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Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/23/2002
Nuclear Management Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML022480430 (53)



To: NRC-NRR Document Control Desk US NRC Washington DC 20555 Re: Entire EPIP Document (Copy 28)



n/a Distribution Date: 08/23/2002 Effective Date of Change: 08 /23 /2002 Return by: 09/15 / 2002 Please perform the following to your assigned manual. Ifyou have any questions regarding this TAM please contact Don A. Johnson at 319-851-7872.

REMOVE INSERT Rev. 127 Rev. 128 EPIP Table of Contents Revision Rev. 6 Rev. 7 EPIP 4.2 (PWR: 18933)

Rev. 10 Rev. 11 EPIP 4.3 (PWR: 17672)

Rev. 2 Rev. 3 EPIP NOTE-02 (PWR: 17831)


Print Name Sign Name Date Please return to: K. Dunlap PSC/Emergency Planning 3313 DAEC Rd.

Palo, IA 52324 To be completedby DAEC EP personnelonly:

Date TAM returned:

EPTools updated: PJ


EPIP NOTE-04 (PWR: 18421) Rev. 1 Rev. 2 EPIP NOTE-06 (PWR: 18422) Rev. 0 Rev. 1 EPIP OSC-12 (PWR: 17673) -Rev. 0 Rev. 0 EPIP OSC-13 (PWR: 17674) 41ey Rev. 0 EPIP OSC-14 (PWR: 17675) , Rev.-O, Rev. 0 EPIP OSC-15 (PWR: 17676) -Rev-(0- Rev. 0 EPIP OSC-16 (PWR: 17677) -Rev.-G- Rev. 0 EPIP PASE-05 (PWR: 18423) Rev. 0 Rev. 1 EPIP TSC-40 (PWR: 17659) Rev. 0 PERFORMED BY:

Print Name Sign Name Date Please return to: K. Dunlap PSC/Emergency Planning 3313 DAEC Rd.

Palo, IA 52324 To be completed by DAEC EP personnelonly:

Date TAM returned:

EPTools updated:


Procedure Title Revision Date Number 1.1 Determination of Emergency Action 19 09/12/01

. ..- I Levels 1.2 Notification 26- 08124101 1.3 Plant Assembly and Site Evacuation 9 09112/01 1.4 Release of Emergency-Related - 3 09/12/01 Information 1.5 Activation and Operation of the EOF 3 10/16/00-2.1 Activation and Operation of the OSC 13-- 09/12/01" 2.2 Activation and Operation of the TSC -22 02/22/02 2.3 Operation of the FTS-2001 Phone 5 09/12/01 Network 2.4 Activation and Operation of the ORAA 8' 09/12/01 2.5 Control Room Emergency Response 14- 10/15/01 Operation 2.6 Activation and Operation of the ORAL 8 10115/01 2.7 Activation and Operation of the ODEF 6 10/15/01 2.8 Security Threat 1 11116/01 3.1 In-Plant Radiological Monitoring 11 10/15/61 3.2 Field Radiological Monitoring 12 10/15/01 3.3 Dose Assessment and Protective Action 17- 10/15/01 4.2 First Aid, Decontamination and Medical 7- -8/23/02 II Support 4.3 Rescue and Emergency Repair Work - 811 823/02 4.5 Administration of Potassium Iodide (KI) -6 10/15/01 5.2 Recovery and Re-entry 9 - 10/15/01


<2 Form Title Revision Referencing Number Number Procedure CR-01 OSM/OSS Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 2.5 CR-02 Back Panel Communicator Checklist Rev. 1 EPIP 2.5 CR-03 Dose Projection-& ARM Data Sheet Rev. 0 EPIP 2.5 CR-04 Control Room to TSC Command and Control Rev. 1 EPIP 2.5 Transfer Checklist EAL-01 Abnormal Rad Levels/Radioactive Effluent Table Rev. 2 EPIP 1.1 EAL-02 Fission Barrier Table Rev. 2 EPIP 1.1 EAL-03 Hazards & Other Conditions Affecting Plant Safety Rev. 2' EPIP 1.1 EAL-04 System Malfunction Table Rev. 2 EPIP 1.1 EOF - 02 NRC - HPN Communicator Checklist Rev. 3 EPIP 1.5 EOF - 03 Technical Recorder Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 1.5 EOF - 04 Summary of Computer Data Backup Collection Rev. 1 EPIP 1.5 Activities EOF - 05 EOF Information Services Representative Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 1.5 EOF - 06 DAEC Key Parameter Log Rev. 0 EPIP 1.5 EOF - 07 Emergency Response and Recovery Director Rev. 3 EPIP 1.5 Checklist EOF - 08 Rad & EOF Manager Checklist Rev. 5 EPIP 1.5,3.3 EOF - 09 EOF STA/OPS Liaison Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 1.5 EOF - 10 EOF-TSC Communicator Checklist Rev. 3 EPIP 1.5 EOF - 11 Support Services Coordinator Checklist Rev. I EPIP 1.5 EOF - 12 Field Team Director Chiecklist . Rev. 0 EPIP 1.5, 3.3 EOF- 13 Radiological Data Communicator Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 1.5, 3.3

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Rev. 128 KINDEX PAGE 3 of 7 EOF- 14 EOF MIDAS Operator Checklist Rev. 1 EPIP 1.5, 3.3 EOF - 15 -Radiological Data Plotter Checklist Riev. 0 EPJP 1.5, 3.3 EOF - 16 Radiological Assessment Coordinator Checklist Rev. I EPIP 1.5, 3.3 EOF - 17 EOF Security Access Clerk Checklist Rev. 1 EPIP 1.5 EOF - 18 EOF Staffing Accountability Roster Rev. 2 EPIP 1.5 EOF -19 Drill Announcement Message Rev. 0 EPIP 1.4, 1.5 EOF - 20 Emergency Announcement Message Rev. 0 EPIP 1.4, 1.5 EOF - 21 Personnel Access Log Rev. 1 EPIP 1.4, 1.5 EOF - 22 Registration Form .,Rev.0 EPIP 14, 1.5 EOF - 23 Security Post Log ."Rev. 1 EPIP 1.4, 1.5 EOF -24 First Floor Sec-urity Post Description Rev. 1 EPIP 1.4, 1.5 EOF - 25 Fourteenth Floor Security.Post Description Rev. I EPIP 1.5 EOF-27 Status Update Message-EOFConuiunicator Rev. 0 . EPIP 1.5 EOF - 28 Verbal Closeout Summary Rev. 0 EPIP 1.5 EOP - 29 Written Closeout Summary kev. 0 EPIP 1.5 EOF - 30 Status Board Rev. 0 EPIP 1.5 EOF -'31 Access Badge Example Rev. 0 EPIP 1.5 .

EOF - 32 EOF StaffResponse Rev. 2 - EPIP.15 EOF - 33 Recovery Issues - - Rev. 0 EPIP 5.2 EOF- 34' EOF Activities - Rev. 0 EPIP 5.2 EOF '-35 Recovery Phase Plan Outline Guidance Rev. 0 EPIP .52 EOF - 36 RE-Entry Briefirng Guide .. Rev. 0 ,- EPIP 5.2 EOF - 37 RE-Entry Dbriefing Guide Rev. 0 EPIP 5.2 JPIC - 01 JPIC Manager Checklist Rev. 4 .. - EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 03 Alliant Spokesperson Checklist Rev. 3 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 04 Technical Liaison Checklist Rev. 4 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 05 Sequence of Events Rev. 0 EPIP 1.4

I I "EMERGENCYPLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES," Rev. 128 INDEX PAGE 4 of 7 JPIC - 07 Logistics Coordinator Checklist Rev. 4 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 08 Logistics Support Checklist Rev. 4 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 09 Audiovisual Support Checklist Rev. 4 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 11 Rumor Control Coordinator I Checklist Rev. 3 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 12 Rumor Control Event Summary Log Rev. 1 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 13 Rumor Control Coordinator II Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 14 Public Rumor Control Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 15 News Media Rumor Control Checklist Rev. 4 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 16 Assistant JPIC Manager Checklist Rev. 3 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 17 JPIC Security Access Control Checklist Rev. 3 EPIP 1.4 JPIC - 18 Sixth Floor Security Post Description Rev. 2 EPIP 1.4 JPIC- 19 JPIC Distribution List Rev. 2 EPIP 1.4 NOTE-O1 ERO Notification - Off-ho-urs Phone System Callout Rev. 2 EPIP 1.2 NOTE-02 ERO Notification - Alphanumeric Paging System Rev. 3 EPIP 1.2 Callout NOTE-03 Event Notification Worksheet Rev. 1 EPIP 1.2 NOTE-04 Plant Assembly Notification Rev. 2 EPIP 1.2 NOTE-05 Emergency Action Level Notification Rev. 4 EPIP 1.2 NOTE-06 Plant Page for Emergency Classification Changes Rev. 1 EPIP 1.2 ODEF-O1 ODEF Decontamination Waiting-Area Rev. 0 EPIP 2.7 ODEF-02 Floor Plan for ORAIJODEF Rev. 0 EPIP 2.7 ODEF-03 Travel Route to ORALIODEF Rev. 0 EPIP 2.7 ODEF-04 12' Avenue Entrance to ORALIODEF Rev. 0 EPIP 2.7 ORAA-O1 Offsite Relocation and Assembly Area Supervisor's Rev. 1 EPIP 2.4 Checklist ORAA-02 Health Physics Support for the Offsite Relocation and Rev. 0 EPIP 2.4 Assembly Area' ORAA-03 Security Support for the Offsite Relocation and Rev. 0 EPIP 2.4 Assembly Area

"EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES, Rev. 128 INDEX PAGE 5 of 7 I ORAA-05 Offsite Relocation and Assembly Area Parking and Rev. 0 EPIP 2.4 Vehicle Monitoring .... ._... . __ _. _

OSC-01 OSC Layout ., Rev.0 . EPIP2.1

-OSC-02 OSC Organization Chart Rev. 0 EPIP2.1.

OSC-03 Minimum Stalling Level Rev. 0 - EPIP2.1 OSC-04 Recommended Log Entry Topics Rev.O EPIP 2.1 OSC-05 Emergency Event Log Sheet ,&Re. 0 EPLP 2.1 OSC-06 .Personal Statement Concerning Incident Rev. 0 EPIP 2.1 OSC_07 Emergency Exposure Tracking Log Revý. 0 EPIP 2.1 OSC-08 OSC Supervisor Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP.2.1 OSC-09 Health Physics Supervisor Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 2.1 OSC-1O Electrical, Mechanical, I&C Maintenaice Supervisor Rev. 0 EPIP 2.1 Checklist ... ... . .. Rev--

OSC-1 I Emergency Assignment Staffing Board Duties .- 0

_Rev. EPIP_ 2.1_

OSC-12 External Exposure Limits- Rev. 0 "lEPIP4.3 OSC-13 Guidance on Dose Limits for Workers Performing Rev. 0 EPIP.4.3 Emergency Services .

OSC-14 Guidelines Regarding Selection of Volunteers Rev. 0 - 'EPIP 4.3 OSC-15 OSC Repair Team Work Order Rev." EPIP4.3 OSC-16 Repair Team Ditasheet Flow "path Rev. 0 EPIP4.3 PASE-02 Onsite Assembly Locations - Rev:2 . EPIP 1.3 PASE-05 Site Evacuation Routes -- - Rev. 1. EPIP 1.3 I SAM-01 EOP-SAG Transition Checklist 'Rev. 0 .... EPIP 2.2

-TSC-01 -Emergency Coordinator Checklist Rev. 3 . EPIP 2.2 TSC-02 TSCSupervisor Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2 TSC-03 Site Radiation Protection Coordinator Checklist Rev. I f_A . EPIP 2.2 TSC-04 Technical & Engineering Supervisor Checklist Rev. 2 " EPIP 2.2

-TSC-05 Quality Assurance Checklist --- - Rev. :lEPIP 2.2 TSC-06 Security & Support Supervisor Checklist - - Rev. I - ,PIPp 2.2

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Rev. 128 INDEX PAGE 6 of 7 TSC-08 Material Management Supervisor Checklist Rev. 1 EPIP 2.2 TSC-09 TSC-CR-OSC Communicator Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2 TSC-10 CR-TSC-OSC Communicator Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2 TSC-1 I TSC-EOF-JPIC Communicator Checklist Rev. I EPIP 2.2 TSC-12 ENS Communicator Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2 TSC-13 HPN Communicator Checklist Rev. 1 EPIP 2.2 TSC-14 TSC/OSC Operations Liaison Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2 TSC-15 Radiological Support Staff Checklist Rev. 1 EPIP 2.2 TSC-16 Radio Operator- Offsite Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 TSC-17 Radio Operator- Onsite Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 TSC-18 TSC MIDAS Operator Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 TSC-19 Technical & Analysis Engineer Checklist Rev. 1 EPIP 2.2 TSC-20 TSC Operations Suplervisor Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2 TSC-21 Electrical Engineer Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 TSC-22 I & C Engineer Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 TSC-23 Mechanical Engineer Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 TSC-24 Reactor Engineer Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2 TSC-25 SPDS Operator Checklist Rev. I EPIP 2.2 TSC-26 Information Services Representative Checklist Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2 TSC-27 Fire Marshall Checklist Rev. 1 EPIP 2.2 TSC-28 NRC Roles During A Nuclear Power Plant Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 Emergency Checklist TSC-29 TSC Minimum Staffing Level Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2 TSC-30 Emergency Action Request Log Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 TSC-3 1 Radio Operator Log Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 TSC-32. Status Board Recorder Rev. 1 EPIP 2.2 TSC-33 Typical Organization of the NRC Site Team Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2, KJ TSC-34. TSC Organization Chart Rev. 2 EPIP 2.2

I EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Rev. 128 PAGE 7 of 7 I INDEX TSC-36 Deactivation Report Rev. 0 EPIP 5.2 TSC-37 Plant Operations Status Rev. 0 EPIP 5.2 TSC-38 TSC/Control Room/OSC Activities Rev. 0 EPIP 5.2 TSC-39 TSC Clerical Checklist Rev. 0 EPIP 2.2 TSC-40 ARM Locations Rev. 0 EPJP 3.1/4.3


STECHNICAL ýREVIEW Prepared by: Date: 0z Reviewed by: _Date: 6-z3-0 z P__._______-

Indep6X'ent Reviewer PROCEDURE APPROVAL I am responsible for the technical content of this procedure.

Approved by: _- _'_ _

V Manager, Emergency Planning

_ _ _ Date: - / v ,.

I*-,EMERGENCYPLAN IMPLEMENTING'-'PROCEDURE*: EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 FIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, AND MEDICAL SUPPORT Page 2 of 12 Table of Contents Page 1.0 PURPOSE ...................................................... 3 2.0 DEFINITIO NS .......................................................................................... 3 3.0 INSTRUCTIO NS ...................................................................................... 3 3.1 RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................... 3 3.2 RECOVERY OF INJURED PERSONNEL .................................... 4 3.3 PERSONNEL SURVEYING AND DECONTAMINATION ............. 7 3.4 OFFSITE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE .............................................. 8 3.5 TRANSPORTATION OF INJURED PERSONNEL TO MEDICAL TREATMENT LOCATION .............................................................. 10 3.6 MEDICAL TREATMENT ................................ 11 3.7 FOLLOW-UP MONITORING AND ANALYSIS ACTIVITIES ......... 11 4.0 RECO RDS .............................................................................................. 12


........................................................................................ 12 K1

-- *EMERGENCYPLAN IMPEEMENTNG*PROCEDUREý7 EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 WxFIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, AND MEDICAL SUPPORT Page 3 of 12 1.0 PURPOSE (1) This procedure provides overall guidance for the treatment of injured and/or contaminated individuals during an emergency.

(2)- This procedure is applicable to key Emergency Response Organization supervisory personnel, rescue team personnel, individuals who may administer first aid treatment and Health Physics Technicians involved in personnel decontamination efforts.


-> 3.1 RESPONSIBILITIES (1) Security & Support Supervisor (a) Ensure that offsite medical authorities are'advised of the need for medical assistance.-

(b) Verify that personnel designated to provide first aid treatment are knowledgeable in the techniques that are expected to be needed.

(c) Provide direction, as necessary, in the application of first aid techniques.

(2) OSC Supervisor (a) Supervise the performance of personnel monitoring and decontamination activities.

(b) Supervise the preparations for and dispatch of injured and/or contaminated personnel to offsite medical facilities for treatment.

(c) Apprise the Site Radiation Protection Coordinator (SRPC) of problems experienced in decontamination of personnel and/or treatment of injuries K> and progress being made. -


(a) Verify that the primary Medical Consultant (or the secondary Medical Consultant, as necessary) is advised of contaminated personnel to be transported to Mercy. Medical Center (or University of Iowa Hospitals) for further decontamination and/or treatment of contaminated injuries.

(b) Verify that the Emergency Room physician at Mercy Medical Center (or University of Iowa Hospitals) is advised in advance that personnel with injuries and/or who require decontamination are being transported from the site.

(c) Provide overall guidance to the OSC Supervisor, as required, for personnel decontamination and treatment of injuries when contamination is present.

(d) Advise the Emergency Coordinator of the problems in decontamination of personnel and/or treatment of injuries where assistance is/may be required from offsite medical authorities.

(4) Emergency Coordinator (a) Advise the Emergency Response and Recovery Director of the actions being taken in response to any personnel injuries and/or personnel decontamination which require offsite medical assistance.

(b) Ensure that the NRC Operations Center is notified within one hour of any fatality or serious injury on-site.

3.2 RECOVERY OF INJURED PERSONNEL (1) During rescue operations conducted-in accordance with EPIP 4.3, "Rescue and Emergency Repair Work", when individual(s) reported to be missing are found and require medical or ambulatory assistance, (a) The extent of injuries should be determined and the OSC Supervisor advised.-


"-.iEMERGENC 'P EANEIMPEENTING PRCED U RE' EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 K.. FIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, AND MEDICAL SUPPORT Page 5 of 12 During plant emergencies the Emergency Coordinator shall be advised of all injuries.

If offsite medical assistance is required, contact shall be made by the CAS Operator, and/or the TSC.

(b) If injuries are evident, treatment priorities shall be based upon the radiological and medical condition of the injured party, as specified in EPIP 4.3. ""

(c) Application of first aid, including preparations to prevent further injury prior to relocating severely injured personnel, will normally take precedence over radiological considerations.

(d) Unless instructed otherwise, the injured party should be returned by the rescue team to the Health Physics Access Control area.

NOTE First aid treatment will normally be' provided at the' First Aid Room; however, for severely injured victims, 'first aid :mfay have to be provided at other *lodationsý in -the plant while awaiting medical su'pport assistance: *

(2) If during subsequent re-entri6s into the plant to conduct repair, damage control "and corrective action activities a pers6nnel ihjur'y'requiring medical or ambulatory assistance 'ccurs, the OSC Supervisor shall be advised by another member of the repair team-via the paging system or plant telephones.

(a) A determination should be made of the nature and extent of injuries as quickly as' possible and the OSC'SUpervisor advised of the injury status, and the location of the injured parto.

(b) A determination as to whether or not the repair effort should be continued or aborted shall be made by theOSC Supervisor based upon discussions and judgment of the Repair Team Leader.

i' EMERGENCY ,,PLAN_MPLEMENTINGPIROCE.DURE 0 EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 FIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, AND MEDICAL SUPPORT Page 6 of 12 (c) The victim should be administered first aid and returned to the Health Physics Access Control Area by personnel on the scene, if available and knowledgeable in first aid techniques, or by qualified first aid personnel dispatched from the OSC.

(3) If first aid personnel need to be dispatched, the OSC HP Supervisor shall determine whether or not a Health Physics Technician should accompany them by considering:

(a) The similarity of the ingress route to the location of the injured party to the route used by the repair team and radiation levels monitored during that entry.

(b) The availability of the Health Physics Technician assigned to the repair team to attend to rescue activities, should it be determined that the repair effort is not to be aborted.

(4) Subsequent dispatch of rescue personnel and conduct of rescue activities shall be performed, as described in EPIP 4.3, "Rescue and Emergency Repair Work".

(5) The OSC Supervisor should inform the Site Radiation Protection Coordinator of the state of injured personnel and personnel decontamination efforts.

(a) The Emergency Coordinator should ensure that required NRC notifications, if any, are made and so apprise the Emergency Response and Recovery Director.

(b) In addition, the Emergecy Coordinator should apprise the Emergency Response and Recovery, Director of pertinent details concerning the injured or contaminated individuals and actions which have been initiated or planned.

!--,.,EMERGENCY.*.RPLANJMPEEMENT!N.O. OEBU*E ... *,, EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 K_> FIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, AND MEDICAL SUPPORT Page 7 of 12 3.3 PERSONNEL SURVEYING AND DECONTAMINATION (1) If there is no injury but the individual is contaminated above acceptable levels for uncontrolled areas, decontamination will be conducted as per HP Procedures.

(2) If contamination is within acceptable levels for uncontrolled areas, the injured victim should be taken to the First Aid Room for treatment and subsequent transfer, if necessary.

(3) An individual who is contaminated and who also has minor injuries consisting of cuts or breaks in the skin shall receive immediate first aid, covering those areas with bandages to aid in avoiding internal contamination.

(a) Decontamination shall follow first aid treatment but only to the extent necessary to reduce the spread of contamination during transfer to Mercy Medical Center/University of iowa Hospitals.

(b) Personnel contamination records shall be-prepared in accordance with the requirements defined in HP Procedures.

- . .. NOTE' In general, injuries shall take precedence over contamination cohside'ratiohs during any emergency. ' '

(4) Health Physics personnel should provide guidance and monitor the effectiveness of decontami'rati6n efforts whichi "normally are to be accomplished at dec6ntaminatiori facilities:prb9ided at the-Health Physics Area. ' " I.- ..

Access Control



EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 FIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, AND MEDICAL SUPPORT Page 8 of 12 NOTE Where open wounds are present coincident with contamination, decontamination of areas adjacent to the wound must be accomplished so as not to disturb the wound area.

Decontamination of open wounds will normally be accomplished under the direction of medical support personnel.

(5) An individual who is contaminated and so seriously injured that decontamination cannot be performed, shall be given immediate first aid.

(a) The victim may be wrapped in a blanket to limit the spread of contamination and await transfer to Mercy Medical Center or University of Iowa Hospitals..

(b) If the contamination is of such a level to create an added hazard to the victim, first aid personnel with assistance from Health Physics personnel may remove the individual's clothing, if possible.

3.4 OFFSITE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE (1) Offsite medical support may be provided by one or more of the following organizations:

(a) Palo Fire Department (b) Linn County Sheriffs Rescue (c) Benton/Linn Ambulance Service (d) Area Ambulance Service (e) Mercy Medical Center, Cedar Rapids (f) University of Iowa Hospital, Iowa City


,EMERGENCY.PLANMPLEMENTING:PROCEDURE<+,,-ý, EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 K> FIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, AND MEDICAL SUPPORT Page 9 of 12 (2) Transportation of patients who are-contaminated or who may potentially be so should be arranged through Benton/Linn Ambulance or Area Ambulance.

(3) If Area Ambulance plans on dispatching a heliciopter: .

(a) Advise the dispatcher if an offsite release is in progress and, if so, the direction of the plume. - " . ,

(b) If the event occurs during darkness, ensure that flares are lit at the helipad and the helipad is illuminated with search lights.

(4) Notification of such support organizations should be accomplished from CAS and the Emergency Coordinator so advised. ,.

(a) The Emergency Coordinator shall notify the Emergency'Response and Recovery Director, if not previously'accomplished, that assistance from offsite medical facilities has been requested,, provide a brief update regardin' the status of the patient, and actions that have been accomplished. ,

(b) If the injuryis compounded by potential or actual radiological problems, the Site Radiation Protection ,Coordinator shall verify that follow-up contact is made with Mercy Medical Center (orUniversity of Iowa Hospitals) provide specific information regarding the extent of the radiological problem.-

NOTE A review should be made of the victim's medical file, if available, and medicalsupport personnel advised of any pertinent information which may be recorded. ,  :

(5) The Site Radiation Protection Coordinatorshall also verify that DAEC's primary Medical Consultant (or secondary Medical Consultant, as necessary) is apprised of personnel injury cases which involve potential or actual personnel contamination. Contact information is available in the ETB.


  • -,EMERGENGY, ,P*IMPIEMENTINGPROCEDURE,. f EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 FIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, AND MEDICAL SUPPORT Page 10 of 12 (1) The injured contaminated party shall be loaded onto the transport vehicle.

(2) Dosimetry devices, protective clothing and other equipment, as appropriate, shall be provided for ambulance personnel.

(3) The OSC Supervisor should select at least one Health Physics Technician; two, if possible, to accompany contaminated victims transported from the site to the local medical facility and to provide guidance and assistance to medical support personnel to limit the spread of contamination.

NOTE If two Health Physics Technicians are available, consideration should be given to dispatching one ahead of the contaminated victim, to aid medical support' personnel in establishing contamination control measures.

When a helicopter is used to transport a contaminated injured individual to the hospital the on-board, flight personnel will determine whether,.,a Health Physics Technician will accompany the patient via helicopter. This decision will be based on the patient's medical condition and the number of people the helicopter can safely transport.

The OSC Supervisor should make provisions for transporting the Health Physics Technician(s)- back from offsite medical facilities tothe DAEC.

(4) The OSC Supervisor should advise the Site Radiation Protection Coordinator of the departure of injured or contaminated personnel from the site. This information relayed, in turn, to the Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Response and, Recovery Director.


-- EMEGCRNýIMPEEMENTINGiR.OGEDUE EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 Ki FIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, AND MEDICAL'SUPPORT Page 11 of 12 (1) Upon being advised of a severe injury Which involves a contaminated patient, the DAEC Medical Consultant should make himself available to the Emergency Room ,Stafffor:

(a) Advising medical personnel regarding measures to be taken to'handle contaminated victims.

(b) Coordinating all hospital activities and consulting with experts on-radiation injuries and effects, as required.

(c) Directing and controlling the administration of radio-protective drugs.

(2) Medical treatment for the injury and decontamination of open wounds should be accomplished by medical support personnel.

3.7 FOLLOW-UP MONITORING AND ANALYSIS ACTIVITIES (1) The Site Radiation, Protection Coordinator, in coordination with the Medical Consultant, should determine if further evaluations, including more detailed bioassays and medical examinations, are warranted and arrange for their conduct.

o4,KzrEMERGENCY PLA IMPLEMENTINGPROCEDURE EPIP 4.2 Rev. 7 AND MEDICAL SUPPORT FIRST AID, DECONTAMINATION, Page 12 of 12 4.0 RECORDS (1) All records generated as a result of this procedure shall be retained lAW QA Record Retention Requirements, exception is for records generated during drills and exercises.


(1) DAEC Emergency Plan (2) NUREG 0654 Rev. 1 (3) HP Procedures U


Reviewed by: Qi12i,' Date: f-23-o z_

Indep~ident Reviewer PROCEDURE APPROVAL I am responsible for the technical content of this procedure.

Approved by: (I-.Manager, L Emergency 6 Planning Date: opo

/  :

EMERGENCY-PLAN, IMPLEMENTING, PROEDR EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK <2 Page 2 of 20 Table of Contents Page 1.0 PURPOSE .............................................................................................. 3 2.0 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................... 3 3.0 INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................... 3 3.1 RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................... 3 3.2 RADIOLOGICAL CONCERNS ..................................................... 10 3.3 REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................ 13 3.4 RESCUE OPERATIONS .............................................................. 14 3.5 EMERGENCY REPAIR ................................................................ 16 4.0 RECORDS .............................................................................................. 20


........................................................................................ 20 I__l

EMERGENCY, PLA 4NIMPLEMENTIN PROCEDURE0 EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK "Page3 of 20 1.0 PURPOSE (1) This procedure provides guidance for rescue and emergency repair team preparation and'activities.

(2) This procedure is applicable to key Emergency Resporise Organization personnel located in the Control Room, TSC and OSC and to personnel

'involved in rescue and emergency repair team activities.

2.0 DEFINITIONS (1) None 3.0 INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 RESPONSIBILITIES (1) Security & Support Supervisor (a) ' Conducting an accountability check for all personnel within the protected area.

(b) Conducting a security sweep of the Owner Controlled Area to ensure'that everyone, (NMC employees, contractors, `visitors,' etc)"are informed of the event and are proceeding to their assigned Assembly Area.

(c) Directing notifidation of the Emergency Response Organization, as required.

(d) Limiting access into the facility to only those personnel who are required "foremergency 'response efforts.',

(e) Establishing measures that will enable continuous accountability for all personnel within the protected area once the initial accountability check has been completed.

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING- PROCEDURE-E""-,'. EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 4 of 20 (f) Ensuring that no unauthorized personnel gain access to the site.

(g) Assigning personnel for first aid duties, as required.

(h) Ensuring that an accountability check for all personnel within the protected area is conducted in a timely fashion and that requisite security posts are filled.

(i) Ensuring that all individuals in the Owner Controlled Area are accounted for and are in their designated Assembly Area.

j) Ensuring that the Emergency Response Organization notification process as described in 'the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures have been initiated and is successfully completed.

(k) Determining existing and'potential administrative support needs and providing direction to the Administrative Supervisor, as required.

(2) TSC Operations Supervisor (a) Serve as an interface between the Operations Shift Supervisor and all other non-operating personnel and groups.

(b) Provide direction and assistance as necessary to achieve and maintain stable plant conditions.

(c) Assist the Operations Shift Supervisor in coordinating operational activities.

(d) Monitor operational activities to assure that the plant is operated and maintained in as safe a condition as possible.

(e) If no abnormiallradiological conditions are present, dispatch of operations personnel from the control room to plant locations where local operational response actions may be required to initially mitigate the emergency condition is permitted providing:

1. The Emergency Coordinator is informed during his Control Room briefing soon after their dispatch of the location and tasks of any operators initially dispatched into the plant prior to the
  • activation of the OSC.


2. After OSC activation, dispatch of any operator into the plant by the Control Room is permitted providing the TSC Operations Supervisor and the OSC Supervisor is informed. The OSC may elect to dispatch a Health Physics technician to accompany these operators. The Health Physics technician shall keep the HP Supervisor or the Site Radiation Protection Coordinator informed of any abnormal r'adiation conditions that may exist.

NOTE If additional individuals/resources (other than operations and/or,HP persJonnel) are rebijired to accompany 'the - operator,, 'such as Mechanics, Electricians, and I & C Technicians then they shall, be. classified -as. a team and shall be coordinated and controlled by the TSC/OSC.

(f) Coordinate with the OSM/OSS and the Site Rad Protection Coordinator, the dispatch of operators when radiological conditions make entry into the plant hazardous. Inform the OSC and HP Supervisor as soon as possible.

(g) Coordinate, as necessary, with the OSC Supervisor to maintain an awareness of the status of corrective actions in progress by repair teams which have been dispatched and rescue activities which may be in progress. Ensure to inform the OSM/OSS of the repair team progress and results.

(3) Emergency Coordinator (a) Ensure the activation of the DAEC Emergency Response Organization as appropriate for the -classification and'circumstances of the emergency condition. ' . ,

(b) Coordinate efforts to return the-plant to, and maintain it in a safe, stable condition.

(c) Coordinate accident assessment and analyses efforts to determine the full scope and impact of the emergency.

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 6 of 20 (d) Ensure appropriate initial notification of NMC, local, State, and Federal officials and agencies. This function will be assumed by the Corporate Emergency Response Organization upon activation of the Emergency Operations Facility.

(e) Provide initial protective action recommendations, as appropriate, to local and State authorities who are responsible for offsite protective measures. This function will be assumed by the Corporate Emergency Response Organizations upon activation of the Emergency Operations Facility.

(f) Apprise NMC, local, State, and Federal officials and agencies of updated information pertaining to the emergency condition.

(g) Classify/Reclassify the event as necessary.

(h) Approve extensions 'On occupational dose limits,'as necessary.

(i) Prepare the DAEC Emiergency Response Organization for an orderly transfer of responsibilities to the recovery organization.

(j) Authorize issuance of KI.

(k) Authorize the dispatch of Rescue and Emergency Repair Teams.

(I) Authorize the formation of an OSC Quick Response Team.


While the admirnistrative aspects of most- of these responsibilities may, be delegated by the Emergency Coordinator,' the fdesponsibilities for items (e), (g),, and (h) may not be delegated except as indicated herein.'


Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 7 of 20 (3) Technical and Engineering Supervisor (a) Verifying that the TSC is fully activated and staffed as described in the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

(b) Evaluating plant status and providing support to the operations staff as requested.

(c) Providing overall management and direction to the technical staff assembled in the TSC.

(d) Evaluating recommendations for corrective action provided by the technical staff and operating crew and recommending to the Emergency Coordinator a course of action to be taken to combat the existing situation.

(e) Recommending changes in theEmergency Classification based upon:

1. Plant status changes, with or~without radiological releases in progress. .
2. Actual or potential radiological release parameters.

-3., The progress of activities undertaken to mitigate the situation and their probability for success.

(f) -Providing direction to the technical staff comprised of support personnel such as SPDS Operator, Reactor Engineer, and consultanticontractor representatives to analyze _plant conditions and.define courses of action to mitigate the emergency situation.,.

(g) Providing direction to the nhgineeringstaffiri the Technical Support Center to aid in analysis of plantconditions and defines courses of action to mitigate the emergency.situatl'on.-I..f,.

(h) Coordinating engineering activities-undceraken by.the Corporate Emergency Response Organization with efforts being'taken at the DAEC to mitigate the event and establish stable plant conditions. -,

(i) Providing support to the OSC Supervisor as necessary for coordinating all repair/corrective action efforts conducted at the DAEC.

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE . EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK I I IPage 8 of 20 (4) Site Radiation Protection Coordinator (a) Verifying with the Security & Support Supervisor that everyone in the Owner Controlled Area is accounted for and in their designated Assembly Area or have been evacuated as applicable.

(b) Evaluate projected exposure to Rescue and Emergency Repair Teams.

(c) Make recommendations to the Emergency Coordinator on dose extensions, as necessary.

(d) Evaluating projected exposure to Rescue and Emergency Repair Teams.

(e) Ensuring that DAEC personnel are dispatched to monitor the environs in and around the plant for, radiological consequences associated with the event.

(f) Conducting an initial evaluation and assessment of the results of radiological monitoring activities. Upon activation of the Emergency Operations Facility, this function will be assumed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator for all offsite monitoring activities.

(g) Assessing the onsite radiological consequences and directing protective measures, including evacuation of the plant in part or in whole.

(h) During the initial stages of the event, apprising local and State authorities, through the Emergency Coordinator; of the results of radiological monitoring activities and providing protective action recommendations based upon the projected radiological consequences to the population-at-risk. Upon activation of the Emergency Operations Facility, this function will be assumed by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator.

(5) OSC Supervisor (a) Supervising the implementationof the tasks and staffing of the OSC.

(b) Providing general supervision and direction to personnel who report to the Operational Support Center.

(c) Coordinating evacuation from the site and all unnecessary personnel in the event that the Operational Support Center is not habitable and during K>

'-:EMERGENCY- PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEbDRE`, EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK I Page 9 of 20 events classified as a SITE AREA or GENERAL EMERGENCY, once such an evacuation has been authorized by the Emergency Coordinator.

'(d) Coordinating all repairlco-rective action efforts conducted at the DAEC to achieve stable plant condition and to terminate any uncontrolled or excessive radiological release.

(e) Ensuring that pe-rsonnel dispatched from the Operational Support Center are properly briefedland equipped for their assignment in regards to technical contents as well as ALARA including existing and potential radiological hazards.

(6) Health Physics Supervisor (a) Ensuring that personnel dispatched from the Operational -Support Center are properly outfitted with protective clothing and equipment, are briefed.

regarding ALARA and are'apprised of existing and potential radiological hazards. " "

(b) Coordinating with the Site Radiatioh Protective Coordinator in the TSC to obtain information regarding plant statuis,, problems, response options, significant radiological releases in progress, offsite dose rates, plume location and meteorological conditions'as necessary."

(c) Ensure that determination of habitability of assembly areas and ERO facilities. ..

(d) Coordinate the dispatch of monitoring teams, PASS team and ORAA and

  • ORAUODEF personnel.'.Ensure thtecohtinuedbriefir n of the ORAA and ORALUODEF in terms of plant and radiological conditions.

(e) Supervise efforts to prepare injured/contaminated personnel for transport to offsite medical facilities.'

(f) Brief rescue and emergency repair team personnel regarding radiological hazards which exist or which potentially may be encountered and provide guidance regarding precauti6ns to be taken alld limits that shall not be "exceed. - - --- * ~

EMIER ENCY PLAN, IMPLEMENTIN PROCEDURE EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Pagel10of 20 3.2 RADIOLOGICAL CONCERNS (1) An evaluation of projected exposures to team members shall be made prior to dispatch.

(a) DAEC limits defined by 10 CFR 20.1201 and EPA-400-R-92-001 are prescribed in ACP 1411.17, "Exposure Limits and Upgrades," and are partially reproduced on OSC-12, "External Exposure Limits".

(b) Ifexposures in excess of 5 Rem are projected for team members, the Emergency Coordinator may authorize exposures up to the limits specified on OSC-13, "Guidance on Dose Limits for Workers Performing Emergency Services", in accordance with 10 CFR 50.47(b)(1 1), providing that team members are volunteers.

(2) Individuals assigned to rescue and emergency repair teams shall take reasonable precautions to maintain their exposures as low as possible, consistent with ALARA considerations and job assignment.

(a) Respiratory equipmnient, if required, shall be'fitted and determined to be functioning properly, as prescribed in ACP 1411.20 "Radiological Respiratory Protection".

(b) Area radiation surveys shall be conducted as prescribed in HP Procedures and team members shali p'o'sition themselves to minimize their own exposures due to localized hot spots.

(c) Personal dosimetry shall be checked periodically, as specified in ACP 1411.18, "Personnel Dosimetry", so as to monitor theetotal dose received and to ensure that the exposure limits established are not exceeded.

(3) Based upon the most probable locations where individuals determined to be missing may be located, an assessment of potential radiological exposures

- should be conducted.

(a) Ifno significantly increased radiation levels are indicated by the Area Radiation Monitors (ARMs), projected exposures can be estimated by reviewing the latest survey forms, RWPs and ARM readings coupled with estimated time to conduct rescue activities.

W EMERGENCYPLAN IMPLEMENiING PROCEDURE- EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 11 of 20 (b) Ifsignificant radiation levels are indicated, i.e6,,Hi Hi or upscale ARM indications and/or elevated Containment High Range Radiation monitor

-readings, an estimate of projected exposures can be made by reviewing the Shielding Study or reviewing the results of accident analyses contained in Chapter 15 of the UFSAR coupled with estimated time to conduct rescue activities.

(4) In estimating projected exposures consideration needs to be given to ingress/egress routes and expected dose rates which may be encountered enroute.

"-NOTE Operations personnel, should be-",consulted when evaluating ingress/egress ;routes due to their familiarity with physical layout considerations and 'awareness of how such routes may be impacted due to changing plant conditions.

(5) The Emergen'cy Co'ordinator.shall approve changes to the established DAEC dose levels, if warranted, provided they arein accordaricewith 10 CFR 20.1201 and/or EPA 400-R-92-001. . .

(a) The'Site Radiation Prdo6ctio*t Coordinator shall be &notified ofIthe increased exposure limits:.--' '

(b) The increased levels'-the individuals to whom such levels appl*y ' and the

  • name of the individual who authorized such levels shall bed documented in the Site Radiation 'Protection Coordinator's Log.-,,


During an emergency, the normal process of requesting and approving increased exposure limits, prescribed in ACP 1411.17,-,"Exposure Limits and Upgrades", need not be followed.

w-EMERGENCY PLAN.IMPLEMENTINGý PROCEDURE" EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 12 of 20 (6) The exposure records of personnel assigned to the rescue team should be maintained to ensure that the projected exposure to be received during rescue activities will not result in any member of the team exceeding the limits defined by EPA-400-R-92-O01.

(a) Team membership should be modified if personnel assigned are approaching such limits.

(b) Team membership shall be comprised of volunteers if projected exposures for the proposed rescue activities will cause personnel exposures to exceed limits specified in 10 CFR 20.1201 and/or EPA-400 R-92-001.

1. Documentation that individuals so assigned are volunteers and that they understand the risks and limits established for the assignment shall be, recorded in the OSC Supervisor's log along with the names of the volunteers.

(c) If significant airborne iodine activity is anticipated, consideration should be given to thyroid blocking, as prescribed in EPIP 4.5, "Administration of Potassium Iodide (KI)"

1. Guidance with respect to implementation of. emergency exposure limits and use of volunteers is contained in OSC-14, "Guidelines Regarding Selection of Volunteers".

(7) For those response options which will require personnel access into radiation areas in the plant, an assessment of the potential radiological exposures should be conducted, as prescribed in this procedure.

(8) The benefit of the proposed repairldamage control activity should be evaluated considering:

(a) The magnitude and/or duration of the potential or actual radiological release if the repair/damage control activity is not performed.

(b) The associated delay or inability to establish control of the plant and/or restore stable conditions.

(c) The magnitude, of the projected exposure to the public calculated in accordance with PASAP's and EPIP 3.3, "Dose Assessment and Protective Action ".

  • <EMERGENCY-PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCýEDURE.-" EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 13 of 20 (d) Exposures received by skilled personnel during performance of the activity which may make them unavailable for further assignments.

(9) If the course of action selected will result in emergency repair team personnel exceeding 5 Rem, see guidance contained in this procedure.

(10) Monitoring shall be performed by the Health Physics Technician, as specified in this procedure.

3.3 REQUIREMENTS (1) Once the TSC has been activated, rescue and emergency repair teams shall not be dispatched without the prior approval of the Emergency Coordinator or designated representative when ýadiological conditions make entry into the plant hazardous.

(2) The TSC Operations Supervisor shall be informed, in advance whenever possible, of the dispatch of personnel to locations where local operational K> response actions are required.,

(3) Prior to dispatch of rescue and emergency repair teams, briefings shall be conducted by the OSC Supervisor and appropriate discipline supervisor which cover at a minimum:

(a) The activity to be performed..

(b) The specific area where the activity is to be performed.

_.. .NOTE For rescue activities, the area designaied may

-only be a best estimate.

(c) Routes to be used to gain access to the area.

(d)' Estimated radiation levels in the specific area and radiation levels estimated to be encountered along the route.

(e) Authorized exposure limits for team members and dose rate limits which should not be exceeded.

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE . EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 14 of 20 (f) Communications requirements and methods.

(g) Specific technical and administrative requirements associated with performance of-the activity.

(h) Precautions to be taken during performance of the activity.

3.4 RESCUE OPERATIONS (1) If accountability for all personnel within the Protected Area, as prescribed in EPIP 1.3, "Plant and Site Evacuation", can not initially be established, one or all of the following actions should be taken in an effort to locate the missing individual(s) and determine if rescue operations are required.

(a) Contact emergency response facility supervisory personnel to determine if the individual(s) is/are, in fact, present.

(b) Contact the individual's direct supervisor and personnel with whom the individual was working to determine the job assignment and ascertain last-known whereabouts.

NOTE The Personnel Statement Concerning Incident form may provide information regarding last known whereabouts.

(c) Check the security computer system for location and time of the employee's last entry or exit.

(d) Attempt contact of the individual(s) using the plant paging system.

(2) Rescue teams should be comprised of the following personnel, as necessary:

(a) One (1) Health Physics Technician.

(b) Sufficient number of first aid trained individuals to support the applicable emergency.


-:JEMERGENCYPLAN IMPLEMENTING PRO CEDURE EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 15 of 20 (c) 'Additional personnel as specified by the Security and Support Supervisor to support search and rescue activities.

(3) Prior to dispatch of a rescue team, the OSC. Supervisor shall ensure that a briefing is conducted.

(a) The HP Supervisor or his designee should brief team personnel regarding expected radiological hazards, limits which are applicable, considerations associated with injured personnel who may be contaminated with open wounds 'and/or in high radiation fields, and communications requirements.

(b) The Security & Support SSupervisor should check to ensure that first aid personnel have equipment aid supplies expe6cted to be necessary and are familiar with techniques which may be required.

(4) Communications between the r'escue teari an6d'the'OSC Supervisor should be conducted using the Plant Page system or telephones.

(5) The OSC Supervisor will the'n'ispatch and'coordinate direction 6f the rescue teams upon being authorized by the Emergency Coordinator or designated representative.

(6) While enroute, the Health Physics Technician shall:

(a) Monitor ahead of the team to detect'areas:of high radiation.

(b) Monitor total dose for each team member.

(7) Upon locating the missing individual(s):. ,, .,

(a) The extent of injuries, if any, should be determined.

(b) The 0SC Supervisor shall be advised.

(8) If no injuries were sustained, the individual shall be escorted back to the OSO.

,(9) If injuries are evident, tratmet6itpri6ritiesshall be based on the 'radiological and the medical condition of the injured".

(a) Such determination should be made jointly between the Health Physics Technician and First Aid personnel.

-EMERGENCY PLAN ,IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE ý-'ý". EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 16 of 20 (b) Ifboth the injury and level of radiation is life threatening, the victim should first be relocated to a "safe" radiation area, then first aid treatment administered.

NOTE As a. general- rule, consideration should be given to immediately relocating a victim if the radiation level isý >25 R/hr.

(c) Ifthe injury is life threatening but the level of radiation is not, immediate first aid treatment should be provided.

(d) Ifthe injury is not life threatening, priority should be given to relocating the victim to a safe area, preferably the First Aid Room, before administering first aid.,

(10) Urnless directed otherwise during the briefingor during subsequent communications with the HP Supervisor, resc e teams should return with the injured to the Health Physics Access Control area.

(11) Additional medical treatment and documentation 'of injuries, radiological problems and the like shall'be performed, as described in EPIP 4.2, "First Aid,,

Decontamination, and Medical Support".

3.5 EMERGENCY REPAIR (1) Equipment malfunctions, operational trends and proposed corrective actions should be transmitted to the OSC Supervisor and Technical and Engineering Supervisor by the TSC Operations Supervisor.

(2) Corrective action options which may. include emergency repair and damage control activities should be evaluated and developed by the Technical and Engineering Supervisor, OSC Supervisor, Emergency Coordinator, and TSC Operations Supervisor, priorities should be assigned to each work task. OSC 15 "OSC Repair Team Work Order' should be utilized when forming an emergency repair team. The flow path of the OSC Repair Team Work Order is depicted on OSC-16.



Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 17 of 20 (3) If it is determined that an quick OSC Repair Team response is necessary, the Emergency Coordinator shall make a PA announcement informing the TSCIOSC of this need. An individual shall be named as the owner, typically this would be the applicable craft OSC Supervisor. -The owner shall take the lead in ensuring that all the necessary paperwork is expedited and coordinating all the necessary briefings. All of the applicable personnel in the TSC and OSC shall give this OSC Quick Response Team their full attention.

All applicable procedures regarding the formation, dispatch, and debriefing of OSC Repair Teams shall be adhered to.

(4) Where several courses of action can be taken, the Emergency Coordinator shall determine which option isto be pursued."

(a) Approval of the Emergency Response and Recovery Director is obtained.

(b) Deviation from such'standard practices are documented as Action Requests (AR) under the direction'of the Mahager, Quality Assurance.

(5) Personnel initially assigned to emergency, repair work by the Emergency Assignment Tag Board, defined in EPIP -2.1, "Activation and Operation'of the OSC", include:

(a) One Mechanic, one Instrumentand Controls Technician and two Electricians and one HP Technician (unless waived by the SRPC).

(b) Additionally, one Health 'Physics Tdchnician should be-assigned for emergency repair work if work must be accomplished in a radiation area.

(6) 'The OSC Supervisor should verify that individuals to be assigned to emergency repair work by, the Emergency Assigh'ment Tag Board are appropriately qua-lified to execute the desired activities.

(7)_ The composition of emergency repair teams should be modified based upon the considerationsldefined in tlii` iroced're.-" :"" '

(a) The OSC Supervisor shall redesignate, as necessary; the individuals to be assigned.

(b) The OSC Supervisor shall ensure that personnel so identified are available and ready for such assignment.

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE-.* *i EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 18 of 20 (8) Prior to dispatch of an emergency repair team, the OSC Supervisor shall ensure that a briefing is conducted.

(a) The HP Supervisor or his designee should brief team personnel regarding expected radiological hazards and limits which are applicable.

(b). The Technical and Engineering Supervisor or his designee should ensure that team personnel understand the repair or damage control functions to be performed, actions to take if,other than expected conditions are discovered, and communications requirements.

(9) Communications between the emergency repair team and the Technical and Engineering Supervisor should be conducted using the Plant Page system or telephones.

(10) The OSC Supervisor shall dispatch the emergency repair team upon receiving authorization from the Emergency Coordinator or designated representative.

(11) Emergency repair or damage control activities shall be conducted in accordance with the instructions provided during the briefing.

(a) Problems encountered or unexpected conditions discovered should be reported to the Technical and Engineering Supervisor.

(b) The Technical and Engineering Supervisor shall coordinate emergency repair team activities, as required, with the TSC Operations Supervisor.

(12) Upon completion of emergency repair/damage control activities or as otherwise directed, emergency repair team members shall return to the OSC.

(a) Normal radiation protection practices shall be observed at the access area unless otherwise directed by the HP Supervisor.

(b) Decontamination, if required, shall be performed in accordance with the requirements defined in EPIP 4.2, "First Aid, Decontamination, and Medical Support".

(c) Debriefing of all teams should be performed with the appropriate Craft Supervisor, HP Supervisor, and Engineering as necessary..

(d) All deviations from procedures or hardware non-conformances will be documented via Action Request (AR) initiation.

EMERGENCY.PLAN IMPLEMENTING;PROCEDUkR EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 19 of 20 (13) Emergency repair and damage control activities conducted shall be documented in the Technical and Engineering Supervisor's and OSC Supervisor's log.

'a 'a aa S -

- - a, 2 a'

  • .. a' *'*

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING- PROCEDURE EPIP 4.3 Rev. 11 RESCUE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR WORK Page 20 of 20 4.0 RECORDS (1) All records generated by this procedure shall be retained lAW QA Record Retention Requirements (except records generated during drills and exercises) in accordance with EPDM 1007.


(1) Duane Arnold Energy Center Emergency Plan (2) Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents (EPA 406-R-92-001 dated October 1991 with 2nd printing May 1992)

(3) 10 CFR 20.1201 (4) Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Chapter 15 (5) ACP 1411.20 "Radiological Respiratory Protection" (6) ACP 1411.17, "Exposure Limits and Upgrades" (7) ACP 1411.18, "Personnel Dosimetry" (8) HP Procedures (9) EPIP 4.5, "Administration of Potassium Iodide (KI)"

(10) EPIP 4.2, "First Aid, Decontamination, and Medical Support" (11) EPIP 3.3, "Dose Assessment and Protective Action" (12) EPIP 2.1, "Activation and Operation of the OSC" (13) PASAP's

ERO NOTIFICATION - ALPHANUMERIC PAGING SYSTEM CALLOUT (1) This form shall be approved by the OSMIOSS, EC, or ER&RD, whomever has command & control, for any emergency classification declaration at the DAEC.

(2) Complete (A), (B), (C), and (D) for initial notifications. Complete (A), (B), and (C) for subsequent notifications.

(A) El Drill n Real (B) [] Unusual Event F1 Alert LI Site Area Emergency [] General Emergency I

(D) fl Do not report to assigned ERO facility. I LI Report to your assigned ERO facility vi6 the F1 South Access Road

[: North Access Road NOTE If the North Access Road is selected, the secudrity barriers must be removed. Contact the Maintenanc6 Department to have these barriers removed.

(3) Initiate a group page utilizing the Alpha-Mate Paging System and instruction book. Type all of the above information using the following template:



-. i. ,VL GROUP PAGE CONDUCTED BY: ' " .X",- -, I.. -" DATE' - TIME:

Security Officer II STA // EOF Messenger I NOTE-02 Rev. 3 I

PLANT ASSEMBLY NOTIFICATION FORM NOTE If the North Access road is to be used, the security barriers must be removed. Contact the Maintenance Department to have these barriers removed.

Perform the following to assemble all personnelon site, or evacuate non-essentialpersonnel, as appropriate.If this is a drill, every announcement shall begin and end with "This is a drill".

(Note: Plant assembly must be completed by Security and the names of any missing individuals must be known within 30 minutes of the declarationof the event.)

(1) Turn on the outside speakers. Depress the 'Evacuation Alarm Push Button' for 5-10 seconds.

(2) Check the appropriate choices and make the applicable announcement over the plant page system:

II For an Unusual Event or Alert:

"Attention all personnel, an -- Unusual Event L-Alert has been declared.

Emergency Response Personnel shall report to their designated Emergency Response Facilities. Emergency Personnel assigned to the EOF shall depart the site via the

[-]South Fl-North access and report to the EOF. All other personnel shall report to their designated onsite Assembly locations."

LI] For a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency:

"Attention all personnel, a LulSite Area Emergency L--General Emergency has been declared. Emergency Response Personnel shall report to their designated Emergency Response Facilities. Emergency Personnel assigned to the EOF shall depart the site via the

--]iSouth L--North access and report to the EOF. All non-essential personnel shall evacuate the site via the _u-South L-lNorth access and proceed to the F--Offsite Relocation and Assembly Area at the Palo School LII(alternate location)_

(3) Add any additional information, or instructions, as necessary:

(4) Repeat steps 1 -3.

C'mpleted by: Date: Time:

NOTE-04 Rev. 2

PLANT PAGE FOR EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION CHANGES NOTE If the North Access Road is to be used, the security barriers must be removed. Contact the Maintenance Department to have these barriers removed.

Perform the following to inform the plant of a change in the emergency classification. If this is a drill, every announcementshall begin and end with "This is a drill".

(1) Turn on the outside speakers. Depress the 'Evacuation Alarm Push Button' for 5-10 seconds for an upgrade to the event (2) Check the appropriate choices and make the applicable announcement over the plant page system, make this announcement twice:

7 Upgrading from an Alert to a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency:

"Attention all personnel, a l Site Area Emergency Fi--General Emergency has been declared. All non-essential personnel shall evacuate the site via the H] South F] North access and proceed to the

-1 Offsite Relocation and Assembly Area at the Palo School H-1 (alternate location) 71

] Upgrading from a Site Area Emergency to a General Emergency:

"Attention all personnel, a General Emergency has been declared."

- Downgrading the emergency classification:

"Attention all personnel, the event has been downgraded to a/an F] Site Area Emergency - Alert - Unusual Event"

- Terminating the event:

"Attention all personnel, the event has been terminated."

\dd any additional information, or instructions, as necessary:

  • oL,.ted by: Date : Time:


'ev. 1

EXTERNAL EXPOSURE LIMITS 10 CFR 20.1201 Habitability Limits (1) Exposure Limits (TEDE) (2) 24 hour/day Occupancy 6 mrem/hr 12 hour/day Occupancy 12 mrem/hr 8 hour/day Occupancy 19 mrem/hr Per Year 0.5 rem 5 rem (3)

Airborne 3.0 E-9 pCi/cc 1000 dpm/100cm 2 b-g Contamination 20dpm/1 OOcm 2 a NOTES:

(1) Assumes that the early phase of the emergency will not last more than one week and that the dose to individuals in the TSC/CR is to be maintained below 1000 millirem during this one week period.

(2) For further information, including standard requirements applicable to authorizing increased limits, refer to ACP 1411.17, "Occupational Dose Limits and Upgrades".

(3) For implementation of such increased exposure limits, refer to ACP 1411.17, "Occupational Dose Limits and Upgrades".

OSC-12 Rev. 0

GUIDANCE ON DOSE LIMITS FOR WORKERS PERFORMING EMERGENCY SERVICES Dose Limita Activity Condition (rem) 5 all 10 protecting valuable property lower dose not practicable 25 life saving or protection of large lower dose not practicable populations lifesaving or protection of large only on a voluntary basis to

>25 populations persons fully aware of the risks involved aSum of external effective dose equivalent and committed effective dose equivalent to nonpregnant adults from exposure and intake during an emergency situation. Workers performing services during emergencies should limit dose to the lens of the eye to three times the listed value and doses to any other organ (including skin and body extremities) to ten times the listed value. These limits apply to all doses from an incident, except those received in unrestricted areas as members of the public during the intermediate phase of the incident.

  • EPA 400-R-92-001 - Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents, Dated 1991 with 2nd printing May 1992.


OSC-13 Rev. 0

GUIDELINES REGARDING SELECTION OF VOLUNTEERS Rescue personnel should be volunteers or professional rescue personnel K> who volunteer by choice of employment.

  • Rescue personnel should be broadly familiar with consequences of the exposure.
  • Women capable of reproduction should not take part in these actions.
  • Volunteers above the age of 45 should be selected.
  • TEDE should be optimized by the use of the best available respiratory protection (positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus) and contamination should be controlled by the use of protective clothing.
  • Exposure under these conditions shall be limited to once in a lifetime.
  • Persons receiving exposures as indicated should avoid procreation for a few months.

Medical follow-up should be considered depending on the magnitude of the exposure.



1. Exposure limits in excess of those permitted in 10 CFR 20.1201 should be authorized only as a last resort.
2. Dose limits can not be specified but must be commensurate with the significance of the objective and held to as low as is reasonably achievable.
3. It is compatible with the risk concept to accept exposures leading to doses in excess of those permitted for routine occupational duties, when involved in a major accident for the following activities:

a) Measures to circumvent substantial exposures to population groups.

b) Recovery of victims/saving of a life.

OSC-14 Rev. 0


~~&~TEAM iE1NTIFIGATION JNUMBER n Composition: MM EM IC Names:

_ HP OPS OTHER eed to: __-_ VIA:`

HPALAANN G fear respirator _0 Wear SCBA ose Extended to Authorized By:

ake dosimetry: type ake other equipment/protective clothing ake Potassium Iodide (KI) Authorized By:

et keys from ose rate: mR/hr 0] Dose: mR 0] Time:

/A ih left OSC: Team retumed to OS OSC-15 Rev. 0


Action Taken:

Radiation Conditions:

( initi ate AR) :

Non-Tech Spec Material Used, Problems Encountered. (InitiateAR if necessary):

Debriefed By:

OSC Supervisor Time/Date:

Craft Supervisor: Time/Date:

HP Supervisor Time/Date:

Reviewed By:

Maintenance Engineer:. Time/Date:

Tech & Eng. Supervisor: Time/Date:

OSC-15 Rev. 0

OSC REPAIR TEAM WORK ORDER FLOWPATH Prior to Team Dispatch Team Returns to the OSC Applicable planning Engineer informed of results Repair Team results maintained for Recovery/Reentry plan discussions OSC-16 Rev. 0



I i



ARM LOCATIONS Number Location , Elev. j Range (mR/hr) Description H(ea'ctor Building Units

1. RT 9168 North CRD Module Area 757'6" 10-9 103 Outside airlock to Access

- .. ... Control

2. RT 9170 - CRD Repair Room 757'6" 10-1 -103 Northwest wall, behind

- -door -

3. RT 9167 South Equipment 757'6" 10 103 West wall, near inner

- Railroad Access RX.B1-Truck Lock Door 3

4. RT 9169 - - South CRD Module Area 7576"- 10-f -10 _ South wall, near airlock
5. RT 9176 TIP Cubicle 757'6" 100- i0 4 , North wall, inside cage

- area

6. RT 9177 - Cleanup Phase - 786'0. - 100 104 East wall of CU Phase Separators Work Area - Separator Room
7. RT 9173 Cleanup System Resin 786'0" 10-1 103 East wall of CU Discharge Handling Area - Mixer Pump Room
8. RT 9157 Cleanup Heat 786'0" - - 102 -106 - Inside airlock to RWCU Exchangers Heat Exchanger Room
9. RT 9156 Cleanup Recirculation 876'0" 102 106 Inside Door to RWCU SPump Area Pump Room RT 9155 Cleanup Demineralizer 812'0"' - 102: 106 East Wall of Filter Dernin.

11.J WorkArea Room Roo.

11. RT 9171 Ventilation Ecuipment 812'0" 10"-10_' 0 3 Inside 2nd airlock door to Area -x RBuilding Exhaust Fan Room, ".
12. RT 9175 Condensate Phase 833'6" .101 -103 Inside door, along west Separator Pumps wall of Cond. Phase Sep.

- - -,_R oom .

13. RT 9163 - Refuel Floor - North End 855'0" -.. 10 102,_ West stairway wall, Refuel
14. RT 9164 Refuel Floor- South End 855'07 102 - 102: North stairway wall, Refuel
15. RT 9153 r - New Fuel Storage Area 855'0', 101_-103 North end of Storage Pit at

.... Instrument panel

  • With remote readout (Control Room)

TSC-40 Rev. 0

ARM LOCATIONS Number Location Elev. IRange(mlhr)l Description Reactor Building Units K)

16. RT 9178 Spent Fuel Storage Pool 855'0" 100 -10 4 N.E. rail around Fuel Pool
17. RT 9180 Waste Collecting Tank 737'0" 100 10 S.E. Comer Room, North Area ' wall inside second door
18. RT 9166 Radwaste Pump Room 716'9" 10-1 -103 S.W. Comer Room, along south wall near comer Turbine Building Units
19. RT 9159 Reactor Feedwater 734'0" 10 103 North Condenser Bay wall Pump Area
20. RT 9160 Turbine Lube Oil Area- 734'0" 10-1 _ 103 East corridor wall
21. RT 9158 Condensate Pump Area 734'0" 101 - 103 Mounted on girder near Condensate Pumps
22. RT 9174 Sump Area 734'0" 10 103 Acid & Caustic Tank, S.E.

Comer of Turbine Bldg.

23. RT 9179 Turbine Front Standard 780'0" 100 - 10 Along east shield wall at offset Radwaste Building Units
24. RT 9151 Radwaste Control Room 786'0' 10.1 - 103 South wall, near door
25. RT 9152 Sample Tank and Pump 786'0" 10"1 - 103 North wall of Centrifuge I Floor Room
26. RT 9154 Radwaste Drumming 757'6" 10"1 -10 At middle of west wall Area Other Units
27. RT 9162 Control Room (west wall) 786'0" 10 102 Control Building
28. RT 9172 Radiological Chemistry 786'0" 10- 103 Control Bldg., west wall of Laboratory hot lab
29. RT 9161 Machine Shop 757'6' 10-2 _ 102 Machine Shop Building
30. RT 9165 Site Entry and Exit 757'6' 10-2 _ 102 Entrance to Admin. Bldg.
  • With remote readout (Control Room)

U TSC-40 Rev. 0
