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Public Version of Revised Emergency Procedure EP/1/A/5000/01, Immediate Actions & Diagnostics.
Person / Time
Site: McGuire Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/1980
Shared Package
ML19345E268 List:
EP-1-A-5000-01, EP-1-A-5000-1, NUDOCS 8012230537
Download: ML19345E272 (14)


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rg R' EP/1/A/5000/01 h: jMhc


0  ?^C* ' 1 DUKZ PC'~da CCMP.urt McGUI2E NUC1ZAR STA!!CN IMMEDIATE ACTICNS AND DIAGNCSTICS This precedura covers .ha auta=atic and i=nadiata diagnostic sequance of actions which are identified for fc11cving plant conditicus:

A - hadvertant Actuation of Safety hjecticu 3 - Less of Reacter Ccolant C - Secondary Lina Zuptura 3 - Staam Generator Tuba luptura 2.0 !=madiata Acticus and 31 agnostics 3.0 Subsequent Ac icus and 31agscstics 4.0 Raceva:7 frca an hadvertant Safety hjec.ica 1.3 Sv :rc ecms CACTICN haccurata ?:sssuri:ar and S/G Laval readings say occur during accident conditions involving braaka inside cen-

-=d- - c. (This is caused by depressurication and/or raf-eranca lag hascup) . Rafar to McGuira Data 3cok Tabla 2.5 for corrac: ccuversicus for actual laval. Use backup in-strumancation (i.e.: CA Flow, SM ? assure, NC Pressure and 'Jide Zange Th, Tc) .


1 1.1 Law ?:assuricar ?:sssure Ala m.

1.2 Law ? assurizar laval Alars.

1.3 High ?:assurica: Laval Alarm.

1.4 High Contad- - t ?: assure Alarm.

1.5 High Contain:sant Radiation (IMF 38, 29 or 40) Alarm.

1.6 IMF-9 "3x 31ds hcore Instrumentatica Ala:m".

1.7 IMF-16 " Refueling 3 ridge Unit 1 RI 31dg." Alars.

l l

1.3 IMF-51 " Annulus Moni cr" Alar =.

1.9 Landevn Isolation /?:sseuri:ar Easts s Off A14:=.

1.10 High Con-ad-ment Humidity. ,

ex 1.11 High Can "d- ~ t Ta=paratura. O n70 C . .

%v3 %,

1.12 High Cou.ain= ant Su=p Lavel. p % s.'DMr, I;f

.'.c,. ,

1.12 heransed Charging 71cv. 'I;, 'y.:.C.,".:,,C'

. -


.3 '

1.14 Lcw S/G **atar Laval Alar::. ' M .1 c!... .',


1.15 High Staan Flow (cna or all StammHnas) Alar =.

\ ^

% ^ - m

"- - "

801~o230' D 3 7

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I?/1/A/3000/01 PAGE 2 07 11 1.16 Ice Condenser kever Isle: Ocors Open Alars.

1.17 NC System Tave (533*7) Ala=.

  • ..13 S:aam 71=v/Teedva:ar 71 v Xisaatch Alarm.

1.19 Rapidly Changing NC Sys:am Tave.

1.20 Lev S:===1*-= Pressura (one =r all S:aamlines) Alars.

1.21 Lev Teodva:a 3eader Pressure Alarm.

1.22 Increasing S/G ~4atar Level.

1.23 High Air Ejec r Radiation (322-33) Alarm.

1.24 High S/G 31:vdown Radiaticu (127-24) Alars.

NCTI he abcve symp::ss are :7pi:21 =f hase .t.ich say arise while undergoing a U ss =f lasc::r


C alant, Less of Sec:ndary C olan: :: S:aan .

Genera =r Tube lupture (cna er mera sy=p::ms say appear in any Order). ~

.0 *=mediata Actics (lefer :: Inc1:sure 1 I= media:a Acticus and 31agncstics)


2.1 Aue:matic 2.1.1 Safa:7 hjec:1:n Ac: ation and Conta1= man: Phase "A" Isolation.

2.1.2 Reac::r Trip and Turbine Trip.

2.1.3 Teodva:ar isola:1:n =ccurs vi.h all C7 Cen:=*n=an: Isola:1:n, C7 Regulation and 3ypass 7alves :1: sed.

2.1.4 CA ? umps s:ar and feed all S/G's as isdica:ad :n CA T1=v gauges and increases in vida range S/G 1evel.

2.1.3 I/S Sequencar actua sd vi.h sc=al vol. age indicated :n 41607 3usses.

2.1.6 N7, NI and ND ?.=aps start. Meni: r lights indica:e that I/S valves are in the pr:per safeguards posi:1:n: Ouring Opper Head hjec ion Gr:up 3 and a ::mple:aly ligh:ad; Gr:ups 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 c:mpletely dark. Af ter

  • pper Head Injection Grcup 3, 4, and 6 ::apletely 1 113h:ed; Gr:ups 1, 2, 3, and 7 ::spla:aly :iark.

l 7 7erif7 IN and IC ? umps s:ar: via Con:::1 3 card indica::rs.

l l

2.1.3 Con:2* mnan: 7en:11a:1:n Isola:1:n as indica:ed by all 7? *.sola:icu i

valves closed (3CP IS7 Camponen:s OAC Pr: gram ::: is ala=) .

l 2.1.3 Cane = * ~n : Phase "3" !ao14:1:n, Cane 2*nsan: Spray, and Mais 5:aa=

!solati:n, M Con:='-"==~: Pressure is grea:er :han 3.0 ;sig as is-dica:ad by a:stus ligh:s and/or 1 dica:: s.

l l

2.2 Manual 2.2.1 Insure all required aut:ma:1: acti:ns :ccur, perf= n any tha: did :::



l l



1 --


  • IP/1/A/5000/01 PAJ2 3 0F 11 2.2.2 1f dte a.t Tu.tbine. fa.ils a stip xitet .tquitzd, p.tacted o o A?/0/Al5500/34 iActd.cns RyuLted f01.ut Anticipaczd T.t:.r.sizn.C WCitcM Setam Even.C) .tnd pc.tfou .typil-ML stzps :.:ncu.stzste xLCit subse.quzsLC ht btLs

2.2.3 7erify Safety Injec:1on flow from at least ene ::ain is being de-livered to the NC System when the NC Pressure is below the shutoff head of the NV Pumps, via NI Boren Injection Plev indicaccr. If not, manually start pumps.

2.2.4 7erify CA flow f cm at least ene ::ain is being delivered to :he S/G4.

If not, manually star: pumps. DO NOT regulata CA flow until level indicates in :he nar:cw range >0% (above U-cubes).

2.2.5 7erif7 chat heat is being removed fr m :he reactor via :he S/Gs by


noting the following: Automatic steam dump :o condenser is occurring, or via S/G

?CRV's if stasa dump not available. NC Tave is decreasing :owards progranuned no-load :amperatura (557*?).

NOTE Atmospheric steam dump is blocked by a Reac:or Trip.

Condanser dump is blocked by C-9 and/or ?-12. If cocidown below 553*7 Tave (P-12) is required .he 3ypass interlocks sust be used.

3.0 Subsecuent Actions - Diagnostics (Refer to Enclosura 2).

Ini:1al / N/A

/ 3.1 Insure all required i:mmediate actions have occurred.

/ 3.2 If the Phase A Cont 24"mant Isolation Moni:or Lights are out of sequence, manually iniciata Phase A Concatment Isolation.

/ 3.3 7.taczed b EP/0/A/5000/05 (Natifi~einn of Unusu:J. Eve.nts) :atd petfam acnliMt stzcs concu. stent :.ite s zps of titis

/ 3.4 If the NC pressura is abnormally lov or decrassing in an unc=n-

alled manner, verif7 : hat:

/ 3.4.1 All pressuri:a spray line valves are closed via MC3 indications.

/ 3.4.2 If spray valves vill not close ::1p 1A and 13 NC Pump.


. i EP/1/A/5000/01 4

PAGE 0F 1 Ini:121 / N/A

/ 3.4.3 All pressurt:ar PCRVs are closed. If not, nanually close the valves from :he Control 3 card. If any Pressur1:ar PCRV will not close, close 1:s associated isolation valve.

/ 3.5 1.* :he NC pressure is above the low pressure reactor trip set-point (1945 psig) AND is stable or, incrassing, go to S:ap 3.12.

/ 3.6 Afcar :he NV psamp operation has been verified AND when the wide range NC pressure is <1500 psig stop all NC pumps.

/ 3.6.1 Close the NV Pump siniflow isolation valves 1NV-151A (NV Pumps Recirculation) and :NV-150B (NV ? umps Recirculacien) .

/ 3.6.2 Should wide range NC Systas pressura subsequently increase to >2000 psig, open 1NV-151A (NV Pumps Recirculation) and 1N7-150B (NV Pumps Recirculation) .

/ 3.7 If IC or RN flow to :he NC pumos is isolated on a courainment pressure signal, all NC pumps ara :o be stopped w1:hin 5 minutes because of loss of notor and bearing cooling.

/ 3.7.1 If NC pumps are stopped, the seal injection flow of ~3 gpn per pump should be saintained.

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EP/1/A/$000/01 PAGZ' 5 0F 1 initial i N/A

_/ 3.3 ?.tacted ta EP/1/A/3000/04 (Stzam Gene.ta. car Tabe Rtu:7.u.te) if tite

fcL!bming candi:Lans exa. :  ;

/ 3.3.1 EMF-33 (Air Ejector) or EMF-34 (S/G 3 lowdown Sample) in l alarm.

/ 3.S.2 No abnormal increase in cont =4n==nt pressure or sump level.

/ 3.3.3 EMF-38, 39 or 40 (Contain==nt 2ndiation) (prior to Phase A)

or EMF-9,16 or 51 not in alarm.

/ 3.3.4 S/G 1evel abnornal high in 1/4 S/Cs.

/ 3.3.5 SM Flow > C7 Flow nisaatch 1/4 S/Ga.

/ 3.9 ?.toceed ta EP/1/A/5000/02 (Lass of Rz1ccar Cact.1nt) if t.ite j fallamutg condicians zxa.c:

i II:"HER j / 3.9.1 liMF-38, 39 or 40 (prior to Phase A) in alarm.

/ 3.9.2 EMF-9, 16 or 51 in alarm.


/ 3.9.3 cone =4-t pressure and sump level increasing.

NOTE For usty smal.L brzans inside contzinmen.c, t.its cantzinment pressu,te incte.cse mi44 he ve,ty smali and po u N j not .tecogni- Mt. For ve,ty smaLL breaks t.ite conts.uumust sump tzvel sill inctesse usty stawt.y and ta.tly in tite stansizn.: may not ind1We 1 Level instease. -

/ 3.10 Proceed 7.2 EP/1/A/5000/03 (Seconda,ty Line Rt.u:cte) if af.4 candi,2ians andet ticite,t sizp 3.10.1 or 3.10.: zust:

/ 3.10.1 Tor ruptures outside containment.

/ Normal S/G 1evel and pressure.

/ Cont =4n= ant pressure and sump level normal.

/ SM > CF flow mismatch.

/ 3.10.2 .'or ruptures inside containment:

/ EMF-38, 39 or 40 (prior to Phase A) or IMF-9 16 or 51 not in alarm.

/ Conc =4n= ant pressure and sump level incraasing.

. _ - - _ _ , . ._ _

, , .

EP/1/A/5000/01 PAGE 6 0F 11 Ini:121 / N/A

/ 3.11 The Safety Injection shan not be :arninated :ncil :he fonowing are exhib1:ad:

/ 3.11.1 Nornal readings for cones' = n: :amperature, pressura, radiation (IMF-38, 39, 40, 9,16, or 51) and contain-ment sump level.

/ 3.11.2 Normal readings for 2n+ 1'2 7 Su11 ding Area Radiacion Moni: ors and ktrd M ary Su11 ding Ven:11ation Radiation Monitor (IMF-41).

/ 3.11.3 Nornal readings for S/G 3 lowdown (IMF-34) and air ejec:or (IMF-33) radiation.

CAUTICN If an of :he condicious 3.n.1, 3.n.2, 3.n.3 are NOT sec, return to Scap 3.4.

/ 3.12 If an of the condi:1ons 3.n.1, 3.n.2, 3.11.3 are sec and vnen .he fo nowi=g conditions 3.12.1, 3.12.2, 3.12.3 and 3.12.4 are exhib1:ad, proceed to sec:1on 4.0 to recover from an Inad-vertant Safety Injection.

/ 3.12.1 NC pressura >2000 and increasing.

/ 3.12.2 Pressurizar level >20 level.

/ 3.12.3 The NC System indicated subcooling >50*?.

/ 3.12.4 CA flow of at least 865 gym is being injec:ad into :he S/Gs 01, dmideated narrow range level in at least one S/G



4.0 Recoverv From an !nadver: ant Safety Indec:1on

/ 4.1 Raset Safecy Injection Phase "A" and .he D/G load sequencar and stop the NI, ND, and NV Pumps not required for nornal charging and NC pump seal injection flow.

/ 4.2 Aucamatic rain 1:1acion of Safety Injection win not occur since the reactor trip breakers are not resec.

/ 4.3 Subsequent :o :his Scap, should loss of offs 1:a power occur, manual Safety Injection vill be required :o load .he E/S equipmen:

onto the 3/G busses.

/ 4.4 Manually rainitiate safety injection if any of .he fo nowing 1


condi._ dons exist:

/ a.4.1 NC Pressurs <1345 psig.

/ 4.4.2 Prassuri:er level <10%.

/ 4.4.3 NC subecoling <!O*?.

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EP/1/A/9000/01 PAGE 7 0F 11 Inizial / N/A

/ 4.5 If the NV, NI and ND ? umps are restarted after :arnination, the NV pumps cannot be secured until :he NC Presaure > 200 psi or NC subcooling >65*?.

/ 4.6 Zeset the IN

  • rain "A" and. Train "3" Modulacing 74,1ve lesets (Located on IN Panal).

/ 4.7 Reset the centrol persissive for recirculation mode of 1NI-1343 and 1NI-135A (23 Sump to ND and NS).

/ 4.8 Throttle 1NV-238 (Charging Line Ficv Control) as necessary to supply ~3 gym seal injection flew :o each NC Pump and naissain pressuriner level at no iced valve of 25I.

/ 4.9 Isolate :he 3IT by cicaing:

1NI-4A (3.I.I. Inlet Isol.)

INI-5B (3.I.T. Inlet Isol.)

INI-9A (3.I.T. Disch. Isol.)

INI-103 (3.I.T. Disch. Isol.)

/ 4.10 Reset :he CA Train "A" and Train "3" nodulating valve resecs :o regulate flow :o che 'S/Gs. Control ficw to naintain I5I level.

/ 4.11 Establish 71 cc :he cone =d-at by opening:

NOTE After opening each valve listad, allow :he 7*

header pressure :s stabilize before opening

.he next valve.

17I-1293 (A ISS Header Cont. Isol. OTSD) .

17I-1603 (3 ISS Header 4nt. Isol. OTSD).

17I-14dB (UPP Cont. Ncn ISS Edr. C/I OTSD).

17I-1505 (L*JR Cont. Non ESS Edr. C/I OTSD).

17!-36 A (7I TO Annulus Vent Cont. Isol.).

/ 4.12 Notify Chemistry :s sample NC System 3cron Concentration and verify Shutdown Margin per OP/0/A/6100/06 (Reac:1viry 3alance P21NI2Cion).

/ 4.13 Istablish IC flev :o the w "2,7 3u11 ding Non-Essential Header as fo11cws:

/ 4.13.1 Open:

IIC-1A (Trn. lA :s A3 Non Iss Ret. 'Iaol.)

IIC-23 (Trs.13 :o AS Non Esa Rec. Isol.)

/ 4 .1', . 2 Close:

IIC-36A (IC to A ND HI)


lIC-313 (IC :o 3 ND HI) l 1



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EP/1/A/5000/01 PAGE 8 0F 11 Ini:ial / N/A

/ 4.13.3 As flow decreases, open:

IIC-50A (Trn.14 to A3 Non Ess Sup isol.)

IIC-523 (Trn. 13 to A3 Non Ess Sup Isol.)

/ 4.14 Align the NV Pump :o taka a suction from .he 7CT:

/ 4.14.1 Open: UN-141A (7CT Outlet Isolation)

LW-1423 (7CT Qutlet Isolation)

/ 4.14.2 Close: HM-2211 (NV Pumpe Suct. From F'4ST)

UN-2203 (N7 Pumps Suct. From 3*4ST)

/ 4.15 Establish Seal 'Jacar Return by opening:

LW-94A (NC Pumps Seal Rec. C/I Inside)

LW-953 (NC Pumps Seal Ret. C/I CTSD)

/ 4.16 Es-4 11sh Normal Charging as follows:

/ 4.16.1 Close LW-241 (Regen. HZ Tube Side Init. CIT 2L)

/ 4.16.2 Open LW-244A (Charging Line Cont. Isol. OTSD)

Utv-2453 (Charging Line Cont. Isol. OTSD)

/ 4.16.3 Slowly throttle open LW-241, as 1: is opened adjust

, LW-238 as necessary to maintain seal injection flow.

/ 4.17 Establish Landown by opening:

LW-1A (NC L/D Isol. to Regen. HI) 137-2A (NC L/D Isol. :o Regen. EX)

IN7-73 (Letdown Cont. Isol. Outside)

/ 4.17.1 Slowly :hrottle open LW-459A (A L/D Orif. OTLT Cont.

Isol.) to 12% open for ~5 ninutes to prevent- :hernal shock to letdown line.

/ 4.17.2 'Jhan letdown lina is war:ned open HIV-458A (3 L/D Orif.

CTLT Cont. Isol.) and/or LW-457A (C L/D Orif. OTLT Cont. Isol.) and close LW-459A.

/ 4.13 7erify 1NV-124 (Latdown Press Control) is nodulating
o main-1

=ain letdown pressure at ~350 psig.

/ 4.19 Energi:e .he pressurizar heaters :o maintain a staan bubble and pressuri:er pressure.

/ 4.20 '4 hen the following condizions exis: after pressurizar level and l

l pressure control is returned to nornal, proceed :o stap 4.21.

l l / 4.20.1 NC Pressure >1845 psig.




/ 4.20.2 ?ressurizar level $0%.

l / 4.20.2 NC subcooled >50*?.

l l / 4.00.4 If :he above condi: ions do not exist, nanually ini:iace l

Safety Injection and radiagnose plant conditions.


_- .


EP/1/A/9000/01 PAGE 9 0F 11

nitial / N/A

/ 4.21 Establish RN flow to Auxiliary Building as follows:

Open: 1RN-42A (A3 Non Isa Supply Isol.) Coord. A-5 13N-63B (A3 Non Isa Return Isol.) Coord. J-5 1RN-64A (A3 Non Iss Return Isol.) Coord. C-5 13N-2795 (A3 vent Sys. Return Isol.) Coord. N-5 12N-299A (AB 7ent Sys. Return Isol.) Coord. F-5

/ 4.22 Stop the RV Pumps.

/ 4.23 If cocidown is necessary, perform a Reactivity 3alance per


CP/0/A/6100/06 (Reactivity 3alance Calculation) and verify Shutdown Margin equivalent to >1.6 AK/I et 200*y. If necessary borate -Jze NC Systes per CP/1/A/6150/09 (3cron Concentration

. Control).

/ 4.24 Return the following ventilation systems to normal per CP/1/A/-

6450/01 (ContM ==at ventilation):


/ 4.24.1 Containment Lower Ventilation.

/ 4.24.2 Centrol Room Drive 7entilation.

/ 4.24.3 Incore Instrument Ventilation.

/ 4.24.5 Containment Upper 7ent11ation.

_/ 4.25 Secure the Diesel Generators per OP/1/A/6350/02 (Diesel Generators) .

/ 4.26 If desired, the P/D Charging Pump may be placed in operation per CP/1/A/6200/01 (Chemical and 7olume Control System).

/ 4.27 Realign RN suc.1on and discharge hemiers to normel:

/ 4.27.1 Open: 13N-10A (Train 13 LLI Supply) Coord. G-4 1RN-113 (Train 13 LII Supply) Coord. K-1

/ 4.27.2 Close: 13N-95 (Train 13 SNS*w'P Supply) Coord J-1

/ 4.27.3 open: 13N-283A (Train 13 Disch. to RC) Coord. D-2

., 13N-2843 (Train 13 Disch. to RC) Coord. L-2

/ 4.27.4 Close: 1RN-1523 (Train 13 Disch. SNS*w'P) Coord. J-2

/ 4.27.3 Cpen: 13N-413 (Train 13 to Non Ess Edr. Isol.) Coord. J-4 1;N-43A (Train 13 to Non Esa Hdr. Isol.) Coord. G-2

/ 4.23 Realign KC for normal operation:

Open: 1KC-320A (NCDT HI Sup. 2dr. Cutside Isol.)

1XC-3323 (NCDT HI Ret. 3dr. Inside Isol.)

1XC-332A (NCDT HI Rec. Edr. Outside Isol.)

IIC-4293 (Ex. 31dg. Drain Hdr. Inside Isol.)

IIC-430A'(Rx. 31dg. Drain Hdr.~Cutside Isol.)

. .

EP/1/A/5000/01 PAGE 10 0F 11 Initial / N/A

/ 4.29 Secure ona :: sin of RC per CP/1/A/6400/05 (Compenant Cooling

~4atar Operation) when desired.

/ 4.30 Realign N7 as fo11cvs:

Open: LTI-22SA (13 Glycol Supply C/I OTSD)

INT-2333 (13 Glycci Return C/I INSD) 137-234A (23 Glycol laturn C/I OTSD)

/ 4.31 1aalign the ?RT as fonovs:

Cpen: INC-533 (N3to ?RT Conn. Isol. OTSD)

INC-54A (N, :o PRT Conc. Isol. INSD)

INC-563 (?RT Spray Conc. Isol. INSD)

/ 4.32 Realign the NOT as fo11cws:

Cpan: Iki-13 (NOT ?mps Disch. OTSD ! sol.)

1k1-2A (NOT ? umps Disch. INSD ! sol.)

iki-39A (NOT Vanc Inside Isol.)51-413 (NOT 7 enc Queside Isol.)

/ 4.33 Iscablish S/G 3 lowdown per CP/1/A/6250/08 (Steam Genera:or

- Slowdown Syseam).

/ 4.34 Realign the 3IT as follows:

Open: 1NI-23A (3C Kacire. Au:o Isol.)

INI-243 (3 C Rac1 c. Auto Isol.)

INI-41A (3C Rac1:c. ?mp Dis Auco 312) .

/ 4.35 2ascar: the 3IT Rac1:c. Pumps. Energ1:e .he 3IT and 3C Surge Tank heaters.


/ 4.36 Iniciata staps to return :he 3C boren concan::acion :o ormal per CP/0/3/8400/13 (3oric Acid Addi:1on :o Baron Injection) .

/ 4.37 Realign the Cont = h e Floor and Equipmenc Sumps IA and 13 and the Incora Instr ment Sump as follows:

Cpan: Iki-64A (R3 Sump Pump Disch. INSD Isol.)

L1-653 (13 Sump Pump Disch. OTSD Isol.)

/ 4.38 Realign :he FL*ST as follows:

! Open: 1TJ-33A (T4ST :o Rac1:c. Pumps) 174-49B (TJST :o Racire Pumps)

/ 4.39 If necessary, refill :he F*4ST per OP/1/A/6200/14 (Rafueling *Jace:


/ 4.40 Racurn K7 :o nornal aparation par CP/1/A/6200/05 (Spent Fuel Cooling Systa=).

/ 4.41 Recurs 7C/TC to normal operacion pa OP/0/A/6450/11 (Centrol Area Ventilation /Ch1Had 'Jacar Syscam).

  • '

FJ/1/A/5000/01 FACE 11 0F 11

nitial / N/A

/ 4.42 Return 7A to nor:nal operation per OP/0/A/6450/03 (Auxiliary 3uilding 7encilation Systam).

/ 4.43 Return Computer Roca 7entilation System to nor:nal operation per CP/0/3/6450/14.

/ 4.44 Raset to Auto 17Q-6A and 17Q-53 (Cont. Air Add. Outside/Inside Isol.).

/ 4.45 Esset Conemin= ant Ventilation Isolation.

/ 4.46 lealign Prinary Sampling System per OP/1/A/6200/11.

/ 4.47 Open 1Df-1133 (Containment Outside Isolation) .

/ 4.48 Maintain a Hot Standby Condition and cafer to Technical Speci-fications to datarmina if fur.her actions must be :aken.

i l


l i



l 1



l.I'/1/ A/ SOOO/01 llAS AN AUTutlATit: REACTuk l Ilci.uSilit E I


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I flAl. OPERATIOli YE8 STEP 2.2.2 s

ll -


" " ' " ~ '


I F No IF YES ir






_l L C46 10 lNClOSIIHE 2 FHoll ENCI.HSilitE 2


. __ . _



v l


i I:tC:.0SL?2 :


= a EP/1/A/!000/01 NC SYSTEM PHSS &;IMF-33,36,37.38,39,aC -

<1945 PSIC? 014L IN ALutM?


1. It117T NV P'01P J,P21 L
  • NC iT3 FRE33 L ATICM [ No >L300 75IC? E
2. *11P ALI. NC F M S F No ' *
1. 13C ?RESS S000 PSIC?

YES 2. P:1 LZ7tL 3:017 1 3. 1C SUSC00L.h >!O*F?

lEC 6 2N AVA!Tlar r To NC 4 CA T'0W 1%5 CPM TO NON-( YES I


l .;g TIS 5/Ca 3.1. :.7.YEL *13:?

i e

QA. air-M AA.Adh wE iMF a= Mi


Q !O 2/I m 2 0/0A 3, Ag yogggg;g igggg 3fg tgyEL TES (3/Ca 703E Ac?TURE) 1/4 5/ Cat

4. SM TI4W > CT TLOW MtotATc3 1/4 S/Ca? lIERMDATE3 l i

M-38 aLutM?

  • NC PRESS. OROP <t345 PSIC7 CtF-39 ALAAM' YES P:1 UTIL ORCP I EMr--O Au aMt = t U2 UC.yUat u mLmm 3c 3c ,ccot:3 ,3g.LC,,7 l 3r-9 AuaM? 2. sM > Cr rw W .n sa TCa :N l EMF-16 ALutM? - ;fs greer -- - - - -

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Enclosure II Enclosure II i
