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Excerpts from Radwaste & Environ Monitoring,Jan-June 1974.
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1974
Shared Package
ML19256F405 List:
FOIA-79-491 NUDOCS 7912190122
Download: ML19256F421 (8)


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Gaseous and liquid effluents for the period remained at a fraction of the Technical Specification limits. Calculations of environmental concentrations based on effluent, Mississippi River flow, and meteor-ological data for the period indicate that consumption by the public of radionuclides attributable to the plant will not exceed the quantity of those radionuclides that result from continuous exposure to the concen-tration values listed in Appendix B, Table 11, of 10CFR20. Gamma rad-iation exposure from noble gases released to the atmosphere represented the critical pathway for the period with a maximum individual dose es-timated to be 3.0 mrem for the six-month period,1974, when a shielding and occupancy factor of two is assumed. Environmental monitoring results ,

confirm that dose via other pathways was not significant.

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1.0 EFFLUENTS 1.1 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS TO THE ATMOSPHERE Measured concentrations and isotopic composition of noble gases, radioiodine, and particulate radioactivity released to the atmosphere dur-ing the period 1 January through 30 June 1974, are listed in Table 1.1-1.

A six-month total of 4.2 E +5 curies of noble gases was released during the period with a mximum release rate during any one-hour period of 1.7 E -1 Ci/sec. Release rates during any one month of the period did not exceed 10%

of the Technical Specification limit.

A total of 2.6 curies of I-131 and 3.0 curies of I-133 were released during the six-month period. The highest monthly radioiodine release was 52% of the Technical Specification limit.

Six-month totals of 6.0 E -2 curies of beta-gamma emitters and 1.2 E -6 curies of alpha emitters were released as airborne particulate matter. The highest monthly release of beta-gamma particulate activity did not exceed 12% of the Technical Specification limit.

1.2 LIQUIDS RELEASED TO MISSISSIPPI RIVER A total of 1.7 E +7 liters of radioactive liquid wastes containing 1.3 E +1 curies (excluding tritium) were discharged from the station. These vastes were released at an average concentration of 2.2 E -08 pCi/ml which is 22% of the Technical Specification releases limit for unidentified radioactiv-icy. During the same period,13 curies of tritium and 9.1 E -4 curies of alpha radioactivity were released. Monthly release estimates and principal radionuclides in liquid effluents are given in Table 1.2-1.

The maximum concentration of radioactielty, above background, in the Quad Cities Unit 1/2 discharge canal during the period was computed to be 9.7 E -08 i uC1/ml. This particular release occurred on 10 April 1974.

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! The total amount of solid waste packaged for disposal was 16,537 cubic feet ,

during the last six-month period. The total amount of radioactivity involved was calculated to be just over 196 curies. Solid radioactive wastes were shipped to either Nuclear Engineering Company, Sheffield, Illinois or Chemical Nuclear '

Services, Bellevue, Washington. Date, volume and radioactivity of each shipment are shown in Table 2.0-1.

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L TABLE 1.1-1 REPORT OF RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS l Docket No. 50-254 & 50-265 l FACILITY: QUAD CITIES YEAR: 1974 1.1 Gaseous Effluents Six Month Units Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Total

1. Gross Radioactivity Releases a) Total Release Curies 5.0 E +04 1.1 E +05 7.4 E 404 4.1 E 404 6.6 E 404 b) Maximum Release Rate 7.2 E +4 4.2 E +5 I

C1/sec 2.9 E -02 6.2 E -02 1.7 E -01 2.8 E -02 9.8 E -02 I

c) Isotopes Released Curies 5.4 E -2 7.4 E -2 Ave Kr- 83m 1.3 E 403 3.0 E 403 2.1 E +03 1.1 E +03 Kr- 85 1.8 E +03 2.1 E +3 1.1 E +5 4.4 E 402 9.7 E 402 5.0 E +02 3. 2 E +02 5.3 E +02 4.5 E +2 3.2 E +3 Kr- 85m 3.2 E 403 7.3 E 403 4.9 E +03 2.7 E +03 4.3 E 403 4.8 E +3 Kr- 87 5.9 E 403 1.4 E 404 2.7 E +4 1.0 E +04 5.1 E +03 8.1 E 403 9.7 E +3 5.3 E +4

, Kr- 88 8.8 E 403 2.0 E 404

' 1.4 E 404 7.5 E 403 1.2 E 404 1.4 E +4 7.6 E +4 Xe-133 1.2 E 404 2.7 E 404 1.5 E +04 Xe-133m 9.3 E +03 1.5 E +04 1.4 E +4 9.3 E +4 3.2 E 402 7.2 E 402 4.1 E 402 2.5 E +02 4.1 E % 2 3.9 E +2 Xe-135 1.5 E 404 3.3 E 404 2.1 E 404 2.5 E +3 1.2 E 404 1.9 E +04 2.1 E +4 1.2 E +5 Xe-135m 9.9 E 402 2.3 E 403 1.9 E +03 8.7 E +02 1.4 E +03 1.8 E +3 Xe-138 2.4 E 403 5.5 E 403 4.7 E 403 2.1 E 4D3 3.3 E 4D3 4.2 E +3 9.2 E +3 H-3 7.3 7.5 2.2 E +4 8.5 1.8 1.9 1.7 2.9 E +1 d) % of Chimney Limit Activity Limit  % 4.3 10.0 6.2 4.7 7.2 7.7 6.7 Ave


e) % of Vent Stack Limit  % ND ND 0.06 0.02 0.03 Ch 0.03 0.02 Ave N.

LD Iodine Releases g a) Isotopes Released Curies o I-131 1.4 E -01 4.8 E -01 5.9 E -01 3. 2 E -01 3. 7 E -01 7. 2 E -01 N I-133 1.8 E -01 7.4 E -01 4.9 E -01 4.3 E -01 4.0 E -01 7.7 E -01 2.6 E +0 I-135 5. 2 E -01 3.0 E +0 1.3 E -01 3.1 E -01 3.2 E -01 2.6 E -01 7.1 E -01 2.2 E +0 b) % of Chimney Limit  % 0.8 3.3 3.8 2.8 c) % of Vent Stack Limit 3.2 6.3 3.4 Ave

% 27.9 10.0 30.9 36.5 14.0 52.2 28.6 Ave

_ _ _ , ND == Not Determined . _ _


, TABLE 1.1-1 (Cont'd)

REPORT OF RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS Docket No. 50-254 & 50-265 FACILITY: QUAD CITIES YEAR: 1974 Six Month 1.1 Gaseous Effluents . Units Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Total

3. Particulate Releases a) Gross Beta-Gamma Curles 9.0 E -03 1.0 E -02 1.4 E -02 5.8 E -03 8.7 E -03 1. 2 E -02 6.0 E -02 b) Gross Alpha Curies 8.6 E -09 4.9 E -08 4.1 E -08 3.2 E -07 6.6 E -07 8.5 E -08 1.2 E -06 c) Isotopes Released: Curles Sr- 89 6.8 E -05 1.1 E -04 1.3 E -05 1.4 E -04 not available Sr- 90 7.1 E -07 2.7 E -07 2.2 E -06 1.7 E -06 not available Cr- 51 4.0 E -04 2.0 E -04 3.2 E -04 1.4 E -04 2.3 E -04 4.9 E -04 1.8 E -03 I-131 9.7 E -04 6.6 E -03 1.4 E -03 9.0 E -04 2.2 E -03 1.8 E -03 1.4 E -02 Cs-134 5.4 E -05 1.5 E -04 7.0 E -05 1.0 E -04 8.5 E -05 2.9 E -04 7.4 E -04 Cs-136 ND 2.0 E -04 ND ND 3.6 E -05 4.2 E -05 2.8 E -04 Cs-137 1.0 E -04 3.4 E -04 1.8 E -04 1.8 E -04 1.9 E -04 5.0 E -04 1.5 E -03
v. Co- 58 2.7 E -05 3.6 E -05 4.8 E -05 3.4 E -05 4.4 E -05 7.0 E -05 2.6 E -04 Co- 60 6.9 E -05 6.4 E -05 1.1 E -04 2.3 E -04 2.1 E -04 3.5 E -04 1.0 E -03 Fe- 59 ND 4.3 E -06 1.3 E -06 ND ND ND 5.6 E -06 Ba-140 2.5 E -04 3.8 E -04 4.7 E -04 1.0 E -04 9.5 E -05 6.5 E -05 1.4 E -03 La-140 3.4 E -04 5.3 E -04 7.6 E -04 1.6 E -04 1. 7 E -04 1.1 E -04 2.1 E -03 Mn- 54 1.2 E -05 2.5 E -05 4.0 E -05 3.4 E -05 4.4 E -05 7.7 E -05 2.3 E -04 Nb- 95 ND ND 2.6 E -06 1.4 E -05 1.8 E -05 1. 5 E -05 5.1 E -05 Zn- 65 5.3 E -06 ND 3.6 E -06 ND 1.8 E -05 2.9 E -05 5.6 E -05 Tc- 99m ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Ag-llan ND ND 4.4 E -06 4.3 E -06 1.4 E -06 ND 1.0 E -05 Ce-144 ND ND ND ND 3.8 E -06 ND 3.8 E -06 Zr-95 ND 1.2 E -05 d) % of Chimney Limit 0.04 ND ND ND ND 1.2 E -05

% 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 e) % of Chimney Limit  % 2.2 1.9 3.8 4.7 11.8 0.03 Ave 6.2 5.1 Ave N ND = Not Determined LD N


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TABLE 1.2-1 REPORT OF RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS Docket No. 50-254 & 50-265 YEAR: 1974 FACILITY: QUAD CITIES Six Month May June Total Feb. Mar. Apr.

Units Jan.

1.2 Liquid Effluents

1. Gross Radioactivity 1.3 2.9 2.8 4.1 1. 3 E + 01 Curies 1.4 7.0 E -01 a) Total Release b) Average Concentration 4.8 E -09 8.4 E -09 2.4 E -08 2.8 E -08 6.0 E -08 2.2 E -08 Ave Released pCi/mi 8.9 E -09 c) Maximum Concentration 6.6 E -08 9.7 E -08 8.7 E -08 1.4 E -07 8.4 E -08 Ave Released pCi/ml 6.5 E -08 5.0 E -08 24.4 31.0 59.5 22 Ave 8.9 4.8 8.4 d) % of Tech Spec Limit  %
2. Tritium 1.1 1.7 E -01 2.9 1.7 3.2 4.1 1.3 E +01 Curles a) Total Release

"' b) Average Concentration 6.0 E -08 23 Ave Released pC1/mi 7.3 E -09 1.1 E -09 1.9 E -08 1.4 E -08 3.6 E -08 7.7 E -04 Ave 2.5 E -04 3.7 E -05 6.4 E -04 4.7 E -04 1.2 E -03 2.0 E -03 c) % of Tech Spec Limit  %

3. Dissolved Noble Cases ND ND ND ND ND ND Curies ND a) Total Release

--. b) Average Concentration ND ND ND ND ND ND Released pC1/ml ND Cys - - -

r\J c) % of Tech Spec Limit  %


4. Gross Alpha Radioactivity 2.7 E -05 3.1 E -06 8.6 E -06 1.1 E -04 7.5 E -04 1.3 E -05 9.1 E -04 jf[ a) Total Release b) Average Concentration Curies 1.6 E -12 Ave pC1/ml 1.8 E -13 2.1 E -14 5.6 E -14 9.1 E -13 8.4 E -12 2.0 E -13 Released
5. Volume of Liquid Waste ,

3.7 E +06 2.4 E +06 1.8 E +06 3.5 E +06 3.0 E +06 2.9 E +06 1.7 E +07 to Discharge Canal Liters n

im - t t. i t = r ta inud .

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TABLE 1.2-1 (Cont'd)

REPORT OF RADI0 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS Docket No. 50-254 & 50-265 FACll.lTY : I)llAll CITIES YEAR: 1974 Six Month 1.2 Liquid Effluents Units Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Hay June Total

6. Volume of Dilution Water Liters 1.5 E +11 1.5 E +11 1.5 E +11 1.2 E +11 9.0 E +10 6.8 E +10 7.3 E +11
7. Isotopes Released Curies Cs-134 4.4 E -02 1.1 E -01 8.4 E -02 1.2 E -01 1.9 E -01 2.0 E -01 7.5 E -01 Cs-136 ND ND ND 3.4 E -03 ND 1.6 E -02 2.0 E -02 Cs-137 9.0 E -02 2.8 E -01 1.8 E -01 2.4 E -01 2.3 E -03 3. 7 E -01 2.1 E +00 Ba-140 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND La-140 1.0 E -04 ND ND 6.2 E -04 ND ND 7.2 E -04 1-131 1.7 E -01 1.7 E -01 1.6 E -01 1.2 E -01 1.7 E -01 4.0 E -01 1.2 E +00 N I-133 ND 8.7 E -03 ND ND ND ND 8.7 E -03 Co- 58 3.2 E -02 4.7 E -03 4.8 E -02 1.9 E -02 4.9 E -02 1.5 E -02 1.7 E -01 Co- 60 1.5 E -01 3.8 E -02 2.4 E -02 8.9 E -02 2.4 E -01 6.6 E -02 6.1 E -01 Cr- 51 5.4 E -02 3.7 E -02 ND 3.0 E -01 1.3 E -01 ND 5.2 E -01 Hn- 54 1.3 E -02 7.6 E -03 4.4 E -04 2.5 E -02 6.0 E -02 1.6 E -02 1. 2 E -01 Zn- 65 ND ND ND 7.3 E -03 1.5 E -02 5.7 E -03 2.8 E -02 Sr- 89 2.6 E -03 1.3 E -03 9.0 E -03 9.6 E -04 3.4 E -02 not available Sr- 90 1.3 E -04 1.5 E -04 4.1 E -04 9.8 E -04 8.4 E -04 not available Na- 24 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Tc- 99m ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Zr- 95 ND ND ND 8.4 E -04 ND ND S.4 E -04 Nb- 95 ND ND ND 1.2 E -03 1.2 E -03 ND 2.4 E -03 Fe- 59 ND ND ND ND 2.2 E -04 ND 2.2 E -04 Ag-110m ND ND ND ND ND 8.0 E -05 8.0 E -05 N


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e 9 TABLE 2.0-1 l SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE QUAD CITIES f JANUARY - JUNE 1974 Volume Volume Volume Date (ft3) Curies Date (ft3) Curies Date (ft3) Curies

  • 1-02 44.1 0.33 3-07 110.25 0.99 5-13 220.5 3.49 l 1-02 117.6 0.64 3-11 220.5 2.61 *5-13 44.1 1.87 1 1-03 58.8 0.43 *3-12 44.10 1.21 5-14 44.1 0.79

' *1-03 44.1 0.45 3-13 220.5 3.72 5-15 810.25 2.14 1-04 117.6 0.48 3-18 220.5 1.67 5-17 110.25 1.89 1-07 117.6 0.73 3-20 110.25 1.57 5-20 110.25 3.59 1-68 117.1 0.22 3-21 110.25 0.18 5-21 220.5 1.9 1-09 117.6 13.5 3-22 110.25 1.10 *5-21 44.1 1.92 1-10 529.2 3.6 3-25 110.25 1.60 5-22 110.25 0.72 1-11 176.4 '2.24 3-28 110.25 1.29 *5-23 88.2 1.78 1-14 117.6 1.42 3-29 110.25 0.75 5-24 220.5 2.75 1-15 117.6 4.67 *5-28 44.1 0.11 1-16 117.6 7.43 4-01 110.25 0.68 5-29 110.25 0.57 1-17 117.6 4.48 4-05 485.10 0.06 5-31 220.5 1.27 1-21 117.6 3.04 4-08 110.25 2.57 1-22 58.8 5.89 4-10 110.25 2.57 6-03 220.5 4.8 1-23 158.8 1.80 4-12 220.5 2.51 6-05 220.5 3.98 1-24 317.6 1.5 *4-15 88.2 2.61 6-06 543.9 2.12 1-25 551.25 0.42 4-16 88.2 1.75 6-07 110.25 1.68 1-28 117.6 2.35 4-17 455.7 0.10 6-12 220.5 1.21 1-29 58.8 1.71 *4-17 44.1 0.20 6-13 220.5 1.86 1-30 58.8 0.57 4-18 220.5 3.59 6-14 220.5 2.21 4-19 110.25 0.80 6-15 220.5 2.43 2-08 117.6 1.27 4-22 110.25 1.93 6-19 220.5 2.81 2-11 58.8 0.39 *4-23 44.1 0.14 6-20 463.05 0.28 2-13 117.6 0.33 4-24 110.25 0.36 6-21 110.25 1.09

  • 2-13 117.6 0.50 4-25 120.0 0.12 6-22 110.25 1.82 4 2-14 117.6 0.36 4-26 220.5 0.89 6-24 110.25 2.96 2-15 117.6 2.23 4-29 220.5 1.03 6-26 110.25 2.74

. *2-15 44.1 2.09 6-28 220.5 3.4

< *2-19 44.1 0.62 5-01 220.5 1.87 2-20 117.6 1.87 5-02 374.8 0.39 2-21 117.6 2.51 *5-02 44.1 5.01 2-25 178.8 0.77 5-03 110.25 0.66 2-27 117.6 2.54 *5-06 44.1 1.92

  • 2-27 44.1 1.24 5-06 110.25 2.19 2-28 117.6 4.12 *5-07 88.2 0.51 6-Month 5-08 44.1 0.85 Total 6676.85 196.57 3-01 58.8 1.24 5-09 120.0 0.12 1r 3-04 110.25 1.01 *5-09 88.2 1.77 jf 3-05 44.1 0.20 5-10 110.25 1.58 e 3-06 220.5 1.57 *5-10 44.1 0.53

' 220.5 s.

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  • Waste shipped to Chemical Nuclear Services, Sheffield, Illinois.

3- vaste shipped to Nuclear Engineering Co., Inc., Sheffield, Illinois.

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