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Rev 5.2 to Davis-Besse Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Reflecting Rev 5,Change 2 to ODCM
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/18/1992
Shared Package
ML20072S827 List:
PROC-921218-01, NUDOCS 9409140266
Download: ML20072S850 (228)



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Q I l i I DAVIS-BESSE OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL l Revision 5.2 ! I , rh l N] l Approval: l

                                       . ' fir < sv                /d /f fp SRB Chairman l                                                C/                Date   >

l O bl- t./ k k s' .1 8 DEC C52 Plant Manager Date fl ') f~s q) 9409140266 940826 PDR ADOCK 05000346 R POR

                                        .~ j j                                      T 1 t

i l 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 k I 4 i ) i i 8 I i 4 i 1 4 This page is intentionally blank. i, 9 t i 1 4 3 i k 1 I 4 1 i l i 1 1 4 0

d 1-ODCM list of Effective pages Page No. Revision
  • i 5.2 11 5.2 1 -lii 5.2 I iv 5.2 v 5.2 i vi 5.2 vii 5.2-i viii 5.2

. ix 5.2 1 5.2 2 5 3 - 5.1 4 5.1 , 5 5.2 6 5.2 7 5.2 8 5 9 5.2 - 10 5.2 11 5.2 12 5.2 13 5.2 5.2 14 15 5.2 16 5 0 17 18 19 5 5.1 5 20 5. , 21 5 22 5 23 5 24 5 25 5 26 5 27 5 28 5 29 5 30 5 31 5 32 5 33 5 33 5 34 5.1 35 5.1 36 5.1 37 5 .1'- 38 5 39 5 40 5.2 41 5.2 O Davis-Besse ODCM

  • Revision 5.2 stans Revision 5 Change 2 i Revision 5.2


ODCM List of Effective Pages (continued)

Page No. Revision

  • 42 5.2 43 5.2
44 5 45 5 l 46 5
                            .       47           5.1 48           5 49           5.2 50           5 51           5 l

52 5.1 53 5.1 54 5 55 5 4 56 5 57 5 58 5 59 5 60 5 61 5 62 5 63 5 64 5 65 5 66 5 67 5 68 5 69 5 70 5 71 5 72 5 73 5 74 5 75 5 76 5 77 5 78 5 79 5 80 5 81 5 82 5 83 5

                                  ,84           5 85           5 86           5 87           5 88           5 89           5 90           5 91           5 92           5 Davis-Besse ODCM                        11                    Revision 5.2
  • Revision 5.2 mean Revision 5 Change 2
                                                                                       .a .

I ODCM List of Effective Pages (continued) i s Page No. Revision

  • l 4 5 ,

95 5 l 96 5 , 97 5.2 l 98 5.2 1 99 5 100 5 101 5 102 5 l 103 5 104 5 105 5.1 l l 106 5 107 5.1 1 108 5.1 . I 109 5.1 1 110 5.1 l 111 5 112 5 113 5 114 5 115 5 116 5 117 5 118 5 119 5 (g \. 120 5


121 5 122 5 123 5 124 5 125 5 126 5 127 5 128 5 A- 1 5 A- 2 5 A- 3 5 B- 1 5 B- 2 5 B- 3 5 B- 4 5 B- 5 5 C- 1 5 C- 2 5 C- 3 5 C- 4 5 C- 5 5 C- 6 5 C- 7 5 C- 8 5 C- 9 5 l ' Davis-Besse ODCH iii Revision 5.2 C-

  • Revision 5.2 means Revision 5 Change 2

J l 1 ODCM List of Effective Pages (continued) Page No. Revision

  • C- 10 5 C- 11 5 C- 12 5 l C- 13 5 C- 14 5 C- 15 5 C- 16 5 C- 17 5 i

C- 18 5 C- 19 5 C- 20 5 C- 21 5 C- 22 5 I C- 23 5 l ! C- 24 5 i C- 25 5 C- 26 5 l C- 27 5 l C- 28 5 I C- 29 5 l C- 30 5 C- 31 5 C- 32 5 C- 33 5 C- 34 5 C- 35 5 I C- 36 5.1 C- 37 5 l J- 1 5 J- 2 5 J- 3 5 J- 4 5 J- 5 5 J- 6 5 J- 7 5 J- 8 5 J- 9 5 J- 10 5 J- 11 5 J- 12 5

J- 13 5 J- 14 5 J- 15 5
J- 16 5

! J- 17 5 J- 18 5 I J- 19 5 J- 20 $ J- 21 5 J- 22 5 J- 23 5 J- 24 5 Davis-Besse ODCM iv Revision 5.2

  • Revision 5.2 means Revision 5 Change 2 l





V 1 2.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . .... 2 2.1 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Controls . . . . . . 2 2.1.1 Required Monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1.2 Non-Required Monitors . . . . . . . . . .. . ... 4 2.2 Sampling and Analysis of Liquid Effluents . . . . . . . ... 5 l 2.2.1 Batch Releases .......... . . . . . ... 5 2.2.2 Continuous Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 2.2.3 Condensate Demineralizer Backvash . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.4 Borated Vater Storage Tank and Primary Vater Storage Tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.3 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3.1 Concentration Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 9 2.3.2 Basic Setpoint Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3.3 Liquid Radvaste Effluent Line Monitor Setpoint Calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10 2.3.4 Turbine Building Sump / Storm Sever Drain Monitor . . 12 2.3.5 Alarm Setpoints for the Non-Required  ; Radiation Monitors . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... 13 l 2.3.6 Alarm Response - Evaluating Actual Release l Conditions. . . . .......... . . . . ... 14  ; 2.4 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculations - 10 CFR 50 . . . . . . . . 16 /^ 2.4.1 (-} 2.4.2 Dose Limits to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. . . . . ... MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC DOSE - Liquid Effluents. . .. 16 17 2.4.3 Simplified Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation . . . . 18 2.4.4 Contaminated TBS /SSD System - Dose Calculation. . . 19 2.5 Liquid Ef fluent Dose Proj ections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS ........................ 35 3.1 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Controls . . . ... 35 3.1.1 Alarm and Automatic Release Termination . . . . . . 36 3.1.2 Alarm Only ........ . . . . . . . . . ... 36 ' 3.2 Sampling and Analysis of Gaseous Effluents . . . . . . ... 38 3.2.1 Batch Releases. .................. 38 3.2.2 Continuous Release. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 38 3.2.3 Releases Resulting from Primary-to-Secondary System Leakage. ...... . . . . . . . . . ... 39 3.3 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoint Determination . . . . . . . 40 3.3.1 Release Rate Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 40 3.3.2 Individual Release Radiation Monitor Setpoints. .. 41 3.3.3 Conservative, Generic Radiation Monitor Setpoints . 42 3.3.4 Release Flow Rate Evaluation for Batch Releases . . 42 3.4 Site Boundary Dose Rate Calculation - Noble Gas . . . . . . . 44 O () Davis-Besse ODCM v Revision 5.2

4) (3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - continued) 3.5 Site Boundary Dose Rate Calculation - Radioiodine, Tritium, h and Particulates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 45 3.5.1 Dose Rate Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 45 3.5.2 Simplified Dose Rate Evaluation for Radioiodine, Tritium and Particulates. . . . . . . . . . . ... 45 3.6 Quantifying Activity Released . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.6.1 Quantifying Noble Gas Activity Released Using Station Vent Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 46 3.6.2 Quantifying Noble Gas Activity Released Using A Grab Sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 47 3.6.3 Quantifying Radioiodine Tritium, and Particulate Activity Released . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.7 Noble Gas Dose Calculations - 10 CFR 50 . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.7.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose - Limits . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.7.2 Dose Calculations - Noble Gases . . . . . . . ... 49 3.7.3 Simplified Dose Calculation for Noble Gases . . . . 50 3.8 Radioiodine and Particulate Dose Calculations - 10 CFR 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.8.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose Limits . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.8.2 Critical Pathway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 52 3.8.3 Dose Calculations - Radioiodine, Tritium and Particulates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 52 3.8.4 Simplified Dose Calculation for Radioiodines and Particulates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 53 3.9 Gaseous Effluent Dose Projection . . . . . . . . . . . ... 54 4.0 SPECIAL DOSE ANALYSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 97 4.1 Doses To The Public Due To Activities Inside the SITE BOUNDARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 97 l 4.2 Doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC - 40 CFR 190 . . . . . . . . . 97 i 4.2.1 Effluent Dose Calculations. . . . . . . . . . ... 99  ! 4.2.2 Direct Exposure Dose Determination - Onsite Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 100 1 4.2.3 Dose Assessment Based on Radiological Environmental Monitoring Data . . . . . . . . . .. 101  ; 4.2.4 Use of Environmental TLD for Assessing Doses i Due to Noble Gas Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103  ; 5.0 ASSESSMENT OP LAND USE CENSUS DATA . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 105 5.1 Land Use Census Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 105 5.1.1 Data Compilation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 106 5.1.2 Relative Dose Significance. . . . . . . . . . ... 106 5.1.3 Data Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 106 5.2 Land Use Census to Support Realistic Dose Assessment . ... 107 l Davis-Besse ODCM vi Revision 5.2

l 1 l 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HONITORING PROGRAM . . . . . . . ... 108 6.1 Program Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... [~) \%- 6.1.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 108 6.1.2 Program Deviations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 108 6.1.3 Unavailability of Milk or Broad Leaf Vegetation Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 109 6.1.4 Seasonal Unavailability, Equipment Malfunctions, Safety Concerns . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 109 i 6.1.5 Sample Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109  ! 6.2 Reporting Levels. . ... . .... . . . . . . . . . . ... 109 , 6.2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 6.2.2 Exceedance of Reporting Levels. . . . . . . . ... 110 l 6.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program . . . . . . . . . . ... 110 7.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 7.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report . . ... 123 7.2 Semiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report . . . . . ... 123  ;


7.3 Special Reports . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . ... 125 , j 7.4 Major Changes to Radioactive Liquid and Gaseous i Vaste Treatment Systems . . ............ . . ... 125 7.5 Definitions . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 126 [) \~ ' 7.5.1 7.5.2 Batch Release . . ...... . . . . . . . . ... 126  ; Channel Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 126 ) 7.5.3 Channel Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126  ; 7.5.4 Channel Punctional Test . . . . . . . . . . . ... 126  ! 7.5.5 Composite Sample. .... . . . . . . . . . . ... 126 ' 7.5.6 Gaseous Radvaste Treatment System . . . . . . ... 126  ! 7.5.7 Lover Limit of Detection (LLD). . . . . . . . ... 127 7.5.8 tember of the Public. . . . . . . , . . . . . ... 127 7.5.9 Operable - Operability. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 127 7.5.10 Purge-Purging . ............. . . ... 127 7.5.11 Site Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 128 7.5.12 Source Check .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 128 7.5.13 Unrestricted Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 128 7.5.14 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System. . . . . ... 128 7.5.15 Venting . . ... ........ . . . . . . ... 128 (m) \m / Davis-Besse ODCM vii Revision 5.2

8 APPENDICES APPENDIX A - Technical Basis for Simplified Dose Calculations, Liquid Effluent Releases. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... A-1 APPENDIX B - Technical Basis for Effective Dose Factors Gaseous Effluent Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 APPENDIX C - Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Sample Location Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 APPENDIX J - Justifications. ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .... J-l LIST OF TABLES Table 2 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation . 22 Table 2 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 24 Table 2 Radioactive Liquid Vaste Sampling and Analysis Program. . 26 . Table 2 Limiting Radionuclide Concentrations in Secondary Side Clean-up Resins for Allovable Discharges to Onsite Settling Basin. . . . .................. 29 Table 2 Radionuclide Activity Limits for the BVST'and PVST. . .. 30 s Table 2 Liquid Ingestion Dose Committment Factors . . . . . . . . 31 Table 2 Bioaccumulation Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 33 3 Table 3 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation . 56 l l Table 3 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation l Surveillance Requirements . . . . . . .. . . . . .... 59 Table 3 Radioactive Gaseous Vaste Sampling and Analysis Program . 61 Table 3 Land Use Census Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Table 3 Dose Factors for Noble Cases . . . . . . . . . . .... 65 Table 3 Exposure Pathways, Controlling Parameters, and Atmospheric Dispersion for Dose Calculations. . . .... 66 Table 3 Inhalation Pathway Dose Factor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 9 Table 3 Grass - Cow - Milk Pathway Dose Factors . . . . . ... . 75 Table 3 Grass - Cow - Heat Pathway Dose Factors . . . . . .... 83 Table 3 Vegetation Pathway Dose Factors . . . . . . . . . .... 89 Table 3 Ground Plane Pathway Lose Factors . . . . . . . . .... 95 a Table 4 Recommended Exposure Rates in Lieu of Site Specific Data. ................... 104 Davis-Besse ODCM viii Revision 5.2

L r (List of Tables - Cont.) ( Table 6 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program . ... .. 111


Table 6 Required Sampling Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 i l Table 6 Lower Limits of Detection . . . . . . . ....... .. 119 l' Table 6 Reporting levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples. . . . . . . . . . 122 Table B Default Noble Gas Radionuclide Distribution of Gaseous Effluents .................. B-4 Table B Effective Dose Factors - Noble Gas Effluents ..... . B-5 Table J-l - Xe-133 Effective Concentration .... ....... .. J-8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 - Liquid Radioactive Effluent Monitoring and Processing Diagraa ................ ... 34 Figure 3 Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Monitoring and Ventilation Systems Diagram . ...... ...... .. 96 l l I Davis-Besse ODCM ix Revision 5.2

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(_- The Davis-Besse methodology Offsite Doseused and parameters Calculation in: Manual (0DCM) describes the I

1) determining the radioactive material release rates and cumulative releases;
2) calculating the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm / trip setpoints; and
3) calculating the corresponding dose rates and cumulative quarterly and yearly doses.

The ODCM also describes and provides requirements for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. Sampling locations, media and collection  ; frequencies,and analytical requirements are specified. The methodology i provided in this manual is acceptable for use in demonstrating compliance l vith concentration limits of 10 CFR 20.1302; the cumulative dose criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I; 40 CFR 190; and the Davis-Besse Technical l ' 1 Specifications (TS) 6.8.4.d and 6.8.4.e. The exposure pathway and dose modeling presented provides estimates (e.g., calculational results) that are conservative (i.e., higher than actual exposures in the environment). This conservatism does not invalidate the modeling since the main purpose of these calculations is for demonstrating "As Lov As is Reasonably Achievable" (ALARA) for radioactive effluents. In using these models for evaluation and. controlling actual effluents, further simplification and conservatism may be applied. For purposes of demonstrating compliance with the EPA environmental dose standard for the Uranium Fuel Cycle (40 CFR 190), more realistic dose assessment modeling may be used. O The ODCM vill be maintained for use as a reference guide and training document of accepted methodologies and calculations. Changes to the ODCM calculational methodologies and parameters vill be made as necessary to ensure reasonable conservatism in keeping with the principles of 10 CFR 50, j Appendix I, Section III and IV. Questions about the ODCM should be ' directed to the Manager - Radiation Protection. I l NOTE: Throughout this document, vords appearing all capitalized denote definitions specified in Section 7.5 of this manual, or common 4 acronyms. l Section 2.0 describes equipment for monitoring and controlling liquid. l effluents, sampling requirements, and dose evaluation methods. Section 3.0 provides similar information on gaseous effluent controls, sampling, and dose evaluation. Section 4.0 describes special dose analyses required for Regulatory Guide 1.21, Semiannual Effluent Reporting and EPA Environmental Dose Standard of 40 CFR 190. Section 5.0 describes the role of the annual land use census in identifying the controlling pathways and locations of exposure for assessing the potential offsite doses. Section 6.0 describes the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. Section 7.0 describes the environmental, effluent and special reporting requirements, procedural requirements for major changes to liquid and gaseous radvaste systems, and definitions. Davis-Besse ODCM 1 Revision 5.2

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 \     l This section summarizes information on the liquid effluent radiation monitoring instrumentation and controls. More detailed information is provided in the Davis-Besse USAR, Section 11.2. Liquid Vaste Systems and           ,

associated design drawings from which this summary was derived. Location ' and control function of the monitors are displayed in Figure 2-1. The radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels listed s in Table 2-1 shall be OPERABLE with their alarm / trip setpoints set to i ensure that the limits of ODCM Section 2.3.1 are not exceeded. The alarm / trip setpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters of Section 2.3. Vith a radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm / trip setpoint less conservative than required, without delay suspend the release of radioactive liquid effluents monitored by the affect (d - channel, or declare the channel inoperable, or change the setpoint so it is acceptably c'onservative. Vith less than the minimum number of radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels OPERABLE, take the actions described in Table 2-1. Exert best efforts to return the instruments to OPERABLE status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain in the next Semiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report (Section 7.2) why the inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner. f-~ Each radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall ('- be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations at the frequencies shown in Table 2-2. Each of these operations shall be performed within th'e specified time interval with a maximum allovable extension not to exceed 25 percent of the specified interval. NOTE: The monitors indicated in 2.1.1 a), b), and c) are inoperable if i surveillances are not performed or setpoints are less conservative l than required.


The radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor and l control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquid i effluents during actual or potential releases. The alarm / trip setpoints l for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance with methods in i Section 2.3 to ensure that the alarm / trip vill occur prior to exceeding the l limits of 10 CFR Part 20. l l l l b\~ / l Davis-Besse ODCM 2 Revision 5 l

i 2.1.1 Required Monitors This section describes the monitoring required during liquid releases and the backup sampling required when monitors are inoperable. a) Alarm and Automatic Release Termination i. Clean Radvaste Effluent Monitors (RE-1770 A & B) Discharges .from the Clean Radvaste Monitor Tanks (2) are monitored by redundant radiation monitoring systems (RE-1770 A & B). These monitors detect gross gamma activity in the effluent prior to mixing in the Collection Box. Measurements from each detector read out on the Victoreen panel in the Control Room. Each monitoring system is capable of initiating an alarm and an  ! automatic termination of the release by closing valve WC-1771. l The method for determining setpoints for the alarms is discussed in Section 2.3. ii. Miscellaneous Radvaste Effluent Monitors (RE-1878 A & B) Discharges from the Miscellaneous Liquid Waste Monitor Tank and l the Detergent Vaste Drain Tank are monitored by redundant radiation monitoring systems (RE-1878 A & B). These monitors detect gross gamma activity in the effluen.t line prior to mixing i in the Collection Box. Measurements from each detector read out l on the Victoreen panel in the Control Room. Each monitor is separately capable of initiating an alarm and automatic termination of the release by closing valve VM-1876. Setpoint determination for the alarms is discussed in Section 2.3. < b) Alarm (only)

1. Turbine Building Sump / Storm Sever Drain Line (RE-4686)

The monitor on the Turbine Building Sump / Storm Sever Drain effluent line detects abnormal radionuclide concentrations in t w sump effluent. This monitor is located near the end of the storm sever drain pipe, upstream of the final discharge point into the Training Center Pond. The most probable source of any radioactive material in the sump would be from the secondary system. When radioactivity is present in the secondary system, the Turbine Building Sump effluent shall be directed to the onsite Settling Basins. In this configuration, the source of radioactivity in the Turbine Building Sump / Storm Sever Drain line is from Turbine Building drains that are not routed to the Turbine Building Sump, or from Storm Sever drains. Evaluation of the alarm setpoint for RE-4686 is discussed in Section 2.3.4. O Davis-Besse ODCM 3 Revision 5.1

S c) Flow Rate Measuring Devices

1. Clean Radvaste Effluent Line Flov Indicator (FI) 1700 A & B Flow Totalizer (F0I) 1700 A & B
11. Miscellaneous Radvaste Effluent Line Flow Indicator (FI) 1887 A & B Flov Totalizer (FQI) 1887 A & B 111. Dilution Flov to the Collection Box Computer Point F201 2.1.2 Non-Required Monitors Additional monitors, although not required by the ODCM, have been installed to monitor radioactive material in liquid. The monitors are: l Collection Box Outlet to the Lake (RE-8433) - monitors the final station effluent to the lake, Component Cooling Vater System (CCVS) (RE-1412 & 1413)-

monitors the CCVS return lines. High alarm closes the atmospheric vent valves on the CCVS surge tank, Service Vater System (SVS) (RE-8432) - off-line detector monitors the SVS outlet prior to discharge to the Collection Box, and Intake Forebay (RE-8434) - monitors the station intake water from Lake Erie. i 1 I l i v Davis-Besse ODCM 4 Revision 5.1

2.2 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS OF LIQUID EFFLUENTS As a minimum, radioactive liquid vastes shall be sampled and analyzed according to the sampling and analysis program of Table 2-3. Table 2-3 identifies three potential sources of liquid radioactive effluents. * , The results of the radioactivity analyses shall be used in accordance with the methodology and parameters of this section to ensure that the concentrations at the point of release are maintained within the limits of 10 CFR 20.1302. 2.2.1 Batch Releases BATCH RELEASE is defined as the discharge of liquid vaste of a discrete volume. The releases from the Clean Vaste Monitor Tanks 1-1 and 1-2, the Miscellaneous Liquid Vaste Monitor Tank, and the Detergent Vaste Drain Tank are clrssified as BATCH RELEASES. The following sampling and analysis requirements must be met for all releases from these tanks. Prior to each release, analysis of a representative grab sample for principal gamma emitters. Once per month, as a minimum, analysis of one sample from a BATCH RELEASE for dissolved and entrained gases (see note below).

                        .-       Once per month, analysis of a COMPOSITE SAMPLE of all releases that month for tritium and gross alpha activity. Samples contributed to the composite are to be proportional to the quantity of liquid discharged.

Once per quarter, analysis of a COMPOSITE SAMPLE of all releases that quarter for Strontin (Sr)-89, Sr-90, and Iron (Fe)-55. NOTE: Identification of noble gases that are principal gamma-emitting radionuclides are included as a part of the gamma spectral analysis performed on all liquid radvaste effluents. Therefore, the Table 2-3 requirement for sampling and analysis of one batch per month for noble gases need not be performed as a separate program. 2.2.2 Continuous Releases Releases from the Turbine Building Sump (TBS) and Storm Sever Drains (SSD) are classified as continuous releases. Turbine Building Sump discharges may contain minute concentrations of radionuclides due to primary-to-secondary system leakage. In this situation, the Turbine Building Sump discharges are routed to the onsite Settling Basins instead of the TBS /SSD line. Overflov from the Settling Basins is pumped to the Collection Box where it is mixed with dilution flow and released to Lake Erie. Releases via this pathway are monitored by weekly analysis for principal gamma-emitting radionuclides and tritium, and by quarterly analysis of composite samples for Fe-55, Sr-89 and Sr-90. I O Davis-Besse ODCM 5 Revision 5.2 1

i 1 4 2.2.3 Condensate Demineralizer Backvash j 2 fs Discharges from the Condensate Demineralizer Backvash Receiving Tank (BRT)

, i             to the South Settling Basin are sampled in accordance with Table 2-3.

Samples are collected prior to each release of the resin / vater slurry and separated into the liquid phase (transfer water) and solid phase (resin)' . These samples are separately analyzed for principal gamma emitters. Toledo Edison has imposed guidelines on concentrations of radionuclides that may be discharged to the onsite Settling Basin. These guidelines are presented in Table 2-4. The radioactive material contamination in the condensate demineralizer backvash vill be contained on the powdered resin; soluble or suspended radioactive material associated with the water phase is not expected. The resin and the water are analyzed separately thus allowing for a determination of the amounts retained onsite in the Settling Basin (the resin) and the amounts released to Lake Erie as an effluent (the decant). The BRT receives the spent resin from the Condensate Polishing System. Low-level radioactive material contamination of the spent resin is periodically expected due to minor veeps in the steam generators and the leaching of residual activity in the secondary system. During primary-to-secondary leakage, activity levels vill be elevated and typically above the' limits imposed for acceptable discharge to the basin. Under these conditions, the powdered resins are retained within the plant and processed as solid radvaste for offsite transport and disposal at a licensed radioactive vaste disposal site. If within the criteria of Table 2-4, the BRT may be discharged to the onsite settling basin with the ( approval of the Manager - Radiation Protection. 2.2.4 Borated Vater Storage Tank and Primary Vater Storage Tank The quantity of radioactive material stored in in the Borated Vater Storage Tank (BVST) and Primary Vater Storage Tank (PVST) shall be limited to ensure the following:

1) Protected Area boundary dose rates remain less than 0.25 mR/hr, and
2) Tank rupture vould result in ALARA isotopic concentrations at the nearest offsite potable water intake.

The concentration of radionuclides in the BVST and PVST shall be determined to be within the applicable limits by analyzing a representative sample of the tank contents at least once per 7 days when radioactive materials are being added to the tank. Although the PVST is not currently used to sapport plant operation, the following limits still vould apply should it be in use. O Davis-Besse ODCH 7 Revision 5.2

c Discharges to the Storm Sever Drains are from Turbine Building drains that are not routed to the TBS and from storm drains when the TBS effluent is routed to the Settling Basins. The Storm Sever discharges to the Training Center Pond with the overflov discharging to the Toussaint River. For conservatism, it is assumed that radioactive material released to the Training Center Pond is ultimately discharged to Lake Erie (unless actions are taken to prevent this occurrance). Table 2-3 requires that a sample shall be collected from the TBS or SSD if the on-line. monitor is out-of-service and the activity level of the condensate (i.e., hot well vater) exceeds 1.0 E-05 pCi/ml gross beta / gamma. 4 This sample is to be collected once every 12 hours and analyzed for principal gamma emitters. Grab samples are collected weekly from the Settling Basins and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. If activity is identified, additional controls are enacted to ensure that the release concentrations are maintained belov Effluent Concentration Limits and that the cumulative releases are a small fraction of the dose limits of Section 2.4.1. The following actions vill be considered for controlling any radioactive material releases via the TBS and SSD: ) Increase the sampling frequency of the TBS and SSD until the source of the contamination is identified. Perform gamma spectral analysis on each sample for principal gamma emitters. Compare the measured radionuclide concentrations in the sample with EC (equation 2-3) to ensure releases are within the limits.  ; Based on the measured concentrations, a re-evaluation of the alarm setpoint for the SSD monitor (RE-4686) may be performed as specified in Section 2.3.4. Consider each sample representative of the releases that have occurred since the previous sample. Determine the volume of liquid released from the Turbine Building Sump based on the Turbine Building Sump pump i runtimes and flow rates. I Determine the total radioactive material released from the sample I analysis and the calculated volume released. Determine cumulative doses in accordance with Section 2.4. 1 Davis-Besse ODCM 6 Revision 5.2 O

q 1 The method for limiting the BVST and PVST radionuclide concentration to meet the criteria above is described belov and represented in equation  % l (2-1).


l s/

1) Determine the limiting fraction of each radionuclide present i

in a liquid sample from the tank. This is the sample concentration times the volume of liquid in the tank divided by the limiting activity from Table 2-5. l

2) Sum the limiting fractions of each radionuclide in the sample.

This sum should be less than one (1) to meet the limiting criteria for area dose rates and offsite dose rates via the liquid pathway. n C

  • VOL
  • 3785 LF = I (2-1) sum 11 A yg,g Vhere:

LF = sum of the limiting fraction of each radionuclide i in sum the sample, C si = c neentration of radionuclide i in the liquid sample l (uCi/ml), VOL = volume of liquid in the tank (gal), 3785 = ml per gal, i m Atg, g = limiting activity of radionuclide i f rom Table 2-5 ! (uci/ml), and

n = number of radionuclides found in the liquid sample.

If the sum of the limiting fractions of radionuclides in the BVST or PVST exceeds one (1), then suspend all additions of radioactive material to the tank, reduce tank contents to within the limits, and describe the events leading to this condition in the next Semiannual Radiological Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report. The values in Table 2-5 vere calculated specifically for the BVST. They are conservative for the PVST due to its smaller volume. l O V Davis-Besse ODCM 8 Revision 5

3 i l l 2.3 LIQUID EFFLUDTI MONITOR SETPOINTS l 2.3.1 Concentration Limits The. concentrations of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10 CFR Part 20.1302 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2.0 E-04 CiAnl. If the concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTZD AREAS exceeds these limits, then without delay restore the concentrations to within these limits. i This limitation provides additional assurance that the levels of radioactive material in bodies of water outside the site should not result in exposures exceeding the Section II.A design objective of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, to an individual, and the limits of 10 CFR Part 20.1302 to the population. The concentration limit for noble gases is based upon the assumption that Xe-135 is the controlling radioisotope and its EC in air (submersion) was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using the methods l described in International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)

;        Publication 2.

2.3.2 Basic Setpoint Equation I Radiation monitor setpoints shall be established to alarm and trip prior ' to exceeding the limits specified above. To meet this requirement, the alaruvtrip setpoint for liquid effluent monitors measuring the radioactivity concentration prior to dilution is derived in Section 2.3.3 2 from the following basic relationship: CL (DF+RR) t SPj (2-2) RR where: SP = the setpoint of the monitor measuring the radioactivity concentration in the effluent line prior to dilution. The setpoint represents a value which, if exceeded, would result in concentrations exceeding the EC in the UNRESTRICTED AREA (yCi/ml), CL = the UtdESTRICTED AREA effluent concentration limit defined in equation (2-4) which implements 10 CFR Part 20.1302 (uci/ml), RR = the liquid effluent release rate as measured at the radiation monitor location (gal / min), and DF = the dilution water flow rate as measured prior to the release point (gal / min). If no dilution is provided, then SP f CL. Also, when DF is large conpared to RR, then (DF + RR) = Dr. Equations for calculating setpoints for specific radiation monitors are provided in the subsequent sections. Davis-Besse ODCM 9 Revision 5.2 J

2.3.3 Liquid Radvaste Effluent Line Monitor Setpoint Calculations (RE-1770 A & B, RE-1878 A & B) The Liquid Radvaste Effluent Line Monitors provide alarm and automatic termination of releases prior to exceeding the effluent concentrations-(EC) of 10 CFR 20.1302 at the UNRESTRICTED AREA. As required by Table 2-3 and as discussed in Section 2.2.1, a sample of the liquid radvaste to be discharged is collected and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy to identify principal gamma-emitting radionuclides. A maximum release rate from the - tank is determined for the release based on the radionuclide concentrations and the available dilution flow rate. The maximum release rate is inversely proportional to the ratio of the radionuclide concentrations to their EC values. This ratio of measured concentration to EC values is referred to as the EC fraction (ECF) and is calculated by the equation: C 1 . ECF - I (2-3) 1 i EC g where: j


ECF = sum of.the fractions of the unrestricted area EC for a mixture of l radionuclides, Cg - concentration of each radionuclide i. measured in tank prior to l release (pCi/ml), and EC O unrestricted area EC. for each radionuclide i from 10 CFR Part 20.1302. For dissolved and entrained noble gases an EC value of V 2.0E-04 pCi/ml shall be used (pCi/ml). As expressed in equation'(2-2),-the concentration limit (CL), or effective EC, represents the equivalent EC value for a mixture of radionuclides , evaluated collectively. The equation for determining CL is: IC CL

                                                           - g (2-4)                            i ECF Based on the ECF, the minimum dilution factor (MDF)-for the conduct of the release is established at 3.33 times larger than actually required. This safety factor (SF) provides conservatism, accounting for variations in monitor response and flow rates and also for the presence of radionuclides that may not be detected by the monitors (i.e., non-gamma emitters). The following equation is used for calculating the required minimum dilution factor:

MDF - ECF/SF (2-5) where: MDF = minimum required dilution factor, and SF - 0.3 administrative safety factor. O V Davis-Besse ODCM 10 Revision 5.2

          -e.     , , - ,                                           ,m--                       ,- , - -   n           --       -a- ,-

o The maximum release rate from the tank is then calculated by dividing i i the available dilution flow rate (ADF) at the Collection Box by the MDF as calculated by equation (2-5). MAX RR - 0.9 (ADF/MDF) (2-6)  ! vhere: MAX RR - maximum allovable release rate (gal / min), 0.9 - administrative conservatism factor, and I ADF - available dilution flow rate at the Collection Box as measured by Computer Point F201 (gal / min). NOTE: Equations (2-5) and (2-6) are valid only for ECF >l. For ECF <l, the vaste tank corcentration is below the limits of 10 CFR Part

20.1302 dischargewithoutdilution,andMAXRRmaytakeonanyvaluewithinl pump capacity.

If MAX RR is greater than the maximum discharge pump capacity, then the pump capacity should be used in establishing the actual release rate (RR) for the radvaste discharge. For releases from the Miscellaneous Vaste Monitor Tank and Detergent Vaste Drain Tank, the discharge pump capacity is 100 gpm; for the Clean Vaste Monitor Tank, this value is 140 gpm. Since the actual release rate from the tank is derived such that 10 CFR 20.1302 limits -vill not be exceeded given the radionuclide concentration in i the tank and the available dilution flow, setpoints must be established to ensure:

1) radionuclide concentration re kased from the tank does not increase above the concentration detected in the sample. l
2) available dilution flow does not decrease, and
3) actual release rate from the tank does not increase above the

, calculated value. The setpoints for the predilution radiation monitor (RE-1770 A & B, or  ; RE-1878 A & B) are determined as follows: I Alert Alarm SP - [2

  • I (C g
  • SENg )] + Bkg (2-7)

Righ Alarm SP - [3

  • I (Cg
  • SENg )] + Bkg (2-8) where SP =

setpoint of the radiation monitor (cpm), Cg - concentration of radionuclide i as measured by gamma spectroscopy (pC1/ml), SEN g- monitor sensitivity for radionuclide i based on calibration curve (cpm per pCi/ml), and Bkg - background reading of the radiation monitor (cpm). Davis-Besse ODCM 11 Revfsion 5.2

d) 1 The Cs-137 sensitivity may be used in lieu of the sensitivity values for individual radionuclides. The Cs-137 sensitivity provides a reasonably g conservative monitor response correlation for radionuclides of interest in ( ) reactor effluents. Coupled with the safety factor SF in equation (2-5),

\d this assumption simplifies the evaluation without invalidating the overall conservatism of the setpoint determination.

The high flow setpoint should be set equal to the MAX RR calculated in equation (2-6). The lov flow setpoint for dilution flow rate should be set at 0.9 times the available dilution flow rate. 2.3.4 Turbine Building Sump / Storm Sever Drain Monitor (RE-4686) The setpoint for the TBS /SSD radiation monitor, RE-4686, shall be established to ensure the radioactive material concentration in the effluent prior to discharge offsite does not exceed the limits of 10 CFR 20.1302. The SSD is not normally' radioactively contaminated by other than naturally-occurring radionuclides. Therefore, the setpoint for this monitor has been established at its lowest practical level (i.e., three

  • times the normal background) in order to provide an early indication of any abnormal conditions.

If radioactivity is found in this system, then a setpoint may be determined by using the measured radioactive material concentration from the grab sample and equation (2-10). For the SSD line monitor, there is no dilution prior to discharge to the Training Center Pond. Therefore, equation (2-2) is used in its simplified form for situations with no dilution flow: SP f CL (2-9) m

    )        Also, since discharge is to the Training Center Pond, exceeding the RE-4686 setpoint does not necessarily mean Section 2.3.1 concentration limits have been exceeded at UNRESTRICTED AREAS. The verification of compliance with the limits on concentration should be based on actual samples of the effluent from the pond to the Toussaint River and Lake Erie. (Refer to Section 2.3.6).

Substituting equation (2-4) for CL in equation (2-9), the alarm setpoint can be calculated by the equation: SP $ (2-10) ECF vhere Cg - concentration of each radionuclide i in the ef fluent (pC1/ml). ECF = EC fraction as determined by equation (2-3), and SEN g- monitor sensitivity for radionuclide i based on calibration curve  ; (cpm per pCi/ml). l l Again, the Cs-137 sensitivity may be used in lieu of the individual radionuclide evaluation as discussed for equations (2-7) and (2-8). i A U Davis-Besse ODCM 12 Revision 5.2

                                                                                      ~B 2.3.5 Alarm Setpoints for the Non-Required Radiation Monitors a) Collection Box Outlet to the Lake (RE-8433)

The radiation monitor on the Collection Box outlet utilizes a single off-line detector to continuously monitor all station liquid effluent discharges to the lake. Although this is the final effluent monitor, it does not serve any control function. Control functions have been i placed on the upstream undiluted effluent line that vill terminate the release prior to exceeding the effluent concentration for UNRESTRICTED AREAS in 10 CFR 20.1302. RE-8433 provides a final check of the total diluted effluent stream. Since this monitor views the diluted radvaste discharges, its response during routine operations will be minimal (i.e., typical of background levels). Therefore, the alarm setpoint for this monitor should be established as close to background as possible without incurring a spurious alarm due to background fluctuations. The setpoint is controlled in accordance with the Radiation Monitor Setpoint Manual. 1 The setpoint for the postdilution radiation monitor (RE 8433) on the l liquid effluent stream can be determined as follows: i 1 SP - + Bkg (2-11) l ECF

  • DF vheres SP - setpoint of the postdilution radiation monitor (cpm),

Cg - concentration of radionuclide i in the tank as measured by gamma spectroscopy (pCi/ml), SEN g- monitor sensitivity for radionuclide i based on calibration curve (cpm per pCi/ml), DF - dilution flow rate (gal / min), RR - actual release rate of the liquid radvaste discharge 1 (gal / min), ECF - EC fraction as determined by equation (2-3), and Bkg - background reading of monitor (cpm). The Cs-137 sensitivity,may be used instead of the individual radionuclide sensitivit3es as discussed previously. Davis-Besse ODCM O 13 Revision 5.2

b) Component Cooling Vater System (CCVS) (RE-1412 & 1413) I The monitors RE-1412 and 1413 provide indication of a breach in the CCVS integrity, allowing reactor coolant vater to enter and contaminate the system. Therefore, the alarm setpoint is established as close to background as possible without incurring a spurious alarm due to background fluctuations. The setpoint is controlled in accordance with the Radiation Monitor Setpoint Manual. c) Service Vater System (SVS) (RE-8432)- No radioactive material is expected to be contained within the SVS during normal operations. Therefore, the alarm setpoint is established as close to background as possible without incurring a spurious alarm due to background fluctuations. The setpoint is controlled in accordance with the Radiation Monitor Setpoint Manual. d) Intake Forebay Monitor (RE-8434) The alarm setpoint for this monitor should be established as close to background as possible without incurring a spurious alarm due to background fluctuations. Although a very remote potential, a verified alarm from this system would indicate a possible contamination of the I station intake water. The setpoint is controlled in accordance with. l the Radiation Monitor Setpoint Manual, l 2.3.6 Alarm Response - Evaluating Actual Release Conditions Liquid release rates are controlled and alarm setpoints are established to ) ensure that releases do not exceed the concentration limits.of Section 2.3 O l (i.e., 10 CFR 20 ECs at the discharge to Lake Erie). However, if any of l the monitors (RE-1770 A & B, RE-1878 A & B, or RE-4686) alarm during a liquid release, it becomes necessary to re-evaluate the release conditions , to determine compliance with the limits. After an alarm, the following l actual release conditions should be determined: I verify radiation monitor alarm setpoint to ensure consistency with the 1 setpoint evaluation for the release; ' re-sample and re-analyze the source of the release (e.g., release tank, TB sump, decant from Training Center Pond to the Toussaint River); and

                                       -      re-determine the release rate and the dilution water flow, i

I l O Davis-Besse ODCM 14 Revision 5.2 i

i 4 l Based on these data, the following equation may be used for evaluating the actual release conditions: Cg RR till l E <1 (2-12) EC g DF + RR ~ where: j 1 1 l Cg - measured concentration of radionuclide i in the effluent stream I prior to dilution (uCi/ml), l 1 l EC g = the Effluent Concentration for radionuclide i from Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 of 10 CFR 20.1001 - 20.2401 or 2.0E-04 uCi/ml for dissolved or entrained noble gases (uci/ml), RR - actual release rate of the liquid effluent at the time of the , alarm (gal / min), and l l DF - actual dilution water flow at the time of the release alarm (gal / min). If the value calculated by equation 2-12 is less than or equal to 1, then l the release did not exceed the limits of 10CFR 20.1302. l l l I l 1 I l 1 l Davis-Besse ODCM 15 e Revision 5.2 l

2.4 LIQUID EFFLUENT DOSE CALCULATION - 10 CFR 50 2.4.1 Dose Limits to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC b / Technical Specification limits the dose or dose commitment to MEMBERS OF THE FUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents from Davis.Besse. The limits are: during any calendar quarter: I i f 1.5 mrem to total body 5 5.0 mrem to any organ during any calendar year: f 3.0 mrem to total body

                    $ 10.0 mrem to any organ Vith the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents exceeding any of the above. limits, in lieu of a Licensee Event Report, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Section 7.3, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding        i the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases vill be in compliance with the above limits.

TS requires that cumulative dose contributions from liquid effluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year shall be determined'in accordance vith the methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least once per 31 days. O This requirement is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.A, III.A and IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. . This action provides the required operating flexibility and at the same time implements the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50 to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents vill be kept "as lov as is reasonably achievable." NOTE: For fresh vater sites with drinking vater supplies which can be potentially affected by plant operations, there is reasonable assurance that the operation of the facility will not result in radionuclide concentrations in the finished drinking water that are in excess of the requirements of 40 CFR 141. The dose calculations in the ODCM implement the requirements of Section III.A of Appendix I of 10 CFR Part 50 that conformance with the ' guides of Appendix I is to be shown by calculational procedures ' based on modes and data such that the actual exposure of an individual thorough appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The equations specified in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents are consistent with'the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109,'" Calculation of Davis-Besse ODCM 16 Revision 5 i l

i i Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR l Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977. l 2.4.2 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC DOSE - Liquid Effluents The calculation of the potential doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC is a j function of the radioactive material releases to the lake, the subsequent l transport and dilution in the exposure pathways, and the resultant individual uptake. At Davis-Besse, the combined fish consumption and drinking vater pathway has been modeled to provide a conservative dose assessment for exposures to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. For the fish pathway, it has been conservatively assumed that the maximum exposed individual consumes 21 kg per year of fish taken in the immediate vicinity of the l Davis-Besse discharge to the lake. For the drinking vater pathway, the l conservative modeling is based on an individual drinking 730 liters per , year of water from the beach wells loca.ted 966 m to the NW of the site ! discharge. (It is important to note that because of the high sulfur content, the vater from these beach wells is not suitable for consumption; however, for conservatism this pathway has been included in the dose i modeling for the maximum exposed individual.) The equation for assessing the maximum potential dose to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from liquid radvaste releases from Davis-Besse is: 1.67E-02

  • VOL D, =
  • I (Cg*Agg) (2-13) where:

D g


dose or dose commitment to organ o including total body (mrem), A g9


site-specific ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ o for radionuclide i given in Table 2-6 (mrem /hr per pCi/ml), Cg - average concentration of radionuclide i in undiluted liquid effluent representative of the the volume VOL (uci/ml), VOL - total volume of un:111uted liquid effluent released (gal), DF = average dilution water flow rate during release period (gal / min) (typically 20,000 gpm), Z = 10, near field dilution factor *, and 1.67E-02 = 1 hr/60 min. l

  • Near field dilution factor and dilution to beach wells are based on a study performed by Stone & Webster for Toledo Fdison entitled " Aquatic Dilution Factors within 50 Miles of the DavipRen e Unit 1 Nuclear Power Plant", June 1980.

Davis-Besse ODCM 17 Revision 5 O 1 l

Thesite-specificingestiondose/dosecommitmentfactors(.bg) a composite dose factor for the fish and drinking wate pr.t ay. represent The

      .                site-specific dose factor is based on the NRC's generic muimum individual consumption rates. Values of A                     are presented in Table 2-6.                These values I

verederivedinaccordancewithiheguidanceofNUREG-0133usingthe following equation: i l Ag , = 1.14E+05 (Ug/Dy+Up

  • BFg) DF g (2-10 where*

i Up = 21 kg/yr adult fish consumntion, ' Uy = 730 liters /yr adult water consumption, Dy = 5.7 additional dilution from the near field to the beach wells (net dilution of 57), BF 1


bioaccumulation factor for radionuclide i in fish from Table 2-7 (pCi/kg per pCi/1), - DF g = dose conversion factor for nuclide i for adults in organ o from Table E-11 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 (mrem /pci), and 10 6 (pCi/uci)

  • 103 (ml/kg) / 8760 (hr/yr).

1.14E+05 - i The radionuclides included in the periodic dose assessment required by Section 2.4.1 are those identified by gamma spectral analysis of the liquid vaste samples collected and analyzed per the requirements of Table 2-3. g In keeping with the NUREG-0133 guidance, the adult age group represents the maximum exposed individual age group. Evaluation of doses for other age groups is not required for demonstrating compliance with the dose criteria of Section 2.4.1. The dose analysis for radionuclides requiring l i radiochemical analysis vill be performed after receipt of results of the analysis of the composite samples. In keeping with the required analytical frequencies of Table 2-3, tritium dose analyses vill be performed at least monthly; Sr-89, Sr-90 and Fe-55 dose analyses vill be performed at least quarterly. 2.4.3 Simplified Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation In lieu of the individual radionuclide dose assessment presented in Section 2.4.2, the following simplified dose calculation may be used for demonstrating compliance with the dose limits required by Section 2.4.1. l Radionuclides included in this dose calculation should be those measured in 4 the grab sample of the release (principal gamma emitters measured by gamma spectroscopy). H-3 should not be included in this analysis. Refer to Appendix A for the derivation of this simplified method. Total Body j 9.70E+02

  • VOL' '

D g= *IC g (2-15) i Maximum Organ 1.19E+03

  • VOL 7 D,,x = *I C g (2-16) )

a 1 Davis-Besse ODCM Revision 5.1 4 ' 18 l 1

                 ,         -,w.         , - - ,                 -                                  - , , . , - - , .      .e mv  . ,- , . . . -
                                                                                            -i i

where: C 1 average concentration of radionuclide i excluding H-3 in undiluted liquid effluent representative of the release volume (uCi/ml), - VOL = volume of liquid effluent released (gal), DF - average cilution water flow rate during release period (gal / min), I D tb

              =    c nservatively evaluated total body dose (mrem),

D max


c nservatively evaluated maximum organ dose (mrem), 9.70E+02 = 0.0167 (hr/ min)

  • 5.81E+05 (mrem /hr per uCi/ml, Cs-134 total body dose factor from Table 2-6) / 10 (near field dilution), and 1.19E+03 = 0.0167 (hr/ min)
  • 7.llE+05 (mrem /hr per uC1/ml, Cs-134 liver dose factor from Table 2-6) / 10 (near field dilution).

2.4.4 Contaminated TBS /SSD System - Dose Calculation If the TBS /SSD system becomes contaminated, then any radioactive material released must be included in the evaluation of the cumulative dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC. Although the discharges are via the Training Center  ! Pond to Pool 3, and then to the Toussaint River (instead of directly to l Lake Erie), the modeling of equation (2-11) remains reasonably conservative for determining a hypothetical maximum individual dose. The following assumptions should be applied for the dose assessment of any radioactive material releases from the TBS /SSD into the Training Center Pond and subsequently to the Toussaint River: If no additional controls are taken, then it should be assumed that any radioactive material released to the Training Center Pond vill ultimately be discharged to the lake environment; If actions are taken to limit any release, then the assessment of dose should be made based on an evaluation of actual releases; and The dilution flow should consider additional dilution of the TBS /SSD discharge from other sources into the Training Center Pond prior to release to the river. 4 1 Davis-Besse ODCM till 19 Revision 5 i L

                                                                                                . .a 2.5 LIQUID EFFLUENT DOSE PROJECTIONS c-             10 CFR 50.36a requires licensees to maintain and operate the radvaste
 ,7 (j-          system to ensure releases are maintained ALARA. This Section implements

the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of. Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and design objective Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. Based on a cost analysis of treating liquid radvaste, the specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the liquid radvaste treatment system were specified as the dose design objectives as set forth in Section II4A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for liquid effluents. This requirement is implemented through this ODCM. The liquid radioactive vaste processing system shall be used to reduce the radioactive material levels in the liquid vaste prior to release when the projected doses in any 31-day period we t' exceed: 0.06 mrem to the total body, or 0.20 mrem to any organ. , This dose criteria for processing is established at one quarter of the design objective rate (i.e.,1/4 of 3 mrem /yr total body and 10 mrem /yr any organ over a 31-day projection). Vith radioactive liquid vaste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits, in lieu of a Licensee Event Report, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Section 7.3, a Special Report that includes the following information: f~s explanation of why liquid radvaste was being discharged without

  \s j treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for the inoperability; action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status; and summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence.

TS requires that in any month in which radioactive liquid effluent is being discharged without treatment, doses due to liquid releases to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. 1 l l (m LJ Davis-Besse ODCM z0 Revision 5 O

4 f The following equations may be used for the dose projection calculation: D tbp - Dtb (31 / d) (7_17) D maxp - D,, (31 / d) (2-18) i where: l l D tbp = the 31-day total body dose projection (mrem), { D tb

               =   the cumulative total body dose for current calendar                       i quarter including release under consideration as determined by            {

equation (2-13) or (2-15) (mrem), D maxp the 31-day maximum organ dose projection (mrem), D x


the maximum organ dose for current calendar quarter including release under consideration as determined by equation (2-13) or (2-16) (mrem), - d = the nuinber of days accounted for by the calendar quarter dose, and f j 31 = the number of days in projection. l J O 1 i 1 Davis-Besse ODCH 21 Revision 5 0


                                                                                               /%                                                     *" '

( )

                                            )                                                      )                                                \
q. ,/ x_/


1. Gross Radioact ivi ty Mor.i tors Providing Alarms and Automatic Termination of Release
a. Liquid Radvaste 3 U aent Line 1 (1) A (either Miscellauwus or Clean, but not both simultaneously)
2. Flow Rate Measurement Devices
a. Liquid Radvaste Effluent Line 1 (1) B
b. Dilution Flow to Collection Box 1 ( l') B
3. Gross Beta or Gamma Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm But Not Proviling Automatic Termination of Release
a. Turbine Building / Storm Sever Drain 1 (1) B,C Davis-Besse ODCM 22 Revision 5 L

I Table 2-1 (continued) TABLE NOTATION i (1) During radioactive releases via this pathway I ACTION A Vith the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the minimum channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases may be resumed, prpvided that prior to initiating a release:

1. At least two independent samples are analyzed in accordance with Table 2-3 for analyses performed with each batch;
2. At least two independent verification of the release rate calculations are performed;
3. At least two independent verifications of the discharge valving are performed; otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathvay.

ACTION B Vith the number of channels OPERABLE less ,than required by the minimum channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releares via this pathway may continue provided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours during actual releases. Pump curves may be used to estimate flow. ACTION C Vith the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the minimum channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided that, at least once per 12 hours, grab samples are collected and analyzed for gross radioactivity (beta or gamma) at a lover limit of detection no greater than 1.0E-07 pCi/ml. l Davis-Besse ODCM 23 Revision 5 1



1. Gross Beta or Gamma Radioactivity Monitors Providing Alarm and Automatic Isolation
a. Liquid Radvaste Effluents Line D I) P R I) O(2)
2. Flow Rate Monitors
a. Liquid Radvaste Effluent Line D b) N.A. R 0
b. Dilution Flow to Collection Box D(') N.A. R Q Davis-Besse ODCM 24 Revision 5

l 1 Table 2-2 (continued) TABLE HnTATION (1) During releases via this pathway. (2) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation { of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occurs if the instrument indicates measured 2evels above the alarm / trip setpoint. (3) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION for radioactivity measurement { instrumentation shall be performed using one or more of the reterence j standards certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology or using standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participate in i measurement assurance activities with NIST. These standards should permit  ! calibrating the system over its intended range of energy and rare capabilities. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been , j related to the initial calibrathen should be used, at intervals of at least I once per eighteen months. For nigh range monitoring instrumentation, where l calibration with a radioactive source is impractical, an electronic calibration may be substituted for the radiation source calibration. { (4) CHANNEL CHECK shall consist of verifying indication of flow during periods of release. CHANNEL CHECK shall be made at least once daily on any day on which continuous, periodic, or BATCH RELEASES are made. i (D) At least once per 24 hours. l (P) -Prior to each release. (R) At least once per 18 month (550 days). (0) At least once per 92 days. Davis-Besse ODCH 25 Revision 5

t Table 1-3


( RADI0 ACTIVE LIQUID VASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PRncRAM i Minimum Type of Lover Limit Liquid Release Type Sampling Analysis Activity of Detection Frequency Frequency Analysis (LLD) (uCi/ml)" P P Principal A. Batch Vaste Each Batch Each Batch Gamma 5.0E-07 b Release Tanks d Emitters f _ ! f

I-131 1.0E-06 P Dissolved One Batch /M M and Entrained 1.0E-05 Gases P M Each Batch CompositeC H-3 1.0E-05 Gross Alpha 1.0E-07 )

P Q,  ! Each Batch Composite" Sr-89, Sr-90 5.0E-08  ! Fe-55 1.0E-06 B. Turbine Building Principal Sump / Storm Continuous S" Gamma f 5.0E-07 b Sever Drain Emitters I-131 I 1.0E-06 P P Principal C. Condensate Each Batch Each Batch Gamma 5.0E-07 b Demineralizer Emitters f Backvash I-131 f 1.0E-06 i r Davis-Besse ODCM 26 Revision 5

t l Table 2-3 (coni 1,ued) l TARI.E tinTATInN a. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample i that vill be detected with 95% probability with 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal. For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation): LLD = 4.66 s b E

  • V
  • 2.22
  • Y
  • exp (-Aot) where l

LLD is the lower limit of detection as defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume); i Sb is *he standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the i counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute); E is the counting efficiency (as counts per transformation); V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume); 2.22 is the number of transformations per minute per picocurie; Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable); A is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide; at for plant effluents is the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and time of counting. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the f fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement. , l l


Davis-Besse ODCM 27 Revision 5

l > i Table 2-3 (continued) TABLE HnTATInN

b. The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification vill apply are exclusively the following radionuclides: Mn-54, Fe-59. Co-58,-Co-60, 2n-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, and Ce-141. For Ce-144, the'LLD is 2.0E-06 uC1/ml.

Other peaks which are measured and identified shall also be reported. I Nuclides which are below the LLD for the' analysis should not be reported as being-present at the LLD level. Vhen unusual circumstances result in LLDs. higher than required, the reasons shall be documented in the Semiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report.

c. A COMPOSITE SAMPLE is one in which the method of sampling employed results is a specimen which is representative of the liquids released.
d. A BATCH RELEASE is the discharge.of liquid vastes of a discrete volume.
e. When the monitor is out of service, a grab sample shall'be taken and analyzed  ;

once every 12 hours if the condensate pump discharge exceeds 1.0E-05 pCi/ml ' gross beta or gamma.

f. If an isotopic analysis is unavailable, gross beta or gamma measurement of BATCH RELEASE may be substituted provided the concentration released to the UNRESTRICTED AREA does not exceed 1.0E-07 pCi/ml'and a COMPOSITE SAMPLE is analyzed for principal' gamma emitters when instrumentation is available. '
g. Frequency notation: ,

P - Prior to each release. M - At least once per 31 days. 5 l 0 - At least once per 92 days. , S - At least once per 12 hours (when the monitor is inoperable).


l l l l l Davis-Besse ODCM 28 Revision 5 2

! ~i l Table 2-4 Limiting Radionuclide Concentrations

  • In Secondary-Side Clean-Up Resins for Discharges to Onsite Settling Basin Radionuclide LimitingConcenjration**

(uCi/cm ) l Cr-51 3.3E-02 Mn-54 6.2E-05 Fe-59 5.1E-04 l Co-58 3.0E-04 Co-60 5.4E-06 l Y-91 2.1E-03 l Zr-95 4.1E-04 l Nb-95 1.0E-03 Ho-99 3.5E-02 l Ru-103 1.0E-03 Ru-106 1.6E-05 Ag-110m 1.6E-05 Te-125m 5.4E-05 Te- 127m 1.5E-05 i Te-129m 6.2E-05 ! Te-131m 1.1E-02 Te-132 7.4E-03 I-131 1.1E-04 I-133 3.8E-04 I-135 1.5E-03 Cs-134 1.1E-05 I Cs-136 2.6E-03 Cs-137 1.0E-05 Ba-140 1.1E-02 l i La-140 7.4E-03 Ce-141 5.8E-03 Ce-144 4.1E-05 Pr-143 1.9E-02 Concentration limits based on the study, Disposal of Low-Level Radioactively Contaminated Secondary-Side Clean-up Resins in the on-site Sett1Tng Basins at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. J. Stewart Bland, May 1983. The limits represent a hypothetical maximum individual dose of less than 1 mrem per year due to an inadvertent release to the offsite environment. The allovable release limits as presented in Table 2 of the above reference report have been reduced by a factor of 10 for added conservatism - representing a hypothetical dose of less than 0.1 mrem.

 ** Vith more than one radionuclide identified in a resin batch, the evaluation for acceptable discharge to the onsite settling basin shall be based on the
    " sum of the fractions" rule as follows: Determine for each identified radionuclide the ratio between the measured concentration and the limiting l    concentration; the sum of these ratios for all radionuclides should be less j    than one (1) for discharge to the basin.

t Davis-Besse ODCM 29 Revision 5 l

Aj i l Table 2-5

 ,                        Radionuclide Activity Limits for the BVST and PVST Radionuclide             Total Activity (C1)      i

! l H-3 2.12E+03 l Cr-51 2.88E+02 l l Mn-54 1.41E+01 ) l Fe-59 1.07E+01 Co-57 1.26E+02 l Co-58 1.18E+01 Co-60 5.14E+00 Zn-65 2.16E+01  ; Rb-88 1.04E+02 Sr-89 2.12E+00 Sr-90 2.12E-01 l Sr-91 1.73E+01 Sr-92 9.72E+00 i Y-91 2.12E+01 Y-93 2.12E+01 Zr-95 4.23E+01 1 Zr-97 1.41E+01 Nb-95 4.31E+00 Nb-97 1.63E+01 G Ho-99 2.82E+01

    ]                          Tc-99m                   1.01E+02 Ru-103                   2.16E+01 Ru-106                   7.06E+00                 )

Ag-110m 4.31E+00 l Sn-113 5.64E+01 Sb-125 2.47E+01 I-131 2.12E-01 l I-132 5.00E+00 I-133 7.05E-01 I-134 4.53E+00 I-135 2.82E+00 Cs-134 6.35E+00 Cs-136 5.44E+00 Cs-137 1.41E+01 Cs-138 2.73E+01 Ba-139 1.43E+03 Ba-140 1.41E+01 La 140 5.38E+00 Ce-141 6.35E+01 Ce-144 7.05E+00

   %,    Davis-Besse ODCM               30                      Revision 5 e

K Table 2-6 l i Divls-B*Fss Sits-Specific Liquid Ing n tion DosD Commitment Tcctors, A , (mrenyhr per pCi/ml) ** i Nuctide Bone Liver T.sodf Thyrold Kl eey Lung GI LLI l N3 0.00E+0 1.76E+0 1. 7M +0 1.76E+0 1. 7M +0 1.76E+0 1. 7M +0 l C 14 3.13E+4 6.26E+3 6.2M+3 6.26E+3 6.2M+3 6.26E*3 6.2M+3


Na 24 4.32E+2 4.32E+2 4.32E+2 4.32E+2 4.32E+2 4.32E+2 4.32E+2 P 32 1.39E+6 8.64E+4 5.371+4 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.56E+5 Cr-51 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.31E+0 7.85E-1 2.89E-1 1.74E+0 3.30E+2 Mn 54 0.0CE+0 4.44E+3 8.48E+2 0.00E+0 1.32'E+3 0.00E+0 1.3M+4 Mn 56 0.00E+0 1.12E+2 1.98E+1 0.00E+0 1.42E+2 0.00E+0 3.57E+3 Fe-55 6.99E+2 4.83E+2 1.13E+2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 2.69E*2 2.77E+2 Fe 59 1.10E+3 2.59E+3 9.93E+2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 7.24E+2 8.64E+3 Co-57 0.00E+0 2.35E+1 3.91E+1 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 5.96E+2 Co 58 0.00E+0 1.00E+2 2.24E+2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 2.03E+3 Co 60 0.00E+0 2.87E+2 6.34E+2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 5.40E+3 , Ni 63 3.30E+4 2.29E*3 1.11E+3 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 4.78E+2 Ni 65 1.34E+2 1.74E+1 7.95E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 4.42E+2 Cu-64 0.00E+0 1.12E+1 5.25E+0 0.002+0 2.82E+1 0.00E+0 9.54E+2 2n-65 2.32E+4 7.40E+4 3.34E+4 0.00E+0 4.95E+4 0.00E+0 4.66E+4 Zn-69 4.95E+1 9.46E+1 6.58E+0 0.00E+0 6.15E+1 0.00E+0 1.42E+1 Br-82 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 2.60E+2 0.00E+0 0.00C+0 0.00E+0 2.98E+2 Br-83 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 4.10E+1 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 5.91E+1 Br 84 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 5.31E+1 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 4.17E-4 Br 85 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 2.18E*0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 Rb-86 0.00E+0 1.01E+5 4.72E+4 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 2.00E+4 Rb 88 0.00E+0 2.91E+2 1.54E+2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 4.01E 9 Rb 89 0.00E+0 1.93E+2 1.35E+2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.12E 11 sr-89 2.66E+4 0.00E+0 7.64E+2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 4.27E+3 sr 90 6.55E+5 0.00E+0 1.61E+5 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.39E+4 Sr 91 4.90E+2 0.00E+0 1.98E+1 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 2.33E*3 sr-92 1.86E+2 0.00E+0 8.04E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 3.68E+3 Y 90 7.1M 1 0.00E+0 1.92E 2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 7.59E+3 f-91m 6.77E-3 0.00E+0 2.62E-4 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.99E 2 Y 91 1.0!E+1 0.00E+0 2.81E-1 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 5.78E+3 Y-92 6.29E-2 0.00E+0 1.84E-3 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 1.10E+3 Y-93 2.00E 1 0.00E+0 5.51E-3 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 6.33E+3 2r-95 6.84E 1 2.19E 1 1.49E-1 0.00E+0 3.44E 1 0.00E+0 6.95E*2 2r 97 3.78E 2 7.63E*3 3.49E-3 0.00E+0 1.15E 2 0.00E+0 2.3M+3 Nb-95 4.47E+2 2.49E+2 1.34E+2 0.00E+0 2.46E+2 0.00E+0 1.51E+6 Nb 97 3.75E+0 9.48E-1 3.46E-1 0.00E+0 1.11E+0 0.00E+0 3.50E+3 Mo-99 0.00E+0 1.6M+2 3,16E+1 0.00E+0 3.7M+2 0.00E+0 3.85E+2 Tc-99m 1.25E-2 3.53E-2 4.49E 1 0.00E+0 5.35E-1 1.73E 2 2.09E+1 , l Tc 101 1.28E 2 1.85E 2 1.81E 1 0.00E+0 3.33E 1 9.45E 3 5. W 14 Ru-103 7.13E+0 0.00E+0 3.07E+0 0.00E+0 2.72E+1 0.00E+0 8 M2 , Davis-Besse ODCM 31 P.evisic.1 5 l l l

2 l ' Table 2-6 (continued) Davis-B3ssa Site-Specific Liquid Ingestion Dose Comitment Factors, A g (mre Whr per vCi/ml) O Nuclide tone Liver T.Boet. Thyroid Kidrwy Ltrig cl.LLt tu-105 5.94E 1 0.00E+0 2.34E 1 0.00E+0 7.67E+0 0.00E+0 3.63E+2 l Ru-106 1.06E+2 0.00E+0 1.34E+1 0.00E+0 2.0$E+2 0.00E+0 6.86E+3 th-103e 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 Rh 106 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.0090 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 As-110m 3.22E+0 2.96E+0 1.T7E+0 0.00E+0 5.85E k O.00E+0 1.21E+3 sb 124 4.76E+1 8.99C 1 1.89E+1 1.15E 1 0.00E+0 3.70E+1 1.35E+3 sb 125 3.04E+1 3.40E-1 7.24E+0 3.09E 2 0.00E+0 2.35E+1 3.35E+2 l Te-125m 2.61E+3 9.44E+2 3.49E*2 7.84E+2 1.0M+4 0.00E+0 1.04E+4 l Te 127m 6.58E+3 2.35E+3 8.02E+2 1.68E+3 2.67E+4 0.00E+0 2.21E+4 1 Te-127 1.07E+2 3.84E+1 2.31Ek1 7.92E+1 4.36E+2 0.00E+0 8.44E+3 fe 129m 1.12E+4 4.17E+3 1.77E+3 3.84E+3 4.67E+4 0.00E+0 5.63E+4 ,  ; Te 129 3.05E+1 1.15E+1 7.44E+0 2.34E+1 1.28t+2 0.00E+0 2.30E+1 Te 131e 1.68E+3 8.22E+2 6.85E+2 1.30E+3 8.33E+3 0.00E+0 3.17E+4 fe-131 1.92E+1 8.00E+0 6.05E+0 1.57E+1 8.39E+1 0.00E+0 2.71E+0 i Te-132 2.45E+3 1.58D 3 1.49E+3 1.75E+3 1.53E+4 0.00E+0 7.50E+4 t 130 3.82E+1 1.13E+2 4.44E+1 9.55E+3 1.76E*2 0.00E+0 9.70E+1 1-131 2.10E +2 3.01E+2 1.72E+2 9.85E+4 5.15E+2 0.00E+0 7.93E+1 1 132 1.03E+1 2.74E+1 9.60E+0 9.60E+2 4.37E+1 0.00E+0 5.15E+0 I 133 7.17E+1 1.25E+2 3.80E+1 1.83E+4 2.18E+2 0.00E+0 1.12E+2

  /                                                                                                ;

(' 1 134 5.35E+0 1.45E+1 5.20E+0 2.52E+2 2.31E+1 0.00E+0 1.27E 2 I l 135 7.24E+1 5.86E+1 2.16E +1 3.86E*3 9.39E+1 0.00E+0 6.62E+1 j Cs 134 2.9YE+5 7.11E+5 5.81E+5 0.00E+0 2.30E+5 7.64E+4 1.24E+4 Cs 136 3.13E+4 1.23E+5 8.88E+4 0.00E+0 6.87E+4 9.41E+3 1.40E+4 Cs-137 3.83E+5 5.23E+5 3.43E+5 0.00E+0 1.78E+5 5.91E+4 1.01E+4 Cs-138 2.65E+2 5.23E+2 2.!9E+2 0.00E+0 3.85E+2 3.80E+1 2.23E 3 Ba-139 2.35E+0 1.67E 3 6.87E-2 0.00E+0 1.56E-3 9.48E 4 4.16E+0 Se-140 4.91E+2 6.16E 1 3.22E+1' O.00E+0 2.10E 1 3.53E 1 1.01E+3 Ba 141 1.14E+0 8.61E 4 3.84E-2 0.00E+0 8.00E 4 4.88E-4 5.37E 10 Sa-142 5.15E 1 5.29E 4 3.24E 2 0.00E+0 4.47E-4 3.00E 4 7.2$E 19 La-140 1.86E 1 9.38E 2 2.48E 2 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 6.89E*3 La-142 9.53E 3 4.33E 3 1.08E 3 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 3.16E+1 Ce 141 1.59E-1 1.08E-1 1.22E 2 0.00E+0 5.00E 2 0.00E+0 4.11E+2 Ct 143 2.80E 2 2.07E+1 2.29E-3 0.00E+0 9.15E 3 0.00E+0 7.75E*2 Ce 144 8.29E+0 3.47E+0 4.45E 1 0.00E+0 2.06E+0 0.00E+0 2.80E+3 Pr 143 6.85E-1 2.75E 1 3.39E-2 0.00E+0 1.59E 1 0.00E+0 3.00E+3 Pr 144 2.24E 3 9.31E-4 1.14E-4 0.00E+0 5.25E-4 0.00E+0 3.22E 10 Nd-147 4.68E-1 5.41E 1 3.24E 2 0.00E+0 3.16E*1 0.00E+0 2.60E+3 W-187 2.97E+2 2.49E+2 8.69E+1 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 8.14E+4 up-239 4.59E 2 4.51E*3 2.49E-3 0.00E+0 1.41E 2 0.00E+0 9.25E+2 Ov Davis-Besse ODCM 32 Revision 5 l

i l . i l l Table 2-7 Bioaccomolation Factors (BFi) l (pC1/kg per pC1/ liter)* l l l t Element Freshwater Fish t i

                                 . H              9.0E-01 l

C 4.6E+03 Na 1.0E+02 l P 3.0E+03 Cr 2.0E+02 Mn 4.0E+02

Fe 1.0E+02 Co 5.0E+01 Ni 1.0E+02 l Cu 5.0E+01 Zn 2.0E+03 Br 4.2E+02 Rb 2.0E+03 Sr 3.0E+01 Y 2.5E+01 Zr 3.3E+00 Nb 3.0E+04 Mo 1.0E+01 Tc 1.5E+01 Ru 1.0E+01 Rh 1.0E+01 Ag 2.3E+00 Sb 1.0E+00 Te 4.0E+02 I 1.5E+01 Cs 2.0E+03 Ba 4.0E+00 La 2.5E+01 Ce 1.0E+00 Pr 2.5E+01 Nd 2.5E+01 V 1.2E+03 l Np 1.0E+01
     + Values in this Table are taken from Fegulatory Guide 1.109 except for phosphorus which is adapted f rom N11 REG /CR-1336 and sil rer and antimony which      !

are taken from UCRL 50564, Rev. 1, Octohet 1972. l l l l l l 1 i l Davis-Pesse ODCM 33 Revision 5 lh


Figure 2-1

   .s f,V)                  Liquid Radioactive Effluent Monitoring and Processing Diagram i


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                                                           .Av                    ,               _               TURBINC            j


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l h r~~) 3'v Davis-Besse ODCM 34 Revision 5.1

O 0; 1 i i i i l 1 l This page is intentionally blank. O l O

O 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 3.1 RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS [\ This Section specifies the gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation i required at Davis-Besse for controlling and monitoring radioactive effluents. Location and control function of these monitors are displayed in l Figure 3-1. More information is provided in the Davis-Besse USAR, Section j 11.3, Gaseous Vaste System. The radioactiv.e gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown , in Table 3-1 shall be OPERABLE vith their alarm / trip setpoints set to ensure  ; that the limits of Section 3.3 are not exceeded. The alarm / trip setpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in Section 3.3. Vith a radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel I alarm / trip setpoint less conservative than required, without delay suspend the release of radioactive gaseous effluents monitored by the affected channel, or declare the channel inoperable, or change the setpoint so it is 4 acceptably conservative. Vith less than the minimum number of radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels OPERABLE, take the actions shown in Table 3-1. Exert best efforts to return the instruments,to OPERABLE status within 30 l days and, if unsuccessful, explain in the next Semiannual Effluent and Vaste I Disposal Report (Section 7.2) why the inoperability was not corrected in i l timely manner. 1

  • I Each radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall I s,) be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK,


  \~~/          frequencies shown in Table 3-2. Each of these operations shall be performed within the specified time interval with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25 percent of the specified interval.

4 NOTE: The monitors specified in Table 3-2 are inoperable if surveillances are not performed or setpoints are less conservative than required. l The radioactive gaseous effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents during actual or potential releases. The alarm / trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance with methods in Section 3.3 to ensure that the alarm / trip vill occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is l consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63 and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. W i a


L/ ) Davis-Besse ODCM 35 Revision 5.1

i 3.1.1 Alarm and Automatic Release Termination a) Vaste Gas Decay System Monitor (RE-1822 A&B) The radioactive vaste gas discharge line is continuously monitored by two ' off'-line detectors, each measuring gross activity. The monitors' control function vill terminate the vaste discharge prior to exceeding the release rate limits of Section 3.3.1. Table 3-1 requires that the Vaste Gas Decay System contain as a minimum the following instrumentation: noble gas activity monitor (RE-1822 A or B), and j i effluent system flow rate measuring device (FT-1821 or l 1821 A). If both noble gas monitors are declared inoperable, then the contents of ( the tank may be released provided that prior to the release: at least two independent gas samples are collected and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy for principal gamma emitters (noble gases), at least two independent verifications of the release rate calculations are performed, and at least two independent verifications of the discharge valve line-up are performed. If the flow rate device is inoperable, effluent releases may continue provided that the flow rate is estimated at least once per 12 hours. Flow rates may be estimated based on fan curves or discharge valve header positioning, b) Containment Purge Exhaust Filter Monitor (RE-5052 A,B&C) This detector monitors the containment atmosphere for radioactivity during Containment VENT or PURGE. The noble gas activity monitor (Channel C) is required by Table 3-1. It provides an automatic termination of the releace prior to exceeding the release rate limits of Section 3.3.1. Although not i required in order to comply with Table 3.1, Channels A and B provide indications of increasing levels of particulate and radiciodine releases and terminate the release if their high alarm setpoint is exceeded. 3.1.2 Alarm Only a) Station Vent Monitor (RE-4598 AA, BA) The Station Vent is designed as the final release point for all gaseous radioactive effluents. Three separate channels (1, 2, and 3) are provided for each monitoring system. Channel 1 is a beta scintillation detector viewing a fixed air volume measuring for noble gases. Channel 2 is a beta scintillation detector viewing a fixed particulate filter sampler. Channel 3 is a gamma scintillation detector viewing a fixed cartridge sampler (e.g., charcoal or Ag zeolite). Only the Channel 1 radiation detector is required by Table 3.1. O Davis-Besse ODCM 36 Revision 5.1 _ _.. , m


The Channel 2 and Channel 3 detectors provide information on potential particulate and radioiodine releases. However, those monitors experience vide variations in response due, in part, to the much more abundant noble gases in the effluent stream relative to the particulate or radioiodines being sampled. Therefore, while Channels 2 and 3 provide useful information for identifying particulate and.radiciodine releases, they are not required , by Table 3.1 for quantifying the release rate. Refer to Section 3.5. j The following sampling / monitoring instrumentation on the Station Vent is required by Table 3-1: noble gas activity monitor (Channel 1), particulate sampler filter (Channel 2), j iodine sampler cartridge (Channel 3), l sampler flow rate measuring device, and l unit vent flow rate measuring device (computer points F883 or F885). The hydrogen purge line serves as a containment pressure relief route i to the Station Vent. A separate radiation monitor on this line is not i required. Any release through the hydrogen purge line vill be monitored by l the Station Vent monitor, RE-4598.  !

                                                                                                             'I b) Vaste Gas System Oxygen Monitors (AE 5984 and 6570)                                             l The Vaste Gas System is provided with two oxygen monitors (with an alarm                           I function) as required by-Table 3-1 to alert operators'in the unlikely event

{ of oxygen leakage into the'vaste gas header. The concentration of oxygen is b limited to less than or equal to 2% by volume whenever che hydrogen i concentration exceeds 4% by volume. An oxygen concentration above the specified limit vill actuate a local and-control room alarm. 1 l Davis-Besse ODCM 37 Revision 5.1 _ _ , r . - - . , ~ ~ , . . . .

1 3.2 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS OF GASEOUS EFFLUENTS l l Radioactive gaseous vastes shall be sampled and analyzed in accordance with { Table 3-3. This sampling and analysis ensures that the dose rates and doses I from gaseous effluents remain below the release rate limits of Section 3.3.1, and the dose limits of Sections 3.7.1 and 3.8.1. l 3.2.1 Batch Releases Table 3-3 requires that a grab gas sample be collected and analyzed prior to each BATCH RELEASE from the Vaste Gas Decay Tanks (VGDT) or a Containment PURGE. The analysis shall include the identification of all principal gamma emitters (noble gas) and tritium. Although not required by Table 3-3, Containment Pressure releases, Integrated Leak Rate Tests of Containment, and other tank venting operations are batch releases and shall be sampled similarly. The results of the sample analysis are used to establish the acceptable release rate in accordance with Section 3.3.4. This evaluation is necessary to ensure compliance with the limits of Section 3.3.1. . 3.2.2 Continuous Release All releases from the Station Vent are required to be continuously sampled for radioactivity. As specified in Table 3-3, the following minimum samples and analyses are required: once per week, analysis of an absorption media (e.g., charcoal cartridge) for I-131, once per week, analysis of c filter sample for all principal gamma emitters (particulate radioactive material), once per month, analysis of a grab gas sample for all principal gamma emitters (noble gas) and tritium, once per month, analysis of a composite of the particulate' samples of all releases for that month for gross alpha activity, once per quarter, analysis of a composite of the particulate samples for all releases for that quarter for Sr-89 and 90, and continuous monitoring for noble gases (gross beta and gamma activity). l l l l Davis-Besst ODCM 38 O Revision 5 i f

g i l 3.2.3 Releases Resulting from Primary-to-Secondary System Leakage l Should the secondary coolant system become contaminated, then there are several additional gaseous release points to consider: The Atmospheric Vent Valves (AVVs), Main Steam System Relief Valves (MSSVs), Auxiliary Feed Pump Turbines (AFFTs), and Auxiliary Steam System Relief Valves. Since these releases of radioactivity are not controlled on a batch basis, they should be considered continuous releases unless they are unplanned and uncontrolled in which case they are abnormal releases. Steam may be released via any of these points due to improper valve seating. Steam may be released via the MSSVs and AVVs if the plant trips, or via the AVVs during a condenser outage. Steam is released through the AFPTs during their operation. Steam may be released due to overpressurization of the l Auxiliary Steam System via the relief valves on the various steam headers, l For secondary coolant system release pathways, the following minimum samples and analyses are required:

             - once per week, analysis of a secondary system off-gas sample for principal gamma emitters (noble gases) and tritium;
             - once per veek, analysis of a secondary systea liqG'.d sample for principal g              gamma emitters (iodines and particulates):

w - once per quarter, analysis of a composite of secondary system liquid l samples for strontium-89 and strontium-90. Auxiliary Steam is obtained from Main Steam during normal operations, and from the Auxiliary Boiler during Modes 5 and 6. For Auxiliary Steam System Relief lifts that occur when the Auxiliary Boiler is the source of Auxiliary Steam, analyze liquid samples from the Auxiliary Boiler for gamma emitters and tritium. l l If only one steam generator has a primary-to-secondary leak, then radionuclides j other than tritium are released through the valves on the leaking steam i generator's main steam line. Demineralizing and gas stripping remove some j radionuclides from the condensate prior to its return to the steam generator , as feedvater. However, these processes do not remove tritium. l l l l 1 U ! Davis-Besse ODCM 39 Revision 5 l l

r i 1 l 3.3 GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITOR SETPOINT DETERMINATION 3.3.1 Release Rate Limits All releases of gaseous radioactive effluents are designed to occur via the l l Station Vent. Alarm setpoints shall be established for the Station Vent ' ! gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation to ensure that the release rate l of effluents does not exceed the following limits. 1 The dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents l l from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited to l the following: i for noble gast less than or equal to 50 mrem / year to the total body and less than or equal to 3000 mrem / year to the skin, and ) l - iodine-131, tritium and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days: less than or equal to 1500 mrem / year to any organ. (Compliance with the 1500 urem/yr dose i rate limit is demonstrated by the method in Section 3.5.) l l l Vith the dose rate (s) exceeding the above limits, with.,ut delay restore the j release rate to within the above limit (s). 1 This requirement is provided to ensure that the dose at the SITE BOUNDARY , from gaseous effluents from all units on the site vill be within the anntal l dose limits of 10 CFR Part 20 for UNRESTRICTED AREAS. These limits provide l reasonable assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents vill not result in the exposure of a MD!BER OF THE PUBLIC outside the SITE BOUNDARY to annual average concentrations exceeding the limits specified in 10 CFR Part 20. For MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDARY, the occupancy of that MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC vill be  ; sufficiently lov to compensate for any increase in the atmospheric diffusion i factor above that for the SITE BOUNDARY. Davis-Besse ODCM 40 Revision 5.2 O

3.3.2 Individual Release'Rediation Monitor Setpoints Although generic radiation monitor setpoints are normally used at Davis-Besse (see Section 3.3.3), setpoints may be established from a sample O analysis of the applicable source (i.e., Station Vent, Vaste Gas Decay Tanks, or Containment atmosphere), and the following equations: ECg

  • 30 SP TB

(3-1) 472

  • X/0 *
  • NG (Cg*K) g IC g
  • 3000 SP g =


  • k'0 gVF* I(Cg * (Lg + 1.1 Mg )

where: SPTB = monitor setpoint corresponding to the release rate limit for the total body dose rate of 50 mrem per year (uCi/ml), SP g = monitor setpoint corresponding to the release rate limit for- I the skin dose rate of 3000 mrem per year (uCi/ml), l 50 = total body dose rate limit (mrem /yr), 1 3000 - skin dose rate limit (mrem /yr), i X/0NG= atmospheric X/0 value for direct exposuge to noble gas at the SITE BOUNDARY given in Table 3-6 (sec/m ), VF =ventilationsysgemflowratefortheapplicablereleasepoint and monitor (ft / minute), C i = concentration of noble gas radionuclide i as determined by gamma spectral analysis of grab sample (uCi/ml), Kg

                     - totel  body) dose                                                                                                  ]

per pCi/m fromconversion Table 3-5, factor for radionuclide i (mrem /yr Lg = beta gkin dose conversion factor for radionuclide i (mrem /yr per pCi/m.) from Table 3-5, Mg - gamma 3 air dose conversion factor for radionuclide i (mrad /yr per pCi/m ) from Table 3-5, 1.1 = mrem skin dose per mrad gamma air dose (mrem / mrad), and 472 = 28,317 (ml/ft )

  • 1/60 (min /sec).

The lesser value of SP TB # S is used to establish the monitor setpoint. l I l O Davis-Besse ODCM 41 Revision 5.2

b I The Station Vent monitor (RE-4598) efficiencies and read outs are in uCi mit-however, the Containment Purge Exhaust Monitor (RE-5052) and the VGDT

 '       monitor (RE-1822) efficiencies and read outs are in counts per minute.                     !

Therefore, for RE-5052 and RE-1822, the setpoints in pCi/ml must be corrected to an equitalent monitor counts per minute. The monitor calibration curves are used for determining specific radionuclide efficiencies (cpm per uCi/ml). Normally, the monitor efficiency for Xe-133 is used in lieu of the efficiency values for the individual radionuclides. Because its lower gamma energy causes a higher monitor response, the Xe-133 effic!.ency provides a conservative value for alarm setpoint determination. 3.3.3 Conservative, Generic Radiation Monitor Setpoints Normally, generic alarm setpoints are established instead of those determined by individual radionuclide analysis. This approach eliminates the need to adjust the setpoint periodically to reflect minor changes in radionuclide distribution or release flow rate. The alarm setpoint may be conservatively determined by assuming all activity released is Kr-89. The Kr-89 total body dose conversion factor is the most limiting. Therefore, the more restrictive setpoint is based on the total body dose rate limit and may be calculated using equation (3-1). Again, the Xe-133 monitor efficiency is used for conservatism. The alarm setpoints are controlled for RE-4598, RE-5052, and RE-1822 in accordance with the Radiation Monitor Setpoint Manual.


3.3.4 Release Flow Rate Evaluation For Batch Releases To comply with the release rate limits of Section 3.3.1, each batch release shall be evaluated for maximum release flow rate prior to being released. Based on noble gas concentration, and the radioiodine, particulate, and tritium concentration in the sample as collected in accordance with Table ' 3-3, the allovable release rate is determined based on equations (3-3),  ! (3-4) and (3-5). The smallest value of RRtb, RR, or RRINH is used as the I maximum allovable release flow rate. To determine RR INH exactly, a separate RR gg must be calculated for every organ in every age group (28 values of RR The smallest of these 28 j is the RR vhich is compared to RR an b). to determine maximum allovablesleaserate. AconservatbeshortEut la to calculate RR "C" any by using the largest inhalation dose factor (Rorganofanyagegroupforeachnuclidere The largest dose factors in the inhalation pathway are usually for the teen lung. 50 RR tb

  • 472
  • X/0NG* (Ki
  • CNGg )

3000 RR =

                           *                                                       (3-4) 472
  • X/0 NG
  • IIIb i
  • l'1 M )
  • CNGg )

i 1500 RR " (3-5) 472

  • X/0 INH
  • IN io CINHg )
  • DF 7p Davis-Besse ODCM 42 Revision 5.2 i

l t

                                                                                                                                                  .- 4 i

i l vhare: j RRg - allovable release flow rate 3so as not to exceed a total body { dose rate of 50 mrem /yr (ft / minute),



  • te so as not to exceed a skin dose

rate of 3000 mrem /yr (ft minute),


, INH = dose rate of 1500 mrem /yr (ft / min),allvablereleaseflowratesgasn 50 - total body dose rate limit at the SITE BOUNDARY (mrem /yr), j 3000 = skin dose rate limit at the SITE BOUNDARY (mrem /yr), 1500 = inhalation dose rate limit at the SITE BOUNDARY (mrem /yr), f 472 = 28317 (ml/ft3)

  • 1/60 (min /sec),

i X/0NG = atmospheric X/0 value for direct exposuge to noble gas at the  ! SITE BOUNDARY given in Table 3-6 (sec/m ), 1 X/0 INH =atmosphericX/0valgeforinhalationat the SITE BOUNDARY given in Table 3-6 (sec/m ), Kg = total bod 3 ose d conversion factor for radionuclide i (mrem /yr per pCi/m ) from Table 3-5, i Lg - beta gkin dose conversion factor for radionuclide i (mrem /yr per i pCi/m ) from Table 3-5, Mg - gamma 3 air dose conversion factor for radionuclide i (mrad /yr per pC1/m ) from Table 3-5, R,g

;                             - dose     factor in Table          for radionuclide 3-7 (mrem                 i tp), organ o of age group a given
                                                           /yr per pCi/m i

i CNGg = concentration of noble gas radionuclide i analyzed in grab 7 samples, CINHg = concentration of tritium, radioiodine, or particulate radionuclide i analyzed in grab samples, and DF7p = removal factor of 100 to be used for radioiodines and particulates when the effluent is processed through an absolute filter (do not use for tritium). t The actual release rate may be set lover than the maximum allovable release rate to provide an additional assurance that the release rate limits of Section 3.3.1 are not exceeded. g j f

i '

s Davis-Besse ODCM 43 Revision 5.2 1

                                                                                                             -,aym.-,,-, , + ,,, ,,,, , . - .,we-

i l 3.4 SITE BOUNDARY DOSE RATE CALCULATION - NOBLE GAS 1 If an effluent noble gas monitor exceeds the alarm setpoint, then an l l evaluation of compliance with the release rate limits of Section 3.3.1 l must be performed using actual release conditions. This evaluation requires l collecting a sample of the effluent to establish actual radionuclide concentrations and monitor response. l The following equations may be used for evaluating compliance with the release rate limit of Section 3.3.1 for noble gases: Dtb = 4 *XO NG i* i) (3-6) D, = 472

  • X/0NG *
  • i+ .1 M j
  • C g) i (3-7) where:

I tb = total body dose rate (mrem /yr), D s

                        = skin dose rate (mrem /yr),

l X/0gg - atmospheric X/0 for direct exposure to goble gases at the i SITE BOUNDARY given in Table 3-6 (sec/m ), VF = ventilation system flow rate (ft / min),  ! Cg = concentration of radionuclide i as measured in the sample (uci/ml), Kg = total body dose conversion factor3 for noble gas radionuclide i (mrem /yr per pCi/m ) from Table 3-5, L i

                        = beta   skin i (mrem  /yrdose  convef)sion per pCi/m       from factor for noble gas radionuclide Table 3-5, Mg
                        = gamma      air dose radionuclide        conversion i (mrad              factor f)or
                                                    /yr per pCi/m      fromnoble Tablegas 3-5, 1.1 = mrem skin dose per mrad gamma air dose (mr:m/ mrad), and 472 = 28,317 (ml/ft3)
  • 1/60 (min /sec). '

1 l l l I l l Davis-Besse ODCM O 44 Revision 5

A 3.5 SITE BOUNDARY DOSE RATE CALCULATZ0li - RADI0 IODINE. TRITIUM, AND PARTICULATES 3.5.1 Dose Rate Calculation Section 3.3.1 limits the dose rate to <l500 i .em/yr to any nrgan for gn=anns releases of I-131, tritium and all particulates wi th half-lives greater than 8 days. To demonstrate compliance with this limi'., an evaluation is nerformed in accordance with Table 3-3 (nominally once per 7 days). The following equation may be used for the dose rate evaluation: b, = X/0 INH

  • 10 i} (~) I A

vhere: a b, = dose rate to organ o over the sampling time period (mrem /yr) X/0 INH = a -> spheric X/0 valge for inhalation at the SITE BOUNDARY given  ! in Table 3-6 (sec/m ), Rg

                                                                 = age dosegroup factorviatothe organ  o frompathway inhalation  radionuclide (mremi /yr for per thepCi/m contrp)lling from Table 3-7, and Og   = average release rate over the appropriate sampling period and analysis frequency for radionuclide i (pC1/sec).

3.5.2 Simplified Dose Rate Evaluation for Radioiodine, Tritium and Particulates l It is conservative to evaluate dose rates by applying the I-131 dose factor to the collective releases for all measured radionuclides. By substituting 9 1500 mrem /yr for the dose rate to organ o in Equation (3-8) and solving for Og , an allovable release rate can be determined. Based on the annual average meteorological dispersion (see Table 3-6) and the I-131 riose f actor for the most limiting potential pathvay, age group3 and rgan (inhalation,

                                                                              = 1.62E+07 mrem /yr per pCi/m ),
                                                     <hild, thyroid -- R g9                                      the allowable release rate is 44.1 UCi/sec. An added conservatism factor of 0.8 has been included in this calculation to account for any potential dose contribution from other radioactive particulate material.

For a 7-day period, which is the nominal sampling and analysis frequency, the cumulative release vould be 26.7 C1. Therefore, as long as the total radioiodine, tritium, and particulate releases in any 7-day period do not exceed 26.7 C1, no additional analyses are needed to verify compliance with the Section 3.3.1 limits on allovable release rate. O Davis-Besse ODCH 45 Revision 5

3.6 QUANTIFYZNG ACT2VITY RELEASED NIC Regulatory Guide 1.21 requires reporting the quantities of individual radionuclides relea. ' in g w effluents. Therefore, these quantities shall be determined. 3.6.1 Quantifying Noble Gas Activity Released Using Station Vent Monitor (RE-4598) The quantification of continuous noble gas effluents is based on sampling and analysis of the Station Vent effluent. The monitor provides a measurement of gross radioactive material concentration in the effluent. As required by Table 3-3, a gas sample is collected at least monthly from the Station Vent. And, as discussed in Section 3.2.2, this sample is analyzed by gamma spectroscopy to identify principal gamma emitting radionuclides (noble gases). The results of the analysis are used to determine the quantities of radionuclides released. This simplified approach reasonably quantifies the continuous release provided that no atypical levels have been observed (e.g., alert setpoint being exceeded). Based on the average noble gas monitor reading and a gas analysis for the release period, the individual noble gas radionuclides released are { quantified by the equation: Ag 0 - 28,317 *

  • C
  • VF
  • T (3-9) 3 IA g where:

Og = total activity released of radionuclide i (pC1), 28,317 = milliliters per ft3, A g = activity concentration of radionuclide i from the gamma spectral analysis of the grab sample from the release point (ECi/ml), C = average gross activity concentration over the release period as measured by the noble gas monitor excluding any BATCH RELEASES (UCi/ml), VF = ventilation system flow rate (ft / min), and l T = release duration (min). Davis-Besse ODCM 46 Revision 5 O _ ___U

3.6.2 O l antifying Noble Gas Activity Released Using A Grab Sample With bath Station Vent radiation monitors inoperable (i.e., RE-4598 AA and O BA, Channel 1), the once-per-8 hours grab samples provide for continued ( quantification of releases in accordance with Table 3.1 requirements. Analysis of grab samples provides the radionuclide concentrations in the l effluent. The flow measurement device (or flow rate estimate) and the release duration provide the total volume released. With these, the total amount of radioactive material relaased can be determined. The following equation may be used for determining the release quantities from any release point based on the grab sample analysis: Og - 28,317

  • VF
  • T
  • Cg
  • 1E-06 (3-10) where:

Og - total activity released of radionuclide i (C1), 28,317 - milliliters per ft3, VF - ventilation system flow rate (ft / min), T - release duration (min), 1E Ci per pCi, and Cg - concentration of radionuclide i as measured in the grab sample (uCi/ml). Q 3.6.3 Quantifying Radioiodine Tritium, and Particulate Activity Released V For radiciodine and particulates: O g= Ag*Ag

  • t
  • v
  • IE-06 (3-11)

(1-e i t)

  • s
  • 0.72 where Og - total activity released of radionuclide i (Ci),

Ag - activity of radionuclide i measured on filter media (uCi), A g - decay constant of radionuclide i (hr -1), t - release duration (hr), v - total vent system flov for sampling period (cc), 1E Ci per pCi, s - total flov through sampler (cc), a.nd 0.72 - isokinetic flow correction factor for normal range station vent skid RE 4598 AA or BA filter media. [ V Davis-Besse ODCM 47 Revision 5.1

3 For Tritlum: j Q - C

  • V
  • V
  • 1E-06 y


  • S (3-12) 0 = total activity of tritium released (C1),

C - tritium concentration in gas vashing bottle (uCi/ml), V - volume of water added to gas vashing bot tle (ml), V - total vent system flow for release period (cc), } 1E Ci per pCi, 0.9 efficiency for collection of tritium, and S - total sample volume through gas vashing bottle (cc). . 3 9 Davis-Besse ODCM 48 Revision 5 O


3.7 NOBLE GAS DOSE CALCULATIONS - 10 CFR 50 3.7.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose - Limits Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year for noble gases shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in this Section at least once per 31 days. This periodic assessment of releases of noble gases is to evaluate compliance with the quarterly dose limits and calendar year limits. The air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited to the following: during any calendar quarters less than or equal to 5 mrad for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 10 mrad for beta radiation, and during any calendar yea'r: less than or equal to'10 mrad for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 20 mrad for beta radiation. Vith the calculated air dose from radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents exc'eeding any of the above limits, in lieu of a Licensee Event Report, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Section 7.3, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions.that have.been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases vill be in compliance with the above limits. This specification is provided to implement the requirements of Section II.B III.A and IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The limits specified above provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time O implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material'in gaseous effluents will be kept "as


lov as is reasonably achievable." This Section implements the requirements of Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I to be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through the appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The dose calculations established for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents.for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Vater-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1., July 1977. 3.7.2 Dose Calculations - Noble Gases The following equations may be used to calculate the gamma-air and beta-air t doses: Dy = 3.17E-08

  • X/0 NG


  • i} (~ }

D$ = 3.17E-08

  • X/0NG * (Ng*Og) (3-14)

O Davis-Besse ODCM 49 Revision 5.2

where: Dy - air dose due to gamma emissions for noble gas radionuclides (mrad), DS = air dose due to beta emissions for noble gas radionuclides (mrad), X/0 NG

                             = atmospheric     X/0 value the SITE B0UNDARY          forindirect given                          Tableexposure       3-6 (sec/mtg) noble gas at            j Og  = cumulative release of noble gas radionuclide i over the period of interest (pC1),


                             - air gasdose  factor due radionuclide      to gamma i (mrad  /yr peremissiony)                            pCi/m from f rom Table      noble  3-5, Ng
                             = gas air radionuclide dose f actor      due i (mrad  /yr to        per beta                       pC1/memissions))from from Table 3-5, and          noble 3.17E-08    =   1/3.15E+07 (yr/sec).

3.7.3 Simplified Dose Calculation for Noble Gases In lieu of the individual noble gas radionuclide dose assessment presented above, the following simplified equations may be used for verifying compliance with the dose limits of Section 3.7.1. (Refer to Appendix B for the derivation and justification of this simplified method.) Dy - 2.0

  • 3.17E-08
  • X/0NG * "eff
  • Og (3-15) ,

and DS = 2.0

  • 3.17E-08
  • X/0gg
  • N,gg
  • I0 1 (3-16) l vhere:

M,gg = 5.7E+02, effective gamma-air dose factor from Appendix B (mrad /yr per pCi/m3 ),  ; N,gg = 1.lE+03, effective3hta-air dose factor from Append x B  ! (mrad /yr per pCi/m ), and i 2.0 - conservatism factor to account for potential variability in the radionuclide distribution. I Davis-Besse ODCM O 50 Revision 5

3.8 RADI0 IODINE, TRITIUM AND PARTICULATE DOSE CALCULATIONS - 10 CFR 50 3.8.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose Limits l A periodic assessment is requireri to evaluate compliance with the quarterly dose limit and the calendar year limit to any organ. Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year for T-131, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in this section at least once per 31 days. The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from I-131, tritium and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited to the following:

                - During any calendar quarter: less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to any organ, and
                - During any calendar year:  less than or equal to 15 mrem to any organ.

Vith the calculated dose from the release of iodine-131, tritium and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, in lieu of a Licensee Event Report, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Section 7.3, a Special report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits. This requirement is provided to implement the requirements of Section II.C, III.A, and IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The limits are the guides set forth in Section II.C of Appendix I. The actions specified provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as lov as is reasonably achievable." The ODCM calculational methods specified in this Section implement the requirements in Section III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedure based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The ODCM methods for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of the subject materials are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculating of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I". Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111. " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Vater-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. V Davis-Besse ODCM 51 Revision 5

The rolesse rate spscifications for radioiodines and radioactive material in particulate form are dependent on the existing radionuclide pathways to man in the UNRESTRICTED AREA. The pathways which are examined in the development of these calculations are:

                                               - individual inhalation of airborne radionuclides.                                  -
                                               - deposition of radionuclides into green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man,
                                               - deposition onto grassy areas where milk animals and meat-producing animals graze with consumption of the milk and meat by man, and
                                               - deposition on the ground with subsequent exposure of man.

3.8.2 Critical Pathway The critical pathway is that exposure pathway, age group, organ, and receptor location for which the maximum dose is calculated due to a given gaseous release of radionuclides. Determination of the critical pathway is made as part of the Annual Land Use Census. As part of this process, the maximum exposure pathway is determined for each directional sector in the area surrounding Davis-Besse. The maxium exposure pathways for each sector are listed in Table 3-4. The critical pathway is chosen from among the maximum pathways for each sector and is listed in Table 3-6.

            ~ Only the dose via the critical pathway identified in Table 3-6 need be evaluated for compliance with the dose limits of Section 3.8.1. Dose shall be calculated to the organ with the highest dose factor for the controlling age group to determine the maximum organ dose. N dose factors for organs of the various age groups are listed by exposure pathway in Tables 3-7 through 3-11.

3.8.3 Dose Calculations - Radioiodine, Tritium and Particulates The following equation may be used to evaluate the maximum organ dose due to releases of iodine-131, tritium and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days: D,,p = 3.17E-08

  • V
  • ICF
  • SF
  • I (Rg ,
  • Og ) (3-17) {

Vhere: D aop = dose or dose commitment to organ o via controlling pathway p and age group a as identified in Table 3-6 (mrem), V

                                                    - atmospheric dispersion factor to the controlling location as identified in Table 3-6 V
                                                           =X/0,dispersionfactorforinhalationpatgvayandH-3 dose contribution via all pathways (sec/m )

W m

                                                           = and D/0,ground deposition  factor for plane exposure    vegetation,2) pathways                (m-     ilk

l Davis-Besse ODCM O 52 Revision 5.1

R, g = dose factor for radionuclida i to organ o of age group a via pathway p as identified in Table 3-7, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10,3or 3-11 2 depending on the pathway specified (mrem /yr per pCi/m ) or (m - mrem /yr per pCi/sec), Og = cumulative release over the period of interest for radionuclide i (pCi), ICF = elemental iodine correction factor which may be used in calculating doses from radioiodines via the vegetation, milk, and ground plane exposure pathways - 0.5, SF - seasonal correction factor which may be used for milk and vegetation pathways - 0.5, and 3.17E 1/3.15E+07 (yr/sec). The dose factors in Tables 3-7 through 3-11 ace derived in accordance with NUREG-0133. The elemental iodine correction factor in equation (3-17) is referenced in Regulatory Guide 1.109. 3.8.4 Simplified Dose Calculation for Radiolodines and Particulates In lieu of the individual radionuclide dose assessment presented in equation (3-17) the following simplified dose calculation may be used for verifying compliance with the dose limits of Section 3.8.1: D,,, - 3.17E-08

  • U
  • ICF
  • SF
  • RI-131
  • E0 (3-18) 1 l vhere:

D max = maximum rgan dose (mrem), Ry _131. I-131 dose factor for the thyroid for the controlling pathway identified in Table 3-6, and I0g = sum of the activities of all radioiodines, tritium and particulates (pCi). The ground plane exposure and inhalation pathways need not be considered whcn the simplified method is used because of the negligible contribution of these pathways to the total thyroid dose. It is recognized that for some particulate radionuclides (e.g., co-60 and Cs-137), the ground exposure pathway may represent a higher dose contribution than either the vegetation or milk pathway. However, use of the I-131 thyroid dose factor for all radionuclides will maximize the organ dose calculation, especially considering that no other radionuclide has a higher dose factor for any organ via any pathway than I-131 for the thyroid via the vegetable or milk pathway. a Davis-Besse ODCH 53 Revision 5.1

3.9 GASEOUS EFFLUENf DOSE PROJECTION As with liquid effluents, gaseous effluents require processing if the projected dose exceeds specified limits. This requirement implements the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36a on maintaining and using the appropriate radvaste processing equipment to keep releases ALARA. The CASEOUS RADVASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM (i.e., Vaste Gas Decay Tank) shall be used to reduce noble gas levels prior to discharge when the projected air dose due to gaseous effluent releases to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY vould exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation and 0.4 mrad for beta radiation in a 31 day period (i.e., one quarter of the design objective rate). The VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be used to reduce radioiodine and particulate effluents, prior to their discharge, when the projected dose due to gaseous effluents releases to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY vould exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ in a 31-day period. Figure 3-1 presents the gaseous effluent release points and the GASEOUS RADVASTE and VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMS applicable for reducing effluents prior to release. Vith the gaseous vaste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the limits, in lieu of a Licensee Event Report prepare and submit to the commission within 30 days, pursuant to Section 7.3 e Special Report that includes the following information:

                 - Explanation of why gaseous radvaste was being discharged without treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or s

subsystems, and the reasons for the inoperability,

                 - Actions taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and
                 - Summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence.

The requirements that the appropriate portions of these systems be used, when specified, provides reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents vill be kept "as lov as is reasonably achievable." This requirement implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part

50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and II.C of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for I gaseous effluents.

l If the GASE0US RADVASTE and VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMS are not being used, dose projections shall be performed at least once per 31 days using the following equations: Dy - Dy * (31/d) (3-19) p D8 p

                              - DS * (31/d)                                                                                                (3-20)

D maxp - D,,x * (31/d) (3-21) l Davis-Besse ODCM 54 Revision 5 O

where: Dy = projected 31-day gamma-air dose (mrad), p

 /   \

(O l Dy = gamma-air dose for current calendar quarter (mrad), DS p = projected 31-day beta-air dose (mrad), DS - beta-air dose for current calendar quarter (mrad), D,,xp - projected 31-day maximum organ dose (mrem).  ; D

                           *** . maximum organ dose for current calendar quarter as determined by equation (3-17) or (3-18) (mrem),

d - number of days accounted for by current calendar quarter dose, and 31 - number of days in projection. (O,-) i N__- Davis-Besse ODCM 55 Revision 5

 -                                            O I

l This page is intentionally blank. l 1 i


l I i i I I f 9 . l l e


   \  b                                                (*\


1. Vaste Gas Decay System (provides automatic isolation)
a. Noble Gas Activity Honitor 1 (1) Radioactivity Heasurement A
b. Effluent System Flow Rate Heasuring Device 1

(1) System Flow Rate Measurement B

2. Uaste Gas System (provides alarm functlon)
a. Oxygen Monitor 1 (2)  % 0xygen D


3. Containment Purge Monitoring System (provides automatic isolation)
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor 1 (1) Radioactivity measurement C l

Davis-Besse ODCH 56 Revision 5 l i i.


4. Station Vent Stack (provides alarm function)
a. Noble Gas Activity Honitor 1 (1) Radioactivity Heasurement C
b. Iodine Sampler Cartridge 1 (1) Verify Presence of E Cartridge
c. Particulate Sampler Filter 1 (1) Verify Presence of Filter E
d. Effluent System Flov 1 (1) System Flov Rate B Rate Measuring Device Measurement
e. S upler Flov Rate Measuring De r ice 1 (1) Sampler Flow Rate B Heasurement Davis-Besse ODCM 57 Revision 5 O O O

2 Table 3-1 (Continued) TABLE NOTATION

  ) (1) During radioactive vaste gas releases via this pathway.

%) (2) During additions to the vaste gas surge tank ACTION A Vith the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the ' minimum channels OPERABLE requirement, the contents of the tank may be released to the environment provided that prior to initiating  ; the release:

1. At least two independent samples are analyzed in accordance with Table 3-3 for analyses performed vich each batch;
2. At least two independent verifications of the release rate calculations are performed;
3. At least two independent verifications of the discharge valving are performed.

ACTION B Vith the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the minimum channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 12 hours. ACTION'C ,Vith the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the minimum channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided grab samples are taken at least once per 8 hours and these samples are analyzed for gross activity [) within 24 hours. O ACTION D Vith the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the minimum channels OPERABLE req:iirement, additions to the vaste ga.s surge tank may continue provided another method for ascertaining oxygen concentrations, such as grab sample analysis,.is implemented to provide measurements at least once per four(4) hours during degassing and daily during other operations. ACTION E Vith the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the minimum channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathvay may continue provided samples are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment, as required in Table 3-3. Davis-Bessee ODCM 58 Revision 5 N/


1. Vaste Gas Decay System
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor P I) P R I} O( }
b. Effluent System Flow Rate P( ) N/A R 0
2. Containment Purge Vent System
a. Noble Gas Activity Honitor D I} P };M R( } Q I)
3. Station. Vent Stack
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor D I) H R( ) Q(4)
b. Iodine Sampler V I) N/A N/A N/A
c. Particulate Sampler V I1) N/A N/A. N/A
d. System Effluent Flow Rate Measurement Device D( } N/A R N/A
e. Sampler Flow Rate Measurement Device V II) N/A R N/A Davis-Besse ODCH 59 Revision 5 9 9 9 1
    ,        ~ . . -     ~ - . _ _ ~         .       . .-                 - -                 -     ._ .         . ._ -

Table 3-2 (Continued) TABLE NOTATI_O_N (1) During radioactive vaste._ gas releases via this pathway. (2) Dur'ing additions to the vaste gas surge tank. (3) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL. TEST shall also' demonstrate that automatic isolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occurs if the instrument indicates measured levels above the i alarm / trip setpoint. i (4) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if the instrument' indicates measured i l levels above the alarm / trip setpoint. (5) The initial' CHANNEL CALIBRATION for radioactivity measurement Instrumentation shall be performed using one or more of they reference standards certified by the National Institute of ,

Standards and Technology or using standards that have been obtained.

I from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities vith NIST. These standards should permit celibrating the system over its intended range of energy and rate capabilities. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been releated to ' the initial calibration should be used, at intervals of at least i once per eighteen months. For high range monitoring instrumentation, where calibration with a radioactive source is impractical, an electronic calibration may be substituted for the .

                                               . radiation source calibration.

(6) The CHANf;EL. CALIBRATION shall include the.use of' standard gas samples containing a nominal:

1. One volume percent oxygen, balance nitrogen; and
2. Four volume percent oxygen, balance. nitrogen.

(7) During containment purges. (8) Vhen used in a continuous mode. l P Prior to each release. ,. b R At least once per 18 months (550 days). O At least once per 92 days. D At least once per 24 hours. H At least once per 31 days. V At least once per 7 days. Davis-Besse ODCM 60 Revision 5

 . , . -             n .                                                          - . . , . ,

Table 3-3 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS VASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Minimum Lower Limit of Gaseous Release Type Sampling Analysis Type of Frequency Frequency Detection {LLD Activity Analysis (uCi/ml) _ P P Each Each. Principal Camma Emitters 1.0E-04 Vaste Gas Decay Release Release Grab Sample H-3 1.0E-06 P P Containment Purge Each Purge Each -Purge Principal Gamma Emitters 1.0E-04 Grab Sample H-3 1.0E-06 '--- M M Station Vent Stack Grab Sample Principal Gamma Emitters 1.0E-04

                                                                                                              .                                                                                                                        H-3                              1.0E-06 Continuous b                                                                                         Charcoal          I-131                            1.0E-12 Sample b

Continuous Particulate PrincipafCamma 1.0E-11 Sample Emitters b Continuous Composite Particulate Gross Alpha 1.0E-11 Sample b 0 Continuous Composite Particulate Sr-89, Sr-90 1.0E-Il Sample continuous Noble Gas Noble Cases Monitor Gross Beta or Gamma 1.0E-06 Davis-Besse ODCM 61 Revision 5 g 9 9 i

                                                                                          . ..- A Table 3-3 (Continued) l                                                TABLE NOTATION i/
a. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample
    \s         that will be detected with 95% probability with 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.                          '

For a particular measurement system (which may include radio-chemical


i E

  • V
  • 2.22
  • Y
  • exp(-Aot)

{ vhere j i LLD is the lover limit of detection as defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume); a , sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute); 4 V E is the counting efficiency (as counts per transformation);  ; V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume); 2.22 is the number of transformations per minute per picocurie; Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable);

    /eD              A is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide;               I V,

at for plant effluents is the elapsed time between the midpoint of i sample collection and time of counting. l It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the  ; fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

b. The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known for the time period covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made l In accordance with Sections 3.3.1 and 3.8.

l [ Davis-Besse ODCM 62 Revision 5 L

i x& Table 3-3 (Continued) TABLE NOTATION

c. The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification vill apply are .
exclusively the following radionuclides
Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-133, Xe-133m, l Xe-135, and Xe-138 for gaseous emissions and Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, l 2n-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141 and Ce-144 for particulate emissions.

l This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported. Other peaks which are measured and identified, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identifed and reported. Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses should be reported as "less than" the nuclide's LLD and should not be reported as being present at the LLD level for the nuclide. The "less than" values shall not be used in the required dose calculations. When unusual circumstances result in LLDs higher than , required, the reasons shall be documented in the Semiannual Effluent and l Vaste Disposal Report. 1 Frequency notation:  ; 4

P - Prior to each release.

l M - At least once per 31 days. V - At least once per 7 days. , 0 - At least once per 92 days. i O l l l l I t l l Davis-Besse ODCM 63 Revision 5 h t

                                                                                                      -cd Table 3-4 Land-Use Census Summary



Exposure Pathvay Locations and Atmospheric Dispersion Paramatars


Distance Exposure Controlling X/0 Sector (meters) Pathway Age Group Df0 (sec/m ) (m ~ ) N 880 inhalation child 9.15E-07 8.4E-09 NNE 870 inhalation child 1.27E-06 1.47E-08 NE 900 inhalation child 1.26E-06 1.58E-08 ENE* -- -- -- -- -- E* -- -- -- -- -- ESE* -- -- -- -- -- SE* -- -- -- -- -- SSE 2,900 vegetation child 6.80E-08 7.90E-10 s 1,450 vegetation child 1.21E-07 2.46E-09 SSV 1,560** vegetation child 1.03E-07 2.28E-09

    - . . SV        1,050**              vegetation       child          2.92E-07   5.33E-09
 \ _.)      Vsv       4,270                 ccv/ milk        infant         5.71E-08   5.31E-10 V        1,720**              vegetation       child          2.47E-07   3.81E-09 VNV        1,750**              vegetation       child          1.46E-07   1.72E-09 NV       2,630**               vegetation       child          5.96E-08   4.50E-10 NNV        1,210                vegetation       child          2.70E-07   1.92E-09
  • Since these sectors are located over marsh areas and Lake Erie, no ingestion or inhalation pathways are present.
            ** These values are a change to this tabla as a result of the 1991 Land Use census.

Note: The meteorological dispersion fact.ots are taken from the Stone and Vebster report, Handbook for ODCM X/0 and D/o ralculations, nctober 1983. Davis-Besse ODCM 64 Revision 5 v

A Table 3-5 Dose Factors for Noble Gases

  • Total Body Skin Gamma Air Beta Air Gamma Dose Beta Dose Dose Factor Dose Factor-Nuclide Factor K g Factor L g Hg Ny (mrad /yr per (mrem pCi/m /yg)per (mrem pCi/m/yg)per 3 pCi/m ) (mrad uCi/m/yg)per I

Kr-83m 7.56E-02 1.93E+01 2.88E+02 l Kr-85m 1.17E+03 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 1.97E+03 Kr-85 1.61E+01 1.34E+03 1.72E+01 1.95E+03 Kr-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 1.03E+04 Kr-88 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 2.93E+03 Kr-89 1.66E+04 1.01E+04 1.73E+04 1.06E+04 Kr-90 1.56E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 7.83E+03, Xe-131m 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 1.11E+03 Xe-133m 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 1.48E+03 Xe-133 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 1.0$E*03 Xe-135m 3.12E+03 7.11E+02 3.36E+03 7.39E+02 Xe-135 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03 Xe-137 1.42E+03 1.22E+04 1.51E+03 1.27E+04 Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 4.75E+03 Ar 41 8.84E+03 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03 I l

  • Dose factors taken from NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 Davis-Besse ODCH 65 Revision 5 0
                                                                                        . CdY Table 3-6 Exposure Pathways, Controlling Parameters, and Atmospheric Dispersion for Dose Calculations f*s.

( )

 \                                                           Atmospheric Dispersion Expbsure             Receptor         Controlling            X/0        D/

Pathvay Location Age Group (sec/m ) (m'g) noble gases SITE BOUNDARY N/A 1.83E-06 N/A direct NNE exposure inhalation SITE BOUNDARY child 1.68E-06 N/A NNE (critical pathway) grass - cow 4270 meters 5.71E-08 infant 5.31E-10 , - milk VSV



1. All meteorological dispersion values have been taken from the Stone and Vebster report, Handbook for nDCM X/o and D/n enlculations, October 1983.
2. The noble gas, direct exposure X/Os are based on the dacayed, undepleted values.
3. The inhalation pathway X/Qs are based on the decaved, depleted values.

Davis-Besse ODCM 66 Revision 5 0

Table 3-7 Rg ,, Inhalation Pathway Dose F 3ctors - ADULT (mrem /yr per uCi/m ) Nuclida Bone Liver Thyroid Eldney GI.LLI T.8cdy

                  ....... ....... ....... ....... .......        ..L a M3
  • 1.26E+3 1.26E+3 1.26E+3 1.26E+3 1.26E+3 1.2M+3 C 14 1.82E+4 3.41E+3 3.41E+3 3.41E+3 3.41E+3 3.41E+3 3.41E+3 Na 24 1.02E+4 1.02E+4 1.02E+4 1.02E+4 1.02E+4 1.02E+4 1.02E+4 P 32 1.32E+6 7.71E+4 - - -

8.64E+4 5.01E+4 Cr 51 - - 5.95E+1 2.268+1 1.44E+4 3.32E+3 1.00E+2 Mn 54 - 3.9M +4 - 9.84E+3 1.40E+6 7.74E+4 6.3N+3 Mn 56 - 1.24E+0 - 1.30E+0 9.44E+3 2.02E+4 '. 83E 1 Fe 55 2.4M+4 1.70E+4 - - 7.21E+4 6.03E6 3.94E+3 i Fe-59 1.18E+4 2.78E+4 - - 1.02E+6 1. 5d+5 1.0M+4 Co 57 - 6.92E+2 - - 3.70E+5 3.14E+4 6.71E+2 . Co 58 - 1.58E+3 - - 9.28E+5 1.06E+5 2.07E+3 Co-60 - 1.15E+4 - - 5.97t+6 2.85E+5 1.48E+4 NI-63 4.32E+5 3.14E+4 - - 1.78E+5 1.34E+4 1.45E+4 Ni 65 1.54E+0 2.10E 1 - - 5.60E+3 1.23E+4 9.12E-2 Cu 64 - 1.46E+0 - 4.62E+0 6.78E+3 4.90E+4 6.15E 1 Zn-65 3.24E+4 1.03E+5 - 6.90E+4 8.64E+5 5.34E+4 4.66t+4 2n-69 3.38E-2 6.51E 2 - 4.22E-2 9.20E+2 1.63E+1 4.52E 3 Br 82 - - - - - 1.04E+4 1.35E+4 Br 83 - - - - - 2.32E+2 2.41E+2 1 Br-84 - - - - - 1.64E 3 3.13E+2 ar-85 - - - - - - 1.28E+1 ab 86 - 1.35E+5 - - - 1.66E+4 5.90E+4 Rb 88 - 3.87E+2 - - - 3.34E 9 1.93E+2 RD 89 - 2.56E+2 - - - - 1.70E+2 sr-89 3.04E+5 - - - 1.40E+6 3.50E+5 8.72E+3 sr-90 9.92E+7 - - - 9.60E+6 7.22E+5 6.10E+6 tr-91 6.19E+1 - - - 3.65E+4 1.91E+5 2.50E+0 tr 92 6.74E+0 - - - 1.65E+4 4.30E+4 2.91E 1 Y-90 2.09E+3 - - - 1.70E+5 5.06E+5 5.61E+1 Y 91m 2.61E 1 - - - 1.92E+3 1.33E+0 1.02E 2 Y 91 4.62E+5 - - - 1.70E+6 3.85E+5 1.24E+4 Y 92 1.03E+1 - - - 1.57E+4 7.35E+4 3.02E 1 Y-93 9.44E+1 - - - 4.85E+4 4.22E+5 2.61E+0 Zr 95 1.07E+5 3.44E+4 - 5 42E+4 1.7?E+6 1.50E+5 2.33E+4 Zr-97 9.68E+1 1.9M+1 - 2.97E+1 7.87E+4 5.23E+5 9.04E+0 Nb-95 1.41E+4 7.E2E+3

  • 7.74E+3 5.05E+5 1.04E+5 4.21E+3 Nb-97 2.22E-1 5.62E 2 -

6.54E 2 2.40E+3 2.42E+2 2.05E 2 mo 97 - 1.21E+2 - 2.91E+2 9.12E+4 2.48E+5 2.30E+1 Tc-99m 1.03E-3 2.91E 3 - 4.42E 2 7.64E+2 4.1M+3 3.70F 2 Davis-Besse ODCM 67 Revision 5

Table 3-7 (continuad) R1 ,, Inhalation Pathway Dose Factors3- ADULT (cont.) (mrem /yr per uCi/ci )

 %                         muclide    Sene       Liver Thyroid K!shey 1                                                                             tw               g3.LL: - f.8edy Tc 101   4.18E 5 6.02E 5          -

1.0E 3 3.99E+2 . . 5.90E 4 au-103 1.53E*3 - - 5.83E+3 5.0$E+5 1.10E+5 6.58E+2 Au-105 7.90E 1 . . 1.0M+0 1.10E+4 4.85+4 3.11E 1 tu-106 6.91E+4 - - 1.34E+5 9.3M*4 9.12E+5 8.72E+3 th 103m - - * * * - - e Rh 106 - * * - * *

  • As 110m 1.00E+4 1.00E+4 -

1.97E+4 4.63E*4 3.0M+5 5.94E+3 sb-124 3.12E4 5.8M+2 7.55E+1 - 2.4aE+4 4.0M+5 1.24E+4 sb-125 5.34E+4 5.95E+2 5.40E+1 - 1.74E+6 1.01E+5 1.2M+4 Te 125e 3.42d+3 1.5N+3 1.05E+3 1.24E+4 3.14E+5 7.0M+4 4.67E+2 Te 127m 1.2eE+4 5.77E+3 3.29E+3 4.5N+4 9.60E+5 1.50E+5 1.5M+3 . Te 127 1.40E+0 6.425 1 1.0eE+0 5.10E+0 6.51E+3 5.74E+4 3.10E 1 T'e-129m 9.7M+3 4.67E+3 3.44E+3 3.64E+4 1.1eE+4 3.m5 1.23 Te-129 4.9et 2 2.39E-2 3.90E 2 1.8M 1 1.NE+3 1.5M+2 1.24E-2 Te-131m 6.90E+1 4.3eE+1 5.50E+1 3.00E+2 1.4eE*5 5.5eE+5 2.90E+1 Te 131 1.11E-2 5.95E 3 9.34E-3 4.3M 2 1.39E+3 1.84E+1 3.59E-3 Te-132 2.60E+2 2.15E+2 1.90E+2 1.44E+3 2.8N+5 5.10E+5 1.62E+2 1 130 4.23 1.34E+4 1.14E+4 2.09E+4 - 7.40E+3 5.20E+3 1 131 2.5M+4 3.5M4 1.195+7 6.1M+4 - 6.2N+3 2.05E+4 s 1 132 1.1M+3 3.2eE+3 1.14E+5 5.15+3 - 4.cdE+2 1. tee +3 1 133 8.64E+3 1.48E+4 2.15E+4 2.5M+4 - 8.23 4.5M+3 1 134 6.44E+2 1.7M+3 2.9W +4 2.75E+3 -

                                                                                               ~1.01E+G 6.15E+2 1-135    2.6eE+3 6.9eE+3 4.48E+5 1.11E+4                -

5.25E+3 2.57E+3 co 134 3.73E+5 4.4aE+5 - 2.87t+5 9.788+4 1.04E+4 7.2aE+5 ca 136 3.90E+4 1.4eE+5 - 8.5eE+4 1.20E4 1.1M+4 1.10E+5 co 137 4.7M+5 6.21E+5 - 2.22E+5 7.5M+4 8.4aE+3 4.2aE+5 - Co 138 3.31E+2 6.21E+2 - 4.80E+2 4.86E+1 1.86E-3 3.24E+2 Be 139 9.3eE 1 6.66E-4 - 6.22E-4 3.7eE+3 8.9dE+2 2.74E 2 so 140 3.90E+4 4.90E+1 - 1.6M+1 1.27E+4 2.1m+5 2.5M+3 se 141 1.00E-1 7.5M 5 . 7.00E-5 1.NE+3 1.14E-7 3.3eE 3 so 142 2.63E 2 2.70E-5 - 2.29E 5 1.19E+3 - 1.edE-3 La 140 3.44E+2 1.74E+2 - - 1.3dE+5 4.SaE+5 4.5eE+1 La 142 6.83E 1 3.10E 1 - - 6.33E+3 2.11E+3 7.72E 2 co 141 1.99E+4 1.35E+4 - 6.2M+3 3.62E+5 1.20E+5 1.5M+3 co 143 1.86t+2 1.30E+2 - 6.00E+1 7.9eE+4 2.2eE+5 1.53E+1 Co 144 3.43E+6 1.4M*4 - 8.4M+5 7.7M+6 8.14E+5 1.84E+5 Pr 143 9.36E+3 3.75E+3 - 2.1eE+3 2.81E+5 2.00E+5 4.64E*2 Pr 144 3.01E-2 1.25E 2 - 7.05E-3 1.02E+3 2.15E 8 1.5M 3 ud 147 5.27t+3 6.10E+3 - 3.5eE+3 2.21E+5 1.73E+5 3.65E*2 u-187 8.48E+0 7.00E+0 - - 2.90E4 1.55E+5 2.48E+0 hp-239 2.30E+2 2.26E+1 - 7.00E+1 3.7M+4 1.19E+5 1.24E+1 Davis-Besse ODCM 68 Revision 5 l l r -n a,e

Table 3-7 (continutd) R g,InhalationPathwayDoseFacjors-TEENAGER (mrem /yr per pCi/m ) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Eichey Lmg GI LLI T.Bo# N3 - 1.27E+3 1.27E+3 1.27E+3 1.27E+3 1.RE+3 1.27E*3 C 14 2.60E+4 4.87E+3 4.87E+3 4.87E+3 4.87E+3 4.87E+3 4.87E d Na 24 1.38E+4 1.38E+4 1.38E+4 1.38E+4 1.38E+4 1.38E+4 1.38E+4 P 32 1.89E+6 1.10E+5 - - - 9.28E+4 7.16E+4 Cr 51 - - 7.50E+1 3.07E+1 2.10E+4 3.00E+3 1.35E+2 Mn-54 - 5.11E+4 - 1.27E+4 1.98E+6 6.68E+4 8.40E+3 Mn-56 - 1.70E+0 - 1.79E+0 1.52E+4 5.74E+4 2.52E 1 Fe 55 3.34E+4 2.38E+4 - - 1.24E+5 6.39E+3 5.54E+3  ! Fe-59 1.59E+4 3.70E+4 - - 1.53E+6 1.78E+5 1.43E+4 Co-57 - 6.92E+2 - - 5.86E+5 3.14E+4 9.20E+2 Co-58 - 2.07E+3 - - 1.34E+6 9.52E+4 2.78E+3 Co-60 - 1.51E+4 - - 8.72E+6 2.59E+5 1.98E+4 ] Ni 63 5.80E+5 4.34E+4 - - 3.07E+5 1.42E+4 1.98E+4 Ni 65 2.18E+0 2.93E-1 - - 9.36E+3 3.67E+4 1.27E-1 ) Cu-64 - 2.03E+0 - 6.41E+0 1.11E+4 6.14E+4 8.48E-1 Zn-65 3.86E+4 1.34E+5 - 8.64E+4 1.24E+6 4.66E+4 6.24E+4 I Zn 69 4.83E-2 9.20E-2 - 6.02E-2 1.58E+3 2.85E+2 6.46E 3 Br-82 - - - - - - 1.82E+4 Br-83 - - - - - - 3.44E+2 8r-84 - - - - - - 4.33E+2 Br-85 - - - - - - 1.83E+1 tb-86 - 1.90E+5 - - - 1.77E+4 8.40E+4 ab-88 - 5.4M+2 - - - 2.92E-5 2.72E+2 tb-89 - 3.52E+2 - - - 3.38E 7 2.33E+2 sr-89 4.34E+5 - - - 2.42E+6 3.71E+5 1.25E+4 i sr 90 1.08E+8 - - - 1.65E+7 7.65E+5 6.68E+6 sr-91 8.80E+1 - - - 6.07t+4 2.59E+5 3.51E+0 tr 92 9.52E+0 - - - 2.74E+4 1.19E+5 4.06E-1 Y 90 2.98E+3 - - - 2.93E+5 5.59E+5 8.00E+1 Y 91s 3.70E-1 - - - 3.20E+3 3.0'iE+1 1.42E 2 Y-91 6.61E+5 - - - 2.94E+6 4.09E+5 1.77E+4 Y-92 1.47E+1 - -

  • 2.68E+4 1.65E+5 4.29E 1 Y 93 1.35E+2 - - -

E 32E+4 5.79E+5 3.72E+0 Zr-95 1.46E+5 4.58E+4 - 6.74E+4 2.69E+6 1.49E+5 3.15E+4 Zr-97 1.38E+2 2.72E+1 - 4.12E+1 1.30E+5 6.30E+5 1.26E+1 Mb-95 1.86E+4 1.03E+4 - 1.00E+4 7.51E+5 9.68E+4 5.66E+3 Nb-97 3.14E-1 7.78E 2 - 9.12E-2 3.93E+3 2.17E+3 2.84E 2 Mo-99 - 1.69E+2 - 4.11E+2 1.54E+5 2.69E+5 3.22E+1 Tc 99m 1.38E 3 3.86E-3 - 5.76E 2 1.15E+3 6.13E+3 4.99E 2 Davis-Besse ODCM 69 Revision 5

t . 1 Table 3-7 (continuad) j R T 4 io, Inhalation Pathvay Dose (mrem /yr Factors per pCi/m3)EENAGER (cont.) 4

    . 3*                            muctide    Bene      Liver Thyroid Eleey         Lung 41 LLI T.Se#..

Te 101 5.92E 5 8.40E-5 - (' 1.52E 3 6.67t+2 8.72E 7 8'.24E-4 Ru-103 2.10E+3 . . 7.43E+3 7.83E+5 1.09E+5 8.9M+2 Ru-105 1.12E+0 - - 1.41E+4 1.82E+4 9.04E+4 4.34 1 { Ru-106 . 9.84E+4 . - 1.90E+5 1.61E+7 9.60E+5 1.24E+4

m.,03e . . . . . . .
m.iu . . . . . . .

As 110s 1.38E+4 1.31E+4 - 2.50E+4 6.75E+6 2.73E+5 7.99E+3 1 j Sb-124 4.30E+4 7.94E+2 9.76E+1 - 3.85E+6 3.9eE+5 1.68E+4 Ib-125 7.3 m 4 8.00E+2 7.04E+1 - 2.74E*4 9.92E+4 1.72E+4 j Te 125e 4.ast+3 2.24E+3 1.40E+3 - 5.3M+5 7.50E+4 6.67E+2 3 Te 12hn 1.40E+4 8.1M+3 4.3aE+3 6.54E4 1.46E+6 1.5 m 5 2.1 2 3 Te-127 2.01E+0 9.1M 1 1.42E+0 7.2EE+0 1.15 4 8.0EE+4 4.42E*1 fe 129s 1.39E+4 6.5aE+3 4.58E+3 5.19E+4 1.9W+6 4.05E+5 2.25E+3

Te 129 7.10E-2 3.3a5-2 5.18E 2 2.66E 1 3.30E+3 .1. W +3 1.7M 2 j Te-131e 9.84E+1 6.01E+1 7.25E+1 4.3M+2 d.3N+5 6.21E+1 4.02E+1
;                                 Te-131    1.5M-2 8.32E 3 1.24E 2 6.18E-2 2.34E+3 1.51E+1 5.04E 3 Te-132    3.60E+2 2.90E+2 2.46E+2 '1.9 2 3 4.4M+5 4.63E+5 2.1M+2 1                                  3 130     6.24E+3 1.79E+4 1.4M+4 2.758 4            -

9.12E+3 7.1M+3 1 I-131 3.54E+4 4.91E+4 1.44E+7 8.40E+4 - 6.49E+3 2.64E+4 O I 132 1.59E+3 4.3eE+3 1.51E+5 4.92E+3 - 1.27E+3 1.5aE+3 l=133 1.22E+4 2.05E+4 2.92E+6 3.595+4 - 1.03E+4 6.22E+3 3 I 134 8.8EE+2 2.32E+3 3.95E+4 3.edE+3 - 2.04E+1 a.40E+2 1 I 135 3.70E+3 9.44E+3 6.21E+5 1.4M+4 - 6.95E+3 3.4M+3 ] Cs 134 5.02E+5 1.13E+6 - 3.75E+5 1.4dE+5 9.7dE+3 5.4M+5 i Cs 136 5.15E+4 1.94E+5 - 1.10E+5 1.7M+4 1.00E+4 1.37E+5 h Cs 137 6.70E+5 8.4aE+5 - 3.04E+5 1.21E+5 8.48E+3 3.11E+5 1 Cs 138 4.deE+2 8.5 m 2 -

6. m +2 7.87E+1 2.70E-1 4.4eE+2 i

Se 139 1.34E+0 9.44E-6 - 8.8M 4 4.4eE+3 6.4 m 3 3.90E 2 1 . Se 140 5.4M+4 6.70E+1 - 2.2 m 1 2.03E*6 2.29E+5 3.52E+3 Se-141 1.42E 1 1.06E.4 . 9.84E-5 3.29E+3 7.44E-4 4.74E 3 Se 142 3.70E 2 3.70E-5 - 3.14E 5 1.91>3 - 2.ZM 3 l ! La 140 4.79E+2 2.3 m 2 - - 2.'.41+5 4.8M+5 6.26E+1 1 La-142 9.60E 1 4.25E 1

                                                                  -        -     1. 0".E+4        1.20E4 1.06E 1 1

1 Ce 141 2.84E+4 1.90E+4 - 8.saE+3 6.14E+5 1.2dE+5 2.1M+3 i Co-143 2.66E+2 1.94E+2 - 8.64E+1 1.30E+5 2.55E+5 2.1M+1 l l Co-144 4.89E+6 2.02E+4 - 1.24+4 1.34E+7 8.64E+5 2. M +5 Pr 143 1.34E+4 5.31E+3 - 3.09E+3 4.83E+5 2.14E+5 6. M a2 j Pr 144 4.30E 2 1.7M 2 - 1.01E 2 1.75E+3 2.35E-4 2. tat-3 ud-147 7.8M+3 8.5 m 3 - 5.02E+3 3.72E+5 1.82E+5 5.13E+2 W 187 1.20E+1 9.7M+0 - - 4.74E+4 1.77E.5 3.43E+0 mp 239 3.3 0 2 3.19E+1 - 1.00E+2 6.4 m 4 1.32E+5 1.7M+1


l Davis-Besse ODCM 70 Revision 5 t i

2 Table 3-7 (continutd) R yg, Inhalation Pathvay Dose Fjetors - CHILD (mrem /yr per uC1/m ) Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid El&wy Lung GI.LLI T.Bo@ H3 - 1.12E+3 1.12E+3 1.12E+3 1.12E+3 1.12E+3 1.12E+3 C 14 3.59E+4 6.73E+3 6.73E+3 6.73E+3 6.73E+3 6.73E+3 6.73E+3 Na 24 1.61E+4 1.61E+4 1.61E+4 1.61E+4 1.61E+4 1.61E+4 1.61E+4 P 32 2.60E+6 1.14E+5 - - - 4.22E+4 9.88E+4 Cr-51 - - 8.55E+1 2.433+1 1.70E+4 1.08E+3 1.54E+2 Mn 54 - 4.29E+4 - 1.00E+4 1.58E+6 2.29E+4 9.51E+3 Mn-56 - 1.66E+0 - 1.67E+0 1.31E+4 1.23E+5 3.12E 1 Fe 55 4.74E+4 2.52E+4 - - 1.11E+5 2.87E+3 7.77E+3 Fe 59 2.07E+4 3.34E+4 - - 1.27E+6 7.07E+4 1.67E+4 Co 57 - 9.03E+2 - - 5.07E+5 1.32E+4 1.07E*3 Co 58 - 1.77E+3 - - 1.11E+6 3.44E+4 3.16E+3 Co 60 - 1.31E+4 - - 7.07E+6 9.62E+4 2.26E+4 Wl 63 8.21E+5 4.63E+4 -

  • 2.75E+5 6.33E+3 2.80E+4 Wi-65 2.99E+0 2.96E 1 - -

8.18E+3 8.40E+4 1.64E 1 Cu 64 - 1.99E+0 - 6.03E+0 9.58E+3 3.67E+4 1.07t+0 Zn-65 4.26E+4 1.13E+5 - 7.14E+4 9.95E+5 1.63E+4 7.03E+4 Zn-69 d.70E-2 9.66E 2 - 5.85E-2 1.42E+3 1.01E+4 8.92E 3 Br 82 - - - - - - 2.09E+4 Br 83 - - - - - - 4.74E+2 Br-84 - - - - - - 5.48E+2 l Br-85 - - - - - - 2.53E+1 ab-86 - 1.98E+5 - * - 7.99E+3 1.14E+5 ab 88 - 5.62E+2 - - - 1.72E+1 3.66E+2 Rb 89 - 3.45E+2 - - - 1.89E+0 2.90E+2 sr 89 5.99E+5 - - - 2.16E+6 1.67E+5 1.72E+4 tr 90 1.01E+8 - - - 1.48E+7 3.43E+5 6.44E+6 sr 91 1.21E+2 - - - 5.33E+4 1.74E+5 4.59E+0 sr-92 1.31E+1 - - - 2.40E+4 2.42E+5 5.25E 1  ! Y-90 4.11E+3 - - - 2.62E+5 2.68E+5 1.11E+2 Y 91s 5.07E 1 - - - 2.81E+3 1.72E+3 1.84E 2 1 Y 91 9.14E+5 - - - 2.63E+6 1.84E+5 2.44E+4 Y 92 2.04E+1 - - - 2.39E+4 2.39E+5 5.81E-1  ! Y 93 1.86E+2 - - - 7.44E+4 3.89E+5 5.11E+0 Zr-95 1.90E+5 4.18E+4 - 5.96E+4 2.23E+6 6.11E+4 3.70E+4 Zr-97 1.88E+2 2.72E+1 - 3.69E+1 1.13E+5 3.51E+5 1.60E+1 Nb-95 2.35E+4 9.18E+3 - 8.62E+3 6.14E+5 3.70E+4 6.55E+3 l Mb-97 4.29E 1 '.70E-2 - 8.55E 2 3.42E+3 2.78E+4 3.60E-2 l Mo-99 - 1.72E+2 - 3.92E+2 1.35E+5 1.27E+5 4.26E+1 l Ye-99m 1.78E 3 3.48E-3 - 5.07E 2 9.51E+2 4.81E+3 5.77E 2 Davis-Besse ODCH 71 Revision 5

g a 4 Table 3-7 (continued) R g , Inhalation Pathway Dose Facto 3s - CHILD (cont.) (mrem /yr per UCi/m )

.       A 1

wuctide tone Liver Thyroid Elchey Le GI LLI f.Sedy


4 fc 101 8.10E 5 8.51E 5 - 1.45E-3 5.85E+2 1.63E+1 1.0eE 3 ] Eu 103 2.79E+3 . . 7.03E+3 6.62E+5 4.4aE+4 1.0M+3 Eu 105 1.53E+0 . . 1.34E+0 1.59E+4 9.95E+4 5.55E-1 Eu 106 1.3M+5 - - 1.84E+5 1.43E+7 4.29E+5 1.69E+4 an.to3e . . . . - . . Eh 106 - - - - - - -

As 110m 1.69E+4 1.14E+4 -

2.12E+4 5.48E+4 1.00E+5 9.14E+3 sb-124 5.74E+4 7.40E+2 1.26E+2 - 3.24E+4 1.64E+5 2.00E+4 sb-125 9.84E+4 7.59E+2 9.10E+1 - 2.32E+6 4.03E+4 2.0M+4 4 fe 125e 6.73E*3 2.33E+3 1.92E+3 - 4.7M+5 3.3aE+4 9.14E+2 I fe-127m 2.49E+4 8.55E+3 6.07E+3 6.3M+4 1.48E+4 7.14E+4 3.02E+3 fe 127 2.7M+0 9.51E 1 1.96E+0 7.07E+0 1.00E+4 5. m +4 6.11E-1 fe 129m 1.92E 4 6.8M+3 6.33E+3 5.03E+4 1.76E+6 1.82E+5 3.04E+3 ] fe 129 9.77E 2 3.50E-2 7.14E 2 2.5 M 1 2.93E+3 2.5M+4 2.38E 2 j fe-131m 1.3M+2 5.92E+1 9.77E+1 4.00E+2 2.0M+5 3.oeE+5 5.07t+1 fe-131 2.17E-2 8.445-3 1.70E 2 5.8eE 2 2.05E+3 1.33E+3 6.59E-3 fe-132 4.81E+2 2.72E+2 3.17E+2 1.7M+3 3.77E+5 1.3N+5 2.63E+2 1 130 8.18E+3 1.64E4 1.85E+6 2.45E+4 - 5.11E+3 8.44E+3 l , 1 131 4.81E+4 4.81E+4 1.62E+7 7.80E+4 - 2.84E+3 2.73E+4 1 132 2.12E+3 4.07E+3 1.94E+5 6.25E+3 - 3.20E+3 1.seE+3 1-133 1.f4E+4 2.03E+4 3.85E+6 3.3eE4 - 5.44E+3 7.70E+3 1 134 1.17t+3 2.1M+3 5.0M+4 3.30E+3 - 9.55E+2 9.95E+2 i 1 135 4.92E+3 8.73E+3 7.92E+5 1.34E+4 - 4.44E+3 4.14E+3 j Ca 134 6.51E+5 1.01E+4 - 3.30E+5 1.21E+5 3.35E+3 2.2SE+5 Cs 136 6.51E+4 1.71E+5

  • 9.55E+4 1.4M+4 4.10E*3 1.1M+5 Cs 137 9.0M+5 8.25E+5 - 2.82E+5 1.04E+5 3.62E+3 1.2aE+5 1

Cs 138 4.33E+2 8.40E+2

  • 6.22E+2 6.81t+1 2.70E+2 5.55E+2 Se 139 1.84 +0 9.845 4 - 8.62E 4 5.77E+3 5.7M4 5.37E-2 Se 140 7.40E+4 6.4aE+1 - 2.11E+1 1.74E+4 1.02E+5 4.3M+3 Se-141 1.96E 1 1.09E.4 - 9.47E-5 2.92E+3 2.75E+2 6.36E-3 Se-142 5.00E-2 3.60F-5 - 2.91E 5 1.64E+3 2.74+0 2.79E-3 La 140 6.44E+2 2.25E+2 - - 1.83E+5 2.26E+5 7.55E+1 La 142 1.30E+0 4.11E 1 - - 8.70E+3 7.59E+4 1.29E-1 Co-141 3.92E4 1.95E+4 - 4.5M+3 5.444+5 5.663+4 2.9eE+3 Co 143 3.66E+2 1.99E+2 - 8.36E+1 1.1M+5 1.27t+5 2.8M+1 Co 144 6.77E+6 2.12E+6 - 1.17E+4 1.20E+7 3.89E+5 3.61E+5 Pr 143 1.85E+4 5.5M+3 - 3.00E+3 4.3M+5 9.73E+4 9.144+2 Pr-144 5.96E 2 1.85E 2 - 9.77E-3 1.5M+3 1.97t+2 3.00E 3 ud-147 1.00E+4 8.73E+3 . 4.81E+3 3.28t+5 8.21E+4 6.81E+2 W 187 1.63E+1 9.6eE+0 * -

4.11E+4 9.10E+4 4.33E+0 Np 239 4.64E+2 3.34E+1 - 9.73E+1 5.81E+4 6.40E+4 2.35E+1 Ch Davis-Besse ODCM 72 Revision 5 i

Table 3-7 (continued) R g , Inhalation Pathway Dose Fagtors - INFANT (mrem /yr per uCi/m ) ' Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kichey Ltng GI LLI T.Sody , N3 - 6.47E+2 6.47E+2 6.47E+2 6.47E+2 6.47E+2 6.47E+2 C 14 2.65E+4 5.31E+3 5.31E+3 5.31E+3 5.31E+3 5.31E+3 5.31E+3 i Na 24 1.06E+4 1.06E+4 1.06E+4 1.06E+4 1.06E+4 1.06E+4 1.06E+4 P-32 2.03E+6 1.12E+5 - - - 1.61E+4 7.74E+4 Cr-51 - - 5.75E+1 1.32E+1 1.28E+4 3.57E+2 8.95E+1 e Mn-54 - 2.53E+4 - 4.98E+3 1.00E+6 7.06E+3 4.98E+3 , Mn 56 - 1.54E+0 - 1.10E+0 1.25E+4 7.17E+4 2.21E-1 Fe-55 1.97E+4 1.17E+4 - - 8.69E+4 1.09E+3 3.33E+3 Fe 59 1.36E+4 2.35E+4 - - 1.02E+6 2.48E+4 9.48E+3 Co-57 - 6.51E+2 - - 3.79E+5 4.86E+3 6.41E+2 Co-58 - 1.22E+3 - - 7.77E+5 1.11E+4 1.82E+3 4 Co-60 - 8.02E+3 - - 4.51E+6 3.19E+4 1.18E+4 Nf-63 3.39E+5 2.04E+4 - - 2.09E+5 2.42E+3 1.16E+4 Ni 65 2.39E+0 2.84E 1 - - 8.12E+3 5.01E+4 1.23E-1 Cu-64 - 1.88E+0 - 3.98E+0 9.30E+3 1.50E+4 7.74E-1 Zn-65 1.93E+4 6.26t+4 - 3.25E+4 6.47E+5 5.14E+4 3.11E+4 Zn-69 5.39E 2 9.67E 2 - 4.02E 2 1.47E+3 1.32E*4 7.18E-3 Br-82 - - - , - - 1.33E+4 Br-83 - - - - - - 3.81E+2 Br-84 - - - - - - 4.00E+2 ar 85 - - - - - - 2.04E+1 4 tb 86 - 1.90E+5 - - - 3.04E+3 8.82E+4 ab 88 - 5.57E+2 - - - 3.39E+2 2.87E+2 Rb 89 - 3.21E+2 - - - 6.82E+1 2.06E+2

                  $r-89       3.98E+5      -         -         -

2.03E+6 6.40E+4 1.14E+4 Sr 90 4.09E+7 - - - 1.12E+7 1.31E+5 2.59E+6 sr-91 9.56E+1 - - - 5.26E*4 7.34E+4 3.46E+0 sr-92 1.05E+1 - - - 2.38E+4 1.40E+5 3.91E 1 Y 90 3.29E+3 - - - 2.69E+5 1.04E+5 8.82E+1 Y 91m 4.07E 1 - - - 2.79E+3 2.35E+3 1.39E 2 Y 91 5.88E+5 - - - 2.45E+6 7.03E+4 1.57E+4 Y 92 1.64E+1 - - - 2.45E+4 1.27E+5 4.61E 1 Y 93 1.50E+2 - - - 7.64E+4 1.67E+5 4.07E+0 Zr-95 1.15E+5 2.79E+4 - 3.11E+4 1.75E+6 2.17E+4 2.03E+4 Zr 97 1.50E+2 2.56E+1 - 2.59E+1 1.10E+5 1.40E+5 1.17E+1 Nb-95 1.57E+4 6.43E+3 - 4.72E+3 4.79E+5 1.27E+4 3.78E+3 Nb-97 3.4ZZ 1 7.29E*2 - 5.70E 2 3.32E+3 2.69E+4 2.63E 2 Mo-99 - 1.65E+2 - 2.65E+2 1.35E+5 4.8?E+4 3.23E+1 te-99m 1.40E 3 2.88E 3 - 3.11E 2 8.11E*2 2.03E+3 3.72E 2 Davis-Besse ODCM 73 Revision S t

 .- _  . --      -                                  - --                - -                  ~
                                                                                                              . .i Table 3 7 (continued)

R io, Inhalation Pathvay (mrem Dose

                                                          /yr per Factors uCi/m 3) INFANT (cont.)

mucLtde tone Liver thyroid Elesy Lm, gg.LLI

                        ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ......        f.Se#.

Tc 101 6.51E-5 8.23E 5 - 9.79E-4 5.84E+2 8.44E+2 8.12E-4 Ru-103 2.02E+3 -

  • 4.24E+3 5.52E+5 1.41E+4 6.79E+2 Ru-105 1.22E+0 - -

8.99E-1 1.5M+4 4.8M+4 4.10E 1

                         'tu-106  8.68E+4      -          -

1.0M+5 1.1M+7 1.64E+5 1.09t+4 th 103e - - - - - - - th 106 - * - - * - - Ag 110e 9.90E+3 7.22E+3 - 1.09E+4 3.6M+4 3.30E+4 5.00E+3 sb 124 3.79E4 5.56E+2 1.01E+2 - 2. m +6 5.91E+4 1.20E+4 sb-125 5.1M+4 4.77t+2 6.23E+1 - 1.64E4 1.4M+4 1.09E+4 fe 125e 4.7M+3 1.99E+3 1.62E*3 - 4.4M+5 1.29E+4 6.58E+2. fe 127a 1.6M+4 6.90E+3 4.8M+3 3.75E+4 1.31E+4 2.73E*4 2.0M+3 fe 127 2.23E+0 9.53E 1 1.85E+0 4.8 M +0 1. m +4 2.44E+4 4.89E-1 fe-129s 1.41E+4 6.09E+3 5.47t+3 3.188+4 1.6EE+4 6.90E+4 2.23E+3 fe 129 7. gee 2 3.4M-2 6.75E 2 1.75E-1 3.00E+3 2.63E+4 1.8M 2 fe 131e 1.0M+2 5.50E+1 8.9M+1 2.68E+2 1.995 4 1.19E+5 3. m +1 fe-131 1.74E 2 8.22E 3 1.58E 2 3.99E-2 2.00E+3 8.22E+3 5.00E-3 fe 132 3.72E+2 2.37E+2 2.79E+2 1.03E+3 3.40E+5 4.41E+4 1.76E+2 I 130 6.365+3 1.39E4 1.60E4 1.5M+4 - 1.99E+3 5.5M+3 1 131 3.79E+4 4.44E+4 1.4aE+7 5.1M*4 - 1.0M+3 1.96E4 1 132 1.69E+3 3.54E+3 1.69E+5 3.95E+3 - 1.90E+3 1.265+3 1 133 1.32E+4 1.92E+4 -3.56E+4 2.24E+4 - 2.1M+3 5.60E+3 1 134 9.21E+2 1.8eE+3 4.4M+4 2.09E+3 - 1.29E+3 6.6M+2 1 135 3.86E+3 7.60E+3 6.96E+5 8.4M+3 - 1. m +3 -2.77t+3 co-134 3.96E+5 7.03E+5 - 1.90E+5 7.9M+4 1.33E+3 7.45E+4 cs 136 4. m +4 1.35E+5 - 5.64E4 1.15 4 1.43E+3 5.29E+4 cs-137 5.49E+5 6.1N+5 - 1.72E+5 7.13E+4 1.33E+3 4.5M+4 cs 138 5.05E+2 7.81E*2 - 4.10E+2 6.54E+1 8.7M+2 3.9M+2 l Be 139 1.4aE+0 9.E4E-4 - 5.92E-4 5.95E+3 5.10E*4 4.30E 2 to-140 5.60E+4 5.60E+1 - 1.34E+1 1.60E+4 3.84E+4 2.90E+3 Be-141 1.5M 1 1.00E-4 - 6.50E 5 2.97t+3 4.75E+3 4.m 3 Ba 142 3.9eE-2 3.30E 5

  • 1.90E 5 1.5M+3 6.9M*2 1.96E 3 La 140 5.0$E+2 2.00E+2 - -
1. m +5 8.4M+4 5.1M+1 La 142 1.03E+0 3.77E-1 - -

8.22E+3 5.95E4 9.04E 2 co-141 2.7M+4 1.6M+4 - 5.2SE+3 5.1M+5 2.16t+4 1.99t+3 co-143 2.93E+2 1.93E+2 - 5.64E+1 1.16E+5 4.97t+4 2.21E+1 ce-144 3.19E+4 1.21E+6 - 5.3aE+5 9.84E*4 1.4M+5 1.7M+5 I Pr 143 1.40E+4 5.24E+3

  • 1.9FE+3 4.3M+5 3.72E+4 6.99E 2 Pr-144 4.79E*2 1.85E 2
  • 6.72E 3 1.61E+3 4.2M+3 2.41E-3 ud 147 7.94E+3 8.13E+3 - 3.15E+3 3.22E+5 3.12E*4 5.00E+2 W 187 1.30E+1 9.02E+0 - - 3.9M+4 3.5M+4 3.12E+0 mp-239 3.71E+2 3.32E+1 - 6.62E+1 5.9M+4 2.49E+4 1.8eE+1 Davis-Besse ODCH 74 Revision 5 s

3 l Table 3-8 R gg, Grass - Cow - Milk P thvay 3 Dose Factors - ADULT (mgem/yr per pC1/m ) for H-3 and C-14 (m

  • mrem /yr per UCi/sec) for others Nuclice Bone L{ver Thyroid
                        - - -                                                              LW         Gl*LLI      T.Sody
                                   ....... ....... .......                 E
                                                                           ......l&*Y. ....8..        ......, .......              -

M-3 - 7.63E+2 7.63E+2 7.63E+2 7.63E+2 7.63E+2 7.63E+2 C 14 3.63E+5 7.2M+4 7.2M+4 7.26E+4 7.26E+4 7.26E+4 7.26E+4 he 24 2.54E +6 2.54E+6 2.54E+6 2.54E+6 2.54E+6 2.54E+4 2.54E+6 P-32 1.71E+10 1.06E+9 - - - 1.92E+9 6.60E+8 Cr-51 - - 1.71E+4 6.30E+3 3.80E+4 7.20E*6 2.86E+4 Mn 54 - 8.40E+6 - 2.50E+4 - } 2.57E+7 1.60E+6 Mn-56 - 4.23E 3 - 5.38E 3 - 1.35E 1 51E-4 fe-55 2.51E*7 1. 73E+7 - - 9.67E+6 9.95E+6 4. 4+6 Fe-59 2.98E+7 7.00E+7 - - 1.95E+7 2.33E+8 2. wi+7 Co-57 - 1.28E+6 - - - 3.25E+7 2.13E+6 Co-58 - 4.72E+6 - - - 9.57t+7 1.06E+7 Co-60 - 1.64E+7 - - - 3.08E+8 3.62E+7 Wi 63 6.73E +9 4.66E+8 - - - 9.73E+7 2.26E+8 ul-65 3.70E 1 4.81E-2 - - - l 1.22E+0 2.19E 2 l Cu 64 - 2.41E+4 - 6.08E+4 - 2.05E+6 1.13E+4 2n-65 1.37E+9 4.36E+9 - 2.92E+9 - 2.75E+9 1.97E+9 ln-69 - - * = - tr 82 - - - - -

3. 72E+ 7 3.25E+7 Br 83 - - - - -

1.49E 1 1.03E 1 i Br 84 - - - - - - - i gr.g3 . . . . . . . tb-86 - 2.59E+9 - - - 5.11E+8 1.21E+9 ab-88 - - - - - - - Ab 89 - - - - - - - Sr-89 1.45E+9 - - - - 2.33E+8 4.16E+7 tr 90 4.68E+10 - - - - 1.35E+9 1.15E+10

                   $r-91        3.13E+4            -         -               -            -

1.49E+5 1.27t+3 St-92 4.89E-1 - - - - 9.68E+0 2.11E-2 Y 90 7.07E+1 - - - - 7.50E+5 1.90E+0 1 91n - - - - T 91 8.60E+3 - - - - 4.73E+6 2.30E+2 T 92 5.42E 5 - - - - 9.49E-1 1.58E-6 Y-93 2.33E 1 - - - - 7.39E +3 6.43E 3 Zr-95 9.46t+2 3.03E+2 -

4. 76E+2 -

9.62E+5 2.05E+2 Zr 97 4.26E 1 8.59E 2 - 1.30E 1 - 2.66E+4 3.93E 2 ub-95 8.25E+4 4.59E+4 - 4.54E+4 - 2.79E+8 2.47t+4 Mb-97 - - - - - 5.47E-9 - Mo 99 - 2.52E*7 - 5.72E+7 - 5.85E+7 4.80E+6 Tc 99m 3.23E+0 9.19t+0 - 1.40E+2 4.50E+0 5.44E+3 1.17E+2 Davis-Besse ODCM 75 Kevision 5

                                                                                                      . . L a_

Table 3-8  ! R g , Grass - Cov - Milk Pathvgy Dose Factors - ADULT (cont.) (m{em/yr per pCi/m ) for H-3 and C-14 p (m

  • mrem /yr per uCi/sec) for others Nuclide Sene Liver Thyroid Klewy Lung GI.LLI T.8edy Tc 101 . . . . . . .

Eu-103 1.02E+3 . - 3.89E+3 . 1.19E+5 4.39E+2 Ru-105 8.57E-4 . - 1.11E-2 - 5.24E-1 3.3aE-4 tu-106 2.04E+4 . - 3.94E+4 - 1.32E+6 2.58E+3 th-103m . . . . - . . th 106 . . * . . . . As 110m 5.83E+T 5.39E+T . 1.06E+8 . 2.20E+10 3.20E+T Sb-124 2.5M+T 4.86E+5 6.24E+4 . 2.00E+T T.31E+8 1.02E+T sb-125 2.04E+7 2.2M+5 2.00E+4 - 1.5aE+7 2.25E+4 4.86E+4 Te-125m 1.63E+T 5.90E+4 4.90E+6 6.63E+T - 6.50E+T 2.18E+6 fe-127m 4.5M+T 1.64E+T 1.1M+T 1.86E+4 . 1.54E+4 5.5aE4 Te 127 6.72E+2 2.41E+2 4.90E+2 2.74E+3 . 5.30E+4 1.45E+2 Te 129m 6.04E+T 2.2SE+T 2.00E+T 2.52E+8 . 3.04E+4 9.5M+6 te.129 . . . . . . . Te 131m 3.61E+5 1.TM+5 2.80E+5 1.79E+4 . 1.75E+T 1.4M+5 j Te.131 . . . . - . . Te 132 2.39t+4 1.55E+6 1.71E4 1.49E+T .

7. M +7 1.45E+6 t 130 4.2M+5 1.2M+4 1.07t+a 1.90E+4 .

1.0M+4 4.96E+5 t 131 2.9M +4 4.24E+4 1.39E+11 7.27E+4 . 1.12E+e 2.43E+e I-132 1.64E 1 4.37E 1 1.53E+1 6.97E 1 . 8.22E 2 1.53E-1 1-133 3.97t+6 6.90E+4 1.01E+9 1.20E+7 . 6.20E+4 2.10E+4 1 134 . . . . . . . 1 135 1.39E+4 3.63E+4 2.40E+6 5.83E+4 - 4.10E+4 1.34E+4 Cs 134 5.65E+9 1.34E+10 . 4.35E+9 1.444+9 2.35E+4 1.10E+10 Cs 136 2.61E+8 1.03E+9 . 5.74E+4 T.87E+7 1.1M+4 T.42E+8 Ca*137 7.30E+9 1.01E+10 . 3.43E+9 1.14E+9 1.95E+8 6.61E+9 Cs 138 . . . . . . . I Sa-139 4.70E-8 . . . . 8.345-8 1.3M -9 Sa-140 2.69E+T 3.3aE+4 . 1.15E+4 1.93E+4 5.54E+7 1.TM+6 Sa 141 . . . - . . . Se-142 . . . . * . . La 140 4.49t+0 2.26E+0 - - . 1.66E+5 5.97E.1 La 142 . . - * . 3.03E 8 . Co-141 4.84E+3 3.27t+3 - 1.52E+3 . 1.25E+7 3.71E+2 Ce-143 4.19t+1 3.09E+4 . 1.36E+1 . 1.1M+4 3.42E+0 Ce 144 3.58E+5 1.50E+5 . 8.87E+4 . 1.21E+4 1.92E*4 Pr-143 1.59E+2 6.37t+1 . 3.6eE+1 . 6.9eE+5 T.seE+0 pr.144 . . . . . . . ed-147 9.42E+1 1.09t+2 . 6.37t+1 - 5.23E+5 6.52E+0 u 18F 6.5M+3 5.4aE+3 - . . 1.80E+6 1.92E+3 mo-239 3.6M +0 3.60E 1 - 1.12E+0 - T.39t+4 1.9et 1 Davis-Besse ODCM 76 Revision 5

23^' Table 3-8 (continued) R gg, Grass-Cow-MilkPatgvayDoseFactors-TEENAGER (m5t:n/yr per pCi/m ) f or H-3 and C-14 (m'

  • mrem /yr per pC1/sec) for others Nuclide tone Liver Thyroid Kleey Ling GI-LLI T.tody N3 -

9.94E+2 9.94E+2 9.94E+2 9.94E+2 9.94E+2 9.94E+2 C 14 6.70E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5 1.34E+5 ) Na 24 4.44E+6 4.44E+6 4.44E+6 4.44E+6 4.44E+6 4.44E+6 4.44E+6 P-32 3.15E+10 1.95E+9 - - - 2.65E+9 1.22E+9 cr 51 - - 2.78E+4 1.10E+4 7.13E+4 8.40E+6 5.00E+4 Mn 54 - 1.40E+7

  • 4.17E+6 - 2.87E+7 2.78E+6 Mn-56 - 7.51E-3 -

9.50E 3 - 4.94E-1 1.33E-3 Fe-55 4.45E+7 3.16E+7 - - 2.00E+7 1.37E+7 7.36E+6 Fe 59 5.20E+7 1.21E+8 - - 3.82E+7 2.87E+8 4.68E+7 co-57 - 2.25E+6 - - - 4.19E+7 3.76E+6 , co 58 - 7.95E+6 - - - 1.10E+8 1.83E+7 co 60 - 2.78E+7 - - - 3.62E+8 6.26E+7 NI-63 1.18E+10 8.35E+8 - - - 1.33E+8 4.01E+8 NI 65 6.78E 1 8.66E-2 - - - 4.70E+0 3.94E 2 cu-64 - 4.29E+4 - 1.09E+5 - 3.33E+6 2.02E+4 Zn-65 2.11E+9 7.31E+9 - 4.68E+9 - 3.10E+9 3.41E+9 Zn-69 - - - - - - - tr 82 - - - - - - 5.64E+7 Br-83 - - - - - - 1.91E-1 gr.84 - - - - - - - gr-85 - - - - - - - Rb-86 - 4.73E+9 - - - 7.00E+8 2.22E+9 I

                  .b.88        .        .       .         .       .        .         .

Rb 89 - - - - - - - sr 89 2.67E+9 - - - - 3.18E+8 7.66E+7 sr 90 6.61E+10 - - - - 1.86E+9 1.63E+10 sr-91 5.75E+4 - - - - 2.61E+5 2.29E+3 ) sr 92 8.95E 1 - - - - 2.28E+1 3.81E 2 Y 90 1.30E+2 - - - - 1.07E+6 3.50E+0 y.91. . . . . . . . Y 91 1.58E+4 - - - - 6.48E+6 4.24E+2 Y 92 1.00E 4 - - - - 2.75E+0 2.90E-6 Y 93 4.30E 1 - - - - 1.31E+4 1.18E 2 Zr 95 1.65E+3 5.22E+2 - 7.67E+2 - 1.20E+6 3.59E+2 Zr 97 7.75E 1 1.53E-1 - 2.32E-1 - 4.15E+4 7.06E 2 ub-95 1.41E+5 7.80E+4 - 7.57E+4 - 3.34E+8 4.30E+4 Nb-97 - - - - - 6.34E 8 - Mo-99 - 4.56E+7 - 1.04E+8 - 8.16E+7 8.69E+6 fc-99m 5.64E+0 1.57E+1 - 2.34E+2 8.73E+0 1.03E+4 2.04E+2 Davis-Besse ODCM 77 Revision 5

1 '[ Table 3-8 (continued)

Rg , Grass - Cow - Hilk Pathway Dose Factors - TEENAGER (cont.)

3 (mgem/yrperUCi/m)forH-3andC-14 (m

  • mrem /yr per uC1/sec) for others I

1 muctide Bone Liver Thyroid Eldisy Lmg St.tLI f.sedy 3 fc 101 - - - - * . . Ru 103 1.81E+3 . . 6.40E+3 - 1.52E+5 7.75E+2 } au 105 1.57E.3 . . 1.97E 2 . 1.2M+0 6.00E-4 ) tu 106 3.75E+4 . . 7.23E+4 - 1.80E+6 4.73E+3 ah.103m . . - . . . . th-106 . . . * . . . } es 110m 9.63E+7 9.11E+7 . 1.74E+8 - 2.5M+10 5.54E+7 sb-124 4.59E+T 8.46E+5 1.04E+5 . 4.01E+7 9.25E+4 1.79E+T Sb-125 3.65E+7 3.99E+5 3.4M+4 . 3.21E+7 2.84E4 8.54E+4

,                                   fe-125m   3.00E+T 1.08t+7 8.39E+6        .         -

8.86E+7 4.02E+6 j fe 127m 8.44E+7 2.99E+T 2.01E+7 3.42E+4 . 2.10E+4 1.00E+T Te 127 1.24E+3 4.41E+2 8.59E+2 5.04E+3 . 9.61E+4 '2.68E+2

fe 129m 1.11E+8 4.10E+7 3.57t+7 4.62E+4 .

4.15E+8 1.75E+T Te-129 - *

  • 1.6M-9 -

2.1M 9 . [ fe 131m 6.5 M+5 3.15E+5 4.74E+5 3.2M +6 - 2.53E+T 2.63E+5

fe 131 - . . - - . .

} fe-132 4.2M 4 2.71E+6 2.86E+6 2.60E+T

  • 8.5M+T 2.55E+6 t 130 T.49E+5 2.1M+6 1.7M+4 3.34E+6 .

1.6M+4 8.66E+5 I-131 5.38E+8 T.53E+4 2.20E+11 1.30E+9 - 1.4 b 8 4.04E+8

t 132 2.90E 1 7.59E 1 2.56E+1 1.20E+0 -

3.31E.1 2.72E.1 l I 133 7.24E+6 1.23E*7 1.72E+9 2.15E+T . 9.30E+4 3.75E+4 t j i.i34 . . . . . . . j 1-135 2.47E+4 6.35E+4 4.00E+6 1.00E+5 - 7.03E+4 2.35E+4 '

co 134 9.81E+9 2.31E+10 .

7.34E+9 2.80E+9 2.8me 1.0M+10 l l Cs 136 4.45E+8 1.75E+9

  • 9.53E+4 1.50E+8 1.41E+4 1.1M+9 f Cs 137 1.34E+10 1.78t+10 -

6.06E+9 2.35E+9 2.53E+4 6.20E+9 Co.338 . . . . . . . Be 139 8.69E 8 . - -

  • 7.75E T 2.53E-9

$ Sa 140 4.85E+T 5.95E+4 - 2.02E+4 4.00E+4 T.49E+T 3.13E+6 i

8e.141 . . . . . . .

8e.,42 . . . . . . l . j La 140 8.06t+0 -3.96E+0 . . . 2.2M+5 1.05E+0 4 Le-142 . * * . . 2.23E T . } Co 141 8.8M+3 5.92E+3 - 2.79E+3 - 1.69E+7 6.81E+2 l Ce-143 7.69E+1 5.60E+4 - 2.51E+1 - 1.68t+4 4.25E+0 Co 144 6.58E+5 2.72E+5 . 1.63E+5 - 1.66E+8 3.54E+4 Pr.143 2.92E+2 1.1M*2 . 6.TM+1 - 9.61E+5 1.45E+1 1 pp.144 . . . . . . . 1 5 ud 147 1.81E+2 1.97t+2 - 1.1M+2 - 7.11E+5 1.1 M + 1

w.187 1.20E+4 9.78E+3 . * -

2.65E+6 3.43E+3 i

 ;                                   up 239    6.99E+0 6.59E 1       . 2.07t+0        -

1.06E+5 3.6M - 1 4 i i

!              Davis-Besse ODCM                                        78                                        Revision 5 3


Table 3-8 (continAd) R gg, Grass - Cov - Milk P thway 3 Dose Factors - CHILD (mgem/yr per UCi/m ) for H-3 and C-14 (m

  • mrem /yr per uC1/sec) for others j Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Eldney LLng GI LLI T. Body
                ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......                                 l 1

N3 - 1.5 7t+3 1.57E+3 1.57E+3 1.57E+3 1.57E+3 1.57E+5 i C-14 1.65E+6 3.29E+5 3.29E+5 3.29E+5 3.29E+5 3.29E+5 3.29E+5 Na 24 9.23E+6 9.23E+6 9.23E+6 9.23E+6 9.23E+6 9.23E+6 9.23E+6 P-32 7.77E+10 3.64E+9 - - - 2.15E+9 3.00E+9 Cr-51 - - 5.66E+4 1.55E+4 1.03E+5 5.41E+6 1.02E+5 l Mn 54 - 2.09E+7 - 5.87E+6 - 1.76E+7 5.58E+6 i Mn-56 - 1.31E 2 - 1.58E-2 - 1.90E+0 2.95E 3 i Fe 55 1.12E+8 5.93E+7 - - 3.35E+7 1.10E+7 1.84E+7 Fe-59 1.20E+8 1.95E+8 - - 5.65E+7 2.03E+8 9.71E+7 Co-57 - 3.84E+6 - - - 3.14E+7 7.77E+6 Co-58 - 1.21E+7 - - - 7.08E+7 3.72E+7 Co-60 - 4.32E+7 - - - 2.39E+8 1.27t+8 NI 63 2.96E+10 1.59E+9 - - - 1.07E+8 1.01E+9 Ni 65 1.66E+0 1.56E-1 - - - 1.91E+1 9.11E-2 Cu-64 - 7.55E+4 - 1.82E+5 - 3.54E+6 4.5M+4 Zn 65 4.13E+9 1.10E+10 - 6.94E+9 - 1.93E+9 6.85E+9 Zn-69 - - - - - 2.14E-9 - Br-82 - - - - - - 1.15E+8 Br 83 - - - - - - 4.69E-1 tr-84 - - - - - - - Sr 85 - - - Rb-86 - 8.77E+9 - - - 5.64E+8 5.39E+9 Rb-88 - - - - - - Rb-89 - - - - - - -

               $r 89      6.62E+9      -         -         -         -

2.56E+8 1.89E+8 l sr-90 1.12E+11 - - - - 1.51E+9 2.83E+10 tr-91 1.41E+5 - - - - 3.12E+5 5.33E+3 tr 92 2.19t+0 - - - - 4.14E+1 8.76E 2 Y-90 3.22E+2 - - - - 9.15E+5 8.61E+0 y.91. . . . . . . . f-91 3.91E+4 - - - - 5.21E+6 1.04E+3 Y 92 2.46E-4 - - - - 7.10E+0 7.C3E-6 1 Y 93 1.06t+0 - - - - 1.57E+4 2.90E-2 ' Zr-95 3.84E+3 8.45E+2 - 1.21E+3 - 8.81E+5 7.52E+2 Zr-97 1.89E+0 2.72E 1 - 3.91E 1 - 4.13E+4 1.61E-1 ub-95 3.18E+5 1.24E+5 - 1.16E+5 - 2.29E+8 8.84E+4 Nb 97 - - - - - 1.45E-6 - Mo 99 - 8.29E+7 - 1.77E+8 - 6.86E+7 2.05E+7 fe-99m 1.29E+1 2.54E+1 - 3.68E+2 1.29E+1 1.44E+4 4.20E+2 Davis-Besse ODCM 79 Revision 5

                                                                                                                               'l i

Table 3-8 (continued) R gn, Grass - Cow - Hilk Pathv3y Dose Factors - CHILD (cont.) 1 (mgem/yr per uCi/m ) for H-3 and C-14 (m

  • mrem /yr per pCi/sec) for others Muclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kickisy Lun 81.LLI f.Sedy
                        ....... ....... .... .. ....... .......             ... 8..

Tc 101 - - - * * * - Eu 103 4.29E+3 - - 1.08E+4

  • 1.11E+5 1.65E+3 Ev ,105 3.82E-3 - - 3.36E 2 -

2.49E+0 1.39E-3 Eu 106 9.24E+4 - - 1.25E+5 - 1.44E+6 1.15E+4 Eh 103m - - - - - - - Eh-106 - - - - - - - As-110m 2.09E+8 1.41E+8 - 2.63E+8 - 1.6E+10 1.13E+8 Sb-124 1.09t+4 1.41E+4 2.40E+5 - 6.03E+T 4.79E+4 3.81E+T Sb-125 8.70E+T 1.41E+6 8.0M+4 - 4.85E+7 2.08E+8 1.82E+7. fe 125e 7.3N+7 2.00E+T 2.07t+T - - 7.12E+7 9.84E4 1 fe 127m 2.0E+8 5.60E+7 4.97E+7 5.93E+8 - 1.64E+8 2.47E+ T I fe 127 3.06E+3 8.25E+2 2.12E+3 8.71E+3 - 1.20E+5 6.54E+2 fe 129m 2.72E+8 7.61E+7 8.78E+7 8.00E+8 - 3.32E+8 4.23E*T Te-129 - - - 2.87E 9 - 6.12E 8 - fe 131m 1.60E+6 5.53E+5 1.14E+6 5.35E+4 - 2.24E+T 5.89E+5 fe-131 - - - - - - - fe 132 1.02E+T 4.52E+4 4.58E+6 4.20E+T - 4.55E+T 5.4M+4 I 130  %.75E+4 3.54E+6 3.90E+8 5.29E+6 - 1.66E+4 1.82E*4 1 131 1.30E+9 1.31E+9 4.34E+11 2.15E+9 - 1.17E+8 7.4M+8 t 132 v I 133 6.86E-1 1.2M+0 5.85E+1 1.9M+0 - 1.40E+0 5.80E 1 1.76E+7 2.18E+T 4.04E+9 3.63E+T - 8.77E+6 8.23E+6 g.134 . . . . . . . 1-135 5.84E+4 1.05E+5 9.30E+4 1.61E+5

  • 8.00E+4 4.97E+4 Cs 134 2.26E+10 3.71E+10 -

1.15E+10 4.13E+9 2.00E+8 7.83E+9 Cs 136 1.00E+9 2.7M+9 - 1.47E+9 2.19E+8 9.70E+7 1.79E+9 Cs 137 3.22E+10 3.09E+10 - 1.01E+10 3.62E+9 1.93E+8 4.55E+9 i Co 138 - - - - - - - Sa-139 2.14E 7 - - - - 1.2M-5 6.19E-9 Sa 140 1.17t+4 1.03E+5 - 3.34E+4 6.12E+4 5.94E+T 4.84E+4 Sa-141 - - - - - - - Se.142 . - - - . . . La-140 1.93E+1- 6.74E+0 - - - 1.88E+5 2.27E+0 La-142 * * - - - 2.51E 6 - Co 141 2.19E+4 1.09E+4 - 4.78E+3 - 1.36E+T 1.62E+3 Co 143 1.89E+2 1.02E+5 - 4.29E+1 - 1.50E4 1.4m+1 Co 144 1.62E+4 5.09E+5 - 2.82E+5 - 1.33E+4 8.66E+4 Pr 143 7.23E+2 2.17t+2 - 1.17E+2 - T.80E+5 3.59E+1 pp.144 . . . . . . . nd 147 4.45E+2 3.60E+2 - 1.98E+2 - 5.71E+5 2.79E+1 W-18T 2.91E+4 1.72E+4 - - - 2.42E+6 7.73E+3 / mp 239 1.72E+1 1.23E+0 - 3.57E+0 - 9.14E+4 8.68E-1 Davis-Besse ODCM 80 Revision 5

A Table 3-8 (continued) R gg, Grass-Cow-MilkPaghwayDoseFactors-INFAfff (m{em/yr per uCi/m ) for H-3 and C-14 (m

  • mrem /yr per uC1/sec) for others Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Eldrwy LW GI-LLI T. Body N3 -

2.38E+3 2.38E+3 2.38E+3 2.38E+3 2.38E+3 2.38E+3 C 14 3.23E+6 6.89E+5 6.89E+5 6.89E+5 6.89E+5 6.89E+5 6.89E+5 No 24 1.61E+7 1.61E+7 1.61E+7 1.61E+7 1.61E+7 1.61E+7 1.61E+7 P-32 1.60E+11 9.42E+9 - - - 2.17E+9 6.21E+9 Cr 51 - - 1.05E+5 2.30E+4 2.05E+5 4.71E+6 1.61E+5 Mn 54 - 3.89E+7 - 8.63E+6 - 1.43E+7 8.83E+6 Mn 56 - 3.21E 2 - 2.76E-2 - 2.91E+0 5.53E-3 Fe-55 1.35E+8 8.72E+7 - - 4.27E+7 1.11E*7 2.33E+7 Fe-59 2.25E+8 3.93E+8 - - 1.16E+8 1.88E+8 1.55E+8 to 57 - 8.95E+6 - - - 3.05E+7 1.46E+7 co 58 - 2.43E+7 - - - 6.05E+7 6.06E+7 Co-60 - 8.81E+7 - - - 2.10E+8 2.08E+8 Ni-63 3.49E+10 2.16E+9 - - - 1.07E+8 1.21E+9 NI*65 3.51E+0 3.97E 1 - - - 3.02E+1 1.81E 1 Cu-64 - 1.8aE+5 - 3.17E+5 - 3.85E+6 8.69E+4 Zn 65 *5.55E+9 1.90E+10 - 9.23E+9 - 1.61E+10 8.78E+9 Zn 69 - - - - - 7.36E-9 - Br-82 - - - - - - 1.94E+8 Br-83 - - - - - - 9.95E-1 Br-84 - - - - - - - sr-85 - - - - - - - Rb-86 - 2.22E+10 - - - 5.69E+8 1.10E+10 tb-88 - - - - - - - Rb 89 - - - * - - - Sr 89 1.26E+10 - - - - 2.59E+8 3.61E+8 sr-90 1.22E+11 - - - - 1.52E+9 3.10E+10 sr 91 2.94E+5 - - - - 3.40E+5 1.06E+4 sr-92 4.65E+0 - - - - 5.01E+1 1.73E 1 Y 90 6.80E+2 - - - - 9.39E +5 1.82E+1 y.91a - - - - - - - Y 91 7.33E+4 - - - - 5.26E+6 1.95E+3 Y 92 5.22E-4 - - - - 9.97E+0 1.47E 5 Y-93 2.25E+0 - - - - 1.7M*4 6.13E 2 Zr-95 6.83E+3 1.66E+3 - 1.79E+3 - 8.28E+5 1.18E+3 Zr-97 3.99E+0 6.85E 1 - 6.91E 1 - 4.37E+4 3.13E-1 Nb-95 5.93E+5 2.44E+5 - 1.75E+5 - 2.06E+8 1.41E+5 Mb 97 - - - - - 3.70E 6 - mo-99 - 2.12E+8 - 3.17E+8 - 6.90E+7 4.13E+7 fc 99m 2.69E+1 5.55E+1 - 5.97E+2 2.90E+1 1.61E+4 7.15E+2 Davis-Besse ODCM 81 Revision 5


Table 3-8 (continued) R ig,

    .                       Grass-Cow-MilkPathvag)DoseFactors-INFANT (mgem/yrperuCi/m for H-3 and C-14                                          (cont.)         i (m
  • mrem /yr per UC1/sec) for others i

d Nuctice Bone Liver Thyroid Eldwy - 1 twi GI LLI T. Body

  • ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....s... ....... .......

i 1 fc 101 - - . . - - . I Ru-103 8.69E+3 - - 1.81E+4 - 1.06E+5 2.91E+3 tu 105 8.06E 3 - - 5.92E 2 - 3.21E+0 2.71E 3 I tv-106 1.90E+5 - - 2.25E+5 1.44E+6 2.38E+4 th 103m - . - - - - - th 106 . . - * - *

  • l As-110m 3.86E+4 2.82E+8
  • 4.03E+8 -

1.4M+10 1.8M+8 l i 4 sb-124 2.09E+8 3.08E+6 5.5M+5 - i 1.31E+4 6.4M+8 6.49E+ 7 sb-125 1.49E+4 1.45E+4 1.87t+5 - ' 9.3M+7 1.99E+8 3.07t+7 y fe-125m 1.51E+8 5.04E+7 5.0M+7 - -

7.18E+7 2.04E+7 1 Te-127m 4.21E+8 1.40E+8 1.22E+8 1.04E+9 -
1.70E*8 5.10E+ 7 Te 127 6.50E+3 2.18E+3 5.29E+3 1.59E+4 -

1.36E+5 1.40E+3 fe-129m 5.59E+8 1.92E+8 2.1M+8 1.40E+9 - 3.34E+4 8.62E+7 Te 129 2.08E 9 - 1.75E-9 5.1M-9 - 1.66E T - 1 fe 131m '3.38E+6 1.3M+4 2.76E+6 9.35E+4 - 2.29E+7 1.12E+4 Te 131 - - - - . . - fe 132 2.10E+7 1.04E+7 1.54E+7 6.51E+7 - 3.85E+7 9.72E+6 I 130 3.60E+4 7.92E+6 8.88E+4 8.70E+4 - 1.7DE+4 3.18E+4 l 131 2.72E+9 3.21E+9 1.05E+12 3.75E+9 - 1.1M+4 1.41E+9 Q I 132 8 133 1.42E+0 2.89E+0 1.35E+2 3.22E+0 3.72E+7 5.41E+7 9.84E+9 4.368+7 2.34E+0 1.0M+0 9.16E+4 1.5M +7 1 134 - - 1.01E 9 - - - - l 135 1.2iE+5 2.41E+5 2.1M+7 2.69E+5

  • 8.74E+4 8.80E+4 Cs 134 ' 3.65E+10 6.80E+10 -

1.75E+10 7.1M+9 1.85E+4 6.87E+9 Cs 136 1.96E+9 5.7M+9 - 2.30E+9 4.70E+9 8.7M+7 2.15t*9 Cs 137 5.15E+10 6.02E+10 . 1.62E+10 6.5M+9 1.88E+8 4.27t+9 ts 138 - - - - - - - Sa 139 4.5M 7 - - - - 2.88E 5 1.32E 8 8a-140 2.41E+8 2.41E+5

  • 5.73E+4 1.48E+5 5.9M+7 1.24E+7 8e-141 * - - - - . .

3e.142 . . . . . . . i La 140 4.0M+1 1.59E+1 - - - 1.8M+5 4.09E+0 La-142 - - - - l 5.21E-6 - Co 141 4.33E+4 2.kE+4 - 8.1M+3 - 1.3M+7 3.11E+3 Ce-143 4.00E+2 2.6M+5 . 7.72E+1 - 1.5M+4 3.02E+1 Co-144 2.33E+6 9.52E+5 - 3.85E+5 - 1.33E+8 1.30E+5 Pr 143 1.49E+3 5.59E+2 - 2.08E+2 - 7.89E+5 7.41E+1 Pr.144 . . . . . . . 1 ud-147 8.82E+2 9.06t+2 - 3.49E+2 - 5.74E+5 5.55E+1 W 187 6.12E+4 4.2M+4 - - - 2.50E+4 1.4M+4 hp 239 3. kE

  • 1 3.25E+0 . 6.49E+0 -

9.40E+4 1.84E+0 t Davis-Besse ODCM 82 Revision 5

                                                                                                   -e Table 3-9 R gg, Grass - Coy - Meat Pgthway Dose Factors - ADULT (mgem/yr per pCi/m ) for H-3 and C-14 (m
  • mrem /yr per uC1/sec) for others Nuclide gone Liver Thyroid Kichey Lteg 01-LLI T. Body H-3 -

3.25E+2 3.25E+2 3.25E+2 3.25E+2 3.25E+2 3.25E+2 C-14 3.33E+5 6.66E*4 6.66E+4 6.66E+4 6.66E*4 6.66E+4 6.66E+4 Na 24 1.84E-3 1.84E-3 1.84E 3 1.84E-3 1.84E 3 1.84E-3 1.84E 3 P 32 4.65E+9'2.89E+8 - - - 5.23E+8 1.80E+8 Cr 51 - - 4.22E*3 1.56E+3 9.38E+3 1.78E+6 7.07E+3 Mn-54 - 9.15E+6 - 2.72E+6 - 2.80E+7 1.75E+6 m.56 - - - - - - - l Fe 55 2.93E+8 2.02E+8 - - 1.13E+8 1.16E+8 4.72E+7 i i Fe-59 2.67E+8 6.27E+8 - - 1.75E+8 2.09E+9 2.40E+8 i co-57 - 5.64E+6 - - - 1.43E+8 9.37E+6 Co-58 - 1.83E+7 - - - 3.70E+8 4.10E+7 l Co-60 - 7.52E+7 - - - 1.41E+9 1.66E+8 NI-63 1.89E+10 1.31E+9 - - - 2.73E+8 6.33E+8 ' l Ni.65 - - - - - . - ' Cu 64 - 2.95E 7 - 7.45E-7 - 2.52E 5 1.39E 7 Zn-65 3.56E+8 1.13E+9 - 7.57E+8 - 7.13E+4 5.12E+8 j Zn-69 - - - - - - - l Br 82 - - - - - 1.44E+3 1.26E+3 gr-13 - - - - - - - Sr-84 - - - - - - - Br-85 - - - - - - - Rb-86 - 4.87E+8 - - - 9.60E+7 2.27E+8 I

                 .b.88         .        .       .        .       .        .        .

Rb- 89 - - - - - - -

                 $r-89     3.01E+8      -       -        -       -

4.84E+7 8.65E+6 sr 90 1.24E+10 - - - - 3.59E+8 3.05E+9 Sr-91 - - - - - 1.38E 9 - Sr-92 - - - - - - - T 90 1.07E+2 - - - - 1.13E+6 2.86E+0 y.pta . . . . . . . Y 91 1.13E+4 - - - - 6.24E+8 3.03E+4 y.92 - - - - - - - y.93 . . . - . 2.08E T - Zr-95 1.88E+6 6.04E+5 - 9.48E+5 - 1.91E+9 4.09E+5 Zr-97 1.83E 5 3.69E-6 - 5.58E 6 - 1.14E+0 1.69E-6 Mb-95 2.29E+6 1.28E+6 - 1.26E+6 - 7.75E+9 6.86E+5 ud.97 . . . . . . . No-99 - 1.09E+5 - 2.46E+5 - 2.52E+5 2.07E+4 Te-99m - * = = -

  • Davis-Besse ODCM 83 Revision 5

T.L _ .- . ~sa Table 3-9 R yg, Grass-Cow-HeatPathvgyDoseFactors-ADULT (cont.) (m

p (m{em/yr
  • mremper/yr uC1/m ) for H-3for per pCi/sec) andothers C-14

( Nuclide Sone Liver thyreld Klchey Lung GI LLI

                          ....... ....... ....... -..-... ....... ..... . .......                T.8edr.

Tc-101 - . - - - - - Eu 103 1.0M+8 . . 4.03E+8 - 1.23E+10 4.55E+7 Ru-105 - - - - - - - Ru-106 2.80E+9 . . 5.40E+9 . 1.81E+11 3.54E+8 Ah 103m - - . - . - - Rh 106 - - * * * - - As 110m 6.69E+6 6.19E+4 - 1.22LD/ - 2.52E+9 3.67t+6 sb-124 1.98E+7 3.74E+5 4.80E+4 - 1.54E+7 5.62E+8 7.85E+6 ( Sb-125 1.91E+7 2.13E+5 1.94E+4 - 1.47E+7 2.10E+8 4.54E+6 l Te 125m 3.59E+8 1.30E+8 1.08E+8 1.4M+9 . 1.43E+9 4.81E+1 fe 127m 1.12E+9 3.99E+8 2.85E+8 4.53E+9 - l 3.74E+9 1.36t+8 fe.127 . - - 1.09E-9 - 2.10E 8 . fe 129m { 1.14E+9 4.27E+8 3.93E+8 4.77E+9 -

5. 7M+9 1.81E+8 re.129 . . . . . . .

fe 131m 4.51E+2 2.21E+2 3.50E+2 2.24E+3 - 2.19E+4 1.84E+2 fe 131 . - . - - - . I fe-132 1.40E+6 9.07E+5 1.00E+6 8.73E+6 - 4.29E+7 8.51E+5 1 130 2.35E-6 6.96E-6 5.88E-4 1.08E 5 l 5.98E 6 2.74E-6 l l 131 1.08E+7 1.54E+7 5.05E+9 2.64E+ 7 - 4.07E+4 8.83E+4

  ,A                    g.132            .         *        *            -       -        -
 .kg                    8 133

, 4.30E-1 7.47E 1 1.10E+2 1.30E+0 . 6.72E 1 2.28E 1 1-134 . . - - . . . g.133 . . . . . . . l Cs 134 6.57E+8 1.56t+9 - 5.0M+8 1.68E+8 2.74E+7 1.28E+9 Cs 134 1.18E+1 4.67E+7 - 2.60E+7 3.5M+4 5.30E+6 3.36t+7 Cs 137 8.72E+8 1.19E+9 - 4.05E+8 1.35E+8 2.31E+7 7.41E+8 Cs 138 - - - . - . . go.139 . . - . . . . Se.140 2.88E+7 3.61E+4 - 1.23E+4 2.07t+4 5.92E+7 1.89E+6 Sa-141 - - - - - - . Se.142 . - - - . . . l La 140 3.60E 2 1.81E 2 - - - 1.33E+3 4.79E-3 La.142 . . . - . . . Co-141 1.40E+4 9.48E+3 - 4.40E+3 - 3.62E+7 1.08E+3 Co-143 2.09E 2 1.55E+1 - 6.80E 3 - 5.78E+2 1.71E 3 Co 144 1. 4M +6 6.09E+5 - 3.61E+5 - 4.93E+8 7.83E+4 Pr 143 2.13E+4 8.54E+3 . 4.93E+3 - 9.33E+7 1.06E+3 pr.164 . . . - . . . ud 147 7.08E+3 8.18E+3 - 4.78E+3 . 3.93E+7 4.90E*2 W 187 2.16E 2 1.81E-2 - - - 5.92E+0 6.32E 3 p up 239 2.56E 1 2.51E 2 - 7.84E 2 - 5.15E+3 1.39E 2


Davis-Besse ODCM 84 Revision 5 I

Table 3-9 (continued) R yg, Grass-Cow-HeatPatgvayDoseFactors-TEENAGER (myem/yr per uCi/m ) for H-3 and C-14 (m

  • mrem /yr per UCi/sec) for others Nuctide Bone Liver Thyroid Eldney Ltng c!.LLI T.8ody N3 -

1.94E+2 1.94E+2 1.94E+2 1.94E+2 1.94E+2 1.94E+2 C 14 2.81E+5 5.62E+4 5.62E+4 5.62E+4 5.62E+4 5.62E+4 5.62E+4 to 24 1.47E-3 1.47E 3 1.47E 3 1.47E-3 1.47E-3 1.47E 3 1.47E-3 P 32 3.93E+9 2.44E+8 - - - 3.30E+8 1.52E+8 Cr 51 - - 3.14E+3 1.24E+3 8.07E+3 9.50E+5 5.65E+3 Mn 54 - 6.98E+6 - 2.08E+4 - 1.43E+7 1.38E+6 nn-56 - - - - - - - Fe-55 2.38E+8 1.69E+8 - - 1.07 +8 7.30E+7 3.93E+7 Fe 59 2.13E+8 4.98E+8 - - 1.574+8 1.18E+9 1.92E+8 Co-57 - 4.53E+6 - - - 8.45E+7 7.59E+6 Co 58 - 1.41E+7 - -

  • 1.94E+8 3.25E+7 Co 60 -

5.83E+7 - - - 7.60E+8 1.31E+8 ul 63 1.52E+10 1.07E+9 - - - 1.71E+8 5.15E+8 ut.s5 . . . . . . . Cu-64 - 2.41E-7 - 6.10E 7 - 1.87E-5 1.13E 7 2n-65 2.50E+8 8.69E+8 - 5.56E+8 - 3.68E+8 4.05E+8 Zn-69 - - - - - - - gr.82 . . . . . - 9.90E+2 8r 83 * - = - =

  • gr.86 . . . . . . .

Er 85 - - = = = = tb-86 - 4.06E+8 - - - 6.01E+7 1.91E+8 ab-88 - - - - - - - Ab-89 - - - * * *

  • Sr 89 2.54E+8 - - - -

i.03E+7 7.29E+6 sr 90 8.05E+9 - - - - 2.26E+8 1.99E+9 St 91 - - - - - 1.10E 9 - sr.92 . . . . . . . Y 90 8.98E+1 - * - - 7.40E+5 2.42E+0 y.91. . . . . . . . Y-91 9.56E+5 - - - - 3.92E+8 2.56E+4 y.92 - - - - - - - y.93 . . . . . 1.69E 7 - l Zr-95 1.51E+6 4.76E+5 - 6.99E+5 - 1.10E+9 3.27E+5 l Zr 97 1.53E-5 3.02E 6 - 4.58E 6 - 8.18E 1 1.39E 6 ub-95 1.79E+6 9.94E+5 - 9.64E+5 - 4.25E+9 5.47E+5 l us.97 . . . . . . . mo 99 - 8.95E+4 - 2.06E+5 - 1.61E+5 1.71E+4 l fc-99m - - - - - - - Davis-Besse ODCM 85 Revision 5

                                                                                                                                    ..4 ,

Table 3-9 (continued) R ig, Grass - Cov - Heat Pathway Dose 3 Factors - TEENAGER (cont.) (mgem/yrperpCi/m)forH-3andC-14 (\ (m

  • mrem /yr per uCi/sec) for others Nuctide Gene Liver thyroid Kidney Lung GI LLI f.8edy Tc 101 = . - - * *
  • Ru-103 8.60E+T . - 3.0M+8 .

T.18E+9 3.68E+T Au 105 - - * * * -

  • Ru 106 2.36E+9 . . 4.55E+9 .

1.1M +11 2.97t+8 Rh 103m - - - - . . - Rh 106 . . . . - . . Ag 110m 5.06E+6 4.79E+6 . 9.14E+6 - 1.35E+9 2.91t+6 sb-124 1.62E+T 2.90E+5 3.67E+4 - 1.41E+T 3.26E+8 6.31E+6 Sb-125 1.5M +T 1.71E+5 1.49E+4 - 1.37E+T 1.22E+8 3.66E+4 fe 125e 3.0M+8 1.09E+8 8.4TE+T - - 8.94E+4 4.05E+T Te 12To 9.41E+8 3.34E+4 2.24E+8 3.82E+9 . 2.35E+9 1.12E+4 fe-127 . ' - - - - 1.75E-8 . fe 129m 9.58E+8 3.56t+8 3.09E+8 4.01E+9 . 3.60E+9 1.52E+8 fe.129 . - . . . . . fe 131e 3.TM+2 1.80E+2 2.71E+2 1.88E+3 - 1.45E+4 1.50E+2 fe-131 . . - - . . . fe-132 1.15E+6 T.26E+5 T.66t+5 6.97E+6 . 2.30E+T 4.84E+5 1 130 1.89E-6 5.48E 6 4.4TE.4 8.44E-6 - i 4.21E-6 2.19E-6 l 131 8.95E+6 1.25E+T 3.66t+9 2.1M+T - 2.4N+6 6.73E+4 i .1M . . . . . . . I-133 3.59E 1 6.10E 1 8.51E+1 1.0?E+0 - 4.61E 1 1.86E.1 i 3 134 . . . . . . . 1 135 . . - . . . l Cs 134 5.23E+4 1.Z3E+9 - 1 3.91E+8 1.49E+8 1.53E+T 5.71E+4 Ca 136 9.22E*4 3.63E+T

  • 1.97E+T 3.11E+6 2.92E+6 2.44E+T Co 137 T.24E+8 9.63E+8 -

3.28E+8 1.27E+8 1.37E+T 3.36t+4 Co 138 . - - . . . . Re 139 . . . - - - . Se 140 2.38t+F 2.91E+4 - 9.88t+3 1.96E+4 3.67E+T 1.53E*4 se.141 . - - - - . . 8e 142 - - - - - - . La-140 2.9E 2 1.45E 2 . - - 8.35E+2 3.87E-3 Le-142 . - . - * - . l Co 141 1.18E+4 T.8M+3 - 3.7DE+3 - 2.25E+T 9.03E+2  ! co-143 1.TM 2 1.28t+1 - 5.74E 3 - { 3.85E+2 1.4M-3 l co 144 1.23E+6 5.00E+5 . 3.04E +5 - i 3.0E+4 6.60E+4 Pr-143 1.79t+4 T.15E+3 . 4.1M+3 - 5.90E+T 8.92E+2 pr.144 - - - - . - - ud-147 6.24E+3 6.79E+3 - 3.90E+3 - 2.45E+T 4.06E+2 W 187 1.81E 2 1.48E 2 - - - 3.99E+0 5.17t 3

/                    hp-239       2.2M 1 2.11E 2           .

6.61E 2 - 3.39E+3 1.1?f 2


Davis-Besse ODCM 86 Revision 5

R g9, Grass - Coy Table 3-9 (continutd)

                                                   - Heat P thvay Dose Factors - CHILD (mgem/yr per uCi/m3 ) for H-3 and C-14 (m'
  • mrem /yr per UC1/sec) for others Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Eidwy Lmg
                  .......                                                                GI LLI    T.Sody H3                  -

2.34E+2 2.34E+2 2.34E+2 2.34E^2 2.34E+2 2.34E+2 C-14 5.29E+5 1.06E+5 1.06E+5 1.06E+5 1.06E+5 1.0M+5 1.06E+5 No 24 2.34E 3 2.34E 3 2.34E-3 2.34E-3 2.34E 3 2.34E 3 2.34E 3 P 32 7.41E+9 3.47E+8 - - - 2.05E+8 2.86E+8 cr 51 - - 4.89E+3 1.34E+3 8.93E+3 4.67E+5 8.81E+3 Mn-54 - 7.99E+6 - 2.24E+6 - 6.70E+6 2.13E+6 Mn-56 - - * * * - - 1 Pe-55 4.57E+8 2.42E+8 - - 1.37E+8 4.49E+7 7.51E+7 Fe 59 3.78E+8 6.12E+8 - - l 1.77E+8 6.37E+8 3.05E+8 $ co 57 - 5.92E+6 - - - 1 4.85E+7 1.20E+7 Co-58 - 1.65E+7 - - - i 9.60E+7 5.04E*7 I co-60 - 6.93E*7 - - - l 3.84E+8 2.04E+8 ul-63 2.91E+10 1.5M+9 - - - 1.05E+8 9.91E+8 I mi 65 - - - -

                                                                                                       -                                       I' cu-64             -

3.24E-7 - 7.82E 7 - 1.52E-5 1.9M 7 2n-65 3.75E+8 1.00E+9 - 6.30E+8 - 1.76E+8 6.22E+8 Zn-69 - - - - - - - tr-82 - - - - - - 1.5M+3  ! Br-83 - - - - - - - gr.34 . . . . . . . gr.a$ . . . . . . . ab-86 - 5.76E+8 - - - 3.71E+7 3.54E+8 ab-88 - - - - - - - Rb-89 - - - * - - - tr 89 4.82E+8 - - - - 1.86E+7 1.38E+7 tr-90 1.04E+10 - - - - 1.40E+8 2.64E+9 tr 91 - - - - - 1.01E 9 - Sr-92 - - - - - - - Y 90 1.70E+2 - - - - 4.84E+5 4.55E+0 y.91a - - - - - - - Y-91 1.81E+6 - - - - 2.41E+8 4.83E+4 l y.92 - - - - - - - Y-93 - - - - -

           .                                                                          1.55E 7       -

Zr 95 2.68E+6 5.89E+5 - 8.43E+5 - 6.14E+8 5.24E+5 Zr 97 2.84E 5 4.10E-6 - 5.89E 6 - 6.21E-1 2.42E-6 ub-95 3.09E+6 1.20E+6 - 1.13E+6 - 2.23E+9 8.61E+5 ub-97 - - - - - - - mo-99 - 1.25E+5 - 2.67E+5' - 1.03E+5 3.09E+4 Tc 99m - - - - - - - Davis-Besse ODCM 87 Revision 5

4, Table 3-9 (continued) R ig, Grass - Cov - Meat Pathugy Dose Factors - CHILD (cont.)

  ,                               (mgem/yr per UCi/m ) for H-3 and C-14 k'*


  • mrem /yr per UC1/sec) for others Nuctide Bone Liver Thyroid Eichey Lms GI LLI f.8edy i

l Tc 101 - - - - - - - 1 Eu-103 1.56E+8 - - 3.92E+8 - 4.02E+9 5.98E+7

                        .u.,05         .         .       .           .         .         .        .

tu-106 4.44E+9 - - 5.99E+9 - 6.90E+10 5.54E+8 th 103m - - - - - - - th 106 - - - - - - - Ag-110m 8.40E+6 5.67t+6 - 1.0aE+7 . 6.75E+8 4.53E+6 Sb 124 2.93E 7 3.80E+5 6.44E+4 - 1.62E+7 1.83E+8 1.03E+7 sb-125 2.85E+7 2.19E+5 2.64E+4 - 1.59E+7 6.80E+7 5.96E+6 Te-125e 5.69E+8 1.54E+8 1.60E+8 * - 5.49E+8 7.59E+7 fe-127m 1.77E+9 4.78E+8 4.24E+8 5.06E+9 - 1.44E+9 2.11E+8 - Te 127 - * - 1.21E-9 - 1.66E 8 - Te 129m 1.81E+9 5.04E+8 5.82E+8 5.30E+9 - 2.20E+9 2.80E+8

f. 129 - - - * - - -

Te-131a 7.00E+2 2.42E+2 4.98E+2 2.34E+3 - 9.82E+3 2.58E+2 Te 131 - - - - - Te-132 2.09E+6 9.27E+5 1.35E+6 8.60E+4 - 9.33E+6 .1.12E+6 t 130 3.39E 6 6.85E 6 7.54E-4 1.02E 5 - 3.20E-6 3.53E 6 I 131 1.6M +7 1.67E+7 5.52E+9 2.74E+7 - 1.49t+6 9.49t+6 , I i f 3 132 . . . - - . . D I 133 6.68E-1 8.26E 1 1.53E+2 1.38E+0 - 3.DE 1 3.12E 1 I-134 - - - - - - - I-135 - - - - - - - Cs 134 9.22E+8 1.51E+9 - 4.69E+8 1.68E+8 8.15E+6 3.19E+8 Cs 136 1.59E+7 4.37E+ 7 - 2.33E+7 3.47E+6 1.54E+6 2.83E+7  ! i Cs 137 1.33E+9 1.28E+9 - 4.16E+8 1.50E+8 7.99E*4 1.88E+8 l Ca 138 - - - - - - - Se-139 - - - - - Se 140 4.39E+7 3.85E+4 - 1.25E+4 2.29t+4 2.22E+7 2.56E+6

g. 141 . . - - . . .

go.142 - * * * - - - La 140 5.41E-2 1.89E 2 - - 5.27E+2 6.38E 3 Le 142 * - - - - - Ce 141 2.22E+4 1.11E+4 - 4.84E+3 - 1.38E+7 1.64E+3 Co 143 3.30E-2 1.79E+1 - 7.51E-3 - 2.62E+2 2.59E 3 Ce-144 2.32E+6 7.26E+5 - 4.02E+5 - 1.89E+4 1.24E-*5 Pr 143 3.39t+4 1.02E+4 - 5.51E+3 - 3.66E+7 1.68E+3 Pr-144 - - - - - - - ud 147 1.17E+4 9.48t+3 - 5.20E+3 - 1.50E+7 7.34E+2 W 187 3.36E 2 1.99E 2 - - - 2.79E+0 8.92E 3 l < l up-239 4.20E 1 3.02E 2 - 8.73E 2 - 2.23E+3 2.12E 2 ( Davis-Besse ODCM 88 Revision 5 r

a6 1 l Table 3-10 l R g(,VegetationPathvgyDoseFactors-ADULT mgem/yr per uCi/m ) for H-3 and C-14 , (m

  • mrem /yr per uCi/sec) for others
           . Nuclide     Bone      Liver Thyrold Eldrwy      Lmg     GI LLI    T. Body 8

M3 - 2.26E+3 2.26E+3 2.26E+3 2.26E+3 2.26E+3 2.26E+3 C 14 8.97E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5 1.79E+5 Na 24 2.76E+5 2. 7M +5 2.76E+5 2.76E+5 2.76E+5 2.76E+5 2.76E+5 P 52 1.40E+9 8.73E+7 - - - 1.5M+8 5.42E+7 Cr 51 - - 2.79E+4 1.03E+4 6.19E+4 1.17E+7 4.66E+4 Mn-54 - 3.11E+8 - 9.27E+7 - 9.54E+8 5.94E+7 Mn-56 - 1.61E+1 - 2.04E+1 - 5.13E+2 2.85E+0

Fe 55 2.09E+8 1.45E+8 - -

8.06E+7 8.29E+7 3.37E+7 Fe 59 1.27E+8 2.99E+8 - - 8.35E+7 9.96E+8 1.14E+8 Co-57 - 1.17E+7 - - - 2.97E+8 1.95E+7 Co 58 - 3.09E+7 - - - 6.26E+8 6.92E+7 Co 60 - 1.67E+8 - - - 3.14E+9 3.69E+8 Ni 63 1.04E+10 7.21E+8 - - - 1.50E+8 3.49E+8 Wi 65 6.15E+1 7.99E+0 - - - 2.03E+2 3.65E+0 Cu-64 - 9.27t+3 - 2.34E+4 - 7.90E+5 4.35E+3 2n-65 3.17E+8 1.01E+9 - 6.75E+8 - 6.36E+8 4.56E+8 2n-69 8.75E 6 1.672 5 - 1.09E 5 - 2.51E-6 1.16E-6 Br 82 - - - - - 1.73E+6 1.51E+6 Br 83 - - - - - 4.63E+0 3.21E+3 Br-64 - - - - - - - gr.35 . . . . . . . Ab-86 - 2.19E+8 - - - 4.32E+7 1.02E+8 ab 88 - - - - - - - 1 Rb-89 - - - - - - - I i tr 89 9.96E+9 - - - - 1.60E+9 2.86t+8 tr 90 6.05E+11 - - - - 1.75E+10 1.48E+11 sr 91 3.20E+5 - - - - 1.52E+6 1.29E+4 tr-92 4.27E+2 - - - - 8.46E+3 1.85E+1 Y 90 1.33E+4 - - - - 1.41E+8 3.56E+2 Y-91e 5.83E-9 - - - - 1,71E 8 - Y 91 5.13E+6 - - - - 2.82E+9 1.37t+5 Y 92 9.01E 1 - - - - 1.58E+4 2.63E 2 Y-93 1.74E+2 - - - - 5.52E+6 4.80E+0 Zr-95 1.19E+6 3.81E+5 - 5.97E+5 - 1.21E+9 2.58E+5 Zr-97 3.33E+2 6.73E+1 - 1.02E+2 - 2.00E+7 3.00E+1 Nb-95 1.42E+5 7.91E+4 - 7.81E+4 - 4.80E+8 4.25E+4 kb 97 2.90E-6 7.34E-7 - 8.56E-7 - 2.71E 3 2.68E.7 mo 99 - 6.25E+6 - 1.41E+7 - 1.45E+7 1.19E+6 te-99m 3.0&E+0 8.66t+0 - 1.32E+2 4.24E+0 5.12E+3 1.10E+2 Davis-Besse ODCM 89 Revision 5

i 1 l R Table 3-10 (continued) g , Vegetation Pathway Dgse Factors - ADULT (cont.) (mgem/yrperUCi/m)for11-3andC-14 l (m

  • mrem /yr per uC1/sec) for others b

uuctide tone Liver Thyroid Elchey tmg GI LLI T. Body gg.101 - - - * * * " Ru 103 4.80E+6 *

  • 1.83E+7 -

5.61E+8 2.0M +6 i tu-105 5.39E+1 - - 6.96E.2 - 3.30E+4 2.1M+1 tu-106 1.93E+8 - - 3.72E+8 - 1.2M+10 2.uE+7

                             ,,.,03.           .      -          .             .        .             .       .

Rh 106 - - - - - . . A8 110m 1.0M+7 9.7M+6 - 1.92E+7 - 3.90E+9 5.80E+6


l Sb-124 1.04E+4 1.96E+4 2.52E+5 - 8.08E+ 7 2.95E+9 4.11E+ 7  ! sb-125 1.3M+8 1.52E*6 1.39E+5 - 1.05E+8 1.50E+9 3.25E+7 Te 125m 9.6M +7 3.50E+7 2.90E+7 3.93E+4 - 3.8M+8 1.29E+7 Te 127m 3.49E+4 1.25E+8 8.92E+7 1.42E+9

  • 1.1M+9 4.26E+7 Te 127 5.7M+3 2.07E+3 4.27t+3 2.35E+4 -

4.54E+5 1.2SE+3 i fe 129m 2.55E+4 9.50E+7 8.75E+7 1.0M+9 - 1.28E+9 4.03E+7 ' fe 129 6.65E-6 2.50E-4 5.10E-4 2.79E-3 - 5.02E-4 1.62E-4 fe 131s 9.12E+5 4.46E+5 7.06E+5 4.52E+6 - 4.4M+7 3.72E+5 l Te 131 - . . - - - . fe 132 4.29E+6 2.77t+6 3.06E+6 2.6M +7 - 1.31E+4 2.60E+4 1-130 3.9M+5 1.17E+6 9.90E+7 1.82E+4 - 1.01E+6 4.61E+5

     ,                      1 131      8.09E+7 1.1M +8 3.79E+10 1.90E+8              -

3.05E+7 6.63E+7 l ! t 132 l ^ 5.74E+1 1.54E+2 5.38E+3 2.45E+2 - 2.89E+1 5.38E+1 t-133 2.12E+6 3.69E+6 5.42E+8 6.44E+6 - 3.31E+4 1.12E+6 I I 134 1.0M 4 2.88E 4 5.00E 3 4.59E 4 I 2.51E T 1.0M 4 i 1 135 4.08t+4 1.07E+5 7.04E+6 1.71E+5 - 1.21E+5 3.94E+4 Cs 134 4.66E+9 1.11E+10 - 3.59E+9 1.19E+9 1.94E+4 9.0M+9 j Cs-136 ) 4.2M+7 1.66E+8 - 9.24E+7 1.2M+7 1.89E+7 1.19E+8 Cs 137 6.3M*9 - 8.70E+9 - 2.95E+9 9.81E+8 1.68E+8 5.70E+9 Cs 138 - - - - - - - 8e 139 2.95E-2 2.10E 5 - 1.96E-5 1.19E-5 5.ZM 2 8.64E 4 Se 140 1.29E+8 1.62E+5 - 5.49E+4 9.25E+4 2.65E+8 8.4M+4 Se 141 - - - - - - - 8e.142 . . - - . . . 1 Le 140 1.97E+3 9.92E+2 - - - 7.28E* 7 2.62E+2 La-142 1.40E 4 s.35E-5 - - - 4.64E-1 1.58E 5 Co-141 1.9M+5 1.33E+5 - 6.17E+4 - 5.08E+4 1.51E+4 co 143 1.00E+3 7.42E+5 - 3.26E+2 - 2.77t+7 8.21E+1 Ce 144 3.29E+7 1.38E+7 - 8.1M+6 - 1.11E+10 1.7M+6 Pr-143 6.34E+4 2.54E+4 - 1.47t+4 - 2.78E+8 3.14E+3

                          ,,. t u          .       .        .             .        .             .        .

ud 147 3.34E+4 3.86E+4 - 2.25E+4 - 1.85E+4 2.31E+3 W-187 3.82E+4 3.19E+4 - - -

  • 1.05E+7 1.12E+4 up-239 J Davis-Besse ODCH 1.42E.3 1.40E+2 -

4.37t+2 - 2.87t+ 7

  • 72E+1 90 Revision 5 l

i I

                                                                                                        .e Table 3-10 (continued)

Rg , Vegetation Pathway Dose Factors - TEENAGER 3 (mjem/yrperUCl/m)forH-3andC-14 (m

  • mrem /vr per uCi/sec) for others Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid Kichey Ltng T.Sody GI-LLI H3 -

2.59E+3 2.59E+3 2.59E+3 2.59E+3 2.59E+3 2.59E+3 C 14 1.45E+6 2.91E+5 2.91E+5 2.91E+5 2.91E+5 2.91E+5 2.91E+5 Na 24 2.45E+5 2.45E+5 2.45E+5 2. '.G + 5 2.45E+5 2.45E+5 2.45E+5 P 32 1.61E+9 9.96E+7 - - - 1.35E+8 6.23E+7 cr-51 - - 3.44E+4 1.36E+4 8.85E+4 1.04E+7 6.20E+4 , Mn-54 - 4.52E+8 - 1.35E+8 - 9.2?E+8 8.97E+7 Mn-56 - 1.45E+1 - 1.83E+1 - 9.54E+2 2.58E+0 Fe 55 3.25E+8 2.31E+8 - - 1.46E+8 9.90E+7 5.38E+7 Fe-59 1.81E+8 4.22E+8 - - 1.33E+8 9.98E+8 1.63E+8 Co 57 - 1.79E+7 - - - 3.34E+8 3.00E+7 Co 58 - 4.38E+7 - - - 6.04E+8 1.01E+8 Co-60 - 2.49E+8 - - - 3.24E+9 5.60E+8 Ni 63 1.61E*10 1.13E+9 - - - 1.81E+8 5.45E+8 Ni 65 5. 73E+1 7.32E+0 - - - 3.97E+2 3.33E+0 Cu-64 - 8.40E+3 - 2.12E+4 - 6.51E+5 3.95E+3 Zn 65 4.24E+8 1.47E+9 - 9.41E+8 - 6.23E+8 6.86E+8 Zn 69 8.19E-6 1.56E-5 - 1.02E 5 - 2.88E-5 1.09E 6 tr 82 - - - - - - 1.33E+6 Br-83 - - - - - - 3.01E+0 Br 84 - - - - - - - sr 85 - - - = = Rb-86 - 2.73E+8 - - - 4.05E+7 1.28E+8 Rb-88 - - - - - - - Rb-89 - - - - - - - sr 89 1.51E+10 - - - - 1.80E+9 4.33E+8 sr 90 7.51E+11 - - - - 2.11E+10 1.85E+11 sr-91 2.9M+5 - - - - 1.36E+6 1.19E+4 sr-92 3.97E+2 - - - - 1.01E+4 1.69E+1 Y 90 1.24E+4 - - - - 1.02E+8 3.34E+2 Y 91m 5.43E 9 - - - - 2.56E T - Y 91 7.87E+6 - - - - 3.23E+9 2.11E+5 Y 92 8.47E 1 - - - - 2.32E+4 2.45E 2 Y 93 1.63E+2 * * * - 4.90E+6 4.47E+0 Zr 95 1.74E+6 5.49E+5 - 8.07E+5 - 1.27E+9 3.7BE+5 Zr-97 3.09E+2 6.11E+1 - 9.26E+1 - 1.65E+7 2.81E+1 Nb-95 1.92E+5 1.06t+5 - 1.03E+5 - 4.55E+8 5.86E+4 Nb-97 2.69E-6 6.67E 7 - 7.80E 7 - 1.59E 2 2.44E 7 ho-99 - 5.74E+6 - 1.31E+7 - 1.03E+7 1.09E+6 fc 99m 2.70E+0 7.54E+0 - 1.12E+2 4.19E+0 4.95E+3 9.77E+1 Davis-Besse ODCM 91 Revision 5

   ~.         .    -               _ _          _                   ._           _ _ _ .          _            _

Cf l Table 3-10 (continued) R g , Vegetation (m Pathvay Dosg) for H-3Factors and C TEENAGER (cont.) (m{em/yrperuC1/m

  • mrem /yr per uCi/sec) for others Q uuctide tone Liver Thyroid Elshey tisi
                                                                                          .....s.. GI LLI T. sow fc 101             -       -       -            -                -           -         -

Eu 103 6.84+6 - - 2.W+7

  • 5.74E+8 2.94E+4 Ru-105 5.00E+1 - - '


  • 4.04E+4 1.94E+1 au 106 3.09t+8 . - 5.9M+8 -

1.4N+10 3.90E*T th 103m - - - - . . . th 106 . . - . . . . 48 110m 1.52E+7 1.44C+T - 2.74E+T - 4.06E+9 8.74E+4 sb 124 1.55E+8 2.85E+4 3.51E+5 - 1.35E+8 3.11E+9 6.03E+T Sb 125 2.14E+4 2.34E+6 2.04E+5 - 1.8E+8 1.66E+9 5.00E+7 Te 125m 1.48E+8 5.34E+T 4.14E+T - . 4JM+8 1.98E+7 fe.127m 5.51E+8 1.96E+8 1.31E+8 2.24E*9 + 1.3M+9 6.56E+7 fe-127 5.43E+3 1.92E+3 3.74E+3 2.20E+4 . 4.19E+5 1.1M+3 I fe 129m 3.6M+8 1.36E+8 1.18E+4 1.54E+9 - 1.38t+9 5.81E+T fe-129 6.22E-4 2.32E-4 4.45E-4 2.61E-3 - 3.40E 3 1.51E 4 te 131m 8.44E+5 4.05E+5 6.09E+5 4.22E*4 - 3.25E+T 3.3N +5 te.131 - - - . . - . Te-132 3.90E+4 2.47E4 2.60E*4 2.3M+T . 7.82E+7 2.32E+4 1 130 3.54E+5 1.02E+4 8.35E+7 1.58E4 - T.8M+5 4.09E+5 I 131 7.70E+7 1.08t+8 3.14E+10 1.85E+4 - 2.13E+7 5.79E+T I 132 5.18E+1 1.36E+2 4.57E+3 2.14E+2 - 5.91E+1 4.8M+1 1 133 1.97E4 3.34E+4 4.66E+8 5.86E4 -- 2.53E+4 1.02E+6 1 134 9.59E 5 2.54E 4 4.24E 3 4.01E*4 - 3.35E-6 9.1M 5 1 135 3.68E4 9.48E+4 6.10E4 1.50E+5 - 1.05E+5 3.52E+4 Cs-134 7.09E+9 1.67t+10 - 5.30E+9 2.02E+9 2.08E+8 7.74E+9 Ca 136 4.29E+ T 1.69E+8 - 9.19E+T 1.45E+7 1.36E+T 1.13E+8 Cs 137 1.01E+10 1.35E+10 - 4.59E+9 1.78E+9 1.9ts+8 4.6eE+9 Cs 138 - * - = * * . Sa-139 2.77E 2 1.95E 5 - 1.84E 5 1.34E 5 2.4M 1 8.08E-4 Se-140 1.38E+8 1.69E+5 - 5.75E+4 1.14E+5 2.13E+8 8.91E+6 go.141 . . . . . . . Se-142 * - - - - - - La 140 1.80E+3 8.84E+2 - -

  • 5.08E+7 2.35E+2 La-142 1.28E-4 5.69E-5 - - -

1.73E+0 1.42E 5 Ce 141 2.82E+5 1.88t+5 - 8.86E+4 - 5.3N+4 2.16E+4 Ce 143 9.3M+2 6.82E+5 - 3.06t+2 - 2.05E+T 7.62E+1 Co 144 5.27t+7 2.18t+7 - 1.30E+T

  • 1.33E+10 2.83E+4 Pr-143 7.12E+4 2.84E4 -

1.65E+4 - 2.34E+8 3.55E+3 pr.144 . . - . . . . me 14T 3.43E+4 3.94E +4 - 2.32E4 - 1.42E+8 2.36E+3 W-187 3.5?E 4 2.90E+4 - - - T.84E+4 1.02E+4 up-239 1.38t+3 1.30E+2 - 4.09E+2 - 2.10E+T T.24E+1 Davis-Besse ODCM 92 Revision 5

2T Table 3-10 (continued) R Vegetation Pathv3y Dose Factors - CHILD gg(mgem/yr per uC1/m ) for H-3 and C-14 (m

  • mrem /yr per uCi/sec) for others Nuclide Bone Liver Thyroid El mey Lun8 GI LLI T.Sody N3 -

4.01E+3 4.01E+3 4.01E+3 4.01E+3 4.01E+3 4.01E+3 C 14 3.50E+6 7.01E+5 7.01E+5 7.01E+5 7.01E+5 7.01E+5 7.01E+5 No-24 3.83E+5 3.83E+5 3.83E+5 3.83E+5 3.83E+5 3.83E+5 3.83E+5 P 32 3.37E*9 1.58E+8 - - - 9.30E+7 1.30E+8 Cr 51 - - 6.54E+4 1.79E+4 1.19E+5 6.25E+6 1.18E+5 Mn-54 - 6.61E+8 - 1.85E+8 - 5.55E+8 1.76E+8 Mn 56 - 1.90E+1 - 2.29E+1 - 2.75E+3 4.28E+0 Fe-55 8.00E+8 4.24E+8 - - 2.40E+8 7.86E+7 1.31E+8 Fe-59 4.01E+8 6.49E+8 - - 1.88E+8 6.76E+8 3.23E+8 Co-57 - 2.99E+7 - - - 2.45E*8 6.04E+7 Co-58 - 6.47t+7 - - - 3.7?E+8 1.98E+8 Co-60 - 3.78E+8 - - - 2.10E+9 1.12E+9 l N1-63 3.95E+10 2.11E+9 - - - 1.42E+8 1.34E+9 l NI 65 1.05E+2 9.89E+0 - - - 1.21E+3' 5.77t+0 Cu-64 - 1.11E+4 - 2.68E+4 - 5.20E+5 6.69E+3 2n-65 8.12E+8 2.16E+9 - 1.36E+9 - 3.80E+8 1.35E+9  ! l Zn-69 1.51E-5 2.18E-5 - 1.32E 5 - 1.38E-3 2.02E 6 , Be-82 - - - - * - 2.04E+6 tr 83 - - - - - - 5.55E+0 j tr.84 - - . . - - - j gr.3$ . . . . . . . tb-86 - 4.52E+8 - - - 2.91E+7 2.7BE+8 I ak-88 - - - * - - Ab-89 - - - - - - - l $r 89 3.59E+10 - - - - 1.39E+9 1.03E+9 sr-90 1.24E*12 - * - - 1.67E+10 3.15E+11 sr-91 5.50E+5 - - - - 1.21E+6 2.00E+4 i st 92 7.28E+2 - - - - 1.38E+4 2.92E+1 l Y 90 2.30E+4 - - - - 6.56E+7 6.17E+2

Y-91m 9.94E-9 - - - -

1.95E-5 - Y 91 1.87E+7 - - - - 2.49E+9 5.01E+5 Y 92 1.56t+0 - - - - 4.51E*4 4.46E 2 Y 93 3.01E+2 - - - - 4.4af+4 8.25E+0 i Zr 95 3.90E+6 8.58t+5 - 1.23E+6 - 8.95E+8 7.64E+5 l Zr 97 5.64E+2 8.15E+1 - 1.17t+2 - 1.23E+7 4.81E+1 Mb 95 4.10E+5 1.59E+5 - 1.50E+5 - 2.95E+8 1.14E+5 ub-97 4.90E 6 8.85E 7 - 9.82E-7 - 2.T3E 1 4.13E 7 Mo 99 - 7.83E+6 - 1.67E+7 - 6.48E+6 1.94E+6 Yc 99m 4.65E+0 9.12E+0 - 1.33E+2 4.63E+0 5.19E+3 1.51E+2 Davis-Besse ODCM 93 Revision 5 l I

fr Table 3-10 (continued) R ig' VegetationPathwayDgseFactors'-CHILD (cont.) i (mgem/yr per pC1/m ) fcr H-3 and C-14 l (m

  • mrem /yr per pCi/ for others j muclide tone Liver Thyrold Elesy Lm GI LLI T.8edy
               ....... ....... ....... ....... .......             ....a...   ....... .......                           !

Tc 101 - - - - - - - i l au 103 1.55E+7 - - 3.89E+7 - 3.99E+8 5.94E+6 au-105 9.17E+1 - . 8.0M+2 - 5.98E+4 3.3M+1 au-106 7.45E+8 - - 1.01E+9 - 1.1M+10 9.30E+7 ) th 103e . - . - . . . th-106 - - - - - - - As 110m 3.22E+7 2.1M+7 . 4.05E+7 - 2.58E+9 1.74E+7 Sb 124 3.52E+8 4.5M+6 T.78E+5 - 1.96E+4 2.20E+9 1.23E+8

                $b 125     4.99E+8 3.85E+6 4.62E+5'
  • 2.78E+8 1.19E+9 1.05E+4  !

l Te-125m 3.51E+8 9.50E+7 9.84E+7 - - 3.38t+8 4.67t+7 l 1.32E+9 3.56E+8 3.16E+8 3.7M+9 - 1.07t+9 1.5M+4 I Te-127a fe-127 1.00E+4 2.70E+3 6.9M+3 2.85E+4 . 3.91E+8 2.1M+3 J Te-129m 8.54E+4 2.39E+8 2.75E+8 2.51E+9 - 1.0re+9 1.33E+8 ) fe 129 1.15E 3 3.22E-4 8.22E-4 3.3M-3 - 7 17E-2 2.74E 4 l Te 131m 1.5M+4 5.3M+5 1.10E+4 5.1M+4 - 2.1M+7 5.68E+5

f. 131 . . . . . . .

fe 132 6.98E+6 3.09E+4 4.50E+6 2.8M+7 - 3.11E+7 3.73E+4 1 130 6.21E+5 1.2M+6 1.38E+8 1.88E+6 - 5.87t+5 6.47t+5 ^ l 131 1.4M+8 1.44E+a 4.76E+10 2.36E+4 - 1.28E+7 8.18E+7 1 132 9.20E+1 1.69E+2 7.84E+3 2.59E+2 - 1.99E+2 7.77t+1 l 1 133 3.5 m e 4.44E+4 8.25E+8 7.40E+6 - 1.79E+4 1.68E+4 I 134 1.7DE 4 3.1M-4 7.28E-3 4.84E 4 - 2.10E 4 1.4M-4 1 135 6.54E+4 1.18E+5 1.04E+7 1.81E+5 - 8.98E+4 5.57E+4 cs 134 1.60E+10 2.6M+10 . 8.14E*9 2.92E+9 1.42E+4 5.54E+9 cs*136 8.06C+7 2.22E+8 - 1.18E+8 1.76E+7 7.79E+6 1.4M+8 I cs 137 2.39E+10 2.29t+10 - 7.4eE+9 2.6M+9 1.43E+8 3.3M+9 cs 138 - . - - - - - 8e 139 5.11E 2 2.73E 5 . 2.38E-5 1.61E 5 2.95E+0 1.48E-3 8e 140 2.77E+8 2.4M+5 . 7.90E+4 1.45E+5 1.40E+4 1.62E+7 8e.141 . - . Se 142 - - - Le-140 3.23E+3 1.1M+3 - - - 3.15E+7 3.81E*2 Le-142 2.32E 4 7.40E 5 - - - 1.4M+1 2.32E-5 co 141 1.23E+5 6.14E+4 - 2.69E+4 - 7.66E+ 7 9.12E+3 co 143 1.73E+3 9.36E+5 - 3.93E+2 - 1.37E+7 1.36t+2 co 144 1.2M+4 3.98E+7 - 2.21E+7 - 1.04E+10 6.78E*4 Pr 143 1.48E+5 4.4M+4 . 2.41E+4 - 1.60E+4 7.37E+3 pr.144 . . . ud 147 7.1M+4 5.80E+4

  • 3.18E+4 - 9.18E+7 4.49E*3 W-187 6.47t+4 3.83E+4 * * - 5.38E+4 1.72E+4 up 239 2.55E+3 1.83E+2 - 5.30E+2 - 1.3M + 7 1.29E+2 Davis-Besse ODCH 94 Revision 5

3m Table 3 11 R' ' Groynd Plane Pathway Dose Factors (m'

  • mrem /yr per pCi/sec)

Nuc11de any organ Nuc(lde any orgen j N3 - Ru-105 6.36E+5 C 14 . Ru-106 4.21E+8 i 1 Na 24 1.21E+7 th 103m -

p.32 . th.106 -

I cr 51 4.68E+6 Ag 110m 3.47E+9 Mn 54 1.34E+9 fe 125m 1.55E+6 i l Mn-56 9.0$E+5 fe-127m 9.17E+4 Fe-55 - fe-127 3.00E+3 l l i Fe-59 2.75E+8 fe-129m 2.00E+7 Co 58 3.82E+8 Te-129 2.60E+4 l Co-60 2.16E+10 fe 131m 8.03E+6 l NI-63 - fe-131 2.93E+4 l l NI 65 2.97E+5 fe-132 4.22E+6 Cu-64 6.09E+5 I 130 5.53E+6 Zn-65 7.45E+8 I 131 1.72E+7 l Zn-69 - I-132 1.24E+6  ! 1 Sr 83 4.89E+3 3 133 2.47t+4 tr-84 2.03E+5 I 134 4.49E+5 ar-85 - I 135 2.56E+6 l Rb-86 8.98E+6 Ca 134 6.75E+9 ab-88 3.29E+4 Cs 136 1.49E+8 , t I ( Rb-8? 1.21E+5, Cs 137 1.04E+10 sr-89 2.16E+4 Co 138 3.59E+5

  • Sa 139 1.06E+5 sr-91 2.19E+6 Sa 140 2.05E+7 sr 92 7.77E+5 Be 141 4.18E+4 l

Y-90 4.48E+3 Sa 142 4.49t+4 Y 91m 1.01E+5 La 140 1.91E+7 T-91 1.08E+4 La.142 7.36E+5 Y 92 1.80E+5 Co 141 1.36E+7 T 93 1.85E+5 Ce 143 2.32E+6 Zr-95 2.48E+8 Co 144 6.95E+7 Zr-97 2.94E+4 Pr 143 - I Nb-95 1.36E+8 Pr-144 1.83E+3 No 99 4.05E+6 Nd-147 8.40E+6 l Te 99m 1.83E+5 W-187 2.36t+6 fc-101 2.04E+4 Np-239 1.71E+6 Au-103 1.09E+8 l Davis-Besse ODCM 95 Revision 5 i { I F

c m b (d pJ

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Q i 1, 1 4 I i 6 l i 8 e I i !t i 4 4 I i i 1 4 i i 1 i i f i 4 j This page is intentionally blank. 4 i ? 4 9 I O

1 4.0 SPECIAL DOSE ANALYSES ' 4.1 DOSES TO PUBLIC DUE TO ACTIVITIES It! SIDE THE SITE BOUNDARY In accordance with Section 7.2, the Semiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report submitted within 60 days after January _1 and July 1 of each year shall include an assessmerc of radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities inside , the SITE BOUNDARY. l l In special instances MEMF.ERS OF THE PUBLIC are permitted access to the  ; radiologically restricted area within the Davis-Besse station. Tours for 1 the public are conducted with the assurance that no individual vill receive an appreciable dose (i.e., small fraction of the 40 CFR 190 dose standards).  ! l The Visitor Center located inside the Davis-Besse Administration Building l (DBAB) is also accessible to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. Considering the frequency and duration of the visits, the resultant dose would be a small  ; fraction of the calculated maximum SITE BOUNDARY doses. The dose from 1 gaseous effluents as modeled for the DBAB Visitor Center 2s considered the controlling factor when evaluating doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY. I l For purposes' of as:sessing the' dose to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC in accordance with Technical Srecification and ODCM Section 7.2, the following ) exposure assump*. ions may be used: Exposure time for maximum exposed visitor of 20 hours (4 visits, 5 , A hours per visit).* U - Annual average meteorological dispersion (conservative, default use of maximus SITE BOUNDARY dispersion) from Table 3-6. The equations in Section 4.2 may be used for calculating the potential dose to a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC for activities inside-the SITE BOUNDARY. Based on these assumptions, this dose would be at least a factor of 400 less than the maximum SITE BOUNDARY air dose as calculated in Section 3.7. l There are no areas onsite accessible to the public where exposure to-liquid effluents could occa. Therefore, the modeling of Section 2.4 conservatively estimates the maximum potential dose to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC.

  • Based on a maximum conservative estimate.

4.2 DOSES TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC - 40 CFR 190 As required by and ODCM Section 7.2, the Semiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report shall also include an assessment of the radiation dose to the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC for reactor releases and other nearby uranium fuel cycle sources (induding dose contributions from effluents and direct radiation from onsite sources). For the likely most Davis-Besse ODCM 97 Revision 5.2

J n exposed HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in the vicinity of the Davis-Besse site, the sources of exposure need consider only the radioactive effluents and direct exposure contribution from Davis-Besse. No other fuel cycle facilities I contribute significantly to the cumulative dose to a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in  ! the immediate vicinity of the site. Fermi-2 is the closest fuel cycle  ! facility located about 20 miles to the NNV. Due to environmental dispersion, any routine releases from Fermi-2 would contribute insignificantly to the potential doses in the vicinity of Davis-Besse. The correlation of measured plant effluents with pathway modeling of this l ODCH provide the primary method for demonstrating / evaluating compliance with the limits specified below (40 CFR 190). However, as appropriate, the results of the environmental monitoring prograa may be used to provide additional data on actual measured levels of radioactive material in the actual pathways of exposure. ODCH Section 4.2.3 discusses the methodology for correlating measured levels of radioactive material in environmental pathway samples with potential doses. Also, results of the land use census may be used to determine actual exposure pathways and locations.

  • The annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources shall be limited to less than or equal to 25 mrem to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 mrem.

Vith the calculated doses from the releases of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limits of Sections 2.4.1, 3.7.1, and 3.8.1, evaluations should be made including direct radiation contributions from the reactor units and from outside storage tanks to determine whether the above limits of this Section have been exceeded. If such is the case, in lieu of a Licensee Event Report, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Section 7.3, a Special Report that defines the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequent releases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits and includes the schedule for achieving conformance with the above limits. This Special Report, as defined in 10 CFR Part 20.2203, shall include an analysis that j estimates the radiation expcsure (dose) to a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from l uranium fuel cycle sources, includitg all effluent pathways and direct I radiation, for the calendar year thstt includes the release (s) covered by I this report. It shall also describe levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive material involved, and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations. If the estimated dose (s) exceeds the above limits, and if the release condition resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 has not already been corrected, the Special Report shall include a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190. Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and a variance is granted until staff action on the request is complete. Davis-Besse ODCH 98 Revi'sion 5.2 O

1 1 This requirement is provided to meet the dose limitations of 40 CFR Part 190  ; that have been incorporated into 10 CFR Part 20 by 46 FR 18525. The i f requirement requires the preparation and submittal of a Special Report l vhenever the calculated doses from plant generated radioactive effluents and direct radiation exceed 25 mrem to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 mrem. 4 It is highly unlikely that the resultant dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC l vill exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR Part 190 if the reactor remains within i twice the dose design objectives of Appendix I, and if direct radiation ' doses from.the reactor and outside storage tanks are kept small. The Special Report vill describe a course of action that should result is the limitation of the. annual a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the M CFR Part 190 limits. For the purposes of the Special Report, it may be assumed that the dose' commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuel cycle sources 'is negligible, with the exception that the dose contributions from other nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of 8 km must be considered. If a dose to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC'is estimated to exceed the requirements of 40 CFR 190 the Special Report with a request for variance (provided the release conditions resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 have not already been corrected), in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190.11 and 10 CFR Part 20.405c, is considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR Part 190 until NRC staff action is completed. The variance only' relates l to the limits of 40 CFR Part 190, and does not apply in any way to the other l dose requirements for dose limitation of 10 CFR Part 20, as addressed in-  ! Sections 2.2 and 3.3.1. An individual is not considered a MEMBER OF THE I PUBLIC during any seriod in which he/she'is engaged in carrying out any


operation that is a part of the nuclear fuel cycle. 4.2.1 Effluent Dose Calculations i For purposes of implementing the above requirements of determining the { cumulative dose contribution from liquid and gaseous effluents in accordance '; l- vith Sections 2 and 3 and the reporting requirements of Section 7, dose  ! ! calculations for Davis-Besse may be performed using the calculational ' methods contained.vithin this ODCM; the conservative controlling pathways and locations of Table 3-6 or the actual pathways and locations as identified by the land use census _may be used. Liquid pathway doses may I be calculated using equations in ODCM Section 2.4. Doses due to releases of radiciodines, tritium and particulates are calculated based on equations in Section 3.8. l The following equations may be used for calculating the dose to MEMBERS OF

THE PUBLIC from releases of noble gases l

D tb = 3.17E-08

  • U
  • X/0
  • I (K g *Og) (4-1) 8760 and D

3 - 3.17E-08

  • U
  • X/0
  • I ((Lg + 1.1 Mg ) *O)g (4-2) l i- Davis-Besse ODCM 99 Revision 5

0 l l l l  ! l l 1 where l D tb


total body dose due to gamma emissions for noble gas radionuclides (mrem) D


skin dose due to gamma and beta emissions for noble gas radionuclides (mrem) U = duration of exposure (hr/yr, default values in Table 4-1) X/0 - atmospheric dispersion to the offsite location (sec/m ) 0 1 cumulative release of noble gas radionuclide i over the period of interest (uCl) l Kg - total body dose factor due to gamma emissions frgm noble gas radionuclide i from Table 3-5 (mrem /yr per pCi/m ) L - 1 skin dose factor radionuclide i from due Tableto3-5beta emissions (mrem from nobly) gas

                                                                /yr per pCi/m M       =

1 gamma air dose facgor for noble gas radionuclide i from Table 3-5 (mrad /yr per pCi/m ) 8760 = hours per year 1.1 - mrem skin dose per mrad gamma air dose (mrem / mrad) 3.17E-08 = 1/3.15E+07 yr/see Average annual meteorological dispersion parameters or meteorological conditions concurrent with the release period under evaluation may be used (e.g., quarterly averages or year-specific annual averages). 4.2.2 Direct Exposure Dose Determination - Onsite Sources Any potentially significant direct exposure contribution from onsite sources to offsite individual doses may be evaluated based on the results of the environmental measurements (e.g., TLD, ion chamber measurements) or by the use of a radiation transport and shielding calculational method. Only during atypical conditions vill there exist any potential for significant onsite sources at Davis-Besse that would yield potentially significant offsite doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC). However, should a situation exist whereby the direct exposure contribution is potentially significant, onsite measurements, offsite measurements and calculational techniques vill be used for determination of dose for assessing 40 CFR 190 compliance. The following simplified method may be used for evaluating the direct dose based on onsite or site boundary measurements: Dg ,0

                                           - DB,0 (XB.9)                            (4-3)

(x t,e)2 Davis-Besse ODCH 100 Revisim 5

7 l i where: D B'0 = direct radiation dose mensured at location B (onsite or site boundary) in sector 0 Dg 0= extrapolated dose at' location L in same sector 0 Xg,0 = distance to the location L from the radiation source XB,0 - distance to location B from the radiation source 4.2.3 Dose Assessment Based on Radiological Environmental Monitoring Data Normally, the assessment of potential doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC must be calculated based on the measured radioactive effluents at the plant. The resultant levels of radioactive material in the offsite environment are so minute as to be undetectable. The calculational methods as presented in this ODCM are used for modeling the transport in.the environment and the resultant exposure to offsite individuals. The results of the radiological environmental monitoring program can provide input into the overall assessment of impact-of plant operations and radioactive effluents. Vith measured levels of plant related radioactive material in principal pathways of exposure, a quantitative assessment of potential exposures can be performed. With the monitoring program not identifying any measurable levels, the data provides a qualitative assessment - a confirmatory demonstration of the negligible impact. O Dose modeling can be simplified into three basic parameters that can be applied in using environmental monitoring data for dose assessment. D = C

  • U
  • DF (4-4) where:

D = dose or dose commitment C = concentration in the exposure media, such as air concentration for the inhalation pathway, or fish, vegetation or milk < concentration for the ingestion pathway 1 U = individual exposure to the pathway, such as hr/yr for direct exposure, kg/yr for ingestion pathway DF = dose conversion factor to convert from an exposure or uptake  ; to an individual dose or dose commitment i' The appicability of each of these basic modeling parameters to the use of environmental monitoring data for dose assessment is addressed below: 1 Davis-Besse ODCM 101 Revision 5 e-m- e - v m m -

h Concentration - C The main value of using environmental sampling data to assess potentini doses to individuals is that the data represents actual measured levels - of radioactive material in the exposure pathways. This eliminates one main uncertainty in the modeling - the release from the plant and the transport to the environmental exposure medium. Environmental samples are collected on a routine frequency (e.g., weekly airborne particulate samples, monthly vegetable samples, annual fish sam-ples). To determine the annual average concentration in the environmental medium for use in assessing cumulative dose for the year, an average con-centration should be determined based on the sampling frequency and measured levels. C - I(C1

  • t)/365 (4-5) 3 where:

Cg - average concentration in the sampling medium for the year C 1 concentration of each radionuelide i measured in the individual sampling medium t = period of time that the measured concentration is considered representative of the sampling medium (typically equal to the sampling frequency; e.g., 7 days for weekly samples, 30 days for monthly samples). If the concentration in the sampling medium is below the detection capabilities (i.e., less than lover limits of detection -LLD), a value of zero should be used for Cg (Cg = 0). Exposure - U Default exposure values (U) as recommended in Regulatory Guide 1.109 are presented in Table 4-1. These values should be used only when specific data applicable to the environmental pathway being evaluated is unavailable. Also, the routine radiological environmental monitoring program is designed to sample / monitor the environmental media that vould provide early indications of any measurable levels '.n the environment but not l necessarily levels to which any individual !s exposed. For example, l

                                        <ediment samples are collected in the area of the liquid discharge:

typically, no individuals are directly exposed. To apply the measured levels of radioactivity in samples that are not directly applicable to l exposure to real individuals, the approach recommended is to correlate l the location and measured levels to actual locations of exposure. Hydro-logical or atmospheric dilution factors can be used to provide reasonable correlations of concentrations (and doses) at other locations. The other ! alternative is to conservatively assume a hypothetical individual at the j sampling location. Doses that are calculated in this manner should be presented as hypothetical and very conservatively determined - actual t Davis-Besse ODCM 102 Revision 5 O l-l l

j exposure vould be much less. Samples collected from nearby wells or actual t water supply intake (e.g., Port Clinton) should be used for estimating the () fs potential d.-inking vater doses. Other water samples collected, such as near field dilution area, are not applicable to this pathway. ] l Dose Factors - DF The dose factors are used to convert the intake of the radioactive material to an individual dose commitment. Values of the dose factors are presented in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109. The use of the Regulatory Guide ) 1.109 values applicable to the exposure pathway and maximum exposed { individual is referenced in Table 4-1. i 4.2.4 Use of Environmental TLD for Assessing Doses Due to Noble Gas Releases Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) are routinely used to assess the direct l ' exposure component of radiation doses in the environment. However, because routine releases of radioactive material (noble gases) are so lov, the . resultant direct exposure doses are also very lov. A study

  • performed for the NRC concluded that it is possible to determine a plant contribution to '

the natural background radiation levels (direct exposure) of around 10 mrem per year (by optimum methods and high precision data). Therefore, for routine releases from nuclear power plants the use of TLD is mainly confirmatory - ensuring actual exposures are within the expected natural background variation. l ( t For releases of noble gases, environmental modeling using plant measured ' l releases and atmospheric transport models as presented in this ODCM l represents the best method of assessing potential environmental doses. f ~~g However, any observed variations in TLD measurements outside the norm l ( ) should be evaluated. l I l I l l 1 NUREG/CR-0711, Evaluation of Methods for the Determination of X- and Gamma-Ray Exposure Attributable to a Nuclear Facility Using Environmental TLD Measurements, Gail dePlanque, June 1979, USNRC. f-l l (x) Davis-Besse ODCM 103 Revision 5

. I l l Table 4-1 Recommended Exposure Rates in Lieu of Site Specific Data

  • Exposure Pathway Table Reference Maximum Exposed Exposure Rates for Dose Factors Age Group from RG 1.109 Liquid Releases Fish Adult 21 kg/y l

E-11 l Drinking Vater Adult 730 1/y E-11 Bottom Sediment Teen 67 h/y E-6 l l Atmospheric Releases i Inhalation Teen 8,000 m3 /y E-8 Direct Exposure All 6,100 h/y** N/A (ODCH Table 3-5) l Leafy Vegetables Child 26 kg/y E-13 Fruits, Vegetables & Grain Teen 630 kg/y E-12 Milk Infant 330 1/y E-14 l l Adapted from Regulatory Guide 1.104 Table E-5

 **     Net exposure of 6,100 h/y is based on the total 8760 hours per year adjusted 1.109. by a 0.7 shielding factor as recommended in Regulatory Guide Davis-Besse ODCM                           104                         Revision 5 O


    . -     -       -       .                                   .- .-        _   .  -. =    -

a ! I 5.0 ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE CENSUS DATA A land use census (LUC) is conducted annually in the vicinity of the

~ V           Davis-Besse site. This census fulfills two main purposes: 1) meet t,

requirements of TS 6.8.4.e (as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section l IV.B.3) for identifying controlling location / pathway for dose assessment of ODCM Section 3.8.1; and (2) provide data on actual exposure pathways j for assessing realistic doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. 5.1 LAND USE CENSUS REQUIREMENTS , A land use census shall be conducted during the growing season at least l once per twelve months using that information that will provide the best i results, such as by a door-to-door survey, aerial survey, or by consulting i local agricultural authorities. The land use census shall identify within ) a distance of 8 km (5 miles) the location, in each of the 16 meteorological  ! t sectors,ofthenearestmilganimal,2)henearestresidenceandthenearest garden of greater than 50 m (500 ft { j producing broad leaf vegetation.

.             This requirement is provided to ensure that changes in the use of
UNRESTRICTED AREAS are identified and that modifications to the monitoring j program are made if required by the results of this census. This census  !

satisfiestherequirementsofSectionIV.B.3ofAppendixIgo10CFRPart 2 j 50. Restricting the census to gardens of greater than 50 m (500 ft ) 1 provides assurance that significant exposure pathways via leafy vegetables vill be identified and monitored. A garden of this size is the minimum , required to produce the quantity (26 kg/ year) of leafy vegetables assumed

in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by a child. To determine this j minimum garden size, the following assumptions were mader (1) 20% of the f garden was used for growing broad leaf vegetation .e., similar to lettuce and cabbage), and (2) a vegetation yield of 2 kg/m j The data from the land use census is used for updating the location / pathway i for dose assessment and for updating the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. The results of the land use census shall be included j in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to J Section 7.1.

4 With a land use census identifying a location (s) that yields a calculated i dose or dose commitment greater than the values currently being calculated I in Sections 3.8.1, in lieu of a Licensee Event Report, identify the new j locations (s) in the next Semiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report, i pursuant to Section 7.2. Vith a land use census identifying a locations (s) ! that yields a calculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure

;             pathway) 20 percent greater than that at a location from which samples l             are currently being obtained in accordance with Section 6.1, add the nev i             locations (s) if practical (and readily obtainable) to the Radiological j              Environmental Monitoring Program within 30 days. The sampling i             locations (s), excluding the control station location, having a lover i             calculated dose or dose commitment (s), via the same exposure pathway, i              may be deleted from this monitoring program. In lieu of a Licensee Event j             Report and pursuant to Section 7.2, identify the new location (s) in the next Semiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report and also include in

{ the report a revised figure (s) and table for the ODCM reflecting the new location (s). l Davis-Besse ODCM 105 Revision 5.1 4 4 a

a l The following guidelines shall be used for assessing the results from the j land use census to ensure compliance with this Section. 1 I 5.1.1 Data Compilation A. Locations and pathways of exposure as identified by the land use l census will be compiled for comparison with the current locations l as presented in Table 3-4. l l B. Changes from the previous year's census vill be identified. Also, l any location /pathvay not currently included in the Radiological i Environmental Monitoring Program (Table 6-2) vill be identified. C. Historical, annual average meteorological dispersion parameters (X/0, D/0) for any new location (i.e., location not previously identified and/or evaluated) vill be determined. All locations should be evaluated against the same historical meteorological data set. l 5.1.2 Relative Dose Significance l l A. For all new locations, the relative dose significance vill be determined by applicable pathways of exposure. l B. Relative dose calculations should be based on a generic radionuclide l distribu. tion (e.g., Davis-Besse USAR gaseous effluent source term or past year actual effluents). An I-131 source term dose may be used for assessment of the maximum organ ingestion pathway dose because of its overwhelming contribution to the total dose relative to the other particulates. C. The pathway dose equations of the ODCM should be used. 5.1.3 Data Evaluation A. The controlling location used in the ODCM Table 3-4 vill be verified. If any location / pathway (s) is identified with a higher relative dose, this location / pathway (s) should replace the previously identified controlling location / pathway in Table 3-4. If the previously identified controlling pathway is no longer present, the current controlling location / pathway should be determined. B. Any changes in either the controlling location / pathway (s) of the ODCM dose calculations (Section 3.7 and Table 3 4) or the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (ODCH Section 6.0 and Table 6-2) shall be reported to NRC in accordance with ODCM Section 5.1 and 7.2. Davis-Besse ODCM 106 Revision 5

A l 5.2 LAND USE CENSUS TO SUPPORT REALISTIC DOSE ASSESSMENT [ The Land Use Census (LUC) provides data needed to support the special dose \ analyses of Section 4.0. Activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY should be l periodically reviewed for dose assessment as required by Section 4.1. l Assessment of realistic doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC is required by l l Section 4.0 for demonstrating compliance with the EPA Environmental Dose ' Standard, 40 CFR 190 (Section 4.2). To support these dose assessments, the LUC shall include (a) areas within the SITE BOUNDARY that are accessible to the public; and (b) use of Lake Erie water on and near the site. The scope of the LUC shall include the following:


Assessment of areas onsite that'are accessible to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. Particular attention should be give to assessing exposure times for visits to the Davis-Besse Administration Building. Data should be used for updating Table 4-1.  ; 1 Data on Lake Erie use should be obtained from local and state officials. Reasonable ef forts shall be n.ade to identify individual irrigation and potable water users, and industrial and commercial water users whose source is Lake Erie. This data is used to verify the pathways of exposure used in Section 2.4. l l V,O I l Davis-Besse ODCM 107 Revision 5.1

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1 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM  ! The Radiological Environmental Mo.nitoring Program (REMP) provides On measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure { pathways and for those radionuclides which lead to the higher potential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from the station operations. The sampling and analysis program described in this Section was developed to provide representative measurements of radiation and radioactive { materials resulting from station operation in the principal pathways of exposure of MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. This monitoring program implements Sections IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and thereby supplements j the radiological effluent controls by verifying that the measurable  ; concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and the modeling of the environmental exposure pathways. Guidance for the development of this monitoring program is.provided by the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring. 6.1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 6.1.1 General The REMP shall be conducted as specified in Table 6-1. This table describes the minimum environmental media to be sampled, the sample collection frequencies, the number of representative samples required, the characteristics of the sampling locations, and the type and frequency ] of sample analysis. Table 6-2 provides a detailed listing of the sample  : locations for Davis-Besse which satisfy the requirements of Table'6-1. I f- Maps for each site listed in Table 6-2 are contained in Appendix C. The .; i specific locations used to satisfy the requirements of Table 6-1 may be l changed as deemed appropriate by the Radiological Environmental Supervisor. l The changes shall be reported in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report and the Semiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report as required by Sections 7.1 and 7.2, respectively. If the changes are to be i permanent, Table 6-2 and Appendix C shall be updated. . Note: For the purpose of implementing Section 5.1, sampling locations will j be modified, to reflect the findings of the land use census as described in ODCM Section 5.1. 6.1.2 Program Deviations Vith the REMP not being conducted as specified in Table 6-1, in lieu of a Licensee Event Report, prepare and submit to the Commission, in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report required by Section 7.1, l a description of the reasons for not conducting the program as required and plans for preventing a recurrence. l l O

 *-                 Davis-Besse ODCM                           108                               Revision 5.1

_ _ _ _ . _ - - - ,,_.-.-4 _ -__% , r -, _,,p , ,,o y-.g.,  % . . - = . - - -

C l i l l l i 6.1.3 Unavailability of Milk or Broad Leaf Vegetation Samples Vith milk or fresh leafy vegetable samples unavailable from one or more of the sample locations required by Table 6-1, identify locations for ' obtaining replacement samples and if practical add them to the REMP within 30 days. The locations from which samples were unavailable may then be deleted from the monitoring program. In lieu of a Licensee Event Report l and pursuant to Section 7.2, identify the cause of the unavailability of l samples and identify and the new locations (s) for obtaining replacement samples in the next Semiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Report and also 1 include in the report a revised figure (s) and table for the ODCH reflecting ! the new locations (s). 6.1.4 Seasonal Unavailability, Equipment Malfunctions, Safety Concerns ! Vith specimens unobtainable due to hazhrdous conditions, seasonal l unavailability, malfunction of automatic sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons, every effort vill be made to complete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period. All deviations l from the sampling schedule vill be documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating report pursuant to Section 7.1. l l 6.1.5 Sample Analysis REMP samples shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of Table 6-1 and the detection capabilities required by Table 6-3. Cumulative potential dose contributions for the current calendar year from radionuclides detected in environmental samples shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in this ODCH. 6.2 REPORTING LEVELS 6.2.1 General The reporting levels are based on the design objective doses of 10 CFR 50,  ! Appendix I (i.e., levels of radioactive material in the sampling media i corresponding to potential annual doses of 3 mrem, total body or 10 mrem, maximum organ from liquid pathways; or 5 mrem, total body, or 15 mrem, maximum organ for gaseous effluent pathways - the annual limits of Sections 2.4.1, 3.7.1 and 3.8.1). These potential doses are modeled on the maximum exposure or consumption rates of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109. The evaluation of potential doses should be based solely on radioactive material resulting from plant operation. Davis-Besse ODCM 109 Revision 5.1 O

l 6.2.2 Exceedance of Reporting Levels [ Vith the level of radioactivity as the result of plant effluents in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceeding the reporting levels of Table 6-4 when averaged over any calendar quarter, . in lieu of a Licensee Event Report, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Section 7.3, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents so that the potential annual dose to MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than the calendar year limits of Sections 2.4.1, 3.7.1 and 3.8.1. When more than one of the radionuclides in Table 6-3 are detected in the sampling medium, this report shall be submitted if: concentration (1) + concentration (2) + ...) 1.0. reporting level (1) reporting level (2) When radionuclides other than those in Table 6-4 are detected and are the - result of plant effluents, this report shall be submitted if the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is equal to or greater than the calendar year limits of Sections 2.4.1, 3.7.1 and 3.8.1. The method described in Section 4.2.3 may be used for assessing the potential dose and required reporting for radionuclides other than those listed in Table 6-4. A special report is not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents; however, in such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. tg\ V 6.3 INTERLABORATORY COMPARIS0N PROGRAM Analyses shall be performed on radioactive materials supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program that has been approved by the Commission. The requirement for participating in an approved Interlaboratory Comparison Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the resulta are reasonably valid for the purposes of Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. A summary of the results obtained as part of the required Interlaboratory Comparison Program shall be included in the Annual Radiological l Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Section 7.1. Vith analyses not i being performed as required, report the corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence to the Commission in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Section 7.1. l /7 'V) Davis-Besse ODCM 110 Revision 5.1

Table 6-1 RADIOLOGICAL EfMIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway No;nber of Representatise and/or Sample Sa.nples and Sample Loca t ions' Type and Frequency Collection Frecuency of Analysis

1. DIRECT RADIATION" 27 routine monitoring stations Quarterly Gamma dose quarterly either with two or more dosi-meters or with one instrument for measuring and recording dose rate continuously, placed as follows:

an inner ring of stations, generally one in each meteorological sector in the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY; an outer ring of stations, one in each meteorological sector in the 6- to 8- km range from the site, excluding the sectors over Lake Erie; the balance of the stations to be placed in special interest areas such as population centers, nearby residences, schools, and in 1 or 2 areas to serve as control stations. DAVIS-BESSE ODCM 111 Revision 5 g e O N



Table 6-1 (Continued) RADIOII)GICAI EINIRCt2tENTAL MONI'IORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Representative P/ pe and Frequency , and/or Sample Samples and Sample Lccations' Collection Frequency of Analysis

2. AIRBORNE Radiciodine and Samples from 5 locations, continuous sampler Radiciodine Cannister:  !

Particulates placed as follows: operation with sample I-131 analysis weekly. , collection weekly, or 3 samples from close to the more frequently if Particulate Sampler: SIE BOUN[aRY, in different required by dust Gross ' eta radioactivity sectors, generally from areas loading, analysis following filter of higher calculated annual change;* Gamma isotopic average groundlevel D/Q. . analysis of composite (by. location) quarterly. 1 sample from the vicinity of a nearby consuunity, generally in the area of , higher calculated annual average groundlevel D/Q.' I sample from a control location, 15-30 km from the site.

a. Surface 2 samples Weekly composite Tritium and' gamma (untreated water) sample (Indicator isotopic
  • analysis of location should be a composite sample monthly.


b. Ground Sample from one source Quarterly Gamuna ' Isotopic and d

only if likely to be tritium analysis' affected* _ quarterly. Davis-Besse ODCM '112 Revision 5

Table 6-1 (Continued) RADIOLOGICAL EINIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Nunber of Representative Type and Frequency and/or Sample Samples and Sample Locations' Collection Frequency of Analysis

c. Drinking 1 sample from the nearest Weekly composite Gross beta on monthly (Treated water) source. sample. composite. Tritium and gamma isotopic 1 sample from a control analysis on quarterly location. composite. I-131 analysis on each composite when the dose calculated for the consumption of the water is greater than 1 mrem per year.
d. Sediment from 1 sample from area with Semiannually Gamma isotopic analysis d Shoreline existing or potential semiannually.

recreational value.

a. Milk If available, samples from Semimonthly when Gamma isotopied and 7.-131 animals up to 2 locations animals are on analysis semimonthly when within 8 km distance having pasture, monthly animals are on pasture; the highest dose potential. at other times monthly at other times.

I sanple from milking animals at a control location 15-30 km distant and generally in a less prevalent wind direction. Davis-Besse ODCM 113 Revision 5 O O O  %

O C O Table 6-1 (continued) RADIOLOGICAL DNIRONMENTAL MONI'IORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of Representative Type and Frequency and/or Sample Samples and Sample Locations

  • Collection Frequency of Analysis d
b. Fish 1 sample each of 2 comiercially 1 sample in season. Gamma isotopic analysis and/or recreationally on edible portions.

important species'in vicinity of site. 1 sample of same species in areas not influenced by plant discharge. d

c. Food Products Samples of up to 3 different Monthly when available. Gamma isotopie and I-131 (Broad leaf kinds of broad leaf' vegetation analysis, vegetation) growth in two different offsite locations of higher predicted annual average ground-level D/Q if milk sampling is not performed.

I sample of each of the similar Monthly when available. Gansna isotopicd and I-131 broad leaf vegetations grown analysis. 15-30 km distant in a less prevalent wind direction if milk sampling is not performed. Davis-Besse ODCM 114 Revision 5

                                                                                           - . . .           .- _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                               _  .         .              ________m k

i l 1 Table 6-1 (Continued) TABLE NOTATION

  • Specific parameters of distance and direction sector from the centerline of the l reactor, and additional description (where pertinent) are provided for each and every cample location in Table 6-2. Refer to NUREG-0133, " Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", October 1978, and to Radiological. Assessment Branch Technical Poa' Revision 1, November 1979. It is recognized that, at times, it may possible or practicable to continue to obtain samples of the media . 4ce at the most desired location or time. In these instances suitable alternative media and locations may be chosen for the particular pathway in question and appropriate substitutions made within 30 days in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. In lieu of a Licensee Event Report and pursuant to Specification and Section 7.2, identify the cause of the unavailability of samples for that pathway and identify the new locations (s) for obtaining replacement samples in the next Semiannual Effluent and Waste Disposal Report. Also, include in the report a revised figure (s) and table for the ODCM reflecting the new
,     location (s).
      "One or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for measuring and    l recording dose rate continuously may be used in place of, or in addition to,

+ integrating dosimeters. For the purposes of this table, a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is considered to be one phosphor; two or more phosphors in a packet are considered as te or more dosimeters. Film badges shall not be used as dosimeters for measurf q N rect radiation. 'Ihe number of direct radiation monitoring stations may hv @ vced according to geographical limitations; e.g., at an ocean site, some se m a eill be over water so that the number of dosimeters may be reduced F 4 (dingly. The frequency of analysis or readout for TLD systems will depend upon tne characteristics of the specific system used and should be selected to obtain optimum dose information with minimal fading.

  • Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate samples is greater than ten times the yearly mean of control samples, then gama isotopic analysis shall t* performed on the individual samples.
      ' Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the facility.

, ' Groundwater samples shall be taken when this source is tapped for drinking or irrigation purposes in areas where the hydraulic gradient or recharge properties are suitable for contamination. Davis-Besse ODCM 115 Revision 5 9


                                                                                             . r Table 6-2 l

Required Sampling Locations t _ !/] h Appendix C Type of Location Page Reference Location

  • l Location Description T-1 C-3 I Site boundary, 0.6 mile ENE of Gtation.

T-2 C-4 I Site boundary, 0.9 mile E of Station. T-3 C-5 I site boundary, 1.4 miles ESE of Station near mouth of Toussaint River. T-4 C-6 I Site boundary, 0.8 mile S of Station. T-5 C-7 I Main entrance to site, 0.5 mile W of Station. l T-6 C-8 I Site boundary, 0.5 mile NNE of Station. l T-7A & B C-9 I Sand Beach, 0.9 mile i NN of Station. T-8 C-10 I Farm, 2.7 ndles WSW of ('_} U Station.

T-9 C-11 l

C Oak Harbor substation, 6.8 [ ndles SW of Station. T-10 C-12 I Site boundary, 0.5 mile SSW of Station. T-ll C-13 C Port Clinton Water Treatment plant, 9.5 miles SE of Station. T-12 C-14 C Toledo Water Treatment Plant, 23.5 miles vaK4 of Station. Water samples are collected 11.3 miles NW of site. T-25 C-15 I rarm, 3.7 miles S of Station. l.

  • I - Indicator locations; C = Control locations.

l Davis-Besse ODCM 116 Revision 5 A . U I i

5 i

                                                                                    ,a Table 6-2 (continued)

Required Sampling Locations Appendix C Type of Location Page Reference Location

  • Location Description T-27 C-16 C Crane Creek State Park, 5.3 miles PRAf of Station.

T-28 C-17 I Davis-Besse Water Treatment Plant, onsite. T-33 C-18 I Lake Erie within a 5-mile radius from Station. T-35 C-19 C Lake Etie, greater than a 10-mile radius from Station. T-37 C-20 C Farm, 13 miles SW of Station. T-40 C-21 I Site boundary, 0.7 mile SE of Station. T-41 C-22 I Site Boundary, 0.6 mile SSE of Station. T-42 C-23 I site boundary, 0.8 mile SW of Station. T-44 C-24 I Site boundary, 0.5 mile Oj WSW of Station. T-46 C-25 I Site boundary, 0.5 mile NW of Station. T-47 C-26 I Site boundary, 0.5 mile N of Station. T-48 C-27 I site boundary, 0.5 mile NE of Station. T-50 C-28 I Erie Industrial Park Water Treatment Plant, 4.5 mile I SE of Station, i

  • I = Indicator locations; C = Control locations.

Davis-Besse ODCM 117 Revision 5 9

                                                                                                                                                          =q Table 6-2-(continued)

Required Sampling Locations


Appendix C Type of Location, Page Reference Location

  • Location Description T-52 C-29 I Farm, 3.7 miles S of Station.

T-54 C-30, I Farm, 4.8 miles SW of Station. T-55 C-31 I Farm, 5.0 miles W. of Station. T-57 'C-32 'C Farm, 22 miles SSE of Station. T-67 C-33 I Site boundary, 0.3 mile NNW of Station. T-68 C-34 I Site Boundary, 0.5 miles WNW of station T-91 C-35 I ' Siren Post No. 1108, 2.5 miles SSE of Station.

                            'T-112              C-36                    I            State Route 2 and 'Ihompson Road, 1.5 miles SSW of-Station.

O- T-151 C-51 I State Route 2 and Humphrey Road, 1.8 miles WNW of Station.

  • I = Incidator locations; C = Control' locations.

l 1 Davis-Basse,ODCM 118 Revision 5 O 4

                         - - ,         - , - +   -c                   -       , .       -         ,   , , , - - - , - ~ - - - , _ , , - - , , - ~ , , , -

Table 6-3 LCHER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD)* Airborne Particulate Water or Gas Fish Milk Food Products Sediment Analysis (DCi/1) (pCi/m') (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/1) (pCi/kg, wet) { pCi/kg, dry) 6 Gross Beta 4 1.0E-02

      'H                2000"*
     Mn                 15                                                 130
     Fe                 30                                                 260
      ' Co             15                                                 130
     Zn                 30                                                 260
     Zr                 15 d
     I                  i                         7.0E-02                               1               60
     *'**    * "Cs 15(10' ),18                       6.0E-02                 130           15              60                                                  150
  • Ba 15 15 NOTE: '1his list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported.

Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall be identified and reported. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/L may be used. Davis-Besse ODCM 119 Revision 5 O O O . _. - . _ _ _ - - - _ . _ - _ - - - - -- - 9

l l Table 6-3 (Continued) i TABLE NOTATION l D.

b a. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95% probability (with 5% probability of fals'ely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal).

I ror a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation): 4.66 s " LLD = E

  • v
  • 2.22
  • Y
  • exp(-Aot) where:

l LLD is the lower limit of detection as defined above (pCi per unit mass j or volume), . s is the' standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the

counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (counts per minute),

i E is the counting efficiency (counts per transformation), v is the sample size (in units of mass or volume), 2.22 is the number of transformations per minute per picoeurie, I I Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable), A is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide, i at is the elapsed time between end of the sample collection period and j time of counting. l Typical values of E, V, Y and at should be used in the calculations. The LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement. Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions. Occasionally background , fluctuations, unavoidable small sample sizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, or uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs unachievable. In such cases, the contributing factors will be identified and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. For more complete discussion of the LLD and other detection limits, see the following: (1) HASL Procedures Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually). jp 'Q Davis-Besse ODCM 120 Revision 5 l i I

b w  ; Table 6-3 (Continued) I 1 TABLE f0TATION

            '(2) Currie, L. A.  , " Limits for Qualitative Detection and Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry" Anal. Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968).

(3) Hartwell, J. K., " Detection Limits for Radioisotopic Counting Tachniques", Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company Report ARH-2537 (June 22, 1972).

b. LLD for drinking water.
c. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/ liter may be used.
d. LLD only when specific analysis for I-131 required.

O 1 l I l l Davis-Besse ODCM 121 Revision 5 i

O O O Table 6-4 PIPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN E2NIRONMENTAL SAMPLES Reporting Levels Water Airbotne Particulate Fish Milk Vegetables Analysis (pCi/L) or Gases (pCi/m*) (pCiAg, wet) (pCi/L) (pCi/kg, wet) H-3 2.0E+04* Mn-54 1.0E+03 3.0E+04 Fe-59 4.0E+02 1.0E+04 Co-58 1.0E+03 3.0E+04 Co-60 3.0E+02 1.0E+04 Zn-65 3.0E+02 2.0E+04 Zr-Nb-95 4.0E+02 I-131 2.0E+00 9.0E-01 3.0E+00 1.0E+02 Cs-134 3.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+03 6.0E+01 1.0E+03 Cs-137 5.0E+01 2.0E+01 2.0E+03 7.0E+02 2.0E+03 l Ba-La-140 2.0E+02 3.0E+02

  • For drinking water samples, this is the 40 CFR 141 value. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 30,000 pCi/ liter may be used.

Davis-Besse ODCM 122 Revision 5 _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________._J

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(_~_ 7.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS I 7.1 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT Routine Radiological Environmental Operating reports covering the operation


I of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to l May 1 of each year. The initial report shall be submitted prior to May 1  ! of the year following initial criticality. The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include { summaries, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the'results of the ' radiological environmental surveillance activities for the report. period, including-a comparison with the preoperational studies, with operatiunal controls, as appropriate, and with previous environmental surveillance reports and an assessment.of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment. The reports shall also include the results'of land use , censuses as required in Section 5.1.  ! The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports shall' include the  : results of analysis of.all radiological environmental samples and of all ' i radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations j specified in Sections 6.1.and Appendix C of this-0DCM, as well as l summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements. In ' the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons i for the ntissing results. The missing data shall be submitted as soon as l possible in a supplementary report. l l The reports shall also include the following: a summary description of the , radiological environmental monitoring program; at least two legible maps l covering all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and l directions from the centerline of one reactor; the results of licensee participation in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program, required by Section 6.3; and discussions of all analyses in which the LLD required by j Table 6-3 was not achievable. l 7.2 SEMIANNUAL EFFLUENT AND VASTE DISPOSAL REPORT Routine Effluent and Vaste Disposal Reports covering the operation of the unit during the previous 6 months of operation shall be submitted within 60 days after January 1 and July 1 of each year. The period of the first j report shall begin with the date of initial criticality. The Sesiannual Effluent and Vaste Disposal Reports (Semiannual Reports) shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid vaste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, " Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Vastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Vater-cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, June 1974, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix B thereof. I Davis-Besse ODCM 123 Revision 5 l . . _ _ _ -. - , -

The Semiannual Report to be submitted within 60 days after January 1 of each year shall include an annual summary of hourly meteorological data collected over the previous year. This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listing on magnetic tape of vind speed, vind . direction, atmospheric stability, and precipitation (if measured), or in the form of joint frequency distributions of vind speed, vind direction, and atmospheric stability. This same report shall include an assessment of the radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the unit or station during the previous calendar year. This same report shall also include an assessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to I their activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY during the reporting period. All assumptions used in making these assessments, i.e., specific activity, exposure time, and location, shall be included in these reports. The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with the methodology and parameters in this ODCM. The Semiannual report to be submitted 60 days after January 1 of each year shall also include an assessment of radiation doses to the likely most , exposed HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from reactor releases and other nearby uranium l fuel cycle sources, including doses from primary effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the previous calendar year to show conformance with 40 CFR Part 190 " Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operation."

      - The Semiannual report shall include the following information for each class of solid vaste (as defined by 10 CFR Part 61) shipped offsite during the report period:
a. container volume,
b. total curie quantity (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate),
c. principal radionuclides (specify whether determined by measurement i or estimate),

I l

d. source of vaste and processing employed (e.g., devatered spent resin, compressed dry vaste, evaporator bottoms). {
e. type of container (e.g., Type A, Type 3, Large Quantity), and
f. solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., cement, urea formaldehyde).

The Semiannual Reports shall include a list and description of unplanned releases from the site to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents made during the reporting period. The Semiannual Reports shall include any changes made during the reporting period to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) and to the ODCM, as well as a listing of new locations for dose calculations and pursuant to Section 5.1. Davis-Besse ODCM 124 Revision 5

          - --                     _.             .    .-   . ..         ... . .         ~. . . _ _ _    . _ _ - _

i l . 7.3 SPECIAL REPORTS l [ '( Special Reports shall be submitted to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in accordance vi-th 10 CFR 50.4 within the time period-specified for each report. These reports shall be submitted covering the ' activities identified belov pursuant to the requirements of the applicable reference: ! a. dose or dose commitment exceedences to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from . l radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to' UNRESTRICTED { AREAS (Section 2.4.1), ' l b. the discharge of radioactive liquid vaste without treatment and in

i. excess of the limits in Section 2,  !
c. the calculated air dose from radioactive gases exceeding the 1.imits "

l in Section 3.7.1, ! . 1 l d. the calculated dose from the release of iodine-131,, tritium, and } radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8  ; days, in gaseous effluents exceeding the limits of Section 3.8.1,  !

e. the discharge of radioactive gaseous vaste without treatment and in excess of'the limits in Section 3.9,
f. the calculated doses from the release of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeding the limits of Section 4.2, and
g. the level of radioactivity as the result of plant effluents in an environmental sampling medium exceeding the reporting levels of Table 6-4 (Section 6.2.2). ,

l 7.4 MAJOR CHANGES TO RADIOACTIVE LIQUID AND CASE 0US VASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS { Licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive vaste systems (liquid and gaseous): 1 1. Shall be reported to the Commission in the update to the Safety Analysis Report. The discussion of each change shall contain:

a. a summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50.59; i
b. sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for '

the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information;

c. a detailed description of the equipment, components and processes involved and the interfaces with other plant systems;
d. an evaluation of the change which shows the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents and/or quantity of solid vaste that differ from those previously predicted in the license application and amendments thereto; i Davis-Besse ODCM 125 Revision 5

i l' l l

e. an evaluation of the change which shows the expected maximum i exposures to individuals in the UNRESTRICTED AREA and the general j population that differ from those previously estimated in the j license application and amendments thereto; I


f. a comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents to the actual releases for the period prior to when the changes are to be made; j g. an estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a result of the change; and l
h. documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by the Station Review Board.
2. Shall become effective upon reviev.and acceptance by the Station Review Board.

7.5 DEFINITIONS l 7.5.1 BATCH RELEASE - The discharge of liquid vastes of a discrete volume. 7.5.2 CHANNEL CALIBRATION - A CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be the adjustment, as l necessary, of the channel output such that it responds with necessary l range and accuracy to known values of the parameter which the channel monitors. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall encompass the entire channel including the sensor and alarm and/or trip functions, and shall include the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping or total channel steps such that the entire channel is calibrated. 7.5.3 CHANNEL CHECK - A CHANNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by observation. This determination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrument channels monitoring the same parameter. 7.5.4 CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST - A CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall be: 1

a. Analog Channels - The injection of a simulated signal into the channel as close to the primary sensor as practicable to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions.
b. Bistable Channels - The injection of a simulated signal into the channel sensor to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip i functions.  !

7.5.5 COMPOSITE SAMPLE - A sample in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen which is representative of the liquids released. 7.5.6 GASEOUS RADVASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM - The GASEOUS RADVASTE TREATHENT SYSTEM is a system that is designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant system off gases and providing for decay for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment. Davis-Besse ODCM 126 Revision 5

I 1 7.5.7 LOVER LIMIT OF DETECTION (LLD) - The LLD is the smallest concentration  ! of radioactive material in a sample that vill be detected with 95%  ! f-'s probability, with 5% probability of. falsely concluding that a blank () observation represents a "real" signal. For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation): LLD . 4.66 Sb E

  • V
  • 2.22
  • Y.* exp(-Aat) vhere LLD is the lover limit of detection as defined above (as pCi per unit.

mass or volume); l Sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute); E is the caunting efficiency (as counts per transformations); V is the sample size (.in units of mass or volume); 2.22 is the number of transformations per minute per picocurie; Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable); A is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide; j and O at for plant effluents is the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and time of counting. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement. l 7.5.8 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC - Member (s) of the public shall include all persons who are not occupationally associated with the plant. This category does not include employees of the utility, its contractors, or vendors. Also excluded from this category are persons who enter the' site to service equipment or to make deliveries. This category does

l. include persons who use portions of the site for recreation, i

occupational, or other purposes not associated with the plant. j 7.5.9 OPERABLE - OPERABILITY - A system, subsystem, train, component or i { device shall be operable or have operability when it is capable of l performing its specified function (s). Implicit in this definition ' shall be the assumption that all necessary attendant instrumentation,  ! controls, normal and emergency electrical power sources, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary devices to perform its I function (s), are also capable of performing their related support functions (s). Davis-Besse ODCH 127 Revision 5 i I

2D 7.5.10 PURGE-PURGING - PURGE OR PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is required to ourify the confinement. 7.5.11 SITE BOUNDARY - The SITE BOUNDARY shall be that line beyond which the land is neither owned, nor leased, nor otherwise controlled by the licensee. 7.5.12 SOURCE CHECK - A SOURCE CHECK shall be the observation of channel upscale response when the channel sensor is exposed to a radioactive source. 7.5.13 UNRESTRICTED AREA - An unrestricted area shall be any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY, access to which is not controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation or radioactive materials, or any area within the SITE BOUNDARY used for residential quarters or for industrial, commercial, institutional, and/or recreational purposes. The definition of unrestricted area used in implementing the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications has been expended over that in 10 CFR 100.3(a), but the unrestricted area does not include areas over water bodies. The concept of unrestricted areas, established at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY, is utilized in the Technical Specifications and the ODCH to keep levels of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous effluents as lov as is reasonably achievable, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36a. 7.5.14 VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATHENT SYSTEM - A VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATHENT SYSTEM is a system that is designed and installed to reduce radioactive material in particulate form in effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through HEPA filters for the purpose of removing particulates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior to release to the environment. Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATHENT SYSTEM components. 7.5.15 VENTING - VENTING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is not provided or required during VENTING. Vent, used in system names, does not imply a VENTING process. 1 1 l 1 l Davis-Besse ODCH 128 Revision 5 1 1


t l oPENDIX A Technical Basis ts. Simplified Dose Calculations i Liquid Effluent Releases l l 1 l l I 1 l l l l Davis-Besse ODCH Revision 5 l 1 l r I

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/N APPENDIX A g Technical Basis for simplified Dose Calculations k _,/ Liquid Effluent Releases overview To simplify the dose calculation process, it is conservative to identify a controlling, dose-significant radionuclide and to use its dose conversion factor in the dose calculations. Using the total release (i.e., the cumulative activity of all radionuclides) and this single dose conversion factor as inputs to a one-step dose assessment yields a dose calculation method which is both simple and conservative. Cs-134 is the controlling nuclide for the total body dose. It has the highest total body dose conversion factor for all the radionuclides listed in Table 2-6. Therefore, the use of its dose conversion factor in the simplified dose assessment method for evaluating the total body dose is demonstrably conservative. The selection of the maximum organ dose conversion factor for use in the simplified calculation requires consideration of the prevalence of the radionuclides in the effluents. An examination of the Table 2-6 factor vill show that the Nb-95 dose factor for the GI-LLI represents the highest value (1.51E406 mrem /hr per pCi/ml); and the P-32 bone factor (1.39E+06) is similarly high'. However, neither of these two radionuclides are of significance in the Davis-Besse effluents. Nb-95 is not typically measured in the liquid effluents and P-32 analyses are not even performed. (NRC has (N) categorically determined that P-32 is not a significant radionuclide in liquid ( ,, effluents from nuclear power plants and does not require the special radiochemical analyses needed for identification and quantification.) The next highest dose conversion factor is for Cs-134, liver, with a value of 7.llE+05 mrem /hr per UCi/ml. Cs-134 is a prevalent radionuclide in the liquid effluents from Davis-Besse. Therefore, it is recommended that the.Cs-134 liver dose conversion factor be used for the simplified maximum organ dose assessment. f Davis-Besse ODCM A-1 Revision 5

                                                                                             .A l

l Simplified Method l For evaluating compliance with the dose limits of Section 2.4.1, the following , simplified equations may be used: . l Total Body 1.67E-02

  • VOL U "

tb DF

  • Z ( s- 4,tb) *b where:

D tb

        =      dose to the total body (mrem)

VOL - volume of liquid effluents released (gal) DF = average Collection Box release flow (gal / min) Z - 10, near field dilution A(Cs-134,tb) = 5.81E+05 mrem /hr per pCi/ml, the total body ingestion dose [ factor for Cs-134 l IC g - total concentration of all radionuclides (uCi/ml) l 1.67E-02 - I hr/60 min Substituting the values for Z and the Cs-134 total body dose conversion factor, the equation simplifies to: j 9.70 E+02

  • VOL j D "

tb DF Maximum Organ 1.67E-02

  • VOL D,, -

I #~ '#) DF

  • Z '

where: D, - maximum organ dose (mrem) A(Cs-134,11ver) - 7.11E'.05 mrem /hr per pCi/ml, the liver ingestion dose factor for Cs-134 i i Davis-Besse ODCM A-2 Revision 5

l Substituting the values for Z and the Cs-134 liver dose conversion factor, the equation simplifies to: p () D = 1.19 E+03

  • V0L x
  • IC g (A-4) l Tritium should not be included in the simplified analysis dose assessment for l liquid releases, The potential dose resulting from normal reactor releases of l H-3 is relatively nsgligible. But, its relatively higher abundance would j yield resulting simplified doses that vould be overly conservative and '

unrealistic. Excluding tritium has essentially no impact on the conservative use of this recommended simplified method. Furthermore, the release of 1 tritium is a function of operating history and is essentially unrelated to ) radvaste system operations. ' 1


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APPENDIX B Technical Basis for Effective Dose Factors Gaseous Radvaste Effluents l l l I i \ l i i 1 i Davis-Besse ODCM Revision 5 l

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   .                                                                                              A 1

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   -       .    - . -          . . . _ _ ~ -   -   .-           .                          - ...                .

l APPENDIX B Technical Basis for Effective Dose Factors  ! [ Gaseous Radvaste Effluents l l l Overview I i Dose evaluations for releases cf gaseous radioactive effluents may'be simplified by the use of an effective dose factor rather than-radionuclide-specific dose factors. These effective dose factors are applied j to the total radioactive release to approximate the various doses in the a environment; i.e., the total body, gamma-air, and beta-air doses. The  ! effective dose factors are based on the typical radionuclide distribution in l the gaseous radioactive effluents. .The approach provides a reasonable estimate of the actual doses since under normal operating conditions,. minor variations 1 are expected in the radionuclide distribution. Determination of Effective Dose Factors , Effective dose factors are calculated by equations (B-1) through (B-4).  ! K,gg - I( Kg. *fg) (B-1)~ j vhere: l I K, g g ' the effective total body dose factor due to gammg emissions  ! from all noble gases released (mrem /yr per pCi/m ), l Kg = the total body dose factor due-to gamma emissions from each noble3 gas radionuclide i released, from Table 3-5 (mrem /yr per i j UCi/m ), and fg - the fractional abundance of noble gas radionuclide i relative to the total noble gas activity.


(L + 1.1 M),gg - I((L1 + 1.1M g. )

  • fg ) ' (B-2) where:

(L+1.lM),gg - the effective skin dose factor due to beta and gamma emissgonsfromallnoblegasesreleased(mrem /yrper UCi/m ), and (Lg+1.lMg ) = the skin dose factor due to beta and gamma emissions from each noble gas radjonuclide i released,- f rom Table 3-5 'l  ; (mrem /yr per pCi/m ). i i Davis-Besse ODCM B-1 Revision 5

                                                                     . . - . _ , . , . . ,     4   r    ,r, . . _ , , ,   y ., +p      9 ,

I g

                                          = E(Mg*f) t where:

M - eff the effective air dose factor due to gagma emissions from all noble gases released (mrad /yr per uCi/m ), and M g

               -    the air dose factor due to gamma emissions from each noble gas radionuclide i released, from Table 3-5 (mrad /yr per pCi/m3.

N,gg = I(N g *f)g (B-4) where: N,gg - theeffectiveairdosefactorduetobejaemissionsfromall noble gases released (mrad /yr per uC1/m ), and Ng = the air dose factor due to beta emissions from each noble pas radionuclide i released, f rom Table 3-5 (mrad /yr per uCi/m ). Normally, past radioactive effluent data vould be used for the determination of the effective dose factors. However, the releases of noble gases from Davis-Besse have been exceedingly insignificant. Theref. ore, in order to ensure overall conservatism in the modeling, the USAR estimate of radionuclide concentrations at the site boundary (summarized in Table B-1) has been used as l the initial typical distribution. The effective dose factors derived from this distrioution are presented in Table B-2. Application t , To provide an additional degree of conservatism, a factor of 2.0 is introduced ! into the dose calculation when the effective dose factor is used. This ~ conservatism provides additional assurance that the evaluation of doses by the use of a single effective dose factor vill not significantly underestimate any actual doses in the environment. For evaluating compliance with the dose limits of Technical Specification the following simplified equations may be used: Dy = 2.0

  • 3.17E-08
  • X/0
  • M,gg
  • IQ i (B-5)  ;

and DS = 2.0

  • 3.17E-08
  • X/0
  • N,gg
  • IQg (B-6) i l

l O l Davis-Besse ODCM B-2 Revision 5 i l

1 where: O Dy air dose due to gamma emissions for the cumulative release of all (V


noble gases (mrad), DB = air dose due to beta emissions for the cumulative release of all~ noble gases (mrad), X/0 = atmospheric dispersion to the controlling site boundary (sec/m ), M,gg - 5.7E+02, effective gamma-air dose factor (mrad /yr per pCi/m3 ), N,gg = 1.lE+03, effective beta-air dose factor (mrad /yr per pC1/m ),3 0 1

              -    cumulative release for all noble gas radionuclides (uC1),

3.17E-08 - conversion factor (yr/sec), and 2.0 = conservatism factor to account for the variability in the effluent data. Combining the constants, the dose calculation equations simplify to: i Dy - 3.61E-05

  • X/0
  • IQ g (B-7) and l DS - 7.20E-05
  • X/0
  • IQ 1 (B-8)
    \   The effective dose factors are used for the purpose of facilitating the timely V      assessment of radioactive effluent releases, particularly during periods when the computer or ODCM softvare may be unavailable to perform a detailed dose assessment.

l l l l


k Davis-Besse ODCM B-3 Revision 5

Table B-1 Default Noble Gas Radionuclide Distribution

  • of Gaseous Effluents Fraction of Total (Ag / I A g)

Containment Station Vaste Gas Nuclide Vessel Purge Vent Decay Tank Total Ar 41 0.0003 0.004 0.004 0.003 Kr-85 0.12 0.012 0.034 0.06 Xe-131m 0.02 0.009 0.008 0.017 Xe-133m 0.005 0.011 0.011 0.008 Xe-133 0.86 0.94 0.92 0.83 Xe-135m -- 0.004 0.0034 0.06 Xe-135 0.002 0.02 0.02 0.021 Total 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 NOTE: Data adapted from Davis-Besse USAR Section 11.3, Table 11.3-13 and Table 11.3-14. Kr-83m, Kr-85m, Kr-87, Kr-88 and Xe-138 have been excluded because of their negligible fractional abundance (i.e., < 1%). i i l Davis-Besse ODCM B-4 Revision 5 0 V l

Table B-2 Effective Dose Factors - Noble Gas Effluents

                         \~-l Total Body     Skin Dose    Gamma Air      Beta Air Dose Factor      Factor     Dose Factor Dose Factor Isotope  Fractional K,ff                   (L+1.1M,gg)  M,gg          N gg Abundance          (mremfyrper (mremfyrper      (mradfyrper(,radfyrper m

uCi/m ) uCi/m ) pCi/m ) pC1/m ) Ar-41 0.003 2.65E+01 3.87E+01 2.79E+01 9.84E+00 Kr-85 0.06 9.96E-01 8.15E+01 1.03E+00 1.17E+02 Xe-131m 0.017 1.55E+00 1.10E+01 2.65E+00 1.88E+01 Xe-133m 0.008 2.00E+00 1.08E+01 2.61E+00 1.18E+01 Xe-133 0.83 2.44E+02 5.76E+02 2.93E+02 8.72E+02 Xe-135m 0.06 1.87E+02 2.64E+02 2.02E+02 4.43E+01 Xe-135 0.02 3.62E+01 7.94E+02 4.03E+01 5.16E+01 TOTAL 1.0 4.98E+02 9.89E+02 5.69E+02 1.12E+03 I 1 I

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i l 1 4 1 l APPENDIX C Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Sample Location Maps i s 4 i 4 1 I l ! I i 4 i ! l i I f ,i i i i i 1 1 1 e i i 4 , Davis-Besse ODCM Revision 5 4 4

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1 Safety Evaluation for the Davis-Besse 1 Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications Amendment J

Overview i Revision to the Davis-Besse Appendix A and Appendix B Technical Specifications are proposed which vill implement the regulatory requirement of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I on ALARA for radioactive effluents and other NRC regulations and l criteria on radioactive material monitoring instrumentation, radioactive material control, and radiological environmental monitoring. In keeping with NRC guidelines, all radiological requirements are being deleted from Appendix B and placed in Appendix A. This proposed amendment is a revision to a previously submitted amendment to the NRC dated March 16, 1979 (Serial No. 488). The major areas that are addressed in the revised submittal are as follows: l Liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation -- operation and v periodic operability checks; l Liquid and gaseous radioactive material releases--maximum release rates, quarterly dose limits and yearly dose limits;

           . Sampling and analysis requirements on batch and continuous radioactive material releases;                                                         <

Operation requirements on the liquid radvaste treatment system; l Curie inventory limit on outside temporary liquid storage tanks; Maximum allovable oxygen concentr.stion in the vaste gas system;  ! I I I 4 Davis-Besse ODCM J-1 Revision 5 I i

2 _- .__ i

 '             Requirements to assure all solid vaste meets applicable burial site          ,

requirements; i I i Radiological environmental monitoring program--minor revisions to reflect current program and current NRC guidelines. Changes have also been made to Section 6 of Appendix A to reflect the applicable administrative controls needed for the Section 3/4 revisions. A notable addition to the amendment is the inclusion of a requirement for l an Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) and a Process Control Program (PCP). The ODCM and PCP are not licensed documents but are referenced in the Technical Specification as presenting acceptable methods for evaluat-l ing compliance with applicable Technical Specification requirements. The  ! ODCM provides calculational methods for determining radioactive effluent instrumentation alarm setpoints, and for evaluating releases of radioac-

   ,tive effluents and corresponding doses. The ODCM also includes the sampling locations for the environmental monitoring program. The PCP presents the methods used to verify that vaste (devatered resins) as

{ processed for disposal meets appropriate shipping and burial ground regulations. Changes may be made to these documents without NRC approval; review by the SRB is required. Safety Evaluation An evaluation of the revised amendment has been performed to assure that the revisions as proposed to do not involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59. The three criteria of 10 CFR 50.59 for the unrevieved safety question determination are addressed below.

1) Probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunP lon of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report may be increased.

l Davis-Besse ODCM O J-2 Revision 5

n Except for the addition of the turbine building liquid effluent radiation monitor (for which an FCR has already been initiated), no plant equipment modifications are required by the proposed amendment. Certain procedural  ! requirement vill need to be developed but these address routine radioac-tive material effluents and controls; no accident procedures are involved. ii) Probability for accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the SA3 may be created.  ! l For reasons as stated in response to item (i) above, the proposed amend-ment does not directly or indirectly. pose a probability for an accident or malfunction. The amendment vill implement the NRC regulations for routine , releases and controls of radioactive material. The amendment does not l address any engineered safety features of the plant design. iii) Margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specifi-l cation is reduced. i The proposed amendment does not reduce the margin of safety. The proposed i ( amendment addresses routine releases and control of radioactive material; except as noted in item (i), no plant modifications are involved. Several operating procedure changes may be needed, but these changes vill be only for routine operations and will have no impact on accident probability or consequences. - For the reasons discussed above for each of the criteria of 10 CFR 50.59, ! it is concluded that the amendment as proposed does not involve an unreviewed safety question. I O Davis-Besse ODCM J-3 Revision 5 ( l

O Service Vater System--Radiological Effluent Monitoring Requirements The service water is classified as a non-radioactive system, being e removed from radioactive systems by two boundaries. Radioactive systems are serviced by the component cooling water system interface; and, the service vater system provides cooling to the component cooling vater system through closed-loop heat exchangers. Therefore, any leaks from radioactive systems into the plant water systems vould first be identified by the monitoring of the component cooling vater system prior to any additional unexpected leakage into the service water system. As a prudent measure, the service water system is monitored in accordance with the NRC guidance of Standard Review Plan, Section 11.5. However, because this system is a non-radioactive system and is separated from radioactive systems j through two closed-loop boundaries, no Technical Specification l requirements are needed for routine monitoring and analysis for radioac-tive effluents. O i l I l O Davis-Besse ODCH J-4 Revision 5 l l

! j 1 ! Radioactive Effluent Instrumentation--Automatic Isolation Feature \(r\ ' U) The radioactive effluent monitoring instrumentation at Davis-Besse does . not include provisions as called for in the NRC Standard Radiological l Effluent Technical specifications for automatic isolation should any of the following conditions exist: circuit failure, downscale failure, or instrument not set in operate mode. Even though the automatic isolation , features do not exist, administrative controls have been established such r i that should any of these conditions exist, the control of radioactive effluents vould not be significantly impacted. Essentially all releases of liquid radvaste are controlled as individual batch releases with predetermined allowable release conditions. Thereby the radiation monitor serves mainly as a back-up; primary control is established by the prerelease i radiological analyses and evaluations. To assure the availability of the j back-up monitoring, the status of the instruments is checked once per shift by the control room operators. Indicator lights on the instrument l , panel are checked to verify operability. An indicator vould illuminate should a failure occur such as the ones delineated above. Therefore, in addition to the administrative controls on allowable radioactive releases,

  /%     the verification of instrument operability prior to releases of radioactive effluents and the "once per shift" status check by the control room operators provides adequate assurance of the proper control of the radioactive effluents.

A Davis-Besse ODCM J-5 Revision 5 O

a Technical Bases for Eliminating Curie Inventory Limit for Caseous vaste Decay Tanks The NRC Standard Technical Specifications include a limit for the amount of radioactivity that can be stored in a single vaste gas decay tank. This curie inventory limit is established to assure that in the event of a tank failure releasing the radioactive content to the environment the resulting total body dose at the site boundary would not exceed 0.5 rem. For Davis-Besse the inventory limit in the vaste gas storage tank has been determined to be approximately 45,000 curies (Xe-133, equivalent). An allovable primary coolant radioactivity concentration is established by , the Technical Specifications which limit the primary coolant radioactivity concentrations to 100/E vith E being the average energy of the radioactiv-ity in HeV. This equation yields an upper primary coolant gross activity limit of about 200 uCi/ml. By applying this activity concentration limit i to the total liquid volume of the primary system, a total activity limit can be determined. For Davis-Besse, the primary system volume is about 56,000 gallons, which yields a limiting total inventory of approximately 41,000 C1. l By assuming a typical radionuclide distribution, an equivalent Xe-133 inventory can be determined. Table J-1 provides the typical radionuclide (noble gases) distribution and the Xe-133 equivalent concentration. The equivalent concentration is determined by multiplying the radionuclide concentration by the ratio of the nuclide total body dose factor to the Xe-133 total body dose factor. Summing all the individual radionuclide l equivalent concentrations provides the overall Xe-133 equivalent concen- l l tration. For determining concentration in a vaste gas decay tank, a l conservative assumption of 48 hours decay in degassing the primary system has been used to correct the primary coolant concentrations. The data t show that the equivalent concentration (decay corrected) is less than the gross concentration (i.e., 16 pC1/gm total in primary coolant versus ' 12 pCi/gm equivalent). The resulting Xe-133 equivalent curie inventory for VGDT input is approximately 31,000 C1. i l Davis-Besse ODCM J-6 O ! Revision 5 l r

Therefore, even if the total primary system at the maximum Tech Spec () allovable concentration was degassed to a single vaste gas decay tank, the tank curie inventory would be vell below the 45,000 Ci limit. Based on this evaluation, the curie inventory limit on a single vaste gas storage tank has not been included as a Technical Specification requirement. i l l l i i  %

 %d i

l l l l l l O Davis-Besse ODCM J-7 Revision 5 l \ l l l 1

n' l l Table J-1 Xe-133 Effective Concentration , l l Primary

  • Half- Concentration Reg Guide 1.109 Ratio of Xe-133 Coolant life @48 hr decay TB Dose Factor TB DF Effective Conc.

(uci/gm) (uci/ml) (mrem /yr) Xe-133 DF @48 hr decay l l (pCi/m*) (uCi/ml) Kr-83m 2.0-02 1.9 hr - 7.6x10~* - - Kr-85m 1.1-01 4.5 hr - 1.2x10 4.1 - Kr-85 7.4-02 10.7 yr 7. 4x10- ' 1.6x10~' O.06 4.4x10-' Kr-87 5.8-02 76.3 min - 5.2x10-' 20. - Kr-88 1.9-01 2.84 hr - 1.5x10 52. - Kr-89 4.8-03 3.16 min - 1.7x10-' 57. - Xe-131m 8.4-02 12 days 7.5x10~' 9. 2x10- 5 0.32 2.4x10~' xe-133m 2.0-01 2.2 days 1.1x10-1 2.5x10~' O.86 9. 5x10- ' l xe-133 1.5+01 5.3 days 1.2x10** 2.9x10-4 1.0 1.2x10** xe-135m 1.3-02 16 min - 3.1x10-8 11. - Xe-135 3.3-01 9.1 hr 8.5x10-' 1.8x10-' 6.2 5.3x10-' Xe-137 8.7-03 4 min - 1.4x10~' 4.8 - Xe-138 4.3-02 17 min - 8.8x10-' 30 - Total 1.6x10'* 1.2x10** 1.2x10** i i i

  • Adapted from Davis-Besse Evaluation of Compliance with Appendix I to 10 CFR 50,

{ June 4, 1976. I l 9 Davis-Besse ODCM J-8 Revision 5

I 1 Lower Limit of Detection-Decay Correction Factor p


The' equation and definition of the lower limit of detection in the NRC Standard i Radiological Effluent Technical Specification include the term e

  • which is used to decay correct the analysis. The LLD is further defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capabilities of a measurement system and not an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

Providing a decay correction for an evaluation of the capabilities of a system does not appear appropriate. It may be appropriate to decay correct certain analyses of specific samples to determine radionuclide concentrations at the time of release. Even in this case, such a correction is not appropriate for batch releases. Analyses are performed prior to any release; and, the sample will be decaying at the same rate as the batch from which the sample was taken. For continuous releases, decay correcting analyses of samples obtained over a specified sampling interval must take into account the accumulation of radioactivity in the sampling medium, the decay during the sampling interval and, especially for short lived radionuclides, equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium conditions that may be achieved. Short-lived radionuclides will tend to reach an equilibrium value in the sampling medium as a function of source input and half-life. A single decay correction to adjust for sampling interval will provide an unacceptable overestimate. Equilibrium concentrations must be considered if analyses are to be indicative of actual release quantities. Employing exp(-Mt) to adjust for radioactive decay between the end of sampling and time of analysis is straightforward. However, to attempt to use the same term to adjust the decay during the sampling period is not proper. As a practical matter, when the half-life of a radionuclide is long relative to the l sampling time and the time between sampling and analysis (i.e., minimal decay) the correction term will be near unity. In that event, the correction term is l relatively unimportant. l O i Davis-Besse ODCK J-9 Revision 5 l


                                                                                   -. l D

At the other extreme, when the half-life of a radionuclide is much shorter then the sampling time or the time between the end of sampling and the analysis, the term exp(-Aot) could be used to adjust for decay between the end of sampling and the analysis. However, it would not be appropriate in that case to use the same term to attempt to adjust for decay during sampling. The relationship between the radioactivity in a sample at the end of sampling and activity concentration in the medium being sampled is somewhat more involved. To explain this in the simplest condition, assume the radionuclide concentration is constant in the medium being sampled and that the medium is sampled at a constant rate. In the instance of water sampling, the relationship between the activity concentration in the water being sampled and the activity concentration in he water sample at the end of sampling is: C, = C, At (1) 1 - e-** where C, = radionuclide concentration in the water being sampled C, = radionuclide concentration in the water sample at the end of sampling t = duration of sampling A = radionuclide decay constant when t >> 1, C, = C,At. In the separate case of sampling a radionuclide in air by filtering the air and analyzing radioactive material collected on the filter, the radionuclide of interest is concentrated. Absent diluent air in the sample being analyzed, the i relation between radioactivity on the sample media and radionuclide concentration in the air being sampled is: l q = C, r (1-e- * * ) (2) I O Davis-Besse ODCM J-10 Revision 5 i I

4 where (k-) C, - radionuclide concentration in the air being sampled


q = radioactivity on the sample media (assuming 100% collection efficiency) F = sampler flow rate (volume / time) A = radionuclide decay constant t = duration of sampling when t >> 1, C, aqVF. This merely recognizes that the rate of loss from the filter by radioactive decay equals the rate of collection onto the filter at equilibrium.

     'Ihe NRC proposed equation appears to incorporate an adulterated way of encouraging analysis soon after the end of sampling and to encourage efficient sample concentration or radiochemical extraction. Although not rigorous, it combines both objectives in a simple and thus practical way, provided the decay correction is'not extrapolated to a time earlier than the end of sampling, g)  A more nearly rigorous way of determining the activity concentration (or minimum

\ > v detectable activity) in the medium being sampled is to assess the LLD in the sample at the time of analysis. Then the activity concentration in the medium being sampled can be calculated with the product of exp(-Aat) for decay between the end of sampling and the analysis and one of the equations derived herein for the relation between the medium being sampled and the activity in the sample at the end of sampling. However, this method is not very practical or necessary considering the types of sampling and analysis at nuclear power plants, the significant radionuclides, and the offsite potential doses. The bulk of radioactivity is released as batch releases with all sampling and analysis performed prior to release. Therefore, decay corrections are applicable. It is in the sampling and analysis of . releases that the accumulation and decay of the radioactive material I j need to be considered. The use of NRC's guidance for decay correction to the mid-point of the sampling period can grossly overestimate actual release  ! qualities of short-lives radionuclides, while providing little improvement for l G Davis-Besse ODCM J-ll Revision 5

                                                                                      ._ f the quantification of the longer half-life radionuclides that are the major dose contributors.

Overall, it may be appropriate to decay correct a certain analysis to account for radionuclide decay during the sampling period. However, simple decay correction to the mid-point of sampling will grossly overestimate any short-lives radionuclides that may be detected. In any case, the use of a decay correction factor in defining a lower limit of detection is inappropriate. The , LLD is a measurement of the capability of the measurement system and should not l be used to try to establish a regulatory position on sampling and decay  ! correction for quanfification of releases. O l l j l . l l l \ Davis-Besse ODCM J-12 Revision 5 i I

A.. Waste Gas Decay System and Ventilation System-Operability Requirements b\ V; At Davis-Besse, the operation of the waste gas decay system is essentially continuous, similar to the routine operation of such a system at other PWRs. The system consists of a surge tank which receives the waste gases from the primary system, dual compressors (one in-service and the other in i reserve), and three' waste gas hold-up tanks (one in-service, one isolated for l gas decay, and the third in reserve). Once the system is on-line with a waste gas decay tank receiving primary system gases from the surge tank, operation is automatic; no operator actions are required. We operating philosophy at Davis-Besse is to essentially operate the  ! waste gas system continuously. Not only is this philosophy prudent from an ALARA standpoint, but it is also conservative and protective from an operational standpoint. Having to periodically evaluate primary system off-gas activity levels and anticipate unexpected increases in radioactivity would be an unnecessary burden in determining needed waste gas system operation. For the ventilation systems, the operating philosophy is simuar to that (] for the waste gas system; operation is continuous. But for the ventilation V systems, the reasons for continuous operation are even more straightforward. Areas within the plant must be provided with outside air in order to provide an inside environment suitable for continued occupancy. Without continuous ventilation system operation, heat, humidity, and airborne radioactive material levels would increase and worker occupancy would be jeopardized. As described in the Davis-Besse Appendix I evaluation, the ventilation systems contain HEPA filters for removal of airborne radioactive particulate material prior to release to the outside environment. (As evaluated for Appendix I compliance, only the waste gas vent includes charcoal filters for removal of radiciodines.) he operation of the systems can essentially be considered a passive operation. No active operational procedures are required for normal system operation for removal of airborne radioactive material. I (3 1v/ Davis-Besse ODCM J-13 Revision 5 l l

A 3 Davis-Besse's operating philosophy (and operating procedures) for the waste gas system and ventilation systems is a comitment in itself to the routine continuous operation of the systems. Having to comit to such a requirement (in lieu of a technical specification requirement on operation) without appropriate consideration of system down-time and plant shut-down (where operation may not be needed or feasible) is unacceptable and not in keeping with the principles of ALARA. Including special technical specifications that would impose additional procedures and periodic surveillance requirements in excess of those already established (which at present assure appropriate operation) is unnecessary and excessive. l l l 9i i l l i Davis-Besse ODCM y_14 O Revision 5 4


I Radiological Environmental Reporting Levels \


Only the radionuclides listed in Table 3.12-2 of the proposed Radiological-Effluent Technical Specifications (see note) for Davis-Besse are considered in the reporting requirements for elevated levels of radioactive material in environmental sampling media. The radionuclides listed are those that are dominant in the plant effluents and contribute essentially all of the environmental dose. Other radionuclides will be present in plant effluents, but their contribution to the calculated total environmental dose will be minor compared to the contribution of the radionuclides listed in Table 3.12-2 (see note). Even the contents of the NRC's Standard RETS reflecc this position; not all pathways include reporting levels for all the radionuclides listed (e.g., no reporting levels are present for Co-58, Co-60, or Fe-59 for the milk, airborne particulate, or vegetable pathway). This very selective identification of pathway and important radionuclides reflects the very well defined concept of significant radionuclides for each particular pathway. Based on past experience in monitoring plant effluents and environmental sampling media, it can be stated with confidence that for the routine operation

\'   of Davis-Besse the radionuclides listed in Table 3.12-2 (see note) with applicable reporting levels by the identified pathways are the only radionuclides that need be considered when evaluating potential doses in the offsite environment. Also, even if reporting levels were included for other radionuclides, the' values would be higher than those for the significant radionuclides and would have a very minor role in determining actual reporting requirements. The reporting levels for the significant radionuclides would be reached well before any identified levels of other radionuclides would even be controlling.

I 1 l Note: Table 3.12-2 has been incorporated into Section 6 of the ODCM, Table 5-4. l l V Davis-Besse ODCM J-15 Revision 5

g Radiological Effluent Dose Analysis-Meteorology for Short Term Releases Except for the waste gas decay tank (WCar) releases, containment purge releases and containment pressure reductions, gaseous effluents from the Davis-Besse l Station are from ventilation systems and are considered continuous releases. Most of the radioactive material in gaseous effluents if released form the WGDT. However, because of the essentially random nature of WGtyr releases (i.e., no prescribed diurnal time, frequency or duration), the dose analysis of these releases is better modeled by the use of annual average meteorological conditions rather than short term meteorology. Containment purges are so infrequent that special meteorological analyses are not warranted; reasonable , evaluations of off-site doses can be provided by the use of annual average j meteorlogical conditions. O l 1 l l \ l l I i i l l l r Davis-Besse ODOT O J-16 Revision 5 l 1

I Sampling Frequency for I-131: Significance of Power Changes and Increases in (Q) Coolant Activity Levels The NRC guidance on effluent mnitoring for I-131 (Standard RETS, NUREG 0472, Table 4.11-2, Footnote 7) calm for increased sampling frequency for I-131 during increases.(or decreases) in reactor power level and increases in primary coolant level or noble gas effluent activity level. By system design, releases of radioactive material from plant operation are minor. Trying to identify small increases in I-131 releases that may (or may not) be associated with power changes is unnecessary. To evaluate the potential significance of increases in I-131 releases associated with power changes, the effect that may be associated with power changes and the effect that sampling time may have on actual , quantification of, releases, the following example situation is evaluated. l Consider a power increase on the first day of a 7-day sampling period that leads to an increase in I-131 release rate by a factor of 10 for one day. After this one day increase, the release rate returns to the steady-state condition for the remaining 6 days of the esmpling period. To evaluate the amount of I-131 on the sampling cartridge as a function of sampling time and l ( concentration, the following equation is used: Q = C _F (1-e'*i') i i m A, where: 0 = quality of activity on collection medium 1 C, = air concentration cf radionuclide i F = flow rate of sampler l X, - decay constant for radionuclide i t = sangle time m = correction factor for collection efficiency Assuming 100% collection efficiency at the end of the one day increase, the j total amount of activity (I-131) on the collection cartridge is determined to be 9.54 C,F. (For this example, the steady-state I-131 concentration is l , designated as C, and the one-day increase is 10 C,.) For the remainder of the sampling period with a concentration equal to C,, the I-131 activity on the collection cartridge is equal to 4.66 C,F. By decaying the activity on the collection cartridge for the one-day increase j to the end of the sampling period and adding this quantity to 4.66 C,F, the ( total I-131 activity is determined to be 10.3 C,F. Davis-Besse ODCM J-17 Revision 5 r 1 1 1

If this value is decay correct to the mid-point of the sampling period in accordance with the guidance of Regulatory Guide 1.21, the I-131 activity which is used to determine the release quantity is equal to 14.0 C,F. j If a similar analysis is performed for the case of analyzing the collection cartridge at the end of the one day increase and analyzing a new cartridge at the end of 6 days sampling (constituting a 7-day sampling period), the total activity (decay corrected to mid-point of sampling periods) is determined to be 16.0 C,F. By not analyzing the collection cartridge at the end of the one day increase, the total quantity of I-131 is underestimated by 14%. This analysis represents a somewhat worse case situation. The later into the sampling period that the increase occurs, the less the error. If the increase in release rate occurs after the mid-point of the 7-day sampling period, the actual release will be overestimated. Over a period of time involving numerous increases and decreases in effluent level, the rules of probability dictate that the overestimations and underestinations will tend to cancel out, providing an overall closer approximation to actual releases. Both the NRC i..-plant measurement program and a study by EPRI* have indicted that minor increases in I-131 releases may be associated width reactor power changes and the iodine spiking phenomenon. However, these studies also indicate that overall such increases are minor, not being a significant contributor to the total releases of I-131. As was concluded by the EPRI study for other PWRs, the main source of I-131 releases at Davis-Besse is associated with containment purges. l l Regardless of the source, the total I-131 releases are negligible. Since initial start-up of Davis-Besse, the annual releases of I-131 have been less than 0.06 Curies and calculated maximum individual doses less than 0.01 mrem. l l

 *EPRI NP-939, " Sources of Radiciodine at Pressurized Water Reactors".             I Science Application, Inc., November 1978 i

l Davis-Besse ODCM J-18 G i Revision 5 l L l

l Even considering a hypothetical 14% increase for sampling periods that may i include iodine spiking in the primary coolant, the effect on total releases I - and calculated doses is still negligible. The actual increase will be even more insignificant considering the fact that the major source of I-131 at Davis-Besse is from containment purges. ! Based on a review of plant operating data and the above analysis of the I-131 release quantification as a function of concentration and sampling l time, it is concluded that for Davis-Besse, a sampling frequency based on l power changes and increases in primary coolant I 131 concentrations is not justified. Determining the releases (and the significant environmental doses l of these releases) on a weekly basis is sufficient verification of the negligible impact of plant operation. Trying to " fine tune" these releases is not justified considering the manpower and material _ costs associated with the additional sampling and analysis. . 3 l O l l i , l l l l l l l 1 O Davis-Besse ODCM J-19 Revision 5

a 5 Condensate Demineralizer Backwash Receiving Tank - Radioactivity Control The discharge from the condensate deminerilizer backwash receiving tank is O controlled on a batch-by-batch basis in lieu of continuous radioactive effluent monitoring. This method of operation has been determined to provide better control over the discharge of the backwash receiving tank, preventing any unanticipated, unevaluated releases of radioactively contaminated secondary-side clean-up resins to the on-site settling basin. Prior to discharge, the contents of the backwash receiving tank are sampled and analyzed for radioactivity. As required, radioactively contaminated resins are transferred to radwaste for processing and disposal as radioactive material. The condensate demineralizer backwash receiving tank discharge line as originally designed included a radiation monitor. However, because of the nature of the resin-slurry mixture and the accumulation of resin beads in the monitor line, the radiation monitor has failed to provide the reliable indiction of radioactivity and control as originally intended. For this reason, it has been determined that the sampling and analyses of each batch prior to discharge is needed to identify and evaluate radioactive contamination resulting from minor steam generator tube leaks (or residual radioactive material from previous leaks) that might otherwise go undetected and unevaluated by a gross radiation effluent monitor. The condensate demineralizer backwash receiving tank discharges to an on-site settling basin. No resin discharges are made directly to the off-site environment. Therefore, even in the event of personnel error resulting in the inadvertent discharge of unacceptably radioactive, contaminated resins to the settling basin, no off-site releases would occur. All resins and radioactive material would be retained on-site within the settling basin. Appropriate follow-up measures could then be initiated to control the radioactive material and prevent any potential for releases to the off-site environment in excess of the regulatory limits. Davis-Besse ODCM O J-20 Revision 5

R Controlling the discharge of the condensate demineralizer backwash receiving tank on a batch-by-batch basis provides adequate control over the releases of I any radioactive material to the off-site environment from this pathway. Also, the discharge is to an on-site settling basin, representing an additional passive barrier from release off-site. Even in the unlikely event of personnel error, by discharging to an on-site settling basin and its isolation from the I' off-site environment, the probability of unwanted, unevaluated releases of ) radioactive material to the off-site environment is exceedly remote. Any additional protective measures provided by a continuous radiation monitor (for j which operational performance and reliability are unlikely, based on past  ! experience) are not considered needed. i l 1 l l


i I l l Davis-Besse ODCM J-21 Revision 5 m -

                                                                      ~4- r -    ~ ~ w

0 i I Lower Limit of Detection Definition and Application To Detection Capabilities for Ce-144 l The lower limit detection (LLD), as defined in the Radiological Effluent ' Technical Specifications (RETS) is an "... a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capabilities of a measurement system and not an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement." As defined by this definition applicable to the detection capability for radioactive effluent analysis, the LLD is a statistical analysis of a background spectrum and I represents the detection limits for a radionuclide if it is the only radionuclide present above background. LLDs should be determined based on an analysis of a blank (or background) sample. However, even with this definition and application of LLD, it can be increasingly difficult to achieve a predesignated LLD value for particular radionuclides as the photon abundance (i.e., decay yield) decreases. To address , ,this problem, specific radionuclides have been identified in the RETS as being the principal radionuclides for which the required LLD must be met. For the analysis of samples of liquid radioactive effluents, an LLD of 5 x 10-' pCi/ml is required. For the principal gamma emitters listed, all have characteristic gammas with energy levels and abundances that provide for sufficient analytical sensitivity yielding LLDs within the required value of 5 x 10-' pCi/ml - except Ce-144. With a 10.8% abundance and an energy level of 133.5 key, being able to meet the LLD of 5 x 10~' pCi/ml requires optimum conditions-conditions which cannot be repeatedly achieved for an operational radiochemistry program at Davis-Besse. The low gama yield is a major factor; however, with an energy level which is located within the Compton continuum, the detection capability for Ce-144 even for a blank, background sample is significantly higher compared with other so-called principal gamma emitters. The equation for LLD in the Davis-Besse RETS is: LLD - 4.66 p E

  • V
  • 2.22
  • Y l

O Davis-Besse ODCM J-22 Revision 5

l n where: m  ; i  :

   ~J                                                                                            '

S, = the standard deviation of the background counting rate l . ! =

                          .wr R    = background count rate T    = counting time i

E = counting efficiency V = sample size 2.22 = conversion factor (transformations per minute per picocurie) Y = fractional chemical yield (when applicable) l By substitution of typical values in this equation, the LLDs for different p} l s principal gama emitters can be compared. For analysis of a typica.' background i sample at Davis-Besse, the ratio of the LLDs for Ce-144 and Co-60 is about 5.35; l for Ce-144 and Mn-54 the ratio is 8.34. These large ratios are demonstrative of some of the relative difficulties in achieving an LLD of 5 x 10" vCi/ml for Ce-144 compared with other principal gamma emitters. Examining the equation of LLD, two main factors can be altered in an attempt to improve the detection capability - counting time and detector efficiency. (Altering sample size is not considered realistic since larger samples would l pose operational and standard calibration problems. It can also be shown that increasing sample volume does not strongly influence efficiency for counting on i contact with the detector face due in part to sample self-shielding and deceased relative efficiency for the increased volume.) l l v) l t l Davis-Besse ODCM J-23 Revision 5 l _ _ _

10 LLD improves at best as the square root of the counting time. Therefore, increasing the counting time from 2000 seconds to 5000 seconds would only provide a factor of 1.6 reduction in LLD. A 5000-second count is consid red to i be a reasonable maximum for radioactive effluent analysis. Having to extend to longer counting times would introduce a potential operational delay without commensurate improvement in detection capability. 4 4 An improvement in efficiency is negated in part by the corresponding increase in background count rate. A comparison of 5 GeLi detectors with relative efficiencies ranging from 7.2% to 22% was performed at the University of Michigan *. For a 500 m1 sample on contact with the detectors, the 15% relative efficiency detector demonstrated the highest photopeak efficiency in the 80 - 200 kev range. Even the 10% relative efficiency detector had a higher photepeak efficiency in this energy range than did the 21% and 22% relative efficiency detectors. Some unexplainable differences may be due to inherent manufacturers specifications; however, a valid conclusion is that increasing the detector efficiency provides little if any improvement in detection capability, especially in the low energy range (<200 kev). 1 Therefore, the analysis of effluent samples at Davis-Besse with a 10% relative efficiency GeLi and a 5000-second counting time provides a detection system that is not only practical for an operational radiochemistry program but can also be considered as representative of state-of-the-art for routine, general purpose radionuclide detection. Since the required LLD of 5 x 10" vCIAnl cannot be met on a routire basis for Ce-144, therefore the LLD for Ce-144 will be 2.0 x 10-' I uCi/ml (Table 4.11-1 footnote b)**. l D. M. Minnema, C.G. Hudson, and J.D. Jones. "A Comparison of Ge(Li) Detectors with Different Efficiencies for Low-Level General Purpose Counting"; I University of Michigan, 1978.

    ** Incorporated into 0001 Table 2-3 Davis-Besse ODCM                       J-24
  .                                                                   Revision 5}}