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Rev 0 to Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Plan
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Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1992
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ML20128P641 List:
PROC-921031, NUDOCS 9302250086
Download: ML20128P721 (221)


{{#Wiki_filter:. LONG I ' ISLAND 3 POWER AUTHORITY Shoreham Decommissioning Projeet, Termination Survey Plan

    , Revision 0                                                                            '

6 -_ Ra g bn of D vi ion Operations and Maintenance Department Shoreham Nuclear Power Station


O October,1992 1, W

(- Effective Date: 11/20/gp LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY 1 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT TERMINATION SURVEY PLAN b i i ? Reviewed by: [ l f.2.fq t Sihature Date LIPA Site Review Cor.raittee Approved by: h/f f gh L LesbieM. Hill Date LIPA SNPS Resident Manager i I l


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l ( j Preface l This document describes the methods used by the long Island Power Authority (LIPA) to demonstrate that radiation and radioactive contamination levels of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station have been reduced to levels below criteria established for release for unrestricted use. It supplements and updates the description of the proposed final radiation survey presented in the Shoreham Decommissioning Plan (LIPA90). This Plan describes the technical methods to be used and provides guidance for planning and design of the Termination Survey. It is prepared and controlled under the LIPA Nuclear Management Control Manual, Termination Survey Program Description

 '                (LIPA92).1 The methods described are derived from regulatory guidance, t ecifically Regulatory Guide 1.86 (USAEC74) and draft NUREG/CR-5849, (BE92); and from recent              U.S. reactor facility decommissioning experience (Pathfinder, Saxton, Shippingport, UC Berkeley), taking into account conditions at the Shoreham facility.

I a e 1 (' This Plan is a companion document to the Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Program Description (LIPA92). The Program Description describes O the organization and management responsibilities for the Termination Survey Program. V .i. 1

                                                                                  , o T.r.i mion survey m. m:v. o.



i  : TERMINATION SURVSY PLAN ; Table of Contents

          ' Srslien                           lille                                                                                                                                            Page No.

1.0 Historical Background Information 1 2.0 Site Information 2-1 E i- 3.0 Termination Survey Overview 3-1 y p 4.0 Survey Plan and Procedures 4-1 u q (

5.0 Data Interpretation 1 b

L 6.0 Report 6-1 7.0 References 7-1 8.0 Glossary 8-1 Appendices: ,- .A. Survey Design Guidelines A , i

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Termination Survey Plan Rev.' 0 ! -

 ,     ._                                                List of Tables                                                  1 i

,; .i Number Titig Pane No'. 2.1 Shoreham Termination Survey- 2-3? Classification Summary [  ; I 3.1 Acceptable Surface Contamination Levels: 3-1 l

                                                                                                                         .1 4.1      Termination Survey Instrument Summary                                41                1 I

4.2 Detector Sensitivities -4 4- j e , g 6.1 Termination Survey Detail Data Report - Structures. 6-3L


List of Figures Number Ijile . Pace No.


t 2.1 Shoreham Site (Partial). Showing Termination ~ 2-4

                             - Survey Area -

l 4.1 View of Structural Survey Unit Showing- 4 - 12_ - Grid Placement 4.2 Shoreham Decommissioning Termination 4 - 13 ,- Survey Grid Map Q. r

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Tenmaation Suryzy Plan Rev. 0 1.0 Historical Background Information (

  • The Shoreham Nuclear Power Station (SNPS) consists of a boiling water reactor (BWR):

nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) and a turbine generator both furnished by General Electric Company. De balance of the plant was designed byStone & Webster Engineering. Corporation. De plant was designed to provide a gross electrical output of 849 Megawatts (llLC090). The SNPS achieved initial criticality in February 1985 following receipt - of the initial-operating license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). A license to operate at power levels not to exceed 5% of. full power was granted and low power testing commenced in July 1985. The plant was operated intermittently at power levels not exceeding 5% of full power until the final critical operation in January 1989. This operating ' history corresponds to 2.03 effective full power days (EFPD) of average fuel exposure (LIPA90). Pursuant to the 1989 agreement among The Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO),.the State of New York and the long Island Power Authority (LIPA), power ' generating operations at the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station (SNPS) were terminated. The irradiated fuel was removed from the reactor vessel in August 1989 and placed in the spent fuel pool. The DECON alternative was selected for decommissioning = SNPS and an order approving the LIPA Decommissioning Plan was issued by the US Nuclear Regulatory- Commission 4 (NRC) in June,1992 (USNRC92). The objective of the approved DECON alternative is to decontaminate the SNPS facility and site and release them for unrestricted use. To accomplish this, radioactive portions of the reactor pressure vessel and pressure vessel internals will be disassembled, segmented and removed. Contaminated and/or activated portions of plant piping systems and equipment will be decontaminated -or removed as ' described in the LIPA Decommissioning Plan (LIPA90), i i t I (


i l'

                                                ' Termination Survey Plan Rev. O L   2.0           Site Information r

( 2.1 Site Description

                  - The Shoreham Nuclear Power Station site is located in the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York on the north shore of long Island. De site is approximately 50 mile east of the confluence of the East River and Long Island Sound which is near La Guardia Airport.

The developed portion of the site comprises 80 acres, and is located within a larger parcel of 499 acres owned by the long Island Lighting Company (LILCO).' The 499 acre parcel is bounded on the north by Long Island Sound and on the east by the Wading River Marshland. It is bounded on the west by a parcel of approximately 429 acres known as the Shoreham West property, also owned by LILCO, and on the south by highway Route 25A, The 499 acre SNPS site property is divided across its midsection in the east west direction by North Country Road which branches off Route 25A about three miles west of the site and rejoins 25A about three miles east of the site. North Country Road is about 1,500 ft, south of the Reactor Building at its closest point to the developed area of the site. Figure 2.1 shows the SNPS site plan and the location of m buildings on the developed portion of the site. The site elevation varies from sea level at lang Island sound (the northern boundary o the site) to elevation 200 feet midway between North Country Road and the southern border of the site. Except for the developed area, the site is wooded with wetlands the east and west boundaries extending as much as 1,300 feet inland from the Sound. The developed portion of the site is fairly level with the exception of several graded slopes, the largest of which is a terraced slope about 30 feet in height which traverses the site in an east-west direction immediately to the south of the Reactor Building. He ground surface covenng in the developed area is mostly gravel with smaller portions devoted to lawn and paved areas (sidewalks, loading areas and roadways). The site soil cover in unpaved or undisturbed areas is a mixture of sand and glacial till (gravel). Vegetation cover in undisturbed areas is a mixture of grass and weeds with a few shrubs and small trees. 2.2 Site Conditions for Termination Survey The Shoreham Facility will be largely left intact following Decommissioning. Dismantlement of structures will be confined to small portinns of the Reactor, Radwaste and Turbine Buildings. Removal will be for purposes of removing contaminated ! structures and to provide paths for removal of contaminated piping and equipment. As 8 Under the Asset Transfer Agreement, approximately 11 acres of the site which include the power block, adjacent office and support buildings and connecting roadways hav been transferred to LIPA for conduct of the decommissioning (LIPA90). 2-1 l l

e Termination Surwy Plan Rev. O g described in the LIPA Decommissioning Plan (LIPA90), all radioactive piping and equipment will be dismantled and removed from the facility and disposed of as radioactive waste at a licensed radioactive waste disposal facility. This includes reactor Q[ vessel internals and major portions of 14 plant systems. It is estimated that greater than 75 percent of the piping and equipment on site during the time of reactor operation will remain after Decommissioning is complete. , 2.3 Site Areas Covered - Scope of Survey i The Shoreham facility and environs have been evaluated to identify the areas to be covered in the Termination Survey. The Termination Survey focuses on the area within within the Secured Area fence as shown in Figure 2.1. The area, (approximately 20 acres), contains the Reactor, Radwaste and Turbine buildings, and other buildings, l facilities, and grounds within the Secured Area fence. The Secured Area is described in the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Updated Safety Analysis Report (LILCO90). area within the Secured Area fence coincides with the Restricted Area defin Shoreham radiological control procedures as the area where access has been controlled and radioactive materials controlled' for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation. Following completion of Shoreham Decommissioning and removal of the irradiated fuel from the site, areas outside the Restr.icted Area may be added to th Survey if used for temporary storage or handling of irradiated fuel or other radioactive materials. f f Major attention in the Termination Survey is given to the areas most affected by rea

     $         operations and by decornmissioning activities. The area covered by the Termination s    )      Survey has been divided into approximately 525 individual " survey units" for management of the Survey. Each survey unit is classified as "affected" or " unaffected" l

for survey implementation.2 Affected areas are largely confined to the Reactor and ! Radwaste buildings, and portions of the Turbine building. Table 2.1, ';horeham Termination Survey Classification Summary, summarizes the breakdown of the f into affected and unaffected areas. The environs of the facility beyond the area of the site encompused by the Termination Survey have been demonstrated to be free of detectable radioactivity from Shoreham operations. This is well documented by the Shoreham Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). l He REMP will be continued through Shoreham decommissioning to ensure that any contamination of the site envimns which could occu as a resuk of decommissioning activities is detailed, i 2 An "affected" area as defined in draft NUREG/CR-5849 (BE92) and us a designation used to indicate that an area (survey unit) has a potential for conta residual radioactive contamination. An " unaffected" area is one which is not expec l( to contain residual radioactivity based upon the operating history and previous radio ( surveys (see Glossary). 2-2

Termination Survey Plan Rev. O Table 2.I Shoreham Termination Survey Clastification Summary Total No. No. of Affected No. of Unaffected DESCRII'flON CODE of Survey Units Survey Units Survey Units I STRUCTURES l l Reactor Bldg. RB 110 110 Drywell PC 22 22 Suppression Pool SP 13 13 Turbine Bldg. TB 114 10 1(M Radwaste Bldg RW 77 77 Control Bldg CB 9 9 O & S Bldg OB 12 12


O & S Bldg Annex AB 21 21 l Other Site Bldgs OS 25 1 24 Structure Totals .03 233 170

     ,QUTSIDE AREAS Site Grounds          SG            10                                             10 Structure Exteriors   SE           32                                             32 Outside Area Totals                42                                             42 PLANT SYSTEMS SU                   82                        38                   44 TOTALS                            527                       271                  256 O(


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Temunatic2 Swvey Plan Rev 0 3.0 Termination Survey Overview ( 3.1 Survey Objectives

 't)           The Termination Survey is designed to demonstrate that licensed radioactive materials have been removed such that residual levels of radioactive conta are below applicable Regulatory Guide 1.86 limits (USAEC74). These arr, shown below in Table 3.1, Acceptable Surface Contamination levels. Radiation detection instrumentation requirements for the Survey are based upon the conclusion that the controlling radioactive species in detennining compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.86 release limits are activation products dominated by Co-60. These are beta gamma emitters as defined in Regulatory Guide 1.86(USAEC74), hence the limits for beta-gamma emitters shown in Table 3.1,below, apply.

The applicable releat,e limits for alpha emitters are also shown in Table 3.1.These are for Natural Uranium, U-235, U-238 and associated decay products. Though none has been detected in plant contamination deposits, the presence of the irradiated fuel in the facility provides a potential source of alpha contamination. Instruments and methods are being incorporated into the survey which are adegate to measure alpha surface activity at levels below the limits in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 (( Accentable Surface Contamination Levels (dpm per 100 cm') ! Fixed Plus Removable Removable Activity Averagr_ Maximunt Beta-Gamma 5,000 15,000 1,000 Alpha 5,000 15,000 1,000 In addition, to the limits shown m Table 3.1,the gamma exposure rate at one meter from accessible surfaces in the facility buildings and outdoor areas shall not exceed 5 pR/hr above background, measured at one meter from surfaces,(LIPA90). 3.2 Identity of Contaminants The Shoreham Characterization l Study (ULCO90a) reported a total facility radioactivity inventory due to Shoreham operations of als 600 Curies (Ci),(not l including the irradiated fuel and control blades). All but a very small fraction (less than one Ci) of this inventory is contained in activated materials of the Reactor Passure Vessel and Vessel Internals which will be removed from the site. The calculated radioactivity composition of the activated components (as of July,1990) is Fe-55,69%; Co-60,28%; and Ni-63,2%. Very minor amounts of other species are 3-1 l

Termination Survey Na R:v. O ( calculated to be present, including: H-3, C-14, and Ni 59 (LILC090a). Laboratory analysis of activated Reactor Pressure Vessel and Pressure Vessel internals samples indicates' the presence oflow levels of Mn 54, Zn-65, and Ni-63,in addition to Co-60. Analysis of bioshield wall samples show low levels of Co-60, Mn 54 and Eu 152 (TU92). Detectable radionuclides in surface corrosion deposiu me confined to a small number of radionuclides. An analysis of piping system corrosion products shows that these are comprised largely of Co40 and Fe-55, with an average Fe-55:Co-60 ratio of approximately 0.2 (0.21 +/- 0.13)(TU92). Laboratory analysis of plant corrosion product deposits has not identified the presence of reactor-produced alpha emittert above lower limits of detection. 3.3 Organization and Responsibilities An organization, identified as the Termination Survey Section of the Radiological Controls Division, has been created within the LIPA - Shoreham Decommissioning Project organization for planning and impletatation of the Termination Survey. The organization and responsibilities of the Termination Survey Section and the interfaces and responsibilities for all other elements of the Decommissioriing Project Organization for the Termination Survey are described in the Termination Survey Program Description (LIPA92). 6 3.4 Training ( h 3.4.1 Technician Qualification A job qualification category for Termination Survey technicians will be i established under the existing Shoreham Station " Health Physics Technician l Selection, Training and Qualification Program' procedure. The training and qualification acceptance criteria from this procedure will be adopted. The training willinclude classroom and functional job performance training on Termination Survey procedures and specialized instrumentation. The training t and qualification process for individual technicians willrequire from three to five days to complete. Termination Survey technicians will generally be selected from the pool of technicians who have previously been qualified to 1 perform HP responsibilities on the Shoreham Decenmissioning Project. 3.4.2 Classroom Training l Classroom training includes: an overview of the Termination Survey Program, i instrumentation, and procedures. The overview willcover Termination Survey objectives, survey methods, the role and responsibilities ofTermination Survey technicians, the importance of personnel safety, Terminatim Survey Quality Assurance, the Termination Survey Plan and program implementation. O( 3-2

  • Termination Survey Plan Rev.0 3.4.3 Functional Training

( Functional training will involve hands on performance of principal HP technician Termination Survey tasks. A survey of a typical Survey Unit willbe performed by each technician under the surveillance of a qualified instructor. 3.5 Laboratory Services Laboratory radioanalytical services of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiochemistry Section, Radiolo ical Controls Division willbe used in support of the Termination on-site capabilities include gamma spectroscopy (GeLi) of ftRers, smears and bulk samples; liquid scintillation; and gas proportional counting. The Radiochemistry Section operates under an approved QA program and procedures. A contract is in place with a qualified vendor for specialized radiological analysis of samples on an as-needed basis. Vendors are selected in accordance with the requirements of the LIPA QA Manual, Appendix N (LIPA92a). , 3.6 General Sur/cy Plan The Termination Survey is implemented at the individual survey unit level. Three categories or types of survey units have been established: 1) structures, which include building interiors, 2) plant systems and 3) outdoor areas. These categories combine j - units into groups with similar physical characteristics. The Survey is planned for measurements to be taken for each survey unit independently. The measurement intensity of each survey unit is based upon its classification as affected or unaffected. Due to the large scope of the Termination Survey and the requirement that some survey activitics be conducted in p;aallel with decommissionin;; work, a systematic approach is necessary. Further, it is essential that key interfaces between survey activities and other decommissioning work activities be identified. The Termination Survey planning and implementation process for each survey urdt involves the following steps: 1) initial classification; 2) history file preparation and classification review; 3) tumover for Termination Survey; 4) walkdown; 5) survey design; 6) prepmtion of modification packages (primarily for plant systems surveys);

7) preparation of work requests and scheduling; 8) preparation of final survey
                 'astructions; 9) physical support activities such as erection of scaffolding, system tagout and system breaches for system surseys; 10) performance of the survey; and
11) post survey restoration and control of surveyed areas (isolation of systems after survey completion). These are described in the following paragraphs.

3.6.1 Initial Classification The initial classification of the facility into "affected" and " unaffected" areas provides an overall planning basis for the Termination Survey.- It was ( 3-3


Termination Survey Ptan Rev. O conducted using results from the Shoreham Site Characterization Program g (LILC090a) and the recommendations of experienced Shoreham personnel using the classification criteria contained in Appendix A, Survey Des!gn Guidelines. The classification status of all survey units is maintained in the Termination Survey Classification Description, which is controlled by a 1 procedure of the same title. 3.6.2 Histo'f File Preparation The history file is a compilation, in a standardized format, which summarizes the operational and radiological history of each survey unit included in the Termination Survey. Preparation of the history file involves review of the system description, plant operating records, the Shoreham Characterization Report (LILC090a), radiological surveys and other relevant information Specific operating history which could affect the radiological status is sought in this review. The purpose of this process is to provide a substantive basis for the survey unit classification, and hence the level of intensity of the Termination Survey. The history file contains a summary description of the survey unit For system history files, it identifies the interfacing piping systems and summarizes relevant operational data. Relevant operational data includes operating lineups to radioactive systems, and other events which could affect the

 /    radiological status. Similarly, for structeres and outdoor areas, the radiation use hisiory (if any) is summarized.

Possible outcomes of the review are: the initial classification is verified, or it is modified to reflect the more thorough evaluation. Additionally, the review may suggest specific areas of a structure or components cf a system which should be highlighted in the final survey. The review and conclusions are documented in a checklist. The history file also identifies the sources of information used. It may contain summaries, excerpts or complete documents which are useful for survey design. The system history file and its preparation are described in a Termination Survey procedure. 3.6.3 Turnover for Termination Survey l Prior to acceptance of a survey unit (structure, system or outdoor area) for j the Termination Survey, a number of conditions must be satisfied, l Decommissioning activities are completed, all tools are removed, housekeeping and area cleanup is completed, decontamination of affected structural areas and system residual components is completed and verified by operational radiological surveys,and scaffolding needed to be left in place for Termination Survey is identified. Radiological surveys verifying the status of l the area, if a structure, and remaining system components, if a system, are


provided to the Termination Survey Section. Tumover and control of systems, 3-4

Tenninntion Survey Plan Rev. O structures and outside areas is controlled by a Termination - Survey procedure. ( 3.6.4 Walkdown (D-( The walkdown is a key activity in the preparation of the survey design. For systems,it includes review of system flow diagrams end piping drawings, and physical walkdown of the system. Structures and outdoor areas are also , physically walked down. A principal objective is to assess the physical scope of the survey unit and to identify potential breakdown into subunits. Special access needs are identified. Potential support requirements for conduct of surveys are identified, such as scaffolding, component disassembly, interference removal, engineering modifications, electrical tagout and system alignment to provide access for surveys. Safety concerns, such as access to confined spaces, high walls, and ceilings, are identified and resolved. It is noted that for survey units involved with decommissioning activities, the walkdown is best completed when the final configuration is kn3wn, usually near or after the completion of decommissioning work. Early information is available through Decommissioning work packages and material takeoff lists and drawings. 3.6.5 Survey Design

  ,        The survey design results in the identification of the locations (grid blocks, system components) to be surveyed and the type of radiological measurement

CD' guidelines in Appendix A.The design of the survey forindividual survey units is prepared in accordance with a Termination Survey procedure. 3.6.6 Engineering Once the survey design is prepared, engineering review and support requirements are developed. In the rare instances where engineering modifications are required for surveys,the modification packages are prepared and the design reviewimplemented through approved engineering procedures. 3.6.7 Work Planning and Scheduling l Upon completion of any required engineering review, the physical ! modifications are specified. Field work is implemented via the Maintenance , Work Request (MWR) process. The MWRs identify all components which require opening, identify all modifications, indicate restoration requirements and indicate whether a system is to be isolated or returned to service. The MWR process is also used to initiate support work and tagouts necessary for surveys of structural and outdoor survey units. The survey unit support work is then placed upon the Project work schedule for performance. J 3-5 l l .

4 Termination Survey Plan Rev.0 3.6.8 Survey Instructions j

    .I i
          'Ihe survey instructions are provided to.the Lead HP technician assignal responsibility for the specified survey unit. They specify the number and type of radiological measurements to be taken at each location or component identified in the survey design. The instructions identify smear saraples and other sam;4u to be collected. The survey instructions identify those survey points (mmponents or other specified locations) where QC verification surveys are required. The survey instructions are prepared by the designated Termination Survey Radiological Engineer in accordance with a Termination Survey procedure.

3.6.9 Field Support The MWR identifies each component or survey location requiring support work and tagouts. In cases where special surveys are required such as components, embedded piping, or large tanks which are classified as affected, other preparation work may be required. This may include gridding oflarge tanks once access is provided and safety precautions have been satisfied. 3.6.10 Survey Measurements

   ,j    Termination Survey measurements are conducted in accordance with A       Termination Survey procedures and the specific survey instructions for the V       survey unit. The measurements include surface scans, direct measurements of surface contamination, smear samples for removable surface contamination l         and gamma exposure rate measurements. The measurements are discussed in Section 4.0. Prior to conducting the survey, a walkdown is conducted by the cognizant Termination Survey Radiological Enginect and the Lead HP technician to verify the survey locations and the details of the instructions.

3.6.11 Restoration and Isolation l a. Systems After survey measurements have been taken, reviewed and approved, and QC verification survey measurements have been completed in system survey units, the system is restored and components are replaced as specified in the MWR. If indicated in the MWR, the system is isolated to protect against recontamination. Isolation and I control of plant systems after Termination Survey is performed under a specific approved procedure. It is noted that many plant support and service systems will be

 <  (            returned    to service after completion of Termination Survey b

o 3-6

5 Termination Survey Plan Rev. O ~ measurements. Examples ' are: compressed ' air, heating and cooling, ( _ ventilation and fire protection. When a system is required to remain t g in service, administrative - controls' will--be used to minimize l the possibility of system contamination. 'Ihese include, but are not limited: to, surveillance activities to ensure that the system is not aligned or operated . In a-manner _ which could compromise Termination - Survey _. results,

b. Structures and Outdoor Areas After measurements are completed in structures and outdoor _ areas, each area is posted and access is controlled -to prevent _or minimize possible contamination. This is controlled by an approved station procedure.

3.7 Quality Assurance 3.7.1 General Provisions As indicated in the LIPA Decommissioning Plan and in the Termination Survey Program, quality assurance for the Termination Surveyis subject to the provisions of the Decommissioning Program -Quality Assurance Manual _ (LIPA92a). In addition, the Termination Survey Program itself has established quality control measures as an integral part of the program. Principal measures. established to meet quality objectives are:

a. Selection and Training _of Personnel Qualification requirements- and responsibilities are established for key personnel performing Termination Survey tasks. A technician training and qualification program has been established which includes-classroom training- and job-functional training. Training and qualification , records are maintained - on all technicians selected for the Termination Survey.
b. Instrumentation ' Selection, Calibration aad: Operation An evaluation and testing program was conducted -to select radiati .1 -

detection instrumentation for the Survey. Instrument calibration is performed either under approved SNPS calibration- procedures using calibration sources traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), or by qualified vendors with the results traceable to NIST. Measurements are performed using approved - written procedures for each instrument. Control ofinstruments is established by an instrument control procedure. 3-7

Termination Survey Plan Rev. 0

c. Survey Documentation 1/]

Each Termination Survey. racasurement- is identified by date, . (V instrument, technician, location, type of measurement, and mode of instrument operation.

d. Qually Control - Verification Replicate measurements are performed independently on a selected sample of survey measurements on an ongoing basis,
c. Written Procedures All Termination Survey tasks which are essential to survey data quality are controlled by procedures reviewed by the LIPA Site Review Committee,
f. Mockup of Procedures and Processes Dry runs and mockups are performed to test principal procedures and methods prior to implementation in the field.
 ,     g. Chain of Custody i

Written procedures establish responsibility for custody of samples and survey data between the point of measurement or collection until final results are obtained.

h. Records Management Generation, handling and storage of Termination Survey design and data packages is controlled by an approved procedure,
i. Data Management Software Computer programs generated for processing of Survey measurement data shall be tested and verified,
j. Independent Review of Survey Results The release record of each survey unit is given' independent review prior to acceptance for final management approval.
k. Control of Surveyed Areas and Systems a

Administrative, (i.e., procedural) and physical controls are established h V 3-8

Tennination Survey Plan Rev. 0 on areas and _ systems to minimize the ' possibility of contamination k/_ subsequent to the survey. g_ V  !. Control of Vendor Supplied Services Essential services, such as instrument calibration and laboratory sample . analysis, will be procured only from qualified vendors, in accordance-with an approved procedure whose internal QA programs are subject to LIPA audit. 3.7.2 Termination Snrvey Quality Control Procedure A Termination Survey Quality Control procedure controls essential quality assurance activities not addressed in other procedures. 'Ihese include:

a. conduct of QC replicate sampling measurements, .
b. routine verification of survey measurement data prior to I

acceptance for data processing,

c. control charts for individual instrcments,
   ,                d.      testing of computer data calculation progcams, TX
c. validation of historical operational survey data used as final

(%} survey data,

f. documentation of surveys, and
g. custody of instruments, samples and measurement data.

3.8 Schedule The Termination Survey detailed schedule is maintained within the Project Schedule bythe Project Controls Division of the Finance and Administration Department and the Work Planning Section of the Operation and Maintenance Department. The Termination Survey is scheduled to be completed in several major phases which encompass distinct portions of the facility.- Upon completion of each phase the l release records will be compiled and the survey units covered will be available for L NRC verification surveys. All except the final phase of the Survey are scheduled for i completion by October 1,-1993, with the final phase to be completed following

- removal of the irradiated fuel from the facility. The current schedule date. for l completion of fuel removal is April 1994.

l f O 3-9

Tamination Survey Plan Rev. 0 3.9 Survey Report i Upon completion of the survey measurements, processing = of the resultant . data, and evaluadon of the results, a: final report will'be prepared for submission - to the Nuclear Regulatory Commissi_on. This report wil! mxt the intent of Regulatory-Guide .1.86(USAEC74) for final survey reporting. De Final Report will follow the_ - guidance of Draft NUREG/CR 5849 (BE92) regarding content. The Report is. described in Section 6.0. Interim reports will be submitted for the major survey __ phases as discussed above. 4 b 3. io __ :l

Termination Survey Plan Rev._0 4.0 - Survey Plan and Procedures 4.1 General e_ t

  'j --

He design approach of the Shoreham Termination Survey is considerably affected by the final configuration of the facility, which is largely intact with tb majority of equipment left in place. The Reactor, Turbine and Radwaste Buildings contain over 200 equipment rooms. These rooms contain 'approximately 80 plant piping systems and the majority of the systems occupy multiple rooms. The majority of the survey effort is confined to the areas contained within the Reactor and Radwaste Buildings and those areas in the Turbine Building where radioactive materials were handled. These are classified as affected areas. T remainder of the areas within the scope ofle survey are classified as unaffected. All radioactive material handling, movement and storage on the site has been controlled under approved procedures. No detectable activity of SNPS origin has been detected on the site grounds or environs following extensive measurements of site soil and outdoor surfaces in the Site Characterization Program (LILC090a) and in the REMP program prior to, during, and subsequent to Shoreham operation. The Survey Plan l and procedures are designed accordingly, to focus on remaining plant structures and l systems in the affected areas. Instrumentation has been selected and measurement . procedures developed to detect and measure surface contamination levels (primarily Co-60) and gamma exposure levels in these affected areas. 4.2 Instrumentation Radiation detection and measurement instrumentation for the Termination Survey ! has been selected to provide reliable operation and adequate sensitivity to demonstrate attainment of the release criteria. An evaluation hu been conducte instruments and detectors produced by several manufacturers. Detectors have been selected based upon detection sensitivity, operating characteristics and expected performance in the field under conditions of use. The detectort selected and their detection characteristics are summarized in this Section. Recording instruments (survey meters) for use with these detectors have also been evaluated. Instrumentation to be used for gamma exposure rate measurements and special purpose- measurements is also described. 4.2.1 Instrument Description The principal instruments selected for Termination Survey measurements are identified in Table 4.1, Termination Survey Instrument Summary. The detectors used for total surface contamination' monitoring willbe for the most part operated with data logging survey meters. Several instruments have been ! selected fer special purpose measurements. A portable gamma spectrometer has been obtained for use in the Termination Survey. It can distinguish between plant-derived residual activity and natural background source 4-1


Tamination Survey Plan Rev. O contributions to measured levels. This capability will be of value if g ur4xplained high levels or other anomalies are encountered. A portable radon inonitor will be utilized to evaluate building radon concentration effects on gamma background levels, if necessary. 4.2.2 Detection Sensitivity The detection sensitivity of the detectors selected for surface contamination measurements has been evaluated. 'Diese results are summarized in Table 4.2, Detector Sensitivities. The minimum detectable activities are calculated using equation 4.1.The minimum detectable activity, or MDA, is dependent on several factors: detector efficiency, background count rate, counting times for background and for background plus wurce count. The results are showm for the principal instruments used for teta gamma direct surface measurements. Smear counters for measurement of removable surface activity, of modern design (anti-coincidence low-background), have nominal beta gamma MDAs of approximately '100 dpm/100 cm',and alpha MDAs of approximately 20 dpm/100 cm . The gamma exposure rate measurement instrument sensitivities in the normal modes of operation are: Pressurized ion chamber: 1 pR/hr Bieron rnicro Rem meter: 2 - 3 prem/hr. f

  • The detection sensitivity of the pressurized ion chamber can be lowered, if f necessary, by using the device in the integration mode.

( ( ( 4-2

                                    - - - - ,    . m,-- , -    -.,,,-,,..-,.m.-             -             w

Termination Survey Plan Rev. O Table 4.1 ( Tennination Survey Instrument Summary Purpose Type Manufacturer Ddector Measurement Description Units (Window area and density) Direct GM pancake < LND, WIU and 15.5 cm' area counts per Surface others (2 mg/cm') minute (cpm) Beta-Gamma lland held Aptec 126 cm' area epm Direct large area GM G mg/cm') Surface Hand held Aptec 252 cm' area epm large area GM G mg/cm') Floor Monitor Aptec 756 cm' area cpm large area GM 3 detectors G mg/cm') Alpha Direct ZnS Scint. Eberline 59 cm' area epm e Surface (0.5 mg/cm') Removable Gas flow Canberra, 25.5 cm' area epm surface proportional Tennelec thin window Beta-Gamma (low bkg.) Removable Gas flow Canberia, 25.5 cm' area epm surface alpha proportional Tennelec thin window Gamma Pressurized Reuter Stokes 8 liter sphere pR/hr exposure rate lon Chamber Gamma dose Scint. Hieron 1in. plast.: prem/hr rate detector scintillator Multi-purpose Data-logging Eberline multiple detector-survey meters dependent Background Portable gtmma Canberra 3 in. Nal epm 1 t and special spectrommer - scintillator measurements Radon levels Radon monitor Niton solid state pCill or working level o l 4-3

                                                             -W              -

w- ,- y e e _w -%i -. -y-v +

Tmainados Survey Plan Rev. 0 (. Table 4.2 Detector Sensitivities Detector Detector Efficiency' Background' MDAd [ cal.sourec)' Window Area (4 r epm /dpm) (epm) (dpm/100 cm2) (cm') Aptec GM 126 0.04 120 550 2 [100 em J (0.02) (l100) Aptec GM 252 0.06 230 500 [512 cm'] (0.06) (500) Aptec 756 0.05 810 1150 Floor Mon. (0.05) (1150) [512 cm'] Pancake G M 15.5 0.07 26 950 [15 cm'] (0.03) (2200) i Notes:

1. Calibration sources used for these efficiencies are National Institute of Standards &

Technology (NIST) traceable. The sources consist of Co-60 uniformly deposited on a surface of the area indicated within the brackets [ ).

2. The efficiency is determined by counting the source with the detector in a fixed position at one em from the source. Efficiencies shown in parentheses are " scanning' efficiencies obtained by moving the detector at 1 to 1.5 in./sec over the source.
3. Instrument backgrounds are determined by a 30 minute count.
4. Instrument MDAs are calculated using equation 4.1 and the appropriate efficiency, fixed or scanning. Scanning MDAs are shown in parentheses.

( l 4-4 N- -- . . - . .- . : . ::

Termination survey Plan Rev. O The minimum detectable activity for surface beta gamma measurements is ( estimated using the following equation:' (4.1) k E+5 uorf- y' where: k= Coefficient from the Normal frequency distribution for the assigned level of significance (assumes probabilities of type I and type Il errors are equal), S= Sample (plus background) count rate (epm), B= Background count rate (epm), t, = Sample count time (minutes), t, = Background count time (minutes), and E = Instrument detection efficiency, corrected for detector area, cpm /(dpm/100 cm2). ( The MDAs shown in Table 4.2 are calculated at the two sigma level, i.e., k = 2 (approximately 98 % confidence level). As discussed in the Table 4.2 footnotes, these MDAs represent detection sensitivities under static conditions with fixed geometries. For scanning type surveys, the detection sensitivity is reduced. Threshold or practical detection limits have been empirically determined for each detector used in the scanning mode. This was done via a series of measurements in a scanning mode whereby the detector was passed over calibrated sources of various dimensions at an established scanning speed to determine an effective scanning

                              ' efficiency'. The scanning MDAs were then calculated using equation 4.1 with the scanning efficiency substituted for E, the efficiency term. These results are shown in Table 4.2 as the values in parentheses.

4.2.3 Calibration and Maintenance Instruments and detectors used in the Termination Survey will be calibrated and maintained at Shoreham Nuclear Power Station according to approved Station' procedures. Detectors for surface beta-gamma measurements are calibrated using. NIST traceable CcH50 sources. Specialized instruments, for example, the pressurized ion chamber, are calibrated by the vendors. 8 Minimum detectable activity derivations vary somewhat in the literature.' The formula k , ( used here is similar to the method repom! in NCRP Report No. 58.(NCRP 85). 4-5

x Tensnation Survey Pkn Rev. 0 l 4.3  : e* Survey Plan f ( 4.3.1 Classification Each survey unit is classined into one of two strata which identifies each unit as

           'affected' or " unaffected". Units identified as affected have a possibility of                                          ,

containing residual contamination and those identified as unaffected have a very low probability of residual contamination. Classification of individual survey units is based on the site characteriration study (LILC090a) and the history of radioactive materials involvement or potential for contamination of the survey unit. Criteria for classification of survey units are given in Appendix A. 4.3.2 Reference Grids Gridding consists of dividing areas to be surveyed into regular subdivisions for the purposes of identifying sun'ey locations and for use as guides for scanning surveys. For surveys designed on the basis of prescribed sampling plans, whether random or systematic, gridding provides a means of selecting individual measurement locations. Mapping is used to document measurement locations. Detailed guidance for gridding is contained in Appendix A. Figure 4,1 shows grid placement in a structural survey unit classified as affected (an equipment room). Placement of grids in structures is directed by a specific Termination Survey Work Instruction. 4.3.3 Grid Maps lt O Grid maps are used for survey design and to document the measurement locations. Figure 4.2, Shoreham Decommissioning Termination Survey Grid Map, shows a typical grid map of a structural survey unit. It shows the floor and walls up to two meters. This map is identified as the base map for the survey unit. Additional grid maps may be prepared for subunits as needed to plan and document surveys of subunits. 4.3.4 Grid Numberirg Grids are uniquely identified by an ID code or number. 'Ihe numbering convention is to start at the reference lo:ation and proceed sequentially west to cast numbering each tow on the floor from south to north in a continuing sequence Grids are numbered in sequence for each subunit similarly as described for the floor numbering. An individual grid block has a unique identification code as determined by its survey unit (or subunit) ID and the number of the grid block within that unit. The numbering convention is illustrated in Figure 4.0. 4.3.5 Survey Maps Survey maps are prepared to document the details of survey measurements in f circumstances where grid inaps are not practical. Survey maps are typically prepared ( O 4-6

3 Ternunation Survey Plan Rev. 0 , y c j( to document detailed surveys of piping and system components,2 'Itese may be r ( prepared by the technician who performs the suney, or may be specially prepared by direction of Termination Survey Radiological Enginects for detailed surveys of complex components. 4.3.6 Surface Scans Surfaces will be scanned using detedors according to the prescriptions in Appendix A. Scanning surveys are performed to screen large areas efficiently and to detect surface ontamination ' hot spots", i.e., localized areas above three times the 5,000 dpm/100 cm' average fixed plus removable surface contamination release criterion limit. 4.3.7 Surface Activity Measurements Surface activity measurements are taken at measurement locations selected ir. accordance with the survey design guidelines in Appendix A. In structures the general set of measurements is direct beta-gamma and removable beta gamma. In areas and systems identified as alpha affected, direct surface and removable surface alpha meanrements are taken. 4.3.8 Exposure Rate Measurements j Gamma exposure rate measurements, when directed by survey design guidelines, are taken at one meter from surfaces at all measurement locations in structures and outdoor areas, in locations where it is not physically possible to locate an instrument one meter from the surface, gamma exposure rate measurements are not taker,. The methods for gamma exposure rate measurements are discussed in Section 4.4.3 below. 4.3.9 Soil Sampling Soil samples will be collected in accordance with Section 7.2.5 of Appendix A. Additional soil ramples will be collected in th Termination Survey if a contamination event or spill occurs, or survey measurements indicate outdoor areas of elevated activity above applicable release criteria limits. Soil samples will be collected and analyzed in accordance with approved Environmental Sampling procedures.

          ' It should be recalled that system component and equipment exterior surfaces are included in the survey of the structural survey unit in which they reside. The

( component interior surfaces are surveyed in the survey of the system survey unit to which the component belongs. Survey maps ofindividual components may thus be prepared for each type of survey. 4-7

4.3.10 Special Sampling and Measurements b a. Sampling of Sediment and Loose Material C Samples of loose paint, dust or other sediment are collected for laboratory analysis as part of biased sampling and measurements. Such samples may be collected in drain receptacles, sumps, and other catchments in affected areas. Selected storm drain catchments may be sampled in accessible locations on the site, nese samples are qualitatively analyz.ed by gamma spectroscopy for Co-60 3

b. Embedded Piping Surveys Specialized measurements will be taken to demonstrate that normally inaccessible piping, e.g., embedded piping is below the release limits for surface contamination. This includes the use of calibrated detectors extended into piping runs in a controlled manner and the use of location encoding and data acquisition equipment to document the measurements.

4.4 Background Level Determination 4.4.1 General Requirements Backgrounds are established for each type of instrument to be used for' surface f ( contamination and gamma exposure rate measurements. Surface contamination measurements include total surface beta gamma and alpha, and removable surface beta gamma and alpha. Gamma exposure rate measurements require determination of the gamma background response of detectors at one meter from surfaces. The background responses of the pressurized ion chamber and microrem instruments must be determined in addition, backgrounds are determined for specialized detectors and detector systerns. These include: large area detectors for floor monitoring, detectors for surveying piping interiors (multiple GM rnd Na1 scintillators) and scintillation detectors used as area scanners. 4.4.2 Objectives of Background Determinations The objectives of background determinations for Shoreham Decommissioning Termination Survey measurements are to:

a. establish the reference background mean , values for each type of instrument-detector used in the Survey; 3

Samples with detectable Co-60 will be further evaluated by taking direct surface beta gamma measurements for comparison with the applicable limits for surface contamination from Table 3.1,if remediation cannot be reasonably p{ accomplished. ( 4-8 I. a u---,_--.-----_------.a_ - _ _ , , . ._._-_-,,.

Termiration Sury;y Plan R:v. O

b. assess the variability in background responses for principal detectors under f different applications and conditions of use; and O

O c. determine the need for correction factors or special measurements to establish the background for Termination Survey measurements in specific locations. 4.4.3 Background Measurements Several locations have been identined which will be used to obtain measurement data for establishing backgrounds for each type of measurement. For direct surface and gamma exposure rates, several buildings have been identined which are of similar construction to SNpS facilities (reinforced concretc). These are in the vicinity, but not involved with Shoreham operations or having any history of radioactive materials use. One on site building, the Colt Diesel Generator building, will be used due to its similarity in construction to the Reactor, Radwaste and Turbine Buildings. Several off site buildings have been identified which contain reinforced concrete construction. Principal candidates are: a fire house, a post office and a school in the Shoreham Wading River community. Background determinations for each type of l Termination Survey measurement will be performed as described below,

a. Direct Surface Beta gamma Measurements
 $           To determine background for direct surface beta-gamma measurements, a g           series of counts of at least one minute duration will be taken in sequence.

The counts are accumulated by a scaler in the preset time accumulation mode. At least two locations within each selected building will be measured. Outdoor background measurements will be performed on types of surfaces where beta-gamma surface measurements may be taken in the Termination Survey. These include concrete pads, loading docks, pavement, roofs and liVAC exhausts. A protocol similar to that described above will be used,

b. Direct Surface Alpha Measurements The background response of alpha survey instruments is smallin comparison with the response when contamination is present. Background means, standard deviations and standard errors of the mean will be established in at least two locations in each of the buildings selected,
c. Removable Surface Beta-gamma Measurements l

Background determinations of beta-gamma smear counters are made by taking a series of counts of a blank smear. Background determination is

performed in accordance with an approved procedure.

c 4-9

Tennination Survey Plan Rev. O

d. Removable Surface Alpha Measurements The alpha background count rate in smear counter proportional detectors is

also very low. Mean values, standard deviation and standard errors of the mean will be determined from the data obtained using an appmved procedure.

c. Gamma Exposure Rate Measurements A Reuter Stokes pressurized ion chamber is used to establish gamma dose rate background characteristics at the Shoreham site for purposes of demonstrating that residual contamination levels are below 5 pR/hr above background (measured at one meter). It is used as the reference instrument for establishing the pR response of portable microrem meters. 'Ihe latter are used for the bulk of the Termination Survey gamma exposure rate measurements. A series of repeat measurements will be taken at various elevations in the buildings selected for the background study.

A reference value for the outdoor gemma exposure rate has been established for the Shoreham site. It is based upon a series of pressurized ion chamber measurements taken one meter above the ground surface prior to the startup of the Shoreham reactor. The established mean value is 8.3 pR/hr, with a standard error of the mean of 0.5 pR/hr (EG&GS4). A series of outdoor

j. measurements will be taken with a pressurized son chamber in the vicinity of the Shoreham site te confirm or update this result, as the case may be.

A series of paired measurements using the pressurized ion chamber and microrem meters will be performed to establish a correlation between the microrem meters and the pressurized ion chamber. A regression analysis will be pe-formed to establish a " correction factor" for converting microrem measurements to pR/hr units.

f. Specialized Measurements It has been observed that detector background is affected when detectors are inserted inside massive components or within piping embedded in concrete.

Tnis is panicularly noticeable when Na1 detectors are used. Thus it will be necessary either to provide a mockup of an embedded pipe, for example, or to develop empirical correction factors for backgrounds when surveying such equipment. To this end, a series of background measurements will be performed in emledded piping and in large components which can be ascertained to be free of radioactive contamination. 4.4.4 Documentation And Control of Background Measurements 4 Background measurements are collected and recorded in accordance with a Termination Survey procedure. 4 - 10


Termination Survey &n Rev. 0 4.5 Sample Analysis As indicated in Section 3.5, an in depth sample analysis capability'is available for the Tennination Survey, Routine samples of sediment, paint chips and debris will be qualitatively evaluated for the presence of Co-60 via gamma spectroscopy. %e need for additional sampling and analysis will be detennined on the basis of this initial evaluation. r $ ( ( ( o 4 - 11

_r 1


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Fleure 4.2 SHORENAM DECOMMI5510NING $ TERMINATION SURVF.Y GRID MAP etsemPr10N: 'B' RECOM81NER ROOM sunvry uurr ,Ts030 stoa.tTURRINE Etty.: _15' class: U omo stIt: 1 u X _1 u uAP #: 7903e A A W., W.. mp

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Tennination Survey Plan Rev. 0 5.0 D:ta Interpretation ( All measurements will oc converted to the appropriate units for compa:Ison with release (/) v criteria limit values. Surface activity measurements will be converted to units of dpm per 2 100 cm . Gamma dose rate measurements willbe converted to exposure rate units of pR/hr and the background value willbe subtracted to obtain net exposure rate, nese calculations will be performed using equations given in Section 8.00f draft NUREG/CR-5849 (BE92).

     . Average values for each survey unit (and/or subunit) will be compared with the release criteria values. Confidence intervals will be estimated for mean values of each survey unit (and/or subunit) at the 95% confidence level.

5.1 Conversion of Measurements to Reporting Units 5.1.1 Direct Measurements - Total Surface Activity Measurenents of surface contamination activity are converted from observed gross counts per minute to net activity concentration by subtracting the background counting rate for the instrument and conecting the net count rate for geometry and efficiency to obtain results in dpm/100 cm2 units. 5.1.2 Removable Contamination Measurements Measurements of removable surface activity are converted from gross count rate to units of net dpm/100 cm 2by subtracting the background count rate of (' the smear counting detector and correcting the net count rate for deactor geometry and efficiency. 5.1.3 Garama Exposure Rate Measurements Most of the gamma vield measurements are taken with microrem meters. A correction factor willbe applied to each reading to convert to units of R/hr, as discussed in paragraph 4.4.3.e. The gamma exposure rate background is then subtracted from the gross pR/hr value to obtain net exposure rate in units of pR/hr. I l l l n( V 5-1 f

Twmination Survey Plan Rev.0 l 5.2 Comparison With Release Criteria Limits ( The method outlined below will be used to demonstrate attainment of the release criteria limits. 5.2.1 Attainment of Release Criteria for Surface Contamination

a. Average Surface Fixed plus Removable Contamination Individual measurements: Do not exceed 15,000dpm/100 cm' (contaminated area not to exceed 2

100 cm ). I 2 Population - random sampling: Upper limit of confidence interval for the mean value is below 5000 dpm/100 cm 2, Population biased sampling: Ifindividual measurements Are all below 5000 dpm/100cm2 , the criterion is attainM.

b. Removable Surface Contamination
     ,                  Individual menurements:                             Do not exceed 1000 dpm/100 cm 2, Population - random sampling:                       Upper limit of confidence interval W                                                                         for the mean value is below 1000 dpm/100 cm 2, Population - biased sampling:                       Ifindividual measurements are all below     1000 dpm/100cm2 , the criterion is attained.                 .

3 A population for Termination Survey purposes, refers to a survey unit (or subunit if so specified). More precisely, a population represents the collection of all possible values of a parameter, e.g., total surface contamination, being measured through a sample ofits members. 2

         'Ihe confidence interval is calculated using Normal statistics at the 95 percent confidence level with alpha = 0.05. Alpha denotes the probability of falsely concluding that the limit

(. has been attained, that is, the probability of a type I error (MA90). 5-2

Termbb Survsy Pk Rev. O I 5.2.2 Attainment of 5 microR per hour Criterion Individual measurements: Net exposure rate does not exceed 10 pPJhr. Population - random sampling: Upper limit of the confidence interval for the mean net exposure rate does not exceed 5 pR/hr. Population - biased sampling: All individual net exposure rates are less than 10 pR/hr and the mean is less than 5 R/hr. 5.2.3 Evaluation of Soil Sample Results Since soll contamination from Shoreham operations has not been detected in the Site Characterization Study (L11LO90a), or in the REMP Program, it is believed to be unlikely that detectable contamination will be found in the soil column on the site in the Termination Survey. As there is no limit 'or criterion for residual contammation in soil for release of the site for ur? restricted use, soil radioactivity concentration measurements will be compared to REMP MDAs and historical REMP measurement result ranges for individual isotopes. For gamma emitters where no REMP data exists, as { in the case of Co-60 in soil, results below 1.0pCi/gm average concentration h, in the top 15 cm. of the soil column will be considered to be below levels comparable to the release limits for surface contamination. 3 3 ( 'Ihe guideline value of 1.0pCilgm in soil is applied to the total concentration h of Shoreham produced gamma emitting radionuclides. b 5-3 { 1 l


Termiution Survey Plan Rev. 0 6.0 Report ( Upon completion of the Termination Survey, a final report willbe prepared for submission to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. His report will meet the intent of Regulatory Guide 1.86(USAEC74) for final survey reporting. The report will follow the guidance of draft NUREG/CR 5849 (DE92) regarding content. 6.1 Topical Outline De Final Report willaddress the following topics. De report willprovide adequate data and discussion of each topic to meet the intent of NUREG/CR 5849 (BE92).A detailed outline of the report is contained in the Termination Survey Program Description. (LIPA92).

a. Background
b. Site Description
c. Facility Description
d. Operating History o
e. Decommissioning Activities -

f f. Termination Survey Procedures (

g. Survey Findings
h. Summary 6.2 Reporting of Survey Findings 6.2.1 Summary Measurement results will be reported at severQ levels of detail. A summary of the measurement results and overall conclusions showing that the facility meets the release criteria willbe provided. A tabular data summary willshow the results for each major category of survey unit: structures, outdoor areas and plant systems. This tabulation willidentify the number of survey units, the number of measurements of each type: total surface beta gamma, total surface alpha, removable surface beta-gamma and removable surface alpha activity.

concentration; and Eamma exposure rate. Average values of surface contamination in units of dpm/100 cm2 and upper limits of confidence intervals about the mean will be compared to the release criteria surface activity limits in Table 3.1. A summary of gamma exposure rate ( measurements will present a similar treatment showing that the mean value 6-1

Termination Survey Plan Rev. O is less than 5 microR/hr above the background value. ( 6.2.2 Summary Data Reporting for Each Survey Unit For each survey unit, (and/or subunit) the number of measurements and the upper limit of the confidence interval about the mean (at the 95 % confidence level) will be reported in tabular form. These will be reported in units of dpm/100 cm 2for each type of measurement: total surface beta gamma, total surface alpha, removable surface beta gamma and removable surface alpha , activity concentration. Gamma exposure rate measurement results will be reported showmg the number of measurements and upper limit of the confidence interval about the mean (at the 95 % confidence level) for each i survey unit, (and/or subunit). The release limit value for each type of measurement will be shown on the report. Results of sampling .neasurements, e.g., sediment, paint, concretc, other debris will be reported for each survey unit. l Any portions of individual survey units not meetir.g release criteria will be l remediated. The Final Report willidentify all such areas and will report the prior and post remediation measurement results.

 ,             6.2.3 Detailed Data Reporting 6

O The results of each measurement taken in the Termination Survey will be tabulated. Due to the volume, these data will not be included in the final report, but will be available as an attachment. Table 6.1 shows an example of a typical format for individual measurement tabulations for a structural survey unit. Results of alpha activity measurements will be reported in a similar format for those survey units where alpha measurements are then. Tables of similar format will be reported for systems and outdoor survey units. i O ' 6-2

                             -                               , - - , , ,    ,          - ,, .       - - , . , ' ??

Table 6.1 Report Date: 31-Aug-92 Termination Survey Detal! Data Report - Structures ] P9 1 of 4  ; Survey Unit ID TB014 Building: Turbine Elev.15 ft. Survey Date: 8/24/92 , Name: 'A' RFPT Rm. Subunit: floors and lower walls Subunit No. TB014x1 Instrument Type Fl Mon. GM1.AD instrument ID 1132666 142310 ggg ADX40123 Smear Ctr < microRem Wy% g;gggg DD1234  ; Det. area ( 756 126 ~ 50.2 p NA p%p l[]

                                                                                                                                                                         /;hp-[i Eff.(or corr fact)                                0.06        0.04 Bkgd(epm or UR/hr)                                 810               }{[A{-         .                                    0.47 M%y.                                    1.69   g:

120 ~ 0.9 6 7.7 total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma observed net Block ID point surf scan Ocpm opm/100cm2 popm dpm/100cm2 uRem/hr UR/hr F1 sat 122 52.7 1 1.3 0.9 4.0 -1.3 i F4 2 sat 114 -159.5 2 2.3 3.0 -2.9 F7 3 sat 118 -54.8 0.5 -0.9 3.0 -2.9 F11 4 sat 129 233.7 5.1 8.9 3.0 -2. 9 F12 5 sat 122 56.3 3.3 5.1 5.0 . 0.3 i , FIS 6 sat 121 15.4 2.2 2.8 6.0 1.8 F21 7 sat 113 -173.8 0.4 -1.1 4.0 -1.3

  • F24 8 sat 129 216.8 1.8 1.9 5.7 1.3 F31 9 sat 122 62.1 0.9 0.0 3.6 -2.0 F32 10 sat 114 -139.8 4.7 3.1 4.4 -0.7

, F33 11 sat 127 166.2 0.6 -0.6 4.0 -1.3 F39 12 sat 117 -71.0 2.1 2.6 1 3.3 -2.4

F43 13 sat 127 180.6 2.1 2.6 5.6 1.2 F44 14 sat 127 171.3 3.4 5.2 3.0 -2.9 F48 15 sat 119 -23.9 0.7 -0.4 4.8 -0.1 F50 16 sat 114 -146.0 3.2 4.9 3.1 -2.7 [

F51 17 sat 114 -160.6 1.5 1.3 5.8 1.6 FSS 18 sat 125 130.7 0.5 -0.9 5.8 1.5 F57 19 sat 123 82.5 0.9 0.0 5.0 0.2 F62 20 sat 122 45.6 4.8 8.2 4.3 -0.8 F66 21 sat 115 -131.8 4.0 6.6 5.8 1.4 ' F70 22 sat 113 -105.8 0.6 -0.6 4.4 -0.7 F72 23 sat 129 219.2 3.0 4.5 5.5 1.0 F76 24 sat 114 -140.7 0.9 0.0 4.8 0.0 F77 25 sat 116 -94.4 0.7 -0.4 ' 4.1 -1.2 F79 26 sat 118 -56.8 0.4 -1,1 3.3 -2,4 W2 27 sat 126 145.6 0.2 -1.5 4.3 -0.9 WS 28 sat 120 12.0 4.1 6.8 3.7 -1.8 W7 29 sat 114 -141.2 0.8 -02 4.4 -0.7 W8 30 sat 120 -11.8 0.6 -0.6 5.0 0.2 W11 31 sat III -219.6 5.0 8.7 3.7 -1.9 W16 32 sat 112 -190.6 1.8 2.0 3.9 -1.5 W18 33 sat 112 -202.2 3.5 5.5 3.1 -2.8 W21 34 sat 120 5.8 3.3 5.0 5.5 1.1

   - O(-
                                                                                                                          '6-3 I

_--.-m',__.__ __m_ _ _ _ _ _ __.____________..-m..___......m_..m _ ,,.,_m.:,, ~ . . . . ~ , . , . . . . . ,__-..,...m_,,,.__.m.%,, , . _ . -4.,__.._,.,.,_

Termination Survey Plan Rev. O i i 1 7.0 References  ; V BE92, J. D. Berger, ' Manual for Conducting Radiological Surveys in Support of License Termination", NUREG/CR 5849 Draft, June,1992. EG&G84, EGAG Energy Measurements, "An Aerial Radiological Survey of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station and Surrounding Area, Brookhaven, New York,' EGG-10282-1043, prepara! for the U. S. Department of Energy, March,1984. LILC090, Long Island Lighting Company, " Updated Safety Analysis Report - Shoreham , Nuclear Power Station," Docket No. 50-322, Rev. 4, December 1990. LILCO90a, Long Island Lighting Company, "Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Site Characterization Program Final Report," May 1990, (with addenda; June & Oct.1990). . LTPA90, Long Island Power Authority, "Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Decommissioning Plan," NRC Docket No. 50 322, December 1990, as supplemented. i LIPA92, Long Island Power Authority, LIPA Nuclear Management Control Manual,

                                    ' Nuclear Organization Management Control Program for Decommissioning Termination Survey Program Description," PDXOM-01, February 1992.                               ,

f A LIPA92a, Long Island Power Authority, Quality Assurance Manual, Appendix N,

                                    ' Decommissioning Activities," June, 15, 1992.

,. MA90, F.H.C Marriott, "A Dictionary of Statistical Terms", Longman Scientific smd l Technical,1990. NCRP85, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, "A Handbook of Radioactivity Measurement Procedurt:s," NCRP Report No. 58, Feb.1985. TU92, M. Tucker, " Technical Report on Radiochemical Analytical Results, Radionuclides, and Analytical Methods Affecting Termination Survey Plan Development " 'uly 2,1992. USAEC74, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.86, " Termination of Operming Licenses for Nuclear Reactors," June 1974. USNRC92, ' Order Approving the Decornmissioning Plan and Authorizing Decommissioning of Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Urdt 1," Docket No. 50-322, June 11,1992. t 71

Tennination Survey mn Rev. 0 8.0 Glossary ) ' Affected Area A designation assigned to a survey unit which indicates that the survey (Q V unit has a potential for containing residual radioactive tentamination. r Alpha Affected Arta - A designation assigned to a survey unit which indicates that the potential exists for alpha contamination. DiasedSampic - A method of vlecting survey measurement locations which incorporates a non random error, i.e., a method which selectively chooses locations for measurements 1 widch have a higher probability of contamination than those locations not selected. Garacternation Survey A radiological survey and supporting evaluations performed to establish the Shoreham Facility baseline radiological condition for planning 2 decommissioning nedvit cs. The Cbwacterization Survey activities are described in and controlled by the Site Characterizatkn Program Description. Component - An individual equipment item, e.g., a valve, pump, tank, motor, etc. which is identified in the Shoreham Composite Component List. Comoosite Comoonent List (CCL) A controlled listing of components installed at Shoreham. The CCL identifies all components other than cable tray and conduit supports in the SNPS design. The CCi. .Jso defines which of these components are safety related, which were formerly safety related, as stated in the USAR, and which are not, g Confidence Interval - A range of values derived from a sample such that there is a probability n, that a population parameter being estimated, e.g. a mean value, lies within the range. Confidence 1xvel - The probability a, associated with a confidence interval which expresses the probability that the confidence interval contains the population parameter value being estimated (MA90).

  • DECON - The deccmmissioning alternative which involves prompt removal of radioactive materials to achieve residual contamination and radiation levels which are below limits established to permit the facility to be released for unrestricted use.

Direct Measurement - A radiological survey measurement performed by holding a detector stationary on or close to the surface and recording the response. History File - A compilation of information prepared for use in planning the Termination Survey of a Survey Unit. It summarizes the operational history, characterization survey data, operational surveys and other information to help establish the basis for the design of the Termination Survey. - t p 81 l

      .                                  Termination Survey Nn Rav. 0 Maintenance Work Reasct (MWID - A form used at (Soreham Nuc! car Power Station,

[ cortrolled by a station procedure, to initiate and track work activities. (") hicasurement Location - A distinct or discrete area or subdivision of a survey unit, usually on a scale of one meter or less selected for performance of radiological surve measurements. In affected structural or outdoor survey units, a measurement location is adequately represented by a single grid block. In a system survey unit, a component su as a valve is referred to as a measurement location or survey location. HRC - U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Doerational Radiological Survey - A radiological survey performed under Shoreham Health Physics procedures. Operational surveys are distinct from, and usually performe prior to, Termination Surveys. Quldoor Area - A category of survey units which includes site grounds, outside surfaces of buildings and small structures located out of doors. Plant Structurcs - All Shoreham Nuclear Power Station site builcings and their surfaces (generally identified as civil structures). For purposes of the Termination Survey, all structures such as platforms, restraints, supports and other physical items not identified in the system MSFK drawinn are considered to be structures. External surfaces of piping systems, heating and ventilation systems, tanks, nacks, etc., are also treated as structures in the Termination Survey. Populatio.a - A collection of all possible values of a rLdiological parameter being measured in the Termination Survey. A survey unit (or subunit)is considered to be a population for purposes of drawing inferences regarding the value of a parameter, such as contamination level mean value in the entire survey unit (or subunit), based upon a sample of measured values. Power Block - The group of major buildings on the SNPS site directly associated with l electrical power generation. This group consists of the Reactor, Turbine, Radwaste, and Control buildings. i Process System Index - A listing, controlled by a station procedure, which identifies and assigns a unique identification code to each plant system. OC Verification Survey - A radiological survey which consists of repeat measurcinents at a specified fraction of the survey measurement locations in a survey unit, usually selected at random, to provide an independent check of Termination Survey measurements. Also called a QC replicate survey. Random Sample - In survey design, a method for selection of measurement locations l [ whereby each of the individual locations defined in the sample space has an equal ( probability of being selected. Related terms are: random selection and randomly selected. (}



Termination Survey Plan R:v. O Release Criteria - A term used to idendfy the radiological requirements for release of the Shoreham facility for unrestricted use. These requirements, which consist of specified ( a limits for residual contamination and radiadon levels, are specified in the Shoreham 1 Decommissioning Plan. (G Release Reconi - A document compikd for each Survey Unit (structure, system or outdoor area) which demonstrates that it is suitable for unrestricted use. It contains evaluated survey data and supporting information to provide a concise record of the results and basis for the conclusion that the release criteria are satisfied. Sean Survey - A qualitative radiological monitoring technique which is Ierformed by moving a detector over a surface at a specified constant speed to detect elevated contamination or radiatio.) levels. Similar terms applied to this technique are: Scan and Surface Scan. She Characterizalion Report - A report (including addenda) which documents the surveys, calculations and evaluations and presents the results of the SNPS Site Characterizadon Program. Subunit - A Subunit is a subdivision of a survey unit used in the survey design to establish the appropriate level of survey intensity within a survey unit which contains structures, equipment items or other properties which make up a complex survey unit. l Survey Design - The process of determining the type, location, number and frequency L (or density) of radiological measurements to be taken in the Termination Survey. Survey Design Guidelines - Criteria established to provide the appropriate level of survey intensity for systems, structures and outdoor areas, based upon their classification. Survev Instructions - Written directions which specify the type and number of measurements to be taken in a survey unit. The survey instnictions are in a standard format on forms controlled by a Termination Survey procedure. Each Survey Package includes Survey Instructions. Survey Pachce - A collection ofinformation in a standardized format for controlling and documenting field measurements taken for the Termination Survey. A survey package is prepared for each Survey Unit. The Survey Package includes the survey instruedons, a control form, grid map (s), survey measurement data sheets and survey maps. Survey Point - A smaller subdivision within an area designated as a survey location (grid block, system component) where kral measurements are taken, generally refening to an area covered by a detector, or an area of 100 cm2 when a smear is taken. ( h v 8-3 i

Terminatka Survey Plan Rev. 0 1 Survey Unit A division of the. facility consisting cf a grouping cf contiguous (usually) i- stmetural areas, outdoor areas, or functionally contiguous equipment items. The Survey Unit is the basic entity for management of the Termination Survey. Three categories of [.\ survey units have been esttblished: plant systems, structures and outdoor areas. Survey Unit Classification Description A listing of all survey units established for the Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey which identifies the classincation of each as "affected" or ' unaffected". System Final ConGcundig - The status of plant systems following completion of the Termination Suwey. The final configuration estabinhes the nature of the controls requiral to maintain the integrity of survey results. It also determines the nature of configuration control and engineering review of access methods needed to obtain survey measurements of system component internals. Four categories are established: 1 (a) Operable maintained to meet Technical Specifications. (b) Functional - Essential support, not required per Technical Specifications however, necessary for minimal plant functions, habitability, and preservation concems. (c) Protected - not to be operated in the defueled mode. These systems will be left in a de-energized, safe state and laid up in accordance with System Lay up { Implementation Package (SLIP), which specify maintenance and custodial services necessary to protect them pending disposition the LIPA possession only license. 3 L) (d) Decommissioned taken out of service, and completely or partially removed. Remnants of removed systems are abandoned in place. Symmatic Sample A sample which is obtained by some systematic methM as oppossi to a random sample; for example, selection fmm a list using a specified interval for selection (MA90). In a structural survey unit which has been uniformly gridded, a systematic sample could be comprised of every fourth block, for example. Iermination Survey - Radiological measurements, evaluations and supporting activities undestaten to demonstrate that the Shoreham facility satisfies the criteria for unrestricted use. Termination Survey field activities are divided into phases called the Preliminary and Final surveys. Termination Survey Section A Section established within the Radiological Controls Division, Operation and Maintenance Department of the LIPA Decommissioning Project Organization to design and implement the Termination Survey. Termination Survey Reoort - A report describing the methods, and results of the Termination Survey. It initiater die NRC review and final inspection of the facility for ( termination of the facility license. It is also called the Final Report. 8-4

                                                                 . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - - - - - . - - - - - ' ~

Termiantion Sumy Plan Rev. O Tyne 1 Errot - In the statistical theory of hypothesis testing, the error incurred by I rejecting a hypothesis when it is actually true (MA90). In the Termination Survey T application it is the probability of deciding that the facility (or a survey unit) meets the reiena criteria, when in fact, it does not. Also called the a error; the error probability is denoted by a. Tyne II Error - The probability of deciding that the facility (or a survey unit) does not '

                                       -meet the release criteria, when the true condition is that the facility does meet the criteria. 'Ihe Type Il error probability is denoted by 4, 11paffeyted Area A designation used to identify a survey unit which is.not expected to contain residual radioac6vity from licensed operadons based upon the operating history and rad!ological surveys.                                                                        ,

Work Instruction - A document used to guide performance of a task. Work instructions are similar in format and content to a procedure and are issued and controlled under a station Health Physics Procedure. A work instruction is approved at the Section Head level. . 6 t, . 8-5

Tennination Survey Plan Rev. O g Appendix A [ Survey Design Guidelines 1.0 Introduction This Appendix provides guidance for preparation of the design of the Shoreham Decommisslorting Project Termination Survey.Itincorporates the guidance in NUREG/CR-5849 (BE92) with adaptations to account for conditions at the Shoreham facility. The objective of survey design is to define the measurements necessary to demonstrate that the facility satisfies the release criteria. As it is not feasible to perform detalled radiologic surveys of 100 percent of the facility, measurements are performed at selected locations. Due to the physical complexity of the facility with the possibility of residual contamination limited to a relatively .small portion of the facility,a stratified sampling approach is utiliral. This approach adjusts the intensity of measurements according to the likelihocx! -of l encountering residual radioactivity. This approach is implemented at the facility level by i classification ofindividual survey units according to contamination potential. Survey units are further broken down into subunits, if necessary, to provide the appropriate degree of survey intensity for complex structures and plant systems.

   '{  2.0      Survey Design Process pd 2.1 Facility Organization and Classification At the facility level, the design and organization for the survey consists of the following:
a. division of the facility into discrete utities (survey units) for management of the survey,
b. division of the facility into categories with similar physical characteristx.s, i.e., structures, systems and outdoor areas,
c. classification of survey units into two major strata based upon potential for residual contamination, i.e.,affected and unaffected, and
d. establishment of a reference grid system for identification of measurement locations.

2.2 Survey Design for Individual Survey Units ( The Termination Survey is implemented in the field at the individual survey unit level.The design isdeveloped, measurement instructions prepared. and measurements O{ A-1

Tennination Survey Plan Rev. O completed for each survey unit independently. The guidelines in this Appendix are applied to cach survey unit upon its classification as affected or unaffected. I The guidelines establish the level of measurement intensity for each type of measurement needed to demonstrate that the release criteria are satisfied. 3.0 Facility Breakdown into Survey Units 3.1 Dermition of Survey Unit A survey unit is defined as a division of the facility consisting of like entities for purposes of management of the Termination Survey.Three categories or types have been established: structures, which include building interiors, plant systems, and outdoor areas. These categories allow the grouping oflike elements. 3.1.1 Structures For Termination Survey purposes, structures include the indoor portions of site buildings including the exterior surfaces of plant systems, equipment and furnishings located therein. Structural survey units are established by division of the facility buildings into discrete (usually contiguous) geographical areas taking advantage of existing structural boundaries where possible, i.e., rooms or major elevations of small buildings. t 3.1.2 Outdoor Areas i

 N (d                  Outdoor areas include all site grounds determined to be within the scope of the Termination Survey, the outside surfaces of buildings and miscellaneous outdoor structures not identified as separate structures. These miscellaneous outdoor structures include equipment storage pads, switchyard transformers and storage tanks, for example.

3.1.3 Systems Systems included in the Termination Survey as survey units include all nuclear steam supply, reactor control, and process systems, and building service systems associated with the SNPS design and described in the SNPS USAR (LILC090). Each system identified in the Records Management File Code List is treated as an individual survey unit. A system survey unit encompasses the interior surfaces of fluid carrying piping and components of the system. 3.2 Independence of Structures and Systems The survey of each individual survey unit is conducted independently. Interior surfaces of piping and equipment which comprise the system survey unit are surveyed independently of the exterior surfaces. Exterior surfaces of ( equipment and piping are included in the survey of the stnictural survey unit ( in which they are located. U A-2

Termination Survey Plan Rev.0 3.3 Sire and Scope of Suncy Units 3.3.1 Structures A structural survey unit includes the entire surface area of floors, walls, ceilings, and outside surfaces of equipment and furnishings. The size of structura' survey units is established by natural boundaries such as rooms in buildings or by building elevation in small buildings. The optimal floor area of a structural survey unit classified af. affected is an area of appmtimately 2 100 m . Units with floor plans as small as 50 m 2and as large as approximately 2 300 m can be established if recessary, due to variations in room size or building floor plan size. Unaffected areas in large buildings rnay be combined to encompass multiple rooms of similar composition into a single survey unit for efficiency in survey administration as long as guidelines for measurement intensity are followed. 3.3.2 Outdoor Areas The sire ofindividual outdoor arca survey units which consist of site grounds is generally deterrnined by features such as roadways, major building boundaries, fences, etc. Iluilding exteriors (all surfaces) generally comprise a single survey unit. 3.3.3 Systems

 /                  Each individual system within the scope of the Termination Survey is established as a survey unit. The boundaries of piping and other systems are established by the controlling drawings, usually the *MFSK" series of How diagrams.

1 l 4.0 Classification of Survey Units by Contamination Potential After breakdown of the facility into survey units, each is classified into one of two strata which identifies each unit as 'affected* or ' unaffected". Units identified as affected have a possibility of containing residual contamination and those identified as unaffected have a very low probability of residual contamination. Classification of individual survey units is

based on the history of radioactive materials involvement or potential for contamination of j the overall rrvey unit.

l 4.1 Structures and Outdoor Areas 4.1.1 Affected Areas l Structures and outdoor areas are classified as affected for survey design purposes when the following conditions apply: (

a. areas with potential contamination based on operating history, or

( t. A-3

Termination Servey Plan Rev.0


known contamination based on radiological surveys,or (. b. areas where radioactive materbis were used or stored, and where records indicate spills or occurrences which could have resulted in fu contamination, 4.1.2 Unaffected Areas Structures and outdoor area wrvey units are classified as unaffected if the following conditions apply:

a. not expected to contain residual radioactivity from licensed activities based upon the operating or utilization hirtory and radiological survey results, and
b. not classified as affected.

4.2 Systems 4.2.1 Affected Systems Systems are classified as affected for survey design purposes if tne following conditions apply: (,

              ,'                      a. the potential for contamination exists based on operating history, or there is a known history of contamination based on radiological surveys, or
b. the system circulated, stored or processed radioactive materials, including: primary coolant, radioactive process or treatment media which were associated with the operation or control of the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) such that they could become contaminated or experience neutron activation; or where records indicate spills or occurrences which could have resulted in contamination.

4.2.2 Unaffected Systems System survey units are classified as unaffected if the following conditions apply: a not expected to contain residual activity based upon the operating or utilization history and radiological survey results, and b, do not meet the criteria for classification as affected, o A-4

Termination Survey Man Rev. 0 4.3 Reclassification ( Survey units may be reclassified subsequent to the initial classification according to z the following criteria: O 4.3.1 Upward Reclassification A survey unit must be reclassified from unaffected to affected if at any time in the survey planning, design, or during the actual survey, new information is obtained which indicates that the criteria for an unaffected survey unit are no lenger satisfied. Upward reclassification of the survey unit is required if any surface contamination measurement exceeds 75 percent of any of the limit values in Table 3.1 of the Termination Survey Plan. That is,if a direct surface contamination measurement results exceeds: 3750 dpm/100 cm2averaged over an area not exceeding one m 2; or 12,500 dpm/100 cm2 n a localized 2 area 100 cm or less; or removable surface contamination exceeds 750 2 dpm/100 cm . If a survey unit is reclassified upward, sufficient measurements must be taken to meet survey design guidelines for affected areas. 4.3.2 Downward Reclassification A survey unit may be reclassified downward from affected to unaffected prior to the survey design if additional information is obtained such that the criteria for classification as an unaffected area are satisfied. For example, through the

;.             investigation for the history file preparation, additionel survey results may A             become available subsequent to the initial classification which show that no h               contamination is detected and records indicate that there is no history of radioactive matenals use.

4.4 Alpha Affected Areas Due to the lack of any history of alpha contamination from SNPS operations, alpha surveys are not routinely performed during the Termination Survey. However, in the event ths lpha contamination is observed a mechanism is needed to expand the scope of the Survey to ensure that applicable release criteria limits for alpha contamination are satisfied. A survey unit (structural area, system or outdoor area) is classified as an alpha affected area if the following conditions apply:

a. alpha activity greater than 25 percent of release criteria limiu has been detected, or
b. the area or system is immediately involved with fuel handling or storage.

In alpha affected survey units, direct measurements and measurements of surface alpha contamination are added to the list of measuremen's normally performed at the selected measurement locations. Surface scans for alpha activity are performed ( in the vicinity of the selected measurement locations.  : A-5

                                              - Termination Survey Plan Rev. 0 5,0- Reference Grid System and Gridding of Survey Units-The reference gridisystem for the Termination Survey establishes; a-discrete-uniform subdivision ~of areas covered by the survey.'Ihe principal objectives of grid mark establish measurement locations for the surveydesign and to document where measure were taken if the need arises to verify measurement results by repeat measuremen establish boundaries of areas needing remediation.-

5.1 Gridding Affected Areas 5.1.1 Indoor Areas

a. Floors and lower Walls Floors and lower walls up to 2 meters from floor level are gridded, i.e.,

grids are marked on the surfaces. The grid size is one meter _ square. 1

b. Upper Walls and Ceilings Grids are marked on upper walls and ceilings of affected structural-survey units if the areas are determined to be suspect as defined in Section 7.1.2.If determined to be suspect, the areas are l

{- accordance with Paragraph a. above. If the area is not suspect, the guidance in Paragraph c. below is applied.

c. Other Surfaces Grids are marked on surfaces of equipment - and other non regular surfaces in affected structural survey units as needed to aid ~ in- the i

design of. surveys and to control and docement the location- of measurements. If not possible to mark such items into one' meter '

          .                     square grids, regularly spaced markings one meter apart may be used.

5.1.2 Outdoor Areas

a. Site Grounds Site grounds in affected astas are marked offin 10 m_eter square grids.
b. Roofs and Building Exterior Walls -

i Roofs and exterior wallsin affected areas are marked offinto grids not to exceed 5 meters square. Smaller grids (one to three meters square) o may be used on small surfaces where the use of five meter grids would

{ result in fewer than 10 grid blocks on a surface.

,( - O A-6 T'


Tennination Survey Plan Rev. 0 5.2 Gridding Unaffected Areas-5.2.1 Indoor Areas Grid marking of surfaces in unaffected indoor structural survey units is not required. However, grids may be_ marked for reference purposes.

           ~                       The grid size is optional, (one to 10 meters square), commensurate with the size of the area. Temporary grid markings may be used to control scan surveys.

5.2.2 Outdoor Areas Grid marking of surfaces in outdoor areas is not required. If desired for reference purposes, grids may. be used, ne size is optional, but shall not exceed 30 meters square on site grounds and 10 meters-square on building exterior surfaces. 5.3 Gridding for Systems Surveys Gridding on surfaces of system interiors is not normally performed. Identification of measurement locations is shown on survey maps which contain drawings or diagrams. Interiors oflarge tanks and vessels in affected systems may be gridded as needed to I design the survey. In such cases, the surfaces are marked off into one meter grids. Square grids are used where possible, but tank ends and other non rectangular i surfaces are marked in regular shapes which approximate one meter in area. 5.4 Accuracy of Grid Marking An accuracy objective which is reasonable for the scale of the SNPS facility is-to document a measurement location with an unce.tainty of less than one meter. To ensure that this is attained, grid blocks will be marked to an accuracy. within 15% of the specified dimensio.n. This also allows for accommodation .of areas ofirregular shape within a grid block if needed. Remnant areas at the end of rows can be incorporated into the last full si e grid block as long as the area of the resultant block is not greater than approximately 25% above the area of the specified grid size. 6.0 Stratification-Breakdown of Survey Units 6.1 Structures In affected areas, structures are generally divided into subunits for. survey design and control. The floor and lower walls comprise a subunit and the upper walls and ceiling a separate subunit. Due to additional structural features and-the presence of piping and equipment, additional subunits may be needed. Separate 1 subunits are usually created to establish " populations" where biased surveys are indicated. For example, piping penetrations in floors and walls where contaminated piping systems were removed are usually grouped into a subunit. A large sump or catchment basin A-7

l Ternunnikm Surv;y Plan Rev. O location in a structural survey unit is treated as a separate subunit. Grating, decking,

   /           stairs and ladders are usually grouped into a subunit. Equipment skids are usually

(% identified as subunits for survey of the exterior surfaces. Unaffected areas in V structures need not be divided into subunits, but in some cases subunits may be used if needed to group clements in complex structures. 6.2 Outdoor Areas Outdoor site ground areas may be divided into subt"its based upon the nature of the surface, e.g., to separate paved and unpaved ar,is which have different survey requirements. 6.3 Systems Systems with multiple and separate components are usually divided into subunits for I survey design purposes. A typical subunit comprises a large bore componentI and the adjacent piping. Usually tanks, beat exchangers and other vessels are treated as subunits. 6.4 Classification of Subunits Subunits may be classified differently from the survey unit in which it resides under

    ,        certain conditions. A subunit within an affected survey unit may be classified as f          unaffected ifit is a physically separate entity with no likely mechani:m for transfer of contamination from the affected portions to the unaffected portions. The typical (V)         application of this classification option is the classification of upper walls, ceilings and overhead areas within an affected survey unit as unaffected. The converse is not allowed, however, i.e., classification of an affected subunit within a unit classified as

! unaffected. 7.0 Measurement Location and Frequency of Measurements 7.1 Structures l This Section provides guidance for determining the frequency of measurements, i.e., l the number of measurement locations in structural survey units (and/or subunits). The frequency of measurements in affected areas is determined by: i l l ( 1 Large bore at SNPS refers to piping and the piping system components associated , with piping having inside diameters of 3 inches or greater. 1 L A-8 l -

Termination Survey Plan Rev. 0 ( J a. the sensitivity of scanning surveys for floor and lower walls 2, and

d. b. the expected level of contamination relative to rr. lease criteria limits for upper walls and ceiling areas.

The measurement frequency in unaffected areas is not centrolled by scan sensi Locations for fixed measurements are at or near the center of the one meter grid blocks. Unless specified otherwise in the following paragraphs, the measurements taken at fixed locations are: direct surface beta-gamma, removable surface beta-gamma (smear) and gamma exposure (or microrem) rate measurement at one meter from the surface. In survey units classified as alpha affected, direct surfee and removable surface alpha measurements are taken in addition to the measurements identified above. 7.1.1 Affected Areas - Floors and Lower Walls Floors and lower walls of affected areas are sur' ce scanned over 100% area. Measurements are taken at fixed locat, .s Measurements are taken systematically in every second grid block. At let 30 measurement locations are selected. 4 ( 7.1.2 Affected Areas - Upper Walls and Ceilings In large structural survey units, and those with complex structures and piping in the overhead l areas, the sur cy design is usually implemented by establishing individual subunits for vertical and horizontal surfaces and perhaps additional subunits for equipment and furnishings. Survey intensity of upper walls and ceilings classified as affected areas is determined based upon the suspected level of residual contamination,

a. Not Suspect The rule for determination than an area is not suspect is: expected contamination levels must be below 75 percent of release criteria guide line values, i.e.,below the following values: 3750 dpm/100 cm2 direct 2

surface average,12,500dpm/100 cm direct surface maximum and 750 2

            . The scanning sensitivity value which triggers an increased frequency of fixed measurements is 75 percent of the surface contamination release criteria limit for 2

average total surface contamination: 5000 dpm/IO0 cm . That is, the scanning method must be capable of 2detecting levels below 3750 dpm/100 cm 2 averaged over ( an area not to exceed one m . As described in Section 4.20f the Termination Survey Plan, the Termination Survey instrumentation scanning sensitivities are below this value, so the conditional measurement frequencies in NUREG/CR-5849 are not l mvoked. l A-9

Termination Survey Plan Rev. O 2 dpm/100 cm removable surface contamination. If the area is not suspect, a minimum of 30 measurements locations are selected on f horizontal surfaces, and 30 on vertical surfaces. The measurement-9 density shall be at least one measurement every 20 m2 averaged over the area of the subunit. A scan survey is performed in the imir.ediate area of esch selected measurement location. The scan survey covers an area of approximately one m2or greater. The measurement point locations are usually selected in a biased manner, i.e., focusing on - locations where demolition, piping removal or other remediation work ' occurred and on surfaces where contamination potential is highest,

b. Suspect.

If any area is suspected ta be or is above the levels prescribed in Paragraph a above, the survey protocol is the same as for the floors and lower walls of an affected area. That is, a 100 percent scan with tb fixed location measurement frequency of one measurement every

                                       !. cond grid block, for a minimum of 30.The area is gridded in 1 m grids.

7.1.3 Unaffected Areas

a. inside The Power Block .

I r g Floors and lower walls of unaffected indoor areas (structures) within the Power Block are scan survey ed over a minimum of ten percent of the area, focusing on walkwys and commonly traveled areas. Measurement locations are mndomly selected. At least 30 locations or 2 an average of one measurement per 50 m (of floor plus lower wall surface area) are required whichever is greater. Thirty locations or an average of one measurement location per 50 m2, whichever is greater, are selected at random from upper walls and ceilings. No scan survey is performed.

b. Outside The Power Block Floors of unaffected areas outside the Power Block are scan surveyed over a minimum of ten percent of the area, concentrating on traffic areas. At least 30 locations are selected at random, or an average of >

one per 50 r,2, whichever is greater. Lower walls are not included in the survey of floor areas. Thirty locations are selected at random from the walls (including lower walls) and ceiling areas, or an average of cue per 50 m 2, whichever is greater. No scan survey is performed. A - 10

Termination Survey Plan Rev. 0 7.2 Outdoor Areas l l 7.2.1 Affected Areas - Site Grounds Affected site ground areas are surveyed according to the nature of the surface covering.

a. Paved Areas Paved areas are surface scan surveyed over 100 percent of the area with a beta-gamma detector. Measurement - locations are selected l

systematically to achieve an average of at least one per 10 m2grid such that a minimum of 30 locations are surveyed. Direct and removable - l surface beta-gamma measurements .and gamma exposure rate measurements (at one meter from the surface) are taken at each measurement location,

b. Unpaved Areas Unpaved areas are scan surveyed over 100 percent of the area using a gamma detector. Gamma exposure rate measurements at one meter from the surface are performed with at least one location per 25 m 2 such that at least 30 locations are surveyed.

7.2.2 Unaffected Areas - Site Grounds Unaffected site ground areas are surveyed according to the nature of the ground surface.

a. Paved Areas Paved areas are surface scanned over at least 10 percent of the area with a beta-gamma detector. Direct' surface contamination measurements are made at a minimum of 30 randomly selected locations.
b. Unpaved Areas Unpaved areas are surface scanned over at least 10 percent of the area with a gamma detector (NAI or microrem). Microrem measurements at one meter from the ground surface are taken at 30 randomly.

selected locations. 7.2.3 Affected Areas - Building Exteriors No building exteriors have been identified which are classified as affected. If classified as affected, they are scan surveyed over 100 percent of the area. A A - 11




minimum cf 30 measurement -locations are selected on e _.andjroofs or an average cf one per_20 m', whichever is greater.:T d- design should focus on'likely areas for deposition, e.g., downwind of ivents and drains.--


(:- 7.2.4 Unaffected - Areas - Buildirig Exteriors The survey ofexterior surfaces of buildings and structures which are cla

                  -as unaffected is as follows:                                   -
a. Exterior Walls Surfaces The survey of building exterior walls focuses on the area within two meters of the ground surface. The areas- are surface scanned over a minimum of 10 percent of the area. ' Measurement locations are i randomly selected for a minimum' total of 30 or an average of one 50 m', whichever is greater, >
b. Roofs The survey of building roofs which are classified as unaffected is limited to the roofs of the Power Block and immediately. adjacent buildings. If any~ of these surfaces are classified as affected, the surveyed in accordance with the guidelines in paragraph 7.2.3above.

I Otherwise the roof areas are surveyed at a minimum of 30 location or I one per 50 m', whichever is greater. Roofs of other buildings in outside C 7.2.5 areas which are classified as unaffected are not surveyed.' Soil Sampling Soil sampics will be collected from the the site grounds for the Terminatior. Survey, Thirty locations will be selected at random from the site. The. soil-samples will be collected from the top 15 cm, of the soll column and will be analyzed Co-60. as REMP samples. The analysis willinclude gamma spectros Additional soil samples are collected as needed to support the Termination Survey of plant systems, some of which ext:nd beyond the. Secured Area o the site. Soil samples may be collected, for example from leach ' fields, adjacent to or below catchments, sumps and building foundations. 7.3 Plant Systems g 7.3.1 Selection of Measurement Locations t Surveys of systems are biased sampling surveys. Selection of measurem

  -{           locations in both affected and unaffected systems focuses on the location

( !h A - 12 Y ':.M h43.,.- q

Termination Survey Plan Rev. 0 l the highest prcbability for contamination considering the system design and l operational characteristics. Typically, the inlets, outlets, system interfaces, l < system cmd traps and flow impingement areas are selected. A

  • location"in a l
  ,/S                           system survey design is generally identified as an area which includes a surface V                             defined by the interior of a component or of a discrete-specified length of piping in piping systems. A component includes any discrete element which is distinguishable from piping. When a component is removed or opened for access for Termination Survey measurements, typically three measurement locations are established: the component interior surfaces and the two piping spool pieces immediately adjacent. In non piping systems such as ventilation systems, locations are identified as local areas where air impinges, such as inlet and outlet baffles and ducting interior surfaces at bends and cleanouts.

The survey design should take advantage oflow cost access methods including destructive cutting of piping, (where permitted). 7.3.2 Breakdown into Subunits Systems, including mechanical systems, such as the main steam turbine, are broken down into subunits by functional areas, components or locations. l_arge vessels and heat exchangers are usually considered to be subunits of the sy.; tem in which they are located. In piping systems, each fluid carrying interface to other systems is usually established as a subunit. 7.3.3 Survey Measurements - I

    /3                          The interior surfaces of components selected for survey measurements are V                            usually scanned over 100 percent of the accessible area. Where physical size permits, locations are selected such that both direct and removable surface contamination       measurements      can be taken. Gamma exposure rate measurements are not usually taken within system components, except where interiors are large enough for human occupancy, i.e.,large tanks and spaces such as the Condenser Hotwell. At least one direct surface and removable surface contamination measurement is taken tt each location.

7.3.4 Measurement Frequency - Affected Systems in geraral, the measurement frequency is strongly influenced by the size and complef ty of a system. In affected systems, the design guideline is a minimum of 30 measurement locations. Exceptions may arise where the system is limited in physical extent such that 30 discrete locations cannot be identified. 7.3.5 Measurement Frequency - Unaffected Systems In unaffected systems, a minimum of 10 measurement locations will be selected. Similarly,in unaffected systems, the number of measurements may be limited by the physical extent of the system, so exceptions may be made to i the minimum number guideline. A - 13 i,

Tennination Survey Plan Rev. 0 7.3.6 Embedded Piping Two piping systems, Liquid Radioactive Waste (Gil), and Fuel Pool Cooling and cleanup (G41), have substantial lengths of piping which are embedded in reinforced concrete structural members, i.e., floors and walls.The embedded piping in Gil and G41 systems are each established as separate survey units - for the Termination Survey. For management of the survey, each may be further divided into subunits for survey design and control purposes. All Gil and G41 embedded piping is classified as affected, Detailed surveys are performed with detectors inserted into embedded piping runs. All openings and normal access points (cleanouts) will be surveyed. All runs of piping will be systematically surveyed ozer at least 25 percent of their length, d 1 i l l G< . A - 14


  'J l

l L-


1. Survey Unit No.: SUO29 b 2. Survey Unit Name: TURBINE g


3. Systtm Index Code: N31 4.


ne main turbine is an 1800 RPM unit with a double-flow high pressure (HP) turbine section (TU-001C), and two double-flow low pressure (LP) sections (TU-001 A&B) He turbine generator is lccated on the operating floor of the Turbine Building (El.63' 0") with the HP turbine at the west end and the moisture separator / reheaters on either side of the HP turbine.

5. History: The Shoreham plan achieved initial criticality in February 1985. l_ow power testing was performed intermittently at power levels not exceeding 5% of full power from July 1985 until June 1987. The total fuel burnup correspo~'s to approximately two effective full power days. The turbine was rolled using Main Steam on three occasions. The first two occurred on August 20 and 26,1986. The final time the turbine was on line was from June 4 - 5,1987. No decontamination or other decommissioning

( activity was performed on the turbine proper. Even though there is no history of measured contamination,

  / 3 the Turbine was classified as "affected." This classincation is based on the fact that it received radioactive V

steam, in accordance with the classification criteria in the Termination Survey Plan.

6. Survey Design: A review was conducted of the turbine design and operating characteristics (process stream flow paths), to establish the survey design. This review examined inlets, cutlets, system interfaces, potential areas of flow impingement and crud traps in accordance with the guidance in SP67X001.10, Termination Survey Design. In addition, consideration was given to previous characterization and op: rational survey results, as well as cost and safety of personnel. Previous characterization surveys of components which interface with the main turbine (Main Condenser, Combined Intermedhte Valves, Moisture Separator / Reheaters, Heater Drains, and Extraction Steam) revealed no residual contamination requiring decommissioning activities. The low pressure turbine casings were not disturbed for survey.

It was deemed unreasonable to expect residual contamination at the downstream components where no contamination was found on the high pressure section interface locations. As a result, the overall design approach was to concentrate on the HP section. The termination survey covers the HP section k including the inlets, exhausts, and flow impingement surfaces, i.e., the tutors. - u {

The survey design consists of 57 locations which systematically and comprehensively covers the HP (high pressure) turbine section. De locations selected cover the malt. rotor and turbine blades, the (/ iiaphragm inserts, steam inlet, steam exhaust, steam seal exhaust, and turbine casing st sat each of the 57 survey locations, numerous measurement points were selecte uniformly over the surfaces exposed to process steam. A smear was taken at every measurement point for a total of 2247 measurements and a fixed-direct beta-gamma measurement was taken at every other measurement point for a total of 1091 measurements.108 of the smears were also analyzed for removable alpha contamination. At each of the 57 locations, a beta-gamma scan survey was performed over the surfaces accessible to the HP260 GM pancake probe, ne turbine was rotated 180' to allow access to the full circumference of the HP turbine stages. Background levels to be applied to these masurements were determined as described in the Termination Survey Plan and implementing procedure, SP67X001.09. Background values applied to the attached data report are 14 cpm for direct beta-gamma measurements, I cpm for removable beta-gamma, and 0.05 epm for removable alpha measurements. Instrumentation efficiencies for the above measurements are 0,017,0.312, and 0.238, respectively. Results of the survey as shown in the attached Survey Data Report are compared against the (, release criteria. The survey results demonstrate that the applicable release criteria for surface ntamination are satisfied, and are summarized as follows: a.) for fixed plus removable beta-gtmma measurements the upper limit of the confidence interval for the mean value ( R), at the 95 % confidence level, is below 5,000 dpm/100cm2 The maximum individual measurement value is less than 15,000 dpm/100cm2; b.) for removah?' beta-gamma contamination, the upper limit of the confidence interval for the mean value (R), at the 95 % confidence level, is less than 1000 dpm/100cm2, and no single measurement exceeded 1000 dpm/100cm2; c.) for removable alpha contamination, the upper limit of the confidence interval for the mean value (R), at the 95% confidence level, is less than 1000 dpm/100cm2, and no single measurement exceeded 1000 dpm/100cm2, The survey unit did not meet the classification requirements of an alpha-affected area, therefore no fixed-direct alpha measurements were required. As the final configuration of the turbine does not k tecommodate human occupancy, gamma exposure rates at one meter were not taken.

l - A partial repeat survey, called the QC replic-te survey, was performed. 'Ihis is a 5% sample cf i the 57 principal survey locations, selected at random, providing an independent check on the survey ( results, nree locations were selected: 1) the eighth inset, cast, on upper casing,2) the southeast steam exhaust port on lower casing, and 3) the HP Turbine second stage, west. A total of approximately 100 direct and 200 removable surface beta-gamma measurements were perfarmed.15 removable alpha measurements were also performed. The QC survey results meet the acceptance critedon, i.e., all measu:ements are within X i 1.96 x, of the mean for the principal survey measurements for both direct and removable beta-gamma surface contamination, as well as removable alpha contamination. Note that R and x, refer to the mean value and the standard deviation of the pdncipal survey measurements. The attached data report for the QC replicate survey shows the measurements and the comparison to the acceptance criterion.

7. Final Configuration: The turbine will remain with the hood removed until NRC inspection is complete; the turbine will then be reassembled to meet the Termination Survey Program requirements for "non functional" systems. The reassembled turbine will be a closed unit which essentially eliminates the potential for subsequent intemal contamination. Interim cleanliness is maintained under Station kg Procedures 12X023.01 " Station Housekeeping" and 12X023.02 " Requirements for Cleaning and Maintenance of Cleanliness", establishing the area as a Housekeeping Cleanliness Zone III, and under SP 61X010.03, " Health Physics Postings and Signs", establishing it as a Health Physics Clean Area.
8. Attachments (Y,N,N/A): .X Survey Data Report El% Other: -
9. Prepared by/Date: O A u t T. h + w M b $ A_t . cd2M9%
10. Reviewed by/Date: [ da-~- %bo[?3 11.NQA Reviewed /Date: rd- M NS 12.SRC Approved /Date: 92 L

v (

  ~~.                                     - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Beta-gamma direct: Principal, two sigma UL = 820 dpm/100 cm 2 QC max value = 706 dpm/100 cm2 I Principal, two sigma LL = -392

  • QC min value = -353
  • O Beta gamma removable:

Principal, two sigma UL = 42 dpm/100 cm 2 QC max value = 12 dpm/100 cm2 Principal, two sigma LL = -42

  • QC min value = -4 "
  • Alpha removable:

Principal, two sigma UL = 2 dpm/100 cm 2 QC max value = 2 dpm/100 cm' QC min value = 0* Principal, two sigma LL = -2

  • Yd1Av >-O v% cQlMff]

O c O . I

Temin2ticn Surycy Dat3 R: port

                                                     -QC Summary R: port (DPM/100cm2)
     -Surycy Unit'Id.-SUO29-Q
       'Surv0y UnitiNamet= TURBINE.

i beta-gamma beta-gamma- alpha alpha- micro'rea direct rer.ovable- direct- removable per/ hour.

      -Count'-                =119 -        -238:            ~0              15:            0-       .;
     ' Min'                  -353'           '-4                              0-Max   c 706-           12                              2 MOON                148             1-                            -0 Std D              252             4                              1
            #-v31             -187             2                              0 N 9 Cnt              28           120                             15 F

e 6 L l l l u i L ( LQ l-i . . . ,

s -- T0rmin tien Curv3y DOtt R:p3rt Summnry R: port (DPM/100cn2); Survey: Unit Id. SUO29 3 rvey Unit Name: TURBINE beta-gamma beta-gamma alpha alpha micro rem direct removable direct- removable per/ hour C unt 1091 2249 0 108 0

  -Min           ~588      -179                             -2 M2x           1388         21                             4 M02n           216         -0                             0 Std D         304         21                             1 y val          232          -0                            0 N;g Cnt        230       1008                            80 lg O


  -1 W .               U
   -DatO:         02/22/93-                       SHOREHAM DECONNISSIONING PAOJECT                            FORM CODE TerminatiIn survey Data Report                            SUO29 Beto Camuna,Camuna survey Results urvey Unit ID. :SUO29                       Building SU                               survey date 02/08/93 ametTURBINE                                                      Names Itctrument Type           F1. Hon. CH I.AD                        Sasar Ctr.                 MicroRom total beta-gansna              removable beta-gamma
    ------------------         ---------   ------   ----------       -------------    ----------      observed        not Block ID            point surf scan gepm        dpm/100cm2               gepe     dpa/100cm2      uRem/hr         uR/hr 2-1-1                    1             14.0                   0  1.00                        -0 2-1-2                    2                                      4.00                           8 2-1-3                    J            20.0                 352   4.00                          8 2-1-4                    4                                      0.00                         -4 2-1-5                    5            24.0                 586  0.00                         -4 2-1-6                    6                                      1.00                         -0 2-1-7                    7            10.0              -235    3.00                           5 2-1-8                    8                                      0.00                         -4 2-1-9                    9            9.00              -294    2.00                           2 2-1-10                  10                                      1.00                         -0 2-1-11                 11             21.0                 411  0.00                         -4 2-1-12                 12                                       4.00                          8 T-1-13                 13             15.0                  58  1.00                         -0 2-1-14                 14                                       4.00                           8 2-1-15                 15             15.0                  58  3.00                           5 2-1-16                  16                                       0.00                         -4 2-1-17                  17             11.0              -176    1.00                         -0 1-18                 18                                       2.00                          2 l

19 19 18.0 235 0.00 -4

       .-20                20                                       1.00                         -0
        -21                21             12.0              -117    0.00                         -4 1-22                 22                                       2.00                          2 2-1-23                  23             11.0              -176    0.00                         -4 2-1-24                  24                                       2.00                          2 2-1-25                  25            ~16.0                117   0.00                         -4 2-1-26                  26                                       2.00                          2 2-1-27                  27             15.0                  58  2.00                          2 2-1-28                  28                                       2.00                          2 2-1-29                   29             15.0                  58  3.00                          5 2-1-30                   30                                       3.00                          5 10-1-1                 191             21.0                411   1.00                         -0 10-1-2                 192                                       3.00                          5 10-1-3                  193             15.0                  58  0.00                         -4 l

l t [$) . l

lpage.No.; 2

Dato: 02/22/93- 'SHOREMAN DBOOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T0rmin:ticn Surycy D:tc P.: port 2U029
                                                            -Beta Camma, Gamma Survey Resulte-
              -urvey Unit ID.           SUO29.               Building isU                               Survey date 02/08/93 same TURBINE                                                     ' Names In,trument Type               F1. Hon. GM LAD                           Smear Ctr.                  MicroRom-total beta-gamma                 removable . beta-gamma .
           ----~~------------            --------- ------     ----------      --~~----~~---      ----~~-~~~       observed . net 81cck ID               point surf scan gepm        dpm/100em2               gepe      dpe/200em2       uRen/hr -un/hr 10-1-4                   194                                       0.00                          -4 10-1-5                   195            22.0                  470  5.00                          11 10-1-6                   196                                       4.00                           8 10-1-7                   197            17.0                  176  1.00                          -0 10-1-8                   198                                       1.00                          -0 10-1-9                   199            23.0                  529  1.00                          -0 10-1-10                  200                                       0.00                          -4

, 10-1-11 201 22.0 470 2.00 2 l 10-1-12 202 1.00 -0 10-1-13 203 24.0 588 3.00 5 10-1-14 204 0.00 -4 10-1-15 205 20.0 352 1.00 -0 10-1-16 206 4.00 8 L 10-1-17 207 8.00 -352 1.00 -0 10-1-18 208 2.00 2 10-1-19 209 13.0 ~58 1.00 -0 10-1-20 210 1.00 -0 [# ' 1 977 9.00 -294 1.00 -0 2 978 1.00 -0 [ I-2-3 979 22.0 470. 2.00 2-

     \~ah-2-4                       980                                       1 ~. 0 0                                  37-2                  981            15.0                   58  0.00                          -4 37-2-6                   982                                       2.00                           2 37-2-7                   983            20.0                  352  3.00                           5 37-2-8                   984                                       0.00                                      37-2-9                   985            14.0                    0  1.00                          -0 37-2-10                  986                                       3.00                           5' 37-2-11                  987            27.0'                 764  1.00                          -0 37-2-12                  988                                       5.00.                         Il 37-2-13                  489            16.0                  117  3.00                           5 37-2-14                  990                                       1.00                          -0 37-2-15                  991            17.0                  176  1.00                                      37-2-16                  992                                       0.00                          -4 A

t l t

                                         .             m                                         _ _ _ .

page No. 3

      .Dat0:        02/22/93                        SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT                                 FORM 000R Termin;ticn sury;y Cat 3 Report'                               3U029 Beta Gamma, Gamma Survey Results
 - ,{iurveyUnitID. SUO29                              Building 38U                           Survey date.02/08/93
          .ame:WP81NE                                                   Names In;trument Type             F1. Mon. CH LAD                       Smear Ctr.'                      MicroRem
       ... .....           .....   ....... . . . . . - -er.......    .. ..........    ..........           .........       ..-----

total beta-gamma removable beta-gamna

       ------------------          ---------           ----------    ------~~~----    ----------             observed        not Block ID                              ----==][

point surf scan gepo dps/100cm2 -gepm dps/100cm2 -uRen/hr uR/br 37-2-17 993 14.0 0 2.00 2 37-2-18 994 2.00 2 37-2-19 995 9.00 -294 1.00 -0 37-2-20 996 2.00 2 37-2-21 997 6.00 -470 2.00 2 37-2-22 998 2.00 2 37-2-23 999 8.00 -352 1.00 -0 37-2-24 2000 0.00 -4 37-2-25 1001 17.0 176 3.00 5 , 37-2-26 1002 1.00 -0 37-2-27 1003 13.0 ~58 1.00 -0 37-2-28 1004 2.00 2 37-2-29 1005 25.0 647 3.00 5 37-2-30 1006 2.00 2 37-2-31 2007 19.0 294 0.00 -4 37-2-32 1008 2.00 2 37-2-33 1009 17.0 176 3.00 5 ( 7-2-34 1010 0.00 -4

    /    '-2 -3 5            1011            18.0                235 2.00                                2 36             1012                                    3.00                                5 07-2-37 37-2-38 1013 1014 19.0                294 1.00 2.00
                                                                                                       -0 2

l 37-2-39 1015 18.0 235 2.00 2

37-2-40 1016 0.00 -4 37-2-41 1017 15.0 58 0.00 -4 37-2-42 1018 1.00 -0 37-2-43 1019 14.0 0 1.00 -0 37-2-44 1020 4.00 8 37-2-45 1021 17.0 176 1.00 -0 37-2-46 1022 2.00 2 i 37-2-47 1023 11.0 -176 2.00 2 l 37-2-48 3024 1.00 -0 37-2-49 1025 12.0 -117 1.00 -0 l

( O

                        -,     ..                                                =~                                      '     ~-

Dates- 02/22/93~ SHOREHAM C300HM18810NING' PROJECT PORM 0005 Terminatitn Bury;y D;t3 Report 80029. Beta Gaauna,Gaasna Survey Results _(

       ,     Survey Unit ID.           SUO"J              Building 88U                             survey date 02/08/93 Iame TURBINE                                                   -Name
   . %.J_ .

Inrtrument Type F1. Mon. GM I.AD _emear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gansaa removable beta-gamma

           ------------------           --------- ------   ----------      -------------    ----------        observed      not Block ID            point surf scan gepso       dpe/100cm2               gepa    dpa/100cm2        unes/hr       uR/hr 2-50                 1026                                     2.00                          2:

37-2-51 1027 28.0 823 2.00 2 37-2-52 1028 3.00 5 . 11-1-1 211 19.0 294 4.00 8 r 11-1-2 -212 2.00 2 31-2-3 213 22.0 470 1.00 -0. 11-1-4 214 2.00 2 11-2-5 215 13.0 -58 0.00- ~3 11-1-6 216 2.00 2 11-1-7 217 24.0 588 2.00 2 11-1-8 218 0.00 -3 L 11-1-9 219 18.0 235 1.00 -0 11-1-10 220 2.00 2 11-1-11 221 19.0 294 0.00 -3 11-1-12 222 2.00 2 11-1-13 223 16.0 117 3.00 6 11-1-14 224 0.00 4-3 f/ t-1-15 t-1-16 225 226 18.0 235 1.00 1.00

                                                                                                        -0 17                227            17.0                176  2.00                          2 1-1-18                 228                                     2.00                          2 1-1-19                 229            13.0                -58  2.00                          2 11-1-20                 230                                     3.00                          6 12-1-1                  231            5.00             -529    4.00                          9 12-1-2                  232                                     0.00                         -3 12-1-3                  233            16.0                117  2.00                          2 12-1-4                  234                                     3.00                          6 12-1-5                  235            11.0             -176    3.00-                         6 12-1-6                   236                                     4.00                          9 12-1-7                  237            14.0                  0 1.00                         -0 12-1-8                  238                                     0.00                        -3 12-1-9                  239            17.0                176- 4.00                          9 12-1-10                 240                                     1.00                        -0 l

l l(- ! [$)

page No. 5 . Dat3 02/22/93 SHORERAM DE00KHICSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE TCrainaticn Surv;y Dito Report 80029 Beta Gamma, Gamma Survey Resulta 4M Building SU Survey date 02/08/93 urvey Unit ID. 35U029 [L Q ,'

                ).ame: TURBINE                                                                                                Names In:trument Type               F1. Hon.                         CH LAD                                            Smear Ctr.                         MicroRom total beta-gamma                                  removable beta-gamma
               ------------------            ---------                        ------        ----------                     -------------        ----------           observed     not Block ID             point surf scan gepa                                    dpm/100cm2                              gepm         dpm/100cm2          uRam/hr      uR/hr 12-1-11                241                                    22.0                                   470   1.00                            -0 12-1-12                242                                                                                 0.00                            -3 12-1-13                243                                     15.0                                    58   1.00                           -0 12-1-14                244                                                                                  1.00                           -0 12-1-15                245                                     17.0                                  176    0.00                           -3 12-1-16                246                                                                                  2.00                             2 12-1-17                247                                     15.0                                    58   2.00                             2 12-1-18                248                                                                                  0.00                           -3 12-1-19                249                                     7.00                                 -411    2.00                             2 12-1-20                250                                                                                  U.00                           -3 13-1-1                 251                                     17.0                                   176   2.00                             2 13-1-2                252                                                                                  0.00                           -3 13-1-3                253                                     15.0                                     58  2.00                             2 13-1-4                254                                                                                  2.00                              2 13-1-5                255                                     22.0                                   470   2.00                              2 13-1-6                256                                                                                  0.00                            -3 13-1-7                 257                                    15.0                                     58   1.00                           -0 258                                                                                  1.00                           -0

{ 1-1-8

                   '- 1-9               259                                     20.0                                  352    1.00                           -0
                    --l-10              260                                                                                  0.00                           -3

(}3-1-11 (s 4 261 16.0 117 2.00 2 13-1-12 262 1.00 -0 13-1-13 263 16.0 117 0.00 -3 13-1-24 264 4.00 9 13-1-15 265 24.0 588 1.00 -0 13-1-16 266 0.00 -3 13-1-17 267 11.0 -176 1.00 -0 13-1-18 268 2.00 2 13-1-19 269 17.0 176 1.00 -0 13-1-20 270 2.00 2 14-1-1 271 10.0 -235 3.00 6 14-1-2 272 2.00 2 14-1-3 273 21.0 411 1.00 -0 ( A V l

page Ms? 6 Dato ' 02/22/93 sHOREHAM DROONMISSIONING PROJECT PORM CODE Terminati n Surv y Data Report' SUO29 Rota Gamoa,Gaassa survey Results lurvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building asU ~ survey date 02/08/93

    !ame: TURBINE                                                      Names Instnument Type -          Fl. Mon. _ GM I.AD                          smear Ctr.                              MicroRom-
  ..................         . .......      ......   ..........     .--..........            ..........          .........     .....~.

total beta-ganvna removable beta-gaasna

  ------------------         ---------      ------   -~~-------     -------------            -~~-------            observed      not surf mean gepa          dpo/200c.1n2            gepm            dpn/100cm2            unen/hr       uR/{

Block ID point 14-1-4 274 2.00 2 14-1-5 275 10.0 -235 0.00 3 14-1-6 276 2.00 2

  ;4-1-7                 277                11.0              -176  2.00                                   2 14-1-8                 278                                        0.00                                  -3 14-1-9                 279                12.0              -117  1.00                                  -O' 14-1-10                260                                        0.00                                  -3 14-1-11                281                22.0                470 1.00                                  -0 14-1-12                282                                        0.00                                  -3 14-1-13                283                18.0                235 1.00                                  -0 14-1-14                284                                        2.00                                   2 14-1-15                285                19.0                294 1.00                                  -0 14-1-16                286                                        0.00                                  -3 14-1-17                287                 19.0               294 2.00                                   2 14-1-18                288                                        0.00                                  -3 14-1-19                289                 17.0               176  1.00                                 -0 14-1-20                290                                        3.06                                   6 1-1-1                291                14.0                  0 0     3                               -3

[' i-1-2 292 s0 -0 5-1-3 293 12.0 -117 . 00 2 5-1-4 294 0.00 -3 15-1-5 295 15.0 58 3.00 6 15-1-6 296 3.00 6 15-1-7 297 19.0 294 2.00 2 15-1-8 29b 2.00 2 15-1-9 299 19.0 294 2.00 2 15-1-10 300 2.00 2 15-2-11 301 14.0 0 1.00 -0 15-1-12 302 3.00 6 15-1-13 303 8.00 -352 1.00 -0 15-1-14 304 0.00 -3 15-1-15 305 15.0 58 2.00 2 15-1-16 306 1.00 -0


6 9

                                       - -r                ,                      v   2 .---            w     -=          .-

page No. . .7

     . DatO '         02/22/93                        iSHORENAM DECOMMIss!ONING. PROJECT.                        FORM CODE Terminaticn sury;y D:ta Report                          80029             I Beta Gamuna,Gamuna survey Results
        .1urvey Unit ID. 35U029                         . Building :SU       .

survey date 02/08/93

         . tame: TURBINE                                                    Names.

Instrument Type. F1. Mon. OH 1AD Smear Ctr. MicroRem-total beta-gamuna - removable beta-gasuna

       ------------------         ---------    ------     ----------     -------------    ----------       obse rved . net Block ID             point surf scan gepm          dpe/200cm2            gepm. dpm/200cm2       uRam/hr       uR/hr 15-1-17                307              10.0                -235  1.00-                       -0 15-2-18                308                                        0.00                        -3 15-1-19                309              8.00                -352  1.00                        -0 15-1-20                310                                        1.00                        -0 16-1-1                 311              14.0                    0 3.00                         6 16-1-2                  312                                        0.00                        -3 16-1-3                  313              12.0                -117  0.00                        -3 16-1-4                  314                                        1.00                        -0 16-1-5                  315              12.0                -117  0.00                        -3 16-1-6                  316                                        2.00                         2 16-1-7                  317              14.0                    0 3.00                         6 16-1-8                  318                                        0.00                        -3 16-1-9                  319              19.0                  294 2.00                         2 16-1-10                 320                                        0.00                        -3 16-1-11                 321              14.0                    0 2.00                         2-16-1-12                 322                                        2.00                         2 16-1-13                 323              15.0                   58 3.00                         6                ,

{I i-1-14 324 3.00 6 i 4-1-15 325 16.0 117 1.00 -0 326 0.00 -3 (ge-1-16

       ,6-1               327              18.0                  235 4.00                         9
'~16-1-18                     328                                        2.00                         2 16-1-19                 329              14.0                    0 1.00                        -0 16-1-20                 330                                        0.00                        -3 18-1-1                  361              13.0                  -58 0.00                        -3 18-1-2                  362                                        2.00                         2 18-1-3                  363              13.0                  -58 2.00                         2 18-1-4                  364                                        1.00                        -0 18-1-5                  365              13.0                  -58 2.00                         2.

18-1-6 366 1.00 -0 18-1+7 367 21.0 411 2.00 2 18-1-8 368 1.00 -0 18-1-9 369 20.0 352 3.00 6 I i

                                                                                                                                 'l i

l l

                    .    .                          -                .       .~       .                   -

page No.' ~8 . Dat0 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE 1 Termin:ti:n sury:y D:tc Report- 8U029 )


Beta Camma,Caema Survey Raoulte aarvey Unit ID. 35UO29 Building SU: survey date 02/08/93. NamesTURBINE Names Instrument Type F1. Mon. CM 1.AD Smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gamma- removable beta-gamma

      ------~~----------           --------- ------    ----------       -------------     ----------          observed     not Block ID               point surf scan gepe      dpe/100cm2                gepe     dpa/100cm2          uRam/hr      uR/hr 18-1-10                  370                                      2.00                            2 18-1-11                  371           13.0                 -58~ 1.00                           -0 18-1-12                  372                                      3.00                            6 18-1-13                  373           14.0                     0 0.00                          -3 18-1-14                  374                                      2.00                            2 18-1-15                  375           15.0                   58  2.00                            2 18-1-16                  376                                      1.00                          -0 18-1-17                  377           8.00                -352   1.00                          -0 18-1-18                  378                                      1.00                          -0 18-1-19                  379           20.0                 352   2.00                            2 18-1-20                  380                                      0.00                          -3 18-1-21                  381           17.0                 176   0.00                          -3 18-1-22                  382                                      2.00                            2 18-1-23                  383           19.0                 294   2.00                            2 18-1-24                  384                                      2.00                            2 18-1-25                  385           14.0                     0 7.00                          18 18-1-26                  386                                      4.00                            9 I         1-27               387                                294                                   9 19.0                       4.00 b g 1 1-28                    388                                      3.00                            6 8-1-29                 389           19.0                 294   2.00                            2 8-1-30                 390                                      2.00                            2 19-1-1                   391           9.00                -294   2.00                            2 19-1-2                   392                                      2.00                            2 19-1-3                   393           20.0                 352   3.00                            5 19-1-4                   394                                      4.00                            8 19-1-5                   395           22.0                 470   3.00                            5 19-1-6                   396                                      3.00                            5 19-1-7                   397           18.0                 235   1.00                          -0 19-1-8                   398                                      0.00                          -3 19-1-9                   399           23.0                 529   3.00                            5 19-1-10                  400                                      2.00                            2 20-1-1                   401           16.0                 117   0.00                          -3 20-1-2                   402                                      2.00                            2

9-page No,

Dato:- 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING FROJECT FORM CODE Termin:tirn Survey Dcto Report 80029 Beta Camma, Gamma Survey Results J{^rveyUnitID.

35U029 Building asU survey date 02/08/93 AmetTURBINE Names In:trument Type F1. Mon. CM LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

         ------------------         --------- ------     ----------     -------------    ----------       observed      not Block ID           point surf scan gcp          dpm/100cm2              gepm    dp/100cm2        uRee/hr       uR/hr 20-1-3                403            23.0                  529 2.00                         2 20-1-4                404                                      1.00                        -0 20-1-5                405            19.0                  294 1.00                        -0 20-1-6               406                                       0.00                        -3 20-1-7                407            13.0                  -58 2.00                         2 20-1-8                408                                      0.00                        -3 20-1-9                409            16.0                  117 1.00                        -0 20-1-10              410                                       1.00                        -0 2-1-31                 31            15.0                   58 3.00                         6 2-1-32                 32                                      1.00                        -0 2-1-33                 33            11.0               -176   0.00                        -4 2-1-34                 34                                      1.00                        -0 2-1-35                 35            12.0               -117   4.00                         8 2-1-36                 36                                      2.00                         2 2-1-37                 37            12.0               -117   1.00                        -0 2-1-38                 38                                      1.00                        -0 2-1-39                 39            15.0                   58 2.00                         2 1-40                40                                      3.00                         5
             -41                41            21.0                  411 1.00                        -0
            ,-42                42                                      5.00                        11 1-43                43            16.0                  117 1.00                        -0 44                44                                      4.00                         8 2-1-45                 45            10.0               -235   1.00                        -0

, 2-1-46 46 4.00 8 l- 2-1-47 47 10.0 -235 1.00 -0 2-1-48 48 4.00 8 2-1-49 49 16.0 117 3.00 5 2-1-50 50 3.00 5 21-1-1 411 19.0 294 0.00 21-1-2 412 1.00 -0 21-1-3 413 24.0 588 2.00 2 21-1-4 414 3.00 5 21-1-5 415 18.0 235 2.00 2 l. l l ( t O f

m . .. _ _ cpage No. 10

          . Data: 1           02/22/93_'                                .SHOREHAM DRCONNISSIONING PRG230T'                                      FORM CODE T0rminiticn Surv0y D0tc Report                                      SUO29
                                                                         -Seta Gamma, Gamma Survey Results
              .urvey Unit ID.,sSUO29                                     . Building SU                                       . survey date 02/08/93              i
               .ame:TURRINE                                                                        ' Names In:trument Type                        F1. Mon.1 GM LAD                                   Smear Ctr.                      MicroRom total beta-gamma                     removable beta-gamma
            ~~-----~~---------                     ---------     ------      ---~~~----          -------------        ----~~~~--        observed        not Block ID                  point Surf scan gepm                   dpm/100cm2                       gcpm    dpm/100cm2        uRes/hr         uR/hr   q 21-1-6                         416                                                   0.00                             -3                             l 21-1-7                         417                   10.0                 -235       0.00                             -3                            .)

21-1-8 418 0.00- -3 1 21-1-9 419 18.0 235 0.00 -3 i 21-1-10 420 2.00 2 22-1-1 421 17,0 176 2.00 2 l 22-1-2 422 1.00 -O= l 22-1-3 423 16.0 117 0.00 -3 22-1-4 424 2.00 2 22-1-5 425 1$.0 58 0.00 -3. 22-1-6 426 1.00 -0. 22-1-7 427 13.0 -58 0.00 -3 22-1-8 428 1.00 -0 22-1-9 429 9.00 -294 2.00 2 22-1-10 430 1.00 -0 23B-1-1 431 30.0 941 1.00 -0

          -23B-1-2                         432                                                   2.00-                             2-
              'B-1-3                       433                                                    1.00                            -0 B-1-4                      434                                                   2.00                              2

[('h8-1-5 435 2.00 2 g,)B-1-6 436 4.00 8 238-1-7 437 3.00 5 23B-2-1 438 17.0 176 3.00 5 23B-2-2 439 3.00 5 23B-2-3 440 2.00 2 23B-2-4 441 1.00 -0 238-2-5 442 2.00 2 238-2-6 443 3.00 5 238-2-7 444 6.00 15-23D-3-1 445 248-1-1 452 32.0 1058 3.00 5 248-1-2 453 0.00 -3 248-1-3 454 14.0 0 3.00 5 4 i g 5

                                       ~v-       -   ..n..., .     ,            , ,-         ...-e      - , , - , , ,       , . -        ,    ,               +

page No. 11 Datos- 02/22/93 SHOREMAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE. Termin:tirn surv:y D:to Report SUO29 i Beta Gamna, Gamma Survey Results arvey Unit ID. 8SU029 Building SU survey date 02/08/93

          -ame: TURBINE                                                       Names In trument Type             F1. Mon. GM LAD                           Smear Ctr.                 MicroRom
       ..................          .........   ......     ..........      ............e     ..........     .........       . ....

total beta <gamnt removable beta-gamma

       ------------------          ---------   ------     ----------      -------------     ----------       observed        not Block ID              point surf scan gepm         dpm/100cm2               gepa     dpm/100cm2       uRom/hr         uR/hr 248-1-4                 455                                        1.00                         -0 248-1-5                 456             19.0                   294 0.00                          3 24B-1-6                 457                                        0.00                         -3 24B-1-7                 458             16.0                   117 0.00                         -3
    .24B-2-1                   459                                        2.00                          2 24B-2-2                 460             9.00                  -294 0.00                         -3 24B-2-3                 461                                        1.00                         -0 24B-2-4                 462             16.0                   117 2.00                          2 24B-2-5                 463                                        3.00                          .5 24B-2-6                  464             14.0                     0 1.00                         -0 24B-2-7                  465                                        3.00                          5 24B-3-1                  466             20.0                   352 1.00                         -0 24B-3-2                  467                                        4.00                          8 24B-3-3                  468             12.0                  -117 2.00                          2 248-3-4                  469                                        2.00                          2 24B-3-5                  470             19.0                   294 0.00                         -3
  • 248-3-6 471 0.00 -1
         'B-3-7                472             12.0                  -117 7.00                         18

{' 3-1-1 473 12.0 -117 2.00 2 B-1-2 474 1.00 -0 B-1-3 475 2.00 2 5B-1-4 476 1.00 -0 25B-1-5 477 2.00 2 25B-1-6 478 0.00 -4 25B-1-7 479 3.00 5 258-2-1 480 15.0 58 3.00 5 25B-2-2 481 2.00 2 25B-2-3 482 0.00 -4 25B-2-4 483 3.00 5 25B-2-5 484 1.00 -0 25B-2-6 485 0.00 -4 25B-2-7 486 1.00 -0 26B-1-1 487 13.0 , -58 2.00 2 !b

page C3. 12 Dato: SHOREHAM DE00MMISS10NING PROJECT FORM CODE 02/22/93 I T:rminition surv y D:tc Report 80029 l Beta Gamma, Gamma survey Results irvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building 88U survey date 02/0D/93 ame TURBINE Names In:trument Type F1. Mon. GM LAD Cmear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-ganna removable Mta-gamma

  .......... ......         ...... .. .-.................     .............l..........                           observed     not Block ID          point Surf scan gcp         dpm/100em2            gepa    ldp/100cm2                         uRem/hr      uR/hr 26B-1-2             488                                     1.00                                      -0 489                                     3.00                                        5 26B-1-3 26B-1-4             490                                      1.00                                     -0 2.00                                       2 26B-1-5             491 26B-1-6            4V2                                      1.00                                     ~0 493                                      1.00                                     -0 26B-1-7 269-2-1            494              16.0              117   1.00                                     -0 495                                      2.00                                       2 26B-2-2 496                                      3.00                                        5 26L-2-3 497                                     2.00                                        2 26B-2-4 498                                     2.00                                        2 26B-2-5 26B-2-6             499                                     0.00                                      -4 268-2-7             500                                     2.00                                        2 278-1-1             501             16.0              117   4.00                                        8 27B-1-2             502                                      1.00                                     -0 503                                      3.00                                       5 27B-1-3 97B-1-4             504                                      5.00                                     11 B-1-5            505                                      4.00                                        8 1-1-6           506                                      2.00                                        2 B-1-7           507                                      1.00                                      -0 B-2-1            508             11.0            -176    3.00                                        5 l

27B-2-2 509 10.00 -4 27B-2-3 510 1.00 -0 27B-2-4 511 0.00 -4 27B-2-5 512 1.00 0 27B-2-6 513 1.00 -0 4.00 8 27B-2-7 514 288-2-1 515 16.0 117 1.00 -0 28B-1-2 516 0.00 -4 2CB-1-3 517 0.00 -4 28B-1-4 518 2.00 2 2BB-1-5 519 2.00 2 28B-1-6 520 0.00 4

page No. 13  : Dato: 02/22/93 Sh0RENAM DRCOMMISSIONING PROJBCT FORM 0005  ! T3rmin:tien sury:y D:tc Report 80029 Sota camma,0asma survey Resulta j (f b rvey Unit 10. 88U029 puilding asU survey date 02/08/93 +

TUR31NE Names s Itstruaent Type F1. Hon. ON LAD smear Ctr. Micronom
               .......... .....-                                                             ......... ......   ..........     .............               ..........           .........      .......            3 total beta-ganna             renovable beta-gamma
                        ............                                                         ......... ......   ..........     .............               .........-             observed       not
               $1ock 2D                               point surf scan gesun                                     dre/100rm2              gepe               d;m/100cm2             unee/hr       uR/hr 288-1-7                                                521                                                      2.00                                      2
  • 285-2-1 522 13.0 -58 3.00 5 i 28B-2-2 523 4.00 8 285-2-3 524 1.00 -0 288-2-4 525 1.00 0 288-2-5 526 0.00 -4 28B-2-6 527 3.00 5 288-2-7 528 2.00 2 298-1-1 529 8.00 -352 3.00 5 308-1-1 530 22.0 470 1.00 0 3-1-1 51 16.0 117 1.00 0 3-1-2 52 1.00 -0 3-1-3 53 14.0 0 0.00 4 3-1-4 54 3.00 5 3-1-5 55 11.0 -176 3.00 5 3-1-6 56 0.00 -4
  • 57 23.0 529 0.00 -4


                   -8 58 59                       15.0                 58 3.00 0.00 5
                   -1b                                                       60                                                3.00                                      5 L-1-11                                                        61                        31,0              -176  0.00                                                     3-1-12                                                        62                                                0,00                                     -4 3-1-13                                                         63                       10.0              -235  2.00                                      2 3-1                                                        64                                               3.00                                      5 3-1-15                                                         65                       14.0                  0 2.00                                      2 3-1-16                                                         66                                               1.00                                     -0

, 3-1-17 67 18.0 235 1.00 -0 , 3-1-18 68 0.00 -4 3-1-19 69 14.0 0 1.00 0 3-1-20 70 3.00 5 31-1-1 531 0.00 ~4 31-1-2 532 16.0 117 2.00 2 31-1-3 533 3.00 5 i ( i


O 0

page No. 14 D:,to: 02/22/93 Sil0REHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJ;CT FORM CODE 70rminaticn surv0y D:tc Report 80029 Beta Gemma, Gamma survey R9mults p urvey Unit 10. 380029 Building SU survey date 02/08/93 ( ame: TURBINE Names h. Inst rument Type F1. Hon. GH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gamma removable beta-ganma

    ------------------          --------- ------     ---~~-----       ~~~-~~~---~~~           ----------         observed      not Block ID            scint   surf sean gepm       dpm/100em2               gepm            dpm/100em2         uRem/hr       uR/hr 31-1-4                534             20.0                  352   3.00                                5 31-1-5                53L                                         2.00                                2 31-1-6                536              18.0                 235   0.00                               -4 31-1-7                b37                                          1.00                              -0 31-1-8               538              13.0                 ~58    3.00                                5 31-1-9               539                                          5.00                              Il 31-1-10              $40              16.0                 117    1.00                              -0 31-1-11              541                                          3.00                                5 31-1-12              542              24.0                 588    2.00                                2 31-1-13              543                                          0.00                              -4 31-1-14              544              21.0                 411    1.00                              -0 31-1-15              545                                          3.00                                5 31-1-16              546              26.0                 705    1.00                              -0 31-1-17              $47                                          2.00                                2 31-1-18              548              21.0                  411   0.00                              -4 31-1-19              $49                                          3.00                                 5 11-1-20              550              17.0                  176   2.00                                 2 l .-2-1                   551                                         3.00                                 5
   -s   2               552              16.0                 117    1.00                              -0
        ,-2-3              553                                          3.00                                5
      ?-2-4                554              17.0                 176    1.00                              -0 31-2-5                555                                          5.00                              12 31-2-6                556              22.0                 470    2.00                                2 31-2-7                557                                          4.00                                8 31-2-8                558              16.0                 117    3.00                                5 31-2-9               559                                          2.00                                2 31-2-10              560              25.0                 647    4.00                                8 31-2-11              561                                          0.00                              -3 31-2-12              562              33.0                1117    2.00                                 2 31-2 13              503                                          1.00                              -0 31-2-14               564             19.0                  294   1.00                              -0 31-2-15               565                                         0.00                              -3 31-2-16               566             25.0                  647   0.00                              -3

( D

page No. - 15 pate: 02/22/93 SHORENAM D800NNISS10NING PROJECT FORM 000E Termin-titn survey D-t3 Report 8U029 seta Game, Gamma survey Results arvey Unit ID. 380029 Building ISU survey date 02/08/93 ame TURs!NE Names Instrument Type F1. Mon. CM LAD smear Ctr. Micronom total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

    ..................         .........       ......         ..........        .............          ..........                                                                    observed            not 31cck 2D             point surf scan gepe                 dpm/100em2                      gepe     dps/100em2 _unen/hr                                                                               uR/hr 31-2-17                567                                                   2.00                                                                          2 31-2-18                568                 16.0                       117    3.00                                                                          5 31-2-19                569                                                   0.00                                                                  .       3 31-2-20                570                 13.0                       - 58   0.00                                                                          3 3.1-1-1                571                                                   4.00                                                                          0 32-1-2                 572                 0.00                    -  352     1.00                                                                 -0 32-1-3                 573                                                    1.00                                                                         0 32-1-4                 574                 17.0                       176    2.00                                                                           2 32-1-5                 575                                                   2.00                                                                           2
   =32-1-6                 576                 18.0                       235    2.00                                                                           2 32-1-7                 577                                                   0.00                                                                   -3 32-1-8                 578                 13.0                       -58     1.00                                                                  -0 32-1-9                 579                                                    1.00                                                                  -0 32-1-10                580                 14.0                          0    1.00                                                                  -0 32-1-11                581                                                    3.00                                                                          6 32-1-12                582                 23.0                       529     0.00                                                                  -3 12-1-13                583                                                    1.00                                                                  -0                                                                                    '
    . 14                504                 17.0                       176     1.00                                                                  -0 m

g *1-15 585 1.00 -0

  • 586 12.0 -

117 0.00 -3 b%.l1-161-17 587 0.00 -3 32-1-18 588 17.0 176 0.00 -3 32-1-19 589 1.00 -0 32-1-20 590 15.0 58 3.00 6 32-1-21 591 6.00 15 32-1-22 592 14.0 0 3.00 6 32-1-23 593 0.00 3 1-24 594 5.00 - 529 2.00 2 32-1-25 595 1.00 -0 32-1-26 596 22.0 470 1.00 -0 l 32-1-27 597 0.00 -3 32-1-28 598 16.0 - 117 2.00 2 32-1-29 599 0.00- -3 i I l ( d

                                  ' - - - - ,-     -- - - -                    -e  -   - - - + - * -

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page No. 16 Dat0: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termin;tiCn Sury;y Data Report SUO29 seta Gamma,cansna survey Results

         .rvey Unit ID. 880029                    Building asU                            survey date 02/08/93 mes 1VRBINE                                                   Names I

Instrusient Type F1. Mon. GM LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-ganna removable beta-gonna

     ------------------         --------- ------   ----------      -------------   ----------      observed       not Bleek ID            point surf sean gepn      dpro/100em2              gepi   dpe/100cm2      uRes/hr       uR/hr 32-1-30               600            15.0                 58  3.00                        6 32-1-31               601                                     3.00                        6 32-1-32               602            17.0                176  0.00                       -3 32-1-33               603                                     3.00                        6 32-1-34               604            21.0                411  0.00                       -3 32-1-35               605                                     4.00                        9 32-1-36               606            14.0                  0  1.00                       -0 32-1-37               607                                     5.00                       12 32-1-38               608            18.0                235  2.00                        2 32-1-39               609                                     2.00                        2 32-1-40               610            15.0                 58  0.00                       -3 32-1-41               611                                      1.00                      -0 32-1-42               612             18.0               235  0.00                       -3 32-1-43               613                                     4.00                        9 32-1-44               614             16.0               117   1.00                      -0 32-1-45               615                                      1.00                      -0 12-1-46              616             21.0               411  0.00                       -3 l      47              617                                     0.00                       -3 1-48             618             19.0               294   2.00                       2 49              619                                      2.00                       2 2-1-50              620             20.0               352   0.00                      -3 32-1-51               621                                      3.00                       6 32-1-52               622             13.0               -58   4.00                       9 32-2-1               623                                      1.00                      -0 32-2-2               624             16.0               117   2.00                       3 32-2-3               625                                      4.00                      10 32-2-4               626             23.0               529   1.00                       0 32-2-5               627                                      0.00                      -2 32-2-6               628             21.0               411   1.00                       0 32-2-7               629                                      1.00                       0 32-2-8               630             16.0               117   1.00                       0 32-2-9               631                                      2.00                       3 32-2-10               632            14.0                  0  1.00                       0 i

i a

DatO 02/22/93 SHOREHAM D800MMISS10NING PROJECT FORN 000E Terminati n Survey Dato Report SUO29 Beto Canna, Gamma survey Results 1:rvey Unit ID. 88U029 Building asU survey date 02/08/93 Aame: TURBINE Names In:trument Type F1. Mor., cW LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom  ; J total beta-gamma removable beta-gaasna

      --------~~--------                                                                 ~~----~~- ----~~    ----------        -------------    ----~~~~--      observed       not Block ID                                            point surf scan gepe                               dpm/100cm2                 gepa    dpm/200cm2     unen/hr         uR/hr 32-2-11                                                             633                                                  1.00                         0 32-2-12                                                             634                      15.0                  58    3.00                         7 32-2-13                                                             635                                                  1.00                         0                        1 32-2-14                                                             636                      8.00              -352      2.00                         3                        1 32-2-15                                                             637                                                  4.00                        10 32-2-16                                                             638                      14.0                   0    2.00                         3 32-2-17                                                             639                                                  2.00                         3                        ;

32-2-10 640 16.0 117 0.00 -2 1 32-2-19 641 3.00 7 32-2-20 642 23.0 529 0.00 -2 32-2-21 643 1.00 0 32-2-22 644 21.0 411 1.00 0 32-2-23 645 2.00 3 32-2-24 646 17.0 176 3.00 7 32-2-25 647 1.00 0 32-2-26 648 21.0 411 3.00 7 32-2-27 649 2.00 3 1-2-28 650 18.0 235- 1.00 0 1-2-29 651 3.00 7 30 652 16.0 117 1.00 0 31 653 0.00 -2 2-2-32 654 25.0 647 3.00 7 32-2-33 655 2.00 3 32-2-34 656 19.0 294 3.00 7 32-2-35 657 2.00 3 32-2-36 658 17s,0 176 3.00 7 32-2-37 659 2.00 3 32-2-38 660 19.0 294 1.00 0 32-2-39 661 1.00 0 32-2-40 662 19.0 294 1.00 0 32-2-41 663 5.00 13 32-2-42 661 21.0 411 1.00 0 32-2-43 665 3.00 7

page No. 18 Date: 02/22/93 SHOR1 HAM DECOMH18810NING FROJBCT FORM CODE Termin:tien surv y D;to Report s0029 Bata Gamma,Gansna Durvey Results

       'urvey Unit ID. s SU029                     Building sSU                                                      survey date 02/08/93                                        -

_ Jame: TURBINE Names In trument Type F1. Hon. CH 1.AD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gammh removable beta-gamme

    ..................         .........   ......   ..........          .............                     ..........                                          obse rved    not Block ID             point surf mean   gepm     dpm/100cm2                                 gepm       dpm/100pm2                                          unem/hr      uR/hr 32-2-44                666             20.0                    352  2.00                                                                            3 32-2-45                667                                          2.00                                                                            3 32-2-46                668             18.0                    235  2.00                                                                            3 32-2-47                669                                          0.00                                                                         -2 32-2-48                670             20.0                    352  0.00                                                                        -2 32-2-49                671                                          0.00                                                                         -2 32-2-50                672             15.0                      58 0.00                                                                            2 32-2-51                673                                          1.00                                                                            0 32-2-52                674             24.0                    588  3.00                                                                            7 33-1-1                 675             21.0                    411  5.00                                                                           13 33-1-2                 676             8.00                   -352  2.00                                                                            2 33-1-3                 677                                          0.00                                                                          -3 33-1-4                 678             11.0                   -176  1.00                                                                           -0 33-1-5                 679                                          2.00                                                                            2 33-1-6                 680             15.0                      58 0.00                                                                           -3 33-1-7                 681                                          2.00                                                                            2 33-1-8                 682             12.0                   -117  2.00                                                                            2 e    1-1-9                683                                           1.00                                                                          -0

[ 1-1-10 684 6us 16.0 117 2.00 1.00 2

                                                                                                                                                       -0 93-1-113-1-12 33-1-13 686 687 9.00                   -294  2.00 0.00 2
                                                                                                                                                       -3 33-1-14               688             10.0                   -235  0.00                                                                            3 33-1-15                689                                           2.00                                                                           2 33-1-16                690             6.00                   -470   3.00                                                                           5 33-1-17               691                                           2.00                                                                           2 33-1-18               692              12.0                  -117  0.00                                                                           -3 33-1-19               693                                           2.00                                                                           2 33-1-20               694             22.0                     470 0.00                                                                           -3 33-1-21               695                                           1.00                                                                          -0 33-1-22               696              21.0                    411  3.00                                                                           5 33-1-23               697                                           0.00                                                                          -3 33-1-24               698              22.0                    470  1.00                                                                          -0

Dat0 02/22/93 SHORIHAM DICONNIS820NING PROJECT FORM CODE Termination Cerv:y Dato Report suo29 Soto Camma,Camma Snv:y Re:ulto (' rvey Unit ID. ss00*9 Building s5U survey date 02/08/93

         .me:TURB1NE                                                        Names i

i In:truacnt %ype , F1. Mon. CH LAD Amear Ctr. MicroRom I

     ..................               ......... ......   ..........     .............     ..........    . ......       ....... l total beta-gamma              removable beta-gamma                              l
     ..................               ......... ......   ..........     .............     ..........      observed      not Block 2D               point surf scan gepe         dpe/100cm2              gepm     dpm/200cm2      unes/hr       uR/hr 33-1-25                    699                                     4.00                          8 33-1-26                    700             16.0                117 5.00                         12                        i 33-1-27                    701                                     2.00                          2 33-1-28                    702             12.0              -117  3.00                          5 33-1-29                    703                                     0.00                         -3 33-1-30                    704             15.0                 58 3.00                          5 33-1-31                    705                                     2.00                          2 33-1-32                    706             16.0                117 1.00                         -0                         l 33-1-33                    707                                     0.00                         -3 33-1-34                    708             16.0                117 2.00                          2 33-1-35                    709                                     1.00                         -0                    '

33-1-36 710 21.0 411 1.00 -0 33-1-37 711 2.00 2 33-1-38 712 13.0 -b8 2.00 2 33-1-39 713 3.00 5 33-1-40 714 16.0 117 3.00 -0 33-1-41 715 1.00 -0 716 15.0 58 2.00 2 {1-1-42 1-43 717 2.00 2 1-44 718 16.0 117 1.00 -0 1-45 719 1.00 -0 46 720 11.0 -176 1.00 -0 ' 33-1-47 721 3.00 5 33-1-48 722 13.0 -58 1.00 -0 33-1-49 723 3.00 $ 33-1-50 724 10.0 -235 2.00 2 33-1-51 725 1.00 -0 33-1-52 726 19.0 294 2.00 2 33-2-1 727 5.00 12 33-2-2 728 15.0 58 0.00 -3 33-2-3 729 1.00 -0 33-2-4 730 15.0 58 1.00 -0 33-2-5 731 0.00 3 i (

Page No. 20 , Datas 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DROOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termin tica surv y Data Report- 8U029 Beta Gaasta, Gamma Survey Results turvey Unit 3D. as0029 Building 880 survey date 02/08/93

           'ame: TURBINE                                                                                         Names IMtrument Type                                   F1. Mon.       GM LAD                                     Smear Ctr.                                       MicroRem total beta-gamma                           removable beta-gasuna
        ..................                               .........      ......            ..........        .............                         ..........            observed        not Blcck ID                        point surf scan gepm                              dps/100cm2                 gepe                         dps/100pm2            unam/hr         uR/hr 33-2-6                             732                          19.0                          294   1.00                                             -0 33-2-7                             733                                                              1.00                                             -0 33-2-8                             734                          14.0                              0 0.00                                             -3 33-2-9                             735                                                              3.00                                              5 33-2-10                            736                          16.0                          117   2.00                                              2 33-2-11                            737                                                              1.00                                             -0 33-2-12                            738                          11.0                      -   176   1.00                                             -0 2-13                            739                                                              1.00                                             -0.                                             .

33-2-14 740 16.0 117 0.00 ~3 33-2-15 741 1.00 -0 33-2-16 742 16.0 117 2.00 2 33-2-17 743 0.00 -3 33-2-18 744 13.0 -58 1.00 -0 33-2-19 745 1.00 -0 33-2-20 746 10.0 -235 1.00 -0 33-2-21 747 1.00 -0 33-2-22 748 14.0 0 2.00 2

          '-2-23 l 1-2-24                              749                                                              4.00                                              8 750                          8.00                      -352      1.00                                             -0
          .-2-25                         . 751                                                              2.00                                              2 3-2-26                            752                          31.0                      1000      1.00                                             -0 33-2-27                            753                                                              2.00                                              2 33-2-28                            754                          17.0                          176   3.00                                              5 33-2-29                            755                                                              2.00                                              2 33-2-30                            756                          17.0                          176   1.00                                             -0 33-2-31                            757                                                              0.00                                             -3 33-2-32                            758                          16.0                          117   0.00                                             -3 33-2-33                            759                                                              3.00                                              5 33-2-34                            760                          16.0                          117   1.00                                             -0 33-2-35                            761                                                              3.00                                              5 33-2-36                            762                          23.0                          529   3.00                                              5 33-2-37                            763                                                              1.00                                             -0 33-2-38                            164                          20.0                         352    1.00                                             -0
                                                                                                                                                                                                               -1 l

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page No. 21 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Terenin:tien survey Cato Report 8U029 Beta Gamma,Camma Survey Results m urvey Unit ID. :SUO29 Building :SU survey date 02/08/93 (ame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type F1. Hon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. HieroRem total beta-gamma removable beta-gama

     ------------------          --------- ------   ----------       -------------   ----------        observed     not Block 1D            point Surf scan gepa       dpm/100cm2               gepa    dp /100cm2        uRom/hr      uR/hr 33-2-39               765                                        1.00                      -0 33-2-40               766              19.0               294   4.00                         8 33-2-41               767                                       0.00                       -3 33-2-42              768              13.0               -58    1.00                      -0 33-2-43               769                                        1.00                      -0 33-2-44              770              15.0                 58   3.00                        5 33-2-45              771                                        0.00                      -3 33-2-46               772             12.0              -117    2.00                        2 33-2-47               773                                       3.00                        5 33-2-48               774             17.0                176   1.00                      -0 33-2-49               775                                       3.00                         5 33-2-50               776             17.0                176   3.00                         5 33-2-51               777                                       2.00                         2 33-2-52               778             19.0                294   0.00                       -3 4-1-1                  71             14.0                   0   1.00                      -0 4-1-2                  72                                       3.00                         5 4-1-3                  73              16.0               117    1.00                      -0 g       1-4               74                                        1.00                      -0 1-5                75             13.0               -58 3.00                           5
         -                    76                                       2.00                         2 I 1-6 1-7                77             18.0               235 2.00                            2 4-1-8                   78                                       2.00                         2 4-1-9                  79             17.0                176 1.00                        -0 4-1-10                 80                                       2.00                         2 4-1-11                 81             16.0                117 1.00                        -0 4-1-12                 82                                       2.00                         2 4-1-13                 83             12.0              -117 3.00                            5 4-1-14                 84                                       2.00                         2 4-1-15                 85             13.0                -58   2.00                         2 4-1-16                  86                                       2.00                        2 4-1-17                  87            12.0              -117     2.00                        2 4-1-18                  88                                       1.00                      -0 4-1-19                  89             17.0               176    1.00                      -0

page No. 22 Date: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING FROJECT FORM CODE Termin:tiCn 52rv y D:t3 Report 80029 Seta camma,Camma survey Resulte

   ' 1rvey Unit ID. s8U029                     Building isU                           survey date 02/08/93 AmeTURBINE                                                  Names In:trument Type          F1. Mon. CM LAD                       Smear Ctre                MicroRem total beta-ganna             removable beta-gansna
   ------------------        --------- ------   --~~------     -------------    ----------     observed       not Block ID            point surf scan gepm     dpn/100em2             gepa     dpm/200cm2     uRom/hr       uR/hr 4-1-20                 90                                   0.00                        -4 34A-1-1               779           18.0                235 1.00                        -0 34A-1-2               700                                   0.00                         4 34A-1-3               781                                   2.00                         2 34A 1-4               782                                   1.00                        -0 34A-1-5               783                                   2.00                         2 34A-1-6               784                                   1.00                        -0 34A-1-7               785                                   2.00                         2 34A-2-1               786           26.0                705 1.00                        -0 34A-2-2               787                                   1.00                        -0 34A-2-3               788                                   0.00                        -4 l   34A-2-4               789                                   2.00                         2 34A-2-5               790                                   1.00                        -0 34A-2-6               791                                   5.00                        11 34A-2-7               792                                   1.00                        -0 34A-3-1               793 794 (14A-3-2 lA-3-3
     '\-3-4 795 796 5              797 6              798 4A-3-7              799 i   35A-1-1               800           17.0                176 0,00                        -4 35A-1-1A              801                                   2.00                         2 35A-1-2               802                                   2.00                         2 35A-1-3               803                                   4.00                         8 35A-1-4               804                                   2.00                         2 35A-1-5               805                                   1.00                        -0 35A-1-6               806                                   3.00                         5 35A-1-7               807                                   1.00                        -0 35A-2-1               808           18.0               235  2.00                         2 35h-2-3               809                                   2.00                         2 35A-2-3               809                                   2.00                         2 l

l ( 0r 1

page No. 23 Dat3 02/22/93 s'HORENAM DECOMM18810NING PROJECT '#0RN CODE Termin tion survey Dat3 Report 80029 i Beta Gamma, Gamma survey Results ( trvey Unit ID. 50029 Building asU survey date 02/08/93

                ~~ me: TURBINE                                                                   Name                                                    '

Instrument Type F1. Mon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

                    ------------------                 ---------   ------      ----------    -------------    ----------        observed       not Block 1D               point       surf scan gepa         dpm/100cm2              gepe    dpm/200cm2        uRam/hr        uR/hr 35A-2-4                  810                                             1.00                         -0 35A-2-5                  811                                             3.00                           5 35A-2-6                  812                                             3.00                           5 35A-2-7                  813                                             1.00                         -0 36-1-1                   821                   32.0                1058  2.00                          2 36-1-2                   822                                             3.00                           7 36-1-3                   823                   19.0                  294 3.00                           7 36-1-4                   824                                             0.00                         -2 36-1-5                   825                   11.0                -176  4.00                         to 36-1-6                   826                                             1.00                          0 36-1-7                   827                   27.0                  764 3.00                          7 36-1-8                   828                                             2.00                          3 36-1-9                   829                   26.0                  705 3.00                          7 36-1-10                  830                                             4.00                         10 36-1-11                  831                   28.0                  823 2.00                          3 36-1-12                 832                                              3.00                          7 36-1-13                  833                  29.0                   882 3.00                          7                   *
                       ' 1-14
                        -                    834                                             1.00                          0 15               835                    18.0                  235 1.00                          0 1-16              836                                              2.00                          3 1-17              837                    16.0                  117 1.00                          0 1-18              838                                              0.00                         -2 36-1-19                  839                   31.0                 2000  2.00                          3 36-1-20                  840                                              1.00                          0 36-1-21                  841                    18.0                  235 2.00                          3 36-1-22                  842                                              3.00                          7 36-1-23                  843                    13.0                 -58  2.00                          3 36-1-24                  844                                              0.00                         -2 36-1-25                  845                   10.0                 -235  0.00                         -2 36-1-26                  846                                              1.00                          0 36-1-27                  847                   13.0                  -58  1.00                          0 36-1-28                  848                                              2.00                          3 36-1-29                  849                   17.0                   176 2.00                          3 l

I ( l O U l L ,~

page Co. 24 Dat0 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DE00HMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T rmin:tiin survey D:t3 Report 3U039 g Beta Gamma,Camma survey Resulte [ .rvey Unit ID. 85UO29 Suilding isU survey date 02/08/93 ame TURBINE Name s In:trument type F1. Hon. CM LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gamma removable beta-ganana

       --------- --------                     --------- --~~--           --------~~     -~~~~--------    ----------     observed   not Block ID                        point surf ecan gepm             dpm/200em2              gepe    dps/100cm2  uR/hr 36-1-30                           850                                           3.00                         7 36-1-31                           851           19.0                        294 0.00                        -2 36-1-32                           852                                           0.00                        -2 36-1-33                            253           14.0                          0 3.00                         7 36-1-34                            854                                           2.00                         3 30-1-35                           855           6.00                      -470  0.00                        -2 36-1-36                            85r                                           3.00                         7 36-1-37                            857           18.0                        235 3.00                         7                   '

30-1-38 85P 4.00 10 36-1-39 S$9 15.0 58 2.00 3 36-1-40 860 3.00 7 36-1-41 861 20.0 352 1.00 0 36-1-42 862 4.00 10 36-1-43 8f3 23.0 529 2.00 3 36-1-44 864 0.00 -2 36-1-45 865 19.0 294 1.00 0 16-1-46 866 1.00 0 fI 1-1-47 49 86? 868 13.0 -58 2.00 0.00 3

                                                                                                                    -2 869           16.0                        117 3.00                         7 e-1-49                         1-50        870                                           2.00                         3 36-1-51                             871           18.0                        235 2.00                         3 36-1-52                             872                                           0.00                        -2 36-2-1                              873           10.0                      -235  0.00                        -2 36-2-2                              874                                           2.00                         2 36-2-1                             875           13.0                        -71 1.00                        -0 36-2-4                             876                                           2.00                         2 36-2-5                              877           17.0                        214 0.00                        -3 36-2-6                              878                                           2.00                         2 36-2-7                             879           14.0                          0 1.00                        -0 36-2-8                             880                                           2.00                         2 36-2-9                             881           17.0                        214 1.00                        -0 36-2-10                            882                                           1.00                        -0 o


Datos 02/22/93 SHOREMAN CBOONNISSIONING PROJECT PORN CODE Tcrainaticn Sury:y D:ta Report 80029 Beta Camma,Camma Sur6Cy Re 31ts 12rvey Unit 10. esuv29 tuilding 880 survey date 02/08/93 Jane:TURSINE Name 100trument Type F1. Mon. GN LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom  ! total beta-gamuna removable beta-gamuna

      ..................                           .........   ......     ..........                .............               ..........        observed             not 31ock 10           point surf scan                       gere       dra/100em2                        gese                d;us/100cm2        unes/hr             uR/hr 1      36-2-11                    883                           22.0                  571             1.00                                  -0 36-2-12                    884                                                                2.00                                    2 36-2-13                    885                           7.00                - 500            4.00                                    8 36-2-14                    886                                                                2.00                                    2 36-2-15                    887                           20.0                  428             1.00                                  -0 36-2-16                     888                                                               0.00                                    3.

36-2-17 889 21.0 500 2.00 2 36-2-18 890 5.00 12 36-2-19 891 17.0 214 5.00 12 36-2-20 892 2.00 2 36-2-21 893 12.0 - 142 2.00 2 36-2-22 894 0.00 -3 36-2-23 895 16.0 142 1.00 -0 36-2-24 896 1.00 -0 36-2-25 897 17.0 214 2.00 2 36-2-26 898 3.00 5 36-2-27 899 16.0 142 4.00 8 5-2-28 900 2.00 2

  • l-2-29 901 26.0 857 2.00 2-4-2-30 902 1.00 -0 6-2-31 903 15.0 71 2.00 2 J6-2-32 904 15.0 58 4.00 8 36-2-33 905 1.00 -0 36-2-34 906 1.00 -0 [

36-2-35 907 14.0 0 0.00 -3 36-2-36 908 1.00 -0 36-2-37 909 13.0 -58 1.00 -0 36-2-38 910 1.00 -0 36-2-39 911 9.00 - 294 0.00 *

                                                                                                                                           -3 36-2-40                     912                                                                1.00                                  -0 36-2-41                     913                          16.0                  117             1.00                                  -0                                                ,

36-2-42 914 3.00 5 36-2-43 915 13.0 -58 2.00 2 ( i O

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     ~     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _

page No. 26 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECONH188!ONING PROJECT POMM ODOR T rmin:tien stry:y pata Report 8U029 Beta canna,Camma survey Romults 1:rvey Unit ID. s8U029 huilding ISU survey date 02/08/93 I Came: TURBINE Names In*trument Type F1. Mon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-ganne renovable beta-ganna

                                                            .........  ......   ..........    .............   .......... observed        not Block 2D                                        point surf scan gega       din/200em2            gepa    dpm/100cm2     uRom/hr         uR/hr 36-2-44                                            916                                   4.00                        8 36-2-45                                             917            15.0                $8 2.00                        2 36-2-46                                             918                                    1.00                       0 36-2-47                                            919            16.0               117  0.00                      -3 36-2-48                                            920                                    1.00                      -0 36-2-49                                            921            18.0               235  3.00                        5 36-2-50                                            922                                    2.00                        2 36-2-51                                            923            21.0               411  3.00                        6 36-2-$2                                            924                                    0.00                     ~3 37-1-1                                             926                                    2.00                        2 37-1-2                                             926            22.0               470  2.00                        3 37-1-3                                             927                                    1.00                       0 37-1-4                                             928            18.0               235  3.00                       7 37-1-$                                             929                                    0.00                     -2 37-1-6                                             930            12.0             -117   2.00                       3 37-1-7                                             931                                    0.00                     -2 17-1-8                                             932            22.0              470   3.00                       7 7-1-9                                          933                                    1.00                       0 1-1-10                                         934            17.0               176  2.00                       3 1-1-11                                         935                                    1.00                       0 1-1-12                                         936            17.0               176  2.00                       3 37-1 13                                            937                                    0.00                     -2 37-i-14                                            938            22.0              470   4.00                     to 37-1-15                                            939                                    4.00                     10 37-1-16                                            940            22.0              470   2.00                       3 37-1-17                                            941                                    2.00                       3 37118                                              94?            20.0              352   1.00                       0 37-1-19                                            943                                    2.00                       3 37-1-20                                            944            13.0              -58   1.00                       0 37-1-21                                            945                                    4.00                     10 37-1-22                                            946            19.0              294   6.00                     16 37-1-23                                            947                                    3.00                       7                    '

37-1-24 948 20.0 352 1.00 0 f


Ub4,&T - %4F

page No. 27 -- Dato: 02/22/93 SHORENAM DROONM18810NING PROJECT FORM 00DR Termin:ticn surv y D:t3 Report 80029 , l Beta Gamma,Camma Survey Resulte ' trvey Unit 3D. 88U029 Rullding ISU survey date 02/08/93 __ ^me TURBINE Names Instrument type F1. Hon. CH LAD 1 smear Ctr. MicroRom

      ............ .....                .........    ......   ..........     .............    ..........     .........     .     .--a total beta-gamma             removable beta-gamma
      ----~~~~----------                ---------    ----~~   --~~--~~--     -------------    ----------      observed       not Block 2D           point surf scan gepa                 dan /200cm2            gepm     dpm/200cm2      uRece/hr       uR/hr 37-1-25               949                                              2.00                          3 37-1-26              950                       28.0              023   2.00                          3 37-1-27              951                                               1.00                          0 37-1-27              951                                               1.00                          0 37-1-28              952                       26.0              705   1.00                          0 37-1-29               953                                               3.00                          7 37-1-30               954                       17.0              176   1.00                          0 37-1-31               955                                               2.00                          3 37-1-32               956                       27.0              164   1.00                          0 37-1-33               957                                               1.00                          0 37-1-34               958                       19.0              294   4.00                        10 37-1-35               959                                               3.00                          7                   -

37-1-36 960 22.0 470 2.00 3 37-1-37 961 2.00 3 37-1-38 962 10.0 -235 0.00 -2 37-1-39 963 2.00 3 964 18.0 235 1.00 0 (7-1-40 41

         +1-42 965 966 5.00                         13

( 16.0 117 4.00 10 1-43 967 2.00 3 1-44 968 21.0 411 4.00 10 7-1-45 969 1.00 0 37-1-46 970 24.0 588 3.00 7 37-1-47 971 0.00 -2 37-1-48 972 14.0 0 0.00 -2 37-1-49 973 1.00 0 37-1-50 974 22.0 470 2.00 3 37-1-51 975 3.00 7 37-1-52 976 31.0 1000 0.00 -2 38-1-1 1029 20.0 352 0.00 -2 3C-1-2 1030 2.00 2 38-1-3 1031 15.0 58 2.00 2 38-1-4 1032 4.00 9 (

                                                                                                                                    + iw em g he
                                                                                                                                 's   t --3 -w ,--

page N3. 28 Dato: SHOREHAM DECOKHISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE 02/22/93 7;rsin ticn surycy C0t3 Report 80029 Betr Ommma,Camma $urvey Resulte Survey Unit ID. 38U029 Building SU survey date 02/08/93 CameiTUT.BINE Names Instrument Type F1. Hon. CH LAD! Emmar Ctr, MicroRem


total beta-gama removable beta-gama

     ------------------                                                           ---------                                        ------        ------~~--              -------------            ----------          observed     not Block ID                                                             point    Surf scan                                       gepm          dpm/100em2                              gepa     dpn/200em2          uRom/hr      uR/hr 38-1-5                                                                1033                                                     16.0                          117    1.00                                -0 38-1-6                                                                1034                                                                                          0.00                                -3 38-1-7                                                                1035                                                      23.0                         $29 0.00                                   -3 38-1-8                                                               1036                                                                                           4.00                                 9 38-1-9                                                                1037                                                      26.0                         705 1.00                                   -0 38-1-10                                                              1038                                                                                          2.00                                  2 38-1-11                                                              1039                                                       13.0                         -58 2.00                                    2 38-1-12                                                              1040                                                                                           2.00                                 2 38-1-13                                                               1041                                                      11.0                       -116 3.00                                     6 28-1-14                                                               1042                                                                                          1.00                               -0 38-1-15                                                               1043                                                      20.0                         352 2.00                                    2 38-1-16                                                               1044                                                                                          3.00                                  6 38-1-17                                                               1045                                                       19.0                        294 2.00                                     2 38-1-18                                                               1046                                                                                          0.00                                -3 38-1-19                                                               1047                                                        17.0                       176 1.00                                   -0 38-1-20                                                               1048                                                                                          2.00                                  2 1049                                                        10.0                      -235    2.00                                  2 I 38-1-21 8-1-22                                                              1050                                                                                           1.00                               -0 I- 3C-1-23                                                                 1051                                                        13.0                        -58    2.00                                 2 438-2-24                                                              1052                                                                                           2.00                                 2
     '38-1-25                                                                1053                                                        22.0                       470    0.00                               -3 38-1-26                                                               1054                                                                                          0.00                               -3 38-1-27                                                               1055                                                        9.00                     -294     2.00                                  2 3b-1-28                                                               1056                                                                                          0.00                               -3 38-1-29                                                               1057                                                         18.0                      235    1.00                               -0 38-1-30                                                               1058                                                                                          1.00                                -0 5-1-1                                                                   91                                                         26.0                      705    1.00                                -0 5-1-2                                                                   92                                                                                          1.00                                -0 5-1-3                                                                   93                                                         6.00                     -470    1.00                                -0 5-1-4                                                                    74                                                                                          1.00                               -0 5-1-5                                                                    95                                                        14.0                         0    2.00                                 2 5-1-6                                                                    96                                                                                          0.00                               -4 5-1-7                                                                   97                                                        19.0                       294     2.00                                 2 b


page No. 29 . Dato 02/22/93 SHOREMAN DIDOMM!ss10NING PROJsCT FORM ODDE  ! T:rmin tien survey Dato kaport- 59029 keta Gamma,0m==a survey Resulta j 3rvey Unit ID. 48U029 suilding asU survey date 02/08/93 *

         - .ameirunstwa                                                                                                                       name                                                              '

Instrument Type F1. Mon. GM LAD Smear Ctr. Microkee total beta-gamma removable beta-gamme

                ..................                                          .........         ......               ..........        .............            ..........            observed            not stock ID                                    point surf scan gepm                                   dpe/100cm2                      gepa       dps/100am2            uken/hr            uR/hr
                $~1-8                                                  98                                                            2.00                                        2 5-1-9                                                  99                     22.0                            470    0.00                                        4                             i 5-1-10                                              100                                                              3.00                                        5                             -

5-1-11 101 18.0 235 1.00 -0 5-1-12 102 2.00 2 5-1-13 103 20.0 352 3.00 5 '

                $~1-14                                              104                                                              1.00                                    -0 5-1-15                                              105                       21.0                            411    1.00-                                    -0                               ,

5-1-16 106 1.00 -0 5-1-17 107 17.0 176 2.00 2 ,

          '5-1-18                                                   108                                                              2.00                                        2
                $~1-19                                              109                        16.0                           117    0.00                                     -4                               ;

5-1-20 110 0.00 -4

  • 38-1-31 1059 18.0 235 1.00 -0 38-1-32 1060 0.00 -3 38-1-33 1061 18.0 235 5.00 12 38-1-34 1062 4.00 9 1-1-35 1063 18.0 235 0.00 -3  :


                         '-1-36                                1064                                                                                                              9
               '\-1-37                                         1065                            19.0                           294    2.00                                        2 3-1-38                                   1066                                                                  0.00                                     -3 38-1-39                                        1067                            16.0                           117    3.00                                        6 38-1-40                                        1068                                                                  1.00                                     -0 38-1-41                                        1069                            18.0                           235    1.00                                     -0                               ;

38-1-42 1010 2.00 2 38-4-43 1071 9.00 -294 1.00 -0 38-1-44 1072 1.00 -0 38-2-45 1073 26.0 705 2.00 2 38-1-46 1074 6.00 15 38-1-47 1075 18.0 235 1.00 -0 38-1-48 1076 1.00 -0 38-1-49 1077 13.0 -58 2.00 2 38-1-50 1078 0.00 3 i l l l i. i. ( t 1

 -- e             v                   ,,,.+,,...r-e.,          ,,    ,-,.w       . . . ~ . ,   . . . - . .         .       i-..  ,m,-.c.-,.      _ , - .        4    .-.._%             __..-.w+

pa W . ~ LE Date: 02/22/93 sHOREHAM DRCOMMISSIONIMO PROJECT FORM CODE Termin tion sus?sf C;ta Report 30029 Beta Orama, Gamma Survey Results (' Survey Unit ID. s80029 Building sSU survey date 02/08/93 J6me: TURBINE Name s 1:strument Type F1. Mon. ON LAD smear Ctr. MicroRom

     ...    ............n       ......... ......   ..........    .............   ..........    .........     .......

total beta-gamma removable beta-gasuna

     ..................         ......... ......   ..........    .............   .......... observed      not Block ID           point surf ecan gepm       dpm/100em2           gepm    dps/200cm2      uRem/hr       uR/hr 38-1-51             1079             16.0              117  1.00                       -0 38-1-52             1080                                    3.00                        6 39-1-1              1133                                    1.00                       -0 39-1-2              1134             14.0                 0 2.00                        2 39-1-3              1136                                    2.00                        2 39-1-4              1136             7.00            -411   1.00                       -0 39-1-5              1137                                    4.00                        9 39-1-6              1138             10.0              235  3.00                        6 39-1-7              1139                                    4.00                        9 39-1-8              1140             23.0              529  2.00                        2 39-1-9              1141                                    2.00                        2 39-1-10             1142             13.0              -58  4.00                        9 39-1-11             1143                                    1.00                       -0 39-1-12             1144             17.0              176  4.00                        9 39-1-13             1145                                    3.00                        6 39-1-14             1146             14.0                 0 5.00                       12 39-1-15             1147                                    1.00                       -0 1-1-16             1148             13.0              -58  1.00                       -0 9-1-17             1149                                    2.00                        2 J-1-18            1150             21.0              411  1.00                       -0 9-1-19             1151                                    2.00                        2 9-1-20             1152             10.0            -235   1.00                       -0 39-1-21             1153                                    2.00                        2 39-1-22             1154             7.00            -411   2.00                        2                         ,

39-1-23 1155 3.00 6 39-1-24 1156 15.0 58 3.00 6 39-1-25 1157 3.00 6 39-1-26 1158 21.0 ell 2.00 2 39-1-27 1159 3.00 6 39-1-28 1360 17.0 176 3.00 6 39-1-29 1161 1.00 -0 39-1-30 1162 20.0 352 0.00 -3 39-1-31 l1163 0.00 -3


k t j -

page No. 31 Datos 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DE00MH18830NING PROJECT FORM CODE T:rmin:ti n Sury;y Dats Report s0029 Seta Gamma,Camma Survey Results rvey Unit ID. 38UO29 Sullding 88U survey date 02/08/93 TUR31NE Names 1r.strument Type F1. Mon. CH 1.AD smear Ctr. MicruRom total beta-gamma removable beta-gemma .

             .... ............                                                                                                                     ......... ......      ..........     .............    ..........                                                                      obeerved     not   .

Block 3D point surf scan gepm dps/200em2 gepa dpa/100ce2 unes/hr uR/hrl 39-1-32 1164 19.0 294 0.00 ~3 39-1-33 1165 1.00 -0 39-1-34 1166 16.0 117 3.00 6 39-1-35 1167 2.00 2 39-1-36 1168 23.0 529 3.00 6 39-1-37 1169 0.00 -3 39-1-38 1170 11.0 -176 1.00 -0 39-1-39 1171 2.00 2 39-1-40 1172 24.0 58B 3.00 6 39-1-41 1173 2.00 2 39-1-42 1174 20.0 352 1.00 -0 . 39-1-43 1175 0.00 -3 39-1-44 1176 13.0 -58 3.00 6 39-1-45 1177 2.00 2 39-1-46 1178 16.0 117 1.00 -0 39-1-47 1179 0.00 -3 f9-1-48 1180 12.0 -117 3.00 6 qg 49 1181 3.00 6 1-50 1182 23.0 529 1.00 -0 1-51 1183 2.00 2 91-52 40-1-1 1184 1237 14.0 20.0 352 0 0.00 1.00

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -0 40-1-2                                                                                                                 1230                                                2.00                                                                                2 j

40-1-3 1239 12.0 -117 2.00 2 40-1-4 1240 3.00 6 40-1-5 1241 16.0 117 3.00 6 40-1-6 1242 1.00 -0 40-1-7 1243 13.0 -58 1.00 ~0 40-1-8 1244 2.00 2 40-1-9 1245 1 */ . 0 176 2.00 2 40-1-10 1246 2.00 2 40-1-11 1247 10.0 -235 3.00 6 40-1-12 1240 1.00 -0 L( 0

page Pa. 32 Dat 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DBOONN!sSIONING PROJEC"t PORN CODE 7:rmintticn surv y D:ta Report 80029 beta pamma, Gamma survey Resulta t .s trvey Unit 3D. 880029 501'sdang :SU survey date 02/08/93 pame:TURSINE Name


Itatrument Typo F1. Mon. CH LLD Enear Ctr. HieroRom total beta-gamma removable beta-gamuna

       ..................             .........       ......    ..........    ..............   .......... observed      not Block ID           point surf scan gepa                  dpe/100cm2.          gepe      dpe/200cm2     uRes/hr       uR/hr 40-1-13                1249                    15.0                 58 0.00                         3 40-1-14               1250                                             2.00                         2 40-1-15               1251                     39.0               294  0.00                        -3 40-1-16               1252                                             0.00                         3 40-1-17                1253                     13.0               -58  1.00                        -0 40-1-18               1254                                             0.00                         3 40-1-19                1255                     14.0                  0 3.00                         6 40-1-20                1256                                             1.00                         0 40-1-21                1257                     17.0               176  2.00                         2 40-1-22                1258                                             4.00                         9 40-1-23                1259                    14.0                   0 3.00                         6 40-1-24                1260                                             2.00                         2 40-1-25                1261                     11.0             -176   0.00                        -3 40-1-26                1262                                             1.00                        -0 40-1-27                1263                    13.0                -58  1.00                        -0 40-1-28                1264                                             1.00                        -0
      *0-1-29                1265                    22.0                470  1.00                        -0 kJ-1-30                     1266                                             2.00                         2 1       '-1-31              1267                    16.0                117  1.00                        -0 1268                                             0.00                        -3 41-32     1-33 40-1-34 1269 1270 23.0                529  2.00                         2 0.00                        -3 l      40-1-35               1271                     14.0                   0 2.00                         2 l      40-1-36                1272                                             2.00                         2 40-1-37               1273                     18.0                235  3.00                         6 40-1-38                1274                                             1.00                        -0 40-1-39               1275                     23.0                529  3.00                         6 40-1-40                1276                                             0.00                        -3 40-1-41                1277                    14.0                   0 2.00                         2 40-1-42               1278                                              1.00                        -0 40-1-43               1279                    9.00               -294   0.00                        -3 40-1-44               1280                                              2.00                         2 40-1-45               1281                     17.0                176  4.00                         9 I

l (.7

page No.- 33 ) Datas 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT PORN CODE i 7 rmin:ticn 4:ry y D:tc Report 8U029 ) Sota Gamma,Casema Survey Mosults survey date 02/08/93 crvey Unit 3D. sSUO29 Building ssU neelTURBINE Names Instrument Type Fi. Mon. CH LAD Smea r Ct r. MicroRom total beta-gansna removable beta-gaassa

          ..................                                                                                            ......... ......      ..........             .............          ..........          observed                    not Block 3D                                                                                        point surf scan gepa                dpm/200cm2                      gepe          dpm/200cm2          uRee/hr                     uk/hr 40-1-46                                                                                              1282                                                  1.00                                  -0 40-1-47                                                                                              1283               18.0                     235       3.00                                    6 40-1-48                                                                                              1284                                                  1.00                                  -0 40-1-49                                                                                              1285               18.0                     235       1.00                                  -0 40-1-50                                                                                              1286                                                  1.00                                  -0 40-1-51                                                                                              1287               33.0                 1137          4.00                                    9                                                  !

40-1-52 1288 2.00 2 41-1-1 1341 22.0 470 7.00 -18 41-1-2 13t2 0.00 -2 41-2-3 1343 13.0 -58 5.00 13 41-1-4 1344 2.00 3 41-2-5 1345 11.0 -176 1.00 0 41-1-6 1346 2.00 3 41-1-7 1347 16.0 117 2.00 3 41-1-8 1348 3.00 7 41-1-9 1349 16.0 117 1.00 0 81-1-10 1350 0.00 -2

       ) .-1-11                                                                                                1351               20.0                      352       1.00                                   0 Vgi-1-12                                                                                                1352                                                   1.00                                   0 J-1-13                                                                                           1353                15.0                          58  0.00                                             41-1-14                                                                                              1354                                                  3.00                                    7 41-1-15                                                                                              1355               21.0                      411      2.00                                    3 41-1-16                                                                                              1356                                                   1.00                                   0 41-1-17                                                                                              1357                17.0                      176     3.00                                    7 41-1-18                                                                                              1358                                                   2.00                                   3 41-1-19                                                                                              1359                14.0                           0  2.00                                    3 41-1-20                                                                                              1360                                                   3.00                                   7 44-1-21                                                                                              1361                17.0                      176     0.00                                  -2 41-1-22                                                                                              1362                                                   3.00                                   7 41-1-23                                                                                              1363                22.0                      470      5.00                                  13 41-1-24                                                                                              1364                                                   1.00                                   0 41-1-25                                                                                              1365                16.0                      117      2.00                                   3 41-1-26                                                                                             1366                                                   1.00                                   0 t

f l

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pe.p Mo. 34 l Da l'J 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING FROJECT FORM CODE T:rnin: tion surv:y D:t3 R: port 80029 Beta Gamma, Gamma Furvey Results

    /     Survey Unit ID. 35U029                                            Building SU                                 survey date 02/08/93
   /      Name TURBINE                                                                              Names C                                                  _

2natrument Type F1. Hon. GM LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gamn removable beta gama

        ---~~~~~~~--------                                ~~~~----- ------   ----------          -------------    -------~~-        observed       not Block ID                                 point surf scan    gern     dgn/100cm2                   gera    dyn/100cm2        uRom/hr        uR/hr 41-1-27                                      1367           14.0                      0  1.00                          0 41-1-28                                      1368                                        0.00                        -2 41-1-29                                      1369           22.0                470      2.00                          3 41-2-30                                      1370                                        0.00                        -2 41-1-31                                      1371           10.0              -235       2.00                          3 41-1-32                                      1372                                        0.00                        -2 41-1-33                                      1373           23.0                 529      1.00                         0 41-2-34                                      1374                                        2.00                          3 41-1-35                                      1375            18.0               235       1.00                         0 41-2-36                                      1376                                         2.00                         3 41-1-37                                      1377           26.0                 705      1.00                         0 41-1-38                                      1378                                         1.00                         0 41-1-39                                      1379            15.0                  58     2.00                         3 41-2-40                                      1380                                         0.00                       -2 41-1-41                                      1381            ;4.0                 588     2.00                         3 41-1-42                                      1382                                         0.00                       -2 1-1-43                                     1383            20.0                 352     1.00                         0
          .-1-44                                     1384                                         3.00                         7
-1-45 1305 13.0 -58 0.00 -2
          ;-1-46                                     1386                                         1.00                         0 1-2-47                                     1387            13.0                 -58     1.00                         0 41-1-48                                     1388                                         4.00                        10 41-1-49                                     1389            9.00              -294       4.00                        10 41-1-50                                     1390                                         0.00                       -2 41-1-51                                     1391            22.0                 470     4.00                        10 41-1-52                                     1392                                         2.00                          3 42-1-1                                      1445            23.0                 529     2.00                          3 42-1-2                                      1446                                         2.00                          2 42-1-3                                      1447            21.0                 411     1.00                        -0 42-1-4                                      1448                                         2.00                          2 42-1-5                                      1449            19.0                 294     0.00                        -3 42-1-6                                      1450                                         1.00                        -0 42-1-7                                      1451            14.0                      0  1.00                        -0

( D

                                    -- -.             --                                              -.~

page No. 35 Det0: 02/22/93 EMOREHAM DICONNISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T0rmin ticq Sury y D t3 Report CUO29 Sota Gamma,Camma Survey Results { arvey Unit ID. 85U029 Nuilding sSU survey date 02/08/93 see TURS!NE Names In:trument Type F1. Mon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

 .....       ..........      ......... ......   ..........     ....... ....      ..........         observed      not Bicek ID            point surf scan gepm      dpra/100cm2             gepm     dpm/200em2         uRom/hr      uR/hr 42-1-8                1452                                   1.00                           - 0 42-1-9                1453           17.0                176 3.00                             5 42-1-10               1454                                   2.00                             2 42-1-11                1455           16.0                117 2.00                             2 42-1-12                1456                                   2.00                             2 42-1-13               1457           24.0                588 1.00                           - 0 42-1-14                1458                                   2.00                             2 42-1-15                1459           19.0                294 1.00                           - 0 42-A-16                1460                                   1.00                           - 0 42-1-17                1461           11.0               -176 0.00                           - 3 42-1-18                1462                                   2.00                             2 42-1-19                1463           18.0                235 1.00                           - 0 42-1-20                1464                                   0.00                           - 3 42-1-21                1465           18.0                235 0.00                           - ,1 42-1-22                1466                                   1.00                           - 0 42-1-23                1467           17.0                176 0.00                           - 3                .

g 1-1-24 1468 2.00 2 \r '-1-25 1469 27.0 764 0 00 - 3 1-26 1470 2,00 2 1-27 1471 22.0 470 0.00 - 3 28 2472 0.00 - 3 42-1-29 1473 14.0 0 1.00 - 0 42-1-30 1474 4.00 8 42-1-31 1475 33.0 1117 7.00 18 42-1-32 1476 1.00 - 0 42-1-33 1477 20.0 352 3.00 5 42-1-34 1478 0.00 - 3 42-1-35 1479 15.0 58 0.00 - 3 42-1-36 1480 1.00 - 0 42-1-37 1481 16.0 117 2.00 2 . 42-3-38 1482 3.00 5 42-1-39 1483 16.0 117 5.00 12 42-1-40 1484 2.00 2 ( A U t m <,,.

                                                                                 +      9   e

page No. 36 l DatO 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DIDOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM OODE I T:rminttien serv:y D t3 Report 20029 Beta Gaana, Gamma Survey Results ( - - i arvey Unit ID. 880029 Building isU survey dat. 02/08/93 l hee: TURBINE Names In:trument Type F1. Hon. CH LAD smear Ctr. Microdom I total beta-gamma removable beta-ganna

     ..................                                     .........             ......   ..........      .............     .........-      observed       not Block ID                                point Surf sean                      gera     d;n/100cm2              gegun     dyn/100cm2      uRam/hr       uR/hr 42-1-41                                  1485                                9.00              -294   1.00                          0 42-1-42                                  1486                                                         2.00                          2 42-1-43                                  1487                                17.0                176  0.00                         -3 42-1-44                                  1488                                                         0.00                          3 42-1-45                                  1489                                19.0                294  4.00                          8 42-1-46                                  1490                                                         1.00                          0 42-1-47                                  1491                                19.0                294  2.00                          2 42-1-48                                  1492                                                         2.00                          2 42-1-49                                  1493                                14.0                   0 1.00                         -0 42-1-50                                  1494                                                         1.00                         -0 42-1-51                                  1495                                24.0                588  2.00                          2 42-1-52                                  1496                                                         4.00                          8 43-1-1                                   1549                                24.0                588  0.00                         -3 43-1-2                                   1550                                                         3.00                          7                          :

43-1-3 1551 15.0 58 3.00 7 43-1-4 1552 1.00 0 , 43-1-5 1553 11.0 -176 0.00 -2 e-1-6 1554 1.00 0 1-7 1555 22.0 470 1.00 0 1-0 1556 0 41-9 1557 1558 20.0 352 1 00 2.00 3 43-1-10 0.00 -2 43-1-11 1559 12.0 -117 0.00 -2 43-1-12 1560 2.00 3 43-1-13 1561 17.0 176 1.00 0 43-1-14 1562 2.00 3 43-1-15 1563 18.0 235 1.00 0 43-1-16 1564 4.00 10 43-1-17 1565 12.0 -117 2.00 3 43-1-18 1566 0.00 -2 43-1-19 1567 13.0 -58 1.00 0 43-1-20 1568 1.00 0

  '43-1-21                                    1569                                8.00              -352   1.00            l             0 l

l l I ( m e

page No. 37 Dat0: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T;rmin:ticn Surv0y D*to Report 8U029 ( 3 eta Gamma, Gamma Surysy Results A:rvey Unit ID. #20029 Building 38U- survey date 02/08/93 Came:TURBZKt Names In:trument type F1. kon. CH LAD &near Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

                                     ..         ..........                                                                                        ......... ......         ..........        .......... .                    ..........               observed                                           aet Block 1D                                          point surf scan gepm                                                                dpm/200em2                  gepm                  dpe/100em2               uRom/hr                                            UM/hr 43-1-22                                                      1570                                                                                       1.00                                          0 43-1-23                                                     1571                                                       14.0                         0   1.00                                          0 43-1-24                                                      1572                                                                                       4.00                                         10 43-1-25                                                      1573                                                      15.0                        58   1.00                                          0 43-1-26                                                      1574                                                                                       1.00                                          0 43-2-27                                                     1575                                                       17.0                       176   2.00                                          3 43-1-28                                                     1576                                                                                        3.00                                          7 43-1-29                                                     1577                                                       19.0                       294   3.00                                          7 43-1-30                                                     1578                                                                                        0.00                                        -2 6-1-1                                                                 Ill                                              16.0                       117   1.00                                          0                                                                 '

6-1-2 112 0.00 -4 6-1-3 113 9.00 - - 294 4.00 8 6-1-4 114 4.00 8 6-1-5 115 22.0 470 1.00 -0 6-1-6 116 1.00 -0 6-1-7 117 25.0 647 1.00 -0

  • 1-8 118 2.00 2

{ 1-9 119 14.0 0 1.00 -0 10 120 3.00 5 11 121 18.0 235 1.00 -0 12 122 2.00 2 6-2-13 - 123 11.0 - 176 1.00 -0 6-1-14 124 0.00 -4 6-1-15 125 14.0 0 4.00 8 6-1-16 126 0.00 -4 6-1-17 127 13.0 -58 0.00 -4 6-1-18 128 2.00 2 6-1-19 129 12.0 - 117 2.00 2 6-1-20 130 2.00 2

                               '43-1-31                                                       1579                                                          24.0                       588   1.00                                        -0 43-1-32                                                    1580                                                                                           0.00                                        -2 43-1-33                                                    1581                                                          21.0                       411   2.00                                          3 43-1-34                                                    1582                                                                                           2.00                                          3 l

l l l (. t l'

             -                 w.                                     . Lam.+s                 y.          e                       -                            sw- sy   wieviy,-,         p    ._g_        . - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .y               g.            y y. ew.- *
  • ce v y w w 39 e ge

page No. 38 Dato: 02/22/93 sHORERAM D800NM!ss10NING PROJECT POF.N 000s Tcraination surycy D tc R: Port 80029 Seta Gamma,0amma survey Results arvey Unit 3D. ss0029 Building asU survey date 02/08/93 mas TURBINE Names instrument Type F1. Hon. CM LAD smear Ctr. MicroAem total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

                            .... ............                                                                    .........                          ......   ..........       .............                                                  ..........          observed          not kitch 1D                                                        point surf scan gepm                                            dpe/100em2                  gepm                                                dpm/100em2          uRam/br           uR/hr        ;

43-1-36 1583 9.0J -294 2.00 3 43-1 36 1584 1.00 0  : 43-1-37 1585 20.0 352 3.00 7

  • 43-1-38 1586 1.00 0 43-1-39 1587 21.0 411 0.00 -2 43-1-40 1588 0.00 -2 43-1-41 1589 17.0 176 0.00 -2  !

43-1-42 1590 1.00 0 43-1-43 1591 15.0 58 3.00 7 43-1-44 1592 2.00 3 43-1-45 1593 12.0 -117 2.00 3 43-1-46 1594 1.00 0 43-1-47 1595 9.00 -294 4.00 10 43-1-48 1596 1.00 0 43-1-49 1597 22.0 470 1.00 0 43-1-50 1598 3.00 7 1-1-51 1599 18.0 235 1.00 0 ( 4-3-52 1600 3.00 7 1-1 1653 11.0 -176 1.00 0 2 1654 1.00 -176 3 1655 20.0 352 1.00 -176 44-1-4 1656 1.00 -176 44-1-5 1657 16.0 117 0.00 -179 44-1-6 1658 0.00 -179 44-1-7 1659 22.0 470 1.C? -176 44-1-8 1660 3.00 -169 44-1-9 1661 14.0 0 1.00 -176  : 44-1-10 1662 0.00 -179 44-1-11 1663 9.00 294 4.00 -166 44-1-12 1664 0.00 -179 44-1-13 1665 14.0 0 1.00 176 44-1-14 1666 0.00 -179 44-1-15 1667 17.0 176 3.00 -169 l (- 1 l l

               -,                n                      n                   -- , . - , - . , , , - . . . . - . . . . . . - _ - , + - . . , , , , . - -                      .                             , . , ,                            . , . . , -      ,    . - , -           , , - _

page No. 39 Dato: 02/22/93 l EHOREHAM DECONNISS10NING PROJECT FORM 000E 70rmin0tien Surv:y D:ta Report EUO29 Beta Gemna,G ena survey Results

       .rvey Unit ID. 38U029                           au11 ding asU                           survey date 02/08/93         l Eme: TURBINE                                                        Names l

In0trument Type F1. Hon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-ganna removable beta-gansna

   .            ...........        .........   ......   ..........     .............    .......... observed       not Block ID               point surf scan gepm          dpm/200cm2              gepm    dpm/100em2     uRam/hr        uR/hr 44-1-16                    1668                                     2.00                     -173 44-1-17                    1669             22.0               470  1.00                     -176 44-1-18                    1670                                     2.00                     -173 44-1-19                    1671             24.0               588  3.00                     -169 44-1-20                    1672                                     3.00                     -169 44-1-21                    1673             12.0             -117   0.00                     -179 44-1-22                    1674                                     1.00                     -176 44-1-21                    1675             10.0             -235   2.00                       173 44-1-24                    1676                                     0.00                     -179 44-1-25                    1677             22.0               470  2.00                     -173 44-1-26                    1678                                     2.00                     -173                      ,

44-1-27 1679 19.0 294 4.00 -166 44-1-28 1600 1.00 -176 44-1-29 1681 13.0 -58 3.00 -169 44-1-30 1682 4.00 -166 44-1-31 1683 19.0 294 1.00 -176

     *-1-32                   1684                                    'O.00                        -3 1-33                   1685                                235 1.00 18.0                                                -0 1-34                   1686                                     2.00                         2 35                   1687             16.0               117  1.00                        -0 4-1-36                   1688                                     2.00                         2 i   44-1-37                    1689             10.0             -235   2.00                         2 l

44-1-38 1690 1.00 -0 44-1-39 1691 16.0 117 1.00 -0 44-1-40 1692 1.00 -0 44-1-41 1693 12.0 -117 4.00 9 44-1-42 1694 0.00 -3 44-1-43 1695 23.0 529 3.00 6 , 44-1-44 1696 2.00 2 44-1-45 1697 20.0 352 0.00 -3 44-1-46 1698 0.00 -3 44-1-47 1699 9.00 -294 0.00 -3 44-1-48 1700 1.00 -0 l l l k 6

   -page No.         40 Dato:       02/22/93                                   _sHOREMAM DECOMMIss!ONING PROJECT                                                             FORM CODE T rmin:ticn surv y Data Report                                                             SUO29-Beta camma,0ansna survey Results rvey Unit ID. 35U029                              ' Building asU                  _

survey date 02/0s/93 TURs!NE Names Instrument Type F1. Mon. CM LAD smear Ctt,. MicroRom total beta-gamma r m vable beta-ganma

     -----~~----.------           ---------          ------     ----------        -------------                               ----------            observed     not 31cck ID           point Seri scan gepm                    dpm/100cm2                gepe                                dpm/100em2           uRem/hr       uR/hr 44-1-49              1701                       9.00                -294     1.00                                                        -0 44-1-50              1702                                                    1.00                                                        -0 44-4 -51             1703                       24.0                     588 1.00                                                        -0 44-1-52 1704                                                    2.00                                                         2                                   1 45-1-1               3757                                                    1.00                                                        -0 45-1-2               1758                       17.0                     116 2.00                                                         3 45-1-3                1759                                                                                                                                                     ]

1.00 0 45-1-4 1760 12.0 -117 3.00 7 . 45-1-5 1761 0.00 -2 45-1-6 1762 23.0 529 0.00 -2 45-1-7 1763 0.00 -2 45-1-8 1764 20.0 352 1.00 0 , 45-1-9 1765 1.00 0 ' 45-1-10 1766 14.0 0 3.00 7 45-1-11 1767 1.00 0 45-1-12 1768 23.0 529 1.00 0 , *- 1-13 1769 4.00 10 14 1770 13.0 -58 1.00 0 g 1-15 1771

    -s                                                                            0.00                                                        -2

_( 7 1-16 1772 23.0 529 0.00 -2

  'we-1-17                1773                                                    0.00                                                        -2 45-1-18              1774                        11.0                -176     2.00                                                         3 45-1-19              1775                                                     0.00                                                        -2 45-1-20              1776                        6.00                -470     2.00                                                         3 45-1-21               1777                                                    3.00                                                         7 45-1-22               ; 16,                      17.0                     176 0.00                                                        -2 45-1-23               f. i: i                                                 5.00                                                        la 45-1-24              170#                        13.0                     -58 2.00                                                         3 45-1-25               17El                                                    2.00                                                         3-45-1-26              1782                        23.0                     $29 0.00                                                        -2 45-1*27              1783                                                     4.00                                                        10 45-1-28              1784                        16.0                     117 2.00                                                         3 4 5 2'+           1785                                                     2.00                                                         3


       . page No.-     41'       .

Dat0 -

                   - 02/22/93.

SHOREHAM DBOOMMISSIONING PROJECT PORM CODE' Terminatirn sury;y DCt3 Report 80029.  : Beta 04mma, Gamma Survey Rsoults b ji ( trvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building 33U. survey date 02/08/93 i see:TURRINE  ; Name: instrument Type F1. Hon. CH LAD .Emear Ctr. Mic

                      .......      . . . . . . . , . .  ......   . . . . -     . .  .. ... ....         ........        . roRom
                                                                                                                                                             -l total beta-gamma                  removable beta-                                                       I
         ------------------        ---------           ------    ----------                             ---~ g asuna
                                                                                    --- ~~----~~--            ~~~-~~      observed     net-                      l 51oc.h ID       point surf scan gepm                    dpm/100cm2                gepa         d /100cm2        unes/hr       uR/hr l               _

45-1-30 1786 23.0 529 3.00 ';  ! 4

       '45-1-31              1787                                                   0.00                           -2.

45-1-32 1788 9.00 -294 3.00 -7. 45-1-33 1 1789 3.00 -7 45-1-34 1790 16.0 117 1.00 0 45-1-35 1791 2.00 3 45-1-36 1792 18.0 235 4.00 10 45-1-37 1793 1.00 0 ' l 45-1-38 1794 20.0 352 0.00 -2 45-1-39 1795 2.00 3 45-1-40 1796 13.0 -58 1.00 0 - 45-1-41 1797 1.00 0 45-1-42 1798 7.00 -411. 2.00 3 45-1-43 1799 3.00 7 45-1-44 1800 18.0 235 2.00 3 45-1-45 1801 1.00 0 45-1-46 1802 13.0 -58 3.00 7

  .        47            1803                                                   1.00                             0 1-48            1804                       14.0                   0    1.00                             0 L        'g 1-49             1805                                                   1.00                             0
    , 3-1-50                1806                       18.0                235     1.00                             0
        .5-1-51             1807                                                   0.00                           -2
45-1-52 1808 21.0 411 0.00 -2
l. 46-1-1 1861 0.00 -2 46-1-2 1862 19.0 294 2.00 2 46-1-3 1863 0.00 -4 46-1-4 1864 17.0 176 2.00 2 46-1-5 1865 1.00 -0 46-1-6 1866 13.0 -58 1.00 -0 46-1-7 1867 2.00 2 *-

1-8 1868 14.0 0 3.00 5 46-1-9 1869 3.00 5 46-1-10 1870 16.0 117 0.00 -4' K D m ay W' N -

                                                                                                                                   ' l, P89e No'           42
   -Datos-                                  I                                                                                         i 02/22/93                          EH*REHAM DECOMMISS10NINO PROJECT                              FORM CODE         j T;rmin tien surv:y D:ta Report                             EUO29              !

l [ Beta Oamma,0amma Survey Results crvey Unf.t ID. 35U029 Building 38U . ~ survey date 02/08/93. ' ame: TURBINE Names j In:trument type F1. Hon. CH - LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRem


total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

               ------------       -----~~~-    ------    ----------        -------------    ----------       observed     net Block _ID             point surf scan gepm          dpm/200em2               gepe      dpm/100cm2       uRem/hr      uR/hr 46-1-11                  1871                                         0.00                          -4 46-1-12                  1872             11.0                -176     1.00                         -0 46-1-13                  1873                                         2.00                           2 46-1-14                  1874             14.0                      0  1.00                         -0 44-1-15                  1875                                         2.00                            2 46-1-16                  1876             13.0                  -58    1.00                         -0 46-1-17                  1877                                         4.00                           8 46-1-18                  1878             23.0                  529   2.00                           2 46-1-19                  1879                                         3.00                            5 46-1-20                  1880             14.0                      0 0.00                          -4 46-1-21                  1881                                         1.00                          -0 46-1-22                  1882             15.0                   58 1.00                            -0 46-1-23                  1883                                         2.00                           2 46-1-24                  1884             15.0                   58- 1.00                           -0 46-1-25                  1885                                         1.00                          -0 46-1-26                   1886             24.0                  588 1.00                            -0 1-27                  1887                                         3.00                           5
       "- 1-28               1888             14.0                      0 2.00                           2 29                1889                                         4.00                           6 30               1890              19.0                 294    2.00                           2 31               1891                                          0.00                          -4 46-1-32                  1892              15.0                   58   1.00                          -0 46-1-33                  1893                                          1.00                         -0 I   46-1-34                  1894              21.0                 411    2.00                           2 40-1-35                  1895                                          2.00                           2 46-1-36                  1896              14.0                      0 3.00                           5 46-1-37                  1897                                          1.00                         -0 46-1                 1898              9.00               -294     0.00                         -4 46-1-39                  1899                                          4.00                           8 46-1-40                  1900              10.0               -235     2.00                           2 46-1-41                  1901                                          1.00                         -0 46-1-42                  1902              20.0                 352    2.00                           2 46-1-43                  1903                                          0.00                         -4 d


page C3.. 43 Dat0 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING FROJECT FORM CODE-T:rmin tion Surysy D ta Report 8U029 Beta Gamma, Gamma survey Results (.- urvey Unit ID. - 30029 Building SU survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Names In:trument Type F1. Mon. GM LAD smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gamma removable beta-ganna

          .. .. ........            ......... ......   ..........      .............         .......---         observed      not B1cck ID                point surf scan gepm     dpe/100cm2               gepm         dpm/100cm2         uRem/hr       uR/hr 46-1-44                  1904           21.0                 411 2.00                                2 46-1-45                  1905                                    2.00                                2 46-1-46                  1906           15.0                  58 1.00                             ' -0 46-1-47                  1907                                    2.00                                2 46-1-48                  1908           17.0                 176 2.00                                2 46-1-49                  1909                                    2.00                                2 46-1-50                  1910           19.0                 294 1.00                               -0 46-1-51                  1911                                    1.00                               -0 46-1-52                  1912            14.0                  0 3.00                                5 46-2-1                   1913                                    0.00                               -4                    ,

46-2-2 1914 33.0 1117 1.00 -0 46-2-3 1915 2.00 2 46-2-4 1916 18.0 235 0.00 -3 46-2-5 1917 2.00 2 46-2-6 1918 21.0 411 4.00 8 1919 0.00 -3 , 2-8 470 (46-2-7~-2-9 1920 1921 22.0 2.00 2.00 2 2 10 1922 19.0 294 3.0C 5 11 1923 1.00 -0 46-2-12 1924 33.0 1117 3.00 5 46-2-13 1925 1.00 -0

- 46-2-14 1926 15.0 58 1.00 -0 46-2-15 1927 2.00 2 46-2-16 1928 16.0 117 2.00 2 46-2-17 1929 2.00 2 46-2-18 1930 22.0 470 4.00 8 46-2-19 1931 1.00 -O 46-2-20 1932 12.0 -117 1.00 -0 46-2-21 1933 1.00 -0 46-2-22 1934 25.0 647 0.00 -3 46-2-23 1935 3.00 5 j 46-2-24 1936 13.0 -58 4.00 8 l

l I l ( h s__/ l l

page Da. 44 D'.to : 02/22/93 SHOREMAM DECOMMISSIONING FROJECT FORM CODE T;rmin:tien Surv y Data R: port SUO29 ( Beta camma,0amma survey Results urvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building SU survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Names In:trument Type F1. Mon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gamna removable beta-gaassa

    - - - -      ----------       --------- ------    ----------      -------------    -------~~-       observed        not Bleck ID              point Surf scan gepm        dpm/100cm2              gepm    dpm/100cm2        uRam/hr         uR/hr 46-2-25                  1937                                     4.00                          8 46-2-26                  1938           19.0                 294  1.00                        -0 46-2-27                  1939                                     2.00                          2 46-2-28                  1940           17.0                 176  2.00                          2 46-2-29                  1941                                     2.00                          2 46-2-30                  1942           14.0                   0  3.00                          5 46-2-31                   1943                                     3.00                          5 46-2-32                   1944           20.0                 352  1.00                        -0 46-2-33                   1945                                     1.00                        -0 46-2-34                   1946           21.0                 411  3.00                          5 46-2-35                   1947                                     1.00                        -0 46-2-36                   1948           17.0                 176  1.00                        -0 46-2-37                   1949                                     1.00                        -0 46-2-38                  1950            13.0                -58   1.00                        -0 46-2-39                  1951                                      3.00                          5 g 46-2-40                 1952             15.0                  58  2.00                          2

( 4-2-41 2-42 1953 1954 17.0 176 1.00 -0 0.00 -3 43 1955 2.00 2 2-44 1956 25.0 647 0.00 -3 l 46-2-45 1957 4.00 8 1 46-2-46 1958 18.0 235 0.00 -3 46-2-47 1959 1.00 -0 46-2-48 1960 16.0 117 1.00 -0 46-2-49 1961 0.00 -3 46-2-50 1962 13.0 -58 1.00 -0 46-2-51 1963 0.00 -3 46-2-52 1964 24.0 588 1.00 -0 47-1-1 1965 14.0 0- 0.00 -3 l 47-1-2 1966 3.00 7 47-1-3 1967 19.0 294 1.00 0 47-1-4 1968 1.00 .0 47-1-5 1969 19.0 294 1.00 0 O u o

1 , page No. 45 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T:rmin tien sury:y D:tc Report 8U029 Beta Gamma, Gamma survey Results (- evey Unit ID.- 380029 ' Building 88U Survey date_02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type F1. Hon. GM LAD Saest Ctr. MicroRom l ... ........ ......... ...... .......... ............. .......... ... .... ....... l total beta-ganna removable beta-gaana

                                                                 --------~~~--l----------           observed       not Block ID           point surf scan gepm      dpm/100cm2              gepm   jdpm/100cm2        ukem/hr        uR/hr 47-1-6              1970                                    0.00                        ' -2 l     47-1-7              1971           19.0                 294 1.00                           0 47-1-8              1972                                    2.00                           3 47-1-9              1973           16.0                 117 2.00                           3 47-1-10             1974                                    4.00                          10 47-1-11             1975           15.0                  58 0.00                          -2 47-1-12             1976                                    4.00                          10 47-1-13             1977           20.0                 352 2.00                           3

! 47-1-14 1978 2.00 3 l 47-1-15 1979 19.0 294 3.00 7 47-1-16 1980 1.00 0 47-1-17 1981 12.0 -117 0.00 -2 47-1-18 1982 1.00 0 47-1-19 1983 26.0 705 1.00 0 47-1-20 1984 2.00 3 i 47-1-21 1985 19.0 294 2.00 3 1986 4.00 10 l l {7-1-22 1-23 1987 15.0 58 2.00 3 24 1988 2.00 3 25 1989 18.0 235 1.00 0 l 47-1-26 1990 2.00 3 47-1-27 1991 24.0 588 3.00 7 47-1-28 1992 6.00 16 47-1-29 1993 19.0 294 3.00 7 47-1-30 1994 3.00 7 7-1-1 131 22.0 470 4.00 10 , 7-1-2 132 3.00 5 l 7-1-3 133 25.0 647 2.00 2 I ! 7-1-4 134 0.00 -4 7-1-5 135 20.0 352 2.00 2 7-1-6 136 0.00 -4 I 7-1-7 137 24.0 588 0.00 -4 7-1-8 138 3.00 5 l l l l-i

page C3. 46 Dato 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PRCCECT FORM CODE TCrmin tion Surycy Dato Report 80029 (i Beta Gamma,0amma Survey Results urvey Unit ID. isUO29 Building 380 ourvey date 02/08/93 amesTURBINE Names In:trument Type- F1. Mon. OH IAD Smear'Ctr. MicroRee total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

  -~~~~~------------       ------~~-   ------   ----------     -~~-----~~~~-    -----~~~--     observed       not Block ID           point surf scan gepm       dpm/100cm2             gepa     dpm/200cm2     uRom/hr-       uR/hr 7-1-9                139             19.0               294  1.00                        -0 7-1-10               140                                     2.00                         2 7-1-11               141             26.0               705  2.00                         2 7-1-12               142                                     1.00                        -0 7-1-13               143             14.0                  0 0.00                        -4 7-1-14               144                                     2.00                         2 7-1-15               145             16.0               117  0.00                        -4 7-1-16               146                                     3.00                         5 7-1-17               147             11.0             -176   1.00                        -0 7-1-18               148                                     1.00                        -0 7-1-19               149             17.0               1'46 3.00                         5 7-1-20               150                                     3.00                         5 47-1-31             1995             15.0                 58 1.00                        -0 47-1-32             1996                                     2.00                         3 47-1-33             1997             16.0               117  2.00                         3 47-1-34             1998                                     1.00                        .0 7-1-35.            1999             23.0               529  2.00                         3 36            2000                                     1.00                         0 37            2001             10.0             -235   2.00                         3 38            2002                                     1.00                         0 47-1-39             2003             12.0             -117   1.00                         0 47-1-40             2004                                     2.00                         3 47-1-41             2005             19.0              294   0.00                        -2 47-1-42             2006                                     1.00                         0 47-1-43             2007             19.0              294   2.00                         3 47-1-44             2008                                     0.00                        -2 47-1-45             2009             24.0              588   1.00                         0 47-1-46             2010                                     2.00                         3 47-1-47             2011             18.0              235   2.00                         3 47-1-48             2012                                     1.00                         0 47-1-49             2013             16.0              117   1.00                         0 47-1-50             2014                                     2.00                         3 47-1-51             2015             20.0              352   2.00                         3 O<

page No. 47- - Dato . - 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DROOMMISSIONING FROJECT FORM CODE-T:rmin:tien surv:y D:to Report 20029 f-- Seta Gamma, Gamma Survey Results urvey Unit ID. 33U029 Building :SU - Survey date 02/08/93-ame: TURBINE Name In:trument Type F1. Mon. GM LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

       ------------------         --------- ------       ----------       -------------     ----------              observed         not Block ID             point surf scan gepm         dpm/100cm2                gepm     dpm/100cm2              uRem/hr         uR/hr 47-1-52               2016                                         2.00                               3 47-2-1                2017           25.0                      647 2.00                               3 47-2-2                2?1B                                         1.00                             - 0 2-3                2019           37.0                      176 3.00                               5 47-2-4                2020                                         2.00                               2 47-2-5                2021           25.0                      647 2.00                               2 47-2-6                2022                                         2.00                               2 47-2-7                2033           12.0                  -117    2.00                               2

" 47-2-8 2024 3.00 5 47-2-9 2025 20.0 352 3.00 5 47-2-10 2026 0.00 - 3 47-2-11 2027 20.0 352 1.00 - 0 47-2-12 2028 2.00 2 47-2-13 2029 17.0 176 1.00 - 0 47-2-14 2030 1.00 - 0 - l 47-2-15 2031 14.0 0 0.00 - 3

     ,7-2-16                 2032                                         1.00                            -  0 g 2-17               2033           32.0                  1058    3.00                               5 18              2034                                         1.00                           - - 0
    \~<i-2-19                2035           21.0                     411  2.00                               2 47-2-20               2036                                         4.00                               8 47-2-21               2037           15.0                       58 1.00                            -  0 L       47-2-22               2038                                         1.00                            -  0 47-2-23               2039           15.0                       58 3.00                               5 47-2-24               2040                                         0.00                            -  3 47-2-25               2041           19.0                     294  1.00                            -  0 47-2-26               2042                                         2.00                               2 47-2-27               2043           18.0                     235  3.00                               5 47-2-28               2044                                         1.00                            -  0-47-2-29               2045           21.0                     411  3.00-                              5 47-2-30               2046                                         2.00                               2 47-2-31               2047           20.0                     352  1.00                            -  0 47-2-32            ) 2048                                          1.00                            -  0 I.


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page No. 43 Data 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DE00NMISSIONINO PROJECT FORM CODE T0rmin;tirn Sury;y D;to Report SV029 Beta Gama, Gamma Survey Results urvey Unit ID. :SUO29 Building 35U Survey date 02/08/93 Name: TURBINE Name s In:trument Type F1. Mon. GM LAD' Smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gama removable beta-gamma

     ------------------         --------- ------   ----------      -------------     ----------            -observed      not Block ID            point surf scan gepm      dpm/100cm2               gepm     dpm/100em2             uRem/hr      uR/hr 47-2-33              2049            20.0                352  1.00                             -0 47-2-34              2050                                     1.00                             -0 47-2-35              2051            18.0                235  3.00                               5 47-2-36              2052                                     3.00                               5 47-2-37              2053            13.0                -58  2.00                               2 47-2-38              2054                                     0.00                             -3 47-2-39              2055            14.0                   0  1.00                            -0 47-2-40              2056                                     2.00                               2 47-2-41              2057            12.0              -117    1.00                            -0 47-2-41              2058                                     0.00                             -3 47-2-43              2059            21.0                411   1.00                            -O 47-2-44              2060                                      0.00                            -3 47-2-45              2061            21.0                411   4.00                               8 d

47-2-46 2062 1.00 -0 47-2-47 2063 25.0 647 1.00 -0 2064 1.00 -O 7-2-49 2065 18.0 235 1.00 -0

        !-2-50            2066                                      3.00                               5 7-2-51             2067             22.0               470   0.00                             -3 7-2-52             2068                                      1.00                             -0 48-1-1               2069             23.0               529   3.00                               5

! 48-1-2 2070 4.00 8 48-1-3 2071 27.0 764 1.00 -0 48-1-4 2072 3.00 5 48-1-5 2073 31.0 1000 3.00 5 48-1-6 2074 1.00 -0 48-1-7 2075 21.0 411 5.00 11 48-1-8 2076 1.00 -0 48-1-9 2077 20.0 352 3.00 5 . 48-1-10 2078 1.00 -0 l 48-1-11 2079 15.0 58 2.00 2 48-1-12 2080 3.00 5 48-1-13 2081 15.0 58 3.00 5 l l / O{ t

page MD. 49 Dat"): . 02/22/93 SHOREHAM CECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T0rminttien Suiv0y D:tc Report: 80029

   ,                                              Beta Camma, Gamma Survey Results urvey Unit ID. 38U029                     Building 38U                                           survey date 02/06/93 ame:TURRINE                                                              Name:

In trument Type F1. Mon. GM LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gansna removable beta-gamma observed net B1cck ID point Surf scan gepm dpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 uRem/hr uR/hr' 48-1-14 2082 0.00 -4 48-1-15 2083 17.0 176 2.00 2 48-1-16 2084 1.00 -0 48-1-17 2005 13.0 -58 0.00 -4 48-1-18 2086 1.00 -0 48-1-19 2087 15.0 58 0.00 -4 48-1-20 .2088 2.00 2 49-1-1 2089 2.00 2 49-1-2 2090 21.0 411 1.00 -0 49-1-3 2091 3.00 6 . 49-1-4 2092 29.0 882 0.00 -3 49-1-5 2093 3.00 6 49-1-6 2094 15.0 58 1.00 -0 49-1-7 2095 3.00 6 49-1-8 2096 11.0 -176 0.00 -3 49-1-9 2097 1.00 -0 . 9-1-10 2098 20.0' 352 3.00 6 1-1-11 2099 0.00 -3 12 2100 12.0 -117 3.00 6 13 2101 6.00 15 49-1-14 2102 15.0 58 3.00 6 49-1-15 2103 4.00 9 49-1-16 2104 17.0 176 0.00 -3 49-1-17 2105 2.00 2 49-1-18 2106 22.0 470 3.00 6 49-1-19 2107 2.00 2 49-1-20 2108 21.0 411 0.00 -3 50-1-1 2109 19.0 294 1.00 -O 50-1-2 2110 1.00 -0 50-1-3 2111 14.0 0 1.00 -0 50-1-4 2112 1.00 -0 50-1-5 2113 19.0 294 1.00 -0 50-1-6 2114 1.00 -0 t ( i C(\ l I _ , _ _ _ _ - __m

      , , , , , , ,      ,,                                         . . . . _ . ~ . _ . _ _

Date: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONINO PROJECT FORM CODE T:rminati n Survey Data Report SUO29 Beto Camma, Canna Survr.y Re ulta ( .. Survey Unit ID. 350029 Building :SU Survey date 02/08/93 toe: TURBINE Names II:trument Type F1. Hon. CM LAD Smear Ctr.; MicroRem total beta-gamma removable t: eta-ganna

      ------------------           --------- ------   ----------           -------------        ----------       observed        not Block ID              point Surf scan gepm      dpm/100cm2                         gepm   dpm/200cm2       uRem/hr         uR/hr 50-1-7                 2115            20.0                352       2.00                             2 50-1-8                 2116                                          3.00                             5 50-1-9                 2117            18.0                235       4.00                             8 50-1-10                2118                                          5.00                            12 50-1-11                2119            23.0                529       2.00                             2 50-1-12                2120                                          1.00                            -0 50-1-13                2121            25.0                647       2.00                             2 50-1-14                2122                                          0.00                            -3 50-1-15                2123            23.0                529       3.00                             5 50-1-16                2124                                          2.00                             2 50-1-17                2125            29.0                882       4.00                             8 50-1-18                2126                                          4.00                             8 50-1-19                2127            16.0                117       1.00                            -0 50-1-20                2128                                          1.00                            -0 51-1-1                 2129            24.0                58C       1.00                            -0 51-1-2                 2130                                          1.00                            -0 51-1-3                 2131            18.0                235       0.00                            -4 2132                                          1.00                            -0 1-1-5                 2133            24.0                588       1.00                            -0 f(51-1-4

4 1-6 3-l-7 2134 2135 18.0 235 1.00 2.00

                                                                                                           -0 2
 'q ,l-1-8                   2136                                          4.00                             8 51-1-9                 2137            17.0                176       2.00                             2 51-1-10                2138                                          2.00                             2 51-1-11                2139            29.0                882       2.00                             2 31-1-12                2140                                          3.00                             5 51-1-13                2141            23.0                529       1.00                            -0 51-1-14                2142                                          I.00                            -0 51-1-15                2143            21.0                411       0.00                            -4 51-1-16                2144                                          5.00                            11 51-1-17                2145            24.0                588       2.00                             2 51-1-18                2146                                          1.00                            -0 51-1-19                2147            15.0                 58       0.00                            -4 i

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                                              -Termin:tien Surv:y D2t2 Report                           8U029 Beta Gamma, Gamma Survey Resulte
     .rvey Unit ID. 38U029                     Building :SU                             survey date 02/08/93 TURBINE                                                 Names Instrument Type             F1. Mon._ GH LAD                        Smear Ctr.                 MicroRom-total beta-gamma              removable beta-gamma
 ------------------          ----~~--- ------   ----------     -------------     ------~~--       observed      not Ricek ID              point Surf scan gepm     dpm/200cm2               germ    dpm/100cm2       uRom/hr       uR/hr 51-1-20                2148                                   3.00                          5 52-1-1                 2149           14.0                  0 1.00                         -0 52-1-2                 2150                                   2.00                          2 52-1-3                 2151           14.0                  0 1.00                         -0 52-1-4                 2152                                   1.00                         ~0 52-1-5                 2153           21.0                411 0.00                         -4 52-1-6                 2154                                   1.00                         -0 52-1-7                 2155           16.0                117 1.00                         -0 52-1-8                 2156                                   0.00                          '52-1-9                 2157           21.0                411 1.00                         -0 52-1-10                2158                                   3.00                          5 52-1-11                2159           26.0                705 4.00                          8 52-1-12                2160                                   0.00                         -4 52-1-13                2161           20.0                352 2.00                          2 52-1-14                2162                                   1.00                         -0 32-1-15                2163           20.0                352 2.00                          2 f*2-1-16                 2164                                   1.00                         -0

{r'-1-17 2165 24.0 588 4.00 8 1-18 2166 3.00 $ 1-19 2167 14.0 0 2.00 2 20 2168 0.00 -4 53-1-1 2169 16.0 117 1.00 -0 l 53-1-2 2170 1.00 -0 53-1-3 2171 20.0 352 8.00 21 53-1-4 2172 0.00 -4 53-1-5 2173 23.0 529 2.00 2

.53-5-6                 2174                                    1.00                        -0 53-1-7                 2175           26.0                705 0.00                         -4 53-1-8                 2176                                   2.00                          2 53-1-9                 2177            25.0               647 2.00                          2 53-1-10                2178                                   3.00                          5 53-1-11                2179            12.0              -117 3.00                          5 53-1-12                2180                                   3.00                          5

( O

             ?page Ms.                 527          ..
             . Dates        02/22/93                                    SHOREMAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT                                FORM CODE' T rmination sury;y D:tc Report .                             8U029.

Beta camma,0asuna survey Results T Curvey " nit 10.- 30029 Building 38U- survey date 02/08/93-- i~ame:TUR3TH3, Names Instrument Type F1.-Mon. GM LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRem-total beta-gamma- removable' beta-

               ..     ..............                   ...... .  ......     ..........                         .... gamma
                                                                                          .............              ......      observed ' net -

Block ID point surf scan gepm. dpm/100cm2 gepe dpa/100cm2 'uRem/hr ,uR/hr-53-1-13 2181 21.0 411 4.00 8 53-1-14 2182 0.00 4 53-1-15 2183 28.0 823 2.00 2 53-1-16 2184 2.00 -2 53-1-17 2185 15.0 58 1.00 -0

               $3-i-18                       -2186                                        2.00                              2 53-1-19                        2187               17.0                 176 1.00                            -0 53-1-20                        2188                                        1.00                            -0 54-1-1                         2189               23.0                529  3.00 -                            5 54-1-2                         2190                                        0.00                            -2 54-1-3                         2191               24.0                588  2.00                              3 54-1-4                         2192                                        3.00                              7 54-1-5                         2193               24.0                588  3.00                              7 54-1-6                         2194                                        4.00                            10 54-1-7                         2195               18.C                235  2.00                              3 54-1-8                         2196                                        1.00                              0

' 2197 20.0 352 1.00 0 ('*4-1-9 3-1-10 2198 0.00 -2 54-1-11 l 2199 18.0 235 0.00 -2

              )4-1-12                         2200                                        1.00                             0 54-1-13                       -2201               20.0                352  3.00                             7 54-1-14                        2202                                        1.00                             0-                            I 54-1-15                        2203               23.0                529  2.00                             3 L               54-1-16                        2204                                        1.00                             0 L

54-1-17 2205 20.0 352 3.00 7 54-1-18 2206 1.00 0 54-1-19 2207 16.0 117 2.00 3.

            '54-1-20                          2208                                                                                                     :;

0.00 -2. ' 8-1-1 151 15.0 58 1.00 0 8-1-2 152 2.00 2 8-1 153 14.0 0 1.00 -0 8-1 154 3.00 6-8-1-5 155 13.0 -58 1.00 -0 3 J f



page No. -$3

         - Dat            .02/22/93                     SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT                                   PORM 000E T0rmin tirn survry D tc Report                                    SUO29 Beta Gamma,0amma Survey Resulte

[ crvey Unit ID. 480029 Building ssU survey date 02/08/93 ame TURRINE Names In trument Type F1. Mon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma-

           ------------------          --------- ------   -- -------        -------------    ----------           obse rved         not Block ID              point surf scan gepm .spm/100em2                    gepm    dpm/200cm2           uRom/hr           uR/hr 8-1-6                   156                                      1.00                           -0 8-1-7                   157           10.t                352    3.00                            6 8-1-8                   158                                      1.00                           -0 8-1-9                   159           14.                    0   0.00                           -3 8-1-10                  160                                      1.00                           -0 8-1-11                  161           16.t                117    1.00                           -0 8-1-12                  162                                      2.00                            2 8-1-13                  163           27.0                764    0.00                           -3 8-1-14                  164                                      1,00                           -0 8-1-15                  155           20.0                352    3.00-                           6 6-1-16                  166                                      1.00                           -0 8-1-17                  167           20.0                352    4.00                            9 8-1-18                  168                                      3.00                            6 8-1-19                  169           15.0                  58   0.00                           ~3 8-1-20                  170                                      2.00                            2 55-1-1                 2209           19.0                294    1.00                           -0
  • j E5-1-2 2210 0.00 -2
      /      i-1-3                2211           28.0                823    3.00                            7
    ~R       i-1-4                2212                                      4.00                           10 5-1-5                2213           35.0              1235     1.00                            0 5-1-6               .2214                                      1.00                            0 55-1-7                 2215           31.0              3000     2.00                            3 55-1-8                 2216                                      0.00                           -2 l           55-1-9                 2217           25.0                647    2.00                            3 55-1-10                2218                                       1.00                           0 55-1-11                2219            22.0               470    2.00                            3 55-1-12                2220                                      0.00-                          -2 55-1-13                2221            17.0               176     1.00                           0 55-1               2222                                       1.00                           0 55-1-15                2223            14.0                   0  0.00                           -2 55-1-16                2224                                      2.00                            3 55-1-17                2225            25.0               647    0.00=                          -2 55-1-18                2226                                      0.00                           -2 l

l l {- t ( e


l l l-l l -~ -. . _ . ..____ __. . _ _ .

              .      -                                  -                 -      ~.                                . - - -       _.

page'No. 54 . . Datm; 02/22/93- SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT PORM CODE-70rmincticn Surv:y D-to R port SUO29 f__ seta camma,camma survey Results (- Survey date 02/08/93


rvey Unit ID. :SUO29 Building :SU _ TURBINE Names In0Lrument Type F1. Mon. OM LAD smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gamma removable beta-gamma

     .... ............                 ......... ......        ..........           ............-    .........-            observed      not Block ID             point surf scan gepm.               dpm/100em2                     gepm    dps/200cm2            unem/hr-      uR/hr 55-1-19                2227                 26.0                       705     0.00                        -2 55-1-20                2228                                                    4.00                        10 56-1-1                 2229                 27.0                       764     5.00                        13 56-1-2                 2230                                                    0.00                        -2 56-1-3                 2231                 24.0                       588     3.00                         7
   ~56-1-4                  2232                                                    1.00                         0 56-1-5                 2233                 26.0                       705     2.00                         3 56-1-6                 2234                                                    1.00                         0 56-1-7                 2235                 18.0                       235     0.00                        -2 56-1-8                 2236                                                    3.00                         7 56-1-9                 2237                 16.0                       117     1.00                         0 56-1-10                2238                                                    2.00                         3 56-1-11                2239                 22.0                       470     2.00                         3 56-1-12                2240                                                    1.00                         0 56-1-13                2241                 21.0                       411     1.00                         0 1-14'                2242                                                    0.00                        -7 f'6-1-15                   2243                 24.0                       588     1.00                         0

( '-1 16 2244 2.00 3 1-17 2245 22.0 470 1.00 0 1-18 224f 2.00 3 1-19 2247 18.0 235 3.00 7 56-1-20 2248 0.00 -2 57-1-1 2249 26.0 705 1.00 0 57-1-2 2250 4.00 10 57-1-3 2251 25.0 647 0.00 -2 57-1-4 2252 1.00 0 57-1-5 2253 25.0 647 1.00 0 57-1-6 2254 1.00 0-57-1-7 2255 15.0 58 0.00 -2 57-1-8 2256 3.00 7 57-1-9 2257 20.0 352 2.00 3 1-10 2258 , 2.00 3 57-1-11 2259 20.0 l 352- 0.00 -2 (b

page C3. . 55-Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T rmin2tien surv:y D:to Report SUO29 Beta Gamma,0amma Survey Resulte arvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building SU . survey date 02/08/93 ame TURBINE Name s ' Irctrument Type F1. Mon. CH LAD  ! Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gansna removable beta-ganana

   -------~~---------       --------- ------    ----------       -------------     ----------     observed    not Block ID           point Surf scan gepm      dpm/100cm2                gepe     dpm/100cm2     uRem/hr    .uR/hr 57-1-12             2260                                      2.00                          3 57-1-13             2261           19.0                 294   4.00                         10 57-1-14             2262                                      4.00                         10 57-1-15             2263           28.0                 823   0.00                         -2 57-1-16             2264                                      2.00                          3 57-1-17             2265           26.0                 705   1.00                          0 57-1-18             2266                                      1.00                          0 57-1-19             2267           18.0                 235   2.00                          3 57-1-20             2268                                      2.00                          3 58-1-1              2269                                      1.00                          0 58-2-2              2270           19.0                 294   3.00                          5 58-1-3              2271                                      4.00                          8 58-1-4              2272           13.0                 -58   2.00                          2 58-1-5              2273                                      2.00                          2 58-1-6              2274           14.0                   0   0.00                         -3 58-1-7              2275                                      2.00                          2 5                   2276           13.0                 -58   0.00                         -3              -

f.8-1-8 9 2277 3.00 5 1-10 2278 26.0 705 1.00 -0 11 2279 1.00 -0 12 2280 16.0 117 2.00 2 58-1-13 2281 2.00 2 58-1-14 2282 24.0 588 0.00 -3 58-1-15 2283 0.00 -3 58-1-16 2284 17.0 176 1,00 -0 58-1-17 2285 3.00 5 58-1-18 2286 15.0 58 1.00 -0 56-1-19 2287 5.00 12 58-1-20 2288 20.0 352 4.00 8 58-1-21 2239 1.00 -0 58-1-22 2290 21.0 411 0.00 -3 58-1-23 2291 3.00 5 58-1-24 2292 16.0 l 117 1.00 -0 l l l l

page No. 56 Dat"): 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONINO PROJECT. FORM CODE , Termin;ticn Suryny D:to Report 8U029 l I Beta Gamma, Gamma Survey Resulte

 /- urvey Unit ID. 35U029                                                        ;_;.* Lng :SU                                        ' Survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE                                                                                  Names In:trument Type                                        F1. Hon. GM LAD                         Smear Ctr.                                                     MicroRem total beta-gamrna              removable beta-gamma
     -~~---------------                                      -.-------   ------   ----------       -------------                 ----------                                    observed     not Block ID            point Surf scan gepm                                    dpm/100cm2                gepm                 dpm/200cm2                                    uRem/hr      uR/hr 58-1-25              2293                                                                    3.00                                              5 58-1-26              2294                                          23.0                 529  4.00                                              8 58-1-27              2295                                                                    3.00                                               5 58-1-28              2296                                           13.0                -58  2.00                                              2 58-1-29              2297                                                                    1.00                                            -  0 58-1-30              2298                                          24.0                 588  0.00                                            -  3 38-2-1               1081                                           21.0                411   1.00                                           -  0 38-2-2               1082                                                                     4.00                                              8 38-2-3               1083                                           14.0                800   1.00                                           -  0 38-2-4               1084                                                                     2.00                                              2 38-2-5               1085                                           12.0                682   5.00                                            12 38-2-6               1086                                                                     4.00                                              8 38-2-7               1087                                           14.0                800   4.00                                              8 38-2-8               1088                                                                     0.00                                            -3 36-2-9               1089                                           15.0                858   1.00                                            -0 38-2-10              1090                                                                     1.00                                            -0 18-2-11              1091                                           22.0               1270   3.00                                               5 l-2-12             1092                                                                     1.00                                            -0 13             1093                                           16.0                917   0.00                                            -3 2-14             1094                                                                     1.00                                            -0 2-15              1095                                          16.0                917   1.00                                            -0 38-2-16               1096                                                                    3.00                                               5 38-2-17               1097                                          13.0                 741  2.00                                               2 38-2-18               1098                                                                    2.00                                               2 38-2-19               1099                                          11.0                 623  1.00                                            -0 38-2-2u               110C                                                                    5.00                                             12
      *B-2-21               1101                                           11.0                623   1.00                                            -0 38-2-22               1102                                                                     3.00                                              5 38-2-23              1103                                           6.00                329  2.00                                               2 38-2-24              1104                                                                     1.00                                            -0 38-2-25              1105                                           2.00                 94   0.00                                            -3 38-2-26              1106                                                                     2.00                                              2 38-2-27              1107                                           24.0              1388    3.00                                               t C
                                                                                                                 . . - _ . _ - .        _-____..m_      _ - - - - - - - - - - - - .         -

[ page Ro'. 57 . ,

   'DatO:-         02/22/93 sHORENAM DECOMM!sS10NING FROJECT-FORM CODE Termin:ticn surv:y D ta Report                            20029 Beta Gamma,Camma survey Results urvey. Unit-ID. ssUO29                   Building SU                              survey date 02/08/93
         .ame: TURBINE                                                 Names In;trument Type          F1. Mon. CM I.AD                      Smear Ctr.                   MicroRem total beta-gamma             removable beta-gamma-
      ------------------       ---------   ------   ----------     -------------     ----------      -observed       not.

Block ID point surf ecan gepm dpm/200cm2 gepm . dpm/100cm2 uRem/hr uR/hr

   '38-2-28               1108                                     1.00                                38-2-29             1109             11.0                623 1.00                         -0 38-2            1110                                     1.00                         -0
   .38-2-31               1111             17.0                976 0.00                         -3 38-2-32             1112                                     2.00                           2 38-2-33             1113             18.0                235 0.00                         -3 38-2-34             1114                                     3.00                          .5 38-2-35             1115             12.0             --217  1.00                         -0 38-2-36             1116                                     5.00                         12 38-2-37             1117             13.0                -58 2.00                           2-38-2-38             1118                                     0.00                         -3 38-2-39             1119             17.0                176 3.00                           5 38-2-40             1120                                     1.00                         -0 38-2-41             1121             10.0              -235  2.00                           2 38-2-42             1122                                     3.00                           5 38-2-43             1123             21.0                411 2.00                           2

. 38-2-44 1124 1.00 -0 1125 18.0 235 0.00 '{1' 2-45-2-46 1126 3.00

                                                                                                -3 5
 '7                       1127             18.0                235 1.00                         -0 I-2-47 2-48           1128                                     2.00                           2 wh-2-49             1129             11.0              -176  0.00                         -3 38-2-50             1130                                     1.00                         -0 38-2-51             1131             16.0                117 1.00                         -0 38-2-52             1132                                     1.00                         -0 39-2-1              1185             12.0              -117  1.00                         -0 39-2-2              1186                                     0.00                         -3 39-2-3              1187             18.0                235 1.00                         -0 39-2-4'             1188                                     1.00                         -0 39-2-5              1189             9.00              -294  1.00                         -0 39-2-6              1190                                     1.00                         -O 39-2-7              1191             26.0                117 1.00                         -0 39-2-8              1192                                     3.00                           5 c



                                                    -Termin ticn sury;y C:ta Report                          8U029-            !

Beta Gansna, Gamma survey Results (1  ; ls turvey Unit ID. 38U029 -Building :sU ' survey date 02/08/93  ; _[ jdame: TURBINE- Names

 . .b                                                                                                                         ,

In:trument Type F1. Mon. GM LAD smear Ctr. MicroPem total beta-gamma removable beta-gamna

------------------ --------- ------ ---------- ------------- ---------- obssrve et Block ID point surf scan gepm dpm/100cm2 gepe dpe/100cm2 unen/hr ,

     ------------------       ---------   -~~---    ----------     -------------     ----------                             observed                  not Bleck ID           point surf scan gepa        dpm/100cm2             gepe     dps/200em2                              unes/hr                   ut!jhr 43-2-40             1640                                      1.00                         -0 43-2-41             1641             20.0                352  2.00-                         2 43-2-42             1642                                      2.00                          2 43-2-43             1643             16.0                117  2.00                          2 43-2-44             1644                                      1.00                         -0 43-2-45             1645             18.0                236  2.00                          2                                                                ;

43-2-46 1646 2.00 2 43-2-47 1647 16.0 117 1.00 -0 43-2-48 1648 2.00 2 43-2-49 1649 15.0 58- 1.00 -0 43-2-50 1650 3.00 6 43-2-51 1651 16.0 117 0.00 43-2-52 1652 1.00 -0

  -e f


page No. 1 Deto - 02/22/93 SHORENAM D300NN!8830NING'PaoJBCT FonN 0008 Termintticn Surv y D;to Report 8U029 f Alpha survey kesulta j survey Unit 3D. 380029 Su11dingSU survey date 02/08/93 Name TURBINE Names  ; Instrument type Alpha smear ctr. . total alpha removable alpha v Block ID point gepn - ldpn/100cm2 gepm dpm/200cm2 ' 2-1-1 1

           '2-1-2                     2 2-1-3                     3 2-1-4                     4 2-1-5                     5                                                                                               l 2-1-6                     6 2-1-7                     7 2-1-8                     8 2-1-9                     9                                                                                               -

2-1-10 10 2-1-11 11 2-1-12 12 0.00 -1 2-1-13 13 2-1-14 14 . 2-1-15 15 1


2-1-16 16 2-1-17 17 18 18 4-1-19 19 2-1-20 20

    -k      2-1-21                   21 2-1-22                   22 2-1-23                   23 2-1-24                   24 2-1-25                   25                                                                                               ,

2-1-26 26 .! 2-1-27 27  ! 2-1-28 28 ' 2-1-29. 29 2-1-30 30 10-1-1 191 10-1-2 192 1 193

l. -

! i r t l l- -# , 1 V

                                                                                                                         .~ a -      .

j pags No. 2 l D:to: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Tormination Survoy Data R port SUO29

 /                                                                        Alpha Survey Results survey Unit ID. 38U029                                       Building SU                                survey date 02/08/93 Name: TURBINE                                                                 Names Instrument Type                   Alpha                                           Smear ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ld;n/100em2 gern d;n/100cm2 10-1-4 194 10-1-5 195 0.00 -2 10-1-6 196 10-1-7 197 10-1-0 198 10-1-9 199 l 10-1-10 200 10-1-11 201 10-1-12 202 10-1-13 203 10-1-14 204 10-1-15 205 10-1-16 206 10-1-17 207 10-1-18 208 10-1-19 209

    *0-1-20                  210 1-2-1                  977 37-2-2                   978 37-2-3                   979 37-2-4                   980 37-2-5                   981 37-2-6                   982 37-2-7                   983 37-2-8                   984 37-2-9                   985 37-2-10                   986 37-2-11                   987 37-2-12                   988                                                0.00            -0 37-2-13                   989 37-2-14                   990 37-2-15                  991 37-2-16                  992

page C3. 3 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREKAM DECOKHISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termin0 tion surv:y D:to Report SUO29 l Alpha survey Results ( f durvey Unit ID. 85U029 Name:7URBINE Building :SU Names survey date 02/08/93 Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/200em2 37-2-17 993 37-2-18 994 37-2-19 995 37-2-20 996 37-2-21 997 37-2-22 998 37-2-23 999 37-2-24 1000 37-2-25 2001 0.00 -0 37-2-26 2002 37-2-27 1003 37-2-28 1004 37-2-29 1005 37-2-30 1006 37-2-31 1007 37-2-32 1008 37-2-33 1009 - 34 1010 3 .t-2-35 1011 1012

       ??-2-36 37-2-37                1013 37-2-38                1014 37-2-39                1015 37-2-40                1016 37-2-41                1017 37-2-42                1018 37-2-43                1019 37-2-44                1020                                       0.00                                -0 37-2-45                1021 37-2-46                 1022 37-2-47                1023 37-2-48                1024 37-2-49                1025


page No. 4 Dat0 02/22/93 SHORERAM DE00KH!ss!ONING PROJECT FORM DODE T:rminatiCn surv:y D:t3 Report SUO29 f Alpha survey Results Jrrvey Unit ID. $U029 Building 350 survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. J total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/200em2 37-2-50 1026 37-2-51 1027 37-2-52 1028 11-1-1 211 0.00 -0 11-1-2 212 11-2-3 213


11-1-4 214 11-1-5 215 11-2-6 216 11-1-7 217 11-1-8 218 11-1-9 219 11-1-10 220 11-1-11 221 11-1-12 222 11-1-13 223 . [i-1-14 224 f *1-15 225 s m 16 226 ( ')-1 -17 227

 's~a-1-18                  228 11-1-19               229 l      11-1-20               230 12-1-1                231                                     0.50            3 12-1-2                232 12-1-3                233 12-1-4                234 12-1-5                235 12-1-6                236 17-1-7                237 12-1-8                238 12-1-9                239 12-1-10               240 l   o (O


pag 3 No. 5 Dato: 02/22/93 SHORERAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termination Survey Data Report 8U029 Alpha Survey Results

      ,urvey Unit ID. sSUO29                            Building $U                                             survey date 02/08/93 ane: TURBINE                                                    Nkmes Instrument type            Alpha                                      Smear Ctr.

j .................. ........................... ............. .......... total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 -apm dpm/200cm2 12-1-11 241 12-1-12 242 12-1-13 243 12-1-14 244 12-1-15 245 12-1-16 246 12-1-17 247 12-1-18 248 12-1-19 249 12-1-20 250 13-1-1 251 13-1-2 252 13-1-3 253 13-1-4 254 13-1-5 255 13-1-6 256

   /1-1-7                257 g       1-8             258 259 0,1-9   1-10            260 13-1-11             261 13-1-12             262 13-1-13             263 13-1-14             264                                         0.00                 -0 13-1-15             265 13-1-16             266 13-1-17              267 13-1-18              268 13-1-19             269 13-1-20              270 14-1-1               271                                         0.00                  -0 14-1-2               272 14-1-3               273

page C3. 6 Dat0: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DICOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM 00DE T rminaticn Surv y D:to Report 8U029 Alpha Survey Results Survey Unit ID. 5U029 Building :SU survey date 02/08/93 lName:TURSINE Names j Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr.  ;

        ..................      ........... ...............               .............                                                                   ..........                      I total alpha                               removabao alpha                                                                                         I Slock ID        point gepm                         ldpm/200cm2              gepm                                                                  dpm/200em2                    ;

14-1-4 274  ! 14-1-5 275 14-1-6 276 14-1-7 277 14-1-8 278 14-1-9 279 ] ' 14-1-10 280 14-1-11 281 14-1-12 232 14-1-13 283 ! 14-1-14 284 - 14-1-15 285 14-1 16 286 14-1-17 287 14-1-18 288 14-1-19 289 14-1-20 290 I i-1-1 291 A 45-1-2 292 15-1-3 293 G15-1-4 294 15-1-5 295 15-1-6 296 15-1-7 297 15-1-8 298 15-1-9 299 15-1-10 300 15-1-11 301 15-1-12 302 0.00 -0 15-1-13 303 15-1-14 304 15-1-15 305 15-1-16 306 t I / l Q,

  • Page No. 1 Dat 02/22/93 slCREHAN DECOMH!ssIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T;rminatiCn sury;y D tc Report SUO29 Alpha Sorvey Results survey Unit ID. 380029 Building asU survey date 02/08/93 Name TURBINE Name:

Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dyn/200cm2 16-1-17 307 15-1-18 308 15-1-19 309 15-1-20 310 16-1-1 311 16-1-2 312 16-1-3 313 16-1-4 314 16-1-5 315 16-1-6 316 16-1-7 317 16-1-8 318 16-1-9 319 16-1-10 320 16-1-11 321 16-1-12 322 16-1-13 323

                         '   *- l-14            324
                            .6-1-15             325 6-1-16             326 16-1-17              327                                     0.00            -0 16-1-18              328 16-1-19              329 16-1-20              330 18-1-1               361 18-1-2               362 18-1-3               363 18-1-4               364 18-1-5               365 18-1-6               366 18-1-7               367 18-1-8               368 18-1-9               369                                    0.00             -0 s

Dat3 03/22/93 SHOREHAM D800MMIS$10N!NG PROJECT FORM CODE Terminatirn surv:y D:ta Report s0029 f Alpha survey Results b survey Unit 3D. 38U029 Bhilding :SU survey date 02/08/93 MemoeTURB1NE Name Instrument Type Alpha smear ctr. total alpha removable sipha Block 2D point gepm ldp/200em2 germ dps/100cm2 18-1-10 370 18-1-11 371 18-1-12 372 18-1-13 373 18-1-14 374 18-1-15 375 18-2-16 376 18-1-17 377 18-1-18 378 18-1-19 379 18-1-20 380 18-1-21 381 18-1-22 382

                 '18-1-23               383 18-1-24               384 18-2-25               385                                       0.00                -0 19-1-26               386                         1 1-27             387 d-1-28              388 8-1-29              389 8-1-30              390 19-1-1                391 19-1-2                392 19-1-3                393 19-1-4                394                                      0.00                 -0 19-1-5                395 19-1-6                396 19-1-7                397 19-1-8                398 19-1-9                399 19-1-10               400 20-1-1                401 20-1-2                402                                      0.00                 -0 I

i l l

         .              _  .          .. .            -     ..m       ._       _-_ _ _ _ _ _                                 _. _.                        .-              . . _ _        . . . .                  _. _

DetO 02/22/93 SNORBNAM DBOONN!ss!Oll!NO PROJBCT FORN 0005-T;rmin:tien surv:y.D:tc Report 80029 Alpha survey Resulte

                - survey Unit 10. ss0029                                             Wuilding asU                                                    survey date-02/08/93 NamesTURs!NE                                                                               Namei                                                                                                        ,

Instrument type Alpha smes.* ctr. total alpha removable alpha slock ID point gepm ldpm/100em2 geps dps/100an2 ' 20-1-3 403 20-1-4 404 20-1-5 405 20-1-6 406 20-1-7 407

  • 20-1-s 408  ;

20-1-9 409 20-1-10 410

               ~ 2-1-31                         31 2-1-32                          32                                                                                                                                                                      <

2-1-33 33 2-1-34 34 2-1-35 35 ' 2-1-36 36 2-1-37 37 2-1-38 38 2-1-39 39 e '-1-40 40

                .-1-41                          41 2-1-42                          42                                                       0.00                     -

3 ( 2-1-43 2-2-44 43 44 ' 2-1-45 45 2-1-46 46 2-1-47 47 2-1 48 2-1-49 49 2-1-50 50 21-1-1 411 21-1-2 412 21-1-3 413 21-1-4 414 21-1-5 415


_i wa yr 3

 * ,,-       c-       w--- - - - . ,       e v  .y-w-   w           w      +       -

e =----=P -~-e**= *e ^ - - - - - - - - ' - --- * " " ~ ~ ' ' " ' " "'

pg.3 C3. 10 ... Dato: 02/22/93 all0RER14 DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termin:tien Survey Data R: port 80029 Alpha survey Results J

    .arvey Unit ID. 48U029                             Building ISU                        Survey date 02/08/93 Aame: TURBINE                                                        Name:

Instrument Type Alpha smear ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepa ldpn/100cm2 gepm drra/100em2 21-1-6 416 21-1-7 417 21-1-8 418 21-1-9 419 21-1-10 420 22-1-1 421 0.00 -0 22-1-2 422 22-1-3 423 22-1-4 424 22-1-5 425 22-1-6 426 22-1-7 427 22-1-8 428 22-1-9 429 22-1-10 430 23B-1-1 431

  • 238-1-2 432
 # 7-1-3                433
     ;-1-4              434 JB-1-5              435
3D-1-6 436 23B-1-7 437 23B-2-1 438 23B-2-2 439 23B-2-3 440 23B-2-4 441 23B-2-5 442 235-2-6 443 23B-2-7 444 0.50 3 23B-3-1 445 24B-1-1 452 24B-1-2 453 248-1-3 454 O t 1

L&' UU Date: 02/22/93 SHORENAM DROOMH!ss!ONING PROJsCT FORM 00DE Terminati:n scry y Data Report 80029 Alpha survey Re:21t3 { ( Airvey Unit ID. 880029 Building :SU survey date 02/08/93 Name: TURBINE Names 2:strument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable.pha

                                                           ............. al Block ID       point gepm                ldpm/100cm2         gepa     dpm/300em2 248-1-4           455 248-1-5           456 248-1-6           457 24B-1-7            458 248-2-1            459 248-2-2            460 24B-2-3           461 24B-2-4           462 24B-2-5           463 24B-2-6           464 24B-2-7           465 24B-3-1           466 248-3-2           467                                                                           '

248-3-3 468 24B-3-4 469 24B-3-5 470 248-3-6 471

 -j *B-3-7            472                                  0.00            -0 8-1-1          473
     .58-1-2          474 58-1-3          475 5B-1-4          476 25B-1-5           477 258-1-6           478 25B-1-7           479                                 0.50            3 25B-2-1           480 25B-2-2           481 25B-2-3           482 258-2-4           483 25B-2-5           484 25B-2-6           485 25B-2-7           486 268-1-1           487 i

page No. 12 D:to: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DE00NNIS830N!NG PROJECT PORN 000E Termin:tirn 8:rvey D:ts Report su029.

  ,.                                                              Alpha ~ Survey Roeulte survey Unit ID. 380029                              Building asU                                        survey date 02/08/93 Name:TURRINE                                                                    Names Instrument Type             Alpha                                                  . smear Ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200em2 gepm dpm/200em2 265-1-2 488 265-1-3 489 0.00 -0 - i 265-1-4 490 268-1-5 491 268-1-6 492 265-1-7 493  ? 268-2-1 494 268-2-2 495 268-2-3 496 268-2-4 497 26B-2-5 498 + 26B-2-6 499 265-2-7 500 278-1-1 501 278-1-2 502 275-1-3 503 504 0.00 -0 I178-1-4 7B-1-5 505 I 278-1-6 506 I 278-1-7 507 27B-2-1 508 ' 27B-2-2 509 27B-2-3 510 27B-2-4 511 27B-2-5 512 278-2-6 513 27B-2-7 514 288-1-1 515 288-1-2 516 288-1-3 517 288-1-4 518 285-1-5 519 288-1-6 520 f i

               . - . .       ._.       _ . . .   .. .        .      - , - . - . . -           . . , - , ,.,._a.,...,..-.,       .,m_,. _ - - -,    , ,-

page No. 13 DatO 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMN!SSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Terminati:n surv:y C t3 keport 80029 Alpha survey Resulte curvey Unit ID. s80029 Building :SU survey date 02/08/93 Came: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha smear ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldps/100em2 gepm dpm/100cm2 ,l , 288-1-7 521 285-2-1 522 288-2-2 523 0.50 3 288-2-3 524 288-2-4 525 288-2-5 526 288-2-6 527 288-2-7 528 298-2-1 529 0.00 -0 30B-1-1 530 3-1-1 51 3-1-2 52 3-1-3 53 3-1-4 54 3-1-5 55 3-1-6 56 3-1-7 57 1-8 58 9 59 10 60 11 61 3-1-12 62 3-1-13 63 3-1-14 64 0.00 -0 3-1-15 65 3-1-16 66 3-1-17 67 3-1-18 68 3-1-19 69 3-1-20 70 31-1-1 531 31-1-2 532 31-1-3 533 l

    'o s

l l l l 1-l - ~.- - -.

page No. 14 Dat0 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT PORM CODE T;rmin:tien 82ry;y D:ta Report 80029 [ Alpha Survey Results trvey Unit 3D. 85U029 Building :SU survey date 02/08/93 ' hme: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha eleck 10 point gern ldgn/200cm2 gern din /200cm2 31-1-4 534 31-1-5 535 31-1-6 536 31-1-7 537 31-1-8 538 31-1-9 539 0.00 -0 31-1-10 540 31-1-11 541 31-1-12 542 31-1-13 543 31-1-14 544 31-1-15 545 31-1-16 546 31-1-17 547 31-1-18 548 31-1-19 549 20 550 , 2-1 551 2 552 3 553 4 554 31-2-5 555 0.00 -0 31-2-6 556 31-2-7 $$7 31-2-8 558 31-2-9 559 31-2-10 560 31-2-11 561 31-2-12 562 31-2-13 563 31-2-14 564 31-2-15 565 31-2-16 566 i t l l i

4 page No. 15 Date: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DE00MN!ss!ON!MG PROJECT FORM CODE T rminati n Pery;y D:ta Report 80029 Alpha survey Mosults h crvey Unit ID. 50029 au11dingSU survey date 02/08/93

                                         'ame :TURRINE                                                          Name:

Itstrument Type Alpha smear ctr. total alpha removable alpha slock ID point gera ldpm/200cm2 gese dge/100cm2 31-2-17 567 31-2-18 568 31-2-19 569 31-2-20 570 32-1-1 571 32-1-2 572 32-1-3 573 32-1-4 574 32-1-5 575 32-1-6 576 32-1-7 577 32-1-8 578 32-1-9 579 32-1-10 580 32-1-11 581 32-1-12 582 32-1-13 563 '

                                       '1-1-14           584 15          585 16          586 17          587 32-1-18           588 32-1-19           589 32-1-20           590 32-1-21           591                                                  0.00            -0 32-1-22           592 32-1-23           593 32-1-24           594 32-1-25           595 32-1-26           596 32'-1-27          597 32-1-28           598 32-1-29           599 I

t t l

Dat; 02/22/93 SHOREHAN DRCOMM!ss!ONING PROJECT FORM OCDE Termin:ti:n survry Dat0 Report 3U029 Alpha sarv y Re:21ts b ,urvey Unit It is0029 Building 3s0 survey date 02/08/93 Name: TURBINE Names I:strument Type Alpha smear Ctr. l total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepa ldpe/200cm2 gepa dp/100cm2 32-1-30 f* ' 32-1-31 6 . 32-1-32 L 32-1-33 61 , 32-1-34 604 32-1-35 605 , 32-1-36 606 32-1-37 607 32-1-38 608 32-1-39 609 32-1-40 610 32-1-41 611 32-1-42 612 32-1-43 613 32-1-44 614 32-1-45 615 32-1-46 616 . 7'2-1-47 617 48 618 2-1-49 619 4<('2-1-50 2-1-51 32-1-52 620 621 622 32-2-1 623 32-2-2 624 32-2-3 625 0.00 -0 32-2-4 626 32-2-5 627 32-2-6 628 32-2-7 629 32-2-8 630 32-2-9 631 32-2-10 632 l f l

page No. 17 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT PORN CODE T0rmin-ticn Surv0y D:to Report SUO29 Alpha Survey Results V Building SU survey date 02/08/93 ( , Name:TURBINEJrvey Unit ID. 35U029 Names Instrument Typo Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200em2 gepm dpm/200em2 32-2-11 633 32-2-12 634 32-2-13 635 32-2-14 636 32-2-15 637 32-2-16 638 32-2-17 639 32-2-18 640 32-2-19 641 32-2-20 642 32-2-21 643 32-2-22 644 32-2-23 645 32-2-24 646 0.00 -0 32-2-25 647 32-2-26 648 32-2-27 649 g 28 650 2-29 651 2-2-30 652 2-2-31 653 32-2-32 6f4 32-2-33 655 32-2-34 656 32-2-35 657 32-2-36 658 32-2-37 659 32-2-38 660 32-2-39 661 32-2-40 662 32-2-41 663 0.50 3 32-2-42 664 32-2-43 665 t

Dat04 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DE00MM!bs!ONINO PROJECT FORM OODE Terminati n surv:y D:*,a Report 80029 Alpha survey Results


(- urvey Unit 10. ss0029 suilding sSU survey date 02/08/93 Name TURs1NE Names Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block 10 point gepa ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/200em2 32-2-44 666 32-2-45 667 32-2-46 668 32-2-47 669 32-2 48 670 32-2-49 671 32-2-50 672 32-2-51 673 32-2-52 674 l 33-1-1 675 16 -0 33-1-2 676 33-1-3 677 - 33-1-4 678 33-1-5 679 33-1-6 680 33-1-7 681 33-1-8 682 g'1-1-9 683 10 684 3-1-11 685 3-1-12 686 , 3-1-13 687 l 33-1-14 688 i 33-1-15 689 33-1-16 690 33-1-17 691 33-1-18 692 33-1-19 693 33-1-20 694 33-1-21 695 33-1-22 696 33-1-23 697 33-1-24 698 1 o f C,~ 1

Datos 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJdCT FORM CODE i Termination Survey Data Report SU029 l Alpha survey Results (

          ,urvey Unit ID. 38U029                                                      Duilding SU                                                                                                                   survey date 02/08/93 j                                                                                                           Name
  ] Nasse TURBINE Instrument Type            P .ha                                                                               smear Ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gegn ldgn/100cm2 gern dpm/100cm2 33-1-25 699 33-1-26 700 33-1-27 701 33-1-28 702 33-1-29 703 33-1-30 704 33-1-31 105 33-1-32 706 33-1-33 707 33-1-34 708 33-1-35 709 33-1-36 710 33-1-37 711 33-1-38 712 33-1-39 713 33-1-40 714 33-1-41 115 g'1-1-42 716

            -1 43             717
  /        3-1-44              718 3-1-45             719 3-1-46             720 33-1-47              721 33-1-48               722 33-1-49               723 33-1-50               724 33-1-51               725 33-1-52               726 33-2-1                727                                                                  0.00                                                                                                      -0 33-2-2                728 33-2-3                729 33-2-4                730 33-2-5                731 i

DatO 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOKNISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE 70rminaticn Surv y D tc Report 30029 Alph3 Sury y Re:ults cavey Unit ID. 5U029 Building isU survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Names

  .n:trument Type                 Alpha                                                smear Ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block 1D point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepa dpm/100cm2 33-2-6 732 33-?-7 733 33 8 734 33-2-9 735 33-2-10 736 33-2-11 737 33-2-12 738 33-2-13 739 33-2-14 740 33-2-15 741 33-2-16 742 33-2-17 743 2-18 744 33-2-19 745 33-2-20 746 33-2-21 747 33-2-22 748

 ,33-2-23              749                                                0.00                       -0

' 24 750 f 2-25 751 26 752 27 753 28 754 33-2-29 755 33-2-30 756 33-2-31 757 33-2-32 158 33-2-33 759 33-2-34 160 33-2-4n 761 33-2-36 762 33-2-37 763 33-2-38 764 ( I


LQOO UJ//0000D W DaconnlastonIno emosser romu caos Terminatica sury;y D;ts Report 8U029 Alph3 S:rvey Re:ulte [ trvey Unit ID. 48U029 suilding asU survey date 02/08/93

 ' { dame:TURalNE                                                   Name
   ' .!::trument    Type       Alpha                                 smear Ctr.

total alpha removable alpha 31cck ID point gepa ldpm/200cm2 gepe dpe/200cm2, 33-2-39 765 33-2-40 766 33-2-41 767 33-2-42 768 33-2-43 769 33-2-44 770 33-2-45 771 33-2-46 772 33-2-47 .773 33-2-48 774 33-2-49 775 0.00 -0 33-2-50 776 33-2-51 777 33-2-52 778 4-1-1 72 4-1-2 72 0.00 -1 4-1-3 73 4-1-4 74 1-5 75 6 76

        +1-7                77 1-8                78

, 9 79 4-1-10 80 4-1-11 81 4-1-12 82 4-3-13 83 4-1-14 84 4-1-15 85 4-1-16 86 4-1-17 87 4-1-18 88 4-1-19 89 l l l C f

Dato: 02/22/93 8HORERAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJEt"t FORM CODE termin:tien surv:y D:ta Report SUO29 Alphs surv:y Re:ulto Jrvey Unit ID. 88U029 Building :SU survey date 02/08/93 L me: TURBINE Narae In:trument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepro ldpn/200cm2 gepm dpm/200cm2 4-1-20 90 34A-1-1 779 34A-1-2 780 34A-1-3 781 34A-1-4 782 34A-1-5 783 34A-1-6 784 34A-1-7 785 34A-2-1 786 34A-2-2 787 34A-2-3 788 34A-2-4 789 34A-2-5 790 34A-2-6 791 0.00 -0 34A-2-7 792 34A-3-1 793 34A-3-2 794 .

  *%-3-3             795 4-3-4            796 5            797 3-6           798 3-7           799 35A-1-1              800 35A-1-1A             801 35A-1-2              802 35A.1-3              803                                      0.00                                     -0 35A-1-4             804 35A-1-5              805 35A-1-6             806 35A-1-7             807 35A-2-1             808 35A-2-3             809 35A-2-3             809

-( l 1 I _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

T;;JJTlJi~~ tkJ--- l Dat;: 02/22/93 SHOREKAN DICOMMISSIONING PROJECT PORM CODE 1 Terminiti n Surv y D:t3 Report SUO29 l Alph3 8:ry y Re:ulto l

/-- AmetTURBINE arvey Utilt ID. 350029              Building isU Names survey date 02/08/93 IC trument Type      Alpha                             smear Ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block 1D point gepm ldpm/200em2 gepm dpm/100cm2 35A-2-4 810 35A-2-5 811 35A-2-6 812 35A-2-7 813 36-1-1 821 36-1-2 822 36-1-3 823 36-1-4 824 36-1-5 825 0.00 -0 36-1-6 826 36-1-7 827 36-1-8 828 36-1-9 829 36-1-10 830 36-1-11 831 36-1-12 832 36-1-13 833

 ,' 6-1-14          834 1-15        835

{ 1-16 836 1-17 837 18 838 36-1-19 839 36-1-20 840 36-1-21 841 36-1-22 842 36-1-23 843 36-1-24 844 36-1-25 845 36-1-26 846 36-1-27 847 36-1-28 848 36-1-29 849 ( (m) tj

                       .y Date:           02/22/93                       SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT                  FORM CODE Termin: tion survey D:ta Report                  sUO29 Alph3 surv:y Re:ults I   J:rvey Unit ID. 48U029                        Building asU                         survey date 02/08/93

(__ Came:TURs!NE Names Instruc nt Type Alpha smear ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpa/200cm2 gepm dpm/200em2 36-1-30 850 36-1-31 851 36-1-32 852 36-1-33 853 36-1-34 854 36-1-35 855 36-1-36 856 36-1-37 857 36-1-38 858 0.00 -0 36-1-39 859 36-1-40 860 36-1-41 861 36-1-42 862 0.00 -0 36-1-43 863 36-1-44 864 36-1-45 865 36-1-46 866

      '5-1-47               867 i-1-48              868
        &-1-49              869 50              870 51              871 36-1-52               872 36-2-1                873 36-2-2                874 36-2-3                875 36-2-4                876 36-2-5                877 36-2-6                878 36-2-7                879 36-2-8                880 36-2-9                881 36-2-10               882


__ y w -- Date: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING FROJECT FORM CODE Termin:ti n surv:y Dato Report 3U029 Alpha Sury;y Re:ults [ Survey Unit ID. 3U029 Building 880 survey date 02/08/93 L Name: TURBINE l Names Instrument Type Alpha smear ctr.  ! total alpha removable alpha Block 2D point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepa dpm/200cm2 l 36-2-11 883 36-2-12 884 36-2-13 885 36-2-14 886 36-2-15 887 36-2-16 888 36-2-17 889 36-2-18 890 0.50 3 36-2-19 891 36-2-20 892 36-2 21 893 36-2-22 894 36-2-23 895 36-2-24 896 36-2-25 897 36-2-26 898 36-2-27 899 0.00 -0 36-2-28 900 5-2-29 901 1-2-30 902 6-2-31 903 6-2-32 904 36-2-33 905 36-2-34 906 36-2-35 907 36-2-36 908 36-2-37 909 , 36-2-38 910 36-2-39 911 36-2-40 912 J6-2-41 913 36-2-42 914 36-2-43 915 ( [m) v

page No. 26 Dat s 02/22/93 sHORERAM DECOMN!sSIONING PROJECT PORM 00DE , T0rmin:ticn surv:y D:to Report s0029 ' f

                                                                     -Alpha survey Results                               I urvey Unit ID. s8U029                                BuildingSU                         survey dato 02/08/93 Wame: TURBINE                                                        Names In:trument Type             Alpha                                        smear Ctr.
        ..................          ...........................             .............   ..........                   )

total alpha removable alpha ) 31cck 2D point gem ldpm/100cm2 gepm' dp/100em2 36-2-44 916 0.00 -0 36-2-45 917 35-2-46 918 36-2-47 919 36-2-48 920 36-2-49 921 36-2-50 922 36-2-51 923 26-2-52 924 37-1-1 925 37-1-2 926 37-1-3 927 37-1-4 928 37-1-5 929 37-1-6 930 37-1-7 931 11-1-0 932 1-9 933 I 10 934 7-1-11 935

 .47-1-12                       936 37-1-13                 937 37-1-14                 938                                         0.50            3 37-1-15                 939 37-1-16                 940 31-1-17                 941 37-1-18                 942 37-1-19                 943 37-1-20                 944 37-1-21                 945 37-1-22                 946 37-1-23                 947 37-1-24                 948 n'

A U r I i 1 = _

       ,yuge wo.      37 N

J 4

        'Dat       02/22/93                     $HOREHAM DECCMM15S10NING - PROJECT              FowM CODE      !

Termin;ti:n Surv y Data Report SUO29 Alph3 sury;y Re:ulto I. arvey Unit 3D. b, lame: TURBINE 80029- Building 380 survey de,te 02/08/93 Names 2nstrument Type Alpha smear ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 - gepm dpm/100em2 37-1-25 949 37-1-26 950 37-1-27 951 37-1-27 951 37-1-28 952 37-1-29 953 37-1-30 954 37-1-31 955 37-1-32 956 1-33 957 37-1-34 958 37-1-35 959 37-1-36 960 37-1-37 961 37-1-38 962 1-39 963 37-1-40 964 965 ['1-411-42 966 43 967 44 968 45 969 37-1-46 970 37-1-47 971 37-1-48 972 37-1-49 973 37-1-50 974 37-1-51 975 37-1-52 976 38-1 1029 38-1-2 1030 38-1-3 1031 38-1-4 1032 ( l

page no, J ., Date: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termin; tic:n Surv y D;t3 Report 80029 Alph; Survly Re::ults lurvey Unit ID. 460029 Building :SU Survey date 02/08/93 b Name TURBINE Names I;strument Type Alpha SmearC'-ls......___. total alpha removt",* 1pha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm ldpm/100cm2 38-1-5 1033 38-1-6 1034 38-1-7 1035 38-1-8 1036 38-1-9 1037 38-1-10 1038 38-1-11 1039 38-1-12 1040 38-1-13 1041 38-1-14 1042 38-1-15 1043 38-1-16 1044 38-1-17 1045 38-1-18 1046 38-1-19 1047 38-1-20 1048 38-1-21 1049 , 1050 ( 38-1-22 3-1-23 1051 48-1-24 1052 38-1-25 1053 38-1-26 1054 38-1-27 1055 38-1-28 1056 30-1-29 1057 38-1-30 1058 5-1-1 91 5-1-2 92 5-1-3 93 5-1-4 94 5-1-5 95 5-1-6 96 5-1-7 97 ( ( ,


page N3. 29 D;to: 02/22/93 FORM CODE SHOREHM4 DECOMn1SSIONING PROJECT 70rminttien Surv0y D to Report SUO29 Alpha survey Results {

  . Survey Unit ID.         80029                      Building SU                         survey date 02/08/93 NameTURBINE                                                         Names Instrument Type             Alpha                                       smear Ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Bicek ID point gepm ldpn/100cm2 gepm dprn/200cm2 5-1-8 98 5-1-9 99 5-1-10 100 0.50 2 5-1-11 101 5-1-12 102 5-1-13 103 5-1-14 104 5-1-15 105 5-1-16 106 5-1-17 107 5-1-18 108 5-1-19 109 5-3-20 110 38-1-31 1059 38-1-32 1060 38-2-33 1061 18-1-34 1062 35 1063 1-1-36 1064 *

     -1 37            1065 38            1066 8-1-39             1067 38-1-40             1068 38-2-41             1069 38-1-42              1070 38-1-43              1071 38-1-44              1072 38-1-45              1073 38-1-46              1074                                          0.00            -0 38-1-47              1075 38-1-48              1076 38-1-49              1077 38-1-50              1078 O                                                                                                                                         .
-Dato:         02/22/93                                SHOREMAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT                FORM CODE Termination Survey Data Roport                 8U029 Alpha Survey Resulte
     ,urvey Unit ID.            s', J2 9                Building SU                        survey date 02/08/93 L asne: TURBINE                                                          Names Instrument Type                Alpha                                   smear Ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block 1D point gem ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 38-1-51 1079 38-1-52 1080 39-1-1 1333 39-1-2 1134 39-1-3 1135 39-1-4 1136 39-1-5 1137 39-1-6 1138 39-1-7 1139 39-1-0 1140

  • 39-1-9 1141
  • 39-1-10 1142 +

39-1-11 1143 39-1-12 1144 39-1-13 1145 39-1-14 1146 0.00 -0 39-1-15


1147 { i-1-16 1148 17 1149 1-18 1150 1-19 1151 20 1152 39-1-21 1153 39-1-22 1154 39-1-23 1155 39-1-24 1156 39-1-25 1157 39-1-26 1158 - 39-1-27 1159 39-1-28 1160 39-1-29 1161 39-1-30 1162 39-1-31 1163 ( e

page N). 31

      'Cato:         02/22/93                                             SHIREHAM DECOMMISSIONIN3 PROJECT                             FORM CODE T rminttien Surv y D:to R: port                             80029 Alpha Survey Results Y

Survey Unit ID. 3SU029 Building ISU survey date 02/08/93 Mame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha Smear etr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100em2 gepm dpm/100cm2 39-1-32 1164 39-1-33 1165 39-1-34 1166 39-1-35 1167 39-1-36 1168 39-1-37 1169 39-1-38 1170 39-1-39 1171 39-1-40 1172 39-1-41 1173 39-1-42 1174 39-1-43 1175 39-1-44 1176 39-1-45 1177 39-1-46 1178 39-1-47 1179 39-1-48 1180 1-1-49 1181 1-1-50 1182 51 1183 4-1-52 1184 40-1-1 1237 40-1-2 1238 40-1-3 1239 40-1-4 1240 1.00 3 40-1-5 1241 40 1-6 1242 40-1-7 1243 40-1-8 1244 40-1-9 1245 + 40 1-10 1246 40-1-11 1247 40-1-12 1248 o


__..__.-____m.__- - -

_page No. 32 Dat33 .02/22/93. SHOREHAM D200MMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termin:tiCn Surycy D:ta Report 80029 i Alpha Survey Results ( trvey Unit ID. :SUO29 Building :SU survey date 02/08/93

            - TURSINE                                                      Names In trument Type             Alpha                                     smear ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpen/100cm2 40-1-13 1249

  • 40-1-14 1250 40-1-15 1251 l 1

40-1-16 1252 40-1-17 1253 40-1 18 1254 40-1-19 1255 40-1-20 1256 40-1-21 1257 40-1-22 1258 0.00 -0 40-1-23 1259 1 40-1-24 1260 40-1-25 1261 40-1-26 1262 40-1-27 1263 40-1-28 1264 AQ.1 29 126$ 5 30 1266 1-31 1267 1-32 1268 1-33 1269 40-1-34 1270 40-1-35 1271 40-1-36 1272 40-1-37 1273 40-1-38 1274 I 40-1-39 1275 40-1-40 1276 40-1-41 1277 1-42 1278 40-1-43 1279 40-1 44 1280 40-1-45 1281 0.00 -0 1 (C-


1 l l

pags Co. 33 Dato: 02/22/93 'SHOREHAM DRCOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termination Durvey Data Report SUO29 Alpha Survey Resulte Gurvey Unit ID. 85U029 Duilding :SU Survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha ,

  .__..... ........             ..____ ........._______....                ....... _____   ......____                   i Block ID            point gepro                             ldpm/200cm2          gepm    dpm/200cm2 40-1-46                1282 40-1-47                1283 40-1-48                1284 40-1-49                1195 40-1-50                1286 40-1-51                1287                                                                                             _

40-1-52 1288 41-1-1 1341 0.00 -0 41-1-2 1342 41-1-3 1343 41-1-4 1344 41-1-5 1345 41-1-6 1346 41-1-7 1347 41-1-8 1348 41-1-9 1349 41-1-10 1350 . 1-1-11 1351 1-1-12 1352 13 1353 14 1354 41-1-15 1355 41-1-16 1356 41-1-17 1357 41-1-18 1358 41-1-19 1359 41-1-20 1360 _ 41-1-21 1361 41-1-22 1362 41-1-23 1363 41-1-24 1364 41-1-25 1365 41-1-26 1366 ( 9

page No. 34 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CDDE i T0rmin:ticn Surv y D:to Report 80029 l Alpha Survey Results trvey Unit ID. 850029 Building SU survey date 02/08/93 , amesTURBINE Names In:trument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100em2 gepm dpm/100em2 41-1-27 1367 41-1-28 1368 41-1-29 1369 41-1-30 1370 41-1-31 1371 41-2-32 1372 41-2-33 1373 41-1-34 1374 41-2-35 1375 41-2-36 1376 41-1-37 1377 41-1-38 1378 41-1-39 1379 41-1-40 1380 41-1 41 1381 41-1-42 1382 . 1383 ( 1-1-43 1384 ([ 441-45 1385 46 1386 1-47 1387 41-1-48 1388 41-1-49 1389 41-1-50 1390 41-1-51 1391 41-1-52 1392 42-1-1 1445 42-1-2 1446 42-1-3 1447 42-1-4 1448 42-1-5 1449 42-1-6 1450 42-1-7 1451 k O l

page No. 35 Date: 02/22/93. SHORIHAM DE00HMissIONING PROJECT PORM DODE-

                                                        - TOrminatien surv y D:t3 Report                           80029-Alpha survey Results trvey Unit 3D. 380029                                 Building. su                                 survey date 02/08/93
 ~~ - tTURB1HE-                                                                   Names 2 trument Type           Alpha                                                      smear ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block 2D point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dpm/200em2 42-1-8 1452 42-1-9 1453 0.00 -0 42-1-10 1454 42-1-11 1455 42-1-12 1456 42-1-13 1457 42-1-14 1458 42-1-15 1459 42-1-16 1460 ' 42-1-17 1461 42-1-18 1462 42-1-19 1463 - g 42-1-20 1464 42-1-21 1465 42-1-22 1466 42-1-23 1467 42-1-24 1468 1-25 1469 1-26 1470

     -27           1471
     -28           1472 4 1-29              1473 42-1-30             1474 42-1-31             1475                                                        1.00            3 42-1-32             1476 42-1-33             1477 42-1-34             1478 42-1-35             1479 42-1-36             1480 42-1-37             1481 42-1-38             1482 42-1-39             1483 42-1-40             1484
                                                                                                                              * "AQ % 94 b

page No. Datt 02/22/93 SHOREHAM~ DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termin:tien.sury;y D:ta Report 3U029 Alpha survey Results trvey Unit 1D. 3U029 Building SU survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Names In:trument Type Alpha- Smear Ctr. i total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldptn/100em2 gepm dpm/100cm2 42-1-41 1485 42-1-42 1486 42-1-43 1487 42-1-44 1488 42-1-45 1489 42-1-46 1490 42-1-47 1491 42-1-48 1492 42-1-49 1493 42-1-50 1494 42-1-51 1495 - 42-1-52 1496 43-1-1 1549 43-1-2 1550 43-1-3 1551 43-1-4 1552

 #1-1-5           1553

/ 1-6 1-7 1-8 1554 1555 1556 1-9 1557 43-1-10 1558 43-1-11 1559 ' 43-1-12 1560 l , 43-1-13 1561 43-1-14 1562 43-1-15 1563 43-1-16 1564 0.00 -0 43-1-17 1565 43-1-18 1566 43-1-19 1567 43-1-20 1568 F 43-1-21 1569

                                                                                                          'I i
                                           .                                                                  . .         -                . . ~           .
            ~page No..         L37..
            -D:t %

02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T rmin tien sury:y D:tc Report: 3U029 Alpha survey Results - r

       '{_          urvey Unit 2D.           3U029                      Building asU                                     survey datel02/08/93
                  . dame: TURBINE'                                                                 Names.

In trument Type Alpha smear ctr. total alpha removable alpha-Bleck ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 1gepm; dpm/100em2 143-1-22 1570 43-1-23 1571 43-1-24 1572 43-1-25 1573

            '43-1-26                  1574 43-1-27                1575 43-1-28                1576 43-1-29                1577                                                     0.00               -0 43-1-30                1578 6-1-1                   111 6-1-2                   112 6-1-3                   113                                                     0.00               -1 6-1-4                    114 6-1-5                    115 6-1-6                    116 6-1-7                    117 6-1-8                    118 1-9                 119
              -. 1-10                120 121                                                                                                                     '
       's ,3        1-11 f1-12                 122 6-1-13                   123 6-1-14                   124 l              6-1-15                   125 I

6-1-16 126 6-1-17 127 1-18 128 6-1-19 129 6-1-20 130 L 43-1-31 1579

l. 43-1-32 1580 43-1-33 1581 1-34 1582 i

I r V ( I( ~. [..

Datos 02/22/93 SI-10REHAM DECOMMISSIONINO PROJE0T FORM CODE l Tcrmin ti:n sury;y D:tc Report 5U029 Alpha survey Results


l. [_ survey Unit 2D. - 35U029 Building :SU Survey date 02/08/93 NamC8 TURBINE Name: In:trument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepe dpm/200cm2 43-1-35 1583 43-1-36 1584 43-1-37 1585 n 43-1-38 1586 43-1-39 1587 43-1-40 1588 43-1-41 1589 43-1-42 1590 43-1-43 1591 43-1-44 1592 43-1-45 1593 43-1-46 1594 43-1-47 1595 0.50 3 43-1-48 1596 43-1-49 1597 43-1-50 1598 43-1-51 1599 i '-1-52 1600 4-1-1 1653 2 1654 3 1655 4-1-4 1656 44-1-5 1657 44-1-6 1658 44-1-7 1659 44-1-8 1660 44-1-9 1661 44-1-10 1662 44-1-11 1663 0.00 -0 44-1-12 1664 44-1-13 1665 44-1-14 1666 44-1-15 1667 ( b , l

page No. 39 - Dat;: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT- FORM CODE T0rmin tiin sury:y Dita Report SUO29' Alpha _ Survey Results L urvey Unit ID. 88U029 Building :SU ' survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Name: In:trument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha-Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 44-1-16 1668 44-1-17 1669 44-1-18 1670 j 44-1-19 1671 - 44-1-20 1672 i 44-1-21 1673 ) 44-1-22 1674 44-1-23 1675 44-1-24 1676 44-1-25 1677 44-1-26 1678 44-1-27 1679 44-1-28 1680 44-1-29 1681 44-1-30 1682 44-1-31 1683 44-1-32 1684 . 1-1-33 1685 34 1686 35 1687 36 1688

 .44-1-37              1689 44-1-38              1690 44-1-39              1691 44-1-40              1692 44-1-41              1693 44-1-42              1694 44-1-43              1695 44-1-44              1696 44-1-45              1697 44-1-46              1698 44-1-47              1699 44-1-48              1700

page No. 40'

' Dat ;

T rminitien Sury;y D;to Report t SUO29 Alpha survey Results arvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building :SU survey date 02/08/93

     - r: TURBINE                                                      Names In:trument Type        Alpha-                                        Smear Ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 44-1-49 1701 44-1-50 1702 44-1-51 1703 44-1-52 1704 45-1-1 1757 45-1-2 1758 45-1-3 1759 45-1-4 1760 45-1-5 1761 I 45-1-6 1762 45-1-7 1763 45-1-6 1764 45-1-9 1765 45-2-10 1766

~45-1-11             1767                                                                                                1 45-1-12             1768                                                                                              -!

45-1-13 1769 0.00 -0

  • g 1-14 1770 1-15 1771 1-16 1772 1-17 1773 1-18 1774 45-1-19 1775 45-1-20 1776 45-1-21 1777 45-1-22 1778 45-1-23 1779 0.00 -0 45-1-24 1780 45-1-25 1781 45-1-26 1782 45-1-27 1783 0.00 -0 45-1-28 1784 45-1-29 1785 o


lpage_N).- - - H


02/22/93. SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM-CODE- l Tsrminatien Surv0y Dato Report- 8U029 l Alpha survey Results urvey Unit . ID. 38U029 Building :SU survey date 02/08/93 amesTURBINE. Names Instrument Type Alpha .Seear Ctr. total alpha removable' alpha Block ID point gepm. ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 45-1-30 1786 45-1-31 -1787 45-1-32 1788 45-1-33 1789 45-1-34 1790 45-1-35 1791. 45-1-36 1792 45-1-37 1793 45-1-38 1794 45-1-39 1795 45-1-40 1796 - 45-1-41 1797 1-42 1798 45-3-43 1799 45-1-44 1800 45-1-45 1801 T-A-46 1802

        -*1-47                     1803                                               0.00                                 -0 48                     1804

(]pj-49 1805 45-1-SC 1806 45-1-51 1807 45-2-52 '1808 46-1-1 1861 46-1-2. 1862 46-1-3 1863

    .46-1-4                        1864 46-1-5                        1865 1-6                        1866 46-1-7                        1867 46-1-8                        1868 46-1-9                        1869 46-1-10                      1870                             I I

9 / i l l-

page Nc. 42 . Datos. 02/22/93. SHOREHAM DECOMMIssIONINC,FROJECT. FORM CODE: T:rmin2tica surv y D t3 R: port .- _ 80029 i Alpha survey Results - Irvey Unit ID. 88U029 Building asU' . Survey da te 02/08/93-ame: TURBINE Names In trument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total sipha removable alpha Block ID point gepm l dpm/100e.t2 gepm_ dpm/3C0cm2 46-1-11 1871 46-1 1872 46-1-13 1873 46-1-14 1874 46-1-15 1875 1-16 1876 46-1-17 1877 0.00 -0 46-1-18 1878 46-1-19 1879 46-1-20 1880 46-1 1881 46-1-22 1882 46-1-23 1883 46-1-24 1884 46-1-25 1885 46-1-26 1886 46-1-27 1887

  • 1888 fb.6-1-28 1889
       \ q ,6-1-29 6-1-30             1890 46-1-31               1891 46-1-32              1892 46-1-33               1893 46-1-34              1894 46-1-35              1895 46-1-36              1896 46-1-37              1897 46-1-38              1898 46-1-39              1899 46-1-40              1900 46-1-41              1901 46-1-42              1902 46-1-43              1903 0


pageNo[ 43 Dat3 02/22/93 SHORERAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T rmin ti n Cury y D:ti Report _ 30029 Alpha survey Results (, 'urvey Unit ID. asV029 Building :SU- survey date 02/08/93 fame:TURRINE Names In:trument type Alpha smear ctr. total alpha

                                                            ......,  ..... .pha Block !D        point gepm               ldpm/100cm2         gepm      dpm/200cm2

46-1-44 1904 46-1-45 1905 46-1-46 1906 46-1-47 1907 46-1-48 1908 46-1-49 1909 46-1-50 1910 46-1-51 1911 46-1-52 1912 46-2-1 1913

    . 46-2-2           1914 46-2-3            1915 46-2-4           1916 46-2-5            1917 46-2-6            1918                                0.00              -0 46-2-7            1919
   /6-2-8              1920
 )       9          1921 g         2-10         1922 11         1923
         ~2-12         1924 6-2-13          1925 46-2-14           1926 46-2-15           1927 46-2-16           1928 46-2-17           1929 46-2-18           1930 46-2-19           1931 46-2-20           1932 46-2-21           1933 46-2-22           1934 46-2-23           1935 46-2-24            1936

(. rYW U

-page No.         44-                                       .
~.Det3       ~ 02/22/93                             SHOREHAM DECOMM!ssIONING PROJECT                      FORM CODE T0rmin2tien surycy D:to Report                      SUO29 Y

Alpha survey Results. Aurvey Unit 10. 380029 suilding :SU . Survey date 02/08/93 ame:TURsINE Names-In trument Type Alpha Smear.Ctr. total alpha removable. alpha Block 1D point gepm ldpm/100em2 gepm dpm/200cm2 46-2-25 1937 46-2-26 1938 46-2-27 1939 46-2-28 1940 46-2-29 1941 46-2-30 1942 46-2-31 1943 46-2-32 1944 46-2-33 1945 46-2-34 1946 ' 46-2-35 1947 46-2-36 1948 46-2-37 1949 46-2-38 1950 46-2-39 1951 46-2-40 1952 ,46-2-41 1953 1-2-42 1954 3-2-43 1955 44 1956 6-2-45 1957 46-2-46 1958 46-2-47 1959 46-2-48 1960 46-2-49 1961 46-2-50 1962 46-2-51 1963 46-2-52 1964 47-1-1 1965 47-1-2 1966 47-1-3 1967 47-1-4 1968 47-1-5 1969 b

page M3. 45 Dito: 02/22/93 SHOREdAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T0rminStion Surv0y Dato R: port 5U029 1 l Alpha survey Results I urvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building SU Survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Names In trument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepo ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/200em2 47-1-6 1970 47-1-7 1971 47-1-8 1972 47-1-9 1973 07-1-10 1974 47-1-11 1975 0.00 -0 47-1-12 1976 47-1-13 1977 47-1-14 1978 47-1-15 1979 47-1-16 1980 47-1-17 1981 47-1-18 1982 47-1-19 1983 47-1-20 1984 47-1-21 1985 1986 ['47-1-22

        '-1-23          1987 f'~~g-1-24           1988 j-1-25

('47-1-26 1989 1990 47-1-27 1991 47-1-28 1992 0.00 -0 47-1-29 1993 47-1-30 1994 7-1-1 131 0.00 -0 7-1-2 132 7-1-3 133 7-1-4 134 7-1-5 135 7-1-6 136 7-1-7 137 7-1-8 138 O 1 1 ____.__._________________.________._m_____.

                                . .. . _ _ . - - - _ _ . .     - , _ .             ~ -        .

page 50.- -- 46 Datos 02/22/93 SHOREHAM D30000(IS$10NING PROJECT - PORM CODE - Tormin: tion Sury2y Data Reporti

                                                                                                                -  8U029 s-Alpha Survey Results.
            ,urvey Unit 1D.J33U029-                         Building asU                             _ survey date 02/08/93=

tae:TURRINE - Name


120trument Type Alpha- Smear Ctr. total alpha removable-alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 geps - dps/100cm2 7-1-9 139 7-1-10 140 7-1-11 141 t7-1-12 142 7-1-13 143 7-1 144 7-1 145 ' 7-1-16 146 7-1-17 147 7-1-18 148 7-1-19 149 7-1-20 150 47-1-31 1995 47-1-32 1996 47-1-33 1997 47-1-34 1998

  • f *1-2-3$ 1999
         - 36           -2000
  - g 37                -2001
           /~1-38           2002 47-1-39            2003
       '47-1-40             2004 47-1-41            2005 47-1-42            2006 47-1-43            2007                                             0,00               -0

47-1-44 2008 47-1-45 2009 47-1-46 2010 l 47-1-47 2011 47-1-48 2012 47-1-49 2013 47-1-50 2014 47-1-51 2015 i -i ' l 1 1 i i

                                                                                                                                     !l l-

pags No. 47 Dato: 02/22/93 S!!OREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termination Survey Data Report SUO29 Alpha survey Resulte urvey Unit ID. 85U029 Building 350 survey date 02/08/93 ame: TURBINE Name s Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 47-1-52 2016 47-2-1 2017 47-2-2 2018 47-2-3 2019 47-2-4 2020 47-2-5 2021 47-2-6 2022 47-2-7 2023 47-2-8 2024 47-2-9 2025 47-2-10 2026 . 47-2-11 2027 47-2-12 2028 47-2-13 2029 47-2-14 2030 47-2-15 2031 47-2-16 2032 7-2-17 2033 18 2034 19 2035 7-2-20 2036 0.00 -0 47-2-21 2037 47-2-22 2038 47-2-23 2039 47-2-24 2040 47-2-25 2041 47-2-26 2042 47-2-27 2043 47-2-28 2044 47-2-29 2045 47-2-30 2046 47-2-31 2047 47-2-32 2048 a l i l l l

pags No. 48 Dato: 02/22/93 SHORERAM DE00KMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termination Survey Data Report SUO29 R1pha Survey Results Survey Unit ID. :SUO29 Building :SU Survey date 02/08/93 Mame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 47-2-33 2049 47-2-34 2050 47-2-35 2051 47-2-36 2052 47-2-37 2053 47-2-38 2054 47-2-39 2055 47-2-40 2056 47-2-41 2057 47-2-41 2058 ' 47-2-43 2059 47-2-44 2060 47-2-45 2061 ' O.00 -0 47-2-46 2062 47-2-47 2063 47-2-48 2064 47-2-49 2065 / 17-2-50 7-2-51 7-2-52 2066 2067 2068 88-1-1 2069 48-1-2 2070 48-1-3 2071 48-1-4 2072 48-1-5 2073 48-1-6 2074 1-7 2075 0.50 3 48-1-8 2076 48-1-9 2077 48-1-10 2078 48-1-11 2079 48-1-12 2000 48-1-13 2081 e

page No.- 49 Date: 02/22/93 SHIREHAN DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termin;tirn surv y D:t2 Report $UO29 Alpha survey Results [_f-surveyUnitID. 38U029 Building 350 Name:TURRINE- survey date 02/08/93 Names Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha ramovable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100em2 gepa dpm/100cm2 48-1-14 2082 48-1-15 2083 48-1-16 2004 1-17 2085 48-1-18 2086 48-1-19 2087 48-1-20 2088 49-1-1 2089 49-1-2 2090 49-1-3 2091 49-1-4 2092 49-1-5 2093 49-1-6 2094 49-1-7 2095 49-1-8 2096 49-1-9 2097

  ,89-1-10          2098                                                                      '
 /    >-1-11        2099

[ '-1-12 2100 2101 0.50 3 6d-1-13 14 2102 49-1-15 2103 49-1-16 2104 49-1-17 2105 49-1-18 2106 49-1-19 2107 49-1-20 2108 50-1-1 2109 50-1-2 2110 50-1-3 2111

  • 50-1-4 2112 50-1-5 2113 50-1-6 2114 l'

4 ( , i l o G

  -page No.                        50 DatO                  02/22/93                                              SHOREHAM DECOKMISSIONING PROJECT                                                                                             FORM OODE    '

T;rmin tion Sury;y D;ta R port- SUO29 I Alpha Survey Results [ L arvey Unit ID. 38U029 Suilding SU Survey date 02/08/93 ame TURBINE Names In:trument Type Alpha Smear ctr. total alpha removable alpha Bicek ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 50-1-7 2115 50-1-8 2116 50-1-9 2117 50-1-10 2118 0.00 -0 50-1-11 2119 50-1-12 2120 50-1-13 2121 50-1-14 2122 l 50-1-15 2123 50-1-16 2124 { 50-1-17 2125 50-1-18 2126 50-1-19 2127 50-1-20 2128 51-1-1 2129 51-1-2 2130 51-1-3 2131 I 4 2132  ; 1-5 2133

         ; 1-6 2134

( j-1-7 2135 ('41-1-8 2136 l 51-1-9 2137 51-1-10 2138 51-1-11 2139 51-1-12 2140 51-1-13 2141 51-1-14 2142 51-1-15 2143 51-1-16 2144 1.00 3 51-1-17 2145 51-1-18 2146 51-1-19 2147


_. - .~ . .. ., page'No. 51 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT PORM CODE Terminaticn-surv y D:tc R: port 80029-

      ,                                                            Alpha survey Results.

Curvey Unit ID. 38U029 -Building asu ._ survey date 02/08/93 Name:TURsINE Names-In:trument Type Alpha smear ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block-ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/200cm2 51-1-20 2148 52-1-1 2149 52-1-2 2150 52-1-3 2151 52-1-4 2152 52-1-5 2153 52-1-6 2154 52-1-7 2155 52-1-8 2156 52-1-9 2157 52-1-10 -2158 ' 52-1-11 2159 52-1-12 2160 52-1-13 2161 52-1-14 2162 1-15 2163

     -*2-1-16                2164 l-1            2165                                        0.50            3 4-1-18              2166 19             2167 2-1-20              2168 53-1-1               2169
,_      $3-1-2               2170 53-1-3               2171                                        1.00            3 53-1-4               2172 53-1-5               2173 53-5-6               2174 53-1-7               2175 1-8                2176 1-9                 2177
     ; 53-1-10               2178 53-1             2179 53-1-12              2100
  • w.m . w aswm , ewe ~ =.


page No. 52 DatO ~02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSION 1N3 PROJECT FORM CODE-T rminttien surv y DOta Report- 80029 Alpha-survey Results arvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building ssU survey date 02/08/93 STURSINE Names Ir.strument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm. ldpm/100em2 gepm dpm/100cm2 53-1-13 2181 53-1-14 2182 53-1-15 2183 53-1-16 2184 53-1-17 2185 53-1-18 2186 53-1-19 2187 53-1-20 2188 54-1-1. 2189 54-1-2 2190 54-1 2191 54-1-4 2192 54-1-5 2193 1-6 2194 0.00 -0 54-1-7 2195 54-1-8 2196 g'4-1-9 2197

    <g'        1-10             2198 1-11             2199 s         12              2200

( I-1-13 2201 54-1-14 2202 54-1-15 2203 54-1-16 2204 54-1-17 2205 54-1-10 2206 54-1-19 2207 54-1-20 2208 8-1-1 151 8-1-2 152 8-1-3 153 8-1-4 154 8-1-5 155 9 4


page No.- 5 3 :.

             .D:t0:                               02/22/93'                        3HORENAM DECOMM!ss!ONING PROJECT'                  FORM CODE-lT rmin-tion sury0y Data Report                    3U029.        ,

f Alpha survey Results Survey Unit ID.L sUO29 Building isU . survey date 02/08/93' Name:TURs1NE Names Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha. Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/200em2 4-1-6 156 1-7 157 8-1-8 158 8-1-9 159 ' 8-1-10 160 8-1-11 161 8-1-12 162 8-1-13 163 l 8-1-14 164 ' 8-1-15 165 8-1-16 166 4 8-1-17 167 0.50 3 8-1-18 168 3-1-19 169 8-1-20 170 55-1-1 2209

             '%-1                                      2210 e-1-3                                2211
    ,                i-1-4                                2212 t              3-1-5                                 2213 L IS-1-6                                             2214 55-1-7                                      2215 55-1-8                                      2216 55-1-9                                      2217 55-1-10                                     2218 55-1-11                                     2219 55-1-12                                     2220 55-1-13                                   .2221 55-1-14                                      2222 55-1-15                                      2223                                                                                       .

55-1-16 2224 55-1-17 2225 55-1-18 2226 I t

page No.- 54

 -Dato:                 02/22/93        -

SH2REHAM DSCOMMISSIONING FROJECT FORM CODE T rminaticn Surv0y D;to Report SUO29 Alpha Survey Resulte urvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building :SU- survey date 02/08/93 ame:TURRINE Names In:trument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dpm/100em2 55-1-19 2227 55-1-20 2228 0.00 -0 I ( 56-1-1 2229 0.50 3 1 56-1-2 2230 56-1-3 2231

  .56-1-4                       2232 56-1-5                       2233 56-1-6                       2234
56-1-7 2235 L 56-1-8 2236 50 i-9 2237 SL-b-10 2238 56-2-11 2239 56-1-12 2240 56-1-13 2241 56-1-14 2242 ,

5-1-15 2243 4-1-16 2244 17 2245 18 2246 56-1-19 2247 56-1-20 2248 57-1-1 2249 57-1-2 2250 0.50 3 57-1-? 2251 57-1-4 2252 57-1-5 2253 L 57-1-6 2254 57-1-7 2255 57-1-8 2256 57-1-9 2257 I 57-1-10 2258 57-1-11 2259 l l l l l l 1

         , ,.;------                                ,,     m.    ,               ,-    ,        ,,      ...,I -

page No. 55 D:t0 02/22/93 SHORERAM DE00HMI58!ONING PROJECT FORM 00DE Tarmin:tien surv y Dato Report 8U029 Alpha survey Results urvey Unit ID. 880029 Building t *J Survey date 02/08/93 hme:TUR3!NE Names e ame . Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpsa 31cek 2D . point gepm ldpm/100em2 gepm dpm/200cm2 57-1-12 2260

  • 57-1-13 2261 I'

57-1-14 2262 57-1-15 2263 57-1-16 2264 57-1-17  ?"'L 57-1-18 k.66 57-1-19 2267 I 57-1-20 2268 58-1-1 2269 58-1-2 2270 58-1-3 2271 58-1-4 2272 58-1-5 2273 58-1-6 2274

     $P-1-7                 2275                                                                                                     '
            -D              2276 9             2277
             +10            2278
            -11             1279 58-1-12                2280 58-2-13                2281 58-1-14                2282 58-1-15                226) 58-1-16                2284 58-1-17                2285 58-1-18                2286 58-1-19                2287                                                         0.00               -0 58-1-20                2288 58-1-21                2289 58-1-22                2290 58-1-23                 2291 58-1-24                2292                                                      ,

e (

                                                                                                                                        N waw m %.-
                                                              % w     w-e-    -----e.

page No. 56 Dato: 02/22/93 sHOREHAN DE00MM18SIONING PROJECT PORM CODE T rmin:ticn surv:y D:t3 Report SUO29 t ( Alpha survey Results rvey Unit ID. s50029 Building asU uurvey date 02/08/93 Name ' ame: TURBINE In:trument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. e total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/200cm2 58-1-25 2293 58-1-26 2294 0.00 -0 58-1-27 2295 58-1-28 2296 58-1-29 2297 58-1-30 2298 38-2-1 1081 38-2-2 1082 38-2-3 1083 38-2-4 1084 38-2-5 1085 0.00 -0 . 38-2-6 1086 38-2-7 1087 38-2-8 1088 38-2-9 1089 38-2-10 1090

           '-2-11                                        1091 12                                   1092 2-13                            1093 2-14                            1094 38-2-15                                             1095 38-2-16                                             1096 38-2-17                                             1097 38-2-18                                             1098 38-2-19                                             1099 38-2-20                                             1100 38-2-21                                             1101 38-2-22                                             1102 38-2-23                                             1103 38-2-24                                             1204 38-2-25                                             1105 38-2-26                                             1106 38-2-27                                             1107

( 0 1

page No. 57 Dat 02/22/93 SHORERAM DE00MH!sS10NING PROJECT FORM DODE T rminati:n S:ry y D2ta Report 80029 g Alpha survey Results I rvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building isU survey date 02/08/93 ame TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block 10 point gepm ld;n/200cm2 gepm dpm/100em2 38-2-28 1108l 38-2-29 1109 38-2-30 1110 38-2-31 1111 38-2-32 1112 38-2-33 1113 38-2-34 alle 38-2-35 1115 38-2-36 1116 0.10 -0 38-2-37 1117 38-2-38 1118 38-2-39 1119 38-2-40 1120 38-2-41 1121 38-2-42 1122 0.10 -0 38-2-43 1123

     '9-2-44              1124 J-2-4 5            1125 1-2-46             1126 47             1127 48             1128

) 38-2-49 1129 ! 38-2-50 1130 38-2-51 1131 38-2-52 1132 39-2-1 1185 39-2-2 1186 39-2-3 1187 39-2-4 1188 39-2-5 1189 39-2-6 1190 39-2-7 1191 39-2-8 1192 1.00 3 l 1

page No. 58 4 l Dato 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM ODDE 70rmin:tirn Sury;y D ta Report i 50029-- { { Alpha Survey Results trvey Unit ID. 380029 Buildit.g 350 ame:TURP survey date 02/08/93 I Name: Instrument type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable a

       ... .............           ...........................         ............. .lpha.........

Block ID point geIn ldpm/100em2 gepm dpm/200em2 39-2-9 1193 39-2-10 1194 39-2-11 1195 39-2-12 1196 39-2-13 1197 39-2-14 1198 I 39-2-15 1199 39-2-16 1200  ! 39-2-17 1201 39-2-18 1202 1 l 39-2-19 1203 t 39-2-20 1204 J 39-2-21 1205 1 39-2-22 1206 39-2-23 1207 39-2-24 1200 ( i-2-25 1209 l . ,-2-26 1210 j l fq-2-27 1211 4

         ~2-28            1212 (NI-2-29                 1213 39-2-30              1214 39-2-31             1215 39-2-32             1216 39-2-33             1217 39-2-34             1218                                         0.10              -0 39-2-35             1219 i     39-2-36             1220 l     39-2-37             1221 l     39-2-38             1222 39-2-39            -1223

! 39-2-40 1224 39-2-41 1225 ( y ,- - , - - <we -+

page No. 59 l Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE 70rmination Surv0y Data R: port 8U029 Alpha Survey Results N e urvey Unit ID. 360029 Building ISU survey date 02/08/93 ( fame: TURBINE Names In:trument Type Alpha Smear ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200em2 gepm dpm/200cm2 39-2-42 1226 0.00 -0 39-2-43 1227 39-1-44 1228 39-2-45 1229 39-2-46 1230 39-2-47 1231 39-2-48 1232 39-2-49 1233 39-2-50 1234 39-2-51 1235 39-2-52 1236 41-2-1 1393 0.10 -0 41-2-2 1394 41-2-3 1395 42-2-4 1396 41-2-5 1397 y *1-2-6 1398 { 2-7 1399 8 1400 9 1401 4 10 1402 41-2-11 1403 41-2-12 1404 41-2-13 1405 41-2-14 1406 41-2-15 1407 41-2-16 1408 41-2-17 1409 41-2-18 1410 41-2-19 1411 41-2-20 1412 41-2-21 1413 41-2-22 1414 l t

y page No. 60 s Dato: 02/22/93 sHOREHAM DE00MM!sSIONINO PROJECT i roRM 000E T rmin:titn survey D:tc Report 30029 [ Alpha turvey Results (- survey Unit ID. 85U029 Building ISO survey date 02/08/93 Name TURRINE Names Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/100em2 41-2-23 1415 41-2-24 1416 41-2-25 1417 41-2-26 1418 41-2-27 1419 41-2-28 1420 41-2-29 1421 0.50 3 41-2-30 1422 41-2-31 1423 41-2-32 1424 41-2-33 1425 41-2-34 1426 41-2-35 1427 41-2-36 1428 41-2-37 1429 41-2-38 1430 g *1-2-39 1431

  • J-2-40 1432
        ,1-2-41            1433 1-2-42            1434                                     0.10            -0 1-2-43            1435 41-2-44             1436 41-2-45             1437 41-2-46             1438 41-2-47             1439 41-2-48            1440 41-2-49            1441 41-2-50            1442 41-2-51            1443 41-2-52            1444 9-1-1                171 9-1-2                172                                     0.50            3 9-1-3                173                       ;

I k' m r

page C3. 61 Date: 02/22/93 sHOREHAM DECOMH!ss!ONING PROJECT PORM CODE T;rmin tirn surv y D:to Report 30029 Alpha survey Results s!rvey Unit ID. 480029 Ruilding SU

      . Tame: TURBINE                                                             survey date 02/08/93 Names In:trument Type        Alpha                               smear Ctr.

total alpha

     .................. ...........................        ... removable alpha Bicek 3D        point gepm               ldpo/100em2          gepm      dpm/200em2 9-1-4               171 9-1-5               175 9-1-6               176 9-1-7               177 9-1-8               178 9-1-9               179 9-1-10              180 9-1-11              181 9-1-12              182 9-1-13              183 9-1-14              184 9a1-15              185 9-1-16              186 9-1-17              187 9-1-18              188 9-1-19              189
  • 1-20 190 2-1 1809 2 1810 0.00 -0 3 1811 4 1812 45-2-5 1813 45-2-6 1814 45-2-7 1815 45-2-8 1816 45-2-9 1817 45-2-10 1818 45-2-11 1819 45-2-12 1820 45-2-13 1821 45-2-14 1822 45-2-15 1823 45-2-16 1824

( (


                                                                                        - Termin:tien surv y D:tc R: port                                                         80029
            /                                                                                            Alpha survey Results-Aurvey Unit ID.                50029                                    Building asU                                      survey date_02/08/93 Came:TUR8INE                                                                                       Names instrument Type                         Alpha                                                          smear ctr.

total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpe/200cm2 45-2-17 1825 45-2-18 1826 45-2-19 1827 45-2-20 1828 45-2-21 1829 45-2-22 1830 45-2-23 1831 ' 45-2-24 1832 45-2-25 1833 2-26 1834 45-2-27 1835 45-2-28 1836 45-2-29 1837 45-2-30 1838 0.00 -0 45-2-31 1839 45-2-32 1840

               *5-2-33                    1841 J-2-34                  1842 1843 s 3-2-35 gf 5-2-36                   1844 45-2-37                     1845 45-2-38                     1846                                                                                                                                                                       <

45-2-39 1847 i 45-2-40 1848 45-2-41 1849 45-2-42 1850 45-2-43 1851 45-2-44 1852 45-2-45 1853 45-2-46 1854 45-2-47 1855 45-2-48 1856 , 45-2-49 1857

                                                                                                                                                                                                      .p asmaemp s r
 - , , _         .,                 y          . . , _ .      4,r.   . _ - _ , _,~ , , m-.                 ,,u--,            ,      ,  ,, .,             , . . , - - , . -,.n         ,ywq. . --,. ,

page No. 63 D:to: 02/22/93 SHOREHAN DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE 70rmin:tien surv0y D:to Report 5U029 { Alpha survey Results l Turvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building :SU Survey date 02/08/93 j!ame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gem ldpm/200cm2 gcp dpre/ 200cm2 45-2-50 1858 45-2-51 1859 45-2-52 1860 0.50 3 40-2-1 1289 0.00 -0 40-2-2 1290 40-2-3 1291 40-2-4 1292 40-2-5 1293 40-2-6 1294 40-2-7 1295 40-2-8 1296 ' 40-2-9 1297 40-2-10 1298 40-2-11 1299 40-2-12 1300 40-2-13 1301

     *%2-14            1302 1-2-15           1303 16           1304 17           1305 18           1306 (0-2-19            1307 40-2-20            1308 40-2-21            1309 40-2-22            1310 40-2-23            1311 40-2-24            1312 40-2-25            1313 40-2-26            1314 40-2-27            1315 40-2-28            1316 40-2-29            1317 40-2-30            1318

( t i

page No. 64 Dat 02/22/93 SHORtHAM CECONNISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Termin ticn sury y D:t3 Report SUO29 Alpha Survey Results 88U029 Buildirg #8U survey date 02/08/93

   $2rvey          Unit ID.

man: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha sleek ID point gern ld;n/100em2 gern dpm/200cm2 40-2 1319 40-2-32 1320 40-2-33 1321 40-2-34 1322 40-2-35 1323 40-2-36 1324 40-2-37 1325 40-2-38 1326 40-2-39 1327 40-2-40 1328 40-2-41 1329 40-2-42 1330 40-2-43 1331 40-2-44 1332 40-2-45 1333 40-2-46 1334 i-2-47 1335 t 2-48 1336 2-49 1337 2-50 1339 51 1339 40-2-52 1340 0.00 -0 42-2-1 1497 42-2-2 1498 42-2-3 1499 42-2-4 1500 42-2-5 1501 42-2-6 1502 42-2-7 1503 42-2-8 1504 42-2-9 1505 42-2-10 1506 42-2-11 1507 0.00 -0 l P% 1 1 t le

page Ca. 65 D:to: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DE00KNISSIONING PROJECT FORM OODE Tcrain-tien Surv0y D ta Report 80029 , Alpha Survey Results 7 urvey Unit ID. 50029 Building 350 survey date 02/08/93 ame:TURM1HE Name In-trument Type Alpha Smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dpm/200cm2 42-2-12 1508 42-2-13 1509 42-2-14 1510 42-J-15 1511 42-2-16 1512 42-2-17 1513 42-2-18 1514 42-2-19 1515 42-2-20 1516 42-2-21 1517 42-2-22 1518 42-2-23 1519 42-2-24 1520 42-2-25 1521 42-2-16 1522 42-2-27 1523 A1-2-28 1524 2-29 1525 30 1526 31 1527 32 1528 42-2-33 1529 0.00 -0 42-2-34 1530 42-2-35 1531 42-2-36 1532 42-2-37 1533 42-2-38 1534 42-2-39 1535 42-2-40 1536 42-2-41 1537 0.00 -0 42-2-42 1538 42-2-43 1539 42-2-44 1540 a

page No.- 66 D:to: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMM!ss!ONING PROJECT FORM CODE. T0rminatien surv y D:tc Report 8U029

     /                                                                     Alpha survey Results                                     j survey Unit ID.               5U029                    Building SU                         survey date 02/08/93 Name TURsINE                                                           Names l

Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha slock ID point gepa ldprn/100cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 42-2-45 1541 42-2-46 1542  ; 42-2-47 1543 l 42-2-48 1544 ' 42-2-49 1545 l 42-2-50 1546 42-2-51 1547 42-2-52 1548 44-2-1 1705 44-2-2 1706 44-2-3 1707 44-2-4 1708 44-2-5 1709 44-2-6 1710 44-2-7 1711 44-2-8 1712 ,

            ~4-2-9                    1713                                       0.00            -0

s 10 1714 (h v 44-2-12 f 4-2-11 1715 1716 44-2-13 1717 44 2 14 1718 44-2-15 1719 44-2-16 1720 44-2-17 1721 44-2-18 1722 44-2-19 1723 44-2-20 1724 44-2-21 1725 44-2-22 1726 44-2-23 1727 44-2-24 1728 44-2-25 1729

  • 9

page No. 67 Dato: 02/22/93 5HOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORN CODE T0rminatien surv y D:ts Report 80029 Alpha survey Results

                                      $UO29              Building 85U                                       kurvey date 02/08/93
  #durvey              Unit ID.

Name: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable.pha al Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dpm/100em2 44-2-26 1730 44-2-27 1731 44-2-28 1732 44-2-29 1733 44-2-30 1734 44-2-31 1735 44-2-32 1736 44-2-33 1737 44-2-34 1738 44-2-35 1739 44-2-36 1740 44-2-37 1741 0.00 -0 44-2-38 1742 44-2-39 1743 44-2-40 1744 44-2-41 1745 *

              '- 2-42           1746 2-43           1747
              <-2-44            1748 45            1749 4-2-46             1750                                    0.50                    3 44-2-47                 1751 44-2-48                 1752 44-2-49                 1753 44-2-50                 1754 44-2-51                 1755 44-2-52                 1756 43-2-1                  1601 43-2-2                  1602 43-2-3                  1603 43-2-4                  1604 43-2-5                  1605 43-2-6                 1606

l l

                                          ,       .s       .-m.                                               "

page No. 68 Dat3: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMIGIONING PROJECT FORM CODE Terminati:n surv y Dat3 R: port 3U029 [ Alpha Survey Results (

   --      crvey Unit ID. 880029                    Building :SU                                 survey date 02/08/93 kme: TURBINE                                                Names In:trument Type           Alpha                                  smear Ctr.

total alpha removable.pha

                                                                    .............        al Bitek ID           point gepm                ldpm/200cm2           gepm'           dpm/200cm2 33-2-7              1607 43-2-8               1608 43-2-9               1609 43-2-10               1610 43-2-11               1611 43-2-12               1612 43-2-13               1613 43-2-14              1614 43-2-15              1615 43-2-16              1616                                     0.00                  -0 43-2-17              1617 43-2-18              1618                                                                                         l 43-2-19              1619 43-2-20              1620                                                                                         1 43-2-21              1621                                                                                         l 43-2-22              1622
       '1-2-23             1623                                                                                         i 24             1624                                                                                         l 25            1625 26             1626                                                                                         l 27             1627 43-2-28              1628                                                                                         l 43-2-29              1629

! 43-2-30 1630 0.00 -0 I 43-2-J1 1631 43-?-32 1632 43-2-33 1633 43-2-34 1634 43-2-35 1635 43-2-36 1636 43-2-37 1637 43-2-38 1638 43-2-39 1639 i l I 1

3 1

(a "4

                                     -        -       w -- o- ~                . . , . ~

page N3. 69 D; tat 02/22/93 sHOREHAM DEDOMH!ss10NING PROJECT FORM DODE Terminaticn surycy D:tc Report 3U029 Alpha survey Results urvey Unit ID. 38U029 Building sSU survey date 02/08/93 Ame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block 3D point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 43-2-40 1640 43-2-41 1641 43-2-42 1642 43-2-43 1643 43-2-44 1644 43-2-45 1645 43-2-46 1646 43-2-47 1647 43-2-48 1648 43-2-49 1649 43-2-50 1650 0.00 -0 43-2-51 1651 43-2-52 1652 s __ _ -. _, 4 --

                                        ~m., -     u,_ - - - .  -,2--              +          .s                   -, ,    _          -            p   +

page No. 1 DatO 02/22/03 SHOREKAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT PORM CODE T rmin-tion Surv y QC D:t3 Report 8U029-Q Beta Gansna,Cansna Survey Results urvey Unit ID. 50029-Q Building 38U survey date 02/17/93 ame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type F1. Hon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gansna removable beta-gamma

      ------------------          ~~-------    -~~~~~                 ----------       -------------    ----------       observed      not Bicek ID             point surf scan gepm                       dpm/200em2                 gepm   dpm/100cm2       uRom/hr      uR/hr 18-1-1                 361               17.0                        150.00      0.00                    -4.19 18-1-2                 362                                                       2.00                      2.26 18-1-3                 363               13.0                        -50.00      2.00                      2.26 18-1-4                 364                                                       3.00                      5.48 18-1-5                 365               16.0                         100.00     1.00                    -0.97 18-1-6                 366                                                       1.00                    -0.97.

18-1-7 367 17.0 150.00 1.00 -0.97 18-1-8 368 1.00 -0.97 18-1-9 369 24.0 500.00 3.00 5.48 18-1-10 370 2.00 2.26 18-1-11 371 18.0 200.00 3.00 5.48 18-1-12 372 3.00 5.48 18-2-13 373 14.0 0.00 1.00 -0.97 18-1-14 374 2.00 2.26 18-1-15 375 11.0 -150.00 1.00 -0.97 18-1-16 376 1.00 -0.97

      '8-1-17                377               15.0                          50.00     1.00                    -0.97 t-1-18              378                                                       0.00                    -4.19 19              379               13.0                         -50.00     2.00                      2.26 20              380                                                       1.00                    -0.97 8-1-21               381               12.0                       -100.00      2.00                      2.26 18-1-22                382                                                       2.00                      2.26 18-2-23                383               23.0                         450.00     2.00                      2.26 18-1-24                384                                                       5.00                     11.94 18-1-25                205               26.0                         000.00      1.00                    -0.97 18-1-26                386                                                        1.00                    -0.97 18-1-27                387                19.0                        250.00      1.00                    -0.97 18-1-28                388                                                       0.00                    -4.19 18-1-29                389                16.0                        100.00      1.00                    -0.97 18-1-30                390                                                        3.00                     5.48 36-1-1                 821                                                       3.00                      5.48 36-1-2                 822                16.0                        100.00     4.00                      8.7) 36-1-3                 823                                                       2.00                      2.26 k

i , t

page No. 2 - - l unto: 02/22/93 SHORERAM DECOKH!ssIONING PROJECT FORM CODE I Termin0ticn surv0y QC D t3 Report SUO29-Q g Beta Gamma,Camma Survey Results Jurvey Unit ID. 35U029-Q Building 350 survey date 02/17f 93 Can.e: TURBINE Names Instrument Type F1. Hon. CH LRD Smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gamma removable beta-ganraa

    ..................               ......... ......          ..........                          .............                       ..........        observed     not Block ID              point surf scan gepm                 dpm/100cm2                                                gepm          dpm/100em2         uRam/hr     uR/hr 36-1-4                     824             21.0                      350.00                     1.00                                       -0.97 36-1-5                     825                                                                  3.00                                          5.48 36-1-6                     826             8.00                     -300.00                     5.00                                       11.94 36-1-7                     827                                                                  4.00                                          8.71 36-1-8                     828              16.0                     100.00                      1.00                                      -0.97 36-1-9                     829                                                                   2.00                                         2.26 36-1-10                    830              12.0                    -100.00                      2.00                                         2.26 36-1-11                    831                                                                   0.00                                      -4.19 36-1-12                   832              16.0                     100.00                      2.00                                         2.26 36-1-13                   833                          l' 1.00                                      -0.97 35-1-14                   834              18.0                     200.00                      2.00                                         2.26 36-1-15                   835                                                                   2.00                                         2.26 36-1-16                   836              17.0                     150.00                       3.00                                        5.48 36-1-17                   837                                                                    0.00                                      -4.19 36-1-18                   838              19.0                     250.00                       2.00                                        2.26 36-1-19                   839                                                                    0.00                                      -4.19 6-1-20                  840              12.0                    -100.00                       0.00                                      -4.19 21                  841                                                                    2.00                                         2.26
        .-1-22                 842               13.0                     -50.00                       1.00                                     -0.01 6-1-23                   843                                                                    1.00                                     -0.97 36-1-24                    844              16.0                     100.00                       2.00                                        2.26 36-1-25                    845                                                                    2.00                                        2.26 36-1-26                    846              23.0                     450.00                       0.00                                     -4.19 36-1-27                    847                                                                     3.00                                       5.48 36-1-28                    848              17.0                     150.00                        4.00                                       8.71 36-1-29                    849                                                                     0.00                                     -4.19 36-1-30                    850              14.0                             0.00                  2.00                                       2.26 36-1-31                   851                                                                     4.00                                       8.71 36-1-32                   852              14.0                             0.00                  2.00                                       2.26 36-1-33                   853                                                                     3.00                                       5.48 36-1-34                   854              16.0                      100.00                       0.00                                     -4.19 36-1-35                   855                                                                      1.00                                    -0.97 36-1-36                    856              18.0                    200.00                         2.00                                      2.26 (v

page C3. 3 l Dato 02/22/93 SHOREHAM D100KM18EIONING PROJECT FORM CODE 7 rminatirn 8 try y QC Dato Report 8U029-Q Beta Gansna,Gahws Survey Results urvey Unit ID. s8UO29-Q Building SU survey date 02/17/93 "ame: TURBINE Names Instrument Type F1. Hon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRem total beta-gartrna removable beta-gansna

 ------------------                                  --------- ------    ----------    -------------                   ----------                            observed      not Block ID                   point Surf scan gepm                         dpm/100em2            gepm                    dpm/100cm2                            uRem/hr       uR/hr 36-1-37                                 857                                           3.00                                            5.48 36-1-38                                 858                   8.00         -300.00    0.00                                   ~4.19 36-1-39                                 859                                           0.00                                   -4.19 36-1-40                                 860                   18.0           200.00   1.00                                   -0.97 36-1-41                                 861                                           2.00                                            2.26 36-1-42                                 862                   12.0          -100.00   4.00                                             8.71 36-1-43                                 863                                            1.00                                  -0.97 36-1-44                                 864                    15.0            50.00  0.00                                    -4.19 36-1-45                                 865                                           2.00                                             2.26 36-1-46                                 866                    12.0         -100.00    3.00                                             5.48 36-1-47                                  867                                           1.00                                   -

0.97 36-1-48 868 16.0 100.00 4.00 8.71 36-1-49 869 2.00 2.26 36-1-50 870 17.0 150.00 2.00 2.26 36-1-51 871 1.00 - 0.97 36-1-52 872 19.0 250.00 3.00 5.48 16-2-1 873 0.00 - 4.19 .

     ;-2-2                                 874                  13.0           -50.00   5.00                                     11.94 3                                 875                                          1.00                                     -

0.97 4 876 10.0 -200.07 0.00 -4.19 5 877 0.00 -4.19 36-2-6 878 17.0 150.00 0.00 - 4.19 36-2-7 879 0.00 -4.19 36-2-8 880 14.0 0.00 2.00 2.26 36-2-9 881 5.00 11.94 36-2-10 882 26.0 600.00 1.00 -0.97 36-2-11 883 3.00 5.48 36-2-12 884 16.0 100.00 1.00 -0.97 36-2-13 885 1.00 -0.97 36-2-14 Bh6 17.0 150.00 2.00 2.26 36-2-15 887 1.00 -0.97 36-2-16 888 13.0 -50.00 1.00 -0.97 36-2-17 889 2.00 2.26 O _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , m._______.___.i_._._.----._

page Co. 4 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DICOMM18810NING PROJECT PORM CODE Termin:ticn surv y QC D;to Report SUO29-Q [, Beta camma, Gamma survey Results survey Unit ID. :SUO29-Q Building :SU survey date 02/17/93 Came: TURBINE Names Instrument Type F1. Hon. CH LAD &mear Ctr. MicroRam total beta-gamma removable beta-ganuaa

    ------------------         --------- ------     ----------         -------------     ----------       observed         not Block ID             point Surf scan gepm       dpm/200cm2                 gepm      dpm/100cm2       uRem/hr         uR/hr 36-2-18                890           10.0           -200.00        4.00                       8.71 36-2-19                891                                         1.00                     -0.97 36-2-20                892           17.0               150.00     4.00                       0.71 36-2-21                893                                         2.00                       2.26 36-2-22                894           14.0                 0.00     4.00                       8.71 36-2-23                895                                         0.00                     -4.19 36-2-24                896           16.0               100.00     2.00                       1.26 36-2-25                897                                         0.00                     -4.19 36-2-26                898           14.0                 0.00     4.00                       8.71 36-2-27                899                                         0.00                     -4.19 36-2-28                900           25.0              550.00      3.00                       5.48 36-2-29                901                                         4.00                       8.71 36-2-30                902           10.0           -200.00        1.00                     -0.97                              ,

36-2-31 903 1.00 -0.97 36-2-32 904 9.00 -250.00 1.00 -0.97 36-2-33 905 1.00 -0.97 *

    '6-2-34                906           13.0              -50.00      0.00                     -4.19 6a2-35                907                                         2.00                       2.26 6-2-36                908           19.0              250.00      2.00                       2.26 6-2-37                909                                         1.00                     -0.97 36-2-38                910           10.0     1
                                                        -200.00        1.00                     -0.97 l    36-2-39                911                                         1.00                     -0.97 36-2-40                912           21.0             350.00       1.00                     -0.97 36-2-41                913                                         3.00                       5.48 36-2-42                914           10.0          -200.00         2.00                       2.26 36-2-43                915                                         4.00                       8.71 36-2-44                916           26.0              600.00      3.00                       5.48 36-2-45                917                                         2.00                       2.26 36-2-46                918           10.0          -200.00         2.00                       2.26 36-2-47                919                                         0.00                     -4.19 36-2-48                920           20.0             300.00       3.00                       5.48 36-2-49                921                                         1.00                    -0.97 36-2-50                922           16.0             100.00       2.00                       2.26               ,

l 0 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ - _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -'~, '

______-___-,-.--- Pa9e No ----~~--- Date: 02/22/93 l sHORfHAM DICOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE TOrmin titn Surv0y QC D;to Report ) 80029-Q j Beta Camma,0amma survey Results l' Jurvey Unit 3D. asUO29-Q Building 380 Came:TURB1NE survey date 02/17/93 Names Instrument type F1. Hon. CH LAD Smear MicroRam

      ..................      .........            ......                                    ..........                                                            ..........Ctr....          ..........   .........     . ....

total beta- removable beta-gamma '

      .... ............       .........            ......                                    ..... gamma                            .....                          .............

Block 3D point surf scan

                                                                                                                                                                                              .........-    observed       not gepm                                     dpm/200em2                                                                     gepm               dpm/200cm2    uRom/hr        un/hr 36-2-51             923                                                                                                                                      2.00 36-2-52                                                                                                                                                                                         2.26 924                      21.0                                                            350.00                                          1.00                             -0.97 38-2-1              1029                      19.0                                                           250.00                                           0.00 38-1-2                                                                                                                                                                                         -4.19 1030                                                                                                                                      1.00 38-1-3              1031 0.97 16.0                                                            100.00                                          5.00                             11.94 38-1-4             1032                                                                                                                                       5.00 38-1-5             1033                                                                                                                                                                        11.94 16.0                                                           100.00                                           1.00                            -0.97 38-1-6             1034                                                                                                                                       1.00 38-1-7                                                                                                                                                                                        -0.97 1035                       14.0                                                                         0.00                               1.00 38-1-8                                                                                                                                                                                        -0.97 1036                                                                                                                                       3.00 38-1-9             1037                                                                                                                                                                         5.48 15.0                                                                  50.00 1.00                                                                -0.97 38-1-10            1038                                                                                                                                       2.00 38-1-11                                                                                                                                                                                          2.26 1039                       21.0                                                         350.00 2.00 38-1-12             1040                                                                                                                                                                         2.26 1.00                            -0.97 38-1-13            1041                       19.0                                                         250.00 3.00 38-1-14             1042 5.48 1.00                            -0.97

('9-1-15 1043 14.0 0.00 0.00 -4.19 i-1-16 1044 3.00

       .-1-17          1045                                                                                                                                                                          5.48 14.0                                                                        0.00 2.00                                                              2.26 18          1046                                                                                                                                       2.00 19          1047                                                                                                                                                                          2.26 17.0                                                         150.00 1.00                                                                         -0.97 38-1-20            1048 38-1-21            1049 2.00                               2.26 16.0                                                        100.00                                              0.00                            -4.19 38-1-22            1050                                                                                                                                       0.00 38-1-23                                                                                                                                                                                       -4.19 1051                       14.0                                                                      C.00                                  2.00 38-1-24            1052 2.26 2.00                              2.26 38-1-25            105.1                      20.0                                                      300.00                                                4.00 38-1-26            1054                                                                                                                                                                         8.71 38-1-27                                                                                                                                                       1.00                            -0.97 1055                       19.0                                                      250.00                                                0.00 38-1-28                                                                                                                                                                                       -4.19 1056                                                                                                                                       0.00 38-1-29            1057                                                                                                                                                                       -4.19 14.0                                                                     0.00                                   1.00                            -0.97 38-1-30            1058                                                                                                                                       2.00 36-1-31            1059                                                                                                                                                                         2.26 17.0                                                     150.00                                                 1.00                            -0.97 i

o V _ _ e , ,. - - - - . - __m

page No. 6 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DE00NM!SSIONING PROJECT FORM 00DE TOrminatiCn 8:ry;y QC Dato Report 80029-Q Beta Gamma,Camma Survey Results survey Unit ID. ss0029-Q Building 85U survey date 02/17/93 Name TURBINE Names Instrument Type F1. Hon. OH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-garmaa removable beta-gaarna

   ..................        .........   ......    ..........    .............   ..........          observed      not Block ID            point surf ecan   gem       dpm/100cm2             gepm   dps/100cm2          uRam/hr       uR/hr 38-1-32              1060                                     1.00                   -0.97 38-1-33              1061             18.0           200.00   2.00                      2.26 38-1-34              1062                                     3.00                      5.48 38-1-35              1063             18.0           200.00   0.00                      4.19 38-1-36              1064                                     0.00                   -4.19 38-1-37              1065             15.0             50.00  0.00                   -4.19 38-2-38              1066                                     3.00                       5.48 38-1-39              1067             16.0           100.00   0.00                   -4.19 38-1-40              1068                                     2.00                      2.26 38-2-41              1069             25.0           550.00   1.00                   -0.97 38-1-42              1070                                     0.00                   -4.19 38-1-43              1071             10.0         -200.00    1.00                   -0.97 38-1-44              1072                                     0.00                   -4.19 38-1-45              1073             16.0           100.00   2.00                      2.26 38-1-46              1074                                     1.00                   -0.97 38-1-47              1075             12.0         -100.00    2.00                      2.26
    '9-1-48             1076                                     0.00                   -4.19 i-1-49            1077             16.0           100.00   2.00                      2.26 8-1-50             1078                                     1.00                   -0.97 8-1-51             1079             26.0           600.00   0.00                   -4.19 38-1-52              1080                                     1.00                   -0.97 38-2-1               1081             18.0           200.00   5.00                   11.94 38-2-2               1082                                     4.00                      8.71 38-2-3               1083             25.0           550.00   1.00                   -0.97 38-2-4               1084                                     0.00                   -4.19 38-2-5               1085             14.0               0.00 2.00                      2.26 38-2-6               1086                                     1.00                   -0.97 38-2-7               1087             17.0           150.00   0.00                   -4.19 38-2-8               1088                                     1.00                   -0.97 38-2-9               1089             26.0           600.00   3.00                      5.48 38-2-10              1090                                     1.00                   -0.97 38-2-11              1091             10.0         -200.00    1.00                   -0.97 38-2-12              1092                                     3.00                      5.48 l

k G U,5-w w - y , w

pape NJ. 7 Dato 02/22/93 $HORENAM DECOMMISSIONING PpoJECT FORM 0005 Tarainatien sury:y Oc D:ta Report 20029-9 f Beta camma, Gamma Survey Results Survey Unit 3D. 8UO29-Q Sullding 38U Survey date 02/17/93 Mamo TUR81NE Names Instrument Type F1. Hon. CH LAD Smear Ctr. MicroRom total beta-gamma removable beta-gaena

    ------------------          --------- ------    ----------     -------------   ----------       observed    net' Block 10             point surf scan gepm       dpm/200em2             gepe    dpm/200em2 uRom/hr           uR/hr 38-2-13               1093            15.0             50.00   0.00                   -4.19 38-2-14               1094                                     0.00                   -4.19 38-2-15               1095            18.0           200.00    1.00                   -0.97 38-2-16               1096                                     0.00                   -4.19 38-2-17               1097            20.0           300.00    1.00                   -0.97 38-2-18               1098                                     0.00                   -4.19 38-2-19               1099            12.0         -100.00     0.00                   -4.19 38-2-20               1100                                     4.00                     8.71-38-2-21               1101            10.0         -200.00     1.00                   -0.97 38-2-22               1102                                     1.00                   -0.97 38-2-23               1103            17.0           150.00    3.00                     5.48 2-24               1104                                     2.00                     2.26                      -

39-2-25 1105 19.0 250.00 1.00 -0.97 J8-2-26 1106 2.00 2.26 38-2-27 1107 18.0 200.00 3.00 5.48 38-2-28 1108 1.00 -0.97 -

 ,  38-2-29               1109            21.0           350.00    2.00                     2.26

/ 1-2-30 1110 2.00 2.26 28-2-31 1111 21.0 350.00 2.00 2.26 38-2-32 1112 3.00 5.48 38-2-33 1113 11.0 -150.00 2.00 2.26 38-2-34 1114 l'.00 -0.97 38-2-35 1115 16.0 100.00 1.00 -0.97 38-2-36 1116 2.00 2.26 38-2-37 1117 19.0 250.00 2.00 2.26 38-2-38 1118 2.00 2.26 38-2-39 1119 22.0 400.00 2.00 '2.26 38-2-40 1120 3.00 5.48 38-2-41 1121 19.0 250.00- 1.00 -0.97 38-2-42 1122 _ 1.00 <-0.97 38-2-43 1123 22.0 400.00 2.00 2.26 38-2-44 1124 2.00 2.26 38-2-45 1125 23.0 450.00 1.00 -0.97 O W


Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREMAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE 70rminStlon Surycy QC Dsta R0 port SUO29-Q l Beta Ganvna,0amna Survey Results

 /    ,urvey Unit ID. 850029-Q                 Building 450                                         survey date 02/17/93 Hame: TURBINE                                                 Names Instrument Type         F1. Hon. CH LAD                                 Smear Ctr.                                                       MicroRoan total bota-gamma                        removable beta-ganna
    ------~~~------.--      --------- ------    ----------   -------------                   ----------                                          observed      net Block 2D          point surf scan gepn      dyn/100cm2                              gepa dpt/100cm2                                          uRem/hr       uR/hr 38-2-46            1126                                  1.00                                   -0.97 38-2-47            1127           12.0          -100.00  3.00                                     5.48 38-2-40            1128                                  2.00                                     2.26 3R-2-49            1129           16.0            100.00 3.00                                     5.48 38-2-50            1130                                  3.00                                     5.48 38-2-51            1131           24.0            500.00 1.00                                   -0.97 38-2-$2            1132                                  0.00                                   -4.19 4

6 b l


page No. 1 Datas 02/22/93 SHOREHAN DE00NNIS510NING PROJRcT FORN CODE Termin:tien surv:y Oc D:ts Report suo29-0 Alpha Survey Results Irvey Unit ID. is0029 9 muilding :SU survey date 02/17/93 eme: TURBINE Names In:trument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable sipha Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dp/200cm2 18-1-1 361 18-1-2 362 18-1-3 363 18-1-4 364 0.00 -0.42 18-1-5 365 18-1-6 366 18-1-7 367 18-1-8 368 18-1-9 369 18-2-10 370 18-1-11 371 18-1-12 372 18-1-13 373 18-1-14 374 18-1-15 375 18-1-16 376

  • 9-1-17 377 t-1-18 378 19 379 20 380 18-2-21 382 18-1-22 382 18-2-23 383 18-2-24 384 0.00 -0.42 18-1-25 385 18-1-26 386 18-1-27 387 18-1-28 388 18-1-29 389 18-1-30 390 36-1-1 821 36-1-2 822 36-1-3 823 l

l l l l l t

                                                                                                                                             - __m..-
                                          +                                   m                                _-.__-..7_-__=..y           y

page No. 2 Dato: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJ:CT PORM CODE TOrmin tien sury y QC D:tc Report SUO29-Q Alpha survey Results

   .urvey Unit ID. ISUO29-Q                                       Building ISU                                                                        survey date 02/17/93 Name:TURB3NE                                                                     Names In-trument Type          Alpha                                                     smear ctr.

total alpha removable al.pha Block ID point gepm ldpm/100em2 gepm dpm/100em2 36-1-4 824 1 36-1-5 825 36-1-6 826 0.00 -0.42 16-1-7 827 36-1-8 828 36-1>9 829 36-1-10 830 36-1-11 831 36-1-12 832 36-1-13 833 36-1-14 834 36-1-15 835 36-1-16 836 36-1-17 837 36-1-18 838 36-1-19 839 . 6-1-20 840

   .-1-21             841 22             842 23             843 24             844 36-1-25              845 36-1-26              846 36-1-27              847 36-1-28              848                                                       0.00                                                                  -0.42 36-1-29              849 36-1-30              850 36-1-31              851 36-1-32              852 36-1-33              853 36-1-34              854 36-1-35              855 36-1-36              856

page No. 3 , D:to: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM LECOMMIS810NING PROJECT FORM CODE Tormin:tien surv y QC Data Report CUO29-0 Alpha Survey Results i ra curvey Unit ID. SUO29-Q Building :SU Survey date 02/17/93 Name TUREINE Names Instrument Type Alpha Smear Ctr.

            ..................                                 ...........................    ...e   ........      ..........

total alpha removable alpha Block 2D point gem ldpm/100cm2 gepen dyn/100cm2 36-1-37 957 36-1-38 858 36-1-39 859 36-1-40 860 36-1-41 861 36-1-42 862 0.00 -0.42 36-1-43 863 36-1-44 864 36-1-45 865 36-1-46 866 36-1-47 867 36-1-48 868 , 36-1-49 869 36-1-50 870 36-1-51 871 36-1-52 872 [ %-2-1 873 i 2 874 0.00 -0.42 L,s-2-3 875 [ 3-2-4 876 G a-2-5 877 36-2-6 878 36-2-7 879 36-2-8 880 36-2-9 881 36-2-10 882 36-2-11 883 36-2-12 884 36-2-13 885 36-2-14 886 36-2-15 887 36-2-16 888 36-2-17 809

                                                                                                                                                              ' vem=-M -

___________--n---- " " " -

                                              .                          _                       - .=            .

page No. 4 Dat0 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DROrMMISSIONING FROJECT FORM CODE T rmin titt Sury y QC Dato Report 80029-Q gr Alpha survey Results Survey Unit 2D. 38U029-Q Suilding SU survey date 02/17/93 Came: TURBINE Names Instrument Type Alpha Emear Ctr. total alpha removable alpha Block ID point gepm ldpa/100cm2 gepm dpm/100cm2 , 36-2-18 890 36-2-19 891 36-2-20 892 36-2-21 893 36-2-22 894 0.50 3.75 36-2-23 895 36-2-24 896 36-2-25 897 36-2-26 898 36-2-27 899 36-2-28 900 36-2-29 901 36-2-30 902 36-2-31 903 36-2-32 904 36-2-33 905

           '6-2-34                906
             .-2-35               907 3-2-36                908 6-2-37                909 36-2-38                 910 36-2-39                 911 36-2-40                 912 36-2-41                 913 36-2-42                 914 36-2-43                 915                                               0.00                     -0.42 36-2-44                 916 36-2-45                 917 36-2-46                 928 36-2-47                 919 36-2-48                 920 36-2-49                 921 36-2-50                 922 t    /

l _(/ i

page No. 5 peto: 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FORM CODE T0rmination Surv:y QC Dato Report suo29-Q Alpha Survey Rasults

    -survey Unit ID. :SUO29-Q               Building SU                                                                                                                    Eurvey dato 02/17/93 Hame: TURBINE                                                                                  Name Instrument Type       Alpha                                                                                smear ctr.

total alpha removable.pha al Block ID point gepm ldpm/200cm2 gepm dpm/200cm2 36-2-51 923 36-2-52 924 38-1-1 1029 38-1-2 1030 38-1-3 1031 0.00 -0.42 38-1-4 1032 38-1-5 1033 38-1-6 1034 38-2-7 1035 38-1-8 1036 38-1-9 1037 38-1-10 1038 38-1-11 1039 38-1-12 1040 38-1-13 1041 38-1-14 1042

      '- 1-15        1043 1-16        1044 17        1045 i-1-18         1046 8-1-19          1047 I   38-2-20           1048 38-2-21          1049 38-1-22           1050 38-1-23           1051 38-1-24          1052 38-1-25          1053                                                        0.00                                                                                      -0.42 38-1-26          1054 38-1-27          1055 38-1-28          1056 38-1-29          1057 38-1-30          1058                                                        0.00                                                                                      -0.42 38-1"31          1059 I

L ()


_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - -

p, o- - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ . _ - - - D;t0s 02/22/93 SHOREHAM DECOMMISSIONIMO PROJECT FORM CODE Termintti:n survey QC COta Report 80029-Q Alpha survey Results urvey Unit ID. :SUO29-Q Building ISU Name: TURBINE survey date 02/17/93 tg .-s1 Names

 -\Q Instrument Type        Alpha
         .................. ...........................                              .... smear
                                                                                           . . . . .Ctr.
         .. ..............      .............pha total al removable alpha Block 2D                                                                                         ..........

point gepm ldpm/100em2 gepm dpm/100cm2 38-1-32 1060 38-1-33 1061 38-1-34 1062 38-1-35 0.00 -0.42 1063 38-1-36 1064 38-1-37 1065 38-1-38 1066 38-1-39 1067 38-1-40 1068 38-1-41 1069 38-1-42 1070 38-1-43 1071 38-1-44 1072 38-1-45 1073 38-1-46 1074 38-1-47 1075

      ,'8-1-48            1076 4    -

1-49 1077 1-50 ( 1078 1079 18-1-52 (s1.J-1-51 2-1 1080 1081 0.00 38-2-2 1082 -0.42 38-2-3 1083 38-2-4 1084 38-2-5 1085 38-2-6 1086 38-2-7 1087 38-2-8 1088 38-2-9 1089 38-2-10 1090 38-2-11 1091 38-2-12 1092 gs_- 1

page No. 7

       .Dato:      02/22/93                     SHOP.EHAM DE00NMISSIONING PROJECT                 PORM CODE Termin*tirn surv y QC C t3 Report                  CUO29-Q-

[ Alpha surver Results Survey Unit ID. as0029-Q Building asU Name: TURBINE survey date 02/17/93 Names Instrument Type Alpha smear Ctr. total alpha removable.pha al Block ID point gepm ldpm/100cm2 gepm dpm/100em2 38-2-13 1093 38-2-14 1094 38-2-15 1095 38-2-16 1096 38-2-17 1097 38-2-18 1098 38-2-19 1099 38-2-20 1100 38-2-21 1101 ' 3F-2-22 1102 38-2-23 1103 0.00 -0.42 38-2-24 1104 38-2-25 1105 38-2-26 1106 38-2-27 1107 38-2-28 1108

         '-2-29          1109                                                                          *
          .-2-30         1110 31         1111 32         1112 33         1113

( 38-2-34 1114 38-2-35 1115 38-E-36 1116 38-2-37 1117 38-2-38 1118 38-2-39 1119 38-2-40 1120 38-2-41 1121 38-2-42 1122 38-2-43 1123 38-2-44 1124 38-2-45 1125 l i u ,)

          .page No.         8 Dat3:-     z02/22/93:                    sHOREHAM DROONNISSIONING FMOJECT                     FORM CODE T0rminiticn Surv y QC D t3 Report                     80029-9
     ')f?                                                    Alpha survey Resulte I

_ac survey Unit ID. 38UO29-Q _ Ruilding asU .

                                                                                           . survey date 02/17/93 Name: TURBINE                                            Names Instrument Type         Alpha                               smear Ctr.

total alpha removable.pha

                                                                   ............. al i Block ID          point gepm               ldpm/200cm2         gepm        dpa/100cm2 38-2-46            1126 38-2-47            1127                                 0.00                     -0.42 38-2-48            1128 38-2-49            1129 38-2-50            1130 38-2-51            1131 38-2-52            1132 f

l t. t f ( Q t

                                                                                                          - -w -s -em   wwe em <.w+

Termination survey Report for Turbine System (N31) h ATTACHMENT NQA SUR7EILLANCE ACTIVITIES l h O

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