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03/19/2009 Farley Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/19/2009
Division Reactor Projects II
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Download: ML090921035 (8)


Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Purpose of Todays Meeting Annual Assessment Meeting Reactor Oversight Program - CY 2008 A public forum for discussion of the licensee licensees performance NRC will address the licensee performance issues identified in the annual assessment letter Licensee will be given the opportunity to respond to the information in the letter and Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region II inform the NRC of new or existing programs to Dothan, AL maintain or improve their performance March 19, 2009 Agenda Region II Organization Luis Reyes Regional Administrator

Victor McCree Introduction Deputy Regional Administrator Review of Reactor Oversight Process National Summary of Plant Performance Division of Reactor Projects Len Wert, Director Division of Reactor Safety Kriss Kennedy, Director Richard Croteau, Deputy Director Joel Munday, Acting Deputy Director Discussion of Plant Performance Results Harold Christensen, Deputy Director Licensee Response and Remarks NRC Closing Remarks Projects Branch 2 Scott Shaeffer, Chief (404)562-4521 Regional Specialist Inspectors Break NRC available to address public questions Resident Inspectors (RI)

Project Engineers (PE)

Eddy Crowe, Senior RI Curt Rapp, Senior PE Shane Sandal, RI Tonya Lighty, PE RI Office: (334)899-3386

Our Mission Some Nuclear Facts To license and More than 100 nuclear regulate the nation nations power plants supply about 20 percent of the civilian use of electricity in the U.S.

byproduct, source, and special nuclear Nuclear materials are used materials to ensure in medicine for diagnosis and cancer treatment.

adequate protection of public health and Nuclear materials are safety, promote the widely used in industry, common defense and such as in density gauges, security, and protect flow measurement devices, radiography devices, and the environment. irradiators.

The NRC Regulates What We Dont Do Nuclear reactors - commercial power reactors, Regulate nuclear weapons, military research and test reactors, new reactor designs reactors, or space vehicle reactors Nuclear materials - nuclear reactor fuel, radioactive materials for medical, industrial, and academic use Own or operate nuclear power plants Nuclear waste - transportation, storage and disposal of nuclear material and waste, Regulate some radioactive materials, decommissioning of nuclear facilities such as X-X-rays and naturally Nuclear security - physical security of nuclear occurring radon facilities and materials from sabotage or attacks

How We Regulate Assurance of Plant Safety Establish rules and regulations Require defense-defense-in-in-depth depth Issue licenses Provide oversight through inspection, Require long-long-term maintenance of enforcement, and evaluation of equipment operational experience Conduct research to provide support Require continual training of for regulatory decisions operators Respond to events and emergencies Verify compliance with regulations What We Do - Nuclear Waste What We Do - Nuclear Security The NRC regulates: NRC Requires:

  • Well-Well-armed and well-well-
  • Storage of spent trained security forces, reactor fuel in fuel
  • Surveillance and pools or dry storage perimeter patrols, casks, and
  • State-State-of-of-the-the-art site access equipment and controls,
  • A national spent
  • Physical barriers and fuel storage site--

site-- detection zones, and Yucca Mountain.

  • Intrusion detection systems and alarm stations.

Reactor Oversight Process NRC Performance Goals Strategic Safety: Ensure adequate protection of Performance Areas Safety public health and safety and the Cornerstones environment. Baseline Inspection Performance Indicator Results Results Security: Ensure adequate Significance Threshold Significance Significance Threshold Threshold protection in the secure use and management of radioactive Action Matrix materials.

Regulatory Response Examples of Baseline Inspections Significance Threshold Inspection Findings & Performance Indicators Equipment Alignment ~80 hrs/yr Green: Very Low safety issue Triennial Fire Protection ~250 hrs triennially White: Low to moderate safety issue Yellow: Substantial safety issue Operator Response ~125 hrs/yr Red: High safety issue Emergency Preparedness ~80 hrs/yr Rad Release Controls ~110 hrs biennially NRC Response:

Worker Radiation Protection ~95 hrs/yr Green: Only Baseline Inspection Corrective Action Program ~250 hrs biennially White: May increase NRC oversight Corrective Action Case Reviews ~60 hrs/yr Yellow: Requires more NRC oversight Red: Requires more NRC oversight

Action Matrix Concept National Summary of Plant Performance Multiple/Rep Status at End of CY 2008 Licensee Regulatory Degraded Unacceptable Degraded Response Response Cornerstone Cornerstone Performance Licensee Response 86 Regulatory Response 14 Degraded Cornerstone 3 Increasing Safety Significance Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone 1 Unacceptable 0 Increasing NRC Inspection Efforts Total 104 Increasing NRC/Licensee Management Involvement Increasing Regulatory Actions National Summary Inspection Activities 7400 hours0.0856 days <br />2.056 hours <br />0.0122 weeks <br />0.00282 months <br /> of inspection-related activities Performance Indicator Results (end of CY 2008) In-service Inspection Radiation Protection

  • White 6 Biennial Problem Identification & Resolution (PI&R) Inspection
  • Yellow 0 Biennial Licensed Operator Requalification Inspection Security

Total Inspection Findings (CY 2008) 95002 Supplemental Inspection for Breakers & Residual Heat Removal (RHR) valves

  • Green 776 B.5.B Inspection (TI 171)

Heat Sink Performance Inspection

EDG TS Surveillance Requirements (Endurance/Margin) Inspection (TI 176)

  • Yellow 0
  • Red 0

2008 Assessment Results - Unit 1 Unit 1 Assessment Results (contd) nd rd th st nd rd th 2 Qtr 2007 3 Qtr 2007 4 Qtr 2007 1 Qtr 2008 2 Qtr 2008 3 Qtr 2008 4 Qtr 2008 Input 1 White Performance Input 1 White Performance Input 1 White Performance Input 1 White Performance 1st and 2nd quarters 2008 within the Degraded Indicator CCW Indicator CCW Indicator CCW ADDRESSED IN 95002 Indicator CCW Cornerstone column Input 2 White Input 2 White Input 2 White Input 2 White Inspection Finding Inspection Finding Inspection Finding Inspection Finding Open Parallel Open Parallel Open Parallel Open Parallel Overall, Regulatory issues at Farley Unit 1 have been associated with:

White Breakers White Breakers White Breakers White Breakers ADDRESSED IN 95002 Repetitive 4160 volt breaker failures Input 3 White Input 3 White Input 3 White Input 3 White Performance Performance Performance Performance Indicator AC Indicator AC Indicator AC Indicator AC Power Power Power Power ADDRESSED IN 95001 Run failures on the 1B EDG Input 4 White Input 4 White All Action Matrix inputs for these issues have Finding EDG Finding EDG Exhaust Exhaust ADDRESSED IN 95001 Licensee Degraded Degraded Degraded Degraded Regulatory Regulatory been successfully reviewed by the NRC via Supplemental 95002 and 95001 Inspections Response Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Response Response (Column 1) (Column 3) (Column 3) (Column 3) (Column 3) (Column 2) (Column 2)

Unit 1 Assessment Results (contd) Unit 1 Assessment Results (contd)

For the breaker issues, a Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) NRC conducted Supplemental Inspection was issued November 2007 Procedure 95002 in June 2008 which CAL closed (January 25, 2008) based on inspection and encompassed::

review of licensee new multipoint breaker inspection

  • multiple safety-safety-related circuit breaker failures process
  • White MSPI MSPIs PI associated with these issues Marked improvement in breaker performance over the
  • White PI parallel finding 2008 assessment period
  • Quality of root cause evaluations remained a The licensee completed modifications to their component focus area during inspection cooling water (CCW) system during 2nd quarter 2008 which Inspection indicated improvement in root reduced their risk profile for the CCW system cause evaluation process and noted The modification resulted in the licensee returning a key improvements in breaker reliability CCW Mitigating System Performance Index (MSPI) performance indictor (PI) to Green status

Unit 1 Assessment Results (contd) 2008 Assessment Results - Unit 2 NRC conducted 95001 supplemental inspection 3rd 1st Qtr 2007 2nd Qtr 2007 3rd Qtr 2007 4th Qtr 2007 1st Qtr 2008 2nd Qtr 2008 3rd Qtr 2008 4th Qtr 2008 quarter 2008 which encompassed: Input 1 White Input 1 White Input 1 White Input 1 White

  • White MSPI Emergency AC Power system PI for 1B EDG Performance Performance Performance Performance failures Indicator RHR Indicator RHR Indicator RHR ADDRESSED IN 95002 Indicator RHR
  • White Finding for inadequate work instructions to install the Input 2 White Input 2 White Input 2 White Input 2 White 1B EDG exhaust header Inspection Finding Inspection Finding Inspection Finding Inspection Finding Open Parallel Open Parallel Open Parallel Open Parallel NRC conducted an additional Problem PI&R White Breakers White Breakers White Breakers White Breakers inspection (Dec. 2008) ADDRESSED IN 95002
  • Noted improved rigor and scope of root cause evaluations Input 3 Yellow Input 3 Yellow Input 3 Yellow Input 3 Yellow Inspection Finding Inspection Finding Inspection Finding Inspection Finding
  • Incorporated improvements in the Corrective Action Program RHR Sump RHR Sump RHR Sump RHR Sump (CAP) ADDRESSED IN 95002 At end of assessment period, approximately 348 of 438 95002 Action Items were complete (80%) Licensee




Degraded Cornerstone Degraded Cornerstone Degraded Cornerstone Degraded Cornerstone Licensee




The licensee entered the Regulatory Response (Column 1) (Column 2) (Column 3) (Column 3) (Column 3) (Column 3) (Column 1) (Column 1) column 3rd quarter 2008 based on:

  • White finding for inadequate work instructions (Not counted in the NRC NRCs Action Matrix to prevent double counting)

Unit 2 Assessment Results (contd) Unit 2 Assessment Results (contd) 1st and 2nd quarters 2008 within the The licensee entered the Licensee Response Degraded Cornerstone column:

column 3rd quarter 2008 Yellow Inspection finding in the Mitigating Systems Cornerstone (RHR valve failures )

White Performance indicator Parallel Finding White MSPI RHR system PI NRC conducted Supplemental Inspection Procedure 95002 in June 2008 which encompassed all of the issues noted above

2008 Assessment Summary Overall Assessment Impact Overall, Farley Farleys performance has improved over the assessment period Southern Nuclear operated Farley in a manner that preserved public health and Both units improved their standing on the NRC NRCs Action Matrix safety with moderate degradation in safety All NRC Supplemental inspections conducted during 2008 were successfully completed with no new significant regulatory issues being performance identified.

All cornerstone objectives were met Specific corrective actions associated with breakers, EDGs and RHR sump valves have been effective For the remainder of 2009: Programmatic corrective actions in the area of root cause evaluations evaluations NRC plans baseline inspections and corrective action program improvements have been implemented.


Although all effectiveness reviews have not been completed, the NRC will be looking for sustained performance in the areas noted above.


Contacting the NRC Reference Sources Report an emergency Reactor Oversight Process (301) 816-5100 (call collect) Report a safety concern:

(800) 695-7403 Public Electronic Reading Room General information or questions Public Document Room 1-800-397-4209 (Toll Free)

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