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Containment Bldg Post-Tensioning Sys One-Yr Surveillance.
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/1972
From: Halligan D, Mccall J
Shared Package
ML20086U063 List:
NUDOCS 9201070204
Download: ML20086U094 (28)



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4 By kl N i g {J.K.McCall App: 8 G, M

' D. W. HallIgan


November, 1972 j.

. , . Bechtel Corporation 4

V San Francisco, California t

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- Page

\ 1.0 I NTnoDUCTIO!1 1-1  ;

2.0 SU m HY AND CONCLUSIONS 1-1 2.1 Sumnary 1-1 2.2 Conclusionn 1-2 I 3.0 GENE RAL 3-1 l


! 4.1 Sheathing Piller 4-1 i t

4.2 End Anchorage Assembly 4-1 {


e 5.1 Lift-Off Forces 5-1 1


) 5.2 uire Inspection 5-4 g

5.3 Discontinue.J Wires 5-4 \

'l 6.0 WIRE TESTING 6-1

!; bI p 6.1 Specimen Scicctio.. and Preparation 6-1 4

h 6.2 Test Equipment G-1

!p 1 il 6.3 Test Equipment Calibration 6-2 I

6.4 Wiro Test Procedure 6-2 <

f 6.5

,f Test Results 6-2 6.5.1 Percent Elongation at Ultimate Strength 6-3 1 6.5.2 Yield Strength 6-3 6.5.3 Ultimate Strength 6-3 0

6.5.4 Comparison with Original Acceptance Test Data 6-4 t

g 6.5.5 fracture Characteristics 6-4 i 6.5.6 Specimens with Surface Defects 6-4 7.0 RETENSIONING AND FILLER INSTALLATION 7-1 k Yoh

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] Sheathing i11.ler and Anchorage Assembly Surveillance Data i 3 and Wire Removal Data No:inalizing Factors for Surveillance

, Tendans

, 6-1 Identification and Description of Wire Specimens 6-2 Test Results - 100" Gage-Length Wire


$ 6-3 Tensile "est Resnits - 10* Gege4 Length Sp :::imet f 4 Accentance Test Data on Wiro Used in "

Fabricating Tendons Q 7-1 Retensioning and Sheathing Filler Installotion Datt D1 Laboratory Analysis of tihsathing Filler b



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! 3-1 )

Location and Identification of Sur-veillence Tendons i

5-1 Wire Force vs. Time - floon Tendons 5-2 Wire Force vs. Time - Vertical Tendons a

5-3 I Wire Force vs. Tima - Dome Tendons 6-1 Uire Test Machine Assembly  :


\ C-1 thru C-5 Wire Dreak Photographs i

D-1 thru D-12 Wire Inspection Data Sheets 1

U-l thru E-9 Tendon End Anchorage Sketches i


t 4



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I h 1.O INTRODUCTION The Tendon Surveillance Program is a systematic means of

) .

assessing the continued quality of the post-tensioning -

-l system. This provides a measure of confidence in the 3 a

condition and functional capability of the system and an

! opportunity for timely corrective measures should adverse 3

conditions (such as nrogressive corrosion) be detected. V i


! Surveillance consists of periodic inspection of a minimum I

of 9 pre-celected surveillance tendons (3 hoop, 3 vertical  !

and 3 dome) for physical condition.




> 4 i

2.1 S u,mmy This report covers tF one-year surveillance of the Containment Building Fest-tensioning System at the Point Beach Nuclear Power plant Uni *: No. 2. , _


Lif t-of f forces in all tendons exceeded the minimum ef f ective 'esign prostress force which considers losses due to concrete creep and shrinkaae and steel relaxation.

4 aS g*/

? =

li End anchorage assemblics worn found to bo in accentable 1

' condition with no sign of development of adverse l conditione such as progressivo corrosion. Some mill- j' g scale and a minor amount of corrosion Vere present l on shims and bearing platos; this in presumod to have been present at the time of installation.

The tendon wires were found to contain minor scratches, die marks, heat treating discoloration and some minor i 1 , '

localized length of the wiro.

corrosion sparsely distributed along the I 8 This is assumod to have been h procent at tho time of installation. Two broken tendon wires were found. They apparently broko during construction and thus do not indicate progressive deterioration.

i it

!1cchanical tests of specimens, with and without I surface imperfections, indicated the physical oroper-  !

ties (yield strength, ultimate strength and porcent

( elongation) of the wire exceed initial acceotance ,

requirements. l l {

i kN)


1-1 x pkwu~'~ '


,w . . . . . . . ,

4 1 neb

} No abnormal discoloration was observed in sheathing filler sampics. Laboratory analysis of samples

{ from each tendon aheath showed the amount of dele-i terious constituents acceptance icvols. to be well within establishod ,

2.2 Conclusions ,

j j Based it on the tests and investigation described herein, is concluded that the post-tensioning system in

! the Containment Building for point Deach Nuclear Power Plant Unit No. 2 shows no evidence of progressivo adverso deterioration. _

i 1

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k 1-2

    • "* 4 -

i 4

I O 3.0 GENERAL The one-year surveillance of Point Dcach Unit No. 2 Containment Duilding Post-tensioning System began in May, V 1972, approximately one year after comniction of the contain-ment structural integrity test which occurrod in March, 1971. This surveillance consisted of the following: f.

j (1) visual and laboratory examination of sheathing filler.

i (2) Inspection of anchor assembly for deleterious conditions I such as corrosion, cracks, missing wires or off-size-tuttonheads.

f (3) Measuring shin dimensions and anchor head bunhing j projection to determine lift-off elongation (clear distance between bearing plate and anchor head).

f (4) Measuring lift-off loads.

(5) i Measuring clongation at 0.8 ff (30% of minimum ultimate strength of tendon wire).


(6) Detension!.1g tendons and checking viro continuity by y pulling each wiro and observing its movement at the i

{- opposito end.


h (7) 3.,.moval of a minimum of one wiro from each tendon for c.saination and testing.

i O (0) 1 i k Retensioning tendons to lif t-off force measured in 5 a, Item (4) above less the effect of any wires removed

-@ and measuring corresponding tendon elongation.

f?[ (9) Visual inspection of wires removed from tendons. l (10) Testing of wires removed from tendons for yiold and ultimate strength and cercent clongation, j i

' } (11) l


k- Evaluation of test and inspection results to assess ^

f the general condition of the post-tensioning system and to evaluate time dependent factors such as pre-l

[b stress- losses and corrosion.

q Y  ;

b Thl.a work was condacted in accordance with " Surveillance 'l L~ Prnceuure included in for Appendix Containment A. Building Post-Tonnioning System" l*

{, iso ifentification and location of surveillance tendons are shown in Pigure 3-1.

B p

C 7

o W:

C, 3-1



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l Top Hoop lendon (

G II J K L M Elev 123'-91" 4  !

350" 290 230 170 110 50

  • I I i I i

, . 1 I l MH54 El 0 i, 1 5'-0" ', (i I MK 39 s

(. EL 7 8 '~3" ' ,

s n itK22 4 8 '-l'

, i s

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4 I

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I i i top of base alah Elev 6'-6" HOOP TENDONS-i DEVELOPED ELEVATION i 350

() 290" f/,,-V-278 g ,



s N s s

'i Dl-223 j.

y 2

N h - 50


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.u O 4.0 Tl;N'ON PILLl;B AND END ANC!!ORAGE ASSEMBLY The results of field inspection of the tendon sheathing  ;

tiller and the end anchorage ansembly are shown in Table 4-1 and Appendix E.

4.1 Sheathing Piller j

sampic s of filler were removed from each of the tendon  !

sheaths and visually examined. All samolos were dark brown indicating no discoloration caused by imourities was present.

A small amount of free water was found on the tendon wires near the field end of Tendon MJi-54. The source of this water is most likely collection of condensate. Ao significant corrosion of tScee wires was found. ,

Laborators 1. amination (see Appendix D) revrale- that deletericus product content of all samolca tested was ,

within establinhed acceptance limits.

Trar mir inside the shcathing filler cans prevented i y-compic, filler coverage of the anchor head and shims 1

of 3 of mac 18 tendon end anchorages inspected (Table 4-1, Cols. 7 6 0). The tendon and sheathing fillor j

systems involved were installed using proceduros similar to those used for other tendons, thus this condition may occur .t. other end anchorages. Inspection 1

' of the involved areas indicated that no significant corrosion is caused by these air pockots.

4.2 End Anchorace Assembl,g The end anchorage assemblics woro found to be in j acceptable condition.

< Off aize buttonhetda and buttonhead splits were found which probably existed at the time of original tendon tensioning. Mill scale and minor corrosion were noted on the original mill-stock surfaces of shims and bearing nlates, surfacos ,

cut for final fabrication showed slight spotty discolora-tion.

These conditions are similar to thoso generally fourd prior to sheathing filler installation and thus do not indicato subsequent corrosion.

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es * * ^ p *New e .w.c.--w._, m ,_ ,., w , , ., , , . g g= i 1 i 5.0 DUTENSIONING AND WIRE REMOVAL t i The observations obtained during detensioning and wire i removal are shown in Table 5-1.  ! 5.1 Lift-Off Forces I { Lift-off forces indicata prentress lossos have not exceeded design values. , The long-tenn (to 40 years) predictions of wire forces in the surveillance tendons are shown graphically in ., Figures 5-1 through 5-3. These predictions include ." the losses from wire relaxation and concrete creep and :i , chrinkage. The expected loss curves provide only i t an estimated trend in losses, the actual averago loss trend will be established by plotting wire forces obtained from future survuillance lift-off forco data. The minimum effective design prestress is the i required average force per wire at the end of 40 i l l years considering cencrete creep and shrinkage and

 }              .                     steel relaxation.

l calculation of expected losses is as follows: l.i ) t (1) Initial wire force based on a wire stress of 0.7 ff: F1 = .70 ff (Area of Wire)

                                                        = 0.7 (240) (.049)                                                                                       )

Fi = 3.25 K/ wire j/ (2) Wire force at 40 years due to steel relaxation and concrete creep and shrinkage. [ The prestress reduction at the end of 40 years

a. due to concrete creep and shrinkage and steel
       's                                    relaxation is estimated (see plant FFDSAR Section
5) to be 27.3 ksi (applicable to hoop, vertical and dome terdons).

Loss per wire = 27.3 (0.049). ,

        #                                                   = 1.34 K/ wire Minimum e .ective design prestress is the predicted wire force after 40 years.

(- l 5- l


I-3 I I l- f*) P49 = 8.25 - 1.34

        ;                        P 40 a

6.91 K/ wire (3) Wire forca after one year assuming 70% of losses occur in the first year. Py n 8.25 - 0.70 (1.34) P1 = 7.31 K/ wire ' To utilize figures 5-1, 5-2 snd 5-3 for comparison of  ! surveillance wire-force data requires normalizing the , data to account for =cquence) of post-tensioning structural deformations and initial lift-off (a function force deviations from seven-tenths of minimum ultimate strength. Plotting the normalized tendon force per wire at lif t-off on these graphs provides a compartoon of predicted forco range and sctual force at the time . of surveillance. For future convenience, the normalizing ' factor 5-2. Thefor cach surveillance tendon is listed in Table actual force in the wire is multiplied by

   '           -the normalizing factor to obtain the normalized force.

For example, calculation of the normalizing factor I [{} for tendon V-278 is as follows: > (1) Initial lift-off force based on a wire strean ) of 0.7 ff: l, Pt = 0.70 ff (area of wire) (number of wires)

                                      = 0.70 (240) (0.049) (90)

{ Pi = 743 k (2) Elastic stress loss based on number of tendons stressed subsequent to tendon V-278.


ny= Number vertical tendons tensioned af ter V-278/ total number vertical tendons

                                     = 148/164 i
                                     = 0.90

{ i fy

                                     = Average vertical concrete prestress                                                       i after all tendons are tensioned 3 0.75 kni h


                                  "  = Number horizontal tendons tensioned after  V-278/ total number horizontal tendons

( 5-2 5 i p p._,. . .. .__ _ 18;. nk : < * >

              - g                                  = 196/367
                                                   = 0.53 f

h = Average horizontal concrete prestrass

1.5 kai Possson's ratio (v) is assumed equal to 0.25.

The ratio of modulun of elasticity of steel to that of concreto (n) is assumed equal to .:9/6. ESL = Elastic Stress Loss -


(nyyf - vn hhf 3P


(.90 x .75 .25 x .53 x 1.5) (29/6) ESL = 2.3 kai (3)

  +-                           Elastic force lose based on elastic stress lose d; t                                 EFL = (ESL)

(area of Wire) (number of wires) 1 = (2.3) (0.049) (90) e C EPL = 10 kips tp (4) , jf Actual initial bration and lift-off force based on ram cali-pressure  ! j

   !,pj                                                                                                         i Py       =

YJ (ram effective area) (pressure) { 'h oit = (14 9. 0) (5150)  ;

?;{ 1000 I I i w P y = 770 kips 3 (5) Normalizing factor (NF) 1 :c
      ?                                                    Pg h                                NI "                                                                    i
        .                                           (Py - EFI)
                                              =             743 f

J[ (770 - 10) NP = 0.981 5 {e o K. i h ij l 5-3 i T. il v l



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i l l l , i 1 5.2 Ulry, _I nspecti,on The results of inspection of each tendon wire removed are shown in Appendix D. Wire in pection revealed some surface imperfections (abrasions, die marks, ano I discoloration) and the presence of oxidation sparsely distributed along the wires. All wire was classified in corrosion Category 3 or less (pitting less than 3 mills deep). The information obtained in these examinations provides a base for comparision in future inspections. 5.3 Discontinuous _ Fires t

                      }                                                                                                            l
                      ;                                        Two discontinuous wires were found in tendon D2-227.
                      ;                                        Pictures of the two wire breaks are khown in Appendix C   together with a metallurgical report on the break specimons.

The tendon buttonheading card for D2-227 indicates that one wire was broken prior to buttonheading and that two of the field buttonheads were improperly fo rmed . The break in wire il is similar to breaks

         ,.                  ([)                               previously observed on wires brokaa before buttonheading s            t
       ./                                                      thus it is assumed observed                 that vire 91 was the broken wire during buttonheading.                                 i k

i Droken wire 42 from tendon D2-227 apoarently broke  ; I

      "                                                        during or after tensioning.          A thorough examination of the sheathing filler removed from D2-227 showed                 i that the buttonhead was not inside the tendon system, thussheathing the    the wire must fillerhave cap. broken    before installacion of   4 Since filler cans were M

4 installed immediately after tensioning during con-atruction of this project, this viro break nrobably occurred during tensioning or inmediately afterwards Q h and is not indicative of deterioration subsequent to 9 4, installation of sheathing filler. P T l

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              !                  TABLE 5-2.         NOPMALIZING FACTORS FOR SURVEILLANCE TENDONS                                                           l b                   TENDON NO.       SHOP CR FIELD END           NORMALIZING FACTOR HK-22                  S                                                     . 969 F                                                     . 972 MK-39                  S                                                        962 F
                                                                                                                       . 950                             [l    t MH-54                  S                                                     . 942 P                                                     . 974                                    1
 ,,              l                        V-226                  3                                                     . 942                                    '

V-278 S . 901 g  ! V-339 S . 969

  .. j l t             c                        D1-223                 S                                                      . 954
 ,                                                               F                                                      . 962

{ U. D2-227 S . 913 F . 932 D3-225 S . 977 F . 972

        ?           i                                                                                                                                               <

4 NOTE: To obtain normalized tendon force, multiply measured tendon

            ,                              force at lift-off by normalizing factor.

d g ( . 4 N it y t yt I. '


I f.. p.w, e g g4 . rap ++ *"'*4" w* 4.x , - _. _ .- ..- . __ - . . .. I .-

      , f"                                                            -

gW . o . O s - i i 9.0 - - ~ - ---

                                                                                                                    @    HK22
                                                                                                                    $ MK39 O    MH54 8.5 8.0                                                          ,

I. 7o. I 1

                .e d         7.5 O

e W w _

             -e4                  -

14 N g  %  %  % Excected Lass Curve a, 7.0 0 , g Min. Effective De sign Prestr< :ss , (6.!'1 hips /i rire) 6.5 1 5 10 20 30 40 50 Time (Years) After Initial Tensioning FIGURE 5-1 NORMALIZED LIF7-OFF WIRE FORCE VS. TIME FOR HOOP TENDONS s l l



                                                                        - ~ ~

u _ __ __ . . .. za , -e -

f -

    $i 0                                                             0                                             3 I

9.0 - - - - - - - - - Q V-278 I j _ _ _ _ G V-339 8.5 l l 8.0 I E os f __s.. e a e4 3: 7.5 u A e - W

o. ~

W: 8  %  % Expected Lo as Curve l u 0 70 _L N -___

                                                            \ Min.         Effective De: sign Prestr%s (6.! 11;ips/vire) 6.5 1                                                 5            la                20          30    40   50 Time (Years) After Initial Tensioning FIGURE 5-2 NORMALIZED LIFT-OFF WIRE FORCE VS. TIME FOR VERTICAL TENDON.7 s

T_ pH

                                                                                                                  -. A 41
  'f          ,

o o 3 9.0 - - -- - - -- - - - D1-223 I G D2-227 O D3-225 l 8.5 e S 8.0 w 6 8 w 3:

                $   7.5                                                                                                                             i G                          &                                                   .

8 n u v 0

                "                          E                                               [ Expected Lc ss Curve l

l 7.0 Min. Ef EectivePhsign' ?restcess -(6,91 Kips / Wire) I 6.5 1 5 10 20 30 40 50 Time (Years) After Initial Tensioning FIGURE 5-3 NORMALIZED LIFT-OFF WIRE FORCE VS. TIMF FOR DOME TENT)ONS


i t. j O 6.3 _HI RE_TE ST I N G 6.1 ' pe,cimen i selection and Preparation Appendix D identifies the npecimens selected for

              ;                       testing.                                                          '}

l A typical section of wire (approximately 8-1/2 feet ' 1 l'. i long) was cut from each end and from the middle portion of each wire. 2ne specimens were then fitted with i stressing washers and buttonheaded to provide a gags length of approximately 100 inches (clear distance between buttonhoads). As specimens were removed from the wire, they were ( tagged with the following inform

  • tion: j E
1. Tendon identification number.
2. Location of specimen relative to the buttonhead-end of the tendon wire. y These tags remained with the specimens through com-p3 ction of te:c.tng.

6.2 Test Equipmen( [) k The test assembly used ror testing nominal 100-inch gage-length wires is shown in Figure 6-1. A tensile force was applied to the wire through the 4 stressing washers inserted in the pulling adaptors.  !

          ^                         One adaptor was screwed onto a threaded 1-1/0" diameter               !

rod anchored to the end of the reaction frame. The .( other pulling adaptor was -screwed onto the threaded [ portion of the ram plunger. The 10"-stroke 2-way ram

        "                           was bolted to the pulling end of the reaculon frame.           ){i Tension was applied to the wiru by pressurizing the
                                    " pull" side of the two-way ram with a hydraulic pump.

The force applied to the wire was obtained from  ; reading the calibrated pressuro gage. e i

  "                                 Displacement to it clongation was measured utilizing                  !

M two dial extennometers (having a 2-inch travel and l lowest 6-1. Figure division of 0.001 inches) mounted as shown in The dial gage meunting bar was anchored  ; d i rigidly to the reaction frame at its midpoint. The extensometers were positioned on the mounting bar to i ) measure the change in distance between the two index rods attached to the pulling adaptors. This, after  ; p (,) proloading to seat buttonheads into pulling washers, enabled measurement of wire elongation. i 8 6-1


i i Y g%d8 8- 8 ft )  ! %r -- - -_ -

c-I i


("I The elongation under load at failure I was obtained utilizing a rule attached to the gage (ultimate strength) 5 mounting bar at the ram-end to measure the relative  ; i displacement between thn index-rod and the dial mounting bar. { 6.3 Measurements were read to the nearest 0.05 inches. Tygg ,gi,p,m,e,Q ,Ca,Qbra tion I j The pulling assembly (gage and ram) was calibrated in a testing machine certified accurate to 1/24 of load j l readings of specimens,this was done both before and af ter testing j l ,~ The-calibration testing indicateresulto from before an increase of 3 toand after 46 in wire aoplied load at a given pressure resulted from pulling assembly use.  ; This probably resulted from an overhaul of the ram during the test program necessitated by failure } of the pump pressure linevalves-to coupling.maintain pressure and a defective The offect of these pressure

                             'ystem malfunctions on both the initial calibration and teste done before the overhaul is undetermined; however, some test results obtained before the overhaul are apparaatly Epproximately 3 percent low.

g]) 6.4 Wire Test Procedure cation A421-65 with the exception of gage A length.The te nominal 100-inch gage length instead of 10" was - i chosen _ to obtain a larger samp(le more represe)ntative of the actual in-place strength of the wire. The '

 ;                          100" gage-length specimens may indicate a lower
 '                         ultimate strength and less ductility (elongation)                            i than 10" specimens since failure will occur at the                           i weakest point in the wire (equivalent to the hvest                          {

elongation under load at failuru will also tend to bevalue th less due to distributtor. of clongation at the noch-down area over a length of wire ten times that of the nominal 10" gage-length specimen. !I

                   '6.5   Test Results
                          'Ine shown n suits   of tests in Table   6-1. on 100 inch gage-length samples are i

t r gags-length samples are Theshown results of tosts in Table on 10 inch 6-2. ' a 6-2

l I i k i 6.5.1 Percant Elongation at Ultinate Strenoth i Due to the effects discussed in nar. 6.4, wire t tested using 100 inch qage-lenoth specimens in j expected to exhibit icos elongation at failure , than identical wire tented using 10 inch gage-length specimens. Based on previous surveil-k lance test data, a wire which exhibits 44 4 ultimate elongation utilizing 10 inch gage-length tests is expected to exhibit 3% ultimate { clongation utilizing 100 inch gage-length tests. All wires from the nine tendons exhibited a ductility exceeding 3.9 percent. 6.5.2 Yield Strength The yield strength of all tendon wire specimenn tested except one from tendon HK22 exceeded ' the specified minimum yield strength of 192 kai at it clongation. The tent result which was percent low for a wire specimen from tendon HK22 was probably low because it was recorda3 before the repair of a test assembly . malfunction. The other two wire togt specimens l O from HK22 gave renuits in excess of the specified yield strength. .

     ;                                            6.5.3                 Ultimate Strength I                                                                                                                                     l, j

The ultimate strength of all but four of the ' specimens tested exceeded the snocified minimum ultimate scrength of 240 kai. The four low test results, which all were approximately '

        -                                                               2 parcont low, were recorded before the repair of a test assembly malfunction. The low test
 .g results were evaluated as follows:                            l (1)   Tendon MK39.                 The ultimate atrength test renufts ot'~two of the three 100 inch uf re specimens from tendon MK39 are apnroxi-mately 2 peraent below the specified minimum valut. Additional tests on 10 inch specimens from the same wire were p

t made to determine if wire strength was in fact below the specified minimum ( value. The renults from these testa, l which all indicate wire strennth exceedn 1 f specified minimum ultimate strength, [ indicate that the low results are due I. to test assembly malfunction and not

 ]                (,j                                                         Jow wire strength.

J j k 1 6-3 1 Ii 1 ,___ . k , 0

6 r


( g. t \ (2) Tendon HK22 i k The ultimato strength test i wire specimensoffrom result'~6T'6no the tendon throo 100 i, 72inch is

  • l- aporoximately 2 percent below the speci-find minimum valuo.i Results from f f lI additional tents on'10 inch seccimens from the namn wire, which all indicate i a


    $                                                                  wire strength exceeds specified minimum                                     1 i

ultimate strengh, indicate that the  ! low result in due to test assembly mal- } function and not low wire strength. l I (3) Tondon V-273 wiro 81. l i streisii test ~fEndTF The ultimate t 100 inch wire soocit..',at one of the three - wire il is approximately 2from tendon V 273 porcent below , the specified minimum value. The results from the two other 100 inch snocimens from wiro 81 and the three 100 inch specimens from wire 42, which all indicate wire strength execeds the specified , minimum value, indicate that the low result is due to test assembly malfunction and not low wiro etrength. 6.5.4 O Comparison with Oricinal Accentanco Test Data  !

Yho range of ultimato strength of the samploo l

{ tested compares well with that obtained in acceptance tests (see Tablo 6-3), . 6.5.5 Fractura characteristics i i The typical fracture was the classic cusp-cono  ! except for abnornal breaks in bdttonhoads. i 6.5.6 Sgocimonn with Surface Defects i A comparison of wire test resulta for 100 inch ' specimens with and without surface defectn indicates in strengththat andthoro physical is noproperties detectable ofdecreano wire specimena with nurface defects, i i t

         '\)                                                                                                                              I I

s-4 zy.

                  - - -       - _ - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -                                                           ------- --- -- - -                         ~

l l TABLE 6-1 TEST RESULTS - 100" GAGE LENGTH WIRE SPECIMENS i O Tendon Sam le in Yiold

            !                No.                                               No. 1)

Ultimate Percent Location (2) Stress (KSI) Stress (KSI) Elongation of railure Remarks-

                         " 9                                                                   1                                                           193                       236          6.2           M 2                                                           194                       235                                            !

5.3 BH i 3 210 248 5.8 Bil I 53r:22 1 190 236 l l 2 5.6 M 208 253 4.5 BH I -

    ,                                                                                          3                                                           211                       260          5.7           M                   j HM54                                                                  1                                                           210                       256          5.6           M 2                                                           217                       259          4.5           M 3                                                           215                       255          4.7           M                    ,

t V226 1 208 254 ~ 5.5 M 2 200 248 5.7 M ' l 3 200 244 5.5 M

V278 1 194 l Wire i l 2 208 235 258 5.2 5.9 lH M

3 199 M6 5.0 Bit V278 1 219 255

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~       ~

I f'* C Wire 42 2 3 207 208 253 i 6.2 5.4 11 M  ; 251 l 5.8 M j

                        -V339                                                                 1                                                            207                       252 2

5.8 M 207 253 6.3 3 224 M j 252 5.7 M . D1-223 1 214 260 2 4.9 BH 221 252 4.4 B11 3 214 258 4.5 Bli y D2-227 1 220 272 5.8 Bit Wire 2 217 269 4.9 BH

      '1                  il                                                                  3                                                            222                       271          4.9        BH I

D2-227:#2 - 226 258 4.7

      ?                  D2-227:43                                                           -

235 M 270 5.4 M (3) D3-225 1 221 263 5.3 M 2 218 265  ; 5.2 M i 3 221 258 3.9 M J NOTES: l (1) See Appendix D for sample location on wires (2) railure portion isoflocated wire. within 1" of Buttenhead (BII) or within Middle (M) (3) Tendon wires samples marked D2-227:02 and D2-227:03 were obtained from the two broken vires found in Tendon D2-227. g . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --


   .,                                                                                                         STRE3S (KSI)                       ELONGATION HK22                  G                                                            253                 5.4 i                                                             H                                                             253                 5.5 j                                                             J                                                             251                 5.1
  • K 251 e 5.6 h1 MK39 A 246 5.6 B 244 C 5.5
                 ,-                                                                                                           249                  5.3 C                                               D                                                                                                         -
       \                                                                                                                      247                  5.0          '

E -248 P 5.2 247 5.2




1 1 2

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     . g n;                                                _                      _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _                       -



4 __ Mark Coil Ho. Heat No. Sample A Sample D ~ Strength (KSI) . MK39 176 16858 253 258 219 187 16858 249 251 219 f 731 40319 251  ! 254 210 i HK22 281 40320 255 256 215


l 291 40320 254  ! 755 263 215 1 28459 251 248 214

               '              HM54             362                      40066           255             247                  222 370                      40066           254 470                                                      249                  222 40066           252             252                  222 V-226            468                      15493 469 247              251                 213                    '

15493 240 249 470 15493 242 213 252 213 ' V-278 250 15493 247 254 212


257 15493 244 . 251

  • 212 i V-339 704 27583 248 t k 709 252 217  !
  '                                                                     27583          248             255 722                      27583                                               217                     I
       ,            -                                                                  246             251                  217 737                      275S3          251                                                            ,

249 217 - Dl-223 696 15492 ~24? ~ 713 - 245 211 15492 249 251 720 15492 211 247 251 211 D2-227 761 15492 247 763 248 211 15492 257 ~261 872 34159 211 253 247 230 D3-225 46 34155 '251

           ;                                  150                      15481           252 253                  215 165                                                     253                  215
         !                                                             15481           251             255                                              ,
                                      -                                                                                     215                        '


1) The minimum ultimate st.rength is 240 kai. '

2) The minimum yield strength is 192 kai at 14 elongation. 3) Samples A & B are the results of the two tests to determine i' ultimate strength of each coil during tenden fabricatien. 4) The yield stren(th is determined for each heat during wire manufacture. l l y ,, m m . .

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  • l N AMfn % * % 4 % y *aly, r I Figure 6-1 WIRE TEST ASSmBLY
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p.. 4 s N s i 1 i 4 l I ('*) 7.0 RETJNSION7NG AND FILLER INSTALLATION l 7.1 The data obtained durinq retensioning and filler l instellation are shown in Tabic 7-1. ( 3 7.2 The tends .a were retensioned to apriroxt stely the sane stress obtained level during thisindicated surveillance. b/ lift-off force data {j t Additional alonga-tion was measured as indicated by data.  ; 7.3 Tendon V-278 was retonsioned twice as indicated ay Table 7-1. This was necessary because it was decided to remove a second wire from this tendon after it had been retensioned. It !,s impossible to remove ' s a wire without detensioning the tendon. 7.4 The volume of sheathing filler removed and replaced was recorded. , g 7.5 The etensioning information providon innut data for

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