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Electronic Submittal of Annual Fitness for Duty Program Performance Report and Annual Fatigue Report for 2015
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 02/29/2016
From: Hafenstine C
Wolf Creek
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16069A025 (14)


W0LFCREpEK T NUCEAR oPERATINGCOPRTN Cynthia R. Hafenstine February 29, 2016 Manager Regulatory Affairs RA 16-0016 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Docket No. 50-482: Electronic Submittal of Annual Fitness for Duty Program Performance Report and Annual Fatigue Report for 2015 Gentlemen:

Please be advised that Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC) submitted the Annual Fitness for Duty (FFD) program performance data and Annual Fatigue Report for 2015 to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System through the U.S. NRC Electronic Information Exchange on February 25, 2016. This submittal meets the requirements in 10 CFR 26.203, 10 CER 26.717 and 10 CFR 26.719. In accordance with 10 CFR 26.11, copies of the reported information are also enclosed with this report for the appropriate regional office and resident inspector.

This letter contains no commitments. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (620) 364-4204.

Sincerely, Cynthia R. Hafenstine CRH/rlt


copies of 2015 FFD and Fatigue Reports cc: M. L. Dapas (NRC),w/e

  • C. F. Lyon (NRC), w/e 0 N. H. Taylor (NRC), w/e Rsien Seio Bo 1 ~'lntn KS 66839 / Phone. (620) 364-8831 T An Equal Opportunity Employer MiF/HCNVET

Estimated by NRC toburden peran obtain on response annual to comply basis withthis ftoness-tior-duty site specitic collection request is 114 (FF0) hours. pertormance program roluntary This foes is adata means on drag of reporting and alcohol the istornation programs required bornlicernsees and under other 10 CFR26.717. The isformation is required entities. Send comrnenta regarding burden estimate to the FOIA,privacy and Informatin CollectiveBranch (T5-F53), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC20555-0001, or bya-mailto fooecsRoreNR.v.ado the Desk Officer,Officeof Informationand Regulatory Affairs,NEOB-1020, (3150-0146), Officeof Managenent and Budget, Washington DC20503. It a means used to impose information collection does not display a currentdyvaidi0MB control number, the NRCmay not conduct or sponsor, and a parson is not required to respond to, the intormation collection.

1) All fel~ds required Laa riare 'opttogna1 r- Submission
2) U/se of Adobe R ead8 or at s
3) MouJse over feleds foraddltloasallInfonrrtl~on Li Updat
  • Udt Select Facility Perod f Repor IWolf Creek [50-482] [ j 201 Tests Conducted in the CalendarYear Total Number of Testa Conducted Total Number of Positive, Adulterated, Reason For Testing Licensee Employees ContractorsNendors Substituted, and Refusal to Test Results Random LiZ2g't I °1 Post-Event EiI OiI l 0IILi

_ 31 Total (Calculated) 678II 1,736 FFD Program Random Testing Population andRate Average number of Average number of Total size of the random testing pool Annual random testing percentage licensee employees contractors/vendors throughout the period (Calculated) achieved for the testing pool Laboratory Testing Does your program use a 1 Licensee Testing Facility? INo (Yes /No) I Identify your HHS-Certitied Laboratory(ies) Clinical Reference Laboratory, Lenexa, KS Identify your Blind Performance Test Sample supplier(s) AT Laboratories, Inc,. Lenexa, KS Substances Tested Did your program only test for NRC-required substances [] Does your program conduct LOD testing No AtŽ at the NRC-specified minimum cutoff levels? (Yes / No) Yes permitted in 26.163(aX2)? (Yes / No) IN

  • nnual Report Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) - Page 1 of 2 - NRC Form 891 (12/201, Annual Report Form (version 1.6.0 - December jg, 2014) -Page 1 of 2- NRC Form 891 (12/2014)

Substances Tested - continued Summary of Management Actions - 26.717(b)(8)

Summarize actions implemented to improve FFD program performance. As applicable, reference in the topic description audit reports, 30-day reports, andlor corrective action reports. If reporting information on more than three topics, select 'Others" for Topic 3 to report any additional topics.

Topic 1 Topic 1 Description

_______her ______s)______ NRC Event Report 50863 and Security Incident Report 03-03-1196. Individual attempted to bring OthrIs synthetic urine into PAB. Security found container on person after search as a result of setting off the explosive at main security access, Basic Cause Evaluation performed. CR 00092772. Informed all Please elaborate: qualified collectors of incident and need to verify donor's pockets are empty prior to urine collection.

For Cause Test due to attempt to subvert the Added incident description to training for collectors.

testing program. Individual had a container of synthetic urine on his person.

Topic 2 Topic 2 Description Random Testing CR 00094613 on FF0 collections not performed as required by procedures. A tracking notebook was prepared for tracking of Random and Follow-up FFD collections. Use of the notebook was reviewed with the FF0 collectors. This notebook is used to track the dates of personnel selected tor a random or follow-up FF0 screen that were not available tor collection after contacting the FF0 supervisor.

[] Add an additional Topic___________________________________________

Topic 3 Topic 3 Description Program and System Management 1Two quality surveillances were performed in 2015. QS 2015-1404 "FF0 Sample Collections"; no Jfindings or CRs resulted from this surveillance. QS 2015-1460 on "Corrective Actions of CR 00082947",

the action implemented was automatic notifications to the Access Screening Mailbox on FF0 Pre-access collections on R1Y/R30 collections to ensure Unescorted Access (UA) is withdrawn it FF0 results are not received within four days of collection. A recommendation was made to have the system notify security on the fifth day if the results were not received. This was determined to not be needed since Access Screening is monitoring the receipt of the results and taking action on the fourth day.

Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided Person I (required):

rat Riles Supervisor Access Screening grile~coo First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):

Kent Eraig eadIZ I FtesFor DutPrga First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Final Step (Required) - NRC will consider this form authentic in accordance with 26.11 only when the "Validate & Lock" button has been selected and all errors (i.e., those highlighted in red) have been corrected. The "Validate & Lock" button will change to "Locked" after the data validation process has been successfully completed and the torm is ready for submission.

-Form Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:40:29 PM Annual Report Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) - Page 2 of 2 - NRC Form 891 (12/2014)

Annual Report Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) -Page2of2- NRC Form 891 (12/2014)

2) E,*fsa Is assesbAle .ub-paffsi . tdsna.iise Is sIhe.fields Estimated lerden per response to coemplywith thils udeo requesti Is 30 mInutes. This form,isa voiuntary mreans of reporting the Lntol:ration required aedar 10 CFR 26.717. The
3) Uses. es'srhensfieldsIs view.d*lse.thdaneeiiae infoneatioc Is reqiuired by NRC to obtain on ae annual basis site spaclifi filness-fer-duty
4) Ole.sf AdobeReed.' Sortable .sq.abad (FF12)prograt perfonnance data on dnugand alcohol program~s from licensees and other entitles. Seed comments regardisg burdden Wlraeateto thle FOIA. prIvacy and Intonnalion

- Submission L.JUpdate riDelete

[] Submission Colletion Brancil (TS-F53). U.S. Nuclear Regutatory Commission. Washington DC 20555-0001. Or by a-mail toisfctesRsu N~~v and to the Desk Ofie, Olffce ot Inronlation and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-1020. (3150.0146), Office of Uniqe Reerene ID(LicnseeSuplied) Managemnent and Budget. Washington DC 20503. Itfa means csed to impose informatiso 5048-1-15J collection does cot display a currently ealid OMB control number, the NRC may cot conduct or sponsor, and a person is sot required to rempond to, lbs Informlaton collection.

Select Facilit Wolf Creek [50-4821 (mdyyyDate

°f Collection 10/2/215 Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(bX5) Pre-Access Tosting Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

Pre-Acess IIIII ] IReinstatement (Between 31 and 365 days)

Employment Type -26.71 7b(b(3) Ouftage Worker (optiona0 ?

Cob'orN andor Labor Category - 26.71 7(bX3)

Maintenance (general facility) J Is this a24-Hour Reporting Evenrt (es/No0)? -26.719(b) No*

Refusal- 26.717(b 7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes I No)? [I-I Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity No Aplicable Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2)

Alcohol Testing Alcohol Only Substance - 26.71 7(bt(2) & (b((6)


What 26.103 BAC level was exceeded?

0.04 or greaterJ Subversion Attempts -26.71 7(bb7) sod 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? [Jjo Manaoement Actions - 26.71 7btibo8 & 26.75 Reason for the Action First drug or alcohol positive ]

Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC MinimumJ Specific Sanction Applied 114- Day Donial Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided Person I (required):

Roooicol [ilsop omaso. iiII] gnllns First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):

Kenneth CraEilheId [Fns ForDut Program 7 kecralg*ececcor First Name Last Name Poiio iteCompany Email Address Fi,,.f Step (Reqeilred). NRC wilt consider thisafor authentic In accordance withl26.11 only ellen tile "Validate &Lock" butnc is slicked and ail errors (higiligilted in red) hove been

-Form corrected. Tile "Validate & Lock" botton wli change to "Locked' after the data salidation procass has; beer seccesofully completed indicating the torn is raady for submi.esIon.

Locked On: Febi23, 2016 at 3:22:09 PM JJ Stngle Posltive Test Forme (version 1.6,0 - December 19.,2014) NRC Forre 890 (12/2014)

2) Eee.a I aese 5.0 aslfepaokl haaeate in atherbhla Estimated burden per response to comply with thin collecion requant in 30 minutas. Thus tann in a vonluntarymenans of reponting the infonnation required under 10 CFR 20.717. The 3)Mea. oesAr~ Ibird. to nwa~ess b* er i inlonntmlon is required by NRC to obtain on an annual basin sit.especift icles-for-duti
4) Ua. ai Adoel R~ea sierlber inerveqahe (LFF0)program perfonrnance data nondrug and aicaole programs flom ticemnsees and othce entities. Send c~ommentsregarding burden estitnate to the FOlA, Privacy and Informtaion CnlcinBranch (Tti-F5i3), U.S. Nuclear Reguintory Cornnission, Washington DC Updateo i umiso 205ti5-000l, or by e-mail to IdcleteoceNR oand to the Dank Otticer Dffice of Infornation and Regulatory Affairs, NEOR-t020, (3150-0146), Office o*

Managenent and Budgeit, Washington DC 20003. If a means used to impons infonnation 5048-1-15 noltectonadoes not display a currently valid 0MB onnrdolnumber, the NRC may not onnduc o)rsponsor, and a person in not inquired to respond to, the informoationcollecteon.

Select Facility Wotf Creek [50-482] Date of Collection FI 0 1 (mm/dd/yyyy) 03/03/ 5 j Please elaborate (optional)

Reason for Testing -26.71 7(bX5) For Cause Testing Reason lather Employment Type - 26.71 7(bX 3) Outage Worker (optional)?

Conracorndor Yes Labor Category - 26,717(bX3)

Maintenance (general facility) J Please elaborate on theand 24-hour Securityreporting Is tis 24HourReprtig Eent YesNo) 2.71(b) Yes NRC Event Report 50003 event 03-03-1190.Indivldual attemptnd to bring

- Incident Report synthetic urine into FAB.Security found container on pmrson after searchi an a result of setting Refusal -26.71 7(bX7) & 26.75ofth pniedeeoraminectyacs.

Was this collection refused (Yes I No)? I~oiIi Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.7 17(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only ] Iuine i]

Was this collection obsenred (Ves / No)7- 26.71 7(bX7) S 26.75 E*II Substance -26.71 7(b)(2) S (b)(6) Additional Substance (as applIcable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Marijuana IPlease Select IPlease Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes / No)? EEi Subversion Attempts - 26.717(b))7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? Ie Pleauseel aboae on thwcoces adm selected:fr Indisidnal bad a nontamerof synthetic orineon his personto he non in none he was nelerted tore random.

I] Did not appear fur testing [] Specimen paraphernalia identified O] Refused to provide initial specimen 0] Specimen characteristics (e.g.. color, odor, precipitant)

[] Refused to provide second specimen 0] Invalid test result (initial specimen collected) - 26.185(f)

O]Specimen temperature (out of range) 0] Refused to tallow directions 0] Dther Manaoement Actions - 26.71 71b1181& 26.75 Reason for the Acton Subversion attempt Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

INRC Minimum Specific Sanction Applied

Permanent DenialJ Parson(s) Responsible for Information Provided person 1 (required)

GrallI ] Rite J~pernor Ancje Screenin

[ I] gmrelifwno rem.

First Name Last Name Position Tiite Company Email Address Person 2 (optinnal):

Ke n t Craigbe ad 1 Fitnso For Onty Program ek oralg@

wc onc.nOm Fis aeLast Name Position T~e Company Emall Address FinalStep fRequihrd - NRC will consider thin toes authestio in accordance with 25.11 only weke the "Validate &Loclr button in nfirkad and all menor.(highlighted in rod) here bees

-Form corrected. The "Vatidate &Lnck" button wli chenge to "Locknd" after the data vaildationprocess han banennscnessflly rompleted indicating the turin in ready tar nubminsson.

Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:24:01 PM Single Positive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

a3 iot, overfnt r*d v/m hd~tk.- 8t *. ,EoS.l Esisate bonentr mears esportn o tog heompyfoiththisonedo requied dt 10CFinutes1. This tfons ia meNs isotreqie y reobiigtheisonnatis oC requireass she~10 CfRth5717r-dTh

4) tse. of Adohe Reae otltri* lq e (FF0) progcrampm*tnsarie data on drug and aisohol programs froe licensees and other r--j ubmisionobbtis Seed comnments regarding burden estinate to the FOIA,Privacyand lnfonsatiso

].Updatet~i L_. Submssio Cotce Branch (T5-F53), U.S. Nucdear Reguistoiy Commeission, Washington DC UpaeL.umsin2055-001, or by se-milto thook eorc.NCav nd to the Desk cefrnclOLceso~nnldiDttose of Infonmation and Regulatory Atfairs, NEOB-1020, (3150-0146). Dfftice of Uniqe~eerenelDLiceseeuppled)Managenrent and Budget, Washington DC 20503. Ifa means used to impose information 150-482-D2-15 1 collection does not display a currently valid OMB contrml number, the NRC may not conduct J *orsponsor. and a person is not required to respond to. the Information noilection.

Select Facility(mddy) 0/921 Wolf Creek [50-482]

__mm__dyy_)Dateof Collection10/921 Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(bX5) Pro-Access Testing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

I I Initial Authonzation Employment Type - 26.71 7(b)(3) Outage Worker (optional)?

Cotrctor/endor Labor Category - 26.71 7(bX3) Please elaborate Other Caeet woke Is this a 24-Hour Repotting Event (Yes/No)? -26.719(b) N Refusal - 26.71 7(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection rf~used (Yes / No)?EI ]

Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only [IIunn Was this collection observed (Yes/No)? - 26.717(bX7) & 26.75[ II]

Substance -26.71 7(bt(2) & (b)(6) Additional Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Amphetamines ] Methamphetamines IPlease Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes I No)? Z Use NRC Cutoff (Yes /No)?Ye Subversion Attempts -26.717(b))7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? I~io I Manaoernent Actions -26.71 7,bll8t & 26.75 Reason for the Action 1First drug or alcohol pOsitive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC MinimumJ Specific Sanction Applied 14- Day Denial Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided Person 1 )requited):

Grantll] Riles J~pr~rAce cenn II emlen@wo....m First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):

K~e Caihed F7e Fo uypo~ Ikca co-Fis aeLs aePston Tde Company Email Address Float Step (Raqoknol) NRCwillconsider this fotmauthentic inaccordance with26.11onlywhen the "Validate &Lodi"huttonis clickedand atlettors (itghiehted tored) have been

-Form corrnoted. The "Vatidate &Lonck hutton wiil change to "Locked"after the data validation proceso has beessncenstlly compisted Indicating the lorm is ready for submrission, Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:24:50 PM Single Posithve Test Farm (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (1212014)

m*.. *-. .

3 ee.~.. S kna..aconeteJSa.aannr..Srtrcsaees.wcrcab I it AIfl.ld. ,eeukedexeeaf theseteethed APPROVED BY0MB:CLEARANCE NO.3150-0146 EXPIRES: 1113012017

2) Sede.* hosome field. eoeepid leftoeelloe 1 o*tileh , ls -otimated burden per response to comply with this collection request Is 30 mninutes. Thin orm was ofuntary means of reporting the information required under 10 CFR 26.717. Thn
3) Shies.e. toerfufields to stew eddltiest iaemfeonele nformation Is required by NRC to obtain on an annuel besis site specific 6tneso-for-dut*
4) Use of Adehe Reader s o, hihir Is reqeked
FFD) program performance data on drug end alcohol programs fornmlicensees and othre notities. Send conmnento regarding burden estimate to the FOIA, Pdvacy end Infonnation


  • elt *oltestion Branch (T5-F53). U.S. Nuclear Regultotoy Commission, Washington DC f0555-0001i, or by e-mail to tnfocoitlets RosourceiNRC asv. and to the Desk Dfficer 7iftice of Infonoation and Regolatory Affains, NEOB-102t1, (31t50-0146), Offioe o UnqeRefernc ID (Licensee Supplied, %larogenentand Budget. Washington DC 20503. If a means uoed to impose infoorration 5042-315 ,olleution does not display a ourrentlysalid 0MB control somber, the NRC may not condos*

,r sponsor, and a person is not required to repond to, the infonoatidon oltleotion.

Select Facility Wolf Creek [042 Date of Collection 1 Pre-Access Testing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

Reason for Testing -26.71 7(bt(5) l~e'Acss IlnitialAuthorization Employment Type - 26.71 7(b)(3) Outage Worker (optional)?

ICnrac~/end5r I~es Labor Cafegory - 26.71 7(bX3)

IaliySupport Is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/N~o)? -26.71 9(b) N Refusal- 26.717(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection refosed (Yes / Nao)?~ ~ j Test Results -26.71 7(b)(4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only [ iudne ]

Was tihis collection observed (Yes /No)? -26.71 7(b)(7) & 26.75 I*~i Substance - 26.71 7(bX2) & (b)(6) Additional Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

IMarijuana Please. Select IPlease Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes / No)? I]

Subversion Attempfs -26.717(b))7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? 1Iio ManaoementActions - 26.71 71b1'8" & 26.75 Reason for the Action First drug or alcohol positive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC Minimum Specific Sanction Applied 14- Day Denial I Person(s) Responsible for Inforttation Provided Person I (required):

First Name Last Name Position Titie Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):

Kenneth Cra ~igh Id Fthness For ODuyProgram keurgtcoaig ......

Frst Name Last Name Position Tite Company Email Address FaleeStep (Required) - NRC wlt cornsider this toes authentic in aucondance with 26.11 only when the "Valdate &Look" button is cliuked aed all enoms Ihighlighted in red) base been

-Form corrected. The "Validate &Lock" bstton will change to "[cubed" alter the data salidlationprocess bee bees soucessfolly completed ledicating the form is ready for submission.

Locked on: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:25:52 PM I Single Posihive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 6l90 (12/2014)

2) Eethl.ahisore, rields aaeofuafltl.lfae t ;to~ther l.M Estimated burden per response to comply with this nollection request is 30 minutes. This
3) tone form dste vetwaddlissnetelmneb.nhin form is a voluotary means ol reporiting the oionfration required under 10 CFR 26.717. The infonoation is required by NRC to obtain so an annual basis site specific fitness-for-duty
4) Ua. of Aehih Rit~d.,8 or tbtr hirequir*d (FFD))progruomperfonnance data on drug and alcohol programs from lioensens sod other entities. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the FOIA, Privay cod Information Collection Brooch (Tr5-F53), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Washingtoo DC

[ Ubmissto L.] Sbiso 2055540001, or by e-mail toinonesRsure RCa, and to thn Desk Officer, Office of Infonnation cod Regulatory Affairo, NEOBo1020, (3I150-0I46), Office of Management and Budget. Washington DC 20503. Ifa means used to impose infuomaiton 50-42D4-15 collection does rot display a currently nalid 0MB ronetrolnumber, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, usda preson is not required to respond to, the inftormationcollection.

Select Facility Wolf Creek [50-482] Collection10/621 (mm/dd/yyy__)Dateof Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(b)(5) Pre-Access Testing Reason (optional) Pleaso elaborate (optional)

I Initial Authorization Employment Type - 26.71 7(b )(3) z Outage Worker (optional)?

ICnoatrNendor I Labor Category- 26.717(b)(3) i~ciity Support is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/No) ? - 26. 719(b) No Refusal - 26.71 7(b)(7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes / No)? IlII Test Results -26.71 7(bt(4)

Test Validity Test Typo(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2)

D~rug°Only E.IKrine Drug Testing Was this collection observed (Yes/No)? -26.71 7(bt(7) & 26.75 [lII Substance - 26.71 7(bt(2) & (b)(6) Additional Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Methamphetaminas ] Pleasseelect Please. Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes I No)?

Subversion Attempts - 26.717(b))7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? EIIIo I Manaolement Actions - 26.71 7(b'bi8 & 26.75 Reason for the Acticon First drug or alcohol positive ]

Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

INRC Minimum Specific Sanction Applied 114- Day Denial Person(s) Responsiblefor Information Provided Person 1I(required):

First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Peroco 2 loptionall:

Kennethe ad II II ] Fitness For Dutyprogram kerlym1s~o First sNae Last Name Poitio Title Company Email Address Final Step (Required).- NRCwillconsider this foes authentic in accordanco with26.11 only when toe "valtilte 6 Lock" buttonis clicked and a noom (highlighted inred) have been

-Form corrected. The "Validate &Lock" button will change to "Locked" afer the data natidationprocess has been successfully completed indicating the foes is ready fur submission.

Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:26:43 PM Single Positive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Forts 890 (12/2014)

2) Ede hr ae* Ne,. .sdte-j t leereatie,u le ether rield Estimatedbunden per response to comply with thin collection request is 30 nminutes. This mans a vobuntary moans of reporting thre infornatlon required under 10 CFR 20.717. The
3) toe.. oewr te, flield to vtew addBo lttefdneorree ntornation in reqoired by NRC to obtain on an annual basin site specific itness-for-duty
4) Us.eldAdobe Reader S or l*er Is requhrsd 'FF0) programr performance data on dorugand alcohol progranrs frore licensees and otherf

[*Submrission i Deet enttities. Send somments regarding borden estinrate to the FOIA, Privcy and Information 3ollectior, Branch (Tr5-F53), U.S. Naclear Regulatory Cornminsionn Washington DC ti0555-0001. or by e-mail to InootcsRsuc*R~o.and to the Desk Offic~er, Sflice of Infoernation and Regalatory Affairs, NEOB-1020. (31ti0-0146), Office od Visfnagenrentand Bndget, Washington DC 20553. If a means used to impose infonnation

olmictiondoes noctdisplay a cor-enitJyvalid 0MB control onrmber,the NRC may cot conducd Srsponsor, and a person in cot reqoired to respond to. the infommationconllctinon.

Select Facility Wolf Creek [50-482] I (mrl°lyy 16f'2° 15 Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(bX5) Pre-Access Testing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

Pr-Acss jReinstatement (Between 31 and 365 days) ]

Employment Type - 26.71 7(bt(3) Outage Worker (optional)?

Yaes I Labor Category - 26.71 7(b)(3)

Faiity Supot is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes4No)? - 26.719(b) N Refusal- 26.71 7(b)(7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes / No)?

Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Rasult(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only ][luine i Was this collection observed (Yes /No) ?- 26.717(bX7) & 26.75[ I ]

Substance - 26.71 7(b)(2) & (b)(6) Additionai Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Mar~iuana I Please Select IPlease Sefect Use NRC Cutoff (Yes /No)? I~ I Subversion Attempts - 26.71 7(b)(7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? [i loi Management Actions. -26.71 7/b/ti) & 26.75 Reason fur the Action IFirst drug or alcohol positive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

INRC Minimum Speciffc Sanction Applied 14- Day Denial Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided Person 1 (reqaired):

First Name Last Name Positron Titie Company Email Address Prenon 2 )optinnal):

KnehCreighead Fitnesa For Duty Frograrn kerI cn~o eLast FstN Name Position Tite Company Email Address FinalSlep (Reqube*. NRCwill consider thin loon authentic inaccordance with 26.11t only when the "Validate & Lock" button asclinked and anlerror (highileigted inred) bane been corrected. Tbe "Validate& Loch" button wil chonge to "Locked" affer the data validation process hras bee successfully completed indicating the form in ready for submission.

~~Form Locked On:le 23 06a :2:1P Single Positrve Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

1)iAN/k. ,l ahdsds~ elt ghsssls...d s*lo.... APPROVED BY0MB: CLEARANCE NO,3110-0144I EXPIRES:11/3012017 Estimsted burden per topon to rompty with this rotiod/on request is 30 mtn/tots. This 2l)0,0,/s h sos. /krM sti~ ps te/vew /ledn~sto. Deem.oth 10o10 is a voluntary mtefns of reporing the iofonnetlon required under" 10 CFR 26.717. Tbe information in requirod by NRCto obtain oo sn sannuslbasis sit.espocific ft/tnes-for-dut*

4) f/s of Adobs Rseds, Se ktrh lrsr qsbld (FF0) progranm pesfortoanoe dots on drug end alcooholprogramts fro,. liensees sod othe, entities. Send ooonmentsregsrding burden estimtenstotohe, FOIA, Pnvscy sod Infornation UpdabteSSO LJ Submssion Co/lction Branch, (T5-F532), U.S. Nuclear Regolatory Commisesion Washington DC 20555-0001, or by e-nasl to snoold.esuc@R~

ov.d to the Desk Offlcer, DO/fne of tnfonnatinon nd Regutatory Affairs, NEOB-1020, (3150-0140), Ottice0 UnqeReferece IDLicensee Suppie)s Management sod Budget, Washington DC 20503. Ifa mneans usod to timposeinformation noledt/on done not display a currently ost/d DM0 oont/olnumnber,th/e NRC nay not condauc or sponsor, sod a pecsou lo not required to respond to. the informat/on on/led/ion.

Soloct Facility (mm/dd/~y)

_________Date of Colloct/on Wolf Creek [50-462]

Pre-Access Testing Reason (optional) Ploase elaborate (optional)

Reason for Tost/ng - 26.71 7(bt(5) olnitalAuthorizatioo Employment Type -26.71 7(bX3) Outage Worker (optional)?

Labor Category- 26.71 7(bX3) P/ease elaborate IOther Csfetenia Wede,

/s th/s a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/No)? - 26.719(b) N Refusal- 26.717(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes /(No)' [IioII Test Results - 26.71 7(bt(4)

Test Validity Tost Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(bt(2) Drug Testing IDrug Only [ Irine Was th/s cot/oct/on observed (Yes /IN°)?.26.717(bXT) &26.75 I*I Substance - 26.71 7(b)(2) & (b)(6) Add/f onal Substance (as applicable)

Add/ilonal Substance (as applicable)

IMarijuana I Please Select [Please Select]

Use NRC Cutoff (Yes /No)? [lI Subversion Attempts - 26.71 7(bX7) sod 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? E I iioi Manaoernen Actions - 26.71 71b)18 & 26.75 Reason for the Action F/rut drug or alcohol positive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC Minimum Spec/tic Sanction Applied 14- Day Denlal Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided

  • e X Z]

Person I (required):

[R/sesur*srAc~ sc~ingI II 9O5O*~ on..

First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Per'son 2 (optionat):

Kenneth Cmsigt/od Fithess For Duty Program kecraig@,oo one, First Name Last Name Posit/on Titoe Company Email Address Floe/ Stop fReest/mO - NRCwril conseidertbs tone1sathenticin acordsnce witb 20.11t only wt/en the "Vat/dste & L~ockbotton in ot/cket snd/altenote thighligbted in red) here been corrented. Tb. "Validate &Lock" button mill chnt/oe to Lonked" sfter It/n dots rot/dda/on pmocese hoe been successfully rompieted lnd/oat/ngthe foonme ready tor saber/onion.

Font, Locked On:[Feb 23, 2016 at 2:29:17 PM Single Positive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

Io AIRld f/ *.d.,* u..m .5.,*.a/*dtusuaarr APPROVED BY OMB: CLEARANCE NO. 1Slol-014a EXPIRES: 11l30/017 F-es hr sreefeds awfeb-pulat bleversadee E) Itsethr fltbd. Eosmated burden per response to onmeplywith this nolectleerequeet i. 30 minites. Thit

3) bes erreronefleldsto vlew e lruveesmh forn is a volantary fmeans of reportIng the infoenatlon required neder 10 CFR 26.717. Th.

infonnation is required by NRC to obtain on an annual basis site opecifi tittness-lor-dutt

4) U~se alAdehe ReadeSr # he~ rqekuled (FFD)program.pertonsance data on drug and alcohol progranis from licensees and etha,

[] Submission r-m Delete eatibas. Send nononents regarding burden easatiat to itneFOIA,Privacyand Infonnatmor Collection Branch (TS-F53), U.S. Nuclear Regolatonj Commission, Washington DC Update 1Lit Submission 205555-0001, on by e-mail toInfoel seoreiNC aov nd to the Desk Offiwe Otfice of information and Regulatory Affairs. NEOB-10120. (3150-0146),( Otticse Managenent and Budget, Washington DC 25503. Its means used to impose infonnatonr onlctsdoes not display a curnenity valid 0MB control numnbar.the NRC may not conduc or sponsor, and a person isnot requited to respond to, the infonmation ontseetion.

Select Faclllty Wolf Creak [50-482] ] (mmldd/yyyy)Daef~tcln0/321 Reason for Testing - 26.717(bX5) Pre-Access Testiing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

I Ritinstatement (Between 31 and 365 days)

Employment Type -26.71 7(bX3) Outage Worker (optional)?

ContrctrNeedor I I Labor Category -26.71 7(bt(3)

Maintenance (gitneral facility)

Is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/Nto)? - 26.719(b) N Refusai- 26.71 7(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes I No)? [jjj Test Results - 26.717(bX4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.71 7)b)(2)

Dru Onl Ie Drug Testing I° Was this collection observed (Yes / No)? -26.71 7(b 7 ) & 26.75 Substance - 26,71 7(bX(2)& (b)(it) Additional Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Manjuana ] Please Select] IPlease select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes I No)? I]

Subversion Attempts -26.71 7(bt(7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involvg a subversion attempt (YesINo)? [I~jo Manaoement Actions - 26.7171b118t & 26.75 Reason for the Action First drug or alcohol positive t Sonction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC Minimum Specific Sanction Applied 114- Day Denial Person(s)Responsible for Information Provided person 1 (required):

First Name Last Name Position Titie Company Email Address Person 2 loptional):

IKenneth Craighead Fihs o ut rga keoraig@wco....n Frst Nawe Last Name Postion T (jl Company Email Address is Ft..l Step (Required). NRCwelconsider thes tons authenito inaccordance with2e.11onlywhen the 'Validate& Luch"botton la clichmedand sit enrso (highitghted red) have bees norrected.

-Form The 'Validate & Lock' botton witlchange to 'Locked'after the datarelidaition Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:30:66 PM process has bees sucoessfloty comipleted indicatingthe forn is ready tsr submission.

Single Posti~ve Teat Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

I ) ANhfieda r,.eered xea thole. ,eau*.d talana~r APPROVED By 0MB: CLEARANCE NO. 318040148 EXPIRES: 11130/2017

5) Entie I. ome Meld. *aeSpeelehm noratloe teeoth. feld.s Estimated borden per teepoee. to comply moththin eonlectionrequeat in 30 meinutes. Thin
3) l/ae en.,hoa fteld, to vlew .Wod watneeat forn iIn noduntarymeans of reporting the tofonnation required anden10 CFR 20.717. The inonoeatidrnia required by NRC to obtainen an annual banis sintespecifc tltcnns-for-duty
4) Uie eI Adbe. Reader I er Iefer to reqube,*d (FF01 ytugramrperfornance data en dnhg end alcohol progranms fern Ilcnneens and other"

[ Sumssion - Delete entities. Send comrments regarding borden estinrate to the FOIA, Privacy and Infornation Collectinon Branch (T5-F53), U.S. Nuniear Regutatory Comminsion, Washington DC Upat I I Submission 20555-0001. or by e-mail to eoreNCov enool~

nd to the Desk COfiner, Office ot Informnatinn and Reguintory Affairs, NEOB-1020, (3150-0140), Office ot Un.efReferecO Licensee Suplied Management and Onudgel.Washington DC 20503. If means used to imnposeintonnation cottectin dones not display a curretly valid 0MB control number, the NRC may enotconduct or sponsor. end a pemoKnin not required to respond to, the intonnation collection.

Select Facility o

Wolf Creek [50-482]

I (mm/dd/yyyy)Dae~lcin0211012015 Pro-Access Testing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(bX5)

Pr-Acss IlnitialAuthorization Employment Type -26.71 7(bX3) Outage Worker (optional)?

i~ee Labor Category - 26.71 7(b)(3)

Maintenance (general facility) is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/No)? - 26.719(b) N Refusal- 26.717(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes I No)?

Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity Tent Type(s) for Result(s) Reported -26.71 7(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only []Urine~ ii Was this collection observed (Yes /No) 7 -26. 71 7(b X7 ) &26.7 5 Substance - 26.71 7(b)(2) & (b)(6) Additional Substance (as appilicable)

Additional Substance (as appilicabio)

Marijuana I Please Sulect IPlease Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes I No)? [~

Subversion Attempts - 26.71 7(bX7) and 26.75(b)

Did thin collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? [IIo Manaoemert Actions - 26,7171b11ti & 26.75 Reason for the Action IFirst drug or alcohol positive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC Minimum}

Specific Sanction Applied 14- Day Denial J IIZ I]

Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided pmrson 1 (required):

°ra ileI

First Name Last Name Position Titie Company Email Address Pmersn 2 (optinnal):

Kementh Craighead Fitness Fun Duty Pmogrem hnkcrig@mco.....

Frut Name Lant Name Position Ttle Company Email Address

-Form Final Step (Raqahwi) - NRC wri consider thin term1authentic in accordance with 20.11 only mhen the "Validate &Lock" hutton in clichiedand all errors lhighlightnd In red) ha.. boon corrected. The "Validate &Lock" hutton will chengn to "Locked" aftie the date validatino process has been successfully completed indicating the form in ready for subminsion.

Locked on: Feb 2,2016at 3:31:07 PM Single Posihive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

E464,.0000.,p.,~.44p0-0-0o4.A0-tq~.4l.4I60l44.4. 50.40-44. ..540404~y74=41,4p450644~.

d70..46,50.,,d.,&0 1017460001131.l 00.U..70046.s00-44600 046c,.l.4460 , ,0.4.4..4,500b4 6 1 4 7 46 I. 1~,..

.~46,0-.0 46444.0.4.4404 64.0.4014044464404 044 600.4664.6 440 0-0~46~ 044400 110-60010-0 6.0- .04 y1,46.....646*6450,010-0050 17 4.7.41.

4004600.lIr.6,.0I.0-4..0...0 04040.506 0100.0140 ,00-fr..0.40.454...

W.064%. 0000600 10.7..050 ,a 001,700,446500-.. 0-0001074607.50-, 446 14 NRC4..Y.50,.44050 444..*400.,014 4.46400. .0.4460..,..0,.l.4.

NRC FF0 Program Performance Data Reporting System 7 10 CFR Pert 26, Subpart I- Managing Fatigue A*oo Fi77 t 0 Reporting For fro"Ba EIE Genmlt 8ub1mladonPostal2 50 ]44y600. 46 ) 0 50 , 60.44,*40,4 Nombl, ofWalversIfsl~

Bs04 ,W

. i .++ ~~2 i :r;+2++

;; [

Oist huoonof W0Ive4 fOrhndh14uo44t0n.14C.6goq. 2203)

. .)(I)Utii) Som.,.yofCoo,.otI ,wAotio,. 24203 (.2J 2 (.4OSPPIIC014)

&4446476007.6 507.40446 DO.0-45010.046024..76.,.l

04,44. .. osr4. 5 -0474I. 40 466466640 44064..6,4 0644674 50.*4.766.0444644..6466467 6-,o050.04646.700.11

,4.61246.0,,..46..4440.4144 II 50 .161144464-7-.07'44F060-4.1..40$4.666014..40004p,.0.0.0*.000.44 604.40. 4645644764.4 p, .4. ,2 240004...4o4444 50,a46..4..0,4.4,0....0a4,04404,.,.,7,..10.4..46..

e04.0470. 440 46 7 , 44411 44' I O464540450 -~

0460.470. 0rn 100464646464601 0040.4.0644400....6..440,001,.4I04S4.41, 70101045044444404,4744440,4.,750177.5040 5024.74.7404,540050015000

~004440770r4.445046l65O0mmm 046, 6450*44460044046,04446411450 l04.4641.004641 50.460.446076445..44,.0b01..


~0467044~0714l4O404~.650040a ~ .4m0..m5046,.,..4m4.75070,.7..o50.r746..

=0400704044447007=4*0 2704750 706F044, .o....a*ro 5f.4,.40.44464404..06 Ge .2 Cornamto(p22701) 0 46200.46071 46447 44l670

.... __ 4050m .


07004.62640044744 EE,+

+.,,m. mm~

NRC FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I - Managing Fatigue Attachment This attachment provides the entire narrative as the NRC form has been created with boxes that scroll down, and when printed, the information prints very small due to the way the NRC has built the electronic FM form.

Analysis of Waiver Assessment Data:

No waivers were initiated for 2015.

Analysis of Fatigue Assessment Data:

Five (5) Fatigue Assessments were completed for 2015. All five (5) fatigue assessments were For-Cause.

Actions taken were to place ACAD badge on hold pending drug & alcohol results. Fatigue Assessments were completed by procedure and by qualified fatigue assessors. All fatigue assessments were documented within the corrective action system.



Waivers: zero waivers were initiated for 2015. No correction action documents were initiated for waiver process or program improvements.

Fatigue Assessments: The 2015 Fatigue Management Annual assessment did identify vaulting issues for two (2) fatigue assessments and those were corrected when found. Reference condition report CR00102272.

Summary and Status of Corrective Actions:

The evaluation review period is 01-01-2015 through 12-31-2015. During this review period zero (0) waivers were performed and five (5) fatigue assessments were initiated. Condition reports were initiated for fatigue assessments within the corrective action program.

The 2015 Fatigue Management Annual assessment performed a compliance and performance review of 2015 conditions reports that were initiated for the fatigue management program and no gaps or areas for improvement were identified. Reference quick hit assessment QH-201 6-1 228.

W0LFCREpEK T NUCEAR oPERATINGCOPRTN Cynthia R. Hafenstine February 29, 2016 Manager Regulatory Affairs RA 16-0016 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Docket No. 50-482: Electronic Submittal of Annual Fitness for Duty Program Performance Report and Annual Fatigue Report for 2015 Gentlemen:

Please be advised that Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC) submitted the Annual Fitness for Duty (FFD) program performance data and Annual Fatigue Report for 2015 to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System through the U.S. NRC Electronic Information Exchange on February 25, 2016. This submittal meets the requirements in 10 CFR 26.203, 10 CER 26.717 and 10 CFR 26.719. In accordance with 10 CFR 26.11, copies of the reported information are also enclosed with this report for the appropriate regional office and resident inspector.

This letter contains no commitments. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (620) 364-4204.

Sincerely, Cynthia R. Hafenstine CRH/rlt


copies of 2015 FFD and Fatigue Reports cc: M. L. Dapas (NRC),w/e

  • C. F. Lyon (NRC), w/e 0 N. H. Taylor (NRC), w/e Rsien Seio Bo 1 ~'lntn KS 66839 / Phone. (620) 364-8831 T An Equal Opportunity Employer MiF/HCNVET

Estimated by NRC toburden peran obtain on response annual to comply basis withthis ftoness-tior-duty site specitic collection request is 114 (FF0) hours. pertormance program roluntary This foes is adata means on drag of reporting and alcohol the istornation programs required bornlicernsees and under other 10 CFR26.717. The isformation is required entities. Send comrnenta regarding burden estimate to the FOIA,privacy and Informatin CollectiveBranch (T5-F53), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC20555-0001, or bya-mailto fooecsRoreNR.v.ado the Desk Officer,Officeof Informationand Regulatory Affairs,NEOB-1020, (3150-0146), Officeof Managenent and Budget, Washington DC20503. It a means used to impose information collection does not display a currentdyvaidi0MB control number, the NRCmay not conduct or sponsor, and a parson is not required to respond to, the intormation collection.

1) All fel~ds required Laa riare 'opttogna1 r- Submission
2) U/se of Adobe R ead8 or at s
3) MouJse over feleds foraddltloasallInfonrrtl~on Li Updat
  • Udt Select Facility Perod f Repor IWolf Creek [50-482] [ j 201 Tests Conducted in the CalendarYear Total Number of Testa Conducted Total Number of Positive, Adulterated, Reason For Testing Licensee Employees ContractorsNendors Substituted, and Refusal to Test Results Random LiZ2g't I °1 Post-Event EiI OiI l 0IILi

_ 31 Total (Calculated) 678II 1,736 FFD Program Random Testing Population andRate Average number of Average number of Total size of the random testing pool Annual random testing percentage licensee employees contractors/vendors throughout the period (Calculated) achieved for the testing pool Laboratory Testing Does your program use a 1 Licensee Testing Facility? INo (Yes /No) I Identify your HHS-Certitied Laboratory(ies) Clinical Reference Laboratory, Lenexa, KS Identify your Blind Performance Test Sample supplier(s) AT Laboratories, Inc,. Lenexa, KS Substances Tested Did your program only test for NRC-required substances [] Does your program conduct LOD testing No AtŽ at the NRC-specified minimum cutoff levels? (Yes / No) Yes permitted in 26.163(aX2)? (Yes / No) IN

  • nnual Report Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) - Page 1 of 2 - NRC Form 891 (12/201, Annual Report Form (version 1.6.0 - December jg, 2014) -Page 1 of 2- NRC Form 891 (12/2014)

Substances Tested - continued Summary of Management Actions - 26.717(b)(8)

Summarize actions implemented to improve FFD program performance. As applicable, reference in the topic description audit reports, 30-day reports, andlor corrective action reports. If reporting information on more than three topics, select 'Others" for Topic 3 to report any additional topics.

Topic 1 Topic 1 Description

_______her ______s)______ NRC Event Report 50863 and Security Incident Report 03-03-1196. Individual attempted to bring OthrIs synthetic urine into PAB. Security found container on person after search as a result of setting off the explosive at main security access, Basic Cause Evaluation performed. CR 00092772. Informed all Please elaborate: qualified collectors of incident and need to verify donor's pockets are empty prior to urine collection.

For Cause Test due to attempt to subvert the Added incident description to training for collectors.

testing program. Individual had a container of synthetic urine on his person.

Topic 2 Topic 2 Description Random Testing CR 00094613 on FF0 collections not performed as required by procedures. A tracking notebook was prepared for tracking of Random and Follow-up FFD collections. Use of the notebook was reviewed with the FF0 collectors. This notebook is used to track the dates of personnel selected tor a random or follow-up FF0 screen that were not available tor collection after contacting the FF0 supervisor.

[] Add an additional Topic___________________________________________

Topic 3 Topic 3 Description Program and System Management 1Two quality surveillances were performed in 2015. QS 2015-1404 "FF0 Sample Collections"; no Jfindings or CRs resulted from this surveillance. QS 2015-1460 on "Corrective Actions of CR 00082947",

the action implemented was automatic notifications to the Access Screening Mailbox on FF0 Pre-access collections on R1Y/R30 collections to ensure Unescorted Access (UA) is withdrawn it FF0 results are not received within four days of collection. A recommendation was made to have the system notify security on the fifth day if the results were not received. This was determined to not be needed since Access Screening is monitoring the receipt of the results and taking action on the fourth day.

Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided Person I (required):

rat Riles Supervisor Access Screening grile~coo First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):

Kent Eraig eadIZ I FtesFor DutPrga First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Final Step (Required) - NRC will consider this form authentic in accordance with 26.11 only when the "Validate & Lock" button has been selected and all errors (i.e., those highlighted in red) have been corrected. The "Validate & Lock" button will change to "Locked" after the data validation process has been successfully completed and the torm is ready for submission.

-Form Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:40:29 PM Annual Report Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) - Page 2 of 2 - NRC Form 891 (12/2014)

Annual Report Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) -Page2of2- NRC Form 891 (12/2014)

2) E,*fsa Is assesbAle .ub-paffsi . tdsna.iise Is sIhe.fields Estimated lerden per response to coemplywith thils udeo requesti Is 30 mInutes. This form,isa voiuntary mreans of reporting the Lntol:ration required aedar 10 CFR 26.717. The
3) Uses. es'srhensfieldsIs view.d*lse.thdaneeiiae infoneatioc Is reqiuired by NRC to obtain on ae annual basis site spaclifi filness-fer-duty
4) Ole.sf AdobeReed.' Sortable .sq.abad (FF12)prograt perfonnance data on dnugand alcohol program~s from licensees and other entitles. Seed comments regardisg burdden Wlraeateto thle FOIA. prIvacy and Intonnalion

- Submission L.JUpdate riDelete

[] Submission Colletion Brancil (TS-F53). U.S. Nuclear Regutatory Commission. Washington DC 20555-0001. Or by a-mail toisfctesRsu N~~v and to the Desk Ofie, Olffce ot Inronlation and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-1020. (3150.0146), Office of Uniqe Reerene ID(LicnseeSuplied) Managemnent and Budget. Washington DC 20503. Itfa means csed to impose informatiso 5048-1-15J collection does cot display a currently ealid OMB control number, the NRC may cot conduct or sponsor, and a person is sot required to rempond to, lbs Informlaton collection.

Select Facilit Wolf Creek [50-4821 (mdyyyDate

°f Collection 10/2/215 Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(bX5) Pre-Access Tosting Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

Pre-Acess IIIII ] IReinstatement (Between 31 and 365 days)

Employment Type -26.71 7b(b(3) Ouftage Worker (optiona0 ?

Cob'orN andor Labor Category - 26.71 7(bX3)

Maintenance (general facility) J Is this a24-Hour Reporting Evenrt (es/No0)? -26.719(b) No*

Refusal- 26.717(b 7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes I No)? [I-I Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity No Aplicable Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2)

Alcohol Testing Alcohol Only Substance - 26.71 7(bt(2) & (b((6)


What 26.103 BAC level was exceeded?

0.04 or greaterJ Subversion Attempts -26.71 7(bb7) sod 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? [Jjo Manaoement Actions - 26.71 7btibo8 & 26.75 Reason for the Action First drug or alcohol positive ]

Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC MinimumJ Specific Sanction Applied 114- Day Donial Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided Person I (required):

Roooicol [ilsop omaso. iiII] gnllns First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):

Kenneth CraEilheId [Fns ForDut Program 7 kecralg*ececcor First Name Last Name Poiio iteCompany Email Address Fi,,.f Step (Reqeilred). NRC wilt consider thisafor authentic In accordance withl26.11 only ellen tile "Validate &Lock" butnc is slicked and ail errors (higiligilted in red) hove been

-Form corrected. Tile "Validate & Lock" botton wli change to "Locked' after the data salidation procass has; beer seccesofully completed indicating the torn is raady for submi.esIon.

Locked On: Febi23, 2016 at 3:22:09 PM JJ Stngle Posltive Test Forme (version 1.6,0 - December 19.,2014) NRC Forre 890 (12/2014)

2) Eee.a I aese 5.0 aslfepaokl haaeate in atherbhla Estimated burden per response to comply with thin collecion requant in 30 minutas. Thus tann in a vonluntarymenans of reponting the infonnation required under 10 CFR 20.717. The 3)Mea. oesAr~ Ibird. to nwa~ess b* er i inlonntmlon is required by NRC to obtain on an annual basin sit.especift icles-for-duti
4) Ua. ai Adoel R~ea sierlber inerveqahe (LFF0)program perfonrnance data nondrug and aicaole programs flom ticemnsees and othce entities. Send c~ommentsregarding burden estitnate to the FOlA, Privacy and Informtaion CnlcinBranch (Tti-F5i3), U.S. Nuclear Reguintory Cornnission, Washington DC Updateo i umiso 205ti5-000l, or by e-mail to IdcleteoceNR oand to the Dank Otticer Dffice of Infornation and Regulatory Affairs, NEOR-t020, (3150-0146), Office o*

Managenent and Budgeit, Washington DC 20003. If a means used to impons infonnation 5048-1-15 noltectonadoes not display a currently valid 0MB onnrdolnumber, the NRC may not onnduc o)rsponsor, and a person in not inquired to respond to, the informoationcollecteon.

Select Facility Wotf Creek [50-482] Date of Collection FI 0 1 (mm/dd/yyyy) 03/03/ 5 j Please elaborate (optional)

Reason for Testing -26.71 7(bX5) For Cause Testing Reason lather Employment Type - 26.71 7(bX 3) Outage Worker (optional)?

Conracorndor Yes Labor Category - 26,717(bX3)

Maintenance (general facility) J Please elaborate on theand 24-hour Securityreporting Is tis 24HourReprtig Eent YesNo) 2.71(b) Yes NRC Event Report 50003 event 03-03-1190.Indivldual attemptnd to bring

- Incident Report synthetic urine into FAB.Security found container on pmrson after searchi an a result of setting Refusal -26.71 7(bX7) & 26.75ofth pniedeeoraminectyacs.

Was this collection refused (Yes I No)? I~oiIi Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.7 17(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only ] Iuine i]

Was this collection obsenred (Ves / No)7- 26.71 7(bX7) S 26.75 E*II Substance -26.71 7(b)(2) S (b)(6) Additional Substance (as applIcable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Marijuana IPlease Select IPlease Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes / No)? EEi Subversion Attempts - 26.717(b))7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? Ie Pleauseel aboae on thwcoces adm selected:fr Indisidnal bad a nontamerof synthetic orineon his personto he non in none he was nelerted tore random.

I] Did not appear fur testing [] Specimen paraphernalia identified O] Refused to provide initial specimen 0] Specimen characteristics (e.g.. color, odor, precipitant)

[] Refused to provide second specimen 0] Invalid test result (initial specimen collected) - 26.185(f)

O]Specimen temperature (out of range) 0] Refused to tallow directions 0] Dther Manaoement Actions - 26.71 71b1181& 26.75 Reason for the Acton Subversion attempt Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

INRC Minimum Specific Sanction Applied

Permanent DenialJ Parson(s) Responsible for Information Provided person 1 (required)

GrallI ] Rite J~pernor Ancje Screenin

[ I] gmrelifwno rem.

First Name Last Name Position Tiite Company Email Address Person 2 (optinnal):

Ke n t Craigbe ad 1 Fitnso For Onty Program ek oralg@

wc onc.nOm Fis aeLast Name Position T~e Company Emall Address FinalStep fRequihrd - NRC will consider thin toes authestio in accordance with 25.11 only weke the "Validate &Loclr button in nfirkad and all menor.(highlighted in rod) here bees

-Form corrected. The "Vatidate &Lnck" button wli chenge to "Locknd" after the data vaildationprocess han banennscnessflly rompleted indicating the turin in ready tar nubminsson.

Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:24:01 PM Single Positive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

a3 iot, overfnt r*d v/m hd~tk.- 8t *. ,EoS.l Esisate bonentr mears esportn o tog heompyfoiththisonedo requied dt 10CFinutes1. This tfons ia meNs isotreqie y reobiigtheisonnatis oC requireass she~10 CfRth5717r-dTh

4) tse. of Adohe Reae otltri* lq e (FF0) progcrampm*tnsarie data on drug and aisohol programs froe licensees and other r--j ubmisionobbtis Seed comnments regarding burden estinate to the FOIA,Privacyand lnfonsatiso

].Updatet~i L_. Submssio Cotce Branch (T5-F53), U.S. Nucdear Reguistoiy Commeission, Washington DC UpaeL.umsin2055-001, or by se-milto thook eorc.NCav nd to the Desk cefrnclOLceso~nnldiDttose of Infonmation and Regulatory Atfairs, NEOB-1020, (3150-0146). Dfftice of Uniqe~eerenelDLiceseeuppled)Managenrent and Budget, Washington DC 20503. Ifa means used to impose information 150-482-D2-15 1 collection does not display a currently valid OMB contrml number, the NRC may not conduct J *orsponsor. and a person is not required to respond to. the Information noilection.

Select Facility(mddy) 0/921 Wolf Creek [50-482]

__mm__dyy_)Dateof Collection10/921 Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(bX5) Pro-Access Testing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

I I Initial Authonzation Employment Type - 26.71 7(b)(3) Outage Worker (optional)?

Cotrctor/endor Labor Category - 26.71 7(bX3) Please elaborate Other Caeet woke Is this a 24-Hour Repotting Event (Yes/No)? -26.719(b) N Refusal - 26.71 7(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection rf~used (Yes / No)?EI ]

Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only [IIunn Was this collection observed (Yes/No)? - 26.717(bX7) & 26.75[ II]

Substance -26.71 7(bt(2) & (b)(6) Additional Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Amphetamines ] Methamphetamines IPlease Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes I No)? Z Use NRC Cutoff (Yes /No)?Ye Subversion Attempts -26.717(b))7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? I~io I Manaoernent Actions -26.71 7,bll8t & 26.75 Reason for the Action 1First drug or alcohol pOsitive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC MinimumJ Specific Sanction Applied 14- Day Denial Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided Person 1 )requited):

Grantll] Riles J~pr~rAce cenn II emlen@wo....m First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):

K~e Caihed F7e Fo uypo~ Ikca co-Fis aeLs aePston Tde Company Email Address Float Step (Raqoknol) NRCwillconsider this fotmauthentic inaccordance with26.11onlywhen the "Validate &Lodi"huttonis clickedand atlettors (itghiehted tored) have been

-Form corrnoted. The "Vatidate &Lonck hutton wiil change to "Locked"after the data validation proceso has beessncenstlly compisted Indicating the lorm is ready for submrission, Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:24:50 PM Single Posithve Test Farm (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (1212014)

m*.. *-. .

3 ee.~.. S kna..aconeteJSa.aannr..Srtrcsaees.wcrcab I it AIfl.ld. ,eeukedexeeaf theseteethed APPROVED BY0MB:CLEARANCE NO.3150-0146 EXPIRES: 1113012017

2) Sede.* hosome field. eoeepid leftoeelloe 1 o*tileh , ls -otimated burden per response to comply with this collection request Is 30 mninutes. Thin orm was ofuntary means of reporting the information required under 10 CFR 26.717. Thn
3) Shies.e. toerfufields to stew eddltiest iaemfeonele nformation Is required by NRC to obtain on an annuel besis site specific 6tneso-for-dut*
4) Use of Adehe Reader s o, hihir Is reqeked
FFD) program performance data on drug end alcohol programs fornmlicensees and othre notities. Send conmnento regarding burden estimate to the FOIA, Pdvacy end Infonnation


  • elt *oltestion Branch (T5-F53). U.S. Nuclear Regultotoy Commission, Washington DC f0555-0001i, or by e-mail to tnfocoitlets RosourceiNRC asv. and to the Desk Dfficer 7iftice of Infonoation and Regolatory Affains, NEOB-102t1, (31t50-0146), Offioe o UnqeRefernc ID (Licensee Supplied, %larogenentand Budget. Washington DC 20503. If a means uoed to impose infoorration 5042-315 ,olleution does not display a ourrentlysalid 0MB control somber, the NRC may not condos*

,r sponsor, and a person is not required to repond to, the infonoatidon oltleotion.

Select Facility Wolf Creek [042 Date of Collection 1 Pre-Access Testing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

Reason for Testing -26.71 7(bt(5) l~e'Acss IlnitialAuthorization Employment Type - 26.71 7(b)(3) Outage Worker (optional)?

ICnrac~/end5r I~es Labor Cafegory - 26.71 7(bX3)

IaliySupport Is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/N~o)? -26.71 9(b) N Refusal- 26.717(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection refosed (Yes / Nao)?~ ~ j Test Results -26.71 7(b)(4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only [ iudne ]

Was tihis collection observed (Yes /No)? -26.71 7(b)(7) & 26.75 I*~i Substance - 26.71 7(bX2) & (b)(6) Additional Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

IMarijuana Please. Select IPlease Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes / No)? I]

Subversion Attempfs -26.717(b))7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? 1Iio ManaoementActions - 26.71 71b1'8" & 26.75 Reason for the Action First drug or alcohol positive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC Minimum Specific Sanction Applied 14- Day Denial I Person(s) Responsible for Inforttation Provided Person I (required):

First Name Last Name Position Titie Company Email Address Person 2 (optional):

Kenneth Cra ~igh Id Fthness For ODuyProgram keurgtcoaig ......

Frst Name Last Name Position Tite Company Email Address FaleeStep (Required) - NRC wlt cornsider this toes authentic in aucondance with 26.11 only when the "Valdate &Look" button is cliuked aed all enoms Ihighlighted in red) base been

-Form corrected. The "Validate &Lock" bstton will change to "[cubed" alter the data salidlationprocess bee bees soucessfolly completed ledicating the form is ready for submission.

Locked on: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:25:52 PM I Single Posihive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 6l90 (12/2014)

2) Eethl.ahisore, rields aaeofuafltl.lfae t ;to~ther l.M Estimated burden per response to comply with this nollection request is 30 minutes. This
3) tone form dste vetwaddlissnetelmneb.nhin form is a voluotary means ol reporiting the oionfration required under 10 CFR 26.717. The infonoation is required by NRC to obtain so an annual basis site specific fitness-for-duty
4) Ua. of Aehih Rit~d.,8 or tbtr hirequir*d (FFD))progruomperfonnance data on drug and alcohol programs from lioensens sod other entities. Send comments regarding burden estimate to the FOIA, Privay cod Information Collection Brooch (Tr5-F53), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Washingtoo DC

[ Ubmissto L.] Sbiso 2055540001, or by e-mail toinonesRsure RCa, and to thn Desk Officer, Office of Infonnation cod Regulatory Affairo, NEOBo1020, (3I150-0I46), Office of Management and Budget. Washington DC 20503. Ifa means used to impose infuomaiton 50-42D4-15 collection does rot display a currently nalid 0MB ronetrolnumber, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, usda preson is not required to respond to, the inftormationcollection.

Select Facility Wolf Creek [50-482] Collection10/621 (mm/dd/yyy__)Dateof Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(b)(5) Pre-Access Testing Reason (optional) Pleaso elaborate (optional)

I Initial Authorization Employment Type - 26.71 7(b )(3) z Outage Worker (optional)?

ICnoatrNendor I Labor Category- 26.717(b)(3) i~ciity Support is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/No) ? - 26. 719(b) No Refusal - 26.71 7(b)(7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes / No)? IlII Test Results -26.71 7(bt(4)

Test Validity Test Typo(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2)

D~rug°Only E.IKrine Drug Testing Was this collection observed (Yes/No)? -26.71 7(bt(7) & 26.75 [lII Substance - 26.71 7(bt(2) & (b)(6) Additional Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Methamphetaminas ] Pleasseelect Please. Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes I No)?

Subversion Attempts - 26.717(b))7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? EIIIo I Manaolement Actions - 26.71 7(b'bi8 & 26.75 Reason for the Acticon First drug or alcohol positive ]

Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

INRC Minimum Specific Sanction Applied 114- Day Denial Person(s) Responsiblefor Information Provided Person 1I(required):

First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Peroco 2 loptionall:

Kennethe ad II II ] Fitness For Dutyprogram kerlym1s~o First sNae Last Name Poitio Title Company Email Address Final Step (Required).- NRCwillconsider this foes authentic in accordanco with26.11 only when toe "valtilte 6 Lock" buttonis clicked and a noom (highlighted inred) have been

-Form corrected. The "Validate &Lock" button will change to "Locked" afer the data natidationprocess has been successfully completed indicating the foes is ready fur submission.

Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:26:43 PM Single Positive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Forts 890 (12/2014)

2) Ede hr ae* Ne,. .sdte-j t leereatie,u le ether rield Estimatedbunden per response to comply with thin collection request is 30 nminutes. This mans a vobuntary moans of reporting thre infornatlon required under 10 CFR 20.717. The
3) toe.. oewr te, flield to vtew addBo lttefdneorree ntornation in reqoired by NRC to obtain on an annual basin site specific itness-for-duty
4) Us.eldAdobe Reader S or l*er Is requhrsd 'FF0) programr performance data on dorugand alcohol progranrs frore licensees and otherf

[*Submrission i Deet enttities. Send somments regarding borden estinrate to the FOIA, Privcy and Information 3ollectior, Branch (Tr5-F53), U.S. Naclear Regulatory Cornminsionn Washington DC ti0555-0001. or by e-mail to InootcsRsuc*R~o.and to the Desk Offic~er, Sflice of Infoernation and Regalatory Affairs, NEOB-1020. (31ti0-0146), Office od Visfnagenrentand Bndget, Washington DC 20553. If a means used to impose infonnation

olmictiondoes noctdisplay a cor-enitJyvalid 0MB control onrmber,the NRC may cot conducd Srsponsor, and a person in cot reqoired to respond to. the infommationconllctinon.

Select Facility Wolf Creek [50-482] I (mrl°lyy 16f'2° 15 Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(bX5) Pre-Access Testing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

Pr-Acss jReinstatement (Between 31 and 365 days) ]

Employment Type - 26.71 7(bt(3) Outage Worker (optional)?

Yaes I Labor Category - 26.71 7(b)(3)

Faiity Supot is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes4No)? - 26.719(b) N Refusal- 26.71 7(b)(7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes / No)?

Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Rasult(s) Reported - 26.717(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only ][luine i Was this collection observed (Yes /No) ?- 26.717(bX7) & 26.75[ I ]

Substance - 26.71 7(b)(2) & (b)(6) Additionai Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Mar~iuana I Please Select IPlease Sefect Use NRC Cutoff (Yes /No)? I~ I Subversion Attempts - 26.71 7(b)(7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? [i loi Management Actions. -26.71 7/b/ti) & 26.75 Reason fur the Action IFirst drug or alcohol positive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

INRC Minimum Speciffc Sanction Applied 14- Day Denial Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided Person 1 (reqaired):

First Name Last Name Positron Titie Company Email Address Prenon 2 )optinnal):

KnehCreighead Fitnesa For Duty Frograrn kerI cn~o eLast FstN Name Position Tite Company Email Address FinalSlep (Reqube*. NRCwill consider thin loon authentic inaccordance with 26.11t only when the "Validate & Lock" button asclinked and anlerror (highileigted inred) bane been corrected. Tbe "Validate& Loch" button wil chonge to "Locked" affer the data validation process hras bee successfully completed indicating the form in ready for submission.

~~Form Locked On:le 23 06a :2:1P Single Positrve Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

1)iAN/k. ,l ahdsds~ elt ghsssls...d s*lo.... APPROVED BY0MB: CLEARANCE NO,3110-0144I EXPIRES:11/3012017 Estimsted burden per topon to rompty with this rotiod/on request is 30 mtn/tots. This 2l)0,0,/s h sos. /krM sti~ ps te/vew /ledn~sto. Deem.oth 10o10 is a voluntary mtefns of reporing the iofonnetlon required under" 10 CFR 26.717. Tbe information in requirod by NRCto obtain oo sn sannuslbasis sit.espocific ft/tnes-for-dut*

4) f/s of Adobs Rseds, Se ktrh lrsr qsbld (FF0) progranm pesfortoanoe dots on drug end alcooholprogramts fro,. liensees sod othe, entities. Send ooonmentsregsrding burden estimtenstotohe, FOIA, Pnvscy sod Infornation UpdabteSSO LJ Submssion Co/lction Branch, (T5-F532), U.S. Nuclear Regolatory Commisesion Washington DC 20555-0001, or by e-nasl to snoold.esuc@R~

ov.d to the Desk Offlcer, DO/fne of tnfonnatinon nd Regutatory Affairs, NEOB-1020, (3150-0140), Ottice0 UnqeReferece IDLicensee Suppie)s Management sod Budget, Washington DC 20503. Ifa mneans usod to timposeinformation noledt/on done not display a currently ost/d DM0 oont/olnumnber,th/e NRC nay not condauc or sponsor, sod a pecsou lo not required to respond to. the informat/on on/led/ion.

Soloct Facility (mm/dd/~y)

_________Date of Colloct/on Wolf Creek [50-462]

Pre-Access Testing Reason (optional) Ploase elaborate (optional)

Reason for Tost/ng - 26.71 7(bt(5) olnitalAuthorizatioo Employment Type -26.71 7(bX3) Outage Worker (optional)?

Labor Category- 26.71 7(bX3) P/ease elaborate IOther Csfetenia Wede,

/s th/s a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/No)? - 26.719(b) N Refusal- 26.717(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes /(No)' [IioII Test Results - 26.71 7(bt(4)

Test Validity Tost Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.717(bt(2) Drug Testing IDrug Only [ Irine Was th/s cot/oct/on observed (Yes /IN°)?.26.717(bXT) &26.75 I*I Substance - 26.71 7(b)(2) & (b)(6) Add/f onal Substance (as applicable)

Add/ilonal Substance (as applicable)

IMarijuana I Please Select [Please Select]

Use NRC Cutoff (Yes /No)? [lI Subversion Attempts - 26.71 7(bX7) sod 26.75(b)

Did this collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? E I iioi Manaoernen Actions - 26.71 71b)18 & 26.75 Reason for the Action F/rut drug or alcohol positive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC Minimum Spec/tic Sanction Applied 14- Day Denlal Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided

  • e X Z]

Person I (required):

[R/sesur*srAc~ sc~ingI II 9O5O*~ on..

First Name Last Name Position Title Company Email Address Per'son 2 (optionat):

Kenneth Cmsigt/od Fithess For Duty Program kecraig@,oo one, First Name Last Name Posit/on Titoe Company Email Address Floe/ Stop fReest/mO - NRCwril conseidertbs tone1sathenticin acordsnce witb 20.11t only wt/en the "Vat/dste & L~ockbotton in ot/cket snd/altenote thighligbted in red) here been corrented. Tb. "Validate &Lock" button mill chnt/oe to Lonked" sfter It/n dots rot/dda/on pmocese hoe been successfully rompieted lnd/oat/ngthe foonme ready tor saber/onion.

Font, Locked On:[Feb 23, 2016 at 2:29:17 PM Single Positive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

Io AIRld f/ *.d.,* u..m .5.,*.a/*dtusuaarr APPROVED BY OMB: CLEARANCE NO. 1Slol-014a EXPIRES: 11l30/017 F-es hr sreefeds awfeb-pulat bleversadee E) Itsethr fltbd. Eosmated burden per response to onmeplywith this nolectleerequeet i. 30 minites. Thit

3) bes erreronefleldsto vlew e lruveesmh forn is a volantary fmeans of reportIng the infoenatlon required neder 10 CFR 26.717. Th.

infonnation is required by NRC to obtain on an annual basis site opecifi tittness-lor-dutt

4) U~se alAdehe ReadeSr # he~ rqekuled (FFD)program.pertonsance data on drug and alcohol progranis from licensees and etha,

[] Submission r-m Delete eatibas. Send nononents regarding burden easatiat to itneFOIA,Privacyand Infonnatmor Collection Branch (TS-F53), U.S. Nuclear Regolatonj Commission, Washington DC Update 1Lit Submission 205555-0001, on by e-mail toInfoel seoreiNC aov nd to the Desk Offiwe Otfice of information and Regulatory Affairs. NEOB-10120. (3150-0146),( Otticse Managenent and Budget, Washington DC 25503. Its means used to impose infonnatonr onlctsdoes not display a curnenity valid 0MB control numnbar.the NRC may not conduc or sponsor, and a person isnot requited to respond to, the infonmation ontseetion.

Select Faclllty Wolf Creak [50-482] ] (mmldd/yyyy)Daef~tcln0/321 Reason for Testing - 26.717(bX5) Pre-Access Testiing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

I Ritinstatement (Between 31 and 365 days)

Employment Type -26.71 7(bX3) Outage Worker (optional)?

ContrctrNeedor I I Labor Category -26.71 7(bt(3)

Maintenance (gitneral facility)

Is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/Nto)? - 26.719(b) N Refusai- 26.71 7(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes I No)? [jjj Test Results - 26.717(bX4)

Test Validity Test Type(s) for Result(s) Reported - 26.71 7)b)(2)

Dru Onl Ie Drug Testing I° Was this collection observed (Yes / No)? -26.71 7(b 7 ) & 26.75 Substance - 26,71 7(bX(2)& (b)(it) Additional Substance (as applicable)

Additional Substance (as applicable)

Manjuana ] Please Select] IPlease select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes I No)? I]

Subversion Attempts -26.71 7(bt(7) and 26.75(b)

Did this collection involvg a subversion attempt (YesINo)? [I~jo Manaoement Actions - 26.7171b118t & 26.75 Reason for the Action First drug or alcohol positive t Sonction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC Minimum Specific Sanction Applied 114- Day Denial Person(s)Responsible for Information Provided person 1 (required):

First Name Last Name Position Titie Company Email Address Person 2 loptional):

IKenneth Craighead Fihs o ut rga keoraig@wco....n Frst Nawe Last Name Postion T (jl Company Email Address is Ft..l Step (Required). NRCwelconsider thes tons authenito inaccordance with2e.11onlywhen the 'Validate& Luch"botton la clichmedand sit enrso (highitghted red) have bees norrected.

-Form The 'Validate & Lock' botton witlchange to 'Locked'after the datarelidaition Locked On: Feb 23, 2016 at 3:30:66 PM process has bees sucoessfloty comipleted indicatingthe forn is ready tsr submission.

Single Posti~ve Teat Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

I ) ANhfieda r,.eered xea thole. ,eau*.d talana~r APPROVED By 0MB: CLEARANCE NO. 318040148 EXPIRES: 11130/2017

5) Entie I. ome Meld. *aeSpeelehm noratloe teeoth. feld.s Estimated borden per teepoee. to comply moththin eonlectionrequeat in 30 meinutes. Thin
3) l/ae en.,hoa fteld, to vlew .Wod watneeat forn iIn noduntarymeans of reporting the tofonnation required anden10 CFR 20.717. The inonoeatidrnia required by NRC to obtainen an annual banis sintespecifc tltcnns-for-duty
4) Uie eI Adbe. Reader I er Iefer to reqube,*d (FF01 ytugramrperfornance data en dnhg end alcohol progranms fern Ilcnneens and other"

[ Sumssion - Delete entities. Send comrments regarding borden estinrate to the FOIA, Privacy and Infornation Collectinon Branch (T5-F53), U.S. Nuniear Regutatory Comminsion, Washington DC Upat I I Submission 20555-0001. or by e-mail to eoreNCov enool~

nd to the Desk COfiner, Office ot Informnatinn and Reguintory Affairs, NEOB-1020, (3150-0140), Office ot Un.efReferecO Licensee Suplied Management and Onudgel.Washington DC 20503. If means used to imnposeintonnation cottectin dones not display a curretly valid 0MB control number, the NRC may enotconduct or sponsor. end a pemoKnin not required to respond to, the intonnation collection.

Select Facility o

Wolf Creek [50-482]

I (mm/dd/yyyy)Dae~lcin0211012015 Pro-Access Testing Reason (optional) Please elaborate (optional)

Reason for Testing - 26.71 7(bX5)

Pr-Acss IlnitialAuthorization Employment Type -26.71 7(bX3) Outage Worker (optional)?

i~ee Labor Category - 26.71 7(b)(3)

Maintenance (general facility) is this a 24-Hour Reporting Event (Yes/No)? - 26.719(b) N Refusal- 26.717(bX7) & 26.75 Was this collection refused (Yes I No)?

Test Results - 26.71 7(bX4)

Test Validity Tent Type(s) for Result(s) Reported -26.71 7(b)(2) Drug Testing Drug Only []Urine~ ii Was this collection observed (Yes /No) 7 -26. 71 7(b X7 ) &26.7 5 Substance - 26.71 7(b)(2) & (b)(6) Additional Substance (as appilicable)

Additional Substance (as appilicabio)

Marijuana I Please Sulect IPlease Select Use NRC Cutoff (Yes I No)? [~

Subversion Attempts - 26.71 7(bX7) and 26.75(b)

Did thin collection involve a subversion attempt (Yes/No)? [IIo Manaoemert Actions - 26,7171b11ti & 26.75 Reason for the Action IFirst drug or alcohol positive Sanction Applied (NRC Minimum or Licensee Administrated)

NRC Minimum}

Specific Sanction Applied 14- Day Denial J IIZ I]

Person(s) Responsible for Information Provided pmrson 1 (required):

°ra ileI

First Name Last Name Position Titie Company Email Address Pmersn 2 (optinnal):

Kementh Craighead Fitness Fun Duty Pmogrem hnkcrig@mco.....

Frut Name Lant Name Position Ttle Company Email Address

-Form Final Step (Raqahwi) - NRC wri consider thin term1authentic in accordance with 20.11 only mhen the "Validate &Lock" hutton in clichiedand all errors lhighlightnd In red) ha.. boon corrected. The "Validate &Lock" hutton will chengn to "Locked" aftie the date validatino process has been successfully completed indicating the form in ready for subminsion.

Locked on: Feb 2,2016at 3:31:07 PM Single Posihive Test Form (version 1.6.0 - December 19, 2014) NRC Form 890 (12/2014)

E464,.0000.,p.,~.44p0-0-0o4.A0-tq~.4l.4I60l44.4. 50.40-44. ..540404~y74=41,4p450644~.

d70..46,50.,,d.,&0 1017460001131.l 00.U..70046.s00-44600 046c,.l.4460 , ,0.4.4..4,500b4 6 1 4 7 46 I. 1~,..

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NRC FFD Program Performance Data Reporting System 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I - Managing Fatigue Attachment This attachment provides the entire narrative as the NRC form has been created with boxes that scroll down, and when printed, the information prints very small due to the way the NRC has built the electronic FM form.

Analysis of Waiver Assessment Data:

No waivers were initiated for 2015.

Analysis of Fatigue Assessment Data:

Five (5) Fatigue Assessments were completed for 2015. All five (5) fatigue assessments were For-Cause.

Actions taken were to place ACAD badge on hold pending drug & alcohol results. Fatigue Assessments were completed by procedure and by qualified fatigue assessors. All fatigue assessments were documented within the corrective action system.



Waivers: zero waivers were initiated for 2015. No correction action documents were initiated for waiver process or program improvements.

Fatigue Assessments: The 2015 Fatigue Management Annual assessment did identify vaulting issues for two (2) fatigue assessments and those were corrected when found. Reference condition report CR00102272.

Summary and Status of Corrective Actions:

The evaluation review period is 01-01-2015 through 12-31-2015. During this review period zero (0) waivers were performed and five (5) fatigue assessments were initiated. Condition reports were initiated for fatigue assessments within the corrective action program.

The 2015 Fatigue Management Annual assessment performed a compliance and performance review of 2015 conditions reports that were initiated for the fatigue management program and no gaps or areas for improvement were identified. Reference quick hit assessment QH-201 6-1 228.