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Maintenance Order No. 07020581000
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 02/27/2008
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Information Services
Download: ML11242A068 (86)


{{#Wiki_filter:QUALITY FIRST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ORIGIqA.L 1 11 UNT SONGS MAINTENANCE ORDER NO: 07020381000 1011111111lllHON1111 llM 7/1pý &CATEGORY: 70 -Work In Progress REPETITIVE MAINT. NO. -30972016000 RESPONSIBLE ORG:ELECTRICAL UNIT-2 INTERVAL -01 FREQUENCY -A 'MAINTENANCE TYPE: S" EQUIPMENT ID: $21806ES008 RC: CONST. CODE:N/A -PRIORITY: DD SU SYSTEM: PKA ACCOUNTING DISTRIBUTION:0121 7221 098 020 QC WITNESS/HOLD REQD: N FUNC DESC: 125VDC STATION BATTERY 2D2 LOCATION. AREA: CB ROOM: 306B ELEVATION: 050 COLUMN: 18.5LI IQUAL CLASB:2**** NOTE: WORECLIST ATTACHED ****DESCRIPTION: Annual Battery Performance Test after reaching 85% Service Life in October 2006. (Should include spare cells). Perform Thermography. Ref. Tech Spec SR and AR #051000856. If both service and performance tests to be condsucted on 2B008 battery during a refueling outage, then per Tech Spec Bases SR statement, the service test(RHO 30972016000) should be completed first.RCM-CRITICAL/TS/AR031000166-3/AR030801255-I0/AR051000856-01 4 -:1 -0Y REMARKS: Planner to generate SM for Test Tech to perform thermography. Reference Fire Impairment 07020013.REQUESTOR DATA: CREW CODE: EW2 PROJECT CODE: REQUESTING DEPT: EL2 REQUESTOR NAME: i(b)(6)REQUIRZWENTSt WORK AUTH REQD? -.WORK AUTH TYPE? I )- I 7 0 ASME CODE WORK? N NO. N/A MO TO DISP NCR? N NO. N/A TEMPORARY MOD.? N NO. N/A DCP: ENVIRN QUAL: N SEIS: I 1 PAX: FIRE PROT. ADMIN. REQD?SECURITY REQD?SSR REQD?ENGINEERING REQD?FME REQUIREMENTS? R.E.P. EVAL. REQD?CREACUS BREACH?Y N N N N N FCN REQD?ECP REQD?N NO. N/A N NO. N/A.SCHEDULING: R.M. DUE DATE 1/31/2008 11;15.RITTS: DUE DATE 'VIOLATION DATE SCHEDULED START D3ATE 2/19/2008 00:00 SCHEDULED COMP DATE 2/22/2006 00:00 MO OBJECTIVE


AE S1GNEI Page 1 t 7,0 2 0 5,84 -0 oo<)603'1ý Originator File Copy 07020581000 MO: 07020581000 , , ORIGINAL 6 Category 70 QC REQUIREMENTS: FIRE PROTECTION/SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: Adhere to the requirements of S023-XV-4.500 (Control of U2/3 Barriers)and the requirements specified in the applicable Hazard Barrier Evaluation. Contact the Fire P4rteýtion-poordinator at 66641 to activate the impairment. Performed by-, Date: .S........ .. .... .......... ............. .. .. ................ When work is complet, 40rnjact.the FPC to terminate the impaiireit. i b ( ) .... ..... ........ ... .......... ........ /(b)(6)Performed by:1 _ _ Date: Note: If the FPC is not available, contact the Fire Department at 86655.PRECAUTIONS: WORK IAW THE SCE ACCIDENT PREVENTION MANUAL AS LISTED IN SECTION 4.0 OF PROCEDURE S0123-I-2.6 SPECIAL TOOLS: FACE SHIELD, GLOVES, RUBBER APRON WORK PLAN GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Support MO(s): 07020584000, 07020586000, 07020589000, 07121387000, 08010717000 08011002000, 08011261000, 08011292000 RELIABILITY CLASS: 1. CRITICAL STEPS ARE IDENTIFIED IN S0123-I-2.6.




A. 07020582000 -B 07020583000 -C. 07020584000 -E. 070a0586000 -E. 07020586000 -F. 07020587000 -0. 07020569000 -H. 070205B8000 -PRE-WEEKLY/QUARTERLY SPARE CHARGER CONNECTION PHYSICAL INSPECTION 31 DAY WEEKLY/ QUARTERLY INSTALL CROSS-TIE FROM BOOX '(b)(6) -3/-----TEST CROSS-TIE SWITCH FOR 2D. -TT LA2VIEW INSTALLATION TT THERMO0RAPHY IMAGING NEWLTH PHYSICS DOSE RSTIMkTES: EST DOSE 0 ACT DOSE 0 PERCENT OF ESTIMATE 0%07,02 0-5 8.1-0 Page 3 07020581000 MO: 07020581000 ,O7008 0. .ORIGINAL @ Category 70 POSITIVE COMPONENT VERIFICATION: REQUIRED OBSERVABLE BEHAVIOR STEPS As requested in the craft surveys, in order to increase compliance and effectiveness in conducting positive component verifications (PCV's), the below required observable behavior steps have been included in the MO/CWO as an aide.These steps should be performed PRIOR to performing work on equipment, components, or terminations. See S0123-I-1.43 "Maintenance Human Performance Application" for complete PCV program requirements and labeling exceptions. A. PRIOR TO LOCATING EQUIPMENT IN FIELD (TYPICALLY DONE DURING PRE-JOB BRIEF): Step 1: 'IDENTIFY TARGET ID' -Write down the "Target ID" on the PCV Tracking Record (Attachment 8 of S0123-1-1.43) or MO/CWO.Step 2: 'VERIFY CORRECT ID' -Compare written "Target ID" with the "MO/CWO Equipment ID" to validate that the "Target ID" was written correctly. B. AT JOB SITE: Step 3: 'LOCATE EQUIPMENT' -With the MO/CWO in hand, compare the 'Target ID" to the component-identifying label using verbalization (point-shout-shoot). Step 4: 'WRITE EQUIPMENT ID' -Write down the component-identifying label"Equipment ID" near previously written "Target ID".Step 5: 'INITIAL & DATE' -Compare the written down component-identifying label"Equipment ID" with the "Target ID" and initial and date if the ID's match exactly (See S0123-1-1.43 for approved labeling exceptions). If the ID's do not match exactly, STOP and contact the work supervisor to resolve in accordance with Procedure S0123-I-1.43. C. SECOND COGNIZANT EMPLOYEE: Step 6: 'SECOND-PERSON SELF-CHECK' -A second person should repeat Step 3 and initial signifying agreement that the intended component has been positively identified. (Note: The responsible supervisor may waive the second-person self-check based-on a SAFER evaluation.) Page 4 0 7.020581 -0 07020581000 MOt 07020581000 .ORIGINAL 0 Category 70 WORK PLAN DETAIL: The correct equipment/cormVonent must be positively identified prior to performing any work.*** THIS M.O. IS ON EQUIPMENT WHICH REQUIRES RECORDING OF M&TE USE AS ****** DESCRIBED IN SO123-XV-1 'CALIBRATION AND CONTROL OF MEASURE AND ****


DWGS/REFS: 30172 EQ REFS: None"j POSITIVE COMPONENT VERIFICATION The specific steps of performing Positive Component Verification should be repeated for each task:-When conducted by different worker,-After an extended break from work,-When the level of distraction is high,-When working in Skill-Base or Rule-Base performance modes,-Or as directed by the work supervisor. Eq'ip ID's(WL) Initial/Date 2nd Ver. Equip ID's Field Initial/Date 2:$ xcl~w~ b) (b (b) _(b)Q 5A(b) I~~____ _ __ _ / ./ ____ __6)\A________ 1-(6 nd Ver ir I.Page 5 ....0 7.0 2 0 58:1 -0 07020581000 MO: 07020581000 .ORIGINAL @ Category 70 (WORK PLAN DETAIL CONTINUED) y1Verify SO123-I-2.2 & so123-I-2.3 were completed on the battery bank, (including spare cells), less than 24hrs prior to the Performance Test.NOTE: ENGINEERING IS TO EVALUATE THE INDIVIDUAL CELL RESULTS TO DETERMINE IF CELLS SHOULD BE JUMPERED OUT PRIOR TO RECHARGE. A 58 CELL CONFIGURATION IS REQUIRED TO RETURN THE BATTERY BANK TO SERVICE.Conduct a Battery Performance Test & Rapid Recharge IAW the latest REV & TCN of S0123-I-2.6.

a. As required, and prior to recharge, jumper out individual cells determined by Engineering to be failing, Torque and ductor affected connection IAW appropriate steps of S0123-I-2.4. (No more than two (2) cells may be failing to meet the 58 cell requirement.
3. After declaring the battery bank operable, IAW S0123-I-2.6, continue with float charging for 48hrs prior to the next step.a. Perform S0123-I-2.3, for engineering data gathering.
b. As required, perform a "triple dip' while obtaining specific gravity readings, to compensate for stratification of electrolyte.
c. If S0123-I-2.3 is Sat, continue with float charging.d. If S0123-1-2.3 is Unsat, place the Bank on equalize charge IAW S0123-I-4.53.
a. If an equalize charge was conducted, perform S0123-1-2.2 and S0123-1--2.3 after a 72 hour float charge.PLANNING APPROVALS:

BY DATE TIME FIRE PROTECTION REVIEW 02/06/07 08:28:38 WORK PLANNED 02/05/07 22:02:35 WORK PLANNED REVIEW 02/08/07 16!35:11 EQUIPMENT CONTROL REVIEW 01/18/08 08:17:28 WORK SCHEDULED 02/05/08 12:58:05 Page 6 0 7 0.2 0 -0 07020581000 MO: 07020581000 .MO,720800ORIGINAL 9 Category 70 l I I PROCEDURE LIST: PROCEDURE ID REV TCN 1 -S0123-I-2.2 Desc: 125 VDC 2 -S0123-I-2.3 Desc: 125 VDC 3 -S0123-1-2.6 Desc: BATTERY 4 -S0123-1-4.53 Desc: BATTERY 007 002 PILOT CELL BATTERY INSPECTION 007 001 BATTERY INSPECTION 008 005 PERFORMANCE TEST AND RAPID RECHARGE 005 001 EQUALIZE CHARGE 5 -S0123-II-15.3 010 000 Desc;: TEMPORARY SYSTEM ALTERATION AND RESTORATION FORM 6 -S023-V-2.14 007 001 Desc: THERMAL INSPECTION OF PLANT COMPONENTS CRAFT INFORMATION: CRAFT CODE CRAFT DESCRIPTION QTY ESTIMATED HOURS ACTUAL HOURS I -EL ELECTRICIAN 2.0 80.0 2.5 2 -SP FIRST LINE SUPERVISOR 1.0 12.0 WORK DOME: Work Started: Date -/ _ Time _A-MV41b) (M P7~jD P cownA1LW) L (b)(6)L fq c-Enak-!?!-Q I 4LCO OYL 1vt -Q C7 spo 0 0 a C.ýp C)'E'rL Foe 0 Z)'(b)(6)OT r-2ju tV a2 Lf_, U Lt-ý 3==......... ... ....... .... ..07,02 0 58.1 -0 Page 7 07020581000 MO: 07020581000

  • *, ORIGINAL @ Category 70 (WORK( DONE CONTINUED)

P3&dusqs Am4-',--gc~~ 4f h~A Ack fWd o-Ia*-- dz- dea.1 ,ii' Efv~~z,-#flx A.-j x 'Ar I (b)(6)-WUJ ID" (b).. -(-6)T I _-;2--0-6 -- -rIae ovs-1 5 qXi (b)(6).. .. ... ....... .. .W16- *&(Z9,-ldrr zdw Agr,. 4 2.f ~)r C( .x 1lh s leli v A -q- A, llý-b)(6)0 7.0O2 0 -181 -o0 Page B 07020581000 W1"ork oli, e Conlti nuil ion MO. 0700,2 4TWk oco Puge ~ _______I I -COM P LVJ:ý? f4?1 r) (ýD it., --T, SAA--jgjjbh-V ýejeLy -0 go CPV- rCPA1r-t6&AVOJ compwýýtý gr o !ýiTg(aA ryýptRa- ý " 2/z "! --'- " , q6 AA are,A.(b)(6)'-/g-'()6 1F9 L -- -- - A 1_2 1 ...4 .....go., '1.5,I.S l(b)(6).0 7.0 2 0 5'81 -0 07020581000 Work Done Continuation Sheet MO# rc);ý 0 V I00i2 Page #!.'~ (b)(6)0 7 0 2 0 5'8.1 ".07020581000 MO: 07020581000 S00,. ,. # ORIGINAL @ Category 70 s FINAL APPROVALS: Ensure all tooling, equipment and unused material is removed from work area and work area is left in bAW S0123-XV-23.1. i(b)(6)COMRLETED BY: -/PRINT NAME: i(P) (6)STEM ENTRY REVIEWED BY: ....COMPLETED BY:.-" PRINT NAME: 2NT LINE SUPV: L _ -I .JL.A PRINT NAME-MR 1 2 008 PLANNER REVIEW: -S/_, 6 g -DOL_PRINT NAME: EQUIPMENT WORK LIST: MAJOR EQUIPMENT ID RC SYSTEM Q-CLASS EQ AREA ROOM ELEV COLUMN S21806ED008 125VDC STATION BATTERY 2D2 PKA 2 N CB 306B 050 18.5L1 INITIAL DATE l ( b ) ( 6 ) % % / .-NO.EQUIPMENT ID 1 -S21806EB017 BATTERY CHARGER 2B017 2 -S31806EB017 SPARE 1E BATTERY CHARGER NKA 3 N CB NKA 3 N CB 050 050 1 L/7. 4016-Pagey(I /07020 581 -0 01020-96ibbd-P NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 S0 123-1-2.6 PAGE 3 OF 91 TON L.5 3.0 PREREQUISITES NO -it performing the BCT2000 I Load Bank Veification Test, then go to[NOE Attachment 17 and continue.3.1 Before starting work, the user SHALL verify this procedure Is current by referring to NDMS or one of the other methods listed In S0123-1-1.3. 3.2 Enter the following data: I MOP I V0ý ý5 16 k 0 M] UnitrT Equip ID:1-m 4 ,o--7 3.3 Before making a second attempt to meet the BO% capacity requirement of this test, perform a Physical Inspection, $0123-1-2.4, and Equalize Charge, S0123-1-4.53. 3.4 Procedure SO123-I-2.2 and S0123-4-2.3 has been performed on the 125VDC Battery Banks NO more than 24 hours before this test. Record MO# below.Performed on I MO#: OL30 k.t?-(. tcm--1 3.5 Procedure 8023-1-9.48 has been performed on the 25OVDC Battery Banks NO more than 24 hours before this test. Record MO# below.Performed on I°MOP. ... ..I 3.6 If performed on a new battery bank, an equalizing charge has been performed according to SO123-1-4.53 more than 3 days and less then 7 days before conducting a Performance Test.3.7 If the spare battery cell(s) are Included In this test, verify the following: 3.7.1 Verify Spare Cells connected to the spare cell charger have been on float charge for more than 72 hours, or 3.7.2 For Spare Cells NOT connected to a spare cell charger, or the spare cells are connected to a charger that has been de-energized, perform an equalize charge according to S01 23-1-9.301. Performnedonf I MCW-m)I 126 1ac~I 3.8 A Performance Test SHALL be performed AS-FOUND. NO pretest enhancements of the Battery Terminal / Inter-Cell Connectors and battery are allowed. ( NO Cleaning, Tightening, or other activities that could improve the pefformance of the Battery Bank before the Performance Test), Technical Specification Bases 3.8.4,7 allows connecting the Spare Cells to the battery for testing.0 7 020 58:1 -0 S0123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION. UNITS 1,2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE SO1 23-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 4 OF 91 TCN 8-5 3.9 The Planner SHOULD enter the following data: NOTE: Notify the Supervisor if the battery capacity is approaching 85% of Service Ufe.3.9.1 Date which constitutes 85% of expected Service Ufe for the Battery Bank./0o- o0-o 06 3.9.2 The battery capacity obtained from the previous Performance Test on the Installed battery bank..f;L 196 3.10 For Non-Safety Related Battery Banks ONLY, prepare non-safety related cables for jumping cells falling below 1.0 VDC if directed by the Supervisor. 3.11 The battery bank is on open circuit with the battery circuit breaker OPEN and tagged out. The Battery Bank SHOULD NOT be left OPEN circuited for more than 4 hours prior to the start of the Performance Test.3.12 The battery room ventilation system Is in operation. 3.13 An operable OSHA approved eye wash facility Is available near the battery bank.F NOTE: The use of the Labview is optional and NOT required for determining the su7success or failure of the Battery Bank Performance Test.3.14 Notify the Test Technician Supervisor 24 hours prior to the start of the Battery Performance Test to allow support for the following activties: 3.14.1 Connecting the Labvlew Computer and applicable Voltage and Current Sensorsi and 3.14.2 Battery Bank Terminal Connection Thermography. 3.15 The Battery Bank Rapid Recharge outlined In Section 6.4, MAY be performed on the 1E Battery Banks If: I 3.15.1 The Spare Battery Charger 2(3)B017, or one of the Swing Battery Chargers 2/3B021 or 2/3B022 Is connected to the Battery Bank to be charged, and 3.152 The Battery Bank to be charged has been lsolate d~ m ih r-"-Ir-cRu- -(b)(6)3.16 The above Prerequisites have been verified. L Date 07,020 5 8-1 -0 S0123-I-2.6 07_0058i000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 80123-1-2,61. .REVISION B PAGE 8 OF 91 TCN 8-5 6.1.4 If directed by MO to perform a verification test on the BCT-20001 Load Bank, Then go to Attachment 17 for testing information. 6.1.5 As necessary, refer to the information below when using the listed test equipment: .1 Battery Performance Test -BCT-2000 Program Parameters, Attachment 5,.2 BCT-2000 Quick Reference, Attachment 7,.3 BCT-2000 Computer Load Bank Weight Settings, Attachment 8,.4 DC Clamp-on Ammeter, Attachment -..... Zft.who- InhtOWalstepin-this Drocedure-SNIULD Drint their name and-Initial-balow...(b)(6)punh numT'rlluI Pr rfif narna AND OF ý,ECTIDN 0702 0 581 -0 80123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE. S0123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 9 OF 91 TCN B-6 6.2 Battery Test Setup NOTE: Battery Bank 2?3B0OX is a 60 Cell connected battery bank. Cells #13 and#14 are designated Spare Cells.6.2.1 If including the spare battery cells In this test, perform the following: .1 Record the spare battery cells included in this test.I Cell ID con1 ID I Call ID C,911 ID (b)(6).2 Measure the resistance of each connection point that will be disturbed to allow the addition of the Spare Battery Cells to the Battery Bank. Record the readings in Attachment 12, Modified Cell Connection Data Form..3 Turn OFF Rag Charger..4 Remove both fuses at the Rail Charger and record on SO123-41-15,3. .5 Disconnect the Rail Charger from the spare cells. As necessary, record in S0123-11-15.3. .6 Connect the spare cels to the battery bank ( refer to Attachment 11 ) and Torque all new connections including the Spare Cell inter connections according to Attachment 5..7 Measure the resistance of the new connections. Record readings in Attachment 12, Modified Cell Connection Data Form..8 Connection resistance of the new terminations verified to meet the Acceptance Criteria In Attachment 12, Modified Cell Connection Data Form.I I(b)(6)i I NOTE: If necessary to Oft one or more leads to facilitate connecting the load bank for testing, perform the following step. Otherwise, N/A Section 6.2.2 and go I to Section 6.2.3 .. I.....6.2.2 Measure the resistance of each connection point that will be disturbed at Cell #80 to allow connection of the Load Bank. Record the resistance readings In Attachment 12, Modified Cell Connection Data Form.l(b)i(6)I I SECI I ON 1:JNTINUES Oý t4r x r pncE\S.0 7 ,02 0.5 S:1- 0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 S0123-1-2.6 , PAGE 10 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTES: 1. The battery cell internal resistance will be used for trending by the Engineer.2. Measuremenl is taken between the Positive 4 ) and Negative ( -) Cell Posts. Exclude the Inter-Cell, Intertier, and Inter-Rack connections. 6.2.3 Use an E-BITE Tester, including the Loop for Current Sensor, to measure the As-Found internal resistance of each connected battery cell. Record resistance readings on Attachment 15, E-BITE -Battery Cell Internal Resistance Form..1 The Internal resistance measurement of each connected battery cell has been completed. eft.(b)(6)SETO CI ME D 0762'81 -0 S0123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1,2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 S01 23-1-2.6 PAGE 11 OF 91 TCN 8-5 I I I NOTES:, When taking Batlery Cell Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or better) set on the 5V range. If necessary, reference Design Ca/c E4C-017.When taking Battery Bank Terminal Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or better) set on the 500V range. If necessary, reference Design Caic E4C-01 7.3- When taking millivolt readings across the Load Bank Shunt Output Terminals connect a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or better) set on the 500 mV range. If necessary, reference Design Caic E4C-017.SIt MAY be necessary to remove a cable from the Negative-Terminal of Cell #60 to allow termination of the Load Bank Cable.I 6.2.4 Battery Bank Test Equipment Setup.o/Connect a Fluke 187 Multimeter ( 500 millivolt range) Across the Load Bank Shunt Output Terminals. g"eConned a Fluke 187 Multimeter ( 500 Volt range) Across the Terminals of the Battery Bank.c-Install a DC Clamp-on-Ammeter at or near the Load Bank ( refer to Attachment 9).p"Connec the Sense Wires to the Battery Cells ( refer to Attachment 11). 1_p- Verify Continuity of the Test Cable Limiter Fuses. Replace as Necessary..Connect an Isolation Switch, with Interrupt capabilities, between the Load Bank and the Battery Bank.according to Attachment 11, page 4 of 4. Isolation Switch SHOULD be readily accessible and close to the Load Bank.-& Connect Test Cables to the Battery Bank ( Limiter fuses connected to the battery bank). Ensure Cables Are Tightened According to Attachment

5. Continuity of the Test Cable and Fuse connections SHOULD be less than 145 microhms.o"' Connect Cotntrol Cable Between the BCT-2000 and the Load Bank with the Active Shunt..o/'Verify Continuity of All Fuses Inside the Load Bank Control Cabinets, Located Front and Back.eýý'Use a Battery Back-Up UPS (22000 VA rating ) to Provide Control Power to BCT-2000 and Load Bank , _/ sure Loa Bank Rear Terminal Cover Is Secured Properly---

-*'If the Labview Computer wIll be used, have the Test Technicians Have Installed Lebview Computer and Necessary Current and Voltage Sensors.I I I .11 0 7,02 0 5'81 -a S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO123-I-2.6 PAGE 12 OF 91 TCN 8-6a,,.rto Configure th J.,.per Cable for the Applicable AM Discharge Test Will Result In Possible Equipment Damage and MAY Cause a Fire. ( refer to ARt# 070800209) -/ Check the correct Jumper Cable configuration for the appropriate Load Bank is correct for the test to be performed. As necessary, refer to Attachment-11 for Jumper Cable location at J10 and J13.(2 DC Discharge Test Jumper INSTALLED 250 VDC Discharge Test Jumper REMOVED I.1.1 Have a second person vertfy the correct Jumper Cable configuration. P. Turn on the Data Logger.61 Initiate power to the Load Bank Fans.,,I.- Verify ALL LEDs inside the front Control Panel of the Load Bank are'OFF" or NOT lit.A Turn on the Lap Top Computer and allow time to boot to the BCT-2000 main menu.Select Stup ].CLOSE or verify Closed the Isolation Switch..1 Have a second person verify the Switch is Closed.2id P.ubo P9: T-Arp4 CPL I(b)(6)and Pý gINV.SNOTE. The program information MAY be entered In any order as long as all of the NT required information Is entered prior to the start of testing. .I 6.2.10 As necessary, refer to Attachment 7, for SCT-20O0 Setup Information. (NOT required if Manual control is used)6.2.11 Adjust the BCT-2000 Program clock to the real lime.bACP"196KC~PL I I SFUION CW471NLJF-, 014 NEXT PAGC 070 2 0 5 8,1 -o S0123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE SO123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 13 OF 91 TCN 8 -6 6.2(12 Identify the Load Bank Model being used and refer to Attachment B to verify the correct Load Bank Weight Settings..l Load Bank Weight Settings for the model and configuration are verified correct.Have a second person verify the Load Bank Weight Setting and configuration are correct for the model being used.,3 If the Weight Settings are incorrect, contact the Supervisor for concurrence and the password to make the necessary corrections. 6,2,Aý From Attachment 6 enter the Cell Warning setpoint.B.2" Enter "O"in the Cell Shut Down Field. WMen the value is set to *On the Cell Shut Down is disabled.*KCPA.I NOTE: Overall Battery ( OV) Shut Down and Warning Voltage MAY have to be I rounded up to the next decimal when entered into the BCT-2D00 program I 6.2.16 Calculate the Overall Battery ( OV ) Shut Down Voltage below.Enter this value into the BCT-2000 program.(No. of Cells to be Tested)(minimum Cell Voltage) 1 [.7" VDC (Test Equipment Tolerances)

0. 1=7 VDC 0(V Shut Down Voltage) IV~r 6.2,16 Calculate the Overall Battery ( OV ) Voltage Warning Level below.Enter this value into the BCT-2000.!(b)(6)(Shutdown Voltage from stop 6.2.15) 12 VDC I 1. vc 0 V Warning Voltage) VDC.1 Results In Steps 6.2.15 and 6.2.16 verIfied by a second person before start of test. 2 Paw L%(b)(6)i z i,7T i n N r- (-ým -Ti N i j r R-0.q-070205-8.1

-0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE S0123-1-2.6 REVISION B PAGE 14 OF 91 TCN 8-5 6.2.17 In the Intertier ( IT ) Shut Down and Warning Fields enter "0" to disable. /CCPL 6.2.18 Record the average cell electrolyte temperature from Procedure S0123-1-2.3 or S023-1-9.48. I ,,,OETIN ONLY I Used to Determine Correction Factor ( K ) in Step 6.2.19' Average Coil Temperature 7 71 6)6.2.19 Use the formula below and calculate the test load amperage.f Lou w Rated Load Amperage Uncorrected for Temperature, According to Attachment a.Lac w Rated Load Amperage Corrected for Temperature. K = Discharge Current Correction Factor According to Attachment 10.2 AMP = Additional Amperage Compensates for Test Equipment Tolerances [ 139.4 Sq (K)! 1. O5J ]j(Lau)[ 12418 (Result of Lau /K) Ki-I. X J (Test Equipment Tolerances) + AMP , ,' [(b)(6)I,....................................... ........ ........ .. A P U(6),1 Results verified by a second person before start of test. 2ti p.,,a. w: (b6 NOTE. If the Lac Value has a decimal value, round the Lac value to the next higher I NOTE, whole number. I 6.2.20" Enter the amperage value determined in the step above Into the BCT-2000 Program Step(s). NT Tb -6)ýNr) or SECI IM I 0 ? 0 2 0 5-8-1 -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8* SO123-1-2.6. PAGE 15 OF 91 TCN " TIS REQUIRtEMENT 6.3 Battery Performance Test If the Computer Looks up or FulsI In Any Other Manner, (Ai'lN f Turn-Off the Load Bank Power Before Attempting to Reboot the BCT.2000. Failure to Do this May Damage the Battery Bank.6.3.1 If testing is interrupted and the test will be restarted, record the interruption time In the MO.LNOTE: The use of the Labview Computer is optional.6.3.2 Have the Test Technicians start the Labvlew Computer. N-CP 6.3.3 Ihltlate the test ( refer to Attachment 7, BCT-2000 Quick Reference ). Verify BCT-2000 Is In the 'AUTO" Mode.NOTE. When taoIng Battery Bank Terminal Voltage, use a Fluke 157 (equivalent or better) set on the 500V range. If necessary, reference Design Calc E4 C -.17. ... ..1 Record the Performance Test starting Time, Date, and Battery Terminal Vottage below.Starting Time: 16-7 : 2-Date I D 2-0 .of Termhnal Voltage: 1 VDC (b-) (6ý)ISECTION CONI INUES Oý N[-XT PACL I 070208&i-o S0123-I-2.6 07026581600 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 S0123-1-2.6 PAGE 17 OF 91 TCN 8-5 6.3.6 Monitor the load bank current. Use the multimeter installed across the Shunt Output Terminals. Discharge current SHOULD be within 2 amps (0.17 mV) of the value calculated in Step 6.2.1,9.MlME VOLTAGES MOLUVOLTS AMPS I I TEST START&Wd olStIfl4O 15 Mk8- 07 47~ 1 6 71 zf 01 1-Lf'f3 -2&_6 '~I C7 ~ ~ %Z9, T3 '1 01.02- 2"') LL.________ /04 7 JT1 c~-Z ?'15 14 37 /to(k -6v -n-7 ____16 to 0q.i F1 Od.? _____I__kq IWMAL (b)(6)17 19 22.21 22 27 29 30 1,SFC-WJN CONTINUES Oý NEXT PAGE 0 7 0 2 0 5.81 -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 .) NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1.2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO123-1-2.6 PAGE 18 OF 91 TCN 8-5 TIME VOLTAGES MILLIVOLTS AMPS INITIAL 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 3'39 40 END OF TEST 6.F' Monitor Battery Performance Test for the following termination criteria:Battery Overall ( OV ) Shut Down Voltage Is reached., Any battery cell(s) temperature exceeding 110 F..a- Any battery Interoell Connector(s) shows evidence of excessive heating.,4V" If the Overall Battery ( OV) or Cell Voltage drops below the Warning Alarm setpolnt. perform the following: .4.1 Silence the Warning Alarm by clicking OK In the Warning Message Box, and continue testing.6.3.8 During the last half of the Battery Performance Test, the Test Techs SHOULD perform Thermography on all Battery Terminations. Generate an AR if a 'Hot Termination" is found.'(b)(6)I SECI [ON CONI 11IJ::s ON N[--XT ;'AGE I L3 0 7 0 2 0 5 8,,1 "0 S0123-z-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1,2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE S0123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 19 OF 91 TCN 8-5 6.3.9 Just before lest termination perform the following: I NOTE: When taking Battery Bank Terminal Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent I or better) set on the 500V range. If necessary, reference Design Calc E4C-017..1 Measure the battery terminal voltage while the battery bank is still under load. Record the voltage reading below.Battery Terminal Voltage Is Greater than or Equal to the Value Ca.loulated Below.(No. of Cells Tested)(Minimum Cell Voltage)(Test Equipment Tolerances (Shutdown Voltage)Battery Terminal Voltage: I 4zzio+ 0.17 VDc 107.0DCo v SAT UAT:(b)(6)W4T:l I I *.2 Results verified by a second person before recharging the PU,=f NTr: ..,.NOTES: 1. Amp-hours removed value will be used during the Rapid Recharge.The Value recorded is for Information only and NOTfor determining Operability or for satisfying Technical Specification Surveillance requirements.

2. If a Labview is NOT used or fails during use, N/A the following step and go to Step 6.3.10..3 From the Labview Computer, record the total Amp-hours ( Ah ) removed from the Battery Bank during the Performance Test below.Actual Amp-hours Removed: IIAh Expected Amp-Hours, from Attachment 6: Ah 7-q.7--, SETO COTNE ON 070205;8,1

-0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000-i NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1. 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO123-1-2.6 PAGE 20 OF 91 TCN 8-5 6.3.10 Record the following Performance Test termination data:.1 Time and Date Performance Test completed, Completlon Time: I I/ : 0?- 1 Date IO'Z-I o i o1 1 (b)(6)tNT:.2 Calculate the total elapsed test time.(Completion Tbme from step 6.3. 10. 1),,me from stop 6.3.3) -).7b'...(Tote/ Elapsad77ime) 2-L() minutes.3 Results verified by a second person before recharging the battery. 2, 6.3.11 After the load bank cools off, turn the load bank fans OFF.6.3.12 Disconnect the load bank cables, sense leads, and test equipment ( inruding the Labview Computer and Sensors ) from the battery bank.6,3.13 Perform the following if cable(s) were removed from Cell #60:.1 Make-up and Torque Cell #80 (w.) connections according to Attachment 5, Battery Terminal Torque Specification,.2 Measure the As-Left resistance of the new connections. Record reating(s) in Attachment 12, Modified Cell Connection Data Form.INT: Id PNW WT.*~--(b)(6)t4T: ", I 6.3.14.-If any IndMdual cells were jumpered out during the test, contact the Engineer for an evaluation before reconnecting to the battery bank, and generate an AR.6.3.15 Review the Battery Terminal Voltage stored In the BCT-2000 Program and Identify any occurrence of the Battery Bank Terminal Voltage dropping < 110 VDC for & 58 CaR Bettery Bank configuration. Record the Time and Date below.b)XS TIme:j 10 b.Datel -'L, / J-0 / i I[ ACINCNa UES0 ETP~: 0702058:1 -0 S0123-1-2.6 07020581000 / NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE S0123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 21 OF 91 TCN B-5 6.3.16 Calculate the Battery Bank Capacity. Verify results meet the minimum requirements below. Have a second person verify results.IACCEP"E CmTfIA All Battedes: 2: 80% of Reted Capacity All New Batteries: Z> 90% of Rated .Ca.pacbE.. ...Ta Actual Duration of Test, in Minutes, to Minimum Terminal Voltage ( from stap Rated Time to Final Voltage ( from Attachment 6)Ta-X 100 % = Capacity Corrected to 251C (77F)Tr (TO) I ý40 I]I( Ta)[ %to (Result of Ta/rr)(b)(Battely Capacity) L tD % (6 SAT Go to Step 8.3.17 UNSAT I Performs corrective actions as follows INd Pown- 01T.f:.1 Imnedialely notify your Supervisor of any UNSAT condition. This Supervisor SHALL report a failed Surveillance according to 801234-1.3 ()6 2 Notify the Engineer, and generate an AR.6.3.17 Verify the value calculated in step 6.3.16 meets the Acceplance Criteria below.* 90% of Manufacturers Rating.Battery Capacity (from stop 6.3. 16 ): I- &b SAT Go to Step 6.3.185 UNSAT 1 Perform corrective actions as follows.1 Immediately notify your Supervisor of any UNSAT condition. This Supervisor SHALL report a failed Surveillance according to S0123-1-1.3 .2 Notify the Engineer, and generate an AR, (b'(6)...... ..... .............. ...... ..A.,/Ad 14,, rs-IIIL)NU(:)NIINLJý-S(,)t',JIVýXI PAW-- I 0702058:1 -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 I NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION. UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO123-1-2.6. PAGE 22 OF 91 TCN 8-6 I NOTE: A negative value calculated below, Indicates an Increase In capacity.I E 6.3.1B Calculate the difference In battery capacity between this test and the average from previous testing. Have a second person verify the results.AICCPTANCE CREIA Battery Capacity Has DECREASED less than 10% of Rated Capacity from the last Performance Test (Lost Capac*y Test, Stop 3.9.2 )(Battery Cepaeofy this test, step 6.3.16) -(ciZ O%( Circle one ) ?-- 'z- 0 (if I %)-oPerform corrective actions as I ! +/-G t follows (Cb)(6)2nP Nm1t:.1 Immediately notify your Supervisor of any UNSAT condition. This Supervisor SHALL report a failed Surveillance according to S0123-1-1.3. .2 Notify the Engineer, and generate an AR..3 Go to Step 6, Use the Battery Capacity degradation calculated In Step 6.3.18 and verify that the capacity has decreased less that the value below.AcrWMAMP cWMi Battery Capacity Has DECREASED less than 9% of Capacity from the last Performance Test Conac Supervisor for I. ST IEl Gotstp632.1US LDIDrol'(b)(6)1.1 Generate an AR for Engineering evaluation. .2 Go to the next step.L-F1FC110NC0N111J1j1=1-,(-)ý NEXT PA(-,[-0702 0 5,8,1 -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO123-1-2.6 PAGE 23 OF 91 TCN 8-6 6.3.20 Section 6.3, Battery Performance Test, completed satisfactorily.(b)(6)INTi To Prevent Internal Shorts Between the Cell Plates, Do CARION NOT Keep the Battery Bank Open -Circuited for More than 4 HOURS after Completion of the Performance Test 6.3.21 Go to Section 8.4, Rapid Recharge, and recharge the Battery Bank.I ýND OF SFC-il 07 020 58.. -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE S01 23-1-2.6 UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 REVISION 8 PAGE 24 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTES: 1. A Rapid Recharge MAY be performed on a Battery Bank, if the Charger and Battery Bank are Isotated from the associated DC Bus.2. If unable to perform a Rapid Recharge, go to Section 6.6 to complete this procedure.

3. For the Battery Banks on the 50 Control Building use the Spare Battery Charger 2(3)B017 or one of the Swing Battery Chargers 2/3B021 or 2/31022.6.4 Rapid Recharge 6.4.1 Record the Equipment ID or the Charger being used to perform the Rapid Recharge.Charger EquipmentlID:

6.4.2 Verify the Battery Bank is connected to Spare Battery Charger 2(3)B017 or on of the Swing Battery Chargers 2/3B021 or 2/13022.8.4.3 Install appropriate Cable Umiter Fuses at the Battery Terminals. 6.4.4 Ductor all Cable and Fuse connections. Continuity SHOULD be less than 145 microhms.6.4.5 Verify the High Voltage Shutdown has been disabled as follows.N/A option NOT useot I 1 For the 2(3)B017 Charger; verify that the Test Technicians have Installed a jumper across the High Voltage Shutdown Relay Contact Unit Charger Jumper Installed Meck e 20 30 B017 0 OR NOTE= Removal of Timer K303 will defeat tripping of the associated breakers.Refer to drawings S023-301-3A-D-12, D13, D17 & D18.I I.2 For the 2/35021 & 2/31022 Charger; verify that the Test Technicians have removed Timer K303 from the Swing Charger to be used.Unit Charger Timer K303 Removed Check oap 20 3 0 B021 0 2 30 B022 I.b(6.!,Cf1N0T -TI S S0123-1-ý2.6 07020581000.. ... ......... -%--- NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE SO123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 25 OF 91 TCN 8-65 ILNOTE: The use of the Labview Computer Is optional. If a Labvlew Computer is NOT available or will NOT be used, N/A Step 6.4.6 and go to the next step.I Ill I I W 6.4.6 Verify the Test Technicians have Installed a Labvlew Computer and the necessary Voltage and Current Sensors.6.4.7 Connect the following: o Fluke 187 Multimeter ( 500 Volt range) across the Charger output Voltmeter. o Fluke 187 Multlmeter ( 500 mrnlivolft range) across the Charger Shunt Output Terminals, o Fluke 187 Multimeter ( 500 Volt range ) across the Battery Bank Terminals.(b)(6)Ck"k NOTES: 1. After determining the applicable Battery Bank configuration, the craft MAY Une out the unused choice.2. Battery Bank BOOX Is normally 60 Cell connected battery bank, spare cells are connected. If cell(s) have been jumpered out use the appropriate value for Charging.6.4.8 Select the battery bank configuration below to determine appropriate Rapid Recharge Voltage value.S~ey Bnk on~uralonRapid Recharge -Voltage Value (W")(28 Mewed at ON0 batwylem~nal) ONE 58 Cell. Battery Bank Configuration 149.0 (148.6 to 149.5 ) VDC 0'59 Cell Battery Bank Configuration 151.5 (151.0 to 152.0 ) VDC 60 Call Battery Bank Configuration 154.0 (153.5 to 154.s ) VDC.A Rýcord the voltage value selected and the number of cells in Step and Attachment 14..2 Supervisor verifies correct Rapid Recharge Voltage value is selected.(b)(6)Loh8 -0 7.0 2 0 g'8:1 -0 30 S0123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE S0123-1-2.6 UNITS 1. 2 AND 3 REVISION 8 PAGE 28 OF 91 TCN 8-.5 NOTES: 1. Do NOT attempt to adjust the Equalize Voltage while the charger Is In Current Limit. The Battery Banks and Current Limit durations below are approximate and are for reference only.Following a PERFORMANCE Test 2(3)B017 2(3)8021 & 2(3)B022 Battery Bank Current Limit 2u3ren2 & 2u3)tio2 Duration Current Limit Duration D1 & D2 165 minutes 116 minutes D5 395 minutes 280 minutes D3. 04 & BOOX 299 minutes 211 minutes 2. When the Charger comes off Current Limil it is very important that the charger output voltage be monitored very closely to optimize charging time.3. The multimeter across connected Charger Output Voltmeter MAY be used to assist In maintaining charging voltage, The Battery Terminal Voltage will be less than the charger output voltage due to the voltage drop across the cable. This difference MAY be as much as 8 volts while the connected Charger is on Current Limit.4. When the charger is cold, the Current Limit MAY operate at a lower value. Also, the charger Equalize Potentiometer MAY be set at a lower value depending on the last use. The charger MAY need constant monitoring until coming off Currant Limit and charging voltage range is set.6.4.13 As the Charger comes off Current Umit, SLOWLY adjust the Equalize potentiometer to push Charger back on Current Umit, If possible.NOTE: When taking Battery Bank Terminal Voltage, use a Fluke 187 (equivalent or better) set on the SOV range. ff necessary, reference Design Calc , E4C-017..1 Battery Terminal voltage SHOULD NOT exceed the voltage recorded below ( value detemilned in Section 6.4, 8 ).Battery Bank Configuratien Rapid Recharge -Voltage Range ( as newad at bt baffwytemnnns )Nurnber f Calls to kAejj(b)(6 minimum I SF.CTiDN CONI IN ULL ON' NLXT PAG F 0720 58:1-0 s0123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO123-t-2.6 PAGE 29 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTE: To optimize the Rapid Recharge Time, maintain the Voltage level as close as possible to the value recorded in Step If voltage slips below desired value recharge time will increase.6A.14 As necessary, make adjustments to maintain the Voltage level as close as possible to the voltage range recorded In Step adjustment may be necessary. .1 MAY be necessary to reduce voltage to prevent Cell Temperature exceeding 110 °F and Electrolyte Levels from overflowing. NOTES: 1. Engineering established the 110% Amp Hour return requirement as an alternate means of evaluating when the battery Is fully charged.This requirement is informational only and does NOT determine Operability or validate Technical Specification Surveillance requirements.

2. If a Labview Computer is NOT used or fails during use, N/A the following step and go to Step Reference Step and record the Amp-hours removed below.Calculate the 110% Amp-hour return value. Have a second person verify calculation.

Amp-,lours Removed Recorded In Stop q5.~ Amp-hours i r Amnp-boura (b)(6)n I FECTION CONIINUES, ON' NEXI PAGý-0.2 058.1 -0 f S0123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO123-1-2.6.. PAGE 30 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTES: 1. Amp-hours removed value MAY be used duririg the Rapid Recharge. The Value recorded is for information only and NOT for determining Operability or for satisfying Technical Specification Surveillance requirements.

2. If a Labview is NOT used or fails during use, continue the Rapid Recharge for about 6 hours or as directed by the Supervisor or Engineer.

Trne is tracked on Attachment

14. Then go to Step Continue charging at this voltage rate until the Labview Computer shows 110% of the Amp-hours removed has been returned to the battery bank.I'INFORM.AMON COLY IID% Amp-hours Calculated inStep6.4.15 11 0 5 7.. 5 Amp-hours.Returned ( Recorded by Labvlaw) I /0L5L7.1 If unable to return 110% of the Amp-hours removed within the desired time period, contact Supervisor and Engineer and continue as directed.I(b)(6)O1 N/ti NOTES: 1. After determining the applicable Battery Bank configuration, the craft MAY line out the unused choice.2. Battery Bank BOOX is normally 60 Cell connected battery bank, spare cells are connected.

If cell(s) have been Jumpered out use the appropriate value for Charging.6.4.17 Select the battery bank configuration below to determine the appropriate Equalize Charge Voltage value.Battery Bank Configuration Equalize Charge -Voltge Value V-)58 Cell Battery Bank Configuration 139.0 ( 38,5 to t39.5 ) VDC [3 59 Call Battery Bank Configuration 141.5 ( 141.0 to 142.0 ) VDC -60 Cell Battery Bank Configuration 144.0 ( 143,5 to 144,5 ) VDC " (b)(6).1 Supervisor verifies correct Equalize Charge Voltage value Is selected. 5IG,,=,,N. J I SECTION CONTINULS, Ot'ý 14EKT r1ArWj S070.20581 -0 S0123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1,2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO 123-1-2.6 PAGE 31 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTE: Reducing the Charging Voltage from a 'Rapid Recharge" to a Normal"Equablze Charge* the Charging Current MAY fall to less than 5 amps.When the charging current is less than 5 amps, wail about 1 minute before making any further adjustments. This pause allows the Labview Low Current Transducer to "LOCK-IN." After the transducer 81Lock-in" continue to adjust the current slowly.6.4.18 Reduce the Charger output to the Equalize Charge Voltage selected above. Measure voltage at the Battery Terminals. ACPL NOTE: Refer to Attachment 9 for the DC Clamp-on Ammeter set up information. 6.4.19 Allow the Charging Current to stabilize at the new voltage setting.Stable condition is verified by 4 consecutIve hourly readings WITHIN 5 amps of each other.a/. CPL 6.4.20 Request that the Test Technicians restore the High Voltage Shutdown feature of the Charger as follows. N/A option NOT used: NOTE-: The High Voltage Shut Down Relay SHOULD be reset before the jumper Is removed.I.1 For the 2(3)8017 Charger; verify the Test Technicians have removed the jumper installed across the connected Charger High Voltage Shutdown Relayt Unit Check one Charger Jumper Removed 2 0 30 B017 03 OR INOTE: As necessary, refer to drawings S023-301-3A-D-12, D13, 017 & D18 for the K303 Timer.I.2 For the 213BDZ1 or 213B022 Charger; verify that the Test Technicians have reinstalled Timer K303 In the Swing Charger being used.Unit Chock one Charger Timer K303 Installed (b)(6)20 3 E3 B021 30 B022 0 07,0 2 0 -o S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE. 801234-2.6. REVISION 8 PAGE 32 OF 91 TOCN 6.4.21 After a stable condition is verified, continue to the next step and place the Battery Bank on a Float Charge.2<1PL NOTES: 1. After determining the applicable Battery Bank configuralion, the craft MAY line out the unused choice.2. Battery Bank BOOX Is normally 60 Cell connected battery bank, spare cells are connected. If cell(s) have been jumpered out use the appropriate value for Charging.6.4.22 Select the Battery Bank configuration below. Put the Charger In a FLOAT mode of operation. As necessary, adjust the Charger output to the Float Voltage selected below.Battery Bank Configuration Float Charge -Voltage Value (V)(as messud at Ithe ONE 58 Cell Battery Bank Configuration 131.5 ( 131.0 to 132.0 ) VDC f-59 Call Battery Bank Configuration 133.5 (133.0 to 134.0 ) VDC 60 Cell Battery Bank Configuration 135.0 ( 134.s to 135.6 ) VDC.1 Supervisor verifies correct Float Voltage value Is selected, 9Wp~ INT; (b)(6)Fs- -EcTION CON 11NOF1 Od t*.x-r PAGE 07 2 0'5&..1 -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE S0123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 33 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTES: 1. Before taking any readings with the EXTECH Model 380942, press the aZero /Relative' Button to zero the meter. As necessary, refer to manual 1814-A T912-MO004 and Attachment 9.2. Meter Range SHOULD be mA DC (0 -4A).3. If other M&TE Is used, engineering evaluation required to verify adequate consideration for the measurement uncertainties of M&TE.6.4.23 When the Float Charging Current has stabilized, perform the following steps to verify that the battery bank is FULLY Charged..1 Measure Float Charging Current and record below.A.MINISMThlMm UMIT Ambient Temperature is within: o F Current as read on the EXTECH Model 380942 Is = Amps Ambient Temperature: IF EXTECH Model 380942 Current Reading: M Amps If Available, record Labvlew Current Reading: I 0. Amps$AT 1[31 UNSA" Notify Supervisor & Engineer and Continup follows&TIM Date (b)(6).T.NOTE: When taking Battery Cell Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or better)NT set on the 5 range, If necesary, reference Desfgn Calo E4C-017. I.2 Measure the Pilot Cell Voltage and record results below.[ C~e ---mreuI Pilot Cell Voltage: VDC.CEL.ID [AT UNSAT 0 CELL. SAT,4 UNSAT-Z I z I 1 5 7 `I' l (b),7)0 7 0 2 0 81 -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1,2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO123-1-2.6 PAGE 34 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTE: When taking Battery Coll Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or better)set on the 5V range. If necessary, reference Design Calc E4C-0f7.6.4.24 Verify the cell voltage and electrolyte level of each connected cell and record below.Cell Voltage: ! 2.0717 VDC Cell Level: NOTOverflowlng, and Above the Low Level Mark Level Lovel Level Level Cell Con1 Da.Cl Cell ,.Cell Call ..CON Call No. Vot No. Vot No. Volt No. Volts 2 %?tu / 17 ./" 32 ).5. 47 , 3 " 18 33~- 48 6 (4 ;?,;LL(_ is ~34~{ 49 P,(. .-5 _2,10 / 20 -Alf 3 .5D ). _ " 6 7 21 9 0P t 36 ;~ 51 P A7 78 ._ 22 ; 37 .52 X (,.9 .242.7/ _ 39 )3.9 6 4 J.,> >..210 / 5 40 ?.ýi ,.56 11 2t, 41 5 6 12 ~.k27 42 -4 7 67 ;.;q 13 r26 430 @1.8 , 15 .. __ 30 1-1r 4521 I 30 45 so .77.1 The connected Cells meet the criteria above, and the Supervisor I Engineer have been notified of any UNSATconditlon.(bX6)L~J 3a, 072 , 51 -o.s.S0123-I-2.6 070205810'00-NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SO123-l-2.6 PAGE 35 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTE: Satisfactory completion of Section 6.4.23 Indicates that the battery Is Fully Charged.6.4.25 If Steps 6.42 and V4.23.2 are SAT, the Battery Bank MAY be considered fiM l and ready to restore to OPERABILITY. .1 If the above conditions are UNSAT, notify Supervisor and Engineer.Continue as directed. Secton 6. 6 determines Battery Bank OPERABILITY 6.4.26 Review Attachment 14, Rapid Recharge Data Form. 1F any recorded Battery Terminal Voltage readings are > 150 VDC for a 58 Cell configuration, THEN record the Date and Time of the Overvoltage reading in Step Section 6.4, Rapid Recharge, completed satisfactorily.(b)(6)I Lrq) oF SECT e-) I 0702058:1-0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 / NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE.. S0123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 36 OF 91 TCN 8-5 6.5 Restoring Battery Bank to Operability NOTE: Leaving the Battery Bank Open-Circuited for more than 4 hours will extend I the amount of time necessary for the Charging Current to stabilize. I 6.5.1 Identify the connected Battery Charger below.!(b)(6)Charger Equipment ID: I " 5 & Z..--- ..1 De-energize the connected Battery Charger.NOTE: The battery cell internal resistance will be used for trending by the Engineer.6.5.2 Using the E-BITE Tester, measure As-Lef Internal resistance of each connected battery call. Record readings on Attachment 15, E-BITE -Battery Cell Internal Resistance Form.I NOTE: The following step is performed with the spare charger do-energized and the main battery breaker Open.6.5.3 Measure the DC Voltage to ground at both positive and negative battery terminals. IACCEPTANCE CMERULIA Battery Bank Terminal to Ground Voltage Is: [ 3.26 VD As-Left _ _ _Positive Terrinahl: 03 v As-Left I_------_VD_ Negative Terminal:

0. L I r(b)(6)SAT G~o to Sp 0".5.... IU,,T 13r I 'f Correctve SAT o t Stp 5..4.UNST 0Actions as Follows..1 Notify Supervisor, and.2 Disconnect the Battery Cables leading to the Battery Breaker and the connected Swing Charger Output Cables from the Battery Bank Terminals.

.3 As directed, Isolate and locate ground. If cables or inter-cell connectors are removed, record alteration and restoration on S0123-11-15.3. 0702 02-8;1 -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 4 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE .S0123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 37 OF 91 TCN j- As necessary, wipe clean all accessible areas of the battery jar..5 Verify the Battery Bank, positive and negative terminals, voltage to ground is less than or equal to 3,25 VDC (less than or equal to 800 mtllEvolts for a battery row)..6 Reterminate the cables removed and Torque tighten all connections. As necessary reference Attachment 5.yBank BOX will be maintained by 23017 as a60 Cell Battery Bank.Steps 6.5.4 through 6.5.7 do NOTapply to B00X Go to Step 8.5.8. 1 6.5.4 Restore the spare cells to their pretest configuration according to SO1 23-11-15.3. Returns the IE Battery Banks to a 56 Call configuration. .1 As necessary, torque the Battery Terminal Cable connections according to Attachment 5, Battery Terminal Torque Specification. .2 Measure the As-Left resistance of the new connections. Record reading in Attachment 12, Modified Cell Connection Data Form.6.5.5 At the Supervisor's discretion, the following options MAY be performed: I Tb)(6)NT: Ir)OR OR.1 De-energize the Swing Charger being used to maintain the Battery Bank on Float Charge.2 Open the Breaker, and remove the field cable between the Spare Charger and the Battery Bank. Then go to Step 6.6.8, I I NOTE: When taking Battery Bank Terminal Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or better) set on the 500V range. If necessary, reference Design Ca/c E4C-017..3 Re-energize the connected Charger &Wd adjust the FLOATVoltage to the value below aS measured at the Battery Bank Terminals. AFloat lae cRrriUA .Float Voltage: 1 131.5 (131.0 to 132.0 ) VDC I As-Left Float Voltage:p ( 0 u SAT o t ned Sep. VWAr 10 1Caotat Supervisor for IA GoteetStl NA directio If unabla to adjust.ý(b)(6)I C'AN I INU IS W'J NF X I PA(4-C)07 70.-2 0 1 -0 S0123-Z-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 S0 123-1-2.6 PAGE 38 OF 91 TCN 8-.5 F NOTE: When ready to restore the Battery Bank to the Normal Charger, continue as Ifollows. ()6 De-energtze the connected Battery Charger..5 As necessary, remove the temporary field cables Installed for recharging. 1W: ENOTE: If BOOX is supporting an I E DC bus, the Step 6.5.6 does, NOT apply.6.5.7 Wth Operations assistance, verify the 125 VAC Vital Bus is on the Alternate Source and the Inverter is de-energized. As necessary, CLOSE the Normal Battery Breaker: A IAL NOTES: 1. Float Charging Voltage is set minimum allowed 1o help reduce the charging current.2. When taking Battery Bank Terminal Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or befter) set on the 500V range. If necessary, reference Design Cald E4C- Verify the Normal Charger is set for Float Charge and energize the.Charger..1 As necessary, adjust the Float Voltage to the value shown below.Voltage Is verified at the Battery Terminals. FloatVoltage:l 131.5(1131.0o132.0)VDC B00X:J 135.0(134.5to13S.S)VDC I AS-Left F"l Vottaga: 1 .7 S SAT. 0 Go to next Stp. 0 1 Contact Supevior for I l I jdrection If unable to adjust..(b)(6)I SFC I 10 N CONT IN, IFS OIN NEXT P a cr 41 07.2 058 1 -o S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 S0123-1-2.6 PAGE 39 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTES: 1. Battery Bank Float Charging Current MAY take about 1 hour to stabilize.

2. The Float Charging Current of < 1.91 amps with the Battery Bank fully charged was verified in Section 6.4.23. ( Refer to Attachment 9 for the DC Clamp-on Ammeter set up information).
3. When taking Battery Cell Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or better) set on the 5V range. If necessary, reference Design Calc E4C-0 When the Float Charging Current has stabilized, perform the following steps. When the criteria is met the battery bank MAY be considered OPERABLE..1 Measure the Pilot Cell Voltage and record results below.Pilot Cell Voltage: VDC.2 Verify the Electrolyte Level of each connected cell.I AccErT/macoRn'zPJA

----- -------Electrolyte Level Above Top of Plates and NOT Overflowing.

~(b)(6)"T Ij IUNSTIIJIJContact Supervisor & Engineer for Direction. 6.5.10 With the Battery connected to its Normal Charger, and satisfactory fSection 6.5.9, the Battery Bank MAY be considered 1 Record the Time and Date OperatIons was notified below.i (b)(6)AUu,~iWIT:j Time: :lW j Date r , 1J I / 0ý 1 r~ ....I(b)(6)5F C;j 10ý.4 '6N I lrjijL!; CA Nt X1 PA 07 020 5,8,1 -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE SO123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 40 OF 91 TCN 8-6 I NOTE: The following section MAY be performed In conjunction with Section 6.5,10, 1 6.5.11 Within 24 hours of the Battery Bank being declared OPERABLE in Step, verify the following Information. Satisfactory completion allows the Battery Bank to remain Operable.: .1 This section verifies the battery bank meets the Category *C'ALLOWABLE values for each connected cell- LCO Table 3.8.6-1.Category C: Parameter Allowable Value For Each Connected Can Electrolyte Level: Above Top of Plates, and NOT Overflowing, Roat Voltage: > 2.0717 V Float Charging Current: < 1,91 amps, and Current Stabilized.( Float Charging Current was verified in Section 6.4.23 using the EXTECH Model 380942 ), (b)(6)45 07020581-0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1,2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE-SO123-1.2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 41 OF 91 TCN 8-.6 NOTE: When taking Battery Cell Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or better) I WI on the 5V range. If necessary. reference Design Calc E4C-017.6.5,11.2 Verify the cell voltage and electrolyte level of each connected cell and record below.CeN Voltage:

  • 2.0717 VOC Cell Level: Above Top of Plates, and NOT Overflowing.

Levl Level LIe LeVell Cell cel Cell cIa -- Cell Cell -- C-ell Cell No. voftt NO. V0111 No. volts No. volts--v- 16 -2.Z$ w 31 2.'( 46 2-..2&2 .17 2. r 32 2.. z 47 :.ta V" 3 1.6.1 11 331 .2. " 48 Z. t&4 s. 19 1.j , 34 1.2%1A " 49 z.,-.5 g.+, V 20 Z.Z, 1 35 2..7f- 50 2.7-42 S2z." 21 .2-z.3 36 .z. &.7- 51 2-za 7 Z. ,& V- 22 z.:'f s, 3 7 z..&- 1 521.23 -- I 8 7-P le 23 Z.-L 38 2.4. .53 t.-j.-, 9 24.1. %J 24 Z,. 7. 39 -..54 7.-.2 10 z. ' 25 1.' 2 40 2.&-Z 55 e.zr 11 2.7.j$ 26 -L,. 6 41 .56 1.. Z.L" 12 ?I, 27 t. Z 1 42 t.-..1 57 z.2.L, 13 2.11 28 .,LB l8 43 .-2.7 -B 58 .2." V 14 2.2 ( 29 L4P 44 --.V- 59 %.Z4.15 F 1. 2, -30 2.24. -45 2.7. 1- 60 X..Z, --S.3 The connected Cells meet the criteria above. and the Supervisor I Engineer have been notified of any UNSAT condition, if the requirements are NOT met, the Battery Bank SHALL be declared Inoperable. MA~44@0 702581 -2 S0123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3.MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 SSO1 23-1-2.e PAGE 42 OF 91 TCN 8-5 NOTES: 1. If the 1E 58 Cell Battery Bank was Discharged to < 110 volts, or Overcharged at > 150 volts, LCO SR requires verifying Battery Cell parameters meet the Table 3.8.6-1 Category B Limits within 7 days.2. N/A Steps or if conditions do NOT apply.6.5.12 Within 7 days of the Battery Bank being discharged to < 110 VDC or overcharged at > 150 VDC..1 Battery Bank was discharged to less than 110 VDC, S0123-1-2.3 completed satisfactorily within 7 days of the date and time recorded below. Check Step 6.3.15 and transfer the Time and Date the Battery Bank was discharged to less than 110 VDC below.Time: I ý ; 'Dael ' O WT,!(6 OR NOTE: Information MAY be found In Attachment

14. Rapid Recharge Data Form.IF any recorded Battery Terminal Voltage readings are > 150 VDC For a 1E 58 CelT Configuration, THE record the Time and Date below. Make sure the Spare Cell Voltages am NOTincluded In the total Battery Terminal Voltage..2 Battery Bank was overcharged greater than 160 VDC, S0123-1-2.3 completed satisfactorily within 7 day of the date and tIme recorded below.limne: L .Dat I I /BuW.0 7 0.2 0'bi'S.. -0 I S0123-I-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAJNTENANCE.PROCEDURE

..S0123-1-2.6 REVISION 8 PAGE 43 OF 91 TCN -5 NOTES: 1. Section 6.5.13 Is NOT required 9 the Category B LjmNS, LCO Table 3.8.6-1 were verified In Section Section 6.5.14, verification of the LCO Table 3.8.6-1 Category B wbin 31 days of declaring the Battery Bank Operable is still required.6.5.13 Within 7 days of the Battery Bank being declared Operable in Step, verify the following information. .1 S0123-1-2.3 completed. AU connected Cells verified to meet the Allowable Values ( meeting the Allowable Values setisfies verifying the Category C Allowable Values, LCO Table 3.8.6-1 ). Attachment 16 MAY be referenced for information ONLY. Actual requirements are contained in 80123-1-2.3. 6.5.14 Within 31 days of the Battery Bank being declared Operable in Step, verify the following information. .1 80123-1-2.2 completed satisfactorly. Verifies the battery bank meets the CategoryA Umits. LCO Table 3.8.6-1. If a separate MO Is used to verify this requirement, record the MO number below..(b)(6)W4T.'ib)(6)MO Numbe. k/ ~ c Oc I-(6 ___.2 80123-1-2.3 completed satisfactorily. Verifies the battery ranK t the Category B Umits, LCO Table 3.8.6-1. If a separate MO Is used to verify this requirement, record the MO number below.MO Number.(b)(b)S 0 0)I I Frin OF , C C I 10*1j 7 4(0702058.1 -0 S0123-1-2.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 ATTACHMENT 12 S0123-1-2.6 PAGE 71 OF 91 TCN 8-5 MODIFIED CELL CONNECTION DATA FORM 1.0 Reference Step Record the As-Found resistance readings below. Only applicable to the normal connection(s) that will be disturbed to Include Spare Cell(s) in the Battery Bank for this Performance Test.[ INFORMATION ONLY Real"MnmI Call ID nff hmz Inill 1-7 2.0 Reference Step Record the Test Connection resistance readings below. Only applicable to the test connections made for including the Spare Call(s) In the Performance Test.As necessary, disassembly, clean, and reassembly the connection to meet the criteria.I'WTH ,CoTE=.rA I*Highest Milrohm Reading from Step 1.0 on this page i9 Imcrohms Resistance Readings of the Spare Cell Terminations to the Battery I _ I Bank are Less Than or Equal to this value and A 145 mlcrohms. (7.'#15 microhms I Reabtamu (m/cVohm# I Cll ID.IU Il 1 I n I i 0______ ~o,-IL IL 3.0 Referenoe Step 6.2.2* Record the As-Found resistance readings below of each connection point that will be disturbed at Call #60 to allow connecting the Load Bank.I I I ATTACHMENT 12 PAGE 1 OF2 0? 0.20'58-1 -0 0123-1-20.6 07020581000 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE.. REVISION B ATTACHMENT 12 SO123-1-2.6 PAGE 72 OF 91 TCN 8-5 MODIFIED CELL CONNECTION DATA FORM 4.0 Reference Step Measure the As-Left resistance of the Cell #60 connections following the removal of the Load Bank. As necessary, disassembly, clean, and reassembly the connection to meet the criteria. There MAY be three or more connection points.I 5.0 Reference Step Measure the As-Left resistance of the Battery Bank connections restored after removing the Spare Battery Cell(s). As necessary, disassembly, clean, and reassembly the connection to meet the criteda.IA]MINIST ýIU WTIELMr 5 20 mlcrohms I eblbam=ATTACHMENT 12 PAGE 2 OF 2 0 7 0 25 8i -0 S0123-I-2.6 07020581000-le -I F0 0-. 0f 0 i.J 0, 0 01 H NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 ATTACHMENT 14 S0123.1-2.6 PAGE 74 OF 91 TCN 8.5 RAPID RECHARGE DATA FORM Date ' 20 Time Sta ted:~,Cells 6087 vof Iange: F Fr -5 j _ I Ambient Temp .1[58 Ce ll Bank Is F If the 58 Cell Bttery Bank exceeds iW Volts, nolle the Supervisor, Tech, Spe , I J LCO requires perfornance of e Qulatedy (SO 1234-2.3) vthln 7 Days./0 I 0 0 ATTACHMENT 14 PAGEI 0F2 ATTACHMENT 14 PAGE 1 OF 2 ci]0 0 N)0 0 0 H NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1,.2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 ATTACHMENT 14 S0123-1-2,6 PAGE 75 OF 91 TCN 3.5 I 0 RAPID RECHARGE DATA FORM 58 Cell Bafy Bank is If the 58 Cel Battey Wmk exceeds 150 Voals, Potify the Supavisor, Tech, Spec.LCO equires perfaomance ofa Quaderty ( S0123-Z3 ) within 7 Days.Date 60 or 69 Cell BateIr Spare Cel 58 Cell Pan -iat Cl Time -cu-n o V ltage Cell # Vott Ige Temp. Speoltc Grevity SAT UNSAT Curent Voltage Cell U vobtge -A ---T'1 .S /21/2v/6 L.... V (6 I&a 3.7 )S7 N /ia 0 ' .3~ ji%95 NP ~ 3' ~.O5__2 _" " / ,2 0 )-Lo 37 I11 ;3 .,, I 1J 2~ 3D 7 9,1 'o;I0 ,37 ..PAGE _ OF 0 CQ 0 0 T -r .ATTACHMENT 14 PACE 2 OF 2 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 REVISION 8 ATTACHMENT 15 E-BITE -BATTERY CELL INTERNAL RESISTANCE FORM.SO123-1-2.6 ..PAGE 76 OF 91 TCN ".5 NOTES: 1. The following Information Is recorded at the Engineers request for trending purposes.2. When taking Battery Cell Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equiveaent or befter)set on the 5V range. If necessary, reference Design Caec E4C-017.3. When taking Battery Bank Terminal Voltage, use a Fluke 167 (equivalent or better) set on the 500V range. If necessery, reference Design Ca/c E4C-017.4. When taking connection resistance readings, use a Biddle 24700 series Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter ( equivalent or better) set on the 6 mllilohm range ( 1 0A current source ). If necessary, reference Design Ca/c E4C-017.Step 6.2.3, As-Found Internal Resistance of Each Connected Cell, readings are in mill-Ohms ( mQ ): Resistance Resistance Resistance Resistance Cell No. ( ) Cell No. (rn) Cell No. (mO) Cell No. (ma)1 0. l- 0.? 1 0. ?, 31 0. !t 46 D. I-C)2 0. 17 o.i.[f 32 0. 1 t 47 0. 9 3 D.Vf 18 o.lIjH 33 0. 152 48 0. 1-q [-4 0.19 0.1'7l 34 0i49 0. 1 L 5 0 .1 3 0 2 0 0 .1 -2 3 6 D. 5 o 0 .1 -6_ D. 38 b __2 D, D. 0 7 .L- 22 0. 37 o.V-t5 52 0.If 8 D.L 23 0.L. 35 53 9 D.jLjji 24 0. l-tC 39 0.1L4Z 54 10 5. 1_5'L 25 o.! 40 0. 5 0. o1 tL7 11 0.IA 26 10. 14C 41 0.l 5 8- 0 h~Lz-12 0. J.3 g 27 0. jC 42 0. 57 0.13 0r..7 26 0. L4 C> 43 0.fL 58 0.3 14 o. 29 0.i 44 oL 0. 59 0.15 0, 1 30 o. 1 ,:4 45 o. 3O 0.ATTACHMENT 15 PAGE 1 OF47 2 0 5-B."l -o SO123-1-2.6 07020581000 - NUCLEAR ORGANIZ UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 ATION MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 ATTACHMENT 15 E-BITE -BATTERY CELL INTERNAL RESISTANCE FORM.SO123-1-2,6 ..PAGE 76 OF 91 TCN L-5 NOTES; 1. The following Information Is recorded at the Engineer's request for trending purposes.2. When taking Battery Cell Voltage, use a Fluke 187 ( equivalent or better)set on the 5V range. If necessary, reference Design Ca/c E4C-017.3. When taking Battery Bank Terminal Voltage, use a Fluke 167 (equivalent or better) set on the 500V range. If n9cessery, reference Design Calc E4C-017.4. When taking connection resistance readings, use a Biddle 24700 series Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter ( equivalent or better) set on the 6 milliohm range ( 1 0A current source). If necessary, reference Design Calc E4C-017.Step 6.2.3, As-Found Internal Resistance of Each Connected Cell, readings ere in mi/li-Ohms ( rn' ): Cell No. Reltance .Resstan Cell No. Resi an Cll No. Resistance (m) irn) I C Rince B I (ma))W f 1 0. K 3 1? is1 2 1. 71 3 18 4 0. 19 5 0 20 a 0.21 8 0 23 9 0.I 24 10 0. 25 11 .26 12 0.27 13 0. F7 28 14 2 9f 29 15 0. 30 31 o- ! Lt 4 4 32 0. Ltf 47 33 0.2L 48 34 0. '2. 49 38 o.[\f; 51 370 o. Lt 52 38 _jL~ý 53 39 0.1147 54 40 0. 5" 57 42 0-4 57 43 .58 44 0. 59 ATTACHMENT 15 PAGE 1 OF4 0 7 2 05a 50123-1-2 .6 0702T58A000 .______a NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE REVISION 8 ATTACHMENT 15 S0123-1-2.6 PAGE 78 OF 91 TCN 8-.5 E-BITE -BATTERY CELL INTERNAL RESISTANCE FORM NO-TE: The following information Is recorded at the Engineer's request for trending N purposes. , Step 6.5.2, As-Left Internal Resistance of Each Connected Cell, readings are in mill/-Ohms ( rrMa): Cell No. Resistance Cell No. Resistance Cell No. ResIstance Cell No. Resistance (Mfl) (mI) (ma) (ma)1 0. 16 0). 31 0. 1'./" 46 0.132.2 0, [L5 17 0. l.*. 32 0. 15"5" 47 0. /S-Z 3 0. 414 18 0. L(,' 33 o. pqq 48 0. I-r4 0. [43 19 3. 0 1, 3 0. 1 49g o. /S-i5 0. 133 20 3. 0q, 35 0. ',98 50 0. IS,.6 6 0. 52, 21 0. t12 ... 36 0. /1 ' 51 0. /5-rV 7 0. (-47 22 0. 37 0. (/j, 52 0. .1s /8 0. 1 23 0. , 38 o. 53 0. / /9 24 0. 39 0. 1,5/7 54 0. 1 zrb 10 .25 .40 0. Jq/ 55 0. /1., 11 0. 26 0. ,.j 41 0. p,,', 56 0. /r2-12 0. L( 27 0. 42 0. /iW 57 0. 117 13 0. 28 0. ( 43 0. 58 0. 'qq 14 0. (( 29 0. 44 0. 1'/3 59 0. 15 0. [L41, 30 0.' I- 45 0. /9/ 60 0. /," ATTACHMENT 15 PAGE 3 OF 4 52-070 2 0"58 1-0 1 , S0123-1-2.6 07020581000

1. .BCT-2000 Battery Load Test Report Test Site Information Site Name: Address: SONGS Test Type. Performance Testdff ot 0. 58 Paged of I 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b005 07020581000 I

)Battery InformatioD Name: 2b008 Manufacturer: EmXE Model: 2GN-15 ID: 2b008 Installed: 1o/o118 Next Test: ornoios Number of strings: 1 Number of cell/string: 60 String Names: 1) String I 54- 070,20 5-81 -0 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02120/O0 Page 1 of I miizoos Battery: 2b008 07020581000 Test Setup Date of Test: o21o/0os Start Time of Test: 07:02:31 am Ending Time of Test: 11:02:31 am Test Type: Performance Load Type: Constant Current Rated Time: 04:00:00 Cell Voltage Warning: m.1oo Battery Voltage Warning: io6.2 Cell Voltage Shutdown; on.oo Battery Voltage Shutdown: 105.2 Temperature at Time of Test: 770 F Total Programmed Test Time: 05:00:00 Actual Discharge Time: 04:00:00 Number of Test Steps: 1 Step I duration = 05:00:00 @ 242 Amps 070 2 0 5.g-&1 -o 2/21/2008 Battery, 2bOO8 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20/08 Page I of I 070-2058Ib000 0 V/Load OV/Load 117.4 117.0 116.5 116.1 115.7 115.3 114.7 114.4 113.9 113.3 112.7 112.0 111.3 110.3 109.2 6 5 3.3.8 5 6 6 6 9 5 3 070,0581 -o Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20/08 Page I of I 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 07020581000-d Test Results The Following cells dropped below the low threshold level of 0.000 Vs INone 7 Battery string results: Battery Capacity -100.0 %51 07020581 -0 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02120/08 Page 1 of I 07020581000 gr Test Activity I 1" 4:00:00 04!OO:OO TEST ABORTED BY USER 04:00:00 M ABORTED BY USER osTo 0 7 PfA To5,8o 1 2 o Test Performance Tested: 02/20/08 Page I of I 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 07020581000 J..Interfiers Intertier

  1. 1 Intertier
  2. 2 I u;Ulum~u u Intertier End Voltage: 0.029 Intertler End Voltage: 0.030 I Intertier
  3. 3 0702 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20108 Page I Of I 2/21/2008 Battery: 2bOD0 Cell Summary 1 2.168 2.101 1.995 1.800 2 2.160 2.036 1.994 1.784 3 2.159 2.083 1.92 1.803 4 2.159 2.083 1.993 1.811 5 2.167 2.1095 2.005 1.806 6 2.160 2.068 1.992 1.792 7 2.165 2.131 2.001 1.823 8 2.163 2.127 1.992 1.790 9 2.166 2.125 1.996 1.822 10 2.169 2.125 2.021 1.812 11 2.166 2.087 1.999 1.816 12 2.164 2.102 1.993 1.813 13 2.165 2.102 1.987 1.620 14 2.165 2.002 1.989 0.975 15 2.164 2.101 1.985 1.625 16 2.159 2.096 1.981 1.699 17 2.166 2.100 1.995 1.818 28 2.163 2.09% 1.990 1.808 19 2.166 2.098 1.995 1.789 20 2.163 2.095 1.996 1.819 21 2.167 2.107 2.003 1.735 22 2.164 2.099 1.992 1.814 23 2.163 2.085 1.991 1.826 24 2.160 2.090 1.986 1.823 25 2.162 2.091 1.987 1.790 26 2.162 2.041 1.999 1.803 27 2.167 2.096 1.008 1.785 28 2.163 2.086 1.981 1.794 29 2.175 2.098 1.996 1.810 30 2.169 2.011 1.985 1.756 31 2.172 2.131 1.996 1.826 32 2.166 2.089 .M03 1.818 33 2.162 2.085 1.984 1.813 34 2.162 2.037 1.994 1.812 35 2.164 2.094 2.005 1.828 36 2.169 2.099 2.010 1.819 37 2.171 2.1095 2.008 1.818 38 2.168 2.074 2.002 1.822 39 2.171 2.139 2.005 1.819 40 2.167 2.132 2.004 t 0825 41- 2.166 2.131 2.001 1.812 42 2.170 2.132 2.032 1.820 43 2.167 2.088 1.996 1.799 1 44 2.166 2.107 1.994 1.798 1 45 2.167 2.107 1.996 1.804 46 2.171 1.996 1.996 1.784 47 2.172 2.104 2.000 1.815 48 21163 2.094 1.998 1.808 49 2.171 20102 1.995 1.810.2/21/2008 Battery: 2bO08 Test Type: Performance Tested: 0=/0108 Page I of 2 07020581000

-Cell Summary AA.J /IA 4 2.157 2, 2,173 2 2.159 2.2.161 2.2.162 2Z 2.154 2Z 2.167 2.1.994 1.810 1.974 1.795 1.993 1.798 1.986 1.798 1.984 1.811 1.982 1.816 p 1.978 1.820 1.993 1.806 2.002 1.799 1.983 1.804 1.989 1.796 j w.58 2.166 2 59 2.160 2 60 2.161 2 Test Terd070205 a-A Test Type: Perforulance Tested: 02/20/08 -p gd22 2721 /2008 Battery: 2b008'I 07020581000 Cell General Starting Float Voltages (No Load)1 -2.168 2=- 2.160 3 -2.159 4 = 2.159 5 = 2.167 6= 2.160 7 = 2.165 8 = 2.163 9 -2.166 10- 2.169 11 = 2.166 12 = 2.164 13 -2.165 14 -2.165 15 = 2.164 16 = 2.159 17 = 2.166 18 I 2.163 19- 2.166 20= 2.163 21 = 2.167 22- 2.164 23 = 2.163 24 = 2.160 25 = 2.16a , Z6 -2.162 27 -2.167 28- 2.163 29 = 2.175 30- 2.169 31 = 2.172 32 -2.166 33 -2.162 34- 2.162 35 -2.164 36- 2.169 37- 2.171 38 -2.168 39 -2.171 40- 2.167 41 -2.166 42 = 2.170 43 -2.167 44- 2.166 45 -2.167 46- 2.171 47 = 2.172 48 = 2.163 49- 2.171 50 = 2.172 51 -2.157 52 -2.173 53 = 2.159 54 = 2.161 gs= 2.162 56- 2.154 57 = 2.167 58 = 2.166 59- 2.160 60 = 2.161 Starting Voltage (Load)ime: 00:00:02 Battery Voltage: 12(,.(, Amps: 2-r.,) KY: 30.8 5- 2.095 6= 2.068 I -2.101 2 -2.036 3- 2.083 4- 2.083 5 -2.095 6 = 2.068!7-2.131 8- 2.127 9 -2.125 10- 2.125 11 -2.087 12 = 2.102 13 -2.102 14 -2.002 15 = 2.101 16- 2.096 17 -2.100 18 = 2.096 19 -2.098 20 = 2.095 21 = 2.107 22 = 2.099 23 = 2.095 24 -2.090 25 = 2.091 26 = 2.041 27 -2.096 28- 2.086 29 = 2.098 30- 2.011 31 -2.092 32= 2.089 33 -2.085 34- 2.037 35- 2.094 36 = 2.099 37 -2.095 38 9- 2.074 39 = 2.139 840- 2.132 41 -2.131 42 -2.132 43-= 2.088 44 -2.107 45-- 2.107 46-= 1.996 47= 2.104 48- 2.094 49- 2.102 101 51- 2.082 52O 2.099 53 -2.093 54- 2.0 55- 2.089 56- 2.083 57- 2.097 589- 2.045 59 2.090 I -1.971 2 = 1.967 3 = 1.966 4- 1.966 5- 1.969 6- 1.969 7 = 1.976 8 = 1.965 9 -1.967 10- 1.970 11 -1.973 12- 1.968 13 = 1.961 14 = 1.966 15 = 1.965 16- 1.957 17 -1.971 18 I 1.967 19 -1.973 20- 1.968 21 = 1.977 22 -1.968 23 = 1.969 24 = 1.971 25 = 1.969 26 = 1.973 27 = 1.968 2t = 1.967 29 -1.970 30- 1.967 31 -1.971 32 = 1.972 33 -1.967 34 -1.969 35 -1.973 36- 1.979 37 -1.979 38 -1.976 39 -1.979 40- 1.980 41 -1.974 42- 1.978 43 -1.966 44 -1.966 45 -1.967 46- 1.967 47 -1.968 48- 1.968 49 = 1.968 50 = 1.967 51 -1.967 52 =- 1.971 53 -1.970 54- 1.964 I 1O~A I ~6= 1067 I ~7= 1Qt~R I ~R= 1067 I ~0= 1063 I 60= 1066 L -- .1 ~ --- ~.- J -. -- -J= = 1964 1 56 = 1967 1 57 = 1%8 1 58= 1%7 1 59- 1963 1 60- 1966 k42-070205'81 -0 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20/08 PageI of 6 07020581000 Cell General S = 1.969 6= 1.964 I -- 1.966 2= 1.967 1 3 = 1.961 4 = 1.966 5 = 1.969 6 = 1.964 7 = 1.971 8- 1.959 9 f 1.967 10 = 1.965 11 = 1.967 12 = 1.968 13 -1.956 14 = 1.960 15 = 1.960 16 = 1.957 17 = 1.966 18 = 1.962 19 = 1.967 20 -1.968 21 -1.972 22- 1.968 23 -1.969 24 = 1.965 25 = 1.969 26 = 1.968 27 -1.962 28 -1.962 29 -1.965 30 -1.961 31 -1.971 32 = 1.966 33 = 1.967 34 -1.963 35 -1.973 36 -1.973 37 -1.973 38 = 1.970 39 = 1.973 40- 1.974 41 -1.969 42 = 1.972 43 = 1.966 44 = 1.961 45 -1.962 46 = 1.962 47 = 1.968 48 = 1.962 49 = 1.968 50 -1.967 51 -1.961 52 = 1.966 53 = 1.964 54 = 1.964 55 = 1.964 56 = 1.961 57 -1.968 58 = 1.962 59 = 1.963 60- 1.966 I -1.961 2 -1.956 3 -1.955 4 -1.955 5 -1.959 6 = 1.958 7 = 1.965 8 -1.954 9 -1.962 10- 1.959 11 -1.962 12 -1.957 13- 1.951 14- 1.949 15 -1.954 16 = 1.952 17- 1.961 18- 1.956 19- 1.962 20 = 1.957 21 -1.966 22 = 1.956 23 = 1.959 24- 1.960 25= 1,957 26 = 1.963 27 -1.956 28= 1.956 29 = 1.960 30 = 1.950 31 -1.965 32= 1.961 33 = 1.961 34 = 1.958 35- 1.962 36= 1.962 37 = 1.968 38 = 1.964 39 -1.962 40- 1.963 41- 1.958 42 = 1.961 43 -1.954 44 -1.956 45 -1.957 46- 1.951 47- 1.962 48- 1.957 49 = 1.957 50- 1.956 51 = 1.956 52= 1.960 53- 1.959 54- 1.959 55 -1.959 56 -1.956 57 -1,957 58 -1.957 59 -1.952 60 -1.954_ -1.955 2- 1.951 3- 1.950 4- 1.950 5= 1.953 6- 1.947 7 -1.954 8 = 1.948 9 = 1.951 10 = 1.948 11 = 1.956 12 = 1.952 13 = 1.940 14 = 1.944 15 = 1.943 16 = 1.941 17 = 1.955 18= 1.951 19 -1.956 20 = 1.952 21 = 1.961 22 -1.951 23 = 1.953 24 = 1.954 25 -1.952 26- 1.952 27 = 1.951 28- 1.951 29 = 1.954 30 = 1.944 31 = 1.954 32- .950 3 -1.950 34 -1.952 35- 1.957 36- 1.957 37- 1.957 38- 1.953 39 -1.957 40- 1.958 41 -1.952 42 = 1.956 43 -1.949 44 -1.950 45 -1.951 46- 1.945 47 -1.951 48- 1.951 49- 1.951 50 = 1.950 5, -1.950 52- 1.949 53 = 1.953 54 = 1.947 55= 1.948 .L 57 -1.951 58= 1.951 59= 1.947 60 = 1.949 I 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 070.20581 -0 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20108 Page 2 of 6 (070205B1000 v Cell General~= 1947 6= 1041 I = 1Oa" 7 -10Mb I ~ -103R 4 = 1.944= 13/47 6 = I _042 7 -1.948 8 1.937 9 -1.945 10= 1.943 11 = 1.945 12- 1.946 13 -1.934 14= 1.932 15 = 1.937 16 = 1.935 17 = 1.950 18 = 1.945 19 = 1.945 20 -1.946 21 -1.955 22 = 1.945 23- 1.947 24- 1.948 25 = 1.946 26 -1.946 27 -1.940 28- 1.940 29 -1.943 30 -1.939 31 -1.948 32 -1.944 33 -1.944 34- 1.947 35 -1.951 36 -1.951 37 -1.951 38 = 1.948 39 = 1.951 40 -1.952 41 = 1.947 42 -1.950 43- 1.943 44- 1.939 45 = 1.946 46- 1.939 47- 1.946 48 -1.946 49 = 1.946 50 = 1.944 51 -1.939 52 = 1.943 1 53 1,94L 54- 1.941 55 -1.942 56 -1.944 57 = 1.946 58- 1.940 59 = 1.941 60 = 1.943= 1.938 2 =2 1... :3 = 1.933 4 = 1.938 5 = 1.936 6 = 1.936 7- 1.943 8 = 1.932 9= 1.940 10= 1.937 11 -1.940 12= 1.941 13- 1.923 14 -1.927 15 = 1.932 16 -1.930 17 -1.938 18 -1.934 19 -1.940 20 = 1.941 21 -1.944 22- 1.940 23 -1.942 24- 1.937 25 -1.935 26 -1.941 27 -1.934 28 1.934 29 -1.937 30- 1.928 31 = 1.943 32 -1.938 33 = 1.939 34 = 1.936 35 = 1.946 36= 1.940 37 -1.946 38 = 1.942 39 -1.940 40 = 1.947 41 = 1.941 42 = 1.944 43 = 1.932 44 -1.933 45 -1.934 46 -1.928 47 -1.940 48 = 1.934 49 -1.940 50 = 1.939 51 = 1.933 52 -1.938 53 -1.937 54- 1.936 55- 1.937 56- 1.939 57 -1.940 58- 1.934 59- 1.936 60-. 1.932 1 -1.933 2- 1.928 3 -1.927 4- 1.927 5= 1.931 6= 1.925 7 -1.937 8 = 1.926 9 = 1.934 10 = 1.932 .11 -1.934 12= 1.930 13 -1.917 14 = 1.916 15 -1.921 16 1.924 17- -1.933 18- 1.928 19 = 1.934 20 -1.930 21 = 1.938 22- 1.928 23 = 1.936 24 = 1.932 25 = 1.930 26- .27L= 1.928 28= 1.923 29- 1.932 30.. 1.922 31 -1.937 32 = 1.933 33 -1.933 34 = 1.930 35 = 1.934 36- 1.934-37 -1.934 38 -1.937 39 -1.934 40- 1.936 41 -1.930 42 -1.933 43 = 1.927 44 -1.928 45 -1.929 46- 1.923 47 -1.934 48 -= 1.929 49 -1.929 50 -1.928 51 -1.928 52- 1.927 53 -1.931 54- 1.930 55- 1.931 56 -1.928 57 = 1.929 58 -1.929 59 = 1.924 60 = 1.927 q0 7 02 0 5'8 1 -0 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20/08 Page 3 of 6 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 x 07020581000 Cell General 3 -1.916 4 =f 1.922 5 = 1.919 6-ff 1.919 7- 1.926 8 -1.915 9 -1.923 10= 1.921 11 = 1.923 12 = 1.924 13 -1.906 14 = 1.910 )5- 1.915 16- 1.913 17 -1.927 18- 1.923 19 -1.928 20 -1.924 21 -1.933 22, 1,923 23 -1.925 24 -1.926 25 = 1.918 26= "1.924 27 -1.917 28- 1.917 29- 1.921 30" 1.911 31 = 1.926 32'-- 1.922 33 = 1.922 34- 1.924 35 -1.929 36 -1.929 37- 1.929 38- 1.926 39= 1.929 40 = 1.930 41 -1.924 42 -1.928 43 = 1.921 44- 1.917 45 -1.923 46- 1.917 47 = 1.923 48 = 1.923 49 = 1.923 50- 1.922 51 -1.917 52 = 1.921 53 = 1.920 54 = 1.919 55= 1.920 56 1.922 57 -1.923 58= 1.923 59= 1.919 60- 1.921 C 0 tL ItO.L I" 1.9 2 1 .911 2 3- 1.911 4- 1.916 5- 1.914 6- 1.908 7- 1.921 8" 1.909 9- 1.917 10- 1.915 11 -1.917 12- 1,913 13= 1.895 14- 1.899 15- 1.904 16 1.902 17- 1.916 18- 1.912 19 = 1.917 20ff 1.918 21 = 1.927 22- 1.917 23- 1.919 24 = 1.915 25- 1.913 26- 1.913 27 = 1.906 28= 1.906 29 = 1.915 30 -1.905 31 -1.921 32= 1.916 33 = 1.917 34 -1.913 35 -1.923 36 = 1.918 37- 1,918 38 = 1.920 39 -1.918 40 J 1.924 41 -1.913 42 = 1.917 43 = 1.910 44 -1,911 4 -1.912 46- 1.906 47 = 1.918 48 = 1.912 49- 1.918 50 -1.917 51 = 1.911 52- 1.910 53 = 1.914 54 -1.913 55 -1.914 56 -1.917 57 -1.918 58- 1.912 59 -1.913 60- 1.910 I1- 1.905 2- 1900 3- 1.899 4- 1.905 5- 1.903 6- 1.897 7 = 1.909 8 = 1.898 9- 1.906 10= 1.904 11 -1.906 12 = 1.907 13 = 1.884 14 = 1.888 15 = 1.893 16- 1.890 17 -1.905 18- 1.900 19 -1.912 20 = 1.907 21 = 1.916 22- 1.906 23 = 1.908 24- 1.909 25- 1M 2."2 27 2- 1.900 28 1.900 29- 1.904 30 = 1.894 31 = 1.909 32 -1.905 33 -1.905 34- 1.902 35 -1.912 36= 1.907 37 = 1.912 38 = 1.909 39 -1.907 40 -1.913 41 -1.908 42 -1.911 43- 1.899 44" 1.900 45- 1.901 46- 1.895 47- 1.907 48- 1.901 49 = 1.907 50- 1.905 151 -1.900 52- 1.904 53 = 1.903 54 = 1.902 55 -1.903 56 = 1.905 157 = 1.907 58- 1.901 59 = 1.902 60 = 1.899 607 07 2.0 58.1 -0 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20/08 Page 4 of 6 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 07020581000 6 Cell General I = 119d 2 I-is91 9 -1.894 4 = 1.894 5 = 1.892 6 -1.892 7- 1.898 8- 1.887 9 = 1.900 10= 1.893 11 f 1.900 12 1.896 1=3 1.873 14 -1.877 15 -1.881 16- 1.879 17 -1.899 18 -1.895 19- 1.900 20- 1.896 21 -1.905 22- 1895. 23- 1.897 24 ;; 1.898 25 -1.890 26- 1.890 27 -1.889 28 -1.889 29 -1.898 30 = 1.883 31 -1.898 32 = 1.899 33 = 1.894 34 -1.897 35 -1.901 36 -1.901 37 = 1.901 38 = 1.903 39 = 1.901 40- 1.902 41 = 1.897 42 = 1.900 43- 1.893 44 = 1.889 45 = 1.895 46- 1.890 47 = 1.895 48 -1.895 49 1.895 50 = 1.894 51 = 1.889 52 -1.893 53 -1.892 54 = 1.897 55 -1.898 56 -1.894 57 = 1.895 58 = 1.895 59 -1.891 60- 1.893 I 7 = 1.883 2- 1.878 3 -1.877 4- 1.883 5- 1.880 6- 1.880 7 -1.893 8 -1.876 9 -1.889 10 -1.881 11 -1.889 12 -1.885 13- 1.861 14- 1.860 15 = 1.865 16- 1.868 17- 1.888 18- 1.884 19= 1.889 20" 1.885 21 = 1.894 22 = 1.884 23 1.892 24 = 1.887 25 = 1.879 26 -1.879 27 -1.873 28 = 1.878 29 -1.887 30 = 1.872 31 = 1.887 32- 1.888 33 -1.883 .34- 1.885 35- 1.890 36 1.890 37 -1.890 38 -1.892 39 -1.890 40 , 1.8 1 41 = 1.885 42 -1.889 43- 1.M 44- 1.878 45 1-.884 46= 1,873 47- 1.884 48- 1.884 49- 1.884 50 1.80 51 = 1.878 .2- 1.882 53- 1.881 54- 1.885 55- 1.887 56 jI. 57 -1.84 5t- 1.79 59- I 0 0- 1,882 I = 1.871 2= 1.86 3- 1.866 4- 1.871 5- 1.869 6- 1.864 7- 1.876 8- 1.865 9- 1.878 10= 1.870 11 -1.873 12- 1.874 13-- 1.845 14 f 1.843 15 = 1.848 16 -1.851 17 = 1.877 18 = 1.867 19 7 1.878 20 -1.874 21 = 1.883 22 = 1.873 23 = 1.880 24 = 1.876 25- 1.863 26- 1.868 27 = 1.861 28- 1.861 29 = 1.870 30= 1.855 31 -1.876 32 -1.871 33 -1.872 34 -1.869 35 -1.879 36 -1.879 37 -1.879 38 -1.881 39 -1.879 40 -1.880 41 -1.874 42 -1.878 43 -1.865 44 -1.867 45 -1.868 46 = 1,862 47 -1.873 48 -1.873 49- 1.873 "50 -1.872 51 = 1.867 52- 1.865 53 = 1.870 54- 1.869~= 1R7~ I ~= 1R71 I ~7 -1.373 I 55- 1.568 I 59 1.969 i £0- 1R£~& -- ~ I -- £ -. -- ----------- J 55- ~ ~ ~ 187 1 6 92 5 .7 8 .6 9 .6 0= 1 Test0 T 0 T 02/20108 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 07020581000 ___________ _____ -I !i Cell General 1 = lR54 2 = 1.845 3 = 1.A49 4 -1.855A F, = 1.8;2 1 6 = 1.87 3 = 1849 2- =.5 1.8455I = 8 7 -1.865 8 = 1.848 9 = 1.861 10= 1.854 11 = 1.861 12 = 1.857 13 = 1.817 14 = 1.815 15 -1.826 16 f 1.829 17 = 1.860 18 = 1.856 19 -1.861 20 -1.857 21 -1.871 22 = 1.856 23 = 1.864 24 1.865 25 = 1.846 26 -1.851 27 -1.845 28 -1.845 29 -1.859 30 -1.838 31 -1.865 32 -1.860 33 = 1.861 34 = 1.858 35- 1.868 36 -1.862 37 = 1.862 38 -1.864 39 -1.862 40 = 1.863 41 -1.858 42 -1.861 43 = 1.849 44 = 1.850 45 = 1.857 46 = 1.845 47 1.862 48 = 1.857 49- 1.857 50 = 1.855 51 = 1.850 52 = 1.849 53 = 1.853 54 = 1.858 55- 1.859 56 = 1.861 57 -1.857 58 = 1.851 59 = 1.852 60 = 1.849 1i 1.832 2- 1.822 3 -1.832 4- 1.838 5- 1.836 6- 1.825 7- 1.848 8- 1.826 9 -1.845 10- 1.837 11 = 1.845 12- 1.840 13 = 1.783 14 = 1.777 15 = 1.792 16- 1.796 17 = 1.844 18 = 1.833 19 = 1.845 20 = 1.840 21 -1.855 22 -1.839 23 -1.847 24- 1.848 25 -1.823 26- 1.829 27 -1.822 28 -1.828 29 = 1.837 30- 1.810 31 = 1.848 32 -1.844 33 -1.839 34 -1.841 35 = 1.851 36 = 1.845 37 = 1.845 38 = 1.848 39 = 1.845 40 = 1.852 41- 1.841 42 = 1.844 43 = 1.832 44- 1.828 45- 1.834 46- 1.823 47- 1.840 48- 1.834 49 = 1.840 50 = 1.839 51 -1.828 52- 1.832 53 = 1.831 54s- 1.835 55 -1.842 56- 1.844 57 -1.834 58- 1.834 59- 1.835 60- 1.832!Test End Voltages I -1.800 2- 1.784 3 -1.803 4= 1.811 5= 1.806 6= 1.792 7 = 1.823 8 = 1.790 9 = i.822 10 = 1.812 11 = 1.816 12 = 1.813 13 -1.620 14 = 0.975 15 -1.625 16 = 1.699 17 -1.818 18- 1.808 19- 1.825 20 = 1.819 21 = 1.835 22 = 1.814 23 = 1.826 24 = 1.823 25 -1.790 26 = 1.803 27 = 1.785 28 = 1.794 29 -1.810 30 = 1.756 31 -1.826 32 -1.818 33 -1.813 34 = 1.812 35 -1.828 36- 1.819 37 -1.818 38 -1.822 39 -1.819 40 -1.825 41 = 1.812 42 = 1.820 43- 1.799 44- 1.798 45 -1.804 46 = 1.784 47 -1.815 48 -1.808 49 -1.810 50 = 1.810 51 -1.795 52 -1.798 53 = 1.798 54 -1.811 55 = 1.816 56 = 1.820 57 = 1.80 58 = 1.799 59 = 1.804 60- 1.796 6070 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20/08 205o 81 -0 Page 6 of 6 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 07020581000 V.Cell Detail No Cell Selected O/0 Page 1 .-0 Test Type; Perforumace Tested; 02/20/08 Page I of I 2/21/2008 Battery: 2b008 07020581000 0 C')0 Ln CC a o Cl aua 4. .. I hnid 0, 0 242.9 244.3 243.8 242.9 241.6 242.5 2) 4 2. 3 242.3 242.8 242.8 242.--, 1 0.1 115.7 115,3 114.7 114.4 113,9 N*4pflj(,c: 129.0 120.6 117.4 117.1) 110.5 1 113.3 (,(,[I Ffo;lt 1) 0: 110: 021 110: 1 ;.00 1111:30:00 00:4;:00 111:00:011

1) 1 : 15:00 0 1:30:00 0 1: 4 ý;: 110 1 ý 2: Of 1: 0 1) 02: 1 ýý: 00 02:30:00 MN6;.ýýI I ,_101 1.9"1 1-.66 1.961 1.955 1.944 1.938 1.933 1 1922 1,916 I I *~~C z CT I U 2 2.160 2.036 1S967 1.967 1.956 1.951 1.940 1.934 [.928 1.917 1.912 1.900 3 2.159 2.083 1.966 1.961 1.955 1.950 1.938 1.933 1.927 1.916 1.911 1.899 4 2.159 2.083 1.966 L966 1.955 1.950 1.944 1.938 1.927 1.922 1.916 1.905 5 2.167 2.095 1.969 1.969 1.959 1.953 1.947 1.936 1.931 1.919 1.914 1.903 6 2.160 2.068 1.969 1.964 1.958 1.947 1.942 1.936 1.925 1.919 1.908 1.897 7 2.165 2.131 1.976 1.971 1.965 1-954 1.948 1.943 1.937 1.926 1.921 1.909 8 2J63 2.127 1.965 1.959 1.954 1.948 1.937 1.932 1.926 1.915 1.909 1.898 9 2.166 2.125 1.967 1.967 1.962 1.951 1.945 1.940 1.934 1.923 1.917 1.906 10 2.169 2.125 L970 1.965 1.959 1.948 1.943 1.937 1.932 1.921 1.915 1.904 11 2.166 2.087 1.973 1.967 1.962 1.956 1.945 1.940 1.934 1.923 1.917 1.906 12 2,164 2.102 1.968 1.968 1.957 1.952 1.946 1.941 1.930 1.924 1.913 1.907 13 2.165 2.102 1.961 1.956 1.951 1.940 1.934 1.923 1.917 1.906 1.895 1.884 14 2.165 2.002 1.966 1.960 1.949 1.944 1.932 1.927 1.916 1.910 1.899 1.888 15 2.164 2.101 1.965 1.960 1.954 1.943 1.937 1.932 1.921 1.915 1.904 1.893 16 2.159 2.096 1.957 1.957 1.952 1.941 1.935 1.930 1.924 1.913 1.902 1.890 17 2.166 2.100 1.971 1.966 1.961 1.955 1.950 1.938 1.933 1.927 1.916 1.905 18 2.163 2.096 1.967 1.962 1.956 1.951 1.945 1.934 1.928 1.923 1.912 1.900 19 2.166 2.098 1.973 1.967 1.962 1.956 1.945 1.940 1.934 1.928 1.917 1.912 20 2.163 2.095 1.968 1.968 1.957 1.952 1.946 1.941 1.930 1.924 1.918 1.907 21 2.167 2.107 1.977 1.972 1.966 1.961 1.955 1.944 1.938 1.933 1.927 1.916 22 2.164 2,099 1.968 1968 1.956 1.951 1.945 1.940 1.928 1.923 1.917 1.906 23 2.163 2.095 1.969 1.969 1.959 1.953 1.947 1.942 1.936 1.925 1.919 1.908 24 2.160 2.090 1.971 1.965 1"60 1.954 1.948 1.937 1.932 1.926 1.915 1.909 25 2.162 2.091 1.969 1.969 1.957 1.952 1.946 1.935 1.930 1.918 1.913 1.902 S 26 2.162 2,041 1.973 1,968 1.63 1.952 1.946 1.941 1.930 1.924 1.913 1.902 27 2.167 2.096 1.968 1.962 1.95 1.951 1.940 1.934 1.928 1.917 1.906 1.900 28 2.163 2.086 1.967 1.962 1.956 1.951 1.940 1.934 1.923 1.917 1.906 1.900 29 2.175 2.098 1.970 1.965 1.960 1.954 1.943 1.937 1.932 1.921 1.915 1.904 30 2.169 2.011 1.967 1.961 1.950 1.944 1.939 1.928 1.922 1.911 1.905 1.894 31 2.172 2.092 1-971 1.971 1.965 1.954 1.948 1.943 1.937 1.926 1.921 1.909 32 2.166 2.089 1.972 1.966 1.961 1.950 1.944 1.938 1.933 1.922 1,916 1.905 2/21i/2008 Battery: 2b008 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02J20108 Pagel I f4 0-J 0 F1.CD I-.r CD Cell Tabular 4 -33 2.162 2.085 1.967 1.967 1.961 1.950 1.944 1.939 1.933 1.922 1.917 1.905 34 2.162 2.037 1.969 1.963 1.958 1.952 1.947 1.936 1.930 1.924 1.913 1.902 35 2.164 2.094 1.973 1.973 1.962 1.957 1.951 1.946 1.934 1.929 1.923 1.912 36 2.169 2.099 1.979 1.973 1.962 1.957 1.951 1.940 1.934 1.929 1.918 1.907 37 2.171 2.095 1.979 1.973 1.968 1.957 1.951 1.946 1.934 1.929 1.918 1.912 38 2.168 2.074 1.976 1.970 1.964 1.953 1.948 1.942 1.937 1.926 1.920 1.909 39 2.171 2.139 1.979 1.973 1.962 1.957 1.951 1.940 1.934 1.929 1.918 1.907 40 2.167 2.132 1.980 1.974 1.963 1.958 1.952 1.947 1.936 1.930 1.924 1.913 41 2.166 2.131 1.974 1.969 1.958 1.952 1.947 1.941 1.930 1.924 1.913 1.908 42 2.170 2.132 1.978 1.972 1.961 1.956 1.950 1.944 1.933 1.928 1.917 1.911 43 2.167 2.088 1.966 1.966 1.954 1.949 1.943 1.932 1.927 1.921 1.910 1.899 44 2.166 2.107 1.966 1.961 1.956 1.950 1.939 1.933 1.928 1.917 1.911 1.900 45 2.167 2.107 1.967 1.962 1.957 1.951 1.946 1.934 1.929 1.923 1.912 1.901 46 2.171 1.996 1.967 1.962 1.951 1.945 1.939 1.928 1.923 1.917 1.906 1.895 47 2.172 2.104 1.968 1.968 1.962 1.951 1.946 1.940 1.934 1.923 1.918 1.907 48 2.163 2.094 1.968 1.962 1.957 1.951 1.946 1.934 1.929 1.923 1.912 1.901 49 2.171 2.102 1.968 1.968 1.957 1.951 1.946 1.940 1.929 1.923 1.918 1.907 50 2.172 2.101 1.967 1.967 1.956 1.950 1.944 1.939 1.928 1.922 1.917 1.905 51 2.157 2.082 1.967 1.961 1.956 1.950 1.939 L933 1.928 1.917 1.911 1.900 52 2.173 2.099 1.971 1.966 1.960 1.949 1.943 1.938 1.927 1.921 1.910 1.904 53 2.159 2.093 1.970 1.964 1.959 1.953 1.948 1.937 1.931 1.920 1.914 1.903 54 2.161 2.090 1.964 1.964 1.958 1.947 1.941 1.936 1.930 1.919 1.913 1.902.= 55 2.162 2.089 1.964 1.964 1.959 1.948 1.942 1.937 1.931 1.920 1.914 1.903" 56 2.154 2.083 1.967 1.961 1.956 1.950 1.944 1.939 1.928 1.922 1.917 1.905 57 2.167 2.097 1.968 1.968 1.957 1.951 1.946 1.940 1.929 1.923 1.918 1.907 58 2.166 2.045 1.967 1.962 1.957 1.951 1.940 1.934 1.929 1.923 1.912 1.901 ciT 59 2.160 2.087 1.963 1.963 1.952 1.947 1.941 1.936 1.924 1.919 1.913 1.902 60 2.161 2.090 1.966 1.966 1.954 1.949 1.943 1.932 1.927 1.921 1.910 1.899 2/7,1/2008 Battery: 2b008 Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20/08 Page 2 of 4 0 o'1 CD o Cell Tabular 0-'1 1 1.894 1.883 1.871 1.855 1.832 1.800 2 1.889 1.878 1.861 1.845 1.822 1.784 3 1.894 1.877 1.866 1.849 1.832 1.803 4 1.894 1.883 1.871 1.855 1.838 1.811 5 1.892 1.880 1.869 1.852 1.836 1.806 6 1.892 1.880 1.864 1.847 1.825 1.792 7 1.898 1.893 1.876 1.865 1.848 1.823 8 1.887 1.876 1.865 1.848 1.826 1.790 9 1.900 1.889 1.878 1.861 1.845 1.822 10 1.893 1.881 1.870 1.854 1.837 1.812 11 1.900 1.889 1.873 1.861 1.845 1.816 12 1.896 1.885 1.874 1.857 1.840 1.813 13 1.873 1.861 1.845 1.817 1.783 1.620 14 1.877 1.860 1.843 1.815 1.777 0.975 11 1.81 1.865 1.848 1.826 1.792 1.625 16 1.879 1.868 1.851 1.829 1.796 1.699 17 1.899 1.888 1.877 1.860 1.844 1.818 18 1.895 1.884 1.867 1.856 1.833 1.808 19 1.900 1.889 1.878 1.861 1.845 1.825 20 1.896 1.885 1.874 1.857 1.840 1.819 21 1.905 1.894 1,883 1.871 1.855 1.835 22 1.895 1.884 1.873 1.856 1.839 1.814"t 23 1.897 1.892 1.880 1.864 1.847 1.826 24 1.898 1.887 1.876 1.865 1.848 1.823 25 1.890 1.879 1.863 1.846 1.823 1.790 26 1.890 1.879 1.868 1.851 1.829 1.803 CA 27 1.889 1.873 1.861 1.845 1.822 1.785 o6-28 1.889 1.878 1.861 1.845 1.828 1.794 29 1.898 1.887 1.870 1.859 1.837 1.810[ 30 1.883 1.872 1.855 1.838 1.810 1.756 31 1.898 1.887 1.876 1.865 1.848 1.826 ....32 1.899 1.888 1.871 1.860 1.844 1.818.2/21/20M Battery: M OB Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20/08 page 3 or 4 0 CJ C, 0n 0 i Cell Tabular 33 1.894 1.8A3 1.872 L861 1.339 1.813 34 1.897 1.885 1.869 1.8W 1.341 1.812 35 1.901 1.890 1379 1.868 1.351 1.828 36 1.901 1.890 1.879 L862 1.345 1.819 37 1.901 1.890 1.879 1.862 1.845 1.818 38 1.903 1.892 1.881 1.864 1.848 1.822 39 1.901 1.890 1.879 1.862 1.845 1.819 40 1.902 1.891 1.880 1.863 1.852 1.825 41 1.897 1.885 1.874 1.858 1.841 1.812 42 1.900 1.889 1.878 1.861 1.844 1.820 43 1.893 1.882 1.865 1.849 1.832 1.799 44 1.889 1.375 1.867 1.850 1.828 1.798.J 45 1.895 1.884 1.868 1.857 1.834 1.804 46 1.890 1.873 1.862 1.845 1.823 1.784 47 1.895 1.884 1.873 1.862 1.840 1.815 48 1.895 1.884 1.873 1.857 1.834 1,808 49 1.895 1.884 L873 1.857 1.840 1.810 50 1.894 1.883 1.872 1.855 1.839 1.810 51 1.889 1.878 1.867 1.850 1.828 1.795 52 1.893 1.882 1.865 1.849 1.832 1.798 C 53 1.892 1.881 1.870 1.853 1.831 1.798 54 1.897 1.885 1.869 1.858 1.835 1.811 55 1.898 1.887 1.875 1.859 1.842 1.816 56 1.894 1.883 1.872 1.861 1.844 1.820 57 1.895 1.884 1.873 1.857 1.834 1.806 58 1.895 1.879 1.868 1.851 1.834 1.799 59 1.891 1.88I 1.869 1.852 1.835 1.804 60 1.893 1.882 1.865 1.849 1.832 1.796 L ......I 2/21flM Battery: MOS Test Type- Performance Tested: 02/2008P Page 4 or 4 0"*0.I-.t 0 o~o Cell Detail Graph No Cells Selected ci 06 Ia 2/21/2008 Battery: MOS Test Type: Performanee Tested: 02/20/08 Page I of I 0-,J 0 01 0 0 0 Battery OV & Load Graph 2 SONGS B~yOV ___ ate4d 127.5 -246.5 125.0- 246.0 122.5- 245.5~245.0 120.0 -245.0 11 .5 ....-244.5"115 --- 244.0 112.5 243.5 110.0 ]- 243.0 242.0 107.5 " L 4A A O " '
  • t I"
  • I 242.0 Test Time I!J Cno 06 241MUS Battery: MOS Test Type: Perfornance Tested: 02=20/08 Page I of I 4 V %Test Notes-0702581-o Test Type: Performance Tested: 02/20/08 Page I of I V2112008 Battr: 2b008 070o0581bOO

.... ...... ....... 0..,a 0 0 (I-O0 0 0 NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 INSTRUMENTATION PROCEDURE S0123-II-15.3 REVISION 10 PAGE 5 OF 5 ATTACHMENT I TEMPORARY SYSTEM4 ALTERATION AND RES70RATION NO ND! ~ m Page of 'Device Location DescrIption of teodificatlon Alteretion Restoration Altered (3) (4)(2) Date Perf. By j int. By Date Perf. By Verif. By I -(5) (5) 1 V. (6) ..__ (7) (7) (8)q-ba& ý OFF~ gAtL_ Cc*A*4-L 1-,( (b)(6) ()6 4~~~~91 ItA i-u ,wv(co~3.___ ______ L-e"V ZaAVXI c.1 ;Qv 9. me4z/k (Ceb'ced4q4 ? iO________O ________*e A k C £-&/ 15&Remarks! NV(k" 1Y 4r C,?.00 I-A I WOTE: This 4ttachment supersedes Form 50(113)33T ATTACHMENT I PAGE 1 OF I PHOTOS, GRAPHS, CHARTS OR POOR QUALITY DOCUMENT PAGE NOT IMAGED SEE CDM FOR ORIGINAL RPA#%~ OV- 01 DOCUMENT DATE ala7i-l oz -DOCUMENT #O(~I DOD PAGE ___THRU OF BI 10l/4/06 07020581000 0 U-, MM Code Mte Mo Procedure 0 Co 7101 M3-3lM7 07020581000 Worker Entered Renge/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE, CELL MInumum Range: 0 VDC Nominal Accuracy: +/-(0.1 PCT IV + 0.01 Temp Coar -(0.05 PCT IV PER I Mo Procedure STARTS WITH 07020581000 M&TE Used By Cal Due Date 02/21/2008 [(b)(6) "14/15/2008 Maximum Range: 20 Resp Org EL Verified M&TE Verified Cal Due Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 User.d: lo.(6y VDC Comments: 7101 M3-M847 07020581000 02121r20 -p4/115/2008 Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE. BATTERY MIbnumum Range: 0 VDC Maximum Range: 600 Nominal Accuracy:. +/-(0.1 PCT IV + 02 VDC)Temp Con" Accuracy. +/-(0.05 PCT IV PER DEGREE F-)EL Recorded Date: 02121/2008 Userid: (b)(6)VDC!i Comments: 7101 M3-3847 07020881000 02121/2008 Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE. INTERTIER Mlnumurn Range 0 VDC Nominal Accuracy: +1-(0.1 PCT IV + 0.01 VOC)Temp Corr Aiouraoy +/-(0.05 PCT IV PER DEGREE F)Comments: 7101 M3-3847 07020581000 02/21/2008 Worker Entered RangefFunction: STEM SONGS RangefFunction: CURRENT Minumum Range: 0 ADC Nominal Accuracy:. -(0.1 PCT IV + 1.0 ADC)Temp Corr Accuracy: -(0.06 PCT IV PER DEGREE F)Comments:-41.(b(6)04115/2008 EL Recorded Date: Userld: 02/21/2008 Madmum Range: 3 VDC (b)(6)15/2008 EL Recorded Date: Userld: 02/21/2008 (b)(6)..Maxmum Ranqe 3000.ADC I 2/2112008 Page I of 8 0 I-0 0.MM Code Mte Mo Procedure 7405 M3-5574 07020581000 Worker Entered Range/Functlon: STEM SONGS RangelFunction: CURRENT, DC Mliumum Range: 0 A Nominal Accuracy: +/-(1.3 PCT IV + 03 A Temp Conr Accuracy.Comments: 7405 M3-6574 07020581000 Worker Entered RangdFunctlon: STEM SONGS RangelFunctton: CURRENT. DC Minumum Range: 0 A Nominal Aocuracy-. +/-(1.3 PCT IV + 3 A)Temp Corr Accuracy: Comments: 7422 M3-6093 07020581000 Worker Entered Riange/Function: STEM SONGS RFangaFunction: DENSITY, UQUID Miniumum Range: 0 GRAM Nominal Accuracy:. +1-0.001 GRAMS/CC: Temp Corr Accuracy.Comments: 7074 M3-6124 07020581000 Worker Entered RPnge1FunctIon: STEM SONGS hlangefFunctlon: VOLTAGE Mlnumumn Range: 25 VDC Nominal Accuracy: +-(3.0 PCT IV + 0.1)Temp Corr Accuracy.Comments: L,;'>en Mo Procedure STARTS WITH 07020581000 I&TE Used By Cal Due Date Resp Org 2121m20 ý(b)(6) 7_/24/08 EL Verified M&TE Verified Cal Due Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userld: Maxknum Range: 400 A 02/21008 b)(6) 28 EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008(b)(6)Mtadmum Range: 1000 A 02/212008 (b)(6) ~ 2/o8 E Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userld: Maximum Range: 1.999 GRAMSICC 02/21,2008 (b)(6) i&"O9 EL...*.- .,m. um agq:. PM ... VDC Recorded Date; 02121/2008 Useld: (b)(6)WJ1/2008 Page 2of 8 0-J ul CD 40 MM Code Mte Mo Procedure 7675 M3-6124A 07020581000 Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: IMPEDANCE, AC Mineumum Range: 10 MILUO Nominal Acumcy. +1-(5.0 PCT IV + 0.1)Temp Con Accuracy: Comments: 7875 M3-6124B 0702058100O Worker Entered Range/Functlon: STEM SONGS Range/Function: IMPEDANCE, AC Mlnunvum Range: 10 MILUC Nominal Accuracy: 4/-S.0 PCT IV + 0.1)Temp Con" Accuracy: Comments:.8043 M3-6124E 07020581000 Worker Entered RangeaFunction: STEM SONGS Range/FunctIon: CURRENT. AC AT 60 Minumum Range: 0 AAC Nominal Accuracy: +/-(1 PCT IV + 0.2 AA'Temp Cor Accuracy: Comments: 8043 M3-6124F 07020581000 Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: CURRENT, AC AT 80 Minumum Range: 0 AAC Nominal Accuracy:

  • /-(1 PCT IV + 0.2 AA'Temp Corr Accuracy.Comments: Xo C>400 I Mo Procedure STARTS WITH 07020581000 M&TE Used By Cal Due Date Resp Org 02/21/2008 (b)(6) 1/16(/200M EL Maximum Range: 100 MILUOHM o2,21d2008 (b)(6) 1 015100 EL Verified M&TE Verified Cal Due Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userld: (b)(6)Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Usw id i .(b)(6)-.............

......... .... ..... ............. Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userld: (b)(6)Maidmum Range:. 100 MIWOHM 02/21/200M (b)(6)-01115/2009 Maximum Range: 14 AAC 02/21/2008 !(b)(6) 01/15/2009 EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userid b)6...Maqxmum Range. 14 ......C 2/21/2008 Page 3 of 8 0Mo Procedure STARTS WITH 07020581000 L)MM Code Mte Mo Procedure M&TE Used By Cal Due Date Resp Org O~(.0. ...................... ..... i/o 8032 M3-6704 07020881000 02121/2008 (,)(6) /10/2008 EL Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: TEMPERATURE. INFRARED Minumum Range: 23 DEGREES F Maximum Range: 212 DEGREES F Nominal Accuracy:. +/o(1.5 DEGREES F)Temp Corr Accuracy:. -(rHE GREATER OF: (0.05 DEGREE F PER DEGREEF] OR (0.028 PCT OF RDG PER DEGREE FD)Comments: 8.18.73 7957 M3-6742 07020581000 02(21/2008 (b)(6) ,i200 EL Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE. DC Minumum Range: .500 MILUVOLTS Maximum Range: 500 MILLIVOLTS Nominal Accuracy:. +/-(0.03 PCT IV + 0.02 MILLIVOLTS) Temp Corr Accuracy: ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments: Verified M&TE Verified Cal Due Recorded Date: Userid: Recorded Date: Userid: 02/21/2008 [(U)( 6)1 02/21/2008 I(b)(6)7957 M3-6742 07020581000 02121/2008 (b)(6)Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE, DC Minumum Range: -5 V Mu Nominal Accuracy:. +/-(0.025 PCT IV + 0.001 V)Temp Corr Accuracy: ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments: D2/05/2009 EL Recorded Date: 02121/2008 Useid: (b)(6)imum Range: 5 V 7957 M3-8742 07020581000 02121/2008 (b)(6)Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE, DC Minumum Range: -500 V Ma Nominal Accuracy:. +/-(0.1 PCT IV + 0.02 V)Temp Cowr Accuracy. ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments: p2/05/2009 EL Recorded Date: 0202112008 Userid: :(b)(6).=dmum Rang:., 500. -.- V U cJ~I 2/2112008 Page 4 of 8 0-j 0 Mo Procedure STA 0., MM Code Mte Mo Procedure M&TE Used By o 7957 M3-7177 07020581000 02/21/2008 (b)(6)Worker Entered Range/Fluctlon; STEM SONGS Range/Functlon: VOLTAGE, DC Minumum Range: -50 MILLIVOLTS Mm Nominal Accuracyw. +/-(0.1 PCT IV + 0.02 MILLIVOLTS) Temp Corr Accursoy. ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments: RTS WITH 07020581000 Cal-Due Date mum Range. 50.Rasp Org EL MILULVOLTS Verified M&TE Verified Cal Due Recorded Date. 02/21/2008 userld ~b)(61 7957 M3-7177 07020581000 02/21W08 (b)(6)Worker Entred Range/Functlon: ...................................... STEM SONGS Range/Fanction: VOLTAGE, DC Minumum Range: -5 V Ma Nominal Accuracr. +/-(0.025 PCT IV + 0.001 V)Temp Corr Accuracy. ADD (0.0273 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments: 7957 M3-7177 07020581000 02/21(2008 (b)(6)Worker Entered Range/FunctIon: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE, DC Mlnumum.Range: -500 V Ma Nominal Accuracy. 4-(0.1 PCT IV + 0.02 V)Temp Corr Accuracy: ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments:__....02/05/2009 xdmum Range: 5 EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userdd: (b)(6)V 02/05/2009 EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userid: I(b)(6)x1mum Range: 500 V 7957 M3-7180 07020581000 02/21/2=00 (b)(6)Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE. DC MInumum Range: -50 MILLIVOLTS

h. i, m Nominal Accurecy.

+/-(0.1 PCT IV + 0.02 MILLIVOLTS) Temp Corr Accuracy: ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments:."" CIO[02(052009 EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userld: :(b)(6)UT~n 9ýrnrqe: .50.,. .MILUVOLTS 2121/2008 Page 5 of 8 U 0 0 Mo Procedure STA MM Code Mte Mo Procedure M&TE Used By 7957 M3-7180 07020681000 oPJ21Ma l(b)(6)Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE. DO Minumum Range: -5 V Ma Nominal Accuracy:. +/-(0.025 PCT IV +0.001 V)Temp Corr Accuracyi. ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments: 7957 M3-7180 07020581000 02/21/2008 Worker Entered Range/FuncUon: STEM SONGS RangealFunctlon: VOLTAGE, DO Mlnumum Range: -500 V MR Nominal Accuracy: W/-(0.1 PCT IV + 0.02 V)Temp Corr Accuracy:. ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments: FTS WITH 07020581000 Cal Due Date 02/05/2009 krmum Range: 5 Resp Org EL Verified M&TE Verified Cal Due Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userid: ......V S02/05/2009 zdmum Range: 500 EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userid: (b)(6)V 7957 M3-7261 07020581000 02/21/2008 (b)(6) ]05/23/2008 Worker Entered RangelFunction: STEM SONGS Range/Functlon: -VOLTAGE, DC Minumum Range: -50 MILLIVOLTS Maximum Range: 50 Nominal Accuracy: 41-(0.1 PCT IV + 0.02 MILLIVOLTS) Temp Corr Accuracy: ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments: EL Recorded Date: 02121/2008 Userld: 1(b)(6) .MILLIVOLTS 7957 M3-7261 07020581000 02/21008 (b)(6)Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: VOLTAGE, DC Minumum Range:. -5 V .Ma Nominal Accuracy: +1(0.025 PCT IV + 0.001 V)Temp Corr Accuracy:. ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Commell:/23/2008 sdmum Range: 5 EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userld: (1b)(6)- -I V C,'I 2121/2008 Page 6 of 8 0 0-Ln Mo Procedure STARTS WITH 07020581000 MM Code Mte Mo Procedure M&TE Used By 0 7957 M3-7261 07020581000 02121/2008 (b)(6)Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Funcoon: VOLTAGE. DC Minumrum Rang: -500 V ME Nominal Accuracy. +/-(0.1 PCT IV + 0.02 V)Temp Coar AccurecyT ADD (0.0278 PER DEGREE F) TIMES THE NOMINAL Comments: Cal Due Date ..Resp Org 2312008 EL Vedfwed M&rE Verified Cal D6ue Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userld: (b)(6)Kimum Range: 500 V I 82&8 M3-7422 07020581000 02/21120068 l(_b)( M.8/2008 Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/Function: RESISTANCE. RANGE = 1.9999 MILU-OHM FULL SCALE Minumum Range: 0.0001 MILUOHM Maximum Range: 1.999 Nominal Accuracy: +/-(0.2% INDICATED VALUE +0.2 MICRO-OHM) Temp Corr Accuracy: <0.006% PER °F FROM 41°F TO 1040F Comments: EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 U ...d ..... ................. MILLIOHM!!7849 M3-7775 07020581000 02/21/2008 (b)(6)Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS RangeFiunction: TORQUE, CLOCKWISE Minumum Range; 30 INCH LBS Nominal Accuracry -,,4 PCT FS)({--6 INCH LBS)Temp Con" AcOUrser.Commerrts: Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userid: (b)(6)!2f27/2008 EL Maximum Range: 150 INCH LBS 7849 M3-7776 07020581000 02/21/2 Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS Range/FunctIon: TORQUE, CLOCKWISE Minumum Range: 30 INCH LBS Nominal Accuracy +/-{4 PCT FS)(+I-6 INCH LBS)Temp Corr Accuracy.Comments: CPD ,.-I s (b)(6) 12J27/2008 EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 Userid: (b)(6) l Maimnum Range:; ,150 .INCH LBS 2r2lI2008 Page 7of 8 N)l CU, Mo Procedure STARTS WITH 07020581000 MM Code Mte Mo Procedure 7875 M3-77"7 07020581000 Worker Entered Range/Function: STEM SONGS RulgelFunction: TORQUE. CLOCKWII Minumumn Range: 15 FOOT Nominal Accuracy. 41-(4 PCT FS)Temp Corr wourcy M&TE Used By Cal Due Date 022I/2Oe i(b)(6) 12/26/20o0 SE LOS Maximum Range:. 75 Rqvp Org EL Vediled M&TE Verified Cal Due Recorded Date: 02121/2008 Userid: (FOOT LBS Comments: 7875 M3-7778 07020551000 Worker Entered RangufFuncUon: STEM SONGS RongeFunctfon: TORQUE, CLOCKWIf, MInumum Range: 15 FOOT I Nominal Accuraoy. +/-(4 PCT FS)Temp Corr Accuracy..Comments: 673 M3-2777 07020581000 Worker Entered Range1unctlon: STEM SONGS RangeIFunction: CURRENT ADO Minumurn Range. 0 A Nominal Accurcy, +/- 0.25 PCT I.V.Temp Corr Accuracr.. 0212)200 (b)(6) 2/26200 ES LBS Maximum Range: 75 EL Recorded Date: 02/21/2008 User.d: (b.).6 .I FOOT LBS 02/21/2008 (b)(6)05/21/2008 EL Recorded Date. 02/21/2008 U s e rid -: ......Maximum Range: 1200 ADC Ooniments: ,- .%%.*..-. -.QD 2/2112008 Page 8 of 8}}