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Rev 6 to CPC Pnp Process Control Program
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/1996
Shared Package
ML18067A449 List:
PROC-960215, NUDOCS 9704010384
Download: ML20137G358 (24)


ATTACHMENT 6 Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM r

l i

i i

i 23 Pages l l


9704010304 970327"" l PDR ADOCK 05000255 R ,

PDR.;  ;

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( Rev 6 I.

l .

Consumers Power Company j Palisades Nuclear Plant PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) l l

Approved r .

Radiolog' al Ser)rfces Mgr Cate/

! , L~n g 9 Q l Technical Rgiew Jate 96-0.5/O 2-/f-K Plant Review Comittee Date l

l Periodic Review Date O__- <= -

A/i/[94 4rPlant General Manager Date a

l I

s a

l l

1 s .

Table of Contents 1.0 Asphalt Volume Reduction System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Variables influencing Solidification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 ' Asphalt Type ...................................2 1.3 Waste Chemical Species ...........................2 1.4 Waste-to-Asphalt Ratio ............................4 1.5 Process Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.6 Solidification and Free Water Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I 2.0 Dewatering Solids in High Integrity Containers (HIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.0 10 CFR 61 Requirements ...............................6  ;

4.0 Radwaste System ....................................6  !

5.0 Technical Specification Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 j Appendix A - Asphalt Technical Data Surnmary l

Appendix B - System Diagrams

  • Appendix C - Relocated Technical Specifications i

i l


1 PALISADES PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) 1.0 ASPHALT VOLUME REDUCTION SYSTEM The Palisades Plant utilizes a Waste Chem volume reduction and i

solidification system (VRS) to process various radioactive liquid waste I streams.  !

The process utilizes thermal energy (heat) to evaporate water from the j radioactive waste, thus reducing waste volume to anhydrous waste  ;

residue. j The end product is a monolithic, freestanding solid with no free liquid. l Fifty-five gallon drums are used to contain the encapsulated waste for temporary storage, transport, and burial.

The asphalt volume reduction system is detailed in Appendix B. I B-1 shows inplace shielding and equipment locations, and B-2 is a flow system diagram for resins and concentrates. i To maintain operator exposure ALARA, the entire processing area is i enclosed within 1-2 foot thick concrete walls with access through lead doors. The system process is directed from a remote control room equipped with TV cameras, radiation level readouts, and drum level indicators. Each drum is filled, indexed, and capped remotely. Drums are removed by use of a shielded forktruck and are stored in a shielded area of the East Radwaste Building until shipped offsite. After each tank is  ;

processed, the system is flushed with asphalt to reduce buildup and allow  !

preventive maintenance or system repair with minimum exposure.  !

i 1.1 VARIABLES INFLUENCING SOLIDIFICATION l The purpose of this section is to identify and define those process variables which have a direct effect on the ability of the final product to form a freestanding monolith with no free liquid.  !

The following variables influence the properties and consistency of the final product:

a. Asphalt type
b. Waste chemical species used as feed
c. Ratio of waste-to-asphalt >
d. Process temperature
e. pH Rev 6 1 2/16/96



Asphalt utilized in the system shall conform to ASTM-D-312-71, Type Ill. 1 This is an oxidized petroleum-based asphalt, such as Witco Chemical Company's Pioneer 221. The specifications for this asphalt are provided in Appendix A.

This grade of asphalt has a low residual vr.latile content and a high molecular weight. At room temperati 3, and at all normal ambient I temperature conditions, this material is a freestanding, monolithic, solid. l Utilization of an asphalt complying with ASTM-D-312-71, Type lil, is the i means by which process control of this variable is achieved.

1.3 WASTE CHEMICAL SPECIES The type and relative quantity (waste-to-asphalt ratio) of waste chemicals being incorporated into the asphalt matrix has a direct influence on the properties of the final product. Encapsulation of inorganic salts and solids typically " stiffen" and harden the end product, whereas organic liquids i have the opposite tendency. When the specified ratio of waste-to-asphalt I is maintained, final product properties for typical power plant wastes are independent of the waste type.

However, certain chemical specifications are required as an outer boands to limit end product tendencies to soften at lower temperatures.

A maximum limit of 1% oil by weight will be applied to the waste feed streams. Most oils found in power plants are low viscosity fluids, whi.:h are liquid at room temperature. Based on calculations for a typical waste stream with 20% solids by weight and 1 % oil by weight, Waste Chem has found the total concentration of oil in the end product would be approximately 2.5%. This would then lower the end product softening point by approximately 5"F lower per percent of oil. This is within an a acceptable range and, therefore, is the basis for the limit of 1 % oil in the feed stream, pH should be above 7 for equipment corrosion protection.

Preferred operating range is 8.5-10.5 to maintain lodine in solution rather than off gassing.

Other chemical specifications on feed streams are specified below. These are required primarily for calculating waste-to-asphalt ratio which is important to end product, and equipment protection (which will have no discernable effect on the end product).

REQUIRED ANALYSIS Concentrates Resin /Powdex pH 5'squip limit) pH (equip limit)

% solids  % slurry Sp Gravity Oil %

Rev 6 2 2/16/96

l; 1.4 WASTE-TO-ASPHALT RATIO The ratio of waste-to-asphalt contained in the end product has the most significant effect on the viscosity and physical consistency of the i product. Process controlis achieved by placing limitations on the range of waste-to-asphalt ratios allowable for each waste type.

L Waste-to-asphalt ratios (mass) and evaporative rates should not exceed i the verification test values specified for the waste feeds as follows: j Ratio of Waste to Asphalt Feed in the End Product l

1. Boric Acid Concentrates at 120 L/hr Evaporative Rate l i 1.0/1.0
2. Spent Resins at 80 L/hr Evaporative Rate 1 0.67/1.0 t
3. Powdex at 80 L/hr Evaporative Rate 1 0.67/1.0 i

Should the ratio of waste-to-asphalt be increased above the range specified in the foregoing table, the end product viscosity will increase i and may exhibit a grainy texture. This could lead to " pyramiding" in the l l

steam domes. In all cases, the product will cool to form a freestanding mono!ith. If lower than specified waste loadings are realized, the end product properties will approach that of pure asphalt. Again, solidification i is assured; however, toward this end of the spectrum, economical volume reduction may not be realized.  !

Maximum concentrate feed rate can be determined by the following  ;


l Conc Feed Rate =

0. m M '

(1.0 - Solids Fraction)(Sp Gravity)

NOTE: 0.528 gpm = 120 L/hr evaporative rate.

The corresponding asphalt feed is calculated by:

l a

Asphalt Feed (GPM) = (Conc Feed Rate GPM)(Solids Fraction)(Sp Gravity)  !

(Waste-to-Asphalt Ratio) I where the Ocommended waste-to-asphalt ratio is 1.0.

I 4

a Rev 6 3 2/16/96 l .

NOTE 1: Th3 d:nsity of Typ3111 csphilt is 1.0, to a d:nsity correction

is not needed.

NOTE 2: The minimum asphalt flow is 0.065 gpm because of lubrication requirements of the twin screws.

NOTE 3: If either the concentrate or asphalt flows cannot be met, the calculated flows can be ratioed to new values to maintain the 1.0/1.0 waste-to-asphalt ratio as long as the maximum concentrate flow or the minimum asphalt flows are not exceeded.

4 Maximum bead resin or Powdex can be determined by the following formula:

0.35 GPM Resin Feed =

(1.0 - Solid Fraction)

NOTE 1: Solid fraction = slurry fraction + 2. Example is a 50% slurry = 25 weight %. l i NOTE 2: 0.35 gpm = 80 L/hr evaporative rate.

The corresponding asphalt feed is calculated by:

Asphalt Feed (GPM) = (Resin Feed)(SolidFraction) 7 (Waste-to-Asphalt Ratio)

Where the recommended waste-to-asphalt ratio is 0.67, the notes on the proceeding asphalt calculation apply.

The operator can also visually confirm that the quality of the end product is approximately being maintained. A CCTV camera " views" the discharge from the extruder-evaporator, and a TC monitor located in the l Solid Radwaste Building Control Room allows the operator to observe the physical consistency of the product as it is discharged into the container.

At evaporative rates higher than specified, there will be excessive i steaming at discharge nozzle. At higher waste-to-enhalt loading, the i discharge will appear grainy and stringy. I i

4 l

Rev 6 4 2/16/96


A proper temperature profile along the length of the extruder-evaporator is required to provide adequate evaporative (process) capacity, and to assure that free water is not discharged from the machine.  ;

1 i

Process temperature profiles for waste feeds should be maintained as  !

recommended below- I l

Waste Tvoe Process Temoerature (*c)

Zones: 1 _2_ _3_ 4 _51H 7 i

Boric Acid Concentrates WS Concentrates 380* 280* 280* 300* 300* * '

Chemical / Laundry Waste W

Spent Resins /Powdex ** **

300* ** **

  • NOTE: No zone shall be maintained below 240*
  • Cooling Zone - no specified temperature
  • Steam supply control valves are fully oper.

j Low temperature alarms are provided to alert the operator to a low temperature out-of-specification condition which could potentially lead to the discharge of free water, if the out-of-specification conditions persist for two (2) minutes, the extruder-evaporator is automatically tripped to prevent free water from being discharged into the container. Free water a

cannot be discharged 'n the interim, since the residual heat of the

, extruder-evaporator itself is sufficient to effect evaporation.

i 1.6 SOLIDIFICATION AND FREE WATER DETERMINATION Verification of the absence of free water and product solidification will be made on every drum produced. Container shall be examined through a i

removable lid bung or equivalent means for solidification by checking penetration with a solid tool and inverted for a minimum of eight hours to

, check for free water. Evidence of free water other than a few drops of condensation shall be cause for rejection and evaluation of system  !

product per PCP, Appendix C criteria. There shall be an Independent Verification documented for each drum by a qualified individual  !

designated by the RMS Supervisor.

1 I

Rev 6 5 2/16/96 1

2.0 DEWATERING SOLIDS IN HIGH INTEGRITY CONTAINERS (HIC) 2.1 Solids such as bead resin, filter cartridges, and powdered resin (Powdex) may be dewatered and shipped in HICs per approved vendor procedures and the HIC certificate of compliance.

2.2 High integrity containers are approved by the individual burial ground agreement states as meeting 10CFR61 waste form stability requirements.

2.3 Free water determination shall be verified by the successful completion ,

and documentation of the vendor's approved dewatering procedure.

3.0 10 CFR 61 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 10 CFR 61 classification requirements will be met using the shipping >

computer software program using the scaling factor methodology of AIF/NESP-027, " Methodologies for Classification of Low-Level Radioactive Waste From Nuclear Power Plants," 1983. i The scaling factors will be updated by an ongoing analysis program of actual waste streams. The program will initiate with semiannual samples of available waste streams and may be modified to longer intervals if the data base warrants. Waste streams should include, if available; bead resin, concentrates, reactor coolant, clean waste, filter crud, and compacted trash.

3.2 10 CFR 61 waste form stability requirements will be met by genenc I testing of the asphalt / waste stream product. The generic waste streams will be boric acid, bead resin, and chemical regenerative wastes.

l 3.3 Documentation of the waste stream analysis, waste form stability, and '

computer software scaling factor security shall be maintained by the Radiological Services Department.


4.1 A radwaste system flow diagram is included in Appendix B, B-3.

5.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The PCP is implemented per the requirements of the Administrative Controls section of the Plant Technical Specification 6.19. Procedural requirements included in Appendix C have been relocated from the Technical Specifications in accordance with NRC Generic Letter 89-01, dated January 31,1989.

Rev 6 6 2/16/96

Rav 6 1

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j Consumers Power Company Palisades Nuclear Plant PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) 1


Asphalt Technical Data Summary l

l l

l l

l l

l l





1. Basic Constituent Pioneer 221 is an oxidized petroleum base asphalt. Oxidation is 4

accomplished by air blowing at temperatures ranging from 200*C (392*F) to 300*C (572*F). Air blowing results in a product with minimum volatile content (0.1 %), greater inertness, and higher molecular weight.

2. Flash Point ,

i The Flash Point of Pioneer 221 is in excess of 288"C (549*F). The Flash  :

Point is determined by the Cleveland Open Cup (ASTM D92-71) method.

It is the lowest temperature at which surface vapors will momentarily ignite when a test flame is passed over the surface.

3. Fire Point The Fire Point of Pioneer 221 is in excess of 300*C (572*F). The Fire  ;

Point, like the Flash Point, is determined by the Cleveland Open Cup (ASTM D92-72) method. It is the lowest temperature at which the l surface vapors will burn for at least 5 snconds before going out, the vapors being ignited as in the test for Flash Point.

4. Ignition Point l

The ignition Point of Pioneer 221 is approximately 400*C (752*F).

i j The ignition Point is the lowest temperature at which the heat loss from ,

the combustible mixture is exceeded by the heat produced in the chemical reaction. It is thus the lowest temperature at which combustion begins  !

and continues in an air environment. I

5. Softening Po[nt The Softening Point of Pioneer 221 is in the temperature range of 88-94*C (190-201 F).

The Softening Point is determined by the Ring and Ball method (ASTM D-36-70).

Rev 6 A-1 2/16/96 l

. . _ _ _ . _ _ . . - _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . . . _ _ . _ _ __ ~ . _


. 6. Viscosity l

.i The Viscosity of Pioneer 221 in the temperature range from 250*F to [

400*F is presented in attached graph.  !

The graph is based on the following data from Witco Chemical: l 4

Saybolt Furol Viscosity  !

! at 205*C 54 sec j at 177"C 161 see I i

7. Penetration i  :

l The Penetration of Pioneer 221 by ASTM Method D-5-73 for various temperatures is given below:

25*C (77"F) 22-30 dmm
46*C (115'C) 40-60 dmm O'C (32*F) 13-18 dmm 4

The abbreviation "dmm" means one-tenth of a millimeter. The number of dmms represents needle penetration under standard conditions loading and timo for a given temperature.

8. Specific Gravity-i
The Specific Gravity of Pioneer 221 is approximately 1.0 gram per cc.

I A Specific Gravity is determined by ASTM Method D-70-72, which )

employs a pyenometer. A pyenometer is a container of known volume j which is weighed empty and filled with sample.

! i 4

9. Solubility I-Pioneer 221 may be considered to be entirely waterproof and insoluble in water. Pioneer 221 is soluble in petroleum solvents such as naphtha, mineral spirits, and kerosene, in addition to carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, and trichlorethylene.

l Rev 6 A-2 2/16/96

PIONEER 221 LAMINATING AND INDUSTRIAL ASPHALT PIONEER E-7465 FOR SALT CARTON MANUFACTURERS Pioneer 221 is an all-purpose, tough, medium softening point asphalt for use in larninating paper, foil-to-paper, as a base pigment for paints and varnishes, or in the manufacture of sealers and adhesives.

Pioneer 221 complies with federal specifications set forth by the Food and Drug i Administration for use in packaging and sealing food products and will not stain, or  ;

impart an odor or taste when used properly in connection with packaging products.

PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Softening Point 190-210*F Penetration @ 77"F 20-30 dmm Doctility @ 77*F 2.5 cms +

Solubility CCL 99.0% +

Flash Point (COC) 550"F +

Weight per Gallon 8.3 lbs )

Use Temperature 400 F 25*

Viscosity @ 400 F O.94 secs l Viscosity @ 375"F 0.174 secs l Viscosity @ 350"F 0.360 secs )

Pachaaina. Bulk - Tankwagon (5000 gal), tank car (10,000 gal).

Packages - 100 lb cartons l


Rev 6 A-3 2/16/96



Material Asphalt Road Roofing Roofers Grade Cement Tar Asphalt Pitch AC-10 RT-12 Type ill Type A -l Elemental Analvsis. Percent: l C 85.8 92.2 86.0 92.8 H 9.7 5.2 9.9- 5.1 N 0.6 1.5 0.5 1.5 0 0.5 1.0 0.7 ---

i S 2.8 0.6 2.9 1.53 C/H Atomic Ratio 0.74 1.49 0.73 1.53 Molecular Weiaht (Numbers Ava) 1030 420 1160 497 Carbon Atom Distribution:

(percent of total carbon) l Aromatic Carbon 34 80 37 79 Napthene Carbon 23 15 23 18 Paraffin Carbon 43 5 40 3 Rev 6 A-4 2/16/96

Rsv 6 l

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t APPENDIX B l Consumers Power Company

Palisades Nuclear Plant i 4 .


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! Consumers Power Company Palisades Nuclear Plant PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP)

Relocated Technical Specifications

(per NRC Generic Letter 89-01)

(dated January 31,1989) 1 l


Relocated Technical Soecifications i introduction The NRC, through 10CFR 50.36a, requires implementation of Technical Specifications on effluents from nuclear power plants. NRC Generic Letter 89-01, dated January 31,1989, allowed the relocation of the existing procedural requirements from the Technical Specifications (implemented in Amendment 85, November 9,1984). The relocated procedural requirements pertaining to solid radwaste follow below. Programmatic controls are retained in the Administrative Controls section of the Technical Specifications to satisfy the regulatory requirements of 10CFR 50.36a. The Technical Specifications programmatic controls include requirements for the establishment, implementation, main'enance, l and changes to the Process Control Program (PCP), as well as record reter, tion and reporting requirements.

1 Definitions l l

The Technical Specification's definition of the PCP is:

i The Process Control Program (PCP) shall conte ln the current formulas, sampling, .

analyses, test, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes barad on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure i compliance with 10CFR Parts 20, 61, and 71, state regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste.

l Solidification shall be the conversion of radioactive wastes from liquid systems to a j homogeneous (uniformly distributed), monolithic. immobilized solid with definite l volume and shape, bounded by a stable surface of distinct outline on all sides (free-standing). l l

Reauirements The solid radwaste system shall be used in accordance with the PCP to process wet radioactive wastes to meet shipping and burial ground requirements.

Action ,

With the provisions of the PCP not satisfied, suspend shipments of defectively processed or defectively packaged solid radioactive wastes from the site.

Rev 6 i C-1 2/16/96

Surveillance Reauiremenig 1

The Process Control Program shall be used to verify the solidification of at least ,

one representative test specimen from at least every tenth batch of each type of  !

wet radioactive waste (eg, filter sludges, spent resins, evaporator bottoms, and l boric acid solutions).


a. If any test specimen fails to verify solidification, the solidification of the  !

batch under test shall be suspended until such time as additional test specimens can be obtained, alternative solidification parameters can be determined in accordance with the Process Control Program and a j subsequent test verifies solidification. Solidification of the batch may then be resumed using the alternative solidification parameters determined by the Process Control Program. I

b. If the initial test specimen from a batch of waste fails to verify ,

solidification, the Process Control Program shall provide for the collection and testing of representative test specimens from each consecutive batch of the same type of wet waste until at least 3 consecutive initial test specimens demonstrate solidificatH;n. The Process Control Program shall be modified as required, as provided in the Technical Specification 6.19, to assure solidification of subsequent batches of waste. l BASES Solid Radioactive Waste The Process Control Program implements the requirements of 10CFR Part 50.36a and General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10CFR Part 50. The process parameters inchded in establishing the Process Control Program may include, but are not limited to, waste type, waste pH, waste / liquid / solidification agent / catalyst ratios, waste oil content, waste principal chemical constituents, and mixing and curing times.

Reporting Reauirernanta The Radiological Effluent Release Report, pursuant to the Plant Technical Specifications, shallinclude the following information for each class of solid waste (as defined by 10CFR Part 61) shipped offsite during the report period. (Additional details of the report are contained in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.)

a. Container burial volume.
b. Total curie quantity (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate).


Rev 6 C-2 2/16/96

c. Principtl rtdionuclidcs (ep:cify whsther dstcrmin:d by matsurem nt or estimate).
d. Source of waste and processing employed (eg, dewatered spent resin, compacted dry waste, evaporator bottoms).
e. Type of container (eg, LSA, Type A, Type B, Large Quantity).
f. Solidification agent or absorbent (eg, cement, asphalt).
g. Any changes made during the reporting period to the PCP pursuant to the Plant Technical Specifications.

Maior Modifications to P=diamative Sdid Waste Treatment System '

Licensee initiated major modifications to the radioactive solid waste systems:

1. Shall be reported to the NRC pursuant to 10CFR 50.59. - The discussion of each modification shall contain:
a. A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the modification could be made in accordance with 10CFR Part 50.59.
b. A description of the equipment, components, and processes involved and the interface with other Plant systems.
c. Documentation of the fact that the modification was reviewed and found acceptable by the PRC.
2. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the Plant Manager.

Rev 6 C-3 2/16/96

1 i PALISADES NUCI FAR PLANT Proc No 3.07 l 10CFR50.59 SAFETY REVIEW Attachmont i Revision 8 f

i Page 1 of 1 PS&L Log No 9[o- RIC 1


/44 Rev 6 Title SE Item identfica ion: No i.

20 Cess (DWTRon Mot /Am ('Po PJ REV J

1 Desenbe issue / Change. /' M44Mr oN ruoe oA  % < e h a. /c

-rn cumal+rr rWCcWLiimde iex '


  1. EoemH3 #d</r O//7ee es4-d Reason for issue / Change: W # %Jo ON i Mi r>B ADDLeurn4. n+# sow 3 iisa/s~3 l l I

i Does the item involve a change to procedures as desenbod in the FSAR7 Yes No 1.

l #^ <-

! F3AR Seebons affected FSAR Sechons reviewed //

l' V' s

2. Does tne item involve a change to the facihty as described or implied in the FSAR7 i FSAR Secoons affected Ab e-


  • FSAR Seebons reviewed /

DBD Secbons revwwed #/4 i

Does the item involve a test or e ' ment not desenbod in the FSAR7

' 3.

FSAR Seebons affected FSAR Seebons reviewed // /

DBD Seccons reviewed A4/


4. Should the Technical Specif&s or any of their Bases be changed in conjuncbon with this item? M/>14-TS Sechons aneded


l TS Seebons reviewed 4 -


i ammmmmmmm ammmmmme Jushfy *NO" answers below if logic is not otmous. l glett ciwm -rdock<- bber - susmo'n cp tr7*y foi ifof skue.s 's */s d'sl's e v4 L ,

pm <> ms',+,h A msk Aed c4.,,,;,t g , @,:,efat 9 'H wo,k ai p4 c44,,,, .Qa,,,c s &db

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W/tc akoros w*fLeb&

y , Ant 41 (f<r< le h'r')dJcd' pH p 4J~<s  % 1zr,irpy(fr-on s edes/<id (f any Safety Review queebon listed above is answered "YES," perform a wntton USQ Evaluabon according to Secton 5.3.

If all Safety Review queshons hated ateve are anssvered "NO," written USQ Evaluebon is not required.

However, this attachment shall accompany orner soview metenets for the item to document that a Safety
Evaluation was not required. - n 4

frMc. - t .2-s'S.9g, &Revwwed By Date A'~I$~Y Prepared By Date l

Proc No 3.0't l PALISADES NUCl FAR PLANT Attachm:nt i J

l 10CFR50.59 SAFETY REVIEW Revision 8

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l PS&L Log No _ N - @ R l

l 22c urssihm, YO L.0/M C' 7Rlbw/ TW shWM [eh/#k $$ --


l :WSTFh?

Descnbe issuelChange: h+An%r oH to-*w e oG o m e u h-tW --

) rum iAf/WY 'A/ coa /ts.frMe trA byo rywiivit SPnD -

j -fb Reason for lasue/ Change FMP *>o e #tu o ssg3 Jgsve- o//7de d M1ou ADoenLn4 wt/-tocts iissic , fayy,si, e ,rre v e r t -

i j /+ t- t.o de7L sfero/% s* 4 r a x uN Yes No

1. Does the llem involve a change to procedures as described h me FSMt?

l FSAR Sec6ons affected #+ <. _



FSAR Sec6ons V' l


2. Does the item involve a change to the facakty as desenbod or impGod h the l .

i FSAR7 FSAR Secbons affected A4 e- -


_ y FSAR Sechons rennewed l 4% -

j DBD Sechons revowed

3. Does the item involve a test or t not desenbod in the FSAR?

! FSAR Sec6ons a#eded _ y FSAR Seceans renewed //

D80 Seceans revwwed #4 1

4. Should the Techocal Specificabons or any of their Bases be changed M l

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4 co%e TS Sececne wim this item? Mr714-aNected

TS Secnons , 4 -

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JustWy "NCP answers belos if logic is not otmous. ,

Ausre w.~, -rau hwer - susahra M,+y so,ivet shhs

\ <* im se $+0'.n- A sur/e / sed e4w,*d, ia'rejad Q f A '" -

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k d.r if any Safety Review quescon listed above is answered "YES," perform a wn j to Sec6on 5.3.

i If af Safety Review quessons listed above are answered *NO," wrtigen he, - , note,w.sfo,.e .sm

  • Safety USQ Evatusto 4

m . inn aia.,nonisha.

  • Evaluacon was not required.



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