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 Issue dateTitleTopic
05000369/LER-1982-01930 March 1982LER 82-019/03L-0:on 820228,during Mode 4,performance of RCS Pressure Isolation Valve Leak Rate Test Determined That 3 Valves Failed Test.Caused by Failure of Valves to Seat Properly.Valves Disassembled & Repaired
05000369/LER-1982-03730 June 1982LER 82-037/03L-0:on 820513,while in Mode 1,performance of Nuclear Air Cleaning Sys Air Flow Measurement Periodic Test Revealed That Train a of Annulus Ventilation Sys Failed to Meet Flow Acceptance Criteria.Caused by Component Failure
05000369/LER-1982-04130 June 1982LER 82-041/03L-0:on 820513,HEPA & Carbon Absorber Filters Periodic Test Revealed That Carbon Absorber Filter on Train a of Annulus Ventilation Sys Failed to Pass Halogenated Hydrocarbon Penetration Test.Caused by Dirt in Filter
05000369/LER-1982-04230 June 1982LER 82-042/03L-0:on 820519,HEPA & Carbon Filters Periodic Test Revealed That HEPA after-filters on Train B of Annulus Ventilation Sys Failed to Pass Dioctyl Phthalate Penetration Test.Caused by Dirt in Filter
05000369/LER-1982-04330 June 1982LER 82-043/03L-0:on 820520,HEPA & Carbon Absorber Filters Periodic Test Indicated Carbon Absorber Filter on Fuel Pool Ventilation Sys Failed to Pass Freon Penetration Test. Caused by High Humidity.Filters Replaced
05000369/LER-1982-04430 June 1982LER 82-044/03L-0:on 820526,HEPA & Carbon Adsorber Filters Periodic Test Revealed That Auxiliary Bldg Ventilation Sys Filters Failed to Pass Total DOP Penetration Test.Caused by Vibration
05000369/LER-1982-04530 June 1982LER 82-045/03L-0:on 820527,HEPA & Carbon Adsorber Filters Periodic Test Revealed That Carbon Adsorber Filters on Auxiliary Bldg Ventilation Sys Failed to Pass Freon Penetration Test.Caused by Carbon Settlement
05000369/LER-1984-024, Revised Page 6 to LER 84-024-01,providing Corrective Actions.Relay House Emergency Lighting Improved,Operating & Maint Activities Reviewed for Potential Impact on Offsite Power & Switchyard Computer Will Be Replaced by Mar 19889 November 1984Revised Page 6 to LER 84-024-01,providing Corrective Actions.Relay House Emergency Lighting Improved,Operating & Maint Activities Reviewed for Potential Impact on Offsite Power & Switchyard Computer Will Be Replaced by Mar 1988Emergency Lighting
05000369/LER-1984-030, Suppl to LER 84-030:review Revealed Installation Error That Would Result in Failure of Upper Head Injection Accumulator Discharge Valves to Isolate on Low Level.Analysis of Safety Significance & Encl19 December 1984Suppl to LER 84-030:review Revealed Installation Error That Would Result in Failure of Upper Head Injection Accumulator Discharge Valves to Isolate on Low Level.Analysis of Safety Significance & EnclStroke time
AECM-83-0600, Updated RO 83-067/1:on 830819,accelerographs Used for Seismic Monitoring Discovered Damaged Due to over-ranging. Instrument on HPCS Spray Line Replaced 830713.LPCS Spray Line Instrument Replaced 83071323 September 1983Updated RO 83-067/1:on 830819,accelerographs Used for Seismic Monitoring Discovered Damaged Due to over-ranging. Instrument on HPCS Spray Line Replaced 830713.LPCS Spray Line Instrument Replaced 830713
B14544, Update to 900827 Rept of Substantial Safety Hazard Re GE Custom 8000 Horizontal Induction Motors,Reported Per 10CFR21 for Unit 3.Util Has Determined,As Part of Review of in 91-007 That Subj GE Motors Also Used at Units 1 & 211 August 1993Update to 900827 Rept of Substantial Safety Hazard Re GE Custom 8000 Horizontal Induction Motors,Reported Per 10CFR21 for Unit 3.Util Has Determined,As Part of Review of in 91-007 That Subj GE Motors Also Used at Units 1 & 2
ET-NRC-92-3707, Part 21 Rept Re Degraded Performance Condition of Westinghouse Protection Sys Overtemp Delta Temp Reactor Trip Function.Issue Not Reportable,Per 10CFR21,based on Diversity of Westinghouse Protection Sys,Per WCAP-730615 June 1992Part 21 Rept Re Degraded Performance Condition of Westinghouse Protection Sys Overtemp Delta Temp Reactor Trip Function.Issue Not Reportable,Per 10CFR21,based on Diversity of Westinghouse Protection Sys,Per WCAP-7306
ML17303B18230 December 1986LER 86-058-01:on 861111 & 18,overtemp Delta T Reactor Trip Occurred on Increasing Reactor Coolant Temp Rate.Caused by Spike on Potentiometer.Valve Realigned & Unit Returned to Previous status.W/861230 Ltr
ML17348A16227 March 1990Part 21 Rept Re Matls W/Programmatic Defects Supplied by Dubose Steel,Inc.Customers,Purchase Order,Items & Affected Heat Numbers Listed
ML18010A95230 November 1992NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216.Nondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML18010B0845 May 1993NRC Licensing Submittal Review of Licensing Conditions Imposed by NUREG-1216.Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Loop seal
Stroke time
Temporary Modification
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML18016A90112 April 1999Part 21 Rept Re Defect in Component of DSRV-16-4,Enterprise DG Sys.Caused by Potential Problem with Connecting Rod Assemblies Built Since 1986,that Have Been Converted to Use Prestressed Fasteners.Affected Rods Should Be Inspected
ML19208A79520 August 1979Interim Deficiency Rept Re Steam Generator Water Level Measurement Sys Errors.Westinghouse Pursuing Resolution on Generic Basis for Plants Under Const.Westinghouse Ltr Re Substantial Safety Hazard Encl
ML19241A75222 June 1979Deficiency Rept:Present Rod Controller Is Less Conservative than Assumed in Safety Analysis & Could Lead to DNB Reduction Below Min Design Value.Revised Setpoint Will Be Included in Tech SpecsRod Drop Event
ML19242D19921 June 1979Significant Deficiency 79-1:during Installation of Equipment on Section of Main Control Board,Deficient Skip Weld of Wire Duct Detected.Investigation Revealed 60 Improper Welds.All Welds Will Be Repaired by 790629
ML19249E1067 September 1979Deficiency Rept Re Depressurization Cases of Multiple Steam Generators Which,Combined W/Most Limiting Single Failure, Will Increase Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Flow to Extent That Pump Runout Occurs,Causing Negative Suction Pressure
ML19249E11931 August 1979Deficiency Rept SD 369-370/79-06:holes for Mounting Personnel Air Lock Door Seals Improperly Drilled.All Bolt Holes Will Be Inspected for Penetration Depth,Thread Condition,Thread Depth & Perpendicularity
ML19249E1237 September 1979Deficiency Rept SD 369-370/79-08:noted That Modulating Control Valves Would Not Go to Safe Position Upon Loss of Air When Control Grade Positioners,Solenoids & Instrumentation Are Applied.Solenoid Valves to Be Added
ML19249E81424 August 1979Interim Deficiency Rept Re Steam Generator Water Level Measurement Sys Errors.Final Rept Will Be Forwarded Upon Completion of Generic Investigation Underway by Westinghouse
ML19249E81924 August 1979Significant Deficiency Rept Re Barton Differential Pressure Transmitter Inaccuracy.Seven Barton Lot 1 Differential Pressure Transmitters Having Potential Positive Inaccuracies in Excess of 10% Will Be Returned to Manufacturer
ML19253C42430 November 1979Suppl 1 to Deficiency Rept 369-370/79-06 Re Personnel Air Lock Door Seal Problem.Submits Details on Corrective Actions Taken.Actions for Unit 1 Will Be Completed & Personnel Air Lock Door Seals Reinstalled by 800130
ML19253C44829 November 1979Deficiency Rept,Sd 369-370/79-11 Re Westinghouse 7300 Series Process Comparator Card Technical Problems.Caused by Design Deficiencies.Insp of Cards Conducted & Cards Being Repaired. Corrective Actions to Be Completed by 800430
ML19254E9997 September 1979Interim Deficiency Rept Re Failure of Modulating Control Valves to Revert to Safe Position Upon Loss of Air Following Seismic Event.Final Rept Will Be Filed by 791007
ML19254F24612 October 1979Significant Deficiency Rept 79-09:34 safety-related Valves Discovered to Have Commercial Grade Electric Motor Operators.Caused by Improper Procurement Due to Deficient Definition of Valve Applications.Operators Will Be ReplacedCommercial Grade
ML19256B81930 June 1979Revised Response to Branch Technical Position,Auxiliary & Power Conversion Sys Branch,9.5-1 App a Re Fire Protection ReviewSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Ultimate heat sink
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
Early Warning Fire Detection
ML19256F0038 November 1979Significant Deficiency Rept 369-370/79-10:on 791108,some safety-related Mechanical & Electrical Equipment in Doghouse Area Outside Containment Not Environmentally Qualified. Caused by Feedwater or Steam Line Break
ML19256F35213 December 1979Final Deficiency Rept Re Deficient Weld in Steam Generator Lower Lateral Support.In June 1979,pinhole Discovered in Weld Preparation Area.Reinsp Showed Three Addl Rejectable Indications.Part Returned for RepairEarthquake
ML19256F64930 November 1979Significant Deficiency Rept 369-370/79-06,suppl Re Personnel Air Lock Door Seals.All Penetrating Bolt Holes & Holes Deviating from Perpendicular Re More than 3 Degrees Were Plugged,Drilled & Tapped.Action Completed by 800131
ML19257A01926 December 1979Significant Deficiency Rept IE-79-05-SDD-413/414.Main Steam Power Operated Relief Valves Not Qualified for Expected Environ Resulting from Feedwater or Steam Line Break.Valves Will Be Qualified
ML19257D83016 January 1980Significant Deficiency Rept SD-369/370-79-14:on 790116, During Prototype Testing,Isolation Block Valve Failed to Fully Close Under Design Flow Conditions.Caused by Manufacturer Error in Determing Size of Valve Operator
ML19260D0471 February 1980Deficiency Rept SD 413-414/80-01 Re Faulty Connections in Electrical Equipment.Probability of Redundant Equipment Being Affected Is Minimal.All Electrical Ctrs & Equipment Will Be Inspected
ML19276G92510 August 1979Final Deficiency Rept IE-77/03-5PS-413/414 Re Potential Malfunction of safety-related Butterfly Valve Operators Used in Containment Isolation Valves.Valves Have Been Tested & Operator Support Brackets Redesigned
ML19289B21815 September 1982Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1982
ML19289B22115 April 1982Corrected Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1982
ML19289B22215 June 1982Corrected Monthly Operating Rept for May 1982
ML19289B22315 July 1982Corrected Monthly Operating Rept for June 1982
ML19289B22413 August 1982Corrected Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1982
ML19291C28016 January 1980Deficiency Rept 79-07:on 800116,during Prototype Testing, Isolation Block Valve Failed to Fully Close Under Design Flow Conditiions.Cause by Manufacturer Error in Determining Size of Valve Operator.Valve Operator Will Be ModifiedSafe Shutdown
ML19294B4834 January 1980Significant Deficiency Rept SD-369/370/79-12:on 800104, Resistance Temp Detector Had Insufficient Qualification Data for Radiation Levels Postulated in Containment During Accident Condition
ML19295A61819 September 1980Part 21 Rept Re Potential Defect in Component of Dsrv Standby Diesel Generator Concerning Link Rod Assembly Which Could Result in Engine Failure.Defect Limited to Models Dsrv 12,DSRV 16 & Dsrv 20 Built Before Feb 1980
ML19296B76310 January 1980Significant Deficiency Rept 369-370/79-13:investigation of Cable Connection Failure Revealed Improper Insulation Stripping by Nelson Electric Co,Possibly Resulting in Equipment Failure.All Related Equipment Will Be Inspected
ML19296D51311 February 1980Part 21 Rept:On 800131,util Telephoned Rept to Region 2 of Potential Problem in safety-related Overcurrent Relays. Component,sodium-cooled Reactor,Within Overcurrent Relay Failed,Causing Circuit Breaker to Open
ML19296D6267 March 1980Significant Deficiency Rept Re Discovery of Diesel Generator Heat Exchanger Incorrect Segmental Baffling on Engineering Drawing.Cause Not Stated.Heat Exchangers Shipped to Manufacturer for Baffle Replacement
ML19305B80317 March 1980Offsite Dose Calculation ManualOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Uranium Hexafluoride
ML19308A7882 April 1975Annual Financial Rept 1974