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LRS Consultants Team Visit 3-83,831012-14
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 10/14/1983
Shared Package
ML20112E108 List:
FOIA-84-342 NUDOCS 8501150039
Download: ML20112E140 (23)






. LRS . Consultants visited Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corpora-tion on Oct. 12-14 as a routine assessment of. its management and operations. Priority attention was given to in-depth interviews with .

top-level management personnel at the plant with emphasis on com- -

munications, training and radiation protection.

Findings and recommendations for various topics are given in the following sections.

Radiation Protection 7

As mentioned in our last report the 1983 outage might result in the accumulation of about 1,500 person-rem for the collective radiation exposure of VY and contractor personnel. It appears that this projection is correct and that the 1983 worker dose will not exceed 1,600 person-rem, provided that there are no additional outages involving significant exposure. The 1983 total represents an historic high for the plant.

CHART A illustrates the collective radiation worker exposure both for VY and Boiling Water Reactors (BWR's) from 1976 to 1982.

Following the Three Mile Island Unit-2 accident in March 1979 the NRC requirements for equipment modification caused .an increase in collective radiation exposure. The 1981-1982 downtren,d was steeper for. VY than for other BWR's.

Successful decontamination of the VY recirculation lines -

(see Section on Decontamination) greately reduced worker exposure


in the 1983 outage, especially for the pipe overlay welds. The use of remotely operated welding also served to reduce worker exposure.

Otherwise, the outage exposure would have been.very much higher.

Averaged over years.of operation since start-up, VY annual exposure has been 491 person-rem through 1982. As shcan in CHART A, the industry average is 80 per cent higher than the VY annual

average. The average annual. exposure per VY worker has been 0.51 rem as compared with 0.78 rem for other BWR workers.

8501150039 840618 PDR FOIA LONGEN84-342 PDR

,g, The collective radiation exposure for BWR units is shown in CHART B. Vernont Yankee ranked lowest among all BWR units with a value of 205 person-rem versus 1,030 person-rem averaged for other ,


CHART C represents person-rem' data averaged over the length 5f plant operations from start-up through th,e end of 1982. Overall, 164 reactor-years of operatio'n resulted in the accumulation of 136,570 person-rem. Vermont Yankee ranked fourth among BWR's in terms of. lowest person-rem. ,

While the person-rem is important as the unit of collective radiation exposure, the dose distribution among workers is also very significant. CHART D illustrates how radiation exposure above 0.1 rem per year was distributed among BWR 1982. The data pertain to 22,291 workers and produce an average of 891 workers for each BWR unit. The 320 VY workers exposed above the 0.1 rem level did not incur a single exposure above 2.0 rem. This excellent control of exposure is commendable in view of the fact that almost three times as m'any workers at other BWR units were exposed above the 0.1 rem level. About 18 per cent of these workers exceeded 2 rem. ,The extensive VY outage work caused a few workers to exceed 2 rem in 1983 but none received more than 4 rem.

Despite the relatively high collective dose accumulated in 1983 VY management has acted effectively to implement its ALARA (As low As Reasonably Achievable) policy and to safeguard worker health.

Perspective on Radiation Risk Given the nature of radiation risks and widespread media attention to them, it is understandable that some workers are con-cerned about these risks. VY management is encouraged to continu,e .

timely worker communication on the health risks of ionizing radia-tion. These risks are not unique to nuclear power and they need to be placed in perspective. For example, in 1982 a total of 129,275 U.S. workers were monitored for exposure to radiation at nuclear sites. More than half of these workers received less than

=3= q l

0.1 rem; this is the amount of radiation dose received by all U.S. l citizens as a result of exposure to natural radiation. The entire ' '

l nuclear work force rece'ived a total of 52,190 person-rem in 1982.

This risk may be compared to that received by over 4 million Ameri-cans each year as a result of exposbre to a,' single type of diagnos-r l

i tic x-ray examination, namely, fh'e lumbar / spinal x-rays. This exam-ination, common to heavy industry pre-employment requirements, in-

'volves about' O.4 rem of radiation dose per inIdividual. The collec-tive radiation exposure for such annual x-ray examinations amounts to 1.6 million person-rem. This is nore than 30 times the collec-tive exposure received by all nuclear plant workers in 1982.

It is recommended that VY workers be given periodic updates on the health ef fects of ionizing radiation, including perspective on radiation risk. This may be done as part of the annual General Employee Training (GET) program (See Section on Training).

Female Worker Radiation Exposure Policy VY management provides female workers with accurate informa-tion regarding procedures to be followed,when they have access to


radiciogical1y contro11dd areas." Training is given in accordance with U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 8.13 based on recon.acndations of


the International Commission on Radiological Protection for the protection of the unborn child. The embryo is recognized as being sensitive to ionizing radiation and exposure is restricted to a maximum of 0.5 rem for the total period of pregnancy.

At present female workers at VY are given a dose allocation of 0.6 rem per week. While it is recognized that there is a daily posting of exposures during outages when exposures are greatest, it is still possible that a female might exceed the 0,5 rem guide- ,

line of the ICRP. It is suggested that VY management should revise -

its dose allocation policy accordingly.

VY policy provides females who become pregnant with further instruction about radiation risks for the unborn child. Further exposure of such a female is handled on a case by case basis. In no case is a pregant woman's exposure allowed to approach 0.5 rem.

Indeed, management has restricted such workers from further access



to radiologically controlled areas until pregnancy has been con- -

cluded. This conservative policy is prudent. It is recommended that the VY Health Physics Review Board formalize recommendations for policy on the exposure .of female workers to ionizing radiation.

llealth Physics Review Board , . . .

Since its creation a year go the Health Physics Review Board has held four meetings but it has not issued any recommenda-

  • tions. Understandably, a newly organized technical body experiences

" start-up" difficulties, but it appears that sufficient tine has elapsed for publication of substantive reviews and recommendations.


The Board is urged to proceed expeditiously with such activities.

!I Radioactive Contamination Since the previous visit there has been some concern that alpha particle contamination might be present in significant levels at certain BWR plants. Careful and repeated smear samples were taken at various VY plant locations. Assays of these samples showed no evidence of significant ' alpha activity. Work done by the Ya'nkee At'omic Mobile Laboratory was verified by an NRC con-tractor assay.

The extensive outage and demanding drywell operations posed the potential for uptake of radioactivity by plant workers. Such uptake proved to be minimal as evidenced by the low frequency of personnel contamination cases and by routine whole body counting data. Nonetheless, increased attention is urged to insure proper frisking by all workers.

Decontamination in the Drywell Up to the time of the 1983 outage accunulation of radioac-tive deposits in drywell piping, especially in the recirculation line, cau'ed s a continuing increase in drywell radiation levels.

This is illustrated in CHART E where the build-up of contact radiation levels in the recirculation system piping reached a naximum of 1.4 r per hour. The extensive drywell work in the 1983



' -5= ,

outage would have involved very high. collective radiation exposures and additional manpower had the drywell radiation levels remained unchanged. Fortunately, management ha'd planned for decontamination of the piping prior tocthe outage _. A.first decontamination did not 2

reduce the radiation levels but a second effort produced a drama-tic drop as shown in the chart. Without this.' successful decontam-ination the collective exposure for the outage we.uld have been

. very high. A post-outage drywell measurement showed a small increase in radiation level which is being tracked to determine its future -


There has been concern that older nuclear plants might become increasingly radioactive and result in corresponding in-creases in worker exposure. VY's success in decontamination shows that t.his need not be the case.

Environmental Contamination

,.- ,hDn This summer [ portable concentrations 'of cobalt-60 were found in river sediments a't 'a ' point where' the orth branch of the VY sewer system discharges into the Connecticut River. It appears that this Co-60 originates from venting of the Turbine Building.

Radioactivity is deposited on roof gravel and subsequently Co-60 is sluiced off by rain and is carried to the river.

A number of fixes appear feasible to prevent recurrence of this discharge of radioactivity to the river sediment. As it is, the concentration of Co-60 and the absence of any direct pathway to man are such that Co-60 in the sediments does not pose a signi-ficant risk to the public health.

Training A' lengthy interview was conducted with the newly appointed' Training Supervisor. He is very plant knowledgeable an' d enjoys good rapport with the workers. His plans to reorganize training appear to be both sound and realistic. However, the recent loss of professional personnel from the Training Department will be a challenge to the supervisor's plens.

The Department's complement is low relative to some other facilities and licensed operator training is dependent on con-2

=6= .

. tractor instruction.'The present work load for VY trainers will un- .

doubtedly increase as both NRC and INPO (Institute of Nuclear Power Operations) requirements impose greater demands, especially in 4

training non-licensed operators'.. In addition, new nuclear plants y: . .

. .' coming on line will increase the' de' mand for' experienced trainers and vill impose a burden on an already tight' market for such in-i l' dividuals.; Priority should be assigned to recruiting qualified personnel to strengthen VY's training operation. .

The .GET video tape umde by a Vermont contractor for indoc- -

trination of all radiation workers is a professionally executed I instructional aid. It introduces workers to procedures and precau-tions to be followed when working in radiologically controlled

, areas. However, it is recommended that health effects of radiation

. risks' be given m' ore attention in GET training. ,

Management Training and Communication P -Top management at Vermont Yankee is giving priority atten- 7

. tion to upgrading management capability of key per9onnel in plant operations. Emphasis is being placed on:

h .a Insurin'g highly reliable and safe' plant operation b- Prompt recognition of off-norum1 plant conditions c- Improved on-shift communications between management and operations d- Improved definition of the management responsbilities of


i shift supervisors as well as other : personnel.

. Interviews with operations personnel showed that some in-dividuals are concerned about the ever' increasingly complex pro-Leedures ' for plant. operations. Licensed operators are deeply con- - '

scious of their license responsibilities. Some operators 'are

. " control room oriented" and are highly attuned to technical developments; they may be.less aware of the:public view of unusual event's occurring at nuclear plants. It is understandable that their first priority must always be the safe operation of


.the plant and management of a transient imposes' considerable demands on them. Now that the wide spectrum of; unusual events -

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hppears to be adequately addressed, what remains is to improve man-agement skills of key personnel. An important factor herE is devel-opment of smooth interfaces in management / operations communications. , ,

Out ide consultants are being 'used to give seminars to shif t super- ,

visors and senior control room operators in control room manhgement during emergencies. In addition, a managenent, skills course is being formalized.

There has been good response to a management initiative in improving communications. Monthly meetings have been conducted .

with small groups of plant personnel and top management at the Brattleboro office. The purpose is to insure a candid discussion of common problems. This is believed to be a salutary development'.

It appears that management has set in motion a program to improve management skills that will substantially upgrade the per-formance of plant personnel.

Next Visit Tae next regularly scheduled visit of LRS Consultants to Vermont Yanke Nuclear Power Corporation will be February 8-10, 1984.. .

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, " !waLLlodh t-ENCE SOIL SX

, 1144GMS, SX DATE 20 SEP 03 TAG NO. = 0 WILLIAMS FENCE SOIL PAGE 1 ADC4 1 LIVE TIME = 345600 TRUE TIME = 345677 14 NOV 83 10:29 ~~~

f' ENERGY (KEV)= - 0.218356E-06 *CH"2 + 0.454795E00,*CH + O.819248E00 PEAK STATISTICS = 1.00 i MIN WIDTH = 4 MAX WIDTH = 10 l'

AREA BACKGROUND = 2  % ERROR = 1.00 . __  !



' 1.5 KEV ISO ID LIBRARY = 1 __,~l AGE (DAYS)= 0 510001E02 TABLE 1 l I'


l';plq:;, ..c .h) .

1 .

ROI4 FROM s '. .'

1 9.5 KEV TO 17.6 KEV j I PEAK AT 15.3 KEV FWHM= 15.1 KEV

~ ~ ~ ~~

INTEGRAL = 59713 RATE = 0.1 CPS AREA = 15196 ERR = 3.4%


65.4 KEV 1.6 KEV ho/f/h-r [m7Amust er/ '

INTEGRAL = 47895 RATE = 0.1 CPS  ;

AREA = ~ 2511 ERR = 17.0% l ROI4 3 FROM 70.4 KEV TO 80.4 KEV PEAK AT 74.4 KEV F.lHM= 4.2 KEV INTEGRAL = 136008 RATE = 0.3 CPS AREA = 44284 ERR = 1.8%

ROI4 4 FROM 01.3 KEV TO 101.8 KEV PEAK AT 83.7 KEV FWHM= 11.3 KEV INTEGRAL = 191130 RATE = 0.5 CPS ~ ~~~~

AREA = 37812 ERR = 3.6%

ROI4 5 FROM 102.7 KEV TO 107.7 KEV PEAK AT 105.0 KEV FWHM= 1.0 KFU INTEGRAL = 38814 RATE = 0.1 C.'1 ' ' ~ ~ ~

AREA = 1842 ERR = 20.9%'


NP-239 AT 106.1 KEV = 0.3249E03 UCI ROI4 6 FROM 126.3 KEV TO 131.8 KEV .

PEAK AT 128.7 KEV FWHM= 1.6 KEV ~~~~~~ ~

' INTEGRAL = 42689 RATE = 0.1 CPS AREA = 2987 ERR = 13.8%

PU-239 AT 129.3 KEV = 0.0E00 UCI O


y -

n .,


ADC4 1 LIVE TIME = PAGE 2 345600 TRUE TIME = 345677 14 NOV 83 10:32 ROI4 7 FROM 141.3 KEV TO 145.9 KEV PEAN AT 143.6 KEV FWHM= 1.7 KEV

' ~

INTEGRAL = 32682 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 892 ERR = 38.7%

ROIt .6 FROM 151.8 KEV TO 156.8 KEV PEAN AT 153.7 KEV FWHM= 1.6 KEV INTEGRAL = 33975 RATEu 0.0 CPS AREA = 1671 ERRu 21.6%

ROI4 9 FROM 182.7 KEU TO 109.5 KEV PEAK AT 105.8 KEV FWHM= 1.0 KEV INTEGRALa 46050 RATE = 0.1 CPS AREA = 10450 ERR" 4.1%

U-235 AT 105.7 KEV = 0.2199E-03 UCI ROI4 10 FROM 206.0 KEV TO 212.3 KEV ~ ~ ~ ~

PEAK AT 209.1 KEV FWHM= 1.7 KEV INTEGRAL = 29098 RAIE 0.0 CPS AREA = 4507 ERR = 7.2%

ROI4 -11 FROM 233.6 KEV TO 245.4 KEV " "~


  • INTEGRAL = 105802 RATE = 0.3 CPS AREA = 63520 ERR = 0.9%

_ ROI4 12 FROM 267.3 KEV TO 273.6 KEV PEAK AT 270.2 KEV FWHM= 2.0 KEV INTEGRAL = 22603 RATE = 0.0 CPS .

AREA = 4408 ERR = 6.8%

L - ROI4 13 FROM 275.0 KEV TO 280 9 KEV. . ..

. PEAK AT 277 3 KEV FWHM= 1.8 KEV ,

INTEGRAL = 18206 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 1924 ERR = 14.2%

,DA-133 AT 276.4 KEV = 0.4584E-03 UCI NP-239 AT 277.6 KEV = 0.7730E03 UCI


(; C) ADC1 1 LIVE TIME = 345600 TRUE TIME = 345677 14 NOV 83 10:36



ROIt 14 FROM 292.3 KEV TO 303.6 KEV '"


PEAK AT 295.3 KEV FWHM= 1.8 KEV '

() INTEGRAL = 46738 RATE = 0.1 CPS " ~~

AREA = 19334 ERR = 2.4% . . .

() PB-214 AT 295.2 KEV = 0.0E00 UCI . _. _

ROI4 15 FROM 325.4 KEV TO 331.3 KEV

() PEAK AT 328.1 KEV FWHM= 1.8 KEV ~

INTEGRAL = 15471 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 2507 ERR = 9.8% ' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

O ROI4 16 FROM 335.4 KEV TO 341.8 KEV

() PEAK AT 338.5 KEV FWHM= 1.8 KEV INTEGRAL = 22670 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 8720 ERR = 3.1% ~~~" ~~~

! ()

ROI4 17 FROM 348.6 NEV TO 355.9 KEV

() PEAK AT 352.1 KEV FWHM= 1.9 KEV INTEGRAL = 41405 RATE = 0.1 CPS AREA = 27771 ERR = 1.1%

O PB-214 AT 351.9 KEV = 0.0E00 UCI C3 ROI4 10 FROM 407.2 KEV TO 412.7 KEV PEAK AT 409.5 KEV FWHM= 1.9 KEV ,

INTEGRAL = 9918 RATE = 0.0 CPS C) AREA = 1070 ERR = 18.1%

C) ROIt 19 FROM 460.4 KEV TO 466.8 KEV PEAK AT 463.2 KEV FWHM= 2.0 KEV ,

INTEGRAL = 10831 RATE = 0.0 CPS C) AREA = 2386 ERR = 8.6%

CS-138 AT 462.8 KEV = 0.0E00 UCI


O ROIt 20 FROM 506.7 KEV TO 515.4 KEV PEAK AT 511.1 KEV FWHM= 2.2 KEV C) INTEGRAL = 15588 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 6408 ERR =_ 3.8%. . , ,

9 NA-22 AT CO-56 AT 511.0 KEV =__ _0.0E00_ .UCI .

511.0 KEV = 0.0E00 UCI CO-58 AT 511.0. KEV. = 0.0.E0.0 UCI 9

o O


1 LIVE TIME = 345600 TRUE TIME = 345677 14 NOV 83 10:40 ROI4 21 FROM 560.8 KEV TO 565.3 KEV PEAK AT 562.9 KEV FWHM= 1.7 KEV ~~

' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

, INTEGRAL = 4822 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 334 ERR = 39.2%

ROI4 22 FROM 580.3 KEV TO 587.6 KEV PEAK AT 583.5 KEV FWHM= 2.0 KEV *

.() INTEGRAL = 19611 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 12624 ERR = 1.7%


ROI4 23 FROM 606.2 KEV TO 613.9 KEV PEAK AT 609.7 KEV FWHM= 2.0 KEV -

() INTEGRAL = 25258 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 10886 ERR = 1 2%

() BI-214 AT 609.3 KEV = 0.0E00 UCI ROIt 24 FROM 658.5 KEV TO 665.7 KEV

() PEAK AT 662.0 KEV FWHHu 2.0 KEV

~ ~ ~ INTEGRAL = 25056 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 18562 ERR = 1.2% ~

,O CS-137 AT 661.6 KEV = 0.8595E-03 UCI

() ROII 25 FROM 724.3 KEV TO 731.1 KEV


PEAK AT 727.6 KEV FWHM= 2.1 KEV INTEGRAL = 6712 RATE = 0.0 CPS

() AREA = 2488 ERRS 6.1%

() ROI4 26 FROM 753.8 KEV TO 758.4 KEV

" " ~ ~ ~

PEAK AT 755.8 KEV FWHM= 1.6 KEV INTEGRAL = 3118 RATE = 0.0 CPS

() AREA = 291 ERR = 35.7%

ZR-95 AT 756.7 KEV = 0.4077E-04 UCI O

~~ROI4 27 FROM 765.6 KEV TO 772.0 KEV PEAK AT 768.7 KEV FWHM= 2.0 KEV

() ' INTEGRAL = 5543 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 1253 ERR = 11 7%



6 ~


PAGE 5 TAG NO. = 0 WILLIAMS FENCE SOIL 345600 TRUE TIME = 345677 14 NOV 83 10:44 ADC4 1 LIVE TIME =

e ROI4 28 FROM 783.8 KEV TO 789.7 KEV . _ _ _ . . . . _



786.1 KEV FWHM= 2.1 KEV INTEGRAL = 3819 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 571 ERR = 21.5%

ROI4 29 FROM 792.4 KEV TO 798.0 KEV ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

PEAK AT 795.3 KEV FWHM= 2.1 NEV INTEGRAL = 4696 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 1456 ERR = 8.0%

CS-134 AT 795.8 KEV = 0.8415E-04 UCI ROIt 30 FROM 004.2 KEV TO 809.2 KEV PEAK AT 806.4 KEV FWHM= 1.7 NEV

- INTEGRAL = 2898 RATE = 0 0 CPS AREA = 378 ERRu 26.9%

ROI4 31 FROM 033.7 KEV TO 843.3 KEV 836.0 KEV FWHM= 1.5 KEV

) PEAK AT INTEGRAL = 5591 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 905 ERR = 19.5%

D AT 834.8 KEV = 0.5027E-04 UCI MN-54 KR-08 AT 834.0 KEV = 0.0E00 UCI I

ROI4 32 FROM 858.2 KEV TO 864.6 KEV PEAK AT 060.9 KEV FWHM= 2.1 KEV INTEGRAL = 4339 RATE = 0.0 CPS

$ 1279 ERR = 9 7%


ROI4 33 FROM '708.2 KEV TO 915.9 KEV PEAK AT 911.6 KEV FWHM= 2.1 KEV INTEGRAL = 11213 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 7361 ERR = 2.2%

s ROI4 34 FROM 931.8 KEV TO 937.7 KEV PEAK AT 934.5 KEV FWHM= 1.9 KEU

' INTEGRAL = 3572 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 716 ERR = 16.2%

TAG NO. = 0 WILLIAMS FENCE SOIL PAGE 6 ADC4 1 LIVE TIME = 345600 TRUE TIME = 345677 14 NOV'03 10:48

,r .

ROI4 35 FROM 962.2 KEV TO 973.5 KEV - -~~

PEAK AT 965.0 KEV FWHM= 2.2 KEV '

C INTEGRAL = 10533 RATE = 0.0 CPS

~ '

AREA = 5827 ERR = .

3 4% . ... .- . . . . . . -


ROI4 36 FROM 1117.4 KEV TO 1124.6 KEV PEAK AT 1120.7 KEV FWHM= 2.2 KEV I INTEGRAL = 6804 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 3409 ERR = 4.1% .. . ..

F TA-182 AT 1121.2 KEV = 0.9076E-03 UCI DI-214 AT 1120.3 KEV = 0.0E00 UCI I

,C ROIL 37 FROM 1170.9 KEV TO 1176.4 KEV PEAK AT 1173.5 KEV FWHM= 2.0 KEV INTEGRAL = 2990 RATE = 0.0 CPS

'( AREA = 312 ERR = 34.6%

CD-60 AT 1173.2 KEV = 0.2161E-04 UCI


ROII 30 FROM 1235.8 KEV TO 1241.7 KEV PEAK AT 1238.4 KEV FWHM= 2.2 KEV 7 INTEGR AL:-- 4196 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = '1046 ERR = 11.7%

@ CO-56 AT 1238.2 KEV = 0.172SE-03 UCI l

ROI4 39' FROM 1279.3 KEV TO 1204.3 KEV

.O PEAK AT 1281.3 KEV FWHM= 1.8 NEV INTEGRAL = 1893 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 261 ERR = 31.4%

O ROIL 40 FROM 1375.0 KEV TO 1301.8 KEV O- PEAK AT 1377.7 KEV FWHM= 2.3 KEV INTEGRAL = 2038 RATE = -0.0 CPS AREA = 750 ERR = 11.0%

O ROI4 41 FROM 1399.5 KEV TO 1411.3 KEV O PEAK AT 1402.1 KEV FWHM= 2.4 KEV INTEGRAL = 2745 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 693'~ ERR = ~ ' "1' 8 .' 4 % ' "

O ..




  • ADCJ LIVE TIME = PAGE ' ' 7' 1 345600 TRUE TIME = 345677 14 NOV 03 10:52 s

ROI4 42 FROM 1456.2 NEV TO 1466.2 KEV PEAK AT 1461.0 KEV FWHM= 2.4 KEV

~' ~ ~~-


INTEGRAL = 28253 RATE = 0.0 CPS j AREA = 26620 ERR = 0.7%

1 K-40 AT 1460.8 KEV = 0.1974E-01 UCI ROI4 43 FROM 1507.0 KEV TO 1512.4 KEV - ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ "

o PEAK AT 1509.5 KEV FWHM= 2.0 KEV INTEGRAL = 1002 RATE = 0.0 CPS l AREA = 313 ERR = 17.8%

4 ROIt 44 FROM 1585.4 KEV TO 1596.7 KEV PEAK AT 1500.5 KEV FWHM= 2.3 KEV INTEGRAL = 2335 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 1321 ERR = 7.1%

ROI4 45 FROM 1617.6 KEV TO 1623.9 KEV 4

PEAK AT 1621.0 KEV FWHM= 2.5 KEV INTEGRAL = 810 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 240 ERR = 22.5%


O ROI4 46 FROM 1727.2 KEV TO 1734.0 KEV

() PEAK AT 1729.7 KEU FWHM= 2.6 KEV INTEGRAL = 066 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 306 ERR = 13.4%

O ROIL 47 FROM 1760.8 KEV TO 1769.4 KEV

() PEAK AT 1764.9 KEV FWHM= 2.7 KEV INTEGRAL = 2928 RATE = 0.0 CPS AREA = 2308 ERR = 3.1%

r' m)

BI-214 AT 1764.5 KEV = 0.0E00 UCI l

() ROI4 48 FROM 1846.0 KEV TO 1851.8 KEV PEAK AT 1840.3 KEV FWHM= 2.3 KEV INTEGRAL = 642 RATE = ' O.0 CPS

(). . AREA = 208 ERR = 22.1%



e as 4 4 = ..***g=+**

ts O

g, () TAG NO.


= 0 WILLIAMS FENCE SDIL PAGE 8 1 LIVE TIME = 345600 1 RUE TIME = 345677 14'NOV 83 10:55 O CHANNEL 4 DATA

- - - - - - -19 0 0

() 24 928 2323 3703 4445 4641 4734 1 . . . . . . . .16 4863

.189 32 5015 4939 4827 4740 . 49_77 i 4690 4682

! () 131 3718 3771 3820 3982 4256 136 4476 4405 4118 3895 3812 3811 3831____ ___ ,,

() 153 4194 4216 4259 4387 4477 4594 5164 160 6556 8154 0520 7409 6654 168 8058 10570 11101 8732 5000 4236 3830 3794 3760 3751 0 3792 177 3679 3608 3488 3980 184 4365 4605 _ 4492 4157 3968 4169 4873 5866 6308 5848 4763

()_ 192 4171 4360 49'49 5321 200 4996 4295 4002 4455 5392 6158 6163 5403 4444 3796 3444 208 3093 3095 3213 3148 3145 3166 3284 3395

() ,216 3485 3413 3256 3101 3031 3042 3006 3459

.~ 224 3020 3048 3123 3297 3453 3544

() 232 3151 3507 3322 3092 3108 3149 276 3081 3057 3083

() 280 3644 3933 3824 3461 3168 3043 3041 3273 3052 288 3029 309 - 2927 312 3013 2087 2910 3093 3135 3105 2974 2890 2887 2861 332 2766 2755 336 3155 2039. 3021 3118 2949 2700 2689 2652 2637 2614 400 2322 2330 2354 2464 2820 3637 4583 4887 408 4299 3312 2591 2333 2264 2204 2204 2246 453 2000 1996 2088 456 2390 2873 3211 3054 2557 2132 1931 1872 l

464 1880 1914 512 1781 1745 1748 1840 1954 2012 2028 520 2334 3867 7599 12510 14729 11910 6896 3650 2901 o 528 3343 3910 4052 3504 2588 1871 1508 1392 536 1389 1382 _1359.._ ,_.

586 1221 1241 1277- 1368 1575 1904-592 2195 2186 1903 1599 1367 1215 1161 660 1214 1177

's, 608 1683 1639 _1444 4 616 1276. .__1.188_ 1126 1099 1094 1113 641 1106 1110' 1132' ~1337 648 2073 3579 5171 5433 4075 2404 1439 1097 1013 1001 1042 S

TAG NO. = 0 WILLIAMS FENCE SOIL PAGE 9 (o ADC4 1 LIVE TIME a 345600 TRUE TIME = 345677 14 NOV 83 11:01

'" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

CHANNEL 4 DATA ILp j 656 1197 1477 17.' ' 1693 1434 1175 1037 999 I 664 995 997 100 I &

f 714 928 918 937 1031 1239 1475 720 1545 1391 1180 1049 974 945 935 924


', 736 924 943 970 1085 1489 2250 3002' 3110 744 2429 1586 1103 961 962 949 907

{ Op

, 745 083 881,,_,,883 768 986 1426 2753 5148 7362 ' 7520 5450 2922 f Ib 776 1395 864 757 731 717 727

.l 894 690 685 fo 896 717 789 903 959 912 832 753 679 904, 653 669 677 e 1011 571 576 608 675 821 1016 1011 1117 1060 881 696 592 559 556 1024 557 551

, e 1 1113 478 456 465 503 547 604 741

, 1120 1008 1368 1680 1702 1381 983 719 585 e 1128 518 482 464 458 446 1232 419 413 430 466 495 497 472 430

-e 1240 400 396 404 i 1275 433 438 455 586 1036 ep 1280 1904 2918 3431 2980 1925 1014 549 408

. 1288 383 377 389 385 4% 1332 368 367 404 527 1336 924 1867 3301 4521 4595 3423 1918 898 1344 461 344 329 327 332 352 nm 1447 340 .

1448 348 364 467 000 1586 2099 4216 4651

  1. 9 1456 3813 2312 1120 557 379 364 407 425 1592 275 252 244 293 386 520 690 813 f* 1600 789 630 4s3 315 267 260 264 269


1657 259 ~252' 270 ~~313 345 339 ~ 301

  • ** 1664 268 251 253 267__

1683 271 271 288 321 377

.  ?" 1688 468 559 591 530 406 307 274 276 1696 293 311 84 172:s 243 249 257 291 340 1726 355 333 308 284 258 235 227 222 1736 217 M

'IAG NO. a O WILLIAMS FENCE SOIL ~~PAGE 10 1 r ADCI 1 LIVE TIME = 345600 TRUE TIME = 345677 14 NOV 83 11tO7 CHANNEL 4 DATA 1742 227 225

$ 1744 236 281 366 4'61 526~ ~ ~S12

~~ ~ 4T26 325


lf, J7 1752 260 228 210 208 205 _ _ _ _ . _ _ , ,


. 1768 212 214 231 257 281 295 276 251 i () 1776 242 223 208 208 i 1833 211 231 248 266 299 ~31'1 ~290 ~"~

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' 2056 338 285 244 207 191 201 205 I

2116 200 208 212 251

  • 2120 331 427 504 492 403 314 256 258 2128 329 497 779 1034 1075 893 623 384 2136 234 180 170 160 155 164 s

2458 202 207 223 276 398 577 2464 776 891 843 659 441 299 242 210 2472 185 182 193 2576 204 202 216 232 256 273 275 266

  • 2584 236 207 204 214 205 2719 232
  1. - 2720 242 254 297 374 438 450 412 351 2728 288 227 202 211 218 2815 140 l 2816 150- 163 186 203 199 100 154 136 2824 127 125 130 2926 105 107 2928 108 111 125 148 158 161 155 136

' 2936- 123 114 101 94 97 3026 83 87 95 126 179 221

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