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 Issue dateTitleTopic
NG-18-0112, NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC - Emergency Plan Preparedness Dated 08/01/187 September 2018NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC - Emergency Plan Preparedness Dated 08/01/18
NG-16-0207, Emergency Planning Department Document Transmittals Dated September 12, 2016 and September 17, 201611 October 2016Emergency Planning Department Document Transmittals Dated September 12, 2016 and September 17, 2016FLEX
NG-16-0167, License Amendment Request (TSCR-149), Revision to Staff Augmentation Times in Emergency Plan13 September 2016License Amendment Request (TSCR-149), Revision to Staff Augmentation Times in Emergency PlanFuel cladding
Minimum staff
Fire Protection Program
NG-04-0223, Emergency Planning Department Procedure Transmittal Acknowledgment Memo (TAM-125)7 April 2004Emergency Planning Department Procedure Transmittal Acknowledgment Memo (TAM-125)Safe Shutdown
Potassium iodide
NG-04-0093, Revision 19 to EAL Table of Contents, Rev. 8 to EAL EBD-A, Rev. 5 to EAL EBD-F, Rev. 8 to EAL EBD-H, and Rev. 6 to EAL EBD-S12 February 2004Revision 19 to EAL Table of Contents, Rev. 8 to EAL EBD-A, Rev. 5 to EAL EBD-F, Rev. 8 to EAL EBD-H, and Rev. 6 to EAL EBD-SSafe Shutdown
High winds
Shutdown Margin
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
Grab sample
Time to boil
Internal Flooding
Met Tower
Operating Basis Earthquake
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Deep Dose Equivalent
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Power change
Unidentified leakage
Potassium iodide
NG-04-0081, Revision 149 to the Table of Contents, Revision 10 to EPIP 2.6, Revision 2 to EPIP ORAA-01, Revision 1 EPIP ORAA-02, Revision 1 to EPIP ORAA-0312 February 2004Revision 149 to the Table of Contents, Revision 10 to EPIP 2.6, Revision 2 to EPIP ORAA-01, Revision 1 EPIP ORAA-02, Revision 1 to EPIP ORAA-03Potassium iodide
ML04023064421 January 2004Revision 148 to the Table of Contents and Revision 21 to EPIP 3.3, Dose Assessment and Protective Action.Potassium iodide
ML04023063912 January 2004Revision 147 to the Table of Contents and Revision 3 to EPIP TSC-09, TSC Communicator Checklist.Potassium iodide
ML03329061021 November 2003Rev. 18 to Table of Contents, Rev. 7 to EAL EBD-A, Rev. 2 to EAL EBD-DEF, and Rev. 7 to EAL EBD-HSafe Shutdown
High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Internal Flooding
Operating Basis Earthquake
Scram Discharge Volume
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Power change
Unidentified leakage
ML03329044721 November 2003Transmittal of Entire EPIP Document (Copy 28)Safe Shutdown
Potassium iodide
ML03310008827 October 2003Revision 17 to EAL Table of Contents and Revision 5 to EAL EBD-S, System Malfunction Category.Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Time to boil
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Power change
Unidentified leakage
ML03309046627 October 2003Emergency Plan Implementing Procedutable of Contents Revision 145 and EAL-04 (PWR:21940), Revision 4Potassium iodide
ML03303047721 October 20036 to Table of Contents and Revision 6A to EAL EBD-H, Hazards and Other Conditions Affecting Plant Safety Category.Safe Shutdown
High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Internal Flooding
Operating Basis Earthquake
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML03303048017 October 200344 to EPIP Table of Contents and Revision 0 to EPIP OSC-17, Field Monitoring Team Checklist.Potassium iodide
ML0328902528 October 200343 to EPIP Table of Contents, Revision 4 to EPIP CR-01, Revision 1 to EPIP CR-02, Revision 2 to EPIP EOF-04, and Revision 5 to EPIP EOF-07Minimum staff
Potassium iodide
ML0328902508 October 20031 to EPIP 1.1, Revision 28 to EPIP 1.2, Revision 5 to EPIP 1.4, and Revision 5 to EPIP 1.5Safe Shutdown
Health Physics Network
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Grab sample
Met Tower
Temporary Modification
Deep Dose Equivalent
Minimum staff
Potassium iodide
ML0328303551 October 2003Transmittal of Entire EAL Basis Document (Table of Contents Rev)Safe Shutdown
High winds
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
Internal Flooding
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML0328302951 October 200342 to EPIP Table of Contents, Revision 4 to EPIP EAL-02, and Revision 4 to EPIP EAL-03Potassium iodide
ML03266006417 September 2003Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures for Duane Arnold Energy CenterPotassium iodide
ML03254104929 August 2003Transmittal of Entire EAL Basis Document (Table of Contents Rev) (Copy 91)Safe Shutdown
ML03254104729 August 2003Transmittal of Entire EPIP Document (Copy 28)Potassium iodide
ML0322503431 August 2003Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure (EPIP) Index, Revision 139, for Duane Arnold Energy CenterPotassium iodide
ML03225015431 July 2003Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure, EAL Basis DocumentSafe Shutdown
High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Internal Flooding
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
Scram Discharge Volume
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Power change
Unidentified leakage
ML03225007931 July 2003Transmittal of Entire EPIP Document (Copy 28)Safe Shutdown
ML03217061528 July 2003Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing ProceduresPotassium iodide
ML03188006425 June 2003Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing ProcedureMet Tower
Potassium iodide
ML0317505819 June 2003Revised Emergency Plan Implementing ProceduresMinimum staff
Potassium iodide
ML03058047118 February 2003Entire DAEC Emergency Plan (Table of Contents Rev) (Copy 91)
ML0304203363 February 2003DAEC Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (Epip), Index, Revision 134 & EPIP 4.5, Revision 7Fuel cladding
Potassium iodide
ML03030015524 January 2003Emergency Planning Department Procedure Transmittal Acknowledgement Memo Emergency Telephone Book
ML03003078617 December 2002Revisions to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, Including Revision 133 to Table of Contents, Revision 9 to EPIP 2.6 & Revision 5 to EPIP Note-05Potassium iodide
ML02352015313 December 2002DAEC Emergency Planning Dept Procedure Transmittal Acknowledgement Memo (TAM-15) EAL Basis Document (Table of Contents Rev)Safe Shutdown
ML02352009413 December 2002DAEC Emergency Planning Dept Procedure Transmittal Acknowledgement Memo (TAM-18) Entire EPIP DocumentPressure Boundary Leakage
Potassium iodide
ML02302045319 October 2002Entire EAL Basis Document (Table of Contents Rev) (Copy 91)
ML02302044917 October 2002Entire EPIP Document (Copy 28)Temporary Modification
Potassium iodide
ML02291027630 September 2002Entire EAL Basis Document (Table of Contents Rev) (Copy 91)Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Ultimate heat sink
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Power change
Unidentified leakage
ML0226102694 September 2002Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures EPIP 1.4 Rev. 4., and EPIP 2.3, Rev 6Health Physics Network
Potassium iodide
ML02248041527 August 2002Revised Emergency Plan Implementing ProceduresSafe Shutdown
Grab sample
Met Tower
Deep Dose Equivalent
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Potassium iodide
ML02248043023 August 2002Revised Emergency Plan Implementing ProceduresFatality
Potassium iodide
ML0224700818 August 2002Revised Epips, Including Rev. 127 to EPIP TOC, Rev. 2 to EPIP EAL-04, Rev. 2 to EPIP EAL-03, Rev. 2 to EPIP EAL-02 & Rev. 2 to EPIP EAL-01Safe Shutdown
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Potassium iodide
ML0206503235 February 2002Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures
ML01310042910 October 2001Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures EPIP Index Rev 122, EPIP 2.5 Rev 13, EPIP 2.6 Rev 7, EPIP 2.7 Rev 5, EPIP 3.1 Rev 10, EPIP 3.2 Rev 11, EPIP 3.3 Rev 16, EPIP 4.2 Rev 5, EPIP 4.3 Rev 9, EPIP 4.5 Rev 5, EPIP 5.2 Rev 8 forReactor Vessel Water Level
Grab sample
Met Tower
Deep Dose Equivalent
Potassium iodide