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Limerick Oct. 2006 Exam - Draft - RO & SRO Written Exam (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/2006
From: Fish T H
Operations Branch I
Exelon Generation Co
Sykes, Marvin D.
Download: ML062930254 (200)


- NRC Question Data Sheet

1. Unit 1 is at 100% power when the failure of a Main Generator Lockout Relay causes a Unit 1 Main Generator Lockout resulting in: 0 Main Turbine Trip 0 A Reactor Scram occurs to limit the power excursion WHICH ONE of the following describes the reason a power excursion occurs as a result of a turbine trip? A. A rise in feedwater subcooling when extraction steam is lost. B. A rise in void concentration when turbine steam admission valves close. C. A reduction in feedwater subcooling when extraction steam is lost. D. A reduction in void concentration when turbine steam admission valves close. Page 2 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Answer Kev D Question ID# 001 Both RC Incorrect I Choice A Incorrect B Level of Knowledge HIGH Incorrect , Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO 2.5 2 Y (b) (5) N/A 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 (minutes)

Basis or Justification Source: Reference (s): Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Void concentration will rapidly deplete on closing of the turbine steam admission valves resulting in a large positive reactivity addition. New Exam Item Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank LGS UFSAR, Chapter LLOTI 575.03 295005 Importance:

RO / SRO AK3.01 3.8 i 3.8 While this relationship is true, the Reactor power rise will be slight and gradual. This is not the reason for the Scram. This is incorrect since void concentration will deplete, not go up. This is incorrect since feedwater subcooling will go up, not go down. (Description of K&A, from catalog)

Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP: Reactor scram Required Materials:

Notes and Comments:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 2. Unit 2 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Power is 100% power 0 Plant Monitoring System (PMS) is inoperable Five minutes later control rod 30-31 inadvertently scrams.

WHICH ONE of the following can be used to confirm that control rod 30-31 is fully inserted?

A. "XX (two Xs) on the Four Rod Display. B. Green "IN" light is lit on the Full Core Display. C. "- -I' (two dashed lines) on the Four Rod Display. D. Blue "SCRAM" light is lit on the Full Core Display. Page 4 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination ~ ~~ ~ Incorrect Incorrect Answer Key C A "- -" indication on the Four Rod Display indicates an odd numbered reed switch is made up. The blue "SCRAM" light on the Full Core Display indicates that the scram valves are open, and does not indicate control rod position.

D Two X's on the Four Rod Display indicate that control rod indication is unknown, due to more than one reed switch being made up. Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes)

I OCFR55.41 LOW 2.0 3 N (b) (10) I I I SRO 1 OCFR55.43 (b) (5) Source: Reference(s):

[XI New Exam Item [7 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank ARC 108 Reactor, E-4 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank Learning Objective:

~~ Knowledge/Ability WA 1 LLoT0080.02 295006 Importance:

RO / SRO AA2.02 4.3 / 4.4 Required Materials:

Notes and Comments:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 3. LGS Site conditions are as follows: 0 Both Units are at 100% power. 0 Both Units' Auxiliary transformers are supplying their respective Unit Auxiliary busses.

The 10 Station Auxiliary Bus is de-energized for maintenance.

All other station electrical busses are energized.

The 20 Station Auxiliary Bus supply breaker (205) trips open. WHICH ONE of the following identifies the status of the 22 Auxiliary Bus and the D22 Safeguard Bus twenty (20) seconds later? 22 Auxiliary Bus D22 Safequard Bus A. d e-e n e rg ized de-ene rg ized B. en erg ized de-energized C. de-energized energized D. energized energized Page 6 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 HIGH 3.5 3 Y (b) (10) I Choice SRO 1 OCFR55.43 (b) (5) I Correct: Source: Reference( s): Incorrect New Exam Item Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank E10/20, Steps 2.1 and 2.3.1 Incorrect WA I AA2.04 Incorrect L 3.5 / 3.7 D A B Basis or Justification The 22 Aux Bus will continue to be supplied by the Unit 2 Main Generator D22 Diesel Generators will start and supply the D22 Safeguard Bus in approximately IO seconds. Both busses will be energized as described above. While this choice is correct for the 22 Aux Bus, it is incorrect for D22 Safeguard Bus, which will be energized by the D22 D/G within 10 seconds choice is correct for the D22 Safeguard Bus, it is incorrect for the 22 Aux Bus, which will remain energized from the Unit 2 Main Generator.

Learning 0 bjective:

LLOT0640.08 I Knowledge/Ability 295003 I I Importance:

RO / SRO Required Materials

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 4. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Power is 100% 0 Division 4 DC (1 25 VDC Bus "D") is de-energized.

The following events then occur:

0 Drywell Pressure rises to 2.0 psig. 0 Both HPCl Exhaust Diaphragms rupture on pump start.

0 HPCl room temperature rises and stabilizes at 198°F. 0 No operator action is taken. WHICH ONE of the following describes the status of HPCl steam line containment isolation valves after the events above? INBOARD ISOL (I F002) OUTBOARD ISOL (I F003) A. Closed Open B. Closed Closed C. Open Closed D. Open Open Page 8 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination C A Answer Key A HPCl isolation signal is present due to high turbine exhaust rupture diaphragm pressure.

The 1 F003 valve isolates, however, the 1 F002 valve does not isolate due to NO control power to the isolation logic. The 1 F002 valve does not isolate due to NO control power to the isolation logic Choice Correct: B Incorrect The 1 F002 valve does not isolate due to NO control power to the isolation logic Incorrect D Incorrect The 1 F003 valve isolates I Basis or Justification Level of Know1 ed g e HIGH Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO 3.0 3 Y (b) (7) N/A (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Knowledge/Ability WA 295004 Importance:

RO / SRO AA1.02 3.8 / 4.1 Source Documentation Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

[XI New Exam Item Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank GP-8.1, Rev.11, Pg. 31; GE Elemental Dwgs. M-1-E41-1030-F-004, Shts. 1 & 2 LLOT0340.14 M-1-E41-1030-F-005, Shts 1 & 2 Required Materials: Notes and Comments:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- NRC Question Data Sheet 5. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Drywell Temperature is 140°F. 0 0 Drywell Pressure is 1.0 psig and rising slowly.

OT-101, HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE, is being executed.

WHICH ONE of the following is a reason why Drywell cooling is maximized?

A. Ensure continued operation of the Reactor Recirculation Pump motors B. Slow the rate of pressure rise to allow time to bypass the potential Drywell Chilled Water system isolation C. Protect the integrity of the ADS valve solenoids D. Slow the rate of pressure rise to allow Drywell venting Page 10 of 200

~~ LIMERICK October 2006 Incorrect incorrect Incorrect Initial License Operator NRC Examination A B C Answer Key Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 LOW 2.5 2 N (b) (5) Question ID# 005 Both RC SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N/A I Choice Reference@):

Learning 0 bjective:

ID Correct: c] ILT Exam Bank OT-101, Bases Step 2.1 LLOTI 540.05 Knowledge/Ability WA Basis or Justification Per OT-I 01 bases, the Drywell may be vented if pressure is less than 1.68 psig. Therefore, slowing the rate of Drywell pressure rise allows time to vent. The reason for Maximizing Drywell cooling is to slow the rise or prevent reaching 1.68 psig in the Drywell. It is not to protect the Recirc pumps. 29501 0 Importance:

RO / SRO AK3.02 3.4 / 3.4 The Drywell chill water isolation may be bypassed after entry into and meeting the Drywell temperature requirements of T-I 02 The design Drywell temperature of 340°F is to protect the ADS solenoids.

This is beyond the bases for OT-I 01. I Source Documentation Source: New Exam item Modified Bank Item Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank Required Materials:

Notes and Comments:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 6. Unit 2 plant conditions are as follows: 0 The "2B" Recirc. Pump has tripped.

0 Reactor power is 68%. 0 All feedwater heaters are in service. 0 Four OPRM channels are operable.

0 The unit is in the Restricted Region of the Power to Flow map. Subsequently, the "2A Recirc. Pump inadvertently trips.

WHICH ONE of the following describes the required action and the basis for this action? A. SCRAM to prevent the occurrence of thermal hydraulic instabilities.

B. Restart a Recirc. Pump to prevent RPV thermal stratification.

C. SCRAM to avoid the reactivity effects of starting a Recirc. Pump in natural circulation.

D. Insert control rods to exit the Restricted Region of the Power to Flow map. Page 12 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination C Answer Key Basis or Justification Although allowed by Tech. Specs., Exelon has decided to continue to direct that a manual scram be inserted with the plant in natural circulation.

Choice Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (mi nu tes) 1 OCFR55.41 Correct: SRO 1 OCFR55.43 Incorrect:

LOW Incorrect 2.0 2 N (b) (8) to (IO) NIA Incorrect 295001 AKI .01 Importance:

RO I SRO 3.5 13.6 A B D A scram is required, however, not to avoid THI. See basis for answer C. By procedure, Limerick does not allow restarting a Recirc. Pump in natural circulation with the Reactor critical. This is not an allowed action in natural circulation.

r-- Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

KnowledgelAbility KIA Source Documentation New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank OT-I 12 Bases, step 2.1 LLOTI 540.05 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED CORE FLOW CIRCULATION: Natural circulation Required Materials:

Notes and Comments: Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

7. ____ NRC Question Data Sheet Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor power is 35% 0 GEN STATOR COOLANT TROUBLE (125 B4) Annunciator is alarming An EO verifies the Stator Cooling Water return temperature is 82OC and rising WHICH ONE of the following describes the automatic response of EHC due to the conditions above?

A. LOAD SET will reduce to 21.4% Bypass valves will remain closed B. LOAD SET will reduce to 21.4% Bypass valves will open C. LOAD LIMIT will reduce to 21.4% Bypass valves will open D. LOAD LIMIT will reduce to 21.4% Bypass valves remain closed Page 14 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect:

Incorrect Incorrect Answer Key A C D Question ID# 007 Both RC Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 4 N y W(7) Choice SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N IB Correct: Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank ON-1 14, Step 2.10 LLOT0590.03 WQ Basis or Justification Knowledge/Ability WA A STATOR WATER COOLING RUNBACK has occurred which lowers load set to 21.4 %, this closes control valves which raises Reactor pressure opening bypass valves This is incorrect as bypass valves will open 295007 Importance:

RO / SRO MI .05 3.7 i 3.8 This is incorrect as load limit does not runback This is incorrect as load limit does not runback, also bypass valves will open Notes and Comments: Prepared By:

Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT: SE-1 Provided

8. The Main Control Room has become uninhabitable and SE-1, Remote Shutdown is in progress at the Remote Shutdown Panel with the following co nd it ions : 0 All SE-1 immediate operator actions are complete All Remote Shutdown Panel transfer switches are in "EMERGENCY".

0 Reactor Level is +IO" 0 Reactor Pressure is 490 psig WHICH ONE of the following identifies the EARLIEST point from now where Shutdown Cooling can be placed in service?

A. 1.0 Hours B. 1.5 Hours C. 2.0 Hours D. 2.5 Hours Page 16 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Choice Basis or Justification Correct: In correct Incorrect B Using Attachment 2 and 3 to SE-1 and at the maximum cooldown rate, it would take at least 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to go from 470 degrees F (490 psig) to 320 degrees F (75 psig) This would mean exceeding the maximum cooldown rate A C Incorrect This does not identify the minimum amount of time before SDC can be placed in service. D I I This does not identify the minimum amount of time before SDC can be placed in service. Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 HIGH 3.5 5 Y (b) (IO) Source: SRO 1 OCFR55.43 (b) (5) Reference(s1:

29501 6 2.1.25 Learning 0 bjective: Importance: RO

/ SRO 2.8 13.1 Knowledge/Ability K/A Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank SEI, Attachments 2 & 3 LLOT0735.04 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to obtain and interpret station reference materials such as graphs

/ monographs

/ and tables which contain performance data Required Materials:

SE-I Notes and Comments:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- ___ ~~ _~ NRC Question Data Sheet t 9. Both units are at 100%

power: 0 0 0 A loss of the 220 KV switchyard occurs followed immediately by a lockout of the 4A Auto Transformer.

The D12 and D14 Diesel Generators fail to start. All other Diesel Generators start as designed.

WHICH ONE of the following systems can be used to provide alternate cooling to the TECW heat exchangers and the procedural direction for using this system? Alternate Cooling Water for TECW Heat Exchangers Procedural Direction A. ESW E-l0/20, Loss Of Offsite Power B. ESW E-I , Station Blackout C. RECW E-I 0/20, Loss Of Offsite Power D. RECW E-I , Station Blackout Page 18 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect

~~ Correct: D RECW is not hard piped to backup TECW. The correct procedure is E- 10/20. Since six of the Diesel Generators start, this is not a Station Blackout.

ESW can be used to backup normal Service Water for TECW and RECW iAi by performing manual local valve manipulations per E-I 0/20. Level of Knowledge High The correct procedure is E-I 0120. Since six of the Diesel Generators start, IBl this is not a Station Blackout.

Incorrect Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO 3.5 4 Y (7) N/A (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 RECW is not hard piped to backup TECW. /c; Incorrect Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

0 Modified Bank Item [XI ILT Exam Bank ' 0 Other Exam Bank E-10/20, Attachment 5 LLOT0430.07 I Psvc hometrics I Knowledge/Ability WA 29501 8 Importance:

RO / SRO AA1.01 3.6 / 3.5 Source Documentation Source: 1 0 New Exam Item 0 Previous NRC Exam Required Materials:

Notes and Comments:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet IO. Unit 1 Reactor Power is 100% with Instrument Air and Service Air in a normal lineup, when the following annunciator alarms: 0 IA INSTRUMENT AIR HEADER LO PRESS (I 18 B2) The following indications are observed:

0 "1A Instrument Air Header Pressure is 85 psig and dropping slowly. 0 "1 B" Instrument Air Header Pressure is 108 psig and steady 0 Service Air Header Pressure is 102 psig and rising slowly 0 Backup Service Air Receiver is 100 psig and steady 10 minutes later the following indications are observed:

0 "1AY Instrument Air Header Pressure is 69 psig and dropping slowly 0 "1 B" Instrument Air Header Pressure is 100 psig and dropping slowly 0 Service Air Header Pressure is 99 psig and dropping slowly 0 Backup Service Air Receiver is1 02 psig and dropping slowly WHICH ONE of the following identifies the source of air for the Instrument Air LOADS and Service Air LOADS? Source of Instrument Air Source of Service Air A. "1 B" Instrument Air compressor Service Air Compressor B. "I B" Instrument Air Compressor Backup Service Air Compressor C. Service Air Compressor Service Air Compressor.

D. Service Air Compressor Backup Service Air Compressor.

Page 20 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Incorrect:

Incorrect Answer Key A "1 B" Compressor will begin supplying the "IA loads on higher pressure due to check valves at the individual load. Service Air Compressor remains in service for service air loads.

The Backup Service Air Compressor, which is normally lined up to Unit 1, will only supply Unit 1 Service Air, if service air header pressure drops below 92 psig.. Service Air Compressor would only supply IA if both the 1A & 1 B IA header pressures are low. B C Choice I Basis or Justification Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 4.0 6 Y y (b) (5) SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N See B and C.above IDl Incorrect Source : Reference( s): Learning 0 bject ive: New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank M-I 5 LLOT0730.02, 04, 07, 10 Source Documentation KnowledgelAbility KIA 29501 9 Importance:

RO I SRO AK3.01 3.3 13.4 Required Materials:

Notes and Comments:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- NRC Question Data Sheet I I. Unit 2 has just entered Opcon 4 in preparation for a refueling outage. A failure of HV-51-2F008 results in a loss of Shutdown Cooling and necessitated establishing Alternate Shutdown cooling using SRV's and Suppression Pool Cooling. Conditions have been established as follows: e Suppression Pool Cooling is in service with "2A" RHR.

Suppression Pool pressure is 0 psig SRV handswitches for the "2K' and "2M" SRV's are in the OPEN position Injection to the RPV has been established with the "2D" RHR pump via HV-51-2F017D RPV Level is 150" on Shutdown Range RPV pressure is 20 psig WHICH ONE of the following describes the action required in order to establish Alternate Decay Heat removal?

A. Reduce RPV injection until RPV Level is 5 100" 8. Increase RPV injection until RPV Level is 2 200" C. Reduce RPV injection until RPV pressure is 5 25 psig D. Increase RPV injection until'RPV pressure is 2 50 psig Page 22 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct Answer Kev D - Psychometrics I Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO Knowledge (minutes)

I OCFR55.41 I OCFR55.43 High 4.0 5 Y Y (b) (7) N Incorrect I A Incorrect Incorrect C $RCj Basis or Justification 50# DIP is required across the SRV's in order to open and establish alternate heat removal. While 100 is an important milestone in OT-I00 Reactor High Level, when trying to prevent filling MS lines, filling the MSLS is required for this procedure. Level is high enough to fill the MSL's and no additional Level is required.

In order to establish Alternate heat removal the SRV's must open which requires 50# D/P. Correct conditions require raising pressure, not lowering.

Source : Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation

[XI New Exam Item c] Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank c] Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank ON-121, Step 2.1.7, Attachment 6 S41.7.B, Step 4.2 LLOT-5010.01 295021 AA1.04 Importance:

RO I SRO 3.7 13.7 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to operate and or monitor the following as they apply to LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING:

Alternate Heat Removal Methods Required Materials Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet

12. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows:

0 Reactor level is 20" 0 Reactor Pressure is 350 psig 0 Drywell Pressure is 25 psig 0 "1 B" RHR Pump is operating at 8200 gpm with the following valve indications:

HV-51-1 F016B, OUTBOARD SPRAY, green light lit HV-5I-lF017B, LPCl INJECTION, red, green and white lights lit HV-51-1 FO21 B, INBOARD SPRAY, red light lit HV-51-1F024I3, FULL FLOW TEST, red, green and white lights lit The CRS has directed the PRO to place "1 B" RHR in Drywell Spray. WHICH ONE of the following actions must be performed to initiate Drywell Spray?

A. Arm and depress "1 B" RHR manual LOCA initiation pushbutton and open HV-51-1 FOI 6B B. Close HV-51-1 F021B, then open HV-51-1 F016B, then reopen HV-51-1 F021 B.

C. Close HV-51-1F017B and open HV-51-1F016B.

D. Close HV-51-1F024B and open HV-51-1F016B.

Page 24 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination

~~~~ Incorrect Answer Key This valve manipulation only required if LOCA signal not present. 17B must also be closed.. D 24B dose not need to be closed Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Low 3.0 4 Y y (b) (7) SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Source: 295024 EA1.04 Reference( s): Importance:

RO / SRO 4.1 13.9 Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank 1-225, Step 4.5 LLOT0370.09 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE:

RHR/LPCI Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 13. An EHC piping rupture on Unit 1 has resulted in a Turbine Trip and closure of Turbine Bypass Valves.

Unit 1 Reactor failed to SCRAM and RPV Level was intentionally lowered per T-I 17. The following conditions currently exist: 0 Reactor power is 6% 0 RPV level is -195" and slowly rising 0 1 ADS SRV is open 0 RPV pressure is I000 psig 0 Suppression Pool temperature is 145°F and slowly rising 2 Loops of suppression Pool cooling are in Service 0 Suppression Pool pressure is 6 psig & slowly rising 0 Suppression Pool Level is 24.5' and stable WHICH ONE of the following describes the required action and the reason for taking the action? A. Reduce RPV pressure to less than 900 psig, in order to maintain on the safe side of SPIL-I SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit B. Perform Emergency Blowdown per T-I 12, due to unable to restore and maintain RPV Level above -1 86" C. Reduce RPV pressure to less than 900 psig, in order to maintain on the safe side of SP/T-I Heat Capacity Temperature Limit D. Perform Emergency Blowdown per T-I 12, due to the safe side of SP-T- 1, Heat Capacity Temperature Limit cannot be maintained Page 26 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Psychometrics Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 4 High 3.5 4 Y b 10 y b) 5) ~ ~~ Answer Key Source: Reference (s): Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Question ID# 013 Both RC [XI New Exam item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank T-I 02 sh. 1 LLOT1560.04 295026 Importance:

RO / SRO EA2.03 3.9 14.0 I Choice I Correct 1 c Incorrect i ID Incorrect FRj Basis or Justification SP temp is 20°F from HCTL and rising slowly despite having 2 loops of SP Cooling in service. T-102 SP/T-8 directs that of SP temp cannot be maintained on the safe side of HCTL, then maintain RPV pressure on the safe side of HCTL. SP level is high but 3.5 feet away from SP/L-1 limit and level is stable - Reducing pressure for the purposes of maintaining this curve is not warranted.

While RPV Level is <-I 86, it is only 9" OOB and rising slowly. The criteria for T-I 17LQ is level can be restored. With SRV's being used for pressure control, it is not unusual to go <-I 86 for short periods of time. T-I 12 is not warranted under these conditions.

SP temp is still 20°F away from HCTL and rising slowly. T-I 12 is not warranted at this point Required Materials:

T-I02 Sht. 1 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~- NRC Question Data Sheet

14. A LOCA is in progress on Unit 2 Drywell Temperature is 148°F The CRS directs the PRO to maximize drywell cooling WHICH ONE of the following describes the minimum number of components that must be in service in order to maximize drywell cooling for the above conditions?

Dwell Fans DWCW Pumps A. One Fan per Cooler One B. One Fan per Cooler Two C. Two Fans per Cooler One D. Two Fans per Cooler Two Page 28 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination B A I Choice Basis or Justification Meets the criteria specified in T-102 Bases, for step DW/T-5 Does not meet the criteria specified in T-I02 Bases, step DWR-5.

Only has one DWCW pp cunning vs. two Correct: C D i Incorrect:

Does not meet the criteria wlrespect to the number of required DWCW pps. In addition specifics 2 DW Fans per cooler. Fans are in parallel and are 100% capacity.

Does not represent the minimum number. 2 DW fans in-service - DW fans are 100% capacity and in parallel.

Incorrect Level of Knowledge Incorrect Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Knowledge/Ability WA 295028 Importance:

RO / SRO EK2.04 3.6 13.6 Source Documentation Source: New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank I ILT Exam Bank Referen ce(s):

Learning 0 bj ective: T-I02 Bases, DWR-5 LOT-I 560.06 Required Materials:

T-I 02 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- NRC Question Data Sheet 15. Unit 2 was manually scrammed due to a leak in the Suppression pool. 0 0 0 Suppression pool level is 20' and lowering RClC is being used for RPV level control HPCl is being used for RPV pressure control Suppression Pool level drops to 17.9' WHICH ONE of the following describes the required action and the reason for it? A. RClC must be secured due to insufficient Net Positive Suction Head. B. HPCl must be secured due to insufficient Net Positive Suction Head C. RClC must be secured in order to prevent direct pressurization of the Suppression Pool D. HPCl must be secured in order to present direct pressurization of the Suppression Pool Page 30 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA High 2.5 3 Y Knowledge (minutes) Answer Key RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Y (b) (5) NIA Question ID# 015 Both RC Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

I Choice [XI New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank T-102, sh.

1 LLOTI 560.05 Correct: KnowledgeIAbility KIA Incorrect 295030 Importance:

RO / SRO EK3.02 3.5 13.7 Incorrect D A B C SRQ Basis or Justification HPCI Exhaust line is uncovered at 18'. Operation of HPCI, with its relatively high exhaust pressure could result in direct pressurization of the Sumression Pool sufficient to exceed PCPC. NPSH limit for RCIC would be at 12.3' (13.5' for T-I02 sh 1) NPSH limit for HPCl would be at 15.42 ft, where it is already secured at 18' for the reason above RClC Turbine exhaust pressure is insufficient to cause pressurization of the Suppression Pool in excess of PCPL. Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~ ~~~ ~ NRC Question Data Sheet 16. A Loss of all High Pressure Injection has occurred on Unit 1 with conditions as follows: 0 All Rods in RPV Water Level is -170 and dropping 0 No Low Pressure ECCs pumps can be started 0 RPV pressure has been recorded at 900 psig and is being maintained with SRV's. The crew is attempting to restore the 1 B CRD pump and line up per T-240 WHICH ONE of the following describes steam cooling conditions under which adequate core cooling is assured? RPV Level RPV Pressure I niection A. -1 75" 795 psig None B. -1 85" 800 psig IB CRD pump C. -1 95" 910 psig None D. -205" 890 psig 1 BCRD pump Page 32 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PF?A RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.5 5 Y (b) (8-1 0) Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N/A Question ID# 016 Both RC Source: Reference (s ): 0 bjective:

Learning I Choice New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank T-I 11 BASES, LR-12 through LR-17 LOT-I 560.03 Correct: WA I EK1.O1 Incorrect 4.6 14.7 I Incorrect I I Incorrect A B c D pFQ Basis or Justification Core Cooling is assured in steam cooling as long as level is between -161 and -201, with no injection and pressure less than the value recorded in T- I I I LR-14. Even though pressure is <loo# below recorded value, this supply calls for a new pressure load. Calculations for MZI RWL assures that there is no sub cooling at the core inlet. Since any injection would invalidate this assumption, adequate Core Cooling can't be assured if RPV level is <-I61 and water is being injected.

Once stabilized, if RPV pressure rises above the value recorded in CR-14, MZIRWL calculations are no longer valid and the core may not be adequately cooled.

The candidate would select this answer if he didn't recognize that the safe area of this curve is below the curve. This is a common error because this varies between curves. It is also incorrect because water is being injected. ~~ ~ Knowledge/Ability I WA 295031 I Importance:

RO / SRO Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

__ NRC Question Data Sheet

17. Core reload has just commenced on Unit 1 during a refueling outage. While lowering a fuel assembly not adjacent to an SRM count rate increases from 30 cps to 60 cps. WHICH ONE of the following describes the required action, if any? A. Immediately evacuate the refuel floor B. Suspend component movement C. Continue lowering fuel assembly D. Raise the fuel assembly from the core so that it clears the upper grid Page 34 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA High 2.0 3 Y Know1 ed g e (minutes)

Answer Key RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 (b) (8-10)

NIA Question ID# 017 Both RC KnowIedgelAbility K/A Choice Correct: 295023 Importance:

RO I SRO 2.2.28 3.5 I 3.3 Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect B A C D SRbj Basis or Justification FH-105 requires suspension of component movement when one doubling is reached This would only be appropriate in the event of criticality. FH-105 requires suspension of component movement when one doubling is reached This would be correct for the SRM count rate rise if it were poJ the third assembly adjacent to the detector.

Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective: Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank FH-105, STEP 3.7 LLOT0760.12 Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- - - NRC Question Data Sheet

18. Unit I Plant is operating at 100%

power when the following occurs:

0 The "IC" Inboard MSlV fails closed 0 REACTOR HI PRESS (1 07 G2) Annunciator is alarming and will not clear 0 Reactor Pressure is 1080 psig and steady The RO reduces reactor power with recirc flow in order to clear the High Pressure alarm WHICH ONE of the following describes the limits and the basis for this power reduction?

A. Reactor Steam Dome Pressure LCO, which is based on Safety Relief Valve sizing B. Reactor Steam Dome Pressure LCO, which is based on Turbine Bypass Valve sizing. C. Reactor Coolant System Pressure safety limit, which is based on I 10% of Recirc Suction piping design pressure D. Reactor Coolant System Pressure safety limit, which is based on 110% of Recirc Discharge piping design pressure.

Page 36 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (mi nu tes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.5 5 N (b) (8-1 0) Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N/A Choice Correct: 295025 EKI .05 Incorrect Importance: RO I SRO 4.4 I 4.7 Incorrect Incorrect A B Basis or Justification Immediate operator action per OT-102 Reactor High pressure is to reduce reactor power to maintain pressure less than 1053, which is the alarm setpoint.

The basis for 1053 is the reactor steam done pressure LCO which is based on SRV sizing Steam done pressure LCO is correct however it is based on SRV, not BPV, sizing. C ~ D Reactor coolant system pressure safety limit is not correct, while the basis for the safety limit is the Recirc suction piping Neither the reactor coolant system pressure safety limit nor the stated basis is correct I Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank OT-102 BASES, step 2.1 LLOTI 540.05 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the operational implication of the following concept as they apply to HIGH Reactor Pressure Exceeding Safety Limits.. Required Materia Is: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 19. Unit 1 Plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Power is 8% 0 0 Reactor Mode switch is in Startup "2D" IRM is failed upscale An electrical fault results if the loss of 1AY160 WHICH ONE of the following identified the impact in IRMs and status of RPS? A. IRM Channels A, C, E, and G loss power, Full Reactor Scram B. IRM Channels A, C, E, and G loss power, Reactor 1/2 Scram C. ONLY IRM Channels A, and C, loss power, Reactor 1/2 Scram D. ONLY IRM Channels A, and C, loss power, Full Reactor Scram Page 38 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 3 N (b) 7 Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Correct: 21 5003 K2.01 I n corre ct : Importance:

RO / SRO 2.5 / 2.7 Incorrect:

A B C D SFp Basis or Justification IRM Channels A, C, E, and G loss power on a loss of 1AY160, Full Reactor Scram occurs due to mode switch in startup and RPS A side % scram loss of 1AY160 and RPS B side % scram (D IRM upscale) IRM Channels A, C, E, and G loss power is correct, Reactor 1/2 Scram is incorrect as full reactor scram will occur ONLY IRM Channels A, and C is incorrect as E & G channels also lose power, Reactor 1/2 Scram is incorrect as full reactor scram will occur ONLY IRM Channels A, and C, loss power is incorrect as E & G channels also lose power, Full Reactor Scram is correct Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

~ Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam [7 Other Exam Bank 1 LLOT0250.07 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the IRM channels/detectors Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 20. Unit 1 Plant conditions are as follows: Reactor Startup is in progress 0 "IA" and "ID" lRMs are on range 1 0 All other IRMs are on range 2 "IA SRM is being withdrawn when the count rate drops to 90 CPS WHICH ONE of the following identified the impact on the Reactor Manual Control System (RMCS)? A. No rod blocks are enforced B. Only a rod withdraw block is enforced C. Only a rod insert block is enforced D. Both rod insert and withdrawal rod blocks are enforced Page 40 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Answer Key B Question ID# 020 Both RC Incorrect Choice A Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.5 4 N (b) (5) SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N IC Incorrect Source: Reference( s ) : Learning Objective:

ID Incorrect New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank GP-2 Appendix 1, step 3.3.7 and NOTE LLOT0240.06:

Basis or Justification Only a rod withdraw blocks is enforced, is correct as all IRMs are not above range 2 and SRM CPS are less than 100 with detector not full in KnowledgelAbility KIA No rod blocks are enforced, is not correct. It would be correct if all IRMs were above range 2 Only a rod insert block is enforced.

This is not correct as SRM CPS less than 100 with detector not full in does not enforce an insert block 21 5004 Importance:

RO I SRO K5.03 2.8 12.8 Rod insert and withdrawal rod blocks are enforced SRM CPS are less than I00 with detector not full in I Source Documentation I Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 21. WHICH ONE of the following describes the Rod Block Monitor (RBM) response to a APRM/LPRM failure?

A. RBM auto bypasses an LPRM if the detector output falls below 10% B. RBM channel INOP occurs if unbypassed LPRMS are less than 70% of total used to calculate flux average C. Rod block occurs if there are less than 20 LPRM inputs to an APRM channel D. Rod block occurs if there are less than 5 LPRMS input signals per axial level to an APRM channel Page 42 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Answer Key C I Choice Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA Low 3.0 4 N Knowledge (minutes)

RO SRO 10CFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 (b) (2) N lA 1 Incorrect Source: Reference( s): Learning 0 bjective:

Incorrect m New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank ARC 108, A-5 LLOT0275.07B ID Incorrect Knowledge/Ability WA Basis or Justification 21 5005 Importance:

RO / SRO K1.03 3.4 / 3.5 Less than 20 LPRMS input to an APRM channel results in a Rod Block This is incorrect as RBM auto by passes detector if output fails below 3% Incorrect as channel INPO occurs if unbypassed LPRMS are less than 50% of total Incorrect as Rod Block occurs if there are less than 3 LPRMs inputs signals per axial level Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet

22. The CRS has ordered a GP-4 shutdown as a result of the "IE" SRV being stuck open. Following the performance of GP-4 actions plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor power is 28% 0 0 0 0 "IE" SRV is still open Suppression Pool temp is 112°F and going up T-270 is complete, injection has been terminated Reactor Level is -25" and going down WHICH ONE of the following describes an appropriate RPV water Level band and the reason for this band?.

A. -60" to -100" in order to lower power by reducing core inlet subcooling B. -60" to -1 00" in order to lower power by reducing natural circulation driving load and core flow C. -161" to -186" in order to lower power by reducing core inlet subcooling D. -161" to -186" in order to lower power by reducing natural circulation driving head and core flow Page 44 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Incorrect Incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 A High B 3.0 5 Y (b) (5) N Incorrect L ~ ~~~~ 295037 EK.2.09 C Importance:

RO / SRO 4.0 14.2 This is the appropriate level band and reasons for the first level lowering.

This is N/A once SP temp is 11 0" and SRV is open This level condition is not appropriate, the reason is associated with the - 161 -, -1 86 level band This level band is correct, the reason is associated with the higher level band Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

KnowledgelAbility KIA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank T-I 17, T-I 17 Bases, LQ-6 through LQ-11 and LQ-16. LLOTI 560.05 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the interrelations between SCRAM cond.

Present and Reactor Power above APRM down SCL or unknown & the following.. .Reactor Water Level Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author P NRC Question Data Sheet 23. Unit 2 was operating at 100% when a Turbine Trip occurs. Two minutes later the following conditions are noted: Reactor Power is 0% Reactor Level is 35" Reactor Pressure:

960 psig and steady Rod 26-1 1 is at position 48 Rod 50-31 is at position 48 Rod 22-51 is at position 48 All other control rods are at 00 SBLC is not running WHICH ONE of the following meets the criteria for no ATWS? A. Rods 26-1 I, 50-31, and 22-51 inserted to position 04 B. Rod 26-1 1 and 50-31 at position 02 and 22-51 at position 04 C. Rods 26-1 I and 50-31 at position 00 and 22-51 at position 48 D. Rod 26-1 1 at position 00 and rods 50-31 and 22-51 at position 48 Page 46 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Time Allowance (minutes) 4 Answer Key PRA RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 (b) 10) (b) 5 Y ( () Question ID# 023'Both RC High Choice Correct: 3.0 Incorrect Source: Reference (s ) : Learning 0 bjective:


[x1 New Exam Item c] Modified Bank Item c] ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank T-101, note 14, Tech Specs definition of Shutdown Margin LLOTI 560.03 Incorrect Knowledge/Ability WA C 295037 Importance:

RO / SRO EA 2.05 4.2 14.3 A B D $RQ Basis or Justification Meets the Tech Spec definition of shutdown margin with the single strongest rod fully withdrawn and all other rods fully inserted Does not meet the Tech Spec SDM criteria Criteria stipulate that if one rod is fully withdrawn or less, all other rods must be fully inserted. Having one out and all others to or beyond 02 does not met the definition Does not meet the Tech Spec SDM criteria I Psychometrics 1 Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 24. A Radiological accident has caused the following Annunciator to alarm:

0 North Stack Hi-Hi Radiation (003 El) 0 North Stack Hi Radiation (003 E2) WHICH ONE of the following areas is the location of the radiation release, and the required action to mitigate the release?

A. Standby Gas Treatment Exhaust Enter and execute T-I 04 Radiological Release B. Standby Gas Treatment Exhaust Perform ST-6-1 04-880-0, Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate Determination C. Reactor Enclosure Equipment Exhaust (REECE) Evacuate all unnecessary personnel per SE-24, Plant Evacuations D. Reactor Enclosure Equipment Exhaust (REECE)

Enter and execute T-I 03, Secondary Containment Control Page 48 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA Knowledge (minutes)

High 3.5 4 N Answer Key RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 I OCFR55.43 (b) (7) N I Choice I Basis or Justification Source: Refere n ce(s): Learning 0 bjective:

Possible source, ST must be performed and LGS Emergency Plan annex, Table 3-1 must be consulted Correct: New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank ARC-MCR-003-E1, ST-6-1 04-880-0, T-I 04 LLOT0720.03 Possible source but alarm alone is not sufficient reason to enter and IAl execute T-I 04 Incorrect WA 1 EK2.03 Not a possible source based on the given conditions, although the action is plausible given this source lcl Incorrect 3.6 13.8 Not a possible source based on the given conditions, although the action is plausible given this source ID1 In correct KnowledgelAbility I 295038 I Importance:

RO 1 SRO Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet

25. Unit 1 is at 100% reactor power when the following Fire alarms are received:

0 REAC 1 El 177 HPCl PUMP ROOM (006 F-2-U) REAC I EL 217 WEST SIDE (006 E-3-U) WHICH ONE of the following identifies the appropriate immediate operator action? A. Dispatch the fire brigade to respond to the fire B. Dispatch the Fire Brigade Leader to investigate the alarms C. Evacuate The entire Unit 1 Reactor Enclosure to support personnel accountability D. Start the motor and Diesel Driven Fire Pumps to prepare for fire suppression system actuation Page 50 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect Answer Key C This would be considered a partial plant evacuation, which is only appropriate in the event of a fire in 2 or more large operating areas. Choice Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Low 2.5 3 N N Basis or Justification SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Correct: Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

IB New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank SE-8 step 3.2, SE-24 LLOTI 563.02 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank Since the SE-8 is entered based on alarms only, the Fire Brigade Leader is dispatched to investigate first ____~ ~ KnowledgeIAbility KIA ~ IA Incorrect

~ 600000 AK 3.04 This would be appropriate if there was a report of a fire or the alarm was accompanied by Fire pump auto start Incorrect -T Auto start is only verified if an actual fire is in progress, which has not been determined yet.


RO I SRO 2.8 13.4 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to FIRE ON SITE: actions contained in abnormal procedures for plant fire on site. Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~ NRC Question Data Sheet 26. Uni't 2 Plant conditions are as follows: 0 0 Reactor is scrammed 0 0 Main Condenser vacuum is 20" and dropping.

Main Turbine is tripped and coasting down at 100 RPM Sealing Steam header pressure is 0 psig The CRS orders the PRO to break Main Condenser vacuum WHICH ONE of the following describes the reason for this action? A. Rapidly reduce turbine speed in order to prevent damage due to windage B. Reduce differential pressure across Turbine seals to prevent turbine exhaust hood over-pressurization C. Rapidly reduce turbine speed in order to prevent damage due to uneven rotor heating D. Reduce differential pressure across turbine seals to prevent damage due to drawing cold air across the hot rotor. Page 52 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect Answer Kev A Nestion ID# 026 Both RC Incorrect Choice Correct: D C Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Low 3.5 4 Y (b) (7) lB Incorrect SRO I OCFR55.43 N 295002 AK2.11 $gq Basis or Justification Importance:

RO / SRO 2.6 / 2.7 ~ ~ With no sealing steam pressure, main condenser vacuum will draw cold air across the seals and the hot turbine rotor Preventing windage damage is the reason why vacuum should not be broken greater than 1200 RPM Preventing Turbine exhaust hood over-pressurization is the reason for tripping the Main Turbine at 21.5" VAC Uneven rotor heating is a problem if sealing steam is applied to a stationary turbine rotor

~~ Source: Reference (s) : Learning 0 bject ive:

Know I ed g elA b i I i t y WA Source Documentation New Exam Item Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank OT-I16 BASES, step


540.05 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank (Description of K&A, from catalog)

Knowledge of the interrelationship between LOSS of MAIN Condenser VAC and . . . Seal steam: Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

-__ NRC Question Data Sheet 27, A Reactor Startup is in progress on Unit 2 Reactor Power is 3% A Reactor Scram is attempted Ten Control Rods Remain at Positions 04 to 48 WHICH ONE of the following describes the required operator action?

A. Enter T-100, Bypass RWM and Insert Control Rods with S73.0.D B. Enter T-I 00, Insert Control Rods with T-213 C. Enter T-101, Bypass RWM and Insert Control Rods with S73.0.D D. Enter T-101, Insert Control Rods with T-213 Page 54 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Choice Correct: A Incorrect B Basis or Justification As Reactor power is below 4% entry into T-I 00 is appropriate, Bypass RWM and Insert Control Rods with S73.0.D is directed T-213 is not directed in T-100 Incorrect Level of Knowledge Low Incorrect Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO 3.0 3 N N (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 I C I As Reactor power is below 4% entry into T-100 (vice T-101) is appropriate 29501 5 AA2.01 ~ power is below 4% entry into T-I00 (vice T-I 01) is appropriate and T-213 is not directed in T-I00 Importance:

RO I SRO 4.1 14.3 Psvchometrics Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation

@ New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank T-100 Bases step RCIQ-3 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank LLOTI 540.02 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to INCOMPLETE SCRAM.. .Reactor Power Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

___ NRC Question Data Sheet 28. Unit I Plant conditions are as follows: Reactor Power is 100% Drywell Cooling is maximized An inadvertent Group VlllA isolation occurs WHICH ONE of the following describes the status of Drywell Chilled Water service to the drywell one minute later? A. "A" loop in Service ONLY B. "B" loop in Service ONLY C. Both loops in service D. No loops in service Page 56 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Low 2.5 2 N (b) (8, 9, 10) SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Source: ~~ KnowledgelAbility WA Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

295020 Importance:

RO / SRO AKI .05 3.3 13.6 Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank GP-8.1 for Group VlllA LLOTO180.05 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 29. Unit I plant conditions are as follows: Reactor Power is 100% Hydrogen Water Chemistry is not in service The following annunciators are received:

0 0 MAIN STEAM LINE DIV I RAD MONITOR HVDOWNSCALE (109 FI) MAIN STEAM LINE DIV 2 RAD MONITOR HVDOWNSCALE (109 F2) Subsequently the following annunciator is received:

0 MAIN STEAM LINE HIGH HIGH RADIATION (107 11) WHICH ONE of the following describes the procedure(s), which must be entered for valid alarms, and the required operator action(s)?

A. Enter ON-I 02 ONLY, reduce reactor power in accordance with GP-5, Appendix 2 6. Enter T-103 ONLY, perform a GP-3 Normal Plant shutdown C. Enter ON-I 02 and T-I 03, perform a rapid plant shutdown and close the MS IV's. D. Enter ON-I02 and T-I03 perform a rapid plant shutdown and Emergency Blow down per T-I 12 Page 58 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Answer Key C Main steam line high rad requires entry into ON-I02 and T-103. The high- high rad alarm indicates three times NFPB. Per T-103 this requires a rapid plant shutdown and closure of the MSIV's While reducing power is an immediate action per ON-I 02, question conditions also require entry into T-I 03 and the actions described in "C" above ON-I 02 entry is also required and a GP-3 shutdown would be appropriate per T-I03 if 2 or more areas exceeded MSO rad level, but is not adequate for the stated conditions An emergency blow-down would be appropriate per T-103 if two or more areas exceeded MSO and a primary system was discharging into the Reactor Enclosure, but is not required for MSL High-High Rad only A B D Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 4.0 5 Y y (b)(lO) SRO 1 OCFR55.43 y (b)(2) Source: 295033 G2.4.4 Reference(s):


RO I SRO 4.0 14.3 Learning Objective:

KnowledgelAbility L Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank ARC-MCR-109-FII ARC-MCR-109-F2, ARC-MCR-107-11, ON-I 02 Step 1.2, T-I 03 LLOTl560.02, LLOTI 550.01 (Description of K&A, from catalog) High Secondary Containment Radiation Levels: Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system operating parameters which are entry level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures. Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

__ NRC Question Data Sheet 30. Plant conditions are as follows: 0 A LOCA is in progress 0 Drywell Hydrogen is 3% 0 Drywell Oxygen is 8% 0 Suppression Pool Hydrogen is 7% 0 Suppression Pool Oxygen is 4% WHICH ONE of the following identifies the flowpath for combustible gas monitoring and control? A. DW/G-3 and SP/G-1 B. DW/G-2 and SP/G-2 C. DW/G-3 and SPIG-3 D. DW/G-2 and SP/G-1 Page 60 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination A Answer Key Basis or Justification Applying the containment H2 and O2 levels to the tables, PC/G-1 and PC/G- 2 in T-102, sh.

2, results in the use of flowpaths DW/G-3 and SP/G-1 Choice Correct: B C D Incorrect Neither of these flowpaths are correct per PC/G-1 and PC/G-2, T-102, sh. 2 The drywell flowpath is correct, the suppression pool flowpath is not, per PC/G-1 and PC/G-2, T-102, sh.

2. The suppression pool flowpath is correct, the drywell flowpath is not, per PC/G-1 and PUG-2, T-102, sh. 2.

Incorrect Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.5 4 Y y (b)(lO) Incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 Y (b)(5) Source: [XI New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank - Modified LOR Reference(s):

Lea rni ng Objective:

0 ILT Exam Bank Exam bank item T-I 02, sheet 2 and T-I 02 Bases Step PC/G-5 LLOTI 560.06 ~ Knowledge/Ability WA 500000 Importance:

RO I SRO EA 2.03 3.3 13.8 Required Materials:

T-I02 sht. 2 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 31. Unit 2 was forced to shutdown due to a Main Condenser Hotwell leak. Following the scram, a steam leak in the RClC room resulted in an Emergency Blowdown per T-I 12. Conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Pressure is 90 psig and dropping 0 Reactor level is -30" and dropping 0 Drywell Pressure is 1.2 psig and steady The PRO has been directed to maintain RPV level with Low Pressure ECCS. WHICH ONE of the following actions will result in injecting to the RPV with Low Pressure ECCS? (No other operator actions are taken)

A. Arm and depress the Core Spray Div. I Manual Initiation Pushbutton B. Start the "2A" Core Spray Pump and take the HV-52-2F005A, Inboard Injection Valve, to OPEN C. Arm and depress the Core Spray Div. 3 Manual Initiation Pushbutton D. Start the "2C" RHR Pump, HV-51-2F017C LPCI, Injection Valve, will OPEN Automatically Page 62 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Choice Answer Kev Basis or Justification Correct: Incorrect A Div 1 Manual Initiation Pushbutton will provide a Div 1 LOCA Signal, Start the "1A pump and open the injection valves as long as the Reactor low pressure permissive is met. The HV-52-2F005 will not open unless there is a LOCA signal present B Incorrect Incorrect C Div 3 Manual Initiation Pushbutton will start the "1 C" Core Spray Pump, but it will not make up the open logic for the injection valves. Only the Div l(2) Pushbuttons will do that The HV-51-2F017C will not open automatically unless there is a LOCA signal present. D Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.5 4 Y y (b)(7) SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Notes and Comments Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author New Exam Item [7 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank S52.7A, note above step 4,4 LLOT0350.10 Knowledge/Ability WA 209001 Importance:

RO / SRO PWG 2.1.30 3.9 13.4 NRC Question Data Sheet 32. Unit 2 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor power is 100% 0 Division 3 Safeguard 125V /1250V DC is inoperable due to maintenance on the battery charger An inadvertent Group 1 isolation causes a reactor scram 0 Unit 2 RClC starts on low reactor level 0 A steam leak develops in the RClC room. RClC room temperature reaches 21 O°F WHICH ONE of the following describes the required action?

A. Trip the RClC Turbine B. Close the HV-49-2F007, RClC Steam Line Inboard isolation C. Close the HV-49-2F008, RClC Steam Line Outboard isolation.

D. Depress the RClC Manual Isolation Pushbutton Page 64 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect Answer Key A Choice Correct: . Difficulty Time Allowance (min Utes) High 3.0 4 PRA RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Y y W(5) N IC Incorrect Source: Reference(s):

ID Incorrect New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank c] Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank E-2FC, GE DWG M-1-E51-1040-E-028, Sht.1 Basis or Justification WA I A2.05 With a loss of Div 3 DC, the 2F007 will fail to isolate on High RClC room temperature (205°F) and must be closed 3.3 i 3.3 The RClC Turbine will trip on a Div 1 NS4 isolation signal on High RClC Room temperature The 2F008 will close on a Div 1 NS4 Isolation signal on High RClC Room temperature Manual isolation will not close 2F007 valve due to loss of Div 3 DC Learning Objective: LLOT0380.05, LLOT0380.12 Knowledge/Ability 1 217000 I Importance:

RO / SRO :quired Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet

33. Unit I conditions are as follows 0 Reactor water level is 35" 0 YB" RHR is in Suppression Pool Cooling Div 2 Safeguard DC Bus is subsequently deenergized WHICH ONE of the following describes the effect on "1 B" RHR Loop if Reactor Water level lowers to -140" A. '7 B" RHR loop will realign to the LPCl mode B. "1 B" RHR pump will load shed and remain shutdown C. "1 B" RHR loop will remain in Suppression Pool Cooling D. "1 B" RHR pump will continue to run; minimum flow valve will open Page 66 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: C lA Incorrect:



B D SE? Basis or Justification RHR will remain in suppression pool cooling as F024 (SP cooling valve (and F017B (LPCI Inject valve) will not reposition during the LOCA due to the Loss of Div 2 DC F024 and F017B will not reposition due to loss of Div 2 DC Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 4 Y y W(7) RHR pump will not load shed during a LOCA SRO 10CFR55.43 N ~~ ~ ~ ~ Min flow valve will not open Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

0 New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank E-IFB UII, GE DWG. M-1-Ell-1040-E-039 SH.l LLOT0370.3e Knowledge/Ability WA 203000 Importance:

RO / SRO K6.02 2.8 13.0 Required Materials:

Notes and Comments:

Existing bank question, Stem and Distractors Modified Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 34. Unit 1 Plant conditions are as follows: 0 Opcon4 0 1A RHR is in shutdown cooling Reactor water level drops from +70" to -1 0" WHICH ONE of the following identifies a RHR pump and valve response to the above conditions? HV-51 -F006A HV-51 -FOO9 Shutdown Cooling Shutdown Cooling RHR A Pump Suction Valve Isolation valve A. B. C. D. Running Running Tripped Tripped Open Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Closed Page 68 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Choice Correct: D Incorrect A Answer Key Basis or Justification When level decreases to below +I 2.5" Shutdown Cooling will isolate FOO9, which in turn trips the ARHR pump, F006 remains open as there is no auto closure Incorrect as FOO9 will close with level below +125" and pump will trip Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 3 Y y (W7) I Incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Incorrect Source: Reference( s ): Learning 0 bjective:

KnowledgeJAbility KIA Incorrect as pump will trip when level drops below 12.5" due to FOO9 closure Incorrect as F006A will not automatically close and FOO9 level drops below

+125" close when New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank S51.8.B, step 3.2 LLOT0370.14~

205000 Importance:

RO 1 SRO K6.04 3.6 13.6 Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61

0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~~ NRC Question Data Sheet 35. Unit One Plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Power is 100% e The RO Selects Single-Element control on the Feedwater Master Level Controller (LIC-MI-1 R600) WHICH ONE of the following describes the response of this Master Level Controller to a Reactor SCRAM? ' A. Controller will swap to three-element when SCRAM Profile is activated B. Controller will swap to three-element when SCRAM Profile is reset C. Controller will swap to three-element when Reactor Power is below 20% D. Controller will remain in single-element Page 70 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 10CFR55.41 High 3.0 3 Y y (W7) Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N I Choice Source: Refere nce(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

KnowledgeIAbility WA lA Correct: New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank S.06.1 .D Unit 1, Attachment 1 LLOT0550.08 259002 Importance: RO I SRO K5.01 3.1 13.1 . Incorrect Incorrect m ID I Incorrect I %E!$ Basis or Justification SCRAM profile will swap controller to three element even if operator selected single element.

This is incorrect as Fw will swap to single element when SCRAM profile is reset This is incorrect as FW will swap to single element at -20% This is incorrect a controller will not remain in single element if single is selected (IF FW flow failure had caused swap to single element this would be correct). REQUIRED MATERIALS:

Notes and Comments: This question relates to the LGS plant specific FW controllers. Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~- NRC Question Data Sheet 36. Unit One conditions are as follows: 0 HPCl is in service for Reactor Vessel Pressure Control (CST to CST) 0 FIC-055-1 R600 "HPCI FLOW CONTROL VALVE AUTO/MAN switch" is in auto 0 HV-55-1 F008 "HPCI, Test Loop Shutoff" is throttled to maintain pump discharge pressure 150 psig over Reactor Pressure.

0 The RO throttles HV-55-1 F008 in the closed direction for one second. WHICH ONE of the following identifies the effect of throttling HV-55-1 F008 on HPCl Turbine Speed and Flowrate one minute later? HPCl Turbine Speed Flowrate A. Nochange Goes up B. Goesup No change C. Goesdown No change D. Nochange Goes down Page 72 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination B A Answer Key With Flow Controller in AUTO, system flow is maintained constant.

IF F008 is throttled closed HPCI speed will need to increase to maintain the same flow Flow Controller is in Auto, maintaining system flow constant I Choice C I Basis or Justification To maintain constant flow w/F008 throttled closed , speed goes up. Correct: D I Incorrect Flow Controller is in Auto, maintaining system flow constant.

Incorrect Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 10CFR55.41 High 2.5 3 N Y (b)(7) I Incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

[XI New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank S55.1 .D, note Step 4.4.3 LLOT0340.12 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank Knowledge/Ability WA 206000 HPCI Importance:

RO / SRO AI .09 3.4 / 3.5 Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 37. Unit One plant conditions are as follows: 0 ADS Auto Inhibit Switches are in "NORM" 0 RPV Water Level is -1 0" and lowering 0 RPV Pressure is 400 psig and steady 0 Drywell Pressure is 1.8 psig 0 Core Spray pumps "1 B" and "1 D" are Running 0 Core Spray pumps "1A and "1 C" are Tripped and cannot be started 0 ALL RHR pumps are Tripped and cannot be started RPV Water level drops below

-1 29". WHICH ONE of the following identifies the response of DIV I and/or DIV Ill ADS subsystems?

DIV 1 ADS DIV 3 ADS A. Initiates after 105 second TD Will not initiate B. Initiates after 525 second TD Will not initiate C. Will not initiate D. Will not initiate Initiates after 105 second TD Initiates after 525 second TD Page 74 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination - Psychometrics Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 High 3.5 4 Y y (b)(7) N - Answer Key Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Choice 0 ILT Exam Bank B21-1060 (ADS) Sh. 3 LLOT0350.04~

~ Correct: Knowledge/Ability KIA C 209001 Importance:

RO / SRO K3.02 3.8 13.9 Incorrect:

A Incorrect

Incorrect I D S-RO Basis or Justification DIV I ADS will not initiate as no Div I Core Spray or RHR pumps are running DIV Ill will initiate as B & D core spray pumps are running 105 sec is correct as -129 and HI DW pressure are met. DIV I will not initiate without correct pumps running DIV Ill will initiate as described above DIV I ADS will not initiate without correct pumps running DIV Ill will initiate as described above ~~ ~ ~ DIV I will not initiate is correct but, DIV Ill initiating after 525 seconds is incorrect as -129 and 1.68# conditions bypass 420 sec timer.

Source Documentation Source: 1 0 New Exam Item 0 Previous NRC Exam I a Modified Bank Item Other Exam Bank REQUIRED MATERIALS:

Notes and Comments:

Existing Question, Stem and Distractors Modified Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

-~ NRC Question Data Sheet

38. Unit One plant conditions are as follows:.

0 An ATWS has occurred Reactor level is -20" and lowering 0 Reactor power is 30% and steady 0 No operator action are taken Reactor level drops to -40" Three Minutes Later Reactor Power is 27% and slowly lowering WHICH ONE of the following identifies expected lights and alarms for the given conditions

A. Squib valve continuity lights NOT Lit; "Core Spray Line internal break Alarm annunciated.

B. Squib valve continuity lights NOT Lit "Standby Liquid Tank Lo-Lo level" alarm annunciated C. Squib valve continuity lights Lit, "RWCU System Isolated" alarm annunciated D. Squib valve continuity lights Lit, DIV % RRCS channel activated.

Page 76 of 200

~~ ~~ LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Incorrect A B 0 Incorrect Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 10CFR55.41 High 3.0 3 Y y (b)(5) Basis or Justification SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Squib valve continuity Light not lit is correct as 3 minutes after -40" is reached with power above 4% SLC will have initiated. Additionally injection will result in "core spray line internal break" alarm Is incorrect as SLC tank low-low level would not be alarming at this point.

Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Squib valve continuity lights lit is wrong as SLC will have initiated BNew Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 2001 0 Other Exam Bank S48.1 .B, section 4.0, ANN 113, B5 LLOT0310.06 Squib valve continuity lights lit is wrong as SLC will have initiated Knowledge/Ability K/A 21 1000 Importance:


Notes and Comments Prepared By:

Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 39. Unit 2 conditions are as follows: 0 0 0 Turbine Shell Warming is in progress Turbine First Stage Pressure, rises to 200# psig PIS-001-652A and D are lit on panel 10609/10C611 in the Aux Equipment Room WHICH ONE of the following identifies the expected plant response A. Full Reactor SCRAM on Turbine Stop Valve closure B. Full Reactor SCRAM on Turbine Control Valve closure C. Half SCRAM on Turbine Stop Valve closure. D. Half SCRAM on Turbine Control Valve closure. Page 78 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Choice Correct: A Incorrect B I Answer Key Basis or Justification A full Reactor SCRAM will occur on 3 out of 4 stop valve closed with Reactor power greater than 30%. Reactor power greater than 30% is indicated by pressure lights lit in AER Turbine control valve closure scram is wrong as turbine control valves are open to support shell warming Incorrect Incorrect D This answer is wrong as a complete SCRAM will occur This answer is wrong as a complete SCRAM will occur IC/ Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 10CFR55.41 High 4.5 3 Y Y (bN7) SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Source: ~ ~ Knowledge/Ability KIA Referen ce(s): 21 2000 RPS Importance: RO

/ SRO K4.12 3.9 / 4.1 Learning 0 bjective: Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank [7 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank GP-2 Appendix 3, step 3.2.8 caution ANN 107, A2 LLOT0300.04 REQUIRED MATERIALS:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~ -~ NRC Question Data Sheet 40. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: Reactor power 100% Reactor level 35" LT-42-1 N004A "Feedwater Narrow Range Level Trans m itt e r" fa i I s downs ca I e Half hour later LT-42-IN004C "Feedwater Narrow Range Level Transmitter" fails upscale. WHICH ONE of the following describes the impact on feedwater level control, and impact on Reactor level A. Feedwater Master Level Controller will swap to single element, Reactor level will go up B. Feedwater Master Level Controller will swap to single element, Reactor level will remain at 35" C. Feedwater Master Level Controller will remain in three element, Reactor level will remain at 35" D. Individual Reactor Feed Pump Speed Controllers will swap to manual, Reactor level will go up. Page 80 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination C A Answer Kev A failure of two level transmitter (1/2 hour apart) will not result in a FW failure, Master level controller will remain in 3 element, and Reactor level will remain unchanged This is incorrect as FW will not swap to single element on level transmitter failures (1/2 hour apart), additionally level will remain at 35" I B Choice I Basis or Justification This is incorrect as FW will not swap to single element on level transmitter failures (1/2 hour apart)

Correct: Incorrect:


D A failure of two level transmitters (1/2 hour apart) will not result in speed controllers swapping to manual (two failure simultaneously, or three failures would), additionally reactor level will not go up Level of Knowledge High Incorrect:

Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 3.5 3 Y Y (b)(7) N 259001 K6.07 Importance:

RO / SRO 3.8 / 3.8 Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation 0 New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank S06.1 .H U/1, Attachment 1 LLOT0550.1 OC Previous NRC Exam [XI Other Exam Bank (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following:

Reactor Water Level control system REQUIRED MATERIALS:

Notes and Comments:

Modified Question from LOR bank Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 41. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 An ATWS is in progress 0 Reactor Power is 50% and Steady 0 Reactor Water Level is 35" and Steady Reactor Pressure is 1045 psig and Steady RRCS DIV 1 "B" AND DIV II "A Manual Initiation Pushbuttons are Armed and Depressed WHICH ONE of the following identifies RRCS response?

A. ARI will initiate immediately B. Recirc Pumps will trip in 9 seconds C. SLC will initiate if APRMs are not downscale in 118 seconds D. DIV 1/11 RRCS Annuciators ONLY, ARI solenoids remains deenergized Page 82 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination D A B C Answer Key Basis or Justification RRCS manual initiation requires depressing both pushbuttons in the SAME Division, the noted action (one pushbutton in separate divisions) will not initiate RRCS ARI will not initiate as RRCS is not initiated, and conditions for automatic initiation are not met Recirc pump trip does not initiate from manual RRCS initiation, and conditions for automatic initiation are not met SLC will not initiate as RRCS is not initiated, and conditions for automatic initiation are not met Choice ' Level of Difficulty Time Allowance Knowledge (minutes)

Low 3.0 3 Correct: PRA RO SRO lOCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Y Y tbM71 N Incorrect Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Incorrect New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam 17 Other Exam Bank GP-18 Attachment 4, ANN 004 F-5 LLOT0315.05 Incorrect Knowledge/Ability WA 21 2000 Importance:


Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam AutQor

-~ NRC Question Data Sheet 42. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Power is 100% 0 Normal Reactor Enclosure ventilation is in service Both Standby Gas Treatment System fans are in AUTO LIS-42-1 N681A and LIS-42-1 N681 B fail downscale resulting in the following annunciator:

1A REACTOR ENCL ISOLATION SIGNAL INITIATED (004 E-I) WHICH ONE of the following identifies the status of Standby Gas Treatment 5 minutes later?

A. "OA' Fan and "OB" Fan running B. Only "OA Fan running C. Only "OB" Fan running D. Both Fans off Page 84 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 4.0 4 N y (b)(7) ~~ Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Question ID# 042 Both RC Choice Correct: Incorrect:

Incorrect lncorrect:

B A C D Basis or Justification "A Reactor enclosure isolation and "A" SGTS start will occur on LIS-42-IN681A and B downscale failure Incorrect as B Fan will not start ~~~ ~ Incorrect as B Fan will not start Incorrect as A Fan will start Source : Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item c] ILT Exam Bank c] Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank ANN 004 E-I LLOT0200.1 OB 26 1 000 K6.08 Importance:

RO / SRO 3.1 /3.1 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the effect that a Loss or Malfunction of the following will have on the SGTS system: Reactor vessel level Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 43. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: e Reactor Power is 100% e Reactor Level is 35" A Condensate Min Flow controller malfunction results on the following:

Reactor Feed Pump (RFP) Suction Pressure drops to 230 psi for 6 seconds, and then goes up to 250 psi. WHICH ONE of the following identifies the impact on the feedwater system? A. YA" RFP has tripped "1 B" and "1 C" RFPs are running B. "1 C" RFP has tripped YA' and "1 B" RFPs are running C. "1 B" and "IA" RFP have tripped "1 C" RFPs is running D. All RFPs have tripped Page 86 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Answer Key A C D Question ID# 043 Both RC Level of Difficulty Time Allowance Knowledge (minutes)

High 3.5 3 Choice PRA RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Y Y (b)(3) N Correct: 1 B Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

New Exam Item Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank ANN 104 Cond E-2 ANNs 102 Feed AI, Bl , C1 LLOT0520.08 Basis or Justification

'1 C" RFP will trip on Low suction after 5 seconds pressure due to suction pressure less than 233 psi for 5 Knowledge/Ability WA "1 A RFP will not trip as "C" RFP trips first followed by "1 6" at 10 seconds and "1A at 15 seconds 256000 Importance:

RO I SRO K1.02 3.3 13.3 "IB" and "?A" tripped is wrong as "IC" RFP will trip first All RFPs tripped is wrong as suction pressure stabilized prior to trip of all 3 RFPs REQUIRED MATERIALS:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

___~~ NRC Question Data Sheet 44. Unit I has been scrammed due to a LOCA. RClC auto-initiated following the SCRAM. Conditions are as follows: 0 0 0 RPV water level has recovered to +35" and is steady Drywell pressure is 2.5 psig and steady The CRS has directed that RClC be secured WHICH ONE of the following will shutdown the RClC turbine and leave RClC ready for auto injection?

A. Reset the RClC initiation signal seal-in. Depress the RClC Turbine Manual Isolation pushbutton Close the RClC Trip throttle valve (HV-50-112)

B. Depress the RClC Turbine Manual Isolation Pushbutton Close the RClC steam supply valve (HV-50-1 F045) Reset the RClC trip throttle valve (HV-50-112)

C. Reset the RClC initiation signal seal-in Depress the RClC turbine trip pushbutton Close the RClC Steam Supply valve (HV-50-1 F045) Reset the RClC trip throttle valve (HV-50-112)

D. Depress the RClC Turbine Trip pushbutton Place the RClC Pump Discharge Flow controller in MANUAL Set the RClC Pump Discharge flow Controller to 0% Close the RClC Trip Throttle Valve (HV-50-112)

Page 88 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Answer Key A B D Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 10CFR55.41 High 2.5 3 Y Y (b)(7) gR6 Basis or Justification SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N ~~~ Since the initiation signal is no longer present the operator can reset it, Trip the turbine and close the steam supply.

Resetting the Trip throttle valve leaves RClC ready for auto injection Once the initiation signal is reset, the manual isolation will not work Source: Reference (s ) : Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability KIA These steps will shutdown RCIC, but the isolation must be reset in order to be ready for auto injection New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank S49.2A section 4. I, S49.1 C section 4.3 LOT0380.08 21 7000 Importance:

RO / SRO A4.04 3.6 / 3.6 These steps will shutdown RClC if the initiation signal were still present.

RCIC will not be ready to auto inject Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 45. WHICH ONE of the following identifies the expected SRV indications DURING an ADS Automatic Blowdown?

A. B. C. D. Amber "Has Lifted Liqht" Lit Lit Not Lit Not Lit White "Solenoid enerqized Liqht" Not Lit Lit Lit Not Lit Page 90 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Knowledge Low Answer Key Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 2.0 2 Y y (b)(7) N Question ID# 045 Both RC Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Correct: New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank OT-I 14, ARC 11 0 B-2 LLOT0330.07a 21 8000 importance:

RO / SRO A3.01 4.21 4.3 Incorrect I n cor re ct B A C D FRO Basis or Justification

~~~~ During an automatic blowdown both amber "has lifted" (Acoustic monitor) and white solenoid (ADS Div I & 111) lights will light.

This is incorrect as white solenoid energized light will be lit on ADS auto initiation This is incorrect as Amber "has lifted" light will be lit This is incorrect as both lights will be lifted if there was no increased Drywell pressure this would be true I Psvchometrics I Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 46. Unit 1 is operating at 100% An inadvertent RPV Low, Low Level signal (-38") results in NSSSS isolations WHICH ONE of the following describes the response of the Bypass Leakage Barrier Blocks and Vents? , A. Instrument Gas Block Valves are closed and the Vents are open. B. Recirc Pump Seal Purge Block Valves are closed and the Vents are open. C. Main Steam Line Drain Block Valves are closed and the Vents are open. D. N2 Supply Block Valves are closed and the Vents are open.

Page 92 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Choice Answer Key Basis or Justification A Correct: This is incorrect as instrument gas block valves isolate at Lo-Lo-Lo Level N2 Supply valve closes and vent valve opens on a Lo-Lo Reactor level signal (VIIIB) B Incorrect: This is incorrect as recirc vent valves do not automatically open on an isolation Level of Knowledge Low Incorrect Incorrect Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 (minutes) 3.5 3 Y y (b)(5) N Knowledge/Ability WA ~~ ~~ ~ is incorrect as main steam line vent valves do not automatically open 223002 Importance:

RO / SRO A2.05 3.3/ 3.6 Source : Reference( s): Learning Objective: ~~ ~ _____~ ~ Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank GP-8.1, Reactor Level 2-L0w, Low section LLOTOI 80.08d Notes and Comments:

Modified LOR Bank Question Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet

47. D11 Diesel Generator is operating in parallel with the 101 Safeguard Bus with the following indications:

0 60Hz . 2000KW 0 1600 KVAR WHICH ONE of the following actions will restore the Diesel generator within operating limits?

A. Place Speed Governor in RAISE to adjust real load to 2100 KW B. Place Speed Governor in LOWER to adjust real load to I900 KW C. Place Voltage Regulator in RAISE to adjust reactive load to 1700 KVAR D. Place Voltage Regulator in LOWER to adjust reactive load to I500 KVAR Page 94 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Answer Key D Reducing VARS to less than 1500 restores WAR'S to less than 75% KW, which corresponds to a Power Factor of 0.8 I Choice I Basis or Justification Incorrect:


B Lowering KW would make the D/G further from it's operating limit. C Raising KVAR would also make the D/G further from its operating limit.

Raising W would also restore the ratio of KVAR to KW, but KW would IAl have to be raised to 2133 KW. Incorrect: Level of Knowledge High Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 2.5 3 Y y (b)(7) N Source: Reference( s): Learning Objective:

New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank S92.1 .O, caution above step 4.5.5 LLOT0670.02 Knowledge/Ability WA Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author ~ ~ 264000 Importance:

RO / SRO A4.01 3.3 / 3.4 NRC Question Data Sheet

48. Unit 1 Plant conditions are as follows: 0 "1A CRD pump is in service 0 Reactor power is 100% 0 Reactor Level is 35" A failure of a level instrument line results in the following Annunciators:


WHICH ONE of the following identifies the effect on the CRD system and the Action required to restore CRD?

A. "1A CRD pump trips Can be restarted from the MCR B. YA CRD pump remains running No action required C. "IA" CRD pump trips and cannot be restored "1 B" CRD pump must be placed in-service from the MCR D. YA" CRD pump trips Can only be restarted from 4 KV switchgear Page 96 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Answer Key A Question ID# 048 Both RC Level of Knowledge High Choice Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 2.5 3 Y Y (b)(5) N Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

IB Incorrect UNew Exam Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 17 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank Modified Bank Item SE-IO, step 4.6 LLOT0660.05 b IC Incorrect Incorrect , SBo Basis or Justification A CRD will trip due to Div Ill LOCA signal and LOCA load shed it can be restarted from the MCR This is incorrect as a CRD pump will trip due to Div Ill LOCA load shed This is incorrect as a CRD can be restarted This is incorrect as CRD can be restarted from the MCR Psvc hometrics 1 Knowledge/Ability 262001 WA I A2.02 Importance:

RO t SRO 3.6 t 3.9 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to predict the impact of a LOCA on A C electrical distribution; and based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations Required Materials:

Notes and Comments: This question was extensively modified from Question 373224 (ILT LERT EXAM 2005) Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~~ NRC Question Data Sheet 49. Unit 1 Plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor is Scrammed 0 Reactor Pressure is 600 psig 0 Division I DC is Lost 0 Reactor water level is +I 15" Which one of the following can be used to lower Reactor Pressure?

A. "1 B" SRV from the MCR B. "1 C" SRV from the RSP C. "1 J" SRV from the AER D. "1 S" SRV from the AER Page 98 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Incorrect Answer Kev D A Question ID#

049 Both RC Level of Knowledge High Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 3.0 3 Y y (b)(7) N IB Incorrect 239002 K4.05 IC Incorrect Importance: RO

/ SRO 3.6 13.7 Basis or Justification S SRV is a ADS SRV and has power in the AER. While it is not one of the preferred SRV's (B,J,C) for use in OT-I IO, as the preferred SRVs are not available a non-preferred SRV is directed. While B SRV is one of the preferred SRV's for use with high level it cannot be operated from the MCR due to the Loss of Div I DC While C SRV is one of the preferred SRV's for use with high level it cannot be operated from the MCR due to the Loss of Div 1 DC While J SRV is one of the preferred SRV's for use with high level, control is not available in the AER I Psvchometrics I Source: Referencek'l:

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability KIA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0801#221 0 Other Exam Bank OT-I10 Ster, 3.1.4 LLOTOI 20.12a (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of SRV design features and/or interlocks which provide for allowing SRV operation from more than one location Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~~~~~ ~~- - NRC Question Data Sheet

50. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows:

0 Reactor Power is 100% 1A RECW pump is blocked for bearing replacement 0 IB RECW pump trips and cannot be restarted WHICH ONE of the following identifies the effect on the Reactor Recirc. pumps and required operator action. A. Seal cavity temperature rises Reduce pump speed to maintain cavity temperature below ZOOOF. B. Seal cavity temperature rises Trip the RECIRC pumps within 10 minutes C. Pump motor temperature rises Trip the RECIRC pumps if motor winding temperature exceeds 2OO0F D. Pump motor temperature rises Trip the RECIRC pumps within 10 minutes Page 100 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Answer Key B Question ID# 050 Both- RC In correct: Choice A Level of Knowledge Hi g h Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 10CFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 2.5 3 Y y (b) ( 5) N Incorrect:

! Incorrect:

Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

Basis or Justification

[xi New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank ON-I 13 step 2.1, S43.0.D LLOT0030.07b:

[7 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank loss of RECW will result in an increase in seal cavity temperature ON-I 13 directs tripping a RECIRC pump within 10 minutes of a loss of RECW KnowledgefAbility K/A On high seal cavity temperature ON-I 13 directs reducing speed to maintain temperature this occurs at a cavity temperature of 175OF not 2OO0F 202001 Importance:

RO / SRO A2. 17 3.1 f 3.2 Pump motor temperature is unaffected by a LOSS of RECW (DWCW supplies motor cooler) Pump motor temperature is unaffected by a LOSS of RECW (DWCW supplies motor cooler) Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet

51. Unit 2 Plant conditions are as follows: 0 "2A RECW pump is running with its handswitch in AUTO after START 0 "2B" RECW pumps is off with its handswitch in AUTO after STOP A complete loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) occurs All 4 KV systems operate as designed with all buses re-energizing SIMULTANEOUSLY WHICH ONE of the following describes the response of the RECW pumps? A. "2A" RECW pump auto re-starts "2B" RECW pump auto starts in standby B. "2A RECW pump auto re-starts.

"2B" RECW pump does NOT auto start in standby C. "2A RECW pump does NOT auto re-start "2B" RECW pump auto starts in standby D. "2A' RECW pump does NOT auto re-start "2B" RECW pump does NOT auto start in standby Page 102 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Choice Correct: A Basis or Justification When their respective safeguard MCC's re-energized both RECW pumps auto start on low heat exchange outlet pressure 2A portion of this distractor is correct, 2B portion is incorrect, for the reason IBI stated above Incorrect

~ Incorrect C 2A portion of this distractor is incorrect, 2B portion is correct for the reason stated above Incorrect D Both the 2A and 2B portions of this distractor are incorrect as stated above. I Source Documentation Level of Knowledge Low Difficulty Time Allowance PFW RO SRO (minutes) 10CFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 3.0 3 Y y W(7) N Learning Objective:

Source: Reference (s ): I LL0T0460.07 New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item c] ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank E-565 Knowledge/Ability WA Required Materials:

400000 Importance:

RO / SRO K4.01 3.4 / 3.9 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet

52. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Startup is in progress 0 Reactor power is 20% Control rod withdraw is in progress WHICH ONE of the following will result in a Rod withdraw block A. RBM upscale B. RBM downscale C. Control rod withdrawn past its withdraw limit D. RMCS "Activities Control Disagree" Alarm Page 104 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination B Answer Key RBM downscale will not result in a block as Reactor power is less than 30% Choice Correct: Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes)

I OCFR55.41 Low 3.0 3 Y y (b)(7) Incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Incorrect 201 002 K3.02 Incorrect Importance:

RO / SRO 2.9 13.2 I Basis or Justification Activities control disagree results in a Rod withdrawn and insert block due to a malfunction of RMCS ~~ RBM upscale will not result in a rod block as Reactor power is less than A 130% CR withdraw will not result in a Rod block as Reactor power is above RWM LPSP (18%)

Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability K/A Source Documentation

[XI New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank S73.0.9, step 4.2 & note above step, ANN 108 D-4 LLOT0080.06

= (Description of K&A, from catalog)

Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of RMCS will have on RBM Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- -~ __ NRC Question Data Sheet

53. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor "STARTUP" is in progress 0 Reactor Power is 12% 0 Insert limit for current RWM rod group is "00" 0 Withdraw limit for the current RWM rod group is "1 2" 0 Control Rod 10-39 is selected Control Rod 10-39, the first rod of the current group, is withdrawn to position "14" with no further operator taken. WHICH ONE of the following identifies the ability to move control rod 10-39? A. Rod can be withdrawn and inserted without additional actions B. Rod can only be inserted without additional action C. Rod insertion requires Rod to be bypassed in the RWM D. Rod insertion or withdraw requires a substitute position to be entered into RWM Page 106 of 200

- - LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Answer Key Incorrect Incorrect Question ID# 053 Both RC C D I Choice Psychometrics Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43

/ Low 3.0 3 Y b)7 N Correct: Source: Reference( s): Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability KIA B New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank ON-I 23 step 2.1 2 LLOT0093f 201 006 Importance:

RO I SRO K4.06 3.2 13.4 IA Incorrect SRp Basis or Justification RWM allow correction (insert) as it is a single notch error Rod cannot be withdrawn as RWM will enforce a withdraw block Rod does not need to be bypassed to allow insertion This is not correct as substitute rod position is only used if there is no position indication Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- NRC Question Data Sheet 54. A Unit I plant conditions are as follows: 0 0 0 Reactor was scrammed due to a condensate line rupture. Reactor level is -35" and lowering D124 safeguard load center transformer breaker tripped on over current The RO is directed to start Standby Liquid Control for Reactor Level Control 0 "1A and "1 C" SLC injection pumps are started and verified to be injecting WHICH ONE of the following describes the expected RWCU response?

A. HV-44-1 F004 "RWCU Outboard Suction Valve" closes B. HV44-I Fool "RWCU Inboard Suction Valve" closes C. HV-44-1 F004 "RWCU Outboard Suction Valve" and HV-44-1 Fool "RWCU Inboard Suction Valve" close D. HV-44-1 F040 "RWCU Inlet Suction Valve" closes Page 108 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination C Correct: While Fool did close answer is incorrect as F004 did not close due to "B" SLC pump not started Incorrect Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 3 N y (W7) incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N I Basis or Justification 204000 A3.03 B "A or "C SLC pump start close Fool valve as "B" was not started (D124 is power supply for the "6 pump) F004 did not close Importance:

RO / SRO 3.6 13.6 D 1 F040 does not receive and isolation signal on SLC start Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

KnowledgeIAbility KIA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank - LORT GP-8.1, Signal Y LLOTOI 10.05 (Description of K&A, from catalog)

Ability to monitor automatic operation of RWCU including:

response to system isolations:

Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 55. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Power is 100% 0 1AY160 is lost due to a ground 30 minutes later a Reactor SCRAM and Turbine trip occur Reactor pressure is 900# and steady 0 Turbine speed is 300 RPM and dropping WHICH ONE of the following identifies the ability to lower Reactor Pressure using the bypass valves? A. Bypass Valves cannot be used to Control Reactor Pressure B. Bypass Valves can be opened by Raising the Bypass Jack C. Bypass Valves can be opened by Lowering Pressure Set D. Bypass Valves can be opened by raising Maximum Combined Flow Page 110 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Knowledge Low Answer Key Difficulty Time Allowance PW RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 3.0 3 Y y (W7) N I Choice Source: Reference( s) : I Correct: New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank E-I AY160 Attachment

  1. I 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank Incorrect Knowledge/Ability KIA Incorrect 262002 Importance:

RO / SRO K3.15 2.6 / 2.7 Incorrect L A B C D gm Basis or Justification Due to Loss of 1AY160 and PMG (Turbine speed 300 RPM) bypass will not operate Bypass jack will not operate due to loss of 1AY160 Pressure set will not operate due to the loss of 1AY160 Raising max combine flow (1 15%) will not open bypass valves (CV's are closed) I Psvc hometrics I Learning 0 bjective:

LLOT0560.01 Ok Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- ____~ NRC Question Data Sheet

56. WHICH of the following identifies one of the long term impacts of a complete loss of instrument air? A. Only Outboard MSlVs close All SRVs can be opened B. Only Inboard MSlVs close Only ADS and RSP SRVs can be opened C. Inboard and Outboard MSIVs close All SRVs can be opened D. Inboard and Outboard MSlVs close Only ADS and RSP SRVs can be opened Page 112 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Choice Basis or Justification Correct: Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA Low 4.0 3 Y Knowledge (minutes)

I Incorrect RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Y (b)(9) N 1 Incorrect Source: Reference ( s ): Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability K/A Incorrect L New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank ON-I I9 Attachment 1 LLOT0730.08 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank 300000 Importance:

RO / SRO K1.03 2.8 12.9 D A B C Outboard MSlVs close on loss of instrument air inboard MSlVs close on loss of PClG (PCIG is lost due to loss of Instrument Air Only ADS and RSP SRVs have accumulator and can be opened with Loss of PClG This is incorrect as inboard MSlVs also close. Also non ADS SRVs cannot be opened from handswitches due to loss of PClG This is incorrect as outboard MSlVs also close This is incorrect as non-ADS SRVs cannot be opened from handswitches due to loss of PClG I (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the connections and/or cause effect relationships between instrument air and containment air Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~ ~ NRC Question Data Sheet 57. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 An ATWS is in progress 0 Reactor power is 40% and steady 0 Reactor level is -60" and steady A Turbine trip occurs; and Reactor Power remains 40% WHICH ONE of the following identify conditions that will result in a RRCS Feedwater Runback, and when the Runback will occur A. Reactor Pressure 11 60 psig Runback occurs in 118 seconds B. Reactor Pressure 1160 psig Runback occurs in 25 seconds C. Reactor pressure 1096 psig Runback occurs in 30 seconds D. Reactor pressure 1096 psig Runback occurs in 9 seconds Page 114 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 HIGH 3.0 3 Y NIA Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 NIA Choice Correct: 21 6000 2.4.50 Incorrect Importance:

RO / SRO 3.3 13.3 Incorrect Incorrect B A C D $Rp Basis or Justification RRCS Feedwater runback occurs IF Reactor power is greater then than 4% and Reactor pressure is greater than 1149. Additionally runback occurs with a 25 second time delay 1 18 seconds is incorrect (I 18 seconds is the RRCS SBLC initiation time delay) Reactor pressure 1096 is incorrect (1096 is the Reactor Scram setpoint) additionally 30 seconds is the Feedwater runback length once initiated Reactor pressure 1096 is incorrect additionally 9 seconds is incorrect (9 seconds is the RRCS Recirc pump RPT Breaker time delay)

Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

KnowledgelAbility K/A Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank GE Elementary Drawing G31-1020 LLOT0315.04 ARC 004, B-4 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to verify system alarm setpoints and operate controls identified in the alarm response manual Nuclear Boiler Instrumentation Required Materials:

Notes and Comments: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet

58. WHICH ONE of the following lists contains ONLY Non-Safeguard DC System loads? A. Turbine Enclosure Area Rad Monitors Refuel Floor HVAC Isolation logic Primary RPS/UPS Inverter Power Recirc MG Set Emergency Lube Oil Pumps B. 13.2 KV Breaker Control Power Main Control Room Annunciator Emergency Lighting Panels Primary RPS/UPS inverter Power C. Primary APRM Inverter Power Reactor Enclosure HVAC Isolation logic 4KV Breaker Control Pumps RFP Emergency Lube Oil Pumps D. Recirc MG Set Emergency Lube Oil Pumps Primary APRM Inverter Power Emergency Lighting Panels Main Control Room Annunciator Page 116 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect:



Answer Key A B C Question ID# 058 Both RC Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PFW RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Low 3.0 3 Y (b) (7) I Choice SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N ID Correct: 263000 K2.01 Importance:

RO / SRO 3.1 / 3.4 SEQ Basis or Justification All 4 loads are Now Safeguard DC ~~ Refuel Floor HVAC Isolation logic and Primary RPS/UPS Inverter Power are Safeguard DC loads Primary RPS/UPS inverter Power is a Safeguard DC load Reactor Enclosure HVAC Isolation logic and 4RV Breaker Control Power are Safeguard DC loads I Source: ~ Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledg e/Ability WA Source Documentation New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank E-33, Sh 1-3 E-619, Sh 1-3 LLOT0690.04 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following:

Major DC loads Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- NRC Question Data Sheet 59. WHICH ONE of the following describes the reason Drywell Vacuum Relief Valves open?

A. Prevent drawing excess negative pressure in the Drywell B. Prevent drawing excess negative pressure in the Suppression Pool C. Equalize pressure between the SRV Downcomer and the Suppression Pool D. Ensure the Suppression Pool pressure remains higher than Drywell pressure Page 118 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect Answer Key Suppression Pool Pressure B Vacuum Breaker Operate on to ensure Drywell is not drawn negative Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Low 3.0 3 Y y W(5) While some equalization will occur when Vacuum Breaker opens it is not IcI the reason they open Incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N The exact opposite is true, as Vacuum Breakers relieve the higher Suppression Pool pressure to the Drywell. Incorrect Source: Referen ce(s):

Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability KIA I I 0 New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank Ix] Previous NRC Exam 0999#119 0 Other Exam Bank ANN 114 G-I LLOTOI 30.02f 223001 Importance:

RO 1 SRO K5.01 3.1 1 3.3 Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

__ NRC Question Data Sheet 60. Unit 1 at 100% power when the following Alarm is received:

0 1 DB-1 250V DC MCC undervoltage (122 G-2) WHICH ONE of the following identifies the system that is no longer operable, and the required action?

A. ADS, Station an Equipment Operator in the AER for SRV operation B. RPS, Stop all "B" side RPS testing C. HPCI, Declare HPCI Inoperable per Technical Specification D. RCIC, Perform T-249 for RCIC Page 120 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect:

I Answer Key A kedion ID# 060 Both RC Incorrect:


I Choice B D IC Correct: Level of Knowledge Low Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 3.5 3 Y y (b) (10) N Source: Reference (s) : Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Sam Basis or Justification New Exam Item 17 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank ARC-MCR-122 G2, ARC MCR-117 AI LLOT0690.02 263000 Importance:

RO I SRO 2.4.31 3.3 13.4 HPCl is INOP due to loss of power to initiation logic and MOV's on a loss of Div 2 DC, HPCl should be declared INOP as a result of the loss of initiation loaic ADS is supplied by Div 1 and Div 3 DC While "B RPS will swap to its AC power source, it is still operable RCIC is supplied by Div 1 and Div 3 DC Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 61. LOCNLOOP Testing is in progress during a refueling outage on Unit I The PRO is monitoring D11 Diesel Generator indications as the Team prepares to drop power to the bus. WHICH ONE of the following identifies values for both frequency and voltage that will satisfy the requirement for the D1 I Diesel Generator breaker to close in on the bus? Frequency Voltage A. 56.2 H, 4.1 KV B. 57.4 H, 4.0 KV C. 58.6 H, 3.9 KV D. 59.8HZ 3.8 KV Page 122 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 10CFR55.41 HIGH 3.5 4 Y y (b) (7) Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Question ID# 061 Both RC 264000 A3.03 I Choice Importance:

RO I SRO 3.4 13.4 Correct: Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect B A C D SRQ Basis or Justification Frequency and Voltage are required to be 95% of rated in order to energize the Diesel Ready to Load relay and close the output Breaker. These values would be 57 Hz and 3.952 KV Voltage meets the requirement, Frequency does not Frequency meets the requirement, voltage does NOT Frequency meets the requirement, voltage does not Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

KnowledgelAbility K/A Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank E-I 64 LLOT0670.02.

LLOT0660.04 (Description of K&A, from catalog)

Ability to monitor automatic operations of the Emergency Generators including: Indicating lights, meters and recorders Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

_. _- NRC Question Data Sheet

62. Unit 1 conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor is shutdown 0 Drywell pressure is 12 psig and steady 0 Reactor pressure is 430 psig and steady

'7A' RHR is placed in Suppression Pool Spray 0 Reactor pressure drops to 280 psig 0 Div 1 LPCl INJECTION VALVE DELTA P PERMISSIVE (1 13A F4) Annunciator is in ALARM WHICH ONE of the following identifies the response of IA RHR A. Suppression Pool Spray automatically isolates and can be immediately re-esta blished B. Suppression Pool Spray automatically isolates and cannot be re- established until "A' LPCl Injection Valve is closed C. Suppression Pool Spray remains in service and must be manually secured to prevent pump runout D. Suppression Pool Spray remains in service "A LPCl injection valve remains closed Page 124 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Answer Key C Choice Level of Difficulty Time Allowance Knowledge (minutes)

Low 4.0 3 PRA RO SRO lOCFR55.41 I OCFR55.43 Y y (W7) Incorrect Incorrect Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

ID Incorrect E New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank ARC-MCR-113 F4, T-225 step 4.2.2 LLOT0370.09b S@O Basis or Justification Knowledge/Ability WA LPCl Injection valve opens (Delta P ANN) as Suppression Pool Spray was placed in service after LPCl initiation signal was present (LOCA signal) it will not automatically isolate and must be manually secured to prevent pump runout with LPCl Injection valve open This is incorrect as spray does not isolate (LOCA) signal received previously) additionally, it cannot be re-established until LPCl injection valve is closed This is incorrect as spray does not isolate (LOCA signal received previously) 230000 Importance:

RO / SRO A4.02 3.81 3.6 This is incorrect as LPCl injection valve will open (Delta P ANN) Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By:

Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

ON-126 Provided 63. Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 1200MWe 0 240 MVARs (lagging) 0 Generator Hydrogen Pressure is 60 psig and steady WHICH ONE of the following actions is required?

A. Reduce Reactive Load to 200 MVARs lagging B. Reduce Generator Output below 1125 MWe C. Raise Service Water Flow to Stator Coolers D. Raise Hydrogen Pressure to 65 psig Page 126 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination B A I Choice Reduction in real load to less than 1125 Mwe will restore the MW lMWe output to a value consistent with 60 psig H2 heating curve.

Pressure and within the armature Reducing MVAR will not reduce the MWiMWe output to within the armature heating curve I Basis or Justification ~ ~ C D Correct: ~ While stator cooling removes heat from the armature the only way to prevent armature overheating is to operate within the Generator Output capability curve.

HZ Pressure would have to be restored to 75 psig in order to restore the MWiMWe output to within the armature heating curve Incorrect:


Level of Knowledge High Incorrect: Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 3.5 4 N Y (b)(5) N Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

0 New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank ON-I 26, Attachment I LLOT0600.10 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank Knowledge/Ability WA 245000 Importance:

RO / SRO AI .01 2.7 i 2.7 Required Materials:

ON-126 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 64. Unit 1 conditions are as follows 0 Reactor power is 100% A failure of 1 BY1 85 occurs WHICH ONE of the following identifies the expecteb plant response?

A. Rod Insert and Withdrawal Block RPS "A side % SCRAM B. Rod Insert and Withdrawal Block RPS "B" side % SCRAM C. Rod Withdrawal Block only RPS "A" side '/2 SCRAM D. Rod insert Block only RPS "B" side '/2 SCRAM Page I28 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Knowledge Low I Answer Kev Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO 10CFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 (minutes) 3.5 3 N y W(7) N Correct: Source: Reference(s):

I Incorrect New Exam Item c] Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank ANN 108 Reactor D-4, ANN 108 Reactor F-3 Incorrect I Incorrect B A C D 5RQ Basis or Justification A loss of 1 BY1 85 results in a W SCRAM Loss of power to 2 PRNMS voter units, RBM Rod Blocks occur due to data fault on RPlS INOP This is incorrect as W SCRAM occurs on "B" channel This is incorrect as Rod Block occurs on both insert and withdrawal due to data fault on RPlS INOP and W SCRAM occurs on "B" channel. This is incorrect as Rod Block occurs on both insert and withdrawal due to data fault on RPlS INOP I Psvchometrics I Source Documentation Learning Objective:

1 LL0T0280-03d Knowledge/Ability WA 21 5002 K2.03 Importance:

RO / SRO 2.8 / 2.9 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the APRM channels Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 65. Plant conditions are as follows: 0 Control Room Ventilation System is operating in the normal mode A Control Room Intake High Radiation Isolation Signal is received on the "D" channel only WHICH ONE of the following is the expected Control Room Ventilation system status? CREFAS FAN RUNNING OUTSIDE AIR ENTERING MCR A. "OA Yes B. "OA" No C. "OB" Yes D. "OB" No Page 130 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination C I Choice Same text as "A distractor Correct: Level of Difficulty Knowledge High 4.0 I Incorrect:

Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 4 N y (W(7) N Incorrect:

Source: Reference( s): Learning 0 bjective:

D New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank c] Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank P&ID M-26 sht 5 detail "D", M-78 sht 1 LLOT0450.7a A KnowledgeIAbility WA B 290003 Importance:

RO I SRO K4.01 3.1 I 3.2 Basis or Justification "D" RAD Signal will start the OB Fan and result in normal CR ventilation isolation.

It will not lineup the correct dampers to supply outside air to the MCR (Additional channel isolations needed) Outside air will not be lined up as correct dampers to supply outside air to MCR are not opened on a "D" only isolation signal also OA Fan will not start on a "D" RAD signal OA Fan will not start on a "D" RAD signal Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT: TSG

3.2 Provided

66. Unit I plant conditions are as follows: 0 SAMP-1 and SAMP-2 were entered 90 minutes ago 0 Drywell pressure and temperature are increasing 0 RPV lower head temperature has been upscale for 40 minutes 0 RPV level has been downscale for 60 minutes 0 No RPV injection has occurred for 90 minutes In conjunction with the above conditions, WHICH ONE of the following would indicate a core breach? RPV Pressure DW Pressure DW H:, - A. 1000 psig 20 psig 0.8% B. 1000 psig 20 psig 7.0% C. 50 psig 50 psig 0.8% D. 50 psig 50 psig 7.0% Page 132 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO HIGH 3.5 4 Y N Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 Y(b)(5) Question ID# 066 Both RC 2.4.21 Choice Importance:

RO / SRO 3.7/ 4.3 Correct: Incorrect:



D A B C Basis or Justification Core breach is indicated by RPV and Drywell pressure equal and hydrogen consistent with fuel damage Reactor Pressure is too high to indicate a core breach Reactor pressure is too high to indicate a core breach

~ ~ Hydrogen is not present in a quantity that would indicate a core breach Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability K/A Source Documentation ONew Exam Item @Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank (LOR)

TSG-3.2 LLOTI 562.02 (Description of K&A, from catalog)

Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the status of safety functions

?quired Materials:

TSG 3.2 Notes and Comments: Question taken from LOR Bank Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 67. WHICH ONE of the following ALARMS is consistent with the noted conditions?

A. B REAC ENCL HVAC PCL 1BC208 trouble (004 A3) HPCl Room temperature 175'F and rising B. DIV 1 DRYWELL HI PRESS (I13 E4) Drywell pressure 0.5 psig and rising C. REACTOR HI PRESSURE TRIP (107 GI) Reactor pressure 1045 psig and steady D. SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME HI LEVEL TRIP (107 Cl) SDV level in AER is 10% and rising Page 134 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination A Answer Key 1BC208 panel trouble and HPCI room temp are consistent Choice C D I Basis or Justification Reactor pressure valve is below the ALARM setpoint SDV level is below the ALARM setpoint Correct: Psychometrics Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 - Low 3.5 3 N N Y (b)(5) Incorrect:

Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Incorrect: New Exam Item 17 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Modified 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank ANNs 004 A3 LLOTI 560.02 Incorrect:

~~ Knowledge/Ability WA ~~ 2.4.46 Importance:

RO / SRO 3.5 / 3.6 Drywell pressure value is below Alarm setpoint Bl I Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~ NRC Question Data Sheet 68. Both units are at 100% when the following alarms:

0 LIQUID RADWASTE DISCHARGE HI RADIATION (003 A5) The Radwaste Operator contacts the MCR and reports the following in alarm in the Radwaste Control Room LIQUID RADWASTE DISCHARGE RAD MONITOR HIHI/NOP (OA304, C-I) WHICH ONE of the following flowpaths will automatically isolate based on these conditions?

A. Equipment Drain Sample Tank discharge to CST B. Waste Sludge Tank discharge to External Processing C. Floor Drain Sample Tank discharge to Cooling Tower Blowdown Line D. Reactor Enclosure flow Drain Sump discharge to Liquid Radwaste Page 136 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination A Answer Kev Equipment Drain Sample Tank to CST isolation ion EDST Level onJ (Pump off, discharge valve closes) Choice Correct: D Incorrect The only central functions associated with RE Flow Drain Suppression pumps are -off on Low Level and Lockout in Primary Containment isolation Hi Rod (Post LOCA Rad Monitor HiHi) Incorrect Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Low 3.0 3 N N Knowledge (mi nu tes) 1 OCFR55.41 Incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N I Basis or Justification 2.3.1 1 . Liquid Radwaste discharge to Cooling Tower Blowdown Line isolates on Hi Hi Rad. Importance: RO I SRO 2.7 13.2 Waste Sludge Tank to external processing isolate on Low Waste Sludge Tank level only (Pump off, discharge valve closes)

Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

KnowledgelAbility WA Source Documentation New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank ARC-MCR-003 RAD-A-5, ARC-BOP-OAC304-C-1 LLOT-0705.04 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to control radiation releases Iquired Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 69. An Equipment Operator (EO) is required to enter an area in the Main Condenser with a general area radiation level of 3 Rem/hr in order to investigate an EHC leak. The EO'S radiation history is as follows: 0 1760 mrem cumulative exposure for the current year (TEDE) 0 19 Rem lifetime exposure to this date (TEDE) 0 NRC form 4 completed and on file 0 No dose extensions have been obtained The surveillance test will take 45 minutes to complete WHICH ONE of the following radiation exposure limits, if any, would be exceeded if the EO performs the surveillance test?

A. No limits are exceeded B. Administrative Dose Control Level ONLY C. Administrative Dose control Level AND NRC Exposure Limit ONLY D. Administrative Dose Control Level, NRC Exposure Limit, AND Emergency Exposure Limit Page 138 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination B A Answer Key 3 Rem = 3000 mrem 3000 mrem X .75 = 2250 mrem 2250 mrem + 1760 mrem

= 401 0 mrem 4010 mrem exceeds Admin Dose Control Level Admin Dose Control Level is exceeded I D Choice 4010 mrem

<NRC Limit of 5000 mrem 401 0 mrem <Emergency Exposure Limit of 10,000 mrem for protecting station property I Basis or Justification Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO High 3.0 4 Y N Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Correct: SRO 1 OCFR55.43 y W(4) Incorrect Source: Reference@):

Learning Objective:

Incorrect 0 New Exam Item Modified Bank Item [XI ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 2002 0 Other Exam Bank RP-AA-203 sects 4.1 .I, 4.2,4.5 LLOTI 760.04,.05 Incorrect C I 4010 mrem <NRC Limit of 5000 mrem KnowledgefAbility KIA 2.3.4 Importance:

RO f SRO 2.5 f 3.1 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of radiation exposure limits and contamination controVincluding permissible levels in excess of those authorized.. Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

GP-2 Appendix 1 Provided 70. Unit 2 plant conditions are as follows: Reactor Startup in progress 0 All Group I and Group 2 control rods are fully withdrawn 0 SRM count rates have doubled twice since the startup began WHICH ONE of the following describes the control rod notch positions where single notch withdrawal is required?

A. between 00 and 12 B. between 00 and 30 C. between 04 and 30 D. between 12 and 48 Page 140 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Knowledge Low Answer Kev Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO 3.0 3 N N N (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Choice Knowledge/Ability KIA ~~ IB Incorrect 2.2. I Importance:

RO / SRO 3.7 / 3.6 Incorrect C ID Incorrect g)g Basis or Justification After 75% rod density (Group 1-2 fully withdrawn), control rod withdraw between notch positions 00 to 12 shall be restricted to single notch movements until criticality is achieved See above Single notch requirement between 04 to 30 applies once my SRM count rate reaches four doublings, until the reactor is critical and one Turbine Bypass Valve is partially open See "A" I Psvc hometrics I Source Documentation Source: Reference (s): Learning 0 bjective:

0 New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank GP-2, Appendix I, Caution after step 3.2.7 LLOTI 530.02 Required Materials:

GP-2, Appendix 1 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- -~ NRC Question Data Sheet 71. Unit 1 PRO is performing ST-6-051-231-1 "A RHR pump, valve, and Flow Test" At step 4.3.6, the PRO discovers that HV-51-IF021A is incorrectly identified as HV-51-1 F022A WHICH ONE of the following identifies the status of the Surveillance Test and the action required to correct the error?

A. Stop the test. Create a Partial Procedure to delete the affected portion of the procedure per AD-LG-101-1002 "Temporary Changes to Approved Documents and Partial Procedure Use" prior to resumption of the ST B. Stop the test. Initiate a Temporary Change to correct the component number error per AD-LG-101-1002 "Temporary Changes to Approved Documents and Partial Procedure Use" prior to resumption of the ST. C. Continue the test. When it is complete, identify the component number error in an Action Tracking item to permanently revise the procedure per AD-AA-101 , "Processing of Procedures and T & RM's". D. Continue the test. When it is complete, identify the component number error in an Action Tracking item to permanently revise the procedure per AD-LG-101-1004 "Procedure Performance Improvement System (PPI S)". Page 142 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Time Allowance (minutes) 3 Answer Key PRA RO SRO lOCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 N Y (b)(lO) y W(3) Question ID# 071 Both RC 2.2.1 1 Choice Importance: RO I SRO 2.5 13.4 Correct: Incorrect:



B A C D >Fag Basis or Justification ~~ ~~~~~ ~ An equipment number error requires a TC IAW AD-LG-101-1002, before the test can continue See above See above See above Psychometrics Knowledge Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

KnowledgelAbility K/A Source Documentation New Exam Item [7 Modified Bank Item [7 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank AD-LG-101-1002, step 4.2.2 LLOTI 570.01 (Description of K&A, from catalog)

Knowledge of the process for controlling temporary changes..

Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 72. 1A Reactor Feed Pump needs to be worked at power. 0 Only one valve is available for isolation of the pump suction.

0 Pump suction pressure is 450 psig. 0 Pump suction temperature is 36OoF. WHICH ONE of the following clearance requirements will allow this work to be performed?

A. A Clearance Technical Evaluation shall be performed B. The work shall be performed under an Exceptional Clearance C. A Component Walkdown must be performed prior to application D. The single isolation valve must be restrained and locked in the closed position Page 144 of 200

~ LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination I Correct: Incorrect:

B A Incorrect:

C Answer Key $@ Basis or Justification Incorrect: When 2 valve protection is required but not available then the clearance shall be designated as "Exceptional".

D A technical review is required only when there are questions about a systems response to the proposed isolation technique (such as logic system response)

A walkdown is suggested in circumstances where clearance information or documentation is missing or in question Level of Knowledge Low A Blocking device (such as a lock, restraint, or gag) is only required for a component that can fail to a position other than the tagged position.

Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 2.5 3 N y (b)(lO) N I Knowledge/Ability KIA I Psvchometrics I 2.2.1 3 Importance:

RO I SRO 3.6 13.8 Source Documentation Source: Reference( s): Learning Objective:

New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank (CAT) OP-MA-109-101, attachment 4 OP-MA-109-101 DB16 objective

  1. 2 Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

-~ NRC Question Data Sheet 73. Given the following values from the most recent P-I : MFLCPR 0.954 0 MFLPD 1.015 MAPRAT 0.991 0 FLLLP 0.967 WHICH ONE of the following identifies the thermal limit(s) that require action, if any? A. MFLPD B. MFLPD and MAPRAT C. MFLPD, MAPRAT, and FLLLP D. All values are acceptable; no action is required Page 146 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect:

Answer Kev A Choice Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO HIGH 2.5 3 N N Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N IC Incorrect:

Source: Reference@):

Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Incorrect:

I D 0 New Exam Item 0 Modified NRC Bank Item c] ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank (LOR-modified)

GP-5, Sect 3.1 .I LLOT0741.04 2.1 .I 9 Importance:

RO 1 SRO 3.0 13.0 SFd, Basis or Justification MFLPD (>1.0) and MAPRAT (>0.99) require entry into GP-14 MFLPD does require action (see above) but this choice omits MAPRAT, which also requires action FLLLP does not require action MFLPD and MAPRAT require action Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 74. ST-6-011-232-0, "B" LOOP ESW PUMP VALVE and FLOW TEST has been completed.

0 Restoration is in progress and Unit Cooler Throttle Valve 11-2023B must be returned to it's throttled position WHICH ONE of the following verification techniques shall be used to restore this valve? A. Peer Check. B. First Check C. Concurrent Verification D. Independent Verification Page 148 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect:

Answer Key D In Independent verification, the verifying party does not witness the manipulation. This does not work for a throttle valve because you can not visually verify it is in the correct throttle position without touching the component or witnessing the operation.

I Choice I Basis or Justification I Level of Knowledge Low Valve throttling is an example when concurrent verification is appropriate lCl IAW HV-AA-101, step Correct: Difficulty Time Allowance PF!A RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 2.0 2 N y (b)(10) N Incorrect:

Source: ReferenceCs):

Learning 0 bjective:

Incorrect: New Exam Item Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank HU-AA-101, step LLOTI 574.05d Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank A KIA B 3.4 / 3.3 Peer check is used to verify manipulation of components however in peer check, audio and/or visual cues are permitted in identifying the component.

This would not be permitted int his circumstance.

First check verifies the first component manipulation in a specific task. It would not be used for restoration.

Knowledge/Ability 1 2.1 29 1 Importance:

RO I SRO Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 75. Given the following conditions:

0 Both units are operating at full power 0 The entire shift attended the morning Shift Turnover Meeting given by the Control Room Supervisor (CRS) and Shift Manager (SM)

At 1100, the 3rd RO relieves the Unit 2 RO for lunch The Unit 2 RO will be eating lunch in the Main Control Room (MCR) Lunchroom WHICH ONE of the following identifies the required MINIMUM TURNOVER ACTIVITY, and MAXIMUM DURATION of the mid shift turnover for the given conditions?

A. Read the MCR logs through the last previous day on shift The relief duration shall be a MAXIMUM of 30 minutes. B. Read the MCR logs through the last previous day on shift The relief duration shall be a MAXIMUM of 60 minutes C. Review the Shift Turnover Checklist and update plant status The relief duration shall be a MAXIMUM of 30 minutes. D. Review the Shift Turnover Checklist and get an updated plant status. The relief duration shall be a MAXIMUM of 60 minutes Page 150 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect:

Incorrect: Answer Key B D Question ID# 075 Both RC Level of Knowledge Low Choice Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) lOCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 2.5 3 N Y (b)(10) N ID Correct: Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

lA Incorrect:

New Exam item Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank OP-AA-112-101, Sect 4.1.7 LLOTI 574.24 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank Knowledge/Ability KIA $e*q Basis or Justification

2.1.3 Importance

RO I SRO 3.0 13.4 Mid-shift turnover of less than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> consists of a review of the Shift Turnover checklist and update of plant status, provided the original watch stander remains in the Main Control Room area Reading the MCR logs through the last previous day on shift applies to a full shift turnover, short turnover duration is 60 minutes, not 30. Duration is correct, turnover criteria described applies to full turnover, not short duration Turnover criteria is correct, short turnover duration is 60 minutes, not 30 Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

S06.1 .H, Partial Provided 76 Unit 1 Plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor power is 100% 0 Reactor level is 35" and steady "1A Reactor Feed Pump Primary and Secondary Feed Flow Transmitters fail downscale resulting in the following:

FEEDWATER TROUBLE (107 D5) Annunciator is in alarm 0 Feedwater Operator Station, Alarm Identity 1XX-FW302.1TFFE is displayed WHICH ONE of the following identifies the immediate impact on Feedwater Level Control and capability of Feedwater to control level during a Reactor SCRAM? A. Will continue to control level automatically Will automatically control level post SCRAM B. Will continue to control level automatically RO will need to manually control feedwater post SCRAM C. Will not control level automatically Will automatically control level post SCRAM D. Will not control level automatically RO will need to manually control level post SCRAM Page 152 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 4 Y y W(5) Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 y (b)(5) 1 I 259002 A2.02 Importance: RO / SRO 3.3 / 3.4 Source: Reference (s): Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank S06.1 .H U/1, Alarm Identity IXX-FW302.1TFFE S06.1.D U/1 Appendix 1 LLOT0550.

I Od (Description of KBA, from catalog)

Ability to predict the impact of the following on Reactor water level control and based on those predictions use procedures to correct, control or mitigate the consequence of those abnormal conditions or operations:

Loss of any number of Reactor feedwater flow inputs.

kquired Materials:

Partial copy of S06.1 .H (exclude pages regarding level transmitters) Notes and Comments:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 77 Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor power is 10% 0 Reactor level is -200" and lowering 0 All MSlVs are closed 0 Suppression Pool temperature is 12OoF and rising 0 A Blowdown is in progress with 3 SRVs open 0 Reactor pressure is 650 psig and lowering The Floor Supervisor report T-251 is complete for Unit 1 WHICH ONE of the following identifies the required operator action?

A. Immediately inject with HPCl Restore level to -60" to -1 00" B. Immediately inject with HPCl Restore level to -1 61 " to -1 86" C. Inject with HPCl when Reactor pressure is below 400 psig Restore level to -60" to -1 00" D. Inject with HPCl when Reactor pressure is below 400 psig Restore level to -1 61 " to -1 86" Page 154 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA Knowledge (minutes)

Answer Kev RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Correct: High Incorrect:

4.0 4 Y y (b)(lO> Y (b)(5) Incorrect 295037 2.1.20 Incorrect r Importance:

RO / SRO 4.3 14.2 D A B C I Basis or Justification As Blowdown is already in progress, injection cannot occur until MIN ALT FLOODING PRESSUE is met. With only 3 SRVs open that occurs at 400 psig. Level band is -161" to -1 86" as Supp pool temp is greater than I1 0 degrees Injecting immediately is incorrect as Blowdown has already started.

-60 to -100" is incorrect as Supp pool temp is greater than I10 degrees Injecting immediately is incorrect as Blowdown has already started.

-60" to -1 00" is incorrect as Supp pool temp is greater than 1 10 degrees Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

KnowledgelAbility KIA Source Documentation New Exam Item Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank T-I 17 BASES, Step LQ-21 LLOTI 560.05 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank (Description of K&A, from catalog) SCRAM condition present and Reactor power above APRM downscale or unknown: Ability to execute procedural steps Required Materials:

T-I 17 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

SAMP-I, Sht I Provided 78 Unit I plant conditions are as follows: SAMP-I and SAMP-2 have been entered The Reactor was shutdown 20 minutes ago Reactor Level is unknown Reactor pressure is 800 psig and steady RClC is injecting at 600 GPM ALL other high pressure injection systems are unavailable Suppression pool level is 25' Suppression pool pressure is 24 psig WHICH ONE of the following SAMP-I sheets must be executed?

A. Sheet4 B. Sheet 5 C. Sheet6 D. Sheet 7 Page 156 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination B Answer Key Sht 5 is incorrect as RPV injection is below MDRIR I C Choice Correct: Sht 6 is incorrect as conditions are unsafe on PSP Incorrect:

Level of Knowledge High Incorrect Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 4.0 4 Y Y (b)(lO) Y (b)(5) Incorrect Source: Reference( s ): Learning 0 bjective:

I Basis or Justification New Exam Item Modified Bank Item c] ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank (LOR)

SAMP 1, Sheet 1 LLOTI 562.6 ~~ ~ is required as injection is below MDRIR, and conditions are unsafe on KnowledgelAbility WA ~~ ~~ A1 Sht 4 is incorrect as level in unknown 295031 Importance:

RO I SRO 2.4.6 3.1 14.0 Source Documentation Required Materials:

SAMPI Sht 1 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

OT-I 12, Partial Provided 79 Unit 1 Reactor Power is 100% The following transient occurs with the indicated plant conditions:

0 1B Recirc Pump trips 1A Recirc Pump speed is 65% 0 ALL four OPRM Operator Display Assemblies indicate Reactor power is 58.% 0 XR-042-1 R613 indicates Core Plate differential pressure is 1.3 psid 0 XR-042-1 R613 indicates Core Flow is 42.00E6# WHICH ONE of the following is the required operator action?

A. Insert control rods until the Restricted Region of the Power/Flow Map is exited B. Immediately Scram the Reactor C. Restart I B Recirc pump, and raise core flow with 1 B Recirc pump D. Reduce Recirc pump speed to less than 60% and manually Scram the reactor. Page 158 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Knowledge High Answer Key Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 10CFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 3.0 5 N y (b)(lO) y Question ID# 079 SRO Or 295001 AA2.01 Choice Importance:

RO / SRO 3.5 / 3.8 Correct: Incorrect:

Incorrect Incorrect A B C D Y Basis or Justification Because the speed of the operating Recirc Pump is >60%, the Core Flow and Reactor power indications provided should be used to determine operating point. With the given information, the plant is in the Restricted Region, and the correct action is an immediate exit by the insertion of control rods or the raising of Recirculation flow. Immediately scram the reactor is not correct because the operating point is not in the Exclusion Region, therefore, a reactor scram is not required.

Restart 1 B Recirc Pump and raise core flow with I B recirc pump is wrong as restarting a pump to raise flow is not allowed in OT-I 12 Reduce Recirc pump speed to less than 60% and manually scram the reactor is not correct as reducing speed drive the reactor further into the restricted region.

I Psvchometrics I Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank OT-I 12, Step 3.7 LLOT0040.07g (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to a partial or complete loss of forced core flow circulation:

Power/Flow map iquired Materials:

OT-I 12, Power to Flow Maps Attachment 1 & 2 only Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT: S61 .O.A Provided 80 Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 A steam leak exists in the Drywell Drywell Pressure is .7 psig and steady Drywell Temperature is 134 degrees F and steady The following alarms/indicators have been received a Drywell Equipment Drain/Floor Drain Sump Leakage Hi Flow (I 12 C-5) 0 Drywell Equipment Drain Hi Total Flow (112 J-1) 0 Drywell Floor Drain Tank Hi/Lo Level (I 12 K-2) OOC424 Unit I DW Equipment Drain Tank Leak Rate Change Exceeding 2 GPM red light lit WHICH ONE of the following Annunciators/lndications require the highest priority?

A. Drywell Equipment Drain/Floor Drain Sump Leakage Hi Flow (1 12 C-5) B. Drywell Equipment Drain/floor Drain Sump Leakage Hi Flow (1 12 C-5) with Unit One Drywell Equipment Drain Hi Total Flow (I 12 J-I) C. Drywell Equipment Drain Hi-Total Flow (1 12 J-I) D. Drywell Floor Drain Tank Hi/Lo Level (1 12 K-2) Page 160 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Low 4.0 4 N N Knowledge (minutes)

I OCFR55.41 I Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 N Question ID# 080 SRO Or 295024 2.1.23 I Choice Importance:

RO / SRO 3.9 I 4.0 Correct: Incorrect:

t----- Incorrect Incorrect D A B C $ Basis or Justification Floor drain tank HilLo level is priority 2 which is higher than any distractor, This requires use of S61 .OA to determine Leakage Hi Flow and Leak rate change exceeding 2 GPM is priority 3 Leakage Hi Flow and Drywell equipment total flow is priority 4 Drywell equipment drain Hi Total flow is priority 4 Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Source Documentation 0 New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank S61 .OA step 4.2014.22 LLOTOI 35.02 0 Previous NRC Exam [XI Other Exam Bank (Description of K&A, from catalog)

High Drywell pressure ability to perform specify system an integrated plant procedures during different modes of plant operations.

quired Materials: Notes and Comments:

Question from LOR Bank Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~ NRC Question Data Sheet 81 Unit 2 conditions are as follows: 0 0 0 0 0 "2B" loop of SDC is in service SDC flowrate is 9000 gpm RPV pressure is 25 psig "2B" RHR Heat Exchanger inlet temperature on DAS is 145OF "2B" RHR Heat Exchanger outlet temperature on 20C601 TI 227B is 125OF "2B" Recirculation Pump Suction and Discharge Valves are discovered to be OPEN. WHICH ONE of the following represents actual reactor coolant temperature based on plant conditions?

A. 125OF B. 145OF C. 22OoF D. 268'F Page 162 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA High 4.0 4 Y Knowledge (minutes) Answer Key RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 y (b)(10) Y (b) (5) Question ID# 081 SRO 01 Source: Choice New Exam Item Modified Bank Item Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank Correct: Reference(s):

Lea rni ng Objective:


0 ILT Exam Bank S51.8 B step 3.13 LLOT0370.13 Incorrect - K/A Incorrect AA2.06 3.2 13.3 D A B C ____~ Basis or Justification Answer requires operator to determine that shutdown cooling bypass leakage path exists, and use STM tables to interpret Reactor pressure to determine coolant temperature This is incorrect as RHR and heat exchanger outlet temperature cannot be used as Recirc pump valves open are creating bypass leakage This is incorrect as it does not match Reactor pressure valve on STM table This is incorrect as it does not match Reactor pressure valve on STM table KnowledgelAbility 295021 I Importance:

RO 1 SRO (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to a loss of shutdown cooling: Reactor Pressure Required Materials:

Steam Tables Notes and Comments:

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENTS:

ANN 106, 02 and GP-5, Partial Provided 82 Unit 1 conditions are as follows: Reactor Power is 50% BESSI System is not in operation LP Turbine Inlet Pressure is 100 psig LP Turbine Back Pressure is 7.1 in Hg abs The following annunciators are received TURBINE HIGH BACK PRESSURE (106 D2) IA CONDENSOR LO VACUUM (104 E-5) WHICH ONE identifies the required operator action A. Immediately Perform A GP-4 shutdown B. Reduce reactor power to place turbine in limited operation region C. Reduce reactor power to place turbine in unlimited operation region D. Immediately lower turbine inlet pressure with pressure set Page 164 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: incorrect:

Answer Key C Student must plot values on GP-5 attachment 7 to determine that turbine is operating in the limited region. And determine corrective action per ARC 106 D2 An immediate GP-4 is not required based on valves A Incorrect Incorrect B This is incorrect as valves due not place turbine outside of limited region. Additionally operation above limited region would result in a turbine trip Lower turbine inlet pressure would not take turbine to unlimited region D Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 3 Y Y (b) (IO) Source: SRO 1 OCFR55.43 y (b) (5) Reference( s ) : Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability KIA 295002 AA2.01 Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank ANN 102 D-2, GP-5 Attachment 7 LLOT0500.06a Importance:

RO I SRO 2.9 13.1 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to determine and/or interpret condenser vacuumlabsolute pressure as it applies to a loss of main condenser vacuum ?quired Materials:

ANN 106 D-2 and GP-5 Attachment 7 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~ NRC Question Data Sheet 83 Unit 1 conditions are as follows 0 Reactor Power is 100% 0 No testing which adds heat to the Suppression Pool is occurring WHICH ONE of the following identifies the Technical Specification Limit for Suppression Pool Temperature and the bases for the limit?

A. 105OF Provides sufficient temperature margin for SBLC injection during an ATWS B. 105OF Bulk water temperature following a blowdown maintain NPSH for RHR and core Spray pumps C. 95OF Provide sufficient temperature margin for SBLC injection during an ATWS D. 95OF Bulk water temperature following a blowdown maintains NPSH for RHR and Core Spray pumps Page 166 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination D A B Answer Key Basis or Justification Tech Spec limits suppression pool max temperature to 95'F who testing that adds heat to the suppression pool and maintain water temperature and suppression chamber conditions following a blowdown to support ECCS NPSH 105OF is incorrect as no testing is in progress that adds heat to the suppression pool 105OF is incorrect as no testing is in progress that adds heat to the suppression pool Choice Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Low 2.0 3 N N Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Correct: SRO 1 OCFR55.43 y (bP) Incorrect:


Learning 0 bjective:

Incorrect ILT Exam Bank Tech Spec basis LLOTOI 30.04f Incorrect KnowledgelAbility WA 29501 3 Importance:

RO / SRO 2.2.25 4.0 14.0 Is incorrect as temperature limit is not based on providing sufficient temperature margin for SBLC injection during an ATWS - Source Documentation Source: [XI New Exam Item Previous NRC Exam Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

___ NRC Question Data Sheet 84 Given the following plant conditions:

0 A Loss Of Offsite Power and failure of all diesels to start, has occurred WHICH ONE of the following identifies the method used to verify that a successful Reactor Scram has occurred?

A. APRM's indicate 0% B. PMS reads "SCRAM-ALL RODS IN" C. Green"lN" lights is Lit on the Full Core Display D. RPS "A" and "6" channel indicating lights are NOT Lit Page 168 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Psychometrics - Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 I OCFR55.43 - Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO Low 2.0 3 Y y (b)(W y (b)(5) Question ID# 084 SRO Or Source: Reference( s): Learning Objective:

Choice New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank E-I LLOT0275.13 lA Correct: Knowledge/Ability KIA Incorrect:

1 B 295003 Importance:

RO / SRO AA2.02 4.2 14.3 Incorrect

! Incorrect Basis or Justification E-I directs APRM's be referenced to ensure SCRAM This would normally indicate a successful SCRAM but PMS will lose power in a station blackout

~ These lights will be out indicating RPS de-energized but that does not ensure that rods actually went in This would normally indicate a successful scram but the Full Core Display will lose power in a station blackout Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT: T-291 Provided 85 Unit I plant conditions are as follows: A steam leak occurred in the Reactor enclosure T-290 readings are reported as follows: TE41-1 NOIOA, B,C and D (Outboard MSIV Room) all indicate 190°F TE41-1 NO14 (Outboard MSlV Room) indicates 195OF "1 B" Wide Range level recorder (XR-42-1 R623B) is indicating

-1 30" Fuel Zone Level indicator (LI-42-1 R610) is indicating

-1 60" WHICH ONE of the following statement below describes the effect on reactor water level indication?

XR-42-1 R623B LI-42-1 R610 A. Valid Not Valid B. Valid Valid C. NotValid Valid D. Not Valid Not Valid Page 170 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Knowledge Answer Key Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (m in Utes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Question ID# 085 SRO Or 295032 EA2.02 I Choice Importance:

RO i SRO 3.3 i 3.5 Correct: Incorrect:

I Incorrect C A B D f ______~ ~ Basis or Justification Indicators are valid if temp is below MRT, and level is above MIL. As temp is above MRT only level distinguishes answer. MIL for I R623B is -124 therefore it is invalid. MIL for 1 R610 is -303" therefore it is valid 1R623B is not valid as level is below MIL (-124") 1 R623B is not valid as level is below MIL (-124") 1 R610 is valid as level is above MIL (-303") Psychometrics Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

KnowledgeiAbility WA Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank T-291 Attachment 2 LLOTI 561.03 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to determine and/or interpret equipment operability as it applies to high secondary containment area temperature Required Materials:

T-291 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~ NRC Question Data Sheet 86 Unit 1 conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Power at 18% 0 A Startup is in progress following a refueling outage Main Turbine is synched to the grid House Loads are being transferred to the Unit Aux Buses with the lineup as follows: 0 0 0 I1 Bus Unit Aux Feeder BKR is closed loll 1 Feeder BKR is open 12 Bus Unit Aux Feeder BKR is open 20/12 Feeder BKR is closed A Generator Protection Relay failure causes a Generator Lockout and Main Turbine trip WHICH ONE of the following describes the status of the startup Bus Breakers and Recirc Pump MG set Drive Motor Breakers following the Turbine Trip? 10/11 BKR 20/12 BKR "IA" MG DM BKR "IB" MG DM BKR A. CLOSED CLOSED OPEN OPEN B. OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSED C. CLOSED CLOSED OPEN CLOSED D. CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Page 172 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Incorrect: Answer Key C A Incorrect B 1 Incorrect I D Level of Know1 ed g e High I Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (mi nu tes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 3.0 3 Y Y (b)(lO) Y (b)(5) Basis or Justification The 11 Bus fast transfers on the Turbine trip, the 1A Recirc pump MG set Drive Motor trips on the generator lockout because the 11 Bus was powered from the Unit Aux transformer at the time. This would have been the lineup if the transfer of House loads had been complete and the 12 Bus was powered from the Unit aux transformer at the time of the Turbine Trip This lineup supposes that the fast transfer of the 11 Bus did not take place therefore the 1A MG set DM BKR tripped. There is no information to support this scenario This lineup supposes that the 1A MG set drive motor breaker would stay closed during the fast transfer of the 11 Bus. This is not true. 295005 AA2.08 Importance: RO I SRO 3.2 13.3 Source : Reference(sk Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability KIA Source Documentation New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank E-I 40, E-145, E-I 51 LLOT0640.03b (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP. ..Electrical distribution status REQUIRED MATERIALS: Notes and Comments

Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 87 Unit 1 Plant conditions are as follows 0 Reactor Power is 100% 0 I&C reports that "1 C" Main Steam Line (MSL)

High Flow Transmitters PDT-41-1 N088B and PDT-41-IN088C have failed their Surveillance Test 0 All other MSL Flow Transmitters are OPERABLE WHICH ONE of the following describes the status of the MSlV Isolation logic and the required action? A. "1 C" MSL MSlV isolation logic is INOPERABLE Place ONE Channel in the tripped condition within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. B. Div 1 MSlV isolation logic is INOPERABLE Place ONE Channel tripped condition within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> C. Div 1 and 2 MSlV isolation logic are INOPERABLE SCRAM Unit one, and place BOTH Channels the tripped condition within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> D. Div 1 and 2 MSlV isolation logic are INOPERABLE Place ONE Channel in the tripped condition within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. Page 174 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Time Allowance (minutes) 5 Answer Key PRA RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 N y (b)(5) y (b)(2) Choice Correct: Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability KIA Incorrect:

New Exam Item Modified Bank Item ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank Unit 1 Tech Specs, LCO

3.3.2 LLOTOI

80.1 OC 223002 Importance:

RO I SRO A208 2.7 I 3.1 Incorrect Incorrect D A B C I Basis or Justification ~~ ~~ ~ 88C is Div 1. 88B is Div 2. therefore there is only one Div 1 and Div 2 instrument operable for the "1 C" MSL. Less than required number for 2 trip systems place one in the tripped condition within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. A common misconception is that a streamline is a trip system. If only one trip system is affected, you have 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> until having to place it in the tripped condition If only one trip system were affected, this would be correct The number of affected systems per line is correct however placing both in the tripped condition would cause a group 1 isolation. Tech Spec does not require this.. Psychometrics I Knowledge REQUIRED MATERIALS: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~~~ ~ -~ - NRC Question Data Sheet 88 Unit 2 is in OPCON 5 and all fuel movements have been completed and core verification has been performed. Plant status is as follows: 0 The 201 Safeguards Transformer has been de-energized 0 The 101 Safeguards Transformer is supplying all 4KV uses 0 021 and D23 Diesel Generators are INOPERABLE for planned maintenance 0 Surveillance testing has just been completed on D24 Diesel Generator 0 Control rod stroke time testing is in progress in the MCR 0 The Steam Separator is being seated in the Dryer/Separator pit The inside EO reports that D24 Fuel Oil Transfer pump has seized WHICH ONE of the following describes the most limiting action required by Tech Specs?

A. Stop control rod stroke time testing immediately B. Stop movement of the steam separator immediately C. Demonstrate the operability of D22 Diesel Generator within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> D. Restore the 201 Safeguard Transformer to operability within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Page 176 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Incorrect: Answer Key A B Question ID#

088 SRO Or Incorrect C Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO High 4.0 4 Y N Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Incorrect SRO I OCFR55.43 Y (b)(2) D r Basis or Justification

_____~ Tech Spec requires suspension of Core ALTERATIONS with the AC Powr sources inoperable in OPCON 5. Control rod movement with fuel in the vessel must be stopped. Movement of the Steam Separator does not qualify as a core alteration Would be required if in OPCON I ,2 or 3. Not required in OPCON 5 Would be required if Unit 2 were in OPCON 1,2, or 3 or if a Unit 1 DfG were INOP Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability K/A ' Source Documentation

[XI New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank Tech Spec LLOT0670.13 264000 2.2.22 Importance:

RO f SRO 4.0 f 4.0 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of limiting conditions for operational and safety limits. REQUIRED MATERIALS:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 89 Unit 2 conditions are as follows:

An inadvertent Group 1 isolation resulted in MSlV closure and Unit Scram 0 RPV level is 35" being maintained by RClC in Auto 0 RPV pressure is 900 psig and lowering slowly The RClC flow controller fails in AUTO 0 Controller is switched to MANUAL and adjusted so that level is

+35" and steady. No other operator action is taken. WHICH ONE of the following describes the expected RPV level trend over the next 30 minutes, and the required operator action?

A. RPV level will go down RClC flow controller output must be raised to increase flow demand signal B. RPV level will go up RClC flow controller output must be lowered to reduce flow demand signal C. RPV level will go down RClC flow controller output must be raised to increase turbine speed D. RPV level will go up RClC flow controller output must be lowered to reduce turbine speed Page 178 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination D Answer Key With the RClC flow controller in MANUAL, it is maintaining constant speed. With the turbine at constant speed, as, RPV pressure goes down, injection will rise and RPV level will rise. The controller must be dialed down to I A Choice reduce turbine speed. RPV level will go up not down. The RClC flow controller maintains a flow demand in AUTO, not MANUAL I Basis or Justification

~~ B Correct: ~ The RClC flow controller maintains a flow demand in AUTO not MANUAL In correct: C Incorrect RPV level will go up not down as RPV pressure decreases - Incorrect Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 3 Y Y (b)(5) SRO 1 OCFR55.43 y (b)(5) Source: Refere nce(s):

Learning Objective: New Exam ltem 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank S49.7.A LLOT0380.08 Knowledge/Ability WA 21 7000 Importance:

RO / SRO A2.10 3.1 13.1 REQUIRED MATERIALS: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

OT-I 02, Partial Provided 90 Unit I Plant conditions are as follows: 0 Reactor Power is 100% 0 A Turbine Control Valve Solenoid failure results in the closure of the #2 Turbine Control Valve. WHICH ONE of the following identifies the impact on plant operations and required operator act ions?

A. Reactor Pressure remains constant Reduce reactor Power to less than 75% B. Reactor Pressure remains constant Ensure reactor power remains above 90% C. Reactor Pressure rises Reduce reactor power to less than 90% D. Reactor Pressure rises Reduce reactor power to less than 25% Page 180 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (mi nu tes) 1 OCFR55.41 High '3.0 4 N y (b)(5) Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 y (b)(5) Choice I Basis or Justification 241 000 A2.04 Correct: Importance:

RO I SRO 3.7 13.8 C Reactor pressure will increase slightly requiring entry into OT-102. OT-102 requires power to be lowered to below 90% on a control valve closure. lA Incorrect:

IB Incorrect ID Incorrect This is incorrect as Reactor pressure will rise and action to lower power requires a reduction to 90% (75% is for an MSlV closure) Reactor pressure remains constant is incorrect and maintaining power greater than 90% is not correct (this would be correct for a regulator failure) Reducing Power to below 25% is incorrect Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability KIA Source Documentation

[XI New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank OT-102, step 3.5 T.S. 3.2.3.b LLOT0590.02a (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to predict the impact of the following on the ReactorITurbine Pressure Regulating System; and based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Failed openlclosed control valve :quired Materials:

OT-102, remove last page Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 91 Unit I Plant conditions are as follows: 0 95%power 0 IC" RHR pump has been INOP for 19 days 0 HPCl speed cannot be raised above 2250 RPM during a full flow test WHICH ONE of the following describes the required Tech Spec actions?

A. Be in STARTUP in 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, HOT SHUTDOWN in the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and COLD SHUTDOWN in the subsequent 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> B. Restore the "IC" RHR Pump to operable within the next 11 days or be in HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN in the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> C. Restore the "IC" RHR pump or the HPCl system to operable within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or be in HOT SHUTDOWN in the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN in the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> D. Restore the HPCl system to operable within 14 days or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and reduce reactor steam dome pressure to 5 200 psig within the following 24 Page 182 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Low 3.0 4 Y N Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Answer Kev SRO 1 OCFR55.43 Y (b)(2)(5)

Correct: I. Incorrect:

Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Incorrect nNew Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank T. S. 3.5.l.b and 3.5.1.c.2 LLOT0340.16 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank (LOR modified) 206000 Importance:

RO I SRO 2.1.12 2.9 14.0 Incorrect C A B D I Basis or Justification Tech Spec 3.5.1 -with HPCl system INOP and one ECCS Subsystem INOP - Restore one of them to OPERABLE within the next 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> This is a Tech Spec 3.0.3 action applicable only when LLCO's cannot be met This would be the correct action if HPCl were operable.

This would be correct if "IC RHR were operable with HPCl INOP Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

EAL Matrix Provided 92 LGS Units 1 and 2 are at 100% A cold weather front is passing through the Pottstown area accompanied by severe thunderstorms and hail.

A tornado watch is in effect, with wind gusts currently at 70 MPH 0 The outside EO reports that a Tornado has damaged the Kemper Building.

WHICH ONE of the following is the correct event classification and EAL Threshold value per the LGS Radiological Emergency Plan Annex for the given conditions?

A. HU5 - Threshold 2 B. HU5 -Threshold 3 C. HA5 -Threshold 2 D. HA5 -Threshold 3 Page 184 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination A Answer Key Report of a Tornado Strike in the protected area is a HU5 Threshold 2 Choice B C D I Basis or Justification This is incorrect as wind speed must be greater than 75 mph for 15 minutes for HU5, Threshold 3 This is incorrect as damage to vital structure has not occurred This is incorrect as damage to vital structure has not occurred Correct: Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA Low 3.0 3 Y Knowledge (minutes)


RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 Y (b) 11 Y (b)(5) Incorrect Incorrect Source : Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

KnowledgelAbility KIA Source Documentation 0 New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank (LOR modified)

Emergency Action Level Matrix (Table 3-1) Emergency Preparedness module G-16, Objective 8 2.4.41 1 Importance:

RO I SRO 2.3 14.1 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and classifications.

Required Materials:

EAL Matrix Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

T-228, Partial Provided 93 Unit 1 plant conditions are as follows: 0 A LOCA occurred 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ago 0 T-I 01 and T-102 have been implemented 0 T-I 02 has directed inerting/purging the Drywell 0 Suppression Pool level is 24 Feet 0 Drywell Pressure 2 psig The following containment parameters exists: 0 DW H2 5% and increasing 0 DW 024% and increasing 0 SP H2 3% and increasing 0 SP 022% and increasing WHICH ONE of the following identifies the preferred method of Drywell inerting/purging, if any? A. Drywell purge with air B. Drywell inerting with nitrogen (Low Flow Mode)

C. Drywell inerting with nitrogen (High Flow Mode)

D. Drywell purging is not required until Drywell 02 exceeds 5% Page 186 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Answer Key Correct: Incorrect:

Incorrect Question ID# 093 SRO Or B A C Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 4 Y N ID 1 Incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 y (b) (4) bf Basis or Justification Source: Reference(s):

Learning 0 bjective:

Knowledge/Ability WA Per T-228, Drywell inerting with Low Flow and High Flow are allowed given the conditions.

Low Flow is the preferred flowpath per the note in section 4.3 and Table 1. per T-228 Not allowed due to high drywell pressure (>.75 psig) New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank T-228 section 4.3,4.5 and 4.6 LLOTI 561.03 2.3.9 Importance:

RO / SRO 2.5 13.4 Allowed but not preferred per the note in section 4.3 and Table 1 of T-228 Does not apply to the given conditions (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the process for performing a containment purge Required Materials: T-228 Assessment Table, and section first pages Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

__ NRC Question Data Sheet 94 Unit I plant conditions are as follows: 0 96%power 0 Control Rod Scram time testing is in progress per ST-6-107-790-1 0 Control Rod 30-31 is at position 48 The following sequence of events occur 13:OO:OO - RDCS INOP (1 08 E4) Annunciator is in alarm 13:00:02 - Control Rod HCU Toggle Switches

'A and ""B" for Rod 30-31 13:00:08 - Control Rod 30-31 is at Position "00" are taken to "TEST" WHICH ONE of the following describes the status of the Full Core Display indication for Control Rod 30-31 and the reason for the indication?

Blue SCRAM Light Reason for Indication A. On Control Rod at position "00" B. On Scram Inlet and Outlet valves are OPEN C. Off The Full Core Display will NOT update D. Off Scram Inlet and Outlet valves are CLOSED Page 188 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination r Psychometrics Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 High 3.0 3 N y (b)(lO) y (b)(2) Answer Key Knowledge/Ability WA Question ID#

094 SRO Or 201002 2.1.32 Importance:

RO I SRO 3.4 13.8 Choice Correct: Incorrect:

Incorrect Incorrect C A B D Basis or Justification I With an RDCS INOP, the Full Core Display will not update, therefore, although the Blue SCRAM light would normally be lit with the rod scrammed.

it will not be due to the RDCS INOP The light will not be lit and the blue SCRAM light does not look at rod position.

The light will not be lit due to the RDCS INOP, but this would be the correct indication and reason fi not for the RDCS INOP This indication and reason are right for normal operation but the reason the SCRAM light is off is due to the RDCS INOP Source: Refere n ce(s): Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank ARC-MCR-108-E4 Learning Objective:

LLOT0080.04 I Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

ON-I22 Provided 95 Unit 2 plant conditions are as follows: e Reactor Power is 100% e 1 PP02 125 VDC DlST PANEL UNDERVOLTAGE (1 25 A-4) Annunciator is in Alarm An EO Reports 1PPO2 is DEENERGIZED WHICH ONE of the following identifies the required operator actions A. Enter T-1 01 and T-I 03 B. Enter T-I 02 C. Enter T-I 03 D. Enter T-101 and T-I02 Page 190 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Incorrect:

Answer Key A Question ID# 095 SRO Or Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA Knowledge (minutes)

Choice RO SRO 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 IC Correct: High 3.5 4 N Y (b)(lO) y (W5) lB Incorrect Source: Reference(s):

Incorrect 7 [XI New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam'Bank ON-122, Page 2, Step 2.5 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank I Knowledge/Ability KIA I 2.4.32 Importance:

RO / SRO / 3.3 13.5 Basis or Justification A Loss of 1 PPOl impacts ANN Panels that contain T-I 03 entry requiring entry into T-103 Entry into T-101 is not required as no scram will occur Entry into T-I 02 is not required due to a loss of annunciator

~ Entry into T-101 and T-102 is not required due to a loss of annunciators Learning Objective:

I LL0T1550*03 Required Materials:

ON-122 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

~ ~~ NRC Question Data Sheet 96 WHICH ONE of the following Identifies Work Execution CenterNork Control Center Supervisor Staffing requirements?

A. May be credited as Shift Technical Advisor (STA) and Incident Assessor (IA) Simultaneously B. May be credited as Incident Assessor (IA) and NRC Communicator S imu Ita neousl y C. If credited as Shift Technical Advisor (STA) then Incident Assessor function is not required.

D. If credited as Incident Assessor (IA) then Shift Technical Advisor (STA) function is not required Page 192 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination C A Answer Key Basis or Justification If WCS is STA then IA function is not required (OP-AA-1 01 -1 11, 4.5.2) WCS cannot be both STA and IA (OP-LG-101-111, Attachment

3) Choice Correct: B D Incorrect: WCS cannot be both IA and NRC Communicator (OP-LG-101-111, Attachment
3) If WCS is the IA, they support the STA function, the STA is still required Incorrect Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Incorrect SRO 1 OCFR55.43 Low 2.0 3 N N y Source: Reference( s) : Learning 0 bjective:

KnowledgelAbility WA Source Documentation

[XI New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank OP-AA-101-111, page 5, step 4.5 OP-LG-101-111, page 11 #3 LLOTI 574.01 a 2.1.4 1 Importance:

RO / SRO 2.3 13.4 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of Shift Staffing requirements Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61

0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet ATTACHMENT:

ON-I 15 Provided 97 Plant Conditions are as follows: 0 Unit 1 is at 100% power Unit 2 is in OPCON 5 for refueling Outside Air Temperature is 77OF A piping rupture in the Control Enclosure Chilled Water system results in the following conditions.

0 Main Control Room (MCR) temperature is 79OF and rising 0 MCR humidity is 60% and rising 0 Aux Equipment Room (AER) temperature is 74 OF and steady 0 AER humidity is 52% and steady WHICH ONE of the following describes the potential consequence of these conditions and the action required to prevent it? Consequence Action A. Spurious Activation of Equipment Purge the MCR B. Spurious Activation of Equipment Purge the AER C. Exceeding Tech Spec temperature limit Purge the MCR D. Exceeding Tech Spec temperature limit Purge the AER Page 194 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO High 3.0 4 N N Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 Y (b)(2) Question ID# 097 SRO Or KnowledgeIAbility KIA I Choice 290003 Importance:

RO I SRO A2.02 3.1 13.4 Correct: 1 Incorrect:

Incorrect r------ Incorrect C A B D Y Basis or Justification Main Control room temperature

>78 F and > outside air temperature requires a purge of the MCR. The limit of 78 F is based on not exceeding the Tech Spec limit of 85 F effective Action is correct. Consequence is the basis if AER temperature is >78 F IF AER temperature were >78 F, this would be correct AER does not require purge (~78' F). There is no Tech Spec temperature limit for the AER Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective: Source Documentation New Exam Item 0 Modified Bank Itern 0 ILT Exam Bank On-I 15, Tech Spec 3.7.2 LLOT0450.05 Previous NRC Exam Other Exam Bank Required Materials:

ON-I 15 Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- - NRC Question Data Sheet 98 Which one of the following Procedure revisions would required a Station Qualified Reviewer (SQR) review?

A. Changes to references in a Surveillance Test B. Editorial changes to an Operations T&RM C. Addition of clarifying information in the form of a list of required tools in a Systems Procedure D. Changes to activates in an Off-Normal Procedure Page 196 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: Answer Key D Question ID# 098 SRO Or Incorrect:

Choice A Level of Knowledge Low Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 2.5 4 N N y (b)(b) lB Incorrect

2.2.6 Incorrect

c Importance:

RO / SRO 2.3 f 3.3 if Basis or Justification Changes to activates in a procedure requires a SQR review Changes to reference are excluded from requiring SQR review Editorial change are excluded from requiring SQR review Addition of clarifying information is excluded from requiring SQR review Source: Reference (s ) : Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability K/A Source Documentation New Exam Item Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank Modified NRC Bank Item extensively modified ILT exam bank item ILT Exam Bank AD-AA-101 , Page 3, step 4.3.5 LLOTI 570.01 3 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Knowledge of the process for making changes in procedures as described in the safety analysis report. Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author NRC Question Data Sheet 99 Fuel is being loaded into the core on Unit 1, with the following conditions:

"1A SRM count rate is 3.5 cps and has a signal-to-noise ratio of 2.0 "1 B" SRM was declared inoperable last shift due to spiking 0 "1 C" SRM count rate is 2.0 cps and has a signal-to-noise ratio of I .5 "1 D" SRM count rate is 2.5 cps and has a signal-to-noise ratio of 2.0 WHICH ONE of the following describes the ability to continue loading fuel into the core? A. Fuel may be loaded into any quadrant B. All fuel loading must be suspended immediately C. Fuel may be loaded into "A" or "D" core quadrants ONLY D. Fuel may be loaded into "A", "C" or "D" core quadrants ONLY Page 198 of 200 LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Level of Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO Knowledge (minutes) 1 OCFR55.41 High 3.0 4 N Answer Key SRO 1 OCFR55.43 Question ID# 099 SRO 00 Source: Reference(s):

Learning Objective:

Choice Correct: New Exam Item Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank T.S. 3.9.2 and Figure 3.3.6-1 LLOT0240.10 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank Incorrect:

KnowledgelAbility WA Incorrect 2.2.28 Importance:

RO / SRO 2.6 13.5 Incorrect C A B D r Basis or Justification "B" and "C SRM's are inoperable

("C" due to inadequate signalhoise ratio, per T.S. fig 3.3.6-1) Therefore, Fuel movement is only permitted in quadrants "A and "D" per T.S. 3.9.2 See above See above Fuel cannot be loaded into quadrant "C" because its SRM is inoperable.

Required Materials:

Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (61 0) 71 8-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author

- NRC Question Data Sheet I00 Unit 1 is at 100% power when the follows occurs:

At 0100, Chemistry reports the following results of a Reactor Water Sample:

0 Conductivity is

2.5 mmhokm

0 pH is 5.4 0 Chlorides is 0.1 ppm The RO reports a rising trend in Main Steam Line radiation.

WHICH ONE of the following describes the required action(s)?

A. Check RWCU and Condensate Deep Bed Demin Effluent Conductivity to identify the source and maximize RWCU flow B. Reduce power per GP-5, Appendix 2 and sequentially remove Circulating Water system loops from service to identify the source C. Begin a GP-3 shutdown by 0200 and place reactor in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in Cold shutdown within the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> E. Perform an Engineering evaluation to determine the effects of any out- of-limit conditions on the structural integrity of the Reactor Coolant System. Page 200 of 200

- ___ a. LIMERICK October 2006 Initial License Operator NRC Examination Correct: incorrect: Answer Key A B incorrect C ID Incorrect Level of Knowledge High Basis or Justification I Difficulty Time Allowance PRA RO SRO (min Utes) 1 OCFR55.41 1 OCFR55.43 3.0 4 N Y (b)(lO) y (b)(5) ON-I 16 directs that with Conductivity

>I .O mmhokm AND Main Steam line radiation high AND ph low, to determine if RWCU or Condensate Deep Beds are passing resin This action would be correct if hot well conductivity were rising, which is not indicated 2.1.34 This action would be appropriate fi GP-12 action level 3 (>5 mmhokm) were reached importance:

RO / SRO This action would be appropriate if the plant was in any OPCON other than 1, 2or3 I Psvchometrics I Source: Referencek):

Learning Objective:

Knowledge/Ability K/A Source Documentation New Exam item 0 Modified Bank Item 0 ILT Exam Bank 0 Previous NRC Exam 0 Other Exam Bank GP-12, Sect 2.3, ON-I 16, T&RM 3.4.4 LLOT1030.12 2.3 12.9 (Description of K&A, from catalog) Ability to maintain primary and secondary plant chemistry within allowable limits. Required Materials: Notes and Comments Prepared By: Rick Rhode (610) 718-4085 Limerick Regulatory Exam Author