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 Issue dateTitleTopic
AECM-85-0354, Nuclear Qualification Test Plan for Generic Equipment Qualification for Grand Gulf 1 & Clinton 1 Nuclear Power Stations30 June 1982Nuclear Qualification Test Plan for Generic Equipment Qualification for Grand Gulf 1 & Clinton 1 Nuclear Power Stations
ML15264A1572 January 1990Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures,Including Rev 32 to CMIP-1,Rev 29 to CMIP-4,Rev 33 to CMIP-5,Rev 38 to CMIP-6,Rev 37 to CMIP-7,Rev 32 to CMIP-9,Rev 1 to CMIP-14 & Rev 30 to CMIP-21Health Physics Network
ML16152A8952 January 1990Rev 33 to Public Version of Crisis Mgt Plan for Nuclear Stations.
ML17192A8367 March 1980Engineering Criteria/Procedure for Review & Resolution of As-Built Deviations, Revision 2Earthquake
ML17192A8387 March 1980Engineering Criteria Procedure for Application of Blume Curves Criteria.
ML17301A03930 April 1983Detailed Control Room Design Reviews Program Plan.Emergency Lighting
ML17342B06430 December 1987Rev 1 to Independent Mgt Appraisal Program Plan for Florida Power & Light Co.Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML17345B40615 December 1983Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 1301, Emergency Roster - Offsite Emergency Organization. W/831229 Ltr
ML17346A4608 August 1984Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EPIP-1301, Emergency Roster - Offsite Emergency Organization.
ML17346A5391 September 1984Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 1107, Duties of Emergency Planning Supervisor,Offsite Emergency Organization.
ML17346A5401 September 1984Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure 1211, Activation & Use of Emergency News Ctr (Turkey Point),Offsite Emergency Organization.
ML17347A22422 December 1986Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedure 1101, Duties of Emergency Control Officer,Offsite Emergency Organization & Procedure 1102, Duties of Recovery Officer,Offsite Emergency.... W/861222 Ltr
ML18025B8549 November 1979Revision R to Acceptance Test Procedure IT 527 P/N 1801104.
ML18025B85713 June 1979Revision T to Acceptance Test Procedure IT 519 P/N 1801102.Breakaway torque
ML18025B85916 February 1979Revision R to Acceptance Test Procedure IT 524 for 1801106.Breakaway torque
ML18025B86115 August 1979Revision R to Acceptance Test Procedure IT 523 P/N 1801103.
ML18025B86510 May 1977Revision J to Acceptance Test Procedure IT 534 P/N 1801112.Breakaway torque
ML18025B8687 April 1977Revision H to Acceptance Test Procedure IT 533 P/N 1801119.Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Nondestructive Examination
Breakaway torque
Overspeed trip
ML18047A3243 May 1982Requalification Program - Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator.Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Fuel cladding
Power change
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML18047A35131 May 1982EPRI PWR Safety & Relief Valve Test Program,Power Operated Relief Valve Block Valve Info Package.
ML18092B49828 February 1986Number 1,Generator Operating Guide.
ML18092B49920 March 1987Artificial Island Stability Limitation Operating Restrictions.High winds
ML18139B8388 April 1982Emergency Operations Facility.
ML18141A04518 May 1983Administrative Procedure Adm 98, Emergency Usage Procedures Writers Guide.Boric Acid
Health Physics Network
Post Accident Monitoring
Design basis earthquake
ML18141A5301 March 1984Control Room Design Review Program Plan for North Anna & Surry Power Stations, in Response to Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737Backfit
ML18142A0932 October 1981Rev 0 to Procedure 466, Insp Record Checklist.
ML18142A09419 November 1980Rev 4 to Procedure 9833, Design Spec for HD310 High Speed Data Acquisition Sys.
ML18142A0958 December 1981Rev 13 to Procedure 9834, Qualification Spec for Remote Multiplexer Units & Associated Signal Conditioner Modules.Safe Shutdown Earthquake
ML18142A0965 November 1984Procedure 466, Remote Multiplexer Integrated Functional Test Procedure.Safe Shutdown
ML18142A09715 January 1981Rev B to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP442 MC170AD-Q2 (Less Plug-In Cards).
ML18142A09829 October 1981Rev a to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP464, MC370AD-Q2 (Less Plug-In Cards).
ML18142A09910 December 1980Acceptance Test Procedure ATP445, AB295-Q2 Analog Board Assembly.
ML18142A10015 January 1981Rev a to Acceptance Test Procedure Atp 447, AD296-Q2-1,-2 Digital Pcba.Reverse polarity
ML18142A10126 February 1981Rev a to Acceptance Test Procedure Atp 451, PS294-Q2.
ML18142A10228 May 1981Rev a to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP454, PS171-Q2 Power Supply for MC170.
ML18142A10326 March 1981Rev a to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP440, CM249-Q2 Carrier Modulator.
ML18142A10628 May 1981Rev a to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP450, BA332-Q2 Buffer Amplifier.
ML18142A10730 June 1981Rev C to Acceptance Test Procedure Atp 452, DI325-Q2 Digital Encoder,Four Input.
ML18142A10814 April 1981Rev a to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP444-1, PT174-1-Q2 Thermometer Signal Conditioner.
ML18142A10913 April 1981Rev B to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP444-2, PT174-2-Q2 Resistance Thermometer Signal Conditioner.
ML18142A11013 April 1981Acceptance Test Procedure Atp 453, TC292-Q2 Thermocouple Conditioner.
ML18142A11128 May 1981Rev a to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP449, PC202-Q2 Buffer Amplifier.
ML18142A11217 April 1981Rev B to Acceptance Test Procedure ATP443, CD173-Q2 High-Gain Carrier Demodulator.
ML18142A1139 April 1981Acceptance Test Procedure ATP446, JC177-Q2 Jumper Card.
ML18142A11421 April 1983Qualification Test Rept QTR 82-003, Surge Withstand Capability Tests,MC170AD-Q2 & MC370AD-Q2.
ML18142A1364 November 1983Procedure OP-4.3, Shipping of Spent Fuel TN-8L Shipping Cask,Loading & Handling Procedures.
ML18142A13715 September 1983Procedure 1-OP-4.19, Receipt & Storage of Spent Fuel TN-8L Shipping Cask,Unloading & Handling Procedures.
ML19207B87130 August 1979Rept NSP-37-005,Revision 1, IE Bulletin 79-14, Safety-Related Piping Sys Insp Plan,Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant.Earthquake
ML19263C48628 February 1979Offsite Dose Calculation ManualSafe Shutdown
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Fire Protection Program
ML19270F8838 March 1979Preservice Insp & Testing Plan,Revision 3,March 1979.