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AO-73-18:on 730823,max Amount of Radioactivity Contained in Outside Radwaste Storage Tanks Exceeded Tech Spec Limits. Caused by Failure to Recirculate Tank for Sufficient Time to Eliminate Stratification.Tanks Will Be Cleaned Out
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 08/31/1973
From: Carroll J, Reeves D, Ross D
To: Giambusso A, James O'Reilly
AO-73-18, NUDOCS 8305100066
Download: ML20084J086 (2)


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Jersey Central P o, p{vdf - & L.ight Company


M ADISoN AVENUE AT PUNCH DoWL Ho AD e MoRRisToWN. N.J. 07960 e 539-6111 August 31, 1973 Oh f

Mr. A. Giambusso S A +

Deputy Director for Reactor Projects R E C EI V E.ggD Directorate of Licensing - SEP4 1973  ;

United States Atomic Energy Commission 9- U.S. A % g Washington, D. C. 20545 Commia;on /g Regulatory

Dear Mr. Giambusso:

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Oyster Creek Station Docket No. 50-219 Outside Tank Activity The purpose of this letter is to report a violation of the Technical Specification, Paragraph 3.6.C.; whereas, the maximum amount of radioactivity, excluding tritium, neble gases, and isotopes with t ., <3 days contained in the radwaste storage tanks external to the radwaste bui kding, exceeded 10 curies.

This event is considered to be an abnormal occurrence as defined in the Technical Specifications, Paragraph 1.15.B. Notification of this event, as required by the Technical S})ecifications, Paragraph 6.6.2.a. , was made to the AEC Region I, Directorate of Regulatory Operations, on Thursday, August 23, 1973.

A routine analysis of the activity contained in the outside radwaste tanks was made and indicated the total activity to be 11.82 curies with 11.28 curies being contained in the waste surge tank. In reviewing the outside tank activity status sheets and the radwaste logs, an assumption can be made that the activity has been in excess of 10 curies since Friday morning, August 17. The apparent reason for this activity not being detected in samples taken Friday morning, Saturday morning, and Monday morning, was a failure to recirculate the tank for a sufficient period of time to clininate any stratification which nay have been present. This conclusio.1 was reached after a review by the chenical supervisor of Nedra sday morning's sample, when he noted that the octivity con-cent)ation of the water in the waste surce t ank was decreasing with no change in tank volume.

  • Due to an apparent plugging of the waste concentrator tube aundle which became evident Wednesday, August J5, plans ucre initiated to replace the element. Coincident with thit event , some n ry Joa p!I hater from the uake-up syste. floot d r ains was ci rculated through t he radwaste floor drain processin" sysi c and essentir.!!y " acid cleaned" the piping. 1hc waste surge tank, which hmJ been drained, w , used t o accomadale waste input into the radwaste systens Uhili the concealto; Gr has being wintained. In subser[uent radiechemical analysee 8305100066 730031 PDR ADOCK 05000219 g PDR y, [d( gg7g

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Mr. Giambusso August 31, 1973 of the water added to the tank starting on Thursday, August 16, at 2:00 p.m.,

the activity in the tank was found to be primarily as a result of particulate [

f matter in suspension. A quantity of partictrlate material had been known to be in the tank from a prior inspection and plans made to have an outside concern i clean the tank and dispose of the waste. Due to the length of time required {

for this job, though, the tank had not yet been. made available for cleaning. I Iloweve r, in adding tat er to the tank on August 16 and 17, it can be shown by comparisoa of previous analyses of the tank contents, thht a quantity of solid or particulate material was added with the water and, consequently, caused a signifi cant increase in the total curie content of thp",# tank. The major con-Fri- .

stituents in the solids activity are 60Co, 58Co, and Pa. By 10:37 a.m., 8 day, August 17, approximately 33,000 gallons of water had been transferred to ,

the tank. No additional water has been added to the tank since that time.

With the return of the waste concentrator to service late Saturday night, August IS, overall water inventory in the various radwaste systems has slowly beca decreasing. As sufficient roo a is made in the tanks internal to the building, waste water from the surge tank will be transferred to reduce the over- >

all activity. The area surrounding the tank has been re-surveyed and reposted accordingly to encure proper radiation protection, lie will keep the regional compliance office advised as to the date the outside tank activity is reduced be-low 10 curies. Iloth operators and chemistry technicians have been advised that, in t he future, recirculation of the contents of the surge tank should be conducted f or a sut heient pericci of time to insure that proper representative sanples and subsequent analysis may he corapleted.

As noted in the .Techni cal Specifications , limiting the activity stored in the outside tanks to less than 10 curies, assures that in the extremely un-likely crent of c rupture of the tanks, the resulting activity discharged to the bay would not he greater than the maximun activity recomended as the li miting condition for operatioa for the annual total quentity released in effluents gi.ven in the proposed App s lix 1 to 10Ci:P50. Duc, in this case, to the activity being primarily as a result of parti cu lat e mat ter in suspension , it is not felt that the material vould be deposited in the bay, but rather would be in the surrounding soil, never to reach the bay, should the tant rupture. This event has not proJoced . hn: ard t o the publi c since no rele se of activity has occurred.

In o r.iei to uinimize the reoccurrei ce of this situat ion, we intend t o eleen out seditent f rc i the waste surge tank as soan e , conditions permit. Further, the eq my i s p repu i ny, for sub.?i.ttal to th: AE', shor t ly , a des cript ion of

i r.n t fi c
.n t . J:ficaticy t o t he easting Oy s ter Creek radwast e f aci li ty.

!lc are enelt ;ing for:y copie: e this report,

\'ery t ruly yours ,

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'to : J.arcr. P. O'Rei)19 l>irre:t orat e of lu.galat ory Ope) ulion.s Repitus .T G31 Parh hwenno Ninti of Prust.iue Pennt:ylvnni a 1940G Vrom: Jort:cy Control Po.:cr (< )<iyht Com,trany Oynter Crco': Ruc.lcur Gt.noratinil St at.J on 1)ochet (50 219 i Vor):r:t] River,1.'ea' Jur! Oy Off/ 31


t N>norn.n1 Occurrenco Rapv2 t. 33.)q___.

Tiso f011v.cing i:: a prc]irdn:try separt. lucing cu1nt.itt.ct) in complianco vif h the Tcchnica1 Specificationu parograph G.f.2. l a

Prelindnary hyprovc1:

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g, J . T. Carroll, Jr. En t.o cc: nr. n . u..ra,n.,.,o

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i SUD.]I:CT Violation f tha TcchnicAL Spec 1Eication, Caragrarh 1.G.c, h I

i uhcrcas the .nximum demunt at radlaactivi ty , cxcluding tritiuu, g


nch10 gaso?,, and inatopit:= Wills L s.7 <3 daria containod in tho rad-wa :tc storaye tanhe external to the raduanta building exceeded 10 curies.

This event le considcccd to bc .1n abnorttal occurrence a3 defined in the Tedulical Spect t'ic.3 t.f.on , paragraph 1,153. 110t1[ication l

l l af thin event, as regulied by the Technical Spccificaticas, paracjraph 6.6.7.a, wan nada to Asc scgion 1, Directorate of Requ'atorij oparationn, by telephone on 0ednesday, August 2:1, l973r at 11 sC.I a.m. , and by telecopier at 4:15 p,cl.

S1TUATECI: A roulin analtjnin of thc nctivity contained in the outside radda.uth tanks sta3 mada .1nd indicated the total activity to be i

LL.R2 curins with 11,28 curies helby contained in the Tlast6 Surga l l

Tank. In reviening the outside tan l< activity statun shoctn and l the radwaste in]n, an annucptian can ha made that the activitt) -

E has been in cxccan cE 10 curies since t'riday t1'rning, AU'JU3t 17 l E

The apparent roancn for thi activity not helny detected in h fj L

sa; pics t.>kon Friday morning, Saturday morning, and Handay rarningi jl

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was a [ allure lo r circulata thn tank iar a nufficient Scried E


of tiae to ellednate alv) =tratification which t ay have been pieeenL. lr


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FAvsH: cuc to an appar .t plugging of.the wasta conca ator tubc hundle which becain evident IIedn0]d.19, Augn5C 15, plans wara initiated Lu revluce lhe elesent. The vanle Surge Tank, which hdd cosentidllt) b&&n drnincd, yaR unCd to occQCDdatc Wastc input into tho radwasta syntc=. In suh=cejacnt rad 10 chemical analysc= uf the water added to the tank atarting on 'rhursday, Augu=t 16 1 at 2:00 p.m. Llw not1Vlty in the tanx van found to be primrlisj ng n result of pnticulato mattor in suspcnnian.

1 a quantity u[ p. Articulate tuterial had been known ta ha in tha tank Eram d Priat indt:Bullon eand a purchase ordOr has bccn AB80ed to an outelde concern to clean tha tank and dinporc cf tha wartc. Due to the length OE titM .t quixed Ecr this job, though, the tank had not yat been trade availabic Ear c1 caning. HowcVer, in adding Water to tha tank on Augn.3c !6 and 17, it can he Ghcun by comparinan of previcu= analyne: .of the tank contents, titat a quantity of solid or particulate saaterial Was ddded v.ith the Water. . It vis this additional  ;

matcrial that caused a significant increase in the total curle i content of tha tank, Ry.10:37 a.m., Fridays August 17, apyrcxl-cutaly JJ,000 gallon: of water had been trans[ erred to the tank.

No additionni Water has b:en added to tha tank sincc that time, Kr:tsDLAL Acr1C:t; With the return of the flaste Concentrator to service late Saculday night, August 18, overall Water inventory in the vatloud rat.~'asta stistnmn han slculy bacn accccasing. As sufficient roact is mde in the tanks internal to the building, vaste vater from

-. - ,- ~ ,.-- _ . n .__. _ .___ _ . _ _ _ _ _ , , ,

.' the Surge Ta ill bc tran=Eetied LQ roduce overall activity.


The aton narrounding the tcou; has been to-survcyod and rc-panted uccordingly. nach arcritors ad chem 13try technician = hava hacn ddVlded thdl in tha 1Utura racirculdblon C[ th9 cCntent8 Ot' thc Sut00 Tank should be conduc! -! Eor Bufficiant poricd of tice to in?ura proper reprc=entet1Ve ennplen and nubacquant analysis twy be completed.

CA.ttrY nTm?rricr cn; A3 notod in tha Technical Syccification3, litrdting the activity 8 Cored in tho autside tanks to <10 curies assuro= that in the evant af a rupture of the t=rJ:s, the resulling activity nin - I charged to the bay would not bc greater then the ms::imum activity 1

recxmnded as tho limiting candition for operallon for the j armual LOLn1 quantity rc1casca in effluents efiven in the propc=cd i i

App ndix ! to 10CER50s Lue, in this ca3e, to tho activity being {

i primArily 4 2 a ranu).C of particulate t.uctet in eueten81cn, it.13 .b r

nut felt that the tuterial would bc dcposited in the bay, but i y

I rather uculd be in the surrounding 301.1, never to reach the bay,  ?

should tha tank rupturc.  !

Consequently, the algni.ficanca of thi: E l



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Licensec: Jersey Cent % Power & Light Company I -

50-219 V ~


!!. D. Thornburg, oAst Docket No.-

Chief, FSt.EB ,'


i Abnormal occurrence: A0-73-18

  • To (Name end wa.i; init: Ats a ria Amas RO:llQ (5)

DR Central Files (1) caTt The attached report from the subject licensee is Regulatory Standards (3) -

Dir. of Licensing (13j foruarded in accordance with RO Mnnual chnnter 1 P' 10 (Na me and w'*i/ SNIIIALS AEMAAK5 no Files v Central Ma'il & Files The action taken by the li_censee is considered mt appropriato. Followup will be performed durin?

the next innocction n's annron ~ite. Confee of l' fdoti (N ame .nJ we.O ptM ARAS i ,

j. - , the report have been foruarded to the PDR, Local


[ T; 1o , i PDR, NSIC, DTIE and State representatives. The

,ncility Operations < ~

__._I1 ra n ch licensec vill submit a 10 day written report to Pnwtsc CATE -

8/29/73 Licensing.

USE OTHER Saf t FOR ADDITIO*eaL REMARKS , g,y t d 1 0 -4en-o.

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