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Amend to 800211 Order Incorporating Mods to Encl Exemptions from 10CFR50 App A,Gdc 34 & 37 Per 841106,850326 & 27 Tech Spec Change Request 46
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/1985
From: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20133P766 List:
NUDOCS 8508140473
Download: ML20133P771 (5)


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Unit 2) )



GPU Nuclear Corporation, Metropolitan Edison Company, Jersoy Central Power and Light Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company (collectively, the

.. licensee) are the holders of Facility Operating License No. DPR-73, which has authorized operation of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2 (TMI-2) at power levels up to 2772 megawatts thermal.. The facility, which is located in Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, is a pressurized water reactor previously used for the comercial generation of electricity.


By Order for Modification of License, dated July 20, 1979; the licensee's authority to operate the facility was suspended and the licensee's authority was limited to maintenance of the facility in the present shutdowncoolingmode(44 Fed. Reg.45271). By further Order of the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, dated February 11, 1980, a new set of formal license requirements was imposed to reflect the post-accident condition of the facility and to assure the continued maintenance of the current safe, stable, long-term cooling condition of the facility (45 Fed. Reg.11292).

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Although these requirements were imposed on the licensee by an Order of the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, dated February 11, 1980, the TMI-2 license has not been formally amended. The requirements are reflected in the proposed Recovery Mode Technichl Specifications (PTS) presently pending before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. The revisions that are the subject of this order do not give the licensee authorizations that may be needed to undertake specific cleanup activities. These activities will require separate consideration by the staff per Section 6.8.2 of the PTS, individual staff safety evaluations and/or licensing actions as appropriate. Hereafter in this Amendment of Order, the requirements in question are identified by the applicable Proposed Technical Specification.


By a letter dated November 6,1984, General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation (GPUNC) proposed changes to the Proposed Technical Specifi-cations (PTS) for Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) to reflect current plant conditions.

The staff has reviewed the licensee's proposed changes which can be grouped into the following categories:

(1) Modifications to the existing Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO) that were proposed to more correctly state what systems or equipment are necessary based on the present status of THI-2. The proposed changes would delete the LC0 that the Standby Reactor Coolant System

Pressure Control System, Mini-Decay Heat Removal System, the Decay Heat Removal System pumps and its recirculation pathways and the Nuclear Service Closed Cooling System be operable. The proposed changes would also modify the LC0 for the required minimum amount of borated water in the Borated Water Storage Tank from 100,000 gallons to 390,000 gallons and the number of operable flow paths from the BWST from one to i


(2) New limiting Ccnditions for Operation were also proposed to more correctly reflect what systems or equipment are necessary based on the present status of THI-2. The proposed LCO would require that dedicated on-site equipment for a Reactor Building Sump Recirculation System be operable. The proposed LCO would also require that two flow paths downstream from the BWST be operable.

(3) Revisions to the Bases were proposed that reflect corresponding changes in the Limiting Conditions for Operation. .

Exemptions from 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, Design Criterion 34 and Criterion 37 were also requested because of some of the subject deletions and alterations to the PTS. Other changes proposed by the lice..see were applicable to the Recovery Operations Plan (ROP) and are addressed in separate correspondence. The staff concludes that these changes are appropriate to more accurately reflect the current conditions and requirements at TMI-2.


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The staff's safety assessment of the foregoing, which concludes that the proposed changes are acceptable from the standpoint of public health and safety, is set forth in the concurrently issued Safety Evaluation. Since the February 11, 1980 Order imposing the Proposed Technical Specifications is currently pending before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, the staff will be advising the Licensing Board of this Amendment of Order through a Notice of Issuance of Amendment of Order and a Motion to Conform Prop'osed Technical Specifications in Accordance Herewith.

It is further determined that the modification does not authorize a change in effluent types or total amounts nor an increase in power level and will not result in any significant environmental impact. In light of this determination and as reflected in the Environmental Assessment and Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact prepared pursuant to 10 CFR 51.2.and 51.30 through 51.32 issued concurrently herewith, it was concluded that the action is insignificant from the standpoint of environnentaIl impact and that an environmental impact statement need not be prepared.


Accordingly, pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Director's Order of February 11, 1980, is hereby revised to incorporate the deletions, additions, and modifications set forth in Enclosure 3 hereto.

This Amendment of Order shall be effective on September 23, 1985.


For further details with respect to this action, see (1) Letter to B. J.

Snyder, USNRC, from F. R. Standerfer, GPUNC, Technical Specification Change Request No. 46 dated November 6,1984,(2) Letter to F. R. Staaderfer, GPUNC, from B. J. Snyder USNRC, NRC Questions on Technical Specification ,

Change Request No. 46, dated February 6,1985,(3) Letter to B. J. Snyder, USNRC, from F. R. Standerfer, GPUNC, Technical Specification Change Request No.46(responsestoNRCquestions)datedMarch 27,1985,(4) Letter to B. J. Snyder, USNRC, from F. R. Standerfer, GPUNC, General Design Criteria 34 and 37, dated March 26,1985, and (5) The Director's Order of February 11, 1980.

All the above documents are available for inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20555, and at the Commission's Local Public Document Room at the State Library of Pennsylvania, Government Publications Section, Education Building, Connon-wealth and Walnut Streets, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17126.

FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l M Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation W

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