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Watts Bar, Unit 2, Submittal of Preservice Test Program Plan, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/21/2011
From: Stinson D
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML110830677 (79)


Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Spring City, Tennessee 37381-2000 March 21, 2011 10 CFR 50.55a U,S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 NRC Docket No. 50-391


WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT (WBN) UNIT 2 -PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN The purpose of this letter is to provide a document entitled, "Preservice Test (PST)Program Plan" for WBN Unit 2. The submittal of this document satisfies administrative code requirement contained in the ASME OM Code 2001 Edition through 2003 addenda.Specifically, ISTA-3200(a), "Administrative Requirements," states that: "IST Plans shall be filed with the regulatory authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site." The broad category of IST plans addressed in ISTA-3200 includes the following types for each of three specific time periods: (1) the preservice test period, (2) the initial in-service test interval, and (3) all subsequent in-service test intervals.

The submittal of the subject document provides the plan to satisfy the preservice time period.The Enclosure provides the subject Program Plan. There are no new commitments contained in this submittal.

If you have any questions, please contact Bill Crouch at (423) 365-2004.Respectfully, David Stinson Watts Bar Unit 2 Vice President U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 March 21, 2011


Preservice Test Program Plan -Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 cc (Enclosure):

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NRC Resident Inspector Unit 2 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 1260 Nuclear Plant Road Spring City, Tennessee 37381 ENCLOSURE PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN 2 PST, REVISION I Preservice Test Program Plan Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 2000 Spring City, TN 37381 Docket Number 391 Construction Permit No. CPPR-92, Issued January 23, 1973 Extension Issued October 24, 2000 Scheduled Commercial Service Date -April 19, 2012 Program No: WBN-2 PST Rev. I Effective Date: March 16, 2011 Responsible Organization:

Inspection Services Organization Prepared by: Charles Driskell Reviewed by: Gary Johnson Approved by:

Revision Log Revision Effective Pages Description of Revision Number Date Affected 0 2/9111 All Initial issue of the U2 Preservice Test Plan required by the 2001 edition through 2003 addenda of the ASME OM Code (ISTA-3110).

1 3/16111 3-5 e Revise page numbering in Table of Contents a Modify Section 1.2.2 and add 1.2.3 to address components listed on the U1 N-3 form that are either inside or outside the U1 operational boundary.* Updated reference 2.1.A+ + 4+ + 4 1* 4+ 4 4 + 4 NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 3 of 76 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction


..4 2.0 R eferences


5 3.0 Pump Preservice Testing Program Plan .........................................................

8 3.1 Code Cases Adopted ...........................................................................

8 3.2 Pump Groups .....................................................................................

8 3.3 Test Frequency


9 4.0 Valve Preservice Testing Program Plan ........................................................

10 4.1 Containment Isolation Valves (CIVs) ..................................................

10 4.2 Pressure Isolation Valves (PIVs) ...........................

10 4.3 Fail-safe Actuators


11 4.4 Passive Valves .................................................................................

11 4.5 Testing of Category C Active and Category AC Active Check Valves .... 13 4.6 Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program (CMP) ............................

13 4.7 Thermal Expansion Check Valves .....................................................

14 4.8 Safety and Relief Valves ...................................................................

14 4.9 Thermal Relief Valves ........................................................................

15 4.10 Testing of Solenoid Actuated Pilot Valves ..........................................

15 4.11 Testing in Conjunction with Cold Shutdown ........................................

15 Appendix A -Alternate Frequency Justifications


16 Table 1 -Abbreviations


35 Table 2 -System Identification Numbers ..............................................................

37 Table 3 -Summary Listing of Pumps ...................................................................

38 Table 4 -Summary Listing of Valves .......................................

40 Table 5 -Relief Valve Groups .....................................

75 Table 6 -Pressure Isolation Valve Listing .............................................................



1.1 Program

Description The rules for the Preservice Testing of pumps and valves for the Preservice Testing Period (after completion of construction activities related to the component and before first electrical generation by nuclear heat), are contained in the ASME OM Code 2001 edition through 2003 addenda. Title 10, Part 50, Section 55a of the Code of Federal Regulations (10CFR50.55a) requires that Inservice Testing requirements be met throughout the service life of the nuclear power plant. This program plan provides the technical requirements for implementing the Preservice Testing (PST) Program for WBN Unit 2. The intent of this program is to establish reference values for use during preservice and inservice testing and verify that components tested by the PST program meet all applicable requirements for operability.

The PST program will provide initial test data to support operability and allow trending of the data in order to identify pump and valve degradation during the First Inservice Test Interval (starting with commercial operation) for WBN Unit 2.This Summary Description identifies the pumps and valves for which PST will be performed at WBN Unit 2 to comply with the requirements of 10CFR50.55a.

The testing required by this program will be accomplished through (1) the WBN U2 Preoperational Testing Program, and by (2) Surveillance testing on a periodic basis as required to meet operability requirements before initial plant startup.1.2 Scope 1.2.1 Components not previously transferred to WBN U1 on the Ul ASME N-3 form (crosshatched on U1 CCD drawings)The U2 PST Program applies to pumps and valves not previously transferred to WBN Unit 1 and identified in Tables 3 through 6 for which a preservice test will be required for WBN U2 operation.

A preservice test (for U2 construction purposes) is defined as a test performed in the preservice test period.1.2.2 Components previously transferred to WBN UI on the U1 ASME N-3 form (not crosshatched on Ul CCD drawings)The U2 PST Program does not apply to certain pumps and valves, previously transferred to WBN Unit I and within the Ul operational boundary, which may require preservice testing for two-unit operation at WBN. Those components will be addressed by the Ul Inservice Test (IST) Program.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 5 of 76 1.2.3 Components previously transferred to WBN U1 on the Ul ASME N-3 form (crosshatched on U1 CCD drawings)The U2 PST Program applies to certain pumps and valves, previously transferred to WBN Unit 1 and outside the UI operational boundary, which may require preservice testing for two-unit operation at WBN. Those components will be addressed by the U2 Preservice Test (PST) Program.


2.1 TVA Procedures A. NPG-SPP-09.1, ASME Code and Augmented Programs.2.2 TVA Drawings A. 47W331-1.B. 2-47W610-90-3.

C. 2-47W625-1.

D. 2-47W625-2.

E. 2-47W625-7.

F. 2-47W625-8.

G. 2-47W625-11.

H. 2-47W801-1.

I. 2-47W801-2.

J. 2-47W803-1.

K. 2-47W803-2.

L. 2-47W809-1.

M. 2-47W809-2.

N. 2-47W809-7.


Q. 2-47W812-1.

R. 2-47W813-1.

S. 2-47W814-2.

T. 2-47W819-1.

U. 2-47W830-1.

V. 2-47W830-6.

W. 2-47W845-2.

X. 2-47W845-3.

Y. 2-47W845-7.

Z. 47W846-2.AA, 2-47W848-1.

BB. 2-47W850-9.

CC. 2-47W851-1.

DD. 2-47W855-1.

EE. 2-47W856-1.

FF. 2-47W859-3 GG. 2-47W859-4.

HH. 2-47W865-5.

I1. 2-47W866-1.

2.3 Other

A. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants (OM), 2001 edition through 2003 addenda.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESER VICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 7 of 76 B.C.D.E.F.G.H.'I.J.K.L.M.N.0.P.Q.R.S.T.U.V.W WBN 2 Technical Specifications (when issued).NRC Generic Letter 89-04 (including Supplement 1), Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs WBN2-1-4002, Main Steam System.WBN2-3A-4002, Main Feedwater, Feedwater Control, and Injection Water.WBN2-3B-4002, Auxiliary Feedwater System.WBN2-15-4002, Steam Generator Blowdown System.WBN2-26-4002, High Pressure Fire Protection System.WBN2-30AB-4001, Auxiliary Building Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System.WBN2-30RB-4002, Reactor Building Ventilation System.WBN2-32-4002, Compressed Air System.WBN2-43-4001, Sampling and Water Quality System.WBN2-61-4001, Ice Condenser System.WBN2-62-4001, Chemical and Volume Control System.WBN2-63-4001, System Description for Safety Injection System.WBN2-67-4002, Essential Raw Cooling Water System.WBN2-68-4001, Reactor Coolant System.WBN2-70-4002, Component Cooling System.WBN2-72-4001, Containment Heat Removal Spray System.WBN2-74-4001, System Description for Residual Heat Removal System.WBN2-77A-4001, Gaseous Waste Disposal System.WBN2-77C-4001, Liquid Radwaste Processing System.WBN2-78-4001, System Description for Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleaning System.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 8 of 76 X. WBN2-81-4001, Primary Makeup Water System.3.0 PUMP PRESERVICE TESTING PROGRAM Except for relief requested under the provisions of 1 OCFR50.55a, the PST Program for pumps shall be conducted in accordance with ASME OM Code, ISTB, 2001 edition through 2003 addenda as summarized below. Table 3 summarizes the PST Program for pumps at WBN U2. Each Preservice Test Quantity to be measured is listed.3.1 Code Cases Adopted 3.1.1 OMN-6, Alternate Rules for Digital Instruments OMN-6 provides for allowing digital instruments to be utilized for testing such that the reference value does not exceed 90% of the calibrated range of the instrument.

This Code Case has been endorsed by the NRC per Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.192, June 2003 publication date.3.2 Pump Groups A. Group A Pumps -The OM Code defines Group A pumps as those pumps that are operated continuously or routinely during normal operation, cold shutdown, or refueling operations.

Watts Bar U2 considers the following pumps to be Group A pumps along with the basis for grouping: 1. Centrifugal Charging Pumps (CCPs)- The CCPs are utilized during plant operation for normal charging and letdown activities (the existing U2 Reciprocating Charging Pump is abandoned in place).2. Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (MDAFW) Pumps -The MDAFW pumps are utilized during startup to fill the steam generators and to maintain steam generator level prior to initiation of normal feedwater.

3. Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Pumps -The RHR pumps are required to operate when maintaining the plant in a cold shutdown condition.

B. Group B Pumps -The OM Code defines Group B pumps as those pumps in standby systems that are not operated routinely except for testing. WBN U2 considers the following pumps Group B pumps:

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 9 of 76 1. Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (TDAFW) Pump -This pump is not utilized during any plant operating evolution.

The pump remains in standby during all operating Modes, except during testing. This pump is required to operate only during accident or transient conditions in which it is credited for accident mitigation.

2. Containment Spray (CS) Pumps -The Containment Spray pumps are not utilized during any plant operating evolution.

The pumps remain in standby during all operating Modes, except during testing. The pumps are required to operate only during a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) or main steam line break (MSLB) inside containment for containment heat removal and pressure suppression.

3. Safety Injection System (SIS) Pumps -The SIS pumps remain in standby during all operating Modes, except during testing. These pumps are required to operate only during a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) to provide cooling to the reactor.3.3 Test Frequency A. Tech Spec frequency shall not be superseded by ASME frequency.

The provisions of Tech Spec 3.0.2 allowing the use of a +/-25% tolerance to specified test frequencies of 2 years or less listed in the Tech Spec may be applied.B. When plant conditions restrict the availability of some components for testing, testing may be delayed until plant conditions are made available.

C. Components tested during power ascension due to maintenance shall be considered inoperable until the post maintenance tests are completed.

D. ASME preservice pump testing (in the as-found condition where practical) shall be conducted quarterly (at least once every 92 days) for all pumps required to be operable.E. A comprehensive pump test is performed to establish the initial pump reference values and every 2 years thereafter.

F. ASME pumps lacking required fluid inventory shall be tested at least once every two years (at least once every 24 months).G. Pump testing shall continue through the preservice test period on operable equipment.

H. Pump performance may require increasing the test frequency to twice per quarter.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 10 of 76 I. Pumps in systems out of service for an extended period of time are not required to be tested but will be tested within the last 92 days prior to being returned to service or entry into an operational mode which requires the pump to be OPERABLE unless technical specifications allow otherwise.

J. Pump testing is required prior to returning to service following maintenance activities which could affect pump performance.

K. Pumps that are discovered to be out of frequency shall be subject to the requirements of TS Surveillance Requirement 3.0.3 and Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2005-020.4.0 VALVE PRESERVICE TESTING PROGRAM Except for relief requested under the provisions of IOCFR50.55a, the U2 PST Program for valves shall be conducted in accordance with ASME OM Code, ISTC, 2001 edition through 2003 addenda. Valves in WBN's safety related systems were reviewed and categorized.

Valves which were categorized as active in any category and passive valves categorized in Category A or B are listed in Table 4. Justifications for testing at a frequency other than as nominally required by the Code are listed numerically in Appendix A. Justification numbering is maintained the same as Unit I for consistency.

4.1 Containment

Isolation Valves (CIV)Valve leakage rates shall be subject to the analysis and corrective action of OM Code (ISTC-3600).

Category A valves or valve combinations shall have a permissible leakage rate specified by the owner. Valves or valve combinations with leakage rates exceeding the permissible rate shall be declared inoperable and either repaired or replaced.

A retest demonstrating satisfactory performance shall be performed prior to declaring the valve operable.

This requirement is satisfied within the Appendix J program for containment isolation valves. All Appendix J valves are also included in the PST Program as Class 2 components.

4.2 Pressure

Isolation Valves (PIV)A. These valves must be tested at least once in the preservice test period and once per 18 months thereafter.

B. Testing must be performed prior to entering mode 2 whenever the plant has been in mode 5 for 7 days or more and if leakage testing has not been performed in the previous 9 months.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 11 of 76 C. Testing must be performed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following valve actuation due to automatic or manual action or flow through the valve. The 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> clock will start after the flow through the valve(s) has been stopped. Surveillance Requirements and the associated bases allow delay when plant conditions needed for testing are not available in modes 3 or 4.D. Testing should be performed during startup after coming off RHR to eliminate multiple performances due to RHR flow through Cold Leg Primary and Secondary check valves.E. Testing at low RCS pressure will minimize personnel hazard and provide a conservative leak rate which provides early indication of potential problems.F. Testing must be performed prior to returning to mode 2 following maintenance, repair, or replacement work that could affect valve seating.G. A listing of PIVs is provided in Table 6.4.3 Fail Safe Actuators Valves which have a fail safe actuator are exercised using that actuator.

In most cases, the nature of the control circuitry used to stroke the valve is such that normal testing causes the fail safe actuator to operate the valve. Thus, the fail safe actuator is regularly tested when the valve is tested. In those cases where the fail safe actuator is not the normal source for operation of the valve, valve testing is performed using both the normal means of operation and the fail safe actuator.4.4 Passive Valves A. As specified in ISTC Table ISTC-3500-1, passive valves have no testing requirements other than verification of the accuracy of remote position indicators for valves so equipped and/or seat leakage testing if categorized as A-Passive.

The attached testing program provides for verification of the accuracy of the remote position indicators of passive valves which are in a flow path which is required to perform a safety function in order to mitigate the consequences of an accident, achieve the safe shutdown condition, or maintain the safe shutdown condition.

Provisions are also included for seat leakage testing of Category A-Passive valves. Passive valves which are within a non-safety related flow path are considered to be outside the scope of the PST program and are not tested as part of this program.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 12 of 76 B. WBN U2 also has valves in the Essential Raw Cooling Water and Component Cooling System that were originally equipped with remote position indicators and which are within or provide a flow boundary for a safety related flow path. These valves have been placed in their required safety position and administratively locked in place with the power supply breaker locked open. This action was taken to mitigate potential non-conservative action by the valves in the event of a fire (1OCFR50 Appendix R).None of these locked valves are required to change position to achieve or maintain the safe shutdown condition or to mitigate the consequences of an accident.

Since locking open the power breaker for these valves also disables the remote position indication, these valves are considered to be passive manual valves not equipped with remote position indicators.

Consequently the disabled indicators are not tested for accuracy of position indication.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERWCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 13 of 76 4.5 Testing of Category C-Active and AC-Active Check Valves A. Each check valve shall be exercise tested to both the open and closed position, regardless of safety direction.

B. Open and closed tests need only be performed at an interval when it is practicable to perform both tests, however both an open and closed test are required to be performed at least once during the preservice test period.C. Test order shall be determined by WBN U2.D. Open and closed tests are not required to be performed at the same time if they are performed in the preservice test period. However, if a check valve is exercised more often in one direction than may occur in the opposite direction, the more frequent testing may continue to be performed.

For example, pump discharge checks may be tested open multiple times in conjunction with pump preoperational testing, while the closure test may be performed only once.E. If two check valves are in a series configuration without provisions to verify individual reverse flow closure and the plant safety analysis assumes closure of either valve but not both, the valve pair may be tested as a unit. If the plant safety analysis assumes that a specific valve or both valves of the pair close to perform the safety function(s), the valve(s) shall be tested to demonstrate individual valve closure.F. The use of a mechanical exerciser to move the obturator is also an acceptable test.G. Disassembly inspection or Non-intrusive testing (NIT) may be used to document acceptable valve performance.

4.6 Check

Valve Condition Monitoring Program (CMP)A. As an alternative to the testing methods listed in Section 4.5 above, WBN U2 may establish a Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program [CKV-CMP]

per ISTC-5222 of the OM Code, subject to the limitations and modifications listed in 1 OCFR 50.55a(b)(3).

B. The purpose of this program is to both (a) improve check valve performance and (b)optimize testing, examination, and preventive maintenance activities in order to maintain the continuing acceptable performance of a select group of check valves.WBN U2 may implement this program on a valve or a group of similar valves.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 14 of 76 C. In general, valves that are grouped for disassembly inspection or NIT are included in the Condition Monitoring Program. Also, valves that credit Appendix J leak tests for the closure test are included to document and justify the extended frequency of testing.Valves included in the CKV-CMP are identified in the Alternate Frequency Justification column of the valve test table.D. The U2 Condition Monitoring Program will be setup to start with the Inservice Test period. Groups will be established and monitoring methods assigned.

Because there will be little or no actual operating or maintenance experience for U2 until after startup, the U2 CMP will be in the Interim period until sufficient information has been gathered to determine a Final plan for activities to be applied to the check valves in the program.4.7 Thermal Expansion Check Valves Several containment penetrations have been fitted with normally closed check valves designed to open to pass flow created by thermal expansion of fluid in the penetration.

The quantity of thermal expansion flow is so small that any opening of the check valve will allow it to pass its maximum required accident flow. Open testing will be performed by verifying the ability to pass any amount of flow. Flow will not be quantified.

4.8 Safety

and Relief Valves Requirements are developed from Appendix I of the 2001 edition through 2003 addenda, of the ASME OM Code.A. Set point verification is determined from test actuation using as the test media the fluid to which the valve is subject under operating conditions.

Specific acceptance values are identified in implementing instructions.

B. Seat leakage verification is determined by measuring actual leakage through the valve seat during testing. Specific acceptance values are identified in implementing instructions.

C. The relief valves are grouped for testing. All relief valves are tested at least once during the preservice test period. Relief valve groups are identified in Table 5.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 15 of 76 4.9 Thermal Relief Valves Some safety related systems, particularly those containing heat exchangers, have been provided with thermal relief valves (TRV). These TRVs are small capacity relief valves intended to relieve pressure due to thermal expansion of fluid in an isolated component.

The function of these valves is to protect equipment that is in a standby mode, that is, the equipment is not actively in service for accident mitigation or shutdown.Tests shall be performed at least once in the preservice test period on all class 2 and 3 relief devices used in a thermal relief application.

4.10 Testing of Solenoid Actuated Pilot Valves Many WBN U2 diaphragm actuated line valves are operated by a solenoid actuated pilot valve that cycles either to supply air to or to vent air from the diaphragm actuator.

Such pilot valves are considered part of the actuator and their function is adequately demonstrated when the line valve is exercised.

Such pilot valves are not individually exercised or stroke timed independent of the diaphragm actuated line valve. Where multiple trains of actuation exist [i.e., multiple solenoid actuated pilot valves performing redundant operation of a single line valve] the line valve is tested using each train of actuation independently.

This ensures that each solenoid actuated pilot valve is challenged by the line valve test.4.11 Testing In Conjunction with Cold Shutdowns For valves in which testing is deferred to cold shutdown, testing will commence within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after cold shutdown is achieved and will continue until all tests are complete or the plant is ready to return to power. The unit will not be kept in cold shutdown solely to complete cold shutdown testing unless the plant failed to begin the required cold shutdown testing within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of achieving the cold shutdown condition.

Any testing not completed at one shutdown will be performed at subsequent cold shutdowns.

For planned shutdowns in which sufficient time exists to complete the testing of all the valves identified to be tested at cold shutdown, exception may be taken to the 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> rule, provided all of the valves are tested prior to startup. As a minimum, all cold shutdown valves will be tested prior to initial startup. For shutdowns greater than 92 days, all cold shutdown testing shall be completed in the last 92 days of the shutdown.

For valves that fail their associated acceptance criteria during cold shutdown testing and which can only be tested at cold shutdown, corrective action shall be performed prior to restart. Additionally, some tests identified to be performed in conjunction with cold shutdowns cannot be performed during MODE 5 operation.

These tests are performed in operational MODE 3 or 4 either while shutting the unit down or while returning the unit to power operation.

Although these tests are not performed in MODE 5 (cold shutdown), they are considered to be tests performed in conjunction with cold shutdown because they cannot be performed unless the unit is removed from MODE 1 power operation.



FREQUENCY-01 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-1-4-T, 2-FCV-1-1 l-T, 2-FCV-1-22-T, 2-FCV-1 T (2-47W801-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Closes to interrupt loss of SG inventory through a ruptured main steam line. Provides flow boundary isolation between the seismically qualified and non-seismically qualified portions of the main steam system.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Closing these valves causes a loss of main steam flow from one steam generator which in turn causes a steam generator level transient, either of which could cause a unit trip and safety injection.

Valves are equipped with part stroke capability, however, even a part stroke exercise increases the risk of an inadvertent valve closure when the unit is operating.

In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation, these valves should only be stroke time tested with steam on the valve. Therefore, stroke time testing can only be performed during MODE 3 operation, which is during the startup or shutdown sequence.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise and stroke time to the closed position during Hot Functional Testing and/or initial startup.2.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-02 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-1-17-A, 2-FCV-1-18-B (2-47W803-2)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Closes to prevent blowdown of main steam in the event of failure of the steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump or of the main steam piping to the pump.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Testing these valves to close completely isolates the steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump from its source of steam. Failure of either valve to reopen will cause a complete loss of auxiliary feedwater for the loss of all AC power or station blackout accidents.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdown, not to exceed once per quarter in the preservice test period.

NGDC WAT TS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 17 of 76 Appendix A (Page 2 of 19)3.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-03 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-1-147-A, 2-FCV-1-148-B, 2-FCV-1-149-A, 2-FCV-1-150-B (2-47W801-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Closes to interrupt loss of SG inventory through a ruptured main steam line and to provide flow boundary isolation between the seismically qualified and non-seismically qualified portions of the main steam system during the startup phase of plant operation when the valves are open to provide steam line warming.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-The control circuitry for these valves has been modified to require the valves to be de-energized when unit startup is complete.

The valves are maintained in the de-energized and closed condition during power operation.

This modification was made to alleviate 1 OCFR50 Appendix R fire interactions from causing the valves to come open in a spurious fashion. Since the only time period in which these valves serve an active function is during startup, it is not prudent to restore power to the valve and place the valve, which is normally maintained in its fail safe condition, in other than its safe condition.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the closed position in conjunction with shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter in the preservice test period.4.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-04 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-72-40-A, 2-FCV-72-41-B (2-47W812-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Opens to admit RHR pump flow to the RHR Spray Headers C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-These valves are electrically interlocked with containment sump valves 2-FCV-63-72-A and 2-FCV-63-73-B in such a manner that the sump valves must be opened to allow the spray valves to open. Opening the containment sump valves with the system filled during operation requires either draining an extensive portion of the RHR system or allowing it to drain to the containment sump. Draining and refilling these lines requires a considerable amount of time and system inoperability.

Allowing the affected piping to drain to the sump could require extensive cleanup time.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the open position once in the preservice test period.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 18 of 76 Appendix A (Page 3 of 19)5.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-05 A. Affected Component(s) CKV-3-508, 2-CKV-3-509, 2-CKV-3-510, 2-CKV-3-511 (2-47W803-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Closes to interrupt main feedwater to prevent a rapid primary side cooldown in the event of a main steam line break and or to prevent loss of steam generator water inventory in the event of a break in the main feedwater line before the isolation valve.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising these valves during power operation causes a loss of feedwater to the Steam Generator they supply which in turn causes a steam generator level transient, either of which could result in unit trip and safety injection.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise the CKVs to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter in the preservice test period. Bi-directional open test is verified during normal operations.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 19 of 76 Appendix A (Page 4 of 19)6.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-06 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-3-33-A, 2-FCV-3-35, 2-FCV-3-35A, 2-FCV-3-47-B, 2-FCV-3-48, 2-FCV-3-48A, 2-FCV-3-87-A, 2-FCV-3-90, 2-FCV-3-90A, 2-FCV-3-100-B, 2-FCV-3-103, 2-FCV-3-103A, 2-FCV-3-185, 2-FCV-3-186, 2-FCV-3-187, 2-FCV-3-188, 2-FCV-3-236, 2-FCV-3-239, 2-FCV-3-242, 2-FCV-3-245 (2-47W803-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Closes to interrupt main feedwater to prevent a rapid primary side cool down in the event of a main steam line break and or to prevent loss of steam generator water inventory in the event of a break in the main feedwater line before the isolation valve.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising these valves during power operation causes a change of feedwater flow to the Steam Generator they supply which in turn causes a steam generator level transient, either of which could result in unit trip and safety injection.

Stroke time testing of the FCVs is normally performed in mode 3 during shutdown for a refueling when isolation of feedwater is performed.

The test procedure is written to allow performance during modes 5 and/or 6, but performance in these modes requires extensive lifting/re-landing of permanent wiring and installation/removal of jumpers and test switches to allow testing of individual valves.Modes 5 and 6 performance is only used for Post Maintenance Testing purposes on a valve-by-valve bases.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise and stroke time the FCVs to the closed position at the end of Hot Functional Testing prior to initial startup.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESER VICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 20 of 76 Appendix A (Page 5 of 19)7.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-07 A. Affected Component(s) CKV-3-805-A, 2-CKV-3-806-B, 2-CKV-3-810-S, 2-CKV-3-864-S (2-47W803-2)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Open to admit auxiliary feedwater to the steam generators during loss of main feedwater.

Valves 2-CKV-3-805-A, 2-CKV-3-806-B and 2-CKV-3-810-S also close when the Condensate Storage Tank is exhausted to provide a flow boundary for ERCW going to the pump suction.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising these valves to their safeguard position requires operating the AFW pumps at full flow to the steam generators while the steam generators are pressurized.

The resulting introduction of cold water into the steam generator will cause undesirable thermal fatigue cycles on the feedwater piping and SG feedwater nozzles and will cause level transients due to SG shrink that could result in unit trip and unnecessary actuation of the safety injection system. Testing the valves during return to power operation following shutdowns would delay startup of the plant because the test is performed in mode 3 in order to flow to the steam generators at full steam generator pressure.

Valves 2-CKV-3-805-A, 2-CKV-3-806-B and 2-CKV-3-81 0-S close test will be performed at the same frequency as the open test as allowed by ISTC-3522(a).

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise the four valves to the open position once during the preservice test period. Full stroke. exercise valves*2-CKV-3-805-A, 2-CKV-3-806-B, and 2-CKV-3-810-S to the closed position once during the preservice test period. Bidirectional close testing of 2-CKV-3-864-S will be performed at the same frequency as permitted by ISTC-3522(a).


B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Valve 2-FCV-62-84-A closes to prevent the loss of reactor coolant system inventory through a break in the Code Class 2 piping behind it and opens to provide auxiliary spray during certain reactor transients.

C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising this valve during power operation results in initiation of auxiliary RCS spray. This causes a quenching effect on the Pressurizer steam volume, resulting in a drop in RCS pressure and an increase in Pressurizer level. Actuation of auxiliary spray flow also adversely impacts the fatigue evaluation, which accounts for and limits the number of thermal stress cycles to be experienced by the nozzles associated with auxiliary spray.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise 2-FCV-62-84-A in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter in the preservice test period.9.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-09 A. Affected Component(s) CKV-32-343, 2-CKV-32-333-A, 2-CKV-32-323-B, 2-FCV-32-81 -A, 2-FCV-32-103-B, 2-FCV-32-1 11-B (2-47W848-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Closes to provide containment isolation C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising these valves to the closed position interrupts the air supply to a number of critical instruments and valves inside containment.

Failure of these valves to reopen could cause unstable operation and unit trip by allowing all of the valves and instruments to assume their failed condition.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter in the preservice test period. Bi-directional open test of the check valves is verified at the same frequency as permitted by ISTC-3522(a).

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 22 of 76 Appendix A (Page 7 of 19)10.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-10 A. Affected Component(s) CKV-61-658, 2-CKV-61-659, 2-CKV-61-660, 2-CKV-61-661, 2-CKV-61-662, 2-CKV-61-663, 2-CKV-61-664, 2-CKV-61-665, 2-CKV-61-666, 2-CKV-61-667, 2-CKV-61-668, 2-CKV-61-669, 2-CKV-61-670, 2-CKV-61-671, 2-CKV-61-672, 2-CKV-61-673, 2-CKV-61-674, 2-CKV-61-675, 2-CKV-61-676, 2-CKV-61-677 (2-47W814-2)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Opens during ice melt portion of an accident to drain water into lower compartment to prevent water level in the ice storage compartment from interfering with the operation of the lower inlet doors.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Valves are installed on the end of the ice condenser drains inside the biological shield in the lower compartment.

Radiation levels in this area during operation prevent entry. The drains are located some distance from the floor, requiring the construction of scaffolding to reach. Therefore it is impractical to try to test the valves during a cold shutdown.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise the valve open and closed manually once during the preservice test period.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 23 of 76 Appendix A (Page 8 of 19)11.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-11 A. Affected Component(s) CKV-62-504-S, 2-CKV-62-525-A, 2-CKV-62-532-B (2-47W809-1) 2-CKV-63-510-S, 2-CKV-63-524-A, 2-CKV-63-526-B, 2-CKV-63-543-A, 2-CKV-63-545-A, 2-CKV-63-547-B, 2-CKV-63-549-B, 2-CKV-63-551-S, 2-CKV-63-553-S, 2-CKV-63-555-S, 2-CKV-63-557-S, 2-CKV-63-558-B, 2-CKV-63-559-B, 2-CKV-63-581-S, 2-CKV-63-586-S, 2-CKV-63-587-S, 2-CKV-63-588-S, 2-CKV-63-589-S (2-47W81 1-1)B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Valves are part of the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS). Open to admit flow from the refueling water storage tank through their respective ECCS pumps to the reactor vessel during accidents involving loss of primary system inventory.

Several of the valves also close to provide a flow boundary (i.e., prevent reverse flow through a shutdown pump or provide second isolation to RWST during recirculation phase operation).

C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-The centrifugal charging pumps cannot be run at full flow through their associated valves without causing undesirable RCS temperature and/or boron concentration changes resulting in changes in reactivity during operations which could result in a plant trip and subsequent safety injection actuation or causing undesirable thermal cyclic stresses which would eventually use all of the design basis for thermal cycles due to a Safety Injection.

The safety injection pumps do not develop sufficient head to deliver to the reactor vessel during normal operation.

Letdown capacity precludes testing during MODE 5 without compromising cold overpressure protection provisions.

Full stroke exercising 2-CKV-62-504-S or 2-CKV-63-510-S to the closed position renders both trains of their respective systems inoperable.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the open position once during the preservice test period. Full stroke exercise valves 2-CKV-62-504-S and 2-CKV-63-510-S to the closed position once during the preservice test period.


B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Opens to pass emergency boration flow to the CCP suction.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Passing emergency boration flow through this valve during operation results in undesirable boration of the RCS. This could cause undesirable changes in rod position to compensate for the negative reactivity insertion.

Testing during cold shutdown would also cause a negative reactivity insertion which could adversely affect the length of time required to dilute to an operating boron concentration or adversely impact the reactivity balance during shutdown conditions.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the open and closed position once during the preservice test period.14.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-14 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-62-61-B, 2-FCV-62-63-A (2-47W809-1)

B. Function of Affected Components-Closes to provide containment isolation.

C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising valves during operation would cause loss of seal water return to and potentially damage the reactor coolant pump seals, resulting in high seal losses with resultant maintenance, contamination and clean up problems.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 25 of 76 Appendix A (Page 10 of 19)15.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-15 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-62-69-A, 2-FCV-62-70-A, 2-FCV-62-77-B, 2-FCV-62-90-A, 2-FCV-62-91-B (2-47W809-1)

B. Function of Affected Components FCV-62-69-A and 2-FCV-62-70-A close in response to a low Pressurizer level, prior to receipt of a reactor trip to isolate the Code Class 2 piping behind them. 2-FCV-62-90-A and 2-FCV-62-91-B close to isolate the normal charging and letdown lines during a safety injection.

2-FCV-62-77-B closes to provide containment isolation.

C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising these valves to the position required to fulfill their safety function causes a loss of flow in either the charging or letdown portions of the Chemical and Volume Control System. As described in the Westinghouse letter to TVA, WAT-D-8347 (RIMS T33 911231 810), isolation of the charging and letdown lines during operation can result in a thermal transient at the charging nozzle of from 500 degrees F to 70 degrees F in a two to five minute period.This results in an increase in the fatigue usage factor beyond that assumed for the original design analysis of these systems.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise the valves to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 26 of 76 Appendix A (Page 11 of 19)16.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-16 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-62-1228-A, 2-FCV-62-1229-B, 2-LCV-62-132-A, 2-LCV-62-133-B, 2-LCV-62-135-A, 2-LCV-62-136-B (2-47W809-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-The LCVs change position to realign charging pump suction from the Volume Control Tank to the RWST during safety injection.

The FCVs are normally open to vent hydrogen from the charging pump suction but change position to provide a flow boundary during safety injection.

C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Cycling these valves during operation results in the charging pumps taking suction from the RWST for normal charging requirements.

This will result in addition of borated water which has a different boron concentration than that in the reactor coolant system since the likelihood of both the RWST and the RCS being at the same boron concentration at the same time is very small. The change in boron concentration in the RCS caused by charging from the RWST during testing would cause unstable unit operation, especially if any of the valves fail to return to their normal position.

The FCVs are electrically interlocked with the LCVs in such a manner that if they are stroked independently of the LCVs, position indication and consequently the ability to time the valves is lost.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise 2-FCV-62-1228-A, 2-FCV-62-1229-B, 2-LCV-62-132-A and 2-LCV-62-133-B to the closed position and 2-LCV-62-135-A and 2-LCV-62-136-B to the open position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period.17.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-17 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-74-1-A, 2-FCV-74-2-B, 2-FCV-74-8-A, 2-FCV-74-9-B (2-47W81 0-1)B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Opens to provide decay heat removal for cooling to the cold shutdown condition.

C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising the valve during operation would result in over pressurizing the RHR piping, causing a loss of both trains of a safety system.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the open position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESER VICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 27 of 76 Appendix A (Page 12 of 19)18.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-18 A. Affected Component(s) CKV-63-502-S, 2-CKV-63-632-A, 2-CKV-63-633-B, 2-CKV-63-634-A, 2-CKV-63-635-B, 2-CKV-63-640-S, 2-CKV-63-641-S, 2-CKV-63-643-S, 2-CKV-63-644-S (2-47W81 1-1)2-CKV-74-514-A, 2-CKV-74-515-B, 2-CKV-74-544-A, 2-CKV-74-545-B (2-47W810-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Opens to admit flow from the RHR pumps to the reactor during LOCA or post LOCA recovery.

Valves 2-CKV-74-544-A and 2-CKV-74-545-B also close to prevent dead heading the weaker pump when at minimum flow (i.e., when RCS pressure is at or near the pressure available during minimum flow operation) during all modes except shutdown cooling. Valves 2-CKV-74-514-A and 2-CKV-74-515-B also close to prevent recirculation of RHR flow through a tripped pump during the shutdown cooling mode when both trains are in service.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-The RHR pumps do not develop sufficient head to open the valves during power operation.

With the RHR pump suction being supplied from the normal loop 4 suction path during shutdown and discharging to a closed vessel, the pumps cannot develop sufficient flow to satisfy the full flow requirements for the check valves. In order to achieve full flow, the vessel must be open and the pump suction taken from the RWST. Valves 2-CKV-74-514-A and 2-CKV-74-515-B cannot be exposed to the pressure of a running RHR pump during plant operation without opening 2-HCV-74-36 and 2-HCV-74-37.

Opening these valves or back-seating 2-CKV-63-502-S adversely affects both trains of a safety system. Valves 2-CKV-74-544-A and 2-CKV-74-545-B can only be back seated during operation.

While in shut down conditions, the valve alignments necessary to back-seat these valves adversely affects both trains of a safety system.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the open position once during the preservice test period. Full stroke exercise 2-CKV-74-544-A and 2-CKV-74-545-B to the closed position quarterly during operation.

Full stroke exercise 2-CKV-63-502-S to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period. Full stroke exercise 2-CKV-74-514-A and 2-CKV-74-515-B to the closed position once during the preservice test period.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 28 of 76 Appendix A (Page 13 of 19)19.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-19 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-63-1 -A, 2-FCV-63-5-B (2-47W81 1-1)B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Closes when the associated pump suction (either RHR or SIS) is transferred from the RWST to the containment sump following a LOCA.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising valve during operation results in losing suction from RWST to both trains of a safety system. If valve fails to reopen both trains of the affected safety system would be made inoperable.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period.20.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-20 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-63-3-A (2-47W81 1-1)B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Valve is closed to prevent flow to the RWST during the recirculation phase of a LOCA.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising valve during operation results in isolating the recirculation line to both trains of safety injection pumps. Failure of the valve to reopen would make both trains of a safety system inoperable.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period.


B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Opened to establish suction flow path from the RHR pumps to safety injection and/or centrifugal charging pumps during the recirculation phase of a LOCA.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Both valves are electrically interlocked with the safety injection pump recirculation isolation valves 2-FCV-63-3-A, 2-FCV-63-4-B and 2-FCV-63-175-B in such a manner that both trains of the Safety Injection System will have their minimum flow recirculation path isolated to cycle either valve. Isolation of these recirculation paths adversely affects both trains of a safety system and could cause failure of both trains. Additionally, the valves are interlocked with the containment sump suction valves in such a manner that they must be fully open to allow these valves to operate. Opening the containment sump valves during operation requires either draining an extensive portion of the RHR system or allowing it to drain to the containment sump. Draining and refilling these lines requires a considerable amount of time and system inoperability.

Allowing the affected piping to drain to the sump requires extensive cleanup time. [See also AF-25]D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the open position once during the preservice test period.22.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-22 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-63-22-B (2-47W81 1-1)B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Closed when safety injection pumps are placed on hot leg recirculation after a LOCA.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising valve during operation isolates both trains of safety injection from their normal flow path to the cold legs. Failure of the valve to reopen results in total loss of system function.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 30 of 76 Appendix A (Page 15 of 19)23.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-23 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-63-25-B, 2-FCV-63-26-A (2-47W811-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Valves are part of the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) and open to admit flow from the centrifugal charging pumps to the reactor vessel during accidents involving loss of primary system pressure.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Charging header pressure during normal operation exceeds the pressure downstream of the check valves associated with these FCVs. If the FCVs are opened for testing, the pressure in the charging header will initiate flow through the high head safety injection system piping. This will: 1. Cause Pressurizer level transients, due to the additional water being added to the RCS, which will cause unstable operation and may result in unit trip and subsequent initiation of the entire safety injection system.2. Cause a thermal stress transient in the associated piping which will have to be counted as one of the limited number of safety injection system actuations permitted during the design life of the plant.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the open position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, but not more often than once per quarter during the preservice test period.24.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-24 Not Used for WBN Unit 2 NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERWCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 31 of 76 Appendix A (Page 16 of 19)25.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-25 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-63-72-A, 2-FCV-63-73-B (2-47W81 1-1)2-FCV-72-44-A, 2-FCV-72-45-B (2-47W812-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Opens to allow safety related systems to take suction from containment sump.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Opening the containment sump isolation valves during operation requires either draining an extensive portion of the RHR and CS systems or allowing it to drain to the containment sump. Draining and refilling these lines requires a considerable amount of time and system inoperability.

Allowing the affected piping to drain to the sump requires extensive cleanup time. [See also AF-20]D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the open position once during the preservice test period.26.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-26 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-63-93-A, 2-FCV-63-94-B, 2-FCV-63-172-B (2-47W81 1-1)2-FCV-74-33-A, 2-FCV-74-35-B (2-47W810-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-All except 2-FCV-63-172-B are open during ECCS injection mode to allow either train of RHR to provide injection flow to all four RHR injection lines. The valves are closed to establish the flow boundary during the hot leg recirculation phase of a LOCA. 2-FCV-63-172B is normally closed and remains closed during the injection phase of a LOCA but opens to initiate hot leg recirculation.

C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Closing any one of the four normally open valves causes operation in an unanalyzed condition by isolating two of the four cold legs from the RHR pumps. Opening 2-FCV-63-172-B would require closure of 2-FCV-74-33-A and 2-FCV-63-35-B to avoid having RHR aligned to hot leg injection and cold leg injection simultaneously.

Since these valves cannot be closed without affecting both trains of RHR, 2-FCV-63-172-B cannot be opened.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise 2-FCV-63-93-A, 2-FCV-63-94-B, 2-FCV-74-33-A, and 2-FCV-74-35-B to the closed position and 2-FCV-63-172-B to the open position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter in the event of frequent cold shutdowns.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESER VICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 32 of 76 Appendix A (Page 17 of 19)27.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-27 Not Used for WBN Unit 2 28.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-28 J A. Affected Component(s) FSV-68-394-A, 2-FSV-68-395-B, 2-FSV-68-396-B, 2-FSV-68-397-A, (2-47W813-1)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-These FSVs open to provide a reactor head vent and close to terminate a reactor head vent.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-These valves are solenoid to open and spring to close. With any single valve open for stroke time testing, the remaining valves are required to seat against full RCS pressure upstream with the downstream pressure at Pressurizer Relief Tank pressure.

If the valves that remain closed are not well seated, stroking of a single valve to the open position while at power could result in leakage from the RCS in excess of the TS limits or depressurization of the RCS. Failure of any single valve to reclose would leave a single valve to prevent leakage from the RCS.D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the open position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 33 of 76 Appendix A (Page 18 of 19)29.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-29 A. Affected Component(s) FCV-67-83-B, 2-FCV-67-87-A, 2-FCV-67-88-B, 2-FCV-67-89-A, 2-FCV-67-91-B, 2-FCV-67-95-A, 2-FCV-67-96-B, 2-FCV-67-97-A, 2-FCV-67-99-A, 2-FCV-67-103-B, 2-FCV-67-104-A, 2-FCV-67-105-B, 2-FCV-67-107-A, 2-FCV-67-1 1 -B, 2-FCV-67-112-A, 2-FCV-67-113-B (2-47W845-3) 2-CKV-70-679, 2-FCV-70-87-B, 2-FCV-70-89-B, 2-FCV-70-90-A, 2-FCV-70-92-A, 2-FCV-70-1 00-A, 2-FCV-70-133-A, 2-FCV-70-134-B, 2-FCV-70-140-B (2-47W859-3)

B. Function of Affected Component(s) FCV-70-133-A closes to provide a second train of isolation to interrupt a potential source of dilution water to the containment sump. The remaining valves are containment isolation valves.C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Exercising these valves during operation causes a loss of flow to the associated equipment (Lower Compartment Coolers, Control Rod Drive Mechanism Coolers, Reactor Coolant Pump [RCP] Motor Coolers, RCP oil coolers, and/or RCP Thermal Barrier Coolers).

In many cases [i.e., RCP Pump Oil Coolers or RCP Thermal Barrier Coolers] loss of flow to the associated equipment for even a brief period of time could easily result in failure of the associated equipment, unit trip, and potentially even a safety injection.

Failure of the remaining valves to reopen would cause a sustained loss of flow to the associated equipment and would result in the same consequences.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise the valves to the closed position in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period. Bidirectional opening test of 2-CKV-70-679 will be performed quarterly.

NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST' PROJECT PRESERWlCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 34 of 76 Appendix A (Page 19 of 19)30.0 ALTERNATE FREQUENCY-30 A. Affected Component(s) CKV-68-849, 2-CKV-63-868 (2-47W830-6)

B. Function of Affected Component(s)

-Closes to provide Containment Isolation C. Basis for Alternative Frequency

-Cycling these closed valves during power operation interrupts the nitrogen supply inside containment to a number of components and systems. Additionally personnel radiation exposure and valve inaccessibility prohibit quarterly exercising of these valves. ISTC-3522(a) permits scheduling both the open and the close tests at the same frequency.

D. Proposed Alternative Frequency

-Full stroke exercise to the closed position and perform the bidirectional open test in conjunction with cold shutdowns, not to exceed once per quarter during the preservice test period.

.NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 35 of 76 Table 1 Abbreviations (Pump) Abbreviations DP Differential Pressure Q Quarterly Group A or Group B test CPT Comprehensive Pump Test (Valve) Abbreviations TVA system identification number. See Table 2 for system numbers and corresponding names.CLASS ASME Code Class COORD Drawing coordinates where valve/pump is located CAT Valve category; A, B, C, active or passive SIZE Nominal valve diameter in inches TYPE Valve type ANG *Angle body valve BTFY Butterfly valve BYV Bypass Valve CKV Check valve FCV Flow Control Valve FSV Flow Solenoid Valve GATE Gate valve GLOBE Globe valve ISV Isolation Valve SFV Safety or relief valve ACTR Valve Actuator DIAPH Diaphragm Actuator CYL Air, hydraulic or other high pressure fluid cylinder actuator MAN Manual Actuator MOV Motor Operated Actuator SELF Self Actuating (check or relief)SOL Solenoid Actuator NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVIfCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 36 of 76 Table I (Valve) Abbreviations Position in which a valve is assumed to be prior to being called upon to perform its NPOSI function.

This may not be the position in which a valve is shown on the TVA Flow Diagrams (47W800 series drawings).

O-Open, C-Closed, B-Both, E-Either The position to which a valve must travel to fulfill its specific function.

This is the APOSI position to which valves are exercised during their exercising test. O-Open, C-Closed, B-Both BDC Check Valve Bi-directional Closed (NOT a safety function)BDO Check Valve Bi-directional Open (NOT a safety function)CMP Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program CVC Check Valve Closure CVO Check Valve Open ET Exercise test (no timing)FSC Fail Safe Closed (same frequency as the exercise)FSO Fail Safe Open (same frequency as the exercise)TESTS LK Leak Test other than App J or PIV MS Manual Stroke (frequency is 2 YR)RPI Remote Position Indication (frequency is 2 YR)SLTJ Seat Leakage Test in accordance with Appendix J SLTP Seat Leakage Test for pressure isolation (Tech Spec frequency) includes CVC STC Exercise and stroke time closed STO Exercise and stroke time open RV Relief Valve Test TRV Thermal Relief Valve Test Q Quarterly CMP Frequency established by the Check Valve Condition Monitoring Plan FREQUENCY CSD Cold Shutdown PS Preservice Test period DIF Disassemble Inspection Frequency by Group NO Normal Operations

-at least once during the Preservice Test period NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 37 of 76 Table 2 System Identification Numbers System Number System Name 01 Main Steam 03 Feedwater 26 High Pressure Fire Protection 30 Ventilation 31 Chilled Water 32 Control Air 33 Service Air 43 Sampling 52 System Test Facility 59 Demineralized Water 61 Ice Condenser Containment 62 Chemical and Volume Control 63 Safety Injection 67 Essential Raw Cooling Water 68 Reactor Coolant 70 Component Cooling 72 Containment Spray 74 Residual Heat Removal 77 Waste Disposal 78 Spent Fuel Cooling 81 Primary Water 84 Flood Mode Boration 90 Radiation Monitoring NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERWCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 38 of 76 Table 3 Summary Listing of Pumps NOTE Per ISTB-3530 and Table ISTB-3000-1, rotational speed measurements are only required for variable speed pumps. Pumps marked NR are powered by synchronous or induction motors.ASME Diff Flow Pump Code Pump Press (Dp) Rate Vib (Vel) Pump Relief Pump UNID Group Drawing Class Type CPT CPT Q I CPT Speed Requests Auxiliary Feed Water (Motor)2-PM P-3-1 18-A [ 11 [2-PMP-3-128-B A 2-47W803-2 3 Centrifugal Q 2Y Q 2Y Q 2Y NR None 2-PMP-3-.128-BI Auxiliary Feed Water (Steam)2-PMP-3-2A-S B 2-47W803-2 3 Centrifugal I Q[ 2Y Q 2Y _NR I2 I I[ None Centrifugal Charging 2-PMP-62-108-A 2-PMP-62-104-B A 2-47W809-1 2 Centrifugal Q 2Y Q 2Y Q 2Y NR None Safety Injection 2-PMP-63-105-BA 2781.1 I1 1 2-PM2P-63-111-1 2 Centrifugal Q 2Y 2Y NR 2Y NR None 2-PMP-63-15-BI I I NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERWCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 39 of 76 Table 3 Pump ASME Pump Diff Flow Pump Relief Pump UNID Group Drawing Code Type I Press (Dp) Rate Vib (Vel) Speed Requests Containment Spray 2-PMP-72-27-A 2PMP72 B 2-47W812-1 2 Centrifugal Q 2Y Q 2Y NR 2Y NR None Residual Heat Removal 2-PMP-74-10-A 2-PMP-74 A 2-47W810-1 2 Centrifugal Q 2Y Q 2Y Q 2Y NR None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 40 of 76 Table 4 Summary Listing of Valves C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 P p ALT.. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.Drawing Number 2-47W801-1 2-FCV-1-4-T 1 2 C-3 B-Act 32 GLOBE CYL 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-01 None 2-FCV-1-11-T 1 2 E-3 B-Act 32 GLOBE CYL 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-01 None 2-FCV-1-22-T 1 2 F-3 B-Act 32 GLOBE CYL 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-01 None 2-FCV-1-29-T 1 2 A-3 B-Act 32 GLOBE CYL 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-01 None 2-FCV-1-147-A 1 2 C-3 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/CSD FSC RPI AF-03 None 2-FCV-1-148-B 1 2 E-3 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/CSD FSC RPI AF-03 None 2-FCV-1-149-A 1 2 G-3 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STCICSD FSC RPI AF-03 None 2-FCV-1-150-B 1 2 B-3 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/CSD FSC RPI AF-03 None 2-PCV-1-5-T 1 2 C-2 B-Act 6 GLOBE DIAPH C B STO/PS STC/PS FSC RPI None None 2-PCV-1-12-T 1 2 D-2 B-Act 6 GLOBE DIAPH C B STO/PS STC/PS FSC RPI None None 2-PCV-1-23-T 1 2 F-2 B-Act 6 GLOBE DIAPH C B STO/PS STC/PS FSC RPI None None 2-PCV-1-30-T 1 2 A-2 B-Act 6 GLOBE DIAPH C B STO/PS STC/PS FSC RPI None None 2-ISV-1-619 1 2 C-2 B-Act 6 GATE MAN 0 C MS None None 2-ISV-1-620 1 2 D-2 B-Act 6 GATE MAN 0 C MS None None 2-ISV-1-621 1 2 F-2 B-Act 6 GATE MAN 0 C MS None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN PROCEDURE WBN-2 PST REVISION I Page 41 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-ISV-1-622 1 2 A-2 B-Act 6 GATE MAN 0 C MS None None 2-SFV-1-512 1 2 F-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-513 1 2 F-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-514 1 2 F-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1 -515 1 2 F-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-516 1 2 F-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-517 1 2 D-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-518 1 2 D-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-519 1 2 D-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-520 1 2 D-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-521 1 2 D-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-522 1 2 B-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C o RV None None 2-SFV-1-523 1 2 B-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-524 1 2 B-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-525 1 2 B-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-526 1 2 B-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-527 1 2 A-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-528 1 2 A-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 42 of 76 Table 4 C c N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-SFV-1-529 1 2 A-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-530 1 2 A-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-SFV-1-531 1 2 A-2 C-Act 6x10 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None Drawing Number 2-47W801-2 2-FCV-1-7-B 1 2 C-4 B-Act 4 GLOBE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-1-14-A 1 2 E-4 B-Act 4 GLOBE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-1-25-B 1 2 G-4 B-Act 4 GLOBE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-1 A 1 2 B-4 B-Act 4 GLOBE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-1-181-A 1 2 D-2 B-Act 4 GLOBE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-1 -1 82-B 1 2 F-2 B-Act 4 GLOBE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-1-183-A 1 2 H-2 B-Act 4 GLOBE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-1-184-B 1 2 B-2 B-Act 4 GLOBE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None Drawing Number 2-47W803-1 2-CKV-3-508 3 2 F-2 C-Act 16 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CSD BDO/NO AF-05 None 2-CKV-3-509 3 2 E-2 C-Act 16 CKV SELF 0 C CVCICSD BDO/NO AF-05 None 2-CKV-3-510 3 2 C-2 C-Act 16 CKV SELF 0 C CVCICSD BDO/NO AF-05 None 2-CKV-3-511 3 2 B-2 C-Act 16 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CSD BDO/NO AF-05 None 2-CKV-3-638 3 2 A-3 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 43 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-3-644 3 2 A-1 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-645 3 2 A-1 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-652 3 2 C-2 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-655 3 2 C-1 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-656 3 2 C-1 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVCICMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-669 3 2 D-2 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-670 3 2 E-1 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVCICMP CVOICMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-678 3 2 E-2 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVCICMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-679 3 2 F-1 C-Act 6 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-3-33-A 3 2 C-3 B-Act 16 GATE MOV 0 C STCIPS RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-35 3

  • C-4 B-Act 16 ANG DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-35A 3 N C-4 B-Act 6 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STCIPS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-47-B 3 2 E-3 B-Act 16 GATE MOV 0 C STC/PS RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-48 3
  • E-4 B-Act 16 ANG DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-48A 3 N D-4 B-Act 6 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-87-A 3 2 F-3 B-Act 16 GATE MOV 0 C STC/PS RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-90 3
  • B-4 B-Act 16 ANG DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-103A 3 N A-4 B-Act 6 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-185 3 2 C-2 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-186 3 2 E-2 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-187 3 2 G-2 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STCIPS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-188 3 2 B-2 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-236 3 2 C-3 B-Act 6 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-239 3 2 D-3 B-Act 6 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-242 3 2 F-3 B-Act 6 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None 2-FCV-3-245 3 2 A-3 B-Act 6 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/PS FSC RPI AF-06 None* ASME Section III, Class 3 valve installed in a non-ASME Code Class piping system.Drawing Number 2-47W803-2, 2-CKV-1-891-S 1 2 C-3 C-Act 4 CKV SELF C B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-1-892-S 1 2 A-3 C-Act 4 CKV SELF C B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-1-15-A 1 2 C-2 B-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-1-16-A 1 2 A-2 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-1-17-A 1 3 B-4 B-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-02 None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 45 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SiZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FCV-1-18-B 1 2 B-4 B-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-02 None 2-FCV-1-51-S I N B-6 B-Act 4 GATE Note I B B STO/Q STC/Q RPI None None Note 1: This valve has a motor operator for normal open/close functions and a spring actuator for trip closure.2-CKV-3-805-A 3 3 D-5 C-Act 8 CKV SELF B B CVO/PS CVC/PS AF-07 None 2-CKV-3-806-B 3 3 D-7 C-Act 8 CKV SELF B B CVO/PS CVC/PS AF-07 None 2-CKV-3-810-S 3 3 C-4 C-Act 10 CKV SELF B B CVOIPS CVC/PS AF-07 None 2-CKV-3-814-A 3 3 E-5 C-Act 1.5 CKV SELF B B CVO/Q CVC/Q None None 2-CKV-3-815-B 3 3 E-6 C-Act 1.5 CKV SELF B B CVO/Q CVC/Q None None 2-CKV-3-818-S 3 3 B-6 C-Act 1.5 CKV SELF B B CVO/Q CVC/Q None None 2-CKV-3-830-B 3 2 G-2 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-831-A 3 2 E-2 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-832-A 3 2 C-2 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-833-B 3 2 B-2 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-861-B 3 2 G-1 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-862-A 3 2 E-1 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-864-S 3 3 C-6 C-Act 6 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-07 None 2-CKV-3-871-S 3 2 G-2 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-872-S 3 2 E-2 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 46 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L O P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-3-873-S 3 2 C-2 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVCICMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-874-S 3 2 A-2 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVCjCMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-921-B 3 2 G-1 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-3-922-A 3 2 F-1 C-Act 4 CKV SELF B B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-3-355 3 3 E-5 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-3-359 3 3 E-6 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-3-116A-A 3 3 E-6 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-3-116B-A 3 3 E-6 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-3-126A-B 3 3 E-7 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-3-126B-B 3 3 E-7 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-3-136A-A 3 3 CA B-Act 6 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-3-136B-A 3 3 C-4 B-Act 6 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-3-179A-B 3 3 C-4 B-Act 6 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-3-179B-B 3 3 C-4 B-Act 6 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-LCV-3-148-B 3 3 G-3 B-Act 4 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSO RPI None None 2-LCV-3-148A-B 3 3 G-3 B-Act 2 ANG DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-LCV-3-156-A 3 3 E-3 B-Act 4 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSO RPI None None 2-LCV-3-156A-A 3 3 E-3 B-Act 2 ANG DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSC RPI None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 47 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-LCV-3-164-A 3 3 C-3 B-Act 4 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSO RPI None None 2-LCV-3-164A-A 3 3 D-3 B-Act 2 ANG DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STCIQ FSC RPI None None 2-LCV-3-171-B 3 3 B-3 B-Act 4 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSO RPI None None 2-LCV-3-171A-B 3 3 B-3 B-Act 2 ANG DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-LCV-3-172-A 3 3 G-3 B-Act 3 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STCIQ FSC RPI None None 2-LCV-3-173-B 3 3 E-3 B-Act 3 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-LCV-3-174-B 3 3 C-3 B-Act 3 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-LCV-3-175-A 3 3 A-3 B-Act 3 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-PCV-3-122 3 3 D-5 B-Act 4 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q None None 2-PCV-3-132 3 3 D-6 B-Act 4 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q None None Drawing Number 2-47W850-9 2-CKV-26-1260 261 2 B-1 0 AC-Act 4 CKV SELF C C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-26-1296 26 2 C-4 AC-Act. 4 CKV SELF C C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-26-240-A 26 2 B-9 A-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-26-243-A 26 2 C-3 A-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47W866-1 2-FCV-30-7-A 30 2 1C-1 A-Act 24 BTFY I CYL O CI STCIQ FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-8-B 130 2 1C-2 A-Act 1 24 BTFY [ CYL O1 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 48 of 76 Table 4 C c N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FCV-30-9-B 30 2 C-1 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-10-A 30 2 C-2 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-14-A 30 2 E-1 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-15-B 30 2 E-2 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-16-B 30 2 E-1 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-17-A 30 2 E-2 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-19-B 30 2 G-1 A-Act 12 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-20-A 30 2 G-2 A-Act 12 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-37-B 30 2 D-10 A-Act 8 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-40-A 30 2 D-9 A-Act 8 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-50 30 2 C-9 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-51 30 2 C-10 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-52 30 2 C-9 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-53 30 2 C-1 0 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-56 30 2 E-9 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-57 30 2 E-10 A-Act 24 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-58 30 2 G-9 A-Act 12 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-30-59 30 2 G-10 A-Act 12 BTFY CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS.BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERWCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 49 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FSV-30-134-B 30 2 F-9 A-Act 0.5 GATE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FSV-30-135-A 30 2 F-10 A-Act 0.5 GATE SOL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47W865-5 2-CKV-31-3378 31 2 F-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVCICMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-31-3392 31 2 E-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVCICMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-31-3407 31 2 D-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVCICMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-31-3421 31 2 B-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVCICMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-31-305-B 31 2 B-6 A-Act 2 PLUG DIAPH 0 C STCIQ FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-31-306-A 31 2 B-7 A-Act 2 PLUG DIAPH 0 C STCIQ FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-31-308-A 31 2 C-7 A-Act 2 PLUG DIAPH 0 C STCIQ FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-31-309-B 31 2 C-6 A-Act 2 PLUG DIAPH 0 C STCIQ FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-31-326-A 31 2 E-6 A-Act 2 PLUG DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-31-327-B 31 2 E-7 A-Act 2 PLUG DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-31-329-B 31 2 F-7 A-Act 2 PLUG DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-31-330-A 31 2 F-6 A-Act 2 PLUG DIAPH 0 C STCIQ FSC RPI SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERWCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 50 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.Drawing Number 2-47W848-1 2-BYV-32-318-B 32 2 F-9 A-Pas 2 GLOBE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-BYV-32-328-A 32 2 G-9 A-Pas 2 GLOBE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-BYV-32-338 32 2 H-9 A-Pas 2 GLOBE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-CKV-32-323-B 32 2 E-10 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CSD CVCICSD SLTJ AF-09 None 2-CKV-32-333-A 32 2 G-10 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CSD CVC/CSD SLTJ AF-09 None 2-CKV-32-343 32 2 H-10 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CSD CVC/CSD SLTJ AF-09 None 2-FCV-32-81-A 32 2 G-9 A-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/CSD FSC RPI SLTJ AF-09 None 2-FCV-32-103-B 32 2 E-9 A-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/CSD FSC RPI SLTJ AF-09 None 2-FCV-32-1 11-B 32 2 H-9 A-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/CSD FSC RPI SLTJ AF-09 None Drawing Number 47W846-2 2-ISV-33-732 33 1 2 1F-4 A-Pas 2 DIAPH MANj CI C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-33-733 33 2 1F-4 A-Pas 2 DIAPH MAN CICI SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47VV625-1 2-FCV-43-2-B 43 2 D-3 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-43-3-A 43 2 D-5 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-43-11-B 43 2 C-2 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH O C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-43-12-A 43 2 C-4 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 51 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FCV-43-22-B 43 2 F-5 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-43-23-A 43 2 D-5 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47W625-2 2-FCV-43-34-B 43 2 B-2 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-43-35-A 43 2 C-4 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-43-54D-B 43 2 C-7 B-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STCIQ FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-43-55-A 43 2 C-6 B-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-43-56D-B 43 2 C-7 B-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-43-58-A 43 2 C-6 B-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-43-59D-B 43 2 D-8 B-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-43-61-A 43 2 D-7 B-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-43-63D-B 43 2 E-9 B-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-FCV-43-64-A 43 2 E-8 B-Act 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None_ _Drawing Number 2-47W625-11 2-FCV-43-201-A 43 2 H-5 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE SOL C 0 STO/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-43-202-A 43 2 F-5 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE SOL C 0 STO/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-43-433-A 43 2 H-4 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE SOL C 0 STO/Q RPI SLTJ None None.2-FCV-43-434-A 43 2 F- 4 A-Act 0.375 GLOBE I SOL C 0 STO/Q RPI SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 52 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.,,_ _Drawing Number 47W331-3 2-ISV-52-500 52 2 H-1 A-Pas 0.75 GATE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-52-501 52 2 H-1 A-Pas 0.75 GATE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-52-502 52 2 H-1 A-Pas 0.75 GATE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-52-503 52 2 H-1 A-Pas 0.75 GATE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-52-504 52 2 H-1 A-Pas 0.75 GATE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-52-505 52 2 H-1 A-Pas 0.75 GATE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-52-506 52 2 H-1 A-Pas 0.75 GATE MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-52-507 52 2 H-1 A-Pas 0.75 GATE MAN C C SLTJ None None___Drawing Number 2-47W856-1 2-ISV-59-522 59 21 F-21 A-Pas 21 BALL MAN C CCI SLTJ None None 2-ISV-59-698 159[ 2 C-3 A-Pas 2 DIAPH MAN C C SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47W814-2 2-CKV-61-533 61 2 B-7 AC-Act 0.375 CKV SELF C 8 CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-61-658 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-1 0 None 2-CKV-61-659 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-660 61 N D-12 , C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVOIPS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-661 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 53 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-61-662 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVOIPS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-663 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-664 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-665 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDCIPS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-666 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-667 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-668 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDCIPS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-669 61 N 0-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-670 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-671 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-672 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVOIPS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-673 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-674 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-675 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-676 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-677 61 N D-12 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-10 None 2-CKV-61-680 61 2 B-7 AC-Act 0.375 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-61-692 61 2 F-9 AC-Act 0.375 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 54 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-61-745 61 2 G-8 AC-Act 0.375 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-61-96-A 61 2 E-9 A-Act 2 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STCIQ FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-61-97-B 61 2 E-9 A-Act 2 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-61-11O-A 61 2 G-8 A-Act 2 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-61-122-B 61 2 G-8 A-Act 2 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-61-191-A 61 2 B-6 A-Act 4 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-61-192-B 61 2 B-7 A-Act 4 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-61-193-A 61 2 B-6 A-Act 4 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-61-194-B 61 2 B-7 A-Act 4 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47W809-1 2-CKV-62-504-S 62 2 G-9 C-Act 8 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS CVC/PS AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-62-523-A 62 2 G-8 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVOIQ CVC/Q LK None None 2-CKV-62-525-A 62 2 G-8 AC-Act 4 CKV SELF 0 B CVO/PS CVC/Q LK AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-62-530-B 62 2 F-8 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVOIQ CVCIQ LK None None 2-CKV-62-532-B 62 2 F-8 AC-Act 4 CKV SELF 0 B CVO/PS CVCIQ LK AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-62-560-S 62 1 F-6 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-561-S 62 1 F-6 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-562-S 62 1 H-5 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDOICMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 55 of 76 PRJC j PR1E 1IETS RGA LNRVSO Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 0 0 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-62-563-S 62 1 H-5 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDOICMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-576-S 62 1 E-4 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDOICMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-577-S 62 1 E-2 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-578-S 62 1 G-2 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-579-S 62 1 G-4 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-638-S 62 1 A-1 C-Act 3 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-639-S 62 2 C-6 AC-Act 0.75 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-640-S 62 1 A-1 C-Act 3 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-659-S 62 1 A-2 C-Act 3 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-660-S 62 1 A-2 C-Act 3 CKV SELF 0 C BDO/CMP CVCICMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-62-661-S 62 1 B-2 C-Act 2 CKV SELF E C BDO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-62-61-B 62 2 B-6 A-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-14 None 2-FCV-62-63-A 62 2 B-7 A-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-14 None 2-FCV-62-69-S 62 1 A-2 B-Act 3 GLOBE DIAPH C C STC/CSD FSC RPI AF-15 None 2-FCV-62-70-S 62 1 A-2 B-Act 3 GLOBE DIAPH C C STC/CSD FSC RPI AF-15 None 2-FCV-62-72-A 62 2 A-4 A-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-62-73-A 62 2 A-4 A-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-62-74-A 62 2 A-3 A-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 56 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 0 0 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FCV-62-76-A 62 2 A-5 A-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-62-77-B 62 2 A-7 A-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/CSD FSC RPI SLTJ AF-1 5 None 2-FCV-62-83 62 2 A-8 B-Pas 2 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C RPI None None 2-FCV-62-84-A 62 1 B-2 B-Act 2 GLOBE DIAPH E B STC/CSD STO/CSD FSC RPI AF-08 None 2-FCV-62-90-A 62 2 D-7 B-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-15 None 2-FCV-62-91-B 62 2 D-7 B-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-15 None 2-FCV-62-1228-A 62 2 C-10 B-Act 1 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/CSD FSC RPI AF-16 None 2-FCV-62-1229-B 62 2 C-10 B-Act 1 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/CSD FSC RPI AF-16 None 2-LCV-62-132-A 62 2 E-9 B-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-16 None 2-LCV-62-133-B 62 2 E-9 B-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-16 None 2-LCV-62-135-A 62 2 H-9 B-Act 8 GATE MOV C 0 STO/CSD RPI AF-16 None 2-LCV-62-136-B 62 2 H-9 B-ACt 8 GATE MOV C 0 STO/CSD RPI AF-16 None 2-RFV-62-505-S 62 2 F-10 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-62-636-S 62 2 B-6 C-Act 2x3 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-62-649-S 62 2 C-8 C-Act 2x3 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-62-662-S 62 2 A-3 AC-Act 2x3 SFV SELF C 01 RV SLTJ None None 2-RFV-62-675-S 62 2 B-9 C-Act 2x3 SFVI SELF C 0RV None None 2-RFV-62-1221 62 2 G-10 C-Act 0.75xl SFVI SELF C 0 RV None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 57 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-RFV-62-1222 62 2 E-9 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None Drawing Number 2-47W809-2 2-CKV-62-930 62 3 B-4 C-Act 3 1 CKV SELF IC CO0 CVO/PS BDC/PS AF-12 None 2-FCV-62-138-B 1621 3 A-4 I B-Act 3 GLOBE MOV C 1O STO/Q RPI None None Drawing Number 2-47W81 1-1 2-CKV-63-502-S 63 2 F-9 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS CVC/CSD AF-18 None 2-CKV-63-510-S 63 2 D-9 C-Act 8 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS CVC/PS AF-11 None 2-CKV-63-524-A 63 2 E-8 AC-Act 4 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS CVC/Q LK AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-526-B 63 2 D-8 AC-Act 4 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS CVCIQ LK AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-528-A 63 2 E-8 AC-Act 0.75 CKV SELF C B CVO/Q CVC/Q LK None None 2-CKV-63-530-B 63 2 D-8 AC-Act 0.75 CKV SELF C B CVO/Q CVC/Q LK None None 2-CKV-63-543-A 63 1 F-3 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-545-A 63 1 F-3 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-547-8 63 1 E-3 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CV0/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-549-B 63 1 E-3 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 I None 2-CKV-63-551-S 63 1 H-1 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-553-S 63 1 H-3 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-555-S 63 1 G-3 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERWCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 58 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-63-557-S 63 1 G-2 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-558-B 63 1 E-2 AC-Act 6 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-559-B 63 1 E-1 AC-Act 6 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-560-S 63 1 E-1 AC-Act 10 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP SLTP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-63-561-S 63 1 D-1 AC-Act 10 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP SLTP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-63-562-S 63 1 E-2 AC-Act 10 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP SLTP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-63-563-S 63 1 F-2 AC-Act 10 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP SLTP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-63-581-S 63 1 C-6 AC-Act 3 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 I None 2-CKV-63-586-S 63 1 E-1 AC-Act 1.5 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-587-S 63 1 D-2 AC-Act 1.5 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-588-S 63 1 E-2 AC-Act 1.5 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-589-S 63 1 F-2 AC-Act 1.5 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 1 None 2-CKV-63-622-S 63 1 D-1 AC-Act 10 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP SLTP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-63-623-S 63 1 D-2 AC-Act 10 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP SLTP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-63-624-S 63 1 D-3 AC-Act 10 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP SLTP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-63-625-S 63 1 D-3 AC-Act 10 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP SLTP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-63-632-A 63 1 G-2 AC-Act 6 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-18 None 2-CKV-63-633-B 63 1 G-1 AC-Act 6 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-18 None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 59 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-63-634-A 63 1 G-3 AC-Act 6 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-18 None 2-CKV-63-635-B 63 1 G-1 AC-Act 6 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 8 None 2-CKV-63-640-S 63 1 G-3 AC-Act 8 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-1 8 None 2-CKV-63-641-S 63 1 F-1 AC-Act 6 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-18 None 2-CKV-63-643-S 63 1 F-3 AC-Act 8 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-18 None 2-CKV-63-644-S 63 1 D-2 AC-Act 6 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS SLTP AF-18 None 2-CKV-63-725 63 2 E-7 C-Act 2 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-63-1-A 63 2 E-10 B-Act 14 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-19 None 2-FCV-63-3-A 63 2 E-7 B-Act 2 GLOBE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-20 None 2-FCV-63-4-B 63 2 E-8 B-Act 2 GLOBE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-5-B 63 2 D-9 B-Act 8 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-19 None 2-FCV-63-6-B 63 2 F-9 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-7-A 63 2 F-9 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-8-A 63 2 G-9 B-Act 8 GATE MOV C 0 STO/PS RPI AF-21 None 2-FCV-63-1 1-B 63 2 F-9 B-Act 8 GATE MOV C 0 STO/PS RPI AF-21 None 2-FCV-63-22-B 63 2 E-6 B-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-22 None 2-FCV-63-23-B 63 2 E-6 A-Act 1 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-63-25-B 63 2 B-7 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/CSD RPI AF-23 None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 60 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FCV-63-26-A 63 2 B-7 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/CSD RPI AF-23 None 2-FCV-63-47-A 63 2 E-9 B-Act 6 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-48-B 63 2 E-9 B-Act 6 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-67-B 63 1 B-5 B-Pas 10 GATE MOV 0 C RPI None None 2-FCV-63-71-A 63 2 D-5 A-Act 0.75 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-63-72-A 63 2 H-7 B-Act 18 GATE MOV C 0 STO/PS RPI AF-25 None 2-FCV-63-73-B 63 2 G-7 B-Act 18 GATE MOV C 0 STO/PS RPI AF-25 None 2-FCV-63-80-A 63 1 B-4 B-Pas 10 GATE MOV 0 C RPI None None 2-FCV-63-84-B 63 2 D-6 A-Act 0.75 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-63-93-A 63 2 G-6 B-Act 8 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-26 None 2-FCV-63-94-B 63 2 G-6 B-Act 8 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-26 None 2-FCV-63-98-B 63 1 B-3 B-Pas 10 GATE MOV 0 C RPI None None 2-FCV-63-118-A 63 1 B-1 B-Pas 10 GATE MOV 0 C RPI None None 2-FCV-63-152-A 63 2 F-7 B-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-153-B 63 2 E-7 B-Act 4 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-156-A 63 2 F-6 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-157-B 63 2 D-6 B-Act 4 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-172-B 63 2 F-6 B-Act 12 GATE MOV C 0 STO/CSD RPI AF-26 None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 61 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FCV-63-175-B 63 2 E-8 B-Act 2 GLOBE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-63-177 63 2 F-9 B-Pas 4 GATE MOV 0 0 RPI None None 2-FCV-63-185 63 2 E-6 B-Act 0.75 GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI None None 2-RFV-63-28 63 2 D-6 AC-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV SLTJ None None 2-RFV-63-51 1-S 63 2 E-9 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-534-A 63 2 E-7 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-535-S 63 2 E-7 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-536-B 63 2 D-7 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-577-S 63 2 A-7 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-602-S 63 2 A-2 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-603-S 63 2 A-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-604-S 63 2 A-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-605-S 63 2 A-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-626-A 63 2 G-7 C-Act 2x3 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-627-B 63 2 F-7 C-Act 2x3 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-637-S 63 2 F-7 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-63-835 63 2 E-10 C-Act 0.75xl SFVI SELF C 0 RV None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERWCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 62 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.Drawing Number 2-47W830-6 2-FCV-63-64-A 63 2 B-6 A-Act I GLOBE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-68-305-A 68 2 G-7 A-Act 0.75 GLOBE DIAPH OjC STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-CKV-68-849 68 2 G-8 AC-Act 1 fKV SELF j CVC/CSD 600/050 SLTJ AF-30 None 2-CKV-63-868 63 2 B-7 AC-Act 1 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CSD BDO/CSD SLTJ AF-30 None Drawing Number 2-47W845-2 2-RFV-67-539A-A 67 3 0-3 C-Act 2x2 SFV SELFIC RV None None 2-RFV-67-539B-B 67 3 D-3 C-Act 2x2 SFVI SELF. C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-67-1020A-A 67 3 F-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1020B-B 67 3 E-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFVI SELF C 0 TRV None None Drawing Number 2-47W845-3 2-CKV-67-575A-A 67 2 H-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-575B-B 67 2 E-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVCICMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-575C-A 67 2 G-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-575D-B 67 2 D-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-580A-A 67 2 C-7 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/Q BDO/NO SLTJ None None 2-CKV-67-580B-B 67_ 2 B-7 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/Q BDONO SLTJ None None 2-CKV-67-580C-A 67 2 B-7 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/Q BDO/NO SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 63 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 p p S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-67-580D-B 67 2 A-7 AC-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVCIQ BDO/NO SLTJ None None 2-CKV-67-585A-A 67 2 D-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP CVCICMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-585B-B 67 2 B-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-585C-A 67 2 C-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP CVCICMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-585D-B 67 2 B-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-1054A-A 67 2 H-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-1054B-B 67 2 E-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-1054C-A 67 2 G-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-67-1054D-B 67 2 D-7 AC-Act 0.5 CKV SELF C B CVOICMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-67-83-B 67 2 H-8 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-87-A 67 2 H-7 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STCICSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-88-B 67 2 H-8 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-89-A 67 2 H-7 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-91-B 67 2 G-8 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STCICSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-95-A 67 2 F-7 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-96-B 67 2 F-8 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-97-A 67 2 G-7 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-99-A 67 2 F-8 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None
  • NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 64 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FCV-67-103-B 67 2 E-7 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-104-A 67 2 E-8 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-105-B 67 2 F-7 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-107-A 67 2 E-8 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-1 11-B 67 2 D-7 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-112-A 67 2 D-8 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-113-B 67 2 E-7 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-67-130-A 67 2 C-8 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-67-131-B 67 2 D-8 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-67-133-A 67 2 B-8 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-67-134-B 67 2 C-8 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-67-138-B 67 2 B-8 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-67-139-A 67 2 B-8 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-67-141-B 67 2 A-8 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ -None None 2-FCV-67-142-A 67 2 A-8 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-67-295-A 67 2 D-7 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-67-296-A 67 2 C-7 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-67-297-B 67 2 B-7 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 65 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 0 O ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FCV-67-298-B 67 2 A-7 A-Act 2 PLUG MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-RFV-67-566A-A 67 3 H-5 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-566B-B 67 3 F-5 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-566C-A 67 3 G-5 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-566D-B 67 3 E-5 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-573A-A 67 3 G-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-573B-B 67 3 E-6 C-Act 0o.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-573C-A 67 3 F-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-573D-B 67 3 D-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-582A-A 67 3 C-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-582B-B 67 3 B-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-582C-A 67 3 B-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-582D-B 67 3 A-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1022A-A 67 3 H-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1022B-B 67 3 F-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1022C-A 67 3 G-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1022D-B 67 3 D-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1024A-A 67 3 H-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST.PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 66 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-RFV-67-1024B-B 67 3 F-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1024C-A 67 3 G-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1024D-B 67 3 D-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1025A-A 67 3 H-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1025B-B 67 3 F-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1025C-A 67 3 G-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1025D-B 67 3 D-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1026A-A 67 3 C-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1026B-B 67 3 B-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1026C-A 67 3 B-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1026D-B 67 3 A-3 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None Drawing Number 2-47W845-7 2-FCV-67-176 67 3 D-5 B-Act 1.5 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q FSO RPI None None 2-FCV-67-182 67 3 D-7 B-Act 1.5 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q FSO RPI None None 2-FCV-67-184 67 3 E-5 B-Act 1.5 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STO/Q FSO RPI None None 2-FCV-67-186 67 3 E-7 B-Act 1.5 GLOBE DIAPH C 0 STOIQ FSO RPI None None 2-RFV-67-1029A-A 67 3 C-2 C-Act I.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1029B-B 67 3 C-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 67 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-RFV-67-1030B 67 3 C-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1031A-A 67 3 D-2 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1031B-B 67 3 D-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1032A-A 67 3 D-2 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1032B-B 67 3 0-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1033A-A 67 3 E-2 C-Act 0.75xA SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-67-1033B-B 67 3 E-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 1_ 68 L Drawing Number 2-47W625-8 2-FCV-68-307-A 68 2 B-7 A-Act 1 0.375 GATE DIAPH O1 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-68-308-B 1681 21 B-5 A-Act 1 0.375 GATE DIAPH 1 CI STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47W813-1 2-CKV-68-559-S 68 2 H-3 C-Act 4 CKV SELF C B CVC/CMP CVO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-68-22 68 2 B-8 B-Pas 0.375 GLOBE DIAPH 0 0 RPI None None 2-FCV-68-332-B 68 1 B-2 B-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-68-333-A 68 1 B-2 B-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FSV-68-394-A 68 2 F-7 B-Act 1 GLOBE SOL C 0 STO/CSD STCICSD FSC RPI AF-28 None 2-FSV-68-395-B 68 2 F-7 B-Act 1 GLOBE SOL C 0 STOICSD STCICSD FSC RPI AF-28 None 2-FSV-68-396-B 68 2 F-6 B-Act 1 GLOBE SOL C 0 ET/CSD FSC RPI AF-28 None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 68 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-FSV-68-397-A 68 2 F-6 B-Act 1 GLOBE SOL C 0 ET/CSD FSC RPI AF-28 None 2-PCV-68-334-B 68 1 B-1 B-Act 3 GLOBE SOL C B STO/PS STCIPS FSC RPI None None 2-PCV-68-340A-A 68 1 B-1 B-Act 3 GLOBE SOL C B STO/PS STC/PS FSC RPI None None 2-RFV-68-563-S 68 1 A-2 C-Act 6x6 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-68-564-S 68 1 A-2 C-Act 6x6 SFVI SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-68-565-S 68 1 A-2 C-Act 6x6 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None Drawing Number 2-47W859-3 2-CKV-70-679 70 2 H-4 AC-Act 3 CKV SELF 0 C CVCICSD BDO/Q SLTJ AF-29 None 2-CKV-70-681A 70 3 G-8 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-70-681B 70 3 F-8 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-70-681C 70 3 F-8 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-70-681D 70 3 H-8 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-70-682A 70 3 G-8 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-70-682B 70G 3 F-8 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-70-682C 70 3 E-8 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-70-682D 70 3 H-8 C-Act 2 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-70-687 70 2 H-9 AC-Act 0.75 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-70-698 70 2 E-9 AC-Act 0.75 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 69 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 0 0 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-70-790 70 2 GA AC-Act 0.75 CKV SELF C B CVO/CMP CVC/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-70-85-B 70 2 D-10 A-Act 6 BTFY DIAPH 0 C STC/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-70-87-B 70 2 H-9 A-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-70-89-B 70 2 E-9 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-70-90-A 70 2 F-1 0 A-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-70-92-A 70 2 E-10 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-70-1 00-A 70 2 G-4 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-70-133-A 70 3 H-3 B-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-29 None 2-FCV-70-134-B 70 3 H-3 B-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-70-140-B 70 3 G-3 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI SLTJ AF-29 None 2-FCV-70-143-A 70 3 E-3 A-Act 6 BTFY MOV 0 C STCIQ RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-70-183-A 70 3 C-9 B-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-70-215-A 70 3 A-8 B-Act 3 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-ISV-70-700 70 3 E-1 1 B-Act 6 BTFY MAN 0 C MS None None 2-RFV-70-703 70 2 E-5 AC-Act 3x4 SFV SELF C 0 RV SLTJ None None 2-RFV-70-578 70 3 A-7 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-70-835 70 3 H-4 C-Act 0.75 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-70-584 70 3 B-6 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERWCE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 70 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-RFV-70-683A 70 3 G-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 01 TRV None None 2-RFV-70-683B 70 3 F-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 01 TRV None None 2-RFV-70-683C 70 3 E-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-70-683D 70 3 H-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-70-694 70 3 F-4 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None Drawing Number 2-47W859-4 2-RFV-70-551B-B 70 3 E-8 C-Act 1.5x2 SFV SELF C 01 RV None None 2-RFV-70-556B-B 70 3 A-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-70-565A-A 70 3 C-10 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-70-565B-B 70 3 C-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None 2-RFV-70-561A 70 3 B-10 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-70-561B 70 3 B-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-70-570A 70 3 D-10 C-Act 0.75xl SELF C 0 TRV None None 2-RFV-70-570B 70 3 D-8 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 TRV None None Drawing Number 2-47W812-1 2-CKV-72-506-A 72 2 C-1 0 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/Q CVC/Q None None 2-CKV-72-507-B 72 2 B-10 C-Act 12 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/Q CVC/Q None None 2-CKV-72-524-A 72 2 0 D-6 C-Act 10 1 CKV ISELF C 0 CVO/Q BDCIQ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 71 of 76 Table 4 C C NA L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-CKV-72-525-B 72 2 A-6 C-Act 10 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/Q BDCIQ None None 2-CKV-72-548-A 72 2 D-2 C-Act 10 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-72-549-B 72 2 A-2 C-Act 10 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-72-562-A 72 2 F-2 C-Act 8 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-CKV-72-563-B 72 2 E-2 C-Act 8 CKV SELF C 0 CVO/CMP CVC/CMP CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-72-2-B 72 2 A-3 A-Act 10 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-72-13-B 72 2 B-6 B-Act 2 GLOBE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-72-21-B 72 2 B-10 B-Act 12 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-72-22-A 72 2 C-1 0 B-Act 12 GATE MOV 0 C STCIQ RPI None None 2-FCV-72-34-A 72 2 C-6 B-Act 2 GLOBE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-72-39-A 72 2 D-3 A-Act 10 GATE MOV C 0 STO/Q RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-72-40-A 72 2 F-4 A-Act 8 GATE MOV C 0 STO/PS RPI SLTJ AF-04 None 2-FCV-72-41-B 72 2 E-4 A-Act 8 GATE MOV C 0 STO/PS RPI SLTJ AF-04 None 2-FCV-72-44-A 72 2 G-3 B-Act 12 GATE MOV C 0 STO/PS RPI AF-25 None 2-FCV-72-45-B 72 2 H-3 B-Act 12 GATE MOV C 0 STO/PS RPI AF-25 None 2-RFV-72-40 72 2 F-3 AC-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 1.0 RV SLTJ None None 2-RFV-72-41 72 2 E-3 AC-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV SLTJ None None 2-RFV-72-508-A 72 2 C-9 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 72 of 76 Table 4 C c N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.2-RFV-72-509-B 72 2 A-9 C-Act 0.75xl SFV SELF C 0 RV None None Drawing Number 2-47W810-1 2-CKV-74-514-A 74 2 F-8 C-Act 8 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS CVC/PS AF-18 None 2-CKV-74-515-B 74 2 C-8 C-Act 8 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS CVC/PS AF-18 None 2-CKV-74-544-A 74 2 F-5 C-Act 8 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS CVC/Q AF-18 None 2-CKV-74-545-B 74 2 C-5 C-Act 8 CKV SELF C B CVO/PS CVCIQ AF-18 None 2-FCV-74-1-A 74 1 G-2 A-Act 14 GATE MOV C 0 STO/CSD SLTP RPI AF-17 None 2-FCV-74-2-B 74 1 G-3 A-Act 14 GATE MOV C 0 STO/CSD SLTP RPI AF-17 None 2-FCV-74-3-A 74 2 F-9 B-Act 14 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-74-8-A 74 1 H-3 A-Act 10 GATE MOV C 0 STOICSD SLTP RPI AF-17 None 2-FCV-74-9-B 74 1 G-2 A-Act 10 GATE MOV C 0 STO/CSD SLTP RPI AF-17 None 2-FCV-74-12-A 74 2 G-7 B-Act 3 GLOBE MOV 0 B STCIQ STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-74-21-B 74 2 C-9 B-Act 14 GATE MOV 0 C STC/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-74-24-B 74 2 B-6 B-Act 3 GLOBE MOV 0 B STC/Q STO/Q RPI None None 2-FCV-74-33-A 74 2 E-4 B-Act 8 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-26 None 2-FCV-74-35-B 74 2 C-4 B-Act 8 GATE MOV 0 C STC/CSD RPI AF-26 None 2-RFV-74-505-S 74 2 H-3 C-Act 3x4 SFV SELF C 0 RV None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 73 of 76 Table 4 c C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.Drawing Number 2-47W830-1 2-FCV-77-9-B 77 2 D-1 A-Act 3 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-77-1 0-A 77 2 E-1 A-Act 3 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-77-16-B 77 2 8-5 A-Act 0.75 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-77-17-A 77 2 B-6 A-Act 0.75 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STV/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-77-18-B 77 2 B-5 A-Act 1 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-77-19-A 77 2 B-6 A-Act 1 DIAPH DIAPH O C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-77-20-A 77 2 C-6 A-Act 1 DIAPH DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47W851 -1 2-FCV-77-127-B 771 2 1 F-7 A-Act 2 PLUG CYL 101 Cf STCIQ FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-77-128-A 77 2 F-8 A-Act 2 PLUG CYL 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-RFV-77-2875 77 2 F-7 AC-Act 2 SFV SELF C B RV SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47W855-1 2-ISV-78-557 78 2 G-4 A-Pas 4 DIAPH MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-78-558 78 2 G-4 A-Pas 4 DIAPH MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-78-560 78 2 G-4 A-Pas 6 DIAPH MAN C C SLTJ None None 2-ISV-78-561 78 2 G-4 A-Pas 6 DIAPH MAN C C SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 74 of 76 Table 4 C C N A L 0 P P S A 0 00 ALT. REL.VALVE Y S R S S FREQ. REQ.NUMBER S S D CAT SIZE TYPE ACTR I I TESTS JUST. NUM.-. Drawing Number 2-47W819-1 2-CKV-81-502 81 2 B-4 AC-Act 3 CKV SELF 0 C CVC/CMP BDO/CMP SLTJ CKV-CMP None 2-FCV-81-12-A 181 2 B-4 A-Act 3 DIAPH DIAPH O C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None Drawing Number 2-47W809-7 2-ISV-84-530 1841 2 F-3 I A-Pas 1 1 ]GLOBE MAN ICICI SLTJ None iNone Drawing Number 2-47W610-90-3 2-FCV-90-107-A 90 2 B-8 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-90-108-B 90 2 C-7 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-90-1 09-B 90 2 C-7 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-90-1 10-B 90 2 D-7 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-90-1 11-A 90 2 D-8 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STCIQ FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-90-113-A 90 2 D-3 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-90-114-B 90 2 E-2 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-90-115-B 90 2 E-2 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-90-116-B 90 2 E-2 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None 2-FCV-90-117-A 90 2 F-3 A-Act 1.5 GATE DIAPH 0 C STC/Q FSC RPI SLTJ None None NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION I PROCEDURE Page 75 of 76 Table 5 Relief Valve Groups Class I Test Group 1 -Pressurizer Safety Valves 2-RFV-68-563 2-RFV-68-564 2-RFV-68-565 Class 2 Valves Tested to Class I Requirements Test Group 2 -Main Steam Safety Valves (MSSVs)2-SFV-1 -512 2-SFV-1-517 2-SFV-1-522 2-SFV-1 -527 2-SFV-1-513 2-SFV-1 -518 2-SFV-1 -523 2-SFV-1 -528 2-SFV-1-514 2-SFV-1 -519 2-SFV-1 -524 2-SFV-1-529 2-SFV-1-515 2-SFV-1-520 2-SFV-1 -525 2-SFV-1-530 2-SFV-1-516 2-SFV-1-521 2-SFV-1 -526 2-SFV-1-531 Class 2 and 3 Test Group 3 2-RFV-70-551 B 2-RFV-70-835 2-RFV-77-2875 Test Group 4 2-RFV-63-602 2-RFV-63-603 2-RFV-63-604 2-RFV-63-605 Test Group 5 2-RFV-62-636 2-RFV-62-675 2-RFV-63-626-A 2-RFV-62-649 2-RFV-62-662 2-RFV-63-627-B 2-RFV-74-505 Test Group 6 2-RFV-62-505-S 2-RFV-63-28 2-RFV-63-535-S 2-RFV-63-637-S 2-RFV-62-1221 2-RFV-63-511 2-RFV-63-536-B 2-RFV-63-835 2-RFV-62-1222 2-RFV-63-534-A 2-RFV-63-577 2-RFV-72-508-A 2-RFV-72-509-B Test Group 7 2-RFV-70-703 Test Group 8 2-RFV-70-556B 2-RFV-70-565A 2-RFV-70-565B 2-RFV-70-578 Test Group 9 2-RFV-67-539A 2-RFV-67-539B 2-RFV-72-40 2-RFV-72-41 NGDC WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 WBN-2 PST PROJECT PRESERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN REVISION 1 PROCEDURE Page 76 of 76 Table 6 Pressure Isolation Valve Listing 2-CKV-63-543 2-CKV-63-545 2-CKV-63-547 2-CKV-63-549 2-CKV-63-551 2-CKV-63-553 2-CKV-63-555 2-CKV-63-557 2-CKV-63-581 2-CKV-63-561 2-CKV-63-562 2-CKV-63-632 2-CKV-63-634 2-CKV-63-560 2-CKV-63-563 2-CKV-63-633 2-CKV-63-635 2-CKV-63-640 2-CKV-63-643 2-CKV-63-558 2-CKV-63-559 2-CKV-63-586 2-CKV-63-587 2-CKV-63-588 2-CKV-63-589 2-CKV-63-641 2-CKV-63-644 2-CKV-63-622 2-CKV-63-623 2-CKV-63-624 2-CKV-63-625 2-FCV-74-1 2-FCV-74-2 2-FCV-74-8 2-FCV-74-9 HOT LEG 1 SAFETY INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.HOT LEG 3 SAFETY INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.HOT LEG 2 SAFETY INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.HOT LEG 4 SAFETY INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.COLD LEG 1 SAFETY INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.COLD LEG 2 SAFETY INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.COLD LEG 3 SAFETY INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.COLD LEG 4 SAFETY INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.BORON INJECTION LINE CHECK.COLD LEG 2 INJECTION HEADER CHECK COLD LEG 3 INJECTION HEADER CHECK COLD LEG 2 INJECTION HEADER CHECK COLD LEG 3 INJECTION HEADER CHECK COLD LEG 1 INJECTION HEADER CHECK COLD LEG 4 INJECTION HEADER CHECK COLD LEG 1 INJECTION HEADER CHECK COLD LEG 4 INJECTION HEADER CHECK HOT LEG I RHR INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.HOT LEG 3 RHR INJECTION SECONDARY CHECK.HOT LEG 4 SAFETY INJECTION PRIMARY CHECK.HOT LEG 2 SAFETY INJECTION PRIMARY CHECK.COLD LEG 1 BORON INJECTION PRIMARY CHECK.COLD LEG 2 BORON INJECTION PRIMARY CHECK.COLD LEG 3 BORON INJECTION PRIMARY CHECK.COLD LEG 4 BORON INJECTION PRIMARY CHECK.HOT LEG 1 RHR INJECTION PRIMARY CHECK.HOT LEG 3 SIS/RHR INJECTION PRIMARY CHECK.ACCUMULATOR 1 OUTLET CHECK.ACCUMULATOR 2 OUTLET CHECK.ACCUMULATOR 3 OUTLET CHECK.ACCUMULATOR 4 OUTLET CHECK LOOP 4 HOT LEG TO RHR SUCTION LOOP 4 HOT LEG TO RHR SUCTION 2-FCV-74-2 BYPASS RHR SUCTION 2-FCV-74-1 BYPASS RHR SUCTION