 IC-175 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 816 BZ-30C-7 18.0"-WFP-29 1 IC-175 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 909 BZ-60B-53 2.0"-SHP-17 1 P25C4 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 910 BZ-60B-64 2.0"-SHP-16 1 P2510 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 912 BZ-60B-57 2.0"-SH P-14 1 P25B0 20 CSS- F-C B21-PSSH 913 ~ BZ-60B-50 2.0"-SHP-15 1 P25B5 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 975 BZ-60B-52 2.0"-SHP-16 1 P2509 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 976 BZ-60B-59 2.0"-SH P-17 1 P25C4 20- CSS F-C j

B21-PSSP 977 BZ-60B-57 2.0"-S H P-14 1 P25B0 '20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 978 BZ-60B-63 2.0"-SHP-14 1 P25B0 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 979 BZ-60B-54 2.0"-SHP-15 1 P25B5 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 980 BZ-60B-48 2.0"-SH P-17 1 P25C4 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 992 . BZ-25G-42 2.0"-SHP-5 1 P25B9 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP 993 BZ-25G-35 2.0"-S HP-6 1 P25C0 20 CSS F-C j

Ti-- w-T , e

DOCUMENT No.' 83A0273 REV.1 - Page 32 of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler'(B21)


Support Support . Line Size Code. Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. . Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat.

Remarks B21-PSSH 1 B21-PSSH 1 10.0"-SLP-208 3. IC-472 20 CSS F-C

. B21-PSSH 2 BZ-24D-20 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 3 - BZ-24D-3 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472- 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 4 A BZ-24 D-4 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 4 B BZ-24 D-4 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 6 A BZ-24D-5 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 20 CSS. F-C B21-PSR 6 B BZ-24D-5 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 7 - B21-PSSH 7 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH a BZ-24 D-21 10.0-SLP-209 3 IC-473 .20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 9 BZ-24D-6 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C

, B21-PSR 10 b BZ-24D-17 .10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C i B21-PSR 10 i s-24D-17 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 12 c G-24D-5 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C

B21-PSR 1*2 B BZ-24D-5 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 20 CSS- F-C B21-PSR 13 GZ-24D-7 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 14 BZ-24D-22 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C

. B21-PSSH 15 BZ-24D-23 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 17 A BZ-24D-5 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 17 B BZ-24 D-5 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 18 BZ-24D-8 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 19 BZ-24D-24 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS F-C

- 821-PSSH 20 BZ-24D-25 10.0"-SLP-206 - 3 IC-475 20 . CSS F-C t B21-PSSH 21 B21-PSSH 21 - 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 22 BZ-24 D-9 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 -20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 23 B21-PSSH 23 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 20 CSS F-C 3


.. ~ _ . _ . __. _

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 33 of 162

' SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21) l REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-29A,C;FM-32A ASME- Ref. >

Support ' Support - Line Size - Code- Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type- - Cat.

Remarks B21-PSSH 24 B21-PSSH 24 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 25 B21-PSSH 25 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C

- B21-PSSH 26 B21-PSSH 26 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 27 BZ-24D-10 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 29 - B21-PSSH 29 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 30 B21-PSSH 30 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 31 BZ-24D-10 10.0"-SL P-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS - F-C B21-PSSH 32 B21-PSSH 32 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 33 BZ-24D-26 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 34 BZ-24D-29 .10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 35 B21-PSSH 35 .10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C-B21-PSR 36 BZ-24D-14 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 38 BZ-24D-10 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 50 A BZ-24D-15 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 50 B BZ-24D-15 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSR 51 BZ-24D-16 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476' 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSH 63 BZ-24D-29 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 20 CSS F-C-B21-PSR 102 BZ-4B-46 12.0"-SLP-234 3 IC-2002 19 P&S F-A

' B21-PSR 103 BZ-4B-47 12.0"-SLP-234 3 IC-2002 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 104 BZ-4B-6 12.0"-SLP-234 3 IC-2002 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 105 BZ-4B-7 12.0"-SLP-234 3 IC-2002 19 P&S F-A Quencher Support B21-PSR 107. BZ-4B-8 . 12.0"-SLP-237 3 IC-2005 '19 LIN F-B B21-PSR 108 BZ-4B-9 12.0"-SLP-237 3 IC-2005 19 P&S F-A B21-PSR 109 BZ-4B-10 12.0"-SLP-237 . 3 IC-2005. 19. CSS F-C

-B21-PSR 110 BZ-4B-l l 12.0"-SLP-237 3 IC-2005 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 111 BZ-4.B-12 12.0"-SLP-237 3 IC-2005 19 P&S F-A Quencher Support

DOCUMENT No.-83A0273 REV.1 Page 34 of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)


l Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

1 Ident. . Dwg.No. and Ident. Class . Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks ,

i B21-PSR 113 BZ-4B-13 12.0"-SLP-236 3 IC2006 19 P&S F-A B21-PSR 114 BZ-4B-14 12.0"-SLP-236 3' IC2006 19 CSS F-C

~ B21-PSR 115 BZ-4B-15 12.0"-SLP-236 3 IC2006 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 116 BZ-4B-16 12.0"-SLP-236 3 IC2006 19 CSS F-C-B21-PSR 117 BZ-4B-17 12.0"-SLP-236. 3 IC2006 19 P&S F-A' Quencher Support B21-PSR 119 BZ-4B-13 12.0"-SLP-235 3 IC2007 19 CSS F-C i B21-PSR 120 BZ-4B-19 12.0"-SLP-235 3 IC2007 19 CSS F-C

B21-PSR 121 . BZ-4B-20 .12.0"-SLP-235 3. IC2007.- 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 122 BZ-4B-21 12.0"-SLP-235 3 IC2007 19 P&S F-A Quencher Support B21-PSR 124 BZ-4B-22 12.0"-SLP-244 3 IC2009 19 CSS F-C
. B21-PSR 125 BZ-4B-23 12.0"-SLP-244 3 IC2009 19 ~ CSS F-C B21-PSR 126 BZ-4B-24 12.0"-SLP-244 3 IC2009 19 P&S F-A Quencher Support B21-PSR 128 - BZ-4B-25 12.0"-SLp-240 3 IC2000 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 129 BZ-4B-26 12.0"-SLP-240 3 IC2000 19 CSS F-C-B21-PSR 130 BZ-4B 12.0"-SLP-240 3 IC2000 19 P&S F-A Quencher Support B21-PSR 132 BZ-4B-23 12.0"-SLP-238 3 IC2003 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 133 BZ-4B-29 12.0"-SLP-238 3 IC2003 19 CSS F-C

- B21-PSR 134 BZ-4B-30 12.0"-SLP-238 3 IC2003 19 P&S F-A Quencher Support t

B21-PSA 136 BZ-4B-31 12.0"-SLP-243 3 IC2008 19 P&S F-A B21-PSR 137 BZ-4B-32 12.0"-SLP-243 3 IC2008 19 CSS F-C

! B21-PSR 138 BZ-4B-33 12.0"-SLP-243 3 IC2008 19 CSS F-C l B21-PSR 139 BZ-4B-34 12.0"-SLP-243 3 IC2008 19 P&S F-A Quencher Support B21-PSR 141 BZ-4B-35 12.0"-SLP-239 3 IC2004 19 CSS F-C 4 B21-PSR 142 BZ-4B-36 12.0"-SLP-239 3 IC2004 19 CSS F-C i B21-PSR 143 BZ-4B-37 12.0"-SLP-239 ' 3 IC2004 19 CSS F-C i B21-PSR 144 BZ-4B-33 12.0"-SLP-239 3 IC2004 19 P&S F-A- Quencher Support i

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 . Page 35 of 162~

SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support . Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks B21-PSR 146 BZ-4B-39 12.0"-SLP-241 3 IC2001 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 147 BZ-4B-40 12.0"-SLP-241 3 IC2001 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 148 BZ-4B 12.0"-SLP-241 3 IC2001 '19 P&S F-A Quencher Support B21-PSR 150 BZ-4B-42 12.0"-SLP-242 3 IC2010 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 151 BZ-4B-43 12.0"-SLP-242 3 IC2010 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 152 BZ-4B-44 12.0"-SLP-242 3 IC2010 19 P&S F-A Quencher Support B21-PSR 153 BZ-4B-45 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC2007 19 CSS F-C B21-PSR 176 BZ-4B-45 12.0"-SLP-235 3 IC2007 19 CSS F-C B21-PSSPl77 BZ-4B-48 12.0"-SLP-241 3 IC2001 19 CSS F-C Hydraulic Snubber B21-PSSP178 BZ-4B-48 12.0"-SLP-241 3 IC2001 19 CSS F-C Hydraulic Snubber B21-PSSPl79 BZ-4B-49 12.0"-SLP-244 3 IC2009 19 CSS F-C Hydraulic Snubber B21-PSSP180 BZ-4B-49 12.0"-SLP-244 3 IC2009 19 CSS F-C Hydraulic Snubber B21-PSSP181 BZ-4B-50 12.0"-SLP-243 ,3 . IC2008 19 CSS F-C ' Hydraulic Snubber B21-PSSP184 BZ-4B-52 12.0"-SLP-234 3 IC2002 19 CSS F-C Hydraulic Snubber ^

B21-PSSP185 BZ-4B-53 12.0"-SLP-240 . 3 . IC2000 19 CSS F-C Hydraulic Snubber

-B21-PSR 188 BZ-4B-56 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC2003 19 CSS F-C B21-PSSP779 BZ-24D-47 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP780 BZ-24D-48 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP782 BZ-24D-30 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP783 BZ-24D-34 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP784 BZ-24D-44 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP785 BZ-24D-33 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP786 BZ-24D-31 10.0"-SLP-211 3 ' IC-481 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP787 BZ-24 D-45 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP789 BZ-24D-46 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP790 BZ-24D-36 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 20 CSS F-C

. - . . .. - . . - - _ .~ - -- -. .

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.' l .. Page 36 of 162 i- SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)


--ASME Ref.

Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class ' Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks B21-PSSP791 BZ-24D-43 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 20 CSS F-C j B21-PSSP792 BZ-24D-41 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP793 BZ-24D-38 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP794 BZ-24 D-39 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 .20 CSS F-C ,

B21-PSSP795 BZ-24D-32 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 ' 20 CSS F-C i

B21-PSSP798 BZ-24D-40 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP799 BZ-24D-35 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP817 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 20 CSS- F-C B21-PSSP819 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 20 CSS F-C l B21-PSSP820 B7-24C-20 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 20 CSS F-C l B21-PSSP821 BZ-24C-21 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP822 BZ-24C-20 10.0"-SLP-205 . 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C

B21-PSSP823 BZ-24C 10.0"-SLP-209 .3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP825 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-209 ' 3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP826 BZ-24C-20 10.0"-SLP-209 ' 3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP827 BZ-24C-27 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 20 CSS F-C B21. DSSP828 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP829 BZ-24C-29 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP830 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP831 BZ-24C-31 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP832 BZ-24C-32 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP833 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP834 BZ-24C-34 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP835 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP836 BZ-24C-36 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475' 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP837 BZ-24C-37 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 20 CSS F-C i


O :O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 R E V. l' O

Page 37 of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping ' Support Support Exam. .

Ident. Dwg.No. .and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks B21-PSSP838 BZ-24C-37 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 20~ CSS. F-C B21-PSSP839 BZ-24C-39 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP840 BZ-24C-40 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP841 BZ-24C-40 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP842 BZ-24C-42 10.0'?-SLP-207 3 IC-476 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP843 BZ-24C-42 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP844 BZ-24C-39 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP845 BZ-24C-45 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP846 BZ-24C-45 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP847 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP848. BZ-24C-48 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP849 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-203 3- IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP850 BZ-24C-50 10.0-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP851 BZ-24C-51 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP852 BZ-24C-52 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP853 BZ-24C-53 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP854 BZ-24C-54 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP855 BZ-24C-55 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP856 BZ-24C-56 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20. CSS F-C B21-PSSP857 BZ-24C-32 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP858 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP859 BZ-24C-59 10.0"-SLP-204 3. IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP860 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP861 BZ-24C-61 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP862 BZ-24C-62 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP863 BZ-24C-62 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 20 CSS F-C J

i l

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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 . Page 38 of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)



.. ASME Ref.

_ Support Support Line Size Code Piping . Support Support Exam.  ;
Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class . Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks l

l B21-PSSP864 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 - 20 CSS- F-C ,

B21-PSSP865 BZ-24C-65 10.0"-SLP-211 3 - IC-481 20 CSS' F-C i B21-PSSP867- BZ-24C-67 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 20 CSS F-C l B21-PSSP868 BZ-24C-67 ~ 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 20 CSS F-C l B21-PSSP869 BZ-24C-69 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 20 CSS' F-C

! B21-PSSP870 BZ-24C-70 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C .

l B21-PSSP871 BZ-24C-71 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 20 . CSS F-C i B21-PSSP872 BZ-24C-71 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP873 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C' '

B21-PSSP874. BZ-24C-74 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP875 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C j- B21-PSSP876 BZ-24C-70 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C 3

B21-PSSP877 BZ-24C-70 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480. 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP878 BZ-24C-78 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C' l B21-PSSP879 BZ-24C-67 10.0"-SLP-201 '3 IC-480 20 CSS F-C j B21-PSSP880 BZ-24C-80 10.0"-SLP-201 3 'IC-480 20 CSS F-C

. B21-PSSP881 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-202 ' 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP882 BZ-24C-48 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP883 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-202. 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP884 BZ-24C-84 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C

, B21-PSSP886 BZ-24C-86 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP887 BZ-24C-86 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS F-C

. B21-PSSP888 BZ-24C-88 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS F-C

B21-PSSP889 BZ-24C-89 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 20 CSS F-C B21-PSSP996 BZ-24D-37 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475. 20 CSS F-C l B21-PSSP997 BZ-24D-42 .10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 20 CSS- F-C j


e DOCUMENT No. 83A'0273' REV.1 ' Page 39 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Recirculation (B31)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class . Iso. Loc. Type . Cat. Remarks -

B31-HA 1 ~ BZ-83-21 28.0"-WR-209 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-HB 1 BZ-83-22 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-HA 2 BZ-83-23 28.0"-WR-210 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-HB 2 BZ-83-24 28.0"-W R-202 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-HA 3- BZ-83-25 28.0"-WR-211 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-HB 3 BZ-83-26 28.0"-WR-203 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-HA 4 - BZ-83-27 28.0"-WR-211 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-HB 4 BZ-83-28 28.0"-WR-203 i NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-SSA 7 BZ-83-13 28.0"-WR-210 1 NS005 20 CSS. F-C B31-SSB 7 BZ-83-14 28.0"-WR-202 1~ NS006 20 CSS F-C' B31-SSA 8 BZ-83-13 28.0"-WR-210 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 8 BZ-83-14 28.0"-WR-202 1 NS006' 20 CSS F-C B31-SSA 9 BZ-83-15 28.0"-WR-209 1 NS005 ' 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 9 BZ-83-16 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C.

B31-SSA 10 BZ-83-15 28.0"-WR-209 1' NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 10 BZ-83-16 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-SSA 11 BZ-83-17 28.0"-WR-210 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 11 . BZ-83-18 . 28.0"-WR-207 1 N5006 20 CSS F-C B31-SSA 13 BZ-83-19 28.0"-WR-210 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 13 BZ-83-20 28.0"-WR-202 .I NS006 20 CSS F-C-B31-SSA 14 BZ-83-19 28.0"-WR-210 1~ NS005 20 CSS- F-C B31-SSB 14 BZ-83-20 28.0"-WR-202 - 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 15 BZ-83-33 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 16 BZ-83-33 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-SSA 17 BZ-83-34 22.0"-WR-211 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 17 BZ-83-35 ' 22.0"-WR-203 1 NS006 20 CSS' F-C

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 40 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Recirculation (B31)


Support. Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support . ' Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. andIdent. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks B31-SSA 18 BZ-83-34 22.0"-WR-211 1 -NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 18 BZ-83-35 22.0"-WR-203 - 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-SSA 19 BZ-83-36 22.0"-WR-211 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 19 BZ-83-37 22.0"-WR-203 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C B31-SSA 20 BZ-83-36 22.0"-WR-211 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C B31-SSB 20 BZ-83-37 22.0"-WR-203 1 NS006 20 CSS ~F-C B31-SSA 21 BZ-83-38 28.0"-WR-209 1 NS005 20 CSS F-C

-B31-SSB 21 BZ-83-39 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 20 CSS F-C

__ _ _ _ _ ._ _. .. . _ . _ ~ . . . . _ - . _. _. - - - . . .

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.' 1 Page 41 of 162

[ SYSTEM: Standby Liquid Control (C41)


ASME Ref. t Support . Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. ~ Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type- Cat. Remarks C41-PSST-6 BZ-9B-23 1.5"-B-40 1 P0946 15 CSS- F-C C41-PSR-7 BZ-9B-33 1.5"-B-40 ~ 1 P0946 15 CSS F-C i C41-PSST-8 BZ-9B-34 1.5"-B-40 1 P0949 15 CSS F-C C41-PSR-9 BZ-9B-31 1.5"-B-40 1 P0949 15 CSS F-C C41-PSR-10 BZ-9B-13 1.5"-B-40 1 P0949 15 CSS F-C 4 C41-PSR-il BZ-9B-14 1.5"-B-40 1 P0949 15 CSS F-C

! C41-PSR-12 BZ-9B-38 1.5"-B-40 1 P0949 15 LIN F-B 3

C41-PSR-19 BZ-9B-27 1.5"-B-40 1 P0907 20 LIN F-B C41-PSST-26 BZ-9B-36 1.5"-B-40 1 P0905 20 LIN F-B l C41-PSR-28 BZ-9B-17 1.5"-B-40 1 P0905 20 CSS F-C

< C41-PSR-30 BZ-9B-28 1.5"-B-40 1 P0908 20 LIN F-B l C41-PSSP-31 BZ-9B-40 1.5"-B-40 1 P0908 20 CSS F-C C41-PSSH-32 BZ-9B-22 1.5"-B-40 1 P0908 20 CSS F-C C41-PSR-33 BZ-9B-24 1.5"-B-40 1 P0907 20 LIN F-B C41-PSR-34 BZ-9B-25 1.5"-B-40 1 P0907 20 P&S F-A j C41-PSSP-35 BZ-9B-35 1.5"-B-40 1 P0907 20 CSS F-C C41-PSST-36 BZ-9B-ll 1.5"-B-40 1 P0907 20 LIN F-B 4

C41-PSR-37 BZ-9B-19 1.5"-B-40 1 P0907 20 CSS F-C j C41-PSR-38 BZ-9B-10 1.5"-B-40 1 P0906 20 LIN F-B C41-PSR-39 BZ-9B-8 1.5"-B-40 1 P0906 20 CSS F-C ~

C41-PSR-40 BZ-9B-9 1.5"-B-40 1 P0906 20 LIN F-B C41-PSSH-41 BZ-9B-15 1.5"-B-40 1 P0906 20 CSS F-C C41-PSR-49 BZ-9B-30 1.5"-B-40 1 P0946 15 LIN F-B C41-PSR-53 BZ-9B-43 1.5"-B-40 1 P0906 15 CSS F-C C41-PSR-55 BZ-9B-44 1.5"-B-40 1 P0905 20 CSS F-C j C41-PSSP-56 BZ-9B-45 1.5"-B-40 1 P0908- 20 CSS F-C  !

i - _

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 42 'of 162 SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (Ell)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks

- Ell-PSSH 41 Ell-PSSH 41 20.0"-WR-203 1 IC-18 11. CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 42 Ell-PSSH 42 24.0"-WR-264 1 IC-38 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 60 Ell-PSSH 60 24.0"-WR-263 1 - IC-32 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSST 129 Ell-PSST 129 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-46 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 130 BZ-8F-23 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-46 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 131 BZ-8F-24 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-46 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSST 132 Ell-PSST 132 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-46 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 133 BZ-8F-25 4.0"-W R-285 1 IC-46 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 135 BZ-8G-12 4.0"-W R-285 1 IC-58 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSST 136 Ell-PSST 136 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-58 20 P&S F-A-Ell-PSR 137 BZ-8G-13 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-58 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSSH 140 Ell-PSSH 140 4.0"-WR-28 5 1 IC-58 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 141 Ell-PSSH 141 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-58 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 170 Ell-PSSH 170 24.0"-WR-265 1 IC-20 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 172 Ell-PSSH 172 24~ . 0"-WR-267 1 IC-20 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 173 Ell-PSSH 173 24.0"-WR-267 1 IC-20 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 181 Ell-PSSH 181 20.0"-WR-202 1 IC-17 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 182 Ell-PSSH 182 20.0"-WR-202 1 IC-17 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 183 Ell-PSSH 183 20.0"-WR-201 1 IC-17 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 184 Ell-PSSH 184 24.0"-WR-268 1 IC-19 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 185 Ell-PSSH 185 24.0"-WR-268 1 IC-19 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 187 Ell-PSSH 187 24.0"-WR-266 1 IC-19 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 189 Ell-PSSH 189 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-58 20 CSS F-C 4


,r"'>s p U (v'] v DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 43 of 162 SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (Ell)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks Ell-PSSH 330 BZ-8H-77 4.0"-WR-235 1 IC-46 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 331 BZ-8H-78 4.0"-W R-235 1 IC-46 20 LIN F-B Ell-PSA 339 BZ-8H-90 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-46 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSA 340 BZ-8G-41 2.0"-WR-830 1 IC-20 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSA 341 BZ-8G-42 2.0"-WR-831 1 IC-19 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 342 BZ-8G-43 4.0"-WR-282 1 IC-44 14 P&S F-A Ell-PSSP 831 BZ-8E-49 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-58 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 832 BZ-8E-50 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-58 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 900 BZ-8G-30 24.0"-WR-267 1 IC-20 20 CSS F-C' Ell-PSSP 901 BZ-8G-31 24.0"-WR-265 1 IC-20 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 902 BZ-8G-32 24.0"-WR-265 1 IC-20 20 CSS F-C El1-PSSP 903 BZ-8G-33 20.0"-WR-202 1 .IC-17 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 904 BZ-8G-34 20.0"-W R-202 1 IC-17 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 905 BZ-8G-35 20.0"-WR-202 1 IC-17 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 906 BZ-8G-36 20.0"-WR-201 1 IC-17 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 907 BZ-8G-37 24.0"-WR-268 1- IC-19 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 908 BZ-8G-38 24.0"-WR-266 1 IC-19 20 CSS F-C El1-PSSP 909 BZ-8G-38 24.0"-WR-266 1 IC-19 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 910 BZ-8G-39 24.0"-WR-266 1 IC-19 20 CSS F-C

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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 44 of 162 SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (Ell)


i Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

i Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks i

Ell-PSA 1 BZ-8G-16 12.0"-W R-275 2 - IC-48 20 P&S F-A

Ell-PSA 2 BZ-8G-17 12.0"-WR-275 2 IC-48 20 P&S -F-A-
Ell-PSA 3 BZ-8G-18 12.0"-WR-275 2 IC-48 20 P&S F-A 4 Ell-PSA 4 BZ-8G-19 12.0"-WR-275 . 2 IC-48 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 5 BZ-SE-3 12.0"-WR-275 2 IC-48 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSST 6 BZ-8E-6 12.0"-WR-275 2 IC-48 20 CSS F-C
Ell-PSR 7 BZ-8E-7 12.0"-WR-275 2 IC-48 20 LIN F-B Ell-PSR 8 BZ-8E-8 12.0"-WR-275 2 IC-48 20 LIN F-B Ell-PSR 9 BZ-SE-4 12.0"-WR-275 2 IC-48 20 LIN F-B Ell-PSA 10 BZ-8E-1 12.0"-WR-276 2 IC-45 20 P&S F-A i Ell-PSA 11 BZ-8G-20 12.0"-WR-276 2 IC-45 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSA 12 BZ-8G-21 12.0"-WR-276 2 IC-45 20 P&S F-A Ell-PSA 13 BZ-SE-2 12.0"-WR-276 2 IC-45 20 P&S F-A
Ell-PSR 14 BZ-SE-9 12.0"-WR-276. 2 IC-45 20. LIN F-B j Ell-PSR 15 BZ-8E-10 12.0"-WR-276 2 IC-45 20 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 16 BZ-8E-Il 12.0"-WR-276 2 IC-45 20 CSS F-C
Ell-PSR 17 BZ-SE-12 ~ 12.0"-WR-276 2 IC-45 20 CSS F-C

1 Ell-PSR 18 BZ-8E-5 12.0"-WR-276 2 IC-45 20 LIN F-B Ell-PSR 19 BZ-8F-9 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 11 P&S F-A Ell-PSST 20 Ell-PSST 20 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 11 CSS F-C '

Ell-PSST 21 Ell-PSST 21 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 12 CSS F-C El1-PSR 22 BZ-8H-68 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-38 12 -CSS F-C 1

Ell-PSST 23 Ell-PSST 23 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-38 12 CSS F-C l Ell-PSST 24 - Ell-PSST 24 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-38 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSA 25 BZ-8F-10 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-38 10 P&S F-A Ell-PSA 26 BZ-8E-15 20.0"-WR-210 2 IC-13 8 P&S F-A l


k DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 45 of 162 SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (Ell)


Support Support Line Size Code' Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. . and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks Ell-PSST 27 Ell-PSST 27 20.0"-WR-210 2 IC-13 1 CSS F-C Ell-PSST 28 Ell-PSST 28 20.0"-WR-210 2 IC-13 -1 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 29 Ell-PSSH 29 20.0"-WR-210 2 IC-13 2 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 30 BZ-8E-16 20.0"-WR-210 2 IC-13 2 LIN F-B Ell-PSSH 31 Ell-PSSH 31 20.0"-WR-211 2 IC-13 2 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 32 Ell-PSSH 32 20.0"-WR-223 2 IC-Il 2 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 35 Ell-PSSH 35 20.0"-WR-221 2 IC-15 2 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 38 BZ-8E-19 20.0"-WR-204 2 IC-18 9 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 39 Ell-PSSH 39 20.0"-WR-204 2 IC-18 11 CSS F-C-Ell-PSSH 40 Ell-PSSH 40 20.0"-WR-204 2 IC-18 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 44 Ell-PSSH 44 24.0"-WR-262 2 IC-38 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 45 Ell-PSSH 45 16.0"-WR-222 2 IC-34 3 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 46 Ell-PSSH 46 24.0"-WR-334 2- IC-38 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 47 BZ-8F-2 16.0"-WR-277 2 IC-33 9 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 48 BZ-8F-Il 16.0"-WR-277 2 IC-33 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 49 Ell-PSSH 49 16.0"-WR-277 2 IC-33 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 51 Ell-PSSH 51 16.0"-WR-257 2 IC-32 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 52 BZ-8F-12 24.0"-WR-255 2 IC-32 11 LIN F-B Ell-PSSH 53 Ell-PSSH 53 24.0"-WR-255 2 IC-32 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 54 BZ-8F-13 24.0"-WR-255 2 IC-30 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSA 55 BZ-8F-14 24.0"-WR-255 2 IC-30 2 P&S F-A Ell-PSSH 56 Ell-PSSH 56 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 59 Ell-PSSH 59 24.0"-W R-261 2 IC-32 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 61 Ell-PSSH 61 12.0"-WR-271 2 IC-31 11 CSS F-C El1-PSR 62 BZ-8F-15 12.0"-WR-271 2 IC-31 13 CSS F-C

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DOCUMENT No. '83A0273 REV.1 Page 46 of 162.

- SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (Ell)


ASME' Ref.

! Support Support' Line Size. Code Piping Support Support' Exam.

.l Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks I

1 l Ell-PSSH 63 Ell-PSSH 63 12.0"-WR-271 2 IC-31 13 CSS F-C 1 Ell-PSSH 64 El1-PSSH 64 24.0"-WR-255 2 IC-32 11 CSS- F-C  ;

I Ell-PSSH 65 Ell-PSSH 65 10.0"-WR-273 2 IC-31 13 CSS F-C i Ell-PSSH 68 Ell-PSSH 68 16.0"-WR-308 2 IC-6 6 CSS F-C i Ell-PSR 69 BZ-8E-17 16.0"-WR-278 2 IC-7 6 LIN F-B j Ell-PSR 70 BZ-8F-1 16.0"-WR-278 2 IC-7 10 ~P&S F-A Ell-PSR 71 BZ-8E-18 16.0"-WR-278 _ 2 IC-7 10 LIN F-B l Ell-PSA 72 BZ-8F-16 16.0"-WR-278 2 IC-7 -12 P&S F-A-

Ell-PSA 73 BZ-8F-17 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 12 P&S F-A Ell-PSST 74 Ell-PSST 74 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 11 CSS F-C

] Ell-PSR 75 Ell-PSR 75 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 11 LIN F-B l Ell-PSST 76 Ell-PSST- 76 10.0"-UHP-172 2 IC-62 11- CSS F-C l Ell-PSR 77 BZ-8G-8 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 11 CSS F-C i Ell-PSSH 78 Ell-PSSH 78 16.0"-SLP-73 2 IC-62 9 CSS F-C l

Ell-PSR 79 BZ-8G 9 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 11 P&S F-A

, Ell-PSSH 80 Ell-PSSH 80 16.0"-WR-329 2 IC-27 6 CSS F-C l Ell-PSST 83 Ell-PSST 83 16.0"-WR-245 2 IC-39 3 CSS F-C t i Ell-PSR 84 BZ-8G-3 18.0"-WR-247 2 IC-39 3 CSS F-C j Ell-PSSH 85 Ell-PSSH 85 18.0"-WR-247 2 IC-39 2 CSS F-C i Ell-PSSH 86 Ell-PSSH 86 16.0"-WR-253 2 IC-30 2 CSS F-C i

Ell-PSST 87 Ell-PSST-87 16.0"-WR-253 2 IC-30 3 LIN F-B I

- Ell-PSSH 88 Ell-PSSH 88 16.0"-WR-253 2 IC-30 3. CSS F-C i l El1-PSR 89 El1-PSR 89 16.0"-WR-231 2 IC-39 4 LIN F-B Ell-PSSH 90 El1-PSSH 90 16.0"-WR-233 2

! IC-39 2 CSS F-C l Ell-PSS 91 Ell-PSS 91 16.0"-WR-233 2 IC-39 2 LIN F-B i

i I i

l DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 - Page 47 of l'62 SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (El1) i REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-20A,B

.ASME Ref.

] Supp7rt Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Diderit. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type ' Cat. Remarks Ell-PSSH 92 BZ-PSSH-92 20.0"-WS-151 2 IC-91 2 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 93 BZ-8F-6 20.0"-WS-151 2 IC-91 .1 CSS F-C-i Ell-PSST 95 Ell-PSST 95 20.0"-WR-210 2 IC-13 8 CSS F-C

, Ell-PSSH 96 Ell-PSSH 96 20.0"-WR-210 2 IC-14 8 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 97 BZ-8E-20 20.0"-WR-212 2 IC-14 7 CSS F-C

! Ell-PSSH 98 El1-PSSH 98 20.0"-WR-212 2 IC-14 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 99 BZ-8F-18 24.0"-WR-256 2 IC-21 12 CSS F-C

Ell-PSSH 100 Ell-PSSH 100 20.0"-WR-232 2 IC-16 7 CSS F-C ' i I~ Ell-PSSH 103 Ell-PSSH 103 20.0"-WR-204 2 IC-18 9 CSS F-C l Ell-PSSH 106 Ell-PSSH 106 20.0"-WR-224 2 IC-12 7 CSS F-C

! Ell-PSSH 107 Ell-PSSH 107 16.0"-WR-277 2 IC-33 3 CSS F-C

! Ell-PSSH 108 Ell-PSSH 108 20.0"-WR-214 2 IC-14 7 CSS F-C

! Ell-PSA 109 BZ-8F-19 24.0"-WR-256 2 IC-21 7 P&S F-A i Ell-PSSH 110 Ell-PSSH 110 16.0"-WR-234 2 IC-27 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 111 BZ-8F-7 24.0"-WR-256 2 IC-21 10 CSS F-C

.i Ell-PSSH 112 Ell-PSSH 112 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-38 12 CSS F-C i j Ell-PSSH 113 Ell-PSSH 113 24.0"-WR-256 2 IC-21 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 114 Ell-PSSH 114 24.0"-WR-262 2 IC-69 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 116 Ell-PSSH 116 12.0"-WR-272 2 IC-43 12 CSS F-C

Ell-PSR 117 BZ-8F-20 12.0"-WR-272 2 IC-43 14 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 118 Ell-PSH 118 .12.0"-WR-272
2 IC-43 14 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 119 Ell-PSSH 119 10.0"-WR-274 2 -IC-43 14 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 121 Ell-PSSH 121 06.0"-WR-281 2 IC-43 14 CSS F-C

! Ell-PSA 122 BZ-8F-21 06.0"-WR-281 2 IC-43 14 P&S F-A

! Ell-PSSH 123 Ell-PSSH 123 16.0"-WR-258 2 IC-7 12 CSS F-C

! -t

l.  :

O O -

O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV. l Page 48_of 162 SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (Ell)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support ' Exam.

Ident. _Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. ~ Remarks Ell-PSSH 124 Ell-PSSH 124 16.0"-WR-278 2 IC 12 CSS F-C

~ Ell-PSSH 125 Ell-PSSH 125 6.0"-WR-281 2 IC-43 14 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 127 Ell-PSSH 127 16.0"-WR-277 2 IC-33 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 142 Ell-PSSH 142 16.0"-WR-254 2 IC-21 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 143 BZ-8F-5 16.0"-WR-254 2 IC-29 7 P&S F-A Ell-PSST 144 Ell-PSST 144 16.0"-WR-254 2 IC-29 6 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 145 Ell-PSSH 145 16.0"-WR-254 2 IC-29 6 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 146 Ell-PSSH 146 18.0"-WR-248 2 IC-27 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSST 147 BZ-8G-4 18.0"-WR-248 2 IC-27 6 CSS F-C Ell-PSST 148 Ell-PSST 148 16.0"-WR-246 ' 2 IC-27 6 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 149 BZ-8F-4 16.0"-WR-246 2 IC-28 6 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 150 Ell-PSR 150 16.0"-WR-246 2 IC-28 6 P&S F-A Bil-PSSH 151 Ell-PSSH 151 16.0"-WR-246 2 IC-27 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 154 BZ-8G-6 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 12 LIN F-B Ell-PSSH 155 Ell-PSSH 155 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 156 BZ-8G-2 16.0"-WR-246 2 IC-28 10 CSS F-C Ell-PSST 157 Ell-PSST 157 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSST 158 Ell-PSST 158 10.0"-SHP-172 2 - IC-62 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 159 Ell-PSSH 159 6.0"-WR-288 2 IC-47 10 CSS F-C Ell-PSA 161 BZ-8G-7 6.0"-WR-320 2 IC-72 5 P&S F-A Ell-PSST 162 Ell-PSST 162 6.0"-WR-320 2 IC-72 5 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 164 Ell-PSSH 164 6.0"-WR-320 2 IC-72 5 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 165 Ell-PSSH 165 ' 20.0"-WR-221 2 IC-15 2 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 166 Ell-PSSH 166 20.0"-WR-223 2 IC-Il 2 CSS F-C

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 49 of 162 SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (El1)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks Ell-PSSH 167 Ell-PSSH 167 20.0"-WR-232 2 IC-16 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 168 Ell-PSSH 168 20.0"-WR-224 2 IC-12 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 169 Ell-PSSH 169 16.0"-WR-245 2 IC-40 9 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 175 BZ-8G-10 16.0"-WR-245 2 IC-40 9 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 176 BZ-8F-8 16.0"-WR-245 2 IC-40 3 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 177 BZ-8G-1 16.0"-WR-253 2 IC-30 2 P&S F-A Ell-PSST 180 Ell-PSST 180 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 188 Ell-PSSH 188 16.0"-WR-246 2 IC-28 10 CSS F-C El1-PSSH 195 El1-PSSH 195 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-70. 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 198 BZ-8H-4 6.0"-WR-341 2 IC-90 2 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 208 BZ-8H-12 6.0"-WR-342 2 IC-8 6 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 212 Ell-PSSH 212 6.0"-WR-341 2 IC-90 3 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 218 Ell-PSSH 218 6.0"-WR-342 2- IC-8 6 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 221 BZ-8H-18 6.0"-WR-290 2 IC-42 10 CSS F-C Ell-PSA 222 BZ-8H-19 6.0"-WR-371 2 IC-42 19 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 223 BZ-8H-49 6.0"-WR-371 2- IC-42 19 LIN F-B Ell-PSR 224 BZ-SH-50 6.0"-WR-371 2 .IC-42 19 LIN F-B Ell-PSA 225 BZ-8H-20 6.0"-WR-371 2 IC-42 19 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 226 BZ-8H-51 6.0"-WR-371 2 IC-42 19 LIN F-B Ell-PSR 227 BZ-8H-52 6.0"-WR-371 2 IC-42 19 LIN. F-B Ell-PSR 228 BZ-8H-21 6.0"-WR-289 2 IC-42 9 CSS F-C Ell-PSA 230 BZ-8H-22 6.0"-W R-289 2 IC-42 9 P&S F-A Ell-PSST 308 BZ-8F-26 8.0"-SLP-85 2 ICl438 2 CSS F-C Ell-PSR. 307 FV-189A 10.0"-SLP-86 2 IC-34 19 P&S F-A

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 50 of 162 SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (El1)


Scpport Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks Ell-PSA 309 BZ-8F-27 8.0"-SL P-85 2 IC-1438 9 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 310 BZ-8F-28 8.0"-SL P-84 2 IC-1437 2 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 311. BZ-8F-29 8.0"-SL P-84 2 IC-1437 1 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 312 BZ-8F-30 8.0"-SLP-84 2 IC-1437 1 P&S F-A Ell-PSA 313 BZ-8F-31 8.0"-SLP-84 2 IC-1437 1 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 314 BZ-8F-32 8.0"-SL P-84 2 IC-1437 8 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 315 BZ-8F-33 8.0"-SLP-84 2 IC-1437 8 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 316 BZ-8F-34 8.0"-SL P-84 2 IC-1436 8 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 317 BZ-8F-35 8.0"-SL P-84 2 IC-1436 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 318 BZ-8F-36 8.0"-SLP-84 2 IC-1436 10 P&S F-A Ell-PSR 319 BZ-8F-37 8.0"-SL P-84 2 IC-1436 10 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 320 BZ-8F-38 8.0"-SLP-84 2 IC-1436 10 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 323 BZ-SH-67 24.0"-W R-255 2 IC-32 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 329 BZ-8H-81 16.0"-WR-309 2 IC-34 19 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 333 BZ-8H-80 20.0"-WR-204 2 IC-18 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSR 334 BZ-8G-40 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSST 335 BZ-8H-83 6.0"-WR-287 2 IC-47 9 CSS F-C Ell-PSST 336 BZ-8H-82 6.0"-W R-287 2 IC-47 9 CSS F-C Ell-PSSH 337 BZ-8H-84 16.0"-WR-245 2 IC-39 3 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 800 BZ-8E-14 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 802 BZ-SE-22 20.0"-WR-212 2 IC-14 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 803 BZ-8E-23 20.0"-WR-212 2 IC-14 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 804 BZ-8E-24 24.0"-W R-260 2 IC-37 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 805 BZ-SE-25 20.0"-WR-214 2 IC-14 7 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 806 BZ-8E-26 20.0"-WR-204 2 IC-18 11 CSS F-C

gs ps s

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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 51 of 162

SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (Ell) i REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-20A,B

! ASME Ref.

l -Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. . Type Cat. Remarks i

i Ell-PsSP 807 BZ-8E-27 20.0"-WR-204 2 IC-18 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 808 BZ-8E-28 20.0"-WR-213 2 IC-13 2 CSS F-C

Ell-PSSP 809 BZ-8E-29 20.0"-WR-211 2 IC-13 2 CSS F-C i Ell-PSSP 810 BZ-8E-30 20.0"-WR-211 2 IC-13 3 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 811 BZ-8E-31 16.0"-WR-277 2 IC-33 9 CSS F-C-l Ell-PSSP 812 BZ-8E-32 24.0"-WR-255 2 IC-32 11 CSS F-C j Ell-PSSP 813 BZ-8E-33 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 11 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 814 BZ-8E-60 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 11 CSS F-C
Ell-PSSP 815 . BZ-8E-34 24.0"-WR-261 2 IC-32 11 CSS F-C El1-PSSP 817 BZ-8E-36 12.0"-WR-271 2 .IC-31 13 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 818 BZ-8E-37 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 11 CSS F-C El1-PSSP 819 BZ-8E-38 16.0"-WR-245 2 IC-39 3 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 820 BZ-8E-39 12.0"-WR-272 2 IC-43 14 CSS F-C i Ell-PSSP 821 BZ-8E-40 24.0"-WR-334 2 IC-38 12 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 824 BZ-8E-42 24.0"-WR-262 -2 IC-69 12 CSS F-C

! Ell-PSSP 825 BZ-8E-43 16.0"-WR-246 2 IC-27 6 CSS F-C l Ell-PSSP 826 BZ-8E-44 10.0"-SHP-172 -2 IC-62 12 CSS F-C i Ell-PSSP 827 BZ-8E-45 ~ 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 12 CSS F-C i Ell-PSSP 828 BZ-8E-46 18.0"-WR-248 2 IC 7 CSS F-C l Ell-PSSP 836 BZ-8E-53 6.0"-WR-341 2 IC-90 3 CSS F-C 16.0"-WR-277 2 F-C Ell-PSSP 850 BZ-8F-3 IC-33 11 ' CSS Ell-PSSP 911 BZ-8H-85 16.0"-WR-245 2 IC-40 3 CSS F-C Ell-PSSP 912 BZ-8H-68 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-38 12 CSS F-C

] El1-PSSP 913 BZ-8H-87 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 11 CSS F-C 1 Ell-PSSP 914 BZ-8H-88 _12.0"-WR-271 2 IC-31 13 CSS F-C i Ell-PSSP 915 BZ-8H-89 12.0"-WR-271 2 IC-31 13 CSS F-C 4




DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page' 52 of 162 SYSTEM: Core Spray (E21)


Support . Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks

E21-PSSH 33 E21-PSSH 33 10.0"-WR-17 1 IC-59 20 CSS F-C j E21-PSR 34 BZ-10B-24 10.0"-WR-17 1 IC-59 20 CSS F-C E21-PSSH 35 E21-PSSH 35 10.0"-WR-17 1 IC-59 20 CSS F-C
E21-PSSH -36 BZ-10B-39 10.0"-WR-17 1 IC-59 20 CSS F-C

] E21-PSSH 43 E21-PSSH 43 10.0"-WR-37 1 IC-64 20 CSS F-C t

E21-PSR 44 BZ-10B-29 10.0"-WR-37 1 IC-64 14 CSS F-C i E21-PSSH 45 E21-PSSH 45 10.0"-WR-37 1 IC-64 20 CSS F-C l E21-PSSH 46 BZ-10B-40 10.0"-WR-37 1 IC-64 20 CSS F-C-l E21-PSSP 804 BZ-10B-30 10.0"-WR-17 1 IC-59 20 CSS F-C l E21-PSSP 806 BZ-10B-42 10.0"-WR-17 1 IC-59 20. CSS F-C i E21-PSSP 807 BZ-10B-31 10.0"-WR-37 1 IC-64 20 CSS F-C l l E21-PSSP 809 BZ-10B-41 10.0"-WR-37 1 IC-64 20 CSS F-C i

8 i

4 f

i i

i 2



DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 53 of 162 SYSTEM: Core Spray (E21)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. - Remarks E21-PSR I BZ-10B-1 12.0"-WR-2 2 IC-57 3 CSS F-C E21-PSR 2 BZ-10B-2 12.0"-WR-2 2 IC-57 3 LIN F-B E21-PSSH 3 E21-PSSH 3 12.0"-WR-2 2 IC-57 3 CSS F-C E21-PSR 4 BZ-10B-3 12.0"-WR-2 2 IC-57 3 P&S F-A E21-PSSH 5 E21-PSSH 5 12.0"-W R-2 2 IC-57 3 CSS F-C E21-PSA 7 BZ-10B-4 12.0"-W R-3 2 IC-57 9 P&S F-A E21-PSR 9 BZ-10B-3 10.0"-WR-7 2 IC-65 9 P&S F-A E21-PSSH 10 E21-PSSH 10 10.0"-W R-7 2 IC-65 9 CSS F-C E21-PSR 11 BZ-10B-9 14.0"-WR-1 2 IC-56 4 CSS F-C E21-PSSH 12 E21-PSSH 12 14.0"-WR-1 2 IC-56 3 CSS F-C E21-PSST 13 E21-PSST 13 12.0"-WR-3 2 IC-56 4 CSS F-C.

E21-PSR 14 BZ-10B-ll 12.0"-WR-3 2 IC-56 4 LIN F-B E21-PSST 15 E21-PSST 15 12.0"-WR-8 2 IC-56 4 CSS F-C E21-PSA 16 BZ-10B-12 12.0"-WR-8 2 IC-56 5 P&S F-A E21-PSST 17 BZ-10B-13 12.0"-WR-22 2 IC-63 6 CSS F-C E21-PSR 18 BZ-10B-14 12.0"-WR-22 2 IC-63 6 LIN F-B E21-PSSH 19 E21-PSSH 19 12.0"-WR-22 2 IC-63 6 CSS F-C E21-PSR 20 BZ-10B-15 12.0"-WR-22 2 IC-63 6 P&S F-A E21-PSSH 21 E21-PSSH 21 12.0"-WR-22 2 IC-63 6 LIN F-B E21-PSA 23 BZ-10B-17 10.0"-WR-23 2 IC-63 10 P&S F-A E21-PSA 24 BZ-10B-13 10.0"-WR-27 2 IC-66 10 P&S F-A E21-PSR 25 BZ-10B-19 10.0"-W R-27 2 IC-66 10 P&S F-A E21-PSSH 26 E21-PSSH 26 10.0"-WR-27 2 IC-66 10 CSS F-B

p ( .,y.

Y DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 54 of 162 SYSTEM: Core Spray (E21)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam. .

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks E21-PSR 28 BZ-10B-21 10.0"-WR-3 2 IC-57 11 CSS F-C E21-PSSH 29 E21-PSSH 29 10.0"-WR-3 2 IC-57 11 CSS F-C E21-PSR 30 BZ-10B-22 10.0"-WR-3 2 IC-59 13 P&S F-A E21-PSR 31 BZ-10B-23 10.0"-W R-3 2 IC-59 13 CSS F-C E21-PSSH 32 E21-PSSH 32 10.0"-WR-3 2 IC-59 13 CSS F-C E21-PSR 38 BZ-10B-26 10.0"-WR-23 2 IC-63 12 CSS F-C E21-PSSH 39 E21-PSSH 39 10.0"-WR-23 2 IC-63 12 CSS F-C E21-PSR 40 BZ-10B-27 10.0"-WR-23 2 IC-64 14 P&S F-A E21-PSR 41 BZ-10B-28 10.0"-WR-23 2 IC-64 14 CSS F-C E21-PSSH 42 E21-PSSH 42 10.0"-WR-23 2 IC-64 14 CSS F-C E21-PSST 53 E21-PSST 53 12.0"-WR-28 2 IC-55 5 CSS F-C E21-PSSH 54 E21-PSSH 54 14.0"-WR-21 2 IC-55 6 CSS F-C E21-PSR 57 BZ-10B-20 14.0"-WR-21 2 IC-55 6 P&S F-A E21-PSST 58 E21-PSST 58 12.0"-WR-8 2 IC-56 5 CSS F-C E21-PSA 59 BZ-10B-5 10.0"-WR-7 2 IC-65 9 P&S F-A E21-PSR 64 BZ-10B-37 10.0"-W R-3 2 IC-57 11 CSS F-C E21-PSR 65 BZ-10B-38 10.0"-WR-23 2 IC-64 12 LIN F-B E21-PSST 66 BZ-10B-45 12.0"-W R-3 2 IC-56 4 CSS F-C E21-PSR 67 BZ-10B-46 14.0"-W R-1 2 IC-56 4 LIN F-B E21-PSSP 800 BZ-10B-10 12.0"-WR-8 2 IC-56 4 CSS F-C E21-PSSP 801 - BZ-10B-10 12.0"-WR-8 2 IC-56 4 CSS F-C

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 55 of 162 SYSTEM: MSIV Leakage Control (E32)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. -Dwg.No. and Ident.- Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks E32-PSST-1 BZ-60B-22 1.5"-SH P-1 1 P6002 14 CSS F-C E32-PSST-4 BZ-60B-22 1.5"-SHP-i l 1 P6003 14 CSS F-C E32-PSST-7 BZ-60B-22 1.5"-SHP-21 -1 P6000 13 LIN F-B E32-PSST-12 BZ-60B-22 1.5"-SHP-31 1 P6001 13 CSS F-C E32-PSR-57 BZ-60B-85 1.5"-SHP-I l 1 P6003 14 LIN F-B

_ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ ._ _ .. _ _._. _ . _ __ _ . _ _ . _ ~ , . _ . _ . _ . _ _ __ .~. _. .. . _ .. .

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 56 of 162 SYSTEM: High Pressure Coolant injection (E41) 4 REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-25A,B i ASME Ref.

! Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

l Ident. Dwg.No. andIdent. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks i

E41-PSSH-18 E41-PSSH-18 10.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-133 12 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-21 E41-PSSH-21 10.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-182 20 CSS F-C' E41-PSSH-24 E41-PSSH-24 10.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-182 '20 CSS F-C  !

E41-PSSH-60 BZ-IIB-35 14.0"-WR-5 1 IC-181 11 CSS F-C l E41-PSSP-74 BZ-I IB-54 10.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-182 20 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-75 BZ-IIB-55 10.0"-SHP-5 -1 IC-182 20 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-78 BZ-I I B-56 10.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-182 20 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-79 BZ-l l B-57 10.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-182 20 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-806 BZ-l lB-17 10.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-182 20 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-807 BZ-IIB-31 10.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-182 20 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-816 BZ-1 IB-49 . 14.0"-WR-5 1 .IC-181 11 CSS F-C i

f f


! =


DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 - REV.1 Page 57 of 162 SYSTEM: High Pressure Coolant Injection (E41)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks E41-PSR-4 BZ-l lB-3 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-134 5 LIN F-B E41-PSSH-5 E41-PSSH-5 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-134 4 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-6 BZ-11B-7 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 4 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-7 BZ-11B-66 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 5 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-13 El-PSSH-13 16.0"-WR-2 2 IC-179 5 CSS F-C E41-PSST-14 E41-PSST-14 16.0"-WR-1 2 IC-178 5 LIN F-B E41-PSR-15 BZ-l lB-12 16.0"-WR-1 ~2 IC-178 5 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-16 E41-PSSH-16 16.0"-WR-1 2 IC-178 5 CSS F-C E41-PSR-27 BZ-l lB-13 10.0"-WR-6 2 IC-180 5 P&S F-A E41-PSR-28 E41-PSR-28 10.0"-W R-10 2 IC-180 5 P&S F-A E41-PSR-29 BZ-11B-3 10.0"-W R-10 2 IC-180 4 P&S F-A E41-PSST-30 E41-PSST-30 10.0"-WR-10 2 IC-180 4 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-3 ' E41-PSSH-31 10.0"-WR-10 2 IC-180 4 CSS F-C E41-PSA-32 BZ-llB-10 14.0"-WR-3 2 IC-181 9 P&S F-A E41-PSR-33 BZ-I IB-9 14.0"-WR-3 2 IC-181 4 P&S F-A E41-PSR-34 BZ-11B-5 14.0"-WR-4 2 IC-131 4 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-35 E41-PSSH-35 14.0"-WR-4 2 IC-181 4 CSS F-C E41-PSR-36 BZ-I IB-14 14.0"-WR-4 2 IC-131 5 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-37 E41-PSSH-37 10.0"-SH P-6 2 IC-183 5 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-38 E41-PSSH-38 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 5 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-39 E41-PSSH-39 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 5 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-40 E41-PSSH-40 10.0"-SH P-6 2 IC-183 5 CSS F-C E41-PSSH-41 E41-PSSH-41 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 5 CSS F-C E41-PSA-42 BZ-l lB-15 10.0"-SH P-6 2 IC-133 5 P&S F-A



DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REY.1 Page 58 of 162 -

SYSTEM: High Pressure Coolant Injection (E41) s REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-25A,B i


  • l Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam. 1 ,


j Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Roc. Type Cat. Remarks i


! E41-PSSH-43 E41-PSSH-43 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-133 5 ' CSS F-C , ..

l E41-PSSH-44 E41-PSSH-44 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 5 CSS- F-C /  :

E41-PSSH-45 E41-PSSH-45 10.0"-S HP-6 2 IC-183 10 CSS. F-C- .


  • E41-PSSH-53 E41-PSSH-53 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-184 5 CSS F-C ,
E41-PSR-55 FV-189A - 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 19 P&S F-A 9 . .

E41-PSSH-59 BZ-l l B-36 16.0"-WR-1 2 IC-179 5 CSS F-C '

E41-PSSH-71 BZ-I I B-47 14.0"-WR-4 2 IC-181 5 CSS F-C '

E41-PSSH-80 BZ-l l R-60 10.0"-SH P-6 2 IC-183 4 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-81 BZ-l lB-63 18.0"-SL P-7 2 IC-184 5 CSS F-C

. E41-PSSP-82 BZ-l lB-63 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-184 5 CSS F-C

! E41-PSSP-83 BZ-llB-64 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-184 4 ., CSS F-C

, E41-PSSP-84 BZ-llB-64 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-184 4 CSS- F-C

! E41-PSSP-85 BZ-i lB-62 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 4 CSS F-C I E41-PSSP-86 BZ-11B-61 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 4 CSS F-C j E41-PSR-87. BZ-l lB-65 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 4 CSS F-C j E41-PSSP-88 BZ-l lB-66 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 5 CSS F-C BZ-l lB-25 E41-PSSP-800 14.0"-W R-3 2 IC-181 4 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-801 BZ-llB-26 10.0"-SH P-6 2 IC-183 5 CSS F-C

E41-PSSP-802 BZ-l lB-27 10.0a SHP-6 2 IC-183 5 CSS F-C

! E41-PSSP-803 BZ-l lB-28 10.0"-SH P.-6 2 p IC-183 5 CSS F-C

E41-PSSP-804 BZ-I IB-28 10.0"-SHP-6 2 '

elC-183 45 -


CSS F-C E41-PSSP-805 BZ-1 IB-30 10.0"-SH P-6 2 IC-183 10 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-809 BZ-I IB-16 18.0"-SH P-7 2 IC-134 5 -CSS F-C E41-PSSP-812 BZ-llB-38 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 5 CSS F-C l E41-PSSP-817 BZ-I IB-48 14.0"-WR-3 2 IC-181 11 CSS F-C E41-PSSP-818 BZ-l lB-51 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 10 CSS F-C ,

e i I

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 59 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (E51)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping - Support Support Exam.

l Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks 4 E51-PSSH 46 E51-PSSH 46 3.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-60 20 CSS F-C E51-PSSH 54 E51-PSSH 54 3.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-60 20 CSS F-C E51-PSSH 66 BZ-2B-38 6.0"-WR-20 1 IC-68 14 CSS F-C E51-PSSP 72 BZ-2B-48 6.0"-WR-20 1 IC-68 14 CSS F-C E51-PSSP 73 BZ-2B-48 6.0"-WR-20 1 IC-68 14 CSS F-C

E51-PSR 75 BZ-2B-52 3.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-61 13 CSS F-C-E51-PSSP 80 BZ-2B-68 3.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-60 20 CSS F-C i E51-PSSP 800 BZ-2B-21 3.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-60 20 CSS F-C 1 ESI-PSSP 807 BZ-2B-34 3.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-60 20 CSS F-C E51-PSSP 808 BZ-2B-34 3.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-60 20 CSS F-C 4 E51-PSSP 810 BZ-2B-49 3.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-60 20 CSS F-C E51-PSSP 811 ' BZ-2B-50 3.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-60 20 CSS F-C E51-PSSP 812 BZ-2B-51 3.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-60 20 CSS F-C i

4 l

i i


O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 60 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (E51)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso.. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks E51-PSR 5 BZ-2B-3 06.0"-WR-27 2 IC-1 5 P&S F-A E51-PSST 7 E51-PSST 7 06.0"-W-2 2 IC-1 5 LIN F-B E51-PSR S B-2B-4 06.0"-W-2 2 IC-1 5 CSS F-C E51-PSST 9 E51-PSST 9 06.0"-W-2 2 IC-1 5 CSS F-C E51-PSST 10 E51-PSST 10 06.0"-W-1 2 IC-2 5 CSS F-C E51-PSR 11 BZ-2B5 06.0"-W-1 2 IC-2 5 P&S F-A E51-PSSH 13 E51-PSSH 13 06.0"-W-1 2 IC-2 5 CSS F-C E51-PSA 14 BZ-2B-31 06.0"-WR-5 2 IC-68 12 P&S F-A ESI-PSR 30 BZ-2B-12 08.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-71 5 LIN F-B E51-PSSH 31 E51-PSSH 31 08.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-71 5 CSS F-C E51-PSR 39 BZ-B-15 08.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-71 19 CSS F-C E51-PSR 49 BZ-2B-27 08.0"-SLP-7 2 IC 5 P&S F-A E51-PSR-67 BZ-2B-39 08.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-71 5 LIN F-B E51-PSST-69 BZ-2B-40 08.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-71 5 CSS F-C E51-PSSH 70 BZ-2B-47 08.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-71 5 CSS F-C E51-PSSP 85 BZ-2B-73 06.0"-SHP-il 2 IC-61 5 CSS F-C E51-PSR 610 BZ-2B-66 06.0"-W R-5 2 IC-68 12 P&S F-A E51-PSSP 801 BZ-2B-22 08.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-71 5 CSS F-C i

e i



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O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REY.1 Page 61 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Water Cleanup (G33)


. Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

, Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks G33-PSA 10 BZ-1C-3 6.0"-WR-3 1 IC-Ill7 20 CSS F-C G33-PSSH 11 G33-PSSH 11 6.0"-WR-3 1 IC-Ill7 20 CSS F-C i

, G33-PSA 43 BZ-lC-34 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-ll23 14 CSS F-C l G33-PSA 110 BZ-lC-85 4.0"-WR-6 1 IC-Il19 20 CSS F-C G33-PSST 111 BZ-ID-9 4.0"-WR-6 1 IC-1119 20 CSS F-C ,

- G33-PSST 112. BZ-lC-86 4.0"-W R-6 1 IC-Il19 20 CSS F-C

G33-PSR 113 BZ-IC-87 4.0"-WR-6 1 IC-Ill9 20 CSS F-C G33-PSA 114 - BZ-lC-88 4.0"-W R-2 1 IC-1118 20- CSS F-C G33-PSR 115 BZ-IC-89 4.0"-WR-2 1 IC-Ill8 20 CSS F-C ,

G33-PSSH 116 BZ-ID-Il 4.0"-W R-2 1 IC-Ill8 20 CSS F-C j G33-PSR 117 BZ-IC-90 4.0"-W R-2 1 1C-1118 20 CSS F-C G33-PSR 118 BZ-lC-91 4.0"-W R-1 1 IC-1117- 20 CSS F-C ,

j G33-PSSH 119 BZ-1D-12 4.0"-W R-1 1 IC-Ill7 20 CSS F-C

'i G33-PSR 120 BZ-lC-92 4.0"-WR 1 IC-Ill7 20 CSS F-C 1 G33-PSR 121 BZ-lC-93 4.0"-W R-1 1 IC-1117 20 CSS- F-C

G33-PSR 122 BZ-1C-94 4.0"-W R-1 1 IC-1117 20 CSS F-C

! G33-PSR 136 BZ-ID-30 2.5"-WR-5 1 IC-Il19 20 CSS F-C .

1 G33-PSR 137 BZ-ID-31 6.0"-WR-3 1 IC-Ill7 20 P&S F-A G33-PSSH 152 BZ-1D-16 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-ll23 14 CSS F-C l G33-PSST 153 BZ-ID-71 6.0"-W D-28 1 IC-Il23 14 CSS F-C

G33-PSSH 154 BZ-ID-72 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1509 14 CSS F-C l

[ G33-PSST 155 BZ-ID-73 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1509 14 CSS F-C G33-PSST 156 BZ-I D-74 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1509 14 CSS F-C  !

G33-PSST 157 BZ-I D-75 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1509 14 CSS F-C I

G33-PSSH 158 BZ-I D-76 6.0"-WD-24 1 IC-1508 13 CSS F-C G33-PSST 159 ~BZ-1D-77 6.0"-WD-24 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 ' REV.1 Page 62 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Water Cleanup (G33)



' Support -Support Line Size ' Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. andIdent. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks G33-PSST 160 BZ-ID-78 6.0"-W D-24 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C

' G33-PSA 161 BZ-ID-79 6.0"-WD-24 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C

! G33-PSSH 162 BZ-ID-57 6.0"-WD-24 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C j~ ' G33-PSST 163 BZ-ID-80 6.0"-WD-24 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSH 164 BZ-ID-54 6.0"-W D-28 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 200 BZ-1C-9 6 0"-WR-3 . 1 IC-1117 20 CSS F-C

G33-PSSP 225 BZ-lC-98 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C 4

G33-PSSP 226 BZ-ID-32 2.0"-WR-4 1 P0104 20 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 227 BZ-ID-32 2.0"-WR-4 1 P0104 20 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 228 BZ-ID-33 4.0"-WR-2 1 IC-1118 20 CSS F-C

{- G33-PSSP 229 BZ-ID-33 4.0"-W R-2 1 IC-Ill8 20 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 230 BZ-ID-34 4.0"-WR-1 1 IC-1117 20 CSS F-C I

G33-PSSP 231 BZ-ID-34 4.0"-WR-1 1 IC-1117 20 ' CSS F-C

! G33-PSSP 237 BZ-ID-53 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-ll23 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 238 BZ-ID-53 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-Il23 14 CSS F-C

, G33-PSSP 239 BZ-ID-55 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1123 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 240 . BZ-1 D-38 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 241 BZ-ID-56 6.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1509 14 CSS F-C-G33-PSSP 242 BZ-ID-68 6.0"-V"3-28 1 IC-1509 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 243 BZ-ID-69 6.0"-W D-24 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 244 BZ-ID-70 6.0"-W D-24 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 324 BZ-ID-82 6.0"-W R-3 1 IC-Ill7 20 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 611 BZ-ID-85 6.0"-W D-28 1 IC-1509 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 612 BZ-ID-86 6.0"-W D-28 1 IC-1509 14 CSS F-C G33-PSSP 613 BZ-ID-87 6.0"-WD-24 1- IC-1508 14 CSS F-C G33-PSR 614 BZ-ID-88 6.0"-WD-24 ' 1 IC-1508 14 CSS F-C l

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 63 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Water Cleanup (G33)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Dwg.No. . and Ident.


. Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat.- Remarks

. G33-PSST 12 G33-PSST 12 6.0"-WR-3 3 IC-Il20 16 CSS F-C G33-PSR 13 BZ-lC-4 6.0"-W R-8 3 IC-Il20 16 LIN F-B G33-PSSH 14 G33-PSSH 14 6.0"-WR-3 3 IC-Il20 16 CSS F-C G33-PSR 42 BZ-lC-33 6.0"-WD-16 3 IC-Il23 14 CSS F-C G33-PSA 43 BZ-IC-34 6.0"-W D-16 . 3 IC-Il23 14 P&S F-A G33-PSSH 124 BZ-ID-13 6.0"-WR-68 3 IC-Il36 18 CSS F-C G33-PSR 125 BZ-lC-96 6.0"-WR-68 3 IC-Il36 18 -CSS F-C G33-PSR 126 BZ-lC-97 6.0"-W R-63 3 IC-ll36 18 CSS F-C G33-PSR 127 BZ-IC-95 6.0"-W R-63 3 IC-ll36 16 LIN F-B G33-PSSH 129 BZ-ID-14 6.0"-WR-63 3 IC-Il 36 IS CSS F-C G33-PSSP 224 BZ-IC-25 6.0"-W R-8 3 IC-Il20 16 CSS F-C


V v' V DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 64 of 162 SYSTEM: Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Subsystem (G41)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. andIdent. Class Iso. Loc.- Type Cat. Remarks G41-PSST 1 G41-PSST-1 6.0"-FC-7 3 IC-846 18 CSS F-C G41-PSR 2 BZ-7C-53 6.0"-FC-7 3 IC-846 18 P&S F-A G41-PSST 3 G41-PSST-3 6.0"-FC-7 3 IC-846 18 CSS- F-C G41-PSST 4 G41-PSST-4 6.0"-FC-6 3 IC-845 18 CSS F-C G41-PSR 5 BZ-7C-4 6.0"-FC-6 3 IC-845 18 LIN F-B G41-PSR 6 BZ-7C-5 6.0"-FC-6 3 IC-845 17 P&S F-A G41-PSR 22 BZ-7C-18 8.0"-FC-13 3 IC-1108 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 23 BZ-7C-19 8.0"-FC-13 3 IC-Il08 15 CSS F-C G41-PSH 24 BZ-7C-20 8.0"-FC-13 3 IC-1108 15 P&S F-A G41-PSA 25 BZ-7C-21 8.0"-FC-13 3 IC-Il08 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 26 BZ-7C-22 8.0"-FC-13 3 IC-Il08 15 P&S F-A G41-PSA 27 BZ-7C-23 8.0"-FC-13 3 IC-Il08 17 P&S F-A G41-PSR 36 BZ-7C-28 6.0"-FC-6 3 IC-845 18 CSS F-C G41-PSST 73 G41-PSST-73 6.0"-FC-I l 3 IC-845 17 CSS F-C G41-PSR 75 BZ-7C-54 6.0"-FC-I l 3 IC-845 17 P&S F-A G41-PSR 76 BZ-7C54 6.0"-FC-10 3 IC-846 17 P&S F-A G41-PSSH 80 G41-PSSH-80 8.0"-FC-59 3 IC-847 17 CSS F-C G41-PSST 81 G41-PSST-81 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-Il07 15 CSS F-C G41-PSR 82 BZ-7C-58 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-1107 15 CSS F-C G41-PSST 83 G41-PSST-S3 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-1107 15 CSS F-C G41-PSA 84 BZ-7C-59 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-Il07 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 85 BZ-7C-60 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-1107 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 86 BZ-7C-61 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-1044 15 P&S F-A i


p 17 DOCUMENT No. 33A0273 REV.1 Page 65 of 162 SYSTEM: Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Subsystem (G41)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

- Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. _ Remarks G41-PSR 87 BZ-7C-62 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-1088 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 88 BZ-7C-63 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-1083 18 P&S F-A G41-PSA 90 BZ-7C-65 10.0"-FC-1 3 IC-841 17 P&S- F-A G41-PSR 91 BZ-7C-53 10.0"-FC-1 3 IC-841 18 LIN F-B G41-PSST 92 G41-PSST-92 08.0"-FC-4 3 IC-841 18 CSS F-C G41-PSR 93 BZ-16-67 08.0"-FC-4 3 IC-841 18 CSS F-C G41-PSR 94 BZ-7C-68 08.0"-FC-4 3 IC-841 18 P&S F-A G41-PSSH 95 G41-PSSH-95 08.0"-FC-4 3 IC-841 18 CSS F-C G41-PSST 96 G41-PSST-96 10.0"-FC-3 3 IC-1109 18 CSS F-C G41-PSR 97 BZ-7C-69 10.0"-FC-3 3 IC-Il09 17 P&S F-A G41-PSA 98 BZ-7C-70 10.0"-FC-165 3 IC-Il09 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 99 BZ-7C-71 08.0"-FC-5 3 IC-Il09 17 P&S F-A G41-PSST 100 BZ-7C-100 08.0"-FC-5 3 IC-Il09 18 CSS F-C G41-PSR 101 BZ-7C-72 08.0"-FC-5 3 IC-Il09 18 CSS F-C G41-PSST 102 G41-PSST-102 10.0"-FC-9 3 IC-Ill0 17 CSS F-C G41-PSA 103 BZ-7C-073 10.0"-FC-9 3 IC-Ill0 15 P&S F-A G41-PSSR 104 BZ-7C-074 10.0"-FC-9 3 IC-1110 15 P&S F-A G41-PSA 105 BZ-7C-075 10.0"-FC-9 3 IC-1110 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 106 BZ-7C-076 10.0"-7C-9 3 IC-Ill0 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 107 BZ-7C-077 10.0"-FC-9 3 IC-Ill0 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 108 BZ-7C-018 10.0"-FC-9 3 IC-Ill0 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 109 BZ-7C-079 10.0"-FC-165 3 IC-1109 15 P&S F-A G41-PSR 110 BZ-7C-80 10.0"-FC-I l 5 3 IC-Il09 15 P&S F-A

/~ p . p DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 66 of 162 SYSTEM: Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Subsystem (G41)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Iden'.. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso.' Loc. Type Cat. Remarks G41-PSR 111 BZ-7C-081 10.0"-FC-165 3 IC-1109 15 CSS F-C G41-PSSP 177 ' BZ-7C-098 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-1088 15 CSS F-C G41-PSSP 178 BZ-7C-099 8.0"-FC-004 3 IC-841 18 CSS F-C G41-PSSP 179 BZ-7C-100 8.0"-FC-005 3 IC-Il09 18 CSS F-C G41-PSSH 191 BZ-70-38 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-1088 13 CSS F-C G41-PSR 559 BZ-7D-049 8.0"-FC-005 3 IC-846 18 LIN F-B G41-PSSH 560 BZ-7D-054 10.0"-FC-165 3 IC-1088 11 CSS F-C G41-PSSP 561 BZ-7D-053 10.0"-FC-165 3 IC-1088 11 CSS F-C G41-PSR 562 BZ-70-052 10.0"-FC-165 3 IC-1088 18 P&S F-A G41-PSSH 563 BZ-70-051 10.0"-FC-165 3 IC-1088 18 CSS F-C G41-PSR 564 BZ-7D-050 10.0"-FC-165 3 IC-10R8 18 P&S F-A G41-PSR 565 - BZ-7 D-055 8.0"-FC-059 3 .IC-847 17 LIN F-B

%). W


DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 67 of 162

' SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby Vent. & Control Room AC (M50).


' Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. ' Dwg. No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks M50-PSR2 BZ-524H-7 10.0"-CW-62 3 IC-872 'll P&S F-A M50-PSST 3 - M50-PSST-3 10.0"-CW-62 3 IC-872 12 CSS F-C M50-PSA4 BZ-524H-8 10.0"-CW-62 3- IC-871 12 P&S F-A M50-PSSTS M50-PSST-5 10.0"-CW-62 3 IC-871 12 LIN F-B M50-PSR6 BZ-524H-9 10.0"-CW-62 3 IC-1018 14 P&S F-A M50-PSA7 BZ-524H-10 10.0"-CW-62 3 IC-1018 14 P&S F-A M50-PSR9 BZ-5243-93 10.0"-CW-7 3 IC-926 13 CSS F-C M50-PSA 10 BZ-524H-Il 10.0"-CW-7 3 IC-926 13 P&S F-A M50 PSST 11 - M50-PSST-11 10.0"-CW-8 3 -IC-926 13 CSS .F-C M50-PSAl2 BZ-524H-12 10.0"-CW-8 3 IC-926 15 P&S F-A M50-PSA13 BZ-524H-14 8.0"-CW-9 3 IC-565 13 P&S F-A M50-PSA14 BZ-524K-19 8.0"-CW-9 3 IC-565 11 P&S F-A M50-PSR15 BZ-524K-20 8.0"-CW-9 3 IC-565 11 P&S F-A M50-PSA16 BZ-524H-17 8.0"-CW-9 3 IC-565 9 P&S F-A M50-PSA20 BZ-524H-19 8.0"-CW-18 3 'IC-927 15 P&S F-A M50-PSR21 BZ-524H-20 8.0"-CW-18 3 IC-927 15 CSS F-C M50-PSR22 BZ-524H-21 8.0"-CW-18 3 IC-927 15 CSS F-C M50-PSA23 BZ-524H-22 8.0"-CW-18 3 IC-927 15 P&S F-A M50-PSR24 BZ-524H-23 8.0"-CW-18 3 IC-1006 17 CSS F-C M50-PSA25 BZ-524H-24 8.0"-CW-18 3 IC-1006 17 P&S F-A M50-PSA26 BZ-524H-25 8.0"-CW-18 3 IC-1006 17 P&S F-A M50-PSR27 BZ-524H-26 8.0"-C W-18 3 IC-1006 17 CSS- F-C M50-PSST 28 BZ-524H-27 8.0"-CW-18 3 IC-1006 17 CSS F-C M50-PSA30 BZ-524K-28 8.0"-CW-47 3 IC-929 12 P&S F-A M50-PSR31 BZ-524H-30 8.0"-CW-47 3 IC-929 14 CSS F-C

*a. .

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 68 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby Vent. & Control Room AC (M50)'


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks t

M50-PSA32 - BZ-524H-31 8.0"-CW-47 3 IC-929 14 P&S F-A M50-PSA33 BZ-524H-32 8.0"-CW-47 3 IC-929 14 P&S F-A M50-PSA34 BZ-524H-33 8.0"-CW-59 3 IC-928 14 P&S F-A M50-PSA35 BZ-524K-28 8.0"-CW-59 3 IC-928 12 P&S F-A M50-PSR36 BZ-524H-30 8.0"-CW-59 3 IC-928 14 CSS F-C M50-PSA37 BZ-524H-36 8.0"-CW-59 3 IC-928 14 P&S F-A M50-PSA38 BZ-524H-32 8.0"-CW-59 3' IC-928 14 P&S F-A

M50-PSA39 BZ-524H-33 8.0"-CW-47 3 IC-929 14 P&S F-A
M50-PSA40 BZ-524H-10 10.0"-CW-45 3 IC-1019 14 P&S F-A M50-PSR41 BZ-524H-9 10.0"-CW-45 3 IC-1019 14 P&S F-A j M50-PSST 42 M50-PSST-42 10.0"-CW-45 3 IC-870 12 CSS F-C M50-PSA43 BZ-524H-8 10.0"-CW-45 . 3 IC-870 12 P&S F-A M50-PSST 44 M50-PSST-44 10.0"-CW-45 3 IC869 12 CSS F-C M50-PSR45 BZ-524H-7 10.0"-CW-45 '3 IC-869 11 P&S' F-A l M50-PSA47 BZ-524K-18 10.0"-CW-58 3 IC-1018 16 P&S F-A M50-PSA48 BZ-524K-18 10.0"-CW-46 3 IC-1019 16 P&S F-A M50-PSA49 BZ-524H-16 8.0"-CW-56 3 IC-1018 18 P&S F-A

- M50-PSA50 BZ-524H-16 8.0"-CW-51 3 IC-1019 18 P&S F-A M50-PSR51 BZ-524H-42 8.0"-CW-56 3 IC-1012 5 P&S F-A M50-PSR52 BZ-524H-42 8.0"-CW-51 3 IC-1007 5 P&S F-A M50-PSA53 BZ-524H-29 8.0"-CW-56 3 IC-1012 18 P&S F-A M50-PSA54 BZ-524H-29 8.0"-CW-51 .3 IC-1007 18 P&S F-A M50-PSA55 BZ-524 H-34 8.0"-C W-56 3 IC-1012 18 P&S F-A M50-PSA56 BZ-524H-34 8.0"-CW-51 3 IC-1007 18 P&S F-A M50-PSR57 BZ-524H-35 10.0"-CW-8 3 IC-926 15 CSS F-C

. j s &

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 69 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby Vent. & Control Room AC (M50)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks


M50-PSR59 BZ-524 H-38 8.0"-CW-13 3 IC-926 17 CSS F-C M50-PSR60 BZ-524H-39 8.0"-CW-13 3 IC-926 15 ' CSS F-C M50-PSR61 BZ-524H-40 8.0"-CW-13 3 IC-926 15 CSS- F-C M50-PSR63 BZ-524 H-43 8.0"-CW-13 3 IC-1003 17 P&S F-A M50-PSA64 BZ-524H-44 8.0"-CW-13 3 IC-1003 17 P&S F-A M50-PSR65 BZ-524H-45 8.0"-CW-13 3 IC-1003 17 CSS F-C M50-PSR66 BZ-524H-46 8.0"-CW- 13 .3 IC-1003 17 CSS F-C M50-PSA68 BZ-524H-58 10.0"-CW-20 3 IC-927 15 P&S F-A M50-PSST 70 M50-PSST-70 8.0"-CW-21 3 IC-927 13 CSS F-C M50-PSA71 BZ-524H-14 8.0"-CW-21 3 IC-927 13 P&S F-A M50-PSA72 BZ-524K-21 8.0"-CW-21 3 IC-864 11 P&S F-A M50-PSA73 BZ-524H-69 8.0"-CW-21 3 IC-864 9 P&S F-A M50-PSA78 BZ-574H-13 10.0"-CW-24 3 IC-927 13 CSS F-C M50-PSA79 BZ-524H-15 8.0"-CW-51 3 .. IC-1019 16 P&S F-A M50-PSA80 BZ-524H-15 8.0"-C W-56 3 'IC-1018 16 P&S F-A M50-PSSH159 M50-PSSH-159 10.0"-CW-24 3 TB-31 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR160 BZ-515F-16 ' 10.0"-C W-24 3 TB-31 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR161 BZ-515F-17 10.0"-CW-24 3 TB-31 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR162 BZ-515F-18 10.0"-CW-24 3 TB-31 21 P&S F-A M50-PSR163 BZ-515F-19 10.0"-CW-24 3 TB-31 21 P&S F-A M50-PSA 164 BZ-515F-20 10.0"-CW-24 3 IC-974 '21 P&S F-A M50-PSSH166 BZ-515F-44 10.0"-C W-7 3 - TB-30 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR167 BZ-515F-16 10.0"-CW-7 3 TB-30 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR168 BZ-515F-17 10.0"-CW-7 3 TB-30 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR169 BZ-515F-18 10.0"-CW-7 3 TB-30 21 P&S F-A e-



DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 70 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby Vent. & Control Room AC (M50)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping - Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks M50-PSR170 BZ-515F-19 10.0"-CW-7 3 TB-30 21 P&S F-A.

M50-PSA! 71 BZ-515F-26 10.0"-CW-7 3 IC-974 21 P&S F-A M50-PSSH172 M50-PSSH-172 10.0"-CW-45 3 TB-28 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR173 BZ-515F-21 10.0"-CW-45 3 TB-28 21 P&S F-A M50-PSR175 BZ-515F-23 10.0"-CW-95 3 TB-28 21 P&S F-A M50-PSA176 BZ-515F-24 10.0"-CW-45 3 TB-28 21 P&S F-A M50-PSA178 BZ-515F-25 10.0"-CW-45 3 IC-975 21 P&S F-A M50-PSSH179 M50-PSSH-179 10.0"-CW-62 3- TB-29 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR180 BZ-515F-21 10.0"-CW-62 3 TB-29 21 P&S F-A M50-PSR182 BZ-515F-23 10.0"-CW-62 3 TB-29 21 P&S F-A M50-PSA183 BZ-515F-24 10.0"-CW-62 3 TB-29 21 P&S F-A M50-PSA185 BZ-515F-25 10.0"-CW-62 3 IC-975 21 P&S F-A M50-PSST 601 M50-PSST-601 10.0"-CW-45 3 IC-975 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR602 BZ-537F-50 10.0"-CW-45 3 IC-904 23 CSS F-C M50-PSA603 BZ-537H-61 10.0"-CW-43 3 IC-904 23 P&S F-A M50-PSST 604 M50-PSST-604 10.0"-CW 3 IC-904 23 CSS F-C M50-PSA605 BZ-537F-52 10.0"-CW-45 3 IC-904 23 P&S F-A M50-PSST 606 M50-PSST-606 10.0"-CW-43 3 IC-904 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR607 BZ-537F-53 10.0"-CW-43 3 IC-904 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA608 BZ-537F-54 10.0"-CW-30 3 IC-904 23 P&S F-A M50-PSST 609 M50-PSST-609 10.0"-CW-62 3 IC-975 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR610 BZ-537F-55 10.0"-CW-63 3 IC-910 23 CSS F-C M50-PSA611 BZ-537F-56 10.0"-CW-63 3 IC-910 23 P&S F-A M50-PSST 612 M50-PSST-612 10.0"-CW-63 3 IC-909_ 23 CSS F-C M50-PSA613 BZ-537F-57 10.0"-CW-63 3 IC-909 23 P&S F-A l

l l

l l


DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 71 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby Vent. & Control Room AC (M50)


-ASME Ref. .

Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks M50-PSST 614 M50-PSST-614 10.0"-CW-63 3 IC-909 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR615 BZ-537F-58 ' 10.0"-CW-63 3 IC-909 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA616 BZ-537F-59 10.0"-CW-29 3 IC-908 23 P&S F-A M50-PSR617 BZ-537F-60 8.0"-CW-67 3- IC-910 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR618 BZ-537F-61 10.0"-CW-25 3 IC-907 23 P&S F-A M50-PSR619 BZ-537F-62 10.0"-CW-25 3 IC-907 23 P&S F-A M50-PSR620 BZ-537F-63 10.0"-CW-25 3 IC-907 23 P&S F-A M50-PSR621 BZ-537F-64 10.0"-CW-5 3 IC-903 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR622 BZ-537F-65 10.0"-CW-5 3 IC-903 23 P&S F-A M50-PSR623 BZ-537F-66 10.0"-CW-5 3 IC-903 23 P&S F-A M50-PSR624 BZ-537F-67 8.0"-CW-36 3 IC-903 23 CSS F-C

. M50-PSR626 BZ-524H-81 8.0"-CW-51 3 IC-1019 18 CSS F-C M50-PSR627 BZ-524H-81 8.0"-CW-56 3 IC-1018 18 CSS F-C M50-PSA630 BZ-537H-46 6.0"-CW-4 3 IC-905 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA631 BZ-537H-75 6.0"-CW-2 3 IC-905 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA632 BZ-537F-94 6.0"-CW-99 3 IC-973 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA633 BZ-537H-64 6.0"-CW-107 3 -IC-972 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA634 BZ-537H-84 6.0"-CW-28 3 IC-907 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA635 BZ-537H-77 6.0"-CW-27 3 IC-908 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA636 BZ-537H-85 6.0"-CW-42 3 IC-906 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA637 BZ-537H-76 6.0"-CW-40 3 IC-906 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA638 BZ-537H-78 6.0"-CW-66 3 IC-909 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA639 BZ-537H-79 6.0"-CW-65 3 IC-908 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA640 BZ-537H-27 6.0"-CW-39 3 IC-901 23 P&S F-A M50-PSA641 BZ-537H-28 6.0"-CW-41 3 IC-901 23 P&S F-A

.O O O DOCUMENT No. 33A0273 REV.1 Page 72 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby Vent. & Control Room AC (M50)



l Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support- _ Exam. ~

! Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks t

i M50-PSA642 BZ-537H-29 6.0"-CW-3 3 IC-902. '23 P&S F-A.

M50-PSA643 BZ-537H-30 6.0"-C W-1 3 IC-902 23 P&S F-A M50-PSR644 BZ-537H-31 6.0"-WS-313 3 IC-944' 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR651 BZ-537H-86 6.0"-WS-302 3 IC-941 23 P&S F-A-

_ M50-PSST 652 BZ-537H-89 6.0"-W S-304 3 IC-943 23 CSS F-C t M50-PSR653 BZ-537H-90 6.0"-WS-304 3 IC-943 23 CSS F-C BZ-537H-37 6.0"-WS-307 IC-943 F-C M50-PSST 654 3 23 CSS
. M50-PSR655 BZ-537H-90 6.0"-WS-305 3 IC-943 23 CSS F-C M50-PSST 656 BZ-537H-91 6.0"-WS-305 3 IC-943 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR657 BZ-537H-87 6.0"-WS-301 3 IC-941 23 P&S F-A M50-PSST 653 BZ-537H-88 6.0"-WS-301 3 IC-941 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR659 BZ-537F-89 6.0"-WS-316 3 IC-937 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR660 BZ-537F-89 6.0"-WS-316 3 IC-937 23 CSS F-C

' M50-PSST 661 BZ-537H-69 6.0"-WS-318 3 IC-939 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR663 BZ-537H-42 6.0"-WS-329 3 IC-940 23 P&S F-A 4 M50-PST665 BZ-537H-72 6.0"-WS-314 3 IC-939 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR666 BZ-537F-91 6.0"-WS-315 3 IC-937 23 CSS F-C M50-PSR667 BZ-537H-62 6.0"-CW-40 '3 IC-906 23 P&S. F-A i M50-PSR668 BZ-537F-92 6.0"-CW-42 3 IC-906 23 P&S F-A


M50-PSR669 BZ-537F-93 6.0"-C W-4 3 IC-905 23 P&S F-A M50-PSR670 BZ-537H-98 6.0"-CW-2 3 IC-905 23 P&S F-A M50-PSR678 BZ-537H-101 6.0"-C W-107 3 IC-972 23 CSS F-C i M50-PSR683 BZ-537H-101 ' 6.0"-CW-99 3 IC-973 23 CSS F-C i M50-PSR686 BZ-524H-88 8.0"-CW-18 3 IC-1006 17 P&S F-A

] M50-PSR687 BZ-524H-89 8.0"-C W-13 3 IC-1003 15 P&S F-A i

I i

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 73 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby Vent. & Control Room AC (M50)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping- Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks M50-PSR727 BZ-515F-34 10.0"-CW-45 3 TB-28 21~ LIN F-B M50-PSR728 BZ-515F-34 10.0"-CW-62 3 TB-29 21 LIN F-B M50-PSR729 BZ-515F-35 10.0"-CY/-45 3 TB-28 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR730 BZ-515F-35 10.0"-CW-62 3 TB-29 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR738 BZ-524H-100 8.0"-CW-13 3 IC-1003 15 P&S F-A M50-PSR740 BZ-515F-38 10.0"-CW-62 3 TB-29 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR742 BZ-515F-39 10.0"-CW-45 3 TB-28 21 CSS F-C

M50-PSST 744 BZ-515F-36 10.0"-CW-45 3 TB-28 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR745 BZ-515F-36 10.0"-CW-45 3 TB-28 21 CSS F-C i M50-PSST 746 BZ-515F-37 10.0"-CW-62 3 TB-29 21 CSS F-C M50-PSR747 BZ-515F-37 10.0"-CW-62 3 TB-29 21 CSS F-C M50-PSST 764 BZ-537F-137 6.0"-WS-317 3 IC-944 23 CSS F-C M50-PSST 765 BZ-537F-138 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-945 23 CSS F-C M50-PSST 766 BZ-537F-136 6.0"-WS-303 3 IC-945 23 CSS F-C i


DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 - Page 74 of 162 SYSTEM: Main Steam (Nil)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support . Exam. .

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks Nil-PSST-101 Nil-PSST-101 24.0"-SH P-3 2 IC-144 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-102 N il-PSST-102 24.0"-SH P-4 2 IC-554 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-103 Nil-PSST-103 24.0"-SH P-1 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-104 Nil-PSST-104 24.0"-SHP-1 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-105 Nil-PSST-105 24.0"-SH P-2 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C-Nil-PSST-106 Nil-PSST-106 - 24.0"-SH P-2 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C N 11-PSST-110 N11-PSST-110 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C N il-PSST-ll3 Ni l-PSST-ll3 24.0"-SHP-157 2 IC-554 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-ll4 Nil-PSST-Il4 24.0"-SHP-156 2 IC-144 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-ll5 Nil-PSST-ll5 24.0"-SHP-155 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSA-ll6 BZ-25C-3 24.0"-S H P-3 . 2 IC-144- 21 P&S F-A Nil-PSA-Il7 BZ-25C-3 24.0"-SHP-4 2 IC-554 21 P&S F-A Nil-PSA-ll8 BZ-25C-3 24.0"-SH P-1 2 IC-142 21 9&S F-A Nil-PSA-Il9 BZ-25C-3 24.0"-SHP-2 2 IC-143 21 P&S F-A Nil-PSR-131 BZ-25C-5 16.0"-SH P-51 2 IC-595 21 CSS. F-C Nil-PSST-147 Nil-PSST-147 24.0"-SH P-1 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-148 Nil-PSST-148 24.0"-SH P-2 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C N11-PSST-149 Nil-PSST-149 24.0"-SHP-3 2 ~ IC-144 21 CSS F-C N il-PSST-150 Nil-PSST-150 24.0"-SH P-4 2 IC-554 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-151 Nil-PSST-151 24.0"-SHP-142 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-152 Nil-PSST-152 24.0"-SHP-155 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-153 N11-PSST-153 24.0"-SHP-156 2 IC-144 21 CSS F-C-Nil-PSST-154 Nil-PSST-154 24.0"-SHP-157 2 IC-554 21 CSS F-C i Nil-PSST-155 Nil-PSST-155 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C L


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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 - REV.1 : Page 75 of 162

- SYSTEM: Main Steam (Nil)


e ASME Ref.

Support Support Line Size Code Piping . Support Support Exam.

Ident. 'Dwg.No. and Ident.

Class . Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks J

, N11-PSST-156 Nil-PSST-156 24.0"-SHP-155 2 IC-143 21. CSS F-C

! Nil-PSST-157 Nil-PSST-157 24.0"-SHP-156 2 IC-144 21 CSS F-C l Nil-PSST-158 Nil-PSST-158 24.0"-SHP-157 2 IC-554 21 CSS F-C

Nil-PSR-159 BZ-25C-7 16.0"-SH P-51 2 IC-595 21 LIN F-B Nil-PSST-160 Nil-PSST-160 16.0"-SHP-51 2 IC-595 21 CSS F-C
- Nil-PSST-161 Nil-PSST-161. 16.0"-SHP-51 2 IC-595 21 'LIN F-B l N11-PSR-163 BZ-25C-8 24.0"-SHP-3 2 IC-143 21 P&S F-A Nil-PSSH-164 Nil-PSSH-164 - 24.0"-SH P-2 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSH-165 Nil-PSSH-165 24.0"-SHP-2 2 IC-143 '21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSH-166 Nil-PSSH-166 24.0"-SH P-2 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSH-168 Nil-PSSH-168 24.0"-SH P-2 2 -IC-143 14 CSS F-C i Nil-PSSH-169 Nil-PSSH-169 24.0"-SH P-3 2 IC-144. 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSH-170 Nil-PSSH-170 ' 24.0"-SH P-3 2 IC-144 21. CSS F-C Nil-PSSH-171 Ni l-PSSH-171 24.0"-SH P-3 2 IC-144- 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSH-173 Nil-PSSH-173 24.0"-SHP-3 2 IC-144 13 CSS F-C l
Nil-PSR-174 RZ-25C-9 24.0"-SH P-4 2 IC-554 21 P&S F-A Nil-PSSH-175 Nil-PSSH-175 24.0"-SHP-4 2 IC-554 2 CSS F-C

! Nil-PSSH-177 N11-PSSH-l?7 24.0"-SHP-4 2 IC-554 13 CSS F-C

. Nil-PSR-178 BZ-25C-8 24.0"-SHP-1 2 IC-142 21 P&S F-A Nil-PSSH-179 Nil-PSSH-179 24.0"-SHP-1 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C N11-PSSH-180 Nil-PSSH-130 24.0"-SHP-1 2- IC-142 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSH-181 Nil-PSSH-ISI 24.0"-SHP-1 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C N11-PSSH-183 Nil-PSSH-183 24.0"-SHP-1 2 IC-142- 14 CSS F-C i

i l

l i

. . _ .. . . . . . . . - -. . - . . .._ . . - _ . - . - _ _ = .

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV. l' Page 76 of 162 SYSTEM: Main Steam (Nil)


Support Support Line Size Cade Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat.. Remarks I

Nil-PSSH-184 N il-PSSH-184 24.0"-SH P-4 2- IC-554 21 CSS- F-C Nil-PSST-186 N11-PSST-186 10.0"-SHP-97 2 IC-595 21 CSS F-C N11-PSST-188 N11-PSST-188 16.0"-SH P-50 2 IC-594. 21 LIN F-B Nil-PSR-189 BZ-25C-10 16.0"-SHP-50 2 IC-594 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSST-190 Nil-PSST-190 16.0"-SHP-50 ' 2. IC-594 21 LIN F-B

N11-PSSH-191 N11-PSSH-191 6.0"-SHP-139 - 2 IC-594 21 . CSS F-C

.l Nil-PSR-192 . BZ-25C-11 6.0"-SHP-159 2 IC-594 21 P&S F-A ,

Nil-PSA-193 BZ-25C-4 16.0"-SHP-50 2 IC-594 21 P&S F-A N11-PSST-373 BZ-25D-46 6.0"-SHP-159 2 IC-594 21 CSS. F-C Nil-PSR-385 BZ-25D-53 8.0"-SH P-67 2 IC-595 21 CSS F-C

Nil-PSR-386 BZ-25D-51 16.0"-SHP-50 2 IC-594- 21 LIN F-B l Nil-PSST-408 Nil-PSST-408 10.0"-SHP-88 2 IC-594 21 CSS. F-C i Nil-PSSP-800 BZ-25D-6 24.0"-SHP-1 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C-N il-PSSP-801 BZ-25D-7 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-802 BZ-25D-8 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-803 BZ-25D-9 24.0"-SHP-155 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C

! Nil-PSSP-804 BZ-25D-10 24.0"-SHP-156 2 IC-144 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-805 BZ-25D-Il 24.0"-SHP-157 2 IC-554 21 CSS- F-C Nil-PSSP-806 BZ-250-12 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C

, N11-PSSP-807 BZ-25D-13 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-142 21 CSS -F-C l Nil-PSSP-808 BZ-25D-12 24.0"-SHP-155 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C j Nil-PSSP-809 BZ-25D-13 24.0"-SHP-155 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C i


O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page'77 of 162 SYSTEM: Main Steam (Nil]


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks l

Nil-PSSP-810 BZ-25D-12 24.0"-SHP-156 2 IC-144 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-811 BZ-25D-13 24.0"-SHP-157 2 ' IC-144 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-812 BZ-25D-12 24.0"-SHP-157 2 ~ IC-554 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-813 BZ-25D-13 24.0"-SHP-157 2 IC-554 21 ' CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-838 BZ-25D-26 24.0"-SH P-1 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C N11-PSSP-839 BZ-25D-27 24.0"-SHP-1 2 IC-142 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-840 BZ-25D-28 24.0"-SHP-2 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-841 BZ-250-29 24.0"-SH P-2 2 IC-143 21 CSS F-C N11-PSSP-842 BZ-25D-30 24.0"-SHP-3 2 IC-144 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-843 BZ-25D-31 24.0"-SH P-3 2 IC-144 21 CSS F-C N11-PSSP-844 BZ-25D-32 24.0"-SH P-4 , 2 IC-554 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-845 BZ-25D-33 24.0"-SH P-4 . 2 IC-554 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-846 BZ-25D-34 16.0"-SH P-51 2 IC-595 21 CSS- F-C N11-PSSP-848 BZ-25D-36 10.0"-SH P-97 2 IC-595 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-852 BZ-25D-36 8.0"-SHP-67 2 IC-595 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-853 BZ-25D-37 10.0"-SHP-97 2 IC-595 21 CSS F-C N il-PSSP-855 BZ-25D-39 16.0"-SH P-50 2 IC-594 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-864 BZ-25D-20 16.0"-SH P-51 2 IC-595 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-865 BZ-25D-42 16.0"-SHP-50 2 IC-594 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-868 BZ-25D 52 16.0"-SHP-51 2 IC-595 21 CSS F-C Nil-PSSP-869 BZ-25D-54 8.0"-SH P-67 2 IC-595 21 CSS F-C

o o o DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 - REV.1 Page 78 of 162 S'YSTEM: Service Water (P41)


'ASME Ref.

Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

4 Ident. Dwg.No. . and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks j P41-PSSH6 P41-PSSH-6 20.0"-WS-316 2 IC-131 1 CSS F-C

! P41-PSSH8 P41-PSSH-8 20.0"-WS-298 2 IC-130 1 CSS F-C P41-PSA94 BZ-8G-11 20.0"-WS-298 2 IC-130 1 P&S F-A

, P41-PSSHI P41-PSSH-1 20.0"-WS-242 3 10-136 3 CSS F-C' P41-PSR2 BZ-33B-1 20.0"-WS-242 3. IC-135 2 P&S F-A P41-PSR3 BZ-33B-2 20.0"-WS-242 3 .IC-135 2 CSS F-C P41-PSSH4 P41-PSSH-4 20.0"-WS-242 3 IC-135 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSHS P41-PSSH-5 20.0"-WS-249 3 IC-131 1 CSS F-C i P41-PSSH9 P41-PSSH-9 20.0"-WS-250 3 IC-130 1 CSS F-C r P41-PSAll BZ-7D-37 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-1110 1 P&S F-A P41-PSSH13 P41-PSSH-13 16.0"-WS-217 3 IC-138 i CSS F-C P41-PSSH14 P41-PSSH-14 16.0"-WS-217 3 IC-138 1 CSS F-C

, P41-PSSH15 P41-PSSH-15 16.0"-WS-218 3 IC-139 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSH16 P41-PSS}I-16 16.0"-WS-218 3 IC-139 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSH17 P41-PSSH-17 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-132 l~ CSS F-C P41-PSA18 BZ-33B-3 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-132 1 P&S F-A j P41-PSR19 BZ-33B-4 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-133 8 P&S F-A l P41-PSR20 BZ-33B-5 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-133 8 P&S F-A P41-PSR21 BZ-33B-6 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-137 8 P&S F-A P41-PSR22 BZ-33B-7 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-133 7 P&S F-A l P41-PSSH23 P41-PSSH-23 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-133 7 CSS F-C P41-PSR24 BZ-33B-8 20.0"-WS-246 3 IC-133 7 P&S F-A s


O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 79 of 162 SYSTEM: Service Water (P41)



Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks P41-PSSH25 ' P41-PSSH-25 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-134 6 CSS F-C P41-PSSH26 P41-PSSH-26 20.0"-WS-246 3 IC-134 7 CSS F-C P41-PSSH28 P41-PSSH-28 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 2 CSS F-C P41-PSSH29 P41-PSSH-29 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 2 CSS F-C P41-PSR30 BZ-33B-9 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 9 P&S F-A P41-PSSH31 P41-PSSH-31 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 1 CSS F-C i P41-PSS32 P41-PSS-32 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 1 CSS F-C P41-PSST 33 P41-PSST-33 20.0"-WS-247 - 3 IC-136 1 CSS F-C P41-PSR34 BZ-33B-10 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-137 8 P&S F-A P41-PSS35 P41-PSS-35 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-137- 8 CSS F-C P41-PSSH36 P41-PSSH-36 20.0"-WS-247 3. IC-137 8 CSS F-C P41-PSSH38 P41-PSSH-38 16.0"-WS-219 3 IC-140 8 CSS F-C P41-PSR39 BZ-33B-11 16.0"-WS-219 3- IC-140 8- P&S F-A P41-PSSH41 P41-PSSH-41 16.0"-WS-220 3 IC-141 8 CSS- F-C P41-PSR42 BZ-33B-12 16.0"-WS-220 3 IC-141 8 P&S F-A P41-PSR44 BZ-33B-13 16.0"-WS-217 3 IC-138 1 P&S F-A-P41-PSR46 BZ-33C-4 20.0"-WS-211 3 IC-552 24 CSS F-C-P41-PSR47 BZ-33C-5 20.0"-WS-210 3 IC-550 24 CSS F-C P41-PSR48 BZ-33C-6 24.0"-WS-212 3 IC-552 24 P&S F- A P41-PSR49 - BZ-33C-7 24.0"-WS-212 3 IC-552 24 CSS F-C P41-PSST 51 P41-PSST-51 18.0"-WS-205 3 IC-549 24 CSS F-C P41-PSST 52 P41-PSST-52 18.0"-WS-206 3 IC-549 24 CSS F-C I


,a e . --

O~ O O' DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 - REV.1 - Page 80 of 162

. SYSTEM: Service Water (P41)


] Support Support Line Size Code - Piping Support Support Exam. ,

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks '

i P41-PSST 53 P41-PSST-53 20.0"-WS-211 3 IC-552 24 CSS F-C P41-PSR54 BZ-33C-9 24.0"-WS-209 3 IC-550 24 CSS F-C

. P41-PSR56 BZ-33C-10 20.0"-WS-211 3 IC-552 -24 LIN F-B I P41-PSR57 BZ-33C-11 20.0"-WS-211 3 IC-552 24 P&S F-A P41-PSR58 BZ-33C-Il 24.0"-WS-209 3 IC-550 23 P&S F-A i - P41-PSST 59 P41-PSST 18.0"-WS-207 3 IC-519 24 CSS F-C P41-PSST 60 P41-PSST-60 18.0"-WS-208 3 IC-519 24 CSS. F-C 1 P41-PSR61 BZ-33C-12 24.0"-WS-209 3 IC-550 24. CSS F-C P41-PSR65 P41-PSR-65 20.0"-WS-211 3 IC-446- 24 CSS F-C P41-PSSH66 P41-PSSH-66 20.0"-WS-211 3 IC-446 24 CSS F-C P41-PSSH68 P41-PSSH-68 20.0"-WS-210 3 IC-450 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSH69 P41-PSSH-69 20.0"-WS-210 3' IC-450 24 CSS F-C P41-PSA79 BZ-537F-20 8.0"-WS-281 3- IC-975 23 P&S F-A I

P41-PSR80 BZ-537F-21 8.0"-WS-281 3 IC-940 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR81 BZ-537F-22 8.0"-WS-281 3 IC-453 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR82 BZ-537F-23 8.0"-WS-281 3 IC-940 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR83 BZ-537F-24 8.0"-WS-281 ' 3 IC-940 23 CSS F-C l P41-PSR84 BZ-537F-25 8.0"-WS-281 3. IC-940 23 P&S F-A

! P41-PSA85 DZ-537F-26 8.0"-WS-281 3 IC-940 23 P&S F-A 3 P41-PSR90 BZ-537F-30 8.0"-WS-282 3 IC-943 23 LIN- F-B P41-PSST 91 P41-PSST-91 8.0"-WS-282 3 IC-943 23 CSS F-C P41-PSA92 BZ-537F-31 ' 8.0"-WS-282 3 IC-943 23 P&S F-A

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 81 of 162 SYSTEM: Service Water (P41)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. andIdent. Class Iso. Loc. Type- Cat. _ Remarks P41-PSR100 BZ-537F-41 10.0"-WS-255 3 IC-1409 23 P&S F-A j P41-PSR101 BZ-537F-42 8.0"-WS-232 3 IC-937 23 P&S F-A P41-PSR102 BZ-537F-43 8.0"-WS-232 3 IC-937 23 LIN F-B P41-PSA103 BZ-537F-44 8.0"-WS-231 3 IC-941 23 P&S F-A P41-PSSH104 P41-PSSH-104 10.0"-WS-230 3 IC-1409 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR105 BZ-537F-45 10.0"-WS-230 3 IC-941 23 P&S F-A P41-PSR106 BZ-537F-46 12.0"-WS-233 3 IC-941 23 P&S F-A P41-PSR109 BZ-537F-48 8.0"-WS-231 3 IC-941 23 LIN F-B P41-PSR110 BZ-537F-49 8.0"-WS-231 3 IC-941 23 P&S F-A P41-PSSTill P41-PSST-lli 24.0"-WS-209 3 IC-550 24 CSS F-C P41-PSSTil2 P41-PSST-112 16.0"-WS-213 3 IC-552 24 CSS F-C P41-PSRll3 BZ-33C-14 24.0"-WS-212 3 IC-552 24 P&S F-A P41-PSR124 BZ-33C-18 20.0"-WS-211 3 IC-446 24 CSS F-C P41-PSSH125 B41-PSSH-125 20.0"-WS-211 3 IC-446 24 CSS F-C P41-PSSH126 P41-PSSH-126 20.0"-WS-210 3 IC-450 21 CSS F-C P41-PSST 127 P41-PSST-127 6.0"-WS-343 3 IC-1089 17 CSS F-C P41-PSAl28 BZ-7C-48 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-1089 15 P&S F-A P41-PSR131 BZ-7C-44 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-Ill0 1 CSS F. C P41-PSR132 BZ-7C-46 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-ll10 2 CSS F-C P41-PSST 133 P41-PSST-133 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-ll10 2 LIN F-B P41-PSR134 BZ-/C-91 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-Ill0 2 CSS F-C

% G p)

L DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 82 of 162 SYSTEM: Service Water (P41)


Support SupporI Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks P41-PSR135 BZ-7D-17 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-Ill0 11 CSS F-C P41-PSST 136 P41-PSST-136 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-lil0 13- CSS F-C P41-PSR137 BZ-7D-15 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-Il10 13 CSS F-C P41-PSR138 BZ-7D-18 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-1089 15 CSS F-C P41-PSR139 BZ-7D-21 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-1089 15 CSS F-C P41-PSA140 BZ-7D-22 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-1089 15 P&S F-A P41-PSR141 BZ-7D-20 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-1089 15 LIN F-B P41-PSR142 BZ-70-16 6.0"-WS-306 3 IC-1089 15 CSS F-C P41-PSR155 BZ-537H-43 6.0"-WS-258 3 IC-1463 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR156 BZ-537H-44 6.0"-WS-260 3 IC-1464 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR157 BZ-537H-45 6.0"-WS-261 3 IC-1465 23 CSS F-C P41-PSST 158 BZ-537H-54 6.0"-WS-258 3 IC-1463 23 LIN F-B P41-PSST 159 BZ-537H-55 6.0"-WS-267 3 IC-1464 23 LIN F-B P41-PSST 160 BZ-537H-56 6.0"-WS-265 3 IC-1465 23 LIN F-B P41-PSR161 BZ-537H-51 6.0"-WS-258 3 IC-1463 23 P&S F-A P41-PSR162 BZ-537H-52 6.0"-WS-267 3 IC-1464 23 P&S F-A P41-PSR163 BZ-537H-53 6.0"-WS-265 3 IC-1465 23 P&S F-A P41-PSR164 BZ-537H-73 6.0"-WS-271 3 IC-775 23 P&S F-A-P41-PSR165 BZ-537!G18 6.0"-WS-274 3 IC-1460 23 P&S F-A P41-PSST 166 BZ-537H-80 6.0"-WS-274 3 IC-1460 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR167 BZ-537H-31 6.0"-WS-274 3 IC-1460 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR168 BZ-537H-59 6.0"-WS-269 3 IC-777 23 P&S F-A

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 83 of 162 -

SYSTEM: Service Water (P41) _


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

! Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks P41-PSR169 BZ-537H-58 6.0"-WS-272 3 IC-1462 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR170 BZ-537H-60 6.0"-WS-270 3 IC-776 23 P&S F-A

P41-PSR171 BZ-537H-57 6.0"-WS-273 3 IC-1461 23- P&S F-A i P41-PSST 172 BZ-537H-50 6.0"-WS-273 3 IC-1461 23 CSS F-C
P41-PSA173 BZ-537K-17 6.0"-WS-274 3 IC-1460 23 P&S F-A l P41-PSA174 DZ-537K-15 6.0"-WS-272 3 IC-1462 23 P&S F-A.

P41-PSA175 BZ-537K-16 6.0"-WS-273 3 IC-1461 23 P&S F-A li P41-PSR176 BZ-537H-32 6.0"-WS-274 3 IC-1460 23 CSS F-C P41-PSSH401 BZ-33B-32 6.0"-WS-293 3 IC-131 1 CSS F-C i P41-PSR402 BZ-33B-41 6.0"-WS-293 3 IC-131 1 P&S F-A IC-141 F-C P41-PSSH515 P41-PSSH-515 16.0"-WS-220 3 8 CSS P41-PSR517 BZ-33C-21 20.0"-WS-210 3 IC-450 24 P&S F-A

P41-PSA625 BZ-537F-68 8.0"-WS-232 3 IC-937 23 P&S F-A

] P41-PSR626 BZ-537F-100 10.0"-WS-252 3 IC-1467 23 P&S F-A P41-PSR627 BZ-537F-101 10.0"-WS-252 3 IC-1467 23 P&S F-A P41-PSR628 BZ-537F-102 10.0"-WS-252 3 IC-1467 23 P&S F-A P41-PSR629 BZ-537K-7 10.0"-WS-254 3 IC-1467 23 LIN F-B P41-PSR630 BZ-537F-104 10.0"-WS-254 3 IC-941 23 P&S F-A P41-PSSH635 BZ-3C-19 20.G"-WS-210 3 IC-551 24 CSS F-C i

P41-PSSH636 BZ-33C-20 20.0"-WS-211 3 IC-552 24 CSS F-C P41-PSR650 BZ-537H-65 8.0"-WS-231 3 IC-941 23 LIN F-B P41-PSR658 BZ-537L-17 6.0"-WS-274 3 IC-1460 23 CSS F-C l


DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 84 of 162 -

' SYSTEM: Service Water (P41)


Support Support' Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam. >

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks P41-PSR659 BZ-537L-18 6.0"-WS-273 '3 IC-1461- 23 P&S F-A.

P41-PSR660 BZ-537L-21 6.0"-WS-272 3 IC-1462 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR664 BZ-537L-22 8.0"-WS-281 3 IC-975 23 P&S F-A P41-PSSH667 BZ-537L-7 6.0"-WS-272 3 IC-1462 23 CSS F-C.

P41-PSSH677 BZ-537L-18 6.0"-WS-273 3 IC-1461 23. CSS F-C P41-PSR681 BZ-537L-76 8.0"-WS-281 3 IC-975 23 P&S F-A P41-PSSP800 BZ-33B-16 20.0"-WS-242 3 IC-135 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP801 BZ-33B-17 20.0"-WS-249 3 IC-131 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP802 BZ-33B-17 20.0"-WS-249 3 IC-131 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP803 BZ-33B-18 20.0"-WS-250 3 IC-130 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP804 BZ-33B-18 20.0"-WS-250 3 IC-130 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP805 BZ-33B-19 16.0"-WS-217 3 IC-138 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP807 BZ-338-21 16.0"-WS-218 3 IC-139 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP808 BZ-33B-22 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-132 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP809 BZ-33B-23 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-132 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP810 BZ-33B-24 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-133 7 CSS F-C P41-PSSP811 BZ-338-25 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-134 6 CSS F-C P41-PSSP812 BZ-33B-26 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 2 CSS F-C P41-PSSP813 BZ-33B-27 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 2 CSS F-C ,

P41-PSSP814 BZ-33B-28 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 2 CSS F-C P41-PSSP815 BZ-33B-29 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP816 BZ-33B-30 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-137 8- CSS F-C

O O O SYSTEM: Service Water (P41)


ASME Ref.-

! Support. Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

1 Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type. . Cat. Remarks P41-PSSP817 BZ-33C-16 18.0"-WS-208 3 IC-519 24 CSS F-C i P41-PSSP818 BZ-33C-16 18.0"-WS-207 3 IC-519 24 CSS F-C P41-PSSP819 BZ-33C-17 18.0"-WS-206 3 IC-549 24 CSS F-C  !

! P41-PSSP820 BZ-33C-17 18.0"-WS-205 3 IC-549 24 CSS F-C

  • P41-PSSP821 BZ-33B-31 20.0"-WS-246 3 IC-134- 7~ CSS F-C P41-PSSP831 BZ-33B-31 20.0"-WS-246 3 IC-134 7- CSS F-C  !

P41-PSSH832 BZ-33B-31 20.0"-WS-246 3 IC-134 7 CSS F-C -

P41-PSST 865 BZ-33B-34 10.0"-WS-449 3 IC-1511 1 CSS F-C 4 P41-PSST 866 BZ-33B-34 10.0"-WS-447 3 IC-1510 1 CSS F-C l P41-PSR867. BZ-33B-39 6.0"-WS-398 3 IC-1540 9 CSS F-C 4 P41-PSSP868 BZ-33B-40 6.0"-WS-398 3 IC-1540 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP869 BZ-33B-40 6.0"-WS-398 3 IC-1540 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSH870 BZ-33B-37 6.0"-WS-398 .3 IC-1540 1 CSS F-C

! P41-PSSH871 _ BZ-338-44 20.0"-WS-249 3 IC-131 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSH872 BZ-33B-38 10.0"-WS-450 3 IC-1512- 1 CSS F-C i P41-PSSP873 BZ-33B-33 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP874 BZ-33B-43 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1510 1 CSS F-C l P41-PSSP875 BZ-33B-36 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 8 CSS F-C i P41-PSSH876 BZ-33B-35 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 8 CSS F-C l P41-PSSH877 BZ-33B-42 6.0"-WS-293 3 IC-131 1 CSS F-C '

P41-PSST 878 BZ-33B-43 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 1 CSS F-C P41-PSR911 BZ-33B-33 10.0"-WS-447 3 IC-1538 1 LIN F-B a

1 i


A p d C b DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 86 of 162 SYSTEM: Service Water (P41)




Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam. .

Ident. Dwg.No. nnd Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. - Remarks -

P41-PSST 912 BZ-33B-36 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 8 CSS- F-C P41-PSSP914 BZ-33B-49 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-137 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP915 BZ-33B-50 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-137 8 CSS F-C P41-PSSH916 BZ-33B-48 20.0"-WS-242 3 IC-131 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSH917 BZ-33B-45 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-130 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSH918 BZ-33B-46 16.0"-WS-217 3 IC-138 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP919 ' BZ-33B-47 20.0"-WS-242 3 IC-135 1 CSS F-C P41-PSR941 BZ-537F-130 10.0"-WS-255 3 IC-1409 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR942 BZ-537F-131 8.0"-WS-232 3 IC-937 23 LIN F-B P41-PSSP951 BZ-537H-121 6.0"-WS-260 3- IC-1464 23 CSS F-C P41-PSR952 BZ-537H-122 6.0"-WS-261 3 IC-1467 22 CSS F-C P41-PSR953 BZ-537H-123 6.0"-WS-265 3 IC-1465 23 LIN F-B P41-PSSP960 BZ-33C-29 20.0"-WS-242 3 IC-136 3 CSS F-C P41-PSSP961 BZ-33C-30 16.0"-WS-218 3 IC-139 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP962 BZ-33C-31 16.0"-WS-217 3 IC-138 1 CSS F-C P41-PSA965 BZ-31B-55 10.0"-WS-253 3 IC-1466 23 P&S F-A P41-PSSH967 BZ-33C-35 24.0"-WS-212 3 IC-552 24 CSS F-C P41-PSR968 BZ-33C-32 24.0"-WS-212 3 IC-552 24 CSS- F-C P41-PSSP969 BZ-33B-58 6.0"-WS-398 3 IC-1540 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP970 BZ-333-57 20.0"-WS-242 3 IC-135 1 CSS F-C P41-PSH971 BZ-33C-34 10.0"-WS-447 3 IC-1510 1 CSS F-C P41-PSSP972 BZ-33C-33 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 8 CSS F-C -

P41-PSR974 BZ-537L-116 8.0"-WS-282 3 IC-943 23 P&S F-A

O . O ;O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 87 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Closed Loop Cooling Water (P42)



Support Support - Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat.~ Remarks '

P42-PSA9 BZ-3D-6 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-261 3- P&S F-A P42-PSR10 BZ-3D-7 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-261 3 P&S F-A 4

P42-PSR12 BZ-3D-9 6.0"-RCL-501 - 3 IC-261 9 P&S F-A P42-PSA13 BZ-3D-10 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-261 11 P&S F-A P42-PSA14 BZ-3D-I l 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-261 13 P&S F-A 4 P42-PSA15 BZ-3D-12 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-261 15 P&S F-A P42-PSA17 BZ-3D-5 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-260 15 P&S F-A P42-PSST 18 P42-PSST 18 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-260 15 CSS F-C P42-PSA19 BZ-3D-44 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-260 15 P&S F-A P42-PSR20 BZ-3D-16 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-260 15 P&S F-A P42-PSA21 BZ-3D-15 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-260 15 P&S F-A P42-PSA22 BZ-3C-128 10.0"-RCL-504 3 IC-257 3 P&S F-A l P42-PSR25 BZ-3D-17 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-258 9 CSS F-C P42-PSA26 BZ-3D-10 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-258 11 P&S F-A P42-PSA27 BZ-3D-18 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-258 13 P&S F-A i P42-PSR28 BZ-3D-21 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-258 13 CSS F-C P42-PSA29 BZ-3D-12 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-258 13 P&S F-A P42-PSR30 BZ-3D-22 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-259 15 P&S F-A P42-PSA31 BZ-3D-5 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-259 15 P&S F-A P42-PSST 32 P42-PSST 32 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-259 15 CSS F-C '

p42-PSA33 13Z-3D-44 6.0"-RCL-503 - 3 IC-259 15 P&S F-A

P42-PSR34 BZ-3D-16 6.0"-RCL-503 3' IC-259 15 LIN F-B P42-PSR35 BZ-3D-24 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-259 15 CSS F-C P42-PSR37 BZ-3D-25 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-259 16 P&S F-C ,

P42-PSR38 BZ-3D-31 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-259 18 P&S F-A P42-PSR39 BZ-3D-31 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-273 18 CSS F-C J

P42-PSR63 BZ-3D-45 6.0"-RCL-506 3 IC-268 6 CSS F-C P42-PSST 64 P42-PSST 64 6.0"-RCL-506 3 IC-268 6 CSS F-C

_._ _ _ _ 7 .. __

i '

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273. REV.1 Page 88~of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Closed Loop Cooling Water (P42) ~



. ASME Ref.

Support I Support Line Size Code-, Piping Support Support . Exam. -

Ident. Dwg.No.- and Ident. Class ' Iso. Loc.' Type- Cat. Remarks P42-PSR65 BZ-3D-46 - 6.0"-RCL-506 3 IC-268 6' CSS .F-C P42-PSR66 - BZ-3D - 6.0"-RCL-506 3 IC-268 6 LIN F-B P42-PSR67 BZ-3C-48 - 6.0"-RCL-506 3 IC-268 10 CSS F-C' P42-PSA68 .. BZ-3C-125 6.0"-RCL-509 3 .IC-264 7 P&S F-A P42-PSSH69 - BZ-3D-49 6.0"-RCL-509 3 IC-264 6 CSS F-C-P42-PSR72 BZ-3D-53 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-274 10 P&S- F-A P42-PSR73 BZ-3D-54 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-274 12 P&S F-A P42-PSA74 _ BZ-3D-55 6.0"-RCL-506 3 IC-268 12 P&S -F-A P42-PSR121 - BZ-3D 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-274 14 P&S F-A P42-PSA122 BZ-3D-85 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-274 14 P&S F-A P42-PSR123 BZ-3C-66 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-274 16 CSS F-C

.. P42-PSR124 BZ-3C-70 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-273 16 LIN F-B P42-PSAl25 BZ-3C-64 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-273 16 P&S. F-A P42-PSR126 BZ-3C-135 -6.0"-RCL-508 3' IC-273 16 CSS F-C P42-PSST 143 P42-PSST 143 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-273 16 CSS F-C P42-PSA144 BZ-3D-30 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-273 16 P&S F-A P42-PSR145 BZ-3C-65 6.0"-RCL-508 3 IC-273 16 P&S '

_ F-A

- P42-PSA 146 BZ-3D-42 6.0"-RCL-525 3 IC-272 18 P&S F-A P42-PSST 147 P42-PSST 147 6.0"-RCL-525 3 ~IC-272 18 CSS F-C P42-PSA148 BZ-3C-88 6.0"-RCL-525 3 IC-272 18 P&S F-A P42-PSA154 BZ-3C-138 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-258 3 P&S F-A P42-PSA174 BZ-3D-Il8 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-252 10 P&S F-A P42-PSR175 . BZ-3D-Il9 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-252. 13 -

P&S F-A P42-PSR176' BZ-3D-120 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-291 13 LIN F-B P42-PSR177 . BZ-3D-101 . 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-291 14 P&S F-A P42-PSR!?S BZ-3D-123 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-291 14 .P&S F-A P42-PSR179 BZ-3D-145 3.0"-RCL-197 3 ~IC-291 16 CSS F-C' P42-PSR180 DZ-3D-36 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-292 16 CSS F-A e-m y

G O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 89 of 162 l SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Closed Loop Cooling Water (P42)


Support Support Line Size Code . Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident.' Dwg.No. andident. Class Iso. Loc.- Type Cat. Remarks P42-PSR181 BZ-3 D-126 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-292 16 P&S F-A I P42-PSA182 ' BZ-3C-50 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-292 16 P&S 'F-A.

. P42-PSA183 BZ-3D-I l 8 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-288 10 P&S F-A P42-PSR184 BZ-3D-129 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-288 14 LIN F-B P42-PSR185 BZ-3D-120 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-288 13 LIN F-B P42-PSR186 BZ-3D-101 8.0"-RCL-198 - 3 IC-288 14 P&S F-A

P42-PSR187 BZ-3D-123 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-288 14 P&S F-A P42-PSR188 BZ-3D-145 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-288 16 CSS F-C P42-PSR189 BZ-3 D-36 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-289 16 P&S F-A P42-PSR190 BZ-3D-126 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-289 16 P&S F-A P42-PSA191 BZ-3C-50 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-289 16 P&S F-A

! P42-PSA192 BZ-3C-146 - 14.0"-RCL-350 3 IC-252 8 P&S F-A

P42-PSA193 BZ-3C-146 14.0"-RCL-192 3 .IC-248 .8 P&S F-A P42-PSSH194 P42-PSSH194 ' 14.0"-RCL-350 3 IC-252 8 CSS F-C-
P42-PSR195 BZ-3D-139 14.0"-RCL-350 3 IC-252 10 P&S F-A

. P42-PSR196 BZ-3D-140 14.0"-RCL-192 3 IC-253 10 P&S F-A

! P42-PSST 199 P42-PSST 199 8.0"-RCL-338 3' IC-256 10 CSS F-C 1

P42-PSST 201 P42-PSST 201 8.0"-RCL-452 3 IC-255 9 CSS F-C P42-PSR202 P42-PSR202 8.0"-RCL-339 3 IC-255 10 LIN F-B P42-PSST 203 P42-PSST 203 8.0"-RCL-205 3 IC-253 10 CSS F-C P42-PSA204 BZ-3C-147 8.0"-RCL-4 3 IC-267 18 P&S F-A P42-PSSH209 P42-PSSH209 8.0"-RCL-4 3- IC-267 16 CSS F-C P42-PSR210 - BZ-3D-13 8.0"-RCL-506 3 IC-267 14 CSS F-C i

i e


0 O- O DOCUMENT No. 83 A0273 REV.1 Page 91 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Closed Loop Cooling Water (P42)



Support Support Line Size Code - Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. ' Dwg. No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks P42-PSR237 BZ-3C-82 8.0"-RCL-201 3 IC-270 17 LIN F-B' P42-PSR238 BZ-3C-78 8.0"-RCL-202 3 IC-270 18 CSS F-C P42-PSSH239 P42-PSSH239 8.0"-RCL-4 3 IC-1017 18 CSS F-C P42-PSR240 BZ-3C-86 8.0"-RCL-202 3 IC-289 16 P&S F-A P42-PSSH241 P42-PSSH241 - 8.0"-RCL-2 3 IC-270 18 CSS F-C P42-PSR242 BZ-3C-87 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-1017 16 P&S F-A P42-PSSH243 P42-PSSH243 8.0"-RCL-5 3 IC-269 18 CSS F-C P42-PSST 244 P42-PSST 244 6.0"-RCL-15 3 IC-267 17 CSS F-C P42-PSSH245 P42-PSSH245 8.0"-RCL-1 3 IC-269 17 CSS F-C P42-PSSH246 P42-PSSH246 8.0"-RCL-1 3 IC-269 17 CSS F-C P42-PSR247 BZ-3C-97 8.0"-RCL-4 3 IC-1017 18 CSS F-C P42-PSSH248 P42-PSSH248 6.0"-RCL-525 3 IC-272 17 CSS F-C P42-PSSH249 P42-PSSH249 6.0"-RCL-15 3 IC-267 17 CSS F-C P42-PSR250 BZ-3C-89 8.0"-RCL-4 3 IC-1017 18 CSS F-C P42-PSR251 BZ-3C-166 6.0"-RCL-15 3 IC-267 17 CSS F-C P42-PSR252 BZ-3C-83 . 8.0"-RCL-4 3 IC-267 18 P&S F-A P42-PSSH253 - P42-PSSH253 6.0"-RCL-13 3 IC-272 17 CSS F-C P42-PSR254 BZ-3C-167 8.0"-RCL-1 3 IC-269 17 CSS F-C P42-PSR255 BZ-3C-77 8.0"-RCL-5 3 IC-1017 18 P&S F-A P42-PSR262 BZ-3C-105 10.0"-RCL-509 3 IC-254 8 P&S F-A P42-PSR263 P42-PSR263 10.0"-RCL-509 3 IC-254 8 LIN F-B P42-PSA264 BZ-3C-127 10.0"-RCL-509 3 IC-254 8 P&S F-A P42-PSST 265 P42-PSST 265 10.0"-RCL-509 3 IC-254 7 CSS F-C

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 .REV.1 Page'90 of 16.

SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Closed Loop Cooling Water (P42)


Support Support Line Size Code ~ . Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type . Cat. Remarks P42-PSR211 BZ-3D-26 6.0"-RCL-506 3 IC-267 14 CSS F-C P42-PSR212 BZ-3D-27 6.0"-RCL-506 3 IC-267 16 P&S F-A P42-PSR213 BZ-3D-37 8.0"-RCL-4 3 IC-267 16 P&S F-A 4 P42-PSA215 BZ-3C-159 6.0"-RCL-32 3 IC-270 18 P&S F-A P42-PSR218 - BZ-3C-164 8.0"-RCL-1 3 IC-269 17 P&S F-A

! P42-PSR219 BZ-3C-165 8.0"-RCL-1 3 IC-269 17 CSS F-C P42-PSR220 BZ-3D-21 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-261 13 CSS F-C P42-PSR221 BZ-3D-22 6.0"-RCL-501 3 IC-260 15 P&S F-A P42-PSST 222 P42-PSST 222 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-292 16 CSS F-C P42-PSST 223 P42-PSST 223 8.0"-RCL-201 3 IC-292 15 CSS F-C P42-PSST 224 P42-PSST 224 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-269 15 CSS F-C P42-PSR225 BZ-3C-160 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-292 16 LIN F-B l P42-PSST 226 P42-PSST 226 - 8.0"-RCL-201 3 IC-270 17 LIN F-B i .P42-PSST 227 P42-PSST 227 8.0"-RCL-202 3 IC-270 18 LIN F-B j P42-PSSH228 P42-PSSH228 8.0"-RCL-202 3 IC-289 16 CSS F-C i P42-PSR229 BZ-3C-161 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-292 15 P&S F-A j P42-PSSH230 P42-PSSH230 6.0"-RCL-32 3 IC-270 18 CSS F-C

! P42-PSST 231 P42-PSST 231 8.0"-RCL-4 3 IC-1017 18 CSS F-C P42-PSST 232 P42-PSST 232 8.0"-RCL-5 3 IC-1017 18 CSS F-C P42-PSR233 BZ-3C-162 8.0"-RCL-197 3- IC-292 15 CSS F-C P42-PSR234 BZ-3C-163 8.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-269 17 CSS F-C

, P42-PSST 235 P42-PSST 235 8.0"-RCL-2 3 IC-270 18 CSS F-C

! P42-PSST 236 P42-PSST 236 8.0"-RCL-5 3 IC-269 17 CSS F-C i



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O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 O

' Page 92 of'162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Closed Loop Cooling Water (P42)



i Support Support Line Size . Code Piping Support Support Exam.

l Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc.~ Type ' Cat. Remarks -

P42-PSR266 BZ-3C-103 10.0"-RCL-509 3 IC-254 .7 LIN F-B P42-PSST 267 - P42-PSST 267 10.0"-RCL-509 3 IC-254 7 LIN F-B P42-PSSH268 P42-PSSH268 ' 14.0"-RCL-511 3 : IC-250 8 CSS- F-C PS2-PSST 269 P42-PSST 269 14.0"-RCL-511 3 IC-251- 8 CSS F-C i

P42-PSR270 BZ-3C-154 14.0"-RCL-511 3 IC-251 8 CSS F-C P42-PSSH271 P42-PSSH271 14.0"-RCL-511 3 IC-251 8 CSS F-C P42-PSR272 P42-PSR272 10.0"-RCL-194 3 IC-251, 8 LIN F-B

P42-PSR273 BZ-3C-149 10.0"-RCL-194 3 IC-251 8 P&S F-A P42-PSST 275 BZ-3C-156 12.0"-RCL-545 3 IC-248 8 CSS F-C i P42-PSST 276 P42-PSST 275 ~ 14.0"-RCL-192 3 IC-248 8 CSS F-C
P42-PSR277 BZ-3C-151 14.0"-RCL-543 3 IC-248 1 CSS F-C j P42-PSST 278 P42-PSST 278 14.0"-RCL-350 3 IC-249 8 LIN F-B
P42-PSR279 BZ-3C-158 14.0"-RCL-350 3 IC-249 8 CSS F-C i P42-PSR280 BZ-3C-150 14.0"-RCL-350 3 IC-249 1 CSS F-C

! P42-PSST 281 P42-PSST 281 14.0"-RCL-542 3 IC-249 1 CSS F-C

! P42-PSST 282 P42-PSST 282 10.0"-RCL-504 '3 IC-257 2 LIN F-B i P42-PSR283 BZ-3C-133 10.0"-RCL-504 3 ' IC-257 2 CSS F-C I

P42-PSST 284 P42-PSST 284 10.0"-RCL-504 3 IC-257 2- CSS F-C P42-PSR285 BZ-3C-99 10.0"-RCL-504 3 IC-246 1 P&S F-A P42-PSR286 BZ-3C-100 10.0"-RCL-504 3 IC-246 1 P&S F-A P42-PSR287 BZ-3C-102 10.0"-RCL-504 3 IC-246 i P&S F-A P42-PSA288 BZ-3C-131 10.0"-RCL-504 3 IC-246 1- P&S -F-A 4

P42-PSR289 BZ-3C-134 10.0"-RCL-504 3 IC-246 8 LIN F-B i

4 1



-DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 93 of 162 -

SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Closed Loop Cooling Water (P42)



Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks P42-PSST 290 P42-PSST 290 10.0"-RCL-504 3 IC-246 8 CSS F-C

. P42-PSR291 BZ-3C-155 - 14.0"-RCL-510 3 IC-246 8 CSS F-C l P42-PSSH292 P42-PSSH292 14.0"-RCL-510 3 IC-247 8 CSS F-C P42-PSR293 BZ-3C-148 10.0"-RCL-193 3 IC-247 8 P&S F-A P42-PSR294 BZ-3C-152 10.0"-RCL-193 3 IC-247 1 CSS F-C P42-PSR302 BZ-3C-157 8.0"-RCL-2 3 IC-270 18 CSS F-C P42-PSA329 BZ-3F-15 14.0"-RCL-512 3 IC-251 8 P&S F-A P42-PSSH440 P42-PSSH440 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-258 23 CSS F-C P42-PSSH490 BZ-3D-161 6.0"-RCL-503 3 IC-258 13 CSS F-C P42-PSSH549 BZ-3D-201 3.0"-RCL-197 3 IC-252 12 CSS F-C P42-PSSH550 BZ-3D-201 . 8.0"-RCL-198 3 IC-288 12 CSS F-C P42-PSR552 BZ-3F-16 10.0"-RCL-504 3 IC-257 2 P&S F-A i P42-PSR553 - BZ-3F-23 12.0"-RCL-544 3 IC-249 8 CSS F-C I

i m

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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 - REV.1 Page 94 of 162 SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generator (R43)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support ' Support Exam. .

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class -Iso. Loc. Type . Cat. Remarks TD190 SK138 *ENG-01 TURBO 3 DG019 23 CSS F-C *ENG-01 Exhaust Pipe Support TD191 SK138 *ENG-01 TURBO 3 DG019 23 CSS F-C ' *ENG-01 Exhaust Pipe Support -

TD290 SK239 *ENG-02 TURBO 3 DG020 23 CSS F-C *ENG-02 Exhaust Pipe Support TD291 SK239 *ENG-02 TURBO 3 DG020 23 CSS F-C *ENG-02 Exhaust Pipe Support TD390 SK342 *ENG-03 TURBO 3 1033 23 CSS F-C *ENG-03 Exhaust Pipe Support TD391 SK342 *ENG-03 TURBO 3 DG033 23 CSS F-C *ENG-03 Exhaust Pipe Support .

JW101 SK100 6.0"-3 W 3 DG024 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support JW102 SK101 5.0"-3 W 3 DG024 23 CSS F-C *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe

-Support 3W103 'SK102 5.0"-J W 3 DG024 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W104 SK103 5.0"-3 W 3 DG024 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support JW105 SK104 5.0"-J W 3 DG024 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W112 SK106 6.0"-3 W 3 DG021 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support

in in fx.

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 95 of 162 SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generator (R43)


Support Support Line Size - Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. andIdent. Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks JW113 SK107 6.0"-3 W 3 DG021 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support ~

JWil4 SK108 6.0"-3 W 3 DG021 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W115 SK109 6.0"-J W 3 DG021 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3Wil6 SK110 5.0"-J W 3 DG021 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W117 Skill 5.0"-3 W 3 DG021 23 P&S F-A *ENG-01 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W201 SK200 6.0"-J W 3 DG028 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe Support JW202 SK201 5.0"-J W 3 DG028 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe Support JW203 SK201 5.0"-3 W 3 DG028 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe Support JW204 SK202 5.0"-J W 3 DG028 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W205 SK203 5.0"-3 W 3 DG028 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe Support

O O :O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page % of 162 SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generator (R43)


Support Support . Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No, and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type ' Cat. Remarks 3W212 SK205 6.0"-3 W 3 DG025 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W213 SK206 6.0"-3 W 3 DG025 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket -

Water Pipe Suppor t JW214 SK207 6.0"-3 W 3 DG025 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe Support JW215 - SK208 6.0"-3 W 3 DG025 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe.

Support JW216 SK209 5.0"-3 W 3 DG025 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W217 SK210 5.0"-3 W 3 DG025 23 P&S F-A *ENG-02 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W301 SK300 6.0"-3 W 3 DG032 23 P&S F-A *ENG-03 Jacket Water Pipe Support JW302 SK301- 5.0"-3 W 3 DG032 23 P&S F-A *ENG-03 Jacket Water Pipe Support JW303 SK302 5.0"-3 W 3 DG032 - 23 P&S F-A *ENG-03 Jacket Water Pipe Support 3W304 SK303 5.0"-] W 3 DG032 23 P&S F-A *ENG-03 Jacket Water Pipe Support t


O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 97 of 162 i SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generator (R43)

- Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

! Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Loc. Type. Cat. Remarks 4


! 3W305 SK304 5.0"-3 W 3 DG032 23 P&S F-A *ENG-03 Jacket j

Water Pipe

, Support

' 3W312 SK306 6.0"-3 W 3 DG029 23 P&S F-A ~ *ENG-03 Jacket

{ Water. Pipe Support

3W313 SK307 6.0"-3 W 3 DG029 23 P&S F-A *ENG-03 Jacket j . Water Pipe i Support 3W314 SK308 6.0"-3 W 3 DG029 23 P&S F-A ' *ENG-03 Jacket ' #

j Water Pipe

Support JW315 SK309 6.0"-3 W 3 DG029 23 P&S F-A *ENG-03 Jacket Water Pipe Support JW316 SK310 5.0"-3 W 3 DG029 23 P&S F-A *ENG-03 Jacket i Water Pipe j Support i

- 3W317 SK311 5.0"-3 W 3 DG029 23 P&S F-A *ENG-03 Jacket l Water Pipe l Support i



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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 - . REV. l' Page 98 of 162 SYSTEM: Diesel Generator Ventiliation (X60)


Support . Support Line Size Code Piping Support Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. Class
Iso. Loc._ Type Cat. Remarks j

X60-PSST 2 X60-PSST 2 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-892 23 CSS F-C X60-PSR5 BZ-537F-4 36.0"-DE-9 3 IC-892 23 CSS F-C X60-PSR6 BZ-537F-5 36.0"-DE-9 3 IC-893 23 P&S F-A I

X60-PSR7 BZ-537F-6 36.0"-DE-9 3 IC-893 23 P&S F-A

) X60-PSR10 BZ-537F-7 ~ 36.0"-DE-4 3 IC-891 23 LIN F-B X60-PSR12 BZ-537F-8 36.0"-DE-3 3 IC-891 23 CSS F-C i X60-PSR13 BZ-537F-9 36.0"-DE 3 IC-893 23 P&S F-A X60-PSR14 BZ-537F-10 36.0"-DE-3 3 IC-893 23 P&S F-A X60-PSR16 BZ-537F-74 36.0"-DE-6 3 IC-890 23 P&S F-A X60-PSRI8 BZ-537F-ll 36.0"-DE-7 3 IC-890 23 CSS F-C X60-PSR19 BZ-537H-93 36.0"-DE-7 3 IC-893 23 P&S F-A X60-PSR20 BZ-537F-13 36.0"-DE-7 3 IC-893 23 P&S F-A E

X60-PSST 22 X60-PSST 22 30.0"-DS-1 3 IC-896 23 CSS F-C X60-PSA23 BZ-537F-14 24.0"-DS-7 3 IC-896 23 P&S F-A X60-PSST 25 X60-PSST 25 30.0"-DS-3 '3 IC-895 23 CSS F-C X60-PSA26 BZ-537F-15 24.0"-05-8 3 IC-895 23 P&S F-A X60-PSST 28 X60-PSST 28 30.0"-DS-5 3 IC-894 23 CSS F-C i X60-PSA29 BZ-537F-16 24.0"-DS-9 3 IC-894 23 P&S F-A X60-PSA30 BZ-537F-76 30.0"-DS-1 3 IC-896 23 P&S F-A -

X60-PSA31 BZ-537F-77 30.0"-DS-3 3 IC-895 23 P&S F-A q X60-PSA32 BZ-537F-78 30.0"-DS-5 3 IC-894 23 P&S F-A X60-PSR33 BZ-537H-95 36.0"-DE-9 3- IC-892 23 CSS F-C t

l t

COCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 99 of 162 SYSTEM: Diesel Generator Ventillation (X60)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Support- Support Exam.

Ident. Dwg.No. and Ident. . Class Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks' X60-PSR34 BZ-537H-94 36.0"-DE-3 3 IC-891 23 CSS F-C X60-PSR35 BZ-357F-86 36.0"-DE-7 3 IC-890 23 CSS F-C X60-PSR36 BZ-537F-127 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-892 23 CSS F-C X60-PSS37 FC-30M 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-892 23 P&S F-A X60-PSSH38 BZ-537F-123 36.0"-DE-6 3 IC-890 23 CSS F-C X60-PSS39 FC-30M 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-890 23 P&S F-A X60-PSSH40 BZ-537F-122 36.0"-DE-4 3 IC-891 23 CSS' F-C X60-PSR41 BZ-537F-128 36.0"-DE-4 3 IC-891 23 CSS F-C X60-PSS42 FC-30M 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-891 23 P&S F-A X60-PSSP800 BZ-537F-27 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-892 23 CSS F-C X60-PSSP801 BZ-537F-124 36.0"-DE-4 3 IC-891 ' 23 CSS F-C X60-PSSP803 BZ-537F-125 36.0"-DE-6 3 IC-890 23 CSS F-C X60-PSSP803 BZ-537F-129 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-892 23 CSS F-C X60-PSSP804 BZ-537F-126 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-892 23 CSS F-C a



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O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 101 of 162' SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (Bil)

REF. FLOW DIAG. N/A ASME Support Component Code Support ' Dwg. No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks -

Bil *R001 1 N/A 5.18-039 N/A 20 P&S F-A Vessel Support 5.18-023 Skirt Assembly Bil

  • R-Il0A 5.16-02 N/A 20 LIN F-B Vessel Stabilizer Bil
  • R-110B 5.16-02 N/A 20 LIN F-B " "


  • R-Il0C 5.16-02 N/A 20 LIN F-B " "

5.16-02 LIN "

Bil *R-Il0D N/A 20 F-B "

Bil *R-Il0E 5.16-02 N/A 20 LIN F-B " "

Bil *R-110F 5.16-02 N/A 20 LIN F-B " "


  • R-Il0G 5.16-02 N/A 20 LIN F-B " "


  • R-Il0H 5.16-02 N/A 20 LIN F-B " "

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 102 of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-29C ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification ' Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc.- Type Cat. Remarks 18"-N-1-153 2 B21-PSA-081 A 30.21-14 IC-897 20 P&S F-A MSIV Accum.

Supp ident by Valve I.D.

18"-N-2-153 2 B21-PSA-081B 30.21-14 IC-897. 20 P&S F-A " "

18"-N-3-153 2 B21-PSA-081C 30.21-14 IC-897 '20 P&S F-A " "

18"-N-4-153 2 B21-PSA-081D 30.21-14 IC-897 20 P&S F-A " "

18"-AI-5-153 -2 B21-PSA-082A 30.21-14 IC-897 14 P&S F-A " "

18"-AI-6-153 2 B21-PSA-082B 30.21-14 IC-897 14 P&S F-A " "

18"-AI-7-153 2 B21-PSA-082C 30.21-14 IC-897 13 P&S F-A " "

18"-Al-8-153 2 B21-PSA-082D - 30.21-14 IC-897 13 P&S F-A " "

6"-N-9-153 2 B21-PSA-092A 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A SRV Accum.

Supp. Ident by Valve I.D.

6"-N-10-153 2 B21-PSA-092B 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A " "

6"-N-l l-153 2 B21-PSA-092C 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A " "

6"-N-12-153 2 B21-PSA-092D 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A " "

6"-N-13-153 2 B21-PSA-092E 30.21-13 IC-778 20' P&S F-A "

6"-N-14-153 2 B21-PSA-092F 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A " "

6"-N-15-153 2 B21-PSA-092G 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A " "

6"-N-16-153 2 B21-PSA-092H 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A " "

6"-N-17-153 2 B21-PSA-092J 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A " "

6"-N-18-153 2 B21-PSA-092K 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A " "

6"-N-19-153 2 - B21-PSA-092L 30.21-13 IC-778 20 P&S F-A " "

O O O DOCUMENT No. 33A0273 REV.1 Page 103 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Water Recirculation (B31)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-26A,B ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks B31 *P-001 A 1 B31-HA5 BZ-33-29 N/A 20 CSS F-C Constant Load Spring Support B31-HA6 BZ-83-29 N/A 20 CSS F-C Constant Load Spring Support B31-HA7 BZ-83-31 N/A 20 CSS F-C Constant Load Spring Support B31-SSAl BZ-83-5 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber B31-SSA2 BZ-33-7 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber B31-SSA3 BZ-33-7 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber B31-SSA4 BZ-83-9 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber B31-SSAS BZ-83-9 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber B31-SSA6 BZ-33-Il N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber B31 *P-001B 1 B31-HB5 BZ-83-30 N/A 20 CSS F-C Constant Load Spring Support B31-HB6 BZ-33-30 N/A 20 CSS F-C Constand Load Spring Support B31-HB7 BZ-83-32 N/A 20 CSS F-C Constant Load Spring Support B31-SSBI BZ-33-6 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber B31-SSB2 BZ-83-3 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber B31-SSB3 BZ-83-8 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber B31-SSB4 BZ-33-10 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber l

O O O DOCUMENT No. 33A0273 REV.1 Page 104 o' f 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Water Recirculation (B31)


ASME Support Component Code Support . Dwg. No. . Ref. Support Support Exam. .

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc.. Type Cat. Remarks B31

  • P-001B 1 B31-SSBS BZ-83-10 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber.

B31-SSB6 BZ-83-12 N/A 20 CSS F-C Mechanical Snubber

/ p ry b

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 105 of 162 SYSTEM: Control Rod Drive (Cil)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-27B ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg. No. - Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks 10"-CRD-57-901 A 2 PSR 6.08-41 IC-3029 14 P&S F-A SDV Supports not Ident.

Numerically PSVERT 6.08-41 IC-3029 14 LIN F-B " "

8"-CRD-55-901 A 2 PSA 6.0841 IC-3029 14 P&S F-A ", "

PSR 6.08-41 IC-3029 14 P&S F-A " "

8"-CRD-51-901 A 2 PSR 6.08-41 IC-3029 14 P&S F-A " "

PSR 6.08-41 IC-3029 14 P&S F-A " "

PSR 6.08-41 IC-3029 14 P&S F-A " "

PSA 6.08-41 IC-3029 14 P&S F-A " "

10"-CRD-58-901 A 2 PSR 6.08-41 IC-3028 .13 P&S F-A " -"

PSVERT 6.08-41 IC-3028 13 LIN F-B' " "

8"-CRD-56-901 A 2 PSA 6.08-41 IC-3028 13 P&S F-A " "

PSR 6.08-41 IC-3028 13 P&S F-A a "

8"-CRD-52-901 A 2 PSR 6.08-41 IC-3028 13 P&S F-A "

PSR 6.08-41 IC-3028 13 P&S- F-A " "

PSR 6.08-41 IC-3028- 13 P&S- '

F-A " "

PSA 6.08-41 IC-3028 13 P&S F-A " "

l o DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 o

REV.1 -

o Page 106 of 162..

l SYSTEM: Control Rod Drive (Cil)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-27B ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. . Remarks C11 *HCU-001 2 N/A 5.04-20 N/A 13,14 P&S F-A- HCU Racks; 6.85-7 Typ for 137 HCUs.

I DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 107 of 162

> SYSTEM: Standby Liquid Control (C41)


ASME Support
Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks C41 *P-024A 2 N/A 2.33-2 N/A 15 P&S F-A- Pump Skid;

{ 2.33-3 Bolted Base &

l Foundation Plate i C41 *P-024B 2 N/A 2.33-2 N/A 15- P&S F-A Pump Skid;

2.33-3 Bolted Base &
Foundation Plate C41*TK-003 2 N/A 3.3-31 N/A 15,16 P&S F-A Skirt W/ Bolted 3.3-24 Base Ring-i 4

i j

i 4

1 i

,n f~ ' ,r-U 'C/

DOCUMENT No.' 33 A0273 REV.1 Page 108 of 162 ~

SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal (Ell)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-20A, B ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type . Cat. Remarks Ell *E-034A 2 Upper 4.12-3 N/A 3 LIN F-B FS-23H Lower 4.12-8 N/A 3 P&S F-A FS-23H Ell'E-034B 2 Upper 4.12-8 N/A 6 LIN F-B FS-23H Lower 4.12-8 N/A 6 P&S F-A FS-23H Ell

  • P-014 A 2 N/A 2.19-10 N/A 3 P&S F-A Bolted Pump Base Ell
  • P-014B 2 N/A 2.19-10 N/A 6 P&S F-A Bolted Pump Base Ell *P-014C 2 N/A 2.19-10 N/A 2 P&S F-A Bolted Pump Base Ell *P-014D 2 N/A 2.19-10 N/A 7 P&S F-A Bolted Pump Base A


[ DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 ~Page 109 of 162 i

SYSTEM: Core Spray (E21) i REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-23A

{ ASME Support .

Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks '

i l

l E21* P-013A 2 N/A 2.16-10 N/A 3 P&S F-A Bolted Pump i '

Base I

i .

1 E21 *P-013B 2 N/A 2.16-10 N/A 6 P&S F-A Bolted Pump i l Base  ;

i I

1 i


I t

i i

i 1

i l  !

4 I

4 . _ ..

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 110 of 162 SYSTEM: High Pressure Coolant injection (E41)


Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks E41* P-016 2 N/A 2.15-36 N/A 5 P&S F-A HPCI Main & .

Boster Pp.

W/ Reduction Gear Assy.

Bolted to Pump Skid.

E41*TU-002 2 N/A 2.15-17 N/A 4 P&S F-A Turbine Unit Bolted to Turbine Skid 2.15-2 2.15-1 E41*E-037 2 Fixed 2.15-17 N/A 4 P&S F-A L.O. Cooler Mounted on Turbine Skid Sliding 2.15-17 N/A 4 P&S F-A E41* P-127 2 .N/A 2.15-17 N/A 4 P&S F-A Aux. L.O.

Pump Bolted to Turbine Skid E41

  • E-036 2 Fixed 2.15-1 N/A 4 P&S F-A Sliding 2.15-1 N/A 4 P&S F-A E41
  • P-074 2 N/A 2.15-1 N/A 4 P&S F-A Bolted to Vacuum Tank E41
  • P-075 2 N/A 2.15-1 N/A 4 P&S F-A Bolted to Vacuum Tank

.! O O O

! DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REY.1 Page 111 of 162 1 SYSTEM: Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (E51) 3 REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-22A, B ,

7 f i

) Component

-ASME Support Dwg.No.

t Code Support Ref. - Support' Support Exam. -!'

l Identification - Class identification ' . (S&W) .. Iso. - Loc. Type, Cat. Remarks i

} E51 *P-015 2 N/A -2.14-6 N/A 5 P&S F-A Bolted to l Pump Skid

) ' E41*TU-005 - 2 -N/A 2.14-24 N/A 5 P&S F-A Bolted to j Turbine Skid 1 .

i i

E51*E-039 2 Fixed 2.14-24 N/A 5 P&S F-A ' Mounted on  !

Turbine Skid i

Sliding 2.14-24 N/A 5 P&S F-A Mounted on . .,

l Turbine Skid

! E51

  • E-038 2 Fixed 2.14-22 N/A 5 P&S F-A l 1

! Sliding 2.14-22 N/A 5 P&S F-A 4


  • P-076 2 N/A 2.14-22 N/A 5 P&S F-A. Bolted to  !

l Vacuum Tank i 2 .

E51 *P-077 2 N/A 2.14-22 N/A 5 P&S F-A Bolted to l Vacuum Tank s  :

i 1

i i

i t I

l <


O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 112 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Water Cleanup (G33)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-24A ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks G33-P-019A 3 N/A 2.17-2 N/A 16 P&S F-A Pump Skid; Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate G33-P-019B 3 N/A 2.17-2 N/A 16 P&S F-A Pump Skid; Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate G33-E-014 3 Fixed (A) 4.14-8 N/A 16 P&S F-A Double Shell Vertically Stacked Sliding (B) 4.14-8 N/A 16 P&S F-A G33-E-027 3 Fixed (A) 4.14-7 N/A 16 P&S F-A Triple Shell Vertically Stacked Sliding (B) 4.14-7 N/A 16 P&S F-A i

- ._= ..-

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 113 of 162 SYSTEM: Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup (G41)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-19A ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks G41* P-023A 3 N/A 2.25-002 N/A 18 P&S F-A Pump Skid; Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate G41* P-023B 3 N/A 2.25-002 N/A 18 P&S F-A Pump Skid; Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate G41 *-E-019A 3 Fixed 4.17-20 N/A 18 P&S F-A Mounted on top of *E-019B Sliding 4.17-20 N/A 18 P&S F-A G41 *E-019B 3 Fixed 4.17-20 N/A 18 P&S F-A Sliding 4.17-20 N/A 18 P&S F-A

yw -, s -m. a-:

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 ' REV.1 Page 114 of 162 SYSTEM: Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup (G41)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-19A ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks M50 *P-137A 3 N/A 10.24-13 N/A 23 .P&S F-A Pump Skid; Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate M50*P-137B " "

3 N/A 10.24-13 N/A 23 P&S .F-A M50

  • P-138A 3 N/A 10.24-13 N/A 23 P&S F-A " - "


  • P-138B 3 N/A 10.24-13 N/A 23 P&S F-A " "

F-A " "

M50 *P-139A 3 N/A 10.24-8 N/A 23 P&S F-A " "

M50*P-139B 3 N/A 10.24-8 N/A 23 P&S M50

  • P-140A 3 N/A 10.24-8 N/A 23 P&S F-A " "


  • P-140B 3 N/A 10.24-8 N/A 23 P&S F-A M50 *TK-88 A 3 N/A 10.43-1 N/A 23 P&S F-A Vessel Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring M50*TK-88B 3 N/A 10.43-1 N/A 23 P&S F-A Vessel 5kirt W/ Bolted Base Ring

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 .Page 115 of 162 -

SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby Vent & Control Room AC (M50)


! ASME Support

Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

1 Identification Class identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks 1~

M50*C-804A 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A 23 P&S F-A *WC-3A Com-

, pressor; Pinned i 10.69-8 to Bolted j Foundation l Plate.

., M50*E-841 A 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A 23 P&S F-A- *WC-3A Con-

, denser; Mounted l 10.69-8 on top of ~

} Evaporator; 2 l Fixed Supports, j 1 Each End e

! M50 *E-843A 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A 23 P&S F-A

  • WC-3 A
Evaporator; i 10.69-8 Pinned at Each
j End of Bolted i Foundation Plate I

M50 *C-804B 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A 23 P&S F-A *WC-3B Com-

pressor; Pinned 10.69-9 to Bolted Foundation Plate

! M50*E-841B 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A 23 P&S .F-A *WC-3B Con-denser; Mounted 10.69-9 on top of Evaporator; 2 Fixed Supports; 1 Each End

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 116 of 162

' SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby Vent & Control Room AC (M50)


ASME. Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks M50 *E-843B 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A 23 P&S- F-A

  • WC-3B Evaporator; 10.69-9 Pinned at Each End to Bolted Foundation Plate M50 *C-805A 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A 23 P&S F-A *WC-4A Com-Compressor; 10.69-9 Pinned to Bolted Fouridation Plate M50 *E-842A 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A. 23 P&S F-A *WC-4A Con-denser; Mounted 10.69-9 on top of Evaporator; 2 Fixed Supports; 1 Each End M50 *E-844A '3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A _



  • WC-4 A Evaporator;


10.69-9 Pinned at Each End to Bolted Foundation Plate M50 *C-805B 3 N/A 10.69-7. N/A 23 P&S F-A *WC-4B Com-

~' Pressor; Pinned 10.69-9 to Bolted <

Foundation Plate y- .. - __- .,

=. ,

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 117 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Standby' Vent & Control Room AC (M50)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FB-43A, B ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support - -Support Exam.

Identification Class . Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. - Remarks M50*E-842B 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A 23 P&S F-A *WC-4B Con-denser; Mounted 10.69-9 on top of

- Evaporator; 2 Fixed Supports; 1 Each End M50

  • E-844B 3 N/A 10.69-7 N/A 23 P&S F-A
  • WC-4 B Evaporator; 10.69-9 Pinned at Each End to Bolted Foundation Plate a


DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV. J Page 113 of 162

. SYSTEM: Service Water (P41) .


' i ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. ' Type Cat. Remarks

,i P41

  • P-003A - 3 N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Pump Motor Seismic Restraint N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Upper Pump '

L Shaf t Seismic Restraint

, (EL. 6'-2")

N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Lower Pump

. Shaft Seismic Restraint (EL.-9'-10S")

N/A 2.23-003 N/A 24 P&S F-A Pump Baseplate (EL. 20'-6")

P41*P-003B 3 N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Pump Motor Seismic Restraint N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Upper Pump ,

Shaft Seismic Restraint (EL. 6'-2")

N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Lower Pump Shaf t Seismic I Restraint (EL.-9'-10")

N/A 2.23-003 N/A 24- P&S F-A Pump Baseplate (EL. 20'-6")


-- y.- - -

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273' REV. 'l Page 119 of 162

~ SYSTEM: Service Water (P41)


1 ASME .

Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class ' identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks i


  • P-003C 3 N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Pump Motor Seismic Restraint

! N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN - F-B Upper Pump Shaf t Seismic -

Restraint (EL. 6'-2")

N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Lower Pump Shaf t Seismic

  • i Restraint (EL. -9'-10")

N/A 2.23-003 N/A 24 P&S F-A Pump Baseplate

' (EL. 20'-6")

P41* P-003D 3 N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Pump Motor 1 Seismic Restraint N/A FC-10T N/A 24 LIN F-B Upper Pump Shaf t Seismic Restraint (EL. 6'-2")

N/A FC-10T N/A 24. LIN F-B Lower Pump Shaf t Seismic Restraint (EL. -9'-10V")

N/A 2.23-003 N/A 24 P&S F-B g g g iate

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 120 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Closed Loop Cooling Water (P42)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-15A ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks l P42*P-005A 3 N/A- 2.24-001 N/A 17 P&S F-A Pump Skid; Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate P42

  • P-005B 3 N/A 2.24-001 N/A 18 P&S F-A " "

P42 *P-005C 3 N/A 2.24-001 N/A 18 P&S F-A " "

P42*E-011 A 3 Fixed 4.11-17 N/A 8 P&S F-A Sliding 4.11-23 N/A I P&S F-A

P42*E-011B 3 Fixed 4.11-17 N/A 8 P&S F-A Mounted on top i

of *E-Oll A Sliding 4.11-23 N/A 1 P&S F-A P42*E-Il7A 3 Fixed 4.23-1 N/A 1 P&S F-A Sliding 4.23-4 N/A 1 P&S F-A P42*E-Il7B 3 Fixed 4.23-1 N/A 1 P&S F-A Mounted on top of *E- 117A Sliding 4.23-4 N/A 1 P&S F-A P42*TK-026A 3 N/A 3.3-27 N/A 17 P&S F-A Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring 3.3-36 P42*TK-026B 3 N/A 3.3-27 N/A 17 P&S F-A Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring 3.3-36

.O 'O h.

Q)s  %/ J DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 121 of 162 SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generators (R43)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-44A, B ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks

, R43*ENG01 3 N/A' l.12-13 N/A 23 P&S F-A- Engine Base Bolted to Bolted Foundation 1.12-70

R43*ENG02 3 N/A 1.12-13 N/A 23 P&S F-A Engine Base Bolted to i Bolted Foundation 1.12-70
R43*ENG03 3 N/A 1.12-13 N/A 23 P&S F-A Engine Base Bolted to Bolted Foundation 1.12-70 R43
  • E-013A 3 3W-106 SK105 N/A 23 CSS F-C *ENG 01 Jacket Water Cooler 3W-107 ' SK105 N/A 23 CSS F-C JW-108 SK105 N/A 23 CSS F-C R43*E-013B 3 3W-206 SK204 N/A 23 CSS F-C *ENG 02 Jacket Water Cooler JW-207 SK204 N/A 23 CSS F-C

, JW-208 SK204 N/A 23 CSS F-C l


O o o .

DOCUMENT No. 83 A0273 REV.1. Page 122 of 162


SYSTEM: ' Emergency Diesel Generators (R43) -


i i ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support ' Support Exam.

, Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks i

R43 *E-013C 3 3W-306 SK305 N/A 2! CSS F-C *ENG 03 Jacket Water Cooler JW-307 SK305 N/A 23 CSS F-C i JW-308 SK305 N/A 73 CSS F-C R43 *E-108A 3 LO-137 SKil7 N/A 23 CSS F-C *ENG 01 Lube  !

Oil Cooler LO-138 SKil8 N/A. 23 CSS F-C i i LO-139 SK119 N/A 23 CSS F-C R43*E-108B 3 LO-237 SK216 N/A 23 CSS F-C *ENG 02 Lube '

Oil Cooler i

-LO-238 SK217 N/A 23. CSS F-C LO-239 SK218 N/A 23 CSS F-C R43*E-108C 3 LO-337 SK319 N/A 23 CSS 'F-C *ENG 03 Lube 2

Oil Cooler

. LO-338 SK318 N/A 23 CSS F-C LO-339 SK317 N/A 23 CSS F-C R43*TK-198A '3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start

! Receiver. Skirt W/ Bolted Base

~ Ring R43*TK-199A 3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start R ceiver. Skirt W Bolted Base t

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 123 of 162 SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generators (R43)


! ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

. Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks R43*TK200A 3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S- F-A DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring j R43*TK201A 3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A - DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt 7// Bolted Base Ring

. R43*TKl988 3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring-R43*TKl99B 3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring R43*TK200B 3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring R43*TK201B 3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273. REV.1 Page 124 of 162 SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generators (R43)


! ASME Support

' Component - Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification- Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. .

Type Cat. Remarks R43*TKl98C 3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring R43 *TKl99C 3 N/A -1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt  !

W/ Bolted Base Ring R43*TK200C 3 ~N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt
W/ Bolted Base Ring R43*TK201C 3 N/A 1.12-44 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Receiver. Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring -


R43*C003A' 3 'N/A 1.12-41 N/A 23 P&S F-A ~ DG. Air Start Compressor.

Skid W/ Bolted i Base &

Foundation Plate R43*C004A 3 N/A~ 1.12-41 N/A 23 P&S .F-A DG. Air Start Compressor.

i Skid W/ Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate

t .

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 125 of 162 SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generators (R43)

' REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-44A, B ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg. No. _ Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks R43*C003B 3 N/A 1.12-41 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Compressor.

Skid W/ Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate l

R43*C004B 3 N/A 1.12-41 N/A 23 ~P&S F-A DG. Air Start Compressor.

Skid W/ Bolted -

Base &

Foundation Plate R43*C003C 3 N/A 1.12-41 .N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Compressor.

i Skid W/ Bolted Base &

l Foundation  !

Plate R43*C004C 3 N/A 1.12-41 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG. Air Start Compressor.

Skid W/ Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate i R43 *FL810A 3 N/A 1.12-65 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG Pre-Lube.


O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 ' Page 126 of 162 SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generators (R43)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-44Ai B ASME Support Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.

Identification - Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat.. Remarks 1

i R43*FL810B 3 N/A 1.12-65 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG Pre-Lube Filter R43*FL810C 3 N/A 1.12-65 N/A 23 P&S' F-A DG Pre-Lube Filter R43*FL811A 3 N/A 1.12-34 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG Lube Oil

. Filters; Duplex

Type. Skirt W/ Bolted Base 4

Ring (2 per


R43*FL811B 3 N/A 1.12-34 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG Lube Oil Filters; Duplex Type. Skirt i W/ Bolted Base Ring (2 per

  • ENG)

R43*FL811C 3 N/A 1.12-34 N/A 23 P&S F-A DG Lube Oil Filters; Duplex Type. Skirt W/ Bolted Base Ring (2 per ,.

  • ENG) l R43*P201A 3 N/A' l.12-103 N/A 24 P&S F-A F.O. Xfer Pump. Skid - '

W/ Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate. ,

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 127 of 162 SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generators (R43)

REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-44A, B ASME Support Component - Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. - ' Support Support Exam.

Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks R43*P202A 3 N/A 1.12-103 N/A 24 P&S F-A- F.O. Xfer Pump.

Skid W/ Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate.

R43*P201B 3 N/A 1.12-103 N/A 24 P&S F-A F.O. Xfer Pump.

Skid W/ Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate.

R43*P202B 3 N/A 1.12-103 N/A 24 P&S F-A F.O. Xfer Pump.

Skid W/ Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate.

R43*P201C 3 N/A 1.12-103 N/A 24 P&S F-A F.O. Xfer Pump.

Skid W/ Bolted ,

Base &

Foundation Plate.

R43*P202C 3 N/A 1.12-103 N/A 24 P&S F-A F.O. Xfer Pump.

Skid W/ Bolted Base &

Foundation Plate.

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 - . Page 128 of.162

i. SYSTEM: Emergency Diesel Generators (243) l REF. FLOW DIAG. . FM-44A, B ASME Support i Component Code Support Dwg.No. Ref. Support Support Exam.
Identification Class Identification (S&W) Iso. Loc. Type Cat. Remarks -

R43*TK135A 3 N/A 1.12-87 N/A 23 P&S F-A F.O. Day Tank .

R43*TK135B 3 N/A 1.12-87 N/A 23 P&S F-A F.O. Day Tank -

R43*TK135C 3 N/A 1.12-87 N/A 23 P&S F-A F.O. Day Tank R43*P109A 3 N/A 1.12-70 N/A 23 P&S F-A Emer. F.O.

Booster Pp.

Mounted on Engine Skid R43*P109B 3 N/A 1.12-70 N/A 23 P&S F-A Emer. F.O.

Booster Pp.

Mounted on Engine Skid l-R43* P109C 3 N/A 1.12-70 N/A 23 P&S F-A- Emer. F.O.

Booster Pp.

Mounted on i

Engine Skid i

a E


danarec @ r:-: ---




s i


d""- ~~

130 162 PAGE OF


1. INTRODUCTION This section presents the detailed listing of safety related snubber units at Unit 1 of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station in compliance with the augmented inservice inspection program delineated in Plant Technical Specifications, paragraphs 3/4.7.5.

This section will be revised, as necessary, to meet the requirements of revised Technical Specifications as applicable.

2. DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply to the Plant Technical Specification Inservice Inspection Program for snubber units:

SNUBBER - a device which is designed to arrest the motion of piping or components resulting from a seismic event or a system transient but which allows essentially free motion during thermal movement.

HYDRAULIC SNUBBER - a type ~ of snubber in which load is transmitted through j hydraulic fluid.

l MECHANICAL SNUBBER - a type of snubber in which load is transmitted entirely through mechanical components.

1 ACTIVATION ,the parameter that verifies restraining action. Failure to activate indicates the snubber is not restraining.

l l BREAKAWAY FORCE - the minimum applied force required to initiate extention or l

retraction of the snubber.

l DRAG FORCE - the force required to maintain the snubber movement at a constant velocity prior to activation.

l I 1



4amares -Sw (v) 11 NUCLEAR ENERGY SERVICES PAGE 131 OF 162 RELEASE RATE - the rate of the axial snubber movement under a specified load after activation of the snubber commences, also known as the Bleed Rate.

SWING CLEARANCE - the movement envelope within which the snubber must operate without restriction from the cold installed position to the hot operating position.

DEAD BAND - the extent of free axial movement of the snubber before ACTIVATION.

INSPECTION TYPES - as mandated in the Technical Specifications, type of snubber shall mean snubbers of the same design and manufacture, irrespective of capacity.

FUNCTIONAL TESTING - snubber testing which consists of measuring the following parameters; ACTIVATION, BREAKAWAY FORCE, DRAG FORCE and RELEASE RATE.

I OPERABILITY TESTING - an element of inspection measurement of parameters that verifies snubber performance.

POWER OPERATION - this term is defined as the reactor MODE switch in the RUN position with any temperature recorded for the reactor coolant.

l ACCESSIBILITY - as mandated by Technical Specifications, snubbers shall be

! categorized as accessible or inaccessible for visual inspection during POWER OPERATION. Determination of snubber accessibility for visual inspections during power operation shall be based on area access limitations. Snubbers in a high radiation area or other environment (atmosphere / temperature) that would expose inspection I personnel to undue hazards are considered inaccessible.

i Safety related snubbers located in the following areas shall be deemed inaccessible during power operation.

l k l

l l

l l


" "~ ~~"2-'

132 162 O'


a) Reactor Building Primary inert Atmosphere, radiation, Containment temperature, Tech. Spec. LCO (containment integrity) b) Main Steam Tunnel (Penet. Radiation, temperature Area (MSTPA) c) Main Steam Tunnel (Turbine Radiation, temperature Bldg.)

d) Turbine Bldg. - Main Steam Radiation, temperature Stop Valves l

e) RWCU Pump Cubicle, EL 112' Radiation East i

l 1 >

I 83A0273



[w<} = "


The following abbreviations have been used in the Piping & Component Snubber Examination and Testing Table (Attachment I of this section):

Snubber Identification Line Identification l PSSP - Snubber (S&W Scope) SHP - Hi. Press. Steam SA,B,C or D - Snubber (G.E. Main Steam) SLP - Lo Press. Steam SSA or B - Snubber (G.E. Recirc.) WR - Reactor Water WFP - Feedwater B - Borated Water Snubber Type WD - Demin. Water PSA - Pacific Scientific Mechanical Snubber WS - Service Water B/P - Bergen Patterson Hydraulic Snubber DRW - Floor Drains l FC - Fuel Pool Cooling Water TD - Turbine Drains RCL - Closed Loop Cooling Water Location DE - Diesel Eng intake / exhaust RBP - Reactor Building Primary K - Nuclear Boiler Instru nent RBS - Reactor Building Secondary TB - Turbine Building MST - Main Steam Tunnel (TB) l MSTPA - Main Steam Tunnel Penet. Area (RB) ,

N- North Accessibility l NE - Northeast A - Accessible NW - Northwest I - Inaccessible l E - East S - South l

W - West COL - Column RWCU - Reactor Water Cleanup l I l

i- _ --






l l

l I

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83 A0273 REV.1 Page 135 of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)


ASME Ref. .

a Support Support Line Size Code Piping ' Snubber . Serial Snubber Access-

! Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility B21-sal BZ-25G-7 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 PSA-35 1801000422 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+ I i B21-SBl BZ-25G-14 24.0"-SH P-2 1 NS002 PSA-35 1801000427 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-45"+ . I B21-SCI BZ-25G-20 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 PSA-35 1801000432 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-4%"+ I B21-SDI BZ-25G-26 24.0"-SHP-4 1 NS004 PSA-35 1801000437 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ 1 i B21-SA2 BZ-25G-8 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 PSA-35 1801000423 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+ I B21-SB2 . BZ-25G-12 24.0"-SHP-2 1 NS002 PSA-35 1801000428 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-4E"+ I B21-SC2 BZ-25G-18 24.0"-S HP-3 1 NS003 PSA-35 1801000433 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-45"+ 1

. B21-SD2 BZ-25G-27 24.0"-SH P-4 1 ,NS004 PSA-35 1801000438 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I i B21-SA3 BZ-25G-8 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 PSA-35 1801000424 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+ I i B21-SB3 BZ-25G-12 24.0"-SHP-2 1 NS002 PSA-35 1801000429 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-45"+ I B21-SC3 BZ-25G-18 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 PSA-35 1801000434 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-4K"+ I B21-SD3 BZ-25G-27 24.0"-SHP-4 1 NS004 ' PSA-35 1801000439 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4E"+ I i B21-SA4 BZ-25G-9 24.0"-SH P-1 1 NS001 PSA-35 1801000425 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I l B21-SB4 BZ-25G-15 24.0"-SH P-2 1 NS002 PSA-35 1801000430 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+ I

S21-SC4 BZ-25G-21 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 PSA-35 1801000435 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I .

l B21-SD4 BZ-25G-28 24.0"-SH P-4 1 NS004 PSA-35 1801000440 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I B21-SAS BZ-25G-9 24.0"-SHP-1 1 NS001 PSA-35 1801000426 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ 1 ,

B21-SBS BZ-25G-15 24.0"-SHP-2 1 NS002 PSA-35 1801000431 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4h"+ I B21-SC5 BZ-25G-21 24.0"-SH P-3 1 NS003 PSA-35 1801000436 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4K"+ . I B21-SDS BZ-25G-28 24.0"-SH P-4 1 NS004 PSA-35 1801000441 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4K"+ 1

! B21-SB8 BZ-25G-33. 24.0"-SHP-2 1 NS002 PSA-35 1801000442 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ I B21-SC8 BZ-25G-34 24.0"-S H P-3 1 NS003 PSA-35 1801000444 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4h"+ I B21-SB9 BZ-25G-33 24.0"-SH P-2 1 NS002 PSA-35 1801000443 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I B21-SC9 BZ-25G-34 24.0"-S H P-3 1 NS003 PSA-35 1801000445 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4K"+ . I

D O iO DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 136 of 162

' SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility B21-PSSPl77 BZ-4B-48 12.0"-SLP-241 3 IC-2001 Hydraulic ~ 380 RBP Sup. Pool _ Air Space I Size 20 B/P NW EL 50'+

B21-PSSPl78 BZ-4B-48 12.0"-SLP-241 3 IC-2001 Hydraulic 387 RBP Sup. Pool Air Space - I Size 20 B/P NW EL 50'+

B21-PSSPl79 BZ-4B-49 12.0"-SLP-244 3 IC-2009 Hydraulic 386 RBP Sup. Pool Air Space I Size 20 B/P SW EL 50'+

B21-PSSP180 BZ-4B-49 12.0"-SLP-244 3 IC-2009 Hydraulic 385 RBP Sup. Pool Air Space I Size 20 B/P SW EL 50'+

B21-PSSP181 BZ-4B-50 12.0"-SLP-243 3 IC-2008 Hydraulic 381 RBP Sup. Pool Air Space I Size 20 B/P NW EL 50"+

B21-PSSP184 BZ-4B-52 12.0"-SLP-234 3 IC-2002 Hydraulic 384 RBP Sup. Pool Air Space I Size 20 B/P NE EL 50'+

B21-PSSP185 BZ-4B-53 12.0"-SLP-240 3 IC-2000 Hydraulic 185 RBP Sup. Pool Air Space I' Size 20 B/P NW EL 50'+

B21-PSSP584 BZ-30C-24 20.0"-WFP-22 1 IC-175 PSA-35 870 RBS MSTPA West EL 76'-5"+' I B21-PSSP586 BZ-30C-25 20.0"-WFP-2 1 IC-173 PSA-35 6624 RBS MSTPA East EL 76'-5"+ I B21-PSSP778 BZ-25G-48 03.0"-S H P-41 2 IC-899 PSA-1 15442 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4h"+ I B21-PSSP779 BZ-24D-47 10.0"-SL P-47 3 IC-477 PSA-10 11647 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4h"+ I B21-PSSP780 BZ-24D-48 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 PSA-10 11842 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ I B21-PSSP781 BZ-25G-35 02.0"-SH P-5 1 P25B9 PSA 15432 RBP Drywell NE EL 96'-11M"+ I B21-PSSP782 BZ-24D-30 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 PSA-10 11840 RBP Drywell.NW EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP783 BZ-24D-34 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478- PSA-10 11841 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4K"+ I B21-PSSP784 BZ-24D-44 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 PSA-3 1703/1969 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ I B21-PSSP785 BZ-240-33 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 PSA-10 11648 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP786 BZ-24D-31 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 PSA-10 11711 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-4M"+ I B21-PSSP787 - BZ-24D-45 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 PSA-10 11845 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ I B21-PSSP789 BZ-24D-46 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 PSA-10 11713 RBP Drywell WE EL 62'-8"+ I B21-PSSP790 BZ-24D-36 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 PSA-3 19670 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP791 BZ-24D-43 10.0"-SLP-207 - 3 -IC-476 PS A-10 ' 11843. RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP792 BZ-24D-41 10.0"-SLP-210 '3 IC-482 PSA-10 11836/11837 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ I


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4 i

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 - REV.1 - Page 137.of 162 SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)

!, REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-29A,C;FM-32A l

l ASME Ref.

j Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial .

Snubber Access-i Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class. Iso. Size Numbers . Location ibility -

i i B21-PSSP793 BZ-24D-38 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 PSA-3 19678 RBP Drywell E EL 62'-8"+ 1

, B21-PSSP794 BZ-24D-39 10 0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 PSA-10 11839 -RBP Drywell E EL 62'-8"+ I

< B21-PSSP795 BZ-24D-32 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 PSA-10 11844 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ 1.

j B21-PSSP798 BZ-24D-40 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 - PSA-3 19637 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4M"+ I

{ B21-PSSP799 BZ-24D-35 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 PSA-10 11714 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ I  ;

B21-PSSP801 BZ-30C-8 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 PSA-35 2626 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-4M"+ 1  ;
B21-PSSP802A BZ-30C-8 12.0"-WFP-8 1 - IC-174 PSA-35 7799 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-4K"+ I B21-PSSP802B BZ-30C 12.0"-WFP-8 1 ' IC-174 PSA-35 7796 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-45"+ 1 B21-PSSP803 BZ-30C-8 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 PSA-35 7798 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-4M"+ I B21-PSSP804 BZ-30C-9 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 PSA-10 9191 RBP Drywell E EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP805 BZ-30C-10 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174. PSA-10 9189 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ 1 B21-PSSP806 BZ-30C-I l 12.0"-WFP-8 1 IC-174 PSA-35 536/537 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ I B21-PSSP807 BZ-30C-13 10.0"-WFP-30 1 IC-173 PSA-35 538 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+ 1 B21-PSSP808 BZ-30C-12 10.0"-WFP-30 1 IC-173 PSA-35 6068 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ 1 B21-PSSP809 BZ-30C-3 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 PSA-35 6071 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-45"+ I
j. B21-PSSP810A BZ-30C-3 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 PS A-35 . 6066 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-4M"+ 1 j B21-PSSP810B BZ-30C-3 12.0"-WF P-5 1 IC-176 PSA-35 6067 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-4E"+ - I ,
B21-PSSP811 BZ-30C-3 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 PSA-35 6070 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-45"+ I i B21-PSSP812 BZ-30C-4 12.0"-WF P-5 1 IC-176 PSA-10 9190 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4M"+ 1 i
B21-PSSP813 BZ-30C-5 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 PSA-35 8697 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4M"+ I l B21-PSSP814 BZ-30C-5 12.0"-WFP-5 1 IC-176 PSA-35 8693 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I
B21-PSSP815 BZ-30C-6 10.0"-WFP-29 1 IC-175 PSA 35 8695/8696 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4%"+ I

! B21-PSSP816 BZ-30C-7 10.0"-WFP-29 1 IC-175 PSA-35 6069 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4M"+ - I i B21-PSSP817 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 PSA-10 2390 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ . I l B21-PSSP819 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 PSA-10 2391 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+ . I l B21-PSSP820 BZ-24C-20 10.0"-SLP-208 3 IC-472 PSA-10 2419 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ I l B21-PSSP821 BZ-24C-21 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 PSA-10 2417 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4h"+ 1 i

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV. I Page 138 of 162 1

SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg.No. andIdent. Class Iso. . Size Numbers Location _ ibility B21-PSSP822 BZ-24C-20 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 PSA-10 2418 . RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+


.B21-PSSP823 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 PSA-10 2392 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP825 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 PSA-10 2393 , RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4E"+ I

  • B21-PSSP826 BZ-24C-20 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 PSA-10 6633 .RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+ I  !

B21-PSSP827 BZ-24C-27 10.0"-SLP-209 3 IC-473 PSA-35 779 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+


! B21-PSSP828 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 - PSA-10 2394 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ I l B21-PSSP829 BZ-24C-29 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 PSA-10 1658 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I

B21-PSSP830 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 PSA-10 2398 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4E"+ 1 i B21-PSSP831 BZ-24C-31 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 PSA-10 5784 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP832 BZ-24C-32 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 PSA-10 2405 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP833 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 PSA-10 2399 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4E"+ I B21-PSSP834 BZ-24C-34 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 PSA-10 2406 RBP Drywell NE EL 76' 4M"+ I B21-PSSP835 BZ-24C-17 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 PSA-10 5783 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4E"+ I B21-PSSP836 BZ-24C-36 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 PSA-35 871 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ 1 B21-PSSP837 BZ-24C-37 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 PSA-10 9199 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ 1 B21-PSSP838 BZ-24C-37 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 PSA-10 9194 RBP Drywell E EL 76'-45"+ I j B21-PSSP839 ' BZ-24C-39 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 PSA-10 9192 RBP Drywell E EL 76'-4E"+ I B21-PSSP840 BZ-24C-40 10.0"-SLP-210 3 IC-482 PSA-10 8079 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ I B21-PSSP841 BZ-24C-40 10.0"-SLP-210 3- IC-482 PSA-10 2707 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ I B21-PSSP842 BZ-24C-42 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 PSA-10 2407 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+ I B21-PSSP843 BZ-24C-42_ 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 PSA-10 12676/12677 RBP Drywell E EL 76'-45"+ 1 B21-PSSP844 BZ-24C-39 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 PSA-3 19608 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4h"+ I B21-PSSP845 BZ-24C-45 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 PSA-10 1497 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP846 BZ-24C-45 10.0"-SLP-207 3 IC-476 PSA-10 1498 RBP Drywell E EL 76'-4h"+ I B21-PSSP847 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477. PSA-10 2400 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4%"+ I B21-PSSP848 BZ-24C-48 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 PSA-10 9184 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ 1 B21-PS$P849 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 PSA-10 2401 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ - I  ;


DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 139 of 162

' SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21)



Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber. Access-Identification Dwg.No. and ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility

-B21-PSSP850 BZ-24C-50 ' 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 PSA-10 5782 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4K"+ I B21-PSSP851 BZ-24C-51 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 PSA-10 2402 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP852 BZ-24C-52 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 PSA-35 8701 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ I

, B21-PSSP853 BZ-24C-53 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 PSA-10 9193 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ I l B21-PSSP854 BZ-24C-54 10.0"-SLP-203 3 IC-477 PSA-10 1499 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ 1 B21-PSSP855 BZ-24C-55 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 PSA-10 5781 RBP Drywel NW EL 76'-4M"+ I

, B21-PSSP856 BZ-24C-56 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 PSA-10 2408 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ I i B21-PSSP857 BZ-24C-32 10.0"-SLP-205 3 IC-474 PS A-10 2409 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4%"+ 1 i B21-PSSP858 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 PSA-10 5785 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4K"+ I l B21-PSSP859 BZ-24C-59 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 PSA-10 1559 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"t I B21-PSSP860 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 PSA-10 2395 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4h"+ I B21-PSSP861 BZ-24C-61 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 PSA-10 1496 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4M"+ . I B21-PSSP862 BZ-24C-62 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 PSA-10 8080 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4M"+ I l B21-PSSP863 BZ-24C-62 10.0"-SLP-204 3 IC-478 PSA-10 8031 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4h"+ I B21-PSSP864 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 PSA-10 2396 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-4M"+ I B21-PSSP865 BZ-24C-65 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 PSA-35 8705 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-4K"+ I a B21-PSSP867 BZ-24C-67 10.0"-SLP-211 3 !C-481' PSA-35 8703 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ 1 B21-PSSP868 BZ-24C-67 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 PSA-35 7797 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ I B21-PSSP869 BZ-24C-69 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 PSA-10 8078 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ I B21-PSSP870 BZ-24C-70 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 PSA-10 9195 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-45"+ I a B21-PSSP871 BZ-24C-71 10.0"-SLP-211 3 IC-481 PSA-10 2775 RBP Drywell W EL 62'-8"+ I

B21-PSSP872 BZ-24C-71 10.0"-SLP-211 3 -IC-481 PSA-10 2443 RBP Drywell SW EL 62'-8"+ I B21-PSSP873 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 PSA-10 2397 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4K"+ .I B21-PSSP874 BZ-24C-74 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 PSA-10 2410 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-4Ya"+ I B21-PSSP875 BZ-24C-47 .10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 PSA-10 2403 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-45"+ 1 B21-PSSP876 BZ-24C-70 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 PSA-10 9196 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-45"+ I

! B21-PSSP877 BZ-24C-70 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 PSA-10 2385 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP878 BZ-24C-78 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 PSA-10 1510 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4M"+ I B21-PSSP879 BZ-24C-67 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-480 PSA-10 9188 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ I I


! o o o '

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REY.1 Page 140 of 162

, SYSTEM: Nuclear Boiler (B21) s REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-29A,C;FM-32A

.i ASME Ref.

4 Support . Support . Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg. No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size. Numbers Location ibility B21-PSSP880 - BZ-24C-80 10.0"-SLP-201 3 IC-4' 80 PS A 9186 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4M"+ . I


B21-PSSP881 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 PSA-10 2404 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP882 BZ-24C-48 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 PSA-10 9187 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I

B21-PSSP883 BZ-24C-47 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 PS A-10 ' 5786 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I ,

B21-PSSP884 BZ-24C-84 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479 PSA-10 2411 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4%"+ I B21-PSSP886 BZ-24C-86 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 PSA-10 2413/2412 .RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4M"+ 1 B21-PSSP887 BZ-24C-86 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 - PS A-10 2414 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I 1,

B21-PSSP888 BZ-24C-88 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 PSA-10 2708. RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ .I B21-PSSP889 BZ-24C-89 10.0"-SLP-202 3 IC-479- PSA-10 2299 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP977 BZ-60B-98 2.0"-SH P-14 1 P25B0 PSA-1 12173 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4Ya"+ I

'; B21-PSSP980 BZ-60B-48 2.0"-SHP-17 1 P25C4 PSA-K 1508 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP992 BZ-25G-42 2.0"-SHP-5 1 P25B9 PSA-1 3856/15431 RBP Drywell NE EL 96'-11%"+ I B21-PSSP993 BZ-25G-35 2.0"-SHP-6 1' P25C0 PSA-1 15433/993- RBP Drywell NE EL 96'-11M"+ 1 i B21-PSSP994 BZ-25G-44 .75-K-22' 1 K0lZ2 PSA-K 1503 RBP Drywell NE Top of RPV I B21-PSSP995 BZ-25G-45 .75-K-22 1 K0122 PSA-K 1507 RBP Drywell NE Top of RPV I B21-PSSP996 BZ-24D-37 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 PSA-10 11838 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ I

) B21-PSSP997 BZ-24 D-42 10.0"-SLP-206 3 IC-475 PSA-3 19644 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ 1

B21-PSSP9008 BZ-25G-50 1.0"-K-27 1 'K018K- PSA-% -26312 RBP Drywell SW EL 96'-11M"+ I B21-PSSP9012 BZ-25G-50 1.0"-K-23 i K017L PSA-K 20315 RBP Drywell N EL 96'-11M"+ I i B21-PSSP9055 BZ-25G-50 .75"-K-3 2 K01D8 PSA-% 20313 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I B21-PSSP9057 BZ-25G-50 .75"-K-4 2 K0lN9 PSA-K 20314 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4K"+ I i

i i

i l ,

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 ' REV.1. Page 141 of 162

Reactor Recirculation (B31)



l Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-

, Identification . Dwg. No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility

!' B31-SSA l BZ-83-5 B31*P-1A 1- N/A PSA-35 1801000384 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ 'I B31-SSBl BZ-83-6 B31

  • P-1B 1 N/A PSA-35 1801000385 RBP Drywell SE EL 62'-8"+ 1 B31-SSA2 BZ-83-7 B31
  • P-1 A 1 N/A PSA-35 1801000386 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ 'I
B31-SSB2 BZ-83-8 B31 *P-1B 1 N/A PSA-35 1801000387 RBP Drywell SE EL 62'-8"+ I B31-SSA3 BZ-83-7 B31*P-1A 1 N/A PSA-100 1801000388 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ I B31-SSB3 BZ-83-8 B31
  • P-1B 1 N/A PS A-1.00 1801000389 RBP Drywell SE EL 62'-8"+ 1 B31-SSA4 BZ-83-9 .B31*P-!A 1 N/A PSA-100 1801000390 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I B31-SSB4 BZ-83-10 B31 *P-1B 1 N/A PSA-100 1801000391 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-4h"+ - I B31-SSAS BZ-83-9 B31*P-1A 1 N/A PSA-100 1801000392 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ 1 j B31-SSBS BZ-83-10 B31*P-1B 1 N/A PSA-100 1801000393 RBP Drywell SE EL 76"-45"+ .I B31-SSA6 BZ-83-l l B31*P-1A 1 N/A PSA-100 1801000394 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I B31-SSB6 BZ-83-12 B31
  • P-1B 1 N/A PSA-100 1801000395 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-4M"+ I

! B31-SSA7 BZ-83-13 28.0"-WR-210 1 NS005 PSA-35 1801000396 RBP Drywell W EL 76"-4K"+ I B31-SSB7 BZ-83-14 28.0"-WR-22 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000397 RBP Drywell E EL 76'-45"+ I j B31-SSAS BZ-83-13 28.0"-WR-210 1- NS005 PSA-35 1801000398 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-4M"+ I

B31-SSBS BZ-83-14 28.0"-W R-202 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000399 RBP Drywell E EL 76'-4S"+ I 4 B31-SSA9 BZ-83-15 28.0"-WR-209 1 NS005 PSA-35 1801000400 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ I B31-SSB9 BZ-83-16 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000401 RBP Drywell S EL 62'-8"+ I B31-SSA10 BZ-83-15 28.0"-WR-29 i NS005 PSA-35 1801000402 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ 1 B31-SSB10 BZ-83-16 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000403 RBP Drywell S EL 62'-8"+ 1 B31-SSAll BZ-83-17 28.0"-WR-210 1 NS005 PSA-35 1801000404 RBP Drywell W EL 62'-8"+ 1 B31-SSBil BZ-83-18 28.0"-WR-202 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000405 RBP Drywell E EL 62'-8"+ I l B31-SSA13 BZ-83-19 28.0"-WR-210 1 NS005 PSa-35 1801000406 RBP Drywell W EL 62'-8"+ 1 B31-SSB13 BZ-83-20 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000407 RBP Drywell E EL 62'-8"+ I i B31-SSA14 BZ-83-19 28.0"-WR-210 1 NS005 PSA-35 1801000408 RBP Drywell W EL 62'-8"+ I B31-SSB14 BZ-83-20 28.0"-WR-202 I NS006 PSA-35 .1801000409 RBP Drywell E EL 62'-8"+ I i B31-SSB15 BZ-83-33 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 . PSA-35 '1801000410 RBP Drywell S EL 76'-45"+ I B31-SSB16 BZ-83-33 28.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000411 RBP Drywell S EL 76'-45"+ I j B31-SSA17 BZ-83-34 28.0"-WR-211. I NS005 PSA-35 1801000412- RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4K"+ I i

i i

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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 142 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Recirculation (B31)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg. No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility B31-SSB17 BZ-83-35 22.0"-WR-203 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000413 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-45"+ I B31-SSA18 BZ-83-34 22.0"-WR-211 1 NS005 PSA-35 1801000414 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-45"+ I B31-SSB18 BZ-83-35 22.0"-WR-203 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000415 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-4K"+ I B31-SSA19 BZ-83-36 22.0"-WR-211 1 NS005 PSA-35 1801000416 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-45"+ 1 B31-SSB19 BZ-83-37. 22.0"-WR-203 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000417 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4V2"+ I B31-SSA20 BZ-83-36 22.0"-WR-211 1 NS005 PSA-35 1801000418 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-45"+ ~ I B31-SSB20 BZ-83-37 22.0"-WR-203 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000419 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ I B31-SSA21 BZ-83-38 22.0"-WR-209 1 NS005 PSA-35 1801000420 RBP Drywell N EL 76'-4K"+ I B31-SSB21 BZ-83-39 22.0"-WR-201 1 NS006 PSA-35 1801000421 RBP Drywell S EL 76'-4K"+ I B31-PSSP9016 BZ-83 .40 00.75-K-80 2 K0lWO PSA-% 3206 RBP Drywell SE EL 62'-8"+ I 1



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i DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 - Page 143 of 162 SYSTEM: Standby Liquid Control (C41)-


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg. No. andIdent. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location. ibility C41-PSSP31 BZ-98-40 O l .5"-B-40 1 P0908 PSA-K 2986/3203 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-4K"+ I C41-PSSP35 BZ-9B-35 01.5"-B-40 1 P0907 PSA-K 1505 RBP Drywell SW EL 76'-4h"+ I

i. C41-PSSP56 BZ-9B-45 01.5"-B-40 1 P0903 PSA-K 2274 RBP Drywell S EL 76'-45"+ I i

4 I

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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 144 of 162

. SYSTEM: Residual Heat Rernoval (Ell)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg. No. andIdent. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location - ibility .

Ell-PSSP800 BZ-8E-14 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 PSA-10 1508 RBS SE COL C-2 EL 40'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP802 BZ-8E-22 20.0"-WR-212 2 IC.14 PSA-10 2768' RBS S COL C-5 EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP803 BZ-8E-23 20.0"-WR-212 2 IC-14 PSA-10 2765 RBS S COL C-5 EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP804 BZ-8E-24 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 PSA-10 12517/12518 RBS E COL C-1 EL 40'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP805 BZ-8E-25 20.0"-WR-214 2 IC-14 PSA-10 2766 RBS E COL C-6 EL 8'-0"+ A


Ell-PSSP806 BZ-8E-26 20.0"-WR-204 2 IC-18 PSA-10 2767 RBS W COL C-Il EL 63'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP807 BZ-8E-27 20.0"-WR-204 2 IC-18 PSA-101' 8733/8734 RBS NW COL C-12 EL 63'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP808 BZ-8E-28 20.0"-WR-213 2 IC-13 PSA-10 980 RBS W COL C-12 EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP809 BZ-8E-29 20.0"-WR-211 2 IC-13 PSA-10 2769 ' RBS S COL C-11 EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP810 BZ-8E-30 20.0"-W".-211 2 IC-13 PSA-10 8082 RBS S COL C-Il EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP811~ BZ-8E-31 16.0"-WR-277 2 IC-33 PSA-10 ,8730/8731 RBS SW ' COL C-10 EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP812 BZ-8E-32 24.0"-WR-255 2 IC-32 PSA-35 ' 7816 RBS SW COL C-Il EL 63'-0"+ A-Ell-PSSP813_ BZ-8E-33 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37; PSA-35 876 RBS SW COL C-12 EL 40'-0"+ =A -

Ell-PSSP814 BZ-8E-60 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 PSA-35 8704 RBS SW COL C-12 EL 40'-C"+ A Ell-PSSP815 BZ-8E-34 24.0"-WR-261 2 IC-32 , PSA-10 8723/8724 RBS SW COL C-Il EL 63'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP817 BZ-8E-36 12.0"-WR-271 2 IC-3!/ PSA-10 9182/9183 RBS N COL C-12 EL 63'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP818 BZ-SE-37 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 PSA-3 1660 RBS NW COL C-Il EL 63'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP819 BZ-SE-38 16.0"-WR-245 2 IC-39 PSA-10 976 RBS SW COL C-10 EL 8'-0"+ A E11-PSSP820 BZ-8E-39 12.0"-WR-272 2 IC-43 PSA-10 8728 RBS NW COL C-4 EL 78'-7"+ A Ell-PSSP821 BZ-8E-40 24.0"-WR-334 2 IC-38 PSA-10 974/1561 RBS SE COL C-5 EL 63'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP824 BZ-SE-42 24.0"-WR-262 2 IC-69 PSA-10 2415A/87MB RBS NE COL C-5 EL 63'-0"+ A E11-PSSP825 BZ-8E-43 16.0"-WR-246 2 IC-27 PSA-10 8729' RBS S COL C-6 EL 8'-0"+ A ,

Ell-PSSP826 BZ-8E-44 10.0"-SHP-172 . 2 IC-62 PSA-3 1672 .RBS NE COL C-5 EL 63'-0"+ A


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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 145 of 162 SYSTEM': Residual Heat Removal (Ell)


Support - Support Line Size .. Code Piping -Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg. No. and Ident. Class Iso. ' Size Numbers Location ibility :

Ell-PSSP827 BZ-8E-45 10.0"-SHP-172 2 IC-62 ' PS A-10 8722 RBS N COL C-5 EL 63'-0"+ A E11-PSSP828 BZ-8E-46 10.0"-WR-248 2 _IC-27 PSA-3 1674 RBS E COL C-5 EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP829 BZ-SE-47 4.0"-WR-350 2 IC-44 PSA-3 2339 RBS NW COL C-5 EL 78'-7"+ A Ell-PSSP830 BZ-8E-48 4.0"-WR-394 2 IC-44 PSA-3 1666 ' RBS NW COL C-5 EL 78'-7"+ ' A Ell-PSSP831 BZ-SE-49 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-58 PSA-1 1007 RBP Drywell SE Top of RPV I Ell-PSSP832 BZ-SE-50 4.0"-WR-285 1 IC-58 PSA-1 996- RBP Drywe*1 NE Top of RPV I Ell-PSSP-836 BZ-8E-53 6.0"-WP-341 2 IC-90 PSA-1 '995 RBS W CGu C-Il EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP837 BZ-SE-54 4.0"-WR .311 2 -IC-36 PSA-1 992 RBS NW COL C-Il EL 8'-0"+ A-E11-PSSP838 BZ-8E-55 4.0"-WR-316 2 IC-49 PSA-1 1982 RBS NE COL C-5 EL 8'-0"+ 'A E11-PSSP839 BZ-SE-56 4.0"-WR-318 2 IC-8 PSA-1 12176 RBS E COL C-5 EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP850 BZ-8F-3 16.0"-WR-277 2 IC-33 PSA-35 .8702 RBS SW COL C-Il EL 63'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP900 BZ-8G-30 24.0"-WR-267 1 IC-20 PSA-100 501 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-45"+ I Ell-PSSP901 BZ-8G-31 24.0"-WR-265 1 IC-20 PSA-35 872 RBP Drywell SW EL 62'-8"+ I Ell-PSSP902 BZ-8G-32 24.0"-WR-265 1 IC-20 . PSA-100 499 RBP Drywell SW EL 62'-8"+ I Ell-PSSP903 BZ-8G-33 20.0"-WR-202 1 IC-17 PSA-35 875 RBP Drywell NW EL 62'-8"+ 1 Ell-PSSP904 BZ-8G-34 20.0"-WR-202 1 IC-17 PSA-35 874 RBP Drywell SW EL 62'-8"+ I Ell-PSSP905 BZ-8G-35 20.0"-WR-202 1 IC-17 PSA-35 6625 RBP Drywell SW EL 62'-8"+ . I Ell-PSSP906 BZ-8G-36 20.0"-WR-201 1 IC-17 PSA-35 507 RBP Drywell S EL 76'-45"+ .I

, Ell-PSSP907 BZ-8G 24.0"-WR-268 1 IC-19 PSA-100 995 RBP Drywell E EL 76'-4K"+ I Ell-PSSP908 BZ-8G-38 24.0"-WR-266 1 IC-19 PSA-100 336 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4M+ 1 Ell-PSSP909 BZ-8G-38 24.0"-WR-266 1 IC-19 PSA-35 7043 RBP Drywell NW EL 76'-4S+ I

! Ell-PSSP910 BZ-8G-39 24.0"-WR-266 1 IC-19 PSA-100 1140 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45+ I Ell-PSSP911 BZ-8H-85 16.0"-WR-245 2 IC-40 PSA-3 19679/19682 RBS SW COL C-10 EL 8'-0"+ A

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U Ck DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 'REV. I- . Page 146 of 162:

' SYSTEM: - Residual Heat Removal (Ell)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location . ibility Ell-PSSP912 BZ-8H-68 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-38 PSA-10 11709/11710 RBS SW COL C-3 EL 40.0"+ A Ell-PSSP913 BZ-8H-87 24.0"-WR-260 2 IC-37 PSA-10 12675 RBS SE COL C-1 EL 40'-0"+ A E11-PSSP914 BZ-8H-88 12.0"-WR-271 2 IC-31 PSA-10 11880 RBS SE COL C-Il EL 78'-7"+ A Ell-PSSP915 BZ-8H-89 12.0"-WR-271 2 IC-31 PSA-10 12674 RBS SE COL C-Il EL 78'-7"+ A' E11-PSSP9014 BZ-8G-44 0.75"-WR-175 2 P08S8 PSA-K 21790 RBS SW COL C-10 EL 8'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP9015 BZ-8G-44 0.75"-WR-175 2 P08S8 PSA-X 21776 RBS SW COL C-10 EL 40'-0"+ A.

. Ell-PSSP9028 BZ-8G-44 01.0"-WR-531 2 P08G8 PSA-K 20304 RBS E COL C-5 EL 40'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP9031 BZ-8G-44 01.0"-WR-531 2 P08H1 PSA-K 2279 RBS NE COL C-9 EL 40'-0"+ A Ell-PSSP9038 BZ-8G-44 01.0"-WR-532 2 P08H6 PSA-K 12602 RBS W COL C-8 EL 63"-0"+ A

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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 147 of 162 SYSTEM: Core Spray (E21)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility 1

i E21-PSSP800 BZ-10B-10 12.0"-WR-8 2 IC-56 PSA-10 2764 RBS NE COL C-10 EL 8'-0"+ A E21-PSSP801 BZ-10B-10 12.0"-WR-8 2 IC-56 PSA-10 2763 RBS NE COL C-10 EL 8'-0"+ A E21-PSSP804 BZ-10B-30 10.0"-WR-17 1 IC-59 PSA-10 2771/2772 RBP Drywell W EL 96'-11M"+ 1 4

E21-PSSP806 BZ-10B-42 10.0"-WR-17 1 IC-59 PSA-3 1694 RBP Drywell W EL 96'-11M"+ I E21-PSSP807 BZ-10B-31 .10.0"-WR-37 1 IC-64 PSA-10 11877/11878 RBP Drywell E EL 96'-IIM"+ I j- E21-PSSP809 BZ-10B-41 10.0"-WR-37 1 IC-64 PSA-10 9185 RBP Drywell E EL 96'-llM"+ I E21-PSSP810 BZ-10B-48 .75-K-87 2 K0157 PSA-K 1504 RBP Drywell W EL 76'-4M"+ I 4

i 1

1 I



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v V("T DOCUMENT No. 33A0273 REY.1 Page 148 of 162.

SYSTEM: MSIV Leakage Control (E32)


Support - Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg.No. and Ident.- Class Iso. ' Size Numbers Location ibility E32-PSSP800 BZ-60B-96 2.0"-SHP-61 2 P6029 PSA-K 24153 RBS MSTPA W EL 76'-5"+ I

E32-PSSP987 - BZ-60B-41 1.5"-SH P-22 2 P6035 PSA-1 12174 RBS MSTPA E EL 76'-5"+ I 1 E32-PSSP9001 - BZ-60B-102 1.5"-SHP-32 2 P6045 PSA-K 29322 RBS SE COL C-7 EL 63'-0"+ A E32-PSSP9003 BZ-60B-102 1.5"-SHP-22 2 P6044 PSA-K 29323 RBS SE COL C-7 EL 63'-0"+ A E32-PSSP9005 BZ-60B-102 1.5"-SHP-12 2 P6043 PSA-% 29324 RBS SE COL C-7 EL 63'-0"+ A E32-PSSP9006 BZ-60B-102 1.5"-SHP-2 2 P6042 PSA-K 29330 RBS SE COL C-7 EL 63'-0"+ A i




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DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 .REV.1 Page 149 of 162 i SYSTEM: High Pressure Coolant Iniection (E41)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping . Snubber Serial Snubber - Access-Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size ' Numbers Location ibility E41-PSSP60 BZ-11B-35 14.0"-WR-5 1 IC-181 PSA-35 6031 RBS NW COL C-8 EL 63'-0"+ A

E41-PSSP74 BZ-11 B-54 . 10.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-182 . PS A-100 1400 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ I E41-PSSP75 BZ-l lB-55 10.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-182 PSA-35 9066/9067 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ I-E41-PSSP78 BZ-l l B-56 10.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-182 PSA-10 11715 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ I
E41-PSSP79 BZ-l lB-57 10.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-182 PSA-10 9198 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ I E41-PSSP81 BZ-11B-63 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-184 PSA-35 9206 RBS N COL C-8 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP82 BZ-11B-63 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-184 PSA-35 9207 RBS N COL C-8 EL 8'-0"+ A

! E41-PSSP83 BZ-ilB-64 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-184 PSA-10 12522 RBS NW COL C-8 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP84 BZ-11B-64 18.0"-SL P-7 2 IC-184 PSA-10 12523 RBS NE COL C-9 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP85 BZ-11B-62 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 PSA-10 8726 RBS NE COL C-9 EL 8'-0"+ A '

E41-PSSP86 BZ-11B-61 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 PSA-10 12524 RBS NE COL C-9 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP88 BZ-l lB-66 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-185 PSA-10 12520/12521 RBS NE COL C-8 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP800 BZ-IIB-25 14.0"-WR-3 2 IC-181 PSA-10 2420/2421 RBS NW COL C-9 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP801' BZ-118-26 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 PSA-1 12165 RBS NE COL C-7 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP802 BZ-11B-27 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 PSA-1 1004 RBS NE COL C-8'EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP303 BZ-i lB-28 10.0"-S H P-6 2 IC-183 PSA-1 1175 RBS NE COL C-7 EL 8'-0"+ A i

E41-PSSP804 BZ-I I B-28 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 PSA-1 1176 RBS NE COL C-7 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP805 BZ-l lB-30 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 PSA-35 9273 RBS NE COL C-8 EL 63'-0"+ A i

E41-PSSP806 . BZ-ll B-17 10.0"-S HP-5 1 IC-182 PSA-35 9068/9069 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ I

. E41-PSSP807 BZ-l lB-31 10.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-182 PSA-10 1509 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ I E41-PSSP809 - BZ-i lB-16 18.0"-SLP-7 2 IC-184 PSA-35 8692 RBS N COL C-8 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP812 BZ-l lB-38 10.0"-SHP-6 2 IC-183 PSA-1 12212 RBS NE COL C-8 EL 8'-0"+ A E41-PSSP813 BZ-ll B-40 1.0"-SHP-1/4 1 P1195 PSA-K 3217 RBS NE COL C-8 EL 63'-0"+ 'A 1 E41-PSSP814 BZ-I IB-46 1.0"-SH P-173 1 P1101 PSA-K 3220 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ I E41-PSSP815 BZ-11B-46 1.0"-SHP-173 1 P1101 PSA-1 15441 RBP Drywell N EL 62'-8"+ 1

E41-PSSP816 BZ-l lB-49 14.0"-WR-5 1 IC-181 PSA-10 11876 RBS NW COL C-9 EL 63'-0"+ A l E41-PSSP817 BZ-l lB-48 14.0"-WR-3 2 IC-181 PSA-3 19730/19731 RBS N COL C-9 EL 63"-0"+ A .

E41-PSSP818 BZ-l l B-51 10.0"-S HP-6 .2 IC-183 PSA-35 8694/8698 RBS NE COL C-8 EL 63'-0"+ A E41-PSSP819 BZ-l lB-52 1.0"-SH P-9 1 Pil95 PSA-K 3215 RBS SW COL C-7 EL 63'-0"+ A +

E41-PSSP820 BZ-l l B-52 1.0"-SH P-9 1 P1195 PSA-% 3216 RBS SW COL C-7 EL 63'-0"+ A E41-PSSP821 BZ-11B-53 1.0"-S H P-174 1 P1195 PSA-%- 29325 RBS NE COL C-8 EL 63'-0"+ A '

i DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 150 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (E51)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location , ibility E51-PSSP72 BZ-2B-48 6.0"-WR-20 1 IC-68 PSA-10 2422 RBS MSTPA E EL 76'-5"+ I E51-PSSP73 BZ-2B-48 6.0"-WR-20 1 IC-68 PSA-10 2423 RBS MSTPA E EL 76'-5"+ 1 E51-PSSP80 BZ-2B-68 3.0"-S HP-5 1 IC-60 PSA-1 15445 RBP Drywell N EL 76'-4h"+ I

E51-PSSP83 BZ-2B-71 3.0"-SH P-6 2 IC-61 PSA-K 21493 RBS SE COL C-7 EL 8'-0"+ A E51-PSSP85 BZ-2B-73 6.0"-SHP-i l 2 IC-61 PSA-K 21775 RBS NW COL C-6 EL 8'-0"+ A

. E51-PSSP800 BZ -2B-21 3.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-60 PSA-1 1177 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-4K"+ 1 i E51-PSSP801 BZ-2B-22 8.0"-SL P-7 2 IC-71 PSA-1 1003 RBS SE COL C-7 EL 8'-0"+ A

'1 E51-PSSP802 BZ-2B-23 4.0"-W-10 2 IC-67 PSA-K 2990 RBS N COL C-7 EL 8'-0"+ A 1 E51-PSSP803 BZ-2B-24 4.0"-WR-4 2 IC PSA-3 1676 RBS SE COL C-7 EL 8'-0"+ A f

E51-PSSP304 BZ-2B-24 4.0"-WR-4 2 IC-67 PSA-K 2988 RBS SE COL C-7 EL 8'-0"+ ~A l

E51-PSSP305 BZ-2B-25 4.0"-WR-4 2 IC-67 PSA-1 1000 RS SE COL C-7 EL 8'-0"+ A E51-PSSP807 BZ-2B-34 3.0"-SHP-5 1 IC-60 PSA-3 1259 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ 1 E51-PSSP808 BZ-28-34 3.0"-SH P-5 1- IC-60 PSA-10 8083 RBP Drywell NE EL 76'-45"+ I E51-PSSP809 BZ-2B-33 3.0"-S HP-6 2 IC-61 PSA-1 997 RBS NW COL C-7 EL 63'-0"+ A E51-PSSP810 BZ-2B-49 3.0"-S HP-5 1 IC-60 PSA-10 2770 RBP Drywell N EL 76'-4M"+ I E51-PSSP811 BZ-2B-50 3.0"-SH P-5 1 IC-60 PSA-3 1700 .RBP Drywell N EL 76'-4K"+ 1 E51-PSSP812 BZ-2B-51 3.0"-S HP-5 -1 IC-60 PSA-1 15430 RBP Drywell N EL 76'-45"+

] I

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 151 of 162 SYSTEM: RB Floor & Equip Drains (Gil)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg.No. andIdent. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility Gil-PSSP2320 BZ-18C-104 3.0"-DRW-23 3 IC-1546 PSA-1 991 RBS SW COL C-Il EL 8'-0"+ .A Gil-PSSP2321 BZ-18C-104 3.0"-DRW-23 3 IC-1546 PSA-1 993 RBS SW COL C-11 EL 8'-0"+ A

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page'152 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Water Cleanup (G33)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access--

Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location 'ibility -

G33-PSSP200 BZ-lC-9 J6.0"-WR-3 1 IC-Ill7 PSA-35 535 RBP Drywell SE EL 96'-11%"+ I- ,

G33-PSSP201 BZ-IC-10 3.0"-WR-10 3 IC-!!20 PSA-3 '1677 RBS RWCU Pump Cub EL 112'9"+ I

- G33-PSSP202 BZ-lC-11 3.0"-WR-l l IC-ll20 PSA-35 873 " " " " I


3 " . "

G33-PSSP204 BZ-IC-13 4.0"-WR-20 -3 IC-Il21 PSA-1 1173 " " " " " "

I G33-PSSP205 BZ-lC-14 4.0"-WR-20 3 IC-ll21 PSA-1 1168 " " " " " " I 4.0"-WR '3 IC-ll21 PSA-K 2275 " " " " " " I G33-PSSP206 BZ-lC-15 BZ-lC-16 4.0"-WR-20 IC-Il21 PSA-K " " " " "

G33-PSSP207 3 26338/29356 " I IC-ll21 PSA-1 " " " " "' "

G33-PSSP208 BZ-lC-27 4.0"-WR-20 3 1492 I G33-PSSP209 BZ-lC-17 4.0"-W D-37 3 IC-Il22 PSA-1 12171 " " " " " "

I G33-PSSP210 BZ-IC-18 4.0"-WR-34 3 IC-ll24 PSA-1 4390 " " " " " "-

I IC-Il24 PSA-1 " " " " " "

G33-PSSP211 BZ-IC-18 4.0"-WR-34 3 4561 . I BZ-1C-20 4.0"-WR-34 1169 " " " " " "

l G33-PSSP214 3 IC-ll24 PSA-1 G33-PSSP216 BZ-lC-100 4.0"-W D-31 3 IC-Il28 PSA-% 3205 " " " "

I G33-PSSP217 BZ-lC-21 4.0 - #D-31 3 IC-ll28 PSA-% 3209 " " " " " " 'I BZ-lC-21 4.0"-W D-31 3214 " " " " " "

I G33-PSSP218 3 IC-ll28 PSA-K G33-PSSP219 BZ-IC-22 4.0"-WR-72 3' IC-Il25 PSA-K 3207 " " " " " "

I G33-PSSP220 BZ-1C-22 4.0"-WR-72 3 IC-Il25 PSA-1 4365 " " " " " "

I 4.0"-WR-72 IC-Il25 PSA-K ' " " " " " "

G33-PSSP221 A BZ-lC-22 3 2991 -

I 4.0"-WR-72 IC-ll25 PSA-% " " " " " "

G33-PSSP221B BZ-lC-22 3 3208B I G33-PSSP223 BZ-lC-24 4.0"-W D-30 3 IC-Il25 PSA-K 3213 " " " " " " I BZ-lC-25 6.0"-WR-8 IC-1120 . PSA-100 996 " " " " " " I G33-PSSP224 3 G33-PSSP225 BZ-lC-98 6.0"-W D-28 -1 IC-1508 PSA-3 1701 RBS MSTPA N EL 76'-5"+ I G33-PSSP226 BZ-ID-32 2.0"-WR-4 i P0104 PSA-1 990 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-45"+ I G33-PSSP227 BZ-1D-32 2.0"-WR-4 1 P0104 PSA-1 989 RBP Drywell SE EL 76'-4K"+ I

I O O O DOCUMENT No. 83 A0273 REV.1 Page 153 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Water Cleanup (G33)



Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg.No. . and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location . Ibility G33-PSSP228 BZ-ID-33 04.0"-WR-2 1 IC-Ill8 PSA-1 7715 RBP Drywell SE EL 62'-8"+ I G33-PSSP229 BZ-ID-33 04.0"-WR-2 1 IC-Ill8 PSA-1 7716 RBP Drywell SE EL 62'-8"+ 1 ,

G33-PSSP230 BZ-I D-34 04.0"-WR-1 1 . lC-Ill7 PSA-1 7717 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ - I G33-PSSP231 BZ-I D-34 04.0"-WR-1 1 IC-Ill7 PSA-1 7718 RBP Drywell NE EL 62'-8"+ 1 i

G33-PSSP232 BZ-lD-37 03.0"-WR-I l 3 IC-ll20 PSA-1 4747 RBS RWCU Pump Cub EL 112'-9"+ 1 G33-PSSP234 BZ-ID-47 02.0"-W R-65 3 P01C5 PSA-1 8866 RBS RWCU Pump Cub EL 112'-9"+ 1 G33-PSSP235 BZ-I D-48 02.0"-WR-64 3 P01B8 PSA-1 12161 RBS RWCU Pump Cub EL 112'-9"+ I G33-PSSP236 BZ-ID-49 04.0"-W D-30 3 IC-ll25 PSA-K 3204 RBS RWCU Pump Cub EL 112'-9"+ I G33-PSSP237 BZ-I D-53 06.0"-WD-28 1 IC-Il23 PSA-10 2773 RBS MSTPA E EL 76'-5"+ I-G33-PSSP238 BZ-ID-53 06.0"-WD-28 1 IC-ll23 PSA-10 2774 RBS MSTPA E EL 76'-5"+ I G33-PSSP239 BZ-lD-55 06.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1123 PSA-3 19610 RBS MSTPA N EL 76'-5"+ 1

G33-PSSP240 BZ-ID-38 06.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1508 PSA-3 1693 RBS MSTPA NE EL 76'-5"+ I G33-PSSP241 BZ-lD-56 06.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1509 PSA-3 1698/1699 RBS MSTPA E EL 76'-5"+ I G33-PSSP242 BZ-I D-68 06.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1509 PSA-3 1696 RBS MSTPA SE EL 76'-5"+ I G33-PSSP243 BZ-ID-69 06.0"-WD-24 1 IC-1508 PSA-35 8699 RBS MSTPA NE EL 76'-5"+ I G33-PSSP244 BZ-ID-70 06.0"-WD-24 1 IC-1508 PSA-35 3006 RBS MSTPA E EL 76'-5"+ I G33-PSSP324 - BZ-1D-82 06.0"-WR-3 1 IC-1117 PSA-35 773 RBP Drywell SE EL 96'-11h"+ I
G33-PSSP611 BZ-I D-85 06.0"-WD-28 1 IC-1509 PSA-3 1431 RBS MSTPA E EL 76'-5"+ I i G33-PSSP612 BZ-I D-86 03.0"-W D-28 1 IC-1509 PSA-3 1687 RBS MSTPA E EL 76'-5"+ 1 i G33-PSSP613 BZ-I D-87 06.0"-WD-24 1 IC-1508 PSA-3 5583 RBS MSTPA N EL 76'-5"+ 1 j G33-PSSP617 BZ-IC-102 04.0"-H D-12 3 IC-Il35 PSA-K 29321 RBS RWCU Val Pit EL 150'-9"+ A i

j i




DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 154 of 162 SYSTEM: Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup (G41)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber- Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg. No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility .

G41-PSSPl77 BZ-7C-98 10.0"-FC-161 3 IC-1088 PSA-10 8084/8085 RBS S COL C-10 EL I12' 9"+ A G41-PSSPl78 BZ-7C-99 8.0"-FC-4 3 IC-841 PSA-1 4263 RBS FPC Pump & Hx Cubicle A EL 150"-9"+

G41-PSSPl79 BZ-7C-100 8.0"-FC-5 3 IC-Il09 PSA-1 1005 RBS FPC Pump & Hx Cubicle A.

EL 150'-9"+

G41-PSSP561 BZ-7D-53 10.0"-FC-165 3 IC-1088 PSA-10 8732 RBS NW COL C-12 EL 63'-0"+ A

i DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 155 of 162 SYSTEM: Main Steam (Nil)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber' Access-Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location Ibility Nil-PSSP800 BZ-25 D-6 24.0"-SHP-1 2 IC-142 PSA-35 521/520 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 12; I

' EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP801 BZ-25D-7 24.0"-SH P-1 2 IC-142 PSA-35 522/523 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 12; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP802 BZ-25D-8 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-142 PSA-100 342 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 12; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP803 BZ-25D-9 24.0"-SHP-155 2 IC-143 PSA-35 524/525 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 12; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP804 BZ-25D-10 24.0"-SHP-156 2 IC-144 PSA-35 777/778 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 11; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP805 BZ-25D-11 24.0"-SHP-157 2~ IC-554 PSA-35 531/526 TB MST; REF COLS. Y & 12; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP306 BZ-250-12 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-142 PSA-100 334/343 TB MST; REF COLS. W & 12; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP807 BZ-25D-13 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-142 PSA-100 347 TB MST; REF COLS. W & 10; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP808 BZ-25D-12 2t:.0"-SH P-154 2 IC-143 PSA-100 350/349 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 12; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP809 BZ-25D-13 24.0"-SHP-155 2 IC-143 PSA-35 532/527 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 10; .I EL 49'-6"+

N11-PSSP810 BZ-25D-12 24.0"-SHP-154 2 IC-144 PSA-100 351/354 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 12; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP811 BZ-25D-13 24.0"-SHP-157 2 IC-144 PSA-35 533/534 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 10; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP812 BZ-25D-12 24.0"-SHP-157 2 IC-554 PSA-100 355/356 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 12; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP813 BZ-25D-13 24.0"-SHP-157 2 IC-554 PSA-100 272 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 10; I EL 49'-6"+ :

Nil-PSSP838 BZ-25D-26 24.0"-SH P-1 2 IC-142 PSA-35 528 TB MST; Ref COLS. Ca & 8; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP839 BZ-25D-27 24.0"-SH P-1 2 IC-142 PSA-35 7046 TB MST; REF COLS. Ca & 8; I EL 63'-0"+

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 156 of 162 SYSTEM: Main Steam (Nil)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg. No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility Nil-PSSP840 BZ-25 D-28 24.0"-SH P-2 2 IC-143 PSA-35 .529 TB MST; REF COLS. Ca & 9; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP841 BZ-25D-29 24.0"-SHP-2 2 IC-143 PSA-10 1657/1562 TB MST; REF COLS. C & 8; I EL 63'-0"+

Nil-PSSP842 BZ-25D-30 24.0"-SH P-3 2 IC-144 PSA-35 776 TB MST; REF COLS. C & 9; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP843 BZ-25D-31 24.0"-SHP-3 2 IC-144 PSA-35 709 TB MST; REF COLS. Ca & 9; I EL 63'-0"+

Nil-PSSP844 BZ-25 D-32 24.0"-S H P-4 2 .IC-554 PSA-35 530 TB MST; REF COLS. C & 9; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP845 BZ-25D-33 24.0"-SHP-4 2 IC-554 PSA-35 7800 TB MST; REF COLS. C & 9; I EL 63'-0"+

Nil-PSSP846 BZ-25D-34 16.0"-SHP-51 2 IC-595 PSA-35 780 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 11; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP848 BZ-25D-36 10.0"-SH P-97 2 IC-595 PSA-3 1423 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 11; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP852 BZ-25D-36 8.0"-S H P-67 2 IC-595 PSA-3 1680 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 10; I EL 49'-6"+

N11-PSSP853 BZ-250-37 10.0"-SHP-97 2 IC-595 PSA-3 1688 TB STOP VALVES AREA; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP855 BZ-25D-39 16.0"-SH P-50 2 IC-594 PSA-3 1690/1689 TB MST; REF COLS. W & 10; I EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP864 BZ-25 D-20 16.0"-SHP-51 ,2 IC-595 PSA-10 2444 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 10; I EL 49'-6"+ I N11-PSSP865 BZ-25D-42 16.0"-SHP-50 2 IC-594 PSA-3 1691 TB MST; REF COLS. X & 10; 1 EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP868 BZ-25D-52 16.0"-SHP-51 2 IC-595 PSA-3 1971 TB MST; REF COLS. Y & 12; I i EL 49'-6"+

Nil-PSSP869 BZ-25D-54 8.0"-SHP-67 2 IC-595 PSA-10 12519 TB MST; REF COLS. Y & 10; I EL 49'-6"+

l l

O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 . R EV.1 Page 157 of 162 SYSTEM: Misc. Drains Secondary (N23) i i REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-29 A&B ,



. Support Support . Line Size Code. Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-

] Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility 1

j N23-PSSP316 BZ-61B-42 . 3.0"-TD-18 2 IC-1226 PSA-1 1010 TB MST; REF COLS. Y & 11; 1

l EL 49-6"+

N23-PSSP319 BZ-61B-45 3.0"-TD-18 2 IC-1226 PSA-1 12166 TB MST; REF COLS. Z & 11; I EL 49'-6"+

N23-PSSP383 BZ-61B-66 1.5"-TD-94 2 P6170 PSA-K 1506B TB MST; REF COLS. X & 11; I EL 49'-6"+



i i


O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 158 of 162.

SYSTEM: Demin & Makeup Water (P21)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber. Access-Identification Dwg.No. andIdent. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility P21-PSSP897 BZ-143-31 16"-WD-325 2 IC-1070 PSA-10 12661 YARD; NE CST EL 40'-0"+ A

O o o DOCUMENT No. 83A02731 REV. l - Page 159 of 162.

SYSTEM: Service Water (P41)


Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg. No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility P41-PSSP800 BZ-33B-16 20.0"-WS-242 3 IC-135 PSA-3 1662 RBS W COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP801 BZ-33B-17 20.0"-WS-249 3 IC-131 PSA-3 19741 RBS NW COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ ' A P41-PSSP802 BZ-33B-17 20.0"-WS-249 3 IC-131 PSA-3 1253 RBS NW COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP803 BZ-33B-18 20.0"-WS-250 3 IC-130 PSA-3 2340/1254 RBS SW COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP804 BZ-33B-18 20.0"-WS-250 3 IC-130 PSA-3 1258 RBS SW COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSPS05 BZ-33B-19 16.0"-WS-217 3 IC-138 PSA-3 1670 RBS SW COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP307 BZ-33B-21 16.0"-WS-218 3 IC-139 PSA-3 19732 RBS SE COL C-12 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP808 BZ-33B-22 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-132 PSA-3 1661 RBS SW COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP809 BZ-33B-23 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-132 PSA-3 1655 RBS S COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP810 BZ-33B-24 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-133 PSA-3 19733 RBS SE COL C-5 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP811 BZ-33B-25 20.0"-WS-243 3 IC-134 PSA-3 1255 RBS SE COL C06 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP812 BZ-33B-26 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 PSA-3 1979 RBS SW COL C-11 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP813 BZ-33B-27 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 PSA-1 1001 RBS SW COL C-Il EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP814 BZ-33B-23 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 PSA-10 8727 RBS SW COL C-Il EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP815 BZ-33B-29 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-136 PSA-3 1668A/1667B RBS COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP816 BZ-33B-30 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-137 PSA-3 1257 RBS SW COL C-3 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP817 BZ-33C-16 18.0"-WS-208 3 IC-519 PSA-3 1977 SCREENWELL A P41-PSSP818 BZ-33C-16 18.0"-WS-207 3 IC-519 PSA-3 1978 SCREENWELL A P41-PSSP819 BZ-33C-17 18.0"-WS-206 3 IC-549 PSA-1 1174 SCREENWELL A P41-PSSP820 BZ-33C-17 18.0"-WS-205 3 IC-549 PSA-3 1179 SCREENWELL A P41-PSSP821 BZ-33B-31 20.0"-WS-246 3 IC-134 PSA-3 1684 RBS E COL C-4 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP831 BZ-338-31 20.0"-WS-246 3 IC-134 PSA-3 1683 RBS E COL C-4 EL 8'-0"+ A

_ ._..._ ._ .. _ . _ _ . . - . . __ . _- .. ~. ~ . . _ . . _ - _ . - _ . _ . ~ . . . _. - . .


1 j DOCUMENT No. 83A0273. REV. I Page '160 of'162 l' SYSTEM: . Service Water (P41)


! ASME- Ref.

1 Support Support .Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber- Access-Identification Dwg.No. and Ident.

Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility

! P41-PSSP868 BZ-33B-40 06.0"-WS-398 3 IC-1540 PSA-1 15428 RBS W COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A j P41-PSSP869 BZ-33B-40 06.0"-WS-398 3 IC-1540 PSA-1 15425 RBS W COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP873 BZ-338-33 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 PSA-1 15426 RBS S COL C-1 EL 8'-0"v A' i P41-PSSP874 BZ-33B-43 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 PSA-1 15424 RBS SW COL C-2 E 8'-0"+ A t

P41-PSSP875 BZ-33B-36 10.0"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 PSA-1 15429 RBS SW COL C-2 EL 8'-0"+ A j P41-PSSP914 BZ-33B-49 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-137 PSA-3 1659 RBS SW COL C-2 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP915 BZ-33B-50 20.0"-WS-247 3 IC-137 PSA-3 19734 RBS SE COL C-3EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP919 BZ-33B-47 20.0"-WS-242 3 IC-135 PSA-3 19735 RBS W COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A-P41-PSSP951 BZ-537H-121 06.0"-WS-260 . .3 IC-1464 PSA-K 3210/2398 Control Bldg DG Room Ref A
COLS Ca & 16; EL 22'-6"+

! P41-PSSP960 BZ-33C-29 20.0"-WS-242 3 IC-136 PSA-3 1695 RBS SW COL C-10 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP961 BZ-33C-30 16.0"-WS-218 3 IC-139 PSA-1 4262 RBS SW COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP962 BZ-33C-31 16.0"-WS-217 3 IC-138 PSA-3 1697 RBS SE COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A

{ P41-PSSP969 BZ-33B-58 6"-WS-398 3 IC-1540 PSA-1 1179 RBS SW COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A P41-PSSP970 BZ-33B-57 20"-WS-242 - 3 IC-135 PSA-3 19742 RBS SW COL C-12 EL 8'-0"+ A

! P41-PSSP972 BZ-33C-33 10"-WS-451 3 IC-1538 PSA-1 15444 RBS SE COL C-3 EL 8'-0"+ A l P41-PSSP9001 BZ-33B-56 01.0"-WS-244 3 P3305 PSA-K 26314 RBS W COL C-Il EL 8'-0"+ A

! P41-PSSP9015 BZ-33B-56 02.0"-WS-355 3 P33B7 PSA-K 21762 RBS W COL C-1 EL 8'-0"+ A i


i i



O O O DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 161 of 162 SYSTEM: Reactor Bldg. Closed Loop Cooling Water (P42) t REF. FLOW DIAG. FM-15 A, C 1


i Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-1 Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility 1

P42-PSSP599 BZ-3F-58 4.0"-RCL-24 3 PSA-K 29326 RBS REF NW COL C-9; A

{ EL 150'-9"+

j P42-PSSP602 BZ-3F-58 4.0"-RCL-24 3 PSA-K 29327 RBS REF NW COL C-9; A

,' EL 150'-9"+

l l

4 j

j .

i i

4 i


- _ . _. ~ - .

DOCUMENT No. 83A0273 REV.1 Page 162 of 162 SYSTEM: Diesel Generator Ventilation (X60)


' ASME Ref.

Support Support Line Size Code Piping Snubber Serial Snubber Access-Identification Dwg.No. and Ident. Class Iso. Size Numbers Location ibility -

X60-PSSP800 BZ-537F-27 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-892 PSA-3 19729 ' Control Bldg; REF COLS Ca & 12; A

EL 22'-6"+

! X60-PSSP801 BZ-537F-124 36.0"-DE-4 3 IC-891 PSA-3 19736 Control Bldg; REF COLS Ca & 12; A

EL 22'-6"+

X60-PSSP802 BZ-537F-125 36.0"-DE-6 3 IC-890 PSA-3 19737 Control Bldg; REF COLS L & 12; .A EL 22'-6"+

X60-PSSP803 BZ-537F-129 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-892 PSA-10 11712 Control Bldg; REF COLS Ca & 12; A

EL 22'-6"+


, X60-PSSP804 BZ-537F-126 36.0"-DE-2 3 IC-892 PSA-3 19738 Control Bldg; REF COLS Ca & 13; A l.

4 EL 22'-6"+

1 1
