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Forwards Notice of Final Insp to Be Conducted on 821116 Following Completion of Site Restoration Work,Per 820506 Order Terminating Proceedings on Extension of CPPR-104
Person / Time
Site: Bailly
Issue date: 11/02/1982
From: Shorb E
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8211080224
Download: ML20027D663 (5)



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Noetiheen Indiana Pub 1In Servios Dompeng Corporate Headquarters l 5265 Hahman Avenvol Hammond. kdana 46320 l Tel: 853 6200 (219)

EUGEN E M.SHOF 8 Jo"'l#1'oEnll".;*y,"l,, November 2, 1982 Mr. Ilarold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Northern Indiana Public Service Company Bailly Generating Station, Nuclear-1 Docket No. 50-367 Site Restoration Plan

Dear Mr. Denton:

Pursuant to the May 6, 1982 Order of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board which terminated the proceedings on the application of Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) for the exten-sion of Construction Permit CPPR-104, attached herewith is NIPSCO's Notice of Final Site Inspection which will be conducted on Novem-ber 16, 1982, following the completion of the site restoration work.

Copies of this Notice are being sent to each of the individuals and organizations appearing on the service list as of May 6, 1982, in the above-referenced proceeding.

Yours very truly,


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EMS /dgg Attachment Q()!

cc: Per Attached List 8711080224 821102 PDR ADOCK 05000367 G PDR

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Mr. Harold R. Denton Page 2 November. 2, 1982 N',e

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cc:. Herbert Grossman, Esquire, Chairman "

%J Dr. Robert L. Holton \

Dr. Kenneth McCollom ,

7gl g" Docketing and Service Section s Guy H. Cunningham, Esquire -'.

Stephen H. Lewis, Esquire .

Susan Sekuler, Esquire ,"'

Robert J. Vollen, Esquire Edward W. Osann, Jr., Esquire .

Robert L. Graham, Esquire ,



Mr. Mike Olszanski Mr. Clifford Mezo ',f Mr. George Grabowski ',, ,

Ms. Anna Grabowski .

Mr. M. David Lynch .

,s 'N Mr. James R. Whitehouse -

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w DUCAb Partiep of Record'aa of May 6,' 'In'r.hd"M:itter of Northern

% ^ 1982, \


Indiana Public Servica Compjny (Bailly Generating ,Statibn, Nuclear-1) ,

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,p Docket No.50-367 (Constructio2., Permit Extension) 3 'g s + -+

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-On:May.6',',1982,.the Atomic SafetS and' Licensing , Board (Board)


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h ' R enteref an order irt-UCcket No. 50-367'termina, ting the sproceeding

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i Qn* thatapplication of Nor'hern t Indiana Publ4c Service Company.

( ;w 1 (NIPS (O) for extension ,of -  %

Construption PefG' t No,.

s CPPR--104 for the

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4 Generating Station, -ug-Nucle.y'-1 project (Baill'v) . .'That \

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Q . order 2dciuirCd NIPSCO-to' implement its amended site restoration

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I plan and"to se.nd quar prly rep [rts on the,aprogress of the~ work to all pahcies of record. ,The- rder ftyrther provided: ,

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'That, on April 15', 1983 and at the completion



, of the sity rt;storation (but no later than September 1,

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1983, if.not completed)f IIPSCO is to give notice of, and arrange for, an insp'o(ction of the site (under reason-able con'dl,tions') ~ between d0 and 220 days thereaf ter, at which'each party, if "an'., individual , or one repre-sentative from cach organization party (even if inter-


vening jointly with 'othersorganizations) , along with one expert for each'. such ' party' (if the party so desires) ,

may be present;

9. Each party participating in the site inspections may conduct reasonable inspection and testing activities

.which'do not interfere with ongoing site restoration.

IfJthe parties cannot agree on what inspection or testing activitylis reasonable, the NRC Staff will make the final decision;"

An interim site inspection was conducted on October 18, 1982.

At that time the site restoration work was more than 50 percent complete and work was' progressing substantially ahead of schedule.

In its September 1, 1982 site restoration progress report NIPSCO l

...- . l l

estimated that all site restoration work would be completed by December 31, 1982. Because of unexpected good weather and better than expected progress on the project, NIPSCO now has reasonable assurance that the site restoration work will be completed not later than November 15, 1982.

NIPSCO is therefore scheduling the required final site inspec-tion to be held following the completion of the site restoration work for November 16, 1982, at 1:30 o' clock p.m. All persons permitted by the May 6, 1982 Board order to participate in such inspection, and who desire to do so, must contact either Mr. Mark T. Maassel or Mr. William R. Elliott on or before November 15, 1982.

Each party should identify the name of their representative who will attend the site inspection, the name, firm affiliation and area of expertise of any expert who will accompany the party's repre-sentative, the extent of their participation in the inspection including any testing or special inspection which the representative or expert may wish to conduct, and a telephone number where the representative may be reached. Upon receipt of this information, arrangements will be made with Bailly security personnel to permit those named individuals attending the final site inspection to enter the Bailly site.

Individuals wishing to attend the , final site inspection may provide the necessary information to Mr. Mark T. Maassel by calling (219) 874-4231, extension 383 or Mr. William R. Elliott at (219) 874-4231, extension 328; or by mailing such information to either l

. i* .

of them at Northern Indiana Public. Service Company, Plant Engineering and Construction, 591 Marquette Mall Office Building, 450 St. John

- Road, Michigan City, Indiana 46'360. Provided, however, any infor-mation forwarded by mail must be received by Mr. Maassel or Mr.

Elliott on or before November 15, 1982, so that necessary arrange-ments may be made with Bailly security personnel for your entry-to the Bailly site, j

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