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Semiannual Rept,Vol 1,Number 1,Fall 1973.
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/1973
NUDOCS 8003240867
Download: ML19309A034 (72)



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              /      g. Florida
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l. GENERAL 1 -


2. BIOTA ' 9 ,
                    'C.~ THE. ANCLOTE POWER PLANT INTAKE-SPECIAL                                                '['_








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In past iswes of the Environmental Status . before construction was begun, and several Report, Florida Power Corporation has pro . years prior to actual power plant operation. vided results of its enviro'nmental programs


This research program was set up in an effort ~ exactly as the researchers presented .them. to document the condition of the environment,, - In many cases, this meant several pages of specifically the estuarine environment, before data that were meaningful only to scientists stresses and impacts on that environment have working in that specific area. In add! tion, . the potential of occurring. By so doing, the

     ;  explanations as to why the Lprograms were

guesswork is kept to a minimum with the oppor-set up in the first place were s'eldom included. tunity to actually observe changes that might in the present publication, entitled Environ- take place as a result of the presence of the ment, an effort has been made to describe the power plant. , research programs in' less ' technical, more In addition to the intensified research effort, general terms, so that the reader can get an i many responsible persons in the area parti-overview of Florida Power Corporation's in- cipated in an "open planning" effort with a re-volvement in the area of environmental protec- sulting design of the power plant as compat-tion, it is hoped that this new publication will ible with the surrounding environment (both pro & more interesting and meaningful to . natural and human) as possible. Two major - those receiving it than the previous one. design changes that resulted were 1) overland At the present time, environmental research pipeline delivery of oil from the P. L. Bartow


and/or monitoring programs are underway at plant on Tampa Bay rather than risk the impact three of Florida Power Corporation's power. - from dredging and possible oil spills in St Jo . plant sites. In addition, environmental con-seph Sound; and 2) dilution of the~ cooling cerns are now being formally identified and water discharge from 11*F. above ambient to treated with regard to major new transmission only 5'F. above ambient. Five degrees above projects as well as with regard to future power the normal ambient temperature is considered ' plant sites. In the following paragraphs, cur- environmentally acceptable by researchers l rent environmental and licensing activities'at working in the area. Several nther, less dramat- l Florida Power Corporation's Anclote, Crystal ic design changes also a result of i River ano P. L. Barto~w power plants will be Florida Power Corporation's "open planning" hiqhlighted. A brief description of the ecologi- with scientists and conservation groups in the cal studies 6eing carried out along the afore- state. It is generally felt, by those scientists mentioned Florida Power transmission corri- and conservationists involved in the Anclote dors is also included here. Later sections of project, that the present design offers the best. this issue will present more detailed descrip- practical balance between the environment tions of the research programs currently under- and responsible conduct of the co.mpany's way at the three plant sites mentioned above. business in the public interest. Section V contains a synopsis of Florida Power in order to operate the Anclote facility, Corporation's power plant siting work to date. Florida Power Corporation must obtain from the Environmental Protection Agency a-dis-Andote. t charge (National Pollution Discharge Elimina-Environmental research has been underway  ! tim System) permit to discharge cooling water ) at the Anclote plant site since July,1970, even l into St. Joseph Sourid. EPA has recently made G I l

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                          , j                                            M *                           ~ . :q                  .       -d public its intention toward requiring Florida ~               both sites. A discussion of the project to date is .

Power Corporation to ' construct cooling included in Section IV. .y


towers _at Anclote by September,1976. EPA . Environmental assessment of transmission ~ ~ x has not stated its reasons publicly for requir-i corridors has been implemented due to .in ' _ing off stream cooling for Anclote. . y creased ~ competition for lan_d use, trends to-c

                                                                                       . ward _ larger concentrations of generation capa ,
                                   . .          ~

Crystal River , ' city', and increased pressures on aesthetic For the most part, the research at Crystal and environmental cons iderations. Basically', River is directed toward answering specific' .the assessment is prepared' meet the questions of the federal regulatory agencies. requirements listed in Section 380.06 of the 2 Florida Statutes (Environmental Land and To this~end, a federal interagency subgroup ~ composed of the Atomic Energy Commission, Water Management Act, having to do with de . Environmental Protection Agency, Depart, velopments of regional impact) and to docu-ment of the interior and NOAA and the State of ment existing flora ant' Muna on or adjacent to Florida was established to ascertain the ade. . the proposed corrido 't is hoped that this en ' quacy of the existing research program and to deavor will aid in the o , erall planning for order-i suggest such changes as they consider neces. ly growth of the areas under. consideration

sary to insure the availability of sufficient infor, with emphasis on well planned development-mation to exercise their regulatory responsibi- with ,a protected environment and meeting lities. This.has
resulted in a less symmetrical . the needs of the citiz, ens of the area.

k :

and more task-oriented ' ecological program
                                                                                                                  ~ '
                       'than at.the Anclote site. The purposes of the                                         c             ,    .

program are twofold, to' determine the' effects of the existing power plant on its environs, and given this baseline data, to assess the in- ' cremental effects of Crystal River 111 on the " area. Because of the dynamic estuarine en-vironment, it is considered unlikely that the effects of temperature, salinity, turbidity, and ( - velocity will be clearly separated. However, we . ' are confident that an accurate pi,cture of the < environment at Crystal River can and will be . developed by Novemtier,1974. f.p A){

                                                                                            =g.- y ykt                                           el/h I

Bartow (Weeden Island, Tampa Bay) Environmental research is continuing at the m[g[ j f . ) () - ~ / i P. L. Bartow plant.The project was designed to _ [,


j provide an insight into what changes in the j estuarine environment might Jbe expected 'gk \


from operation of Anclote Units 1 and 2, since ,-


1{ d -


some similar conditions (both environmentally - _ and frdm a plant design standpoint) exist at e n , O 4 9 O 8

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  • We are today face to face with our last chance to preserve the tiny islands of wilderness
                                             . _that_arghft . . . there is little left that is unmarked and unspoiled . . .
                                              .. '"l                 -
                       %.'                           % T 3*'*                        what we possess is a unique treasure for people
       !<       !                                                                                             everywhere
                                                                                                                                                                       -Justice William O. Douglas


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II. ANCLOTE , A. INTRODUCTION - The . Anclote Environmental LProject has ' been concerned with the continuation of stud-ies initiated at the Anclote Plant Site in July of 1970 by Florida Power Corporation and the University of South Florida, Department. of

     ' Marine Science. In addition, several programs                                             -

have been added to better document environ- - mental changes in certain more specific areas. ' The initiation of dredging activity both by ' Florida Power Corporation and .the Army Corps of Engineers has required a concen- 5 trated effort by the Departm.ent of Marine Science personnel to document the nature, - and extent of alterations to the environment ' by dredging operations. Preliminary results[  !' ' indicate that the channel dredging by the Corps has resulted in markedly increased tur- - - bidity in .the Anclote Anchorage while th'e _ resulting spoil banks and Islands may contrib-ute to .both increased turbidity and some changes in circulation patterns. The acquisition of re'mote sensing devices has enabled DMS to conduct extensive monthly physico-chemical surveys which will better document circulation patterns; limits and rates of thermal change, tidal effects, - water quality parameters, and benthic light' intensities. Much of these data will be incor- , porated into the circulation models developed - for the Anclote area. t l l, l ~


l -

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l l Marine geological research at the Anclote phur,' phosphorous and total nitrogen has

 . site has emphasized interaction with biologi-            been ordered and .we are awaiting delivery.            ,

cal disciplines by studying the distribution of - Use of this equipment will improve the capa-seagrass beds, the relations among types of bility to characterize nutrients in both the seagrasses and sediments, and the inter - sediments and in the water column. - actions of hydrography, water turbidity and With the. acquisition of remote continuous the distribution of benthic organisms'. More recording sensors a monthly physico-strictly geological projects related to full as- chemical survey in the Anclote estuary and j sessment of power plant impact on the sur- anchorage has beer) initiated. Twenty-four to ' l rounding area include measurements of the forty-eight hours prior to survey operations rates of erosion and deposition of sediments ~ continuous recording, sensing devices are 7l l from cooling water canals and studies of the placed at strategic locat;ons in the area. Tidal natural development and historical changes height, water temperature, and currents are of Anclote Key. i then monitored continuously prior to and dur-A variety of scientific techniques ranging ing the survey. Approximately eleven stations from the sophisticated to the most basic have are occupied during a period of twelve hours. been used in this work. Remote sensing, with Water samples are taken at hourly intervals, .l infrared (" false color") Ektachrome film has returned to the lab for standard nutrient analy- l mapped seagrass beds and turbidity plumes. sis, and particulate loads calculated. Light Sedimentation-erosion rates have been deter- intensity at surface and' bottom are monitored


I mined by comparing very old nautical charts each hour., with more modern ones and by repeated ' All data from the' survey are recorded and echo-sounding surveys. Sediment samples prepared for computer assisted data analysis. have been obtained by simply pounding pipes The processed information is then used for into the bottom to obtain cores. calibratirig thermal discharge and circulation The continuation of the sediment-sea grass models. The data are also integrated with relationship program will produce a thorough other sections of the project. The surveys will characterization of the sediments at Anclote, provide the detail and depth of coverage re-Sediment-animal relationships are being con- quired to adequately document changes after ducted in conjunction with the benthic t." commencement of plant operations. program. In addition, seasonal sediment temperature .

                                                                                   #              c--

data for the area are being worked up and compared with similar data from the Bartow I 7Q A>Q (#D [p R~6 Power Plant on Tampa Bay. A malfunction in . M(gg'? ' ~ ~~ c' h the Florida Power silt screen and resultant escape of sediment laden foam into the estu-M Th,f"N$g 7' 3}[' # l { o s 7-ary has been documented and total amount of kN ~#^~-~~M N" O ^dc'if M. $ V

 ' sediment thus released is in "-a crocess of being calculated.
                                                     !              N            $ N.Z%


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Laboratory equipment for the determination of total organic and inorganic carbon, sul-j l Q Qo

                                                                                                      ]k               l i

l l l l

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2. BIOTA .

The plankton-water quality program was most abundant during the warmer months. established to obtain baseline data prior to 'The average number of total zooplankton power plant construction on the seasonal and found at four stations in 1.971 was 123,900/m 3 areal distribution of nutrients and plankton in of which the meroplankton averaged 19%. waters adjacent'to trie Anclote power plant Plankton' primary. productivity was . meas.

     ' site. This information will be compared to data          ured' monthly in 1971-72 using radioactive                                     >

obtained from the Anclote region after' the carbon techniques at a reference station at power plant becomes operational. Data on the edge of the' grass flats in the anchorage nutrients (NOs, NO2 , NH3 , SiO2 , PO4 , dis- adjacent to the power plant.'The program has solved organic carbon) and chlorophyl! have recently been ten stations locat-been obtained from samples taken at 44 sta- ed in the river, anchorage and the Gulf. west of g tions distributed from Tarpon Springs to the Anclote Key. Data from the reference station Gulf west of Anclote Key. Results indicate that Indicate that in 1971-72 highest production (in 1971 at least) highest nutrient and. chloro-  ; occurred in the warmer months (May - phyll concentrations occur in the-river and the . September) which include the period of great-greatest dissolved nutrient input into Anclote .est annual insolation and maximum river run-off. Summer values are higher than those ob- ' Anchorage receiving waters is in the period of July-September, the season of greatest rain- tained for the open Gulf in the Loop Current fall and runoff. but are considerably lower than summer val-

   .       Plankton were sampled monthly in.1971-72             ues' reported for the eutrophic Hillsborough at selected nutrient stations to provide basic         . B,ay near the City of Tampa. The annual aver-information on species composition, numbers              age for the water column is in the general and biomass of both phyto- and z'o oplankton.            range reported for most coastal waters ex-clus,ve i   of estuaries.

Thus far 87 species of diatoms have been identified of which most (71 spp) are primarily Future research will ,be directed towards benthic (bottom-dwelling), being washed into determining what (if any) changes occur in ov'erlying waters by wave and tidal action. plankton populations in Anclote waters as a The remaining 16 species are holoplanktonic result of power plant operations and towards (permanently planktonic). Greatest diatom estimating zooplankton production, the


diversity was recorded from samples obtained second linl: in the. planktonic food chain. on the seagrass flats lying between the power A survey of the species and abundance of. plant discharge and the river channels. Also, attached algae has been completed and re-greatest species diversity occurred in the suits will appear in the Department of Marine winter months of December - February. , Science project report for 1973. Preliminary zoo plankton d ata indicate great- In the past three years, ttle benthic ecology est species diversity occurs in the Gulf and ' program at Ar?clote has foibwed a sequence Anchorage with zooplankton. diversity in the of sampling strategies designec' .o delineate river being somewhat less. The principal the benthic communities prior to power plant species in Anclote waters are those predomi- ' operation. During 1970 an initial reconnais-nant ' ather Gulf and S.E. U.S. coast estu- sance survey was concacted to determine the ! aries. cloth holo-(wmanent) and mero- ecological variability of the area. During 1971 (benthic invertebrate larvae) plankton are. an epibenthic trawl was employed to sample

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l u j the inverteb' rates living above or just beneath Scallops have been tagged to give informa-

                - the sediment. On the basis of these trawl-                ' tion on their movements, predators, and death.

samples,' a more detailed sampling program rati. . V was undertaken in 1972 which employed a - A two bimonthly survey of fishes from'four newly designed. benthic infaunal sampler. In locations in Anclote' Anchorage which will the summer of 1972,116' stations wers sam- serv'e as baseline data prior to power pla'nt pied in the anchorage using this sampler to and dredgirtg operations has'been completed determine maximum seagrass oiomass and and the data will be presented in the Environ-the associated invertebrate community. mental Report for 1973. Four sMtiorf repre-g A tiew sampling program was initiated in senting distinct habitats were repeatedly sahi^


1973 in ' order to obtain detailed . seasonal pied with trawls and trammel nets both day information and -to monitor infauna in the and night at 2-month intervals over a two-I major seagrass zones. Two transects were year period. Preliminary results Indicate selected on the basis of the predicted thermal marked seasonal and diel variation in abun-plume. One transect, adjacent to and north of dance, size classes and diversity as well as a the discharge channel, contains seven sta-strong habitat component. Continued moni-tions which are sampled at quarterly intervals. toring of these stati_ons will continue curing Another transect, north of Bailey's Bluff, con- the construction phase. Extensive credging in tains seve'n similar stations which are also the area west of Rabbit Key may have a signifi-1 sampled quarterly. A third sampling location cant impact on one of the control, stations and - near the mouth of the Anclote River contains ' changes in the !,nthyofauna will be, docu-two stations which have been regularly sam- mented. _ pied since 1971 and which represent an area between the intake and effluent channels. U An additional sampling prograrn was initi- // p ated in order to determine seasonal changes OgM-in the macro-epifauna which are not tade- - quately sampidd with the infaunal sampI5f.5 CC-. ,./ ,[C,_ W ~ \jDM The large epibenthos such as hermit crabs,'\s,, Q' Ne 7

                                                                                                                                                                                   ;c Q

tunicates, scallops, sea urchins, conchs, and 1 s u  : .. f. -g (- starfish present in meter square samples are#, '

             . visually counted underwater at monthly intNK7, A
                                                                                                                                , i. . '                      %.?                   "'i j o    's       U vals. At least 20 epibenthic counts are made ath          ' )>            N,
                                                                                                      ) gffQKhp                                                      .N'
                                                                                                                                                                                        \ l,[W each of 11 stations located in the anchorage;
                                                                        }'                                                                                                                 #

A detailed study of the natural history of the bay scallop, Argopecten -irradians con-

                                                                        !                             % jp M Q centricus, in Anclote Anchorage is also                                              ~;jfff;%y%y(QL.~                                                               E% y
                                                                                                             ~ggs. { 3 k 1                              ,

presently undervay. This mollusc is an impor-

                                                                                                             % ~~[h{.g h
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~ '

{ 4, tant natural resource' of the anchorage and is ~ m~^" , an important indicator of environmental per- -E \- F N~ ~" _ N. h D i turbatiors. Data collect d relate to their distri- ' l bution, growth rate,' and reproductive cycle. l' N l





1. THE IMPINGEMENT AND ENTRAPMENT OF FISHES In February,1973, the Department of Marine stemming from entrapment. An outline of most Science initiated a study of fish entrapment at of the major considerations pertinent to en-power plant sites with particular emphasis on  ; trapment research is,also presented in this .

the power generating facility under construc- report.The sections of the outline dealing with An'clote near Tarpon Springs, Florida. A environmentally specific topics will form the ' major objective of the study was to review basis of our futbre effort which will, hopefu!Iyr available literature and other sources to deter- delineate the potential vulnerability of individ-mine what is known concerning various as- ual species and populations at the Anclote site. . pects of fish entrapment. This objective was This should allow us to formulate reasonable considered preliminary to a more in-depth modificatio.ns to the present cooling system

     ' report addressing speedc entrapment prob-                          based on available technology which may min.                        13 lems at the Anclote plant cite. The literature                    imize or essentially eliminate the potential review and backgroi.ind information have been                     damage from entrapment at Anclote.

compiled and the various aspects ad factors of entrapment studies to be considered at  : Anclote will be available shortly in a report to Florida Power Corporation. - Entrapment is a general term used here to in- .

     ' clude the entrainment of organisms in a water mass which may then pass through p'u mps or                                        .

condenso'rs, or their, impingement on intake


screens or other barriers as well as actual trap- pr


ping of fish by canal configuration or water flow. Entrapment results from an interacting -

                                                                                                                          '- #9 complex of many ecological factors which vary               ,

T(@g' '1 Ap

                                                                                         , , ,               ,       y with the size of the facility, plant design, r.nd                                                   /fw-                         ,

the particular environment at the plant site. ' N EM i du.g' /E[ hf$ b[ Assessment of potential fish entrapment tlere-fore requires extensive knowledge of both bio-logical and physical-chemical factors and their ,. h.dsAM [N ' interactions at the specific plant site, a.s well as - A'; 15 ,%M.' p . athorough knowledgeof thedesigncharacter -- MwgA' m , istics of intake-outfall systems. , o

                                                                                .J/                   3 3. . e^ ,,        , mL ['

The recently completed review of entrap- g

                                                               ;            .r/                      ,1 -                l         w ment research includes the major entraprnent studies available in common scientific and
f. ,
                                                                                                 ,,                    'a, 4

L~i industrial literature. These studies will facili- ;y


tate the evaluation of the seriousness'of en-trapment effects, factors contributing to the

                                                                                                                 /  g y]!/
   , magnitude of the problem, and the state of l?C      -

present technology available to prevent or minimize ecological 'and economic damage l ,- ,

2. THE OCCURRENCE OF FISH LARVAE AND EGGS A preliminary study has recently been initi-ated to determine the occurrence of fish eggs and larvae in the vicinity of the Anclote Power Plant. By so doing. it will be possible to esti-mate the impact of the plant's cooling water condensers on species of commercial signifi- ,

cance or important to the fooo chain. 15 f'  :% " Mag ch

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you massacre a million dreams

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Ill. CRYSTAL RIVER A. THERMAL PLUME AT CRYSTAL RIVER A STUDY OF THE PHYSICAL ASPECTS The spring and summer physical surveys in fresh river water. The horizontal gradient in the Gulf, adjacent to the Crystal River plant site salinity is greater since the tide restricts fresh (see Figure 1) were conducted by the Univer- waters to the nearshore environment. Meas-sity of South Florida Department of Marine urements at a depth of six feet were included in Science to provide data for use by federal reg u- the August STD study. Significant layering was latory agencies and by other oceanographic found north of an east-westline drawn t irough investigators working in the area. Data were Drum Island. Evident in past flomi tide surveys, recorded on the natural heating of water in the this area has been establish'.td as a borderline shallows and on temperatures in the thermal between plume water and warm fresh water plume, in order to study the effect of tempera- from the Withiacoochee River, ture variations on the hydrology of the area. After several STD surveys were performed in in April, June and August, salinity, tempera. the discharge basin and Crystal Bay a system ture, and depth (STD) surveys were conducted of semi-permanent flotation markers was set in the discharge area north of the intake spoil up to increase the speed and accuracy of the and in the Crystal Bay area south of the spoil, surveys. These markers were used throughout Sir;ce it is not affected by plant discharge, the area during the August survey. Crystal Bay was selected in order to provide a STD profiles of the discharge canal indicate basis for comparison with the discharge area. vertically well mixed water. Salinity studies It has fresh water influence from the Crystal indicate the contact of two types of water of River, oyster bar blockages, and off-shore e_ qual density. The discharge water of lower islands similar to the discharge region to the salinity forces plume water eastward in the north. It is also the area through which power channei near the surface. The higher salinity plant intake water rpust travel. The salinity and plume wan.. moves westward on the bottom. temperature were measured at the surface and Current measurement's in the discharge at a depth of three feet during both ebb and canal revealed that under all tidal conditions flood tides. an outgoing head was maintained with little Studies taken at ebb tide show almost no evidence of eddying. At times, the direction of sayering in the Crystal Bay south of the intake the flow changed from almost due west (during spoil compared with extensive layering in the ebb tide) to a northwest direction, indicating discharge basin. The salinity at the Barge that the thermal plume water flows onto the Canal approximates that at the mouth of the mud flats north of the discharge spoil curing Crystal River. The progression of the Barge flood tide. Canal water to the north of the discharge area STD profiles of the intake channel indicate can be observed as salinity increases toward j that Gulf of Mexico water is the primary source the discharge canal. High salinities character- ' of water for the power plant. Temperature istic of plant discharge stop south of Drum , studies show that cooler gulf water wedges Island. The plume appears to be confinec to l underneath the warmer coastal water already the south, discharging southwest along the present in the channel. Salinity surveys con-intake spoil. Studies taken at flood tide'show , firm that water of greater salinity (from the increased layering in both Crystal Bay and the ' Gulf) is on the bottom while lower saline water discharge basin. Cooler, more saline water (from Northern Crystal Bay) flows gulfward on from deeper regions wedges underneath the the surface. The plant intake pumps draw most

of their water from 15 feet to the bottom. cates that the thermal plume has'a definite Dye surveys of the intake channel show that influence on the salt marshes north of the plant water taken into the plant on ebb tide is drawn and exactly how far north is still to be deter-directly from water confined to the intake canal mined. and that deep water is the primary source of the intake water during both ebb and flood tides. Oyster beds have very little effect on flow direction in this area. Water apparently builds up behind the bars until it can flow over them, cascading into the next basin. The pattern established by an overnight drogue survey indicated that the water used in the plant con-densers may take four or more tidal cycles to completely escape from the discharge basin. Generally, dye and drogue studies confirmed the findings of the STD surveys. Current measurements were made at the entrance of Salt Creek to determine the volume of water that enters and discharges from Salt Creek. Average flood tide intake was 949.94 cfs (cubic feet per secondhand average ebb tide discharge was 829.10 cfs. Sin'IIeh ebb tide is of longer duration, it releases over 9'rnillidi' % more gallons than it takes in. The extra amount is attributed to artesian springs and local run- g j off. l Thermographic surveys in the Salt Marsh showed higher < temperatures in the area of g aJ g l l 4 Trenched [eektTkthermal buffering effect of 7 w 'Ud%l \ \ e,% incomirigirid'o_titgolktkhHrwas apparently- j-confr'olling7ater lemperatur_eyvariation in \ [ gj h ,_ Trench < and Tony Creeks. This illustrates ~the

                                                              \           [pf.         Ag g ut     3   ./ 4 effecthh~at' natural heating or cooling of ex-              t     .,g Q j ;, )/                "g / we% g, p y Q" posed mud flats during low tide have upon the teri1perature of the oyerlying water at high tide.
                                                              ./.Q/ ;N({j. .j 23 yr-"?, ;                    . .

Thermal coring wa,s done on Spoil Creek N '; ( _ 4 -

                                                                                                .;_ g g ,pe H"'
                                                                       .*    .,         t CC_ . , s -

andNewRockyCreek.Thesesaltmarshcreeks . ,

                                                                           -m became active when Rocky. Creek was closed              :

by the spoil. The smallest temperature differ


l ~ ence botween creeks under. the, influence of

                                                             - 'i(                       -

l the plume and those that are not was 3.8*C and l the greatest was;6.0*C[This difference indi- , l l l'

                                                                                --,-,w       --        ~


1. THE INTAKE AREA IMPlNGEMENT AND ENTRAPMENT Impingement on the travelling screens of the lation.The procedure consists of placing traps cooling water intake pumps was studied by in fixed locations, baiting them with cat food, researchers from the University of Florida, and leaving them in the water for48 hours.Two Gainesville, from August, 1972, through sampling periods have been conducted to date August,1973. The west sluice was selected and and the recapture information is included in was monitored for 24 hours each week for 55 Table ill-1. ,

weeks. During the final three weeks of the study the east sluice was also monitored to test for significant differences between the yields p' , J of both sluice areas. - A total of 119 vertebrates and 28 macro- ei[ Ur .k

                                                                 "'V,                                                               I invertebrates was collected. A notable result                                                                        ..
                                                                                                                                           ,.e in the study was that the Atlantic threadfin ac-counted for 78% of the total harvest, and that

[ k,$\.r. *

  • 8 id[ ~h j major entrapment of this species occurred
                                                    ;                  p p .3. ,'                               ,
                                                                                                                    , ,, - ,y,.                     -i
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gt y+ ! .. f during the month of May. It is believed that 70 ~ fg j < y. [] , to 80% of the threadfin school entrapped was @p'k,Ih'h f --n

                                                                                                                                                  . ry.Qg>

impinged during this sampling period. The f3 ,

                                                                                                                                                     "y g ,

peak in total impingment for species other

                                                      , y, 3 ^,                              J g g} $.                 ,. P                  ,

U l .? j than the Atlantic threadfin was during Feb- ygl,M, .. , ruary/ March. Sheer size of biomass made it difficult to

                                                         ' ,f "h,,. y ,,, f                             ,-
                                                                             ,-(C                 -

I monitor both east and west sluices. Statistical - 5 e i*l treatment of data from the three week com- , ". l?$ . . . 4-

                                                                                                                   #              ,'<qpT N parison permitted generation of correction                ' % ,,y p,                                 +                _,

factors. These factors make it possible to(pr's.4, liqA, [ ,f tg' ,fg gp,.)

                                                                   /                                                                              "

dict, within acceptable limits, total impirigeJTp f . ment on both screen areas based onjneasd e y{ I!j

                                                                                 ;                         t
                                                                                                                                  ', . I ments made in one area.              np                                              '


                                                                                                                                      )f in conjunction with the impiin (In^eiltdu y,[b a population-migration stud /bf.thiblue crab is being conducted in the pfaili'[1al.

Il/j ^f{g If _ , Since crabs are periodically impinged on the i _ 's intake screens, the possibility tiist the canal ~ gN,,i-- j ' may affect their migrational patterns must be ,, considered. -- N m

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A capture-recapture procedure .is being -t -- - / i-lG ~ /j.;

                                                                   \.        ;/ M          J nim          W az             - f gg3.
                                                                                    ,       i t e,                                          y     q.             4 used to estimate the population size. It entails                                                             L              4                                   i tr 1pping, tagging and releasiqq tJ]e.ciibs.witEr=_=. YY                                                                                 C1i*]b     QEN
                                                                  ,,,.u i$ NT fJ[C 3,

the hope that they will be trapped again at FIPMM  % - -- later date. The recapture location is recorded ## ~ i d - @ C -'-- to note any trend in the movement of the popu-

                                                                          - {M -

l l r -2. THE DISCHARGE AREA A. IDENTIFICt. TION AND QUANTIFICATION OF FISHES AND BENTHIC ORGANISMS 1 i l 4 Sponge populations were examined in the if any, of the thermaldischarge on the bottom-inner. middle and outer bay areas by scientists oriented vegetation in the area. 1 from the University of Florida. Sponges were Although the seagrasses have been found to found at only seven of the 36 stations. Five pf be well-distributed throughout the bay, plants the stations were located on both intake and in the immediate area of the discharge canal discharge sides of the middle bay.The remain . appear to be in a stressed environment. in fact,

 ,  ing two stations were on the discharge side of ~                                              - blue-green algae have been noted in the area.

both the inner and outer. bay. The number of Species diversity also appears to increase with species and the total biomass of the sponges distance away from the point of thermal addi-recovered from both middle bay areas was very tion. Iow. Only one small specimen was found at the station in the inner bay while the station at the i outer bay produced m' ore sponges than all the

other stations combined.

4 It is apparent that sponges do not inhabit large portions of the study area. From the limit-ed sampling, diversity appeared to be higher* in the offshore areas. Macroinvertebrate populations in the intake and discharge areas were sampled by re-searchers from the University of Florida during February, July and August. The sample areas . were designated according to dominant vege-tation, i.e., grass, algae or none. Substrate was , , also noted as primarily mud, sand or shell. Three techniques were used depending on the, g size of the target species: coring device for A the smallestge venturig mq for me- _ _,N__ gg dium size'and a46 squ _ .dro et foc r, , the largest. - r.rd,i /, i . r~ ec.J# I j;1

                                                                                                                                                   .P.t Observations on the gener,al,                                      con-                                                                       31 fj X                      g                   3 dition of the organismsOllected                                                                                                  ;*          y7._                C differences m the control area               between    and ihe discharge g of the.wellhein[in@c5ted spe                  y Sta . area.[clesx< A               b i  t    3  no

a _ _._ Y ~~~ " ~ tisjical Shd ' naIysis otthe speciesjdif,ferences is]being, significance processedjk/Jg"'t. o.f bio 5 _ mass r H=- rrM}_ -~ ^ and will b'e reported upon_ completion.--<.^

           .                                                                                  4 _ gre-                                          y' %.ut
   \I; Distribution  andof"the~mMthommon                                            spsile3iN.E       dEM _ _ i"N:*N g@W                                  ' .. D
   'niacroalgae         'th{ discharge                                                                     Y            ~ i-area and a control area south of*th'e2 intake                                       6                                               d @ M;f", [[h      N[

spoil bank are being mapped. Once completed, these maps will be used to evaluate the effect, W ,




             ,                                                                                                                    -1 l

B. TOTAL METABOLISM OF A THERMALLY AFFECTED ESTUARY The following discussion was taken from a paper entitled. ratory work functions.

     " Total Metabolism of Thermally Affected Coastal Systems on the West Coast of Florida." written by Wade Smith, These data may relate to the controversy
                                                    "                    concerning estuarine versus ocean sitiilg of.            i rsity of Fio a. Ge ne v .                                      power plants. Estuaries may be adapted to                l multiple stresses such as large or rapid salinity        l Total community metabolism of the estua-                          changes and large ' diurnal temperature                  '

rine' b'ay systems near the Crystal River power ranges. For a system to survive under these , plant was studied to determine the response of conditions it must channel energy into mecha-l the ecosystem to thermal discharge. One nisms which cope with stress, leaving less  ; method for estimating the overall state of an ecosystem is the measurement of total photo-energy available for maintaining diversity and specialized functions. A supplementary heat p 9 synthetic production and total nighttime respi- load, then, may cause minimum disturbance  ; ration. because the system may already be adapted to Measurements were taken in the summer of stress. On the other hand, the ocean environ- , 1972 and during the following winter in the dis- ment may have systems designed around forc-charge area and in control areas. No signifi- ing functions of smaller and more predictable cant difference between affected and control . parameter ranges. 'As a result, the need to I areas was demonstrated. Temperature may channel energy into adaptation to stress may j have a " push-pull" effect on ecosystem func- be minimized allowing the maintenance of tion, accelerating production as well as respi- energetically expensive system diversity and , ration. Therefore the effect of heat could be specialization of function. The imposition of either stimulatory or stressing. If the push and stress in the form of an additional heat load pull are the same, the net e'ffect may be to ac- may have a great effect because no mecha-celerate recycling while maintaining the same nism may exist for dealing with it. ~ stock levels. Another effect may be to cause in addition to thermal effects, there are component readjustment and adaptation, changes in the cooling water as it passes shifting species composition and dominance through the plant and its associated canals. To to maintain optimum energy processing under gain insight into the nature of this interface the new conditions. A combination of these system total metabolism in the intake and dis-two actions may also occur. The similarity of charge canals of the plant was also measured. metabolic function between the plume affect- The studies of canal system metabolism ed area and other nearby coastal environments showed that both intake and discharge eco-may indicate an adaptation of the ecosystem systems were highly heterotrophic. Chemical which has developed since mid-1966 under the and biological changes in the cooling water as i thermal regime of the power plants. if the me-  ; it was circulated through the canals could be tabolism of the control areas is indicative of j similar to those induced by any heterotrophic pre-thermal loading levels, these data imply . system. Heterotrophic stream systems have I that the new system may be as functional as the been documented mainly for polluted, fresh-one replaced. The exact nature of the adapta- water streams. However, unpolluted streams tions was not evident from the metabolism may also tend to be heterotrophic if they re-measurements which gave only the relative ceive a sufficient influx of organic matter. Oxy-levels of photosynthetic production and respi- gen uptake by a bed of mussels has been found i l l

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I," , Nature is not governed except by obeying her.

             -Francis Bacon agn ,, ~a.

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v 4 to follow an approximate hyperbolic response to decreasing current speed. ihe higher veloc-ity in the discharge canal as well as the higher ~ temperature probably contributed to its higher .

 . metabolic levels. Other factors stimulating
 - heterotrophy in the power plant canal systems could be stresses to photosynthesis such as light limitation to bottom producers because of the depth and the steep walls, chlorination and periodic turbidity.

Canal systems prod uced 70-75% Iess oxyge A than the same area of bay ecosystem, a%%s; ,

                                                                                                    .\i                        , i

{ it, ' same area of bay. Calculations indicate thidiOf \ ' h'. ' ;P ch3' spired about 1.5 times more oxygen than the ^N'i[$1 oyster reef consumes oxygen at a rate'hf 1'2 l s. times that of the overall bay system.,'e,,r s 9 O. UgM ff 04[$'it MkD@ e t PC' y consumption of the power plant canal sfs,tems. s f,] ' is perhaps simllar_to_that-of e oyster reef frong ThN .

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C. STUDIES OF THERMALLY AFFECTED SALT MARSHES i The fonowing discussion was taken frorn a paper entitled during the spring period. Respiration of the

 " Studies of Florida Gulf Coast Spartina alterniflora        thermal marsh was found to be proportionally and Juncus roemarlanus Salt Marshes Receiving                higher than in the control marshes. Ratios of Therrnal Discharges", written by Don Young of the Univer-sity of Florida. Gainesville.                                Production to respiration were similar in both marshes which indicated the thermal m'arsh Salt marshes near the Crystal River power                had compensated for increased respiratory plant were studied over an annual cycle to doc-             demands.

ument marsh ecosystem response to thermal The marsh is apparently utilizing some of the addition. Overall marsh metabolism, including potential energy contained within the thermal plant production and respiration plus animal discharges for increased production. The population numbers, was selected as an indi- mechanism through which production and 3T catorof the impact of thermaladditions. Water respiration are accelerated under regimes of temperatures in the thermally affected marsh elevated temperature is still unclear. One pos-averaged 3-6 degrees centigrade warmer than sibility is increased organic matter decomposi-the nearby control marsh. tion and concurrent nutrient regeneration. Previous studies reveal that Spartina Higher temperatures favor disorder. For a sys-standing crop and net production tend to in- tem to remain visible it must achieve a balance crease from north to south. However,Spartina between disordering outflows and productiori, standing crop and the resultant seasonal r.,r inflows. Chemical reaction rates and recy-changes in standing crop in the salt marshes at cling of materials proceed faster at elevated Crystal River are low when compared with temperatures. Therefore, increased produc-these studies.This low prod uctivity may be due . tion observed in an adapted system, which to low nutrient concentrations of nearshore contains limited stock of nutrients necessary waters and small tidal fluctuations at the Crys- for production, may be due to increased recy-tal River plant. In addition, mild winters may cle and subsequent reuse, account for smaller fluctuations of standing The types of animals present and their num-crop than is typical of northern marshes. In* bers also provide information cbout the struc-creased water temperature apparently has- ture of an ecosystem. Littorina migrate up tened the beginning of the live growing season and down the Spartina stems in rhythm with

 ~in the thermally affected marsh. During Febru-             the tide. As adults they have the ability to avoid ary and March Spartina standing crop                        the hot water for much of the time. This may changes in the thermally affected marsh were                explain why no significant differences were three times greater than those observed in                  found in the mean annual numbers between control areas. During the remainder of the                ,

the two marshes. Figures also suggest no un-spring season subsequent growth increments j usual mortalities during infancy when they are were similar for both marshes.  ! directly exposed to the elevated water temper-As a result of higher dead standing crop and , atures. Mean annual numbers of fiddler crab higher decomposition rates, the total loss of  ; burrows are lower in the thermally affected material through decomposition and transport i marsh. Temperatures are 2-3 degrees centi-was twice as high in the thermal marsh as in the j grade warmer to a depth of 70 centimeters in control area. The net effect of these changes l the thermal marsh. Since these crabs spend a was greater production in the thermal marsh  ; great amount of time in their burrows it is con-

ceivable that higher substrate temperatures may limit their ability to adapt and survive in the thermal marsh. In summary, the apparent effect of incrcased water temperatures on salt marsh structure and function is to accelerate biological and chemical processes. The salt marsh has self-designed mechanisms to utilize the potential energy of the thermal discharges for compen-sating increased respiration demands with 32 some proportional increases in production. Estuarine ecosystems may possess an inher-ent ability to adapt to such stresses because of the natural f;uctuations of temperature, salin- t ity, waves et cetera, in the coastal zone.  ; I

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1 l The University of Florida, Gainesville, has take and discharge canals. Since cooling wa- l undertaken a study to determine the zooplank- ter requirements may increase with!n the next l ton composition of the Crystal River estuary year with the addition of the nuclear unit, the ) and to monitor its seasonal variation. With this investigation will quantify the impact of the 17 formation, it will be possible to estimate the plant at two levels of power generation. effects of the power plant on this vital repro- 1 ductive and food chain link. Statistical analysis 1 of last year's data has made possible more  ! rapid analysis and interpretation of the much greater quantity of data being gathered in the present program. Statistical analysis of the 35' sampling methods is essentially complete. Pumps for collecting samples proved unac-ceptable. Had they proven as reliable as nets, their use would have greatly reduced the work . effort and increased the accuracy of depth  ! sampling. Sampling data are being compared l with all available physical parameters to deter- I mine if significant correlations exist. l Attempts to study zooplankton mortality as a result of power plant operation have been hin-dered by difficulties in equipment procure-j ment and selection of valid techniques-for-- _ sampling and analysis. Comparisorfof reEit's'from three test sam- - pling days has shown some difference in the mortality rate of zooplankton between the dis-charge and intake canals. However this differ- O" gh(t 7, ence falls v/elltwithin,.,the margin of error [E e. Sd i associatsd1withYtheTamp!!ng'and analytic'a't

        ^                                                ;,y*T g #G M Y M '" Myh,%.         MST technlqueOt'e's'ted'.Teherefore', vat!d-con'cith$h '                 h N N h '[ M          ddb "$

sions 'canri6t he~ drawn"a't'this time.' T MTj<[{[p[

  In addition to the zoopiankton stud 9,'an inQ 6 'Cf 'l Or                                      ~~~
                                                                ' j 7        ; v vestigation        hasDepartment been ini_tiated of Marineby F ' the UniversityglL            ,

of " South Florida,s '

                                                                    ~       ~'            .

c. Science, to deterniine seasonal patterns - of ; _ ,f" ' ' , s ' ~ ' ~ species abundance, biomass, and production - 'j > ,.A 1 s - of phyto'planktonLin ' waters adjacent to-the f-

                                                                                                  ' ' ~ '}'   ~

Crystal River g'ene' rating plant. This study will ~~ ' provide data for an estimate of the impact of the power plant on entrained phytoplankton through comparisons of populations in the in- I

C. THE CRYSTAL RIVER ESTUARY CHEMICAL ASPECTS Water quality samples will be routinely taken in the estuary adjacent _to the Crystal River Plant site by the University of South Florida, Department of Marine Science, during the bi- - weekly sampling program designed for the plankton program discussed above. -When possible, additional samples will be analyzed to correlate with other phases of the research effort. it is expected that the following parame-ters will be routinely measured: 37 Total Nitrogen Total Dissolved Organic Carbon Total Phosphorus Nitrate A onia )% ! - Orthophosphate ?Sj Silicate g"M&D D ol ed Oxygen 9 Temperature -


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                                 ' THE POWER PLANT AND ADJACENT ESTUARY

One area of research being pursued at Crys . The estuarine and adjacent ecological sys-tal River by the University of Florida Depart- tems have been. divided into a number of small-ment of Environmental Engineering, is eco- er subsystems. These include: (1) the outer bay. system modeling.' . (plankton dominated region), (2) the oyster Such modeling is being performed to help bars,' (3)~ the inner bay (benthic or bottom-Florida Power Corporation, regulatory agen- dwelling dominated subsystem), (4) the canals. - cles, and the individual researchers under- (5) the saltmarsh adjacent to 'the estuary 2 stand the complex biological systems in an and, finally, (6) the power plant itself. estuary such as that adjacent to the Crystal It has been noted that the power plant acts in River Plant site. many ways like'a huge. oyster in the estuary. In addition, techniques are being developed Each of the subsystems is being studied in '39 to perform a truly representative cost-benefit detail to determine all important components analysis. This has been impossible in the past and the interrelationships of each. An under-because of the difficulty of evaluating in eco- standing is being gained of such parameters as nomic terms such strictly environmental con- turnover times'and the effects of increased cerns as the decreased productivity of an estu- temperature. In addition each subsystem, ary. where possible,is being compared to a control Specific goals for the modeling effort have area with similar characteristics but without been identified. These include: (1) to portray . man's influence on the natural system, the information gained in the various research After the functions and interaction of the , programs in a meaningful, easily-understood compartments of a subsystem are defined and manner, (2) to identify areas where additional understood,, then the effect of such things as information is needed, and (3) to provide a increased temperature may be evaluated. basis for decision-making in the selection of Such effects are measured in terms of changes the best alternate cooling method for the pow- in productivity, respiration, storage and diver-er plant'; specifically to e' valuate the need and sity. justification for changing the once-through .These correspond roughly to the rate of pro-cooling system as presently designed to a ducing food, the rate of consuming food, the much more expensive cooling tower system. amount of food stored and the numberof ways - The modeling effort in fact represents a sys- the system as a whole may utilize different l tem approach to understanding the complex sources of food. The unit of measure is power interactions within a biological system: or energy flow. This approach, which amounts to a macro- The environmental effects of each engineer-scopic view of the environment, parallels sim- ing design are determined in terms of the f ar methods used in engineering and business ' change in the utilization o,f available power or to. understand such common entities as a , energy flow. These changes are related to dol-household range (electrical wiring diagram) lars through a conversion factor derived by and corporation mod'els (the common organi- comparing the total energy flow in our econo-zational chart). Thus this. approach aids in , my with the Gross National Product (GNP). understanding the function and relative value  ; Thus, a common basis is established for the of various parts (compartments)of the ecologi- compilation of the economic and environmen-ca! system. .. i tal costs of a given design.


                                                                                                                                                                             .s a                                                                                                     -

4 Each design can then be~ compare' d with all


others in determining'the cooling water alter . . native which best balances engineering and


environmental concerns.- - The modelingeffo.rt then will ultimately pro . ^- vide the mechanism for a cost-benefit an'alysis -

                ' as described above. Efforts are currently being                                                                                                                                      .

directed towar'd establishing all the new data , needed for the calculations. , 40 . . 3 '" Preliminary Presentation of Models to Show Interaction , of Power Plants and Estuary at Cry's tal River, Florida and , Energy Costs and Benefits for Alternatives of Management . - of Cooling Waters", H.T. Odum. W. Smith, H. McKellar, D. Young, M. Lehman and M. Kemp. (Available through the GE&RA department of Florida Power Corporation).

                 ' Ibid., p.13.

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Introduction monitoring responsibilities of all radiation uses in th,e state. A prime responsibility of Florida Power Cor ' In a further effort to provide assurance of poration and the governmental agencies that - public protection in the event of an emergency oversee nuclear utility operations is the protec- situation, an agreement between the Depart-tion of the health and safety of the general pub- ment and Florida Power Corpo' ration provides. lic and utility workers at nuclear power plant for the Department's coordination of activities - locations. that might occur in an emergency s~ituation in . In this regard, radiation surveillance activi- volving areas off the plant site. This agreemen't ties have been conducted in the vicinity of the entails the use of the Department's Florida Crystal River Plant site since 1969. These ac- Radiological Response Plan for a coordina-tivities have been conducted to ' determine ted effort of other state agencies. levels of natural radiation existing in the site These off-site monitoring activities will help area. Monitoring activities have included sam- 1 provide assuranc.e that the Crystal River Nucle-pling of air, water, food crops, natural vegeta- ar Plant provides reliable electric service in a l tion, soil, fish, oysters, shrimp, and terrestrial safe, responsible manner. organisms. By determining the existing radiation levels - On-S'ite Monitor'ing and their changes, it is possible to determine ' what, if any, contribution the nuclear power plant might add to the various items of interest in.the summer of 1971, a contractual agree-during the operating life of the nuclear power ment was signed between the Department of plant. Environmental Engineering of the University of Florida and Florida Power to conduct pre-operational radiological surveillance and re-Off-Site Monitoring search activities in the 'near vicinity of the , Crystal River site. The off-site monitoring at Crystal River is These activities have resulted in the collec-being conducted by the Florida Department of tion and analysis of over 1,000 different envi-Health and Rehabilitative Services under a- ronmental samples from Crystal River. These grant agreement with Florida Power Corpora- activities, as in the Off-Site Program, are de-tion. The Department collects, analyzes, and signed to quantitatively determine natural' reports on radio' activity levels of the monitored radiation levels at Crystal River. items. By use of computer, these data are , in addition to the monitoring activities, re-stored for future reference and analysis, t search has been conducted to determine how Through the cooperative efforts of Florida low-level radiation moves in the air, water, and Power and Light Company, Florida Power Cor- , land environments at the Crystal River site. - poration, and the Department of Health & Re- This information can be applied to aid in the habilitative Services, the utility companies do- monitoring of theoperationof theCrystalRiver nat,ed a Mobile Emergency Radiological Labo. j Nuclear Plant. ratory (MERL) for the Department's use ' As a result of these activities, methods'have throughout the state. This motorized vehicle . been developed to monitor na.tural radiation can be used as the Department sees fit in its I levels at very low levels in the environment.

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Throughout these activities, graduate stu-

  • dents have worked in the program'. This is a *


           , mutual benefit to the university and the utility                                                                                                                     '

industry;in producing qualified professional - persons for work in the. nuclear industry. -

                .Both the Off Site and On-Site Radiological-                                                                             --

Monitor:ng Programs have and will continue to -

                                                                                                                                                       . ~

monitor the surrounding environment of the , Crystal River Nuclear Plant throughout its g operation for the best possible assurance that , the facility and its staff will be a good neighbor to the surrounding community,and the State of j Florida. ,

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TRA'P SEX NOTES , C-4 .d from screen 7 days after tagging; removed from population (9/28/73) D-1 ~ d by shrimp people 11 days after tagging; . 47 moved acros's and out canal about % mile; removed from population (12/2/73) B-3 S caught in trap J 14 days after tagging; moved , from screen area about 1% miles out canal (10/5/73) B-8 8 caught in trap A 7 days after tagging; moved only about 15-20 yards to other trap in screen area (10/12/73) L-1 8 caught at samd trap (1) 7 days after tagging; this was the only crab tagged from this trap et . its time of capture; Net Movement Zero (10/12/73)


DD-5 S caught at same trap (DD) 7 days after tagging; Net Movement Zero (10/12/73) l


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ECOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS The marine ' ecology program at the P. L. and efflusnt sides of the plant. Data fro 61 this Bartow Power Plant, Weedon Island, Tampa study will be used to examine variations in Bay, Florida, is we!! Into its second year. The _ community structure such as, species compo- ,

    . purposes of the project have been 1) to assess              sition, density, biomass, and diversity.                                                             ,

the benthic environment in the vicinity of the - Another study focuses on populations of , plant; 2).to provide baseline data prior to in . amphipods which inhabit the natural char.nel creased oil deliveries projected for 1974; and on the effluent side of the power plant.The five.

3) to cornpare, as far as possible, the ben.thic stations estabjished within the channel were environment around an operating power plant - selected on the basis of the degree of thermal' with that of the Anclote site before that latter stress experienced by the populations. Sam-plant starts up. The Bartow study has been of ples are taken at monthly intervals to deter-53

, help in defining benthic community problems mine differences in species composition, den-likely to be encount, the Anciote site and sity, growth rates, and fecundity. has aided in project design at that site. A third study is underway of the ostracod The University of South Florida, Department populations present in the sediment devoid of of Marine Science is in the process of acquir . f; oral coverage. Areas of study have been se-ing gear which will enable them to quickly and lected to represent a habitat located within the accurately analyze a large number of sediment thermal plume at all times, an area never influ-samples for total carbon, organic carbon ~, in- enced by the thermal plume, and an intermedi-

  • organic carbon, and sulphur. It will also allow

ate area which is periodically covered'by the' rapid analysis of large numbers of sediment thermal plume. The major emphasis of this and water samples for total phosphorus, and study will be to correlate species composition total Kjeldahl nitrogen. and density with seasonal variations in temper-Specific projects include monthly surveys ature. over a tidal cycle of hydrography and water Two other studies have focused on the sea-quality.The Department of Marine Science has grasses in the area of the power plant. The now acquired hydrologic and water quality respiration and photosynthesis of the Diplan-data in the are'a surrounding the Bartow Power thera wrightil community on the intake side Plant over a full year. They are thus able to of the plant is being compared to the respira-compare and characterize ambient conditions tion and photosynthesis on the effluent side of with the thermally stressed conditions at the the plant. In addition, during the summer of discharge site at monthly intervals through all 1973, 12 square' meters of Thalassia testu-seasons. Parameters measured include the dinum were transplanted to three areas of vary-following: tides, currents, salinity, tempera. ing thermal stress on the effluent side of the ture, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, water color, , plant. This transplanted grass failed to survive turbidity, and total suspended load. . even at the outer extreme of the thermal plume in order to correlate the above parameters whereas grass transplanted to control areas with variations in the benthic communities, continued to grow. several different studies have been undertaken. i Samples are taken at quarterly intervals of the I macro-infauna and seagrasses at 19 stations l locaied along selected transects on the intake j


We have all these machines, and there is no question that we produce more as d resuk i.fthem. ,p - i But they also separate us from our natural environment. I

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They allow us to control nature. Anyone wi. n control O f Ir ,

                                                                            . nature loses his respe'                  e    t for ib                        i;'     h f}}}

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                                                       ,    .                        A ..                 ,j' V.       POWER PLANT SITING As Florida Power Corporation determined its                law or recommendation), labor, public opinion,            -

generation expansion plan several decisions engirieering concerns, seismology, water use, were made with regard to the mechanics of the transmission sys, tem concerns, and .demog-site selection process. First, the Company .raphy. f - - wanted sites with a minimum licensing rip. for' The Phase til included all Phase ll criterla.-

  , expansion throug h the year'2000. Next, the site              p!'us t' hose that could only be' evaluated by an selection process had to be documented and.                  on-site work effort. Hydrology, meteorology, reproducible. The scope of the siting evalua.                ecological impact of the power plant, and radi-tion included 1) new land-based sites,2) off-                ological Impact were some of the criteria l shore sites, and 3) existing land-based sites.                  -From the results of the Phase ill evaluation Specific criteria were developed for the site             four sites were' ranked according to optimum Og selection' study in tne following categories;                acceptability. All a~re to be considered for gen-Engineering / Economics, Environmental, and                  eration expansion possibilities, with the high-Sociological. After several revisions there.                  est ranked site most promising as the next site were nineteen criteria with a total of fifty-four             for expansion.

subcriteria for land-based evaluations. The The offshore study employed the same proc-criteria were developed to evaluate both ne- ess as the new land-based site evaluation. Site clear and fossil-fueled plants. areas were chosen from both the east and west A progressively detailed screening process coasts of Florida.The depth of stuc!y required was adopted in order to evalui sites most for the Phase 111 is so costly for off-shore work,

 ' efficiently. A three-phase process .s devised                 that a Phase ill was not . initiated. However, such that the firs _t phase consisted of a few                niuch information has been gathered .from crucial criteria and approximately 200 land-                  literature research which'is essential in form-based site areas. The criteria in'volved were                 ing an information base on the offshore sites.                        ,

concerned with 1) low population, 2) water The evaluation of existing land-based sites avalfability,3) available land, and 4) acce'ssioil. involved eliminating those which were unsuit-ity.The areas chosen ranged from the Apalachi- able for large unit addition. The criteria for this , cola River. eastward and southward to Lake evaluation were: availability of cooling water, Okeechobee. The areas which best satisfied environmental concerns, and availability of the above were subjected to further analysis by land. , considering land use and the distance to FPC To insure that FPC's results were reproduci- ' load centers.The number of site areas was re- ble and to quantify the evaluations, a numeri-duced significantly to seventeen. cal weighting system was devised. Based on Phase 11 employed all subcriteria which one-hundred per cent, each criterion was could be evaluated without going on site. Infor- given a value corresponding to its importance mation was obtained in pertinent literature, , in the total site decision. The criteria were di-For each site several site-cooling water op- j vided into three criteria groups: environmental, tions were evaluated (cooling ponds, cooling i engineering / economics, and sociological con-towers, and spray canals). This increasingly , cerns. Each group received equal weight. detailed study incorporated construction con ~ All sites were ranked relative to one another. cerns, fuel access, air quality,' ecological sys. The recommended ranking procedure was to tems on site, land areas to be avoided (either by assign the best site, with regard to a specific l

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tain intermediate values for other sites.To ease -  : g calculations and save' time a computer pro , . gram was created to do the ranking in accord- - 4 ~~ ance with site'and cooling water option. The entire power plant siting work effort is an attempt to coordinate Idcal, state, federal

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58 document to facilitate Florida Power Corpora-tion's overall environmental goals. ib y I J. e O


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[__ ~'~ these 5omed so-called primitive people we anthropol'ogists are studyi bef' ore it is p __


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                                            .          - -safe a sound equil'ibrium betweDman and his environm'ent. We, who have created w       -.a..

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