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Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 3 Completion Rept for USI A-46, for Mar 1997
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1997
Shared Package
ML18038B858 List:
Download: ML18038B859 (26)



~l 0 Executive Summary This completion report presents the results of the USI A-46 outlier resolution for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN)Unit 3.The scope of the A-46 prograin included Mechanical Equipment, Electrical Equipment, Flexible Conduit, and Relays that were identified on the Unit 3.Safe Shutdown Equipment List, and Cable Tray and Conduit Systems.The outlier resolutions consisted of engineering evaluations, plant modifications, and the work order process.All outliers identified in the Seismic Evaluation Report and the Relay Evaluation report have been resolved, and A-46 is complete for BFN Unit 3.

41 Ol I Intr'oduction All of the outliers identified during the A-46 program for Unit 3 were listed in the Seismic Evaluation Report Appendix G for mechanical and electrical equipment and in Appendix I-2 for cable trays and conduit.Additionally, there were 49 unresolved circuit outliers identified in the Relay Evaluation Report Appendices F 8'c G.There were 27 unresolved circuit outliers identified on Unit 2 and 22 circuits identified on Unit 3.All outliers were resolved for BFN Unit 3 either by engineering evaluation, plant modification, or by the work order process.Resolutions Mechanical and Electrical E ui ment In the Seismic Evaluation Report, Appendix G outlier resolutions were noted as either being acceptable by engineering evaluations or requiring a plant modification.

Some of the outliers reported in Appendix G as requiring a modification or work request (WR)have since been resolved by engineering evaluations and no field work was required.These outliers are shown on the attached revised Appendix G and are summarized below.SSELNos, 9164 9165 9166 9167 The outlier condition was for transformers mounted on rubber isolation mounts.The original outlier resolution was to remove the rubber isolators, however, a subsequent engineering evaluation established that the transformers are seismically adequate with the rubber isolators.

SSELNos.39307 39308 39309 39310 The outlier resolution was to either verify anchorage details or replace through bolts in the block wall.The anchorage was evaluated and found to be adequate as documented in an engineering evaluation.

SSELNos.39115 39116 39117 39118 The outlier for these electrical cabinets was to repair loose door latches and bolt some of the cabinets together or to verify that these cabinets do not contain any essential relays.It was verified that these cabinets do not contain any essential relays, and, therefore, these outliers are resolved.All of the outliers associated with mechanical and electrical equipment are resolved as shown in the revised Seismic Evaluation Report (Appendix G)attached.All engineering evaluations and field work have been completed.


~Resolutions Continued Cable Tra and Conduit S stems For cable tray and conduit systems, all Unit 3 outliers listed in Appendix I-2 of the Seismic Evaluation Report were resolved prior to restart.Unresolved Circuit Outliers There were 22 unresolved circuit outliers identified in Appendix G of the Relay Evaluation Report.The components in these circuits are motor starters which are installed in GE Model 7700 Motor Control Centers (MCC)located at elevation 621 in the Reactor Building.The motor starters did not pass the initial screen since the seismic demand was greater than the seismic capacity based on GERS, and, subsequently, the circuits failed the system consequence chatter evaluation.

A modification to the Motor Control Centers in question consisted of adding a top brace to these MCCs which in effect reduced the seismic demand to less than the seismic capacity.Based on this modification, the motor starters are resolved outliers.Conclusion All of the outliers'identified during the A-46 program for BFN Unit 3 have been resolved.The scope of the A-46 program included Mechanical Equipment, Electrical Equipment, Flexible Conduit, and Relays that were identified on the Unit 3 Safe Shutdown Equipment List, and Cable Tray and,Conduit Systems.The resolutions consisted of engineering evaluations, plant modifications, or issuing work requests.' evaluations, plant modifications, and work orders have been completed, and, therefore, USI A-46 is complete for BFN Unit 3.






OF OUTLIERS AND RESOLUTION METHODS: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SSEL NO 9025 EQUIP CLASS 01 01 EQUIPMENT I.D.1-BDBB-2684001 A 2-BDBB-2684002A DESCRIPTION 480V RMOV BD 1A 480V RMOV BD 2A OUTLIER CONDITION~Seismic Capacity<<Demand~Anchorage-Pull<iut Capacity<Demand~Seismic Capacity<Demand~Anchorage-Pull<iut Capacity<Demand RESOLUTION

~OK for Capacity vs.demand (Ref.Cele.50147-C406)~Modification Required for Anchorage~OK for Capacity vs.demand (Ref.Gale.50147-C406)~Modification Required for Anchorage 9031 01 0-BDBB-219~A 480VDSLAUX BOA~Seismic Capacity<Demand~OK for Capacity vs.demand (Ref.Gale.50147-C4m6)9033 01 01 01 01 0-BDBB-2194000B 3NDBB-219-003EA 2-BDBB-28WX$

2A 2-BDBB-281 4002C 480V DSL AUX BD B 480V DSL AUX BD 3EA 250V RMOV BD 2A 250V RMOV BD 2C Seismic Capacity<Demand~Seismic Capacity<Demand~Seismic Capacity<Demand~Anchorage-Pull<iut Capacity<Demand~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(N2 Bottles)~OK for Capacity vs.demand (Ref.Cate.501 47-C~)~OK for Capacity vs.demand (Ref.Gale.50147<406)

~OK for Capacity vs.demand (Ref.Gale.50147-C406)~Modilication Required for Anchorage~Issue Work Request (WR)NOTE: Unit 3 Items Are Shown In Bold.

~l 0 I SSEL NO 39005 39008 39016 39030 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 39007 9012 9013 EQUIP CLASS 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 EQUIPMENT I.D.34DBB-219-003EB 3RD BB-2684003A 3<DBB-2684003D 3RD BB-2814003A 1-BDBB-231~1A 1-BDBB-231~1 B 2-BDBB-231~2A 2-8DBB-231~2B 3RD BB-2314003A 349DBB-2314003B 0-BDAA-2114000A 0-BDAA-2114000B DESCRIPTION 480V DIESEL AUX BOARD 3EB 480V RMOV BOARD 3A 480V RMOV BOARD 3D 250V DC RMOV BOARD 3A 480V SHDN BD 1A 480V SHDN BD 1B 480V SHDN BD 2A 48OV SHDN BD 2B 480V SHDN BD 3A 480V SD BOARD 3B 4KVSHDN BDA 4KVSHDN BD B OUTLIER CONDITION~Seismic Capacity<Demand~Seismic Capacity<<Demand~Anchorage-Pullout Capacity<Demand~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(Misc.House Keeping Items)~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(W/long Flexible Cable Tray Run)~Seismic Capacity c Demand~Anchorage-Pullout Capacity<Demand~Anchorage-Inadequate Shear Resistance Due to Presense of Slotted Holes~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(Uiting Device Atop the Equipment)

~Anchorage-Inadequate Shear Resistance Due to Presense of Slotted Holes~Interaction I Relay Chatter-(Lilting Device Atop the Equipment)

~Interaction I Relay Chatter-(Lifting Device Atop the Equipment)

~Interaction I Relay Chatter-(Uiting Device Atop the Equipment)

~Anchorage-Inadequate Shear Resistance Due to Presense of Slotted Holes~Anchorage-Inadequate Shear Resistance Due to Presense of Slotted Holes~Interaction I Rehy Chatter-(Loose Racidng Wrench on the Door)~Interaction I Relay Chatter-(Loose Racking Wrench on the Door)RESOLUTION OK for Capacity vs.demand (Ref.Caic.50147406)OK for Capacity vs.demand (Ref.Gale.50147%406)

Modification Required for Anchorage Issue WR for House Keeping Items~Modification Required OK for Capacity vs.demaiid (Ref.Gale.50147w406)

Modification Required for Anchorage Modification Required for Anchorage Issue WR for the Uiting Device Modification Required for Anchorage Issue WR for the Ufting Device~Issue WR for the Ufting Device~Issue WR for the Uiting Device~Modification Required for Anchorage~Modification Required for Anchorage Issue WR Issue WR NOTE: Unit 3 Items Are Shoavn In Bold.


/Relay Chatter-(Loose Racidng Wrench on the Door)~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Loose Racking Wrench on the Door)~Issue WR~Issue WR 9016 9017 39001 39020 03 03 03 03 3-BDAA-211-003EA 34DAA-211-003EB 3NDAA-211-003EC 34DAA-211-003ED 4KV SHDN BD 3EA 4KV SHDN BD 3EB 4KV SHUTDOWN BOARD 3EC 4KV SHUTDOWN BOARD 3ED~Anchorage-Inadequate Shear Resistance Due to Presense of Slotted Holes~Anchorage-Inadequate Shear Resistance Due to Presense of Slotted Holes~Anchorage-Inadequate Shear Resistance Due to Presense of Slotted Holes~Anchorage-Inadequate Shear Resistance Due to Presense of Slotted Holes~Modification Required for Anchorage~Modification Required for Anchorage,~Modification Required for Anchorage~Modification Required for Anchorage 9160 9161 9162 9163 9164 9165 9166 04 04 04 04 0-XFA482~AA DG-A NEUTRAL GRN XFMR 0-XFA482400BA DG-B NEUTRAL GRN XFMR 0-XFA482~CA DG-C NEUTRAL GRN XFMR 0-XFA~2400DA DG-D NEUTRAL GRN XFMR 3-XFA4824003AA DGQA NEUTRAL GRN XFMR 3-XFA4824003BA DG4B NEUTRAL GRN XFMR 3-XFA4824003CA DG4C NEUTRAL GRN XFMR Anchorage-XFMR Mounted on Rubber Vibration Isohtors Interaction

-Load path of Resistor Box Above the XMFR Is Throu h Rubber Vibration Isolators and Brittle Ceramics Anchorage-XFMR Mounted on Rubber Vibration Isoiators Interaction

-Load path of Resistor Box Above the XMFR Is Throu h Rubber Vibration Isolators and Brittle Ceramics Anchorage'-

XFMR Mounted on Rubber Vibration Isohtors Interaction

-Load path of Resistor Box Above the XMFR ls Throu h Rubber Vibration Isolators and Brittle Ceramics Anchorage-XFMR Mounted on Rubber Vibration Isolators Interaction

-Load path of Resistor Box Above the XMFR h Throu h Rubber Vibration Isolators and Brittle Ceramics Anchorage-XFMR Mounted on Rubber Vibration Isolators, Also the Housing Cabinet Not Anchored Interaction

-Load path of Resistor Box Above the XMFR Is Through Rubber Vibration Isolators and Brittle Ceramics Anchorage-XFMR Mounted on Rubber Vibration Isoiators, Also the Housing Cabinet Not Anchored Interaction

-Load path of Resistor Box Above the XMFR is Through Rubber Vibration Isolators and Brittle Ceramics.Anchorage-XFMR Mounted on Rubber Vibration Isolators, Also the Housing Cabinet Not Anchored Interaction

-Load path of Resistor Box Above the XMFR is Through Rubber Vibration Isolator s and Brittle Ceramics~Modification Required~Modification Required~Modification Required~Modification Required~Modification Required~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.C D<0082470020

~Modification Required~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.CD<0082470020)

~Modification Required~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.CD<4082470020)

NOTE: Unit 3 Items Are Shown In Bold.

,, it Ol 0 II SSEL EQUIP NO CLASS EQUIPMENT I.D.DESCRIPTION OUTLIER CONDITION RESOLUTION 9167 1014 1032 1042 4011'4 3-XFA4824003DA 2-PMP-745 2-PMP-74-1 6 2-PMP-7428 2-PMP-7439 0-PMP-2345 0-PMP-23-91 0-PMP-2348 0-PMP-23-94 2-PMP-7&5 DG4D NEUTRAL GRN XFMR RHR/PUMP 2A RHR/PUMP 2C RHR/PUMP 28 RHR/PUMP 2D RHRSW PUMP A3 RHRSW PUMP C3 RHRSW PUMP B3 RHRSW PUMP D3 CS/PUMP 2A~Anchorage-XFMR Mounted on Rubber Vibration Isolators, Also the Housing Cabinet Not Anchored~Interaction

-Load path of Resistor Box Above the XMFR Is Through Rubber Vibration Isolators and Brittle Ceramics~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculagon

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Verify Anchorage~Verify Anchorage~Verify Anchorage~Verify Anchorage~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Modification Required~OK-AS4S (Ref.Cele.CD0082470020)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C403)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C403)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C403)

OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C403)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.501 47-C~)~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C405)

OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C~)~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.501 47-C405)~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C403) 5016 06 8013 8019 2-PMP-75-14 2-PMP-7543 2-PMP-7&42 0-PMP-23405 0-PMP-23412 0-PMP-23-19 0-PMP-23427 CS/PUMP 2C CS/PUMP 2B CS/PUMP 2D RHRSW PUMP A2 RHRSW PUMP C2 RHRSW PUMP B2 RHRSW PUMP D2~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included In The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Verify Anchorage~Verify Anchorage~Verify Anchorage~Verify Anchorage~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C403)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Cele.50147-C403)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Cele.50147-C403)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C4Ã)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-M05),~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Cele.50147-%05)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C405)

NOTE: Unit 3 Items Are Shown In Bold.

P SSEL NO EQUIP CLASS EQUIPMENT I.D.DESCRIPTION OUTLIER CONDITION RESOLUTION 31004 06 3+MP-744 RHR/PUMP 3A~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.50147403)31014 06 3+MP-74-16 RHR/PUMP 3C~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.50147%403) 31031 31039 35002 35007 35016 35021 3001 06 3+MP-74-28 06 3+MP-7449 06 3-PMP-754 06 3+MP-7543 06 3+MP-7542 07 2-FCV-1-1 4 07 2-FCV-1-1 5 06 3+MP-75-14 RHR/PUMP 3B RHR/PUMP 3D CS/PUMP 3A CS/PUMP 3C CS/PUMP 3B CS/PUMP 3D MS IV"A" INBOARD ISO VALVE MSIV"A" OUTBOARD ISO VALVE~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included In The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Anchorage-Nozzle Loads Not Included in The Original Anchorage Calculation

~Not Specifically In the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>>GIP Limit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>>GIP Limit~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Caic.50147%403)

~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.50147%403)

~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.50147<403)

~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.50147%403)

~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.50147%403)

~OK-ASKS (Ref.Cele.50147403)~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Caic.50147-C402)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C402) 32012 33001 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 2-FCV-1-26 2-FCV-1-27 2-FCV-1 37 2-FCV-149 2-FCV-141 2-FCV-142 34CV-1-22 3+CV-1-14 MSIV"B" INBOARD ISO VALVE MSIV"8" OUTBOARD ISO VALVE MSIV"C" INBOARD ISO VALVE MSIV"C" OUTBOARD ISO VALVE MS IV"D" INBOARD ISO VALVE MSIV"D" OUTBOARD ISO VALVE MS SAFETY RELIEF VALVE MSIV"A" INBOARD ISO VALVE~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>>GIP umit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>>GIP umit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>>GIP umit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>>GIP umit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>>GIP Limit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>>GIP Umit~Interaction (with Jib Crane)~Not Specifically ln the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>>GIP Limit~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C402)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C402)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Calc.50147-C402)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C492)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-M02)

~OK-AS-IS (Ref.Gale.50147-C402)

~DCN T3&379 Issued~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.50147%402)

NOTE: Unit 3 Items Are Shown In Bold.

~I 0 SSEL NO 33002 33003 33004 EQUIP CIASS 07 07 07 EQUIPMENT I.D.3+CV-1-15 3+CV-1-26 3+CV-1-27 DESCRIPTION MSIV"A" OUTBOARD ISO VALVE MSIV"B" INBOARD ISO VALVE MSIV"B" OUTBOARD ISO VALVE OUTLIER CONDITION~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>GIP Limit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height 8 weight>GIP Limit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>GIP Limit RESOLUTION

~OK-AS48 (Ref.Gale.50147%402)

~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.50147402)~OK-AS48 (Ref.Caic.50147%402) 33005 07 3+CV-147 MSIV"C" INBOARD ISO VALVE~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height 8 weight>GIP Limit~OKNS4S (Ref.Caic.50147<402) 33006 33007 33008 9135 9407 9408 39307 39308 07 07 07 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 3+CV-148 3+CV-141 3+CV-142 2-BATD-283400A2 2-BATD-283400B2 0-CHGA-248-0002A 2-CHGD-283-A1-2 2-CHGD-283-A2-2 2-CHGD-283.B1-2 2-CHGD-283-B2-2 3<HGD-283-A14 3HGD-283-A24 MSIV"C" OUTBOARD ISO VALVE MSIV"D" INBOARD ISO VALVE MSIV"D" OUTBOARD ISO VALVE 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY UNIT 2, CHANNEL A 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY UNIT 2, CHANNEL B 250V BATTERY CHARGER 2A 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY CHARGER A1-2 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY CHARGER A2-2 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY CHARGER B1-2 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY CHARGER B2-2 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY CHARGER A14 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY CHARGER A24~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>GIP Limit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height&weight>GIP Limit~Not Specifically in the Seismic Experience Data Base, also Operator Height 8 weight>GIP Limit~Caveat-Batteries More Than 10 Years Old~Caveat-Batteries More Than 10 Years Old~Caveat-Not Bolted to Adjacent Charger 0-CHGA-248NN2B

~Anchorage-Unknown Details to Blockwall~Anchorage-Unknovm Details to Blockwall~Anchorage-Unknovm Details to Blockwali~Anchorage-Unknown Details to Blockwall~Anchorage-Unknovm Details to Blockwall~Anchorage-Unknovm Details to Blockwall~OK-ASKS (Ref.Gale.50147<402)

~OK-AS4S (Ref.Gale.50147402)~OK-AS48 (Ref.Gale.50147%402)

~Rephce Batteries~Replace Batteries~Modification Required if Charger contains Essential Relays~Verify Anchorage Details or Replace viith Through Bolts in Blockwall~Verify Anchorage Details or Replace with Through Bolts in Blockwail~Verify Anchorage Details or Rephce with Through Bolts in Blockwali~Verify Anchorage Details or Rephce with Through Bolts in Blockwall~Anchorage Details were verified and is adequate~Anchorage details vr ere verified and is adequate NOTE: Unit 3 Items Are Shosvn In Bold.

SSEL NO EQUIP CLASS EQUIPMENT I.D.DESCRIPTION OUTLIER CONDITION RESOLUTION 39309 38310 9110 9111 9112 9113 16 16 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3<HGD-283%14 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY CHARGER B14 3<HGD-283%24 24V NEUTRON MONITORING BATTERY CHARGER B24 0-HS47~B HANDSWITCH FOR 0-FCV47M 2-PNLA4094003A PANEL 94A 2-PNLA4094009 PANEL 9-9 2-PN tA4094021 PANEL 9-21 0-PNLA4094023/8 PANEL 0-9-234 2-PNLA4094054 PANEL 944 2-PNLA4094055 PANEL 945 0-LPNL-9254046A PANEL 25-46A 0-LPNL-9254046B PANEL 25-46B 0-LPNL-9254046C PANEL 2$46C 0-LPNL-9254046D PANEL 2$46D 0-PNLA48240MC DG C ELECT CONTROL CABINET 0-PNLA4824000D DG D ELECT CONTROL CABINET 3+NLA4824003A DG 3A ELECT CONTROL CABINET 3+NLA4824003B DG 3B ELECT CONTROL CABINET 1-PNLA4094054 PANEL 1-~1-PNLA4094055 PANEL 1-9-55~Anchorage-Unknown Details to Blockwall~Anchorage-Unknown Details to Blockwall~Anchorage-FlexibleNnstable Anchorage System~Caveat-Unsupported Heavy Cables Inside Panel~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(Misc.House Keeping Items)~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(Loose/Missing Door Latch)~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(Loose/Missing Door Latch)~Caveat-Not Bolted to Adjacent Panel 24-22 Apply also to Panels 9-21 and 9-23-7 Since They Are all Bolted Together~Interaction/

Relay Chatter-(Pin at Door Hinge Missing)~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(Pin at Door Hinge Missing)~Caveat-Not Bolted to Adjacent Panel 2$47A~Caveat-Not Bolted to Adjacent Panel 2$47B~.Caveat-Not Bolted to Adjacent Panel 2$47C~Caveat-Not Bolted to Adjacent Panel 2&47D~Caveat-Door Loose~Caveat-Door Loose~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Unanchored Cabinet Nearby)~Anchorage-Inadequate Welds~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Unanchored Cabinet Nearby)~Anchorage-Inadequate Welds~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Missing Door Pin)~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Missing Door Pin)~Anchorage details were veriTied and is adequate~Anchorage details were verified and is adequate~Modification Required for Anchorage~Issue WR~Issue WR~Issue WR~Issue WR~Issue WR or Show Panel Does Not Contain Essential Relays~Issue WR or Show Panel Does Not Contain Essential Relays~Issue WR~Issue WR~Issue WR~Issue WR~Issue WR~Issue WR~Anchor nearby Cabinet~Modification Required for Anchorage~Anchor nearby Cabinet~Modification Required for Anchorage~Issue WR~Issue WR NOTE: Unit 3 Items Are Shown In Bold.

e I\

SSEL NO EQUIP CLASS EQUIPMENT I.D.DESCRIPTION OUTLIER CONDITION RESOLUTION 20 2-PNLA4094036A PANEL 2-946A~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Missing Door Pin)~Issue WR~Interaction/Relay Chatter;(Mounting Phte Missing Connection Screws)9310 9315 9391 9403 39115 20 2-PNLA4094020 20 1-LPNL-9254032 20 1-PNLA409406 20 2-PNLA409412 20 3-PNLA409403 PANEL 2-9-20 PANEL 1-25-32 PANEL 1-S4 PANEL 2-9-12 PANEL 344~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Loose Latch)~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Loose Latch)~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Unanchored Equipment N earby)~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Missing Door Pin)~Caveat-Loose Door Latches~Caveat-Not Properly Bolted to Adjacent Panel 34-2 (Panels Are Bolted Only at the Bottom)~Issue WR~Issue WR~Issue WR~Issue WR~Panel contains no essential relays 39116 39117 39119 20 3+NLA4094004 20 3+NLA4094005 20 3+NLA4094009 CLEANUP&RECIRC PNL REACTOR CONTROL PNL PNL 344 (l8 C CONT PWR, CAB 283)~Caveat-Broken or Loose Door Latches~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(Loose/Missing Door Latch&Misc.House Keeping Items)~Panel contains no essential relays~Panel contains no essential relays~Interaction

/Relay Chatter-(Misc.House Keeping Items)~Panel contains no~Caveat-Broken or Loose Door Latches essential relays 39202 39203 38204 20 3+NLA4824003C 20 3+NLA4824003D 20 3+NLA4254031 DG 3C ELECT CONTROL CABINET DG 3D ELECT CONTROL CABINET LOCAL PANEL 3-2541~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Unanchored Cabinet Nearby)~Anchorage-Inadequate Welds~Interaction/Relay Chatter-(Unanchored Cabinet Nearby)~Anchorage-Inadequate Welds~Anchorage-Inadequate Welds~Anchor nearby Cabinet~Modification Required for Anchorage~Anchor nearby Cabinet~Modification Required for Anchorage~Modification Required for Anchorage NOTE: Unit 3 Items Are Shown In Bold.

II k