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Technical Change Notice TCN-C-87-005 to Rev 1 to Procedure Ch 1.5, Operational Chemistry Logs,Records,Graphs,Labels & Data Sheets.
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/12/1986
From: Hughes L, Rice R
Shared Package
ML18052B451 List:
CH-1.5, NUDOCS 8801250081
Download: ML18052B456 (10)




  • 3. s. Approved Final Approver . 7. r 880125 0001 aeot19. I \\,* ' PDR ADOCK 05000255 p*,. ,-.. cP-U84-0036ol54

-2. _QA Concurrence.

  • . G-e1 I 'tt4 . ____;:: 4 *. PRC 6. ATMS Incorporated Date . Date Date* Date Date Proc No CH I. 5 Revision 1 Date 2/12/86 TCN-C-86-010 TCN-C-87-005 Pa'te Date cJ-IZ.-Kb *n& Date

.. PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT CHEMISTRY PROCEDURE TITLE: OPERATIONAL CHEMISTRY LOGS, RECORDS, GRAPHS, LABELS AND DATA SHEETS Proc No_CH 1.5 Revision 1 Page 1 of 9 1.0 PURPOSE This-procedure defines the use of operational logs, labeling ments, records, and data sheets utilized for chemistry data by the Chemistry Department.

2.0 .. SCOPE 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.l . 3 .4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 This procedure shall be used by Chemistry Technicians and supervisors for the preparation and maintenance of all chemistry logs, records, data sheets, graphs and labels. REFERENCES NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15, "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs", December 197-7 Palisades -Administrative.Procedure 10.46, "Plant Records" Chemistry Procedure 1.4,. Chemistry Portable Laboratory Measuring and Test Equipment" Nuclear Operations Department Chemistry Program Manual Palisades Administrative Procedure 3.03, "Corrective Action" Palisades Administrati:ve Procedure 4.21, "Chemistry Program" Palisades Administrative Procedure 4.23; "Chemical Control Program" ."Fire Protection Standard Number 21" DEFINITIONS LOGBOOKS This term refers to a hardbound book maintained by each laboratory for the of recording arid nonroutine pertinent chemistri data laboratory functions.

4.2 ON-LINE INSTRUMENT READINGS This term refers to the listing of result.s of on-line taken from panel readings.

4.3 COMPUTER RECORDS This term refers to the printed disks or magnetic tapes from the Laboratory Computer Systems.

PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT CHEMISTRY PROCEDURE TITLE:* . OPERATIONAL CHEMISTRY LOGS, RECORDS, GRAPHS, .LABELS AND* DATA SHEETS Proc No CH 1. 5 Revision 1 Page 2 of 9 4.4 CHEMISTRY DATA SHEETS This term refers to a listing of chemistry results pertaining to specific systems and is used to record routine chemical analytical results. 4.5 CHEMISTRY REPORT SHEETS This term refers* to a listing of certain pertinent chemistry results that may be important to Plant management and require frequent management review. 4.& GRAPHS This term refers to or computer-prepared format in standard

  • forin *(eg, Jinear, linear-logarithmic, logarithmic-logarithmiC) that shows a standardization, chemistry trend result. 4. 7 ROUTINE Those chemistry analyses that have an established frequency (eg, weekly, once per 4.8 NON-ROUTINE Those chemistry analyses that are performed as a result of a request or 'those whose frequency depends upon variable Plant conditions
  • . 4.9 FUNCTIONAL CHECK SHEETS This term refers to a listing of the chemistry instrument results the (or per Reference 3.3) operability of the instrument. (Attachment
1) 4.10 STANDARDIZATION REPORTS 4.11 5.0 5.1 5 .1.1 This.term refers to a listing of the chemistry instrument data which demonstrates the operability of the instrument*over its range of capability. (Attachment 2). CHEMISTRY LOG Any recor_d of performance related to chemistry.

DISCUSSION LOGBOOKS A logbook shall be maintained and reside in each chemistry iaboratory for the purpose of rec?rding routine and nonroutine events of that laboratory.


  • TITLE: OPERATIONAL CHEMISTRY LOGS, RECORDS, GRAPHS, LABELS AND DATA SHEETS Proc No CH 1. S Revision 1 Page 3 of 9* S.1.2 Each entry shall be traceable to the date, time and technician's . initials.

Each entry shall be in black ink *. Errors shaU not be. 6bliterated.

Errors shall be crossed through with single line, corrected, and initialed by the person .the correction.

S.1.3 The Plant Laboratory Supervisor or his/her alternate review the logbook for completeness.

and accuracy of entrie.s once per week and shall indicate his/her review by and dating in the margin. Corrections shall be noted and initialed per Step S.1.2. S.1.4 All off-normal conditions, unexplained chemistry variations and adverse trends should be reported to the cognizant Plant Laboratory Supervisor or his/her design*ted alternate and/or the Shift Supervisor as soon as practical after* their discovery and recorde9 in the logbook.*.

S.l.S Upon completion of the last page of the logbook, it shall be labeled per Step S.6.S and within six months forwarded to Document Control for disposition in accordance with

  • S.1.6 Results Plant Technical Specifications limits or control bands shall be identified in the logbook. Corrective action is dispoJitioned in accordance with the applicable Technical Specification Surveillance Procedure
  • . s .1. 7 s .1.8 If any taken as a result 6f a chemistry parameter exceeding Plant limits, specifications or control bands, it should be recorded in the appropriate logbook. As a minimum, the following items shall be entered in the logbook. .a. Time, location and technician's initials*of any sample drawn as well as any additional information needed to uniquely identify the sample * . b. Results of all chemical analyses.
c. Significant events affecting chemistry (eg, chemical additions, power transients, leaks, etc)...
  • S.1.9 The chemistry logs should be used to record chemistry parameters from *on-line instruments.

S.2 COMPUTER RECORDS Disks or magnetic tapes conta1n1ng Technical Specification results, applicable computer programs and equipment standardization records shall a file directory or logbook review by.the*cognizant Plant . Laboratory Supervisor or an individual designated by the Supervisor, initialed, dated and to Document Control for in accordance with Reference 3.2. Cf1184-QQj6alS4-89 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT CHEMISTRY PROCEDURE TITLE: OPERATIONAL CHEMISTRY LOGS, RECORDS,_

GRAPHS, LABELS AND DATA SHEETS Proc No.CH 1.5 Revision l Page 4 of 9 5.3 *CHEMISTRY DATA SHEETS 5.3.l Chemistry data should be used to record the results of routine chemical analyses.

The time, date, technician's initials and sample location should be recorded.

5.3.2 Significant events affecting chemistry (eg,*chemical additions,_

power transients, 'condenser leaks, etc) should recorded in the remarks section.

Specifications limit shall be circled in -red. 5.3.3 Off-normal conditions and results exceeding Plant limits or _ Administrative control bands shall be identified by circling the result. NOTE Exceeded Administrative limits on PCS Chemistry Sheets (Attachmerit

3) will be noted not circled. 5_.3.4 entry shall be in black Errors shall not be erased or obliterated.

Errors shall be crossed through with a single line, corrected and initialed by the person making the 5.3.5 The cognizant Plant Laboratory Supervisor shall review the data sheets -for completeness and accuracy of entries. Any questionable-data or corrective actions shall be explained in the remarks section. The cognizant Plant Laboratory shall-indicate review arid approval by signing and dating the data sheet. -5.3.6 data sheets be forwarded to Document Control for position in_ accordance with Reference 3.2.

The Plant Chemist/Plant Chemical Eniineei shall_approve formats of all chemistry data sheets for use, ini"tial and date the master copy. The master copy of the data sheet shall be forwarded to Document Control *for retention the master file. 5.4 GRAPHS 5.4.1 Instrument

  • standardization graphs or curves shall be prepared _
  • according to_ the applicable*

analytical procedure and -should be -identified with the following:

-a. Parameter Measured b. Standards Used To Prepare Graph or Curve c. Date Performed

d. Equipment Identification
  • g. Plant Labor'atciry Supervisor's Initials or Designate
h. Recommended Expiration Date (Per Reference J.3) i. Instrument Settings (As J* Procedure Used Proc No CH 1. 5 Revision 1 Page *5 of 9 The graph shall be prepared with black.

Errors sha"il no.t be erased or obliterated.

Errors shall be crossed through with a single line, corrected and initialed by the person making the correction.

The graph may be laminated plastic to prevent during use. Following approval the standardization, a copy of the graph or curve *shall be forwarded to Document Control .for disposition in accordance with Reference 3.2. 5.442 Data graphs should be .prepared to illustrate trends. Graphs *shall be maintained in the appropriate chemistry laboratory.

Abnormal trends shall be noted on the Chemistry Data Sheets (Section 5.4). These graphs should display (but not be limited to) the data: a *. Piimary System 1. Date/Time

2. Boron Concentr,tion
3. Lithium Concentration 4.* Dissolved Hydrogen 5. Gross Beta Activity 6. Gross Gamma Gaseous Activity 7. Reactor Coolant Iodine Activity PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT CHEMISTRY PROCEDURE
2. Steam Generator, Condensate and pH 3. Condensate Dissolved Oxygen 4. Steam Generator and Condensate Sodium Pree No CH 1.5 Revision 1 Page 6 of 9 S. Steam Generator, Condensate and Feedwater*cation Conductivity 5.5 .LABELS .S.S.l All laboratory reagents shall be prepared in.accordance with applicable analytical or instrument procedures and shall have labels permanently attached to.the reagent container.

Each label shall contain the following information:

Reagent Noun Name or Chemical Formula Dat.e Prepared.

Initials of the Technician Preparing the Reagent Shelf Life Analysis for Which Reagent Is To Be Used (Proc.edure No; etc) Receipt Inspection Number (F6r Q Chemicals)

Lot Number (For Q Chemicals)

Special Storage Requirements if Any Required NOTE: *Cans of methanol shall be labeled in yellow with the following:

Warning -Flammable Methanol * -The following is an example of an acceptable Standardization label: .Instrument ID Number: Standardization Date: Limitations:

YES / NO !lecommended Standardization Due Date: Required Standardization Due Date: Standardized By: NOTE: (Name) Labels may be color coded to indicate the calendar quarter in which their recommended standarization due date falls. ments which require standardization daily or prior to use be identified by tag, label or sticker with words such as "Standardize daily or prior to use". Where size or functional characteristics*

preclude labeling, alternate documentation and marking shall be used. AAA AA NOTE: NOTE: 5.5.2 .5. 5. 3 .e *PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT CHEMISTRY PROCEDURE TITLE: OPERATIONAL CHEMISTRY LOGS, RECORDS, GRAPHS, LABELS AND DATA SHEETS Use Limitation/Compensating Correction Labels Proc No CH l. 5 Revision 1 Page 7 of 9 Labels identifying any use limitations or compensating corrections not* covered by the applicable shall be affixed to the instrument as necess.ry.

Where size or .functional characteristics preclude labeling, alternate documentation and marKing shall be used. If no shelf life is addressed in procedure used for preparation of the reagent, a one-year shelf 1 if e shall be .tmposed.

Sample bottles should be designated by the sample source and labeled with the source name or number. Logbooks shall be labeled on the front cover-or on the binder with the following information:

Laboratory Date of First Entry Date of tast Entry (when completed)

Volume Number (if applicable) 5.6. FUNCTIONAL CHECK SHEETS (SEE ATTACHMENT 1 FOR AN EXAMPLE) 5.6.1 The shee.ts shall be used,.when applicable, to record the results and completi6n of the instrument functional

checks * .. 5.6.2 The functional check shall reside in a binder in the *laboratory
  • until completion then within six months forwarded to Document Control .for disposition in accordance with Reference 3.2. 5.6.3 Each entry shill be in black ink. Errors shall not be or obliterated.

Errors shall be crossed through with a single* line, corrected and initialed by the* person making the correction.

5.6.4 Off-normal.

condi tio.ns shall be reported to* the cognizant Plant Laboratory Supervisor or designated.alternate and/or the. Shift Supervisor as soon as practical their discovery recorded in the appropriate logbook or functiona( check sheet, if applicable.

5.6.5 The cognizant Plant Laboratory Supervisor shall review the functional*

check sheets once per week and indicate his review by initialing and dating in the margin. The review may be performed daily. . . 5.6.6 Completed forms shall be forwarded to Document Control for disposition in accordance with Reference 3.2. 5.6.7. The functional check data record should typically include the following (see Reference 3.6):


Obtained d. Date of Performance

e. Performed by 5.7 STANDARDIZATION REPORTS (SEE ATTACHMENT 2 FOR AN EXAMPLE) Proc No CH 1. 5 Revision 1 Page 8.of 9 5.7.1 The report should, when applicable, be .used to record the data dur(ng instrument standardization.

5.7.2 *The standardization report shall reside in a binder in the laboratory until superseded by standardization then forwarded to Document Control for disposition in accordance with Reference 3.2. 5.7.3 Each entry shall be in black ink. Errors shall not be erased or obliterated.

  • Eri6rs shall be crossed with a single_ line, corrected and initialed by the person making the correction.

5.7.4 The cognizant Plant Laboratory Supervisor shall review the* report upon completion and indicate his review bf signing in the indicated location.

  • 5.7.5. Standardization Data The standardization data shall be crecorded in the appropriate logbook or on the standardization curve. which should include the following:
  • a. Date Standardized
c. Procedure Number d. Temperature, pressure, humidity if applicable
e. Information on any compensating corrections to be (exclusive of normal instrument functions) applied to correct inaccuracies due to environmental factors during use of the equipment.

Routine corrections are normally discussed ih a prbcedure.

f. Identify of standards used. For radioactive reference standards this should include a serial number, calibration/standardization da.te and calibrated/

standardized accuracy or a reference to a record* of this data. cpll84-0036al54-89 NOTE: PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT CHEMISTRY PROCEDURE TITLE: OPERATIONAL CHEMISTR_Y LOGS, RECORDS, GRAPHS, LABELS AND DATA SHEETS Pree No CH 1.5 Revision 1 Page 9 of 9 This requirement also applies to functional checks and tions in that whenever a new standardization or.functional check is performed it should be compared to the previous data to ensure that the are consistent within the accuracy specified for the

  • functional check. g. Identification of nonconf6rmances or other significant deficiencies.
h. Use limitations

_other than those normally associated with the item as designed or typically used. i. Identity of-the individual who the standaidization.

jr Identity of the cogriizant Plant iaboratory Supervisor accepting the standardization.

6.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1, "Functional Check Sheet" Attachment 2, "Standardization Report" Attachment

.3, "PCS Chemistry Analysis (Power Operations)" -Attachment 4, PCS Activity Analysis".

Attachment 5, "PCS Purification Effluent -**SX-2055"

  • Attachment 6; "PCS Gas Activity" Attachment 7, "Weekly. Radiochemistry" Attachment 8, "Weekly MCA Gamma Scans" Attachment 9, "PCS. Chemistry Analysis (**SX 3336 PCS Tavg <210°F)" Attachment
  • 10,--"Plant Secondary Chemistry Analysis, Power Operations" Attachment 11, "Secondary Systems Weekly Water" .
  • Attachment 12., nPlant Secondary Chemistry Analysis_ (PCS Tave <210°F)" cpll84-0036al54-89