ML19340D771 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Sequoyah |
Issue date: | 12/31/1980 |
To: | Harold Denton Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
TVA-SNP-TS-8, NUDOCS 8101050333 | |
Download: ML19340D771 (26) | |
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TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY CH AT T ANOOG A. T FNN ESSE E 37401 400 Chestnut Street Tower II December 31, 1980 TVA-SNP-TS-8 i
Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director l
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Degulatory Connaission Washington, DC 20555
Dear Mr. Denton:
In the Matter of ) Docket No. 50-327 Tennessee Valley Authority )
In accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR Part 50.59, we are enclosing 40 copies of a requested amendment to license DPR-77 to change the technical specifications of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant unit 1 (Enclosure 1). Also enclosed are justifications to support the proposed changes (Enclosure 2).
These changes involve a correction to the combustible gas limit action
, statements, modifications to the number of installed fire detectors, spent l
fuel storage capacity, and changes to the required ice condenser ice mass.
In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 170.22, we have deter-mined the proposed amendment to be Class III. The classification is based
on the fact that a single safety issue is involved. The remittance of l
$4,000 is being wired to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Attention:
Licensing Fee Management Branch.
Very truly youre,,
( )% .1%(
L'.'M. Mills, Manager
Nuclear Regulation and Safety Swcrn to and subscribed before me this M day of bOf, 1980 'h1. Sawaur N .-
Nota $ Public 0 .4 ..
My Connaission Expires zL' t)f% 3
onweum Enclosures '
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- Sequoyah Nuclear Plant
- *
- Proposed Specification Change #12 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS EXPLOSIVE GAS MIXTURE ._ ..
. The concentration of oxygen in the waste gas holdup system shall be-limited to less than or equal to 2% by volume whenever the hydrogen concentration exceeds 4% by volume.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
- a. With the concentratica of oxygen in a waste gas holdup tank greater than 2% by volume bu: less than or equal to 4% by volume, with the hydrogen concentratica greater than 4% by volume, reduce the oxygen concentration to the a:ove limits within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />,
- b. With the concentratian of oxygen in a waste gas holdup tank greater than 4% by volume and the hydrogen concentration greater than_4% by volume, immediately suspend all additions of waste gases to the system and reduce the concentration of oxygen to less than or equal to 2% by volume within one hour.
- c. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
j The concentration of hydrogen and oxygen in the waste gas holdup system shall be determined to be within the above limits by monitoring the waste gas additions to the was ta gas holdup system with the hydrogen and oxygen monitors required OPERA 31E by Table 3.3-13 of Specification
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. -. The ice bed shall be OPERABLE with:
- a. The stored ice having a baron concentration of at least 1800 ppm l boron as sodium tetraborate and a pH of 9.0 to 9.5,-
l l b. Flow channels through the ice condenser,
- c. A maximum ice bed temper'ature of less than or equal 27 F, I d. A total ice weight of at least 2;222,000 pounds at a 95% level of
{ confidence, and .
- e. 1944 ice baskets.
With the ice bed inoperable, restore the ice bed to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
! The ice condenser shall be determined OPERABLE:
i l a. At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by using the ice bed temperatura monitoring
system to verify that the maximum ice bed temperature is less than l or equal to 27 F.
l b. At least once per 6 months during the first 2 years following initial i
criticality and at least once per 12 months thereafter by:
l 1. Chemical analyses which verify that at least 9 representative samples of stored ice have a boron concentration of at least 1800 ppm as sodium tetraborate and a pH of 9.0 to 9.5 at 20 C.
- 2. Weighing a representative sample of at least 144 ice baskets
, and verifying that each basket contains at least 1143 lbs of l ice. The representative sample shall include 6 baskets from i
each of the 24 ice condenser bays and shall be constituted of
- SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 6-26 i
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CONTAINFENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE RE0llIREFENTS (Continued) one basket each from Padial Pows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and o for from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1143 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ica from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1143 pounds / basket at a 95% level of confidence.
The Me condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows: Group 1 - bays 1 through 8, Group 2 -
bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays 17 through 24 The minimum average ice weight of the sanple baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 11n pounds / basket at a 95% level of confidence.
The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 05% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing progran and shall not be less than 2.222,000 pounds.
- 3. Verifying, by a visual inspection of at least two flow passaces per ice condenser bay, that the accumulation of frost or ice on flow passaces between ice baskets, past lattice frames, through the intemediate and top deck floor gratino, or past the lower inlet olenum supoort structures and turnina vanes is restricted to a thickness of less than or ecual to 0.38 inches. If one flow passage per hay is found to have an accumulation of frost or ice with a thickness of greater than or ecual to 0.38 inches, a representative sample of 20 additional flow passages from the sare bay shall be visually inspected. If these additional flow cassaces are found acceptable, the surveillance program may proceed considering the single deficiency as unioue and acceptable.
Fore than one restricted flow passage per bay is evidence of abnormal degradation of the ice condenser.
- c. At least once oer 40 nonths by liftino and visually. inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifyina that the ice baskets are free of detrinental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damace. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 10 feet for this inspection.
I' SE0l10YAH - UNIT 1 3/4 6-27 I
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CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS C1 BASES is capable of controlling the expected hydrogen generation associated with 1) zirconium water reactions, 2) radiolytic c'ecomposition of water and 3) corro-sion of metals within containment. These hydrogen control systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, " Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment following a LOCA", March 1971.
The hydrogen mixing systems are provided to ensure adequate mixing of the containment atmosphere following a LOCA. This mixing action will prevent localized accumulations of hydrogen from exceeding the flammable limit.
The requirements associated with each of the cc.nponents of the ice con-denser ensure th.t the overall system will be avai',able to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure tran-sient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.
3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain suffi-i cient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA l and 3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor j system volune released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with l
the assumptions used in the accident analyses.
The minimum weight figure of d pounds of ice per basket contains a 10%
conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation which is a factor of 10 higher than assumed for the ice condenser design. The minimum weight
! figure of 2,222,000 pounds of ice also contains an additional 1% conservative allowance to account for systematic error in weighing iristruments. In the f event that observed sublimation rates are equal to or lower than design predic-tions af ter three years of operation, the minimum ice baskets weight may be adjusted downward. In addition, the number of ice baskets required to be weighed each 9 months may be reduced after 3 year- 'f operation if such a reduction is supported by observed sublimation dau..
i 3/ ICE BED TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the ice bed temperature monitoring system ensures that the capability is available for monitoring the ice temperature. In the event the monitoring system is inoperable, the ACTION requirements provide assurance that the ice bed heat removal capacity will be retained within the specified time limits.
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 B 3/4 6-4
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't DESIGN FEATURES 5.6 FUEL STORAGE CRITICALITY - SPENT FUEL 5.6.1 The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with a nominal 10. 375 inch center-to-center distance between fuel assemblies placed in the storage racks to ensure a k equiva'Snt to less than or equal to 0.95 whenfloodedwithunboratedwater.'fhek of less than or equal to 0.95 includes a conservative allowance of 3.8%' delta k/k for uncertainties as described in Section 4.3 of the FSAR.
CRITICALITY - NEW FUEL i 5.6.2 The new fuel pit storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with a nominal 21.0 center-to-center distance between new fuel assemblies such
that k will not exceed 0.98 when fuel having a maximum enrichment of 3.5 weight
- percent U-235 is in place and aqueous foam moderation is assumed.
DRAINAGE 5.6.3 The spent fuel pit is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pit below elevation 722 ft.
_ CAPACITY 5.6.4 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and shall be maintained with a storage capacity limited to no more than 1386 fuel assemblies. '
5.7 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMIT 5.7.1 The components identified in Table 5.7-1 are designed and shall be maintained within the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.7-l.
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TABLE 3.3-11 (Continued)
FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTS Fire Minimum Instruments Operable Zone Instrument Location Ionization Photoelectric Thermal Infrared 69 Mech. Equip. Rm. El. 669 2 70 Aux. Bldg. AS-All, Col. W-X, El. 669 1
71 Aux. Bldg. AS-All, Col. W-X, El. 669 5 72 Aux. FW Pump Turbine IA-S, El. 669 T 73 Aux. FW Pump Turbine 1A-5, El. 669 1 76 S.I. & Charging Pump Rms. El. 669
5 77 S.I. Pump Rm. lA, El. 669 1
78 S.I. Pump Rm. 18, El 669 1 79 Charging Pump Rm. IC, El. 669 1 80 Charging Pump Rm. 18, El. 669 1 81 Charging Pump Rm. lA, El. 669 1 88 Aux. Bldg. Corridor Al-A8, El. 669 8 89 aux. Bldg. Corridor Al-A8, El. 669 8 90 Aux. Bldg. Corridor A8-A15, El. 669 8 91 Aux. Bldg. Corridor A8-A15, El. 669 8
92 Aux. Bldg. Corridor Col. U-W, El. 669 4 i
93 Aux. Bldg. Corridor Col. U-W, El. 669 4
l 94 Valve Galley, El. 669 2 l 95 Valve Galley, El. 669 2 . .
39 Cont. Spray Pump 1A-A, El. 653 2 5
40 Cont. Spray Pump 1B-8, El. 653 2 43 RHR Pump 1A-A, El. 653 2 44 RHR Pump 1B-B, El. 653 2
47 Aux. Bldg. Corridor, El. 6c3 10 l
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G SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 3-65 l
L 3
9 4 9
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- 1. Specification, page 3/4 11-15 This change is proposed to correct the discrepancy between the action statements and limiting conditions for operation for specification, " Explosive Gas Mixture." The oxygen concentration limits are
applicable only when the hydrogen concentration exceeds 4 percent by volume. The existing action statements are more restrictive than the limiting condition for operation. The attached change makes the action statements consistent with the limiting condition for operatien.
- 2. Table 3.3-11, page 3/4 3-65 This change is proposed to minimize plant personnel exposure to radiation in accordance with ALARA requirements. Two smoke detectors i
(XS-14-74F and XS-13-74G) located in the spent resin storage tank room are to be removed. Radiation levels as high as 2000R make entry pro-hibitive for maintenance and testing. No significant fire hazards exist ~in the area and the high radiation levels preclude transient fire
loadings. The attached change revises the fire detector requirements.
3 Section 5.6, page 5-5 This change is proposed to reflect the design characteristics of the new higher density spent fuel racks. A description and analysis of these spent fuel racks are already included in the Safety Analysis Report. The attached change revises th9 nominal center-to-center spacing and total storage capacity. '
- 4. Specification, page 3/4-6-26,
Surveillance Requirement, pages 3/4-6-16 and 27, and Bases 3/, page B 3/4 6-4 Attached are draft FSAR changes supporting the technical specifica-tion changes regarding minimum allowable ice mass in the Sequoyah j containment. These changes will be incorporated into the FSAR by
- Amendment 68.
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Containment Pressure Calculation The following are the major input assumptions used to calculate the containment transients for the pump suction pipe rupture cases with the steam generators considered as an active heat source for the Sequoyah Nuclear Station Containment:
- 1. Minimum containment safeguards are employed, in all calculations, e.g. , one of two spray pumps and one of two spray heat exchangers; one of two RHR pumps and one of two air recirculation f ans.
- 2. 2.00 x 10 lbs. of ice initially in the ice condenser.
- 3. The Blowdown and Reflood mass and energy releases used are de-scribed in Reference 26.
- 4. Blowdown and post-blowdown ice condenser drain temperatures of 190*F and 130*F were used. (These numbers are based on the long-term Waltz Mill ice condenser test data described in WCAP-8110-Sup. 6) .
- 5. Nitrogen from the accumulators in the amount of 5942 lbs. is included in the calculations.
- 6. The air recirculation fan is assumed to be effective, approximately 10 minutes af ter the transient is initiated.
- 7. Post Reflood mass and energy described in Section were used.
- 8. Even distribution of steam flow into the ice bed is assumed.
- 9. No ice condenser bypass is assumed. (This assumption depletes the ice in the shortest time and is thus conservative.)
- 10. The initial conditions in the containment are a temperature of 100*F in the lower and dead-ended volumes, a temperature of 15'F in the ice condenser, and a temperature of 85*F in the upper volume. All volumes are at a pressure of 0.3 psig and a 10%
relative humidity, except for the ice condenser which is at a 100%
relative humidity.
_ _ _ . . _ _ . . -.
K %e-48-hour endurdn ~run tor monitoring caU v f th e. ; T~
, ,,
nw ry 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />' I wo r e-feioudmt rdted spe ', finr, auction 2'd iceharpa pre : r , 2nd (h at-norinal railus steam genera =i ric arc. Tn e t ru- ^ tisa psovided
di S plays and reco I Ene a'uuvu r- *-
e for : um "-fyr to Attachments 1 c a r a ur,ii 2 7 v -
Q96su tY -hour
endurance tert e lk/AA4 Abl#- Y "'*'*
instrumented uit -
(1) ,PetEinentlh
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installe trument systems p viding data for perc t nucicar power, 7-
suction and d harge pressure, flo and steam generato pressure; i- ,' -
(2) A' portable co act' pyrometer for asuring bearing temp atures at
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thd top of the besiings, and (3) A h$midit temperature' versus time chart recorder for ambient room conditions.=
.gappit $$ ,
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drn in ic pre"Med f te e 'S The pump f,16w($4dnd ,essureY Y '
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- m. (4 7"S0s 2, .; tmh ca .cg re, 7,
jill:sd n .clw f & d w ~ cu~ d lduy /e b & N AnVB-hour endurance runFwas performed V W aa suspected overheated
-to re solere proble.,5 with l
electronic controller. Th!- enrest enneferaA ef r- ainp th= nuv414 wy
i rueuwater tutuine ivi u pp. -i ncly
- muurs wnilu muultoriua thc- turbine e
usere manhored dure % rkls -test. . A datalogger flow and speed rit$ pI:nt re' ta -- the om 111ary tur'ine.
'l' with thermocouple inputs was, used to record temperatures in the air streams and around the electronic controller. A portable humidity / temperature l
versus time chart was used for ambient conditions inside and outside of the Auxiliary Turbine Pump Room.
- __ _ _ = _ _ - .
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- 11. The pump flows vs. time given in Table 6.2-26a were used.
12 A tesidual spray of 2000 gpm is assumed at I hour into the accident.
Residual heat removal pump and spray pump take suction from the sump, af ter 1585 seconds, and 2515 seconds respectively.
- 13. Containment structural heat sinks are assumed with conservatively low heat transfer rates.
14 The operation of one containment spray heat exchanger fUA = 3.56 x 106 )
and one containment RHR heat exchanger (UA = 1.64 x 10 ) has been l assumed.
- 15. The normalized decay heat which is used to calculate mass and energy releases af ter the steam generator equilibrate is presented in Table 6.2-26b.
With these assumptions, the heat removal capability of the Sequoyah Plant is sufficient to absorb the energy releases and still keep the maximum calculated pressure below design. The long-term transients were calculated by the LOTIC computer code.
The following plots have been provided:
Figure 6.2-29 Containment Pressure Transient Figure 6.2-30 Temperature transients for Upper and Lower Compartments Figure 6.2-31 Temperature transient of the active sump and inactive sump Figure 6.2-31a Ice nelt vs. time
The following tables have also been provided:
Tabic 6.2-27 Energy balances until end of reflood Table 6.2-28 Energy accounting at time of ice melt Table 6.2-28a Energy accounting nt time of peak pressure The peak pressure was calculated to be 11.8 psig occurring at approxi-mately 3600 seconds. An energy accounting at 3600 seconds, is given in Table 6.2-28a.
t As a paraneter study ice mass was varied. These results are provided in Figure 6.2-31b.
l Structural Heat Removal i
Provision is made in the containment pressure analysis for heat storace in interior and exterior walls. Each wall is divided into number of nodes. For each node, a conservation of energy equation expressed in finite difference form accounts for transient conduction into and out
) 6.2-32
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of the noce and temperature rise of the node.
Table 6-1.VI (Section 6T) is a summary of the containment structural heat sinks used in the analysis. The material property data used is found in Table 6.1-VI A.
The heat transfer coefficient to the containment structure in the lower and 4
ice condenser compartments is calculated by the code based primarily by the a
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work of Tagami. From this work it was determined that the value of the heat transfer coefficient increases parabolica11y to a peak value at the end of blowdown and then decreased exponentially to a stagnation heat transfer coefficient which is a function of steam to air weight ratio. When _
applying the Tagami correlations, a conservative limit was placed on the lower compartment stagnant heat transfer coefficients. They were limited to a steam-air ratio of 1.4 according to the Tagami correlation. The imposition of this limitation is to restrict the use of the Tagami correlation within the test range of steam-air ratios where the correlation was derived.
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l 6.2-34 I
-_ -
. _ _ _ _
Time After Flow to Spray flow RilR Safeguards Initiation Core Spray Flow (sec) (CPM) (CPM) (CPM)
0 0 0 0 44.9 0 0 0 45.0 4913 4750 0 1585.0 4913 4750 0 1586.0 3839 4750 0 1605.0 3839 4750 0 1895.0 3839 4750 0 2205.0 3839 4750 0 2206.0 3839 4750 0 2215.0 3839 4750 0 2216.0 3839 4750 0 3600.0 3839 4750 2000 3601.0 1074 4750 2000 End of 1074 4750 2000 Transient J
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l l
, 6.2-144a l
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END OF SINK BLOWDOWN REFLOOD (BTU) (t=10 see) (BTU) (t=182 sec)
Ice Heat Removal 6 201 (10 ) 6 288 (10 )
Structural Heat Sinks 6 20.0 (10 ) 54.3 (10 )
6 RHR Heat Exchanger Heat Removal 0,0 0.0 Spray Heat Exchanger Heat Removal 0,0 0,0 Energy Content of Sump 6 185.4 (10 ) 6 241 (10 )
Ice Melted (Pounds) 6
.65 (10 ) .997 (10 )
6 6.2-145 t
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TABLE 6.2-28
ENERGY ACCOUNTING AT 2596 SECONDS IN MILLIONS OF BTU's (Approximate time of ice bed meltout)
Ice Heat Removal 538 Structural Heat Sinks 65.1 RHR Heat Exchanger 43.4 Heat Removal Spray Heat Exchanger 39.0 Heat Removal Energy of Sumps 583 Pounds of Ice Melted 0 2.00 (10 )
6.2-146 l
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TABLE 6.2-28a i
ENERGY ACCOUNTING AT 1600 SECONDS IN MILLIONS OF_. BTU's (Approximate time of peak pressure)
Ice Heat Removal 538 Structural Heat Sinks 86.5 RHR Heat Exchanger Heat Removal 66.9 Spray Heat Exchanger Heat Removal 83.3 Energy of Sump 582.4 6
Pounds of Ice Melted 2.00 (10 )
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6.2-147 I
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TABLE 6-1 (Continued)
INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED FOR ALL TYPES OF CONTAIN>fENT VI. Passive Heat Sinks A. Material Properties Heat Thermal Capacity Conductivity Material BTU /hr-F-ft BTU /ft -F
Paint 1 0.2000 14.0 .
Paint 2 0.0833 28.4 Concrete 0.8 28.8 Stainless Steel 9.4 56.35 Carbon Steel 26.0 56.35 B. Surfaces Layer and Thickness Heat Sink Material (ft2) (ft)
Upper Compartment
- 1) Operating Dock Concrete 4,880 1.07 Concrete
- 2) Crane Wall Concrete 18,280 0.0005 Paint 1.29 Concrete
- 3) Refueling Canal Steel-lined 0.0208 Stainless Concrete 3,840 Steel 1.5 Concrete
- 4) Concrete 760 0.00125 Paint 1.5 Concrete
- 5) Contain-ment Shell & Steel 49,960 0.000625 Paint Misc Steel 0.0403 Steel
- 6) Misc Steel Steel 2,260 0.000625 Paint 0.12 Steel Lower Compartment
- 7) Operating Deck, Crane Wall & Interior Concrete Concrete 32,200 1,416 Concretc 6.T-3
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I 6.2-34 May 16, 1975 '*
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