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Answers to First Set of Interrogatories & Request for Production of Documents on Contentions VI-1.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1984
From: Romano F
Shared Package
ML20086J956 List:
NUDOCS 8401260153
Download: ML20086J969 (5)



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' AIR and WATERI - -

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M Pollution Patrol aper BROAD AXE, PA. fEu Jan. 6, 1984 U. S.  :

Nuclear Regulatory Washington, Commission '84 jg jp 'c12:52 D.C. 20555 S

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Before The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board '.jity;-y '

In The Matter Of PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Docket Nos. 50-352 (LIMERICK GENERATING STATION and UNITS 1 and 2) 50-353 AWPP's (Romano) Answers To Applicant's First Set Of Interrogatories And Request For Production Of Documents To Intervenor On Contention VI-l Interrogatories (1)

State whether intervenor intends to present any expert witnesses on the subject matter at issue on Contention VI-1, as restated by the Licensing Board in its Memorandum and Order dated October 28, 1983 (slip op. at 5).

Answer: Not yet known.

(2) State whether intervenor intends to present any factual witnessesta)If so professional qualifications; (b) Subject matter: (c)

Substance of the facts'to which witness is expected to testify. -

Answer: Frank R.

Romano; (a) consulting chemist; (b) careless workmanship; (c) Careless workmanship involving safety related welding.


Identify by title, author, publisher and date of issuance of publicantion, all documents that you rely upon as a basis for your contentions or that you intend to use (by way of reference or eviden-tiary proffer) in presenting your direct case or in cross-examininc other witnesses on Contention VI-l and all documents to which you inten; to refer in cross-examination of other witnesses who may testify.


l All inspection reports and logs and Finding Reports requested of Applicant. 8401260153 840111 CPDR ADOCK 05000352 1 PDR

AIR and WATER Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE, PA.


AWPP's (Romano) Answere to Applicant's 1st Set of Interrogatories On Contention VI-l continued:

(4) To the extent that your answer is based on one or more documents,(a) identify such document; (b) identify specific linfor-mation; (c) explain how information provides basis for answer.

Answer: (a) As stated in #3; (b) as in #3 IE Reports; (c) infractions discribed.

(5) To the extent that you answer is based upon any study, calculation, research or analysis, (a) describe its nature; (b) iden-tify person (s) or entity (ies) who performed it; (c) describe its$

information; (d) describe the results; (e) explain how it provides basis for answer.

Answer: (a) Study of all IE Notices of welding infractions.

as an example, 76-06 '(Broomstick Affair) See 76-06-Q1; (b) you have this information; (c) falsification of work record; (d) re-inspect-ion resultea is discovery of fraud; ('e ) admission of inacurate state-ments.

y (6) To the extent that you answer is based upon conversations, consultations or correspondence or other communications with one or more individual or entities please identify, (b) state educational and professional background (c) describe nature of communication;(e) explain how such information provides basis for answer.

Answer: See (5).

(7) To the extent that intervenor possesses information or doc-uments expressing facts or opinions which are relevant to Contention VI-1, but which do not support intervenor's position or which have

AIR and WATER W Pollution Patro' BROAD AXE, PA.


D AWPP's (Romano) Answers to' Applicant's 1st Set of' Interrogatories On Contention VI-l continued:

not otherwise been fully provided in the answers ther.eto, please pro-vide such information and documents.

Answer: None at this time.

(B) Specify each system, component or part of the Limerick Generating Station as to which intervenor asserts that Applicant has failed to control performance of welding and inspection in accordance with quality control and quality assurance procedures and requirements (aside from that reported in NRC Inspection Report 50-353/76/06/01),

Answer: IE Reports as follows: 75-03-04; FR N-079; 76-06; 77-02-06-10, 11,12 ; 78-63,4.,7g8jli; ,s'L9*0 9,1,f; 8 0-0 2,2 0 ; 352-80-19,21; 81-05-06-08';-82 CPPR-l'08.

(a) Identify system, component or part involved in such failure.

Answer: As described in the numerous IE Repoits and logs through-out safety related component system. This has been asked of Applicant but not answered.

, AIR and WATER Pollution Patrol EROAD AXE, PA.


AWPP's (Romano) Answers to Applicant's 1st Set of Interrogatoric On Contention VI-l continued:

(b) Specify procedure which Applicant failed to utilize or requirement Applicant failed to meet.

Answer: See I.E. reports, AWS Code, Qualification tests, Qual-ity assurance records.

(c) Describe the exact defect or deficinecy which resulted.

Answer: See welding logs and IE infraction repcrts.

(d) State the nondestructive tests conducted on the weld in question.

Answer: Information not supplied.

(e) Identify the individual or individuals involved in the faulty welding or inspection.

Answer: Not all known.

(f) Identify the manner in which the defect or deficiency was discovered.

Answer: Inspections.

(g) Identify the individual or individuals who discovered such defect or deficiency.

Answer: Inspectors.

(h) Identify when and under what circumstances intervenor learned of such defect or deficiency.

Answer: Looking at IE reports after submission.

(i) Identify the documentation related to the defect or de-ficiency and its correction known to intervenor.

O a

AIR and WATER Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE, PA.


D AUPP's (Romano) Answers to Applicant's 1st Set of Interrogatories on Contention VI-l continued:

Answer: Defect not known to be corrected (as per 76-06-01) not fully described by Applicant.

(j) Specify whether such defect or deficiency has been dis-positioned or corrected.

Answer: Not.dispositioned..,.not corrected.

(k) If the defect has not been dispositioned or corrected, whether such action is planned or scheduled.

Answer: See Boyer affadavit re inaccessible welds.

(1) Specify the manner in which the defect or deficiency has been dispositioned or corrected.

Answer: See k above.

(m) Specify the reasons why intervenor believes the correction or disposition of the deficiency or defect fails to meet all appli -

cable requirements of the Philadelphia Electric Company, its contrac-tors or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Answer: Because as shown by 76-06-01 inspectors have been shown to O.K. work without inspecting it.Further, there are numcrcus examples when all requirements have not been met, it is dispositioned "use as is" for convenience only.

Respectfully submitted gig & WgJE)POLLUTIONPATROL Yr'a'EP.'R'.'R mE, Cha i rma n 61 Forest Ave.

Ambler, Pa. 19002
