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Draft Computer Analysis & Design of Siren Prompt Notification Sys, Prepared for Toledo Edison Co
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1981
Shared Package
ML20039E675 List:
NUDOCS 8201110170
Download: ML20039E684 (97)


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([h Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.


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l Acoustic Technology Inc.

240 Commercial Street Boston, MA 02109 9

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Results of the computer analysis of the siren sound levels for Davis-Besse Nuclear ,

Power Station:

Sound pressure levels for yearly average conditions.

la: In tabular form 16: In graphical form MAP 1: 60 dBC Acoustic Coverage for Yearly Average Meteorological Conditio'ns.

(gj Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.


f This report presents a computer analysis of the acoustic coverage of the prompt notification system for the plume exposure Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. The results of this analysis will be used in verification of the warning system to meet the guidelines set forth in FEMA's CPG-17 Outdoor Warning System Guide and the NUREG-0654 criteria. The objective of Acoustic Technology Inc. ( ATI) is to design a system that is technically adequate, cost effective, and reliable. This design meets regulatory requirements and will achieve the acceptance of the public as well as Federal, State and Local government

officials. The system design is a result of an extensive computer optimization process, and the design goal is to achieve a full acoustic alerting signal for the entire EPZ.

The warning system includes high power rotating sirens located throughout the 10 mile EPZ. Through the use of a computer model developed by Acoustic Technology, Inc.

( ATI), sound pressure levels have been calculated for up to 384 locations surrounding each siren. As will be explained in Section ill all factors which effect the sound pressure level have been considered in the model (i.e. hemispherical wave divergence, ground conditions, meteorological conditions) . The sound pressure level data was used to predict the extent of the 60 dBC acoustic coverage of the siren system for average yearly meteorological conditions. Given the generally low population density of the 10 mile EPZ, characteristic of the area, the ambient average sound level for the entire EPZ is assumed to be 50 dBC. Therefore, a prediction of siren sound coverage of a minimum 60 dBC has been made for each of the siren locations.

The computer analysis of the sound pressure levels in both graphical and tabular-forms for each sir.en is found in Appendix 1. The acoustic coverage of the sirens is noted on Map 1.


A _ a - - . - - - - -


. RAFT The nuclear accident at Three Mile Island (TMI) underscored the need for better emergency preparedness procedures for commercial nuclear power plant licensees and for state and local officials involved with a general nuclear emergency. In January 1980, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Federal . Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) issued a document for interim use and comment entitled Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants (NUREG-0654, FEMA- R EP- 1 ) .

Among other things, this document lists the criteria for prompt notification of the public in the event of a general nuclear emergency. These criteria are presented in FEMA's Appendix 3: "

Means for Providing a Prompt Notification to the Populations".

The final legislation regarding prompt notification was published in the Federal Register which defines the requirements as follows: "The nuclear power reactor licensee shall demonstrate that administrative and physical means have been established for alerting and providing prompt instructions to the public within the plume exposure pathway _-

EPZ. The design objective shall be to have the capability to essentially complete the initial notification ,of the public within the plume exposure pathway EPZ within about 15 minutes."

Acoustic Technology, Inc. was contracted by Toledo Edison Co. to provide services in conjunction with the verification of the Siren Alert Notification System for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. Using computer analysis, ATI has determined the overall 60 dBC acoustic coverage of the alert sirens located within the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station EPZ.


  • f jj In order to achieve a full alerting effect for the required areas within EPZ in compliance with NRC/ FEMA requirements, the siren system has been analyzed to provide a minimum of 60 dBC acoustic siren signal. The 60 dBC acoustic coverage has been determined by taking into consideration hemispherical wave divergence, atmospheric absorption, vegetation, ground effects, and upwind shadows.

NUREG-0654 ( Appendix 3) indicates that an acoustic signal of 10 dB above the aver-age daytime ambient level is an acceptable criterion for the de.: sign of a siren system.

In addition, this 10 dB differential above average daytime ambient level is meant to provide a distinguisable signal inside a home of average residential construction under average daytime conditions.

NUREG-0654 (Appendix 3) also indicates that the determination of adequate siren sound levels can be achieved by either of two options. Field surveys can be conducted to determine typical daytime ambient sound levels, and the siren system can be designed to achieve 10 dB above this documented ambient. As an alternative to field surveys, in areas with population density below 2,000 persons / square mile a sound level of 50 dBA can be assumed and the siren system can be designed to produce a minimum of 60 dBC.

Since the population in the EPZ of Davis-Besse Station is below 2,000 persons / square mile, the assumed ambient sound level of 50 dBA is us ed 60 generate the minimum 60 dBC sound coverage criteria for the Davis-Besse Siren System Design.



.D **

W..;]J 7 The siren sound levels within the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station plume exposure EPZ were calculated by the use of a computer model developed by Acoustic Technology, Inc (ATI). This model takes into consideration meterological factors and land surface conditions which effect the propagation of sound generated by each siren. Land ele-vation gradients in the region surrounding the Davis-Besse Station are very slight and only a very small fraction of points are elevations exceeding 25 feet above the mean level so there are no hills which may act as barriers to sound. Hence, effects of land surface condition (i.e., vegetation, water bodies, etc.) on the propagation of sound waves overshadow the effects of hills in this region.

The greater determining factors of the sound pressure level contours were the changes

! in sound pressure as the sound wave passes over vegetation, marshland, water, open fields, and urban areas. The computer program which calculates siren coverage con-siders each of these surface conditions.

The computer program calculates the sound pressure at any given point around the siren to be evaluated. Each point is described by its distance from the siren and the surface condition which the sound wave must pass over to reach that point. Other variables such as wind speed, air temperature, and relative humidity take part in

! these calculations. In calculating the attenuation of the sound wave, the computer program uses codes to describe land surface condition directly to calculate this

, attenuation. The computer model calculates the sound attenuation with distance due to hemispherical wave divergence, atmospheric absorption, absorption due to vegetation and other types of ground cover, propagation of sound over water, propagation of l sound through urban and surburban areas, upwind sound shadows, and topographical barriers. These factors can be summarized as follows:

(h) Acoustic TECHNOLOGY

A. Hemispherical Wave Divergence: [% g i

%"dichj 44 4

The sound pressure level reduction due to hemispherical divergence is uniform in all directions at a rate of 6 dB per doubling of distance.


B. Atmospheric Absorption Molecular (atmospheric) absorption further reduces the sound energy. Absorption is dependent on the temperature and relative humidity of the air and is quite pro-nounced at large distances and at high frequencies. To determine the effects of meteorological conditions on the acoustic coverage of the design warning system, sound pressure levels were analyzed using yearly average meteorological conditions.

The yearly average is used to avoid under or over design of the siren system. These parameters were obtained from the Toledo National Weather Service and the Evacuation Time Estimates Report for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. The yearly average relative humidity was determined to be 73% and the average temperature 50 F.

C. Ground Effects:

Ground attenuation is a function of the contour and covering of the ground and of the height of the siren and receiver above the ground. The ground covering con-ditions at various directions and distances from siren to receivers were read directly from USGS maps. Sound travels from a siren to a receiver location by two paths:

the direct line-of-sight path which is the primary path of outdoor sound propagation, and the ground reflected path. Both of these propagation paths are subject to sound attenuation due tq the effect of the ground cover existing between the siren and the dh


l receiver location.

L)" h*T The amount of attenuation resulting from the sound propagation path can attenuate the sound from the siren substantially at the receiver location.

Five types of ground cover are distinguished from the USGS maps for evaluation by the ATI computer model:

1. Dense vegetation - forests, mangrove, and thick brush attenuate sound to the greatest extent.
2. Wooded marsh - vegetation attenuates sound, but water reflects sound to a certain extent (see below), so attenuation by this ground cover is not as great as by denser vegetation.
3. Water, marshes - water acts as a reflector for sound propagation.

Therefore, attenuation is very slight.

4. Open fields - where there is no dense vegetation or barriers to sound, attenuation is only slight.
5. Urban and Suburban areas - sound reflects well off of pavement i

at acute incidence angles. Sound is attenuated to a significant extent in urban areas, close to the siren, where buildings act as sound barriers and where reflection is poor due to a high incidence angle, while in urban areas further away from the siren, sound propagates at a lower attenuation rate, as a result of in-creased reflection due to the lowered angle of incidence (see Figure 1).

1 I

_ $ Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

l D. Wind Shadows [h Wind gradients near the ground are nearly always pos'itive; that is, the windspeed increases with height. As a result, a shadow zone is most commonly encountered upwind from a siren because there the wind gradient bends the sound rays upward.

4 Downwind, the sound rays are bent downward, and no shadow zone is produced.

Cross wind there is a zone of transition. For any given wind direction, a unique sound pressure level contour is produced by the siren, given a certain wind speed.

The speed and direction of an average wind fluctuates, depending on the time of day and the time of year. The yearly average wind condition at Davis-Besse Station is 10.3 mph and this value was used as input for the computer model. The wind speed and direction has a minimal effect on the propagation of sound from the siren and it is discussed later in Section V.

E. Topography 1 Hills, if large enough, can act as partial barriers to sound and can cause a sign-i a ificant reduction in sound pressure level within their shadow zones. However, land elevation gradients in all regions surrounding the Davis-Basse Station are very small.

1 No sirens are located in areas in which the changes in land elevation are large enough Y

i to potentially create shadow zones. Thus the effect of hills was not included in our calculations of the sound pressure levels generated by the siren system.

Another factor used as input in the ATI computer model is siren sound level rating Manufacturers of high power sirens claims their sirens will produce a certain sound 4

pressure level at ,100 feet away from the siren. ATI has tested the acoustic per-formance of all of these sirens in an anechoic chamber (free field) and the appropriate rating for the sirens purchased by Toledo Edison was used as input in the computer. model:


b **

  • k J~{ p The sirens used in the Warning System for Davis-Besse Station are high power rotating sirens running on single phase power, rated at 125 dBC by the manu-




i In order to verify the accuracy of the Acoustic Technology Inc. ( ATI) model the measured sound levels were compared to those predicted as shown in Table 1.

Excellent agreement was obtained from all data points under consideration. It 's noteworthy that the model predicted values are slightly less (1-3 dB) than those measured values. This indicates a further conservatism in determining the sound level contours.


in the internal areas of the 10 mile EPZ the effect of wind will be minimal. For an array of sirens such as the case within the inner parts of the EPZ, the wind shadow due to upwind effects will be nearly compensated by the down wind effect of the adjacent siren in the direction of the wind. Therefore, the effect of wind will dominate only at the boundary areas of the siren system. The yearly average wind condition for Davis-Besse Station is 10. 3 mr-5. This value has been used as input in ATI's Computer Model. The results for average wind speed of 10.3 mph indicate 4

that the effect of the wind shadow is taking place at distances of approximately 5,000 feet from the siren. The wind shadow results indicate that the 60 dBC contour is shifted downwind by an average distance of 1,000 feet toward the siren.


((; ) Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

  • From Report No. 4100 Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.

Delany's Summary Graph for Urban Propagation b//-f.(.Qp "*

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t APPENDlX 1 Results of the computer analysis of the siren sound levels for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Sound pressure levels for yearly average conditions i.

Temperature 50 F Relative Humidity 73%

Wind 10. 3 mph SW-NE l

.sh) Acoustic TECHNOLOGY

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APPENDIX 1a: Siren Sound Levels in Tabular Form

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[ Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. e3. 80. 77. 74. 72.

r 15 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 82. 79. . 76. 73. 70.

30 107. 100, 95. 91. es. 85. 82. 79. 76. 73.  !

'45 107. 99. 95. 91. 87. e4. si. 77. 75. 73.

60 107. 99. 95. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72.



,. 75 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 72.

90 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

_ 105. ~

107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74- /1-120 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 7/. '+- i!.

135 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. e3. 80. 77. 74.71-150 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. s3. 81. 7s. 75. 73.

165 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. 83. 81. 7s. 75. 73.



180 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 7s. 75. 73.

195 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. so. 77. 75. 72.

210 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 72. e4.

U 225 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. e4. 81. 78. 74. 71.

m 240 107. 99. 94. 90. 87. e4. 81. 7s. 76. 74.

  1. 255 107, 99. 94. 90. 87. e4. si. 78. 76. 73.

8' 270


107. 99. 94. 90. s7. 84. si. 79. 76. 74.

L o 285 107. 99. 94. 91. 87. 84. si. 78. 76. 74.

o 300 107. 99. 94. 91. 87. e4. si. 79. 76. 74.

c 315 107. 99. 94. 91. 87. 85. 82. 79. 77. 74.

" -- 330 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

G 345 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71.

m p Lu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 J E Distance 'R' in Feet O

p g 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

= 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58.


@ 15 68. 65. 62. 59. 57. 55.

30 71. 68. 65. 63. 61. 59.

2 45 71. 69. 66. 64. 62. 60.

E' 60' 70. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58. Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75- 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

Relative Humidity 73%

105. 68. 65. 62. 60. 58. 55.

120 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. Temperature 50 F

? 135 68. 66. 63. 60. 57. 55. Wind Speed 10 mph

_j 150 71. 68. oo. o3. 61. 59.

165 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. SW-NE l

- 180 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

195 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. Computer analysis by:

210 72. 70. 68. 66. 64. 63. , Acoustic Technology, Inc.  ;

225 67. 64. 61. 58. 54. 51. - 1

, 240 71. 69. 67. 65. 62. 60.

- 255 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 59.

270 72. o9. 67. 65. 63. 61.

r 285- 71. 69. , 67. 65. 62. 60.

", 300 72. 69. 67. 65. 63. 61.

315 72. 70. 68. 65. 63. 61.

W 330 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 59.

345 6s. 66. 63. 61. 58. 56.



a -


Siren Sound Pressure. Levels 0 107. 99. 94- 90. 86. 83- 80- 77- 74. 71.

94. 90. 86. 77. 74. 71.

IlJ 15 107.

30 107-99.

99- 94- 90. 86-83.


80- 77. 74. 70-

~45 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 76. 73. 70.

r- 60- 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. E:0. 77. 74. 71.

i '

75 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71.


90 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71.

105. 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 76. 7 ~' . 70.

] 126 107. 99. 94. 89. 85. 82. 79. 76. 73. 70.

b 135 107. 99. 94. 89. 86. 83. 80. 76. 73. 70.

150 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

n 165 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.


" 180 107. 98. 93. 89. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

195 107. 99. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

c, 210 107. 99. 94. 90. s6. es. 81. 78. 75. 73.

225 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 77. 72. 68.

" m 240 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 72.

C 255 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. es. si. 78. 75. 73.

f] 8 270 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

'J $ 285 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

o 300 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 72.

p c. 315 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

d - 330 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 76. 73. 70.

G 345 107. 99. 94. 89. 85. 82. 79. 75. 72. 69.

m .

1 81 uJ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500=3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000

" E Distance 'R' in Feet '

o 5500 -6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 na .a- 63. 61. 56.

O 68. 66. 58.


9 15 68.

30- 67.












E 45 68. 65. 62. 60. 58. 55.

Siren Rating 125 dBC E 60' 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. 56.

< 75! 68. 65. 62. 60. 58. 55. Siren Height 50 Ft.

I 90 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. 56.

Relative Humidity 73%


105. 68. 64. 62. 59. 57. 55.

120 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 55. Temperature '50 F


135 68. 65. 62. 60. 58. 55. Wind Speed 10 mph

. 150 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

SW-NE 165 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

7 195 70. Computer analYsis bY-

']r 210 71.










60. Acoust.ic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 61. 57. 54. 52. 49.

240 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 59.

- 255 71. 68. 66. 64. 61. 59.

270 71. 68. 65. 63. 61. 59.

285 71. 68. , 66. 63. 61. 59.


300 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 59.

315 71. 68. 66. 63. 61. 59.

- 330 68. 65. 62. 59. 57. 55.

345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.




L i Siren LSound Pressure. Levels 0 107- 99- 94- 90- 87- 84 77- 74- 71-

"i 15 107. 99. 94. 90. e7. 04. 60.. 77. 74. 71.

b 30 107. 100. 95. . 91. 87. c4. e .t . 7s. 75. 72.

  • g5 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. e3. so. 77. 74. 71.

n 60 107- 99- 94- 90- ~ e6. es. so. -77. 74. 72.

i 1. .75 107- 99- 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74- 71-

  • 90' 107. 99. 94. 90. - e6. 63. so. 77. 74. 71.

1M 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. 83. so. 77. 74. 71. l l]'

,3 -

TM 135 107.




















150 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. e3. 81. 78. 75. 73.

165 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. e3. el. 78. 75. 73.

p-l 180 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. 83. e1. 78. 75. 73.

135 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. 84. el. 78. 76. 73.

I 210 225 107.


















70 ,

,t4 e 240 107. 99. 94 90. 87. e4. e1. 78. 75. 72. '

  • 255 107. 99. 94. 90. 87. 84. 80. 77. 75. 73.

F1 8 270 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. es. ei. 78. 76. 73.


  • 2h5 107-e 99- 94- 90- e6- 83 78- 76- 74-o 300 107. 99. 94. o. e6. es. ei. 78. 76. 74.

c 315 107. 99. 94. io . 87. e4. ei. 79. 76. 74 so.

} .330i. 107. 99. 94. 90. e7. e4. 77. 74. 71.

E 345 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. es. so. 77. 74. 71. i m

p' ua 500 1000 1500: 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 ,

Distance 'R' in Feet

'- E r-8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500- 3000 u_ i b} .

0- 68. 66. 63. 60. 57. 54.

SIREN DB 3 jgl 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. 56.

' 30l 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

J. S 45 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. 56.

- o 60 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58. Siren Rating 125 dBC k 75 68. 65. 62. 59. 56. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft.

~ [' 90i 68. 64. 62. 59 57. 55.

., 105. 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. 56.

Relative Humidity 739o 120: 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. Temperature '50 F q 135 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. 56.

71. Wind Speed 10 mph
"i 150 68. 66. 63. 61. 59.

165 71. 68. 66. 64. 62.

SW-NE 60.

180 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

195 71. 69. 66. 64. Computer analysis by:

fJ 210 71. 69. 66. 64.

62. 60.

Acoustic Technology, Inc.

62. 59.

225 65. 62. 58. 55. 52. 49.

1 240 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 59.

j 255 71. 66. 66. 63. 61. 59.

270! 71. 69. 67. 65. 62. 60.

r -,

285i 71. 69. , 67. 65. 62. 60.

[j 300i 71. 69. ' 67. 65. 63. 60.

315' 72. 70. 68. 66. 65. 63.

330i 68. 66. 63. 61. 59. 57.

l.. 345! 68. 66. 63. 61. 58. 55.



b m


] Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 79. 76. 73. 70.

9 15 107. 99. 94. 90. 87. 84. 8or 77. 74. 71.

) 30 107. 99. 95. 91. 87. 84. 81. 77. 74. 72.

~45 98. 87. 83. 79. 76. 73. 70. 67. 64. 61.

60 98. 87. 83. 79. 76. 74. 71. 67. 64. 61.

lm l 75 98. 87. 83. 79. 76. 73. /v. o7. 64. 61.

90 98. 87. 83. 79. 76. 73. 70. e7. 64. 61.

- 105' 98. e7. s2. 78. 75. 71. os. os. e2. 59.

D 120 10<. vv. 95. w. s:s. es. ses. 79. 76. 73.

e 135 107. 99. 95. 91. s7 e4. ei. 77. 74. 72.

i 150 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. es, si. /s. 75. 72.

p 165 107. 99. 94. 90. so. es. ei. 7s. 75. 73.

180 107, 99. 94. 90, es, s2. 79. 77. y4. 71.

[. . 195 107. 99. 94. 90. ee. es. e). 78. 75. 73.

L 210 to7. 99. 94. 90, s7. sq. si. 7s. 76. 73.

I 225 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. es. ei. 77. 73. 69.

$J w 240 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 72.

g 255 107. 99. 94. 90. e6. es, el. 7s. 75. 73.

f,; w 270 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

It ' o 285 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

o 3 0 0. 107.

99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

r: e 315 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

l4 330 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 63. 79. 75. 72. 69.

." E 345 107. 99. 94. 90. 86. 83. 80. 77. 73. 70.


[] tu 500 1000 1500. 2000 2500 3000 3500- 4000 4500 5000

.D.ista.nce 'R' in Feet

_' E -


_5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

(( .













56. SIREN DB 4
  • 15:

q 30j 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 56.


  • 58. 56. 53. 51. 49. 47.

11 o 45': Siren Rating 125 dBC 60 59. 56. 54. 52. 50. 48.

-. E 75 58. 55. 53. 51. 49. 47. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90, 58. 56. 53. 51. 49. 46.

105. So. 54. 51. 4 9.- 46. 44.

Relative Humidity 73%

120: 70. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58. Temperature 50*F ri 135 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. Wind Speed 10 mph

,ij 150 69. o7. 65. 63. 60. 58.

SW-NE 165 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 59.

ISO 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

I ,'

105 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. Computer by:

D. '210 71. 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. l Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 66. 62. 59. 55. 52. 49.

240 69. 66. 64. 62. 59. 57.

'd 255 7o. 68. 65. 63. 61. So.

, 270 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

285 71. 60.~ 66. 64. 62. 60.

300 71. 68. ' 65. 63. 61. 58.

l" 315 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

, 330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

345 67. 64. 62. 59. 58. 55.


_ - - . . - = . - . . . = . ,

r. .


a DAVIS-BESSE NUC' LEAR POWER STATION y Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

? 15 105. 97. 93. 89. 85. 82. 7 9.- 75. 72. 70.

U 30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

45 105. 97. 92. 88- 85. 82. 79. 15. 72. 70.

.-- 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

1 f. 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68 90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

105' 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 8i. 73. 75. 72. 69.

I 120 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

- 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 68.

150, 105. 96. 91. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72. 69.

pf 165 104. 96. 90. 86. 82. 78. 75. 72. 70. 67.

180 105. 96. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 73. 71. d.8.

195 105. 97. 91. 87. 84 81. 77. 74. 72. 69.

,., 210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

ji 225 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 69. 65.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72. 69.

255 104. 96. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

ri ' 270 104. 96. 90. 86. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70. 67.


$ 285 104. 96. 90. 86. 82. 79. 76. 73. 71. 68.

o 300 104. 96. 90. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72. 69.

n c. 315 105. 97. 91. E;7. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72. 69.

{ 'i - 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

G, 345 --

I w 500 10009 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000

.QDistance 'R' in Feet g

- g 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 L -

o 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 55.

  • 15i 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54.} SIREN DB 5 *
  • 66. 64. 61. 59.

"* 30: 56. 54.

2 45[ 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54.

E 60: 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Rating 125 d8C

< 75! 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft~

.} 90: 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. .

.2 105. 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. Relative Humidity 73%

120: 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. Temperature 50* F 135 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

Cl 150 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56. Wind Speed 10 mph 165 65. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. SW-NE 180 66. 64. 62. 60. 57, 55.

U 195 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56. ; Computer analysis by:

W 210 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.i Acoustic Technology,' inc. '

225 62. 58. 54'. 51. 48. 44.

240 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

A 255 67. 64. 62. 60. 57. 55.

270 65. 63. 60. 58. 56, 54.

" 285 65. 63. , 60. 58. 56. 54.

l 300 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

, 315 66. 63. 61. 59. 57. 55.

- 330 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.



c ~


&, . a . . . ~.s . . -DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR' POWER STATION j Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78 75. 72. 69.  ;

}9i 30 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

- 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

[(. 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90- 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

105 105. 96. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

120 105. 96. 91. 87. 84. 80. 77- 74. 71- 68-


. 135 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71. o5-150 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

p' 165 105. 07. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 72.

135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

, _ . 210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 75. 72. 70.

1' 225 i105- 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 69. o5.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 80. 77. 74. 72. 69.

0 255 105. 97. 92. es. 84. E:1. 77. 75. 72. 70.

G 8 270 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 80. 76. 73. 71. 68.

U $ 285 105. 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 60. 76. 73. 71. 68.

o 300 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70. ,

r. c 315: 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

g' - 3 3 0- 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 68.

G 34S 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7s. 74. 71. 68.

a r m -500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 U E Distance 'R' in Feet O


w u.

5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 I,' . 66. ~64. 61. 59. 56. 53.

," G 66. 61. WW%6

  • 3h 66.


64. 61.







30i 45- 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Siren 125 dBC h

60l 75l 66.











54. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90; 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

66. 63. oo. 57. 55. 53.

Relative Humidity 73%

- 105.

120! 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53. Temperature 50* F n 135 65.












Wind Speed 10 mph 150 SW-NE 165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

, 180 69. 66. 64. W 60. 58.! Computer analysis b Y-195' 69. 66. 64. 6' . 59. 57.

l Acoustic Technology, Inc.

J 210 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.  ;

225 62. 58. 55. 52. 49. 46.

240 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56. -

_ 255 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

270 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

', 285, 66. 64., 62. 60. 57. 56

'j 300 315 68.


  • 62.
66. 64.







330 65. 62. 59. 55. 53. 51.


345 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

i{ } Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.



      • h ~*""b[*4 ** # of * * ' * - -

,e - ~ ~ ~ * ' T


.i Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

"1 15 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78.* 75. 72. 69.

!! 30 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69 45 105. 97. 92. e7. e4. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

r- 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7s. 74. 71. 68.


75 90 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105. 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. e2. 78. 75. 72. 69.

r] 120 105. 97. 92. 88. sa. 83. 78. 75. 72. e9.

Li 135 105, 97, 92. se. sa,  : ,1. ,s. 75. 72. o9.

150 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 77. 75. 72. 70.

n' 165 105. 97. 92. es. 84. ei. 79 76. 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. es. 84. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92.- es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

., 210 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 75. 73. 70.

> 225 1105. 97. 92. 88. e4. el. 79. 75. 71. 67.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

8 255 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

i ' 270 105. 97. 92. es. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

l]2 $ 285 105. 97. 92. es. 84. el. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. es. e4. e1. 78. 75. 73. 70.

r- c 315 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.


330 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

G 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

m n tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

'} E Distance 'R' in Feet O


u. 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 i'

. oo. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.'


  • ik 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. SIREN DB 7

' 30 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

, $ 45 65. 62. 60. 57. 54. 51.


E 60 66. 63. 60. 57. 55. 52. Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75: 66. 64. 60. 5s. 56. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

I.i 90 66. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

Relative Humidity 73%-

U 105 66. 64. 60. 5s. 56. 53.

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Temperature 50'F r- 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Wind Speed 150 67.

10 mph

,J 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60.

Il 195. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.


57. Computer analysis by:

O 210 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. Acoustic Technology, Inc. p 225 64. 60. 56. 52. 49. '57.l 46.

240 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

J 255 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57. .

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57..

285 69. 66. ,

64. 62. 60. 58.

I 300 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 56.

315 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 5s.

330 66. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

{' 345 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53 g) Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

' i


] ,

Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

I] 15 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78.- 75. 72. 69.

L 30 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

~45 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

60 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

FH 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105. 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7e. 75. 72. 7o Oi 120' 105. 97. 92. es. e4. ei. 78. 75. 72. 6o.

135 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. os.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.


165 105. 97. 92. es. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

7 195 105. 97. 91. 87. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

L 210 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 77. 75. 72. 69.

) 225 los. 97. 91. e7. e3. so. 77. 74. 7o. e6.

H e 240 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. et. 79. 76. 73. 71.

I 8 255 105.

w 270

97. 92. 88. 84. ei. 7s. 75. 73. 70.

Tj 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

k; $ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

l Q 300 105. 97. 92. es. 84. ei. 78. 75. 73. 70.

P c 315 105. 97. 92. 87. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

] ~' - 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

m i

4" 4 uJ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 E Distance 'R' in Feet o

q g 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 l

~J . 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. -

O ik 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. SIREN DB 8 r- O 30 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

45 oo. o3. 60. 58. So. 53.

E 60 66. o4. 62. 60. 58. 56. Siren Rating 125 dBC

- < 75 66. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 66. 64. 62. 60. 57. 55.

Relative Humidity 73%

J 105. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58. 55.

120 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 55. Temperature 50* F 135 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

Wind Speed 10 mph 150 68. 66. o4. ei. 59. 57.

165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 6o. 58.

I,I 195 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. Computer by:

U 210 66. 64. 62. 60. 57. 55. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 62. 59. 55. 52. 49. 46.

' 240 69. 66. 64. 62. 59. 57.

d 255 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

, 270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

I' 285 67. 64. - 62. 60. 58. 56.

"[ 300 68. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

315 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

330 66. 63. 60. 57. 54. 52.

{ 345 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.




{ 105.

Siren Sound Pressure. Levels

84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

0 97. 92. 88.

15 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78, 75. 72. 69.

]I, 30 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 76. 75. 72. 69.

'45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69. I r, 60 105. 97. 92. es. e4. si. 7s. 74. 71. 68. I l t. 75 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 loc. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

,, 105' ios. 97. 92. se. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

j 120 105. 97. o2. es. e4. e1. 7e . 74. 72. 69 ii 135 105. 97. 92. es. e4. ei. 78. 74. 71. os.

150 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 80. 77. 74. 72. 69.

r 165 105. 97. 92. es. e4. e1. 79. 70. 73. 70.

<l 180 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 75. 72. 70.

195 105. 97. 92. es. e4. ei. 77. 74. 72. 69.

,, 210 105. 97. 92. es. 84. e1. 78. 75. 73. 70.

j1 225 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. ei. 78. 75. 71. o7.

2 m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71 8 255 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

r1 w 270 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

Ij $ 285 100. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

c 315 100. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 73. 70.

330~ 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

G 3 4 5r 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.


o u; 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 4i J E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 1 u.

1 O ~66. 64. 61. 59; 56. 54.


9 15l 30:













S 45; 66. 64. 61. 59. 5 6. 54 Siren Rating 125 dBC E 60! 66. 63. 61. 59. 56. 54.

< 75! 66. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft.

-l 90 67. 65. 62. 60. 57. 55.

a 105. o7. e4. 2. 60. 58. 56.

Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 63. 61. 59. 56. 54. Temperature 50* F r:

, 135 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 54. Wind Speed 10 mph

'i 150 67. 64. 63. 60. 58. 56.

165 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

SW-NE 180 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

195 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

Computer analysis by-


210 68. 66. o4. 61. 59. 57. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 63. 59. 56. 53. 50. 47.

240 69.- 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

u 255 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

285 69. 66g 64. 62. 60. se.

" I 300 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

315 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

[, 345 66. 63. 60. 57. 55. 53.



.i DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION pJ Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 **** ** ** *** *"' *** ** **

  • 6**

105. 97. 92. se. 84. 81. 78, 74. 71. 68.

l lJ 15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 71. 68.

45 es. 72. 69.

60 105. 97. 92. 84. 81. 78. 75.

105. 97. 92. 88. 84. E:1. 78. 75. 72. 69.

! 75 75. 69.

?'. gg 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 72.

72. 69.

1 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75.

105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

] 12 70- 72- 69-135 105- 97- 92- 88- 84- 81- 78-105. 97. 92. es. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73, 71.

150 73. 71.

r, 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76.

165 73. 71.

t 180 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76.

" 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79.

105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

.r- 210 65.

225 105. 97. 92. es. e4. so. 77. 73. 69.

J- m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68.

105. 78. 75. 73. 70.

o 255 97. 92. 88. e4. el.


rj 8 270 105. 97. 91. 87. e4. 81. 77. 74. 72.

L 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

E 2i35 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

I c 315: 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 71. 68.

'; " - 330 72. 69.

E 34S 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75.

, m tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 E

Distance *R* in Feet o

p g 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

'd .


66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.


  • 15 !
66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

Lr  ! 66. 63. 6o. 58. 55. 52.


.9 45; 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 54.

66. 64. 61. 59. 57. 55. Siren Rating 125 dBC E 60l

,r, < 75! 66. 63. 61. 59. 57. 55. Siren Height 50 Ft-90, 6o. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

J 105. 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Relative Humidity 73%

120 67. 64. 62. 60. 57. 55. Temperature 50'F I C 135 66. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54. W.ind Speed 10 mph iij 150 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 5s.

165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE r 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Computer analysis by:

210 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 61. 58. 54. 51. 48. 45.

l 240 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56. l u 255 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.  !

, 270 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

68. 66. , 64. 62. 60. 57.

I 7 285 ,

300 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.


315 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58.

330, 65. 62. 60. 58. 56. 54.

b. 345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.


u ll

- - - ..__ ~ .


' Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0

0 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 70.

  • 5 **5* 97* 9* *** *4~ 81*
  • 5 *** ,


~3 g 105.


97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78.' 75.' 72.
70. I 45 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

60 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 70.

0' 75 105* 97* 92* *** 84- 81* 78* 75- 72* 69*

v 90 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105~ 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

Il!a 120 105.

135 105.



















150 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

n 165 105. 97. 92. 88. es. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

<l 180 105. 97. 92. 88. sa. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

195 105.

97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

210 105. 97. 92. 87. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

[l 225 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

,j g 24g 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

255 105- 97 92- **- 84- 80- 77- 75- 72- 70-r1 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

L! $ 285 104. 96. 91. 87. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 104. 96. 91. 87. e4. 81. 78. 76. 73. 71.

c 315 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75.- 73. 70.

- 330 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 77. 73. 69. 67.

E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

m 1 Lu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 U E Distance 'R' in Feet o


5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

. ~W o 65. 63. 60. 58. 56.

  • 3h 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56. SIREN DB 11 m 30 67. 65. 63. 60. 58. 56.
  • 67. 65. 63.

" 45 61. 59. 57.

E 60 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57. Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75 67. 64. 62. 60. 5s. 56. Siren Height 50 Ft.


[ 90 105 120 66.

















Relative Humidity 73%

Temperature 50* F

" 135 66. 63. 60. 58. 55. 53.

150 Wind Speed 10 mph L 68. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

3w NE 165 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 5s.

p 180 69. 67. 64. 63. 61. 59.

,- 195 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

Computer analysis bY-U Acoustic Technology, Inc.

210 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 37.


225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.

240 69. 66. 64. 63. 61. 59.

. 255 67. 65. 64. 62. 60. 57.

270 70. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

n 285 69. 66. 64. 63. 61. 59.

! 300 69. 66. 64. 63. 61. 59.

315 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

- 330 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. 51.

345 66. 64. 61. 58. 55. 53.


f . . . _ ,


ti DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Sound Pressure Levels 1

J 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 73. 71.

1 15 105. 97. 92. 89. 85. 83. 80 77. 74. 71.

I J 30 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

45 105- 97- 93. 89- 86- 83- 80- 77- 74- 72-60 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

O. 75 105. 97. 93. 89. E 5. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

!J' 90 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. So. 77. 74. 72.

105. 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

120 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

q[; 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71 150 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 77. 74. 72.

pi 165 105. 97. 92. SE:. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

" 195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 82. 79. 77. 75. 72.

210 105. 97. 92. 89. 85. 83. 80. 78. 75. 73.

1 225 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 78. 74. 70.

O m 240 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 78. 75. 72.

@ 255 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 78. 75. 72.

p - 270 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 78. 75. 73.

!' E 285 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

o 300 105.


97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 75. 73.

c 315 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. So. 78. 75. 73.

1 - 330 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

G 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

m a tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

!) E Distance "R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

- g l . 68. 66.~ 64. 62. 59. 57.

G j 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. SIREN DB 12

, 30 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58.

S 45 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58.

Siren Rating 125 dBC LJ 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58.

E 60

< 75 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58.

105. 69. o7. os. o2. 60. 58. Relative Humidity 73%

120 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58. Temperature 50 F r3 135 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Wind Speed 10 mph

J 150 70. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

SW-NE 165 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.

180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

Computer analysis b -

195 70. 68. 67. 65. 63. 61.

J 210 71. 69. 67. 66. 64. 62.

Acoust'c i Technology, Inc.  ;

225 67. 63. 59. 56. 53. 50.

240 70. 67. 65. 63. 60. 57.

" 255 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

270 70. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

285 70. 68s 66. 63. 61. 59.

l 300 71. 69. ' 67. 65. 64. 62.

J 315 70. 69. 67. 66. 64. 63.

330 69. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.

345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.





.> r Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 72. 69. 67. 64. 61.

15 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 72. 69. . 67. 64. 61.


o 30 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 72. 69. 67. 64. 62.

45 96. e5. 81. 77. 74. 72. 69. 67. 64. 61. 1 60 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 72. 69. 66. 63. 61.

pi . 75 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 72. 69. 65. 62. 60.

90 96. es. s1. 77. 74. 72. 69. 66. 63. 60.

105. 96. es. 81. 77. 74. 72. 69. 66. 63. 60.

l 120 96. es. 81. 77. /4. 71. 67. 64. 62. 59.

J 135 96. 85. 80. 77. 74. 71. 67. 64 61. 59 150 96. 85. so. 77. 74. 71. 69. 66. 64. 61.

r- 165 96. es. 84. so. 77. 74. 71. 68. 66. 63.

d 180 96. es. 84. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68. 66. 63.

195 96. es. 84. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68. 66. 63.

n 210 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68. 65. 63. 60.

225 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68. 65. 60. 56.

m 240 96. 88. 83. 79. 76. 73. 70. 67. 65. 62 62.

8 255

' 270

96. 88. 83. 79. 76. 73. 70.





65. 62.

l 96. 88. 83. 79. 76. 73.

LJ $ 285 96. 88. 83. 79. 76. 73. 70. 67. 65. 62.

o 300 96. 88. 83. 79. 76. 73. 69. 67. 64. 62.

p e 315 96. 85. 81. 77. 73. 70. 67. 65. 62. 60.

- 330 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 72. 69. 65. 62. 59.

g' E 345 96. es. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68. 65. 62. 58.

m 7 uJ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

.J E Ais.tance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 u

L .

0 58. 55. 52. 50. 47. 45.


@ 15 30 59.












S 45 59. 57. 54. 52. 50. 48.

Siren Rating 125 dBC E 60 58. 56. 54. 51. 49. 47.

m '

< 75 57. 55. 53. 51. 48. 46. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 58. 55. 53. 51. 49. 47. Relative Humidity 73%

s 105 58. 55. 53. 51. 49. 47.

120 57. 54. 52. 50. 48. 45. Temperature 50 F q 135 56. 54. 52. 50. 48. 45. Wind Speed 10 mph

~j 150 59. 57. 56. 54. 52. 50. SW-NE 165 61. 59. 57. 55. 52. 50.

180 61. 59. 56. 53. 51. 49- Computer analysis by:

C 195 61. 59. 57. 55. 52. 50.

Acoustic Technology, Inc.

Lj 210 58. 56. 53. 51. 49.47-225 53. 49. 46. 43. 40. 37-

'l '

240 255

60. 58. 56. 54. 52. 51.

" 59. 57. 55. 53 51. 50.

270 60. 58. 56. 54. 52. 50.

il 285 60. 58., 55. 54. 52. 50.

j 300 59. 57. 55. 53. 51. 49.

315 57. 55. 53. 51. 49. 46.

330 57. 54. 52. 49. 47. 44.


t 345 55. 53. 50. 48. 45. 43.

g Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC 1 ,


, _ . _ _ . . _ . _ . . . . - _ ._ .. - - = "

e DAVIS-BESSE ~ NUCLEAR POWER STATION i Siren Sound Pressure Levels J  !

l 0 105. 97- 92- 88- 85. 82- 79. 76. 73. 71.

15 105.

97. 92. 88. 84. 82. 79.. 76. 73. 70.


" 30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

b 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69. ~


90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105. 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

I 120 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. o9 I 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 7o. /3. 71.

n 165 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 7o. /3. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

210 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 80. 77. 74. 72. a.9.

R 225 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

J us 240 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 74. 72.

o 255 105. 97. 92. 88. es. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

q 8 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

b $ 285 105. 97. 92. es. 85. 82. 79. 77. 75. 73.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 77. 75. 73.

r- c 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 77. 75. 73.

{' - 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

m pj tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 L E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 r.; u. _ _ _ _ _

\ .

9 68. 66. 64. 62. 59. 57.

p 33 68.












SIREN DB 14 30 2 45 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

E 60 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft-90 66. 64. 60. 57. 54. 51.

- 105 66. 62. 59. 56. 54. 51. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 64. 61. 58. 55. 52. Temperature 50 F q 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Wind Speed 10 mph 150 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

J' 165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

l 195 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. Computer analysis by:

J 210 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 48. ~

240 70. 67. 65. 63. 62. 60.

1 1 3 255 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58.

270 70. 68. 66. 64. 62. 61.

- 285 71. 69, 67. 65. 63. 61.

300 71. 69.' 67. 65. 63. 61.

{J 315 71. 69. 67. 65. 63. 61.

330 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

fl 345 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

u g Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC n


Siren Sound Pressure Levels O 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78, 74. 70. 67.

[ 30 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 70. 67.

2 45 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 78. 75. 72. 70.

m 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 82. 78. 76. 73. 71.

( 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

90 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. 81. 77. 74. 71. 69.

105. 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

] 120 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. oo.

.; 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

p- 165 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.


180 105. 97. 92. ss. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. se. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

,, 210 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

Ls e 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 73. 70.

  • 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 72. 70.

r' 8 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

i $ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

r e 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

- 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.


G 345 i 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

m q w 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 U E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500- 7000 7500 8000

r. .


. M.- ~ ~ ~612. 59. 57. 54. 53.


j 63. 60. 57. 54. 52. 49. SIREN D815 p' 30 63. 60. 57. 55. 52. 49.

45 68. 66. 64. 62. 59. 57.

Siren Rating 125 dBC h

60 75 68.











54. Siren Height 50 Ft.


90 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 54.

U 105 67. 65. 63. 60. 59. 56. Relative Humidity 73%

120 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 55. Temperature 5 0* F r 135 65. 63. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Wind Speed 10 mph

150 o9. 67. 64. 63. 61. 59.


165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Computer by:

" 210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.

1 240 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.<

. 255 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.



285 69. 66s 64. 62. 60. 58.

300 69. 66.' 64. 61. 59. 57.

b. 315 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.

330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

.[] 345 66. 63. 60. 58. 56- 53.


n U


r - -- - -- -

U DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION 1C Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71 . 68 a 15 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 82. 79, 75. 72. 70.


30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. si. 78. 75. 72. 69.

45 104. 96. 91. 87. 84. si. 78. 74. 71. 68

.- 60 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

75 104. 96. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

- 90 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105. 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

T 120 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

o 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

150 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. so. 77. 75. 72. 70.

p 165 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

j, 180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

  • 195 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

,- 225 105. 97. 92. es. 84. s2. 79. 76. 72. 68.

L m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

0 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

n ' 270 '105. 97. 92. es. 84. s1. 79. 76. 74. 72.

? 285 105. 97. 92. se. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 74. 72.

' c. 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. '9. 76. 73. 71.

- 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

G 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.


- tu 50,0 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

- E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

-]i u.

65. 63. 53.'

jf 60. 58. 55.


67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54. SIREN DB16 30 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

h Siren Rating 125 dBC

.j l l . l .

k 75 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

_ 105 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Temperature 50'F

- 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Wind Speed 10 mph 150 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57. '

i 165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

i 195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Computer analysis bY-

.J 210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Acoust.ic Technology, inc. j 225 64. 61. 57. 54. 51. 48. '


240 70. 68. 67. 65. 63. 61.

! 255 69. 67. 65. 63. 62. 60.

270 70. 68. 66. 64. 62. 61.

285 70. 6e s 66. 64. 62. 61.

l 300 70. 68.' 66. 64. 62. 60.

d 315 69. 67. 65. 63. 61. 60.

330 66. 64. 61. 58. 56. 54.

345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.


E' L

e-- .

. . _ . .. .. . m __ . ~_ , 2w . - _ . . _ . . . , _ . . .- .._.,


[j Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

'l )3 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78 75. 72. 69.

U 30 105.




















45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

F 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 71. 68.


d 75 90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105~. 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

7 '120- 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. si. 78. 74. 70. 67.

.J 135 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 77. 73. 69. 67.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

n 165 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 75. 72. 70.

i 180 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 74. 72.

,, 210 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

225 105- 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 72. 68-Li u) 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 75. 73. 76.

  • 255 105. 97. 93. 89. 25. 82- 79. 77- 75. 72.

p- 8 270 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.



97. 92. 89. 85. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

$ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 70.

81. 79. 75. 72.

c 315 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 68.

330 74. 71.

E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69

^ m uJ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 i

E Distance *R* in F.eet

- 8 5500 :6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 u.

O e6. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

e 15l 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54 S E DB17 m 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

30 i

45 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. Siren Rating 125 dBC E 60i

, < 75: 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Relative Humidity 73%

J 105. 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

120: 64. 62. 59. 57. 55. 53. Temperature 50* F 135 64. 60. 57. 54. 52. 49.


Wind Speed 10 mph L 150 67. 65. 63. o1. 59.

SW-NE 165 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

- 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

i 195 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. . Computer analysis by: .

" 210 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. ; Acoustic Technology, Inc.

~ 225 64. 61. 57. 54. 51. 48.

240 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.

- 255 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 59.

270. 70. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

q 285 70. 68. , 66. 63. 61. 59.

b 300 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.

315 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

330 66. 63. 60. 58. 56- 53-f 345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.


r; . _ . . .. _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . ~ . . ._ ._ . _ . ._. _ #


O Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

' 15 105. 97. 92. 89. 85. 83. 79.- 76. 74. 71.

lj 30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 71. 68.

'45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 71. 68.

n 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.


75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105' 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 74. 72. 69.

9 120 105. 97. 92. se. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

J 135 105. 97. 91. e7. es. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

150 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

165 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

, 180 105. 96. 91. 86. 82. 79. 76. 73. 71. 68.

195 105. 96, 91. e6. e2. 79. 76. 73. 71. 6s.

_ 210 105. 96. 91. 86. 82. 79. 76. 73. 71. 68.

225 105. 97. 91. e7. e3. so. 77. 74. 69. 65.

L e 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

g 255 .105. 97. 92. es. 84 81. 79. 76. 74. 72.

'I u 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

E 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 82. 79. 77. 74. 72.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

c 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

- 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 75. 72. 70.

E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

m q; uJ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500- 4000 4500 5000 E

Distance *R* in Feet 8 5500 -6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 j

u O co. 64T TIT ~ 59. 56. 54.

@ 15- 69. 66. 63. 61. 59. 56. SIREN DB 18 p 30: 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

1 $ 45; g4. y2. 59. 57. 55. 53. Siren Rating 125 dBC 60 oo. e4. 62. 60. 58. 56.

" 5 75- 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 55. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54.

_ 105. 66. 63. 60. 57. 55. 52.

Relative Humidity 73%

120 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 55. Temperature 5 0* F n

135 65. 62. 60. 58. 56. 53. Wind Speed 10 mph

, 150 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.


165 67. 65. 63. 61. 59 57.

SW-NE 180 66. 64. 62. 60. 5;/. 55.

195 66. 63. 61. 59. 5 <,. 55.

Computer analysis b Y-a 210 66. 64. 62. 60. 57. 55. Acoust.ic Technology, Inc.

225 62. 58. 55. 52. 49. 45.

] 240 68. 66. 64. 62. 59. 57.

3 255 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58.

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

285 70. 67., 65. 63. 61. 59. l


- 300 69. 67. ' 65. 63. 60. 58.

315 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 59.

330 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54.

fl u

345 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 53.



n_ .. . 3. , . m. . y. 7..

. . . _ . . . ~ , . _ . . . _ . _ .u-d DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 **** 9* ** *** *** *** ** ** * **


jg 105. 97. 92 88. 84. 81. 78.. 75. 72. 69.

30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 61. 78. 75. 72. 68.

- 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 68.

i* 75 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

o gg 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105'. 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

r jpg 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 68.

135 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

165 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

b 180 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

195 105. 97. 92. 89. 85. 82. 79. 77. 75. 72.

210 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. So. 78- 76- 74.

1 225 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 81. 78. 74. 70.

Lj m 24g 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71.

  • 255 1u5. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

r1 8 270 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 78. 75. 73.

b E 285 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 78. 75. 73.

o 300 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 78. 75. 73.

315 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 81. 78. 76. 73.


- 330 105. 97. 92. 89. 85. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71.


G 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 73. 71.

m y ,

u.i 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 u E Distance 'R' in Feet O

u'. 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 7 '81 ^ ~ 65. 63.

. . 60. 58. 56.

jh 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. SmEN DB 19 30' 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

S 45; 65,. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

U  ! 65. 62. 59. 56. 54. 51. Siren Rating 125 dBC E 60

< 75, 66. 64. 60. 58. 56. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

n 90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Relative Humidity 73%

Ll 105. 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

120- 65. 62. 59. 57. 54. 52. Temperature 50*F g 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Wind Speed 10 mph

150 67. 64. 62. 60. 57. 55.


165 69. 66. 63. 61. 59. 57. SW-NE 180 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

195 70. 68. 65. 63. 62. 60. Computer analysis by:

]J Acoustic Technology, Inc.

210 71. 69. 66. 63. 61. 59.

225 66. 63. 59. 56. 53. 50.

}' 240 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.

a 255 71. 68. 67. 65. 63. 61.

270 71. 69. 67. 65. 63. 61.

,, 285 70. 68, 66. 64. 62. 60.

300 70. 68.' 66. 64. 62. 60.

315 71. 69. 67. 64. 62. 60.

330 68. 46. 63. 61. 58. 56.

E-L 345 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.



n- -- ---.-= - - - - - - .- - -- -- -


! Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 96. 85. 81. 77. 73. 71. 68. 65. 62. 60.

r '. 15 96. es. 83. 79. 76. 73. 69, 66. 63. 60.

l"l 30 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

~45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. e1. 78. 75. 72. 68.

60 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69. l k.

u 75 90 105.




















105. 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 6e. I o 120 105. 97. 92. es. 84. e1. 78. 75. 72. 69.

'j 135 los. 97. 92. es. e4. ei. 7e. 75. 72. 69.  ;

150 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

165 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 77. 74. 72.

180 105. 97. 92. es. 84. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 96. - 85. e1. 77. 74. 72. 70. 67. 65. 63.

_, 210 96. es. 81. 77. 73. 70. 68. 65. 63. 60.

225 es. es. so.

96. 76. 74. 71. se. 64. so A m 240 96, es. e4. so. 77. 74. 71. 68. 66. 63.
  • 255 105. 97. 93. 89. 86.


83. 80. 77. 75. 72. )

, w 270 96. 89. 84. 80. 76. 73. 71. 68. 66. 63. i

$ 285 105. 97. 93. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.


Q 300 105. 97. 93. 89. 85. e2. 79. 77. 74. 72.

c 315 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. es. 80. 78. 75. 73.

- 330 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68. 65. 62. 59.

E 345 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68. 65. 62. 59.

m tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

. E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 :6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 u.

. 57. 55. 52. 50. 48. 45.

- ih 57. 55. 52. 50. 47. 45. SIREN DB 20 30' 66. 64. 61. 58. 55. 53.

o 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

3 5-60: 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Rating 125 dBC E 75- 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

7 90 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

j 105. 65. 62. 59. 57. 54. 52. Relative Humidity 73% i 120- 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Temperature 50 F ,

f, 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53. '

150 Wind Speed 10 mph l: 68. 66. 64. 61. So. 56.

165 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 59.

SW-NE 180 69. 68. 66. 64. 63. 61.

195 61. 58. 56. 54. 52. 50.

Computer analysis by-210 58. 56. 55. 53. 52. 50.- Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 56. 52. 49. 45. 42. 39.

240 60. 58. 56. 54. 52. 50.

I 255 70. 68. 66. 64. 61. 60.

270 61. 59. 56. 54. 51. 50.

a 285 69. 66., 64. 62. 60. 58.

1' 300 70. 67. ' 65. 63. 61. 59.

L 315 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

330 57. 54. 51. 49. 47. 44.

l 345~ 57. 54. 51. 49. 47. 44.

th) Acoustic TECHNOLOGY IN

~ ~ ~

[ DAVIS-BNSSE NUbl 5 R PdWER STATION Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

i 15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78.. 75. 72. 69.

l"l 30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

45 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 76. 73. 70. 67 r- 60 105. 97. 91. 87. e4. si. 78. 74. 71. 68.

il 75 105. 96. 91. e7. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 69.

.J - gg 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105; 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

120 105.

97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

. 135 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

150 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

165 105. 96. 91. 87. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

180 105. 94. 89. 85. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70. 68.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

_ 210 105. 97. 92. es. e4. si. 79. 76. 73. 70.

225 105. 97. 92. es. e4. ei. 79. 75. 71. 67.

u. u) 240 105. 97. 91. e7. e4. si. 7s. 75. 73. 70.

o 255 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

270 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

~; $ 285 105. 97. 92. 87.


84. ei. 78. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 84. 81. 78. 76. 73. 70.

315- 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

U .c- 330 105. 97. 92. E:e. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

I E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

m E

I Lu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000

'- E


iQistance 'R' in Feet o

u. 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 l .

0 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.


@ 15: 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. SIREN DB 21 30! 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54 ~.

2 45 64. 62. 59. 57. 54. 52.

g5 60j 66. 63. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Rating 125 dBC

~ < 75; 66. 63. 61. 59. 57. 55. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 66. 64. 62. 59. 57. 55.

Relative Humidity 73%

_ 105. 66. 64. 62. 59. 57. 56.

120 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53. Temperature 5 0* F n 135 66 64. 61. 59 57. 54.

oo. Wind Speed 10 mph Il


150 69. o6. e4. 6-. 58.

SW-NE 165 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

180 65. 63. 61. 59. 57. 55.

195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Computer by:

J 210 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 63. 59. 55. 52. 49. 46.

1 240 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. -

_, 255 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

270 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

285 68. 66s 64. 62. 60. 58.

300 68. 65.' 63. 61. 59. 57.

315 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.

330 67. 64. 60. 57. 55. 53.

.i -

345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.


u . ~ . ... ....- . . ....

. - . - . . . . -  :--:.J DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Sound Pressure Levels


0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 70. 67

] J 15 105.

30 105.











  • 78.







1 I

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

p 60 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

75 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105. 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

l 120 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

J 135 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

165 105. 97. 92. 88. E:4. 82. 78. 76. 73. 71.


180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79 . 76. 73. 71 195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

210 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. es. e4. si. 78. 74. 70. 66.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

@ 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 75. 72. 70.

. - 270 los. 97. 92. se. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

j E 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

o 300 105. 97. 92. es. 84. so. 77. 75. 72. 70 7

c 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

- 330 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 77. 73. 69. 67.

G 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 73. 70. 67. _ _

m q tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 E Distance 'R' in Feet

, 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 u.

[~ . 3W.' 62. 59. 57. 54. 52.

O 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. 55. SIREN DB 22 g 30 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

5 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Siren Rating 125 dBC h

60 66.











54. Siren Height

_, 75 50 Ft.

90 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 53.

- 105 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. Temperature 50 F


135 65. 62. 59. 57. 54. 52.

69. 66. 64.

Wind Speed 10 mph 150 62. 60. 58.

165 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.

SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. . 60. 58.

r 195 68. 66. 64. 63. 60. 59.

Computer analysis bY-t Acoustic Technology, Inc.

2 210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

225 62. 58. 55. 52. 49. 46.

240 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 59.

- 255 67. 65. 63- 61. 59. 57.

270 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

285 68. 66., 64. 61. 59. 57. l 300 67. 65. 63 61. 59. 57.  :

'i 315 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

330 64. 61. 58. 55. 53. 51. j l 345 64. 62. 59. 57. 55. 53.



] 105.

Siren Sound Pressure Levels

97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78.. 75. 72. 69.

!Uj 15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

t 30 **** ** 9* ** *** *** ** 7"* l** 6**

45 r 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

L 90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105' 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69. l U 120 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69. l 135 105. 97. 92. 75. 69. l L. 88. 84. 81. 78. 72.

150 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

H 165 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.


" 180 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 77. 75. 72. 70.

- 210 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

'.l L m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

0 105.

  • 255 105.
97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

] 270 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71, J $ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

a 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 75. 72. 70 c 315 330 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

G 345 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

m C w 500- 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 L E Distance 'R' in Feet m 8 5500 -6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 l 1 J .

O 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53.

@ 66. 64. 60. 58. 55. 52. 96 % U

  • 15
66. 63. 60. 58.

q 30 56. 53.

h 6 k.' 6 8.  !!. ll Siren Rating 125 dBC

~ < 75 66. 63. 60. 57. 55. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

! 90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53.

Relative Humidity 73%

J 105 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53. Temperature 5 0* F n 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Wind Speed 10 mph

J 150 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

SW-NE 180 67. 64. 62. 60. 57. 55.


195 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

Computer analysis b Y--

' 210 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

Acoust.ic Technology, Inc.

225 63. 59. 56. 53. 50. 46. I 240 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.  ;

- 255 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. l 270 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.  !

n 285 69. 66. ?. 64. 62. 59. 57. l

[] 300 315 67.












r 330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53.

345 66. 63. 60. 57. 55. 53.



. 1 p-,. , . . ..g .wA . 94., . , . ~ _ . . s,.~ ... .. a . .z.. *


D u Siren Sound Pressure Levels

~ O 105. 98. 93. 90. 87. 84. 82. 79. 76. 73.

15 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 71. 67. ' 64. 61. 58.

b 30 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 71. 67. 64. 61. 58.

45 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 71. 67. 64. 61. 58.

r-- 60 96. 85. 80. 77. 73. 71. 68. 64. 60. 57.

{. 75 96. 88. 83. 79. 76. 73. 69. 66. 63. 60.

90 96. es. 83. 79. 75. 72. 69. 66. 63. 60.

105. 105. 97. 92. es. e4. e1. 78. 75. 72. 69.

p 120 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. o9.

.J 135 105. 97. 92. se. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

150 105. 94. 89. 66. 83. 81. 78. 76. 74. 73.

r 165 105. 94. 99. 86. 83. 81. 78. .76. 74. 73.

I 180 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 72. 70. 68. 66. 64.

195 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 72. 70. 67. 65. 62.

- 210 96. es. 81. 77. 74. 71. 69. 66. 64. 61.

l 225 96. 85. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68. 65. 60. 56.

" m 240 96. es. 83. 79. 76. 73. 70. 67. 65. 63.

r, 8 255 270 105. 97. 92. 89. 85. e2. 79. 76. 72. 70.

u los. 98. 93. 89. 86. es. 80. 77. 75. 72.

d $ 285 105. 97. 92. es. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 89. 85. e2. 79. 77. 75. 72.

m c 315 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. e3. 80. 77. 75. 72.

- 330 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71.

E 345 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. es. 79. 76. 73. 71.

m r uJ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 I'

E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 J 70. 67. 65. 62. 60. 57.


  • 15 0
55. 53. 50. 48. 45. 43. SIREN DB 24 30' 54. 52. 49. 47. 44. 42.

2 45 55. 52. 50. 47. 44. 42.

60 55. 52. 49. 47. 44. 41.

Siren Rating 125 dBC 5 75 57. 55. 52. 50. 47. 45. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 57. 54. 52. 49. 47. 44.

] Relative Humidity 73%

a 105. 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Temperature 50 F 9 135 67. 65. 63. 62. 59. 57.

' Wind Speed 10 mph 150 71. 69. 68. 66. os. 63.

SW-NE f 165 180 71.












I, 195 60. 58. 56. 53. 52. 50.

Computer analysis by-210 58. 56. 54. 52. 49. 47. Acoustic Technology' Inc. l 225 53. 49, 46. 43. 40. 37.

240 60. 58. 56. 54. l R 51. 49. I L 255 68. 65. 63. 60. 58. 56.

270 70. 68. 65. 63. 60. 58.

9 285 70. 67. , 65. 63. 61. 59.

1"' 300 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 59.

315 70. 68. 66. 64. 61. 59.

330 68. 65. 63. 60. 58. 56.

U 345 68. 66. 64. 62. 59. 57.



r* l l

n U DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION l-Siren Sound Pressure Levels i

81. 77. 73. 69. 67.

~ 0 105- 97- 91. 87. 84.

71* *d*

105 o7 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. + 74-1~) 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78- 74. 71. 67.

84. 81. 78. 75. 72. o9.

45 105- 97. 92. 88.

74. 71. o8-r~ 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78.


75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. o!-


81- 78. 75. /2. o?.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84.  ;

105' 105. 97 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72.

92. o{- )


120 105.

135 105.












<5. Q. l3 q-J 150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 80. 77.



- o.-


165 105. 97. o2. 88. 84. 81-r,l

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78- 75- '#- s '

195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 75. 72. 70.

79. 7o- 'd- 71-210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81.

n! 225 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79- 75- 'l- '-

" m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. '3- 71-

  • 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79- 7o- 73- -

G 2 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71-U 79- 76- 73- 7"*

$ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84.

84 81.

79. 7o. 73- 'l-O 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 81.


m 315 105. 97. 91. 87- 83- 8o. 77. 75. 72.

E 92. 78. 75. 72. c;o.

l 330 105. 97. 88. 84. 81.

,1- o -

78. 74 E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. -

$1 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000


E Distance 'R' in Feet

, 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 u.

64. 61. 59. 56. 53. 51.

b 6d. . 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. SIREN DB 25 n 30 e4. 62. 59. 57. 54. 52.

! o 66. 62. 59. 57. 54. 52.

a 45 Siren Rating 125 dBC go 66. 63. 60. 58. So. 53.

- E 75 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Height 5 0 F t.

90 64. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

66. 64. 61. 59. So- 54- Relative Humidity 73%

105 120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53. Temperature 50 F O 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Wind Speeo 10 mph j 150 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

SW-NE 165 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

180 68. 66. 63. 61. 59. 56.

Computer analysis by:

195 67. 65. 62. 60. 57. 55.

oo. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

210 69. 66. 64. 62. 58.

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.

240 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

- 255 68. 66. 64. 61. 58. 56.

270 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

r' 285 68. 66.,


64. 61.


59. 57.


L 300 69. 64. 6o.

315 67. 64. 62. 60. 57. 55.

- 330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

345 66. 62. 59. 57. 54. 52.

n '

d _ _ ___


,. ..s..


J Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79: 76. 74. 71.


L 105. 97. 92. 88. E:4. 81. 79.

30 76. 74. 71.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

r' 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

t" . 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 34. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105. 105. 97. 92. 89. 85. 82. 79. 75. 72. 70.

120~ 105. 97. 92. 88. 34. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.


.s 135 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

r1 165 105. 96. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

"j' 180 105. 96. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70 195 105. 96. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

r, 210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. ii.

225 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 68.

" m 240 105. 97. 92. es. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

  • 255 105- 97. 92. SS. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

r1 8 270 105. 97. 92. es. 85. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

U $ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

c. 315 tos. 97. 92. es. es. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

330 105 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 75. 72. 70 E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.


]' u.i 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

.l, , u.

j ^l . 69. 67. 65. 63. 62. 60.


D 69. 66. 63. 60. SIREN DB 26

" 3f' 69. 67.

57. 54.


  • 30 65. 63. 60. 58.

5' 66* 64* 62* 60- 59' 56*

Siren Rating 125 dBC h

60 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.


< 75- 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft.

! 90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Relative Humidity 73%

.a 105. 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54.

120 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 53. Temperature 50'F

.n 135 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

69. 64.

Wind Speed 10 mph J, 150 67. 62. 60. 58.

165 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. SW-NE 180 67. 65. 63. 61. 587 55.

l 195 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. Computer analysis by:

J 210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.; Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 54. 51. 48.

Il 240 69. 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. -


J 255 68. 66. 63. 60. 58. 56.

270 69 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

285 69 67. ~. 64- 62- 60- 57-300 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.

315 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. l' 330 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54.

l l 345 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

I t .J


n J


] up. . . . + .. .< . q .4 s . -. ,u.6..... >, . . = . . . ,.g, . .% .


u ,

Siren Sound Pressure Levels

- 0 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

jj 15 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78.* 74. 71. 68.

o 30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

'45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

60 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 68.

pl- 75 105. 97. 92. SS. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

.- 105. 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

5 120 los. 97. 92, es. e4, e3. 7s. 74. 71. 67.

]J 135 los. 97, 92. es. e4. ei. 77. 73. 69. 67.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. . 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

165 105. 79.

] 180 105.










81. 79.







IM 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

. 210 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

,, g 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

O u 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

L. $ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

c 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

E 345 los. 97. 92. es. e4. so. 77. 74. 71. 6e.

m F1 m 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 b E Distance *R* in Feet 2 5500 :6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 u.

. ' ' . 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

@ 3f 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. SIREN DB 27 30 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.


5 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Siren Rating 125 dBC h

60 75 65.











54. Siren Height 5 0 F t.

th l l ol 8; ll lll Relative Humidity 73%

120 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. 51. Ternperature 50'F

[ 135 150 64.





c.4 .







Wind Speed 10 mph 165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

[,1 195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. C <nputer analysis by: -

" 210 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 6o. 57. 53. 50. 47.

240 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

_ 255 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

m 285 69- 66 ~. 64- 61- 59- 57-

,j 300 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 59.

315 69. 66. 64. 63. 61. 60.

330 66. 64. 63. 59. 56. 54. 1

] 345 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.


.. + . . -

3.- ~ . . . . .


] ,


Siren Sound Pressure Levels 97.

0 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.


Q i; 15 30 105.



















'45 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

r 60 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.


75 105. 97. 92. E:8. 84. 80. 78. 74. 71. 68.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105' 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

120 105. 97. 92. 87. e4. so. 7e. e4. 71. 68.

[J 135 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 76. 72. 69. 67.

150 105. 97. 92. 89. es. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

r' 165 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

I 180 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

,, 210 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

i 225 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

U m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

0 255 105. 97. 91. 87. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

p 8 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

L. E 285 105. 97. 92. es. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

c 315 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 73. 70.

- 330 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

G 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. e1. 78. 75. 72. 69.


7. m 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Distance *R* in Feet E

O i

u. 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 0 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53.


  • 15 66. 63. 60. 57. 55. 53. SIREN DB 28 30 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53.

1 45' 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. 54.

'l E 60 66. 64. 61. 59. 56, 54. Siren Rating 125 dBC I, < 75 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. 54.

Relative Humidity 73%

L 105 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53.

120 65. 62. 59. 57. 55. 53. Temperature 50* F F 135 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. 51. Wind Speed 10 mph 150 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58.

165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

SW-NE 180 68. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

1 195 69. 66. 64. o2. 60. 58. Computer analysis bY-

" 210 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Acoust.ic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.

, 240 69. 66. 63. 61. 59. 57.

a 255 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

n 285- 69. 66.' .

64. 62. 60. 58.

'} 300 67. 64. 62. 60.


57. 55.

315 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

330 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53. .

m m Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.





.m ~~ .. s - 2'-.> .~-*L - &% T.40mmee=*.e w ~ ~~~=~~~,~s* ~ ~A- - ~ ~=*y d

DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

r- 105. 97. 92. SS. 64. 81. 78, 74. 71. 69.



'"l 30 los. 97. 92. es. 84. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68.

gg 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 81. 78. 75. 72. 68.

I,1 75 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

J 90 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105' los. 98. 93. 89. es. 82. 79. 75. 72. 70. ,

f 120 los. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

.- 135 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 7?. 69. l 150 loc. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 2. 70.

n 165 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 80. 78. 75. 72. 70.

,- l 180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 71.

- 210 los. 97. 92. es. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 72.

225 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

" e 240 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 255 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.


  • 270 los. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

$ 285 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 72. 70.

c 315 los.


- 330 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

G 345 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

m P

i tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 L E Distance 'R' in Feet o

r- u' 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 -

. 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.'

G 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 53. SIREN DB 29 3

30 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

o 65. 63. 60. 58. 55. 53.

>- 3 5

h 75 65.












Siren Rating 125 dBC Siren Height 50 Ft.

  1. . 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

90 Relative Humidity 73%

u 105. 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54.

120 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. Temperature 50* F 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Wind Speed T', 67. 65. 63. 61.

10 mph 150 59. 57.

SW-NE 165 68. 65. 63. 61. 59. 56.

180 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.


l 195 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 57.1 Computer analysis bY- -

" 210 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58. ; Acoust i c Technology, Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47. ,

1 240 68. 66. 64. 61.' 59. 57. ,

J 255 69- 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.


285 69. 66., 64. 62. 60. 58..

300 69. 66. , 64. 62. 60. 58.

315 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 55.

- 330 66 64- 61- 59. 56- 54.-

345 66- 63- 60- 57- 55- 53-




. .y g ; ~. ..g .. 4. ... a - -


[ ,

Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84.. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69. '

i I 15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78.

  • 75. 72. 69. '

! 30 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 75. 72. 70.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 82. 78. 75. 72. 70.

00 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

75 105. 97. 92. 88. 34. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

J -

90 105. 97. 92. es. s4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70 105. 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 69.


120 105.

135 los.



92. 88.


84. 80. 77.








92. s4. ei.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

q 165 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. se. e4. ei. 79. 76. 73. 71.

,- 210 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

i 225 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

J m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

@ 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

O s- 270 105, 97. 92. es. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 70.

_l $ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

c 315 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

- 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

345 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

m 500 2500 3000 4500 5000 Lu 1000 1500 2000 3500 4000 E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 u.

l 66. 64.

. 61. 59. 56. 54.

66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. SIREN DB 30 39 67. 64. 62. 59. 57. 55'.

5 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 55.

1; h 60 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75 65. 62. 60. 58. 56. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

'l Relative Humidity 73%

J 105 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. 54.

120 65. 62. 60. 58. 56. 53. Temperature 50* F


135 64. 60. 58. 56. 54. 52.

1! 69. 66. Wind Speed 10 mph 150 64. 62. 59. 57.


165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57. Computer analysis by:

5 210 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 63. 59. 56. 53. 49. 46.

C 240 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. '

b 255 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.

270 68. 66. 64. 62. 6o. 57. l 285 69. 67., 64. 62. 60. 57. I l- 300 69. 66. ' 64. 62. 60. 58.

315 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

R 345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

h pu, Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

p , 1 1

1 l 9 . . w. n m :a p. x a a n..r-. .- - ~ ~ .

4 % &.s 4 -i.: -


1 p

a Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

, 15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78.- 75. 72. 69.

L 30 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 67.

- 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

s 75 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

J' 90 105. 97. 92. se. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68. i 105. 105. 97. 92. se. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69

] 120 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. o9.

,; 135 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. o9.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 72. 70.

r. 165 105. 97. 92. se. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71 1 180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

4 "

195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

, 210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. es. 84. si. 79. 75. 71. 67.

o m 240 105. 97. 92. ss. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

8 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

f' g 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

6 o 285 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

o 300 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

- c 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

4 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

'l G 345 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 68.

m p tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 1;

E o

Distance 'R' in Feet g 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

. o . 64. 61. 59.

J O 56. 54.

  • 15 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. SIREf' DB 31 30 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

t S 45 64. 60. 58. 56. 53. 51.

J g) 60 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. 55. Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft.

7 90 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 53.

Relative Humidity 73%

j 105 66. 64. 62. 59. 57. 54.

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. Temperature

54. 50 F r 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Wind Speed i 150 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57. 10 mph 165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. S W -N e_

180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

!" 195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Computer analysis by:.

l I. 210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Acoustic Technology. Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.


  • 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.
L! 255 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

270 67. 65. 63. 61. 58. 55.

285 68. 66, 64. 61. 59. 57.

p 66.'

g 300 315 69.

69. 66.









330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

I 345 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.



t. l

.n - .. .,... ,


La Siren Sound Pressure Levels


105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 70.

~ 0 75. 72. 69.

15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78: 75. 72. 69.


~ 30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7e. 75. 72. 70.

'45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

r 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 82. 78. 75. 72. 70.

i' 75 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 70.

90 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 82. 79. o. <3. 70.

.ii 126 105.


97. 91. 87. e4. 81. 78. 74. 72. o9 l

ij 135 97 92. es. e4 al. ,e. ,u. 72. 69. I 150 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 7o. 73. 71.

r, 165 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 38. 84. 81. 79. 7o. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

. 210 105. 97. 92. 83. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

LJ m 240 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

  • 255 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. si. 79. 76. 73. 71.

n '

2 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

285 105. 97. 92. SS. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

c 315 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. . 76. 73. 71.


- 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

G 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

u"2 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 E Distance 'R' in Feet

_ 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 I


66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.


66. 63. 61. 59. 56. 54. SIREN DB 32 30~.
67. 65. 63. 60. 58. 56'.

O 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

u T, 45! 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. Siren Rating 125 dBC


j h 90-67.













Siren Height 50 Ft.

105. 68. 65. 63. 60. 58. So. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 53. Temperature 5 0* F 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

[,l 69. 67. 64.

Wind Speed 10 mph

! 150 62. 60. 58.

165 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

195 69. oo. 64. 62. 60. 58. Computer analysis b :

U 210, 68. 65. 62. 60. 57. 55.' Acoust~c i Technology, Inc.

225 63. 59. 55. 52. 49. 45.

"i 240 69- 67- 65- 63- 60- 58- '

- 255 69- 67- 64- 62- 60- 58- \

270 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.

285 69. 67, 64. 62. 60. 57.


L. 300 69. 66.' 64. 62. 60. 58. l 315 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. '

330. 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

I. 66. 64. 61. 59. 56.

345 54.

L. h, a Acousuc TECHNOLOGY INC.



} Siren Sound Pressure Levels

" 9 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. so. 77. 74. 72.

,15 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80.. 77. 74. 72.

- 30 105. 97- 93. 89. 86- 83- 80. 77. 74. 72.

45 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

n 60 105- 97. 93- 89. 86- 83- 80. 77. 74. 72-


J 75 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

M 105. 97. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72.

., 105. 105. 97.. 93. 89. e6. 83. so. 77. 74. 72.

es. so.


1 120 105. 97. 92. 89. e5. 77. 74. 71.

d 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7s. 75. 73. 70.

150 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

(i-165 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

I 180 105. 97. 92. es. 84. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

1.95 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. si. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. o7.

m 240 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

  • 255 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

1 -

270 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.


.) o 285 105.



97. 92. .




84 81.










o 300 1 c 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. si. 79. 76. 74. 72.

- 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

5 345 105. 97. 92. 89. 85. 83. so. 77. 74. 71 m a f' uJ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 E . Distance 'R' in Feet O

q g 5500 :6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 y


O A9. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58.

G- 69. 67. 65. 62. 60.  %. SIREN DB 33 o

35 r

30 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. Si.


  • 69. 67. 65. 62.  % :. Se.

45 Siren Rating 125 dBC 60 69. 67. 65. 62. c. 58.

E m < 75' 69. 67. 65. 62. ok 58. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. Us.

J i

105. 69. 67. 65. 62. 60. 58. Relative Humidity 73%

120 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. Temperature 50 F l 135 68. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57. Wind Speed 10 mph i 150 69. 6o. o4. 62. oo. 5s.

S W-N E 165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60.58-195 C mputer analys i s by:

( 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

Acoustic Technology, Inc.

210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.

1 i 240 69. 66. '64. 62. 60. 58.

I! 255 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.  !

270 69. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.

7 285 69. 66., ,

64. 62. 60. se.

),] 300 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 60.

i 315 70. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.


330 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

l 345 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.

k' (g Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC. l O ,


J Siren Sound Pressure Levels l 0 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 79. 76. 73. 70.

I 15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78: 75. 72. 69.

30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

~45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

  • - SO 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

-, 105. 105. 97. 92. es. e4. e1. 78. 75. 72. 69 ,

120 105. 97. 92. es. e4. si. 7e. 75. 72. 69.

. 135 los. 97. 92. es. s4. si. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

165 105. 97, 92, es, e4. si. 79. 76. 74. 71.

n[ 180 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 81. 78. 75. 73.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

r 210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. es. e4. el. 79. 75. 71. 67.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

g 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. el. 79. 76. 73. 71.

q ' 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

m. $ 185 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

c.300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

r c. 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69 m .

uJ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 E

g ._ Dis t a_.n_c e 'R" in Eee t


- 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

67. 65. 62. 60. 57. 55.

jf m 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. SIREN DB34

66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

30 5 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Siren Rating 125 dBC h

60' 66.











54. Siren Height

. 75 50 Ft.

90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

I{ 105. 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Temperature 5 0* F q 135 66.












Wind Speed 10 mph 150 165 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 71. 68. 66. 64. 62. 60.

U 195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 5s. Computer analysis by:.

L 210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

' ^ '

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.

240 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

255 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

285 68. 65, 62. 60. 57. 55.

300 69. 66. ' 64. 62. 60. 58.

L- 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

315 330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

t' 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

345 L



w -- ~ .. - ..... ,. .. ~ . ~ . .. ~ . . .. ~ .- . - ... . . . . - - . ~ +

U DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR' POWER STATION le i Siren Sound Pressure Levels m 0 104. 96. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

j 15 104. 96. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77.- 74. 71. 68.

b 30 104. 96. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

~45 104. 96. 91. 87. 83. so. 77. 74. 71. 68.

r' 60 104. 96. 91. 87. 83. E:0. 77. 74. 71. 68.

. . 75 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

-, 105. 105. 97. 92. 87. es. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

120' 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. so. 77. 74 71. 68.

135 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

150 105. 97. 92. es. s4. 81. 79. 76. 73. '7 1 .

9 165 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

j 180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

- 210 105. 97. 92. es. e4. si. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. 88. 64. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. si. 79. 76. 73. 71.

  • 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

i ' 270 105. 97. 91. 87. sa. so. 77. 75. 72. 70.


$ 285 105. 97. 91. 87. e4. si. 78. 75. 73. 70.

o 300 105. 96. 91. 87. 83. . 77. 75. 72. 70.

n e 315 105. 96. 91. 87. 84. s. 78. 75. 73. 70.

t~ - 330 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

E 345 i 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 71. 68.

" m tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500~ 4000 4500 5000


E o

Dista.nce *R*-in Feet n

'l u'. 5500 -6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 i"i . ' 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

- )f 65. 62. 60. 57. 54. 52. MM N 35

- 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

30 5 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

Siren Rating 125 dBC h

60 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

- < 75- 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 66. 62. 59. 56. 53. 51.

105. 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53. Relative Hum.dityi 73%


120 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53. Temperature 50 F 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. .

i 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

Wind Speed 10 mph

" 150 165 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. SW-NE

- 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60 58.

( 195 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. . Computer analysis by: .

O 210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. ! Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.

l 240 69. 66. 64 .- 62. 60. 57.

b 255 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

270 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

68. 66., 64. 61. 59. 57.

7 285 65.,

300 67. 63. 61. 59. 57.


l 315 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

l, 330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

345 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

h L

(gj Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

r1 O

w ,, - .. _ . - . - - - -. - = . - - - - , - ~.=. n '~


] Siren Sound Pressure Levels

, 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68.

i 15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77.* 74. 71. 68.

J 30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 71. 71. 68.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

m 60 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

j 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. s2. 78. 75. 72. 69.

r.: 105. 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. o9.

120 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 78. 75. 72. 69.

<J 135 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 82. 78. 75. 72. o9.

150 105. 97. 92. es. 84. si. 79. 76. 74. 71.

r' 165 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. si. e9. 76. 73. 71.

z-- 210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71. I 225 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67. l o 240 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 7't . l

  • 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

u 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

L $ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

c 315 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.-


'-- 330


105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7E _ 75. 72. 69.

' m tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 E Distance 'R' in Feet O

u. 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 0 65. 62. 60. 57. 54. 51.

@ 15 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53..

SIR 5N DB 36 30 66. 63. 60. 57. 55. 53.

$c 45 60 65.












Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft.

f, 90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

a 105 66. 64. 61. 59. 56, 54.

Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Temperature 50* F F 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. S4. Wind Speed 10 mph L; 150 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.

165 68. 66. 64. 61.


59. 57.

180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.


!; 195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

Computer analysis by:

' 210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 54. 51. 48.

D 240 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

Q 255 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

270 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.

p 285 69. 66.'. 64. 62. 60. 58.

t 300 67. 64. 62. 60. 58. 56.

315 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.


{ 66. 64. o1. 59. 56. 54.


] -

}- - . . , . . . . . .. . . . . . . - . . . . m..


J i Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

l 15 105.


97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78.- 75. 72.




j 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 74. 71. 68.

n 60 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

1 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

105. 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

. 120 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 71. 68.

- 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 68.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

165 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

100 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

- 210 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 72. 70.

225 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

  • 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

Ilo ' 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

E 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 73. 70.

c 315 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72. 69.

- 330 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

E 345 105. 97 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 71. 68.

m 7 tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 I E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500- 7000 7500 8000 1


l . ~ 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Q 3k 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. MMNU 30 66. 63. 60. 5s. 56. 53'.


J h . 2. o 5 5.  ; Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75 66. 64. 60. 58. 56. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

105 66. 64. o1. 59. 56. 54. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. Temperature 50 F


135 66. 63. 60. 5s. 56. 53.


Wind Speed 10 mph i 150 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

I ,, 195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 5s. C mputer analys is by:

d 210 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 64. - 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.

1 Lj 240 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

255 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 5s.

270 69. 66. 64. 62.. 60. 58.

285 69. 66, 64. 61. 59. 56.

I 300 67. 65.' 63. 61. 59. 57.

F 315 67. 64. 62. 60. 5s. 56.

330 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

I, 65. 62. 60. 55. 53.

345 57.




4-  :. _ . _ _ . ....:..s


J Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 *** ** ** *** *** *1* 7** 75* l* **

15 *105.

l 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78.. 75. 72. 69.  !

} 30 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 71. 68.

60 105. 97. 92. es. e4. si. 78. 75. 72. 69.

75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

gg 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

105. 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

' 120 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

j 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75- 71. 68.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

165 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. . 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 105.


97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

, 210 105. 97. 92. 88. 85. 82. 79. 76. 74. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. si. 78. 75. 71. 67.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

  • 255 105.
96. 91. 87. e4. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

r.' 270 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 80. 77. 74. 72. 69.

105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 77. 72.

' $ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84.


81. 79.
75. 70.


o 300 75. 73.

105. 97. 92.

e 315 88. 84. s1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

- 330 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

E 345 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 73. 70. 67.


' m 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 I E Distance 'R' in Feet 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 F; .u. 67.

0 64. 62. 59. 57. 55.

@ 15 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. SIREN DB 38 30 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

65. 55.

~ $c 45 60 66.






59. 56.


54. Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 66. 63. 60. 58. 55. 53.

105. 65. 62. 59. 56. 54. 51. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Temperature 50 F 135 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

150 69. 66. 64.

Wind Speed 10 mph

62. 60. 58.

165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE

_. 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

195 69. 66. 64. 62. 59. 57.

Computer analysis by-210 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57. Acousti c Technology, Inc.

225 63. 59. 56. 53. 50. 47.

240 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.  ;

255 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

270 67. 65. 63. 60. 58. 56. i 285 67. 65.- 63. 61. 59. 57. l 300 68. 66.' 64. 62. 60. 59.

315 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

.- 330 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 53.

l 345 65. 62. 59. 57. 55. 52. ,

a '


R U __

p. . . . - , . _ . . . _ . . _ . . . _ . - . . . . - . _ ,


Siren Sound Pressure Levels m 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 34. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

15 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78.* 75. 72. 69.

. 30 los. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

'45 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. si. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

m 60 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69

'J 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

90 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

- 105. 105. 97. 92. 38. 84. si. 78. 75. 72. o9.

120 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. si. 7s. 75. 72. 69

" 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

150 los. 97. 92. es. 84. si. 77. 75. 72. 70.


165 105. 97. 92. es. 84. si. 79. 76. 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

IM 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

- 210 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

l 225 los. 97. 92. es. 84. c2. 79. 76. 72. 68.

2 m 240 105. 96. 91. E:6. 83. 80. 77. 73. 71. 68.

  • 255 105. 96. 91. 87. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

], ' 270 105. 96. 91. 87. 85. 82. 79. 77. 74. 72.

= e 285 105. 96. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

o 300 105. 96. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

e 315 105.

97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

330 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 79. 76. 72. 69. 67.

G 345 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 76. 73. 69. 67.

m i tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000 1

E Distance 'R' in Feet

- 8 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 u.

- 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

0 SIREN DB 39 e

" 15

66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

- 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53.

30 S 45 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

o 60 66. 64. 61. 59. So. 53. Siren Rating 125 dBC F E 75 66. 64. 61. 58. 56. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

105 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. Temperature 50 F  !

q 135 66.






58. 56. 53. Wind Speed 10 mph

' 150 61. 59. 57.

165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.

SW-NE n 180 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58.

195 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58.

Computer analysis by-210 69. 66. 6,4. 62. 60. 58. Acoustic Technology

  • Inc.

225, 64. 61. 57. 54. 51. 48.

I'l -240 66. 64. 62. 60. 57. 55.

d 255 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

270 69. 67. 65. 63. 60. 58.

285 67. 65. , 63. 60. 58. 56.

300 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.

315 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

L 330 64.






56. 54. 51.

345 55. 53. 51.

H l gj Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.


] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

.4-.- . s . . ' %s .

. . . _ . . _, . ,,,..~->-.+.-EA.. .. ~." .. . -- w#dr -.


] Siren Sound Pressure Levels 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

~ 0 15 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78.- 75. 72. 69.

30 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

45 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

GO 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. e1. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

Fi . 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

gg 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

-' 105. 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

120 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69 135 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

150 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

r 165 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 77. 74. 72.

180 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 82. 80. 78. 76. 73 105.

195 97. 92. 88. e4. e1. 79. 76. 74. 72.

., 210 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

I 225 105. 97. 92. es. e4. ei. 79. 75. 71. 67.

J m 240 105. 97. 92. es. 84. e1. 79. 75. 73. 70.

  • 255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

8 270 105. 97. 92. se. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

105. 92.

$ 285 97. 88.


e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. e4. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

105. 97. 92. 88.

c 315 84. 81. 79.

76. 73. 71.

- 330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.


E 345 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

m i tu 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 U E . Qista_nce 'R* in .Eeet O

r, w u.

5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 T6-~~ 64. 6 1. 59. 56. 54 h











54. SIREN DB 40 30 53.

o 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

Siren Rating 125 dBC Tm E

h 75 66.











53. Siren Height 50 Ft. l

] 90 105 120 e6.













Relative Humidity 73%

Temperature 50* F n 135 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Wind Speed 10 mph 1 69. 66. 64. 62. 60.

150 58.

7o. 67. 65. 63. 61. SW-NE 165 59.

r 180 71. 69. 67. 64. 62. 60.

c' 195 69. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.-

Computer analysis bY- '

210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. Se. . Acoust.ic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 53. 50. 47.


240 6e. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57. i

! 255 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 5s.

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. se.

O 285 69- 6* ' .

64- 61- 59- 57-i 300 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.

315 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

< 330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

d g) Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

%.-/s . . . ct : , _ v .;. . - - - --


b i

DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION h Siren Sound Pressure Levels 0 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

n 35 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78'. 75. 72. 69.

j 30 105- 97- 91- 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 68.

43 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. si. 7s. 74. 71. 68.

' 60 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.


90 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

  1. 105. ~

105. 97. 92. 88. 84. si. 7s. 75. 72. 69.

120 105- 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69. i 135 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 7e. 75. 71. 6e.

150 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

1 165 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

I 180 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 73. 70.

195 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71 m 210 105. 97. 92. es. e4. al. 7s. 75. 73. 70.

i 225 105- 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

J m 240 105. 97. 92. es. e4. si. 79. 76. 73.

  • 71.

255 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

] 8 270 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.



a $ 285 97. 92. ss. e4. si. 79. 76, 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.


l 4 c 315 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

- 330 105. 97. 92. es. e4.

' 105.

ei. 7s. 74. 71. 6e E 345 97. 92. se. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.



u. 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500- 4000 4500 5000 U E Distance 'R' in Feet -

2 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000

(,i u.

66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

[I) 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. SIREN DB 41 3g 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

. O 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

3 45 L3 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Siren Rating 125 dBC j k 90 66.












Siren Height 50 Ft.

- 105 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. Temperature 5 0* F i 135 65. 62. 60. 57. 55. 53.

1 150 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57. Wind Speed 10 mph 165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

"i 195 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Computer by:

d 210 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225 64. 60. 57. 54. 51. 48.

240 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.

] 255 68. 66. 64. 61. 59. 57.

270 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

285 69. 66, 64. 62. 60. 58.

300 69. 66. ' 64. 62. 60. 58.

315 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

~ 330 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53.

345 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.


m.. . .- . . .w J . v. .. ..


1 a

Siren Sound Pressure Levels '

f 0 105. 97. 91. 87. 83- 79. 76. 72. 69. 67.

i 15 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. 81. 7e.' 74. 71. 6e.

I; 30 105. ?7. 92. 88. 84. 81. 77. 73. 70. 67.

'45 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 76. 73. 70. 67.

, 60 105. 97. 91. 87. 83. 80. 77. 73. 70. 67.

3 75 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

J. 90 105. 88.

97. 92. e4. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

105 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69 9b 126 105.


97. 92. 88. 64. 81. 7a. 75. 72. 69.

135 97. 92. 88. 84. si. 78. 74. 70. 67.

150 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 77. 75. 72. 70

'i 165 105. 97. 9.2 es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

180 105. 97. 92. 87. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72. 70.

195 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 75. 72. 70.

_. 210 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 75. 71. 67.

m 240 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

8 255 .105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 70.

P - 270 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

L $ 285 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

c 315 105. 97. 92. E:8. E:4. 81. 79. 76. 74. 71.

330 105. 97. 91. 87. e4. 81. 78. 74. 71. 6s.

E 345 105. 97. 91. 87. 84. 81. 78. 74. 71. 6e.

m n ua 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' 4000 4500 5000

'< E Distance 'R' in Feet O

w u- 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 F.

64.~~ 61. 59. 56. 54. 51.


66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. SIREN os 42 7 30 64. 62. 59. 57. 54. 52.

45 64. 62. 59. 57. 54. 51.


I 60 64. 62. 59. 57. 54. 52. Siren Rating 125 dBC

.:. < 75 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 53. Siren Height 50 Ft.

! 90 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54.

J 105. 66. 64. 61. 59. So. 54. Relative Humidity 73%

120 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 54 .. Temperature 50* F q 135 64. 61. 59. 56. 54. 51. Wind Speed 10 mph 1 150 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57.


165 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. SW-NE 180 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 56.

195 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. 57. C mputer analysis by:

d 210 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Acoustic Technology, Inc.

225- 64. 60. 57. 54. 51. 48.

I' 240 69. 67. 65. 64. 62. 60.

C 255 68. 66. 64. 62. 59. 57.

l 270 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.

285 69. 66. , 63. 61. 59. 57.

H,' ,

300 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

P 315 69. 67. 64. 62. 60. 58.


, 330 66. 63. 61. 58. 56. 53.

345 66. 63. 60. 58. 56. 54 g @ Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

o l

A l,

=  : **

i ii m .c .,. . =.m

. nn .

. . . - . . n. .x .:

.. .,h , ~ .


?. Siren Sound Pressure Levels t.- P


O 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

15 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. es. so .- 77. 75. 72.

'. 30 105. 98. 93. 89. e6. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

'45 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. es. 80. 77. 75. 72.

n 60 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. es. so. 77. 75. 72.

1' 75 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

" 90 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

, 105, 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72.

120 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. ev. ee. <5. 72.

3 135 105. 98. 93. 89. e6. 83. so. 77. 75. 72. l 150 105. 98. 93. 89. 86. 83. ei. 78. 76. 74. l 9 165 ios. 97. 92. es. e4. e2. 79. 77. 75. 72.

I 180 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. e1. 79. 76. 73. 71.

195 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

__ 210 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

225 105, 97. 92. es. e4. ei. 79. 75. 71. 67.

'- m 240 105. 97. 92. es. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

8 255 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

n u 270 105. 97. 92. 87. 84. 81. 78. 76. 73. 71.

L.. $ 285 105. 97. 92. E:8. 84. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.

o 300 105. 97. 92. 88. e4. 81. 79. 76. 74. 72.

e 315 105. 97. 92. es. e4. 81. 79. 76. 73. 71.


330 105. 97. 92. 88. 84. 81. 78. 75. 72. 69.

G 34S 105. 98. 93. 89. e6. 83. 80. 77. 75. 72. -_

m uJ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 V E Distance 'R' in Feet O

u. 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 F,

0 76. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.


  • 33 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. SIREN DB 43 30 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.

il S 45' 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.

@ 60: 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. Siren Rating 125 dBC

< 75! 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. Siren Height 50 Ft.

90 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.

Relative Humidity 73%

. - 105. 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.

120 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. Temperature 5 0* F 135 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59. Wind Speed 10 mph 150 72. 70. 68. 66. 64. 63.


165 70. 68. 67. 65. 63. 61.

SW-NE 180 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

Computer by:

b. 195j 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58..

210 ~- 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58. Acoustic Technology, Inc. -e 225- 63. 59. 56. 53. 50. 47.

p 240 69. 66. 64. 62. 60. 58.

d 255- 69. 66. 64. 62. 6o. 58.

270' 68. 66. 64. 62. 60. 57.

q 285 69. 66. , 64. 62. 60. 58.

". 300 70. 68. 66. 63. 61. 60.

315 69. 67. 65. 63. 61. 60.

- 330 66. 64. 61. 59. 56. 53.

345 70. 67. 65. 63. 61. 59.


O a

L, -

$7 *

(9QJhl- $"""$

i 1.

APPENDIX lb: Siren Sound Levels in Graphical Form p

I f

4 i


Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel . H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE MnDTH 90 180* M O Y

Siren 1

'270 Scale

', "' I ' '


-) 6000 feet @

( , f f f

Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotatin9 . Temperat ure : 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet 'k Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE MARTH A

.90 180* M O J Y

siren 2


Scale 0 1 d le

, AccusTic TECHNCLCGY i.'!C.

[AigO' 0 6000 feet t 1 1 a

Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. H umidity : 73%

Siren Height : 50 feet J Wind: 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH

.90 18 0* M O Y

Siren 3

'270 i

scale 9 .

0 6000 tee: .@M) AccusT:c TECHNCLCG g t 1 l

Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel . H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet N Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH l

l 90 180 /t% O*

w Siren 4



l i


' "I1*

9 , , $9; ACCusT:c TECHNCLCGY INC.

0 6000 feet @'

t e t i

' I

Siren Sound Coverage 1

D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotatin9 . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet l Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH I

90 l

18 0* rh o*

f Y Siren 5

'270 Scale


0 6000 feet Qip' I t  ! 1 i

Siren Sound Coverage l D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotatin9 . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-N E NORTH 90


18 0

  • M O*

Y Siren 6

~ 270




0 6000 feet %s,/

i , , , i i

Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel . H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet N Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH 90 18 0 M O Y

Siren 7




' "I'*

, , lh Accus :c TECHNCLCG7 D;C.

0 6000 feet O i t I 1 Y I

Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50* F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. H umidity : 73S.

Siren Height: 50 feet N Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH 90 18 0 M O Y

Siren 8

~270 Scale ,.

0 3 m, I e

.) ACCUST:C TECHNCLCG'l i.'IC. j o 6000 feet -i/

{ t I f

Siren Sound Coverage DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperat ure : 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel . H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH


90 18 0* /t% 0 Y

Siren 9

~270 Scale e

'i * . ' ' ~

<I's 3 ,


a 6000 feet @

t , i

Siren Sound Coverage '

D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotatin9 . Temperature : 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel . H umidity : 7 3';

Siren Height: 50 feet N Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH 90 180 M O*

W Siren 10

.: ~270*






! 0 6000 feet &

4 1 1 1

Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating ,

Temperature : 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. H umidity : 73%

, Siren Height: 50 feet Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH 90 180* /ts O Y

Siren 11


scale 3 - i edh ACCusTic TECHNCLCGY INC.

0 6000 feet Q/

g ,

I f I

Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotatin9 . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel . H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet N Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH

.90 18 0 M O w

Siren 12

~270 l



3 , ,

I C 6000 feet

, , 1 n


Siren Sound Coverage DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotatin9 . Temperature: 503 F

. Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel.H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet N Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH

.90 4

180* rh O f v

Sieen 13



___' "* (h' W AccusTic TECHNCLOGY INC.

i . i l 0 6000 feet l i , , , i . ,


Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotatin9 . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel .H umidity : 7 3 *.

Siren Height: 50 feet N Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NOlsTH 4


.90 f

4 180 0 Siren 14


4 4

4 Sca1e 0



0 6000 feet Vr -

I t f 1 9 f

Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel . H um.dit y : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet >k Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH

.90 18 0 * /ts O w

Siren 15


4 seale 0 ' 'il*

[ff!!?e AccusTic TECHNOLCGY INC.

1 0 6000 feet I i , - ,


Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION i Siren Type: Rotatin9 . Temperat ure : 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel . H umidit y : 739 Siren Height: 50 feet N Wind: 10. 3 mph SW-N E NORTH 90 18 0 0 Siren 16


Scalc 9 , , 'M AccusTic TECHNOLCGY !.'!C.

0 6000 feet '6$'

Siren Sound Covorago


D AVIS-BESSE N'UCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. H umidity : 73%

' Siren Height : 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH N


,90 18 0

  • O*

Siren 17


Scale ,

O L ,



O. 6000 feet

, , 1 e i

Siron Sound Covorago DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren "ype: Rotatin9 . Temperature: 50' F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel, H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH



18 0

  • O' )

Siren 18

~ 270*

l 1

- 1 i


0 6000 feet @'

t  !  ? 1

1 l

Siren Sound Coverage D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotatin9 . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC R el . H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH

,90 18 0

  • O*

Siren 19



Scale ,

9 ' "", I *

. . 'l ^1 ACCUST:C IECMtICLCC/ i:-:C.

0 6000 *eet d i , . .

Siren Sound Coverage  :

D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50 F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. H umidity : 73'o Siren Height: 50 feet d Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH 90 4

18 0

'270 I

I l


0 6000 feet NJd I i 1 1 1 I


  • Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature : 50* F

.J Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

- Siren Height: 50 feet Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE

]- NORTH l

a ra q

d 4

_ 90 18 0* 0*

Siren 21 9


j I



Scale c 0 I

, mile itiva Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

6000 feet 0

,l . , , , , .

-_ a

b Siren Sound Coverage

] DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION n Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50* F I*

J Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

, Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE I



,LJ l )i q




L I'


[ 18 0 * ,

O j I.

Siren 22 I'


f ',

U 1


'1 '

.. l i


.n ,

I~ scale L 0 i, mile R&s Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

0 6000 feet

,l i , , , , , i

Siren Sound Coverage l l DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION q Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50* F j Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel.H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE



'l 4 n]

q 90 r

18 0* o'

.! Siren 23 l\


r, J \

,LJ I'

L Il J

b I Scale L 0, .

, dea Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

0 6000 feet " " '

J Siren Sound Coverage

[ DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50* F u Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel.H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet J k Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE NORTH gL




t is

, . 90 Ii P 9 i iso- o-o 9 U Siren 24 ,



~ 270*

Fj t,

b r-L 1

J I Scale



' '* o Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

. 0 6000 feet i e I I t f

Siren Sound Coverage 2 D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel.H umidity : 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE


,J I


  • 1


_ .90 l i k 180* O*




>I 1

J l

1 ,

,b Scale

- i


'* s Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

. 0 6000 feet

]a i , , , , ,

f' d Siron Sound Coverage

[] D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION q Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F

.3 Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

-, Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE j- NORTH l


'l t

w TI a



-s 180* O*

l d Siren 26



.3 i


'I L}

'l u

[7 .


I Scale L' 0 i mil

  • Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

. . , 0 6000 feet i , , , , , .

l u.

- Siren Sound Coverage 9


  • Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50* F

- Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

-, Siren Height: 50 feet 'l Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE 6


,J w


,90 18 0* O

r '

Siren 27 u .270*

n ,



s) 1 l

[" Scale L 0

'," Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

! O 6000 feet i , , . , ,

]r. ,

n 6 Siren Sound Coverage

[j D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION p Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50* F Ld Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel.H umidity : 73%

r, Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE

_ l. NORTH l .J r-L I,

<J F]


, 90 18 0* O*


- Siren 28 e



,u q


  • A a.


.U n



(2 I Scale b 0, ,


,mi1* Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

0 6000 reet

[ , , , i , ,


L 1

J Siren Sound Coverage n

.; D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION 1 Siren Type. Rotating . Temperature: 50* F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

- , Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE h- NORTH l

u O


O Pi


18 0

  • O*

Siren 29 r,

, ~270*


1j h

r 1

J Scale 3 mile O

, , , Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

l._ ,

0 6000 feet

. , i i . . -

1 J Siren Sound Coverage j D AVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50* F

- Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. H umidity : 73%

~ Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE

, 1 y* NORTH l



i 7-

, }



,_ 90 y

d 18 0

  • O*

I J Siren 30 I


-270' b


'l 4j i

a N _ #

$,J I Scale k 0



, mile y ,.. Acoustic TECHNOLMY INC.

I O 6000 *eet El , 1 . ,

L i


Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50* F


J Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

, . . Siren Height: 50 feet N Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE Y* NORTH

>l J

r' j




i, 180* O' l.

- Siren 31

-279 r.

L i{


'l i

n -

'{ }

I Scale

','""* Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

- 0 6000 feet .

'd i , , , , , ,


Siron Sound Coverago DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F J Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel.H umidity : 73%

y Siren Height: 50 feet J k Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE



1 J



18 0* O*

Siren 32



. ,l 1

f i

-3 i

l l Scale

[J 0, ,

1, mile Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

I o 6000 feet i i , i i i e

p Siren Sound Coverage DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating

  • Temperature: 50' F

{'J Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

Siren Height: 50 feet Jl Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE

[,l .


.J F




f' LJ 90*

1 18 0

  • O*

Siren 33 4


l' lJ l

l rq L'.:

9 ij D '


,n l Scale l 0 1, mile Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

(q 0 6000 feet i , , i . .

Siron Sound Coverage k

L DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION 1i Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50* F

" Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel.H umidity : 73%

n Siren Height: 50 feet Jl Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE

]' NORTH l

'i t..,



,90 18 0

  • O*

Siren 34 1


U i1 r;

i f.. . ,



l x  !


[ Scale h 0 1, mile Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

6000 feet h 0 i , , , , , .

i l


-! Siron Sound Coverage e


7, Siren Type: Rotating .

Temperature: 50* F

!t Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel.H umidity : 73%

-- Siren Height: 50 feet J I Wind: 10.3 mph SW-NE

_ NORTH 1 m.

[1 RLJ





% . 90*

i r3

[ 18 0

  • O*

Siren 35


. 270*

l I


n u
P i

J u

Scale L' O 1 mi1e  ;

'. , , , ., Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

o 6000 feet a

Siron Sound Covorago 5 DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Rli Siren Type: Rotating . Teraperature: 50' F u Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

,-, Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind: 10.3 mph SW-NE J' NORTH n.


.fu l


-J 90 18_Q

  • O*

i J Siren 36 I


D, yh fl




.i'? '

L I Scale 0

, (mile Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

7 0 6000 feet

, , , , , , i i


Siron Sound Coverage

] DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

,, Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE l 'l J- NORTH




9 J

7 5

- .90*

i r, 1 18 0

  • O*


" Siren 37 9


fl I

J 9


.i I

1- t U

M l

Il LI i Scale 0 I mile Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

_ 0 6000 feet

! . , , i i i i s.

I Siron Sound Coverage L DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION m Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F lt L.' Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

,_I Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind: 10. 3 mph SW-NE

,j- NORTH iI u!


'j '.


. L.


l 18 0

  • O* )

_J Siren 38



I' 4

rJ a


  • L}

'!la Scale d[1 0 I mil *

, a(tas Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

0 6000 feet W^

i l

.! Siron Sound Covorage i

[j DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F Siren Rating: 125 d8C Rel. Humidity: 73%

, Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind : 10.3 mph SW-NE


~ f O

.j r

L r,


I' J 18 0*

g 0* l i

J Siren 39 270 r


.q J;

la p,

-;J l



  • 0 8 mile f,. Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

0 6000 feet

] ,.] i , , , .


l l 0 -

'! Siron Sound Coverage

[] DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F L Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rei. Humidity: 73%

_ Siren Height: 50 feet >

Wind : 10. 3 mph SW-NE j- NORTH I

_j m


!I a

Il 1



! \ -

" ,__ $ 18 0

  • O'

- Siren 40

. .a 270*

C I,

m r',




',"* hwAcoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

0 6000 fcet w


Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F l

'a .

Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel.H umidity : 73%

._, Siren Height: 50 feet J Wind: 10. 3 mph SW-NE

[' ' NORTH F



I' L


t i

( ~

\ 18 0

  • O*

u \ Siren 41


J j

xa lr.

L flsJ

{ Scale ,

0 I mile GM Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

0 6000 feet S i" '

i , , . > i .

Siron Sound Coverago

[! DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION 7 Siren Type: Rotating . Temperature: 50' F t

J Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rel. Humidity: 73%

. - . Siren Height: 50 feet Jl Wind : 10.3 mph SW-NE



'1 1

. .90*


18 0


F1 3:


' L.!


'l scale 0 I mile Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

0 6000 feet



!J Siron Sound Coverage 1


Siren Type
Rotating . Temperature: 50' F  ;

L.! Siren Rating: 125 dBC Rei. Humidity: 73%

., Siren Height: 50 feet

Wind: 10.3 mph SW-NE

.] . NORTH

. .}


.. L .f 7

i, ar-e 90*


1 18 0

  • O*


., Siren 43




."1 I.]



't il_J

~1 Scale a 0 I mile

, j<s g Acoustic TECHNOLOGY INC.

0 6000 feet *d

[ , , ,



v 9 ' .  ;

t ..  !

a. ,

i  ;

_. i f


-l t i

u ,- ,

3 l


q m


. i i n

4 d

fr:t 4

t e.s 1 d s

.t j'~ MAP 1: Topographical Maps with 60 dBC Contours i

i "~'t g- - t


5a .


ii H

e ,,.


L 4

i l



  • n 4


-s e'l ,

4 j.J ~  !

i m

  • g raiu '


= P Ir.? .


s. . , -+ .

a x' -

,,..,,,.--,---.,..-,-,.,b-,.c..~, , , . . . . . , _ - , _ . - - - , _ _ , , , . . . _ . - _ - . . - . _ _ . , - - . - . _ . - - _ - - -

. v-(.


t ~'


l. 'J '


" ~

MAP 1 MAP 2 r-

=4 Reno Beach, Metzger Marsh, q Ohio Ohio L;

T~ MAP 3 MAP 4 ,

MAP 5 MAP 6 Genoa, Oak Harbor, LaCarne, Port Clinton,

!) ~

Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio LJ Il,


MAP 7 MAP 8 MAP 3 MAP 10 b '

Elmore, Lindsey, Wrightman's Vickery, Ohio Ohio Grove, Ohio Ohio Lj


' #9 g 1



i )

i l l

I Docket No. 50-346 l License No. NPF-3 l l

Serial No. 1-235 December 30, 1981 Attachment 3 l
