05000317/LER-1984-004, Updated LER 84-004-01:on 840228,charging Pumps 12 & 13 Taken Out of Svc Due to Excessive Packing Leakage.Caused by Plunger Packing Failure.Evaluation of Alternative Charging Pump Packing Matls in Progress

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Updated LER 84-004-01:on 840228,charging Pumps 12 & 13 Taken Out of Svc Due to Excessive Packing Leakage.Caused by Plunger Packing Failure.Evaluation of Alternative Charging Pump Packing Matls in Progress
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/1984
From: Jennings R, Napier J, Russell L
LER-84-004, LER-84-4, NUDOCS 8405020213
Download: ML20084E272 (3)

LER-2084-004, Updated LER 84-004-01:on 840228,charging Pumps 12 & 13 Taken Out of Svc Due to Excessive Packing Leakage.Caused by Plunger Packing Failure.Evaluation of Alternative Charging Pump Packing Matls in Progress
Event date:
Report date:
3172084004R00 - NRC Website


' ,4 UPDA'IE REPORI' - PRI.VIOUS REPORT DATE: 1/24/94 NaC Porb 3ee U S. NUCLEf n REGULCTORY CoadheaW8088

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  • APPR0v53 oms peo 31904:04


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Calvert, Clif fs, Uni t, l o l5 l o io l o ng gi l7 i loFl0 l 2 ntLt .

Excessive Charging Pump Packing failures tyt8ef Oaf t ISI LER NUMet R (41 fitPORY DAf t (79 OTHER P ACILiflES INv0LytD (83 MONTM DAY vtAR vtAR $y

, ',8 6 ",'jg MONfM DAY vtAR C'uf v mawas Dock 47 feUMetRisi 0 151010101 l l

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ihn ing %xle 1 operat ion at, 1025 on feln uary 2S, l934, No. 12 Cliarging Pump (CB-P) was t aken out of service clue t o excessive packing leakage. At 1840, No. 13 Charging Pump (Cll-P) was t aken out. of service for t he same reason anti Unit i ent erect t he act ion st at enu nt. of T.S. 3 1.2 4 Power was re (luce <l to 88% antl the unit, was mantially t rippal at. 2027 clue t o t he unavailabilit y of spare charging pump packing. No. 11 Charging PuiHp renhaineal operable (liroughout t he event . No similar events have occu rreti .

Ihis event. was causect by t he failure of No. 12 anct No. 13 Charging Pump (Cil-P) plunger packing anc! exacer bat ect by previous packing failures which clepleted t he st ock of packing. Addit ional packing hail been previously ordered and was in sh i pnent at t he t. inn of t his event .

An evaluat ion of att ernat ive charging pimip packing materials and plunger mat crials is in progress. the minimum seder point for packing material is being increased. A performance specificat lon has been writ.t.en and will be used for future packing pin chases.

G405020213 040425 gDRADOCK 05000317 PDR Re,,P se.


J ga,c,,J,ma u s Nuctimuuatoav co==inios.

LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) TEXT CONTINUATION *=ovio ove No sino-oio4 t a ping s er3i an

.acettiV 8eamt H) DOCRE T NUMetR (21 ggR NuMGER 16; PAGE(36 "aa "='. M'J:

Calvert. Cl il fs, Unit. I o ls j o j o lo l3 ;1 ;7 8;4 _

0 l 0l 4 _

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'llus packing in use at, t he Line of the event, was supplied by J&B Closures Inc. The maint e:uince hist ory of t he Unit, I charging gnunps wit h J&Il parking trulicates an average t im" bet ween failures of 16 days wit h a maxinnun variance of +42 arul -15 days.

thiring I he seven day irrhxl prior to this event, the J&ll packing was experiencing an average Linu? t o failur e of 4 3 days for both Unit, I azul Unit 2 (lloth units use the sanc park ing mat erial . ) . 1his failure rat e was higher than expected. On the nun'ating of felnuary 27,1984 (one day prior to t he event) arrangenents were male t o air freight mklitional packing material t o Calvert, Cliffs from three different, suppliers. 't he first shi xnent l of expedit ed mat erial was received on the morning following t he event . Packing mat erial supplied by J&ll Closur es is current.ly being u .ed in Uni t. I and packing supplied by Utex is being used in Unit 2. An ongoing engineering evaluation is in pr ogress t o det ermine t he optinnun combinat. ion of parking and plunger nuit erials t o achieve a long service life. It, is believed that, an inferior batch of chemical cominusuls may have been used in the nvinnfacture of t he packing mat erials used ininediat ely prior to this event . The m erage Line to failure fnnn t he event, to t he present has been 10 4 days with a variance of +10 azul

- 5 days.

During Mule 1 operation at 1025 on February 28, 1984, Nirnber 12 Charging Pump (Cll-P) was t aken out, of service due to excessive plunger packing leakage as not ed by the Aiixiliary Ikiilding Operat or. F.xcessive packing leakage is a precursor of packing failure arul subsequent, degradat ion of gnimp pe fortnance. At.1840 on Fein itary 28, l 1954, Niimber 13 Charging Pump (Cil-P) was also taken otit, of service due to excessive plunger parking leakage and t he act ion st at enu nt. for Technical Specificat. ion 3 1.2 4 was ent ered. Since mklitional plunger parking was not, available and the plunger parking in Number 11 Charging Pump (Cil-P) was susicct ed t o be near the end ol' it.s expect ed service life, based on recent. packing performance, a plant shut.-

down was connenred. Unit I was manually tripped from 88% at, 2027 on February 28, le4, t o expedit e t he shut down. Number 12 Charging Pump was returned t o service at 0645 on l ebniary 29. 1994 Since Number 11 Charging Piunp remained operable, l'n i t. I was wit hin t he action st atenent of Technical Sgreificat. ion 3 1.2 4 through-out t he event . No similar event s have occurred.

1he Charging Piunps are Annro St eel Mxtel J0531al6DF t riplex plunger pumps.

Prior t o this event Unit 2 was escalating in gmwer wit h one charging inunp out, of service. hhen t his event. orruered on Unit,1, Unit. 2 was held at, 30% power until it s t hird charging inunp was repacked and ret urned t o service.

An alt ernat (ve condition of the event. could have been t hat. 11 Charging Pump parking failed result.ing in no available charging piunps to Unit 1. If t his would base occurred it. woiild have been necessary to manually t rip t he reactor, maint ain t he r eact or coolant, syst em (Cly) at, nornuti operating temperatures to minimi/e makeup s cyttir enrnt s, isolat e letdown flow and depressurl/c the reactor coolant. syst em t o less t han 1300 PSIG in order to supply makeup t o t he react or coolant syst em via t he use of high pressure safet.y injection pumps (SFQ-P). To avoid this abnormal operat.ing condition it. was deened pnulent, t o shut down Unit, I aiul ensure Unit 2 had tha ce fully operable chat gtng inimps prior to increasing l' nit. 2 power level above 30 percent .

.cc . .. . m.



B ALTIMORE G AS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O. B O X 14 7 5 B ALTIM OR E. M A R YL A N D 21203 HUCLE AR POWER DEPARTMENT COLVERT CLIFFS NUCLE A R POWER PL ANT LUSOY, M ARYL AND 20467 April 25, 1984 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cianission Doctum nt Control Desk Docket No. 50-317 Washington, DC 20555 License No. DPR 53

Dear Sirs:

The at.tached revision to LER 84-04/3X is being forwarded to you for your information.

Sluxild you have any questions regarding this reix>rt, we would be pleased t o discuss them with you.

Very truly yours, L.11. Riissell l'lant Su[x?rintendent, LinR:JJN:mst cc Dr. Thomas E. Marley Director, Office of Kinagement Information and Program Contiol Mtssese A. E. Lundvall J. A. Tiernan 4

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