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Certificate of Svc for Revised Page 21 of 790507 Suppl to Petition to Intervene.Revised Page & Affidavit of M Stinson Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 05/23/1979
From: Ellis J
Citizens Association for Sound Energy
PLED-790507, NUDOCS 7907180768
Download: ML19225A291 (3)


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'of 5. 22/79 in Dceket :ios. 50-445 and 50 kh6 have been served on the fellowing by hand deli ~ery+ or cy depcsit in tne U. S. = ail, fir.;t clase** as indicated belev by the asterisZ or double asterisk, this 23rd day of May,' 1979; I have alac sent Mr. Fouke rand W . Gay, by First Class Mail today, copies of the 5/18/79 ALAE-549 decision.


Lwrence J. Chandler e Mr.. Dick Fcuke W* f Counsel for U2C Staff C7UR U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=:issica 14C0 Eemphill


. Elizabeth C . Ecvers, Esq. , Chair =an* Atc=?c ' Safety and Licensing Ecard Panels .,<

Af.c:nic Safety and Licensing Ecard U. S. Nuclear degul tory Cc =ission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=nission ,

Washingten, D. C;. 2C555


Washington, D. C. 20555 Atccie Safety ar.d Licersing Appeal Lester Kornblith Esq.,Me=ber 4 Fanel'(5) $..g-Atc=1c Safety a 1 Licensing Scard U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=:ission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cac:=1ssion Wachington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20555 i Decketing and Service Sectica (L) 4A

- Richard Cole, Esq., Me=ber % Office cf tne Secretary .


Atcc:ic Safety and Licensing Ecard < U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc=.ission



U. S. Nuclear Reg..latory Cc=nission Washington, D. C. 20555 Washingten, D. C. 20555


Nichclas S. Reynolds y ,

Debevcis & Liber =an-1200 - lith St., N. W.

Wasninrten, D. C. 2CO36



V(Mrs.) Juanita Ellis, President Mr. Geeffrey M. Gay f CASE (Citizens Asscciation for Scund Enercy)

West Texas Lep.1 Ser rices 1h26 S. F01%

EC6 W. 2. Jaggener Building Callas, Texna 75224 810 Ecusten Street 21k/9h6-9h--6 Ft. Werth, Tenas 761L2 Riccard W. Lcverre, Esq. A ,

Assis ann Attcrney General ( % @f /

I:re-~-a Prctectica Divisica p

?. O. Een 125L.3, Capitel Statica g:$

Austin, Tenas 73711 p' V

4 08 g 3 H



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I further proof in the form of ec=parisons aith other studies by the applicant to substantiate the stated figure.

The report " Nuclear Pcver Costs," a report by the subec==ittee en Environ-

=ent, Energy, and Natural Resources of the Cc=mittee on Government Operations of the Ecuse of Representatives, released April 26, 1978, yields far different figures. It states, in part:


" Dis =antling a nuclear plant nov =ay cost anywhere from $31 =1111cn to = ore than $100 Milion in 1977 dollars -- between 3 percent and lo percent of the

$1 billion capital cost. Even the higher figures, however, do not include perpetual care costs for rubble frca the plant containing radicactive nickel which may remain hazardcus for up to 1 5 million years. After 30 to LO years, the expected lifespan of a nuclear plant, decc=missionirg costs would quad-ruple (assuming 5 percent annual inflation) .

"But these figures are all estimates, frcm the lovest to the highest, and no one really knows how such it will cost or who will pay the bill to de-cc==ission this Nation's coc=ercial nuclear reactors. Decocnissioning ecsts therefore represent substantial unkncvn costs of nuclear-generated electricity

-- costs ratepayers =ay be burdened with LO years af ter the reactor startup date."

If the a=ount for decc==issicnir4 the CPSES vere figured to be 3% or 10%

of the current cost of construction, il,7CO,500,000 ($17 billion plus $5CO,CCO estimated for the ecst of correcting the errer in design of the second reacter+),

it would yield a figure of between $51 millien and $170 million.

In the May 7, 1979 issue of FORTUNE =agazine, Peter N. Skinner, an environ-mental engineer in the New York State atterney general's effice, is qucted as saying: , g cy, S

ny- eo 4sy a


  • See Ccntention No. 6. 2, felleving. $ y eg>

, y 428 046 w"



e COUNTY OF SOMERVELL STATE OF TEXAS AFFICAVIT OF MARlLYN STINSON 1, Marilyn Stin:en, being duly sworr. on oath, state the following:

1. That I am a resident of the municipality of Glen Rose, Somervell County, Texas, and that I live at 506 Barnard. .


2. That I am over 21 years of age and of sound mind.

3 That my husband and I own a five-axle semi-tractor trailer and operate a business from the above address which consists of refrigerated hauling service in a five-state area, including Texas.

4. That our home, personal and business property are located within five (5) miles of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.

5 That I am a charter member of CASE (Citizens Association for Sound Energy) and have been a member for over five years.

6. That for the reasor,s stated in the most recent Petition for Leave to Intervene and Contentions filed by CASE in Docket No. 50-445 and 50-446, dated May 7, 1979, the licensir g for operation of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant I will constitute a serious threat to our property and our health, safety and i environment. Specifically, such threat from the routine or emergency operation


of the Comanche Peak plant includes: ininediate or later death, cancer, other health probletas, excessive danger to me personally from the effects of low-level radiation due to my heart condition, destruction c- loss of our home, personal and business property, and possibly irreversible damage to the environment.

7 That for this reason, I have authorized CASE to represent me in the public  !

health, safety and environmental aspects of the operating license hearings for the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant. , i "Rio ~

n'i fQ $$c)

Ma'rilyn Stinson ~~


V Somervell County State of Texas -

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of May, 1979 n 22 Notary P o' lit

~ 4d &LO(5M




P (of ficial seal) if 4Ab 4 a # #' 4, % -

423 047 s- a. e hy& N 6

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