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CA003702 Review the Description of the AFW Recirculation Line Function in the FSAR, DBD-01, and the IST Program for Consistency and Accuracy, and Initiate Revisions as Required. Printed 12/11/2002
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/2002
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CA003702, FOIA/PA-2003-0094
Download: ML030760097 (4)


Nuclear Management Company Page I of 4 STATE CHANGE HISTORY Conduct Initiate Assign Assign Conduct Work Update Work Return Assign Work Work 3/4/2002 2/712002 2/812002 2/5/2002 3 39 56 PM 7.02 39 AM 8 00 13 AM 3.57 47 PM by RICHARD by TOM Owner JAMES by SCOlT Owner by JAMES Owner TOM Owner TOM M JOHNSON JAMES CARTER FLESSNER CARTER CARTER PFAFF HANNA 17 HANNA k

Assign Reassign Reassign Assign Work Reassign Assign Assign Conduct Work 3/21/2002 Work Work 3/12/2002 4/15/2002 25535 PM 4/111/2002 10 35 09 AM Owner 1 59 00 PM 2 20 15 PM by SCOTT Owner by WILLIAM by RICHARD by DICK RICHARD Owner DICK Owner JASON PFAFF WILLIAM ZIPP FLESSNER HORNAK FLESSNER HORNAK HAWMAN ZIPP pr S~h.

Work Review & Assign Conduct Reject Conduct Work Return Assign Complete Approval Work Work 8/13/2002 7/31/2002 811312002 8113/2002 9 23 47 AM 1:24:10 PM 9 26-53 AM 9 33 26 AM by DICK Owner JASON by RICHARD by DICK by JASON Owner DICK HAWMAN Owner DICK Owner ROB HORNAK HORNAK FLESSNER HORNAK HORNAK CHAPMAN HAWMAN

,A P IL Work Review & Approved i Complete and A Complete Quality Check Close Done Approval 91512002 9/23/2002 9/4/2002 12 00 41 PM 2.05 38 PM 3 55:01 PM by DICK Owner PBNP Owner by ROB Owner DICK CAP Admin by JULIE (None)


'I F' KREIL SPr SECTION I Activity Request Id: CA003702 Activity Type: Corrective Action Submit Date: [1"5.203:57.47 PM Site/Unit: Point Beach Common Activity Requested: Review the description of the AFW recirculation line function in the FSAR, DBD-01, and the IST Program for consistency and accuracy, and initiate revisions as required.

  • CATPR: N Initiator: FLESSNER, RICHARD Initiator Department: EX Engineering Responsible Group Code: EDMP Engineering Processes PB 2 Design Mechanical PB Responsible Department: Engineering Activity Supervisor. DICK HORNAK 6)

Activity Performer: ROB CHAPMAN SECTION 2 Priority: 3 Due Date: 9/1312002

"* Mode Change Restraint: (None) Management Exception From PI?: N

"* QA/Nuclear Oversight?: N

  • Licensing Review?: N https:/ 116 12/11/2002

Nuclear Management Company Page 2 of 4 NRC Commitment?: N 0 NRC Commitment Date:

0 Significance Level: A SECTION 3 Activity Completed: 1/18/2002 12.52PM - LARRY PETERSON.

Due date extended as requested and approved by F. Cayia in prior update Retruned to R flessner for completion.

1/18/2002 12.54PM - LARRY PETERSON Reassigned to R. Flessner for completion following extension.

3/12/2002 10.35AM - SCOTT PFAFF:

Reassigned to B. Zipp for work assignment due to the transfer of J. Hanna (per request of T Carter) 411512002 2:20PM - DICK HORNAK:

As the previous owners of this item seem to have shirked their responsibilities in dispositioning it, assigning this research to JOH.

7/31/2002 1:24:10 PM - JASON HAWMAN:

The FSAR and DBD-01 were checked for consistency and accuracy. The IST program coordinator was consulted for the IST description.

FSAR 10.2 describes 1/2AOV AF-4002 as dissipating turbine driven pump heat, but does not describe failure position or emergency air supply. The same applies for AF-4007 and 4014 for the motor driven pumps. The 45-second delay on the mini-flow circulation for motor driven pump stability and coast down is also descnbed. There is also analysis of a postulated single control failure for AF-4007 or 4014 that that forces excess air to one of these valves, causing it to fail OPEN. This is the opposite scenario to the action item. The FSAR does not analyze the circulation line for the loss of air.

DBD-01 Section describes the air supply to all the local AOVs , and describes a nitrogen backup for AF-4012 and 4019, but not for the mini-recirc valves.

The System Endurance parameter section 2.2.3 contains no description of the mini-recirc, even though it has a direct bearing on the longevity of the AFW pump. The only consideration was the magnitude of the various water supplies, and not on actual pump needs.

Section 3.8 lists the function of the recirc valves. One of these functions describes a manual gag in the open position to ensure minimum pump recirculation for the turbine driven pumps during plant fires. There is no listing for pneumatic power to for the purpose of protecting to the pumps. The Component Parameter Worksheet section 3.8.2 specifically states under the Valve Open header that there is no Safety Related function that requires these valves to be open. This is still true, due to the assumption that an Operator is on location during the evolution to put full flow to the Steam Generators or shut the pumps down as necessary.

Section 3.8.5 discusses pump protection as part of the background on determining the correct failure position, and even notes that the source documents do not consider the worst case of a loss of air and active failure shut of the pump discharge valve, resulting in pump deadhead. A note at the bottom remarks that such a combination of failures falls outside the system design and licensing basis because NUREG -0800 has not been incorporated into the PBNP license.

The IST program does not currently cover the mini-recirc AOVs. due to the fact that minimum flow for the AFW pumps is not considered a Safety Related function.

The above sources are not in conflict on any facts, and none of the descriptions contains incorrect data, so no changes will be needed to correct inconsistencies between them.

Modification 01-144 makes changes to increase the reliability of the air supply to the AOVs, and changes will come as part of the modification closeout, but these changes will not correct any current inconsistency. There are also discussions underway to make the mini-recirc line Safety Related, but no decision has been made on if or how much of the mini-recirc line will be made Safety Related. This item should be close, with no following actions for document updates necessary.

8/1312002 9:33:26 AM - DICK HORNAK:* **&RecordId=* .. 12/11/2002

Nuclear Management Company Page 3 of 4 See 8/13/2002 Note created dunng Reject transition Reassigning to RCC and changed Due Date to reflect that in letter NRC 2002-0068 9/3/2002 5 03.45 PM - RICHARD FLESSNER This pnority for this item was incorrectly changed from a 3 to a 4 and is being returned to a 3 As a CA from a RCE a priority 3 is the correct level. (There is a CAP and ACE addressing this issue). The due date is being revised to 9113102 because the previous due date change was not approved by a senior manager. Jim Freels approved a new due date of 9113102.

9/4/2002 3 55:01 PM - ROB CHAPMAN Close this item to new action item CA026231, which will track installation of MR 02-029 and updates to the FSAR, DBD, and IST background document as needed to reflect the functions of the AFW Mini Recirc AOVs 9/5/2002 12:00 41 PM - DICK HORNAK:

We have reviewed the description of the AFW recirculation line function in the FSAR. DBD-01 and the IST Program and find the only changes that are required are those resulting from the recent decision to upgrade the open function to safety related. These updates to the design and licensing basis are being implemented via MR 02-029, Aux Feed Mini Recirc Safety Upgrade. The evaluations required for this item are complete and this item may be closed.

CA 026231 has been initiated to track the completion of MR 02-029 and documentation updates related to its closure.

9/2312002 2:05:38 PM - JULIE KREIL:

Updates to the FSAR, Tech Spec Bases, DBDs, and IST background documents will be completed via MR 02-029 (which is being tracked via CA026231.

SECTION 4 QA Supervisor: (None) Licensing Supervisor (None)

SECTION 5 0 Project: CAP Corrective Actions O State: Done 0 Active/Inactive: Inactive

  • Owner:. (None) AR Type: Daughter

"*Submitter RICHARD Assigned Date: 8/13/2002 FLESSNER 6

"*Last Modified Date: 9/23/2002 2:05:38

  • Last Modifier JULIE KREIL f PM

"*Last State Change Date: 9/23/2002 2:05:38 0 Last State Changer: JULIE KREIL 66 PM 0 Close Date: 9/23/2002 2:05:38 PM 0 One Line


Probabilistic Risk Assessment PRA For Auxiliary Feedwater System AFW NUTRK ID: CR 01-3595 Child Number 1


CR 01-2278 RCE 01-069 GOOD CATCH MR 02-029 NUREG-0800 DBD-01 MR 01-144 FSAR 10.2 1000&Recordld=l .... 12/11/2002

Nuclear Management Company Page 4 of 4 Update:

Import Memo Field:

CAP Admin: PBNP CAP Admin Site: Point Beach OLDACTIONNUM:

Cartridge and Frame:

NOTESICOMMENTS Note created during 'Return' transition by JAMES HANNA (31412002 8:00:13 AM)

Item requires reassignment to new AF system engineer Note created during 'Reject' transition by DICK HORNAK (8113/2002 9:23:47 AM)

In light of recent communication with NRC via letter NRC 2002-0068 dated August 12, 2002, and the station's desire to upgrade portions of the miniflow line and the open function of the miniflowAOV's to Safety Related, this item should remain open until design and licensing documentation are appropriately changed to reflect this position.

Note created during 'Return' transition by RICHARD FLESSNER (8/13/2002 9:26:53 AM)

Returned to Dick Homak per his request. (RAF)

Additional Approval Note by DICK HORNAK (9/612002 9 09:12 AM)

During preparation of MR 01-144 and MR 02-001 which were installing backup pneumatic supplies to the AFW mini-recirc AOVs, an extensive review of the FSAR, DBDs, and IST background document was performed. As part of closeout for these mods, FSAR change requests were prepared to document the new backup supplies. The IST background document did not require revision at this time. A markup of DBD-01 was prepared, which corrected many errors and inconsistencies, and added reference to these mods. This update has not yet been submitted.

Now that the decision has been made to make the recirc AOVs open function safety related, as implemented by MR 02-029, new updates will be required to the FSAR, Tech Spec Bases, DBDs, and the IST background document. The previous DBD-01 update is being revised to incorporate the new mod. New updates for all other documents are being prepared.

These updates will be tracked by MR 02-029.

ATTACHMENTS AND PARENTICHILD LINKS Z2ACE000314: Probabilistic Risk Assessment PRA For Auxiliary Feedwater System A SCAP001415: Probabilistic Risk Assessment PRA For Auxiliary Feedwater System AFW CHANGE HISTORY 912312002 2:05:38 PM by JUUE KREIL Activity Completed Changed From '[Original Textr To [Appended I Updates to the FSAR, Tech Spec Bases, DBDs, and IST background documents will be completed via MR 02-029 (which is being tracked via CA026231.

References Changed From 'CR 01-2278tRCE 01-069tGOOD CATCH' To 'CR 01-2278 RCE 01-069 GOOD CATCH MR 02-029 NUREG-0800 DBD-01 MR 01-144 FSAR 10 2' State Changed From Quality Check To Done Via Transition: Complete and Close Active/Inactive Changed From Active To Inactive Owner Changed From PBNP CAP Admin To (None)

Last Modified Date Changed From 9/6/2002 9"09:12 AM To 9123/2002 2:05"38 PM Last Modifier Changed From DICK HORNAK To JULIE KREIL Last State Change Date Changed From 915/2002 12.00 41 PM To 9/23/2002 2:05:38 PM Last State Changer Changed From DICK HORNAK To JULIE KREIL Close Date Changed From Unassigned To 9/23/2002 2.05 38 PM 1000&RecordId=ll.. 12/11/2002