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Public Version of Revision 8 to Emergency Plan Administrative Procedure AD 1827.12, Protective Action Guidelines. Revision 145 to Emergency Plan Supporting Procedures Index Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 07/08/1982
From: Doyel C, Green W, Murray T
Shared Package
ML20062D475 List:
AD-1827.12-02, AD-1827.12-2, NUDOCS 8208060109
Download: ML20062D514 (17)


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. ..J i 5 HP 1602.01 10 T-6393 r] HP 1604.01 2

'3 AD 1827.01 3 AD 1827.02 8 -

,, AD 1827.03 1

"', AD 1827.04 1 T- 6019 AD 1827.05 2 AD 1827.06 2 l AD 1827.07 2 La AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 n AD 1827.10 12-

"i AD 1827.11 2 AD 1827.12 8 q AD 1827.13 4 4

AD 1827.14 1 J AD 1827.15 3,


r AD 1827.16 1 2

AD 1827.17. 1 L ~ ./ AD 1850.04l 4 . .

AD 1850.05 5 m


(. -

No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 26 i No. 38 - First Aid Team 11 i No. 39 - Fire Brigade 12 No. 41 - Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 24 No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMT) 16 u


! Revision ~145

. 5, July, 1982


8208060109 820002

'..J PDR ADOCK 05000346 PDR p


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Davis-Ecsse Nucicar Power Station 7

!. . u.. Unit No. 1 i .

[, Administrative Procedure AD 182'T.12 la

,7 Protective Action Guidelines y

E' i 5

J Record of Approval and Changes 9

i Prepared by C. Doyel/W. Green 2/23/76 -

Date Submitted by E . Ld . 3 / ) 1 / ~/ 4.

f]d 2.on llaad Date

'~] .. s Recommended by '

SRB Chairman bate


' QA Approved - A- AA /

d V Ma ger '

uality/ fsurance A Date

, Approved by '

[/d d M

] ~ YaYion Superintendent Date Revision SRB QA

  • S ta S up t .

No. Re c= men en Date Approved Date Approve Date j -

- /& /0 b f ^I ~ fo M 7i p ,

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J 1 AD 1827.12.6 7

N ~




[' j To define a specific set of guidelines to be followed in determin-ing protective actions to be taken in the event of emergencies involving radioactivity releases at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS). '


2.1 10 CFR 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation 2.2 10 CFR 100, Reactor Site Criteria 1

j} 6 2.3 USAEC TID-14844, Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites 2.4 AD 1808.00, Industrial Security Plan

,, 2.5 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan i

2.6 AD 1827.10, Emergency Off-Site Dose Estimates fl 2.7 SAND 77-1725, Public Protection Strategies for Potential tj Nuclear Reactor Accidents - Sheltering Concepts with Existing Public and Private Structures

28. EPA Guidelines - September 1975, EPA-520/1-75-001

., 2.9 U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Federal Register, Vol.

, 43, No. 242, Dec. 15, 1978 a

2.10 Reg Guide 1.109, Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the purpose of

, Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix I

3. DEFINITIONS 6 3.1 Decision Dose r

That value of projected thyroid dose above which evacua-


tion is beneficial.

3.2 Evacuation Dose That dose that a potenLial evacuee would re'ceive if he were openly exposed during the evacuation.

. 3.3 Evacuation Exposure Period The period during which the evacuee is exposed to the J- radioactive plume.


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_ _2 a-e.


2 AD 1827.12.7


3.4 Off-Site



The area outside the Owner Controlled Area as defined in

AD 1808.00, Industrial Security Plan.

3.5 Projected Exposure Time {c.

That period of time in which the population surrounding DBNPS will be exposed to radiation as a result of an E accidental airborne radioactive release. Projected b Exposure Time starts when the airborne radioactivity released crosses the Owner Controlled Area Boundary and g y


ends when radiation levels off-site return to normal.

3.6 Sheltering Dose p

. . R That' dose that an individual would receive if he were to '

remain within a shelter having ventilation control during the passage of the plume. The method of calculating the sheltering dose is significantly different for the whole

{e body and thyroid dose. This is because a ventilation controlled shelter, i.e. door, windows and ventilation - .g shut, provides thyroid protection for only two hours. O Aftei two hours the inhabitant receives the full thyroid dose. For t'he whole body exposure there is no limit on (h.y ,

the resident's time in the shelter.


4.1 In the event an emergency is declared at DBNPS that [

involves the release of radioactivity or radiation, the i Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) and his assisting personnel n shall_use the calculating methods found in AD 1827.10, N


Emergency Off-Site Dose Estimates, to calculate the instantaneous radiation exposure rates for various offsite locations. (In the event of an emergency during off-normal /r hours,:this calculation is the responsibility of the Shift L Supervisor while acting as EDO until such time as he is relieved by the EDO.) E

?L The results of these calculations should be utilized as specified in Section 6. for evacuation and shelter recom- -)

mendations, and compared with the guidelines given in b


j Sections 5. and 7. to determine the proper protective actions required to protect the health and safety of ..,

j 7 Station personnel and the general public. However, in the event that time does not permit the use of the Section 6 'i Data Sheets (i.e., if the plume is moving relatively fast towards the public and especially large population centers), .!

j protective actions should be based on an immediate com- ,,y 1 parison of the dose project' ions calculated in AD 1827.10 .

with the criteria given in Section 5.1 of this procedure. lM)L L

i ila 3

. _ . - _ - - ~ . _ . . . ~ ,


. . l i

., 3 AD 1827.12.7 I

-J/I l The EDO shall then implement those actions for Station l personnel and communicate the recommended off-site actions 1 I; to the Ottawa County Sheriff's Department (or the State l Lj and County Emergency Operations Centerr if they have been activated). 1

__ )

4.2 In order to simplif'y evacuation instructions for the public, evacuation " subareas" (see Figure 1) have been established by municipal and geographical boundaries.

When making evacuation decisions in an emergency situa-J tion, the EDO shall consider the time available (based on plume travel speed) to evacuate the affected subarea (s),

in comparison to the estimated evacuation times as given

_J in Table 1. The data sheets used in Section 6. assist in this process.


'l t


, 7 5.1 Recommended Protective Actions for the Plume Exposure i Pathway (10 mile) Emergency Planning Zone to avoid whole -

J body and thyroid dose from exposure to a gaseous plume:



b Projected Dose (Rem) to the Popu'lation Recommended Actions (* Comments r" Whole body <1 Noplanngg) protective Previously

, ['i -

actions. Issue an recommended Thyroid <5' advisory to seek protective

!e shelter and await actions may i "q -

further instructions. be recon-I Monitor environmental sidered or

, radiatica levels. terminated.

t Whole body L to <5 Seek shelter as a min- If con-imum. Consider evacu- straints ation. Evacuate unless exists, Thyroid 5 to <25 constraints make it special l ,j . impractical. Monitor considera-l environmental radia- should be a tion levels. Control given for 1 -

access. evacuation of children l , and preg-nant women.

w Whole body 5 and above Conduct mandatory Seeking evacuation. Monitor shelter P environmental radia- would be an

,a Thyroid 25 and above tion levels and adjust alternative area for mandatory if evacua-evacuation based on tion were these levels. not immedi-Control access. ately pos-sible.

>4 l


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- b 4 AD p

(*) These actions are recommended for planning purposes.

Protective action decisions at the time of the n incident must take existing conditions into con- f, siderction.

H (b) At the time of the incident, officials may implement g

low-impact protection actions in keeping with the a principle of maintaining radiation exposures as low as reasonably achievable.

.{ 12 5.2 Guidelines for protection against ingestion of contamina- <

7 tion for the Ingestion Exposure Pathway (50 mile) Emergency > '

Planning Zone: 7 '( <(

I. Ground Contaminatior.

' -Q A. Action Levels b

1. Projected w ole body dose above the ground 2 rem d


i 2. Ground Contactination levels 22000 pCi/m2 g, H

t = 1 hr post-accident



3. Exposure rate 212 mR/Hr-at 1 meter above l ground at t = 1 hr post-accident fD b3 k B. Recommende.d Protective Actions .

l 1. Evacuation of affected areas . p

2. Restriction of entry to contaminated off-site n

i areas until radiation levil has decreased to State approved levels 1

  • Q II. Food and Water Contamination 5 4

p j A *. Action Levels -

i Concentration in f Milk or Water .;

i (0.5 (5

] rem WB rem WB p i or bone: or bone: Total Intake .

! 1.5 rem 15 rem via all Pasture i thyroid) . thyroid) Food & Water Grass -

i Preventive Emergency Pathways (Fresh Weight _) l?


Level Levei Preventive Laergency Preventive Emergency Nuclide* (pCi/1) (pCi/1) (pCi) (pci)- (pCi/kg) (mci /kg)

1-131 C
(thyroid) 0.012 0.12 0.09 0.9 0.27 2.7 gw '

! c,-)


] m.

3 n~

i t.

j j


t 5 AD 1827.12.7

/ ~ '- calculate the dose to the critical organ (s). Infants are the critical segment of the population m

!j Concentration in Milk or Water 1 (0.5 (5

  • i rem WB rem WB or bone: or bone: _ ' Total Intake

-, 1.5 rem 15 rem . via all Pasture .

l thyroid) thyroid) Food & Water Grass Preventive Emergency Pathways (Fresh Weight)

Level Level Preventive Emergency Preventive Emergency Nuclide* (pCi/1) (pCi/1) (pCi) (pCi) (pCi/kg) (pCi[kgl Cs-137 (Whole

, i; Body) 0.34 3.4 7.0 70 3.5 35

.t Sr-90 (bone) 0.007 0.08 0.2 2.0 0.7 7.0

.- Sr-89 j (bone) 0.13 1.3 2.6 26 13 130 -

,, B. Recommended Protective Action.

Proventive Emergency

1. Removal of lactating Isolate food and water gf. , dairy cows from con- from its introduction taminated pasture and into commerce after substitution of uncon- considering:

taminated stored feed.

2. Substitute source of a. availability of

_i uncontaminated water. -

other possible

3. Withhold contaminated actions; milk from market to b. importance of par-allow radioactive decay. . ticular food in
4. Divert fluid milk to nutrition; L, , production of dry whole c. time and effort to milk, butter, etc. take action;
d. availability of other foods.

7 5.3 Representative shielding factors from airborne radio-nuclides:

., Structure or Location Shielding Factor [,) Representative Range Outside 1.0 --


., Vehicles 1.0 --

I +

>_- Wood-frame house (b) 0.9 --



j (no basement) e-3


m. m .w e<-.,. , - , . . . . . . , , ,

.~- .,,m

. _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _a 6 AD 1827.12.7 p



r Structure or Location Shielding Factor (,) Representative Range  ;

Basement of wood house 0.6 0.1 to 0.7(*) c U

Masonry House (no base- 0.6 0.4 to 0.7(c) a ment) f4 Basement of masonry house 0.4 0.1 to 0.5(c) d Large office or indus- 0.2 0.1 to 0.3(c, d) trial building 4:,

(a) The radio of the dose received inside the structure y to the dose that would be received outside the N structure. O i

(b) A wood frame house with brick or stone veneer is F approximately equivalent to a masonry house for shield- E ing purposes. ,

(*) R This range is mainly due to different wall materials b and different geometries.

(d) #%

The shielding factor depends on where the personnel  %

^ ~

are located within the building (e.g., the basement N.?

or an inside room).

! c i 7 5.4 Representative shielding factors for surface deposited h l radionuclides:

n jf; Representative Structure or Location Shielding Factor [,) Representative Range ..

I m above an infinite 1.00 --


smooth surface L-

, 1 m above ordinary ground 0.70 0.47-0.85 []

U 1 m above center of 50-ft 0.55 0.4-0.6 i roadways, 50% decontam-inated p!


, w 1

i Cars on 50-ft road:

Road fully contaminated 0.5 0.4-0.7 .]

l Road 50% decontaminated 0.5 0.4-0.6 o Road fully decontaminated 0.25 0.2-0.5 9

Trains 0.40 0.3-0.5 , ~.j '

c ..

%) ,




?l t u J

4 1

7 AD 1827.12.7 C-Representative

. ri Structure or Location Shieldina Factor [,) Representative Ranae One and two-story wood- 0.4(b) 0.2-0.5 l, frame house (no basement) i<l -

!u One and two-story block 0.2(b) 0.04-0.40 l and brick house (no base- _

p ment) .


House basement, one or two 0.1( ) 0.03-0.15 j, walls fully exposed
j One story, less than 2 0.05(b) 0.03-0.7
' ft of basement, walls

! ,, exposed j [.: Two. stories, less than 2 0.03(b) 0.02-0.05

!u ft of basement, walls

p Three- or four-story I '

structures, 5000 to l^ 10,000 ft2 per floor:

- First and second floors
b) 0.01-0.08 l l. , Basement C.05((b) 0.0) 0.001-0.07

!', Miltistory structures, I . >10,000 ft2 per floor:

u - . Upper floors 0.01(b) 0.001-0.02

, Basement 0.005(b) 0.001-0.015 3 ),i 4



' The ratio of dose received'inside the structure to the dose that would be received outside the structure.

(b) Away from doors and windows.

j. [a.

1 i ,. 7 5.5 Distribution of Potassium Iodide Tablets

--' 1. The EDO will direct Station personnel to take a KI tabletif,(a}5the known iodine concentration will
exceed 1 x 10 pCi/cc for greater than one hour, or (b) the total known dose to an adult thyroid will exceed 10 rems.

5 4

2. Base the distribution of KI on actual thyroid doses, not projected doses. KI is 90% effective if admin-intered within one hour after the uptake, and 50%

i effective if administered within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> after j .-

, uptake, j

rj 3. Call Radiation Management Corporation if KI is


.) ,. administered for further directions regarding usage.

1 j , W__ -

i i ~

. o

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. _ _ _ . _ __ ._ . ..- _ .. . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ --c i

L 8 AD 1827.12.7  ;-

6. PROCEDUkE 6.1 Whole Body Dose


Complete Data Sheet 1.

7 6.2 Thyroid Dose 'a Coa.plete Data Sheet 2. "

g 6.3 Protective actions should be recommended as developed by Data Sheet I and 2. Additional guidance is as follows: p EXAMPLES OF ACTIONS ACCIDENT PHASE EXPOSURE PATHWAYS TO BE RECOMMENDED -

Inhalation of Evacuation, shelter, [

EMERGENCY gases, radio- access control, res- G PHASE 1 iodine, or par -

piratory protection, (0.5 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />)* ticulate prophylaxis (thyroid  ?

protection)  ;

Direct whole body Evacuation, shelter, exposure access control *

, Ingestion of Take cows off pas- g

,. milk ture, prevent cows from drinking sur-face water, discard contaminated milk, /]L G

. or divert to stored

, products such as cheese f d

INTERMEDIATE Ingestion of Wash all produce, or PHASE 2 fruits and impound produce, n vegetables delay harvest until le


approved, substitute uncontaminated pro- ,

duce  !"

Ingestion of Cut off contaminated a water supplies, substitute from other sources,  !*

filter, demineralize  ;;,

(24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to Whole body expo- Relocation, decon-30 days)* sure and inhala- tamination, fixing c tion of contamination, deep plowing


! 1 Emergency phase - Time period of major . release and [5 subsequent plume exposure. G 2 Intermediate phase - Time period' of moderate con- g tinuous release with plume g j

exposure and contamination of environment.

Q q gs; e i 1



.. . 9 AD 1827.12.7 L.-



Ingestion of food Decontamination, and water con- condemnation, or taminated from destruction of food; LONG TERM the soil either deep plowing, con-PHASE 3 by resuspension demnation, or al-

,,, or uptake ternate use of land through roots Whole body expo- Relocation, access sure from deposi- control, decontam-1 (over 30 days)* tion material or ination, fixing of inhalation of re- contamination, deep suspended plowing material 4,


8 Long Term Phase - Recovery period.

i * " Typical" Post-accident time periods.

a 6.4 Small Children and Pregnant Women *

'~I 7 L, Any time the projected whole body does is expected to exceed 500 mrem or the projected thyroid dose is expected

- to exceed 1.5 rem, advise the Ottawa County Sheriff's Department to conduct an evacuation in the area of exposure 4

' ' , ~

of families in "which there are pregnant women or small s children.


..a g

0 4

L l


'1 so - e ,a l' , 'J


, s'?



_m _ - -. . _ - . . . _ . . _ _ . _ . , , , _ _ , m

. . . . . . . . . . . - -. - ~ . . . . ... . . - - . _ . - O r


L 10 AD 1827.12.7 -

V DATA SHEET 1 Evacuation vs Shelter Decision Guide q For Whole Body Exposure g

1. Evacuation Subacea from Figure 1 ,,,


2. Approximate Distance to Population.of Interest k (1, 2, 5, or 10 miles) miles Il 7 NOTE: Use the distance in which the projected exposure levels s' calculated in AD 1827.10 are above the Protective Action Guidelines given in Section 5.1. A data sheet should be m calculated for each affected radii. -

3 3. Calculate Whole Body Dose Rate:

E (D=MR/HR from' Step 14, Data Sheet 1 of AD 1827.10, b i

Emergency Off-site Dose Rate Estimate)= mR/HR I E

4. Release DuraLion (If not known assume 10 hrs.) hours L
5. Projected dose = dose rate x duration = Items 3 x 4 = REM 1000 1000 [q
6. Wind Speed _ MPH Distance (item 2) 7 7. Plume Travel Time = Wind Speed (item 6) = hours l 8. Time since, or till, beginning of release. .

1 j a. If release has begun:

Release has been in progress hours p

f l b. If release will begin later: ,

l Release will start in hours

9. Time till exposure begins:


a. If release has begun: '.;

Time = Item 7 - Item 8a = hours NOTE: Show minus sign in answer if 7 g

b Item 8a is greater than Item 7.

u h

!! b. If release will begin later:

c l: Time = Item 7 + Item 8b.,= hours 'O 1.

l 10. Evacuation Weather Conditions: E L

m.L Normal Adverse Severe (Circle One) 4

&/'I i U bl n U b

. . . -- g

, n. ,

) ,

i l 11 AD 1827.12.7 l t,/~ DATA SHEET 1 (Continued)

, 11. Use information from Items 1 and 10 to get Estimated y Evacuation Time from Table 1. hours

12. Exposure Time:

hours Item 11 - Item 9 =

.c-NOTE: If Item 9 is negative, keep in mind that minus a negative

~, - <

number gives a positive result. If Item 9 is larger than

. , . , - Item 11, enter zero hours.

13. Evacuation Exposure Period (EEP):

Take the smaller of Exposure Time (Item 12) or

~.. - .

Release Duration (Item 4) hours j 7 14. Evacu'ation Dose = EEP hours x Dose Rate = (Item 13) x (Item 3) =

2' REM 1000 1000

15. Sheltering Dose =
  • a Projected Dose x Structure Shielding Factor (from *


. 5.3) = REM

a=qi N

.jypfp ig~.,j y 7 NOTE: Since the housing in the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone is basically wood homes, a structure shielding factor of

A i ?t
  • 0.9 should normally be used.

M i 9 '

k fh?)[! -

16. Using the above information and following table, 7'S determine the protective actions to be recommended:

i j


, a. Projected Dose (Item 5) less than a. NO ACTION 1 rem

, 7 b. Sheltering Dose (Item 16) is greater b. SHELTER

, than 1 rem but less than 5 rem

c. Sheltering Dose greater than 5 c. EVACUATE rem, and Evacuation Dose (Item
15) less than Sheltering Dose
d. - Sheltering Dose greater than 5 rem d. SHELTER

.; and Evacuation Dose greater than or equal to Shelter Dose j -


  • g.

's .

1 '

l L. J l

l l

l l- ..+

-. - -~ .. .



-/ N ,



/ - - -- FIGURE 1 70'8 @

W 7 O

. / tagt p

nousatium- - -

[Rit K

si. .. , ,. . - - @


. s,A,Il0N $llt ,

L b 1 . .


~ '

h S-1952 , '


0-s=6 r - * -se et t c -

l _

S-0 P- Permanent Residents '

T-7475 _ d S- Seasonal Residents


T- Transients g P-877 S-239 c----- T-1575

, e m ott tie.


[,,,,j sattu ter. P-1516 i nocu niest S-1828 r--,l!!noa 1 T-1570 tait _

"'""" s l [# p.4934 . yh S-0 P- 1815 T-0 S-0 $'

.: T-70 - ;:

Ituoat M

x. .- --- - -- .& . -



_ n z: 1 mN%= r WWw:n c=n m : 2 m mk _pa '-

L; 7, 13 AD 1827.12.8 TABLE 1

, Evacuation Time Estimates

,_i Land Sub-Areas Population

  • Normal Adverse Severe **


[, 1 2,781 2 hr. 55 min. .

829 4 hr. 10 min.

r1 829 15-20 hr.

2 2 2,681 3 hr. 5 min.

, 877 4 hr. 50 min.

877 -

30-40 hr.

3 10,706 3 hr. 35 min.

"1 3,231 6 hr. 30 min.

j 3,231 35-45 hr.


, 4 608 2 hr. 50 min.

4 hr. 15 min.

608 -

608 10-15 br.

_ 8

  • 5 4,934 3 hr. 30 min. -

LJ 4,934 .

4 hr. 30 min.

4,934 40-45 hr.

p (7- '

(g,' 6 4,916 3 hr. 30 min.

. 1,518 5 hr. 10 min.

<, 1,518 30-40 hr.

7 1,885 4 hr.

1,815 6 br. 25 min.

1,815 -

50-60 hr.

TOTAL EPZ 28,511 5 br. 15 min.

13,812 10 hr. 55 min.

. . _ 13,812  ;75-100 hr.

Lake Sub-Areas Boaters No rmal Adverse Severe 8 thru 13 Varies 4 hr. N/A N/A Special J Case Population Normal Adverse Severe


Port Clinton 10,328 4 hr. 45 min.

8 7,223 6 hr.

7,223 24-30 hr.

  • Population varies due to location and transient resident variations due

' to season and unfavorable weather conditions.

s ** Time ranges are provided due to the uncertain nature of severe weather

,,, \.../ conditions (e.g., during a severe snow fall or blizzard, the time it takes to evacuate can vary depending on the direction and spe,td of the wind).

e 6

- - - - - .- . . - , . , , . . , . , - _ .s..._

_~._-.. - . . . . - .

_f .. ___

p L

14 AD 1827.12.7 {

DATA SHEET 2 Evacu, tion vs Shelter Decision Guide


For Thyroid Dose I w

1. Evacuation subarea from Figure 1 -

. i~

2. Complete Data Sheet 1 L
3. Release Duration from Data Sheet 1, Ites 4


(If not known assume 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />) hours L

4. Evacuation Exposure Period (EEP) from Data g Sheet 1, Item 13 hours Ii 7 5. Calculated Thyroid Dose Rate (Step 12, Data mR/HR Adult _.

Sheet 2, AD 1827.10) mR/HR Child



6. Projected Thyroid Dose = Item 3 x Item 5 =

1000 REM Adult I REM Child E

7. Decision Dose is that value of Projected Thyroid Dose above which evacuation is beneficial. The
  • 7; Decision Dose depends on the Release Duration as 6 follows: ,,

e Release Duration Decision Dose  ! s. -'

(hours) (rem) UU 2 75 3 45 [d 4 38 5 34 -

p 6 32 . 0 8 30 12 28 ,

24 27 j above 24 25 -

Decision Dose = REM E L

8. Using the above information and following table, determine the protective actions to be r recocunended:


IF TitEN ,

7 a. Projected Thyroid Dose (Item 6) less a. NO ACTION '

than 5 rem i

a 9


!j -

t, -

7 15 AD 1827.12.7

( DATA SHEET 2 (Continued) j .-



b. Projected Thyroid Dose greater than b. EVACUATE

[] 7 5 rem but less than 25 rem CHILDREN AND t






.) ; c. Projected Thyroid Dose greater than c. EVACUATE IF

25 rem, but less than the POSSIBLE OR i I7 '

Decision Dose (Item 7) OTHERWISE SHELTER *

't j ' ', d. Projected Thyroid Dose greater than d. Perform action Ii Decision Dose, then as follows:


( 1. If EEP less tnan Release 1. EVACUATE -

.j 2

Duration .

2. If EEP equal to Release 2. SHELTER
  • 4 Duration

'i 4 ,

i .



1 .


-i a

f e

n,. \, )


,!_t END

- y ,-r, w - .,w , a - <. -+v .- -~ --- - - - - + - - - - - - - - - ~ ~