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Std Practice SQA26, Review,Reporting & Feedback of Operating Experience Items
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/1985
From: Littrell S, Mccormick L, Sullivan J
Shared Package
ML20138J400 List:
SQA26, NUDOCS 8512170517
Download: ML20138J410 (41)


9 <




Asst Mech Mtn Supervisor OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE ITEMS Instr Mtn Supervisor Instr Engineer -


SE Control Room Engg Supervisor Operations Supervisor Prepared By: Systems Engg Superviosr J. . H. Su1Jivan ..

Shift Engr's Office Revised L.. By:g #2@ g///. ~

. McCormick/S. W. L ttrel Plant QA Staff Supervisor OP QA&A Rep Approved By: / Mtn Scheduling Unit Supervisor


Compliance Staff Supervisor Se'ction Stufervisor . Project Manager, QCRU, CONST

. Approved By: - .

Site Director -

Design Servs Mgr Plant Manager Engg Group Supv y Project Manager (SQN Engg Pjt)

Date Approved II/~34/I4 Tech Servs Supv <-

l Regulatory Engr Supv Personnel Officer ALARA Office, HP, SNP NUC PR Record Mgt Sect,lk!4$ l4DD-C> (3)

Public Safety Training Section - (U)

Plant Manger, WBNP - (U)

Plant Manager, BLFN - (U)

H. N. Culver, NSRS, E7A2-3C-K - (U)

Chief, NUC Training Branch - (U)

Mod Library (U) 3 PSS Shift Supervisor (U)

Modifications Library (U)


.2 08/16/83 All 3 04/03/85 All 4 08/08/85 All 5 09/26/85 10,14 1,2,5,6,10,11, e

6 10/24/85 14,15, Add 11a,14a *

.7 Nn\l 2 a 1985 14a The last page of this instruction is number 38 .

pu21;og;; o ggg2gg7 P




This standard practice implements .the TVA program for review of operating experience reports within the nuclear industry and-

' implements- the requirements of Area Plan Procedure No. 0601.01. -

It is the intent of this procedure to ensure that operating information pertinent to plant safety originating both within and outside the ~

i utility organization is continually supplied to operators and other

' personnel and is incorporated into training and retraining programs.

This procedure also provides a method to ensure that high priority matters are dealt with promptly and discrimination is used in the dissemination of other information so that personnel are not deluged

= with unimportant and extraneous information. Also, technical reviews

. are conducted to preclude premature dissemination of conflicting or contradictory information. g s

2.0 _ SCOPE This standard practice describes how operating experience review reports are disseminated by the Nuclear Power Central Office (NCO) or other sources to the Regulatory Engineering Section (RES) at Sequoyah for review, and how

& information obtained from this review is acted upon. Items which may, qf as appropriate, be included under the OER program are:

-NRC Bulletins, Circulars, and Information Notices, f -In House NRC Inspection Reports 4

! -In House LERs/PR0s,

~ dF -NPRDS Reports

-Vendor Information Letters, j( -Externally Generated 10CFR21 Reports

-qf -INPO Summary (SEE-IN), SOERs, Outside Utility Reviews, Good Practices' .

-Industry Review of.LERs -

-Industry Nuclear NETWORK information (i.e. , SERs, S0s, O&MRs~, etc.)

1 Atomic Energy Clearinghouse

-In-House Corrective Action Reports (CARS) -

-Additional information determined appropriate by the Plant Manager or Regulatory Engineering Section.

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q e. Standard Practice L

Page 2 SQA26

, Rev. 6 '

3.0 . REFERENCES A. NRC NUREG-0737 " Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements" Item .

I.C.5. -

B. Area Plan 0601.01 Rev. 4 C. SQA135, " Commitment Tracking" D.

' Browns Ferry BF-21.17 " Review, Reporting, and Feedback of Operating Experience Items" E. Watts Bar WB6.3.13 " Nuclear Operations Experience Review Program" F. Bellefonte BLA4.3 " Review of Operating Experience Revi6W" G.

INPO Good Practice TS-403 " Plant Program for Industry Operating Experience Review" H. e INPO Good Practice TS-404 " Monthly Synopsis of Operating Status" I.

INPO Good Practice TS-406 " Plant Program for In-House Operating

Experience Review" J.

'NRC Generic Letter 82-04 " Acceptance of the SEE-IN Program" K. SQA173, "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 10CFR50.49 Environmental

. Qualification Program" 4.0 ASSIGNMENT __OF RESPONSIBILITY

'4.1- General During the review of NER items, the reviewers, screeners, and evaluators should be cognizant of the potential / actual impact.on the plant. Items of a potential significant safety issue or involving equipment operability should be elevated to the proper management and'a SQN Potential Reportable Occurrence (PRO) prepared if required.

4.2 Nuclear Power Central Office (NCO)

The NCO Regulatory Engineering Support Section (RESS) is responsible.,

for the dissemination of applicable non-nuclear network operating'ex- .-

perience information to each site and POTC. RESS will document the .

initial receipt of an OER. item by assigning.a tracking ID, and entering -

the item into the corporate OER mainframe database system.

The attached flow chart (Exhibit 1) shows how experience review infor-mation is routed and transmitted to the RESS and the sites. .

4.3 Sequoyah Regulatory Engineering Section

-Coordinates the plant technical reviews and responses on all NER t

information as well as all NER activities between the plant and NCO, 1

n ,. . , ,- - - - - - - . . - - - . . . -. - . ~ , . , . - - ,

0 Standard Practice Pags 3 6


-Coordinate the plant response to NRC,

-Ensure plant sections are aware of NER documents which are pertinent to their areas of expertise,

-Track and maintain files regarding all plant NER reviews and responses.

5.0 INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 Nuclear Central Office (NCO)

The RESS will disseminate all NER items to the appropriate plant and coordinate any general review.

5.2 -Sequoyah Nuclear Plant A. NER material sent to the plant will be forwarded to the

RES for plant coordination. ~

B. All plant personnel should b'e awa'e r of the need to disseminate NER material and forward any information they consider appropriate to the RES (NER generated inside the plant refer to Supplement A).

C. INPO Nuclear NETWORK will be used to disseminate plant generated NER information to other utilities as well as other TVA plants.

C.1 Nuclear NETWORK is a camputerized international electronic communications system designed by INP0' for the exchange of information relating to nuclear power plant design, construction, licensing, safety, and operations.

The following is a list of topics available from Nuclear NETWORK:

Code Subject CI Coordination with INP0 .

DC Design, Construction & Preoperational ~ Testing Info Exchange ,

EM Exchange of Miscellaneous Information ,

FS Fire Protection and Plant Security GP Good Practi.ces from INPO Evaluation Reports HL Emergency HOTLINE m

I r ----v

e '

Standard Practice Page 4 SQA26 5.0 Rev. 4 INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)

Code Subject IS INPO Significant Event Reports MA Meeting Announcements & Summaries ,

NP NPRDS Information NR Nuclear Records Management NT Nuclear Network Training-OE Operating Plant Experiences OM Operations & Maintenance Information Exchange

'OR INPO Operations & Maintenance Reminders FS NRC Daily Plant Status Report-QA Nuclear Quality Assurance Information Exchange RP . Radiological Protection & Chemistry TS Training and Staffing 5.2.1 The RES will be responsible for the following: -

A. Initial screening review of experience review items. Criteria for initial elimination of a report for further review should include the following: '

-The event or condition is speiifically related to a BWR and has no applicability to PWRs,

-The event is related to a component that is vendor specific and the equipment'is not used at SQN,


-The system described is not SQN,

-Environmental or geographic conditions are plant specific and not applicable to~SQN,

-The concern is not significant enough to warrant review.

B. Coordinate -initial review with the appropriate site staff.

C. Maintain a reference copy of significant NER items (e.g., response prepared, or action taken) in the section files.

D. Determine if plant action is required, determine cognizant plant section(s) and distribute information. (Items affecting ,

Operations or Operations Training will be sent to Operations ~

Section Supervisor, Training Shift Engineer, and STAS).

  • E. Ensure plant personnel do not routinely receive extraneous and unimportant.information on operating experience in such volume that. it would obscure priority information or otherwise detract from overall job performance and proficiency. ,

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4 Standard Practice Page 5 SQA26 5.0: -INSTRUCTIONS (Continu'ed)


Distribute "Information Only" items (not requiring a 4

. response) to all appropriate plant sections.


Review and evaluate cognizant section responses for areas needing improvement or additional analysis.


i Ensure that affected, personnel become aware of and understand information of sufficient importance that should not wait for emphasis 'through routine training or retraining programs.


Ensure necessary changes are made,

-To operating maintenance, test, and emergency response procedures;

-To the Radiological Emergency Plan and its implementing procedures;

-To training, radiation protection, inspection, and

. administrative control programs and procedures; and, <'

, -To plant design. -


Provide suitable checks to ensure that conflicting or contradictory information is not conveyed to operators and other personnel until a resolution is reached.


Update corporate database on a regular basis to reflect

.and current status,date.

completion assigned. responsibilities, requirements, L. Ensure copies of all]GtC IE Bulletins, and INPO SOERs and SERs are transmitted to the Supervisor, Plant Compliance Staff. This is normally handled by the Site Director's office _ who sends a copy through the Plant Manager to Plant Compliance.


Ensure copies of all NER material to Operations or

. Operations Training are sent to the Operations Section 9upervisor, the Training Shift Engineer, and the Shift

)& Technical Advisors as appropriate.


Report all plant events that result from inadequate or inaccurate vendor information on Nuclear NETWORK systems. ,


Perform a periodic review of the "INPO Significant by.

  • Others-Report" to ensure items are incorporated into the ~

NER review cycle, if applicable.

4 A step-by-step procedure 'from receipt of an OER item until actual closure is shown in appendix A.

  • k' P.

jg Ensure that a copy of all NER material related to or that has the potential to be related to 10CFR50.49 (Environ-mental Qualification) is transmitted to the EQ Coordinator.

- - - -., e - . - -,. - --,-, , e e v., - - --- , . ,.,--...e

c Standard Practice Page 6-SQA26

. Rev. 6 -

Mf Q. Ensure that NPRDS trending data which shows significant 4R equipment problems is entered into the NER pts. ram.

5.0 . INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) -

5.2.2 The Compliance Staff will be responsible for the following:

-Maintain a computerized database of all SQN LERs, and

-Perform trend analysis and supply this information to RES to factor into the Plant's NER Program.

5.2.3 The cognizant plant section will be responsible for the following:

- Review the NER material. This review should include but not be limited to:

Effects on 10CFR50.49 equipment, c Design changes, Additional plant training (operational, as well as other),

Revisions to plant Standard Practices and instructions, jr Revisions to operating instructions,

$ Nuclear Safety concerns and initiate PRO's if necessary.

- Take appropriate action to implement the actions identified in the review above, and

- Respond in a timely fashion to the RES on items requiring a response. '

5.2.4 The Operations Section Supervisor, Training Shift Engineer and STAS will be responsible for:

-Reviewing'all NER material relating to Operations or j Operations Training, ,

-Ensuring all appropriate actions are reviewed and -

implemented in their areas,

-Revising procedures and instructions and implementing these rev.isions , and -

-Discussing the issues in the Operations group training sessions.

, , Standard Practice Page 7 SQA26 Rev. 4 6.0 DEFINITIONS

1. EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
2. INPO Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
3. I&E Inspection and Enforcement (part of NRC)
4. LER Licensee Event Report
5. NC0" Nuclear Central Office - Chattanooga
6. NER Nuclear Experience Review (same as OER)
7. NLS Nuclear Licensing Staff
8. NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission


9. OER Operating Experience Review (same as NER) 4 g
10. RES: Regulatory Engineering Section (site group) y
11. RESS Regulatory Engineering Support Section - Chattanooga
12. SOER Significant Operating Event Report
13. STA Shift Technical Advisor 7.0 OER STATUS REPORT An OER Status Report will be generated by the Regulatory Engineering Section on a q'uarterly basis. It will contain the followins .aformation

-for each quarter as well as year-to-date for the current calender year.

1. Number of 0ER items received.


Total number of OER' items which have been received but have not yet been sent to the appropriate section(s) to be evaluated.

3. Total number of OER items which are being evaluated by the appropriate section(s) and are not overdue.
4. Total number of OER items which are being evaluated by the appropriate plant section(s) and are overdue. ,


Total number of OER items closed.

A listing of those open OER items which are overdue and those which are i

significant will be included as attachments to the report. .

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Standard Practice Page 8 SQA26 Rev. 4 8.0 PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS REVIEW The purpose of the program effectiveness review is to ensure that the site Quality Assurance Staff monitors the effectiveness of the operating experience review program in attaining its desired objectives and suggests needed improvements to the program. Review may be conducted on an annual basis. Results of the review should be distributed to appropriate management.

The effectiveness review should not focus on the details of program administration and procedure adherance (other audits will do this),

but on the end results of the program.

9.0 DOCUMENTATION Attachment 1 (Screening Sheet) c' Used by the RES to track an individual OER item. This form is maintained for each OER item in the RES file.

Attachment 2 (OER Transmittal Receipt Memorandum)

Used to distribute OER material and in-house operating experience review events. Recipient signs and dates transmittal, and returns to RES, allowing RES to verify receipt of material. Attachment 2 is not used to transmit "Information Only" material.

Attachment 3 (OER Evaluation Form)

Completed by individuals assigned review responsibility. Returned to RES by required date. Reviewed by RES.

Attachment 4 (OER Action / Implementation Form)

Completed by individuals assigned OER and in-house OER review / recommendation responsibility. RES by required date. Reviewed by RES for necessary changes.

Attachment 5 (GER Information Only Transmittal Form)

Used to transmit OER "Information Only" material. No action required -

by this form.




a -'

Standard Practice Page 9 SQA26-Rev. 4

. Appendix A The following are suggested guidelines which may be used to receive,.

track, screen and evaluate operating experience reviews.

1. ' Screening (Program Coordinator) .

Step 1 Upon receiving an OER item, determine if the operating .

experience report is applicable and enter the results on the OER item. Reports involving equipment or situations not comparable to what exists at the plant will be categorized as not applicable.

Step 2 Determine if it requires immediate attention and enter this information on the OER item.

' Step 3 Identify on the OER item the plant groups that should receive "Information Only" copies of the OER and which plant groups are assigned review and dispositioning responsibilities.

2. Screening Follow-Up (OER Administrator)

Step 1 The OER Administrator shall update attachment ~1 to reflect results of the screening process and place attachment I and a copy of the OER item in the OER files.

Step 2 Update' the tracking system.

(1) Enter the results from the screening process.

(2)' Close out those reports that were classified as not applicable to the plant.

(3) Enter evaluation assignment information for reports

. classified as applicable to the plant.

Step 3 Ensure that reports identified in the screening process as requiring immediate attention are passed along so that the reports are processed on a timely basis.

. Step 4 Route "Information'0nly" copies of applicable operating experience reports to the plant groups identified on the screening sheet as having a need for the information.

-Step 5 Prepare applicable reports for errluation. ~

(1) Enter the evaluation assignment information on the ~

review sheet.

(2) Attach a copy of Attachment 2 (Transmittal. Sheet) to the package (report and all information developed during '

the screening process) to the evaluation form (Attachment 3) and forward to the assigned evaluator. -

" ~ Standard Practice 'Page 10 SQA26 Appendix A (Continued) Rev. 6 _

3. Evaluation (Assigned Evaluator)

The objective of the evaluation process is to determine the impli-cations an operating experience item might have for the plant and to -

propose corrective actions. The adequacy of plant procedures, design, and operating practices for minimizing the probability and consequences of the reported occurrence should be assessed.

In formulating the proposed corrective actions, the following areas should be considered: .

(1) Changes to operating, maintenance, test, and emergency response-procedures, (2) Changes to the emergency plan and its implementing procedures, (3) Changes to training, radiation protection, inspection, and administration control programs and procedures, and (4) Changes to. plant design.

If the operating experience report contains multiple recommendations, such as an INPO SOER, each recommendation should be addressed

separately and plant-specific corrective actions proposed for each recommendation, as appropriate. This does not preclude additional

' or alternate corrective actions not addressed in the operating experience report from being proposed for consideration.

Step 1 Sign and date the Attachment 2 and return to RES.

Step 2 Perform the evaluation and prepare the evaluation report using addittenal sheets as necessary. If more than 20 or 60 days are' required to complete this evaluation, request an extention as necessary from RES and note this extention on the Attachment 3. Any evaluation related to or affecting of 10 CFR 50.49 equipment, shall be coordinated with the EQ d#

d6 Coordinator prior to returning Attachment 3 to the program coordinator (RES).

Step 3 Complete the OER Evaluation Form, Attachment 3, and attach it to the evaluation report.

Step 4 Return the evaluation package to the program coordinator' by the date specified or request an extension from RES if needed.

pg 4. Evaluation Follow-Up (Program Coordinator) -

Step 1 Review the evaluation package and either concur by signing '

and dating the review sheet or return the package with comments to the evaluator for further review.



Standard Practice Page 11 SQA26 Appendix A (Continued) Rev. 6 -

gg 4. Evaluation Follow p '(Program Coordinator) (Cont.) ~

Step 2 Update.the tracking' system. -

(1) Close out those reports for which the evaluation disclosed no inadequacies or problems, and no correc-


tive actions were recommended.

(2) Enter assignment information for reports that have recommended corrective actions. (Track these correc-ti've actions to completion).

Step 3 Submit the corrective action (Attachment 4) to cognizant plant / group supervisors for action.

Step 4 Place a copy of the evaluation report in the program files.

Step 5 ' Transmit a copy of any completed Attachment 3 forms which .

SE . relates to 10CFR50.49 (Environmental Qualification) to the EQ Coordinator.

h 5., Corrective Action (Plant / Group Supervisors)

The cognizant plant / group supervisor (s) is responsible for completing corrective actions identified in the evaluation process and for keeping the program coordinator informed on the completion status.

Step 1 Upon receipt of an attachment 4, which includes the

  • recommended corrective actions, ensure that the corrective actions are assigned and scheduled for completion by the requested due date or request a due date extension from RES if required.

p Step 2 When~ corrective actions have been reported complete, verify

-jf their completion and adequacy. Completed corrective actions f related to or involving 10CFR50.49 equip'ent, m shall be coordinated with the EQ Coordinator prior to returning Attachment 4 to the program coordinator (RES).

Step 3 Complete the OER sheet, Attachment 4, and return the entire package to the program coordinator after all corrective ,

actions have been completed. Remarks should include a summary _

description of the corrective actions that were completed. .

Discuss any differences between the recommended corrective -

actions and what was actually completed, and indicate the completion date.

e W

Stan<?srd Practice Page 11a l

SQA26 l

  • Rev. 6 -


6. Corrective Action Follow-Up (Program Coordinator)  !

l Step 1 Review the completed corrective actions and resolve any questions with the supervisor responsible for the actions.

Step 2 Update the tracking system by closing out the report when all corrective actions have been completed.

Step 3 Place a copy of the completed review sheet and information package in the program files.

Step 4 Transmit a copy of any completed Attachment 4 forms which relates to 10CFR50.49 equipment to the EQ Coordinator.


4 9

6 m

4 e

O e


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  • * . Stradard Practice Page 12 SQA26' SCREENING SHEET Attachment 1


Item No. Date


Initial Screening ( ) Information Only

( ) Not Significant or Not Applicable

( ) Normal Operating Experience Review Item

( ) Significant Operating Experience Review Item Justification (If Required) 4 Screening Conducted by: -


Normal or Significant NER Review and Dispositioning Issue Due Returned. Information Only Issue (Attachment 3)


Date Date (Date) (Att. 5) Date Review of Corrective Action Issue Due Returned and Implementation (Att. 4) Date Date (Date) -

Recommended. Action Completed Date

  • ~

, , Standard Practice Page 13 SQA26 Attachment 2 Rev. 4 TO:

FROM: Supervisor, Regulatory Engineering Section .



TRANSMITTAL OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE REPORT Attached is your copy of the following document:

Tracking ID Document Title e

Please sign and date to acknowledge receipt. Return this transmittal sheet to the Regulatory Engineering Section within three (3) working days from your receipt date.

' Received by Date 4

.e 0


  • ' Standard ~ Practice Page 14 SQA26 Attachment 3 .


UPON COMPLETION FROM: Supervisor, Regulatory Engineering Section DATE:


OPERATING EXPERIENCE REVIEW Item No'. Priority: Significant Normal


Please review and evaluate the attached Operating Experience Review information.

-Check the appropriate disposition statement listed below supplying the necessary, information and return this transmittal form to Regulatory Engineering within si::ty (60) days of the transmittal date for normal experience items or twenty (20) days for significant experience items. This information has also b,een forwarded to other groups listed above. Coordinate your response with them as applicable.

Please coordinate any necessary due date extensions with RES prior to'the response becoming overdue.


Disposition Statements

1. I have reviewed the subject information and no action is necessary because:

() a. This item is already covered by instruction

() b. This information is not applicable to SNP because of a difference in design. Explain:

() c. Other (Explain) 4

2. I have reviewed the subject information and the following action is required.

A due date of should be placed in the OER database for completion of this action. '


-e X' ~

Standard Practice Page 14a SQA26 Attachment 3 Rev. 7

3. This OER item is 10CFR50.49 related: 'Yes No (If yes, the EQ Coordinator will initial showing that this response has been coordinated -

with him).

Reviewer Date Section Supervisor

$ Date Disposition statement. reviewed and concurred with:

Regulatory Engineering Date INFO ONLY TO:

.30TE: A copy of all . completed Attachment 3 forms which are 10CFR50.49 related shall be sent to the Site IQ Coordinator. e I

4 4

i e

m ..--,. - -., y - -, ,m ,

Standard Practica Page 15 SQA26 Attachment ' 4-Rev. 6 TO:

FROM: Supervisor, Regulatory Engineering Section .




This OER item is 10CFR50.49 Related Yes No gt (If yes, the EQ Coordinator will inital showing that the completed work scope has been coordinated with him).

Initials Attached is a copy of the recommended disposition of the subject material.

Review the recommendation for adequacy. Indicate if the c' recommendation is: ( ) Accepted; ( ) Modified and Accepted;

( ) Rejected. ,

If modified and accepted or rejected above, list the reason (s) for modification or rejection and return to the Regulatory Engineering Section.

If the recommended action is accepted, implement the recommended disposition. Please support a completion date of or notify Regulatory Engineering Section of an acceptable date.

Action Taken:

Recommended Action Review / Implementation completed:

Reviewer /Date Section Supervisor /Date RETURN TO REGULATORY ENGINEERING SECTION UPON COMPLETION REGULATORY ENGINEERING Recommended Action Review / Implementation concurred with:

Regulatory Engineer /Date If not concurred with, state below actions to be taken:


A copy of all completed Attachment 4 forms which are 10CFR50.49 related


shall be sent to the Site EQ Coordicator.

  • ~ ,

Standard Practice Page 16 SQA26


FROM: Regulatory Engineering Sec' tion DATE:



Item No.

The attached Operatir.g Experience Review Report is provided for your information. No action or response is required by your group. If during your review, you determine that additional action is necessary please advise the Regulatory Engineering Section.

This item has been forwarded to for action.

e' r


' {. I s. ,

n .., ,

Standard Practice Page 17 SQA26

, Rev. 4 EXHIBIT 1 s '

IE Bulletins, Notices , Circulars ,--9 Division '

OER Database Generic Letters

of -

Initial Update' In-House CARS ) Nuclear In-House LERs/PR0s- ) Services

.I' INPO SOERs 1 (

I NCO Generic Review

~ ~~

Vendor Letters '7 - "- ~ ~ '

_ s' Sequoyah Nuclear Plant-c4 Site Director ..

, W?'

OER items which are received from INPO I-' Nuclear Network, i.e.,

'I SERs,.SQs, O&MRs, sf and others -e I' .

RES receives,. screens

u. and files OER item and updates OER database '

h Assigned Plant Section


-- conducts evaluation

.. on OER item and -

J .t '

returns it to RES ME.ilse v r


.d. .;

c fi$df(t; ~~ RES reviews and files ~

T r5G:- attachment 3 ~and sends


'}y$7SIh out attachment' 4 to approp'r iate E.,

section for action / implementation.

" RES updates OER mainframe database '

}' sr L?.{s , ;2 4

';;ej Appropriate plant sections /

' -~ k

  • "' ' organizations implement actions --


and, when completed, return -


attachment 4 to RES -

. ~_ v 3

RES updates OER files and OER database after review 4 of attachment 4 for adequacy -

and ccmpletion and closes out OER item j

r -mpr > - - , -n -

-,-.w e mr-w-m,w ,r-m- ~ - ---

Standard Practice Page 18 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 IN-HOUSE OPERATING EXPERIENCE REVIEW 1.0 PURPOSE This supplement to SQA26 provides a method for coordinating and disseminating in-house operating experience review information at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.

2.0 SCOPE The objectives of this procedure are to:

A. Ensure that lessons learned from Sequoyah Nuclear Plant's own operating experience reviews are translated into corrective action to improve plant safety and reliability.

B. Use Nuclear NETWORK to transfer in-house experience of generic interest to the rest of the nuclear industry as well as other TVA Nuclear plants.




A. NRC NUREG -0737 " Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements" Item I.C.S.

B. Area Plan 0601.01, Rev 4.

C. SQA135, " Commitment Tracking" D. INPO Good Practice TS-406 " Plant Program for In-House Operating Experience Review".

. E. NRC Generic Letter 82-04 " Acceptance of the SEE-IN Program" F. SQA84, " Reportable Occurrences" G. SQM58, " Maintenance History Records" 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 In-House Events In-house events are defined as off-normal occurrences that are documented by the plant for subsequent screening, evaluation, or offsite reporting.

4.2 Significant Event Evaluation and Information Network (SEE-IN)

SEE-IN is managed by INPO for the purpose of screening nuclear plant events occurring worldwide and disseminating information to the ~

industry on those events considered to be significant to safety *


and reliability.

4.3 Nuclear NETWORK Nuclear NETWORK is a computerized communications network used to

  • disseminate operating experience and other information to the industry. -

, , Standard Practice Page 19 '

SQA26 Rev. 4 Supplement A 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES .

5.1 Plant Manager The plant manager has re'sponsibility for ensuring the effective feeding of information into the in-house operating experience review program. This responsibility includes the following:

(1) Ensuring that all in-house events are reported to the Regulatory Engineering Section program coordinator, (2) Ensuring that a process is in place to capture data for use in performing event evaluations, (3) Coordinating with corporate management and plant review committees on the review and approval of recommended corrective actions,-and (4) Ensuring that approved corrective actions are implemented bf

.the cognizant department supervisors.

5.2 Program Coordinator - Regulatory Engineering

  • The operating experience review program coordinator has responsibility for the overall coordination and administration of the program.

Specific responsibilities include the following:

(1) Coordinating program requirements with plant department supervisors and other affected groups, (2) Providing pertinent in-house operating experience information to affected departments for review and training of. staffs,'

(3) Utilizing the screening process to identify significant in-house events that require further evaluation, (4) Assigning priority to event reports selected for evaluation, (5) Ensuring that evaluation results receive a multidisciplinary review independent of plant management, (6) Providing significant in-house event reports to INPO for use .

in the SEE-IN program, (7) Identifying significant in-house event reports of generic interest for entry i.nto Nuclear NETWORK and distribution at other TVA Nuclear plants, (8) Maintaining a status tracking system on events undergoing evaluation and corrective action, and (9) Providing periodic reports to plant and corporate management on the status of the event review process.

Standard Practice' Page 20 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4


5.0' ' RESPONSIBILITIES (Continued) 5.3 Section Heads The section head'of the group that detected or caused an event has the responsibility to prepare the in-house event report. The section head may, by agreement with another section head, transfer

'this responsibility.- (For example, Operations found the leaking valve, but Maintenance prepares . the report).

5.4 ' Department Supervisors -

In-house event review responsibilities of department supervisors include the following:

(1)1 Conducting evaluations on assigned events, (2) ' Implementing approved corrective actions, and (3) . Distributing in-house event information to cognizant r'

f' ,

department personnel while minimizing conflicting or extraneous information, 5.5. Compliance ~

.ThelCompliance Section is responsible for feeding information in the form of Licensee Event Reports (LERs) and Potential Reportable Occurrences (PR0s) into the program by submitting those repetitive

.- or generic PR0s and LERs to the RES program coordinator.

5.6 Maintenance Section Nuclear Plant Reliabilit; J3ta J ems t (NPRDS) items are tracked by the Maintenance Section in accordance with SQM58. NPRDS are those maintenance' requests (MRs) which involve' equipment as defined-in the NPRDS Reportable System and Components Scope-Manual.

6.0 INSTRUCTIONS The following sections describe.the in-house review procesg and the attached flowchart, Exhibit 3 shows the actual progress of the report.

.6.1 .In-House Event Report (Section Head) .

An in-house event report Supplement A, Attachment 1, will be prepared ]

to document pertinent information about an event at the time of its occurrence. The report will be used as a basis,for further review and reporting of the event. An SQA-84 " Potential Reportable Occurrence" (PRO) may be used in lieu of Supplement A, Attachment 1.

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  • ' ' Standard Practice Page 21 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 6.0 INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) 6.1 In-House Event Report (Section Head) (Continued)~ ,

The types of events on which reports should be written are listed below. This list may not be all inclusive, and if doubt exists, the general rule is to document the event.

(1) Events where equipment or systems were subjected to conditions in excess of operating or design limitations. The report should include the appropriate plant parameters, their operating and/or design limits and the amount each was exceeded.

(2) Events where unusual values of monitored plant parameters are noted.

(3) Events where unusual trends are noted in the course of monitoring plant operating conditions.

e Note: For 2 and 3 above, these events should be reported.even though operating or design limits have not been exceeded.

- (4) Emergency shutdowns, automatic or manual, of the plant or associated systems.

(5) Operational errors that damaged or had a high probability of damaging equipment or systems. This category. covers all opera-tional events including maintenance, testing, calibration, etc.

(6) Malfunctions of components, piping systems or electrical sys-tems, other than routine adjustments or maintenance resulting from normal wear. . Examples of malfunctions to be -reported are:

(a) Failure of a component part which would indicate a possible design deficiency.

(b) Malfunction of a component or system that did or could (if it got worse) cause a plant shutdown.

.(c) Malfunctions that require component replacement.

(d) Halfunctions caused by improper maintenance.

(e) Excessive frequency of minor repairs, or repeated failures. 1 (7) Each failure or malfunction of a safety related system or component including test deficiencies.


  • '. , Standard Practice Page 22 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4
6.0 ' INSTRUCTIONS (Continued).

6.1 In-House Event Report (Section Head) (Continued)


- (8) -If a plant electronic component fails and any of the following

. considerations apply:

(a) A design deficiency is involved, (b) Personnel error is a factor, (c) A procedural deficiency is a factor,

_(d) 14 protective function is lost .or a reactor shutdown did or could have occurred during plant operation, or

'(e) Unusual difficulty occurred during repair or replacement.

'(9) Failure of the . physical security system to perform or function as required by the Physical Security Plan. #

(10) Personnel injury leading to a medical examination.

-(11) For the following radiological events:

(a) Radiation exp6sures in' excess of administrative limits.

(b)~ Radioactive spills.

(c) Skin contamination.

(d) Lost radioactive material. l (e) Radioactive releases that are in some manner abnormal, even if within specification.

(f). Any deficiency associated with the packaging and/or trans-portation of radioactive material.

(g) Whole-body scan results that indicate significant internal radioactivity, even if within limits.

(12) For chemistry events, note in particular items 2, 3, 5, and '

6 above. ~

- Reports of events involving personnel error should indicat'e the .

specific corrective action.taken or to be-taken with regard to the training and qualification of the individuals at fault. Individuals should be referred to by coded titles, not by name (e.g.,

Technician A, Operator B, etc.). ,

- Reports of events involving organizations other than site personnel, ~

such as subcontractors, should identify the activity and the outside organization's involvement.

- ~' -

-- '

  • Standard Practice Page 23 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 6.0~ INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) 6.1 In-House Event Report (Section Heat) (Continued)

The discussion of co~rrective action taken or planned should provide sufficient information to permit an evaluation of its adequacy. For example, it is not sufficient to state that the procedure was changed. The scope of the changes should be identified.

Step 1 Conduct an' initial investigation of the event to determine what happened, apparent causes, and immediate corrective

, actions.

Step 2 Prepare an in-house-event report (Supplement A, Attachment 1)

! or a Potential Reportable Occurrence (PRO). Contact RES-for a report number for Supplement A, Attachment 1.

Step _3 Forward a copy of the report to the Operating Experience. #

Review Program Coordinator and- others as required. Fo rwa rd -

the PRO as required in SQA-84, Compliance shall perform trends on PR0s and Licensee Event Reports (LERs) and

. forward that information to the Program Coordinator to enter into'the in-house event reporting system.

6.2 Screening (Program Coordinator)

The objective of the screening process is to identify in-house events that are significant with respect to plant safety and reliability.

This ;s erves to highlight these more important events for purposes of further evaluation and reporting.

The Screening Guide provided in Exhibit 2 will be used to. select those in-house events-that are most likely to be significant. Three categories of criteria are shown in the screening guide:

Significant, Conditionally Significant, and Normal. Those events falling into the first category normally will be classified significant unless, in the screener's judgement, special considera-


tions or circumstances make the event not significant.

Events falling into the 'second ' category will require further assessment by the. screener to determine significance, as indicated by the subheadings under each criteria. Events placed in this ~

second category will eventually be recategorized significant or ,

normal, depending on the results of the screener's assessment. .

Events in the third categor.y are typically. normal unless there are special circumstances.

If an-in-house event is categorized significant, the next considera- ~

tion is whether the event applies to other nuclear power plants, i.e., if it is generic. ,

~ . . - _ _ - - -- .. .

Standard Practice - Page 24 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4

- 6.0 INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)'

6.2 Screening (Program Coordinator) (Continued)

Step 1 Determine if the in-house event should be categorized significant or normal.

Step 2 Enter the screening results and their basis on the In-House Event Review Sheet, (Supplement A, Attachment 2).

Step 3 For significant events, indicate on the review sheet whether the event is considered generic or not and the basis for this opinion.

Step 4 For normal events, indicate on the review sheet if further evaluation is considered necessary.

Step 5 Sign and date the review sheet (Supplement A, Attachment.2).


6.3 Screening Follow-up (Program Coordinator /0ER Administrator)

Step 1 Review the screening package. Fill out an attachment I and ,

file the inhouse event report and attachment 1 (screening-sheet) in the OER files.

i Step 2 Update the OER tracking system.


(1) Enter the OER item into the OER' database along with the results from the screening process.

(2) Close out normal events that require no further review.

(Reports on normal events that are' considered to need additional review should be returned to the cognizant department supervisor for resolution).

(3) Enter assignment information for the further cvaluation -

of significant events.

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Standard Practice Pags 25  :

< SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 6.0 INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)

E 6.3 Screening Follow-up (Pro' gram Coordinator /0ER Administrator) (Continued)

Step 3 Provide a copy of significant in-house event reports to INPO.

Step 4 Decide which of the significant events designated as generic should be reported via. Nuclear NETWORK, obtain the necessary management approvals and enter the event description into Nuclear NETWORK.

' Step 5 Prepare appropriate in-house event reports for evaluation.

(1) Enter the evaluation assignment information on the In-House Event Review Sheet, (Supplement A, Attachment 2).

(2) Assess the priority- for evaluation based on the relative significance of the event and assign the expected com '

, pletion date~in accordance with this priority.

(3) Attach the package (event report and.all information developed during the screening process) to forward to

'the assigned evaluator (s).

6.4 Evaluation (Assigned Evaluator)

The primary objective of the evaluation process is to ensure that significant in-house events and their causes are thoroughly under-stood and that effective corrective actions are recommended.

All in-house event reports that are categorized significant in the screening process will be reviewed by an assigned evaluator to deter-mine if the report has adequately described the event and addressed all the~ concerns raised by the event.

The assigned evaluator will conduct investigations, interviews, and research as necessary for a thorough evaluation. If the evaluator is confronted with areas beyond his technical knowledge or experience, he should' contact individuals or organizations having the required info rmation.

The event also should be reviewed in the context of previous related ~

events that have occurred at the plant. Recurrence rate and trend ',

patterns should be examined for the purpose of identifying declining performance and uncovering. clues to the root causes of the failures.

The adequacy of past corrective actions on recurring problems also should be evaluated.

The final in-house event report will receive a second, multidisci-plinary review by cognizant individuals or an established review -

group independent 'of the plant management. This is to help ensure that important aspects of'the event are not overlooked.

Standard Practice Page 26 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4

- 6.0 INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) i

' 6. 4 ~ Evaluation (Assigned Evaluator) (Continued) ,

d-Step 1 Perform the evaluation and finalize or supplement the in-house event report as required.

Step 2~ Complete the In-House Event Review Sheet (Supplement A, e

Attachment 2) and attach it to the event report.

Step 3 Return the event report, In-House Event Review Sheet, and evaluation, to the program coordinator.

6.5 Evaluation Follow-Up (Program Coordinator /0ER Administrator)

Step 1 Review the In-House Event Report-(Supplement A, Attachment

1) and either concur by signing and dating the review


sheet (Supplement A, Attachment 2) or return the package:

with comments for further review. <'

Step 2 Route copies of the event report to the review group or selected individuals who will provide the second, multi-Edisciplinary review. Resolve any comments coming from this review.

i Step 3 Update the tracking system.


. , (1) Close-out those events where the evaluation disclosed no inadequacies or problems, and no corrective actions were recommended.

(2) Enter assignment information for event reports that

. have recommended corrective actions. (Track these corrective actions to completion).

Step 4 Submit in-house avent reports containing recommended correc-tive actions to the plant manager (or to other designated i

individuals or a technical review committee as specified by plant ~ procedures) for review and approval of the corrective L actions. The plant manager or designated representative will sign Supplement A, Attachment 2 to indicate approval ~ and ,

return the entire package to the Regulatory Engineering

]- Program Coordinator. ~

Step 5 Place a copy of the final in-house event report,in the. ~

program files.


- Step 6. Provide information copies of the event reports to opera-


i tions, maintenance, training, and other plant groups that '

.should be aware of this in-house operating experience and update attachment I to reflect this distribution. Sections -

which have corrective actions will receive a copy of the -

In-House Event Report utilizing an attachment 4.

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Stendard Practice Paga 27 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 6.0 INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) 6.6 Corrective Action (Department Supervisors)

The cognizant plant department supervisor (s) is responsible for completing corrective actions identified in the evaluation process and for keeping the program coordinator informed of the completion status.

Step 1 Upon receipt of an in-house event report with approved corrective actions, ensure that the corrective actions are assigned and scheduled for completion.

Step 2 When corrective actions have been reported complete, verify their completion and adequacy.

Step 3 Complete the In-House Event Review Sheet (Supplement A, Attachment 2) and the attachment 4, and return the entire package to the program coordinator. Remarks should include a summary description of the corrective actions _that we$e completed, discuss any differences between the recommended corrective actions and what was actually completed, and indicate the completion date.

6.7 ' Corrective Action Follow-Up (Program Coordinator)

Step 1 Review the completed corrective actions and resolve any questions with the department supervisor responsible for the actions.

Step 2 Update the tracking. system by closing out the event when all corrective actions have been completed.

Step 3 Place a copy of the completed review sheet and all related information in the program files.

7.0 PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS REVIEW (Site Quality Assurance Staff)

The purpose of the program effectiveness review is to ensure the site QA staff periodically monitors:the success of the operating experience program in attaining its desired objectives and suggests needed improvements to the program. (Review may be conducted on an annual basis.

Results of the review should be distributed to the Site

  • Director, Plant Manager, and Site Services Manager). _

.The effectiveness review should not focus on the details of program administration and procedure adherence but on the end results of the p rogram.


Stradard Practice Page 28 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 8.0 ' DOCUMENTATION Attachment 'I (In-House Event Reports) is to be completed by the supervisor of the group that detected or caused the event. An

! explanation of the format can be found in Exhibit 1.

' Attachment 2 (In-House Event Review Sheet) is used by RES to track an in-house OER. The completed form with all signatures will be retained in the RES files.

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Standard Practice Page 29 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 EKKIBIT 1 IN-HOUSE EVENT REPORT FORMAT For Attachment 1 1.

Report Number: Number the reports sequentially for a given year, e.g.,

.#85-001. Supplemental reports shall- use a letter suffix to the original report number.

2. Report Status:

Indicate if the report is considered preliminary or final.

3. Event Date: Record the date the event occurred.
4. Event Summary: Identify the event by a short paragraph that indicates the type of occurrence and the system, component, or specific item affected.
5. Initial Conditions: Describe the plant status just prior to the event, including major plant parameters. Identify 'off-normal status of any safety systems or other major systems. ,,


6. Method of Discovery: Describe how the event was initially indicated or discovered.
7. Event


Provide a chronological sequence of events of what was actually observed. This sequence of events should be based, as much as .

possible, on hard data such as instrument charts and computer logs. Any conjectures should be identified as such. Identify any failed or otherwise involved equipment by component number. The following aspects of the event .should be addressed, as appropriate:

o safety systems actuation and performance o control systems actions o operator actions o radiological response o transient data for pertinent plant parameters

8. Apparent Cause: Describe the principal cause of the event, along with any contributing causes.
9. Corrective Action: Describe any temporary or permanent corrective actions taken or recommended as a result of the event.
10. Other Considerations: Describe any other special considerations that ~

relate to the event, such as the following: ,

o unexpected or unexplained aspects of transient behavior o inadequate performance of systems or components o procedural deficiencies o operator errors .

o past similar events (by report number) _


. Standard Practice Page 30 SQA26 Supplement A


Rev. 4 EKHIBIT 1 (Continued)


.11. Emergency Response: Describe any emergency response actions taken as a result of the event.



List any pertinent -references related to the event.

13. Attachments: Provide the following attachments-as necessary to support this report:

o pertinent copies of instrument charts, computer logs, and operator logs o

personal accounts of the occurrence obtained from operator debriefs o references to plant or outside documents

14. Report Author and Date: Sign and date report.
15. Review and Acoroval: List all reviews ==d approvals by job title, #


16. Distribution: Indicate appropriate distribution by jo'b title. Distribution will be handled by utilizing Attachments 1 thru 5 of the main portion of this procedure'.

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. . ' t

,. Standard-Practice-

. Page 31' SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 EKHIBIT 2 SIGNIFICANT S1 - Two or more failures occur in redundant systems during same even't.

. S2 - Two or more failures due to a common cause occur during the same


' S3 Three.or more . failures occur during the same event.

~S4 - Component failures occur that easily would have escapel detection by testing or examination.

S5 - An event proceeds in a way significantly different from what would be expected.

S6 . An event or operating condition occurs that .'s not the '

plant design bases.

S7 - An event occurs that could have been a greater threat to plant safety with'different plant conditions, the advent of another credible occur-rence, or a different progression of occurrences.

S8 - Administrative, procedural o'r operational errors are committed that

- resulted from a fundamental misunderstanding of plant performance or safety requirements.

e O

  • Standard Practice Page 32 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 EXHIBIT 2 (Continued)

CONDITIONALLY SIGNIFICANT C1 - A single failure occurs in a non-redundant system.

o Does the failure violate primary, secondary, or containment pressure boundary?

o Does the failure lead to a major plant transient (e.g. , over-cooling, loss of heat sink, LOCA, etc.)?

C2 - A single failure occurs in a redundant system.

o Does the failure have a potential for being common cause or mode?

o Does the failure have a potential for leading to the occurrence of another failure?

o Is there only one level of redundancy?


-'A problem results' in an offsite radiation release or personnel exposure.

o Is the amount of radiation unusually high?

o Did the release or exposure occur under unusual circumstances?

C4 - A design or manufacturing deficiency it identified as the cause of a failure or potential failure.

o Is the deficiency an obvious, describable hardware defect?

C5 - A problem results in a long outage or major equipment damage.

o Did the problem cause a unit outage of 10 days or longer?

o Did the problem require replacement or extensive repairs to major equipment (e.g. , steam generator, turbine, reactor coolant pump, etc.)?

C6 - An ESF actuation occurs during an event.

o Did the actuation involve any unusual circumstances?

C7 - A particular occurrence is recognized as having a significant re- ,'

currence rate.

o Is the recurrence rate higher than would be expected?

o Is the recurrence rate increasing?

C8 - Any plant fire or major loss of fire protection capability. .

  • Standard Practice Page 33 SQA26 Supplement A Rev. 4 EXHIBIT 2 (Continued)

NORMAL N1 - A single failure occurs in a redundant system without potential for common cause or mode.

N2 - Non-critical degradations of boundaries occur (packing leaks, seal

-leaks, tube leaks, etc.).

N3 - Personnel errors and procedural def'iciencies are committed that do not result from a fundamental misunderstanding.

N4 - Isolated seismic deficiencies (pipe hangers, snubbers, etc.).

NS - Components operate. out of specifications (set point drift, out of tolerance, minor performance degradations , etc.) . -

N6 Non-radiological environmental events occur. ~

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, Stradard Practice Page 34 SQA26 Rev. 4 IN-HOUSE OPERATING EXPERIENCE REVIEW FLOWCHART EXHIBIT 3 Responsible Supervisor: Program Coordinator: Plant Supv.:

1. Prepares Supplement A 1. Reviews Supplement 1. Assign corrective Attachment 1 A, Att. 2 action respon-
2. Sends to RES Program 2. Route copy to 2nd sibility Coordinator evaluator 2. Verify completion
3. Update tracking of corrective program action S/
3. Sign and date Program Coordinator:

Supplement A,

1. Enters event into 's' Attachment 2 tracking system 2nd Evaluator: 4. Return package
2. Prepares Supplement A 1. Review package to Program

, Attachment 2 2. Sign, date Coordinator

3. Sends package to Supplement A, Att.

I assigned screener 2 and return to Program Coordinator \',

  • Program Coordinator:


~\/ 1. Resolve any

Screener: ~


1. Categorizes event Program Coordinator: 2. Update tracking
2. Indicates if further 1. Close out item if system review needed no action necessary 3. File completed
3. Signs and dates 2. Submit in-house package Supplement A, Att. 2 reports requiring
4. Returns to Program corrective action Coordinator to Plant Manager or designated j representative Program Coordinator:
1. Updates tracking

system Plant Manager:

2. Sends INPO copy of 1. Review and approve significant event recommended
3. Enters event into corrective action Nuclear Network if 2. Sign and date applicable Supplement A, Att.
4. Assembles package 2 and sends to 3. Return package to assigned evaluator Program '

Coordinator .

\/ s/

Evaluator: Program Coordinator:

1. Evaluates event 1. Place copy of
2. Completes Supplement package in file A, Att. 2 2. Send original
3. Returns package to package to supv. -

Program Coordinator responsible for corrective action

_. _ = . _ - . _ . . _.

' Standard Practico- Page 35 i SQA26 Supplement A Attachment 1 Page 1 of 2 Attachment 1 Rev. 4 IN-HOUSE EVENT. REPORT Report No. Event Date Report Date Report Status: Final Preliminary Supplemental Event Summary:

Initial Conditions:


Method of Discovery:



Apparent Cause:

Corrective Action:

Other Considerations:

Emergency Response: ~



k l .-


  • Standard Practica Page 36 SQA26 Supplement A Page 2 of 2 I Rev. 4 Attachment 1 (Continued)

'IN-HOUSE EVENT REPORT (Continued) i I .


. Attachments (list)

I l

1 l

l l-i Reported By: Section Date l- (Report Autnor) <'

l Review and Approval of In-House Event Report Signature Title Date l

l l


! Distribution 4

e t

j .

1 i

L _ _

  • ** Standard Practice Page 37 l SQA26 Supplement A
- Attachment 2

-Page 1 of 2 i IN-HOUSE EVENT REVIEW SHEET Rev. 4 Tracking Number:

Event Date: .

Title /


l-l Report Prepared By: Group: Date:

Final Preliminary Supplement Revision Significant: No Generic:


No Normal: No Yes Yes Yes If Significant No is checked, is further evaluation required? No Yes -


!. Screening Basis:

t l Screened By: Date: -

, Reg. Engg. Concurrence:

l Date:

Reported Via Nuclear NETWORK: No i

Yes Date:

l * * * *

  • Evaluation Assigned to: Due Date:

t Evaluation Performed By: Date:

i Evaluation Results Attached: No Yes heg. Engg. Concurrence:


Independent Review Performed By: Date:

i l

l Corrective Actions Recommended: No Yes


l Recommended Corrective Action:

m t


- * *

  • Standard Practice Page 38 Supplement A SQA26 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 2 IN-HOUSE EVENT REVIEW SHEET (Continued) Rev. 4 Corrective' Actions Approved By:







Corrective Actions Completed: Dept.

(Responsible Department Date:


Dept. ,Date:


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