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Engineering Criteria Procedure for Application of Blume Curves Criteria.
Person / Time
Site: Dresden, Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/07/1980
From: Snyder T
Shared Package
ML17192A837 List:
PROC-800307, NUDOCS 8007300508
Download: ML17192A838 (20)


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                                         '                                 <*                 EDS NUCLEAR INC.

ce PROJECT ~NSTRUCTi-ONS TITLE; 5. O . Engineering Criteria/Procedure for the Application of the Blume Curves Crite:

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CU ENT / PROJECT: _ _ co_mm __ on_w_e_al_t_h-......E_d_is_o_n_ _ __ J 0 8 NO.; _o_s_9_o-_o_o_3_____ REVISION: 0 .

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                                                                       \ -     EDS NUCLEAR INC.         (9 PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS No.:   5. o CLIENT I PROJECT:                                       Commonwealth Edison Revision:   1
5. 0 Engineering Criteria/Procedure for the Application of TITLE: the Blume Curves Criteria Page~ of 5
1. 0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This document provides the engineering criteria for the application of the Blume Curves as shown in Attachment A. The first set of Blume Curves applies to Dresden Unit 2 and 3, and the second set applies to Quad Cities Unit 1 and 2.
1. 2 Applicability of the Blume Curves Criteria:

a) Dresden Units 2 and 3: diameter 10" or less piping b) Quad Cities Units 1 and 2: diameter 811 or less piping for lateral seismic spans spacing.

                               .             Pipe Size ,
                               .             Schedule ..
                               .             Pipe Weight
                               .             Contents
                               .             Insulation
2. 2 Piping Isometric with Field Information from Bechtel Walkdown
  • Dimensions of piping
  • Locations of supports - type and direction
  • Weights of valves/flanges
  • Piping Class - breaks
  • Highest elevation of piping system is required for flexible spans (Attachment A~

3.0 A mathematical model should be drawn for each problem using input information described! in 2. 2. All stipport points, branch points, concentrated weight locations, elevati~ns, line i number, valve number, and orientation of piping system (N direction) should be properly i identified on the Blume mathematical model. , I

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                                                                                                  \e     EDS NUCLEAR INC.        (.

PROJECT. INSTRUCTIONS No.: 5. o CU ENT I PROJECT: Commonwealth Edison Revision: ; 1

5. 0 Engineering Criteria/Procedure for the Application of TITLE: the Blume Curves Criteria Page 3 of 5
4. 0 ANALYSIS FOR OBE 4.1 The evaluation of seismic restraints should be performed for all directions; effects*

of concentrated weight and change in line size should be considered. . *

4. 1. 1 Horizontal Direction The adequacy of seismic restraints of the two perpendicular horizontal directions for OBE can be evaluated directly from the Blume Curves.

Both rigid and flexible spans should be considered. In addition to avoid-ing the resonant range, the seismic stress for Quad Cities 1 and 2 piping should be less than 3700 psi, and the deflection should be less than 2 inche~

  • 1 For Dresden 2 and 3 piping, the deflection criteria L plotted on the 4

Deflection Curves limits the allowable span. SO Building amplification is considered in the Quad Cities Blum~ Criteria by multiplying restraint loads, stresses, and deflections by 3 for piping located at elevation 579 feet and above *. This amplification is included in the Blume Curves for Dresden , so that the multiplication factor for higher elevations does not apply. 6.J 4.1. 2 Vertical Direction The Blume Criteria states that the Y-dfrection seismic restraints provide sufficient sµpport when the piping system is adequately supported for gravity. However, when the piping is principally supported by spring han-gers, additional vertical supports may be required to assure that seismic bending stresses do not exceed 3700 psi. Table 1 gives the maximum spans for vertical rigid supports as a function of pipe size. These spans are based on a vertical deflection of 1 inch :ind vertical ground acceleration of

  • lg. The otrcsses for the given spnns ::tre limited to the level established by Quad Cities Bluri1e Curve Criteria (3700 psi), based on S. I. F. of 2. 4.
  • 4.2 When the as-built restraints on the piping system have been evaluated to be in-adequate, additional supports would be designed such that the Blume Curve Criteria is met. The thermal criteria as provided in Project Instruction 10. O should be applied while adding seismic restraint to the piping system.
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e EDS NUCLEAR INC. (. PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS Commonwealth Edison No.: 5. o CLIENT I PROJECT: Revision: l

5. O Engineering Criteria/Procedure for the Application of TITLE: the Blume Curves Criteria Page 4 of 5
5. O Support LocatioJl. Requests for new supports are transmitted to EDD after approval by the Project Engineer *.

6.0 The deflection, seismic stress (for Quad Cities piping only), and frequency corresponding tO the new span lengths should be documented. The attached summary should be used to document suppqrt loads and displacements.  :

7. 0
  • Calculation of. Restraint Design Loads for X, Y, and Z direction should include the concentrated weights contributions. *Support loads due to vertical seismic response /\

can be calculated by taking 10% of the loads due to dead weight.. ~ 1

8. 0 Anajysis for DBE is similar to that of OBE. DBE deflection and restraint loads are*

twice those read from the design curves and all concentrated weights are doubled.

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JOB NO. C 510 - 0 0 ~ BY I OATE-=' / ,, 1 (*'.;I CKO. /). /*f ITEM NO. ISHT.5 OF - I e d:s ~~nuclear 1

Reanalysis of Blume Piping Seismic So an Evaluation For Added Supoort Blume Criteria: pipe, schedule Span length ft. RIGID Span le~o-th ft. FLEXIBLE

                                           * . With                concentrated weights, Span length required                                           ft. RIGID*

Piping Excitation i Period Span i Deflection i I Stress From To Direction (Sec.) Length l (in.) (psi) iNe*w i! (ft. ) I Restraint '  ! I i I I I I l l i I

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nClll,rl ~. ~ S II. ISp1111!J ll,111*1crl, X*Yll STOP llli!Jiil R1~s.1111i11tl, XiYIZ SNUIJIJErl !Seismic llcstrnintl, ANCUOR. FICllTIOUS ANCtlOR t- ~ :." (II'.* OU~I //I~

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( 5) Nurnb*.::r of i***i(; _t.l\~1 * \1 b]c ::;up-p0ds (number i*equiring 5 3 52 - 37 repair) (0) ( O) (16) ( 9) ( 6) Number of missing supports identified 6 2 1 0

b. EDS Ev::iluation (1) Estimated number of cal-cufatfons:
  • Dymimic analysis 27 27 9 9
  • Static coeffident analysis 0 0 23 23
  • Blume curve analysis 48 48 34 34

( 2) Number Evaluated: >-

  • Dynamic analysis 8 0 0 0
  • Static coefficient analysis 0 0 7 0
  • Blume curve analysis 23 13 9 3
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cc: .J *. ~. 1,. .~.**~ R. ~. Cile: _,,.,.., July i7, 1968

  • E.: o. Svain L~ (Kr;;I) i'ile 06.f.9 R. 'P ~ ~s.rr Requisition En~ic~~rinR
         , l

MC 377 l.aternl deflectiou and force ~valu.atiou c~rves fer ?i? system:s hr.a lr.::*c-r'.. develop~ by John A. Bltne °"d As:?ociat(-!5 fo1* Cl:ms 1 jlipin?,. T..::e cun*~,; pro-vide appro:;:imate gui.Oclixes for the ev.:llunt.!.on -of x..he ktexal SU?porta* .i::l :i

                                 !>1;>1n:;: sy:Jtc..'"!. The pip~s 3te conside!"cd fill.M vith uater and th.:; vc:ll tbickuc.Eb er ech~ule nur.ibcr is shovn on 'th12 ~rcph. Tne T:;.'\.."<iul.,0 of elasticity ia 29-..i:lO{I ?Si. The curvca. u*c based on a e:f.n~le r.pstn with pi~n~d-pinn,~d t..""nd cooditfon6 *.

The uaa of tho curves aro £a I fol~.o,.,.nn , ,.0 l. K!".evtn:; th.e period of the au,portin7. 1..** er structcra '";.;e ccn

                                              . cots,bliah th-e )'criod of tha p! a11 t1> vh~n it is rigid, fl.::::ibl>?
                                              .oi' rcaon.r~!!t.
2. Ve ct\n tie':Ablisb the ma:d.oU!2 s~ans for v&riou:1 dismetcrs cf pipi::.:~
                                              . to   C<lrry a load of 0. 5 ?. (t.:lblc °!) and not be~ g!;rcased !!'e ~h;..r.

1500 psi. (See T£hls 121.4 in ro-Jer Piping rSA5 ~Jl.l.O 19~7,)

3. W~ e;;tebH.ah th~ re::o':le.nt l~ita for V6"."'!ou:-) di~~ters of pipi!:.;;:

by usinr. Bl~e'& curveg ~ivin~ ~...atural periods as a functi~n of pi11e size and ep.a:t. (Plste I ane I-A.)

4. >.ftar the 11ps:l h&o baan cel&-ctoo, plr.tes 2 .lnd 3 c~n bl! u=sed to deter.=ine tb!! deflection and t'!le, reaction en the support.

0 _J~~!'~-EE~~_l.~L?~ .r.~~-~c-~.<!_l?Y .. ~_J't1~~~:~:.-~i ~~9-~t-~-~S~_o::~t :f\r valves or l:r;.~c~

                                 !.inec. l'ot' ~C-de;~ree bends, t?ithcr le*~ er.all C<'>t bi;! '!?!Ore than L/2 *.mere l.
                                ~-1~***~~h;-;~-;ftha"'sp:ini'"i"c;~-bo~h--Tep:. --
  • or


               'R. P. :Sarr                                    .                                  July 17. 1963

Sup}'lOrts shoul~ be loc~tcd in a ?.anner co as to be out of the reson~nt rau~c.

               'P'r~   the_ table of epctns for vt.rious size ?ipes which limits the                 strc~s   to 1500 psi; an   ~t  the stress fo"l the above .acceleration values can be Wtde.

Tp < 0.17 ... 0.085 sec 2.0 R~sonant System: 0.035 cec < ?p < 0.17 sec

  • 0.24 sec
                                                                                              .;.1 Flexible Systcm1       Tp    ~     0.17 .sec    ~   0.24 sec*
                                                                          .* 7 Tp .,, .085 sec                 Tp
  • 0-.24 sec 0


                                                  +              Resonant TABLE I
                                                *FOR VARIOUS DV..::1"ETERS OF PIPIHC Flexible I                         6 18 \10 12I14 16 !13 \ 20*1 ~4 Nominal Pir>c Sbe      *i j 1n1212         2 1/2    3 3 1/2 4        I5 1.0g Sp<m 7   9       10     11       12  13         14 16   I
                                                                   --12;r;~1 24
0) o.s~ Span 10113 14 15 17 18 *2;-fl1 133 13s \ 38 : 40 1 42 i '~3
                                                                      .. . . _ _ ~-
                                                                              !   !     . I           I   I    -'_l___l__
  • lSOO psi Seiewic Loa<ling:l.Og and O.Sg J:. *c. Razifotis Pipiu~ & StTUctural De.sign MC 761 - ext. 3744 0


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