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Brief of Rl Anthony & Friends of the Earth in Support of Appeal from ASLB 840306 & 21 Verbal Orders & 840316 Written Order & Request for Hearing
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/28/1984
From: Anthony R
OL, NUDOCS 8408310096
Download: ML20096A396 (4)


_____ _ .- .- - . __ - -

EIiPhilndelphia Elec.Co. Docket No. 50-352 & 353 OL

@,%~3'g Liocrick Sonornting Stc. Units 1 1 2.


.3/6/84, 3/21/84 and WEITTIN ORDER 3/16/$4, AND REQUEST FOE 1 vmING.

We wish to acknowledge the Ce inston's order of 3/22/84 delegating author-ity'to the Appeal 8oard to hear Part 70 issues raised in this es'4 c Ae assert ~

under P.L. 703,8/30/54,The Atomic 8nersr Act, chap.16 See 182 b. NM Co-=ission's -

es rosponsibility to publicize notice of the application for a'8{ie g g of a utiliza-

- tion or production facility for four consecutive weeks in the Fed. Reg -

t b and' to wait four weeks thereaf ter before issuing a license .

i k 4,g .,

a .. ,


?"' QUEST FOR E EEARING. We submit that the Commission is obligated under 10 C.F.2d Soc.72 34,as provided in Sec.2.104 and Sec. 2.105, to publish a notice of a hear :

ing or a notice of s. proposed action,s:d the 30 day :otice may not be dispersed with because the amendment does " involve significast ha:s.rds consideration"and "unrevieuwd safety questions",as will be set forth below. Further,ve understand The Atomic Energy Act ,1s Ag g g 4/83,P.L.97-415,Sec.12 (a) allows the Coa-mission to make immediately gan amendment to an operating license,but does not assign a similar authority for a Part 70 license , or amendment.

Sefety Questions . Our Appeal to the Appeal Panel of 3/13/84,1pplication for Contentions on New natter of 2/23/84,1ddition to Contentions of 2/28/84, and Re-sponse to Affidavits of 3/19/94 have all been submitted to this 3 card. In additi ve submit herewith (Exhibit 1.) a copy of a. Feila,Elec. aerial photo of the Lin-erick site (said to be 1983) which shows the grea of the outdooi'fueli storage and the buildings, equipment,and high tension lines adjacent to it which would be in-volved with the stored fuel in the eve:t of the hypothesized railroad explosion.

Te s.lso refer to a new report on" tornado missile effects" sent et 3/22/94 by ?ICc entitled " Ultimate: Eeat Sink E:trene Yi:d Easard italysis". This shows (Table 4-5 nissile distribution in the outdoor Tuel storage and reactor building :ene ,. the inird highest in the study,12,770 missiles. This hazard supplements those we h0 already enumerated from the hypothesized _ railroad explosion.

aM EVIDESTmY EEARING WITNESSES Testimony in the recent ASL3 hearings en the strus filMa.

tural integrity of safety related buildings produced corroberatio'n.of saf ety bana y in the reactor building which esp,ecially could i=pinge on the hardling and stora.

~ b of new fuel. The witnesses on 3/21/84 tes-tified that a 9 f t.I 40 f t. louvre in

!, the south wall of the reactor building could be destroyed by the railroad exploE n -

g and the plenum pushed to the floor, ope:ing a direct passage from inside the re-ceter secondary containment to the outdoors. Mr.3 oyer, " It 's a sheetmetal gaugc o

pl e =u= . It can be distorted;it ca: be d ; i t can be rupturei,rhatever you want to-do with it, i t 's all ri gh t w i th = e . ' . . . . . . ( 0:ue e ti o n ) " 3c t if that happe$

{ then it would'leta ve the reac tor buildi:g with sr epening to the outdoors."g

Mr.3 yor,

--2--  !


" That's richt . Te vould ha a a naintone.nce problen ."(Trans.p .8967).1 i cetor building call could ba brocched in this way;fual rods tha t  !

geked and handled could be nere be ing un-j knocked about and possibly brought into critical clignment.

Missiles from the ruptured lourre and plenum could puncture fuel rodsc 7I. CODING POSSIBILITIES. Tes tinomy by Tillia= T. LeFaye of the NEC submitted in criting turbine in the hearing record 3/22/84 (p.2.16.) describes water entering the and rea c tor buildings fro: the rupture of the tower basin walls. 'I"ni s anter could flow through the :ones of the reactor building and dilute the borated pool water where new fuei is s tored, vie. the drain lines specified in 32C Seg'"I .

I: spec.83-23 and 83-08, 1/16/84,and Finding Rep.G-374 referenced on p.8.,

" final resolution regarding corrective action has been achtsved." Unlike the Diablo Ccnyon Plant ( A T.19 -334 p.820) Limerick has two 7 =illion gallon tow er basins and circulating water pipes considerably higher than the plant Erad e and in an cl=ost direct flow path.

C"EER SAFETY QUESTIONS. 52C Inspec. E 84-08,3/13/84 evaluated ?Eco's readiness "to receive, store,and protect the fuel". This report specified unresolved item s in Quality Control,p.4, fire prevention, p5. , and Security.

A NHC =enerandu= 2/23/84 fron R.Y.Starostecki to H.E. Cunninghn=, NMSS ,

statee, "3ased on the identified inadequacies,ve do not believe that issuance of an a=euThe dment to the existing SNM license (SNY-1926) is justified at this time" design and "as built" verification reference'  ;

is still outstanding. d in our 2/23/84 Application l A letter dated 3/26/8d to 1.Schwe=cer fro J. S .Iemper, PECc , ~

says that CYGN1,the contractor,will be ready to prasent only the. ;rogram plan at the earliest on April 12. No fuel should be shipped bef ore co=pletion of the progra? 12 In accord with our previous submissions,no fuel license until the reactor crane is que.lified. should be issued No fuel can safely be storsi outdoors as proposed,because of the hazards set g Uith this Board and ASL3, including the accident scenarioforth from a r in our Eesponse 3/19/84.

Iie note again the missile threat,?S12 Tab.3 5-5," Railroad-accident ~ _.


enerated Missilii

"*bere should be no license until .1SLH =akes a decision on our pipeline ca btentions and the structural integrity of safety related structures, evaluating the PICKAGING.


" Final Report on Severe Rail and Truck Ag,c4 der;ts :  ::4 Aah. 2o nn.c3-95Teva-d a Definition Eg of 3ounding Environments for Transportation liackages",a studf contractedm with REi, Columbus ,Oh. , submitted i2/82,calle for a test ]

for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, to replace 10 C P.R. C standard of 1,600 degre8s .. .;

ho G.E. packages should be tested to hap.1 see Appen. 3 ,# 3 "Ther=alf,1,475 ?./ 30 miti .

if they meet the higher standard, y; DIERGENCIES. SECURITY. The requirements under 10C.F.E.

, cancy procedures have not been met.(2/23/84 Memo. Sed.70.2d (3) for ener-In LOC.?.R. Sec 72 33, (5) (e) it is S taro s t e cki t e Onn ni gha= , above. ))..

aces the effectiveness of the security specified that no change be zade that decre-plan. PECe' d s h +_s

3 __

of 3/9/04 dolotod its antiro Security 71c= and subotituted a revised Physical Scourity Plcs.

PEco ooys that it hao determined the new plan does not decreas e-sffectiveness. i'here is no substantiation of this. No license should be issued ubtil the Security Plan is guarasteed. We request access to both plans to make cur own determination,or lacki=g that, an evaluation by an objective agency. We need to knoe that the current plan adequately protects inst thef t and sabotag; RISE TO TSE PUBLIC.

that Sec. 70 31 (d) of 10 C.P.E. forbids the issuance of a licens

" wouId constitute an unreasocable risk to the health and safety of the publ The risks set forth above establish that there are unreasonable dangers for the health and safety of the public from to PEco for Limerick, both from granting a Part 70 license for uranius fuel storage outdoors and moving the fuel into the roactor building. In addition there process. are procedural deficiencies in the applicatie We believe the above add up to conclusive weight against g acting a lices f.DGDIES .

We hereby petition the Appeal Soard to reverse 3/6/84, the A313 decisions of 3/16/84 and 3/21/84 and ask that our contentions on fuel transportation and storage at Limerick, 2/23/84 and 2/28/84 be accepted anci scheduled by 131B for discovery and scheduling.

We further petition that the ? art 70 process for Limerick uranius fue l bo reopened and recommenced in keeping with P.L. 703, Chap. le Sec.182 b, and LOC.H.P. ,

Sec. 72 34 with the required :otice and the scheduling of a hearing We request that the 3oard declare a pe. ment stay c the gre.nti:g of a Part 70 license until all of the above has been satisfied. -

CC: ASL3, NEC S t af f , M . J . We t t e rhahn , L. E.1. ,

Con =covelth, City,others on the Serv. List. Respec tfully subsitted, hgL Boz 186 Moylan , Pa.19065 L t=

March 28,1984 b 52





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