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Part 3 of 5 - NRC-2018-000531_Interim 1 Response Package
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/11/2019
Shared Package
ML19106A205 List:
FOIA, NRC-2019-000247
Download: ML19106A201 (366)



(2) public ADAMS,
(3) microfiche available in the NRC Public Document Room; or FOIA Online,

.Agency records subject to the request are enclosed. Records subject to the request that contain information originated by or of interest to another Federal agency have been referr ed to that agency (See Part I.D -- Comments) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you. We are continuing to process your request. See Part I.D -- Comments. PART I.A -- FEES AMOUNT You will be billed by NRC for the amount indicated. You will receive a refund for the amount indicated. Fees waived. Since the minimum fee threshold was not met, you will not be charged fees. Due to our delayed response, you will not be

charged search and/or duplication fees that

would otherwise be applicable to your request. PART I.B -- INFORMATION NOT LOCATED OR WITHHELD FROM DISCLOSURE We did not locate any agency records responsive to your request. Note: Agencies may treat three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records as not subject to the FOIA (" exclusions "). See 5 U.S.C. 552(c ). This is a standard notification given to all requesters

it should not be taken to mean that any excluded records do, or do not , exist.We have withheld certain information pursuant to the FOIA exemptions described, and for the reasons stated, in Part II.

Because this is an interim response to your request, you may not appeal at this time. We will notify you of your right to appeal any of the responses we have issued in response to your request when we issue our final determination. You may appeal this final determination within 90 calendar days of the date of this response. If you submit an appeal by mail, address it to the FOIA Officer, at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Mail Stop T-2 F43, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001. You may submit an appeal by e-mail to You may fax an appeal to (301) 415-5130. Or you may submit an appeal through FOIA Online, Please be sure to include on your submission that it is a "FOIA Appeal." PART I.C -- REFERENCES AND POINTS OF CONTACT You have the right to seek assistance from the NRC's FOIA Public Liaison by submitting your inquiry at foia/contact-foia.html , or by calling the FOIA Public Liaison at (301) 415-1276.

If we have denied your request, you have the right to seek dispute resolution services from the NRC's Public Liaison or the Off ice of Government Information Services (OGIS). To seek dispute resolution services from OGIS, you may e-mail OGIS at , send a fax to (202) 741-5789, or send a letter to: Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administ ration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. For additional information about OGIS, please visit the OGIS website at .2019 000531 1Jason Fagone 03/20/2019 Request: All NRC records between 2011 and the present day (May 9, 2018) involving safety concerns raised by workers at

the Hunters Point Shipyard in San Francisco, California. This request includes, but is not limited to, complaints, emails, records of phone calls, faxes, memos, and reports. This request also includes all records related to the interactions of (ctd) $0.00 NRC FORM 464 Part I (04-2018)RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC RESPONSE NUMBER RESPONSE TYPE INTERIM FINAL PART I.D -- COMMENTS Signature - Freedom of Information Act Officer or Designee 2019 000531 1Request


Request: All NRC records between 2011 and the present day (May 9, 2018) involving safety concerns raised by workers at

the Hunters Point Shipyard in San Francisco, California. This request includes, but is not limited to, complaints, emails, records of phone calls, faxes, memos, and reports. This request also includes all records related to the interactions of

Susan Andrews and Elbert Bowers with the NRC. Andrews and Bowers are former radiological control experts who worked

at the Shipyard, and they have both stated in sworn declarations that they informed the NRC of safety concerns and

violations in 2011.

Please note:

The responsive records are provided to you in part.

The NRC is not providing duplicative records.

This is the best quality of documents available.

We continue to process your request.

Stephanie A. Blaney Digitally signed by Stephanie A. Blaney

Date: 2019.03.20 06:12:19 -04'00' NRC FORM 464 Part II (04-2018)U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST NRC Form 464 Part II (04-2018) NRC DATE: PART II.A -- APPLICABLE EXEMPTIONS Exemption 1: The withheld information is properly classified pursuant to an Executive Order protecting national security info rmation. Records subject to the request are being withheld in their entirety or in part under the FOIA exemption(s) as indicated below (5 U.S.C. 552(b)). Exemption 2: The withheld information relates solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of NRC. Exemption 3: The withheld information is specifically exempted from public disclosure by the statute indicated. Sections 141-145 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits the disclosure of Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data (42 U.S.C. 2161-2165). Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits the disclosure of Unclassified Safeguards Information (42 U.S.C. 2167). 41 U.S.C. 4702(b), which prohibits the disclosure of contractor proposals, except when incorporated into the contract between the agency and the Exemption 4: The withheld information is a trade secret or confidential commercial or financial information that is being withheld for the reason(s) indicated. The information is considered to be proprietary because it concerns a licensee's or applicant's physical protection or material control and

accounting program for special nuclear material pursuant to 10 CFR 2.390(d)(1). The information is considered to be another type of confidential business (proprietary) information. The information was submitted by a foreign source and received in confidence pursuant to 10 CFR 2.390(d)(2). Exemption 5: The withheld information consists of interagency or intraagency records that are normally privileged in civil li tigation. Deliberative process privilege. Attorney work product privilege. Attorney-client privilege. Exemption 6: The withheld information from a personnel, medical, or similar file, is exempted from public disclosure because its disclosure would result

in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Exemption 7: The withheld information consists of records compiled for law enforcement purposes and is being withheld for the reason(s) indicated. (A) Disclosure could reasonably be expected to interfere with an open enforcement proceeding. (C) Disclosure could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. (D) The information consists of names and other information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to reveal identities of confidential

sources. (E) Disclosure would reveal techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or guidelines that could reasonably be

expected to risk circumvention of the law. (F) Disclosure could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual. Other: PART II.B -- DENYING OFFICIALS In accordance with 10 CFR 9.25(g) and 9.25(h) of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations, the official(s) listed

below have made the determination to withhold certain information responsive to your request. DENYING OFFICIAL TITLE/OFFICE RECORDS DENIED APPELLATE OFFICIALEDOSECY Other: 2018 000531 03/20/2019Stephanie Blaney non responsive and duplicative FOIA Officer Select Title/Office from drop-down list Select Title/Office from drop-down list

Select Title/Office from drop-down list From: Bickett , Brice Sent: To: Monday , September 29 , 2014 12:51 PM j (b)(l)(C) Ferdas , Marc: Collins, Daniel; Urba n , Richard; Screnci , Diane;L,. ____ ___, Cc: RlALLE GATIO N RESOURCE


FW: NB C Bay Area News -Hunters Poi n t Quest i ons -TETRA TECH REPORT (b)(5) Bric e From: Urban , Ri chard Se

  • tember 29 , 2014 12:3 7: 06 PM To: (b)(7)(C) Co ll ins, Dan i el; Fer das , Mar c Cc: c r enc1 , 1a ne; R1A LL EGATION RESO UR CE Subjec t: RE: NBC B ay Area Ne ws -H unte r s Po int Questions

-T ETRA TECH REPORT Auto forwarded by a Rule (b)(7) I agree with (C) hat it must remain interna l. However , please keep in mind that this is not a " re al allegation be cause it i s 1 ce n see-supplied wrongdoing. The reason we put these into our allegation process i s t o tr ack th e m. From:!(b)(7)(C) I Sent: Mon d ay , Septe m ber 29, 2014 10: 16 AM To: Co llin s, Dani e l; Ferdas, Mar c; U r ban , Richard Cc: Scre n ci, D iane


RE: NBC Bay Area New s -Hunters P oint uesti o n s -TETRA TECH REPORT (b)(5) D an -th e 0 1 i nvestiga t ion is In progress , i....... ....... --....---,.......,,--.,..... ______________ __. as l ong is the Note is only for NRC interna 1ssem1nallon. (b)(7) C l (b)(7)(C) Special .Agent i n Charge Office of Investigations Field Office, Region I 2100 Renaissance Blvd. Su it e 100 From: Collins, Danie l Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 1Q*l2 AM To: Ferdas, Ma r ci Urban, Richard; !(b)(?)(C) Cc: Screnci, Diane .__ ____ _,, Sub ject: RE: NBC Bay Area New s -Hunter s Point Questions -TETRA TECH REPORT Hi Marc -I lend to agree wi1h you here. Would like to hear from Diane , Rick , and~also. Isn't the 01 investigat i on is still in progress ? lk'.LJ I can call Drew if needed. Thanks , Dan From: Ferdas, Marc Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 10:0 1 AM To: Collins, Daniel; Urban , Richard;!(b)(7)(C) C c: Screnci, Diane ...._ ___ ____. Sub j ect: FW: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Questions -TETRA TECH REPORT Dan/Rick (b)(l)(C) FSME/DWME eputy Director has recommended we issue a daily on the recent press inqu i ries about Hunters Point. Nol sure we should be doing this. What are your thoughts? A proposed write-up is provided be l ow. MCNYO s f e,yda4,' Chief, Decommissioning & T ec hni cal Support Branch (NR C/Region 1/DNMSI 610-337-5022 (work) !(b)(7)(C) !(cell) marc.ferdas@nrc.g ov From: Chang, Richard Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 9:54 AM To: Masnyk Bailey, Orysia; Ferdas, Marc Cc: Chang, Lydia; Norato, Michael; Sollenberge r , D ennis; Poy , Stephen


RE: NBC Bay Area New s -Hunters Po in t Questions -TETRA TECH REPORT Marc and Orysia , I chatted with Drew this morning , and he recommended that RI write up an EDO Daily note regardi n g this topic. I know that your guys are busy, so I took a fi r st stab at drafting one for you (it is a bit long thoug h a n d will need to be shortened). Please feel free to ed i t it and see if it is factually correct. T hanks , (b)(5) I 2 (b)(5) Fro m: Masnyk Bailey, Orysia Se n t: Monday , September 29, 2014 9:19 AM To: Ferdas, Marc Cc: Screnci, Diane; Chang, Richard Sub j ect: RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Questions -TETRA TECH REPORT Tetra Tech's RSO advised me of t he potential soil problems i n November 2012. Th e Navy had questions at that time. Tetra Tech briefed the NRC on April 23, 2013, followed up by a copy of the report. We haven't done a nyth ing yet. 01 is continuing its investigation. I spoke to the OI agent this past Fr i day and h e i s still working the case. We won't in spect urntil the 01 case is do n e. W e inspected Tetra T ech in February and March 2011, January 2012, and in Apri l and J uly 2014. One non-c it ed vi o l at i o n w as issued in March 20 11 for fa il u r e to secure a low activi t y r adium source. Tet ra Tech has not had any enforceme n t, the Tetra Tech that shows up with escalated enfo r cement i s a portable ga u ge com p any not t h e service provider. From: Ferdas, Marc Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 6:10 PM Cc: Masnyk Bailey, Orysia


Fw: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Questions -TETRA TECH REPORT Orysia Can you please work w/ the approp riat e fo l ks to ge t Diane a response. There is a short time frame o n this. Se n t via NR C Bla ck Berry F r om: Screnci, Diane Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 01:56 PM To: Fer d as, Marc Sub ject: FW: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Questions -TETRA T ECH REPORT Marc, D o you t h ink we can come u p wi th answers t o her first t wo ques t ions on Monday? Th e othe r two I ca n l oo k up. Th an k s-Diane Screnci Sr. Public Affairs Officer USNRC , RI 610/337-5330 3 From: Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversa l) [ma ] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 1:54 PM To: Screnci, Diane Cc: Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversal); Nguyen, Vicky (NBCUniversal)


RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Questions -TETRA TECH REPORT Hi Diane , We under sta nd that T etra Te c h , the Navy contractor on the Hunters P oi n t project, has notified the NRC that the company mishandled soil samples and falsified survey data. According to an April 2014 report produced by Tetra Tech ti t led " INV EST I GATION CONC LUS I ON ANOMALOUS SO IL SAMP L ES A T HUNT E R S POINT NAVAL SH I PYARD ," the Navy discovered that Tetra Te c h had submitted so i l sam pl es from locations different than th e ones s p ec ified in the Final Status Survey Report for Building 517-Survey Uni t 2. The co mpan y confi nned this t o be true , and subsequent ly discovered an additional 12 survey unit s on three sites also had anoma l ous soil samp le s. According t o the r e p o rt., so me survey unit s (it doe s not specify how man y) did exhibit radionuclide concentrations above relea se crite ri a. TI1e r eport states that those areas were remediated and resampled until release criterion were met. As we understand it, this means Tetra Tech s ubmitt ed falsified soi l samp l es and found radionuclides of co n cern at levels above release criter i a in areas that the company had a lr eady remediated. W e are reque s ting the following in for m a ti on: When wa s the NRC notified about this? What action h as th e NRC take n against Tetra Te ch in th is instance? Has the NRC ever cited Tetra Tech? If so, when and why? Ha s the NRC ever taken enforcement action against Tetra Tech? If so, when and why? We are on deadline and would appreciate a response b y Tuesday, September

30. I can be reached at l ... <b_)_(6_) ___ __. Best , Li z Wagn er Liz Wagner 11 ve~l1g .. t 1ve h o *, i,r'.!i'.

flew~ (1 '1:Jll 4J2A7351 b f 1108 '132 A 425 2'15 0 N. F11s t S t.1 c1.t S a 11 Jo~c. A 95131 gi_izabeth, www. nbcbayarea. com/ inv estigations From: Screnci, Diane re Sent: T hur s day, May 15, 2014 6:52 AM To: Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversal)


RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Questions Liz , I have attached th e inspection reports for Tetra Tech at Hunter's Point. You'll no t ice there are severa l different types of documents. When inspecting this type of license-holder , NRC inspectors have a few options fo r documenting their work For example , in 2012 , the inspector found no violations of NRC requirements. In that case , the inspector used only an NRC form (Form 591) to document the inspection and i t s results. I n 2011, the inspector documented a " non-cited violation" using an inspection report and a Form 591. I n Apri l , the inspector used the in spection report (which I've previously sent you) and inspect ion record to document the inspection. I f you need any further assistance, please let me know. 4 Diane Screnci Sr. Public Affairs Officer USNRC , RI 6 1 0/337-53 30 From: Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversa l) [mai lto:El izabeth.Wa g ner@n bc un] Sent: Tuesday, May 13 , 2014 12:30 PM To: Sc r enc i , Diane


RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Questions Diane, I s the report y ou attac h ed a summary of a larger report? The attached letter states that "resu lt s of the in spection were discussed wit h [T etra Tech] at the conclus i on of the inspection" and I need to clar i fy if said results are housed in ano th e r report. Also, can you plea se attach the insp ection reports of any previous inspections at Hunters Point? Liz Wagner l nvc,tiga ti vc Pr~](', l~BC B , r ca l,cw~ o '108.432.4735 t: b l/6) f 408.*132 ,'141.5 2 450 I~. First S\reet ~an JOSE'. C/l '15131 eli za b et h. w agner@nbc u www.nbcba y m/i nvest igations Fro m: Screnci, Diane [mailto:Diane] Sen t: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 5:00 AM To: Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversal) Sub j ect: RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Po int Questions Liz, N o, we can't d i scuss a specific person or specific concerns brought to us through the allegation process. Nor can we publicly discuss how we followed up on those safety concerns. I se nt you the inspect i on report on the April inspection yesterday. I've attached it again. Diane Screnci Sr. Public Affair s Officer USNRC , RI 610/337-533 0 From: Wagner, E l izabeth (NBCUniversal) [ma ilto:Elizabeth.Waqner@nbc un] Sent: Monday, May 12, 20 1 4 5:22 PM To: Scre n ci, Diane Cc: N guyen, Vicky (NBCUniversal)


RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Po i nt Quest i ons Diane, A few fol l ow up quest i ons: 5 1f we obtain a r e lease from the individuals who brought th ese concerns to the NRC , can the NRC discu ss their a l l egat ion s and the results of any subsequent investigations? I t is our understanding that the i ndividuals have g r anted permission to the NRC to discuss the results w i t h us. ls the ins pe c tion that the NR C p erform e d on April 7 and 8 a result of the letter sent to the NRC by Consumer Wat c hdog? We would like to request the det a ils of the inspection tha t took place on April 7 and 8. Is there a written repo r t associated with the inspe ct ion? Or just verbal comrnunica t, on? l (b)(6) l Please call me a t._ ____ _.F t your earliest convenie n ce. Thank you, Liz Wag n er Uz Wagner lr wc-,ti~ativ c Pr o d uc c r 'l~BC B il

  • Arca l'J t \>/S o 4 08.4 32.4735 1 , b 6 f ,10s.,n 2 12s 2 4'>0 ,~. F i,~l S t r e e t .a n ose, . 513 1 e l i zabeth. w www. n bcbay a rea. com/ inves ti gations From: Screnci , Dia n e [ma ilt o:Dia n e.Sc r enci@nrc.g ov) Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1 :46 PM To: Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversal)


RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunter s Point Que s ti o ns E l izabeth. I am responding to the emails you sent to me as well as the message you left for Richard Chang in the NRC's headquarters office. I am declining your request for an on-camera interview. I can neither co nfirm nor deny whether a speci fi c individual has come t o th e NRC w i th safety concerns. I t's important that workers and other members of the pubhc bring safety concerns directly to the N RC at any time. Since some i ndividuals will come forward only if t heir identities will be protected from public d is closure, safeguarding the identity of allegers is an important part of our process to ens ure the vo l untary f l ow of such informa ti on. Now, having said that, the NRC is aware of issues regard ing radiological safety concerns a t Hunte r's Point similar to t h ose you asked about. As is our process , we have followed up on those conce rns as appropr i ate. As I've explained , we have a very thorough process for e v aluat in g concerns that are brought t o the agency. We determine the safety significance of allegations and the appropriate course of action t o fo ll ow-up on the co ncern s. On ce the NRC comp l etes its eva lu ation , the person who raised lh e concern is no t ified of the agency's conclusions. Our correspondence with an alleger i s not publicly avai l able. The Navy is the lead agency for Hunte r's Point and th e remediation is b e ing conducted by t he Defense B ase C l osure a n d Rea li gnment Commission. The En viro nmenta l Prot ec tion Agency has regulatory oversight for the Navy's remed i ation NRC does not regulat e rel ease cri t eria or 6 approve decommissioning procedures at this facility. For Navy contractors with NRC licenses, the NRC conducts routine regulatory oversight to ensure that the contractors perform their activities in accordance with their NRC license. The past several inspections specifically addressed the handling of potentially contaminated soil , and the radiological monitoring of workers. T h ese site inspections i ncluded: review of procedures , review of records and reports , observation of work activities, and interviews with site personnel. For the 2014 inspection , NRC was also accompanied by a State of California inspector. I have attached the most recent inspectio n results for your use. P l ease contact me if you have any further questions. Diane Screnci Sr. Public Aff a ir s Officer USNRC , RI 610/337-5330 From: Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversa l) q ner@nb Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 7:47 PM To: Scre nci , D ian e Cc: N guyen , Vicky (NBCUniversal ); Wagner , Elizabeth (NBC U ni v ersal)


RE: NB C Bay Area News -H unters Point Questions Diane, Thank you for your email. I wanted to update you with additional in formation we have r ece i ved during the course of our reporting. We wou l d also lik e the NRC to address cla i ms that pot en tially radiologica l impacted materi~lleft Hunt e r s Point without being properly scanned or screened. Former Tetra Tech radiological tech}Susan Andrew.?__,1as claimed that the sensitivity of the rnrt;i l monitor wds weakener! in Sep t embe r 2011. and that potentially radioactive soil l ef t Hunter s poii:it when it shouldn't hav ej S h e ~l so claims that potentially ra dio l ogi , cal impacted soil was used as backfill. Additiona l ly , s_he rla ims that unqualified personnel are working in safety-sensitive roles at Hunters Point W e und e rstand that the NRC did investigate these clai m s. We are requesting a copy o f th e report that investigation produced. Our request fo r an on-camera interview st ill stands. We would like to discuss the claims by/_S.11san Andrews. the outcome of an NRC investigation and the it , ems mentioned below. We are under deadline and would like to schedu l e an interview within th e next week. l (b)(6) I P l ease contact me at._ ____ _, to discuss. Thank you, Li z Wagn e r Li z Wagner l11w 7st 1uat i vc~ o 408 412 .4735 From: Scre n c i, Diane [m a i l to: Di a n e.Sc r enci@nrc.g ov] Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 7: 34 AM To: Wagner, Eli zabeth (NBCUniversal)


RE: N BC Bay Area New s -Hunter s Po i nt Questi o n s 7 Hi Elizabet h , I'll get back t o you on this as soon as I can. Diane Screnci Sr. Public Affairs Officer USNRC , RI 610/337-5330 From: Wagner , Eli zabet h (NB CU niver sal) ( ] Sent: Tuesday, M ay 06, 2014 6:38 PM To: Screnci , D i ane Cc: N guyen, Vicky (N BCUniver sal); Wagner , Elizabeth (NBCUniversa l)


NBC Bay Area News -H unters Point Quest i ons Hi Diane, Whistleblowers who used to work at Hunters Point-including former Tetra T ech radiation safety consu l t anv E l bert Bowers t-have to ld us that they have concern s regarding site remediation. Amonft his ton cerns: That safety protocol and radiological safety controls are being ignored at Hunters Poin t That unqualified personnel are working in safety-sensWve roles at the site Th at the culture at Hunters Point changed from one in which radioactive cleanup was a top priority to one in which getting work done quickly and cheaply is paramount Mr. Bowe r S\sa id thafhe tai seq' hrsr:oncerns to the NRC , but that1his loncerns were ignored. We p l an to report these developments. and wou l d like to include the NRC's side of the story. We are req u esting an on camera interview with an NRC official to discuss the claims brought forth by former contractors at Hunters Point. Specifically, we would like to address how the NRC has handled these claims and whether the NRC h as launched an investigation into th~ cleanup e fforts at Hunters Point. We would like to schedule the interv i ew as soon as poss i ble. Please contac t me a _(b)(6) ~o discuss this opportunity Thank y o u, Liz Wagner Liz Wagner l r we~ll gat1ve P*od L 1ce1 rea News 04 08-4 32.4 735 1 t 4oe,m£47'5 2'1~0 N. F1r~1 5 t r crt s~11 Jo~c. "5131 e l l zabeth. wagner@n bcuni.c om m/in ve st igations From: Screnc i , Dian e (mallto:Diane.S c r e n] Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:18 AM To: W a gn er, Elizabeth (NBCUniver sa l)


RE: NB C Bay Ar e a New s -Hu nters Poin t Questions Liz, I'll see what I can do. Typically, we don't discuss how we follow-up on safety co nc erns. Diane Screnci 8 Sr. Public Affair s Officer USNRC , RI 610/337-53 3 0 From: Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversal) [mailto:Eli z abeth.Wagner @nbcun] Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:05 PM To: Screnci, Diane Cc: Nguyen, Vicky {NBCUniversal)


RE: N BC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Quest i on s D ian e , W o ul d y o u p l ease l e t me k n ow w h a t t h e NRC's course of action is when it's de t e r mined? Th a nk s , From: Screnci, Diane [mai l to:Dia n e.Screnci@n r] Sent: Thursday, March 20 , 2014 9:53 AM To: Wagner, Elizabeth {NBCUniversal) Cc: Nguyen, Vicky (NBCUniver s al)


RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Quest i ons Li z, NRC's role a t th e Hunt ers P oin t site is t o provide regulatory oversight of con t ractors with N RC li censes. Wh en w e rec e iv e s a fe t y c o ncerns, we evalua t e them and determine the app r op r ia t e cou r se of ac ti on. Th at's t he pr ocess w e'r e fol l o w ing wi t h the l etter you asked about. I c annot provide any f urther de t a i l s. I a l so can n o t confirm or den y w h e t he r o t he r s have com e t o us w i th safe t y conce rn s. Diane Screnci Sr. Public Affa i rs Offic e r USNRC , RI 610/337-5330 From: Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversal) r@n bcun i.c om Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 5:02 PM To: Screnci, Diane Cc: N guyen, Vicky (NBCUniversal)

Wagn e r , Elizabeth (NBCUn i versal)


NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Questions Diane, 9 Thank you for the call back today. We understand t hat the NRC is taking over the Ca li fornia Depa r tment of Pub l i c H e alth (CDPH) Radio log ical Hea lth Branch's investi gation into wh i s tlebl ower allegatio ns regarding Parcel Con Hunters P o int Shipyard in San Francisco. The state has info r med me that Parcel C i s under exclusive fede ral j urisdiction. A tt ached, please find a copy of the allegation letter sent to CDPH and the NRC. H e r e are our questions: o Why is Parcel C under exclus i ve federal jurisdictio n? o What does the invest igation entail? o How l ong will it la st? o What are the find i n gs thus far? o What will happen at the conclusion of the in vestigatio n? (Will the NRC issue a report, etc.?) o Ha s the NR C be en contacted by whis tl eblowers ab ou t Hunters Poin t in the past? (Please pr ov ide spec ifi cs.) o H as the NRC investigated allegations regarding Hunters P oint in the past? (Please provide specifics.) I am co p yi ng my colleague Vicky Nguye*n on this email, as well. P l ease contact us wit h any questions. Be st, Li z Wagner Liz Wa g n er hive~ltgat,ve Pr o filTi t U,}( l);, 1 A ea 1-Jf'vl~. u 408 4.32 47351 c b 6) l r 'iOfl.432.4415 2450 11. f ir it "*t $a11 Jo~r. C.A '/~1:1 e lizab et h.wa g n e r@nbcun m ww w. nb cb a ya r ea. com I i nvest i gations 10 From: Smith, James Sent: To: Tuesda y, Apr i l 24 , 2018 11: 47 AM Bickett , Br i ce; Klukan , Brett; Chang, Ric h ard J'b)(7)(C) I Koenick, Stephen


FW: Fwd: SF Chronicle: Toxi c dirt from S.F. may be far and wide FYI-More HPNS in the news From: LEE , LILY [mailto:LEE .LILY@EPA.GOV] Sent: Monday , April 23, 2018 2:42 AM To: S m i 1 th, James; M asnyk Bailey, Orysla


[Ext erna l_Sender] F wd: SF Chronicle: To xic dirt from S.F. may be far and wi de Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "LEE, LILY" <L E E.LI LY@E P A.GO V> Date: Apri l 22, 20 1 8 at 11 :29:55 PM PDT To: "Chesnutt , John" <Chesnutt.John>, " Huitric , Michele" <Huitric.Mi>, "Yogi , Da v id" <Yogi.D av id@e pa.go v>, " L ane, Jackie" <Lan e.J ac ki>, "Harris-Bishop , Ru s ty" <H arris-Bi s h o p.Ru s ty@e pa.g ov>, "Fairbanks , Brianna" <Fairbank s. Bri anna@ep>


Fwd: SF Chronicle: Toxic dirt from S.F. may be far and wide From th e fr o nt page of today's SF Chronicle: Toxic dirt from S.F. may be far and wide Ex-Hunters Point workers say soil went to landfills By J.K. Dineen 1 Lea h Mi lli s/ T he C h ron i cle 2016 The San Franc i sco Shipyar d development is under way at the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in 2016. B ran t War d / The C h ronicl e 2015 By 2015, condominium construction was well in progress at the former Superfund site. wi t h some tini t s comp l et ed a n d owners moving in at the Sa n F rancisco Shipyard project. 2 Ch r on i c l e fil e 1966 lhe Hunte rs Point N aval Shipyard was home to the Naval Radiolog i cal Defense Laboratory from 1946 t o 1 969. Sited farmer MuM.n PM\tNaval Shl.pya-d The scandal i n volving cheat ing in the $1 billion cleanup at the former H unters Po int Naval Shipyard ha s unt i l now focused on allegations of what was left behind at the site: radioact i ve dirt dump ed i nto t r enches to save the time and expense of testing and dispos i ng of it properly. But f ormer sh i pyard employees and environmentalists say that toxic waste removed fr om th e s i te is of j ust as grea t a concern. Soil with potentially dangerous levels of radioactive waste, t hey contend, was trucked to conventional landfills across California -the sort o f dumps that typ i ca lly fill up wi t h tree branches, construction debris and old dishwashers, no t r ad i o l og i ca l waste from a former nuclear test lab that handled uranium and p l utonium. The s h ipyard, home t o the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory from 1946 to 1969 , i s now th e site of the San F r ancisco Shipyard development project , regarded as perhaps t h e most i mportant development site in the city. It is to contain more than 10,500 housing units, 300 acres of open space, mill i ons o f square feet of retail , schools. a hotel and artists studios. Before developer FivePoint starting building condominiums in 2013, former sh i pyard employees say tha t Tetra T ech, the company that was paid between $350 million and $450 3 m i llion to l ead the cleanup of the si te , rela xed t he standards for what was al l owed to l eave the property starting in 2011. The portal monitors -radiation de t ec t ion scanners used to prevent tru c k s containing dangerous materials from exiting -were r eset t o be l ess sens itive. An area with scaffold i ng t h at a llow ed inspecto rs to get on top of the t rucks to i nspe c t sh ip ments was taken down. And wh e rea s prev i ous l y trucks that set off an alert from the port al mon i tor more t han tw ice w ould be made to dump their soil loads back on a tarp t o be retes t ed and c leaned o f dangerous materials, the new policy jus t required an employee to wa l k around th e tru c k wit h a ha ndhel d m on i tor. T hose m oni t or s rare ly detected anything becaus e the truck bed made it tough to get read i ngs, according to workers. F ormer sh i pyar d employee Susa n Andrews, who oper ated portal moni to rs i n 2010 and 2011, sa id Te t ra Tech managemen t went to extreme lengths to ensure trucks were a l lowed t o ex it, no mat t er h ow many times they set off the radiation detector. "Before 20 11 that dirt was never to leave until the radiation detected was found, contained and put in a secure l ockup box," she said. "In 2011, they changed the way they d i d bu s iness." A n drews sa i d she saw trucks leaving the yard at night after the portal where they exited was s upp osed to be c l osed f or the day -something she witnessed in January and February o f 2012 from he r co ndomi n ium on Cleo Rand lane, right above the shipyard en t rance. She was one of nine former Tetra Tech employees to raise concerns with the Nuclear Regu l ato ry Commission. She said she was laid off a short time later. "I wou l d be out with my dog about an hour after everyone had gone home, and I'd see these t r u cks f u ll of dirt -10 or 15 of them -going right by my condo," she sa i d. " I t was craz y. Where on the site t he dirt w as coming from or where it was go ing I don't know. But nothing should have been leaving af t er the portal monitor was shut down" for the night. A re cent rev ie w by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and state a gencies found that as much as 97 percen t of Tetra Tech's cleanup data for two parcels at the shipyard was found t o be s uspe ct and should be retested, according to John Chesnu tt , man age r o f the EPA's l oca l Superfu n d Division. A sp ok e sman for Tetra Tech did not re tu rn a ca ll seek i ng commen t. Wh ile the N avy ha s acknow l edged the problems with the Tetra Tech work, i t conti nue s to i nsist that the materials were removed from t he site properly and safely. Derek R ob ins o n , who is leading t he cleanup for the Navy, said soil is s t ockpile d on-si t e a n d samp led to " t o se l ect t he approp riate landfill for disposal." Soil that meets bo t h rad i olo g i ca l and c h em i ca l cleanup requirements is put back into trenches on the si t e, places where s truc tu r es may later be bui l t. So i l that doesn't meet those standards is separated and either sent to a la ndfi ll that accepts specific type s of contamina t ion in the soil or to a low-level rad i oactive waste site. Some batc h es of dirt hauled off Hunters Point were tes t ed and deemed too "ho t" f o r co n ve nti onal dumps, meaning they contained unacceptably high l ev e l s o f radionucl i des li k e cesi um 137 and strontium 90 -both can cause cancer. Tha t dirt, a t leas t 4, 300 c ub i c ya rds , was transported i n watertight steel bins to Clive, Utah , one of four d i sposa l sites in the United S t a t es licensed to accept low-level radioactive was t e. T he rest of the waste, the vast majority, about 7,800 truckloads carrying 15 6,000 cub i c yards, was marked "nonhazardous" and went to conventional dumps. 4 It was h aule d t o K i rb y Canyon in Morgan Hill , near San Jose. It was transported to Keller C anyon in P itts burg. It went to a dump in Buttonw i llow, near Bakersfield, and to facil it ies in V acaville and Br i sbane owned by Recology , which collects San Francisco's household trash. Most landf i l l s also ha ve portal monitors, although e nvironm ental experts say they are u sed spo r ad i cally and do not test for radiation. If soil contaminated with radioactive ma t erial left th e sh ip ya r d s i t e wi t hout being properly vetted, it is possible it landed i n one of these l andfi ll s. Th e t i m in g of t h e c h anges Andrews observed at the po rt al is consistent with testimony from othe r wh i stle-b l owers, who say t h e ent ire culture of the cleanup changed in ea rly 2011 whe n Tetra Tec h's con t ract was restructured from " time and material" to a "firm fixed-price model." Sudden l y, the contractor had a financial incentive to complete the cleanup as quickly as possib l e because i t was wor king for a specific dollar amount. Sho rt ly after t hat con tr act change, worker and whistle-blower Bert Bowers, who was i n char g e of mo n i tori ng compliance with Nuclear Regulatory Commission standards , s a id he started to see violations of i ndustry standards -equipment left where it shou l dn't be and emp l oyees work in g without proper oversight. He complained and was la t er fired. "The in centive was th ere to cut corners and get bonuses, and I started to see t he effec t," h e said. " Th e s t andards s t arted to become compromised." A nthony Smi t h, who worked as laborer and technician at the shipyard during that time, said he a nd hi s colleagues spent months taking soil from areas known to be clean -l ike the foundation of an old movie theater -and passing it off as coming from sections of th e s i te known t o be h igh l y t ox i c. "I t came down from the high er-ups -'We're gonna ma k e this clean today. Go get a sampl e fro m t he norma l place, go get a clean sample; " Smith said. Lindsey D i ll on, a professor of sociology at UC Santa Cruz who is writ i ng a book about the c l eanup and redevelopment o f the shipyard, said it's ironic that the cham pions of the r edevelopment project cas t i t as "t he heroic story of cleaning up a t oxic mili t ary base" whi l e the wa s te tak en off the pr operty is "cr eat ing a new geography of tox ic exposure." Conve nt ional landfills tend t o be located in communities lacking economic or polit i c clout. " It's a systemic i ssue, because these landfill sites are located in particularly vulnera b le areas," said Di l l on. D on W adswort h , a hea l t h physi cis t who specializes in radiat ion safety and radioactive waste man agement services, said the classified nature o f Hunters P oi nt's history makes it hard to know what is bur i ed on t h e property. But the federal government a l located plenty o f money t o do t he job cor r ectly. 'T he probl e m you have is t ha t Tetra Tech was on a program of deceiving the c li ent and the regulators about the cond i tions on the site and the conditions of the materia l s l eaving the site," sa i d Wadsworth. "In this case, th e safety guard rails were not on l y ignored, t h ey wer e r i pped up a nd t hrown away." D aniel H i rs ch, r e tir ed d i rector of the Environmental and N uclear Policy Program a t UC San t a C r u z , said t he "r elease criter i a" govern ing waste materials the Navy set at t he shipyard were f ar l ower than they shou ld hav e been. And it is problematic that t hose standards may have be en v i ola t ed. 5 Hirsch said he has spent two y ea rs t rying to fi nd out wha t happened to the materials remove d from the shipyard. "Th e Navy have resisted and resisted and resisted, he said. "My impression is t ha t they kn e w th i s was a po tent i al problem and didn't wan t it exposed." Landfills sell material as well as accept it so it's tough to say where all mater ia l from the ship yard wound up. Hunters Po in t soil could have ended up in rura l r oads, parks or bui l ding s i tes, Hirsch said. It could have been used as *cove r" a t landfills and ended up b l own i nt o nearby neighborhoods. I t could contaminate water tabl es and irrigation used for cro ps. In add it ion, waste and u nwanted furnishings and metals such as pipes salvage d from raze d build i ngs on the si t e could be recycled. Contaminated office f u rn it ure , fenc i ng. me tal s and co n cre t e from bu i ldings all could have ended up in places where they cou l d d o ha rm to an u nsuspect i ng public. "I p redict th ose communit i es will be up in arms, and they should be," Hirsch sa id. "T hey have converted one Superfund site into perhaps many." Se ver a l of t he waste removal and re cycling companies that received soi l and debris from the sh i pyard di d not return calls. Re cology, which owns facilities in Vacav il le and Brisbane , said it wou l d review all shipments from Hunt ers Point. Spokesman Eric Potashner said his facilit i es require cus t omers to sig n a g uarantee that the soil doesn't contain contaminants that are no t acc epted, which would i n c l ude anything rad i oactive. " We ha ve a r obus t sampling and acceptance criteria for all waste that comes in t o the site," he said. Andrews, who is fr om West Virigina, said Tetra Tech should be responsible for conduc t ing tests at th e l andfills where the shipyard soil ended up. She said that her co-workers went alo n g w i th th e program because the Hunters Point jobs were the most luc r at iv e i n th e c o untry for workers in the hazardous waste r e mediation field. Th ey paid $42 an hour p lus $1,500 a wee k i n expenses. Most of the workers were from Southern sta te s where that kind o f money goes a long way. " I wa s t old t o shut my mouth , that I didn't live there, had hi t th e l ottery, that I shou l d s hut up and sa v e my money. T he more they said that , the madder I got," she sa i d. "I did care, and I d e c i ded that the people of San Francisco were worth more than my salary" J.K. D ineen i s a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: jdineen@s fchronicle .com Tw itte r: @s fjkdinee n 6 7 Shaf tenner Hunta5 PontNawl Shlpywd Jch\ Bta,d\&ld/ The Otnric:111 8 From: Sent: To: Cc: Klukan , Brett Wednesda y, Apr i l 25 , 2018 4: 09 PM RlAILLEGA TION RESOURCE Bickett, Brice; Warnek , Nicole


FW: !F wd: SF Chronicle: Toxic d i rt from S.F. may be far and wide Forwarding for possible inclusion in the allegation file. Cheers , Brett From: Sm i th, James Sent: We d nesday, Ap ril 25 , 2018 4: 04 PM l (b)(?)(C) To: B i c k ett, B ri ce; K lu kan, B r ett; Chang, Richard ;._ ____ _. Cc: E ri ckso n , Randy ; Koenick, Stephen ; Powe ll , Raymond; Orlando, Dom i nick


FW: Fwd: SF Chron i cle: Toxic dirt from S.F. may be far and wide FY I .J (b)().)(C) I As a fo ll ow-up t o th e a rt icles, a few minutes ago , Ra n dy Erikson from R I V r eceived a call fro"l and pa t ched me in fo r a te l econference t o discuss the t oxic d i rt articlesfX 7 XC> ! w h o former l y wo r ked for the State of Ca li fornia on N ava l Bases in San Fr ancisco , offere d to p r ovide detailed information that he has gathered from the ma n y ears at t h e H u nt e r's P o i nt and Treas u re Is l an d working fo r the Sta t e of Californ i a. He said t h a t h e ca n be con t acted a (b)(6) !(b)(6) ri f we w i sh to ask h im for f ur ther details. It didn't so u nd like an allegation, b u t perhaps an offe r of assista ... n_c_e.., if_w_e~ n eeded t o get eye witness s p ecifics as ito the activities ofTetra T ech at t he site. Ji m From: L EE , LI LY[mailto:LEE .LILY@EPA.GOV) Sent: M on d ay, A pr i l 23, 20 1 8 2:42 AM To: Smith, James <Jam es.S m ith@nrc.go v>; Masnyk Bai l ey, Orysia <Ory si a.Mas ny k B a i le y@nr c.g o v>


{Externa l_Sen d er] Fwd: SF Chronicle: T oxic dirt from S.F. may be far and wide Sen t from m y i P h one Beg i n forwarded me ss age: F rom: "LEE, LILY" <L EE.LI LY@E P A.G O V> D ate: Apri l 22 , 2018 at 11 :29:55 PM PDT T o: "Ches n u tt , John" <Ch es nut t.Jo hn@epa.g o v>, "Hu i tric, Michele" <Huitric.Mi c h e l e@e p>, "Yogi , Da v id" <Yo g i.D avid@epa.g ov>, "Lane, Jackie" <L an e.J ac ki e@e p a.g ov>, "Harri s-Bi s hop , Ru s ty" <Harr i s-Bis h o p.Ru sty@e p>, "Fairbanks , Brianna" <Fa irb an.ks.Bri> Sub jec t: F wd: SF C hr o nicl e: T ox ic dir t from S.F. m ay b e fa r a nd wid e 1 Klukan, Brett From: Sent: To: Cc:



Warnek , Ni col e Thu r sday , August 18 , 2 016 2: 44 PM Klu k a n, Br e tt RlALLE G A TI O N R ESO U RC E* Warn ek N ic ol e Re: NRC Statement o (b)(7)(C)

C on cerns (RI-2016-A-0019) .....,. ______ .., FW: NR C S tat e m e nt o (b)(7)(C) Co ncern s Brett -here ,s my first cot on a letter to th e Hunter s Poi n t l awyer. Can you provide a bette r response tor the highlighted section? I'm at a loss. The law yer's original e mail i s attached. Thanks! Nikki Mr. Anton, I am wr i ting in response lo your email to Ms_ Orysia Masnyk B ailey and Mr. Jay B igoness , dated July 31 , 2016. Your email ref erred to a letter I sent you , dated July 20 , 2016 , that acknowledged NRC's understanding of y ou r clie nt's concerns following an interview on June 28-29 , 2016 In your email you requested my contac t informat ion and asked that the NRC explain which areas of the Hunters Point site are within NRC's jurisdiction. You also questioned t he relevance of geographic Jurisdiction at Hunters Point. T he NRC and th e S1ate of Ca l i fornia have split JUrtsd 1 ct 1 on at Hunters Po i nt. The details regarding t hese jurisdictional boundaries are documented in a l etter from the NRC t o the Navy , dated July 15, 2014. The l e tt er i s pub l ica ll y ava il able th r ough our NRC website al htt p://ada m s.nrc.qov/w b a To loca t e the document , select the "Advanced Sea r ch" tab at the top of the page: under "Document Properties," select "Accession Number" i n th e drop-down

iox under the "Property Field" and enter the Access,on Number M L 14071 A057 in the "Value Ffeld." Thi s will l ead vou to a oackaoe of three documents ,ncludino the letter and t wo mans. (b)(5) In your email you a l so expressed concern that the NRC ts " turning a blind eye to the issues" at Hunt ers Point , and you be li eve that the NR C is more interes t ed in pro t ecting i tself than protecting the publ i c. Concerns regarding NRC p erformance or misconduct are handled by the NRC Office of the In spector Genera l (OIG). Our Region I Counse l provided y o u r email o n to the OIG on Monday August 1 , 2016 , for the i r awa r eness. If you wou l d li ke t o follow up w i th t h e OIG directly , you can reach them at 1-800-233-3497.

S in cerely, Ni cole Warnek Sen i o r A llega ti on Coordinator U.S. N u clear Regulatory Comm i ssion, Region I 800-432-1156 x5222 (Sa f e ty Hotline) 61 0-3 3 7 -6954 (offi c e) Page 1 of 2 Region I Allegation Review Board Disposition Record Allegation: Rl-2016-A-0019 Site/Facility

Hunters Point CONCERN(S)

DISCUSSED: ARB Date: Allegation Receipt Date: 08/10/2016 08/01/2016 Email received from the Cl's attorney on 8/1 in response to ack/clo letter sent 7/20 , containing concerns and questions raised by the Cl's attorney. 1. The NRC was not doing its ~b and wa 0 urning " a bl in d eye" to radiation safety issues raised at Hunter s P oint. Specifically~san Andrew sl previously raised the concern about chain of custody records and NRC did nothing with this infotfuation. T his is one examp l e o f concerns that were raised by in 2011 , 2012 , and 2013 to the NRC i nspector and " went nowhere". Security Category: NIA 2. NRC is more interested in protecting itself due to current informatio n showing a failure of oversight than p r otecting the public. Cl feel s that the repeated referencing of jur i sdiction at Hunters Point is a part of this effort to protect the NRC and those who work for the NRC that were to provide oversight of Hunt ers Point and Tetra Tech. Security Category: N/A 3. Cl wants NRC to explain NRC's geographic jurisdiction at Hunters Point , and explain why the Acknowledgment Letter (" Concern document") to the C l is so focused on geographic jurisdiction and seems to ignore the issue of license oversight jurisd i ction. Security Category: N/A SAFETY SIGNIFICANCE

ALLEGATION REVIEW BOARD ATTENDEES: Cha i r: Trapp/Nick BC: Ni cho l son SAC: Warnek Others: Bickett, Bolger 01:~ RC: Klukan DISPOSITION ACTIONS 1. Provide response by email. For issues 1 and 2: NRC perfo rm ance/wrongdoing matters should be directed to the OIG. Provide OIG co ntact info and note that Region I has already forwa rd ed these i ssues to O IG. F or issue 3: Pro vide response to jurisdiction quest io n Responsible Person: Warnek ECO: 8/26/16 Closure Documentation:

RAC response email Completed:

2. Provide information to SAC regarding NRC jurisdiction at Hunters Point , referencing publically available documents as available.

Responsible Person: Powell Closure Documentation



  • Does alleger object to providing concerns to the licensee via an RFI?
  • H as the ARB reviewed and approved the RFI Checklist?

NOTES: ECO: 8/19/16 Completed: OYes ONo 181 N/A OYes ON o 181 N/A Upon conc lusion of the Allegation Review Board (A RB), this D ispositio n Record becomes the official ARB Page 2 of2 minutes , and i s cons i dered rev i ewed and approved by the ARB Chair. From: Klukan , Brett Sent: T o: Monday , August 01 , 2016 9:3 4 AM Warnek, Nic ole C c: Bickett , Brice; RlALLEGATION RE SOLIJRC E. Re: NRC Statement of l (b)(7)(C) f oncerns Su b j ect: N ikki , Ju s t so that yo u're aware , I forw arded y our email t o OIG for consideration. C h eers, Brett On: 01 August 2016 08:54 , "W amek , N ic o l e" w r o t e: I received an ema i l from the lawy er fo r the Hunter*s Point alleger, in r es pon se t o the acknowledgement/closure. l e tter I se nt. I will work with Brice t o fig ur e o ut a res p onse , but wa nt ed you a ll t o b e aware of the ema il s inc e I may n ee d to reach out to yo u. For reference , the acknowledgement /closure letter I sen t to Mr. Anton i s attached. Brett -thi s m ay require an OIG r eferra l. Nikki Fro m: Ma s nyk B a iley , Or ys i a X Sent: Monday , August 01 , 20 1 6 7:51 AM To: Wam ek , Nico l e Cc: Bigoness, Ja y S u bject: FW: NR C Statement of!(b)(?)(C) !Conc ern s C an you r eac h o ut t o ~r. Anton o r shoul d I give him}.er point of contac t? Fro m: D av id Antor 1l_(p rn il t o:d,w i da nt o n law0.,uma Sent: Sunday , Jul y 31 , 2 016 3: 17 PM To: Bi g one ss , Ja y <)ay.BiiJ.o ne ss(cu nn.:.g o ,*>; Mas n k Baile , O rysia X <Orvsiu.Mas n v kB a i l ey(l 1 mr c.g, ov> S u bject: [Extemal_Sender] N R C Statement of (b)(l)(C) Conce rn s Jay and Orysia: I h ave rece iv e d a le tt er from the NRC , writte n by N i co l e W amek , Senior A ll ega ti on Coordinato r , that contain s Enclosure l that s et s forth 6 " Concerns". Cou ld you ple ase s end m e Nico le's email address so n ca n co mmunicat e w ith N i co l e directly about the stateme nt of concerns. Additi o n a ll y , th e s tatement se t s forth stateme nt s a s t o wha t is or i s not wi thi n the NRC jurisdiction , as if jlb Xl)(C) rrould kno w such a thing. P l ease iden t ify th e scope of area tha t th e N R C con tend s is witrnn i ts juri sd i c ti on at Hunters Point a nd what area s a r e outsi d e N R C juri s di ction. In th e wrongfu l termin a tion case t h at I liti gated o n behalf of fo ur ind i v idu als that worked at Hunter s Point and were re l ease d w h e n th ey resisted the developing cul tur e of rad cheating at Hunt e r s Point I was co nfr o n ted with a moti on to di s mi ss the ca s e based on the federal enclave. I h ave extens i ve in fo rm at i o n a s a r esu lt o f that proc ess, includin g hi s toric r eco rd s of th e ar e as cl a imed as en c l aves b y t h e Navy as we ll as detailed maps of the 1 enclave and n on-federal enclave scope of Hunters Poinl If the ju ri sd i ction of the NRC is exac tly the sa me as the federal enclave o r non-federal enclave area , sim p ly id entifying jt that way will work for me. lf the NRC area of juri sdktion differs from the federal enc l ave area , then a detai l ed expla n at i on of a PRF of a map will work. I ha ve had deep concern s ove r the years worl<mg on thi s case th at the NRC was not doing it j ob, and was more interested in turnin g a blind eye to the issues than do i n g what those i n the field thought the NRC was suppose to do. [For examp~/~usan Andrew~infonned Orysia in late 2011 of the falsefied Chain of C u stody racumentatioffen \her Interview , and it appears the N RC did nothing with th is information. T h.e r ecor d s an d :X7)(C) * ,. r{"; I tatements show thay M~. Andrews report to Orysia in 2011 of falsified COC document s wa s accurate and ongoing , and went on for over a year thereaft er. This is j u st o n e example of many reports of misconduct in vo l ving the rad proces ses brought to the N RC in 20 11 , 12 , and 13 that went nowhere.] I have been concerned tl1at the NRC may s till be more int erested in protecting it s elf due to current information show ing a failure of oversight than protecting the pub li c. I am concerned that the repeated r e fer e ncing of jurisdiction is part of this effort to protect t he NRC and t h ose w h o work for the NRC that were to provide oversigh t of Hunt ers Point and Tetra Tech. I am hoping the NRC wi ll reali ze the need to take a proactive effort t o get thing s ri gh t at Hunter s Point , rather than focusin g on protecting i ts admi ni strative butt. Please a l so explain the relevance of geographic jurisdiction at Hunters Point when infonnation shows that a company with an NRC license has been r eported a s intentionally and fraudulently s ubmitting documents to the government [Navy] about remediation of radioactive materials. It wou l d seem to me that the :fraud involving rad material and fraudulent reporting to the government wo uld both be of concern to the NRC due to the NRC i ss ued licen se to Tetra Tech. Please explain to me why it is th at the "Concern" document is so focused on geographic jurisdiction , and see m s to ignore the issue of license oversight jurisdiction. Due t o my concerns, I want to go over these itemi z ed "Concerns" for accuracy and completeness. At present [ need additional inform at ion on the issue of juri s diction to respon d. I ca n s t ate that the sco pe of the "Concerns" appears incomp l ete as presently framed , but I know that I do not have foundation information on jurisdictio n to accurately re spond. [ lo ok forward to receiving the information and email address that I request so that we can provide clarification, corrections, and a full and accurate full scope of concerns relevant to the Tetra Tech li cense with the NRC and the conduct at Hunter s Point. David Anton 2 From: Klukan , Brett Sent: To: Monda Au ust 01 , 2016 9: 32 AM (b)(7)(C)



Fwd: NRC Statement ofe l;l(C) 1 concerns 20160019 ackclo.pdf

-* l (b)(7)(C) See below for your awareness. The alleger's attorney cited concerns over NRC's oversig ht of Hunters Point activities. We (Region I) plan to be the POC for further communications with the a tt orney. Plea se Jet me know if you h ave any que stions. Thanks. Cheers, Brett From: "Wamek , Nico l e"


FW: NRC S ta tement of x i x c) I Concerns Dat e: 01 August.2016 08:54 To: "R 1 AL LEG A TJON R ESOURCE" , "Powell , RR~ond" " KJuf an , Br ett" Cc: "Masnyk Bailey , Orysia X" , "Bigoness , Jay" , f x x) , "Wamek, Nicole" I rec eived an email from the law ye r for the Hunter's Point alleger, in response to the acknow l edgement/c l osure l etter I sen t. I will work with Brice t o figure out a response , bu t wa nt e d you a JI to be aware of the email si nc e I may need t o reach out to you. For reference, th e acknow l edgement/c1osure letter l sent t o Mr. Anton is attached. Brett -this may require a n 0 1 0 referral. Nikki From: Masnyk Bai l ey, Orysia X Sent: Monday , August 01 , 2016 7:51 AM To: Warnek , Nicole Cc: Bigoness, Ja y ... b_7_c ___ __


FW: N RC Statement of ( )( )( ) oncems Can yo u r eac h ou t to Mr. Anton ors ou I give im another point of co nt act? From: David Anton[mail1o:d,n idantonla" (ri] Sent: Sunday, July 3 1 , 20 1 6 3: 17 PM To: Bigoness, Ja y <Jay.Bigone ss(a 11rc.~ov>~ Mas n k Bai l ev, Orysia X <Orvsia.MasnvkBatlcv(>


[Extema"l_Sender] NRC Stateme nt of (b)(7)(C) Concerns Ja y and Ory s ia: 1 I ha ve recei ve d a letter from the N R C, written b y N i co l e Warne k , Senior Allegation Coordinator, that contains Enclosure 1 th a t sets fort h 6 11 Concems". Co uld you p lease send me Nicole's email address so I ca n co mmuni cate with Nicole directly about the state m en t of co n cerns. ally, th e sta tem ent sets fo rth state m e n ts as to what is or is not with in th e NRC jurisdiction, as if wo uld kn ow suc h a thing. Pl ease i den ti fy the scope of a r ea that the N R C co nt e nd s i s within it s J on at Hunt e r s Poin t and wh a t a r eas are outside N R C juri s dic tion. In th e wro n gfu l te nnin ation case that I litigated on b e half of fo ur i nd i vidua l s that worked at Hunters P o int a nd were re l ea s ed w hen the y resisted the developing cul tur e of r a d c h eat in g at Hunter s P oi n t I was confro n t ed with a motion to dismiss the case based o n th e federal en cla ve. I ha v e extensi v e information as a result o f that pro cess, including hi storic records of t h e areas claimed as enclaves by the Navy as we ll as detailed maps of the e ncl ave and n on-federal enclave scope of H un ters P o i nt. l f the j uri s diction of the N R C i s exac tl y th e sa me as the fed e ral enclave o r non-federal enc l ave area, simply id e nt ifying it that way w ill work for me. If the NRC area of jurisdi ctio n differs from the federal enclave area, then a detailed ex plan atio n of a PR F of a map will wo rk. I ha ve had d ee p concerns over the years working o n this case th at the N R C was not d o ing it job, a nd was more int erested in turning a b li nd eye to th e i ssues than doing w h a t t h ose in th e field tho u ght the NRC was s upp ose t o do. [For exam P.l;.L§" u sa n Andrew~n fo rmed Orysia in la t e 2011 of th e fa l sefie d C h a in o f C u s tod y documentation i tti!_~:}n ter v ie w, ancI1t appears the N R C did nothin g wi th this information. T he records and r xi x c> ~ta t emen t s show tha(Ms. And r ew3eport to Or ys i a in 20 1 1 of fa l sified COC documents was acc urat e and ongo in g, a nd we nt on for over a year thereafter. Th i s is jus t one exa mp le of many reports of miscondu c t involvin g the rad pro cesses brought to the NRC in 201 1 , 1 2, and 13 that went nowh e re.] I h ave b ee n concerned th at the N R C ma y still he more intere s ted in p rotect in g it s elf due to curre n t in format i o n s h owing a failure of oversigh t than protecting th e pu b li c. I am co n cerned th at th e repeated referencing of juri sd icti o n is part of thi s e ff ort to prot ect th e N R C and t h ose who wo rk for the N R C that we re to pro v ide oversjght of Hunters P o in t and Tetra Tech. I am h o pin g th e N R C will realize the need to t ake a pro ac tiv e effo rt to ge t things ri ght a t Hunt ers Point~ rather than focus i ng on protec t i n g it s ad mini strat i ve butt. Pl ease also explain the relevance of geograp hi c j u risdiction at Hunt ers P oint when information s hows that a co mpany wi th an NRC li cense h as been r eported as intentionally a n d fraudu l e ntl y s ubmittin g document s to the government [Navy) about remediation of radioacti v e materials. It wo uld se em to me that the fraud in vo l vi n g rad material and fraudulent rep orti n g to the government wo uld b oth be of co n ce rn to th e NRC due t o th e N R C i ssue d li ce n se to Tetra Tech. Please exp l ain to me why it is th at th e "Co n cern" document i s so foc u sed on geograp hi c juri s diction, a nd seems to ignore th e i ss u e of licen se overs i g ht jurisdiction. Due to m y concerns, I want t o go over these itemized "Conce rn s" for accuracy and com pl e t eness. At pr ese n t I n ee d additional in forma tion on the issue of jurisdiction to r espond. I can s tate that the scope of the "Concerns" appears in comp l ete as pre sen tl y framed , but I know t h at I do not h ave foundat i on in fo rmation o n ju ri s diction to accuratel y respond. I l oo k forward to receiving the information a nd emai l ad dr ess that I request so that we can provide clarification, correction s, a nd a full and accurate full scope of conce rn s rele vant t o the Tetra Tech licen s e w ith th e NRC and the co nduct a t Hunter s P oint. David An to n 2 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGU L ATOR Y COMM I SS I ON REGION I 2100 RENAISSANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 KI N G OF PRUSSIA. PA 19400.2713 July 20, 2016 Dav id C. An t on Attorney At Law 1717 R edwood L ane Davis , CA 95616 S ubje ct: Concerns Your C l ient Raised to th e NR C Regarding Hunt ers Po i nt N aval Shipyard D ea r Mr. Anton: (b)(7)(C) This le tt e r r efers t o concerns raised by your clien egarding Hunt ers P o int Nava l Shipyar d. T he NR C became aware of your c ,en s concerns o March 11 , 2016, through an NBC B ay Area news article. T he NRC interviewed your client on June 28-29 , 20 1 6, to ob *n additional Informat io n r ega rding his conce rn s. E nclosure 1 documents our u n derstan d ing of (b)(7J(C) l (b)(7)(C) r once rns. Please con ta ct me if we misunderstood

  • Or mischaracterized h is concerns.

T he NR C w i ll pursue t he se matters , as appropriate. Typ ically , the NRC takes a ll reasonable efforts not to disclose an all eger's ident i ty to an y o r ganization , i ndi v idual o ut side the NRC , or the public. H oweve r , beca use your clien1 notified the news me d ia of his concerns, please und erstand that we can n ot protect his identity as the source of these concerns. Th e NRC plan s n o furt he r co rre spondence on this matter. However, if you have any q ues ti ons, cla rifi ca t ions, or additional i nfo r mation t o provide , please call this office t oll-fre e v ia the NRC R egion I S afety Hotline a t 1-8 00-432-1156 , ext. 5222, betwee n 7: 30 a.m. and 4: 15 p.m. EST , M o nda y through Friday , or contact me in writing at 2100 Rena iss ance Blvd , Suite 1 00, Ki n g of Prus sia, PA 194 06. Sincerely , N icole S. Warnek Sen io r A llegatio n Coordinator En closure: As Stated .. _ CERTIFIED MAI L R ETURN RE CE IP T RE Q U ES TED ,. ENCL0SURE1 Concern 1: In the NBC news article, your client ind i cated tha[fu~uperv i sors ordered h i m to replace potentially contaminated soi l samples w i th clean samp l es. During his interv i ew with the NRC , your cl ient indicated that the ma j ority of soil replacements happened outside of NRC jurisdiction. However. one example occurred in Parcel G, which is under NRC jurisdiction. Your client stated tha~ccompanied by another (named J CblCZ)(C} I took soi l samples from a trench under~ath Building 351 A One of the samples was above elease c riteria. Your client e ed a meetin where the artici ants include (b)(l)(C) (b)(7)(C) and othe f (b)(7)(C) I At that meeting {b)(7){C) vise your c 1en o ge "-:::'a-=c:r:: e~"" ample ," because otherwise they would have t o reme 1a e with a ~pecial machine due to asbestos in the area , and getting that machine back would " be too expensive. Concern 2: In the NBC news article , your client i ndicated thalb~upervisors instructed him to dump potentially contaminated soil into open trenches across Hunters Po int. Durinfhisl in t erview w ith the NRC , your client clarified that the potentially contaminated soil was collectea-rl-om Parcel E , replaced with " clean soil," and dumped into trenches a lso located in Pa rcel E , which is outside of NRC regu l atory jurisdiction. Concern 3: In the NBC news article , your client in d ic ated tha f~supervisors forced h im to sign falsified documents (cha in of 8-li~ody forms for soil samp les) that were l ate r submitted to the government. Our i n~~nterv i ew w i th the NRC , your client stated that these chain of cus t ody forms were for samples obtained in Parcel E. H owever, your clien t also sta t ed t hat two othe r (b}(7)(C) names provided] were to l d to falsify chain of custody forms , and they worked in areas un er NRC jurisdiction. Concern 4: In the NBC news art icle , your cl i e,.ot indicated t ha t supervisors tampered with computer data that analyzed radiation levels. DuringJ, ii)ntervie w with the NRC , your c l ient clarified that the computer data was assoc i ated with surveys performed in Parcel E. Concern 5: I n the NBC news artic le, yo~~ent indicated that , whe,fu~aised concerns internally , the comp any response was ould go home if he didn't like the company's tactics. No additional d~tails were provide during your client's in terv i ew with the NRC. Concern 6: During his interv i ew with the NRG , your client raised an add i t i 9D~ concern not captured by the NBC news art icle. Your clien~erted th at , in January 2009.~o llected a " background tt sample that came back " hot." He was told by his superv f sor to get another sample and not tell anyone about the "hot" sample. he area was never investigated. T his sample collect i on . occurr ed outside of NRG jur i sdiction. ENCLOSURE 1 NRC Respons e to Concerns 1-6: I Thank you for providing these concerns to the NRC. T he NRC w ill pursue these matters , as appropriate.

  • For your information , the NRC is in the process of finalizing our enforcement response for similar iss ues identified at Hunters Po i nt pertaining to Parcel C. Specifically , the NRC transmitted an apparent violation to Tetra Tech EC , I nc. (Tetra Tech) by letter dated February 11 , 2016. The NRC identified that , between November 18 , 2011 , and June 4 , 2012 , when tasked with obtaining soil samples to ascertain the amount of residual radioactivity in specific locations within Parcel C , Tetra Tech employees instead obtained so i l samples from othe r a reas that were suspected to be less contaminated. The February 11 , 2016, letter is publicly availab l e in our Agency-wide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at accession number (M L 16042A 074). Tetra Tech responded to the NRC by letters dated March 15 , 2016 (ML16090A220) and March 22, 2016 (ML16090A318). T he NRC is in the process of f inalizing our enforcement response.
  • From: Sent: To:


Urban , Richa r d f.riday , March 27 , 2015 8:SO_AM .Qav i dAnton l aw@gma Your Req u es t Per your letter to me dated March 17, 20 1 5 , NRC a ll egation files Rl-2011-A-0113 , Rl-2012-A-0022 and Rl-2011-A-0019 are closed. V/R Richard J. Urban Sr. Allegation Coordinator Region I, US NRC From: Sent: To:


From: Masnyk Bai l ey, Orysia Masnyk Bailey , Orysia Tuesday , May 27 , 2014 11:11 AM Klukan , Brett FW: WARNING CONTAINS ALLEGATION INFORMATION Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 9:04 AM To: Urban, Richard; RlALLEGATION RESOURCE Cc: Ferdas, Marc


WAR N ING CONTAINS ALLEGATION INFOR_MATION ~usa n Andrew~ft a voice mail on my phone Saturday 4/24/2014{iti~advised me that the only wa~"1would c mmunicat ith me was throu h~ lawy er , David Antoine , by mail , or by email. I could not understand the address s e eft but h said that we ha he address on file.§ave her email as eithe (b)(7)(C) r (b)(7)(C) he said that I should "send f£e3ny concerns an she would review them an get back 1 From: Sent: To: Cc:


Brett, Urban , Richard Tuesday , May 27 , 2014 7:21 AM Klukan , Brett Bickett , Brice; Masnyk Bailey , Orysia; Ferdas , Marc; RlALLEGATION RESOURCE FW: U.S. NRC re: Rece n t May 2014 phone messages/ conversations ... SENSmVE ALLEG IN FO Just an FY l r Mr B ower'iland§.usan Andrew~re basically being info rmed by their l awyer that they shouldn't talk to us; r~er they should only respond in writing to our writing. T he reason for my call to them was to in form them of being considered widely known allegers and fo r Orysia t o get mo re info on a couple new a ll egations that appeared in a news article. From~(b)(5) Sent: .. M ... o..,..nd .... a-y,-M ... a-y-2-6,"'"'2""'01 ... 4,_3 ... : 2 .... 6 ... A .... M.....--------c:=.:;,........----- To: Urban, Richard


U.S. NRC re: Recent May 2014 phone message s/ conversations ... Mr. Urban , As follow up to th e the subject l ine above: A voice message l eft for me on May 21, 2014 at 1 PM. detailed your advisement of the following: ... the article that was out in the paper about "Former Contractors Claim Hunters Point Cleanup Is Botched" ... a couple of things to go over ... inspector Orysia Masnyk-Bai/ey had some questions ... we were trying to make a dual call ... we 'II try to get back with ya ... if we don't hear back from you we 'II be calling you separately ... maybe you can give me a call at 610 337-5271 ... Orysia is at 864 427-1032 The following day (May 22, 2014 at 1 : 59 PM), you and I talked directly during which my preference was shared that subsequent communications with the NRC be co nducted in writing. To justify , I feel that doing so allows the enhanced opportunity for sufficiently documented detail to be clearly communicated, in particular as to what information is now needed by the NRC and why the agency is attempting to contact me after such an extended lapse in tim e. Frankly , a rationaliz ed exp l ana tion evades me and personal co n cerns build over circumstances and appearances related to radiological sa fety at Hunters Point. In particular, that which suggest the NRC's present day agenda is more on damage control/ assessment/ repair as a greater priority due to negative public scrutiny -complete with overarching licensee protection afforded those with a demonstrated history of suspect intent -who in doing so have allowed for the inexcusable compromise of general public, project staff. and environmental well being , all while making deflective and misleading representations to officials of local , state , and federal government agencies. Mr. Urban, it has been and continues to be my morally preferred and professionally correct objective to openly cooperate with you , your office staff , and representatives of all branches within the NRC. Hence , to ensure a detailed understanding during ensuing communications, please state your intent very clear l y , and document what you want from me in detail. I will conscientiously consider your correspondence in like fashion with the best interest of the general public , the Hunters Point project population, and the environment in mind as my top priority. Sincerely , Elbert "Bert 11 Bowers 2 From: Sent: To: Cc:


Klukan , Brett Thursday , May 08 , 2014 11:5 7 AM Urban, Richard; Screnci , Diane RlA LLEGATION RESOURCE; Bickett , Brice RE: NBC Ba y Area News* Hunters Point Quest i ons SENSITIVE ALLEG IN FO RI-2011-A-0019 I've r eached out t o OGC t o see if I can get ahold of t his guidance before next week. Cheers, Br e tt From: Ur ban, Richard Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 11:26 AM To: Klu ka n , Brett; Screnci, Diane Cc: RlALLE GATIO N RESOURCE; Bickett, Brice


RE: NBC Bay Area New s* Hunters P oint Questions SENSmVE ALLEG IN FO Rl-2011-A-0019 I just spoke to Dav e Vito. He is in R I V with Lisa. H owever, he told~e that OGC h as previou~ ru l ed that this does not make them w i dely known allegers. F urth er , even thoug~~aid we could confirm~i~aving come to us, Dav e cautioned that we should not. Dave said he cou l d pro v ide OGC justification when he gets back nex t week. From: Klukan, Brett Sent: Thursday, May 08, 20 14 11:01 AM To: Urban, R i chard; Screnci , Diane Cc: RlALLEGATION RESOURCE; Bickett , B rice


R E: NBC Bay Area N ews -Hunters P oint Questions SENSmVE ALLEG INFO Rl-2011-A-0 019 The comp l aint (th e docu ment a t the first bottom of the docket l ist) notes t h at bo t~ndrew~andfowe~made a ll egations to the NR C. The compla i nt is a public document. Diane, thanks for finding t h i s-I was jus t about to go l ook for it. Cheers, Br e tt From: Urb an, Richard Sent: Thursday, Ma y 08, 2 014 10:5 2 AM To: Sc renci , Diane; Klukan, Brett Cc: RlALLEGATION RESOURCE


RE: NB C Bay Area N ews -Hunt ers P oi nt Q u estions SENS m VE ALLEG INFO Rl-2011-A-0019

  • l (b)(7)(C)

E l b e rt Bowers; Susan Andrews;._ __________ __, From: Sc r enc i , Diane Sent: Thur s day, May 08, 2014 10:48 AM To: Urban, Ric h a rd; Klukan, Brett Cc: B i c k ett, Brice; Dean, Bill; RlALLEGATION RESOURCE


RE: NBC Bay Area N ews* Hunters Po i nt Question s SENS IBVE ALLEG I NF O RI-20 11-A-0019 I think t h is might be what we're loo k ing for .... http://www.plainsi t california-county-of-san-francisco /s usan-v-andrews-et-al-v-tetra-tec h--ec-inc-et-al/ T he ent i re d ocket i s at http://www.pla i uperior-court-of-california-county-of-sa nfrancisco/susan -v-andrew s-et-a l-v-tet r a-te ch--ec-inc-et-a1/ ,-. Diane Screnci Sr. Public Affairs Officer USNRC , RI 610/337-5330 From: Urban, Richard Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 10:40 AM To: Kl u kan, Brett Cc: Bickett , Bri ce; Dean, Bill; Screnci, Diane; RlALLEGATION RESOURCE


RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunt e rs Point Questions SENSmVE ALLEG INF O Rl-2011-A-0019 I spoke t o th e a ll eger. He has never spoken to this news reporter. As best as I can tell , it sounds l ike him and three other allegers have retained the services of an attorney and have filed a claim in Federal Civil Court. I n the mea nt ime DOL has put the cases on hold pending the claim. B r ice and I believe that this co ur t filing coul d be public and may con t ain the names of the allegers and their concerns . ...... -Brett, could you get this filing? Is that possible? If we can veri fy w').9t we be lieve, we can pro b ably go with widely-kno wn alleger status for these allegers. I have the name olEB]attorney /©avid Anton}lput that's i t. [E_§ras supposed to call me back wi t h contact informat ion for the lawyer. { From: Urban, Richard Sent: T hur sday, May 08 , 2014 9:30 AM To: Dean, Bill; Screnci, Diane Cc: Bick ett, B rice


RE: NB C Bay Area News -Hunters Point Quest i ons Th e alleger left me a voice message late yesterday. I will be callinl5.i~hor tl y, wh i ch will hopefully make our job easy to respond to th e reporter. From: D ea n , Bill Sent: Wednesday , May 07 , 2014 9:09 PM To: Urban, Richard; Screnci, Diane Cc: Bi c kett , Br ice


Re: NBC Bay Area New s -Hunter s Point Questions Wou l d be nice if we cou ld referen ce the facf~is an alleger and be more transparent. N o came ra , obviously , but cou ld we not say we have received allegations regarding similar i ssues and not say where we got them from? Bill Dean Regiona l Administrator Region I, USNRC From: Urban, Richard Sent: W e dne s day, May 07 , 2014 02:43 PM To: Screnc i , Diane; Dean , Bill Cc: Bickett , Brice


RE: NBC Bay Area News -Hunters Point Questio~ I ca ll ed El_t&bout an hour ago and left a message o~~ell phone-!5lhas yet to return my cal l. 2 From: Screnci, Diane Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 2:01 P M To: Dean, Bil l Cc: B i c k ett, Br i ce; Urban, Richard


FW: NBC Bay Area New s -Hunter s Po i n t Questions Bill, I rec eived this ema i l l ast night. I've told the r eporter I'll get back to her. Just wanted to run by y ou what I'm p l anning. I've discussed thi s with Rick , who h a s discussed with HQ Allegations. Rick is trying to contact the~ntlem~n~med in the email to de t ermine whftther[fiil.van t s us to tre atfui~s a p~lic allege r. !~doe s, we can then respond to the email b y saying yes , ll!e~come to us; we've looked into , hi~concerns and what we found. lf[6~eclines be treated as a public alleger -or is n ot reachable -we would have to "n either conf irm nor deny" whethel,behad come to us ... and a nswer no questions abou(6§allegations I'd provi de information about protecting tfie identity of allegers and why we do that. In ei ther case, I'd suggest we decline to go on camera with the reporter. (al th ou gh I'm fairly certain she wasn't anticipating she'd have to come here to inte rview someone.) Your thoughts? Diane Screnci Sr. Public Affairs Officer USNRC, RI 6 1 0/337-5330 From: Wagner, E l izabeth (NBCUniversal) [mailto:Elizabet h.Wa Sent: Tuesday, May 06 , 2014 6:38 PM To: Sc r e n ci, Diane Cc: Nguyen, Vicky (NBCUniversal); Wagner, Elizabeth (NBCUniversal)


N BC Bay Area New s -Hunters Point Questions Hi Diane , Whistleblowers w h o used to work at Hunters Point-including former Tetra Tech radiation safety consultan@ b ert Bowe~have told us that thev have c9ncerns regarding site remediation. Among his conce rn s. That safety protocol and rad i ological safety controls are being ignored at Hunters Point That unqu a lifi ed personne l are working in safety-sensitive roles at the site Th at the c u l tu re at Hunters Point changed from one in whic.h radioac ti ve clean up was a top priority to one in which getti'1g work done quickly and cheap l y is paramount ~r. Bower!Paid that\ hP. hise c{ hi_sjto n cerns to the NRC, but tha(his}:oncerns were ign ored. We pla n to report t h ese developments and wo.uld like t o include the NRC's side of the story. We are re qu es tin g a n oncame ra interview w i th an NRC official to dis c uss the claims brought forth by former con tract ors at H unters Point. Speci f ically , w e would like to address how the NRC has handled these claims and whethe r th e NRC has launched an inv e stigat i o n into th e cleanu efforts a t Hunter s Point. We would like to schedu l e the interview as soo n as possible. Pleas e contac t me a (b)(7)(C) to discuss thi s opportuni ty. 3 OCT 1 4 2014 Mr. Elbert G. Bowers 1 1 b1 1,1

  • 1 Subject* Concern You Raised Reaardina the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard I

Dear\Mr Bowers.,

Rl-2014-A-0045 The NRG Region I Office has completed its follow up in response to a news article published on May 19 , 2014 , i n which we identified one concern under NRG regulatory jurisd i c ti on related to radiological controls. Enclosure 1 to this letter restates your concern and describes our review and conclusions regarding that concern. Allegations are an important source of information in support of the NRC's safety mission, and as such , we take our safety responsibility to the public seriously within the bounds of our lawful authority. We believe that our actions have been responsive. If , however , you can provide new information , or the NRC receives additional information from another source that suggests that our conclusion should be altered, we will evaluate that information to determine whether further action is warranted. Should you have any additional questions or if the NRG can be of further assistance in this matter , please call this office toll-free via the NRC Safety Hotline at 1-800-432-1156 , extension 5222 , between 7: 30 a.m. and 4: 15 p.m. EST , Monday through Friday , or contact me in writing at P.O. Box 80377 , Valley Forge , PA 19484. Sincerely , Ort.p*l Upd a, l Richard J. Urban Senior Allegation Coordinator



2 Allegation File No. Rl-2 014-A-004 5 DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ORA\ALLEG\CL0SE\20140045clo

.doc x Non-Public Designation Category: MD 3.4 Non-Public A.1 0 SUNSI Review 0 Non-Sensitive 0 Sensitive OFFICE DNMS: NMS83 ORA: SAC/ ~I ll NAME M Ferdas /.A'-i R Urban t-; , -DATE 10/ JO /2014 1 01 1r 12014 OFFIC I AL Rt:COFU) 69P¥ Rl-2 014-A-0045 0 Publicly Avai l able 0 Non-Public l y Available ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-2014-A-0045 Concern: In December 2010 , when the project was supposed to be in the m i ddle of a two-week shutdown , you took photos of what you asserted as trucks and tanks haul i ng dirt and contam i nated water from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard through the streets of San Francisco and the Bay Area without being properly surveyed for radiation pr i or to exiting Hunters Point. You stated you detailed your findings in e-mai l s to Tetra Tech managers. Response to Concern: NRC Assessment During an inspection conducted at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS) on July 21 -22 , 2014 , an NRC inspector reviewed procedures and records and interviewed personnel familiar with activities that occurred in the 2010 time frame. Included in the records reviewed by the NRC inspector were two e-mails dated December 21, 2010 , which you referred to in your concern , and the records associated w i th the investigation that was performed by Tetra Tech based on the information that you had provided to them. In your first e-mai l you stated to Tetra Tech that "Baker" tanks had l eft the site without the use of the vehicle portal mon i tor (VPM). Based on discussions with Tetra Tech personnel during the inspection , the inspector determined that , at the time o f your e-mai l s , Baker tanks were being ut i lized by various on-site contractors at HPNS , not just Tetra Tech. Tetra Tech performed an investigation into the picture you had taken , and concluded that the three Baker tanks shown in the picture were not associated with any activ i ties they were performing at the site. Specifica l ly , the picture you provided showed Baker tanks parked by a fence li ne , in an area where Tetra Tech did not store their tanks. Tetra Tech did not know which contractor was responsible for the tanks in your picture. In your second e-mail to Tetra Tech , you stated that a meta l bin truck had departed HPNS at a time when the VPM was no t in operation. The inspector rev i ewed the applicable licensee procedure for the VPM, tit l ed "Final Hunters Point Shipyard Project , Standard Operating Procedures , Gamma Screening of Trucks Using the Skid-Mounted Portal Monitor ," Revis i on 3, dated December 3 , 2008. The i nspector noted that the proced u re did not require al l trucks to be screened prior to leaving site. Rather , use of the VPM was required only for trucks that were loaded w i th so il s and debr i s , to ensure t h e contents were not contaminated. Tetra Tech's investigation conc l uded that the truck referenced in your e-ma i l appeared to be a metal recycling truck , which would not have been required to pass through the VPM. The inspector also viewed the picture of the truck , and agreed it did not appear to be a soil truck. Specifically , the inspector noted that soil trucks are open on the top , whereas your picture showed a closed truck , similar to a recycling truck. NRC Conclusion Based on the above , the NRC was unable to substantiate your concern that trucks and tanks were hauling dirt and contaminated water from HPNS through the streets of San Franc i sco and the Bay Area without being properly surveyed for radiation prior to exiting Hunters Point. 1 OFFICIAL RECORD copif Mr. Elbert G. Bowers UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I 210 0 RENAISSANCE BLVD., SUITE 100 KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406-2713 flC T l 4 2014


Concern You Raised Regarding the Hunters Po i n t Naval Shipyard Dea~ Mr. Bowers Rl-2014-A-0045 The NR C Region I Office has completed its follow up in re s ponse to a news article published on May 19, 20 14 , in which we identified one co ncern under NRC regulatory jurisdiction related to radiological co ntrols. Enclosure 1 to this letter restates your concern and describes our review and conclusions regarding that concern. Allegations are an i mportant source of information in support of the NRC's safety mission , and as such , we take our safety responsibility to the public serious ly within the bounds of our lawful authority. We believe that our actions have been responsive. If , however, you can provide new information, or the NRG receives additional information from another so urce that suggests that our conclus ion should be altered, we will evaluate that information to determine whether further action is warranted. Shou ld you have any additional questions or if the NRG can be of further assist ance in this matter, please call this office toll-free via the NRC Safety Hotline at 1-800-432-1156, extension 5222, between 7: 30 a.m. and 4: 15 p.m. EST , Monday through Friday, o r contact me in writing at P.O. Box 80377, Valley Fo rge, PA 1 9484. Sincerely, £LL/ta.__ Richard J. Urban Sen ior Allega tion Coordinator


As Stated CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-2014-A-0045 Concern: In December 2010 , when the project was supposed to be in the middle of a two-week s hutd own , you took photos of what you asserted as trucks and tanks hauling dirt and contaminated water from the Hunt ers Point Naval Shipyard through the streets of San Francisco and the Bay Area without being properly surveyed for radiation prior to exiting Hunt ers Point. You stated you detai l ed your findings in e-mails to Tetra Tech managers. Response to Concern: NRC Assessment Dur i ng an inspection conducted at the Hunters Point Nava l Shipyard (HPNS) on July 21 -22, 2014 , an NRC inspector reviewed procedures and records and interviewed personnel familiar with activities that occurred in the 2010 time frame. Included i n the records reviewed by the NRC inspector were two e-mails dated December 21 , 2010 , which you referred to in your concern , and the records associated with the investigation that was performed by Tetra Tech based on the information that you had provided to them. In your first e-mail you stated to Tetra Tech that "Baker" t anks had left the si te without the use of the vehicle portal monitor (VP M). Based on discussions with T et ra Tech personnel dur i ng the inspection , the inspector determined that , at the time of your e-mails , Baker tanks were being utilized by various on-site contractors at HPNS, not just Tetra Tech. Tetra Tech performed an . investigation into the picture you had taken , and concluded that the three Baker tanks shown in the picture were not associated with any activ i ties they were performing at the site. Specifically , the pi cture you provided showed Baker tanks parked by a fence line , in an area where Tetra Tech did not store their tanks. Tetra Te c h did not know which contractor was responsible for the t anks in your picture. In your second e-mail to Tetra T ech, you stated that a metal bin truck had departed HPN S at a time when the VPM was not in operation. The inspector reviewed the applicable licensee procedure for the VPM, titled "Final Hunter s Po i nt S hipyard Project , Standard Operating Procedures , Gamma Screeni ng of Tru cks Using the Skid-Mounted Portal Monitor," Revision 3 , dated December 3, 2008. The inspector noted that the procedure did not require all trucks to be screened prior to leaving site. Rather , use of the VPM was required only for trucks that were loaded with soils and debris, to ensure the contents were not co ntaminated. Tetra Tech's investigat ion concluded that the truck referenced in your e-mail appeared to be a m etal recycling truck , which would not have been required to pass through the VPM. Th e inspector also viewed the picture of the t r uck, and agreed it did not appear to be a soil truck. Specifically , the inspector noted that soil trucks are open on the top, whereas your picture showed a closed truck , simila r to a recycling truck. N RC Conc lu sion Based on the above , the NRG was unable to substant i ate your conce rn that trucks and tanks were hauling dirt and contam i na t ed water from HPNS through the streets of San Francisco and the Bay Area without being properly surveyed for radiation prior to exiting Hunters Point. 1 From: Sent: To:


Attachments: From: Warnek , Nicole RlALLEGATION RESOURCE Thursday, October 09, 2014 1:35 PM Urban, Richard; Johnson , Sharon; McLaughlin, Marjorie; Bickett , Brice; Crisden , Cherie; Warnek, Nicole FW: RI-2014-A-0045 *se nsitive afllegation information -do not disclose* 20140045c lo.docx; 20 140046clo.docx Sent: Thursday , October 09 , 2014 1 : 34: 39 PM To: Masnyk Bailey , Orysia Cc: Ferdas , Marc: R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE


Rl-2014-A-0045 *sensitive allegation information -do not dis close* Auto forwarded by a Rule Hi Orysia , I have a short-turnaround item I need yo:ur help with. The closure letter for a ll egation 2014-A-0045 is due next Thursday ( 10/16). I need some additional Information from you to fully close the allegation. Can you review the a tta ched and answer the high l ighted quest i ons? If you have any questions please call. Otherwise , we need the input by COB Tuesday to support the closure letter going out on Thu rsday. I also attached -0046 so you can see the changes I made to that l etter. Thank you! Nicole S. Warnek Allegation & Enforcement Specialist Region I Office of the Regional Administrator ,:E,10-337-6954 f°t fi~) ! celll From: Sent: To:



From: Ferdas, Ma rc RlALLEGATION RESOURCE Wednesday , September 10, 2014 1:44 PM Urban , Richard; Johnson , Sharon; McLaughlin, M arjori e; Bickett , Brice; Crisden , Ch erie; Warnek , Ni cole FW: Closeout Writeup for -045 & -046 WARNING CONTAINS ALLEGATION INFORMATION Rl 2014-A-0045.docx; Rl-2014-A-0046.docx Sent: Wednesday , September 10 , 2014 1:43: 32 PM To: R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE


C loseout Writeup for -045 & -046 WARNING CONTAINS ALLEGATION INFORMAT I ON Auto forwarded by a Rule **W ARNING ALLEGATION MATERIAL -DO NOT DISCLOSE** Attached are input for the enclosure t o the closeout letter for Allegations -045 and -046 ?Kc.te s. ';w!M Chief, Decommissioning & Tec hni cal S upp ort Branch (NRC/Reglon 1/D NM S) Marc.F erda 610-337-5022 (wj '-----~'(ct From: Ma sn yk Ba i ley , Orysia Sent: Wednesday, September 10 , 2014 10:03 AM To: Ferdas, Mar c


WARNING CONTAINS ALLEGATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-2014-A-0045 Concern: Response to Concern: NRC Assessment NRG Conclus,o n (b)(5) I* From: Sent: To:


Urban, Richard Wednesday, September 03, 2014 12:00 PM Urban, Richard FW: RI-2014-A-0045 & 0046 *sensitive allegation information -do not disclose* From: RlALLEGATION RESOURCE Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 10:42 AM To: Urban, Richard; Johnson, Sharon; McLaughlin, Marjorie; Bickett, Brice; Crisden, Cherie; Warnek, Nicole


FW: RI-2 014-A-0045 & 0046 *sensitive allegat i on i nformation -do not disc l ose* From: Warnek , Nicole Sent: Wednesday , September 03 , 2014 10:42: 19 AM To: R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE


FW: Rl-2014-A-0045 & 0046 *sensitive a l legation informat 1 i on -do not disclose* Auto forwarded by a Rule Per Orys i a's email , we can close the " inspection" action in AMS for the subject allegations. Inspection was completed 7/22/14. From: Masnyk Bailey, Orys i a Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 4:01 PM To: Warnek, Nicole


RE: RI-2014-A-0046 *sensitive allegation information -do not disclose* The insp ect ion w as done July 21-22, 2014. JUN 1 6 2014 Mr. Elbert G. Bowers l (b)(~(C) Rl-2014-A-0045


Concern You Raised Regarding the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard I , Dear~r. Bowers*\ This l etter refers to a news article published on May 19, 2014 , in which you raised several concerns regarding Hunters Point. Based on our review of th e article , we have determined that the NRC previously addressed and closed most of the concerns you raised. However , we have identified one new concern under NRC regulatory Jurisdiction related to radiological controls. Enclosure 1 to this letter documents our understanding of your concern. If the description of your concern as documented in the enclosure is not accurate , please contact this office so that we can assure it is appropriately described prior to the completion of our review. We have initiated actions to examine your concern. The NRC normally completes evaluations of technical concerns wi th in six months , although complex issues may take longer. However , after evaluating the information in the news article , we have determined that we would benefit from additional information in order to perform a more effective review of your concern. If you can provide the photographs or e-mails referenced in the news article, such i nformation would help us focus our review effort. If you can provide this information , please contact this office within 1 O days of rece i pt of this letter. If no additional information is received within 1 O days, we will proceed with our review based on the information currently available. Additiona ll y, we plan to conduct an on-site visit to Hunters Point late r this summer. If you have additiona l concerns that you have not previously raised to the NRC , please contact us as soon as possible so we can ensure timely review and follow-up. Typically , the NRC takes all reasonab l e efforts not to disclose an a lleger's identity to any organization , individual outside the NRC , or the public. However , as previously desc r ibed in our l etter to you dated June 2 , 2014 (regarding Allegation Rl-2011-A-0019), because you notified the news media of your concerns , we could not protect your identity as the source of those concerns. Similarly , because your current concern appeared in a news article , we cannot protect your i dentity as the source of this concern. Enclosed with this letter is a brochure entit l ed "Re porting Safety Concerns to the NRC ," which includes an important discussion of the identity protection provided by the NRC as well as those circumstances that l imit the NRC's ability to protect an alleger's iden tity. Please read that section of the brochure. The brochu re also contai ns information that you may find help;u1 in understanding our process for reviewing safety concerns. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED OFFICIAL RECORD COPY Mr. Bert Bower~ 2 Rl-2014-A-0045 We will adv i se you when we have completed our review. Should you have any additional questions , or if the NRC can be of further assistance in this matter , please call this office free via the NRC Safety Hotline at 1-800-432-1156 , extension 5222. between 7: 30 a m and 4: 15 p.m. EST , Monday through Friday , or contact me in writing at P.O. Box 80377. Valley Forge , PA 19484. You may also communicate with us by e-mail i f you so choose. Please be advised that the NRC cannot protect the information during transmission on the Internet and there is a possibility that someone could read your response while it is in transit. The e-mail address for the Region I Allegations Office is R1Allegations .Resource@nrc .gov Enclosures

  • As Stated Sincerely , Ortateai It I): Richard J. Urban Senior Allegation Coordinator OFFICIAL RECORD COPY Mr. Bert Bowers Distribution
Allegation File No. Rl-2014-A-0045 3 DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ORA\ALLEG\ACK\20140045ack

.docx To receive a copy of this document , indicate in the box: " C" = C opy without attachrnenVencloswe OFFICE DNMS: BC I Rl: SAC /I/Y I NAME MFerdas INIL /'--~,-R Urban I 7 DATE 06/ I 1-/2014 06! /~!20'f 4 OFFICIAL RECORD copy Rl-2014-A-0045 E " " = Copy wi t h a ttachrnenVenclosure " N" = N o co py I I ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-2014-A-0045 Concern: In December 2010 , when the project was supposed to be in the middle of a two-week shutdown, you took photos of what you asserted as trucks and tanks hauling dirt and contaminated water from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard through the streets of San Francisco and the Bay Area without being properly surveyed for radiation prior to exiting Hunters Point. You stated you detailed your findings in e-mails to Tetra Tech managers. OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 'Mr. Elbert G. Bowers UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I 2100 RENAISSANCE BLVD. KING OF PRUSSIA , PA 1 9406-2745 JUN 1 6 2014


Concern You Raised Regarding the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Dear Mr. Bowers. Rl-2014-A-0045 This letter refers to a n ews article published on May 19, 2014, in which you raised several concerns regarding Hunters Point. Based on our review of the article , we have determined that the NRC previously addressed and closed most of the concerns you raised. However, we have identified one new concern under NRC regulatory jurisdiction related to radiological controls. Enclosure 1 to this letter documents our understanding of your concern. If the description of your concern as documented in the enclosure is not accurate, please contact this office so that we can assure it i s appropriately described prior to the completion of our review. We have initiated actions to examine your concern. The NRC normally completes evaluations of technical concerns within six months , although complex iss ues may take longer. However , after evaluating the information in the news article , we have determined that we would benefit from add itio nal information in order to perform a more effective review of your concern. If you can provide the ph otographs or e-mails referenced in the news article, such information would help us focus our review effort. If you can provide this information , please contact this office within 10 days of receipt of this letter. If no additional information is received within 10 days, we will proceed with our review based on the information currently ava i lable. Additionally , we plan to conduct an on-site visit to Hunters Point later this summer. If you have additional concerns that you have not previously raised to the NRC , please contact us as soon as possible so we can ensure timely review and follow-up. Typically, the NR C takes all reasonable efforts not to disclose an alleger's identity to any organization , individual outside the NRC , or the public. However , as previously described in our letter to you dated June 2 , 2014 (regarding Allegation Rl-2011-A-0019), because you notified the news media of your concerns, we could not prote ct yo ur identity as the source of those concerns. Similarly , because your current concern appeared in a news article , we cannot protect your identity as the source of this concern. Enclosed with this letter is a brochure entitled "Reporting Safety Concerns to the NRC ,° which includes an important discussion o f the identity protection provided by the NRC as well as those circ umstances that limit the NRC's ability to protect an alleger's identity. Please read that section of the brochure. The brochure also contains information that you may find helpful in understanding our process for reviewing safety concerns. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-2014-A-0045 Concern: In December 2010 , when the project was supposed to be in the middle of a two-week shutdown , you took photos of what you asserted as trucks and tanks hauling dirt and contaminated water from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard through the streets of San Francisco and the Bay Area without being properly surveyed for radiation prior to exiting Hunters Point. You stated you detailed your findings in e-mails to Tetra Tech managers. 1,.J , vJO/ "'t IC t,-L\-Z.O lY At.~ No-te -Ac/L c-t,-{zoH -A -o o4-S) {2.a I lf -A -oo '+~ \J 1 1 LV{ /VVV)v-Jr) \;v'ift1-S w ye V)C)V.)\Y) ~V/2 MJ.~r~d 0) . . -co0L R/'Y\) --*,n a.-r--huLe I \/_0i._!_:_J;!-i ($ )~ f'\ --4=or -OolfS > revi,~f~ '°~tiSl.eAv\~

  • 1\s ( pro Vi' cl\e. J2_ U lo~ .e,fY\a,,;

I ? j .--Q Q i..j(o > $ ll. 1 f -t-0J 6~S vJ e....e_ 'na.."'J s c__~~ ( r(;""Vv i cl.t._ R v<'oelA-1 e.A'Y\o-.,i \) (b)(5) -D.f..k.v \Jv { v-11 \ \ b.e CUY\.d.vv-h n>i-S / +e v.s, + \o-:tc.r ~d-5vm~, f~vtuU ~t\*I so~ 60--t"\ \ &\----\)~ \UAot-J \ f {).r--C4tq (!)~ (}J'yt~ r 5 * ( R.:J_ f\ \ '-tJ,_.._ ti 0>-1 U2.r J' DJ'U) G:\ora\alleg\panel\20140045arb1 .docx ALLEGATION REVIEW BOARD DISPOSITION RECORD ARB MINUTES ARE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE ARB CHAIR Allegation No.: Rl-2014-A-0045 Site/Facility: Hunters Point , CA (Navy BRAG site) ARB Date: June 4 , 2014 Branch Chief (AOC): Ferdas Acknowledged: No Confidentiality Granted: N/A Concerns Discussed: Multiple concerns were described i n the news report. Al l , but one concern for this Concerned Individual (Cl), were closed in previous allegation files: Rl-2011-A-0019 , Rl-2011-A-0113, and R l-2012-A-0022. This concern was brought to the NRC's attention through a California news rep ort quoting the Cl. The Cl stated that, in December 2010, when the project was supposed to be in the middle of a two-week shutdown(b~took photos of whaLJl~describes as trucks and tanks hauling dirt and contaminated water from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard through the streets of San Francisco and the Bay Area without being properly surveyed for radiation prior to exiting Hunters Point.U:t~stated [be}etailed§0 findings in emails to Tetra Tech managers. Does alleger object to providing concerns to the licensee via an RFI? N/A ALLEGATION REVIEW BOARD ATTENDEES Chair: Marshall Branch Chief: Hammann SAC: Urban RI Counsel: Klukan 01: l (b)(7)(C) Others: Masnyk Bailey , Richard Chang HQ , Warnek , Clifford , Stephen Lloyd , HQ DISPOSITION METHOD (See Attached RFI Worksheet, If Applicable) RFI Inspection X __ _ Investigation DISPOSITION ACTIONS 1. Acknowledgment Letter to Cl. Ask for additional info (pictures , emails) Responsible Person: Urban Closure Documentation: N/A ECO: June 18, 2014 Completed:

2. Perform inspection at Hunters Point Nava l Shipyard with focus on truck surveys; coordinate with California and document inspection. The inspect i on is tentatively scheduled for the week of July 21, 2014. Responsible Person: Ferdas Closure Documentation:

ECO: August 20, 2014 Completed: SAFETY CONCERN: Potential for contam i nated soil and water to have left Hunters Point dispersed to public landfills and bodies of water , sewers , etc. PRIORITY OF QI INVESTIGATION: RATIONALE USED TO DEFER 01 DISCRIMINATION CASE: NOTE: Trucks l eaving Hunters Point Naval Shipyard have to ex i t via a radiation portal monitor. If the radiation portal monitor alarms. the contents of the truck are hand surveyed in accordance with a Tetra Tech procedure. The inspector will rev i ew these survey records and interview personnel. In addition , the inspector will request any and all records from the Navy for the i r site v i sits to Hunters Po i nt Naval Shipyard to verify if the Navy also re viewed truck surveys. G:\ora\alleg\panel\20140045arb 1.docx DISTRIBUTION: Panel Attendees, Regional Counsel, 01 , Responsible Persons From: Sent: To:


Attachments: From: Modes , Kathy RlALLEGATION RESOURCE Thu r sday, May 29, 201 4 9:54 AM Urban , Richard; Johnson , Sharon; M c Laughlin , Marjorie; B i ckett, Brice; Bearde , Diane; C r isden, Ch eri e; Warnek , Nicol e FW: Tetra tech -add'I background info ttR EVIEW.docx Sent: Thursd ay , May 29 , 2014 9: 53: 4 6 AM To: R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE Cc: Masnyk Bailey , Orysia Subj.ect: Tetra tech -add'I background i nfo Auto forwarded by a Rule Backgro u n d i n fo if anyone asks ab out the other previous concerns. OFFIOIAL USE OP~LV SEP~SITl\'E IHFORM,icTIOP4 This is a summary of the concerns contained in the 5/19/2014 article about Hunters Point (Naval Shipyard) Cleanup. The majority of the concerns were addressed by the NRC in R1-2011-A-0113 in response tq Susan Andrew's ~oncerns R1-2011-A-0019 in response t~ Bert Bowers , and R 1-2014-A-0028 for both. T here is one new concern from each Conce rned Individual (see bolded text below for new concerns): Attributed to" two high-level former technicians' ' in the article: 1. Remediation is not being conducted properly. 2. Cleanup is being botched and that the health and s afety of the public is at risk because of it. NRC evaluation for 1 &2: The NRC , as well as State of California , inspectors and representatives of the Navy , have conducted multiple visits to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard to o bserve the remediation process. The NRC did not identify any safety concerns or violations. 3. Failure of workers to properly secure potentially rad ioactive access. NRC response in R1-2011-A-0019

" The inspector many posted areas during the inspection All areas appeared to be proper l y posted." and " the NRC co n firmed that there have been breaches in the per ime t er fence , but the NRC was unable to identify any improprieties or inadequacies associated with NRCregulated activities. The licensee appears to act in a timely fashion to assess and repair any breaches in the perimeter fence." Also , during NRC inspections conducted on March 29-30 , 2011 , January 9-12 , 2012 , and April 7-8 , 2014 , the inspectors noted that the licensee maintained adequate control of radiologically impacted areas. 4. Promotion of unqualified personnel to senior , safety sensitive roles NRC response in R1-2011-A-0113
In response to this concern , during a Janua ry 2012 inspect i on of Tetra Tech at Hunte r s Point , the N RC evaluated the training program and qualifications of radiation workers working under the Tetra Tech materials license at Hunters Point. NR C inspectors reviewed Tetra Tech's training records and test results, interviewed radiation workers , and observed them i n the performance of their duties. The inspectors noted that Tetra Tech was utilizing two types of radiation workers at Hunters Point. Specifically , there was Radiation Control Technicians (RCTs) (i.e., Health Physicists) and support staff like laborers , drivers , construction workers , etc., all of whom received training. Tet r a Tech also provided site and task specific training for the work each radiation worker would be performing and had morning "tailgate" briefings during which radiation protec t ion concerns were discussed. In their license application , Tetra Tech had committed to ensuring that radiat ion workers we r e OFFl*1 AL l!j&E O H L¥ SE H&I TIVE n*rOR M ATIO t~ t r ained i n accordance with Appendix Hof NUREG-1556 , Volume 18 , Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licenses: Program-Specific Guidance About Service Provider Licenses ," dated Novembe r 2000. During the inspection it was verified that the tra i ning given meets the requirements of Appendix H. The inspectors noted that competency of RCTs was demonstrated through written tests and practical examinations
and radiation workers were found to be trained in accordance with NRC requirements and guidance. The inspectors reviewed the training records of the individual named above , and found that the i ndividual was trained in accordance with Tetra Tech's commitments and NRC requirements. Attributed to/ Susan Andrews
. 1. Trucks leaving the site must pass through a porta l monitor to get screened for radiological contamination. The sensors would determine whether the soil was clean or radioactive , and ujtimately where the dirt was to be disposed of. The sensitivity of the portal mon i tor was decreased below the manufacturer

's specification. The detector alarm set point was raised to 8.5 deviations above background in 2011 from the origina l 6 deviations above background in 2008 , lowering the amount of radiation the portal monitor would detect. 2. "They can't be shipping potentially contaminated soil as clean landfill into the City of San Francisco. Documented trucks that left the site with potentially radioactive material that never passed the portal monitor. In one week in October 2011 more than 70 trucks failed the portal monitor but were still released to go off site. (NOTE: NEW CONCERN) NRG response in R1-2014-A-0028

Tetra Tech implemented the use of a portal radiation monitor at HPS. The inspector found that the monitor was properly i nstalled , calibrated , daily source checked , and operated in accordance with Tetra Tech's " Standard Operating Pro cedure , HPO-Tt-021 , Gamma Screening of Trucks Using the Stationary Portal Monitor" , DCN: ECSD-RAC-05-1230 , as required by Section 4.1.8 of the Base-wide Radiological Work Plan. The portal monitor i s a Ludlum Model 3500-1000RMW portal monitor and is set not to exceed 8.5 deviations above background. If the truck sets off the portal monitor , the truck is scanned by hand using a portable 2X2 sodium iodide detector.

Incoming trucks also pass through the portal monitor. The monitor is used to prevent the entry or exit materials conta ini ng elevated radiation levels. None of the soil from Parcel C was rejected at the portal mon i tor. The specificity of #2 , in that 70 trucks left the site in October 2011 is a new concern and the NRC will perform an inspection regardi n g truck surveys in July 2014. 3. Raised questions t o one oltle!]superiors and was told to hush up and take the money and go home when the project is complete. 0 1 conducted rev i ew of management treatment of Cl. OFFIQIAL W&E OHL¥ SEHSITIVE IHFORMAllOH 6FF l elAL l:fSE 8f4LY = BEP4BITl'rE I P4 FOR M 1'TIO N 4. Feels betrayed by the NRG because/sne\believed the agency has the authority to put a halt to violations'sh;]says she witnessed. Provide Cl NRG IG contact info. 5. r l(,XC) 01 conducted review of management treatment of Cl. Attributed to@ert Bowers:, 1. Most egregious violation of standard protocol. Not enough specificity to evaluate. During NRC inspections conducted on March 29-30 , 20 1 1 , January 9-12, 20 1 2 , and Apr i l 7-8 , 2014 , no violations were identified by the NRG. 2. I mprope r storage of radiation detection devices. I think that this was a typo since there is no NRC requirement concerning the storage of detection devices. I thinr, eant to say radioact i ve sources. NRC r esponse i n R 1-2011-A-0113

In response to this concern , during a January 2012 inspection of Tetra Tech at Hunters P oint , the N R C noted that " All RC T s 1nterviewed demonstrated a good understanding of the necessity of properly securing the source used to c h eck the monitor and of the process for retrieving and replacing the source in the storage locker. Tetra Tech's source lockers we r e assessed and found to b e properly posted and secured." 3. Inadequate signage and barriers to keep the public away from potentially radioactive areas that hadn't been cleared Someone from t he genera l public could walk in. unabated , get it (contami n ants) on the i r clothes. their pe r son , eat the food. They cou l d have had an i ntake of radioac t ive contaminants and i t would neve r have been caught or avoided. Response to R1-2011-A-0019
" The i nspector many posted areas during the inspection. All a r eas appeared to be proper l y posted." and "the NRG confirmed that there have been breaches in the perimeter fence , but the NRG was unable to ident i fy any improprieties or inadequacies associated with N RCregu l a t ed activities. The licensee appears to act in a timely fashion to assess and repair any breaches in t he perimeter fence" Also , during NRG i nspections conducted on March 29-30 , 201 1 , January 9-1 2 , 2012 , and April 7-8, 2014 , the inspectors noted that the licensee maintained adequate control of radio l ogically impacted areas. OFFlOlsltL UBE OP4LY BEH91TIVE INFORM,itTl8f~

Ofl11'1CIAL US! er~LY !Eff!l'f l V E U4FSR MA Tl6ff 4. Trucks and tank s hauling dirt and contaminated water from San Francisco and through the Bay Area without being tested for radiation or cleared for disposal. Baker Tanks (water) were posted with radiological contents and radioactive water. Anything that leaves the site of that magnitude is supposed to go to a radiation detec t ion device. (NOTE: NEW CONCERN) Although the issue of soil leavi n g the site has bee n addressed , the rssue of potentially contaminated water has not. This is a new concern. 5. Company culture changed f ro m one in which safety was pa r amount to one that favored production and cos t savings. NRC response in R1-2011-A-0113: In response to this concern , during a Ja n uary 2012 inspection of Tetra Tech at Hunters Point , the NRC staff rev i ewed thi s concern and determined that you did no t identify any specific noncompliance w i th NRC requirements or regulations. 6. Public can't be confident t hat soil leaving Hunters Point and the remain i ng so i l to be us ed as backfill underneath the planned development is radiat io n free. During NRC inspections conducted on March 29-3 0 , 2011 , Janu a ry 9-12 , 2012 , and April 7-8 , 2014, the inspectors noted that soil leaving radiologically con t rolled zones at H u nters Point, and the Hunters Point si t e itself , was remed i ated in accordance with approved site procedu r es. 7. l !3f1believes t hat the NRC did not investigate hi s claims thoroughly enough. Give C l NRC's IG contact info. 8

  • 1 (b)(7)(C) 0 1 evaluated management

's treatment of the Cl. QliiliilCIAI. Viii QNbY Si~JSITIVE IHFQRMATIOU Fromi: Sent: To:


Attachments: From: Modes , Kathy RlALLEGATION RESOURCE Wednesday, M ay 28, 20 14 6:00 PM Urban, Richard; Johnson, S haron; M cLaug hlin , Mar jor i e; Bickett , Brice; Bea rd e , Diane; Crisden, Cherie; Warnek, Nicole FW: OFFICIAL USE ONLY -SE N S ITIVE INFORMATION: TT TTarbTru cks.docx; TTarbWater.docx; TTallegWater .docx; TTallegTruck.docx Sent Wednesday , May 28 , 2014 6: 00: 24 PM To: R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE Cc: Masnyk Bai l ey , Orysia


OFFICIAL USE ONLY -SENSITIVE INFORMATION: TI Auto forwarded by a Rule I am acting for Marc Ferdas and am forward i ng you the documents Orysia prepared based on the California news report. Let Orysia and I know if you have any questions. Thanks , Kathy G :\ora\all eg\r eceipt\201 40045rcv. docx Allegation Receipt Report Dat e Received: 5/19/2014 Allegation No. Rl-2014-A-0 045 Received via: [X] from an Individu a l during a news report Employee Re ceiving Allegation

Orysia Masnyk Bailey Source of info rmat ion: [X] former licensee employee Alleger Name! Bert Bowers.. Cell Phone: Alleger's Employer: Alleger's Position/Title
tEormer T etra Tech Radiation Technician Work Address. City/State/Zip
Facility: Hunters Point Naval Shipyard , San Francisco , CA Lic ense/Docket N o.: 29-31396-01/03038199 Is it a declaration, statement, or assertion of impropriety or inadequacy?

Is the improp riety or inadeq uacy associated with NRC regulated activities? Is the validity of the issue unknown? Yes Yes Yes If NO to any of the above questions , the issue is not an a llegat ion and should be handled by other appropriate methods (e.g. as a request for information, public responsiveness matter, or an OSHA referral). Is there a potential immediate safety sign ificant issue that requires an Ad-Hoc ARB? Was alleger i nformed of NRC identity protection policy? If H&I was alleged , was alleger Informed of DOL rights? Did they raise th e issue to their management and/or ECP? Does the alleger object to having thei r i ssue(s) forwarded to the licensee? Provide alleger's verbatim response to this question: Was confidentiality requested? Was confidentiali ty initially granted? Individual Granting Confidentiali ty: Allegation Summary: No N/A N/A Unknown Unknown N/A N I A Mult iple concerns were described in the news report. All , but one concern for this Concerned I ndividual (C l), were closed in previous allegation files: Rl-2011-A-0019 , Rl-2011-A-0113 , and Rl-2012-A-0 022. This new concern was brought to the NRC's attention through a California news report quoting the Cl. The Cl stated that , in December 2010, when the project was supposed to be in the middle of a two-week shutdownQi!Jtook photos of what he describes as trucks and tanks hauling dirt and contaminated water from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard through the streets of San Francisco and the ~y Area without being properly surveyed for radiation prior to exiting Hunters Point.[Hj states tha~~detailed his findings in ema i ls to Tetra Tech managers. Functional Area: [X] Decommissioning Materials Discipline For Concern: [X] Health Physics G :\ora\alleg\receipt\20140045rcv .docx Detailed Description of Allegation:

1) WHAT is the allegation?

Failure to survey trucks leaV1ng Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. 2) WHAT Is the requirement/v i olation? 10 CFR 20.1501(a) and 10 CFR 20.1402 3) WHERE is it located? Hunters Point Naval Shipyard 4) WHEN did it occur? 2011 5) WHO is involved/witnessed? Tetra Tech l ocal radiation safety officer 6) WHAT EVIDENCE can be examined? Tetra Tech records 7) WHAT is the status of the licensee's actions? remediation/decommissioning

8) HOW/WHY did it occur? Not sure. 9) HOW did the alleger find out about the concern(s)?

Cl observed activity. 10) WHO ELSE can the NRC contact for additional information? Other Tetra Tech employees and State of California regulators/inspectors. 11) WHAT RECORDS can the NRC review? Tetra Tech records and procedures. 12) WHAT is the reason you have contacted the NRC? Cl contacted news reporter. 13) WHAT is the alleger's preference for method and time of contact? Through Cl attorney or in w riting. Copy of news report; From: Screnci, Diane Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 20 14 8:27 AM To: Urban, Richard


Assuming we can make them pub l ic al l egers, now? Taxpayers have spent nearly a quarter of a billion dollars on the toxic cleanup of Hunters Point, a prime piece of land a l ong the southeastern shore of San Francisco. The former naval shipyard, which was once used as a research and testing lab for nuclear weapons, is now undergoing a renaissance. The city plans to turn the 800-acre site into a development mecca complete with new parks, retail stores and homes. It is a mass i ve project that's decades in the making , but two high-level former technicians with Intimate knowledge of the remediation effort say the cleanup is being botched and that the health and safety of the pub l ic is at risk because of it. Both say they wouldn't live i n or even visit the development planned for the site. In February, the Investigative Unit exposed that current workers also question the radiological cleanup of Hunters Point.

  • Workers Allege Hunters Point Dirt Needs to be Screened for Radiation

" It's playing Russ i an Roulette with the health and wellbeing of the general public, the people that handle it , and the environment," said Bert Bowers , a former radiation safety officer hired by Tetra Tech , the N avy contractor overseeing the cleanup of Hunte r s Point. He was tasked with maintaining compliance with federal mandates re l evant to radiation protection and the management of radioactive materials. Bowers has worked at nuc l ear plants and radiolog i cal remediation sites across the country , and even worked as a rad i at i o n protection officer with the U.S. Department of Energy. He said compared to other projects , w h at he experienced a t Hunters Point "was the most egregious violation of standard protocol" he had encountered in his 35-year career. Bowers claims he witnessed violations includ i ng the improper storage of radia t ion ~etection dev i ces and inadequate signage and barriers to keep the public away from potentially radioactive areas that hadn't been clea red. r1 someone from the genera l pub l ic co uld walk in , unabated , get It [con t am i nants] on their clothes , their person , eat the food ," Bowers said. " They could have had an intake of radioactive c on t aminants and it would never have been caught or avoided." In December 2010 , when the project was supposed to be in the midd l e of a two-week shutdown, Bowers took photos of what he says are tru c ks and tanks hauling dirt and co ntaminated water from San Francisco and through the Bay Area without being tested for radiation or cleared for d i sposal. He G: \o ra \a lleg\re c e ipt\2014004 5rcv. do c x detailed his findings in emails to Tetra Tech managers. "Those Baker Tanks were posted with radiologica l contents and radioactive water," Bowers said. " Surveys of water resu l ts had never come across my desk for release. Additionally , anything that leaves the site of that magnitude is supposed to go to a rad i ation detection device as part of a base wide procedure requirement established by the Navy." He said company culture changed from one in which safety was param o unt to on e that favored production and cost-savings. U l timately, Bowers said the public can't be confident that soil leaving Hunters Point and the remain i ng soil to be used as backfill underneath the p l anned development -is radiation-free. "It's been botched ," he said. "It's been botched." Standard operating procedure dictates t h at before a truck leaves the job site i t must pass through a " portal monitor to get screened for radiological contamination. The sensors would determine whether t h e soil was clean or radioactive, and ultimately where the dirt was to be d i sposed of. Porta l monitor at Hunters Point. Internal manuals obtained by the NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit show that the sensitivity of the porta l monitor was decreased below the ma n ufacturer's specifications. The "detector alarm set point" was ra i sed to " 8.5 deviations above background" in 2011 from the original " 6 deviations above background" in 2008. Susan Andrews , a radiation safety technician who worked at Hunters Point under Bowers , claims that change in protocol lowered the amount of radiation the portal monitor wou l d detect. "It says they are trying to get dirt out that's contaminated that should never have left Hunters Point," Andr e ws sa i d. " It's not right. They can't be sh i pping potentially c ontaminated soil as clean landfill into the City of San Francisco. This can't be done." Even with the decrease in the sensitivity of the portal mon it or , Andrews said she documented trucks that l e ft th e sit e with potentially radioactive material that " never passed the portal monitor." She b e gan G:\ora\alleg\receipt \20140045rcv. docx tracking the trucks that left Hunters Po i nt in a logbook , which she shared with the Investigative Unit. According to her journal, in just one week i n October 2011 more than 70 trucks "failed the portal monitor" but were still " released to go off site." Both Andrews and Bowers say they witnessed other questionab l e behavior from the failure of workers to properly secure potentially radioactive areas from public access to the promotion of unqualified personnel to sen i or, safety-sensitive roles. Andrews said she raised questions to one of her super i ors but he told her to " hush up" and " take the morney and go home when the project" is complete. "I don't care where I l ive," Andrews said. " Wrongdoing is wrongdoing. We're a ll Americans. It shouldn't be done." After sharing their concerns within the company, they took them to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and submitted 30 formal comp l a i nts between them to the agency. The Investigative Unit obtained NRC reports that indicate regulators t r aveled to Hunters Point for three days in March 2011 and January 2012 to investigate Bowers' and Andrews' claims. The reports show t h at in each instance, inspecto r s were unable to substantiate the allegat i ons.

  • Docs: How Trucks are Screened for Radiation at Hunters Point Bowers believes that t he NRC did not investigate his cla 1 ims thoroughly enough. Andrews says she feels betrayed by the NRC because she believed the agency has the authority to put a halt to the vio l ations she says she witnessed. "As an American, I bel i eved in t h e NRC," she said. " I'm not so sure I believe in them anymore." S h ortly after Bowers reported his concerns to the NRC i n January 2011 , he lost h i s job with Tetra Tech. A n drews also lost her job after s h e contacted federal regulators in October 2011. Both claim it was retalia t ion. B owers and Andrews a l ong with two othe r former workers at H unters Point are suing Tetra Tech because they content they were fired for raising concerns.

Tetra Tech has filed an answer denying t h ose allegations. Both Tetra Tech and the NRC declined interview requests by the Investigative Unit. Navy representa ti ves also decl i ned interview req u es t s saying it i s " inappropriate for the Navy to comment on o n going l i tigat i on between th i rd parties." Read the Navy's sta t ement here. When asked if they would l i ve at Hunters Point in the future, both Bowers and Andrews responded t h at t h ey be l ieve the s i te ca n b e cleaned up correctly eventually but the way i t stands n ow , "absolutely not." " I wouldn't go there , I wou l dn't take my grandchi l dren there , I wou l dn't walk my dog there ," Andr ews said. " I t's a beautiful area and it can be beautif u l once it's cleaned up, b u t it's not be i ng cleaned up right." From: Sent: To:



From: Modes , Kathy RlALLEGATIO N RESOURCE Thursday, May 29, 2014 9:38 AM Urban, Richard; Johnson , Sharon; McLaughl in, Marjorie; Bickett , Brice; Bearde , D iane; C risden , Cherie; Warnek , Nicole FW: revised t o include more details TT al l egTruck.docx; TT allegWater.docx; TT arb Trucks.docx
TT arbWater.docx Sent
Thursday , May 29 , 2014 9: 3816 AM To: R1ALLEGAT I ON RESOURCE


revised to include more details Auto forwarded by a Rule THANK YOU! Kathy Modes Sr. Health Physicist Decommissioning and Technical Support Branch US NRC Region I DNMS 2100 Renaissance Blvd , Suite 100 K i ng of Prussia , PA 19406-2713 phone: 6 1 0-337-5251 fax: 610-337-5269 email: Please consider the environme n t before print in g this e-mail. From: Sent; To:


F rom: Warnek , N i cole RlALLEGATION RESOURCE Thur sday , May 29, 2014 8:54 AM Urban, R i chard; Johnson, Sharon; McLaughlin , Mar jor i e; Bickett , Brice; Bearde , Diane; Crisden, Cherie; Warnek, Nicole FW: Assuming we can make them pub l ic allegers , now? Sent: Thursday , May 29 , 2014 8: 53:32 AM To: R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE Cc: Modes , Ka t hy Subject; FW: Assuming we can make them public al l egers , now? Auto forwarded by a Rule Sharon -for the file, for the new tetratech allegations Kathy is going to be re-sending. The article was scrubbed by Orysia and 2 new concerns were identified. N $. WO--Yll\..*.k. Allegation & Enforcement Specialist Region I Office of the Regional Administraor 610-337-6954 (orfice) !(b)(6) J ce ll) From: Screnci, Diane Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:27 AM To: Urban, Richard


Assuming we can make them pubUc allegers, now? Taxpayers have spent nearly a quarter of a billion dollars on the toxic cleanup of Hunters Point, a prime piece of l and along the southeastern shore of San Franc i sco. Th e former naval shipyard, which was once used as a research and testing lab for n uclear weapons, is now undergoing a renaissance. The city plans to turn the 800-acre site into a development mecca complete with new parks , retail stores and homes. It is a massive project that's decades in the making , but two high-leve l former technicians with intimate know l edge of the remediation effort say the cleanup is being botched and that the health and safety of the pub l ic is at risk because of it. Both say they wouldn't live in or even visit the development planned for the site. In February, the Inv estigative Unit exposed that current workers also question the radiological cleanup of Hunters Point.

  • Workers Allege Hunters Point Dirt Needs to be Screened for Radiation

" It's playing Russian Roulette with the health and wellbeing of the genera l public , the people that handle it, and the environment ," said Bert Bowers, a former radiation safety officer hired by Tetra Tech, the Navy contractor overseeing the cleanup of Hunters Po i nt. He was tasked with maintaining compl i ance with federal mandates relevant to radiation protection and the management of radioactive mater i als. Bowers has worked at nuclear plants and radiologica l remediation sites across the country , and even worked as a radiation protection officer with the U.S. Department of Energy. He sai d compared to other projects, what he experienced at Hunters Point "was the most egreg i ous viola t ion of standard protocol" he had encountered in his 35-year ca r eer. Bowers claims he witnessed vio l ations including the improper storage of radiation detect ion devices and inadequate signage and barrie r s to keep the public away from po t entially radioactive areas that hadn't been cleared. "Someone from the general publ 1 ic could walk in , unabated , get it [contaminants] on their clothes, their person, eat the food," Bowers said. 'They cou l d have had an intake of radioactive contaminants and it would never have been caught or avoided." In December 2010, when the project was supposed to be in the middle of.a two-week shutdown , Bowers took photos of what he says are trucks and tanks hauling dirt and contaminated water from San Francisco and through the Bay Area without be i ng tested for radiation or cleared for disposal. He detailed his findings in emails to Tetra Tech managers. " Those Baker Tanks were posted with rad i ological contents and radioactive water," Bowers said. " Surveys of water resu l ts had never come across my desk for release. Additionally, anything that leaves the s i te of that magnitude is supposed to go to a radiation detection device as part of a base wide procedure requ i rement established by the Navy." He said company cu l ture changed from one in which safety was paramount to one that favored production and cos t-savings. Ultimately , Bowers said the public can't be con fi dent that soil leav i ng H u nters Point and the remaining soil to be used as backf ill undernea t h t h e p l anned development-is radiation-free. "It's been botched ," he said. "It's been botched." Standard operating procedure dictates that before a truck leaves the job site it must pass through a "portal monitor" to get screened for radiological contamination. The sensors would determine whether the soil was clean or rad i oactive , and ultimate! where the d i rt was to be dis osed of. Portal monitor at Hunters Point. Internal manuals obtained by the NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit show that the sensitivity of the portal monitor was decreased below the manufacturer's specifications. The "detector alarm set po i nt" was raised to " 8.5 deviations above background" in 2011 from the original "6 deviations above background" in 2008. Susan Andrews , a rad i ation safety technician who wo r ked at Hunters Point under Bowers , claims that change i n protocol lowered the amount of radiat i on the portal mon i tor would detect. " It says they are trying to get dirt out that's con t aminated that should never have left Hunters Point," Andrews said. "It's not right. They can't be shipping potentially contaminated soi l as clean l andfill into the City of San Francisco. This can't be done." Even with the decrease in the sensitivity of the portal monitor , Andrews sa i d she documented trucks that left the site with potentially radioactive material that " never passed the portal mon i tor." She began tracking the trucks that left Hunters Point i n a logbook, which she shared with the Investigative Unit. According to her journal , in just one week in October 2011 more than 70 trucks " fai l ed the portal monitor" but were still " released to go off site." Both Andrews and Bowers say they witnessed other questionable behavior from the failure of workers to properly secure potentially radioactive areas from public ac c ess to the promotion of unqual i fied personnel to sen i or , safety-sensitive roles. Andrews said she raised question s to one of her superiors but he told her to " hush up" and "take the money and go home when the project" is complete. 2 "I do n't care w h ere I live," Andrews said. "Wro ngdoing is wrongdoing. We're all Americans. It shouldn't be done." After sharing their concerns within the company, they took them to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and submitted 30 formal compla 1 i nts between them to the agency. The Investigative Unit obtained NRC reports that i ndicate regu l ators traveled to Hunte rs Point for three days i n March 2011 and January 2012 to investigate Bower s' and Andrews' claims. The r eports show that in each instance , inspectors were unable to substantiate the a l legations.

  • Docs: How Trucks are Screened for Radiation at Hunters Point Bowers believes that the NRC d id not investigate his claims thoroughly enough. Andrews says she feels betrayed by the NRC because she be li eved the agency has the authority to put a ha l t to the violations she says she witnessed. "As an American , I believed i n the NRC ," s h e said. "I'm not so sure I believe in them anymore." Shortly after Bowers reported his concerns to the NRC in January 2011, he lost his j ob wi t h Tetra Tech. Andrews also l ost her j ob after she contacted federal regu l ators in October 2011. Both c l aim it was retaliation.

Bowers and Andrews along with two other former workers at Hunters Point are suing Tetra Tech because they content they were fired for raising concerns. Tetra Tech has filed an answer denying those allegat i ons. Both Tetra Tech and the NRC declined interview requests by the Investigative Unit. Navy representatives also decl i ned interview requests saying it is "inappropriate for the Navy to commen t on ongoing litigation between third parties." Read the Navy's statement here. When asked if they would l ive at Hunters Po int in the future, both Bowers and Andrews responded that they believe the site can be cleaned up correc t l y event u a ll y but the way it stands now, " absolu t ely not." " I wouldn't go there , I wouldn't take my grandchild r en there , I wouldn't walk my dog there ," Andrews said. " It's a beautifu l area and it can be beautiful once it's cleaned up, but i t's not being cleaned up right." Diane Screnci Sr. Public Affairs Officer USNRC, RI 610/337-5330 3 From: Sent: To: Cc:


Ok. Jarriel , Usamarie Tuesday, May 20, 2014 11:12 AM Urban, Richard; Vito, David RlALLEGATION RESOURCE RE: Assuming we can make them public allegers, now? 1 §usan Andrews, a n d Bert Bower~an both be treated as widely known allegers for the specific concerns t hey raise be l ow that they also raised to us. Let's discuss further any concerns not discussed in the article below that they may have also raised. Btw, did they file discrimination concerns with us too? LL Jarriel ----Original Message-From: Urban , R*ichard Sent: T uesday , May 20 , 2014 8:51 AM To: Vito, David Cc: R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE; Jarriel, Lisamarie


RE: Assum i ng we can make them public allegers, now? They both are allegers. -----Original Message--From: Vito , Dav i d Sent: T uesday, May 20 , 2014 8:46 AM T o: Urban , Richard Cc: R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE; Jarr i el , Lisamar i e


RE: Assuming we can make them public a ll egers , now? I t hought it was just one individual. Are both of the individuals named in the article Region I allegers? If either or both of them are your a l leger(s), then I would assume Lisa w i ll agree that he/she/they are widely known with respect to this issue. Pretty sure she wi ll be in shortly. From: Urban, Richard Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:39 AM To: Vito, Dav i d; Jarriel, Lisamarie Cc: R1ALL E GAT I O N RESOURCE


FW: Assuming we can make them pub l ic allegers , now? I suppose now we can call them widely known allegers? We need to discuss actions going forward. When are you avai l able for a call? From: Screnci , Diane Sent: Tuesday, May 20 , 2014 8:27 AM To: Urban, Richard


Assuming we ca n make them public allegers , now? Taxpayers have spent nearly a quarter of a billion dollars on the toxic cleanup of Hunters Point.c::http

//www. bracpmo. navy _mil/brac _bases/c alif ornia/former

_ shipyard_hunters_point. html>, a prime piece of land along the southeastern shore of San Francisco. The former naval shipyard , which was once used as a research and testing lab for nuclear weapons, is now undergoing a renaissance. The city plans to turn the 800-acre site into a development<http

CP/Design%20for%20Development%20 -%20Shrpyard%20-%20Final(66072528_ 1_1ow-res). pdf> mecca complete with new parks, retail stores and homes. It is a massive p roject that's decades in the making , but two high-level former technicians with intimate knowledge of the remediation effort say the cleanup is being botched and that the health and sa fety of the public is at risk because of it. Both say they wouldn't live in or even visit the development planned for the site I n February , the Investigative Unit exposed<http


.com/news/l Polnt-Dirt-Needs-to -be-Screened-for-Ra,dia tion-247689791.html> that current workers also question the radiological cleanup of Hunters Point. Workers A ll ege Hunters Point Dirt Needs to be Screened for Radiation<http://www. nbcbayare

a. com/news/loca I/Workers-Al l

for-Radiation-24 7689791. html> " It's playing Russian Roulette with the health and wellbeing of the general public , the people that handle i t , and the environment ," said Bert Bowers , a former radiation safety officer hired by Tetra Tech<>, the Navy con t ractor ove rseeing the cleanup of Hunters Point. He was tasked with maintaining compliance w i th federal mandates relevant to radiati on protect i on and the management of radioactive materials. Bowers has worked at n uclear plants and radiological remediation sites across the coun try , and even worked as a radiation protection officer with the U.S. Department of Energy. He said compared to other projects , what he experienced at Hunters Point " was the most egregious violation of standard protocol" he had encountered in his 35-year career. Bowers claims he witnessed viola tions including the improper storage of radiation detection devices and inadequate signage and barriers to keep the public away from potentially radioactive areas that hadn't been cleared. "So meone from the general pub l ic could walk in, unabated, get it [con taminants] on their clothes , their person , eat the food ," Bowers said. "They could have had an intake of radioa ctive contaminants and i t would never have been caught or avoided." In December 2010 , when the project was supposed to be in the middle of a two-week shutdown , Bowers took photos of what he says are trucks and tanks hauling dirt and contaminated water from San Francisco and thr ough the Bay Area without being tested fo r radiat i on or c leared for disposal. He detailed his find i ngs in emails to Tetra Tech managers. Those Baker Tanks were posted with radiological contents and rad i oactive water," Bowers said. " Surveys of water results had never come across my desk for release. Additionally , anything that leaves the site of that magnitude is supposed to go to a radiation detection device as part of a base wide procedure r equirement established by the Navy." H e said company culture changed from one in which safety was paramount to one that favored production and cost-savings. U l timate ly , Bowers said the public can't be confident that soi l leaving Hunters Po int and t he remaining soil to be used as backfill underne ath the planned development-is radiation-free. " I t's been botched," he said. " It's been botched." Standard operating procedure dictates that before a truck leaves the job site it must pass through a "port a l monitor' to get screened for radiological contamination. The sensors would determine whether th e soil was clea n or radioactive , and ultimately where the dirt was to be disposed of. [cid:imageOO 1.jpg@01CF7405.477811 AO]<http://media.nbcbayarea .com/images/DSC07206.jpg> Portal monitor at Hunters Point. Internal manuals obtained by the NB C Bay Area Investigative Unit show that th e sensitivity of the portal monitor was decreased below the manufacturer 's specifica ti ons. The " detector alarm set point" was rais ed to " 8.5 deviations above background" in 2011 from the orig i nal " 6 deviat i ons above background" in 2008. Susan Andrews, a radiation safety technician who worked at Hunters Point under Bowers, cla ims that change in protocol lowered the amount of radiation the portal monitor would detect. 2 " It says they are trying to get dirt out that's contaminated that should never have left Hunters Point ," Andrews said. " It's not right. They can't be shipping potent i ally contaminated so il as clean landfill into the City of San Francisco. This can't be done." Even with the decrease in the sensitivity of the portal monitor , Andrews said she do c umented trucks that left the site with potentially radioactive materia l that " never passed the portal monitor." She began tracking the trucks that left Hunters Point in a logbook , which she shared with the Investigative Unit. According to her journal , in just one week in October 2011 more than 70 trucks "failed the portal monitor" but were still " released to go off site." Both Andrews and Bowers say they w i tnessed other questionable behavior from the failure of workers to properly secure potentially radioactive areas from public access to the promotion of unqualified personnel to senior , safety-sensitive roles. Andrews said she raised questions to one of her superiors but he told her to "hush up" and " take the money and go home when the project" is comp l ete. " I don't care where I live ," Andrews said. "Wrongdoing is wrongdoing. We're all Americans. It shou l dn't be done." After sharing their concerns within the company , they took them to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission<http://www> (NRC) and submitted 30 formal comp l aints be t ween them to the agency. The I nvest i gative Unit obtained NRC reports that indicate regu l ators traveled to Hunters Point for three days in March 2011 and January 2012 to investigate Bowers' and Andrews' claims. The reports s h ow that in each instance , i nspectors were unable to substantiate the allegations.

  • Docs: How Trucks are Screened for Radiation at Hunters Point< http://www. nbcbayarea. com/brchannel/How-T rucks-Are-Screened-F or-Radiation-at

-Hunters-Point-259873071. html> Bowers believes that the NRC did not i nvestigate his claims thoroughly enough. Andrews says she feels betrayed by the NRC because she believed the agency has the authority to put a halt to the violations she says she w i tnessed. " As an American , I believed i n the NRC ," she said. 'Tm not so sure I believe in them anymore." Shortly after Bowers reported his concerns to the NRC in January 2011 , he lost his job with Tetra Tech. Andrews a l so l ost her job after she contacted federal regulators in October 2011. Both claim i t was retaliation. Bowers and Andrews along with two other former workers at Hunters Point are suing Tetra Tech because they content they were f i red for rais i ng concerns. Tetra Tech has fi l ed an answer denying those allegations. Both Tetra Tech and the NRC declined interview requests by t he Investigative Unit. Navy representatives a l so declined i nterview requests saying it is "inappropria t e for the Navy to comment on ongoing litigation between third parties." Read t he Navy's statement here.<http://media.nbcbayarea .com/documents/NAVY +STATEMENT +HP. pdf> When asked if they would l i ve at Hunters Poin t in the future , both Bowers and Andrews responded that they bel i eve the site can be cleaned up correctly eventually but the way i t stands now , " absolutely not." "I wouldn't go there , I wouldn't take my grandchildren there, I wouldn't wa l k my dog there," Andrews said. " I t's a beautiful area and it can be beautiful once it's cleaned up , but it's not be i ng cleaned up right." Diane Screnci Sr. Public Affairs Officer USNRC , RI 610/337-5330 3 OCT 1 4 2014 Ms. S (b}(7)(C)


Concern You Raised Regarding the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard

Dear\Ms. Andrews:

Rl-2014-A-0046 The NRC Region I Office has completed its follow up in response to a news art i cle published on May 19 , 2014 , i n which we identified one concern under NRC regulatory jurisd i ct i on related to radiological controls. Enclosure 1 to this letter restates your concern and describes our review and conclus i ons regarding that concern. Allegations are an important source of information i n support of the NRC's safety m ission , and as such , we will continue to take our safety responsibility to the public seriously within the bounds of our lawful authority. We believe that our actions have been r e sponsive. If , however , you can provide new i nformation , or the NRC receives additional information from another source that suggests that our conclusion should be altered , we will evaluate that information to determine whether further action i s warranted. Should you have any additional questions or i f the NRC can be of further assistance in this matter , please call this office toll-free via the NRC Safety Hotline at 1-800-432-1156 , extension 5222 , between 7: 30 a.m. and 4: 15 p.m. EST , Monday through Friday , or contact me in writing at P.O. Box 80377 , Valley Forge , PA 19484. Sincerely , Richard J. Urban Senior Allegation Coordinator


As Stated CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED OFFICIAL AE60RO cop y_ ~s. Susan Andrews Distribution: 2 A l legation File No. Rl-2 014-A-0046 DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ORA\ALLEG\CLOSE\20140046clo .docx Non-Public Designation Category: MD 3.4 Non-Public A.1 0 SUNS! Rev i ew D Non-Sensitive 0 Sens i tive OFF I CE DNMS: NMS83 ORA:SAC J)j;f I NAME M Ferdas l< 'i 'f R Urbaci /"f"

  • DATE 10/ /0 /2014 10//~ /201~ OFFICIAL RECORD COPY Rl-2014-A-0046 D Publicly Availab l e 0 Non-Publi cly Avai l able ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-2014-A-0046 Concern: You asserted that you tracked trucks leaving Hunters Point without being properly surveyed for radiation in a logbook. According to your logbook entry for a week in October 2011 , you recorded more than 70 tru 1 cks had failed the portal monitor but were sti l l re l eased to go off-site without being properly surveyed. Response to Concern: NRC Assessment During an inspection conducted at the Hunters Po i nt Naval Shipyard (HPNS) on July 21 -22 , 2014 , an NRC inspector reviewed procedures and records and interviewed personnel familiar with activities that occurred in the 2011 time frame. In October 2011 , the site procedure that governed the use of the vehicle portal monitor (VPM) was "Final Hunters Point Shipyard Project , Standard Operating Procedures , Gamma Screening of Trucks Using the Skid-Mounted Portal Monitor ," Revis i on 3 , dated December 3 , 2008. The procedure required that the VPM be used to perform gamma radiation screening of trucks loaded with non-contaminated so i ls and debris prior to leaving HPNS. The procedure also required that, w h en a truck caused an alarm or "failed" the VPM screening , it needed to be sent through the VPM a second time. If a second a l arm was received , the truck and its contents were subjected to a manual survey using a hand held survey instrument.

Based on a review of records , the inspector determined that in October 2011 , 11 O trucks received second alarms and required a manual survey. I n addition to performing a manual survey , Attachment 1 , "Radiological Truck Survey Form for Portab l e Instrument ," of the above referenced procedure was completed. The attachment required the following information to be recorded: date , time , truck i dentification , survey instrument (model number , seria l number , calibrat i on due date , and background), locations surveyed , and survey results. The i nspector reviewed these records and confirmed that 109 trucks were released i n October 2011 , after a manual survey was performed and release requirements were met. One truck did not successfully pass the manual survey and was returned to the site to have its contents (soil) searched. A radium-226 device was subsequently identified and removed. The ins p ector determined that the licensee appeared to be following their internal procedures for the re l ease of trucks from HPNS , and t here was no indication that trucks were released from the site inappropriately. NRC Conclusion Based on the above , the NRG was able unable to substantiate your concern that more than 70 trucks were released from HPNS without being proper l y surveyed. Although 110 trucks failed the initia l portal monitor survey , they were all subsequently manually surveyed with a hand held i nstrument in accordance w i th procedures. OFFICIAL RECORD GOP\" Ms. Susan Andrews (b)(?)(C) UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I 2100 RENAISSANCE BLVD., S UITE 100 KING OF PRUSSIA , PA 19406-2713 O CT 1 4 2014


Concern You Raised Regarding the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Dear~s-~nd r ews_;_ Rl-2014-A-0046 The NRC Region I Office has completed its follow up in response to a news article published on May 19 , 2014 , in which we identified one concern under NRC regulatory jurisdiction related to radiological controls. Enclosure 1 to this letter restates your concern and describes our review and conclusions regarding that concern. Allegatio n s are an important source of information in support of the NRC's safety mission , and as su c h , we will c ontinue to take our safety responsibility t o the public seriously within the bounds of our lawful authority. We believe that our actions have been r esponsive. If , however , you can provide new information , or the NRC receives add r tional information from anothe r s o urce that suggests that our conclusion should be altered , we will evaluate that information to determine whether further action is warra nt ed. Should you have any additional questions or if the NRG can be of further assistance in this matter, please call this office toll-free via the NRC Safety Hotline at 1-800-432-1156 , extension 5222 , between 7: 30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. EST , Monday through Friday , or contac t me in writing at P.O. Box 80377 , Valley Forge , PA 19484. Sin c erely , ~/ZL-Richard J. Urban Senior Allegation Coordinator


As Stated CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-2014-A-0046 Concern: You asserted that you tracked trucks leaving Hunters Point wit h out being properly surveyed fo r radiation in a logbook. According to your logbook entry for a week in October 2011 , you recorded more than 70 trucks had failed the portal monitor but were still re l eased to go off-site without being properly surveyed. Response to Concern: NRC Assessment During an inspection conducted at the Hunters Point Nava l Shipyard (HPNS) on July 21 -22, 2014 , an NRC inspector reviewed procedures and re cords and interviewed personnel familiar with activities that occurred in the 2011 time frame. In October 2011 , the site procedure that governed the use of the vehicle portal monitor (VPM) was "Final Hunters Point Sh ipy ard Project , Standard Operating Procedures , Gamma Screening of Trucks Using the Skid-Mounted Portal Monitor ," Revision 3 , dated December 3 , 2008. The procedure required that the VPM be used to perform gamma radiation screening of trucks loaded with non-contaminated soils and debris prior to l eaving HPNS. The procedure also required that, when a tr u ck caused an alarm or "failed" the VPM screening , it needed to be sent through the VPM a second time. If a second alarm was received, the truck and its contents were subjected to a manual survey using a hand held survey instrument. Based on a review of records, the inspector determined that in October 2011 , 11 O trucks received second alarms and required a manual survey. In addition to performing a manual survey, Attachment 1 , "Radiological Truck Survey Form fo r Portable Instrument," of the above referenced procedure was completed. The attachment required the following information to be recorded: date , time , truck identification , survey instrument (model number , serial number , calibration due date , and background), locations surveyed , and survey results. The inspector reviewed these records and confirmed that 109 tr ucks were released in October 2011 , after a manual survey was performed and release requ irement s were met. One truck did not s u ccessfully pass the manual survey and was returned to the site to have its contents (soil) searched. A radium-226 device was subsequently identified and removed. The inspector determined that the licensee appeared to be following their internal procedures for the release of trucks from HPNS , and there was no indication that trucks were re l eased from the site inapprop ria tely. NRC Conc lu sion Based on the above , the NRC was able unable to substantiate your concern that more than 70 tru c ks were released from HPNS without being properly surv e yed. Al th ough 110 trucks failed the initial portal monitor survey, they were all subsequently manually surveyed w i th a hand held instrument in accordance with procedures. (b)(5) From: Sent: To:


Attachments: Urban , Richard Thursday, October 09 , 2 014 2: 09 PM Urban , Richard FW: RI-2014-A-0045 *sensitive all e gation information -do not disclo s e* 2014004 5 cx; 2 0140046cl cx From: RlALLEGATION RESOURCE Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 1: 35 PM To: Urban, Richard; Johnson, Sharon; McLaughlin, Marjo rie; Bickett, Brice; Crisden, Cherie; Warnek, Nicole


FW: RI-2014-A-0045 *sensitive allegation information -do not disclose* From: Warnek , Nicole Sent: Thursday , October 09 , 2014 1 : 34: 39 PM To: Masnyk Bailey , Orysia Cc: Ferdas , Marc; R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE


Rl-2014-A-0045 *sensitive allegation information -do not disclose* Auto forwarded by a Rule H i Orysia , I have a short-turnar ound item I need your help with. The closure letter for allegation 2014-A-0045 is due next Thursday (10/16). I need some additional information from you to fully close the allegation. Can vou r eview the r hte uestions? If you have any questions please call. Otherwise , we need the input by COB Tuesday to support the c l osure letter going out on Thursday. I also attached -0046 so you can see the changes I made to that l etter. Thank you! Nicole S. Warnek Allegation & Enforcement Specialist Region I Office of the Regional Administrator 610-337-6954 (offic~ !(b)(6) !(cell)~ ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-2014-A-0046 Concern: (b)(5) Response to Concern: NRC Assessment (b)(5) NR C Con cl u sio n (b)(5 1 JUN 1 6 2014 Ms. Susan A (b)(5)


Concern You Raised Regarding the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard

Dear Ms. Andrews:

Rr-2014-A-0046 This letter refers to a news article published on May 19 , 2014 , in which you raised several concerns regarding Hunters Point. Based on our review of the article , we have determined that the NRC prev i ously addressed and closed most of the concerns you raised. However , we have identified one new concern unde r NRC regulatory jur i sdiction related to radiological controls Enclosure 1 to this letter documents our understanding of your concern. If the description of your concern as documented in the enclosure is not accurate , please contact me so that we can assure it is appropriately described prior to the completion of our review. We have initiated actions to examine your concern. The NRC normally completes evaluations of technical concerns within six months , although complex iss ue s may take longer. However , after evaluating the information in the news article , we have determined that we would benefit from additional information in order to perform a more effective review of your concern. The informat i on being requested is noted in the enclosure. If you can provide the requested informat i on , please contact this office within 10 days of receipt of this letter. If no additional informat i on i s received within 10 days , we will proceed with our review based on the information currently available. Additionally , we plan to conduct an on-site visit to Hunters Point later this summer. If you have additional concerns that you have not previously raised to the NRC. please contact us as soon as possible so we can ensure timely review and follow-up Typically the NRC takes all reasonable efforts not to disclose an alleger's identity to any organization , individual outside the NRC , or the public. However , as previously described in our letter to you dated June 2 , 2014 (regarding Allegation Rl-2011-A-0113), because you notified the news media of your concerns , we could not protect your identity as the source of those concerns. Similarly , because you r current concern appeared in a news article , we cannot protect your identity as the source of this concern. Enclosed with thi s l etter is a brochure entitled "Reporting Safety Concerns to the NRC ," wh i ch i ncludes an important discussion of the identity protection provided by the NRC as well as those circumstances that l imit the NRC's ability to protect an alleger's identity. Please read that section of the brochure. The brochure also contains information that you may find helpful in understanding our process for reviewing safety concerns. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED OFFICIAL RECORD COP Y Ms Susan Andrews 2 Rl-2014-A-0046 We will advise you when we have completed our review. Should you have any additional questions. or if the NRC can be of further assistance in this matter , please call this office free via the NRC Safety Hotline at 1-8 00-432-1156, extension 5222 , between 7: 30 a.m. and 4: 15 pm. EST , Monday through Friday , or contact me in writing at P.O. Box 80377 , Valley Forge , PA 19484. You may also communicate with us by e-mail if you so choose. Please be advised that the NRC cannot protect the information during transmission on the Internet and there is a possibility that someone could read your response while it is in transit. The e-mail address for the Region I Allegations Office is R1Allegations .Resource@nrc .gov. Sincerely, o~i~r.~1 Si g ned B,* Richard J. Urban Senior Allegation Coordinator Enclosu r es: As Stated SFFICIAL RECORD GOPV Ms. Susan Andrews Distribution

Allegation File No. Rl-2014-A-0046 3 DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ORA\ALLEG\ACK\20140046ack

.docx To r eceive a copy of this document, i n dicate in the b ox: "C" = Copy without attachment/endosure OFFICE DNMS:BC I Rl: SAC n11Y I NAME MFerdas lv'<(/l. 1-vv 'Jl'-'1..- R Urban /< DATE 061 / Z../201 4 06/i~ /201~ O FF ICIAL RECORD COPY R 1-2014-A-0046 " E" = Copy with attachment/enclosure " N" = No copy I I ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-2014-A-0046 Concern: You asserted that you tracked trucks leaving Hunters Point without being properly surveyed for radiation in a logbook. According to your logbook entry for a week in October 2011, you recorded more than 70 trucks had failed the portal monitor but were still released to go off-site without being properly surveyed. Additional Information Request: Please inform us whether the trucks were hand scanned after the portal monitor alarmed. This information would help us focus our assessment and allow us to conduct a more effective review of your concern. OFFICIAL RECORD COPY Ms, Susan Andrews r (5) UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I 2100 RENAISSANCE BLVD. KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406-2745 JUN 1 6 2014


Concern You Ra i sed Regarding the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard

Dear I Ms. Andrews:

R l-2014-A-0046 This letter refe r s to a news article published on May 19, 2014 , in which you raised several concerns regarding Hunters Point. Based on our review of the article , we have determined that the NR C previously addressed and closed most of the concerns you raised. However , we have identified one new concern under NRC regulatory jurisdiction related to radiological controls. Enclosure 1 to this letter documents our understanding of your concern. If the description of your concern as documented in the enclosure is not accurate, please contact me so that we can assure it is appropriately described prior to the completion of our review. We have initiated actions to examine your concern. The NRC normally completes evaluations of technical concerns within six months , although complex i ssues may take longer_ However , after evaluating the information in the news article, we have determined that we would benefit from additional information in order to perform a more effective review of your concern. The information being requested is noted in the enclosure. If you can provide the requested inform ation, please contact this office within 10 days of receipt of this letter. If no additional information is received within 10 days , we will proceed with our review based on the information currently available. Additionally, we plan to conduct an on-site visit to Hunters Point later this summer. If you have additional concerns that you have not previously raised to the NRC , please contact us as soon as possible so we can ensure timely review and follow-up. Typically the NRC takes all reasonable efforts not to disclose an alleger's identity to .any organization, individual outside the NRC , or the public. However , as previously described In our letter to you dated June 2, 2014 (regarding Allegation Rl-2011-A-0113), because you notified the news media of your co n ce rn s , we cou ld not protect your identity as the source of those concerns. Similarly, because your current concern appeared in a news article , we cannot protect your id entity as the source of this concern. Enclosed with this letter i s a brochure entitled "Reporting Safety Concerns to the NRC ," which includes an important d iscussion of the ide ntity protection provided by the NRC as well as those c ircum s ta nces that l imit the NRC's ability to protect an alleger's identity. Please read that section of the brochure. The brochure a l so contains information that you may find help ful in understanding our process for reviewing safety concerns. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ENCLOSUR E 1 Rl-2014-A-0046 Concern: You asserted that you tracked trucks leaving Hunters Point without being properly surveyed for radiation in a logbook. According to your logbook entry for a week in October 2011 , you reco r ded more than 70 trucks had fa il ed the portal monitor but were still released to go off-site without being properly surveyed. Additional Information Request: Please i nform us whether the trucks were h and sca n ned after the portal monitor alarmed. This information would help us focus our assessment and allow us to conduc t a more effective review of your concern. G:\ora\alleg\panel\20140046arb1 .docx ALLEGATION REVIEW BOARD DISPOSITION RECORD ARB MINUTES ARE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE ARB CHAIR Allegation No.: Rl-2014-A-0046 Branch Chief (AOC): Ferdas Site/Facility: Hunters Point Naval Shipyard , San Francisco , CA (Navy BRAG site)Acknowledged: No ARB , Date: June 4 , 2014 Confidentiality Granted: NIA Concern Discussed: Multiple concerns were described in the news report. All, but one concern for this Concerned Individual (Cl), were closed in prev i ous allegation files: Rl-2011-A-0019 , Rl-20 1 1-A-0113, and Rl-2012-A-0022. This concern was brought to the NRC's attention t hrough a California news report quoting the Cl. The Cl stated during the news cast tha* sne l tracked trucks lea ving Hunters Point Naval Shipyard without being properly surveyed for radiation in a logbook. According to her fogbook entry for a week in October 2011, the Cl recorded more than 70 trucks had failed the portal monitor but were still released to go off-site without being properly surveyed. Does alleger object to providing concerns to the license e via an RFI? N/A ALLEGATION REVIEW BOARD ATTENDEES (b)(7)(C) Chair: Marshall Branch Chief: Hammann SAC: Urban 01: RI Coun sel: Klukan -......... -Others: Masny ik Bailey , Richard Chang HQ, Stephen Lloyd , HQ , Warnek, Clifford DISPOSITION MET HOD (See Attached RFI Worksheet, If Appl i cable) RFI Inspection X __ Investigation N/A DISPOSITION ACTIONS 1. Acknowledgment Letter to Cl. (Ask if trucks were hand scanned after porta l monitor alarmed.) Responsible Person: Urban Closure Documentation

ECO: June 18 , 2014 Completed:

2 Perform i nspection at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard w i th focus on truck surveys; coor dinate with California and document inspect io n. The inspec t ion is te ntatively scheduled for the week of July 21 , 2014. Responsi bl e Person: Ferdas C l osure Documentation: ECO: August 20, 2014 Completed: SAFETY CONCERN: Potentia l for contaminated soil to have l eft Hunters Point Naval Shipyard dispersed to pub l ic landfills. PRIORITY OF QI INVESTIGAT ION: RATIONALE USED TO DEFER 01 DISCRIMINATION CASE: NOTES: Trucks leaving Hunters Point Naval Shipyard have to exit via a radiation portal monitor. If the radiation portal monitor alarms , the contents of the truck are hand surveyed in accordance with a Tetra Tech procedure. The inspector will review these survey records and interview personnel. In addit i on , the inspector will request any and all records fr om the Navy for their site visits to Hunters Point Nava l Shipyard to verify if the Navy also reviewed truck surveys. DISTRIBUTION: Panel Attendees, Reg io nal Counsel , 01 , Responsible Persons Urban, Richard From: Sent: To:


Attachments: U rb a n , Ric h a r d Thursday , May 2 9 , 2014 4:3 0 P M U rb an, Ri c h ar d FW: r ev i se d t o includ e more det a i l s TT allegTruck.docx

TTal l c x; TT arb T rucks.doc x; TTarbWater

.docx From: RlALLEGATION RESOURCE Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 9:38 AM To: Urban, Richard; Johnson, Sharon; Mclaughlin, Marjorie; Bickett , Brice; Bearde, D i ane; Cri s den, Cherie; Warnek, Nicole


FW: revised to include mo r e details From: Modes , Kathy Sent: Thursday , May 29, 2014 9:38: 16 AM To: R1ALLEGATION RESOURCE


revised to include more detai l s Auto forwarded by a Rule THANK YOU! K at h y M od es Sr. H ea l th Ph ysic i st Decomm i ss i oning and Technical Support Br a nch US N RC Region I D NM S 2100 Re n aissa nc e Blvd, Su it e 1 00 K ing of Prussia , PA 1 9 4 06-2713 pho n e: 610-337-5251 f a x: 6 1 0-3 3 7-5 269 email: k a thy.modes@nr P l ease consider the e n vi r o n ment before pr i nti n g this e-mai l. CONCERNS REGARDING TETRA TECH, INC., AT THE HUNTERS POINT DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT Submitted by~ E l b ert G. Bo w ers Su bm ittal dat e: April 2 6, 20 11 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Richard Urban, Nuclear Regulatory Commissions, Senior Allegation Coordinator From: Bert Bowers, Tetra Tech, Radiation Safety Officer Date: April 26, 2011


Concerns Regarding Tetra Tech, INC., at the Hunters Point Decommissioni n g Project Mr. Urban, In reference to the subject line above -and as detailed in the most recent email to you dated April 12, 2011, enclosed is a cross section of supplemental information which should help further identify c ircumstances which have occurred during the course of 2010 (and early 2011} and which I feel have contributed significantly to the unanticipated events with my employer as they unfolded beginning January 12, 2011 to present. To summarize the infonnation within, I fee vi't Important to emphasize that every effort has been mad, during the course of my Hunters Poin f RSO (tenure to adhere to job t i tle expectations/ obligation s a s detailed by J Mr. Carl J. Paperiello in his publication titled So You're the New RSOI

  • While radiQlogical contaminants Identified at the project site would In general be best categorized as "residual trace amounts", there's nevertheless remained the personal commitment to emphatically emphasize the expectation of "conscientiously correct" work practice approaches from the management level down to the front line worker. In particular for anyone associated with an intrusive activity-and most Importantly that conducted In a site location Identified by the Navy's Historical Radiological Assessment document as "lmpactedn. Accordingly, when administering radiological orientation and awareness teviews to visitors, VIP's, and g e neral site staff , the reminder has been repeatedly emphasized that all should fully appreciate potential hazards associated with defined radionu c lldes of concern. Specifically, the rationale behind the existing system of "checks and balanc e s" used to en s ure that no one i s subjected to unnecessary risk. Such efforts over the course of eight plus "project yearsH have generally proved successful. Representatives within the Navy appear comfortable and understanding of the philosophy behind the views presented and controls established. However , since beg i nning employment at the site through Tetra Tech In 2009, the single most " detrimental" obstacle that's encountered involves person's who align themselves purely with a construction driven "mentality".

The idea of incorporating without prior discussion concepts that may commonly exist on a traditional construction site but which simply do not go "hand in hand" with what's expected on a radiological project. Upon discovery, such "flags" traditionally relate to time critical is s ues (and likely as driven by the type of contract In effect with the Navy). Often times, such "flags" conflict with the recommended "mind s et" provided during RAD review orientation s -the need to remember that "what may take 15 minutes to do in your world of expertise , will probably take 25-30 minutes In the RAD world ... not to hold you up or upset you, .but to ensure through periodic checks and verifications the Page 1 of 7 continued safety of the environment , the general public , and the work forcen. Progressively, each "flag" has tended to indicate what appears to be a systematic breakdown in "conscientiousR communication. The year 2010 began as planned with traditional dosimetry change outs and the posting of .. Project RSO Representative" and "Authorized User" documentation (reference 1), etc. However, on into the year after repeated RAD field staff and supervisory reminders to walk down active work areas to ensure RAD safety Integrity at shifts end, discrepancies and findings nevertheless increased in frequency. As a result, th~(b)(7)(C) ~n Norfolk, Virginia was repeatedly updated during routine calls on growing "culture concerns "of a declining nature. The Tetra Tech!(b)(?)(C) I were personally briefed as well. I began to sense a growing concern for the RAD supervisory staff as a whole (and ultimately the RAD field technicians as a group) and their ability to not cave in solely to construction driven priorities/mindsets but "stand behind the license as aiticaJ field based "eyes and ears" -to do tasks and assignments "right the first time". *Read and Sign>> documents addressing "Project Specific Reference/ Guidance Documents for the Conduct of Radiologically Based Tasks" (reference

9) and "Collection of 'Beta/Gamma; Static Measurements (and Representative Background Data)" (reference
10) were issued, in part, to continuously emphasize the need to report discrepancies/concerns. (Additionally , the above documents were supplemented with RASO generated position views as detailed in reference 11 and as related to site areas of responsibility subject to Tetra Tech's NRC issued license). During shift and/or prio r to leaving site for the day ( usually 1 hour after quitting time for the field hands), I would routinely complete an end-of-day RAD integrity field check. Discrepancies were commonly observed/

corrected which often times appeared avoidable -assuming end-of-day RAD checks were being performed by the field hands (references 2, 3,4, S, 6, 7, 14, 18, 25 and 30). RAD r integrity field checks conducted throughout the day also revealed escalating discrepancies associated d,i, with other licensees -and of a nature which resulted in calls to my office from observant field hantts:-,;. * ,,. voicing concern (and subsequent corrective actions involving site RSO Representatives, the Tetra Tech (b)(7)(C) and/or RASO -and as captured in references 8, 12, 15, and 22). In summary fr<:>m the position o (b )(7)(C) all of the escalating "challenges" appeared to involve communication deficiencies and a chosen lack of simple interface by specific RAD supervisors within reliable and expected time intervals. Indications of "resistance" to expected RAD protocol appeared to be reflected even more by graffiti discover , ed on the project RSO's vehicle during the last quarter of 2010 (references 13 and 21). In the latter part of the year toward scheduled holiday stand downs , increased "response incidents" resulting from trespassers, vandalism, and storm effects occurred and often times required interface with representatives of the Navy and/or Internal and external entities. Discrepancies involving "Baker" tank and "scrap metar' bin activities conducted without first confinning through the project RSO any need for RAD support (i.e., use of portal monitor screening as preferred by RASO) were likewise identified/reported over the course of the stand down (references 19, 20, and 25). In parallel, coordination specific to the 2011 dosimetry monitoring program was underway (and the securing of a new service vendor per reference 16); as was the scheduling of RAO support needs for external entities l e ading up to (and during) the stand down and including the new year (references 17, 22, and 24). Page 2 of 7 Field activities resumed after the holiday stand down and progressed smoothly through January 12 , 2011 , (references 26 , 27 , and 29) as did the fulfilling of commitments to outside entities (reference 28). However , events beginning the morn i ng of January 13, 2011 signaled -most importantly to me

  • a significantly negative change at the project management level and a defiant , confrontational attitud e disp l ayed by a RAO field supervisor (as described in the contents of references 32 a n d 33). Shortly thereafter , th (b)(l)(C) was notified of the events and my personal intent to internally addre s s/ resolve existing issues. Th (b)(?)(C) rrived i n San Francisco from Norfolk , VA and was at Hunters Point t he following Monday. A dri v e through of the project site was conducted with th (b)(7)(C) during the early morning hours of Monday, January 17 , 2011. Upon its c ompletion , the (b)(7)(C) asked directly to play "devil's advocate" and " punch holes'" i n my mindset/ line of thinking on the morning of January 13th -nothing erroneous was noted. (It wa s afso durin this timeframe that the incident detailed in reference 30 was identified.)

At that time, the (b)(?)(C) nfirmed that-contrary to first addressing/investigating the " issues at hand ,, i ntemaUy, t h e Tetra Tech !(b)(7)(C) ~d alre a dy informed Corporate H R of hi s action s as well as RASO -h i s exact words at that time were " I can't beli e ve he did that. I r eplied that I was upset as a result but would continue to attempt resolution of existing issues through interna l avenues until/unless advised otherwise. That same morning (as a result of the hostile 1 threatening environment experienced when last there per reference 33), I was able to access my office while in the presence of the!(b)(?)(C) !to safely retrieve my laptop for use from home. I then left the project for my temporary California res i dence. Later the following day I re c eived the request from th e!(b)(7)(C) !as detailed In referen c e 31. The following day (Tuesday, January 18, 2011) and upon the advice of th~(b)(l)(C) l I attempted t o contact -and later heard from the Tetra Tech !(b)(l)(C) !as described in reference 34 (i.e., for the first time since the events of January 13 , 2011 as detailed in reference 33). That same day I received electronic correspondence from Hunters Point field administration that my name had been removed from the weekly Navy NAVFAC/Tetra Tech meeting roster. Anothe r notification came later that I was also removed from the project phon e tist. later i n the week I met with the !(b)(l)(C) l at the project site in my office to discover all cabinets and furniture with locks had been breached and th e integrity of corresponding 6 1ock and key" items compromised (reference 35). I continued to work from my temporary califomia residence ttie rest of the week {January 17*21, 2011). During that time I received ca l ls from project techn i cal staff voicing l icense based concerns. I posed the question , "'who i s defined on the 'Right to Know' posting board a s the~PS RSO repre s entativ i)as well as "what's the 'after hours' contact plilone number listed on the Tetra Tech project RAD signs in the field"? I was informed that i n both instances the desi nated person remained me and re-confirmed as such prior to a scheduled meeting with the (b)(?)(C) and !(b)(7)(~) !i n my office on Friday, January 21, 2011. Upon the day of that meeting ("'0915 hrs), the name of the project RSO representative had been changed on th e 'Right to Know' po st ing board t~(b)(?)(C) ~nd the document backdated t o reflect an effective date of January 18 , 2011 (referen c e 36); all of the observ e d project RAD field signs still continued to reflect my persona l " aft e r hours" contact number. I was later informed by the!(b)(7)(C) !at the existing need for me to provide support at Alameda. I asked if that assignment was a condition of employment at which point I was told "no". I th e n ask e d if-aft e r the Alameda assignment -I would be considered for re*assum i ng mv original r o le at Page3of7 Hunters Point at which point I was told I would. f agreed as stJch as a sign of good faith and ,n support of what all referred to as a "cooling off period". Later that same day, I re-ronfirmed with project technical staff the posting which now addre (b)(?)(C) as project RSO representative. I received the adamant reply that my name was reflected as s he morning of January 21, 2011. Later that same day I met again (after hours) with the!(b)(?)(C) !at Hunters Point He seemed somewhat weary and resigned to himself. He suggested that I take the position at Alameda and move on from Hunters Point. He then suggested that I could "work out of Alameda" and "act as a mentor for Hunters Point and any other projects that might kick off'. Somewhat surprised , I questioned why the change in position. I was essentially answered with words to the effect that " ultimately, construction management decides who stays and who goes on a project". I promptly advised of my opposition to that position; then followed with the direct question of " what did I do wrong-9? The response .as he shrugged his shoulders was "I don't know, some of the Sup's say you got into an argument with them". I replied with "that's simply not true ... I called that meeting to discuss a c ommunication concern i nvotving Authorized User's *.. it didn't even last 2-3 minutes ..*. there wasn't even enough time for an argument. .. I t wa (b)(?)(C) who was all of a sudden s houting *.* even while in the presence of th (b)(7)(C) .. and (b)(?) let him keep on doing It .... and then he said he could arrange to have my name removed from the license" Again the!(b)(7)(C) !shrugged his shoulders in what appeared to be a defeated gesture and at whi c h po i nt f reali z ed continuing the conversation was fruitless... On arrival at Alameda for the first week of my assignment , I was furnished an outline tltle~rt Bowers Goals ot Alameda Project (reference 3~ For the ~rst t i me I observed an indication that I am apparently being presented a s prone to arguments (line 9 in~rence 3~ However , I was not required to sign the document and therefore chose not to object any of its contents -again In a good faith effort to move forward. I was also informed at that t i me of my title as superviso r and my direct report being the Alameda RSO representative. While at Alameda , I continued to attempt mentor follow-up at Hunters Point as s uggested by the!(b)(?)(C) !through phone call attempts then direct email (reference 39). I then began to focus on the remaining goals defined for me at Alameda including the establishment of new working relationships (reference 40). During my time at Alameda , It was announced that during the week of March 28 through April 1, 2011, th e NRCwould be conducting inspect i ons at both Hunters Point and Alameda. It was during that week that I was Interviewed b Ins ctors !Cb)(7)(C) !The day following the NRC interview, I received a call from the (b)(l)(C) He advised that funding for my role at Alameda was no longer available and at dose of business on April 1 , 2011 my assignment there would end as would corresponding per diem benefits. I prompt l y followed up the conversation with an e mail to him and the!(b)(7)(C) !confirming the same (reference 41). Turnovers and advisement that my role would be completed by week's end were distributed (references 42, 43, 44 , 4 5 and 49) and feedback received (reference 46). I also followed up with the!(b)(7)(C) ~egarding the status of my role at Hunters Point and received the response as detailed in reference

47. Steps for retrieving a copy of an "all inclusive

.. Alameda assignment letter were also pursued (reference 48). Since completing my assignment at Alameda , on April 1 , 2011, I have been directed to draw upon my earned "time off with pay" account. I have since returned my project assigned vehicle. As detailed in reference 50, Hunters Point RAD signs posted in the field no l onger reflect my "after hours contact Page 4of7 numbers (or anyone else's), but instead direct one to use the direct line to the Terra Tech switchboard (a number which is not manned after hours). In closing 1 the photos provided within were originally intended for use as "lessons learnedn examples to be used during training presentations, performance reviews, etc. I personally believe that Tetra Tech is comprised of good, well intentioned persons through all ranks and levels. While a select few -as with other organization worked with on occasion in the past -may likely find it to their advantage to better understand the expectations and seriousness associated with a NRC license, I feel all are generally receptive to correction and in doing what's right in the final analysis. As always, feel free to contact me If additional information or feedback is needed to fill In any identified gaps, etc. I look forward to hearing from you after your review of the material provided. Regards, Bert Bowers, Radiation Safety Officer Representative r XlXC) I l (b)(7)(C) Direct: / Main: 864.483.1789 / Alternate: ._ ____ _. Page 5 of 7 From J (b)(l)(C) Dat e: Tue , 12 Apr 2 011 22: 59:23 EDT S ubjec t Re: FW: Y o ur Concerns To: R i C C: Mr. Urban , Thank you for resending the NRC email dated March 30, 2011 and specific to the following subject title: "Concerns You Raised to the NRC Regarding Tetra Tech , tnc., at the Hunters Point Decommissioning Project" (Rl-2011-A~019) As discussed by phone during our last conversation, the original "send attempt was apparently a casualty of an AOL spam function as I do not recall having ever received it. Regarding the aforementioned email (and as requested), I have completed a review of the information within -including that as detailed in "Enclosure 1". Accordingly, attached is my markup of the entire document subsequent to the review. Resulting comments, corrections, and clarifications pertinent to the recent events at the Hunters Point site are reflected as well. Understanding that there are time critical steps -beginning with Mr. Munoz and his response to my initial call, up to and including similar steps as defined in your correspondence -I am forwarding this information "as i s" i n limited depth. Along with this correspondence , it is also my intent to provide within 10 business days additional follow up information which will more precisely capture I connect I supplement the entire basis and nature of the concerns of record. (Since the events of January 13 , 2011 , I've been placed by Tetra Tech in an unwarranted and disadvantaged position by being for ce d tci!) hastily vacate my RSOR role / office at Hunters Point, then relocate

  • i mmediately to assume a superv is ory field role at Alameda where -upon conclusion of the recent NRG visit to both "Bay Area" sites , I was advised the following day that the field role was unavailable as well (i.e., a one day notice as of weeks end on Apr il 1 , 2 011 ).lhus , the majority of what is needed for the stated follow up effort i s packed in boxes~ged h e re in the security of my locked garage.) In between now and my f ollow up r e sponse (and as always), fee l free to contact me i f additional information or feedback i s needed. Regards , Elbert " Bert" Bowers (b)(7)(C)

M r. E lbert Bow e r s !(b)(7)(C) UNITED STA.TES NUC L EAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I 4 75ALLENOALE ROAD KING OF PRUSSIA , PENNSYLVANIA 19 4 05-1415 March 30, 2011 Rl-2011-A-0019 Su bj ect: Co n cerns Yo u R a ise d to the NRC Regard in g T e t ra Tech , Inc., at the Hunters Po int Decomm i ssioning P ro ject D ear M r. Bowers: (b)(5) 2 Rl-20 11-A-0019 (b)(5) ~r. E l bert Bowers 3 Rl-2011-A , 0019 (b)(5) Sincerely , J original signed by: Richard J. Urban Senior Allegation Coordinator


As stated ENCLOSURE 1 Rl-20 11-A-0019 (b )(5) ENCLOSURE 1 Rf--2011-A-0019 (b)(5) 2 i 1~ RSO Responsibilities Your license requires that-senior management designate an individual as Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). This individual will establish , maintain , enfore&and oontrol the company radiation safety program and act as the contact person for the r:egulatory agency. When the company is contacted or inspected by the regulatory agency they will want to speak with the RSO. Senior management is required to supply the RSO with the necessary means. including training, to carry out the position of RSO and should wor1< with the RSO to make sure that all conditions and oompliance of the license are met The RSO will maintain complete, accurate and organized records. The RSO is responsible for making necessary amendments and notifying the regulatory agency of these amendments. The RSO will keep the safety program updated as to any changes in the regulations. When a new RSO is designated the licensee must immediately notify the regulatory agency. If allowable, the company should also designate an assistant RSO. This person should be readily trained and authorized to speak for the company as well as carry out aH RSO responsibilities. Do you really want to be the RSO? You must ask yourself that question before you accept the responsibilities of the position. The spotlight will be on you. You cannot cut comers or attempt regulatory

  • end-arounds

". The regulatory agency is delegating the responsibility o f *protecting public and property" to your shoulders. Your actions will be viewed and scrutinized by everyone around you. The "Notice to Employees* poster tells your workers about their rights and how to notify the regulatory agency if they see you or your radiation safety program in violation of the regulations. If you let them see you skimp on a rule or regulation today you may regret It in the future. Today's happy employee may be tomorrow's disgruntled employee , one who is looking to ' get back at you or the company at a later date. Don't give them a reason to *exercise" their employee rights. You must also not let senior management compromise your duties and authority. The followin , g article gives a reality check to those considering the RSO position. So You're the New RSOI What la a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and what are his/her duties? The RSO is the person responsible for radiological safety in conjunction with the use, handling, and storage of radioactive materials in a program licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or Agreement State. It is the duty of the RSO to ensure that all licensed activities are carried O:ut in compliance with the requirements of the license and the applicable rules and regulations. : The following excerpts of an articulated article of relevance offers insight into what the NRO or Agreemenl State expects of an RSO. (From the March 1993 issue of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) Licensee Newsletter) i What does It mean. if you agree to be named as the new Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) on an NRC or Agreement State license? It means you have the knowledge and skill , the resources and time , the will , and the clout in your organization to ensure that activities involving radiation and radioactive materials are conducted safely , and all license requirements , both in the regulations and those specific to your license, are being met Although you can delegate tasks, you have the ultimate responsibility. How much knowledge do you have to have? It depends. You don't need an advanced degree in nuclear physics if your respons i bility Is lhnitect. On the other hand, an RSO for a major broad-scope university , medical center, environmental project , or manufacturer wfll probably need a falrty good scientific background , including substantial knowledge of radiation characteristics and methods of detection. There is a skill set frequently over1ooked in the selection of an RSO: Can you manage? If there is a large program under your license (i.e., a lot of users , diverse places of use , and/or branch offices) can you establish a management system that ensures you know everything that has to be done I s beJng done? For example, if your license involves a lot of gauges at diverse locations used by numerous employees, the knowledge of dose calculations, shielding or biological effects is not much help tf you don't know if your users are properly trained , wearing the proper dosimetry , and transporting and storing gauges. correctly. Most of the civil penalty enforcement actions have resulted from the failure of a licensee to manage the radiation safety program correctly. The major management shortcoming is the failure to know whether activities are being conducted in accordance with NRC and Agreement State requirements. (f fail to understand why a business that knows how to audit its financial activities does not conduct an annual audit of its Radiation Safety Program and safety and operating procedures.) Do you have the time* and resources to be an RSO? This can be a problem, particularly if the RSO function is an ancillary assignment. It can generally work well for a small program in which the RSO is a user and has day-to-day contact with the other users. On 1 geotechnical office with a few gauge operators is such an example. Others might include a small paving operations company with one office and several gauge operators , or a smaff testing services company. Problems usually arise when a small business grows , particularty when it adds branch offices , anq the part-time RSO can no longer keep track of activities at other locations. Do you want to be an RSO? An RSO can be unpopular. You have to be a cop. Sometimes you have to say no. Don't let your name g~ on the license just because you have a Ph.D. and a desire to teach or do research but not to be a snoop!/ (I know the feeling. I originally wanted to teach, too. I suppose, in a way, that is what I am doing now , by writing this article. As an RSO , you are a regulator just like me. A regulator has to have the wi J I to regulate.)

e. Wait for instructions or arrival of emergency response In the event of theft: a. Contact the RSO b. Call the regulatory agency c. Immediately contact the police d. Consider issuing a reward through the media Investigations and conections Investigate all unusual occurrences involving the event (accident, damage, theft, oversights).

determine the cause , identify corrective actions and implement such actions. Enforcement actions and employee misconduct

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i*,d c:irr*:::t,ve o::: , ons taken Self-Reporting An important requirement of your license is for the RSO to self-report any violations of the radiation safety program or conditions of the license. No one is perfect and your regulatory agency understands this. Self corrections are an important learning tool. Self corrections will show the regulatory agency that you conscientious and committed towards the radiation safety program. Self corrections ra~y subject you to a fine, whereas *hidden" violations are far more likely to result in a fine. Self corrections should include a report of the violation and corrective steps to ensure that the violation will not be repeated. The FIie Drawer and Original Coples The RSO should designate a file drawer for maintaining all of the documents required for the license. This file drawer should hold all of the original documents and be kept under lock and key. If you have to remove an original, make a photocopy and immediately retum the original to the file. There is nothing more helpful during an inspection than a neat tidy , complete and accurate file of all of your records and it will go a long way towards a successful inspection.

Do you have the clout in your organization? Or, are you so low in your organization that no one tistens to you? Does the senior gauge operator or job foreman write your perfonnance appraisal or control your salary bonus? If so, you may have a problem. You must have the authority to stop an unsafe activity or an activity in violation of NRC or i reement State uirements. Or must at least have read access 1D someone who can sto iL *~ am10mw;.u.,&W1u+a@*EAIMMMM*ill*@aa.;mn,111£9'11.I RSO Requirements Recordkeeping FIie Designate a file drawer for maintaining all of the documents required for the license. This file drawer should hold all of the original documen1s and be kept under lock and key. RSO Training and Your License The RSO should have the proper training and experience to cany out the position. This training should qualify the individual to perfonn the duties of the RSO. Training The RSO must have practical experience in the area of license application and must introduce and instruct workers to the safety and operational aspects that are unique to the application. All workers.must pass a Radiation Safety Certification Class. Completion of this class will aid the RSO and further the understanding of safety, security and compliance requirements for every person in the organization. Remember, your safety program is only as good as your least trained person. The RSO will oversee the training and monitor the test that is required of company employees and will ensure that he/she has received training. Company employees should be trained in all safety and emergency procedures and possess a copy of the company radiation safety program. Training for the employees should Include:

  • Radiation safety training
  • HAZMAT training
  • Annual refreshers Topics of training include:
  • Principles and practices of radiation protection
  • Radiation measurement and monitoring
  • Biolocial effects of ractration It is important for the RSO or an authorized user to spend time with new workers in the basics of radiation safety and operation.

The certificate issued for successful completion of Radiation Safety Training will include a confirmation and signature line for the RSO to acknowledge that the employee has received hands on training with the radioactive material in use by the company subject to license control. The training course oovers the safe use and handling of radioactive materials. The RSO will authorize and ensure that only proper1y trained individuals will work with radioactive materials subject to license control including the preparation and transport of such materials. All training certificates are to be kept on file. Personnel Monitoring/Dou Rates The RSO will ensure that dosimetry use is considered for all workers subject to monitoring for occupational radiation exposure. Train and practice the concepts of ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) to ensure minimal exposures. When not in use all employee dosimeters should be kept with the control badge, at distance free from high background exposure areas. Store badges In a temperate environment The annual dose limit for workers is 5,000mRem. Declared {in writing) pregnant workers are limited to 500mRem for the tenn of the pregnancy. Workers under the age of 18 are limited to 500mRem/yr (some states limit their exposure to 50mRem). Storage areas should have limited access to the general public and ensure that public exposure Is less than 10PmRem/yr or the exposure at 3 feet is than 0.2mRem/hr. A general rule of 15 feet from a full-time work station should ensure compliance but areas with multiple gauges will need to be evaluated. Reciprocity Operations lnvoMng license controlled quantities of radioactive material can only be conducted within the state under the licensee's regulatory agency. Sources will be kept in a licensed storage area or approved work site temporary storage. Use in another state will require reciprocity (pennission from the NRC or Agreement State). Storage/Security When not in use radioactive material subject to license control will be stored behind locked security that prevents unauthorized access or removal. The RSO must authorize and approve any operators before they can remove items from storage. Any item or package removed from storage must be inspected and logged out with the operator's name, date, any serial number and place of use. Radioactive material subject to license control can never be left unattended at the work site. Items left in vehicles should be double-locked and concealed with appropriate bill of lading and emergency response sheets left on the driver's seat Radioactive material subject to license control cannot be left unsupervised with 2nd or 3rd party personnel. If you nave an Individual from a service company visit your site to calibrate, service or repair equipment using check sources, you must have one of your authorized .users accompany the individual at all times. They cannot be left alone with your equipment nor can they be left alone in a secured storage area. The service individual is not employed by your company and you have not transferred the equipment to their ownership. You cannot let the individual remove equipment or packages to take to their vehicle Without supervision. If an Item is removed from storage you must *adhere to all requirements of the radiation safety program. If you are in possession of radionuclide quantities of concern (Risk Significant Radioactive Material aka RSRM) you are not allowttd to let 2nd or 3rd party individuals access the package or source unless they have regulatory background clearance. Look in the Appendices/Attachments for the NRC Notice. Leak Testing Check sources (including exempt quantities as a good practice} should be leak tested for contamination every 6 months and documentation placed on file. Inventory Hands on source inventory will be laken every 6 months and documentation kept on file. Emergency procedures Employees who work with radioactive materials subject to license control will be trained in aspects of emergency precautions and emergency response. In the event loss of control occurs at a work site trained and qualified radiation worker will respond In the following order: a. Attend to anyone that may have been injured. b. Determine the location of radioactive sources c. Take control and deny access to the area (15 feet in all directions)

d. If a vehicle Is involved keep it on site until it is* determined that it is not contaminated
e. Gather details about accident and damage -if possible, perform radiation survey f. Stay at the site but contact RSO with details g. If necessary, the RSO will contact the regulatory agency, any manufacturer and/ or police h. The RSO will give guidance on whether to move radioactive sources L The RSO should travel to the site with a radiation survey meter In the event of damage in an auto accident a. Attend to injuries b. Deny access c. Gather details d. Contact the RSO and/or emergency response number RSO Recordkeeplng Checklist These documents and procedures are discussed In the Training Manual. Specific License The Regulations Employee Training Records Radiation Safety Class Certification Radiation Wofk Field Training U.S. DOT Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Training RSO Training* Employee Annual Refresher Notice to Employees Poster Personnel Radiation Exposure Records -Dosimetry Records Inventory and Receipt Records Rece i pts Inventory Leak Test Reports Daily Use Logs Special Form Certificate required by IAEA -Certificate of Competent Authority Sealed Source and Device (SSO) Sheets Original License Application Packag e Ext ra Lab e ls Type " A* Package Test Results Radiation Safety Program Annual Audits Transport Documents Field Operating Procedures Emergency Procedure Documents/Procedures/Plans Documents Package for File In Summary A. The RSO will emphasize the ALARA philosophy to workers, instruct personnel on c urrent procedures and provide guidance on relevant changes to reduce exposures. B. The RSO will review dosimetry reports for all monitored personnel to determine i f unnecessary exposure s are being received. The RSO will investigate within 30 days the cause of any dose considered f.o be excessive. If warranted , the RSO will take corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

A report of each investigation and the act i ons taken, if any , will be recorded and ma i nta i ned for inspection purposes. C. At least annually, the RSO will conduct a formal review of the rad i ation protection program's content and implementation. The review wfll include an evaluation of equipment. procedures, dosimetry records, inspection findings , and incidents. The RSO will assess trends in oc cupational exposures as an index of the program's success and determine if any modifications to the program ar e needed. A summary of the results of each annual r e view , including a description of actions proposed and taken (if any) will be documented by the RSO , discussed with management and signed and dated by both. A report on each audit will be maintained on file for 3 years from the date of the review. D. The RSO will provide written notifications of annual radiation exposures to all monitored personnel and will be available to respond to any questions regarding the exposure reports. REFERENCE 1 I 'I Date: From: 11: TETR.ATECH ME M ORANDU M (b)(7)(C) January 20, 2010 (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech EC , Inc. Twin Oak s I, Suite 309, 5700 Lake Wright Dri ve, Norfolk, VA 23502 (757) 466-4906 To: All TtEC Radiation Safety Program Per sonne l 0


Designation of Radiation Safet y Officer Re p resentative

  • Hunters Point As determined by the Corpo r ate R adiat i on Safety Officer , Bert B owers has the necessary training and ex perien ce described in Appendix Ho f NUREG 155 6, Vo l ume 18 to act in the po s iti o n of Hunt ers Point Radiation Safety Officer R epresentative.

This desi gnat ion is in accordance wi th Ma teria l s License Number 46-27767-01, D ocket Number 030-364 14 , Condition 11.A , as i ssue d to Tetra Te ch EC, Inc. through and subject to overs ight by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commiss i o n. As th e Hunt ers Point R ad i ation Safety Officer Repre sentat i ve, Mr. Bowers has the vested authority and r es p onsib i lity to ensure radiological sa fety and comp lian ce with the TtEC ra dioactiv e materials license as it is used at the Hunters Point Shipyard. cc: RSO file, Hunters P oi n t RSOR (rsor/nrdhps file/0 1 2010) P age 1 of l D ate: January 20, 20 J Q l (b)l7)(C) From: J' TETRA TECH MEMO R ANDUM To: All TtEC Radiation Safety P rogram P ersonne l ?c:


Personnel Authorized for Use of R a dioacthe Materials at Hunters Point Tn reference to th e su bj ect line above , a review has been cond u cted of TtEC personnel qualification s an tl expe ri e n ce. In I.hat regard. th e following individuals are h ere b y authorized to u se, and s upervise th e use of, radioactive mate ri als at the Hunters Point Sh ip yard in acco r dance with NRC License# 46-27767-01

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. l (b)(7)(C)

B e rt Bowers (b)(7)(C) Li censed radioactive material shal l only be used by , or under the supe r vision of, the RSO or one of the designated personnel listed above. A ll u sers of li censed radioact i ve material a r e re s pon s ible to en s ure s u ch materials are handl ed a nd m a in tained in strict a dh erence to the requirements of the Li ce n se and th e Radiation Safety Program. All su p erv i sed use of th e radioactive materials requires direc t cog n izance of suc h use by th e RSO or one of the individu a l s listed above. A n y questions in re gard to the authorized use of radioactive mat eria l s are to be di rected to the Radiation Safety O ffice r. cc: RSO file, Autho ri ze d Per s onnel (rs ol nrc/hp s fi1e1 0 1 20 1 0) Page 1 of 1 REFERENCE 2 HPS Parcel Bat Building 271 RAD Waste Storage Area: "As Found" by f RSO representative 1 during end-ofday RAD Integrity field check (generator left unsecured; side door to building open; entire building posted as an RCA) 03.17.10 REFERENCE 3 Panoramic of HPS Parcel E Site Perimeter: Construction Site referred to as #UCSF Access Road Detour" (Inside Site RCA Facing General Public Properties), March 18 , 2010 HPS Parcel E Site Perimeter: HAs Found" b~SO Representative l during End of Day "RAD Integrity Field Check" at Construction Site referred to as "UCSF Access Road Det.our" {Inside Site RCA Facing General Public Properties), Angle 1, Mar ch 18, 2010 HPS Parcel E Site Perimeter: "Corrective Action" RCA Posting Established b~O Representativ !l during End of Day HRAD Int egrity Field Check" at Construction Site referred to as "UCSF Access Road Detour" (Inside S ite RCA Facing General Public Properties), Angle l, March 18 , 2010 HPS Parcel E Site Perimeter: #As Fourn:t" bv[_RSO Representativ ~during End of Day *RAO In tegrity Field Check" at Construction Site referred to as *ucs F Access Road Detour" (Facing Site RCA from General Public Property), Angle 2, March 18, 2010 HPS Parcel E Site Perimeter: *corrective Action# RCA Posting Estabfished by~SO Representativ ~uring End of Day "RAO Int egr ity Field Check" at Construction Site referred to as "UCSF Access Road Detour" (Facing Site RCA from General Public Property), Angle 2, March 18,2010 REFERENCE 4 Parcel D at Radiological Screening Yard 2 (RSY2): Active soil characterization work area: RAD deficiency (RAD sign/rope not re-established across locked gate) as noted during end-of-day RAD Integrity field check, 4. 7 .10 Parcel D at Radiological Screening Yard 2 (RSY2): Active soil characterization work area: RAD deficiency (RAD sign/rope not re-established across locked gate) as corrected during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 4.7.10 I REFERENCE 5 ,_ :. ', HPS Parcel Bat Building 271 RAD Waste Storage Area: "As Found" b~O representativ

J during end-ofday RAD Integrity field check (table staged under open window; entire building posted as an RCA) 04.23.10 REFERENCE 6

View 1 of Parcel E Overtook at "Utility Corridor" RCA: Prior Event -PG&E Staff Present w/ No Authorized User (After Hours/No Notification) View 2 of Parcel E Overlook at #Utility Corridor" RCA: Prior Event

  • PG&E Staff Present w/ No Authorized User (After Hours/No Notif ica tion)

REFERENCE 7 HPS Parcel D "Pickling Tank" Active Construction Area (View A): Safety deficiency as noted during endof-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS Parcel D "Pickling Tank" Active Construction Area (View A): Safety deficiency as corrected ("Caution" tape re-established) during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS Parcel D "Pickling Tank" Active Construction Area (View B): Safety deficiency as noted during of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS Par ce l D "Pickling Tank" Active Construction Area (View B): Safety deficiency as corrected ("Caution" tape re-established) during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS Parcel D "Pickling Tank" Active Construction Area (Vi e w C): Safety deficiency as noted during endof-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS Parcel D "Pickling Tank" Active Construction Area (View C): Safety deficiency as corrected ("Caution" tape re-established) during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS: Parcel D "Pickling Tank" Active Construction Area Perimeter {View D): Safety deficiency as noted during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS: Parcel D "Pickling Tank" Active Construction Area Perimeter (View D): Safety deficiency as co rre cted ("Road Closed" sign re-established) during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS: Entrance to "Utility Corridor (UC) Parcel" Active Construction Area (View A): Safety deficiency as noted during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS: Entrance to "Utility Corridor (UC) Parcel" Active Construction Area (View A): Safety deficiency as corrected "Caution" tape re-established) during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS: Inside "Utility Corridor (UC) Parcel" Active Construction Area (View B): RAD deficiency (uncollected/ unused RAD rope strewn along fence panel) as noted/collected during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS: In s ide to "Utility Corridor (UC) Parcel" Active Construction Area (View C): RAD deficiency (downed RAD rope) as noted/re-established during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS: Inside "Utility Corridor (UC) Parcel" Active Construction Area (View D): Safety deficiency as noted during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS: In s ide "Utility Corridor (UC) Parcel" Active Construction Area (View D): Safety deficien c y as corrected during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS: I nside "Utility Corridor (UC) Parcel" Active Construction Area (View D): Safety deficiency (shovel on ground to right of stop sign and in area accessible to public, scoop end facing up) as discovered/ corrected during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 5.14.10 HPS Parcel Bat Building 271: Active RAD Wa ste Characterization Work Area (View A): RAD deficiency (pad lock unsecured) as noted/corrected during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 3.23.10 REFERENCE 8 From: Bowers, Bert "'Sent: Wednesda ne 30, 2010 11:21 AM To (b)(7)(C) SUbject: Hunters Point Parcel E RCA Bounda ri es Subject to Shaw/Tetra Tech Jurisdiction (b)(7)(C) H I'll attempt to give you a call in a bit to discuss the attached photographic outline specific to Parcel E ... Be rt =

REFERENCE 9 TE'TRA TECH EC , INC. MEMORANDUM To: Hunters Point Shipyard (HPS) -R ad iol og i cal Control Technical (RCT) Slaff F r om: Bert Bower s, TtECI Radiation Safety Officer Representative Da1c: August 1 9, 20 1 0 S ubject: Pro ject Specific Reference/ Guidan ce Documents for the C onduct of Radiolo gica ll y B ase d Tasks at BPS A component ofTtECI's expected l ev el ofRCT perfonnance during the conduct of ANSJ defi n ed skill se ts include s un ongoing famil iarity with es tabli shed programs, procedures, and reference resources-by which all techn ical support act ion s are ba.c;ed<1>. In regards to rndiolo *cal a lication s that correspo nd to this pro'ect, a s it e man.a ement t eam consisting of RAD superv i sion, th (b)(7)(C) and the TtECJ b 7 C have identified the following ac tiv e documcntc; -c contents .or w uc I yo u are expected to routine y r e erence and implement us appropriate:

  • Department of the Navy -Hunters Point Shipyard, Historical Radiological Assess ment (HRA) Manual
  • Corporate Tier, ESQ -Radiological Protection Procedures

+ NLP-01 -As Low A s Reasonably Achievable Program (ALARA) Program + NLP-02 -Radioactive Material Accountability + NLP-03 -Sealed Radioactice Source Control + NLP-04 -Radiological E ntry Control Program + NLP-05 -Radioactive Contamination Contro l + NLP-06 -Managing Radiological E m erge nci es + NLP-07 -RadiologicaJ Protection Records + NLP-08 -Radiation Protection Program A u d its + NLP-09 -Radio l og i cal Protection Nonconfonnance report~ + RP 1-1 -Radiological Protect i on Program

  • Te tra Tec h EC -Basewid e Radio l ogical Protection P l an (RPP), Hunters Point Sh ipyard
  • Hunters Poi nt S hipy ard Standard Operating Procedures

+ HPO-Tt-002 -Issue and Use of Radiation Work Pennits + HPO-Tt-004 -Project Dosimetry + HPO-Tt-006 -Radiation and Contamination Surveys + HPO-Tt-007 -Preparation of Portable Radiation and Contamina tion Survey Meters and Instruments for Fie ld Use + HPO-Tt-008 -Air Samp lin g and Samp le Analysis + HPO-Tt-009 -Samp l ing Procedures for Radiological Surveys + HPO-Tt-0 JO -Radiologically Restricted Areas Postin g and Access Co n tro l + HPO-Tt-0 11-Control of Radioactive Material + HPO-Tt-012-Re l ease of Materials from Radiologically Contro ll ed Areas + HPO-Tt-016-Decontamination of Equipment and Too l s + HPO-Tt-0 1 7-Radiologica l Respiratory Protection Policy + HJ>O-Tt-0 21-Gamma Scree nin g for Truck s Usi ng the Screening Portal Monitor + HPO-Tt-022-Radiological Protective Clothing Se l ection, Mo nit oring and Decontamination + HPO-Tt-026-Gamma Screening of trucks Usi ng Portab l e Survey Instrumentation + HPO-Tt-027 -Operation of Conveyor systems Using the Ludlum4612 Detector Array Sys t em + HPO-Tt-270-Back:fill Review and Acceptance Procedure (Internal Distribution Only) The intent of this memorandum i s to doc ument yo ur understanding that th e above referenced resources exist, that direct su per visio n is r esponsible for e n s u ring access t o the listed resources i s readi l y avai l ab l e, and that yo u w ill maint a in full compliance with radiological proto co l as established for th is project -including the timely reporting of observed di screpancies and any need s for correct i ve action(s). To i nd i cate your und en.'tan ding as suc h, please complete the appropriate s ection s beside your name o n t he attac hed s i gn-off fonn. As always , feel free to stop by my office or co n t.act me a f 4 15 216-2742 l if additional inf ormation or feedback i s n ee ded. 0> Additional and equally im portant " task specific" field programs, work inslIUCtions, pr0<:e0ures, and ret&ence resources will l ikely apply to your assignmcots and require the same level or familiarity as dctcnoincd by pr ojec t manageme n t and administered t hrough your supervisor. TETRA TECH E C, IN C. Subje ct: Pro j ect S p ecific Reference/ Guidance Documents for the Conduct of Radiolo g ical Based Tasks at IIPS Date: August 20 , 20 I 0 In regards to the subject line above and as indicated by my signature below , l understand tha t reference resource s e xist for th e conduct o f radiologicall y b ased tasks , that direct s up e rvi s ion is re s pon s ibl e fo r en s urin g acce ss t o s uc h resources is readily availabl e, and that I will maintain full compliance with radiological protocol as establi s hed for thi s proj ect-in c luding th e tim el y re po rtin g of ob served d iscr epan c ie s and any n e ed s fo r co rr ecti ve action(s): Name -C ompany: Signature: Date: (b)(7)(C) 1-NWE (b)(7)(C) ~NWE Andre ws, Su s an -NWE (b)(7)(c: , 1-RSRS (b)(7)(C) 1-RSRS (b)(7)(C) -NWE (b)(7)(C) r RSRS (b)(7)(C) -NWE (b)(7)(C) 1-NWE (b)(7)(C) -NWF. (b)(7)(C) 1-NWE (b)(7)(C) -NWE (b)(7)(C) -NWE (b)(7)(C) 1-NWE (b)(7)(C) R S R S (b)(7)(C) -NWE (b)(7)(C) -RSR S R S RS (b)(7)(C) -NWE (b)(7)(C) -RSRS NWE (b)(7)(C) ~N WE (b)(7)(C) 1-NWE (b)(7)(C) NWE -NWE -RSRS REFERENCE 10 j( To: Hunters Point Shipyard (HPS) -Radiological Control Technical (RCT) Staff From: Be11 Bowers, TtECI Radiation Safety Officer Representative Date: September 15, 2010


Collection of "Beta/Gamma" Static Measurements {and Re p resentative Backgiound Data) During the conduct of ANSI defined skill sets, a major component ofTtECI's expected level of RCT perfonnance includes the correct use of established protocol for field data collection. Specific to surveys involving "beta/gamma scans and statics" (i.e., those unique to open area locations, building/stmctural/equipment surfaces, etc), it is important to con:finn in advance with your supervisor the technique(s) required unique to your assigned task -and implement as s uch to ensure the validity of data collected. To that effect, demonstrating the ability to reliably detennine and apply the correct backgrnund se lection methodology for "beta/ganuna scans and statics" is essential (i.e., use of "ambient or like material methods, etc" as defined in corresponding work instructions and/or as tasked by direct supervision). To fm1her emphasize this point, excerpts with data results from five selected field smvey reports follow (names and locations are omitted). In all examples, reference the column titled "Fixed+ Removable (NET)", specifically the data entered under the header "Beta/Gamma dpm/100 CM 2". Assess the "beta/gamma" smvey results (along with conesponding information for "Instrumentation Used"). Identify on each examp le if you would APPROVE 01* RE.JECT the results. For any rejections, list the basis for your decision along with any identified need for required con-ective action(s). Review this infonnation thoroughly prior to making your final determination. Once completed, return the examples with comments to your supervisor for follow*up discussion and feedback. Note: While reviewing the examples, keep in mind that a vast majority of data co llect ed from the field is ultimately transferred into survey reports. Sw*vey documents are often times incorporated into information which is submitted to r egu lators and other outside entities. In these instances, the information includes names/locations and in part reflects on the entire staff retained by Te tra Tech and its perceived level of expertise in performing technically oriented work. In that regard, attention lo detail, constant contact with supervision, and the correct use of established protocol go "hand*in-band" with generating a quality product and in doing our job right the first time. In parallel, discrepancies encountered while in the field (work document errors, difference of opinion, etc) which prevent the correct and smooth performance of technically oriented work need to be brought to the attention of project management -in both a timely fashion and at the appropriate level. EXAMPLE 1 -----_._ -------*---*-*-Exposure R*t. (pR/hr) Fixed. RcmOYable (NET) Removable (NET) Location Comments Contact I 1 Meter Gamma Alpha B1ta1Garnma Alpha Beta/Gamma (cpm) dpml100cm2 dpml100cm2 dpm1100cm2 dpm/100cm2 1 i~ 3.60 -147.46 1.70 7.60 NIA 2 -0.90 -310.33 -0.54 7.60 NIA 3 I -5.40 -222.29 -0.54 -2.90 NIA 4 8.10 -376.36 -0.54 -0.80 NIA 5 3.60 -2 17.89 1.70 1.30 NIA I 6 I -5.4 0 -160.67 -0.54 13.89 NIA 7 I 8.10 -222.29 1.70 7.60 NIA 8 -0.90 -182.68 1.70 3.40 NIA 9 -0.90 -310.33 -0.54 *0.80 NIA 10 -5.40 -266.31 -0.54 9.69 NIA 11 12.60 *297.12 -0.54 -0.80 NIA 12 I -0.90 -138.66 3.93 -2.90 NIA 13 -0.90 -5 48.03 -0.54 -2.90 NIA 14 8.10 -486.40 -0.54 9.69 NIA 1 ,' 3.60 -482.00 -0.54 -0.80 NIA -. -1b 8.10 -55 2.43 -0.54 5.50 N/A 17 -5.40 -389.56 -0.54 9.69 NIA 18 3.60 -464.39 -0.54 3.40 NIA 19 8.10 -323.53 -0.54 1.30 NIA 20 -0.90 -424.76 -0.54 1.30 NIA INSTRUME NT ATION USED M(!d*I Serial C1llbr1don tnatrument Total *.4 MOC/MOA+ Background + ln11J01t Number Duo D*tt % Efficiency Effleltncy (doml100cm2) I d o m/100cm21 2360 193637 a 35.26'A. a 6.82% a 36.44 C 5.40 10/2112010 43*68 216849 (ly 36.06% Ov 9.02% Ov 355.40 ()y 1230.31 a 59.72% Q 14.93% a 10.80 a 0.54 Prolean 0615068 7/912011 O*, 63.55% B-t 1 5.89"k llv 15.54 llv 2.90 -. D Approve D Reject (Reason and corrective actions -if rejected: ______ _ EXAMPLE2 ---Exposure Rate (pRlhr) Flx~d + Removable (Nl;T) Removable (NET) Location Commanli3 Contact l 1 Meter Gamma Alpha Beta/Gamma Alpha Beta/Gamma (cpm) dpml100cm2 ' dpmlt0Dcm2 dpm/100crn2 dpml100cm2 1 21.03 -157.69 -0.47 6.15 NIA 2 11.69 -144.66 -0.47 -0.15 NIA 3 f 7.01 -192.44 -0.47 1.95 N/A 4 2.34 -179.41 1.76 -2.24 N/A 5 -2.3 4 -248.91 -0.47 -0.15 N/A 6 30.38 -192.44 -0.47 -2.24 NIA 7 2.3 4 -140.31 -0.47 1.95 NIA , , 8 I I 11.69 -131.62 4.00 4.05 NIA 9 7.01 -114.25 1.76 4.05 NIA 1 , 21.03 -122.94 -0.47 4.05 NIA 10 *-1. -2.34 -62.12 1.76 -2.24 N/A -2.34 -166.38 -0.47 1.95 NIA -13 2.34 -183.75 1.76 1.95 N/A 14 7.01 -209.82 -0.47 12.44 N/A 1~ 7.01 ~205.47 -0.47 -0.15 NIA INSTRUMENTATION USEO Model Serial Calibration Instrument Total Y. MOCJMOA+ Backg r ound + ln atJ Det. Number Due Date % Efficiency Efficiency (d om/100cm2) ld11m1101k:m2) . 2360 164692 6/2312011 a 33.96% a 8.49% a 40.64 a 7.01 43-68 , PR216842 BY 36.54% l)y 9.14% l)y 314.88 lh 970.02 Protean 0615068 7/912011 (l 59.72%, a 14.93% a 10.54 u 0.47 Rv 63.55% lh 15.89% Ov 17.62 llv 4.34 D Approve D Reject (Reason and corrective actions -if rejected:

, I EXAMPLE3 . , ___ ... _ ---*--* --. ----*-. Exposure Rate (l,IR/hr) Fbced + Removable (HET) Removabl e (NEl j LocaUon Comments Contact j 1 Meter. Gamma Alpha Beta/Gamma Alpha Beta/Gamma (cpm) dpm/100cm2

  • ' dpml100cm2 dpm/100cm2 dpm/100cm2 1 14.38 -45.50 -0.40 --*1.80 NIA 2 r* -4.18 -161.50 -0.40 -3.90 NIA 3 0.46 -241.80 -0.40 8.69 NIA 4 -4.18 -103.50 -0.40 0.29 NIA 5 -4.18 3.57 -0.40 -3.90 NIA 6 -8.82 -72.27 -0.4 0 2.39 N/A 7 5.10 -103.50 -0.40 -1.80 N/A 11 8 9.74 97.25 -0.40 10.78 N/A : 9 5.1 0 8.03 1.83 *1.8 0 NIA I ' 10 5.10 *103.50 -0.40 0.29 NIA ' 11 -4.18 -223.95 -0.40 0.29 NIA 12 -8.82 -1 39.19 -0.40 -1.80 NIA 13 I I 0.46 -103.50 -0.40 2.39 NIA 14 0.46 -76.73 -0.40 10.78 NIA 15 I -8.82 -99.04 -0.40 -1.80 NIA 16 -4.18 8.03 -0.40 2.39 N/A 17 -4.18 -174.88 4.06 2.39 NIA ---1L 9.74 12.49 4.06 4.49 NIA ,__ -19 5.10 -125.81 1.83 4.49 N/A 20 0.46 83.87 6.30 2.39 NIA 21 5.10 43.72 -0.40 8.69 N/A 22 -8.82 8.03 -0.40 *1.80 NIA 23 -8.82 -9.81 -0.40 -1.80 N/A 24 9.74 83.87 -0.40 0.29 N/A 25 !I . ---* -4.18 3.57 1.83 8.69 N/A INSTRUMENTATION USED Modal Serial Callbrallon Instrument Total% MOC IM OA+ B ac kground + Inst/Del Number Due Data %ElflcJency Efficiency (dprn/100cm2) (d pm/100cm2) 2360 251039 9/10/2010 a 34.21% a 8.55% a 50.66 Cl 13.46 43-68 216838 Br 35.56% py 8.90% Dr 340.20 py 1107.27 Protean 0615066 7/9/2011 a 59.72% a 14.93% a 10.25 a 0.40 Or 63.55% 13*, 15.89% (ly 17.03 lh 3.90 O Approve O Reject (Reason and co rrective actions -ifrejected
______ _

1':XAMPLE 4 ------.. --__ .... ____ E xpos uro Rate Fb i ed + Removable (N ET} Re~bl&(N~ Sample (µR/hr) G,-~ *~ hWGamma Alpha e,woamm:i Sample IC> Number Contact 11 Meter (cpm) dpmffOOcm2 dpm/100cm2 dpm110Dcm2 dpm/100cm2 --1 5566 -14.86 150.39 -o.41 .1 11.73 '"' . Tss"'~I -**-.2.96 r ii 5927 *40.37 1.76 l -*----1* 3 I -7769 -14.86 150.39 1.76 1.2 4 r* ---4 6456 -9.91 274.61 4.00 1.24 I -., -f 5 5609 *14.86 3.99 1.76 5.43 --' 6 -0.47 -:* 3.34 r L ,-6613 9.9 1 132.64 -. -, 7 I 7190 4.95 97.15 -0.4 7 5.43 t. ' **-J -. 6 --6108 --4.95 132.64 -0.47 3.34 l. -9 .. ~-5687 *9.91 . 1-45.95 -0.47 7.53 ) 10 6625 0.00 119.34 -0.47 7.53 l l .. 11 , * ( 5402 -14.86 429.88 -0.47 7.53 I I -1 2 ' .I -[ 6362 0.00 558.53 1.76 7.53 -*,1 13 . -5595 -4.95 159.26 *0.47 -2.96 14 5826 -9.91 398.82 -0.47 1.24 ~-15 5175 0.00 443.18 -0.47 1.24 16 ~83 -9.91 8.43 -0.47 18.02 17 46 9 1 4.9 5 336.71 1.76 15.92 I 18 :-* .l,'~ 4431 19.82 48.36 *0.47 1.24 I J 1 I --1 9 .l ,' ! 4923 -9.91 83.8 5 4.00 1.24 l l -*--20 ,--4714 0.00 163.70 4.00 11.73 *-21 I . i , ,_ 4 776 4.95 199.19 1.76 1.24 ,. ---22 4539 r 29.72 -66.99 1.76 5.43 ,, -23 4437 19.82 -10 2.48 1.7 6 -2.96 * ' 24 4 731 0.00 203.63 -0.47 5.43 I ---25 4704 -9.9 1 66.10 6.23 1.24 ' . -~* 26 "' 5247 9.91 270.17 *0.47 -0.86 I *27 6260 9.9 1 43.92 -0.47 9.63 .* -28 4162 14.86 -58.12 1.76 9.63 29 I 4602 4.9 5 208.06 -0.47 3.3 4 I -""'"'3 o I 4615 9.91 119.34 -0.47 -2.96 L I----"' ,!:-* *-w 1N8TRUM~NTA110N USED Mod e l Sertal Calibration Instrument Total% MDC/MCA+ Background + I nst/Del. Numb er Due D ato % Efficiency Efficiency (dpml100cm2) (dpml100cm2) 2360 259744 6/1412011 a 32.04% a 8.01% ex 60.94 a 19.82 43-6 8 PR16011 py 35.78% jlyB.95% p y 391.50 jly 1491.0 3 Protean 0615068 7/9/2011 a 59.72% u 14.93% u 10.64 a 0.'47 py 63 , 55% py 15.89°A, Jl y 15.64 j3y 2.96 2350-1 95355 6/22/2011 4.92 44-10 PR249926 Kcpm D Approve D Reject (Rea s on and co1Tective actions -if rejected: r I r ht I I Subj e c t: Collection of "Beta/G amma S ta t ic" J\lf95 111*emep ls (nnd R l!f!l'esentntive Ba c k g r o und Da t nl Date: Se ptember 15, 2 010 Iu reference to the subje c t line ab o ve and as indicated b y my si g nature bel o w, an und ers tanding is acknowledg e d th a t st an d ard p r ot oc ol ex i sts fo r t h e c on s i s t e nt co ll ec t io n of" b e ta/g amm a s ta t ic" m e a s ur e meni s (and repre se nt a ti ve ba c kground data), that dire c t s up e rv is ion i s a r e source to us e in en s uring th e correct protocol is sati s facto r ily se l ecte d an d c on sis tentJy i mp le m e nt e d , !llld t h a t fu ll co mpli a n c e w ill b e m11i n t11 i n e d w itb data co ll ec tion s t e p s es e s t ab li s h e d fo r th i s proje c t-including th e t i m el y r e porti:ng of observed d iscre pa n ci e s and any ne e d s for c o rr ec t i ve actio n(s): -Name

  • Company: S ignature:

Date: Andre ws, Su s an

  • N\V E (b)(?)(C) -RSR S (b)(?)(C)

RSR S (b)(?)(C) -N W E (b)(?)(C) 1-NWE (b)(7)(C) F NW E (b)(?)(C) 1-N\VE (b)(?)(C) 1-NWE (b)(?)(C) -NWE (b)(?)(C) j-N\V E (b)(?)(C) 1-RSR S (b)(?)(G:I -NW E (b)(?)(C) RSR S (b)(7)(C) ~R S R S (b)(7)(C) RSRS (b)(?)(C) -RSR S (b)(7)(C) l*N\V E (b)(?)(G) -N W E (b)(7)(C) I* N\VE (b)(?)(C) N\VE NWE -RS RS I 11 t I EXAMPLE 5 -r-p --*--u, Ul ... . F l , d

  • RMnov a bt~q=-~!t nJO'.ri b"" , Hf *1 I ) 1p .,. tilnf) ---...... lumh ., L. -fltrn ,*,1"1 AJph.l l3etatGa111m.a

~pt I ',,. n Sa tr I I I c on tact I t llatar (CPffll dpml100cm2 dptnl100cm2


dp111110Ucm2 1 ~-, ,, '111../" 6729 13.82 -990.25 -0.27 5.56 2 JI"-"':,,; , ** 8008 5.92 -837.16 -0.27 13.95 I 3 "-.... =' 6671 9.87 I -736.44 1.96 1.36 r. 4 f t..a.,I:"' r .. 6.5 29 6.92 -817.02 4.20 1.36 I 5 I I""" 7354 1.97 -865.36 -0.27 -0.73 I I "' -6 7611 -1.97 -599.47 -0.27 1.36 I -IN.BTBU~~NTAT{QH US~ Model Serial CallbraUon Instrument Total% MDC/MOA+ Background+ lns v i>et. Ou_, Dale % Efficiency Effic i ency (dpm/100cm2) (d p m/100cm2) 2350 185776 ~/4/2011 a 40.20% a 10.0 So/o a 40.8~ u 9.8 7 43-88 095522 O i S9.40% fly9: 8$% -py 448.14 J3y 2182.74 *Protean 0615068 719/2011 a 69.72% a 14.93% a 9.60 a 0.27 Dy 63.55% j3y15.89% j3y 15.44 J3y 2.83 -:*.i,., l 9 8517 I ,. 7.76 211*137 1 0 .;!)/2 010 Kcpm ...... ---, __ ,. ___ --* -D Approve D Reject (Reason and corrective actions -if rejected: _______ _ The intent of this memorandum js to document your understanding of the content within, that direct supervision is a resource to use in ensuring correct survey protocol is satisfactorily and consistently implemented, and that you will maintain fol~ compliance with such data collection steps as established for this project -including the timely reporting of observed discrepancies and any need fo r corrective action(s). To indicate your understanding as such , please complete the appropriate sections beside your name on the sign-off form provided. As always, feel free to stop by my office or contact me a~ 5 216-274~ if addition a l info1mation, feedback, or discussion is needed. ::J REFERENCE 11

F r om: SAnt: '-


Signed By: Lowman , Laurie L CIV SEA 04 04N [laurie.lowman@navy .mil) ., __ Tuesday , October 05, 2010 7: 40 AM p x ixq ]Slack , Matthew L CIV SEA 04 04N Bowers , Bert; Whitcomb, James H CIV NAVFAC SWl(b XJXC) RE: RADIOLOGICAL AREAS UNDER CONTRAC T I,__ laurie.lowm an@na I am trying to show the areas of responsibility for each of the contractor's at the time the MOU will be signed. If TtEC is responsible for all areas that are not covered by another contractor then that can be stated on a map but that would mean that it is your responsibility under your license to cover all those areas for any and all work performed in those areas whether or not it is radiological work. If there are areas that you are speci'fically co ntract ed to perform rad iological investigations then those need to be shown separately because you would be performing "intru sive work". Looking at the map you forwarded, I am not sure that all areas where you are contracted to perform radiological investigations are covered. It is more a matter of responsibility than radiological postings. I am trying to delineate areas of responsibility to eliminate problems not create them -all though it may seem otherwise at this point. Also, I am concerned about the area of "joint TtEC/Shaw" jurisdiction. If RSY-2 is functioning then it would be TtEC's area. I can't see how the jurisdiction can be shared -particularly in regards to licensi ns. Please take another look at the map -we can talk today if need be. I just need this signed 'er rather than later -especially with Shaw starting work. Than)s, LLL' -----Original From: r)(J)(C) Sent: ~M~on~a~a~y~,.....,..o~ct~o~b~e~r-0~4 r ,~1~0~1~0~2~0~:~0~3------------------~ To: Lowman, Laurie L CIV SEA 04 04N; Slack, Matthew L CIV SEA 04 04N Cc: Bowers, Bert; Whitcomb, James H CIV NAVFAC SW; e i x c>


FW: RADIOLOGICAL AREAS UND ER CONTRACT L--~~~~~~~---' Hi Laurie, MOU. Matt told me you wanted TtEC to include a map of our areas in the revised Maybe I'm over thinking t his but there are several possibilities:

1) The attached figure overlays project s pecif ic locations/boundaries on the Basewide Rad Impacted m ap. The MOU would state that a ll areas not specifically shown fall und er T tEC's NRC License ~, Another option is to show only the Shaw and EMS areas and state that everything else falls under TtEC? 1 REFERENCE 12 From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2: 18 PM To: 'Schul, Raymond' SUbject: RE: Hunters Point: Field RAD Posting ... sometime between 9 & lO AM yest erda y morning. BB From: Schul, Raymond []

Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:01 PM To: Bowers, Bert "


RE: Hunters Point: Field RAD Posting Bert, What time did you see this? It was reported to the RCS earlier to fix this. Ray From: Bowers, Bert [1] Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:51 PM To: Schul, Raymond


Hunters Point: Field RAD Posting Ray, Just a friendly FYI " head s up" observati o n from the field while on th e road way between Dry Dock 4 and Gun Mole Pier .... as would be the case with me , I thought yo u'd want to know. Fee l free to contact m e if more information or feedback i s needed , Regards, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative Direct: r)(*XCJ I Alternate f x 1ll: c; 1 1 Main: 416.671.1990 I Mobile: i..l (b_)(S_) __ _..I , Fax: 415.2 1 ...... ,........._..-- _ . Bert. Bowers@tetra tec Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard , 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco, CA 941241 REFERENCE 13 HPS: Graffiti "As Found" -Management Parking Lot RSOR Project Vehicle (October 2010) Note: Only Affected Vehicle I n Enti r e Parking Lo t REFERENCE 14 Tetra Tech Project RSO, Bert Bowers, Hunters Point Naval Shipyard -July 2010 (establishing RAD posting configurations) ELBERT "BERT" G. BOWERS l (b)(7)(C) I l (b)(7)(C) Work: (415) 216-2742 L...-----------------' Cell: .__ ____ _., PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICAIIONS Over 30 years of progressive experience i n radiological surveilJance and control, emergency preparedness, accredited training, and the supervision and management of safety oriented work Highly developed management and control skills with a demonstrated ability to effectively train , supervise and direct a fluctuating technical staff with diverse backgrounds. Effectively manages and accomplishes multiple tasks with competing priorities. Reliably demonstrates an in-depth knowledge relevant to radiatian safety and radioactive materials management, regulations. a n d standards as -promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency , Department of Energy, Department of Defense, OCCtJpational Safety and Health Administration, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Competent in the oversight of radiologically oriented tasks s ub ject to regulatory requirement& and practices unique to nuclear power plants, transuranic s it es, CERCLA s i tes, and source and special nuc lear materials facilities. Expertise in the oversight of contracts and work product while supporting the successful completion of project goals. Superior training/teaching skills with the ability to effectively communicate complex concepts to both technically and non-technically oriented groups. Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities augmented with persuasive written and verbal skills while demonstrating a high degree of proficiency in conflict-r eso lution and consensus building. WORK HISTORY 2002 to Present Project Manager -Radiological Field Operations New World Environmenta l , Inc., Livermore, CA Non Responsive

Res po nsibilities:

Currently vested with management of the Hunters Point field project consisting of 44 employees, and implementation of contracts currently reflecting a combined annual worth of $7 .9 million Ul adiological Safety Officer Representative (RS0R 1 tasked with regulatory compliance and oversight related to radiation and radioactive materials management and associated work activities at impacted sites (including naval facilities at Hunters Point and China Lake in California and Picatinny in New Jersey). Managing and directing NRC license compliance requirements including field implementation, support and oversight ofMARSSIM based survey technologies and standards. Implement and administer the Thermo luminescent Dosimeter (TLD) program and enforce NRC licen se mandated protocols. Account for the implementation and enforcement of project-oriented contract clirectives and recommended corrective actions. Identify radiation safety issues, and initiate corrective action and follow-up activities. Review and apply radiation safety programs and practices to ensure adherence to Non Respons i ve 3 RELEJIANT PROJECT EXPERIENC£ Non Responsive 4 th 472238 TETRA TECH IN T E RI M LICE N SE R SO Tetra Tech EC, Inc. ATTN: Elbert G. 89wers UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION IV 612 EAST LAMAR BOULEVARD, SUITE 400 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011-4125 July 27 , 2009 C*o-rv~.y , * )~ J \.. '-; ...... * ":r' . Radiation Safety Officer .3200.G~rgeWashiAgten-Wa y--* -* *-* Suite G ---.-----Richland, Washington 99354


LICENSE AMENDMENT Please find enclosed Amendment No. '05 to NRC License No. 46-27767-01 naming Elbert G. Bowers as Radiation Safety Officer:)An environmental assessment for this action Is not required, since Ulls action Is categorically excluded under 10 CFR 61.22(c)(14)(xvQ. You should review this llcense carefully and be sure that you understand ell conditions. You can contact me at 817-860-8189 If you have any questions about this license. NRC's Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2005-31 , provides criteria to Identify security-related sensltiv.e Information and guidance for handling and marking of such documents. This ensures that potentially sensrtlve Information Is not made publicly available through ADAMS, NRC's offlclal electronlc do~ument repOsitory. The RIS may be located on* the NRC Web site at: htt p://www.nrc.g ov/readin~-rm/doc-collecllons/ g en-comm/r eg-lssues/2005/. Pursu<ant to NRC's RIS 2005-31, th'e enclosed materials license will not be made publicly available In ADAMS. Please nottl that the enclosed lloense will have the marking "Official Use Only -Security-Related Information". You are eneolilraged to limit distribution of this license to t~ose lndlviduals with a "'eed to know and to protect your license from public disclosure.

  • NRC ~xpects licensees to conduct their programs with meticulous attention to dete1il and a high standard of compliance.

Because of the serious consequences to employees and the public that can result from failure to. comply With NRC requ i rel'nents , you must conduct your radiation safety program according to the conditions of your NRC flcense, representations made In your license application, and NRC regulations. In partic1,1lar, note that you must: 1. dperate by NRC regulation~ 10 CFR Part 19, "Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers: Inspection and Investigations ," 10 CFR Part 20, "Standards for Protection Against Radiation," and other applicable regulations.

2. Notify NRC In writing of any change In mailing address. 3. In accordance with 1 O CFR 30.36(d), notify NRC; promptly , In writing within 60 days , and request termination of the license: a. When you decide to tenninate all activities involving materials authorized under the license whether at the entire site or any separate building or outdoor area; b. If you decide not to acquire or possess and use authorized material; or T e tra Tech EC , I n c. c. When no principal activities under the license have been conducted for a period of 24 months. 4. Request and obtain a license amendment before you: .... Change Rad i ation Safety Officers; -0 Order-byprod1:1ct materia~ In excess*ofth*ecmroont;"l'ad t 6 f'lUt l@eoflor m authorized on the license; c. Add or change the areas or address(es) of us e Identified In the license application or on the license; or d. Change the name or ownership of your organization. 5. Submit a complete renewal appllcatJon or termination request at least 30 days_ before the expiration date ()n your license: You will receive a reminder notice approximately 90 days before the expiratJon date. Possession of radioactive material after your license expires Is a violation of NRC regulations. NRC Vlill periodically Inspect your radiation safet)' program. Failure to conduct your ptogram according to NRC regulations , license conditions, and representations made In your llcense appllcatlon and supplemental correspondence with NRC rnay result In enforcement action agJ1lnst yqu. This could Include Issuance of a notice of violation; Imposition of a clvll penalty; or an order suspending , modifying , or revoking your license as specified In the NRC Enforcement Polley. The NRC Enforcement Policy Is available on the following Internet address: htt p://www.nrc.g ov/readin g-rm/doc-collections/enfoicemenV. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Ru l es of Pra c ti c e," a copy of this letter will be availab!e electronically for public Inspection in the NRC Puplio Document Room or from the NRC'e dQCUment system (ADAMS). ADAMS Is accessible from the NRC Web site at htt p:// ov/readin g-rm/adams.html. Thank you for your cooperation. Docket: 030-36414 License: 46-2n67-01 Control: 4 72238


As *stated Roberto J. Torres. Senior Hea l th Physi cis t Nuclear M a terials Safety Branch B PROJECT RSO -H PS Apri l 15, 2009


Tetra Tech EC 1 me. Designation of Project Radiation Safety Officer Hunters Point Shipyard Materfals License No. 46-27 7 67-01 Docket N umt>er: 030-36414 -*---* In accordance with licen se condition I I .A, the radiation safety offi cer has detenn i ned that Bert Bow e r~as the neces sary training and experience described in App~ndix Hof NU.REG 1556 , V o lum e 18 to hold the position o tf Project R ad i a t io n Safety Officer for the Hunter s Point Ship yard project. (b)(7)(C) As the Project Radiat io n Safety Officer , Bert B owers ha s the authority and responsibility to ensure r~dio logical safety and co mplianc e with the TtEC radioactive materials license for the Hunt e r s P oi nt Sh i pyard project. Tet r a Tech EC , Inc. 320 0 Geor-ge Washington Way. S ui te 0 Richland, WA 99354 ,* RESUME EXPERIENCE SUMMA.RY Mr. Elbert G. Bowers, Ill Radiation Safety Officer -Hunters Point Project Over 30 years of progressive experience in radiological surveillance and control, emergency preparedness, accredited training , and the supervision and management of safety oriented work. Highly developed

managerial and control skills with a demonstrated ability to effectively train, supervise and dire.ct a fluctuating technical staff with diverse backgtoUl}ds.

Proficient in high profile deniands involving the oversight and completion of multiple tasks and competing priorities. Reliable demonstration of an indepth irnowledge relevant to radiation safety and radioactive materials m;magement, r~gulations, and standards as promuJgated by the Environmental Protection Agency , Departinent of Energy, Department of Defense, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Competent in the oversight of radiologically oriented tasks subject to regulatory requirements and pr~ctices unique to nuclear power plants , transuranic sites , CERCLA projects, and source and special. nuclear materials facilities. Expertise in the oversight of contracts and work product while supporting the successful completion of project goals. Superior training/teaching skills with the ability to effectively communicate complex coocep1"$ to both technically and non-technically oriented groups. Strong analytica l and problem-solving abilities augmented with persuasive written and verbal skills while demonstrating a high degree of proficiency in conflict-resolotion and consens u s building. EDUCATION Non Responsive CORPORATION PROJECT EXPEijl~NCE Project Radia_tion $afdy Officer, March 2009 -Present Bunters Point Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, CA Responsibilities

Vested with radiologi~l management of the Hunters Point field project. Tasked with ~gulatoty co~pliance and oversight related to nldiation and radioactive ro11terials management and associated work activities at impacted sites. Managing and directing NRC license compliance requirements including field imp1e¢e11tation, support and oversight ofMARSSIM based survey technologies and standards.

ImpJementlng and administering the Thermoiumihescent Dosimetry (TLD) program and enforcing NRC license mandated protocols. Responsible for implementation and Page J of 5 Mr. Elbert G. Bowers, Ill Radiation Safety Officer -Hunters Point Project enforcement of project-oriented contract directives and recommended corrective actions as related to ongoing field activities. Resolve radiation safety issues, and conduct follow-up reviews to detennine Jes sops learned effectiveness. Review and apply industry recognized radiation s;lfety programs and practices to ensure adherence to ALARA {as low as reasonably achievable) concepts and principles. Assigned as interim Corporate License Radiation Safety Officer until identification / assignment of a permanent incumbent is comp let e. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Project Manager -rutdh>logical Field Operations, Novem her 2002 -March 2009 New World Environmental, Inc., Livermore, CA Re s ponsibilities: Vested witµ. management of the Hunters Point field project consisting of 44 employees, and lll\pletnentation of conµ-acts reflecting a combined annual worth of $7 .9 million. Radiological Safety Officer Representative {RSOR) tasked with reguJatory com pJi ance and qversight related to radiation and ra<lioactive materials management and associated work activities at impacted sites (including naval facilities at Hunters Point and China Lake in Ca U fomia and Picatinuy in New Jersey). Managed and directed NRC license compliance requirem en t s including field implementation, support and oversight of MARSSIM based survey technolo~es and standatds. lmplemented and administered the ThermoJuminescent Dosimetry (ILD) program sod enforced NRC license mandated protocols. Accounted for the implementation and enforcement of project-oriented contract directives and recommended corrective actions. Identified radiation safety iss ue s , and initjated COJTective action and follow-up ac:tivities. Reviewed and applied ta4iation safety programs and practices to ensure adherence to A.LARA (as lo w as reasonably achievable) concepts and principles. Non Responsive Page2 ofS Non Responw .. se age 3 of5 Mr. Elbert G. Bowers, Ill Radiation Safety Officer -Hunters Point Project No n Re,pousf..-e Page4 ofS M r. Elbert G. Bowers, Ill Radiati o n Safety Officer -Hunters Point Project Non R e sponsive RELATED COMPANY INFORMATION Payroll Number. !(b)(?)(C) I Employment Starus: Full Preferred First Name: Bert Mr. Elbert G. Bowers , Ill Radiation Safety Officer -Hunters Point Project Office Location: Hunten Point (San Francisco , CA) Field Office Hire Date: March 30, 2009 Years with Other Finns: >3 0 Years with Current Firm: 1 Total Years Experience: 31 Superviso d (b)(7)(C) I Office Phone: 415 216-2742 Cell Phooe:!(b)(7)(C) I Fax; 415 216-2743 :&mail Address: Bert.Bowers~ .com Other E-mail Address [tf any}q]b)(7Tii: i.:..(i,::b.:.;.)::::;,(7.:.:.)~(C~):~============: Resume Last R evised: May 29, 2009 Page S ofS .--. -. **-*-* .. , ..... -... . *---**"'"'"'""'" "'""""*-*-**" ......... _ ...... '" ........ __ 1' NEW WORLD New World Environmental In c., d.b.a. New World Technolo gy Brlngln o y o u th e Tec hn olo gy o fth e N e w W orld Phon e: 9 25-44 3-7 967 Fax: 9 25-44 3-011 9 l (b)(?)(C) New World Technology 448 Commerce Way Livennore, CA 94551


Hunters Point Radiati o n Safety Offi ce Representative Doc , January 2 6, 2004 As required in section 1.D.4 of the New World Technology Radiological Health Program Manual, I would like to designate Mr. Bert Bowers as the on-sit~ Radiation Safety Office Representative (RSOR). ~Mr. Bowers would be responsible for administering the Radiological Health Program for the Hunters Point field si te. Mr. Bowers has over 25 years of experience in the nu c lear industry. He has previously worked at the Hunters Point site and is familiar with the radiological aspects of the site. Please cowtesy copy Mr. Bowers on all license and radiological health program issues. Mr. Bowers email is!(b)(7)(C) ! . . wwn If you have any questlons or need further as s istance , pleas e feel free to contact me at!LQL_J !(b)(7)(C) !(work) or!(b)(7)(C) !(m o bile). Mr. B o wers can be reached at (415) 216-2742 (b)(?)(C) Hunters :Point Project c c: (b)(7)(C) BBowers (b: (7)(C) 448 Commerce Wny, Livermore, CA 94551-5215 ,--------...... **-*, _ ......... __ .... -*** .. **-*~----**" New World Environmental Inc.. d.b.a. New World Techn~lo gy Bringing you the Technology of the New World Phone;. 925-443-7967 Fax: 925-443-0119 Mr. Bert Bowers, Radiation Safety Officer Representative Hunters Point NSY Project New World Technology 448 Commerce Way .Livermore, CA 94551 January 26, 2004


Project Radiation Safety O~cer Representative, letter of designation Mr. Bowers, At the request of the Hllllters Point fi:oj~ct Ma,iager, have reviewed your Radiation Safety Program qualifications.* In accordance ~th sectiOD; l.D.4 of the New World Technology Radiological }lealth Program Manuaf you are found qualified to perform as an RSOR. Therefore, you are hereby designated as the on-site Hllllters Point Radiation Safety Officer Representative (RSOR). In the capacity of RSOR you are directly responsible to the Corporate RSO for the administration of the Radiological Health Program at the Hunters Point field site. All program and license related correspondence is to be directed thr~ugh the office of the CO'rporate RSO. (b)(7)(C) All licensed activities are to be conducted in accordance with the NWT RHPM and NRC Radioactive Materials License# 04-Z7745-0l. The.proper administration of the Radiation Safety Program requires thorough understanding and cooperation from all personnel performing under our license conditions. It is our mponsi'bility as the program managers to ensure this is achieved. should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Thank you for your willingnass to 1ake on mis responsibility and Welcome Aboard'\ Y. -'1..__---;::;:::::;;::::;;===============:;-------' \ l (b)(7)(C) I cc: ,_ __________ _..RSO File 448 Commerce Way, Livermore, CA 94551-5215

  • ---------****--, .. --,-.. , ..... _,, ...... _ .. **-*-*--RESUME*

-N<W W~ld Bn,mm-,.J Jnc,d.b.*. New World Technolo gy Bringing you thl!; Teclrnology ottha New World Bowers, Elbert G. Project Manage r; Radiological Field Operations New World Environmental, Inc. d.b.a. New World Technology Livermore, CA NWT Hire Date: 1/ 28/ 02 Employment Work History New Wor1d Environmcnta1, Inc., Livermore, CA January 2002 -present rHunteNi Point / China Lake/ Picatinnv Naval Facilities) No n R espo n sive Non Respo n sive 448 Comm.erce Way, Livermore, CA 94551-5215 Phone:lr b l(7)(C 1 l Fu: 925-443-0119 New World Environmental Inc., d.b.a. New World Technology Stinging you the TechnologyoftheNewWorld Con't Elbert Bowers Non Responsi ve 448 Commerte*'!Vay, Lh>:ermore, CA 94S5l-S21S 2 ,u the Technotowofthe Naw World Con't Elbert Bowers Non Responsive 448 Commerce Way, Livermore, CA 94551-5215 3 New World Environmental Inc., d.b.a. New World Technology Bringing you the Technology of the New World Con't Elbert Bowers Non Respo n sive 448 Commerce Way, li".'ermore, CA 94551-5215 4 . . ' APPLICATION S11 11 c of C:ilifornla -l lc:1 1111 :1111! 11 11111:in Sen*ices J\jlc n cy ST ATE.M~NT OFTRAlNlNG AND EXPERIE]'ICE (Use additional shee!s as necessary)~ Ocparrmcnr or llc alrh Scn'iccs los1ni c 1 ioos: Each individual proposing 10 use radioactive rna1eri:il is required to submit a S1a1emcn1 or Training and Experience in dupllcalc 10 R:idlologic llcullh Branch, 714 n 44 P Slrcc t , MS 178 , P.O. D ox 942732, Sacramento , CA 94234-7320. Physicians

  • '-n" 1,1 ......... ,. .. fnrm RH 2000 A when a r,n) v in" fo r human-use au1horiza t 1on s. Rad i o 11 ra o hcrs shou l d rc c uesl form RH 2050 1 R. Non Responsive RH 1ll5U ,\ ( 11.'>'J)

'"; 1:~, ,t:r 1 ('Jh.'l.' 'to-,.,..,~~0) { -I ~\J o n Respo n s r ve Non Respo n s i ve d.12@3 Date R H 2050 A ( 11/99) Non Responsive REFERENCE 15 From: Bowersr Bert Se n t: Monday, November 08, 2010 3: 10 PM To: C c: 'Jeremy Whatley' su b ject: Hunters Point: RAD Integrity Field Check, 110510 Hi Thom* . * * (b)(7)(C) Just a heads up m reference to the subJect line above... , and I conducted a field check at shifts end last Friday .... while driving past t e A near Bldg 211/253 we observed a weathered posting attached to the fence on the back side of your area. There are al s o multiple "old vintage" interior signs attached to rad rope that display that terrible word " Caucion" instead of "Precaucion ". Thought you'd want to know ... picture's are attached for reference i f n e eded. (FYI, Tetra Tech is in the process of tran s itioning from tho "old vh1tage 11 RAD s ign s to new on es lhat reflect lhe word "Precaucion' ' -a s preferred by th e Navy). As always, feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Regards , Bert Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety ~fficer Representative r)(7XCJ I D) l (b)(7)(C) I Direct Alternate: Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile: I Fax. 415.216.2743 .... -------'* Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco, CA 94124) = HPS: EMS RCA Posting 1 "As Found" on 11.5.10 (EMS Management Notified) HPS: EMS RCA Posting 2 "As Found" on 11.5.10 (EMS Management Notified) Hunters Point: RSOR RAD Integrity Field Check-November 2010 Lklauthorized Water Station staged 1/s RCA Nov2010 Parcel E at Mill Peninsula Im p ort Pile "as found" .... angle #1 Parcel Eat Mill Peninsula Im p ort Pile "as found" .... angle #2 Mallg,eci RAD Sign "Asfou'ld' Nov 2010 REFERENCE 16 From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 9:33 AM To~l(b)(?)(C) I Cc:/1,__ _____ __,


1~0~---,i I current Charging Discrepancies to Tetra Tech CC for Services Rendered Non Responsive Regards, Bert = REFERENCE 17 From: Bowers, Bert Sent: We d nesday, November 17. 2010 9:20 AM To: t'Susan Andrews'


RE: ITSI at Portal Monltor-11 10 ... thanks Susan From~ Susan Andrew s ( Sent: Wednesday November 17 2010 9:06 AM To: Bowers Bert' (b)(7)(C) Cc: (b)(7)(C)


rrsr at Portal Monltor-11 -1 8-10 l (b)(7)(C) I Hello , 1 phoned me at 08:56 today and informed me that he had 2 bins coming out of the Shaw Gunmole Pier area tomorrow. The truck would arrive a t the Portal Monitor at 0800 on 11-18-10. Thanks, Susan Andrews fo~ ... (b_)(_7)(_c_) _ __. : REFERENCE 18 2010 11: 59 AM ... fo r r efe r e n ce / di sc u ss i o n as n ee d e d. B ert = View 1 of 6: Parcel E Impacted Area "As Discovered" -Unauthorized Water Station Staged In s ide RCA (w/ RAD Slgnage Compromise) 11.18.11 'iew 2 of 6: Parcel E Impacted Area "As Discovered" -unauthorized Water Station Staged Inside RCA (w/ RAD Signage Compromise) 11.18.11 View 3 o f 6: P arce l E Impacted Area "As Discovered" -Unauthorized Water Stat i on Staged In s ide RCA (w/ RAD Signage Comp r omise) 11.18.11 View 4 of 6: Par c e l E Imp acted Area uAs Discovered" -Unauthorized Water Station S ta ged In side RCA (w/ RAD Slgnage Compromise) 11.18.11 View S of 6: Parcel E Impacted Area NAs Discovered" -Unauthorized Water S tat io n Staged Inside RCA (w/ RAD Slgnage Compromise) 11.18.11 lew 6 of 6: Parcel E Impacted Area "As Discovered" -Unauthorized Water Station Staged I nside RCA (w/ RAD Signage Compromise) 11.18.11 REFERENCE 19 From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 10:44 AM To* l (b)(?)(C) Cc: L... ________________ _.


Hunters Point: Parcel E Fire Inside Established RCA at MDR Shoreline In reference to the subject line above -and for your consideration regarding pre-established RASO notifications , pi ct ure s of observed conditions involving the shoreline fire are attached. The observations were made at ... 0710 hrs. A summary of events follows: This morning at -0705 hrs during th e safety tailgate, Shaw pe rson nel under the dir ec tion of (b)(?)(C) informed Tetra Tech of a burning fire Inside the RCA along the MOR shoreline. Upon respon 1ng o e ! b !ready at the location along with members of his staff.!(b)(?)(C) I and (b)(7)(C) responded along with me for Tetra Te c h. As detailed in the attached photos , it appears essed the shoreline area with the intent of burning Insulation from observed copper cab l e present with other shoreline rubble (see photo a). According 1o (b) Shaw water truck driver Informed him of smoke originating from the sho rell~t -0655 hrs. (b)( arranged for the staging of a water truck and the fire was doused at -7015 hrs.~ (b)(?)(C) was asked to secure equipment necessary to pull an air sample from the Immediate area as ......., __ ...... 1 Likewise, spot checks were performed to ensure rad io log ica l integrity in the area (see photo b) and peri o d ic visual checks for trespasse rs will continue throughout the day. Once results of the air sample become available, you will be advised accordingly. (Note: Later this morning at -0900 hrs , !(b )(?)(C) ! arrived to inquire about the fire at which point I escorted him to inspect the area. The fire was completely out at that time [see photo c].) As always, feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed , Regards , Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representati ve r)(lX C) I D i rect.._f_xi x_c:* ___ !Atternate: I Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile: l (b)(?)(C) 415.216.2743 -* Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard. 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco, CA 94124 I m <> = 1 1 Fax: HPS: Photo "1 of 3" to EA re: Parcel E Shoreline Fire Event 112410 HPS: Photo "2 of 3" to EA re: Parcel E Shoreline Fire Event 112410 HPS: Photo "3 of 3" to EA re: Parcel E Shoreline Fire Event 112410 REFERENCE 20 From~ Bowers, Bert Sent: Wednesda November 24, 2010 12:13 PM To: (b)(7)(C) Cc: -----~ Sub ect: Hunters Point: Follow-Up to Parcel E Fire Inside Established RCA at MOR Shoreline (b)(7)(C) ln reference to the subject line above -and as follow up to our last conversation, representatives of the San Francisco FD arrived at Hunters Point at "'1115 hrs to assess areas along the affected shoreline (currently submerged In water~(b)(7)(C) I confirmed that the earlier fire was completely extinguished. (Two photos related to this e o rf are attac hed. j Feel free to co ntact me if additional information or feedback is needed ..... and Happy Tha n ksgiving! Regards, blished RCA at MOR Shoreline In reference to the subject line above -and for your conslderaUon regarding pre-established RASO notifications, pictures of observed conditions involving the shoreline fire are attached. The observations were made at -0710 hrs. A sum mary of events fo llow s: X7X C) This mominp at -0705 hrs during the safety tailgate, Shaw personne l under lhe direction of l ,iJ)formed Tetra Tech of a burning fire Inside the RCA alona the MOR shoreline. Upon responding to the area; . 1 was already at th e location along with members of his s taff J hX7 X CJ !respon ed along with me for Tetra Tech. As detailed In the attached photos, lt appears trespassers accessed the shoreli ne a rea with the I ntent of bum Ing Insu l ation from observed copper cable present w i th ot h er shoreline rubb l e (see photo a), Acco,dlng ,_IWrl Shaw wate, truck dO,e, lnfom,ed him of smoke originating from 'lbomlirle "'}: at -0655 h" ~arrang~e staging of a water truck and th e fire was doused a t -7015 hr s._ xci _ as asked to -secure equ i pment necessary to pull an air sample from the immediate area as we l l. ' Likewise, spot checks were p e rformed to ensure radiological integrity in the area (see photo b) and periodi c visual checks for trespassers will continue thtoughout the day. Once resu lt s of the air sample becomes availab l e, you will be adv i sed according l y. (Note: Later l his morning at -0900 h r J bX1 XC> !arrived t o inquire about the fire al which point I escorted him lo inspect the area. The fire was completely out at that time [see photo c].) As always , feel free to contact me if additio n al informatio n or feedback is needed. Regards, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative f X 1XC} I Direct._ _____ _.Altemate i..l~_x,_xc_} __ ___.h Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile: .. rx_*_x c_> __ _.h Fax: 415.216.2743 Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Fie l d Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco, CA 94124 1<http


> = From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Wednesda November 24, 2010 3:39 PM To: (b)(7)(C) Sub ect: (b)(7)(C) Thanks for your pro-active approach today in getting the shoreline event under control. In order to put final closure on the event and document all actions taken to do so, please forward over the results of the air sample pulled from the shoreline area (when available from the lab) .... will also need the s urvey report covering what was extracted from the affected area ( cable and anything else removed, "in and out" check of the equip used, etc) .... see hlghllghted sections below. Thanks again for the effort and have a great Thanksgiving break! Bert H e r e i s a s ummary of the event s that T pieced together from s ever a l s ources concerning tJ1c burning wire rope along the MDR s horeline: 0655 A Shaw water truck driver informed l (b)(?)(C) l lhat s moke was originating from the MOR shoreline. *-----------'* 0705 (b)(?)(C) nformed Tetra Tech of a fire Inside th e RCA along the MOR shoreline. l (b)(l)(C) I 0710 Tt arrived on scene andhad the Shaw water truck dousing the fire , it was extinguished by 0715. . . (b)(7)(C) Due the presence of smoke from the smoldering wire, ecured the equipment necessary to pull an air sample from the Immediate area. We will orwar

  • e atrsample results once available.

l (b)(7)(C) l 0900rrived to inquire about the fire at which point Bert Bowers escorted him to inspect th e area. The fire was completely out at that time. 1000 TtEC was d i rected to contact the SF Fire Department and request that they respond. 1115 The San Francisco FD arr i ved at Hunters Point to assess areas along the affected s horeline ( currently submerged in water). !!b)(l)(C) ! SFPD, confirmed that the earlier fire was completely extinguished. 1150 l was Informed that unidentified indiv iduals approached the MOR shoreHne jn a boat when they observed the Tt sta ff they immed i ately departed the area. I directed the Tt !(b)(7)(C) !t o frisk the burnt wire rope out of the RCA and to secure the material. We can place the metal it in the CSO metal bin next week. I appreciate Shaw's help with this matter, let me know if you have any questions. ~ends ... l (b)(7)(C) Dlrec1 j'"" (b-)(7)-(C_1_.....,, I C el l: l (b)(7)(C) l (b)(7)(C) I Tetra Tech I R emediation 200 Fisher Avenue I San Francisco, CA 94 1 24 I www.tetra PLEASE NOTE: This message , including any attachments , may include confidential and/or inside infomiation. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient , please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. = From: Bowers, Bert se~t; Wednesday November 24 2010 12*1 8 PM To: (b)(7)(C)


FW: Hunters Point: Follow-Up to Parcel E Fire Inside Established RCA at MOR Shoreline Gentlemen, FYI per exist in g MOU protocol .... feel free to co nta ct me if additional in.tbrmation or feedback is needed. Bert B~*on Safety Officer Representative ( )(J~) Direct I Alternate.l (b)(l)(C) !1 Main: 415.671 1990 I Mobil e:!(b)(7)(C) !1 Fa x 415.216.2743 ,__ ___ _, Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard , 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 I From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Wednesda , November 24, 2010 12:13 PM To: (h)(7)(C) Cc: _____ __,


Hunters Point: Follow-Up to Parcel E Fi r e Inside Established RCA at MOR Shoreline (b)(7)(C) In reference to the s ubj ect line above -and as follow up to our last conversation, representatives of the San Francisco FD a rrived at Hu11ters Point at "'1115 hrs to assess areas along the affected shoreline (currently s ubmerged in water)~b)(?)(C) ~SFPO, confirmed that the earlier fire was completely extinguished. (Two photos re l a o to mis e ttort a attached.) Feel free to contact me if addltlonal Information or feedback Is needed ..... and Happy Thanksgiving! Regard s , From: Bowers, Bert se

  • ovember 24, 2010 10:44 AM To (b)(7)(C)

Cc: , (b)(7)(C) Su6 lshed RCA at MOR Shorelf ne (b)(7)(C) In reference to the subject line above -and for your consideration regarding pre-establish ed RASO notifications, pictures of observed conditions involving the shoreline fire are attached. Th e observations were made at -0710 hrs. A summary of events follows: l (b)(JX Cl This morning at -0705 hrs during the safety tailgate, Shaw personnel under the direction ot ... ___ _. informed Tetra Tech of a burning fire inside the RCA along the MOR shoreline. U on res ondin to the area l , was already at the location along with members of his staff.1 XCJ ------......----- ...... 0 XC) esponded along with me for Tetra Tech. As detailed int ea ac e p otos, it appears trespassers accessed the shoreline area with the intent of burning insulation from observed copper cable present with other shoreline rubble (see photo a). According t~ a Shaw water truck driver informed him of smoke originating from the shoreline area at -0655 hrs 1 ~rranged for the staging of a water truck and the fi 1 re was doused at -7015 hrs! j t G x 7 xCJ I r xix c> hvas asked to secure equipment necessary to pull an air sample from the immedJate area as well. likewise, spot checks were performed to ensure radio l ogical integrity in the area (see photo b) and periodic visual checks for trespassers will continue throughout the day. Once results of the air sample becomes available , you will be advised accordingly. r)()XC) 1 * * (Note: Later this morning at -0900 hrs , arnved to inquire about the fire at which point I escorted him to inspect the area. The fire was complefety out at that time (see photo c].) As always , feel free to contact me If additional information or feedback ls needed. Regards, Bert Bowers f Radiation Safety Officer Representative l ib)(l)(C', I p)(l)(C) I Direct: ,,,._......,,,.,... __ ... Alternate f l<1 X c) I Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile: l Fax: 415.216.2743 ..... -----'* .... -----'* Bert. m Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 I <> = Hunters Point: Parcel E "Post Shoreline Fire" Inspection by SFFD (Photo 1 of 2) (b)(?)(C) Hunters Point: Parcel E "Post Shoreline Fire" Inspection by SFFD (Photo 2 of 2) REFERENCE 21 HPS: Graffiti "As Found" -Management Parking Lot RSOR Project Vehicle (November 2010) Note: Only Affected Veh i cle in Entire Parking Lot REFERENCE 22 --* HPS Parcel E "Non-Impacted" Throughway: "As Found" by TtEcf RSO Representativq after re~elpt of field call concerning -Shaw's "IR-02" Construction Site and the staging of "clean" import fill inside established RCA (no RAD technician present to control work/ monito r equipment going in/out of RCA), Shaw RSO Representative notified / corrective actions instituted

Angle 1, December 1, 2010 HPS Parcel E "Non-Impacted" Throughway
  • As Found* b'4 TtEC RSO Representativ e/after rece ipt of field call concerning Shaw's "IR-02" Const ruction S it e and the staging of *ctean" import fill insloe established RCA (no RAD technician present to control work/ monitor equipment going in/out of RCA), Shaw RSO Representative notified/

corrective actions instituted; Angle 2, December l, 2010 HPS Parc e l E " Non-Impacted" T hroughway: " As F o und" by TtEC(RSO Repr ese ntative/aft e r ~ecelpt of fleld call conce rning S haw's "IR-0 2" Construction Site and the staging of "clean" import fill inside established RCA (no RAD technician present to control work/ monito r equipment going in/out of RCA), Shaw RSO Representative notified I corrective actions instituted; Angle 3, December 1, 2010 HPS Parcel E "Non-Impacted" Throughway: "As Found" by TtE c/ RSO RepresentaS,jYe\after re ce ipt o f field call conce rn ing Shaw's "IR-02" C onstruction Site and the stag i ng of "dean" import fill insi d e established RCA (no RAD technician present to control work/ monitor equipment going In/out of RCA), Shaw RSO Representative notified/ corrective actions instituted; Angle 4, December 1, 2010 REFERENCE 23 From: Nelson, Glen A CTR OASN (El&E), BRAC PMOWest(mailto j Sent: Wednesday, December 08 , 20 1 0 11 :00 AM To~b)(7)(C)

Su 1ect: F i lm Shoot at R P on 12-13-2010 Hi~Bert, r b)(7)(C) Flight 33 Productions will be filming at HP on 12-13-2010 in bui l d i ngs 8411, 9251 , 8302 and 8231 -None of which I find RAD issues. Tetra-Tech may need to have an escort on si t e. Your call. They arrive at 0700. Film Crew ... (b)(7)(C) Thanks , -G l en Hello ... I'm a documentary producer with Flight 33 Product i ons -the company behind The History Channel's LIFE AFTER PEOPLE Special -t h e Emmy nominated and high , est rated show ever for The H i story Channel. F light 33 continued the success of that show with two full seasons of LIFE AFTER PEOPLE The Series. You were very kind to help us out with that series and we were hoping to do it again. This time around , we will be producing one of the first series for the new Discovery Channel 30 Network -called Abandoned Planet. Much like Life After People , th i s new show will take its viewers to places forgotten by time ... buildings, compounds and even ent i re cities abandoned by humans fo r years. Each location is a real site -once mobbed by people, now empty. We'll find out why the place once boomed -and why everyone left. Survivors and former residents will return ... to walk the empty streets and explore the abandoned hallways ... and explain At your earliest convenience. can you get back t me to start a dialogue on th i s requ est? I've also emailed. (b)(7)(C) subject I look forward to possibly working w*"" , ....... y""* -u-g""" a""'m-. _ __. REFERENCE 24 From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Thursda December 16 2010 1:26 PM To: (b)(7)(G) (b)(7)(C) , unters Point: Upcoming Ho I ay Stand Down ... All , Regarding the subject line above, 2010 end-of-year field activities -inc ludin g those subject to radiological support under TtRCT's NRC Material License# 29-31396-01, are s cheduled to wrap up on Friday , December J 7, 2010. A planned two week stand down will be in effect thereafter for the holidays. Before beginning the stand down , it is important that all personnel with dosimetry assigned under TtECT's monitoring program* place their "4th quarter 2010" devices on a designated badge rack. Dosimetry badge racks recognized for this purpose are located just inside either of the two entrances to the TtEC management trailers; another is available at the Building 400 meeting area O-ust inside the main access door). During the stand down, dosimetry will be changed out to meet protocol specific to the upcoming "l st Quarter 201 1 " wear period. After the holidays and upon return to the project (Monday , January 3, 2011), new dosimetry can be picked up at the same badge rack where "4th quarter 201 O" dosimetry was left. Thanks in advance for your help in ensuring the aforementioned needs are met, thus providing for a smooth transition into 2011. As always, feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Bert

  • TtEC , R S RS , NWE , Shaw , Kleinfelder, ERRG and IT S! personnel (including s ubcontractors) u s ing do s imetry devices is s ued b y TtEC Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative Direcr X lX C) I Alternate:

D XC' I Main: 415.671.1990 I Moblle: l (b)(?)(C) 1 1 Fax: 415.2 1 6.2/43 ____ .... Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hun ters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 I = Name (b)(7)(C) Bert Bowers (b)(7)(C) [-n:) TETRA TECH EC. INC. HUNTERS POINT SHIPYARD Emergency Contact List December 18, 2010 -January 2, 2011 I Position I f Rad. Safety Officer Rep. l (b)(7)(C) Contact Number I Cell Home From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Thursda December 16 2010 2:39 PM To: (b)(7)(C) b l 7 C


llEO, Hunters Point: Upcoming Holid ay St.and Down .*. All, This notification is for informational purpo ses and in supp ort of the Hunter s Point Memorandum of Understanding dated Octobe r 7, 2010. Specific to the su~ject line above , 20 JO end-of-year fi e ld activities -including those subject to radiological s upport under TtECI's NRC Licens e# 29-3 1 396-0 1 , will wrap up on Friday , December 17 , 2010. A planned t wo week stand down will b e in effect thereafter and la st through the New Year's holiday weekend. Dwing the s tand down, "on-call" response staff will be availab le for various need s -including requirements Lo periodically monitor areas of the Hunters Point site which remain s ubject to Tetra Tech 's NRC license and juri sd iction. If, during the stand down period , a situation is identified which resul ts in the need to co nta ct "on-call" Tetra Tech staft: (e.g., observed compromises resulting from vandalism, passing s torms, and simiJar unanticipated events), please refer to the attached contact list for appropriate notification opt.ions. In any instanc e, feel free to notify me directly as I plan to be in the immediate area for the duration of the s tand down. As always, contact me if additional information or feedback i s needed and HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Bert Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative Direct r Si'iKC) Altemate D' C} I Main: 415.6711990 I Mobile r)(l)(C) 1 , Fax: 415.216.2743 ..__ ___ .... Bert Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Sh i pyard , 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 I = . (b)(7) J .... thanks for confinmng (C) "HAPPY HOI .IDA YS" to you and yours! 1 BB (b)(7)(C) From: Sen.t: '='Fr-.-i 'T" a-y-, D;::'e __ ce _____ rn.,..-r--1:-,: 7::-,-::: 2~0':": 10~9:~1',::'2-=A":'.M:------= I I To: Bowers, Bert


RE: Hunters Point: End-of-Yea r Plans Hello 1 Bert -CF.2/K l einfe l der will be onsite through Wednesday , Decemeber 22"d. I do not anticipate needing any R CA access between now and then. Our s ite activ iti es will sh ut down ti-o m Dec 23rd through January th. W,: will be b ack ons it c s tarting January I 0 11', 20 I I Thanks , (b)(?)(C) All, As a follow-up to Tetra Tech 's sc hedule for the upcoming holiday season , do plans exist for anyone within your organiz.atiou to be on site at Hunters Point between December 18,2010 and January 2, 20 11 -and if so, to what po rti on(s) of the site would access be needed (e.g., MD impacted areas sub ject to Tetra Tech NRC lic ense control , etc)? Thanks in advance for clarifying. Bert B LJ oR i i n Safety Officer Representative X>'.XC) D irect: Alternate: D b I Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile: !(b)(?)(C) !1 Fa x: 41 5.2 1 . ..._ ___ __, Bert. Bowers@tetratech.c om Tetra Tech EC I Fie ld Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 941241 l (b)(7)(C) From: i.... ____ _, Sent: Thursday. December 16. 2010 2:54 PM To; !(b)(7)(C) !(b)(7)(C) c: (b)(7)(C) ;"~ I b)(7)(C) !


Change of Point-of-Contact for Basewide Radiological Support All-As of Monday, 3 Jan 2011 Bert Bowers, Project Health Physicist for Tetra Tech, will be the primary Contact for the scheduJing and coordination of radiological field support for the various contractors bere at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. 1t has been a pleasure being of service to you. Happy Holidays! l (b)(7)(C) Direct f (b)(l J(C) !1 Main' 415.6711990 I Fax: 415.671 19951 C e ll* (b)(l)(C) ---=====~-- .__ ___ __, l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech EC I Health Physics 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 I PLEASE NOTE: This message , including any attachments , may include confidential and/or inside information. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient , please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system ,A Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. =

l From: Bowers, Bert sent: Frida D ece m ber 17 , 2010 9:24 A M To: (b)(7)(C) Sul> e : : un ers Point: End-of-Year Plans f& __ v. __ ________, l__ I ~Hunters Point: End-of-Vear Plans -l From: 1 Bowers, Bert Sent: Frida December 17, 2010 12:13 PM To. (b)(7)(C) Cc; (b)(7)(C) Sul;Je : ater -Wednesday storm event Thanks for confirmi n g , Ryan .... have a s afe and "Happy Holiday Season" as we ll! R e gards , Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative Direj~N C) I Altemate: l (b XJXC> I Main: 415.671 1990 I Mobile: (b)(?)(C) I Fax: 415.2,S.~743 . . -----Bert. Bowers@tetratech.c om Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 F is her Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 I www.t From i l (b)(?)(C) Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 10:32 AM To~ w rs Bert Cc; (b}(7)(G) Suti : un ers Point Storm Water -Wednesday storm event Ben, T he Ca lifornia General Industri a l S tonn Wat er Permit o nl y requ ires that we observe and sa mpl e durin g "sc h ed ul ed faci lity operating hour s" and with Tetra T ech sche duled to shut do wn operations and a ccess to th e Rad controlled l andfil l for the next two weeks , there won't be "schedu l ed facility operating h ours" so we wi ll not be sa mplin g the landfill area. I spo k e with rny l (b)(7)(C) l and he i s in agreement. Have a great break and Happ y Holid ays. l (b)l7)(C) I MACTEC Engineering and Consulting I Sa n Diego. Ca Office 868 278-3600 Fax 858) 278-5300 Emall (b)(7)(C) Web From: Bowers, Bert [2] Sent: Frida December 17 , 2010 7:49 AM To: (b)(7)(G) Cc: ____ _.


RE: Hunters Po i nt Storm Water -Wednesday storm even t (b)(7)(C) As a follow-up to!(b)(l)(C) ~esponse, doe 5 MACTEC have plans to be on site at Hwiters Po in t the las t h alf of December 20 10-and ifsJ , w hat portion(s) oft.he s i te wou ld access be 11eede d (e.g., RAD impac areas subject to NRC license control , e t c)? Thanks iu advance for c l arify in g . .....,..,..... ............ R ... ad __ i __ at.., ion Safety Officer Repre senta tiv e D (b)(7)(C) Alternate: Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile: .~ ..... ,.,...--..,, ____ ...... Tetra Tech EC I F i eld Projec t Mahagement Hunters Point Shipyard , 200 F ish er Ave I San Francisco , CA 941241 www.te trate c h.c om F (b)(7)(C) rom: _..__,_..,,.... ...... Sent: Tues a December 14, 2010 10:42 AM To: (b)(7)(C) cd .__ ___ __, subject: RE: Hunters Point Storm Water -Wednesday storm t:vc, ,. (b)(7)(C) Hel l o I Fax: O u r last sched ule d day of work for thi s year i s th i s Friday , 1 7 December. We will rewm to work on Mo nd ay, 3 Jan 201 I P l ease fee l free to con t act me with any qu es t ions yo u may h ave. l (b)(?)(C) --1 l (b)(?)(C) '.::>irect: (b)(l)(C)I Main: 415.6 71.1990 I Fax: 415 6711995 I Cell:..__ ___ ...., l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech EC I Health Physics 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 I PLEASE N OTE: This message , including any attachments , may include confidentia l and/or Inside information. Any distribution or use of this comm un ication by anyone other than the intended recipient 1s strict ly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, p l ease notify the sender by replying to this message and then de l e t e it from your system. ,A Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. Point Stor m Wa ter -Wednesday s t o rm e ven t I assu m e tha t Tetrn Tec h w ill b e working at H PS d ur ing t h e last 2 wee ks of Decembe r? ,~1m1CJ MACT E C Engineering and Consulting I S an Diego , C a Office 8 5 8 278-3 60 F 58) 278-530 0 Email (b)(7)(C) I Web www.mac t e From: (b)(7)(C) Ack n o wl edged .... l (b)(7)(C) . l'.b)(7)(C) I l (b)(?)(C) , , o,rect L.. ___ ____.I Main: 415.671.1990 I Fax: 415.671.1995 I Cell: ._ ____ _.I l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech EC I Hea l th Physics 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 941241 PLEASE NOTE: This message, including any attachments , may include confidential and/or inside information. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. I f you are not the intended rec i pient , please notify the sender by replying t o this message and then delete it from your system. Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. l (b)(7)(C) From~ .... _______________ __, Sent: Monday, December 06 , 2010 6:26 PM To: !(b)(7)(C) !(b)(7)(C)


Hunters Point Storm Water -Wednesday storm event MACTEC is c urrently tracking a storm event that is forecasted to produce significant rain in Bay Area and Hunte r s Po i nt Shipyard area starting Wednesday morning a n d continu i ng throughout the day Wedne s day. A t this time MACTE C is p l anning to mobil ize to Hunters Point on Wednesday morn19, for s torm w a t er monitoring and sampling in th e Parcel B and E-2 areas. MACTEC will coo rdinat e wit~ (b)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C) f Tetra Tech for access to the 5 monitoring locations locate d w i thin the Tet ra Tech portion o arce E-2. MA CTEC will continue to m oni t or the weather and will provid e upd a te s on th e s t a tu s of the storm and changes to o u r mobilizat io n plans. Thank you , l (b)(7)(C) I MACTEC Enginee ring and Consulting I San Diego , Ca Office 858 278-3600 Fax 858) 278-5300 Email (b)(7)(C) I Web www.mactec.c om = From: Bowers, Bert Sen *

  • a r 17, 2010 10: 07 AM To= (b)(7)(C) Sub ect: RE: TtECJ, Hunters Point: Upcom i ng Holiday st.and Down ... ... tba (b)(7)(C)

From: (b)(7)(C) Sent: F~r~id~ay~, -:=:: oecem==~~=:,:-:-:=.-r: M-:----"""' To: L Bowers, Bert


RE: Tt.ECI, Hunters Point: Upcoming Holiday Stand Down ... He ll q Bert I would like to have l st Quarter 2011 do simetry for th e following staff invol ved in CEZ/K l einfelder .field events: l (b)(7)(C) K1<,) l (b)(7)(C) l (K) l (b)(7)(C) l ccn2) l (b)(7)(C) l (K) l (b)(7)(C) l (YCD) l (b)(7)(C) l (K) l (b)(7)(C) l (K) l (b)(7)(C) l (K) l (b)(?)(C) l (CR2) l (b)(7)(C) l (K) (b)(7)(C) (K) l (b)(7)(C) l ccE2) l (b)(7)(C) l (K) l (b)(7)(C) k YCD) With that, happy ho lid ays t o you t oo! Make it a relaxing o n e. Chee r s, (b)(7)(C) From: Bowers, Bert [manto: ,] t:~ ~-~~,rsci~Y ~~robec J 6 2Q1Q 1

  • 34 PM To=Jt~)~~t.,) _ __ Cc:_.b (7 C)


FW: TtECT, Hunters Point: Upcoming Holiday Stand Down ... r'(7)(C) I As a follow-up to the previ ous e mail (see below), please ens u re that any remaining dosimetry for yo ur g r o up is pla c ed on a Tetra Tech co ll ec tion rack before day's end t omo rro w. Likewi s e , pl ease respond to thi s e mail with a li s l o f p erso nn e l -if any -for whom 1 st Quarter 20 11 d os imet ry will be n eeded. As a l ways , fee l free to contac t m e if additional in fo nnat io n or fee db ack is needed. Many thanks in advance an d HA PPY HOLIDAYS! R ega rds, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative 1 , Alternate: .... r'_'x_('_) __ ___.I Main: 415.671.1990 I Moblle: ... l'b-)(7)_(_C) __ _,!1 Fax: Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Sh i pyard, 200 F is her Ave I San Francisco, CA 941241 All. Regarding the subject line above, 2010 end-of-year field activities -including those subject to radiological support under TtEC I's NRC Material License# 29-31396-01 , are scheduled to wrap up on Friday, December 17, 20 1 0. A planned two week stand down will be in effect thereafter for the holiday s. Before beginning the stand down, it is important that all personnel with do si metry assigned under T tECl's monitoring program* place their "4th quarter 2010" devices on a designated badg e rack. Dosimetry badge racks recognized for this purpose are locat ed just inside either of the two entrances to the TtEC managem e nt trailers; another is available at the Building 400 meeting area Gust inside the main access door). During th e stand down , dosimetry will be changed out to meet protocol specific to the upcoming "1st Quarter 2011" wear period. After the holidays and upon return to the project (Monday, January 3, 20 11), new dosimetry can b e picked up at the same badge rack where "4th quarter 201 O" dosimetry was left. Thanks in advance for your help in ensuring th e aforementioned needs are me t, thus providing for a smooth transition into 2011. As always, feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Bert

  • TtEC , RSR.S , NWE , Shaw, KJcinfclder , RRRG and ITS! personnel (i ncluding subcontn1ctors) u 5ing d osimetty devi ces issued b y ne e Bert Bt:J x ) * *on Safety Officer Repres enta t ive (bX1)(C) Direct I Alternate: D Ma i n: 415.6711990 I Mobile: 415.31 4.87271 Fax: 415.2 . Bert. Bowers@t Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 F i sher Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 J =

REFERENCE 25 Parcel Eat Radiological Screening Yard 4 (RSY4): Active RAD Waste Characterization Work Area: RAD deficiency (pad lock unsecured) as noted/corrected during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 12.20.10 HPS Access to Utility Corridor (UC) Parcel: Active Construction Work Area: Safety deficiency (pad lock unsecured) as noted/corrected during end-of-day RAD integrity field check, 12.2 0.10 HPS Tetra Tech/Shaw/EMS Management Area Parking Lot: Downed fence panels as discovered after overnight storm, 12.20.10 HPS Tetra Tech/Shaw/EMS Management Area Parking Lot: Re-established fence panels after overnight storm, 12.20.10 (b)(7)(C) 1n reference to the subject line above -and as the attached photo supports, an expanding "radiological integrity c.hallenge" continues to worsen along a non-impacted portion of Parcel E roadway. The affected roadway intersects two radiologicaJJy controlled areas subject to NR C license oversight (i.e., a location on one side involves Shav/s IR-02 radiologically posted " C ontamination Area"; the side rurecUy across is specific to Tetra Tech's " Triangle Area" designated as a "Radioactive Materials Area"). The condition , which appears to have been compounded as a result of the IR-02 work area " bulldup" (i.e., significant import fill added during pad construction and an elevated mound that's resulted), will likely worsen as a barrage of additional stonns forecast for the area pass through in the nex t few days. Presently, lingering water in the non-impacted roadway expands into the referenced "Triangle Area". As a result, vehicular traffic creates wakes which pass into and out of Tetra Tech's controlled area (observed especially so today with heavy rigs supporting Shaw's active work). While trends from "Triangle Area" sample results to date indicate negligible levels from a radiological perspective, it will become ever challenging to address like "contaminant migration" potential if the pool continues to expand in size -especially if into Shaw's "Contaminated Area". This situation will continue to be monitored -in particular if inclement weather conditions become ever lingering .... just a "heads up" in keeping this situation in mind -and the feasibility of suspending traffic until the situation becomes more under control (a RASO call?). Feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Regards, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Re resentative (b KC) l (b)(7)(C) I Direc f l<:J)iCJ I Altemat Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile 1 I Fa x 415.216.2743 .___ __ ___, Bert.Bowers Tetra Tech EC I Fie l d Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 941241 www.tetratech.corn = HPS Parcel E "Non-Impacted" Road: Flooded portion with Shaw vehicle stirring wake between Shaw's RCA (on left as a Radiologically Controlled Area & Contaminated Area) and Tetra Tech's RCA (on right as a Radiologically Controlled Area and Radioactive Materials Area) 12.20.10 From:[Bowers, Bert Se

  • ber 20, 2010 8:50 AM To: (b)(7)(C) Cc: (b)(?)(C)

SutiJ l (b)(7)(C) Thanks for the feedback! FYI , ther e's a c r ew oo the way in to re-es tablish d owne d fence pan e l s associated with th e construction zo ne (non-RAU) beside th e managemen t trailer parking lot Also, regarding post s ite drive thr o u g h observation s fo r today , a sec tion of ERRG fence panels near Bldg 1 25 are presently down (non-RAD)-n oCificalions have been made . .Re gards, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Office r Representative Direct! Alternate: Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile:1 Fax: ~)();C) I l (b)(JXc) t l (b)(7)(C) I 415.2. /43 . . ____ _. Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco, CA 94124 j Prom f b)(?)(C) Sent: Saturday , December 18, 2010 1: 16 PM To~ Bowers, Bert


Boundaries Bert , Heavy winds here last night, knocked one line of our D-1 outer fence lin es down. While walking and driving around our D-1 and E-2 boundaries , in passing by your areas, all Jine s/boundaries appear fine. l (b)(l)(C) Shaw E nv i ronmen tal Inc. H unte r s Point Shipyard 200 Fisher Avenue Sa n Fran c isco , CA 94124 .... l (b_H 7_)(C_) __ _,, direct 415-822-8950 fax ..... !(b_J(7_)(C_) __ ~!cell !(b)(7)(C) From: Bowers, Bert Se~t; Tuesday Deremrr 21, 2010 4:02 PM To: (b)(7)((:) Cc:.__ ____ _,


When it rai n s, it pours! Just after sencling you tht"Baker'~ank bulletin and preparing to l eave the site, a metal bin truck departing the site is encoilntered Ftl .... and lik ewise w/o the portal monitor established. Once again , while there's available "rationa l e" to support no radiological "compromise", maybe thi s too is a " New Year's Resolution" l opfo to discuss with a1J the " players" when we're back (Le., seeing again that RASO preferences/ expectations weren't followed)?? ?? BB = Angle A: December 21, 2010 (Metal bin dumpster -offsite transfer during holiday stand down; no portal monitor) Angle B: December 21, 2010 (Metal bin dumpster -offsite transfer during holiday stand down; no portal monitor) From: Bowers, Bert Sen : mbe r 21, 2 010 3:52 PM To! (b)(7)(C) Cc: ,__ ____ _.


Hunters Point: Baker Tanks (b)(7)(C) An observation today FYJ.. ... as supported by the attached p hotos-and after comp J cting today's site drive-1:hro , it s ure does. a ppear that some " Baker" tanks left s ite wi th o ut use of the portal monitor drive through .... while there's available trending/ support in g data to support no radiological "com promise", maybe this i s a "New Year's Reso luti on" topic to discuss when we're all back (i.e., seeing tha t RASO preferenc es/ expectations weren't followed)???? Have a great holiday = Baker Tank "Staging Area" Area as Observed: December 20, 2010 Baker Tank "Staging Area" Area as Observed: December 21, 2010 un rs Point: Parcel B, ERRG Des i gnated Work Area (Non-RAD) (b)(7)(C) As a fo llo w-up t o yester d ay's storm recovery events, ERRG's fenced areas looke d secure (o b serva ti o n s n o t ed w hi l e con ductin g RA D int egrity fiel d chec k s)! R ega r ds , Bert From:!_(b_)(7_l(_c) ___________ _ sent: Monday, December 20 , 2010 9:28 AM T'o: pll&l,~"""""".wllolu.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .......... Cc: (b)(7)(C) SubJect: Wor A r ea Non-RAD Thanks, Bert. !(b)(?)(C) !was on his way out there (last time I spoke to him this morning) to inspect the site condition , fence, BMPs, etc. But I appreciate you Informing me. l (b}(7)(C) From: ' Bowers, Bert [ Se

  • ecember 20, 2010 9: 15 AM Toi (b)(7)(C) Cc: ' b 7 C


Hunters Point: Parcel B, ERRG Designated Work Area (Non-RAD) (b)(7)(C) As a n FYl , a se ction o fE RRG fen ce pan e l s n e ar Bld g 125 ar c pre s ent l y down (non-RAD) a ft e r y e s t e rda y~s s to rm ev e n t (photo o f aff e ct e d area att a ched). A s a lwa ys, foe l fr ee to conta c t me if additional informa ti on o r fee dba c k i s n ee d e d. R egar d s, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative Dired(bX))(C) J Alternate: D Main: 415.671.1 990 I Mobile l (b)(?)(C) 1 1 F ax: 415.216.2743 ____ _, Bert. Bowers@te tr Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard , 2 00 Fisher Ave I San Fran c is c o , CA 94124 I www.t etra t ec h.c om = From i Bowers, Bert Se r-Mnndav Peceror r 27 , 2010 1: 11 PM To: (b)(7)(C)


FW: HP Trespassers .... fyi Sent: Thu r sda y , December 23 , 2010 4: 3 7 PM To: l (b)(7)(C) Cc: ...._ ___________________ _


FW: HP Trespassers FYI (b)(7)(C) Direct. (b)(7)(C) I Cell: (b)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech I Remediation 200 Fisher Avenue I San Fran c isco , CA 94124 I PLEAS E NOTE: This message , including any attachments, may Include confide n tial and/or Inside information. Any dis t ribution or use of this communication by anyone other t han the intended recipient i s stric t ly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient , please not i fy the sender by replying to this message and then de l ete it from your system. 11 Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. let's keep more eyeba ll s ar , ound our areas now that there are l ess buildings for the CC-miners D ----Ori aio a l Me ss aa e= From l (b)(71(C) Sent: Thursdav December 23, 2010 15: 48 To: l (b)(7)(C'.i (b)(7)(C) Subject RE: H P Trespassers Thank 1 f~'{7) !1 agree and rest assured ~~)(l) will handle this situation in the future. Good job be i ng BAD COP at B-2 15. Personally, I would have been a bit more forceful especially find i ng a vehicle "hidden" at B-282. (b)(7)(C) ill need to be more diligent around 8215 now that we've taken away toys for the CC-miners o pay w1 (buildings on the Mole Pier}. ---Or igir,al MessageFrom t (b )(7)(C) Sent: Thursday , December 23 , 2010 13: 11 To: b 7 'C r b)(7)(C)


HP Trespassers On Thursday , 12-23-2010 at around 1030hrs I f9und a white male in his 30's walking through the rear B215 parking lot. I confronted the male ,)p x 7 x c) !and asked him what he was doing. He was looking for leasing space around dry docks for manufacturing. I told him t hat NAVY is not leasing space and he should leave the site. His j (b)(ixc> was hidden from view in .1.a-2i:s'"'2-.------------------------ ....... Later I fo u nd his SUV parked in front of the EMS trailer. The trailer was secured so I searched fo (b)(?) and found him walking the contractors parking lot. I told ilfilITI] I would escort him off the base. I no e 1s vehicle had a sleeping bag covering some tools in the back. I informed the main gate security guard that he was not allowed back on the base. I informed 1(b)(7)(C) ~/Shaw of what happened and suggested they check their area. Later upon leaving I noticed 2 late model POV's with 2 males and 2 females in one vehicle and t male in the other driving next to 8134. I asked If they were lost and they asked if I had a welder sarcastically. I asked who he worked for and he said I TSI. He said they had to weld a plate on an excavato r parked next to B134. I called ID'/ITSI and he verified the job. If contractors work at our sites , they should have proper sa fety gear and marked vehicles These peop l e did not look like they should be there. (b)(?)(C) From: Bowers. Bert Sent: Monda December 27 201 To: (b)(?)(C) CC L....~~~~~~~~~~ -:: Subject FW: Patrol .... FYI gentlemen

Ociginal Message-From; Bowers , Bert Sent: M onda D To: (b)(?)(C)

Cc: 1 PM Sub~Je~c T: ""'l"l"l~:~P~a~tr~o~I Information below is FYI. .. after discussing w~(b)(7)(C) I we both shared the opi n ion that EMS likely needs to consider the need for i ntegrity verifi ~Ohs In and ar ound areas at B uilding 211/253 -and at the EMS management trailer as wel l. Feel free to contact me if additional 1nforma t 1on or feedback Is needed. Regards , Bert ~f-5 1 Bad1a*l, n Safety Officer Representative ~~~,::;:: Alternate r'"' I Ma i n 415.671.1990 I Moblle l L..(b-)(7)_(_c i __ ..... l 1 Fa>!. Bert Bowers@tetratech .com Tetra Tech EC I Fie ld Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard , 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco. CA 94124 I (b)(7)(C) While at the project today , no a,screpancies were observed at Bu il ding 258 (i.e., durin an initi I ite drive thru). While a l ong the back s i de of the building (d uri ng a door check and inspection) (b)(?)(C) topped by. I n discussing the prior events with him , he ind~1 e "breached" structure wa u1 1ng 58 but instead the "Glass Palace" t po i nt , I inform (b)(7) at he was referring to Building 211/253, not Building 258. At that point (~( ) nferred with two site poli c e who were resent with him. They also I ndicated the event occurre a uilding 211 /253. The subsequent check (with (b)(7) f doors there was satis facto ry as well. (I mentioned at that point the need to address RAO awareness br i efs I preferred protocol invo lving "security personnel" specific to RCA breaches I trespassers I confiscated materials ) (b)(7)(C) asked i f Tetra Tech had any vehicles with tires mi ssi ng* h e said Chevy truck tires were confiscated '---ro-m-'trespassers (he also said Shaw's fleet was u na ffected). I completed another drive thru with focus placed on TtEC l's vehicle fleet and status -including those in s ide Building 258. AU of Tetra Tech's fleet appeared OK. Beyond vehicles , nothing else appeared tampered with inside Building 258 as well .... the doors at auilding 400 were also secure. Note tha~id he asked a guy discove red in the management area parking lot to leave last Thursday evening .... parked in front of the E *1ers ... said he appeared to be living out of his veh i cle ... , was looking fo r the " leas ing office" (b)(?) drove by later to re-check the area and the guy was back -near the new lab trailers -I believ (b)(?) said he escorted the guy off s i te this time around. (The doors to the new lab facilities are secore an nothing there appears tampered with.) He sa i d the site has been active the past few days with trespassers .... I'll continue with follow-up inspections / Integrity checks. Feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Bert ---Original MeFrom: , l~H7)(C) I Sent: Monday , De~mber 27 2010 9:18 AM To: Bowers, Bert; !~(7)(C)


FW: Patr:o i.,.--------------- FYI , Bert , can you check the doors on one of your vis it s. (b)(?)(C) ends ... ----Orjqinal Messag e From:!(b)(7)(C) Sent: Sunday, December 26 , 2010 2: 26 PM To t (b)(7)(C) I Subject FW: Patrol ~h e las t paragraph is for you. We don't know if anything is missing. Lo oks like someone forgot to ~-up. l (b)(7)(C) ----Original From: l (b)(7)(C) Sent: Sunda December 26 2010 14: 23 To* (b)(?)(C) Cc: (b)(?)(C) (b)(7)(C) (b)(?)(C)


Patrol Patrol at HPS , a t 0645 hrs (b)(?)(C) ncountered suspec r ... _)_(?-)(_C_) ___ ....... l an~(b)(?)(C) I on a boat with and outboard motor attached towing another boat with metal debris from the Mule Gun pai rJ. ~~)(7) co nfiscated tools from the graded area the suspects were working at. !(b )(l)(C) ~rrived on duty _and ass iste d~~?) !i>~ extending the lnvestlgatlon off the property leading the federal pohce to the location of the boa in question used in the theft of government property. !(b)(l)(C) I introduce~~~~(?) l o 24th St. San Francisco park area at the end where suspects stealing from th eral property end-up at off loading th e deb r is from a boat in to a Chevrolet Van that (b)(7)(C) was observed driving to the park area wher (b)(?) nd I was loading the Tahoe of copper minor burglary tools and copper wire from the aforemen ,on at. l (b)(l)(C) I spotted!(b)(l)(C) !Pn the water's edge in the park area digging for clams after and on s ite security guard asl<ed the federal police to order the trespassers off the property without Incident. Also on Friday (b)(7)(C) ound the main entry door and the large sliding garage doors wide open with no one around at bldg-258 (b)(7)(C) conducted a walk-through inspecting the area for suspects and I is uncertain if any equipment or supplies was taken before the bldg-258 was secured. Sincerel~(b )(l)(C) HPS: EMS RCA "As Discovered" 12.28.10 (Photo 1 of 2) : EMS RCA "As Discovered" 12.28.10 (Photo 2 of 2) From: Bowers , Bert Sent: Tuesday , December 28, 2010 2:31 PM To:!(b)(?)(C) I S ubjec t: RE: Patrol ~-(b)(?)(C) According t the trespassers had scrap metal and miscellaneous tools -I took it to mean small hand type too s ut I could be wrong. I believe the confiscated items -including the referenced truc k tire s, are staged in th e building where the DOD Police now work from (i.e., Building 2 15). Regards , Bert Bowers I Radiat i on Safety Officer Representative 1 7 c I D lrect: r x;c) 1 1 Alternate: r i (J)(C) I I Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile: (b)( )( ) I Fax: 415.2 fo. 1 43 _ . Bert. Bowers@tetratech .com 1 Tet ra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hu nters Point Shipyard , 2 00 Fisher Ave I San Fran cisco, CA 941241 www.te trate ----Or iginal Mes sa ge-Fro m: !(b)(7)(C) Sent: Tuesday , December 28 , 20 10 3: 48 AM To: Bowers , Bert Cc: !(b)(7)(C) I Sub j ect: RE: Patrol Bert , Thanks for pas s ing thi s along. In rega r d to the debris from the G un Mole Pier , do you know what the materi a l was and where i t i s currently staged? r (?)(C) b)(?)(C) Shaw E nvironm e nt al In c. Hunters Point S hipyard 200 Fisher Avenue San Francisco , CA 9412 4 (b)(7)(C) Office cell (b)(7)(C) From: Bowers, Bert [mailto: Bert.Bowers@tetrate c m] Sent: Mon 12/27/2010 4: 01 PM To: (b)(7)(C l Cc (b)(7)(C) S ubject: FW: Pat r ol .... FYI gentlemen REFERENCE 33 MEM O RANDUM J (b)(?)(C) I l (b)(?)(C} To: 'I Tetra Tech, .______ L------------ .... From~Bert Bowers, Tetra Tech, Radiation Safety Officer Representative-Hunters Point D a te: January 18, 2011 Vacate HPS Project (b)(?)(C) In reference to the subject line above -and as requested during our discussions earlier on Monday, January 1ih, to follow is a detailed summary of events as they unfo l ded January 12'h .13*h. As always, feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Regards , 0-2>* Bert Bowers , Radiation Safety Officer Representative Direct D Alternate: D Main: 415.671.1990 / Moblle: ... r_)(?-)(-C) __ _. Page lof7 Wednesday. Janua ry 12. 2011: HPS * *

  • l (b)(?)(C) I -1605 hrs: After ending a phone conversation with._ _____ _, r,AACTEC regarding a MOU modification need, I proceed to the afternoon

'l'anagement debrief which is already in progress; the debrief is being con duct ed by j (b)(7)(C) !when my turn, I brief group on my day's accomplishments including the phone call just completed with MACTEC rega rd ing the MOU draft (and an electronic markup from MACTEC just received)ITTdvises that he'll stop by later to discuss the MOU. "' 1615 hrs: The afternoon management debrief adjourns; I return to my office* and pull up the MOU draft just in from MACTEC; comparison review begins to my draft markup which is also in progress. l (b)(?)(C) I -1620 hrs~ jenter my office; both grab something from my snack _ containers as is normal. I am still working on the MOU draft comparison and cross reference; (b)(?)(C) ' and I proceed to discuss MOU document status as related to upcoming pier demolition work at HPS under MACTEC's NRC license, etc~~)(?) istens 1 1~\ rnd I appear to be "on the sarne page" re arding the MOU assignment. c :: Jf l teers the conversation to the topic of work hours; drops an excel spreadsheet on desk; i s that RSOR function is reduced 5 hours to a weekly schedule equivalent of five 9 hour days; notice then provided to begin attending 6: 30 AM daily meetings as "Basewide rep" with field staff management/ supervision to p l an daily activities. Somewhat surprised, I sit back in chai r while taking a deep breath. [7 1(c akes statement to the effect that " this isn't aimed at you but Is the result of "tighter tiu get demands" and a "greater limit on resources" as compared to past contracts; stated that "Navy is trying to make Basewide go away". + Understandi n g is acknowledged of the contract restrictions , candidly shared pe~onal disappointment and se n se that action did have appearance as being aimed at RSOR role. El<pressed curiosity as to why RSOR input/feedback was not solicited before arriving at decision; described RSOR start-of-year "work load" as filled to capacity; current NRC license based work being conducted from home on "persona l time"; brought lip question specific to RAD integrity field checks-how "end-of-shift site drive through would continue if on 9 hr days/ attending meeting at 0630 hrs; as a lt ernate solution , suggested el<tended break at mid-day to allow for overlapping afternoon timeframe for integrity checks after field staff leaves for day )~fl rovides assurance that stated concerns/ questions will be addressed -however, plans shou e to a end AM meeting beginning the following day across from our offices. Request acknowledged; ..,.,-!.,,,.,,,~ (b)(7)(C) hen provides assurance that working for free isn't expected. I respond that "it's not about *

  • e hours", but instead , how to work around schedu l e " i ssues" to ensure continued "license driven" obligations are not compromised
shared like ly need to distribute some of the more basic RSOR
  • ilities to the RAD field sups as "Authorized Users" on license . ... 1645 hrs (b)(?)(C) exit; begin closing up office in advance of " end-of-day" site drive through . -1650 hrs: Begin "end-of-da 'site drive through; limited drive due to dusk setting in/ length of earlier discussion with' (b)(?)(C) Page 2 of7 (b)(7)(C) * "'1720 hrs: Proceeding out from Parcel E "non-impacted" roadway onto regular asphalt throughway toward Bldg 400; completely dark/ headlights on; observe headlights of two unidentified vehicles in Parcel E RSY4 sector beyond the "Triangle Area"; impossible to determine if: in RCA barricaded area / site staff or Shaw or trespassers/

locked inside upon arrival to gate. Vehicles observed continuing to advance toward gate where both eventually stop. I complete a " U-turn" and slowly approach gate for a closer look. TtEC project pick-up truck's/ field laborers confirmed. Gate is being opened after which both trucks exit. Upon approach I roll window down and ask "Is everybody out"? Field laborer locking gate replies "they better be 'cause we're going home". I ask "why are you guys still here"? The field laborer replies "we don't get OT that often, you gotta go for it when it's there". I wish all a good evening as the crew departs. * "'1720 hrs: I proceed to the TtEC management trailers to confirm an "Authorized User "on TtEC's NRC license js present (i.e., any of the RAD Su p's); all have left for the day. I then c heck to see if!(b)(l)(C) ,~s still in; upon arrival at hi s office he has changed into gym clothes and is preparing to leave. I provide a brief on laborers observed in and around imoacted portions of the field and the fact that all "Authorized Users" had departed for the dayJ~.~~,{~oes not share any knowledge or awareness of what is being reported. I re-emphas iz e th ortance of an end-of-day site drive through'~?) nowledged my concern and suggested I "c over it with all . . .... .the supervisors In.the.morn ing . hen brought up weekly work schedules discu ss ed ea rlier in my office; suggested that -assu I planned at l east 3 weeks off over the course of 2011, I should be covered for 50 hour work weeks after all. r offered to average up to one week off each quarter If nece s sary to stay within budget whid~cknowledged. We both proceed to leave for the day. !Lm J * .. 1740 hrs: I drive back out along Building 400 and the RSY4 area and all appears secured; I then e)(it th e site and head home. Thursday, January 13 , 2011: HPS * "' 0615 hrs: I arrive on site; proceed to open up the office* com uter i s boot e d u then I proceed to c onfe r ence room across from office (b)(l)(C) are seated in the room. Small talk ensues while"-w-e-w-a,--....... a-ss_u_m_e-, ... o""" r_o.,., t"'" e_r_s """ to-a-r""'n ... v-e. __ __, * ... 0635 hrs: (b)(?)(C) ops his head through the conference room door saying (Bert~ acknowted e ,ma er which he asks why I'm not at the meeting. I state "I'm here". Then while askin (b)(l) 'where i s e verybody" , I look up at the conferenc e room clock and note that it's 0635 hrs (~) c eplies that everyone's meeting in the small conference r Bp front. At thi s point I say o ile jumping up to follow him there. Once out the door. ** *s*o .. bserved .... *****w* a .. *lk .. ** . (b)(l)(?l toward )~l(c nd me; he is told I was in the other conference room. ....... olitetystate s: a~ (?)(!)(?) already 1 -that " the me eti ng is up front instead". We're all thre ront by now and t o my surprise, the meeting is already starting to adjourn. (At this moment , the thought occur s to Page 3 of 7 (b) (7) discuss wit (C) hat I'm being asked to adjust my schedule in order to attend a S minute meeting/ address Basewide plans for an assigned staff quota of one-and sacrificin "end-of-hi " integrity drive thru's which have re~Cldly proven to be value added~ (b)(?)(C) (b)(?)(C) is exiting from the meeting room and ...... nferm .. *. .. .. . . asin,*ustatthewrnng(?.)(!)(?) conference room -no sense of an issue is obse . I spo (b)(?)(C) an (b)(l)(C) and inform both that I need to speak with them ~efore attending the AM safety tailgate at Building 400-they hold up. I then wait fo~(b)(?)(C) ~o finish a conversation he's having with someone else after which he too is asked to step aside for a discussion with the rest of us. Then the RAD s up's begin to gather with me just down the hallway from the others adjourning the earlier meeting. However , because there's so much noise , I ...-...w.11....-""""" to just stop off in my offi c e instead. As we're proceeding that way, I observe tha (b)(?)(C) are following in the same direction (i.e., toward the same end of the management trailers) -I assume to their offices opposite mine. B the time the last RAD supervisor enters my office, it's -0637 hrs. (The 4th RAD superviso~ (b)(?)(C) as called off sick with the 1 (b)(7)(C) !Knowing that time is limited as everyone t Building 400 for the morning tailgate, my plan is to convey the basic e1<pectation that's resulted from the prior evenings observations. In doing so, plans are to also ask that the same expectation be conveyed to the RAD field techs attending the tailgate (a more detailed follow up would then occur personally with each supervisor over the course of the day). The basic expectation is the urgency and importance as s ociated with timely RAO supervisor and RSOR communication. More specifically -and a s based on past events and recent lessons learned from similar circumstances, reporting to the RSOR any activity In or near impacted areas that extend beyond regular hours (i.e., thus allowing for assessment of need for/ confirming presence of "authorized user", etc).

  • I first asl< for everyone's attention; then began to share the previous evenings observations; I attempt to quickly stress: + Field activities ongoing after dark; + Locations associated with t he sightings are defined by the HPS Historical Radiological Assessment (HRA) manual as "impacted" and involve temporary "non-impacted" roadway s; + Areas a l ong the roadway are bounded on each s ide by postings defining "radiologically controlle d areas". I then began to emphasize that all sup's need to communicate to the RSPR p r ior to leaving site at da 'send if field hands are still actively working in or around impacted areas. At this poin (b)(?)(C)

~ops me in mid-sentence with a question; the ensuing int e rface I sequence of events then transpire: r ,__H 7_')(_c) __ .... ~words to the effect of): f'BPrt.\where are you talking about"? Bert Bowers~wo r d s to the effect of}: "I'm referring to Parcel E near the 'Triangle Ar e a' and the 1 RSY4 pad s 1; there were field laborers still in the area; it was after dark , I could see headlights inside what I thought was a locked area; I didn't know who it was and no 'authorized user' was to be found ... we need to have someone present because .... " (I am then cut off with a question fro 1 (b)(7)(C) Page 4 of 7 (b)(7)(C) !(b)(?)(C) !l wo r ds to the effect of): "No we don't t h at was the utility corridor crew and all that's been cleared ... Bert Bowers 1 (words to the effect of): " Yes we do ... H l (b)(7)(C) I (b)(7)(C) .... ____ _.(words to the effect of): " let's look aL" [Can't understand the r est a Interrupts with an outburst] ...__ _ _. ... l (b_)(7_)(_c) ___ £words to the effect of): "That's f_i ng bull s_t; that's a bunch of crap ... " ... r_):_7)-(C-) ---~I most instantaneous l y appears in t h e doorway and asks: "Whaf s going on" (b)(7)(C) !(b)(l)(C) £words to the effect of): " Thi s is crazy f_i ng b u lls_t *.. " (Can't remember anything else from h i s outburst as I'm now eye-to-eye wit i~r) y hands are folded outward e1<pecting him to direct j (b)(l)(C) t o tone it down] l (b)(l)(C) ~still looking at me with words to the effect °f ~}hey're right... RASO has deared and released the area ..... (I can't remember the rest of wha .......... assaying as too.* ...... 's be.Ue.f..ha~)(?)(?) now set I' now simply rubbing my face with both hand wond e ring wh ...... a s nl** .'.?.!(!)(?) directe9 (~(7) nd the others to l eave; and pulled our conversation off-line tog the facts/ Involved (b)(7)(C) if necessary. Instead, the reality of an escalating verbal attack is setting in to the point it resembles a "feeding frenzy"; I'm end u rin (bf) nexpected " judge and jury" position and yet another interru tion o u tburst fro (b)i 7)(C) o 1s now standing outside my office door behin (b)(7)(C) hav e exited -likely j u s t outside in the hallway)] . -.ITT l (b)i.l)(C) ~standing directly behin°l2Jnd pointing at me over his shoulder with words to the effect of): "Let me tell yo'U something .... tion't you ever .....* " [Can't remember anything else from outburst ex c e t that!l~i 7} l continued to shout p r ofanitie s -mostly the " F" and " BS" words; as wit (b)(l l(C) earlier ve r bal attack , I'm again eye-t~~r wi~ (b)(l)(C) she allows~to continue with his assault; I remember s eein (~(7) tarting to wa away from my office door as his rants now continued from in the hallway; I now pushed my desk chair away frommydesl< Q as a l so left my doorway .... I hear his voice in the hallway but have no clue as to what he's saying; trying to pull myself together , I realize that the original disbelief has now turned to shock ..... I'm now onlv. focused on leaning over and breathing slowly while simply trying to calm down. I then hea i~r) oice from my doorway and I look up to make eye contact. l (b){7)(C) I L... -------J), still l ooking at me with words to the effect of): You know, it seems your biggest concern has to do with your name being on the license ..... I can a r range to have i t removed." Pages of7

and do what you think you need to do .... call the NRC or whoever, but while you're at it you can also pack up the s_t in your office and get the h_l off my project." wiwil Bert Bowers\{words to the effect of): l(QLJ. are you serious? l (b)(?)(C) now looking :at me from in front of his desk; words to the effect of): "You heard me, pack your s_t up and get the h_l off the site". Bert Bowers ~words to the effect o : "OK ..... N I backtrack across the conference room where !(b):?)(C) ~nd (b)(?)(C) re still seated ... saying nothing and just staring at me as I walk by ... I direct the following comment their way as I exit: " I'm not believing this .. . "'0642 hrs: Once in my office, I co nclud e that i n my gm year at HPS, I'm in my 1st hostile environment directed at me; and the immediate need is to leave the site as directed and contact !(b)(l)(C) !ASAP. I quickly shut down and store my computer; pull a box containing unused dosimetry from my cabinet/ then place under my desk. I then lock up , grab my backpack and leave the site. "'0647 hrs: I arrive at an offsite overlook of the HPS portion of Parcel E and I place a call t (b)(l)(C) !(b)(7)(C) !~eception is poor (one dropped call). I advise him of what happened and that I'll call him once at my residence. Upon arrival , I wait for my~ to leave for work after which I ca11 (~i'7) gain and provide a detailed briefing under ca~umstances. To the best of my knowledge, the aforementioned events are true, accurate, and as they actually occurred. 1,1~.J I Elbert G. Bowers Date Page 7 of 7 REFERENCE 34 From: ~wers, Bert Seq** niesdav Ja nuary 18 , 2011 7:53 AM To: ,t (b)(7)(C) l


RE: Call * (b)(7)(C) H1 -W. } (b)(?)(C)

  • d l fr h f~-( d -1t a.ss1s l a nc e m s.ecurmg m y co mpan y ass 1gn e ap t op o m t e o ,tee an after figu '.1ig out h ow to connect r emote l y 10 tlte Tetra Tec h n etwork from home!) l'rn finally ah lc to go th.r ough/ catch up on a sizeable wave of emails/ n ot ific atio n s. As I knew was lik e ly Lh e case, it's rucc nevertheless to confirm that yo u we r e attempting L o establis h contact. Thanks again, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative Direcf X 7 x c> Alternate: ~I Main: 415.671.1!990 I Mobile: l (b)(?)(C) I I Fax: 415.2'ro.z,43 L___J ...._ ___ _. Bert. Bower s@te m Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fishe r Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 J From~!(b)(7)(C)

Sel)l: Friday, January 14, 2011 7:44 AM To t Bowers, Bert


Call Bert, When are you available to talk today or over the weekend? I look forward to i t. l (b)(7)(C) I ~-Direct f b)(7 1 (C) l I Main: 973.630 8000 I Fax: 973.630.8526 I ce1 1! ... (b-)(7_)(_c) __ ...., l (b)(?)(C) Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail. Chai'les F. Kettering Tetra Tech I Human Resources 1000 The American Road I Morris Plains. NJ 07950 I www.tetra PLEASE NOTE: This message , includ1 ri g any attachments , may include confidential and/or inside Info r mation Any distribution o r use of this communicat1on by anyone other than the in tended rec ipient is stric tl y prohibited and may be unlawful If you are not the In tended r ecipient, please notlfy the sende r by replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Think Green -Not every email needs lo be printed. :: REFERENCE 35 18 2011 7:4 5 AM Su ject:: HP S CT0-04 Agenda & J Week LookAhead Good morning, Attached a r e the H P S CT0-04 Age nda & 3 Week lookA h ead for 1/18/11. Th nk you, (b)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech I Hunter's Point Shipyard 200 Fish e r Ave. I San Fmnclsco, CA 94124 I PLEASE NOTE. This message , including an~* allachmenti.. may 1nctUdeconfiClent1al and/or inside lnfom1at1011. Any distribution or u se of this communic a tio n by a nyon e other t han 1he inlended recioienl is strielly prohibi t ed a n d ~ay be unlawf\11. I f you are not the lntendecl recipie nt. please notify the sender b}' ,eplying to this message and lhe11 delet e it from you r sys t em Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. (11:) TETRA TECH EC , INC. CQC Weekly M eeting Agenda CT0-04 Meetin g No. 3 NAVFAC SW, RAD EMAC Contract No. N62473-1P*D*0809 BASEWIDE , LAB, RAD SCREEN I NG YARDS, et al. MEETING DATE: January 18, 2011 MEETING TIME: 0930 HRS HUNTERS POINT SHIPYARD SA N FRANCISCO, CA LIF ORN I A MEETING LOCATION: TtEC Hunters Point Field Trailer TELECONFERENCE CALL IN #: (866) 692-5721 PASSWORD: 8175375# (participant code), 1655660# (PQCM code) (b)(?)(C) Q uali ty Message:

  • Morning Tai l gate Topic Previous Meeting Action Items:
  • Minutes Health a nd Safet v:
  • Safety Topic(s):

Morning Tai l gate Message

  • Incidents:


  • First Aid Occurrences:

None S tatus of Submittals:

  • Weekly CQC Meeting Minutes
  • Accident Prevention Plan/Site Safety and Health Plan Sta tus of Deficient Conditions:
  • Dewatering of p ad without radiological approva l. Water was pumped from a pad.being filled into a c l ean water truck. Rad supervisor wa s called; he inspec t ed pad-water did not contact materia l and was approved as stonn water. Corrective action: Site Sup & Rad Sup counseled RSY personnel.

S tatu s of Rework Items: None Item s Re q uirin g QC Plan Revision or Desi g n Clarification: None CQC WEEKLY AGEN D A Meet i ng No. 3 ( C.TO 04) .fonuary 1 8, 20 I I Page 2 of2 Status of Work Activities:

  • Completed Activities
  • Received soil from Shaw at RSY2
  • Received soil from Work Area 33 at RSY4
  • Prepped Piles 0375 , 0376 , 0378 for towed array
  • Scanned Pile 0364 with the towed array
  • Sampled Pile 0372
  • Supported CE2/Kleinfelder in vario s location s basewide
  • Work In-Progress:
  • Lab operations, RSY operations

& postings

  • Perfonning portal monitor & instrumentation maintenance activities
  • Performing incoming/outgoing , weekly & monthly surveys
  • Radiological screening/remediation of exca v ated soils at RSY2 , RSY3 , RSY4
  • Transferring cleared s oil from RSY2 , RSY3 , and RSY4 to SB3, SB4 and MDR.
  • Yard maintenance activitie s, housekeeping acti v ities , dust suppression activities
  • Work Area SWPPP inspections

& repairs as needed

  • Planned Activities:
  • None Schedule Review:
  • Three-Week

-Look-Ahead: see attached. OC Weekl y Planned Activities:

  • No preparatory

/initial pha s e in s pe c tion s s cheduled

  • Continue follow-up fo r ong o ing DFWs Other Items: None l>istribotioo List: (b)(7)(C)

From!(b)(7)(C) I Sent: Wedne sday, January 19, 2011 3:34 PM To:!(b)(7)(C) ECT.Alameda -Employees; ECI.Hunter's Point -Everyone; EO.SanDiego -Employees


Updated HPS phone list -as of 1/19/11 Tet r a Tec h I Hunter's Point Shipya r d 200 Fishe1 Ave. I San F rancisco. CA 94124 I www te1ratecr: com PLEASE NOTE* This message, including any anachrnen1s. may inc lude confidential and/01 in s ide informat io n. Any d is tr ib utio n or use of this CCl!Tin1u11lca1ion by anyone ol h er tha n the intendeo recipient 1s strictly proh i biled ancf *nay be unlawful. If yo u are nnt lhP. in t ended r ecipie nt , please notify the sender by replying lo t his massage and !hen delete ii trom your systern Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. TT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (b)(7)(C) Hunter's Point Shipyard 200 Fisher Ave. San F rancis co , CA 94124 Main Number: 4 1 5-671-1990 Direc t lines: 415-216-xxxx T etra Tech Fax: 415-671-1995 B co iers NWT Fax: 415-216-2 743 Front office Name/Office Pos i tion Extension Cell 2751 2760 2782 ff i ce North 2730 South 2735 2747 2744 As of 1/19/11 (b}(7}(C) Ang l e 1 of Office Desk Ransa c ked and Computer Mon ito r Missing as Ob s erved w/ n 012111.JPG "I 415 13 Angle 1 of RSOR Office Keys Used for "Lock and Se c ure" Purpos es -Some Dis c overed Damaged/Destroyed a s Discovered o n 012111.JPG Angle 1 of Returned Item for E (T)(C) }istributed Prior to Christmas B r eak as Discovered on RSOR Desk Fri PM 012111.JPG Angle 2 of Area Beneath RSOR Desk w_ Items Rearranged As Discovered 012111JPG Angle 2 of Office Desk Ransacked and Computer Monitor Missing as Observed w/ (b)(?)(C) n 0 1 2111.JPG Angle 3 of RSOR Office Desk Ransacked

Computer Monitor Mi s sing; Remaining Computer Equip Rendered Inoperable as Observed w (b)(?)(C) n 012111.JPG

-~--* A ngle 4 of RSOR Office Desk Ransacked; Com uter Monitor Missing; Remaining Computer Equip Rendered Inoperable as Observed w/ (b)(?)(C) n 012111.JPG Angle S of RSOR Office Desk Ransacked; Project Radio Missing from Cha rg ing Crad l e as Discovered 012111.JPG "RSOR Officer" Nameplate Identifier Reversed at Office Entrance as Di s covered on 012111.JPG RSOR Office Records Cabinet w/ Original Lock Drilled Out; Bottom Drawer Now Stuck Closed; Padlocks Installed to Each Drawer as Observed on 012111JPG Storage Box and CDR Storage Rack formerly stored at RSOR Desk as Observed 012111.JPG Angle 2 of Returned Item fo istributed Prior to Christmas Br e ak as Discovered on RSOR Desk Fri PM 012111.JPG RSOR Office Locker (After Forced Breakin) w/ New lock / Improper Signage ... Post 1.13.11 REFERENCE 36 TETRA TECH IN C MEMORANDUM Date; January 18, 2011 (b)(7)(C) From: _.., Tetra Tech EC, Inc. Twin Oak$ I, Suite 309, 5700 Lake Wright Drivei Norfolk, VA 23502 (757) 466-4906 (b)(7)(C) To: All TtEC Radiation Safety Program Personnel


Designation of Radiation Safe t} Officer Re p resentative -Hunters Point ib)(7)(C) As determined by the Corporate Radiation Safety Officer has the necessary training and experience described in Appendix Hof NU , 6 wne 18 to act in the position of Hunters Point Radiation Safety Officer Representative. This designation is in accordance with Materials License Number 29-31396-01, Docket Number 030-38199, Condi tion 11, as issued to Tetra Tech EC, Inc. through and subject to oversight by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. A th u P

  • R d.
  • s-.&'. om R * (b l(l)(Cl h th ed s e qWlter s omt a 1ation w.ety 1cer epresentative as e vest authority and re sp onsibility to ensure radiological safety and ce with the TtEC radioactive materials license as it is used at the Hunters Point Shipyard.

cc: RSO file, Hunters Point RSOR Page 1 of 1 REFERENCE 37 --Original From: Bowers , Bert Sent: Monday , December 27, 2010 1:01 PM r X'X C) , SubJect: FW: Patrol LJ Information below is FYI... after discussing with p x1xc> ) we both shared the opinion that EMS likely needs to consider the need for integrity verifications in and around areas at Bu i lding 211/253 -and at the EMS management trailer as well. Feel free to co ntact me if additiona l information or feedback is needed. Regards , Bert Bower s I Radiation Safety ~er R eg re~entatlve Direct f XJx c> I Alternate f* C) I Main: 415.671. 1990 I Mobil e: f ()(7 xc J I Fax: 415.216.2743 ._ ____ _._ Bert. Bowers@tetratech .com Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management H unters Point Shipyard, 2 00 Fisher Ave I San Franc i sco , CA 94124 I -Original M essa ge---F rom: Bowers , Bert Sent: Monday , D e cember 27, 2010 12: 38 PM To: l a, x1xq Cc: L---------------------' Subject RE: Patrol While at the project today , no discrepancies were observed at Building 258 (i.e., during an in i tial site d ri ve thru). While along the back side of the building (during a door check and inspe c tion x 1 x c) topped by. In discu ss ing the prior events with him. he indicated the " breached" structure wasn't Building 58 but instead the " Glass Palace. At that p oi nt , I informed r XJX C)l tha t he was referring to Building 211/253, not Building 258. At that poinS<>nferred with two DOD s i te police who were present with him. They also i ndicated the event occurred at Build i ng 211/253. The subsequent check (wit~ of doors there was satisfactory as well. (I mentioned at that point the need to address RAD awar~r i efs / preferred protocol i nvolving "security personne l specific to RCA breaches I trespassers I confiscated materia ls.) Wsked if Tetra Tech had any vehicles with tires missing -he said Chevy truck tires were co nfis cate d

  • from trespassers (he also saidl§;haw'~fleet was unaffected).

I completed another drive thru with focus placed on TtECl's vehicle fleet and status -including those inside Building 258. All of Tetra Tech's fleet appeared OK Beyond vehicles , noth i ng else appeared tampered with inside Building 258 as well .... the door s at Bui l ding 400 were also secure. Note thaE..}saro ne asked a guy d iscovered in the management area parking lo t to leave last T hursday evening .... parked in front of the EMS trailers ... said h e appeared to be living out of his vehicle .... was looking fo r t he "leasing office". re drove by later to re-check the area and the guy was back -near the new lab trailers I be l ieve b aid he escorted the guy off site this time around. (The doors to the new lab facilities are secure and nothing there appears tampered with.) He sa i d the site has been active the past few days with trespassers .... I'll continue with follow-up inspections / integr i ty checks. From. Bowers, Bert Sent Tuesday , December 28, 2010 3:03 PM ! 0: l°')'.l)(C)


FW: Patrol .... fyi -. -Original F rom: Bowers , Bert Sent: Tuesday , December 28, 2010 2:2 8, To: r XJXO) Cc: L-----------------1


FW: Patrol r)(l X C> FYI, a closer observation during today's RAD integrity field inspection revealed downed signage /ro pes/ stanchion posts inside the EMS RCA just o/s Building 211 /253. Reference attached photos for add itiona l specifics .... also, per the information f orwarded yesterday , it appears activity specific to "trespassers / vandals" was observed in and around the referenced RCA as well as around the EMS management trai ler. Feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is ne eded. Regards , Bert Bowers Radiation Safety Officer Representative Direc )(1)( I Alternate: p x ixc'> ! Main: 415.67U 990 I Mobile: r)(l)(C) Ii Fax: 415.2 16.2743 Bert.Bowers@tetratech .com Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point *shipyard , 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco, CA 941241 ----Original Message-From: Bowers , Bert Sent: Monday , December 27, 2010 1: 01 P~ Tof x1xc1 I cc!x 1 xc) I '!3 ubject: FW: Patrol D r X1 XC) l Information below is FYI ... after discussing with we both shared the opinion that EMS likely needs to consider the need for integrity ver i fications in and around areas at Building 211/253 -and at the EMS management trailer as well. Feel free to contact me if additional information or fee dback is needed. Regards, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative .. From: Bowers , Bert Sent; Wednesday* December 29 201 o 11 : os AM r (?)(C) I 'S ubject: RE: Hunters Point: Shaw -Area's Subject to NRC license Jurisdiction --Ori inat Messa e--F rom: (b)(7 1(C) [maitto._!(b_)(_7)(_c_) ______ __. Sent: Wednesday, December 29 , 2010 4: 32 AM To: Bowers, Bert E c:!(b)(7)(C)


RE: Hunters Point: Shaw -Area's Subject to NRC Uce11se Jurisdiction

  • sert,
  • We've had personnel perlodlcatty on site perforrmng spot checks , and will have personnel working the 30th (weather permitting).

Dec 30 Activities -Starting at approximate! 1 OOOhrs !(b)(l)(C) .. Jw m be Op's Lead POC. (b)(7)(C) 1 RCT and approximately 5 others to support a water side inspection of the Gun Mole Pier. -3 personnel will be in our 12 foot boat-putting in over at E-2 RCA and maneuvering over to D-1 , then back again to E-2. l (b)(?)(C) Shaw Envi r onmental In c. Hunters Point Shipyard 200 Fisher Avenue ~wmm~. cA 94124 (b)(7)(C) (b)(?)(C) From: Bowers,Bert[mailto


Sent: Tue 12/28/2010 5: 36 PM ~~t b)(7)(C) I -


Hunters Point: Shaw -Area's Subject to NRC license Jurisdiction Regarding the subject line above , was anyone on site as a radiological point of contact yesterday .... i n parallel , will there be a similar onsite presence the res.t of the week (and if so who)? The need for these questions has elevated i n importance as a result of recent trespasser activity! Thanks for confirming , Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative r X J XC) 1 r b)(7)(C) 1 1 , b)(7)(C) 1 D i rect: _I Alternate:! Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile:._ ___ __,! Fax: 415.216.2743 Bert.Bowers@tetratech .com Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Manageme n t Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 941241 From. Bowers, Bert Se n t: Friday, December 31, 20 1 0 5: 08 PM _T o: !(b)(7)(C) ! Subject FW: Patrol ... FYI gents! Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety O cer Re res entaUve Direct: Xl l(C) Alternate: Xl)(C) Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile. I Fax; 415. ert.Bowers@te Tetra Tech E ,e roJect Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco, CA 94124 I Be rti we went to the site yesterday (early afternoon), and put up the ropes 'and1tanchions , We also checked on the security of the storage containers, vehicles, forklift, and trailer. We did not see any evidence of b reak-in or attempted break-in to any of our vehicles, l ocked containers or office trailer. T hanks for the information and photo's , we can compare notes on Monday. l (b)(7)(C) l (b)(7)(C) ' Envi ro nmental Management Services, Inc. an (Ba) Certified Company 150 North Wiget Lane, Suite 101 Walnut Cre F,k CA 9:4596 Telephone:._l (b_)(_ll (_c_J __ _. Fax: (92 938-0105 E-mail: (b)(7)(C) Visit our we site at From: Bowers, Bert Se

  • ber 31, 2010 5: 41 PM To: (b)(7)(C) Cc: (b)(7)(C)


FW: Patrol , (b)(7)(C) While doing today's drive through , I met up with the DOD Pohce Office ho actually encountered some of the prior week's vandals ... specific to the confiscated vehicle tires , he elieves tney came from inside Building 258. Upon further questioning, he confirmed that Building 258 was in fact the location found unlocked and doors w i de open on the back side of the building. The day I went Inside for a "visual" look around, noth i ng looked out of the ordinary and all vehicles parked inside looked OK i.e., tires and all) .... however, If spare tires were staged inside , I would have no way of knowing as such. (b)(7)(C) also confirmed BUIiding 211/253 was also broken In to. Today's drive around revealed nothing out of the ordinary or Tetra Tech controlled areas. (I'll copy you on observation s from th e ERRG work location.) That's lhe latest FYI! .. . Bert * ;:;---Original Me s sageFrom: Bowers , Bert S e nt Monday, December 27, 2010 12: 38 PM To: , (b)(7)(Ci ,Cc: L... -----------------1 Subje c t: RE: Patrol (b)(7)(C) While at the project today , no discrepancies were observed at Building 258 i.e., dur i ng an initial site drive th r u). Whil e al ong th e ba c k s id e of th e building (during a door che c k and inspe c tion) (b)(7)(C) stopped by. In discus s ing the prior events with h i lldlcated the breached" s tructure wasn't Build , stead the "GI lace". At ' that point , I infonne (b)(?) ha t he was re f erring to Building 211/253, not Building 258. At that point (b)(7) nferred with two DOD site po '!lere present with him. They also indicated the event occurred at Bui 1ng 11/25 3. The ' subsequent check (Wit of doors there was satisfactory as well. (I mentioned at that point the need to address RAD awar e ness briefs ed protocol fnvolving "security personne l" spe c ifi c to RCA breaches / trespa s sers / c onfiscated materials.) !(b)(7) f a s ked if Tetra T e ch had an~ veh ic les with tire s missing -he said Ch e vy truck ti re s were confiscated from trespassers (he also said l§.haw'~fleet was unaffected). I completed another drive thru with focus placed on TtECl's vehi c le fleet and s tatus -lncfudlng tho s e i'lslde Bulldfng 258. All of T etra Tech's fleet appeared OK. Beyond vehicle s, nothing else appeared tampered with inside Building 258 as well.... the doors at Building 400 were a l so secure. Note tha J~~r) ~aid h~*a:~ed a guy discovered in the management area parking lot to leave last Thursday ev e n i ng .... parked~;r~ of the EMS trailers ... said he appeared to be living out of his vehicle .... was looking for the "I~ , office" (b (7 rove by lat?r to ~-check the area and the guy was back -n e~:_the new lab trailers -I b.elieve~aid 1 he esc e guy off site this time around. (The doors to the new lab facilities are secure and nothing there appears tampered with.) He said the site has been active the past few days with trespassers .... I'll oontlnue w i th follow-up inspections I integrity checks. Feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Bert REFERENCE 26 F rom: Bowers, Bert Sent: Monda y, January 03 1 2011 2:36 PM To: p x1x ci I S ubject: H"unters Pofnt: Upcoming "Basew i de S u pport" Ass i gnment Needs (ITSI) D reference to the subject line above ( and as follow-up to our conversation earlier this morning), r Kl ) ~ailed to advise ofITSJ plans to hau l Shaw debris originating from Gun Mole Pier beginning tomorrow. Due to the origin of the material (designated for offsite disposal), he ind i cated the debris trucks will need to pass through a portal monitor which -according to Brett, will need to begin at or around I 000 hrs. He went on to say this process will likely continue on through Wednesday-possibly Thursday. Accordingly, please advise if there are issues which could impede the radiological support of ITSI' s upcoming needs. Feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Regards, ... Bert = From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Tuesda January 04, 2011 3:49 PM To: (b)(7)(C) SubJect: unters oint: "Basewlde Support" Needs (lTSI) for Wednesday, January 5, 2011 (b)(7)(C) In reference to the subject line above,~usa~advised that ITS! will continue tomorrow with their ongoing hauling operations Involving the truck portal. Please advise ASAP i f there are issues which could impede the radiological support of ITSI's planned needs. Feel free to contact me if additional information or feedbac k is needed. Regards , Bert I I I I II/ I ////I I I///// II I/ I// I/ I I I////// I I/ I /I I/// If I !II I I II I I I I G rom: Bowers, Bert Sent: Monda , January 03, 2011 2:36 PM o (b)(7 (C) *


Hunters Point: Upcoming "Basewide Support" Assignment Needs (ITSI) In reference to the subject line above (and as follow-up to our conversation earlier this morning), !(b)(7)(C) lcalled to advise of ITSI plans to haul Shaw debris originating .from Gun Mole Pier beginning tomorrow. Due to the origin of the material (designated for offsite disposal), he indicated the debris trucks will need to pass through a portal monitor which -according to ... !(b-)(7-)(-c)"""'! will need to begin at or around 1000 hrs. He went on to say this process will likely continue on through Wednesday -possibly Thursday. Accordingly~ please advise if there are issu es which could impede the radiological support of ITSI's upcoming needs. Feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Regards, Bert = REFERENCE 27 coverage needed tomorrow .... fyi From: Bowers, Bert Sent Tuesday , January 11, 2011 1: 56 PM To: l (b)(7)(C) j C:C: '' *subject: RE: Ra d coverage n eeded tomorrow Thanks for the "heads op" In rele;ce to upi>orning support ne eds. E v ery reasoua.ble effort will b e mode to coor dina te/p r ov id e radiological s up po rt u!l need e d fo Klcinfcldcr'!}ictivilies al the IR07/18 portion of Hunter s P oi n t. ... if~ituat i ons arise which could overextend Tetra Tecl1's avai able r esources (i,e., co ntrn c t driv en, etc), reso lu tion thr(l l t g h project rmin11g emc111, th e Navy, e t c will be pursuerl. fw pl a nn i n g purposes -and to clo ri iy specil i c s as your n (lcds c><ist today , at what time t o1110 1T ow will JR 07/ l 8 opcrn1iuns begin illlll for what <111ra1ion? Al so , please re-cc m fi nn the durntion of yo ur c urrent sc h edu l e au d time fr am es for I R07/18. L ost. yo u presently on s ll e'I I atte mpt e d 10 dro offdosimc 1r fo Kleinfe ld er taft'enr li er la s t week but the n i.~ , office arkin g lot w as lo cke d. Dosimetry for you'l: (.;.: bl ,:.;.(7.:.a.)(C.;..:) __________ ....,.. ____ ...... ..,.........,--,1 nd (b)(7)(C ha s b ee n p re p are d wid is ready for dis 1ri bu , on. ':-'-~11"-'-rn=:'°:'-'n -'-'-'o ,,., r...,..:.:.:aiiiiiiaiii~~.aia.aiaiiiiii..._.:.:..:.......: -=:::...:....a""-'!-"'-!.l..

.==w parnlfol, I need t o furth e r d iscuss/ co n!im1 specifics with you pertinent t c dosime l ry I co m plet in g R WP review s 11s well Please odvise as to when a tim e w ould work for you to ad d ress ex i st i ng needs or Just reel free lo s t op by if you'r e in lh e area. R eg ard s , Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Re resentative r;xl)(C) l ,[, X J Direct r Alternate'. Mai n: 415.6711990 l Mobile* ... r_)(l-)(-C) __ I , Fax: 415.2 16.27431 Bert.Bowers@tetratech.c om , Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point S hipy ar d , 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco , CA 94124 J From: (b)(7)(C)

Sent: ue T o: B w C c: (b)(7)(C) matlto~(b)(l)(C) anuary 11, 2 0 11 11:57 AM S ub ect: coverage ne e tomorrow r u-" A,\\(' H e ll~er}f. we rtquest your rndfo l ogico.l s upport in the lR07/18 area tom o rrow. Pl ease confinn rad lt:ch availability. With o nl y one b asc w 1 i:le rad t.cch avallab l (: fur s u pport (Susan), ii is likel y tbnt w e wJll n eed her help prett y coll!listcntly throu g h o ut our sa mpling t\'Orlt. Thanks! (b)(7)(C) 133 0 Broadway, Sui te 1200 Oakland , CA 94612 o 4.._j (b)-(7)(-C) _....,l cl!(b)(7)(C) I f I s10.a2a.eoo9 \ From: Bowers, Bert Se

  • ary 02, 2011 11:00 PM To: (b)(7)(C) '"S ub ect: Hunte rs Point: Tetra Tech Do s imetry Program f1 einfelder patt {1st Qtr 2011 Request) (b)(7)(C)

I h ave dosimetry m!ide up for you r :staff as requested e:xcept for those highlighted be lo w i n yellow. I'll be in toucJ1 tomorrow to di scuss specifics. Regard~, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer R epresen tativ e l lb)(1 K C) l D) Direct t 'A}temate Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile:_l'b-)(-?)-(C-) __ I I Fax: 41 5.216.2743 Bert.Bow ers@l etratec Tetra Tech EC I F i eld Pro ject Management Hunters Point Shipyard , 200 Fishe r Ave I San Franc i sco , CA 94124 I ,..From:!(b)(l)(C) k mallt o ,...~b ,.,..,)(7 ,...)(C .... ) ,..,..,.."'ll'TT"---'~ 1 Sent: Friday, December 17, ~010 10:06 AM J o: Bowers, Bert Subject RE: l1ECI, Hunters Point: Upcoming Holiday 'g tand Down ... Hell o B ert, l wo ul d l ike t o h ave I 11 Q u ar t er 20 I I dosime t ry fo r the follow in g staff involved i rt CE2/K l einfc l de~Jfiel t.l eve nts: (b)(l)(C) With th at, happ y holida ys t o you tool Mak'e it a r elaxing one. Cheers LJ om: Bowers, Bert [3] nt: Thursda y, Dec:ember 16, 2010 1:34 PM $XJ XC) I : )(J)(6 j .


FW: TtEO , Hunters Point: Upcoming Holiday Stand Down ... As a fo ll o"*up to th e previou s emai l (see b elo w), please e n s ure t h at any rernai11 i ng dosimetry for yo,Jr group i s placed on a Tetra Tech co ll ec-tio n ruck before duy'b e nd t omot'l'ow. Likcwi~e. pl e a se respond to this e mail with II li st of pel'sonnel -if any

  • for whom I" Quarter 2 011 dosimetry will he needed.
  • As alwa ys, fee l fre~ to co ntact me i f additiona l information or feedback i s needed. Many thanks in advan ce and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Regards, Bert Bowers I Radia t ion Safe ty Officer Repres.entatiVe Direct: ... r_x'_l(C_) __ _,!1 Altemate= ... r_x ,_xc_) __ __,, Main: 415.671.1990 I Mobile:._F_')(l_x c_) __ _,! r Fax: 4 15.2 16.2743 Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Fie ld Project Management Hunte rs Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave I San Francisco, CA 94124 I From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:26 PM To: fbX 1 XC> (bXJ J(C) j ~u bject: TtEO, Hunters Point: Upcoming Holiday Stand Down ... All , n; R egar ding-the s ubje c t Line above, 2010 end-of-year fie ld activities i ncluding those subject to radiologica l support under TtECJ's NRC Material License ii 29-31396-0J , are sc hedul ed to wrap up on Fri day , December 17, 2010. A plann ed two week st.anti down will be in effect thereafter for the holidays. Before beginning the st and down , ii is important that all personnel with dosime t ry assigned under TtECJ's monit o rin g program* place their "4th quarter 2010" devices on a designated bad ge rack. Dosimetry badge racks recognized for thi s puzpose are l oca ted jus t inside eithe r of the two entrances l o the 'liEC manft8emcnt trai l e r s; another is available at tbe Building 400 meeting area Gus t inside th e main access door). DuriJ1g th e smnd down, dosimetry will be changed ou t to meet protocol spe cific to the upcoming I st Quarter 201 J" wear period. Aller lhe holid ays and upon return to lbe project (Monday. January 3. 201 1). new dosimetry can be picked up at the wnc hnd ge rack where "4th quart e r 20 1 0" dosime t ry was l eft. Thanks in advance for yo11r help in ensu r ing 1he aforementioned need s are met, thus providing for a smooth tro.n~ilion into 20 1 l. A s always, feel free to coiu.-'tct 111e if additional infonn11lion or feedback is needed. Bert

  • TI.EC, RSRS, NWU, Shaw , KlemCeldt:1 , ERRO ruu l rrsr J)CIS(lnncl (includin~

suboontracton) u smg dosimetry dc~lcc.~ i~8ucd by TtEC Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative D;m .. D I Altemate , o)( l Main: 415.6 71.1990 I Mobile._l (b_H 7_)(_c) ___ Fax: 415.2 16.2 743 Bert.Bowers @tetratech.c om Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Point Shipyard, 200 Fisher Ave J San Francisco. CA 94124 I = REFERENCE 28 From: (i:l)(?)(C) Sent: u ay, J anu ary 11, 2011 5:05 PM Jo: Bower s, Bert


RE: S urv ey of NWT Equ i pmen t Send it to her direct l y l (b)(7)(C) Direct . ._!(b_):?_J(C_) _ ___.! 1 Ce1i-!(b)(?)(C) l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech I Remediation 200 Fisher Avenue I San Francisco CA 94124] www.te m PLEASE NOTE This message, tncludlng any attachments , may include confide ntial and/or inside information. Any d ist ribut i on o r use of th i s communrcation by anyone o ther than the i ntended recipient is strict l y prohib i ted and may be unlawf..Jt. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by replying to thi s message a n d t hen delete i t from your system rl; Think Green

  • Not every e ma il needs to b e print ed. From: Bowers , Bert Sent: Tuesda y, January 11 , 2011 2:42 PM To:!(b)(7)(C)

I , ~ubject: FW: Survey of NWT Equipment (b)(7)(C) In referenc e t (b)(l)(C) equest (be l ow), ha s th e correspo ndin g sur vey do cumentatio n -finalized on Jan 3r d -already bee n prov i ded o ano er NWE entity? Th a nks, Bert . From: (b)(l)(C) [mailto~L.(b_)(7_)(_c) ____ __, Sent: ue s ay, anuary 11, 2 011 10:37 AM To: Bowers, Bert *subject: lab s urvey Happy New Years! Hope you bad a w o nd erfu l holiday s ea son. I have a request. I wo uld lik e to ha ve a co py of tbe hunt ers point final lab s urv ey r e port for our records. Thank you, (b)(7)(C) From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Monda January 03, 2011 9:56 AM Jp: (b)(7)(C)


FW: S urv ey of N wr Equipment (b)(7)(C) In reference to the subject line above. the requested release documentation i s attached. Please advise if additional information or feedback is needed. Regards, Bert B owers I R a diat i on S a fety O ffi c e r Rep r e s e n tative D l*re d:X: x ci I l (b)(l)(C) I 4 15.216.27 4 3 .... ___ ___,_ _ I Al te rna t e: D x >< > M ai n: 41 5.67 1. t9 9 0 I M obile:j F ax: Bert.Bowers Tetra Tech EC I Field Project Management Hunters Poin t Shipyard , 200 F i sher Ave I San Francisco, CA 94 1 24 I From: Bowe r s, Bert Se~'.; ThuC5f.lav Oerernbec ~o, 2010 9:33 AM To: (b)(7)(C) I Cc: _ Sub i..1ect:--* ... RE-: S .... u_rv_e_y_o...., f ,_N __ WT~ E q ui p ment (b)(7)(C) I------' o confirm com pletion status ofrelease surveys for the NWE lab and equipment within. ;1.,.,. .......... _._ ...... He indicated . at an s on" surveys were i n fact finished -with the l as t series being cond u cted on Friday , December 17ih (a final set of smears was submitted to the NWE Jab for processing t h at S3.!l1e d~y). S 'ti

  • h' h (b)(l) d I pect 1c to the corresponding survey report, not mg as yet crossed my desk c in icatea tnat s mear samples t urned in to the lab through last Friday were d one so on schedule.

Subseque n t a results for those samples (along with a fina li zed survey report -development also presumed on sched ul e), shoul d be anticipated on Monday, January 3~ . Being tha~s off on Monday, !'II fo ll ow up first thing with the la ay to ensure the smear results were provided in support of survey r eport generation. Again, as indicated b 1: b)(7) 'and as observed in the past with processes such as this}, all appears on sc hedule for t hat to happen within e maround timeframe presently in use .... I'll continue to monitor ongoing status and forward the finalized s urvey report once it becomes available. Oest regards and "HAPPY NEW YEAR" to you and yours! Bert . .. From:!(b)(7)(C) Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2 01 0 12:35 PM T o: Bowers Bert ~: (b)(7)(C) Su6J : urvey o f N WT E q uipm ent Bert, Did we finish t h e outgoing survey of the NWT T .ah equipment1 If yes, can you scan the survey sheets for me to provide to NWT. (b)(7) 1 (C) e nds .... _. From: Bowers, Bert sen t: Thursday, December 30, 2010 9:37 AM To: li6ji7)(C) I -§.b]ect: FW: S urvey of N WT Equipme n t r)(?)(C) See below FYI.. ... this will be a high priority item come Monday morning ... please Jet me know if there are delays/ issues in getting that rele ase survey out timely! Thanks in advance, BB From: Bowers, Bert Se~t; Thursday Qecembec , o, 2010 9: 33 AM To. (b)(7)(C) Cc: L----------1 S ubject: RE: S u rvey of N wr Eq u ipment (b)(7)(C) I talked wit (b)(l)(C) to confirm completion status of release surveys for the NWE lab and equipment wit m. em cated that "hands on" surveys were in fact finished -with the last ser ies being conducted on Friday, December 1 ?1h (a final set of smears was submitted to the NWE l ab for processing that same day). (b)(7)(C) Specific to the corresponding survey report, nothing has yet crossed my desk. indicated that smear samples turned in to the lab through last Friday were done so on sc edule. Subsequent lab results for those samples (along with a finalized survey report-development a l so presumed on schedule), should be anticipated on Monday, January 3rd_ Being tha (b)(?)(C) is off on Monday , I'll follow up first thing with the lab that day to ensure the smear resu were provided in suppo11 of survey report generation. Again, as inclicated by (b)(7)(C) (and as observed in the past with processes such as this), all appears on schedule forthat to happen within the turnaround timeframe presently in use .... I'll continue to monitor ongoing status and forward the finalized survey report once jt becomes avai l able. Best regards and " HAPPY NEW YEAR" to you and yours! Bert l (b)(7)(C) I 'From: i... ____ _,_ Sent: Wed nesd a y, D ece m ber 29, 2010 1 2:3 5 PM To: Bowers B ert C c: (b)(7)(C) .,,. SuHJe : urv ey of NWT Equ i p ment . Be~ D i d we finis h the outgoing survey of th e NWT Lab equipmen t? lfyes, can you scan the survey sheets fo r me t o provide to NWT. (b)(7) (C) sends .... REFERENCE 29 f rom: Bowers , Bert S ent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 2:36 PM T o: 'susan.a n drews@tetratech .com' "su bject: FW: Rad coverage needed tomorrow Susan-(b)(7)(C) I spoke w is PM .... Stop by and I'll update you on ex isting plans. Thanks, B ert I From: Bowers , Bert Sent: Tuesday , Ja nu ary 11, 2011 1:56 PM To:!(b)(7)(C) I Cc: '' SUbject: RE: Rael coverage needed t omorrow Hi (b)(7)(C) Thanks for th e "heads up"' in reference to upcoming suppo rt needs. Every r easonable effort wiJJ be made to coordinate/provide r ad i ological s upp ort as needed forIBJeinfe lder~ac tiviti es at th e IR07/l 8 portion of Hunter s Point .... if si tuat ions arise which coulcr overextena'Tetra Tech's availab le resources (i.e., contract driven , etc), reso l ution through p r oject manageme nt , th e Navy , etc wi ll be pursued. For p lanning purposes -and to clarify spec i fics as your needs exis t today , at what time tomorrow wi ll (R07 /18 opera t ions beg i n -and for what duration? Also , please re-cou.finn the duration of your current sc hedul e and time frames for I R07/18. I , , arc yo u presently on s i t e? I attempted t o drop off dosimetry fo~ein f e ld e r *tuff earlier last week bul the g ale to the field office p ar king l ot wa s l o cked. Do s imetry fo r you (b)(7)(C) !(b)(7)(C) I and (b)(?)(C) as been p._r e_p_a-rc-.--an---. .... 1.-s __. ready for distribution. (A Radiation Work Permit review an s1 1 o f for 20 11 i s sti ll needed. ln arallel , I need to further discu ss I confirm spec ifi cs wirth you pe rtin e nt l (b)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C) efore rel easing their dos im etry/ co mplet ing RWP r ev i ews as w ... e ........ ------Pl ease advise as to w h en a time would work for you to address existing needs -or just feel free t o stop by i f you 're in the area. Regards, Bert Bowers I Radiation Safety Officer Representative Direct r Jl(C) l Alternate: l (b)(?)(C) 1 , Main: 415.671 1990 I Mobile: l (b)(?)(C) 1 1 Fax: 4 15.2~0.2143 . . ----~ REFERENCE 30 , , (b)(7)(C) Hunters Point: RSOR Observation w P a rc e l Eat Mill P e nin s ula Im p ort Pile "a s found" .... angl e #1 unauthorized Water station Staged Vs RCA Jan2011 .. Parcel Eat Mill Peninsula Im p ort Pile "a s found" .... angle #2 -J a nuary 2011 REFERENCE 31 From: Bowers, Bert SeJt; Tuesday January 18, 2011 8:43 AM .!9: (b}(7)(C) I


RE: Sealed Sources ... ju st now seeing thi s! From: IL..(b_l(7_)(C_) __ __, Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 6:41 AM To: Bowers, Bert


Sealed Sources Bert, When you get a chance, could you do an inventory of radioactive sources that TtEC owns a1 HPS. I believe we st ill have a couple Tc-99 sources and a Sr-90/Y-90 s ource fro (b)(l)(C) !(b)(7)(C) (lock er. And if you could scan a copy of the sou r ce certificate paperwork that wou d b e great. Thank s! l (b)(7)(C) I . (b)(7)(C) P .S. ~n chance you have a copy of the source certificates for the sources you sen at Lowry? If you don't , no big deal, but if you already had them available somewhere, i f would be help . l (b)(7)(C) Direct!(b)(7 J:C) !1 Fax. 757.461 41461 Cell: l (b)(?)(C) """l (b)=(1J=(cJ~-----,I Tetra Tech EC I ESQ Twin Oaks, Su i te 309 , 5700 Lake Wnght Dr iv e I Norfolk, VA 23502 I PLEASE NOTE: This message , including any attachments, may include confident i al and/or inside Information. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the Intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawfu l If you are not t he intended recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message an d th en delete it from your system. Think Green -Not e very email needs to be printed. = REFERENCE 32 From: .... l (b_)(7_)(C_) __ __, S e nt: Tuesday, Jan u ary 18, 2011 9:0 1 AM To: Bowers, Bert 'Su b j ect: RE: Description of Events Hi .Bert. I was hoping to have something today. We have a meet i ng at noon to discuss. I'll see what I can do ...... ln the meantime, keep working on it. On the locks: that was the result of trying to get TlDs to issue. I moved SSN documents that I could identify to a locked cabinet. Working on a lock for the doo r. Tetra Tech EC I ESQ Twin Oaks. Su i t e 309 , 5700 Lake Wnght Dnve I Norfolk VA 23502 www.t PLEASE NOTE This message Including any attachments. may 1nclud11 conlldenllal and/or lnsldA 111101 r1111llo11 Any dls1rlbutlo11 01 use o l th is communication by anyone othe r than 1111:: rnte111Jetl 1ec,µierit 1s s t11 clly piohlb1ted and may lie unlowlul II you a r e 110 1 lhe intended t ecipienl. pleas e notify l he sender tiy replying lo this message anll men deJele 1 1 hom you, systern T hi n k Gree n

  • Not every email need s t o b e printed. From: Bo we r s, B ert Sent: Tu es d a Ja n u a ry 18, 2011 11 : 3 9 AM To: (b)(7)(C)

'Su bject: RE: Description o f Events H i there -I fina ll y figured out what was preventing me from connecting to the Tetra Tech netwo r k just this morning! I'm still plugging away at this document... been up "o ff and on" a ll night. F inally had to make myse l f break away for a spe ll. From my perspect i ve r egarding level of detail , I could take close to a w ee k to complete just a first stab at this. I know t h at's not reasonable, but how l ong ca n you give me based on your needs/ timeframes .... while I will most likely beat it , is a target of noon tomorrow fair? On another front , I spoke again w i th )~fl arly thi s mornin g ... conversat i on i ncluded the RASO topic we discussed yesterday .... she stated a erwards

  • in h er words " that's i mportant to know thanks for sharing that with me." She went on to say tha t fu rt her dis cuss i o ns invo lving you and~ould ensue. I failed to mention that " l ocked and secured" portions of my office were forcibly bro~~n yesterday

... I would recomm e nd t ha t a "ke y and lock" door kn ob be insta ll ed on the office door at this point. f)(l)(C) *f neede d , call me a ... (b-)(-?)(_C_) __ _,, (if t hat doesn't work,._ ____ ___, Bert Bert Bowers Radiation Safety ~t ative Direct.Cb x,x c) I Al t ernate: XJX c) I Main; 415.671.1990 I Mobile:!(b)(?)(C) ! I Fax: 4 1 5.216.2743 ----B Tet r a Tech EC I Fiel d Projec t Management Hu nters Point Sh i pyard, 200 Fishe r Ave I San F rancisco, CA 94 1 24 I www.te From: !(b)(7)(C) I Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:53 AM To: Bowers, Bert SUbject: Description of Events Bert, Do you have your statement completed, or an estimated time of comp leti on? Thanks! (b)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech EC I ESQ Twin Oaks. SlJite 309, 5700 Lake Wright Drive I Norfolk. VA 23502 I www.t et rat ec h.c o m PLEASE NOTE: This message. including any attac h ments. may include confidential and/or inside informa ti on. Any distribut i o n or us e of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are 'lO t t he intend ed recipient. please notify the sender by reply i ng to this message and then delete it from your system. Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. f It J TETRA TECH EC , INC January 31, 2011


Tetra Tech EC, Inc. Designation of Authorized Users for Contract Task Order 6 Alameda Point, Alameda, CA Materials License No. 29-31396-01 Docket Number 030-38199 Authorized users (A Us) must have adequate training and experience to use, possess, or provide ~ervices involving licensed materials. Duration of training and experience should be commensurate with the expected hazards that may be *encountered during routine and emergency condition.c::. (b)(7)(C) In accordance with license co ndition 11 , the ha s d e tennined that the L--,-----:---:;-' following individuals have the nece ss ary tra1111ng an e xperience described in App e ndix H of r)(?)(C) I Ber] Bowers l (b)(?)(C) l (:NU:R~E-G_*_l5_5_6._V_o_lu_m_e_l_8_:_ln~.B.o.iiliLet~~


l (b)(ll(C) Thes e individuals are hereby d esignated as authorized u se rs of radioactive material license No. 29-31396-01, for license activities perfonned at Alameda Point in Alameda, California during the execution of contract task order 6. (b)(7)(C) -1 etra Tech EC, In c. Twin Oak s I , Suite 309 5700 Lake Wright Drive Norfolk , VA 23505 TWIN OAK S I , SUITE 309 , 5700 LAKE WRIGHT DRIVE , NOR FO LK ,V A 23502 TEL 757 .461.3768 FAX 757,461.4148 WWW. TTE'Cl,COM REFERENCE 38 B ert Bo we rs Go a ls at A l ameda P r oject ./ 1. Develop a series of training briefs on all Alameda Site specific radiolog i cal SOPs for use at Alameda. / 2. Upload train l ng records , sea l ed source inventories , MOU , dosimetry and weekly survey records for Alameda onto the TtEC NRC record sharepoint site. 3. Work with the RSOR to Monitor Radiolog i ca l subcontractor costs through the PO tracker. / 4. Ass i st the RSOR in complet i ng daily rad i o l og i cal reports to the Navy . ./ 5. Assist the RSOR in other adm i nistrative funct i ons as required. / 6. Ma i ntain a visible , physical presence dur i ng rad i ation work so that you are accessible to the RCTs and rad i ation workers; and so you can more quickly Identify and address any c_oncerns. If you identify concerns during work, address them immed i ate l y , I n person , with the RCTs onsite. / 7. Serve as the on-shift HP Supervisor for the Alameda pro j ect , ensuring compliance with our NRC license , RASO/Navy requ i rements , and Work Plan requirements. 8. In the event you Identify a concern , verify that the concern conflicts with ex i sting work plans , SOPs or wr i tten guidance. Once the conflict ha s been verified as a valld concern , address It at the lowest leve l. If I t cannot be resolved , then cont i nue eleva ti ng your concern up the command undl It i s resolved. Wh i le you a l ways have the right to contact RASO or the NRC directly , resolution of issues with l 11 TtEC is always prefe r red , since It will take personnel within TtEC to correct whate v er defic i ency may exist. Start resolution of i ssues with the Rad Contro l *

  • on wo ker. Elevate issues u the cha i n-of-command I n the followln orde r. (b)(7)(C)

--7~ 9. Do not enter into shouting matches with other s i te personnel. W~lle tensions and pressures may make this dlfficult , as the HP Superv i sor , you need to ma i ntain a cool and calm demeanor through resolution of issues and concerns. (b)(7)(C)

10. Ope r ate within the budget established for the HP S u perv i sor posit i on at Alameda. Do not exceed th i s budget without first getting the PM's approval for the additional hours. /_ z. s-: I I } /'-'U I ~.f--<-'~ .r-'"-<-L c---1) .,.~,*.

REFERENCE 39 From: Bowers, Bert Seflt: Wednesda ebrtJary 09, 2011 3:30 PM To: (b)(7)(C) Cc: SUI:>...,,~ ~:""l"f'll'r.'

-;: Ch::::-a::-: n~ges to Corporate Procedures (b)(7)(C)

Per our p h one conve r sation Just com pleted-and as dctaih!d below, lh c "Changes 10 CorpoMc Proceaures" n otice generate d by (b)(7) for review with l he HP S RAD s taff has heen add r essed. (C) Thank s for co n1imu ng! Bert Bow e rs Su ervislng ESQ Scientist l Naval Air Station Alameda D 7)(C l Cell: (b)(7)(C) I Ma in: 510.523.4825 1 Fax: 510.523.40631 Alternate: x Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Env i ronmental Safety and Quality 2000 Kollmann C i rcle , Unit C I Ala meda , CA 94501 From: l~(b-)(7)-(C ,-lSent: Monday, Ja!!nu~a~.J: 1.!=!0&..-'l.u..i.....i.a..L..J~-, To: Bowers, Bert; (b)(7)(C)


Chang...: J..~--=:r.:,!'f:':=:r. u:-::res~-.... A s a follow up to an earlier e-maiJ: Our NR C icensc req uire s that the l icensee's staff is trained in c han ges to procedures prior to implementa t ion." I hav e ult.ached a powerpoin l highlighting the cha n ges lo lb e corpo rate pro ce dure s . .By and lar ge, th e ob.ange s reDect what our current practices are. If you co uld p lease pr o vid e trainin g to R C T s and J IP s upervi so r s u s ing thi s iofonnation (or a differen t version pro v iding essentia ll y the same informat i on), document the training via a s ign-in s heet, and forward cop i es of s ign off s heet s (or equivalent) to m e, that would be fantastic. AJso, we have a new a udit c heckli st that I will be usin g durin g annual intern a l audits. I'v e atta c hed th at a s w e ll , so h opefully nobody is s urpri se d during audits. I know every b ody i s busy , and I hat e to drop t h is on everyone , but it's o ne of the things w e need co do ..... Give me a call a t lL., (b-)(-7)(-C-) __ I if you have an y qu estio n s, comments o r c oncern s .... T hank s! Direct: (b)(7)(C) I Fax* 757.461.4 148 I Cell: (b){l)(C) ---====---, l (b)(7)(C) T e t ra Tech EC t ESQ Twin Oaks , S 1 J/te 309, 5700 Lake Wright Drive I N orfolk , VA 23502 j www.te tra PLEASE NOTE. Th i s message. including any attachments. may include confidential and/or I nside information. Any dlstribulion or use of t his communication by anyone other than the intended rectplent Is strictly prohibited an d may be un l awful II you are nol the intended re cipient. please not i fy the sender by replying to this messa g e and then delete ii from your sys tem Think Green

  • Not every email needs to be printed.

From: Bowers, Bert Sent: T h u rsday. Februa ry 10, 201112:15 PM To: !(b)(7)(C) ! su bject: Alameda: TIEC N RC Recor d Sharepolnt Site '(b)(7)(C) I In regards to the s ubject Jine above, 1 need a recommended navigation pathway in order to ga i n initial access the referenced site. Thanks in advance, Berl B ert B owers I 5m~ervislng ESQ Scientist I Naval A i r Station Atarned t Cell:!(b)(7)(C) j I Ma in* 510 523.482 5 I Fa x: 510. 523.4063 l Alternate~u c , Bert. Bowers@tetra L--------Te t ra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 2000 Kollmann Circle , Unit C I Alameda , CA 94501 = l (b)(7)(C) From: L.. --,---~ Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 4:29 AM


Daily ESQ Topics 3-3-2011 Stress in the workplace Daily ESQ Topic March 3, 2011 STRESS IN THE WORKPLACE Recently released research from the New York-based Families and Work Institute found 41 percent of workers who responded to a survey on workplace stress reported experiencing stress " often" or " very often* on the job. Although small doses of stress are n ot harmful, situations in which stress is very high or constant can create serious problems , according to NIOSH. Far from being a mere annoyance, stress can play a larger role in more serious , chronic illnesses when it persists for long periods of time , studies suggest. Research indicates stress can increase an employee's risk of developing cardiovascular disease and musculoskeletal disorders, particularly in the back and upper extremities. There also is growing concern that high levels of workplace stress can increase job inju ries by interfering with safe work practices. Dismissing concerns of stress in the workplace may be detrimental to the health and well-being of the workforce. Stress and your health The link between high levels of workplace stress and the development of cardiovascular disease seems to have garnered the most attention from researchers. One of the factors linking the two may be the propensity for stressed individuals to make unhealthy life choices. Lyle H. Miller has been studying stress for 30 years. Currently , he directs the Bio Behavioral Institute, a nonprofit research organization focused on stress and behavioral health , and is chairman and CEO of Boston-based Stress Directions Inc., which provides consulting services to employers. In his work with police officers , Miller found certain measures workers take to control their stress can exacerbate the issue. "They drink too much coffee on the job ," he said. " And one of the things that coffee does is it liberates adrenaline from the adrenal gland, which is part of the stress response. So they raise their level artificially ." Because stress does not magically disappear when an officer is off duty , he or she may look for ways to manage it at home. "O ften , one of the solutions for the officer is, Well , just a little drink will calm me down. And if one work s, well, maybe two would work even better ,'" Miller said. A 2007 University of Melbourne study examining the relationship between smoking habits and job stress found men who experience " moderate* or " extreme* job stress were twice as likely to smoke as other workers. Yet the negat ive health effects of stress are not limited to poor lifestyle choices. A 2008 study of British civil servants found that people with the most severe levels of job stress had a 68 percent higher risk of developing heart disease. Although this was linked , in part , t o the stressed workers' propensity for unhealthy foods and forgoing exercise , biological factors were identified as well. The stressed workers were found to have lower heart rate variability and increased levels of cortisol , which can damage heart and blood vessels. Adjusting for lifestyle factors did not impact the relationship between stress levels and cardiovascular health. NIOSH warns that the effects of job stress on chronic diseases can be diffi c ult to determine because these diseases can take a long time to develop and are i nfluenced by factors o ther than stress. Past r esear c h li nks stress not only to card i ovascular disease, but also to musculoskeletal disorders , psychological disorders , suicide , cancer , ulcers and impaired immune function. Common workplace stressors Rather than pointing to individual personal i ty tra i ts that make a person more prone to stress , NIOSH contends that working condit i ons play a primary role i n causing job stress. Paul J. Rosch , M.D., is president of the American Inst i tute of Stress , a Yonkers , NY-based nonprofit organization. Rosch agrees with NIOSH's assessment and points to the following as common causes of workplace stress:

  • Task design: Heavy workload , long work hours, infrequent breaks , routine tasks , not enough time to complete a job
  • Management style: Little participation in making decisions, little control over the finished product, poor communication , lack of family-friendly policies , little recognition for good job performance
  • Interpersonal relationships
Poor social environment and lack of support from workers or supervisors
prejudice or discrimination because of race , religion , gender or age
  • Work roles: Conflicting or uncertain job expectations , too much responsibility , too many bosses or " hats to wear"
  • Career concerns:

Job insecurity

lack of opportunity for growth, advancement or promotion
  • Environmental concerns: Unpleasant or dangerous physical conditions such as crowding, noise, air pollution , ergonomic issues and fear of exposure to toxic chemicals

" Also , many times , the issues of stress at work are really not issues with work per se ," Miller said. Not only can a worker's personal Jife impact one's levels of workplace stress , but " i t has to do with other things that impact on work like , for instance , traffic. By the time the person gets there , their level o f stress has gone up considerably , so it just takes a few more thi n gs on the j ob t o really trigger some unfortunate k i nds of reactions." Although certain high-risk , fast-paced i ndustries may be more prone to stress , Steven Sauter , coordinator of NIOSH's Work Organization Stress-Related Disorders Program and co-author of NIOSH's do c ument " Stress ... at work ," said the institute believes stress results from the job itself , rather than from the wor k er. " We don't think so much about the personality of the indiv i dual worker ," he said. " We look at the job c ontext and what i t is the job requires of them and the types of stressful working conditions that employees encounter in the workplace." M i ller says personality plays a large role in the level of stress a worker may exper i ence. " For e x ample ,* he said , " if you don't particularly like people , then stay out of retair sales." Some indicators point to st r ess becoming more prevalent as the e c onomy worsens and more workers fear unemployment. "Numerous surveys c onfirm that the recent progressive downturn in the economy has resulted i n a corresponding sharp increase i n job stress due to job loss, and job insecurity as a result of layoffs and downsizing ,* Rosch sa i d. Warning signs of stress " The first warning signs of stress are primarily emotional , and anger is one of the first ones ," M i ller sa i d. When w o rkers find themselves feeling these emot i ons more quickly or more intensely than they normally would , it is an indicator of high stress levels. " Muscle contraction headaches , or tension headaches , are one of the really early physical signs ," he said , as are intestinal issues such as heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Additionally, according to the American Institute of Stress , workers suffering from stress may experience shortness of breath , hair loss, changes in appetite , fatigue or panic attacks. Miller draws a dist i nction between acute stress and the more dangerous chronic stress. "When you're under acute stress , you know you're stressed ," he said. "But when it's chronic stress , it becomes so much a part of the landscape of your life that you don't even realize i t's there and it just grinds on and on and on. It just wears people out , wears their immune system out so that they develop all kinds of diseases." The impact on safety Although the link between stress and worker health is becoming stronger through a wide range of studies , the impact stress has on the safety of workers is not as well-known. " The data are weaker for injuries [being related to stress) than they are for illnesses ," Sauter said. " But I would say the weight of the evidence points to a linkage between both stress and illness and workplace injury." NIOSH calls for more research , yet cites " growing concern" that stress can lead to incidents by interfering with safe work practices. In a recent survey of nurses conducted by the American Nurses Association in Silver Spring , MD, 80 percent said on-the-job stress levels i mpact workplace safety, and 59 percent of nurses said when they feel pressured they are more inclined to work faster and take shortcuts. "Accident levels go up dramatically when stress climbs,* Miller said, pointing out stress also can increase the incidence of workplace bullying and violence. Steps workers can take to manage stress In addition to workplace modifications, NIOSH recommends workers try to better manage their job stress levels by taking the following actions:

  • Develop a strong social support system in the workplace.

A co-worker or other ally who is available to talk through problems can help put things in perspective and minimize stress.

  • Take a break to avoid "burnout." Even something as brief as a walk around the block can help clear your head and distance you from stressors, enabling you to return to the job with a fresh outlook.
  • Set realistic expectations for the amount of work you can complete in the time you have available.

Do not attempt to take on more than you can reasonably handle.

  • Recognize you are not perfect and every minor detail in your work will not be perfect either.
  • Try to remain organized and keep your work area free of clutter, which can add to stress.
  • Avoid negativity and negative people, and try to maintain a positive attitude about your work and your co-workers.


htt p://www. nsc. or g/sa f e 11 *hea/th/Pa g es/3. J 1 Stressinthewor kp lace fe ature. as p x

  • Please note that the Daily ESQ Topic emails are meant to briefly describe issues that we may encounter both on and off the job. While the tips do include a substantial amount of helpful hints and information there is always more that could be added if further researchetl They are (b)(l)(C)

!!f!.! designed to he a full informational publication .on a particular topic a11d t/1erejote I encourage n11yone who is seeking extra information to ple,ue research it at tl,eiJ* leisure. i l (b)(7)(C) Direct (b)(?)(C) Direct Fa)( * ... r_x ,_xc_> ___ I Cell* l (b)(l)(C) Tetra Te c h l FC 2200 Wilson Blvd. Suite 400 I Arhngtori , Virgmla 2220 1 I WWw.tetratechfc .co m PLEASE NOTE: This message, lncludlng any attachments, may include confidential and/or inside Information , Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the Intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your syslef!'l. Thi n k Green -Not every email needs to be printed. = REFERENCE 40 From: Bowers, Be rt Se

  • ebruary 09 , 2011 9:12 AM To: (b)(7)(C)

Sut; : aval Air Station Alameda: Tetra Tech "PO Trac ker, RAD EMAC TASK 6, Site 17

  • Seaplane Lagoon (WE: 020411) E] Since the "long term" duration of my Alameda assi~rnen sugges t th at J be added to yo ur <listribution, but leave (b)(7)(:::) notice. Thanks for the cordial "Welcome"!

yet to be dete1mined , I would n as well.. .. at least until further Bert Bowers etvising ESQ Scientis-t I Naval Air Station Alamed D 1 Cell: (b)(7)(C) I Main-510.523 4825 l Fax. 510.523.40631 Alternate. Bert. m Tetra Tech EC *I Environmental Safety and Quality 2000 Kollmann C i r cle, Unit C I Alameda , CA 94501 www.t e //III/IJIIIII/II//I/I//IIIIIII//IIIIIIII/IIIIIIIIIII/II/IIII/II/I From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Th rch 31, 2011 3:26 PM To: (b)(7)(C) Cc: L-----


Bert Bowers: Completion of Alameda Assignment p)(7)(C) I In reference to the s ubject line above, thi s correspondence confinns today's 2:47 PM ph one notification that tomorrow , April I, 20 1 1 will conclude Tetra Tech EC's support needs specific to Project No. 106.40440006 (RAD EMAC Task 6 , IR-17 Seaplane Lagoon). Regard s, Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 2000 Kollmann C ircle , Unit C I Alameda, CA 94501 = From: Bowers, Bert Sent~ Thurs ruary 10, 201112:22 PM To: (b)(7)(C) SubJect: RE: Alameda: TIEC NRC Reoord Sharepoint Site (b)(7)(C) Thank s for the link -I' I I go visit it! Regarding access to Alameda S

  • I was directed yesterday by (b)(l)(C) i.e., so as to work off current SOP's). (bl (7 J (C) pointed out a "bard copy" om er w *ch inc u es a ll active Alameda RAD SOP's for wor er current and active contracts.

The re is also a CD in the front cover w/ the same in PDF format. To " make life easier" , it would be nice to access Alameda SOP's in word format (from where ever such a source mi g ht be) s o as lo more easily import and modify for training purposes .... from your end, m* something handy in that regard? If not, I'll keep digging some more whe n I see (b)(?)(C) again. Thanks , Bert From: (b)(l)(C) Sent: ursday, February 10, 201110:38 AM To: Bowers, Bert Subject RE: Alameda: TtfC NRC Recnrd Sharepolnt Site Bert , Here you go: htt p s:// p x By the way: Have you had a chance to put together any training not es on Alameda procedures yet? (I'd like to be able to s how the NRC we're formalizing our training a littl e more ..... ) Thanks! ((b)(7)(C) l Direc t (b)(7)(C) I Fax: 757.*61 ~148 1 Ce!l (b)(l)(C) Tetra Tech EC I E S Q Twin O ak&, S u ite 309, 570 0 La k e Wtlghl D rive I N orfolk , VA 23502 I www.tetra m PLEASE N OTE: This rm,ssaye , Including any attachments , may Include confidenhal and/or inside 1nfo 1 ma1 1 on. A n y d i stribution or use of t his communtca t lon b y a n yone o th er t h a n tho Intended recipient is shictly prohibi t ed and may be un l awful , If yoLI are not t he Intended recipient, please notify the sende 1 by replying t o thi s message and then dele t e It from your system Think Green -Not e very email needs to be printed. RAD Safety Topic: Fire s and Radioactive Materials Vi cto ria. tx: Tru c k carrying radioacti¥e material crashes, catches fire June 15, 2010: A pickup carrying radioactive material crashed and caught fjre early Monday morning. The pickup crashed with another truck, which carried a crane. No one was injure d. The truck fire was containe d to the engine area, but a hazardous material unit was called out to conduct radiation tests. The tests were negative, according to a press release from the Victoria County Sheriff's Office. The truck, owned by PetroChem Inspection Services in Corpus Christi, carried an X-ray machine used in oil fields and *chemical plants. It was carrying radium 192, said Victoria Fi re Department Batta li on Chief Roger Hempe l , but none of the material escaped the truck. {Story by Erica Rodriguez of The Victoria Ad vocate) Hunters Point Shipyard According to the site Historical Radiological Assessment (HRA) document, significant portions of the shipyard are 'Categorized by the US Navy as Impacted areas due to prior activities confirmed or suspected to involve the use and/or presence of radioactive materials subject to regulated control. This p'resentation pertains to a recent event that o c curred in an*impacted portion of the Hunters Point Shipyard referred to as Parcel E. Historically significant activities associated with *the Hunters Point Parcel E sector involve its use as a designated burial location for various forms/types of site generated waste. Examples of the waste involved include (but is not limited to) products classified as chemical, petroleum, biological, asbestos, and radiological concerns. A vagrant apparently touched off a brush fire on or around Aug. 16, 2000 in the Parcel E landfill which transformed into an underground fire that burned for three months, igniting four times. Because of radiologically based concerns associated in large part wit h the impacted landfill, all of Parcel E is presently designated as a Radiologically Controlled Area. Non-Impacted roadways are established throughout Parcel E as Indicated in the picture above. To establish the road, a heavy duty liner was first placed where the roadway was to be constructed , followed by the placement of non-impacted import (sand and gravel) to serve as the road building mater i al. Currently , Parce l E roadway access is restricted only to authorized site personnel. The road is a l so routinely maintained to limit potho les and accelerated deterioration. Example of a radiological controls posting at Hunters Point Shipyard as established along active portions of the non-impacted Parcel E roadway. The event: During the early morning hours of November 24, 2010, representatives of Shaw Environmental informed Tetra Tech staff of a fire observed burning along a portion of the Parcel E shoreline refe r red to as "Metal Debris Reef" The weather conditions near the area of the fire were calm; clear skies prevailed and temperatures were in the mid to upper 40's. (b)(7)(C) Upon arrival of Tetra Tech staff to the scene, Shaw personnel were at the source of the fire with a water truck staged. Attempts to ext i nguish the fire were underway. Closer inspection revealed that the fire was centered on some insulated cable dumped along the shoreline and situated dire c tly under a keel block. Multiple footprints were also observed along nearby portion s of the shoreline at the water's edge. Vandals (aka: "Copper Miners") were immediately suspected (i.e., as supported by past events of attempted theft i n abandoned buildings involving the removal of copper wiring. Additional information: The impacted area of the fire is s ubject to Tetra Tech jurisdiction under its NRC issued materials license. Q UESTION: In responding to a similar event -and under like conditions / circumstances at Alameda -what considerations / actions are required to be addressed and under what general categories would those considerations/ actions fall? (Hint: Look at the pictur es to follow) (b)(7/(C)

From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Thursda March 03, 201111:05 AM To: (b)(7)(C) subject: RE: Alameda: RAD SOP Power Point Presen tat ion (SOP Drafts 1-4) OK ... in parallel , will solici J (b)(l)(C) l'fie ld based" feedback/ buy in as to what continues to be pared down from existi n g packages ... being that so muc h (actually all) of t hi s mate r ia) is proceduralJy driven! Thanks for the quick turnaroundf BB From: !(b)(7)(C) I Sent Thursday, March 0 3 , 201110: 57 AM To: Bowers, Bert


RE: A la me d a: RA D SO P Power Point Presentation (SOP Drafts 1-4) Look s good! l (b)(7)(C) Di re ct: l (b)(7)(C) !1 Fax 757 461 4148 I Cell: l (b)(7)(C) *---, ---====-------1 -* --(b)(7)(C) . ._ T etra Tech EC I ESQ Twin Oaks, Suite 309, 5700 Lako Wright Drive I Norfoll<, VA 23502 I PLEASE NOTE: Th,s message, inc lud ing any at ta chments, may include confidential and/or insi de information. Any distribu\lon or use of this commun i cation by a ny one other than th e intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by rep lying to this message and then delete it from your sys l ern. Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Thurs day, Ma rc h 03, 20111:54 PM To:!(b)(7)(C) I subject: RE: Alameda: RAD SOP Powe r Po in t P resentation {SOP D r afts 1-4) (b)(7)(C) Working off the examples provided thi s morning, attached is a draft for SOP 2 (specific only to ins tr ument efficiency determinations), It's down to 5 slides and refl ects th e same Powe r Point template used for Corporate NLP-0 l. Before proceeding with the others , what do you think? Thanks, BB' urs ay, 3 , 2011 8:10 AM To: Bowers, Bert


RE: Alameda: RAD SO P Power Point Presentation (SOP Drafts 1-4) Hi Bert , See if you can streamline them a little further. Pre fe rabl y 4-5 slides p e r topic. I've attached one with a few sl id es cut out , and adjustments to so me infonnatio n from the SOP that was off a little. I've also attached an exampl e of so me slides for a corporate procedure. !(b)(7)(C) I l (b)(7)(C) Direct:-l (b_)(_l)_(C-) --i i Fax: 757.461 41481 CEll., (b)(l)(C) l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech l!C I ESQ Twin Oaks, Suite 309 , 5700 Lake Wright Drive f N orfolk VA 23502 I m PLEASE NOTE: This message , Including any attachments may Include conf11,1en t 1al and/or lnside 1nror rnatlon. Any d1stribullon or use of this communication by an yone other than the ,mended rec1p 1ent is strictly prohibited and may be u nlawfu l. If you are no t the intended recipient, please notify the sen der by replying t o this message and then delete It from your system. J.J Think Green

  • Not evefY emall needs to be printed. From: Bowers , Bert Sent: Thursda February 24, 20111:32 PM To: (b)(7)(C) S ut; D SOP Power Point Presentation (SOP Drafts 1-4) Hj l (b)(7)(C)

'Please see attachments as provided. Presentation breakdown is as fo ll ows: SOP 1 l part SOP2 4parts SOP 3 1 pa rt Sop 4 2 parts AH pres entations c l ose l y mirror procedural gui d ance " as is" ..... also, non e shou ld take more than 15 minu t e s t o complet e ..... I'U awa i t your feedback! Thanks, Bert Bowers I Supervising ESQ Scientist I Naval Air Station Alamed t=J Cell: (b)(7)(C) I Main: 510.523.4825 I Fax: 510.523.4063 1 Al t e rn ate: bXJXC l Bert. owers era Tetra Tech EC I Env iro nment a l Safety and Quality 2000 Kollmann Circle , Unit C I Alameda. CA 94501 From: Bow e rs , Bert Se : rch 15 , 2011 2: 28 PM To i (b)(7)(C) Cc: 1-.. ___ __,


RE: RSRS PO T racker " Burn R ates" .... W ill d o .... th an ks for clar i fying! BD urn Rates" .... Be rl , Th ere i s n o issue wit h an ind i vidual item going over the l im i t ide nti fied o n the tracker. Let me know i f t h e t otal c o s t g e ts over 70%. (b)(7)(C) T hank s, (b)(7)(C) Direct; (b)(?)(C) !(b)(7)(C) Fax-510.5 23-4 0 6 3 I C e n: j (b)(l)(C) Te! :h I Department 2000 Kollman Circle* Un i t C , I Alameda CA 9450 1 I www_tetra t PLEASE NOTE. This message , i nclud i ng any attachments, may Inc l ude confidential and/or ins i de i nformatron. Any distribution or use ot this communica t ion by anyone other than the i n tended recipient is str i ctly prohibited and may be u nlawful. If you are n ot the i n tended recipient , please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete i t from your system. Think Green -Not every email needs to be p ri nted. From: Bowers, Bert Se~t: Tue sday, March 15 , 2011 12:22 PM T~)(b)(7)(C) I SUL~ :.t: RSRS PO f racker "Burn Rates" .... l (b)(7)(C) A s of toda y's " PO Tracker" update , th e re's a field in the RSRS ca t egory that now raise s "near term" flags (as of this week and as follow s for on: (b)(4) Based on the information above , are we held strict ly to each inctividual line item dollar value .... or to the "not to exceed total cost" bottom line amount? Thanks , Bert= From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Thursda Mar : 41 PM To: (b)(4),(b)(7)(C)


Alameda: SOP-6, Orum Handling Procedure:. l (b)(4), (b}(7)(C) In regards t o th e s ubje ct line above, Section 5.5 of the referenced procedure read s as fo ll ows: " If individual containers suspected of containu,g discarded laboratory chemicals, reagents , or otlter potentially dangerous materials in small volumes ore found , the Site Superintendent and SHSS, who will possess the necessary training to act as tire Site Radiation Safety Officer, will be notlf.ied immediately prior to any removal or opening of the containers or bottles. If the Site Superintendent and/or SHSS approve the ha11dlil1g of these containen.-, they will be handled with extreme caution. Until otherwise iden_tified or categorized, they will be considered exp/Qsive or shock sensitive wastes, and will be handled as described in the section abov e." Que s tion # 1 What is the intent o f: "the Site S11J1erintendent and SHSS, who will possess the necessary training to act as the Site Radlation Safety Officer"??? (Do either , or both of you ass um e dual role s as "S ite Superintendent" and/or " SHSS" ...... or , doe s the recognized "Site Superintendent" and " SHSS possess "necessary trainin g" to act as Site RSO?) Que s tion #2 Likewise, what i s the intent of: " Until otherwise identified or categorized, they will be considered explosive or shock sensitive wastes, and will be handled as described in the section above"? (FYI, the secti on above" as provid ed in the procedure refer s to "Co ntain ers Containing Radioactive Waste", not "C ontainer s C ontaining Ex plosive Shock-sensitive Waste"). Just needed yo ur lake on it in case I'm missing something, there's more to thi s than i s obviou s, etc ... Thanks, Bert = From: Bowers, Bert Se ....,._. LUJ.&WL......c.11:11.1.L.i.....;& AM T o: (b)(7)(C) CC: rum Handling Proc.edures (b)(7)(C) Thanks for the clarification/timely turnaround

I didn't think you'd agree w/ the verb iage " as currently li sted"! I'll begin the FC (b)(?)(C) s requested

... (sorry abou t the "typos" -was asked at the Jast minute to get (b)(?)(C) o and hurried to get thi s out before l eaving .... hope that didn't lead you too ar astray early on)! Cell:!(b)(7)(C) ! Main: 510.523 4825 I Fax: 510.523.4063 1 Alternate Bert B o we rs I suye rvising E SQ Scientist I Naval A ir Station Alamed D)ox > *

  • fety Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 2000 Kollmann Circle, Unit C I Alameda, CA 94501 www.te trat F r om~(b)(?)(C) Sent: Thursday, ,;.,w, ..............................

,,..:44 P M T o: Bowers Bert* (b)(?)(C) Cc: (b)(7)(C) Burt , You a r e referencing SOP-8. SOP-6 is the SOP for samp lin g procedures for radiological s u rveys. SO P-8 i s drum handling. Answer to q uestion #1 The S it e S u perintendent and S H SS, don t sscss the nece ss ar y trai nin g to act as the S i te Radiation Safety Office r. Technica ll y (b)(?)(C) and t do po ssess tl 1c necessary training to ac t as the Site Superinte nd ent and SHSS. However , we do not assume the se roles. I believe that this shou l d h ave been v.Titten to s t ate that th e Site Superintendent and SHSS s h ou ld be trained a s UXO personnel not as a RSOR. This i s an obvious error that was most lik e l y a relic of a previous p roject. In addition, the Site Superintendent and SHSS are not trained t o a lev e l beyon d awareness i n UXO. Therefore, reference as to the training leve l of the Site S u perinten d ent and S H SS sho ul d be removed. Answer t o q ue s tion #2 ( agree t h at the sec ti o n immediately precedi n g sect i on 5.5 is cal l e d "5.4 Containe r s Co nt ain i ng Radioactive Waste". Section 5.3 is called "Containers Containing Exp l osive Shock-sensitive Waste" and ends at the top of the page in which t h e reference states "as described i n the section above". This reference is confusing. J do not like to r eference prev i ous sections with statements that refer t o phys i ca l l ocatio n s s u ch as "above". This reference shou l d state "as described in sec t ion 5.3". C onclu s ion a nd direction fo nvard Thank you for po i nting these deficiencies out. Please be

  • n an F ch an ges. If you n eed h e l p in the FCR process, co n tact (b)(7)(C)

T h ank you, Tetra Te c h EC I Envir o nmental Safety a nd Qua li t y address the required with questions. Nava l Air Station , 1090 Y, W. Tower Ave I A l ameda, CA 94501 I www.te t PLEASE NOTE: This message , including any attachments , may include confidential and/or ins i de information. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the in t ended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient , please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Th i nk Gre e n

  • N ot ev ery ema il n eeds to be pri nted.

From: Bow e rs, Bert Sent: Fri d ay, March 25 , 20 11 9:11 AM To: !(b)(7)(C) I


RE: Alameda: SOP-8, Drum Handling Proc e dur es ... not a prob l e (b)(?)(C) .. as I often times en c ount e r tb e." Burt's", l'd be wi ll in g t o b e t yo ur "'l (b..,..)("" 7)""'(c""") ..., p ik c wi se g e t s 1 s s ar e of th e." Bert's"! Bert rs S u ervi s ing ESQ Scientist I Naval A i r Station Alamed D 7 xc) *

  • fe t y Cell: (b)(7)(C) M am: 510.523.4825 I Fax: 5 1 0.523.40631 Alternate:

B e rt. owers@te trat ec m Te t ra Tech E C I Environmental S a f e t y an d Qu a l i ty 2000 Kollmann C ir c le, Un i t C I Alameda, CA 94501 www.t e trate c m From:!(b)(7)(C) Sent: Friday, March 25 , 2011 9: 01 AM To: Bow e rs Bert Cc:!(b)(7)(C) I Su6Jecf: R : Alameda: SOP-8, Drum Handling Pr oc edur es Bert, I apologize for th ei "Burt" that is how my [~?) name is spelled. Th a nks, l (b)(7)(C) I (b)(7)(C) ... ___________ __,! N aval A i r Station A l a m e d I I Main: 510.5231582 I F a x: 5 1 0.523.4063 I Al t erna t e Cell: l (b)(?)(C) Ce n !(b)(7)(C) r)(7)(C) Te tra Tec h E C I En vi r onmental Saf ety a n d Q uality N aval Air Station, 1090 Y, W. Tower A v e I A l ameda , CA 94501 I P L EASE NOTE: This message, inc lu d i ng any attachments, may i nclude conficlential and/or inside i nfo r ma t ion. Any distribut i on or use of t his communication by anyone other than lhe intended recipient is s t rict l y p r oh i bited and may be unlawful. I f you are not the in t ended recipient, please notif y t he sender by replying to this message a n d then delete it from your system. From: Bowers , Bert Sent: Tue s day, March 29, 201111: 34 AM To: !(b)(7)1:c) I


FW: Alameda: SOP-8, Drum Handling Procedures , Section 5.5 (b)(7)(C) In reference to the su bj ect line above and the informalio n to fo ll ow .... Present wordjng in SOP-8 , Section 5.5: "If i11,dividual containers suspected of containi11g discarded laboratory chemi c als, reagents, or other potentially dangerous materials in small volumes are found, the Site Superintendent and SHSS , who will possess the necessary trai11ing to act as the Site Radiation Safety Officer, will be notif,ed immediately prior to any removal or opening of the containers or bottles. If the Site Superintende11t and/or SHSS approve the handling of these containers, they will be handled with extreme caution. Until otherwise identified or categorized, they will be considered explosive or shock sensitive wastes, and will be handled as described in the section above." Propo se d " FCR 04/06-1 1" modification to information above: "During any radiologically controlled course of dis covery involving single or multiple containers known or suspected to possess laboratory based chemicals, r eagents, or like materials, the affected area(s) will be immediately secured and the site Radiation Safety Officer Representative (RSOR) promptly notified prior to proceeding further with assigned tasks (e.g., removal or opening operations, etc). lfthe RSOR, with Site Superintendent and SHSS concurrence, approves further handling actions to resume, the container(s) in question will be care/ ully processed using pre-established protocol for explosive/shock-sensitive waste (unless the material is confi rm ed to be different and subsequently re-categorized). ,~ ... please advise if yo u're OK with th e proposed m odi fi cat i on (afte r which I'll incorporate into the referenced FCR)-or feel free to mark up/ return as necessary. I'll run with whatever you send back! Than.ks. Bert Bowers I suye rvising ESQ Sc i en1ist l Naval Air Station Alameda Radiation Safety Cell:!(b)(7)(C) I Main* 510 523.4825 I Fax. 510 523.4063 I Alternate: x , c> Tetra Tech EC I EM i ronmental Safety and Quality 2000 Ko ll mann Circle , Unit C I Alameda CA 94501 www.te t ratec meda: SOP-8, Drum Handling Procedures, Section 5.5 .... many thank s, wi ll run w/ it! Bert Bowers Su ervising ESQ Scientist I Naval Air Station Alamed t:J fe ty Cell: (b)(7)(C) I Ma in: 510.523.48 251 Fax: 510.523.4063 J Alternate: :x i C) Bert. e Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 2000 Kollmann Clrcre, Unit CI Alameda, CA 94501 www.te m From: l1...(b_)<7_)(C_) __ ....., sent= Tuesday, March 29, 2011 11:39 AM T o: Bowers, Bert


RE: Alameda: SOP-8, Drum Handling Procedures, Section 5.5 I'm okay with this. Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality Naval Air Station. 1090 IS W. Tower Ave I Alameda , CA 9 4501 I PLEASE NOTE: This message , including any attachments, may include confidential and/or inside information. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly p rohibited and may be unlawful. I f you are not the in tended recip ien t , please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete i t from your system. JtJ Think Green -Not every email ne-eds to be printed. From: Bowers, Bert Se n t: Wednesda March 30 201112: 17 PM To: (b)(7)(C) S u 6 owerPoint Presentation Drafts for "-l (b_)_<7_l<_c_) ____ ....., l (b)(7)(C) In reference to the subject line above, attached are half oflbe PowcrPoint review drafts for RAD SO P's 1-7 (eighteen total). The hreakdown b y lillo is as follows: SOP-I: Radiation and Contllmi nation Surveys (Genernl Requirements, 3 slides) Radiation and Contaminat ion Surveys (Exposure Dose Rate Surveys, 3 slides) Radiation and Conta mination Surveys (l<emovablc Contruninu tion Survey -Swipes, 4 :;lidcs) Radiation and t:0 11tarninaliun Su rv eys (Removable C o11tnmination S urve y* I .A Ws , 4 s lide s) Radiation an.d Contwnination Surveys (Alpba/lleta Contamination SW'veys, 4 s lide s) Radiation and Contami nation Surveys (Gamma Surveys, 4 slides) SOP-2: Preparation of Ponablc Radiation and Contamination S urvey Instruments (Calibration , 4 sl id es) Preparation of Portnble Radiation and Contamina t ion Survey Instruments (Background Determinations, 4 s lides) Preparation of Portable Radiation and Contamination Survey Instruments (Chi-Square Test, 4 slides) Prepardtion of Portable Radiation and Contamination Survey Instruments (Instrument Efficiency , 5 slides) SOP-3: Release of Materials and Equipment fi'om Radiologically Controlled Areas (4 s lides) SOP-4: Radiological Records (3 s l i des) SOP-5: Radfological Protective Clothing Selection, Monitoring, and Decontamination (Donning and Doffing, 4 slides) SOP-5: Radiological Protective Clothing Selection, Monitoring, and Decontam ination (Monitoring Personnel , 4 slides) SOP-5: Radiological Protectiv e Clothing Selection , Monitoring, and Decontamination (Personnel Contamination and Decon , 4 s lid es) SOP-6: Sampling Procedures for Radiological Surveys (4 s lide s) SO P-7: Decontam ination of Eq uipm ent and Tools (Initial Preparation and Planning, 4 s lide s) SOl'-7: Docorrt.acninution of Equipment and Tool s (Removable/ Fixed Decont:u11im1t io n llJld Follow-up, 4 slides) Jnfonnation within each package consists of 2-5 slides (pcr lI[}and echoes-in an attempt to b e all I nclus ive" -estab li s h ed pro cedural protocol. In that regard, please ad\*ise if you're good to go with the content; or id entify what (if anything) you prefer to delete and/ or expand on , modify , etc! Once r receive your feedback. necessary steps to get a "fli.naJ Dr.ill" out to Virginia will begin] Thank s, Bert Bowers I Sul?ervising ESQ Scientist I Naval Air Station Alameda ,1.,1;i.i.!S,lLLillWJ: u:1.i~~ Ce!l: i(b\(7)/C} ] 1 Main: 510.523.48251 Fax: 510.523.40631 Alternate; Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 2000 Kollmann Circ l e, Unit CI Alameda, CA 94501 = REFERENCE 41 From: !(b)(7)(C) I Sent:riday, April 01, 2011 4:28 AM To: Bowers, Bert


RE: Bert Bowers: Completion of Alameda Assignment Bert , 1 w:iJl notif y lhe HR Rep in the we st Thank yo u. l (b)(7)(C) Direc d (b)(l)(C) I l (b)(7)(C) Main. 973.630 8000 I Fax: 973.630.8526 I Cell L.-----' l (b)(7)(C) (b)(lXC) Tetra Tech f Human Resources 1000 The American Road I Morris Plains , NJ 07950 I www.te t ratech.c om PLEASE NOTE: This message , Including any attachments, may anclucie confidential andlor inside information. Any dis tribut ion or use o f this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unl awf uL If you a r e not the intended recipren t , please no t ify the sender by rep,Ymg t o thrs message and lhen dete t e ii from your system. Think Green

  • Not every emal l needs to be pr i nted. rt Bowers: Completion of Alameda Assignment Tl t. JJ . fi . " . d b (b)(7)(C) 1e co rr espo n de n ce to o ow 1 s *or yow* 101om1 ation as s ugge s te y .___ _ __, Regard s, *,.;;;..;:=~i..;

S;;.;;u~ervising ESQ Scient ist I Naval A ir Station Alamed a l R adiation Safety I Main* 510 523.4825 I Fax* 510 523 4063 I Alternate: l (bx 1 xc> I =~:<=~=""'t"""etra=t,.,,,e

.c"" h.'""c:::.o

=m . _ Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 20 00 Kollmann Circle , Un it C I Ala meda , CA 9 4 501 www.t etra tec m From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Thursda M arch 31, 2011 3:26 PM To: (b)(7)(C) Cc:.__ ___ ___. Subj ect: Bert Bowers: Completion of Alameda Assign m ent (b)(7)(C) In reference to the subject line above , thi s correspondence confirms today's 2:47 PM phon e notification that tomorrow, April 1 , 20 11 will conc l ude Tetra Tech EC's s upport needs specific to Project No. 106-40440006 (RAD EMAC Task 6, lR-J 7 Seaplane Lagoon). Regards, Bert Bo ers Su ervising ESQ Scientist I Naval Air Station Alameda D c) *

  • ety Cell: (b)(7)(C)

I Main: 510.523.4625 I Fax: 510.523.4063 I Alternate: Bert. Bowers@te tratec Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 2000 Kollmann Circle, Unit C I Alameda, CA 94501 =

REFERENCE 43 REFERENCE 44 From: .. !(b._)(7~l(.;,.C l ___ _. Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 8: 58 AM To: Bowers, Bert


RE: Daily ESQ Top ics 4-1-2011 Japans Radiation Effects on The U.S. Thank you Berl l actually thought about sending i t after a c-0nve r s ation I bad with !(b)(7)(C) i, ho was so confused from listening t o he d (b)(7)(C) ~i vc th e ir "e du ca ted op1ruons". i:f o 1 thought [ would rese arch i t for her. Once l did 1 fi gured it was a great topic for a)} of us! l (b)(7)(C) Direc t: !(b)(l)(C) ! Direcl Fa~: 70:.-387-55761 Ce11 j (b)(?)(C) l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech I FC 2200 Wilson B l vd. Suite 400 I Arhnglon, \lug1nia 22201 I www.tetratechfc com I (b)(J)(C) PLEASE NOTE: This message, Including any attachments, may include confidential and/or Inside lnfonnation. Any distribution or use of this communication l>y anyone other than the Intended 19clpfent Is s trictly prohibited and may be unlawful. ff you are not the Intended recipient , please notify t he sender by replying to this message and th e n delete it from your system. Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Friday, April 01, 201111:54 AM To~(b)(7)(c*, l


RE: Daily ESQ Topics 4-1-2011 Japans Radiation Effects on The U.S. Bravo (b)(?)(C) W e ll worded, accu ratel y pr es ented , and obvious ly conveyed by someone who know s what they' re talking about. ... having witnessed a ll the viciou s t e r mi n ology abu s es and inaccurate facts frequentJy being conveyed across th e television , radio, inteme~ etc, it's refreshing for a c hang e to come across an article like this!! Bert Bowers Su ervislng ESQ Sc i entist I Radiation Safety D Cell: (b)(7)(C) I Main: 864.483.17891 Fax: 650.376.3719 J Alternate: Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 656 Greenwich Lane I Foster City, CA 9440 4 From: !(bi(7)(C) I Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 4:28 AM


Dally ESQ Topics 4-1*2011 Japans Radiation Effects on Th e U.S. Daily ESQ Topic April 1, 2011 J A PAN S RAD I ATION EFF E CT ON THE U.S. Radiation Dispersal from Japan and the Effect on U.S. Workers Efforts continue in Japan to contain the release of airborne radioactive contamination from the damaged Fukushima Dai i chi power plant On March 17 , 2011 , President Obama , speak i ng outside the Wh i te House , stated "We do not expect harmful levels of radiation to reach the United States , whether it's the West Coast , Hawaii, Alaska , or U.S. territories in the Pacific ... Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and public health experts do not recommend that people in the United States take precautionary measures beyond staying informed." [More ... ] Radiation occurs in many forms at low levels as a part of everyday life , from residual cosmic radiation in the atmosphere to medical app l ications such as x-rays and CT scans. Taking extraordinary steps to prevent exposure to radiation in the absence of a known risk can create problems of its own. For example , potassium iodine pills, which are one such preventive measure, can cause intestinal upset , allergic reactions , and other symptoms, and should only be taken on the advice of emergency management officials , public health officials , or your doctor. OSHA is working with other federal agencies to monitor domestic reports of radiation concerns and provide worker protection information. This includes working jointly with NIOSH on a worker information page. This page provides information to help workers , employers, and occupational health professionals regarding the release of airborne contamination from the damaged Japanese power plant. If you have further questions , ple~se contact the OSHA hotline at 1-800-321-0SHA (6742) I TTY 1-877-889-5627. Incident-specific Information

  • Fre q uentl y Asked Questions About the Ja p an Nuclear Crisis (62 KB PDF , 3 pages]. This is a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) document addressing common questions on radiation , exposure , precautions , travel , etc.
  • Radiation Basics. CDC/NIOSH Workplace Safety and Health Topics Page. Provides answers to questions on rad i ation, specific to this incident.
  • Current Situation in Ja p an. is an i nteragency initiative administered by the U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Te c hnologies. It has links to various Government offices and their resources.
  • *
  • Kaatauon u1s p ersa1 rrom Ja p an. LUL/NIU\::>H vvorKp1ace

.:,arety ano rtearm Topics Page. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health also provides updated information for workers. Ja p anese Nuclear Emer g enc y Radiation Monitorin g. US Environmental Protection Agency. The US Environmental Protection Agency's website for air monitoring data. CBP Statement Concernin g Radiation Monitorin g of Travelers. Goods from Japan. US Customs and Border Protection is monitoring developments in Japan and has issued field guidance reiterating its operational protocols and directing field personnel to specifically monitor maritime and air traffic from Japan.


htt p://osha.g ov!radiatian-i a p an/index.html

  • Please note tltat the Dai('~ .BSQ Topic emails are meant to briefly describe issues that we may encounter both on and off the job. While the tips do include a substantial amount of helpful hints and information there is always more that could be added !I further researched.

They are not designed to be a full informational publication on a particular topic a11d therefore I encourage anyone wlto is seeking extra information to please research it at their leisure. (b)(7)(C) 01rect. ... (b_)(_7;_(c_) _ _. Direct Fa x: 703-387-55 761 ce 11* ... l (b-)(-l)(_c_) _ __, l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech I FC 2200 Wi tson Blvd. Suite 400 I Arlington, Virginia 22201 I www.tet ratech bXlXC) PLEASE NOTE: This message , fm;ludfng any attachments, may include confidential and/or inside information. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the Intended rec i pient is stricUy prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the Intended recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Think Green -Not every emall needs to be printed. = REFERENCE 45 l (b)(7)(C) Fr o m: ______ _, Sent: F riday, A pr i l 01, 201110:5 1 A M T o: Bowers, Bert SU bject: R E: Alameda: Corpo ra te RSO Assig n ments Thanks (b)(7)(C) '---"T'::"":' =:":"'"""---,------___J Naval Air Station Alamed L.._-r::-:-:e~----, ~C~e;;;., l..;.i l: .... (b_)(7_)(::::_) __ ...L.I M.;..;.a;;;.;i...;n:...;5;..;.1...;,.;0.523.1582 I Fax: 510 , 523.40631 Alternate (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality Naval Air Station, 1090 Y, W. Tower Ave I Alameda, CA 94501 I PLEASE NOTE: This message, including any attachments , may include confidential and/or inside information. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient 1s strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient. please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Thfnk Green -Not every email needs to be printed. From: B owers, Be rt Sent: F rid ay, Apr il 01 , 2011 1 0: 51 AM To~(bl(7)(c*, I


FW: Alameda: C.O rporat e RSO Ass ign me n ts (b)(7)(C) Just came across the email below which ended up in my draft folder .... was about to send it right as (~(7) popped in earlier thi s week! Instead, I briefed him. on where we were on everything .... a e that you would follow up with him on the MOU, exams, training records , surveys, etc for the shared "P" drive. Should you decide to implement their use with the tech's, original "bard copy" qua! card packages for all 13 active RAD SO P's are here in the office (binders on desk). In parallel , Power Point presentation draft finals for RAD SOP' s l-7 (rea d y for your review and/oii..,,!(b....,)(7 ,,,..)(..,,., C)----:::.. -were electronically forwarded earlier on. As always, feel free to contact me if/ as needed! Bert ~~cs..l~~rvisin ESQ Sc~entist I Radiation Safety Main: l Cell. (b)(7)(C) I Altemate T XJXC) !I Fa.x: 650.376.3719 rt. Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Satety and Quality I Radiation Safety 656 Greenwich Lane I Foster City. CA 94404 www.tetratech .com I I/ I/ II I I I I II///// I I II I I I II I I I/ I Ill I I I II/ I I/ I I II II// I /1 /// IIII II I I/ I !I II I I I II I/ I I I/ I/ II I I I/ II/ I I// I I I I I/ I I/ I I I I II I I I I (b)(7)(C) Just a follow-up regarding the subject line above! Thank s, Bert (b)(7)(C) As a follow up to our earlier conversation, to follow is one of the assignments (in multiple parts) as furnished to me by~ "Upload training r eco rd.<, , sealed source inventories, MOU, dosimetry and weekly survey records for Alameda onto the TtEC NRC Record SharePoint site." To ensure the normal course of daily operations does not be.come impacted or deterred, please let me know how you feel these 5 action items should best be approached I completed. Thanks , Bert REFERENCE 46 Sent: Friday, April 01 , 2011 9:02 AM T o: Bowers , Bert


RE: Bert Bowers: Completion of Alameda Assignment Hi Bert, Gee w h iz! That's sad to h ea r. Well, T wish yo u all th e bes t arnl it's been a pleasure wo r ki n g with you also. Thanks for always getting the P O T racker 'lo me before it wa s du e. Makes my li fe much eas ier. And thank s for alJ the uplifting , happy e mail s! A l ways brought a smi le to my face! Take ca re , l (b){7){C) ; -----, Direct l (b)(7):C) !(b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech EC I Project Controls 17685 Von Karman Ave I Irvine. CA 9 2 614-62 1 3 i www.tetrate c PLEASE NOTE: Th i s message, inc lu ding any at t ac hm ents, may Include confidential and/or inside I nformation Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone ot h e r than the inte n ded recipient i s s!rtctly prohibited and may b e un l awful If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sende r by rep ly ing to this message and then de l ete lt from your sys t em. Think Green

  • Not every email needs to be priot.ed. From: Bowers, Bert se n t: Thursda y, March 31 , 2011 4:48 PM ~~: l (b)(7)(C)



Bert Bowers: Completion of Alameda As s ignment (b)(?)(C) H i I've been informed today that my present assignment here at Alameda will finish up tomorrow. In that regard, please remove my name from the current distribution list for weekly "PO Tracker" update notices and coordinate future RSRS based requests throug~(b)(7)(C) It's b ee n a pleasure working with you and I look forward to doing so again if future opportunities become available. All the best! Su ervi3i ESQ Scleat*, st I Naval Air Station A l ameda I Radiation Safety I M a i n:~xc) _I Fax: 510.523.4063 1 A lt ernate:~ .=ll:..!: "'~""~"" c,,"" i>"'::.i: "" ::."'"°' ... """'"""~"°'e""'c ,..,, h.=1"-!, L__J Te tra Tech EC I Environmenta l Safe-ty and Quality 2000 Kollmann Circle , Unit C I Alameda, CA 94501 www.te tra tech.c om (b)(7)(C) From '--......------ Sent: Fri ay, Apri To: Bowers, Bert


RE: Completion of Alameda Assignment 'Ib is all see m s to be a big bumm er. B es t wish es M s1gnmen All , Just a quick follow-up to thank you for the opportunities afforded to experience/contribute to your ongoing efforts at Alameda. The obviously high level of positive camaraderie, coupled with the observed degree of order and cleanliness in active radiological work locations, and within all other areas of responsibility , validate the presence of a uniquely personable, knowledgeable, and superior staff. Thanks again and best of luck to each of you ... I look forward to future opportunities to cross paths/ work together again! Regard s , Bert Bowers I Sup e rvisin ESQ S ci enti st I N a v al Ai r Stat io n Alamed a I R ad i a t i on Saf et y Main J Cb x 7 x ti I ( Cell: (b)(7)(C) I Alternate r X7 X C) 1 1 Fax: 650.376. 37 1 9 Bert. Tetra Tech EC I Environment a l S a fe ty a n d Qu a lit y I Radiation Safety 6 56 G r ee n w i c h L ane I F oster City , CA 94404 = Se nt: Monday , April 04 , 2 011 4: 16 PM To: Bow ers, Bert


R E: Completion ot Alam ed a Assignmen t H i Bert, W h at an awesome email! ! Thank you fo r in cl u din me. (b)(7)(C) Direc d (b)(?)(C) l (b)(?)(C) T et ra Te c h I 2000 Ko!lmann Circle Unit C I Alameda, CA. 94501 I PLEASE NOTE: This message, including any attact1ments, may inc l ude confidential and/or inside information. Any distribution or u se of this communication by anyone other than the i ntended recip i ent 1s strictly prohibited and may be unlawful , If you are not the intended recipient , please notify the sender by replying to this message and !hen delete it from your sys tem. Think Green

  • Not every email needs to be printed. From: Bowers, Bert Se n t: Friday, April 01, 201110:15 AM To: !(b}/7}/C l !(b)(7)(C)

Cc:!(b)(7)(CI su bject: Completion of Alameda Assignment /\II, Just a quick follow~up to thank you for the opportunities afforded to experience/contribute to your ongoing efforts at Alameda. The obviously high level of positive camaraderie, coupled with the observed degree of order and cleanliness in active radiological work locations, and within all olher areas of responsibility , validate the presence of a uniquely personable, knowledgeable, and s uperior staff. Thanks again and best of luck to each of you ... I look forward to future opportunities to cross paths / work together again! Regardc;, Te t r a T e c h EC I E nv i r onmental Safety a n d Qua li ty I Radiation Safety 656 Greenwich Lane I Foster City , CA 94404 www. t e tra t e c h. corn = REFERENCE 47 rrom: t,0wers, Dert Senti Monday, April r , 2011 8:06 AM To:!(b)(7)(G) _ subject: RE: Bert Bowers: Completion of Alameda Assignment Thank (b)(?)

  • 1 d . d. s (C) o r yo ur tune y turnaroun m res p oo mg. Tetra Tech EC I Environmenta l Safety and Quality f)56 Greenwich Lane I Foster City , CA 94404 www.tetrate c From: ... l (b-)iJ_l(_c) ___ ...., Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 6:14 AM To: Bowers, Bert


RE: Bert Bowers: Completion of Alameda Assignment Hi Berl , I Fax: 650.376.3719 For time charging , you wiJl need t o use hour s that you have bank e d previously, because w e don't have a project for yo u t o chat'ge to right now. (I'm not s ure whc1t the c ode i s, but I'm s ur e J lR can walk you through that). A s far as HPS i s concerned , the r e is no role fo r yo u there at thi s ti m e. Thanks! (b)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C) Direct l (b)(7)(C) I Fax: 757.461 4 1 48 I Cell: (b)(l)(C) Tetra Te ch EC I E SQ Twin Oaks , Suite 309, 5700 Lake Wright Drive I Norfolk, VA 2 3 502 I www.tet rat P L EASE NOTE: This message, in cluding any attachments , may inc lud e confidential and/or inside information. Any d is tribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the i ntended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be un l awful. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and t hen delete it from your system. Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. wet"S: c.ompletion of Alameda Assignment (b)(7)(C) In follow up to l as t Thur s day's noti fi cation (see b e l o w X I've inf o rmed HR of my assigrunent completion at AJameda as you r ecommended. In parallel , T've been urgentl y reminded -based on tl 1 e original request from!(b)(?)(C J !hnd y ou that J fill a need at Alameda, foJJowed now it's completion (and all el e ment s oftb e corresponding as signment lett e r)-t o confirm with you the followin g:

  • For administrative t i me reco r ding purposes , what cha r ge code (s) am I to use for the upcom i ng week of Saturday , April 2, 2011 through Friday , April 8 , 20 1 1?
  • What is tne present status of my role as related to Hunters Po i nt now that the Alameda assignment is complete:? Thank s! Bert Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Qua li ty 656 Greenwich Lane I F o ste r Ci t y , C A 9 4404 From: Bower s, Bert Sent: Thursda March 31, 2011 3:26 PM To: (b)(?)(CI Cc: *--....,......---.,--



Bert Bowers: Completion of Alameda Assignment (b)(?)(C) ln reference to the subject line above, this correspondence confirms today's 2:47 PM phone notification that tomorrow, April 1, 201 1 will conclude Tetra Tech EC's support needs specific to Project No. 106-40440006 (RAD EMAC Task 6, IR-17 Seaplane Lagoon). Regards, ,.;a..a.;..;.... ............... s ...... u....._ervising ESQ Scientist I Naval A i r Station Alameda Radiation Safety I M a i n. 5 1 0. 523.4 825 I Fax: 510 , 523.4 0 63 I A l ternate: (b)(7)(C) .....,,.,=,,...,.,,,...., e ,...ra="' .__ ___ _. Tetra Tech EC I Environmental S a fety and Qu a lity 70 0 0 K o llmann Ci r c l e , Unit C I Al am eda , CA 94501 = REFERENCE 48 From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 9:13 AM To:!(b)(7)(C) I


RE: Alameda Assignment: " Signature Page" for Per Diem Extension to Ap ril 1 , 2011 '6a,l........_.~.k , I'll star t w ith (b)(?)(C) r" .. FY I , I'm swi n ging by Hunter s Point after '----' ~t Alameda to drop off some keys! Bert Bert:.owers I Superv isin ESQ Scientist I Radiation Safet y Main:~X?XC) I Cell: (b)(7)(C) I Alternate: r)(JXC) 1 1 Fax: 650.376.3719 Bert. L.. -------1. Tetra Tec h EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 656 Greenwich lane I Foster City, CA 94404 From: ... l (b_)(7_)(C_l __ ..... Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 8:53 AM To: Bowers, Bert S ubject: RE: Alameda Assign m ent: " Signature Page" for Per Diem Extension to April 1 , 2011 Hi Bert. Hope all i s well. I do not recall getting the fu ll extension d ocumen t on that one -ju st the sign ature page. But I think you can get a cop y from either .i.(-b)(-7)-(C-) ---------..---------'I or r)(7)(C) (b)(7)(C) Direc t:!(b)(7)(C) l (b)(?)(C) T etra Te ch I 2000 Kollmann Ci rc le Unit C I Alameda , CA. 9 4501 I PLEASE NOTE: This message , includ i ng any aUachments , may Include ccnfidentlal and/or Inside information. Any d i stribution or use of th is e,ommunication by anyone other than the Intended recip i ent is strict l y proh i bited and may be unlawful. I f you are not the intended recip i ent , please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete It from you r system. Think Green

  • N ot e11ery email nee ds to be printed.

From: Bowers, Bert Seqt; 511odav A,103 , 201111:42 !PM To: l (b)(7)(C) .


Alameda Assignment: "S ig n atu re P age" for Per Diem Extension to April 1, 2011 l (b)(7)(C) I meant to follow up with you last week regarding to the subject line above. On or around March 14 Tif or 15 ni I sto pped by at your r equest to sign a s ignature page which extended my Alameda per diem benefit to April 1 , 2011. In that regard (i.e., after s igning), I never received a copy of the completed sheet reflecting all required signatures. Please advise as to whom I would get that from (along with th e rest of the "extension" document). Many thanks in advance for your help! Regards, Bert = REFERENCE 49 erokee: Return to Hunters Point for Pick-Up per L..l (b_)_(7-)(_c_) ____ ___. Hi (b)(?)(C) ln reference to the subject line above, lhe Jeep Cherokee (used while at Hunt ers Point) was transferred / used whiJc also assigned r ecently at Alameda t b)(?)(C) h.rranged to transfer billing to AJameda as w e . Th s

  • as since en ded as oflac,t Friday, ApriJ J , 2 01 I . In that regard , I spoke with (b)(?)(C) to make arrangements t o return the vehicle. She aske d that 1l be le ft at llunters omt w ere some other vehi c le s were already sched uled to be picked up. That's b ee n done but I still need to make a rrangem e nt s to get the key to you (didn't want to leave it in the vehicle W1locked over the weekend!)

I tried to contact you at your office phone but there was n o answer and your voice mailbox was fulJ -I left a message instead for (b)(7)(C) o relay t o you. I'm swinging through the area thi s morning while on the way for an appointment in San F rancisco, would like to drop off the key then if OK. Please advise if that wilJ work! Thanks and ,c.Hi" to all! Bert Bert Bowers I Supervisin ESQ Scientist I RadlatwR ~afptv Mai rf)oxc: t Cell: (b)(l)(C) I Alternate: l_cl( x l ! I Fax: 650.376.3719 Bert. ...._ __ ___. Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 656 Greenwich Lane I Foster C i ty, CA 94404 www.tetratech .com = From: Bowers , Bert sent: W ed n es da A r il 06, 2 0 11 9: 0 9 AM To: (b)(7)(C) SubJect: RE: Alam a, FCR 11 .... a ttach e d! ______ I Fa x: 650.3 7 6.37 1 9 Tetra Tech EC I En vi r on m e n tal Safety a nd Qu a lity 656 G r ee n w ic h La n e I Fo ste r Ci t y , CA 9 4404 www.te t From:!(b)(?)(C) Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 20118:14 AM To: Bowers , Bert .


Alameda, FCR 11 C an u s end me the word do c ument for thi s F C R Thanks l (b)(7)(C) ni 1 ,ct !(b)(?)I C) !1 cc11 !(b)(?)(C) .... l (b-)(7)-(C-) ------,1 T c t l"II T ec h RC I St1l'O C~ 20()0 K ol l man Circle. A p t. C A 1 nme d u. CA, !14~01 ww w.l e l r atec m l'I 1-'ASl l NO'l 1* l hi~ 111~~,11µc. i 11 cl 11 di 1 1v 11111' 111111~11111~111,, , 11111y 111cl1u 1': c,mlid~n 11nf nnd/m 111s 1 dc 111fhrn1n 1 io11. All\ 1J i str 1 h 11tlr1 11 or 1 1 ,~ llf 1 h ,~ c111111111111 i c~t lcm hy Ull)<111C n t hc1 than th.: i n t c11llcd 1<:~1pic111 i~ ~t , ic t l) p 1 ohi bi tcd u111 l 11111)' he 11 11 l uw f i 1I I I 1011 ui*c not the 11 11~mk u 1 cul111e n t p l ease notify 1h c sen d er by r e pl yi n g JO 1 h1s me;sage and 1h cn delete it from }ollr s~ste m. J..J Th i nk G reen -Not e very e mail n e ed s to be print e d. = FYI .... Bert Bowers I Supervising ESQ Scientist I Radiat r n Safet y I Ma in rc x h c) II C e ll: , (b)(7)(C) 1 1 Alternate. (l(l)(C) I Fa x: 650.376.3719 Bert. owers@tetrate c 11 Tetra Tech EC I Environmental S af ety and Quality 656 Greenwich Lan e I F oster City , CA 94404 From: Bowers, Bert Sent Frida y, April 08, 2011 9: 31 AM ~: l (b)(7)(C) I


RE: LANDAUER , I N C -IN V #3 988299 dated 03/22/11 All. .. s ee respons e sent earlier (below) Bert t x i xCJ ~g ESQ Scientist I Radiat ,~q Safety M ai n: , 1 co , (b)(7)(C) U A l t erna t e (b: ci ~9 I Fax 650.3 76 37 1 9 Be Tetra Tech EC I Env i ronmental Safety and Quality 656 Greenwich Lane I Fos t er City, CA 94404 /////III II I I /I II I I I II I I I II I I I/ II// II I//// I/ I Ill I I// I/ I/ I/ I// I I I I I I I I I II I From: Bowers, Bert Se * . 2011 9:27 AM To: (b)(7)(C) Cc: L--____ ...., SUbject: RE: LANDAUER, INC -INV #3988299 dated 03122/ 11 Hi (b)(7)(C) Sorry for the de l ay in a re s ponse .. ,. network .. di s connect s" hav e prevented me from s ta y ing reliably connected l o the Tetra Tech s ites from m y home office.) hooe that's now been fixed! (b)(7)(C) In reference t o the s u bject line above. i s the pe-;.: rs~o~n.:.....:~ol,LW,u fd direct question s to regarding Landauer invoice service s or unter s Point; (b)(?)(Cl ow administers the dosimetry program there. Also , after completing a preliminary review the attachment, I would s ubmit that the following charge fields first be investigated / v alidated with Landauer prior to moving forward with a payment authorization

, " --* *-* --*--, --*-*, *f"" *, _,._. 1 1 l'li.'I "'1tl\,,l o VU \I I C:,:'1/C,* VU*~C::IVC:U on prior invoices) * " CTO 3 Unreturned Dosimeter Fee for 1 device (may be valid -appears to represent a lost device never returned)" & " CTO 3 Unreturned Dos i meter Fee for 36 devices" (appears in error"). $513.59 * "C TO 18 Unreturned Dosimeter Fee for 5 devi ce (may be valid -appears to represent lost devices never r eturned)* & "C TO 18 Unreturned Dos im ete r Fee for 1 5 2 dev ices" (appear s in error*): $2167.10 "Looks very similar to "c a rryove r errors" from prior in voices wh ic h requi red correction (pas t examples resulted due to an ear lier CTO 3 I CTO 18 account re-configuration by Landauer and assig nm ent of new ID numbers , the " unreturned charge* items kept getting ca rri ed over as a result!) As always, fee l tree to con t act me if a dditi onal infonnation or feedback is needed (aJI phone #'s be l ow a r c updated)! Regards. Tetra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 656 Greenwich Lane I Foster City , CA 94404 www.t etra From: !(b)(7)(C) I Sent: Tuesday, April 0 5 , 2011 5:45 PM To: Bowe r s , Bert cc: !{b)(7)(C) I S ubject: LANDA U ER, INC -I NV #39882 9 9 d ated 03/22/11 Hi Bert , Do you happen to know the PO number for the attached invoice? If no PO, please advise how shoul d this invoice be paid. T hank you and ha ve a nice evening. l (b)(7)(C) I !1 Main: 619.234.8696 I Fa~: 619.471 3576 l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech I Proje c t Services 1230 Columbia Street , Suite 750 I San Diego, CA 92101 I www.tetratech com PLEASE NOTE: This message, Including any allachmenls , may include confidential and/or inside i nformation. Any distribution or use of this c:immunlcatlon by anyone other than the intended recipient ls strictly prohib i ted and may be unlawful If you are not the intended recipient. please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete It from your system . .J.J Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. Sent: Thursda To: (b)(7)(C) CC: Bowers, Bert


FW: LANDAU E R , INC -INV #39 88299 dated 03/22/11 Hi (b)(7)(C) Hav e not heard from Bert B owers, so I'm forwarding this message t o you. I think thi s is so mething that i s norma ll y paid by the P Car d. If so, who d o J send the o ri ginaJ invoice to? Please advi se. Have a nice evening! Tha nk s a l ways. l (b)(7)(C) Direct: !(b)(7)(C) h Ma in.* 61 9.234 8696 j Fa11: 6 19.471.3576 l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tech I P roj ect Services 1230 Columb i a S treet, Su it e 750 I San Diego, CA 9710 1 I www lelralech.corri PLEASE NOTE. This message, including any allachments, may inc l ude confi d en ti al and/o r inside 1n formation. Any distrib uti on o r use of thls communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is st r ictly prohibited and may be unlaw f ul. ir you are not the intended rec i pierit, p leas e notify the se nder by re p lying to th is message and t hen delete i t from your sys tem. Think Green -Not every email needs to be printed. From: (b)(?)(C) !,,---,.--,-~ Sent: Tue ay, Apri 05, 2011 5:45 PM To: Bowers, Bert Cc:!(b)(7)(C) I


LANDAUER, INC -INV #39 88299 dated 03/22/11 Hi Bert, Do yo u happen to know the PO numb er for tbe attached in voice? lfno PO , please a dvis e h ow should thi s invoice be paid. Thank you and have a nic e evening. l (b)(7)(C) Dir e ct:!(b)(7)(C) h Main: 619.234.8696 I Fax: 619.471.3576 l (b)(7)(C) Tetra Tec h I Project Service s 1 230 Co lumb ia Street , Suite 750 I San Diego , CA 92 10 1 I www.tetratech com PLEASE NOTE: T hi s message , i nc l uding any attachments , may include conf1den t1al and/o r i nside information. Any distribution or use of tnis commun i cation by anyone o th er than t he i nte nded recipient is st ri ctly pro h ib it ed and may be u n l awful. If you are not th e intended rec r p i ent, p l e a se notify t he sen d e/ by rep lyi ng to this message and then de l e t e it from you r system. Think Gree n -Not every email needs to be pr inted. From: Bowers, Bert Sent: Frida A 2011 4:32 PM To: (b)(7):C) Cc: i.,.....-~~---= ..... SUbject: IT Record Update: L ocation of Assigned Laptop and Supplemental IT Equipment (Docki n g Station, Mou se, Keyboard & Monitor) Thanks for returning my ca ll from l ast Friday! for any reco r d update need s, and pe r OW' co nv ers ation ju st comp l eted , IT office equipment s upplied to me at Alameda (i.e., to s upplement the l apto p original ly assigned while at Hunters Point) is now being used from my home office in l (b)(7)(C) f A , The assignment at Alameda was completed effective Friday, April 1 , 20 1 1. As always , feel free to contact me if additional information or feedback is needed. Regards , Ma in f x i x c , I Cell* i(bl(7)1Cl II Alternate* Fax. 650 376.3719 Bert Bowers I Su p ervis ing ESQ Sci entis t I Radia o x x *> Bert.Bowe r T etra Tech EC I Environmental Safety and Quality 656 Greenwich Lane I Foster City, CA 94404 = REFERENCE 50}}