NG-18-0112, NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC - Emergency Plan Preparedness Dated 08/01/18

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NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC - Emergency Plan Preparedness Dated 08/01/18
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/2018
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18255A068 (8)



10CFR50.54(q) SCREENING FORM Page 1 of 4 PCR/AR/NAMS No.: ____2=2=6-'-96=7~3_ _ __

Applicable activity for review (process, documen~ modification, etc):

IApplicable Site: 181 Duane Arnold Energy Center O Point Beach 0Seabrook Ost Lucie OTurkey Point Identify the reason for the screening:

1'811DCFR50.54(q) screening of a Change to the Emergency Plan or procedures implementing the Plan D Emergency Preparedness Function Assessment


Process/Document Driving Change: CMPA 2269449 Brief Description (include why the change is being made): The working area of the Joint Information Center is being relocated from the 7th floor of the Alliant Tower to the 15th floor. This move Will not change the functionality of the JIG and this is a batch change PCR reflect the change in the JIC location..

D Check if EAL Validation & Verification is Attached (required for EAL change not in the NRC SER)

Relocation of the Joint Information Center from the 7 to the 15 floor of The JIC working area is D Ecfl!orial Change:

the Alliant Tower. relocating from the 7111 Analysis is NOT required 50.47 (b)(7) Emergency floor of the Alliant Tower Public Information to the 15ih floor. This D Proposed change does requires an evaluation to NOT involve the Planning Standards /Program 50.47 (b)(8) documentthere is no* Emergency Facilities and Elements:

change in functionality of Analysis is NOT required Equipment the JIC and that the new facility does not t8J Proposed change DOES Appendix E., rv., D.

decrease the capability involve the Planning to disseminate Notification and E standards I Program Emergency Facilities and information to the public. Elements:

Equ;pment Analysis IS required EP-AA-100-1007-F01, Revision 4

10CFR50.54(q) SCREENING FORM Page 2 of4 PCR/AR/NAMS No.: ____ 22=6=9=6""'73"-----

2. Editorial changes to the following E Plan Sections: Editorial changes to E [81 Editorial Change:

Plan sections and EP!Ps Analysis is NOT required Section B Emergency Response Organization, subsection 2.5.1 reflecting change in Interface (1) (a) change seventh to fifteenth floor. location of the Joint IJ Proposed change does Information Center. NOT involve the Planning Standards /Program Section G Public Education and Information, Subsection 2.1 Public Bements:

Information/Education, Subsection (1) by replacing DAEC Analysis is NOT required Communications Manager with NextEra Energy Corporate Communications. Also, Subsection 2.3 (1l News Statements delete 7th D Proposed change DOES floor for media briefing auditorium (only 6 floor is the briefini involve the Planning auditorium) and change JIC working area from 7+.ri floor to 15 n floor. Standards/ Program Elements:

Section H Emergency Facilities Staffing, Activation and Equipment, Analysis IS required Table of Contents change reference for Figure H:-8 to JIC 15th Floor Plan (Typical) and Subsection 2.4 Joint Information Center(1) (a) Correct the size of JIC from 10,500 sq. ft. to 3,700 sq. ft. Note that this is a correction not a reduction in the size of the JIC), .and (b) chanjliie floor reference from seventh to fifteenth. Change Figure H-8 from to 15th Floor Plan (Typical) and replace the floor plan With updated floor plan.

Appendix 6 Definition, (32) change floor reference from 7th to 15th Editorial changes to the following EPIPs:

EPIP 1.4 Release of Emergency-Related Information, change reference from 7th to 15111 floor in the folloWing: .

  • Table of Contents, Section Numbers - Attachment 3
  • Subsection 3.2 Security (2)(c) and (3)(a), and (d)

Subsection 3.4 Rumor Control NOTE

  • Attachment 3 title and floor plan EPIP 1.5 Activation and Operation of the EOF, Subsection 3.4 Security (2) (c) remove reference to in floor and (3) (a) and (d) change reference from 7lh to 15111*

EP-AA-100-1007-F01, Revision 4

10CFR50.54(q) SCREENING FORM Page 3 of 4 PCR/ARJNAMS No.: ---=22=6=9=67.:..;3"-----

  • Planning standard / Program Element from Section 7 D If NO Section 7 criteria are involved, a 10CFR50.54(q) Evaluation is NOT required.

[2J If ANY Section 7 criteria are involved, go to Form 2 to perform a 10CFR50.54(q) Evaluation.

Prepared by (Print Name) Date Rebecca Palmer 7/17/18 Reviewed by (Print Name) Date Tricia Granfors 7/17/18 SFAM Approval (Print Name) Date Mark Fritz 7/17/18 CFAM Approval (Print Name) Qate Peter Polfleit -d ,-, hi EP-M-100-1007-F01, Revision 4

I* ***,

10CFR50.54(q) SCREENING FORM Page 4 of 4 PCR/AR/NAMS No.: _____2=2=69~6~73~---

No. Planning Standards / Functions Requirement YES NO 1, Responslbllily for emergency response Is assigned.. 50.47(b)(1) D l8l The response organization has the staff lo respond and to augment staff on a 50.47(b)(1) D IZI 2.

continuina basis (i.e., 24ft suooort) in accordance with the emeraencv olan.

The process ensures that onshift emergency response responsibilities are staffed 50.47(b)(2) D l8l

3. and assianed (lncludina on-shift staffina sludv and assumo!lons)
4. The process for timely augmentation of onshlft staff Is established and maintained. 50.47(b)(2) D 181
5. Arrangements for requesting and using offsite assistance have been made, 50.47(b}(3) D !81 Stale and local staff can be accommodated at the EOF In accordance with the 50.47(b)(3} D l8l 6.

ememencv plan.

7. A standard scheme of emergency classification and ~ctlon levels Is In use. 50.47(b}(4) D l8l Procedures for notification of Slate and local governmental agencies are capable
8. of alerting them of the declared emergency within 1s*mlnutes after declaration of 50,47(b)(5) D 181 an emeraencv and orovidina follow-uo notifications.

Administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and 50.47(b)(5) D [8J 9.

providlna prompt Instructions to the public within the plume exoosure pathwav.

The public ANS meets the design requirements of FEMA-REP-10, "Gulde for Evaluation of Alert and Notiflcal!on Systems for Nuclear Power Plants', or Is 50.47(b)(5) D 181 10.

compliant with the licensee's FEMA-approved ANS design report and supporting FEMA approval letter.

Systems are established for prompt communication among principal emergency 50.47(b)(6) D 181

11. response organizations.

Systems are established for prompt communication to emergency response 50.47(b)(6) D l8J

12. oersonnel.

Emergency preparedness information Is made available to the public on a periodic 50.47(b)(7) D l8l 13.

basis within the Plume exoosure pathwav EPZ.

14. Coordinated dissemination of pubilc information during emergencies Is established. 50.47(b}(7) 181 D
15. Adequate equipment & facilities are maintained to support emergency response. 50.47(b}(8) 181 D Methods, systems, and equipment for assessment of radioactive releases are in 50.47(b)(9) D 181 16.


17. A range of public PARs is avallable for lmplementatlon during emergencies. 50.47(b)(10} D l8l Evacuation time estimates for the population located In the plume exposure
18. pathway EPZ are available to support the formulation of PARs and have been 50.47(b)(10) D 181 orovided to State and local governmental authorities.

A range of protective actions Is avallable for plant emergency workers during 50.47(b)(10) D l8l 19.

emergencies includina those for hostile action events The resources for controlllng radiological exposures for emergency workers are 50.47(b)(11} D l8l 20.


21. Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated, Injured Individuals** 50.47(b)(12) D l8l
22. Plans for recovery and reentry are developed. 50.47(b)(13) D 181 A drill and exercise program (including radiological, medical, health physics, and 50.47(b)(14) D l8l 23.

other oroaram areas) Is established.

Drills, exercises, and training evolutions that provide performance opportunities to

24. develop, maintain, and demonstrate key skills, are assessed via a formal critique 50.47(b)(14) D l8l process in order to identify weaknesses.
25. Identified weaknesses are corrected. 50.47(b)(14) D 181
26. Training Is provided to emergency responders. 50.47(b)(15) D [81
27. Responsibility for emergency plan development and review Is established. 50.47(b)(16) D l8l Planners responsible for emergency plan development and maintenance are 50.47(b)(16) D 181 28.

oroperiv trained.

EP-AA-100-1007-F01, Revision 4 I"


  • 1 i .

10CFR50.54(q) EVALUATION FORM (Page 1 of 3)

Change 1. Relocation of the Joint Information Center from the 7 to the 15 floor of the Alliant Tower.

Note: Relocation of the JIG requires an evaluation to document there is no change in functionality of the JIC and that the new facility does not decrease the capability to disseminate information to the public. _

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50.47(b)(7) Coordinated dissemination of public Information during emergencies is established Appendix E, IV, D, Notification Procedures: 2. Provisions shall be described for ... dissemination to the pub He within the plume exposure pathway EPZ of basic emergency planning information ...

50.47(b)(8) Adequate equipment and facilities are maintained to support emergency response Appendix E, IV, E, Emergency Facilities and Equipment Adequate equipment and facilities are support emergency response ...

(1) Space for members of an NRG site team and Federal, State, and local responders; (2) Additional space for conducting briefings with emergency response personnel; (3) Communication with other licensee and offsite emergency response facilities; (4) Access to plant data and radiological Information; and (5) Access to copying equipment and office supplies.

The primary function of the Joint Information Center {JIG) Is to establish a coordinated means to disseminate information related to a NPP event to public officials, the news media, and Industry public relations forums. To that end the JIG is to provide accurate and timely Information to the public and !he news media; coordinate press statements and news media briefings with focal, state and federal public relations officials; coordinate Information with the Corporate Communications Department; and provide DAEC employees with Information consistent with that released to the media. In recent years the additional responsibility to coordinate the family care line has been absorbed by the JIG.

The JIG consists of two functional areas located In the Alllant Tower, Cedar Rapids, IA. The first functional area is the auditorium located on the 61h floor, which Is used for a press briefing room. The briefing room will remain on the 61h floor and no additional functional changes are being made.

The second functional area of the JIG is the workln~ area. The working area is presently on the 7'h floor of the Alliant Tower and is being relocated to the 15 h floor. This Is where the DAEC JIG Manager and Spokesperson work with corporate, local, state, and federal public relations officials to prepare and distribute press releases, Identify and determine how best to correct rumors or misinformation, and prepare for press conferences. DAEC loglstlc personnel support the distribution of approved written and electronic materials, ensures staffing of the JIC, and staffing of the family care line. Technical personnel track and report the status of plant conditions and answer technical questions. Media monitors track what the media is reporting over television and radio and identify rumors and misinformation. PIO support personnel provide support directly to Public Information Officers.

The new 15th floor DAEC JIG work area and Public Information Office (PIO) area will be of similar size to that provided on the 7'h floor. There is no reduction In JIC positions or the number of personnel to support the functions of the JIC. There is no reduction in communications capabilities in the JIC. Additional network access is being provided. Current JIG furniture, phones, faxes, copier, and equipment will be utilized. Several new and replacement televisions have been purchased. Therefore, the relocation of the JIG from the 7'h floor to the 151h floor of the Alliant Tower will maintain equivalent functionality with no reduction In the time It takes to conduct the business In the JIG working area.

EP-AA-100-1007-F02, Revision 6

      • , i I* *.,

10CFR50,54(q) EVALUATION FORM (Page 2 of 3)

E Plan Section B Emergency Response Organization, subsection 2.5.1 Interface (1) (a)

E Plan Section G Public Education and Information, Subsection 2.3 (1) News Statements E Plan Section H Emergency Facilities Staffing, Activation and Equipment, Table of Contents, Figure H~

Floor Plan, and Subsection 2.4 Joint Information Center After the move, the EOF and JIG will share a NRG /FEMA work area that has phone and television access. The Media Rumor Conttol room will be slightly larger and will maintain the capablllty to track what the media is saying on television and radio. Corporate Communications will maintain the ability to track and address social media information. The PIO room will have additional televisions so the PIOs i can better track local and national news and several interior windows have been added to physically and visually connect the PIO Room with the DAEC Work Area. The Logistic Coordinator will now be physically part of the DAEC Work Area and can better support the JIG Manager. Two separate small private rooms have also been provided to answer Family Care calls and to coordinate distribution of call requests with Corporate services.

As there Is no reduction in the size of the JIC, communication capabilities, or staffing, the primary functions of the JIG will be maintained. Those functions include: provide accurate and timely Information to the public and the news media, coordinate press statements and news media briefings with local, state and federal public relations officials, coordinate information with the Corporate Communications Department, and to provide for the family care of DAEC employees. Maintaining the functionality of the JIG will ensure a more effective event response.

1. Does the proposed change comply with 10CFR50.47(b) and 10GFR50 Appendix E? ~YES ONO
2. Does the proposed change maintain the emergency plan with no reduction In

~YES ONO effectiveness?

~ The answer to BOTH question 1 & 2 are YES. The proposed change may be implemented without prior NRC approval.

D The answer to EITHER question 1 or 2 is NO. Prior approval by the NRG is required prior to Implementation.

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. . . .. I 10CFR50.54(q) EVALUATION FORM (Page 3 of 3)

PCR/AR/NAMS No.: 2269673 Prepared by (Print Name)

Rebecca Palmer 7/17/18 Reviewed by (Print Name) Date 1r, c..t °'- r;.. 1CAr-->-tors SFAM Approval (Print Name) Date

/J'l/1R K r/2. 11c:_

CFAM Approval (Print Name) Date

?~?a,fl EP-AA-100-1007-F02, Revision 6