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Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection Report 05000461/2017009 and Preliminary White Finding, EA-17-098
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/2017
From: Stoner T
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC/RGN-III
EA-17-098, U-604367 IR 2017009
Download: ML17263A124 (601)

See also: IR 05000461/2017009


{{#Wiki_filter:Exelon Generation Clinton Power Station 8401 Power Road Clinton, IL 61727 U-604367 September 18, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 Facility Operating License No. NPF-62 NRC Docket No. 50-461 Subject: Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection Report 05000461/2017009 and Preliminary White Finding, EA-17-098 10 CFR 2.201 References: 1. Letter from Patrick L. Louden (NRC) to Bryan C. Hanson (EGC), "Clinton Power Station -NRC Inspection Report 05000461/2017009 and Preliminary White Finding [EA-17-098]," dated August 14, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML 17226A321) 2. Letter from Theodore R. Stoner (EGC) to NRC, "Notification of Intention Regarding Inspection Report 05000461/2017009 and Preliminary White Finding (EA-17-098)," dated August 23, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML 172358156) On August 14, 2017, the NRC issued Inspection Report 05000461/2017009 to Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC). The Inspection Report identified a preliminary finding defined as an Apparent Violation (AV) of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion Ill, "Design Control." The AV was classified as self-revealing, low to moderate safety significance (White). The AV is related to the failure to evaluate the change in the actual drop-out relay voltages for the Division 1 Emergency Diesel Generator (EOG) room ventilation fan resulting in the EOG being declared inoperable. The Inspection Report provided EGC the option to attend a Regulatory Conference or submit the EGC position on the finding, in writing, within 40 days of the date of Reference 1. Additionally, the letter required a ten-day response to notify the NRC of the intended response. On August 23, 2017, EGC submitted the required ten-day response to notify the NRC that a 40-day written response would be submitted to provide EGC's position on the finding (Reference 2). The 40-day response is provided in the Attachment, "Exelon Generation Company's Position Concerning the Significance of Apparent Violation EA-17-098." September 18, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page2 The Attachment to this letter contains a description and conclusion of the additional analysis performed to evaluate the survivability of equipment in the Division 1 EDG room following a failure of the EDG ventilation fan 1 VD01 CA. The additional analysis is enclosed with this letter. EGG recognizes that a performance deficiency occurred and does not dispute the AV or the assigned cross-cutting aspect. However, after reviewing new information provided herein, EGG has reassessed the safety significance and has concluded that the finding has very low safety significance (Green}. The very low safety significance is based upon additional analysis and factors beyond those initially provided to the NRC for use in assessment of the significance of the issue. EGC performed an evaluation to document reasonable assurance of continued operation of the EOG for 24 hours following a start failure of the EDG ventilation fan. The margins to the survivability limits for critical devices for the bounding case of a. Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident I Loss of Offsite Power with the doors closed (i.e., no operator action} scenario increased from the initial evaluation provided during the inspection period to the enclosed evaluation from 11°F 37°F. The margin was calculated in a manner that addresses uncertainties, and therefore provides "reasonable assurance" of EDG operation for the PRA mission time. With reasonable assurance of operation, EGC reviewed IMC 0609, Appendix A, "The Significance Determination Process (SOP} for Findings at Power," Exhibit 2 and could answer all the questions "No". EGC therefore concludes that the finding's significance meets the definition of having very low safety significance and should be characterized as Green. There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Dale A. Shelton, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (217) 937-2800. Theodore R. Stoner Site Vice President Clinton Power Station Attachment: Exelon Generation Company's Position Concerning the Significance of Apparent Violation EA-17-098 Enclosure: EC 620632, Evaluate Survivability of Equipment in the Division 1 Diesel Generator Room Due to Failure of EDG Ventilation Fan 1VD01CA cc: Regional Administrator -NRC Region Ill Ms. Karla Stoedter, Chief, Branch 1, Division of Reactor Projects -NRC Region Ill NRC Project Manager, NRR -Clinton Power Station NRC Senior Resident Inspector- Clinton Power Station Attachment Exelon Generation Company's Position Concerning the Significance of Apparent Violation EA-17 -098 1.0 OVERVIEW Attachment Exelon Generation Company's Position Concerning the Significance of Apparent Violation EA-17-098 NRC Inspection Report 05000461/2017009 documented a finding that has preliminarily been determined to be White, a finding with low to moderate safety significance, with an associated apparent violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 8, Criterion Ill, "Design Control," and Technical Specification (TS) 3.8.1, "AC Sources-Operating." This finding is associated with the failure to evaluate the change in the actual drop out voltages for replacement relays associated with the Division 1 Emergency Diesel Generator (EOG) room ventilation fan. Specifically, Engineering Changes (EC) 330624 and 366624 failed to evaluate the change in the actual relay drop out voltages on the operation of the Division 1 EOG room ventilation fan circuitry prior to replacing the X2 and X3 relays on May 18, 2016 and January 2008, respectively. The failure to properly evaluate the effects of the drop out voltages for both relays prevented the room ventilation fan from operating during an under-voltage condition, resulting in the Division 1 EOG being inoperable from May 18, 2016 to March 11, 2017, a period greater than allowed by the limiting condition for operation completion time provided in TS 3.8.1. During this inspection, Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) provided the inspectors with a copy of EC 619834, "Evaluate Survivability of Equipment in the Division 1 Diesel Generator Room Due to Failure of EOG Ventilation Fan 1VD01 CA." The purpose of this evaluation was to demonstrate that the Clinton Power Station (CPS) Division 1 EOG would operate successfully during the 24-hour PRA mission time, as described in the NRC Risk Assessment of Operational Events Handbook (RASP), without the fan operating. The inspectors reviewed EC 619834 and concluded that EGC had not provided a reasonable basis to show the EOG would have been able to perform its function for the PRA mission time. Specifically, panel internal temperature would have reached approximately 240°F, a point where some of the key components would have been susceptible to failure. EGC subsequently reviewed the NRC's Inspection Report and performed additional analysis and is providing clarification and additional information associated with the facts and assumptions used to assess the significance of the finding. This additional information provides the basis for EGC's position that this finding is consistent with a finding of very low safety significance (i.e., Green). 2.0 EGC'S POSITION ON NRC INSPECTION REPORT CONCLUSIONS The NRC Inspection Report provides two statements associated with EC 619834 for which EGC is providing clarification and additional analysis to demonstrate that the Division 1 EOG would have performed its safety function during the 24-hour PRA mission time without the EDG room ventilation fan running. The two statements are: Page 1of4 Attachment Exelon Generation Company's Position Concerning the Significance of Apparent Violation EA-17-098 "The [NRG] inspectors reviewed Evaluation 619834 and concluded that the licensee had not provided a reasonable basis to show the EOG would have been able to perform its function for the PRA mission time. Specifically, panel internal temperature would have reached approximately 240°F, a point where some of the key components would have been susceptible to failure. Based upon this conclusion, the inspectors continued with the significance determination." "The potential to recover room cooling by opening doors to the diesel generator rooms was added to the base model. NRG staff reviewed the licensee's technical analysis [EC 619834] which included room heat-up calculations and component testing and concluded that if operators opened doors to the room within 30 minutes after diesel generator start and ventilation fan failure there was adequate justification to conc.lude the diesel generator mission would be met." The additional analysis performed refined the GOTHIC model to increase the accuracy of the analysis and reclassified some components as not needed for the EOG to continue to function (i.e., Critical). EGC's position is that the additional analysis provides reasonable assurance the EOG would have continued to operate for the 24-hour PRA mission time without ventilation fan operation and without opening the rollup door and the personnel door. Note that the limiting component's temperature margin for the case where the operators opened the doors within 30 minutes under EC 619834 is 35°F. The limiting component's temperature margin obtained in the additional analysis (without doors open), EC 620632, is 37°F. 3.0 COMPARISON OF EC 619834 TO EC 620632 LIMITING TEMPERATURE MARGINS EC 619834 provided the bases for the NRC's determination that key components would have been susceptible to failure. In the NRC Inspection Report, it states that panel internal temperature could reach 240°F, a point where some of the key components would have been susceptible to failure. EGC reviewed EC 619834 and determined that the panel where this temperature could be reached is panel 1 DG01 JA with a resulting internal temperature of 244 °F. Table 4.3.1, "Critical Devices," of EC 619834 provided the listing of the critical devices (category 1, 2 and 4) that were evaluated along with a summary of the basis for EOG continued functionality under the bounding scenario. In panel 1 DG01JA there were two critical devices, both of which were transformers. EC 619834 indicates that these devices will function at a temperature 13°F above the temperature determined in the analysis for that panel (i.e., 13°F margin). However, in EC 619834 the components with the minimum temperature margin of 11°F are located on 1 DG01 KA. The re-analysis, provided in the Enclosure (i.e., EC 620632), increases the temperature margin forthe critical components in panel 1DG01JA from 13°F to 41°F. The re-analyzed limiting components continue to be located on 1 DG01 KA; their temperature margin was increased from 11°F to 37°F. Page 2of4 Attachment Exelon Generation Company's Position Concerning the Significance of Apparent Violation EA-17-098 Thus, the re-analysis performed in EC 620632 at least triples the temperature margin of the critical components located in 1 DG01JA and on 1 DG01 KA from that of EC 619834 for the bounding case Loss of Coolant Accident I Loss of Offsite Power (LOCA/LOOP) -Doors Closed case. 4.0 REFINEMENT OF THE GOTHIC ANALYSIS EGG developed an engineering report that evaluates the impact of refining the GOTHIC Model used in EC 619834 to develop a more realistic best-estimate prediction of temperatures within the Division 1 EDG room in order to determine more accurate equipment survivability margin. EGG determined that EC 619834 contained accumulated conservatism in the GOTHIC v. 8.2 model that biased the peak panel temperatures. EGG then re-evaluated the room temperatures by refining the GOTHIC analysis as described below: 1. The revised analysis used the generator heat load consistent with vendor provided information in lieu of 137%. 2. The panels within the room were modeled as enclosures (i.e., control volumes with thermal conductors and flow paths) to determine internal temperatures in lieu of using the maximum temperature the panel experiences on the hottest portion (e.g., the top). 3. Credit for air gaps (e.g., gaps around doors, penetrations to the outside, and other penetrations) to the outdoors were modelled. 4. The engine combustion air inlet piping was credited as a heat sink. 5. The GOTHIC model was re-benchmarked to align to the test data more closely. 6. Outdoor air was modeled using a diurnal cycle and using a more representative peak daytime temperature during the exposure period. 7. For the air flow split associated with the tank room exhaust fan (1VD02CA), a more realistic air flow split was utilized. When the model was refined and two of the limiting critical component's temperature limits were reevaluated, the resulting minimum component survivability temperature margin is 37°F. 5.0 EQUIPMENT SURVIVABILITY LIMITS REVIEW The Equipment Survivability List provided in EC 619834 identified equipment that is critical for the proper functioning of the Division I EOG during its 24-hour PRA mission time. Under EC 620632 the critical component's survivability temperature limits were reevaluated. As identified on EC 620632 Table, "Margin to Survivability of Critical Components," the generator (G-1 ), exciter (G-2), and engine mounted governors (A9/A9a) survivability temperature limits were increased. The generator and exciter are the most limiting components for exposed elevated temperatures. The increase in their survivability temperature limits aided in the increased margin of 37°F. Page 3of4 Attachment Exelon Generation Company's Position Concerning the Significance of Apparent Violation EA-17-098 6.0 ADDITIONAL RISK INSIGHTS As discussed in EC 620632, temperatures above -175°F are not reached in the Doors Closed scenario until almost 20 hours into the event. During the LOOP-Doors Closed scenario, room temperatures remain less than 175°F during the 24-hour mission time. This provides additional time for: 1. Restoring functionality to the ventilation fan (and thus restoring cooling to the EOG room). This is very likely, given that highly skilled personnel will be onsite, a simple drawing review would identify the problem, given the chattering relay, and that restoration requires no more than the removal of control power fuses and manual fan breaker closure. 2. Opening area doors or providing alternate cooling (fans located in doorways, etc.). This "defense in depth" situation provides multiple opportunities for success and provides additional confidence that the EOG would have operated for the PRA mission time. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS: The analysis (EC 620632) evaluated the impact of refining the GOTHIC model for the purpose of generating a more realistic best-estimate prediction of temperatures within the Division 1 EOG room in order to determine equipment survivability margin. The refined analysis resulted in reduced room temperatures and along with increased equipment survivability limits resulted in an increased survivability margin for the limiting critical device(s) for the LOCA/LOOP -Doors Closed case from 11°F to 37°F. As described in the Enclosure, the GOTHIC analysis is still judged to be biased slightly in the conservative direction and the uncertainty in the analysis is judged to be less than 5°F. This uncertainty is small relative to the bounding margin to the survivability limits of 37°F noted above. EC 620632 demonstrates that there is reasonable assurance that sufficient margin exists between the environmental temperatures and the equipment survivability limits for the critical components associated with maintaining the EOG functional for the PRA mission time. As a result, using NRC's IMC 0609, Appendix A, Exhibit 2, this issue should be characterized as Green. Therefore, after consideration of this new information, the appropriate classification for the AV should be changed from White to Green. Page 4 of 4 Enclosure EC 620632, Evaluate Survivability of Equipment in the Division 1 Diesel Generator Room Due to Failure of EOG Ventilation Fan 1VD01CA Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO CLINTON POWER STATION Engineering Change EC 620632 EVALUATION EVALUATE SURVIVABILITY OF EQUIPMENT IN THE DIVISION DIESEL GENERATOR ROOM DUE TO FAILURE OF EOG VENTILATION FAN 1VD01CA HU CODE HIGH-3-2 RE: Eric Halverson Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Pages Title PaQe 1 Table of Contents 1 DesiQn ChanQe Authorization and Approvals 2 Evaluation Details and Review Forms (See Passport Topic Notes & Attributes) Evaluation Details -20 Attributes: 18 (total) * C-AA-102-F-01, Interdisciplinary Form * CC-AA-102, F07, and FOB Design Attributes

  • CC-AA-102-F-10F (PRA) * CC-AA-102-F-1

OF (Site Reg Assurance)

  • CC-AA-102-F-10A (OPS) Attachments (See EC "notes" chicklet)

Attachment 1, KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1, R/03, Operability of Class IE 267 Equipment in DG Rooms as a result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Attachment 2, NAl-2007-004 Rev. 0, GOTHIC Analysis 254 Attachment 3, KCI 424-008-TSP-2 Rev. 0, Test Specification for Determining 29 Component Survivability and Operation in Ambient temperature not to Exceed 245°F Attachment 4, Evaluation of EPRI August 22nd, 2017 Notice, PT-082117-122, 1 Subject: 10 CFR Part 21 -Transfer of Information Notice -GOTHIC-Code error related to thermal conductor modeling could impact safety related components/applications Engineering Change Print Date: 09/15/2017 EC Number : 0000620632 000 Status/Date

ACTIVE 09/15/2017

Facility : CPS Type/Sub-type: EVAL SYS 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Page: EC Title: EVALUATION OF EQUIPMENT SURVIVABILITY IN DG DIV. 1 ROOM WITH ELEVATED TEMPERATURES 1 Mod Nbr : 0000619834 KWl: NS KW2: KW3: KW4: KW5: Master EC : N Work Group : Outage : N Alert Group: WO Required : N Image Addr : Adv Wk Appvd: Alt Ref. : Auto-Advance: y Priority : Caveat Outst: y Department

Resp Engr : NIGEL R KEEN Location : Milestone

Date 010-AUTHORIZ EC 06/16/2017 110-PREPARE EC 07/26/2017 120-REVIEW EC 08/01/2017 210-DEPT RVW-OP 07/28/2017 210-DEPT RVW-01 08/01/2017 210-DEPT RVW-03 07/31/2017 210-DEPT RVW-05 07/28/2017 300-APPROVE EC 09/13/2017 630-HOLD 1 800-ATTR CLOSED Units Fae Unit CPS 01 Description UNIT ONE Systems Fae System Description PassPort KEENNR C130102 GANDMM RUSHRC SHELDA HABLAJ C073648 KEENNR CPS DG DIESEL GENERATOR Affected Equipment List Fae Unit Op Sys Di vision CPS 01 Equipment DGNA lDGOlKA Component E15 < Equip. Tag: lDGOlKA State: Reviewed? Y Inst/Rm: Name : DIESEL GENERATOR lA Temporary

DEM Aprd Reqd Date: Exp Insvc Date: Expires On : Auto-Asbuild

ERIC GANDHI MUKESH RUSH ROBERT SHELTON DALE HABLE ANTHONY HENRIQUEZ AGUSTIN KEEN NIGEL Area System Class DG Minor Rev: Major Rev: Rev Trackable: Y Inc: N N 06/08/2020 N Reg BJ:'.: ASSIGNED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED MODIFIED CLOSED EC Number Status/Date Facility Type/Sub-type: CPS 01 Equipment Component Equip. Tag: Engineering Change Print Date: 09/15/2017 0000620632 000 Exelon. ACTIVE 09/15/2017 CPS EVAL SYS 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Page: 2 DG DGNA lDGOlKA Minor Rev: GOS < Major Rev: lDGOlKA State: Reviewed? y Inst/Rm: Rev Trackable: Y Inc : N Name : DIESEL GENERATOR lA CPS 01 Equipment DGNA 1DG01KA12 Component ElS < Equip. Tag: 1DG01KA12 State: Reviewed? y Inst/Rm: Name : GENERATOR lA 12 CYL DIESEL CPS 01 Equipment DGNA 1DG01KA16 Component ElS < Equip. Tag: 1DG01KA16 State: Reviewed? y Inst/Rm: Name : GENERATOR 1A 16 CYL DIESEL Reference Documents List Facility CPS Subfype DWGC Document MOl-1106 DG Minor Rev: Major Rev: Rev Trackable: ENGINE DG Minor Rev: Major Rev: Rev Trackable: ENGINE y y Inc: N Inc: N Sheet 006 Title: GENERAL ARRANGE-CONTROL AND DIESEL GEN BLDG GRADE FL PLAN EL 737 88MO CPS Title: Cross Ref. EC AR AS AS EC PROC ENGINEERING References Number 0000619008 03982792 03982792 03982792 0000619834 NSP CC-AA-309-101 TECHNICAL EVALUATIONS Sub-Number Description EVALUATE SURVIVABILITY OF lSXOlPA AND ASSOCIAT EOID: 1AP11E427X2-41A MAKING LOUD CLICKING SOU 0700 Complete Root Cause Report (RCR) on this issue 4400 Evaluate DG room temperature response for past EVALUATION OF EQUIPMENT SURVIVABILITY IN DG DI Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page 1 of20 UNIT: 01 SYSTEM: DGND TITLE: EVALUATE SURVIVABILITY OF EQUIPMENT IN THE DIVISION 1 DIESEL GENERATOR ROOM DUE TO FAILURE OF EOG VENTILATION FAN 1VD01CA 1.0 REASON FOR EVALUATION: The purpose of this evaluation is to document reasonable assurance of continued operation of the Emergency Diesel Generator (EOG) for 24 hours during a failure of the Emergency Diesel Generator (EOG) Ventilation Fan 1VD01CA to start as described below. This EC refines the GOTHIC model developed in NAl-2007-003, R/2 and removes some of the conservatism that was biasing the peak panel temperatures more than required for reasonable assurance. The initial evaluation done in EC 619834 showed 0::11°F margin for the doors closed bounding case 10. The NRC in Ref. 27, enclosure page 7, did not accept the EC 619834 doors closed cases as not providing sufficient margin to provide reasonable basis for DG function during the 24 hour mission time. This EC 620632 subsequently increases the survivability margin and provides additional facts and assumptions in support of a response to the Preliminary White finding to establish reasonable assurance of EOG operation without operator action (i.e. doors closed) for the 24 hour mission time. This EC subsequently supersedes EC 619834. This EC also provides information which may be used as input into PRA analysis to * assess the severity of the NRC findings, as applicable. 2.0 BACKGROUND The following event is documented in IR 3982792 and the associated Root Cause Analysis. On 3/7/17 during Operator Rounds, the 'C' Area Operator heard a clicking sound coming from Unit Substation 1A (1AP11 E). The sound was coming from relay 427X2-41A, which was cycling every 10 seconds, which is also the design value for the delay timer associated with the relay. 427X2-41 A (X2 relay) is an Agastat Time Delay Relay (TOR) that provides the signal to reset the Load Shed and Resequencing Circuit for Diesel Generator Room Vent fan 1VD01 CA. Troubleshooting determined that the 1VD01 CA fan was unable to respond to a demand signal following an actual under voltage condition, resulting in Division 1 Diesel Generator being declared inoperable on 03/09/2017. The cycling of the X2 relay was caused by an interaction between the X2 relay and relay 427X3-41A (X3 relay). The X3 relay had been replaced with a different model relay in 2008 due to an obsolescence issue. Replacement on 03/11/2017 of the X3 relay with a Gould J13 relay (original design) allowed the circuit to be restored to operable and exit the Emergency Diesel Generator (EOG) 14 day LCO Action Statement. The station is taking actions to 1. Determine the maximum expected temperatures for the room under LOOP/LOCA and LOOP scenarios with a loss of the room cooling function (this EC 620632) 2. Evaluating equipment in the room to confirm it would not result in an inadvertent shutdown of the EOG within 24 hours (this EC 620632) 3. Evaluate potential recovery actions. The root cause analysis determined that the X2 (Agastat) relay, which would cause a failure of the 1VD01 CA fan to start during a loss of offsite power (LOOP), was replaced in May 2016. The impacts of variations in the drop-out voltage of the relays used in this circuit were not previously recognized. The reduction in drop out voltage operating margin remained undetected until occurrence of the subject event. The time duration the Division 1 EOG was inoperable was -10 months (between May 2016 and March 2017). Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page2 of20 However, the X2 relay did not affect the function of the DG Oil Tank room fan 1VD02CA that would continue to run during a LOOP. This fan pulls in cooling air from the outside through various paths and provides some cooling to the DG room. 3.0 EVALUATION SCOPE The scope of the technical evaluation is to determine the peak temperature of the Division 1 EOG room after loss of room cooling fan 1VD01 CA for 24 hours. This mission time is required by the NRC Risk Assessment of Operational Events Manual (RASP) [Ref. 14]. The equipment in the Div. 1 DG room is evaluated at the elevated temperature to determine if they will impact continued operation of the EOG following a loss of the Division 1 EOG room cooling. This evaluation was performed by * Using the GOTHIC Model, to determine ambient heat-up temperature

  • Determining

equipment survivability by performing individual equipment heat-up evaluations and/or testing * Determining operations response to the EOG vent fan failure by performing table top exercises and a simulator scenario. Each of these items is evaluated in the following sections: 4.1 Evaluate the DG room temperature through EOG room heat-up evaluations (GOTHIC) 4.2 Determine survivability for equipment essential for DG function by performing individual equipment heat-up evaluations or actual testing and comparing the results to the area temperatures calculated above. 4.3 Determine Operations response to the EOG vent fan failure 4.0 DETAILED EVALUATION: 4.1 Evaluate the EOG functionality through DG room heat-up evaluations (GOTHIC) As discussed in section 2.0, the subject condition would prevent normal operation of the EOG room supply fan 1VD01 CA. The Division 1 EOG Room supply ventilation fan 1VD01 CA would not auto or manually start to provide ventilation to the EOG Room during an auto-start of the EOG following a LOOP scenario [Ref. 2]. Other equipment, including the DG Oil Tank room fan 1VD02CA, was not directly affected by the issue and therefore will operate normally [Ref. 5.c]. A heat-up evaluation of the EOG room was performed, using GOTHIC computer code, to develop temperature profiles of the room during the 24 hour PRA mission time to establish baseline temperatures to determine the survivability of the equipment in the room. The GOTHIC code is general purpose software for transient thermal hydraulic analysis. The GOTHIC model that was developed was benchmarked to actual test data from a recent EOG run. GOTHIC has been used in the nuclear industry for the following items, among others [Ref. 6]: * Peak Pressure and temperature response during design basis accidents

  • ECCS gas bubble accumulation

and migration

  • Equipment

environmental qualification

  • HVAC system performance
  • Control room habitability

due to heat loads or dispersion of toxic/radioactive gases * Room heat-up analysis Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page3 of20 The following critical parameters that affect EDG Room temperature without the normal 77 ,000 CFM Diesel Room Ventilation (VD) air flow were modeled in the analysis: 1. Hot Metal surfaces, e.g. engine exhaust manifold, engine turbo 2. Warm Metal surfaces, e.g. engine block, cooling pipes 3. Generator air cooling (i.e. heat load to the room) fan flow rates 4. Lighting 5. Engine exhaust pipe 6. Overall room air volume and temperature initial conditions, outside air temperature. 7. Wall, Ceiling, Floor areas and materials to absorb heat 8. Diesel oil tank room exhaust fan flow rate and distribution (i.e. dampers and duct configuration) 9. Personnel door and rollup door size and location to evaluate natural circulation (for door open cases) 10. Control building temperature initial conditions through doors to hallway Locations of interest in the EDG Room that are affected by temperatures calculated in the GOTHIC model are: Panels: * 1PL 12JA * 1PL92JA/1PL93JA

  • 1DG01JA * 1DG06SA * 1DG01KA 12cyl * 1 DG01 KA 16cyl * Area: Near doors when opened On April 27, 2017, test data was taken during the normal DG monthly surveillance

at full load [Ref 1 O]: Outside air temperature, room initial temperature, Inlet and outlet temperatures for the room, Inside room local air temperatures at 4 places, at shoulder height 1. Near the roll up door (near panel 1PL12JA), 2. Near EDG Transformer panel location129-AE (near 1DG01JA), 3. Near EOG air start skid (near 1 DG06SA) 4. DG General Area temperatures Inlet and outlet temperatures for the generator with local cooling air velocities SX (shutdown service water) heat exchanger inlet and outlet temperatures Lube Oil temperatures Generator kWe Insulated EDG engine exhaust pipe temperatures Air compressors run time. Thermography: -Hot Metal surfaces, e.g. engine exhaust manifold at approximately 600°F average [Ref. 23] -Warm Metal surfaces, e.g. engine block, cooling pipes at approximately 160°F average [Ref. 23] The initial model was developed by MPR based on design drawings and field walk-downs as documented in MPR calculation 0065-0061-CALC-001 [Ref. 7]. The model was refined in calculation NAl-2007-003 [Ref. 3]. The model was further refined in calculation NAl-2007-004 [Ref. 21]. Adjustments were made to the GOTHIC model to facilitate benchmarking to the test results as follows. -Total heat load was adjusted to match the exit air temperatures from the EDG room -There are variations on hot metal temperatures and warm metal temperatures from the thermography. The GOTHIC model split these into 2 groups, with representative surface areas [Ref. 23], and solved for an appropriate local heat transfer coefficient that preserves total heat load and local temperature distributions. Clinton Power Station * EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page4 of20 -Generator metal was taking longer to heat up than engine block and engine exhaust manifold & turbo. Therefore, a slower ramp of heat addition was applied to the remaining heat load representing the generator. -In the NAI model the surface temperature for the warm engine area was conservatively increased from a weighted average of 167°F [Ref. 23] to 172°F and the surface temperature for the hot engine area was conservatively increased from an average of -600°F [Ref. 23] to 700°F (which bound thermography uncertainties per Reference 23). -The NAI model also included more refined sub-division of the Division 1 EOG room. -Refer to Reference 3 and 21 for discussion of additional enhancements of the model. Several different EOG operating scenarios with doors closed and doors open (roll-up and entrance doors) were evaluated in Reference 3. Based on Reference 3 the bounding cases that constitute the limiting room heat-up for the Division 1 Diesel Generator room following a loss of ventilation include: Case Operating Scenario Door Position 10 LO CA/LOOP Closed 12 LOOP only Closed 7 LO CA/LOOP Open The analysis in Reference 3 contained several conservatisms that were biasing the peak panel temperatures higher than required for reasonable assurances, some of which were subsequently removed in Reference 21, such as: 1. Approximately 137% of the theoretical generator heat load was used in the analysis. 2. Average panel temperatures or internal panel temperatures were not credited. The maximum temperature the panel experiences on the hottest portion (e.g. the top) is applied to component testing limits 3. No credit for air gaps in the room allowing hot air to escape, e.g., gaps around doors, penetrations to the outside, and other penetrations. 4. Some cool surfaces not credited: DG combustion air inlet pipe 5. Conservative application of benchmark penalty of 7°F 6. Design basis 96°F hot summer day outside air and no credit for 24 hour temperature swings to -17°F [Ref. 25] cooler at night 7. Diesel Oil Tank ventilation fan flow of 3,020 CFM was conservatively split at 50% from the EOG room and 50% from outside (calculated flow from the EOG room was much greater than 50%). To refine the EOG room temperature, the GOTHIC model was refined by removing the conservatisms listed above [Ref. 21]. The resulting model was benchmarked to the test data and the GOTHIC model conservatively (i.e. higher) calculated the room area temperatures by 1.6°F to 7.4°F as follows: Measured GOTHIC Calculated Temperature Location Description Temperature Temperature Difference (oF) (°F) [Ref. 21] (oF) 1 Near the Rollup Door 83.1 87.7 4.6 2 Near Transformer Panel 87.5 89.1 1.6 3 Near Air Compressor Panel 79 86.4 7.4 4 DG General Area 77.7 81.2 3.5 Note that the margin between the GOTHIC model and the test data exceeded the instrument uncertainty of approximately 0.54°F [Ref.23] forthe fluke thermometers that were used to measure the area temperatures, Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page 5 of20 indicating that the analysis was biased in the conservative direction. The heat load from the GOTHIC benchmark model was higher (conservative) than the test results [Ref. 21]. The exhaust and inlet temperatures were in close agreement with the GOTHIC Benchmark as shown in Figure 2 from Reference 21. Figure 2 -Comparison of Supply and Exhaust Air Temperature (green line -s upply air temperature measured during the DG su rveillance test; yellow line -supply air temperature input into the GOTHIC s imulation; red line -exhaust air temperature measured during the DG surveillance; white line -exhaust air temperature calculated in GOTHIC) Gothic Analysis Results: The GOTHIC analysis for loss of the Division 1 DG room HVAC for a 24 hour PRA mission time is documented in Attachment 2. The refined model was used to re-analyze the cases from the original analysis as Cases ?a, 10a, and 12a. Temperature profiles are provided for each panel area located in the room for the cases in Attachment 2. A summary of the results are provided below from Reference 21, Table 5-3 for area temperatures and Table 5-4 for internal panel temperatures from the GOTHIC Analysis. I J Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS (Ref. 21, Table 5-3] Maximum Area Temperature (°F) Out side the Panels Panel Case 7a Case lOa Case 12a LOOP-LB LOCA LOOP-LB LOCA LOOP Only Doors Open Doors Closed Doors Closed 1PL12JA 158 188 167 1PL92JN1PL93JA 139 182 157 lDGOlJA 160 193 172 1DG06SA 150 181 163 lDGOlKA 1 2cyl 156 186 165 lDGOlKA 16cyl 160 193 172 Near Doors at 2 Hours 148 NA NA (Ref. 21, Table 5-4] Internal Panel Temperature (°F) (Note: Does not include 23°F panel temperature rise whic h Panel is addressed in th e eq uipment survivability) Case 7a Case lOa Case 12a LOOP-LB LOCA LOOP-LB LOCA LOOP Only Doors Open Doors Closed Door s Closed 1PL12JA 148 181 160 1PL92JN1PL9 3JA 134 179 157 lDGOlJA 152 184 166 1DG06SA 142 176 160 lDGOlKA 12cyl 148 181 161 lDGOlKA 16 cy l 151 183 166 The improvement from the original analysis [Ref. 3] for the hottest panel for each case based on cell temperatures compares as follows [Ref. 21]: * Case ?a is 31°F lower than Case 7 * Case 1 Oa is 28°F lower than Case 10 * Case 12a is 43°F lower than Case 12 Page 6 of20 It should be noted that the original [Ref. 3] Case 7, 10, and 12 models did not model a separate control volume for the panels. The comparison provided is between the control volumes developed in Reference 21 and the hottest cell temperature reported in Reference 3 based on cell temperatures. Compared to the results of Reference 3, the maximum temperature of the hottest panel for each case based on internal panel temperatures compares as follows: * Case ?a is 39°F lower than Case 7 * Case 1 Oa is 37°F lower than Case 10 * Case 12a is 49°F lower than Case 12 Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS P age 7 of20 Of particular significance is the fact that all the original Case 7, 10, and 12 simulations predict closure of the fire dam p ers (at a set-point of 165°F) associated with the modeled ductwork early in the simulation. Cases 7a and 12a do not predict closure of the fire dampers and Case 1 Oa predicts closure of the fi re dampers in the last 4 hours o f the simulation (Case 10 shows closure in the first 4 to 8 hours). As l ong as the dampers are open circulation through the DG O i l Tank room via fan 1VD02CA will provide benefit to the Division 1 diesel generator room. The dampers stay open for a much longer period of time as compared to the original cases in EC6198 3 4. Attachment 2 shows the resulting temperature profiles. Uncerta i nties in the GOTHIC Analysis: Although the new analys i s removed some of the conservatisms noted above t h e model is still judged to be conservative. For example , the uncertainties associated with thermography of +/-3.6°F, or +/-2% [Ref. 23 & 24], would result in an uncertainty of-4°F for the engine warm areas a n d -14°F for the hot areas of the engine. These were accounted for in the analysis by increasing the engine a rea temperatures by -5°F for the warm area and -100°F for the hot area as follows: 1. Uncertainties associated with thermography potentially under predicting the hot and warm engine temperatures were eliminated by: a. Increasing the hot engine temperatures by -100°F from the average temperature of 600°F determined during the test (to 700°F). b. Increasing the warm engine temperatures by -5°F from the average temperature of 167°F determined during the test (to 172°F). c. These two increases resulted in an associated bias of -4°F conservative based on the sensitivity analysis performed in NAl-2007-004, Attachment C, page C12 , Case 10b [Ref. 21]. The model was benchmarked to the test data and the GOTHIC model calculated the area temperatures conserv a tively by 1.6°F to 7.4 °F. The margin between the GOTHIC model and the test data exceeds the instrum e nt uncertainty of approximately 0.54°F [Ref. 23 & 24] for the fluke thermometers that were used to measur e the area temperature, showing that the analysis was biased in the conservative direction. As part of the analysis, a sensitivity run was also performed assuming an increase in delta T of 0.8°F [Ref. 23], which covers the SRSS of the instrument uncertainty of t he fluke thermometers used to measure air temperatures of the EOG room supply and return air. The resulting area and internal panel temperatures, for the bounding LOCA/LOOP case, increased by 3°F to 5°F, respectively , based in NAl-2007-004 , Attachment C , Page C 1 2 , Case 10c [Ref. 21]. The phy s ics for this scenario predominantly involve heating of air in a large room and heat transfer from the engine a nd generator. The majority of the heat is from t h e generator which is an accurate value at a given load. Th e other major heat load is from the engine and was validated during benchmarking. The analysis method s used by GOTHIC for this type of scenario are based on well understood and accepted concepts and equatio n s. It is not affected by more complicated mecha n isms such as those that predominate in a contain m ent LOCA analysis. The analysis for this type of scenario would subsequently be very accurate. A measure of the uncertainty or bias can be determined by looking at the conservatisms in the model and the results a s reflected by the benchmarking. Even though several conservatisms were removed in the updated analysis , conservatisms such as the use of elevated temperatures for the warm and hot area temperatures remained. Also , the hottest day night temperatures of the entire 10 month relay failure period was conserv a tively used. Another indication of the conservat i sms in the model can be seen Reference 21, Table 5-2 where the vendor supplied engine heat load at design area temperatures (122°F) was compared to the benchm a rk based value (i.e. for engine = 6.15 Btu/hr-ft2). The GOTHIC based heat load at 122°F was 19% conserv a tive [Ref.21] relative to the vendor supplied value. The resulting model was subsequently benchm a rked to the test data and as one might anticipate the GOTHIC model over-pred i cted the area temperatures by 1.6°F to 7.4°F. As such the analysis was judged to still be sufficiently conservative such that addition a l uncertainties need not be applied to the analysis approach. Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS P age 8 of 20 The overall uncertainty based in instrument accuracy investigated in NAl-2007-004, Attachment C, Case 10c [Ref. 21] as discussed above , is therefore expected to be less than approximately 5°F which is small fraction relative to the margin to the survivability limits as discussed in the sections that follow. 4.2 Determine equipment survivability by performing individual equipment heat-up evaluations or actual testing Electrical Equipment: The equipment that is most susceptible to failures that could cease DG function under elevated operating temperatures is electrical equipment. Elevated temperatures can impact the functionality of equipment in several ways. Over time , elevated temperatures can increase the degradation of organic materials in electrical devices. Elevated temperatures can also prevent voltage sensitive devices (e.g., electrical devices w i th coils) from picking up at desired voltages as it is an es t ablished phenomenon of most electrical circuits that the resistance of a current path will rise as temperature is increased, resulting in an increase in the pick-up voltage (and subsequently earlier drop-out) of devices with coils. To determine the scope of electrical equipment that needed to be evaluated, a review of the electrical design drawings [Ref. 5 , E02s and E03s] was performed and approximately 250 devices were identified that were associated with the EOG room and required additional evaluation. The detailed evaluation of this equipment is i ncluded in Attachment 1 of this EC. The detailed evaluation considered the function and the fa i lures modes of the devices to determine those devices that could prevent the EOG from performing its required function during the 24 hour mission time. For critical equipment the threshold temperatures for survivability was determ i ned based on evaluation or testing. The panel temperature rise (e.g. 23°F for panel 1PL12JA) was also considered. The following provides a summary of how critical equipment was identified. Refer to Attachment 1 for additional details. The Equipment Survivability List identified equipment that is critical for the proper functioning of the Divis i on I Emergency Diesel Generator. The " Critical" components were defined as devices whose failure due to exposure to elevated temperature could prevent the EOG from performing its function by, for example , direct tripping the EOG or causing an associated device to trip the EOG. These components are further divided into those components classified as " critical active" and " critical passive". The critical active components are capable of direct tripping or causing a trip of the EOG. The critical passive components are capable of indirect tripping of the EOG due to a passive failure (e.g. loss of continuity). The Equipment Survivability List was divided into five categories based on function and criticality of the components, and their ability to impact continued operation of the EOG as follows: 1. " Yellow"; this group of components contains devices that can potentially trip the EOG and are not blocked by the presence of a " LOCA bypass signal". The " LOCA bypass signal" is generated when conditions indicative of a LOCA are detected or when manually activated by operators. This list i ncludes instruments and supporting devices designed for protection of the EOG. There are a total of 35 components in this group with 5 considered " critical active" and zero " critical passive". 2. " Pink"; this group of components contains devices that can potentially trip the EOG but are blocked by the presence of a " LOCA bypass signal". This list includes instruments and supporting devices designed for protection of the EOG. There are a total of 21 components in this group with 5 considered "critical active" and zero "critical passive". 3. " Green"; this group of components contains devices required for s t arting the EOG. After the EOG starts, these devices cannot provide any tripping function and will not be considered as being affected by the effect of high temperature. There are a total of 42 components with no " critical active" or " critical passive" function. 4. " Blue"; this group of components contains devices that are required for power delivery or regulation. None of these components can directly trip the EOG but, however , can cause a trip by one of the protecting devices. There are a total of 38 components with 11 considered " critical active" and 10 " critical passive". Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Pag e 9 of20 5. " White"; this group of components contains devices that have no direct impact to the EOG operation. There are a total of 123 components in this group with no "critical active" or "critical passive" function. In summary, 21 components have been classified as "critical active". Ten of these devices were functionally tested at elevated temperatures, in direct support of this evaluation. Ten components were classified as "critical passive". Each of these 31 components where evaluated considering their failure modes and effects. For example: * Failure Mode: A typical electro-mechanical relay failure mechanism due to elevated temperature is a " f ailure to energize".

  • Effect: A normally de-energized

relay will not cause an EOG trip because the relay is already in the failed state. A descri p tion of the device function and potential impact caused by their failure mechanism is described in the table below. Note that Agastat relays had been previously identified as having "low margin 1" to survivability limits because, althoug h one had passed testing at 238°F, another Agastat relay had failed at 245°F. Per Failure Modes and Effects Analysis in Supplement A, it has been determined that these relays are no longer classified as critical and have no impact on EOG operation under the subject scenario. As a result, these components were remove d from the Critical Components List. The following table summarizes the results for the 21 components that have been classified as "critical active" based on the evaluations in Attachment 1. Attachment 1, Table V-2 provides the evaluations for the 10 "Critical Passive" components. See Attachment 1 for additional details on the methodology, design inputs, additional references and component testing temperature vs time profiles used to perform the evaluations. Evaluation for Critical Active Components COMPONENT MFG PART NO. EVALUATION 1PL12JA-87 We s ting 290B225AIO Current Diff e r e ntial Relay -This device will trip the EDG upon detection -house of a current differ e nce betw e en the generator ground bus line and the 4160 V AC bus !Al. The relay was tested at 225°F for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F for 8 hours. The relay did not provide a false trip. Therefore , the relay will not impact the normal operation of the EDG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F panel temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in a room ambient temperature of 222°F. 1PL12JA-A4 Wood-2301A Governor Control Assembly -This device controls the EDG speed, ward receiving feedback from the magnetic pickup speed sensor (AS) and inputs from the speed adjustor (Rl l). The governor control assembly was tested at 207°F for 24 hours, 225°F for 8 hours and 245°F for 8 hours. The output of governor control did not drift from the operating condition (remained at 0 YDC for 60HZ operation). Therefore, the governor control will maintain the normal operation of the EDG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F panel temperature rise, the governor control assembly will not impact the EDG normal operation in a room ambient temperature of 222°F. 1DG01KA-A9/A9a Wood-EGB-13P Actuator Governor (Mounted on Engine) -The function of the governor 1 The associated equipment ambient temperature limit (Tiim;i) would be 238°F minus the 23°F measured panel (1PL12JA) temperat u re rise or 215°F. In the initial evaluation done in EC 619834 the room ambient temperature near the subject panel was 204°F resulting in 11°F margin. Clinton Power Station COMPONENT MFG PART NO. ward IDGOlJA-CTl -6 GE,JCS-JCS-0/687X6 0 1PL12JA-32 GE 12GGP53BlA 1PL12JA-40 GE 12CEH51AlA 1PL12JA-51V-l ,-GE 12IJCV51A12A 2 ,-3 EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS EVALUATION is to modulate and control engine fuel flow in accordance with system lo a d. The Governor is located on the cool side of the engine (i.e. opposite the turbo chargers) between the engine and th e jacket water cooler. It will therefor tend to be in a cooler area. Based on VTIP K2861-0002-B, R/87 (Woodward EBG-Proportional Governor Actuator , #82340C), the Governor is used on both steam and engine prime movers. Based on VTIP K2861-0002-B (page 9), the recommended operating range of the unit is up to 250°F with synthetic oil. Significant aging of the oil in the Governor would not occur for minor excursions in temperature for a short duration in time. The Governor, once the engine was up and running at steady s tate (which occurs early in the event), is not heavily loaded (i.e. it does not need to move much) and therefor would not develop significant heat in the oil. Based on NSED Standard MS-01.00, R/46 (Equipment Lubrication Standard), the device is to be lubricated with MOBIL 1 SW-30. MOBIL 1 SW-30 is synthetic oil that has better performance in high heat applications than conventional motor oils (Attachment 0). Therefore, the governor would be expected to operate for short periods of time (less than 6 hours) at the end of the scenario at elevated ambient temperatures (-250°F) with MOBIL 15W-30 lubricant. Current Transformers (CT) -These current transformers provide current signal to various protecting devices such as the Current Differential Relay, Overcurrent Relay, Reverse Power Relay, Loss of Field Exciter, and Governor. CT's are robust devices that have no electronic components. Under the scenario by the time the room sees significant heating the EDG will be functioning properly at a steady state and significant challenge would not be expected. The CT insulation was aged at 257°F. The function of the devices depends on the integrity of the insulation system. The CT insulation was aged at 257°F and functionally tested before and after aging. Accounting a panel temperature rise of 23°F, the component will function at 234°F room ambient temperature. Reverse Power Relay -Th e function of this device is to s hut down the EDG upon detection of reverse power to prevent motorizing the generator. Th e relay wa s tested at 225°F for 24 hour s and 245°F for 8 hour s. The rel a y did not provide a fal s e trip. Therefore, the relay will not impact the normal op e r a tion of the EDG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F Panel temperature rise for pan e l 1PL12JA, the relay will not impact th e EDG normal op e ration in a room ambient temperature of 222°F. Los s of Excitation R e lay -The function of thi s d e vic e i s to s hut down th e EDG upon d e tection of loss of ex c it a tion on the generator. The relay w as tested at 225°F for 24 hours followed with an expo s ure to 245°F for 8 hours. Th e relay did not provide a false trip. Therefore, the relay will not impact the normal operation of the EDG at 2 45°F. Accountin g for a 23°F cubicle temperature ri s e for panel IPL12JA, th e relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in a room ambient temperature of 222 °F. Voltage Restrained Ov e rcurrent R e lays -The function of th e se device s is to s hut down the EDG upon detecting over c urr e nt condition. Th e r e lay wa s test e d at 225°F for 24 hour s followed by 245°F for 8 hour s. The relay did not provide a false trip. Therefore, th e relay will not impact th e normal operation of the EDG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F Page 10 of20 Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page 11 of20 COMPONENT MFG PART NO. EVALUATION Panel temperatur e ri s e, the relay will not impact the EOG normal operation in room ambient temperature of 222°F. 1PL12JA-Al Basler SR8A2B01B3A The device regulates the EOG output voltage and takes input from CTs and PTS and A2 (Series Boost Option) and AlO (Under Frequency and Over Voltage Assembly). The voltage regulator was tested at 225°F for 24 hours followed by 245°F for 8 hours. The voltage regulator performed its de s ired function and did not provide any fal s e trip signal to the EOG throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23°F Panel temperature rise , the voltage regulator will not impact the EOG normal operation in a room ambient temperature of 222 °F. 1PL12JA-A2 Basler 90-3 7100-100 Series Boost Option -The function of this device is to boost the exciter voltage to maintain rated voltage during EOG operation. This device has passive components such as resistor s , capacitors, transformer and inductive coil. As the components were aged at 257°F for -44 days [Ref. SQ-CL0070] and were functionally tested before and after aging and there are no moving parts and electronics, the device will function for an operating temperature of 257°F. Accounting for cabinet temperature rise of 23°F, this device will be functional at a panel ambient temperature of 234 °F. 1PL12JA-Al0 Basler 9-1051-00-100 The device detect s under frequency and over voltage conditions and provides feedback to Al (voltage regulator) regulate the voltage. The UFOV was tested at 225°F for 24 hours followed by 245°F for 8 hours. The UFOV performed its desired function and did not provide any false trip signal to the EOG throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23°F Panel temperature rise, the UFOV will not impact the EOG normal operation in a room ambient temperature of222°F. lDGOlJA-CCT GE JCS-0/687X6 The current transformer provides line current input to the Al voltage regulator. CT's are robust devices that have no electronic components. Under the scenario by the time the room sees significant heating the EOG will be functioning properly at a steady state and significant challenge would not be expected. The function of the devices depends on the integrity of the insulation system. The CT insulation was aged at 257°F for -93 days [Ref. SQ-CL0046J and functionally tested before and after aging. Accounting a pan e l temperature rise of23°F, the component will function at a room ambient temperature of234°F. lDGOIJA-CTI0-11 Basler BE-02463-001 The current transformers provide line current input to the series boost option (A2). CT's are robust devices that have no electronic components. The CT insulation was aged at 257°F for -82 days [Ref. SQ-CL0055]. The function of the devices depends on the integrity of the insulation system. Accounting a panel temperature rise of23°F, the component will function at a room ambient temperature of234°F. 1DG01KA-Gl/G2 IDEAL Generator and The Generator provides 3875KW at 4160 volts. The limiting material in Exciter the generator is judged to be the insulation. The Insulation is rated for 155°C (Class F). The minimum thermal life of Class F insulation is more than 1000 hours at 200°C operating temperature (NUMARC 87-00, Rv. 01). The temperature rise at full load is 70°C (See Section 5.12 of Ref. Vill.2). Based on TODI-CPS-17-025, the peak load on the EOG during the LOCA/LOOP case is 3721.2 KW and the peak load for the LOOP case is 3334.8 KW. The EOG is rated for 3900 KW continuous rating (OWG E02-1AP12, Sheet 031, Rev. J), the corresponding load for the LOCA/LOOP and the LOOP is 95.4% and 85.5% respectively. *== Therefore, the generator temperature rise at 95.4% rated load is 63.7°C [70*0.954*0.954 = 63.7°C]. Assuming the same temperature rise, the Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS P age 12 of20 COMPONENT MFG PART NO. EVALUATION generator will be expo se d to 173.7°C when operating in an ambient temperature of230°F (110°C) [i.e., ll0°C + 63.7°C = 1 73.7°C). The generator temperature will be 18.7°C above its long term rating of 155°C. However, th e generator i s rated for 20,000 hours of operation at 155°C and this life will be reduced by a factor of 3.66 using the 10°C rule for a long term life of more than 227 day s. Therefore for a short term operation of 1 day, the impact on the generator thermal cap a bility wh e n operating at 230°F is negligible. The minimum thermal life of 1000 hours at 200°C from the NUMARC 87-00 report also exceed s the EDG thermal stress for 1 day by a large margin. Rotating Bru s hless Exciter -The function of the brushle s s exciter i s to maintain a nearly constant voltage of 4160 volt out of the gener a tor through elimination of brushes, collector rings and carbon dust. The insulation degradation due to high temperature has been evaluated to be the limiting parameter of interest. Insulation is rated for 155°C (Class F). The minimum therma l life of Cla ss F insulation is more than 1000 hours at 200°C operating temp e rature (NUMARC 87-00, Rv. 01). The temperature rise of the exciter is 80°C (See S e ction 5.11 of Ref. Vill.2). The insulation life is 20000 hours at 155°C. For an operating environment of230°F (110°C), the exciter temperature will reach 190°C. The life at this temperature is 1767 hours (73 days) using 10°C rule. Therefore for a short-term operation of I day, the impact on the exciter thermal capability when operating at 230°F is negligible. The minimum thermal life o f 1000 hours at 200°C from the NUMARC 87-00 report also exceeds the Exciter thermal stress for I day by a large margin. (See Attachment I , KCI Evaluation Report). 1PL12JA-Kl5 P&B MDR137-8 The relay protects the CCT on lo s s of power by shorting the CCT terminals. The relay shorting also can prevent the CCT output to Al (voltage regul a tor). The tested relay was aged at 225°F energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed by 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hour s. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not s hort circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23 °F panel t e mperature rise, the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in a room ambient temperature of222°F. lDGOlJA-PTl, PT2 GE JVM-3/643X92 The potential transformers provide input to the voltage regulator (Al). PT's are robust devices that have no electronic components. Under the scenario by the time the room sees significant heating the EDG will be functioning properly at a steady state and significant challenge would not be expected. The function of the devices depends on the integrity of the insulation system. The PT insulation was aged at 257°F for 87 days [Ref. SQ-CLD016] and functionally tested before and after aging. Accounting a panel temperature rise of 23 °F, the component will function at a room ambient temperature of234°F. lDGOUA-Tl Basler BE-13487-001 Voltage Regulator Power Transformer -This transformer provide voltage information signal to the UFOV assembly (AlO). Voltage transformers are robust dev i ces that have no electronic components Under the scenario by the time the room sees significant heating the EDG will be functioning properly at a steady state and s ignificant challenge would not be expected. The function of the devices depends on the integrity of the insulation system. The insulation was aged at 257°F for -82 days [Ref. SQ-CLD079] and functionally tested before and after aging. Accounting a panel temperature ri s e of23°F, the component will function at a room ambient temperature of 234°F. Additional details are provided in the EOG Survivability tables in Attachment 1. Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS P age 13 o f 20 4.3 Determine Operations response to the EOG vent fan failure The failu r e of the Division 1 VD fan to start was presented to Operations crews once in the simulator and tabletopped t w ice. The simulator performance had members of multiple crews due to Operations staffing being aligned f o r the upcoming refueling outage. All 3 times , the decision was made to open the roll up door and personn e l door to the hallway for Division 1 EOG room. The Shift Operations Superintendent (SOS) question e d some of the crew members separately and got responses from individuals that they would have , individually, come to the same conclusion. There we r e d iscussions concerning the opening of doors that would cr e ate divisional separation issues, but no opposition to opening the two doors of interest. The Shif t Operations Superintendent, therefore, has a very high degree of confidence based on his discussions with the crews that any crew would come to the same conclusion to open the doors. Some of the crews a d dressed opening additional doors but not all of the crews were willing to , so he was not comfortable assumin g that additional doors would be opened. The scenar i o is: * The plant is at power. * O ff-site power is lost. * D iv. 3 starts and is available for loading * D iv. 1 DG starts but the vent fan does not * D iv. 2 DG does not start Operators were united in leaving Division 1 DG running and opening the personnel door and rollup door to the hallway to get whatever cooling it would provide while pursuing restoration of the Division 2 DG. If Division 2 were op e rating , Division 1 would likely be shut down as the room heats up. In order t o establish a reasonable time to complete these actyions, a timed walkdown was performed. A qualified Equipment Operator/Safe Shutdown Qualified (SSQ) Operator performed the evolution of opening the roll up door and blocking open the personnel door to the hallway. The SSQ had to obtain tools and a blocking device a s part of the timed evolution. These items are readily available in the EOG rooms. A previously licensed SRO walked the path that represents the longest time it would take to get from the most remote place that the SSQ could be expected to be (D i vision 3 SX pump room) to the Division 1 EOG room. Ample cues would be present on a loss of off-site power to cause the SSQ to report to the EDGs as required. The combination of these two evolutions was under 30 minutes. 5.0 RE S ULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Results: The engineering report in Attachment 2 provided an accurate prediction of maximum area temperatures for the subject scenario within the Division 1 EOG room in order to determine equipment survivability margin. The refined analysis improved the precision of the model which resulted in increased margin to equipment survivability limits. The mar g ins to survivability of critical components can be determined by comparing the threshold temperatures from table V-1 and V-2 from Attachment 1 t o the applicable panel or area temperatures from Attachment 2 as shown in the following Table. Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS P age 14 of20 Table -Margin to Survivability of Critica l Components Panel Comp T y p e Comp D esc ription TL imit T es t e d TLO CA T loo p LOCA LOOP (3) Margin Margin 1PL12JA R17 Al Voltage Regulator 222 y 181 160 41 62 1PL12JA UY AlO UFOV Assembly 222 y 181 160 41 62 1PL12JA xc A2 Series Boost Option 234 n 181 160 S3 74 1PL12JA UY Kl5 Relay , Power Failure Aux 222 y 181 160 41 62 1PL12JA CR2 Rectifier, Freewheeling 234 n 181 1 60 S3 74 1PL12JA MOC Rll Rheostat, Voltage Adju s t 234 n 181 160 S3 74 1PL12JA R4,5 (I) Resistor, Field Limitin g 150 ohm 500 n 181 160 319 340 1PL12JA Rl9 3 2 R everse Po we r Rel a y 222 y 181 160 41 62 1PL12JA R20 4 0 R e l ay, L o ss of Exc it at i on 222 y 181 1 60 41 62 1PL12JA R 2 0 51V-l V o l tage Re str ain e d O ve r c urr e nt Rl y 2 2 2 y 181 160 41 62 Ph. 1 1PL12JA R 2 0 51V-2 Volt age Re s trained Ov e r c urr e nt Rly 2 22 y 181 160 41 62 Ph. 2 1PL12JA R 2 0 5 1 V-3 V o l tage R es tr a in e d O ve r c urr e nt Rl y 2 2 2 y 181 160 41 62 Ph. 3 1PL12JA R20 87 Relay , Differential (Type SA-1) 222 y 181 160 41 62 1PL12JA 1SC-DG859 A4 Governor Control Assembly 222 y 181 160 41 62 lDGOIKA GI 3875KW 4160V Gener a tor 230 193 172 37 58 n (2) (2) lDGOIKA G2 E xc iter 230 193 172 37 58 n (2) (2) lDGOIKA 1DG03KA A9 Actuator Governor (Mounted on 250 193 172 S7 78 Engine) n (2) (2) lDGOlKA 1DG04KA A9/a Actuator Governor (Mounted on 250 193 172 S7 78 Engine) n (2) (2) lDGOlJA CCT Cros s Current Transformer 234 n 184 166 so 68 lDGOlJA CTlO-Current Boo s t Transformers 234 184 166 so 68 11 (I) n lDGOlJA PTl Potential Transformer , Regulator 234 n 184 166 so 68 lDGOlJA PT2 Potential Tran s former, Regulator 234 n 184 166 so 68 lDGOlJA TI Tran s former, Voltage Regulator 234 n 184 1 66 so 68 Power lDGOlJA PTl-Fuse , Potential Transformer 225 184 166 41 S9 FOl Regulator 0.5A n lDGOlJA PTl-Fu s e, Potential Transformer 225 184 166 41 S9 F02 Regulator 0.5A n lDGOlJA PT2-Fu s e , Potential Tran s former 225 184 166 41 S9 FOl Regulator O.SA n lDGOlJA PT2-Fu s e , Potential Transformer 225 184 166 41 S9 F02 Regulator 0.5A n lDGOlJA TI-FOl Fuse, Transformer Voltage 225 n 184 166 41 S9 Regulator Power lDGOlJA TI-F02 Fuse , Transformer Voltage 225 n 184 166 41 S9 Regulator Power lDGOlJA TI-F03 Fuse, Transformer Voltage 225 n 184 166 41 S9 Regulator Power lDGOlJA CTl-6 CT, Differential a nd Metering 234 184 166 so 68 (I) n Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page 15 of20 Note 1-Multiple components of the same type are combined together. Note 2 -These temperatures represent GOTHIC calculated room ambient temperatures since components are mounted outside panels. All other temperatures are internal panel temperature. Note 3-Tlimit is the maximum GOTHIC calculated ambient temperature that the equipment can tolerate and is = equipment qualified temperature minus panel temperature rise of 23°F (typically) for critical components that are inside panel 1PL 12JA and 1DG01JA. Conclusions: 1) Margins to the survivability limits for critical devices increased from Ref. 3 to Ref. 21 as follows: a) The margin for the LOCA/LOOP- Doors Closed (case 1 Oa) increased from ;:::11°F to ;:::37°F i) The new margin of 37°F for the bounding door closed case (1 Oa) exceeds the margin of 35°F for the LOCA/LOOP-Door Open case (7) that was determined in the original evaluation [Ref. EC 619834] ii) The worst case margin for critical equipment that is located inside panels (1PL12JA & 1 DG01 JA) was 41°F. The worst case margin for critical devices that were recently tested in support of this evaluation was also 41°F iii) Note that the ambient temperatures for the LOCA/LOOP- Doors Closed at the end of approximately 20 hours was similar to the LOOP-Doors Closed at 24 hours. (1) The resulting margins (58°F) shown below for the LOOP Case would therefore be applicable for the LOCA/LOOP case for approximately 20 hours, with significantly elevated temperatures present for only the last 4 hours of the scenario due to closure of the dampers at 165°F. (2) It is expected that the operators will open the roll-up door or the fan will be able to be started, within 20 hours, well before peak temperatures are reached, by performing corrective maintenance {for example by pulling a fuse to the suspect relay) as directed by the ERO. b) The margins to the survivability limits for the LOOP-Doors Closed (case 12a) increased to ;:::sa°F c) Although it is expected that the dedicated SSQ Operator(s) will open the Division 1 EOG room doors when it is recognized that the HVAC has failed or when the area is becoming uncomfortably warm, even if the operators fail to open the roll-up door and personnel access door the Division 1 EOG will meet its mission time. 2) The overall uncertainty in the Ref. 21 analysis is judged to be less than 5°F, based on sensitivity runs performed in NAl-2007-004, Attachment C, which is small relative to the bounding margin to the survivability limits of 37°F noted above. The results demonstrate that the margin between the expected maximum local area temperatures in the diesel generator room after 24 hours for the subject scenario results in a local temperature much lower than the component survivability limits for critical devices. The margin is sufficient to conclude that the diesel generator will in fact continue to operate successfully for the entire PRA mission time without fan cooling or any operator action. The equipment survivability margin was calculated in a manner that addresses uncertainties, and therefore provides "reasonable assurance" of diesel generator operation for the desired time period. Based upon the survivability analyses provided, it can be concluded that the increased likelihood of diesel generator failure due to room heat-up is in fact virtually zero, even with the doors closed for the entire mission time. The robust nature of the diesel generator and supporting components ensures its operation for the duration of the PRA mission. Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page 16 of20 In addition opening the roll up and entrance doors or restoring functionality to the VD Ventilation fan (and thus restoring normal cooling to the diesel generator room) prior to reaching relatively high temperatures (at -20 hours) are both highly likely, given that dedicated operators will be present in the EDG room and additional highly skilled personnel will be onsite to assist with fan recovery. Note that opening of doors is a very simple activity and fan restoration requires no more than the removal of control power fuses, and manual fan breaker closure. These provide additional measures of defense in depth, thereby providing extensive assurance that the diesel generator will operate for the PRA mission time. The combination of analysis and actual station conditions and responses virtually eliminates a risk level above baseline for the condition described and the associated safety significance is therefore very low (i.e. Green). 6.0 REFERENCES: 1. IR398792 1AP11 E427X2-41A Making Loud Clicking Sound 2. RCA 3982792 Root Cause Analysis 3. NAl-2007-003, Rev. 2 4. KCI Test Plan 424-008-TSP2 Rev. 0 5. Drawings E02 and E03 Series a. E02-1 DG99, Sheet 1 through 35 b. E02-1AP12, SHT 19 c. E02-1VD99, Sheet 1 & 4 d. E03-1DG01JA e. E03-1DG01KA, Sheet 1-3 f. E03-1 FP99, Sheet 30 & 45 6. EC 619008 Rev. 0 Section 4.1.1 7. MPR Calculation 0065-0061-CALC-001, Rev. 0, 5/22/17, "CPS Division 1 Diesel Generator Room Heat-up Evaluation due to Loss of Ventilation." 8. Cardox video location \\Cpsmsfs01\medialib\Video\SYSTEMS\CO-C02 & GENERATOR PURGE 9. CPS Procedure 3403.01, Diesel Generator HVAC (VD) 10. TODl-CPS-17-016, CPS Transmittal of Design Information 11. Calculation 01 FP11, RIO 12. KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1, Rev. 0, Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan 13. Drawing FL-22176-2 Sht. 10 14. NRC Risk Assessment of Operational Events (RASP) Handbook, Volume 1, Internal Events, Revision 2.0, January 2013. 15. Passport Data for Equip Tags (Fire Damper Fusible Link 165°F): a. TIMD030 b. TIMD033 c. TIMD090 d. TIMD200 e. TIMD202 16. Qualification Reports a. EQ-CL027 b. EQ-CL004 c. SQ-CLD70 d. SQ-CLD79 e. SQ-CLD16 f. SQ-CLD55 17. Drawing 2903-RUS-16 Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page 17 of20 18. Drawing M10-2903 19. USAR table 8.3-3 20. K2861-0002A-A, R116 21. NAl-2007-004, Rev. 0 22. TOOi CPS-17-0041 Rev. 0, CPS Transmittal of Design Information 23. TOOi CPS-17-0042 Rev. 0, CPS Transmittal of Design Information 24. NRC Questions and Responses emailed 7/14/17, supplemented 7/17/17, and 7/18/17 25. ASHRAE Fundamentals, 2001 26. REP-424-008-RP1, Rev. 3, Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan 27. NRC letter EA-17-098 to Mr. Bryan C. Hanson (Exelon} dated August 14, 2017, "CLINTON POWER STATION-NRG INSPECTION REPORT 05000461/2017009 AND PRELIMINARY WHITE FINDING," Adams Accession Number ML 17226A321. 7.0 SUPPLEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS: Supplements: A. Evaluation of Agastat Timing Relays Used in the EOG Division I. B. Assessment of Impacts per CC-AA-102 Attachments The following are located in the passport "Notes" chicklet: 1. KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1, Rev. 3, Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan 2. NAl-2007-004, Rev. 0, "Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Room Uncertainty Evaluation" 3. KCI Test Plan 424-008 TSP-2, Rev. 0, 'Test Specification for Determining Component Survivability and Operation in Ambient Temperature not to Exceed 245°F" 4. Evaluation of EPRI, August 22nd, 2017, Notice PT-082117-122, Subject: 10 CFR Part 21 -Transfer of Information Notice -GOTHIC -Code error related to thermal conductor modeling could impact safety related components/applications Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page 18 of20 Supplement A: Evaluation of Agastat Timing Relays Used In The EOG, Division I. The Agastat timing relays provide time delay for different types of control functions. In the application of the EOG control system, there are various uses of the Agastat timing relays, but none of them can be considered critical for the proper functioning of the EOG. There are three different configurations of Agastat timing relays: One in category 1 (Yellow) One in category 2 (Pink) One in category 4 (Blue) Category 1 AGASTAT TIMING RELAY (K41) provides a 2-second window to open the contact of relay K41X to remove the tripping signal for the over speed trip solenoids (L03 and L03A). The solenoids L03 and L03A trip the mechanical over speed trip mechanism on both engines (12 cyl and 16 cyl). The purpose of the Agastat timing relay is to remove the tripping signal after 2 seconds because the over speed trip mechanism latch up closed and will not require the presence of any signal to remain closed. Should the Agastat fail to energize, the tripping signal will still reach the over speed trip solenoids through the normally close contact of the Agastat relay and carryout the intended function of the over speed actuation switches (S9 and S9A). Note that under the subject scenario the EOG is running correctly and at steady state well before significant room heat-up occurs and therefor an over speed condition is not postulated. Category 2 AGASTAT TIMING RELAY (K5) provides a 50 seconds time delay to allow the various engine systems to stabilize at their normal operating levels. After the 50 seconds time delay lapses, the following protecting devices will be able to trip the engine upon detection of abnormal condition: Low Oil Pressures (S19, S19A), and High Coolant Temperatures (S25, S25A). Should the Agastat timing relay fail after the engine is operating, these four devices will not be able to trip the EOG. However, the failure of the Agastat relay by itself will not trip the EOG. Note that these four devices are among the various instruments that are bypassed by the presence of a LOCA bypass signal. They have also been evaluated for the expected room temperatures during the subject scenario. Category 4 AGASTAT TIMING RELAY (K6) provides a 1.5-second time delay to allow Field Flashing. Field Flashing is required to ensure that sufficient residual magnetism will exist to allow the generator to build up voltage during startup. Relay K6 also allows remote adjustment of engine speed during startup. Since these functions are required only during startup when the EOG room temperature is still low, there will be no impact to the EOG operation under the subject scenario at elevated room temperatures. L Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page 19 of20 Supplement B: Assessment of Impacts per CC-AA-102, Design Input and Configuration Change Impact Screening. If no impacts exist, state so. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide reasonable assurance of continued EOG operation for the 24 hour mission time following a failure of the Division 1 DG Room Cooling Fan 1VD01CA to start on a LOOP signal. It may also be used to develop inputs for PRA analysis to address the severity of an NRC finding relating to the failure of the Division 1 DG Room Cooling Fan 1 VD01 CA to start on a LOOP signal. Therefore there are no configuration changes made as a result of this evaluation. The CC-AA-102 checklist will be used as a guide to determine items that are evaluated for the PRA analysis. -IDENTIFY Basic SSC Functions The design functions of the Division 1 DG Room Cooling System are described in USAR Section and subsequent sub-sections, "Each diesel-generator facility ventilation system is designed to limit the maximum -temperature to 130°F corresponding to a summer design outside temperature of 96°F in the diesel-generator room." -IDENTIFY Configuration Change safety classification and Seismic Classification. This evaluation serves to provide reasonable assurance of operation of the EOG for a condition that is no longer in place (i.e. historical). It is subsequently classified as non-safety related and non-seismic. 4.1.5 -PROVIDE the performance requirements and design conditions (including margin) of the SSC needed to evaluate the change from the existing to the modified systems, structures, or components: The 1VD01 CA fan is required to supply cooling flow to the Division 1 DG room to maintain room temperature below 130°F for reliable operation. However, due to the relay failure, the fan was not able to perform this function. This evaluation determines the temperature in the Division 1 DG room with no room cooling and evaluates if the associated equipment in the room can still function for 24 hours following loss of room cooling. 4.1.9 -DETERMINE changes required to existing Design Analysis or new parameters that require new calculations or calculation revisions that are used to assess the acceptability of a system or a component function in meeting various physical requirements. Much of this evaluation is based on calculations from vendors including Zachary Group, MPR Associates and KCI. These inputs are not intended to be design basis analyses, but instead to inform the PRA model. 4.1.11 -IDENTIFY any Failure Effects requirements. The root cause evaluation determined that the failure of the Division 1 DG Room Fan to start was caused by the failure to recognize the variations in the dropout voltage and associated impacts of the relays used in this circuit. 4.1.14 DETERMINE environmental conditions and impacts. The Division 1 DG room temperature due to the failure of the room fan to start is determined via GOTHIC analysis as described in Attachment 2. Clinton Power Station EC 620632 RIO EVAL DETAILS Page 20 of20 4.1.18 -DETERMINE if the Configuration Change may affect the existing Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA). Mitigating System Performance Index (MSPI} Basis Document PRA content and shutdown risk models by using the screening checklist in CC-AA-102-F-04. Since the information in this evaluation will be used to address the severity of an NRC finding and may be used as input to risk evaluations, the PRA group will review this evaluation. See 4.1.42 for Interfacing Department reviews. 4.1.19-EVALUATE if System Operational Requirements have changed. System operational requirements have not changed. However, operator actions to mitigate the loss of room cooling event are described in this evaluation. 4.1.33 IDENTIFY Mechanical System Characteristics where design limits are placed on the mechanical properties of a system or component. The Division 1 DG Room temperature on loss of cooling is determined via GOTHIC analysis as described in Attachment 2. In addition, the function of each affected component is described in this evaluation. 4.1.35 -IDENTIFY Electrical requirements where limits are placed on the electrical properties of a system or component. The functions of the Division 1 DG room equipment are described in the KCI Report in Attachment 1. 4.1.36 -IDENTIFY Instrument and Control requirements. including digital technology requirements. The instruments located in the Division 1 DG room are described in this evaluation. 4.1.42 -DETERMINE Interfacing Department Impact of the Configuration Change, such as Operations, Plant Engineering, Training (including Plant Simulator}. Maintenance. Reactor Engineering, Radiation Protection and others (see CC-AA-102-F-10A through 10H} There are no configuration change impacts; the following interfacing department reviews are performed: Risk Assessment (PRA), Electrical Design Engineering, Operations, and Regulatory Assurance. J Engineering Change EC Number Facility Type/Sub-type: Attributes 00006.2063.2 CPS EVAL SYS Attribute Sub-category: Attribute Name CC-AA-102-F-01 CC-AA-102-F-07 CC-AA-102-F-08 CC-AA-10.2-F-lOA CC-AA-102-F-lOF CC-AA-102-F-lOF 000 DAR Value COMP COMP COMP OPS-COMP PRA -COMP SITE REG ASS -COMP Print Date: 09/11/.2017 Exelon. Page: 1 PassPort Date C13010.2 07/25/2017 C130102 07/25/2017 C13010.2 07/25/2017 GANDMM 08/01/2017 GANDMM 08/01/2017 GANDMM 08/01/2017 Engineering Change 000 Print Date: 09/11/2017 .,;;li!/llS1J!! EC Number Facility Type/Sub-type: 0000620632 CPS EVAL SYS Exelon, Page: 2 Attributes Attribute Sub-category: EVAL Attribute Name Value PassPort Date HUMAN PERFORMANCE RISK CODE HIGH-3-2 C130102 07/25/2017 Attribute Note Text Risk Rank of HIGH-3-2 requires an augmented review, "Independent Review by Station" This was satisfied by a set of independent reviews. 1. DG room heat-up analysis (Gothic analysis) performed by Zachery with inputs from MPR contained in NAI-2007-003, Rev. o, "Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Room Heat-up Evaluation" was independently reviewed by Chris Brennan. No fatal flaws were identified. 2. Evaluation package (EC 619834, Rev. 0), "Evaluation of Equipment Survivability In DG Div. 1 Room with Elevated Temperatures" was independently reviewed by Corporate Reg. Assurance, Pat Simpson. No fatal flaws were identified. Since EC 620632 Supersedes EC 619834 Ranking is same. This EC only enhances to show margin & Oigin Methodlogy is unchaged, therefore, no addtional reivew required. Design Attribute Review (DAR) Page 1of5 CC 0 AA*102*F*01 Revision O IDENTIFY THE APPLICABILITY OF THE FOLLOWING TO THE DESIGN CHANGE. WHEN A TOPIC IS DETERMINED TO BE APPLICABLE, THEN PLACE THE APPLICABLE TOPIC INFORMATION IN THE DESIGN CHANGE. IF THE INFORMATION IS INSTALLATION-RELATED, THEN PLACE THIS INFORMATION IN THE INSTALLER INSTRUCTIONS (ATTACHMENT C IN CC-AA-103). IF NOT INSTALLATION-RELATED, THEN PLACE THE TOPIC INFORMATION IN A SEGREGATED DESIGN CONSIDERATION SECTION, OR WITHIN THE DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED BY THE PROCEDURES GOVERNING A PARTICULAR ATTRIBUTE. OPTIONAL FIELDS "TRACKING OF ACTION" AND "REFERENCES" ARE AVAILABLE FOR NOTATION BY THE PREPARER IF DESIRED TO ASSIST THE PREPARER IN MANAGING THE ACTIVITY. ' Engineering Change Number: 620632 Revision Number: 0 Section Design Change Attribute App Ii Tracking of References cable Action (optional) IDENTIFY Basic SSC Functions 181 See Design Considerati on -. Summary in EC (DCS) IDENTIFY Configuration Change safety 181 SeeDCS classification. IDENTIFY Seismic Classification of the SSC. SeeDCS 4.1.5 PROVIDE the performance requirements and SeeDCS design conditions (including margin) of the SSC needed to evaluate the change from the existing to the modified systems, structures, or components. 4.1.6 DETERMINE the design requirements necessary D NIA to facilitate periodic surveillance testing and acceptance testing that is necessary for the Configuration Change being considered. 4.1.7 DETERMINE the Codes, Standards, and D NIA Regulatory Requirements applicable to the Configuration Change. 4.1.8 IDENTIFY PWR Sump GL 2004-02 Program D NIA impacts PWR sites only 4.1.9 DETERMINE changes required to existing Design D NIA Analysis or new parameters that require new calculations or calculation revisions that are used to assess the acceptability of a system or a component function in meeting various physical requirements. 4.1.10 If Redundancy, Diversity and Separation D NIA requirements are identified or affected, then REVIEW the original design basis as well as any subsequent modifications. 4.1.11 IDENTIFY any Failure Effects requirements. [ZJ NIA (See CC-AA-102 Attachment 12) Design Attribute Review (DAR) Page 2 of 5 Engineering Change Number: 620632 Section Design Change Attribute 4.1.12 IDENTIFY Fire Protection and Appendix R Safe Shutdown requirements, by using the "Screening for Approved Fire Protection Program (AFPP) Impact, CC-AA-102-F-02. NFP A 805 Units -IDENTIFY the impact on NFP A 805 requirements by using CC-AA-102-F-02, "Screening for Approved Fire Protection Program (AFPP) Impact". 4.1.13 DETERMINE any Material requirements, such as material grade, product form, compatibility with existing or other new materials, galvanic interaction between dissimilar metals, special welding material requirements, critical properties, performance characteristics, alternative materials as well as any Material Suitability reguirements such as compatibility, electrical insulation properties, protective coating, corrosion resistance, mechanical insulation etc. necessary for the Configuration Change. 4.1.14 Determine environmental conditions and impacts. Also see EN-AA-103. 4.1.15 DETERMINE if Environmental Qualification (EQ) of equipment is affected. (see CC-AA-102-F-03) 4.1.16 REVIBW the Operating Experience databases through the INPO Internet Site or equivalent in accordance with Pl-AA-115: 4.1.17 DETERMINE if the configuration change may affect the existing INPO Consolidated Data Entry (CDE) database. 4.1.18 DETERMINE if the Configuration Change may affect the existing Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), Mitigating System Performance Index (MSPI) Basis Document PRA content, and shutdown risk models by using the screening check.list in CC-AA-102-F-04. NFPA 805 Units -PERFORM a review of the configuration change for impact on the Fire PRA per ER-AA-600-1068. [NFP A-805 Site Risk Management Engineer] 4.1.19 EVALUATE if System Operational Requirements have changed. 4.1.20 IDENTIFY any Human Factors requirements. CC*AAc102-F-01 Revision 0 Revision Number: 0 App Ii Tracking of References cable Action {optional) D NIA D NIA See DCS D NIA D NIA D NIA SeeDCS NIA D NIA Design Attribute Review (DAR) Page 3 of 5 Engineering Change Number: 620632 Section Design Change Attribute 4.1.21 IDENTIFY procedure changes per direction in CC-AA-102-F-09. 4.1.22 IDENTIFY any changes or additional training requirements for various departments, per direction in CC-AA-102-F-09. 4.1.23 CONSIDER the functional and physical system interface requirements, including the effect of cumulative tolerances between the subject system or component and adjacent or related support systems, structures, and components that may have been affected by the Configuration Change. 4.1.24 DETERMINE specialized layout and arrangement requirements. 4.1.25 DETERMINE if the Radiation Protection/ ALARA programs are affected by review of changes that affect any of the following during normal or post accident conditions: Radiation sources; changes affecting controlled radiation areas; primary coolant fluid systems (Cobalt Materials); contaminated systems; radiation monitoring systems; HV AC Systems which could transport airborne contaminants; change or alter shielding. (see CC-AA-102-F-05) 4.1.26 DETERMINE the need for walkdowns to look at accessibility to the work area(s) and any special installation considerations that need to be addressed during design development. 4.1.27 DETERMINE Accessibility for maintenance, repair and In-Service Inspection (ISI) and In-Service Testing (IST), and the conditions under which these activities will be performed. 4.1.28 DETERMINE handling, storage, cleaning, and shipping requirements, as well as transportability requirements for items which require special handling during transit from supplier to site, from site to vendor (for repair), or from site receiving to final placement in the plant. 4.1.29 DETERMINE the effect of the Configuration Change on existing Emergency Plan or environmental and discharge monitoring that are used to prevent undue risk to public health and safety. CC*AA-102-F-01 Revision 0 Revision Number: 0 App Ii Tracking of References cable Action (optional) D NIA D NIA D NIA D NIA D NIA D NIA D NIA D NIA D NIA Design Attribute Review (DAR) Page4 of 5 Engineering Change Number: 620632 Section Design Change Attribute 4.1.30 DETERMINE Industrial Safety requirements such as restricting the use of dangerous materials, hazardous chemicals, escape provisions from enclosures, pertinent OSHA requirements, and grounding of electrical systems. 4.1.31 DETERMINE impact on nuclear fuel, core components, core design, reactivity management, criticality control and accountability of nuclear materials as well as transient and I or accident analysis, by using CC-AA-102-F-06: 4.1.32 DETERMINE Load Path requirements for installation, removal, and repair of equipment and replacement of major components. 4.1.33 IDENTIFY Mechanical System Characteristics where design limits are placed on the mechanical properties of a system or components. 4.1.34 IDENTIFY Chemistry requirements where limits are placed on the chemical properties of a system or component based upon safety, reliability, ALARA, economics, or other considerations. 4.1.35 IDENTIFY Electrical requirements where limits are placed on the electrical properties of a system or component. 4.1.36 IDENTIFY Instrument and Control requirements, including digital technology requirements. 4.l.37 IDENTIFY Security requirements such as site monitoring, alarm systems, vehicle barrier systems, security and security lighting. 4.1.38 IDENTIFY Civil/Structural requirements where design limits are placed on the structural properties of a SSC such as equipment foundations and component supports. 4.1.39 If the Configuration Change adds, relocates, or alters Seismic Category I mechanical and/or electrical components then ENSURE that the Seismic Dynamic Qualification (SDIQ) of the components has been addressed per CC-AA-320-001. CC*AA*102°F*01 Revision 0 Revision Number: 0 Appli Tracking of References cable Action (optional) D NIA D NIA D NIA IZl SeeDCS D NIA IZl SeeDCS fZ1 SeeDCS D NIA D NIA D NIA Design Attribute Review (DAR) Page 5 of 5 Engineering Change Number: 620632 Section Design Change Attribute 4.1.40 DETERMINE Personnel Requirements and Limitations such as the need for trade specialists and engineering experts as well as support personnel, such as Radiation Chemistry technicians, welding technicians with special expertise, use of specific contractor or station procedures for installation or the need for mock-ups for training, installation, or operation. 4.1.41 LIST special procedures and installation specifications that apply, but are not part of the normal installation procedural direction. 4.1.42 DETERMINE Interfacing Department impact of the Configuration Change, such as Operations, Plant Engineering, Training (including Plant Simulator), Maintenance, Reactor Engineering, Radiation Protection and others. (see CC-AA-102- F-lOA through lOH) 4.1.43 CONSIDER impact on active License Renewal Projects. 4.1.44 REVIEW the proposed changes for conformance with requirements of any applicable Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL) Insurance Standard, or other appropriate insurance standards. 4.1.45 DETERMINE the impact of the design change on System Vulnerability. 4.1.47 IDENTIFY changes to the plant, both permanent and temporary, that potentially impact the switchyard or the interconnected transmission system. Communication and coordination of these plant changes with the applicable transmission entities is a requirement of the mandatory NERC Reliability Standards. 4.l.48 IDENTIFY potential impacts on safety related motor operated valves and the Exelon MOY Program. 4.1.49 DETERMINE the effect of the Configuration Change on Dry Cask Storage. 4.4 Configuration Control Activities- Use of CC-AA-102-F-07 4.5 Determination of Program Impact -Use of CC-AA-102-F-08 CCa.A.A-102-F-01 Revision 0 Revision Number: 0 Appli Trackang of References cable Action (optional) D NIA D NIA SeeDCS D NIA D NIA D NIA D NIA D NIA D NIA [81 Checklist of Configuration Activities Page 1of3 CC-AA* 102-F-07 Revision 0 Engineering Change Number: 620632 Rev: Q Applic Prior To -Configuration Activity able Operation Procedure Related Trackine info EC Install Attribute No * Update Tech Spec or license LS-AA-101 Amendment No: CONF: TECH SPEC No Update Tech Spec Bases LS-AA-101-1000 No As UFSAR Change Notice Required by LS-AA-107 LS-AA-107 Change Request No: CONF: UFSAR CHANGE NOTICE No Technical Requirement Manual Plant Specific Liston AOL CONF: TECH REQMT MANUAL No Desim Bases Database Requirements CC-AA-207 Input Form CONF: DB DATABASE INPUT No Update Desiim Bases Topical Reports and System Documents CC-AA-207 Liston AOL No * Update of Critical Control Room Drawings CC-AA-103, -104, -List onADL CONF: CCRD HUNG 112,NF-AA-101 No Additional Walkdown (s) CC-AA-106-1001 Place applicable walkdown information in CONF: DESIGNERS package WALKDOWN No Affected Equipment List (AEL) or Component Record List (PIMs) (CM-6) Plant Specific CONF: EQUIP DATA (NON RTC UPD) No Update setpoint and calibration database (IISCP or other) Plant Specific No Electrical Load Monitoring Plant Specific ADL & Input fonn I CONF: ELMS INPUT No Cable Management Database (raceway and conduit) program Plant Specific ADL & Input form I CONF: SLICE INPUT No * Update of Nuclear Fuels/Corporate Engineering Safety Analysis Accident Analysis (See CC-AA-102-F-lOG) CC-AA-102-F-lOG CONF: NF ACC ANLS Checklist of Configuration Activities Page2of3 Engineering Change Number: 620632 App lie Prior To Configuration Activity able Operation Procedure Related Trackin2 info No Plant Barriers Affected Plant Specific No * Offsite Dose Cale Manual CY-AA-l 70-300 No Update VETIP Manuals CC-AA-204 Rev: CC-AA-102-F-07 Revision O ft EC Install Attribute CONF: BARRIER PROGRAM CONF: ODCM *-CONF: VETIP MANUALS No Update Fire Protection Documentation Package and Appendix R CC-AA-209 Change Request No: CONF: FPR CHANGE REQUEST No * Update Use of Locks on Valves OP-AA-l08-l03 Proc on ADL; Equip Data AEL No * Equipment Tagging & Labeling (CM-6) OP-AA-116-101 Label Request CONF: EQUIP TAGS/LABELS No Address Open Operability Determinations OP-AA-108- l 15 CONF: OP DETERMINATION No Update or Create Equipment Bill of Material SM-AA-300-1002 BOM End Use Analysis CONF: EQUIP BOM No Plant Simulator Change Required? TQ-AA-306 cbNF: Si:Ml1LATOR CHANGES No Functional Equipment Group (FEG) Update ER-AA-200 CONF: FEG UPDATE (D046) No Clearance and Tagging Program (C/O Models Updated) Operations CONF: TAG OUT C/O MODEL CHANGE No Equipment PMT Requirements Plant Specific J CONF: EQUIP PMT CHANGES I (D041) No Other items CONF:MISC Checklist of Configuration Activities Page3of3 CC-AA-102-F-07 Revision 0 Engineering Change Number: 620632 Rev: !! App lie Prior To Configuration Activity able Operation Procedure Related Tracking info I EC Install Attribute No Emergency Response Data System Data Point Librarv Update (EROS) EP-AA-123 or EP-OC-Notify NRC within 30 days of change to I CONF:ERDS 123 for Oyster Creek library files No Update Cyber Security Assessment Database CC-AA-601 I CONF: CYBER SECURITY No List of equipment being replaced to Site Supply Chain Manager SM-AC-4006 I CONF: LIST EQUIP REPLACED No List of all protective relays that affect the reliability of the Bulk Electric System per NERC Reliability Standard LS-AA-129 I CONF: LIST PROT RELAYS Notes: "*" Indicates that it must be completed prior to operation if the activity is required. PassPort only-Track completion via EC ADL/AEL (if ADL/AEL is applicable) or EC INSTALL Attribute.

  • J

Checklist for Programs Impact Page 1of3 CC-AA-102-F-08 Revision 0 Engineering Change Number: 62032 Rev: !! Applica Prior to Program Activities hie Operation Procedure Related Tracking info EC Install Attribute No *If Tech Predefine Surveillance Program Spec Plant Specific PROO: PREDEFINES (SURV, PM) No Performance Centered Maintenance (PCM) Program ER-AA-200 PROO: PREDEFINES (SURV, PM) No Create or Revise PCM Template ER-AA-200 PROG: PCM TEMPLATE No Maintenance Rule Program ER-AA-310 PROG: MIR PROGRAM No Instrument Calibration as part of Predefine Surveillance Program Plant Specific PROO: INSTR SURVEILLANCE No Check Valve PM Program ER-AA-400-1001 PROO: CHECK VAL VE PM No MOVProgram ER-AA-302 PROG:MOV No AOVProgram ER-AA-410 PROO:AOV No EQ Program CC-AA-203 PROG:EQ No ASME Section XI or O&M IST Program ER-AA-321 PROO:IST No ASME Section XI or O&M ISI Program ER-AA-330 PROO: ISI (ASME XI) No Boric Acid Corrosion Control (BACC) Program (PWR only) ER-AP-331 PROO: BACC (PWR ONLY) No BWR Reactor Internals/IVVI (BWR only) ER-AB-331 PRbG: RX INTERNALS No ASME III Code and Auth. Nuclear Inspector/In-service Inspector Review Plant Specific PROO: ASME CODE I ANII REVIEW No B&PV Inspection Program (including State Boiler Inspector Notification) Plant Specific PROO: IDNS VESSEL/RV TEST No ASME VIII Relief Valve Testing Plant Specific PROO: IDNS VESSEURV TEST Checklist for Programs Impact Page 2 of 3 CC-AA-i 02-f-08 Revision O Engineering Change Number: 62032 Rev: Q Applica Prior to Program Activities ble Opeiration Procedure Related Tracking info EC Install Attribute No Non ASME Piping & Comp Support Inservice Inspection Program Plant Specific PROO:ISI (NON ASME) No Other Programs that may be Tech Spec required but plant specific Plant Specific PROO:MISC No Flow Accelerated Corrosion Program ER-AA-430 PROG: FAC (FLOW ACC CORROSION) No Fatie:ue and Transient Monitoring Program ER-AA-470 PROO: FATIG & TRANS MON No Lead Shielding Program Plant Specific PROO; LEAD SHIELDING No Update & Maintenance of Consolidated Data Entry (CDE) database PI-AA-115-1004 PROG:EPIX No * Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP)/Severe Accident Management (SAM) Program/Emergency Action Levels (EAL) and/or EAL Thresholds Plant Specific PROO: EOP/SAM No OL-89-13 Program for Heat Exchangers and Piping ER-AA-340 PROO: GL 89-13 HX No Environmental Review EN-AA-103 PROG: ENVIRON SERV NOTIFIED No Stearn Generator Program ER-AP-420 .PROO: STEAM GENERATOR No PRA URE Completion, MSPI Basis Document and PRA Model Update Section 4.1.18 of PROO: PRA MODEL CC-AA-102 No Fire PRA Model Update or aouroval per ER-AA-600-1068 to defer Section 4. l.18 of NFPA 805 plants only. CC-AA-102 No Coatings Program CC-AA-205, ER-AA-330- PROO: CONTAINMENT COATINGS 008, and MA-AA-716-016 No Appendix J of IOCFRSO ER-AA-380 PROO: IOCFRSO APPENDIX J No Thermal Performance ER-AA-510 PROG: THERMAL PERFORMANCE No I Emergency Preparedness (EP) Programs EP-AA-120 PROO: EP PROGRAMS Checklist for Programs Impact Page 3of3 CC-AA-102-F-08 Revision 0 Engineering Change Number: 62032 Rev: Q Applica Prior to Program Activities hie Operation Procedure Related Trackin2 info I EC Install Attribute No I Buried Piping and Raw Water Corrosion Program ER-AA-5400 I PROG: BP AND RWC No I Cyber Security Program per Requirements of 10 CFR 73.54 CC-AA-600 I PROO: CYBER SECURITY No I BOP HX Program ER-AA-340-2000 I PROO: BOP HX No I Control Room Envelope (CRE) Habitability Program Plant Specific I PROO: CRE HABITABILITY No I Lubricants Program MA-AA-716-006 I PROG: LUBRICANTS No I Surveillance Frequency Control Program (SFCP) Plant Specific IPROG:SURVEILLANCEFREQ CONT No I Cable Program ER-AA-300-150 I PROO: CABLE No I Aging Management Program ER-AA-700-1002 I PROG: AGING No I Diverse And Flexible Coping Strategies (Flex) And Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation Program CC-AA-118 I PROO: FLEX . Notes: "*" indicates that it must be completed prior to operation if the activity is required. PassPort only -Track completion via EC ADL (if ADL is applicable) or EC INSTALL Attribute. There is no impact to plant operations or procedures created by this EC. KAL Operations Department (including Radwaste) Configuration Change Review Checklist Page 1of2 Configuration Change Document No: 620632 CC-AA*102-f-10A Revision O This review covers activities performed during the design phase of a Configuration Change, including initial meetings, walkdowns, detailed design development, and identification of impacts on other station programs and areas of responsibility. Review Requirements Check 1. The impact on the station equipment, changes in equipment responses, and changes in operator [gl responses for different scenarios have been discussed. As the representative of the Operations department, I fully understand the impact, including training needs, upon my department and concur that my concerns have been adequately addressed. 2. I have confirmed the identified Programs, Procedures and Training requirements are complete, or initiated tracking for completion, for my department in accordance with forms listed below: * CC-AA-102-F-07 -Configuration Activities (Tracking No.

  • CC-AA-102-F-08

-Programs (Tracking No. ___ __, * CC-AA-102-F-09 -Procedures and Training (Tracking No. 3. Acceptance criteria for Post Maintenance Testing and any special tests required to adequately JZI demonstrate system operability following implementation of a Configuration Change have been specified. 4. ALARA for operation has been considered in the design. [8] 5. Appropriate component labeling is used in the design package, including drawings. [gj 6. The Configuration Change does not interfere with operation of existing nearby equipment. 181 7. There are no operating procedure changes required by this Configuration Change that [8] introduce new susceptibility to water hammer or hydraulic transients that might result in impacting plant operation. 8. The design can be implemented within constraints of plant operation/mode. This includes an operation assessment of all affected systems and interfacing structures, systems and components during the mode(s) in which the design change is being implemented. 9. The configuration change has been reviewed and any new vulnerabilities as defined in ER-AA-181 2004 and the impact of the design change on the identified existing vulnerabilities has been assessed. 10. Impact of this configuration change on Operator Aids has been reviewed and appropriate actions have been or will be taken (refer to OP-AA-115-101 and the Operator Aid Log) 11. The configuration change has been reviewed and impacts on margin are understood. The design summary adequately addresses known margin impacts. (refer to ER-AA-2007) 12. Changes impacting the Clearance and Tagging Program have been identified and are being tracked. Operations Department (including Radwaste) Configuration Change Review Checklist Page 2 of 2 Configuration Change Document No: 620632 CC*AA-102*f-10A Revision O 13. Impact on configuration control and potential configuration control event precursors have been IZ! identified and are being addressed. 14. Impacts on FLEX, B.5.b, SBO, flooding protection, fire protection, and other issues requiring operator manual actions have been identified and are being addressed. 15. Changes to type of M&TE used and test methodology have been evaluated per MA-AA-716-040. 16. Impacts to and additions ofTCA's and TSA's have been processed per OP-AA-102-106. My department has reviewed the Configuration Change Document (or appropriate contents) and understands the impact regarding my department's operations, procedures, and programs. All Configuration Change support activities required of my department have been identified. Bob Rush Date: 07/31/17 Operations Department Representative (Print/Sign) (For PassPort, see EC Milestone 210-DEPT RVW-OP for Operations Dept signature authentication) Return the completed form to the Configuration Change Preparer or Sign Electromcally in FCMS, PIMS, or PassPort Nigel Keen Configuration Change Review Checklist for Use by Other Departments Page 1of1 Configuration Change Document No: 620632 -PRA CC-AA-102mfm10F Revision o This review covers activities performed during the design phase of a Configuration Change, including initial meetings, walkdowns, detailed design development, and identification of impacts on other station programs and areas of responsibility. Review Reguirements I. My department has participated in the Configuration Change process (scope meetings, walkdowns, impact review, etc.) as required and concurred with the proposed Configuration Change; and fully understands the Configuration Change implications for my department. 2. I have confirmed the identified Programs, Procedures and Training requirements are complete, or initiated tracking for completion, for my department in accordance with the forms listed below: CC-AA-102-F-08 -Programs (Tracking No. URE previously written ) CC-AA-102-F-09 -Procedures and Training (Tracking No. ___,N'-'-A=-=----) 3. Other Considerations required to be completed in support of the Configuration Change: NA 4. The configuration change has been reviewed and impacts on margin are understood. The design summary adequately addresses known margin impacts. (refer to ER-AA-2007) My department has reviewed the Configuration Change document (or applicable contents) and understands the impact regarding my department's operations, procedures, and programs. All Configuration Change support activities required of my department have been identified. Affected Plant Department: Risk Management Anthony Hable Date: 07-31-17 Affected Plant Department Representative (Print/Sign) (See EC MileStone 210-DEPT RVW-01 for Other Dept signature authentication) Return the completed form to the Configuration Change Preparer or Sign Electronically in FCMS, PIMS, or PassPort This EC provides evidence that the diesel will not fail during mission time, which implies no risk increase over baseline from the SDP conditon. Configuration Change Review Checklist for Use by Other Departments Page 1 of 1 Configuration Change Document No: 619834-SITE REG. ASSURANCE CC-AA-102-f-10F Revision 0 This review covers activities performed during the design phase of a Configuration Change, including initial meetings, walkdowns, detailed design development, and identification of impacts on other station programs and areas of responsibility. Review Requirements 1. My department has participated in the Configuration Change process (scope meetings, walkdowns, impact review, etc.) as required and concurred with the proposed Configuration Change; and fully understands the Configuration Change implications for my department. 2. I have confirmed the identified Programs, Procedures and Training requirements are complete, or initiated tracking for completion, for my departll!ent in accordance with the forms listed below: CC-AA-102-F-08- Programs (Tracking No. ___ ) CC-AA-102-F-09 -Procedures and Training (Tracking No. ) 3. Other Considerations required to be completed in support of the Configuration Change: NA 4. The configuration change has been reviewed and impacts on margin are understood. The design summary adequately addresses known margin impacts. (refer to ER-AA-2007) My department has reviewed the Configuration Change document (or applicable contents) and understands the impact regarding my department's operations, procedures, and programs. All Configuration Change support activities required of my department have been identified. Affected Plant Department: Reg Assurance Dale Shelton Date: 6/21/17 Affected Plant Department Representative (Print/Sign) (See EC MileStone 210-DEPT RVW-01 for Other Dept signature authentication) Return the completed form to the Configuration Change Preparer or Sign Electronically in FCMS, PIMS, or PassPort Nigel Keen EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 1 of 267 \KCI ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 Phone {630) 515*2650 * FAX (630) 515*2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Prepared by/Date Anup Behera Septem.ber 15, 2017 Reviewed by/Date Page 1of83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 2 of 267 \l<CI ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515*2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan REVISION HISTORY Revision# Issued Date Purpose of Revision Prepared By Reviewed Approved By By 00 6/21/2017 Initial Release AnupBehera Badar Peter Brunsgaard Hussain Incorporated Fauske Test Report FAI/17-0667 and TOD! CPS-17-0044. Identified critical components Badar 01 7/28/2017 required for EDG operation for Anup Behera Hussain Peter Brunsgaard normal power generation. This revision completely supersedes Revision 00 in its entirety. Re-evaluated the temperature 02 8/17/2017 threshold of the generator, exciter Anup Behera Badar Peter Brunsgaard and governor actuator. Added Hussain Attachment T. 03 9/15/2017 Revised to eliminate appendices not AnupBehera Badar Peter Brunsgaard providing any technical information. Hussain Page 2 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 3 of 267 <l<CI ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Revision History ................... ............................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. 3 I Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 5 II Summary of the Review ............................................................................................. 5 III Background ................................................................................................................. 5 IV Evaluation Parameters ............................................................................................... 6 V Operability of Class lE Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of Loss of Diesel Ventilation VD Fan ............**********..................................*.......**...***............................. 7 V.1 General Discussion on Impact of Elevated Temperature on Equipment .............. 7 V.2 Determining the Impact of Elevated Temperatures by Tests ................................. 10 V.3 Impact of Elevated Temperatures on the CPS Emergency Diesel Generator ...... 11 VI Operability of Diesel Generator Starting Air System ............................................. 82 VII Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 82 VIII References .................................................................................................................... 82 Page 3 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 4 of 267 <;l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 www KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan ATTACHMENTS Attachment A FAI Test Report FAI/17-0667, Test Report for Component Survivability at Elevated Ambient Temperature, Revision 0, dated July 2017 Attachment B F AI Test Report FAI/17-0612, Relay Drop Out Testing of GE CR120BD04341 and Agastat E7012PD004 Relays for Clinton Power Station, Revision 0 Attachment C Excitation Support System Attachment D Basler Electric UFOV Regulator Attachment E Basler Electric SR_ A Regulator Attachment F Email Correspondence -Bussman Fuse Derating Curves Attachment G LOR-1 Relay Attachment H Results of System 1000 Query Attachment I Ohmite Vendor Data Sheets Attachment J P&B MDR Series Rotary Relay Attachment K Dynalco Speed Switches/Transmitters Attachment L Deleted Attachment M STC-4371 Field Conditioning Relay Attachment N Honeywell VRS Speed Sensors Attachment 0 Woodward EGB Governor/ Actuator Attachment P Woodward Magnetic Pickups Attachment Q Woodward 2301A Load Sharing and Speed Control Attachment R System 1000 Query Results -Typical Switch Materials Attachment S Excerpt from Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers Attachment T Excerpt from NUMARC 87-00 (Rev. 1), Guidelines and Technical Bases for NUMARC Initiatives Addressing Station Blackout at Light Water Reactors, dated August 1991. Page 4 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 5 of 267 \l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan I Purpose The purpose of this report is to perform an operability assessment of Class IE equipment in DG rooms (DIV 1) exposed to higher-than-expected temperatures resulting from a loss of diesel ventilation VD fans. II Summary of the Review As a result of the loss of the diesel ventilation VD fans, all the Class IE equipment required for DG operation and located in the DG rooms will remain operable during the elevated DG room temperatures for a maximum 24-hour period. III Background On Tuesday, March 7, 2017, an Equipment Operator observed a relay cycling every IO seconds from the Division I 480V Unit Substation lA (lAPI IE). This relay is part of a logic circuit in the 480V Unit Sub IA and supports the under-voltage load shed and restoration of the Division 1 Diesel Generator ventilation. The logic would initially shed the DG fan on under-voltage, preclude the fan from restarting, then after IO seconds, once voltage is restored, allow the ventilation to be restored either by the EDG start or return of the safety bus. The ventilation is sequenced on at I 0 seconds after power restoration per the sequential start strategy. The troubleshooting efforts determined the relay 427X3-41A (an interposing relay that acts as a seal-in circuit, in the undervoltage relay logic for IAPl IE) operates outside of allowable circuit parameters, causing the cycling of timing relay 427X2-4IA. Troubleshooting attachments identified both the X2 and X3 relays operated contrary to their expected transient on de-energization resulting in the X2 relay changing contact states before the X3 relay contacts. This condition has two impacts: (I) Associated DG room fan (1 VDOlCA) would be unable to start either automatically or manually when required, and (2) Ability of Division 1 DG to properly load shed on a bus undervoltage condition is affected. As a result, Division 1 DG was declared Inoperable at 03 I9 on March 9, 20I7. Page 5 of83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 6 of 267 (l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan As part of the investigation, it was determined that the identified relay cycling was initiated. by a bus undervoltage condition. Historical surveillance testing was reviewed. DG integrated surveillance procedure 9080.21, which tested Division 1 ECCS system response to a simulated LOCA I LOOP signal, does test the affected relay logic in a manner to detect this condition. However, the fast performance of 9080.21 was in October 2013. The X2 timer relay was replaced in May 2016. Separate testing of the time delay relay function ONLY was last performed in May 2016, satisfying the 48 month periodicity requirement for the time delay function. However, this testing does not initiate a bus undervoltage condition and would not have been sufficient to detect this condition and fully validate proper function of the affected circuit. In the event of a LOOP, the Division 1 EDG would have started and the Generator's output breaker would have closed providing voltage to the safety related buses. However, the suspect relays would have prevented the VD Vent Fan from running and there would have been no cooling to the EDG Room. Without further evaluation and justification, the EDG would not have been able to meet its mission time. The analysis presented herein is a collaborative effort between Clinton Power Station (CPS) and Kiran Consultants, Incorporated (KCI). IV Evaluation Parameters This analysis evaluates operability of equipment in the DG Room for a duration of 24 hours at maximum temperature values as follows: * Panel lDGOlJA 225°F * All Remaining Components in the DG Room 215°F Justification for operation is provided for equipment that cannot meet the above parameters. Page 6 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 7 of 267 <l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan V Operability of Class lE Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of Loss of Diesel Ventilation VD Fan V.1 General Discussion on the hnpact of Elevated Temperature on Equipment Elevated temperatures can impact the functionality of equipment in several ways. Over time, elevated temperatures can increase the degradation of organic materials. Elevated temperatures can also prevent voltage sensitive devices (e.g., electrical devices with coils) from picking up at desired voltages as it is a well-known phenomenon of electrical circuits that the resistance of a current path will rise as temperature is increased, resulting in an increase in the pick-up voltage of devices with coils. The analysis presented herein will generically address methods for determining the impact of elevated temperatures on organic materials and then specifically address the effects of elevated temperatures on voltage-sensitive devices. This analysis will also specifically address the impact of elevated temperatures on normally open relays. V.1.1 Determining the hnpact of Temperatures on Organic Materials V.1.1.1 Arrhenius Methodology Arrhenius methodology has been shown to be a valid means of modeling temperature effects and for evaluating thermal degradation of non-metallic materials. Note that metallic materials are virtually unaffected by environmental conditions associated with temperatures experienced in nuclear plant environments, therefore, the impact of elevated temperatures on metallic materials is insignificant. The following form of the Arrhenius equation is typically used when relating service temperature and duration to a shorter duration at a higher temperature used for accelerated (thermal) aging of non-metallic materials at actual laboratory test conditions. Equation 1 Where: Page 7 of83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 8 of 267 (1(CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan ts = thermal life at normal service temperature Ts (K) ta = thermal aging duration at aging temperature Ta (K) = activation energy (eV) k Boltzmann constant (8.617 x 10-5 eV/K) V.1.1.2 10°C Rule Another model for assessing the time-temperature effects on non-metallic materials is the 10°C rule. This rule simply states that chemical reaction rates double and the material life decreases by one-half for every 10°C increase in temperature. For example, a material with a thermal life of 20 years at a service temperature of 40°C will have a thermal life of 10 years at a temperature of 50°C. V.1.2 Determining Impact of Elevated Temperatures on Voltage Sensitive Devices The DC relays pickup (change state from de-energized to energized with aux contacts changing state) when the magnetic force generated by the coil current compresses a spring and the plunger travels decreasing the air gap in the iron core to almost zero. The coil current is directly proportional to the voltage across the coil divided by the coil resistance (Ohm's Law). The coil resistance is dependent on the ambient temperature given the by the following equation (Equation 2-9 of Attachment R): Where: 234.4 + t 2 Rt2 = Rt1 * 234.4 +ti Rn= Coil Resistance at Room Temperature of tr Rt2 = Coil Resistance at tz tr= Room Temperature (typically 20°C (68°F)) t 2 = Operating Temperature Therefore, using the above equation, the pickup voltage at any temperature t 2 can be calculated from the pickup voltage at room temperature tr by using the following equation:* Page 8 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 9 of 267 <l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 www KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Where: 234.4 + t 2 VPickup_t2 = Vpickup_tl

  • 234.4 + ti Vpickup_tl

=Coil Pickup Voltage at Room Temperature ti Vpickup_t2 =Coil Pickup Voltage at Operating Temperature tz Using the above equation for pickup voltage, the pickup voltage of DC relay for an operating temperature of 238°F (114.44°C) will increase by 1.37 times the pickup voltage of same relay at room ambient temperature. V.1.3 Determining Impact of Elevated Temperatures on Normally Open Relay A relay is an electromechanical switch made of 4 basic parts: electromagnet, mechanical switching element (that can be attracted by the electromagnet), spring, and set of electrical contacts. The three principle failure modes of a relay are (1) failure to trip, (2) spurious trip, and (3) short. Relevant mechanisms by which these failure modes can occur are contamination (metallic and non-metallic) and mechanical wear of the internal switching element. ,Relays are less likely to unintentionally close when configured with normally open contacts. Therefore, the task for this configuration is to determine whether or not abnormal elevated temperatures can cause the unwanted closure of the normally open relay. For the subject relay switches, the non-energized state is normally open, meaning that the relay coil is de-energized and the contacts are open, however, due to applied voltage, the relay may experience some amount of leakage current across the contact. As such, the only credible failure mode under abnormal elevated temperatures (that would lead to closure of the contacts or enable the relay to carry sufficient current so as to close the relay circuit) would be degradation of the nonmetallic materials of construction or significant leakage current across the contacts. Each failure mode is discussed separately. The non-metallic materials of construction under consideration are the materials of the contact block. Note that metallic materials (i.e., the spring and contacts in the relay) are virtually unaffected by environmental conditions associated with exposure to abnormal elevated temperatures. Typical materials of a relay switch contact block include phenolic, wood flour phenolic, diallyl phthalate, Durez (brand name phenolic), and Page 9 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 10 of 267 (l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515*2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan polycarbonate. The results of a System 1000 query on these materials (Reference VIII.4, Attachment R) indicate that the highest aging temperature is a minimum of 140°C or the temperature rating is a minimum of 1 l5°C, meaning that the materials have been subjected to these temperatures without significant loss of material properties. As such, any thermal degradation experienced at l 15°C (239°F) is not expected to significantly impact the functionality of contact blocks constructed with these typical materials. Opened contacts will always experience some minute amount of leakage current at applied voltages. At elevated temperatures, there may be some increase in leakage current, however, that increase will be insignificant. Elevated temperature conditions coupled with humidity/moisture conditions may also increase leakage current, however, resistance in these circuits are sufficiently high such that any resulting leakage current across the open contacts remains insignificant when the relay is exposed to elevated temperatures and humidity/moisture conditions. Additionally, the CPS diesel generator equipment is located in a room where humidity conditions are less than 100% RH during normal and accident conditions (i.e., there are no pipe breaks postulated for the diesel generator room under accident conditions) when the equipment is operating. Therefore, failure due to leakage current is not a credible failure mode for the normally open relay switches installed at CPS. In summary, there is no credible failure mode for a normally de-energized relay switch exposed to abnormal elevated temperatures in less than 100% RH environment. V.2 Testing Performed at FAl Several components were subjected to baseline functional tests per KCI Test Specification 424-008-TSP2 (Reference VIII-3). Table V.2-1 summarizes the test results. Table V.2-1-FAI Test Results Test Manufacturer Model Description Component Performance when Exposed to 225°F Specimen for 24 hours and 245°F for 8 hours # EUT#l Agastat 7012PD Time Delay Relay Relay did not drop out, coil remain energized and open contacts did not short out at 225°F for 24 hours. The relay coil dropped out when exposed to 245°F in less than 8 hours. Another similar specimen did not drop out, coil remain energized and open contacts did not short out at 238°F for 24 hours. EUT#2 Basler 9-1051-00-105 UFOV Assembly Voltage Regulator in combination with UFOV Page 10 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 11 of 267 <l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Test Manufacturer Model Description Component Performance when Exposed to 225°F Specimen for 24 hours and 245°F for 8 hours # provided the voltage regulation and there was no loss of exciter control. EUT#3 Basler SR8A2B01B3A Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator in combination with UFOV provided the voltage regulation and there was no loss of exciter control. EUT#4 GE 12CEH51A1A Loss of Excitation Relay while energized with EDG rated current and Relay voltage did not provide a false trip. The relay provided a trip when tbe phase angle of the current was varied verifying the relay was still function to detect loss of excitation condition and provide a trip. EUT#5 GE 12GGP53B1A Reverse Power Relay Relay while energized with EDG rated current and voltage did not provide a false trip. The relay provided a trio under a reverse oower condition. EUT#6A GE 12DCV51Al3A Restrained Relay while energized with EDG rated current did not Overcurrent Relay provide a false trip. The relay provided a trip when the sensed current exceeded the trip current. EUT#6B GE 12IFCV51ADIA Restrained Relay while energized with EDG rated current did not Overcurrent Relay provide a false trip. The relay provided a trip when the sensed current exceeded the trip current. EUT#7 P&B MDR 137-8 Relay Relay did not drop out, coil remain energized and open contacts did not short out. EUT#9 Westinghouse 290B225A10 Differential Relay The relay did not provided a false trip when the (Type SA-1) operating current was below the trip setting and provided a trip signal when tbe operating current exceeded the trio setting. EUT#IO Woodward 2301A Governor Control The control assembly did not provide actuating Assembly voltage when operated at rated frequency and provided actuating signal when the frequency was increased within 1 % the rated 60HZ frequency. The control assembly was subjected to abnormal temperature exposure of 207°F for 24 hours, 225°F for 8 hours and 245°F for 8 hours. V.3 Impact of Elevated Temperatures on the CPS Emergency Diesel Generator The Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) is designed to operate at an ambient temperature of 122°F (50°C) when the EDG is running and delivering the required power to the safety related equipment (Reference VIII. I). The DG room heat is removed by the VD fans and the fans are designed to keep the ambient temperature below 122°F. With the loss of the VD fan, the DG room ambient temperature is expected to rise above 122°F as the forced ventilation to remove the EDG heat is lost. The operability of all Class IE equipment required to function when the EDG is operating was evaluated for ambient temperatures of more than 122°F and documented in Reference VIII.2. It was previously established in Reference VIIl.2 that all Class lE equipment required for EDG operation will remain operable during the elevated DG room temperature of 140°F for a maximum period of 12 hours. Page 11 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 12 of 267 <l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite ZSS Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515*2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan All the components located in the Division 1 EDG room has been identified and documented in Reference VIIl.5. All these components in Reference VIIl.5 are categorized as follows: * Components in Yellow are identified as tripping interlock for the Div. I Diesel Generator (Not affected by LOCA Bypass) * * Components in Pink are identified as tripping interlock for the Div. I Diesel Generator (Blocked by LOCA Bypass) * Components in Light Green are identified as Starter interlock for the Div. I Diesel Generator (Not affected by LOCA Bypass) * Components in Light Blue are identified with power regulation

  • Components

in White will not prevent EDG Operation After the EDG starts and runs continuously to supply _the power demand of all loads connected to the EDG, this report evaluates the impact of abnormal ambient temperature on the EDG to maintain its power production for 24 hours. Therefore, no other electrical faults are postulated during this period. Not all components in Yellow, Pink and Blue are required for the continuous operation of the EDG under the abnormal ambient temperature environment. These components are further divided into those components classified as "critical active" and "critical passive". The critical active components are capable of direct tripping or causing a trip of the EDG. The critical passive components do not cause a trip of the EDG but are capable of indirect tripping oftheEDG. Table V-1 lists the temperature threshold for tripping interlock and power regulation components (Yellow, Pink and Blue) those are considered as "critical active" for a maximum duration of 24 hours. Table V-2 lists the temperature threshold for tripping interlock and power regulation components (Yellow, Pink and Blue) those are considered as "critical passive" for a maximum duration of 24 hours. Table V-3 lists the temperature threshold for non-critical components required EDG operation for a maximum duration of 24 hours, if applicable. Table V-4 lists non-critical components (White) not required for EDG operation. Components required for start-up (Green) and components that will not prevent EDG operation (White) are not required for continuous operation ofEDG. These components are re-evaluated and Table V-3 lists the temperature threshold for these Page 12 of 83 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 13 of 267 Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone {630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan components for a maximum duration of 24 hours, if applicable. When reviewing Tables V-1, V-2 and V-3, note the following:

  • The 23 °F cabinet temperature

rise noted for various equipment types in Table V-1, V-2 and V-3 is based on actual measurements taken inside the DIV II (1PL12JB) control panel in 1991 when the ambient temperature was 74.5°F. This measurement is documented in calculation IP-Q-396 (Reference VIIl.2). Out of all the panels inside the DG room, Panel 1PL12JB (or 1PL12JA) is considered to have the maximum temperature rise. Components in three Panels (1PL92JA, 1PL93JA and 1DG06SA) are not required to function after the EDG starts. The remaining panels (lDGOlJA, lDGOlKA-12 cyl EDG, lDGOlKA-16 cyl EDG) have either very few components or components that are not normally energized. The major heat producing components (such motors, solenoids) in panels lDGOlKA are de-energized after the EDG starts. There are a few indicating lights that are energized in this panel. Therefore, the temperature rise inside this panel will be negligible , but assumed conservatively l 8°F in our analysis. The 10°C (18°F) temperature rise inside panel is taken from IEEE 649-1980 (IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class lE Motor Control Centers for Nuclear Power Generating Stations). This temperature rise for cubicles those are more compact have continuous energized contactors, control relays, control transformers, and circuit breakers. The CT/PT panel (lDGOlJA) has transformers, but these CTs and PTs do not dissipate significant power. Therefore, a 23°F cabinet temperature rise is utilized for this panel conservatively.

  • The equipment

that was not in a panel (such as engine-mounted equipment) do not have a panel rise applied. * Aging data or temperature threshold data stated are taken from Reference VIII.2 if not stated otherwise. Page 13 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1 , Pg. 1 4 of 267 Cl ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois , 60515 Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Table V-1 Thr e shold Tem p e r atur e s fo r Critical Active C ompo nents R equire d for E D G Operati o n E P a n el I M E lDGOl J A Comp T y p e Co mp D esc r i p tio n CTl-6 Current Transformers, Diffe r e n tial and Meterin MFG GE, JCS-0 E IDGOIKA IDG03KA A9 Actuator Governor WOODWARD (Mounted on Engine) P A R T NO Te mp eratu r e Com m e n t Importa n ce T h res h old {°F) JCS-234 No e l ectronics is used. The insulation was aged at 257°F. The function of Ye ll ow 0/687X6 the devices depends on the integrity of the insu l ation system. Located in panel 1 DGO IJA. Reduc i ng this temperature by 23°F to account for cab i net tern erature rise, the com onent will function at 234 °F. EGB-13P 250 The Governor is located on the cool s i de of the engine (i.e. opposite the Y e ll ow turbo chargers) between the engine and the jacket water cooler. It will therefo r tend to be in a cooler area. Based on VTIP 1<286 1-0002-B , R/87 (Woodward EBG-Proportional Governor Actuator , #82340C), the Governor is used on both steam or engine prime movers. Based on VTIP 1<2861-0002-B (page 9), the recommended operating range of the unit is up to 250°F with synthetic oil. Significant aging of the oil in the Governor would not occur for minor excursions in temperature for a short duration in time. The Governor , once the engine was up and running at steady s tate (which occurs early in the event), is not heavily loaded (i.e. it does not need to move much) and therefor wo u ld not develop significant heat in the oil. Based on NSED Standard MS-01.00 , R/46 (Equipment Lub r ication Standard), the device is to be l ubricated with MOBIL 1 SW-30. MOBIL 1 SW-30 is a synthetic oil that has better performance in high heat applications than conventional motor oils (Attachment 0). Therefore , the governo r would be expected to operate for short periods of time (less than 6 hours) at the end of the scenario at elevated ambient temperatures (-250°F) with MOBIL 1 SW-30 lubricant. P a ge 14 of 83 I E C 620 6 32 , Att. 1 , Pg. 15 of 267 Cl ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan E Panel I M Comp T y pe Comp Description E 1DGO1 KA 1 DG04KA A9/a Actuator Governor (Mounted on Engine) E I PLI 2JA R20 E 1PLl2JA 1SC-DG859 87 A4 Relay , Differential (Type SA-1) Governor Control Assembly MF G PAR T N O Temperature Comment Threshold Importance WOODWARD EGB-13P WESTINGHOUSE 2908225A IO WOODWARD 2301A OF 250 222 222 The Governor is located on the cool side of the engine (i.e. op po site the turbo chargers) between the engine and the jacket water cooler. It will therefo r tend to be in a cooler area. Based on VTIP K286 I-0002-B, R/87 (Woodward EBO-Proportional Governor Actuator , #82340C), the Governor is used on both steam or engine prime movers. Based on VTIP K286 l -0002-B (page 9), the recommended operating range of the unit is up to 250°F with synthetic oil. Significant aging of the oil in the Governor would not occur for minor excursions in temperature for a short duration in time. The Governor , once the engine was up and running at steady state (which occurs ear ly in the event), is not heavily loaded (i.e. it does not need to move much) and therefor would not develop significant heat in the oil. Based on NSED Standard MS-01.00 , R/46 (Equipment Lubrication Standard), the d e vice is to be lubricated with MOBIL 1 5W-30. MOBIL I 5W-30 is a synthetic oil that has better performance in high heat applications than conventional motor oils (Attachment 0). Therefore, the governor would be expected to operate for short periods of time (l ess than 6 hours) at the end of the scenario at elevated ambient temperatures (-250°F) with MOBIL I SW-30 lubricant. Ye ll ow The relay was energized with normal operating EOG current (5 Amps on the Ye ll ow Restraint coil and 0.22 Amps on the operating coil) and 125 VDC for the trip coil at 225°F for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F for 8 hours. The relay did not provide a false trip. Therefore, the relay will not impact the normal operation of the EOG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference VIll.6 , Attachment A). Located in PL! 2JA panel. Rated for 185°F by the manufacturer for Yellow operation and 221°F for storage (See Attachment Q). The governor control assembly was energized with normal operating EDG voltage at 207°F for 24 hours, 225°F for 8 hours and followed with an exposure to 245°F for 8 hours. The output of governor control did not drift from the operating condition (remained at 0 VDC for 60HZ operation). Therefore, the governor control will maintain the normal operation of the EOG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise , the governor control assembly will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient tern erature of 222°F. (see Reference Vlll.6, Attachment A . Page 15 of 83 EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 16 of 267 Cl ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) 1401 Branding Lane, Su i te 255 Downe rs G r ove , I lli n ois , 605 1 5 Phone (630) 5 1 5-2650 * FAX (6 3 0) 5 1 5-26 54 Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan E Panel Com p Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comme n t Importance I Ty p e T h res h old M E IPL12JA R20 0 Relay, Loss of GE 12CEH51A 222 The relay was energized with normal operating EDG current and voltage Pink Excitation IA and 125 VDC for the trip coil at 225°F for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F for 8 hours. The relay did not provide a false trip. Therefore , the relay will not impact the normal operation of the EDG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise for panel IPLI2JA , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient tern erature of 222°F. see Reference Vlll.6, Attachment A . E IPLI2JA Rl9 32 Reverse Power Relay GE 12GGP53B 222 The relay was energized with normal operating EDG current and voltage Pink IA and 125 VDC for the trip coil at 225°F for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F for 8 hours. The relay did not provide a false trip. Therefore, the relay will not impact the normal operation of the EDG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise for panel IPLl2JA , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient tern erature of222°F. see Reference Vlll.6, Attachment A . E IPLl2JA R20 51V-l Voltage Restrained GE 12UCV51A 222 The relay was energized with normal operating EDG current and 125 VDC Pink Overcurrent Rly Ph I 13A for the trip coil at 225°F for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F 12IFCV51 for 8 hours. The relay did not provide a false trip. Therefore, the relay will ADIA not impact the normal operation of the EDG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise , the rel a y will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. (see Reference Vill.6, Attachment A . E 1PLl2JA R20 51V-2 Voltage Restrained GE 12UCV51A 222 The relay was energized with normal operating EDG current and 125 VDC Pink Overcurrent Rly Ph 2 13A for the trip coil at 225°F for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F 12IFCV5! for 8 hours. The relay did not provide a false trip. Therefore , the relay will AD!A not impact the normal operation of the EDG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference Vill.6 , Attachment A . E IPL12JA R20 51V-3 Voltage Restrained GE 12IJCV51A 222 The relay was energized with normal operating EDG current and 125 VDC Pink Overcurrent Rly Ph 3 13A for the trip coil at 225°F for 24 hour s followed with an exposure to 245°F 121FCV51 for 8 hours. The relay did not provide a false trip. Therefore, the relay will ADIA not impact the normal operation of the EDG at 245°F. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference Vlll.6 , Attachment A . Page 16 o f 83 EC 62 0 632 , A t t. 1, P g. 17 of 26 7 Cl ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) 140 1 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 51 5-2654 Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan E Panel Comp Comp Descripti o n I Type M E !DGOIJA CTIO-Current Boot s 11 Transformers E !DGOIJA TI Transformer, Voltag e Regulator Pow e r E IDGOIJA PT! Potential Transformer , Regulator E !DGOIJA PT2 Potential Transformer , R egu l ator E IDGOIJA CCT C r oss Current Transforme r MFG BASLER BASL E R GE GE GE, JCS-0 PART NO Tem p e r ature Comme n t Thresho l d Importance O F BE-02463-234 001 B E-13487-234 00 1 NM-234 3/643X92 NM-234 3/643X92 JCS-234 0/68 7 X6 o electronics is u s ed. The i nsu l ation was age d at 257°F. The function of Blue the devices d epends on the integrity of the insulation system. Reducing this t e mperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise , the component will function at 234°F. Located in Panel IDGOIJA. o e l ectronics is used. The ins u lation was aged at 257°F. The function of Blu e the devices depends on the integrity of the insulat i on system. Reducing this t e mperatu r e by 23 °F to acco u nt for c a binet temperature rise , th e component will function at 234°F. Located in Panel IDGOIJA. No electronics is u sed. The insu l at i on was aged at 257°F. The function of Blu e the devices depends on the integrity of the insu l ation system. Located in panel IDGOIJA. Reducing this temperature by 23°F to account for cabinet tern erature ri s e , the com onent wi ll function a t 234°F. No electronics i s u s ed. The insu l ation w as aged at 257°F. The function of Blu e the devices depends on the integrity of the insulation system. Located in panel I DGO I JA. Reducing this temperature by 23 °F to account for cab i net tern erature rise , the com one n t will functio n at 234°F. o e l ectronics i s u s ed. The insulation was aged at 257°F. The function of Blu e the device s depend s on the integrity of the in s ulation s ystem. Located in pane l lDGOIJA. Reducing this t e mp e rature by 23°F to account fo r cabin e t t e rn erature ri se , th e com onent will function at 234°F. P age 17 of 8 3 I EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 18 of 2 6 7 Cl ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) 1401 Brand i ng Lane , Su i te 255 Downers Grove , Illinois , 60515 P h o n e (6 3 0) 5 1 5-2650 * F AX (6 30) 5 1 5-2 65 4 www.kciconsultants .com Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Resul t of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan E Panel I M E !DGOIKA E !DGOIKA Comp Type Comp Descripti o n G I 3875KW 4160V Generator G2 Exciter MFG IDEAL IDEAL PART NO Temperature Comme n t T h resho ld OF 230 Generator insulation is rated for 155°C (Class F). The minimum thermal life of Class F in s ulation is more than 1000 hours at 200°C operating temperature (Attachment T). The temperature rise at full load i s 70°C (See Section 5.12 of Ref. VIll.2). Based on TODI-CPS-17-025 , the peak load on the EDG durin g the LOCAILOOP case is 3 721.2 KW and the peak load for the LOOP case is 3334.8 KW. The EDG is rated for 3900 KW continuo u s rating (DWG E02-IAPl2, Sheet 031 , Rev. J), the corresponding load for the LOCAILOOP and the LOOP is 95.4% and 85.5% respectively. Therefore the generator temperatu r e rise at 95.4% rated load is 63.7°C [70*0.954*0.954 = 63.7°C]. Assuming the same temperature rise , the generato r will be expo s ed to 173.7°C when operating in an ambient temperature of230°F (110°C) [i.e., 110°C + 63.7°C = l 73.7°C]. The generator temperature will be l 8.7°C above its long term rating of l 55°C. However , the gene r ator is rated for 20 , 000 hours of operation at l 55°C and this life will be reduced by a factor of3 .66 using the 10°C rule for a long term life of more than 227 days. Therefore for a short term operation of I day , the impact on the generator thermal capability when operating at 230°F i s negligible. The minimum thermal life of 1000 hours at 200°C from the ARC 87-00 repo rt (Attachment T) a l so exceeds the Generator thermal s tress for I da of o eration b a tar e m a r in. 230 Exciter insulation i s rated for l 55°C (Cla ss F). The minimum thermal life of Class F insulation is more than 1000 hours at 200°C operating temperature (Attachment T). The temperature rise of the exciter is 80°C (See Section 5.11 of Ref. VIII.2). The insulation life is 20000 hours at 155°C. For an operating envirorunent of 230°F (110°C), the exciter temperature will reach l 90°C. The life at this temperature is 1767 hours (73 days) using 10°C rule. The r efore for a s h ort term operation of 1 day , the impact on the exciter thermal capability when operating at 230°F is negligible. The minimum thermal life of 1000 hours at 200°C from th e C 87-00 report (Attachment T) also exceed s the E xciter thermal s tress for I da of o eration b a lar e mar in. Importance Blu e Blu e Page 18 of 83 I EC 620632 , Att. 1 , P g. 1 9 of 26 7 Cl ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 www.kciconsultants .com Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan E Pan e l I M E I PLl2J A Comp Ty p e xc E 1PLl 2JA UY E 1PLl 2 J A R l 7 C omp D esc r i ption MFG A2 Series B oost O pt io n BAS L E R A l O UFOV Assem bl y BA S LER A l Vo l tage R egulator BASLE R PART N O T e mp e r at ur e Co mm e n t T h res h o ld Imp o rtance 9 0-3710 0-100 9-1 05 1-00-1 00 S R 8A2BOI B3A OF 234 222 222 Age d at 257°F. Locate d in pa n e l IP Ll 2 J A. Thi s d ev i ce h as p assive co m pone n t s suc h as resist o rs, capac i tors , transforme r a nd ind u c t ive coi l (S e e Attac hm en t C). Thi s d ev i ce takes i npu t from CT/P T panel an d boosts the exci t er vo lt age to keep the E O G voltage at rated voltage. As the componen t s were aged at 257°F an d th ere are n o movi n g parts an d electro ni cs, the device wi ll fu n ctio n fo r a n o p erating temperature of 2 5 7°F. Accounting for cab in et tem p erature rise of23°F , this device will be func ti onal at 23 4°F outs id e the anel IPLl2 J A. Blue The UFOV is req u ired whe n th e E O G i s runnin g 4 to 7 HZ b e l ow 60HZ. Bl u e Age d at 25 7°F. R ate d for 1 5 8°F b y m a nu facturer (S ee Attac hm e n t 0). Loca t e d i n 1PLl2JA p a n e l. The UFOV was aged at 225°F e n ergized for 24 h o u rs followed with an expos ur e to 245°F wh il e ene r gized for 8 ho ur s. The UFOV performe d its des ir ed functio n and d id n ot p rovide any false trip signal t o the EOG througho u t the 32 hours oftest run. Acco u nting for a 23°F cu b i c l e t e m perature rise, the UFOV will n ot im p act the E OG n o rm al o p eratio n in an am bi en t te rn eratu r e of222°F. see R eference VIIJ.6 , See Attac hm e nt A Aged at 257°F. No dera t ing a t 158°F (See Attac hm ent E). Located in Blu e I PLI 2 J A pane l. The voltage r egu l ator was aged a t 225°F energ i zed fo r 24 hours followed w i th an expos ur e to 245°F while ene r gized for 8 ho u rs. The vo l tage r egu l a t or p erformed i t s d esi r e d func t ion and d i d no t provide any fa l se trip signal t o th e EOG t hr o u ghou t th e 32 h o u rs of t est run. Acco un ti n g fo r a 23°F cubicle temperature rise , the voltage r eg ul ator will not impact the EOG n orma l operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Refe r ence Vlll.6 , Attachment A . Page 19 of 83 I EC 62 0 632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 20 of 2 6 7 Cl ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) 1401 Branding lane , Suite 255 Downers Grove , Illino i s, 60515 Phone (630) 515*2650 * FAX (630) 515-2 654 Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan E Pa n el I M Comp Type E !PLJ2JA UY LEGEND FOR "STATE" Co mp Description MFG Kl5 Relay , Power Failure P&B Aux EOG o eration EDG o eration PART NO Temperature Comment Threshold Importa n ce OF MDR137-8 222 This relay is normal l y energized and short circuits the generator CT under Blue loss of 125 VDC power supply. As the relay energized during EDG normal operation, the relay coil failure will impact the continued operation ofEDG. Per SQ-CLD-039, the relay was aged at l 25°C (257°F) and functionally tested during an environmental test at l 53°F. Manufacturer rating i s 149°F (see Attachment J). Accounting for 23°F cabinet temperature rise , the relay will remain functional for an ambient temperature of l 26°F. An identical relay (MOR 137-8) was aged at 225°F energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circ u it integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. (see Reference VIII.6, Attachment A . Page 20 of 83 I I L EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 21 of 267 Cl 1 401 B r anding Lane , Su i te 255 Downer s Grove , Illino i s , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FA X (630) 5 15-2 6 54 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan T bl V 2 T h a e -: r e s h I d T 0 e mp er atu res i C .. I P o r nti c a ass 1 ve c ompon e n ts R e qm re d i E D G O o r 1p e r ati o n E Pa n el Comp Comp Descri p tion MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Im p o r tance I Type Threshold M (OF) E IDGOIJA PTl-FOI Fuse , Potential Bussman HVU 225 The HVU fuses are installed in panel lDGOIJA. Based on NEC Blue Transformer Regulator requirements , the fuses are sized at least 125% above the O.SA maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (l /1.25) of its rating, the fuse will carry the load current and not prov i de a false trip. Based on calcu l ation IP-Q-396 (Attachment 15, page 11 , note 19), the materials used in HVU type fuses are not susceptible to thermal degradation. The HVU is a Non-Dual Element Fuse. Attachment F shows that the current carrying capacity(% ofrating) and Opening Time (% ofrating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F, the HVU fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of 120°C (248°F). Therefore, even at operating temperature of 248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. With a conservative cab in et temperature rise of23°F, the fuses will not provi de a false trip and carry the load c u rrent for a cab i net o u tside ambient temperature of225°F. Note that the opening time under a fault will also decrease , but the fuse will still provide protection under this conditio n. Page 21 o f 83 I State p EC 6 20 632, Att. 1 , Pg. 22 of 267 E I M E Cl 1401 Brand i ng Lane , Suite 255 Downe rs Grove , Illino i s , 60515 EN GINEE R ING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 51 5-2650 * F AX (6 3 0) 515-2 6 54 Panel Comp Ty p e IDGOlJA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Cla s s 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Resul t of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO T e mperatur e Comment Threshold (OF) PT1-F02 Fuse , Potential Bus s man HVU 225 The HVU fuse s are in s talled in panel 1 DGO IJA. Ba s ed on N E C Tran s forme r Regul a tor requirement s, the fuse s are s ized at least 125% above the 0.5A maximum load current and rounded up to the next a v ailable fu s e size. Therefor as long a s the fuse i s derated to more than 80% (111.25) of its rating, the fuse will carry the load current and not provide a false trip. Based on calculatio n IP-Q-396 (Attachment 15 , page 11, note 19), th e materials used in HVU type fuse s ar e not suscepti b le to therma l degradatio n. The HVU is a No n-Dual Element F u se. Attachment F shows that the current carrying capacity (% of rating) and Opening Time (% of rating) as a funct i on of ambient t e mp e r a ture. Based on A t t ac hment F , th e HVU fuse will b e d e r a ted to 95% o f its rating at an opera t ing amb i ent temperature of l 2 0°C (24 8°F). Therefore , even at op e rating temperatur e o f 248°F the fu s e ha s 15% margin above the des i gn maximum full load current. With a con s ervative cabinet temperature ri s e of23°F, the fu s e s wi ll not provide a fal se trip and carry the load current for a cabinet out s ide ambient temperature of225°F. Note that the opening time under a fau l t will al s o decrea se, but th e fu s e will still pro v ide protecti o n und e r thi s condit i on. Importance Blue Pa g e 22 of 83 I State p EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 23 of 267 E I M E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove , Illino i s , 60515 E N GINEERING CONSULT A NTS Phone (630) 515-2 6 5 0 * F AX (6 30) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IDGOIJA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Descri p tion MFG PART NO Tem p erature Comment Threshold (OF) PT2-FOI Fuse, Potential Bussman HVU 225 The HVU fuses are installed in panel I DGO I JA. Based on NEC Transfonner Regulator requirements, the fuses are sized at least 125% above the 0.5A maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefo r as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (\/1.25) of its rating , the fuse will carry the load c u rrent and not provide a false tri p. Based on calculatio n IP-Q-396 (A t tachment 15, page 11, note 19), the materia l s used in HVU type fuses are not s u scep t i b le to !henna! degradat i on. The HVU is a No n-Dual E l e m ent F u se. Attac hm ent F shows that the c urr e n t carrying capacity (% of rating) an d Opening Time (% of r ating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F , the HVU fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of 120°C (248°F). Therefore , even at operating temperature of 248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. With a conservative cab i net temperature rise of23°F , the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the load c u rrent for a cabinet outside ambient temperature of 225°F. Note that the opening time under a fault will also decrease , but the fuse will still provide protection unde r this condition. Importance Blue Page 23 of 83 I *--1 I I State p EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 2 4 of 2 6 7 E I M E Cl 1401 Branding Lane , Suite 255 Downers Grove , Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IDGOlJA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Thres hold (OF) PT2-F02 Fuse, Potential Bussman HVU 225 T h e HVU fuses are installed in panel IDGOIJA. Based on NEC Transformer Regulator requirement s, the fuses are s ized at least 125% above the 0.5A maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (I /1.25) of its rating , the fuse will carry the load current and not provide a false trip. Based on calcu l ation IP-Q-396 {Attachme n t 15 , page 11, note 19), the materials used in HVU type fuses are not susceptible to thermal degradation. The HVU is a Non-Dual Element Fuse. Attachment F shows that the current carry in g capacity(% ofrating) and Opening T im e(% of rating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F , the HVU fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of l 20°C (248°F). Therefore, even at operating temperature of 248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. With a conservative cabinet temperature rise of23°F , the fuses will not provide a fals e trip and carry the load current for a cabinet outside ambient temperature of225°F. Note that the opening time under a fault will also decrea s e , but the fuse will still provide protection under this condition. Importance Blue Page 24 of 83 I State p EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 2 5 of 267 E I M E Cl 1401 Branding lane , Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois , 60515 E NGIN EE R ING CO N S U LTA N TS P hone (630) 515-2650 * F AX (630) 5 15-26 5 4 www.kciconsultants .com Pa n el Co mp Type IDGOIJA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Co m p D esc r i p tio n MFG PART NO Te m pe r at u re Co m ment Threshold (OF) TI-FOi F use, T r ansforme r B u ssman HVU 225 The HVU fuses a r e installed in pane l 1 DGO I J A. Based on NEC Vo l tage R egulator requirements , the fuses are sized at least 125% above the Power maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (I /1.25) of its rating, the fuse w ill carry the l oad c u rrent and not provide a false trip. Based on calcu l atio n IP-Q-396 (Attachment 15, page 11, note 19), the materials used in HVU type fuses are not susceptib l e to therma l degradation. The HVU is a Non-Dual Element F u se. Attac h ment F s h ows that the current carryi n g capacity(% of rating) and Opening Time (% ofrating) as a fu n ction of amb i ent tempe r ature. Based on Attac h ment F , the HVU fuse wi ll be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambien t temperature of l 20°C (248°F). Therefo r e, even at operating temperature of 248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full loa d current. With a co n servative cabinet temperature rise of23°F, the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the loa d c u rrent for a cabinet outside am b ient temperature of 225°F. Note that the opening time un d er a fault will also decrease , but the fuse will still provide p r otection unde r this cond i tion. Im p ortance Blue Page 25 o f 83 j S t ate p EC 620632, Att. 1 , Pg. 26 of 267 E I M E Cl 1 401 Branding Lane , Su i te 2 55 Downer s Gro v e , Illi no is, 605 1 5 EN GINEERING CONSUL T ANTS Phone (630) 5 1 5-26 5 0 * F AX (6 3 0) 5 1 5-2 6 54 Pa n el Comp Type IDGOlJA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Room s as a Resul t of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Threshold (OF) Tl-F02 Fuse, Transformer Bussman HVU 225 The HVU fuses are i n stalled in panel l DGO I JA. Based on NEC Voltage Regula tor requirements, the fuses a re sized at least 125% above the Power maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (1/l.25) of its rating, the fuse will carry the load current and not provide a false trip. Based on calculatio n IP-Q-396 (Attachment 15 , page 11, note 19), the materials used in HVU type fuse s are not susceptible to thermal degradation. The HVU is a Non-Dual Element Fuse. Attachment F shows that the current carrying capacity (% of rating) and Opening Time (% of rating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F, the HVU fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of l 20°C (248°F). Therefore, even at operating temperature of248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. With a conservative cabinet temperature rise of23°F , the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the Load current for a cabinet outside ambient temperature of 225°F. Note that the opening time under a fault will also decrease , but the fuse will still provide protection under this condition. Importance Blue Page 26 o f 83 I State p EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 27 of 26 7 Cl ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 1401 Branding Lane , Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illino i s, 60515 P hone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 www.kciconsultants .com KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) E Panel Comp I Type M E lDGOIJA E IPLl2JA MOC E 1PLI2JA E 1PLl2JA LE G EN D FO R "ST A TE" Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Resul t of a Loss of t he D i e s e l Ve nt ilation V D Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Threshold (OF) TI-F03 Fuse, Transformer Bussman HVU 225 The HVU fuses are i n stalled in panel IDGOIJA. Base d on NEC Voltage Regulator requirements, the fuses are sized at least 125% above the Power maxim u m load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is d e rated to more than 80% (1/1.25) of its rating , the fuse will carry the load current and not provide a false trip. Based on calculation IP-Q-396 (Attachment 15 , page 11, note 19), the materials used in HVU type fuses are not susceptible to therma l degradation. The HVU is a Non-Dual Element Fuse. Attachment F shows that the current carryi n g capacity(% of r ating) and Opening Time (%of ratin g) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F , the HVU fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of l 20°C (248°F). Therefore, even at operating temperature of 248°F the fuse has 1 5% margin above the design maximum full l oad current. With a conservative cabinet temperature rise of23°F , the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the load c u rrent for a cabi n et outside ambient temperature of225°F. Note that the opening time unde r a fault will also dec r ease , but the fuse will still provide protection under this condition. Rll Rheost at, Voltage BASL E R 90-72300-234 Aged at 257°F. Loc a ted in IPLl2JA panel. It is a passive device Adjust 116 and therefore will function at 257°F. Accounting for cabinet t emperature rise of 23 °F, the rheostat can function at 234 °F. CR2 Rectifier , MOTOROLA INll98 234 Aged at 257°F. Diodes are age i nsensitive. Reducing this Freewhee li ng temperature by 23 °F t o account for cabinet temperature rise , the component will function at 234°F. R4 , 5 Resistor, Field OHMIT E 0605 500 Located in panel I PL! 2JA. The resistors use alloys whose ohmic Limiting 150 ohm value s change very little with temperature and use Ceramic as the insulating material (See Attachment n. Ceramic can withstand high temperatures above I 000°C and therefore these resistors are age-insensitive. Conservatively assumed not affected below 500°F. Importance Blue Blue Blue Blue I P I Critical Passive Com p onents (ca p able of causing an indirect tripping of the EOG) P a ge 2 7 o f 83 State p p p p E C 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 28 of 267 Cl 1401 Branding Lane , Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60 5 15 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 www.kciconsultants.c om KCI R e port REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Table V-3 Threshold Temperatures for Non Critical Components Required for EDG Operation E Panel Comp Comp Description MF G PAR T N O T emperature C omment Importanc e I T y pe Thre s hold M (O F) E lDGOlKA AS Magnetic Pickup ELECTRO 3045A 248 Aged at 25 7°F. Rated for 248°F by the manufacturer. Yellow (Mounted on Engine) CORP Honeywell is the product manufacturer. See Attachment N. This device is engine mounted and therefore sees no cabinet temperature rise. Therefore, the device is operationa l at 248°F. E lDGOlKA So l L03 Solenoid Engine Over EMO 8246103 239 Thi s solenoid va l ve is energized to shutdown fuel to the engine Yellow speed Shutdown for an overspeed condition. Under normal EOG operation , the solenoid valve is not required to change sta t e (go from de-energized to energ ized state). Per SQ-CLD-034 , the device was aged at l 25°C (257°F) and functionally tested during an environmental test at l53°F. Since it was unaffected by thermal aging and not required to be energized under normal EOG operation, it would be good to at least to 257°F. Conservatively assuming a l 0°C (I 8°F) cabinet temperature rise , the device is operational at 239°F. E lDGOlKA Sol L03A Solenoid Engine Over E MO 8246103 239 Thi s solenoid valve is energized to shutdown fuel to the engine Yellow speed Shutdown for an overspecd condition. Under normal EOG operation, the solenoid valve i s not required to change sta t e (go from de-energize d to energized state). Per SQ-CLD-034 , the device was aged at l 25°C (257°F) and function ally tested during a n environmental test at l 53°F. Since it was unaffected by thermal aging and not required to be energized under normal E OG operation , it would be good to at least to 257°F. Conservatively assuming a l0°C (18°F) cabinet temperature rise, the device is operational at 239°F. E IDGO IKA ISS-S9 Over Speed Switch EMD 8422449 239 Device does not have any elec tronics. Ju s t a passive switc h Yellow DGll9 closed by a mechanical means. The in s ulation was aged at 257°F. The function of the devices depends on the integrity of the insulation sys t e m. Located in panel l DGO l KA. This panel has compo n ents that produ ce low heat. Conservative ly a ss uming a l 0°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature ri s e, the d evice is opera ti onal at 239°F. Page 28 of 83 S tate p DE DE DE EC 62 0 6 32 , At t. 1 , P g. 2 9 of 2 6 7 E I M E E E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IDGOIKA !SS-DGIJ8 IDGOIKA DIODE I DGOIKA DIODE IDGOIKA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Tem pera ture Comme nt Threshold (O F) S9A O ve r Speed Switch EMD 8422449 239 Device doe s not have any electronics. Ju st a passive switch closed by a mechanical means. The insulation was aged at 257°F. The function of the devices depends on the integrity of the insulation s ystem. Located in panel IDGO I KA. This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a I 0°C (I 8°F) cabinet temperature rise , the device is operational at 239°F. CR? Diode , Arc MOTOROLL INll98 239 Aged at 257°F. Diodes are age insensitive. Located in panel Suppression A I DGO I KA. This panel has components that produce low he at. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (18°F) cabinet temperature rise , the device is operational at 239°F. CR8 Diode , Arc MOTOROLL INI 198 23 9 Aged at 257°F. Diode s are age in s en s itive. Located in panel Suppression A I DGO I KA. Thi s panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a I 0°C (I 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the device is operational at 239°F. TB9 Terminal Blocks 227 These a re typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawing 61090 , Rev. H, Sheet 2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for I 072 hours. The tcnninal block was functional before , during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5. I 0 of Ref. VIII.2). The contact block of r elays having similar material was aged at 245°F and h a d there was no co nt act failure (Reference VIII.6 , Attachment A). Therefore , using 245°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a I 0°C (I 8°F) cabinet temperature rise (conservative), the terminal block will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 227°F. Importanc e Y ellow Ye ll ow Yellow Yellow Page 29 of 83 State DE p p p E C 6 2 063 2 , At t. 1 , Pg. 30 of 267 E I M E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Ty p e IPLl2JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Descr i ption MFG PART NO Te m perature Comment Th r eshold {oF) K41 Relay Over speed Trip Agastat 7012PE 222 This timer relay is normally de-energized. On over-s p eed, Over Time Dela y Speed Switche s S9 or S9A closes and energizes relay coil K3. K3 contact "a" closes and energizes relay coils K4 l and K4 l X. K4 l has a "b" contact in series with the K4 l X coil. After 2 seconds , the K41 X coil is de-energized because K41 "b" contact opens after 2 seconds. K41X contacts drive 2 of2, engine over-speed shutdown solenoids L03 & L03A. This relay does not energize when the EDG is running normally and relay failure (contact failure) will not impact EOG operation. See OWG E02-IDG99 , Sht 011 (Rev. 0) This family of relays (Agastat 7012 series) was functionally tested while being aged at 225°F energized at 125 VOC for 24 hours. The relay did not drop out or the open contacts did not short out. The relay was aged at 245°F for another 8 hours and experienced drop out. The relay was then aged at 238°F energized at 125 VOC for 24 hours and did not experience drop out or short out. Since this relay is normally de-energized drop out or pick-up is not a concern and the relay will be good to 245°F. This relay is located in I PLI 2JA panel; accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (sec Reference VnI.6 , Attachment A) . Importanc e Y e ll o w P a ge 30 of 83 Stat e DE EC 6 20 6 32 , A t t. 1 , Pg. 31 of 26 7 E I M E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illino i s, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS P hone (630) 515-2650 * F AX (6 3 0) 5 1 5-2 654 Pane l Co m p Type 1 PL12JA Fl6 1PL12JA F16 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Descri p ti o n MFG PART NO Tem p eratu r e Comment T h re s ho ld (O F) F07 Fuse, Protective Bussman NON-15 225 The NON fuses are installed in panel 1PL!2JA. Based on NEC Circuitry requirements , the fuses are sized at least 125% above the maximum load current and rounded u p to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (l/1.25) of its rating, the fuse will carry the l oad cu rr e n t and not provide a false trip. The NON is a No n-D u al Element Fuse. Attachme nt F shows that the current carrying capacity(% of rating) and Opening Time (%of rating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based o n Attachment F, the NON fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of 120°C (248°F). Therefore, even at operating temperature of 248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. The cabinet temperature rise is 23°F and the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the load current for an ambient temperature of 225°F. F07-l Fuse, Protective Bussman NON-15 225 The NON fuses are installed in panel 1PL!2JA. Based on NEC Circuitry requirements , the fuses arc sized at least 125% above the maximum load current and rounded u p to the next available fuse size. The r efo r as long as the fuse is derated to mo r e t han 80% (1/1.25) of its rating, the fuse will carry the load c u rrent and not provide a false trip. The NON is a Non-D u al Element Fuse. Attachment F shows that the current carrying capacity (% of rating) and Opening Time (% of rating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F , the NON fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of l 20°C (248°F). Therefore , even at operating temperature of 248°F the fuse has 15% margin abo v e the design maximum full load current. The cabinet temperature rise is 23°F and the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the load current for an a mbient temperature of 225°F. Importa n ce Ye ll ow Yellow Page 31o f 83 State p p E C 62 0 63 2 , Att. 1 , Pg. 32 of 26 7 E I M E E Cl 1 401 Branding Lane , Su i te 255 Downe rs G r o v e , Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phon e (6 3 0) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 5 1 5-26 5 4 Panel C o m p Ty p e 1PLl2JA Fl6 1PLl2JA Fl6 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Tem p erature Comme n t Th r es ho l d (OF) Fl2 Fuse, Governor Bussman OTlO 225 The OT fuses are installed in panel l PL l 2 J A. Based on NEC requirement s, the fuses are s ized at lea st l 25% above the maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (1/1.25) of i ts rating , the fuse w i ll carry the load current and not provide a false trip. The OT is a Non-Dual Element Fuse. Attachment F s hows that the current carrying capacity (% of rating) and Opening Time (%of rating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F , the OT fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of l 20°C (248°F). Therefore , even at operating temperature of 248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. The cabinet temperature rise i s 23°F and the fuses will not provid e a false trip and carry the load current for an ambient temper a ture of 225°f. Fl2-l Fuse, Governor Bussman OTlO 225 The OT fuses are installed in panel 1PL!2JA. Based on NEC requirement s, the fuses are sized at least 125% above the maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse i s derated to more than 80% (1/1.25) of i t s rating, the fuse will carry the l oad curre n t and not provide a false trip. The OT is a Non-Dual Element Fu se. Attachment F shows that the current carrying capacity(% of rating) and Opening Time (% ofrating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F , the OT fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperatur e of 120°C (248°F). Therefore , even at operating temperature of 248°F t h e fuse has 15% margin above the design max i mum full load current. The cab i net temperature rise is 23°F a n d the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the load current for an ambient temperature of225°F. Importance Y e ll ow Ye ll ow Page 32 o f 83 State p p EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 33 of 267 E I M E E Cl 1401 Branding lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove , Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type 1PL12JA UY IPL12JA UY KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Tem p e ratur e Comment Thre s hold (O f) 86 Lockout Relay , Hand ELECTROS 78050 234 This Lock Out R elay (LO R) is normally de-energized and Reset WITCH e n erg i zed to trip and stop the E DG. Located in 1PL!2JA panel. The LOR was aged at 257°F and therefore the coil insulation has a minimum temperature rating of 257°F. The relay has to p i ck up in the a bnormal temperature environment. The pick up voltage for a 125 VDC coil is 40 VDC at room ambient temperature (See Att a chment G). The pick up voltage will increase by 42% at an operating temperature 257°F to 57 VDC which less than the avai l ab l e voltage of 125 VDC. Accounting for a cabinet temperature rise of23°F , the relay will pick up at 234°F and trip the E DG. Note that this protective feature is not required for this scenario since the EDG is assumed to be running normally. K34 Relay, Lockout GE 12HGA1 lJ 216 Located in panel I PL l 2J A. Under normal EOG operation , the Auxili a ry 52 relay is de-energized. This relay is energ i zed on overspeed to shutdown and lockout EOG. Under normal EDG operation , the relay contacts are open and two open contacts are in series with the lock out relay 86. Per SQ-CLD-068 , the r e la y was aged at 2 l 2°F and functionally tested during an environmental test at 1 72°F. The open contacts due to dielectric failure of the contact block aided by moisture. The open contacts will not short circuit in an environment of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). Therefore , using the temperature limit of239°F and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperatu r e rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 2 l 6°F and will not provide a false trip to s hutdown the EDG. Importance Ye ll ow Ye ll ow Page 33 of 83 S tat e DE D E EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 3 4 of 2 6 7 E I M E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove , Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 5 15-2654 Pa n el C o m p Ty p e IPLl2JA IPLl2JA !HS-DG116 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Desc r iption MF G PART N O T e m p e r a tur e Comme n t T hr eshol d (*F) KL Relay , LOCA Bypass GE CR l 20BDO 222 This relay is a normally de-energized 125 VDC relay (Owg E02-4341 I OG99, SH 010) and in s t a lled inside pan el I PLI 2JA. This relay is energized on the onset of a LOCA signal (RPV level or high drywell pressure) and the r elay contacts are used a s permi ssive for EOG operat ion. The relay pick up voltage measured by test at F AI under normal am b ient temperature (20°C) is 74.1 VDC (see Attachment B). As the re l ay will be energized on the onset of EOG start (LOCA a nd/or LOOP), the re l ay will p i ck up. Howeve r , the relay will be exposed to extreme temperatu r es both from the temperature rise of the relay coil , abnormal temperature around I P LI 2JA panel and panel temperature rise of I PL I 2JA. Under this extreme temperatur e, the relay coil insulation s hould not lose its insulation dielectric strength for the coil to short circuit and the relay dropping out under the LOCA/LOOP or LOOP environment. The temperature rise of the rela y at nominal terminal voltage of 125 VOC is I 8°C (32.4°F) [Reference Vlll.6, Attachment A]. The cubicle temperature rise for IPL12 J A is 23°F. Ass u ming the panel IPL12JA to be exposed to 222°F after 24 hour s of E OG operation, t h e relay coil will be exposed to a total coil temperature of277.4°F (222°F ambient+ 23°F cabinet tempera tur e rise+ 32.4°F relay co i l temperature ri se). The relay was aged at 280°F fo r 784 hours (Nutherm Report EGC-9785 R , Rev. I , Page 33). The accelerated aging temperature of280°F is more than coil temperature of277.4°F. In addition, the coil magnet wire insulatio n is po l yester with polyu r e t hane (Nutherm Re p ort EGC-9785R, Rev. I , Page 31) th at is r ated for 392°F (System 1000 material numbers 338 , 340 and 551 , see Attachment 1-l). The r efore , the coil temperature capability exceeds the temperature inside the panel IPL12JA by I 14.6°F margin. Th e activation energy of the coil magnet wire insulation is 1.35 eV. Using Arrhenius equation , the agi ng time of784 hours at 280°F is equivalent to 897 hours (37 days) at 277.4°F. Therefore , the relay coil w i re will not degrade its electrical properti es an d relay will not de-e nergize in one day of EOG operation when the I PL! 2JA is exposed to 222°F. Note also that shou l d the r elay drop out the EOG would con t inue to run unless other protective r elays actuate, which does not need to be assumed for this scenario. Sl8 Switch, Emergency GE CR2940W 234 In s u l atio n material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel Stop K202H 1PL12JA. Reducing this temperatu r e by 23°F to account for cabin e t temperature rise, the co m ponent will function at 234°F. I m po r tance Y e ll ow Yellow Page 34 of 83 S tate EIDE p EC 62 0 6 32 , Att. 1 , P g. 3 5 of 2 6 7 E I M E E E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane , Su i te 255 Downers Grove , Illinois , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Pho n e (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Pa n e l C omp Ty p e lPLl2JA U Y lPLl2JA !HS-DG029 l PLl2JA SY lPLl2JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Descri p tion MFG PART NO Tempera tur e Comment Threshold {oF) K3 R elay, Ove r s p eed P&B MDR 1 37-8 222 Pe r SQ-eLD-039 , the re l ay was aged at 125°e (257°F) and shutdown f u nctio n ally tested during an e n vironmental test at 153°F. Man u facturer rating is l 49°F (see Attachment J). This re l ay is normally de-energized and only energized under overspeed condition by speed switches S9 or S9A. Under normal EOG operation, the relay coil failu r e does not impact the EOG capability of power generation. An identical relay (MOR 1 37-8) was aged at 225°F energized at 125 vo e for 24 ho u rs followe d with an exposure to 245°F wh il e energized at 125 voe for 8 ho ur s. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours oftest run. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference VIII.6, Attachment A). 86TS Test Switch WESTINGHO 129A501G 234 Insu l ation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel USE 01 lPLl2JA. Reducing this temperature by 23°F to account for cabinet tem p eratu r e rise, t h e com p onent will function at 234°F. K41X Relay Over speed Trip WESTINGHO ARD420SR 216 Pe r SQ-eL0-063 , the r e l ay was aged at l 25°C (257°F) and USE functionally tested during an environmenta l test at l 53°F. This relay is normally de-energized and is energized ifthe EOG speed reaches 1035 RPM. Under th i s condition , the relay is energized for 2 seconds by relay K4 l. This re l ay shu t s down the fuel to the EOG by energ i zing L03 and L03A sole n oid. Under normal EOG operation (no over speed), this relay will be de-energized. The open contacts will not short circuit in an environment of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature r ise, the relay will not impact the EOG normal operation and not provide a false trip to shutdown the ED in an ambient temperatu r e of 2 l 6°F. A7 Potentiometer , Engine WOOOWAR 8271-099 234 Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in pa n el Speed Raise, Lower D I PL! 2JA. Reducing this temperature by 23°F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234 °F. Importance Yellow Ye ll ow Y e ll ow Y e ll ow Page 35 of 83 State DE p DE p EC 620632 , Att. 1 , P g. 36 of 267 E I M E E E Cl 1401 Brand i ng Lane , Suite 255 Downe r s Grove , Ill i nois , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 5 1 5-2650 * FAX (6 3 0) 5 15-26 54 P a nel Comp Type 1PLl2JA 1PLl2JA 1PLl2JA KCI Report REP-424-008 -RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan C omp D es cription MFG PART N O T em p erature C ommen t Thres ho ld (oF) TBl Terminal Block s 222 These a r e typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawing 61090 , Rev. H, She e t 2). Insulation material wa s aged at 248°F for 1072 hour s. The terminal block wa s functional before , during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5.10 of Ref. Vlll.2). The contact block of r elays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference Vlll.6, Attachment A). Therefore , using 245°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperatu r e rise (conservative), t h e terminal block will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. TBI Terminal Blocks 222 These are typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawing 61090 , Rev. H, Sheet 2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for 1072 hours. The terminal block was functional before, during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5 .10 of Ref. VIIl.2). The contact block ofrclays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference VIIl.6 , Attachment A). Therefore, using 245°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise (conservative), the terminal block will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. TBll , Term i nal Block s 222 These a r e typically GE EB25-12W termin a l blocks (Drawing TBPS 61090 , Rev. H, Sheet 2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for 1072 hours. The terminal block was functional before, during and after the therma l aging regimen (Section 5.10 of Ref. VllI.2). The cont a ct block of relays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference Vlll.6 , Attachment A). Therefore , using 245°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise (con s ervative), the terminal block will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. Importanc e Y e ll ow Y e llow Yellow Page 36 o f 83 Stat e p p p E C 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 3 7 o f 267 E I M E E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove , Illi n ois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 www Pa n el Comp Type 1PLl 2JA I PLl2JA I PLl2JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Com p Desc r ipti on MFG PART NO Te mp erature Comme n t T h res h ol d (OF) TB12 T e rm inal Bl o ck s 2 22 These a r e typ i ca ll y GE EB25-I 2 W te rmin a l bl ocks (D r awing 6 1 090, R ev. H , Sheet 2). Ins u lat i on m a teri a l wa s aged at 248°F for I 072 hour s. Th e terminal b l ock wa s functiona l before , durin g and a ft er th e therma l agin g re g im e n (Sectio n 5.1 0 of R e f. V Il l.2). The contact block of relays having s imilar material wa s ag ed a t 245°F and h a d th e re was no c o n tact fail u re (Refere n ce VIII.6 , Attachm e nt A). The r e fore , u s ing 245°F fo r any kind of t e rmi n al bloc k and a c count ing a 23°F ca bine t temperature rise (con s ervat i ve), t h e terminal b l ock wi ll n ot i m pact the EOG no rm al o p eration i n an a mbi e n t tem p eratu r e of222°F. TBl2 T ermin a l Block s 222 Th es e a re typic a lly G E EB25-12W termina l b locks (D rawing 6 10 9 0 , Rev. H , She e t 2). In s ulation m a ter i al wa s aged at 248°F fo r I 072 hour s. Th e t e rmina l block wa s func t ional before , durin g and a ft er the therma l a gi n g r e gimen (S e ction 5. I 0 of R e f. VIII.2). The c o nt a ct block of r elays having simi l ar ma t eria l w a s ag ed at 245°F a nd h a d th ere was no cont a ct failure (Reference Vlll.6 , Attachment A). Th e r e fore , usin g 245°F for any kind of termina l blo c k an d acco u nting a 23°F cabinet temperatu r e ri s e (con s ervative), the t ermina l b l ock will not impact the EOG normal op e ration i n an a mbient temperature o f 222°F. TBl2 T e rm i n a l Bl oc k s 222 Th ese ar e typic a lly G E EB 2 5-12W t e rmin a l bloc k s (Dr a win g 6 10 9 0 , Rev. H , Sh ee t 2). In s u l ation m a teri a l wa s aged at 24 8°F for I 072 hours. The t e rminal block was func t ional before , during and after the thermal agi n g regimen (Section 5. I 0 of R e f. VIll.2). T h e contact b l ock ofre l ays having simi l ar ma t erial w a s a g ed at 245°F and h a d there was no cont a ct fai l ur e (Referenc e VIIl.6, Attachmen t A). Th e r efore , usi n g 245°F for any kind of terminal block an d acco u nting a 23°F cabi n et tem p era t u r e rise (co n s ervative), th e t e rminal block will not impact the E O G n o rm a l op e rati o n i n an ambi e nt t e mp e rature o f 222°F. Impo r tance Yello w Ye ll ow Yellow Page 37 of 83 State p p p EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 38 of 267 E I M E E E E E Cl 1401 Brand i ng Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove , Ill i no is, 605 1 5 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 5 1 5-26 5 0 * FAX (6 3 0) 5 1 5-26 54 Panel Co m p Ty p e 1PLI2JA 1PLl2JA 1PLl2JA IDGOlJA IOGOIJA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comme n t T h reshold (OF) TB15 Terminal Blocks 222 These are typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawing 61090 , Rev. H, Sheet 2). In s ulation material wa s aged at 248°F for I 072 hours. The terminal block was fw1ctional before , during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5.10 of Ref. VIII.2). The contact block of relays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference YIIl.6 , Attachment A). Therefore , usin g 245°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise (con s ervative), the terminal block will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. TB15 Terminal Blocks 222 The s e are typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawin g 61090 , Rev. H , She e t 2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for 1072 hours. The terminal block was functiona l before , during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5.10 of Ref. Vlll.2). The contact block of relays having similar material w a s aged at 245°F and had there was no contact fa i lure (Reference VIIl.6 , Attachment A). Therefore , using 245°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise (conservative), the terminal block will not impact the EOG normal o p eration in an ambient temperature of222°F. TBl7 Termina l Block s 222 These a r e typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawing 61090 , Rev. H , Sheet 2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for 1072 hours. Th e terminal block was functiona l before , during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5.10 of Ref. VIII.2). The contact block of r elays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference YIIl.6 , Attachment A). Therefore, using 245°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise (conservative ), the terminal block will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. T4 Transformer , Neutral GE 9T28Y560l Not Required Non-IE. The neutral grounding transformer is required to detect Grounding forEDG grounding fault vo l tage. Under normal EDG operation a ground Operation fault is not postu l ated. RI Re s istor , Grounding WESTIN GHQ 6-Not Requir e d Non-IE. The groundin g re s i s tor limits the ground fault curren t. US E R20SED40 forEDG Under normal EDG oper a tion a ground fault i s not postulated. 0 Operation Importance Yellow Yellow Yellow Pink Pink Page 38 o f 83 State p p p ON p EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 39 of 267 E I M E E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane , Suite 2SS Downers Grove , Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630} 515-2650 * FAX (630} 5 1 5-2654 Panel C om p Type IDGOIKA lPS-DG063B lDGOIKA JPS-DG062B IDGOlKA ITS-DGOllA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Des c ri p t i on MFG PART NO Tem p e r ature Comment Thresho l d (OF) Sl9 Low Oil Pressure EMD 8358930 239 Aged at 257°F and has no temperature sensitive components. (Shutdown) Located in panel 1DGO1 KA. This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C ( ! 8°F) cabinet temperature rise , the device is operational at 239°F. S19A Low Oil Pressure EMD 8358930 239 Aged at 257°F and has no temperature sensitive components. (Shutdown) Located in panel I DGO I KA. This panel has components that prod u ce low heat. Conservatively assuming a I 0°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise , the device is operational at 239°F. S25 High Coo l ant SQUARED 9012-239 The temperature switch closes when the coo l ant temperature Temperature AEW-42 exceed above 205°F and energizes relay K35 and relay K35 (Shutdown) contacts energize the lock out relay tripping the EDG. Under normal EDG operation the S25 switch will not actuate. The temperature switch is an immersion type switch. The thermal element of the switch contains a liquid that boils when a predetermined temperature is reached. The expansion of the liquid when it vaporizes causes a pressure to be exerted upon a metal bellows located inside the coupling connection. The be ll ows is connected to a pl unger which actuates the electrical switch (Refe r ence VTIP K-286 IB-0002). The switc h has a rating of260°F , an operating range of 145-210°F and a set-point of205°F (Reference PASSPORT). On a diesel that is running prope r ly (i.e. maintaining -I 70°F) the switch contacts would be open. Since the thermal element is immersed in the d iesel jacket water that is maintained a t -I 70°F increased area temperature s will have no impact on the switch. The open contacts do not fail below 239°F due to material failure (Se e Section V.1.3). As the switch is not in the panel , the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 239°F and will not provide a false trip below thi s temperature. Importance Pink Pink Pink Page 39 o f 83 State DE DE DE EC 620632, Att. 1 , Pg. 40 of 267 E I M E Cl 1401 Branding lane , Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IDGOIKA ITS-DG012A KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Tem p eratu r e Comment Threshold (OF) S25A High Coo la nt SQUARED 9 012-23 9 The temperature s witch clo s e s when the coolant temperature Temperatur e AEW-42 e xceed above 205°F and energi z e s rela y K35 and relay K35 (Shutdown) contacts energi z e the lock out relay tripping the EDG. Under normal EDG operation the S25A s witch will not actuate. The temperature switch is an immersion type switch. The therma l element of the switch contain s a liquid that boil s when a predetermined temperature is reached. The expansion of the liquid when it vaporizes causes a pres s ure to be exerted upon a metal bellows located inside the coupling connection. The bellows i s connected to a plunger which actuates the electrical s witch (Reference VTIP K-2 861B-0002). The switch has a rating of260°F , an operating ran g e of 145-210°F and a set-point o f 205°F (Reference PASSPORT). On a diesel that is runnin g properly (i.e. maintaining -170°F) the switch contacts would b e op e n. Since th e thermal elem e nt is immer se d in the die s el jacket wat e r that is maintained at -I 70°F i ncreased area temperatures will ha v e no impact on the switch. The open contacts do not fail below 239°F due to material failure (See Section V.1.3). As the switch is not in the panel , the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 239°F and will not provide a fa l se trip below this temperature. Importance Pink Page 40 of 83 I State DE Att. Cl 1 , Pg. 41 of 267 1401 Branding lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 5 15-2 650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 E Panel Comp I Type M E IPLl2JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Thresho ld (OF) K5 Relay, Safety Setup A gas tat 7012PD 222 This relay is energized after l 25RPM. This relay bas a 50 Time Delay second delay , which prevents false alarm indication and protective shutdown during startup due to low oil pressure or high engine coolant temperature. The K5 relay prevents tripping from S19A , S25A, Sl9 and S25 during the first 50 seconds (E02-IDG99 sht. 008 and 010). If the relay drops out it will simply prevent the tripping of the EDG due to high temperature or low pressure via S19A, S25A, Sl9 and S25 which is not an issue for a properly running EDG. See comment for Relay K41. This family ofrelays (Agastat 7012 series) was functionally tested while being aged at 225°F energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours. The relay did not drop out or the open contacts did not short out. The relay was aged at 245°F for another 8 hours and experienced drop out. The relay was then aged at 238°F energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours and did not experience drop out or short out. Since drop out of this relay would only serve to eliminate protective trips of the EDG, as stated above, the relay would not trip the EDG and the relay will not short at 245°F. This relay is located in 1PLl2JA panel; accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. (see Reference VIII.6 , Attachment A) . Importance Pink Page 41 of 83 I State EN E C 62 0 632 , Att. 1 , P g. 42 of 2 6 7 E I M E E . Cl 1401 Branding l ane, Su i te 255 Downe r s Grove , Ill i nois , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630} 515-2650 * FAX (630} 5 1 5-26 54 Panel C o m p T y p e IPLl2JA R20 IPLl2JA UY KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Co m p D escri p tio n MFG PART NO Te mp erat u re Com m e n t T hr es hol d (O F) 590 Relay, Ground GE 121AV51D 216 Thi s r e l ay operat es o n a voltage in pu t from th e ne u tral groun d Dete c tin g IA tr a n s former (T4) b y energizing 59GX rel a y th a t pick s up a K36 relay and K36 relay energizes the lock out rela y 86 that trip s the E DG (E02-IDG99 , Sheet 13 , Rev. F; E 0 2-1APl2 , Sheet 031 , R e v. J; E02-IDG99 , Sheet 11, Rev. S; E 02-IDG99, Sheet 10 , Rev. Z). Under n o rmal EDG operation, the voltage across the ne u tral ground transformer T4 will b e zero (ba l anced vo l tage and n o ground fault) and therefore there will be no voltage across this relay to change the state of the relay. The open contacts will not short ci r c u it in an environment of239°F (see Section V.1.3). Therefore , using the t e mperature l i m i t of239°F and accounting a 23°F cab in et temperature rise, the re l ay will n ot impact the EDG normal o p eration in an ambient temperature of216°F and will not provide a false trip to shu td own the EDG. K35 Relay , Lockout GE 12HGAllJ 216 Located in panel IPLl2JA. Under normal EDG operation , the Aux i liary 52 relay is d e-energized. This re l ay is energized on over coolant temperature or low oil pressure to pickup the locko u t re l ay and s h utdown E D G. Under normal EDG operation , the relay contacts are open and two open contact s are in series with the lock out re l ay 86. Per SQ-CLD-068 , the relay was aged at 2 I 2°F and functio n ally tested during an environmental test at l 72°F. The open contacts due to di e l ectric fa i l u re of the contact b l ock a id e d by moisture. The ope n co n tacts will not short c ir c u it i n an enviro nm e n t of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). Therefore , using the temperature limit of239°F and accounting a 23°F cabinet tem p erature ri s e , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an a mbient temperature of 2 l 6°F and wi ll not provide a fa l se trip to s hu tdown the EDG. Importa n ce Pink Pink Page 42 of 83 J State ON DE EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 43 of 267 E I M E E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Su i te 255 Downe r s Grove , Illino i s , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Co mp Type 1PL12JA UY 1PL12JA 1PL12JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Descri p tion MFG PART NO Te mp e r atu r e Comme n t Threshold (OF) K36 Relay, Lockout GE 12HGA11J 216 Located in panel 1PL!2JA. Under normal EOG operation , the Auxiliary 52 relay is de-energized. This re l ay is energized on generator fault to pickup the lockout relay and shutdown EOG. Under normal EDG operation , the relay contacts are open and two open contacts are in series with the lock out relay 86. Per SQ-CLD-068 , the relay was aged at 212°F and functionally tested during an environmental test at l 72°F. The open contacts due to dielectric fail u re of the contact block aided by moisture. The open contacts will not short circuit in an environment of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). Using the temperature limit of 239°F and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 2 l 6°F and will not provide a false trip to shutdown the EDG. RIO Resistor , Target Trip OHMITE 0402 Age Located in panel I PL! 2JA. The resistors use alloys whose 500 ohm Insensitive ohmic values change very little with tempe .rature and use Ceramic as the insulating material (See Attachment I). Ceramic can withstand high temperatures above 1000°C and therefore these resistors are age-insensitive. Conservatively ass u med not affecte d b elow 500°F. R7 , 8 , 9 Resistor , Target Trip OHMlTE 0402 Age Located in panel 1PL!2JA. The resi s tors use alloys whose 500 ohm Insensitive ohmic values change very little with temperature and use Ceramic as the insulating material (See Attachment I). Ceramic can withstand high temperatures above l 000°C and therefore these resisto r s are age-insensitive. Conservatively assumed not affected below 500°F. Im po rtance Pink Pink Pink Page 43 of 83 State DE p p EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 44 of 267 E I M E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Su i te 255 Downers Grove, Illino i s , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 5 1 5-265 4 www.kciconsultants .com Panel C o mp Ty p e 1PLl2JA R20 IPLl2JA R20 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Threshold (OF) 32X Relay, Reverse Power P&B MDRl37-8 222 Per SQ-CLD-039 , the relay was aged at 125°C (257°F) and Aux functionally tested during an environmental test at 153°F. Manufacturer rating i s 149°F (see Attachment J). This relay is normally energized after EDG start and remains de-energized for EDG n ormal operation. This relay is e n ergized under reverse powe r flow to the EDG. For n orma l operation of the EDG, the relay coi l failure does not impact the EDG capability of power generation as the coil is de-energ i zed. An identical r elay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°F energ i zed at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an expo s ure to 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23 °F cubicle temperatur e rise , the relay will not impact the EDG norm a l operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference VIII.6, Attachment A). 40X Relay, Loss of P&B MDR137-8 222 Per SQ-CLD-039 , the relay was aged at 125°C (257°F) and Excitation Aux fu n ctionally tested during an environmental test at I 53°F. Manufacturer rating is I 49°F (see Attachment J). This r elay i s norma ll y energized after EDG start and remains de-energized for EDG norma l opera t ion. This relay is energized under loss of excitation when EDG i s running. Fo r norma l operation of the E DG , the relay coil failure does not impact the EDG capability of power generation as the coil is de-ene r gized. An identical relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°F energi ze d at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F whil e e nergized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not s hort circuit throughout the 32 hours oftest run. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference Vill.6, Attachment A). Importa n ce Pink Pink Page 44 of 83 State DE DE L EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 45 of 267 E I M E E E Cl 1401 Branding lane , Suite 255 Downer s Grove , Illinois , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Pho n e (630) 5 1 5-2 6 5 0 * FAX (6 3 0) 515-2654 Panel C o mp Type IPLl2JA R20 IPL12JA R20 1PLl2JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diese l Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Threshold (OF) 51VX Voltage Restrained P&B MDR137-8 222 Per SQ-CLD-039, the relay was aged at 125°C (257°F) and Overcurrent Aux functionally tested during an envirorunental test at 153 °F. Manufacturer rating is I 49°F (see Attachment J). This relay is normally energized after EDG start and remains de-energized for EOG normal operation. This relay is energized under over current condition when EDG is running. For normal operation of the EDG , the re l ay coil failure does not impact the EOG capability of power generation as the relay is de-energized. An identical relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°F ene r gized at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not s hort circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23 °F cubicle temperature rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference VIII.6 , Attachment A). 59GX Relay, Ground P&B MDR137-8 222 Per SQ-CLD-039, the relay was aged at 125°C (257°F) and Detect i ng Aux functionally tested during an environmental test at 153°F. Manufacturer rating i s 149°F (see Attachment J). This relay is normally energized after EDG start and remains de-energized for EDG normal operation. This relay is energized under a phase to ground fault when EDG is running. For normal operation of the EDG , the relay coil failure does not impact the EDG capability of power generation as the relay is de-energized. An identical relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°F energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23 °F cubicle tempe r ature rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operat i on in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference VIlI.6, Attachment A). K6 Relay , Field Flash Agastat 7012PC 222 This relay is required for EDG start and de-energized after EDG Time Delay picks up speed. See comment for Relay K41. Importance Pink Pink Blue P a ge 45 o f 83 State DE DE DE EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 46 o f 267 E I M E E E E E Cl 1 401 Brand i ng Lane , Su it e 255 Do w n ers G r ove , Illino i s , 605 1 5 E NGINEERING CONSULTANTS P h o n e (6 3 0) 515-265 0 * FAX (6 30) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IPL12JA IPLl2JA !HS-DGl28 IPL12JA !HS-DG130 1PLl2JA !HS-DGJJO lPL12JA lUAY-DG29l KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Descr i ption MFG PART NO Temperature Comment T h resho l d (DF) T2 Transformer , Isolation BASLER BE-10493-Not Required Hand switch S4 removes this transformer from energizing in Manual Volt Adjust 001 for EDG start "Auto" mode. or Ooeration SI I Switch, Governor GE IOAA065 216 This is an SBM switch. Insulation material was aged at 185°F Adjust (EQ-GEN063). Located in IPL12JA. The open contacts will not short circuit in an environment of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). Therefore, using the temperature limit of239°F and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise , the switch will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 2 l 6°F and will not provide a false trip to shutdown the EDG. Sl2 Switch, Voltage GE IOAA065 216 This is an SBM switch. Ins ul ation material was aged at I 85°F Adjust (EQ-GEN063). Located in IPL12JA. The open contacts will not short circuit in an environment of 239°F (sec Section V. l .3). Therefore , using the temperature limit of239°F and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise , the switch will n ot impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 2 l 6°F and will not provide a false trip to shutdown the EDG. S4 Switch, Voltage GE 10CH685 216 This is an SBM switch. Insulation material was aged at J 85°F Regulator (EQ-GEN063). Located in JPL12JA. The open contacts will not short circuit in an environment of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). Therefore , using the temperature limit of239°F and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise , the switch will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of216°F and will not provide a false trip to shutdown the EDG. KIR Relay, Idling GE CR120BDO Not Required Energized when EDG is idling (DWG E02-IDG99, SH 8). 4341 for EDG start Re l ay is D e-energized to run in "Auto" mode. Only closed or Oneration contacts are used to interlock various components. Importance Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Page 46 of 83 J State ON p p p DE EC 620632, Att. 1 , Pg. 4 7 of 267 E I M E E E E E E E Cl 1401 Brandi n g Lane , Su i te 255 Downers Grove , Illinois , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-26 5 0 * FAX {630) 5 1 5-2654 Panel Co m p Ty p e I P L12JA !HS-DG291 1PL12JA IPLl2JA IPLl2JA IP Ll 2JA IPLl2JA IPLl2JA EC KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Desc r iption MFG PART NO Te mp e r ature Comment Threshold (OF) SW-IDLE Sw i tch, Run Idle GE SB! 216 The switch is n ormally open and c l osed for idling the EDG. Insu l ation material was aged at 180°F. SB-I and SBM switch have same material of construction. Located in panel I PL! 2 J A. The open contacts will not short circuit in an environment of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). The r efore , using the temperature limit of239°F and accounting a 23°F cabinet tempera tu re rise , the switch will not impact the EDG normal operation in an amb i ent temperature of 2 I 6°F. CR! R ect i fier , Field F l ash MOTOROLA INil98 234 Aged at 257°F. Diodes are age insensitive. Reducing th i s temperature b y 23 °F to acco u nt for cabinet temperature rise , the component wi ll function at 234°F. R6 Resistor , Fie l d Shunt OHMITE 0701 Age Located in panel IPL12JA. The resistors use alloys whose 25 ohm Insensitive ohmic values change very little with temperature and use Ceramic as the insulating material (See Attachment I). Ceramic can withstan d h i gh tem p era tu res above I 000°C and therefore these r esis t ors are age-i n sensitive. Conservatively assumed not affected be l ow 500°F. Rl4 Resistor, Field OHMITE 0902 Age Located in pane l I PL! 2JA. The resistors use alloys whose Flashing Insensitive ohmic values change very little with temperature and u se Ceramic as the insu l ating material (See Attachment I). Ceramic can withstand high temperatures above I 000°C and therefore these resis t ors are age-in se nsitive. Conservatively assumed not affecte d below 500°F. K43 Relay, Voltage Ra i se P&B MDRl37-8 Not Req u ired This re l ay u sed to raise EDG voltage manua ll y from a re m ote forEDG panel by provi d ing i np u t to RI I. Operation K44 Relay, Vo ltag e Lower P&B MDR137-8 Not Required This relay used to lower EDG voltage manually from a remote forEDG panel by providing input to R 11. Ooe r a t ion Al2 Manual Voltage S&SS 13595 Not Non-IE. The voltage contro l device is removed from EDG Control Assembly Connected. voltage under "A uto" operation. Importa n ce Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Page 47 of 83 State p p p p DE DE ON EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 48 of 267 E I M E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane , Suite 255 Downers Grove, Ill i no i s , 605 1 5 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * F AX (6 3 0) 515-2 6 54 Panel Comp Type 1PLl2JA UY 1PL92JA KY KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comme n t Threshold (OF) K7 Relay, Aux Field Flash WESTINGHO ARD440SR Not required This relay is energized field flash and de-energized for EOG USE for EOG normal operation. operation and will not Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Under normal EOG provide a fa l se operation after field flash, this relay will not be energized. The trip open contacts will not short circuit in a n environment of 239°F (see Section V.1.3) and will not provide a false trip to shutdown the EOG. Al4 Breaker Closi n g BASLER 90-68200-Not Required The equalizing timer is a permiss i ve device that delays t h e start Equalizing Timer 100 during EOG of the SX p ump on a dead bus when the EDG auto starts. The Run timer contacts allow the breaker to close. This is to keep the EOG from loading the entire bus load at the same time. Once the timer is activated on a start signal , and the pump is started, this component is no longer needed. The failure of the timer contact (open contacts to close) will not de-energize the trip coil of the breaker. The SX pump moto r gets l oaded at I 0 seconds after the EOG start (ref e rence USAR Tab l e 8.3-13). Under no rm al operation of the EOG, the fai lu re of the timer contac t will n ot impact the co n tinue d operation of the EOG or the SX pump motor. Aged at 257°F. Located in panel IPL92JA. There is no panel temperature rise. Importance Blue Blue Page 48 o f 83 I State DE ON EC 620632 , At t. 1 , P g. 4 9 of 26 7 E I M E Cl 1 401 Brand i ng Lane , Suite 255 Downers Gr o ve, Illino i s, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Pa n e l C o mp Ty p e IP L 9 2J A R2 0 KCI Report R E P-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp D es cript io n MFG PART NO Te mp e r a tur e Comme n t T h resho l d (oF) A13 Field Co n dit i oning S&SS STC-4 3 71 239 Th e Al3 (Fiel d Co nd itioning R elay As s em bl y) r e l ay is e n e r gize d R elay Assembly after t h e LP CS pump m otor gets l oa d ed i mm ediate l y afte r t h e EDG start (Reference USAR T ab l e 8.3-13) aod the SX p u mp motor gets loaded a t I 0 se c on d s after the EOG start (r eference USAR Table 8.3-13) (See Drawing E02-IDG99, S h t 0 1 6 , Re v. P). The A l 3 re l a y is energized with 125 VDC and re l ay Kl contact seal in the LPCS ao d SX contac t s that ene r gized the Al3 relay (Dwg STC-4373, R ev. A aod Attachme n t M). Re l ay K2 and K3 are e n e r gize d an d a 9 0 ohms resistance (RI 5) i s pu t in series w ith the RI I (a u toma ti c volta g e co n tro l r esis t o r fo r th e Vo l tage R egu l a t or) that increase the vo l tage across the exciter windi n g b y the vo l tage regu l ator. After few seco n ds (based on the t i ming circu i t ofQ2 aod Q5), th e re l ay s K2 and K3 get de-e n ergize d. After the K2 an d K3 relays are de-energized, 65 ohms (R l6) comes i n series with the RI I for norma l E D G ope r at i o n (Dwg STC-4373, R ev. A a nd Attac hm e n t M). Th is a ll h a p pens with in few secon d s a fter the E D G start when th e temperatu re i n pane l I PL92JA is sti ll no rma l. Ba s ed o n SQ-CLD-049 , the Al3 relay was therma ll y aged at l 25°C (257°F) for 7 8 days with no signs of degradation. It wa s functionally check ed b e fore and after aging. It was also functiona ll y tested (i.e. cycle d) wh i le u ndergoing a thermal extremes t est at 153°F. Th e r efo r e th e re l ay will perform its fu n ction afte r EDG starts. For c ontin uou s o peration o f th e EOG, the ope n co n tact ofK3 re l a y sho ul d not s h ort and R16 re s istance should remain at 60 ohms. As the re l ay was aged at 2 5 7°F , the R 16 pote nt iometer wi II mai n tain its res i stance. The o p en contacts wi ll no t s h ort circ u it in a n enviro n ment of239°F (s ee Sect i on V.1.3). There i s no pane l temperature ri s e as the re i s no h eat gene r ating componen t s in this local p ane l. Therefore the K3 r elay w ill not sho rt at a t e mp erature li m i t o f 239°F an d Al3 r e l ay wi ll not impact the co n tin u e d o p eration of the EDG. I m po r tance B lu e Page 4 9 of 83 I State ON EC 620632 , Att. 1 , P g. 5 0 of 2 6 7 E I M E E E E E E E Cl 1 40 1 Branding Lane , Suite 255 Downe rs G r ove , Illino i s , 605 1 5 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 5 1 5-2654 Panel Co mp T yp e IP L9 3J A KY IDGOIKA Sol IDGOIKA Sol ID GO I KA Sol IDGOIKA Sol IDGOIKA MOTOR IDGO I KA MO T OR KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp D es cr ipt i on MFG PART N O Te mp e r atu r e Com m e n t T h res hold (OF) Al4 Breake r Closi n g BASLER 90-68200-Not R e qui red The e qu alizi n g ti m e r is a pe rmi ssive d evice t h at d elays t h e s tart Equaliz i ng T i mer 100 during EOG o f the L P pu mp on a dea d bus w h en the E O G auto starts. Th e Run t i mer contacts a ll ow the breake r to close. This i s to keep the E OG fr o m loa d ing the entire b u s load at th e same time. Once the ti m er is activa t ed o n a start signa l , an d th e pu m p is started , th i s co mpon e n t i s n o l onger n eede d. The fa ilure of the tim e r contac t (th at is op e n contac t s to close) wi ll n ot de-energize the tri p co i l of th e br eake r. The L PCS pump m oto r gets l oade d at i mme di ately after the EOG start (Referen c e USAR Tab l e 8.3-13). Un d er normal operation of the EOG , the failu r e of the timer contact will not impact the co n tinued operation of the E OG or the L PCS pump motor. Age d at 257°F. Located in p a n el I P L92 J A. The r e is no pane l tem p eratu r e rise. LOI So l enoid Air Start E MO 9 08 1 1 3 5 Not Requ ir ed Not req uir ed afte r EOG s tart. for E O G Operation LO IA Solenoid Air St a rt E MO 90 8 1135 N ot Requir e d Not requi r ed a ft e r EOG s tart. fo r EDG Operation L0 2 Solenoid Ai r S t a rt EMO 9081135 Not R eq u ired Not req u i r e d a fter E OG s tart. for EOG Op e ra ti o n L0 2A S ol eno i d Ai r S ta rt E MO 9 0 8 1135 Not Requ i r e d Not required aft e r E OG s tart. for E OG Operation K.3 2 Motor St a rter, T urbo !TE P202 C l2 1 Not Required Not requir e d a ft e r E OG s tart. So a k back for EOG Operation K32A Motor St a rt e r , Turbo IT E P202Cl21 Not Requir e d Not required a ft e r E OG s t a rt. So a k ba c k forEDG Opera t ion I m p o rta n ce Blue Gre e n Gr ee n Green Gr e en Gr ee n Gr ee n Page 50 of 83 I State ON DE DE DE D E OFF OFF EC 620632 , Att. 1 , P g. 51 of 2 6 7 E I M E E E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 5 1 5-2650 * FAX (630) 5 1 5-2654 Panel Comp Type lDGOlKA MOTOR lDGO!KA MOTOR lDGOlKA !PS-DG063C lDGO I KA !PS-DG062C KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Te mperatur e Com ment Threshold (OF) K33 Motor Starter, Fuel ITE P202Cl21 Not Required Not required after EDG start. Prime fo r EDG Operation K33A Motor Starter , Fuel ITE P202C!21 Not Required Not required after E DG start. Prime forEDG Operation S24 Cranking Motor SQUARED 9012-Not Required This pressure switch opens if the oil pressure i s above 20 psig Lockout ACW-21 fo r EDG and l ocks out the e n g ine cranking. Not required after EDG start. Operation Located in panel lDGOIKA. The switch contact does not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V .1.3 ). This panel bas components that produce low heat. Conservatively a ss uming a 10°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise , the switch will function at an am bi ent temperature of221°F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. S24A Cranking Motor SQUARED 9012-Not Required This pressure switch opens ifthe oil pressure is above 20 psig Lockout ACW-21 forEDG and locks o u t the engine cranking. Not required after EDG start. Operation Located in panel IDGOlKA. The switch contact does not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric fa ilu re (See Section V.1.3). This panel has c ompo n ents that produce low heat. Conservatively a ss uming a 10°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperatur e ri s e, the switch will funct i on at an ambient temperature of 221°F and will not pro vide a false trip below this temperature. Importa nc e Green Green Gre e n Green Page 51of83 I State OFF OFF D E DE EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 52 of 267 E I M E E Cl 1401 Brand i ng lane , Suite 255 Downe rs G r ove , Illino i s , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (6 3 0) 515-26 54 Panel Comp Type IDGOIKA !SE-DG308A IDGOIKA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Tempe r ature Comment Threshold (OF) A3SE Speed Switch WOODWAR 5430-929 225 A magnetic speed sensor consists of an iron cored coil with a Magnetic P i ck-up D magnet attached to one end. When a piece o f ferrous metal is mo v ed towards the e nd of the sensor it changes the shape of the magnetic field in the coil , this changing magnetic field then induces current to flow in the windings of the coil resulting in a small amount of el e ctricity being generated each time the gear tooth moves past it. The engine speed is a function of the frequency of the pulse (Reference VTIP K2861-002A). There would be no change in frequency at elevated temperatures since the frequency is a function of engine RPM and number of teeth. The sensor is attached to the lower part of the engine which would be cool compar e d to the rest of the room since the en g ine coolant is maintain e d to -I 70°F. These types of sensors are robust and the operating temperature range of the device is -67 to 225°F (Referenc e: Passport Equipment Parameters). In addition , this failure of device ha s no con s equence on the continuous operat i on of the EDG. See device"A3PS" for more information. TB7, TBD Term i nal Blocks 227 These are typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawing 61090 , Rev. H , Sheet 2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for I 072 hours. The terminal block was functional before , during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5 .I 0 of Ref. Vlll.2). The contact block of relays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference VIII.6 , Attachment A). Therefore, using 245°F for any kind of terminal block and acco tm ting a I 0°C (I 8°F) cabinet temperature ri s e (con s erv a tive), the terminal block will not impact the EOG normal operation i n an ambient temperature of 227°F. Importance Green Gre e n Page 52 of 83 State ON p EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 53 of 267 E I M E E E E Cl 1 401 B r anding Lane , Suite 255 Downe r s Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENG I NEE R I NG CO N SULTANT S Ph o n e (6 30) 515-2650 * F AX (630) 5 1 5-265 4 Pa n el C o mp Type IDG-OlKA 1PL12JA UY 1PLl2JA Fl6 1PL12JA Fl6 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diese l Ventilat i on VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Threshold (OF) TBS, TBD Terminal Blocks 227 These are typically GE EB25-12W terminal b l ocks (Drawing 61090, Rev. H, Sheet 2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for 1072 hours. The termina l block was functional before, during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5.10 of Ref. Vill.2). The contact block of relays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference Vill.6 , Attachment A). Therefore, using 245°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 10°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise (conservative), the termina l b lock will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 227°F. Kl7 Relay, Over Crank Agastat 7012PD 222 This relay is energized for 10 seconds. After EDG reaches 125 Timer RPM , this relay is de-energized. See comment for Relay K4 l. F06 Fuse, Turbo Soak back Bussman FRN-10 Not Required Not requi r ed after EDG start as the turbo sack back motors are 250VFusetron after EDG not required for EDG operation. Aged at 257°F. De r ated to start or 70% at l 85°F operating temperature. Fuses are sized minimum Operation 125% of full load current. Therefore, Fuse will operate at l 85°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting fo r a 23°F cabinet temperature rise, the fuse is operational at 162°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip at higher ambient temperature has no safety consequence and on EDG operation. F06-l Fuse, Turbo Soak back Bussman FRN-10 Not Required Not req u ire d after EDG start as the turbo sack back motors are 250VFusetron afterEDG not required for EDG operation. Aged at 257°F. Derated to start or 70% at l 85°F operating temperature. Fuses are sized minimum Operation 125% of full load current. Therefore , Fuse will operate at ! 85°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting for a 23°F cabinet temperature rise, the fuse is operational at 162°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip at higher ambient temperature has no safety consequence and on EDG ooeration. Importance Green Green Green Green Page 53 of 83 State p DE p p EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 54 of 267 E I M E E E E Cl 1401 Branding lane , Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illino i s, 605 1 5 ENGINEERIN G CONSU L TANTS Pho n e (630) 515-2650 * F AX (6 30) 5 15-26 54 Panel Comp Type 1PL12JA Fl6 IPL12JA Fl6 1PL12JA Fl6 IPL12JA Fl6 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Re s ult of a L oss of the D i esel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment T h res h old (OF) F06A Fuse , Turbo Soak back Bussman FRN-10 Not Requir e d Not required after EOG start as the turbo sack back motor s are 250VFusetron afterEDG not required for EDG operation. Aged at 257°F. Derated to start or 70% at 185°F operating temperature. Fuses are sized minimum Operation 125% of full load current. Therefore, F u se will operate at l 85°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting for a 23°F cabinet temperature rise, the fuse is operational at l 62°F. Loc ate d in panel IPL12JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip at higher ambi e nt temperature has no safety consequence and on EOG operation. F06A-l Fuse, Turbo Soak back Bussman FRN-10 Not Required Not required after EDG s tart as the turbo sack back motors are 250VFusetron afterEDG not required for EDG operation. Aged at 257°F. Derated to start or 70% at I 85°F operating temperature. Fuses are sized minimum Operation 125% of full load current. Therefore, Fuse will operate at l 85°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting for a 23°F cabinet t e mperature rise, the fuse is operational at ! 62°F. Located in panel 1PL!2JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip at higher ambient temperature has no safety consequence and on EDG operation. F09 Fuse , Priming Pump , Bus s man FRN-10 Not Required Not required after EDG start as the fuel priming pump motors 250VFusetron afterEDG are not required for EDG operation. Aged at 257°F. Derat e d to start or 70% at 185°F operating temperature. Fuses are sized minimum Operation 125% of full load current. Therefore , Fuse will operate at l 85°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting for a 23°F cabinet temperature rise, the fuse is operational at 162°F. Located in pan e l I PL I 2JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip at higher ambient temperature has no safety consequence and on EDG operation. F09-l Fuse, Priming Pump, Bussman FRN-10 Not Required Not required after EDG st art as the fuel priming pump motor s 250VFusetron afterE DG are not required for EDG operation. Aged at 257°F. Derated to s tart or 7 0% at 185°F operating temperature. Fuses are sized minimum Operation 125% of full load current. Therefore , Fuse will operate at l 85°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting for a 23°F cabinet temperature rise, the fuse is operational at 162°F. Located in panel 1PLl2JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip at higher ambient temperature has no safety consequence and on E DG operation. Importance Green Green Green Green Page 54 o f 83 I State p p p p EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 55 of 267 E I M E E E E Cl 1401 Branding lane , Su i te 255 Downers Grove, Illinois , 60515 ENG IN EERI N G CO N SULTANTS Ph o n e (6 3 0) 515-2650 * FAX (63 0) 515-265 4 Panel Com p Ty p e 1PLl2JA Fl6 1PLl2JA Fl6 1PLl2JA Fl6 1PLl2JA Fl6 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Desc r ipt i on MFG PART NO Te m perature Comme n t T h reshold (OF) F09A Fuse, Priming Pump, Bussman FRN-10 Not Required Not required after EOG start as the fuel priming pump moto r s 250VFusetron after EOG are not requi r ed fo r EOG operatio n. Aged at 257°F. Derated to start or 70% at l 85°F operating temperature. Fuses are sized minimum Operation 125% of full load current. Therefore , Fuse will operate at l 85°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting for a 23°F cabinet temperature rise, the fuse is operational at 162°F. Located in panel 1PLl2JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip at higher ambient temperature has no safety consequence and on EOG operation. F09A-l Fuse, Priming Pump, Bussman FRN-10 Not Required Not required afte r EOG start as the fuel priming pump motors 250VFusetron afte r EOG are not required for EOG operation. Aged at 257°F. Derated to start or 70% at l 85°F operating temperature. Fuses are sized minimum Operation 125% of full load current. Therefore , Fuse will operate at l 85°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting for a 23°F cabinet temperature rise, the fuse is operational at 162°F. Located in panel 1 PLI2JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip at higher ambient temperature has no safety consequence and on EOG operation. F05 Fuse, DC Motor Bussman FRN-15 Not Required Not required after EOG start as the turbo sack back and Control Circuit after EOG circulating oil pump motors are not required for EOG operation. start or Aged at 257°F. Derated to 70% at l 85°F operating temperature. Operation Fuses are sized minimum 125% of fu ll load current. Therefore , Fuse will operate at 185°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting fo r a 23°F cab i net temperature rise , the fuse is opera t ional at 162°F. Located in panel 1PLl2JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip at higher ambient temperature has no safety conseQuence and on EDG operation. F05-l Fuse, DC Motor Bussman FRN-15 Not Required Not req u ired after EDG start as the turbo sack b ack and Control Circuit afterEDG circulating o i l pump motors are not required for EDG operation. start or Aged at 257°F. Derated to 70% at l 85°F operating temperature. Operation Fuses are sized minimum 125% of full load current. Therefore, Fuse wi ll o p erate at l 85°F or below (as 70% of 125% is more than 87.5%). Accounting for a 23°F ca b inet temperature rise, the fuse is operational at 162°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. See Attachment D. Fuse trip a t higher ambient temperature has no safety consequence and on EDG operation. Importance Green Green Green Green Page 5 5 o f 8 3 State p p p p EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 56 of 267 E I M E E E E E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type JPL12JA SS JPL12JA UY IPL12JA UY IPL12JA !HS-DGl14 IPL12JA !HS-DGJ08 JPL12JA !HS-DGI06 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Threshold (oF) A3 Speed Switch Dynalco STC-4240 Function is Rated fo r J 60°F by the manufacturer. See Attachment K. Assembly not required Located in panel I PL! 2JA. EDG s tart Thi s speed switch closes after EDG reaches 850 RPM and picks up Relay K22. Relay K22 disables the fuel priming motor starter. The fuel priming motor is not required after EDG start and continued operation of the EDG. Therefore , function of the switch does not impact continued operation of the EDG. Any fai lur e of the switch (open contact not closing) will not disable the fuel priming pump motor which is not required for continued operation of the EDG. K20 Rel a y , DC Mo to r GE 12HGAI IJ Not Required As s oc i ated with fuel priming pump control. Nor required after Starter Aux 52 EDG start. Insulation material was aged at 212°F. Located in panel IPL12JA. K20A Relay, DC Motor GE 12HGAJ 11 Not Required Associated with fuel priming pump control. Nor required after Starter Aux 52 EDG start. Insulation material was aged at 212°F. Located in panel I PL! 2JA. S39 Switch , Engine GE 165BIDA2 Not Required The switch has it s own fuse and provides indication. Failure of Maintenance 26SSM4C8 for EDG start the switch does not impact any other circuit as the fuse will or Operation isolate the fault. Insulation material was aged at J 80°F. The open contacts will not short circuit in an environment of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). Therefore , using the temperature limit of 239°F and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise, the switch will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of216°F. SJ4 Switch , START GE CR2940W 234 Insulation material wa s aged at 257°F. Located in panel A202C 1PL!2JA. Reducing thi s temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise , the component will function at 234°F. Sl3 Switch , S T OP GE CR2940W 234 Insulation material wa s aged at 257°F. Located in panel A202E IPL12JA. Reducing thi s temperature by 23°F to account for cabinet temperature rise , the component will function at 234 °F. Importance Green Gre e n Gre e n Green Green Gr e en Page 56 of 83 State ON DE DE p p p EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 57 of 267 E I M E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane , Su i te 255 Downe r s Grove, Illino i s, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Pho n e (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 5 1 5-2 654 Pa n el Co mp Type IPL12JA UY 1PL12 J A UY KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan C o mp Descri pti on MFG PART NO Te mp eratu r e Co m me n t Thres h o l d (oF) KIO Relay , Crank and Field P&B MDR134-l 222 This relay is norma ll y energized. As the relay is energized Disconnect during E D G normal operation, the relay coil failure will impact the continued operation of EDG. Per SQ-CLD-039 , the relay was aged at 125°C (257°F) and functionally tested during an environmental test at 153°F. Manufacturer rating is 149°F (see Attachment J). A similar relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°F energize d at 125 VDC for 24 h o u rs followe d wi th an expos ur e to 245°F whi l e energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours oftest run. Accounting for a 23°F c u bicle temperature rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. (see Refe r ence Vlll.6, Attachment A). K13 Relay , Pilot 125vdc P&B MDRJ37-8 222 This relay is normally e n ergized. As the relay energized during Engine Start-Run EDG n orma l operation, the re l ay co i l failure will impact the conti n ued operation ofEDG. Per SQ-CLD-039, the relay was aged at l 25°C (257°F) and functionally tested during an environmental test at 153 °F. Man u facturer rating is l 49°F (see Attachment J). An i dent i cal relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°F e n erg i zed at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts d id not short circuit throughout the 32 hours oftest run. Accounting for a 23 °F cubicle temperature rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient t emperature of222°F. (see Refe r ence Vlll.6, A t tachment A). Importance Green Green Page 57 of 83 I State EN EN EC 620632, Att. 1 , Pg. 58 of 2 67 E I M E E Cl 1401 Brand i ng lane , Su i te 255 Downers Grove , Illino i s , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IPLl2JA UY 1PLl2J A UY KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Th re s hold (OF) KI6 Relay , Engine Starter P&B MDR137-8 222 Per SQ-CLD-039 , the r e lay was aged at 125°C (257°F) and Con tr ol functi o nally te s ted durin g an environmental te s t at 153 °f. Manufacturer ratin g i s 149°f (see Att a clun e nt J). This r e la y is normall y energi ze d during E OG s tart and then remain de-energized aft e r the EOG has reached 125 RPM and under norm a l E OG operation. After E OG start, the r e lay coil failure does not impact the EOG c a p a bility of power generation as the rel a y is de-energized. An i dentical relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°f energi ze d at 125 voe for 24 hours followed with an expo s ure to 245°f while ene rgiz ed at 1 2 5 VOC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours oftest run. Accounting for a 23 °f c ubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°f. (see Reference VIII.6, Attachmeot A). K22 Relay , Aux 125VD C P&B MDR137-8 222 Thi s relay gets en e rgi z ed by A3 speed s wi t ch after EDG reache s Acce s sorie s 8 50 RPM. This R e l ay disables the fuel priming motor starter. The fuel primin g motor is not required after EOG s tart and continued operation o f th e EDG. A s th e relay is energized during EOG normal operat i on , the relay c oil fa i lure will impact the continued operation ofEDG. Manufacturer rating is I 49°F (s ee Attachment J). An id e ntic a l r e l ay (MDR 137-8) wa s aged at 225°f energized at 125 VDC fo r 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°f while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hour s. The coil maintained the circui t integri ty and open conta c t s did not s hort circuit thr o ughout the 32 hour s of t es t run. Acc o untin g for a 23°f cub i cle temperature rise , the rel a y will not impact the EDG norm a l operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. (see Reference VIII.6 , Attachment A). Importance Green Green Page 58 of 83 State DE EN EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 59 of 267 E I M E E Cl 1401 Branding lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IPLl2JA UY IPL12JA UY KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Threshold (OF) K25 Relay, Crank Control P&B MDRl37-8 222 Per SQ-CLD-039, the relay was aged at 125°C (257°P) and functionally tested during an environmental test at 153°P. Manufacturer rating i s 149°P (see Attachment J). This relay is normally energized for I 0 seconds during EDG start and then remain de-energized under normal EDG operation. After EDG start , the relay coil failure does not impact the EDG capability of power generation as the relay is e-energized. An identical r elay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°P energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°P while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours of te s t run. Accounting for a 23 °P cubicle temperature rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°P. (see Reference Vill.6, Attachment A). K4 Relay, Over Crank P&B MDR137-8 222 This relay get e nergized if the EDG fails to start. Once the EDG (Failure to Start) start and runs , the relay is de-energized. Under normal EDG operation , thi s relay will be de-energized. An identical relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°P energi z ed at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°P while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23 °P cubicle temperature rise , the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°P. (see Reference Vill.6 , Attachment A). Importance Green Gr ee n Page 59 of 83 I State DE DE EC 620632, Att. 1 , Pg. 60 of 267 E I M E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IPL12JA UY KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Threshold (OF) K19 Relay, Control Setup P&B MOR-5095 222 This is latching relay and is de-energized after EOG start (E ngine) Latch i ng immediately. Aged at 257°F. Manufacturer rating is l 49°F (see Attachment J). Under normal EOG operation , this relay is de-energized. Under normal EOG ope r ation, this relay will be de-energized. An simi l ar relay (MOR 137-8) was aged at 225°F ene r gized at 1 25 voe for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F while energi z ed at 125 voe for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit i n tegrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23 °F cubicle temperature rise , the relay will not impact the EOG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference Vill.6 , Attachment A). Importance Green Page 60 of 83 I S tat e DE EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 61 of 267 E I M E Cl 1 401 B rand i ng l ane, Suite 255 Downers Grove , Illino i s , 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (6 3 0) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 5 1 5-2654 Panel Comp Type IPL12JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Descripti o n MFG PART NO Temperat u re Comment Thresho l d (OF) A3PS 24VDC PS , Speed PHOENEX 2938578 Not Required Woodward ESl50222 is part number for the mounting hardware. Switch Assembly after EDG Per Passport, part the power supply is Phoenix Part# 2938578 Start and rated for 70°C (158°F). The power supply A3PS is rated for 50 watts and provides powe r to the Speed Switch Assemb l y that has power rating of 5 watts (A3). The speed s witch talces input from the magnetic pickup (A3SE) and drives a MIO tachometer mounted on the engine. An identical power supply was aged at 207°F (97°C) energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours and output voltage maintained at 24 VDC while delivering 50% load. The load on this power s upply i s less than 50%. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise, the power supply will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient t e mperatur e of 184°F (see Reference Vlli.6, Attachment A). The speed switch contacts de-e nergi ze Kl 6 relay above 125 RPM, energize K5 relay above 125 RPM and energize K22 Relay above 850 RPM. The relay de-energization and ene r gization talces place immed i ately as EDG picks up speed to a steady state speed of900 RPM much before pane l PL12JA is ex posed to temperature 184 °F. If the power supply is not available in an environment above l 84°F, the EDG will not shut down with the following lo ss of alarm and protection function: * lo ss of alarm function for oil filter r estric ted , low oil le ve l , low oil tem perature and fuel fi lt e r restricted

  • los s of protection

for low oil pres s ure and high coolant temperature

  • fuel priming mot or sta rter is not di sa bled. The fuel primin g motor is not requir e d afte r E DG start and continued

opera tio n of th eE DG. Therefore , the A3PS i s not required after EDG start and continued operation of the E DG. Importance Green Pa ge 61of 8 3 State ON EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 62 of 267 E I M E E E Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove , Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-26 54 Pa n el Co m p Ty p e 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PL12JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Descri p t i on MFG PART NO Tem p erature Com m ent T h res h o ld (D F) TB13 Terminal Block s 222 These are typically GE EB25-12W terminal bl ocks (Drawing 61090, Rev. H , Sheet 2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for I 072 hour s. The terminal block was functional before , during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5.10 of Ref. VIIl.2). The contact b l ock of relays having simi l a r material was aged at 245°P and had there was no contact fai l ure (Reference Vill.6, Attachment A). Therefore , using 245°P for any kind of terminal b lock and accounting a 23 °P ca b inet temperature rise (conservative), the terminal block will not impact the EOG normal o p eration in an ambient temperature of 222°P. TBl4 Terminal Block s 222 These are typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawing 61090, Rev. H, Sheet 2). Insu l ation material was aged at 248°P for 1072 hours. The terminal b lock was functiona l befo r e, during and after the thermal aging regimen (Sect i on 5.10 of Ref. Vill.2). The contact block of relays having similar material was aged at 245°P and had there was no contact failure (Reference Vill.6, Attachment A). Therefore , u s ing 245°P for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 23°P cabinet temperatu r e rise (conservative), the terminal block will not i mpact the EOG norma l o p eration i n an ambient temperature of 222 °P. TB14 Terminal Block s 222 The se are typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawing 61090, Rev. H, Sheet 2). Ins u lation material was aged at 248°P for I 072 hours. The terminal block w as functional before , during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5.10 of Ref. Vill.2). The contact block of relays having similar material was aged at 245°P and had there was no contact failure (Reference VIII.6 , Attachment A). Therefo r e , using 245°P for any kind o f termina l b lock and acco un ting a 23°P cab i net temperature rise (co n se rvative), the terminal block will no t impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°P. Importance Gr e en Green Green Page 62 of 83 State p p p EC 620632, Att. 1 , Pg. 63 of 267 Cl E N GINEER I NG CONSULT A NTS 1401 Bra n ding Lane , Suite 255 Downers Grove , Illinois, 60515 Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 5 1 5-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) E Panel Comp I Type M E 1PL12JA Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diese l Ventilation VD F an Comp Descriptio n MFG PART NO Temperature Comment Thresho l d (OF) TB14 Terminal Blocks 222 These are typically GE EB25-12W terminal blocks (Drawing 61090, Rev. H , Sheet 2). Insu l ation material was aged at 248°F for I 072 hours. The terminal block was functiona l before , during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5.10 of Ref. VIII.2). The contact block of relays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference VIII.6, Attachment A). Therefore, using 245°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 23°F cabinet temperature rise (conservative), the terminal block wi ll not impact the EDG normal operation in an amb i ent temperature of222°F. Imp o rtance Green LEGEND FOR "STATE" DE Relay is de-energized during EDG operation EN Relay is energized during EDG operation ON Component requires power and is ON during EDG operation OFF Component requires power and is OFF during EDG operation E/D Relay maybe energized or de-energized during EOG operation p Passive Components P age 63 of 83 I State p EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 64 of 267 Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Table V-4 Non-Critical Components Not Required for EDG Operation E Panel Comp Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment I Type M E IDGOIKA HEATER HI Heater, Immersion EMD 8398082 Required before the EOG start. Not required after EOG start an d opens on h igh temperature. E IDGOlKA HEATE R HIA Heater , Immersion EMO 8398082 R e quired before the EOG start. Not required after E OG start and opens on high temperature. E IDGOIKA ITS-S26 Low Oil Temperature EMO 8447100 De vice does n ot h ave any electronics. Just a passive switch closed by a mechanical DG075A means. The insulation was aged a t 257°F. The function of the devices d epends on the in t egrity of th e insulation system. Located in panel l DGO I KA. This pan e l has components that produce l ow heat. Conservatively assuming a I 0°C (18°F) cabinet temperature rise, the device is operational at 239°F. E IDGOIKA ITS-S26A Low Oi l Temperature EMD 8447100 De vi ce does not have an y electronic s. Just a p a ssive switch closed by a mechanical DG074A means. The insulation was aged at 257°F. The function of the devices depend s on the integrity of the insulation sys tem. Located in panel I DGO I KA. This panel has components that produce low h eat. Conservatively assuming a I 0°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, th e device is o per ationa l a t 239°F. E IDGOlKA ITS-S30 Immersion Heater EMO 8447102 D evic e do es not have any electronics. Just a passive swi tch closed by a mechanical DG087 Control means. The insulation was aged at 257°F. The function of the de v ice s depend s on the integrity of t h e in sulation system. Located in panel IDGOlKA. Thi s panel has co mp onents that produce lo w h eat. Conservatively ass uming a I 0°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the device is o pe rat i ona l at 239°F. E IDGOIKA ITS-S30A Immersion Heater EMD 8447102 Dev ice does not have any electronics. Just a p ass ive swi tch closed by a m echanical DG086 Control me a n s. The insulation was aged a t 257°F. Th e function of the devices d e pends on the integrity of the insulation system. Located in panel IDGO !KA. This panel has com pon ents that produce low h eat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (l8°F) cabinet tem p erature rise, the device is operational at 239°F. E IDGOIKA MOTOR B3 Motor, Cir c ulating Oil EMD 8455815 Age d at 257°F. Oil circ ulating pump motor is not required afte r EOG start. Pump E IDGOIKA MOTOR B3A Motor, Circulating Oil EMD 8455815 Aged at 257°F. Oil circulating pump motor is not required after EOG start. Pump E IDGOlKA IDG-B4 Motor , Fuel Prime EM O 8 455 815 Ag ed at 257°F. Fuel Prime mo tor i s not r e quired afte r E OG start. 633PA E IDGOlKA IDG-B4A Motor, Fuel Prime EMD 84 55 815 Aged at 257°F. F u e l Prime m otor is not required after EOG start. 631PA E* IDGOlKA !LS-SIS Low Oil Level EMD 8 4 64151 Non-I E. This level switc h clo s es on low oil level a nd energ i zes relay Kl that provides DGOSS ann un ciatio n and indication. Not required after EOG Importance White White White White White Whit e White White White White White Page 64 of 83 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 65 of 267 E I M E E E E E E E <J<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IDGOIKA lLS-DG054 IDGOIKA lPS-DG123 IDGOIKA lPS-DG122 IDGOlKA lSI-DG146 IDGOIKA lPS-DG165 IDGOIKA lPS-DG164 IDGOlKA lPDS-DG051 KCI Report REP*424*008*RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment S15A Low Oil Level EMD 8464151 Non-IE. This level switch closes on low oil level and energizes relay KIA that provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG S22 High Crankcase EMD 8475932 This switch energizes (picks up) K23 relay. Relay K23 provides indication and Pressure annunciation ofhiidi crankcase pressure (E02-IDG99, Sheets 11, 14 and 15). S22A High Crankcase EMD 8475932 This switch energizes (picks up) K23A relay. Relay K23A provides indication and Pressure annunciation of high crankcase pressure (E02-IDG99, Sheets 10, 14 and 15). MIO Tachometer GE 50-103-Non-IE. Agedat212°F. 111FAFA2 PLZ S43 Low Turbocharger SQUARED 9012-This pressure switch opens on low oil pressure for the turbo soak back pump. This pump Low Pressure ACW-21 is not required after EDG start. Located in panel lDGOlKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material -dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 221 °F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. S43A Low Turbocharger SQUARED 9012-This pressure switch opens on low oil pressure for the turbo soak back pump. This pump Low Pressure ACW-21 is not required after EDG start. Located in panel lDGOlKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (18°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of221°F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. S40 Oil Filter Restricted SQUARED 9012-This PD switch closes ifthe oil pressure is above 35 psi and energizes relay K39 that AEW-1 provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel lDGOlKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (l8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 221 °F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. Importance White White White White White White White Page 65 of 83 J EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 66 of 267 E I M E E E E <J<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, lllinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IDGOlKA lPDS-DG050 IDGOIKA JPS-DG063A IDGOlKA JPS-DG062A IDGOJKA ITS-DGOllB KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment S40A Oil Filter Restricted SQUARED 9012-This PD switch closes ifthe oil pressure is above 35 psi and energizes relay K39A that AEW-1 provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel IDGOIKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C {l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 221 °F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. S6 Low Oil Pressure SQUARED 9012-This Pressure switch closes if the oil pressure is above 26 psi and energizes relay Kl (Alarm) AEW-21 that provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel IDGOIKA. The switch contact do. not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C {l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 221 °F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. S6A Low Oil Pressure SQUARED 9012-This Pressure switch closes if the oil pressure is above 26 psi and energizes relay KIA (Alarm) AEW-21 that provides annunciatfon and indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel IDGOIKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C {l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 221 °F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. SS High Coolant SQUARED 9012-This temperature switch closes high coolant temperature above 195°F and energizes Temperature (Alarm) AEW-42 relay K2 that provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel lDGOIKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 221 °F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. Importance White White White White Page 66 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 67 of 267 E I M E E E E (KCI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IDGOIKA ITS-DG012B IDGOlKA ITS-DG075B IDGOlKA ITS-DG074B IDGOlKA lPDS-DG047 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment SSA High Coolant SQUARED 9012-This temperature switch closes high coolant temperature above 195°F and energizes Temperature (Alarm) AEW-42 relay K2A that provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel lDGOlKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (18°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of221°F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. S7 High Oil Temperature SQUARED 9012-This temperature switch closes high oil temperature above 250°F and energizes relay AEW-45 Kl 1 that provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel lDGOlKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 221 °F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. S7A High Oil Temperature SQUARED 9012-This temperature switch closes high oil temperature above 250°F and energizes relay AEW-45 Kl IA that provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel lDGOlKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a l0°C (18°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 221 °F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. S35 Fuel Filter Restricted SQUARED 9012-This PD switch closes at 50 psi and energizes relay K27 that provides annunciation and AEW-9 indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel lDGOlKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of221°F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. Importance White White White White Page 67 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 68 of 267 E I M E E E E E E E E E E <J<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515*2654 Panel Comp Type lDGOIKA IPDS* DG046 lDGOIKA HEATER lDGOlKA MOTOR lDGOIKA MOTOR lDGOIKA MOTOR lDGOlKA MOTOR lDGOIKA lDGOIKA lDGOIKA lDGOIKA KCI Report REP*424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment S35A Fuel Filter Restricted SQUARED 9012* This PD switch closes at 50 psi and energizes relay K27 A that provides annunciation and AEW-9 indication. Not required after EDG start. Located in panel lDGOlKA. The switch contact do not fail below 239°F due to material dielectric failure (See Section V.1.3). This panel has components that produce low heat. Conservatively assuming a 10°C (l 8°F) cabinet temperature rise, the switch will function at an ambient temperature of 221 °F and will not provide a false trip below this temperature. H3 Generator Space WITH Not required after EDG start. Heater GEN IB3 Motor, Turbo Soak Not required after EDG start. back Pump IB3A Motor, Turbo Soak Not required after EDG start. back Pump IB7 Motor, Turbo Soak Not required after EDG start. back Pump IB7A Motor, Turbo Soak Not required after EDG start. back Pump Air Dryer Relays Control NIE Function. Not required after EDG start. Component -lCR, 2CR Air Dryer Relay Timer NIE Function. Not required after EDG start. Component -!CT Air Dryer Switch Selector NIE Function. Not required after EDG start. Component -lSS Air Dryer Indicating Light NIE Function. Not required after EDG start. Component -IL Importance White White White White White White White White White White Page 68 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 69 of 267 E I M E E E E E E E E E <J(CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type !DGOlKA !DGOIKA MOTOR !DGOIKA MOTOR !DGOIKA !DGOIKA !LS-DG285 !DGOIKA !LS-DG286 !DGOlKA !DGOIKA !DG06SA SlO KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment Air Dryer Tenninal Blocks These are typically GE EB25-12W tenninal blocks (Drawing 61090, Rev. H, Sheet 2). Component Insulation material was aged at 248°F for 1072 hours. The terminal block was functional -TBl, TB2 before, during and after the thennal aging regimen (Section 5 .l 0 of Ref. VIlI.2). The contact block ofrelays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference VIlI.6, Attachment A). Therefore, using 245°F for any ldnd oftenninal block and accounting a 10°C (18°F) cabinet temperature rise (conservative), the terminal block will not impact the EDG nonnal operation in an ambient temperature of227°F. B7 Motor, Oil Circulating Not required after EDG start. B7A Motor, Oil Circulating Not required after EDG start. GNDBUS Ground Bus Metal bus use to connect to station ground. LS Low Coolant Level This level switch closes under low level and picks relay K2 that provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. LS Low Coolant Level This level switch closes under low level and picks relay K2A that provides annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Retired( G3) Signal Generator Spared and not connected. (Retired in place) TB4 Tenninal Blocks These are typically GE EB25-12W tenninal blocks (Drawing 61090, Rev. H, Sheet 2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for 1072 hours. The terminal block was functional before, during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section 5. l 0 of Ref. VIII.2). The contact block of relays having similar material was aged at 245°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference VIII.6, Attachment A). Therefore, using 245°F for any ldnd oftenninal block and accounting a 10°C (18°F) cabinet temperature rise (conservative), the tenninal block will not impact the EDG nonnal operation in an ambient temperature of227°F. !PS-Switch, Air Pressure SQUARED 9012-This pressure switch protects the air compressor for high pressure. Not required after 1DG003A Control ACW-22 EDG start as the pressure switch would trip the motor after few minutes into the EDG start. Rated at 185°F. See Table 1 of Ref. VIII.2. Located in panel 1DG06SA. This cabinet has cabinet temperature rise as all the equipment are de-energized after EDG start. The switch can function up to l 85°F. Importance White White White White White White White White White Page 69 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 70 of 267 E I M E E E E E E E <l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 www Panel Comp Type IDG06SA SlOA IDG06SA S37 IDG06SA S38 IDG06SA B6. IDG06SA B2 1FP02JA PNLA 1PL12JA F16 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment lPS-Switch, Air Pressure SQUARED 9012-This pressure switch protects the air compressor for high pressure. Not required after IDG005A Control ACW-22 EDG start as the pressure switch would trip the motor after few minutes into the EDG start. Rated at 185°F. See Table 1 of Ref. Vill.2. Located in panel IDG06SA. This cabinet has cabinet temperature rise as all the equipment are de-energized after EDG start. The switch can function up to 185°F. !PS-Switch, Low Starting SQUARED 9012-This pressure switch closes under low air pressure and picks relay K12 that provides IDG003B Air Pressure ACW-9 annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Rated at 185°F. See Table 1 of Ref. Vill.2. Located in panel IDG06SA. This cabinet has cabinet temperature rise as all the equipment are de-energized after EDG start. The switch can function up to 185°F. !PS-Switch, Low Starting SQUARED 9012-This pressure switch closes under low air pressure and picks relay Kl 2 that provides IDG005B Air Pressure ACW-9 annunciation and indication. Not required after EDG start. Rated at 185°F. See Table 1 of Ref. Vill.2. Located in panel IDG06SA. This cabinet has cabinet temperature rise as all the equipment are de-energized after EDG start. The switch can function up to 185°F. IDGOlCA Motor, Air Not Required after EDG start. Compressor IDGOlCB Motor, Air Not Required after EDG start. Comoressor 1FP02JA D-G lADAYTANK ALISON A888-Panel 1FP02JA is a Fire Protection/Detection System. This panel has no direct function ROOM WPS CONTROL M556 on the Diesel Generator SUPERVISORY PANEL Fll Fuse, Circuit Breaker Bussman FRN-20 Aged at 257°F. Derated to 5% at more than 120°C (248°F) operating temperature by Control linear extrapolation (see Attachment F). The load on the fuse are indicating lights (no more than 6) and these are GE ET 16. The indicating light have low wattage consumption (around 6 watts). Rounding the wattage of the indicating light to 10 watts, fuse load will be less than 60 watts and the fuse current will be 0.5 amps. The fuses are rated for 20 Amps. Therefore, one can conservative assume that the fuse loaded no more than 5% of its rating. Therefore, Fuse will not false trip below 225°F accounting for a 23°F cabinet temperature rise in panel IPL12JA. Importance White White White White White White White Page 70 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 71 of 267 E I M E E E <l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type 1PL12JA Fl6 1PL12JA F16 1PL12JA F16 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment Fll-1 Fuse, Circuit Breaker Bussman FRN-20 Aged at 257°F. Derated to 5% at more than 120°C (248°F) operating temperature by Control linear extrapolation (see Attachment F). The load on the fuse are indicating lights (no more than 6) and these are GE ET 16. The indicating light have low wattage consumption (around 6 watts). Rounding the wattage of the indicating light to 10 watts, , fuse load will be less than 60 watts and the fuse current will be 0.5 amps. The fuses are rated for 20 Amps. Therefore, one can conservative assume that the fuse loaded no more than 5% of its rating. Therefore, Fuse will not false trip below 225°F accounting for a 23 °F cabinet temperature rise in panel 1PLl2J A. FllA Fuse, DG Output Bussman NON-0.5 The NON fuses are installed in panel 1PL12JA. Based on NEC requirements, the fuses Voltage Test Point are sized at least 125% above the maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (1/1.25) of its rating, the fuse will carry the load current and not provide a false trip. The NON is a Non-Dual Element Fuse. Attachment F shows that the current carrying capacity(% of rating) and Opening Time (% of rating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F, the NON fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of 120°C (248°F). Therefore, even at operating temperature of248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. The cabinet temperature rise is 23 °F and the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the load current for an ambient temperature of225°F. Fl2A Fuse, DG Output Bussman NON-0.5 The NON fuses are installed in panel lPLl 2JA. Based on NEC requirements, the fuses Voltage Test Point are sized at least 125% above the maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (111.25) of its rating, the fuse will carry the load current and not provide a false trip. The NON is a Non-Dual Element Fuse. Attachment F shows that the current carrying capacity(% of rating) and Operring Time (% of rating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F, the NON fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of 120°C (248°F). Therefore, even at operating temperature of248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. The cabinet temperature rise is 23 °F and the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the load current for an ambient temperature of 225°F. Importance White White White Page 71 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 72 of 267 E I M E E E E <l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type 1PL12JA Fl6 1PL12JA Fl6 1PL12JA 1PLl2JA UY KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment FlO Fuse, Remote Bussman OT3 The OT fuses are installed in panel lPLI 2JA. Based on NEC requirements, the fuses are Indicating Light sized at least 125% above the maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (111.25) of its rating, the fuse will carry the load current and not provide a false trip. The OT is a Non-Dual Element Fuse. Attachment F shows that the current carrying capacity(% of rating) and Opening Time (% of rating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F, the OT fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of 120°C (248°F). Therefore, even at operating temperature of248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. The cabinet temperature rise is 23 °F and the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the load current for an ambient temoerature of225°F. Fl0-1 Fuse, Remote Bussman OT3 The OT fuses are installed in panel 1PL12JA. Based on NEC requirements, the fuses are Indicating Light sized at least 125% above the maximum load current and rounded up to the next available fuse size. Therefor as long as the fuse is derated to more than 80% (111.25) of its rating, the fuse will carry the load current and not provide a false trip. The OT is a Non-Dual Element Fuse. Attachment F shows that the current carrying capacity(% of rating) and Opening Time (% of rating) as a function of ambient temperature. Based on Attachment F, the OT fuse will be derated to 95% of its rating at an operating ambient temperature of 120°C (248°F). Therefore, even at operating temperature of248°F the fuse has 15% margin above the design maximum full load current. The cabinet temperature rise is 23 °F and the fuses will not provide a false trip and carry the load current for an ambient temoerature of225°F. H2 Space Heater, CHROMALO OT-1025 Non-IE. Heater is de-energized after EDG start. Switchgear x 41 Exciter Field ELECTROS 7805D This Lock Out Relay (LOR) is normally de-energized and energized to trip and stop the Discharge Circuit WITCH EDG. Breaker Located in 1PL12JA panel. The LOR was aged at 257°F and therefore the coil insulation has a minimum temperature rating of257°F. The relay has to pick up in the abnormal temperature environment. The pick up voltage for a 125 VDC coil is 40 VDC at room ambient temperature (See Attachment G). The pick up voltage will increase by 42% at an operating temperature 257°F to 57 VDC which less than the available voltage of 125 VDC. Accounting for a cabinet temperature rise of23°F, the relay will pick up at 234 °F and trip the EDG. Note that this protective feature is not required for this scenario since the EDG is assumed to be running normallv. Importance White White White White Page 72 of 83 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 73 of 267 E I M E E E E E E E E E E E E (KCI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630} 515-2650 * FAX (630} 515-2654 Panel Comp Type 1PL12JA 1PL12JA lEI-DG096 1PL12JA III-DG090 1PL12JA IJI-DG092 1PL12JA ISI* DGlOO 1PL12JA IJI-DG094 1PL12JA IHS-DG096 1PL12JA IHS-DG090 1PL12JA lXE-DG102 1PL12JA lJY-DG094 1PL12JA IHS-DG112 1PL12JA IHS-DG134 KCI Report (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment AlS Alarm Horn FEDERAL 4SON Non-IE M4 AC VOLTMETER GE 103021PZ Non-IE. Aged at 2S7°F. UL2 Ml AC AMMETER GE 103131LSS Non-IE N2 M2 AC WATTMETER GE 103221AR Non-IE ETlDTC M7 FREQUENCY GE 103372AT Non-IE METER AT2 M3 ACVARMETER GE 103772AG Non-IE LRIDMC SS Switch, VOLTMETER GE 10AA004 This is an SBM switch. Insulation material was aged at 18S°F (EQ-GEN063). Located in 1PL12JA. The voltmeter reading is a NON-IE function, but the switch dielectric failure will impact control circuit integrity. The switch material has a minimum temperature rating of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). Therefore, using the temperature limit of239°F and accounting a 23 °F cabinet temperature rise, the switch will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of216°F. Sl Switch, AMMETER GE 10AA013 This is an SBM switch. Insulation material was aged at 18S°F (EQ-GEN063). Located Phase Selector in 1PL12JA. The ammeter reading is a NON-IE function, but the switch dielectric failure will impact control circuit integrity. The switch material has a minimum temperature rating of 239°F (see Section V.1.3). Therefore, using the temperature limit of239°F and accounting a 23 °F cabinet temperature rise, the switch will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of216°F. MS RUNNING TIME GE S0-240-Non-IE METER 311AAAB1 M3T V ARMETER Phase GE 700X84Gl Non-IE Shifting Transformer S32 Switch, Manual Fuel GE CR2940UA Insulation material was aged at 2S7°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. Reducing this Prime 202B temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at234°F. S21 Switch, Oil Circulating GE CR2940UA Insulation material was aged at 2S7°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. Reducing this Pump#2 203A temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. Importance White White White White White White White White White White White White Page 73 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 74 of 267 E I M E E E E E E E E E E E E (MCI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type 1PLl2JA lHS-DG138 1PL12JA lHS-DG142 1PLl2JA lHS-DG>l80 1PLl2JA lHS-DG136 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PL12JA lHS-DG140 1PLl2JA 1PLl2JA 1PLl2JA 1PLl2JA 1PLl2JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment S28 Switch, Immersion GE CR2940UA Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PLl2JA. Reducing this Heater#2 203B temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. S42 Switch, Air GE CR2940UA Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. Reducing this Compressor H2 203B temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. S20 Switch, Oil Circulating GE CR2940UB Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. Reducing this Pump #1 203A temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. S27 Switch, lmmersion GE CR2940UB Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. Reducing this Heater#! 203B temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. 816 Switch, Annunciator GE CR2940W Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. Reducing this Reset A202B temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. S17 Switch, Annunciator GE CR2940W Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. Reducing this Silence A202B temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. S29 Switch, Air GE CR2940W Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. Reducing this Compressor A202B temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. S31 Switch, Annunciator GE CR2940W Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PLl2JA. Reducing this Acknowledge A202B temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. S41 Switch, Annunciator GE CR2940W Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PLl2JA. Reducing this Test A202B temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. F20 Fuse, Isolation Gould A2KIOR Isolation Annunciator. Non IE function. Annunciator Shawmut F20-l Fuse, Isolation Gould A2KIOR Isolation Annunciator. Non IE function. Annunciator Shawmut Kl Relay, Low Oil P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S6 under low oil pressure Pressure below 26 psi. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. Importance White White White White White White White White White White White White Page 74 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 75 of 267 E I M E E E E E E <J(CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone {630) 515*2650 * FAX {630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PL12JA UY 1PL12JA 1PL12JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment Kll Relay, High Lube Oil P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S7 under high oil temperature Temperature above 250°F. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. KllA Relay, High Lube Oil P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S7 A under high oil temperature Temperature above 250°F. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. Kl2 Relay, Low Starting P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by SlOA under low starting air Air Pressure pressure. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG oneration. K18 Relay, Engine Cooling P&B MDR137-8 This relay gets energized by Kl 3 relay after EDG start. Relay K22 de-energizes the Aux immersion heaters and generator heater. As the relay energized during EDG normal operation, the relay coil failure will impact the continued operation ofEDG. Manufacturer rating is 149°F (see Attachment J). An identical relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°F energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours oftest run. Accounting for a 23°F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference Vill.6, Attachment A). Kl A Relay, Low Oil P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S6A under low oil pressure Pressure below 26 psi. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG oneration. K2 Relay, High Coolant P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by SS under high coolant Temperature temperature above l 95°F. Under normal EOG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. Importance White White White White White White Page 75 of 83 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 76 of 267 E I M E E E E E <l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IPL12JA PY IPL12JA PY 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PL12JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment K23 Relay, High P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S22 under high crankcase Crankcase, Pressure pressure. Relay K23 provides indication and annunciation of high crankcase pressure (E02-IDG99, Sheets 11, 14 and 15). It does not provide a trip function. Under normal ' EDG operation, this relay will be de-energized. After EDG start, the relay coil failure does not impact the EDG capability of power generation. An identical relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°F energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23 °F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. (see Reference VIII.6, Attachment A). K23A Relay, High P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S22A under high crankcase Crankcase, Pressure pressure. Relay K23 provides indication and annunciation of high crankcase pressure (E02-IDG99, Sheets 10, 14 and 15). It does not provide a trip function. Under normal EDG operation, this relay will be de-energized. After EDG start, the relay coil failure does not impact the EDG capability of power generation. An identical relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at 225°F energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23 °F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference VIII.6, Attachment A). K24 Relay, Low Fuel Level P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized under low fuel level. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. K27 Relay, Fuel Filter P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S35. if the fuel filter gets Restricted restricted. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. K27A Relay, Fuel Filter P&B MDR137-8 This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S35A ifthe fuel filter gets Restricted restricted. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. Importance White White White White White Page 76 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 77 of 267 E I M E E E E E E E <;l<CI 1401 Branding lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IPLl2JA 1PLl2JA 1PL12JA 1PLl2JA 1PLl2JA 1PLl2JA 1PL12JA R20 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment K2A Relay, High Coolant P&B MDR137-S This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by SSA under high coolant Temperature temperature above 195°F. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. K2A Relay, High Coolant P&B MDR137-S This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by SSA for high coolant Temperature temperature above 195°F. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. K39 Relay, Oil Filter P&B MDR137-S This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S40 if the oil filter gets Restricted restricted. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate anounciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. K39A Relay, Oil Filter P&B MDR137-S This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S40A if the oil filter gets Restricted restricted. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay is de-energized. The relay contacts initiate anounciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. K40 Relay, Low Oil P&B MDR137-S This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S26 switch for low oil Temperature temperature below S5°F. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. K40A Relay, Low Oil P&B MDR137-S This relay is normally de-energized and get energized by S26A switch for low oil Temperature temperature below S5°F. Under normal EDG operation, this switch will be open and relay de-energized. The relay contacts initiate annunciation and indication function. Not required after EDG start and EDG operation. K42 Relay, Control Power P&B MDRl37-S This relay used to provide 125 VDC power availability for the turbo soak back, Failure circulating oil and fuel priming pump motors. These motor are not required after EDG start. The relay coil is energized, and coil failure will not impact 125 VDC supply to other control circuits. Importance White White White White White White White Page 77 of 83 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 78 of 267 E I M E E E E <)(Cl 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type IPLl2JA UY 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 2TS-DGJA-1 1PL12JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment KIOX Relay, Crank and Field P&B MDR138-8 This relay is normally energized. As the relay is energized during EDG normal Disconnect Aux operation, the relay coil failure will impact the continued operation of EDG. Per SQ-CLD-039, the relay was aged at 125°C (257°F) and functionally tested during an environmental test at 153°F. Manufacturer rating is 149°F (see Attachment J). A similar relay (MDR 137-8) was aged at225°F energized at 125 VDC for 24 hours followed with an exposure to 245°F while energized at 125 VDC for 8 hours. The coil maintained the circuit integrity and open contacts did not short circuit throughout the 32 hours of test run. Accounting for a 23 °F cubicle temperature rise, the relay will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of222°F. (see Reference Vill.6, Attachment A). ASPS Power Supply TOPAZ 2875-Non-IE. DC to DC power supply for annunciator and fused. 125VDC TSI Test Switch (Type FT-WESTINGHO 129A514G Insulation material was aged at 257°F. Located in panel 1PL12JA. Reducing this 1) USE 01 temperature by 23 °F to account for cabinet temperature rise, the component will function at 234°F. ( 6 Triplets) Indicating Lights NIE Function DS13, DS14, DS15, (4 Pairs) '1 DS13-DS15 Importance White White White White Page 78 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 79 of 267 E I M E E E E E E E E <;l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PLl2JA 1PL12JA 1PL12JA KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment lA/B, Annunciator Windows NlE Function 2A/B, 3A/B, 4AIB, 5AIB, 6AIB, 7A/B, 8A/B, 9AIB, lOA/B, llA/B, 2A/B, 13A/B, 14A/B, 15A/B, 16A/B, 17A/B, 18A/Bl A8R,A8Rl Relay, Annunciator Non-lE DISC Disconnect Switch The disconnect switch is a passive device and material of construction are similar to terminal blocks. DSl, DS2, Indicating Lights NlE Function DS3, DS4, DSS, DS8, DS9, DSlO, DSll, DS12 DS17A/B/ Indicating Lights NlEFunction c DS7 Indicating Lights NlE Function K42A Relay, Per ECN-Associated with Soak back and Fuel Prime Pumps. These pumps are not required after 30727 EDG start. Alarm function (DWG: 61092 Sht. 002) S36 Switch, Panel Interior Non-lE Lighting Importance White White White White White White White White Page 79 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 80 of 267 E I M E E E M M M M M (l(CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type 1PL12JA 1PL12JA 1PL38N PNLA Duct DOS Duct DOS Duct DOS Duct DOS Duct DOS KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment TB16 Terminal Blocks These are typically GE EB2S-12Wterminal blocks (Drawing 61090, Rev. H, Sheet2). Insulation material was aged at 248°F for 1072 hours. The terminal block was functional before, during and after the thermal aging regimen (Section S.10 of Ref. VIII.2). The contact block ofrelays having similar material was aged at 24S°F and had there was no contact failure (Reference VIII.6, Attachment A). Therefore, using 24S°F for any kind of terminal block and accounting a 23 °F cabinet temperature rise (conservative), the terminal block will not impact the EDG normal operation in an ambient temperature of 222°F. VOl& 120VAC Outlets NIE Function V02 1PL38N Unit heater Cont. PNl CUSTOM FABPER These component have no direct impact on DG Function. CONTL.PAN B/MC-llS ELS 1VD12YA DIESEL PACIFIC AIR CAT#: Per Drawing Ml0-2903, Note 3, The damper actuator (1FZVD004) is installed but it is GENERATOR ROOM PRODUCTS NH9SG267 not connected electrically. Therefore it is not powered and would not change state due to ISOLATION 3Nl99 temperature rise. DAMPER Serial: 8149B2S28 64-01-002 lVDOSYA DIESEL RUSKIN NIBD23 Per DWG 2903-RUS-16, The fusible link is rated at 160°F. Therefore the Damper will GENERATOR ROOM MFG.CO. shut at temperatures above 160°F. Not in DG trip Circuit. FIRE DAMPER 1VD08YA OIL TANK ROOM RUSKIN NIBD23 DGroom heat detector sends signal to fusible link at 190°F. (1C02ED, EE, EF, EG, lA (ROOM Dl-2) MFG.CO. EM). Electro Thermal link (ETL) fusible link gets signal to melt at 190°F. Therefore the FIRE DAMPER Fire Fire Damper will shut at 190°F. No direct impact on EDG. But impact on room cooling Damper is considered in DG heat up analysis lVDlOYA DAY TANK ROOM RUSKIN NIBD23 DGroomheat detector sends signal to fusible link at 190°F. (1C02ED, EE, EF, EG, 1A(ROOMD3- MFG.CO. EM). Electro Thermal link (ETL) fusible link gets signal to melt at 190°F. Therefore the 2)FIRE DAMPER Fire Damper will shut at 190°F. No direct impact on EDG. But impact on room cooling is considered in DG heat up analysis IVD26YA DIESEL RUSKIN NIBD23 Per DWG 2903-RUS-16, The fusible link is rated at 160°F. Therefore the Damper will GENERA TOR ROOM MFG.CO. shut at temperatures above 160°F. Not in DG trip Circuit. FIRE DAMPER Importance White White White White White White White White Page 80 of 83 J EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 81 of 267 E I M E M (l(CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 Panel Comp Type Room F05 Room V20 KCI Report REP*424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan Comp Description MFG PART NO Comment 1VD02CA DIESEL BUFFALO Fan Motor Westinghouse motors are used in harsh zones and qualified by Buffalo Forge. Motors are GENERATOR VENT PUMPS 365BL,FR. qualified for 212°F for 40 years (Ref. EQ-CL004, Tab F, Report D0-146F). OIL ROOM IA DIV.BUFFAL Westinghou EXHAUST 0 (B517) seMTR, 5 FAN/motor HP,TEFC 213T ISX063A Motor Operated Valve LIMITORQU SMB-000 This model of MOY s are used in the harsh zones of the plant and are qualified for 250°F (MOY) DIESEL GEN ECORP. (Equipment for 84 hrs. and 200°F for 25.75 days (Reference EQ-CL027, page C24). IAHEATEXCH Tag ID OUTLET VAL VE No.: SYZ00531-A4-RS) Importance White White Page 81 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 82 of 267 <!l<CI 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515-2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan VI Operability of Diesel Generator Starting Air System The subject Clinton Diesel Generator Starting Air Receiver Tanks (1DG04TA, B) are part of the Division 1 DG Air Skid (1DG06SA), as shown on drawing M05-1035, Sheet 1, Rev. AF. This assembly supplies air for the main engine starting system. These tanks are shown on vender drawing 61396, Rev P. As per the notes section of this drawing, these tanks have a design pressure of 300 psig and a design temperature of 300°P. The design temperature encompasses the maximum postulated event temperature of 17 4 °P. In addition, each of these tanks is protected against over pressurization by a pressure relief valve (1DG04TA, B), with a set relief pressure of 275 psig. Per passport, the vender drawing for the relief valve is C95760-34, Sheet 1, Rev. A. This valve is of metal construction with a Viton 0-ring as the only metallic part. Viton is a brand of synthetic rubber and :fluoropolymer elastomer commonly used in 0-rings. Compounds of Vi ton remain substantially elastic indefinitely when exposed to laboratory air oven aging up to 399 °P, per the manufacturer's web site ( selection-guide.pdf). Therefore, the relief valve will still function to prevent over pressurization of the subject air tanks during the postulated event. In summary, the Diesel Generator Starting Air Receiver Tanks will not rupture as a result of the postulated high temperature event; this is based on their design and the presence of a functioning pressure relief valve. VII Conclusion All components required for continuous operation of the EDG including the diesel generator itself will remain operable for 24 hours in an ambient temperature of 230°F except for components in panel 1PL12JA. Panel 1PL12JA components required for continuous operation of the EDG will remain operable for24 hours in an ambient temperature of 222°P. VIII References VIII.I Specification K-2861, Emergency Diesel Generator Sets, Clinton Power Unit 1, Illinois Power Company, dated Jan 31, 1986. Page 82 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 83 of 267 <l<CI ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 1401 Branding Lane, Suite 255 Downers Grove, Illinois, 60515 Phone (630) 515-2650 * FAX (630) 515*2654 KCI Report REP-424-008-RP1 (Rev. 03) Operability of Class 1 E Equipment in DG Rooms as a Result of a Loss of the Diesel Ventilation VD Fan VIIl.2 Calculation IP-Q-396, Operability Evaluation of Equipment at Elevated Temperature in Diesel Generator Room, Revision 001. VIIl.3 KCI Test Specification No. 424-008-TSP2, Test Specification for Determining Component Survivability and Operation in Ambient Temperatures not to exceed 245°F, Revision 001. VIIl.4 Deleted VIIl.5 TODI # CPS-17-0044, Revision 0 VIIl.6 F AI Test Report F AI/17-0667, Test Report for Component Survivability at Elevated Ambient Temperature, Revision 0, dated July 2017 (Attachment A) Page 83 of 83 I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 84 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-00B-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE A1 of A23 WORLD LEADER IN NUCLEAR AND CHEMICAL PROCESS SAFETY Report No.: FAI/17-066 7 Test Report for Component Survivability at Elevated Ambient Temperature Revision 0 Project No.: KCI-Clinton-Relay Submitted to: KC/ Engineering Downers Grove, Illinois Prepared by: William E. Berger Reviewed by: Alfredo Garcia July, 2017 *1 6W070 83"" STRt:::E:T


60527 (677l FAUSKE: 1 OR 1630) 323*6750 * F"AX: !630l 966-548 l * E-MAIL: INF'o@FAUSK!LCOM EC 620632, Att * 1, Pg. 85 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 FAl/17-0667 Rev. 0 CALCULATION NOTE COVER SHEET SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY AU'IJIOR(S): PAGE A2 of A23 Page 2of23 July, 2017 Cale-Note Number: F AI/17-0667 Revision Number: 0 Title: Test Report for Component Survivability at Elevated Ambient Temperature Project Number Project/Subject: Clinton Diesel Generator Room Components or Shop Order: KCI-Clinton- Relay Purpose: Document results of tests performed on components located in Clinton Power Station diesel generator room Methods of Analysis*: Testing Acceptance Criteria*: NIA Results Summary: Testing completed in compliance with test specification. Does this document contain Proprietary Information? (Yes/No, if Yes whose infonnation is it?) *Can be NIA and/or a reference to this information in the Design Analysis can be provided. References of Resulting Reports, Letters, or Memoranda (Optional) Author(s): Name (Print or Type) Signature: Responsibility: William E. Berger SECTION TO Br; COMPLETED BY VERIFIER(S): Verificr(s): Name (Print or Type) Responsibility: Alfredo Garcia Each verifier signature confirms they have completed a separate 3-Pass Verification Checklist. SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY EDITORIAL'REVJEWER: Reviewer(s) Name: (Print or Type) Alfredo Garcia SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONSIBLE MANAGER: Manager Name: (Print or Type) Brenda A. Lorenz Final PDF Yes, Exelon Completion Date: (MM/DD/YYYY) 07/12/2017 Approval Date: (MM/DDIYYYY) 07/12/2017 Approval Date: (MM/DDNYYY) 07/12/2017 Approval Date: (MM/DDIYYYY) 07112/2017 Responsibilities of authors/verifiers arc documented Independence of verification is confirmed

EC 620632, Att * 1, Pg. 86 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE A3 of A23 FAl/17-0667 Rev. 0 3-PASS VERIFICATION CHECKLIST Verifier Name: Alfredo Garcia Date: 07/12/2017 Page 3 of23 July, 2017 (MM/DDNYYY) Document Number & Rev.: FAl/17-0667, Rev. 0 Method(s) of Verification: (attach pages as needed) Design Review D Independent Review or Alternate Calculations D Testing D 3-Pass Method rgj 3-Pass Verification Review Topic First Pass Were the general theme, scope of document and scope of review clear? Second Pass Other (specify) D Yes No D Do the references appear to be documented correctly? Is there enough information 1 rgj D I present to ensure the referenced document is retrievable? (Include F AI QAR number for f FAI documents.) ! If applicable, do the acceptance criteria seem appropriate? D D Does the technical content of the calculation note make sense from a qualitative rgj D standpoint and are appropriate methods used? Third Pass Do the results and conclusions meet the acceptance criteria? D D Do the results and conclusions make sense and support the purpose of the calculation f rgj D note? i Has the technical content of the document been verified in adequate detail? Examples of rgj D technical content include inputs, models, techniques, output, hand calculations, results, tables, plots, units of measure, etc. Does the calculation note provide sufficient detail in a concise manner? Note that rgj D sufficient detail is enough information such that a qualified person could understand the analysis and replicate the results without consultation with the author. Are proprietary markings in place, as appropriate? If applicable, are the references accurate? If applicable, do the references to other documents point to the latest revision? If not, are the reasons documented? Are the references retrievable? Are computer code names spelled correctly? If applicable, are numerals included in the official code name as appropriate? Has the documentation for which the verifier is responsible been read word-for-word? D D D D D NIA D D EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 87 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE A4 of A23 FAl/17-0667 Rev. 0 EDITORIAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Page 4 o/23 July, 2017 Reviewer Name: Alfredo Garcia Date: 07/12/2017 Document Number: FAI/17-0667, Rev. 0 (MM/DDIYYYY) Yes No NIA General Documents 1. Proofread the document for general format, readability, punctuation, and grammar. Are these acceptable to you? 2. Is the documentation legible, reproducible and in a form suitable for archiving as a Quality Record? (This includes confirming the .pdf and .doc files are identical in content.) 3. Are all the pages sequentially numbered and are the document number and revision number listed on each page? 4. Is the Record of Revision page filled in correctly including Revision, Date, and Description of Revisions, if applicable? 5. Are the page numbers in the Table of Contents provided and correct? 6. Are Acronyms defined in the document (either individually or on a separate page)? 7. Are Figures labeled consistently and do they include units of measure? 8. Are the units of measure clearly identified and used throughout? 9. Do all cross references to tables, figures, references, and sections point to an object of the given type? 10. Are symbols (e.g., Greek letters) used correctly? 11. Is sufficient information (including F AI QAR number for F AI documents) provided for all "References" to facilitate their retrieval including documents not maintained as quality records, or has a copy been provided in an Appendix to the report? 12. Are all References listed referred to in the text and vice versa? 13. Is the content of the Appendices consistent with what the document states it is? D Cale Notes Body of Cale Notes 14. Is all information in the cover page header block completed appropriately? 15. Are the responsibilities of the author(s) and verifier(s) clearly documented? (e.g. by page numbers, section numbers, etc.) 16. Is the report revision number on each page? 17. Are Tables labeled consistently and do they include units of measure? 18. Is background information and purpose of the calculation clearly stated in the appropriate section? 19. If applicable, have the limits of applicability been listed? D 20. If applicable, are open items identified? D 21. Are the Acceptance Criteria listed in the appropriate section (if applicable)? D 22. Does the Cale Note include a discussion on the methodology used? 23. If applicable, are references to the utility, plant, unit, and cycle correct with respect to spelling and consistency of use? D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D EC 620632, Att * 1, Pg. 88 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE AS of A23 FAl/17-0667 Rev. 0 Page 5 oJ2J July, 2017 Yes No N/A Body of Document 24. Is the Summary/Conclusion consistent with the purpose stated and consistent with the results section? Computer Runs 25. Are the computer codes used clearly identified and is all required information included (per D F3-8.3-1, Attachment 1) included? 26. If applicable, are all electronic files listed in the electronically attached file listing? D 27. If applicable, does the electronically attached file listing appropriately reference the codes D used? Checklists 28. Has the verifier initiated one or more of the Verification Methods of review in the Verification Method Checklist? 29. Has the verifier provided an explanation of the method ofreview in the Verification Method [;gl Checklist? 30. Is an explanation or justification for any "NO" responses on the 3-Pass Methodology D Checklist( s) presented? 31.' Are Author's responses provided to Additional Verifier Comments or noted as not required? D A_dditional for Software Cale N ote_s 32. Is the software name, version number, and system state(s) where the software was created D or validated provided? (or, is a reference for the software validation provided?) 33. If results are based on code development or modifications, is a source code listing or D reference to a controlled location of the source code included? Alternately, if results are based on available software is the software in a controlled location? 34. Does the software output include the date of execution? (This could be in the form of a table D or an output file header.) 35. Does the software input include a description of what is being analyzed? (In the body of the D report or description header in the input file text.) Editorial Reviewer Comments (if needed): None. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ' EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 89 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 FAI/17-0667 PAGE A6 of A23 Rev. 0 RECORD OF REVISIONS Rev. 0 Date (Month, Year) July, 2017 CAP AL Issue ID (If Applicable) Original issue. Revision Description Page 6 o/23 July, 2017 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 90 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-00B-RP1 FAI/17-0667 REVISION: 03 PAGE A? of A23 Rev. 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 7 o/23 July, 2017 CALCULATION NOTE COVER SHEET .................................................................................... 2 3-PASS VERIFICATION CHECKLIST ........................................................................................ 3 EDITORIAL REVIEW CHECKLIST ............................................................................................ 4 RECORD OF REVISIONS ........................................................................................................

  • .... 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................

7 LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ 8 LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... 9 1.0 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................. 10 2.0 TEST SPECIMENS ............................................................................................................... 11 3.0 RECEIPT INSPECTION ....................................................................................................... 12 4.0 ABNORMAL TEMPERATURE EXPOSURE .................................................................... 18 4.1 Agastat Time Delay Relay (EUT-1) ............................................................................. 18 4.2 Basler UFOV Assembly (EUT-2) & Basler Voltage Regulator (EUT-3) .................... 18 4.3 GE Loss of Excitation Relay (EUT-4) ......................................................................... 19 4.4 GE Reverse Power Relay (EUT-5) ............................................................................... 19 4.5 GE Restrained Overcurrent Relay (EUT-6A & 6B) .................................................... 20 4.6 P&B Relay (EUT-7) ..................................................................................................... 20 4.7 Phoenix Power Supply (EUT-8) ................................................................................... 20 4.8 Westinghouse Differential Relay (EUT-9) ................................................................... 20 4.9 Woodward Governor Control Assembly (EUT-10) ..................................................... 21 5.0 TEST EQUIPMENT AND CALIBRATION ........................................................................ 22 6.0 SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 23 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 91 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE AB of A23 FAI/17-0667 Rev. 0 LIST OF FIGURES Page 8 o/23 July, 2017 Figure 3-1 Agastat Time Delay Relay (EUT-1) ..................................................................... 12 Figure 3-2 Basler UFOV Assembly (EUT-2) ......................................................................... 13 Figure 3-3 Basler Voltage Regulator (EUT-3) ....................................................................... 13 Figure 3-4 GE Loss of Excitation Relay (EUT-4) .................................................................. 14 Figure 3-5 GE Reverse Power Relay (EUT-5) ....................................................................... 14 Figure 3-6 GE Restrained Overcurrent Relay (BUT-6A) ...................................................... 15 Figure 3-7 GE Restrained Overcurrent Relay (EUT-6B) ...................................................... 15 Figure 3-8 P&B Relay (EUT-7) ............................................................................................. 16 Figure 3-9 Phoenix Power Supply (EUT-8) ........................................................................... 16 Figure 3-10 Westinghouse Differential Relay (EUT-9) ........................................................... 17 Figure 3-11 Woodward Governor Control Assembly (EUT-10) ............................................. 17 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 92 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 FAJ/17-0667 REVISION: 03 PAGE A9 of A23 Page 9 of23 July, 2017 Rev. 0 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Equipment Under Test .......................................................................................... 11 Table 4-1 Basler Test Results ................................................................................................ 19 Table 4-2 GE Loss of Excitation Test Results ...................................................................... 19 Table 4-3 Westinghouse Differential Relay Test Results ..................................................... 21 Table 5-1 Test Equipment ....................................... .' ............................................................. 22 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 93 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-00B-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE A10 of A23 FAI/17-0667 Rev. 0 1.0 PURPOSE Page JO of23 July, 2017 The Clinton Diesel Generator room may be exposed to elevated temperatures during diesel operation combined with the loss of room HV AC system. These temperatures would exceed the rating of components associated with the diesel generator circuit. The purpose is to test these components at 225°F and 245°F and monitor their performance. Testing is performed in accordance with KCI test specification 424-008-TSP2, "Test Specification for Determining Component Survivability and Operation in Ambient Temperatures not to exceed 245°F" Rev 001 (FAI QAR 5.178), herein referred to as the Test Specification. This report documents test results from implementation of the test specification. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 94 of 267REPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 FAI/17-0667 Rev. 0 2.0 TEST SPECIMENS REVISION: 03 PAGEA11 ofA23 The equipment under test (EUT) is identified in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Equipment Under Test Test Specimen # Manufacturer Model EUT-1 Agastat 7012PD EUT-2 Basler 9-1051-00-105 EUT-3 Basler SR8A2B01B3A EUT-4 GE 12CEH51A1A EUT-5 GE 12GGP53BlA EUT-6A GE 12UCV51Al3A EUT-6B GE 12IFCV51AD1A EUT-7 P&B MDR 137-8 EUT-8 Phoenix 2938578 EUT-9 Westinghouse 290B225Al0 (Type SA-1) EUT-10 Woodward 2301A Page 11 of23 July, 2017 Description Time Delay Relay UFOV Assembly Voltage Regulator Loss of Excitation Relay Reverse Power Relay Restrained Overcurrent Relay Restrained Overcurrent Relay Relay 125 VDC -24 VDC Power Supply Differential Relay Governor Control Assembly EC 62063 2 , Att. 1, Pg. 95 of 267 REPORTNO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE A12 of A23 FAl/17-0667 R ev. 0 3.0 RECEIPT INSPECTION Pag e 12 o/23 July, 201 7 Eleven components were delivered to Fauske & Associates, LLC on June 5th, 2017. The receipt i n spection was performed in accordance with Fauske & Associates, LLC Level 3 procedure F3-9. 7-1 Visual Inspection, and KCI Test Specification Number 424-008-TSP2 Rev. 001. A ll of the manufacturer, modeVpart number, and serial number information was verifie d and fo und to be correct for the components list ed in Table 2-1. Photographs of the test specimens w ere taken and are presented below. All test specimens were free from obvious signs of physical damage. No physical anomalies were noted. Figure 3-1 Agastat Time Delay Relay (EUT-1) EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. F Al/17-0667 Rev. 0 9 6 0 f 2 6 7 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 PAGE A13 of A23 --*-.-.-...... **W.C ""' .... ---MWDCM--JOVDCAf0. 1A Basler UFOV Assembly (EUT-2) STATIC VOLTAGE R[GULATOR _,. .. Basler Voltage Regulator (EUT-3) Page 13 of23 July, 2017 EC 62063 2 , Att. 1, Pg. 97 of 267 REPORTNO.: REP-424-008-RP1 FAl/17-066 7 REVISION: 03 PAGE A14 of A23 Rev. 0 Figure 3-4 GE Loss of Excitation Relay (EUT-4) Figure 3-5 GE Reverse Power Relay (EUT-5) L Page 14 of23 Jul y, 2017 EC 62 0 632 , At t. 1 , Pg. 98 of 267 REPORTNO.: REP-424-008-RP1 FAI/17-0 6 6 7 REVISION: 03 PAG E A15 of A23 R ev. 0 Figure 3-6 GE Restrain e d Overcurrent Relay (E UT-6A) Figure 3-7 GE Restrained Overcurrent Relay (EUT-6B) P age 1 5 o/23 J u l y, 2017 E C 62 0 632 , A tt. 1, Pg. 99 o f 267 REPORTNO.: REP-424-008-RP1 FAJ/17-066 7 REVISION: 03 PAGE A16 of A23 R e v. 0 Figure 3-8 P&B Relay (EUT-7) Figure 3-9 Phoenix Power Supply (EUT-8) P age 16 o/23 Jul y , 2017 E C 62 0 632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 1 00 of FAI/17-066 7 REVISION: 03 PAGE A17 of A23 R ev. 0 Figure 3-10 Westinghouse Differential Relay (EUT-9) Figure 3-11 Woodward Governor Control Assembly (EUT-10) Pa ge 1 7 of23 Jul y , 2017 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 101 of FA//17-0667 REVISION: 03 PAGE A18 of A23 Rev. 0 4.0 ABNORMAL TEMPERATURE EXPOSURE Page 18 of23 July, 2017 The EUT's will be exposed to 225°F for 24 hours with functional test performed after one hour of exposure and at the end of the 24 hour period. Oven temperature will then be raised to 245°F and EUT's exposed to the elevated temperature for 8 hours. Functional tests will be performed after one hour of exposure to the elevated temperature at the end of the test cycle prior to removal from the oven. 4.1 Agastat Time Delay Relay (EUT-1) Baseline functional tests were performed in accordance with section 4.2.1 of the test specification. The average of three measurements for pickup voltage was 92.4VDC, for dropout voltage 24.1 VDC and the coil holding current 66mA. The relay timer was set to 50s and upon energizing the relay with 125VDC, the timer timed out and the normally closed contact opened. This contact was then monitored with a digital meter (DVM) to ensure the contact remained open during the during the temperature exposure testing. The contact remained open for the 24 hour period at 225°F but the coil shorted out during the testing at 245°F. A new relay was configured in the same manner and exposed to 238°F for 24 hours and successfully completed this test. 4.2 Basler UFOV Assembly (EUT-2) & Basler Voltage Regulator (EUT-3) The voltage regulator and under voltage over frequency (UVOF) units were interconnected and powered by a 240V AC three phase source as described in Attachment A of the test specification. The connections to the generator field were simulated using light bulbs of approximately 500W. The frequency was decreased from 60Hz and the light bulb extinguished at 53.3Hz. The frequency was then raised back to 60Hz where the bulb re-illuminated at 53.9Hz. The voltage was then ramped up, at 245V AC the bulb extinguished. The voltage was returned to 240V AC and the bulb re-illuminated. During the abnormal temperature tests the light bulb remained illuminated indicating no under frequency or overvoltage signal occurred. Functional testing was repeated during the temperature excursions with results as follows: EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 102 of REVISION: 03 PAGE A19 of A23 FAI/17-0667 Rev. 0 Table 4-1 Basler Test Results Test Sequence Frequency (Hz) Bulb Extinguished 1 HR@225°F 51.1 24Hr@225°F 53.7 1Hr@245°F 49.6 8Hr@245°F 49.7 4.3 GE Loss of Excitation Relay (EUT-4) Page 19 of23 July, 2017 Voltage (V AC) Bulb Extinguished 246.4 247.7 247.7 248.0 The relay was wired in accordance with the test specification, Attachment D, section D-3. The voltage phase angle was set to +30° and the current phase angle to 0° using the Doble F2253 and the light bulb wired into the circuit did not illuminate. The current phase angle was then stepped down in increments of -1 °. At -11 ° the relay operated and the bulb illuminated. The relay current phase was then set back to 0° and the relay was then exposed to 225°F for 24 hours and 245°F for 8 hours. During testing the light bulb did not illuminate indicating the relay did not operate. During testing the relay phase angle was again adjusted until a trip occurred illuminating the light. These results are as follows: Table 4-2 GE Loss of Excitation Test Results Test Sequence Phase Angle 1 hour into 225°F test _90 End of 225°F test _go 1 hour into 245°F test _90 End of245°F test -60 4.4 GE Reverse Power Relay (EUT-5) The relay was wired and tested in accordance with the test specification Attachment E. The relay current coil carried 5.0A continuously and voltage coil was subjected to 120 VAC to simulate 95% generator load. The relay was de-energized and phase connections B and C flipped and when re-energized the monitoring light illuminated indicating the relay operated. The relay was then energized and subjected to 225°F for 24 hours and 245°F for 8 hours without the light illuminating thus indicating no false operation. At one hour into the 225°F test and at completion of this test the B and C phases were switched as described for the baseline functionals and the relay operated. At one hour into and at completion of the 245°F test the phases were switched and the relay operated. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 103 of 26R_EPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 FAI/17-0667 REVISION: 03 PAGE A20 of A23 Rev. 0 4.5 GE Restrained Overcurrent Relay (EUT-6A & 6B) Page20of23 July, 2017 The relays were connected in accordance with Attachment B of the test specification. A light bulb was wired into the circuit to monitor whether the relay operated. Current to the relay was . gradually increased until the bulb illuminated indicating the relay operated, the current value was llA. For the temperature testing at 225°F and 245°F 4.0A was supplied to the relay coil and the light bulb monitored. The light bulb did not illuminate thus indicating no false operation of the relay. 4.6 P&B Relay (EUT-7) Baseline functional tests were performed in accordance with section 4.2.6 of the test specification. The average of three measurements for pickup voltage was 73.4VDC, for dropout voltage 29.SVDC and the coil holding current 81.7mA. 125VDC was applied to the relay coil. An open relay contact was monitored to ensure the relay did not drop out throughout the temperature exposure. The contact remained open throughout the test at 225°F for the 24 hour indicating the coil did not drop out. The relay failed (dropped out) during the 245°F test. 4. 7 Phoenix Power Supply (EUT-8) Baseline functional tests were performed in accordance with section 4.2. 7 of the test specification. The output voltage and voltage at 80% load current were measured three times and averaged. The value at no load was 24.lVDC and at 80% load current, 23.9VDC. For the abnormal temperature testing the power supply was energized with 125VDC with a load equivalent to 50% of the load carrying capability of the power supply. After one hour at 225°F the power supply shutdown. Power supply load was reduced to 20% and testing resumed at 225°F, however the power again dropped out. At this point, deviations from the test specification were provided. The oven temperature was lowered to 207°F and the load was maintained at 20% for 24 hours. With about 3 hours remaining the load was increased back to 50% and the test completed without further incidence. There was no testing at 245°F. 4.8 Westinghouse Differential Relay (EUT-9) The relay was wired in accordance with Attachment C of the test specification. SA was supplied to the restraint coil. The operating coil to each phase was increased until the relay operated. The operating currents where the relay operated were as follows: Phase A: 0.266A Phase B: 0.259A Phase C: 0.257 A EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 104 of REVISION: 03 PAGE A21 of A23 FAI/17-0667 Rev. 0 Page 21 o/23 July, 2017 The restraint coil to the relay carried 5A continuously and the operating coil, 0.22A. A bulb was placed into the circuit to monitor whether the relay operated. The bulb did not illuminate during the 225°F test or the 245°F test. The functional tests were performed on Phase A during exposure to 225°F. These tests consisted of increasing the phase A current until the relay tripped. The following are the results: Table4-3 Westinghouse Differential Relay Test Results Time During 225°F Test Phase A amps where relay tripped 1 Hour 0.247 3 Hour 0.220 24 Hour 0.243 4.9 Woodward Governor Control Assembly (EUT-10) The governor control system was configured as shown in Attachment F of the test specification. The governor actuator operates to protect the diesel generator unit from an over speed condition. A magnetic pickup monitors engine speed and operates an actuator to reduce engine speed on an over speed condition. The magnetic pickup was simulated with a function generator and the actuators with a 50 ohm resistor. At an input frequency of 3975Hz the voltage across the resistor was zero volts indicating no pickup of an over speed condition. The frequency was then raised to 4075Hz and the voltage across the resistor increased to 19.74VDC. The voltage returned to zero when the frequency dropped back to 3975Hz. During testing at 225°F and 245°F the voltage across the 50 ohm resistor was monitored with a DVM. The DVM showed zero volts with the function generator set to 3975Hz during the test indication that no over speed signal was generated. At one hour into the 225°F and 245°F test and at the end of both tests the frequency was raised to 4075Hz, the voltage recorded at 19.74VDC. The voltage returned to zero in all cases when the frequency dropped back to 3975Hz. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 105 of 26R_EPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 FAI/17-0667 REVISION: 03 PAGE A22 of A23 Rev. 0 5.0 TEST EQUIPMENT AND CALIBRATION The test equipment used is identified in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 Test Equipment Equipment Manufacturer Model Serial/ID# Power Supply Chroma 61604 616040003187 Power Supply Chroma 61604 616040003197 Power Supply Chroma 61604 616040003355 Power Supply APT 320XAC 4100203 Power Supply APT 320XAC 4100105 Power Supply APT 320XAC 4100109 Power Supply APT 320XAC 4100068 Multi-Meter Fluke 87V 20890147 Clamp-Meter Fluke 376 25480485WS Multi-Meter Fluke 45 5045 Page22 of23 July, 2017 Calibration Expiration Date 3/15/2018 2/14/2018 11/18/2017 1/30/2018 1/30/2018 1/30/2018 1/30/2018 11/17/2017 10/31/2017 1/30/2018 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 106 of 26REPORTNO.:REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE A23 of A23 FAI/17-0667 Rev. 0 6.0 SUMMARY Page 23 of23 July, 2017 Testing was completed in accordance with the test specification as outlined in Section 4.0 ofthis report. The occurrences of any anomalies are also included in Section 4.0. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 107 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP*424*00B*RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 81OF818 A. f:

  • --Report No.: FAI/17-0612

Relay Drop Out Testing of GE CR120BD04341 and Agastat E7012PD004 Relays for Clinton Power Station Revision 1 Project No.: KCI-Clinton-Relay Submitted to: KC/ Downers Grove, Illinois Prepared by: Alfredo Garcia Reviewed by: William E. Berger September, 2017 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 108 of 267 TABLE OF CONTENTS REPORT NO.: REP*424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 82 OF 818 LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ 3 LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... 4 1.0 Background ............................................................................................................................ 10 2.0 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 11 3.0 Test Specimens ...................................................................................................................... 12 4.0 Test Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 13 4.1 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................... 13 5.0 Test Results ........................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 Receipt Inspection ........................................................................................................ 14 5.2 Baseline Functional Test .............................................................................................. 15 5.3 Circuit Operation Testing ..................................................................*.......................... 16 6.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 18 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 109 of 267 LIST OF FIGURES REPORT NO.: REP-424*008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 83 OF 818 Figure 4-1 Mounted Test Specimens ...................................................................................... 13 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 110 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE B4 OF B18 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Test Specimens ..................................................................................................... 12 Table 5-1 Baseline Test Results ............................................................................................ 16 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 111 of 267 FAJ/17-0612 Rev. 1 REPORT NO.: REP*424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 85 OF 818 PagY:. 5 of 18 September, 2017 CALCULATION NOTE COVER SHEET *-----* --*--SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY AUTIIOR(S): -*---------Cale-Note Number: FAf/17-0612 Revision Number: 1 --------Title: Relay Drop Out Testing of GE CR120BD04341 and Aga<>tat F.70 I 2PD004 Relays for Clinton Power Station -----i Project Number ProjcctiSubject: Relay Testing or Shop Order: KCI-Clintun-Rclay --*---***--- Purpose: Perform relay drop out testing on GE CR120BD04341 andAgastat E7012PD004 relays Methods of Analysis*: Tc:-1ting


Criteria*: NIA ---***-----Results Summary: Rev.1 Removed proprietat1' statements from report per customer request. Does this document contain Proprietary Infom1ation? (Yes/No, if Yes whose infonnation is it?) No *Can be N/A and/or a referc:nce lo this information in the Design Analysis can be provided. References of Resulting Reports, Letters, or Memoranda (Optional) Author(s): Completion Date: Kame (Print or Type) -e/f'brr. Responsibility: (M1v1/DD/YYYY) Alfredo Garcia ALL {)?__ / / L( L:JDC::j . . Y I 7 ----------*-*--, --*----------'*----.. -----! SECTION TO BE co:rvIPLETED BY VERIFIER(S):

* Verifier(s):

Approval Date: I Name (Print or T)pc) s;;ze: Responsibility: (tvi.M/DD/YYYY) William .E. Berger dJ!f!,,_,-:i:: r/ ALL cYth7' /2°1/ ____ , --/ r----Each verifier signature confinns they have completed a separate 3-Pass Verification Checklist. --*-**-'"-----**----.-*-


BY EDflORIAL REVIEWER: -* -**--*--Reviewer(s) Name: Final PDF Approval Date: (.Print or Type) Signature: Check*: (MM/DD/YYYY) "\Villiam E. Berger Gt a 9' /;v /z.012 D 7 z *At lca"t one individual (verifier, editorial reviewer, or manager) is responsible for an editorial review of the final, signed off version of the PDF. That responsibility is delegated here (by check box), and by their signature the delegate accepts and ! --* --: ! i a?kil._owled&estheir responsibility to perform this final review step. ----' ] ! SECTION TO BB COMPLETED BY RESPONSIBLE MANAGER::

**" ' Manager Name: Approval Date: (Print or Type) (MM/DD/YYYY)

Brenda T .orenz o c; lJlf_L.Joi 7 "*----C.,-(_ . ') I i Responsibilities of ai1thors/veritiers are documented !ill Independence of verification is confim1ed 121 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 112 of 267 Ftl.l/17-0612 .R.ev. l REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 86 OF 818 3-PASS VERIFICATION CHECKLIST P{{ge 6 of l 8 2017 Verifier Name: \ViUiam E. Date: a 9 .;, Lf" I Z..c.>i 7 {MVl/llONYYY) Document Kumher & Rev.: FAVl 7-0612 Rev.1 Metho<l(s) of VerifJcatio:-i; (ottach pages as tieedcd) Des[gtt Re\fieW D Jndcpcndcr.t Review ur AlLcnw.ic Calculatiom Method 0 Other{5pecify) 3NPass Verification Topic First Palls Were the genera.I theme. sccpc of do.:.;.ume:::i.t and scope of review clear? Do the references al)pear to be documented corr.xtly? Is there enough informati::,i-1: present to e:isure 1hc: referenced documt,'nl is ret:-ievable? (Include FA.I QAR 1m:nber for F."1 documents.) I If a;Jplicabk. do the acceptance criteria seem appropriate'?

the tedwical content of tl1e ca1colatio11 note make sense from a qm[i.UJ.tive standpoint an(l arc appropriate methods *Jsed? Thh*rl Pnss Do the rnsulLs a:-id wnGlusiumJ ma::t the acccptauci:: critcrill'? Do the results <'lml conc::lm;iom make sense and support purpose o: the ca:culatior.. note? ; Ilas the teclm.ical content of the documenL v-t:ri3.ed in adequate dct11il? Exa:nples of = kch.n;.cal conten.t incluC:e inputs, models, techniques, out.put, hand cak:*..11ations, results, tables, plots, units of measUl'e, etc. Does tlte calculat!on n;:ite prll\'i<lt:


in a conc.:ise manner? Note that st:fficient detail i.s enough infomi.ation such thnl a qualifie:d person -could *mderstand the i mmlysis and replicate the rcsnlts without consultation. wieh the author. Arc propriccary mark.i:;igs in place, m ap;:m::ipriate? If applicable, are the references acctmiw? If applir.::<.iblli, do the references to other documents point 1o the falcsL rcvfoiun? (f vot, arc the r:;:asons documented? Are the references 1-etrievable? Are code 1wmes s;ielled correctly? If applicable, are num:::rals included. iu the official code name as apprnpriate?

Has the documentation

for which llio verifier is responsible been read word-for-word? Yes D D Testlng D T D D D D D D D D D D D D N/A D EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 113 of 267 FAI/17-0612 Rev. 1 EDITORIAL REVIEW CHECKLIST REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 87 OF 818 Pagr 7of18 September, 2017 Reviewer Name: William E. Berger Document Number: FAV17-0612 Rev.l Date: t?C( b.t/ Lk1 1 (:rvfrvrroD/YYYY) - 1. Proofread the document for general fonnat, readability, punctuation, and grammar. Are these acceptable lo you? 2. Is the documentation legible, reproducible and in a form suitable for archiving as a Quality Record? (This includes confirming the .pdf and .doc files are identical in content.) 3. Are all the pages sequentially numbered and are the document number and revision number listed on each page? 4. Is the Record of Revision page filled in correctly including Revision, Date, and Description of Revisions, if applicable? 5. Are the page numbers in the Table of Contents provided and correct? 6 . .?\re Acronyms defined in the document (either individually or on a separate page)? 7. Are Figures labeled consistently and do they include units of measure? 8. Are the units of measure clearly identified and used throughout? 9. Do all cross references to tables, figures, references, and sections point to an object of the gi vcn type? 10 . .1\re symbols (e.g., Greek letters) used correctly? 11. Is sufficient infom1ation (including FAI QAR number for FAT documents) provided for all "References" to facilitate their retrieval including documents not maintained as quality records, or has a copy been provided in an Appendix to the rep01t? 12. Are all Reterences listed referred lo in the text and vice versa? 13. Ts the content of the Appendices consistent with what the document states it is? Body of Cale Notes 14. Is all information in the cover page header block completed appropriately? 15. Are the responsibilities of the aulhor(s) and verifier(s) clearly documented? (e.g. by page numbers, section numbers, etc.) 16. Is the report revision number on each page? 17. Tables labeled consistently and do they include units of measure? 18. Is background infomiation and purpose of the calculation clearly stated in the appropriate section? 19. If applicable, have the limits of applicability been listed? 20. If applicable, are open items identi tied? 21. Are the Acceptance Criteria listed in the appropriate section (if applicable)? 22. Does the Cale Note include a discussion on tJ1c methodology used? 23. If applicable, arc references lo the utility, plant, unit, and cycle correct with respect to spelling and consistency of use? Yes &l &1 IXJ lYJ D [lJ D D ,El D [YJ D D D D It! No NIA D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D rn D J8J D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D [3l' D @ D D psi D DI EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 114 of 267 FA1i17-0612 Rev. I REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE BB OF 818 Pa[:¥ 8of18 Sr!ptember. 2017 Yes No N/A Body of Document 24. Is the Summary/Conclusion consistent with the purpose stated and consistent wilh Lh.: results se.ction? Computer Runs 25. Are the computer codes used clearly identified and is all required information included (per D F3-8.3-1, Attachment 1) included? 26. lf applicable, are all electronic files !isled in the clcctronfoally attached file listing? D 27. If applicable, does the electronically allached file listing appropriately reference the codes D used? Checklists 28. Has the verifier initialed one or more of the Verification Methods of review in the Verification Method Checklist? 1 29. Has the verifier provided an explanation of the method of review in the Verification Method Checklist? 30. Is an explanation or justification for any "NO" responses on the 3-Paiis Methodology Checklist(s) presented? 31. Are Author's responses provided to Additional Verifier Comments or noted as not required'?

  • D 32. Is the software name, version number, and system state(s) where the software was created D or validated

provided? (or, is a reference for the software validation provided?) 33. If results are based on code development or modifications, is a source code listing or D reference tu a controlled location of the source code included? Alternately, if results are hased on available §Oftware is Lhc software in a controlled location? 34. Doel'l the software output include the date of execution? (This could be in the form of a table D or an output file header.) 35. Does the software input include a description of what is being analyzed? (In the body of the D report or description header in the input file text.) Editorial Reviewer Comments (if needed): D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 115 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 89 OF 818 RECORD OF REVISIONS Rev. Date CAP AL Issue ID Revision Description (Month, Year) (If Applicable) 0 June,2017 Original issue. 1 September, Removed Proprietary statements from report per customer 2017 request. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 116 of 267 1.0 Background REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 810 OF 818 The 480V Bus IA sequencing control circuit relay logic for the 480 V Bus IA sequencing circuit recently demonstrated latent relay race for the VD fans. As the design does not provide stored DC relay energy to be dissipated, the logic is dependent on the relay parameters (i.e., coil inductance, coil time constant, drop out voltage and core air gap). The success of the logic sequence is limited by the drop out times of the two relays (GE CRI20BD0434I and Agastat E70I2PD004) and their drift of coil parameters over time. In this specific case, the relay parameters supported the logic sequence in the past before replacement of equivalent relays that may have introduced tolerances and a mismatch between the relay parameters that are causing a race in the logic sequence. [Test Specification

  1. 424-008-TSPI

Rev.00] EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 117 of 267 2.0 Purpose REPORT NO.: REP-424*008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 811 OF 818 The purpose of this test report is to document relay drop out time testing of GE CR120BD04341 and Agastat E7012PD004 relays per test specification number 424-008-TSPl Rev.00. Testing consisted of measuring electrical properties including drop out time of the relays under various test conditions. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 118 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 812 OF 818 3.0 Test Specimens The equipment under test (BUT) included the following test specimens: Table 3-1 Test Specimens ,,:. ... : ,, EUT#l GE CR120BD04341 EUT#2 GE CR120BD04341 EUT#3 Agastat E7012PD004 Relay Relay Time Delay Relay EC 62 0 632 , A tt. 1, P g. 11 9 of 26 7 4.0 Test Procedure REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 813 OF 818 The test sequence and test procedure are defined in Section 4.0 of KCI Test Specification Number 424-008-TSPl Rev.00. The test specification is archived in the Fauske Quality Assurance Archive under QAR number 5.178 along with this test report. 4.1 Test Setup During testin g, the relays were mounted horizontally on a panel to simulat e plant orientation. A photograph of the test setup can be found in Figure 4-1 below. The relays were wired consistent with the circuit configuration found in Section 4.3 of th e test specification. Figure 4-1 Mounted Test Specimens 4.2 Test Instrumentation The following instrumentation was used during t e sting: Instrument Description Serial Number Calibration Due Date Chroma AC Power Supply 616040003355 11118/17 Agilent LCR Met e r MY54150107 4/3/18 Fluke 45 8865045 1/30/18 Fluk e 87V 20890147 11/17/17 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 120 of 267 5.0 Test Results 5.1 Receipt Inspection REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVIS I ON: 03 PAGE B14 OF B18 A receipt inspection was performed on all 3 EUTs upon arrival to the test facility. The EUTs were shipped from the Clinton Station and were brand new components. The receipt inspection was performed in accordance with Fauske & Associates Level 3 procedure F3-9.7-1 Visual Inspection. The receipt inspections demonstrated that the test specimens were not damaged during shipping and were in normal physical condition prior to the start of testing. No evidence of degradation, discoloration, or cracking was found during the inspection. The manufacturer and model numbers were identified and documented. Laboratory identifiers were assigned to the test specimens consistent with Table 3-1. This means that EUT #1 was assigned to one of the two available GE relays, EUT #2 was assigned to the second available GE relay while EUT#3 was assigned to the Agastat relay. Photographs of the test specimens were taken during the inspection. Photographs of the receipt inspection are found below. Figure 5-1 GE CR120BD04341 (1 of2) Receipt Inspection Photos-Side Views EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 1 21 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 815 OF 818 Figure 5-2 GE CR120BD04341 (2 of2) Receipt Inspection Photos-Top and Bottom Views Figure 5-3 Agastat E7012PD004 Receipt Inspection Photos 5.2 Baseline Functional Test Baseline tests were performed in accordance with section 4.2 of the KCI test specification number 424-008-TSPl. The baseline functional test results are summarized in Table 5-1 below. During pick-up voltage testing EUT #2 demonstrated abnormally high pick-up voltage values EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 122 of 267 RE P ORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVIS I ON: 03 PAGE 816 O F 818 through two attempts. On the third pick-up voltage test attempt, EUT #2 failed to operate. The relay was allowed to cool but was not able to operate again. KCI was notified of this anomaly. EUT #2 was not utilized for the remainder of testing. BUT #1 and BUT #3 completed baseline functional testing without issues. Table 5-1 Baseline Test Results Test Coil Coil Pick-Up C o il Drop-Out Dr o p-Out Resistance Inductance Vo l tage Current Voltage Specimen (kO) (H) (V) (m.A) (V) Time(ms) EUT#l 6.0 15.2 74.1 20.1 8.9 141.6 EUT#2 5.9 15.3 N I A NIA NIA NIA BUT#3 1.8 10.4 77 66.3 20.3 64.1 5.3 Circuit Operation Testing A test circuit was built in accordance with the drawing in Section 4.3 of KCI Test Specification Number 424-008-TSPl Rev.00 utilizing BUT #1 and BUT #3. The relay circuit logic reproduced the Clinton Power Station logic sequence issue when energized and tested. Meaning, EUT #1 did not drop out after the 10 second time delay on BUT #3 occurred. The relay circuit logic sequence was unsuccessful each time the circuit was energized. Follow up tests were performed on the relay circuit. The tests consisted of 1) taking relay coil current measurements on both EUT #1 and BUT #3 during circuit operation and 2) measuring EUT #3 contact opening time. Coil current measurements were taken for both relays during the relay logic sequence. The minimum coil current measured for BUT # 1 was 16 mA. The expected minimum amount of coil current required for the relay to drop out was 1.4 mA. The minimum coil current observed for EUT #3 was 56 mA. The expected minimum amount of coil current required for the relay to drop out was 10.8 mA. These high coil current values suggest that the relay circuit design does not provide the stored energy in the relays to be properly dissipated. This delay in energy dissipation is long enough to allow the circuit logic to reset and initiate another 1 0 second time delay on BUT #3. Since BUT #1 did not drop out, the normally closed contact of BUT #3 was tested to observe if the contact would actually open even though both BUT #1 and BUT #3 were not dropping out. The contact opening time tests were performed on a normally closed contact on BUT #3. A 5 VDC signal was p l aced across one of the normally closed contacts on BUT #3. The testing demonstrated that, after the 10 second time de l ay of BUT #3, the normally closed contact on BUT #3 would open for 25 milliseconds and return to its normally closed state. This means that despite the fact that BUT #3 does not drop out, the relay's normally closed contacts still operated EC 62063 2 , Att. 1, Pg. 1 23 of 2 67 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 817 OF 818 as expected. Therefore, the operation of EUT #3's contacts is a mechanical action and not a r e sult of the relay dropping out. 5.4 Manual Relay When EUT #1 is energized , the tip of the plunger move s outward. Manually pressing the plunger i n an attempt to de-energize the relay required considerable force and was difficult to execute. R emoval of the "+" wire to the 3 contact on EUT #3, the half coil wire connected to contact 4 on EUT #1, or the"-" wire to the EUT #1 coil would result in de-energizing EUT #1. 5.5 Thermal Due to the relay circuit logic being unsuccessfu l at the onset of testing , thermal aging was not performed on the EUTs. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 124 of 267 6.0 Conclusion REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 818 OF 818 When energized, the relay circuit logic tested in this report was not successfu l and reproduced the Clinton Power Station issue each time. Further tests demonstrated that both EUT #1 and EUT #3 do not drop out upon completion of the logic sequence due to the design not allowing the stored energy in the relays to be dissipated. EUT #3 mechanically operates its normally open/normally closed contacts after the 10 second time delay for 25 milliseconds before the relay resets back to its normally closed state due to the relay's inability to drop out. EUT #1 does not drop out within the 25 millisecond window due to the amount of coil current keeping the relay energized and allows the relay circuit to reset. EC 62063 2 , Att. 1 , Pg. 125 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-4 24-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE C1 OF C1 E C 62 0 632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 126 of 26 7 It is not unusual for power generating systems to operate below rated speed during periods of warm-up or pr i me mover maintenance. If the resulting underfrequency condition persists , damage may result to the electrical system as the SR vo l tage regulator attempts to ma in ta i n rated generator output voltage. The Basler UFOV250A and UFOV260A are designed to protect the generating system against sustained low speed operation by reducing regulator output and , t hereby , generator voltage. By addi n g the optional overvo l tage circuit breaker , the regulator system can be protected against overvoltage conditions. DESCRIPTION The UFOV250A and UFOV260A prevent the vo l tage regu l ator from maintaining rated generator voltage when generator frequency decreases more than 4 to 7 Hertz below nominal va l ue. When the underfrequency circuit assumes control , the reduct i on in generator output is proport i onal to the degree of the underfrequency condition. When the frequency returns to nominal , the output of the SR regulator i s automatically increased , thereby increas i ng generator output to nom i nal. To provide overvoltage protection, a circu i t breaker is ad d ed to trip when the appl i ed voltage exceeds a predetermined, adjustable value (125%-150% of nominal). The circuit breaker contacts are nected in series with the voltage regulator power input lines so that t he SR re gulator AC power (terminals 3 and 4) i s removed when the bre a ker trips. FEATURES * Des i gned for use with Basler SR-A , SR-F , and SR-H families of voltage regulators. * Protects generator, voltage regulator , and associated equipment against underfrequency/overvoltage

  • cond i tions. * Models for both 50 and 60 Hz operat i on. * Operates on NEMA standard vo l tages to 600 V AC. * Overvoltage

trip adjust. * Compact , rel i able , economical.

  • Mechan i cally rugged. * CSA certified. * Overvoll a ge p rotecbon provided when com p an i on c l rc.u 1 t breaker i s use d. R E PORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1

REVISION: 03 PAGE 01OF04 UFOV250A/260A UNDERFREQUENCY/ OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTIVE MODULES Class 200 Equipment SPEC I FICATIONS Page 2 ORDER I NG Page 2 OU T LINE DRAWINGS Page 3 INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM Page4 §.Basler Electric SPD-5 2-93 P. D. BO X 269 HIGHLAND, IUINOIS , U.S.A. 62249 PHONE 611-&S.-23-41 FAX 618-i5HJ51 E C 62 06 32 , Att. 1 , Pg. 1 2 7 of 26 7 UFOV250A/260A REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 02 OF 04 SPECIFICATIONS INPU T POWER: Vo lt age 1 20 , 208 ,2 40 , 41 6 ,480 o r 6 00 F req u ency Mode l U FOV 250 , 50 Hertz Model U F O V 260 , 60 H e rtz P hase S i ngle 1 00-. =I--!IO'I UNDERFREQUENCY OPERA TI ONAL T HR E SHO L D: 4 to 7 Hz b e l ow nominal. -w. UNDERFREQUENCY OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS

S e e Figure 2. OVERVOLTAG

E ADJUST LIM I TS: 125-150% of nom i na l. C I RCU I T BREAKER CONTACT RATING: P/N 05390 -50 amp@ 480 V AC P/N 05391 -50 a mp@ 250 V AC A M BIENT OPERATING TEMP E RA T UR E: -40°C to+ 70°C (-40°F to +15 8°F). SHOCK: 15 Gs i n any p l a n e. D I MENSIONS: See Figu r es 3 an d 4. FINIS H: D ark b r o w n , lusterless. textu r ed , ba k ed e n a m e l. WEIG HT: 10 pounds net; 12 pounds sh i pp i ng. -i !L 10'. Mt. §----r-+-' lO ClM**.:ci>

  • 111 0.ocr 110111 If the generator

I s operated at l ess than rated speed. reg ul ator output current to the e x cite r fi e l d i s reduced and generator output voltage i s pro p ort i onate l y d ec r eased. The graph i nd i cates t he p ercentage of genera t or out put voltage that will be obta i ned for a specific reduction i n frequency. As an examp l e. if a 60 Hz genera t or i s ope r a ti ng at 50 Hz , generator output voltage w i ll be between 82% and 95% of nom i nal. The " spread' i n t h e envelope (shaded a r ea) i s a func ti on o f operat i ona l temperat u re and no rma l t ol e rance 1 n compo n ents. *Data appl ie s t o p art nu m bers 9104100 1 00 (UFOV 260A) and 9105 1 00101 (UFO V 250A). S i m i lar uni ts of des i gn (Part numbe r s 9040000100 and 90400 00 104) we r e also id entified wi th Model Numbers U F O V2 6 0/250. T hose units have an u nd e rfre q uency ope r ational thresho l d of 1 0 Hz below n om in a l. For f u rt he r i nforma t ion rega r d i ng such un i ts , con t act the factory. Figure 1 -Und erf r eq ue ncy Oper at i o n al Paramet e r s HOW TO ORDER R e f er to t h e following chart to determ in e your req ui rements. Wh e n u s i ng any o f these And d e s i r in g I n a 60 H e rtz I n a 50 Hertz B asler vo ltag e t h i s protection power system , power sys t em , r e g ulat o r s OR DER ORD E R SR4A U n de rfre auen c v onlv M o de l U F OV 26 0A orotect iv e m od ule M o de l UFOV 2 5 0A orot ec t i ve modul e SR 8 A Model UFOV 260 A p ro t ective mo d ule M odel UFO V 2 50A pro tect i ve m od u le SR4F AND A N D SR8F U n derf r eq uen cy a nd P/N 0 539 0 c i r c ui t breaker P I N 0 53 90 c ir cu i t b reak er S R32A Ov ervo l ta ge (sin g l e po le) (sin g l e po le) SR3 2H OR OR SR 63 H P/N 0 5391 ci rc u i t br eaker P/N 0 5391 ci rcui t br e a ker SR1 25 H (do ub le pol e)' (d ouble pol e)' *selec t t he d o ub le p ole b r e a ker i f (1) terminal A. on the S R-A r egulator i s uti li zed; or (2) if t erm i nal F O on t he SR-F a n d S R-H regul at or i s utili z ed. 2 I * .j "' .... ;;;;; EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 128 of 2 6 7 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE D3 OF D4 U FOV25 0 A/260A (\Ml (l et.I --*126 ------<t> -u;oo ------1' MJI. (\401 t 5.100 ----'"1 ('M l) 4.000 oov uoo llMI uu (t) PO. -, U60 (U} C.000 (10 2 1 1&00 (1$6) © I <.:* l:J76 AEP-. 0> ;;-H r;*1 e I * OIOO ("I RU. Figure 2 -UFOV 250/260 Outline Drawing / t.tif 1 4 1) M7. -----1.I ZG *-*.31 6 -----(16el (IU) uoo -U&O ----'""1 ('MO) I W.I I (i) 0 r I I I I I U76 (34) 11 11. ' -Lfl.: {'.:j *'t-( l.1 75 IU I 'd 2-c]o.M r p l I '1111. 0600 IUI / 4 1, ma. IO.H -* (0) CIA. RU. / \.11'6 !"" (C 1) ' flfU. *. 3 0' -.....__ _ _. l'Tllll' ll llQTATiiD

10 Figure 3 -Circuit B reaker Outline Drawing All d r a w i n gs and data subject t o change wit h out notice. 3

I * E C 62 063 2 , At t. 1, Pg. 1 2 9 o f 26 7 U FOV250A/260A REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE D4 OF D4 INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM II a II ............. , -* D * Figure 4 -Typical I nterco nne ction for U F O V A N D SR 4A/SR8 A Vo ltage Re gu lator *Refer to instruction manual for proper interconnection of UFOV 250/260 with SR-F , SR-H , and SR-32A voltage regu l ator. SAMPLE SPECIFICATION A device is requ i red to protect the power generating system a gainst underfrequency and overvoltage conditions. The unit shall have the capability o f ing regula t or output when generator frequency creases 4 to 7 Hertz below nominal. When the frequency returns to its nominal value the regulator output shall automatically increase to provide adequate field current for nominal generator output voltage. The device shall automatically open a circuit breaker controlling power input to the voltage regulator if generator output voltage exceeds 140% of nominal. The module must be capable of 240 VAC , 60 Hertz tion. Environmentally , t he device shall be capable of satisfactory operat i on in the temperature ra n ge of -40°C to+ 70°C (-40°F to +158°F). T he device shall be a Basler Model UFOV260A Underfrequ e ncy/Overvoltage Protective Module w i th P/ N 05390 Circuit Breaker. §Basler Electric R O UTE 143 , BOX 269. H I GHLAND. ILLIN OIS U.S.A. 62249 P.A.E. Les Pins , 673 1 9 Wa sse lonne Cede x FRANCE PHONE 618-654-23 41 FAX 618-654-235 1 PHONE (33-3-88) 8 7-1010 FAX (33-3-88) h ttp://www ba sle m , in t -EC 620632, Att. 1 , Pg. 130 of 26 7 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE E1 OF E4 SR 4A, SR6A , SRBA , SR9A, SR32A Static Voltage Regulators SR_A voltage regulators are applicable to any s i ze or type of alternator /exciter system. FEATURES * Output voltage ratings of 32 , 63 , and 125 VDC ava i lable. * 1 /2% regulat i on. * Fast regula t or response. * No electrolytic capacitors. * For use with brush or brushless rotary exciters o r as a shunt type static exciter. * Ava i lab l e for either 50/60 or 400 Hz operation. * S i ngle or three phase sens i ng available. * Paralleling provisions. * Adjustable stability c i rcu i t. * Ava i lable w i th any of three time constants. * Designed to withstand severe shock and v i brat i on. * Complete line of accessories available. * CSA cert i fied. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTION MANUAL Request Publ i cation 9017700990 (SR4 and 8), 9017700991 (SR6 and 9), 9075000990 (SR32) §.Basler Electric DESCRIPTION and SPECIFICATIONS page 2 ACCESSORIES , INTER-CONNECTS and OUTLINE page 3 ORDERING page 4 ROUTE 143 , BOX 269 HIGHLAND, ILLINOIS 62249 , U.S.A. PHONE 618*654-2341 FAX 618-654-2351 SA-2 1-97 -..., ! E C 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 13 1 of 267 SR_A VOLTAGE REGULATORS REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE E2 OF E4 DESCRIPTION As more sophisticated power consum i ng dev ice s become ava i lable, electrical energy sources must velop greater and more precise power capabilities to satisfy their demands. Ideally suited for alternator systems of larger size and for more precise regulation requirements. the Basler SR_A series of regulators has been proven on all types of power systems t hroughout the world. Over 25 , 000 SR_As are meeting the requ iments of emergency , " no-break", peaking and ous power systems every day. The Basler SR_A tors are an outstanding value in performance, reliability , and cost. Basler SR_A regulators are available w i th 7 ampere continuous capability for 50/60 Hz or 400 Hz generator appl i cations having either a 63 or 125 volt field , or w i th 20 ampere cont inuous capabil i ty for 50/60 Hz ing systems with 32 VDC fields. Comp l ete ratings , outl i ne dimensions , and typical interconnections are included in this bulletin. Paralleling provisions and three phase sensing are optional and become an integral part of the regulator when specified at the time of order placement. A complete line of accessory devices complements the SR_A regulators for 50/60 Hz installations. Many of these same accessor ie s are available for 400 Hz machines. A list of accessory devices for SR_A regulators is i ncluded in this bulletin. SPECIFICATIONS PARALLEL FIELD MAX. POWER IN PUT (1) OUTPUT RATING SENSING (2) COMPENSATION RESISTANCE WEIGHT MODEL Max. 1 M inute M ax. Freq. Cont inu o us M ax. For ci ng Volts VA Burd en Amp s VA M in. M ax. Net Volts Hz VA (3) (Input) Burden Ohms Ohm s Lbs. Vo l ts Amps Vol ts Amps P er ph ase SR4A 120 50/60 840 63 7 90 10 10 5 25 9 400 12.S SR6A 120 400 840 63 7 90 tO NEMA STD. 10 5 25 9 4 00 12.5 SR BA 240 50/60 1 600 1 25 7 1 80 10 1 2 0/208/ 240/416/ 10 5 25 18 400 12.S SR9A 2 4 0 400 1680 125 7 18 0 10 480/600 1 0 5 25 18 400 12.S SR32A 60 50/60 1200 32 20 4 5 28 1 0 5 25 \.6 4 00 \8 NOTES. 1. If correct voltage i s no1 available to< power i npul , a s.;t abie Power lransf00J1er must be sele<:ted. (Seo Power Isolatio n rran*former BUii etin). 3. Wien regulator i s operated al less tha n maximum output. power isol ation tt a nsfOffiler rating can De determ i ned by multiplying lnpul volU by OC outpul currenl. 2. Sensing voltage may be s i ng le o r t/lfee phase. TABLE 1 REGULATION ACCURACY: Less than +/-1/2% over full range of alternator loading. REGULA TOR RESPONSE: Less than 17 milliseconds. REGULA TOR DRIFT: Less than +/-1/2% pe r 104°F (40°C) ambient tempeture change. REGULA TOR SENSING: Both single and three phase sensing are available (See Table 2). VOLTAGE ADJUST RANGE: M i nimum +/-10% of nominal voltage. FINISH: Dark brown , lusterless , textured , baked enamel. AMBIENT OPERA TING TEMPERATURE

From -67°F (-55°C) to +158°F (+70°C) without ing. 2 STORAGE TEMPERATURE

RANGE: From -85°F (-65°C) to +212°F (+100°C) with no degradation of components. PARALLEL COMPENSATION: 5A@25 VA , droop adjustable to approximately 5%. POWER DISSIPATION: Less than 60 Watts at continuous rat i ng , less than 170 Watts in the SR32. SHOCK: Withstands up to 15 Gs. VIBRATION: W i thstands up to 5 Gs at 260 Hz. WEIGHT: See Table 1. Sh i pp i ng Lbs. 14 14 14 14 20 EC 62 0 632 , Att. 1 , P g. 132 of 26 7 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE E3 OF E4 SR_A VOLTAGE R E GULATORS ACCESSORIES





  • MAN U A L VOLT A GE CONTROL * MOTOR OPERA TED CONTROL D I MENS I O N S l SR4A , 6A T SR32A SR 8A , 9 A A 11.50 13.00 @ B 8.41 8.5 3 c 4.19 7.25 D 10.81 12.31 E 5.00 --m 5.00 F .34 .34 G 1.70 1.77 .265 DIA. MT G. H O L E , * PLA C E S B ------e 1-+-------D

.-------A--------.i F i g ure 1 -Outline Drawi n g (SR_A Regulat or) SENS IN G VOL T AGE 'NOT I NCLUD E D I N SR32A FI ELD PO W ER AUTO OFF o MAN U AL POWER PARAU.a INP UT COMPENSA TI O N 4 BRUSH TYPE EXC I TE R f i gu re 2 -Typ i c al I nt er conne ction Di a g ra m (Fo r operation wi th brush-type rotary exciter) SE N SIN G VO LT AGE FIE L D POWER E1 E 2 E 3 H F* *NOT I NCLU D ED I N SR 3 2A PARAU.E1. C OllPEN S A TlOll NOTE: All d imensi o ns are I n I nche s (m*IW meters). A ll draw i n gs and data sub j ect to change wi l houl not ic e BRU S H Lf SS E XC ITER Fig u r e 3 -Typica l Interco n nection Diag ra m (For operation wi th brushless rotary exc i ter) 3 E C 620632 , At t. 1, Pg. 1 33 o f 26 7 SR_A VO L TAGE REGU LA TORS REPOR T NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE E4 OF E 4 SAMPLE SP E CIF I CAT I ON The voltage regu l ator shall be a static type , equipped w i th a si l icon di o de and thyristor (SCR) power stage to control the exc it er fie l d current as required t o mai n tain a constant and stable generator output vo l tage w i thin +/- %% of nominal for all steady sta t e loads from no load to full load. A 5% variation in frequency and the effects of field heat i ng shall not affect the unit's regulation performance. The regula t or shall have (single) (three) phase sensing with the sensing c i rcuit i solated from the power stage. Stab i l i ty and voltage range adjustments s h all be mounted on the regula t or circuit board. The voltage reference shall be obtained from a zener diode of low therma l coefficient for stability over a wide operating temperature range. leling provis i ons , if necessary , shall be an i ntegral part of the regulator and shall be isolated from the sens i ng voltage input in such a way as to permit reactive load compensation by eitherthe react i ve droop or t he react i ve d i fferential (cross-current) method. The voltage regulator shall be a Basler E l ectric Company type SR_A , or approved equa l. HOW T O ORDER Spec i fy mode l and descript i on: Basler Model SR_A-Voltage regulator. The model numbe r of the SR_A regula t or is a comb i nat i on of letters and numbers ind i cating the features which are included in a particular regulator. The following style chart represents the standard product offering. These models are available w i th a 3-day s t andard lead t i me , subject to total order demand and parts availability . A) &.irtac:e moUl"lled .___ _ __.I [K]-l:fil [fil D [fil 0 D ---, 2)PaJai191 ptOVisions'w'ittl ed 1 ustable 1bde viMfltHl$10f 16} Selec1at.ll* 3 phase unsing with Facioo COMectOfl 3) Vollago Adiust Rh.ostt.l supplied sepa r ately ""'i tn fegulatOt l A) fOf us* on a* bn.lSIMYJ)e and most brut>Mu exciters on generat0f'$ rated ove.r El fOf bnJstiess exciler (pft'natly oci g..ieretors r1 t ed 1 SiOkW or Mn) or whh al rotary OKC!terl t$R32A) The follow i ng styles are available on a spec i a l order basis. The lead time is 8 weeks. 4 A) No relay 8) !Mid-up ro la y C)Hotmoti CJll iy aea!ed r eb.y ---i 2) Voll>!l* 1'dj\nt rheoout il\'{9rnalfy 3} Voltage Adju1 1 Rheottat s eparatety r og<U.lor 4) Vo ttage Adj us t rh lOStat 1n 1ern a1tv lnstah<S Wilh loci<lng shaft l A) F at use on all brush-type and most bru:shiess exCi t trS on generators r a.1od <Wer 1 50kW B) FOf UM as stalk: exciter (SRA. a. and 32) C) For UH wth f0 t¥Y 8Jl'.C i ter tSR61111d!I) O J For \I.Se u stoatk excaor (SR6and9) E) F or vu with brushloss excl 1er (pri m arily on gonet a t ots rar ed 1 SOl<W 0t d.n lil l r otary oxcitclrt (SR32A) §Basler Electric ROUTE 143 , BOX 269 , H I GHLAND, ILLINOIS U.S.A. 622 4 9 P.A.E. L es Pins , 673 1 9 Wa s selonne C e de x FRA N CE P H ONE 618-654-2341 F AX 618-654-235 1 PHONE (33-3-88) 87-1010 F AX (33-3-88) 87-0808 h tt p://www.b a sl e info@basle I I i r E C 62 063 2 , Att. 1, Pg. 134 of 26 7 From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: E!!a....G.i!!s "Anup B e hera" FW: Inquirey from Bussmann website Tuesday , May 09, 2017 7:34: 00 AM Temperature Perating -Pua! Element.pdf Temperat u re deratjng -Non dual Element.odf Same curves as before , with a little more detail for the dual element Ella From: [mailto:FUSETECH@Eaton .com] Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2017 6:07 AM To: Subject: RE: Inquirey from Bussmann website NON is a non-dual element fuse where as FRN-R is a dual element fuse. Attached is the de rating curves for dual and non-dual element fuse. Regards , Saptarshi Roy Sr. Applications Engineer Bussmann Division Eaton 114 Old State Road Ellisville, MO 63021 tel: 636-527-1270 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 R E VISIO N: 03 I PAGE F1 O F F4 EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 135 of 267 From: Ella Gills [ ] Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 9:25 PM To: FUSETECH Subject: Inquirey from Bussmann website Can you provide derating curves for Bussmann NON and FRN fuses? Thanks, Ella Bruce-Gills KCI Engineering REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE F2 OF F4 EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 136 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE F3 OF F4 -760F -40°F -4°F 32°F 68°F 104°F 140°F 176°F 212°F (-60°C) (-40°C) (-20°C) {0°C) (20°C) (40°C) {60°C) (B0°C) (100°C) AMBIENT Ambient Affect Chart for Non-Dual-Element Fuses E C 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 1 37 o f 267 4 o I I I ° drt I._ ** I ...... !\ \ '-' --*--REPORT NO.: REP-4 24-008-RP1 REVIS I ON: 03 I PAGE F 4 OF F4 Tiilq -; -*** -* -, l --**-* jt* -., j* :11:. :i1*1.1j. *111 1,' I 11 '11111 1 ,,,,* .. *. I 11* 1'11 I '. * : . . : . ; .. . * . * . . * * * I . * . , , * 1 : * * tttrl I tj,, I * I , 1 * .: ! i.. 11. I , l 1 * i , I ! . , ,, . 111

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E C 62 0 632 , A tt. 1 , Pg. 1 38 o f 26 7 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I 1 Technical Publication LOR-1 HIGH SPEED MULTI-CONTACT LOCK-OUT RELAYS FOR POWER INDUSTRY APP LI CATIONS e ELECTROSWITCH SWITCHES & RELAYS . UNIT OF ELECTRO SWITCH CORP. 180 King Avenue, Weymouth , Massachusetts 02188 Rlone: 781-3350200 Fax: 781-3.354253 www.dedlUMitdl .oom EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 139 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE G2 OF G14 HIGH SPEED MULTI-CONTACT LOCK-OUT RELAYS FOR POWER INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS ELECTROSWITCH Weymouth, Massachusetts ABSTRACT The Series 24 Lock-out Relays are high-speed (as low as eight milliseconds) control relays used primarily as auxiliary relays in applications requiring many contacts (up to 4 8). The LOR is an electric-trip and manual-reset device. The LORJER is an electric-trip and either manual or electric-reset. The LORJSR is an electric* trip and self-reset device. All units have mechanical position indicator target s. Th ey are qualified to ESC-STD-1000, which includes aging and seismic vibration requirements to ANSI/IEEE 323-1984 and ANSI/IEEE-344-1987 for class IE uses in nucl ear power generating stations. The testing also satisfies ANSI/IEEE CJ?.90-1989 and ANSI/IEEE C37.98-1987. INTRODUCTION Lock-out Relays of various types are often used in the electrical power industry. These auxiliary relays are electric-trip, manual or e l ectric-reset control relays for th e purpose of tripping and locking out circuit breakers or other devices automatically when a fault or other det ermined condition exists. Lock-out-relays are generally used in conjunction with protective relays to prote ct transformers, buses , and rotating machinery in various electrical systems. Fig. l. Series 24 LOR Manual-reset Lock-out Re l ay Initial Release -September 15, 1977 Revised-January 3, 1980 Added LOR/SR -February I, 1983 Revised-March 15 , 19 85 Revised-April 15 , 1987 Revised-June 1, 1991 Revised-February 15 , 1993 Revised-February 10 , 1994 Revised -September I, 2012 1 Lock-out Relay applications often require ten or more N.O. and N.C. contacts. The relays can be u se d to change sequences such as shutting down a faulty pump and then initiating the action to start-up a standby pump or bypassing a faulty circuit by opening and closing bre akers. Lock-out-relays are normally l atched in the RESET position and trip-out to a TRIP position when commanded. There are th en manua l-r eset, electric-reset, and self-reset versions to get back to the RESET position. Fig. 2. Series 24 LOR/ER Electric-reset Lock-out Relay and LOR/SR Self-reset Lock-out Relay High-speed, rugged, multi-contact units are needed. This paper describes a family of Lock-out relays with up to 48 co n tacts that operate as quickly as eight milli-seconds and are seismic shockproof. BAS I C CIRCUIT OPERATION The control of the Lock-out Relays for operation as a rela y requires no special wiring. They only require a N.O. contact (SI) to command the LOR to TRIP and the Electric-reset LORJER need s an additional N.0. contact (S2) to initi ate the command for RESET. The choice of SI should tak e in consideration the burden data of trip coil, LOR/T, since SI will "make"; this current. This circuit is self-interrupting with the LOR contacts so SI need not be concerned with the "break" of the TRIP circuit. On the electric-reset LOR, S2 needs to make only the Kl relay circuit so the burden of the LORJR does not affect S2. Any pilot duty device is acceptable for both Sl and S2. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 140 of 267 Manual-reset LOR Circuit + __________ Q : LOR I CONTROL PKG I I "---------8 S1 COi'c----1 R i I L OR i ! LOR I __ fl _______ J Fig. 3. Manual-reset LOR Control Circuit Schematic (shown in RESET position) The standard station control bus voltage is used. The LOR, as shown, is in the RESET position. The LOR/T coil form represents the linear solenoid that releases the lat ch that locks the LOR in the RESET. The mechanical design is described lat er under THE ELECTRO-MECHANICAL DRIVE. The LOR contacts shown are normally closed in the reset position. They are w ith in the LOR control package. G and B are tie points to connect the LOR to the control circuit. C and F are internal connection points shown for info rmation. To command the Lock-out Relay to TRIP, SI is closed. This comp letes a circuit across the LOR trigger solenoid , which operates, causing the device to snap to the TRIP position. It locks into this position and remains there indefinitely. When this happens, the LOR contacts open, thereby removing the con trol circuit from the bus. The unit will stay locked-out in the TRIP position until manually reset. S 1 may be an auxiliary contact -from a breaker, a protective relay, or from another auxiliary device like a relay. The condition of the Lock-out Relay is visible by the handle location and a mechanical target within the nameplate (Black for RESET, Orange for TRIP) Electric-reset LOR/ER Circuit B3 Fig. 4. Electric-reset LOR/ER Control Circuit Schematic (shown in the RESET position) 2 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008 -RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE G3 OF G14 The Electric-reset Lock-out Relay operates from the con trol bus voltage like the manual-reset version. The LOR/ER, as shown, i s in the RESET POSITION. The LOR/T coil form is the same linear solenoid that is used in the manual-reset LOR, and controls the l atch that Jocks the LOR/ER in the RESET position. The LOR/R coil form represents the rotary solenoid that is used to reset the LOR/ER electrically. Kl is a relay used to control the rotary solenoid. This enables S2 to be a low level contact. It controls only the Kl relay coil. The Kl contact operates the high current rotary solenoid. TBl , TB2, and TB3 are terminal block connections, and F and H are LOR tie points -all are for connection to the control bus. G, B, and TB4 are internal tie points shown for information only. The command of the LOR/ER to the TRIP position i s the same as with the manual-reset LOR which was previously described. When tripped, the NC LOR contact in the LOR/T circuit opens removing LOR/T solenoid from the circuit. When this happens, the LOR NO contact in the Kl relay circuit closes enabling this circuit to be used. To command the LOR/ER to reset , S2 is closed. This comp letes the circuit to the Kl relay and it operates closing contact Kl. This completes the circuit to the LOR/R rotary so l enoid and it indexes to the RESET position. When this happens , the N.O. LOR contact opens. This opens the circu it on the Kl relay coi l. The Kl relay drops out, opening contact Kl that opens the rotary solenoid LOR/R circuit. At the same time , the N.C. LOR contact , in the linear solenoid LOR/T circ uit , closes , setting up the LOR/ER for the next TRIP command. SI and S2 should be momentary contacts and should not stay closed. If both contacts are closed at the a "pumping" action will result with the LOR/ER mdexmg back a nd forth between the RESET and TRIP positions. The handle and targ et indicators are the same on the standard electric-reset LOR/ER as th e manual reset LOR. The handle on the high-speed LOR/ER is not an indicator and remains in the vertical position and the target must be manually reset (see page 9). Self-reset LOR/SR Circuits The self-reset Lock-out Relay operates from th e control bus voltage like the LOR and LOR/ER. The LOR/SR, as shown in Fig. 5 and 6, is in the RESET position. The LOR/T coil is the same linear solenoid that i s used in all LOR's, and controls the trigger that locks the LOR/SR in the RESET position. The LOR/R is the same rotary solenoid used in the LOR/ER and is used to electrically reset the LOR/SR. Kl and K2 are two relays with N.O. contacts used in the control circuit. B-A is a N.O. contact and E-F-G is a form "C" co ntact --both in the control circuit. F-G is N.C. in the reset position whi le F-E is N.O. TBl, TB2, TB3, and TB4 are terminal block connec tion points for the user. RI and R2 make up a bridge circuit on EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 141 of 267 both the INSTANTANEOUS RESET and the TIME DELAY RESET units. In addition, the TIME DELAY RESET version has an additional IE-IF normally open (NO) contact to isolate the K2 coil plus the time delay circuit, consisting of RI and C2-C3-C4, which are wired in parallel. DI protects the ca paci tors from a possible incorrect polarity hookup. The INSTANTANEOUS RESET version of the LOR/SR will reset itself within 80 milliseconds after the fault has cleared itself (SI opens). This circuit is illustrated in Fig. 5. LOR/SR: C:ONTHL PACOOE SUPPUBI Fig. 5. Instantaneous-reset circuit for the Self-reset (shown in RESET position) Lock-out relay The LOR/SR trips in the same manner as the manual-reset LO R. With SI closed (simulating

  • the commanded

or fault condition) B-A contact closes and E-F contact closes. In this manner E-F and A-B are both connected to the (+) bus so the Kl coil sees no voltage difference and cannot operate. Th e refore, the LOR/SR will not reset and may remain in the T RI P position indefinitely while the RIR2 bridge draws only enough milliamps to maintain the voltage balance of the bridge and well below the dropout current of any 0.2 amp. target relays that may be part of the circuit. When Sl opens (indicating the fault or pre-determined con d ition has cleared), the RlR2 bridge becomes unbalanced since the E-F contact , although closed , is in the SI conta c t circuit. Kl operates , closing contact Kl and K2 operates, clo s ing con t act K2 and the rotary solenoid LOR/R operates and indexes to the RESET position completing the cycle. Contacts E-F and A-B then open, dropping out relays Kl and K2 (and their contacts). Contact F-G clo s es, setting up the LOR/SR for the next command. The TIME DELAY SELF-RESET (shown in RESET position) version of the LOR/SR, illustrated in Fig. 6, operates in the same manner as the instantaneous reset version except the R3-Cl-C2-C3-C4 circuit causes a time delay of from 300 to 600 milliseconds from the time SI opens until the LOR/SR contacts reclose. 3 + LOPJSR COK'mOL PACKAOE SUPPUB1 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE G4 OF G14 l Fig.6. Time-delay Self-reset circuit for the LOR/SR Operating Voltage The LOR, LOR/ER, and LOR/SR Lock-out Relays are direct current actuated auxiliary relays. Because they are only actuated for short periods of tim e and are self-interrupting , they may be subjected to maximum design voltage indefinitely without exceeding the 50°C temperature rise in ambient conditions as high as 55°C. This is using class 105 insulation and the applied thermo-couple method of temperature determination. The Lock-out Relays operate reliably over the full voltage ranges described in ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1989, the "Standard for Relays and Relay System s Associated with Electric Power Apparatus." These ratings are shown below: COIL A,B c 0, E, G, K F, H TABLE I Coil Operating Range* ;NOMINAL VOLTAGE. 24VOC 48VOC 125 voe 2so voe ; ' NORMAL . VOLTAGE i: RANGE ' ( 19.2 to 28 voe 38.4 to 56 voe 100 to 140 voe 200 to 280 voe *From ANSI/IEEE C 37.90-1989 The trip and reset solenoid coil s provide reliable operation over a wide RANGE of operating conditions. Trip coils A, B, C, D, E, and F have substantial overlapping voltage ranges enabling some "custom-fitting" depending on the desired speed versus current burden. Trip coils G and H have controlled threshold voltage levels to insure that the unit will not trip at half-voltage. G and H coils are useful where cummulative stray voltages due to capacitive and other effects might be impressed on the LOR coil causing occasional nuisance trips. The full voltage ranges are shown on Tables II and III. The Threshold Voltage shown is the minimum level that can produce a TRIP operation. This is not a reliable operation and this voltage level should not be normally used. The normal operation should be within the limits of the Operating Range. The Operating Range represents the design limits for reliable operation. Safety factors are included so operation can EC 62063 2 , Att. 1,. Pg.' 142 of 26 7 occur above and below the indicated range as previous l y expl a in e d. TABLE II Trip C oil V oltage D ata '.* THRESH O LD'*. . ; , ! . OPER ATIN G* .. COIL; VaLrAGE *;11; .RANo/E .;} .. '

... . *(."** ;¥,.I A 24 VDC 6 VDC 10-4 0 VDC B 24 VDC 9 VDC 18 -5 0 V DC c 48 VDC 12 VDC 24-70 VDC 125VDC 16VDC 30-140 V DC D 120 VAC 20 VAC 30-140 V AC E 125 VDC 23 VDC 45-140 VD C 250 VDC 33 VDC 70-28 0 VDC F 240 VAC 40VAC 60-28 0 VAC G 125 VDC 70VDC 90-1 4 0 VOC H 250 VDC 140 VDC 180-280 VDC K 12s voe 16 VDC . 100-1 s o voe Not e
D coi l has been tested and approved fo r us e@ 120VAC TABLE III Res e t Coil Voltage D a t a *,*I , ,.. . ; j::: . If/ *1 : ,, .*<.;.; it CO I L ' NOM I N A L.;: , * : H ,i: ' * [ ': * :\-* ': . . .. " '.t t ;* * A 24 VDC 19.2 to 28 voe c 48 v o e . 38.4 to 57.6 voe D 12s v oe 10 0 to 140 v o e F 2so voe 200 to 275 voe Coil Burden Data Th e LOR , LOR/ER, and LOR/SR solenoid coil burd e n dat a i s outlined i n Table IV. As pr e viously explained, the control bus n e ed s to be able to supply the burden detai l ed in Table IV but does not n ee d to interrupt

it -the units are self-interrupting. The reset coil i s hard-w ir e d to the c o ntrol bus so the actuating means (S2 i n Fig. 4) i s not subjected to the burden (only the Kl coil burden a t les s than 1 ampere) Sl controlling the trip coil does " make" and c arry the trip c oi l current. 4 ,. ' REPORT N O.: REP-424-00 8-RP1 RE VISION: 03 PAGE GS O F G14 TABLE IV Coil Burden Data i * * TRiP CO I L ,*;; ,,,.,-, R ESET COIL" '.'**: i: :* COIL.* . ' ., : CO IL 'BURDEN * , t t . CIRCUIT CIR C Ul.T * . *!'.;OIL * 'cic *' , ': (amps): * * * ' VOLTS . : ; *@RATED;. DC OHM S', i@RATED O f:!MS .. -(, ' ....... . . * VOL T AGE' @2s 0 c . . . ' . '.' * ', ,: ... A 24 VDC 3.3 7.3 0.7 33.8 B 2 4 VDC 7.7 3.1 ----c 48VDC 13.0 3.7 3.0 15.9 D 125 VDC 27.0 4.6 12.4 1 0.1 E 125 VDC 50.0 2.5 ----F 250VDC 104.0 2.4 80.6 3.1 G 12 5 VDC 27.0 4.6 ----H 250VDC 104.0 2.4 ----K 1 2 s voe 27.0 4.6 ----Trip Coi l Current -Voltage Characteristics Th e trip coils may be u se d over a wide rang e of voltage lev e ls as pr e viously d e scrib e d. To aid in this selection Fig. 7 graphs th e volta g e/current ch a racteristics of the trip coils. These values are the same for the manual-reset LOR, the el e ctric-reset LOR/ER , and th e self-reset LOR/SR Lock-out Relays. Fig. 7 is u se d with th e R e sponse Time gr a ph of Fig. 8. T a rget s election d a ta is det a il e d on Table V and VI and Fig. 9 to 12. 12 LJc*: L O R t 1' . CHJ.\.RACT E 1 RI. T I CS OF T HE T RI P C OILS \ t o-< I : I e! '. c ; 0 ! '.1 -u ..... 'jq I l .:. 1 1 a t --t+' . I I 1: '-' . I . <> , , ::! , ' t 8. ;p'" l i 85 /1 : 1 I .i /" 4 J : '* j I v c,0'" i.j.,-,cil 0 i 3 ---I 1/ / I: / coll: f ., --: 2 V! / -* . ;I / --i I 1 -i ,; I : 20 4> eo 801001:nl 14> 11101m1200 Z2U402CI02ill0 DC 'VOLT AGE AfPLED TO COI L F ig. 7. Trip Solenoid Coi l Burden Data l EC 62063 2 , Att. 1, Pg. 143 of 267 TABLEV LOR Trip Coil Selection for Positive Target Operation LOR TRIP CO I L A B c D E G H 1 .... :* ., OPERATING ! , , T * * * 1 .I .* * : \ , " i : DC VOLTS -0.,iA.TARqEJ

" ; 21\TARGET; 24 A,B,C 48 B, C, D, E 100 D,E,F 125 D, E, F, G D 140 D, E, F D 190 F D 250 F, H D TABLE VI Suggested

minimum DC Voltage required for Positive Target Operation with Manual Reset LOR. (Actual values may vary). 12 12 42 90 95 24 40 118 80 95 105 75 105 40 150 70 125 90 180 Res p onse Time -Trip So l enoid 90 Fig. 8 shows the hi gh-speed response of the Lock-out Rel a ys. The values given are total response to close N.O. contacts. The values are for ten deck LOR's and eight deck LOR/ER's and LOR/SR's. There is very little difference in smaller units. Th e response time of the trip coil of the spe e d electric-reset Lockout-relays is the same as the rese t LOR's. Response Time -Reset So l enoid The reset time of the electric-reset (LOR/ER) Lock-out Rel a ys is generally not an important applications consideration so a graph has not been prepared. The response is approximate l y fifty milliseconds at rated voltage for all coils. The reset times of the se lf-r eset LOR /SR is described on pag e 3. 5 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 Target s used with Loc k-out Relays All th e Lock-out Relays have a mechanical target as part of the nameplate -Black for RESET and Orange for TRIP. This indicates the condition of the LOR. The target resets when the LOR resets (with the except ion of the high-speed trip electric-reset LOR/ER and self-reset LOR/SR where the memory target is manua ll y reset). The addition of the optional LIGHTED NAMEPLATE to the LOR provid es local and SCAD A verification of trip coil integrity. It also provides local LED indication of the presence of a continuing trip signal to the LOR, which alerts the operator not to reset a manual LOR into a fau l t. The lighted nameplate has two LEDs. The right LED is controlled by the circuit that detects an Incoming trip signa l to the LOR. If such a signal is present, then the right LED is lit. This is impor t ant since it warns the operator not to a t tempt to reset the LOR with a trip signal present, which can d amage the LOR trip coi l. The left LED is controlled by the circuit that monitors the LOR trip coil. When the trip coil is intact and the LOR is in the normal RESET position , this LED is lit. The s a me trip coil monitor circui t contro l s the SCADA output of the lighted nameplate. If the trip coil should open for any reason, then the SCADA output closes. The SCADA output also closes if power to t h e LOR is lost and when the LOR is in the TRIP position. External targets may also be used in conju n ction with the LOR's to show the condition of th e devices that are being controlled. The most common 0.2A targets operate satisfactorily with an LOR. The 0.6A targets are also genera ll y satisfactory. 2A targets need spec i a l attention. Selection of LOR trip coils are shown in Table V with minimum required DC voltages for position targ et operation shown on Table VI. 2A targets are generally slow acting. The response time of the LOR's is genera ll y too fast for them to respond. F rom Tables V and VI , it is seen that only trip coil D will respond and onl y at 118VDC or more. In order to u se 2A targets at lower voltages, suggested circuits have been developed. The standard circuit with no additiona l circuitry is shown on Fig. 9 for comparison. Figs. 10 to 12 are shown as suggested solutions. Table VI shows the minimum vo lta ges to apply with these circuits to get position 2A target operation. These circuits were developed using target relays with coi l characteristics shown on Table VII. TABLE VII ' Target Relay Coil Characteristics


"'.< ; , TARGET c;o 1L CHARACTE.RI ST I CS I . -* :l 2A:,. I Coil Resistance (ohms) 8.15 0.71 0.1 95 Pull-In Current (amps) 0.1 5 0.45 1.75 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 144 of 267' + .---------- LOR! I CONTROL PKG I i _________ _ Target relay co i l ----------, LOR Interrupter contacts LOR trip coil LOR interrupter contacts ----------.i Fig. 9 typical LOR trip circuit with target relay coil in series with LOR coil + Fig. 10 LOR trip circuit with resistor (Rp) in Parallel with LOR trip coil (not supplied with LOR -see Table VI for recommended Values) + LOR interrupter contact LOR interrupter contact Target relay coil C1 Fig. 11. LOR trip circuit with RC network --is momentarily connected with LOR coil increasing current in 2A target. Cl discharges through RI when. LOR is reset. See Table VI for recommended values of Cl. . Requires special LOR. Contact Factory. + Target relay coil Rs LOR interrupter contacts L OR trip coll LOR interrupter contacts Fig. 12. LOR trip circuit with series resistor (Rs) chosen to reduce trip coil wattage. Value-chosen to obtain 5 amperes for 5 milliseconds or longer through target relay coil. See Table VI for reconunended values. 6 Transient Protection REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REV I SION: 03 The LOR , LOR/ER, and LOR/SR Lock-out Relays are designed and tested to operate reliably in a normal power industry environment. This includes being subjected to transients on the control bus up to 5kV. Since the LOR is normally isolated from the Bus, it will experience transients only if they occur in the operating mode. This precludes the possibility of a detrimental, accumulating effect over the life of the unit. As such, no transient prote¢tion is needed. Because of the nature of the operation of the solenoid coils, the LOR does generate transients that may be of interest to the user. These transients are less than 2kV and generally in the 1.5kV to 1.8kV range. In systems consisting of components that meet IEEE Std. C37.90.l these transients will not cause any issues. BASIC RELAY CONTACTS The LOR , LOR/ER , and LOR/SR Lock-out Relay contacts operate on the original, reliable principle of knife switches --double sided , double-wiping, spring wiper blades closing on both sides of a terminal. To provide a closed contact, two tenninals are bridged or shunted. Fig. 13 shows this contacting arrangement. Fig. 13. Double-sided, double-wiping knife-type Contact configuration. Contact Materials The wiper blades are made from a phosphor-bronze alloy that combines superior spring qualities with good electrical conductivity. This material and blade design has been proven by extensive laboratory testing as well as more than thirty years of field and experience. Initially used in rugged naval ship applications , it is also used in industrial applications such as railroad locomotives and earth moving equipment. It has been used for more than forty years . in power industry applications, as well. The blade assembly is shockproof and virtually bounce-proof This makes it ideal for high-speed , make, quick-break devices like the LOR, LOR/ER, and LOR/SR. j EC 62063 2 , Att. 1, Pg. 145 of 267 The blades are formed, assembled, and riveted nearly closed. The gap is machine adjusted to provide a uniform high pressure. The gap does not change with time and use. Normal use tends to improve the contact surfaces due to the rubbing action. This provides a burnishing as well as cle a ning action. The contact surface conductivity is enhanced by a silver overlay stripe that la sts the life of the unit. This ensures a good contact , even in those cases where the LOR , LOR/ER , and LOR/SR are not operated for long periods of tim e. The terminals are made of electrically and mentally compatible copper material with a silver overlay stri pe at the contact area plus an overall silver pla t e to ensure a good, durable contact surface for customer wir i ng purposes. Similarly, the terminal screws are mad e from s ilver-plated brass. Number of Decks Available Table VIII shows the maximum number of decks and contacts avai l able for reliable operation: TABLE VIII MAXIMUM DECKS AVAILABLE

  • ' " ! MAXIMUM .LOR TYPE i ; : : it ' 1 ' 'DECKs *::-1 CONTACTS LOR 12 48 LOR/ER HI SPEED TR I P 10 40 LOR/ER STD SPEED TRIP 8 32 LOR/SR INST ANT RESET 8 32 LOR/SR TIME DELAY RESET 7 28 Contact Deck Arrangement
    • The blade and terminal configuration

enables th e use of multi-contacts in the same deck , and simple stacking procedures enable the fabrication of many independent contacts in one relay. Specifically, two NO contacts and two NC contacts are provided in each deck, and up to twelve decks can be stacked , resulting in a rela y with up to 48 contacts (24 N.O. and 24 N.C.). The deck arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 14. The contacts operate reliably, using every contact and terminal illustrated. For good practice, however, it is suggested that polari zed voltages having opposite polarity sho u ld not be used on adjacent contacts. This is because of t h e remote possibility of flasho.ver during transition between adjacent contacts ** especially at the higher DC ratings, or in highly inductive circuits. 7 REPORT NO.: R I EP-424-008-RP1 . , REVIS ION: 03 I PAGE GB OF G14 Fig. 14. Basic LOR Deck Layout The illustration of Fig. 14 is for tl;ie first deck. For deck units the second digit of the terminal number is the same as shown but the first digit changes to denote the deck number. As an example, terminal 82 is in the eighth deck , directly under terminal 12 and used together with terminal 88. Contact Charts The previous illustration shows how the LOR's are constructed and is shown as information for the user. Traditional contact charts are normally used , as shown on Fig. 15. ! POS. "' tu CONTACTS c.. (/) 0 a:: w I-a:: 1101Hl--013 x 11201Hl--018 x 1501Hl--017 x 1 601 H 1--0 1 4 x 2101H1--0 23 x 2 2201 H 1--0 28 x 2501 H l--0 27 x -..._ 2601 H l--0 24 x x Fig. 15. LOR , LOR/ER, and LOR/SR Lock-out relay Chart Contact Ratings The LOR , LOR/ER, and LOR/SR Lock-out relays have been tested to many different circuit conditions. The in terrupt in g ratings are based on 10,000 operations of life, using suddenly applied and removed rated voltage, with no extensive burning of contacts. Inductive ratings are based on tests and u sing standard inductance L/R=0.04 for DC and cos6=0.4 for AC. Short-time and cpntinuous ratings are based on temperature rise in contact members and supporting parts not exceeding so 0 c above ambient. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 146 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE G9 OF G14 24------------- i--------1__,. 1---------- ,----,__,, ....... __ .._,__24 2:3 22 !o 21 I o Q *N ,_ :20 c i s 1 1 9 .o 'LI.I i CI> * 17 1 6 15 1 4 113 1 2 l o 11 1* 110 0 0 LI.I 9 (:I) I :::; : I : 9 I I -l I -f I i i i I I I I : I I I I i I ! I I I I, I ! I I I '1\ I I I I i I I I l 1\ '\I I I ' '1* '.._ i '

.., I 1 *.. ri.. '-f 1! ....,__.,._

__ ......,,....__ C:O JL I ll --+-1 1 I 'I\.. ,... 1 1 i -..--*"-' L0 1 RISR 1 1' I"\ "°' l)f..._ """' -1 ! I'"-.. I. !COIL f" 14 1--t--+-' "--11--..,....-f"- COIL C. .1\. i E . , ' r-IL OR/!rn -COl l L A I LOR/ER '\ \ c O t l L 0 [ 1 1 lO R/SR -----LO R/ER------,-LOR/SR I'\* lOFVER ' -13 I LOR/SR \ I .,,,..,,........., __ LO R/SR ir.-' ___ I I I : ... I \ COi l.i< *"\_ 12 I I ., i \I I I"" -11 1:1: 1 I ' I I \ '\I I I : FQl i l H +---++-" ...,* l t---fi---il---1"+- 11 .....,,...\-+t- .... \'H----+---+- u o R .,, ! 1 0 l, ..... -* t-=t--t-c 0 I L ""'. [ LO A: ' -I 1 t \ I \_' * _ \ \ 10 20 3(J "'° Ci() >COIL F -lOR . w "'° 00 80 100 12'0 3 "'° 160 1:130 200 720 24(1; :200 300 OCVOLTS Fig. 8. LOR/ER and LOR/SR Lock-out Relay response times (l 0 deck LO R , 8 deck LOR/ER or LOR/SR For LOR/ER ot LOR'SR's, use LOR response tim es. .j I 7 7 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 147 of 267 Allowable Variation From Rated Voltage The relay contacts are not sensitive to normal variations in voltage. The interrupting capaci ty is important as indicated in Table IX. Variations of plus and minus twenty percent in rated voltage need not be considered as long as the interrupting current is not exceeded. TABLE IX Contact Ratings for Series 24 LOR, LOR/ER, and LOR/SR Lock-out Relays d Ho' *R i T; i i i ,, ' CONTACT .l * :**r: *\"I; '. ', : 'COr-!TINUOUS


.. ; ' * . I . .* . " 1 R/\TING*' *'--! " .. ' VOLTS SINGLE; *. * I S 0 INGLE' '.*:i\! ! ' .. *: ' !/, 3 (amps)' t coNTAcr : c6NrAcT *r t ; M ! . . : 125 voe 3 1 60 30 250 voe 2 1/2 60 30 120 VAC 20 15 60 30 240 VAC 15 5 60 30 480VAC 10 5 60 30 600 VAC 6 5 60 30 *The making ability for 125VDC circuit breaker coils is 95A-125VDC , Short-time is for 1 minute. THE ELECTROMECHANICAL DRIVE The switch portion of the Lock-out Relay is the field pro v en Series 24 Instrum e nt and Control Switch. In this application, it is a two-position device -TRIP and RESET. There is a powerful coil spring mechanism to drive it from the RESET* position to the TRIP position. The device is held in the RESET position by a latch and locking mechanism. This is released by a small linear solenoid for electric tripping. The LOR is manually reset by rotating the handle against the coil springs. The LOR/ER is eit h er manua ll y reset or electrically reset utilizing a separate rotary solenoid mechanism. The LOR/SR is self-resetting when the tripping condition has bee n removed. These mechanisms are described below. The TRIP Mechanism (Patent #3649793) Industry requirements for Lock-out Relays include: *high-speed

  • seismic shock-proof
  • multiple

contacts To get the multi-contact feature and maintain positive and rugged action, heavy spring action is required. This requires a locking mechanism to hold back a spring wind-up of forty-inch pounds of torque. To get high-speed release , a solenoid is needed. Ordinarily, a large solenoid is required to do this. Large solenoids are inherently slow so a small linear sole n oid is used to release the latch. By nature, small linear solenoids do not deve l op much force, so a mechanical adv a ntage is needed. 8 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 The trigger mechanism was invented to provide the mechanical advantage. One pound of force from the linear solenoid releases the latch that locks the device against forty inch pounds of torque. The trigger' uses the principle of coincident radii of two rollers -one cannot roll without the other. The two rollers are shown in Fig. 16. large roller segment of large roller Fig. 16. Relationship of two rollers with coincident radii The relationship of roller sizes is to get the mechanical advantage needed. Since only a small part of the larger roller is needed, a segment was cut out to reduce si z e and inertia. Fig. 17 shows the small roller, roller segment, and their relationships with the linear solenoid and the relay operating shaft. As shown, the trip mechanism is in the RESET position. This was done by rotating the handle and relay shaft (1) clockwise against the relay shaft stop pin (2). When the roller ann (3) and the small ro ll er ( 4) clear the large roller segment (5), the retaining spring (6) positions the large segment (5) against the stop pin (7). The handle and shaft (1) is now_ released, allowing the roller arm (3) to spring return until the small roller (4) comes to rest on the farge roller segment (5) When the two rollers contact , the mechanical force generated acts along coinc i dent radii (c ommon centerline). Neither roller can rotate; the LOR is locked and reset. Fig. 17. LOR TRIP Mechanism EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 148 of 26 7 To initiate a TRlP action the linear solenoid (8) is actuated. The solenoid push rod (9) provides a one pound release force to the large roller segment (5) moving it by the release distance (IO). When this happens , the roller arm (3) i s free to rotate counterdockwise to the TRIP position where an internal stop mechanism stops the rotation. The RESET Mechanism The manual reset LOR is reset by manually turning the relay handle clockwise to the RESET position where it locks in. The electric-reset LOR/ER is either manually reset the same way or . electrically reset using the solenoid circuit previously described. The LOR/SR resets with a solenoid circuit similar to the LOR/ER. The HIGH-SPEED -TRlP Electric-reset Mechanism The high-speed TRIP electric-reset or self-reset out Relay has two features used to accomplish a reliable tripping action in less than eight milliseconds: I. The rotary solenoid is disengaged from the relay shaft after it is used to e lectrically reset the device. This reduces the drag on the relay shaft enabling the speed TRIP. The handle always resets in the vertica l position. Therefore , it is not used as a position indicator. It is used only to reset the LOR/ER or LOR/SR manually. The Target is the position indication. 2. The mechanical target indexes to TRIP (Orange) when the LOR/ER or LOR/SR trips but does not r eset (to Black) when the LOR.ER or LOR/SR is electr ically reset. The target is reset manually with a lever on the face of the nameplate. This enables a station operator to observe and record the fact that the LOR/ER or LOR/SR did TRlP -a much less expensive method than u sing recorders. VERlFICATION TESTING The Series 24 LOR, LOR/ER, and LOR/SR out Relays have been tested to many different service conditions to insur e that they will operate satisfactorily as general devices --special use. For power industry applications the testing is performed in accordance with the following standards: ANSI/IEEE-323-1984 Oualifving Clas s IE Equipment (or Nuclear Power G e nerating Stations ANSI/IEEE-344-1987 Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Pow er Generating Stations ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1989 Relays and Relay $vstems Asso ci ated with Electric Power Aoparotus ANSI/IEEE C37 .98-1987 S e ismic Testing o(R e lays 9 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE G11 OF G14 The testing is p erformed in accordance with ESC-STD-1000 -General Specific atio ns for Rotary Sw_itches and Auxiliary Relays for Utility Applications including IE Equipment Requirements for Nuclear Power Generating Stations. The tests include ratings eva l uation tests, aging tests to simulate forty years operat i ng life , and seismic tests. Aging Test s Aging tests are run in accordance with ANSI/IEEE 323-1984 and ESC-STD-1000 and cons is t of the following (run in sequence): I. Visual and mechanical examination 2. Circuit configuration 3. Dielectric Withstanding Vo 1 tage-2200VRMS 4. Insulation resistance -100 megohms minimum at 500 VDC 5. Contact resistance -10 milliohms maximum at rated current 6. Radiation aging-10 megarads (10 7) 7. Elevated temperature -120 hours at 80°C 8. Elevated humidity -96 hours at 95% RH 9. Temperature rise (contacts)- 50°C maximum 10. Aging -10,000 cycles at 20A-120VAC and 3A-125VDC (both resistive) 11. Seismic vibration -ZP A= Sg 12. After test measurements (in order)-items 3,4,5,9,2,1 Details on the background of these te sts, plus the methods and procedures are outlined in ESC-STD-1000. Seismic Tests The Series 24 LOR, LOR/ER, and L OR/SR Lock-out Relays are subjected to frag ility testing in a seismic environment after aging to an accelerated life estimated to be forty years. This sequence is outlined under Aging Tests. The seismic tests are in accordance with ANSI/IEEE 344-1987 and ANSI/IEEE C37.98-1987. The tests are performed in accordance with ESC-STD-1000. Broadband repeatable multi-frequency input motions are us ed. The Fragility Resp onse Spectrum (FRS) envelopes the Standard Response Spectrum (SRS) shown i n Fig. 18, using a biaxial input motion. The "g" rating of the Lock-out Relays are d e fin ed as the ZP A (zero period acceleration). The "g" rating, then , is Sg. The Series 24 LOR and LOR/ER are tested in the normal RESET position, the TRlP position, and during transition from RESET to TRlP. The LOR/SR is tested in th e RESET position. EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 149 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I 2 I ' ' n I .......__1-.---;i_........ 4 M z ._i -ll l'--A-&.4.- 16 Hz +'-ii 12.5 -I .'-. l: i : 1: tti , 0 -+-+-4-1 ZP A-5 g -1--IL-: r-. H 1 4 1---1---J* -+--1--1-- i -j-.j-.,+l-1-1+---J ,_I -i--33Hz ! i I 3 -4--i , l..JI., +11-1---1 ,!--l--r--r---r--r-++-H-r--+--li- 1 -t+-l , HHH-IH 1 H I ' ! I I i I I I ' I I I , -i -I ! 1 at 5qr, Damping Fig. 18. Multi-frequency Broadband Standard Respon s e Spectrum (SRS) ! ;! 10 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 150 of 26 7 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVIS I ON: 03 HOW TO ORDER LOCK-OUT RELAYS 1. Select desired trip-coil from data on pages 4 and 6. 2. Select reset coil voltage from chart below. 3. Choose appropriate catalog number below. PAGE 4 .i , , 4. Units are supplied with engraved nameplate (code l 7C-2L22) unless otherwise specified. 5. For other than standard relays shown below (or for your own documentation purpo ses) complete DESIGN GUIDE (shown on pages 12, 13, 14). MANUAL-RESET LOR EC. K*s. -'i' . * ., .* . *. > '*1'** :*1 ! .. '. ;. 'piTALOG NUMBERS w. lt.h TR.I P COILS D * * .. ** ***1t**** ""' ** * '**!. ... : 1t "*/co1L:C: ' ti <: con: o ;,; ;'COILE .. COILG f' ;** * (COILH) DECKS 3 5 8 3 5 8 3 5 8 3 5 8 3 ' 7803A 78036 7803C 78030 7803E 7803F 7803G 7803H 7805H 7808H 7810H 7803K 7805K 7808K 7810K 5 8 10 7805A 7808A 7810A 78056 7808B 78106 7805C 7808C 7810C 78050 78080 78100 7805E 7808E 7810E 7805F 780BF 7810F 7805G 7808G 7810G STANDARD TRIP ELECTRIC-RESET LOR/ER RESET COIL r m:> ' ! ': ' ..** fj , *t ! I -.ylth TR I P. ') li , O lJ AGE'. .. , C\)ILC) f:Ol , LP'. , c_qlLE. COILF;. CO)LG 24VDC ' 24 voe 24 voe 48 voe 48VDC 48VDC 125 voe 125 voe 125 voe 250 VOC 250VOC 250VOC 7823AA : 7823BA 7825AA 78 28AA 7823AC 7825AC 7828AC 7823AD 7825AD 7828AO 7823AF 7825AF 7828AF 78256 A 78286A 78236C 78256 C 78286C 782360 782560 782860 78236F 78256F 78286F 7823CA 7823DA 7825CA 7828CA 7823CC 7825CC 7828CC 7823CO 7825CO 7828CO 7823CF 7825CF 7828CF 78250A 7828DA 7823DC 7825DC 7828DC 782300 782500 782800 78230F 7825DF 78280F 7823EA 7823FA 7825EA 7828EA 7823EC 7825EC 7828EC 7823ED 7825ED 7828ED 7823EF 7825EF -::* 7828EF 7825FA 7828FA 7823FC 7825FC 7828FC 7823FD 7825FO 782 8FO 7823FF 7825FF ,, :-*<f.' 7828FF 7823GD 7825GO 7828GD HIGH-SPEED TRIP,ELECTRIC-RESET LOR/ER *' ; ; l . NUMBERS with TRIP CO I LS DECKS** .: RESET. COIL* : t 1 : .'. t" f'. l' 5 ' *.. '*.. ' . .. t ( **: voLTAGE'" t CO I L D ,, it' .. *COILE * , COIL F ... *, .*** .. . . 3 125 voe 783300 7833ED 7833FD 5 125 voe 783500 7835ED 7835FD 8 125 voe 783800 7838ED 7838FD 10 125 voe 784000 7840ED 7840FD 3 . 250 voe 78330F 7833EF 7833FF 5 250VOC 78350F 7835EF 7835FF 8 250 voe 78380F 7838EF 7838FF 10 250 voe 78400F 784DEF 7840FF : ' 'i :. ' : ' . 'co11:: H--t.J l'j c: o.1i:K*'**. .... 1.H: .. --i 7823KA 7823HF 7825HF 7828 H F 7825KA 7828KA 7823KC 7825KC 7828KC ' 7823KD 7825KD j 7828KD 7823KF 7825KF 7828KF STANDARD TRIP, INSTANT-RESET, SELF-RESET LOR/SR STANDARD TRIP, TIME-DELAY RESET,SELF-RESET LOR/SR DECKS RESET.COIL cATAl.oG w1tti VOLTAGE. " ' COIL q i; COil E;t)/!'ci'oiL F 1 ';;'.CO I L G okcK t RESET COIL ; CATALOG 11 th : rn 1_P f OILS . ' . VOLTAGE ; COI L D E '** i 3 125 VDC 784300 . 7843ED. 7843FD 7843GD 3 125 voe 785300 7 853 ED 7853FO 7853GO 5 125 voe . 784500 7845ED 7845FD 7845GO 5 125 voe 785500 7855ED 7855FD 7855GO 8 12s voe 784800 7848ED 7848FD 7848GO 7 125 voe 785700 7857EO 7857FD 7827GO HIGH-SPEED TRIP, INSTANT RESET.SELF-RESET LOR/SR HIGH-SPEED TRIP, TIME-DELAY RESET, SELF-RESET LOR/SR DECKS.

; *I , **: ; . * , * , ._ . ; I *.COIL ll cd1L i o !" * ,,

E. * '* F t l VOL . . . . ( . -' , . . RESEI CATALOG TR I P cold ' dECKS COIL' . :i;*1'.*it* . 1:! ' ' VOLTAGE co1L o ,, '.' * coii. f : ' 3 12s voe 786300 7863EO 7863FD 3 12s voe 787300 7873ED 7873FD 5 125 voe 786500 7865EO 7865 FD 5 125 voe 787500 7875ED 7875FO 8 125 voe 786800 7868ED 7868FO 7 125 voe 787700 7877ED 7877FO 11 E C 620632 , At t. 1 , Pg. 151 of 26 7 REPORT NO.: REP-424-0 0 8-RP1 . REVISION: 0 3 I ELECTROSW,TCH Check out these other Gr e at Products from the Ele c troswitch Family! : I ' EC 62 0 632, A tt. 1 , Pg. 1 52 o f 26 7 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE H 1 OF H2 WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17.0.d Arrhenius File Report Arrhenius Material File Item Descript i on: No De sc r i pt i on Provided Material N u mber: Commercia l Name: 338 BELDSOL Gener i c Name: Manufacture r: POLYURETHANE WITH POL YAMIDE BELDEN Material Classificat i on: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: CABLE/WIRE INSULATION DIELECTRIC STRENGTH 1.3582 15 , 762.64407734 -28.07861890 0.99532304 Material Thic k ness (in.): N I A Item Descrip t i on: No Descr i p ti on Provided Material Numbe r: Commercia l Name: Generic Name: Manufactu r er: Material C l assification

Failure Parameter: Activation

Energy: Slope: Intercep t: Correlation Coefficien t: Material Thickness (in.): 340 BELDURE POLYURETHANE BELDEN CABLE/WIRE INSULATION DIELECTRIC STRENGTH 1.3588 15 , 769.22349815 -27.29389850 0.99999998 N I A Item Desc ri p ti on: No D e s cri pt i on P r ov i ded Material Number: Commerc i al Name: Generic Name: Manufac t urer: Material C l assification

Failure Parameter:

Act i vation E nergy: Slope: Intercept: Correlatio n Coefficien t: Material Th i ckness (in.): 06 June 2017 18:30 UTC 551 HUDSOL URETHANE-B I MW-2 POLYURETHANE HUDSON WIRE CO CABLE/WIRE INSULA T ION DIELECTRIC STRENGTH 1.3540 15 , 713.65787916 -27.77730440 0.99213304 N I A Temperature Rating: 130C Highest Aging Temp.: 200C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 209-83D Arrhenius Page Number: 2 Temperature Rating: 130C Highest Aging Temp.: 200C A r rhenius Lib. Code No.: 327-84C A r rhenius Page Num b e r: 2 T emperature Ra ti ng: 130C H i ghest Aging Temp.: 200C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 409-85C Arrhenius Page Numbe r: 2 Page 1of2 I EC 620632, Att. 1 , Pg. 153 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE H2 OF H2 WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17.0.d Arrhenius File Report References Library Code 209-830 ARRHENIUS PLOTS FOR BELDEN WIRE 327-84C STATISTICAL DATA BELDEN'S BELDURE 409-85C LIFE CURVES FOR VARIOUS POLYMER COATINGS ON 18 AWG WIRE 06 June 2017 18: 30 UTC Page 2 of 2 EC 62063 2 , Att. 1, Pg. 154 of REP-424-008 -RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 11 OF 139 Ella Gills From: Sent: Ella Gills <egills@kciconsultants .com> Tuesday, May 09, 2017 1: 56 PM To: 'Anup Behera' Subject: Oh mite Anup, All catalogue/brochure information is on the U-dri v e in your personal folder. The part number cross reference is as follows: OLD NEW 0151 RJISlOO 0601 LlOOJ25R 0605 LlOOJ150 0701 Ll 75J25R 0902 L225J50R 0959 DOOK50R F523 F55J2K5 1

2 6 7REPORT NO.: R EP-424-008-RP1 CIHMl;E EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 156 of REVISION: 03 PAGE 13 OF 139 Cross Reference Manufacturing Company I Old to New Stock Part Numbers e Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. New No. 1727 B12J350 2302 PFE5KR120 2841 85J6R2 3790 L 12J330 3951 92J750 4126A 91J1K4 442 1 93J900 1728 B12 J 400 2303A PFE5KR140 2842 B5J6R8 3792 L12J390 3952 92J800 4127 91J1K5 4422 93J910 1729 B12J450 2304A PFE5KR160 2843 85J7R5 3794 L12J470 3953 92J82 0 4128 91 J1 K6 4423 93J1KO 1730 B 12J500 2305A PFE5KR180 2844 B5J8R2 3796 L12J560 3954 92J900 4129 91J1K8 4424 93J1K1 1731 B12J600 2306 PFE5KR250 2845 B5J9R1 3798 L12J680 3955 92J910 4130 91J2KO 4425 93J1K2 1732 812J700 2306A PFE5KR220 2846 B5J10R 3800 L12J820 3956 9 2 J1KO 4131 91J2K2 4426 93J1K3 1733 812J750 2308 PFE5KR330 2847 85J11R 3802 L1 2 J1KO 3957 92J1K 1 4132 9 1J 2K4 4426A 93J1K4 1734 812J800 2308A PFE5KR300 2848 85J1 2 R 3804 L12J1K2 3958 92J 1K2 4133 9 1J 2K5 4427 93J1K5 1735 B12J900 2309A PFE5KR370 2849 B5J13R 3806 L1 2J 1K 5 3959 92J1K3 4134 91J 2 K7 4428 93J1K6 '1736 . 812J1KO 23 10 PFE5KR500 2850 B5J15R 3808 L12J1K8 3960 92J 1 K4 4135 91J3KO 4429 93J1K8 1737 B12J1K1 23 11 PFE5KR750 2851 B5J16R 3810 L12J2K2 3961 92J1K5 4190 RES7K5 4430 93J2KO 1738 B12J1K2 2312 PFE5K1ROO 2852 B5J18R 3812 L1 2J2K7 3962 92J1K6 4191 RES10K 4431 93J2K2 1739 B12J1K25 2313 PFE5K1R60 2853 B5J20R 38 14 L1 2J3K3 3963 92J1K8 4192 R ES 1 2K5 4432 93J2K4 1740 B12J1K5 2317 PFE5KR600 2854 B5J22R 3816 L12J 3K9 3964 92J2KO 41 93 RES15K 4433 93J2K5 1741 B1 2J1 K75 23 18 PFE5KR670 2855 B5J24R 3818 L12J4K7 3965 92J2K2 4200 RH S7K5 4434 93J2K7 1742 B12J2KO 2319 PFE5K1R30 2856 B5J27R 3820 L1 2 J 5K6 3966 92J2K4 4201 RHS10K 4435 93J3KO 1743 B12J2K25 2331A PFE5K2R20 2857 B5J30R 3822 L12J6K8 3967 92J2K5 4202 RHS15K 4436 93J3K3 1744 B12J2K5 2332A PFE5K2R80 2858 B5J33R 3824 L12J8K2 3968 92J2K7 4203 RHS20K 4436A 93J3K5 1745 .B12J3KO 2333A PFE5K3R50 2859 B5J36R 3826 L12J10K 3969 92J3KO 4204 RH S25K 4437 93J3K6 1746 B12J3K5 2334A PFE5K4R50 2 860 B 5 J39R 3828 L12J12K 4030 91J1 RO 4210 RJS15K 4438 93J3K9 1747 B12J4KO 2335A PFE5K5R40 2 86 1 B5J43R 3830 L12J15K 4031 91J1R1 4211 RJS20K 4439 93J4KO 1748 B12J4K5 2336A PFE5K6R80 2862 B5J47R 3832 L12J18K 4032 91J1R2 4212 RJS25K 4440 93J4K3 1749 B12J5KO 2337A PFE5K8R50 2863 B5J51R 3834 L 1 2 J 22K 4033 91J1 R 3 4213 RJS30K 4440A 93J4K5 1750 B12J6KO PFR5K1 1R O 2864 B5J5 6 R 3836 L 12J27K 4034 91J1R5 4214 RJS40K 4441 93J4K7 1 752 B12J7K5 2339 PFR5K13RO 2865 B5J62R 3838 L 12J33K 4035 91J1R6 4215 RJSSOK 4442 93J5KO 1753 B12J8KO 2340 PFR5K17RO 2866 B5J68R 3840 L1 2 J 39K 4036 91J1 R8 4330 93 J1R O 4443 93J5K1 1754 B12J8K5 2341 PFR5K 20RO 2867 B5J75R 3842 L12J47K 4037 91J2 RO 4331 93J1R1 4444 93J5K6 1754A B12J9KO 2342 PFR5K25RO 2868 B5J82R 3843 L 12J51K 4038 91J2R2 4332 93J1R2 4445 93J6KO 1755 B12J10K 2501 C300KR10 2869 B5J91R 3860 92J1RO 4039 91J2 R4 4333 93J1 R 3 4446 93J6K2 1756 B12J11K 25 0 2 C300KR12 2870 B5J100 3861 92J1R1 4041 91J2R7 4334 93J1 R 5 4447 93J6K8 1757 B12J12K 2503 C300KR16 2871 B5J110 3862 92J1R2 4042 91J3RO 4335 93J1R6 4448 93J7KO 1758 B12J12K5 2504 C300KR20 2872 B5J120 3863 92J 1R 3 4043 91 J3R3 4336 93J 1R8 4449 93J7K5 1759 B12J13K5 2505 C300KR25 2873 B5J130 3864 92J1R5 4044 91J3 R6 4337 93J2RO 4450 93J8KO 1761 B12J1 5K 2506 C300KR31 2 874 B5J150 3865 92J1R6 4045 91J3R9 4338 93J2R2 4451 93J8K2 1762 B1 2 J16K 2507 C300KR40 2875 B5J160 3866 92J1R8 4046 91J4RO 4339 93J2R4 4452 93J9KO 1763 B12J17K5 25 08 C300KR50 2876 B5J180 3867 92J2RO 4047 91J4R3 4341 93J2R 7 4453 93J9K1 1764 B12J18K 2509 C300KR63 2877 B5J200 3868 92J2R2 4048 91J4R7 4342 93J3RO 4454 93J10K 1765 B12J20K 2510 C300K R8 0 2878 B5J220 3869 92 J 2R4 4049 91J5RO 4343 93J3 R 3 4530 95J1RO 1766 B12J22K5 2511 C300K 1R O 2879 B5J240 3871 92J2R7 4050 9 1J5R1 4344 93J3 R6 4531 95J1A1 1767 B12J2 5K 2512 C300K1R2 2880 B5J270 3872 92J3RO 4051 91J5R6 4345 93J3R9 4532 95J1R2 1768 B12J30K 2513 C300K1R6 2881 B5J300 3873 92J3R3 4053 91J6R2 4346 93J4RO 4533 95J1R3 1769 B12J35K 25 14 C300K2RO 2882 B5J3 30 3874 92J3R6 4054 91J6R8 4347 93J4 R 3 4534 95J1R5 1770 B 12 J40 K 2515 C300K2R5 2883 B5J36 0 3875 92J3R9 4056 91J7R5 4348 93J4 R 7 4535 95J1R6 1771 B1 2 J45 K 2516 C300K3R1 2884 B5J390 3876 92J4RO 4058 91 J8R 2 4349 93J5RO 4536 95J1R8 1772 B1 2 J5 0K 25 17 C300K4RO 2885 B5J430 3877 92J4R3 4060 91J9 R1 4350 93J5 R1 4537 95J2RO 1800A B 20JR50 2518 C300K5RO 2886 B5J470 3878 92J4R7 4061 91 J1 0R 4351 93J5R6 4538 95J242 1802A B20J1RO 25 19 C300K6R3 2887 B5J510 3879 92 J 5RO 4062 91 J11R 4353 93J6R2 4539 95J2R4 180 28 B 20J2RO 2520 C300K8RO 2888 B5J560 3880 92 J 5R1 4063 91J12 R 4354 93J6R8 4541 95J2R7 180 2C B20J3RO 2521 C300K10R 2889 B5J620 3881 92J5R6 4064 91J13R 4356 93J7R5 4542 95J3RO 18020 B20J4RO 2522 C300K 12R 2890 B5J680 3883 92J6R2 4065 91J15R 4358 93J8R2 4543 95J3R3 1803 B20J5RO 2523 C300K16R 2891 B5J750 3884 92J6R8 4066 91J16 R 4360 93J9R1 4544 95J3R6 18 04 B 20J 10R 2524 C300K20R 2892. B5J820 3886 92 J 7R5 4067 91J18R 4361 93J10R 4545 95J3R9 1805 B 20J25R 253 0 C35KR02 2893 B5J910 3888 92J8R2 4 068 91J20R 4362 93J11R 4546 95J4RO 1805A B 20J40R 253 1 C35KR04 2894 B5J1KO 3890 92J9R1 4069 91J22 R 4363 93J12R 4547 95J4R3 1806 B 20J50R 2532 C35KR06 2895 B5J1K1 3891 92J10R 4070 91J24R 4364 93J13 R 4548 95J4R7 1807 B 20J75 R 2533 C35KR08 2896 B5J1K2 3892 92J11R 4071 91J25 R 4365 93J 1 5R 4549 95J5RO 1808 B 20J 100 2534 C35KR10 2897 B5J1K3 3893 92 J1 2R 4072 91 J 27 R 4366 93J 1 6R 4550 95J5R1 1808 A B 20J125 2535 C35KR15 2898 B5J1K5 3894 92J13R 4073 91J30 R 4367 93J18R 4551 95J5R6 1809 B20J150 2536 C35KR20 2899 B5J1K 6 3895 92J15R 4074 91J33 R 4368 93J20R 4553 95J6R2 181 0 B20J200 2537 C35KR25 2900 B5J1K8 3896 92 J1 6R 4074A 91J35R 4369 93J22R 4554 95J6R8 1811 B 20J250 253 8 C35KR30 2901 B5J2KO 3897 92J 18R 4075 91J36 R 4370 93J 2 4R 4556 95J7R5 1812 B20J300 2539 C35KR40 2902 B5J2K2 3898 92J20R 4076 9 1J39R 4371 93J25R 4558 95J8R2 181 3 B 20 J3 50 2540 C35KR50 2903 B 5 J2K4 3899 92J22R 4077 91J4 0R 4372 93J27R 4560 95J9R1 1814 B20J400 2541 C35KR60 2904 B5J2K7 3900 92J24R 4078 91J43R 4373 93J30R 4561 95J10R 1815 B20J500 2542 C35KR80 2905 B5J3KO 3901 92J25R 4079 91 J4 7 R 4374 93J33R 4562 95J11R 1816 B 20J650 2543 C35K1RO 2906 BSJ3K 3 3902 92J27R 4080 91 J 50 R 4374A 93J35R 4563 95J12R 1817 B 20J700 2544 C35K1 R 25 2907 B5J3K6 3903 92J30R 4081 91J5 1R 4375 93J36R 4564 95J13R 1818 B20J750 2601 E300KR10 2908 B5J 3K9 3904 92J33R 4082 91 J 56 R 4376 93J39R 4 565 95J15R 1819 B 20J800 2602 E300KR12 2909 B5J4K3 390 5 92J35R 4084 91J62R 4377 93J40 R 4566 95J16R 1820A B 20 J900 2603 E300KR16 2 91 0 B5J4K7 3906 92J36R 4085 91J68R 4378 93J43R 4567 95J18R 1821 B 20J1KO 26 04 E300KR20 2911 B5J5K1 3907 92J39R 4087 91J75R 4379 93J47R 4568 95J20R 182 2 B 20 J1K2 2605 E 300KR25 2912 B5J 5K6 3908 92J40R 4089 91J82 R 4380 93J50R 4569 95J22R 18 23 B 20J 1K2 5 2606 E300KR31 2913 B5J6K 2 3909 92J43R 4091 91J9 1R 4381 93J51R 4570 95J24R 1824 B 20 J1K5 2607 E300KR40 2914 B5J6K8 3910 92J47R 4092 91J100 4382 93J56R 4571 95J25R 1825 B 20 J1K75 2608 E300KR50 2915 B5J7K5 3911 92J50R 4093 9 1J110 4384 93J62R 4 572 95J27R 1827 B20J2KO 2 609 E300KR63 2916 B5J8K 2 3912 92 J5 1R 4094 91J120 4385 93J68R 4573 95J30R 1828 B20J2K25 2610 E300KR80 2917 B5J9K1 39 13 92J56R 4095 91J130 4387 93J75R 4574 95J33R 1830 B20J2K5 2611 E300K1RO 2918 B5J10K 3915 92J62 R 4096 91J 150 4389 93J82R 4574A 95J35R 1831 B20J2K75 2612 E300K1R2 2919 B5J11K 39 16 92J68R 4097 91 J160 4391 93J91R 4575 95J36R 1832 B20J3KO 2613 E300K1R6 2920 B5J12K 3918 92 J75R 4098 91 J180 4392 93J100 4576 95J39R 1833 B 2 0J3K5 E300K2RO 2921 B5J13K 3920 92J82R 4099. 91J20 0 4393 93J1 1 0 4577 95J40R 1834 B 20J4KO 2 15 E300K2R5 2922 B5J15 K 3922 92 J 9 1R 4100 9 1J 22 0 4394 93J 1 20 4578 95J43R 1835 B 20J4K5 2616 E300K3R1 2923 B5J16 K 3923 92 J1 00 4 1 01 91J240 4395 93J 1 30 4579 95J47R 1836 B2dJ5KO 2617 E300K4RO 2924 B5J18 K 3924 92J110 410 2 91J250 4396 93J150 4580 95J50R 1837 B20J6KO 2618 E300K5RO 2925 B5J 20K 3925 92J120 4103 91J27 0 4397 93J160 4581 95J51R 1838 B20J7KO 2619 E300K6R3 3723 L 12JR51 3926 9 2 J130 4104 91 J 3 00 4398 93J1 80 4582 95J56R 1839 B20J7K 5 2620 E300K8RO 3730 L12J1RO 392 7 92J150 4105 91J33 0 4399 93J200 4584 95J62R 1840 B20J8KO 2621 E300K10R 3734 L12J1R5 3926 92 J 160 4105A 91 J350 4400 93J220 4585 95J68R 1840A B 20J9K O 2622 E300K12R 3738 L1 2 J2R 2 3929 92J180 4106 91 J360 4401 93J240 4587 95J75R 1841 B 20 J10K 2623 E300K16R 3742 L1 2J3R3 3930 92J200 4107 91J390 4402 93J250 4589 95J82R 184 2 B20J12K5 2624 E300K20R 3746 L12J4R7 3931 92J220 4108 91J400 4403 93J270 4591 95J91R 1843 B20J15K 2822 B 5J1RO 3750 L12J6R8 3932 92J240 4109 91J430 4404 93J300 4592 95J100 1844 B20J20K 2823 B5J1R1 3754 L12J10R 3933 92J250 4109A 91J 4 5 0 4405 93J330 4593 95J110 1845 B20J25K 2824 B 5J1R2 3756 L12J12R 3934 92J270 4110 91J47 0 4405A 93J350 4594 95J120 1846 B 20J30K 2825 B5J1R3 3758 L12J15R 3935 92J300 4111 91J500 4406 93J360 4595 95J130 184 7 B 20J35K 2826 B5J1R5 3760 L12J18R 3936 92 J 33 0 4112 91 J5 10 440 7 93J390 4596 95J150 1848 B 20J4 0K 2627. B5J1R6 3762 L 12J22R 3937 92J350 4113 91J56 0 4408 93J400 4597 95J160 1849 B 20J 45K 2628 B 5J1 R8 3764 L12J27R 3938 92J360 4114' 9 1J600 4409 93J430 4598 95J180 1850 B 20 J50K 2829 B 5J2RO 3766 L12J33R 3939 92J390 4115 9 1 J62 0 4409A 93J 4 50 4599 95J200 1851 B 20J55K 2830 B5J2R2 3768 L12J39R 3940 92J400 4116 91J68 0 4410 93J470 4600 95J22 0 1652 B 20J60K 2831 B5J2R4 3770 L12J47R 394 1 92J430 4117 91 J700 4411 93J500 4601 95J240 1853 B 20 J6 5K 2832 B 5J2 R7 3772 L12J56R 3942 92 J4 50 4118 91J75 0 4412 93J510 4602 95J250 1854 B20J70K 2833 B5J3RO 3774 L12J68R 3943 92J470 4119 91 J800 4413 93J560 4603 95J270 1855 B20J75K 2834 B5J3R3 3776 L12J82R 3944 92J500 4120 91J820 4414 93J600 4604 95J 300 1856 B 2 0J80K 2835 BSJ3R6 3778 L12J100 3945 92J510 4121 91J900 4415 93J620 4605 95J330 1657 B 20J85K 2836 B5J3R9 3780 L 1 2J120 3946 92J560 4122 91J910 4416 93J680 4605A 95J350 1858 B 20J90K 2 837 B5J4R3 376 2 L1 2J 150 3947 92J600 4123 91J1KO 4417 93J700 4606 95J360 1859 B 20 J95K 2838 B5J4 R7 3784 L12J180 3948 92J620 4124 91J1K1 4418 93J750 4607 95J390 1860 B 20 J100K 2839' B5J5 R1 3786 L1 2 J220 3949 92J680 4125 91J1K2 4419 93J800 4608 95J400 230.1. PFE 5KR 10 0 . 2840 B5J5R6 3788 L12J270 3950 92J700 4126 91 J1K3 4420 93J820 4609 95J430 80 Ohmite Manufacturing Company , 3601 Howard St., Skokie, lflinois 60076, Tel. 708/675-2600 , Fax 708/675-1505 EC 62°063 2' Att. 1, Pg. 157 of 2 6 7REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 14 OF 139 O HMIT E Cross Reference Manufacturing Company e Old t o New.Stock Part Numbers Old No. New No. Old No. New No. Old NO. New No. Old No. New No. Old No. N ew No. Old No. New No. 4609A 95J450 4784 90J62R 4921 ACS!KO 5 877 ASJ750 F319 F30J 1 KO L0151 AHL100 4610 95J470 4785 90J68R 4922 AC S 1K 5 5878 RSJ800 F320 F30J1K5 L0152 AHL1 2 5 4611 95J500 4787 90J75R 4923 AC S2K 5 5879 RSJ1KO F3 2 1 F30J 2 KO L0153 AHL175 4612 95J510 . 4789 90J82R 49 2 4 A C S 3K5 5880 ASJ1K2 F32 2 F30J2K 5 L0154 RHL250 4613 95J5gg 4791 90J91A 4925 AC SS KO 5881 RSJ1K3 F323 F30J 3 KO L0155 RHL3 5 0 4614 95J6 4792 90J100 4948 RCL 1 0 A 5882 R 5 J1K8 F324 F30J4KO L0 1 56 RHL500 4615 95J6 0 4793 90J110 4949 RCL 15R 5883 RSJ2KO F325 F30J5KO L0157 RHL750 4616 95J680 4794 90J120 4950 ACL 2 5R 5883A R5J2K2 F326 F30J7K5 L0158 RHL1KO 4617 95J700 4795 90J130 4951 RCL3 5 R 5884 RSJ2K5 F32 7 F3 0 J1 0 K L0159 AHL1K5 4618 95J750 4796 90J150 4952 R C LSO R 5885 RSJ3KO F40 1 F40J1RO L0160 RHL2K5 4619 95J800 4797 90J160 4953 R C L 75A 5885A RSJ3K3 F4 02 F4 0J 1R 5 L0161 RHL3K5 4620 95J820 4798 90J180 4954 R C L!OO 58858 RSJ3K9 F403 F40J 2 R O L0162 RHLSKO 4621 95J900 4799 90J200 4955 RCL1 50 5887 RSJ4K7 F404 F40J3 R O L4190 REL7K5 4622 95J91 0 4800 90J220 4956 RCL200 5888 R5JSKO F405 F40J4RO L419 1 REL10K 4623 95J1KO 4801 90J240 4957 R C L 25 0 5889 RSJ 5 K6 F406 F40J S RO L4192 REL12K5 4624 95J1K1 4802 90J250 4958 R C L 3 5 0 5890 RSJ6K2 F407 F40J7R 5 L4193 REL15K 4625 95J1K2 4803 90J270 4959 RCL 5 00 5891 RSJ7K5 F408 F40J1 0 R L4200 RH L 7K 5 4626 95J1K3 4804 90J300 4960 R C L7 5 0 5892 RSJ8K2 F40 9 F40J 25 R L4201 AH L 10K 4626A 95J1K4 4805 90J330 4961 R C L1K O 5893 R5J9KO F410 F40J40R L4202 AHL15K 4627 95J1K5 4805A 90J350 4962 R CL1K5 5893A RSJ9K1 F411 F4 0JSOR L4203 RHL20K 4628 95J1K6 4806 90J360 4963 RCL2K5 5894 RSJ10K F41 2 F40J75R L4204 RHL25K 4629 95J1K8 4807 90J390 4964 RCL3K5 5895 RSJ12K F413 F40J1 0 0 W0101 REE1RO 4630 95J2KO 4808 90J400 4965 R C LS KO 5896 RSJ15K F414 F40J1 50 W0102 REE2RO 4631 95J2K2 4809 90J43 0 5800 R3J1RO 5897 RSJ20K F415 F40J 200 W0102A REE2R5 4632 95J2K4 4809A 90J450 5801 R3J1R5 F101 F10J1RO F416 F40J2 5 0 W0103 REE3RO 4633 95J2K5 4810 90J470 5802 . R3J2RO F102 F10J2RO F417 F40J400 W01 OJA AEESRO 4634 95J2K7 4811 90JSOO 5803 R3J 2 R4 F103 F10JSRO F418 F40J5 00 W0104 AEE6RO 4635 95J3KO 4812 90J510 5804 A3J3RO F104 F10J7A5 F41 9 F40J75 0 W0105 REE8R O 4636 95J3K3 4813 90J560 5805 R3J3R9 F105 F10J10R F420 F40J1KO W0106 REE10R 4636A 95J3K5 4814 90J600 5806 R3J S R1 F106 F10J15R F4 2 1 F40J1 K 5 W0107 REE15A 4637 95J3K6 4815 90J620 5807 R3J7R 5 F107 F10J20R F42 2 F40J 2 KO W0108 REE25R 4638 95J3K9 4816 90J680 5808 R 3J10R F108 F10J25R F423 F40J2K 5 W0109 REE35R 4639 95J4KO 4817 90J700 5809 R3J1 5 R F 1 09 F10J30R F424 F40J3KO W0110 REESOR 4640 95J4K3 4818 90J750 5810 R3J 2 0R F110 F10J40R F425 F40J4KO W0111 REE7 5R 4640A 95J4K5 4819 90J800 5811 R3J3 0 R F 111 F 1 0JSOR F426 F40JS K O W0112 AEE100 4641 95J4K7 4820 90J820 5812 R3J S OR F112 F 1 0J75R F4 27 F40J7K5 W0113 REE12 5 4642 95JSKO 4821 90J900 5813 R3J5 6 R F113 F10J100 F4 2 8 F40J10K W0113A REE150 4643 95JSK 1 4822 90J910 5814 R3J68A F1 14 F10J125 F429 F40J15K W0114 REE175 4644 95JSK6 4823 90J 1K O 5815 A3J8 2 R F115 F10J150 F430 F40J20K W0114A REE200 4645 95J6KO 4824 90J1K1 5816 R3J1 00 F116 F10J 2 00 F431 F 4 0J 2 5K W0115 REE2 5 0 4646 95J6K2 48 25 90J1K2 5817 R3J1 2 0 F117 F10J 2 50 F501 F55J1RO W0116 REE35 0 4647 95J6K8 4826 90J1K3 58 18 R3J1 5 0 F1 18 F10J300 F502 F55J1R5 W0117 REESOO 4648 95J7KO 4826A 90J1K4 58 19 R3J200 F119 F10J400 F503 F55J2RO W0118 REE750 4649 95J7K5 4827 90J1K5 5820 R 3J250 F120 F10J500 F504 F55J3RO W0119 REE1KO 4650 95J8KO 4828 90J1K6 5821 R3J 2 70 F12 1 F10J600 FSOS F55J4R O W0120 REE1K5 4651 95J8K2 4829 90J1K8 5822 R3J300 F122 F10J 75 0 F506 FSSJSRO W0121 REE2K 5 4652 95J9KO 4830 90J2KO 5823 R3J33 0 F123 F10J1KO F507 F 5 5J7R5 W0122 REE3K5 4653 95J9K1 4831 90J2K2 5824 R3J 390 F124 F10J1K 2 5 F508 F55J10R W0123 REE5KO 4654 95J10K 4832 90J2K4 5825 R3J430 F125 F10J1K 5 F509 F55J25A W4190 REE7K5 4655 95J 11K 4833 90J2K5 5826 R3J 5 00 F126 F10J1 K75 F510 F55J40R W4191 REE10K 4656 95J12K 4834 90J2K7 5827 R 3J560 F127 F10J2KD F 5 11 F55J50R W4192 REE 1 2K 5 4657 95J13K 4835 90J3KO 5828 R3J600 F128 F10J 2 K5 F5 1 2 F5 5J 7 5 R W4193 REE15K 4657A 95J14K 4836 90J3K3 5829 R3J 62 0 F129 F 10J3KO F513 F 55 J10 0 4658 4836A 90J3K5 5830 R3J75 0 F130 F10J4KO F514 FSSJ 150 4659 95J16K 4837 90J3K6 5830A R3J8 2 0 F131 F10JSKO F515 F55J 2 00 46598 95J17K 4838 90J3K9 5831 R3J910 F20 1 F 2 0J1RO F516 F55J 2 50 4660 95J18K 4839 90J4KO 5833 R3J1 KO F202 F 2 0J2RO F517 F5 5J 400 4661 95J20K 4840 90J4K3 5834 A3J1 K2 F203 F 2 0JSRO F518 F5 5J 50 0 4662 95J22K 4840A 90J4K5 5835 R3J1 K 5 F204 F20J10A F519 F 55 J7 50 4663 95J24K 4841 90J4K7 5836 R3J1 K B F205 F 2 0J15R F520 F 55J1KO 4664 95J25K 4842 90J5KO 5837 R3J2KO F206 F20J25R F521 F55J1K 5 4730 90J1 AO 4843 90J5K1 5838 R3J2K4 F207 F 2 0J40R F522 F55J 2 KO 4731 90J1A 1 4844 9 0JSK6 5839 R3J2K 7 F208 F 2 0JSO R F523 FSSJ 2 K 5 4732 90J1R2 4845 90J6KO 5840 R3J 3 K O F209 F20J75R F52 4 F 55 J 3 K O 4733 90J1R3 4846 9 0J6K2 584 1 R 3J3K9 F210 F 2 0J100 F525 F 55 J4KO 4734 90J1R5 4847 90J6K8 5842 R3J 4K7 F211 F 2 0J 1 50 F526 F SSJ S KO 4735 90J1R6 4848 90J7KO 5843 R3J5KO F212 F 2 0J200 F52 7 F55J7K 5 4736 90J1R8 4849 90J7K5 5844 R3JSK6 F2 1 3 F20J250 F528 F55J10K 4737 90J2RO 4850 90J8KO 5845 R3J6K2 F214 F20J300 1'529 F55J15K 4738 90J2R2 4851 90J8K2 5846 R3J6K8 F215 F 2 0J400 FSJO F55J 2 0 K 4739 90J2R4 4852 90J9KO 5847 A3J 7 K5 F216 F 2 0J500 F5 3 1 F55 J 25K 4741 90J2R7 4853 90J9K1 5848 R3J9 KO F217 F 2 0J800 F53 2 FSSJ JO K 4742 90J3RO 4854 90J10K 5849 *R3J10K F218 F 2 0J1KO L010 1 REL1RO 4743 90J3R3 4855 90J11K 5850 RSJ1AO F219 F20J1K25 L0102 REL2RO 4744 90J3R6 4856 90J12K 5850A RSJ1R 5 F220 F 2 0J1K5 L0 1 02A REL2R5 4745 90J3R9 4857 90J13K 5851 RSJ 2 RO F221 F20J2KO L0103 REL3AO 4746 90J4RO 48576 90J14K 5851A RSJ3RO F222 F 2 0J2K5 L0103A AEL5RO 4747 90J4R3 4858 90J15K 58518 R5J 3 R 9 F223 F 2 0J3KO L0104 REL6R O 4748 90J4R7 4859A 90J16K 5852 RSJSRO F224 F20J3K5 L010 5 REL8RO 4749 90J5RO 4859C 90J17K 5852A RSJ5R6 F225 F20J4KO L0106 REL10A 4750 90J5R1 4860 90J18K 5853 RSJ10R F226 F20J5KO L0107 REL15R 4751 90J5R6 4861 90J20K 5854 RSJ1 5 R F227 F20J6KO L0108 AEL25 R 4753 90J6R2 4862 90J22K 5855 RSJ18R F228 F 2 0J7K5 L0 1 09 REL35R 4754 90J6R8 4863 90J24K 5856 R SJ20R F229 F20J10K L0 1 10 REL50R 4756 90J7R5 4864 90J25K 5856A R 5J2 2 R F230 F20J12KS L0111 AEL75R 4758 90J8R2 4865 90J27K 5857 RSJ2 5 A F231 F20J15 K L0112 REL100 4760 90J9R1 4866 90J30K 5858 RSJ30R F232 F20J20K L 0113 AEL125 4761 90J10R 4867 90J33K 5859 RSJ40R F233 F20J25K L 0113A REL150 4762 90J11A 4867A 90J35K 5860 R 5J50R F234 F20J30K L0114 REL 1 75 4763 90J12R 4868 90J36K 5860A RSJ51R F235 F 2 0J35K L0114A REL200 4764 90J13R 4869 90J39K 58608 R SJ56R F236 F20J4 0 K L0115 REL 2 50 4765 90J15R 4870 90J40K 5861 RSJ68R F237 F20J50K L0116 REL350 4766 90J16A 4871 90J43K 5862 ASJ7 5 R F301 F30J1RO L0117 REL500 90J18R 4871A 90J45K 5863 RSJ8 2 R F302 FJOJ1A5 L0118 RE L 750 4768 90J20R 4872 90J47K 5864 RSJ1 00 F303 F30J2RO L0119 AEL1KO 4769 90J22R 4873 90J50K 5865 R5J1 20 F304 F30J3RO L0120 REL1K 5 4770 90J24R 4874 90J51K 5866 RSJ150 F305 F30J5 RO L0121 REL2K-5 4n1 90J25R 4908 RCS10R 5867 RSJ160 F306 F30J10 A L01 22 REL3K5 e 4n2 90J27R 4909 RCS15R 5868 RSJ200 F307 F30J15R L0123 REL 5 KO 4773 90J30R 4910 RCS25R 5869 R5J 22 0 F308 F30J25R L0140 AHL1R O 4n4 90J33R 4911 RCS35R 5870 RSJ25 0 F309 F30J40R L0141 RHL 2 RO 4n4A 90J35R 4912 RCS50R 5870A RSJ27 0 F310 F30J50R L0142 AHL J RO 4775 90J36R 4913 RCS75R 5871 RSJ300 F311 F30J75 A L0143 AHL6RO 4776 90J39R 4914 RCS100 5872 RSJ330 F312 F30J100 L0144 RHLSRO 47n 90J40R 4915 RCS150 5873 RSJ350 F313 F30J150 L0145 AHL10A 4na 90J43R 4916 RCS200 5874 RSJ4 00 F314 F30J200 L0146 RHL15A 4779 90J47R 4917 ACS250 5875 RSJ500 . F315 F30J250 L0147 AH L 25R 4780' 90J50R 4918 RCS350 5875A RSJ510 *F316 F30J400 L0148 RHL 35R 4781 . 90J51 R '4919 RCS500 58756 RSJ 560 F317 F30J500 L0149 AHL50R 4782° 90J56 R 4920 RCS750 5876 R SJ600 F318 * F30J750 L0150 -AHL75R . -REPORT * -EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 158 of 26 r* REVISION: 03 8 Selecting A Rheostat PAGE 15 OF 139 OHMITE. STEP 1 Determine Resistance and Watts Ohm's Law (a) R = Ell or I = E/R or E = RI Ohm's Law , shown in formula form above , enables determination of the resistance when the required voltage and current are known. When the current and voltage are unknown, or the best values not decided on , at least two of the three terms in Ohm's Law must lie measured in a trial circuit (see Engineering Manual Bulletin 1100). Note that the maximum current to be determined is the current of the load before the rheostat resistance is inserted. On the other hand , the maximum resistance occurs with the minimum current. (b) W = 12R or W = El or W = E 2/R Power, in watts, can be determined from the formulas above, which stem from Ohm's Law. Note that the rated wattage of a uniform wound rheostat i s calculated using the maximum cu rre nt and the total rheostat resistance. The Summation Watts are calculated instead for a taper wound rheostat as explained under " Tapered Rheostats;* page 14. Short Cut Method Use an Ohm i te Ohm's Law Calculator (convenient slidechart) or use Ohm's Law Chart in the Engineering Manual , Bulletin 1100. Set known values as explained on the Calcu la tor , or Chart, and read the sought for OHMS , WATIS (or other terms). Calculation Method Using the Ohm's Law formulas g i ven above , and explained in grea te r deta i l in the Engineering Manual , calculate the unknown values. How to conduct tests when a tria l must be made of the actual apparatus is explained in the Manual. STEP 2 Power Rating or Physical Size of Rheostat General: Rheostat watt ratings are based on the condition that the moving contact is set so that all of the winding is in the circuit. This makes the condition the same as that of a fixed res i stor (assuming a uniform rheostat wind i ng) and we may then say that a rheostat operated at a constant wattage will attain a steady temperature which is m i ned largely by the ratio between the size (surface area) and the wattage dissipated. The temperature stabilizes when the sum of the heat loss rates (by radiation , convection and conduction) equals the heat input rate (proportionage). The greater the rheostat area per watt to be dissipated, the the heat loss rate and therefore the lower the temperature rise. Manufacturing Company Free Air Watt Rating In general, for commercial rheostats , the relation of the "Free Air Watt Rating" of vitreous enameled rheostats to the physical size has been set at such a figure that: " When operated at their rated watts the temperature rise of the hottest spot shall not 300°C (540°F) as measured by a thermo-couple, when the temperature of the ing air does not exceed/40°C (104 °F). The temperature is to be measured at t he hottest point on the embedding mater ia l of a rheostat mo u nted on a vertical metal panel in free , st i ll air space with at least one foot of clearance to the nearest object , and with unrestricted circulation of air:' This is in accordance w i th standards of the "Nati ona l Electrical Manufactu r ers Association" (NEMA) and the " Underwriters ' Laboratories:

  • Electronic

Industries Associat i on (form erly RETMA) standards provide for a maximum attained hot spot temperature of 340°C for rheostats of 100 watts or less and 300°C for rheostats of greater wattage. The reference ambient is 25°C. Military Rheostat Spec ific ation MIL-R-22 prov i des for a maximum hot spot temperature attained (on the exposed winding) of 340°C for rheostats of 100 watts o r less and 390°C for la rger rheostats. The reference ambient is 25°C. The temperature rise , w i th all resistance in the circuit , is not directly proportional to the wattage but follows the curves as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. \ RHEOSTAT L O AO-PEACENT HA T ED WATTS Fig. 1: Hot spot temperature rise of a rheostat for various specifications. The temperature rise on a tapered rheostat does not exceed the rated maximum , but the location of the hot spot , for each pos i tion of the contact , depends on the taper design. In the usual rheostat application , the current is reduced as the resistance is inserted in the c i rcuit and so the operating temperature is much less than the maximum rated temperature. If the maximum current is actually carried as a constant value , t he hot spot temperature builds up as the resistance is added and levels off at the maximum rated temperature starting at approximately 30% rotation. f EC 62063 2 Att 1 P g 159 f 26'fEPORTNO.: REP-424-008-RP1 ; ' * ' * O REVISION: 03 -\ .... .. I '* Selecting A Rheostat PAGE 16°F 139 OH MITE ;? i Curren t Rating When selecting a rheostat for a particular application, it is the c u rrent rating, rather than the wattage rating , which directly indicates the usability. For any given wattage size and res i stance, the max i mum current to be carried through any part of a uniform w i nding is determined from Ohm's Law, l=v'W/R. The current va l ues for all stock rheostat resistances are given in the stock tables. The minimum current (occurring at maximum resistance) is a factor influencing the rheostat watt size required , as expl a ined under "Taper ed Rheostats'. ' When a rheostat i s connected as a potent i ometer, i.e., bridge d across the line with the load connected between one end and the moving contact , the minimum current is the "bleeder" current (through the entire winding). The maximum potent i ometer current is the sum of the bleeder current and the maxi mu m load current. Tapered Windings A "tapered w i nding" consists of two or more smoothly join ed sections wound with larger wire for the higher cu r rent section s. Characteristics of tapered windings are explained fully starting on page 14. Application Modifications of Power Ratings To allow for the differences between the actual service conditions and the " Free Air Watt Rating" i t is sound '\ engine er i ng practice to operate the rheostats a t modific a-J t i ons of nominal rating. The details by which such ratings can be e stimated are given hereafter. Most thermal calculations , however, involve so many factors which are usually not accurately known , that at best they are ' i _/ only ap p roximations. i -CAii' *AG< CUIW[ fCW'UU o T llll( \111.llll l W'Ot:L 1' *l tM a!ZI: 0' JltMCOSTAT I NTH IS IUNOE. ... t----+---+-----t

< Fig. 2: Hot Spot temperature

rise of a typical rheostat versus percentage of w i nding in circuit. The factors which affect the temperature rise act nearly independently of each other and are summarized as follows: 1. Ambient Temperature: As the maximum perm i ssible operating temperature is a set amount , any increase in the ambient temperature subtracts from the permissible temper at ure rise and therefo r e reduces the permissible watt loa d. 2. Enclosure: Enclosure limits the removal of heat by convection currents in the air and by radiat i on. The walls of the enclosure also int r oduce a thermal barrier between the air contacting the rheostat and the outside cooling Manufacturing Company air. Hence, size, shape , orientation, amount of ventilat i ng openings , wall th i ckness , material and finish , all.affect the temperature rise of the enc l osed rheostat. Reduction of rating is generally necessary only if the housing is on ly slightly larger than the rheostat , totally enclosed and where the ratio of I ma x. to I min. is less than two. 3. Grouping: Rheostats mounted in standard tandem frames do not require derating. Other conditions should be studied for possible effects. 4. Altitude: The amount of heat wh i ch air will absorb varies with the density , and therefore with the altitude above sea level. At altitudes above 100 , 000 feet , the air is so rare that the rheostat loses heat practically only by rad i ation (and conduction ). .. 5. Pulse or Rotating Operation: This is not an environmental condition but a circuit condition. As a pulse of power (or th e vary i ng power in the rheostat as the contact is rotated) when averaged over the total on and off time results in less heat per unit time than for continuous duty, the temperature ris e is affected. This may permit higher pulse power. The conditions must be expert l y considered for conservative ra ti ng. Fig. 3: Rheostat derating for amb i ent temperature for various specificat i ons. o l'O*o *o* --**O-**O 1o*l 1t:*T T"C*'1:**T l.a t -"S. 6. Cooling Air: Forced circulation of a ir over a rheostat removes more heat per un i t time than natural convection does and therefore permits an increased watt dissipation. Liquid cooling also can increase the rating. 7. Limited Temperature Rise: It is sometimes des i rable to operate a rheostat at a fraction of the Free Air Watt Rating in order to keep the temperature rise low. This may be to protect adjacent heat sensit i ve apparatus; to hold the resistance value very prec i sely both w i th changing load and over long periods of time and to insure maximum life. 8. Other Considerations: HIGH RESISTANCE. High ance units, which require the use of very small diameter wire , generally should operate at reduced temperature and voltage for maximum reliability. HIGH VOLTAGE. The total volts must be limited to a reasonable ratio with respect to the ins ulation breakdown values , etc. 9 , I I i1 I EC I* L I 6 2 0 6 3 2 ' At t . 1 ' pg . 1 6 0 0 f 2 6 10 Selecting A Rheostat PAGE 11 OF 139 OHMITE. MILITARY AND OTHER SPECIFICATIONS. The special physical operating and test requirements of the applicable industrial or military specification must be considered. Military specification rheostats should be ordered by their MIL numbers. Temperature Coefficient of Resistance The res is tance alloys used for all except the lowest ohmic values show such little change with temperature that in most power circuits the resistance is considered constant with load. For special applications which require very constant resistance, it may be desirable to specify the maximum permissible TC (temperature coefficient of resistance). and the range of temperature, and consequently to use only certain types of resistance alloys. For low TC (and other) applications , Ohmite can vide rheostats with an " Ohm i cone" (silicone-ceramic) coating. "Ohmicone" is processed at much lower atures than vitreous enamel and therefore makes control of TC and tolerance easier. Data on the TC of various alloys is given in the Engineering Manual. * Determining the Power Rating Short-Cut Method: Appropriate scales on the " Step 2 Short Cut Chart" in the Resistor Catalog can also be used for r heostats. Locate the known application modifications of Free Air Conditions , multiply the correction factors for ambient, altitude, etc , together with the rheostat Watts *0 2 m ax. x R meo) to obtain the minimum Watt Size Required. Calculation Method: Obtain derating factors from graphs in th i s catalog and the Engineering Manual and calculate necessary allowances. Manufacturing Company STEP 3 Selecting the Rheostat Model and Mechanical Features A uniformly wound rheostat can be chosen quite easily from the many models and res i stances listed on pages 9 to 13. It is only necessary to se l ect one with the desired resistance which has a current value not less than the maximum current of the circuit. When the desired resistance falls between the standard values listed , use coded specification number to order. Taper wound rheostats of the required resistance and with both max i mum and minimum current ratings not less than those of your application may be selected from listings on pages 35 through 38. Oh mite will be pleased to design a tapered rheostat for your application based on the required.resistance, mum and min i mum current and nature of the load. The minimum size model for a three-section taper can be determined with fair accuracy by the method g i ven on page 15. Additional Features-Mechanical and Electrical The Rheostat Guide , pages 4 and 5 , indicates the more commonly used additional features and the pages on wh ic h detailed information will be found. Mechanical features include such typical items as special mounting bushings and shafts, tandem mountings, and auxiliary switches. Electr i cal features include special w i nding angles , and tapers. Special attention may be required for extra long rotation life, unusual vibration , resolution , linearity , etc. The possible combinations of additional features are great. In add i tion, spec i al designs to meet customer requests can be created. SUGGESTIONS FOR ORDERING FOR STANDARD RHEOSTATS 1. Quantity. 2. Resistance. 3. Catalog Number. 4. Model and Watt Rating. 5. Itemize knobs and all other accessories separately. FOR MADE-TO-ORDER RHEOSTATS 1. Quantity. 2. Resistance. 3. (a) Coded Specification Number and Resistance. (For Uniform Wound Rheostats where applicable.) (b) Ohmite Specification Number and Resistance. On reorders of special rheostats , the use of this number will assure exact duplication. (c) Catalog Number of standard Tapered Rheostats. 4. Model , Watt Rating and whether Tapered Winding is desired. 5. Maximum current. 6. Minimum curre.nt (for Tapered Winding). 7. Resistance Tolerance if other than standard +/-10%. 8. Give Catalog Number, Type Number or Code Word for all Additional Features plus description of special shafts , etc. 9. I temize knobs and all other accessories separately. 10. MIL Rheostats should be ordered by MIL number. CODED SPECIFICATION NUMBER Model -Ohms -s ft ha Tvoe M *p ax. ane -1trona ea ure Add". IF t E , H , J , G , As Required. F=Flatted Number 352, etc.,-. Letter R R=Round of Off Pos. K, L , P, N , used for S=Screwdr i v er Eighths decimal (sta ndard fo r 375, etc., LO , LA,&LE) ToggleSw. R, T,orU point LO=Locking " SHALO" T2=Two in Tandem LA=Locking " SHALA" T3=Three in Tandem LE=Locking " SHALE" *Substitute the shaft Type No. from pages 16or18 instead of max. panel thickness when one of these shafts is to be used. Ex ample 1: H-7R5 S2-T2 . This is a Mod el H rh eos t a t , 7.5 ohm s, w i th screwdr iver slott ed shaft fo r 1 4" pan e l and mounted two in t a ndem. Example 2: J-500-5028-352 This is a Model J rh eos t at, 500 ohm s, with a catalog it em special sha lt (from table page 16)-a nd wit h Type 352 Off Po sition. Rheostats with following features may be specified using code formula described above: * Standard or Special Resitance

  • Off position or auxiliary

switches * Standard, round, screwdriver and locking shafts * Standard cages * Catalogue(! panel length bushing or shaft * Tandem assemblies Rheostats with following features may not be coded but are assigned a serial specification number at the factory: * Tapered or special winding * Combination of more then 2 "aliditional features" * Customer designed specia l shafts and features

E C 62 063 2 Att 1 Pg 16 1 Of 26.....REPORTNO.:

REP-424-008-RP1 ' . ' . r. REVISION: 03 Taper Wound *OHMITE Manufacturing Company Fig. 28: Size comparison of uniform and tapered rheostats for a specific application. Rheosta t windings are sometimes tapered , i.e., wound in two to five (or more) sections of d i minishing w i re or ribb on sizes. These sections are so smoothly joined that only the change in wire size tells where the sections connect (see Fig. 28). For a given application , the taper may accomplish one or more of the following: 1. Make possible the use of a smaller rheostat. 2. Provide more uniform control (i.e., more nearly linear control) at all positions of the contact arm. 3. Make p ossible special curves of res i stance (or of the controlled effect) versus rotation. 4. Make p ossible the w i nd i ng of higher resistance on a given s ize rheostat , for a g i ven maximum amperage. Because tapered windings involve extra manufacturing operatio n s , tapered rheostats when ordered s i ngly or in small qu a nti ti es generally cost mo r e than uniformly wound rheostat s of t he next l a rger size. Tapers are generally not suitable unless the ratio of maximum to minimum current is 1.5 or g reater. When l a rge quant i ties are involved (the necessa r y quantity depending upon the rheostat model and number of sections) the tapered unit generally become s the more economical one. For conven i ence and economy in making preliminary tests to determ i ne the resistance and current rating, a stock (linear) rheostat is f r equently used. How Size Is Reduced When the moving contact of a rheostat is on the first turn of w i re or ribbon , th i s turn must carry the maximum current. But as the resistance is put into the circuit, the succ e ed i ng turns never have to carry more than a certain fraction of the maximum current , because the current tapers off from the maximum to some minimum value. He n ce , in a un i fo r m , or linear winding , the latter t i ons of the winding operate at lower wattages (12R) per square inch than the rated values. The tapered winding , us i ng smaller size wire for each section , proportioned for the current to be carr i ed, increases the ohms per inch of winding in success i ve sections. This makes the watts dissipated per square inch of winding section more nearly approach the rated wattage value. As the core area required for a g i ven wattage dissipation is less when operated at h i gher watts pe r square inch than for lower watts per square inch, the total core size i s reduced. * Ohmite taper designs use the largest wire practicable for each section so that great durability is maintained. How Better Control ls Produced Fig. 29 shows how the current varies (in a typical case) with the percent rotation of t he rheostat contact. Because a uniformly wound rheostat adds a constant number of ohms per degree of rotation to a constantly increasing number of ohms , the current changes ever more slowly as the resistance is increased (curve " A" Fig. 29). A tapered winding (curves " B" and " C") by increasing the number of ohms per degree of rotation as the total ohms in circuit i ncre a ses, makes the current curve more nearly linear. 17 r-EC 02 0 6" 3 2, At C I , PC g. 16 2 o-{ 2 6 --fE P ORT NO_: REVIS I ON: 03 'I *1 { f, 18 raper Wound RheostafsGE l gOfl 39 OHMITE. 100 r---....----r------r---,-----, IOO .. r 50 "' a 10 40 60 80 PEii CENT ROTATION OF RHEOSTAT SHAFT Fig. 29: Typical curves of load variation with shaft rotation for uniform and taper-wound rheostats. Se l ecting a Tapered Rheostat Tapers depend, among other factors , on the ratio of the maximum to the m i nimum current and upon the way in which the current varies between these end points. Tape r s , therefore, are designed for specific circuits. For any given set of rheostat conditions (resistance , maximum and minimum current) it is generally possible to design more than o'ne size of tapered rheostat. That is , any of the var i ous Oh mite rheostats can be used the wattage rating of which is sufficiently greater than the required Summation Watts (I:W I ma< XI min. X R rheo)-the smaller rheostat generally having more sections than the l arger. The choice bet\Neen the models will depend upon the space requirements, mounting conditions, and upon the quantity ordered. In small quantities the larger rheostat of fewer sections sometimes costs l ess than the smaller rheostat of greater number of sections. Approximate Size of Tapered Rheostat Method I. The approximate size of a tapered rheostat, for specified conditions, having an average number of sections (3) can be determined as follows: 1. Determine Summation I:W= I ma<. X f m i n. X R . K /max. 2. Determme = -1 -. mm. Round off the figure to the next highest number in Col. K, F i g. 30. 3. Select Factor F from Tab l e Fig. 30. (Note: For greater accuracy, the exact value of K can be used and Ffound by interpolation in the Table.) Manufacturing Company 4. Determine Rheostat Model (Watt Size). Multiply I:Wby F and choose smallest rheostat having a watt rating equal to or greater than this product. I Example: i Rheostat Ohms= 20 1 I max. = 12.6 amps. I m in.= 1.27 amps . 1. I:W= 12.6x 1.27x20 = 321 watts 2. K = 1 2.6 = 9 9 Round off to 10. 1.27 . 3. F = 2.13 (from table Fig. 30) 4. I:WxF = 321 x 2.13 = 684 Model T = 750 which is greater than product 684 and therefore 3 section Model T can be used. K F K F 1.5 1.15 5 1.70 2 1.26 7.5 1.93 3 1.45 10 2.13 4 1.60 Fig. 30: Table of factor F for tapered rheostat selection (three sections). The Oh mite Engineering Department will be glad to recommend the most econom i cal unit and to design the taper upon receipt of full information (see page 8 "How To Order"). Standard Taper Rheostats. The rheostats listed on pages 35 to 39 include taper-wound units wh i ch can be used for field control or other purposes, such as the control of heating elements or other loads of constant resistance. Method II. An alternate design method sometimes can be used which results in a rheostat of smaller size and/or fewer number of taper sections than that provided by the Method I des i gn. Method II specifies a rheostat , the wattage size of which is equal to (or sometimes less than) the calculated Summation Watts. Such designs operate at higher hot spot temperatures than the Method I des i gns. Direction of Taper. To indicate the direction of taper, a sketch, similar to Fig. 31 WIRE S I DE VIEW or a statement , should he included when ordering. The direct i on of taper shown is dard and will be pl i ed unless otherwise ordered. It is described as "counterclockwise increase i n resistance when viewed from the knob side'.' c9.,, .. OF LOW RESISTANCE END OF TAPERED WINDING EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 163 of 2 6 j<EPOR I NO.: Rt:P=424-668-kP1 REVISION: 03 -OHMITE Bushings and Shafts for Small Rheostats (Models C, E, H, J, G, K, L) Y,," FOR H*L :4." FORE P OSITIO N OF CO NTACT 1 4-BUSHING , IN RE L ATI O N TO FLAT 3 18"* 32 ON SH AF T TH'D.W I TH _, RETA INING I" 3/32" TH'K. I Ul _ R I NG -......______ w-2 1 f-,".EX.NUT gg

1.i..1.1.. + "

l *'"'J .... l <[ /, .. D RILL 3116" D I A. 1/16" FOR MODE L H-L; PRO J ECTI O N l/a" FOR C & E FLATTED Fig. 32: Flatted shaft for Y a" and Y 4" diameter '1[ci 1/32 *FO R H*L 1/6 4" F OR E f DRIL L I N PAN E L 3116" FOR H-L 11 8" FOR C EIE D IA. ,, I , , R E T A INING ./I :: RING NON*TURN l/ 1 6" FOR MODEL H-L; W AS HER 7/64" F OR MO DEL C; PROJECTION 5/64" F OR M ODEL E RO U ND Fig. 33: R ound shaft for Va" and 1/4 diameter PAGE 110 OF 139 Manufacturing Company STANDARD SHAFT VARIATIONS FOR MODEL C' ANO E (l't" Dia. Shatt) 'SHAFT PROJECTION (C J FROM RETAINING RING-SHAFT CODES ANO TYPE NUMBERS BUSHING ' SCREWDRIVER surr MAX. PROJ. " A" FLAnED ROUND PANEl Non-LocJcina Shaft Locking Shalt STD. LONG STD. LONG STD. SPECIAL REG. LOCK. 1%, 1%4 11%, 11. '%. 1'%, l2%1 2'%, \!, l!o u,.(, Xa o/is F V, R V, 572A S V, 573A 5738 573C 5730 *v, --y. 1%2 F1 R1 576A S1 577A 5778 577C 5770 *1 -t57SC v, ---------t5798 t579C Y. 'lo F2 R2 5S1A S2 5S2A 5S28 5S2C 5S2D *2 t5838 t583C P roj. from Mt g. Surface to end W' 'lo" 1:4 %" 'lo" H i" 2" 2:4 'lo" l's of shaft for W'pa nel (2) (I) Add obtain pro 1 ec1lon from fro nl ol b u shing t o end o f sha lt. (2) For PFMS (p r ojec:io n moun ting surface to end of shalt); lor panels olher than .. acid diNerence belwee n Ille dlosen bushing pro j ection and W' to pro j ection shown. (3) Fi al l eng lh; \I," f or all. (4) Model C li m i:ed at p r esenllo 577A, 5 78C. 5790 , and 579C. No. 577A i.standa 1d o n Model C and used i ns tead of St "P r efix consisti n g of code !or ty pe <l f l ocknu t m ust be added as i n L 0 1, LA t, LE1. For ot h er th a n the standa rd shaft wrt h sc r ewd ri ver indica:e w ith acditional p r ef.x lette r such as FL 0 1 , or RL.0 1. tPref ix consis ti ng o f code l or lype of l oc knu t mu sl be added as i n LE57 98 (LA i s n o t app lica!J!e). slotted bushing for a locking device are also available with bushings to accommodate var ious panel thicknesses. They can be obtained with different projections beyond the retaining ring to accommodate special knobs , or auxiliary devices, etc. ) H-Lf , Afr BUSHING IC _L_ -D I A. -4--.._*,, , Where appearance requires that the knob be close to the panel or space is limited , and the panel is thin , the Ya" panel bushing is used. Bushings for a 1/i s" panel can be made also . Shafts with Flat ) .J T/ . ,, RE T AININ G c::.l i;. 1/16" FOR MODE L H-L; "-. R I NG / 7 /64" FOR MODE L C; DR I LL HOLE_.:::,,. NON-TURN 5/64" FOR MOD EL E IN PAN E L 3/16" FOR H-L l/8"fORCEIE SLO TTE D Fig. 34: S lotted (Screwdriver) shaft for Va" and 1/4" diameter Standard shafts for Models C and E rheostats are round with a Y 4 "-32 bush i ng for mounting on panels to Ya" thick; for Models H , J , G, Kand L rheostats , standard shafts have a f lat and a 3/a"-32 threaded bushing-long enough for mounting on panels up to Y4" thick. Shafts without a flat, with a screwdriver slot, or with screwdriver slot and The standard flat is always located so that a perpendicular to the flat is in line with the r heostat contact and on the opposite s i de of the shaft. This agrees with the normal locat ion of a set screw on a knob and results in the arrow-head or pointer, if any, pointing to the location of the contact. Symbol "F" describes this type of shaft i n the rheostat coded designation (for standard front p rojec t ion only). Shafts without Flat (Round) A plain round end is sometimes preferred when it is desired to be able to line up the knob with certain panel calibration marks , to fit a coupling gear , etc. Rheostat code sy mbol i s "R" (for standard front projection only). STANDAllD SHAFT VARIATIONS FDR MODELS H , J , 6 , KAND L !Y." Dia. Shatt) 'Shalt Pro Joction (CJ from Rota l n i ng Ring-Type Nos. B ushing Mu. Pr o J. " A" F latt ed' Round Panel Reg-Std. Long Std. Long ular Typo lht 1%t 11%." w* W' Fl 502A 5028 502C R1 5 1 2A 5128 t%" %" F2 503A 5038 503C R2 513A 5138 y, 'lo" F4 504A 5048 504C R4 514A 5 1 48 W' F 6 505A 5058 505C R6 515A 5158 1" 11"' FS 506A 5068 506C RS 5 1 6A 5168 1\S" 1%" F12 507A 5078 507C R 12 517A 5178 2" 2 W' F16 508A 5088 508C , R16 51SA 51S8 P rojec t i o n F rom Mtg. Surfa c e To W' 1!4 2" 2 W' % 1!4 2" End o f Sh a lt For Y." Pa n el (2) .. ( f) Add l>z to obla 1 n p r oiecton from of bush i ng 1 0 end o f sh aft (2) F or PFM S (pro j ection from mou ntin g surtace) fo r panels olher than %" add d1tte1"'1ce between t he des'.r ed bu sh i ng p rojection and\'." l he PFMS shown. (3) F lat length; 'l>," f o r a ll. Short 2%t y.n 51 2C 5120 513C 5130 514C 5140 515 C 5 1 50 516 C 5 1 60 517 C 5170 51SC 51SO 2\4 'Shalt Pro jection (CJ from Reta i n i ng Ring-Type Nos. Bu shi ng Screwd river Slot Max. Prol. "A" Non-Lockin g Shalt Lock ing Shalt Panel Reg-Lock-Std. Med. long Std. Long ul1r Type ing %t ht 1%," 2%," %t X" t%t .. Y." W' S 1 552E 552A 5528 552C '1 t 562F t562E :l:Y." %" %" S2 5 53E 553A 5538 553C *2 t563F t563E w* 'lo" W' S4 554 E 554A 5548 554C *4 t564F t564E :Y." l's 1 1"' S6 555E 555A 5558 555C '6 t565F t5 65E 1" 1 W' 1 3/o" SS 556E 55 6A 556 8 556C *s t566F t 566E 1V," 1 3/o" 1 W' S12 557E 557A 557 8 557C *1 2 t567F t 567E 2" 2 W' 2%" S16 558E 558A 55SB 55aC '16 t56SF t56SE P rojection From Mt g. Surface To W' w* 1!4" 2" 2!4" *" 2%2" 1 W' End o f Shalt Fo r Y." Panel (2) Prefuc cons 1 stJng of code l or type of locknut mu s l b e added as in L0 1 , LA f, or LE1 (see page 1 7). For other than the standa r d shalt with scte'Ndriver slot, i ndicate with prefix l etter such as Fl01, or RL 01. t Prefuc cons i Sl i ng o f code for lype o f l ocknut must be added as i n L0 562F or L E562F (LA i s not applicable-see pag e 17). tStandard 19 ------------ . -. -r-.:H EPORTNO.".'" RE P=zr 24-=008=RP , .*-Ee Att. 1 , Pg. 1 6 4 of 26 1.. REVISION: 03 Bushings and Shafts for Small Rheostats PAGE 111 OF 139 OHMITE*! *! ' 20 (Models C, E, H, J, G, I<, L) Shafts with Screw-Driver Slot This type of shaft is used to permit operation by a screwdriver instead of a knob when the rheostat is to be adjusted infrequently or when possibility of tampering with the setting must be minim i zed. Symbol " S" is used in the code (for standard front projection only). Locking Type Screw Driver Shafts A slotted bushing for use with special nuts as described below can be supplied. Rheostat code shaft and bush i ng symbols are "LO," " LA ," or "LE" depending on the type of locking nut. Special Shafts Commercial shafts for Models E , H , J, G, Kand Lare o r d i narily of zinc-plated steel. Stainless steel is standard on Model C. Bushings are unplated brass , but can be supplied zinc or nickel-plated at extra cost. All shafts listed in m i litary specification MIL-R-22 are available also. For special shafts made to order; supply a drawing or complete dimensions. Specify dimension "A;' which is the projection of the bushing beyond the rheostat assembly nut. The retaining ring i s not included in th i s d i mension. Dimension " A" is (nom i nally) the sum of the given maximum panel thickness plus the thickness of the mounting nut and an allowance for manufacturing tolerance. The bushing should be another 1/1 s" longer if a lock-washer (see *page 26) is to be used. See page 26 for " Shoulder Nuts" which are used with screwdriver shafts (3/s"-32 bush i ng) when i t is desired to keep the end of the shaft protected in a recess. Use shoulder nut No. 6057 for bush i ng lengths over 1/4 ". Heavy Duty Stop and 3/a" Dia. Shaft Rheostat Models H, J , G , Kand L can be provided with a :Y a" diameter shaft sleeve with a special heavy duty stop for use on industrial applications , especially where large d i ameter knobs are used. The stop can safely withstand stopping torques of 80 pound-inches. As the stationary stop is part of the special mounting bracket and the moving stop is a part of the 3/a" diameter sleeve, the stopping torque is not transmitted i nto the rheostat. Shaft projection, special drilling, etc., can be varied. Heavy Duty Stop, 3/a" Dia. Shaft Code Word and Tapped Mounting Bracket ............. S,HABS I /4-20 N C -2 8 T W O H O L E S *Sp e cify for l e n gth s other than 1" Fig. 35: Heavy duty stop for small rheostats. Manufacturing Company Shafts with Rear Extension Special shafts with a n e.ictension on the rheostat wire side can be prov i ded , so tha 1 other apparatus can be coupled to enable operation by the rheostat knob. Valves and switches are examples b f items frequently coupled. For Shaft Extensions on Wire Side, Y4 Diam._ .. _ .... _ . Advise desired length D i stance from mounting surface to end of shaft must be given. Provide a sketch for special drilling , etc. BEHIND MO UN TIN G SU RFACE ' ----e Shaft Locking Devices for Models C, E, H, J, G, K, L Shaft Max. D i a. Panel A B Slot F 6 H See See %, (El y,, w '(,, % p. 1 6 p. 1 6 lt, ,O x See See Yii lt,, W o/,6 1 Yl2 1 p.16 p.1 6 y,, o Fig. 37: Shaft locking devices. J %2 x Shaft clamping or "locking" dev i ces which discourage or prevent tampering with a rheostat setting , consist of a special nut on a split and tapered bushing (Fig. 37). The lock nut has a match i ng internal taper which forces the segments of the bushing against the shaft. Several types of nuts are ava i lable as shown. The knurled edge disc type is for tightening with the fingers and is sometimes employed with a knob-type shaft. The standard shaft end is normally slotted fo r screwdriver unless otherwise ordered. To order the shaft-lock feature, state panel ness and proper code word shown below and/or specify bushing and shaft assembly when possible by the type numbers shown on page 16. Code Word* Hexagon Nut Locking Device ................ SHALO Cap Nut Locking Device .................... SHALA Knurled Round Nut Locking Device ........... SHALE *" LO, LA or LE" are used in coded specification. \ Ee 6 2 6 63 t A:tt 1* -1 p g. 1 6 5 0 t -2 6 ""}Af-r>O'R'ffi o.: REF'-424-uuB -RPi REVISION: 03 -O HMIT E PAGE 112 OF 139 Shafts for Lar g e R he ostats (Models P, N, R, T, U) P'OS I TION OF CONTACT IN llfLATION TO FLAT /OH SHAFT t J Fl.AT TED POSITION OF CONTACT IN RELATION TO STOP jHAFT ROUND Manufacturing Company SLOTTED Fig. 38: Flatted shaft. Fig. 39: Round Fig. 40 Slotted (screwdriver) shaft. Specia l Shafts Standa r d rheostat shaft assemblies , as illustrated on stock units, have a sh a ft with a flat for the set screw of a knob , and are long enough for mounting on panels up to Y4" thick (when used with knob Cat. No. 5 1 04 or 5105). Shafts w i thout a flat , or with a screw-driver slot are also avai l ab l e. While t h e standard shaft is generally used on thin panels as well as on pane l s up to the maximum, shorter shafts are available and are frequently used when \. it is de s ired to have the knob and pointer close to the dial , j or pan e l. Standard shafts are zinc plated steel. Stainless stee l , T y pe 416 or 303 , is a v ailable at extra cost. j Sha ft s i n all lengths per MIL-R-22 are also availab l e. Specia l length shafts or shafts with special drilling etc., can be supplied. P l ease s u bmit a drawing. FLATTED ROUND PANEL THICKNES S A e Proj. lgth. Pro j. from of Code from Code Mfg. Flat Symbol Mfg. Symbol Surface Surface lio" to Y. 1'%z 1" F3 ' 1'%z R3 1 ,.+" x1W' 2" 1%,"' FHJ' 2" R1 0 (S td.) 1%" to2 v. 3" 1'/,,"' . 3" R1 B " " (1) 1' Pa n e l mait fo r S6 and 2 lo r Sl6. (2) Only F 3 can >e supplied 1 0< !his r ange ol panel l h ickncsscs. (3} Only F 10 can be supplied l or this range of pane l thicknesses. (4} Ava ila bl e tn W' inc r emen ts from F ll t o F1 8. POS I T ION OF CONT A CT I N RELATION TO SLOT ON SHA FT L----<--[tJ Fig. 41: Shaft locking device. SCREW-DRIVER SLDT ProJ. from Code Mfg. Symbol Sur11ca ¥." $6 1 1 Y." $10 2" St6 1 Shafts with Rear Extension Special shafts with an extension on the rheostat wireside can be provided. Rheostats can also be made w i th the normal front end cut off and the rear extended for tion from the wire side only. For Shaft Extension on Wire Side, 1 1/1s" Dia ........... Advise desired length D i stance from mounting surface to end of shaft must be g ive n. Provid e a sketch if any special drilling , etc., is requ i red. Fig. 42: Shaft with rear extension. Screw C l amp Locks The locking device for rheostats with 3/s" shafts takes the form of a split arm fastened to the mounting p a n el as shown in Fig. 41. When the hex socket cap screw is t igh t ened , the spl i t arm i s clamped to the shaft, preventing

  • rotation.

The shaft is slotted for screw-driver operation. Screw Clamp Locking Device .... Code W o r d: SHA L L Specify shaft selected from foll o wing table or give projection from moun t ing surface for othe r panels. Panel Shalt Project i on Shalt Thickness From Mounting "JYpe No. Sur11ce \io" t o'ls" incl. $6 1h" to 1 o/,{ inc l. 1 v. S1 0 21

  • ' :*1 'I . ' L:;. '1!:

1 11:

  • \I. fl l i!l !f "I .1. f :11 I i!i .'j l::1i ti: r ','1 ..:, f " I

n '" !: :;i ,, ., . 1.i* 1 i ft: r*: " ., 1:: I ' if I ,. **1. ( ;f* i" 1; 1. .J' *,, .. ,. : 1 ,,,, J>.bob. 1 , Pg. 1 66 of 2rs fEPORTNO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 :°!.:. t1 ; .a w; AJY4<?2fo-#' l} E ?!'Etµ* &-...... _ PAGE 113 OF 139 Standard Tandem Assemblies OHMITE.,. Fig.43: Standard assembly of twoModelJ rheostats Standard Tandem Assemblies Oh mite rheostats can be supplied mounted two, three, or more in tandem for simultaneous control of several circuits , or phases of a circuit , by means of a single knob, as shown in Figs. 43 to 50. The rheostats are spaced to permit the i r operation at the same ratings as when individually mounted. Tandem rheostats are frequently connected in series (and sometimes in paralel) to obtain increased wattage dissipation over that of a single rheostat for a given panel space, or because the wattage required exceeds that of a single rheostat. Frames consist of plated stee l strip , as illustrated, with mounting holes for panel or shelf mounting. Two , three , or four rheostats are generally connected by Oh mite-made universal jo i nts which provide smopth action with a minimum of backlash. Greater numbers of rheostats are connected by a single through-shaft, which may be plied also tor 2 to 4 rheostats at option of Oh mite or the customer. As many as ten rheostats can be arranged i n tandem on special frames; details supplied on request. Manufacturing Company Mixed Models: Tandem assemblies of different model rheostats can be ordered , but such rheostats are cially made to make angle of rotation of all of the rheostats the same as that of the smallest rheostat. The largest rheostat is mo J nted next to the panel and i ng dimensions for that size apply to the mixed assembly. Ordering Information: Give Tandem Mounting Catalog Number and specify rheostats completely. When the rheostats are not identical, their location with respect to the panel should be given. Shaft lengths are as indicated in Figs. 44 to 46. Spec i fy panel thickness or shaft length if other than standard is desired . Shaft Diameter P, N, R, T & U: Model P, N, R, T, and U tandem assemblies can be supplied with 112 diameter through-shafts instead of 3/e" diameter. All large tandems of more than 4 rheostats in tandem are supplied with V 2" diameter shafts as standard. Location of Flat on Tandem Shafts: The standard t i on of the flat on a tandem shaft has been selected so that when the tandem frame is mounted on a panel with the frame vertical , the pointer on a knob will rotate symmetr i cally about the vertical center-line. Note that both the rheostat and the flat have been rotated 90° from the normal mounting position with the center-lead vertical and down. If the user intends to mount the rheostats per this latter method, the tandem assembly can be ordered with the flat on the shaft the same as on an individual rheostat , i.e., the perpendicular to the flat is 180° from the contact. Spec i fy on order: " Fla t on shaft to be 180° from contact: ' Factory Assembled Aheo-stat Watts Model Each E 12\f' Model E-T3 Tandem 2-in-tandem 3-i n-tandem Cat I Weigh t N o. (lbs.) Cat I Weight N o. (l bs.) 6640 I .080 6641 I .164 1Bndem Rheostat Assemblies ModelE Fig. 44: Dimensions for Model E tandem assemblies \ \ :) j 2 6 NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 Factory Assemble d PAGE 114 O F 139 -OH MITE 1Bndem Rheostat Assembl ies Manu f acturing Company RHEOSTAT Mo d al Watts Each H 25 J so G 75 K 10 0 L 1SO RHEOSTAT Model Watts Each p 22S N 300 R soo T 7 50 u 1000 Models H, J, G, K, L A 3'h" 3'h 4%" 4%" 4'!." A 5'7(," 6 Y,," 51:y,s" 7 7(," 7 7(," _.,,.. ,,,,..,.... COUPLING P OSt Tl ON OF CONTACT IN REL:.7 1 0N T O FLAT ON SHAFT Max.Pane l Code F2' F4 F6 F8 F1 2 F16 In. Std. 'h" ¥." 1" 1 'h" 2" Tandem M s %," '%." Ye 11Ai" W' 1%" 1:.\" 1%" 1%" 2'h 2W' 2% 'Will fit o/.s" max. pane l with panel nut: W' max. panel wilhout p ane l nut Fig. 45: Dimensions for Model H , J , G , Kor L tandem assemblies DIMENSIONS 8 c D E F v w S W' 2%" 1" '%," '1Aa" l W' S'h 3" 1" lo/,," 1%s" IY,g" 2'h" 6W' 411. lX" 1%" 1'%," 'Yi g 3%" 6W' 4'!." 1 11." l'Y,," 11As" 3% 7'/. S" 1'/. 2" 2*/,," '1As" 4"1." NOTE: Catat09 Numbers t or 4 rheosta t s in Tandem are: H = 6620 , J = 6621 , G = 6622 , K = 6623 , L = 6624 Models P, N, R, T, U POS I TION O F CO"IT A CT IN RE L ATION TO FL A T ,......... oN SHAFT Code F1 0' F3 F1 8 Max.Panel In. 'h" to 1 V." I-le" l o%" 1'h" to 2'!." 'S landatd Fig. 46: Dimensions for Model P, N , R, Tor U tandem assemblies DIMENSI O NS 8 c D E F v w 9Y,," 7" 1'h" 2'h" 1'!." 7" 1'h" 3" 3\t,o" Va" !%" 9Y, ," B W' 1'h" 4" 4o/is" Va" 3" 13" 1'h" 5" ... W' 3V." 11 Yia" 13" 1'h" 6" 6%" Va 6" N OTE: Catalog Numbers for 4 rheostats in Tandem a r e: P 6625, N = 6626, R = 6627 , T = 6628, U = 6629 y z 2" 1 1 1Ae 11 2" 1"/it;" 2'h" 1"As" 2'h" 1 11,1,611 2'h" Aatlongth s 0 2" 1 Yie" 1 'o/,," 1'l11" 3" 1 9A1" y z 3'h" 2'h" 3'h" 2 W' 3'h" 2'h" 4" 3" 4" 3" 23 , ,...E C ___ 6 2 b 6 3 2 I 16 8 *-r x fREPORT NO::; REP=424-=tl08 -A t t * 1 , P g* o 6 REV ISION: 03 24 18ndem Coupling Kits PAGE 115°F 139 OH MITE Fig.47: Typical assembly and tandem kit T ANDEM KIT CAT NQ. 6"91 _ __, ,_LI 3 HOLES BUS H I N G IA-3 2 THO. DR I L L 1/8 HO LE IN PANE L W I TH 1/16 THICK HE X NUT. FOR NON-T U AN PROJECTI O N J I MOUNT I NG PANEL-1/16 THK. MA X.--j / Fig. 50: back assembly of Model J rheostats Fig. 48: Dimens i ons , Model E tandem kit When the depth beh i nd a panel is too limited for a standard type tandem assemb ly, a " Back-to-Back" Tandem Assembly may fit as it is somewhat shorter. As illustrated , the rear rheostat is mounted inside the frame , back-to-Manufacturing Company Tandem coupling kit consists of steel " U" frame , coupling with set screws , mica washer, hex key and instruc t ions. The kit i s intended for field assembly, coupling two standard rhe q stats. The coupling fastens to the shaft of the back unit-projections on the coupling engage the recesses in the driving hub of the front unit. Ordering Information Coupli ng Kit for two Model E Rheostats .. Stock No. 6591 Coup l ing Kit for Model Hor J ........... Cat. No. 6532 Coupling K i t for Model G , Kor L ......... Cat. No. 6533 S I D E V I E W C a t. No. 6532 6533 Rheo. Model H J G K L A 8 c '%:." 1%" 2%," 1)132" 1 31'.'." ,, 2o/,," 1%" 1 Y." 2o/io" 1 Y,," l o/." 2o/io" 2 2 2'/.o" FRO N T VIEW CA T. NI D 1o/ig" 1%t 1'%, 12%" 2 o/,," FR O N T V I EW CAT. Ht 6533 O NL Y Fig. 49: Dimensions , tandem kit for Models H , J , G, K , L Back-To-Back 18ndem Assemblies back with the first rheos tat. "Back-to-back" tandem frame dimensions are the same as the standard frames , except for the depth. When mounting Models H, J, G , R , or Lon these frames , a hole 3/s" in diameter is required in the panel to clear the assembly nut. Two f n Tandem B-to-B B-to-B Depth Tandem Depth Tandem Model Beh i nd F rame Model Be/Jln d Frame Panel Cat. No. P a nel Ca t. No. H 2 1 Yie" 6 63 0 p 5;{e" 66 3 5 J 2'\I,*" 66 3 1 N 5 1 1A11" 6636 G 3%" 6 6 3 2 R S Y,," 6637 K 3%" 663 3 T 6 W' 66 38 L 4V." 6634 u 6 W' 6 6 39 \ \. EC 6 20632 , Att. 1 Pg 169 of 262ft:PORI NG.: Rt:P-424-0UB-RPi ' * REVISION: 03 -OH MITE Sequence Coupled Rffeosiats Fig. 51: Sequence-couple rheostats "Sequence Coupling" is a method (Pat. No. 3, 127,582) of coupling two rheostats in tandem so that they can be rotated by a single knob, in succession (or " sequence") rather than together as in conventional ganged devices. Either the " front" or " back" rheostat can be arranged t o rotate fi rst. Sequence coupling is obtained by means of a special hub which links the two rheostats. Advantages of this feature are: (1) The physical size of tandem rheostat assemblies used for motor speed control can be reduced considerably. Where c onventional tandem rheostats are used in combined motor-armature , motor-field or combined motorfield, generator-field control, opposite halves of the two rheost a ts must be "zero" resistance to perm it full current \ to be ma i ntained in one circuit wh i le the current is varied J in the other circuit (Fig. 52). With sequence-coupled rheost a ts , however, each rheostat controls its circuit in turn while the other rema i ns fixed at the max i mum current position. Hence, the zero resistance halves are not required (F i g. 53) and rheostat size may be approximately halved. (2) Resolution of adjustment is significantly increased because control is possible over approximately 650 degrees of rotation. (3) Seq u ence-coupled rheostats can be wound to provide , in combination, a taper; which permits a higher ratio of maximum to minimum current combined with h i gh total resista n ce , than is otherwise feas i ble. Fig. 52: Conventional tandem rheosta t in field and armature circuit of motor. Fig. 53: Sequence-coupled rheostat in field and armature circuit of motor. Rheostat Sizes: Sequence-coupled rheostats can be in the following sizes: / Front Position (Adjacent to Knob End)-Models P, N , R , T. U (res p ectively 225, 300, 500, 750, 1000 watts). Back Position-Models J, G, K , L , P, N, R, T, U (50, 75, 100, 150, 225, 300, 500 , 750 and 1000 watts). Note: The "front" or " back" rheostat actually can con-Manufacturing Company sist of more than one rheostat, conventionally ganged, so that one group of rheostats is, in effect , sequence-coupled to another group. Sequence: One of the follow i ng sequences of operation should be specified. Sequence f{' Operation (Code Word: SECOA): When the knob is turned clockwise from the extreme clockwise position , the "front" rheostat (closest to the knob) turns through its full rotation before the " back" one does. When the knob is turned in a CCW direction from the extreme CW position, then the back rheostat turns first. Sequence "B" Operation (Code Word: SECOB): When the knob is rotated clockwise from the extreme CCW pos iti on, the back rheostat turns first. Panel Thickness: Standard assemb l y accommodates up to 1 1/1s" panel; specify greater thicknesses. Mounting Considerations: A tandem frame is normally arranged to mount on a panel i n horizontal pos i tion. If the Sequence Coupling Dia l is desired , and the frame must be mounted vertically on the panel, then the rheostat mounting screws must be countersunk i n the p a nel. D im ensions of sequence-coupled tandem assemblies are approximately the same as shown on page 20.* ever , the frames are tapped for 1/4 -20 mounting screws on ly, everi whe re the r e ar e three or more rheostats in tandem. An end support may therefore be required. Motor Drives can be supplied. Submit requirements. *rhe "W" dimension for Model U rheostat changes to 3*" and the A" d imensi on to 7%1' in a sequence coupling arrangement Sequence Coupling Dials A "sequence-coupling" dial and knob are available which prov i de a specif ic reading for every setting of the knob throughout its double (approximately 650 degree) tion. Between the points where one rheostat stops and the other begins its rotation , the movable (calibrated) plate i s tripped by a p i n on the knob pointer. This plate shifts to expose one of two sets of numbers (0-100, or 100-200) through holes in the cover plate. The sequence coupling d i al assembly is held on the pane l by four-self-tapping screws. A choice of dials is available to accommodate the screws used in mounting the rheostat. Sequence Coupling Dial and Knob Kits Front Rheostat D ia l-Knob Requires Rheos1 1 1* Mounllng Kit Rheostat Screws Cal No. t frame Pto U FlatHd. 5020 Hor. or V e rt p 5021 N Round 5022 Horiz. R Head 5023 Only T o rU 5024 'N e xt to panel. tSee "Mcunnno Conside r auons" abov e. 25 .. -E e -5-2 ... o .... 5-3 ......... 2-,-A ... t ,....,,...t -.-1-, -,1 7 0 0 f 2 6 -fEPORT NO.: REP*424--008-RP REVISION: 03 PAGE 117 OF 1 39 Toggle Switches OH MITE Fig.56: ModelJ with toggle switch and extra lug ARM ROTATES PAST THIS { BEFORE TOGGLESWITCH IS ACTUATED. / Fig. 55: Model J with toggle switch RESISTANCE WINDING /ENDS HERE. ARM ROTATES PAST . ' THIS { BEFORE TOGGLE* 0 'SWITCH IS ACTUATED ....... SWITCH IS IN OPEN ' POSITION WHEN TACT ARM IS ON THIS LUG. operation toggle switch Description: The toggle switch is operated with a pos i ti ve snap after the rheostat arm has been rotated through from 30° (Model H) t o 5° (Mode l U) appro x imately. Th e operation takes place while the rheostat contact is on the end lug only on Model P rheostats or larg e r. Depth of rheostat i s increased approximately 112;* except on Model R, it is 5/s:' Two switches can be mounted on the same rheostat , to operate at opposite ends of rotation. Application: When an auxiliary switch must be operated with a minimum amount of rheostat shaft rotat i on , or operation of the switch must occur at a closely specified angular location, regardless of direction of rotation , a sensitive , snap action switch (such as a " Micro-Switch") is requ i red. Functions are otherwise the same as for Fig. 58: Rheostat with sens i tive switch a toggle-switch. These switches are also used when certain MIL specificat i ons must be met. Depth of rheostat behind panel is increased 3/4" approximate l y. Sen siti ve Sw i tch Type Number Counter-Clo ck-Contact Rating S iz e Rheost a t clock-w i se Form Model w i se End" End" SPOT 15A. 125/250 VAC v E , H.J. 380 480 G. K.L S PO T 15A t 125/250/480 V AC B K,L, N , P. 38 1 481 A, T , U SPOT SA. 1 25/250 VAC SM E 379 479 O POT 10A. 1251250 VAC OT P , N , R , 385 485 T,U O POT 1 O A. 1 2 5/2 5 0 VAC D H t oU 386 486 t20 A rating avai l able fo r d w ell operation in w hich switch r emains actuated thruo u t desired angle of rola ti on. " Rola t ion observed from k n ob end of shatt Manufacturing Company Standard Lugs: Toggle switch opens the rheostat circuit or switches an independent circuit. Recommended for 115V service on all models. Extra Lug: Enables sw i tching of rheosta t and an independent circuit. Also used on Models H, J, G, Kand L wh e n the oper a tion of switch must occur outside the lim i ts of resist a nce change. For all models. i Dwell Operation: Switch is operated at either end of rotation and remain s in same state when direction of shaft rotation is reve r sed , un t il the other end of th e tion , where the sw i tch is re-set. Act i on accomplished by double-pro n ged operat i ng lever wh i ch pushes , but not pull , the toggle switch lever at both ends of r otat i on. Us e d to extend range of rheostat by alternately adding o r removing a s e ries res i stor; also for motor reversal. Availab l e on any m o del rheosta t. Toggl e Type Numbe r s Swit c h Rat i ng With Std. lug s W i th Extra lug 1 2 5 V. AC ar DC *c.c. End *c. End *c.c. End *c. End SPST-N.O., t 6A 355 455 357 457 SPST-N.C.,t 6A 375 475 377 477 OPOT , 6A 360 460 363 463 SPOT, 3A 346 446 348 448 SPO T, 12A 346A 446A 348A 4 4 8 A OPDT, t5A, AC 360 A 460A 363A 463A 'Re la t i on observed t:om knob end o r shatt. doc kw ise or cou nie r-clockwise. tSwitch cx>S i tioo w h en r heostat arm i s on lug. Dwe ll Oper. *c.c. Ead *c. End 3550 3750 3750 3550 360 0 3600 3460 3460 346AD 346 A D 360A D 360AO Sensitive Switches Description: A basic size , or a small size , sensit i ve sw i tch and actuator are mounted by means of a bracket and operated by a lever or cam attached to the rheostat shaft or contact arm. Available on any mode l. As listed in the table , the mechanism can be arranged to opera t e the s witch at ei t her end of rotation , or at any inte r mediate point. When ordering the latter type , the point of t i on (and tolerance on location) must be specified in degrees , as well as t he type of switch. Switch Rating Notes: Fo r tungsten fi l ament lamp loads the size B switch rating is 30A. i nrush and normal 3A. A size BA switch is also available rated at 20A. and lamp l oad of 75A. inrush , 1 OA. normal; ordered by adding A to the Type No. Special SPOT switches for 125\/. DC with rating of 1 OA., non-i nductive circu i t , c an be specified by adding MT to Type No. 381 or 481. Sw i tch Description S i ze D i mensio n s Term i na l s Trad e N1me ar Equ i v. B Solder lugs, std. Micro Swrtch Basic v 1%{ x %" x '¥.tt" Sc r e w s, st d. Mi c r o Swi t ch V-3 OT Screws , std. M icro Switc h OT-2 R 0 So l der lugs, std. Licon 22-104 S M 2¥.u" x 2%/' x W 1 Solder lug s, std. M icro 1 S M 1 J" *.1 ., , ... / ., EC 62663 2 , Att. 1, Pg. 171 of 2 6'f<EPDRI ND.: Rt:P-424-608-kP1 REVISION: 03 -----------Rheostat Additional Fe'mutlJs CJHMITE Dead-Lug Off-Position Fig. 59 Model Hwith Type 351 Off-Position CORE MADE WITH DEPRESSION AT THIS POINT TO MAKE CONTACT SNAP OFF LUG ONTO INSULATION --,fe1EJllmi Application: To open the rheostat circuit at the high ance p o sition. For light-duty and medium resistance values. Description: The resistance winding is disconnected at one lug so that the circuit is opened as the contact passe s onto the lug. This is the simplest construction. For fine wire rheostats , or units for heavy current or frequent adjustment , Type 353 (this page) is recommended. Clockwise End Position (as illustrated) .... Type No. 351 Counterclockwise End Position. . . . . . . . . Type No. 451 \ Snap-Action Off-Position } . Application: The most popular form for general service. Opens the rheostat circuit at either the high or low ance end. Descri p tion: The circuit is opened as the contact brush snaps i nto an insulated notch next to the lug. Provides definite indexing action. Additional Detent: The lug at the off-position end of the windin g can be provided with an embossed ridge which provid es a detent effect on the rotation to signal the operator (by sense of feel) the approach to the off position. Cut-Off Lug: The projecting part of the lug at the offpositio n can be omitted on any style off-position when specified on order. Add " COL suffix to Type Number. location Std. With (from Wire Side View) Type No. Detent C l ockwise End 352 352A C o unter-cl ockwise End 452 452A Dead-Section Off-Position Application: To open the rheostat circuit at either the high or low resistance position. Used mostly for medium duty apparatus type applications where no indicated off-position is desired. Description: The circuit is opened as the contact brush \ passes off the lug onto an insulated section at the same j level-otherwise similar to Fig. 60. Position at Right (Standard) ............ Type No. 353 Position at Left (Opposite) ............. Type No. 453 Manufacturing Company Fig.60: ModelHwith Type352 Off-Position OFF-POSITION Fig. 61: Modell with Switching Lugs Off-Position Ratings Toggle switches should be used generally for line voltage applications and direct current use above 20 volts. The exact current and voltage rating of an off-position depends on the specific circuit in which it is used. The use of a capacitor for spark suppression is generally helpful on direct current. Switching Lugs Application: The addition of switching lugs to a rheostat is not for the purpose of an off-position but rather to add a tap switch action at the end of the rheostat wind i ng so as to achieve the effect of a special tapered wind i ng of a type not otherwise possible. Description: As shown in Fig. 61, several insulated lugs , to the number desired, are located near the end of the rheostat rotation. They are to be connected to external resistances which are switched into the circuit by the rheostat contact brush. If Switching Lugs are required, advise quantity and placement. BRIDGED GAP AND 360° WINDINGS FOR UNLIMITED ROTATION Fig. 62: ModelNwith bridge for limited rotation Switching Lugs ................. Code Word: ZAPIN Rheostats can be constructed without stops and with a track between the ends of the windin.g to provide for unlimited rotation. Rheostats can also be made with 360° cores and continuous winding, with taps as required. Bridged Gap Feature ............. Code Word: BRIGA 360° Winding Feature ............ Code Word: CIRWI 27 "" , EC 62 1)-(3-'.),2--:Att 0 f 2 6-fEPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 --, ' * ' -'-'=' * -REVISION: 03 .. , . ; i l; . ; . i ];l , I '* it I l/ I,\ i' I ,, I j* ' "' !r ,. .1 "1 ,l ::1 *t ll l -' 28 Rheostat Additional Fealures OHMITE Fig.63 Rheostat with less than standard winding angle Rheostats can be supplied with winding spaces and angles of rotation less than standard. The wattage rating of such rheostats is reduced approximately in proportion . For example, a Model J rheostat, 50 watts rat i ng, when provided with a winding of 180° from center of lug to center of lug , would be reduced to 180/300 x 50, or 30 watts rating. The rotation specified is from stop to stop , which is approximately 15° more (varying with the model) than the degrees occupied by the winding alone, because of the width of the terminal lugs. Less than Standard Rotation Code Word: and Winding Feature ..................... LESWI Special Stops Rheostats can be supplied with a fixed or an adjustable stop limit i ng the angle of rotation to any desired part of the total possible rotation. Generally, such rheostats are used where it is desired to leave a certain amount of res i stance in the circuit at all times. However; a standard rheostat and separate resistor are often to be recommended. An adjustable stop increases the tion behind the panel by approximately Y 2". Advise Fixed Minimum Stop Feature, All Models .... Placement Adjustable Stop Feature, Advise Back of Panel-All Models .............. placement For Adjustable Stop Feature, Advise Front of Panel-Models P to U only ....... placement Tapped Windings Rheostats can be supplied with taps at any point or points on the winding. The tap is usually a lug of the same dimensions as the regular terminals. An adjustable tap can be provided, also. Rheostats with lower than normal torque are sometimes wanted when they are to be remotely controlled and operated by very small motors. Low torque is accomplished by eliminating friction at the center-lead by ting the compression spring and using a flexible shunt connection to the contact (see Flexible Shunt). The torque for any given rheostat model will be somewhat greater on low resistance units than on high resistance units. Low Torque Feature ............. Code Word: LOTOR REDUCED TORQUE RHEOSTATS Rheoslat Approx. Rheostat Approx. Model Torque Model Torque H 1.5-3 oz. in. p 1.25-2.25 lb. i n. J 2-3.5 oz. in. N 1.25-2.25 lb. i n. G 2-4 OZ. in. R 1.25-2.2 5 lb. i n. K 3-5 oz. in. T 1.25-2.25 l b. i n. L 3-6 oz. in. u 1.25-2.25 l b. i n. Manufacturing Company Fig. 64: Rheostat with flexible shunt and low torque Flexible Shunts Rheostats can be equipped with a flexible shunt directly connecting the moving contac t and the center-lead. This is sometimes called for when the circuit requires that even minute variations in slip-ring to center-lead ance be eliminated. Type No. Flexible Shunt (S Amps. Max.) For H, J, G, K, L ..... 204 Flexible Shunt (Over S Amps.) J, G, K, L, P, N, R, T, U . 203 Quick-Connect Terminals Terminals to receive standard female " quickconnectors" or " push-on" connectors can be pro-vided on most rheostats. Fig. 65: Typical rheostat with In addition to single termi-terminals for push-on connection nations, a double o r twin terminal permitting two connections at one terminus is also available. TermJnal t For Width Number Rheostats

Y,e 5 3-1 8 8 H W' 53-2 5 0* H, J, G , K,L , P,N , R, T, U '!." (Twin) 53-25DT H, J , G , K, L , P, N , A. T, U *53.25 0 a nd 53-2 5 B T a l so ava il ab l e. T h re e-w a y typ e-acce p ts s t an d a rd Yi" f em al e q uick con n ec t or, 6-3 2 sc r ew and nut o r sol d e r ing. tProvi d e<I a t al l thr ee meos l at connec t loos un l ess otherwise

s p ecified. Other Terminals Model H rheostats can be provided with special size terminals with .156" diameter holes to receive No. 6 screws , maximum. Terminals for No.6 Screw on Model H ......... Type S6 Welded Nuts on Terminals Rheostats can be provided wit h nuts welded to the nals to permit screwdriver fastening of connections. Screws are not provided unless specified. Positions are specified from wire-side view. Nuts are No. 6-32 on Model H and No. 8-32 on l arger models. Clockwise lug and center lead ............. Type SSA Counter-clockwise lug and center lead ....... Type SSB All three terminals ....................... Type SSC Terminal Bolts Description Cit. No. Fo r M odel H-3 se ts eac h C{)ns is ting o t 1 No. 2-56 x W' sc rew, 2 h ex. n uts and 1 lockwas he r . . .... .. 5 0 7 5 For M odels J , G , K o r L-3 se ls e a ch consis li ng o f: I N o. 8-32 x W' sc r ew , 2 hex. n u t s, 1 e ach fl a t , cup a nd lock wa s hers . .................. 5 0 77 For M odels P, N , R , T, U-3 se t s ea c h cons i sting of: 1 N o. 8-32 x %" sc r e w, 2 hex. nut s , 1 ea c h fl a t , c up and l ock w a sh e r s . . . . . . . . . . ..... 5079 ' } g. 7 --REVISION: 03 Rheostat Knobs, OH MITE Rheos t at Knobs Knobs are made of black plastic and fasten by means of two screwdriver slotted set screws (except No. 5102 , 5103 , 5 150 and 5151 which have one screw). Knobs can be ord e red with hexagon socket set screws by adding suffix -A to catalog number. Indicating lines are white filled; p ointers are bright plated. Any knob can be used with any model of rheostat having the corresponding shaft d i ameter. Knob No. 5116 is recommended for general us e where a small bar type knob is wanted. Knobs must b e specified on order; when desired. Knob Description Dia. Bar Knob. 2 Y." long -Bar Knob , 1 Y." long -Handwh ee l with P ointer 3 W' Handwhee l withou t Point er 3Y." H a ndwhe e l with P ointe r 3 Y." Handwheel w itho ut Pointe r 3Y." F i nger-Grip w i th Pointer 1%" F inger-Grip w i thout Pointer 1%1/ F inge r-Grip w i th P o i n t er 2%" F inger-G rip without Pointer 2%" Bar Knob, 4¥. l ong-Requires cross-pin and tapped hole in shaft -Bar Knob, 1 'h" long -Finger-G rip without Pointer 2%" F inger-Grip w i th Pointer 2%" Bar Knob , 1 'h" long, AN-3220-3 M ilitary Style-Dull F inish -Fi nger-G r ip 1 'h" Finger-Grip %" ""D"-Shaped hole to deep llat Fig.67: Standard Dials Typical rheostat dial Rheostat Dials For Rheostat H ,J , G, K, L P, N, R, T, U C , E Hole Pointer C*t. D i a. R*dlus No. W' 1 W' 5102 W' %" 510 3 %" 2%, 5104 %" -5 1 05 1.14" 2%," 5 1 06 Y." -5107 'A" 1%," 510 9 !,.{" -5110 W' 5 1 11 1A" -5 112 %" 1 o/io" 51 1 5 Yc" y.11 5116 %" -5124 %" 11%:z" 5 1 30 *y.11 %" 5 1 36 W' -5150 W' -5 1 51 Dia l Catalog Diam. No. 2 3/,6 11 5000 5'h 500 1 1 Y. 5 007 Manufacturing Company Rheostat Mounting Brackets Fig. 68: Rheostat mounting brackets and insulating washer no. 6028 Mounting Brackets are made of zinc-plated steel. They furn i sh a conven i ent mounting for units located and controlled on the rear of a panel , in an enclosure or for "breadboard" construction. HORIZONTAL TYPE Mtg. Mtg. Hole For Models Hol e For Width Height Cat No. Cent ers Dia. Max. Screw H , J 3" No. 8 2'i{6" 1 1 1A6 11 6520 G , K, L 5" %" No. 8 4%&11 2 o/ie" 652f VERTICAL TYPE Mtg.Hole Height Mtg. For to Hole for Models Hol e Dia. Max. Shafi Size Cit No. Centers Screw Cente r H , J, G 1%," %," No.6 1%" W' 6522" H , J,G 1%," o/32'1 No.6 1%" o/a"t 6523 *s upplied w i th insula tin g fibre bushing , Cat. No. 6028, as illus tr a t ed , for %" d1a bushing of r heos tals, t o provide additio n a l in su l a tion to gr ound. tlnclud es %" d i a. h o l e at 'h cente r for standard non-turn washer. Shoulder Type Mounting Nuts Fig.69 Shoulder nuts are used when it is desired to have the end of a screw-driver slotted shaft below the top of the mounting nut. The nuts are tapped 3/a"-32 and require a 7/1s" d i ameter hole in the panel. Refer to page 17 for more information on use. Shoulder Nut, "C" = 7/32" ...*..*....... Cat. No. 6056 Shoulder Nut, "C" = 15/32 11 ************** Cat. No. 6057 Non-Turn Washers PO SITION IZ *O SITIO* 9 =@: POS ITI OH) *d tTAN ... HOLE I N PAN EL ---).. , POS IT ION 6 ,...-": (

'-" \..._) ,_.. S U ltFACE*IS*lf S) --1&-Fig. 70
How non-turn washer is used. Dials a r e made of alum i num with the figures and lines natural aluminum on an etched black background.

Dials are calibrated to indicate the approximate percentage of resistance in the circuit (clockwise increase). Dials No. 5000 a n d 5007 are secured by the rheostat mounting nut. Di al No. 5001 is separately fastened by means of ) No. 6 s c rews, or it can be held by the rheostat mounting ./ screws. To prevent rheostats which are mounted by a single ing, such as the Models H, J, G, K, (and sometimes L) from turning on the panel, they are provided with a washer which has a projecting lug to fit into an additional hole in the panel. The lug can be ordered located at any 90° position, and it can be bent down if not wanted. Supplied in " 6 o'clock" position unless otherwise specified . Mounting Nuts Standar d N ut: %"*32 th readed ... ac r oss f lats by :y,," thick , zinc plated s1eel .... Cat. No. 6500 Standard Non-Turn Washer-"B" = 5/3'1." ... Cat. No. 5050 Long Tip Non-Turn Washer-"B" = V4 .... Cat. No. 5051 Narrow Tip Non-Turn Washer-"B" = 5/32 11 x Vs" .................... Cat. No. 5052 29 -f E C 62 06 32 , Att. 1 , P g. 1 7 4 of 2 6 fU:POR I Nb.: REP-424-00B-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 121 O F 139 OHMITE ; Rheostat Cages '; *I * M ,] Fig. 71: Table-mounted cage for Model J with Series Plug Terminal No. 607 Fig. 72: Table mounted cage for Model R with Terminal No. 604 Fig. 73: Typical cages for panel mounting. Application: A ventilated enclosure should be used when a rheostat is to be mounted where there is possibi l ity of mechanical injury or likelihood of human contact with electrically " live" parts. Cages also provide a convenient means of table top mounting and are a necessity for portable applications. Class i ficat i ons of cages per NEMA definitions are given under that heading. Dustproof cag e s are frequently used where there are unusual amounts of dust or particles in the air: Cage Wattage Ratings: Rheostats in ventilated enclosures can be used at full wattage , but rheostats in dustproof enclosures must generally be operated at reduced age to avo i d overheating caused by the absence of lation. Rheostats in circuits where the ratio of maximum to minimum current exceeds 2 can be operated at full ing, but rheostats where the current ratio is less , should be operated at not over 50% of the free air wattage. Manufacturing Company Cage Types: A variety of qages are available to meet different requirements. cages are the General Purpose Ventilated Type (;pv or Dustproof Type GPO. Lightweight Sealed Type LWD, Explosion-proof EXP, Weather-proof or Watertight Type WP, Drip-proof Type DP, Gastight Type GTR , Hermetically Sealed (Gas or Air Filler) Type HSG and Fluid Fi l led HSF are also available i n some sizes. Standard General Purpose Cages Description: Ven ti lated cages have perforated met a l sides and are gray wrinkle finished. Dustproo f cages are similar but without ventilating holes. TERMINAL TYPES Cogos con bo supplied with termlnols as l isted below Terminal Ava i lable fype On No. B inding Posts-2 Termin als L,P,N,R,T,U 601 Binding Post s-3 Termin a l s L,P,N,R,T,U 602 W ire L eads-2 Asbesto s Insulated W ire s , 6 inc h es l ong All 603 W ire Leads-3 Asbestos l nsulale d Wir es. 6 inches long All 622 BX Cable-2 Conduct0<, 6 i nches long P.N.R,T ,U 604 BX Clamp and 6" Wire Lead s P,N , R,T,U 605 Pipe Fl ange for 'h" Cond u it, wilh 2 Wire Lead s , 6 Inches long L ,P, N , R ,T,U 606 Line Cord-6 ft., Heate r (Type HPD) with Series Plug All 6or Li ne Cord-6 ft., Hea t er Type wi th Rubber Covered Cord (T ype HSJ an d Series Plug) All 607R' Line Cord-6 ft., Heavy Duty R u bb e r Covered with Heavy D uty Plug A ll 628 Lin e Cord-6 ft., Heavy Duty Rubber Cove re d with G rounding Terminal Plug All 623 90° Elbow " Condulet" f i tt ing w it h 3*wire lead s P , N , A ,T,U 624 Outlet Box 4" x 4" with 3 T e rminal Strip P,N,R , T,U 625 Outlet Box 4" x 4" with 6 Terminal Strip P,N,R ,T, U 626 Screw and N ut Te r m i nals-3, with Coverp l ate and 2 dia. hole for BX fitting, etc. P,N,R, T,U 627 " Speci fy No. 607G o r 60 7G R i f grounding plug is required. STANDARD VENTILATED AND DUSTPROOF RHEOSTAT CASES ... ; 30 For Rheostat Model t H Cage Diameter . ... 2:Y," Height or Depth Behind Panel . .. 2" M ounting B ol t Rad ius . l Y,," M ounting Bolt Slots (120° Apart) fo r Screw Size No. 1 0 App r oximate Weight , Pou n ds (without rheostat) . 0.18 Table Mounted Ventilated Cage Cat. No .. 6550 Table M oun ted Dusproof C a ge Cat No. 6570 Equ ipment ..................... . .. ... A *eack*of*Panel Ventilated Cage Cat. No .. 6560 *Back*of*Pan el Du stp roof Ca g e Cat N o. 6540 E qu ipment B " Mode ls H. J, G. K , L mou n t b y me a ns of rh eostat bus h i n g on panels up to 3/,6 th ick. Models P. N, R, T, U m oun t b y means ol 3 screws on pa n e l s up to I'>" t h i ck except 1" o n Mode ls P and N. tFor Mode l E rheostat cages , see pages 9 and 29 . J 3'-'" 2" 1 1 o/i1" No. 1 0 0.26 655 1 657 1 A 6561 6541 B & K l p N 3W' 3:Y." 4 W' 7'h" 7'h" 2%" 2%" 2%" 31'. 3Y." 2W' 2Y." 2%" 4Y." 4 1,{ No. 10 N o. 10 No. 10 1/c 0.41 0.4 1 0.53 1.25 1.25 6552 6 553 6554 6555 6556 6572 65 7 3 657 4 6575 6576 A A A c c 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 6542 6543 6544 6545 6546 B B B c c Equi p ment A: T e rmi nal No. 603, K n ob No. 5116, D i a l No. 5000. E q uip m ent B: T e r m in a l N o. 60 3 , K n ob N o. 5 1 50. Equipment C: T ermina l N o. 604, Knob N o. 5105 A T u 91/," 13¥,," 13¥,," 4 Y." 4 1;{e" 4 1o/i," 5"h," 7%" 7%" V." W' W I 2.0 6.8 6.8 6557 6558 6559 6577 6578 6579 c c c 6567 6568 6569 6547 6548 6549 c c c

*------* E C 62 06 32 , Att. 1 , Pg. 175 of 2 6'fEPORT NO.: REP-424-008

-R P1 REVISION: 03 \ _) Rheostat Cage s PAGE 1 22 OF 139 OH MITE Manu f acturing Company NEMA-NEC Enclosure Class i fications The " National Electrical Manufacturers Association" (NEMA) Industrial Standards IC-2-128 provides for a variety of enclosures to meet differen t ambient conditions. NEMA NEC Listed below are the princ i pal types, the correspond i ng National Electrical Code designations (from article 500) and the equivalent Oh mite type designations. (Nat i onal Electrlc1I (N1tlon1I Electrical DESCRIPTION PER STANDARDS OHMIT! TYPE DESIGNATIONS Mf g. Association) Code) TYPE CLASS CLASS GROUP TYPE DESCRIPTION I Ge n eral Purpose V entilated o r Cl ose d GPV Sheet M etal En closure with Perf orated M eta l (D ustp r oof) (o r GPO) Sides I A Semi D ust-light GP O Shee t M etal E nclosure v ll l&I V D us t-T ight Heavy W alle d Cast E nclosu r e wit h T hreaded VII I I C, D H azardous L ocations (Gas) EXP Co ver F astening (or Ground Join t s) IX 11 ,F&G II E , F&G H aza r do u s L oca t io ns (D ust) "Explosion-Proor

  • I ll W ea t her-Resistant

WR Cast Enclosu r e with Gasketed Cover and IV Watertight Shalt XII Industr i al Endosure-Dirt and Oilproof N ote: As s i ze. delivery time, and cost vary g rea tly w i th th e type o f enclosure , the exact type r equi r ed should be ca r efu ll y considered before making a selection. Series Plug Terminal -=tt+J--------_; : ----------.. I : I F i g. 74: Ser i es Plug No. 6050 for Terminals No. 607 and No. 607R App li c a tion: For connect i ng a rheostat (or resistor) in series with a l oad and the line by s i mply plugg i ng the load attachment plug i nto the series plug wh i ch itself is plugged into the power receptacle. Also available with ground i ng terminal. Description: The series p l ug consists of a bakelite body w i th a receptacle in the top and prongs on the bottom. The series plug is connected to the rheostat by means of a line cord. ' Series Plug only ...................... Cat.No. 6050 Series Plug with Grounding Pin . . Cat. No. 6050G Series Plug with 6 ft. Heater Cord . . . . . . Type No. 607* Series Plug with 6 ft. Rubber Cord ....... Type No. 607R* 'Spec i fy No. 607G or 607GR i f grounding plug is r equired. Heat or Other Control Rheostats Wattage of Dev i ce Rheost1t To B e Contralln Control Wins Volts Cal No. 40-65 11 5 S R C65 85-100 115 S RC100 120-150 115 S RC150 175-220 11 5 SRC220 300-350 115 SRC350 430-500 115 SRC500 C1ge Dimensions Dia. Height 3W' 2" 31,i" 2" 2W' 3 o/." 2'% 4 W' 2W' 7W' 3Y." N et Weight lbs. .58 .58 .93 1.05 1.63 2.25 Application: To control the temperature i nvo l ved in heatsealing , wax and solder pots , soldering irons , furnaces and for other uses within the specified current range. Description: The rheostats listed are mounted in rated, gra y w rinkle fin i shed meta l cages with kn ob and dial, Series Plug and six-foot heater type cord as described above. Designed to reduce power in load by approximately 50% maximum , for 115V. use. 31

REV I S I ON: 03 *] Rheostat Cages PAGE l 230Fl39 OH MITE f 1 j '" f f l*.* !' \ 32 Fig. 76: A special explosion-proof rheostat enclosure Explosion-Proof Enclosures Oh mite explosion-proof enclosures are primarily for use in hazardous locations where the atmosphere may carry explosive gases or dust. . These enclosures meet the requirements of NEMA Type VII , C l ass I, Haza r dous Locations (gas). (NEC Class 1, Group C and D); and NEMA Type IX , C l ass II, Groups F and G, Hazardous Locations (dust), (NEC Class 11 , Groups E , F and G). They also meet the requirements of NEMA Type V, Dust-tight, (NEC C l ass Ill and I V). The enclosures are made of thick-walled castings with accurate l y ma c hined, tight titting covers and tight titting shaft. If exp l osive mixtures penetrate the enclosure and a r e ignited by a spark or heat, the flame will be extinguished by coo l ing as the products of combustio n go through the small clearance openings, thus preventing ign i tion of the explosive mixture on the outside of the enclosure. sures for surface mounti n g or back of panel, can be supp l ied for Models H to U single or two in tandem. Further information will be supplied for specific requests. 'Hermeticall y' Sealed Rheostats To completely isolate rheostats from t h e ambient sp h ere , rheostats can be supplied in 'hermetical l y' sealed enc l osures. Terminals are b r ought out t h rough g l ass seals. The shaft is sealed by a special 0-ri n g. The enc l osures may be filled with dry gases or various liquids. Recommendations w ill be made for specific cases. Man u facturin g Company Sealed Light w eight Enc l osures For Rheostat *M od els E, H, J , G , or K Fig. 77 Compact enclosures , made from lightweight drawn cups , and equipped with two or three screw term i na l s (or 3 solde r lu gs), as requ i red , are a v ailable for the Model E H J , G, and K rheostats. They are dust-tight, b ut not ically sea l ed. The enclosures are permanently closed by a rolled double seam. The Model E , Hand J enclosures correspond to the sizes called for in Militar y tions M I L-R-22 and Models Hand J as included in MIL-R-67 49. When units are desired to meet the MIL specifications , they should be ordered by th e code designatio n of the pertinent specificat i on. Commercial types a r e listed in the tab le. Unless o t herwise specified , stats ordered with off-position will have t h ree termina l s. *Model C normall y enclosed; M odel E stocked enclosed and u n enclosed-see page 9. Model D es cript i on Avg. Wt. C at. No. With Rhea. Terminals D ia. length P ounds E 2 1%." 1\1,," .0 6 6 584 A E 3 H'&/1 .06 6 5 84 8 H 2 l o/." l o/." .3 0 6 5 80A H 3 1¥." l o/." .3 0 658 08 J 2 2\4 1%" .4 5 6581A J 3 2'h" 1%" . .4 5 658 1 8 G 2 3'li'&" 21!." .7 5 6 582 A G 3 3't'is" 21!." .75 658 2 8 K 2 2V." .9 0 6 58 3A K 3 211." .90 6583 8 " Note. Bushings fo r Y. thick panel, max., ('h" f or M ode l E) supp l ied as standard. T wo t er m i na l s wil l be connec.l ed /o r counter-c l oc kw ise i n crease o f resista n ce, a s v i ewed f r om k n o b , u nless oth erw i se o rd er e c. When solde rin g l u gs a r e w an t e d. th ey mu s t be s p eci fied; ad d s uffix L t o Ca t. No. R h eosta t o h ms, current , etc., mu st be speci f ied. EC 620632 Att 1 Pg 177 Of 26-REPORTNO.: REP-424-008-RP1 ' * ' * /'. REVISION: 03 -Motor Speed Control PAGE 124°F 139 OHMITE Application: Rheostat control of the speed of fractional and i nt eg ral horsepower motors is the most widely cable me thod , is gene ra lly the simplest and is easily added t o existing installations. Ohmite rheostats provide close, s mooth, compact , convenient motor-speed control in cou n tless industrial and appliance uses, such as: Arc Lamps Respirators Blue-P r inters Dental and Medical Equipment F i lm Pr i nters Flame Cutters Motion Picture Projecto rs Mach i ne Tools Fans Portable Tools Blower s Laboratory Mixers Pumps Model Trains Unit Heaters Advantages of Ohmite Rheostats: Smooth , close, contin u ously variable control, permanently good ance , freedom from deteriorat i on , and compactness make Ohmite rheostats ideal for this services. All Mo t ors Not Speed Controllable: While all types of direct current motors can be speed-controlled , only a few kinds o f alternating current motors are controllable , hence it is essent i al to obtain the correct type of A.C. motor ) when speed control i s required. Speed controllable motors ' are list e d in the table on page 31. The f o llowing alternating current motors are not speed control l able: Split Phase, Repulsion Start-Induction Run, Repulsion-Induction, Capacitor Start and Run (except for special fan duty motors), Capacitor Start-Induction Run , Synchr o nous, and Squirrel Cage. No type of speed control is g e nerally available for standard models of these motors because of the use of centrifugal starting switches , inherent constant speed or other design details. Choice of Motor Depends on the Load: Only the universal motor (a form of series-wound motor) i s available for service on both alternating and direct current. It is a high-speed type of motor (3000 to 15 , 000 R.P.M.) with strong s tarting torque. The speed var i es widely with change s in the load. Generally,.the rheostat setting for a given speed will be slightly different on A.C. than D.C. because the characteristics of a series motor change with the type of current. Resistors are often connected in the circuit on D.C. to make the characteristics more nearly identical with the A.C. characterist i cs. The shunt wound direct current motor has a very slight change of speed with loa d s. Motor manufacturers find it necessary to change the i nheren t characteristics such as starting torque , running torque, et c., to suit different applications of the same )motor and therefore rheostats, too , must be designed to / Manufacturing Company suit each particular application. In general , motors of similar rating made by different manufacturers require somewhat different rheosta t s for best control. Fig. 79: An application of a rheostat in a special cage for motor speed control Speed Control Laws for D.C. Motors: Speed is tional to the voltage across the armature and inversely proportional to the field flux. Torque (turning moment expressed in pound-feet or ounce-inches) is proportional to the product of the ture current and the field strength. These laws apply to all forms of direct current motor speed control and help explain the principles underlying the different control circuits. Different Types of Control: Several different types of control are shown in the table on page 31. A study of this table will he l p to show that the choice of contro l depends on: 1. Whether A.C. or D.C. or universal operation is required. 2. The type of motor. 3. The type and amount of load. 4. The exactness of speed control des ir ed. 5. The speed range to be covered. Another circu i t , not shown , uses two rheostats connected in tandem, one in series with the armature and one in parallel with it. This circuit is used to produce very s l ow speed control of shunt wound motors. In addition to the circuits shown, Oh mite rheostats are util!zed on the of speed control which are used on A.C. motors of integraffiorse-power sizes. There are also multi-speed variations of the circuits shown which ut ili ze Ohmite Power Tap switches and Ohmite Fixed Resistors

also governor-controlled

motors which utilize Oh m it e Fixed Resistors. Oh mite VT Variable Transformers can also be used on AC; applications , or on DC in conjunction with a rectifier: 33 ( E C *i I !. , t " ,; ;l c t. : I 34 62 06 32 , Att. 1 , Pg. 1 78 of 26 ft:PDRING.! Rt:P!424-66S-RPI REVISION: 03 -OH MITE Motor Speed Control PAGE 125 OF 139 Manufacturing Company Rheostats with Reversing Switch: Rheostats with two separate windings and a toggle switch can be supplied for single knob speed control and reversing of D.C. moto r s. One winding controls forward speed , the other reverse. Rheostats Individually Designed: Loads have been sified for general calculation as (a) Machine Duty , where the current is assumed 80% at 50% speed , and (b) Fan Duty , where the load current is assumed as reduced to 40% of maximum at 50°/p of full load speed. Fig. 80: A reversing-type , speed control rheostat Type of Control I. SER IE S RHEOSTAT II. ARMATURE SHUNT RHEOSTAT Ill. COMB I NED ARMATURE SHUNT ANO S ER IES RHEOSTAT S IV. ROTOR SERIES R HEO STA T S V. F I ELD RHEOSTAT V I. ARMATURE SER I E S RHEOSTAT VI I. COMB I NED FI EL D ANO ARMATURE SERI E S RHE OS TA TS VIII. A U TO-T RANSFORMER WITH TAP SW I TCH Type of Motor D.C. Series or S h unt D.C. P e r manent M agnet Universal A.C. Series A. C. Repu l sion A. C. Shaded Po l e D.C. Series A.C. Series Un i versal D.C. Series A.C. Series Un i versal A.C. Polyphase W ound R o t o r D.C. Shunt D.C. Shunt D.C. Shunt Specia l A.G. Capac i t or Mo t or Whi l e loads have been grouped arbitrarily in the above two classifications, eac h application varies from th ese theoretical values to such an extent that for the best control , the rheostats must be designed for the particular application. This means that the actual currents and resistances under load must be obtained to permit proper design; the nameplate data from the motor is generally insuffic i ent. General Characteristics of Control Most used for fractional H.P. appliances, A.C. or Universal , where the load is consta n t or variations in speed with load are unimportant. Speed w i ll vary wi d e l y with the load. 50% r eduction of f ull load speed is m aximum u sed o n l arger mot ors-more on smaller motors-depe n ds on type of load. R educes speed but mai n tains t o r que. Speed w ill vary l ess w i de l y with th e l oad than w it h Ser i es Contro l. 50% reduction of full load speed is maximum used on large r motors-more on s m alle r motors-depe n ds on type of load. W i dest speed r ange-maintains torque-u seful wher e load varies. Spe ed will rema i n f airly constant regardless of loa d. Rang e of 5 t o 1 or m ore is possib le depend ing on type of load. Standard me t hod f or w ound roto r motors-also used o n sing l e-phase type. Speed will vary w i th the l oad. 50% r ed u ctio n in speed is the m aximum genera ll y used. Greate r r ed u ctio n is poss i ble. Most u s ed type f o r i ntegra l H.P. i ndustrial app l ica ti ons. Speed rema in s f a irl y consta nt a t any load. Speed increases w i th added r esi s t ance. Range depends on motor design. F iel d must never be opened. U sed to lower speed. Speed will vary with load. Speed decreases as res i stance i s added. 50% maximum on la rger motors. Used for w i dest speed range. Speed varia t i o n w ith load d ependin g o n posit i on o f control. Speed range depends on mot or design. U sed fo r fan type duty or other low starting torque , co n stant type of lo ads. will vary w i th load. Speed range depends on mol o r design. / \ J 6 2 O 6 3 2 Att 1 p 17 9 0 f 2 6 'fEPbRT Nb.: REP-424-008-RP1 ,\.... ' . ' g. REVISION: 03 ---------------- Motor Driven RheostafsE 126°F 139 OH MITE ), i ) Fig. 81: Typical Ohmite motor-driven rheostat assembly Ohm i te rheostats, either single or in tandem, can be motor o perated under remote control. While customers can adapt of their own to the rheostats , Oh mite offers standard reversible motor drives assembled to the rheost a t of your choice. These standard drives encompass a s election of traverse speeds designed to meet the most frequent requirements and faster delivery can be provided on these. The standard drives are available with 1 15-vo l t DC or AC motors in traverse speeds as follows: Concentric Control Rheostat Assemblies Fig. 82: T a ndem assembly with rheostats independ e ntly controlled Two rheostats can be separately controlled by means of concentrically located knobs. This may be done for convenienc e i n operation , to conserve panel space , or where it may b e desired to use one rheostat as a vernier for another: The two rheostats are mounted on a tandem assembly frame w i th the shaft of the rear unit extending through the hollow shaft of the first. A hand-wheel, or knob, controls /the rheostat closest to the mounting panel and a smaller knob controls the other rheostat. DC Motor (Seconds) 3.4 10*1 2 40-50 100-120 Manufacturing Company TRAVERSE SPEED AC Motor (Seconds) 4 8 16 30 45 The standard arrangement includes the necessary limit switches and cams to stop traverse at the end of the rotational arc. Reversal is accomplished by moving a 3-position control switch to the "reverse" position. Users may also specify additional switches for programming assoc ia ted equipment during the traverse of the rheostat. Non-Standard Drives: Ohmite can adapt motor drives to meet applications where the requirements are so special that the standard motor driven assemblies are not suitable. Such requirements could include special speeds, 360 degree rotation using " bridged-gap" rheostats (page 24). self-revers i ng rotation , special auxiliary programming switches, slip clutches , combinations of rheostats and other controls such as transformers or composition potentiometers and other variations. Complete specifications in such cases must be submitted to Oh mite for engineering evaluat i on and quote. Any combination of mode l s of rheostats can be mounted for concentric control , with the larger rheostat preferably next to the panel. When the largest rheostat is no larger than a Model L , the hollow shaft is 1/4" diameter and the through-shaft is 3/1s" diameter. When the larger rheostat is a Model P, N, R, T, or U, the standard hollow shaft is%" diameter and the through shaft is 1/4" diameter. A hollow shaft of 112" diameter and through-shaft of 3/s" diameter can be supplied also. The tandem assembly can consist of more than two rheostats with the additional rheostats turning with either shafts. Mount i ng dimensions are lar to an equivaleht standard tandem assembly. Write for further information for specific applications. Panel ness must be given. Combinations with Other Contro l s: Tap switches, low power wafer-type switches, composition potentiometers or variable transformers can be combined with rheostats in concentric control assemblies, with the auxi l iary device operated by the through-shaft. Concentr ic Control T ancem M io . . Code Word: CO NCO 35 _ _J " EC . l I f f I '* 36 62 0 632' Att. 1, Pg. 1 s'b of 2 6fl&bkFN6.: F<f:P-424-008-RPI REVISION: 03 -OHMITE * PAGE 127,.()F 139 Rheostat for Lamp D1mm1ng 120 .,; ... "'100 ... :I! c ..J * 80 .... :c "' :::; ..... 60 z ... "' "' a 40 .... z "' <.> 20 "' "' A. 0 ;; LAMP RESISTANC£ -... > ,_a: -*-5 *-... t;;/ f 0 \ v "'/ I . I >< I v \ /VitURRENT I A <( ..J GI / I (SCALE AT RIGHT) 1 J I / 'I I I I I /J , ' I .... I ,/ -r EXAMPLE.J-

[__ ----I ,,..,.,,,,, I *-._ I 20 40 60 80 PER CENT LAMP VOLTAGE I -I I I LIGHT LUNENS ----100 --.,; ... "' ... 400 !i 0 5:! 320 l c ..J ... 240 ° ... z ... <.> 160 ... 80 ; :c 0 0 120 s :c "' Fig. 83: Average curves for tungsten filament lamps An Oh mite Rheostat , when connected

in series with an incandescent l amp, provides ideally smooth, gradual trol of light output from full intens i ty to any desired degree of dimming. Such control is utilized in photography ing of subjects, projection and contact printers , and safe lights); in medicine and dent i stry (examination lights); in aviation (i nstrument lights); in advertising displays, ter stage lighting, and in other applications. The size and resistance of the rheostat is determined by the lamp to be controlled and the amount of dimming desired. Because a larger rheostat or a tapered winding of more sections is needed for blackout than for 1 % light , important economies can often be made if it is ble to open the circuit before blackout. It is strongly recommended that the minimum amount of light desired be determined by a substitution trial or by measurement with a photo-electric light meter, as visual estimates generally are not sufficiently accurate. The curves in Fig. 83 show the per cent lamp current , voltage, and resistance, and the per cent required stat ohms for any percentage of dimming. The curves apply to 115 volt standard tungsten filament lamps and , in general, to any other lower voltage tungsten filament lamp. Rheostats listed i n the table cover the most mon applications. They are unmounted units, taper wound as required. The second letter of the Catalog Number corresponds to the model, details of which will be found on pages 9 to 13. A knob, as listed on page 26, should be Manufacturing Company ordered if one is desired. Our Engineering Department will be glad to recommend the proper rheostat for any special application on of the following information

Lamp type , volts and

current , minimum light (in per cent of maximum). pnd off-position if wanted. For uncommon types of lamps, supply a sample for test or a curve of light and current versus volts. lAMP DIMMING RHEOSTATS lamp Minimum Brilliance of Light as Percentage of Full In t ensity Watts 10% 1% Blackout 25 LHA25 LJ825 LJ C25 LJ D 25 40 LHA40 LJ8 4 0 LGC20 J..K D40 50 LJASO LGBSO LKCSO LKDSO 60 LJA60 L K860 LKC60 LKD60 75 LJA?S LKB75 LKC75 L LD75 1 00 LKA100 LK8100 LKC 1 00 LP D1 00 120 LKA120 L LB120 LPC 1 20 L N D120 150 LKA150 LLB 150 LNC150 LND150 180 LKA180 LNB180 LNC 18 0 L ND180 200 LLA200 LNB200 LNC200 L ND200 §No. 1 'LGAl LNB l LAC 1 LAD1 §No. 2 'LLA2 LRB2 LTC2 LU02 §No. 4 'LNA4 LU84 tLTTC4 tLUUD4 '50o/o light instead ot 1 0%. tTwo rheostats in tand em. +Light is r educed to '4% and the n t h e circuit is opened by a No. 352 Off-P osi li on. §N umbe r s 1 , 2 an d 4 are p ho t o fl ood lamps which o p e r ate at 250, 500 and 1 000 wans respec t ively. Motor Driven Lamp Dimmers Oh mite rheostats arranged for motor drive are often used as faders in advert i sing d i splays. Such rheostats are of the bridged gap type (page 24) for continuous rotation. Fig. 84 (A) shows a method of using one rheostat to fade between two lamp banks (both going out as the arm passes the center lead). Figure 84 (B) shows a method for gradually bringing a lamp from out to full on and back to out once every revolution. (Al (8) Fig. 84: Fader circuits arranged for continuous rotation ) ) I E C 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 181 of 2 6 'fEPORT NO.: REP-4 24-008-RP1 REV I S I ON: 03 -CJHMITE .. Rheostats for Military Specifications PAGE 1 28 OF 139 , Ohm i te power rheostats have seen serv i ce i n mi l itary ' applications for many years. They have established their noted dependabi l ity in widely dispersed areas subject to the extremes of environment from the tropics to the arctic. Ohmite's inert, all ceramic and metal construction is the reason for the durab i lity and ruggedness required to meet the exhaustive test s of the military spec i fications. All of the styles (sizes) required by the fundamental rheostat specification , MIL-R-22 (Resistors, Variable , Wirewo u nd , Power Type) from the tiny 5 watt Style RP05 Slotted with locking bushing Flatted with locking bushing Enclosed with locking bushing Fig. 86: Typical locking-type rheostats supplied under MIL-R-22. F ig. 87: Aircraft Power Rheostats for MIL-R-6749 Manufacturing Company Fig. 85: Rheostat sizes furnished under MIL-R-22 (Model C) to the 1000-watt RP55 (Model U) are supplied by Ohm i te with the var i ous options requ i red by the military options such as enclosures , locking shafts with slots or flats , off-positions, etc. Oh mite also supplies rheostats to meet military spec i fication MIL-R-6749 for Aircraft Rheostats. This ficat io n covers 25 and 50-watt enclosed rheostats used in a ir craft , primarily for light dimming purposes. The physical sizes co rr espond to Styles RP11 and RP1 6 of MIL-R-22 with a f e w differencess. The entire specified range of winding tapers is provided under this specification. To Order: When a QPL item i s required always order by Milita r y Designation , not by Oh mite Type number. Military Wall Designation Size RP0 50 5 RP06 12.5 RP07 6.25 RP10 25.0 RP 11 12.5 RP 1 5 50 Noles: <D 1,000 ohms, max. Mll-R-22 RHEOSTATS , WIREWOUND Ohmite Military Type Designation Model C, RP 16 enclosed Model E RP20 Model E, RP25 enclosed RP30 Model H RP351<D Model H , RP401<D enclosed RP451<D Model J RP501<D R P551<D Mll-R-5749 RHEOSTAT S©: AN (Enclosed) AN3155 25 and 50 w a n MIL-R-15109 RHEOSTATS: H I-SHOCK Mod e l s EQl, H@. J, G, K <ll Not app l icable to GAMESA (Canadian equiv. to DESC-E) <ll Al so enclosed Watt Ohmlte Size Type 25 ModelJ, enclosed 75 Model G 100 Model K 150 Mode l L 225 Model P 300 Mode l N 500 Mode l R 750 Model T 1000 Model U 37 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 1 REVISION: 03 Generator Field ControY 11°/Jeostats OHMITE 38 Application: Ohmite Vitreous Ename l ed Rheostats vide smooth , c l ose, gradual control of generator voltage. The permanence of their characteristics, smoothness of operation, exactness of control , and compactness have made them first choice among generator and switchboard designers. By providing practically continuous variation of resistance in even the smallest sizes, they have made possible great savings in control-pane l space. This makes them particularly useful on portable equipment , such as we l ding generators and power supplies. Range of Sizes: With a series of ten wattage sizes, there is an Oh mite rheostat, or tandem rheostat assemb l y, suitable for every size generator in the range from the smallest to u nits of several hundred kilowatts. Ind i vidually Designed: Oh mite field rheostats will be individually designed by our Engineering Department to fit each generator field condition upon receipt of the fo ll owing information

State whether self or separately

excited, give field resistance (hot), maximum field current (state at what volts for se l f-excited machines), minimum field current, r h eostat resistance (if known). For se l f-excited mach i nes it is desirable to supply a field magnetization curve. Standard Designs: The rheostats listed on the following pages are tapered or uniformly wound, as required , designed to provide control for separately or self-excited generators. A n umber of models with differently tapered windings are listed for each resistance value. Current values depend on both the maximum voltage and the field resistance. Maximum design volts used were 32, 40, 64 , 80, 100 , 125, 160, 200, 250, 320 and 400. Ratios of rheostat resistance to fie l d resistance were set at equal, 1.6 times , 2.5 t i mes or 4 times. 180 160 .... :! 120 "' 0 100 er ' ; 80 0 > 60 4 0 20 0 ..... , v , I/ v 0 CEIL 1 1 NG .VOLT si) NO LOAD GENERATED , 1--...-v I VOLTAGE ['-.,. L--i--./ I I -RATED v v ', , IV v v v VOLTAGE / ' l/v RHED. v " !/ y 1'. NO LOAD MAGNET I ZATION CURVE FOR SELF* EX C ITED v " GENERATOR ' v ' }FIELD RHEOSTA T K i"-, OHMS r'-.FIELD VOLTS f-t i-_ VOLTAGE ACROSS I ..... FIELD i ..... !' ..... I ..... _ 0.5 1.0 FIELD AMPERES 1.5 Fig. 88: Design curve for fie l d rheostat Manufacturing Company Fig. 89: Typical field control rheostat , wire side view. Design of Field Rheostat For Se l f-Excited Generator A magnetization curve (such as Fig. 88) for the particular machine should be obtained from the generator facturer. The no load curve is used for machines which may be operated without load or with a light l oad; a full l oad curve may be used for a generator which is permanently connected to a load. The first step is to l ocate the "ceiling volts" -the highest voltage up to which the generated voltage will build when there is no resistance in series w i th the fie l d. At this point E G = R tield X /field* A straight line drawn through zero and "ceiling volts" represents the voltage necessary to prod u ce the field current at any intervening point. The vert i cal distance between this line and the curve of generated voltage represents the voltage drop which must be taken up by the field rheostat. The second step is to draw the curve of field rheostat ohms versus field current. This is obtained by Ohms' Law: Rheostat Ohms= Volts Drop in R h eostat...,. Field Amps. The total resistance required will depend upon how low it is desired to bring the termina l voltage . Knowing the maximum voltage , the resistance and maximum and minimum currents, a rheostat may be selected from the tab l es or O h mite engineers wi ll design a spec i a l unit for the job. ,*) ' _) EC 62063 2 , Att. 1 , Pg. 18 3 of 2 6 '"fEPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 130 OF 139 Rheostats (Potentiometers) Wirewound MODEL C Max. Ohmic Voltage (RMS)* 305 Behind panel "B" (in.Imm Ref.) 0.875/22.23 Diameter "D" (in.Imm Ref.) 0.515/ 13.08 Dimension "C" Shaft Rotation Model Type Watts range Core (in.Imm Ref.) torque (+/-5°) C R CS/RCL 7.5 10.0-5K enclosed 0.25-3 oz. in. 300° * Se e Ca t alog #203 for comp l ete d eta ils. Mounting: Panels to 0.125" (3.18mm) thick with 1/4-32 bushing and hex nut CM' thick). Ohmic Model Type Watts range Core E R ES/REL 12.5 1.0-15K open -E REE 12.5 1.0-15K enclosed * See Catalog #2 03 for compl ete d e tail s. shaft MODEL E Max. Voltage Behind panel "B" Diameter "D" Dimension "C" (RMS)* (in.Imm Ref.) (in.Imm Re!.) (in.Imm Ref.) 305 0.688/17.46 0.875/ 22.23 0.594/15.08 305 1.219/30.96 1.047/ 26.59 unenclosed 0.531" 13.49mm 6.35mm 0 0 0 () Mount i ng: Panels to 0.125" (3.1 Bmm) thick with 114-32 bushing and hex nut C/15" thick). Dimensions for referenc e on ly; consu l t factory for d et ails. 0.406" 10.32mm Since all rh eosta ts/pot e ntiomet e rs are electro-mechanical d evices, they are subject to mechan ica l wear and, therefore, have a finite lif e. Models H , J , K, Land N are listed und e r UL File No. E-10946 a nd CSA File No. 21309 unl ess noted oth erwise. All rheostats are 10% toleranc e. 1-866-9-0HMITE * ln t'l 1-847-258-0300 *F ax 1-847-574-7 522 * www.ohmite .co m * 187 -Shaft Rotation torque (+/-50) 1-6 oz. in. 300° 1-6 oz. in. 300° E C 62 0 632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 184 of 26-fEPORTNO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 131 OF 139 Rheostats (Potentiometers) Wirewound MODELS H 1 J 1 G 1 K 1 L Max. Ohmic Voltage Behind panel "B" Model Type Watts range Core (RMS)* (in.Imm Ref.) H RHS/RHL 25 1.0-25K open 500 1.375/34.93 J RJS 50 0.5-50K open 750 1.375/34.93 G RGS 75 0.5-50K open 900 1.750/44.45 K RKS 100 0.5-50K open 1000 1.750/44.45 L RLS 150 0.5-50K open 1200 2.000 I 50.8 * Mo de l s H , J , G , and K a l so a va i lab le i n encl o se d v e r sions. * S ee Ca t a l o g #2 03 for c o m pl ete d eta il s. 0.5". 1 2.7 mm dr i ll 0.188" (4.7 6 mm) hole in pan e l. w ash e r not included O o inmode/L 0.344" 8.7 3mm Diameter " D" (in.Imm Ref.) 1.560/ 39.62 2.31 I 58.67 2.75 I 69.25 3.125/ 79.38 4.00 /101.60 0.75" 19.05 m m sh aft locking nu t Dimension "C" Shaft Rotation (in.Imm Ref.) torque 0.940/23.88 0.25-0.5 lb. in. 1.56 /39.62 0.25-2 lb. in. 1.78 /45.21 0.5-2 lb. in. 1.9 1 /48.51 0.5-2 lb. in. 2.28 /57.91 0.5-3 lb. in. Mounting: Panels to 0.25" (6.35mm) thick with 3/e-32 bushing and hex nut (3/32" thick) (or with 10-32 x 0.75 flat-head screws for model L only). (+/-50) 300° 300° 300° 300° 300° hole s for: no. 2 scre ws (model H) no. 8 s crew s (J , G , K , L) mounting bracket on m o d ef L only 0.875" 2 2.23 mm _ __.>1+--standard shaft (m o d e l s H , J , G , K , L) locking shaft (onl y model H sto c k e d) MODELS P 1 N 1 R 1 U Max. Ohmic Voltage Behind panel " B" Diameter " D" Dimension "C" Shaft Rotation Model Type Watts range Core (RMS)* (in.Imm Ref.) (in.Imm Ref.) (in.Imm Ref.) torque (+/-50) p RPS 225 1.0-30K open 1300 2.125/53.98 5.00 /127.00 2.97 175.44 2.5-4 lb. in. 310° N RNS 300 1.0-50K open 1225 2.375/60.33 6.00 /152.40 3.44 /87.38 2.5-5 lb. in. 320° R RRS 500 1.0-20K open 1450 2.125/53.98 8.00 /203.20 4.31 /109.47 4.5-7 lb. in. 325° u RUS 1000 1.0-20K open 1600 3.000 I 76.2 12.00 /304.80 6.38/162.05 3.5-7 lb. in. 335° * See C a t al o g #2 0 3 for co mplete d e t ai l s. Dimension " M" I p 0.875" 22.23 mm N 1.188" 30.16 mm R 1.5" 38.1 mm u 3" 76.2 mm D Mounting: Panels l to 1.25" (31.75mm) thick with 11 4-20 flat-head screws. (continued) 188 1-866-9-0HMIT E * ln t'l 1-8 47-25 8-0300 *F ax 1-8 47-57 4-7 522 * www.ohm i t e.c om * i n f o@oh m EC 62 06 32 , Att. 1, Pg. 18 5 of 2 6 -fEPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 132 OF 139 Rheostats (P ot entiometers) Wirewound ORDERING INFORMATION Code Watts Model Shaft Core CL = 7.5 C Lo cking Enclos e d CS= 7.5 C Standard Enc l o s ed EE = 1 2.5 E S tanda rd Enclosed EL = 12.5 E Lo cking Op en E = RoHS compliant I ES= 12.5 E Standard Op en G S= 75 G Standard Open HL = 25 H Lock i ng Op e n Rh eostats W irewou n d Po tentiometers RCSRSOE H S= 25 H Standard Open JS = 50 J Standard O pen KS = 1 oo K Standard Open LS = 150 L Standard Open N S= 300 N Standard Op e n PS = 225 P Standard Open RS= 500 R Standard Open U S= 1000 U Standard Open 7.5W Model C 12.SW Model E = ... .. "' "' "' .c c .c c "' .. :ii .. :i! 0 CD .,; u u u Ci.i 0 "' 0 c "' ...J ...J w PlrtNo. .. .. I I E I I I E Prefix>-"' "' (./') -' a. (./') -' LJ.J a. 6 SufftxY (.) (.) LJ.J LJ.J LJ.J E a: a: a: a: a: < 0.5-R50 1 -1RO ii ii ii 3.53 1.5-1R5 2 -2RO ii ii ii 2.50 2.5-2R5 ii ii ii 2.24 3 -3RO ii ii ii 2.04 4 -4RO 5 -5RO ii ii ii 1.5B 6 -6RO ii ii ii 1.44 7.S -7R5 B -BRO ii ii ii 1.25 10 -10R ii ii O.B6 ii ii ii 1.12 12 -12R 12.5-12R5 1S _,.o ii ii 0.71 t/ i1 i1 n 01 16 -16R 22 -22R 25 -25R ii ii 0.55 ii ii ii 0.71 35 -35R ii ii 0.46 ii ii ii 0.60 dQ -4 0R 50 -50R ii ii 0.39 ii ii ii 0.50 75 -75R ii ii 0.32 ii ii ii 0.40 BO -BOR 100 -100 ii ii 0.27 ii ii ii 0.36 12s -'"" t/ t/ t/ 0.3? 150 -1 50 ii ii 0.22 ii ii ii 0.29 160 -160 175 -1 75 ii ii ii 0.27 200 -200 ii ii 0.19 ii ii ii 0.25 2?S -22S 250 -250 ii ii 0.17 ii ii ii 0.22 300 -300 325 -325 350 -350 ii ii 0.15 ii ii ii 0.19 400 -" 00 500 -500 ii ii 0.12 ii ii ii 0.16 600 -600 700 -700 750 -750 ii ii 0.10 ii ii ii 0.13 BOO --800 900 -900 1000 -1KO ii ii 0.086 ii ii ii 0.10 1200 -1K2 125 0 1500 -1 5 ii ii 0.071 ii ii t/ 0.090 1600 -1K6 1750 -1 K75 1BOO -1K8 2000 -2KO 2250 -2K25 2500 -2K5 ii ii 0.0 55 ii ii ii 0.0 7 0 3000 -3KO 3500 -3K5 ii ii 0.046 ii ii ii 0.060 4500 -4 K5 5000 -5KO ii ii 0.039 ii ii ii 0.050 7500 -7K5 ii ii ii 0.041 8000 --BKO 10000 -10K ii ii ii 0.035 ii ii ii 0.031 i1 i1 i1 o 020 20000 -2 0K 2 5000 -25 K 30000 -30K 4 0000 -40K 50000 -50K *Check Eble for stand a rd res i stance v a l ues and maximum c urrent value s 25W Model H sow 75W = Model J Mode l G .. "' .c c "' :ii u 0 "' "' "' ...J .. .. .. I I E I E I E "' "' "' (./') -' a. a. (./') a. :r; :r; E E '-" E a: a: < a: < a: < ii 10.0 ii 12.3 ii ii 5.00 ii 7.07 ii B.66 ii ii 3.54 ii 5.00 ii 6.12 ii ii 2.BB ii 5.00 ii 3.53 ii 3.BB ii ii 2.04 ii 2.BB t/ 31R ii ii 1.77 ii 2.50 ii ii 1.5B ii 2.74 ii 2.04 ii t/ 1 ?Q ii 1.76 ii 2.17 ii 1.50 ii ii 1.00 ii 1.73 ii ii O.B45 ii 1.19 ii ii 0.707 ii 1.00 ii 1.23 ii ii 0.575 ii 1.00 ii 0.790 ii ii 0.500 ii O.B66 ii ii 0.445 t/ o ii 0.575 ii ii 0.375 ii 0.612 ii 0.d 70 ii ii 0.316 ii 0.408 ii 0.500 ii ii 0.2 6 7 ii 0433 ii ii 0.2 2 2 ii 0.316 ii 0.388 ii ii 0.182 ii 0.316 ii 0.250 ii ii 0.155 ii 0.224 ii 0.274 ii ii 0.129 ii 0.224 ii 0.1 76 ii 0.194 ii ii 0.100 ii 0.1 41 ii 0.173 ii ii 0.084 ii 0.119 ii ii 0.070 ii 0100 ii 0123 ii ii 0.05B ii 0.100 ii 0.0 7 9 ii ii 0.050 ii 0.070 ii 0.08 7 t/ ii 0.n41 t/ 0 OSR ii ii 0.035 ii 0.050 ii ii 0.032 ii 0.045 ii 0.041 ii 0.035 ii 0.03 2 Resistance Value .. E xample: R so = o.soo 1RO = 1 0 7R5 = 7.50 250 = 2500 1Ko = 1 , 0000 1K75= 1 , 7500 4K5 = 4 , 5000 soK = so , oooo 100W 150W Model K Model l "' "' .. .. I E I E "' "' (./') a. (./') a. "" -' a: a: ii 14.1 ii 17.3 ii 10 ii 12.3 ii 7.07 ii B.65 ii 5.75 ii 7.07 ii 4.47 ii 5.4 B ii 3.65 t/ 4.47 ii 3.16 ii 3.BB ii 3.163 ii 2.50 ii 2.0 ii 2.450 ii 2.070 ii 1.4 1 ii 1.735 ii 1.15 ii 1.415 ii 1.00 ii 1.225 ii 1.000 ii 0.707 ii O.B65 ii 0.775 ii 0.575 ii 0.655 ii 0.500 ii 0.447 ii 0.54B ii 0.365 ii 0.447 ii 0.316 ii 0.346 ii 0.258 ii 0.2B 8 ii 0.224 ii 0.259 ii 0.200 ii 0.224 ii 0.1B2 ii 0.141 ii 0.115 ii 0.141 ii 0.100 ii 0.122 1-866-9-0HM ITE * lnt'l 1-84 7-25 8-0300 *F ax 1-847-574-7522 * www.ohm * 189 * RoH S compliant product available. Add "E" suffix to part number to sp ec ify. * M ade-to-order rheo stats available: Contact nearest Ohm ite sales office. * V oltage rating depend ent on r es i stance valu e. 225W 300W soow 1000W Model P Model N Model R Model U "' "' "' "' .. .. .. .. I E I E I E I E "' "' "' "' (./') a. (./') a. (./') a. (./') a. a.. E z E a: E :::> E a: < a: < a: < a: < ii 15.0 ii 17.32 ii 22.3 ii 31.6 ii 1B.2 ii 25.B ii 10.6 ii 12.24 ii 15.B ii 22.4 ii 14.1 ii 20.0 ii B.66 ii 10.00 ii 1 2.9 ii 1B.3 ii 7.50 ii B.66 ii 11.2 ii 15.B ii 6.71 ii 7.75 ii 10.0 ii 14.1 t/ dO ii 6.3 2 ii 7.90 ii 11.2 ii 4.74 ii 5.48 ii 10.0 ii 6.30 ii 8.95 ii 3.87 ii 4.47 ii 5.60 ii 7.90 ii 3.00 ii 3.46 ii 4.47 ii 6.33 ii 3.54 ii 2.12 ii 2.45 ii 3.16 ii 4.47 ii 1.73 ii 2.00 ii 3.6 5 ii 2.52 ii 1.50 ii 1.73 ii 3.16 t/ ?.00 ii 1.22 ii 1.41 ii 1.69 ii 2.39 ii 1.06 ii 1.22 ii 2.11 ii 1.41 ii 0.866 ii 1.00 ii 1.B3 ii 1.24 i1 n 750 ii O.B66 ii 1 dB ii 1.00 ii 1.41 ii 0.56 7 ii 0.655 ii 0.81 7 ii 1.1 5 ii 0.500 ii 0.57B ii 0.707 ii 1.00 ii 0.433 ii 0.500 ii 0.38 7 ii 0.447 ii 0.577 ii O.B16 ii 0.358 ii 0.41 4 ii 0.336 ii 0.387 ii 0.500 ii 0.300 ii 0.346 ii 0.447 ii 0.633 V' = St a ndard values; check availab ility Rheo stats are silicone-ceramic coated at and above the following ohmic values: Model C: all Model G: SOOOQ Model E: 750Q Model K: SOOO Q Model H: 2000Q Model L: 7500Q Model J: SOOOQ EC 62063 2 , Att. 1, P g. 186 of REP-424-0 08-RP1 REV I SION: 03 210 Series Divi doh m Vitre o us Enamel A dj ustab l e Power FEATURES PAGE 133 OF 139 *Terminals suitable for soldering or bolt connection.

  • Adjustable

l ug supplied *High wattage applications

  • Al l-welded construction
  • Rugged lead free vitreous enamel coating. *Flame resistant

coating *Additional adjustable lugs available

  • RoHS compliant

product available. Add "E" suffix to part number to specify Choose Oh mite's 210 Type adjustable res i stors for applications requiring settings at different resistance values. These wirewound resistors are equipped with an adjustable lug, making them ideal for adjusting circuits , obtaining odd resistance values and ting equip ment to meet various line vo l tages. 21 O Type resistors feature a hollow core to permit secure fasteni n g with spr i ng-type clips or thru b ol ts with washers. They also offer the durability of lead free vitreous enamel coat i ng and al l-welded construction. Mounting brackets not included with resistors. SERIES SPECIFICATIONS Series Wattage Ohms Core Code Voltage Standard Terminal 012 12 1.0-10K 0 565 57 025 25 1.0-25K K 625 40 050 50 1.0-100K K 1625 40 075 75 1.0-100K K 2625 40 0100 100 1.0-100K M 2845 40 0175 175 1.0-1 OOK p 3595 46 0225 225 1.0-100K p 4595 46 0500 500 1.5-15K s 4970 45 01000 1000 3.0-27.7K s 8900 45 Oth e r si z es av aila b le; cont a ct Ohm it e. Also ava i labl e in low co st Cen t ohm or S i lic on e coating; con tac t Ohmite. CHARACTERISTICS Adjustability 10% to 90% of full value. Wattage is proportional to this adjusted resistance value. Coating Lead free vitreous enamel. Large models (500 watts and up) are supplied in Silicone Ceramic. Also availab l e in low-cost Centohm coating; Consult factory. Core Tubular ceram i c. Terminals Solder coated radial lug. RoHS solder composition is 96% Sn , 3.5% Ag , 0.5% Cu Adjustable Nicke l p l ated steel. (Screwdriver type adjustable lug supplied terminal standard. Other types, i ncluding si l ver contact units , available.) Derating Linearly from 100% @ +25°C to 0% @ +350°C. Tolerance +/-10% (K) Power rating Based on 25°C free air rating. The stated wattage rating applies only when the entire resistance is in the circuit. Setting the lug at an intermediate point reduces the wattage rating by approximate l y the same proportion. Example: If the lug is set at half resistance , the wattage is reduced by approx. one-half. Overload 10 times rated wattage for 5 seconds. Temperature +/-260 ppm/°C coefficient Dielectric 1000 VAC: 12 to 100 watt rat i ng. 3000 VAC: 175 and 225 watt withstanding ing (measured from terminal to mounting bracket) vo l tage Max. amps To calculate , use the formula 'IP!R. Power limitations for high tance values: When resistance exceeds the resistance values l i sted below , derate the Power Rating by 25% to improve reliability

Power Resistance

No power rating value derating neces-12W 4 , 5000 sary for ratings 25W 9 , 0000 higher than SOW 20 , 0000 100W. 75W 35 , 0000 100W 50 , 0000 1-866-9-0HMITE * lnt'l 1-847-258-0300 *Fax 1-847-57 4-7522 * www.ohm i t * 109 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 1 87 of 2 6 fEPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REV I S I ON: 03 PAGE 1 34 OF 139 210 Series D i vidohm Vitreous Enamel Adjustable Power DIMENSIONS (in./ mm) Series Wattage l D c Core Code Standa r d Terminal 012 12 1.75/ 44.4 0.313 / 7.94 0.1 88 / 4.76 0 5 7 025 25 2.0 I 50.8 0.562 / 14.3 0.313 / 7.94 K 40 050 50 4.0/101.6 0.562 / 1 4.3 0.313 / 7.94 K 40 075 75 6.0 / 15 2.4 0.562 / 14.3 0.313 / 7.94 K 40 I L I 0100 100 6.5 / 165.1 0.750 / 19.1 0.50 / 12.7 M 40 0175 175 8.5 / 215.9 1.125 / 28.6 0.7 5 / 19.1 p 46 0225 225 10.51 266.7 1.125 / 2 8.6 0.7 5 / 19.1 p 46 0500 500 12.0 / 304.8 2.50 / 63.5 1.75 / 44.5 s 4 5 01000 1000 20.0 / 508.0 2.50 / 63.5 1.75 /44.5 s 4 5 ORDERING INFORMATION Coating I I D25K100E B la nk = Vitreous C = Centohm S =Silicone RoHS Compliant I I -, I --, Serles Wattage Tolerance Ohms J = 5% 1A0=10 K = 10% 25 0 = 2500 1KO = 1,0 000 25K = 25,0000 25K5 = 25 , 5000 Standard Values c "' "' c c "' .,, c .,, c c t:: "' c c "' -"' .,, .... -"' .,, T =-.. Part N o. l l l l I I I I > "" .. "" "" "" "" 0 "E Prefix> 0 "' "' 0 0 "' "' 0 "' 0 .... "' 0 0 Wattage ..c: Suffi x Y Ci "' "' .... Ci Ci "' "' Ci c 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 1ROE .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 2 2 ROE .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3 3ROE .... .... .... .... .... .... 4 4R OE .... .... .... .... 5 5R OE .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 7.5 7R 5E .... .... 10 10RE .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 15 15RE .... .... .... 20 2 0RE .... .... 25 25 RE .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 50 S ORE .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 75 75 RE .... .... .... 1 00 100E .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Made-to-order Parts Core Diameter Terminal Type See " Co r e and See u R esistor T erminal s Terminal fo r Tu bu l a r I _J_ RoHS Compliant I 21050K405ROOJE ., ,.---,-Coating Wattage 2 1 O =Vi t r eous 4rn =Silico n e Ceram i c 61 O = Ce ntohm "' .,, =--"' l: Part No. I I ... *e Prefix> "" "" "' "' ..c: Suffix Y Ci N c 0 150 150E .... .... 200 200E .... .... 250 250E .... .... 300 300E .... .... 400 400E .... .... 500 500E .... .... 7 50 7 50E .... .... 800 BOOE .... 1 , 00 0 lKOE .... .... 1 ,2 5 0 1K25E .... .... 1 , 500 -1K5E .... .... 2,000 2KOE .... .... 2 , 500 2K5E .... .... c .,, I "" 0 .,., 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Ohms R500 = 0.5000 1ROO = 10 250R = 2500 1KOO = 1, 0000 25KO = 25,0000 25K5 = 25,5000 Wattage c .,, .,, c .... "' .,, .... --"' I l l I "" "" 0 "' "' "' 0 .... "' .... Ci Ci "' 0 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... L-To l erance J = 5% K = 10% c c c c c I ., "' = I -;; > "" 0 ... 0 0 *e 0 0 .,., Ci ..c: 0 c 3,000 4,000 5 , 000 6 , 000 7 000 .... .... 7 , 500 10 , 000 12 , 000 .... .... 15 , 000 20,000 25,000 50 , 000 100,000 See 270 ser i es custom core and terminal Info Wattage c c "' .,, c .,, -"' .,, .... -Part No. l l I l l P r efix> "" 0 "' "' 0 "' 0 SuffixY Ci "' .,., .... Ci 0 0 0 3KOE .... .... .... 4KOE .... 5KOE .... .... .... .... 6KOE .... ?KOE .... .... 7K5E .... .... .... 10KE .... .... .... .... .... 12KE 15KE .... .... 20KE .... .... .... 25KE .... .... 50KE .... .... 100KE .... .... .,, t:: I "" "' .... Ci .... .... .... v = Standard va l ues; check availab i lity at 50KQ and 1 OOKQ resistance values i nvolve very fine resistance wire and should not be us e d in critical applicatio n s without burn-in and/or therma l cyc l ing. 110 1-866-9-0HMITE * lnt'l 1-847-2 58-0300 *Fax 1-8 47-574-7522 *

  • info@ohmite

.com .,, "' "' l "' "' N 0 .... EC 620 6 32 , Att. 1 , Pg. 1 88 of REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 135 OF 139 250 Series 'Thin' Stackohm Vitreous Ename l Power When limited space is a consideration, choose Ohmite's " thin" stackable 250 Type resistors. These oval-shaped ceramic-core resistors feature a low profile to permit installation in spaces with height restrictions. They are also equipped with integral mounting brackets so they can be fastened to a chassis and stacked in locations with limited surface area. When properly fastened, the mounting brackets add a heat sinking benefit resulting in a smaller size per watt. Durable 250 Type resistors are fully welded and coated with lead free vitreous enamel. FEATURES *Small size-to-power ratio. *Stackable

  • Integral

mounting bracket conducts heatto mounting surface. *Low profile for use in equipment where space is limited. *All-welded construction.

  • RoHS compliant

product available. Add "E" suffix to part number to specify. SERIES SPECIFICATIONS Series Wattage Ohms Max. Voltage* F10 10 1.0-15K 187 F20 20 1.0-50K 815 F30 30 1.0-10K 281 F40 40 1.0-25K 655 F55 55 1.0-30K 1405 Adjustabl e ver si on s and oth e r size s a v ailabl e; Consult Ohmite A ls o avail a bl e i n low cost Cen t ohm or Silicon e c o a ting; Con s u l t Ohmit e. * M ax imum Vo l tage is ba sed o n Ohm's La w [V=-/P*R] a s limited by th e r e sita n c e v a lue of specifi e d produc t CHARACTERISTICS Coating Lead free vitreous enamel Core Ceramic Terminals Tinned lug with ho l e. RoHS solder compos i t i on i s 96% Sn , 3.5% Ag , 0.5% Cu Derating Linearly from 100% @ +25°C to 0% @ +350°C Tolerance +/-5% (J) Power rating Based on mounting a single resistor on a metal surface measu r ing 10" (254mm) square by 0.04" (1.016mm) thi c k. Reduce rat i ng by 1 5% when mounting on non-metallic surface Overload 10x rated wattage for 5 seconds i f max. voltage is not exceeded Temperature 1 to 200: +/-400 ppm/°C coefficient Over 200: +/-260 ppm/°C Dielectric with-500 VAC: 10 and 20 watt rating. 1000 VAC: 30 , 40 and 55 watt rating (meastanding voltage sured from lug to mounting bracket) Max_ amps To calculate , use the formula v'P/R 110 1-8 6 6-9-0HMITE * lnt'l 1-847-258-0300 *Fax 1-8 4 7-57 4-752 2 * www.ohmit * info@ohm i t e.c om EC 620632 , A tt. 1, Pg. 18 9 0 f 2 6 ;REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 136 OF 139 250 Series 'Thi n' Stackohm Vitreous Enamel Power DIMENSIONS (in.Imm) Diam. 0.125'-"' 3.175mm I 0.110": L 2.776 mm-+ ,._ ___ A ____ , 0.625" 15.8 75 mm ---0) -.I I .... 0.125"' 3.175 mm 0.25 0'-t 0.375' t d =lfi 6.350 mm_ j_ 9.525 mm + Diam. 0.109' 2.776mm Di a m. 0.196' --4.9 79mm I 0.25 0' L 6.350 mm-+ i.----A ----1 0.125'-'-r---------. ©1§: --"' -.I I+ C\I 0.250". 6.350mm 3.1 75m m.-rr=J= 0.43 8' Ll' JLl..1.1 t.113mm Series Wattage length l Length A F10 10 0.750 / 19.050 1.000 I 25.400 F20 20 2.000 I 50.800 2.313 / 58.750 F30 30 1.250 / 31.7 50 2.000 I 50.800 F40 40 2.000 I 50.800 2.750 I 69.850 F55 55 3.500 I 88.900 4.250 / 107.950 'Reference dim ension on ly; var ies according to re sista nc e value. Note: When r esistors are stacked , us e wa s hers or spacers as required to in sure clearance and imp rov e powe r dissipation. MOUNTING Derating for stacked mounting In addition to the standard box bracket , stud type brackets are av a ilable for stacking the standard size resistors. Stud type brackets are available in two heights: standard (SS, 0.437"/11.113mm) and high (SSH , 0.531"/13.494mm). The SSH stud is recommended when stacking the adjustable Type 260 , a s it assures clearance for the adjustable lugs to pass eachot h er. Spacer washer No. 6027 (O.D. 0.219"/5.556mm , l.D. 0.125"/3.175mm , thickness 0.094"/2.381mm) is recommende d for use with the miniature adjustable and fixed tors to prov i de clearance , as explained above , or increased wattag e. See chart. Stacked resistors should be derated to prevent excessive peratures due to proximity. Approximate ratings are given in the table. Percent of Single Unit Rating 02so*L r.=of= t o.375" 6.350 mm_u*--==""'----*u _i 9.525 mm + Diam. 0.1 96"-No. of Resistors Std. or Inter. Miniature 2 70 70 3 60 60 4 50 50 1 2.7m m 1-866-9-0HMITE * lnt'l 1-84 7-25 8-0300 *Fax 1-847-574-7522

  • www.ohm m * info@ohmit 111 Miniature

with 0.094" (2.381 mm) Spacer Washer 75 69 60 (continued) EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 19 Q of 2 6 '"fEPORT NO.: REP-424-008 -RP1 REVISION: 03 250 Series 'Thin' Stackohm Vitreous Enamel Power PAGE 137 OF 139 CORE AND TERMINAL SELECTION For Made to Order Type 250 Stackohm Resistors Code Core Dlmens l ons t Max. for Standard Free Air Wattage Rating* Length L WidthW Thickness T Min. Practical Core Ohms Ohms Dia. Fig. No. D i mension A Dimens i on B Terminal Miniature 10 0.750" (19.0SOmm) 0.375" (9.525mm) 0.125" (3.175mm) 1 15 , 000 TA 1 1.000" (25.400mm) 0.375" (9.5 25mm) 15 1.000" (2 5.400mm) 0.375" (9.525mm) 0.1 25" (3.175mm) 1 25,000 TA 1 1.250" (31.750mm) 0.375" (9.5 25mm) 20 2.000" (50.800mm) 0.3 75" (9.525mm) 0.1 25" (3.175mm) 1 50,000 TA 1 2.313" (58.750mm) 0.375" (9.525mm) 1 2 0.688" (17.463mm) 0.594" (15.081 mm) 0.234" (5.953mm) 1 20,000 T B .. Intermediate 21 1.000" (25.400m m) 0.813" (20.638mm) 0.250" (6.350 mm) 1 8,000 TD 2 1.313" (33.350mm) 0.594" (1 5.081mm) 25 1.500" (38.1 OOmm) 0.813" (20.638mm) 0.250" (6.350mm) 1 15,000 TD 2 1.8 13" (46.050mm) 0.594" (15.081mm) Standard 30 1.250" (31.750mm) 1.000" (25.400mm) 0.250" (6.350mm) 1 10 , 000 TE 5 1.750" f 44.450mml 0.938" (23.813mm) 3 , 4 2.000" 50.800mm 40 2.000" (50.800m m) 1.000" (25.400mm) 0.250" (6.35 0mm) 1 25 , 000 TE 5 2.500" !6 3.5 00mm l 0.938" (23.813 mm) 3 , 4 2.7 50" 69.850mm 55 3.500" (88.900mm) 1.000" (25.400mm) 0.250" (6.350mm) 1 30 , 000 TE 5 4.000" (1.1.600mm) 0.938" (23.813mm) 3 ,4 4.250" (107.950mm) 70 4.750" (120.650mm) 1.000" (25.400mm) 0.250" (6.350mm) 1 120 , 000* TE 5 5.250" f 133.350mml 0.938" (23.813mm) 3 , 4 5.500" 139.700mm 95 6.000" (15 2.400mm) 1.000" (25.400mm) 0.250" (6.350mm) 1 1* TE 5 6.500" !165.100mml 0.9 38" (23.813mm) 3 , 4 6.75 0" 171,450mm

  • Bas ed on mounting on steeel panel 10" (254mm) x 10" x 0.040" (1.016mm). *These sizes are O hm i cone (si li cone-ceramic) coated-type 450-460. **User suppl i es brackets. t 1ns ide dimens i ons of core are: 0.250" (6.350mm) x 0.04 7" (1.191 mm) for TA; 0.406" (1 0.319mm) x 0.047" (1.19 1mm) for TB; 0.438" (11.113mm) x 0.063" (1.588mm) f or TD; 0.672" (17.069mm) x 0.063" (1.588mm)

fo r TE. Ser i es I ORDERING INFORMATION RoHS Compliant I Made-to-order Parts *F20J1ROE See web-Term i nal Type Tolerance RoHS I ,.-I ---,-Coating Wattage Tolerance Ohm s B l a n k= Vitreou s F = 1% 1 RO = 10 C = Centohm H = 3% 250 = 2500 S = Sili c on e J = 5% 1 KO = 1 , 0000 K = 10% 25K = 25 , 0000 25K5 = 25 , 5000 Standard Values Wattage g: Cl Cl Cl Cl ..... ., N "' ... ..... "' Oi Part No. Oi Part No. > I I I I l > u Prefix> u Prefix> *e ...., ...., ...., ...., *e C) C) C) C) "' .c SuffixY u: "' .... tf .c SuffixY c u.. u.. c Cl l C) u: S e e " Res i stor Term i na ls for J = 5% I Ci°mpllant I I Series Wattage & Mounting Brackets Vitreous enam e l: Core Code (user supplies bra cket for cor e TB) 25 = 250 F i xed See " Core and B = Stack i ng box 26 = 260 Ad j ust a ble T e rm i na l Se l ection" S = Stac ki ng stud, std. h e igh t S ili cone ceram i c: H = Stack i ng stud high 45 = 450 F ixe d U = Unit type 46 = 460 Ad j ustabl e Wattage Wattage Cl Cl Cl ..... ., Cl Cl Cl Cl ..... N "' ... ..... "' -N "' ... ..... Oi Part No. l l l l > l I I I l u Prefix> *e ci ci ci C) C) C) "' C) "' N "' .... "' .c Suff i x Y u: 12 ;::!: tf u.. u.. u.. u.. c Ohms Example: 1ROO = 10 250R = 2500 1KOO = 1 , 0000 25KO = 25,0000 25K5 = 25 , 5000 51 51 51 51 51 51 5 7 57 57 57 57 1 1ROE t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ 50 SORE t/ t/ t/ t/ 1 ,5 00 1K5E t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ = Standard values; 1.5 1 R5 E t/ t/ t/ 7 5 75 R E t/ t/ 2,000 2KOE t/ t/ t/ 2 2 ROE t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ 100 100 E t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ 2 , 500 2K5E t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ check availability at 3 3ROE t/ t/ t/ 150 150E t/ 3 , 000 3KOE t/ t/ t/ t/ www.ohmite.c om 4 4ROE t/ t/ 200 200E t/ t/ t/ t/ 4 000 4KOE t/ t/ 5 5ROE t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ 250 250E t/ t/ t/ t/ 5 , 000 5KOE t/ 7.5 7R5E t/ t/ t/ 300 300E t/ 6 , 000 6KOE 10 10 RE t/ t/ t/ t/ 400 400E t/ t/ t/ 7 , 500 7K5E t/ 15 1 5RE t/ t/ t/ 500 500E t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ 10 , 000 10KE t/ t/ 20 20RE t/ 75 0 7 50 E t/ t/ 15 000 15KE t/ 25 25RE t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ 800 800 E t/ 20 , 000 20KE t/ 30 30RE t/ 1 , 000 1KOE t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ 25,00 0 25KE t/ 40 40RE t/ 1 , 250 1K25E t/ t/ 40 , 000 40KE t/ 112 1-866-9-0HMIT E * ln t'l 1-847-258-0300

  • Fax 1-847-574-7522 * * info@ohmit m

EC 620632 , Att. 1, Pg. 1 9 1 of 26f EPORTNO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 138 OF 139 270 Series Vitreous Enamel Power FEATURES Select 270 Type fixed resistors for applications requiring wattage ratings from 12 to 1000 watts. The 2 7 0 Type resistors are equipped with lug nals suitable for soldering or sturdy bolt connection. When secure mounting is required, the hollow core of the s e resistors permit fastening with spring-type brack e ts, thru bolts or thru bolts with slotted-steel brack e ts. *Terminals suitable for soldering or bolt connection

  • High wattage applications
  • Rugged lead free vitreous enamel coating *Flame resistant

coating Suitable for rugged applications, the 270 Type resistors feature all-welded construction and durable lead free vitreous enamel coating. Mounting brackets not in c luded with resistors. *All-welded construction

  • RoHS compliant


Serie s L12 L25 -L50 L100 L175 L225 L500 L100 0 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS Wattage Ohms Core Code Voltage Std. Terminal Non-Inductive versions available; Other s ize s availab l e; Also available in 12 0.1-51K D 565 57 l ow cost Centohm or Silicon e coating; Consult Ohm ite. 25 0.15-100K K 625 40 * Max imum Volt age is based on 50 0.38-2 60K K 1625 40 Ohm's Law [V=V'P*R] as limi ted by the resistance value of specified product 100 0.23-101 K M 2845 40 175 0.13-101 K p 3595 46 225 0.16-12 9K p 4595 46 500 0.38-218K s 4970 45 1000 0.69-392K s 8900 45 CHARACTERISTICS Coating Lead free vitreous enamel. Large models (500 watts and up) are supplied in Silicone Ceramic. Also availab l e in low-cost Centohm coating; Consult factory. Core Tubula r ceramic. Terminals Solder coated rad ial lug. RoHS solder compos ition is 96% Sn, 3.5% Ag, 0.5% Cu Derating Linearly from 100% @ +25°C to 0% @ +35 0°C. Tolerance +/-5% 1Q and over (J); +/-10% unde r 1Q (K) Power rating Based on 25°C free air rating. Overload 10 times rated wattage for 5 seconds. Temperature coefficient 1 to 20Q: +/-400 ppm/°C; Above 20Q: +/-2 60 ppm/°C Dielectric withstanding voltage 1000 VAC: 12 to 100 watt rating. 3000 VAC: 175 to 225 watt rating (Measured from term ina l to mount ing bracket) Max. amps use the formula ,/P/R Power limitations for When resistance exceeds the resistance values listed, derate the Power Rating by 25% to high resistance values improve reliability. No power derat i ng necessary for ratings higher than 100W Power Resistance rating value 12W 3 , 900 Q 25W 12 , 000Q sow 35 , 000 Q 100W 75 , 000Q Mounting Hardware see -mount in g.php (continued) 1-866-9-0HM ITE * lnt'l 1-84 7-258-0300 *Fax 1-84 7-574-7522 *

  • info@o 113

EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 192 of 2 6 '"fEPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE 139 OF 139 270 Series Vitreous Enamel Power DIMENSIONS in.Imm Series Wattage L D L12 12 1.75 / 44.4 0.313 / 7.94 L25 25 2.0 I 50.8 0.562 / 14.3 .i.. L50 50 4.0/101.6 0.562 / 14.3 ...i. D c L100 100 6.51165.1 0.750 / 19.1 ..... L175 175 8.5 / 215.9 1.125 / 28.6 L l225 225 10.5 / 266.7 1.125 / 28.6 L500 500 12.0 / 304.8 2.50 / 63.5 L1000 1000 20.0 1 508.0 2.50 / 63.5 c 0.188 / 4.76 0.313 / 7.94 0.313 / 7.94 0.50 / 12.7 0.75 / 19.1 0.75 / 19.1 1.75 / 44.5 1.75 / 44.5 * http://www*210

.pdf ORDERING INFDRMATIDN Non-Inductive Made-to-order Non...f nductlve Blank = Standard Core Code* D K K M p p s s F = Fast on B la n k = Standard I N = Non-i nd uctive RoHS Comp If ant I N = Non-In du ctive I Core D ia mete r See *eore and Terminal Selection* I RoHS Compliant I I L ll 25JlOOE I Coating Blank = V itreous C =Centohm s = smcone --,-I -----r Wattage Tolerance Ohms J = 5% 1R0=10 K = 10% 250 = 2500 1KO = 1 , 0000 25K = 25,0000 25K5 = 25,5000 Standard part numbers for 270 series Ohmic Ohmic value 12 Watt value 12 Watt .. = 270 1 50K405ROOJE TOhm s 270 * Vitreous RSOO ... 0.5000 470 =Si l icone Ceramic M :*rmlnal °!'YP8 See Res i stor 1 KOO.1 ,ooo n for T ubular Cores 25 K O = 25*000 0 25K5 * 25,5000 custom core and terminal Info Wattage 0 0 II) II) 0 0 II) 0 0 .... N 0 0 .. N II) N II) = I Tolerance J = 5% K = 1 0% II) N 0.51 .., L 12JKR51 E 180 v' L12J180E I ... Part No. l l l I l I ... P1rtNo. ,. ,. l 1 .., L 12J1 ROE 270 .., L 12J270E 3.3 .., L 12J3R3E 330 .., L 12J330E 4.7 .., L12J4R7E 390 .., L 12J390E 10 .., L12J10RE 470 .., L 12J4 70E 12 .., L12J12RE 560 .., L 12J560E 15 .., L12J15RE 1000 .., L12J1KOE 22 .., L 12J22RE 1200 .., L12J1K2E 27 v' L 12J27R E 1500 .., L12J1K5E 33 .., L 12J33RE 2200 .., L12J2K2E 47 .., L 12J47RE 2700 .., L12J2K 7E 68 .., L 12J68RE 4700 .., L12J4K 7 E 82 .., L 12J82RE 10000 .., L12J10KE 100 .., L12J100E 18000 .., L12J18KE 150 .., L12J150E 22000 .., L12J22KE 51000 .., L12 J51KE V' = Standard values; check availability using the worldwide inventory search at Red outlined values supplied in Silicone-Ceramic coatings instead of vitreous enamel. ... *e .c c 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 25 50 7 5 100 125 150 200 250 500 750 800 1 ,000 1 500 2 , 000 Prefix> ..., ..., C) C) ll) ll) C) C) ll) C) C) .... N C) C) Suffix Y N ll) :::; :::; N ll) :::; _, _, _, _, 1 ROE v' .., .., .., .., 2ROE v' .., .., .., .., 3ROE v' .., .., .., .., 4ROE v' ti' .., .., .., 5ROE v' ti' ti' .., .., 1 OR E v' ti' ti' .., .., 15R E v' 25RE v' .., .., ti' .., SOR E v' .., ti' .., .., 75RE v' .., .., .., .., 100E .., .., .., .., .., 125E .., .., 150E .., .., .., .., .., 200E .., .., 250E .., .., .., .., .., 500E .., .., .., .., .., 750E .., .., .., .., BOOE v' .., 1KOE ti' .., .., ti' .., 1 KSE v' .., .., .., 2KOE v' .., .., .., .., 114 1-866-9-0HMITE

  • tnt'l 1-847-258-0300 *Fax 1-847-574-7522 * * info@ohmite

.com ... Prefix> e "' .c SufflxY N c _, 2,500 2K5E .., 3 , 000 3KOE .., 3 , 500 3K5E .., 4,000 4KOE .., 5 000 5KOE .., 6 , 000 6KOE .., 7 , 500 7K5E .., 10 , 000 10K E .., 12 , 000 12KE v' 15 000 15KE v' 20 , 000 20KE v' 25 , 000 25KE v' 30 , 000 30KE 35 , 000 35KE 40 000 40KE .., 50 , 000 50KE v' 60 , 000 60KE 75 , 000 75KE 100 , 000 100K E v' 150 000 150K E 200 , 000 200KE 250 , 000 250KE Std. Term.** 57 40 40 40 46 46 45 45 Wattage 0 0 II) II) 0 0 0 0 .... N 0 0 II) N II) T l l I l I ..., ..., ..., C) C) ll) "' C) C) C) C) .... N C) C) ll) :::; :::; N ll) :::; _, _, _, ti' .., .., ti' .., .., .., .., .., ti' .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., ti' .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., -.., ti' .., m .., .., .., .., .., .!'.'.. .., .., .., EC 62 06 3 2 , Att. 1, Pg. 1 9 3 of 267 RB S ma ll 4PD T M e dium 24PDT Features * AC and DC coils, latching and non-latching. * 4PDT th ro u gh 24 PDT conta c t arrangements. * Contacts will not chatter when relays are subjected to high-im pa ct shock blows of 2000 ft.-lbs. Contact Data Ar r ang e m ents: 4 Form C (4PDT) through 24 Form C (24PDT). Contact Ratings Single Contacts Two Contacts in Se rie s 10A. 11 5VAC 3A , 440VAC 3A, 28VDC 15A, 1 15VAC O.BA, 125VDC 1 .SA , 125VDC The above A C contact ratings are based on contact loa ds hav i ng a 50% power factor. The DC co ntact r atings are based on resist ive loads. Contact S e ct i on F IX ED CO NTA CT REPORT NO.: REP-424-00B*RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE J1 OF J2 MOR series 10 Amp Rotary Relay For Demanding Shock & Vibration Applications Ope r ate Data @ 25°C I Typ e Typ. Oper a t e Time (m s) Small AC Non*Latching 5 to 12 Sm all DC Non-Latching 15 to 30 Small AC Lat chi ng 6 to 1 2 Small DC Lat ch ing 10 t o 16 Medium AC Non-Latching 6 to 1 2 ! Med iu m D C Non-Latching 65 to 90 I Med i um AC Lat c h i ng S to 14 Medium D C Latch i ng 30 t o SO f:(/CO j Ele crronics Typ. Rele as e Time (m s) 5 to 1S 5 to 15 N/A N/A 6 t o 20 10 to 30 N/A N/A L a tch i ng T w o-Posi ti on Typ es: E xc ep t for t he lat chi ng feature, MOR latching re l ays utilize the same general construction as non-latching ty pes. They ha ve two se t s of coils and prov ide a latching two-po sition operat i on. Contacts Shown With CoR 1*2 De-Ene rg ized and Coil 3-4 Energ ized. Environm e ntal Data Temperature Range: St andard models: o*c to +65'C Spec ial order models: o*c to +90°C. Mec h anical Data T e rmin a t i o n: #5-40 screw termina l s supplied. W ei g h t (App r o x.): S mall-4 & 8PDT: 32 oz. (0.914 kg); 12PD T: 33 oz. (0.9 43 kg). M e dium -16PDT: 72 oz. (2.04 k g); 24PDT: 74 oz. (2.10 kg). Ordering Information and Coil Cha r acte r is t ics -No m ode l s in th is s e r ie s are m a i ntained in stock. T y pe Pa rt Num b er C on t ac t s C oll Voltag e Co ll C u rr e n t D C Coll Co ll Pow e r* B re akdow n (60 H z. for AC) (Amp s) Res is tan ce (Ohms) (Watts) (Volt s RMS) S mall MDR-131-1 4PDT 115VAC 0.2 15 66 6.5 1 , 230 N on-MDR-131-2 4PDT 440VAC 0.045 1,256 5.1 1 ,S 80 Latc h i n g MDR-135-1 4PDT 2 SVDC 0.362 76 10.0 1.308 MDR-1 37-S 4PDT 125VDC 0.0S2 1 ,520 10.3 2 , 375 MDR-134-1 SPOT 115VAC 0.215 66 6.5 1,230 MDR-134-2 SPOT 4 4 0VAC 0.045 1,2 56 5.1 1 , SSO MDR-136-1 SPOT 2SV DC 0.362 76 10.0 1,30S MDR-13S-S SPOT 125VDC O.OS2 1 ,520 1 0.3 2, 375 MDR-163-1 12PDT 115VAC 0.230 62 6.9 1 , 230 MDR-163-2 12PDT 440VAC 0.055 940 6.3 1.SSO M e d i um MDR-170-1 16PDT 1 15 VAC 0.620 S.4 17.0 1 , 230 Non -MDR-170-2 16PDT 440VAC 0.1 60 107 1 7.0 1.SSO Latchi n g MDR-172-1 16PDT 2SV D C 0.66 7 42 1S.7 1.3 0S MDR-1 73-1 16PDT 1 25V DC 0.125 1.024 16.0 2.375 MDR-141-1 24PDT 115VAC 0.620 S.4 17.0 1 , 230 MD R-141-2 24PD T 440VAC 0.1 60 107 17.0 1 , SSO MDR-167-1 24PDT 2SV DC 0.66 7 42 1 S.7 1 , 30S MDR-142-1 24PDT 12 5V DC 0.125 1,024 1 6.0 2 , 375 Small MDR-67-2 4PDT 115VAC 0.1 50 210 5.5 1,230 La tching MDR-409 1 4PDT 440VAC 0.02 0 4 , 500 3.0 1 , SSO MDR-67-3 4PDT 2SV D C 0.778 36 21.S 1,30S MDR-5060 4PDT 125VDC 0.164 760 20.6 2,375 MDR-4076 SPOT 115VAC 0.150 210 5.5 1 , 230 MDR-4092 SPOT 440VA C 0.020 4,500 3.0 1 , 8SO MDR-5 03 5 SPOT 2S VDC 0.77S 36 2 1.S 1,30S MDR-50 6 1 SPOT 125V D C 0.164 760 20.6 2.375 Me dium MDR-6064 12PDT 115VAC 0.3SO 24 12.0 1 , 23 0 Latch ing MDR-6065 12PDT 440VAC 0.055 540 5.7 1 , SSO MDR-7020 12PDT 2SV DC 0.316 SS.6 S.S 1 , 308 MDR-7035 12PDT 125VDC 0.083 1 ,5 00 10.4 2 , 375 MDR-66-4 16PDT 115VAC 0.3SO 24 12.0 1 , 230 MDR-6066 16PDT 440VAC 0.055 540 5.7 1 , 8SO MDR-7025 16PDT 28VDC 0.316 88.6 s.s 1 ,30S MDR-7036 16PDT 125V DC 0.0S3 1 , 500 10.4 2 , 375 Actual Wa l t me ter readings EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 194 of 2 6 7 O utline Dimen s i o ns Tolerances: Decimals t .010 (+/- .25) Unless Otherwise Specified Small Models Medium Mode l s 2 COI L .281 +/- .005 D I A. (7.1 4 +/- .13) 4 HOLES T yco E lect ronics C or poration -P&B , W i nston-Sale m. N C 27 10 2 Techni c al Support Cente r: 1-800-52 2-67 52, www.pandbrelays .com O ve r all H ei ght 4POT 3.13. (79.5mm) Max. SPOT 3.53" (89.7mm) Max. 12PDT* (98.6mm) Max. REPORT NO.: REP-424-008 -RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE .J2 OF .12 1:qco / Et ec rronic s Coil and Conlact Termi nal Screws #5-40 Supplied 5 4 COIL O verall H e i g ht 1 2 P O T 4.6 3" (117.6mm) M a x. 1 6 PO T 5.00" (1 27.0mm) Max. 24 P OT 5.7 5" (1 46. lmm) Max. Co il and Contac t Terminal Screws #5-4 0 Supplied S pe c i fi c at ions and ava i lab il ity s ub jec t to change w itho ut noti c e. 1 3C6370 Pr i n t e d i n U.S.A. IH/5-01 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 195 of 267 ...... << ) S$T-2000A/H Series Speed Switches/ Transmitters SST-2000ATM and SST-2000HTH Series Speed mitters receive signal input from a passive or active magnetic pickup, shaft encoder, cQn*tact ffowmetet; etc., ta provide proportional analog outputs and either 0, 2, or 4 relay trip setpoints. 2-Year Warran*ty FEATURES * Proportional outputs cf ellher4-2[} mA (standard), 0-5 Vdc, or 0-1 O Vdr: are fleld-setectable.. Standard 0-1 rnA<:!t: output included, * Models avallablewlth ur:i tot'our alarm'setpolnt.s.

  • F'leld-selectable

1requency range. * Field*adJustabla sensltlvity control. * for many of sensors, Including conls.ct closure Input, * Repeateroutput drf ven nounlera and digital such as Dynalco's and SPD-700. * Regu!:ated 14 Vdo ou1put powers acilve pickups (e.g. MS 10), acaessarle$, . an.d dlgltat meters such as D PM-1 {15 arMTH-1.o:m, and the 12 Vdc ven;;lons of lhe fr1tema.lly Hghted SP Dw 1 ODL a l1d

  • Alarms ara ftehH:onflgurnbta

for DPDT (SST-2400Aor-H only), underspaed, energize. de-energize, latch, auto-reset.

  • I nleg ralVERIFY, roquiros exterrialrneter.

Permits v[ewl l'Jg and setting of :e.etpcfnt veilu a without actuatiP1f) the r-el ays .. REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K1 OF K37 VTIP MANL 0899F Page 1of4 CJVNALCO CONTROLS *THIRD PARTY APPROVALS CSA (Canadrs.n StandarrJs AsS4ci1'iUon) SST-20.0{)A Gen era! certmcaHon: LR 92270 SST-2llOOH Cl. I, Div. 2, Grp. D Appro'fl1f oontfngent upon housmg an $ST-2DOOH &ifes irl a enckJsure. CE (Conformlt6 £urope{ln) SST .. 2QOOA & 891336/EEC, lnc!"u5trfal; 72/23JEEC, Low ABS. (Am9rloan BurC1au of Sflippfng) s ST -2DOOA Serles only Nnerican Burea lJ of Shlpplng: type ap prnva1 for use In cla,ssS<l

  • Input Frequency:

Full-."Jcale from 0-0.1 Hz (8 pulses per ml.nuta} to Q-50 1 000 Hz. * Function: Converts fre:quency Input (spaed, rate) Into rlnaar pr-opatt1onal do Olltp ut. Provides ararm setpu:nta for overA afld unde;rspeed control and for sequentta1 1 =itartup; and shutdown swihlhing.

  • AplJHc:ati(:;tis:

rncludas !JP drivers, !nstrumentatl<in, precess control, n:icordin9 1 meesurement.

  • Signal Sonrc:as;

1nc1udasmsgnetioplckups, a.a generators, contant closures, photocells.

  • Output Range Ca pabmty: CXJmmt s-ourca up to fi[} mAdc output always i11oluded.
  • Alarm Setpofnts:

Ava!lable wlltl two or four rala.ys. Also availabJ a. 'With no If ooly proportional are requlred. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 196 of 267 1*** S PEC.IFICATION S \.. . ELECTRICAL Input Slgrill.I Frequancy Range: Sranc'ard input ranga is ffa ld...salectable from 0-80 Hz to 0-:.!0 kHz. Rarigea as low as 0--0 .1 H;;i: up *ta fl-50 ,000 Hi are available "optlo ns. Wavaf<?.mi can be pulsed, square, lTL, or CMOS. Full-scale frequencyadjusWble Using and a calibration pcte.ntrcimeter underneath tha oovet plate. Input Slgnal S&nsitlvny: Fle!d-e.dfusfab1e 1rom 5 tnVrms to 100. mVl'ms by potentiomater. Normal factory se-tting Iii 25mVrrns. Jumt;iarlrigtetrnin1;1130to 1 f Uta unit to a 1.Q Volt for.operation from logio levels, shaftencodera, Dynalco PG-27'8pulssr, or oontaci closures. Maxlmum pennl$5il:ile signal la 50 Vrms for the standard unit lnpl.rt. tni.pedance-; Naar1y at IPW slfjnal levers; a minimum of 1 0 k&l at levels exceed Ing +15.0 Y peak or*-1.0 V pe<lk. Powe:r: 115 Vao +/-10%, 47-420. Hz/22-30 Vdc, maximum 5* W or 150 mAdo. Optloool;

220 Va.a, +/-10%, so1eo

Proportional output: 4-20 mAdo, The maximum c*, load la 1 kn wlth the unit powered by 1151220 Vac or 30 Vdc; 750 ohms w[th the unit powered by 22 Vdc, The maxlmum lpad llM<'lr between 22 Vdc anc:i 30 Vdo. Switches be rsaath tha cover plate allow ael1;1t!tlot1 of 0-S Vd c:ror D-.1 o Vdc for use into an external load resl.'ltar.ce of20 kQ or higher. Other oustorn rarl{los are avalk1ble, Tho ouiput cmrenl is ind'apsncient cif [pad resistance up to U,e rated JoaQ ra!:llsfa nee. span and zero adju5.tment poteritio:mete{s ar:e located be.neath th.e c:ove r pll'te. They minimUh1 !ild)Ui;lment of ;1:5% of fUll-scala, AulCillary Meter Output: Praportionat tnAdo, flltsted, for meter or r k1ads up to 750 o. A adlustrnent po1entiometer allows oalibretlon for partlcular 1)"1eter used. If a* m(;)ter Is not connl3cted, these terminills yield 1rn unloaded output of Vdc with an Internal of 10 kn. Supply Olrlput: Regulatecl +14 Vdc (+/-6%}, al termlnala 11{+) and 4(....:): maximum load 40 mAdo. Output:. Square wave 14 v*paak*tny peak. posiWe at ten:nln;;ils 2S and 4 to operate sTgn;;;il-powerad tachometers c* SPD-100 and SPD-700. Output uaa'b1e* as a high ravel s[gnal source. for counters, ate. Maximum lot'ld: 2 mA. REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K2 OF K37 VTIP MANL OS9BF Page2 of4 Outp"ut Ripple ahd Noh1e: 0.1 % of full*scale

  • maximum over 10% to 100% of

Verlfylng &tpolnis: No Input sif)MI rsqllired. Jurnperln-g spe-olflc terminals overrides t!ie 0-1 mA output at termil11! 7 and a; insmad, lhe aotus I setpolnt value Is output and viewed lls11'1g ar:i eitt&ma.I 1erm)nal 7 and a. Forexan1)le, Jurnpering tt:nmlnati;; 12 an* d 1 e provides ttie vatU.e Of .setpoio11 et"termlnals 7 8. Thhrnllows viewing. artd adJ 1.1 sting relay setpol nts without havrng to run* the eriglne. (Ul'llt must be powered.) Response 150 mflliseconds, *10% to 90% rise, is slahdatd. frequemcyranges below 80 Hz are proportionally slower. Linearity: 0.1 % of full-scale {O.O!i % , typical}, all outputs. Less than 0.06% of full-.iicale change. wlth a.10% change. ln supply voltage. The typloar temperature oaefflcletit Is +/-D.G1% (:tll,01B% RELAYS t.oglc; Field-programmable PY s.wtt<:::he$ tor oversp 13E.ld, u rspee.d, ene1rglz.e, latoh, auto-res$t, and st1rltts: Contact rating: 6.0 A.@ 28 Vdc or 115 Vac (roW;tive),* 2.0 A @ Vaet. Maxrmum fnd1.1fllivfJ /otld 75 Vc:fc, MM, Into fiQ[Jml-f, for up ra 100,000 t;,* SPOT. tt "H" C'1ntaal ratkig; 5 A @ 24 Vdi::,* .1. 0 A @ 120 Vac,* 0.5 A@ 220 SPDT/ .,,,FlJr DPDT. relays 1 4i 3 tind 2 & 4 wMk iois DP£ff mps. Ala;rm* .Setpolnt!l; Relay satpoints '!are easlty adjustable ualng 25--tvrn Qarmet Potenllomeoor oojuslments are throL19h holee In tt\e <::over*p1ata. Hysteresis (dlff'ep:infial between pulHn arid dropout) ls typically 1% or full-scale fraq\,Jency. INl&:A.NAL.CO:M MONSf lSOLA TION: Signal.Input sltje, tarmltoaJ 6} Is common the auxlliary 01Jtput (!ow sida, terminal 7), 1o de:: supply (termloaf 4 )1 andto1he r.naltJ pn.:,iportlt:mal output low slda {1e rmrnal 9 ). Relay o:mtacts are a1WaY$ Isolated, a. Whet"I powered wlth*ac; all oJrou ltry Is from Ille power Una by the bullt*in supply1ransformer, b. ViJhen powered with de, ihe transmrtteroutput Is not ieoJe.ted from the de power srnuce. f!i.J"ry load driven by the transmlt!.er (I.a. recorder, oonlroller, ,,,,,.-- 0 .... , etc.) mu$t the same-common as tile negative ( ... ../ of lhe de supply ot"sflQulcl have an no*atlng inp!.it totally laolatad frpm lhe do "i *i ' EC 620632, Att. 1, 197 of 267 (RB.Unj Isaltltt(tn -COHfllt11tdl power source ppwer!11g .ltle transmitter. A locp isolator should be µsad appUcatlons. A 6i ghel tra11eformar opthm ia avan iible to Isolate tt1e tranamltter Input rrom Iha proba or sensor. Al.ARM DlSABLE: Jumperlng terminal 31 to terminal 7 disables all alarms, aJlowlns for startup w ndftlons and funcllons. ALARM ResET: Qfterminal 32 totennlnal 7 resat!! aitl latclisd alarm5. Petmanent Jumpsrlng all latehlng alarms to reset OPTIONS XP and NEMA rated enclosures ere aval lebfe, OPEN PICKUP; Relay 1 swlmties In open Qr dlsconnected magnetic plcli:up. Relay 1 wm stltl rooctwhen ltasetpolnt:smersed. NOTE: Not REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K3 OF K37 VTIP MANL 0899F Page 3 of4 tntflllab19 with signal lso!atkm transfmmeroptlon.. PNl:µMATIC: TRtP; PU1$e& relay 1 rot 100 rnllllsac:onds; trips optional Dynalco' SPVAioQ Solan old Pneumatic:: varva on ov.arspeed. UNDERSP!:;EP CLASS LOGrc: Atrne re-lay2 as satpolnt. 2 is* traverse-cl on trioreaslng spaed. Pulsas telay 2 as ss1polnt 2 fa traversed ori decreasing spee,d. Use for tripping th,& pneumatic on underspead or for gMerBI underu e!eotiical s.hutdown. EXPANDED SCALE 1 NPUT: Provides full meter outpllC, full proportional output, and Ml setpolnt range over a 11mlted Input range e, r1 *. rnA a.nd 4-20 mA overaoo...1000 H:z. rnputtrequericy. ENVIRONMENTAL Tl:M?E RATURE to +71oC} oparaUng:. -40"F to (-40oe to +82QC} storage. Weight: 2.6 lbs {1, 17 HOWTOORDER A l11o1Jgh numy SST-2000,A & SST-ZOOQH parameters fleld*progremrnabla, most lll'lifs are 11e\ at th1:;i factory. Sta.rtdard f>DW1ir: 115 Vact22.-;JO Vdc. [SBi.I Item (r) fer optional power,] * Please-sPf!olfy; 1. FuU-soale fraqueni:::y for e:<ample: 0-1 000 Hz com;Jtipond& to meter display cf0-2000 rpm. * slgnal frequeacy {Ha:) = B!U-sr;afa rpm X no, gear ful;lth ao *Standard from 0-BIJ to 0-...2\J l<Hz, *Sae S(g) for nonstandard ranges. 2. Srghal Sea B(t) & B(m) for optional 'nf}uts. 3. Specify Moclet: (Se9 Tf'J{td*P<Rty Appm11t1!s, front page)° [S£Wond dfgft = numlJ(Jr ofsetpolnts} SST-WOOA or SS7;2000H

<:!! 0 Setpolnts

SST-2.200A or SST-20 OOH "" 2 Se1polnts or lS = 4 S&tpolnts 4. Specify for relay Htpoin'l l a) ValLJe* of the setpoint * b/ OvarspHd or undsrspeed alarm c Et1er9l2es or dei-energfzGs C!n alarm d Autcimatlc or !atoning on ararrn (e.) DPDT relay function {See 8(f)1 s .. Propi:Jrtlonal output (e.g. 4-2.0 rnA) o\lgr-tha fUll"'S{lale ftequehcy rariga Ii pacified lh Item i. G. Specify any peripheral eriulptl'le-l'lt to be furnished e,g. magnetic pickup, pulsar, re')'lote analog meter, remote dlgltal meter, '1. Optional el'lclosutn:XP and NEMAtated e11crosurea avaUabJe.

1 8. Speelfy optional features

r;>PT(ON_S (above) for dstaJJs. {iii) Sigrial Isolation transformer, (b) Signal ls.olatioll and lnput llmlt[ng resistor ro sense ttle fraqtieooy (l F a pow&r n11e. (SpeoifY. lnpllt voltage rarigei) (c) Opan Plcl<up Alarming on setpoint 1, ( d) Set up r4'1La:y_ 1 to transfer fer only 1 ()Cl mill Isa cQ n as oil over&pei:1d: 1,1sed tQ pwlse DY!lafoo'sSolen-0id PneurnatJc Valve spy. *. 200. ( e) . Set u tl re lay 2 for CI !ogle ll"fl".l !lifer for tinly , 100 mllllseoond$ ott underspeed. (f) OPDT for ralays 1 and 2 avalla.ble rmly on four .setpe>lnt unfts; provides.two DPDT relays. (gj Nonstandard rnput ranges D-0: 1 Hz; maxtmurri: 0-50,000 Hz). . (h) Expanded scale lriput. Speclfy di splay range. (j) 220 vao, +/-10%, 501*10 Hz/22-ao Vdc. Ci) C1JStom proportions.I output 11'nge (:50 mA @ :20 V, maximum, 1 (k) Custom meter outpllt (2 mA @ 10 V, tnaxirnutn).

  • G) Desensitized

input, . trl) Nonstendard {e.g. TTL, contact closure} Input signal. * i I I ' ' EC 62 0 632, Att. 1, Pg. 198 of 2 67 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 ( REVISION: 03 I PAGE K4 OF K37 CON,..ECTION DIAGRAM VTIP MANL 0899F Page 4 of 4 +USE SHtELDEO CABl..E: Conneot ungre>undtJd shleld to 4. To electrical noise lntelference, route power Ihle 21nd ;:ill relay c;onnactlons aaparate'ly from the !, rnflter, and re:nt Hna5. CAUTION: If ahlald (;)ontacts ground, a ground loop may oc:cur; damage to thei unit can result 4 1 6, 7, afld 9 ats lntema I ed togeth!'lrto oommon. +A11y .slngie VERIFY satpol11t .jumper will enable tha ccrreu apom:llng &etpornt* to be displayed on a meter oonnaoted to tetminats 7 and 6. Drawings shown are fdenticaf far both an SST-2400A or SST-2400H '"'i'irl'iiiiii'T,. 1 Z J i sir;:3M *i:t-13 i : ,...... 14 I I I MTPOlllT a I ; j 'i °l"' 1 !j" .. .i .... ...... .... 111! 'VIIUPY41TPlllHU

* *** *1 2 *** 3 4-SETPOINT ADJUSTMENTS 

1lll 1'10

rl NO :

2!J. NO :; RErY Z8 NO 29 -n'\'lllQlmvt BC> 3t 32


OUTLINE DRAWlNG tn l11ch!!.8 (cm) SSi*:ulOOA andSST-20CIDli MltlemllrtJi 1Jf 0)1[113lco Conlrol!i. DYNALCO CCJJllTiIDLS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE:-WESE SPfCIFICATIONS WITHOUT t-lO-:-IGi:;. FOR. GOMPL!=.rE Sf'ECIFICATION INfORMAilON, A.DYNA!..CO REPRSS"ENTATIVE. () r*' ***--.... C...J EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 199 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE KS OF K37 ff......._, l.l, ' ....... * SST-2000 Series ' VTIP MANL ssr .. 2000 Page 1 of 33 Universal Speed & Speed Transmitter An Dperator 1 s Guide* ., r I I I I I ! EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 200 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 c:. ( \. ........ ii *I REVISION: 03 I iPAGE K6 OF K37 VTIP MANL SST-2000 c**-'\ * Page 2 of 33 ) ......... Copy1tgltt Specifications and info.rmation herein are subject to change without noti,ce. D;tna1co Contmls reserves the-rlgbe to make change5 to°bed herein tO improve; function or design. Although infun.nation in this manual has been. carefully revie\vcd and is believed to betcliable, Dyna.ko Controls any liab.ility .fotspecial, o:r consequential a.rising out of the application or use of the equi:i;ment described Wein. Warranty ts limited and cannot exceed.the prl.Ce pttidforthe prodµct upOJ:L V?hldt -warranty is based. Cop:Yrigbt @2001. All ;rlg11Ui reserved. SST-2200A, SST-2400H .are trademarks of Dynalco Controls. Dynalco Controls 3690 N. W.-53rd Street, Fort Lauderdale, F1.. 33.309 U.S.A . * (9:54) 73M300 Fax (954) www.dyrialco.CPm.

  • m.ailbo:ii:@dyn,a!

Printed in U.S.A. .. ' ,, ...... .. L . ._,,1 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 201 of 267 Contents REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K? OF K37 VTIP .MANL SST-2000 Page 3of33 Chapter 1 Gettins Started 1 About yout speed sw:itc.'l:!. . * . . . . .

  • . . . ... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • . .... , 2 Models. , ........ , ...........................................

4 Features ......................................................... 4 Speci.fiCEitio?lS ..... ' . "' I .. .. .. .. * * " * * .. II * I .. * .. .. * * I * * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * I **** 5 Chapter 2 lnSitaU1ng the SST .. zOOONH 9 MOlJiltin.g the unit * * * .. ' ' * 1 ,. " * * , " " .. " .. " * .. " " " + r .. * " * * * ** * * " * * * " r r 1 J Q .About Electrical Connections ...*. _ . * . . . . . . . . . .

  • . . . . * . , .*..*...*

10 Connectillg Signal Input£. , *.*................... , .. , ... ! ....... 11 Chapter 3 Powering Devices 13 Powering an S'.PD-100, .. 100, ()!"¢her ins!ruments , , ..... , 14 UsingDPM-105 meters a5 external s_pei:::dindicatoi:s , ***.* , ...**. , .*.* 14 Powering Zero Velocity Pickups and Othct" Loads ....**.*.... , ..**** 16 Driving an SPV-200 Solenoid Pneumatic Valve ............***...*.. 17 Chapter 4 Calibrating the Speed Switch . 19 Locating the prognunnting switch inshuctions ................... , .. 20 Cha:iigfng the iapu.t frequency range ......*................ 21 Input frequency range less than 80 Hz full-scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 21 Input frequeru!)' range.grearerthl'm 2Qt000 Hz full-!K!ale

  • .*..... : ....... 21

the SST *2000A/,H ....................... , ......*...... 22 Calibrating the 4*20 mA l'ropo.rtional Output . , ..*..**..**.* f ***.* , . 24 Progi:runo:rlng Set Poinm and Rclays .* , ***. , * , .*....... , .. , , *..... 25 Adjusting Signal Sensitiv.ity . . . . * . . . . * . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .

  • . . . .... 2 7 Response Time ......... , ................. , , .........*.*.....

28 Adjusting Indhi.dTJal Set :Points . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*..*.*....* 28 Verlfylng Sef.t:ointValllelj. , , .............. , ................ , ... :n Adjusting Set Foint Values .........*........

  • .................. , 32 m

EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 202: of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE KS OF K37 _______ vr_._1P_M_A_N_L_s_s_r_-2_o_oo ______ Pa_g_e 4 of 33 () 1 --c .. ( \ .. Chapter Getting Started *i I .) I (,) EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 203 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K9 OF K37 ( ,.' -** () ChaRter 1 About your speed switch VTIP MANL SST Page S of 33 2 WARmNG * When the SST*2000AIH Ser1es Spee:J Swi.tchJTransmitter is tised as the primary overspeed shutdovm devic:e, it must be. tested regularly. The SST *2000A.IH serie;s is a speed switch signal µ-ansmitter that provides alarm set points for overw and 1.lildetspeed ro.ntra1 fer sequet..tlal, startup, and shutdown switdring for: How .it works * engine*s * macwnes t * II? drivers * .:inst:ruinentatitm. + process control + * recilrdins + measurement The SST-2000A/H accepts a

  • freq_uency

input value from Q-0.1 H;z; (6 per millut.e) ta Hz, 0-80 Hz: to 0-20,000 Hz. Examples of input devices + passive or active magnetic$ *, shaft encoderi.l t * contact cl<:l!:W:es t _flow meters * photoceUs The speed switch converts frequency input (speed 1 rate) into linear proportional dcoutpllts: + Q-.-1 mA .. meter out) * 4-20 mA (:standard* proportiqnal out} +* 0-5'\rdc (switch selectable) + 0-l 0 V de {swjtcb. !!electable) It provides 0, 2 1 or 4 re)ay trip set points {depending on the model) I I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 204 of 267 C. (_ ... / \_ Physical Dfmensttms .Fii:c. 1-1 Top s1de v{ew 01' the SST-2000A/H. .Dimeruions 1n loc;hes Sp_e<:ta L e.xpt<1stori pro of* housfngs kits (cornpletli! with mountiri!! hardwilr6') also avaHal>le. 5ee }iP rat!'ld housings on pZl&e 6. I 3.ltl I 3.M REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K10 OF K37 Get.tins Started VTIP MANL SST-2000 {'\ 6 of33 \. I ...... * ----(.lj.2) --1.111 ---* (4.e' ! _Lr..=::;;================::::'.J 3 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 205 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K11 OF K37 Cha.pier 1 Models Features 4 Model No. Of Set Points lrd Party Certtficatlon(s} VflP MANL SST-2000 Page7 of33 A -stand(j"rd rel<<ys SST-1.000A 0 CSA: general certlf1ce.tlon LR 9-22.70 SS"!'.*22.00A 2. A BS: type CE: B9'/336[EEC, Light Industrial SST-2.400A 4 CE: 72./2 3 /EEC, Low Voltage Dfiec:tf\le 11 hermfttcally sealed relayg SS'r-2.000H 0 CSA:. Class D1v, Z, Grp. 0.t l.R *f5322* I .. SST-:1.200ii 2. C.E: 89/J.36fEEC, Light lndus:trliil c"E; 72123 /EEC, Low Vol tageo Di rec:t1ve SST-l400H 4 cont1nQent upon hou5!ns. ;;1n SST*2001JH d1Mce in l'l CSA*r;:ertmed I anclcs.ura. .. F.fel!f*program1m1,t>le for: iilnsors, 1nc.lud1ng contact tlosure Input, Sources magnetic p1ckupio, ac c:ontoc.t photoc-etb. Input * Fllll*scal@ vallles from D*O, 1 Ht. (6 pub;.e!5lrninute) to 0*20 kHz. Frequenc;y t ranl!e and control. Alarm Set 0 SST*2000A/H only proport:iooa! output is req1.11:red) Potnts 2. SST* 2200A/t:I

4 SST* 240QAIH Ati!rm Atarmg are fie1d*c::orif1g1.1rable

for overspeed, undetspeed 1 Settirigs onel'i!:U;t. de*energiz.e j tatd1, aoto* reset. Alm-m Disable au atarrn.'i (far $tgrtup c-ond1tk>n.s and functions) D{sabla. Ah1rm Reset t aleirms * Permane11tly converts all alarms to 11.ata*reset Set Point lnt<!igral VERtFY perrn1ts vlew1fli an.d ohet po1nt vat1Je Verifieatiori without the a11 meter. Q-1 mA and +20 rnA {st11ndard) Outputs 0-5 Vdi:: or 0-10 Vrlc (ftetd*selectable l .. Output &epell!ter O'Lltput drlves counters and self*powered tacho!l1eters, P{]wer Regulated 14 Vdc output power.i; acttve pkkups; acces:soriets, lind meters (e.g. DPM-105; MTH-1030; SPD*100L; LST*100L). I Out pot Currtirtt sr:1UiC.ft up to 50 mAdc output always Rang-e* EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 206 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K12 OF K37 Specifications Input Sfgnat Frequency


Siijnal Input Impedance Power Input ? rp portion.a I Oug>lJ!. c*** Output currant 11df ,; Awdlfary Output Supply Output Repeater Output Ripplrt an<l Moise Response Tl me Lfnear{ty ( StabHity Getting Started VTIP MANL ssr .. 2o!lo () Page 8 of 33 **-*** t 0*20 \l.Hi (staCJdard) (fteld*adjustable) + D*0.1 Hi; (spec{al order)" + 0-80 H:i:: (s,podal order} t O*SOK Hz (speda.l order} ' t AccBpt:1 pulsed, sinusoldal, square, iTL. or CMOS * 2.5 seltil'.IS) + .:5 mVrms to mo rnVrnis (fleld*adjustable)

  • t 50 Vrms <maximum for standard untts) + 1.0 volt threshold (requires

fnput t Nearly infinfte at low $lgnal

  • 1 O kn {min, l at 5i'ilt"l al:; wi:c:eedlog

'f'.1 !i. 0 V peak, -1. 0 V pei;1k. + 115 VaC: :1:10%, 47*420 1-z * 22-30 \Ide:, ma)(lm'llm 5WGr150 mAd't: + 220 Va.c, 50/60 Hi: (optional) t 0-1 rnAdc

    • 4*20
* (1-5 Vdc.or 0-10Ydi;: (fte!d*sl'!lP.Ct()ble;

for external la:ad 20 r.n. or higlier) i *Custom ran11es-Ava1lable MAXIM.UM LOAD t 1 l<.n with. 1151 220 Vac or 30 Vik power + 75 O Cl hrm wtth 22 Vd c power t r between 22 af\d JO Vdc Independent Qf load resistance up ta tile rated load resistance I :1:5% (m1n1rnum} of ft.11l--sa1te i .Proportional 0-1 mAdc, fittered. for ineter or recorder kiads up to 750 n. Regulated +14 Vdc .:1:5%; 40 rnAdc: (maximum load} .. wave 14 V peak.*(o*pe1:1k, iero based, go-his o. ti of full-sc.a.le maxJmum over 10% to of futl*scale, 150 mmiseconds, 10% to rise (standard). Full*:1c:11le ranges bel<M ao Hz are propor:t1onally -0. i % offull-sc:ale {0.05%, all oUtpllts. ,,. Less tnan 0.05% of fuU-scatec.lla.ngewfth a 10% 1n supply Temp. coeff, % per * F <:1:0.01&% per *q 5 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 207 of 267 Chapter 1 Relays Logh: A Serles H Serles CQotact Rating Ahmn Pofnts Hysterests Tr.ansformer


ENC:-4000 ENC-5000 6 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K13 OF K37 VTIP MANL Page 9of33 swltc.hes for! t t eMrgtm/de-energl2'.e

  • SPST /l)PDr (2 DPDT set potnts rnaxtmum}
  • 6.0 A @ 2.B Vdc or 115 Vac {rest$tiVe)

.. 2.0 A @ \lac + 1.0 A fnto 500 mH for up to 100,000 .cyi;[es t S?DP ' ,.For Dl'DT. REI (ay!i 1 ft. 3 a.'ld 2 e: 4 vrork together as OPDT tr1ps. + SA (resii;.tive) @ 2.4 Vdc:: + 1.0 A@ 120 Vac * 0,5 22.0 * SPDT" .,ror DP OT, Relays 1 a '.) and 2. et 4 work together .!ls :!iep-arate DPDT trip:s, : Adjus.table, 2.5*tLltn i:ermet potentiometers t 1% of fuU-scale.frequenc:y t Optlanal. Isolates the transmltter input from the or sensor. XP Cast Houl;ling: S"H x 10W x 5" D; 1QO's Window+ P-ootton UL/CSA C:.\a:o;s I, GroU(:fs CiD Clas:s II, Groups E,F,G MEMA 3,4 XP Cast Hous1ng: 8"H x 10W x 5" D; 100's window UL/CSA. I, :Groups B,C, 0 11, Group$ f, G i tl.EMA J.4 Sheel Mt!ta:l 6"H x 9"W X4'1 Vi 1i No Wfndow Sheet Meta;l 8"H x 10"W :x Di NEMA 1'2; t-lo Wk1dow --x_p C11st 7"H x 9"Wx 5"o; No Window Class 1 1 GrDups C,O; II, Orcups E,fjG EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg .. 208 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K14 OF K37 c /" \. .... -Getting Started Opticn:s: VTIP MANL *SST-2000 Page 10 of \ ... ../ ............. --.__, EnclorPJires Open Pfckup XP and HEMA rated are available. Relay 1 swltche? In.the event of an opEln or dtmmnecteci magnetic pkkup. Relay 1 wlll st1lt react when 1ts point 1li tn1versed {field* configu ra bte). Not a*iai lab le with stg;nal f sp lation tran;f ormt;:r _optllon. Pneumatic Trlp Pulser;. relay 1for100 mm1sllcand!i Underspeed C1*u:i: nc:" l.:.ogiC Expanded Sc:;al* hlpUl Environ mentlil Temperature Range Weight Trips SPV-2.00 Solenoid Pneumatic Valve on overspe!ed (optional) Arms rela.y 2 as set point 2 1s traversed on 1ncreas1ng speed, Pul$es relay 2 l'IS :set po1rit .2. 1:s on dec:reasins spel!{j. for tripping t.he pneumatic SPV*20[} Oil underspeed or for ge:1eraL underspeed electrfc:a.t shlJtdown. F'rovldes full meter output, full prc:pol'liotial*output, and full set point range over a l1mited ft'lput range e.g. 0-1 mA and 4-t.O mA ovar 800*1000 Hz {nput frequency. .40* F ta 11-160"F (-4o*c to -1'71 *c:;*) operatins -..:10* F to .. F (-.40 *c to +82"C) 2.6 llls (1, 17 kg} 7 ....... (' 'j \ *' ., ... EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 209 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 , REVISION: 03 I :PAGE K15 OF K37 VTIP MANL SST-2000 p*ags 11.of 33 Chapter 2 the SST-2000A/H

  • !

EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 210 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I P.AGE K16 OF K37 \ ... * t ' I '* Chapter 2 Mounting the unit VTIP MANL SST-2000 Page 12 of 33 / The SST-2000A/E ls imtaned "Using standard hand tools. It is generally fo a panel or enclosure uslttg stari dard pntctices. About Electrical Connections Internal Commons, 'solation 10 WARNING: AVOID DArAAGE W.Hrn DC-POWf.REI) Install-a current toop 1solator between the 4-ZOmA output and the load if the toad does not reference the same common a,s the SST-ZOOOAIH

  • . Signal inpu.t (low

terminal 6) .is common to the arutil:iatY. output (low side.: temtlnal 7), to the de supply (tei;nllnal4)t and to fueltlain:proportional output low s:ide (terminal Rela.y contacts are always .isclated When p01Wll't!d 1vith m:: all cirruitry is isolated from the power line by the built-in supply transfonner lf'htn powered wklt rk! the tta.nsmltter 01.ttput is f'Jor. isolated from the d{: power sotn'Ce. Any load driven 'by the transmitter (i.e. reoord.eri controller, etc.) must have common as the negative sick of the dc.supp!y. IDs.tall a loop isoiator hetli\'CCJ:l the 4-20mA .output and the load if the load does ntlt same oommcn as the SST*2000. Flg. 2-1 Electrical Connection oraW'ina. ai e ill) II Use gl)ielded cabltl': ll:il ... 'r' 11) KO shj eld tElll'O"TBWI ""° ! i ' .. ( >.rl.t"Sn.u;:'!Ts OJH Ul*v.410.Cl11'>E<IOlll hcis signal .$1 -11111*111\ TDlJNll""-'

I : ' JQP>>...U:A\'_.\INl.I§

tntmformer. Ill that mi: case, terminal 61s * f.s.ola.ted, ....... __ , ... , -* .. I \ \ EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 211 of 267 REPORT NO.: :REP-424-008-RP1 ' ....... Connecting Signal Inputs Connecting a .. 278 Pulser , REVISION: 03 I PAGE K17 OF K37 Install 1ng the SST --2 OOOA/ H VTIP MANL 13 of 33 CoMeci: eignal source Comm.on to terminal 6 on the SST-2000A/H. Connect sjgna1 HI to te.nninals on the SST-2000AIH. Fis. 2-2 Cormec:tinE a PG-278 Pulsf'r to the SST-4000A/H. Terminals 11 !Uld 30 an the SST-2000A/H arejumpered to create a one vo1t threshold. 11 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 2l 2 of 26 7 ( \.._ REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K18 OF K37 VTIP MANL SST-2000 Page 14of33 Chapter Powering External Devices () , .. ......... \ ) ........ EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 213 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 C) ,* Chapter 3 i REVISION: 03 I PAGE K19 OF K37 Powering an SPD-100, SPD*700 1 or other frequency instrum*ents VTIP MANL SST-2000 Page 1.5 or33 . The SST-2000A/H has a repeater oulplit that C!Bh be used to p(.iwer extemal freqneni:..'Y insttmnents. A square wave (14-volt peak-to-peaki positive-going) is brought 011t at terminals 2*9 and4 (common) to drive self-powered digital tachometers such as the SF0-100, SPD-70(), and "MTH-lOaD 1 or to use as a conditioned high kvel signal source into counters or other The frequency of the signal .is equal to that being app1:i!!d at signal input terminals S ( +) & 6 (-}. This tn.l.:q)uthas an internal of 1 kn, Using D PM-10 5 meters as external speed indicators You am lJSe the as lln external indicator. You can C!Onnect one O.t more DPM-105 meters tu your SST*200DA/H. The 0;1 mAmeter output of the SST-2000A/H [terminals 7 (-)and 8 (+)]is .ra.ctory-cab'b:tated info an load of 40 0, The loa,d resistance of the DPM-105" is 95 Q. (.) one DPM-105 14 1 On the DPM-105, retain the:jumperacross termlnals 1and2. 2 Connect the meter as showu in.Fig. 3..J. ' 3 Cah"bratefue $ST-2000A/H. Ftg. 3.3 ConnecL1ng one PPM.-105 tc the SST*2000AIH.

  • Keep the jumper between term1nal 1 a 2. on the OPM-105 * ... -.........

........ -....... * -**_, ... . oc Pi:rwerH

EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 214 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K20 OF K37 ( \..., .. VTIP MANL SST-2QOO Page 16 of 33 Powerfng External Devjces * Confum the meter is properly connected to the SST-2000A/H, * Use a gfl!netator (e.g. F-16)"to apply to tennina1 5 (HI) & {COlv.1) on the SST-2000A/R Mrodrnuin signa1 foput. ?s. *SO VJ.tIJ.8 fox a standard unit. t Aqjµst MS'l'Ell CALIBRATE potentiometer on the . ; SST*2000A/H for the ap_propri<Jte fuIJ.-sc:aie reading on each :o!M-105. + Use a DPM*l 05 data shff:t, if necessacy 1 to cal1brate the DPM-lOS: meters. Connecting more than one DPM-105 1 .kmovethejuru.peracross terminals 1 and2*on each 2 Connect the metei:s as i1hown in Fig. 3-4. l the S ST-2<lOOA!H. Fig, 3*4 * Connecting more than one DPM-105 to tt'le SST*2000AJH. tfoj001pe1 bell>.lee11 uruililllk 1 &,2 * Confirm. the meter is properly cqnn.ected to. t11e $ST .. 20QOA/H. + App1y full-imtle frequency to terminal5 (HI) &.. 6 (COM) on the SST*2000A/H. Maximuin signal input j:; 50 Vrm.s for a standatd unit. + Adjust the MB TERCALI13RA.'I'Epotentiomete;i:onthe SST.200DA/Hfurth.eap propriatefull..scalereadingon eacli DPM-:105'. t Use 11 DPM-105 data. 5heet, ifnece:>Sary, to calibrate the DPM-:105 * --15 () EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg .. 215' of 267 REPORT NO.:. -REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE 1<21 OF K37 ,.*-*-*,) n. I \ ... ,_..... , __ Chapter 3 . VTI P MAN L SST "2000 Powering.Zero Velocity Pickups and*Other Loads I Page 17 of33 Theregulakd 14 Vdc-mpplybroughtoutat tenninafa 11 (+) & 4{-1has a. capacity of 40 mA. output can :pl'.>Wer zero velocity :pickups (e.g. M928) and digital indimtarslike a DPM.105. 1 CoMect the M9Z8 pickup as indicated inFig. 3.5. *. 2 J1.1mper tetnti:ilals 11 and 30.¢9 the input s:ighal to a 1.0 V threshold. . 3 .Adjust i!ligrutl sensitivity if necessary. Se.e 27 for in$tic::tlons on * haw to acijust mpu.t s:e.nsitiV.ity. F'tg. 3-5 Jumper tennfnals 11 and :fo w deserattt7.e the-in c1rcL;J1t tp a one-volt threshold. $Sl>.2000A°H SPl;EO 6\1/ITt:fl 16 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 216 of 267* REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K22 OF K37 c.*. ( Pov./ering External Devices Driving an SPV-200 Solenoid Pneumat;c Valve VTIP MANL SST-2000 ( .. '"" PE!,ge 1 8 of 33 * ) 1., ** 1 WARNll-lG: TO AVOll.J SPV-200 COIL MMAGE Use a current limiting resistor 1n series with the de power source arid the transfenirig relay contacts, The SPV cai1 has a :resistance (lf 50 n <m.d ;requires 6 V de ta trip, Switching the Regulated 14 Vdc Supp"ty The regulated 14 Vdc supply at termma.1:s 11 (+) & 4 (-)does notha.-ve the capadty tn drive the SPV-200 continually. When th<! SST-2000A/H transm.itter is supplied with the Pneumatic Trip Option tor Overspeed, Relay 1 tra:n..'=fei:s for only 100 :millis.eoonds on overspeed; the 14 volt supply can then be used 'With a series limiting to p owe.r tlte Use *a Wwatt, n :rtsistor in aeries with the 14 volt supply. SST-roOOAll l fbilay "': CCfllact Fig. 3*6 Swltch1ng the regulatei:l 14 Vdc supply. +14 Catt-n1:111 1}4W Switching 28 Vdc When-switchiog28 Vdc-!ntothe coil, llsea watt, 180 Oresistorin series with the SPV-200 coil. . . Ca:I Fig. 3*7 Switching the 28 V<lc supply. ComlllQn 5-1GW 17 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 217 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE 1<23 OF K37 VTIP MANL SST-2000 Page 19 of33 Chapter 4 Calibrating* the* Speed Switch* EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 218 of 267 Chapter 4 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I P,AGE K24 OF K37 c Locating the programming

  • switch instructions

VTlP MANL SST-2000 ,,, . ......._ Page 20 of 33 (, / c .. 20 Fig. 4-8 A fult descrlptlGll at the switches cind controls 1s toc:*ated

the top p

of tJ\e SSTr20DOAIH. 1 Use a no. 1. or no. 2 PhUl fps screwdriver to remove thr;. top plate of the 5witch, 2 The understde of the ptate <<.intaim ln:>trllctfons for_now to: + late!) *$el palrit retays on alarm * actut1.te relays on overspeed

  • actuate 2. relays s!rnult.aneaus_ly

{DiS PPDT relay) t de*energl::i:e relays en atarm * change prop{]rtional output to 0*5 Vele or 0-10 Vdc t rEii:alibrate the 1nput frequency range {switch A settings} OP OUT ZEiRO llllCIP r.;:1 S.P * .(j O/i II s,p_ t DE;. S.1'. Ola 7 7 S.P.. 2 O/S 4 l>E e' 6 2 tATC11 S.1".31 DE 6 B l!I c S.I". 1 LA.TCH S.P.1 DPI) -4 S.f'. 1 ors S.P.41ATC H 3 o 3 o S.P. :2 05* 'S.f>.2 llPD:' 2 F" 2 F 1(JIJ PllOP. DUT i>.P.a Ul.TCH t F *1 f tll/F'ROP.. OUT ._ _ ___, .Alla R c;o,fJAT ICI NS: $.P.= SIOTPOINl' CJlS"' 0.VERSPIH!Clri UIS<> DEi:,.. DE!:NER!'.!!<.E[) Ri;rER 10: *SS f.2C:OO A & fl WIUllJALFOR lflFO. 4-3 l'AISl'.l. MNG11 YffML_____@ CAL I * ., ? 7 !'l 5 A 4 3 z i 0 t r, SIGifAI-""01 SENSliM'IY SWITOH 'A" POSITION 'I(; l'ROOU!;NOV RANt;iE IN ..00-.1 ;:2,a;.1* .13 :3.S: .1a,.17 4-131.17*.22 .2Z* .e ie.s: 2S T,S; JIS-IS : ?','<!,6; .<!S-.00 * A,7,S: .. 9'.'l 1,2. a:,s, ei.e: .83. 1.og 1:.88*1.12;2:"1,1*1.4

9; 1A* 4
1,Q *25 : 6:2.5. 3.2 ; B:M * 4.2 7;4,2-B.!1

i 7;:2: 6'.S-M :1.4. 7;,,ll * Q,1 * 12 ::\!, S.'4.(1. 7;12:: 'la.5 * 1,2.S,4,tl.e,

  • .... 1

EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 219 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K25 OF K37 Calibrating the SQeed Switch Ch::i.nging the full .. scale input frequency range vr1P MANL ** . Page 21 of 33 You can !let the standard full*scs.1.e frequency rrutge frotn as low as Q-80 to as high as 0-20 kHz. 1 Remove the top pla-:-e. from the to re"real "N' DIP .switches. 2 Use Table 4-1, page* 23t*or*the und.e.rside of the top plate (battQm of Fig. 4-9, p1;tge 22) ta determ1ne the comet DIP switch settings, 3 Calibrate the SST-2000A/H using the proc:edure 011. page* 22. Input frequency range "less than 80 Hz fullyscale The full-scale frequency

input range is

1.ip at the fuctory when a.II. SST-2000A/H is ord{lred. 'The SST-2COOA/H can easily be .field-modified for any standard full scale input frequency. range: from 0-8 0 FJ'z tn 0.-20,{)00 Hz using the procedure Recalibration . ofFrill...S ca.le Inpat Frequency Range. Field-changing the SST-2000AJH to accept input freqoences rm than 0-80 Hz full-.mde is mK m:ommended. Damage might result that could void the product warranty. Please contact me Customer Serwce Department at (954) 739-4300 for gu.ida:nce in manging fur a. lpw input frequoncy range. Input frequency range greater than 20,000 Hz full-scale TI1e full-scale frequency

input range .ii; usually set "U.P at the: far;:.tory

when an SST-2000AJH is ordered, 'Jli.e SST *2.000A/H c:at1 ea 5ily be fo:r my staudard fuU si:;:ale input .frequency

1;angc from 0-80 HZi to 0...-20,0ClO

Hz using the procedure Recalibration of FulJ.-Scale Input Fl' Range. Fie1d*cb<1lJ.ging the SST-ZOOOA/H to acceptfuput frequencies gm1:ter-tha.n [).20t{l00 HZ fi.ifl...scal.e is trot rewmmended. Damage m!ght rr.snl.t could void the product warranty. con.tact the-:Oyaaloo Customer Sm-ice (95.4) 739-430Q fur goidance in ananging for a high input ftequency range. 21 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 220 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 c: (_ * REVISION: 03 I PAGE K26 OF K37 Chapter 4 Calibrating the SST .. 2000A/H VTIP MANL SST-2000 ****-**) Page 22 of 33 (._. * 22 WARNING I Callbrate the speed * fmmediately after any contact i::h ange in Switch A * before adjust1ng set or pr(lpartjonal dutpUt You mus.t the SST-2000A/H if you have :made a i;ha.ngcdn the fi.dl-scrue frequency range {changed contacts to DlP switch A)_ 1 D.isconnect aey to terminals 1 & 8. Mark.: or positi()]) the wires so they can be correctly reuttacl:u:d later. 2 Connect a digital voltmeter acOO!is 7(-) & 8 ( + ). 3 Connect a generator{e-g. F-16) tennillals 5 (HI) & 6 (COM). Use the frequency generator to ]nput tlrn new fuU-..i;cale 4 * Adjust the FREQ RANGE TRlM potent:imneter fbr l 0.00 V de on the voltmeter. (See Fig. 4-9.) 5 * Reattach the meter tliat is: normally conncctc:d to-w:mfon.hi 7(-) & 8 (+). Ob,smit' pohr!t.;v. Ftg. 4-9 The arrangements* for* the fl.ilki!:a\e frequency* rt.1n!!!e switch (A} are* D.l1 undersrcre oHha top* plate. PA.'i'1!

r,u: .1-:11,e:.1a-.t7


s,a*JJ 1,8>.30-.5 e


  • l.4 <:I< 1"4*1.B.
s:rn.a.z :i;.
  • 'i ,. ...... '\ __ ) () ._-:-......

EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 221 of 267 VTIP MANL SSl'-2000, la.hie 4-1 Tabla of full*:scale frequency and the c:orrespondirig switch. 0. tll!i * 0.10 11N 1 ON settfngs. o;Hl * 0.13 0,1J. 0.17 0 .* 11 * o.iz. (};'22 -0,.30 0.30 * O.lB o.5o 0.48 -0,6J 0.62* a.t3 tl.63 .. 1.G9 <l.86 -1.12 1.10 '-1.40 1.40 ... 1.90 , .90 -2.50 2.50-J.:.w 3.1.0 -4.20 4.:2.0 ... 5."50 & 6.90 ()."90 -9:'10 9.10 -12.0 1,2.0 -*1 !i.*5 15.1 <2.0.0 1, 8 Z, 8 3, B 4t8 5, 8 6, a 1, a 1, z; s 1 4 7 B 1 z 4 6. 7 7, 1. 4t 7 Z, 3 S ti l, 6t 7 1, 2, 3, 4r 5, 6 1 l REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K27 OF K37 80-100 100. 130 130. 170 170. 22{) no. 300 3ll0. 380 3SO -SOD -630 630 -a30 830. 1,090 860*1,120 1, 100 . 1,400 1,40Q. 1,900 1",900 * 2,500 2,500 * .3 200 3,200. 4,200 4t200 . s,:sao 5,300. 6 900 6 900 * 9-HlO 9 1 00 * 1 t., 000 12,00-0 -15, 500 IJO * 20,000 23 EC 620632, 1, Pg. 222 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K28 OF K37 C .. ( Ch.apter 4 Calibrating the 4*20 mA Proportional Output VTIP rvtANL SST"2000 ('-, Page 24 of 33 *. ___ ./ 24 . ' : You* must calibrate thi:: speed switch if the standard proportional output of 4 to 20 m.A is th.all.yd to * 0:-5' V de ushlg*81hritch C 1, or * 0-10 Vdc using switch CZ To calibrate the new proportional 1 .fJ;tach a digital voltm.etet to terminals 9 (-)*& 10 (+/. 2 Apply 10% of the full.-scale frequency to input temiifials S ( + )i fi (-). 3 Adjust the PROP OUT ZERO :B.djum: potentiometer {See Fig. 4-10, befow} to yfold 10% of proportional output on the \rol trnete.r *. ,-----Fig, 4"10 The PROP OUT I OUT ZERO ZERO and PROP OUT SPAr-1 I 0-. adjLlstm'ffitS >'\nil located in r J the upper rlght comer under the top pl.B.te a( the SST*2000A/H. OtJT SPAN 4 Apply offulI.scale to termina1s 5 (+) & 6 (-). 6-Torn PROP OUT SP AN adjtlSt poten.tiom.eter (Sec example below} to y!eld 100% of full-scale propoitional output on the vo!tmetf3r . 6 * Rep oat 5tcps 2, 3, 4, and S three or four times to a.sswc accu:t:acy. A i1ri1t cat1brated for 0-500 Hz Input Is be1ng recalibrated to P*10 V'dc outpllt (from 4A20 mAdc propol"t1onal output). *Apply 1 n% of Hz) to terminals 5 (.i.) &; 6 {-). * PROP OUT SPAN potentfometer to Vield 1.000 Vdi: on the voltmeter. t Aj.'lply futl* si:ale frequel'lCY {500 Hz) *to term1nal.s S ( +) a b(-). * rum PROP {)UT ZERO a,djust potentiometer to yle',d 10.00 Vdc. * Rsp-eat .3 Qf 4 times for accuracy, () EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 223 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K29 OF K37 Catlbrati11g the Speed Switch Programming Set Points and Relays VTrP MANL SST-2000 Paga .2S of 33 Remove the top plate fl:om the SST-2000A/H to reveal.DIP switches B rm.,:f C. Use DIP B and C to program rela.y set points to: ,+*energize (OFF) I de-eMrglz-e (ON) on alarm + non-latch (OFF)/ latch (ON) cm. ala.llll * actuate SPST (OFF} I DPDT (ON) trip*on alarm * change proportional voltage output f'iii. 4* 1 Df P swfti:t\ set,tl ngs ava:labte to you depend on the model of speed switc:h you + SSFl!40QA/H have fo\1r set point adjustments (DlP .switches a arid q. * SST*2200AIH series only have relays 1 and 2 (ad;l 1.rstabte Pl P *swit1:h q. * SST*2000A/H. sWitchel haYI:' no 5et point relays:, 8.P. OIS s.r. 4 ots S.P. 4 DE S.P.3 DB 8.P. 1 DPDT 3.P. 4 LATCH S.P. 2DPDT 3.P, 3 L.AlCf.i El ., 5 B 4 0 2 r 1 F a -7 6 c 4-3 2. 1 0 f "F S.P. 1 D.E 8,P, 10!8 S.P. 1 LA.TOH S.P, 1 LAIOl-l S.P. 1 OlS 8.Jl. :2.DE 10V PROP, O.UT OUT The 1mdendffi,: cf fuc: top plate oolllilins labels for DIP switch. setting. Resetting a latched To moment[Uily i'ellet a.latched rela.y,jumpex teinUnals

  • .3.2 and 7. 25

EC 620632, Att. 1, 224 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K30 OF K37 (_ .. c:. C. Set points 3 a: 4 and selectfng DPDT trip VTIP MANL SST-2000 [\ Page 26 of 33 \ . ..J Wl-IEH ALL 8 5WITCt-ffS i\RE OFF t 3.and 4 energ1zecl,

  • noti*latching

+all relays are SPST EXAMPLE: To set relays ani;I 4 to actuatet and latdl on over:speed, turn 011 B1j B3, B5, B6, B-1, and Ba. 'fum Ol'l*B to ... B1 LATCH s..n point l on 21.larm ACTUATE relay 4 with relay creat1rig two Form C ccnta<:ts for set point 2 (DPb-T relay). 33 I.A TCH set point 4 -on a!arrn M ACTUATE relay 3 relay 1, c:reat1ng two .t set pti1nt 1 (DPDT relay). 65 DE>ENERGIZE relay 3 an Bil [)J!:.ENERGIZE rt!lay 4 on alann Bi ACTUATE set po1nt 4 en BB ACTUATE 5et point J.11n O\f(tFspeed

  • . Set points 1 & 2:

ft 0-10 Vdc proportional output WHE.N ALL C SWITCH ES ARE OFF * the proporl1ona.l

  • output is 4-20 mA + relll.ys 1 and 2 are energt1:ed, underspl.!td

t noo* tat<::lied EXAMPLE:: To the p roporUonal o-1oydc, ;:md set relay :2 to a ctu01 te, e a.rid Otl overspeed, turn on CZ, C:.6 1 and C?. 26 Turn on C to ..* C1 Chi'!nfle proportlonal output to 0*5. Vdc*. Confirm CZ..1.s PFF. tz Ch11ngll's output tci 0* 10 Vdc*. Confirm C1 1s Off. C3 DE*ENERGllE relay 2. ort alarm. C4 ACTUATE relay 1 on ovenpeed, non*latch. Cs LATCH relay 1 on C6 lATCH 2 011 11lann. C7 relay 'l an over.;peed, nl?n*latch. cg reray 1 on afarm. * Requfres recalibration. ("\ ) .. ...,,. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 225 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 () Adjusting Signal Sensitfvfty Desensitizing Standard Inputs : REVISION: 03 I PAGE K31 OF K37 Calibratil1S tile Speed Sw1tch *vr1P MANL SST-2000 Pa9e 27of3S Signal sensitiY.ity is factory set to 2.5 'mVJD18 (about 35 mV pcaktir 70.mV peakMto-peak}*and most applications . Ftg. 4-12. sfgna\ :!!el'l.'11tMty (;Q nt 1"4Jl is located Ul\der the A !) IP swltth. .., 15 A RMIO.E OOITCH 4 #-1;.IPl'P! ....... °"'1'°1 '"Ir.I f"ll' niw rR5:.iJUD'tt:"'; . 3 2 1 0 *f SIGNP!... SalSIIM!Y Highe( sensitivities can 'be more vulnerable to noise. To raise Sil?'ruitivity Tum the SIGNAL SENSITIVITY potentiometer (Fig. 4.12) clockwise. At full clockwjse totatlon, sensitivity is approximately 5 m. Yilll.3. To lower sensftfvf f;y Tum the SIGNAL SENSITIVITY potentiometer .:mmte:rclockwise, At full rotation, the sensitivity i5 100 m.Vnns. * Desensitizing Closure Jumper te.nnitµ 30 and 11 to desensitize the mtlt to about 1 Vrm!J. Signal S e:ns1ttvity pot setting d(Jes: not affccl thll procedure. Ptg. 4-13 Jumper 1 t.o 30 desen$ttlze the 5ST-100tlA/H for contact closure input. * ** , ........ ,,i;mo1KT,1 r** ........ " l : 1 .. " fil!l.l'QJ! i ; t ,,, .. 3 ; ! I .. ' ..... l.ll!J"IOl'I ClAlJaHl\l'E @ @ @ :? 2ll 1(1 21 *o '22 "' 2:a re 14 0 2!l ll El1LV' tlO.:t IHlAV NO,<l' .. : Jmt,v " NQ,4 @ @ 28 !D "* ' ;,HI 31 32 0 27 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg'.. 226 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K32 OF K37 c: ... ( '-* Chapter4 Response Time VTIP MANL SST-2000 ,,-...,., : Page 28 of 33 * ("' )' . *- time is the time :rf) f9t :the proportional outputs to change fl:4l:tn 10% to 90% of the mulmum. calibrated value fut a:n instantaneous. st.ep change of input frequency. Response ti,mc affects the tr.ail of the rel.iws. Stands.rd


time :is 150 .11tilliseconds. over all ' Rl:.LAY K.C:SPONSE Contact DynakQ if you need a different rela res onse tilne. standara* m:put frequency rangee: 0.80 & to 0-20jooo full-scale. fuls:pon$!? below 80 H:li full.scale are proportlona.Uy slower. While other response times can be provided, field modillca.tion is not ;rcc901mended damage -qrlght that cou_Li V9id the product Contact Dyrialca if you.need a different relay time. Adjusting Individual Set Points .23 1 Verify the is caljbrated to the 001.'l'ect full-scfile frequency range (see page 22). 2 *Tools required: Eitl-rer a very saewdrivet or a t:ramfonner alignment tooI; generator (Dynalco's F-16 o.r equivalent), 3 Frovide a signal ;;ource. Uge an. F-16 signal generator or similar zero-crossing sjgnal smirce, ot use the signal generated by lhe l'rl.agt\etlC pickup on the engine_ 4 Applya*frequencysignalto te..'1Ilinals 5 & 6. This frequency input sliocld equ!!.l the target lU'lv.f value of-the set point being adjusted. F1;;ir examvle: Ci\kulatc the set point .frequency for a.gear with 72 teeth rotating at 800RPM,. . Frequmcy(Hz)

  • (SO())><

(72 ttetl!l _ 96(} Hz (to terminals 5 & 6) 60 Alternate Method 1: Adjusting set points while* the engine is not runni-:ig

  • U s.e a signal grmerator

to adjust ind:.viriual set points when lhe engine iS not and if you do nat an RPM meter. 1 Disconnect the wires to terminals 5 & 6. Mark ar position the: wires to assure C¢l'rect replacem.fnt. . ..... (' ) ......... EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 227 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K33 OF K37 () 0 VTIP MANL SST .. 2000 Page 33 Calibrating the Speed Switch 2 Apply the calculated set po.Int frequency to 5 (HI) & 6(COM). ' 3 .Jwply operating p*owei: to the. SST-2000AIE'.. See lid of }'Ollr SST-2000NH ox spec sheet for. poweJ 4 Select the app.ropriate set poi'nt trirn pot. 5 Tum pot; * CQunterclockwise to lower the set pointvafo.e (reduce*the speed at which the point relay will trip}. + Clockwise ta raise the set paint value (increase the spl'!ed. at which the. set point relay will trip). 6 Tam the pot slowly so as not to pass.the target set point by a large amount. The pot has fine resolu.ti.onj

io a large change in set .may take several 7 While aFlju:sting

the pot, li!i.ten for the: Ielay to trjp at the set point You c:!aXL hear a distinct click when the: trander. If high ambient noise makes it impossible ta hear the rela.y click: "USe an ohmmete:r as in Alt.emate Method 2.1 below. . B Fine tune the adju.stm.e:nt: + After the. relay trips, sJm.vly REVERSE the of th.e set poi'lt pot*until the !clay again trips. t Again, slowly turn *me pot FORWARD until the may 9 Reattach the wires to renninals 5 {Hi) & 6"( COM). Observe polarity. 1 0 Repeat; fhe above procedute for other set poin:t5 to be changed. Alternate Method 2: Adj.usting Individual Set Po1nts While The Engine Is Operating . A mm.mllcal overspeed val11e is one that will not stress the engine. tr:i:e Altett).ate Method 3 fo adjust set points while the engine is operating at a. non-criticfll speed. NOTE: when the set pomt value is :reached the reh1:.y'Will ca'llSe an engine shutdown. or activate whaw.ter is cOIUlect-ed to that relay. A critical overspeed is the actual engine shutdown overspeed; running Use Alternate Method J to adju;t set while the. , is at NON¥ CRITICAL speed <lnly. the engmr= at !:hls l'lPeed iii generally not desit'ed. Use Alternate: Method 1 ff you cannot*erigine oven;peed. 1 Run the engine at the desired SIJeed using: 29 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 228 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K34 OF K37 ........ C .. Chapter 4 VTIP MANL SST-2000 t an RFM indicator/tachometer operating from One of tire proportional outputs of the SST-.2000A/H: Page 30of33 .* on o:rnear the engine .. 2 Wait for-the Rl?M to stabilize:. When RPM is stab!e 1 select fhe a.ppr:oJ?riate set pj'.rlnj; trim pot" , 4 Follow the inAitemate Method 1; steps l * 10. A'ternate Method 3: Adjusting individual set points in high noise * areas * rfhigh amhm noise makes it to relay clm1c 1 Disconnect the wire from: * t:J?.e center Qf the SST*2000A/H set pond relay being adjustt:d. t one of the two contac[,s* on. the saQ:Ie relay. [Mark the wires or position they can be correctly reattached,) 2 Connect an to the center tennlrutl of this relay Emd to either of the other tenninals of this relay. [If adjUsting Relay 1 i connect the ohmmeter to tenni:nf!]s 18 & 17 or l 8 &. 19.] ':fhe ohmmeter will indicate either a short or an open condition depending on whiclt tennillals axe cbosen . . 3 Ac:ljust the re1ay as outlined in l: 1-10. V1ben Ote rt:la:y trips, the ohmmeter will $]).aw ' sl;iort open, to the indication it ha;:l 'helhre the relay tripped. 4 Reiittach the wires to 'thi: relays, 5 Repeat the above procedure fot othtt set po-in.ts to b.e changed. ('-*_. * .. _) ( 0 30 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 229 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K35 OF K37 0 Catibrati ng the Switch Verifying Set Point Values VTIP MANL SST-2000 Page; 31 of 3S .. ,.. The Jumper does not interfere with the normal operation of any relays. 4*20 mA proportioflal m1tpl1t (termi nats. 9 B: 1 Dr is NOT affoc;too by thfs*e. The 14 Vdc pulsed output is not affected by this procedure. You can view and adjust thE: :set paint without having to run the engine, Nora. The SST-2 OOOA/H (no si:::t poinu.) *does not have set point!l . 1 Jump er terminal 16 with the terminn1 that co.rresponds

  • with the set point you want to. view (for SST0220.0AIH

and +: Set point !:jumper 16 to 12 + Set point 2: jumper 16 to 13 t Setpoint3:juroper 16 to 1.4 +* Set point4: jumper 16 to 15 2 \Vhen you jumper* the two terminals, the 0-1 roA output rneti:r conne<:ted to E.ennh1als 7 and S disconnects and RPM <frequency, rate, et(l.) value at that set poln.t 3 \Vhen :thejumpexs are reQ10ved, meter switches back to its nonnal o:pe1.'ation. Ftg. 4* 14 Verif}' the set polnt values and vfew the RPM tfrequi;;ncy, rate, etc.) on the O-f mA otitput r to terminals 7 8: B. .@ {Shown rs the procedure for* veriMrlfl Set-pc;;int 1.) , *..* , ........

    • .......
  • i . .. ?,l;f,ffill'{( ". . . * I 1 .. '\. I* I I":.* I I* t * * I .. 11 * I* I* -o IL I* I O

Sf:YPOINTS 3 91;.TP(llNT ADJUSTt.lF.:Nl"S 31 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 230 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K36 OF K37 ( (-* *' C. Chapter 4 Adjusting Set Point Values VTIP l\AANL SST-2000 ("\ = Page 32 of 33 .... .J 32 WARNING You tan adjust.set points while the engine or other device fa operating. H9WEVert ff YoU adjU!it a set point ralay to a value tower than the curren:t operating relay will trip. You will need a.0-1 mA meter for If a meter was supplied with the spi::ed. switc!It y:ou can use it Otherwise 1 you ca:n. use a DJ?M * 105 meter, or any O*lmA amm.etei. Tµeextemal metersb,ocld be calibrak:d: "il-1 mA.= o*to-fu11-sca:le input frequenct 1 of the SST-2000AJH. the or ttutl'.l];ler label accompanied the urtit fOl' the full-scale fteq> value. 1 Observe polarity. Connect an extm1al 0-1 m.A. meter to. texlnfuals 7(-) &8 (+). Z Depending on the set point ro be adjusted, connect a tertlporaey jumper .from : * Terminal 16to12 (for Set point 1) or * Terminal 16 lo 13 (for Set point 2} or t Teyminal 16 to 14 (for Set point 3) or + l 6 to 15' (for Set point 4) 3 The 0-1 mA. mete.r.-vritl now l.udicate. the: CIL"1'ent for chos&i _page 31). 4 If firstac:ljust the selected set point using procedures outlined in Adj ustlng lndlvidual set poinrs 1 page 28. 5 *Romove the temporary jumpe:r, 6 *The output from terminals 7 & S will again provided the standatd 0-1 mA proportio.ruµ output. 7 Repeat steps l for additional set points. (_._) I EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 231 of 267 (-"\ J ., ..... Index c M l5Jt21-23,ZS,27, W, 31 commnns 1 10 cont.act "'}.7 0 CSl\,. Class 1, Div.2, Gip_ D {H serle5), 4* geaernl certifkation \A /ierJcs), 4. p cum:itJcop iwlator, 10 D dcpowcr, 10 dinre:c.sions, DP'M-105, 14 E cornrnaJl.:5, 10 <:Cn.llC!cti.OM; 10 5 R* specffitai:lans, 7 ezp-lnslo:o.*p.i:nof llous=iig:o;, ti devices, 15, lS, 17 D:PM-106'., 14 }vf!'ff.-10.ID, 14 SPD-lOO, 14 SPD-700, 14-s SPY-20(1, 1'1 F: fc.-.ttvre:>, 4 frequ1mcy for actpD!n.W, 28 1ablc:, 2S full<<Ate iri.P"llt frcquericy IJ!.Dge, 2! H o x l l dese:i9it!,dng, 2? full :scale l'mlgc, :21 reruitlvlt}*, 2.1 instillfng, !) r 11 isoll!.tor, 10 L latched l'!l.ay I iJ reiettlng, 25 m\ 4 autprit, 24 4*20 u_A, 24 PG-278 11 pidi:upS p.m*erlng, 16 pOwet HI oo* HI c.xtema1 devim, 13, 15, 17 :MY.2S, 16 !7 :mu vdocicy pickups, 16 prap:il"tji;mal output, M relay, 25 :r:esp:>nte, 28 serpahi.ts, 6, 20" setpcints, 25 1 &.i, 20 3 &.4,. 2li S: 10 V -prop. OUtpnt, 26 M,justmg, * 28, 32 DPbT. trlp, 26 31 size, .3 sm..rna, 14 SPD-700, "14 5 :KP h1mslngs 1 6 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE K37 OF K37 VTIP MANL SST-2000 Page 33of33 33 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 232 of 267 ATTACHMENT L Deleted EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 233 of 267 I '**-*-*-*- .... **---... ---*-**----*** 0 ... * STC-4371. FIELD CONDIT.I.ONG ' .-RELAY JUNE 1984 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I 'PAGE M1 OF M7 EC Att. 1, Pg. 234 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I . PAGE M2 OF M7 ,, ... '* := .. *:* GENERAL DESClUP'ltON The STC-4371 Field. Conditioning Relay is a relay assembly used In conjunction with a PRS 211.

  • Equa]jzer

to prepare the field of a diesel generator to support a very.1arge*inductive load lmmecUately upon br@ker closure. * . . Jn opera,tion, the STC-4371 _will provide a signal to the voltage regulator "to increase generator voltage. Tht9 will help voltage regulator to compensate !or the voltage dip ca:l,\Sed by the large anticipated load. . . ', . CAUBRAtJON Rl5 and ltl6 Dench Adjustments

is employed. to the 4:l71 ;ii'ield Conc:litioomg Re41-y Rl5 .and R16 potentiometer setpoints:

  • . . . 1. Rl's Adjustment:

a. Pis connect an wires at trn relay iµ;seinbly ter.minal board (TBl, Figure 1). b. Connect a *Volt-ohmmeter to terminals 4 and 5 of NOTE "" The -meter shall be s*et up .to. read'.ohms in the lowest .scale ava.Uable in which 65 ohms will be indicat.ed near the center of the dial (f Cx-e:Xample, R x 1). This wm provide the most accurate 'measurement and adjustment. The ohmmeter shall be zeroed *tn this scale before being connected to the relay. ter.mlnal board. c. Adjust potentiometer R16 to obtain a meta-reading or 65 ohms, then tighten the potentiometer look nut. 2. R15 a. Co1:uwct a jumper from tM. of diode CR4 to turret* terminal .2. (See 'Figure 1 for component

  • * * b.. Connect a temporary

jumper (rom the anode of diode ORS to turret terminal 2. c; Connect 120 VDC power to terminals 1 and 2 of TB-1 as shown in Figure 1. d. Adjust potentiometer R15 to obtain a meter reading or 90 ohms; then tighten the a<ljusUng locknut. * : * e. Di:Sconnect the power leads *and ohmmeter leads Crom terminal board TJ3.:.l; then remove the jumpers !rom the circuit board. Timing Adjustments: -once R15 and R16 have been properly caUbrated, final timing .shall to ensure, that the voltl!-ge adjustment i;ignal to the v<;>ltage regulator fs strengthened (to quickly restore the generator output voltage to th!3 desired 'level), then (to help, dampen voltage overshoot by the voltage r"eigulator). . 1. Required Equipment. -The following calibration equipment is required to carry out the timing adj\lstrnents of the STC-4371 Field Conditioning Relay: STC-4371 1 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 235 of 267 *, REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE M30F M7 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 236 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE M4 OF M7 , t. .. ' ' \1') '9:) Q.. *_:; **:: ""! !. ,_..! r) ....... , 0q 0o 0-0 u !j_ ... u -0 Ii? TURllET 0 . . 0 0 'c;. s s ; . . LJ Ed.**. 02* *L1* *

  • o ....... *.**.,; ...... :.. .... . . . .. ,* *.'.* . . .* .. *'. : . ...

... **.*. -, '"':'-ID ...:::: 0 $TC 4371 106 0 Note: Temporary RlS. Adjustmentjumpers are revised by CPS, on Figure i, to show correct polarity as investigated within MW:o D86078 [Refere11ce Vendo.r Manual Revision 43] . ()HlollollEl"E9' . ,. Figure 1. STC-4371 Potentiometer Rl5 and R:l6 Adjustment Connections a. 120-volt and 24-volt DC power supplies b. Pol;lble-pole, momentary contact switch c. GBJ.vanom.eter* Amplifier d. Light Beam Osrilltogra.I>h, or High-Speed Brush NOTE All testing end adjustments shall .be performe9 using calibrated Instrumentation, the calibration or which shall be traceable to the National Bureau or Standards. All instruments used shall be recorded in the test data records.*

  • 2. Test Set-Up. The .equipment

shall be conneeted to the as sl)o:w.n in Figure 2 to monitor the "breaket" close 11 signal, and the operation of relays K2 end K3. . NOTE The actlll;ll locations o! diodes CR4 and CR5 are $howndn Figure 1. :i SI'C-4371 c*** .... ..... ) ("') EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 237 of 267 '* REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE M50FM7 0 ' . .() 3. Calibration. Procedure

  • . The desired operating

sequence 0!0 the STC-4371 fs _shown in. Figure The timing o! the K2 and KS pull-in and drop-out events is. controlled by the adjustment potenOometers, $8 listed in Table 1. The potentiometer adjustment screws are turned .to increa8e the delay time, ;and counter-clockwiSe to tl:le delay. On 3, the : zero point of *the horizontal axis corresponds to the initial nbreaker close" signaL . DELAY ADJUSTMENT PO.TBNTJOMETER R9 R10 R11 Rl2: Table 1. Potentiometer P'unctt'ons CONTROLLED . EvENT K2Pull-in K2 DrQp--Out K3-Drop-out K3. .. Adjust the delay until. the timing relatiomhtps the clO!Se" signal and the relay K2 end K3 events matches.thOse shown in Figure a *. * Plnally, the Basler PRS211 Time Equalizer may need a final adjustment to synchronize it with the Pleld . Conditonlng Relay. Using the time adjustment on the *front of the equalizer, set the lUlit so that the breaker actually closes *and loa,d is applied at 16 cycles. Further minute adjustments i:µii.y be necessary to Insure the voltage transient will remain within the provided in Figure 3. 120 V .D.O.{ ... . + BTC .UT1 CJt.U. B!MCll TUI' CONMBC'llOK SCHEMA11C. GALYAMOMJ!.TER AMPtJPIBR r 13 tMPUT * CJ\$ *r : 12 IHPUT 01C>20S04 05 _J -:It INPUT -OUTPUT -I ( TO LIOHT HA MOM!lfTAl\Y oacJLLOORAP I I CONT.ACT I -:: -I * ., .* I. M H Flgure 2 .. Timing Adjustment Calibration Equipment CoMectlons. STC-43'11 ' . 3 EC. 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 238 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE M60FM7 '* *:* 4 VDC.o;. '3lNPUT ovnc-UO Vt>C_ 12 lNPUT ovnc-:4 V*DC-11 INPUT ovnc-D 8 UOHT BEAM OSCJLLOORAPH AnJUsTMBNTs POR STC "3Tl VOL'l'AOE ACRO!llS K3 RELAY 2DCYCLES S3CYCLES :to (CYCLES}" PAPER SPEED 50 JKCH/QC SBT MARKER POR IU 'I11EK COUNT THE *DMU)tfi AND MULTlPLY BY .I TO COHVBRT TO CYCLES,' ' Figure 3. STC-4371 Relay Timing Relationships STC-4371 EC Att. 1, Pg. 239 of 267 () * B A .. ) I I *1 . t--tlll I I . 11 I "'" l.&0110,C. ,_ It) ,, I 6 ,I. 4 (OtlC..lCIW!H; R&O:t $fC-4)11 VCLJAGt (j) EXTERNAL C:ONNECTltliS _ .. " u .. na'!olr>Uill'°' U.hiiU UloUWAl.\ P.lllr 00. "" 1 10,11,1.t _..u "'""""" JU<!<. ilfhl$'" fr,rtllCll',h 1til1w1u111 jfil;:;,:. ,.,..,. ,,,.,,,.. '*'*" 1.1.1.r.u.1

        • u-111 a.0,1 ... M :mr=11 r.u.11-u .. l.IU*lfl

11r.*10Rll l1U1W.WLllll tt!r. IT .. "" .. m.o.1w.c11* ':l:Hlt' I REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE M7 OF M? 3. I 2* .1 l"*hJI ..... .. H Uo :i ... Ucz*IA._ .y:,. IUll&fPl&l

!.w :m:.: fuli.1111\11

U*tl **:::: tml .. \IWl*MTH 51:*11 Jui tn-'J ... :11 .. !,Mll4 'w.r.a" .wrn*ti"""'" m: rif::m .,. D . c ! *i n I I I I I I I 1 * u EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 240 of 267 High Resolution Industrial VRS Magnetic Speed Sensors DESCRIPTION High Resolution VRS sensors are designed for use in applications where precise timing pulse is required, and/or fine pitch gears are used. Proper alignment of the sensor is required. Passive VRS (Variable Reluctance Speed) Magnetic Speed sensors are simple, rugged devices that do not require an external voltage source for operation. A permanent magnet in the sensor establishes a fixed magnetic field. The approach and passing of a ferrous metal target near the sensor's pole piece (sensing area) changes the flux of the magnetic field, dynamically changing its strength. This change in magnetic field strength induces a current into a coil winding which is attached to the output terminals. FEATURES * Self-powered operation

  • Direct conversion

of actuator speed to output frequency

  • Simple installation
  • No moving parts * Designed for use over a wide range of speeds * Adaptable

to a wide variety of ccmfigurations

  • Customized

VRS products for unique speed sensing applications

  • Housing diameters:, 5/8 in (M16) 3/8 in (M12) * Housing material/style:

stainless steel threaded * Terminations: MS3106 connector, preleaded

  • Output voltages:

17 Vp-p to 170 Vp-p REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE N1 OF N2 Honeywell The output signal of a VRS sensor is an ac voltage that varies in amplitude and wave frequency as the speed of the monitored device changes, and is usually expressed in peak to peak voltage (Vp-p). One complete waveform (cycle) occurs as each target passes the sensor's pole piece. If a standard gear were used as a target, this output signal would resemble a sine wave if viewed on an oscilloscope. Honeywell also offers VRS sensors for general purpose, high output, power output, high temperature and hazardous location applications, as well as low-cost molded versions. POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS

  • Engine RPM (revolutions

per minute) measurement on aircraft, automobiles, boats, buses, trucks and rail vehicles * Motor RPM measurement on drills, grinders, lathes and automatic screw machines * Motor RPM measurement on precision camera, tape recording and motion picture equipment

  • Process speed measurement

on food, textile, paper, woodworking, printing, tobacco and pharmaceutical industry machinery

  • Motor speed measurement

of electrical generating equipment

  • Speed measurement

of pumps, blowers, mixers, exhaust and ventilating fans * Flow measurement on turbine meters * Wheel-slip on autos and locomotives

  • Gear speed measurement

EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 241 of 267 High Resolution 5/8 INCH (M16*) SENSORS CONTINUED (All dimensions for reference only. mm/[in]) *Contact Honeywell for availability of metric mounting thread versions. G enera IS T f *pec1 1ca ions Parameter Min. output voltage Coil resistance Chisel pole piece width Min. surface speed Operating temp. range Mountina thread Catalog Listing Weight Characteristic 300 Vp-p 910 Ohm to 1200 Ohm 1,14 mm [0.045 in] 0,38 mis [15 inls] typ. -55 °C to 120 °C [-67 °F to 250 °F] 518-18 UNF-2A 3045A 70 g [2.5 oz] G eneral Specifications Parameter Min. output voltage Coil resistance Chisel pole piece width Min. surface speed Operating temp. ranae Mountina thread Catalog Listing Weight Characteristic 65 Vp-p 120 Ohm to 162 Ohm 1, 14 mm [0.045 in] 0,38 mis [15 inls] typ. -55 °C to 120 °C f-67 °F to 250 °Fl 5/8-18UNF-2A I [0.750] I Parameter Characteristic Inductance 450 mH max. Gear pitch range 24 DP (module 1.06) ferrous metal aear Optimum actuator N/A *' Max. operating 15 kHz typ. frequency Vibration Mil-Std 202F Method 204D Termination MS3106 connector Parameter Characteristic Inductance 85 mH max. Gear pitch range 24 DP (module 1.06) ferrous metal oear Optimum actuator NIA Max. operating 40 kHz typ. frequency Vibration Mil-Std 202F Method 204D Termination MS3106 connector 7,92 3046A 70 g [2.5 oz] (%)* :..14-.-l [0.312] I [0.030] I I 4 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE N2 OFN2 Test Condition Specifications Parameter Characteristic Surface speed 25 mis [1000 inls] Gear 8 DP (module 3.17) Air gap 0,127 mm f0.005 inl Load 1.25 kOhm resistance Test Condition Specifications Parameter Surface speed Gear Air gap Load resistance f 12119.05 -[0.750] l Characteristic 25 mis [1000 inls] 8 DP (module 3.17) 0,127 mm ro.005 inl 1.25 kOhm Ee 620632, Att. 1, REVISION: 03 PAGE 01Of03 In general, the oil used in the prime mover will be satisfactory for use in the governor. The governor/actuator oil supply is self contained. Sump capacity is 1 1/2 quarts. When an empty governor is filled. add oil until it drains out the vent hole in the sight glass. This should require about 47 ounces of oil. Immediately after starting and with the engine running, check the oil level in the sight glass. If the oil level is above the sight glass line, oil should be drained. If the oil level is below the line, add new, clean oil to bring the level up. NOTE When a oil cooler or starting booster is used, additional oil will be required depending on the size of the cooler or booster and the length of the lines connecting it to the.governor. Proper selection of the oil used in the actuator is necessary to realize best governor performance and maximum service life. The oil should have a minimum tendency to foam or retain air, form sludge, or deposit varnish. It should protect actuator t'*-,I.NT OIL LISTto IS 0"'1. 'r A SUCC£S:'r0t'i use 1HC OI!. Of 0 tO..IFc OiO:CC WITH TH[. lw'!$C0Sol1T ... S IHOfC .. T[O IN 1HE CHAAT parts from corrosion and not be detrimental to oil seals or paint. Refer to Woodward manual 25071 for more complete information on selection of oils for use in hydraulic actuators (governors). The oil selected should have a high viscosity index, within the -range of 100 to 300 SUS at normal operating temperatures. Only oils of the grade specified for a particular temperature range should be used. Figure 2-3 shows the viscosity of oils at the different operating temperatures. Operating the governor with oil which does not fall in the acceptable operating range on the chart can . cause erratic governor operation and possible damage to the governor. Oil contamination is the major cause of actuator troubles. Use only new oil or filtered oil. Containers used for filling the actuator must be clean and should be rinsed with a light grade of the same oil before use. R(CQt.llril(NO(L RCti:'>UMtriDti:* U?P[R Ulol1'f LU,,.4(9 U PC TRCl.[Ul,I 0( S YNT"1[ 0&. IS 20QT Dt. IS, :'!:tO-:-Figure 2-3. Oil Viscosity Chart 9 .. EC 62n632 Att. Mob1lli"M 1, R'9>oR?i4&.: REVISION: 03 ... I of3 PAGE 020F 03 Business lines ( 1 -SW30#business-lines) MO bi 1* ( ExxonMobil > Mobil 1 SW30 PDS ( , English Mobil 1-SW-30 Passenger Vehicle Lube Mobil, United States Advanced Full Synthetic Engine Oil Product Description Mobil 1 * SW-30 is an advanced full synthetic engine oil designed to keep your engine running like new by providing exceptional wear protection, cleaning power and overall performance. Mobil 1 SW-30 meets or exceeds the requirements of the industry's toughest standards and outperforms our conventional oils. Mobil 1 technology comes as standard equipment in many different vehicles, including select high-performance vehicles. Features and Potential Benefits Mobil 1 SW-30 is made with a proprietary blend of high performance synthetic basestocks fortified with a precisely balanced component system. The SW-30 viscosity grade is one of the most recommended viscosity grades for new cars. Mobil 1 SW-30 is uniquely designed to help provide unsurpassed levels of performance, cleaning power and engine protection, while meeting the demanding ILSAC GF-5 performance standards. Features Advantages and Potential Benefits Advanced Full synthetic formula Helps prevent deposits ana sludge build-up to enable long engine life Excellent overall lubrication and wear protection performance for many driving styles Outstanding thermal and oxidation stability Outstanding performance during the maximum oil change interval recommended in a vehicle's owners manual Enhanced frictional properties Excellent low temperature capabilities Applications Aids fuel economy Quick cold weather starting for ultra fast protection Helps to extend engine life Mobil 1 SW-30 is recommended for all types of modern vehicles, including high-performance turbo-charged, supercharged gasoline and diesel valve fuel injected engines found passenger cars, SUVs, light vans and light trucks. * Mobil 1 SW-30 is general purpose engine oil for many types of cars * Mobil 1 Sw-30 is not recommended for 2-Cycle or aviation engines, unless specifically approved by the manufacturer. Specifications and Approvals Mobil 1 SW-30 meets or exceeds the requirements of: ACEA A1/B1 API SN, SM, SL,SJ ILSAC GF-5 6/19/17, 11:09 PM EC 6206321: Att. Mobil I TM 5W-jQ 1, R'.Ef>oR-J2i40\: REVISION: 03 english- ube/pds/G ... 2 of3 PAGE03 Of 03 Ford WSS-M2C946-A, WSS-M2C929-A Mobil 1 5W-30 has the following builder approvals: General Motors SeNice Fill dexos1" {license number GB1 A0915015) Honda I Acura HT0-06 Mobil 1 5W-30 is recommended by ExxonMobil for use in applications requiring: General Motors 4718M General Motors 6094M Typical Properties Mobil 1 5W-30 SAE Grade 5W-30 Viscosity@ 100°C, cSt (ASTM 0445) 11.0 Viscosity, @ 40°C, cSt (ASTM 0445) 61.7 Viscosity Index 172 Sulfated Ash, wt% (ASTM 0874) 0.8 Phosphorous, wt% (ASTM 04981) 0.08 HTHS Viscosity, mPa*s@ 150°C (ASTM D4683) 3.1 Pour Point, °C (ASTM D97) -42 Flash Point, °C (ASTM D92) 230 Density @15.6 °C, kg/I (ASTM 04052) 0.855 Health and Safety Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment. Mobil, Mobil 1 and the Pegasus design are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries. 05-2017 Exxon Mobil Corporation 22777 Springwoods Village Parkway Spring TX 77389 1-800-ASK MOBIL (275-6624) Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification. Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit ( 6/19/17, 11 :09 PM EC 620632 , Att. 1 , Pg. 245 of 267 Ella Gills From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachment P Cordially , Anup Behera , Ph. D KCI (630)515-2650 x 17 (630)56 1-0463 {Cell) Anup Behe r a <abehera@kciconsultants .com> Tuesday , June 20 , 2017 8:4 8 AM 'Ella Gills' FW: Heres anothe r on e REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 0 3 PAGE P1 OF P 1 From: Halverson, Eric D:(Contractor -GenCo-Nuc) [ ] Sent: Tuesday, June 20 , 2017 8: 39 AM To: Anup Behera Cc: Peter Brunsgaard Subject: RE: Heres another one Anup , please include the picture below i n the attachment associated w i th the Magnetic Pick-up. I bel i eve it is Attachment P. " llOUllTllO lYJI( 54-11 UtlF lllll£AD Ol'Ell TEMP RAHGE -47T022S DECF OIJ1'Fl1T lllPEllAAC£ 011MS R0197Ct.T S(RIAl __ SIZI: - VOLTAGE '1;5 I/RIIS Mii ,,. 1 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 246 of 267 Nf:,N w 0 0 D w ARD REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGEQ1OF02 Product Manual 02303 (Revision B, 9/2015) Original Instructions 2301A Load Sharing and Speed Control 9900-430, 9900-431, 9900-432, 9900-433 Installation and Operation Manual EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 247 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGEQ20FQ2 2301A Control Specifications Part Numbers: 9900-430 9900-431 9900-432 9900-433 Speed Ranges (switch selectable): Range 1 Range2 Range 3 (factory setting) Range 4 Steady State Speed Band Load Sharing Approximate Weight (may vary slightly depending on model) 2301A Dimensions Power Supply Rating: High Voltage Models Low Voltage Models Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Maximum Ambient Humidity Vibration Test Shock Test SPM-A Synchronizer (optional): Speed Trim (optional): 24 V, forward-acting 24 V, reverse-acting 110 V, forward-acting 11 O V, reverse-acting 500-1500 Hz 1000-3000 Hz 2000-6000 Hz 4000-12 000 Hz +/-1/4of1% of rated speed +/-5% of rated load 1.9 kg/4.2 lb see Figure 1-1 90-150 VDC or 88-132 VAC 50/60 Hz, 12 W 20-40 VDC, 12 W -40 to +85 °C (-40 to +185 °F) -55 to +105 °C (-67 to +221 °F) 95% at 38 °C (100 °F) (US MIL-STD 167)-4 Gs between 5 and 500 Hz (US MIL-STD 901 C)--60 Gs -5 to +5 VDC for -3.3% to +3.3% speed change OR -1.5 to +1.5 VDC for-1 % to +1 % speed change 100 kQ maximum load 0-10% speed decrease with 0-100 n pot (1 W) EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 248 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE R1 OF RB WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17.0.d Arrhenius File Report Arrhenius Material File Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: 13 Commercial Name: ACME 2-520 Generic Name: Manufacturer: DIALLYL PHTHALATE, GLASS FILLED ACME Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): PLASTIC DIELECTRIC STRENGTH 2.1701 25, 183.37323870 -48.92302560 0.00000000 N/A Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 616 LEXAN POLYCARBONATE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.4519 16,849.45591645 -32.64128440 0.99998522 0.125 Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 05 June 2017 17:39 UTC 617 LEXAN 101 POLYCARBONATE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.4891 17 ,281 .12829989 -33.68882070 0.99994154 0.125 Temperature Rating: 130C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 158-83D Arrhenius Page Number: 2 Temperature Rating: 75C Highest Aging Temp.: 140C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 362-84B Arrhenius Page Number: 77 Temperature Rating: 115C Highest Aging Temp.: 178C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 151-83B Arrhenius Page Number: 2 Page 1 of 8 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 249 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE R2 OF RB WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17.0.d Arrhenius File Report Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 618 LEXAN 103 POLYCARBONATE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 0.6733 7,814.21164116 -10.63495050 0.99998756 0.125 Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 619 LEXAN 141 POLYCARBONATE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.1540 13,392.94840540 -24.01708290 0.99999680 0.125 Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 05 June 2017 17:39 UTC 620 LEXAN 2014 POLYCARBONATE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 0.7767 9,014.09393307 -13.13611930 0.99998223 0.125 Temperature Rating: 1 OOC Highest Aging Temp.: 240C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 151-838 Arrhenius Page Number: 2 Temperature Rating: 115C Highest Aging Temp.: 195C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 151-83B Arrhenius Page Number: 2 Temperature Rating: 110C Highest Aging Temp.: 235C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 151-838 Arrhenius Page Number: 2 Page 2 of 8 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 250 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE R3 OF RB WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17.0.d Arrhenius File Report Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 621 LEXAN 2014 POLYCARBONATE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 0.7653 8,882.44150690 -12.81498310 0.99999054 N/A Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 624 LEXAN 940 POLYCARBONATE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.1717 13,598.25423908 -24.69685320 0.99992693 N/A Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 05 June 201717:39 UTC 625 LEXAN 940 POLYCARBONATE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.2535 14,547.39736555 -27.07192920 0.99998654 0.125' Temperature Rating: 11 DC Highest Aging Temp.: 162C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 174-83C Arrhenius Page Number: 1 Temperature Rating: 11 OC Highest Aging Temp.: 152C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 174-83C Arrhenius Page Number: Temperature Rating: 11 OC Highest Aging Temp.: 150C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 349-84B Arrhenius Page Number: 2 Page3 of 8

EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 251 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE R40FR8 WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17.0.d Arrhenius File Report Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 650 MERLON M-40 POLYCARBONATE MOBAY CHEMICAL CORP PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.1847 13,748.18255115 -24.42061880 0.00000000 0.125 Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 651 MERLON M-40 POLYCARBONATE MOBAY CHEMICAL CORP PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.1847 13,748.18255115 -24.42061880 0.00000000 0.0625 Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 05 June 2017 17:39 UTC 652 MERLON M-50 POLYCARBONATE MOBAY CHEMICAL CORP PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.1847 13,748.18255115 -24.42061880 0.00000000 0.125 Temperature Rating: 115C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 198-83C Arrhenius Page Number: 3 Temperature Rating: 115C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 198-83C Arrhenius Page Number: 3 Temperature Rating: 115C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 198-83C Arrhenius Page Number: 3 Page 4 of 8 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 252 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGER50FR8 WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17.0.d Arrhenius File Report Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.}: 653 MERLON M-50 POLYCARBONATE MOBAY CHEMICAL CORP PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.1847 13,748.18255115 -24.42061880 0.00000000

0.0625 Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.}: 654 MERLON M-6400 POLYCARBONATE MOBAY CHEMICAL CORP PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.1847 13,748.18255115 -24.42061880 0.00000000 0.125 Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer:

Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.}: 05 June 2017 17:39 UTC 655 MERLON M-6400 POLYCARBONATE MOBAY CHEMICAL CORP PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.1847 13,748.18255115 -24.42061880 0.00000000 0.0625 Temperature Rating: 115C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 198-83C Arrhenius Page Number: 3 Temperature Rating: 115C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 198-83C Arrhenius Page Number: 3 Temperature Rating: 115C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 198-83C Arrhenius Page Number: 3 Page 5 of 8 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 253 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE R6 OF RB WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17 .O.d Arrhenius File Report Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 658 MERLON M-6600 POLYCARBONATE MOBAY CHEMICAL CORP PLASTIC TENSILE IMPACT STRENGTH 1.1847 13,748.18255115 -24.42061880 0.00000000 0.125 Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 859 NOT STATED PHENOLIC ROGERS CORP PLASTIC DIELECTRIC STRENGTH 0.9054 10,508.01262288 -15.07727990 0.99975307 0.0625 Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: 1045 Commercial Name: PLASKON-DIALL 52-70-70 Temperature Rating: 115C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 198-83C Arrhenius Page Number: 3 Temperature Rating: 150C Highest Aging Temp.: 230C Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 330-84C Arrhenius Page Number: 19 Generic Name: Manufacturer: DIALLYL PHTHALATE, GLASS FILLED PLASKON Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 05 June 2017 17:39 UTC PLASTIC DIELECTRIC STRENGTH 2.1701 25, 183.37323870 -48.92302560 0.00000000 N/A Temperature Rating: 130C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 158-830 Arrhenius Page Number: 2 Page 6 of 8 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 254 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE R70F RB WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17.0.d Arrhenius File Report Item Description: No Description Provided Material Number: Commercial Name: Generic Name: Manufacturer: Material Classification: Failure Parameter: Activation Energy: Slope: Intercept: Correlation Coefficient: Material Thickness (in.): 1649 DUREZ 18441 PHENOLIC, WOOD FLOUR FILLED HOOKER CHEMICAL AND PLASTICS PLASTIC NOT STATED 2.2900 26,575.37 420000 0.00000000 0.00000000 N/A Temperature Rating: 150C Highest Aging Temp.: N/A Arrhenius Lib. Code No.: 476-86C Arrhenius Page Number: 62 Notes: ACTIVATION ENERGY STATED IN REPORT 05 June 2017 17:39 UTC Page 7 of 8 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 255 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-00B-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE RB OF RB WRIGHT System 1000 Revision 17.0.d Arrhenius File Report References Library Code Title 151-838 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO LETIER, DATED 5/1B/B2, ON LExAN 101, 103, 141AND2014 ARRHENI DATA 158-830 ARRHENIUS CURVES FOR DIALL YL PHTHALATE (DAP). MIL TYPE SDG-F 174-83C LIFE CURVE FOR LEXAN 940 AND 2014 198-83C MERLON POLYCARBONATE-THERM AGING DATA & GAMMA STERILIZATION OF MERLON POLYCARBONATE DATA 330-84C RESISTANCE OF PHENOLIC MOLDING MATERIALS TO DEGRADATION AT HIGH TEMPERATUR 349-848 GE LETIER WITH ARRHENIUS PLOT FOR LEXAN 940 362-848 AGING-SEISMIC CORRELATION STUDY ON CLASS 1 E EQUIPMENT 476-86C MATERIAL ACT. ENGS. THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANLS. & DIFFRNTL SCANNING CALORIMETRY THEORY & APPL. 05 June 2017 17:39 UTC Page B of B JOOk ables ectronics echnicians tee rs its Design Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers DONALD G. FINK Editor-in-Chief General Manager and Executive Directo-f (Retired), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; formerly Vice Research, Philco Corporation, President of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Editor of the Proceedings of the IRE; Fellow of.the IEEE; Fellow of the IEE (London); Emiiwnt Member, Eta Kappa Nu; Member of the National Academy of Engineering Associate Editor H. WAYNE BEATY Senior Editor, Electrical World; Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and of the IEEE Power Engineering Society's Transmission and Distribution Committee Eleventh Edition McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY New York St. Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogota Diisseldorf Johannesburg' London Madrid Mexico Montreal New Delhi Panama Paris Sao Paulo Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto ' ' nf equal and opposite to the conductors and dielectrics is ;es. A substance may have Y low but may be unsuitable ?ractically.*nonconducting at .ently heated. For*numerical ' principal materials used m :lectrons, in addition to those I they were the particles of a lied; each electron gains a , is in the direction opposite.

  • motion the electrons

collide S* loss is supposed to account tcting, state by such as nes, arcs, or glowing metals* is due to free electrons. tion .. The movement of free trolytes), the passage of an Atoms ofmetals and hydro-' current, while oxygen and solid conductors electricity the matter .. For details of terials that are intermediate is often sensitive to y are the basis for transistors

lady and there are no. emfs terminals

of tlie conductor is (2-1) iance of the conductor. The (2-2) of the conduc-1 volts, the resistance r is in >hms). n's law becomes (2-3) (2-4) tor. the axis of the cylinder *the iortional to the cross (2-5) the resistivity (or specific ms materials, see Sec. 4. m I I I ' ' l j REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I* Continuous-Current Circuits S2 OF S2 The conductance of a cylmdrical conductor is A g=<TT (2-6) where CT (sigma) is called the conductivity of the material. Since g = l/r, the relation also holds that 1 CT=-p (2-7) 15. Change of Resistance with Temperature. The resistance of a conductor varies with the temperature. The resistance of metals and most alloys increases with the temperature, while the resistance of carbon and electrolytes decreases with the temperature. For usual conditions, as for about 100°C. change in temperature, the resistance at a temperature t 2 is given by / ,.-B12 =* R11[l + a1 1 (t, -ti)] (2-8) where R 1 i is the resistance at an initial temperature ti and a" is called the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material for the initial temperature t" Fo:r copper having a conductivity of 100% of the International Annealed Copper Standard, a 20 = 0.00393, where temperatures are in degrees Celsfas (see Sec. 4). An equation giving the same results as Eq. (2-8), for copper of 100% conductivity, is R 12 = 234.4 + t, (2-9) R" 234.4 + t 1 where -2.34.4 is called the "inferred absolute zero" because if the relation held (which it does*not over such a large range) the resistance at that temperature would be zero. For hard-draW!l copper of 97.3% conductivity, the numerical constant in Eq. (2-9) is changed to 241.5. See Sec, 4 for values* of these numerical constants for copper; and for oj:her metals see Sec. 4 under the metal being considered. For 100% conductivity copper, 1 lltt = _2_3_4_.4_+_t_1 (2-10) :whe;_ R" and R 12*have been measured, as at the beginning and end of a heat run, the "temperature rise by resistance" for 100% conductivity copper is given by R12 -R" ( 44 ) t 2 -ti = R 23 . + t 1 tl (2.-11) 16. Resistances and Conductances in Series. When two or more resistances are connected in series, the equivalent resistance of the combination is equal to the sum of the resistances of the individual resistors, or *.. r,.=r 1+r 2+*** (2-12) When are connected in series, the equivalent conductance g,. is mined from the relation 1 1 1 -=-+-+. (2-13) g,. g, g, *that is, the reciprocal of the equivalent conductance is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the individual conductances. 17. Resistances and Conductances Connected in Parallel. The equivalent resistance r,. of a parallel combination of resistors is determined from the relation (2-14) or in conductance notation g,.=g,+g2+*** (2-15) ==:__:::_::-:: __ __ ::._::::::: ___ =-=--=* =-=--=-:::'.:::::::-"""*--=--=--------= a 11 t w IV 0 z <.( w 1 l EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 258 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424*008*RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGET1 0FT10 NUMARC 87:..00 * Rev. 1 Guidelines and Techn*ical Bases for NUMARC lnitiative*s Addressing Station ... Blackout at Light *wa.ter Reactors August 1991 *' *' . Nuclear Management and Resources Council, Inc. 1776 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006-2496 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 259 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424*008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE T2 OF T10 GUIDELINES AND TECHNICAL BASES FOR NUMARC INITIATIVES ADDRESSING STATION BLACKOUT AT LIGHT WATER REACTORS Technical Support Provided By: Nuclear Utility Group on Station Blackout (NUGSBO) Principal Investigators: . Devonrue, Ltd. Winston & Strawn August 1991 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 260 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE T3 OF T10 FOREWORD Revision 1 to NUMARC 87-00 presents in one volume all generic guidance developed for meeting the requirements of the station blackout rule, 10 CFR § 50.63. In particular, Revision 1 includes appendices providing guidance relative to emergency diesel generator (EOG) reliability programs and equipment operability that were not available for inclusion in Revision 0. Additional appendices provide supplemental clarifying guidance distributed subsequent to issuance of NUMARC 87-00, Revision 0. Lastly, revision bars in the right margin indicate where the text has been revised to incorporate errata from the original document. As discussed in Appendix K, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has documented their acceptance of this guidance. Included in this revision is the acceptance of a methodology for effective monitoring and maintaining EOG reliability consistent with Appendix D of this document. NOTICE This report was prepared in connection with work sponsored by the Nuclear Management and Resources Council, Inc. (NUMARC). Neither NUMARC nor any of its employees, members, or consultants make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represent that its use would not infringe privately-owned rights. The opinions, conclusions, and recommendations set forth in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of NUMARC, its employees, members or consultants. EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 261 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-00B-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE T4 OF T10 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1-1 I.I GUIDANCE AND DOCUI\1ENT STRUCTURE ................................................................... 1-1 1.2 NUMARC INITIATIVES .................................................................................................. 1-2 (1) Initiative IA ---RISK REDUCTION ....................................................................... 1-2 (2) Initiative 2 ---PROCEDURES ............................................................................... 1-2 (3) Initiative 3 ---COLD STARTS ..................... , ......................................................... 1-3 (4) Initiative 4 ---AC POWER AVAILABILITY ............................................................ 1-3 (5) Initiative 5A---COPING ASSESSMENT/EOG PERFORMANCE .............................. 1-3 1.3 SUPPORTING INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 1-4 2. GENERAL CRITERIA AND BASELINE ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................. 2-1 2.1 GENERAL CRITERIA ............................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 INITIAL PLANT CONDITIONS .................................................................................. 2-2 2.2.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-2 2.2.2 Basis ............................................................................................................ 2-2 2.3 INITIATING EVENT .................................................................................................. 2-2 2.3.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-2 2.3.2 Basis ............................................................................................................ 2-3 2.4 STATION BLACKOUT TRANSIENT; .......................................................................... 2-6 2.4.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-6 2.4.2 Basis ............................................................................................................ 2-7 2.5 REACTOR COOLANT INVENTORY LOSS ................................................................. 2-7 2.5.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-7 2.5.2 Basis ............................................................................................................ 2-8 2.6 OPERATOR ACTION ................................................................................................ 2-9 2.6.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-9 2.6.2 Basis ............................................................................................................ 2-9 2.7 EFFECTS OF LOSS OF VENTILATION ...................................................................... 2-9 2.7.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-9 2.7.2 Basis ............................................................................................................ 2-11 2.8 SYSTEM CROSS-TIE CAPABILITY ........................................................................... 2-15 2.8.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-15 2.8.2 Basis ............................................................................................................ 2-15 2.9 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS ..................................................................... 2-15 2.9 .1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-15 2.9.2 Basis ..... ...................................................................................................... 2-16 2.10 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES ...................................................................... 2-16 2.10.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-16 2.10.2 Basis ............................................................................................................ 2-16 2.11 HURRICANE PREP ARA TIO NS ................................................................................. 2-17 2.11.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 2-17 2.11.2 Basis ............................................................................................................ 2-17 iii EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 262 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE TS OF T10 3. REQUIRED COPING DURATION CATEGORY ................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 PROCEDURE OVERVIEW ........................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2.1 Step One Determine The Off-site Power Design Characteristic Group ....................... 3-1 Part 1.A ....................................................................................................... 3-2 Part l.B ........................................................................................................ 3-3 Part 1.C ....................................................................................................... 3-6 Part 1.D**.;:,;;;** .................................................................................................. 3-9 Part 1.E ........................................................................................................ 3-10 3.2.2 Step Two Classify The Emergency AC Power Configuration ................................. 3-12 Part 2.A Determine the Number ofEAC Power Supplies Normally Available ......... 3-14 Part 2.B Determine the NumberofNecessary EAC Standby Power Supplies .......... 3-14 Part 2.C Select the EAC Power Configuration Group ......................................... 3-15 3.2.3 Step Three Determine The Calculated EDG Reliability .......................................... 3-15 3.2.4 Step Four Determine Allowed EOG Target Reliability .......................................... 3-16 3.2.5 Step Five Determine Coping Duration Category .................................................. 3-18 3.2.6 Required Action ............................................................................................. 3-19 4. STATION BLACKOUT RESPONSE PROCEDURES .......................................................................... 4-1 4.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 OPERATING PROCEDURES GUIDELINES ............................................................... ..4-1 4.2.l Station Blackout Response Guidelines (NUMARC Station Blackout Initiative 2.a) .... .4-1 4.2.2 AC Power Restoration (NUMARC Station Blackout Initiative 2.b) ......................... 4-4 4.2.3 Severe Weather Guidelines (NUMARC Station Blackout Initiative 2.c) .................... 4-4 4.3 SUPPORTING INFORMATION ............................................. .................................... 4-6 4.3.1 Station Blackout Response Guidelines ................................... ........................... .4-6 4.3.2 AC Power Restoration Guidelines ..................................................................... 4-11 5. COLD STARTS ............................................................................................................................ 5-1 5.1 DISCUSSION .......................................................................... ................................ 5-1 5.2 ACTION .................................................................................................................. 5-1 6. EMERGENCY AC POWER AV AILABILlTY .................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 ACTION ....................................................................


6-1 7. COPING WITH A STATION BLACKOUT EVENT ............................................................................. 7-1 7.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 7-1 7.1.1 CopingMcthods ............................................................................................ 7-1 7.1.2 Coping Duration ............................................................................................ 7-2 7.2 COPING ASSESSMENT .................................................................


7-2 7.2.1 Condensate Inventory for Decay Heat Removal .................................................... 7-2 Supporting Information ................................................................................... 7-5 Analysis ....................................................................................................... 7-5 Results ......................................................................................................... 7-6 7.2.2 Assessing the Class 1E Battery Capacity ............................................................ 7-7 Discussion .................................................................................................... 7-7 Procedure ...................................................................................................... 7-8 Supporting Information ................................................................................... 7-9 7.2.3 Compressed Air ............................................................................................. 7-10 Discussion .................................................................................................... 7-10 Procedure ...................................................................................................... 7-10 Supporting Information ................................................................................... 7-12 7 .2.4 Effects of Loss of Ventilation ........................................................................... 7-12 Discussion .................................................................................................... 7-12 Procedure ...................................................................................................... 7-13 Supporting Information ................................................................................... 7-18 7.2.5 Containment Isolation ..................................................................................... 7-21 Discussion .................................................................................................... Procedure ...................................................................................................... 7-22 iv EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 263 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-008-RP1 REVISION: 03 f PAGE T6 OF T10 APPENDIX A. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. A-1 APPENDIX B. AL TERNA TE AC POWER CRITERIA ........................................................................... B-1 APPENDIX C. SAMPLE AAC CONFIGURATIONS .............................................................................. C*l APPENDIX D. EDG RELIABILITY PROGRAM .................................................................................... D-1 D. l Introduction ............................................................................................................... D-1 D.2 Definitions ..............................................................................


D-2 D.3 Monitoring EDG Reliability ........................................................................................ D-4 D.3.1 Maintaining EDG Reliability Data .................................................................... 04 D.3.2 Determining Performance and Reliability Indicators .............................................. D-5 D.3 .2.1 Determining Unit EDG Perfonnancc Indicator for Last 20 Demands ............. D-5 D.3.2.2 Determining Unit EDG Reliability Indicator for Last 50 Demands ............... D-5 D.3.2.3 Determining Unit EDG Reliability Indicator for Last 100 Demands ............. D-0 D.3.2.4 Special Conditions ............................................................................. D-0 D.3.3 Relating the Calculated Unit EDG Performance and Reliability Indicators to Trigger Values for Selected Target Reliability ............................................................................. D-7 D.2.3.1 Use of the Exccedence Trigger Values ..................................................... D-7 D.3.3.2 Successful Test/Demand ...................................................................... 0-8 D.3.3.3 Unsuccessful Test/Demand -No Trigger Values Excccded ........................... D-8 D.3.3.4 Unsuccessful Test/Demand -One Trigger Value Exceeded ........................... D-9 D.2.3.5 Unsuccessful Test/Demand-50 and 100 Demand Trigger Values Exceeded .... D-9 D.3.4 Actions for Individual Failures and for Exceedence of One or More Trigger Values ...... D* 10 D.3.4.1 Actions for Plants That Do Not Exceed Either Trigger Value ...................... D-12 D.3.4.2 Actions For Plants Exceeding a Single Trigger ........................................ D-13 D.2.4.3 Actions for Plants That Exceed the 50 and 100 Demand Triggers ................. D-15 D.2.4.4 Problem EDG .................................................................................... D*16 D.3.4.5 Post Exceedence Actions ...................................................................... D*17 D.3.4.6 Rccordkceping ................................................................................... 0-17 D.3.4.7 Reporting to NRC .............................................................................. D-17 APPENDIX E. TOPICAL REPORT ON EFFECTIVE ELEMENTS OF AN EDG RELIABILITY PROGRAM (APPENDIX D TOPICAL REPORT) .................................................................................................... £-1 E. l Introduction ............................................................................................................... E* l E.2 Surveillance Needs ...................................................................................................... E-1 E.2.1 Reliability of Subcomponents and Support Systems ............................................. E-2 E.2.2 Failures Caused by Surveillances ....................................................................... E-3 E.2.3 Frequency and Scope of Surveillance Testing ....................................................... E-4 E.3 Performance Monitoring .............................................................................................. E-7 E.4 Data Systems ............................................................................................................ E-10 E.4.1 Data Input ..................................................................................................... E-10 E.4.2 Data Capture ................................................................................................. £-11 E.4.2.1 Surveillance Test Results ..................................................................... E-12 E.4.2.2 EDG Failure History ........................................................................... E-12 E.4.2.3 Root Cause Analysis .......................................................................... E-13 E.4.2.4 Manufacturer's Data .c .......................................................................... E-13 E.4.2.5 Input from Preventative and Corrective Maintenance Programs ................... E-13 E.4.2.6 Industry Operating Experience ............................................................... E-13 E.4.3 Data Storage and Retrievability ......................................................................... E-13 E.5 Maintenance Program .................................................................................................. E-14 E.6 Failure Analysis and Root Cause Investigation ................................................................ E-15 E.7 Problem Closcout ...................................................................................................... E-18 E.8 Methodology for Determining Programmatic Deficiencies .................................................. E-19 E.8.1 Assessing actual Failure History Against Critical Review Elemcnts ......................... E-19 E.8.2 Potential Dominant Failure Modes .................................................................... E-23 E.8.2.1 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) .................


E-24 E.8.2.2 Quality Improvement Programs (Demming Methods) ................................ E-26 E.8.2.3 Kepner Tregoe Techniques .................................................................... E-26 v EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 264 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-00B-RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE T7 OF T10 APPENDIX F. ASSESSMENTS OF EQUIPMENT OPERABILITY IN DOMINANT AREAS UNDER STATION BLACKOUT CONDITIONS .............. .-................................................................................................. F-1 F. l Introduction ............................................................................................................... F-1 F.1.1 General Guidance ............................................................................................ F-2 F.1.2 Procedure ...................................................................................................... F-2 F.1.3 Exrunple ....................................................................................................... F*3 F.1.4 Assumptions and Definitions ............................................................................ F-4 F .2 Equipment Previously Evaluated ................................................................................... F-8 F.2.1 General Statement of Mcthod ............................................................................ F-8 F.2.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................... F-8 F.2.3 Procedure ...................................................................................................... F-8 F.2.4 Examples ...................................................................................................... F-8 F.3 Equipment Design Capability ........................................................................................ F-10 F.3.1 General Statement of Method ............................................................................ F-10 F.3.2 Guidance ............................................


F-10 F.3.3 Proccdurc ...................................................................................................... F-11 F.3.4 Examples ........ : ................................... ,: .......................................................... F-11 F.4 Materials .................................................................................................................. F-16 F.4.1 General Statement of Method ............................................................................ F-16 F.4.2 Guidance ..............


F-16 F.4.3 Procedure ..................

  • .............. .....................................................................

F-16 F.4.4 Examples ...................................................................................................... F-17 F.5 Equipment Inside Instrumentation and Control Cabinets .................................................... F-18 F.5.1 General Statement of Method .......................................


F-18 F.5.2 Guidance ........................................ .' .............................................................. F-18 F.5.3 Procedure ....................................................................


F-18 F.5.4 Exarnple ..........................................................................


F-19 F.6 Generic Studies and Experience ............................................

  • .........................................

F-20 F.6.1 General Statement of Mcthod ....................................


F-20 F.6.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................... F-20 F.6.3 Proccdurc ..................................................................... .-................................ F-20 F.6.4 Examplcs ...................................................................................................... F-21 F. 7 Plant-Specific Experience and Tests ...............................................

  • ................................

F-22 F.7.1 General Statement of Method ............................................................................ F-22 F.7.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................... F-22 F.7.3 Proccdure ...................................................................................................... F-22 F.7.4 Examples ...................................................................................................... F-22 APPENDIX G. TOPICAL REPORT ON ASSESSMENTS OF EQUIPMENT OPERABILITY IN DOMINANT AREAS UNDER STATION BLACKOUT CONDITIONS (APPENDIX FTOPICAL REPORT) ..................... G-1 G.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 0-1 G .2 Mechanical Equipment .....................................

................................. .......................

G-3 G.2.1 Equipment Evaluations .................................................................................... 0-4 G.2.1.1 Pumps ............................................................................................. G-4 G.2.1.2 Turbines .......................................................................................... 0-6 G.2.1.3 DC Motors, Fans, and Blowers ............................................................ 0-8 G.2.1.4 Valves ............................................................................................ G-10 G.2.1.5 Motor Operated Valve Actuators ... ; ...................................................... 0-12 G.2.1.6 Mechanical Turbine Governors ............................................................ 0-14 G.2.2 Failure Mode Evaluations ................................................................................ 0-15 G.2.2.1 Bearing Failure ................................................................................. 0-15 . 2.2.2 Fatigue-Induced Failure ...................................................................... 0-20 G.2.2.3 Creep-Induced Failure ......................................................................... 0-24 G.2.2.4 Winding Failure ................................................................................ G-26 G.2.2.5 Seal Fa.I.lure ..................................................................................... 0-27 0.2.3 Experience with Mechanical Equipment. ............................................................. 0-29 G.2.3.1 Motor Expericnce .............................................................................. 0-29 G .2.3 .2 Motor Operated Valve Actuator Experience ............................................ G-31 G.2.4 Rcferences ..................................................................................................... G-32 vi EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 265 of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-00B*RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE TB OF T10 G.3 Electrical and Electronic Equipment ............................................................................... G-34 G.3.1 Equipment Evaluations .................................................................................... G-35 G.3.1.1 Control and Instrumentation Cables ...................................................... G-35 G .3 .1.2 Switches and Relays .......................................................................... G-37 G.3.1.3 Sensors and Electronic Transmittcrs ...................................................... 0-39 G .3.1.4 Electronic Turbine Governors .............................................................. G-42 G.3.2 Equipment Failure ModeEvaluations ................................................................. 0-44 G.3.2.1 Thennally-Induced Reliability Decrease ................................................. G-44 G .3 .2.2 Insulation Degradation ....................................................................... G-46 G.3.3 Experience with Electrical and Electronic Equipment. ............................................ G-47 G .3 .3 .1 Switches Experience .......................................................................... G-47 G.3.3.2 Electronic Transmitter Experience .........................


0-48 G.3.3.3 Cables and WiresExperience ............................................................... G-48 G.3.4 References ..................................................................................................... 0-50 G.4 Materials .................................................................................................................. 0-53 G.4.1 Thennal Properties of Commercial Plastics ......................................................... 0-54 G.4.2 Thcnnal Properties of Commercial Lubricants ..................................................... 0-55 G.4.3 Referenccs ..................................................................................................... G-56 APPENDIX H. ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF LOSS OF VENTILATION UNDER STATION BLACKOUT CONDITIONS (Formerly Appendix E) ................................................................................................... H-1 H.l Introduction ............................................................................................................... H-1 H.2 Dominant Areas of Concern ......................................................................................... H-1 H.3 Analysis of Compartment Heatup .................................................................................. H-1 H.3.1 Model Dcscription .......................................................................................... H-2 H.3.2 RCIC Pump Room with No Openings ............................................................... H-11 H.3.3 RCIC Pump Room with a Compartment Opening ............................................... H-12 H.4 Nomenclature ............................................................................................................ H-13 APPENDIX I. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RAISED AT THE NUMARC 87-00 SEMINARS ................... 1-1 1.1 General Questions ...................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Section 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Section 2 General Criteria and Baseline Assumptions ........................................................ 1-2 1.4 Section 3 Required Coping Duration Category ................................................................. I-4 1.5 Section 4 Station Blackout Response Procedures .............................................................. I-10 1.6 Section 7 Coping with a Station Blackout ...................................................................... 1-13 1.7 Appendix A Definitions ............................................................................................... 1-22 1.8 Appendix B Alternate AC Power Criteria ........................................................................ 1-23 1.9 Appendix C Sample AAC Configurations ....................................................................... I-26 1.10 Appendix F Assessments of Equipment Operability in Dominant Areas Under Sta ti on Blackout Conditions ............................................................................... , ................................ I-28 I. I I Rule Response Format and Schedule .............................................................................. I-28 APPENDIX J. NUMARC 87-00 SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ................................... J-1 J. I General Questions ...................................................................................................... J-1 J.2 Section 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1-1 J.3 Section 2 General Criteria and Baseline Assumptions ........................................................ J-2 J .4 Section 3 Required Coping Duration Category ................................................................. J-4 J.5 Section 4 Station Blackout Response Proccdurcs .............................................................. J-6 J.6 Section 7 Coping with a Station Blackout Event.. ............................................................ 1-6 J .7 Appendix B Alternate AC Power Criteria ........................................................................ J-7 J.8 Appendix C Sample AAC Configurations ....................................................................... 1-8 J.9 NUMARC 87-00 Major Assumptions ............................................................................ 1-10 APPENDIX K. NRC CORRESPONDENCE .......................................................................................... K-1 APPENDIX L. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ L-1 vii EC 6 2 0 6 3 2 1 At t . 1 , Pg * 2 6 6 0 f 2 6 7 REPORT NO.: REP-424*008*RP1 REVISION: 03 I PAGE T9 OF T10 GUIDELINES AND. TECHNICAL BASES FOR NUMARC INITIATIVES NUMARC 87-00 Revision 1 G.2.3 Experience with Mechanical Equipment This section summarizes the available experience with motors and motor operated valve actuators at elevated temperatures. G.2.3.1 Motor Experience Insulation is used in a motor to electrically insulate the windings from mechanical parts of the motor as well as to insulate the spaces between the turns of the coil winding. Also considered to be insulation are those materials used to secure the windings and to make them rigid and impervious to ambient conditions. There arc four basic classes of insulating materials currently recognized by the motor industry. Each differs according Lo its physical properties and can withstand a certain maximum operating temperature (frequently termed total temperature. or hot spot temperature) and provide a practical and useful insulation life. The insulation classes and their maximum operating temperatures are12,13: INSULATION CLASS CLASS A CLASS B CLASS F CLASS H RATED TEMPERATURE OF INSULATING SYSTEM 900 c 130°C 1ss 0 c 1so 0 c The thermal ratings for the insulating material in motor windings is assigned on the basis of a series of accelerated aging testsl4,15. In these tests the insulating system is exposed to temperatures significantly higher than those experienced during normal operation. Figure G .2* 11 shows actual tested time-temperature life for various insulation classes. The shaded area represents the range of experimental results obtained for the insulation classes. This figure demonstrates that even the most limiting insulation classes should be expected to function at ambient temperatures above 180° C for the limited duration of a four hour station blackoul G-29 EC 620632, Att. 1, Pg. 267 Of 267 REPORT NO.: REP-424-00B-RP1 REVISION: 03 PAGE T10 OF T10 GUIDELINES AND TECHNICAL BASES FOR NUMARC INITIATIVES Aging Time (hr) 10000 1000 Class NUMARC 87-00 Revision 1 100 150 200 250 Temperature (0 C) Figure G.2-11: Range of Thermal Limit Curves for Tested Systemsl 6 G-30 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 1 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI Report Release Report Number: NAI-2007-004 Revision Number: 0 Title: Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation Client: Exeloi::i/Clinton Power Station Description: NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 1 of47 The purpose of this engineering report is to supplement the analysis of the Division 1 Diesel Generator room heat-up due to loss of the DG room emergency fan documented in Reference [8.14]. Uncertainty is present within that analysis as well as several modeling conservatisms. This engineering report evaluates the impact ofremoving some of those conservatisms for the purpose of generating a less-conservative, more best-estimate prediction of room temperatures within the Division 1 Diesel Generator room in order to determine room temperature margin. Author -Jordan Penley Date -t1JJ Reviewer -Rodney Harvill Date Project Manager -Steven Winter Date NAI Management -Steven Winter Date NAI-QA-1-04 Rev 5 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 2 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 2 of47 Check items in the following lists to verify that project documentation and engineering calculations that relate to this report are complete. It is the responsibility of the Report Author and Reviewer to confirm that the required Project documentation is complete to the extent necessary to cover the release of this Report.* The Report Author is responsible for archiving the report and the supporting documents. Mark any items that are not applicable as NIA. Yes NI A Project Documentation Checklist D IZI Project QA Plan. IZI D Project Engineer Training and Qualification Forms for engineers involved with this report. D IZI Project QA Training Certification Forms for engineers involved with this report. IZI D Reports utilizing software evaluated against identified code errors for potential impact on the analysis. IZI D Supporting documents reviewed and signed. IZI D Model parameters reviewed for references/assumptions, documentation, and checked against cited value. IZI D Review Summary Report completed, including scope, comments and resolution, and client comments and resolution. D IZI Report complies with relevant Purchase Order QA requirements. IZI D Report listing in PCS complete, including document title, date, originator, description and intended archive location. Report and supporting documents must be archived within 1 month of the final signature date. NAI-QA-1-04 Rev 5 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 3 of 254 Table of Contents Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 3 of47 Page No. 1.0 Objective .................................................................................................................. 5 2.0 Inputs ........................................................................................................................ 7 2.1 GOTHIC Models .................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Generator Heat Load Profile Generation ............................................................. 7 2.3 Tank Room Exhaust Fan Flow Split from the Division 1 Room Recirculation and Supply Ductwork ..................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Atmospheric Conditions ....................................................................................... 7 2.5 Temperature Sensor Locations during Diesel Generator Testing ........................ 7 2.6 Exhaust Pipe Leakage .......................................................................................... 7 2.7 Electrical Panel Free Volume and Panel Wall Thickness .................................... 8 2.8 Combustion Air Piping Parameters ...................................................................... 8 3.0 Assumptions ............................................................................................................. 8 4.0 Methodology ............................................................... _. ............................................ 8 4.1 Computer Code .................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Adjustment of Tank Room Exhaust Fan Suction Flow Split from Supply and Recirculation Ductwork .................................................................................................. 8 4.3 Panel Modeling .................................................................................................... 9 4.4 Generator and Engine Block Heat Load ..........................................................

      • 9 4.5 Division 1 Diesel Generator

Room Leakage Path ............................................. 14 4.6 Combustion Air Inlet Piping .............................................................................. 16 4.7 Outdoor Air Temperature ................................................................................... 18 4.8 Diesel Generator Test Data Temperature near Transformer Panel Cell Correction ..................................................................................................................... 19 4.9 Generator Heat Release and Dispersion ............................................................. 19 4.10 GOTHIC Bug AI 8.2-079a ............................................................................. 20 5.0 Results .................................................................................................................... 21 5 .1 Benchmark Results ............................................................................................. 21 5 .2 Results ................................................................................................................ 26 5.2.1 Case 7a Results ........................................................................................... 28 5.2.2 Case lOa Results ............

  • .............................................................................

34 5.2.3 Case 12a Results ......................................................................................... 40 6.0 Conclusions .....................................................................................


45 7.0 Computer Files ....................................................................................................... 46 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 4 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIDC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 4 of47 8. 0 References .............................................................................................................. 46 Total Number of Pages -47 Attachments Number of Pages Attachment A -8.2 Installation QA Docmnentation ......................................................... 18 Attachment B -Difference Reports ................................................................................. 15 6 Attachment C -Sensitivities on Case lOa ......................................................................... 30 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 5 of 254 1.0 Objective Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 5 of47 The purpose of this engineering report is to supplement the analysis of the Division 1 Diesel Generator room heat-up due to loss of the DG room emergency fan documented in Reference [8.14]. Uncertainty is present within that analysis as well as several modeling conservatisms discussed below. This engineering report evaluates the impact of removing some of those conservatisms for the purpose of generating a less-conservative, more best-estimate prediction of room temperatures within the Division 1 Diesel Generator room in order to determine room temperature margin. Cases 7, 10, and 12 documented in Reference [8.14] constitute the limiting room heat-up cases for the Division 1 Diesel Generator room following a loss of ventilation. Several conservatisms were implemented in those cases as discussed below: 1. The panels within the room were not modeled as enclosures. Instead, temperatures of the control volume cells that encompassed the panels were used to characterize the temperatures of the panels. Since the panel exists within an enclosure, the temperature of the affected panel equipment will be at a temperature lower than that of the ambient temperature. 2. As discussed in Section 4.4, the generator heat load was conservatively maximized and the engine heat load conservatively minimized. 3. Credit for air gaps to the outdoors was not credited. 4. The engine combustion air inlet piping, which would act as a heat sink, was not modeled. 5. Outdoor air was conservatively modeled at a constant value. Credit was not taken for the diurnal cycle. Furthermore, the temperature selected was conservative. 6. When the tank room exhaust fan (1 VD02CA) is operating, it will draw air in from the Division 1 DG room and from the fan room. The Reference [8.14] analysis under Input 2.3 conservatively assumed an even flow split between these two areas. 7. The heat load associated with the generator will be released and dispersed throughout the room mainly by the fans that are built into the generator. The Reference [8.14] model did not model generator heat release and dispersion in this manner. Heat was deposited into a single cell such that some of the heat would not be drawn up by the modeled generator fans. This is conservative, however, since the location where the heat was deposited coincided with one of the panels of concern. The conservatisms will be examined and removed in this analysis in order to quantify the available margin and provide a more realistic room temperature heat-up. Specifically: July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 6 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTEilC Uncertainty Evaluation -NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 6 of47 1. The panels within the room will be modeled as enclosures (i.e., control volumes with thermal conductors, and flow paths). Additionally, blockages will be included to ensure that the total free volume associated with the room is not estimated. 2. The generator heat load will be corrected to use a value consistent with vendor information. The engine heat load will be subsequently corrected by performing the benchmark outlined in Section 4.12 of Reference [8.14]. 3. Credit for air gaps to the outdoors will be modelled. 4. The engine combustion air inlet piping, which would act as a heat sink, will be modeled. 5. Outdoor air will be modeled using a diurnal cycle and using a more representative peak daytime temperature. 6. For the flow split associated with the tank room exhaust fan (I VD02CA), a more realistic flow split will be utilized. 7. Generator heat load release and dispersion will be more accurately modeled. Additionally:

  • From the benchmark

of the GOTHIC model to test data (Section 5. I of Reference [8.14]), the GOTHIC calculated temperature near the transformer panel was under-predicted by approximately 7°F. From Reference [8.16], the cell that should have been selected for comparison to the test data is cell 39. This will be corrected.

  • GOTHIC Bug AI 8.2-079a is addressed.

Concerning AI 8.2-079a, for spanned external conductors, the total modeled conductor area of all the subconductors may differ from the specified value. A spanned external conductor is subdivided based on the relative exposed surface area in the connecting cells (for a general span) or the relative surface area in contact with the blockage associated with the spanned surface. If the exposed surfaces are consistent with conductor geometry, then the error in the modeled conductor area is negligible. These changes will create the following models: * CPS IA DG Benchmark a.GTH --* CPS IA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7a.GTH * CPS IA_DG LoV LOOP-LOCA_Case lOa.GTH * CPS IA DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case I2a.GTH Lastly, Attachment C performs additional sensitivities on Case I Oa. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 7 of 254 2.0 Inputs 2.1 GOTHIC Models Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation The Benchmark, Case 7, Case 10, and Case 12 GOTHIC models are taken from Reference [8.14]. 2.2 Generator Heat Load Profile Generation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 7 of47 Reference [8.17] transmits file "lA DG Loads_ZNE CorrectedJMF3.xlsx", which is used in the generation of generator heat load profiles. 2.3 Tank Room Exhaust Fan Flow Split from the Division 1 Room Recirculation and Supply Ductwork Reference [8.15] determines the air flow through the Division 1 Room as supplied by the Tank Room Exhaust Fan (1VD02CA) for the condition in which the lVDOlCA Supply Fan fails to start when demanded during LOCA and LOOP accident scenarios. The exhaust fan will pull flow from the supply ductwork and DG Room via the exhaust ductwork in the Division 1 Room associated with 1VDO1 CA. Between the supply and DG Room, Reference [8.15] indicates a flow split whereby 220 cfm of the flow is extracted from the outside through leakage across closed dampers and 2800 cfm of the flow is extracted from the Division 1 Room. 2.4 Atmospheric Conditions From Reference [8.17], the outdoor air peak daytime temperature is 90°F, the daytime temperature swing is l 7°F, and outdoor temperature as a function of time resembles a sinusoidal profile. The outside air design dry-bulb and mean coincident wet-bulb (1 %) temperatures for Decatur, Illinois are 90.6°F and 75.5°F, respectively, per Reference [8.3]. The dry bulb temperature is approximately the same as that provided by Reference [8.17], therefore the wet-bulb temperature of 75.5°F is used in conjunction with the 90°F outdoor air peak daytime temperature to develop a value for humidity. Using the psychrometric chart from Reference [8.3], the corresponding relative humidity is 50%. 2.5 Temperature Sensor Locations during Diesel Generator Testing Reference [8.13], Attachment A, shows the location of temperature sensors used during diesel generator testing (Reference [8.7], Attachment 6). 2.6 Exhaust Pipe Leakage A total leakage area of 1 Oft 2 was used in the analysis. One flow path was identified in Reference [8.15], which indicates that the leakage area around the Division 1 Diesel Generator exhaust pipe is 1 Oft 2. This area is characteristic of the penetration through the DG room ceiling and the penetration through the roof. Additional leakage paths exist around doors, etc., but were not credited. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 8 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation 2.7 Electrical Panel Free Volume and Panel Wall Thickness NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 8 of47 From Reference [8.16], the walls of the electrical panels within the Division 1 Diesel Generator room are 11 gauge carbon steel and the free volume is congested by 30%. 2.8 Combustion Air Piping Parameters Parameters used in the creation of combustion air piping thermal conductors are provided by Reference [8.9], Section 8.12. From Reference [8.15], the wall thickness ofthe piping is 3/8". 3.0 Assumptions 3.1 Reference [8.2], Input 4.3.1 conservatively reduces the free volume of the modeled rooms. It is assumed that no further reductions in free volume are required. 4.0 Methodology 4.1 Computer Code The GOTHIC version 8.2 (QA) computer code (Reference [8.1]) is used for this analysis. GOTHIC is developed and maintained under NAI's QA Program that conforms to the requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix Band lOCFR Part 21. Detailed descriptions of available GOTHIC user options and models are included in the user and technical manuals. Information about GOTHIC qualification is available in the qualification report. All known GOTHIC computer bugs are considered and dispositioned by this analysis. Transients were run on computer CARTSOl with an Intel Xeon E5-4650 processor running Windows Server 2012 Rev 2 Standard 64-bit, which is qualified to run GOTHIC 8.2(QA) under the NAI QA program. The GOTHIC 8.2 installation QA documentation is provided in Attachment A. 4.2 Adjustment of Tank Room Exhaust Fan Suction Flow Split from Supply and Recirculation Ductwork When the tank room exhaust fan (1 VD02CA) is running, it will draw in air through both the supply ductwork and the DG Room via recirculation ductwork in the Division 1 Room when the 1 VDOlCA Supply Fan fails to start. From Input 2.3, 220 cfm of the flow is extracted from the outside and 2800 cfm of the flow is extracted from the Division 1 room. To implement this approach, the flow rate assigned to volumetric fan 8Q is changed to 2800 cfm. Since the flow rate assigned to the tank room exhaust fan (volumetric fan 2Q) is fixed at 3020 cfm, the balance of flow will be (220 cfm) will automatically be pulled from the outside since the associated network link, 7L, is not constrained. The way in which flow split is modeled is discussed in Section 4.7 of Reference [8.14]. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 9 of 254 4.3 Panel Modeling * Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 9 of47 Panels were modeled using information from Reference [8.6]. Reference [8.6] provides panel dimensions and panel locations within the room, including distance off the ground for mounted panels and panels sitting atop pedestals. Control volumes for each panel were developed using this information. Given the relatively small space within each enclosure, it is assumed that the conditions within each panel will be homogeneous and so the associated control volumes are not subdivided. For added conservatism, the free volume is reduced by a value of30% (Input 2.7) to accommodate congestion within the panel. Thermal conductors to represent each of the six walls of the panels are modeled using 11 gauge carbon steel material (Input 2.7). For thermal conductors that sit atop a concrete pedestal or are mounted to a concrete wall, a thermal conductor is not modeled since the concrete would be included in the thermal conductor type. The concrete would act as a heat sink and its exclusion is conservative. To ensure that free volume of the room is not over-estimated, blockages are modeled for each enclosure using information from Reference [8.6]. One vertical flow path is connected to the top of each control volume. Each flow path represents a 2mm leakage path to allow the control volume pressure to equalize with the pressure of the diesel generator room. As a control volume heats up or cools down, vapor will expand or contract causing changes in temperature which, in this application, is artificial. Allowing pressure to equalize prevents artificial compression heating. 4.4 Generator and Engine Block Heat Load The generator heat load is modeled using a fixed heat rate (i.e., independent oflocal conditions and a function of time only), implemented through the use of heater component 8H. A heat rate profile is supplied to that component using forcing function 3T. The basis for function 3T in the benchmark is developed in Reference [8.2]. For the analysis cases, the basis was originally provided by Input 2.1 of Reference [8.14]. The engine block heat load is modeled using thermal conductors 1 and 2 to represent "warm" and "hot" surfaces, respectively. Their thermal conductor type and surface area is based on physical characteristics of the engine. A bounding temperature is applied to the inside (i.e., engine-side) surface of these thermal conductors. The amount of heat rejected into the room will be a function oflocal temperatures. The heat transfer coefficient (surface option 6) applied to the outside (i.e., room-side) is determined through benchmarking (Section 4.12 of Reference [8.14]). This value is iterated during benchmarking to affect the total diesel generator heat load (i.e., the sum of the generator heat load and the engine block heat load) such that the room air exhaust temperature as calculated by GOTHIC is consistent with test data (Reference [8.7], Attachment 6). July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 10 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTIIlC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page IO of47 It is conservative to allocate the total diesel generator heat load such that the generator heat load is maximized and the engine block heat load is minimized since the former is not dependent on room temperature and the latter is dependent on room temperature. As the diesel generator room heats up, the engine block will reject less heat into the room. The conservative value used in the original benchmark to characterize the generator heat load at a fully loaded condition is 153 Btu/sec per Reference [8.2]. From Reference [8.4], the quasi steady generator electrical output is 3747 KW. From Reference [8.8], pdfpage 18 of28, the full load power is 3900 KW and efficiency as a function of generator fractional loading is given for a power factor of 0.80 and 1.00. On pdfpage 19of28, the power factor is 0.80. For efficiency as a function of generator fractional loading, a curve fit is applied to the data points in excel to produce the following equation: Where: 1J = -0.0413£2 + 0.0878L + 0.9234 T\ = efficiency (decimal) L = fractional loading Heat load as a function of time is then calculated using first principles: Q=P (l-77) out 17 Where: Q = waste heat Pout= generator power output= 3747 KW Pm = generator power input July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Equation 1 Equation 2 Equation 3 Equation4 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 11 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 11 of47 At 3747 KW, the fractional loading is 0.961, the efficiency is calculated as 0.970, and the generator heat load is calculated as 111.227 Btu/sec. The steady state heat load value in forcing function 3T of the benchmark model is 153 Btu/sec, which is a conservative over-estimation of the generator heat load and * conservative under-estimation of the engine block heat load. In other words, ifthe total diesel generator heat load is the sum of both the generator and engine block heat loads and, at steady state, is a fixed value, over-estimating the generator heat load requires the engine block heat load to be under estimated. However, it should be noted that the heat load value that corresponds to the end of the test ( 4920 seconds) in that forcing function is only 132.1 Btu/sec but that the heat load is assumed to increase to 153 But/sec at 4 hours per Reference [8.2], Table 5-2. It is this same heat load value of 153 Btu/sec upon which all accident heat load profiles are based per Reference [8.4] .. In order to more accurately model the generator heat load value, the engine block heat load to the Diesel Generator room can be increased by at least 42 Btu/s (i.e. 153-111). The generator heat load (by the end of the test) is reduced to its nominal value of 111.227 Btu/sec. In order to conserve the total diesel generator heat load (total diesel generator heat load is generator heat plus engine block heat load), the engine block heat load must be increased, which is accomplished by increasing the overall heat transfer coefficient (U) to 5.158 Btu/hr-ft 2-°F for the warm and hot portions of the engine. In doing so, the total diesel generator heat load approximately matches the test results by the end of the test (in actuality, it is slightly conservative) and, prior to that, is greater than the total diesel generator heat load indicated by the test, which is conservative. This is shown in Table 4-1. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 12 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTEilC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 12 of47 Table 4-1 -Adjusted Total Diesel Generator Benchmark Heat Load Compared to Test Data Total Generator Heat Load qtest (1) qgen (4) Tarea (2) Uwarm A (5J T (5J q (6) Uhot A (5J T (5J (6) warm warm warm hot hot ot LST Kw<2 J 11(3) (Btu/hr-:ft2 -(Btu/hr-(Btu/s) (Btu/s) (oF) OF) (fi2) (oF) (Btu/sec) ft2-oF) (:ft2) (oF) (Btu/sec) 10:45 AM 264 3750 0.97 86.6 77.6 10:50AM 275 3750 0.97 89.0 77.2 10:55AM 278 3700 0.97 91.4 77.l ll:OOAM 280 3750 0.97 94.0 77.2 11:05 AM 280 3800 0.97 96.4 77.9 11:10 AM 278 3700 0.97 98.8 77.8 11:15 AM 285 3750 0.97 101.4 77.6 11:20AM 289 3700 0.97 103.8 77.5 11:25 AM 287 3750 0.97 106.3 77.6 11:30AM 292 3750 0.97 108.8 77.8 11:35 AM 296 3800 0.97 111.2 77.8 1 -Taken directly out of the GOTHIC model from forcing :function 4T 2-Reference [8.7], Attachment 6 3 -calculated using Equation 1 5.158 848 172 114.7 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 115.1 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 115.3 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 115.l 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 114.3 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 114.5 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 114.7 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 114.8 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 114.7 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 114.4 5.158 80 5.158 848 172 114.5 5.158 80 4 -forcing function 3T from CPS_lA_DG_Benchmark.GTH multiplied by 0.72697 to reduce 153 Btu/sec at end of function to 111.227 Btu/sec 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 5 -Taken directly out of the GOTHIC model. Awarm and Twarm are associated with thermal conductor 1, Ahat and Thot are associated with thermal conductor 2 6 -q = UA X (Tsurface -Tarea) 7 -qtotal = + qwarm + July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT 71.3 71.4 71.4 71.4 71.3 71.3 71.3 71.4 71.3 71.3 71.3 qtotal(7) (Btu/sec) 272.6 275.5 278.1 280.5 282.0 284.7 287.4 290.0 292.4 294.5 297.0

EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 13 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIITC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 13 of47 The revised engine block heat load is compared to the engine block heat load calculated using vendor supplied information for engine heat load to the room under design conditions. From Reference [8.7], Attachment 3, page 3, the heat radiation from the engine and accessories is estimated at 2 Btu/min per KW. From Reference [8.12], the nameplate design ambient temperature of the diesel generator is 122°F. The revised engine block heat load is re-calculated using 122°F as the ambient temperature and compared to the heat load as calculated using the vendor provided estimate of 2 Btu/min per KW as follows: Table 4-2-Benchmark Generator Heat Load at 122°F Compared to Vendor Heat Load at Design Ambient Temperature of 122°F Tarea Dwann Awann Twarm qwann Uhat A hat That qhot qtotal qvendor LST KW (oF) (Btu/hr-(ft2) (oF) (Btu/sec) (Btu/hr-(ft2) (oF) (Btu/sec) (Btu/sec) (Btu/sec) ft2-"F) ft2-oF) 10:45 AM 3750 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 125.0 10:50 AM 3750 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 125.0 10:55 AM 3700 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 123.3 11:00 AM 3750 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 125.0 11:05 AM 3800 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 126.7 ll:lOAM 3700 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 123.3 11:15AM 3750 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 125.0 11:20 AM 3700 . 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 123.3 11:25 AM 3750 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 125.0 11:30 AM 3750 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 125.0 11:35 AM 3800 122 5.158 848 172 60.7 5.158 80 700 66.3 127.0 126.7 The resulting engine block heat load at the design temperature of 122°F is conservative relative to the vendor data. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 14 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 14 of47 It should be noted that sufficient SX/DG heat exchanger margin exists in order to accommodate the engine block heat load should a portion of the 127 Btu/sec no longer be released to the room. At 3800 KW, the required heat removal from the engine by the SX/DG heat exchanger based on vendor information (Reference [8.7], Attachment 3, page 3) is 50 Btu/min per KW, or 11.4 x 10 6 Btu/hr (3800KW x 50 Btu/minx 60 min/hr). The available heat removal for the 16 cylinder and 12 cylinder engines, according to their heat exchanger specification sheets (Reference [8.7], Attachment 2) is 13.37 x 10 6 Btu/hr (7.67 x 10 6 Btu/hr + 5.70 x 10 6 Btu/hr). The resulting margin is 1.97 x 10 6 Btu/hr (approximately 550 Btu/s) or approximately 15%. The degree of conservatism associated with generator heat load value of 153 Btu/sec will also be demonstrated using the existing GOTHIC models. It is noted that the use of 153 Btu/sec is used in the excel workbook provided by Reference [8.17] since it is the generator heat load upon which all accident heat load were developed as mentioned previously. The conservatism in the original Case 7, 10, and 12 analyses can be determined by correcting the generator steady state heat load to 111.227 Btu/sec and increasing the engine block overall heat transfer coefficient (U) to correct its heat load and affect the calculated exhaust temperatures to match test data exhaust temperatures. For the generator heat load, the heat load is reduced from 153 to the realistic value of 111.227 Btu/sec in the benchmark model by multiplying the dependent values of forcing function 3T by 0.72697 (111.227 divided by 153). In Cases 7, 10, and 12, the heat load is reproduced by using the excel workbook provided by Input 2.2. The excel workbook is modified to use a steady state heat load value of 111.227 instead of 15 3 and the resulting LOOP-LOCA and LOOP-TRANS heat load profiles are used to update forcing function 3T in Cases 7, 10, and 12. This is carried out as follows in the "lA DG Loads_ZNE CorrectedJMF3 .xlsx" workbook:

  • On worksheet "LOOP-TRANS

corrected", cells B2 through B23 are modified in that the value of 153 at the end of the cell formula is changed to 111.227. * The LOOP-TRANS heat load profile is provided on the worksheet TRANS Table3" for use in forcing function 3T. * On worksheet "LOOP-LBLOCA corrected", cells B2 through B23 are modified in that the value of 153 at the end of the cell formula is changed to 111.227. * The LOOP-LOCA heat load profile is provided on the worksheet "LOOP-LBLOCA Table3" for use in forcing function 3T. A re-benchmark is then performed following the method of Reference [8.14], Section 4.12. The resulting overall heat transfer coefficient (U) represents the corrected engine block heat load, which is used to update surface option 6 in Cases 7, 10, and 12. 4.5 Division 1 Diesel Generator Room Leakage Path A vertical flow path representing leakage around the diesel exhaust pipe is added to the model that connects control volume 1 (the Division 1 Diesel Generator room) to control July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 15 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 15 of47 volume 11 (Outside Air). The exhaust pipe penetrates the ceiling of the Division 1 Room as well as an additional ceiling slab per Reference [8.10] before being exposed to outdoor air. Reference [8.10] shows an additional enclosure at elevation 788' but identifies it as "air exhaust". It is therefore assumed that at elevation 788', the exhaust pipe is exposed to the atmosphere. Parameter Value Basis a. Volume A 1 Division 1 Generator Room b. End A Elevation (ft) 760.98 Top of control volume 1 (ceiling penetration)- 0.02 ft. 0.02 ft prevents flow path from being flush with top of control volume which is consistent with modeling guidelines in the GOTHIC user manual, page 26-31 c. End A Height (ft) 0.01 Flow path is a ceiling penetration, small height utilized. d. VolumeB lls3 * Outside Air e. End B Elevation (ft) 788.01 Roof elevation, Reference [8.10] + 0.01 ft. 0.01 ft prevents flow path from being flush with top of control volume which is consistent with modeling guidelines in the GOTHIC user manual, page 26-31 f. End B Height (ft) 0.01 Flow path is a roof penetration, small height utilized. g. Flow Area (ff) 10 Input 2.6 h. Hydraulic Diameter (ft) 5 Arbitrary (see explanation below) i. Inertia Length (ft) 41 Cell center to cell center method (see Section 4.4 of Reference [8.14]) 41 ft= (788 -760.98) + 4/2 + 24/2 4 ft = height of cell in volume 1 24 ft = height of cell in volume 11 J. Friction Length (ft) 0 Bounded by loss coefficient (see Section 4.4 of Reference [8.14]) k. Forward Loss 5.56 The flow path is two penetrations. A loss Coefficient coefficient of 2. 78 characterizes an orifice for which the open area is mall relative to the wall area (GOTHIC user manual, page 26-27). 5.56 = 2.78 + 2.78 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 16 of 254 Parameter Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation Value Basis NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 16 of47 1. Reverse Loss 5.56 Same as forward loss coefficient Coefficient From the Reference [8.1] user manual, page 12-10, the flow path hydraulic diameter is used to calculate the wall friction head given by Equation 12.2 from the user manual: Where: fl pl M=---Dh 2 f = friction factor calculated by the GOTHIC solver 1 = friction length of the flow path Dh = hydraulic diameter p = fluid density in the flow path v = fluid velocity in the flow path Equation 5 The leakage flow path uses a friction length set to zero. All friction is modeled through the use of a loss coefficient equal 5.56, which bounds both wall friction head and form loss. Since the friction length is zero, the wall friction head will be zero for any hydraulic diameter. Therefore, the hydraulic diameter is set to an arbitrary value of 5 ft. 4.6 Combustion Air Inlet Piping The combustion air inlet piping is modeled using information from Reference [8.9], Section 8.12 (Input 2.8). Information is provided in that section on four thermal conductors that model combustion air inlet piping, which is adapted for use in this engineering report. The information used is as follows: * The four thermal conductors added to the GOTHIC models in this engineering. report are spanned across consistent x, y, and z-grid planes with respect to Reference [8.9], Section 8.12. * The surface area assigned to each thermal conductor and conductor type is identical to those in Reference [8.9], Section 8.12. * The parameters used to generate thermal conductor types for 36" and 24" piping are identical to the parameters used to generate thermal conductor types for 3 6" piping and 24" piping in Reference [8.9], Section 8.12. It should be noted that Reference [8.16] indicates that the use of Reference [8.9] is acceptable. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 17 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 17 of47 Equation T8.5b on page 4.18 of Reference [8.3], which provides a Nusselt number correlation for forced flow of a cooling fluid through a pipe, is used to calculate a heat transfer coefficient: Nu= 0.023Re 415 Pr 03 Equation 6 Properties for air at 100°F are used to calculate a heat transfer coefficient for each of the two different sized combustion air pipes. Had a lower temperature been selected, the result would have been higher heat transfer coefficients and increased heat sink effect of the combustion air inlet piping. 100°F is bounding with respect to the inside surface temperature of the piping as calculated by GOTHIC. Parameter 24" Pipe 36" Pipe Basis a. Diameter (ft) 2 3 Input 2.8 b. Flow rate ( cfi:n) 16,140 Reference [8.11] c. Velocity (ft/sec) 87.4 38.6 Calculated d. Density (lbm/ftj) 0.0709 Reference [8.3], page 30.63 e. Specific Heat 0.2407 Reference [8.3], page 30.63 *-(Btu/Ihm-°F) f. Thermal conductivity 4.347E-6 Reference [8.3], page 30.63 (Btu/sec-ft-°F) 0.01565 Btu/hr-ft-°F x 3600 sec I hr g. Viscosity (lbm/ft-sec) l.283E-5 Reference [8.3], page 30.63 0.0462 lbm/ft-hr x 3600 sec I hr h. Prandtl Number 0.7106 Specific heat x viscosity I conductivity 1. Reynolds Number 9.56E5 6.35E5 Calculated h. Nusselt Number 1264 911 Equation 6 1. Heat Transfer Calculated Coefficient (Btu/hr-ft 2 -9.887 4.752 OF) As the piping absorbs heat, the airstream temperature will increase. In order to bound uncertainty, the temperature of the air stream just as it enters the engine is applied to the inside surface of piping thermal cqnductors. This is calculated using a control variable as follows: Where: Equation 7 q = heat transfer through the piping thermal conductors (capture by the control variable) ri1 = combustion air mass flowrate (Ihm/sec) (input into the control variable) July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 18 of 254 m NUMERICAL N\J. APPLICATIONS fl: L"ft SK.It, Cf ?.Ii.CHI!\ IJC. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIDC Uncertainty Evaluation Cp =specific heat= 0.2407 Btu/lbm-°F (input into the control variable) NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 18 of47 T cold = outdoor air temperature (passed to the control variable through the use of a separate control variable) It should be noted that for the benchmark case, T cold is set to 45°F based on MET tower data provided by Reference [8.7], Attachment 6. Since the first 5 seconds of the simulation is used to initialize thermal conductor temperature thermal conductor heat transfer will be large enough to result in values of T hot that will cause the model to crash. Therefore, an intermediary control variable is used such that ifthe elapsed time is less than 0, q is set equal to zero (in other words, no correction is applied), otherwise it is calculated by GOTHIC. Both the calculated heat transfer coefficient and temperature are applied to the inside surface of the piping thermal conductors as a specified ambient and HTC surface option. Since the smaller diameter piping will split off the total intake flow, the smaller of the two calculated heat transfer coefficients (which corresponds to the larger diameter piping) is applied to all of the piping thermal conductors. For the outside of the piping thermal conductors, a new surface option is created. The surface option uses the direct heat transfer option, the default diffusion layer model (with film roughening) for condensation (condensation will not occur so this selection is inconsequential), the horizontal cylinder model for natural convection, and a user defined correlation for the forced convection option. Equation T8.14 on page 4.18 of Reference [8.3] provides the following Nusselt number correlation for external flow for cross flow over a cylinder: [ ]4/5 0.62 Re 112 Pr 113 Re 518 Nu=0.3+ 1+ [1 + ( 0.4 I Pr)"' J" ( 282,000) Equation 8 The correlation is applied through a surface option that implements the user defined option for forced convection. The Nusselt number is calculated through the use of control variables, which is applied to the surface option (GOTHIC will automatically back-calculate a heat transfer coefficient from the Nusselt number). The control variables are configured to pull local parameters (density, viscosity, cell-centered hydraulic diameter, cell-centered velocity, etc.) directly from the cells associated with the combustion air inlet piping thermal conductor in order to calculate a local heat transfer coefficient for each cell. 4.7 Outdoor Air Temperature The outdoor air temperature is varied over a 24 hour period using the following equation: July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 19 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 19 of47 T = T max -T.wing x (o.5 sin( 2 m ) + 0.5J 24x3600 Equation 9 Where: T = temperature as a function of time T max =peak daytime temperature T swing = daytime temperature swing The peak daytime temperature is set to 90°F and the temperature swing is set to l 7°F (Input 2.4). Equation 9 is used to develop a temperature profile from 0 to 86,400 seconds in 60 second intervals, which is input into the model as forcing function 11 T and referenced by boundary conditions lP and 2F. The intent is to start and end the simulation with an outdoor air temperature of 90°F. From Input 2.4, the relative humidity is 50%. Since temperature will vary as a function of time, the relative humidity should be input as a steam volume fraction, otherwise GOTHIC will calculate the steam volume fraction using the time varying temperature and assuming a constant relative humidity of 50%. From Reference [8.2], atmospheric pressure is 14.3 psia. From Reference [8.3], page 30.41, the saturation pressure of water at 90°F is 0.699 psia. From Reference [8.3], page 1.12, equation 24, relative humidity is steam partial pressure divided by steam saturation pressure; the steam partial pressure is therefore 0.350 psia (0.5 times 0.699 psia). The steam volume fraction is 0.024 (0.350 I 14.3), which is input into boundary conditions lP and2F. 4.8 Diesel Generator Test Data Temperature near Transformer Panel Cell Correction From the benchmark of the GOTHIC model to test data (Section 5.1 of Reference [8.14]), the GOTHIC calculated temperature near the transformer panel is under-predicted by approximately 7°F. This is due to the temperature being extracted from the incorrect cell for use in comparison to the test data. From Reference [8.16], the cell that should be selected for comparison to the test data is cell 39, which the model is modified to reflect. 4.9 Generator Heat Release and Dispersion The heat load associated with the generator will be released and dispersed throughout the room mainly by the fans that are built into the generator. Modifications are made to the model to more accurately produce this effect. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 20 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 20 of47 Flow paths 30 through 33 each contain a volumetric fan and simulate the generator fans. Flow paths 30 and 31 represent the bottom portion of the generator while flow paths 32 and 33 represent the top portion of the generator. The volumetric fans draw suction from* end A of these flow paths. Heater component SH is used to simulate the generator heat load and exists in cell 39. Flow paths 30 through 33, end A, are moved to this cell and their orientation is kept the same. The elevation of end A of these flow paths is changed to 742 ft and the height changed to 2.5 ft, which covers the entire height of cell 39. From the GOTHIC user manual, page 16-56, for a flow path with a volumetric fan, the flow through the-flow path is completely controlled by the fan specifications and the normal force balance for the flow path is bypassed. Therefore, these specifications for elevation and height are acceptable. By configuring the flow paths in this way, heat released by heat component SH will be drawn directly into the modeled generator fans and dispersed throughout the room, which is more realistic. 4.10 GOTHIC Bug AI 8.2-079a GOTHIC Bug AI S.2-079a is checked by opening one of the solver output files (.SOT) associated with any one of the model runs (i.e., CPS_lA_DG_Benchinark_a.SOT). Subconductors are listed in the "Conductor Input" section. The "Cond" column corresponds to a global index of all the subconductors. The "Base" column corresponds to thermal conductor number as seen in the Thermal Conductors table in the GOTHIC * user interface. When a thermal conductor appears more than once in the "Base" column, it means that the thermal conductor is spanned and has been broken up into subconductors. A thermal conductor is affected by GOTHIC Bug AI S.2-079a ifthe sum of the surface areas of its subconductors is significantly different than the surface area specified in the Thermal Conductors table. In other words, when a thermal conductor is "spanned", it is broken up into subconductors. The sum of the surface areas of those subconductors should be equal to the surface area of the thermal conductor as a whole. The surface area can be determined by summing the surface area values under the Side 1 "Surf A" and Side 2 "Surf A" columns. Side 1 refers to the A side of the thermal conductor while Side 2 refers to the B side of the thermal conductor. Conductor 9 is affected by this bug. Its subconductors add up to a value of 3237 ft 2 but should add up to a value of2376 ft 2. Furthermore, the conductor represents the wall between the Division 1 and Division 3 rooms but is spanned to the wrong cells. First, spanning is corrected by assigning Side A of conductor 9 to the east wall of control volume 3 (the Division 3 room) and assigning Side B of conductor 9 to the west wall of control volume 1 (the Division 1 room). To correct the area, the surface area assigned to the conductor is changed to 2350 ft 2 , the basis of which is through trial and error. With a value of 2350 ft 2 assigned to conductor 9, the subconductor areas add up to 2376 ft 2. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT

EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 21 of 254 5.0 Results 5.1 Benchmark Results Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIIlC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 21 of47 Surface option 6, which is the heat transfer coefficient associated with the engine surface thermal conductors, was changed to 6.15 Btu/hr-ft 2-°F in order to affect the GOTHIC calculated heat load to match the target load. It is noted that this value is consistent with typical heat transfer coefficient values for forced convection in gases per Reference [8.5], Table I.I (from 25 to 250 W/m2-°F or 4.4to 44 Btulhr-tt2-°F). This value is used to calculate the engine block heat load using 122°F as the ambient temperature for comparison to the vendor provided estimate of 2 Btu/min per KW similar to what was done in Table 4-2 -this is shown in Table 5-2, which shows that the resulting engine block heat load is conservative. Results of the benchmark are shown below in Figure 1, Figure 2, and Table 5-1. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 22 of 254 Jul/24/2017 20: 13:08 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTIDC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1 A_DG _Benchmark_a. GTH NAI-200 7-004 Revision 0 Page 22 of47 Figure 1 -Comparison of Total Heat Rate Transferred into the Division 1 DG Room (red line -heat rate calculated from the DG Surveillance test; white line -heat rate used in the GOTHIC model) July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 23 of 254 Jul/24/2017 20: 13:19 GOTHIC Version B.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG _Benchmark_ a. GTH NAI-2 007-004 Revision 0 Page 23 of 47 Figure 2 -Comparison of Supply and Exhaust Air Temperatu r e (green line -supply air temperature measured during the DG surveillance test; yellow line -supply air temperature input into the GOTHIC simulation; red line -exhaust air temperature measured during the DG surveillance; white line -exhaus t air temperature calculated in GOTHIC) July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 24 of 254 ("-f..I J NUMER I CA L 1'1, APPUCAT IO NS 'L'f' !.iC lf'i a M.Ut t.1 1 !f<.t.f.!J rt:. UC Clinton Di v i s ion 1 Di esel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Eva lu ation NAl-2007-004 Revision 0 P age 24 of47 Table 5-1-Division 1 R o om Temperature Comparison at Four Locati o ns Measure GOTHIC Temperature Corresponding Calc ulat e d Location D escription Temperature Temperature Difference Time (o F) (o F) (o F) (sec) 1 Near the Rollup Door 83.1 87.7 4.6 4800 2 Near Transformer Pane l 87.5 89.1 1.6 4860 3 Near Air Compressor Pan e l 79 86.4 7.4 4920 4 DG General Area 77.7 8 1.2 3.5 5040 5 Exha u s t Air Temperature 84.7 84.7 0 4920 Notes: I. The measured tem peratures at these lo cations are at the e nd of the DG surveillance test. The temperatures calc ulat ed b y GOTHIC model are at the respecti v e time. July 25 , 2 0 17 9:4 0 AM EDT NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS EC 620632, Attachment 2 , Page 25 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 25 of 47 Table 5-2 -Benchmark Generator Heat Load at 122°F Compared to Vendor Heat Load at Design Ambient Temperature of 122°F for 6.15 Btu/hr-ft2-°F Heat Transfer Coefficient T area Uwarm Awarm T warm qw arm Uhot A hot Th at q hot qt otal Qve ndor LST KW (oF) (Btu/hr-(ft2) (oF) (Btu/sec) (Btu/hr-(ft2) (oF) (Btu/sec) (Btu/sec) (Btu/sec) ft2-oF) ft2-oF) 10:45 AM 3750 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 125.0 10:50 AM 3750 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 125.0 10:55 AM 3700 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 123.3 ll:OOAM 3750 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 125.0 11: 05 AM 3800 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 126.7 ll:lOAM 3700 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 123.3 11: 15 AM 3750 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 125.0 11:20 AM 3700 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 123.3 11: 25 AM 3750 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 125.0 11:3 0AM 3750 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 125.0 11:35 AM 3800 122 6.150 848 172 72.4 6.150 80 700 79.0 151.4 126.7 July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 26 of 254 NUMERICA L APPLICAT IO NS 5.2 Results Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 26 of47 The resulting temperature impact is rounded to the nearest °F. For Cases 7a through 12a, key numeric analysis output data is shown in Table 5-3 and Table 5-4. For Table 5-3, the maxim u m temperature reported for each panel is the maximum cell temperature. For Table 5-4, the temperature reported for each panel is the temperature inside each control volume used to model each panel. Table 5-3 -Summary o f bou nd ing electrical panel temperature results with va r i o us generator loa d profiles and various combinations of door positions (max cell temperature) Case Number Panel 7a lOa 12a Maximum Temperature (°F) 1PL12JA 158 188 167 1PL92JA/1PL93JA 139 182 157 lDGOlJA 160 193 172 1DG06SA 150 181 163 lDGOlKA 12cyl 156 186 165 lDGOlKA 16cyl 160 193 172 Near Doors at 2 Hours 148 N IA N I A Table 5-4 -Summary of electrical pane l internal tem p erature res u lts with various generat o r lo ad pr o files and vari o us combinat io ns of door positions Case Number Panel 7a lOa 12a Maximum Temperature (°F) 1PL12JA 148 181 160 1PL92JA 134 179 157 1PL93JA 134 179 157 lDGOlJA 152 184 166 1DG06SA 142 176 160 lDGOlKA 12cyl 148 181 161 lDGO 1 KA l 6cyl 151 183 166 Limiting plots of ce ll temperatures for Cases 7a through 12a are provided in Figure 3 through Figure 20. Most of the panels occupy more than one cell in the Division 1 Room control volume. As such, the temperatures of the most limiting cells containing a given panel are shown in the plots. Additionally, the temperature inside the control volumes used to model the panels is included within the figures. J uly 25, 20 17 9:4 0 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 27 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIDC Uncertainty Evaluation NAl-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 27 of47 For the temperature plots, the GOTHIC plot variable is displayed across the top of the plot. For instance, "TVlsl4" is the vapor temperature of cell 14 inside control volume 1. For lumped parameter volumes, "s#" will be absent. Compared to the results of Reference [8.14], the maximum temperature of the hottest panel for each case based on cell temperatures compares as follows: * Case 7 a is 31 °F lower than Case 7 * Case lOa is 28°F lower than Case 10 * Case 12a is 43°F lower than Case 12 Compared to the results of Reference [8.14], the maximum temperature of the hottest panel for each case based on internal panel temperatures compares as follows: * Case 7a is 39°F lower than Case 7 * Case 1 Oa is 3 7°F lower than Case 10 * Case 12a is 49°F lower than Case 12 It should be noted that the original Case 7 , 10, and 12 models did not model a separate control volume for the panels. The comparison provided is between the control volumes developed in this calculation and the hottest cell temperature reported in Reference [8.14] based on cell temperatures. Of particular significance is the fact that all the original Case 7, 10 , and 12 simulations predict closure of the fire dampers associated with the modeled ductwork early in the simulation. Cases 7a and 12a do not predict closure of the fire dampers and Case lOa predicts closure of the fire dampers in the last 4 hours of the simulation (Case 10 shows closure in the first 4 to 8 hours). This allows circulation through the ductwork to provide benefit to the Division 1 diesel generator room for a much longer period of time as compared to the original cases and is one of the main reasons why temperatures are significantly lower than those predicted in Reference [8.14]. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 28 of 254 5.2.1 Case 7a Results JuV24/2017 20: 36:00 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C lin ton D iv i s ion l D iesel G e n erator Roo m GOTHI C Unce rt a in ty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\C PS_ 1 A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case _7a. GTH Figure 3, CPS DG Room Case 7a, Panel 1PL12JA Temperatur e s July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT N Al-2 00 7-004 R ev i si on 0 P age 28 of47 EC 62 0 632 , Attachment 2 , Page 29 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36: 00 GOTHIC Version 8.2{QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Di ese l Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A _DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a .GTH NAI-2007-004 R evisio n 0 Page 29 of47 Figure 4, CPS DG Room Case 7a, Panel 1PL92JA and 1PL93JA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 30 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36:01 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C l i n ton D ivision l D iesel Generator Room GO THIC Uncertainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007 -004_RO\C PS_ 1 A_ DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 7a.GTH Fi g ure 5, CPS DG Room Case 7a, Panel lDGOlJA T emperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 P age 30 of47 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 31 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS JuV24/2017 20: 36: 01 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 _RO\CPS_ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Figure 6, CPS DG Room Case 7a, Panel 1DG06SA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Re v ision 0 P age 31 of47 EC 620632, A ttachment 2 , Page 32 of 254 NUMERICAL I APPLICATIONS

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BC JuV24/2017 20: 36: 01 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C lin ton Di v i s ion l D iese l Generator Room GOT HI C Uncertai n ty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 _RO\CPS _ 1 A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 7a.GTH Figure 7 , CPS DG Room Case 7a , Panel lDGOlKA 12-cyl. Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-0 04 Revisi on 0 P age 32 of47

EC 620632, Attachment

2 , Page 33 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS JuV24/2017 20: 36: 02 GOTHIC Version 8.2{QA) -Oct 2016 C lin ton Division l Diesel Generator Room GOTIDC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_LoV_L OOP-LOCA_C ase_7a.GTH Figure 8, CPS DG Room Case 7a , Panel lDGOlKA 16-cyl. Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Re visi on 0 Page 33 of 47 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 34 of 254 5.2.2 Case lOa Results JuV24/2017 20: 36: 03 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Di esel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertai nt y Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Figure 9, CPS DG Room Case lOa, Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 34 of47 EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 35 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS JuV24/2017 20: 36: 03 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division l Di esel Generator Room GOTIIlC Uncertainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GT H NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 35 of 47 Figure 10, CPS DG Room Case toa , Panel 1PL92JA and 1PL93JA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 36 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36: 04 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 D iesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 _RO\CPS_ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Figure 11, CPS DG Room Case lOa, Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 36 of47 EC 62 0 632 , Attachment 2, Page 37 of 254 ( f.. I J NU MERICAL 1 '1""41 APPLICATIONS

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20: 36:05 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Figure 12, CPS DG Room Case lOa, Panel 1DG06SA T emperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 37 of 47 EC 620632, Attachment 2 , Page 38 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36:05 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Di ese l Generator Room GOTIITC Unce rtainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_R O\CPS_ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 38 of47 Figure 13, CPS DG Room Case lOa, Panel lDGOlKA 12-cyl. Temperatures July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2 , Page 39 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36: 05 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division l Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 _RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Figure 14, CPS DG Room Case lOa, Panel lDGOlKA 16-cyl. Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Pag e 39 of47 EC 6206 3 2 , Attachment 2 , Page 40 of 254 5.2.3 Case 12a Results JuV24/2017 20: 36: 16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\C l inton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Figure 15, CPS DG Room Case 12a, Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 40 of47 EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 41 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS JuV24/2017 20: 36: 16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Di vis ion I Di esel G e ne rator Room GOTIDC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clin ton\NA l-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-TRANS_Case_12a .GTH NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Pa ge41 of47 Figure 16, CPS DG Room Case 12a, Panel 1PL92JA and 1PL93JA Temperatures July 25, 2017 9: 40 AM EDT EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 42 of 254 NUMERICAL 1 '1il APPLICATIONS

  • Ch S O. ct !)J:tl l?'l UC Jul/24/2017

20: 36:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2{QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Di v ision l Di ese l Generator Roo m GOTIITC Uncertainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 _R O\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Figure 17, CPS DG Room Case 12a, Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 R evis ion 0 Pag e 42 of47 EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 43 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36: 17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C lint on Division l D iesel G e n erator R oom G O THIC Uncertai n ty Eva l uation File: C:\Work\Penley\Cl i nton\NAl-2007 -004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-TRANS _ Case_ 12a.GTH F igure 18 , CPS DG Room Case 12a , Pan e l 1DG06SA T emperatures July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT NAI-2007-00 4 Re v ision 0 P age 43 of47 EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 44 of 254 NUMERICAL 1 '119t APPLICATIONS

  • t: f 1 a !,11.C t11!'1

nc JuV24/2017 20: 36: 17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C lin ton D iv i sion 1 Diese l Ge n erator R oom GO TIITC Uncertai n ty Eval u ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS _ Case_ 12a.GTH Figur e 19, CPS DG Room Case 12a , Panel lDGOlKA 12-c y l. Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 R evisio n 0 P age 44 of47 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 45 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36: 17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Figure 20, CPS DG Room Case 12a, Panel lDGOlKA 16-cyl. Temperatures 6.0 Conclusions NAI-2 007-004 Re visi on 0 Page 45 of47 This engineering report supplemented the analysis of the Division 1 Diesel Generator room heat-up due to loss of the DG room emergency fan documented in Reference [8.14] by evaluating the impact ofremoving the conservatisms discussed in Section 1.0 for the purpose of generating a less conservative, more best-estimate prediction of room temperatures within the Division 1 Diesel Generator room in order to determine room temperature margin. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 46 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIIlC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page 46 of47 As was discussed in Section 5 .2, removal of those conservatisms resulted in a decrease in panel temperature predictions, the smallest improvement being a 28°F decrease for Case lOa. Results of this evaluation can serve as input to a DG room survivability evaluation. Together, the GOTHIC analysis and component survivability evaluation can become input to a Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) that supports a significance determination process associated with the loss of the Division 1 DG room emergency fan. As such, there are no further recommendations or suggestions for follow-up actions based on the conclusions of this engineering report. Each case was examined carefully and no anomalies of execution outside of Reference [8.2] and [8.15] limitations occurred. 7 .0 Computer Files Table 7-1-GOTHIC Case Files File Name --Description --CPS lA DG Benchmark a.GTH Benchmark "a" GOTHIC File CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7a.GTH Case 7a GOTHIC File CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case lOa.GTH Case 1 Oa GOTHIC File CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case lOb.GTH Case 1 Ob GOTHIC File -----CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case lOc.GTH Case lOc GOTHIC File CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case lOd.GTH Case 1 Od GOTHIC File CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12a.GTH Case 12a GOTHIC File 8.0 References 8.1 GOTHIC Thermal Hydraulics Analysis Package, Version 8.2 (QA) October 2016. 8.2 MPR Calculation 0065-0061-CALC-001, Rev. 0, 5/22/17, "CPS Division 1 Diesel Generator Room Heat-up Evaluation due to Loss of Ventilation." 8.3 ASHRAE Fundamentals 2013 8.4 CPS-17-033 Rev. 0, CPS Transmittal of Design Information. 8.5 Incropera et. al, "Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer", 6th Ed. 8.6 CPS-17-026 Rev. 0, CPS Transmittal of Design Information. 8.7 CPS-17-016 Rev. 0, CPS Transmittal of Design Information. 8.8 Clinton Vendor Technical Manual K2861A-0001, Rev. 0 8.9 Engineering Evaluation RWA-1716-001, Revision 0, "Red Wolf Associates Incorporation of Improvements and Enhancements to the Clinton Power Station July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 47 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation (CPS) Division 1 Diesel Generator Room Heat-up Evaluation due to Loss of Ventilation (0065-0061-CALC-OO 1 )" NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page47 of47 8.10 Drawing MOl-1110, Revision H, "General Arrangement Sections "A-A" & B"" 8.11 CPS-17-029 Rev. 1, CPS Transmittal of Design Information. 8.12 Clinton Vendor Technical Manual K2861-0002-B, Rev. 087 8.13 NRC 7/6 Meeting Questions and Exelon Responses 8.14 Calculation NAI-2007-003, Revision 2, "Clinton Division l Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Heat-Up Evaluation" 8.15 CPS-17-0041 Rev. 0, CPS Transmittal of Design Information. 8.16 CPS-17-0042 Rev. 0, CPS Transmittal of Design Information. 8.17 CPS-17-0043 Rev. 0, CPS Transmittal of Design Information. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 48 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation Attachment A. 8.2 Installation QA Documentation July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Al of A18 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 49 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NA1-QA-1-18 R(w J I ttr l7 NAI Software lnslallati.on Quaillkalion Software Name <llld Vcn;icn: GOTHIC 8.2(().o\) CQmpmt>11'"ode Nmnc: CAR"l"Slll Compu:er HP DL56(J Scn*er. i:4} lnli::I Xt!t111 E:'i4ti:l0 CF't:s @2:'J(J(lHz Comput>:!r 0.i;<>ratmg System aud V1:rsi>JcL: Winoow.i 2012 Rev 2 Str.ndaf<l 64-::iit Tc;11t nitre* Fcbniary 3, 201 7 Dc:scdpt:on of l1tst,tllal:un a11d Rr1n gtesLb,1: Vcrific<l 1nlomatcd compariwn p10gmn O!.ilpul ittdic;;tt!S all 7 .:;cm1p.irisor:s are b le De R csolu tfon No W;)N ldcntiftcd. j::pf-'*'l' lns1il 11 H tkm :. 'A?"l=t: Samauth1 I'. Smdt:}' / SbJl\)ll K. Thome July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI -2007 -004 Revision 0 Page A2 of Al 8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 50 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NA.l-QA-1*18 Rel' I '.! ()f 17 GOTHIC Supµort Pros:r2m (GISP} 1.1 (Nov 1 2016 16:40:26) Ran on Fri Feb 03 2017 Ran on node Input File Options Value Default dircetory for l's: C: I User:!;/ smelley5/Documents/GOTHIC_lns-ta 11_ Te5t Uefault directory 2's: Files (xSG)/GDTIHC/S. 2(0A)/sarnple Tyoe c*f f.ill!'s for rnmpari5on: Remove trailing cntl and sraces: <ill ..:ntl th<i;'acter:s; If remcwe all cntl chars, replaci:-w:...:h spaces: Match lines by case: EJ(cltu:le case sensitive llnes/entdes each header in details Exclude case insensiti*1e lire:;/entries

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  • * * * * * * * * * * * * CAA1S01, 1 Processor!>

Solver ID.____________ GOTiiIC !L 2(QA}, Oct 1016 S[)llfer Pa::t!_. _ ** _..... C: \Pr*ogra"tl files Sc>lVE!I"" Date ***** -* * * * * 01t.Jil\/2011i-15

4Ei: 58, cs = 28887 S1N File Path **.*.*...

c :ws.ers.\sr'.ielleys. \example_owr .srn SIN File Date......... 03Fell2017-13

50: 12, cs = 49225 SGR File Path **. _ ***** c: \Use1's\soelleys\Docu111t-n

ts \GOTliIC_Ins tcll_rt::st\. SGll File Date ... __ **** 0_?Feb2017-13:SG:15, CS = 56767 File [2] Header: -it* :Iii: :t: t::+:lt tr;.t :it 'K 'JI:. :t"' jl: +:;+;:+ :+ :t.,.; t; +::+"'ti Iii::+* jc ii:: +:.:t:;+ ;4:,.;: :t. t::t.::+ :It: :Ir; F. .. * t: t:: ic:+ :it :-et::+::+.:+.:+

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Revision 0 Page A4 of Al 8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 52 of 254 Him I it:le ..*.......... Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation Run Date......

  • * * . * . * . 01No*t2016-16
43 :42 cooputer'
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solve1' ID........ . . . . . wwrc 8.2(QA}, oa 2016 NAJ-QA-1-18 Re,* I 4 of17 Solver Path...... . . . . . K: \got:hii:\version;;\EL2\Win32\bin\gothic_s;. exe Solver Date ***** ,..... "'.<1No 1 12016-16:43:15, CS = 28887 SIN File Path ........ . K:\gothic\..,ersions\8.2\,Jin32'.sample\.\exanple i>'"1r.SIN SIN File J)atG......... 01Novl011i-16:43:40, cs = 49H:. SGR File Patr ........ . K :\gcrthic'wersions\8. 2\Alin32'.sample\. \exanple_bwr .SGP. SGR File I>at:G *** '..... 0111oV2016-16:'13;'13, cs -56767 [1] r21 UK! fll [l] OK: [1] [l] OK: [1] Pl OK! [1] [2] OK: r1.i [:J] OK: Date ****. ,. El3FebZe17*13:50:13 Start: Date ****. ,, i'l1No112016-16:43:42 Line 2lf>:.! -Line el(cluded Current Date **.. , 83Feb2017-13:50:13 current Date..... EllNovztH'6-Hi:43:42 Line 2163 -Line CPTime *********.. CPTime **.*****.. ' 1.5G250ee-02 se(onds a.000000e+00 secands Line 2169 -Line e1<*cluded Start: Date ****.. , 83Feb2017-13:50:13 Line 2776 -Line excluded current Datt:.... . El3Ft:bW17-n: 50: 15 current DatE?..... a1Nov2016-16:43:4S Line 2Tl7 -Line el(cluded CPTime .*.*****.. , 2..593750e+00 seconds n' Ii me.......... . ;i Line 2783 -Llr'le excluded July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page AS of Al 8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 53 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation acceptable. Lines compared Cert pal' ls on 2 riles: l\Al-QA*l*Ul Re,* I 5 ofl7 [ l] sor: c: .SOT (2) SOT: ('./Progr"all'.l Files (X&6)JGOTHIC/8.2(QA}/sample/example.SOT tlon default opt:ions <> compal'ing as type SOT File [1] Header: Run Title............. t)(omplc Run Date ..** ,,........ 03Feb20n-n:s0:18 Computer ****..******** CARTSOl, 1 Solver" ID ****.*.****** GOTHIC 8.2(QA), Oct 2e15 Path *..***..*** C:\Program Files (1CS6) \GOrHIC\8 .2(Q.'1.)\bin\,gothic_s .exe solver"

  • ..********

01Nov2016 15:46:58, cs -2BS87 SIN File Path .***.*.** c: \USel's\s111elleys \Do-cuments Test\. \f!Xatt1p.'-e. SI)4 SIN File Date......... 03Fell2017-13:50:18, cs = 32920 SGR Path .*.****** c:\Us.ers\s111elleys\Di)t:Ument:>\GOTIIIC_Inst:.!:lll_1es.t\.\exMple.5GR !>Git .. ile Date. ________ t:!; = olYb4 File [2] Header: "t:T;>oJ:*i<'i':*:i

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t :f: f: P:un Title.... . * . . * * * * * eManple P.un Date..... . * * . * * * * * 01Nov2016-15
43: 3.S July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004

Revision 0 Page A6 of Al 8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 54 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation Computer ....... ,,.,,.. rKARSTENS, 1 Solver ID .....*.....*. GOTHIC B.2(QA), Oct Rft* l 6(}f17 Solver P<itil...... . . . * * ;: : \goth le \w:rslo:1s\8. Z\liin3Z\b:l.n\gothk_:s. e.xe solver Date........... 01NOV2.0'16-16:43:.15, cs = ZBBB7 SIN File Date.... . . . . . 0trJav21U6-16:43: 3$, C!> = ;!2.92'1 SGll Vile Path ***... , . * K: 2\Win32\E;ample\. \example.SGR SGll file Date ***.. , * . . eUJav21U6-16:43 3il, CS = 61954 [1] )tart llatf' ....... [2] Start Date ....... 0trJ0'11616-16:43:33 C*Jc:: line 757 -Line excluded [1] Current Date ..*.. [2] Current Dilte., ... 0rno*12.&!6 16:43:38 OK: line 758 -Line excluded ri1 CPTime *.......... l.562500e-02 seconds [2] CPTime .****...... 0.0eel:}00e+0e OK: line 764 -Line excluded [1] start Date *...... ['] 'it<irt l);ltf' ....... OK: Line 1261 -line e:.::cludf!d [l] current Dote ....* 03Fel>W17 13:5'3: 18 [2] Current Date ..*.. etrJa*..-2a 16-16: 43 : 39 C'K: Line 12G2 -Line eKdudt:d [1] CPTlme .***.....** 4.531250-t-01 seC<Jr'UJS [l] CPTime *.... , ..*.. 6.864044<!-01 secamls CK: line 1258 -Line excluded Ccrrparison 3 -Cc<<p,orir.g filc:i: July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page A7 of Al8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 55 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAT-QA-1-18ReY l 7 ofl7 (1 j SOT: C:/User*s/ .SOT (2] SOT: C:/Pra.gram l=iles (x&6)/GCTHIC/8.2(QA)f.sar:if>le/e:>c:arrple_P'"r.SOT Non default optiuns. <..> Ca.mparing as type SUI File fll Header: Run Title ****..*.***** Run Date *****..*.**.** 03Feb2017-13:56:20 Cooputct'.............. CART5'31, 1 Solver ID **.**** '..... G07HIC 8.2(QA), Oct 2016 Solver Path........... (:\Program l=iles (:<8G}\GOTHIC\8.2(QA)\bin\gothic:_s.e.xe soliJer Date........... 0111ov101c-1S

4&: !>!!, c.s SIN File Path ..*.**.**

c:\Users.\s:nelleys\Do:u:nents\G-OTHIC_Install_Test\.\exa111ole_p.,,T.SIN SHI File D<ite......... 03Feb2017-13: 50: 20, CS = 48 SGR File Path ..*.*.... C \ 'i:'llf'l l _1 e,*t\. e_ri1o:r. "[ill 5GR rile Date ..*.***** 03r-eb2017-13:50:21, CS= 37386 File L2] Heacer: nun Title .***..****.** F:.un [late.... . . . . . .

  • * . * 01tlov2016-16
43 :48 Conputer ********.*****

NCARSTENS, 1 Processors <.;nlw*r m ............. rm:u1c !C7(1lk}, net /1-tln Solver Path........... K: \Jlothic\versiocis.\B s. exe Soll/*!" Date ... -* ...... 01tlOV2016-16:43:15, cs= 28887 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page A8 of Al 8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 56 of 254 NUMERICAL 1 '1il APPLICATIONS II SIOI'. a !)UUfl M.UtUl!f.Cr..t!llli:.; "u.c Path ****.**** Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I(: \gothic\version.!:\S.. 2\Winll\sal'.lple\. \example_pwr.Silll File oate **.*.*... 01Nov201b-l6:43:4S, cs= 48 SGR File Path ***..*.*. K: \gothic\versicins\8. \example_pwr.SGR [1] Date.. . * * * . C>3Fet>2011-13

se: 20 [2] Start Date ..***..

OK: Line 93<1 -Line exclu:led f 11 Current C*ate **.. , 93Feb2'111-13

50: 21 [ l] rurrFnt

<11NOV7i'llf,- H'i :43 OK: Linc 931 Linc cxdu:lcd [L] lPlime-.......... seconds [2] CPTime........... 3.1w020e-a2 seconds OK: Line 937 -Line exclutieo [l] Start Date....... <13Fd>2!J17-13:5e:20 [2] St8rt Date ....... 91Nov2016-16:43:4:8 OK: Line 1329 -Line excluded [l] current Dote ****. 13:5e:21 [2:] Current Date..... 91Nov2'116-16:43:48 U:<: Line 1B0 -Line excluded [1] CPTime ****..****. 2.031250e-01 sEconds :iJ CPTime ***.*..**.* 2.S0S.01Se-G1 seconds OK: Line 1336 -Line exduded Stcrt Date ..****. [Z] Start Date ....... OK: Li!ie 1678 -Llile 1] f)1rrPnt" ll;i"tj>.....

  • 1-H

n [2] current Dote *.*.. a1Nov2a16 16:43:49 OI(* Line 1679 -Line e:i:cluded [l] CPTime........... 3.59J750e-01

seconds '.2] CPTime ...**..*...

4.l12027e-01 seconds OK: Line 166.5 -Line excluded July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT l\AJ-QA-1-18 Kev 1 8 c:ifl 7 NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page A9 of A18 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 57 of 254 (r'-1\..1] NUMERICAL '""' APPLICATIONS .. i.::t, sn ct 9rttm M.ur.:.n 1r.c. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation [l] Start Date .****** 03Feb2017-13:50:20 [2] uate ..*.... OK: Line 212>27 -Line excluded " No mnrE' i;xi:-1u<;inno;; will hi; rPpnrti;d in NAl-QA*l-18 Re 1 ?c.1r 17 c: \Users\ srre.Ueys \l:ocoments \GOTHIC_Install_ Test\gtest_repor-t. txt. c r;pta ble . Lines coopa reel 2571. ccnparison ll -C:cnparing -file!:: [1] SOT: (2] SOT: files {J<86)/roTHIC/8.2(QA)/sample/pre_el(ample.SOT Non opticns <> Compuin1l as tyi::e SOT File [1] Heaaer: Run Title....... . . * * * * JH'e example Run Date.............. 03Feb2017-13:50:24 computer ..*****.****** CARTS01, l Solver ID .*****.*..*** GGTHIC 8.2(QA), Oct 2016 so11.*er Path........... C:\Progr-arn Fill£ls \rm I t<ff\1:1."J (QA) \hi n\e;.-rthir _ "-l"'lCI"' Solver Cate ........... 01Nov2016-15:46:5.8, CS= 28887 SIN Patr. ........ . SIN File

            • .**

03Fcb2017 13:S0:24, cs -112 SGP. File

            • ...

(:\Users\sr:relleys\Cocuments\GOTHIC_Install_Test\.\pre_eJ<ample.SGfl SGR file

              • .*

03reb2017-13:50:24, CS= 25521 File [2] 11eaoer: July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page AlO of Al8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 58 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIDC Uncertainty Evaluation Run Title *.********..* pre_examplc Run [}ate. , . . * * * . . . * . . * 01t4o\12016-16

43: 35

....********** NCAR5i[NS, 1 Processors <;nlvPr rn ... ___ .... __ . GOTHTC' :oi.;i(QA), Oct )016 NAl-QA-M!I Rey 1 10 of 17 Solver Pa':h **.******** K:\gcttiic\veri;ions\8.2\Win32\bin\i;-::ithic_s.exe Salver Da':e **** , ****** 01tvov2016-16:43;15, CS= 28887 SIN File Path *.*.***** li::\gotnic\vers.ions\2.2\olin3:2\sarrple\.\pre_exanp:Le.!>IM SUI File Date......... 01t<.lov2016-16:43:33, CS = 112 SGR File Path ********* K:\sotnic\vers.ions\2.2\olin3:2\sarrple\.\pre_exanp:e.!>GR SGR File Date ******.** CS= 25521 [1] Start Date ****.** 03Feb2017-13:50:24 PJ 5"1'art D;it!'....... 01<: Line '152 -Line [1] Date ***** e3Feb2017*13;50:24 [2] Cur'rerrt Date..... 01t\m*2016-16

43: 36 OK: n;> 4fH -I 1ne f'lCClrnferl

(1] CPTime *.******... 1.562S00e-G2 [2] CPTime ****.****** seconds OK: 469 -Line excluded [lJ start Date....... e::!Feb2017-13:50:24 [2] S,tart Date....... OK; G59 -Line excluded [l] rurr..,nt !J;it'P ..... ('l'.!Fph:;'017-13:'>0:74 [2] current Date .*.*. OK: 660 -Line eMcluded [1] PJ CPTime .*******.** seconds IPTlmf' ........... 1.lUl400qe-ffl July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page All of Al8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 59 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS "L.:ft SIOt', a-9.ItU?'I IJ.I:. 01<: Line 666 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation -Line e:l(cluded [1] Star':: Date ... --*. CBl=eb2017-B:50:24 [l] Start Date *.****. 01<: Line B36 -Line e:l(cluded [1] [urrent Date _____ 03Feb2017-13:50:24 [l] current !>ate..... 01Nov2015-16

  • 13: 36 OK! Line B37 -Line e:l(cluded

[1] CPTime ...... **-** 6.250000e-G2 seconds [2] CPTime .*....**... 1.872011e-0l Ok: Line B43 -Line e:l(cluded [1] Star'= Date .. **-** [2] Start Date ..**.*. 01<: Line 1013 -Line e:l(cluded " No toore exclusions will be repor*ted in NAl-QA*l-Ul l 11of17 C : \Users \.s;melleys: \Document 1: \GOT HI {_Install_ Test \.gt est _report. t lo!t . Cc-mparison accept:;ible. Lines ccrrpared 1337. (nmp;irio::nn c;. -comi:<<H'iTlg tiles: [1] 5t1T: r.: /llo;;ero;;/<;.mf'l l _Tno.t-;il l_Tf'o;.t/ti;5t1 S. <;OT [i] SCT: C:/Pt'ogr<im Files (X86)/GCTHIC/8.2{QA)/samp1e/test15.SCT Nor det-ault options <> ao:: 'OT l P. (1] Run Title .**.......... Run Date *******....... comptJter

                • ,..... CAl\TS01, 1 Pracessnri>

SOl\*f!t'" ID ****.**. , . . . . GOTHIC B .2(QA), Oct 2016 Solver-PattL .***.. ,... C:\Pr'C:*gram Files (lil'f> )\C,UIH I c:\K. "J(QA) \bi n\i:;othir -.f')!f' July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 RevisionO Page Al2 of Al8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 60 of 254 SIN Path ........ . Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation .liel' l 12 of 17 c: \Users\s11elleys\Documents \GOTHlC_Install_Hst\. \testis. SIN SIN File Date, *. '.. 03Fcb2917 cs -32 SGR File Path ***. .** C: \GOTHIC_Install_Test\. \t:st1S. SGR SGR File Date..... . * * * 03Feb2917-13: se: 27, cs = 63977 File [2] Header: Run Title., , *......... Run Date... . * * * . . . . . .

  • 0rnov2.t116-15:43:

53 c*omp101"Pr... . . . . . . . . . . . I HJ\, 1 Soll;e;r ID ............. GOTHIC 8.l(QA). Oct 2315 5oh*er Path........... K: \gothic\versicrns\3. 2\L/in32\bin\gothic_s.e:oc:e Solver Date *****. , .*** 01Nov2&16-16:43:1S, CS= 28887 SIN File Path.... . . . . . K: 'lgothic\versio;is.\8. 2\Win32\s3mplE\. \test1S.SIN SIN File Date......... rarnov2ft16-16:43: 50, cs = 32 SGR File Path... . . . . . * K ! \gothie\l/er'!;ions\!L SGF: File D<itc.... . . . * * 01Nov2&16 16:43 53, cs -63977 [l] Start Date ....*.. 03Feti2ft17-13:50:26 [2] start Date.. . . . . . 011oiov2.t1!6-15:43: 53 OK: line 694 -Line excluded [1J current Date. . . . . 03F@2817-B: 50: 26 [2] Current Date ..... GK: 695 Linc excluded [1] r21 CPTime ..***....** t.5G25aee-02. seconds CPTime *...*...*.. l.56ee1ee-02 seconds July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Al3 of A18 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 61 of 254 OK; [1] [2] OK: [1] [2J OK: [1] [2] OK: [1] [2] (11(: Lir:e 701 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation -L ilie extluc!ed <,r.'lr"t D;i1"p *.**... Stort Date *.*..** 01Nov2016 16:43:53 Lire 9JB -Line excluded Current

          • 03F2b2017-13:50:26

Current [)ate..... 91Nav2016-16

43 :53 Llr:t:-984 -Lille ext:luiJet1

CPTime ***.*.*...* CPTime ***.*.***** 3.437502e-01 seconds 4.524029e-01 seconds lir:E 990 -Line excluded StoM: Date....... 03F*:::b2017 13:50:26 Start Date *.**.** 01Nov2016-16:43:53 I 1nF-1M9 fll Current

    • ..* 93feb2017-13:Sa:26

[2] Curr-e11t Dat:e..... 01Nov2016-16

43: 54 o K : Lire 12 50 -Line ex eluded [1] [2] UK: CPTime *****.***.*

G.Z5eeoee-01 seconds CPTime ***.*.**.*. 6.854044e-01 seconds Lir.e 11!>6 -Line excluded [lj Start Date *.**... 03Feb2017-13:Sa:26 (7] <;r;ir"t Oil"tl' .. ----- OK: Lir1e 1513 -Line excluded ,.. Na more exclusions 1*ill be reported in i'OAT-QA-l-lS Rn l Li af 17 c: \Users \s111elleys\DlJcu111en ts \GDTI1IC_Install_ Test\gtest_report. txt. Comparison acceptable. Lines compared 2e21. ccnpciri:.oo e; Ccaparing (1] '>Ill : c*: l lti If_ In 5t'll l _ lf'51"/teo;t-;r; _<,CJ 1 [2] SOT: C:/Progr'am*Files (X86)/GOTHIC/8.2(QA}/S:'intple/test23.SOT lion default opi::!ons <> comparing cs type SOT Flle [1] Ht::atle1': P.u11 Title **...*****.** July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page A14 of Al8 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 62 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation Run Date *.*****.*****. 03Feb2617-13:50:29 co.nputer'

      • .**.**.*.**

CARTS01, 1 So1'te1' ID............. GOTHIC B.2(0,o\}. Oc:t 2016 Solver Path ***.....*** C:\Program 1)<86 )\GOTHIC\B .2(QA) \bir.\gothic_s 5IN File Path ********* RI!\>* I 14.ofl7 c: \lJse1's.\smeHeys\1Jocu111tnts \GOTtuc_rnstall_Test\. \test23. srn SIN eile Date ...... _ .. CS= 48 S6R File Path ***.***** r: \t,ps1"73. SGR SGR Hle Date......... CS = 2A54 file f2l Header: Run Title ************* Run Date.............. 0Ulov2&16-16:43

57 computer'

.*******.** ,.. PICARSTENS, 1 P-rocessors Solve1' ID **.******* '. * GOTHIC B' 2(0,o\}. Oc:t 2016 Sol*1er Path........... K: \gothic\versions\8 .2\Win32\bin\go-:::hic_s .exe Sol'ler Date........... 0Ulov2fl16-16:43:1S, CS = 28887 SIN File Path ********* SIN File Date......... 0UIOVZll'16-16:43: 55, cs = 46 SGR File Path......... I'.: \gothic\versions\8 .2\Win32\s,ample\. \test23_s.GR SGR File Date **.** , *** 01Nov2fl16-16:44:06, CS= 24S4 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Al5 of A18 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 63 of 254 NUMERICAL 1 ""'41 APPLICATIONS

  • t:ff SK:t. Ct !>rttln

114:. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation [1] start D<:>te....... 03Feb2017-B:50:29 [2) S.tar-t D2te *.. ,... 0H,m12016.-15

43: 57 OK: Line GBl -Line excluded [1] C'ilrN'nt

l)<it<>. .* . . fHl-P.h:t01 l-H:':>fl:/'! [2] curNmt [)ate..... 0U.0\'2016-15:'13:Ss OK: Line 682 -Line (1]

    • ......***

[2] CPTfae...... . . . . . 4. 680030e-fl2 seccnds * OK: Line 688 Linc excluded [l] Start Date.,..... 03Feb2017-B:50:29 [2] Start Di;te....... 011\0\'2016-15:43:57 OK! Line 987 -Line e>1cluded [1] Current Date, . . . * 03Feb2017-B

50: 32 [::'] l(1rrPnt ll<!TP. ..*** Bll\'11-'::tlill6-ll'i:44:fl'.\

OK: Line 988 -Line exeluded [1] CPTime .........** seconds (2]

          • ....**

seconds UK: Line 994 -Line f1 l Star-t Date....... 03Feb2017-B:50:29 [2] Slar*t Date....... OK: Line 1270 * Line e.xc:luded [1] curr<:nt ootc.,... 133Fcb2017 B :se: 37 [2] Current Date..... 011\o..*2016.-15

44:*8 OK: L!ne: 12:7.l -Line e>:cluded


    • ........*

seconds [2] CPTime **..*. , ..*. seconds OK: Line 1277 * Line E!xcluded comparison Lines compar*ed 1*199. comparison i -compnring NAl-QA-1-18 Re"* 1 15 of 17 f1l SCT: C:/Users/smelleys/Documents/GOTHlC Install Test/test.26.SOT [2] SGT: c: /Progran; Files (X86)/GOTt-:IC/8. 2.(Ql\)/san;pleitest26.SCT Non default option$ <> comparing as type SOT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page A16 of A18 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 64 of 254 [1] Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAT--Q.\-1-18 Rev 1 16 of17 Run Title ..****.***..* Run Date ...*********.* 03FebZ017-13;50:43 ......**.*.*.* CARTS01, 1 ID * , * * * * .. * * * * * GOTHJ C !!. 2 (QA), O::lc:t 2016 solver r<ith........... C:\rrogr<1m F:.k:; (x86)\GOTl-.IC\8. 2(QA)\bin\gothic s .axe Solver Date.......... . 01Nov2016-15

46: 58, cs 28887 sn File Path ***.***..

c: \lJsers\sr'.lelleys\Documents\GOTHIC_Itistall_Test\. \testlti .srn File Date **.***..* 03FcbZ017 13;50:43, cs -32 File Path ........ . C:\Users\s11elleys\Documents\GOTHIC_Install_rest\.\te!>tZ6.SGR SGR File Date......... 03FebZ0l7-13; 50:43, cs = 25474 Header! Rlln T1tlP ............ . llun Date,,............ 01Nov2316-115:44!13 ...*.****..*.* NCARSTENS, 1 Processors Solver lE) ********** , , * GOTllJC 3. 2(QA), Dct 2e1G Solver Dat:e........... 01Nov2016-16:43!15, CS = 2BB87 Sn File Path... . . . . . . K: \gothic\vers.ions\8. 2',Wicl32\s<impl8\. \test26. 5IN SH File Date *****.*.* 01NOVW1G-1G;44:DB, cs -32 Sull J.ile Path......... K ! \gothic\versions\!L.l\Win'.:!:.l.\sample\. \test:!<>. SGR July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Al 7 of A18 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 65 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation SGR rile Date ..**.***. CS= 25474 tlJ [2J OK: (lJ [2.] OK: [1] [2] OK: [1] [2] OK; [1] [2.] OK: Start Date....... 03Febl.017-13:S0:43 Start Date....... 01No\*2tl16-16:44:10 Line "-ll0 -Line excluded Current Data..... 03f.eb2a17-13:50:43 Current Dato::. * * . . i'llNC*\* 2016-16 : 44; 111 l.81 -LiM exc:luded start Date.. * . * . . i'13Fd:izet7-1J: 50; 43 Star't Date....... <>lNovl.016-16:44:1<> Line 753 -Line ei<cluded Curr-ent ..... <>3Feb2017-13:S0:43 Current Data.. . . . 01No\*2016-16:44:10 LL-1e 754 -Line excluded CPTime **..****.*. CPTime ***.******. 9. 3C*00G0e -El2 seconds Line 7ti0 -Line excluded Cofl'iladson acceptable. Lines compared B98. Sumnary Number of file sets compared: 7 Number nf files sets that failed comparison: 0 Com11arlsons successful '!Al*QA*l-1!1 Rev I 17 ofl7 Sumnary Report is C:\!Jsers\smelleys.\Doc:uments\GOTHIC_Install_TE!st\gtest_repnrt.txt Detail Report is not creatad 0 File July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page A18 of A18 Comparison EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 66 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation Attachment B. Difference Reports CPS lA DG Benchmark.GTH vs. ---NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl ofB156 CPS lA DG Benchmark a.GTH ...................................................................................... 2 --CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH vs. ------CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7a.GTH .......................................................... .29 ----CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH vs. ------CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case lOa.GTH ......................................................... 70 ------CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case lOa.GTHvs. ------CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case lOb.GTH ....................................................... 111 ----CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case lOa.GTHvs.


Case lOc.GTH ....................................................... 113 ----CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case lOa.GTHvs.


Case lOd.GTH ....................................................... 114 ----CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTHvs.


Case lZa.GTH ..................................................... 116 ----July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 67 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Network Links -Table l Link Vol Elev Vol Elev Description A F (ft) B (ft) lL DG Room to Tank ls7D /N 751. ln 747. ,. 2L DG Room to Day ln 747. 746. 3L DG Room to Oil ln 747. 736. 4L Day Tank Room t 743. 2n 743. SL Oil Tank Room t 733. 2n 743. 6L Tank Rooms to O 2n 743. lls3 w 787. 7L DG Room to Tank 12 771. ln 747. Graphs Graph curve Number # Title 1 2 3 0 M&E Imbalance EM EE 1 Benchmark Heat Rate Comparison cvlC DC4T 2 Benchmark Exhaust/ /Inlet Tempe TVlslOS DCST TV12 4 DC6T 3 Div 1 DG Room Upper SubVolurne TVlslOS TVlsl06 TVlsl07 TVlsl02 4 Div 1 DG Room Doors to Hall TVls41 TVls42 TV1s43 TVls44 5 Div 1 to Hallway Pressure PRls44 PR4sl24 PR12 PR9 6 DG Room Temeprature TVls39 TVlsB TVlsll TVlslOS 7 Fan Room and outside Air Tempe TV7 TV1ls2 TV12 8 Fan Flow Rate LV7L LV6L 9 24hr Benchmark T TVlslOS DCST 10 24hr Benchmark Heat cvlC DC4T 11 DG Room T v Benchmark 1 TVls47 /TVl1140 DC7T DCBT \TVloJ9 12 DG Room T v Benchmark 2 TVls35 DC9T DClOT TVls37 13 Hallway, 762' I & 712' TV4sl24 TV9 TVlO 14 Wall Temperature for the Small TA3s2 15 Atmospheric Pressure PRllsl PR1ls2 PRlls3 16 Atmospheric BC Flow Rates FVlO FVll 17 Recirculation Mass Flow FV23 FV24 18 Leakage Flow Rate FV28 FV29 19 Hallway Door Flow Rates FVlS FV14 FV16 FV17 20 Relative Humidity Above the Ai RHlsSS RH1s86 RH1s87 21 Temperature Above the Air Comp TVlsSS TV1s86 TV1s87 22 Di vl DG Panel Temperatures TVls43 TVls40 TVls39 TVlsS 23 Components of Averages TVlsS TVlsS TVlsll TV1s40 24 Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures TVlsl4 TVlslS TV1s30 TVls31 25 Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures TVls46 TV1S47 TV1s62 TVls63 26 Panels 1PL92JA/1PL93JA Tempera TVls12 I I \TVlS \TV16' 27 Panel lDGDlJA Temperatures TVls7 TVlsB TVls23 TVls24 28 Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures TV1s39 TV1s40 'lVlsSS TVls56 29 Panel 1DG06SA Temperatures TVlsS TV1s6 TVls21 TVls22 30 Panel lDGOlKA 12cyl Temperatur TVlsll TV1s27 TVls43 TVls59 31 Panel lDGOlKA 16cyl Temperatur TV1s7 TV1s23 TV1s39 TVlsSS 32 Panel Bulk Average Temperature cvlOC cv14C cvlBC 33 Panel Bulk Average Temperature cv22C cv26C cv30C 34 Division 1 Room Door DPs DP14 DPlS DP34 35 Division 1 Room Rollup Door DP DPl.6 DP17 DP35 DP36 36 Div 1 DG Heat Absorption cv2C Volumetric Fan -Table 2 Vol Flow Flow Heat Heat Fan Flow Rate Rate Heat Rate Rate Disch # Option (CFM) FF Option (Btu/s) FF Vol lQ I Time I 3020. I I Time I 0. I I lsB6 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT 5 TV1s103 PRlO TV1s37 TVls43 I )TV14 \TV14 I )TV17 )TV17 )TVl* )TVl* \TV20 NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B2 ofB156 curve Ops Ll"cvlOC (1PL12 Ll."cv22C (1DG06 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 68 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Volumetric Fan -Table 2 (cont.) 2Q ;Q 4Q SQ 6Q 7Q SQ Time Flow Option Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Min 0.001 0.001 0.001 Plow (CFM) 4250. 4250. /1510. \2800. 1.s '"' Ratio Run Options Option Restart Option Start Time (sec) Parallel Processes Preprocessor Multithreadin9 Revaporization Fraction Maximum Mist Density llbm/ft3) Drop Diam. FrOf!I Mililt (in) Minimum RT Coeff. (B/h*ft2-F) Refe:z:ence P:i;e111,,.1re (psia) Maximum Pressure (psia) Forced Ent. D:rop Diam. (in) Vapor Phase Head Correction Kinetic Energy Vapor Phase Liquid Phase Drop Phase Force Equilibrium Drop-Liq. Conversion QA Logging Dcb1.1g Output Level Debug Starting Time Step D!;!b1.1g Time St!;!p Frequency Restart Dump on CPU Interval (sec) Pressure Initialization Iteration Pressure Initialization Convergenc: Solver Command Line Options Function Model Gen. Heat Rate Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.; Heat Rate (B'l'U//sec) Option Ti= Time Time Time Time Time Time End Time Dcp. Var. Ind. Var. '* I '* I Heat (Btu/s) Time Domain Data Print Graph /60. )k \10. Setting /4 \8 NONE DEFAULT DEFAULT IGNORE DEFAULT DEFAULT INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE IGNORE INCLUDE l.Oe-6 llcp. Var. I/*.* \l.053274 "* Disch Vol lls3 la54 lo Dump Ph Chng Relax T T Scale DEFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Sh1.1toff NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B3 ofB156 2 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 69 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) Model Gen. Heat Rate Ind. Var.; Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Heat Rate (BTU//sec:) Inci. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Oep. Var. 120. /B.4 /12.6 )6,106548 )9.159822 16.B 20.9 )12.213096 )15.1'3673 360, 25.l 29.3 )18 .24047 )21.300221 480. 33.S 540. 37.7 )24 .353495 )27.40676'9 41.9 660. 46.l )30.460043 )33.513317 50.J 780, 54.4 )36.566591 )39.547168 58.6 62.8 )42.600442 )45.653716 960. 67. 1020. 71.2 )48.70699 )51.760264 1080. 73.S 1140. 75.9 )53,432295 )55.177023 78.2 80.5 )56.849054 82.9 )58.521085 85.2 )60.265813 )61.937844 87.6 1500. 89.9 )63.682572 )65.354603 92.2 94.6 )67 .026634 96.9 )68.771362 99.2 )70 .443393 )12-115424 1800. 101.6 l.860, 102.2 )73.860152 )74.296334 102.8 105.7 )74.732516 )76 .840729 2520. 108.6 111.6 )78.948942 )81.129852 114.5 117.4 )83.238065 )85.346278 120.4 4020. 123.3 )87.527188 )89.635401 4320. 126.2 129.2 )91.743614 )93.924524 132.l. 153. )96.032737 \111.22641 le .. 09 153. \111.22641 Control Volume Parameters Vol Vol Elev Hyd. D. L/V IA SA Min Film Description (ftJ) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) FF (ft) l* DG Room (Div. 1 DEFAULT DEFAULT DG Room (Div, 2 DG Room (Div. 3 ,, Hallway 143900. Day Tank Room Oil Tank Room 14000. 712. "* Mako up Air Sup Rest of El 737' 737. "* DEFAULT Rest of El 762' 712' El Outside Air 23750. 762. 13 Interposing Int 1000. 762. "* I= I= I= /DEFAULT /DEFAULT )!!.x )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )!!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )iixx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \lDGOllCA 16cyl \9.868 \739.458 \5.833 \0.883 \DEFAULT \ \DEFAULT Control Volume Opt.ions Vol S Wave Pool HMT Pool Pool l'C'es. Pool Dp. "" Burn ICIE' * Damper Mult Opt Correction FF Tracking Opt Drag lo I 1. I DEFAULT I LOCAL I ON I I ON I NONE I ON July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Min Film I= >= >= >= >= >= \ NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B4 ofB156 3 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 70 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH J ul/24/2017 20:59:1 6 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Control Vol.ume Options (cont.) Vol S Wave Pool EMT Pool Pool Pres, Fool Dp. ... Burn ICIP * Damper Mult Opt CorrectiQn FF Tracking Opt Drag " 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON " l. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 4* 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON s l. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 6 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 7 l. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 8 l. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON ' 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 10 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 11* 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 12 l. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 13 l. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON I= /DEFAULT I= I= I= I= /><=>< }i!xx )DBPAtJLT DBFAULT }xxxxxxx }ii.,. )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx )DBFAtJLT Dl!:FAtJLT }xxxxxxx }DEFAULT J>EFAULT }xxxxxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx }ii.,. )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx \20 \1. \DEFAULT \LOCAL \ON \ \ON \NONE \ON Laminar Leakage Lk Rate Ref Rof Ref Sink Leak Vol Factor Preas Temp Humid or Model Rep Subvol Area * ('/br) (psial (F) (t) Src Option Wall Option (ft2J '" o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT ,. o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT ,. o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 4a 0, CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT s 0. CNST T tlNIFORM DEFAULT ' 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 7 o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT . 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT ' 0, CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 10 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT " 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 12 o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT " o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx I= /xxxxxxx /DEFAULT }i!xx >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx )== )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx )== )DB FAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx )== )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \0. \ \ \ \ \CNST T I \UNIFORM \DEFAULT Turbulent Leakage Ref Ref Sink Leak Vol Temp Humid Model Rep Subvol (!!;/hr) (pe:iaJ (F) (t) Option Wall Option {ft2) '" CNST T July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT fL/D NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BS ofB156 4 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 71 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 'l\lrbulent Leakage (cont.) Lk Rate Ref Ref Ref Sink Leak Vol Factor Press Temp Humid or Model Rep Subvol Area * (t/hr) (p::ila) (Fl "' Sre Option Wall Option (ft2) 6 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 7 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT ' o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT ' 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 10 '* CNST T UNIFORM DB FAULT 11' o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 12 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT lJ 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT />=a< /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxx I= /xxxx /xxxxxxx /DBFAfILT )i!.x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx >== )DBFAlJLT DEFAULT )iixx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx >== )DEFAULT DEVAULT )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx >== )DBFAOLT DEFAULT )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx >== )DEFAOLT DB FAULT )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!.x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \0. \ \ \ \ \CNST T \ \UNJ:PORM \DEFAULT Discrete Burn Parameters Min Min M= Flame Burn un Vol Length speea (ft) (ft/Iii) Opt " DEFAULT FBR 0,55 0.07 o.os 0.55 DEFAULT .. DEFAULT 0.07 DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 0.55 DEFAULT a.cs DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 0.05 0.55 DEFAULT 10 0.05 DEFAULT 11' 0.07 o.o5 DEFAULT DEFAULT 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 13 0.07 0.05 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR /"""" /=xxx /=xxx I= /DEFAULT /DBFAULT /"""" /DBFAULT /"""" )i!.x )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT )iixx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT ):X )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \0.0"7 \0.05 \0.55 \DEFAULT \DEFAULT \DEFAULT \FBR Continuous Bu:rn Paramatcrs Vol Min H2 Min Vol Flow H20 H20/H2 llbm/al Ratio ,. 1000. l. L o.os 0.55 1000. o.os o. o.os 1. 1000. 1. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT fL/D I= >= >= >= >= >= >= \ NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B6 ofB156 5 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 72 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Continuous Burn Parameters (cont.) Vol Min H2 Min Vol Flow H20 H20/H2 Prac (lbm/s) Ratio lOOQ. 10 0.05 l. o. 0.05 1. l2 l. 13 0. 0.05 1000. l. /xxxx I= I= I= I= )i!xx )ixxxxx )ii.a )ixxxxx )ixxxxx )ixxxxx )ixxxxx )ii.a )!xx.xx \20 \0. \0.05 \0.55 \1000. \l. Mechanistic Burn Rate Parameters Min Min Turb Vol H20 Temp Limit B= Frac Frac: Frac No. {lbm/ftl-s) FF (Fl FF Opt 1* o. 1. 1. 350, ,, o. 0. 1. DEFAULT 350. o. DEPAOLT 350. BOIS l. l. BOIS o. o. l. l. 350, l. l. DEPAULT 350. 350, BOIS l. l. o. 0. 350. BOIS 10 l. DEFAULT 350. EDIS o. 13 o. l. l. 350, '"""" I= /xxxxxxx '"'°""""' /xxxxxxx /DBFAULT '"" I= '"" '"""" )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx }DB:P'AULT DEFAULT )xx )xx >= )ii.a )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )DEFAULT DBFAOLT >= )xx >= )ixxxxxx )ixxx..x )DEFAULT DBFAOLT )"" )xx >= )ixxx..x )ixxx..x )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx >= )ixxx..x )ixxxxxx )DEFAULT DB FAULT )xx )xx >= )ixxxxxx )ixxx..x )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx >= \20 \0. \0. \l. \l. \DEFAULT \ \350. \ \RD rs Mechanistic Burn Propagation Parameters Turb FF '"""" )xxxx )xx= )xx= )xx= )xx= )xxxx \ Unburned Burned CC Plow Flame lg Min lg Min lg Max Aut.o Ig Vol H2 Vcl Thick Temp (ft/s) {ft.) (P) a.a4 0.04 0.16'1 0.05 0.55 a.04 0.164 0.04 a.164 a.04 DEFAULT 0.04 o.aa1 0.05 0.55 DEFAULT 10 0.001 0.04 0.164 0.05 0.55 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B7 ofB156 6 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 73 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1 A DG Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Mechanistic Burn Propagation Parameters (cont,) Unburned Burned CC Flow Pl Ig Min Ig Min lg Mnx Vol H2 H2 Vel Thick H2 02 Steam * Frac FF Frac FF (ft/s) FF (ft) FF Frac Frac Prac 12 0.04 0.001 DEFAULT 0.164 0.04 0.05 13 0.04 0.001 DEFAULT 0.164 0.04 0.05 '"""" I= /xx I= /xx /DEFA1J'LT /xx I= /xx I= I= I= )i!.x )xx )xx )DEFAULT :DEFAULT )xx )xx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DBFAULT )xx )xx ).,, ).,, )DEFAULT DBFAULT ).,. )xx )xx )xx )DBFAULT DEFAULT ).,. ).,. )xx )xx )DEFAULT Dli:li'AUL'I' )xx )xx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx '" \0.04 \ \0.001 \ \DEFAULT \ \0.164 \ \0.04 \0.05 \0.55 Pipe Paramel:ers Relal:ive Lam Modulus of Vol Rough-Geom OP IP Elasticil:y Stiffness

  • ness Fact (inl (inl (pa!) Factor 1' DEFA " DEFA " DEPA " DEFA 5 DEFA ' DEFA 7 DEFA 8 DEFA ' DEFA 10 DBFA 11* DBFA 12 DBFA 13 DEFA '"""" I= /DBFA I= I= I= )i!.x >= )DEPA DBFA >= >= )xx= >= )DEPA DBFA >= >= >= >= )DBFA DEPA >= >= )xx= >= )DEPA DBFA >= >= >= >= )i!.x >= )"BFA DEPA >= >= >= >= >= )DBFA DBP'A >= >= >= >= \20 \ \DEPA \ \ \ \ Flow Paths -Table l Vol Blci.v Vol Elev "' Tilt Description (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (deg) Hatch {El 762 f Hatch (762' Hal 760. Hatch (762' Hal 762. (El 737 [ 0.1 (737'Half

735. Hatch (737'Half 735. Make Up Supply 763. 0.1 0.1 Normal Fan to D 0.1 Is86 755. Exhauat from DG 760. 0.1 10 Outside Air 737. Out.side Air 0.1 Divl-Div2 Upper 2s19 Divl-Div2 Lower 737. DG Rl Door (Low 737. lsl6 737. 2.5 15 DC Rl Dooi:-(Mid 4s64 739.5 ls32 2.5 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Auto Ig Temp (F) FF DEFAULT DEFAULT /DEFAULT /xx )DEFAULT DBFAULT )xx )DEPA1J'LT DBFAIJLT )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT ).,. )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx \DBFAtrLT \ (deg) NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B8 ofB156 7 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 74 of 254 m NUMERICAL Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator NAI-2007-004 AF>PLICATIONS Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Revision 0 nn*.*"J!"l'-l(\*:"*r1r:--*.n.r

  • ,;.r.n.rn.m:l'.i.:-:

t-r Evaluation Page B9 ofB156 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. a I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 1 {cont.) Vol Elev Vol Blev Tilt Description {ft} (ft) {ft) (ft) (deg) (deg) CG Rl Rollup (L 737. DG Rl Rollup (L Z.5 739.5 Z.5 lB 01-03 Roll Up 742. ls41 " Dl-DJ Roll Low 1. 1'9 737. 1. Dl-03 Up 3s24 742. 742. 737. 737. Emergency Fan t 763. la70 750. 769. 748. Recirc to Fan R 759, 774. Emergency Suppl 774. " Oil Fan Supply 774. 0.1 774. 0.1 " BC to Intake 13 0.1 749. 0.1 LoV Leakage Pat lle2 " Hallway Leakage 749. 11511 749. JO Gen Fan Flow Lo /ls7 /738. /l.S ls6 1.5 )1s39 )74Z. Gen Fan Flow Lo 1s7 738. 738. )1s39 )2-5 Gen Fan Flow Hi ls SS 2. J.s54 )1sJ9 )iits )2-5 Gen Fan Flow Hi lsSS 2. 744.5 \ls39 \742-\2.5 DG Rl Door (Top 4.sl24 2.1667 DG Rl Rollup (U 742. 742. 2.5 DG Rl Rollup (T 4sl83 s 744.5 '" N 744.5 2.5 /==xx I= /x /xxxx:JU< I= /x=xxx I= I= I= Pressur >= >= )i!.x }xxxxx >= Preseur >= >= Pressur >= >= )!i.x Pressur >= >= )!k 12cyl P }xxxxx }xxxxx )!!xx 16cyl P >= >= \" \Exhauet Pipe Le \lslll. \t \760.98 \0.01 \lls3 \B \788.01 \0.01 \ Flow Paths -Table 2 Flow Flow Hyd. Inertia Friction Relative Dep Path Diam. Length Length Rough-Bend T= Flow (ft2) (ft) (ft) (ft) (deg) Dpt Dpt " le-05 NONB NONB NONE 160. 15. le-05 NONB 160. NONE NONB NONE NONB le.+05 NONB le+ OS 5. DEFA NONE 10.7 10.7 NONB 5. NONE NONE 20, 5.5 NONE 1' NONB 10.7 NONB 10.7 DEFA NONE 66.39 NONE 21.3 '" 0, NONE 21.3 lc-05 NONE July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 75 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flo.., Paths -Table 2 !cont.) Flow Flow Hyd. Inertia Friction Relative Lam Cop Path ,., .. Diam.. Length Length Rough-Bend T= Flow (ft2) (ft) (ft) (ft) (deg) Dpt Dpt 120. DEPA NONE " NDNB 120. o. le-OS NONE 0,073 DEPA NONE DEPA NONll JO '* l. '* le-08 NONE l. " NONE 1. s. DEPA NONE N&T NONE 34 6.5 5,5 0. 0. N&T NONE 35 20. 5.5 0. DEPA o. N&T NONE: " 20. 5. 5.5 0. 0. DEPA 0. NONE /=a I= I= I= I= I= /DEPA I= I= I= >= >= )DEPA DEPA >= >= )DEPA DEPA >= >= )DBPA DEPA )ixxxxxxx >= >= )DBFA DEPA )!i.x >= >= )DEPA DBFA ):X >= >= )DEPA DBFA )!!xx >= >= )DBPA DEPA \44 \10. \5. \41. \ \DBFA \0. \N&1' \NONE Flow Paths -Table 3 Flow ""'* Rev. Crieical Eltit Drop Hcmog. Path Comp. Flow Breakup Flow Coeff. C'oef:t:. Dpt. Model Coeff. Model Dpt. 0.1 OFF OFF O.l OFF D.1 OFF o. OFF 0.1 OFF o. 0,1 OFF OFF D.1 2.78 OFF OFF 1.5 o. OFF 1.5 OFF 0. OFF OFF 2.78 o. 2.78 o. OFF DFF 16 OFF OFF " 0.1 OFF OFF 2.78 2,78 OFF l. OFF o. OFF OFF July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BIO ofB156 9 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 76 of 254 (l'N) Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 3 (cont.) Flow Fwd. Rev. Critical Exit Drop Homog. Path Loss Loss Comp, Flow Loss Breakup Flow * Coeff. FF Coeff, FF Opt. Model Coeff. Model Opt. 33 1. 1. OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF J4 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF JS 2.78 2.78 OPF OFF 0. OFF OFF 36 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF I= /xx I= /xx I= I= I= )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )OFF )xx )xx >E: \44 \5.56' \ \5.56 \ \OPP \OPP \0. \OPP \OFP' Flow Paths -Table 4 Reverse Prop Flow Min Min *= Min Min M= Burn With Path H2 02 H20 H2 02 H20 Time Zero P<op Frac Frac Frac Fr'lC Frac Frac Frac Flow Opt 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 o.os 0.06 0.05 0.06 0. 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 o. 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 o.os I 0.55 o.os 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.05 0,55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 I NO I C:OFLOW 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0,05 0.06 0.05 0,55 0.06 0.05 0,06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 I o.55 0,06 0.05 0,55 0.06 0.05 0.55 o.5 I NO 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 12 I 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 13 0,06 o.os 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 I NO I C:OFLOW 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 o.55 o.5 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 .05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 .05 0.55 0.06 0.05 o.55 0.06 I 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 19 I 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.05 .05 I 0 .05 0.55 0.06 I 0.05 I 0.55 I 0.06 0.05 5 o.os 0.06 I 0.05 I 0.55 0.06 0.05 5 0.06 o. 0.55 0.06 0.05 I 0.55 0.5 I NO I C:OFLOW " I 0.06 I 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 .OS 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 I 0.55 o.5 33 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 o.os J4 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 35 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 o.os " 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 o.os 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= >= )i!x. >= \39 \0.06 \0.05 \D.55 \0.06 \0.05 \0.55 \0.5 \NO \COFLOW July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bll ofB156 10 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 77 of 254 m NUMERICAL Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator NAI-2007-004 APPLICATIONS Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Revision 0 :. n 'J rJ:"'l'.f. "-r*l'l .. ""l.r -... r. r)' tr Evaluation Page Bl2 ofB156 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark.GTH 11 \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 4. (cont.) Fon.oard Reverse Prop Flow Min Min Min Min With Path Time Prop Frac Frac Fl OW' Opt I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= >= )!ix. >= >= )!!xx >= \44 \0.06 \o.os \O.SS \0.06 \0.05 \0.55 \0.5 \NO \COFLOK The:r:mal Conductors Cond Vol Srf Vol Srf Cond s, A. Init. Gq> Description Opt Opt Typ* (ft2) T. (F) I/X DO (Warm) {Conv) DG (Hot) (Conv) DG Rl B Wall l*B ZoW 2376. DG Rl S Wall .936. 78, DO Rl N Hall .936. DG Rl Ceiling Under Fan Room la!17-1 1Z 1000, 7* Divl Ceiling-762 78, Divl Floor 1'F 10 3800. DG Rl W Wall /3sW /11115-10 /2376. \JsB \lsW \2350. Wall (Tank Raom -DG Rl.) Wall (DG R2 -Hallway) Wall (DO R2 -Other rooms) 2400. Wall (DG R2 -Outside Air) llsl 670. Div2 to 912' 10 15s Div2 to 962' 1's DivJ ta Amh. Jss llsl DivJ to 962' DivJ to 912' 10 3600. 78. '" Ceiling {El 737ft Hallway) 6000. 78. Hallway Floor 10 78. Wall (El 737ft Hallway -Outside Air) '"" Wall (Tank Room -Outside Air) l.lsl 120. 78. Wall {Fan Room -Other Rooms) 1800. Wall (Fan Room -Outside Airl Wall (El 737ft Other Rooms -Outside Air} Wall (El 762ft Other Rooms -Outside Air) 10000. 78. Wall {El 712ft -outside Air) 10000. Fan Roam to Amh. Fan Rm ta 962' Fan Rm to Amb (ceiling) lZ I= I= I= I= I= I= I= North Side )i!xxxx )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. South Side )i!xxxx )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. Sida )i!xxxx )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. Side )i!xxxx )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. Sida )i!xxxx )!,,. );:..,. North Sida )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. South Side )iixxxx )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. >= )!!xx Sida )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. Side )!,,. )ix. );:..,. >= Bottom Side )iixxxx )!xx )ix. );:..,. >= )!ix. North Side )iixxxx )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. )!.xxx >= South Side )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. )!.xxx )!!xx Side )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. )!.xxx )!!.. Side )!,,. )!,,. );:..,. )!.xxx Side )!,.,. )ix. );:..,. )!.xxx )!!xx Bottom Side )!,.,. );:..,. )!.xxx >= \47s \lDGOlJA North Sido \17 \1 \ls7-56 \1 \7 \16.25 \78. \X \ July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 78 of 254 [t+J] Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 TheJ;tnal Conductors (cont.) Cond Vol Srf Vol * Description A Opt B /=x I= I= I= I= )!!:x South Sida }ix. Eaet Side }ix. Side }ix. Side North Side }i!xxxx }ix. South Side )i!xxxx }ix. Side }ix. Side }ix. 'I'op Side Bottom Side }ix. 12cyl North Side }i!.xxx }ix. 12cyl South Side }i!.xxx }ix. 12cyl East. Side }i!.xxx }ix. 12cy1 West Side )i!.xxx }ix. 12cyl Top Side }i!.xxx 12cyl Bottoill. Side }i!.xxx 16cyl North Side }ix. 16cyl south Side }ix. 16cyl East Sida }ix. 16cyl West. Sida }ix. l&'cyl Top Side 16ayl Bottom Side Air Piping Air Piping Air Piping \138 \DG Combuet. Air Piping \le71-B \B \le71-B Thermal ConCluctors -Radiation Parameters Cond Therm. Rael. Emiss. Therm. Rad. Emiss. Side A Side A Side B Side B Scope No No FULL FULL 1'* FULL 21* FULL July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Srf Opt I= }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. }ix. )ix. );::.. );::.. );::.. \7 Cond S. A. Type (ft2) /xxxx I= )k )!.xx }!.xx )!.xx \8 \UB.6 NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B13 ofB156 12 Init. Grp T. (F) l/X * I= I= }!x.xx }xxxx }!x.xx }xxxx }!x.xx }xxxx }!x.xx }xxxx }!x.xx }xxxx }!x.xx }xxxx }xxxx }!x.xx }xxxx }!x.xx }xxxx }!x.xx }=x }!x.xx }xxxx }!x.xx }=x }!x.xx }=x }!x.xx }=x }!x.xx }xxxx }!x.xx }=x }!x.xx }=x )=x )!x.xx )=x )!x.xx )=x )!x.xx )=x )ixxxx )ixxxx )ixxxx \78. \I \4 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 79 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:16 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Radiation l?arameters (cont,) Cond Therm. Rad. Emiss. Therm. Rad. Emiss. * Side A Side A Side B Side B Scope " No No FOLL " No No FULL I= /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx I= I= )xxxxxxx >= )=..,. >= )xxx=xx )=..,. )!!!x )xxxxxxx >= )=..,. >= >= )=..,. >= )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx >= )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )iixx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx >= )=..,. >= )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxx=xx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx >= )=..,. >= >= )=..,. >= >= )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx >= )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. >= )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx >= )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx >= )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )!!:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )!!,.,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. }xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=..,. )xxxxxxx >= )=..,. \73s \No \ \No \ \FOLL Thermal Conductors -Ice Parameters Side A. Side B Node Arca Joo Cond. Spacing Thick. Thick. (in) Nodes Opt.ion (in) Porosity (in) Porosity July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B14 ofB156 13 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 80 of 254 (N'J) Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Ice Parameters (cont.) -------Side A -----------Side B ----Node Area Ice Ice Cond. Spacing Max FF Thick. Ice Area Thick. Ice Area * (in) Nodea Option (in) Porosity FF (in) Porosity FF " NONE NONE " NONE NONE lOs NONE NONE 11* NONE NONE 12' NONE NONE lJ* NONE NONE Us NONE NONE lSs NONB NONE 16s NONE NONE 17s NONE NONE l" NONE NONE 19s NONE NONE '" NONE NONE 21s NONE NONE 22 NONE NONE 2J NONE NONE " NONE NONE 25 NONE NONE 26 NONE NONE 27 NONE NONE 28 NONE NONE " NONE NONE 30 NONE NONE /xxxx /xxxxxxx I= Ix= /NONE I= /xxxx /NONE I= /xxxx )xxxxxxx >= )x= )NO!!B NONE )xx=x )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xx= >= )xxxxxx )NONE NO!!B >= )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )x=x )= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )i!!x )xxxxxxx >= >= )NO!!B NONE )xx=x )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )=xx )xxxxx )x= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE RONN )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )=x )NONE NONE )=xx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )x=x )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )=xx )xxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!!xx )xx= )xxxxx )x= )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= )xxxx )xx= )xxxxx )xxxxxx )Woel )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE "°"" )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE RONN )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!ix. )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= )xxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!!,,,. )xx= )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NO!!B )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )"ONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xx= )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )x= )NONE NONE }xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )i!:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )x= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE }xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!!:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!i:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )HONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )=xx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx }xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!!:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx }!!!x )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx \67e \ \ \ \NONE \ \ \NONE \ \ July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B15 ofB156 14 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 81 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Ice Parameters (cont..) -------Side A -----------Side B Node ., .. Ice Ice Cond. Spacing M= FF Thick, Ice >rea Thick. Ice * (in) Nodes Option (in) Porosity FF (in) Poro:Jity '"""" I= I= I= /NONB I= '"""" /NONB I= }xxxxxxx >= >= }NONE NONB >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= }xx= }xxxxx }xxxxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONB NONB >= }xx= >= >= >= }xxxx >= }xxxxxxx >= }xxxxxx >= }xxxx }NONB NONE >= >= >= >= }NONE NONB }xxxxxxxx }xxxx }NONE NONB >= \7Ja \ \ \ \NONE \ \ \NONE \ Thermal Conductor Types Type Thick. o.o. Heat Description (in) (in) Regions (Btu/ft.J-:i) Ceiling/Floor Internal Hall 12. 20 External Hall o. o. 10 ' Internal Block WALL 11.625 '"""" /xxxxxxx '"""" '"""""""' I= '""""""" /=xxxxxx >= }!xx. >= ,, \24* Piping \1"1JBB \0.375 \24-\13 \0. Forcing Function Tal:ilei:i FF# Description Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Points Constant lT DG Harm Temp Time (eec:) Temperatur 00 Hot Temp Time (sec) Temperatur Model Gen, Heat Time (sec) Heat Rate 4S 4T Benchmark Heat Time (aec) Benchmark Benchmark EXhau Time (sec) Benchmark GT Benchlllark Inlet Time (Bee) Temperatur 43 Benchmark Loe l Time (sec) Tcmpcratur Benchmark Loe 2 Time (sec) Te.mperatur " OT Benchmark Loe J Time (sec) Tcmpcratur lOT Benchmark Loe 4 Time (sec) Te.mpe.ratur 15 I= \lll' \Outdoor Air l'eill. \l'illle lsocl \l'emperatur \2 Conductor Surface Options -Table 1 Opt Description 1 Wall 2 Ceiling Side J Floor Side '1 OG Warm Temper 5 00 Hot Temperat '"""" for DG }!xx. ,, \DG Intake HTC Trana fer Opt.ion Direct Direct Direct Sp Temp Sp Temp Sp Conv \Sp Conv Cnd/ Sp Nominal Cnd Value Opt Opt /4.9 I= I= I= >= }xxxx >= >= }!! >= }!xx \4.752 \ \ ---->rea FF '"""" }xxzx }xxxx }xxxx }xxxx }xxxx \ FF '"""" }xxxx }xxxx \ Nat Opt July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Opt }xx= NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B16 ofB156 15 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 82 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductor Surface Options -Table 2 surf Min Max Convection Condensation Rad to Steam Opt Phase Liq Liq Bulk Temp Bulk Temp Emissivity

  1. Opt Fr act Fract Model FF Model FF Dry Wet 1 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 2 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 3 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 4 5 6 VAP Tg-Tw 0. 0. /=xx I= /><= I= /xxxxxxx />=< '"""""""'

/xxx /DBFAOLT /DEFAULT }k >= >= }xxx }xxx )DBP'AO'L'l' DBFAOLT )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxx >= >= }xxxxxxx }xxx }xxxxxxx >= )DBFAOLT )DEFAULT \9 \VAP \ \ \'l'g-'l'w \ \ \ \0. \o. Conductor Surface Options -Table 3 Surf Char. Nam Minimum Char. Opt Length Vel Vel Conv HTC Height Length # (ft) (ft/s) FF (B/h-f2-F) (ft) (ft) 1 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 2 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 3 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 4 DEFAULT DEFAULT 5 DEFAULT DEFAULT 6 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT I= /xxxxxx I= /DEFAULT °""""" /=xx }k }xxxxxx }xxxxxx >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >== >== }k }xxxxxx }xxxxxx }xxx )DEFAULT }=xx \9 \ \ \ \DEFAULT \DEFAULT \DBPAtJ'LT Conductor Surface Options -Table 4 Surf Total Peak Initial BD Post-BO Post-BD Opt Const Heat Time Exp Value Exp Exp Direct # CT (Btu) (sec) XT (B/h-f2-F) yt xt FF 1 2 3 4 5 6 /xxxxxx I= I= /xxxxxx I= /xxxxxx '""""""" '"""""""' }k }xxxxxx >= >= }xxxxxx >= }xxxxxx >= >= }xxxxxx }xxxxxx >= }xxxxxx }=xx \9 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Control Variables CV Fune. Initial Coeff. Coeff. # Description Form Value G ao Min lC Div 1 DG Heat Load sum 0. 1. 0. -le+32 2C Div 1 CG Heat Absorption 0. -1. 0. -1e+32 3C Bounding Panel T_bulk_avg 0. 1. 0. -1e+32 4C Bounding Panel T_max 0. 1. 0. -le+32 SC Door T_bulk_avg @ Operator Act if 0. 1. 0. -le+32 6C Door T_max @ Operator Action if 0. 1. 0. -le+32 7C Panel 1PL12JA [Vole] 0. 1. 0. -le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Upd. Int. Max Mult. le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B 17 ofB156 16 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 83 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 9C 10C 11C 12C 13C l4C lSC 16C l8C 1'C 20C 22C 23C 24C 25C 26C 27C 29C 30C 31C 32C 33C 34C 35C 36C 37C 38C 3'C 40C /x=x )!!ix )!!ix )iiix )i!ix )i!ix )!iix \63C Description Panel 1PL12JA [Temv] Panel 1PL12JA (Vole] [Temv] Panel 1PL12JA T_bulk_avg Panel lPL92JA/lPL93JA [Vole] Panel 1PL92JA/1PL93JA [Temv] Panel 1PL92JA/1PL93JA [Vole] [T Panel 1PL92Ja/1PL93JA T_bulk_a Panel lDGOlJA [Vole] Panel lDGOlJA [Temv] Panel lDGOlJA [Vole] [Temv) Panel lDGOlJA T_bulk_avg Panel 1DG06SA [Vole] Panel 1DG06SA [Temv] Panel lDG06SA [Vole] [Temv] Panel 1DG06SA T_bulk_avg Panel lDGOlKA l2cyl [Vole] Panel lDGOlKA l2cyl [Temv] Panel lDGOlKA 12eyl [Vole] [Tem Panel lDGOlKA 12eyl T_bulk_avg Panel lDGOlKA 16eyl [Vole] Panel lDGOlKA 16eyl [Temv] Panel lDGOlKA 16eyl [Vole) [Tem Panel lDGOlKA 16eyl T_bulk_avg Rollup Door [Vole] Rollup Door [Temv] Rollup Door [Vole] [Temv) Rollup Door T_bulk_avg Personnel Door [Vole] Personnel Door [Temv] Personnel Door [Vole] [Temv] Personnel Door T_bulk_avg Max Door Temperature Max Door T_bulk_avg /xxxxxxx Air Temperature Heat '!'ransfer Heat Transfer + Dela That .. :z + Vy**2 + Vz**:z)

    • (2/3)] ** (1/4)

(1/2) *Pr** (1/3) / (l+ (0

    • (5/B)
    • (5/B)] ** (4/5)

(1/2)*Pr**(l/3)/ [1+ (0 \Local Nu Control Variables (cont.) Fune. sump rod div sump rod div sump rod div sum prod div .sump rod div sump rod div sump rod div sump rod div /xxxxxxx \own Initial Value 0. 0. 0. o. 0. 0. o. 0. 0. o. o. 0. 0. o. 0. o. 0. o. 0. o. 0. o. 0. 0. o. o. 0. 0. /xxxxxxx \0. Coeff. l. l. l. l. 1. l. 1. 1. l. 1. l. l. l. l. l. 1. l. l. l. l. l. l. l. l. l. l. 1. 1. 1. l. /xxxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx \1. Coeff. aO Min 0. -le+32 o. -le+32 o, -le+32 o, -le+32 0. -le+32 0. -le+32 o. -1e+32 0. -le+32 o. -le+32 0. -le+32 0. -le+32 -1e+32 O. -le+32 o, -le+32 o. -le+32 O. -le+32 0. -le+32 o. -le+32 O. -le+32 O. -le+32 a. -le+32 O. -le+32 o. -le+32 O. -le+32 a. -le+32 a. -le+32 O. -le+32 O. -le+J2 0. -le+32 0. -le+32 a. -le+32 o. 0. /xxxxxxx -le+32 /xxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx \0.3

\-le.+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 1e+32 le+32 /xxxxxx \le+32 NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl8 ofB156 Upd. Int. Mult. '"""""""' \0. 0. 0. 0. 0. o. o. 0. 0. o. o. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. o. 0. o. 17 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 84 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Turbulence Parameters 1----Liquid --1 1----Vapor --1 Vol Molec. Turb. Mix.L. PrT ScT Mix.L PrT ScT Phase # Diff. Model (ft) No. No. (ft) No. No. Option ls NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. 2s NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. VAPOR 3s NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. VAPOR 4s NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. 5 NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. VAPOR 6 NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. VAPOR 7 NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. VAPOR 8 NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. VAPOR 9 NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. VAPOR 10 NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. VAPOR lls NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. 12 NO NONE 0. 0. 0. 0. VAPOR 13 NO NONE 1. 1. 1. 1. VAPOR /xxxxx /xxxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx I= /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx )i!x.x )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )i!x.x )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )i!xxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx \20 \NO \NONB \ \1. \1. \ \L \1. \VAPOR Cell Blockages -Table 1 Volume ls Blockage No. Description Type 1 Day Tank Room BLK B I N /xxxxx /xxxxxxx /x /x /x >ni )ixxxx >ni )!xx.,. >ni >ni )!xxxx >ni >= 12cyl )i \8 \1DG01KA 16cyl \BLK \B \I \N Cell Blockages -Table 2 Volume ls Blockage Coordinates & Dimensions (ft) No. Xl Yl Zl X2 Y2 Z2 X3 Y3 Z3 1 0. 0. 0. 10. 10. 10. I= /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )ixxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )!xx.,. )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )!xxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx >= >= >= \B \2!L479 \11.583 \2 .458 \30 .479 \14. \8.292 \ \ \ July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT L /xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )x= \ Angle (Deg) /xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )x= \ Curb Height NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl9 ofB156 0. /xxxxxx \0. 18 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 85 of 254 ( r+J) Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 X-Direction Cell Face Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Area Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ent. No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff. FF Factor def On 1. 1000000. 0. o. lsl 1 0. le-06 0. 0. lsS 1 1. 260. 0. 0. lsl 7 1 0. le-06 0. 0. ls21 1 1. 260. 0. 0. ls33 1 0. le-06 0. 0. ls37 1 1. 260. o. 0. ls49 1 0. le-06 0. 0. ls53 1 1. 260. o. 0. ls65 1 1. 20. o. 0. />ae<Z.XXX I= I= I= I= /xx I XXIU'X >= ) .. >= ) .. >= ) .. >= ) .. )O* x XXX'C >= ) .. >= ) .. cccccc xxx >= ) .. >= ) .. )0* xxxxxx >= ) .. )0-xxxxxxxxxxxx )ix...... ) .... ) .. \1921 ,, \l. \ \6'81.822 \0. \ \0. Z-Direction Cell Face Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Area Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ent . curb Ht No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff. FF Factor (ft) def On 1. 1000000. 0. o. lsl 1 0. le-06 0. 0. ls2 1 1. 36. 0. o. lsS 1 1. 260. 0. 0. lsl7 l 0. le-06 0. 0. lsl8 l 1. 36. 0. 0. ls21 l 1. 260. 0. o. ls33 1 0. le-06 0. 0. ls34 1 1. 36. 0. 0. ls37 1 1. 260. 0. 0. ls49 1 0. le-06 0. 0. lsSO l 1. 36. o. 0. ls53 1 1. 260. 0. 0. /=xxx /=xxx /=xxxx /xxxx /xxxxxxxxx I= /xx /xxxxxxxxxxxx /xxxxxxxx >= ) .. ......... ) .... ) .. ) .... ) .. ......... >= ) .. )!;. ......... >= ) .. >= ) .. )ix...... >= ) .. )0* xxxxxxxx >= ) .. .... )ix...... >= ) .. ......... >= ) .. )!;. xxx )ix...... ) .... ) .. ) .... ) .. )O* ..... )ix...... >= ) .. )ix...... ) .... ) .. )0-....... )ix...... >= ) .. )o* )ix...... ) .... ) .. xx \la43 \7 \l. \ \158.88 \0. \ \0. \0. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT o. 0. o. 0. 0. o. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B20 ofB156 19 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 86 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Z-Direction Cell Pace Variations (cent.) Cell I= \ls39 Cell No, .. , lol 152 155 lsl7 lslB ls21 lsJJ lsl4 ls37 ls49 la SO 1953 ls65 I= \la39 Blockage )!xxxxxx )!xxxxxx \B Porosity /xxxxxxxx )ixxxxxxx )ixxxxxxx \1. Volume Variations Volume ls Blockage Volume No. Porosity On l 1 1 1 l l l l l l l 1 1 I= /xxxxxxxx )ixxxxxxx )!.x.x.x )ixxxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxxx )ixxxxxxx )ixxxxxxx )ixxxxxxx )!xxxxxx )ixxxxxxx \B \1. l. 0. l. l. 0. l. l. 0. l. l. 0. l. 1. l. /xxxx )xxxx )xxxx \ FF /xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx \ Volume ls Hyr;i.. Dia. (ft) I= \596,978 Byd. Dia. (ft) 1000000. le-06 "* 260, le-06 "* 260. le-06 "* 260. le-06 "* 260. 20, I= \571.38501 Comluct:or Surface Options -Natural Convect;icm Variables surf Op< C'oeff. /xxxxxxxx \0. Drop De-ent. /:ex /xxXTXT'TTY7T'{. \ \O. curb Ht !ft) /xxxxxxxx \0. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B21 ofB156 20 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 87 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductor Surface Options -Natural Convection Variables (co htc " (k/l) * (A + e*Gr**C:*Pr**D) surf Opt Conv Var A Conv Var B Ccmv Var c Norn. Norn. ' 0. 0.5.9 0.25 /xxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxx I= )k }xxxxx )xxxxx )!xxx )xxxxx )xxxxx \* \0. \0,53 \ \0 .25 conductor surface Options -Forced Convection Variables htc " (k/ll . IA + B*Re**C*Pr**D) Surf Opt Conv Var A Conv Var B Conv Var C Norn. FF 0.8 0.037 0.037 0.8 ' 0. 0.023 0.8 /xxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxx I= /xxxxx I= )k )xxxxx )!xxx )xxxxx )xxxxx \* \0. \ \0.023 \0.8 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File, Thermal Conductor Type Panel Steel FF /xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx /xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx \ Mat. Bdry. (in) Thick {inl Sub* Heat Region regs. Factor 0,00648 0.009'72 0.01296 o. 0.02268 0.0677 0. 0,01424 0.10104 0.11528 0.00648 10 0.121'76 0.00324 Following table in t:he Compare File but not in the current: File. Function llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 0. I I 1e+06 I Conv Var D Norn. 0.25 /xxxxxxx /xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx \0,25 \ Conv Var D Norn. 0.333 0.333 0.4 I= /xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx \0.4 \ July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAl-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B22 ofB156 21 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 88 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 41C Outdoor Air Temperature: G=l.O a0=0. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 tfunc Y=G* interp (alXl, tableX2) Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Etime I cM I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Table DCllT 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 42C DG Intake Heat Transfer: G=l.O a0=0. min:::i-l.e32 max=l.e32 sum Y::::G* (aO+a1Xl+a2X2+

      • +anXn) Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value ii Cond_grp_heat

(1) I cC70sl I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Thermal Conductor Type 24" Piping Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region (in) (in) regs. Factor 0. 0. 00324 0. 0.00324 0. 00648 0. 0.00972 0. 01296 0. 0.02268 0.02592. 0. 0. 0486 0. 05184 0. 0 .10044 0. 06864 0. 0 .16908 0. 06864 0. 0. 23772 0. 04434 0. 0. 28206 0. 04434 0. 10 0. 3264 0. 02592 0. 11 0.35232 0.01296 0. 12 0 .36528 0.00648 0. 13 0.37176 0. 00324 0. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Thermal Conductor Type 36" Piping Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region (in) (in) regs. Factor 0. 0. 00324 0. 0.00324 0.00648 0. 0.00972 0. 01296 0. 0. 02268 0. 02592 0. 0.0486 0. 05184 0. 0 .10044 o. 06864 0. 0 .16908 0. 06864 0. o. 23772 0. 04434 0. 0.28206 0. 04434 0. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B23 ofB156 22 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 89 of 254 m N UMERICAL PPLICATIONS A nn*.*rJ:"'r

  • -1 i"'l-r*n *41,r *;.r.

w Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparis I Current File: on: Double entries indicate differences. C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG Benchmark.GTH e: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH 0:59:17 \Compare Fil Jul/24/2017 2 GOTHIC Versi on 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Region 10 11 " lJ Tho rmal Conductor 'l'YPe (cont.) Mat 36" Piping Bdry. (in) o.3652B Thick Sub* (in) regs. Factor 0. Following tab le in the Compare File but not in the Current File. D # 1 2 Function Components Control Variable 44C G Intake That: G=l.O aO=O. min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 Gothic_s Name sum YcG* (aO+alXl+a2X2+, .. +arutn) Cvval (O) Cvval (0) variable location Coef. cv41C 1. cv43C O. 21783386 Following tab le in the Compare File but not in the Current File. # 1 2 3 Following

  1. 1 2 Following
  2. 1 Function Components

Control Variable soc Local Rho*V*D: G=l.O aO:::O. min:::-l.e32 max=l.e32 tab tab mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *aruCn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. Name location Rm cV@ 1. CVVal (0) cv49C 1. Dhyd cV@ 1. le in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 45C Local Vx**2: G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn), aO unused Gothic_s Name Uccxv Uccxv Variable location cV@ cV@ Coef. 1. 1. le in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 46C Local Vy**2: G=l.O aO=O. min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn) , aO unused Gothic_s Name Uccyv Variable location cV@ Coef. 1. Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 Max value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B24 ofB156 23 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 90 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function Components (cont.) Control Variable 46C Local Vy**2: G=l.O aOaO. min,,-l.e32 rnax=l.el2 mult Y*G*(a1Xl*a2X2*

      • *anxnJ, ao unused Gothic:_s

Variable location Uccyv I Coef. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. # Function Components Control Variable 4 7C Local Vz**2: G=l. O aO=O. min=-1. e32 maxc:l. e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn), ao unused Gothic_s Name Ucczv Ucczv Variable location cV@ cV Coef. a 1. 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 4BC Local (Vx**2 + Vy**2 + Vz**2): G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 Yc:G* (aO+alXl+a2X2+ ... +anJCn) Gothic_ " Variable Coef. Name location CVVal (0) cv4SC 1. CVVal (0) cv46C 1. CVVal (O) cv47C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 49C Local IVI' G::ol a0=.5 min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "'a2X2 or G* (alXl) "'ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a 11 Cvval(O) I cv4BC I 1. I Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable SlC Local Re: G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) / (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Visv I cV I 1.1 CVVal (O) cvSOC 1. Min. Value Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 I I I Value Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B25 ofB156 24 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 91 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG Benchmark.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components , Control Variable 52C Local cp*mu: G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max::::il.e32 mult Y::::G* (a1Xl*a2X2*

      • *anXn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value I Cpv I cV I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Viscv cV@ 1. -le+32 le+32 Following

table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 53C Local Pr: G=l.O aO=O. min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 div Yc:G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value I Condv I cV@ I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 CVVal (O) cv52C 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 54C Re**l/2: G=l.O aD=O.S min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 11 Cvval (0) I cvSlC I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable SSC Pr**l/3: G=l.O a0,,,0.333 min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "a2x2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 11 Cvval (O) I cvS3C I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 56C O. 62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) : G=O. 62 ao.,o. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value CVVal (0) I cvS4C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 CVVal (0) cvSSC 1. -le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B26 ofB156 25 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 92 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable S?C (0.4/Pr)**(2/3)' G::oO. 54288 aO=-. 667 min=-1. e32 max=il. e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) "'aa Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 11 CVVal (0) I cv53C I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Fwlction Components Control Variable SBC [l+(0.4/Pr)**(2/3)]**(1/4): G=l.0 aO=l min=-1.e32 max=l .e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) ""ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value CVVal (0) I cv57C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 o_ne cM 0 .25 -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 60C (Re/282000)

    • (S/8)' G=.625 a0=0.000392

min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "'a2X2 or G* (alXl) "'ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 11 Cvval (0) I cvSlC I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 61C [1+ (Re/282000)

    • (5/8)] ** (4/5) : G=l. o aO=l min=-1.e32

max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "'a2X2 or G* (alXl) '"'ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Cvval (0) I cv60C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 One CM 0.8 -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 62C o. 62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) / [l+ (0 .4/Pr) ** (2/3) J ** (1/4) * [l+ (Re/282000) mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Cvval (0) I cv59C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 CVVal (0) cv61C 1. -le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B27 ofB156 26 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 93 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG Benchmark.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:17 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 59C 0. 62*Re** (1/2) *pr** (1/3) I [l+ (0 .4/Pr) ** (2/3)] ** (1/4) ' G=l. 0 aO=O. m div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Cvval (O) I cvSBC I 1. I Cvval (0) cv56C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 63C Local Nu: G=l.0 a0=0 .3 min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 sum Y=G* (aO+alX1+a2X2+ ..* +anXn) Gothic s Variable Coef. -# Name location a 11 Cvval (0) I cv62C I 1. I Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 43C DG Intake Heat Transfer+ Delay: G:::l.O a0:::-5 min:::-l.e32 max=l.e32 if (a1Xl+a0<0 alXl+aO:::O alXl+aO>O) Y=Ga2X2 Y:::Ga3X3 Y=Ga4X4 Gothic_ s Variable Coef. Name location a 1 Btime cM 1. One cM 0. One CM 0. Cvval (0) cv42C 1. Min. Max Value Value -le+32 I le+32 -le+32 le+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 I le+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 le+32 -le+32 le+32 -le+32 le+32 -le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAl-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B28 ofB156 27 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 94 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Volume Initial Conditions Total Vapor Liquid Relative Liquid Liq. Vapor Liquid Vol Pressure Temp. Temp. Humidity Volume Comp. Tracer Tracer

  1. (psia) (F) (F) (%) Fract. Set Set Set def 14.3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE ls 14 .3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 2s 14. 30335 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 3s 14. 31195 130. 130. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 4* 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 5 14 .3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE

NONE 6 14. 28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 7 14 .3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 8 14. 31195 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 9 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 10 14. 28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE lls 14 .3 /96. /'J6. /40. 0. NONE NONE NONE )"* )"* )* 12 14 .3 ... ... 40 * 0. NONE NONE NONE \90. \90. \50. 13 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE Graphs .. Graph Curve Number # Title 1 2 3 4 5 0 M&E Imbalance EM EE 1 Benchmark Heat Rate Comparison cvlC DC4T 2 Benchmark Exhaust/ /Inlet Tempe TVlslOS DCST TV12 DC6T 3 Div 1 DG Room Upper SubVolume TVlsl05 TVlsl06 TV1sl07 TV1s102 TVlsl03 4 Div 1 DG Room Doors to Hall TV1s41 TVls42 TVls43 TV1s44 5 Div 1 to Hallway Pressure PR1s44 PR4s124 PR12 PR9 PRlD 6 DG Room Temeprature TVls39 TVlsB TVlsll TV1s105 7 Fan Room and Outside Air Tempe TV7 TV11s2 TV12 8 Fan Flow Rate LV7L LV6L 9 24hr Benchmark T TVlslOS DCST 10 24hr Benchmark Heat cvlC DC4T 11 DG Room T v Benchmark 1 TVls47 /TV'ls40 DC7T DC8T \TVlsl9 12 DG Room T v Benchmark 2 TV1s35 DC9T DClOT TVls37 13 Hallway, 762'. & 712' TV4sl24 TV9 TVlO 14 Wall Temperature for the Small TA3s2 15 Atmospheric Pressure PRllsl PR1ls2 PR1ls3 16 Atmospheric BC Flow Rates FVlO FVll 17 Recirculation Mass Flow FV23 FV24 18 Leakage Flow Rate FV28 FV29 19 Hallway Door Flow Rates FV15 FV14 FV16 FV17 20 Relative Hurni di ty Above the Ai RRlsBS RRls86 RR1s87 21 Temperature Above the Air Comp TVls85 TVlsB6 TVlsB7 22 Divl DG Panel Temperatures TV1s43 TV1s40 TV1s39 TVlsS TV1s37 23 Components of Averages TVlsS TVlsB TVlsll TVls40 TV1s43 24 Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures TV1s14 TVlslS TV1s30 TVls31 I 25 Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures TVls46 TVls47 TVls62 TV1s63 )TVH \'l'Vl4 26 Panels 1PL92JA/1PL93JA Tempera TV1s12 I I \TVlS \'l'V16 27 Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures TV1s7 TVlsB TVls23 TVls24 I 28 Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures TVls39 TV1s40 TV1s55 TV1s56 )TV17 29 Panel 1DG06SA Temperatures TVlsS TV1s6 TV1s21 TV1s22 )TV17 30 Panel lDGOlKA 12cyl Temperatur TVlsll TVls27 TV1s43 TV1s59 )TV18 31 Panel lDGOlKA 16cyl Temperatur TV1s7 TVls23 TVls39 TVlsSS )TV19 \TV20 32 Panel Bulk Average Temperature cvlOC cv14C cvlBC 33 Panel Bulk Average Temperature cv22C cv26C cv30C 34 Division 1 Room Door DPs DP14 DP15 DP34 35 Division 1 Room Rollup Door DP DP16 DP17 DP35 DP36 36 Div 1 DG Heat Absorption cv2C July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT I NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B29 ofB156 28 curve Ops \L2*TV15 (1PL93J /Ll*cvlOC (1PL12 \Ll-cvlOC (lPLla Ll 11 cv22C (1DG06 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 95 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Fluid Boundary Conditions -Table 1 Press. Temp. Flow s BC# Description (psia) FF (F) FF (lbrn/s) FF p lP Outside Air 14 .3 ,,. I N 2F Outside Air 14. 266 )11 10000 N \1 \11 3P Emergency Suppl 14 .3 72 N 4P Make-up Supply 14 .3 78 N Fluid Boundary Conditions -Table 2 Liq. V. Stm. v. Drop D. Drop Drop BC# Frac. FF Frac. FF (in) FF GSD Frac. lP /840 NONE 1. 0. )0.024 2F B40 NONE 1. 0. \0,024 3P H25 NONE 1. 0. 4P H25 NONE 1. 0. Volumetric Fan -Table 2 Vol Flow Flow Fan Flow Rate Rate Option (CFM) FF lQ Time 3020. 2Q Time 3020. 3Q Time 77567. 4Q Time 4250. SQ Time 4250. 6Q Time 4250. 7Q Time 4250. SQ Time /1510. \2800. Time DT DT DT Dorn Min Max Ratio 0 .001 0.1 le+ OB 0 .001 /1.S 1. )'** o. 001 l.5 1. o. 001 )U 1. \0.5 Run Options Option Restart Option Start Time (sec) Parallel Processes Preprocessor Multithreading Revaporization Fraction Maximum Mist Density (lbm/ft3) Drop Diam. From Mist (in) Minimum HT Coeff. (8/h-ft2-F) Reference Pressure (psia) Heat Option Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time End Time 5. 100. 1000. 86400. Heat Heat Rate Rate (Btu/s) FF 0. 0. 0. 0. o. o. 0. 0. Time Domain Data Print Graph Int Int 1. /60. 10. \10. 60. 60. /60. 3600. \3600. Setting /1 \J NONE 0. 0 YES DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 0 .0 IGNORE Cpld FF BC# Disch Vol ls86 lls3 ls70 ls6 ls8 ls54 ls56 ln Gas Error Relax T DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT J ON OFF Elev. 0 Trip Trip (ft) N 749. N 10 800. N 749. N 749. Flow Heat Outlet Frac. FF (Btu/s) FF Quality DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT Dump Ph Chng L Flow Int T Scale Shutoff 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT FF NAl-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B30 ofB156 29 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 96 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7 .GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Run Options (cont.) Option Maximum Pressure (psia) Forced Ent. Drop Diam. (in) Vapor Phase Head correction Kinetic Energy Vapor Phase Liquid Phase Drop Phase Poree Equilibrium Drop-Liq. Conversion QA Logging Debug Output Level Debug Starting Time Step Debug Time Step Frequency Restart Dump on CPD Interval (sec) Pressure Initialization Iteration Pressure Initialization Convergenc Solver Command Line Options Fwlction 3T Model Gen. Heat Rate Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. var.: Heat Rate (BTU//sec) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 0. 0. 4. 9 5. /0.25 9. 9 )0.18 10. 0.59 23 .9 )0.43 24. 1.42 39 .9 )1.03 40. 2.44 119. 9 )1.77 120. 7.39 899 .9 900. 1199. 9 )40.89 1200. 72.37 4919. 9 4920. 7199. 9 7200. 14399.9 14400. 21600. )104.15 86400. 152.24 \110.68 Setting DEFAULT INCLUDE IGNORE INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE IGNORE INCLUDE OFF 3600. 1.0e-6 Dep. Var. /0.2 )0.15 0.49 )0.36 1.41 )1.02 2.36 )1.71 7.3 )40.31 70,14 )102.96' 152.24 \110.6'8 Control Volume Parameters Vol Vol Elev Ht Hyd. D. Description (ft3) (ft) (ft) (ft) ls DG Room (Div. 1 82470. 737. 24. 24. 2s DG Room (Div. 2 54300. 737. 24. 24. 3s DG Room (Div. 3 64300. 737. 24. 24. 4s Hallway 143900. 737. 24. 24. Day Tank Room 1300. 737. 10. 10. Oil Tank Room 14000. 712. 24. 24. Make up Air Sup 10000. 762. 24. 24. Rest of El 737' 247000. 737. 24. 24. Rest of El 762' 480000. 762. 24. 24. 10 712' El 480000. 712. 24. 24. lls Outside Air le+07 737. 74. 20. 12 Fan Room 23750. 762. 24. 24. 13 Interposing Int 1000. 762. 24. 24. )i!.,. )Llmx \15 \1PL93JA \0.787 \739.917 \1.354 \0.463 L/V IA SA Min Film (ft2) FF (ft) DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT /DBFAlJLT /DBFAlJLT )DBFAULT DEFAULT )DBFAULT DBFAtJLT \DBFAULT \DBFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Min Film FF \ NAl-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B31 ofB156 30 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 97 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-064_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Control Volume Parameters (cont.) Vol Vol Elev Ht Hyd. D. L/V IA SA Min Film Min Film * Description (ft3) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) FF (ft) FF l=x I'°"""°"' I= I'°"""°"' I"'°""""' /DEFAULT l=x /DEFAULT I'°"""°"' )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxx )DBFAULT DBFAUL:r )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )!!xx >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxx )DEFAULT DBI!' AULT )i!x. )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxx )DEFAULT DBFAULT '" \lDGOlltA 16cyl \9.868 \733 .458 \5.BJJ \D.883 \DBFA'tl'LT \ \DBFAULT \ Control Volume Options Vol S Wave Pool HMT Pool Pool Pres. Pool Op. "" Bu= ICIP * Damper Mult Opt Correction FF Tracking Opt Drag lo 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON " 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONH ON " 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON " 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON s 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 6 l. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON ' 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON ' 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON ' 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 10 l. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON ll* 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 12 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON 13 1. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON lxxxx I= /DEFAULT I= I= lxxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )DEFAULT DEl!'AULT >= )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!x. )DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \1. \DEF AUL? \LOCAL \ON \ \ON \NONE \ON Laminar Leakage Lk Rate Ref Ref Rof Sink Leak Vol Factor Temp Humid Model Rep subvol ('l/hrl (paial {Fl ,., Option Wall Option {ft2) DEFAULT UNIFORM DEFAULT UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM DEFAULT 13 CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT lxxxx I= I= lxxxx I= /DBFAULT >= )xxxx >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!xx >= )xxxx )xxxx >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!xx )==x )xxxx >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )xxxx )xxxx >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )xxxx )xxxx >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \0. \ \ \ \CNST T \UNIFORM \DEFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B32 ofB156 31 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 98 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Turbulent Leakage Lk Rate Ref Ref Ref Sink Leak Vol Factor Press Temp Humid or Model Rep Subvol Area # (t/hr) (psia) (F) (t) Src Option Wall Option (ft2) fL/D ls 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 2s 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 3s 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 4s 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 5 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 6 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 7 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT B 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 9 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 10 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT lls 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 12 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 13 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT Ix= I= I== I== I= I= I= lxxxxxxx /DEFAULT I= )xxxxxxx >= )x= >== )DEFAULT DBFAUL'l' >= >= )=x )x= >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=x )x= >== )DEFAULT DBFAUL'I' >= )i1a )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )x= >= >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxxxx )i!xz )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )i!xx >== )xxxxxxx >= )x= )x= >== )llBFAtJLT DEFAULT >= \20 \0. \ \ \ \ \CNS'l' T \ \UNIFORM \DEFAULT \ Discrete Bu:rn Parameters Min Min Max Burn Flame Burn Un Vol H2 02 H20 Length Speed Rate Burn Burn

  1. Frac Frac Frac (ft) (ft/s) FF Frac Opt ls 0. 07 0 .05 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 2s o. 07 0 .OS 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 3s o. 07 0 .OS 0 .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT

DEFAULT FBR 4s a. 01 0 .OS 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 5 0. 07 0. 05 O. SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 6 0. 07 0. 05 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 7 0 .07 0 .OS 0 .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR B o. 07 0. 05 o. 55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 9 0. 07 0. 05 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 10 0. 07 0. 05 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR lls 0. 07 0. OS 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 12 0. 07 O. OS 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 13 0. 07 0. 05 0.55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR I= I= I= /DEFAULT /DEFAULT /DEFAULT )i!.,. )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!x. )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i1a )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )!!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \0.07 \0.05 \O.SS \DEFAULT \DEFAULT \ \DEFAULT \FBR Continuous Burn Parameters Vol Min H2 Min Max Max Burn Vol Flow 02 H20 H20/H2 Frac (lbm/s) Frac Frac Ratio ls 0. 0. 05 0 .55 1000. l. 2s 0. 0. 05 0 .55 1000. l. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B33 ofB156 32 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 99 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_? .GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_?a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Continuous Burn Parameters (cont.) Vol Vol 10 12 13 )i!xx )!!xx \20 Vol 10 13 )i!xx )!!xx )!!xx \20 Vol Min H2 Flow (lbrn/s) o. o. \0. Min H2 o. o. o. \0. Unburned Min o.os 0.05 o.os 0,05 o.os 0.05 I= \0.05 Min \o. o. o. o. o. Burned H20/H2 Ratio 0.55 1000. 1. 0,55 1000. 1. 1000. 1. 0.55 1000. 1. 0.55 1000, 1. I= I= I= )ixxxxx )ixxxxx )ixxxxx )ixxxxx )ixx.x. )ixxxxx \0.55 \1000. \1. Mechanistic Burn Rate Parameters l. 1. 1. l. 1. 1. 1. 1. \l. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. \1. (lbm/ft3-s) DEFAULT DEFAULT DBFAULT DEFAULT /DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT \DEFAULT Mechanistic Burn Propagation Parameters CC Flow Flame Thick (ft/sl (ft) DEFAULT 0.164 Turl:> Tu.rkl Temp Limit (F) Opt EDIS 350. EDIS 350. EDIS 350. I= >= >= >= >= >= >= >== >= >= >= >== >= >= >== >= >= >= \ \350. \ \EDIS \ Ig Min Ig Min Ig Max Auto lg Temp (Fl 0.05 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B34 ofB156 33 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 100 of m NUMERICAL Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator APPLICATIONS Room GOTHIC Uncertainty

., n *, rJ1"1'-I
"*l"J I!"' 'oil.( "';.e n,nt.m:l'.i:-:

tr Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7 .GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Mechanistic Burn Propagation Parameters (cont.) Vol 10 lls 12 13 )i!xx )i!x. \20 Vol * 1' 2s 3s .. 5 ' 7 ' 9 10 lls 12 13 /xxxx )!!xx )i!xx )ii.. \20 Unburned Burned CC Flow Flame H2 Vol Thick (ft/s} (ft) 0.04 0.001 DEFAULT 0.164 0.04 0.001 DEFAULT 0.164 0.001 0.164 0.04 0.001 DEFAULT 0.164 0.04 DEFAULT 0.04 0.001 DEFAULT 0.164 0.04 DEFAULT 0.164 0.04 0.001 DEFAULT 0.164 />=CDOO< /xx /rx= /xx /DEFAULT /xx />OCDOOO< )xx ),,,, )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx )xx )DEFA11LT DEFAULT )xx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx \0.04 \ \0.001 \ \DEFAULT \ \0.164 Pipe Parameters Relative Rgugh-ne,gs I= >= >= >= >= >= >= \ Description Hatch {El 762 f Hatch (762' Hal Hatch (762' Hal Hatch (El 7J 7 f Hatch (737' Half Hatc:h (737'Half Make Up supply Normal Fan to D from OG L*m Geom Fact DEFA DEPA DEFA DEFA DEFA DEFA DEPA DEFA DEFA DEFA DBFA DEFA DEFA /DBP'A )DEPA DEFA )DEPA DEPA )DEPA DEPA )DEPA DEPA )DEPA DEPA )DEFA DEPA \DEPA Mg<iulue gf OD ID Elasticity {in) {in) (psi) I= '"""""" /xxxxxxxxxx >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= )xxxxxxxxxx >= >= >= \ \ \ Flow Patha -Table l Vol "' A (ft} (ft) 760. 760. 10 0.1 10 763. 0.1 Ig Min H2 0,04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 '"" /"-""'<XXX )xx ),,,, )xx )xx )xx )xx \ \0.04 Stiffne,g,g Factor I= >= >= >= >= >= >= \ Vol 4s47 1sBEi lg Min Ig Max 0.05 0.05 0,05 a.SS o.os 0.05 0.05 o.os \0.05 \0.55 Tilt (ft) (ft) (deg) 762. O.J 762. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Auto Ig To mp (F) DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT /DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAlJLT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT \DEFAULT {deg) 254 /xx )xx )xx ),,,, )xx )xx )xx \ NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B35 ofB156 34

EC 620632, Attachment

2, Page 101 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7 .GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 1 (cont.) F.P. Vol Elev Description (ft) Outside Air 737. outside Air 12 Divl-Div2 Upper ll Divl-Div2 Lower 1 .. " 00 Rl Door (Low 4*4 737. DG Rl Door (Mid 16 DG Rl Rollup (L 737. 00 Rl Rollup (L 739.5 Dl-DJ Roll Up 3s27 " Dl-DJ Roll Low 737. Dl-DJ Up 742. 21 Dl*DJ Low 3** Emergency Fan t 763. 23 Fan & Duct 12 769. Re.circ to Fan R 759. Emergency Suppl Oil Fan supply 27 BC to Intake 13 LoV Leakage Pat Hallway Leakage. 4a270 749. Gen Fom Flow Lo Gen Fan Flow Lo 32 Gen Fan Flow Hi Gen Fan Flow Hi /ls7 /738. )lo39 )742. '" 738. )1s39 ls SS )llil39 ls SS \ls39 \742. DG Rl Door (Top 742. DG Rl Rollup (U 742. " DO Rl Rollup (T 744.5 '"""" I= /lll: /:iccoccx Preasur )i!xx.x )!!.. Presaur )!!xx Prossur Pressur )!!,.. Pressur )i!xxx. l2cyl P 16cyl p , .. \Exhaust Pipe La \lalll \:r \760.98 Flow Paths -Table 2 Flow Flow Hyd, Inertia Friction Path Diam. Length Length {ft2) (ft) (ft) (ft) 160. 15. 160. 15. 3. "* 3. s. 3. 42,69 s. 1e+05 "* s. 10.7 '* lB Vol (ft) 1. 2sl9 1. '" ls16 2 .* 5 ls13 ls29 l. "' "' ls70 0.1 lla2 0.1 /1.5 )'*' 1.5 )l:' ls54 )t' \2.5 2,1667 '*' lsGl I= I= \0.01 \llsJ Relative Rough-o. o. le-05 le-05 27. le-OS o. le-05 o. Elev (ft) 742. 739,5 737. 742. 750. 749. 738. 744.5 N 744.5 /lll: /:x:xxxxlll: \B \788.01 Dep Bend I deg) OEFA DEFA Ht (ft) 1. 1. '*' l. l. '* 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 I= \0.01 Dpt o. o. Tilt (deg) /xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx \ Strat Flow DP' NONE NONI!! NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT (deg) /xxxxx >= )xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxx NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B36 ofB156 35 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 102 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 2 (cont. J Flow Flow Hyd. Inertia Friction Relative D*p Mom Strat Path Diam. Length Length Rough-*=* Flow (ft2) (ft) {ft) (ft) Fact (deg) Opt Opt 40. le-OS NONE 10.7 '" le-05 DEFA NONE 21 l0.7 4,2 " NONE 22 66.39 " DEFA NONE 2J..3 '*' 5. le-05 DEFA NONE 21.3 DEFA 0. NONE '* 0. le-OS NONE 5, DEFA o. NONE 120. s. o. le-OS NONE s. 0.073 '* 0. le-OS 0, NONE l, 0.021 " 0.001 NONE l, le-OB DEFA NONE '* s. DEFA N&T NONE 5, 0, NONE NONE " 6.5 5.5 OEFA NONE s. NONE 36 20. 5. S,5 0. 0. DEFA 0, N&T NONE />= /xxxxxxxx /xxxxxxxx /xxxxxxxx /xxxxxxxx '"""""""' /DEPA I= I= I= >= >= )DEPA DEPA ):.X )!!xx >= >= )DEPA DEPA ):.X )i!.x >= )xxxxxxxx )DEPA DEPA >= >= )DEPA DEPA )=:x >= >= )DEPA DEPA >= >= )DEPA DEPA ):.X )!!.,. >= >= )DEPA DEPA ):X \44 \10. \5. \41. \ \ \DEPA \O. \N&T \NONE Flow Paths -Table 3 Flow Fwd. Rev. Critical Exit Drop Homog. Comp. Flow Breakup Flow Coeff. Coeff. Opt, Model Coeff. Model Opt. 0.1 0.1 OFF OFF 0.1 0.1 OFF 0.1 OFF OFF 0.1 0.1 2.78 1.5 1.S 0.01 0.01 0, OFF 0.01 2.78 2.78 2.78 16 2.78 OFF OFF 2.78 o. 2.78 2.78 2.78 0.1 2.78 2.78 2.78 OFF 26 2.78 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B37 ofB156 36 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 103 of 254 [N'J) Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flov Paths -Table 3 (cont.) Flow Fwd. Rev. Critical Exit Drop Homog. Path Lo,. Loss Comp. Flow Lo .. Breakup Flow Coeff, FF CCeff. FF Opt. Model Coeff. Model Opt. 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF o. OFF 0 28 I 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF 0. OFF 0 29 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF 0. OeF OFF 1. l. OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF 1. 1. OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF 1. l. OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF " 1. l. OFF OFF o. OFF OFF 34 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF o. OFF OFF 35 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF " 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF '""""' '"""""'°"' /xx '"""""""' /xx '""""" '"""""""' '"""""" '"""""°"' I= )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )!!.,. )xx )xx )xx )xx )!!.,. )xx )xx \44 \5.56 \ \S.56 \ \OPP \OFF \0. \OPP \OPP Plow Paths -Table 4 Forward Reverse Prop Flow Min Min Max Min Min Max *= Hi th Path H2 02 H20 H2 02 H20 Time Zero Prop Plow Opt 0,06 o.os 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO COFLOH 0,06 I 0,05 I 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 0.06 0.05 0,55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 0,55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 10 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 11 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 12 0,06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO COFL' 13 0,06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 14 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 15 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 16 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0,05 0.55 0.5 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLO 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLO 0,06 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO PLOW 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 0,05 0.55 0.5 0.05 0.55 0.5 0.06 0.05 I 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 I NO I COFLOW 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 NO CO FLOW 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 0.06 I o.os I 0.55 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 0.06 0.05 0.55 0.5 I NO 0.06 I 0.05 I 0.06 *" 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.55 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B38 ofB156 37 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 104 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_?a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 4 Forward Flow Min Min Max Min Path Frac Frac Frac Frac 0.05 o.os 0.05 0.55 0.06 I= I= I= I= )!!xx )!ix,. )!i.x )!ix,. \44 \0.06 \D.05 \0.55 \0.06 Cond Description PG (Warm) (Convl DG (Hot) (Conv) 3s DG Rl E Wall 4s PG Rl S Wall PG Rl N Wall Gs 00 Rl Ceiling Under Fan Room Divl Ceiling-762 Div! Floor DG Rl W Wall Wall {Tank Room -C(J Rl) lls Wall {DG R2 -Hallway) 12.s Wall {DG R2 -Other rooms) Wall (DG R2 -outside Air) 14s Div2 to 912' lSs Div2 to 962' Divl to Amb. l 7s Div3 to 962' Divl to 912' Ceiling (El 737ft Hallway) Hallway E"loor Wall (El 737ft Hallway -Outside Mr) Wall (Tank Room -outside Air) Wall (E"an Room -Other Rooms) Wall (Fan Reem -Outside Air) (El 737ft Other Rooms -OUtside Air) Wall (El 762ft Other Reome -outside Air) Wall (El 712ft -Outside Air) E"an Reem to Amb * E"an Rm to 962' 30 Fan Rm to Amb (ceiling) /'Dr.XX /:JCXXJOOUt )!i:x North Side South Side East Side West Side 'Iop Side North Side South Side )!!xx West Side )!!xx 'Iop Side Bottom Side \41 \1PL9:ilJA North Sida {cont.J Reverse Min Frac o.os I= \0.05 Prop M= Hi th Time Prnp Frac Frac Flow Opt NO CO FLOW 0.55 CO FLOW 0.55 o.s NO COFLOH I= I= I= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= \0.55 \O.S \NO \COP'LOW 'Ihennal Conductors Vol Srf Vol Srf ConO: Opt Opt Type (ft2) ls7-59 1s11 ls7l loB 2376. loS 936. loN 4s3-36 ls97-l 1000. lalD4-2900. leF 10 3800. /lsW /lsS-10 /2376. \3sE \lsW \2350. ls2-50 200. 4s5-36 670. 2400. llal 3'C 3600. 10 3600. llsl 3, 936. 960. 12 2 3 1 1521. I= I= I= I= /x= )i!xxxx )in )in )i!xxxx )in )in )i!xxxx )in )in )i!xxx,. )in )in )i!xxxx )i.x )i.x )in )in )in )in )in )in )i.x )i.x )i.x )i.x \16 \1 \lal.2 \1 \7 \0.705 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B39 ofB156 38 Init. Grp T. (F) I/X 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. I= \78. \X \ EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 105 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:19 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal conductors (cont.) Cond Vol Srf Vol Srf Cond S. A. * Description A Opt B Opt Typ* (ft2) /xxxx /xxxxxxx I= />O<X I= I= /xxxx )!ix. South Side )ix. )ix. )ix.,. )!ix. Side )ix. )ix. )ix.,. )!!xx Sida )ix. )ix. )ix.,. Side )ix. )ix. )ix.,. )!!xx Bottom Side )ix. )ix. )ix.,. North Side )ix. )ix. )ix.,. South Sida )ix. )ix. )ix.,. EllBt Sida )ix. )ix. Sid* )ix. )ix. 'I'op Side )ix. )ix. North Side )ix. )ix. South Sida )ix. )ix. Sida )ix. )ix. Side )ix. )ix. Side )ix. )ix. )ix.,. Bottom Sid* )ix. )ix. 12cyl North Side )ix. >= )ix. )ix.,. l.2cyl South Side )ix. >= )ix. )ix.,. 12cyl East Sida )ix. >= )ix. )!i:x 12cyl West Side )!i...x )ix. >= )ix. )ix.,. 12cyl Top Side )!i...x )ix. )ix. )ix.,. 12cyl Bottom Sida )!i...x )ix. )ix. )ix.,. 16cyl North Sida )ixx )ix. )ix.,. l6cyl South Sida )ix. )ix. )ix.,. 16cyl Bast Side )ix. )ix. )ix.,. 16cyl West Side )ixx )ix. )ix.,. )!!xx 16cyl Top Sida )ix. )ix. )ix.,. )!ixx 16cyl Bottom Sida )ix. )ix. )ix.,. Air Piping )!xx );'... )!.xx Air Piping )!xx );'... }!.xx Air Piping )!xx );'... )!.xx \73s \Dll Combust. Air Piping \ls71-8 \B \ls71-8 \7 \B Thermal Conductors -Radiation Parametera Cond Tha=. Rad. Emisa. Th arm. Rad. Emias. Side A Side A Side B Side B Scope No No No No No No No No 11* No No No 19* No No No FULL " No FULL July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B40 ofB156 39 Init. Gcy T. (Fl l/X * I= /xxxx )ix.xx )xxxx )ix.xx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ix.xx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ix.xx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx >= )ix.xx )xxxx >= >= )xxxx )xxxx )ixxxx )!.xx )ixxxx )!.xx )ixxxx )!.xx \78. \I ,. EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 106 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Radiation i:'arameters (cont.) Cond Therm. Rad. Emiss. Therm. Rad. Emiss. * Side A Side A Side B Side B Scope 23 No No FULL 24 No No FULL 25 No No FULL 26 No No FULL 27 No No FULL 2' No No FULL 29 No No FULL 30 No No FULL I= '""""""" I= I= /xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= >= >= >= >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx >= )!!xx )xxxxxxx >= >= >= )xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxxx >= )!!xx >= >= )!!xx )xxxxxxx >= >= >= )!!xx >= >= >= >= >= >= )xxxxxxx >= >= >= )!i:x >= >= >= >= >==->= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >==->= >= )xxxxxxx >= )i!!x >= >= >==->= >= >==-)!i!x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >==->= >= >==-)xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >==-)xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >==->= >= >==-)xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >==-)xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >==-)!!.. )xxxxxxx >= >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >==-)xxxxxxx >= \73s \No \ \No \ \FULL Thei:mal Conductors -Ice Parameters Sid" A Side B Node Cond. Spacing Thick. *Area Thick. Cinl Nodes Option (in) Porcsity (in) Porosity I I I I I I I I July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B41 ofB156 40 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 107 of 254 (N'J] Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Ice Parameters (cont.) -------Side A -----------Side B ----Node Ar** Ie* Iee Cond. Spacing Max FF Thick. Iee Area Thick. Iee Area * (in) Nodes Option (inl Porosity FF {in) Porosity FF 2 NONB NONE " NONE NONE .. NONE NONE 5* NONB NONE .. NONB NONE '" NONE NONE .. NONE NONE '" NONE NONE 10* NONE NONE ll* NONE NONE 12* NONE NONE 12* NONE NONE "" NONE NONE 15" NONE NONE 16* NONE NONE 17" NONE NONE 18" NONE NONE l** NONE NONE "" NONE NONE 21" NONE NONE 22 NONE NONE 2J NONE NONE 24 NONE NONE 25 NONE NONE " NONE NONE 27 NONE NONE 28 NONB NONE " NONE NONE JO NONE NONE /x= /=x I= I= /NONB I= /x= /NONE I= I= )!i!x }xx= }=x >= }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= }=x }xxxxx }xxxxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= >= }=x }=x }xxxxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx )i!!x }=x >=-}xxxxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }xxxxxxx }xxxxx >= }NONE NONE >= }"""" )NONE NONE >= }xxxx }xx= >=-}xxxxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }=x }xxxxx }xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )"""" )xx= )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx }NONE NONE >= )xxxx >= )xxxx )!!xx }xx= )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= }NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )!!.x )xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxx >= )xxxx }NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx }!!.x )xxxxxxx >= >= >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx }!!,.,, }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx }NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= >= }!!,.,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= >= )xxxx }NONE NONE >= )xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )HONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx }xxxxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE }xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!i:x )xxxxxxx >= }xxxxxx }NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx }NONE NONE >= )xxxx }=x )xxxxx >= }NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxx }xxxxx >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx }xxxxxxx }xxxxx >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE }xxxxxxxx }xxxx )xx= >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx >= }xxxx )xxxxxxx >= }xxxxxx }NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )HONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx }xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE >= }=x \6ls \ \ \ \NONE \ \ \NONE \ \ July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B42 ofB156 41 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 108 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_ RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_ LoV _ LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Ice Parameters (cont.) -------Side A -----------Side B ----Node Area Iee Ice Cond. Spacing Max FF Thick. Iee Area Thick. Ioe Area * (inl Nodes Option Unl Porosity FF (in) Porosity FF /xxxx I= /xxxxx I= /NONE /xxxxxxxx /xxxx /NONE I= /xxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!ixx >= )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONB NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= )xxxxx >= )NONE NO!ll! >= )xxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >-= )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx >= )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )=xx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )Wolm )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NO!ll! >= )xxxx )!ixx >= )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NO!ll! NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )Zi:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx \73s \ \ \ \NONE \ \ \NONE \ \ Thermal Conductor Typea Type Thick. O.D. Heat Heat Description Geom (in) (in) Regions (Btu/ft3-B) Ceiling/Floor 12. 0. 0. Internal Hall WALL 12. 20 Ex.ternal Wall WALL 36. o. 2J o. OG Harm WALL l. o. 10 o. DG Hot WALL 0. * Internal Block WALL 11.625 20 /xxxx I= /xxxx I= /xxxxxxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxx= /xxxx )hxx >= )xxxx )!xx,. >= )xxxx ,, \24" Piping \TOBE \0.375 \24. \13 \O. Forcing Function Tables FF. Description Ind. var. Dep. Var. Points Constant: DG warm Temp Time !sec) Tempcratur DG Hot Temp Time (sec) Temperatur Model Gen. Heat Time (sec) Heat Rate Benchmark Heat Time (sec:) Benchmark 45 Benchmark Exhau Time (sec) Benchmark Benchma:i;:k Inlet Time (sec) Temperatur 7T Benchmark Loe 1 Time (sec) Temperatur 14 Benchmark Loe 2 Time (sec) Temperatur 14 9T Benchmark Loe 3 Time (sec) Temperatur Benchmark Loe 4 Time {sec) Temperatur 15 I= \llT \Outdoor Air Tem. \Time (sec) \Te:mperatur \1535 Data Files File Inter-Output Detail * Name -Type palate Files Level l I /CPS_lA_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7 .osv I TIHB I YES I SINGLE I RffiL I= \2 \Case_ 7a _ Panel_Tei:nperatures. csv \TIME \YES \SINGLE \FULL July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B43 ofB156 Format Option 42 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 109 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-0ci4_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductor Surface Options -Table 1 Surf Heat end/ Sp Nat For Opt Transfer Nominal Cnv Cnd Cnv env Cnv # Description Option Value FF Opt Opt HTC Opt Opt 1 Wall Direct DLM-FM VERT SURF USER DEF 2 Ceiling Side Direct DLM-FM FACE DOWN USER DEF 3 Floor Side Direct OLM-FM FACE UP USER DEF 4 DG Warm Temper Sp Temp 1. lT 5 DG Hot Temperat Sp Temp 1. 2T 6 HTC Sp Conv /4.9 l>aoa< I'°"""°"' I= I= I= I= I=== for 00 >= >= )"""" >= >= )!.xx )ixxxxxxx )!! >== >= )!xx >=== >== ,, \DG :Intake HTC \Sp COnv \4.75:Z \ \ \ \ \ \ Conductor Surface Options -Table 2 Surf Min Max Convection condensation Rad to Steam Opt Phase Liq Liq Bulk Temp Bulk Temp Emissivity

  1. Opt Fract Fract

Model FF Model FF Dry Wet 1 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 2 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 3 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 4 5 6 VAP Tg-Tw 0. 0. l>aoa< I== I= I= I= I=== I= /DEFAULT /DEFAULT >= >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )!.xx >== >= >= >=== >= >== >= )DEFAULT )DEFAULT ,, \VAP \ \ \Tg-Tw \ \ \ \0. \0. Conductor Surface Options -Table 3 Surf Char. Nom Minimum Char. Cond. Opt Length Vel Vel Conv HTC Height Length # (ft) (ft/s) FF (B/h-f2-F) (ft) (ft) DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT I== I= I= I= /DEFAULT I== I=== >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >== >== )!.xx >= >= >= )DEFAULT >=== >=== ,, \ \ \ \DEFAULT \DEFAULT \DEFAULT Conductor Surface Options Table 4 surf Peak Initial BD Post.-BD Post-BD Opt Const Heat Time Exp Value Exp Exp Direct # CT (Btu) (sec) XT (B/h-f2-F) yt xt FF July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B44 ofB156 43 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 110 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7 .GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductor Surface Options -Table 4 {cont.) Surf Total Peak Initial BD Post-BO Post-BO ° Const Heat Time Exp Value Exp Exp Direct * CT (Btu) (sec) XT (B/h-f2-P) ye " FF I= /=x I= I= I= I= /=oaua< )h.x >= )=x >= >= >= >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx ):,.,.. >= >= >= >= >= >= )xxxxxxx ,, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Control Variables Initial Coeff. Coeff. Description Fo= Value ao Min Div l DG Heat Load -le+32 2C Div l DGl Heat Abaorpticin -1. 3C Bounding Panel T_bulk_avg o. Bounding Panel T_max 1e+32 SC Door T_bulk_avg fiil Operator Act if l. le+32 Door T_m.a.x Ql Operator Action if -le .. 32 Panel 1PL12JA [Vole] 0. l. o. -le+32 le+32 ac Panel 1PL12JA [Tel!IV] l. le+32 Panel 1PL12JA [Vole] [Temv] sump rod -le+32 Panel 1I'Ll2JA T_l:Julk_avg div le+32 llC Panel 1PL92JA/1PL93JA (Vole] l. -le+32 12C Panel 1PL92JA/l.PL93JA [Ternv] -le+32 Panel. 1PL92JA/l.PL93JA [Vole] [T sump rod -le+32 le+32 Panel 1PL92Ja/ll?L93JA T_bulk_a div o. l. le+32 lSC Panel lDGOlJA {Vole] l. 0. 16C Panel lDGOlJA [Temv] Panel lDGOlJA (Vok] [Temv] sumprod -le+32 Panel lDGOlJA T_bulk_avg div o. le-+-32 1'C Panel 1DG06SA [Vole] l. Panel 1DG06SA [Temv] l. le+32 21C Panel 1DG06SA [Vole] [Temv] surnprod o. -le+32 Panel l.DG06SA T_bulk_avg div l. Panel lDGOlKA l.2eyl [Vole] Panel l.DGOl.KA 12eyl [Temv] o. -le+32 le+32 Panel lDGOlKA 12eyl (Vole] [Tern sumprod l. Panel lDGOlKA. 12eyl T_bulk_avg div Panel lDGOlKA 16eyl [Vole] l. Potnel lDGOlKA 16eyl [Temv] 2'C Panel lDGOlKll. 16eyl [Vole] [Tern sumprod Panel lDGOlKA l.6eyl T_bulk_avg div Roll.up Door [Vole] -le+32 Roll.up Door (Temv] l. Roll.up Door [Vole] [Temv] sump rod le+32 Roll.up Door T_bulk_avg div 3SC Personnel Door [Vole] l?ersonnel Door [TemvJ -le+32 Personnel Door [Vole] [Temv] sump rod 0. o. 1e+32 Personnel Door T_bulk_avg div Max Door Temperature Max Door T_bulk_avg 0. l. 0. I= I= )!ii. Air Temperature )!iix Heat Transfer Heat Transfer + Dela That .. 2 )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx + Vy**2 + vz**2) )ixxxxxx )=wv1 \SOC \Local Rho*v*o \mu1t \0. \l. \0. \-la ... 32 \le ... 32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Upd. Int. Mult. I= \0. o. o. o. o. o. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B45 ofB156 44 L_ EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 111 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Control Variables (cont.) CV Fune. Initial Coeff, Coeff, * Delil'cription Value G ao Min Max /=x />OOC<XXX /=xxxx /=xxxx /=xxxx /x==x I= I= ) ) ) ) ) )i!ix (1/2) *Pr .. (l/3) .. (2/3) )i!ix .. (2/3)] ** (1/4) ) ) (1/2) *Pr*'* (l/Jl I [l+ (o )

    • (5/8)

u (5/8) J ** (4/Sl ) ) .. (1/3)/[1+(0 ) \&JC \Local Nu \eum \0. \l. \0.3 \-18+32 \le+32 Turbulence ParamaterB 1----Liquid --1 1----Vapor --1 Vol Molec. Turb. Mix.L. Mix.L Phase Diff. Model (ft) No. (ft} No. No. Option 1' NO NONE o. o. " NO NONE o. o. o. VAPOR NO NONE o. o. VAPOR .. NONE o. o. 0. o. o. 0. VAPOR NONE o. o. 0. VAPOR NO NONE o. o. VAPOR NO NONE o. o. o. o. VAPOR NO NONE 0. o. o. 0. VAPOR 10 NONE o. o. VAPOR 11* o. o. 0. 12 NO NONE 0. o. VAPOR 1J NO NONE l. l. l. l. VAPOR /x=x /x=x /=xxxx I= I= /x=xx I= I= I= I= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= \20 \NO \NONE \l. \l. \l. \l. \VAPOR Coll Blockages -Table 1 Volume ls Blockage No. Description Type l Day Tank Room BLK B I N /x=x /=x /x /x /x )!)i >: )ixxxx )!)i ): )!xxxx )!)i ): )ix.xx )!)i ): )!)i ): 12cy1 )!)i >: \8 \1DG01KA 16cyl \BLK \B \J: \N July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Upd. Int. Mult. I= \0. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B46 ofB156 45 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 112 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Cell Blockages -Table 2 Volume ls Blockage Coordinates & Dimensions (ft) Angle No. Xl Yl Zl X2 Y2 Z2 X3 Y3 Z3 L (Deg) l 0. o. 0. 10. 10. 10. I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= >= >= >-= >= >= )!.x.x )i!xxxx >= >= >= >= >= )!x.xx >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= )xxxxxx >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= \8 \29.479 \11.583 \2.458 \30.479 \14. \8.292 \ \ \ \ \ X-Direction Cell Face Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Area Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ent. No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff. FF Factor def On 1. 1000000. 0. -0. lsl l 0. le-06 0. 0. ls5 1 1. 260. o. 0. ls17 l o. le-06 o. 0. ls21 l 1. 260. o. 0. ls33 l o. le-06 o. 0. ls37 l 1. 260. 0. 0. ls49 1 0. le-06 o. 0. ls53 l 1. 260. 0. o. ls65 l 1. 20. 0. 0. /UJUaa<X '""""""' /xxxxxxxx '""""' I= '"""""""' /xx I """"' )=xx )xx )0-:XXJCX )=xx )xx )=xx )xx )0-XJCI: )=xx )xx )0. )=xx )xx )O* )xx )0. )""""' )xx )O* )""""' )xx )0* ::iuccc:x:x )=xx )0. lCCCCCC )!xx..xx )ixxxxxxx )=xx \ls:zl \6 \1. \ \68l.B22 \0. \ \0. Z-Direction Cell Face Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Area Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ent. Curb Ht No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff. FF Factor (ft) def On 1. 1000000. 0. 0. lsl 0. le-06 0. 0. 0. ls2 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. 1s5 1. 260. 0. 0. 0. ls17 o. le-06 0. o. 0. lslB 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. ls21 1. 260. 0. 0. 0. ls33 0. le-06 0. 0. 0. ls34 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. ls37 1. 260. 0. o. 0. ls49 0. le-06 0. 0. 0. lsSO 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. ls53 1. 260. o. 0. 0. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Curb Height 0. I= \0. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B47 ofB156 46 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 113 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Z-Direction Cell Face Variation:r (cont.) Volume ls Cell Blockage Are* Hyd. Dia. Less Drop De-ent. Curb Ht No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff, FF Factor (ft) '"""""""' /xxxx I= /xx )xxxx )xx )'* )xxxx )xx )!;..=**xxxx )xxxx )xx )'* )xxxx )xx )xxxx )xx )'* *= )xxxx )xx )ixx.x.x )xxxx )xx )ixx.x.x )xxxx )xx )ixx.x.,. )!x..xxxx )xxxx )xx )'* )ixx.x.x )xxxx )xx )'* )ixx.x.x )!x..xxxx )xxxx )xx )'* )ixx.x.x )xxxx ) .. )'* )ixx.x.,. )=xx ) .. )ixx.x.,. )!x..xxxx )xxxx )xx ccccc xx )Zx..xx. )xxxx )xx )k..xx. )xxxx )xx )1.xxxxx )!x..xxxx )xxxx )xx )'* >=== )xxxx )xx >=== )xxxx )xx )O* \la39 \8 \1. \ \586.978 \0. \ \o. \0. Volume Varia.t:ions Volume ls Cell Block.age Volume Hyd. Dia. No. No. Porosity FF (ft) def On 1. 1000000, 1'1 l o. le-06 1'2 l 1. 36, 1'5 l 1. 260. ls17 l 0. le-06 1:118 l 1. 36, lB21 l 1. 260. 11133 l o. le-06 1934 l 1. "* 1Bl7 l 1. 260. lll'l.9 l 0. le-06 lsSO l 1. 36, ls53 l 1. 260. ls65 l 1. 20. /=xxxx '"""""""' /xxxx I= )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ixxxxxx )!x..xxxx )xxxx )!....xx )ixx.x.x )ixx.x.x )xxxx )ixx.x.,. )!x..xxxx )ixx.x.x )xxxx )xxxx )ixx.x.,. )xxxx )ixx.x.x )xxxx \la::17 \7 \1. \ \158.76504 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B48 ofB156 47 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 114 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Volume Variations (cont.) Volume ls Cell Blockage Volume Hyd.. Dia. No. Porosity (ft) I= /zxxx I= )hxxxxx )zxxx ) )zxxx )kxxxx )xxxx \ls39 \8 \1. \ \571.38501 Conductor Surface Options -Natural Convection Varia);Jles htc .. (k/l) * (A + B*GrUC*Pr**D) Surf Opt Conv Var A Conv Var B Conv Var c FF FF 6 0.59 0.25 I= I= I= I= >= )=xx >= )xxxxx \9 \0. \ \0.551 \ \0.25 Conductor Surface Options -Forced Convection Variables htc -(k/l) * (A + B*Re*"'C*Pr**D) Surf Opt Conv Var A Conv Var B Conv Var c Norn.. FF FF Nom. 0.037 o.s 0.037 6 0.023 0.8 I= I= I= >= )!xxz >= >= ,, \0. \ \0.023 \ \o.e Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Thermal Conductor Type Panel Steel Bdry. Thick Sub-Region (in) linl 0.00648 0.01296 0.02592 0.0191 0.014.24 0.11528 0.00648 FF Nom. 0.25 I= I= >= >= )xxxxx >= \ \0.25 \ Conv Var D Nom. FF 0.4 I= I= >= >= >= >= \ \0.4 \ 0. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B49 ofB156 48 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 115 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductor Type (cont. J 7 Panel Steel Mat. Bdry, Thick Sub-Heat Region * linl (in) reg3. Factor 10 I 1 I 0.12176 I 0.00324 I , I o. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Ind. Function llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 0. 90. 60. 120. 89. 9996764 180. 240. 89. 9987054 300. 360. 89. 9970873 420. 480. 89. 994822 540. 600. 89. 9919099 660. 720. 89.9883511 780. 840. 89.9841458 900. 960. 89. 9792944 1020. 1080. 89.9737973 1140. 1200. 89. 9676549 1260. 1320. 89.9608677 1380. 1440. 89. 9534361 1500. 1560. 89. 9453608 1620. 1680. 89. 9366423 1740. 1800. 89. 9272813 1860. 1920. 89.9172786 1980. 2040. 89. 9066348 2100. 2160. 89. 8953509 2220. 2280. 89. 8834276 2340. 2400. 89. 8708659 2460. 2520. 89. 8576667 2580. 2640. 89. 8438311 2700. 2760. 89.82936 2820. 2880. 89.8142546 2940. 3000. 89. 7985161 3060. 3120. 89. 7821455 3180. 3240. 89. 7651443 3300. 3360. 89. 7475137 3420. 3480. 89. 7292549 3540. 3600. 89. 7103695 3660. 3720. 89.6908588 3780. 3840. 89. 6707244 3900. 3960. 89. 6499678 4020. 4080. 89. 6285904 4140. 4200. 89. 6065941 4260. 4320. 89. 5839804 4380. 4440. 89. 5607511 4500. 4560. 89. 5369079 4620. 4680. 89. 5124527 4740. 4800. 89 .4873873 4860. 4920. 89.4617136 4980. 5040. 89.4354336 5100. 5160. 89.4085493 5220. 5280. 89. 3810628 5340. 5400. 89. 352976 5460. 5520. 89. 3242913 5580. 5640. 89. 2950106 5700. Dep. Var. 89. 9999191 89. 9992718 89. 9979772 89. 9960355 89. 9934468 89. 9902113 89. 9863292 89. 9818008 89. 9766266 89. 9708068 89. 9643419 89. 9572324 89. 9494789 89. 9410819 89. 9320421 89. 9223601 89. 9120368 89. 9010728 89. 8894691 89. 8772265 89. 8643459 89. 8508284 89. 8366749 89. 8218865 89. 8064644 89. 7904097 89. 7737237 89. 7564076 89. 7384627 89. 7198905 89. 7006923 89.6808695 89. 6604238 89. 6393566 89. 6176695 89. 5953643 89. 5724426 89. 5489061 89. 5247567 89 .4999961 89 .4746264 89 .4486493 89 .4220669 89. 3948812 89.3670943 89 .3387083 89.3097253 89 .2801476 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BSO ofB156 49 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 116 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function {cent.} Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. var.: Temperature IP} Ind. var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 5760. 89.2651364 5880, 83.2346708 5940. 6000, 89.2036162 6060. 6120. 89.1719749 6180. 6240. 89.1397494 6300. 6360. 89.1069421 6420. 6600. 6660. 6720. 89.0050545 6780. 6960. 88.9342675 7020. '7140. 7200. 88.8612159 7260. 7320. 7560. 7620. 7680. BB.7084088 7740. 7920. 88.6286998 7980. 8040. 8100. 8160. 88.5468194 8280. 88.5050726 8340. 8460. 8520. 88.41!19819 8700. 8760. 8820. 9000. 9060, 9120. 88 .1980914 9240. 88.1521693 9300. 9600. 9660, 9720. 87.9634507 9780. 9900. 9960. 10080. 87.816731 1014.0. 10200. 87.7668574 10260. 87.6656821 10500. 10620. 10680. 10860. 10920. 11040. 87.4045962 11100. 11220. 11400. 87.24251.68 11520. 87.1876101 11580, 1164.0. 87.1322704 11820. 11880. 87.0203084 11940. 12000. 86.3636947 12180. 12300. 12360. 86.7913744 86.7331225 12540. 12660. 12720. 86.6154277 Dep. Var. 89.2499774 89.1878687 89.1234183 89,090321 89.0566457 89.0223949 88.9875713 88.9521774 BB.91621Gl 88.8796899 88.7667509 88.7279939 88.6488316 88.6084323 88,5674917 88.03999 88,4414532 88.3547791 88,3106574 88.2208614 88.1290181 88.0351556 87.987476 87.9393024 87.8906384 87.8414877 87.7918541 87.7417413 87.5885665 87.4841252 87.377861 87.3240554 87.2151179 87,1599942 87.0'18'1579 86.9920538 86.9352315 86.8779953 86.8203495 86.7622986 86.6'1'1.9989 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B51 ofB156 50 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 117 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Lo\f_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 li'Unction (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.' Tirne (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 86.5559937 12900. 86.526132 12960. 86.4961746 86.4359751 13140. 86.3753997 13260, 86.34451725 13380. 86.2838419 13500. 86.222347 13560. 86.15114644 13680. 86.1294318 13740. 86.098283 86.0670467 13860. 86.0357234 86.0043137 85.9728183 14100. 85.9095727 14160. 85.8778236 85.8459912 14520. 85.6856003 85.6532806 14640. 85.6208818 85,5884045 14760. 14820. 85.5232172 14940. 85.4577234 15000. 85,4248632 15060. 85.3589193 15180, 85.3258367 85.2926814 15360. 65.2261548 85.1927847 15480. 15540. 85.1258343 15600, 85,0922552 85.0586078 157!10. 15840, 84.9572615 !14.9233469 15960. 84.8893671 16020. 16140. l.6200. 84.71.85133 16320. 84.684156 16380. 84.6497382 16440. 84.61.52604 84.5807233 16620. 84.4767627 84.44151515 16800. 84.4071712 16860. 84.3722921 16920. 16980. 84.3023705 84.2673293 17160. 17220. 84.16185124 84.1265445 84.0913465 17460. 17520. 17580. 83.9141304 83.8429175 83.77l5262 83.7357653 83.69996151 18060. 18120. 83.62823 83.592303 18240. 83.5203301 18420. 83.412084 18660. 18960. 83.1218765 19020. 19080. 19140. 19320. 19380. 82.8296929 19500, 19740. 19860. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B52 ofB156 51 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 118 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. /Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. FU.nction (cont.) llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: 'l'irne (.gee) Dep. Var.: Temperature (Fl Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. var. 19920. 82.53588.94 19980. 82.090679 20040. 82.4622273 20100. 82.4253684 82.3884919 82,3146889 20340. 82.2777638 20400, 82.2408238 82.2038698 82.166.9023 20640. 82.0559266 82.018.9126 81.9818887 20880. 81.9448556 20940. 81. 9078141 21000. 81.8707648 21060. 81.8337084 81.7966457 81.7595774 81.7225041 21360. 81.6483454 21420. 81.6112616 21480. 81.5741756 21540. Bl .5370881 21600. 81.5 21660. 21720. 81.4258244 21780. 81.3887384 81.3516546 81.3145735 22140. Bl.1662916 22200. 81.1292352 22260. 81.0921859 22320. Sl.0551444 81.0181113 80.9810874 22500. 22560. 22620. 80,8700778 80.8330977 80.7961302 80,7591762 80.7222362 B0.6853111 23160. 80.5377727 80.4641106 23400. 23460. 80.3537671 23760, 80.1703071 80.1336882 80,0970.954 80.0605292 24000. 79.9874799 24120. 24180. 79.9145457 24360. 24420. 79.6964898 79.5157144 79.4436639 25020. 79.407697 25140. 25320. 25380. 79.1214534 79.0858696 79.0503317 25680. 79.0148405 78.9793966 78.8733555 78.8029104 26100. 78.7326707 78.6626417 78.6277079 26400, 26460. 78.558005 78.5232373 78.4538724 26880, 78.315844 78.2814867 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B53 ofB156 52 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 119 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function {cont.} outdoor Air Temperatu:re Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep, Var.: Temperature {F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 27000. 78.2471908 27060. 78.2129568 27120. 78.1787854 78.1446772 27300. 78.0766531 27360. 78.0427385 27420. 78.00BBB!n 77.9751074 27540. 77.9413922 77.9077448 27780. 77.8072153 27900. 77.7405461 27960. 77.7073186 28080. 77.6080717 77.5751368 77.4767828 77.41.15955 28620. 77.3467194 28680. 77.31439.97 28860. 77.1859239 77.1221764 29160. 29220. 29280. 76.9956863 29340. 76.9642766 29400. 76.9329533 76.901717 76.8705682 295!10. 76.8395075 76.8085356 29700. 76.777653 29760. 76.7468603 76.6246003 76.5942659 76.%40249 30180. 76.5338778 76.5038254 76.3845723 30540. 76.3550011 76.3255279 30660. 76.2961531 30720. 76.2668775 76.2086256 76.1796505 30960. 76.1220047 31080. 76.0933351 31140. 76.0647685 31200. 76.0363053 31260. 76.0079462 31320. 75.9796916 75.8955606 75.7848821 31800. 75.7574832 32160. 75.5687811 32280. 75.54::!2712 32460. 75.4634243 75.3088468 75.2582587 33360. 75.0849686 75.0606.976 33480. 75.0365493 33540. 75.012524 33600. 74.9886222 33960. 74.8478307 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B54 ofB156 53 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 120 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) llT outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var., Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 34080. 74 .8019086 34140. 74.7791386 34200. 34260. 74.733983 34320. 34380. 74.6893426 74.6452209 34560. 34620. 74.6016212 74.5800181 34800. 34860. 34920. 34..980. 74.4739871 74.4531806 74.4325083 35280. 35340. 74,3311727 74.2720061 35640. 35700. 74.2140779 74.1.950455 35880. 74.1761521 35940. 74.1573982 74.1387841 74.1203101 36120. 74.1019766 36180. 36240. 36300. 36360. 74.0300545 36420. 74.0124287 36480. 36600. 73.9604079 73 .9433543 36720. 73.9264445 36780. 73.90.9679 36900. 73.8602506 73.844065 37080. 73.8280251 37140. 73. 8121313 73.7963838 73.780783 37560. 73.7049894 37620. 37920. 73.6189372 37.980. 73.6051188 73.5914507 73.5779331 38160. 38280, 38400. 38460. 73.4875473 73.4160196 73.4046357 73.3395762 39360. 39540. 39720. 39780. 73.2615373 39840. 3.9.900. 73.2348557 73.21785'15 73.2095903 40260. 40320. 40440. 73.1633251 40560. 73.1561689 40620. 73.1491716 73.1423333 40740. 73.1356541 73 .1291341 73.1227735 73.1105309" 41040. 73.1046491 41100. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAl-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B55 ofB156 54 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 121 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7 .GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) 11T outdoor Air Temperature. Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. var. Dep. Var. 73.0933652 73.0879632 73.0827214 73.0727187 73.0679579 41520. 73.0633577 41580. 73 .0589181 73.0546392 41700. 73.0465639 41880. 41940. 73.0356581 42000. 73.0323451 42060. 73.0291932 73.0262027 42180. 73.0233734 42240. 73.0181932 42360. 73.0158542 42480, 73 .0097887 73.00Sl.78 42840, 73.0029127 42900. 73.0020228 42960. 73.0012946 73 .00072(12. 43200. 43260, 73 .0000809 43320, 73.0003236 43380. 73 .0007282 7J.0012!M6 43500. 73 .0020228 43620. 73 .0039645 43580. 73,0065532 73.0080901 73 .00978(17 73,0136708 73.0158542 73.0181992 73.0207056 73.0233734 73.0262027 73.0323451 44580. 73.0427676 44640. 73.0465639 73.0505211 44760. 73,0546392 44940. 73.0679579 45060. 73.0776399 45120, 73.0827214 73.0879632 73.0Sl33652 73.0989272 45360. 73.1046491 73.1105309 73.1227735 45660. 73.1356541 45780. 73.1491716 73.1561689 73.17064 46020. 73.1781135 73.1857454 46200. 73.2014839 73.2262763 46440. 73.2435924 46740. 46800. 73.2896305 73.2993077 46920. 46980. 73.3191305 73.3500322 73.3714096 47340. 73.3823305 73.3934059 73.4275574 47700. 73.4510939 47760. 73.4630921 73.5000039 73.5126127 73.5382864 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 RevisionO Page B56 ofB156 55 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 122 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_Lo\l _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) llT Dl.ltdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time {sec) Dep. Var.' Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 48240. 73.5645664 73.577.9331 48360. 73.5914507 48420. 73.6051188 48480. 73.6189372 48540. 73.6329057 48600. 73.647024 48660. 73.6612917 48720. 73.6757087 48780. 73.6902747 73. 7348636 49020. 73.7500226 49080. 73.7653292 49140. 73.780783 73.7963838 49260. 73.8121313 49320. 73.8280251 49380. 73.844065 49560. 73.8930579 49620. 73.909679 73.9604079 49860, 73.9776051. 50040. 74.0300545 50100. 74.0478226 50400. 74.1387841 50460. 74.1573982 74.1761521 74.1950455 50640. 74 .2140779 50700. 74.2332491 74.2915912 74.3113135 74.3311727 51060. 74.3511684 51120. 74.3713002 51180. 74.3.915677 51240. 74.4119705 51300. 74.4325083 51360. 74.4531806 51420. 74 .4739871 51480. 74 .4949274 74.516001 74.5372076 51660. 74.5585468 51780. 74.6016212 74.7115982 52140. 74.733983 74.7564966 52260. 74.7791386 74.8019086 52380. 74.8248061 74.8478307 52500. 74.8709819 52560. 52620. 74.9176625 75.0849686 75.1093616 53520. 75.3088468 75.3343179 75.3599063 75.4373712 53940. 75.4634243 54000. 75.4895924 54060. 75.5158748 54240. 75.5954038 54360. 75.6489861 75.6759446 54480. 75.8677296 54900. 75.8955606 55200. 55260. 76.0647685 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 RevisionO Page B57 ofB156 56 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 123 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7 .GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_ LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_?a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.} outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var. ; Time (sec) Dep. var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 76.0933351 55380. 76.1220047 76.1507767 76.1796505 76.2377014 55660. 76.2668775 76.2961531 55860. 76.3550011 76.4142409 56040. 76.4440063 76.473868 56160. 76.5038254 56220. 76.5338778 56280. 76.5640249 56340. 76.5942659 56460. 76.6550275 56580. 76.7161581 56640. 76.7468603 76.777653 76.8395075 76.301717 57000, 76.9329533 57060. 76.9642766 57120. 76.9956863 57180. 77.0271817 77.0587622 77.1221764 77.1859239 77.2179212 77.25 57660. 77.2821597 77.3143997 577!10. 77.37!11182 57900. 77,4441505 58020. 58140. 77.5422766 58260, 77.6080717 58320. 77.6410808 77.7073186 58500. 58560. 58620. 77.8072153 58740. 58800. 58860. 77.9413922 77.9751074 59990. 78.0089897 59040. 78.0766531. 5!1160. 78.1106329 59220. 59280. 78.1787854 78.2129568 59400. 59460. 78.2814!167 59520. 78.315844 78,4192767 59760. 78.4539724 59940. 79.559005 78.6277079 60120. 60180. 78.6976295 78.7326707 78.8029104 60480. 60540. 78.9086535 60600. 60660. 79.0503317 60960. 61020. 79.1927562 79,2294738 61140. 79.2642347 79.3000381. 79.37177 79.4436639 61500. 61620. 61800. 79.66026'33 79.6964898 61980. 79.7G90451 79.8053726 62280. 62340. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B58 ofB156 57 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 124 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. var. 62400. 62460. 62520. 80.0970954 62640. B0.17Dl07l 62700. B0.24362 62820. 62880. 80.3170286 62940. 63000. 80.3905274 63120. 80,4641106 63180. 63240. 80,5377727 63300. 63360. 63420. 80.6853111 80.7591762 63660. 63720. 80.90707 63900. 63960. 64080. 64140. 64200. 81.1292352 64260. 64320. Bl.2033543 81.277.059 64500. 81.3516546 64620. 64680. 81.4258244 64740. 64800, 6020. 81.5741756 64980. 65040, 81.6483454 65100. 81.7225041 65220. 65340. 65400. Bl.8707648 65460. 65520. Sl.9448556 65580. 65820. 65880. 82.1669023 65940. 66240. 82.3884919 66300, 66360. 82.4622273 66420. 66600. 66840. 82.75638 67200. 67260. 83.049002 Bl.1946274 67620. 67680. 83.2672494 67860. 68040. 83.4842856 68100. 68160. 83.5563361 68220. 68100. 68520. 83.7715262 68580. 68700. 68880. 69000. 84.1-970896 84.2673293 69420. Dap. Var. 80,0605292 80.1336882 80.3537671 80.5009321 80.5746316 80.6484015 80,8700778 81.0181113 81.0921859 81.1662916 81.3887384 81.4629ll9 81.6854265 81,7595774 81.8337084 82.0559266 82.1299222 82.2777638 82.4253684 82.4990679 82.7196873 83.0125201 83.7357653 83.8072438 83.8785466 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B59 ofB156 58 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 125 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function {cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var,: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Dep. Var. 69480. 84.3373583 69540. 69600. 69660. 84.441995 69780, 84.5114738 69840. 84.5461276 69900. 84,5807233 69960. 84.6152604 70020, 70080. 84.684156 70320. 84.8212146 70380. 84.8553228 70440. 84.8893671 70500. 84.9233469 84.9572615 70620. 84.9311103 85.0922552 70860. 71040. 71160. ss.2nss14 85.3258367 71280. 71640. 71700. 85.5884045 71760. 85.6208818 85.6532806 71940. 85.7178403 85.75 72060. 85.7820788 72120. 85.8140761 72180. 85.8459912 86.0043137 72540. 86.0357234 86.0670467 72660. 86.098283 72720, 86.1294318 86.1604925 72840. 86.15114644 86.222347 86.3449725 86.4057341 73320. 86.4359751 73380. 86.4661222 73440. 86.4961746 73560. 86.5559937 73620. 86.5857591 73800. 86.6744722 73860. 86.7038469 73920. 86.7331225 73980. 86.7622985 74100. 85.8203495 86.9066649 86.9352315 74760. 87.1322704 74820. 87.1599942 87.2969861 87.5626288 75780. 87.5885665 87.7165065 76140. 87.7918541 76500. 87.8906384 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B60 ofB156 59 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 126 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Corriparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) llT outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. var. Dep. Var. Ind. var. Dep. Var. 76560. 87.3150314 76620. 87.9393024 87.9634507 76740. 87.987476 88.0113778 88.0351556 76920. 76980. 17040. 88.1057407 77100. 88.1290181 77160. BB,1521693 77220. 88 .1751939 88.1980914 88.2208614 88.266017 77520. 98,2884018 77580. 88. 3106574 88.3327833 88.3547791 77760. 88.3766445 77820. 88.3983789 88.4199819 88.4414532 78000, 78060. 88.5050726 88.5260129 78240. 78300. 88.5674917 78360, 88.5880295 88.6084323 88.6286998 88.6488316 78600, 78660. 88.6886865 78720. 88.7084088 78780. 88. 7279939 78840. BB.7474414 78900. 88.7667509 88.7859221 88.8049545 88.8238479 88.8426018 79200. 88.8612159 79260. 88.8796899 7!:1320. 79380. 88.9521774 79560. 79620. 79680. 79740. 89.0223949 89.03959.21 89.0566457 89.0735555 89.1069421 89.1234183 89.1397494 89.155935 80400. 89.2036162 80460. 89.219217 80520. S9.2346708 80580. 89.2499774 89.2651364 89.2801476 89.2950106 89.3097253 80880. 81000. 89.352976 81060. 89.3670943 89.3948812 81360. 89.4617136 81660. 81720. 89.5369079 81900. 89.5489061 89.5607511 89.5724426 82200. 89.6065941 89.6176695 82320. 89.6285904 89.6393566 89.6908588 89.7006923 89.7103695 82860. 83100. 83160. 89.7651443 89.7737237 89.7904097 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAl-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B61 ofB156 60 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 127 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Var. 83640. 83760. 84120. 84360. 84480. 84600. 84960. 85920. 86160. 86640. 87240. 87500. 87840. 87960. 88080. 88920. 89400. 89760. 90600. Function {cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var. : Temperature {F) Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 89.82936 83700. 89.8366749 83820. 89.8508284 89.8576667 89.8708659 89.8772265 89.8834276 89.8894691 89.8953509 84300. 89.9120368 89.9172786 84540. 89.9223601 89.9272813 84660. 89.9320421 89.9410819 89.9453608 89.9534361 89.9608677 89.9708068 89.9737!173 85380. 89.9766266 89.9792944 89.9902113 89.9919099 89.9934468 89.994822 89.9960355 89.!:1987054 89.9996764 86340. 89.9999191 89.9992718 89.9987054 86820. 89.9960355 86940. 89.51934468 89.9919099 89.9883511 87160. 89.51863292 89.9841458 87300. 89.9818006 89.9766266 89.9737.973 87540. 89.9708068 89.9676549 87660. 89.9643419 89.9608677 87780. 89.9494789 89.9453608 89.9066348 88620. 89.88946511 89.8708659 88860. 89.8643459 89.8576667 89.8064644 89.7985161 89460, 89.7904097 89.756'1076 89.7384627 89.7103695 89.6908588 89.6604238 89.6065941 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B62 ofB156 61 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 128 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_?a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Var. 90720. 90960. 91080. 91200. 91440. 91560. !11680. 91800, Function (cont.) llT outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (see) Dep. Var. : Temperature (Fl Dep. Var. Ind. var. 89.5839804 90780. 89.5369079 91020. 8;1,5124527 91140. 91260, 91380. 89.4354336 91500. 89.4085493 89.3810628 91740. 89,352976 89.3242913 91980. 89.2950106 Dep. Var. 89.5724426 89.5489061 89.5247567 89.4999961 89.4746264 89.4486493 89.3670943 89.3097253 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 41C Outdoor Air Temperature: G=l. O aO=O. min=-1. e32 max=l .e32 tfunc Y=G*interp (alXl, tableX2) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Etime I cM I 1.1 Table DCllT l. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 42C DG Intake Heat Transfer: G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 Gothic_s Name sum Y"'G* (aO+alXl+a2X2+ ..* +arum) variable location Coef. Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value I Cond_grp_heat (1) I cC70sl I 1. I -le+32 1 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Thermal Conductor Type 24" Piping Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region (in) (in) regs. Factor 0. 0. 00324 0. 0. 00324 0. 00648 0. 0. 00972 0. 01296 0. 0. 02268 0. 02592 0. 0.0486 0. 05184 0. 0 .10044 0. 06864 0. 0 .16908 0. 06864 0. 0. 23772 0. 04434 0. 0.28206 0. 04434 o. 10 0. 3264 0. 02592 0. Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B63 ofB156 62 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 129 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:20 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductor Type (cont,) 24n Piping Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region (in) (in) regs. Factor 11 0.35232 0.01296 0. 12 o.36528 0.00648 0. 0.37176 0.00324 o. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Currerit File. Thermal Conductor Type 8 36 11 Piping Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region # (in) (in) regs. Factor 1 1 0. 0.00324 1 0. 2 1 0. 00324 0. 00648 1 0. 3 1 0. 00972 0. 01296 1 0. 4 1 0. 02268 0. 02592 1 0. 5 1 0. 0486 0. 05184 1 0. 6 1 0 .10044 0. 06864 1 0. 7 1 0.16908 0. 06864 1 0. 8 1 0.23772 0. 04434 1 0. 9 1 0.28206 0. 04434 1 0. 10 1 0.3264 0. 02592 1 0. 11 1 0. 35232 0. 01296 1 0. 12 1 0. 36528 0. 00648 1 0. 13 1 0.37176 0.00324 1 0. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 44C DG Intake That: G=l.0 aO=O. min=-l.e32 rnax=1.e32 sum Y=G* (aO+a1Xl+a2X2+

      • +anXn} Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a CVVal (0) I cv4l.C I 0.21783386

1.1 Cvval (0) cv43C Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. # Function Components Control Variable SOC Local Rho*V*D: G=l.0 a0=0. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 mult y .. G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *aruen), aO unused Gothic 5 Variable Coef. -Name location a Rm cV@ CVVal (0) cv49C Dhyd cV@ 1. 1. 1. Min. Max Value Value -l.e+32 I le+32 -le+32 le+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 le+32 -le+32 le+32 -le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B64 ofB156 63 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 130 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:21 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 4SC Local Vx**2: G=l.O aO=O. min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn), aO unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Uccxv I cV@ I 1.1 Uccxv cV 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 46C Local Vy**2: G=l.O aO=O. min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn), aO unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Uccyv I cV I 1.1 Uccyv cV 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 4 7C Local Vz**2: G=l.O aO:oO. min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ..* *anXn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Ucczv I cV@ I 1.1 Ucczv cV@ 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 48C Local (Vx**2 + Vy**2 + Vz**2) : G=l. a aO=O. min=-1. e32 max=l. e32 Y=G* (aO+a1X1+a2X2+ ... +anXn) Gothic_s Variable Coef. Name location Cvval (0) cv45C 1. Cvval (0) cv46C 1. Cvval (O) cv47C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 49C Local lvl' G=1 a0=.5 min=-l.e32 max::l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+a1Xl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a 11 Cvval {O) I CV48C I 1. I Min. Max Value Value -le+32 I le+32 -le+32 le+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 I le+32 -le+32 le+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 I le+32 -le+32 le+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 le+32 -le+32 1e+32 -1e+32 1e+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 I le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAl-2007-004 RevisionO Page B65 ofB156 64 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 131 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:21 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control variable SlC Local Re: G=l.O aD=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Visv I cV@ I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Cvval (O) cvsoc 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 52C Local cp*mu: G=l.O a0=0. min:::-l.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn), aO unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value I Cpv I cV I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Viscv cV@ 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 53C Local Pr: G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_a Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Condv I cV I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Cvval (O) cv52C 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 54C Re**l/2: G:::l.O aO=O.S min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) "'ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 1 I Cvval (0) I cv51C I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable SSC Pr**l/3: G=l.O a0=0.333 min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) ""ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 1[ Cvval (O) I cv53C I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B66 ofB156 65 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 132 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _ LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:21 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 56C o .62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3): G=0.62 aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *arum), aO unused Gothic_s variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Cvval (0) I cv54C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 CVVal (0) cvSSC 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 57C (0.4/Pr)**(2/3)' G=D.54288 a0=-.667 min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 11 CVVal (0) I cv53C I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File, FUnction Components Control Variable SSC [l+(0.4/Pr)**(2/3)]**(1/4): G=l.0 aO=l min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) Aa2X2 or G* (alXl) "'aO Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value I CVVal (0) I cv57C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 One cM 0 .25 -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. FWlction Components Control variable 60C (Re/282000)

    • (5/8): G=.625 a0=0.000392

min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) '"'a2x2 or G* (alXl) Aao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 1 I CVVal (0) I cvSlC I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 61C [l+ (Re/282000)

    • (5/8)] ** (4/5): G=l. O aO=l min=-1.e32

max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) Aa2X2 or G* (alXl) Aao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value CVVal (OJ I cv60C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 One cM 0 .8 -le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B67 ofB156 66 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 133 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 7.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:21 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 62C O. 62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) I [1+ (O. 4/Pr) ** (2/3)] ** (1/4) * [l+ (Re/282000) mult Y"'G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *arum). ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a CVVal {O) I cv59C I 1.1 CVVal {O) cv61C l. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 59C O. 62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) I [1+ (0. 4/Pr) ** (2/3)] ** (1/4) : G=l.O aO=O. m div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a CVVal (0) I cvsac I 1.1 CVVal (0) cv56C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 63C Local Nu: G=l.O a0=0.3 min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 sum Y::::iG* (aO+a1Xl+a2X2+ ... +arum) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a ii CVVal {O) I cv62C I 1. I Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 43C DG Intake Heat Transfer + Delay: G=l.O ao"'-5 min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 if (alXl+aO<O alXl+aO=O a1Xl+a0>0) Y==Ga2X2 Y=Ga3X3 Y=Ga4X4 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 I le+32 -le+32 le+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 I le+32 -le+32 le+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 I le+32 Gothic_ s Variable Max Coef. Min. Name location Value Value Etime One One CVVal (0) cM CM cM cv42C 1. 0. 0. 1. -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Data File: 2 File Name: Case_7a_Panel_Temperatures.csv File Type: TIME Parameter Start Time Time Increment End Time Description Value UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED Reference X, Y, Z July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B68 ofB156 67 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 134 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_7.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_7a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:21 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Data File; 2 (cont.) File Name: case_7a_Panel_Temperatures.cev File Type: TIME Parameter Description Value Reference X,Y,Z Volume UNUSED 0,0,0 Item 1 TV14 Item 2 TV15 Item 3 TV1' Item 4 TV17 Item 5 Item 6 TV1' Item 7 TVZO July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B69 ofB156 68 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 135 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:22 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Volume Initial Conditions Total Vapor Liquid Relative Liquid Liq. Vapor Liquid Vol Pressure Temp. Temp. Humidity Volume Comp. Tracer Tracer # (psia) (F) (F) (%) Fract. Set Set set def 14 .3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE ls 14 .3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 2s 14.30335 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 3s 14. 31195 130. 130. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 4S 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 5 14 .3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 6 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 7 14 .3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 8 14. 31195 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 9 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 10 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE lls 14 .3 /96. /'J6. /40. 0. NONE NONE NONE m: }"* }SO* 12 14 .3 ... 40. 0. NONE NONE NONE \90. \90. \50. 13 14 .28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE Graphs Graph Curve Number # Title 1 2 3 4 5 0 M&E Imbalance EM EE 1 Benchmark Heat Rate Comparison cvlC DC4T 2 Benchmark Exhaust! /Inlet Tempe TVlslOS DCST TV12 DC6T 3 Div 1 DG Room Upper SubVolume TVlslOS TV1s106 TVlsl07 TV1s102 TVlsl03 4 Div 1 DG Room Doors to Hall TVls41 TVls42 TVls43 TVls44 5 Div 1 to Hallway Pressure PR1s44 PR4s124 PR12 PR9 PRlO 6 DG Room Temepra t ure TVls39 TVlsB TVlsll TVlslOS 7 Fan Room and Outside Air Tempe TV7 TV1ls2 TV12 8 Fan Flow Rate LV7L LV6L 9 24hr Benchmark T TVlslOS DCST 10 24hr Benchmark Heat cvlC DC4T 11 DG Room T v Benchmark l TVls47 /TV1s40 DC7T DCST \TVlsn 12 DG Room T v Benchmark 2 TV1s35 DC9T DClOT TV1s37 13 Hallway, 762', &: 712' TV4s124 TV9 TVlO 14 Wall Temperature for the Small TA3s2 15 Atmospheric Pressure PRllsl PR1ls2 PRlls3 16 Atmospheric BC Flow Rates FVlO FVll 17 Recirculation Mass Flow FV23 FV24 18 Leakage Flow Rate FV28 FV29 19 Hallway Door Flow Rates FV15 FV14 FV16 FV17 20 Relative Hurni di ty Above the Ai RHls85 RHls86 RHls87 21 Temperature Above the Air Comp TVlsSS TVls86 TVls87 22 Divl DG Panel Temperatures TVls43 TVls40 TVls39 TVlsS TVls37 23 Components of Averages TVlsS TVlsB TVlsll TVls40 TVls43 24 Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures TVlsl4 TVlslS TVls30 TVls31 I 25 Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures TVls46 TVls47 TVls62 TVls63 }lV14 \TV14 26 Panels 1PL92JA/1PL93JA Tempera TVls12 I I \TVl.S \TV16 27 Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures TV1s7 TVlsS TVls23 TV1s24 I 28 Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures TV1s39 TV1s40 TVlsSS TVls56 )TV17 29 Panel 1DG06SA Temperatures TVlsS TV1s6 TV1s21 TV1s22 }l'Vl7 30 Panel lDGOlKA 12cyl Temperatur TVlsll TVls27 TVls43 TVls59 )l'V18 31 Panel lDGOlKA 16cyl Temperatur TVls7 TVls23 TVls39 TVlsSS }""" \TV20 32 Panel Bulk Average Temperature cvlOC cvl4C cv1sc 33 Panel Bulk Average Temperature cv22C cv26C cv30C 34 Division 1 Room Door DPs DP14 DPlS DP34 35 Division 1 Room Rollup Door DP DP16 DP17 DP35 DP36 36 Div 1 DG Heat Absorption CV2C July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT I NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B70 ofB156 69 curve Ops \L2*TV15 (1PL93J /LPcvlOC (1PL12 \LPcvlOC (1PL12 Ll"cv22C (10006 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 136 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:22 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Fluid Boundary Conditions -Table 1 Press. Temp. Flow s BC# Description (psia) FF (F) FF (lbrn/s) FF p lP outside Air 14 .3 '" I N 2F Outside Air 14. 266 );, )11 10000 N \l \ll 3P Emergency Suppl 14 .3 72 N 4P Make-up Supply 14 .3 78 N Fluid Boundary Conditions -Table 2 Liq. v. Stm. V. Drop D. Drop Drop BC# Frac. FF Frac. FF lP /H40 )0.024 2F H40 \0.024 3P H25 4P H25 Volumetric Fan Vol Flow Flow Fan Flow Rate Rate # Option (CFM) FF lQ Time 3020. 2Q Time 3020. 3Q Time 77567. 4Q Time 4250. SQ Time 4250. 6Q Time 4250. 7Q Time 4250. SQ Time /1510. \2800. Time DT DT DT Dorn Min Max Ratio 0 .001 0 .1 le+OB o. 001 /1.5 1. 0. 001 1. )*-* 0. 001 l.5 1. \0.5 Run Options Option Restart Option Start Time (sec) Parallel Processes Preprocessor Multithreading Revaporization Fraction Maximum Mist Density (lbm/ft3) Drop Diam. From Mist (in) Minimum HT Coeff. (B/h-ft2-F) Reference Pressure (psia) (in) FF GSD Frac. NONE 1. o. NONE 1. 0. NONE 1. 0. NONE 1. 0. -Table 2 Heat Heat Heat Rate Rate Option (Btu/s) FF Time 0. Time 0. Time o. Time 0. Time o. Time o. Time o. Time o. Time Domain Data End Time 5. 100. 1000. 86400. Print Graph Int Int 1. /60. 10. )k \10. 60. 60. /60. 3600. \3600. Setting /l \3 NONE 0. 0 YES DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. 0 IGNORE Cpld FF BC# Disch Vol ls86 lls3 ls?O ls6 lsB ls54 ls56 ln Gas Error Relax T DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT J ON OFF Elev. 0 Trip Trip (ft) N 749. N 10 800. N 749. N 749. Flow Heat Outlet Frac. FF (Btu/s) FF Quality DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT Dump Ph Chng L Flow Int T Scale Shutoff 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT o. DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT FF NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B71 ofB156 70 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 137 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:22 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Run Options (cont. l Option Maximum Pressure {psia) Forced Ent. Drop Diam. (in) Vapor Phase Head Correction Kinetic Energy Vapor Phase Liquid Phaae Drop Phase Force Equilibrium Drop-Liq. Conversion QA Logging Debug Output Level Debug Starting Time Step Debug Time Step Frequency Restart Dump on CPU Interval {sec) Pressure Initialization Iteration Pressure Initialization Convergenc Solver Command Line Options Function 3T Model Gen. Heat Rate Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. var.: Heat Rate (BTU//sec) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 0. 0. 4. 9 5. /0.25 9. 9 )0.18 10. 0.59 23 .9 )0.<3 24. 1.42 39 .9 )l.03 40. 2.44 119. 9 )l.77 120. 7.39 899. 9 900. 1199. 9 )40.89 1200. 72.37 4919. 9 4920. 7199. 9 7200. 14399.9 14400. 21600. )104.15 86400. 152.24 \110.68 Setting INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE l.Oe-6 Dep. Var. /0.2 )0.15 0.451 )0.36 1.4l )l.02 2.36 )1.7l 7.3 )40.31 70.14 )102.96 152.24 \110.68 Control Volume Parameters Vol Vol Elev Ht Hyd. D. # Description (ft3) (ft) (ft) (ft) ls DG Room (Div. 1 82470. 737. 24. 24. 2* DG Room (Div. 2 54300. 737. 24. 24. 3s DG Room {Div. 3 64300. 737. 24. 24. 4S Hallway 143900. 737. 24. 24. 5 Day Tank Room 1300. 737. 10. 10. 6 Oil Tank Room 14000. 712. 24. 24. 7 Make up Air Sup 10000. 762. 24. 24. 8 Rest of El 737' 247000. 737. 24. 24. 9 Rest of El 762' 480000. 762. 24. 24. 10 712' El 480000. 712. 24. 24. 11* Outside Air le+07 737. 74. 20. 12 Fan Room 23750. 762. 24. 24. 13 Interposing Int 1000. 762. 24. 24. I= )i!xx \15 \1PL93JA \D.787 \739.917 \l.354 \D.463 L/V IA SA Min Film (ft2) FF (ft) DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT /DBFAULT /DBFATILT )DBFAULT JJBFAULT )DBFAULT DBFAULT \JJBFAULT \ \DEFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Min Film FF \ NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B72 ofB156 71 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 138 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:22 GOTHIC Version B.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Control Volume Parameters (cont.) Vol Vol Elev Ht Hyd. D. L/V IA SA Min Film Min Film * Description (ft3) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) FF (ft) FF '"""" /xxxxxxx I= '""""""" /XXXXXXX /xxxxxxx /DBFAUL'I' '"""°' /DEFAULT I= )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFA1l'LT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )DEFAULT DEFAtJLT 12cyl )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx \20 \lDQOlXA 16cyl \9.868 \739.458 \S.833 \0.883 \DEFAULT \ \DEFAULT \ Control Volume Options Vol Pool HMT Pool Pool Pres. Pool Dp. Bum ICIP Damper Mult Opt Correction Tracking Opt Drag 1. DEFAULT NONE " ON LOCAL l. DBFAULT ON ON NONE LOCAL 1. NONE LOCAL l. ON ON 1. ON NONE DEFAULT NONE ON DEFAULT LOCAL ON 13 1. LOCAL ON ON NONE ON '"""" I= /DEFAtJLT I= I= /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx I= '"""" )!!xx )!xx.xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )=xx )i!xx )!xx.xx )DEFAULT DB FAULT )=xx )i!xx )!xx.xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )=xx )DEFAULT DBI!' AULT }xxxxxxx )!xx.xx )DEFAULT DB FAULT }xxxxxxx )i:!.x )!xx.xx )DBll'AULT DB FAULT }xxxxxxx \20 \1. \DBFAtJLT \LOCAL \ON \ \ON \NONE \ON Laminar Leakage Ref Ref Sink Leak Vol Temp Humid Model Rep sub vol (t/hrl (psial (Fl ,,, Option Wall Option (ft2) DEFAULT UNIFORM CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT UNIFORM DEFAULT 13 o. UNIFORM DEFAULT /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx /=xx /xxxxxxx I= /xxxxxxx /DEFAULT )!!xx }xxxxxxx )=xx }xxxxxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i:!.x }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx )"""" }DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!xx }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx )=xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx )=xx }xxxxxxx )DEFAULT DBFAUL'l' )i!xx }xxxxxxx )=xx }xxxxxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx }xxxxxxx }DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \0. \ \ \CNST T \ \tJNIFORM \DEFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B73 ofB156 72 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 139 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Turbulent Leakage Lk Rate Ref Ref Ref Sink Leak Vol Factor Press Temp Humid or Model Rep Subvol Area # (%/hr) (psi a) (F) <*> Src Option Wall Option (ft2) fL/D ls 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 2* 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 3s 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 4* 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 5 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 6 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 7 0. CNST T u_NIFORM DEFAULT 8 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 9 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 10 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT lls o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 12 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 13 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT '"""" /xxxxxxx '""""'°"' /xxxxxxx /xxxx I= /xxxx /xxxxxxx /PBFAtJLT I= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx >== )DBFA1JLT DEFAULT >= )xxxxxxx )>=xxxx )xxxxxxx )=x )=x >== )DEFAULT DBFAtJLT >= )xxxxxxx )>=xxxx )xxxxxxx )=x )=x >== )DBFAtJ'LT DEFAULT >= )xxxxxxx )>=xxxx )xxxxxxx )=x )xxxx >== )DBFAtJLT DBFAUL'l' >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=x )xxxx >== )DBFAtJLT DEFAULT >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=x )=x >== )DBFAtJLT DEFAULT >= \20 \0. \ \ \ \ \CNST 'I' \ \t1NIFORM \DEFAULT \ Discrete Burn Parameters Min Min Max Burn Flame Burn Un Vol H2 02 H20 Length Speed Rate Burn Burn # Frac Frac Frac (ft) (ft/s) FF Frac Opt ls o. 07 0. 05 0. 55 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 2* 0. 07 0. OS 0 .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 3* 0. 07 0. OS o .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 4* 0. 07 o. 05 0 .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 5 o. 07 0. 05 o. SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 6 0. 07 0. OS 0 .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 7 0. 07 0. OS 0 .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 8 o. 07 0. OS O .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 9 0. 07 0. OS 0 .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 10 0. 07 0. OS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR lls 0. 07 0. OS O .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 12 o. 07 0. OS 0 .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR 13 o. 07 0. OS O .SS DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT FBR I= I= I= /DBFAULT /DEFAULT '"""" /DEFAULT )i!x. )DBFAULT DBFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )=x )DEFAULT DBFAULT )DBPAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )=x )DEFAULT DEFAULT )!!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )=x )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )=x )DEFAULT DEFAULT ):X )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )=x )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \0.07 \0.05 \0.55 \DEFAULT \DEFAULT \ \DEFAULT \FBR Continuous Burn Parameters Vol Min H2 Min Max Max Burn Vol Flow 02 H20 H20/H2 Frac (lbm/s) Frac Frac Ratio ls 0. 0. OS 0 .SS 1000. l. 2* o. 0. 05 0 .SS 1000. l. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B74 ofB156 73 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 140 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_10a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Continuous Burn Parameters (cont.) Vol Min HZ Min M= "= Burn Vol Flow H20/H2 Frac (lbm/s) Ratio o.os l . .. 1000. o. o.os l. o. 0.05 1000. l. o. 0.05 l, 0,55 1000.-" 1000, o.os o.os l3 0. 0.05 0.55 1000, 1. I== I= I= I= )!!xx >=xx >=xx )!xx.xx >=xx >=xx )!xx.xx >=xx )!!xx >=xx \20 \0. \0.05 \0,55 \1000, \1. Mechanistic Burn Rate Parameters Min Min Lam Burn Turb Turb Vol H20 Temp Limit (lbm/ftJ-sJ (F) Op' ls 1. 350. EDIS 2* l. 350. EDIS 1. l. 350. EDIS 1. DBFAUI.T l. 350. l. 1. 350. EDIS 0. 1. lls o. l, 1. 350. EDIS 350. l3 0. 1. 1. 350. EDIS /DEFAULT I= I= )!!xx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )DEFAULT DB FAULT >= >= >= )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= )i!xx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )DB FAULT DBFAULT >= >= >= )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )DB FAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= )i!xz )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )DEFAULT DB FAULT >= >= >== )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= >== \20 \0. \0. \l. \1. \DEFAULT \ \350. \ \EDIS \ Mechanistic Burn Propagation Parameters Unburned Burned CC Flow Ig Min Ig Min Ig Max Auto lg Vol Vel Thick Steam Temp PF Frac (ft/s) (ft) FF (F) ,, 0.001 0.04 o.os 0.001 DEFAULT 0.04 o.os 0.55 DEFAULT 0.164 0.04 0.55 DEFAULT 0.04 0.164 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B75 ofB156 74 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 141 of 254 m NUMERICAL Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator NAI-2007-004 APPLICATIONS Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Revision 0 nn* .. rJ:"r'-ln.*r*r11!-""-11.r

  • .en.r.n.rrr.r-1

t¥" Evaluation Page B76 ofB156 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. 75 I Current File: C:\Work\PenletClinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Pen ey\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Mechanistic: Burn Propagation Parameters !cont.) Unburned Burned cc Flow Flame Ig Min lg Min Ig Max Auto Ig Vol H2 Vol Thick H2 Steam To mp FF (ft/s) (ft) (F) FF 0.001 0,164 0.04 DEFAULT 0.04 DEFAULT 0.04 0.164 0.04 o.os 0.04 0,04 DEFAULT 10 0.001 DEFAULT 0.164 0.04 o.os DEFAULT 0.04 DEFAULT 0.04 o.os DEFAULT 12 0.001 0.164 0.04 0.55 13 0.001 DEFAULT 0.164 0.04 0.55 DEFAULT '"'°"' /xx />=0000< /xx /DEFAULT /xx /=x /xx />=0000< /=x /DEFAULT /xx }xx }xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xx }xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xx }xx }xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xx }xx )DEFAULT PED' AULT }xx }xx }xx )DEFAULT DEFAtJLT }xx }xx )DEFAOLT DBFAtJLT }xx )ii.,. }xx }xx )DBFAULT DEFAULT }xx }xx )DB:FAtl'LT DEFAULT }xx ).,. }xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT ).,. ).,. )DEFAULT DBFAULT }xx ).,. }xx )DEFAULT DBPAULT }xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT }xx \20 \0 .04 \ \0.001 \ \DEFAULT \ \0.154 \ \0.04 \0 .os \0.55 \DEFAULT \ Pipe Parameters Relative Lam Modulus of Vol Rough-Geom OD ID Elasticity Stiffness

  • ness Fact (in) (in) (pd) Factor l* DEFA " DEFA " DEFA " DEFA 5 DEFA ' DEFA 7 DEFA . DEFA ' DEFA 10 DEFA 11* DEFA 12 DEFA lJ DEFA /xxxx I= /DEPA I= I= I= '"""""""' >= )DEPA DEFA >= >= >= >= )DEFA DEPA >= >= >= >= )DEPA DEPA >= >= )XXXXDOU<XX

>= )ii.,. >= )DEPA DEPA >= >= )XXXXDOU<XX >= )!!xx >= )DEPA DHFA >= >= )XXDOU<XXXX >= >= )DEPA DEPA >= >= >= \20 \ \DBPA \ \ \ \ Plow Paths -Table 1 Elev Vol Elev Tilt Description (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (deg) (deg) Hatch (El 762 f 760, 762. 0.1 Hatch (762' Hal 760, 762. 0.1 Hatch (762' Hal 762. Hatch (El 737 f 735. Hatch (737'Half 735. Hatch (737'Half 735. Maka Up supply Normal Fan to D 762. D.l 755. Exhaust f["om DG 760. 0.1 lls3 787. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 142 of 254 m NUMERICAL Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator NAI-2007-004 APPLICATIONS Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Revision 0 .... "1.r t¥' Evaluation Page B77 ofB156 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. 76 I Current File: C:\Work\Penleri\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Pen ey\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 1 (cont.) F.P. Vol Elev Ht Vol Elev Ht Tilt Rot. Description (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (degJ (deg) Outside Air lbl 0.1 lP outside Air lls3 2F Divl-Div2 Upper 742. 742. Divl-Div2 Lower "' 737. 737. 00 Rl Door (Low 4*4 lsl6 737. DG Rl Door (Mid 41364 2.5 ls32 739.5 16 DG Rl Rollup (L 737. 2.5 lsll 737, 2.5 DG Rl Rollup (L 4s63 2.5 ls29 2.5 Dl-03 Roll Up 3s27 1. 1B4l 742. 1. " Dl-03 Roll Low 3*9 737. 737. 1. 20 Dl-03 Up 742, 1. ls37 742. 1. Dl-DJ Low '"' 1. 1"5 Emergency Fan t 12 750. 12 769. 4. Recirc to Fan R lslDS 759. 2. 12 Emergency suppl l3 12 774. Oil Fan Supply 13 774. l!C to Intake 774. 0.1 0.1 LoV Leakage Pat 13 1182 774. 0.1 " Hallway Leakage 749. O.l 0.1 Gen Fan Flow Lo /le7 /738. /1.5 738. )1s39 )742. )U Gen Fan Flow Lo 1'7 738. 738. 1.5 )1e39 Gen Fan Flow Hi ls SS 744,5 2. )1*" HU:s )2.5 33 Gen Fan Flow Hi la SS 2. ls56 2. \ls39 \742. \2.S 34 PG Rl Poor (Top 742, 2.1667 la48 DG Rl Rollup {U 4sl23 ls4.5 742. 36 DG Rl Rollup (T s ls61 N 744.S 2.> '"""" '""""""°' I= /:ir:: /7COCXXX /xxxxxx /xxxxxx /x /xxxxxx. I= Ix= I= Pressur >= >= )i!xx Pressur >= >= Prossur >= >= Pressur >= >= >= >= 12cyl P >= >= )!ix,. 16cyl P >= >= \44 \Exhaust Pip* Le \lslll \T \760.98 \0.01 \11113 \B \788.01 \0.01 \ \ Flow Paths -Table 2 Flow Flow Hyd. Inertia Friction Relative Dep Diam. Length Length Rough-Bend Flow {ft2) (ft) (ft} (ft) {deg) Ope Ope 40. le-OS NONE NONE 160. 3. NONE '* le-OS NONE 15. DEFA NONE 160. 15. 3. o. le-05 NONE 7.1 NONE 42.6.9 NONE 20. o. le-05 NONE NONE 10.7 NONE 13 10.7 4.2 3. le-05 NONE 14 7.5 5. o. NONE 7.5 17 20. 5. o. o. 0. NONE '*' NONE July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 143 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Flow Path {ft2) 10.7 21 10.7 " " " /x= )i!xx )!ix,. )!!xx \44 Path " 21.3 5. 20. I= \10, Fwd. Loss Coeff. 0.1 0.1 0,1 0.01 2,78 2.78 Flow l'atha -Table 2 (cont.) Hyd. Inertia F:riction Diam. Length Length (ft) (ft) {ft) .. .. 0. '* '*' '*' o. 0. 2. l. s. 5. 5.5 o. I= I= I= )x=x= )x=x= )x=x= )xx= )x=x= >= )xx= \5. \41. \ Flow Paths -Table 3 Rev. Critical Comp. Flow Coeff. Ope. Model 0.1 2.79 OFF Relative Dep Rough-Bend Flow (deg) Ope NONE le-05 DEFA le-05 le-05 DEFA le-OS o. NONE le-05 NONE le-05 o. 0.001 o. DEFA o. 0. NOT NONE /xx= /DBFA I= '"""' I= )x=x= )DBFA DEFA )=.,. ):=x )x=x= )DEFA DEPA )=.,. )xx= )DEFA DEFA )=.,. >= )DEPA DEFA )xx= )DEFA DEFA )=.,. ):=x )x=x= )DEFA DEPA )=.,. >= )DEFA DEFA )=.,. \DEPA \0. \NkT \NONE """ Drop Homog. Breakup Flow Coeff. Model Ope. OFF OFF OFF o. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B78 ofB156 77 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 144 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 3 (cont.) Flow Fwd. critical Exit Drop Homog, Path Comp. Flow Lo .. Breakup Flow Coeff. Coeff. Opt. Model Coeff. Model Opt. 2.78 2.78 2.78 OFF 2.78 2.78 o. OFF 1. OFF OFF 1. OFF 1. OFF o. OFF 33 1. 1. OFF o. OFF 34 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF OFF 2.78 2.78 o. OFF OFF " 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF /xxxx I= /xx /xxxxxxxx "°' I= I= I= I= I= )xx )xx )i!xx )xx )xx )iixx )xx ),.,. )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx )xx \44 \S.SG \ \S.56 \OFF \OPP \0. \OFF \OFF Flow Path:;i -Table 4 Forward Prop Flow Min Min Min Min With Path H20 Time Prop Frac: Frac: Flow Opt 0,06 NO CO FLOW 0,05 con.ow 0.55 o.os 0,06 0.05 o.os NO CO FLOW 0.06 o.os CO FLOW o.os o.os 0,06 0.06 0.05 o.s 0,06 0.06 0.06 COFl.OW 0,06 o.os 0.06 0.55 0.06 '-' 0.06 0.06 21 0.06 0.06 CO FLOW 0.06 0.55 0.06 0.06 o.s NO CO FLOW 0.06 0.05 o.os 0.06 o.os o.o5 0.55 D.5 31 0.06 0.55 0.06 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B79 ofB156 78 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 145 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 4 Fo:r:ward Flow Min Min Min Path H2 Frac Frac 0.06 o.os 3S 0.06 o.os 36 0.06 0.05 0.55 I= I= I= I= )iix. )!i.x )!i.x )!!xx \44 \0.06 \0.05 \0.55 \0.06 Cond Description DG (Warm) {Conv) DG (Hot) (Conv) DG Rl E Wall PG Rl s Wall Ss PG Rl. N Hall 00 Rl. Ceiling under Fan Room Pivl Ceiling-762 Divl Floor !3s DG Rl w Wall Wall {Tank Room -DG Rl) lls Wall {PG R2 -Hallway) Hall {PG R2 -Other rooms) Wall {PG R2 -Outside Air) Div2 to 912' lSs Piv2 to 962' PivJ t1;1 Amb. l 7s Div3 to !362' lBs Div3 to !312' Ceiling (El 737ft Hallway) Hallway Floor Wall (El 737ft Hallway -outside l!.ir) Wall (Taruc Room -outside Air) Wall (Fan Room -Other Rooms) Wall (Fan Room -outside Ai:t") (El 737ft Other Rooms -Outside Ai:t") Wall (El 762ft Other Rooms -Outside Air) Wall (El 712ft -Outside Air) Fan Room to Amb. Fan Rm to !362' Fan Rm to Amb (ceiling) /]COQ(. /:iocaoax )ii:x North Side South Side East Side West Side Top Side )!!xx North Side South Sida )!!xx West Side Top Side Bottom Side. \41 \1PL92JA North Side (cont.) Min I= \0.05 Prop M= *= With Time Prop Flow Opt '*' CO FLOW I= I= I= >= >= >= >= >= >= >= \0.55 \0.5 \NO \CO FLOW Thermal Conductors Vol Srf Vol Srf Cond S. A. Opt Opt Typo (ft2) ls7-59 1:;17-59 648. "* llsl 936. bN 1:1104-2900. l*F /JsW /lsS-10 /2376. \3sE \lsW \2350. 2*N 4s5-36 670. 3*C 3600. 3*F 3600. 10 120. 936. 2 ' I= I= I= I= )!xx )!xx )!xx )!,.,. )!xx )!xx )!,.,. )!xx )!xx )!xx )!,.,. )!,.,. )!xx )!,.,. )!xx )!xx )!xx )!xx )!,.,. )!xx \16 \I \lsl2 \1 \7 \0.705 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B80 ofB156 79 Init. Grp T. (F) I/X 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. I= I= \78. \X \ EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 146 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 O.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20 :59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors (cont.) Cond Vol Srf Vol Srf Cone'! S. A. * Description A Opt B Opt Type (ft2) /=x '""""""" I= I= I= I= /=x /==> )!ix,. South Side )i.. )i.. )k )!ix. Side )i.. )i.. )k )!!,.,. Side )i.. )i.. )k Side )ixx )k Bott= Side )ixx )k North Side )i.. )!xx )k south Side )!xx )!xx )k Side )!xx )i.. )k Side )!xx )!xx )k Side )!xx )k North Side )!xx )!xx )k South Side )!xx )i.. )k Side )!xx )!xx )k Side )!xx )i.. )k Side )!xx )k Bottom Side )ixx )k 12cyl North Side )!xx )!xx )k 12cyl South Side )i.. )!xx )k 12cyl Ell.St Side )i.. )!xx )k )!i:x 12cyl West Side )i.. )i.. )k 12cyl Top Side )!xx )k )!ixx 12cyl Bottom Sido )ixx )k 1Gcyl Horth Sida )i.. )!xx )k 16cyl South Sida )i.. )i.. )k 16cyl Side )!xx )i.. )k 16cyl Wast Sida )!xx )i.. )k )!!xx 16cyl Top Sida )!xx )k l6cyl Bottom Sida )!xx )k Air Piping )!,.. );:.,. )!xx,. Air Piping )!xx );:.,. )!xx,. }illxxxx Air Piping )!,.. );:.,. )!.xx \73s \DG Combuat. Air Piping \ls71-8 \8 \ls71-8 \7 \B \H8.6 Thermal Conductors -Radiation Parameters Cond Therm. Rad. Therm. Rad. Emiss. Side A Side A Side B Side B Scope No ,, No 15* "' 1 .. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B81 ofB156 80 Init. Grp -* T. {F) I/X * I= '"""" )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx >= )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx >= )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!..xx )=x )!xxxx )!..xx )!..xx )=x )!..xx )!..xx )!..xx )=x )ix.xx )!-)ix.xx )!-)ix.xx )!-\78. \I \4 L EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 147 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_Lo\i _ LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Radiation Parameters (cont,) Cond Therm. Rad. Emias. Therm. Rad. Emiss. * Side A Side A Side B Side B Scope 23 No No FULL 24 No No FULL 25 No No FULL 26 No No FULL 27 No No FULL 2B No No FULL 2* No No FULL JO No No FULL /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx I= /xxxxxxx '""""""" )xxxxxxx >= )=x )=x )=x >= )xxxxxxx >= >= >= )=x >= )=x )xxxxxxx )!!.,. )=x )=x )!!xx >= )=x >= J=x )!ix. )=x >= )=x J=x )!!xx )=x )=x )!!,.,. )=x )xxxxxxx )=x >= >= J=x )=x >= )!!:x )=x >= )=x >= >= J=x )=x >= )xxxxxxx Jxxxxxxx )i!!x )=x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >= )=x >= >= )=x )=x >= )=x >= )i!:x )=x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= >= >= )=x )=x )!!:x )=x >= )!i:x >= >= )!!:x >= >= >= >= )!!xx )=x )xxxxxxx >= >=->= )=x )=x >= >= )=x \7Js \No \ \No \ \F11LL Thermal Conductors -tee Parameters Side A Side B Node Cond. Spacing Thick. Thick. (in) Nodes Option (inl Porosity (in) Porosity July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B82 ofB156 81 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 148 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20 :59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Ice Parameters (cont.) -------Side A -----------Side B ----Node >re* Ice Ice Cond. Spacing M= FP Thick. Ioe ""'" Thick. Ice >re* * (in) Nodes Option (in} Porosity FF (in) Porosity FP 2 NONB NONE " NONB NONE " NONB NONE .. NONB NONE ,. NONB NONE ,, NONE NONE .. NONB NONE ,, NONB NONE 10* NONB NONE llo NONE NONE '" NONE NONE '" NONE NONS '" NONE NONS 15* NONB NONE '" NONE NONS 17* NONE NONS '" NONE NONS 19* NONE NONE ,., NONE NONE 21* NONS NONE 22 NONE NONE 2J NONE NONE " NONE NONE 25 NONB NONE 26 NONE NONE 27 NONE NONE " NONB NONS " NONB NONS 30 NONE NONE />=a I= I= I= /NONE I= />=a /NONE '""°""""'° '""""' >= >= >= )NONE HONS >= )xxxx >= )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= >= >= )HONS NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONB NONB >= )xxxx >= >= )NCNS NONE >= )xxxx )HONB NCNS >= )xxxx >= >= )NCNS NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NO!ra >= )xxxx )i!!x >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NO!m NONE >= )xxxx )i!xx >= >= )NONE HONS >= )xxxx )*on NO!ra >= )xxxx >= )xxxxxx )"ONE HONS )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxxx )>=a >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )!ixx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= >= )HONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )!!xx >= >= )HONS HONS >= )xxxx )NCNS NONE )xxxxxxxx )xux )!!xx >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )>=a )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xux )NONE NONB )xxxxxxxx )xux )!!xx >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )HONE NONB )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xax )xxxxxxxx )xax )!!!x >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )HONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE NONS >= )xxxx )NONE NONB )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )ii:x >= )xxxxx >= )NONS NONE >= )xxxx >= )xxxx )!!:x >= >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx >= >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xax )xxxxxxxx )x= )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xax )NONS NONE )xxxxxxxx )x= )i!:x )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE )xaxxxxx )xax )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xax )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE )"""""""' )xux )NONE NONE )"""""""' )x= )i!:x >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )x= >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )x= )xaxxxxx )xux >= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xax )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xax \lila \ \ \ \NONE \ \ \NONE \ \ July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B83 ofB156 82 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 149 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductors -rce Parameters (cont.} -------Side A -----------Side B ----Node l\rea Ice Ice Cond. Spacing Max FF Thick. Ice l\rea Thick. Ice l\rea * {in) Nodea Option (in) Porosity FF (in) Porosity FF '"'°"' I= /xxxxx I= /NONE /xxxxxxxx /xxxx /NON& /xxxxxxxx /xxxx )!ixx >= )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )=xx )=x )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )!ixx >= )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )"ONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx >= )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )=x )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >== )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )"ONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx \7Js \ \ \ \NONE \ \ \NON& \ \ Thermal Conductor Types Type Thick. o.o. Heat Heat Description {inl (in) Regions (Btu/ft3-a) Ceiling/Floor 12. o. Internal Wall WALL 12. o. 20 External Wall o. 23 1. DG Hot WALL o. 10 o. ' Internal Block WALL 11.625 0. 20 0. '"'°"' /xxxxxxx /xxxx /xxxxxxxx /xxxxxxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxxxxxx /=x >= )xxxx )!xx. )iixxxxx )=x \9 \24ft Piping \TtJBB \D.375 \24. \13 \0. Forcing Function Tables FFO Description Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Points Constant DG Warm Temp Time {sec) Temporatur 2T DG Hot Temp Time {sec) Temperatur Hodel Gen. Heat Time (sec) Heat Rate 4T Benchmark Heat Time (sec) Benchmark ST Benchmark Exhau Time (sec) Benchmark 43 Benchmark Inlet Time (sec) Tempcratur 7T Benchmark Loe 1 Time (sec) Temperatur Benchmark Lac 2 Time (sec) Temperatur 14 " Benchmark LOC 3 Time (sec) Temperatur lOT Benchmark Lac 4 (sec) Tempel:'atur 15 /xxxxxxx /=x /=x I= \llT \outdoor Air Tem \Time I sec) \Temperatur \1535 Data Files File Inter-output Detail ' Name Typo palate Files Level 1 I /CPS_lA_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Cose_10.csv I I ITS I SINGLE I =L /xxxxx /=x /=x /xxxxxx /xxxxxxx \2 \Case_lOa_Panel _Temperatures. csv \TZME \1<BS \SINGLE \FULL July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Option NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B84 ofB156 I(= 83 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 150 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductor Surface Options -Table 1 Surf Heat Cnd/ Sp Nat For Opt Transfer Nominal Cnv Cnd Cnv Cnv Cnv # Description Option Value FF Opt Opt HTC Opt Opt 1 Wall Direct DLM-FM VERT SURF USER DEF 2 Ceiling Side Direct DLM-FM FACE DOWN USER DEF 3 Floor Side Direct DLM-FM FACE UP USER DEF 4 DG Wann Temper Sp Temp 1. lT 5 DG Hot Tempera t Sp Temp 1. 2T 6 HTC Sp Conv /4.9 /=x />=>x>a< I= '"" '"""" I= I= I= I= forDG )xx= )"" )=x >= >= )!xx,. )=x >= )!.,. >= \* \DG Intake HTC \Sp Conv \4.752 \ \ \ \ \ \ Conductor Surface Options -Table 2 Surf Min Max Convection Condensation Rad to Steam Opt Phase Liq Liq Bulk Temp Bulk Temp Emissivity

  1. Opt Fract Fract

Model FF Model FF Dry Wet 1 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 2 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 3 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 4 5 6 VAP Tg-Tw 0. 0. '"""" I= I= I= /==x I= I== I= /DEFAULT /DEFAt7LT >= >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )!xx,. >= >= >= )==x >= )DEFAt7LT )DEFAULT \9 \VAP \ \ \Tg-Tw \ \ \ \0. \0. Conductor Surface Options -Table 3 surf Char. Nom Minimum Char. Cond. Opt Length Vel Vel Conv HTC Height Length # (ft) (ft/s) FF (B/h-f2-F) (ft) (ft) 1 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 2 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 3 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 4 DEFAULT DEFAULT 5 DEFAULT DEFAULT 6 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT '"""" I= I= I= /DEFAULT /==x /==x >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >== >== )!xx,. >= >= >= )DEFAULT >== >= \* \ \ \ \DEFAULT \DEFAULT \DEFAULT Conductor Surface Options -Table 4 surf Total Peak Initial BD Post-BD Post-BD Opt Const Heat Time Exp Value Exp Exp Direct CT (Btu) (sec) XT (B/h-f2-F) yt xt FF July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B85 ofB156 84 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 151 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductor Surface Options -Table 4 (cont.) Surf Total Pook Initial BO Post-BD Pol:!lt-BD DpC Const: Heat Time Exp Value Exp Exp Direct ' er {Btu) (.sec) XT (B/h-f2-F) yt " FF I= I= I= I= /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx >= >= >= >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!.xx >= >= >= >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx ,, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Control Variables Initial Coeff. Coeff. Description Value Min Max lC Div l PG Heat Load l. le+32 Div 1 DG Heat Ab:Jorption -le+32 Bounding Panel T_bulk_avg o. l. Bounding Pomel T_maJl Door T_bulk_avg

ill Operator Act if Door T_ma:ii:;

WI Operator Action if l. -le+32 le .. 32 7C Panel 1PL12JA [Vole] o. le+32 Panel 1PL12JA [Temv] l. Panel 1PL12JA (Vole] [Temv] sump rod l. lOC Panel 1PL12JA T_bulk_avg div -le+32 Panel 1PL.92JA/1PL93JA [Vole] 0. o. -le+32 le+J2 lZC Panel 1PL92JA/1PL!13JA [Temv] 1. Panel 1PL92JA/1PL!l3JA {Vole] [T aurnprod 1. l<C Panel 1PL!l2Ja/1PL!l3JA T_bulk_a div l, o. -le..,32 Panel 1DG01JA [Vole] 0. o. le+32 Panel lDGOlJA [Temv] l. le+32 l7C Panel lDGOlJA {Vole] (Temv] aumprod -le+32 Panel lDGOlJA T_bulk_avg div o. le.f.32 Panel 1DG06SA [Vole] -le+32 le+32 Panel 1DG06SA [Temv] -le+32 Panel 1DG06SA (Vole) [TemvJ aumprod 1. le+32 Panel 10006SA T_bulk_avg div 0, l. o. le+32 23C Panel lDGOlKA 12eyl [Vole] l. 24C E'anel lDGOll<A l2eyl [Temv] l. 25C Panel lDGOlKA l2eyl [Vole] [Tem sump rod o. l. le+32 26C Panel lOOOlKA 12eyl T_bulk_avg div o. l. o. -le+32 le+32 Panel lDGOlKA 16eyl [Vole] -le+32 Panel lDGOlKA 16eyl [Ternv) l. Panel lDGOlKA 16eyl [Vole] [Tem sump rod 1. Panel lDGOlKA 16eyl T_bulk_avg div 1. Rc;illup Door [Vole] Rollup Door [Ternv) Rollup Door [Vole] [Temv] sump rod o. l. Rollup Door T_bulk_avg div lc+32 Personnel Door [Vole] Personnel Door [Temv] o. Personnel Door [Vole] [Temv] sump rod l. Personnel Door T_bulk_avg div Max Door Temperature Max Door T_bulk_avg 0, l. 0. le+J2 '""""""" '""""""" I= I= )!!ix >= Air Temperature )ixxxxxx Heat. Transfer )ixxxxxx Heat Tranafor .f. Dela )ii.x..x )ixxxxxx Thot. )ixxxxxx >==. )ixxxxxx )==. )ixxxxxx )==. )ixxxxxx + vy**z + vz:**2) )ixxxxxx )!!ix )ixxxxxx \SOC \Local Rho*V*D \mult \0. \1. \0. \-le+32 \le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Upd. Int. Mult. I= \0. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B86 ofB156 85 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 152 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Control Variablea (cont.) c:v Fune. Initial Coeff. Coeff. * Description Form Value G ao Min Max '""""' I= '""""'°"' '""""'°"' '""""'°"' '"""""""' I= I= (l/2) *PrH (l/J) .. 12/3) (2/3)] ** (l/4) (1/2) "'Pr** (1/3) / [l+(O

    • (5/8)
    • (5/8)] .. (4/5) \63C \Local Nu \sum \0. \1. \0.3 \-le+32 \le+32 * Turbulence

Parameters 1----Liquid --1 1----Vapor --1 Vol Mclee. Tllrb. Mix.L. PrT ScT Mix.L PrT ScT Phase Diff. Model (ft) Ne. (ft) Ne. Ne. Option " NO NONE o. 0. 2s NONE 0. o. o. o. VAPOR 3* NO NONE o. o. 0. VAPOR .. NO NONE o. o. NO NONE o. o. o. o. VAPOR NO NONE 0. 0. o. VAPOR NO NONE 0. 0. o. 0. NO NONE 0. 0. o. VAPOR 10 NO NONE o. o. VAPOR 11* NONE o. o. 0. 12 NO NONE o. 0. o. VAPOR 13 NO NONE 1. 1. 1. 1. VAPOR '""""" '""""" /=x I= I= I= I= I= I= I= >= ) ) >= ) ) )iixxx >= ) ) >= ) ) )i!xxx >= ) ) >= ) ) >= ) ) >= ) ) )i!xxx >= ) ) >= ) ) >= ) ) >= ) ) \20 \NO \NONE \ \1. \1. \1. \1. \VAPOR Cell Blockages -Table l. Volume 1.s Blockage No. Description Type 1 Day TanJt Room BLK B I N /x=xx /=x /=x /x /x /x )!)i )!}i )!}i )!}i >== )!}i 12cyl )!)i \B \1DG01KA 16cyl \BLlt \B \J: \N July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Upd. Int. Mult. I=

\0. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B87 ofB156 86 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 153 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:23 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Cell Blockages -Table 2 Volume ls Blockage Coordinates & Dimensions (ft) Angle No. Xl Yl Zl X2 Y2 Z2 X3 Y3 Z3 L (Deg) 1 0. 0. 0. 10. 10. 10. lxx= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= >= >= )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )!.xx. )i!xxxx >= )xxxxxx >= )xxxxxx >= )!.xx. >= )xxxxxx >= >= >= >= )xxxxxx )xxxxxx >= )xxxxxx )!.x.x )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxxxx \8 \29.479 \11.583 \2.458 \30.479 \14. \8.292 \ \ \ \ \ X-Direction Cell Face Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Area Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ent. No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff. FF Factor def On 1. 1000000. 0. 0. -lsl 0. le-06 0. 0. ls5 1. 260. 0. 0. lsl 7 0. le-06 0. 0. ls21 1. 260. 0. 0. ls33 0. le-06 0. o. ls37 1. 260. 0. o. ls49 0. le-06 0. o. ls53 1. 260. o. o. ls65 1. 20. 0. 0. I= I= I= I= /xxxxxx:xzxxxx >= >= >= )!ixxxxxxxxxx >= >= \ls21 \6 \l. \ \681.822 \0. \ \0. Z-Direction Cell Face Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Area Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ent. curb Ht No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff. FF Factor (ft) def On 1. 1000000. 0. 0. lsl 0. le-06 0. 0. 0. ls2 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. ls5 1. 260. 0. 0. 0. lsl? 0. le-06 0. o. o. ls le 1. 36. 0. o. o. ls21 1. 260. 0. 0. 0. ls33 0. le-06 0. 0. 0. ls34 1. 36. o. o. o. ls37 1. 260. o. o. 0. ls49 0. le-06 o. o. 0. lsSO 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. ls53 1. 260. 0. 0. 0. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Curb Height 0. I= \0. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B88 ofB156 87 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 154 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_10a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Z-Direction Cell Face Variations (cont.) Volume ls Cell Blockage Area Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ant. curb Ht No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff. FF Factor (ft) /xxxx I= I= /xx I= )xxxx )xx )O* )xxxx )xx )O* XlCCCCCCCICCCC )xxxx )xx )!ixxxxxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )xxxx )xx )!X:xxxxx::xxxxx )xxxx )xx xx )xxxx )xx )xxxx )xx )0 * xxx:iuccxx )xxxx )xx )0. )xxxx )xx )xxxx )xx )0* xxxx )xxxx )xx xxx )xxxx )xx )xxxx )xx xxxx )xxxx )xx )xxxx )xx )0. )xxxx )xx )0* xx=xxx )xxxx )xx )xxxx )xx \ls39 ,, \1. \ \586.'78 \0, \ \0. \0. Volume Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Volume Hyd. Dia. No. No. Porosity FF (ft) def On 1. 1000000. 1'1 l 0, le-06 1*2 l 1. 36. 1*5 l 1. 260, lsl7 l o. le-06 Isle l 1. 36. la21 l 1. 260. lslJ l o. le-06 ls34 l 1. 36. la37 l 1. 260. ls49 l 0. le-06 lsSO l 1. 36. lsSJ l 1. 260. ls65 l 1. 20. I= /xxxx=x /xxxx I= )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )!x..xx. )xxxx )ixxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ixxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ixxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ix..xxxx )xxxx \ls27 \7 \1. \ \158.76504 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B89 ofB156 88 L __ _ EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 155 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Volume Variations (cont.) Volume la Cell Blockage Volume Hyd.. Dia. No. No. Porosity (ft) />==<= /xxxx I= )ixxxxxx )xxxx )ixxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx \ls39 \8 \1. \ \571.JBSOl Conductor Surface Options -Natural Convection Variables htc * {k/lJ * (A + e*aruc*pruo) Surf Conv Var B FF Nom. FF ' o.59 0.25 /xxxx I= I= °"""°"°' );:..,. >= >= )xxxxx >= ,, \0. \ \0.59 \ \O.:ZS Conductor Surface Options -Forced Convection Variablea htc * (k/l) * (A + B*Ra*"C*PrUDJ Surf Opt Conv Var B Conv Var c FF Nom. o.a 0.037 0,037 ' 0.8 /xxxx I= I= );:..,. >= >= >= ,, \0. \ \0.023 \ \0.8 Following table in the Compare File but not in the CUrrene File, Thermal Conductor Type Panel Steel Bdry. Thick Sub-Region (inl (in) regs. 0.02268 0.02592 0.0486 0.0191 0.0191 0.10104 0.11528 0.00648 FF 0.25 I= I= >= >= )xxxxx )xxxxx \ \o.:zs \ conv Var O FF FF 0,333 I= I= >= >= >= >= \ \0.4 \ o. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B90 ofB156 89 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 156 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductor Type (cont.) , Panel Steel Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region * {in) (inl regs. Factor 10 I l I 0.12176 I 0.00324 I l I 0. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. o. 90. 60. 89.9999191 120. 89.9996764 180. 89.9992718 240. 89. 9987054 300. 89. 9979772 360. 89.9970873 420. 89.9960355 480. 89.994822 540. 89.9934468 600. 89.9919099 660. 89.9902113 720. 89.9883511 780. 89.9863292 840. 89.9841458 900. 89.9818008 960. 89. 9792944 1020. 89. 9766266 1080. 89.9737973 1140. 89.9708068 1200. 89. 9676549 1260. 89. 9643419 1320. 89. 9608677 1380. 89. 9572324 1440. 89.9534361 1500. 89.9494789 1560. 89.9453608 1620. 89.9410819 1680. 89. 9366423 1740. 89. 9320421 1800. 89. 9272813 1860. 89. 9223601 1920. 89.9172786 1980. 89.9120368 2040. 89. 9066348 2100. 89. 9010728 2160. 89.8953509 2220. 89.8894691 2280. 89.8834276 2340. 89.8772265 2400. 89.8708659 2460. 89.8643459 2520. 89. 8576667 2580. 89. 8508284 2640. 89. 8438311 2700. 89. 8366749 2760. 89. 82936 2820. 89. 8218865 2880. 89. 8142546 2940. 89. 8064644 3000. 89.7985161 3060. 89.7904097 3120. 89. 7821455 3180. 89. 7737237 3240. 89.7651443 3300. 89.7564076 3360. 89. 7475137 3420. 89. 7384627 3480. 89. 7292549 3540. 89. 7198905 3600. 89.7103695 3660. 89.7006923 3720. 89.6908588 3780. 89.6808695 3840. 89.6707244 3900. 89.6604238 3960. 89. 6499678 4020. 89. 6393566 4080. 89.6285904 4140. 89.6176695 4200. 89. 6065941 4260. 89 .5953643 4320. 89.5839804 4380. 89.5724426 4440. 89.5607511 4500. 89.5489061 4560. 89.5369079 4620. 89.5247567 4680. 89. 5124527 4740. 89. 4999961 4800. 89 .4873873 4860. 89. 4746264 4920. 89.4617136 4980. 89.4486493 5040. 89.4354336 5100. 89.4220669 5160. 89. 4085493 5220. 89. 3948812 5280. 89. 3810628 5340. 89. 3670943 5400. 89.352976 5460. 89.3387083 5520. 89.3242913 5580. 89.3097253 5640. 89.2950106 5700. 89.2801476 July 25, 2017 '9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B91 ofB156 90 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 157 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinfon\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Vilr. 57GO. 5880. 6000. G24.0. 6360. 6600. 6720. 684.0. 6960. 7440. 75120. 8520. 864.0. 8760. 9120. 9600. 9960, 10560. 10920. 11040. 1164.0. 11880. 12120. 12240. 12600. 12720. Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temporature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) """* Vilr. Ind. Va.r. Dep. Var. 851.2G513G4. 5820. 89.2499774 5940. 89.219217 851.2036162 851.1719749 6180. 89.155935 89.13974514. 6300. 89.1234183 6420. 89.090321 851.0735555 6540. 89.0566457 89.0395921 6660. 89.0223949 89.005054.5 6780. 88.9875713 6900. 88.9521774 88.9342675 1020. 7140. 88.8796899 7260, 7380. 88.7859221 7500. 88.7667509 88.74744.14 7620. 88.7279939 88.7084088 BB.6886865 88.6688273 7860. BB.6488316 88.6286998 7980. 88.6084323 88.5880295 8100. 88.5674917 88.54681.94. s220. 8340. 88.483999 88.4.627924 8460. 88.4414532 88.3983789 8700. 88.3547791 8820. 88.3106574 88.2884018 8940. 88.266017 88.2435034 9060. 88,2208614 9180, 88.1521693 9300. 88.1290181 88.1057407 9420. 88.0823375 88.058809 9540. 88.0351556 9660. 87.51874.76 9780. 51900. 87.8906384 87.8414877 87.816731 1014.0. 87.7668574 87.6656821 10500. 87.6143883 87.5885665 87.5626288 1074.0. 10980. 87,4.312189 87.4045962 11100. 87.377861 87.3510139 11220. 87.2969861 87.2698063 8"1.2151179 87.159994Z 87.0765018 87.0181579 86.9920538 86.9636947 86.8779953 86.82034.95 86. 7913744 124.ZO. 86.7622986 86.7331225 86.5857591 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B92 ofB156 91 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 158 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 O.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version B.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function {cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var. : Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep, Var. 86.5559937 86.526132 86.4961746 13020. 13080. 13140. 86.4057341 13200. 13260. 86.344.9725 13320. 86.314453 13380. 86.2838419 13440. 86.2531397 13500. 86.222347 13560. 13620. 86.1604925 l.3680. 13740. 86.0670467 13860. 86.0357234 86.0043137 85.9728183 85.9412378 14100. 14160. 14220. 14280. 85.8140761 85.7820788 14520. 85.6856003 14580. 85.6532806 14640, 85.6208818 14700. 85.5884045 14760. 85.5558495 85.5232172 15000. 85.4248632 15060. 85.3319283 15120. 85.3589193 15180. 85.3258367 15240. 15300. 85.2261548 85.1927847 85.1593443 15540. 15600. 15660. 15720. 85.0248926 15780. 84.9911103 15840. 84.51572615 155100. 84.92334651 155160. 84.8893671 16020. 84.82121.46 84.7870432 16200. l.6260, 84.7185133 16320. 84.684156 16380. 84.64517382 84.6152604 84.5461276 16680. 84.4767627 16740. 84.4419515 16800. 16860. 84.3373583 84.3023705 84.2673293 84.2322355 17160. 17220. 84.1266445 84.0559993 83.9851595 83.9496683 17640. 17700. 83.6999619 83.6641166 18120. 18180. 18240. 83.4482033 83.412084 18540. 83.3759282 18600. 83.3397367 18660. 8).3035102 18720. 83.1946271 18960. 83.0125201 82.9760095 82.9029046 82.8663118 19440. 19500. 82.75638 19800. 19860. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B93 ofB156 92 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 159 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Fu.notion (cont.) llT outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 19920. 82.5358894 19980. 82.4.990679 20040. 82.3515985 20280. 82.3146889 20400. 20460. 82.2038698 82.1669023 20580. 82.1293222 20Ei40. 82.09293 20700. 82.0559266 20760. 82.0189126 81.9818887 20880. 81.9448556 81.9078141 21000. 81.75166457 21180. 81.7595774 21240. 81.7225041 21420. Bl.6112616 21600. 81.5 21660. 81.4629119 21720. 81.4258244 21780, 81.3887384 22080. 81,2033543 81.1662916 22260. 81.0921859 80.9810874 22560. 80.90707 80.7961302 22860. 80.7222362 80.6484015 23040. 80.6115081 80,5746316 80.4641106 23340. 80.4273088 23400. 80.3905274 23460. 80.3537671 23760. 23820. 80.1336882 80.0970954 23940. 80.0605292 24240. 79.8781235 24300. 79.8417323 79.805372G 79.7327506 24540. 79.5157144 79.4796699 79.4436639 79.3000381 25260. 79 .2642347 25560. 79.0858696 25620. 78.9793966 26100. 78.7677645 26520. 26580. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B94 ofB156 93 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 160 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 1 O.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Function {cent.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.; Time {sec) Dep. Var. : Temperature (F) Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 27060. 27120. 78.1787854 27180. 27240. 78.1106329 2736'0. 78.0427385 27420. 27480. 77.9751074 27540. 27600. 77.9077448 27660. 27840. 77.7738452 27900. 27960. 77.7073186 77.6410808 28140. 28260. 28620. 28680. 28800. 77.25 28860. 77.1859239 28980. 29040. 77.1221764 29100. 29220. 29280. 76.9956863 29340. 29400. 76.9329533 29460. 29520. 29580. 29640. 76.8085356 29700. 29760. 76.7468603 29820. 29880. 29940. 30000. 76.6246003 30060. 30120. 76.5640249 30180. 30480. 76.3845723 30540. 30840. 76.2086256 30900. 30960. 76.l5077G7 31020. 31080. 76.0933351 31140. 31200. 16.0363053 31260. 31320. 75.979691-6 31440. 75.9234982 31500. 31560. 31680. 75.8123899 31740. 31800. 31860. 32460. 32640. 75.3856117 32760. 75.183269 33180. 33300. 33420. 33540. 33600. 74.9886222 33660. 74.941191 33960. Dep. Var. 78.2129568 78.1446772 78.0088837 77.9413922 77.8741657 77.7405461 77.6080717 77.5422766 77.3467194 77.2821597 77.2179212 77.1540088 76.9642766 76.901717 76.8395075 76.777653 76.7161581 76.6550275 76.5942659 76.5338778 76.3550011 76.2961531 76.1796505

76.1220047 76.0647685 76.0079462 75.8955606 75.7848821 75.5687811 75.4634243 75.3599063 75.3088468 75.1585123 75.1093616 74.9648444 74.8248061 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B95 ofB156 94 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 161 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 r:unction (cont.) 11T outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time {sec) Dep, Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Oep. Var. 34080. 74.8019086 74.7791386 74.7564966 34260. 74.733983 74.71.15982 34380. 74.6893426 74.6672167 34560. 34620. 74.6016212 34680. 74.5585468 74.5372076 34920. 74.4949274 74 .4739871 74.4531806 35100. 74.4325083 74.3915677 74.3713002 74.3511684 74.3311727 35460. 74,3113135 74.2140779 35820. 74.1950455 74 .1761521 35940. 74.1573982 74.1387841 36120. 36240. 74.0657325 36300. 74.0478226 36360. 74 ,0300545 36420. 74.0124287 36540. 73.9776051 36600. 73.!1604079 36660. 73.9433543 73.9264445 36780. 73.909679 73.8765817 73.844065 37080. 37200. 73.7963838 37260. 73.780783 37320. 37440. 73.7348636 37500. 73.7198524 37560. 73. 7049894 37620. 73.6902747 37680. 73.6757087 37740. 73.6612917 37800. 73.647024 73.6189372 37980. 73.6051188 38040. 73.5914507 38100. 73 .5779331 73.5645664 38220. 73.5513507 73.5382864 38400. 38460. 73.4510939 73.4160196 73.4046357 73.3934059 39840. 73.2524863 3!:1900. 73.2435924 73.21785'15 73.20148)!:1 40260. 73.1935356 73.1491716 40680. 73.1423333 40740. 41100. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B96 ofB156 95 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 162 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_10a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) UT outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (Fl Ind. Var. Dep. var. Ind. Var. Dap. Var. 41160. 41220. 73.0727187 73.0679579 41520. 73.0633577 41580. 73.0589181 41640. 73.0546392 41700. 41760. 73.0465639 73.0427676 41880. 73 .0391323 41940. 73.0356581 42000. 42060. 42120. 73.0262027 42180. 73.0207056 7J.01Bl992 42360. 73.0158542 42420. 73.0136708 42480. 42540. 42660. 73.005178 73.0039645 73.0029127 42960. 43020. 73.0003236 43140. 73,0000809 43200. 43260. 73.0003236 73.0007282 43440. 43500. 73.0020228 73.0029127 43620. 73,0033645 73.005178 73.0065532 73.0080901 43860. 73,0097887 73.0116483 43980. 73.0136708 73.0158542 44100. 73,0181992 44.l60. 44280. 73.0262027 44340. 44400. 73.0323451 73.0391.323 73.0427676 44640. 73.0465639 44700. 73.050521.l 73.0589181 73.0633577 45000. 73.0727187 45060. 73.0776399 45120. 73.0879632 73.0:;133652 73.0989272 73.1046491 73.1105309 45600. 73.1291341 45660. 45960. 46020. 73.201.4839 73.2262763 46440. 46500. 46560. 73.2707451 46800. 73.2896305 46860. 46920. 73.3091412 46980. 73.3191305 73.3292756 47160. 47280. 73.3714096 47340. 47460. 47640. 73.4392489 73.4510939 73.4630921

73.4875473 73.5000039 48060. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B97 ofB156 96 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 163 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var,: Temperature (F) Ind. var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 48240. 73.5645664 73.5914507 48480, 73.6189372 48600. 73.647024 48960. 73 .7348636 49200, 73.7963838 49560. 73.8930579 49680. 50040. 50160. 50280. 74.101.Sl766 50520. 74.1761521 74.2140779 50760. 74.25255B6 74.2915912 51000, 51120. 51240. 74.411.9705 51600, 51720. 51840. 74.62JJ5S5 51960. 74.66721.67 52080. 74,7115982 52200. 74.7564966 52320. 52440. 74.8478307 52560. 52680. 74.941191 75.0365493 75.0849686 53160. 75.183269 53400. 75.2834935 75.3343179 75.3856ll7 53880. 75.4373712 75.4895924 75.6489861 54480. 75.7574832 75.8123899 75.8677296 55080. 73.5779331 48420, 73.6051188 73.6329057 73,6612917 48780. 73.6902747 48900. 7J. 7198524 49140. 73. 780783 49260. 73.8121313 73.844065 49500. 73.8765817 49620. 73.909679 49860. 73.9776051 49980. 74.0124287 74.0478226 74.0837839 74.1203101 50460. 74.l57J9B2 51540. 51780. 51900. 52140. 52260. 52380. 52620. 53460. 54300. 55260. 74.1950455 74.2332491 74.2720061 74.3511684 74.3915677 74,4325083 74.4739871 74.5585468 74.6016212 74.6452209 74.6893426 74.733983 74.7791386 74.8248061 74.8709819 75.1093616 75,2081459 75.2582587 75.3088468

75.3599063 75."11'1335 75.4634243 75.6759446 75.7301937 75.7848821 75.9515421 76.0079462

76.0647685 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B98 ofB156 97 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 164 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Var. 55440. 55560. 55680, 55800. 56280. 56520. 56640. 56880. 57000. 57120. 57360. 57480. 57600, 57720. 57960. 58080, 58200. 58920. 5!:1160, 59280, 59520. 5.9640. 60960. 61440. 61680. 61800. 61920. 62040. 62280. Function (c:ont.) llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature {Fl Dep. Var. Ind. var. Dep. Var. 76.0933351 76.1220047 76.1507767 55500. 76.1796505 55620. 76.2377014 55740. 76.2961531 76.3255279 76.3550011 76.3845723 76.4142409 56100. 76.5038254 76.5338778 76.5640249 56340. 76.5942659 76.6246003 56580. 76.7161581 76.7468603 56700. 76.777653 56940. 76.9329533 57060. 76.9642766 76.9956863 77.0271817 77.0587622 77.0904273 57420. 77.1540088 57540. 77.2179212 57660. 77 .2821597 77 .3143997 57780. 77. 3467194 77.3791182 57900. 77 .4115955 58020. 77.4767828 58140. 77. 5422766 58260, 77.6080717 77.6410808 77.6741633 58500. 77.7738452 77.8072153 77.8406557 77.8741657 77.9077448 58860. 77. 9413922 58980. 78.0088897 78.ll06329 59220. 78.1446772 78.1787854 78.2129568 78.2471908 59460. 78.2814867 59580. 78.3847396 78.4192767 78.4538724 78.558005 60060. 78.66264.17 78.6976295 60540. 60660. 61020. 79.2284738 61140. 79.2642347 79.3000381 61500. 79.5157144 61740. 79.6240718 61860. 61980. 79.7690451 62100. 79.8417323 62340. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B99 ofB156 98 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 165 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_Lo\l _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sac) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 62400. 62460. 80.0605292 62520. 62580. 80.1336882 62640. 80.1703071 80.2069512 62760. 80.24362 62820. 80.2803127 62880. 80.3170286 62940. 80.3537671 63000. 80.3905274 80.4273088 63120. 63180. B0.5009321 63240. 80.5377727 63300. 80,5746316 63360. 80.6115081 63420. 80.6484015 80.7222362 80.7Sn762 63660. 80.7!161302 63720. 80,8330!il77 63780. 80.8700778 80.90707 80.9440734 63.960. 64020. Bl,OlBllll 64080. 81.0551444 641.40. 81.0921959 64200. 64260. 81.1662916 81.2033543 81.2404226 64440. 81.2774959 81.314.5735 64.560. 64.620. 81.3887384 64680. 81.4258244 64.74.0. 81.4629119 81.5 81.5370881 64920. 81.5741756 81.6112616 65040. 65100. 81.6854265 65280. 65340. 65400. 65460. 81.9078141 81.9448556 81.9818887 65640. 82.0189126 82.0559266 65760. 82.09293 82.1299222 65880. 82.1669023 6594.0. 82.2038698 66000. 66060. 82.2777638 66120. 82.3146889 66180. 82.3515985 82.38849U 82.4.253684 66360. 66420. 82.4990679 66480. 82.5358894 66540. 82.5726912 66600. 82.6094726 66660. 82.6462329 82.6829714 82.7196873 66840. 82.7930488 82.8663118 672DO. 67260. 83.0854543 83.1218765 83.1582677 83.1946274 67620. 67680. 83.2672494 67740. 83.3035102 678DO. 67860. 68040. 68100. 68160. 83.5563361 83.592303 83.6641166 83.7357653 68520. 68580. 83.8072438 83.842!H7S 83.9496683 68880. 83.9851595 68940. 84.0206034 69000. 69060. 84.1618924 69360. 84.2673293 69420. 84.3023705 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BlOO ofB156 99 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 166 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Var. 69480. 69600. 69720. 69840. 69960. 70200, 70320. 71160. 71280, 71760. 72120, 72240. 72360. 72480. 72600. 72960. 73080. 73200. 73320. 73440. 73680. 73800. 74400. 74640. 75360. 75600. 75840. 76080. 76200, 76440. Function {cont.) llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 84.3373583 84.4071712 84.4767627 84.5461276 84.6152604 84.684156 84.7528092 84.8212146 84.8893671 85.0248926 85.0922552 85.2926814 85.3589193 85.4248632 85.5558495 115.75 85.8140761 85.8778236 86.0043137 86.0670467 86.1294318 86.1914644 86.2531397 86.314453 86.4359751 86.4961746 86.6154277 86.6744722 86.8492233 87.1322704 87.1876101 87.2969861 87.3510139 87.'1577288 87.5104076 87.5626288 87,6656821. 87.7165065 87.8661236 69540. 69900. 70020. 70260. 70380. 70500. 70620. 70860. 70980. 11100. 71220. 71340. 71580. 71820. 72060. 72180. 72420. 72540. 72660. 73260. 73380. 73500. 74460. 74940. 75660. 75900, 76020, 76140. 76380. 76500, Dep. Var. 84.3722921 84.441995 84,5114738 84.5807233 84.6497382 84.7185133 84.7870432 84.8553228 84.9233469 85,0586078 85.3258367 85.3919283 85.4577234 85.5232172 85.5884045 85.6532806 85.7178403 85.8459912 85.9095727 86.0357234 86.098283 86.222347 86.28384.19 86.3449725 86.4661222 86.64451989 86.7038469 86.8779953 87.1599942 87.3240554 87.377861 87.5365757 87.5885665 87.6911532 87.8414877 87.8906384 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 RevisionO Page BlOl ofB156 100 L EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 167 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cent.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. var. : Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 76620. 76680, 88.0113778 76860. 76'920. 76980, 77040. 88.1057407 77100. 77160. 77220. 77280. 77400. 88.2435034 88.2884018 77580. 77640. 88.3327833 77760. 77880. 88.4199819 77940. 78120. 78180. 78240. 88.5468194 78300. 78360. 88.5880295 78600. 88.6'688273 78720. 78780. 78840. 88.7474414 78960. 88.7859221 79080. 79140. 88.8612159 79260. 79380. 88.9342675 7956'0. 88.9699455 79620, 79680. 89.0050545 79800. 79860, 80040. 89.1069421 80100. 80160. 89.1397494 80280. 8034.D. 89.2036162 80520. 89.2346708 80580. 806'40. 80700. 89.2950106' 80880. 80!140. 89.352976 81360. 89.4354.336 81420. 89.4617136 81840, 89.5369079 81900. 89.5607511 89.6065941 82320, 89.6285904 82380. 89.670724.1 82680. 82800. 82860. 89.7292549 83160. 89.7651443 83220. 89.8142546 Dep. Var. 87.9393024 87.987476' 88.0351556' 88.0823375 88.1290181 88.1751939 88.2208614 88.266017 88.3106574 88.3547791 88.3983789 88.4414532 88.5260129 88.56'74917 88.6084323 88.6488316' 88.6886'865 88.7:Z79939 88.7667509 88.8049545 88.8426'018 88.8796899 88.9521774 88.9875713 89.0223949 89.0566457 89.090321 89.1234183 89.155935 89.219217 89.2499774 89.3097253 89.3670943 89.4486493 89.5721.4.26 851,6176695 89.6393566 89.GBOB695 89.7006923 89.7384.627 89.7737237 89.7904097 89.8218865 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl02 ofB156 101 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 168 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time {sec) Dep. Var,; Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 83640, 89.82936 83700. 89.8366749 89,8438311 89.8576667 83940. 89.8643459 84000. 89.8708659 84060. 89.8772265 84120, 89.8834276 84180. 89.8894691 89.8953509 89.9010728 84360, 89.9066346 84480. 89.9172786 84600. 89.9272813 84660. 89.9320421 84720. 89.9366423 84840. 84900. 89.9494789 84960. 89.9534361 89.9572324 85080, 89.9608677 85260. 89.9708068 85320. 89.9766266 85440, 89.9792944 89.9863292 89.9883511 85740. 85860. 89.9934468 esno. e9_994e22 89.9970873 86100. 89,9979772 89.!1987054 86220. 89.9996764 86340, 89.99991.91 86400. 86460. 89.9999191 89.9996764 89.9987054 86700. 86760. 86820, 89.9960355 89.994822 87120. 87180, 89.9863292 89.9841458 87300. 87360. 87480. 89.9737973 87540. 89.9708068 87600. 89.9676549 87660. 89.9643419 89.9608677 89.9366423 89.9172786 88800. 89.8708659 88980, 89160. 89280. 89340, 89.8064644. 89.7.985161 894.60. 89,6908588 90300. 89.6604238 89.6285904 90510. 8!:1.6176695 90600. 89.6065941 90660. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B103 ofB156 102 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 169 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (soc) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 30720. B9.SBHB04 901140. BSl.5607511 89.5489061 90.960. 89.5365107!1 89.5247567 851.5124527 !11140. 89.4999.961 91260. 89.4746264 91320. 89.4617136 89 .4486493 89.4354336 89.4220669 91560. 89.4085493 Sll620. 91680. 89.3810626 91740, 89.3670943 89.352976 89.3387083 91920. 92040. 89.2950106 Following table in the compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 41C Outdoor Air Temperature: G::il. 0 a0=0. min=i-1. e32 max=l. e32 tfunc Y=G*interp (alXl, tableX2) Gothic_s Variable Coef. Name location Etime I CM I 1.1 Table DCllT 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 42C DG Intake Heat Transfer: G=l. O aO=O. min:::-1, e32 max=l. e32 Yr=G* (aO+alXl+a2X2+ ... +anXn) Gothic_s Name cond_grp_heat (1) Variable location cC70sl Coef. l. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Thermal Conductor Type 24" Piping Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region (in) (in) regs. Factor 0. 0. 00324 0. 0. 00324 0. 00648 0. 0. 00972 0. 01296 o. 0.02268 0. 02592 0. 0. 0486 0. 05184 0. 0 .10044 0.06864 0. 0 .16908 0.06864 o. 0.23772 0. 04434 0. a. 28206 0. 04434 0. 10 0. 3264 0. 02592 0. Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 I Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl04 ofB156 103 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 170 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Region 11 12 13 Thermal Conductor Type (cont.) Mat. 24n Piping Bdry. (in) 0.35232 0.36528 D.37176 Thick (in) 0.01296 0,00648 D.00324 Sub-Heat regs. Factor 0. 0. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Thermal Conductor Type 8 36 11 Piping Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region # (in) (in) regs. Factor 1 l 0. 0.00324 1 0. 2 1 0. 00324 0.00648 1 0. 3 l 0. 00972 0.01296 1 0. 4 1 0.02268 0. 02592 1 0. 5 1 0. 0486 0. 05184 1 0. 6 1 0 .10044 0. 06864 1 0. 7 1 0 .16908 0. 06864 1 0. 8 1 0. 23772 0. 04434 1 0. 9 1 0. 28206 0. 04434 1 0. 10 1 0. 3264 0. 02592 1 0. 11 1 0. 35232 0.01296 1 0. 12 1 0.36528 0.00648 1 0. 13 1 0.37176 0. 00324 1 0. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. # 1 Function Components Control Variable 44C DG Intake That: G=l.0 aO=O. min=-1.e32 max=l.e32 Gothic_s Name sum Y=G* (aO+a1Xl+a2X2+

      • +amen) Variable location cv41C Coef. a Cvval (0) Cvval (OJ cv43C O. 21783386 1. Following

table in the Compare File but not in the current File. # Function Components Control Variable 5 OC Local Rho*V*D: G=l.O a0=0. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=>G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ..* *anXn). aO unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. Name location a Rm cV@ Cvval (0) cv49C Dhyd cV@ 1. 1. 1. Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BIOS ofBl56 104 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 171 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control variable 45C Local Vx**2: G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Uccxv I cV@ I 1.1 Uccxv cV@ 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 46C Local Vy** 2 : G:ol.O aO=O. min=-1. e32 max::::l. e32 mult Y=G* (a1x1*a2x2* ... *arucn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a I Uccyv I cV@ I 1.1 Uccyv cV@ 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 4 7C Local Vz**2: G=l.O aO=O. min=-1. e32 max=l. e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anJCn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a I Ucczv I cV@ I 1.1 Ucczv cV@ 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 4 BC Local (Vx**2 + Vy**2 + Vz**2): G=l.O aO=:O. min:=:-l.e32 max=l.e32 Y""G* (aO+alXl+a2X2+ ... +arum) Gothic_ s Variable Coef. Name location CVVal (0) cv45C 1. Cvval (O) cv46C 1. Cvval (O) cv47C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 49C Local /vj: G=l a0=.5 min=-l.e32 max:=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+a1Xl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Name Variable location Coef. Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value I I I Cvval (0) I cv48C I 1. 1 -le+32 I Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B106 ofB156 105 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 172 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable SlC Local Re: G=l. O aO=O. min=-1. e32 max=l. e32 div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Visv I cV I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Cvval (0) cvsoc 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 52C Local cp*mu: G=l. 0 aO=O. min=-l .e32 max=l .e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anJCn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Cpv I cV I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Viscv cV 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 53C Local Pr: G::::l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Condv I cV I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Cvval (O) cv52C 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 54.C Re**l/2: G=l.O aO::::O.S min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y::::G* (aO+alXl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 11 Cvval (0) I cvSlC I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable SSC Pr**l/3: G::::l.O a0=0.333 min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) '"'a2X2 or G* (alXl) '"'ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 11 Cvval (O) I cv53C I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BI07 ofB156 106 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 173 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Case 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control variable 56C 0. 62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3): G=O. 62 aO::iO. mini:i-1. e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1x1*a2x2*

      • *arum), ao unused Gothic_s variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value CVVal (OJ I cv54C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 CVVal (OJ cv55C 1. -le+32 le+32 Following

table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 57C (0 .4/PrJ ** (2/3J' G=O. 54288 aO=-. 667 rnin=-1. e32 max=l .e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) ""a2X2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max ff Name location a Value Value 1[ CVVal (OJ I cv53C I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable SBC (l+(0.4/Pr)**(2/3)]**(1/4): G=l.0 aO=l min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+a1Xl) '"'a2X2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max ff Name location a Value Value CVVal (OJ I cv57C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 One cM 0 .25 -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 60C (Re/282000)

    • (S/B): G= .. 625 a0=0. 000392 min,,,-1.

e32 max,,,,1.e32 exp y.,,a* (aO+alXl) '"'a2x2 or G* (alXl) '"'ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 1[ Cvval (0) I cvSlC I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 61C [l+ (Re/282000)

    • (5/8)] ** (4/5): G"'l. O aO=l min=-l .e32 max=l.e32

exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "'a2X2 or G* (alXl) "'ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value CVVal (OJ I cv60C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 One cM 0. 8 -le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl08 ofB156 107 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 174 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_1 O.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 62C 0 .62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) / [1+ (0 .4/Pr) ** (2/3)] ** (1/4) * [l+ (Re/282000) mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2*

    • . *anxn). ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Cvval (O) I cv59C I 1.1 Cvval (0) cv61C 1. Following

table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 59C O. 62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) I [l+ (0. 4/Pr) ** (2/3)] ** (1/4) : G=l.O aO::O. m div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s variable Coef. # Name location a Cvval (O) I cvsec I 1.1 Cvval (0) cv56C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. # FUnction Components Control Variable 63C Local Nu: G=l.O a0=0.3 min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 Gothic_s Name Y=G* (aO+a1Xl+a2X2+ ... +anXn) Variable location Coef. Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value I I Cvval (0) I cv62C I 1. 1 -le+32 I Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 43C DG Intake Heat Transfer+ Delay: G=l.0 a0=-5 min=-l.e32 max::::il.e32 if (a1Xl+a0<0 alXl+aO=O alXl+aO>O) y,,,Ga2X2 Y=Ga3X3 y,,,Ga4X4 Gothic_ s Variable coef. # Name location Etime cM 1. One cM o. One cM o. Cvval (0) cv42C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Data File: 2 File Name: Case_loa_Panel_Temperatures. csv File Type: TIME Parameter Start Time Time Increment End Time Description Value UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED Reference X, Y, Z Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B109 ofB156 108 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 175 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 10.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:24 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Data File: 2 (cont.) File Name: Case_loa_Panel_Temperatures .csv File Type: TIME Parameter Description Value Reference X,Y,Z Volume UNUSED 0,0,0 Item 1 TV14 Item 2 TV15 Item 3 TV16 Item 4 TV17 Item S TV18 Item 6 TV1* Item 7 TV20 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BllO ofB156 109 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 176 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Ob.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59 :25 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Data Files File Inter-# Name Type palate l I /CPS_lA_DG_LoV_LOOP-LOCA_C***_lOa.cav I TIME I YES )CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-LOCA C5so!lv 2 Case lU11. Paner Temperatures, Csv TIME YES \Case:=1ob:=Panel= Temperatures, csv Conductor Surface Options -Table 1 Surf Opt # l 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 Ind. Heat Transfer Nominal Description Option Value FF Wall Direct Ceiling Side Direct Floor Side Direct DG Warm Temper Sp Temp l. lT DG Hot Temperat Sp Temp l. 2T HTC Sp Conv /6.15 \5.8 Herz Cyl for DG Direct DG Intake Sp Ambie DG Intake HTC Sp Conv Var. 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. 840. 960. 1080. 1200. 1320. 1440. 1560. 1680. 1800. 1920. 2520. 3120. 3720. 4320. 4920. le+06 Function 2T DG Hot Temp Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var. : Temperature Dep. Var. Ind. Var. BO. 60. /350. 180. )375. 650. 300. )696 .428571 700. 420. )750. 700. 540. )750. 700. 660. )750. 700. 780. )750. 700. 900. )750. 700. 1020. )750. 700. 1140. )750. 700. 1260. )750. 700. 1380. )750. 700. 1500. )750. 700. 1620. )750. 700. 1740. )750. 700. 1860. )750. 700. 2220. )750. 700. 2820. )750. 700. 3420 *. )750. 700. 4020. )750. 700. 4620. )750. 700. 21600. )750. 700. \750. l. 44 4. 752 Dep. Var. /200. )214.285714 500. )535. 714285 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750 *. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. )750. 700. \750, Cnd/ Sp Nat Cnv Cnd Cnv Cnv Opt Opt HTC Opt DLM-FM VERT SURF DLM-FM FACE DOWN DLM-FM FACE UP DLM-FM HORZ CYL 9 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Output Detail Files Level I SINGLE I FULL SINGLE FULL For Cnv Opt USER DEF USER DEF USER DEF USER DEF I NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bll l ofB156 Format Option 110 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 177 of 254 NUMERICAL Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_1 Oa.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Ob.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:25 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function lT DG Warm Temp Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 0. 80. 60. /151. )153. 6'33720 120. /16'2. 180. 172. )164. 825581 )175. 240. 172. 300. 172. )175. )175. 360. 172. 420. 172. )175. )175. 480. 172. 540. 172. )175. )175. 600. 172. 660. 172. )175. )175. 720. 172. 780. 172. )175. )175. 840. 172. 900. 172. )175. )175. 960. 172. 1020. 172. )175. )175. 1080. 172. 1140. 172. )175. )175. 1200. 172. 1260. 172. )175. )175. 1320. 172. 1380. 172. )175. )175. 1440. 172. 1500. 172. )175. )175. 1560. 172. 1620. 172. )175. )175. 1680. 172. 1740. 172. )175. )175. 1800. 172. 1860. 172. )175. )175. 1920. 172. 2220. 172. )175. )175. 2520. 172. 2820. 172. )175. )175. 3120. 172. 3420. 172. )175. )175. 3720. 172. 4020. 172. )175. )175. 4320. 172. 4620. 172. )175. )175. 4920. 172. 21600. 172. )175. \175. 1000000. 172. \175. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision o* Page Bl 12 ofB156 111 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 178 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oc.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:26 GOTHIC Version B.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Data Files File Inter-Output Detail # Name Type polate Files Level 1 I /CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Caoe 10a. cov I TIME I YES I SINGLE I FULL )CPS -lA -DG-LoV-LOOP-LOCA -Case -lOc. csv 2 Case llJ11. P!lileI Temperatures. Csv TIME YES SINGLE FULL \Casa::::ioc::::Pa.nel::::Temperaturas. csv Conductor Surface Options -Table 1 Surf Heat Cnd/ Sp Nat For Opt Transfer Nominal Cnv Cnd Cnv Cnv Cnv # Description Option Value FF Opt Opt HTC Opt Opt 1 Wall Direct DLM-FM VERT SURF USER DEF 2 Ceiling Side Direct DLM-FM FACE DOWN USER DEF 3 Floor Side Direct DLM-FM FACE UP USER DEF 4 DG Warm Temper Sp Temp 1. lT 5 DG Hot Tempera t Sp Temp 1. 2T 6 HTC Sp Conv /6.15 \6.8 7 Herz Cyl for DG Direct DLM-FM HORZ CYL USER DEF 8 DG Intake Sp Ambie 1. 44 9 9 DG Intake HTC Sp Conv 4. 752 July 25, 2017 AM EDT I NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 PageB113 ofB156 Format Option 112 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 179 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Od.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:27 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Data Files File Inter-# Name Type palate 1 I /CPS lA DG LoV LOOP-LOCA Caae 10a.oav I TIME I YES )CPS -lA-DG-LoV-LOOP-LOCA- Case -lOd.csv 2 Case ltJa Paner TemporatUros. Csv TIME YES csv Conductor Surface Options -Table 1 Surf Heat Opt Transfer # Description Option 1 Wall Direct 2 Ceiling Side Direct 3 Floor Side Direct 4 DG Warm Temper Sp Temp 5 DG Hot Temperat Sp Temp 6 HTC Sp Conv 7 Herz cyl for DG Direct B DG Intake Sp Ambie 9 DG Intake HTC Sp Conv Run Options Option Restart Option Start Time (sec) Parallel Processes Preprocessor Multithreading Revaporization Fraction Maximum Mist Density (lbm/ft3) Drop Diam. From Mist (in} Minimum HT Coeff. (B/h-ft2-F) Reference Pressure (psia) Maximum Pressure (psia) Forced Ent. Drop Diam. (in) Vapor Phase Head Correction Kinetic Energy Vapor Phase Liquid Phase Drop Phase Force Equilibrium Drop-Liq. Conversion QA Logging Debug Output Level Debug Starting Time Step Debug Time Step Frequency Restart Dump on CPU Interval (sec) Pressure Initialization Iteration Pressure Initialization Convergenc Solver Command Line Options Cnd/ Nominal Cnv Value FF Opt 1. lT 1. 2T /6.15 \5.6 1. 44 4. 752 Setting /3 \2 NONE 0.0 YES DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. 0 IGNORE DEFAULT DEFAULT INCLUDE IGNORE INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE IGNORE INCLUDE OFF 0 0 1 3600. 1. Oe-6 Sp Nat Cnd Cnv Cnv Opt HTC Opt DLM-FM VERT SURF DLM-FM FACE DOWN DLM-FM FACE UP DLM-FM HORZ CYL 9 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Output Detail Files Level I SINGLE I FULL SINGLE FULL For Cnv Opt USER DEF USER DEF USER DEF USER DEF I NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B114 ofB156 Format Option 113 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 180 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oa.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Od.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:27 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Var. 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. 840. 960. 1080. 1200. 1320. 1440. 1560. 1680. 1800. 1920. 2520. 3120. 3720. 4320. 4920. le+06 Ind. Var. 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. 840. 960. 1080. 1200. 1320. 1440. 1560. 1660. 1800. 1920. 2520. 3120. 3720. 4320. 4920. 1000000. Function 2T DG Hot Temp Ind. Var. : Time (sec) Dep. Var. : Temperature Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 80. 60. /350. 180. )"'* 650. 300. )742,857142 700. 420. )BOO. 700, 540. )BOO. 700. 660. )Boo. 700. 780. )BOO. 700. 900. )BOO. 700. 1020. )"'* 700. 1140. )"'* 700, 1260. )BOO. 700. 1380. )'"* 700. 1500. )BOO. 700. 1620. )'"* 700. 1740. )*oo. 700. 1860. )"'* 700. 2220. )'"* 700. 2820. )"'* 700. 3420. )"'* 700. 4020. )'"* 700. 4620. )'"* 700. 21600. )'°'* 700. \BOO. Function lT DG Warm Temp Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var. : Temperature Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 80. 60. /162. 180. )164.825581 172. 300. )175. 172. 420. )175. 172. 540. )175. 172. 660. )175. 172. 780. )175. 172. 900. )175. 172. 1020. )175. 172. 1140. )175. 172. 1260. )175. 172. 1380. )175. 172. 1500. )175. 172. 1620. )175. 172. 1740. )175. 172. 1860. )175. 172. 2220. )175. 172. 2820. )175. 172. 3420. )175. 172. 4020. )175. 172. 4620. )175. 172. 21600. )175. 172. \175. Dep. Var. /200. )228.571428 SOD. )571. 42 8571 700. )BOO. 700. )Boo. 700. )Boo. 700. )"'* 700. )BOO. 100. )BOO. 700. )"'* 700. )"'* 700. )BOO. 700. )'"* 700. )'"* 700. )'"* 700. )'"* 700. )'"* 700, )'"* 700. )'"* 700. )"'* 700. )"'* 700, )"'* 700. \800. Dep. Var. /151. )153.633720 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. )175. 172. \175. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BllS ofB156 114 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 181 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_ LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Volume Initial Conditions Total Vapor Liquid Relative Liquid Liq. Vapor Liquid Vol Pressure Temp. Temp. Humidity Volume Comp. Tracer Tracer (psia) (F) (F) (%) Fract. Set Set Set def 14 .3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE ls 14. 3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 2S 14.30335 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 3s 14. 31195 110. 110. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 4s 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 14. 3 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 14. 3 78. 78. 90. o. NONE NONE NONE 14. 31195 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE 10 14. 28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE lls 14 .3 /'JG. /'J6. /40. 0. NONE NONE NONE )*** )'** )*** 12 14 .3 ... . .. 40. 0. NONE NONE NONE \'JO. \'JO. \50. 13 14.28805 78. 78. 90. 0. NONE NONE NONE Graphs Graph Curve Number # Title l 2 3 4 5 0 M&.E Imbalance EM EE l Benchmark Heat Rate Comparison cvlC DC4T 2 Benchmark Exhaust! /Inlet Tempe TVlslOS DCST TV12 DC6T 3 Div 1 DG Room Upper SubVolume TVlslOS TVls106 TV1s107 TV1s102 TVlsl03 4 Div l DG Room Doors to Hall TV1s41 TVls42 TV1s43 TV1s44 5 Div 1 to Hallway Pressure PR1s44 PR4sl24 PR12 PR9 PRlO 6 DG Room Temeprature TV1s39 TVlsB TVlsll TVlslOS 7 Fan Room and Outside Air Tempe TV? TV1ls2 TV12 8 Fan Flow Rate LV7L LV6L 9 24hr Benchmark T TVlslOS DCST 10 24hr Benchmark Heat cvlC DC4T 11 DG Room T v Benchmark 1 TVls47 /TVle40 DC7T DCBT \TV1s39 12 DG Room T v Benchmark 2 TVls35 DC9T DClOT TVls37 13 Hallway, 762', & 712' TV4s124 TV9 TVlO 14 Wall Temperature for the Small TA3s2 15 Atmospheric Pressure PRllsl PRlls2 PR1ls3 16 Atmospheric BC Flow Rates FVlO FVll 17 Recirculation Mass Flow FV23 FV24 18 Leakage Flow Rate FV28 FV29 19 Hallway Door Flow Rates FV15 FV14 FV16 FV17 20 Relative Humidity Above the Ai RHlsBS RH1s86 RH1s87 21 Temperature Above the Air Comp TV1s85 TVls86 TVlsB7 22 Divl DG Panel Temperatures TV1s43 TVls40 TVls39 TVlsS TVls37 23 Components of Averages TVlsS TVlsB TVlsll TVls40 TVls43 24 Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures TV1sl4 TVlslS TVls30 TV1s31 I 25 Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures TV1s46 TV1s47 TVls62 TV1s63 )TV14 \TV14 26 Panels 1PL92JA/1PL93JA Tempera TVls12 I I \TVlS \TVJ.6 27 Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures TVls7 TVlsB TVls23 TV1s24 I 28 Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures TVls39 TV1s40 TVlsSS TV1s56 )TVJ.7 29 Panel 1DG06SA Temperatures TVlsS TV1s6 TVls21 TV1s22 )TV17 30 Panel lDGOlKA 12cyl Temperatur TVlsll TV1s27 TVls43 TV1s59 )TVJ.* 31 Panel lDGOlKA 16cyl Temperatur TVls7 TVls23 TVls39 TVlsSS )TVJ.* \TV20 32 Panel Bulk Average Temperature cvlOC cv14C cvlBC 33 Panel Bulk Average Temperature cv22C cv26C cv30C 34 Division 1 Room Door DPs DP14 DP15 DP34 35 Division 1 Room Rollup Door DP DP16 DP17 DP35 DP36 36 Div 1 DG Heat Absorption cv2C July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT I NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bll6 ofB156 115 curve Ops \L2"TV15 {1PL93J /Ll*cvlDC (1PL12 \Ll*cvlDC (1PL12 Ll 11 cv22C (1DG06 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 182 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version B.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Fluid Boundary Conditions -Table 1 Press. Temp. Flow s BC# Description (psia) FF (F) FF (lbm/s) FF p lP Outside Air 14 .3 /36 I N 2F Outside Air 14. 266 );. )ll 10000 N \l \ll 3P Emergency Suppl 14 .3 72 N 4P Make-up Supply 14 .3 78 N Fluid Boundary Conditions -Table 2 Liq. v. Stm. v. Drop D. Drop Drop BC# Frac. FF Frac. FF (in) FF GSD Frac. lP /H40 NONE 1. 0. )0.024 2F H40 NONE 1. 0. \0.024 3P H25 NONE 1. 0. 4P H25 NONE 1. 0. Volumetric Fan -Table 2 Vol Flow Flow Fan Flow Rate Rate Option (CFM) FF lQ Time 3020. 2Q Time 3020. 3Q Time 77567. 4Q Time 4250. SQ Time 4250. 6Q Time 4250. 7Q Time 4250. SQ Time /1510. \2800. Time DT DT DT Dom Min Max Ratio 0. 001 0 .1 le+ OB 0. 001 /1.5 1. )O.S 0. 001 l.S 1. 0. 001 1. \0.5 Run Options Option Restart Option Start Time (sec) Parallel Processes Preprocessor Multi threading Revaporization Fraction Maximum Mist Density (lbm/ft3) Drop Diam. From Mist (in) Minimum HT Coeff. (B/h-ft2-F) Reference Pressure (psia) Heat Option Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time End Time 5. 100. 1000. 86400. Heat Heat Rate Rate (Btu/s) FF 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. o. Time Domain Data Print Graph Int Int 1. /60. 10. )k \10. 60. 60. /60. 3600. \3600. Setting /l \2 NONE o. 0 YES DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 0.0 IGNORE Cpld FF BC# Disch Vol lsB6 lls3 ls70 ls6 lsB ls54 ls56 ln Gas Error Relax T DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT J ON OFF Elev. 0 Trip Trip (ft) N 749. N 10 800. N 749. N 749. Flow Heat Outlet Frac. FF (Btu/s) FF Quality DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT Dump Ph Chng L Flow Int T Scale Shutoff 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT 0. DEFAULT DEFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT FF NAI-2007-004 .Revision 0 PageB117 ofB156 116 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 183 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Run Optiom1 (cont.) Option Maximum Pressm:e (psial Forced Ent. Drop Diam. {in) Vapor Phase Head Correction Kinetic Energy Vapor Phase Liquid Phase Drop Phase Force Equilibrium Drop-Liq. Conversion OA Logging Debug Output Level Debug Starting Time Step Debug Time Step Frequency Restart Dump on CPU Interval {sec) Pressure Initialization Iteration Pressure Initialization Convergenc Solver Command Line Options Function 3T Model Gen. Heat Rate Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Heat Rate (BTU//sec) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 0. 0. 4 .9 s. /0.07 9 .9 )O.OS 10. 0.41 23. 9 24. 39. 9 )'-72 40. 1.81 119 .9 )1->2 120. 5.59 899 .9 900. 1199. 9 1200. 4919. 9 )Uo?=a 4920. 7199. 9 7200. )fi4?:s 14399.9 14400. 21600. 86401. \103.55 Setting INCLUDB IGNORB INCLUDE INCLUDE l.De-6 Dep. Var. /0.07 )O.OS 0.14 )8:§, )0.71 l. 65 )"*** Go.ea )84.21 123.5 \lOJ.55 Control Volume Parameters Vol Vol Elev Ht Hyd. D. # Description (ft3) (ft) (ft) (ft) ls DG Room (Div. 1 82470. 737. 24. 24. 2s DG Room (Div. 2 54300. 737. 24. 24. 3s DG Room (Div. 3 64300. 737. 24. 24. 4s Hallway 143900. 737. 24. 24. s Day Tank Room 1300. 737. 10. 10. 6 Oil Tank Room 14000. 712. 24. 24. 7 Make up Air Sup 10000. 762. 24. 24. 8 Rest of El 737' 247000. 737. 24. 24. 9 Rest of El 762' 480000. 762. 24. 24. 10 712' El 480000. ?12. 24. 24. lls Outside Air le+07 ?37. 74. 20. 12 Fan Room 23?50. ?62. 24. 24. 13 Interposing Int 1000. ?62. 24. 24. )!!.,. \15 \1PL93JA \0.787 \739.917 \l.354 \0.463 L/V IA SA Min Film (ft2) FF (ft) DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT /DBFAULT /DBFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT \DEFAULT \ \DEFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Min Film FF \ NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B118 ofB156 117 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 184 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-TRANS_Case_12.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA)-Oct2016 Control Volume E'arameters {cont.) Vol Vol Elev Ht Hyd. D. L/V IA SA Min Film Min Film * Description (ftJ) {ft) (ft) (ft) (ft2) FF {ft) FF /=x '"""""'°"' '""'°"""'°' '"""""""' I= '"""°°""" /DBFAOLT /DEFAOLT '""""""" )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )DBFAOLT DEFAULT )t>EFAOLT DBFAOLT >= )DBFAtJLT DEFAULT )xxxxxxx )i!xx >== )DEFAULT DKFAOLT >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )i!xx )DEFAULT DBFAOL'I' )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= \20 \lDGOlltA Heyl \9.868 \739.458 \5.833 \0.883 \DEFAOLT \ \DEFAtJLT \ Control Volume Options Vol S Wava Pool HMT Pool Pool Pres. Pool Op. Bu= Damper MUlt Opt Correction Tracking Opt Drag l* LOCAL ON 2, DEFAULT ON NONE LOCAL ON ,, LOCAL ON DEFAULT LOCAL NONE ON LOCAL 1. DEFAULT ON NONE l. ON 1. NONE '" DEFAULT LOCAL ON 12 l. LOCAL ON 13 l. DEFAULT LOCAL ON ON NONE ON I= /DRFAULT I= I= I= /xxxxxxx I= )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxxxxx )DRFAOLT DEFAULT >= )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAtJL'l' )xxxxxxx )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxxxxx \20 \1. \DEFAULT \LOCAL \ON \ \ON \NONE \ON Laminar Leakage Lk Rate .. , Ref Sink Leak Vol Temp Humid Model Rep Subvol (\/hr) (psia) (Fl ,., Option Wall Option (ft2) ,, o. UNIFORM CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 13 CNST T I= I= I= /xxxxxxx I= /xxxxxxx /DEFAULT )!!xx >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!xx >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!,.. >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )i!xx >= )>=>ca >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT '" \0. \ \ \CNST T \ \UNIFORM \DEFAULT July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bll9 ofB156 118 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 185 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Turbulent Leakage Lk Rate Ref Ref Ref Sink Leak Vol Factor Press Temp Humid or Model Rep Subvol Area # (%/hr) (psia) (F) (%) Src Option Wall Option (ft2) fL/D ls 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 2s 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 3s o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 4s 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT s o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 6 o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 7 o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 8 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 9 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 10 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT lls o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 12 0. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT 13 o. CNST T UNIFORM DEFAULT /xxxx I= l=x /=x I= /xxxx I= '"""" I= /DEFAULT I= )i!xx )=x >= >= )xxxx )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= )xzxx )"""" )DEPA17LT DEFAULT >= >= >= )"""" )xzxx )DEFAU'LT DEFAULT >= >= >= >= )"""" )xxxx )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= )i!.x >= >= >= )"""" )xxxx )DEFAULT DEPA ULT >= )ii.,. >= >= >= )"""" )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= \20 \0. \ \ \ \ \CNST T \ \UNIFORM \DEFAULT \ Discrete Burn Parameters Min Min Max Burn Flame Burn Un Vol H2 02 H20 Length Speed Rate Burn Burn


DEFAULT FBR I= I= I= /DEFAULT /DEFAULT '"""" /DEFAULT )i!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAtJLT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAtJLT DEFAULT )°EFADLT DEFAULT )DEFAtJLT DEFAULT )i!.x )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )"""" )DEFAULT DEFAULT )ii.,. )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT \20 \D.07 \0.05 \0.55 \DEFAULT \DEFAULT \ \DEFAULT \FSR Continuous Burn Parameters Vol Min H2 Min Max Max Burn Vol Flow 02 H20 H20/H2 Frac (lbm/s) Frac Frac Ratio ls 0. 0 .OS a.SS 1000. l. 2s 0. 0 .OS O .SS 1000. l. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl20 ofB156 119 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 186 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV_LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ccntinuous B= Parameters (cont.) Vol Min H2 Min Max *= Vol Flow H20/H2 Frac (lbm/s) Ratio o.os 1000. o.os 1000. l. 0.05 1000, 1. o.os l. 1. o. 1000. o. 0.05 1000. l. 1000. o.os 1. o. 0.05 1000. 1. 13 0. 0.05 0.55 1000. l. I= I= I= I= >=xx )ixxx.x >=xx )ixxx.x )i!.x )ixxx.x \20 \0. \0.05 \0.55 \1000. \1. Mechanistic Burn Rate Parameters Min Min M= Lam Bum Turb Turb Vol H2 Pa Temp Limit No. (lbm/ft3-s) (F} Opt 1. 350. DEFAULT BOIS 0. 1. 350. 4* DEFAULT Bl>IS 1. DEFAULT BOIS 350, l. DEFAULT BDIS 1. 350. l. DEFAULT 350. EDIS 1. 350. 0. 1. l. 350. /=x /=x /=x /DEFAULT I= I= I== I== )!!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= )!!xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >== )DEFAULT DEFAULT >= >= >= \20 \0. \o. \1. \1. \DEFAULT \JSa. \ \EDIS \ Mechanistic Burn Propagation Parameters Unburned Burned l'lame lg Min lg Min lg MaX Auto lg Vel Thick Temp FF (ft/s) (ft) (F} 0,04 0.164 o.55 DB FAULT DEFAULT 0.04 0.05 0.164 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT FF NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B121 ofB156 120 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 187 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LciV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Mechanistic Burn Propagation Parameters (cont.) Unburned Burned cc Flow Flame Ig Min Ig Min Ig Max Auto Ig Vol H2 Vol Thick H2 Temp (ft/s} (ft) (F) 0.001 DEFAULT 0.04 DEFAULT 0.001 0.04 D.164 10 0.001 DEFAULT 0,04 DSFAULT 0.001 0.04. 0,55 12 0.04 0.164 0,04. 0.05 l3 0.04 0.001 0.164 0.04 a.SS /xx /xx /DEFAULT /xx /xx /DEFAULT /xx )!!xx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )iixx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DBll'AULT )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx )xx }DBFAOLT DBFAOLT )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )i!xx )xx )xx )DB FAULT DEFAULT )xx )xx )DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx )i!xx )xx )xx )DEFAULT DB FAULT )xx ),.,. }DEFAULT DEFAULT )xx \20 \0.04 \ \0.001 \ \DEFAULT \ \0.164 \ \0.04 \O.OS \O.S5 \DEFAULT \ Pipe Parameters Ri:olative Lam Modulua of Vol Rough-Geom 00 ID Elasticity Stiffness

  • ne:Js Pact (in) (in) (p:d) Factor ,. OBFA " DBFA .. DBFA .. DBFA 5 OBFA 6 DEL"A 7 DEPA ' DEPA ' DEPA 10 DEFA ll* DBFA 12 DEPA 13 DEL"A /xxxx '""""'°""'

/DBFA '"""""" I= I= I= )!!xx )DEPA DEPA )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxx= >= )DBFA DEPA )xxxxxx )xxxxxx >= >= )DEPA DEPA )xxxxxx )xxxxxx >= >= )DEPA DEPA )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxx= >= )i!xx )DEPA DEPA )xxxxxx )xxxxxx )xxxx= >= )DEFA DEFA )xxxxxx )xxxxxx >= >= \20 \ \DEFA \ \ \ \ Flow Paths -Tabh 1 Vol Rlev Vol Elev Tilt Description (ft) (ft) (ft} {ft) (deg) {deg} Hatch (El 762 f 0.1 762. 0.1 Hatch (762' Hal 760. 0.1 762. Hatch (762' Hal 760. ?62. Hatch (Bl 737 f Hatch (737'Half Hatch (737'Half Make Up supply 7451. Normal Fan to D ?62. Exhaust from DG lslOS 760. 787. 0.1 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B122 ofB156 121 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 188 of 254 m NUMER.ICAL Clinton.Division 1 Diesel Generator NAI-2007-004 APPLICATIONS Room GOTHIC Uncertainty RevisionO

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tT Evaluation Page Bl23 ofB156 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH 122 \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -'!able 1 (cont.) Vol Elev Vol Elev Tilt Description A (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (deg) (deg) 10 Outside Air llsl 737. 0.1 lP 749. 0.1 Outside Air 0.1 12 Divl-Div2 Upper lsJ6 742. 742. 13 Divl-Div2 Lower 737. 1. 2'1 737. 1. 14 DG Rl Door (Low ... 737 * 2.s lsl6 737. DG Rl Dogr (Mid DG Rl Rollup (L . ., 2.s 1s1J 737, 17 DG Rl Rollup (L 4s63 ls29 2.S 1' Dl-03 Roll Up 315127 742. 1. ls41 742. l. Dl-DJ Roll Low 20 Dl-03 Up 3s24 742. l. ls37 742. 1. "' Emergency Fan t 763. 0.1 ls70 750. .. 24 Recirc to Fan R lslOS 2. 12 2. 2S Emergency Suppl 13 774. 0.1 774. 0.1 26 Oil Fan Supply 13 774. 0.1 12 774. BC to Intake 0.1 749, LoV Leakage Pat 13 lls2 0.1 Hallway Leakage 7451. llial 7451. 0.1 Gen Fan Flow Lo /1s7 /738. /l.S 1'6 738. )1s3SI )742. )'** Gen Fan Flow Lo 1*7 738. l.S )lsJSI HU:s )'*' 32 Gen Fan Flow Hi 1s55 '* ls54 '* )11139 )2.5 33 Gen Fan Flow Hi ls55 '* ls56 744.5 '* \1a39 \742. \2.S DG Rl Door (Top 49124 2.1667 la4B DG Rl Rollup (0 1945 742. 2.s " DG Rl Rollup (T 4slB3 s 744.5 2.5 ls61 * 744.5 2.S '"""" '""""""" I= /x /XXXXJllX I= I= /x /lUCXlOO< '"'°"""' I= '""""" Pressur >= >= Pressur )xxxxx >= )!!xx Presaur )xxxxx )xxxxx Preasur )xxxxx >= )!ix. Prossur )xxxxx )xxxxx l2cyl P )i!.x.x )xxxxx )xxxxx P )xxxxx >= \44 \Bzhaust Pipe Le \lslll \T \760.98 \0,01 \llsJ \B \788.01 \0.01 \ \ Flew Paths -Table 2 Flow Flow Hyd. Inertia Friction Relative Dep Diam, Length Length Rough-Bend Flow (ft2) (ft) (ftJ (ft) {deg) Opt Opt le-OS 3 ** NONE 7.1 i. le-OS DEFA 42.651 7.4 20. NONE 7.5 5. 5.5 DBFA 20. o. o. 18 '*' le-OS July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 189 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_ LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 2 (cont.) Flow Flow Hyd. Inertia Friction Relative Lam Dop St rat Path Diam. Length Length Rough-Bend T= Flow (ft2) (ft) (ft) {ft.) !deg) Opt Opt 40. '*' DBFA NONE le-OS NONE 10.7 o. NONE 66.39 51.19 le-05 DBFA NONE ... '* DBFA 24 21.3 '* le-05 o. NONE 3. NONE " NONE 0.073 '* o. le-05 NONE 2. 2. o. NONE 1. le-OB DBFA NONE 31 N&T NONE 32 " 2. le-OB o. NOT NONE 1. G.5 " o. DBFA 20. " o. " 20. 5. s.s 0. 0. DBFA 0. NONE I= I= '"""""""' I= I= /PBFA />= I= I= >== >= )DBFA DBFA ):X >= >= )DEPA DBFA )!!xx >= >= )DBFA DBFA )ixxxxxxx >= >= >"= )!ix. >= >= )DBFA DBFA )!!xx >= >= )DEPA DEPA ):X )!!xx >= >= )DEPA DEPA ):X \44 \10. '" \41. \ \ \DEPA \0. \N&T \NONE Flow Paths -Table 3 Flow Fwd. Critical Exit Drop Homog. Path Lo8' Comp. Flow Loss Breakup Flew Cceff. Cceff. Opt. Model Coeff. Model Ope. 0.1 OFF OFF OFF 0.1 0.1 OFF OFF 0.1 0.1 OFF o. OFF o.l OFF OFF 0.1 OFF 0.1 0.1 OFF OFF 2.78 OFF 1.5 OFF OFF 1.5 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 2.76 o. OFF 2.78 OFF 2.76 2.76 OFF OFF 2.?B OFF 2.78 OFF OFF July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B124 ofB156 123 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 190 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-TRANS_Case_12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 3 (cont.) Flow Fwd.. critical Exit Drop Homog. Path Loss Comp. Flgw Losa Breakup Flow Coeff. Coeff. Opt. Model Coeff. Model Opt. 27 OFF OFF 2.78 OFF OFF 29 2.78 OFF OFF 30 l. o. n l. 32 l. o. OFF l. o. OFF 2.78 OFF OFF OFF 36 2.78 2.78 OFF OFF 0. OFF OFF '"""' I= '"" '""""""" '"" '""""" I= '""""""" I= ).,. '"" )!!xx '"" '"" )!!xx '= '= '"" '"" )!i.x ).,. '"" '"" '= '"" '= \44 \S.56 \ \5.56' \OFF \OFF \0. \OFF \OFF Flow Paths -Table 4 Forward Prop Flow Min Min Min Min With Path Time Prop Frac Opt 0,06 0.05 0.05 CO FLOW 0.06 0.06 NO CO FLOW o.os 0.5 0,06 NO COFLOlf 0,55 0.06 10 0,55 0.06 O.> NO *0.06 0,55 0,06 0,06 0,06 0.5 o.os 21 0.06 0.55 0.06 0.06 o.os o.os D.55 CO FLOW 0,06 D.55 0.5 o.os 0.06 0.06 0.06 CO FLOW o.os 0.06 0.06 0.06 o.os 0.55 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B125 ofB156 124 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 191 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_ LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Flow Paths -Table 4 (cont.) Forward RevcrBc Prop FlgW Min Min Mox Min Min Mox With Path Time Prop Frac Frac Frac Frac Flow Opt 0,06 o.os o.os NO 0.55 0.06 0,05 0.55 COFLOlf " 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.55 o.s NO CO FLOW '"""""' I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= >= )!!.. >= )!!,. >= >= )!ix,. >= )!ix,. >= )!ixx >= \44 \0.06 \0.05 \0.55 \0.06 \0.05 \0.55 \O.S \NO \COi!' LOW Thermal Conductorir Cond Vol Vol Srf Description Opt Opt Typo {ft2) DG (Wann) (Conv) 1117-5::1 848. DO (Hot) (Conv) 11i?l eo. DG Rl E Wall loE DG Rl S Wall "' llel 936, ,, DG Rl N Wall 1'N 936. ,, DG Rl Ceiling under Fan Room ls97-1 Divl Ceiling-762 2900. Divl Floor 1'F 10 DG Rl W Wall /Jaw /lsS-10 /2376. \JDB \lsW \2350. 10s Wall (Tank Room -DG Rl} 200. 11* Wall {DG R2 -Hallway) 2'N 4s5-36 670. 12* Wall (DG R2 -othar rool!llJ) 2'E 2400. 13* Wall IDG R2 -outside Air) ,,, llsl 6"70. Div2 to 912" "' 15* Div2 to 962" 2'0 2800. Div3 to /\mb. JoS Div3 to 962" 3sC 36"00. 19* Div3 to 912' 33F 3600. Ceiling {El 737ft Hallway) Hallway Floor 10 ,,, Hall {El 737ft* Hallway -outside Air) 4sW 384. Wall (Tank Room -Outside Air) llsl 120. Wall (Fan Room -Other Rooms) Wall (Fan Room -Outside Air) 936. Wall (El 737ft Other Room.s -Outside Air) 10000. Wall (El 762ft Other Rooms -Outside Air} Willl !El 712ft -Outside Air) 10 llsl Fan Room to Aroh. ,, 960. 29 Fan Rm to 962' 12 936. JO Fan Riii to Am.b (ceiling) 12 2 3 1 1521. /xxxx /=x /x=xxx I= I= I= /xxxx )ii!x North Side )!!.xx. )i.x )i.x South Side )!!.xx. )i.x )i.x Side )!!.xx. )i.x )i.x Side )!!.xx. )i.x )i.x )!!!x Side )!!.xx. )ixx )ixx )!!.. North Side )i.x )i.x South Side )i.x )i.x Sid* )i.x )i.x Side )ixx )ixx )!!a Bottom Side )ixx )ixx \'1 \1PL92JA North Sid* \lG \1 \1812 \1 \7 \0.705 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl26 ofB156 125 Init. G'P T. (F) ,,, "* ". 79. 79. 78. "* 79. 79. 78. 78. 78. I= )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx \7B. \X \ EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 192 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-TRANS_Case_12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Com:l.uctors (cont.) Cond Vol Srf Vol Srf Cond S. A. * Dei!lcription A Opt B Opt Type (ft:2J /xxxx '""""""" I= /xxx I= I= /xxxx I= South Sida )ixx )ixx )k Side )ixx )ixx )k Sida )ixx )ixx )k )!i.x Side )k )k );:.,.,. Bottom Sida )k )k )k North Side )ixx )ixx )k )!!:x South Side )ixx )ixx )k )!i:x EaDt Sida )ixx )ixx )k Side )ixx )ixx )k Side )k )k )k North Side )k )k );:.,.,. South Side )ixx )ixx )k Sida )ixx )ixx )k Sida )ixx )ixx )k Side )k )k )k Bottom Side )k )k )k J.2cyl North Side )k )ixx )k J.2cyl South Side )k )ixx )k 12cyl Bast Side )ixx )ixx )k J.2cyl Wost Side )ixx )ixx )k J.2cyl 'l'op Side )k )k )k 12cyl Bottom Sida )k )k )k J.6cyl North Side )ixx )k )k )!i:x 16cyl South Side )ixx )k )k 16cyl Bast Side )k )k )k 16cyl West Side )ixx )ixx )k )!i.x 16cyl "rep Side )k )k )k )!i.x 16cyl BcttCllll Side )k )k )k Air Piping )!,.,. );:.,. )!.xx Air Piping )!,.,. );:.,. )!.xx Air Piping )!,.,. );:.,. )!.xx \73s \DG Ccmbust. Air Piping \ls7l-8 \8 \ls71-8 \7 \8 \198.6 Thermal Conductors -Radiation Parameters Ccnd Therm. Rad. Emiss. Emiss. Side A Side A Side B Side B Scope No FULL ,. '" lls No FULL No 14s 15* 18' July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B127 ofB156 126 Init. .,,, T. {F) I/X * /xxxxxx I= /=xx )xxxx )xxxx >= )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )..,.,. )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )i.x.x )!.xx )i.x.x )!.xx )i.x.x )!.xx \78. \I \4 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 193 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_ LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductor.s -Radiation Parameters (cont.) Cond Therm. Rad. Em!as. Therm, Rad. Em.iss * * Side A Side A Side B Side B Scope 23 NO No FULL 24 NO No FOLL 2S No No FULL " NO No FULL 27 NO No FULL 28 No No FULL ., NO No FULL JO NO No FULL /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx '"'°"""°" /xxxxxxx /XXXXXXX )!i:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )i!.x )xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxxx >= )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >= )!ixx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!!x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!!,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!i:x )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!xx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!!,.,. )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx \7Js \No \ \No \ \FULL Thermal Conductors -Ice Parameters Side A Side B Node Cond. Spacing Thick. Thick. (inl Option (in) Porosity {in) Porosity July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl28 ofB156 127 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 194 of 254 (r+JJ Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Ice Parameters (cont,} -------Side A -----------Side B ----Node Area Ice Ice Cond. Spacing FF Thick. Ice Area Thick. Ice Area * (in) Nodes Option (in) Porosity FF (in) Porosity FF 2 NONE NONE " NONE NONE " NONE NONE .. NONE NONE ,, NONE NONE 7' NONE NONE " NONE NONE ,, NONE NONE '" NONE NONE 11' NONE NONE '" NONE NONE 13* NONE NONE '" NONE NONE "' NONE NONE 16* NONE NONE 17* NONE NONE lBs NONE NONE "" NONE NONE 20s NONE NONE 21* NONE NONE 22 NONE NONE 23 NONE NONE 24 NONE NONE 25 NONE NONE 26 NONE NONE 27 NONE NONE 28 NONE NONE " NONE NONE 30 NONE NONE /xxxx I= I= I= /NONE '""'°""""' '""""' /NONE I= /xxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONI! NONE >= }xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxx >= >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= >= }xxxx )"°"" NO?IE >= }xxxx )i!xx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx >= }xxxx >= >= >= )"ONE NONI! >= }xxxx )RONE NON3 >= }xxxx )i!.x }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx >= }xxxx )i!.x }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx >= }xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= )xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )"ONE NONE >= }xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )!ixx )xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )!!.,. )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )!ixx }xxxxxxx >= >= )"ONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )!!.,. }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE }xxxxxxxx }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )!!:x }mxxxx >= >= }NONE NONE }xxxxxxxx }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE }xxxxxxxx }xxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE }xxxxxxxx }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= }xxxx }NONE NONE >= }xxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )HONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE }xxxxxxxx }xxxx )x=xxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxx }xxxxxxx >= }xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx }xxxx }xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx }xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx >= }xxxx )i!:x }xxxxxxx >= )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx )xxxxxxx >= >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxx )NONE NONE >= }xxxx \6l!i! \ \ \ \NONE \ \ \NONE \ \ July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl29 ofB156 128 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 195 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductors -Ice Parameters (cont.) -------Side A Node Area Ice Cond. Spacing M= FF Thick. Ice * (in) Nodes Opt.ion (in) Porosity /xxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxx I= /NONE I= )xxxx= )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE >= )xxxxxxx )xx= )xxxxxx )NONX NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xx= >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )!ixx )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xx= )NONE NONE >= )xxxxxxx )xxxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )=xx )xxxxxx )NONE NONE >= \73s \ \ \ \NONE \ Thermal Conductor Types Type Thick. O.D. Description (in) {in) Ceiling/Floor Internal Hall External Wall 1. DG Hot WALL 6 Internal Block WALL 11.625 I= /xxxxxxx /xxxx /xxxxxxxx /xxxxxxxx >= >= ,, \24" Piping \TtJBE \0.375 \24. Forcing Function Tables ... Description Ind. var. Dep. Var. Constant OG Warm Temp Time (sec) Tcmpc.ratur DG Hot Temp Time (sec) Temperatur Model Gen. Heat Time (sec) Benchmark Heat Time (sec) Benchmark Benchmark Exhau Time (sec) Benchmark Benchmark Inlet Time (sec) Temperatur 7T Benchmark Loe 1 Time (sec) Temperatur Benchmark Loe 2 Time (sec) Temperatur Benchmark Loe 3 Time (sec) Temperatur lOT Benchmark Loe 4 Time (sec) Temperatur /xxxx /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx \11T \outdoor Air Tem \Time (sec) \Temperatur Pile ff Name 1 I /CPS _lA _DG _LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Cose _12. csv \2 \Case _12a_ Panel._ Temperatures. csv. 0. -----------Side B Ice Area Thick. FF (in) I= /NONE )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxx )NONX NONE )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxx >= )NONE NONE )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxx )NONE NONE )xxxx \ \NONE Regions 20 23 20 /xxxxxxx \13 Points 45 15 15 I= \1535 lee Porosity I= >= )xxxxxxxx )xxxxxxxx )=xx= >= >= >= >= )xxxxxxxx )xxxxxxxx )xxxxxxxx \ Heat (Btu/ft.3-s) o. o. I= \0. ----Area FF /xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx >= )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx \ Heat FF /xxxx )xxxx )xxxx Data Files Inter-Type polate I I I= \TIME \YES July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Output Detail Files Level I SINGLE I =L I= /"°"""""" \S:WGLE \POLL NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl30 ofB156 Format Option I(= 129 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 196 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:29 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductor Surface Options -Table 1 surf Heat Cnd/ Sp Nat For Opt Transfer Nominal Cnv end Cnv Cnv Cnv # Description Option Value FF Opt Opt HTC Opt Opt 1 Wall Direct DLM-FM VERT SURF USER DEF 2 Ceiling Side Direct DLM-FM FACE DOWN USER DEF 3 Floor Side .Direct DLM-FM FACE UP USER DEF 4 DG Warm Temper Sp Temp 1. lT 5 DG Hot Temperat Sp Temp 1. 2T 6 HTC Sp Conv /4.9 I= '""""""" /xxxxxxx I= I= I= I= /xxxxxxx /xxxxxxx for DQ >=== >= >= >= >= )!..,. )!! >= >== )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx ,, \DG Intake HTC \Sp Conv \4.752 \ \ \ \ \ \ conductor Surface Options -Table 2 Surf Min Max Convection Condensation Rad to Stearn Opt Phase Liq Liq Bulk Temp Bulk Temp Emissivity

  1. Opt Fr act Fract Model FF Model FF Dry Wet 1 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 2 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 3 VAP Tg-Tf Tb-Tw DEFAULT DEFAULT 4 5 6 VAP Tg-Tw 0. 0. I= I== I= I= I== I= I== I= /DBFAlTLT

/DEFAULT >= >= >= >= }DEFAULT DEFAULT )DEFAULT DEFAULT )!..,. >= >= >= >== >= >== >= )DEFAULT )DEFAULT ,, \VAP \ \ \Tg-Tw \ \ \ \0. \0. Conductor Surface Options -Table 3 Surf Char. Norn Minimum Char. Cond. Opt Length Vel Vel Conv HTC Height Length # (ft) (ft/s) FF (B/h-f2-F) (ft) (ft) 1 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 2 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 3 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT 4 DEFAULT DEFAULT 5 DEFAULT DEFAULT 6 DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT I= I= I= I= /DEFAULT I== I== >== >= >= )DEFAULT DEFAULT >== >== )!..,. >= >= >= )DEFAULT >== >== ,, \ \ \ \DEFAULT \DEFAULT \DEFAULT Conductor Surface Options -Table 4 Surf Peak Initial BD Post-BO Post-BO Opt Const Heat Time Exp Value Exp Exp Direct CT (Btu) (sec) XT (B/h-f2-F) yt xt FF July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 RevisionO PageB131 ofB156 130 L __ EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 197 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _ LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Conductor surface Options -Table 4 (cont.) surf Total Peak Initial BP Post-BD Post-BO Ope Cenat Heat Time Exp Value Exp Exp Direct ff CT (Btu) (sec) XT (B/h-f2-F) ye " FF /rxxx I= I= I= I= I= I= /xxxxxxx '= '= >= '= >= )xxxxxx )xxxxxxx )xxxxxxx )!.,.,. )xxxxxx >= >= >= >= >= )xx=xx ,, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Control Variables Fune. Initial Coe.ff. Coe.ff. Description Value aO Min Div l DG Heat Load le.,.32 Div 1 DG Heat Abeo:rption -1. -let-32 le+32 Bounding Panel T_bulk_avg o. 1. o. le+32 Bounding Panel T_max Door T_bulk_avg a Operator Act if Door T_max l.l Operator Action if 1. -le+-32 le+32 'c Panel lPL12JA [Vole] 1. -le.,.32 le+32 Panel 1PL12JA [Temv] o. o. le+l2 Panel 1PL12JA [Vole] [Temv] eumprod J.e+l2 lOC Panel 1PL12JA T_bulk_avg div 1. -le*32 le*J2 llC Panel 1PL92JA/1PL93JA [VoleJ 1. -le*32 le*32 Panel 1PL92JA/1PL93JA [TcmvJ o. le+32 Panel lPL92JA/lPL93JA [Vole] [T a ump rod 1. -le+32 let32 l<C Panel lPL92Ja/lPL93JA T_bulk_a div o. -le+32 le+l2 Panel 1DG01JA [Vole] 0. 1. le+32 16C Panel lDGOlJA [Temv] le+32 Panel lDGDlJA [Vole] [Temv] sump rod o. letl2 18C Panel lDGOlJA T_bulk_avg div o. 0. le+32 1'C Panel 1DG06SA [Vole] 1. o. -le+J2 le+32 20C Panel 1DG06SA [Temv] -le ... 32 le+32 Panel 1DG06SA [Vole] (Temv] a ump rod o. -le+32 le*l2 22C Panel 1DG06SA T_bulk_avg div 0. 1. -le+J2 le+32 Panel lDGOlKA l2cyl [Vole] -lc+32 le*32 Panel lDGDlKA 12cyl [Temv] 1. -le*l2 le*32 Panel lDGDlKA 12cyl [Vole] [Tem a ump rod o. 1. o. -le+32 le*32 26C Panel 1DG01KA 12eyl T_bulk_avg div 0. 1. 0. le+32 Panel lDGDlKA 16eyl [Vole] 1. -la*l2 J.e+32 Panel lDGDlXA 16eyl [Temv] 29C Panel lDGDlKll 16cyl [Vole] (Tem aumprcd o. o. -le ... 32 le*32 Panel lDGOlKA 16cyl T_bulk_avg div o. le*32 Rollup Door [Vole] Rollup Door [Temvl -ie ... 32 le.,.32 JJC Rollup Door [Vole) [Temv] a ump rod 1. o. -le+J2 le+32 Rollup Door T_bulk._avg div o. lOTJ2 '5C Personnel Door [Vole] Personnel Door [Temv] 1. le+32 Personnel Door [Vole] (Temv] sump rod o. -le+32 Pl!rsonnel Door div le+32 Max Door Temperature le.,.32 40C Max Door T_bulk_avg 0. o. -le+l2 le+32 /xxxxxxx I= I= )!!ix )=.i Air Temper11oture Heat Trll.Dsfar Beat Transfer + Dola )!i.x..x Thot )!!ix + Vy**2 ... vz**2) )!!ix \SOC \Local Rho*v*D \mult \0. \1. \0. \-le+32 \le+J:Z July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Upd. Int. Mult. \0. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B132 ofB156 131 o. o. o. 0. o. o. o. o. EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 198 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Control Variables (cont.) CV Fune. Initial Coeff. Coeff, * Description Form Value G ao Min Max '"""" '""'°"""" I= '"""""°"' I= I= I= I= )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) (2/3)] ** (1/4) )ix.xxxx )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx

    • (5/8)

u (5/8)] ** (4/S) )ixxxxxx )ixxxxxx (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) I [l+ (D =;,,xx )ixxxxxx \63C \Local Nu \sum \0. \1. \0.3 \-lo+32 \le+32 Turbulence Parameters 1----Liquid --1 1----Vapor --1 Vol Mclee, Turb. Mix.L. ScT Mix.L PrT ScT Phase Diff. Model (ft) No. (ft} No. Option ls NO NONE o. o. 0. 0. 2s NO o. 0. o. o. NO NONE o. o. 0. VAPOR ,. NO NONE o. o. NONE 0. o. o. 0. VAPOR NO NONE o. 0. NO NONE o. 0. VAPOR NO NONE o. o. 0. 0. NO NONE o. VAPOR NO lls o. o. 12 NO NONE o. 0. VAPOR 13 NO NONE 1. l. 1. 1. VAPOR !== I= I= I= I= I= I= I= )xxxxxx >= )iixxx >= >= >= )xxxxxx >= )xxxxxx )i:xxx >= >= )i!xxx >= >= \20 \NO \NONE \1. \1. \ \l. \l. \VAPOR Cell Blockages -Table 1 Volume ls Blockage No. Description Type l Day Tank Room BLX B l N /x. /x. /x >ni ): >ni ): )ixxxx )!}i ): )ixxxx >ni ): )ixxxx )=li ): 12cy1 >ni \B \1DGD1XA 16cy1 \BLK \B \I \N July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B133 ofB156 Upd. Int. Mult. I= \0. 132 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 199 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Cell Blockages -Table 2 Volume ls Blockage Coordinates & Dimensions (ft) Angle No. Xl Yl Zl X2 Y2 Z2 X3 Y3 Z3 L (Deg) 1 0. o. 0. 10. 10. 10. I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= I= >= >= )xxxxxx )= >= )!..xx >= )xxxxxx >= >= )xxxxxx )!.xx. >= >= )xxxxxx >= >= )!..xx >= >= )xxxxxx )xx=x >= >= )xxxxxx >= >= >= >= )xxxxxx >= >= >= \8 \29.479 \11.583 \2.458 \30.479 \14. \8.292 \ \ \ \ \ X-Direction Cell Face Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Area Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ent. No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff. FF Factor def On 1. 1000000. 0. 0. lsl 1 0. le-06 0. 0. lsS 1 1. 260. 0. 0. lsl 7 1 0. le-06 0. 0. ls21 1 1. 260. 0. 0. ls33 1 0. le-06 0. 0. ls37 1 1. 260. 0. 0. ls49 1 0. le-06 0. 0. ls53 1 1. 260. 0. 0. ls65 1 1. 20. 0. 0. I= '"""" I= I= /xx /JCll:Xll:XXJl:XltXXX )xxxx ) .. )0. .. ... )xxxx ) .. )0. X'O'XXXXXXXXX )xxxx ).,. )O* )xxxx ) .. )O* )!..xx.. )xxxx ) .. )O* )i.....x ) .... ) .. )!Xxxxxxxxzxx )i.....x )xxxx ) .. )0* xxxzxx )i.....x )xxxx ) .. )0. * .... )i.....x )xxxx ) .. )!Xxxxxxxxxxx )i.....x )!xx..... )xxxx ) .. )!xzxxxxxx::xxx \11121 \6 \1. \ \681.822 \0. \ \D. Z-Direction Cell Face Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Area Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ent. curb Ht No. No. Porosity FF (ft) Coeff. FF Factor (ft) def On 1. 1000000. 0. 0. lsl 0. 1e-06 0. 0. 0. ls2 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. lsS 1. 260. 0. 0. 0. 1s17 o. le-06 0. 0. 0. ls18 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. ls21 1. 260. 0. 0. 0. 1s33 o. le-06 0. 0. o. ls34 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. ls37 1. 260. 0. 0. 0. ls49 0. le-06 0. 0. 0. ls SO 1. 36. 0. 0. 0. ls53 1. 260. 0. 0. 0. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT Curb Height 0. I= \0. NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B134 ofB156 133 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 200 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries ind.icate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Z-Direction Cell Face Variations (cont.) Volume ls Cell Blockage Aro* Hyd. Dia. Loss Drop De-ent. CW:b Ht No. No. Porosity FF {ft) Coeff. FF l.l'ac:tor (ft) /xxxx I= /xx /xxxxxxxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )0. )xxxx )xx )0. axxxxx )xxxx )xx )0. xxxxxmxxxx )xxxx )xx )O* = )xxxx )xx )O* =xx )xxxx )xx )0. xxxxxxx. )!x.xxxx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )D, )!x.xxxx )xxxx )xx )!x.xxxx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )0* :ii::ic )!x.xxxx )xxxx )xx )O* xxxxxxxxxxxx )!.x...x )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )0. xx )!.x...x )xxxx )xx )!.x...x )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )0. """" )ixxxx.xx )xxxx )xx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )0. )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )0* xxx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )0. xx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xx )!xx.xx. )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xx \lal9 \8 \1. \ \586.978 \0. \ \0. \0. Volume Variations Volume ls Cell Blockage Volume Hyd. Dia. No. Porosity (ft) 1000000. lslB 1. 1a21 "* ls37 l /xxxx I= )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )!x.xxxx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx )xxxx )ixxxxxxx )xxxx \ls27 \7 \1. \15B. 76504 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B135 ofB156 134 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 201 of 254 File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Volume Variations (cont.) Volume ls Cell Blockage Volume Hyd. Dia. Porosity (ft) )"""" )!.xx.xx )"""" \lsl!J \8 \l. \ \571.38501 Conductor Surface Options -Natural Convection Variallles htc * (k/ll * (A + e*cruc*Pr**D) Surf Opt Conv Var c FF ' 0. 0.59 0.25 I"""" I= I= )k >= >= )!.xx >= >= ,, \0. \ \O.S!il \ \0.25 Conductor Surface Options -Forced Convection Variables htc * lk/l) * (A + B*Re**C:*Pr**D) Opt C:onv Var C Nom. FF Nom. 0.8 0,037 0,037 ' 0. D.023 O.B I"""" I= I= )k >= )!.xx >= >= ,, \0. \ \0.023 \ \0.8 Following table in the Compare File but. not in the current File. Thermal Conductor Type Panl!l Steel Bdry. Thick Sub-Region (in) (in) regs. 0.00324 0.00648 0,02592 0.01511 0.0191 0.014.24 0,00648 0.25 I= I= >= >= >= }xxxxx \ \0.25 \ FF Nom, 0,333 I= I= >= >= >= >= \ \0.4 \ o. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B136 ofB156 135 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 202 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Thermal Conductor Type (cont.) 7 Panel Staal Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub* Heat Region * (in) linl regs. Factor 10 I l I 0.12176 I 0.00324 I l I o. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. o. 90. 60. 89. 9999191 120. 89. 9996764 180. 89. 9992718 240. 89. 9987054 . 300. 89. 9979772 360. 89.9970873 420. 89. 9960355 480. 89. 994822 540. 89. 9934468 600. 89. 9919099 660. 89. 9902113 720. 89. 9883511 780. 89.9863292 840. 89. 9841458 900. 89. 9818008 960. 89.9792944 1020. 89. 9766266 1080. 89. 9737973 1140. 89. 9708068 1200. 89.9676549 1260. 89. 9643419 1320. 89. 9608677 1380. 89. 9572324 1440. 89.9534361 1500. 89. 9494789 1560. 89.9453608 1620. 89. 9410819 1680. 89. 9366423 1740. 89. 9320421 1800. 89. 9272813 1860. 89. 9223601 1920. 89. 9172786 1980. 89. 9120368 2040. 89. 9066348 2100. 89. 9010728 2160. 89. 8953509 2220. 89. 8894691 2280. 89. 8834276 2340. 89. 8772265 2400. 89. 8708659 2460. 89.8643459 2520. 89. 8576667 2580. 89. 8508284 2640. 89. 8438311 2700. 89. 8366749 2760. 89. 82936 2820. 89. 8218865 2880. 89. 8142546 2940. 89. 8064644 3000. 89. 7985161 3060. 89. 7904097 3120. 89. 7821455 3180. 89. 7737237 3240. 89. 7651443 3300. 89.7564076 3360. 89. 7475137 3420. 89. 7384627 3480. 89. 7292549 3540. 89. 7198905 3600. 89. 7103695 3660. 89. 7006923 3720. 89. 6908588 3780. 89. 6808695 3840. 89. 6707244 3900. 89. 6604238 3960. 89. 6499678 4020. 89. 6393566 4080. 89,.6285904 4140. 89. 6176695 4200. 89. 6065941 4260. 89. 5953643 4320. 89.5839804 4380. 89.5724426 4440. 89. 5607511 4500. 89.5489061 4560. 89.5369079 4620. 89.5247567 4680. 89. 5124527 4740. 89.4999961 4800. 89.4873873 4860. 89.4746264 4920. 89.4617136 4980. 89. 4486493 5040. 89. 4354336 5100. 89. 4220669 5160. 89. 4085493 5220. 89. 3948812 5280. 89. 3810628 5340. 89. 3670943 5400. 89. 352976 5460. 89. 3387083 5520. 89. 3242913 5580. 89.3097253 5640. 89. 2950106 5700. 89.2801476 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B137 ofB156 136 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 203 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. var. 5760. ssso. 6000, 6240. 6360, 6600. 6720. 6840. 7080. 7440, 7560. 7680. 7800. 7920. 8400. 8760. 8880. 9120. 9240. 9360. 9600. 9120. 9840. 9960. 10080. 10200. 104'1.D. 10560. 10920. 11400. 11520. 11760, 11880, 12000. 12120. 12240, 12360. 12480. Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec:) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 89.2036162 89.1069421 89.0050545 88.9342675 BS.7859221 88.7474414 88,6286998 88.5880295 88.5468194 88.5050726 88.4627924 BIL2884018 88.2435034 88.1521693 88.1057407 BB.0113778 87.9634507 87,816731 87.4045962 87.3510139 87.2969861 87.1322704 86.9636947

86.9066649 86.8492233 5820. 6180. 6300. 6660, 6900. 7140. 7500, 7620. 7740. 7860. 7980, 8460. 89.2499774 89.1878687 119.155935 89.1234183 89.05664.57 89.022394.9 88.9875713 88.9162161 88.87961199 88.7667509 88.7279939 88,6084323 88.5674.917 88.5260129 BB.4Bln9 88.3983789 88.3106574 8940. 88.266017 9060. 88.2208614. 9300. 88.1290181 9420. 88.0823375 88.0351556 5660. 87.9874.76 9780. 87.9393024 87.8906384. 87.8414877 10140. 87.7417413 87.6911532 87.5365757 87.48'11252 87.4312189 11100. 87.2151179 11580. 87.1599942 12060. 12180. 12300. 86.8203495 86.7622986 86.5857591 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl38 ofB156 137 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 204 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (Fl Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Oep. Var. 12840. 86.5559937 12960. 86.4961746 86.4661222 13080. 86.4359751 13140. 86.3753997 13260. 86.34451725 13320. 86.314453 13380. 86.2838419 13440. 86.2531H7 13500, 86.222347 86.1604925 13680. 86.1294318 13800. 86.0670467 13860. 86.0357234 13920. 86.0043137 85.9412378 14100. 85.9095727 14160. 85.8778236. 14220. 85.8459912 14280. 85.8140761 14400. 85.75 14460. 85.7178403 85,6856003 14580. 85.6532806 14640. 85.6208818 14760. 85,55584!15 14880. 85.4905083 14940. 85,4577234 85.3.919283 15120. 85.3589193 15180. 85.3258367 15240. 85.2926814 1.5300, 85,2594539 85.1927847 85.1258343 15600. 85.0922552 84.99111.03 15840. 84.9572615 15900. 84.9233469 15960. 84.!1893671 16020, 84.7185133 16320. 84.664156 16380, 84.6497382 16440. 84.61.52604 16680. 84.4767627 16740. 84.441995 84.4071.712 16860, 17040. 84.2673293 84.1618924 17400. 83,9851595 83.7715262 18120. 83,62823 83.5563361 18300. 83.5203301 83.4482033 83.412084 18600. 83.3397367 18660. 83.3035102 83.2672494 18960. 19020. 19140. 83.0125201 82.9394708 82.9029046 82.8296929 19500. 19560. 151860, 82.S726!H2 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl39 ofB156 138 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 205 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var.: Temperature (Fl Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 82.5358894 20040. 20100. 82.3146889 20340. 20400. 82.2408238 20460, 20700. 20760. 82,0189126 20820, 81.9448556 81.7966457 21180. 21240. Bl.7225041 21300. 21600. 21660, 22080, 81,2033543 22140, 22200. Bl.1292352 22260. 80.8330977 22800. 80.7591762 80.6653111 23040. 80,6115081 23100. 23160. 110.5377727 23400. 80.3905274 23460. 110.31702116 23580. 23640. 80.24362 23760, 80.1703071 231120. 23940. 24300. 79.8053726 25140. 25200. 79.300038'1 25260. 25320. 253110. 79.1570825 79.011511696 25620. 25680. 25980, 711.8029104 26100. 262110. 711.6626417 26460, 265110. 78.315844 26940. Dep. Var. 82.4990679 B2.42SJ684 82.2777638 82.2038698 82.0559265 81.981!1887 81.9078141 81..7595774 81.6854265 81..5370881. 81.4629119 81.1662916 80.7961302 80.5746316 110.5009321 110.427301111 110.3537671 80.21103127 80.13361182 80.0605292 79.9874799 79.9145457 79.6240718 79.4796699 78.7677645 711.6976295 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B140 ofB156 139 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 206 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) llT outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (aee) Oep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Oap, Var. Ind. Var. Pep. var. 78,2471908 27060. 78.2129568 271110. 78.1446772 27240. 78.1106329 78.0766531 27360. 78.0427385 27420. 78.0088897 27540. 77.9413922 27600. 27660. 77.8741657 27720. 77.8406557 27900. 77.7405461 27960. 77.7073186 77.6741633 77.6080717 77.5751368 77,5094917 28380. 77.4767828 28500. 77.4115955 28560. 28620. 77.3467194 28680. 77.3143997 77.2821597 77.25 28860. 77.2179212 77.18592351 29100, 2!1160. 77.0587622 77.0271817 29280. 76.9956863 29340. 76.9642766 29400. 76.9329533 29460. 29520. 76.8705682 29580. 76.8395075 29640. 76.8085356 76.777653 76.7468603 76.6550275 30000. 76.6246003 30060. 76.594265!:1 30120. 76.5640249 30180, 76.5338778 76.5038254 76.4440063 76.414240!:1 30480. 76.3845723 30660. 30840. 76.2086256 30900, 76.1796505 30960. 76.1507767 31020, 76.122004.7 76.0933351 31320. 75.9796916 31380. 75.9515421 75.9234982 31740. 75.7848821 75.7301937 75,5422712 75.4373712 75.4114335 75.3856117 32760. 75.3088468 75.2834935 32940, 75.2582587 33180. 75.0849686 75.0365493 33600. 74.9648444 33720. 33780. 74.9176625 74.8942593 33960. 34020. 74.8248061 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B141 ofB156 140 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 207 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_ LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time {sec) Dep. var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 34140. 74.7791386 74.733993 34320. 74.7115982 34440, 74.6672167 74.6452209 74.6233555 34620, 74.6016212 74.5585468 74.516001 34980. 74.47398?1 35040. 74.4531806 35100. 74.4325083 35160. 74.3511694 3541>0. 74.3113135 74.2915912 35700. 35760. 74,214077.9 35820, 74.1950455 35940. 74.1573982 74.1019766 36180. 36240. 74.0657325 36300. 74.0478226 36360. 74.0300545 36420. 74.0124297 73.9776051 73.960407.9 36660. 73.9433543 36720. 73 .9264445 73.909679 73.87651117 7J .844065 37140. 73.8121313 37200. 73.7963838 37260. 37380. 73.7500226 37440. 37560. 37620. 73.6902747 37690. 37740. 73.6612917 37800. 73.6189372 37980. 73.6051188 3S040. 38100. 73 .5779331 38220. 73.5513507 38280. 73.5253736 73.5126127 38460. 38580. 73.4510939 38940. 73.4046357 39000. 73.3714096 39300. 73.3395762 39360. 73.3292756 73.3091412 73.2801095 73.2707451 39900, 73.2435924 73.2348557 40260. 73.1935356 73.l.7064 73.1561689 40620, 40680. 40740, 73.1356541 73.1291341 40860. 41040. 73.1046491 41100. 73.0989272 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B142 ofB156 141 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 208 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) llT outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sac) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 41160. 73.0933652 41220. 73.0679632 73.0776399 41400. 7J .0727187 73.0679579 73,0633577 41580. 73.05891Sl 73.0546392 41700. 73.0505211 41760. 73.0465639 41620. 73.0427676 41940. 73. 0356581 42000. 73.0323451 42060. 42120. 73.0262027 42180. 73.0233734 73.0207056 42300. 42360. 73.0158542 73.0136708 42480. 73.0116489 42720. 73.005178 73.0039645 42840. 7J.002n21 42900. 73.0020228 42960. 73.0012946 73.0007282 73.0003236 43260. 73.0000809 43320. 73.0003236 43500. 73.0020228 43560. 73.0039645 43680. 4374.0. 73.0065532 43800, 73.0080901 43660. 73.0116489 43980. 44040. 73.0158542 44100. 73.0181992 44160. 73.0207056 44220. 73.0233734. 44280. 73.0262027 73.0.?.91932 73.0323451 44460. 44520. 73. 0391323 44640. 73.0465639 44700. 73.0546392 73.06751579 45000. 73 ,0727187 45060. 73.07763Sl9 45120. 73.0879632 45420. 7J .1105309 45600. 46020. 46440. 46500. 46560. 73.2615373 73.2801095 4.6600. 46860. 73 .2SISl3077 46920. 73.309141.?. 46980, 73.3191305 73.3292756 4.7280. 73.3714096 47400. 73.4160196 47700. 73.4510939 41760. 73.46309.?.l 73.4.8754'13 48060. 73.5253736 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl43 ofB156 142 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 209 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C :\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Var. 48360. 46600. 48720. 48840. 48960. 49080. 49560. 49800. 49no. 50280, 50400. 50520. 50640. 50760. 51240. 51360. 51480. 51600. 51720. 51840. 51960. 52080. 52200. 52320. 52440. 52560. 52680, 52920. 53160. 53400. 535:?.0. 54000. 54120, 54480, 54960. 55200. Function (cont.) llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time {aec) Pep. Var.: Temperature (F) Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 73.55114507 73.6189372 73.647024 73.6757087 73.7049894 n.1Gsnn 49140. 73.7963838 49260. 73.8280251 73.8930579' 49620. 73.9264445 73.9949455 49SIBO. 74.1387841 50460, 74.1761521 74.2140779 74.2525586 50820. 74.4119705 51300. 74.4949274 74.5372076 51660. 74.6233555 51900. 74. 7115982 52140. 74.7564966 52260, 74.8019086 52500. 74.9886222 52860. 75.183269 53580. 75.3343179 53700. 75.3856117 53820. 53940. 75.5954038 54300. 75.6489861 54420. 54540. 75. 7574832 75.8677296 76.0363053 55260. Dep. Var. 73.5779331 73.6051188 73.6329057 73.6612917 73.6902747 73.7500226 73.780783 73.8121313 73.84.4065 73.8765817 73.909619 73.9776051 74.0124287 74,0478226 74.0837839 74.1203101 74.1950455 74.2332491 74.2720061 74.3113135 74.3511684 74.3915677 74.4739871 74.516001 74.6016212 74.6452209 74.6893426 74.733983 74.7791386 74.8248061 74.8709819 74.9176625 75.012524 75.0606976 75.1585123 75.2081459

  • 15.2582587

75.4634243 75.5158748 75.5687811 75.622139 75.6759446 75.7301937 75.7848821 75.9515421 76.0647685 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B144 ofB156 143 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 210 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-TRANS_Case_12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function {cent.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (see) Dep. Var.: Temperature (Fl Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. 55440. 76.1507767 76.2086256 76,2668775 55800. 76.3255279 76.3845723 56040. 76.4440063 56160. 76.5038254 56260. 76.5640249 76.6246003 76.685547 56640. 76.746B603 56760. 76.8705682 57000. 76.9329533

76.9956863 57360. 57480. 77.1859239 77.25 77.3791.182 57960. 7'1.5094917 58200. 58320. 77.6410808 77.7073186 58560. 77.8406557 58800. 77.9077448 59160. 78.1106329 78.315844 59640. 78.3847396 78.5:232373 78.8029104 60480. 78.9440007 ?'il.0148405 60960. 79.228<1738 79.3000381 79.37177 61440. 61800. 61920. 79.7327506 79.8781235 62280. Var. Dep. Var. 55380. 76.1220047 76.1796505 76.2377014 76.25161531. 76.3550011 55980. 76.4142409 76.473868 56220. 56340. 76.5942659 56580. 76.7161581 56700. 56820. 76.8395075 76.901717 57060. 76.9642766 57180. 57300, 77.1540088 77.2179212 57660. 77.2821597 57780, 77.4115955 58020, 77.4767828 77.5422766 77.6080717 77.674.1633 58620. 77.8741657 58860. 77.9413922 59100. 59220. 78.2129568 59460, 59580. 59700. 78.4192767 78.7677645 78.8381076 60540. 78.9086535 78.9793966 79.0503317 60900. 61.020. 61140. 79.2642347 79.3358834 61500. 61740. 61860, 79.6964898

79.7690451 62340. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl45 ofB156 144 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 211 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Var. 62400. 62640. 62880, 63240. 63Jt;i0. 63720. 64080, 64560. 64680. 64.920. 65400. 65760. 65880. 66240. 66480. 66840. 67680. 67800. 68040. 68160. 68760. Function (cont.) llT Outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time (sec) Dep. Var. : Temperature (F) Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. Var. 80.0239905 62460. 80.0605292 80,0970954 62580, 80.1336882 80.1703071 80.24362 62820. 80.2803127 80.4273088 B0.5377727 63300. 80.5746316 80.6115081 80.6484015 63540. 80.7222362 80.7591762 80.8330977 63780. 64020. 81..0lBlJ.lJ 81,0551444 64140. Bl.. 0.921859 81,1292352 64260. 81.1662916 81.2404.226 Bl.3145735 81.3516546 64620. 81.3887384 81.4258244 64740. 81.4629119 81.8707648 Ei54.60. 81..90781.41 81.9448556 65820. 82.1299222 82.16'.69023 6594.0. 82.2038698 82.3884.919 66300. 82.4253684 82,4622273 66420. 82.4990679 82.5358894 66540. 82.5726912 82,6094726 82.6462329 82.6829714 66780. 82.71.96873 82.756)8 66900. 82.9029046 67140. 67260. 83.1946274 83.2672494 67740. 83,3397367 67860. 83.3759282 83.5563361 68220. 83.62823 68340. 83.6641166 83.7715262 68580. 83.9141304 83.9496683 83.9851595 6894.0, 84.0206034 69060. 84.09134.65 69420. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B146 ofB156 145 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 212 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Ind. Var. 69480. 69600. 69840. 69960. 70320. 70440. 70560. 70680. 71040. 71160. 71280. 71640. 71760. 71880. 72120. 72360. 72480. 72720. 72960. 73200. 73320. 73440. 73680. 73800. 74160. 74640. 74760. 74880. 75000. 75120. 75240. 75480. 75600. 75840. 75960. 76080. 76440. Function (c:ont.J llT outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time {sec) Dep, Var.: Temperature (F) Dep. Var. Ind. Var. 84,3373583 69540. 84.4071712 69660. 84.4767627 84.5461276 69900. 84.6152604 84.684156 84.7528092 70260. 84.8212146 70380. 84.8893671 84.9572615 70620. 85.0248926 70740. 85.0922552 70860. 85.1593443 70980. BS.2261548 71100. 85.2!126814 71220. 85.3589193 71340. 85.4248632 85.4905083 85.5558495 71700. 85.6208918 71820. 85.6856003 71940. 85.75 72060. 85.8140761 72180. 85.8778236 BS.9412378 72420. 86.0043137 72540. 86.0670467 72660. 86.1294318 72780. 86.1914644 86.2531397 86.3753997 73260. 86.435!1751 73380. 86.4961746 73500. 86.5559937 86.6154277 73740. 86.6744722 73860. 86.7331225 74100. 74220. 86.9066649 86.9636947 87.0765018 87.1322704 74820. 87.1876101 74940. 87.2969861 75180. 87.3510139 75300. 75420. 87.4577288 75540. 87.5104076 75660. 87.5626288 87.6143883 87.6656821 76020. 87. 7165065 76380. 87.8661236 76500. Dap. Var. 84.3722921 84.441995 84.5114738 84.6497382

84.7185133 84.9233469 85.0586078 85.1258343 85.2594539 85.3919283 85.4577234 85.5884045 85.6532806 85.7178403 85.8459912 85.9095727 85.9728183 86.0357234 86.098283 86.1604925 86.222347 86.2838419 86.344972.5 86.4661222 86.526132 86.6449989 86.7038469 96.7622986 87.1599942 87.2151179 87.3240554 87.377,861 87.5365757 87.5885665 87.6911532 87.7417413 87.7918541 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B147 ofB156 146 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 213 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.; Tit11e (sec) Pep. Var.: Temperature (F} Incl. Var. Pep. Var. Ind. Var. Pep. Var. 76560. 87.9150314 76620. 87.9393024 76680. 87.9634507 8B.Dll377B 765120. BB.058809 88.1057407 77100. 88.1290181 77160. 88.1980914 77340. 88.2208614 77400. 88.2435034 77460. 88.266017 77520. 88.3106574 88,3327833 77700. 88.3547791 77760. 77880, 78120. 88.5050726 78240. 88.5468194 78300. 88.5674917 78360. BB.5980295 784.20. 88.6084323 BB.6286998 78540. 88.6488316 78600. BS.6688273 78660. 88.6886865 78720. 88.7084088 78780. 88.7279939 78840. 88.7474414 88.7667509 78960. 79080. 88.8238479 H140. 79200. 88,8612159 79260. 88.8796899 88.9162161 79560. 88.9875713 79680. 7!1920. 89.0735555 79980. 89.1069421 80100. 89.1234183 80160. 89.1397494 89.155935 89.1719749 80340. 89.1878687 89.2036162 80460. 80520, 89.2346708 80580. 89.2499774 80640. 89.2651364 80700. 89.2801476 80880. 89.3242913 80940. 89.33870!13 81000. 89.352976 81060. 89.3670943 89.4220669 81360, 89,4354336 81420. 89.4486493 81720. 89.5124527 89.5247567 81840. 89.5369079 81900. 89.54.89061 89.5953643 89.6176695 89.6285904 89.6393566 89.6499678 82680. 89.6908588 89.7006923 89.7292549 83160, 89.7651443 83220. 89.8142546 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B148 ofB156 147 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 214 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (c:ont.) 11T outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.: Time {sec:) Dep. Var.: Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind.. Var. Dep. Var. 83640. 89.82936 89.836670 89,843B3ll 89.8576667 84000. 89.8708659 84060. 89.8772265 84120. 89.8834276 0.8894691 84240. 89,8953509 89.9010728 84360. 89.9066348 89.9120368 84480. 89.9172786 84540. 89.9223601 89.92728l3 84660. 89.9320421 84720. 89.9366423 84780. 89.9410819 84840. 89.9453608 89.9494789 89.9534361 85020. 89.9608677 85200. 89.9676549 89.51708068 85320. 89.97375173 85380. 89.9766266 89.9792944 85500. 85560. 89.9841.458 85620. 851.51863292 89.9883511 851.51902113 89.99U099 85860. 85920. 85980. 851.9960355 89.9970873 851.51979772 86160. 89.9387054 89.95192718 89.9996764 86340. 86400, 89.51999191 89.9996764 86580. 86640. 89.9987054 86700. 89.51979772 86760, 89.9970873 89.9960355 89.994822 865140. 87000. 89.9919099 89.9902113 87120. 89.9883511 89.9863292 89.984].458 87480. 89.9737973 87540. 89.9708068 87600, 89.9676549 87660. 89.9643419 89.9608677 89.9534361 87960. 89.9453608 88020. 88080. 89.9366423 89.8894691 88740, 89,8708659 88920. 89.8576667 88980. 89.8508284 851100. 89.8218865 89280. 89.81.42546 89340. 89.8064644 89.7985161 89460. 89.7821455 89.765144.3 89700. 89760. 89820. 851.7384627 89.7292549 89.7103695 89.7006923 90120. 89.6908588 !:10180. 8!il.68086!il5 90300. 89.6604238 89.6499678 90420. 89.6285904 90510. 89.6176695 90600. 89.6065941 90660. 89.5953643 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B149 ofB156 148 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 215 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-oo""4_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_ Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Function (cont.) outdoor Air Temperature Ind. Var.' Time (aec) Dep. Var. : Temperature (F) Ind. Var. Dep. Var. Ind. Var. Dep. V3.r. 90720. 89.5839804 90780. 89.5724426 89.5607511 89.5489061 90960. BSl.53690751 89.5247567 91200. 89.4873873 91260. 89.4746264 89.4220669 91560. 89.4085493 91620. 89,3948812 91680. 89.3810626 91740, 89.3670943 .91800. 89.352976 89.3387083 91!120. 92040, 89,2950106 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 41C Outdoor Air Temperature: G=l.O aO::O. min::::i-l.e32 max=l.e32 tfunc Y=G*interp (alXl, tableX2) Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value Etime I cM I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Table DCllT 1. -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 42C DG Intake Heat Transfer: G=l.O a0=0, min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 sum Y=G* (aO+alXl+a2X2+ ... +anXn) Gothic_s variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 11 cond_grp_heat (l) I cC70sl I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Thermal Conductor Type 24 11 Piping Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region (in) (in) regs. Factor 0. 0. 00324 0. 0.00324 0.00648 0. 0. 00972 0. 01296 0. 0. 02268 0. 02592 0. 0.0486 0. 05184 0. 0 .10044 0. 06864 o. 0 .16908 0.06864 o. 0.23772 0. 04434 0. 0. 28206 0. 04434 0. 10 0. 3264 0. 02592 o. July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAl-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl50 ofB156 149 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 216 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-TRANS_Case_12.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Region 11 12 13 Thermal Conductor Type (cont.) Mat. 24" Piping Bdry. (in) 0.35232 0.36528 0.37176 Thick {in) 0.01296 0.00648 0.00324 Sub-Heat regs. Factor o. o. 0. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Thermal Conductor Type 8 36 11 Piping Mat. Bdry. Thick Sub-Heat Region # (in) (in) regs. Factor 1 1 0. 0. 00324 1 0. 2 1 0.00324 0.00648 1 0. 3 1 0. 00972 0. 01296 1 0. 4 1 0.02268 0. 02592 1 0. 5 1 0. 0486 0. 05184 1 o. 6 1 0 .10044 0. 06864 1 0. 7 1 0 .16908 0.06864 1 0. 8 1 0.23772 0. 04434 1 0. 9 1 0.28206 0. 04434 1 o. 10 1 0. 3264 0. 02592 1 0. 11 1 0. 35232 0. 01296 1 0. 12 1 0. 36528 0. 00648 1 0. 13 1 0.37176 0. 00324 1 o. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 44C DG Intake That: G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 sum Y=G* {aO+a1Xl+a2X2+

      • +anXn) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Cvval (0) I cv41C I 0.21783386

1.1 Cvval (0) CV43C Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. # Function Components Control Variable soc Local Rho*V*D: G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y;;::;G* (a1Xl.*a2X2* ... *anXn}, ao unused Gothic_ s Variable Coef. Name location a Rm cV@ Cvval (0) cv49C Dhyd cV@ 1. 1. 1. Min. Max Value Value -1e+32 I le+32 -1e+32 le+32 Min. Max Value Value -le+32 le+32 -1e+32 le+32 -1e+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BISI ofB156 150 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 217 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File, Function Components Control Variable 45C Local Vx**2: G=l. 0 aO=O. min=-1. e32 max=l. e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2*

  • .. *anXn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Uccxv I cV I 1.1 Uccxv cV 1. Following

table in the compare File but not in the current File. Function components Control Variable 46C Local Vy** 2 : G=l.O aO=O. minc-l.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Uccyv I cV I 1.1 Uccyv cV 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control variable 4 7C Local Vz**2: G=-1.0 aO:::O. min=-1. e32 max=l. e32 mult (a1Xl*a2X2* ... *anXn) , ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Ucczv I cV I 1.1 Ucczv cV 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File, Function Components Control Variable 4 BC Local (Vx**2 + Vy**2 + Vz**2): G=l.O aO=O. min:::-l.e32 max=l.e32 Y=G* (aO+alX1+a2X2+ ... +anXn) Got:hic_s Variable Coef. Name location Cvval(O) cv45C 1. Cvval (0) cv46C 1. Cvval (0) CV47C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 49C Local IVI: G"'l aO=o.S min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) '"'a2X2 or G* (alXl) ... aO Gothic_s Name Variable location Coef. Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value I I I Cvval (0) I cv48C I 1. 1 -le+32 I Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 1e+32 1e+32 Max Value le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl52 ofB156 151 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 218 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable SlC Local Re: G=l.O aO=O. min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Visv I cV I 1.1 Cvval (0) cvsoc 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 52C Local cp*mu: G=l.O a0=0. rnin=-1.e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2*

  • .. *anXn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Cpv I Viscv cV I cV 1.1 1. Following

table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 53C Local Pr: G:::::l. O aOc:O. min:::::-1. e32 max:::::l. e32 div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a Condv I cV I 1.1 Cvval (O) cvS2C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable S4C Re**l/2: G=l.O aO=O.S rnin=-l.e32 max,.,l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) '"'a2X2 or G* (alXl) '"'ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a 1 I Cvval (0) I cvSlC I 1. I Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable SSC Pr**l/3: G=l.O a0=0.333 min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+a1Xl) '"'a2X2 or G* (alXl) '"'ao Gothic_s Name Variable location Coef. Min. Value -le+32 I -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 I -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 I -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 I Min. Value Cvval (0) I cvS3C / 1. 1 -le+32 I Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 Max Value le+32 Max Value le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl53 ofB156 152 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 219 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 56C O. 62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) : G=O. 62 aO=O. min=-1. e32 max=l.e32 mult Y=G* (a1x1*a2x2*

    • . *anXn), ao unused Gothic_a Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value CVVal (0) I cv54C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 Cvval (0) cvSSC 1. -le+32 le+32 Following

table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 57C (0.4/Pr)**(2/3)' G=O ,54288 aO=-. 667 min=-l .e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "a2x2 or G* (alXl) '"'ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value 11 CVVal (O) I cv53C I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable SBC [l+(0.4/Pr)**{2/3)]**(1/4): G=l.0 aD=l min=-l.e32 max,,,l .e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "'a2X2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value CVVal (0) I cv57C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 One cM 0 .25 -le+32 le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 60C (Re/282000)

    • (S/8): G::::.625

aO=D.000392 min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) '"'a2X2 or G* (alXl) '"'ao Gathic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value l I CVVal (0) I cvSlC I 1. I -le+32 I le+32 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 61C [l+(Re/282000)**(5/8)]**(4/5): G=l.O aO=l min,,,-l.e32 max=l.e32 exp Y=G* (aO+alXl) "a2X2 or G* (alXl) "ao Gothic_s Variable Coef. Min. Max # Name location a Value Value CVVal (0) I cv60C I 1.1 -le+32 I le+32 One cM 0 .8 -le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page B154 ofB156 153 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 220 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 RO\CPS 1A DG LoV LOOP-TRANS Case 12.GTH \ Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 62C O. 62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) I [l+ (0. 4/Pr) ** (2/3) J ** (1/4) * [l+ (Re/282000) mult Y=G* (a1Xl*a2X2* .*. *anJCn), ao unused Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a CVVal (O) I cv59C I 1.1 CVVal (0) cv61C l. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 59C o. 62*Re** (1/2) *Pr** (1/3) I [l+ (O. 4/Pr) ** (2/3)] ** (1/4) : G=l.O aO=O. m div Y=G* (aO+a2X2) I (alXl) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a CVVal (0) I cvsec I 1.1 CVVal (0) cv56C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the Current File. Function Components Control Variable 63C Local Nu: G=l.O a0=0.3 min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 sum Y=G* (aO+alXl+a2X2+ ... +anXn) Gothic_s Variable Coef. # Name location a 1 I CVVal (0) I cv62C I l. I Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Function Components Control Variable 43C DG Intake Heat Transfer+ Delay: G=l.O a0=-5 min=-l.e32 max=l.e32 if (alXl+aO<O alXl+aO=O alXl+aO:.O) Y=Ga2X2 Y=Ga3X3 Y=Ga4X4 Gothic_ s Variable Coef. Name location Etime cM 1. One cM 0. One cM 0. CVVal (0) cv42C 1. Following table in the Compare File but not in the current File. Data File: 2 File Name: Case_l2a_Panel_Temperatures.csv File Type: TIME Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 Min. value -le+32 Min. Value -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 -le+32 Parameter Description Value Reference x. Y, Z Start Time Time Increment End Time UNUSED UNUSED UNUSED Max Value I le+32 le+32 Max Value I le+32 le+32 Max value I le+32 Max Value le+32 le+32 le+32 le+32 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page BISS ofBlS6 154 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 221 of 254 NUMeRICAL APPLICATIONS File Comparison: Double entries indicate differences. Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation I Current File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG_LoV _LOOP-TRANS_Case_ 12.GTH \Compare File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_LoV_LOOP-TRANS_Case_12a.GTH Jul/24/2017 20:59:30 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 201_6 ___________ ---, Data File: 2 (cont.) File Name: Caae_l2a_Panel_Temperatures ,csv File Type: TIME Parameter Description Value Reference X, Y, Z Volume UNUSED 0,0,0 Item l TV14 Item 2 TV15 Item 3 TV16 Item 4 TV17 Item 5 TV18 Item 6 TV19 Item 7 TV20 July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Bl56 ofBI56 155 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 222 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTIIlC Uncertainty Evaluation Attachment C. Sensitivities on Case lOa July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Cl ofC30 ....----------------------------

EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 223 of 254 C.1 Objective Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation This attachment performs three sensitivities on Case lOa as follows: NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page C2 ofC30 * Case lOb will re-run Case lOa using a surface temperature of 175°F for thermal conductor 1 (engine block "warm" surface) and a surface temperature of 750°F for thermal conductor 2 (engine block "hot" surface) per Reference [8.16]. Prior to running Case 1 Ob, the change will be benchmarked.

  • Case 1 Oc will re-run Case 1 Oa based on a re-benchmark

whereby the benchmarking is conducted such that the calculated room exhaust temperature is 0.8°F higher by the end of the generator test (i.e., at 4,920 seconds) than the room exhaust temperature indicated by the test data (Reference [8.16]). * Case lOd will re-run case lOa using a surface temperature of l 75°F for thermal conductor 1 (engine block "warm" surface) and a surface temperature of 800°F for thermal conductor 2 (engine block "hot" surface) per Reference [8 .16]. Prior to running Case 1 Od, the change will be benchmarked. Benchmarking is performed in accordance with Section 4.12 of Reference [8.14]. C.2 Approach -Engine Block Surface Temperature Changes Thermal conductor 1 represents the wami (i.e., l 72°F) surface of the engine block. It uses surface option 4 to apply a constant surface temperature which references forcing function. Surface option 4 references forcing function 1 T. Forcing function 1 Tis temperature as a function of time. All entries except the first (which constitutes the initial temperature of the engine block) are multiplied by 175/172 to change the steady state temperature values to 175°F (Reference [8.16]) for Cases lOb and lOd and to maintain the same shape of curve for all intermediate temperature values. Thermal conductor 2 represents the hot (i.e., 700°F) surface of the engine block. It uses surface option 5 to apply a constant surface temperature which references forcing function. Surface option 5 references forcing function 2T. Forcing function 2T is temperature as a function of time. All entries except the first (which constitutes the initial temperature of the engine block) are multiplied by 750/700 to change the steady state temperature values to 750°F (Reference [8.16]) for Case lOb and to maintain the same shape of curve for all intermediate temperature values. For lOd, the values are multiplied by 800/700 to change the steady state temperature values to 800°F (Reference [8.16]) and to maintain the same shape of curve for all intermediate temperature values C.3 Set B Benchmark Results Surface option 6, which is the heat transfer coefficient associated with the engine surface thermal conductors, was changed to 5.8 Btu/hr-ft 2-°F in order to affect the GOTHIC calculated heat load to match the target load. It is noted that this value is consistent with typical heat transfer coefficient values for forced convection in gases per Reference [8.5], Table 1.1 (from 25 to 250 W/m2-°F or 4.4 to 44 Btu/hr-ft 2-°F). This value is used to July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 224 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Di esel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Eva luation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Pa ge C3 of C30 calculate the engine block heat load using 122°F as the ambient temperature for co mparison to the vendor provided estimate of 2 Btu/min per KW similar to what was done in Table 4-2 -this is s hown in Table C.3-2, which shows that the resulting engine block heat lo ad is conse rvative. Results are shown below in Figure C-1, Figure C-2, and Ta bl e C.3-1. Jul/24/2017 20: 13:3 9 GOTHIC Version 8.2{QA) -Oct 2016 File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 _ RO\CPS _ 1 A_ DG _Benchmark_b. GTH Figure C-1-Comparison of Total Heat Rate Transferred into the Division 1 DG Room (red line -heat rate calculated from the DG Surveillance test; white line -heat rate used in the GOTIDC model) July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 62 0632 , Attachment 2 , Page 2 2 5 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Jul/24/2017 20: 13: 47 GOTHIC Version B.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Di v i s ion 1 D iesel G e n erat or Ro o m GOTHI C U n ce rta i n ty E v a lu at i o n File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS_1A_DG_Benchmark_b.GTH NAI-2 0 07-004 R evis ion 0 P age C4 of C30 Figure C-2 -Comparison of Supply and E x haust Air Temperature (green line -supply air temperature measured during the DG surveillance test; yellow line -supply air temperature input into the GOTHIC simulation; red line -exhaust air temperature measured during the DG surveillance; white line -exhaust air temperature calculated in GOTHIC) July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620 632 , Attachment 2, Page 22 6 of 254 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertaint y Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Re v ision 0 Page CS ofC30 Table C.3-1-Division 1 Room Temperature Comparison at Four Locations M eas ur e GOTHIC Temperatur e C orr e sponding C a lculated Location Descripti on T e mperature T e mp e ratur e Diff e renc e Time (o F) (o F) (o F) (sec) 1 Near the Rollup Door 83.1 87.6 4.5 4800 2 Near Transform e r Panel 8 7.5 89.1 1.6 4860 3 Near Air Compr ess or Panel 79 8 6.3 7.3 4920 4 DG General Area 77.7 81.3 3.6 5040 5 Exhaust Air Temp e ratur e 84.7 84.7 0 4920 Notes: 1. The mea s ur ed t e mperatures a t these location s are a t th e end of t he DG s urveill a nce test. The t e mperature s calculated b y GOTHIC mod e l are at the re s p e cti ve time. Table C.3-2 -Adjusted Total Diesel Generator Benchmark Heat Load Compared to Test Data Total Generator Heat Load for Set C T area U wann A w arm T wann q warm U bot Ah ot Th ot qh o t qt ota l q vendor LST KW (o F) (Btu/hr-(ft 2) (o F) (Btu/sec) (Btu/hr-(fi2) (o F) (Btu/sec) (Btu/sec) (Btu/s e c) ft2-o F) ft2-°F) 10:45 AM 3750 122 5.800 848 175 72.4 5.800 80 7 50 80.9 153.4 125.0 10: 50AM 3750 122 5.800 8 4 8 175 72.4 5.800 80 7 50 80.9 153.4 1 2 5.0 10: 55 AM 3700 122 5.800 84 8 175 72.4 5.800 80 7 50 80.9 153.4 1 23.3 11: 00 AM 3750 122 5.800 84 8 175 72.4 5.800 80 7 50 80.9 153.4 1 2 5.0 11: 05 AM 3800 122 5.800 848 175 72.4 5.800 80 750 80.9 153.4 12 6.7 ll:lOAM 3700 122 5.800 8 4 8 175 72.4 5.800 80 7 50 80.9 153.4 123.3 11: 15 AM 3750 1 22 5.800 8 48 175 72.4 5.800 80 7 50 80.9 153.4 1 25.0 11: 20 AM 3700 122 5.800 84 8 175 72.4 5.800 80 750 80.9 153.4 1 23.3 11: 25AM 3750 1 22 5.800 848 175 72.4 5.800 80 7 50 80.9 153.4 1 2 5.0 1 1: 30 AM 3750 122 5.800 848 175 72.4 5.800 80 750 80.9 153.4 1 2 5.0 1 1:35AM 3800 122 5.800 848 175 72.4 5.800 80 7 50 80.9 153.4 1 26.7 C.4 Set C Benchmark Results Surface option 6 , which is the heat transfer coefficient associated with the engine surface thermal conductors, was changed to 6.8 Btu/hr-ft 2-°F in order to affect the GOTHIC calculated heat load to match the target load. It is noted that this value is consistent with typical heat transfer coefficient values for forced convection in gases per Reference [8.5], Table 1.1(from25 to 250 W/rn2-°F or 4.4 to 44 Btu/hr-ft 2-°F). This value is used to calculate the engine block heat load using l22°F as the ambient temperature for comparison to the vendor provided estimate of 2 Btu/min per KW similar to what was done in Table 4-2 -this is shown in Table C.4-2, which shows that the resulting engine block heat load is conservative. Results are shown below in Figure C-3, Figure C-4, and Table C.4-1. J uly 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 62 0 632 , A tta ch m e nt 2 , Pa ge 22 7 o f 25 4 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Jul/24/2017 20: 13: 59 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C linton Di v i s ion l D iese l Ge n erator Ro om GOTHI C U n ce rt ainty Eva lu a t io n File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS _1A_DG_Benchmark_c.GTH NAI-2007-004 Revisi on 0 Page C6 o f C 3 0 Figure C-3 -Comparison of Total Beat Rate Transferred into the Division 1 DG Room (red line -heat rate calculated from the DG Surveillance test; white lin e -heat rat e used in the GOTHIC model) July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 228 of 254 Jul/24/2017 20: 14:04 GOTHIC Version B.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Di v i s ion l Di esel Generator Room GOTIITC Uncertainty Eva lu ation F i le: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1 A_DG _Benchmark_ c. GTH NAI-2007-004 R evisi on 0 Pa ge C7 ofC3 0 Figure C-4 -Comparison of Supply and Exhaust Air Temperature (green line -supply air temperature measured during the DG surveillance test; yellow line -supply air temperature input into the GOTHIC simulation; red line -exhaust air temperature measured during the DG surveillance; white line -exhaust air temperature calculated in GOTHIC) July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 229 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page CS of C30 Table C.4-1-Division 1 Room Temperature Comparison at Four Locations Measure GOTHIC Temperature Corresponding Calculated Location Description Temperature Temperature Differenc e Time (o F) (o F) (o F) (sec) I Near the Rollup Door 83.1 88.6 5.5 4800 2 Near Transformer Panel 87.5 89.9 2.4 4860 3 Near Air Compressor Panel 79 87.1 8.1 4920 4 DG General Area 77.7 81.7 4 5040 5 Exhaust Air Temperature 84.7 85.5 0.8 4920 Notes: I. The measured temperatures at these location s are at the end of the DG survei llance te st. The temperatures calculated by GOTHIC model are at the respective time. Table C.4-2 -Adjusted Total Diesel Generator Benchmark Heat Load Compared to Test Data Total Generator Heat Load for Set C T a r ca U wann A wann T wann q warm Uh ot A hot Tho* q total q vcndo r LST KW (o F) (Btu/hr-(ft 2) (o F) (Btu/sec) (Btu/hr-(fi2) (o F) (Btu/sec) (Btu/sec) (Btu/sec) ft2-o F) ft2-°F) 10:45 AM 3750 122 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 125.0 10: 50AM 3750 122 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 125.0 10: 55 AM 3700 122 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 123.3 11: 00 AM 3750 122 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 125.0 11: 05 AM 3800 122 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 126.7 11: 10 AM 3700 122 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 123.3 11: 15 AM 3750 122 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 125.0 11: 20AM 3700 122 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 12 3.3 11: 25AM 3750 1 22 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 7 50 94.9 179.8 125.0 11: 30AM 3750 1 22 6.800 848 17 5 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 125.0 11:35AM 3800 122 6.800 848 175 84.9 6.800 80 750 94.9 179.8 126.7 C.5 Set D Benchmark Results Surface option 6, which is the heat transfer coefficient associated with the engine surface thermal conductors, was changed to 5.6 Btu/hr-ft 2-°F in order to affect the GOTHIC calculated heat load to match the target load. It is noted that this value is consistent with typical heat transfer coefficient values for forced convection in gases per Reference [8.5], Table 1.1(from25 to 250 W/rn2-°F or 4.4 to 44 Btu/hr-ft 2-°F). This value is used to calculate the engine block heat load using 122°F as the ambient temperature for comparison to the vendor provided estimate of 2 Btu/min per KW similar to what was done in Table 4-2 -this is shown in Table C.5-2, which shows tha t the resulting engine block heat load is conservative. Results are shown below in Figure C-5, Figure C-6, and Table C.5-1. July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT E C 62 0 632 , A tt achme nt 2 , Page 230 o f 2 5 4 Jul/24/2017 20: 14: 15 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C lin to n Di v ision 1 Di esel G e n e rator Room GOTHIC U n ce rtaint y E v alu a ti o n File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS _1A_DG_Benchmark_d.GTH NAI-2007-004 R ev i si on 0 P a g e C 9 o f C30 Figure C-5 -Comparison of Total Heat Rate Transferred into the Division 1 DG Room (red line -heat rate calculated from the DG Surveillance test; white line -heat rate used in the GOTHIC model) Ju l y 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT -___,,,,,,. I E C 62 0 632 , A tt achmen t 2 , P a ge 23 1 o f 254 Jul/24/2017 20: 14: 21 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clint on Di v i s ion I D iesel G e n era t o r Roo m GOTIIT C Unc e rtain ty Eva lu a ti o n File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_Benchmark _d.GTH NAI-2 00 7-004 R evis ion 0 P a g e C l O o fC 30 Figure C-6 -Comparison of Supply and Exhaust Air Temperature (green line -supply air temperature measured during the DG surveillance test; yellow line -supply air temperature input into the GOTHIC simulation; red line -exhaust air temperature measured during the DG surveillance; white line -exhaust a i r temperature calculated in GOTHIC) July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 232 of 254 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Cll ofC30 Table C.5-1-Division 1 Room Temperature Comparison at Four Locations Measure GOTHIC Temperature Corresponding Calculated Location Description Temperature Temperature Difference Time (O f) (°F) (O f) (sec) l Near the Rollup Door 83.l 87.5 4.4 4800 2 Near Transformer Panel 87.5 89.l 1.6 4860 3 Near Air Compressor Panel 79 86.3 7.3 4920 4 DG General Area 77.7 81.3 3.6 5040 5 Exhaust Air Temperature 84.7 84.7 0 4920 Notes: l. The mea s ured temperatures at these locations are at the end of the DG surveillance test. The temperatures calculated by GOTHIC model are at the respective time. Table C.5-2 -Adjusted Total Diesel Generator Benchmark Heat Load Compared to Test Data Total Generator Heat Load for Set C T area U warm Aw arm T w arm qwarm Uh o t A bot Th o t qhot ql o tal q ve nd o r LST KW (O f) (Btu/hr-(ft2) (of) (Btu/sec) (Btu/hr-(tt2) (o f) (Btu/sec) (Btu/sec) (Btu/sec) ft 2 _o f) ft2-°F) 10:45 AM 3750 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 125.0 10:50AM 3750 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 125.0 10: 55 AM 3700 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 123.3 11: 00 AM 3750 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 125.0 11: 05AM 3800 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 126.7 ll:lOAM 3700 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 123.3 11:15 AM 3750 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 125.0 11:20 AM 3700 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 123.3 11: 25 AM 3750 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 125.0 11:30 AM 3750 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 125.0 11: 35 AM 3800 122 5.600 848 175 69.9 5.600 80 800 84.4 154.3 126.7 C.6 Results The resulting temperature impact is rounded to the nearest °F. For Cases 1 Ob through 1 Od, key numeric analysis output data is shown in Table C.6-1 and Table C.6-2. For Table C.6-1, the maximum temperature reported for each panel is the maximum cell temperature. For Table C.6-2, the temperature reported for each panel is the temperature inside each control volume used to model each panel for Cases 1 Ob through 1 Od J u l y 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 6 2 06 32 , Attachment 2 , Pag e 23 3 of 2 54 NUMERICA L rt°" APPLICAT IO NS * SIOt , a' .!)o.It11!'i M.Uft.IJ :.. llC Clinton Division 1 Di e sel Gen e rator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation NAI-2007-004 Re v ision 0 Page Cl2 ofC30 Table C.6-1 -Summary of bounding electrical panel temperature results with various generator load profiles and various combinations of door positions (max cell temperature) Case Panel lOa !Ob lOc lOd Maximum Temperature (°F) 1PL12JA 188 191 191 192 1PL92JN 1PL93JA 182 185 185 187 lDGOlJA 193 196 196 197 1DG06SA 181 184 184 185 lDGOlKA 1 2 c vl 1 8 6 189 188 190 lDGOlKA 16cyl 193 196 196 197 N e ar Doors at 2 Hours N I A N I A N I A N I A Table C.6-2 -Summary of electrical panel internal temperature results with various generator load profiles and various combinations of door positions Case P a n e l lOa !Ob lOc lOd Intern a l Cabin e t Temperatur e (°F) 1PL12JA 181 185 186 1 87 1PL92JA 179 183 184 185 1PL93JA 179 1 83 1 8 4 1 85 lDGOlJA 184 188 18 7 1 89 1DG06SA 176 179 179 1 81 lDGOlKA 12cyl 181 184 184 1 86 lDGO 1 KA 16cyl 183 187 186 1 88 Limiting plots of cell temp e ratures for Cases 1 Ob through 1 Od are provided in Figure C-7 through Figure C-24. Most of the panels occupy more than one cell in the Division 1 Room control volume. As such, the temperatures of the most limiting cells containing a given panel are shown in the plots. Additionally , the temperature inside the control volumes used to model the panels is included within the figures. For the temperature plots , the GOTHIC plot variable is displayed a cross the top of the plot. For instance, "TV 1s14" is the vapor temperature of cell 14 inside control volume 1. For lumped parameter volumes, "s#" will be absent. J u l y 25 , 2 0 17 9: 40 AM E D T EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 234 of 254 C.6.1 Case lOb Results JuV24/2017 20: 36: 06 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Di visi on 1 D iesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Ob.GTH Figure C-7, CPS DG Room Case lOb, Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Pag e Cl3 ofC30 EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 235 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36:06 GOTHIC Version 8.2{QA) -Oct 2016 C lin ton Di vis ion l D iese l Ge n erato r Room G OTHI C U n ce rt ai n ty Eva lu at i on File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Ob.G T H NAI-2007-004 R evisi on 0 Page Cl4 ofC3 0 F igur e C-8 , CPS DG Room Case lOb , Panel 1PL92JA and 1PL93J A T e mp e ratur e s July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT EC 62 0 632, A ttachme nt 2 , P a ge 236 of 254 ( f\. I] NU MERICAL APPLICATIONS

  • L:h << 9 L ti l!\ t-L U!.:.rl

nc JuV24/2017 20: 36: 07 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C lin ton D iv i s ion 1 D iesel G e n erator Ro om GOTHI C U n ce rtain ty Eva lu a ti on File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 _RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA _ Case_ 1 Ob.GTH Figure C-9, CPS DG Room Case lOb, Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT N AI-2007-004 R evisi on 0 P age C 1 5 ofC3 0 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 237 of 2 54 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS JuV24/2017 20: 36: 07 GOTHIC Version 8.2{QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIDC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007 -004_RO\CPS _ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Ob.GTH Figure C-10, CPS DG Room Case lOb, Panel 1DG06SA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page Cl6 ofC30 EC 620632 , A t tachment 2 , Page 238 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36: 08 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C l i n ton Divis i on 1 D iesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Ob.GTH NAI-2007-0 0 4 Revision 0 P age C17 ofC3 0 Figure C-11 , CPS DG Room Case lOb, Panel lDGOlKA 12-cyl. Temp e ratures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632 , A tt achment 2 , Page 239 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36: 08 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Cl in ton Division l D iese l Generator R oom GOTIITC Unce rt ainty Eva lu ation F i le: C:\Work\Penley\C l inton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Ob.GTH NAI-2007-004 Revisi on 0 P age C l 8 ofC3 0 Figur e C-12 , CPS DG Room Cas e lOb , Pane l lDGOlKA 16-c y l. T e mperatur e s July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 62 0 632 , A tta chment 2 , Page 240 of 254 C.6.2 Case lOc Results JuV2412017 20: 36: 09 GOTHIC Version 8.2{QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton D ivision 1 Di esel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Eva lu ation F il e: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004 _RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Oc.GTH Figure C-13, CPS DG Room Case lOc, Panel 1PL12JA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Re v ision 0 P age C19 ofC30 E C 62 0 632 , Attachment 2, P age 241 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36: 09 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C linton Di vis ion 1 D iesel G e n erator Ro om GO T IIl C U n ce rt ainty Eva lu a ti o n File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007 -004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oc.GTH N AI-2 0 07-004 R evisi on 0 Pa ge C2 0 of C 3 0 Figure C-14, CPS DG Room Case toe , Panel 1PL92JA and 1PL93JA Temperatures Ju l y 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 242 of 254 ( "-t..1] NUMERICAL 1 '11, APPLICATIONS 11 l:h !i lOt , Cf .!).[h l!'I UC JuV24/2017 20: 36: 10 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIIlC Uncertai n ty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oc.GTH Figure C-15, CPS DG Room Case lOc, Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures July 25, 2017 9: 40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Pag e C21 ofC30 EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 243 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS JuV24/2017 20: 36:10 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Di ese l Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007 -004_RO\CPS _ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oc.GTH Figure C-16 , CPS DG Room Case toe , Panel 1DG06SA Temperatures July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2 007-004 Re visi on 0 Pag e C22 ofC3 0 EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 244 of 254 JuV24/2017 20:36: 11 GOTH I C V ersion 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Cli n ton D ivision 1 D iesel Ge n erator Room GOTHIC Unce rt ainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Oc.GTH NAI-2007-0 04 Revision 0 P age C23 ofC3 0 Figure C-17, CPS DG Room Case toe , Panel lDGOlKA 12-cyl. Temperatures J u l y 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT EC 620632 , Attachment 2 , Page 245 of 2 54 ("'-1\.1] NUMERICAL 1 '1, APPLICATIONS 'C h !..l!t'l!'I M.Uf.:.1 1, C t..r!U'I:.. nc JuV24/2017 20:36: 11 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Cli n ton Divis i on 1 D iese l Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Wo rk\Penley\Cl i n t on\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1 A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ C a s e_ 1 Oc.GT H NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page C24 ofC3 0 Figure C-18 , C PS DG Room Case toe , Panel lDGOlKA 16-c y l. Te mperatures July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT EC 620632 , At t achment 2 , Page 246 of 254 C.6.3 Cas e lOd Result s J uV24/2017 20: 36: 12 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 C lin ton D iv i s ion 1 D iese l Ge n erator Room GOT HI C Uncertai n ty Eva lu at i on File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007 -004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Od.GTH Figur e C-19, CPS DG Room Case lOd , Panel 1PL12J A Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-00 4 Revisi on 0 P age C25 of C3 0 EC 62 063 2 , Attachm ent 2 , Page 247 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS JuV24/2017 20: 36: 13 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA} -Oct 2016 Clinton Division l Di esel G e n erato r Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007 -004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _L OOP-LOCA_Case_ 1 Od.GTH NAI-2007-004 R evisi on 0 P age C26 ofC30 Figure C-20, CPS DG Room Case lOd, Panel 1PL92JA and 1PL93JA Temperatures July 25, 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2 , Page 248 of 254 JuV24/2017 20: 36:13 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG_LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Od.GTH Figure C-21, CPS DG Room Case lOd, Panel lDGOlJA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page C27 ofC30 EC 620632, Attachm e nt 2 , Page 249 of 254 NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS JuV24/2017 20: 36: 14 GOTHIC Version 8.2{QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTIIlC Uncertainty Eva lu ation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl -2007-004_RO\CPS_ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Od .GTH --Figure C-22, CPS DG Room Case lOd, Panel 1DG06SA Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT NAI-2007-004 Re visi on 0 Page C28 of C30 EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 250 of 254 JuV24/2017 20:36: 14 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division 1 Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evalua tion File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1A_DG _LoV _LOOP-LOCA_ Case_ 1 Od .GTH NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Pa ge C29 of C30 Figure C-23, CPS DG Room Case lOd, Panel lDGOlKA 12-cyl. Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9:40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 251 of 254 NUMERICAL rt°" APPLICATIONS 11 L: fi sia-, a !Jlnl!'i t.t..ur.:.1 1 llC JuV24/2017 20: 36: 14 GOTHIC Version 8.2(QA) -Oct 2016 Clinton Division I Diesel Generator Room GOTHIC Uncertainty Evaluation File: C:\Work\Penley\Clinton\NAl-2007-004_RO\CPS _ 1A_DG _LoV _L OOP-LOCA_Cas e_ 1 Od.GTH NAI-2007-004 Revision 0 Page C30 ofC3 0 Figure C-24, CPS DG Room Case lOd, Panel lDGOlKA 16-cyl. Temperatures July 25 , 2017 9: 40 AM EDT EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 252 of 254 CC-AA-103-1003 Revision 12 ATTACHMENT 2 Owner's Acceptance Review Checklist for External Design Analyses Page 1of3 Design Analysis No.: NAl-2007-004 Contract #: 611349 Rev:O Release #: N/A No Question Instructions and Guidance Yes I Nol N/A 1 Do assumptions have All Assumptions should be stated in clear terms with enough D D sufficient documented justification to confirm that the assumption is conservative. rationale? For example, 1) the exact value of a particular parameter may not be known or that parameter may be known to vary over the range of conditions covered by the Calculation. It is appropriate to represent or bound the parameter with an assumed value. 2) The predicted performance of a specific piece of equipment in lieu of actual test data. It is appropriate to use the documented opinion/position of a recognized expert on that equipment to represent predicted equipment performance. Consideration should also be given as to any qualification testing that may be needed to validate the Assumptions. Ask yourself, would you provide more justification if you were performing this analysis? If yes, the rationale is likely incomplete. 2 Are assumptions Ensure the documentation for source and rationale for the D D compatible with the assumption supports the way the plant is currently or will be Assumption is way the plant is operated post change and they are not in conflict with any conservative operated and with the design parameters. If the Analysis purpose is to establish a licensing basis? new licensing basis, this question can be answered yes, if the assumption suooorts that new basis. 3 Do all unverified If there are unverified assumptions without a tracking D D assumptions have a mechanism indicated, then create the tracking item either tracking and closure through an ATI or a work order attached to the implementing mechanism in place? WO. Due dates for these actions need to support verification prior to the analysis becoming operational or the resultant plant chanqe beinq op authorized. 4 Do the design inputs The origin of the input, or the source should be identified and D D have sufficient be readily retrievable within Exelon's documentation system. rationale? If not, then the source should be attached to the analysis. Ask yourself, would you provide more justification if you were performing this analysis? If yes, the rationale is likely incomplete. 5 Are design inputs The expectation is that an Exelon Engineer should be able to D D correct and reasonable clearly understand which input parameters are critical to the with critical parameters outcome of the analysis. That is, what is the impact of a identified, if change in the parameter to the results of the analysis? If the aooropriate? impact is larqe, then that parameter is critical. 6 Are design inputs Ensure the documentation for source and rationale for the D D compatible with the inputs supports the way the plant is currently or will be way the plant is operated post change and they are not in conflict with any operated and with the design parameters. licensinq basis? EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 253 of 254 CC-AA-103-1003 Revision 12 ATTACHMENT 2 Owner's Acceptance Review Checklist for External Design Analyses Page 2 of 3 Design Analysis No.: NAl-2007-004 Rev: 0 No Question Instructions and Guidance Yes I No IN/A 7 Are Engineering See Section 2.13 in CC-AA-309 for the attributes that are D D [8J Judgments clearly sufficient to justify Engineering Judgment. Ask yourself, documented and would you provide more justification if you were performing justified? this analysis? If yes, the rationale is likely incomplete. 8 Are Engineering Ensure the justification for the engineering judgment D D [8J Judgments compatible supports the way the plant is currently or will be operated with the way the plant is post change and is not in conflict with any design operated and with the parameters. If the Analysis purpose is to establish a new licensing basis? licensing basis, then this question can be answered yes, if the judgment suooorts that new basis. 9 Do the results and Why was the analysis being performed? Does the stated [8J D D conclusions satisfy the purpose match the expectation from Exelon on the proposed purpose and objective of application of the results? If yes, then the analysis meets the Design Analysis? the needs of the contract. 10 Are the results and Make sure that the results support the UFSAR defined D D [8J conclusions compatible system design and operating conditions, or they support a with the way the plant is proposed change to those conditions. If the analysis operated and with the supports a change, are all of the other changing documents licensing basis? included on the cover sheet as impacted documents? 11 Have any limitations on Does the analysis support a temporary condition or D D [8J the use of the results procedure change? Make sure that any other documents been identified and needing to be updated are included and clearly delineated in transmitted to the the design analysis. Make sure that the cover sheet appropriate includes the other documents where the results of this organizations? analysis provide the input. 12 Have margin impacts Make sure that the impacts to margin are clearly shown [8J D D been identified and within the body of the analysis. If the analysis results in documented reduced margins ensure that this has been appropriately appropriately for any dispositioned in the EC being used to issue the analysis. negative impacts (Reference ER-AA-2007)? 13 Does the Design Are there sufficient documents included to support the [8J D D Analysis include the sources of input, and other reference material that is not applicable design basis readily retrievable in Exelon controlled Documents? documentation? 14 Have all affected design Determine if sufficient searches have been performed to D D [8J analyses been identify any related analyses that need to be revised along documented on the with the base analysis. It may be necessary to perform Affected Documents List some basic searches to validate this. (AOL) for the associated Configuration Change? 15 Do the sources of inputs Compare any referenced codes and standards to the current [8J D D and analysis design basis and ensure that any differences are reconciled. methodology used meet If the input sources or analysis methodology are based on committed technical and an out-of-date methodology or code, additional reconciliation regulatory may be required if the site has since committed to a more requirements? recent code EC 620632, Attachment 2, Page 254 of 254 CC-AA-103-1003 Revision 12 ATTACHMENT 2 Owner's Acceptance Review Checklist for External Design Analyses Page 3of3 Design Analysis No.: NAl-2007-004 Rev: O No Question Instructions and Guidance Yes/ No IN/A 16 Have vendor supporting Based on the risk assessment performed during the pre-job D D technical documents brief for the analysis (per HU-AA-1212), ensure that and references sufficient reviews of any supporting documents not provided (including GE DRFs) with the final analysis are performed. been reviewed when necessary? 17 Do operational limits Ensure the Tech Specs, Operating Procedures, etc. contain D D support assumptions operational limits that support the analysis assumptions and and inputs? inputs. Create an SFMS entry as required by CC-AA-4008. SFMS Number: 59542


EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 1 of 29 (KCI ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Test Specification Title Page Project Number: 424-008 r Document Number: 424-008" TSP2 Revision Number: 00 Title: Test Specification for Determininq Component Survivability and Operation in Ambient Temperature not to Exceed 245"F Nuclear Safety Related: DYES Total Number of Pages: ---'-:1_9..;._ __ _ Date of Issue: 611212017 Prepared by; Print Cheeked by: B. Hussain Print Approved by: P. Brunsaaard Pr Ent I 0 AKB .5.i1112G17 BH l'lo'1112U17 PB !--

REV I DY OA"!l( ('.Hl\r.Kr.D

APPROVED (g]NO 5111*'2011 --.. --I nATl( Sign <KCI c:.;c1 ... PROJXO. DOCI.NO. 6/12/2017 Date F.NGTNEERlNG CONST:T ,T ANTS *-I 424-fiWi ---1 42<f.008-TSP2

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SA FF.TY RF.I.A Tm 0 \'TIS D KO ---- EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 2 of 29 Revision No. 0 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSP2 Revision: 00 Page: 2of10 Revision Summary Summary of Changes Initial issue for use. .. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 3 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSP2 Revision: 00 Page: 3 oflO Table of Contents Title Page Revision Summary Table of Contents BACKGROUND PURPOSE TEST SPECIMENS PROCEDURE REFERENCES List of Attachments Basler UFOV Relay and Voltage Regulator 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 9 Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Attachment E Attachment F GE Overcurrent Relay Test-Models# 12IJCV51Al3A and 12IFCV51AD1A Differential Relay Type SA-1 (Westinghouse, part# 290B225A10) GE Loss of Excitation Relay Test -Model# 12CEH51A1A GE Reverse Power Relay Test -Model# 12GGP53C1A Woodward Governor Control Assembly Model 2301A EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 4 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSP2 Revision: 00 Page: 4of10 Test Specification for Determining Component Survivability and Operation in Ambient Temperature not to Exceed 245°F 1.0 BACKGROUND The Division 1 EDG room may be exposed to temperature above 204 °F due loss of ventilation when the EDG is in operation. Under this scenario, various control components required for EDG operation will be exposed to ambient temperature beyond the published temperature rating by the manufacturers. 2.0 PURPOSE 2.1 The purpose of this specification is to monitor performance of various control devices when exposed to 225°F and 245°F ambient temperature. 2.2 Testing performed per this specification will determine if the control devices perform their required function and/or not provide a false trip signal to other connected control components. 3.0 TEST SPECIMENS 3 .1 The equipment under test (EDT) includes the following test specimens: TABLE3 1 T tS -: es ipec1mens Test Specimen# Manufacturer Model Description EUT#l Agastat 7012PD Time Delay Relay EUT#2 Basler 9-1051-00-105 UFOV Assembly EUT#3 Basler SR8A2B01B3A Voltage Regulator EUT#4 GE 12CEH51A1A Loss of Excitation Relay EUT#5 GE 12GGP53BlA Reverse Power Relay EUT#6A GE 12IJCV51A13A Restrained Overcurrent Relay EUT#6B GE 12IFCV51AD1A Restrained Overcurrent Relay EUT#7 P&B MDR 137-8 Relay EUT#8 Phoenix 2938578 125 VDC -24 VDC Power Supply EUT#9 Westinghouse 290B225A10 Differential Relay (Type SA-1) EUT#lO Woodward 2301A Governor Control Assembly 3.2 Testing shall be conducted in the following sequence, with the details of each test specified in Section 4.0 of this test specification:

  • Receipt inspection
  • Baseline functional

test * Functional test at 225°F oven temperature (Pre-thermal aging) * Thermally aged for 24 hours at 225°F and monitor performance parameters EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 5 of 29 * Post-thermal aging baseline functional test * Functional test at 245°F oven temperature Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSP2 Revision: 00 Page: 5of10 * Thermally aged 8 hours at 245°F monitor performance parameters 3.3 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT

  • DC Current Source (shall be able to provide up to SA) * Assortment

of shop made test lead jumpers * Single pole switch (rated for 125VDC, 5A) and can operate in 200°F environment

  • Wiring cables * Multi-meter

for sensing DC current * DC Power Supply (125V, 5A) 4.0 TEST PROCEDURE The test laboratory shall execute the test segments as delineated in this section. 4.1 Receipt Inspection 4.1.1 Identify the manufacturer, model/part number, and serial number (if available) for the test specimens. Record all nameplate information. Assign laboratory identifiers, if desired. 4.1.2 Photograph the test specimens from various angles. 4.1.3 Verify that the test specimens are free from obvious signs of physical damage. Visually inspect and verify the following:

  • Absence of cracking or bubbling on test specimens

cases. * Absence of pitted or burned contacts.

  • For relay coils, absence of cracking or discoloration

of coil insulation, and absence of crystal growth. 4.2 Baseline Functional Test Mount each EUT to simulate field installation. 4.2.1 Choose EUT #1 (Agastat time delay relay). Set the time delay relay dial to 50 seconds. Measure and record the following:

  • Pick up voltage (information

only) and Drop out voltage * Coil current at 125 VDC Perform and record the above measurements three times at room ambient temperature. Determine and record the average of the three readings. Do not move the time delay dial setting between tests. EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 6 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSP2 Revision: 00 Page: 6of10 4.2.2 Choose EUTs #2 and 3 (Basler UFOV Relay and Voltage Regulator). Measure and record the following:

  • Connect the UFOV to the voltage regulator

as shown in Fig. A-1, Attachment A * Perform test per Section 5-2 of voltage regulator manual (Attachment A) * Ramp the frequency of240V AC power supply shown in Fig. A-1from60Hz down to 53Hz. Ramping down should cause the lamps to dim or extinguish at 56Hz. * Set the 240V AC power supply back to 60Hz and ramp the voltage to 248 volts. The lamps should dim or extinguish. 4.2.3 Choose BUT #4 (GE Loss of Excitation Relay, models# 12CEH51AIA). See attachment D, section D-1 for tools and equipment required for this test * CALIBRATE relays per attachment D, section D-2 * CONNECT the relays as shown on figure D-1 * PERFORM functional testing of the relays per D-4 * ENSURE the functional test meets acceptance criteria in table D-1 * RECORD the ammeter readings at various intervals in table D-1 Perform and record the above measurements three times at room ambient temperature. 4.2.4 Choose BUT #5 (GE Reverse Power Relay, models# 12GGP53B1A). See attachment E, section E-1 for tools and equipment required for this test * CALIBRATE relays per attachment E, section E-2 * CONNECT the relays as shown on figure E-1 * PERFORM functional testing of the relays per E-4 * ENSURE the functional test meets acceptance criteria in table E-1 * RECORD the ammeter readings at various intervals in table E-1 Perform and record the above measurements three times at room ambient temperature. 4.2.5 Choose BUT #6A and 6B (GE Overcurrent Relay, models# 12IJCV51Al3A and 12IFCV51AD1A respectively). EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 7 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSP2 Revision: 00 Page: 7of10 See attachment B, section B-1 for tools and equipment required for this test. Perform separate test for each relay model * CALIBRATE relays per attachment B, section B-2 * CONNECT the relays as shown on figure B-1 * PERFORM functional testing of the relays per B-4 * ENSURE the functional test meets acceptance criteria in table B-1 * RECORD the ammeter readings at various intervals in table B-1 Perform and record the above measurements three times at room ambient temperature. 4.2.6 Choose EUT #7 (P&B Relay). Measure and record the following:

  • Pick up voltage (information

only) and Dr_op out voltage * Coil current at 125 VDC Perform and record the above measurements three times at room ambient temperature. Determine and record the average of the three readings. 4.2.7 Choose EUT #8 (Phoenix 125 VDC to 24 VDC Power Supply). Measure and record the following:

  • Output voltage at no load * Output voltage at 80% load current (use a resistive

load) Perform and record the above measurements three times at room ambient temperature. Determine and record the average of the three readings. 4.2.8 Choose BUT #9 (Westinghouse SA-1 Differential Relay). See attachment C, section C-1 for tools and equipment required for this test. Perform test as outlined in Attachment C * Relay calibration is not required for this relay. * WIRE relay as shown in figure C-1. * PERFORM test per section C-4 * Verify no trip with zero operating current Perform and record the above measurements three times at room ambient temperature. EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 8 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSP2 Revision: 00 Page: 8of10 4.2.9 Choose BUT #10 (Woodward Governor Control Assembly).

  • Connect the Governor Control Module as shown in Fig. F-1, Attachment

F. * Verify the output voltage across the 50.Q resistor is approximately OVDC when the circuit is energized and the function generator is set to 3975 Hz. * Slowly increase the function generator frequency and note the frequency when the voltage across the resistor begins to increase to 19VDC. The frequency should be within +/- 1 % of the baseline test. * Set the frequency back to 3975Hz and verify that the voltage across the 50.Q resistor returns to approximately OVDC. * Instantaneously step the function generator from 3975Hz to 4974Hz. The voltage across the resistor should reach 19VDc instantaneously. Perform and record the above measurements three times at room ambient temperature. 4.3 Abnormal Temperature Exposure at 225°F Place EUTs 1thru10 in one or more ovens at 225°F and wire them so that its function can be monitored for 24 hours exposure at this temperature. 4.3.1 Choose BUT #1 (Agastat time delay relay). Energize the relay coil with 125 VDC and monitor for coil drop out. Also monitor an open contact for contact resistance. 4.3.2 Choose EUTs #2 and 3 (Basler UFOV Relay and Voltage Regulator). Measure and record the following:

  • Connect the UFOV to the voltage regulator

as shown in Fig. A-1, Attachment A * Ramp the frequency of240V AC power supply shown in Fig. A-1from60Hz down to 53Hz. Ramping down should cause the lamps to dim or extinguish at 56Hz. * Set the 240V AC power supply back to 60Hz and ramp the voltage to 248 volts. The lamps should dim or extinguish. 4.3.3 Choose EUT #4 (GE Loss of Excitation Relay, models# 12CEH51A1A). Connect the relay as shown on figure D-1 and energize with 5 Amps of load current at 120 VAC. Monitor the lamp or bulb in the trip circuit. 4.3.4 Choose BUT #5 (GE Reverse Power Relay, models# 12GGP53BlA). Connect the relay as shown on figure E-1 and energize with 5 Amps of load current at 120 VAC. Monitor the lamp or bulb in the trip circuit. 4.3.5 Choose EUT #6A and 6B (GE Overcurrent Relay, models# 12IJCV51Al3A and 12IFCV51AD1A respectively). Connect each relay as shown on figure B-1 and energize with 4 Amps of load current. Monitor the DMM. EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 9 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSP2 Revision: 00 Page: 9of10 4.3.6 Choose BUT #7 (P&B Relay). Energize the relay coil with 12S VDC and monitor for coil drop out. Also monitor an open contact for contact resistance. 4.3.7 Choose BUT #8 (Phoenix 12S VDC to 24 VDC Power Supply). Energize the power supply with 12S VDC with a SO% load on the 24 VDC output. Monitor for load current. 4.3.8 Choose BUT #9 (Westinghouse SA-1 Differential Relay). Connect the relay as shown on figure C-1 and with IR at S amperes and adjust the operating current (1 0) to 0.22 Amps. Verify the relay does not operate. Monitor the lamp or bulb in the trip circuit. 4.3.9 Choose BUT #10 (Woodward Governor Control Assembly). Connect the Governor Control Module as shown in Fig. F-1, Attachment F. * Verify the output voltage across the son resistor is approximately OVDC when the circuit is energized and the function generator is set to 3975 Hz. * Slowly increase the function generator frequency and note the frequency when the voltage across the resistor begins to increase to 19VDC. The frequency should be within+/- 1 % of the baseline test. * Set the frequency back to 397SHz and verify that the voltage across the son resistor returns to approximately OVDC. Perform functional tests as outlined above after one hour exposure at 22S°F. Age the specimens for 24 hours and monitor the performance in suitable interval (at the test facility convenience) Repeat above Section 4.2 functional test before removing the specimens from the oven at 22S°F. 4.4 Abnormal Temperature Exposure at 24S°F * Increase the oven temperature from previous test exposure from 22S°F to 24S°F. * Perform functional tests as outlined in Section 4.3 after one hour exposure at 24S°F. * Repeat above functional test before removing the specimens from the oven at 24S°F. 5.0 REFERENCES S.1 S.2 5.3 Clinton Drawing E02-1AP04, Sheet 17 Basler Electric Instructional Manual for Underfrequency/Overvoltage Module Models: UFOV 2SOA & UFOV 260A, Publication Number: 9 IOSl 00 99X, Rev. E, dated Feb 2000. ; .. Basler Electric Instructional Manual for Voltage Regulator Model: SR4A & SR8A, Publication Number: 9 0177 00 XX, Revision R, Dated 09/97 .EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 10 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSP2 Revision: 00 Page: 10 of 10 5.4 GE Instructions for Loss of Excitation Relay Type CEH51A, GEK-27887H 5.5 GE Instructions for Ployphase Power Directional Relay for Ant-Motoring Protection, Type GGP53C, GEK-34117G 5.6 GE publication GEK-34117G (Power Directional Relay Instruction manual) 5.7 GE Instructions for Time Overcurrent Relays with Voltage Restraint Types IFC51AD and IFC51BD, GEK-49946E 5.8 GE Instructions Relay Types IJCV51A, IJCV51B, IJCV52A and IJCV51B, GEK-2029A 5.9 ABB Instruction Leaflet 41-348.1 lC for Type SA-1 Generator Differential Relay 5.10 Woodward Product Manual 02303 for 2301A Load Sharing and Speed Control, Revision B, dated 9/2015. EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 11 of 29 ATTACHMENT A Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: Al of A4 Basler UFOV Relay and Voltage Regulator EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 12 of 29 El E2 E3 A B 240V AC 3<1> 60Hz Adj. .;.--SA .;.--SA .;.--SA A<jJ 1---+---+-----il- F+ B<jJ ,__ _______ ,__ __ _ C<jJ l--+-----4,__-----4t- .;.--.;.--SA SA 1 2 c D N UFOV F-Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: A2 of A4 SR VOLTAGE REGULATOR A-p Fig. A-1 7 6 1750 25W 4 3 2 1 B A EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 13 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: A3 of A4 ,si:ctie>Ns " *. .. . .. . .. * inspection shDU!d be made on this.WJit to insure it is kept clean and free from dirt and Also, if is reoommended the cailnectioiis belwe£in 1he regula1DT and the .sysleffi bEi ched.ed and lightened at this lime. * Due to a prnteclilre transparant confurmal coaling. rapair an the printed circuit board is difficull and should only be. attempted by quaffied pe.sanat An lest. used to detennlne if 1he iajula1Dr is basically opera1funal, @wn bl!l'mv. Ref'e.-llo FJQUra' 5-1. * mMA. IRllA: lNT9 i:EQuiu; 1-PHAllE Ut D l'u.8; . TWCI IKi!NTir;IAL llLUl8 PQlt MBA. Figwe5-1. OperalionalTest. a MD'llE! l:he_wrra 011 the sensing !ransfo!mer (TI} ID the llmninal fisted below: SR4A: Move ta 120 V tap. SR8A: Move le 240 V lap. b. Adjust Ille voltage stability poienliometer {R4) fuliy counter-c!Dckwise (CCW). c. Ccnnect the voltage regulamc-as in. FllJUre &.-.1. The bulb should *bE! 120 V and not mare 1hlm 300 w. See Note 1 of ttie: drawing for the SRRA. d. Ad"jUst !he va!tage adjust potentiome1er for maximum e. Ccmnect the ragu!a1Dr to lhe pawer source. The bulb should flash oo * moment.arify and then extinguish. 5-1 EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 14 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: A4 of A4 f. Skm.IJY atrjUSl the adjUst rfieoStat ll:iWam min.inium resisfance. l}l:i! light billb soou!d raactdull brilliarice befcre miniinum rasi:stance ts attained. (If the light iDummate. aCrJUst Rdjusbnent(R3), s-At. r'egufating pOint. a small change in lhe vofta9e adjust pcitenli!mlES shriuld tum *ttie light 'bUfu ci0 at !he nQht Stays on, Hie reguialn.-is defecfure_ . . * h. This test* may not reV8al a shmjlity problem. tiOweYet, rriliiling tile stability cidjilsimerit (EM) shooid affect the light's tum cr&l'lum cff lime. * -* * * i._ Befure reins!alling the 11Cltage regulator into n!!Xllll'lectthe sensing {T1) -as it was befCre perfOOning SJ:ep 'a. l.s-l:mfutACEM'ENTPARIS' .* *---*.I The (Fili,ura. 5,2) and tallies {Table !F1 and 5-2) i:ooiains only those and .assembl!es whfch !lJe mailitenance Figura 6-3. the wirmg diagram. *when Ordering ref)liioemefit parts, fmrii BBsfeT Becblc alWays specify deScription of tlle ib!m, 1he part riumber. 'ilritl the qUamity_ LEGEND 1. CllCUIT llDAAD Ml*. I. iwWi.EL.lla TIWl&FoRllEFI . INDl.lllTiD WIDER nElll n ... ll!lllllNlili TIWll!l'Dllllll!! .. !l.Pll!w ** CIRCQp AD.llllilT IWlllOmt 1. YOLTMI!!! ADJUST' FHIO!mU' ._ llTltiiUTY Alu.IE' Ill. rtDMMM.. ¥CLT/dE IETTINlll @ 0119 @ Q!l4 © Qml @ CRiii @ Cltl1 @ OA1tl I I I I I I I I I I I *1** *1: *I I'* I'-* A-* 'P S -4 : I *. 1 D 0 \ EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 15 of 29 ATTACHMENT B Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: Bl ofB4 GE Overcurrent Relay Test -Models# 121JCV51A13A and 12IFCV51AD1A B-1 EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 16 of 29 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT

  • AC Current Source * 120V, lOOW light bulb * Ammeter * 125VDC Power Supply * 120V AC power supply Test Specification

No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: B2 ofB4 B-2 RELAY CALIBRATION NOTE: The relay settings below are per station calculation 19-AN-14 table 1 (applies to models 12IJCV51A13A and 12IFCV51AD1A). The settings reflects existing plant configuration. 1. ENSURE the tap screws are screwed into the ten-ampere tap (GIH) for the IFCV, and into the 1 OA tap for the IJCV (Ref. E02-1AP04, Sheet 017) 2. SET the time delay to 3 seconds for both relays B-3 WIRING SETUP NOTE: Relay wiring setup (applies to models 12IJCV51A13A and 12IFCV51AD1A) in figure B-1 are based on plant schematic diagram E02-1DG99 sheet 011. The wiring setup reflects existing plant configuration. 1. SET the voltage source to provide 120V AC 2. SET the current source to supply approximately 4.2A ac to simulate CT secondary current with the generator at full load for (see basis below): Per E02-1APOI sheet 005, the diesel is rated for 4.16KV, 3875KW at 0.8PF, and is loaded not more than 85% of rated power. Also each CT ratio have turns ratio of 800-5A. At full load: I= (3875000W

  • 0.85)/ (0.8PF * 4160V * ..../3) = 571.435A With CT ration of 800-5A, CT secondary

at full load= (571.435 * 5)/800 = 3.571A 3. SET the DC power supply to provide 125VDC. ENSURE the DMM reads zero current when the setup is powered up. EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 17 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 POWER SUPPLY 125VDC + Page: B3 of B4 I t.:J I I 7 s I I 5 r:: : I I I I I I I -I I GE OVERCIJRREl'-JT RELAY I I MODEL #121FCV51A01A I I I I I I I --JDMMf---1/lllllr-l-tJ 2 6 C:-1--RESISTOR I I l.5KO I I sow L ------- FIGUREB-1 Wiring setup for Overcurrent Relay B-4 RELAY FUNCTIONAL TEST Bench Test: AC CURRENT SOURCE 1. The wiring setup is powered up and verified to no trip (a trip is indicated by the illumination of a 120V, lOOW light bulb and the DMM) 2. The current source is gradually increased until the light bulb illuminates. The current value should be recorded. Oven Test: * The wiring setup is powered up and current source is set to 4.2A. The setup is placed in the oven. Monitor and record DMM reading and light bulb. EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 18 of 29 B.5 TEST RESULTS Bench Test: Expected TABLEB-1 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: B4 of B4 Result Light bulb should illuminate when the For the 12IJCV51A13A: Record current when Light bulb illuminated current approaches lOA (+/-2A) for both relays For the 12IFCV51AD1A: Record current when Light bulb illuminated Oven Test: TABLEB-2 DMM Reading (Amps)/Light bulb status Expected Result O/Not lit EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 19 of 29 ATTACHMENTC Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPI Revision: 00 Page: Cl ofC3 Differential Relay Type SA-I (Westinghouse, part# 290B225Al0) EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 20 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: C2 of C3 C-1 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT

  • 120V-100W, 120V-200W, and 130V-200Wlightbulbs
  • Variable resistor * Ammeter * 125VDC Power Supply * 208V AC power supply C-2 CALIBRATION

NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS TEST C-3 WIRING SETUP + EXT. RESISTOR 2.24K SS 4011 REQ FOR 250VOC RATED Of------1[ = DC .i--t::=>-PHASE:2 @ lG>A 19 17 @ 13' I I SAi RELAY I . (FRONT VIEW) I PHASE 3 I I I I I I I I I .__ ---J t -.a---_____ j VOLTAGE o---------1..__----< 12$ WLT WI. SWITCH Figure C-1 Differential Relay Type SA-1 Wiring Setup C-4 RELAY FUNCTIONAL TEST NOTE: Test instruction is per ABB relay type SA-1 user manual 208 VAC * Differential Characteristic: Apply IR of 5 amperes and adjust the operating current (Io) until the relay operates. Repeat for each phase as shown on the figure above. EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 21 of 29 C.5 TEST RESULTS Bench Test: Expected TABLE C-1 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: C3 of C3 Result Phase 1: Record current when Lamp and light bulb illuminates The relay should operate and the indicator lamp should light with an operating Phase 2: Record current when Lamp and current (Io) of 0.25 +/- 0.012 amperes. light bulb illuminates Phase 3: Record current when Lamp and light bulb illuminates Oven Test: TABLEC-2 Indicator Lamp/Light bulb status Expected Result The lamp or bulb should not be lit EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 22 of 29 ATTACHMENT D Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: Dl ofD3 GE Loss of Excitation Relay Test -Model# 12CEH51A1A EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 23 of 29 D-1 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT

  • 120V, 1 OOW light bulb * 6.9ohm, lOOW resistor * 125VDC Power Supply * 120V AC power supply * 50-SVA CTs * D-2 RELAY CALIBRATION

NOTE: Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: D2 ofD3 The relay settings below are per station calculation 19-AN-14 table 1, the settings reflects existing plant configuration. See GE publication GEK-27887H (Loss Of Excitation Relay Instruction manual) for more detail 1. OFFSET setting: Set the tap screw for L is at 0.0, and tap screw for H is at 1.0 for a relay offset of 1.0 Ohm. 2. RESTRAIN setting: Set upper restrain tap (Iu) to 6, and the lower restrain tap (IL) to 40; for a total restrain of 46%. D-3 WIRING SETUP 120//3 13.90 120//3 c LOSS OF EXCITATION RELAY Figure D-1 Loss of Excitation Relay Type CEH51A EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 24 of 29 D-4 RELAY FUNCTIONAL TEST Bench Test: Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPI Revision: 00 Page: D3 ofD3 1. With the setup wired as shown above, power up the setup and adjust the three phase load bank to draw approximately 5A from each phase of the power 120VAC supply. 2. Based on the CT turns ratio of 10: 1, 7-loops on the primary side will generate a secondary current of 3.5A (see basis is section B-3 step 2). This simulates the generator running at full load. Ensure the relay does not trip. 3. With the setup de-energized, carefully lift the leads on relay terminals 7 and 8, reverse connections to simulate a loss of excitation. The relay should trip Oven Test: * Place the setup in the oven. Power up the setup and adjust the load bank to pull 5A from each phase of the 120VAC source. Monitor light bulb. D.5 TEST RESULTS Bench Test: TABLED-I Expected Result Light bulb should illuminate when the leads on relay terminals 7 and 8 are reversed Oven Test: TABLED-2 Indicator Lamp/Light bulb status Expected Result The lamp or bulb should not be lit EC 620632, _Attachment 3, Page 25 of 29 ATTACHMENT E Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPI Revision: 00 Page: El ofE3 GE Reverse Power Relay Test -Model# 12GGP53CIA EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 26 of 29 Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: E2 of E3 E-1 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT

  • 120V, lOOW light bulb * 6.9ohm, 1 OOW resistor * 125VDC Power Supply * 120V AC power supply * 50-5VA CTs E-2 RELAY CALIBRATION
  • TIME DELAY setting: Set the time delay knob to 5 and half (for a 15 seconds delay). E-3 WIRING SETUP 50:5 CT ""' 7--TURNS SA

9 14 120V 13.90 -120/./3 N) ------\. / 120//3 2 "13. 90 ' .i 5 7-TURNS 5. ""' ./'I e' ' 7 8 REVERSE TER'--tli-41-N-'--A-L 1-r-<::r----e o-b c-d e-f TO *\-RIP RELA y 12 REVERSE POWER RELAY Figure E-1 Reverse Power Relay Type GGP53C EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 27 of 29 E-4 RELAY FUNCTIONAL TEST Bench Test: Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPl Revision: 00 Page: E3 of E3 1. With the setup wired as shown above, power up the setup and adjust the three phase load bank to draw approximately 5A from each phase of the power 120VAC supply. 2. Based on the CT turns ratio of 10:1, 7-loops on the primary side will generate a secondary current of3.5A (see basis is section B-3 step 2). This simulates the generator running at full load. Ensure the relay does not trip. 3. With the setup de-energized, carefully lift the leads on relay terminals 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8. Reverse connections on these terminals to simulate reverse power. The relay should trip Oven Test: * Place the setup in the oven. Power up the setup and adjust the load bank to pull 5A from each phase of the 120VAC source. Monitor light bulb. E.5 TEST RESULTS Bench Test: TABLEE-1 Expected Result Light bulb should illuminate when the terminals on the relay for each phase are swapped. Oven Test: TABLEE-2 Indicator Lamp/Light bulb status Expected Result The lamp or bulb should not be lit Lamp or bulb did not light up EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 28 of 29 ATTACHMENT F Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPI Revision: 00 Page: Fl of F2 Woodward Governor Control Assembly Model 2301A <( ..... 0 M N _J w 0 0 26 25 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 EC 620632, Attachment 3, Page 29 of 29 , ... I J 120V AC AcjJ Generate + 125VDC A. Test Specification No.: 424-008-TSPI Revision: 00 Page: F2 of F2 DVM 3¢ 60Hz Adj. CcjJ Fig. F-1 EC 620632, Attachment 4 Evaluation of EPRI August 22"d, 2017 Notice PT-082117-122, Subject: 10 CFR Part 21-Transfer of Information Notice -GOTHIC-Code Error related to thermal conductor modelling could impact safety related components/applications From: Winter, Steven D.[mallto:*] Sent: Monday, August28, 2017 4:42 PM * To: Freeman 1. John.M:(GenCo"'Nuc); Gandhir Mukesh M:(GenCo-Nuc) Cc: Lane, Jeffrey W. * Subject: RE: EPRI Part 21 Transfer-ofiriformation Notice related to GOTHIC vS.1 and vB.2 John aM Mukesh, Zachry has completed the evaluation of Projects 2003 {Clinton SX Pump-Room Heat-up) and 2007 {Clinton DG Room Heat-up) for any adverse effects related to GOTHIC Al8.2-095, which was described in th,e Part 21 Notice from EPRI. ow evaluation involved (a} retrrevingthe GOTHIC .GTH fF!es developed for the Clinton* reports frorn our QA storage, (b) running each GOTHIC .GTH file on a single CPU core, and {c} re-running each GOTHIC .GTH file.after implementing the workaround described in the Part 21 This process lets us identify any changes to the GOTHIC .SIN (which a .GTH fife c9ntairiedthe GOTHIC error) ang let5 us compare results qf each case, before and after theworRaround all while controlling for varfap!es. For the two Clinton there were no visible differences in the results; any engineering condusions in the report5 ere unaffected. Some .GTH files we:re, however, f!agg¢d as producing different .SIN fifes after the workarou.nd was performed. We provide the .GTH. files ta you for your use* in the future. Aftematwely, you can implement the simple workaround the next trrne you use any of the .GTH files from these two projects. If you *want the 'ftxed' files, let me know and I will transmit them via Sharefi!e. As these projects were non-OA, this should be an acceptable

  • niethod of

the files. Please !et me knovl/ if you have any questions.

  • Thank you, Steve Steven D. Winter Manager I Principal

Consultant I:; }}