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ECCS Analysis,25% Steam Generator Tube Plugging.
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/1980
Shared Package
ML17339B086 List:
NUDOCS 8006090397
Download: ML17339B088 (33)


ATTACHME NT Re: Turkey Point Units 3 5 4 Docket Nos.50-250 8 50-251 ECCS Anal si s 25'f.S/G Tube Plu in 8006090.$99 I The nuclear Regulatory Col-w'ssio'n (tiRC).issued a letter dated t/ovember 9, 1979 to operators of light water roa tors regarding fuel rod models'used in Loss"f Coolant Accident (LOCA)ECCS evaluation models.That letter descr::;,=s a meeting called by the ABC on Hovember 1, 1979 to present draft report t<UREG G630,"Cladding Swelling'and Rupture Yicdels for LOCA Analysis." At.the meeting, representatives of HSSS vendors and fuel suppliers>>

re asked to show hors plants licensed using their LOCA/ECCS evaluaticn model continued to conform to 10 CFR Part 50-46 in view of the new fuel rod models presented in draft ttUREG 0630.Hestinghouse representatives presented information on the uel rod models.used in analyses for plants licensed with the Hestinghouse ECCS evaluation model and discussed the potential impact of fuel rod model changes on resul s of those analyses.That information was formally documented in letier'tS-Tt4~.-2147, dated November 2, 1979, and i ormed the basis for the t!estinghouse ccnclusion that the inforimiation'presented in draft ltUREG 0630 did not cons itute a safety problem for llestinghouse plants and that all plants coniormed with tiRC regulations.

In the tiovember 9,'979 1 etter, the iiRC requested that operatcrs of li ght water reactors pi.ovide, within six.y (60)days, information which will enable the determine, in light of the fuel rod modal concerns, whether or not furti er action is necessary.

As a result of compiling informa ion for letter ttS-Tt"A-2147, klestinghous recogniz d a pot ntial discrepancy in the calcula ion of fuel rod burst for c'ases h ving clad hea.up rates (prior to rupture)significantlj lower than 2iŽdegrees F per second.This issu was reported to the tlRC sta,f, by telephone, on November 9, 1979, and although independent cf the t!RC fuel rcd model.concern, the ccmbined effect of this issue and the effec of the HRC fuel rod riiodels had to oe studied.Details o the work done on this issue'ere nted to the'/RC on November 13, 1969 and documented in leiter HS-Tt'."-2163 daied'ovember 16, 1979.That work included d velopment of a procedure to determine the clad heatup rate burst and a reevaluation oi operating';,'tinghouse pl ants wi th consi deraii on of a modif i ed ltestinghcuse fuel rod burst mcdel.As part of this reevaluation, the>lestinghouse position on WUREG-CG30 was reviewed and it was, still con-cluded thai the informat'.on presented in draft i'lUREG-0630 did not con-stitute a safety problem fcr plants licensed with the r,'estinghouse ECCS evaluation model.On December 6, 1979, tlRC and klestinghouse personnel discussed the infor-, mation thus far presented.

At the conclusion of that discussion, the HRC staff requested'iestinghcuse to provide further detail-on the poten-tial impact of modifications to each of the fuel rcd models usod in the LOCA analysis and to outlinie anal:t cal model s in.":;.:." parts of the analysis and the pot"-ntia!

benefit associated with those

~~$mprovem nts.This additional information was compiled from various LOCA.analysis results and documented in letter HS-TtÃ-2174 dated December 7, 3.979.Another meeting was held in Bethesda on December 20, 1979 where llRC and'Jesiinghcuse personnel established:

1)The currently accepted proc dure fcr assessing the potential imp.'ct on LOCA analysis results of using the fuel rcd models presented in draft LURING-Oo~0 and 2)Acceptable benorits resulting frcm analytical madel improvements that>uuld justify ccntinued plant o"erat',on for the interim until differences between the fuel Gd.,odels of concern are resolved.Para oi the Mestinghcuse

'ef7ort, provided to assist in".he resolut ion of these LOCA'=uel rod model differences is documented in letter HS-T/N-Z>75,~dat.d December 10, 1979, which contains".estinghc"s.

conents on draft HUREG-0630.

As s'tated in that lette., westinghouse believes.the current Hestinghouse models to be conservative and to be in compliance with Appendix K.

~~q Evaluation of the po"ential impact of using fuel rod mod ls pre-sen.ed in draft!iUREG-'0530 on the Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)""'IX'" I" KOA2.'~/.'l' A-":-'~'O/.-'5

'TA'fhis evaluation is based on the limiting break LGCA analysis identi-fied as follons: BREAK TYPE-DGUSLE EhOED COLD LEG GUILLOTI!'I~


~~~QPercent IXIXIAITI CiAO jA" Ill AT TATA'III IXX T-'n.Zuf'n maximum temperature for this<node occurs wh n the core ref leod rate is (GREATER'"~

than 1.0 inch per second and ref leod heat transfer is based on the (FLFCHT-..

=-'-'.'.-..-.:-'-.:-<-."-g calculation.


-Q/4 Feei HOT ASSEt!SLY BLOCKAGE CALCULATFD-1 BURST h<ODE r7 Percent The maximum pot ntial imoact on the ruptured clad node is expressed in letter HS-Tt!A-2174 in terms of the in the peaking factor limit (FO)required to main ain a pe k t m'-perature (PCT)of 2200oF and in terms o" a change in PCT at a constant Fg.S'.nce the clad-.eater reaction rate increases sig-nificantly at temlperatures above 2200.oF, individual effects (such as DPCT due to changes in several fuo!rod.-..odels':

indicated here may not accurately apply over,arge ran-s, but a simult ous change in Fg which causes, e PCT to re'main in the neighborhood of 2200.oF justifies use of this evalua-tion procedure.

.-From NS-7ilA-2174:

For the Burst t/ode of the clad:~~~0.01 6FQ~N 150 F BURST HOOE 6PCT~-l~~.l/e of the lAC bu~st model~~~ld r+equire an F~reduct of O..O&~The mr imum estimated impact of using the NRC stra'.n model is a required Fg reduction of 0.03.Therefore, the maximum penalty for th Hot Rod burst node is: i hPCT1=(0.027+03)(150 F/01)=855oF Hargin to the 2200o.='imit is: hPCi2=2200.~F-PCT0=~2.OF The Fg reduction required to maintain the 2200oF clad tempera-.ture limit is: LFg='(6PCT-6PCT)()B 1 2 1500F=(~~-~>.)(~)~d5 5'b: 1 tb: 2.NOH-BURST tlODE The maximum temperature calculated for a non-burst section of clad typically occurs at an el vation abo.e the core mid-plan during the core reflood phase of the LOCA transient.

Trie poi=-n-tial impact on that maximum clad temperature of using the tlRC fuel rod models can be.estimaied by examining two as-cts of th analyses.The first aspe t is the change in pellei-clad g p conduc.ance resuliing from a difference in clad non-burst maximum clad tamper'.ture node elevation.

Rote that cia" s rain all along the fuel rod steps after clad bursi occurs and use of a dif ercnt clad burst model can chang the tim at which burst is calculated.

Three sets'of LOCA analysis results were studied to establish an accepiable sensitivity to.apply generically in this evaluation.

The possible PCT increase resulting from.change in strai.{in the Hot Rod)is+20.oF per percent decrease in strain at tne maxim m clad iemperature locations.

ce the clad strain calcvlated~ring the reacto;-cool an t sys tem b 1 owdown phas e of the acc i den.t s no t c h anged by: the use of HRC fue 1 rod models , the maximum decrea se'.n c l ad.s tra i n tha t must be con s i dered he're i s the d i f ference between the"maximum c l ad strain" and the" c 1 ad s tr a i n at the end of RCS" bl owdown" i nd i ca ted above....'here fore: l 20 F hPCT3={01)(HAX STRAIH-BLOt>>00'~<<H STRAIH)a=(<>)(o.isa-yywg}I/g 2 The second aspect of the analysis that can increase.PCT is tf.flow blockage calculated.

Since the greatest value of blockage indicated by the NRC blockage model is 75 percent., the maximum PCT increase can be estimated by assuming that the current level of blockage in th analysis (indicated above)is raised to 75 percent and then applying an appropriate sensitivity formula shown in HS-THA-2174.

Theref re,<IIiPCT4=1.25oF (50-PERC'>>T CURREHT BLOCKAGE)+2e36OF (75-50)1.25 (50-ii.8)a 2.36 (75-50)=~Z/-OF If PCTH occurs when the core ref lood rate is greater than 1.0 inch per second hPCTg=0.The tot l potential PCT increase for the non-burst node is then<)LPCT5=<htPCT+BPCT~f/$.2,+!2./,5 3 Hargin to the 2200oF limit is<ItPCT6=2200oF-PCTH=2~<>-l>H'2~+.The.Fg reduction required to maintain this 2200oF clad tem-perature limit is (f rom a>>S-TY)A-2174) aFq={ZPCT-ZPCT)('H 5-6 10oF bPCT 650ii=O,P~OW bvt not less than zero The peaking fac or reduction required to maintain%he 2200'.F clad temperature limit is therefore the greater of LF08.and&gH,~PE'(ALTY B.The effect on LOCA analysis results of using ir proved analytical and mod ling techniques

{which are currently approved for use in the Upper Head Injection plant LOCA analyses)in the r actor coolant system blowdown calculation (SATAi)computer code)has been quanti-fied via an analysis which has recently been submitted to the flRC for review.Recognizing that review o that analysis is not yet complete and that th benefits associated with those model improve-ments car, change for other plant designs, the i'<RC has established a credit that is acc..ptable for this interim period to he'.p of s t~penalties resulting from application of the tlRC fuel rod models.That credit for two, three and four loop plants is an incr ase in the LOCA peaking factor limit of 0.12, O.lo and,0.20 respectively.

The peaking factor limit adjustment required to justi<fy plant operation<or this interim period ls determined as the appropriate AFg credit iden i ied in section{8)above, minus th c'.Fg<<~,ALTY calculated in section (A)above{but not greater than"erbg.'g ADJUSi<<ENT

=~/5-C.056 TABLE l LARGE BREAK TINE SE(UEHCE OF EVENTS~r~~~STA!LT R>.Trip Signalj..S.I.Signal.': hcc.Injection End of Blo;;:down Bottom of Core R'covery Acc~C.lj)ty t'unip Injection End of Bypass DECl.C~~o.'9 (Sec)o.Q D 666 d,7P/&i 7'.S7.J'g pgoS5 5 Pl882 li>BLE 2 LA5E PEEN~~Res vl ts I'eak Clad Temp.'F Peak Clad Location Ft.OECL',*0 P" Si7/6 Local Zr/H>G Ri:r<."..-")'4;

~~Local Zr/H20 Loc tion.Ft..J ,'s~Total Zr/H2G Rxn 5l Hot Rod Burst Time sec Hot Rod Burst Location Ft.'..g g C o.5 gpo g,o~~Calculat,ion c'~~Porier Hat 102'/, of Peak Linear Pci"er 4~I/ft 102/of Peaking Factor Accumulator Mate).Yolume/goo ru.e~Y3'E75 fi'r~.a/aha 7 Fuel region+cycle analy,.ed.Cycle'iifT 3 j~/Region Au~~

\~I't S!'HC~Y SYST:;f>"t">>" 0 PU"05 0"2)~.'it'"" E)C"0"t t.'0'3 Tltt:: S".-}=6'-'~!'.V r':ll COo',s}i ti'.)2~OT F4~.COO t 7)Op l t'0'>Fc".S iQS t.f'05 t"./'CC'}CB}'t:

Ill}t.'c".tlO}0>F.'tA COOl'Zt 5

.Tugger VK4d sM&~5~q~4~SPY'sE g/jV'C//)p 006~jgC y ggag g,g Qg&OQ 44OOQ>gC~g.>r8~~~~e.<874 D,DD~T 7G P, 2898~g.0 e.28o.8 g4o~Oi~M A~~J.SC~/, FG., O.40&"j~~s~dgc P"+r'PC 0;DO&9 P.y4'8 P g>r8 d.Rpyr~r d.03+.03~~$g 4 Q.0&3 O,Ooc 97~0'./0 0,2 F38'~97385 8.g+8858$;D 5'040./f f29 8.7.~.Wd4-ao.d/Cr.8'PP..>r7-87 j'a'<.p Q5/.5'Z5 Zl7/Zr 8355~0 80348.5'z.

p8.z.s/7)3a-0 O.09~7, f 2.G+'.IZJP3~~-4, C3 gee qadi~p~I',C~.Ui!410)1 7 1 i':: (><O s s>5C.C" Sfi.'-"Ci

"~HO~Fr'":!l COG'RS f""1)~, OT F'!P COO'Q3"5 0"=}Qt A".Fc".5 4~5 t f'05 t J'CC1CB[le Inl t~".tl o 1 Oi Fc'O COO isa 5 do g (e C c'


~N'A S~qi.~z~dhCSQ g'jwcrr)g OOG~j'gC y ggag PoOOC-~~6 g 009>g'C~d.+rai~g4 pz.Cg js4o.8y 00(>r~r 0.03.03~~/$4 PSSs~'0 I 8OZ<8.g il l g~(J~;~gr'cpg~~~f+~~4~rA/~Mm~~~/fr%5 n~~'8704'.O'43yz.o Rgp-ioco~TAaiE@st s'NERGY PacaKKES 7/NE (S'cc)m(r.w~)(28,/sec)fr7/7 7'/i~(gpss/~~~)

D,o: G,o SHE/H+~~H gp, Zoz 7Z/<Z 7 7.P Z-/d4.t'7~IZ/l Zf gg;go Z<tdt YoZ Z.pZ-o g/57+s//.7, zo Z./i+p H//o~Z 76.g,.g/pb FS/57/Z7+~

I I 778~a'@gory'~goo P g~'.cpu'l~rd~FZ>cu 7D'EEK cq Pg~=.o.g).7//f7E (Sec)rn8rz<8 Za~1~1'L g(O.y, 0/g,o/g,o/g,oI S,o//O,of (Q,o I ZoiO (ZS,o)3~~i 35 35', (35 Z;./3~I O.o 2 Z'Z,o,$'Z<y, 4 2 OF5.~)'PV/.I 1)XG~(f og,o (370i 7 1~i S.t'l o't'f/032-3 0/S-'I F~a F g~Nl J~i iP~'()N ps'-~~E~gM Q~~~sq.<~g-,u/c.r.

1.4000 1.2500 FPL/FLA OECLG CODD.4 FEBTB HOOEL 15X15 FUEL UPPER HEAD AT THOT OUALlTY OF FLUID DURST~6~00 FT()PEAK~6~00 FT14)1.0000 0.7500<D 0.5000 0.2500 0.0 CD Cl C)C),0 0 0 c)o Q tt)D)0 0 n n 0 Q 0 C)lI)~~0 0 a onao 0 O C)C)O o ooaa t))r ec)a~~~~o aoo~~C)C)tt)Q C)C)C)n o nanna o o o Qclcln n o Q c)nna 0 D Aana~~~~~~Q a II)tt)N t))t))~t':.Ctg..)C)Cl CI tt)Iv.!jv,':i:,i:.".l':;,', e t o a-Q oanoo Q 0 0 o nano 0 o-c)QDQO~~~~~~\Q Q 0 a 0aooa Yi<t))tD t CD(ll>>('l,)'eo O CD Cl Cl&1 a 0 o oooo 0 0 OQQO~~~~~~C)0 Q Q nano a n Qaooo a tI)tt)t t))m T1HE (SEC)FIGURE 1 (1', 4.')t le~,tt.,')P at FLUID EQUALITY-DECLG{CD~o.+)

50.000 40.000 FPL/FLA OECLG CO=0.4 FED)8 HCOEL ISX l5 FUEL UPPER REAO AT THOT-MASS VELOCITY.OURSTI 6.00 FTI I PEAK)6.00 FTIN)~II a C)C)Cl O 0 CV C)Ca C)a a nanna o n o on<<)n Q C)O'C)C)CIQ Cu)O)DIQ~~~~~~o o naov~Cl Cl a AJ n<<1 Cl PI n 0 nanna Q n nnona n c)c>c)cl<<lo'Q OQQQ~~~~~~0~ID I<<ua)~Cl Cl C)I'U C)D'l a 0 O D 0 0~~a,o I)Ill I e aoao n oooo 0 OOQ~~~0 o nano ID I CD I)I~a Cl Cl CII a o 0 o o o o 0 cl Cl Q 0 a oooo 0 QQQ~~~~Q a naoa Q Qonn ID~COQI TIME (SEC)fOSS VELOCITY=DECLG(CD.o.~)~g;I 4~)~I I w g I~~

la I CL z I Al 1 la I tO I le lJ 4 Lal ID LJ~/l 0 I)Ill])ll 600.00 500.00%00.00 300.00 200.0C l."..000 uJ.UOO 50.000<0.000 30.000 20.000 FPL/FLA OECLG CO=0.4 f E6)0)IOOEL)5X)5 FUEL UPPEFI IIEAO AT TIIOT))EAT TAAIIS.COEFFlC(E)IT BUFISTo 6~00 ffI)PEAKED 6.00 FTI~)6.0000 5.0000~.0000 3.0000~'2.0000).0000 hUXBII C7 Cl h~Cl lA.C3 C7 TINE)SEC)C)C)Cll FIGURE 3 Hrr~T TwHsFEa eoEFFrc~ENT


2500.0 FPL/FLA DECLG CO=0.0*FEOT9 h<ODEL 15X 15 FUEL UPPEA llEAD AT THOT PRESSURE CORE BOTTOll (1 TOP s 1<)2000.0 IC 1500.0 1000.0 500.00 0.0 CD n n I C n n n CD AJ TlHE (SEC)CD n D 1 n CD CD CD CD CD CD I/\FIGURE 4 I CORE PRESSURE-DECL'(CD O.p) 1.00Ei05 7.50E~OII FPL/FLA OECLG CO=0.4 FEO70 HOOEL 15X15 FUEL UPPER klEAO AT THOT OREAK FLOV 5.00EIOo 2.50Ei04 4.0.0 lsJ-2.50E+Ol-5.00E<0l)~1 II-7.50Ei04-1.00Ei05 D D D, O D D D D III TIHE 1SEC)CI C7 CI CI Irl CI Cl CI FItGURE 5 BREAK FLOM RATE-DECLG(CD~.y) 10.000 FPL/FLA OECLC CO=0.4 FE078 HOOEL 15X l5 FUEL UPPER llEAO AT TllOT CORE PR.OROP 50.000 CI 25.000 aa ss: LJ 0.0-25.000-50.000-70.000 a~C)C)n CI O C)C)sas TlRE (SE C)Cl CI C)sn C)C)o CD CI F!GURE 6 C con pREssuRE Drop-oEcLG(co->'+)



2000.0 l 1750.0 FPL/FLA OECLC CO=0.4 FEB)8 HOOEL 15X15 FUEL UPPEII I!EAO AT TIIOT FLUIO TEthPEAATUIIE BUBSTe 6.00 FTl)PEAKED 6.00 FTI>)a a)500.0~~Lr EX'250.0~~~1000.0 tl J.Lr I 750.00 I 500.00 250.00 C)C)C)Vl CS CD n n ,I'i FICiVRE 8 J FLUID TEMPERATURE


)000.0 FPL/FLA OECLC Co=0.i FEO)8.MOOEL)5X)5 FUEL UPPEA AEAO AT THOT 2-FLOMAA1E COAE BOTTOM l)TOP S~)CJ M CII Cl 5OOO.O 2500.0 0.0-2500.0-5000,0-7000.0 n n n n n n CCI TlHE lSEC)1',n n.r a~n n n CD n FIGURE 9 CORE FLOH (TOP AND.BOTTOH)


20.000 11.500 rPLjrLA OECLG CO=0.4 FEB70 HOOEL ls~ls FUEL UPPEll HEAO AT TOOT VklEA LEYELlrl)0 l5.000~~~~4~12.500 lu.OOO>~.sooo CL 5.J000 2.5000 0.0 CD CD~~~~%~CD Cl'CD CD CD AJ TlHE (SEC)CD CD CD~f)CD CD CD C)a CD CD CD IA t:IGURE'10 REFLOOD TRMSIEllT-DECLG(CD~n,+)DOHHCOHER AND CORE tNTER LE'IELS 2.0000 1.7500 FPL/FLA DECLC CD=0.C FES78 MODEL 15X 15 FUEL UPPER HEAD AT Tl)OT FLOOD R ATE 1 1 HI S E C)1.5000 1~2500 l.0000 L/I/I 0.7"00 CL CI CI 0 5000 D,c'.'IO 0.0 CI CI CI CI n CI TIME 1SEC)CI CI n n CI n I'I F'GURE 11 REFLOQD TRANSIENT-


~0 5000.0 FPL/FLA OECLC FEB78 HOOEL 15X15 FUEL UPPER UEAO AF THOT ACCUH.FLOM I%000.0 X 3000.0 2000.0 1000.0 0.0 Cl Cl Cl CI Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl IIJ'1 I flf (SEC)Cl Cl CI Ct Cl Cl Ct Ct If%FIGURE t2 r ACCUMULATOR FLOH (BLOtiOOHH)

-DECLG(CD 0.+3~I

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I:::I:: I.TIIILtSE s'.;I;::-I:I al e~s'-'I~I l.j".(-~~I s'.'.', FIGURE 14.t.,i Ia.(t.j.,~~~a'~a!: Itis's~COHTAIHtlEHT PRESSiJRE-DECLG(CD=0 s-)

1.0000 FPL/FLA OECLG CO=0.%FE079 140OEL 15X15 FUEL UPPER HEAO AT THOT-.POMEA o 0.8000 0.6000 0.1000 0.2000 0.0 t~o n o o Al TlNE<SECl o o o n o o IA FIGURE t5 CORE POMER TfNHSIEHT-DECLG{CO~o.~/-)

5.0~E~07 FPL/FLA OECLC CO=0.4 FEO78 HOOEL 15X.15 FUEL UPPEA llEAO hT THOT-OllEAK EtlEAGY 3.00E>07 1~OOE>07 lal-1.00E47"t~~'i-3.00E107"-5.00E>07 1~~',,<'I l C~C7 C)C 8 Tl'AE tSECl Cl CD Cl w'g a C>C)LA FIGURE l6: BREAK ENERGY RELEASED TO COt<TAIHNENT

STATE OF FLORIDA)))A.D.Schmidt being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Vice President Light Company, the herein;o f Florida Power&That he has executed the foregoing document;that the state-ments made in this said document are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, and that he is authorized to execut the document on behalf of said A.D.Schmidt Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5 day of NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the County of Dade, State of Florida Notary Public.State of Rorida at Largo'ty Cornrni""'on Expires October 30, 19 3 My commission expires: