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Proposed TS Re Operability of Fire Suppression Water Sys
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 02/12/1992
Shared Package
ML17329A379 List:
NUDOCS 9202200160
Download: ML17329A380 (79)


Attachment 2 to AEP:NRC:0692CC Existing Technical Specifications for Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Marked to Reflect Proposed Changes 9'202200160 9202i2 ADOCK 05000315 l PDR P PDR


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ai Two+ high ncL2J300 GPM pumps, one of which shall be a die driven pump, wi 'their discharge ali,gned to the fire ression headers

b. An OPEMLE open flov path cap taking suction from Lake Michigan and transferrin water h distribution piping (with OPEMLE sect ising valves) up he yard. hydrant curb control valves up to the hose station valve or water suppressi system controlling valve(s) required to b LE per cations, and, respectively.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. Vith only one pump LE, restore an inoperab esel, Af 1ns.e(+ 'equired), and equipment t BLE s thin 7 days or establish a',backup "firesu o er system within the next 7 days. The prov .o Specifi.cations 3. . d 3.0.4 are not appli the fire suppression water system otherwise inoperable:

1., Restore the fire suppression water distribution system to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, or

2. Establish a backup fire suppression water system within 24


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Insert A:

3.T.9.L The fire suppression water system shall be considered to be OPERABLE with:

a. Three of the five fire suppression system pumps OPERABLE, two of

'which must be the following:

L. One diesel-engine driven pump having a capacity of 2500 gpm capable of taking suction from either of the fire water storage tanks, with its discharge aligned to the fire distxibution piping.

2.. One fire suppression system pump having a capacity of 2000 gpm capable of taking suction from Lake Michigan and its discharge capable of being manually aligned to the fixe distribution piping.

b An. OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction fx'om either one of the fire water tanks and transferring the water through distribution piping (with OPERABLE sectionalizing valves) up to the yard hydrant curb control valves and up to the hose station valve(s) or system, controlling valve(s) . The hose station valve(s) water'uppression

, and the water suppression system control'ing valve(s) that are required to be in the flow path are given in Specifications and, respectively.

c. Two fire water tanks, each with a minimum usable volume of 565,000 gallons (34.0 feet level indication).
d. An OPERABLE isolated flow path capable of taking suction from Lake

,Michigan and txansferring the water thxough distxibution piping (with OPERABLE sectionalizing valves) up to the yard hydrant curb control valves and up to the hose station valve(s) or watex suppression system controlling valve(s). The hose station valve(s) and water suppression system controlling valve(s) that are requix'ed to be OPERABLE are given in Specifications and respectively.


Insert 3 a With less than. the minimum number'f pumps OPERABLE, take the ACTION!

shown in Table 3.7-5

b. Pith. one fire water tank inoperable, restore the inoperabla tank toi OPERABLE status within. 30 days or establish. a backup. fixe suppression. water system within the next 7 days


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SURVEILLANCE RE VZRZmNTS The fixe suppression vater system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

(.b At least once per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by starting each pump and operating it for at least 15 minutes on recixculation flov.

At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, pover operated, or automatic) in flov path that is not locked, sealed, or othervisa secured in position, ia in its correct position.

At least once par 6 months by performance of a system flush of above ground internal distribution headers and fire hydrants.

. 8 At least once per 12 months by cycling each testable valve in the

'.flov path through at least one complete cycle of full travel.

At least once per 18 months by performing a system functional test vhich includes simulated automatic actuation of .the system throughout its operating sequence, and:

. co ics correcrpos.icion, ~

parifping chas each aneomacic,valve in che 4LKY.. Q lov

'Apgch accnapas-VCO~~+ q f.

2. Verifping char each pomp/develops a flow og ae least gggg.gpm at a system head of at least 300 feet of vater by observing three points (minimum, rated, and peak) on the pump's performance curve.
3. Cycling'ach valve in the flov path that is not testable during plant operation through at least one complete cycle of full travel, and
4. Verifying that each high pressure pump starts in its preplanned sequence to maintain the fire suppression vater system pressure greater than or equal to 100 psig.

At least once per 3 years by performing a series of flov tests so that every fire main segment (excluding individual system supplies) has been verified to be clear of obstructions by. a full flov t)st.<

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COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 1 3/4 7-42 ~NDmNT NO. 79 130



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~CE REOUIRBSEVZS Continued The fire pump diesel engine5shalL be demonst aced OP%ABLE:

a. At least once per 3L days by verifying:
1. The fueL storage tazdacontaiag ar least 160 gallons of fuel, and
2. The diesel5startN from ambient conditions and operate for at least 30 minutes.
b. At least once per 92 days by-verifying that. a sample of diesel fueL from tha fuel storage tank5obtained in accordance with ASSAM D4057-81 is within the acceptable limits specified. in Table 1 of ASTM-D975-81 when checked. for viscosity, water,. and sediment.

At, least once per 18.months by subjecting the dieseiSto an inspection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with manufacturer's recommendations foz this class of standby sezvice.

4.7'.9.1.3 The fire pump, dieseL starting battery ban&pand chargemshall be" demonstrated. OP%ABLE:

ao At least once per 7 days by verifying that:

1. The elect olyte level oz each battery is above the plates, and
2. The output battery voltage of each bank is greater than 24 volts.
b. At least once per 92 days by ver'fying that the specific

. gravity is appropriate for continued service of each battery.

C~ At least once per 18 months by verifying that:

The batteres, cell plates and battery packs show no visual indication of physical damage or abnormal deter'oration, and

2. The battery-to-battery and terminal connections are clean, tight, free of cor osion, and coated with anti-corrosion material.

COOK NUC~~ PLANT - UNIT 1. 3/4 7-43

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MQAM TABLE 3.7-5 FIRE PUMP OPERABILITY RE UIREMENTS With the following minimum combination Take this of pumps OPERABLE: ACTION East Vest Unit 1 Unit 2 2500 gpm 2500 gpm 2500 gpm 2000 gpm 2000 gpm diesel diesel electric diesel diesel X



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a. Restore one of the inoperable 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps within 7 days.
b. Restore at least one of the inoperable pumps within 7 days.

C. With both 2500 gpm diesel-driven pumps inoperable, restore one of the inoperable pumps within 7 days.

d. With both 2500 gpm diesel-driven pumps inoperable, restore one of the inoperable pumps within 14 days.
e. Restore one of the inoperable pumps within 4 days. ACTIONS a, b, c, d, and f are still applicable.

Restore one of the inoperable 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps within 14 days.

  • The times specified by these action statements are not additive.


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,The service'tlife of a'snubber is evaluated via manufactur'er's'fnput through consideration of the snubber service conditions and and'nformation associated installation and maintenance records (newly installed snubber, seal replaced, spring replaced, in high radiation area, in high temperature area, etc...). The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is included to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergoconditions.

a performance evaluation in view of their age and operating These records will provide statistical bases for future consideration of snubber service life. The requirements for the maintenance of records and the snubber service life review, are not intended to affect plant operation. ~ %

~ t The number of snubbers to be functionally tested duiing each surveillance is based on dalculations performed to allow extension of the surveillance interval from 18 months to 24'onths, and therefore, the number. of snubbers functionally tested deviates from the numbei required by the Westinghouse Standard Technical Specifications (NUREG-0452, Revision 4).

3 4.7.8 SEALED SOURCE CONTAMINATION The limitations on removable contamination for sources requiring leak testing, including alpha emitters, is based on XO CFR 70.39(c) limits for.

plutonium. This limitation will ensure that leakage from byproduct, source, and special nuclear material sources will not exceed allowable intake values.

3 4.7.9 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS The OPERABILITY of the fire suppression systems ensures that adequate fire suppression capability is available to confine and extinguish fires occurring in any portion of the facility wheze safety related equipment is located. The, fire suppression systems consists of the water system, spray and/or sprink3.ers, C02, Halon, and fire hose stations. The collective capability of the fire suppression systems is adequate to minimize potential damage to safety related equipment and is a major element in the facility fire protection program.

In the event that one or more C02 Suppression System requiring automatic actuation must be isolated for personal protection to permit entry for routine tours, maintenance, construction, or surveillance testing in the protected area, the fire, detection system(s) required to 'be operable by Specification shall be verifiqd to be operable. Isolation of an

~e automatic C02 su ression system tern oraril uts this s stem in a manual actuation mode. Reliance on the fire detection system, in conjunction p6 wzt the a z ity to manually discharge the C02 suppression system will provide adequate fire protection for periods when personnel are required'o work in these areas.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 B 3/4 7-6 AMENDMENT Ã0.97B102,111s1--

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3 4.1.9 7IRX SUP~SIOH The OPEEibILITY of the fi e ~ressim system e~es th s adit e exppreaai a capability is available to confine and extinguish Qrea occurring Sa any portion of the facility vhera safety related equipmeat is located.

Tha fire suppression systems consist) of tha vaser system, spray and/or spears, CO ~ Haloa aad fize hose stations. The coU,ective capability. of the fire suppression systems ia. adequate to ain9xize potential damage to safety-relarad equipmeat sad ia a ufor element ia the facility Bra protection pzogzaso Ia the event that cae or more CO) Suppression Systaa requiring automatic actuatioa aust be isolated for personal protecsioa so permit eatzy for zoutiae touzs, maiateaance, coasszuctioa, or surveillance testing ia she protected szea, the Qze desacsioa system(s) required to be operable by "Specificatioa shall be verified to be operable. Isolatioa of aa automatic CO suppression system temporarily puts this systaa Sn. a manual.

actuatioa mole.

Reliance on the fire detactioa system, ln con]unction vith the ability to manually discharge the CO2 suppression system vol provide adequate fire.

protection for periods vhea'ersonnel <<e requized to vora'n these areas.

In the event that portions of the fire suppression systems are fnoperable, alternate backup ff'm.fighting equipment fs requir d to be made avaflable fn the affec.ed areas until tfie inoperable equfpnent fs restored to service.

When the inoperable fire fighting equipment fs intended for use as a backup means of fire suppression, a longer period of t'.;,~ fs allowed to provide an alternate means of fire fighting than ff the inoperable equipment fs the primary means of fire suopressfon. Sackup fire protection equipment will normally take the form of permanently mounted fire extingufshers and/or fire hose or near the area, or fire hoses routed to the affected area+However, ft is not our intent to rely on backup systems or other compensatory measures for an extended per fod of time and act>oh will be taken to restore the fnoperable portions of the fire suppression system to OPERA8LE. status within a reasonable period.

The suzveillance requirements provide assurance that the min'~ OPBhBIIJTT requirements of the fire suppression systems are mes. An allovence is made for ensuring a sufficient volume of Haloa end CO) ~~ the storage tanks by veri ying either she veighs, level, or pressure of "he tanks.

COOK NUC~~ PLhHT - UNIT l a'/4 7-7 A~%)NET NO


Znsert C:

The fire suppression water system has Qve fire pumps common to both uaits which discharge into underground ring headers. There are two diesel-engine-driven, vertical-turbine fire pumps rated at 2000 gpm, each taking suction from Lake Michigan; one motor-dr"'ven horizontal centrifugal fire pump rated at 2500 gpm that takes suction from tha fixe water storage tanks; and. two diesel-engine-driven horizontal cent &gal fixe pumps rated. at 2500 take suction from the Hxa water storage tanks. Having a combination gpm'hat.

oP diesel-drfven and. electric motor-drLven pumps in the system dasign. is consistent with NRC Braach TechnLcal Position APSCB 9.5-1.

Requiring oae of the 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps that takes suction from Lake Michigan and. one oC the 2500 gpm diesel drLven pumps that takes suctLon from a fixe vater storage tank to be OPZULBLE ensures the capability of obtaining water f om both sources. This coaservatism results in eahaaced.

system reliability'nd reduced. risk from external eveats.

Technical Specification 3.7;9.1 requires three fire vater'umps to be ."

OPERABLE for the fire suppression vater system to be OPERABL=-. One ox"these pumps must be a 2500 gpm diesel-driven pump capable or taking suctLoa. from either fixe water storage taafc and. oae a 2000 gpm. fire suppression pump capable of taking suction from. Lake Michigan The third. pump may'ake.

., suction from either water source.

Tha flow paths capable or taking suctLoa from ~ Michigan to preclude zebra mussel inrestatioa nf the system.

axe norman.3.y'solated.

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,LIMITING CONDITZpN FpR OPER TZON The fire suppression water system shall be OPERABLE vith:

a. Tv gh demand 2000 CPM pumps, one. of vhich shall be a driven vith their discharge aligned to the f -suppression header.
b. An OPERABLE open flov path cap taking suction from Lake Michigan and transferri e vater thr distribution piping (vt,th OPERABLE s nalising valves) up to the

'n control ya s and up to tha hose station valve(s) or-suppr system controlling valve(s) required to be OP cifications and 3.7.9,2, respectively.

. hydrant curb APPLICABILITY: ht all times.


only one pump operable, restore a require , an a le pump (dicscl, if

o. status vi.thin 7 days or a b ackup f uppress o s stem vi.thin the next 7, days. e- ons of Specifications 3.0.3 a .

rc not a le.


With the fire suppression vater system othervise inoperable:

1. Restore the fire suppression water distribution system to OPERABLE status vithin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, or
2. Establish a backup suppression water system vithi.n 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

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3 T.9.I The fire suppression water system shaLL bs considered to be OPERABLE Three of the Qve fire suppression system pumps OPERMKZ, two of which must be the following.

Oae diesel-eagiae driven pump havtag a capacity of 2500 gpm capable of taking suction from either of the fire water storage caaks, with ics discharge aligned. to the fixe distribution pipiag-One fire suppression system pump having a capacity oC 2000 gpm capable of taking suction from Lake Kichigau. aad. its discharge

, capable of being maaaa11y aligned to the fire distribution pi'piag-An OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction from either'ne" of the fixe water taaks'and craasfe~g the water'hrough distribution pXpiag (with OPERABLE seccioaaliziag valves) up to the yard hydrant:

curb control valves and. up to the hose scacioa valve(s) or wacsr suppression system coacrolliag valve(s). The hose station, valve(s) and, the wacer suppression system coat"oiling valve(s) that're "

required to be in the flow path are given in Specificacioas and 3. 7. 9. 2, respect'vely.

c Two fire water tanks, each with a minimum usable volume of 565,000 gallons (34.0 feet level iadicacioa).

d., An, OPERABLE 'isolated flow path capable of taking succioa from Lake Kichigan aad, t aasferring the water ttmough disc-ibucioa piping (with OPERABLE seccioaaliziag valves) up to the yard hydrant curb control valves aad up to the hose station valve(s) or water suppression system conc=olliag valve(s). The hose station valve(s) and water suppression system conc-olliag valve(s) that are required to be OPZM3LE are given in Specifications and respectively.

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Insert B less than. the mizdmum number of pumps, OPERABLE, take the ACTXON!

shown in Table 3.7-5.

Pith. one fire water tank inoperable, restore the inoperable tank toi OPERABLE status within. 30 days or establish, a backup fixe suppression water system within. the next 7 days

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PLANT SVSTEKS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREHENTS 4.7. .1.1 The fire suppression vaear system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

t h least once per 31 days on a SThCCERED TEST BASIS by seareing each pump and operating it for ae least 15 minutes on recirculation flov.

.Q ht least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, pover operated, or automatic) in flov paeh chat is not locked, sealed, or othervise secured in position, is in its correct position.

ht lease once per 6 months by performance of a system flush of above ground internal distribution headers and fire hydrants.

.~ht least once per 12 monehs by cycling each testable valve in ehe flov path through at least one complete cycle of full travel.

he lease once=per 18 months by performing a system functional'test vhich includes simulated automatic actuation of the system throughout its operating sequence, and:

1. Verifying that each auto tic v to its correct position, MA
2. Verifying that each pum

~U)MM ve ops zov o at east pm ae a system head of at least 300 feet of vatar by observing three points (minimum, rated and peak) on the pump's performance curve.

3. 'Cycling each valve in the flov path that is not testable during plant operation through at least one complete cycle of full travel, and
4. Verifying that each high pressure pump starts in its preplanned sequence to maintain the fire suppression vater system pressure greater than 100 psig.,

', ht lease once per 3 years by performing a series of flov tests so that every fire main segment (excluding individual system supplies)

g. 0 Lmak arne, cx l5 AeAW5 E& 'l L~

has been verified to be clear of obstructions by 'a full flov test.

~(g) ~% cd-fA 8.

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. Wich the following minimum combination Take this of pumps OPERABLE: ACTION:

East West Unit l Unit 2 2500 gpm 2500 gpm 2500 gpm 2000 gpm 2000 gpm diesel diesel electric diesel diesel b

b I




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a. Restore one of the inoperable 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps within 7 days.
b. Restore at least one of the inoperable pumps within 7 days.

C ~ With both 2500 gpm diesel-driven pumps inoperable, restore one of the inoperable pumps within 7 days.

d. With both 2500 gpm diesel-driven pumps inoperable, restore one of the inoperable pumps within 14 days.
e. Restore one of the inoperable pumps within 4 days. ACTIONS a, b, ci di and f are still applicable.

Restore one of the inoperable 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps within days.

  • The times specified by these action statements are not additive.




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PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Continued The fire pump diesel engin~hall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by verifying:
1. The fuel storage tatggcontains at least 160 gallons of fuel, and 2'. The di.esel9startgl from ambient conditions and operates for at least 30 minutes.
b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that a sample of diesel fuel from the fuel storage tank%obtained in accordance with ASTM-D4057-81 is within the acceptable limits sp'ecified in Table 1 of ASTM-D975-81 when checked for viscosity, water, and


c. At least once per 18 months by sub]ecting the diese~o an with ~

inspection in accordance with procedures prepared in con]unction manufacturer's recommendations for this class of standby service. The fire pump diesel starting battery bank .and chargezgsha11. be:

demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 7 days by verifying tha=:
1. The electrolyte level of each battery is above the plates, and
2. The output battery voltage of each bank is greater than 24 I volts.

At least once per 92 days by verifying that the specific gravity is appropriate for continued service of each battery.

C. At least once per 18 months by verifying that:

The batteries, cell plates and battery packs show no visual indication of physical damage or abnormal deterioration, and

2. The battery-to-battery and terminal connections are clean, tight, free of corrosion, and coated with anti-corrosion material.





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BASES s'ks e.g., an operator on tour) provided .tha . > e the above s As a m>n ' . c area affected by an isolated low pressure CO s .. ited every.twenty-five (25) to thirty-five (35) mi .

y the Roving Fire lEatch a . -measures will provide the -

ssary level of fire protection while affording necess provisions for ersonnel safet .

In the event that portions of the fire suppression systems are inoperable, alternate backup fire fighting equipment is required to be made available in the affected areas until the inoperable equipment is restored to service. Mhen the inoperable fire-fighting equipment is intended for use as a backup means of fire suppression, a longer period of time is allcwed to provide an alternate means of fire fighting than if the inoperable equipment is the primary means of fire suppression. Backup fire protection equipment will rcrmally take the form of

,.permanently .mounted fire extinguishers and/or .firq hose stations in or near the area, or fire hoses routed to the a fected areas., However, it is not our intent to rely cn backup systems or other compensatory t,"easures for an extended period of time ard action wi ll be taken to restore the inoperable portions of, the fire suppression system to OPERABLE status within a reascnable period.

The surveillance requirements provide assurance that the minimum OPERABILITY requirements of the fire suppressicn systems are met; An allowance is made for ensuring a sufficient volume of Halon and CO in:"e storage tanks by verifying either the weight, leve'i or pressure ot th=.; nks.

n the ev corrective the ccrrecti canti mea t e -ire suppression capability report to the Cottmissi e

cf the -

rater taken since

'd'or'"prcmp sures to provide a4equate protection of the nuclear plant.

system this system:

fire remen=

'f becct-.=.'referable,

-or suppression a


major fire twenty-four hour the acceptability for

'uppression of The purpose of the charcoal fi lter fire suppression T S is to account for detection ard suppression of fires in the charcoal f'. -.ers. t'.anual operation of these systems is allowed because two-pcint heat Ce-.=- tion with control rocm and local annunciation of trcuble conditions is prov.'"=-" -,or the charcoal filters. The OPERABILITY of fi lters is only required when thetherefireis suppression protecting the charcoal charcoal in the filters. Actuation of spray water onto the charcoal filters requires both t.. manual opening of the csystem isolation valve and reaching the high temperatu. e alarm setpoint for the automatic opening of the system deluge valve.

Because of the inaccessibility of the lower containment to personnel during operation Cue to ALARA radiation, exposure concerns, t'".e use of one or more CCTVS in the lower containment to monitor for fire and smoke, is an acceptable substitute to a continuous fir e watch, if the fire suppression system becomes inoperable.

0. C. COOK - Ut/IT 2 B 3/4 7-7 Amendment Ho. 1 t5,116 July 15, '.":S6 Bases Clarification


'I 4


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Insert: C.

The fixe suppression water system has five fwe pumps common to both units which discharge into underground. ring headers. There are two diesel-engine-dxiven, 'vertical-turbine fire pumps rated at 2000 gpm, each taking suction from Lake Michigan; one motor-driven horizontal cen~gal fire pump rated at= 2500 gpm that. takes suction from the fire water storage tanks; aad. two diesel-engine-drfvea horizontal cen~gal fire pumps rated ac 2500 gpm'ham take suction from, the fixe water'torage tanks. Havtag a combination of diesel-driven aad electric motor-driven pumps h. the system design. is consistene with HRC Braach Technical Position APSCB 9.5-l.

Requiring one of the 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps that takes suction from Lake Michigan aad. one or the 2500 gpm diese3 driven pumps that takes suction from a fixe water storage tank to be OPERABLE ensures the capability'f obtainiag water Rom both sources This conservatism results ia. eahanced.

> system. reliability aad reduced risk from exteraaJ. eveats.

Technica3 Specificatioa 3.7;9.1. requires, three fme water'pumps. to be OPERABLE for the fire suopression water system to be OMUBLK. One or. ~these.

pumps must'. be a. 2500 gpm diesel-driven pump capable "of taking suction. from either fi a water storage tant and. oae a 2000 gprz fixe suppression pump'-

capable of taking suet" on fram. Lake KLchigan The third. pumo may take sue%on from either water source.

Tha flow paths capable oz taking suction from ~ Eichigan ara isolated. to preclude zebra musse1. infestation nt the system.


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Attachment 3 to AEP:NRC:0692CC Proposed Technical Specifications for Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units l and 2

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3 4.7.9 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS FIRE SUPPRESSION 'PATER SYST IMITING CONDITION OR OPERATION 3 '.9.1 The fire suppression water system shall be considered to be OPERABLE with:

a. Three of the five fire suppression system pumps OPERABLE, two of which must be the following:
1. One diesel-engine driven pump having a capacity of 2500 gpm capable of taking suction from either of the fire water storage tanks, with its discharge aligned to the fire distribution piping.
2. One-fire suppression system pump having a capacity of 2000 gpm capable of taking suction from Lake Michigan and its discharge capable of being manually aligned to the fire distribution piping.
b. An OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction from either one of the fire water tanks and transferring the water through distribution piping (with OPERABLE sectionalizing valves) up to the yard hydrant

,'urb control valves and up to the hose station valve(s) or water suppression system controlling valve(s). The hose station valve(s) and the water suppression system controlling valve(s) that are required to be in the flow path are given in Specifications and, respectively.

c. Two fire water tanks, each with a minimum usable volume of-565,000

., gallons (34.0 feet level indication).=

d. An OPERABLE isolated flow path capable of taking suction from Lake Michigan and transferring the water through distribution piping (with OPERABLE sectionalizing valves) up to the yard hydrant curb control valves and up to the hose station valve(s) or water suppression system controlling valve(s). The hose station valve(s) and water suppression system controlling valve(s) that are required to be OPERABLE are given in Specifications and respectively.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With less than the minimum number of pumps OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3.7-5.




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b. With one fire water tank inoperable, restore the inoperable tank to OPERABLE status within 30 days or establish a backup fire suppression water system within the next 7 days.
c. With the fire suppression water system otherwise inoperable:
1. Restore the fire suppression water distribution system to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, or
2. Establish a backup fire suppression water system within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
d. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS The fire suppression water system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

At least once per 7 days by verifying the water supply contained in the fire water tanks.

b. At least once per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by starting,'each pump and operating it for at least 15 minutes on recirculation. flow.

C. At least 'once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual,.

power operated, or automatic) in flow path that is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in its correct position.

d. At least once per 6 months by performance of a system flush of'above ground, internal, distribution headers and fire hydrants.
e. At least once per 12 months by cycling each testable valve in the flow path through at least one complete cycle of full travel.

At least once per 18 months by performing a system functional test which includes simulated automatic actuation of the system throughout its operating sequence, and:

1. Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path actuates to its correct position,
2. Verifying that each pump that takes suction from the fire water tanks develops a flow of at least 2500 gpm at a system head of at least 300 feet of water by observing three points (minimum, rated, and peak) on the pump's performance curve, COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 1 3/4 7-42 AMENDMENT NO. ~ 488.

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3. Cycling each valve in the flow path that is not testable during plant operation through at least one complete cycle of full travel, and
4. Verifying that each high pressure pump starts in its preplanned sequence to maintain the fire suppression water system pressure greater than or equal to 100 psig.
g. At least once per 18 months by verifying that each pump that takes suction from Lake Michigan develops a flow of at least 2000 gpm at a, system head of at least 300 feet of water by observing three points (minimum, rated and peak) on the pump's performance curve.

h., At least once per 3 years by performing a series of flow tests so that every fire main segment (excluding individual system supplies) has been verified,to be clear of obstruction by a full flow test. The fire pump diesel engines shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by verifying:
1. The fuel storage tanks contain at least 160 gallons of fuel, and
2. The diesels start from ambient conditions and operate for at least 30 minutes.
b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that a sample of diesel" fuel from the fuel storage tanks obtained in accordance with ASTM-D4057-81 is within the acceptable limits specified in Table 1 of ASTM-D975-81 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment.

c ~ At least once per 18 months by subjecting the diesels to an inspection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with the manufacturer's recommendations for this class of standby service. The fire pump diesel starting battery banks and chargers shall be demons trated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 7 days by verifying that:
1. The electrolyte level of each battery is above the plates, and
2. The output battery voltage of each bank is greater than 24 volts.
b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that the specific gravity is appropriate for continued service of each battery.


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PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS Continued C. At least once per 18 months by verifying that:

1. The batteries, cell plates and battery packs show no visual indication of physical damage or abnormal deterioration, and
2. The battery-to-battery and terminal connections are clean, tight, free of corrosion, and coated with anti-corrosion material.


~ ~

TABLE 3 7-5 FIRE PUMP OPERABILITY RE UIREMENTS With the following minimum combination Take this of pumps OPERABLE: I ACTION'ast I

West Unit 1 Unit 2 2500 gpm 2500 gpm 2500 gpm 2000 gpm 2000 gpm diesel diesel electric diesel diesel b

b X


a. Restore one of the inoperable 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps within 7 days.
b. Restore at least one of the inoperable'umps within 7 days.
c. With both 2500 gpm diesel-driven pumps inoperable, restore one of the inoperable pumps within 7 days.
d. With both 2500 gpm diesel-driven pumps inoperable, restore 'one of the inoperable pumps within 14 days.
e. Restore one of the inoperable pumps within 4 days. ACTIONS a, b, c, d, and f are still applicable.
f. Restore one of the inoperable 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps within 14


  • The times specified by these action statements are not additive.



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BASES 3 4 9 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS The OPERABILITY of the fire suppression systems ensures that adequate fire suppression capability is available to confine and extinguish fires occurring in any portion of the facility where safety related equipment is located. The fire suppression systems consist of the water system, spray and/or sprinklers, C02, Halon and fire hose stations. The collective capability of the fire suppression systems is adequate to minimize potential damage to safety-related equipment and is a major element in the facility fire protection program.

In the event that one or more C02 suppression systems requiring automatic, actuation must be isolated for personal protection to permit entry for routine tours, maintenance, construction, or surveillance testing in the protected area, the fire detection system(s) required to be OPERABLE by Specification shall be verified to be OPERABLE. Isolation of an automatic CO suppression system temporarily puts this system in a manual

,.actuation. moke.

Reliance on the fire detection system, in conjunction with the ability to ".

manually discharge the C02 suppression system'will provide adequate fire protection for periods when personnel are required to work in these areas.

In the event that portions of the fire suppression systems are inoperable, alternate backup fire fighting equipment is required to be made available .in the affected areas, until,the'inoperable .equipment is restored to service..

When the inoperable .fire fighting equipment is intended for use as a backup means of fire suppression, a longer period of time is allowed to provide an alternate means of fire fighting than if the inoperable equipment is the primary means of fire suppression. Backup fire protection equipment will normally take the form of permanently mounted fire extinguishers and/or fire hose stations in or near the area, or- fire hoses routed to the affected area. In the event that the fire water tanks become inoperable, Lake Michigan may serve as their backup. However, it is not our intent to rely on backup systems or other compensatory measures for an extended period of time and action will be taken to restore the inoperable portions of the fire suppression system to OPERABLE status within a reasonable period.

The surveillance requirements provide assurance that the minimum OPERABILITY requirements of the fire suppression systems are met. An allowance is made for ensuring a sufficient volume of Halon and C02 in the storage tanks by verifying either the weight, level, or pressure of the tanks.

The fire suppression water system has five fire pumps common to both units which discharge into underground ring headers. There are two diesel-engine-driven, vertical-turbine fire pumps rated at 2000 gpm, each taking suction from Lake Michigan; one motor-driven horizontal centrifugal fire pump rated at 2500 gpm that takes suction from the fire water storage tanks; and two diesel-engine-driven horizontal centrifugal fire pumps rated at 2500 gpm COOK NUCLEAR PLANT>> 'UNIT 1 B 3/4 7-7 AMENDMENT NO. ~0

't l I I

~ ~

yl BASES 3 4.4 7 9 Continued that take suction from the fire water storage tanks. Having a combination of diesel-driven and electric motor-driven pumps in the system design is consistent with NRC Branch Technical Position APSCB 9.5-1.

Requiring one of the 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps that takes suction from Lake Michigan and one of the 2500 gpm diesel driven pumps that takes suction from a fire water storage tank to be OPERABLE ensures the capability of obtaining ~ater from both sources. This conservatism results in enhanced system reliability and reduced risk from external events.

Technical Specification requires three fire water pumps to be OPERABLE for the fire suppression water system to be OPERABLE. One of these pumps must be a 2500 gpm diesel-driven pump capable of taking suction from either fire water storage tank and one a 2000 gpm fire suppression pump capable of taking suction from Lake Michigan. The third pump may take suction from either water source.

The flow paths capable of taking suction from Lake Michigan are normally isolated to preclude zebra mussel infestation of the system, The purpose of the charcoal filter fire suppression T/S is to account for ~

detection and suppression of fires in the charcoal filters. Manual operation of these systems is allowed because two-point heat detection with control room and local annunciation of trouble conditions is provided for,.

the charcoal filters. The OPERABILITY of the fire suppression system protecting the charcoal filters is only required when there is charcoal in the filters. Actuation of spray water onto the charcoal filters requires,.

both the manual opening of the system isolation valve and reaching the high temperature alarm setpoint for the automatic opening of the system deluge .,


Because of the inaccessibility of the lower containment to personnel during operation due to ALARA radiation exposure concerns, the use of one or more CCTVs in the lower containment, to monitor for fire and smoke, is an acceptable substitute to an hourly fire watch, system becomes inoperable.

if the fire suppression All hourly fire watch patrols are performed at intervals of sixty minutes with a margin of fifteen minutes.

A continuous fire watch requires that a trained individual be in the specified area at all times and that each fire zone within the specified area be patrolled at least once every fifteen minutes with a margin of five minutes.


~ ~



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g ~ J pl BASES 3 4 7 9 Continued A control valve is defined as a valve that when closed does not leave an alternate open flow path to a system. A sectionalizing valve is defined as a valve that when closed does not prevent an alternate open flow path to a system and hence does not make the fire suppression water system inoperable.

Under certain situations, the closure of a sectionalizing valve followed by the closure of a second valve will not leave an open flow path to one of the specified systems. In this instance, Action Statement c of Specification is applicable.

Manual actuation of CO fire suppression systems provides adequate fire protection for the protected areas based on OPERABLE fire detection in. the area, low combustible loadings, and prompt fire brigade response to alarms.

Many of the Action Statements take credit for OPERABLE fire detection in lieu of a fire watch when a fire protection system is inoperable. OPERABLE fire detection provides sufficient early warning capability of a fire to the appropriate Control Room.

During Surveillance Testing of a Low Pressure CO> System with the system inoperable, the requirement for a continuous fire watch may be suspended during portions of the test which result or may result in a discharge into the CO2 protected area. Similarly, if a CO> actuation occurs which results in the need to have the'ow Pressure C02 System made inoperable, the requirement for a continuous fire watch may be suspended. In either case, the area affected shall be .restored to habitability as soon as practicable, after which the continuous fire watch" is to be re-established if the system is still inoperable.

3 4 10 FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES The OPERABILITY of the fire 'barriers and barrier penetrations ensure that; fire damage will be limited. These design features minimize the possibility of a single fire involving more than one fire area prior to detection and extinguishment. The fire barriers and fire barrier penetration sealing devices are periodically inspected to verify their OPERABILITY. The functional testing of the fire dampers is provided to ensure that the dampers remain functional. The ventilation seals area seals around ventilation duct work penetrating fire barriers. It is not our intent to rely on backup systems or other compensatory measures for an extended. period of time and action will be taken to restore the inoperable portions of the fire rated assembly to OPERABLE status within a reasonable period.

For the purpose of determining OPERABILITY, an OPERABLE fire rated assembly and/or sealing device is one that is capable of performing its intended safety function.



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"'3 4: 9'IRE"SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SYST LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The fire suppression water system shall be considered to be OPERABLE with'.

Three of the five fire suppression system pumps OPERABLE, two of which must be the following:

l. One diesel-engine driven pump having a capacity of 2500 gpm capable of, taking .suction from either of the fire water storage tanks, with its discharge aligned to the fire distribution piping.
2. One fire suppression system pump having a capacity of 2000 gpm capable of taking suction from Lake Michigan and its

,discharge capable of being manually aligned to the fire distribution piping.

b. An OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction from either one:.,of the fire water tanks and transferring the water through distribution piping (with OPERABLE sectionalizing valves) up to the yard hydrant curb control valves 'and up to the hose station valve(s) or water suppression system controlling valve(s). The ~

hose station valve(s) and the water suppression system controlling valve(s) that are required to be in. the flow path are given in Specifications and, respectively.

c. Two fire water tanks, each with a minimum usable volume of 565,000 gallons. (34.0 feet level indication)
d. , An OPERABLE isolated flow path capable of taking suction from Lake Michigan and transferring the water through distribution piping (with OPERABLE sectionalizing valves) up to the yard hydrant curb control valves and up to the hose station valve(s) or water suppression system controlling valve(s). The hose station valve(s) and water suppression system controlling valve(s) that are required to be OPERABLE are given in Specification and respectively.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With less than the minimum number of pumps OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3.7-5.'COOK" NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 7-36 AMENDMENT NO. ~~

Af lf.


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ACTION Continued

b. With one fire water tank inoperable, restore the inoperable tank to OPERABLE status within 30 days or establish a backup fire suppression water system within the next 7 days.
c. With the fire suppression water syst: em otherwise inoperable:
1. Restore the fire suppression water distribution system to OPERABLE status within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, or
2. Establish a backup fire suppression water system within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
d. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE RE UIREMENTS 4.. The fire suppression water system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 7 days by verifying the water supply contained in the fire water tanks.
b. At least once per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by pump and operating it for at least 15 minutes on starting'ach recirculation flow.

C. At least once per 31, days by verifying that each-valve. (manual,,

power operated, or automatic) in flow path that is not locked, .

sealed, or otherwise secured in position, is in its correct position.

d. At least once per 6 months by performance of a system flush of above ground internal distribution headers and fire hydrants.
e. At least once per 12 months by cycling each testable valve in the flow path through at least one complete cycle of full travel.

At least once per 18 months by performing a system functional test which includes simulated automatic actuation of the system throughout its operating sequence, and:

1. Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path actuates to its correct position,
2. Verifying that each pump that takes suction from the fire water tanks develops a flow of at least 2500 gpm at a system head of at least 300 feet of water by observing three points (minimum, rated, and peak) on the pump's performance curve, COOK NUCLEAR PLANT - UNIT 2 3/4 7-37 AMENDMENT NO. ~~

gf >e ~ 4

~ ~


3. Cycling each valve in the flow path that is not testable

'uring plant operation through at least one complete cycle of full travel, and

4. Verifying that each high pressure pump starts in its preplanned sequence to maintain the fire suppression water system pressure greater than or equal to 100 psig.

g ~ At least once per 18 months by verifying that each pump that takes suction from Lake Michigan develops a flow of at least 2000 gpm at a system head of at least 300 feet of water by observing three points (minimum, rated and peak) on the pump's performance curve.

h. At least once per 3 years by performing a series of flow tests so that every fire main segment (excluding individual syst: em supplies) has been verified to be clear of obstruction by a full flow test. The fire pump diesel engines shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by verifying:
1. The fuel storage tanks contain at least 160 gallons of fuel, and
2. The diesels start from ambient conditions and.operate for at least 30 minutes.
b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that a sample of diesel fuel from the fuel storage tanks obtained in accordance with ASTM-D4057-81 is within the acceptable limits specified in Table 1 of ASTM-D975-81 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment.

c ~ At least once per 18 months by subjecting the diesels to an inspection in accordance with procedures prepared in con)unction with the manufacturer's recommendations for this class of standby service. The fire pump diesel starting battery banks and chargers shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 7 days by verifying that:
l. The electrolyte level of each battery is above the plates, and
2. The output battery voltage of each bank is greater than 24 volts.
b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that the specific gravity is appropriate for continued service of each battery.


~ ~


~ ~


PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE UIREHENTS Continued C. At least once per 18 months by verifying that:

1. The batteries, cell plates and battery packs show no visual indic'ation of physical damage or abnormal deterioration, and
2. The battery-to-battery and terminal connections are clean, tight, free of corrosion, and coated with anti-corrosion material.


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TABLE 3.7-5

'IRE PUMP"OPERABILITY .RE UIREMENTS Wi;th 'the following minimum combination Take this of pumps OPERABLE: ACTION:

I East West Unit l Unit 2 I 2500 gpm 2500 gpm 2500 gpm 2000 gpm 2000 gpm I diesel diesel electric diesel diesel I I

I a I a I a I

I b I b I




~ s+



a. Restore one of the inoperable 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps within 7 days.
b. Restore at least one of the inoperable pumps within 7 days.

c ~ With both 2500 gpm diesel-driven pumps inoperable, restore one of the inoperable pumps within 7 days.

d.-'ith both 2500 gpm diesel-driven pumps inoperable, restore one of the inoperable pumps within 14 days.

e. Restore one of the inoperable pumps within 4 days. ACTIONS a, b, c, d, and f are still applicable.

Restore one of the inoperable 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps within 14 days.

  • The times specified by these action statements are not additive.


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PLANT SYSTEMS ASES The service life of a snubber is evaluated via manufacturer's input and information through consideration of the snubber service conditions and associated installation and maintenance records. (newly installed snubber, seal replaced, spring replaced, in high radiation area, in high temperature area, etc...). The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is included to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergo a performance evaluation in view of their age and operating conditions. These records will provide statistical bases for future consideration of snubber service, life. The requirements for the maintenance of records and the snubber service life review are not intended to affect plant operation.

The number of snubbers to be functionally tested during each surveillance is based on calculations performed to allow extension of the surveillance interval from 18 months to 24 months, and therefore, the number of snubbers functionally tested deviates from the number required by the Westinghouse,

,.Standard .Technical Specifications (NUREG-0452, Revision 4).

3 4 8 SEALED SOURCE CONTAMINATION The limitations on removable contamination for sources requiring leak testing, including alpha emitters, is based on 10 CFR 70.39(c) limits for plutonium. This limitation will ensure that leakage from byproduct, source, and special nuclear material sources will not exceed allowable intake values.

3 4.7 9 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS The OPERABILITY of the fire suppression systems ensures that adequate fire suppression capability is available to confine and extinguish fires occurring in any portion of the facility where safety-related equipment is located. The fire suppression system consists. of the water system, spray and/or sprinklers, C02, halon and fire hose stations. The collective capability of the fire suppression systems is adequate to minimize potential damage to safety-related equipment and is a major element in the facility fire protection program.

In the event that one or more C02 suppression systems requiring automatic, actuation must be isolated for personal protection to permit entry for routine tours, maintenance, construction, or surveillance testing in the protected area, the fire detection system(s) required to be OPERABLE by Specification shall be verified to be OPERABLE. Isolation of an automatic CO suppression system temporarily puts this system in a manual actuation mo e.

Reliance on the fire detection system, in conjunction with the ability to manually discharge the C02 suppression system, will provide adequate fire protection for periods when personnel are required to work in these areas.



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PLANT SYSTEMS BASES 3 4 7 9 Continued In the event that portions of the fire suppression systems are inoperable, alternate backup fire fighting equipment is required to be made available in the affected areas until the inoperable equipment is restored to service.

When the inoperable fire-fighting equipment is intended for use as a backup means of fire suppression, a longer period of time is allowed to provide an alternate means of fire fighting than if the inoperable equipment is the primary means of fire suppression. Backup fire protection equipment will normally take the form of permanently mounted fire extinguishers and/or fire hose stations in or near the area, or fire hoses routed to the affected areas. In the event that the fire water tanks become inoperable, Lake Michigan may serve as their backup. However, it is not our intent to rely on backup systems or other compensatory measures for an extended period of time and action will be taken to restore the inoperable portions of the fire suppression system to OPERABLE status within a reasonable, period.

The surveillance requirements provide assurance that the minimum OPERABILITY requirements of the fire suppression systems are met. An allowance is made for ensuring a sufficient volume of Halon and CO in the storage tanks by:

verifying either the weight, level, or pressure of the tanks.

The fire suppression water system has five fire pumps common to both units which discharge into underground ring headers. There are two diesel-engine-driven, vertical-turbine fire pumps rated at 2000 gpm, each taking suction from Lake Michigan; one motor-driven horizontal centrifugal fire pump rated at 2500 gpm that takes suction from the fire water storage tanks; and two diesel-engine-driven horizontal centrifugal fire pumps rated at 2500 gpm that take suction from the fire water storage tanks. Having a combination of diesel-driven and electric-motor-driven pumps in the system design is consistent with NRC Branch Technical Position APSCB 9.5-1 ~

Requiring one of the 2000 gpm diesel-driven pumps that takes suction from Lake Michigan and one of the 2500 gpm diesel-driven pumps that takes suction from a fire water storage tank to be OPERABLE ensures the capability of obtaining water from both sources. This conservatism results in enhanced system reliability and reduced risk from external events.

Technical Specification requires three fire water pumps to be OPERABLE for the fire suppression water system to be OPERABLE. One of these pumps must be a 2500 gpm diesel-driven pump capable of taking suction from either fire water storage tank and one a 2000 gpm fire suppression pump capable of taking suction from Lake Michigan. The third pump may take suction from either water source.

The flow paths capable of taking suction from Lake Michigan are normally isolated to preclude zebra mussel infestation of the system.



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/USES 3 4 9 Continued The purpose of the charcoal filter fire suppression T/S is to account for

,, detection and suppression of: fires, in the charcoal filters. Manual operation of these systems is allowed because two-point heat detection with control room and local annunciation of trouble conditions is provided for the charcoal filters. The OPERABILITY of the fire suppression system protecting the charcoal filters is only required when there is charcoal in the filters. Actuation of spray water onto the charcoal filters requires both the manual opening of the system isolation valve and reaching the high temperature alarm setpoint for the automatic opening of the system deluge valve.

Because of the inaccessibility of the lower containment to personnel during operation due to ALARA radiation exposure concerns, the use of one or more CCTVs in the lower containment, to monitor for fire and smoke, is an acceptable substitute to a continuous system becomes inoperable.

fire watch, if the fire suppression

,iAll hourly'fire watch patrols are performed at intervals of sixty minutes

-'with a margin of fifteen minutes.

A continuous fire watch requires that a trained individual be in the specified area at all times and that each'ire zone within the specified ",

area be patrolled at least once every fifteen minutes with a margin of five minutes.

A control valve is defined as a valve that when closed does not leave an alternate open flow, path to a system. A sectionalizing valve is defined as a valve that when closed does not prevent an alternate open flow path to a system and hence does not make the fire suppression water system inoperable.

Under certain situations, the closure of a sectionalizing valve followed by the closure of a second valve will not leave an open flow path to one of the specified systems. In this instance, Action Statement c of Specification is applicable.

Manual actuation of CO fire suppression systems provides adequate fire protection for the prospected areas based on operable fire detection in the area, low combustible loadings, and prompt fire brigade response to alarms.



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BASES 3 4.7 9 Continued Many of the Action Statements take credit for OPERABLE fire detection in lieu of a fire watch when a fire protection system is inoperable. OPERABLE fire detection provides sufficient early warning capability of a fire to the appropriate Control Room.

During Surveillance Testing of a Low Pressure C02 System with the system inoperable, the requirement for a continuous fire watch may be suspended during portions of the test which result or may result in a discharge. into the C02 protected area. Similarly, if a C02 actuation occurs which results in the need to have the Low Pressure C02 System made inoperable, the requirement 'for a continuous fire watch may be suspended. In either case, the area affected shall be restored to habitability as soon as practicable, after which the continuous fire watch is to be re-established is still if the system inoperable.


...The. OPERABILITY. of, the .fire barriers and barrier penetrations ensures that fire damage will be limited. These design features minimize the possibility of a single fire involving more than one fire area prior to detection .and extinguishment. The fire barriers and fire barrier penetration sealing devices are periodically inspected to verify their OPERABILITY. The functional testing of the fire dampers is provided to 'ensure that the dampers remain functional. The ventilation seals are seals around ventilation duct work penetrating fire barriers. It is not our intent to rely on backup systems or other compensatory measures for an extended period of time and ACTION will be taken to restore the inoperable portions of the fire rated assembly to OPERABLE status within a reasonable period.

For the purpose of determining OPERABILITY, an OPERABLE fire rated assembly/sealing device is one that is capable of performing its intended .

safety function.


July 15, 1986 Bases

~~ 4k6-Clarification

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