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Amend 1 to Application for SNM License
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/15/1973
From: John Miller
Shared Package
ML19270H523 List:
NUDOCS 7911040160
Download: ML19270H531 (9)


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' " ' ~ '?~T O METROPOLITAN EDISCN COMPANY 3 9n o40 /6

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s THREE MILE ISLA';D tl NIT 1 FUEL AND BY-PRODUCT STORACE LICENSE APPLICATION This application is filed pursuant to title 10 code of Federal Regulations, Part 70 for authorization to receive, possess, store, inspect, and package for transport nuclear fuel assemblies. Authori-zation is also requested for the storage of other radioactive by-product materials to be used in subsequent operations of the reactor. It is requested that the Special Nuclear Materials License remain in effect until receipt of the Operating License.

The following information is submitted in support of the application:

1.0 APPLICANT Metropolitan Edison Company

  • 2800 Pottsvil]e Pike, Muhlenberg Township Berks County, Pa.

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 542, Reading, Pa. 19603 2.0 ADDRESS OF STORAGE SITE The Three Mile Island Nuclear Station is located on Three Mile Island


3.0 CORPORATE INFORMATION 1he information set forth in the application for Construction Permit and Operating License, Docket 50-289 dated May 3,1967, for the Three Mlle Nuclear Station l'ni t 1, is hereby incorporated by re ference .

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f'. s- Findings concerning centrol and ownership of the applicant are set forth , s in the Order of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board dated May 16, 1972. 4.0 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL 4.1 Fuel Elements The 177 fuel assemblies of the initial core that will be received and stored are described in the following table: Square cross-section 8.536 inches square - of fuel assembly Effective fuel length 144 inches Over-all fuel assembly length 165.625 inches Rod array type 15 x 15 - 225 (208 fuel rods 16 control rod channels 1 instrument channel) [' - Rod clad thicknesc .0265 inches Rod clad material Zr-4


Rod outside diameter .430 inches No. of fuel assemblies 177 U-235 enrichments (%) 2.06% 2.72% 3.05% No. of Assemblics 56 61 60 UO2 Weight Per assembly (pounds) 1,159.5 lbs. UO2 . UO2 Weight per rod 5.5 7 lb s . UO 2 U weight per assembly 1,022.2 lbs. U The maximum amount of special nuclear material, as kilograms of U-235, which may be possessed at any one time is 10,300 kilograms. This represents the initial core and assumes that all additional storage spact-has been utilized. _.

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 ,            4.2 Other Raaroactive Materials Up to 50.1 curies of Cosium 137 will be received for subsequent
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use as gamma sources for calibrations in connection with reactor operation. Up to 800 curies of Americium will be received for subsequent use as neutron sources- for reactor initial startup, operation, and portable instrument calibration. 5.0 TRANSPORTATI ON All fuel assemblics are to be delivered to the site in accordance with shipping procedures and a_ tangements of the Babcock & Wilcox Company. The fuel assemblies will be shipped in steel shipping containers (B&W Model B Fresh Fuel Shipping Container) supplied by the fuel manufacturers, Babcock & Wilcox Company as licensed under SNM-1168. The Model B shipping container has been assigned DOT Special Permit No. 6206. Fuel will be shipped to the site by truck, six containers per truck f.- and one or two fuel assemblies per container. Upon arrival at the site, the containers and truck trailers will be inspected for damage and monitored for external radioactive contamination. 6.0 STORAGE CONDITIONS The fuel assemblies will be stored in the Fuel Handling Building shown on Figures 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-7 & 1-8 of the Final Safety Analysis Report. The fuel storage pools are constructed of reinforced concrete and lined with . stainless steel. It is expected that the fuel will be stored in the fuel storage racks in a wet condition with a boron concentration of 2270 PPM. However, should circumstances prohibit the flooding of the fuel storage peola, the fuel will be placed in the storage racks in a dry condition. Since the Fuel ifandling nullding is a reinforced concrete structure, it is considered ext ra >1:. unifl el:, t ha t a fi re will occur. llowever, the use of flam.n'. 9 O77.} m c_33

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4/ s materials in the Fuel Handling Building will be carefully controlled as an added margin of safety. 6.1 Inspection & Handling As soon as practicable af ter arrival at the Fuel Handling Building, the shipping containers will be unloaded from the truck trailers. The new fuel assemblies will be removed one at a time from the shipping containers and placed in a vertical position in the new fuel inspection stand, to check for integrity and numbering. Damaged rods, if any, will be detected by visual inspection and by the performance of radiation surveys by quali-fied personnel as the shipping containers are opened or as the assemblies are unwrapped. All activities of unloading, inspecting, moving and storing of the assemblies will be performed in accordance with written procedures


which will have been approved by the Three 1 Ele Island Nuclear Station Super-intendent. . 6.2 Safety Evaluation The atorage racks in the Fuel Handling Building are designed to

     . provide a center-to-center spacing of twenty-one inches or more between the fuel assemblies. This arrangement provides for up;:ight storage of the fuel

. assemblies in an array in which the effective multiplication factor is less than 1.0 in the flooded condition. This conclusion is based on the calculated K eff f 0.87 in c la unborated water for 3.5 percent enriched fuel assemblies in a 21-inch square array (1) . Since the highest enrichment for which this applicatica is being made is 3.05 percent, a factor of conservatism is pre-sent in the calculations.

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l The effective multiplication factor of an unmoderated storage 1


array of uranium fuel elements which are enriched to less than five percent 7-(. - uranium-235 is always less than 1.0, cegardless of the spacing. In addition to the fully flooded and unmoderated conditions, con-sideration was also given to the condition of moderation within the assedblies and less than full water reflection between assemblies. The only conceivable means by which this condition could exist are listed below: (1) The accumulation of water in the fuel assedblies to a greater degree than between assemblies, such as might arise from use of a fire hose in the Fuel Storage Building. (2) The use of fog, spray, or foam fire fighting equipment. (3) The presence of packaging material which has moderating properties in the interior of the assemblies. None of these methods are considered credible for the follcwing g reasons: l (1) The amount of combustible material present in the Fuel Storage


Building will be at a minimum. There will be no sprinklers in the building and signs will be posted on the building prohibiting the use of fire hoses, fog, or foam fire fighting equipment within the building. Carbon dioxide extinguishers will be used for fire protection. (2) Openings will be made in the plastic protective coatings near the bottom of each fuel assembly. In the event that adminis-trative controls should not prevent water from entering the fuel assemblies, these holes would allow the water to drain out immediately. (3) There will be no packaging material between the fuel rods of the asre 6. lies at any time the assemblies are stored in taa i i Fuel Storage Building racks. Polyethylene or other plastic I

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materials will be used as protective covers around the fuel assemblies but not within the assemblies. ,


Therefore, it is concluded that it is not credible that the condition of moderation within assemblies and less than full moderation between assemblies can exist. It is concluded that the storage methods described in this request are adequate to prevent criticality and protect the health and safety of the public. 6.3 Radiation Monitoring The following RMS instrumentation will be operational and will be utilized to provide continuous radiation monitoring in the Fuel Handling Building: 6.3.1 RM-G9 Fuel Handling Bridge Detector, Victoreen Instrument (' Corporation Aren Monitor (Ion Chamber) Model 845 Range .1 to 107 mr/hr.


6.3.2 RM-A13 Fuel Handling Building Air Monitor (particulate, gaseous, iodine). Victoreen Instrument Corporation Model 840. The radiation monitors listed above will have an external alarm of sufficient intensity to be heard throughout the storage and handling i area. An assortment of portable and laboratory radiation instrumentation will also be available during receipt, inspection and storing of the fuel as ser.b lies . The above mentioned radiation monitoring equipment will be in service prior to receipt of fuel and will be used for both routine and emer; c r e:. oltva t icas . . 2379 2[[3 _5_

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O 6.3.3 Personnel Monitoring Ne . i All authorized personnel who enter the fuel inspection 6 storage area shall carry personnel monitoring devices. In addition, routine radiation surveys will be conducted in the inspection and storage area. 6.3.4 Monitoring of New Fuel Assemblies Each new fuel aseembly will be monitored for alpha and beta contamination. A beta-gamma dose rate survey will also be taken of each fuel assembly. All readings will be recorded and identified by fuel assembly number. 6.3.5 Emergency Procedure An emergency procedure will be posted in the Fuel Handling Building. In the unlikely event of a radiological incident, this procedure C'- will provide the following information: the evacuation route to be utilized by personnel when leaving the Fuel Handling Building, and listing of reentry


procedures to be followed after the accident. All personnel involved in fuel handling operations will be


trained in the emergency procedures utilized in the event of a radiological incident. The .sadiation Protection Supervisor or his designated Radiation Protection technician will be responsible for execution of the emergency procedure. 6.3.6 Request for Exemotion Applicant requests exemption from the monitoring and emergency procedures requirements of Section 70.24, 10 CFR 70. This exemption is i


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  • requested because the nature of the special nuclear material, storage arrange-ments, and procedural controls which Applicant proposes to employ preclude any possibility of accidental criticality during receipt, unloading, inspec-tion and storage of the new fuel assemblies.

7.0 INDEMNITY Application will be made by Met-Ed to Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Associates for insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 for the period from first shipment of fuel assemblies from Babcock & Wilcox's manufacturing facilities in Lynchburg, Virginia, until the first fuel asse=bly is loaded into the reactor. Proof of financial protection will be furnished


prior to fuel shipment. . METROPOLITAN EDISON' COMPANY t


By 2

                                                     ,,   Vice President

Attest: ti 7779 m 1.) 7,8


Secre ta ry Sworn and subscribed to before ne this /5 I' day of McMb 1973.

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